i. s. l]eevy i departm store |a men, boys 1 ser>/ice...

t EIGHT I. S. L] i Departm j h" - BIG LINE OF : Men, Women &Ch 0 A Specialty. Shot \..^ ['-matinoranrl Tailnri : j ^rQm < | at feh^Cowest Plica Connected wil m SHblfet Class Barber BSE*- A Beauty Par 1 i. s.i; ii Departm 1131 WASHING1QI | COLUMi BENNETTSVILLE NEWS BennettsvilTe, S.« C., June. ^ Sunday was a sad da with maboro county, who were- suddenly shocked to hear ol'^he~ deaths ...7~of~ -two of dWr,, hel ov^n^f riefi d s. . My. S, C. Manuel. who. died at ^ his home after-a t hirfy~mmuUillness, was- one. R*&r. Heath, took charge of the l'uncral. Mrs. Delia jiayhorn died in' Svrum Baptist Church on Sunday. Rev. P. B. Mdodana, pastor, waslabaonf k.if 17,... O O v li i 1 uvii u f uut ivc v . O. O. JL U 1UUC.I pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church After considerable deserved eulogy on the deceased, the scripture lesson was read by Rev. A. -*. E. Lomax^ Solo, "When I Shall ^ . -»- 7 _Sce Hiim Face to r ace" by lUis? Dora L. Powell. Mis*v.Emma Drake spoke of her life toward -her community;-.Mrs. Lomax wrote a stirring and welcome t.. sympathy lettdr to the-bereaved family. Rev. J. \V:. Miles assisted Rev. YOUlljj[t>lood..Ilymn" No. 639. Music was conducted by Mrs. YotnrgfrloodT -Many ~'r.- r while fiiends were prooontr.Thc X- funeral procession was about a mile long. When G^d called Mrs; Hayborn from us, he called a loving friend .from home. Yet we lovet but God loveth best. Sleep on dear one and take your rest. Mr, E.-Sr.SaruW* ~nf High Point, N. C., brother of Miss Cal lie Sanders made a surprise mo T2.1* VV . wv/A VA I. L Vilify C>. ^7. tO spend the \veek~unct7.He took ^is two sisters, Carrlrrai' and C. D. Saiuleis.and.Cornelia,. hio niece, Mrs. Dupreevr and Jdrs; Nettie Kiitk to her native home in Gibson, NT CI There they met Mr. and Mrs. Wads, parents of Mrs. Kirk. Tliey_ cordially . tinvited us back to their home, > especially during the fruit per.- indi Mrs. Kassfe and little Gertie >- M. "Cunningham, Miss Emily McKay, spent Tuesday evenincr "with the reporter. Misses I. S. C: Sanders.and Sir view, of Prof, and'Mrs. Cun *** ningham's new doungalow hoipe. It is a perfect dream. Mr. and Mrs. Ii. F. McCollom are "moving In their new beautiful bungalow home on Marshall St. Many compliments are pas a«d on their new home./ Rev. J. L. Taylor pastor of St. Michael church was in the city on busiWednesday was a busy day with theSeporter as "the following persons called to visit: Dorothy Reese, Edith Grace, F]ggerzizr :.nora McKqyr--- ' . Gertrude Lomax, Mable Reese, Cora McEaddie and little Miss . Annett McCollum, called also. Call again girls. Many of the people from Bennettsville, S. C. mot'ored-tov C^° C. to attendthepicnic Satur . Mra. Pearl Thompson tyas in f* the city visiting her sister-in-law - , ^ -jf * '' j f - "T""* lini EEVY _ ' I ent Store |a LOTHING FOR.^ _|1^ ildren. Boys Suite-1 u JS, MilliRery, Dress- ][ ng. Large Assort- * and the Best Quality j tw V>'- >; | oi hh qui*. Store .-r"3"-- jj £ Shop for Men and fji lor for Wfrmen iff, ent Store H j'srt RHONE j MA, S. f^ll| O *> |j] . ssa & Mrs. Grace Kennedy. p< 1 .Miss Eiiiiua_ Diake-left.for ia( g| 'Charlotte, N. C. to spend a while fc with her sister, Mrs. £^Steven4+t .auu~ ...:.7. .