historicnewspapers.sc.edu · i'r',-. . [fron t»« wumlsgton journal] in weiioiiiaii. j...

I' . [Fron t»« WU mlsgton Journal ] r',-. IN weiioiiiAii. j f. Btami Sorrow, <oa Ute threshold ; K Anü luck wltb tears 5? ' Upon IBS flottons «tad I , S" Stand Uto»/, and behold, !. Him »ho gav« splendor ta t. . Toy crowned head ! I . Staad, Wac, and sea . Thy natter ti o re In state, '< OoUt retch td before K', Anetloo's mournful «y«- F;. Staad Peace, and weep, Fr" A son that lent thee ' Eloquence to barb thy tongno, . -A citant brow, and great. And ls ba dead t *' Baa it bat lived to show mankind .That peace ber vic torie« bath ? B Not amid tho shout and shell ; m . Not amid tbe bayonett'a gleam ; I. * Bot In th« din of battle/ h - On the «nsaoguinod field ; Not at the front of carnage red- No, hut io tho bosom of peuce- ii '. In his quiet happy borne, Where heaveuly peuce did reign, !* Amid Irlends, and dearest ties, He died. 0, death I ' 'Thy sting has this time ti Hurried to the gravea man, A moro than man- In other days, a god. fe1 Weop, weep, he's gone. Fruin the soenes of bis greatness; From tho millions that love bim ; Fruin tho nation that admires ; From a world that bows to his fame. He is gone to where virtue llvea ; To whero divinity is enthron'd. For if mun be is the likoness of God, Ho boro that likeness strong. Weep, 0 lund of tb« brave 1 Chnnt requiems o'er his bier, And drop fust the tenr To h s valor and nnrno ; To his great heart- A heart which, nil know, held Tho tours of bitterness pen t up within That hlB penplo In misery shed. For ii in iso I no tear did fall- For himself no thought was given- For himself nogonial emile- All fur the bravos that beforo him foll, All for tho hoys that loved him well, All for tho hopos that flod away, All for tho Sou'b in her hour of woo, All, all-bis toar, bis sigh, Ilia thought, bis care und grief. No house for him while his country bled, No greatness for him wHti«hic oauu iry ti»y In the ashes of war, and the blood of the truo. No, nothing for him but the snmo tried arm That lifted tho cap with a trombllng hand When bo gave, up tho sword That lind buttled In valu- Ile would live ns he fought, Dofying tho foe- In ponce-thus he died. Mo is doud ! i? it true ; 0, tell not the news- It grates on tho ear as If Naturo Was about to end. It dims every eye- It turns ovory heart to load. Black ls tho South to-day- Ilor chieftain is dead I Tho long roll is honrd in tho land, And tho mu filed souud Is tho only noise That disturbs tho solemn peace. Slowly over tours we'll march- Slowly bents tho sighing heart- Slowly talks the crying South- All is gono-ho's gono. Lot drapery shndo thc dny- Let olouds shut out tho sun- Lot sighs bo tho only countersign- The lust for that groat ono. Not as Jackson foll, ho fulls- Oh, no ! Ile lived to seo His lund, his minny South, Jump up ngitin to grasp Tho pillia of victory-Poaoo. 0, First In war we'll say, An.I. First In pence, also, And, First In tho oounlry's heart- Thoso wurds aro of thy father- They woro for another- No g roar or, no holier than thou. Live now Aboyo, ns h oro you lived- Thorn tho King of .Saints- lloro the King of mon- What moro fitting epitaph Than this, his name- KO li K RT EDMUND LEE? tBBÉKBt WBBBBMBttUBSMBBSntBntMBBB ADVKIITISEMENT. "ms INITIALS UNDOUBTEDLY Aita CUNNINGHAM BOYLE, AND THAT TOWN THE VILLAGE OP LYNCH' Butta." By chanco the 36th No. of Vol, III of the so. Called Christian Neighbor, published at Colum¬ bia on tho Sih of Soptombor, fell into my hands to (1 iy, containing tho following piece, which I have quotod hero, for thc satisfaction of the rea¬ der : DENOMINATIONAL DoGuKiiY.-In a certain towu in South Carolina, thuro is, we have been informo.l l>y more than ono oompotont witness, a certain preacher who ts ur hos been zealous in efforts to draw contented members from other ohurchos and schools into his own. Tho Jesuiti¬ cal una contciuptiblo devices to accomplish hit bigoted measures can bu inferred from the mere announcement of such a eharnctor. So lar hit success lins t ot givon hi« travailing soul sutisfno tlou. Tho namoofiho church to which thin prcnehor belongs mu.-.t bo loft lo the inference of the rendur. We hopu that church is misre¬ presented, Voa, slandered, by such ecclesiastical doggery. If this nuilee should call forth a howl or whine from the buisy-body, why thon wi may givo tho narnu of the oondeman. (?) In thc moan t i mo, lot our Methodist pastora lay some biscuits, containing ipecac, about the haunts ol tho prow K r. This pirco was undoubtedly intended for mo, nnd there is not toe least doubt in my mind thal if its authur hud had tho must distant idea tli.it it would over como lo my knowledge, ho would not have darod to attempt such n thing. No, he would sooner havo sacrificed every cout that bc expocts to beg o I tho poor widows and orphan* tho balance of hi.- 'lays, by willoh hu is now k-pl in a iitate nf disgraceful opuloiioy than to have ni tempt.'I it. ff nut, ho is undoubtedly more stupid than I nm disposed to give him credit foi at prof ont. Although it savors very strongly ol tho fool to spreod a not mid bo tho first caught ir. it. still if he hail had tho sen.su to execute his will, ha would have; played tho Jesuit to perfection In currying out his Saínale sobemos, But it is no go, for he is now "aught and his wicked de* sign« brought to light. And tts his teachings and doctrines, contain a su Ilición I quantity < f ipecac (Ignorance) to vomit (disgust ) ivory man of sense throughout christendom, I .-hall havo no ure tur their biscuits containing I he artillóla! supply ! lind have Ootiu'U'lcd tho bust disposition that I can uta ko of thom io to givo it back to them (ex¬ poso their ignorance) lu II double dnso (for they uro.loo oiihous for ti single dose to tako offent) mid endeavor to di'g'irga (shamu them from) theresttini'iclis of tho filth (ignorant folly) that hus boon tho '»otto of ull ages, mid try to ma ko thom n lion 11 hy |[honest) ond rohimt (soisiblo) people, in tho placo ufa set of dwarfish Hot¬ tentot? (meti oj iii tb :<i me) ns nt present, going through tho country willi long laces trying to teach something ;ha; they themselves do not un¬ derstand, and by their Jo.uUlcal stealth amiss to themselves n sumptuous living out of tho noces sitios ot'iho po r. And (hut lon (ob shone.) In tho name of that righteous person (tho Lord) who commande.1 them io remember tho poor, nnd not touch Ibo Gospel for filthy Lucre's sako. (What a pity his name should over ¡iavc been so bliisphem ol un I lisgi -iee.l by b< iug nssucluiod with sm h characters.) Mut Iel them now know that their sins In. ve io tidied mit') licuvoii, nnd Ood is going to rn wa rd thom toe', riling to their doods, for tnoy -hall bu d'jSfroyod sitlth lito scriptures-'he 6th retie uf ISili chap. Hov. Then also <1ili verse : Como out of ber my po 'pie that yo bo not partakers uf Iwr sins un I roeeiyj of her píngaos. Fur God lins (WW. soon ihn wr»ng done (lie poor nnd has nour r.-nl thom a deliver nico (l*'i know- lodge of the truth) ; for J saw, ni I the Prophet, 1st ver , »riother angel com . ?] .wu from heaven haring great power, ¡md thu cai th was HKIIIOII with hit glory ! thai ls thr nigh tho knowledge af tho Iruih whleh Ita would Impart to the pimple; they e ill turn fr<.i!) those al,..minable dootrino.« fililí foolish professions luck la tho church of Christ, whi ii all of tim shepherd* after their grco ly IILS I for gain have dosi r-yed nnd led tho Book* (pooplej) lulo Babylon (th-so wicked or gafliiittinns, so-.o,tile.i christian churches). Thou o-ma on' other nil liial ure of tin honest heart, mil lot us SOHO the true mid living Cod, and SUlTar nono of these blind gui Ins Ml fob you again ; lint Jet I ho tn now go und learn wisdom - tir. t tho bo im mil of their own ey«, and thou they omi seo olen rr ly to got Iho moto ont ol yours. For i- il md now us elnar to you ns sotibenm Mini il is not yoi bu! youri that. they love. Sd Ihoy gut your nio'in? th. y « ore mail¬ ing for ir iou I. If limy did, why i- U »isl thov havo not before ti .w »Siwod y'\ wherein 1 alu tann h I M g y »it wrung? And ..'«>« now tho Nriyhhur woiiM.hiivo tim nsi«il'i'|'ll»n assn il mu, ii i|»i sons lh. would niko a ohlskeit (io Hu l.t.I I and .. i! i Oll'M of Ihn tr.itI», Who won".I it no liol Illili I" I*" and boldly W.lki» il) tba Ugh«, PW liv lu t!.o placo of com- i»g oat boldly and«alllag mo of a*«»* »*4 sho¬ ing wbmto I em tor*Mag«hcre«S, |l>rtjitt lkou|k JH. bsd »Ht lr»o^t «f .?jUwAl.g» anilljustreoeatly. And «ow «wsld frights* mt« rro m tm« «od »a J anta tb«' Itoabl« «MA/ f«*?»*<. from belog exnp-«. ii» fl*mk« «Í* » «nTU«* preacher, {oh t «mil rn« »ot« jacher, Mt that I »rn ashamed b* » Uaahtr of tb« word «f ? od, but beear»»« H UUiamtWfr oomoeoU Bkâ . iib this «el «Tlfepeetoraln tb« World «ho bo*/ lb«t nome, tba* lt mtkw me exbamed ot lt- Tb« («M rn« m hypocrite, ara«); os- «bal jeeû pin «M. [ will glory In IV for lt 1. arfdl«frm«o/«haUT*r «> ba called ao by «toi Urttf wita, «nd ll will ««ly bo placier mr nam» by tba lid« of th« Apostle* tad Prophet«, amt «all wo not a pr-«bar.-f«c tb«o I wlU bo etauUed with tho ignoren»«rn« mad« ashamed) io a town ta South Carolina, ?opposing that Ï might not Uko lt to roy «elf, »nd thu* ba would gala th« «ad-ataka » op*. pear before tho world that he had frighwowl ne. Xf thia WM not hi* design war hu ho Dot com« oat boldly barbra now aaa ahowod you whstain I am wrong ? For did ab not read a ploco in the SumUr Watchman, Iii nod IM» of April, 1899, tat*reply tob piece published by tb« foolish «ditor Pf th« Now York Day »ooh, who like hi mi vlf had nb Vetteraros« tbaa to at¬ tempt to condera a person apo know what ho waa doing, wbll* ho himself bad not tko knowledge. and consequently got his Ignora nco exposed F Did he not also read another pieeo, published Jon« 30tb 1889, and ooo on 17ih af Nov.. ti.