-- -. - a. [ Miss Ellersteen McCollom bl spent Monday morning With the. reporter, and sisters-. She is ^ 'taking a special dressmaking tl course.Trust she-wiH make good, m Till! prnffi-grp nf tVie Rqnday School convention held at Mace- ** dumar-Baptist Church-begmniing Friday and continuing through H Suday night was quite a success. a< i -Rev., Jones and wife of Flor- w J. ... _ jence, passed through the . cR di Ty Thursday enroute^for-Mace-. i (Ionia Baptist church, where he ^ will preac,h_inJSev. P. B. Mdod- ana's absence. I Miss Svlvia Crossland l3~otrk. n P f rtl'f v fAV Q 1 ^ V-J. . v. n am I, O^CUUIIIK a while on the beach in the city i of Wiilmiington, N. C. | Mrs. Rosetta Drige is still on p the sick list, also Miss Gertrude jtKemaxr. ~ f.^ j. i_ Very__sad- to hear that- -Mrs. Bessie Welch was hurt seriously [In a car wreck. She. is. very.... sick. -. Ti Key. W. -to. iviorro\V;iJand Rev, .McFalls stopped by the reporter Monday, on their way td~Society 5 'Hill, Darlington and Kingstree. 5 Miss Carrentur and C. D. S. "5 iSanders accompanied by Mr." J. 5 .'.McKay took ii delightful trip to'| i- U t J - .^ 5 liiu new unuge ounaajr evening.j ft Quite a treat to see it. j Trenton, N. J., last Monday. The' ;3 body was brought to Bennetts-1 g Iville where, they funeralized theiiremains. Very saa moeea. HIS Y~ Prof.-3. - T. rCunningham was: § lout of town on important bus!- Ig ness last week. - * g | Miss- -Katheryn Turnage, 18 p year old girl of late RevrTurn- g age-died suddenly at home of | [her sister Mrs. Carrie Reese, £ Mbhdfly A. M. Tlie body will be1 o taken to Aberdeen, N. C. to put a her to Test. Cod ia only calling, a I his own. * CALLIE D/SANDERS. " Veteran# Hospital \ (Continued From Page One) span, on a reservation of 3K> acres, the 25 brick buildings i !'ranging from the ijnj308iflg_double winged main infirmary with 500 rooms -to the small administration building, *the^ whole presents an attractive enjsemble laid out by landscape artists jail in accordance with a definite pro' gram which while.it presents .a. com- :plcte unit, also comprehends the ex- ai tension and growth of~ the hospital, ol This is a need which is already felt ol because the dormitories are crowded d< jto their full capacity of 600 beds and ai +7r^stBhg::TT^" ^me^pfoporttnns is ir, /!1 rtn o *.>ri me, wniie originally the hospit->p< ral was planned for the surrounding T area of southern states where inade- * quate hospitalization had been pro- ta vided. for colored soldiers-, transfers have been requested and granted from ^ every section of the country, Origin-, uilly.. intended f6r the treatment of 'consumption and diseases of the mind . with building^ planned in accordance Bi with (he most ffiodern ideas In treat" * ' ^ y f: THE PALME g these dread diseases, its scope has ien increased until it included^ every rm of illness and specialists in varus departments. , It iskfoow classed i a^deneralHospital. ' Commandant's Job"No Cinch . The place is run on a departmental id military basis, each head being [sponsible for "his department, th< hole co-ordinated under art exeeuve, Cot. J. H. Ward, whose authority complemented by his immediate asstants, Major F. Ev Stokes^exectr ve officer and Walter S. Burke, bus. teas executives The employees num. s-r ..nn-ly mQ ar.H approximately 76,000 a month is spent in up keep