« samo year t And did ho not in tb*ee pleeas see that lt was proven that all of tbssa so called «bristtao profession* ar« g nil ty of greater folly than tko Atheist ? And all of bis brethren (these so-called preachers of «very denomination) are th« false prophets that we are warned of lo the word of Clod ? And did ho not theo se« that he was de¬ fied to attempt to justify thoua, and at th« same time showed that it was bis duty to do *o If he eould 7 And if ho did not, that lt would stood as a living monument before tb« world that he oouldnot? Then why did ne not oom« forth as a man and defend bis doctrines ? Reason ao- swers wttb a vole« louder than th« trumpets around Jericho that he contd not. And why f Bcoauae he was wrong. And bas he not since read a piece in the said paper published some¬ time about tbe month of May la.-1, by the public, in «joint resolution, asking all th« clergy to come forth and prove my teachings false, and if tboy did not that lt would be taken for granted that they could not (very rightly «OD* sidered and any further efforts to propagate their several creeds, a willful Imposition opon the lg» nora nt. Now I ask any roan of tens« if that was not i he time that they should have come forth with both tholr Iptcao and »?!».. ard li they casr that Ï bad a i«ol etomnoh (teaching heresies) cease not until they got lt thoroughly cleansed-expose my Ignorance? Them why did he not? And all others of the clergy ? Why, common senso would show any one that lt was because they could not Then again, did he not hear that I addressed [by tetter] their bishop [Wightman] and members of their Marlon District Meeting whit« tn Confer¬ ence at this place some time «go, «nd reminded thom of the call the public had made on them, and showed thom that thoy had not the right to ig¬ nore «call of the kind, If they wera or they pro¬ fessed to bo, servants of Qod ? And proposed to thom, as the opportunity was m very favorable one, (for it was expected that their most gifted intellects would be present) to set apart a day, oithor during their meeting or after it« adjourn- mont, to allow mo to lay boforo them the teach¬ ings that I nm giving, with a promiso that if they could prove by one fact tbat 1 was wron ir, thal I would ceaso any farther efforts to propagate thom. This thoy declined, privately making som« tniserablecxcusos, suob as the want of time, etc, whllo at the same meeting they oould throw away a day to plague tholr poor unfortunate brother (Mr. B.) about the propriety of preach¬ ing to tho freedmen, who I suppose cared but little about their preaching, as they oall lt, and nogleoted one of the greatest moments. For, bebold the mombors that ate now turning through my touchings ! And If I am wrong, as they eay that I am, then all of their blood will be required at their hands. For I havo, as noll as the people, called oe them to convlot me of an error if they could, and thoy havo failed to do so. Then lt ls very o vi dont, whether I am right or wrong, that thoj aro compelled to be wrong. Then all the money that persons are paying them to leech tb« Goa. pel, is appropriated to the canso of tho wlokod one, and in the placo of being a blessing to them, bocoinos a curse. Then I would advise all per¬ sons who have a dime to spare to give it to thesi poor needy persons that they have been robbing and in the pince of hearing thom, turn to the word of Qod, search it, and when they read and dont understand, ask of God for the wisdom, and yoi shall rocoive, and follow lt, and not these pool blinded souls any longer. For If thoy coule havo condemned me they wonld readily hart done so at tho sold meeting, for it is a sufBcionl proof for any person of Intelligence that lt wai fear that was tb« matter with them. And what wero they afraid of ? I would not hav< harmed one hair of their hoads, but ant willing to do thom nil the good I possible can, for ever the plain way I havo here ppoken ls for theil good-io shame thom from their folly, and to tr j to get them to repont of their errors before it li too lato. Reason would say that they wen afraid of gotting their ignorance aud nereslei exposed, which was very well for Methodism ant all the rest of tho ma ny hms, for I evidently woulc havo expo?od them in n way that lt never hai been dono before since tho days of the Apostles unless thoy would havo acknowledged their er¬ ror nnd promised to torn from it. Then, after all this, why has the Neighboi c rac out in tho cowardly wny that it has? Ai though it had just heard of my teachings? Anc thnt too, niter ho had read the said pieces o mine ? It is bemuse he now begins to feel bli found.i tion slinking ; Yon, that of all the in mn isms; (and well may ho fear ; for before ver; long ho will nor only find lils foundation shak¬ ing, but aimil see ibis world rocking, spiritually worse thnn a baby's cradle) ; for he sees bl Hocks nlrondy beginning to scattor, and turning to tho (nub,.while tho truth ts beginning ti . prend Uko the rayo-of tho morning sun over th. Western hills. Thon tn order to savo their purse, (that ii what is hin ting them,) and encape my notice, tu »Ullis my name, ns though lie felt for my feel Inga and wished to put n stop to my toachlngi iv ¡(lieut exposing rae publicly ; supposing thal >y to doing I would not (alto it tv myself, ant ihcroforo noglcctto notico it; while at the sami imo his followers knowing who lt was Intendet 'or, would bo strengthened, seeing my »Ilona ind supposing it fear or weakness, would be on Miurnged to reñíalo la thole present slut« o irror. lint lt mut tor« but littto who he intended Tor, ns be is guilty of na great evil ns any om legibly could be. I will not allow him or any if tho toft ot tho different clorgy to-oondemr mother v, ¡th what they the m »el ros aro guilty of n my knowledge, und not expose them. And 1 un not ashamed to lot tho whole world koo« lint I nm crying to tho penplo every where tl oine my (rom ihcso abominable destrines thal re bi ing propagated through the land, and urn back to Ibu christain church. For oui tossed Lord is going to como ngain, and that toi oforo this gonorotion passes away. That ls hero aro pontons now breathing the breath ol ifo on ibis sumo earth that will never tasto ol oath, but will Hie to soo the coming of oui lord again. But it will not be any of those ricked soul* that are teaching such doctrines nf ro now tungtit in the land, without ihny repent. Now this will provo thou. If (Kera be o rcnclier among them, let them show to tbt orld tim t I hu vo hore taught a Ile. If they can n this, it will be sufficient to prove all that 1 nvo tntight or said fal<j. For lt will sbowlhnl nm trying to do ns I show they aro- teaob hinotlilng tl.nt I do not understand, and eon- (|tnn i ly mn but ono of the blind tryiug totead lio blind, und ntl b»ve fallon Into the ditch. Thon i' any one helives this, lot them try mc nd too. f.r I dnre not tench anything except 1 in os.fr...ns)) ii. |,y a i it ot and any ono bu* thc ght nnd in ul li'.er y to demand (ho fact of mt r nny limo; and should I foil lo give it, than il tho Mc!<jl,lo<- brand ino asa baratía before thc orld. But until it i* d «ne, he or nny of thc »St Ind best piny silent, it* they dont want thom- »Iv«« oxpoffeil. Tuon will he learn wisdom. Or doos ho want to be ono among tho numbot uti. IN ¡ll groot the coining of our blessed I,nr.! I sn, lor Min go and reatara l*> these p.mr souls iel which he has ribbed thom of, nnd come and ko np hi- orne.*, und tho Lord will also prepare r him a place In that number, and gire him ¡-.lom nnd un umlnmlatidiiig mind, that If orih more limn nil tho gold in Opbler. for thc rm religion Implies righteousness ; I lint is right, t wiong i for timi is n Hod of wisdom, mid m tote no pleasure st nil In thur n foolUh sign» ol fti-lititf!' that persons aro n'>w Inking for ro "'¡'.II. No, tho perfection nf His nu turo plucoi ni boyond tho renrh of such folly, nnd forbidi nt Iii- should bo glorified except it bo by Hie nols windora nnd pnnleimt in riubtenimners, in e pince nf this iib mom n. ilno folly displayed and ilftht by nnd among nil thone so milled chrls- m pi -.h-«ion* nt presort. Will tho Neighbor como forth ami give tho 'IIMOIIIHII'H rm mo, and ion viet ino of heresy? nf ninny ure ibo oars wailing to dour fr mu. him, any other lb it fools disposed to do so. Very Respectfully 0. DOY LR. Lynchburg, 8 C. X. ll. TIlO pirco f promised In Ibo WnUhmnn, th of lust Apill, his been dolli red I li rou ul< o*.uro of hualnoss, bul ls" li«iw rmdy mri w ill ultu its appearance in print anon, C. B. ft (Oaeoft»*Dt»»OTsr«rt.) BIS WORK ÏS N¿W"ÏB PBB88 wjdwillbe .horUy pHbliihcKL A pp! T at . .HOLMES'BOO* HODSB. KingÔtreat. ,v ¿ ooBhsira t 1, Reasons for PiiblUbl.g tats Pamphlet¡ 2, 8cientiae Terms «ad papular Name*. t, Nantes giv«o lo th« Phosphate Rocks; 4, Earlies^ Notlee of Pbospbate Rocks. 6, Geological HUtory and Order of Succession of the Fossiliferous Ms of tb« Charleston Basin, with calorad illastrslions. 0, Booeno Bahrst««« or Sütel tied Shell-Forma- tfajM I, Melocsne Beda, . 8, pialocana Bads ; 0, Po»t-Pliocene Beda ; Aga of the Phosphate Rooks. 10,' Phosphate. Rook Basins, th« pre hlitorio aga of mao. 'll, Recent or Hlitorlcal Age; lt, What axe Fossils and Petrefaettona. 13, Origin of the Phosphat« Rooks, with col¬ ored plate. 14, How tb« Nodale« wer« converted Into Phosphate Rooks, with colored plat«; 16, "Fish Bed of th« Cherie,Kin Basin." 