I the 600 patients who are undei eatment there for nearly every con ivable malady, the majority arfl_eith tubercular or psychiatric patiens ho because of shell shock and othei gors of war became affected mental. To keep these 600 inmates prog res njr~and contented is a task withjr self and as a spokesman for the bu; rnmarVeH try thp writer shortly fter the colored personnel was instal d, "Gol. Ward has a task out foi m which few men who understood set the care of the multitude of pa ents with their multifarious needs itglie must co-ordinate the efforts ol ifirge- staff of physicians and ex srts 'iSftrty -of whom hive not beer scustomed to centril and organizer: jidance. Hu_4uust.be _rcdponeibl< »r the cqnTTuct of a-plant worth mor< ran >2,0007000. He must be not onlj physician, an army officer and £ jsiness man, but an ambassador anc plomat as well. There are thecwhit< jople of the community, state ant >uth to be dealt with and last'bul rrtainly not least the colored public Just what has this Negro pers.onne ;en able to accomplish? First ex silent Hisfiplinp ha^beenmaintained 3 easy task with 600 men who hav< ttle to occupy their time and mind; :customed to active lives, many 01 horn were untrained. Next the buil ings and grounds have been kepi i excellent 3nape, ltnrd as.Col fard remarks, "I have gotten* re Ferguson-Ruff ~FfcQWER^HQP Poro System Beauty Parlor CUT1 and WAX FUOWERS ~ Floral Designs a Specialty 'lowers Delivered in and out oi he City. lours9:30 A. M..7 P. M Sunda^.lO A.^M.5 P. M Mme. J.- RUFF, Mgr. - PHONE 3922 )10~"Washington St.. Columbia. S. C p To Ne>y" Customers, we 3 say* try our * . "r ! r...EGGS j I and have the pleasure of ;> growing some __ i f. REAL BUFFS | l he greatest Lgg machine 5 I-existing.- § 1":. M. SIMPKiNS, .1 i. Newberry, S. C. f esasoattasacocoaa&aasa^aasgfla Stt«aX03acaacaaX0aa^^ ! DRESSMAKING f AND I * milunery Old" Hats Made New. New j Hats Made To Order. F ~!j ..Straw Hats Cleaned. \ Misa L. Kennerly 1207 Pine Street j Phone 9404 Undertakers and Embalmera Why we should be called upon wher i undertaker la required 1b becaus* rtftff adventngeg.'w^ offer, it iepyrt ! our policy to save the family every jllar possible, not to swell the bill i much as the family will stand. So i detail -of service, wr cut_ thp m: »nse to the loweet possible point, he result i"- « W* .. . M t/<»« cuai icprc3fjnia large saving over the usual underking cfiargee. ~~ Perrin & Singleton [NDERTAKERS & KMBALMKK8 Open AH Hours * 218 N. DARGAN 87. . PHONES asineu 171 Residence ^5-J FLORENCE. S. C. 0 2C_ 1 1 . ^ TTO LEADER i markable unisgftt < «nd co-operation from the mfen and women ^ho com. pose="the workiing force. They have 1 proved to me that colored people can 1 * -work together." . Recent Charges Investigated \ .Of course there, have been ma] con> tents, some of whom were _plaiTi_cusy sod and others who were actu ated by r and gain. Some of these men have . precipitated trouble, inspiring gossip, r writing anonymous letters and mag. nifying trivial happenings. While in; , some instances undesirable publicity 7 has been ghmetT Irom these outputs . they have hid but little effect "Upon . the management or the Veterans' Bu. reau. The latter inspects ""regularly and recently when a number of char}'ges of inefficiency and graft filed in . Washington a searching^ investiga. tion was held. The staffs and Col. w.i --- --- were exonerated, the ^ome j" v' been mistakes made at the hospital r-of- course.Mistakoc ar» made in all r the government .