16, Tba "Oreat Carolinian Marl Bed;" ir, Comparison of Marli associated with the Phos> bat« Boob «ad those «ok thus associated. 18, Comparison of the Bant««, Cooper, and Ashley Marls; 19, Oreen Sands. 20, Us« of Ground or Raw Phosphates aa a Pertlliaer ; 21, Discovery «nd Development of the Carolina PbosnhatsiT 22. When and how the Rock waa first found ; 28, Discovery of th« Rooks i'» »ii». 24, Discovery «f sion« arrow-heads and «ton« hatchet ; 2», llura»n bones taken from the same bed ; 24, Coprolite« In caverns or pockets; 27, Letter of Professor Holme«, September 17th, 1868, recapitulating the history of the Caroli¬ na Phosphate« an their vain« aa ascertained, August, 1867. 28, Letter of Dr. Pratt in reply ,' 2», Who ar« tba cMícovercrs » SO, Why the dlsoovsry waa not made long «go ; 81, What h«s been dono in tbls new department of ootnmeroe, and «hat ia now being done towards tba development of th« South Carolina Phosphate«.. 81, List of organised Companies engaged In mining and manipulating these rocks, with cards of «ach Company . Applications for soples may be mad« at HOLMES" BOOK B0U8B, Kingstraet. To those Companies who subscribe for 200 copies or more, a discount «Ul bo made. Sept 28 Wm, & WEHDEN & CO. HAVE REMOVED THEIR WHOLES ALE ORO CK ERY, CHIN A AND GLASSWARE ESTABLISHMENT FROM No. 137 MEETING STREET TO No. 20 ll AYN F STREET, extending throngh to No 02 MARKET STREET éntranos on both streets. Mr. W. S. L ANNEAU will have the WHOLE. SALE DEPARTMENT especially under his charge, and Mr. STEPHEN THOMAS, Jr., will bo found at tho RETAIL STORE, No. 265 KING STREET, corner Beaufalo, and will manage that branch. Our customers -nd frisada will find a com¬ pleto ASSORTMENT OF GOODS at both Stores at REASONABLE RATES. Wa. G. WHILDZN, S. THOMAH, JR. W. S. LAMNEAU. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. No. 29 HA Y NE STREET, AND No. 62 MARKET STREET. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CUT AND F&ESSED GLASS, CROCKERY AND CHINA AT No. 6 2 5 KING STREET, CORNER BEA UFAIN. For sal« by WILLIAM G. W HILDEN A CO. FARMERS FERTILIZER CO. Office 20 Hjsne Street WILLIAM G. WHILDEN, Sept 28 President. PIÏ0EÏÏI3C 1ROÏÏ "Works. John F. Taylor & Co. suer lesson S TO CA M. KRON SC CO. Engineers, Boiler-Makers, Ac, Nos. 4, 0> %r 10 & 12 PRITCHARD St. (NEAR THE DRY DOCK), CHARLESTON,- SO. CA* Steam Engines and Boilers, MARINE, STATIONARY A PORTABLE Rice Treshers, and Mills of! every description. Shafting Pullies and Gearing. Iron Fronts for Buildings, Castings of every kind in Iron or Brass. We guarantee to furnish Engines and Boilet 3 of as good qual¬ ity and power, and at as low rates as can be had in New York, Baltimore or Phila¬ delphia. AOENTS FOR JUDSON'S CKLEHUATICD GOV¬ ERNOR AND ST01» VA LVR, nrhioh are put ou all of our Engine*. Sept 28 J. E. ADÖER & CO., iuponvKR8 or AMP ¿IAtana ;n HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, BAR IRON, STEEL, AND Agricultural lin piemen ts, '. U. Adger, I, McD. Hrown, 180 Meeting Street, Ç. D. Robinson, mid I. II. MofPlI, r.2 KIMI It.iv Siren!, . Adgor Hniytw, CH A lt CESTON, 8. C. S. A. Smyth. Sept 2a- 6ui OHAS, E MOX SB .. ,. ?' j LIVERPOOL AND LONDON ft **.,*. ASD GLOBE: Insurance Company. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Fonds, tn Gold, «18,400,000. Eighteen Million and Four Hundred Thousand Dollars-IN GOLD. Invested in the United States, Two Mil¬ lions of Dollars. 12,000,000. Risks in Sumter, taken at Charleston rates. Residences in the Country Insur¬ ed at LOW Rates. Losses paid promptly in Charles¬ ton. On the payment of Ten Years premiums in CASH, B, perpet¬ ual policy will be issued. , Insurance Agent, .3 NEW YORK UFE INSURANCE GO. jj .,- This Company having »oinpUed with * the provisions Of the recent "Bond Do- poa it" Aot, is prepared to issue '] > Life or Eadownent Policies, OR THB MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. ¡ Having i Thirteen Millions of Dollars in Assets, perfect security is guaranteed to the insured ; while its immense and constantly increasing income enables, it to deolare liberal dividends. Thus a Polioy in this Company is steadily in¬ creasing in value, at a cost whioh de¬ creases with every annual payment. CHAS. H. MOISE, Insurance Agent, Sumter, S. 0. Feb 28 NflW FALL AND WINTER »RV GOODS J DST OPENED AT STOLL, WKBB c*3 OO., Nos. 287 AND 299 KING STRUTT RETAIL AND WHOLESALE, We beg to inform oar friend*, petrous end ell citizens of Sumter, »cd the adjoining counties that we have opened a large WHOLESALE STOKE. AT NO. 28» KIN« STREET, nest door to onr letail store, whoro we will show a full assortment of ch oap DRY GOODS, at (he lowest figures for CASH or city oocoptance. This arrangement is especially convenient for country buyers, both ladies and gentlemen. 1st. Select all your pieoe goods at wholesale ; then visit the retail store and haro all of your] goods pecked in one box. We guarantee to show the largest stook and at just as low figures as can bo found in the city.- Bo sore and examine our stock (before you make up your bill) at No. 289 King streot. STOLL, WEBB & CO. A CARD* MR. JOHN O. ADAMS ls with us, and will bo always on hand, ready to give his friends and ac- quaintances ovory attention possible Respectfully, STOLL, WEBB A CO. Sept 28-0m FOR THE CURE OF ALL FORMS OFI Heres Siok Headaohe, Restores Tone to the System, Quiets Nerv¬ ousness, Gives Sleep to the Restless. Appropriate in all cases where a Tonio is required ; and for those roeovering from Acuto Diseases, it ls a wonderful reeupcratWe. . Manufactured by W. H. CHAFER A CO., 207 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Oct 5- Om Disorders of the Stomach and Liver; Invigorates the Appetite, Promotes Di- ARROW & BUCKLE TIES, For Baling Cotton. 250 TOiN"S (10,000sIJlindlc3> 56 lbs' cach' nnd containing 30 Ties And Buckles,) IMPORTED DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL- Fi OFFER TO THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS OF TIIE STATE Till? ABOVE TIES, which are now so universally known and approved throughout the Cotton btates, as tho w Neatest, Strongest and Most Easily and Quickly Applied of any Tie Known in the Market 1 Tho fastenings, as well as the bands, are of the host ENGLISH WROUGHT IRON, »r,d ex icrience has shown that they do not break, as many of tho CAST IRON fastenings of otber Ties o, thereby saving muon expense in ropo, labor and mending Cotton nt the Shipping port. WE HAVE ALSO A SMALL SUPPLY OP SELF-FASTENING BUCKLE TIES! OF SAME MANUFACTURE. Pricos as low or Uwer than GOOD TIES can be bought nt in any market on the Coast. ßdf Litoral Arrnngoincnts mud« with Merohunts and Dealers.1 WILMINGTON, N. C, Sept M-3m DeROSSET & CO., Agents for North Carolina. GOOCH'S PATENT COTTON TIE. THE BEST AND MOST ABJ Ü ST I BLE TIE IN USE FOR BALING COTTON. For Sale by DANCY, HYMAN & CO., General Agents 142 PGARL STREET, NEW YORK. Deuloro and Planters Supplied in any quantity by . GREEN & WALSH, Sole Agents for Sumter, and Clarendon County, _Aug_3-jtm__. PA VIZ. ION Ai OT BL, CHARLESTON, 8. C. BOARD, PER DAY, $3.00. (HIT. IM HILTON, MR«, tl. tit nuiTKRriNi.n, Sopurinleiitlcnl. l'roprlet r Oot 6 EST A BL i 8H ED 1838. DANIlSIi H. SXZ.C0X, Furniture Warerooms, ITS, ITT « ITO KINO ST., CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Oooth carr/ut/y packed. April tljuo. : s*AC-t,*V> ¡Af DAVID DUNCAN, JL M.; Profeesor Ancient RK^^IÂ^ORD^ÎTH. D.D., Profowor BijHfti lMKÉt>B% rTABRlN AV PRK, A. M., Proras** Natara! Scienoe. * ".'v'j f AS. H. OARLISLB, A. M<, Profesor Mathe¬ matica. V "\ ' fe-Ü EtBV. A. H. LESTER, A. M., Professor History aa« Biblical Literatura. Tba Preparatory Behool, oodor the Immédiate inperrl.lon of the Faoulty, Jae. W. SHI PP, K. M., Principal. ¿ i]£ DWlnlty Sehooí-Rey. A. M. Shlpp, D.D. EUT. Whitefoord Smith, D, D.j Rey. A. H Lester, A.M. Tho tnt Session of tba Seventeenth Collegiate fear begin» on the Ant Monday ia October, 18to, the eeeond Soteioa begins OB th« in» Mon- la« IB January, 1891. Thecoureeot siedlet and tba a tau dard of icholarthtp remain unchanged, bat tba Fecal ty BOW admit irregular students or thoa« who wi»h to pursue particular studies only. Tba School« alto open at tho «ana time. Tai Hon per year, io College Classes, ineludluf «eatingent fee, $64 In Carreo ey. Tuition per yeer, in Preparatory Behool,Includ¬ ing con ti n gen t fe«, $44 la c a rr eaoy. Bille payable ona half ia adranco. Board, per Month, from $10 to $16 in carran cy. For far thor partiou lari address A. M. SHIPP, President. 8ept 18 ,_' '_ly SUPERINTENDEUVS OFFICE Kortn Eastern Railroad Company. CHARLESTON, 8.0., Aa« 16, 1870. I.W.I.1.1 . ..?< i.i.i. rm ATTENTION OP THE PUB¬ LIC respectfully called to the following RBDUOBD RATEO of FREIGHT between Charleston ead StaUons on the WILMINGTON and MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD, to go Into operation on tba 20th August. To öuffiier-ist ass, $146} ¿ad class, «0o.; 3rd class, 80c; 4th class, 65c; 6tb cleat, 86o. To MayesTllle, Lynchburg, Timmonteille, Mar's Blufl, Pe Dee, Marlon-Itt olaea, $1.10; 2nd class, 98o.; 3rd olati, 76o.; 4th dat , 6Oe ; 5th class, 80o. Ia order to ibo» tba extent of thlt Rod notion, the following OLD RATES are appended t To Sumter-1st olaas, $1.80;.Sad class, $1.40; 3rd olaea, $1.20 ; 4th olaas, 75o.; 6th class, 47o. To MayesTllle, Lynchburg, Tlmmonsville, Mar's Bluff, Po Dee, Marion-lat olast, $1.70; Sad class, $1.40 ; 3rd elate, $1.15 ; 4th class, 70o.; 6th olaas, 45o. S. 8. SOLOMONS, Sup't. Ang 24-tf_ GREAT FAIR South Carolina Institute. NOVEMBER 1st, 1870. CHARLESTON, SO« CA. Sta?" Most liberal Premiums offered io every department of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Premium List published in pamphlet form. Aug 8-3m_ P. P. TOALE, CHARLESTON, a O. ( Largest and most completo"} j Manufactory of Doors, Saabet, f j Blinda, Mouldings, Ac, in tho f v** V. Southern Statea. ) BB*Printed Price List Defies Competition.-5^5. JtST» Send for one -TS-^ J&f Sont Free on Application. -*sj April fi ly T. F. BIIODIK. R. R. HnooiKs. U. 0. H una IN«. BRODIE & CO. COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants! NORTH ATLANTIC WHARP, CHARLESTON, S. C. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. REFER TO \NDREW 8IMONDS, Esq., Pret't 1st National Bank, CHARLKKTON, S, C. Aug 24 tia Ph. SCHTTO KM ANN, 271 KINO STREET, (OPPOSITB HABEL ST.,) i u r o n T ? n ABD DBAE.BR IB 1ERLTN ZEPHYR WORSTED, KNITTING WOOL, EMRR01DERT PATTERNS, FLOSS SILK, EMBROIDERY SILK, KNITTING AND EMBROIDERY COTTON, KNITTED WORSTED Q00OS, FRENCH CORSETS, AMO .ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS VELVETS, FRINGES, AO. £8* All ordert by mail will bo mott oarefully ttended to, and dealer« will bo supplied at Now fork wholesalo prioos. April 20 7m iBROY M. WILSON.Jona W. SBLBT, WILSON & SELBY, COTTON 1? ACTORS AND GENERAL commission Merchants. NO. 6 WATER-ST., BALTIMORE. OFFER their sonrióos for tho tale of COTTON, PIKITS, ROSINS and SOUTHERN PRO >U0T8 of erery description, aud for tho por bate of PLANTERS' SUPPLIES and all kinds f MERCHANDISE. Mark each 'paekage .li« tl nelly. Forward Bill-Lading. Orders exeoc ted promptly and at boat market tte«. July 17-4m :. M. NIC H O LBS LAND SURVEYOR AND II VII ENGINEER, \y R8PX0TFULLY solicits the further LV tronago of tho community generally. Address, Sumter Sept 7-4m p. Q. Bra OAuroairxA. R BITTERS, "SEr mm*, end S»itiT.' fmioua, jâcrnit^it, a^ Inter- stirs vmr^-BfcaÄ to the whole system, _ fopiN, TAPS, nd other WOBMB, lurker ta Ibi.y^ra of eo many taou-enrU, aro eflsotaelly ^MÂSn^rU carefully the etroul*. aioundeachbotUe/prlntod Infoux UngMglt- fcoprlator. ^SSSSSSSlg^ Baa xranetteo, Cauromla, and 83 ands* Com« S^SOLD^Y ALI» DRUGGISTS AHDJ DEALERS. Aug 17 8m DR. 8H ALLEN BERGER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stop« the Chili«. This Medicine has been boforo the Pab¬ ilo fifteen jean, and la still ahead of all other known remedies. It doea not purge, does not nicken tho stomach, ia perfectly Bale in ajK dose and under all circum¬ stances, mw the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Aguo, because it io a perfect Anti« «lot« to Tri al ar io« Sold by «VU Drugarleta. May 4 ly Old Carolina Bitters. A Delightful Tonic. WE TARS GREAT PLEASURE IN OF FERING TUR OLD CAROLINA BITTERS to tho public Thoy are compounded with great caro, and oontain some of tho best Tonlos in tho Pharmaonpla. As evidence of tho superiority of our BITTERS over all others, we have certifl- aates from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have proscribed them in their prao tioo. The Old Carolina Bitters Will be found invaluable for WANT OF APPETITE, GENERAL DEBIL ITY, CHILLS AND FEVER' AND DYS¬ PEPSIA. We do not offer our BITTERS as a ours for all lisoasos, but 00 an Aromntio Tonto, thoy bavo no tqual. For salo by Druggist and Grocers everywhere. Prinolpul Depot, Goodrich, Wineman & Co,, Importera of CHOICE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Feb lo-ly_ Charleston, 8. 0. SHAW'S COTTON SEED HULLER Agents-RHODIE & c o., factors and Commùrion Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. 0. Marah »0_ _^ ly Kinsman flSf riowell, Factors and Commission Merchants. Iliberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores* Charleston* S. Ce Sept 7- Sm ENDORSfiMÈHtT PROM ABROAD mouflands at Hm»* EEIÑITSH^ 's mm TUB : ; 0#V HOUSBHOLDRBMBDt IT. hW been jU8Hy rsraarkad Uti A. oorrect. It eUmpe with itt owVZf It*!" »webing IM.. I. eetab!lsb..d ou » ilon »nd toon rea o he« the hoi »ht rf «5?^ which ICU juttly entitled bkm5¿ HBINITSH'S QUKKN'S DfiLIQûï, Th» peopU »p'.roT«, »ad PtyáwUiiLj it« uie, booeueo U poiaoe»«» merit, ul ktkïï aima to be-. A HOUSEHOLD BLSSSINQ ^ THE 8ICK» V > IT CUEEJI * HEADICHU.-Siok;HMd»oh»TN«rT»tjlUi. »oh», Dillou» Headache, Nwrtdrfa HMSI Catarrhai Headache, Dinineei, BssVefsaa toUi. Head, Fullness, Oppretalo« o?¿tffi CATARRH.-Thia unpleasant dim»*, u ü », form», toon cured. ""' M* SORB THROATS. Ae-Sor, W Honra»»©»», Los» of Tole«, Weak Totea til ZL» ourod. . ^ DTBPISPS IA-This diiftwe olwayt <nrW h ti catea, In persona of all aim» «na LlYBR COMPLAINTS, JAQIMM,. U-IWI oomplalots cured ID «ll eues. Chronto Diarrhoea «nd all Caronia Dnuim Coiloa, obstinate CoatlvenoM. ^ PILES.-Piles, Blind, Bleeding, er DkaMO. Painful, Itching, Barning, no matter Estai» exit ting, aoon oared. ^* Kidney Disease, Diabète», Gr»«), W. nenco, Stoppage, Bright'» Disease, «llmhL HAMS-Their peculiar dleeeeea aeaeavU PAO» ArraoTions.-Brown6poU,M«t»BkaV es, Pimplo», Black Spooks, Red Patel»«, ß« ing, Itching, Rush of blood to.th» foe, CU««. Bad Complexion, all aoon and Mrfwilr tv¡i Ab seos s os, Scrofula, when on toa Seale, TkntL Internal or ox tum ni, oa the To am, Bat», u2 or anywhere, Sore «nd 8 welled Leg», all per**, ly curablo. "j SKIN DI&BABKR.-Salt Rheum, Taite?, Ant Shingles, Scaly Eruption», Water* IHMIIML Itching, burning, Chronto Erysipel«, caret; TBS Eran.-Inflamed and Itchier, faith, Ac, on the Eyes «nd Eyelida, eared. QOITRK, SWBLLBD NKCK_Allcate;enrei lt- oent oases of Ooltre cured. Rheumatiam, Chronic, Acate, Htartlfk, Lameness, Swelled Joint«, inability te tia, pftinful or paesivo, eared by the «seef HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT Tho afflioto i, nervous and debilitated, eta* sufferings have been protracted (rea »Min causee, and whose caaea require prompt treat- mont, will find alway» « aar« remedy HBINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT, Do you fool weak, debilitated, eui!; feeli Does a little extra exertion pro J no« pilplu*» of ibo heart ? Doe« your Liver, or Uriaarj Qa guns, or your Kidneys, frequently get oatottr. dor f Do you have apella of abort brtaOtaf a dyapepsla? Aro your Dowds constipated; U you have apella of fainting or rothes of bl »otu the head? la your memory impairedf Ii jon mind constantly dwelling on aoy taVJietf you feel dull, Hatless, moping, lind of etaptit or of life? Ifjyou do, then yoorLlnrtad Etea mach are deranged, and their ayapatiietta Kfitt upon the Brain produces jost saab neala), Ttl sooner you remove the eauae, tte too»er TM » nj bo restored to « healthtul «nd a tfaoucitnl eta. dillon. Wo say-hy «ll meant try » boult, ud bo sure you get UEINITSU'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT. None other ia genuine. For aala by Dttfjitv anywhere and at UEINITSU'S DB CO STORE, COLUMBIA, S. 0. July 27-_ AC FIRST t*15EM!UM kt «Jj J 1ÜIP1IOVKD FAMILY ¿)j SEWING M ACHING $12.50 clear profit per day. $75.00 per vttL $300 por month made BABT by toy Lilt * QRNTLRMAN introducing thia Qamoiaiùe 0i> aiMAb OLD FAVOBITB. With ita many nitati pjuctical additions, making tbe mott eeapbtt combination of valuable «nd aaefalimpnTtaaiJi ever effected in «ny ono machine. Ike cot**- ment of extreme simplicity, efficiency ana ttiJHft entirely different in model and design (rta tr/ low priced machine. It ia the mott tsvfitB*a elegant and reliable FAMIL-T SBWIM ever invented, gives perfeet satisfaction wkerrw introduced. Has received PBBMIOMB. 6UMW tost of 10 year», and ie fully approved*fty*nrj lamily who have them in nee. IaaolHkav,tatS the atrong and beautiful ELABTIO LOCI Bag* with wonderful rapidity and cimnrtr. Btw anything « needle witL oo THROUGH, '"?J* finest to the thickett fabrio, firm »nd nett, ease. Use» all kinda of ailk or ikread dint* hm the epool i ia Improvod with ja» aatfa*U«_*JJ rprlng tension, eeifguider, and «aaa the abata¬ ble STRAiflHT NRBDLB, perpe«<Hwlu«oUo^_3 powerful lever action. Poaaeaaaa AIL tba pa qualities of the best high prleed maablM t»> densed, without their complleatloet OB WWg Samplea of sowing SRHT FBBB on receipt oriwaa- For certlfloato«, Ac. see DBSCBIITIVB mailed free. A thorough practical Dhlne for family nee-"Tribune." AJ&VS »nd roliftble machine, at « low prie»-"6^r». Thia beantlful aewing machine it ont « »JJ* ingenious pieces ofmechaniam erar 'Demoor«t," 0«. Worth many tima» M tan w my famlly.-"N. 7. Weekly." «. low machine with it« many tote 1°PW«""3 ind aews with «alonlahing ease, »Piaii|U jeatneeB.-"Republican," N. Y. ^.JSfC tn samplea, setected with care, ro* W""" vita everything COMTLBTB, «ant to w; >*" ho country perexpreaa, paoked in ^'iT^. »ox, »BBB, on receipt of prloe, |4 Jtj^S w ivory of gooda guaranteed. For»ara w»" ^ IIOIBTBBBD LET usn, or P. 0. BOM« mrriak. Agents wanted, male or f»«^jT*¡j rh ere. Now pamphlet« oonUÍDÍDg trw »*" aducomenta, aenl »ns». . ; . A*- Addresa Family Sewing Mâelj»» w ?fl Nassau.Street, Now-York. AngSl- -i- SIOOO RBWAWJiri IS offered for any case of Bliod,«"^»-«! jg, or Uloerated Pile«, tbat VtWWlto i KM KDV fail« to euro. It it P^P^^ett- eraonol anporvlaion of one of tba w0nV.Vi«». st living; Chemlata, expreaaly to e^J¡:¿^. [undrodaof ohronie cases ofororJQ^\ffgj ig, have been oured in one WM«» **jjsB«tur »sos in « few day«, by this medido»- *°7¡¡¿. ow o hst nato or ohronio the ca«« aUJJJ^uai late relief «nd ? permanent ear» u*P" i «very oaeo. Ask your Drogfttt )EBING'S PILE RBJWY' \ni Tftko no Other. ^ All weak, nerroua, à^^JfSàmft irne»tly requested to try » IN .iaaV' IA FOOA. Yon will be .'«rtlad «t 1 effeota. Sold by all DroggW* ttutmtrt, Laboratory 141 Franklin BhffiZtj For sale by ^ A.. ftiCTtt Sept »I-flrft Dragg^J^Sl^ REMEDY (Ths way to fly for ^ M Pora Jalea* ol B«rh«,_H*»H Colds and JalaaMMtf lo» ^¿¿SíUSt » those Weakne^ «d /^J^^ltie-i Woman. Fer torpid aatdl *^_»»*J?Ä tt th» Liver. Stomaea, Bowol* »or.at.by ^ A KoKAOtJ,.