-hospitals, but what. ever errors have been made at number ..91 are not different in type or degree I from those we have dealt with in the other veteran establishments." v This . statement is further emphasiized by } the fact that the Tuskegee Hospital I is rated third for efficiency among, . the 19 now being operated by the govt ernment. 7 1 L The recent innovation sponsored by } Col. Ward for the opening of the hos5 pitatto internes Is-attracting.wide.at- , tention. Some 110 young men gradt uated from medical schools this year pand- there.were, but.66--places-openr-where thev tnight interne. In order j that women and-children might also ^ come under their ^observation, it is planned that the internes -may'iatstFL ^ practice at the John A. Andrews Hosj ^rital of Tuskegee Institute, Dr. Eu» 7 gene Dibble in charge..As a correct- (ivfe for the idle time whinVi jUinnfrft hnvn nn thah^hahds,. President 1 Coolidge and Secretary Mellon have p recently arranged for a recreational building which will cost $75,000 con-" taining a gymnasium, an assembly t hall and many other features. ; Viewing It on the whole at close- range, It is difficult to arrange at ' 1' 1 ^ Subscribe for The Leader and sget all the news. p " .-4^ =. . -- f -4.. « t r^f-. '-" :' s Y . * .c X ' CfCB2C8»»SCO^»»^CatOX j x' . i T^~r~-.- i!:! ' fc:x r! Tft. LEWIK. W\t - 1 ' ' t i inzz r1:-' Tr 1 .- j.4 __| - . a' Y ' i a . . . - I Lewie ? i ~ .. - %> J u. > I 1310 ASSE ff=!.^== .r_ : * ; |p '' y A4k ^4. jl*A A4a - y-*..~ .f.L._____ any Opinion Qj^her than that the racoat^ large have reasotr to feel pYoud of ^TeTecord "which-^thrj group of- colored physiciai)^,. nurses, orderlies and 1 " SER> , J'QUR M Colerpan s SF First Class Wc <j» v / 3 G&BXX&X)^^ I "'Bead THE ASIIEVI SUBSCRIPT! 1 ' One V gar $2.00 ;. * * ~yor~a^(tttlonal infoi'mation7~ rj__TOg^^VITJ,1 2 A A c«..a utTJil-j n< - y it ouuui jiariici oireei, 8 ^13X013030^ ' PHONE L. A. Hawkins' Ret \z ""HOMES ON Ei I Day 199-J PHC T PATTERSOf I - Funeral I And Licensee -All Ca Is Promptly Night..Moior equip I 1109 FRIEND STREET /\ ** -- Iwur iviotto ; :u»^6sa£omaao.oo.ao President, GEO. H. HAMP T C - 7 i '- ^ M>Pig5i==aMe==:'' =r=^ PRINTING the Art of producin npressions on Pape ad we have the M : Printing & Supp r* 1 ftnri I-ong Distance Phone 45 ,MBLY STREET / COLUM1 9 , r v * ^ V ?£#.&, " - * " ^ tiES^Z-.L. . Saturday. July 18, 1^25. workers of various types are making. "It's-a big job being handled in a big way and if we put it over successfully, the entire race will benefit.'^. T -~~~ /ice OTTO" laving Parlor r >rk Guaranteed ...- =..LT Newberry, 5. C. igSiigBMaa. i. .a- oo:o.o:aao;aaac^oroxomxo»»3»soS' g LLE ENTERPRISE ON RATES: : 1 . I Src^\fonbks-$jU2l> £ write.r..-.{ \ ' ' '. R ENTERPRISE Asheville, N. C. I 6478 *' j tl Estate Agency ~ ; VSY TERMS" j"" r Columbia, S. "~T*~ >NE / Night 531 ^ & PRai r I directors ^ 1 Embalmers. _ Attended to Day or ment. Newberry, S. C. 4 A SERVICE" r p- f: * - - -.- «. -^- - :| . -':.4S Y Y <B» . ... | ._ V _l.-^-= : :i._ 1. lyCo. ~~jr 23 i . X BIA, S. C. | ' % s . jQoaa&aattGO&oaoo 1 », V ; " " i. *... ja»f -