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Page 1: historicnewspapers.sc.edu · I'r',-. . [Fron t»« WUmlsgton Journal] IN weiioiiiAii. j f.K BtamiSorrow,

I' . [Fron t»« WUmlsgton Journal ]r',-. IN weiioiiiAii. jf. Btami Sorrow, <oa Ute threshold ;K Anü luck wltb tears5? '

Upon IBS flottons «tad I ,S" Stand Uto»/, and behold,!. Him »ho gav« splendor tat. . Toy crowned head !I . Staad,Wac, and sea

. Thy natter ti ore In state,'< OoUt retch td beforeK', Anetloo's mournful «y«-F;. Staad Peace, and weep,Fr" A son that lent thee

' Eloquence to barb thy tongno,. -A citant brow, and great.And ls ba dead t*' Baa it bat lived to show mankind

.That peace ber vic torie« bath ?B Not amid tho shout and shell ;m . Not amid tbe bayonett'a gleam ;I. *

Bot In th« din of battle/h - On the «nsaoguinod field ;Not at the front of carnage red-No, hut io tho bosom of peuce-

ii'. In his quiet happy borne,

Where heaveuly peuce did reign,!* Amid Irlends, and dearest ties,He died. 0, death I

' 'Thy sting has this timeti Hurried to the gravea man,[» A moro than man-

In other days, a god.fe1 Weop, weep, he's gone.Fruin the soenes of bis greatness;From tho millions that love bim ;Fruin tho nation that admires ;From a world that bows to his fame.He is gone to where virtue llvea ;To whero divinity is enthron'd.For if mun be is the likoness of God,Ho boro that likeness strong.Weep, 0 lund of tb« brave 1Chnnt requiems o'er his bier,And drop fust the tenrTo h s valor and nnrno ;To his great heart-A heart which, nil know, heldTho tours of bitterness pen t up withinThat hlB penplo In misery shed.For ii in iso I no tear did fall-For himself no thought was given-For himself nogonial emile-All fur the bravos that beforo him foll,All for tho hoys that loved him well,All for tho hopos that flod away,All for tho Sou'b in her hour of woo,All, all-bis toar, bis sigh,Ilia thought, bis care und grief.No house for him while his country bled,No greatness for him wHti«hic oauu iry ti»yIn the ashes of war, and the blood of the truo.No, nothing for him but the snmo tried armThat lifted tho cap with a trombllng handWhen bo gave, up tho swordThat lind buttled In valu-Ile would live ns he fought,Dofying tho foe-In ponce-thus he died.Mo is doud ! i? it true ;0, tell not the news-It grates on tho ear as If NaturoWas about to end.It dims every eye-It turns ovory heart to load.Black ls tho South to-day-Ilor chieftain is dead ITho long roll is honrd in tho land,And tho mu filed souudIs tho only noise

That disturbs tho solemn peace.Slowly over tours we'll march-Slowly bents tho sighing heart-Slowly talks the crying South-All is gono-ho's gono.Lot drapery shndo thc dny-Let olouds shut out tho sun-Lot sighs bo tho only countersign-The lust for that groat ono.Not as Jackson foll, ho fulls-Oh, no ! Ile lived to seoHis lund, his minny South,Jump up ngitin to graspTho pillia of victory-Poaoo.0, First In war we'll say,An.I. First In pence, also,And, First In tho oounlry's heart-Thoso wurds aro of thy father-They woro for another-No g roar or, no holier than thou.Live now Aboyo, ns h oro you lived-Thorn tho King of .Saints-lloro the King of mon-What moro fitting epitaphThan this, his name-KO li K RT EDMUND LEE?