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Page 1: I. S. L]EEVY I Departm Store |a Men, Boys 1 SER>/ice ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067919/1925-07-18/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · . ssa& 1Mrs. Grace Kennedy. p< ... reporter, and


I. S. L]i Departmj h" - BIG LINE OF

: Men, Women &Ch0 A Specialty. Shot

\..^ ['-matinoranrl Tailnri: j ^rQm

< | at feh^Cowest PlicaConnected wil

m SHblfet Class BarberBSE*- A Beauty Par

1 i. s.i;ii Departm



BennettsvilTe, S.« C., June.^ Sunday was a sad da with maboro

county, who were- suddenlyshocked to hear ol'^he~ deaths

...7~of~ -two of dWr,, helov^n^friefid s.

. My. S, C. Manuel. who. died at^ his home after-a t hirfy~mmuUillness,was- one. R*&r. Heath,

took charge of the l'uncral. Mrs.Deliajiayhorn died in' SvrumBaptist Church on Sunday. Rev.P. B. Mdodana, pastor, waslabaonfk.if 17,... O O v li i 1uvii u f uut ivc v . O. O. JL U 1UUC.I

pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church

After considerable deserved eulogyon the deceased, the scripturelesson was read by Rev. A.-*. E. Lomax^ Solo, "When I Shall^ .

-»- 7

_Sce Hiim Face to r ace" by lUis?Dora L. Powell. Mis*v.EmmaDrake spoke of her life toward-her community;-.Mrs. Lomaxwrote a stirring and welcome

t.. sympathy lettdr to the-bereavedfamily. Rev. J. \V:. Miles assistedRev. YOUlljj[t>lood..Ilymn"No. 639. Music was conductedby Mrs. YotnrgfrloodT -Many~'r.- r while fiiends were prooontr.ThcX- funeral procession was about amile long. When G^d called Mrs;Hayborn from us, he called a lovingfriend .from home. Yet welovet but God loveth best. Sleepon dear one and take your rest.Mr, E.-Sr.SaruW* ~nf High

Point, N. C., brother of Miss Callie Sanders made a surprise mo

T2.1* VV .wv/A VA I. L r» Vilify C>. ^7. tO

spend the \veek~unct7.He took^is two sisters, Carrlrrai' and C.D. Saiuleis.and.Cornelia,. hioniece, Mrs. Dupreevr and Jdrs;Nettie Kiitk to her native homein Gibson, NT CI There theymet Mr. and Mrs. Wads, parentsof Mrs. Kirk. Tliey_ cordially

. tinvited us back to their home,> especially during the fruit per.-indi

Mrs. Kassfe and little Gertie>- M. "Cunningham, Miss Emily

McKay, spent Tuesday evenincr"with the reporter.

Misses I. S. C: Sanders.and

Sir view, of Prof, and'Mrs. Cun ***ningham's new doungalow hoipe.It is a perfect dream.

Mr. and Mrs. Ii. F. McCollomare "moving In their new beautifulbungalow home on MarshallSt. Many compliments are pasa«d on their new home./ Rev. J.L. Taylor pastor of St. Michaelchurch was in the city on busiWednesday

was a busy daywith theSeporter as "the followingpersons called to visit: DorothyReese, Edith Grace, F]ggerzizr:.nora McKqyr--- '


Gertrude Lomax, Mable Reese,Cora McEaddie and little Miss

. Annett McCollum, called also.Call again girls.Many of the people from Bennettsville,S. C. mot'ored-tov C^°C. to attendthepicnic Satur .Mra. Pearl Thompson tyas in

f* the city visiting her sister-in-law-

, ^-jf *

'' j

f- "T""*lini



Ient Store |aLOTHING FOR.^ _|1^ildren. Boys Suite-1 u

JS, MilliRery, Dress- ][ng. Large Assort- *

and the Best Quality j twV>'- >; | oi

hh qui*. Store .-r"3"-- jj £Shop for Men and fjilor for Wfrmen iff,

ent Store Hj'srt RHONE jMA, S. C» f^ll|

O *> |j]. ssa &

Mrs. Grace Kennedy. p<

1 .Miss Eiiiiua_ Diake-left.for ia(g|'Charlotte, N. C. to spend a while fc

with her sister, Mrs. £^Steven4+t.auu~ ...:.7. .-- -. - a.

[ Miss Ellersteen McCollom blspent Monday morning With the.reporter, and sisters-. She is ^'taking a special dressmaking tlcourse.Trust she-wiH make good, m

Till! prnffi-grp nf tVie RqndaySchool convention held at Mace- **dumar-Baptist Church-begmniing

Fridayand continuing through HSuday night was quite a success. a<

i -Rev., Jones and wife of Flor- wJ. ... _jence, passed through the . cR diTy Thursday enroute^for-Mace-.i (Ionia Baptist church, where he ^will preac,h_inJSev. P. B. Mdod-ana's absence.

I Miss Svlvia Crossland l3~otrk.n P f rtl'f v fAV Q1^ V-J. . v. n am I, O^CUUIIIKa while on the beach in the city

i of Wiilmiington, N. C.| Mrs. Rosetta Drige is still on pthe sick list, also Miss Gertrude jtKemaxr.~

f.^ j.i_ Very__sad- to hear that- -Mrs.BessieWelch was hurt seriously

[In a car wreck. She. is. very....sick. -. Ti

Key. W. -to. iviorro\V;iJand Rev,.McFalls stopped by the reporterMonday, on their way td~Society 5'Hill, Darlington and Kingstree. 5

Miss Carrentur and C. D. S. "5iSanders accompanied by Mr." J. 5.'.McKay took ii delightful trip to'|i- U t J -.^ 5liiu new unuge ounaajr evening.j ftQuite a treat to see it. jTrenton, N. J., last Monday. The' ;3body was brought to Bennetts-1 gIville where, they funeralized theiiremains.Very saa moeea. HIS

Y~ Prof.-3. - T. rCunningham was: §lout of town on important bus!- Igness last week. -


g| Miss- -Katheryn Turnage, 18 pyear old girl of late RevrTurn- gage-died suddenly at home of |[her sister Mrs. Carrie Reese, £Mbhdfly A. M. Tlie body will be1 otaken to Aberdeen, N. C. to put aher to Test. Cod ia only calling, a

I his own. *


Veteran# Hospital\(Continued From Page One)

span, on a reservationof 3K> acres, the 25 brick buildings i

!'ranging from the ijnj308iflg_doublewinged main infirmary with 500 rooms-to the small administration building,*the^ whole presents an attractive enjsemblelaid out by landscape artistsjail in accordance with a definite pro'gram which while.it presents .a. com-:plcte unit, also comprehends the ex- aitension and growth of~ the hospital, olThis is a need which is already felt olbecause the dormitories are crowded d<jto their full capacity of 600 beds and ai+7r^stBhg::TT^" ^me^pfoporttnns is ir,

/!1 rtn o*.>ri me, wniie originally the hospit->p<ral was planned for the surrounding Tarea of southern states where inade- *quate hospitalization had been pro- tavided. for colored soldiers-, transfershave been requested and granted from ^every section of the country, Origin-,uilly.. intended f6r the treatment of'consumption and diseases of the mind .with building^ planned in accordance Biwith (he most ffiodern ideas In treat"* '

^y f:


g these dread diseases, its scope hasien increased until it included^ everyrm of illness and specialists in varusdepartments. , It iskfoow classedi a^deneralHospital. '

Commandant'sJob"No Cinch .

The place is run on a departmentalid military basis, each head being[sponsible for "his department, th<hole co-ordinated under art exeeuve,Cot. J. H. Ward, whose authoritycomplemented by his immediate asstants,Major F. Ev Stokes^exectrve officer and Walter S. Burke, bus.teas executives The employees num.s-r ..nn-ly mQ ar.H approximately76,000 a month is spent in up keepI the 600 patients who are undeieatment there for nearly every conivable malady, the majority arfl_eithtubercular or psychiatric patiens

ho because of shell shock and otheigors of war became affected mental.

To keep these 600 inmates progresnjr~and contented is a task withjrself and as a spokesman for the bu;

rnmarVeH try thp writer shortlyfter the colored personnel was instald, "Gol. Ward has a task out foim which few men who understood

set the care of the multitude of paents with their multifarious needsitglie must co-ordinate the efforts olifirge- staff of physicians and ex

srts 'iSftrty -of whom hive not beerscustomed to centril and organizer:jidance. Hu_4uust.be _rcdponeibl<»r the cqnTTuct of a-plant worth mor<ran >2,0007000. He must be not onljphysician, an army officer and £

jsiness man, but an ambassador ancplomat as well. There are thecwhit<jople of the community, state ant>uth to be dealt with and last'bulrrtainly not least the colored public