Called Christian Neighbor, published at Colum¬bia on tho Sih of Soptombor, fell into my handsto (1 iy, containing tho following piece, which Ihave quotod hero, for thc satisfaction of the rea¬der :

DENOMINATIONAL DoGuKiiY.-In a certaintowu in South Carolina, thuro is, we have beeninformo.l l>y more than ono oompotont witness, acertain preacher who ts ur hos been zealous inefforts to draw contented members from otherohurchos and schools into his own. Tho Jesuiti¬cal una contciuptiblo devices to accomplish hitbigoted measures can bu inferred from the mereannouncement of such a eharnctor. So lar hitsuccess lins t ot givon hi« travailing soul sutisfnotlou. Tho namoofiho church to which thinprcnehor belongs mu.-.t bo loft lo the inferenceof the rendur. We hopu that church is misre¬presented, Voa, slandered, by such ecclesiasticaldoggery. If this nuilee should call forth a howlor whine from the buisy-body, why thon wimay givo tho narnu of the oondeman. (?) In thcmoan t imo, lot our Methodist pastora lay somebiscuits, containing ipecac, about the haunts oltho prow K r.

This pirco was undoubtedly intended for mo,nnd there is not toe least doubt in my mind thalif its authur hud had tho must distant idea tli.itit would over como lo my knowledge, ho wouldnot have darod to attempt such n thing. No, hewould sooner havo sacrificed every cout that bcexpocts to beg o I tho poor widows and orphan*tho balance of hi.- 'lays, by willoh hu is now k-plin a iitate nf disgraceful opuloiioy than to haveni tempt.'I it. ff nut, ho is undoubtedly morestupid than I nm disposed to give him credit foiat profont. Although it savors very strongly oltho fool to spreod a not mid bo tho first caughtir. it. still if he hail had tho sen.su to execute hiswill, ha would have; played tho Jesuit to perfectionIn currying out his Saínale sobemos, But it isno go, for he is now "aught and his wicked de*sign« brought to light. And tts his teachings anddoctrines, contain a su Ilición I quantity < f ipecac(Ignorance) to vomit (disgust ) ivory man of sensethroughout christendom, I .-hall havo no uretur their biscuits containing Ihe artillóla! supply !lind have Ootiu'U'lcd tho bust disposition that Ican utako of thom io to givo it back to them (ex¬poso their ignorance) lu II double dnso (for theyuro.loo oiihous for ti single dose to tako offent)mid endeavor to di'g'irga (shamu them from)theresttini'iclis of tho filth (ignorant folly) thathus boon tho '»otto of ull ages, mid try to ma kothom n lion 11hy |[honest) ond rohimt (soisiblo)people, in tho placo ufa set of dwarfish Hot¬tentot? (meti oj iii tb :<i me) ns nt present, goingthrough tho country willi long laces trying toteach something ;ha; they themselves do not un¬derstand, and by their Jo.uUlcal stealth amiss tothemselves n sumptuous living out of tho nocessitios ot'iho po r. And (hut lon (ob shone.) Intho name of that righteous person (tho Lord) whocommande.1 them io remember tho poor, nnd nottouch Ibo Gospel for filthy Lucre's sako. (What apity his name should over ¡iavc been so bliisphemol un I lisgi -iee.l by b< iug nssucluiod with sm hcharacters.) Mut Iel them now know that theirsins In. ve io tidied mit') licuvoii, nnd Ood is goingto rnward thom toe', riling to their doods, fortnoy -hall bu d'jSfroyod sitlth lito scriptures-'he6th retie uf ISili chap. Hov. Then also <1iliverse : Como out of ber my po 'pie that yo bo notpartakers uf Iwr sins un I roeeiyj of her píngaos.Fur God lins (WW. soon ihn wr»ng done (lie poornnd has nour r.-nl thom a deliver nico (l*'i know-lodge of the truth) ; for J saw, ni I the Prophet,1st ver , »riother angel com . ?] .wu from heavenharing great power, ¡md thu cai th was HKIIIOIIwith hit glory ! thai ls thr nigh tho knowledge aftho Iruih whleh Ita would Impart to the pimple;they e ill turn fr<.i!) those al,..minable dootrino.«fililí foolish professions luck la tho church ofChrist, whi ii all of tim shepherd* after theirgrco ly IILS I for gain have dosi r-yed nnd led thoBook* (pooplej) lulo Babylon (th-so wicked orgafliiittinns, so-.o,tile.i christian churches).Thou o-ma on' other nil liial ure of tin honest

heart, mil lot us SOHO the true mid living Cod,and SUlTar nono of these blind gui Ins Ml fob youagain ; lint Jet Ihotn now go und learn wisdom- tir. t tho bo im mil of their own ey«, andthou they omi seo olen rrly to got Iho moto ont olyours. For i- il md now us elnar to you nssotibenm Mini il is not yoi bu! youri that. theylove. Sd Ihoy gut your nio'in? th. y « ore mail¬ing for y» ir iou I. If limy did, why i- U »islthov havo not before ti .w »Siwod y'\ wherein 1alu tannh IMg y »it wrung? And ..'«>« now thoNriyhhur woiiM.hiivo tim nsi«il'i'|'ll»n assn ilmu, ii i|»i sons lh. would niko a ohlskeit(io Hu l.t.I I and .. i! i Oll'M of Ihn tr.itI»,Who won".I it no liol Illili I" I*" and boldlyW.lki» il) tba Ugh«, PW liv lu t!.o placo of com-

i»g oat boldly and«alllag mo of a*«»* »*4 sho¬ing wbmto I em tor*Mag«hcre«S, |l>rtjittlkou|k JH. bsd »Ht lr»o^t «f .?jUwAl.g»anilljustreoeatly. And «ow «wsld frights* mt«rrom tm« «od »aJ anta tb«'Itoabl« «MA/ f«*?»*<.from belog exnp-«. ii» fl*mk« «Í* » «nTU«*preacher, {oh t «mil rn« »ot« jacher, Mt thatI »rn ashamed t« b* » Uaahtr of tb« word «f? od, but beear»»« H s» UUiamtWfr oomoeoU Bkâ. iib this «el «Tlfepeetoraln tb« World «ho bo*/lb«t nome, tba* lt mtkw me exbamed ot lt- Tb«(«M rn« m hypocrite, ara«); os- «bal jeeû pin«M.[ will glory In IV for lt 1. arfdl«frm«o/«haUT*r «>ba called ao by «toi Urttf wita, «nd ll will ««lybo placier mr nam» by tba lid« of th« Apostle*tad Prophet«, amt «all wo not a pr-«bar.-f«ctb«o I wlU bo etauUed with tho ignoren»«rn«mad« ashamed) io a town ta South Carolina,?opposing that Ï might not Uko lt to roy «elf,»nd thu* ba would gala th« «ad-ataka » op*.pear before tho world that he had frighwowlne. Xf thia WM not hi* design war hu hoDot com« oat boldly barbra now aaa ahowodyou whstain I am wrong ? For did ab not reada ploco in the SumUr Watchman, Iiinod IM»of April, 1899, tat*reply tob piece published bytb« foolish «ditor Pf th« Now York Day »ooh,who like hi mi vlf had nb Vetteraros« tbaa to at¬tempt to condera a person apo know what ho waadoing, wbll* ho himself bad not tko knowledge.and consequently got his Ignora nco exposed F Didhe not also read another pieeo, published Jon«30tb 1889, and ooo on 17ih af Nov.. ti.« samoyear t And did ho not in tb*ee pleeas see thatlt was proven that all of tbssa so called «bristtaoprofession* ar« g nil ty of greater folly than tkoAtheist ? And all of bis brethren (these so-calledpreachers of «very denomination) are th« falseprophets that we are warned of lo the word ofClod ? And did ho not theo se« that he was de¬fied to attempt to justify thoua, and at th« sametime showed that it was bis duty to do *o If heeould 7 And if ho did not, that lt would stood asa living monument before tb« world that heoouldnot? Then why did ne not oom« forth asa man and defend bis doctrines ? Reason ao-swers wttb a vole« louder than th« trumpetsaround Jericho that he contd not. And why fBcoauae he was wrong. And bas he not sinceread a piece in the said paper published some¬time about tbe month of May la.-1, by the public,in «joint resolution, asking all th« clergy tocome forth and prove my teachings false,and if tboy did not that lt would be taken forgranted that they could not (very rightly «OD*sidered and any further efforts to propagate theirseveral creeds, a willful Imposition opon the lg»norant.Now I ask any roan of tens« if that was not