Just what has this Negro pers.onne;en able to accomplish? First exsilent Hisfiplinp ha^beenmaintained3 easy task with 600 men who hav<ttle to occupy their time and mind;:customed to active lives, many 01horn were untrained. Next the builings and grounds have been kepii excellent 3nape, ltnrd as.Colfard remarks, "I have gotten* re

Ferguson-Ruff~FfcQWER^HQPPoro System Beauty ParlorCUT1 and WAX FUOWERS ~

Floral Designs a Specialty'lowers Delivered in and out oihe City.lours9:30 A. M..7 P. MSunda^.lO A.^M.5 P. MMme. J.- F» RUFF, Mgr.- PHONE 3922

)10~"Washington St.. Columbia. S. C

p To Ne>y" Customers, we 3

say* try our *

."r !

r...EGGS jI and have the pleasure of ;>growing some

__ if. REAL BUFFS |

l he greatest Lgg machine 5I-existing.- §1":. M. SIMPKiNS, .1i. Newberry, S. C. fesasoattasacocoaa&aasa^aasgfla

Stt«aX03acaacaaX0aa^^! DRESSMAKING f

ANDI * milunery

Old" Hats Made New. New jHats Made To Order. F ~!j..Straw Hats Cleaned.\ Misa L. Kennerly

1207 Pine Street jPhone 9404

Undertakers and EmbalmeraWhy we should be called upon wheri undertaker la required 1b becaus*rtftff adventngeg.'w^ offer, it iepyrt! our policy to save the family everyjllar possible, not to swell the billi much as the family will stand. Soi detail -of service, wr cut_ thp m:»nse to the loweet possible point,he result i"- « W* ..

. M t/<»« cuai icprc3fjnialarge saving over the usual underkingcfiargee. ~~

Perrin & Singleton[NDERTAKERS & KMBALMKK8Open AH Hours *

218 N. DARGAN 87.. PHONESasineu 171 Residence ^5-J



1 . ^


i markable unisgftt < «nd co-operationfrom the mfen and women ^ho com.pose="the workiing force. They have

1 proved to me that colored people can 1* -work together." .

Recent Charges Investigated\ .Of course there, have been ma] con>tents, some of whom were _plaiTi_cusysod and others who were actu ated byr and gain. Some of these men have. precipitated trouble, inspiring gossip,r writing anonymous letters and mag.nifying trivial happenings. While in;, some instances undesirable publicity7 has been ghmetT Irom these outputs. they have hid but little effect "Upon. the management or the Veterans' Bu.reau. The latter inspects ""regularlyand recently when a number of char}'gesof inefficiency and graft filed in. Washington a searching^ investiga.tion was held. The staffs and Col.w.i --- ---

were exonerated, the ^ome j"v' been mistakes made at the hospitalr-of- course.Mistakoc ar» made in allr the government .-hospitals, but what.ever errors have been made at number..91 are not different in type or degreeI from those we have dealt with in theother veteran establishments."v This

. statement is further emphasiized by} the fact that the Tuskegee HospitalI is rated third for efficiency among,. the 19 now being operated by the govternment. 7 1

L The recent innovation sponsored by} Col. Ward for the opening of the hos5pitatto internes Is-attracting.wide.at-, tention. Some 110 young men gradtuated from medical schools this yearpand- there.were, but.66--places-openr-wherethev tnight interne. In orderj that women and-children might also^ come under their ^observation, it isplanned that the internes -may'iatstFL

^ practice at the John A. Andrews Hosj^rital of Tuskegee Institute, Dr. Eu»7 gene Dibble in charge..As a correct-(ivfe for the idle time whinVi

jUinnfrft hnvn nn thah^hahds,. President1 Coolidge and Secretary Mellon havep recently arranged for a recreationalbuilding which will cost $75,000 con-"taining a gymnasium, an assemblyt hall and many other features.

; Viewing It on the whole at close-range, It is difficult to arrange at' 1' 1


Subscribe for The Leader and

sget all the news.

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