i he time that they should have come forth withboth tholr Iptcao and »?!».. ard li they casr thatÏ bad a i«ol etomnoh (teaching heresies) ceasenot until they got lt thoroughly cleansed-exposemy Ignorance? Them why did he not? And allothers of the clergy ? Why, common senso wouldshow any one that lt was because they could notThen again, did he not hear that I addressed [bytetter] their bishop [Wightman] and members oftheir Marlon District Meeting whit« tn Confer¬ence at this place some time «go, «nd remindedthom of the call the public had made on them, andshowed thom that thoy had not the right to ig¬nore «call of the kind, If they wera or they pro¬fessed to bo, servants of Qod ? And proposed tothom, as the opportunity was m very favorableone, (for it was expected that their most giftedintellects would be present) to set apart a day,oithor during their meeting or after it« adjourn-mont, to allow mo to lay boforo them the teach¬ings that I nm giving, with a promiso that if theycould prove by one fact tbat 1 was wron ir, thalI would ceaso any farther efforts to propagatethom. This thoy declined, privately making som«tniserablecxcusos, suob as the want of time, etc,whllo at the same meeting they oould throwaway a day to plague tholr poor unfortunatebrother (Mr. B.) about the propriety of preach¬ing to tho freedmen, who I suppose cared butlittle about their preaching, as they oall lt, andnogleoted one of the greatest moments. For,bebold the mombors that ate now turning throughmy touchings ! And If I am wrong, as they eaythat I am, then all of their blood will be requiredat their hands.For I havo, as noll as the people, called oe

them to convlot me ofan error if they could, andthoy havo failed to do so. Then lt ls very o vidont, whether I am right or wrong, that thojaro compelled to be wrong. Then all the moneythat persons are paying them to leech tb« Goa.pel, is appropriated to the canso of tho wlokodone, and in the placo of being a blessing to them,bocoinos a curse. Then I would advise all per¬sons who have a dime to spare to give it to thesipoor needy persons that they have been robbingand in the pince of hearing thom, turn to the wordof Qod, search it, and when they read and dontunderstand, ask of God for the wisdom, and yoishall rocoive, and follow lt, and not these poolblinded souls any longer. For If thoy coulehavo condemned me they wonld readily hartdone so at tho sold meeting, for it is a sufBcionlproof for any person of Intelligence that lt waifear that was tb« matter with them. Andwhat wero they afraid of ? I would not hav<harmed one hair of their hoads, but ant willingto do thom nil the good I possible can, for everthe plain way I havo here ppoken ls for theilgood-io shame thom from their folly, and to trjto get them to repont of their errors before it litoo lato. Reason would say that they wenafraid of gotting their ignorance aud neresleiexposed, which was very well for Methodism antall the rest of tho ma nyhms, for I evidently woulchavo expo?od them in n way that lt never haibeen dono before since tho days of the Apostlesunless thoy would havo acknowledged their er¬ror nnd promised to torn from it.Then, after all this, why has the Neighboi

c rac out in tho cowardly wny that it has? Aithough it had just heard of my teachings? Ancthnt too, niter ho had read the said pieces omine ? It is bemuse he now begins to feel blifound.i tion slinking ; Yon, that of all the inmn

isms; (and well may ho fear ; for before ver;long ho will nor only find lils foundation shak¬ing, but aimil see ibis world rocking, spirituallyworse thnn a baby's cradle) ; for he sees blHocks nlrondy beginning to scattor, and turningto tho (nub,.while tho truth ts beginning ti.prend Uko the rayo-of tho morning sun over th.Western hills.Thon tn order to savo their purse, (that ii

what is hin ting them,) and encape my notice, tu»Ullis my name, ns though lie felt for my feelInga and wished to put n stop to my toachlngiiv ¡(lieut exposing rae publicly ; supposing thal>y to doing I would not (alto it tv myself, antihcroforo noglcctto notico it; while at the samiimo his followers knowing who lt was Intendet'or, would bo strengthened, seeing my »Ilonaind supposing it fear or weakness, would be onMiurnged to reñíalo la thole present slut« oirror.

lint lt mut tor« but littto who he intendedTor, ns be is guilty of na great evil ns any omlegibly could be. I will not allow him or anyif tho toft ot tho different clorgy to-oondemrmother v, ¡th what they them »elros aro guilty ofn my knowledge, und not expose them. And 1un not ashamed to lot tho whole world koo«lint I nm crying to tho penplo every where tloine my (rom ihcso abominable destrines thalre bi ing propagated through the land, andurn back to Ibu christain church. For ouitossed Lord is going to como ngain, and that toioforo this gonorotion passes away. That lshero aro pontons now breathing the breath olifo on ibis sumo earth that will never tasto oloath, but will Hie to soo the coming of ouilord again. But it will not be any of thosericked soul* that are teaching such doctrines nfro now tungtit in the land, without ihny repent.Now this will provo thou. If (Kera be orcnclier among them, let them show to tbtorld tim t I hu vo hore taught a Ile. If they cann this, it will be sufficient to prove all that 1nvo tntight or said fal<j. For lt will sbowlhnlnm trying to do ns I show they aro- teaobhinotlilng tl.nt I do not understand, and eon-(|tnn i ly mn but ono of the blind tryiug toteadlio blind, und ntl b»ve fallon Into the ditch.Thon i' any one helives this, lot them try mcnd too. f.r I dnre not tench anything except 1in os.fr...ns)) ii. |,y a i it ot and any ono bu* thcght nnd in ul li'.er y to demand (ho fact of mt

r nny limo; and should I foil lo give it, thanil tho Mc!<jl,lo<- brand ino asa baratía before thcorld. But until it i* d «ne, he or nny of thc»St Ind best piny silent, it* they dont want thom-»Iv«« oxpoffeil. Tuon will he learn wisdom.Or doos ho want to be ono among tho numbot

uti. IN ¡ll groot the coining of our blessed I,nr.! Isn, lor Min go and reatara l*> these p.mr souls

iel which he has ribbed thom of, nnd come andko np hi- orne.*, und tho Lord will also preparer him a place In that number, and gire him¡-.lom nnd un umlnmlatidiiig mind, that Iforih more limn nil tho gold in Opbler. for thcrm religion Implies righteousness ; I lint is right,t wiong i for timi is n Hod of wisdom, midm tote no pleasure st nil In thur n foolUh sign»ol fti-lititf!' that persons aro n'>w Inking for ro"'¡'.II. No, tho perfection nf His nu turo plucoini boyond tho renrh of such folly, nnd forbidint Iii- should bo glorified except it bo by Hie nolswindora nnd pnnleimt in riubtenimners, ine pince nf this iibmom n. ilno folly displayed andilftht by nnd among nil thone so milled chrls-m pi -.h-«ion* nt presort.Will tho Neighbor como forth ami give tho'IIMOIIIHII'H rm mo, and ion viet ino of heresy?nf ninny ure ibo oars wailing to dour fr mu. him,any other lb it fools disposed to do so.

Very Respectfully0. DOY LR.Lynchburg, 8 C.

X. ll. TIlO pirco f promised In Ibo WnUhmnn,th of lust Apill, his been dollired I li rou ul<o*.uro of hualnoss, bul ls" li«iw rmdy mri w illultu its appearance in print anon,

C. B.


(Oaeoft»*Dt»»OTsr«rt.)BIS WORK ÏS N¿W"ÏB PBB88wjdwillbe .horUy pHbliihcKL A pp! T at

. .HOLMES'BOO* HODSB. KingÔtreat.,v ¿ ooBhsira t

1, Reasons for PiiblUbl.g tats Pamphlet¡ 2,8cientiae Terms «ad papular Name*.

t, Nantes giv«o lo th« Phosphate Rocks; 4,Earlies^ Notlee of Pbospbate Rocks.6, Geological HUtory and Order of Succession

of the Fossiliferous Ms of tb« Charleston Basin,with calorad illastrslions.0, Booeno Bahrst««« or Sütel tied Shell-Forma-

tfajM I, Melocsne Beda, .

8, pialocana Bads ; 0, Po»t-Pliocene Beda ; Agaof the Phosphate Rooks.

10,' Phosphate. Rook Basins, th« pre hlitorioaga of mao.

'll, Recent or Hlitorlcal Age; lt, What axeFossils and Petrefaettona.

13, Origin of the Phosphat« Rooks, with col¬ored plate.

14, How tb« Nodale« wer« converted IntoPhosphate Rooks, with colored plat«; 16, "FishBed of th« Cherie,Kin Basin."

16, Tba "Oreat Carolinian Marl Bed;" ir,Comparison of Marli associated with the Phos>bat« Boob «ad those «ok thus associated.

18, Comparison of the Bant««, Cooper, andAshley Marls; 19, Oreen Sands.

20, Us« of Ground or Raw Phosphates aa aPertlliaer ; 21, Discovery «nd Development of theCarolina PbosnhatsiT 22. When and how theRock waa first found ; 28, Discovery of th« Rooksi'» »ii».

24, Discovery «f sion« arrow-heads and «ton«hatchet ; 2», llura»n bones taken from the samebed ; 24, Coprolite« In caverns or pockets; 27,Letter of Professor Holme«, September 17th,1868, recapitulating the history of the Caroli¬na Phosphate« an their vain« aa ascertained,August, 1867.28, Letter of Dr. Pratt in reply ,' 2», Who ar«

tba cMícovercrs »

SO, Why the dlsoovsry waa not made long «go ;81, What h«s been dono in tbls new departmentof ootnmeroe, and «hat ia now being donetowards tba development of th« South CarolinaPhosphate«..

81, List of organised Companies engaged Inmining and manipulating these rocks, with cardsof «ach Company .

Applications for soples may be mad« atHOLMES" BOOK B0U8B, Kingstraet. Tothose Companies who subscribe for 200 copiesor more, a discount «Ul bo made.

Sept 28




llAYNF STREET,extending throngh to No 02 MARKET STREET

éntranos on both streets.

Mr. W. S. LANNEAU will have the WHOLE.SALE DEPARTMENT especially under hischarge, and Mr. STEPHEN THOMAS, Jr., willbo found at tho RETAIL STORE, No. 265KING STREET, corner Beaufalo, and willmanage that branch.Our customers -nd frisada will find a com¬










FARMERS FERTILIZER CO.Office 20 Hjsne Street

WILLIAM G. WHILDEN,Sept 28 President.


John F. Taylor & Co.suerlessonS TO CAM.KRON SC CO.

Engineers, Boiler-Makers, Ac,Nos. 4, 0> %r 10 & 12 PRITCHARD St.



Rice Treshers, and Mills of!every description.

Shafting Pullies and Gearing.Iron Fronts for Buildings,

Castings of every kindin Iron or Brass.

We guarantee to furnish Enginesand Boilet 3 of as good qual¬

ity and power, and atas low rates as can

be had inNew York, Baltimore or Phila¬

delphia.AOENTS FOR


nrhioh are put ou all of our Engine*.Sept 28

J. E. ADÖER & CO.,iuponvKR8 or AMP ¿IAtana ;n


Agricultural linpiements,'. U. Adger,I, McD. Hrown, 180 Meeting Street,Ç. D. Robinson, midI. II. MofPlI, r.2 KIMI It.iv Siren!,. Adgor Hniytw, CHA ltCESTON, 8. C.S. A. Smyth.Sept 2a- 6ui



,. ?' j



Insurance Company.Capital, Surplus and Reserved Fonds,

tn Gold, «18,400,000.

Eighteen Million and Four HundredThousand Dollars-IN GOLD.

Invested in the United States, Two Mil¬

lions of Dollars. 12,000,000.Risks in Sumter, taken at Charleston


Residences in the Country Insur¬ed at LOW Rates.

Losses paid promptly in Charles¬ton.

On the payment of Ten Years

premiums in CASH, B, perpet¬ual policy will be issued.

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This Company having »oinpUed with *

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poa it" Aot, is prepared to issue '] >Life or Eadownent Policies,


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to deolare liberal dividends. Thus a

Polioy in this Company is steadily in¬

creasing in value, at a cost whioh de¬

creases with every annual payment.CHAS. H. MOISE,

Insurance Agent,Sumter, S. 0.

Feb 28



We beg to inform oar friend*, petrous end ell citizens of Sumter, »cd the adjoining countiesthat we have opened a largeWHOLESALE STOKE.

AT NO. 28» KIN« STREET,nest door to onr letail store, whoro we will show a full assortment of choap DRY GOODS, at (helowest figures for CASH or city oocoptance.This arrangement is especially convenient for country buyers, both ladies and gentlemen.1st. Select all your pieoe goods at wholesale ; then visit the retail store and haro all of your]goods pecked in one box.We guarantee to show the largest stook and at just as low figures as can bo found in the city.-Bo sore and examine our stock (before you make up your bill) at No. 289 King streot.


MR. JOHN O. ADAMS ls with us, and will bo always on hand, ready to give his friends and ac-quaintances ovory attention possibleRespectfully, STOLL, WEBB A CO.Sept 28-0m


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250 TOiN"S (10,000sIJlindlc3> 56 lbs' cach' nnd containing 30 Ties And Buckles,)IMPORTED DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL-

Fi OFFER TO THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS OF TIIE STATE Till? ABOVE TIES,which are now so universally known and approved throughout the Cotton btates, as thowNeatest, Strongest and Most Easily and QuicklyApplied ofany Tie Known in the Market 1Tho fastenings, as well as the bands, are of the host ENGLISH WROUGHT IRON, »r,d exicrience has shown that they do not break, as many of tho CAST IRON fastenings of otber Tieso, thereby saving muon expense in ropo, labor and mending Cotton nt the Shipping port.WE HAVE ALSO A SMALL SUPPLY OPSELF-FASTENING BUCKLE TIES!

OF SAME MANUFACTURE.Pricos as low or Uwer than GOOD TIES can be bought nt in any market on the Coast.ßdf Litoral Arrnngoincnts mud« with Merohunts and Dealers.1


Agents for North Carolina.



For Sale by DANCY, HYMAN & CO., General Agents142 PGARL STREET, NEW YORK.Deuloro and Planters Supplied in any quantity by

. GREEN & WALSH,Sole Agents for Sumter, and Clarendon County,

_Aug_3-jtm__.PA VIZ. ION AiOT BL,


BOARD, PER DAY, $3.00.

(HIT. IM HILTON, MR«, tl. tit nuiTKRriNi.n,Sopurinleiitlcnl. l'roprlet r

Oot 6

EST A BL i 8H ED 1838.DANIlSIi H. SXZ.C0X,Furniture Warerooms,ITS, ITT « ITO KINO ST.,

CHARLESTON, 8. 0.Oooth carr/ut/y packed.

April 2« tljuo.

: s*AC-t,*V> ¡AfDAVID DUNCAN, JL M.; Profeesor Ancient

RK^^IÂ^ORD^ÎTH. D.D., ProfoworBijHfti lMKÉt>B%rTABRlN AV PRK, A. M., Proras** Natara!Scienoe. * ".'v'j

fAS. H. OARLISLB, A. M<, Profesor Mathe¬matica. V "\ ' fe-ÜEtBV. A. H. LESTER, A. M., Professor Historyaa« Biblical Literatura.

Tba Preparatory Behool, oodor the Immédiateinperrl.lon of the Faoulty, Jae. W. SHI PP,K. M., Principal. ¿i]£DWlnlty Sehooí-Rey. A. M. Shlpp, D.D.EUT. Whitefoord Smith, D, D.j Rey. A. HLester, A.M.Tho tnt Session of tba Seventeenth Collegiate

fear begin» on the Ant Monday ia October,18to, the eeeond Soteioa begins OB th« in» Mon-la« IB January, 1891.Thecoureeot siedlet and tba a tau dard of

icholarthtp remain unchanged, bat tba Fecal tyBOW admit irregular students or thoa« who wi»hto pursue particular studies only.Tba School« alto open at tho «ana time.

TaiHon per year, io College Classes, ineludluf«eatingent fee, $64 InCarreoey.

Tuition per yeer, in Preparatory Behool,Includ¬ing con tingen t fe«, $44 la c a rreaoy.Bille payable ona half ia adranco. Board, perMonth, from $10 to $16 in carran cy.For far thor partiou lari address

A. M. SHIPP, President.8ept 18 ,_' '_lySUPERINTENDEUVS OFFICE

Kortn Eastern Railroad Company.CHARLESTON, 8.0., Aa« 16, 1870.

I.W.I.1.1 . ..?< i.i.i.

rm ATTENTION OP THE PUB¬LIC I« respectfully called to the followingRBDUOBD RATEO of FREIGHT between

Charleston ead StaUons on the WILMINGTONand MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD, to go Intooperation on tba 20th August.To öuffiier-ist oí ass, $146} ¿ad class, «0o.;

3rd class, 80c; 4th class, 65c;6tb cleat, 86o.

To MayesTllle, Lynchburg, Timmonteille, Mar'sBlufl, Pe Dee, Marlon-Itt olaea, $1.10; 2nd

class, 98o.; 3rd olati, 76o.; 4thdat , 6Oe ; 5th class, 80o.

Ia order to ibo» tba extent of thlt Rod notion,the following OLD RATES are appended tTo Sumter-1st olaas, $1.80;.Sad class, $1.40;

3rd olaea, $1.20 ; 4th olaas, 75o.;6th class, 47o.

To MayesTllle, Lynchburg, Tlmmonsville, Mar'sBluff, Po Dee, Marion-lat olast, $1.70; Sad

class, $1.40 ; 3rd elate, $1.15 ; 4thclass, 70o.; 6th olaas, 45o.

S. 8. SOLOMONS, Sup't.Ang 24-tf_

GREAT FAIRSouth Carolina Institute.

NOVEMBER 1st, 1870.

CHARLESTON, SO« CA.Sta?" Most liberal Premiums offered io

every department of Agriculture andMechanic Arts.Premium List published in pamphlet

form.Aug 8-3m_P. P. TOALE,


( Largest and most completo"}j Manufactory of Doors, Saabet, fj Blinda, Mouldings, Ac, in tho f v**

V. Southern Statea. )BB*Printed Price List Defies Competition.-5^5.

JtST» Send for one -TS-^J&f Sont Free on Application. -*sjApril fi ly

T. F. BIIODIK. R. R. HnooiKs.U. 0. H una IN«.



Commission Merchants!NORTH ATLANTIC WHARP,


Liberal Advances made on Consignments.REFER TO

\NDREW 8IMONDS, Esq., Pret't 1st NationalBank, CHARLKKTON, S, C.

Aug 24 tia








VELVETS, FRINGES, AO.£8* All ordert by mail will bo mott oarefullyttended to, and dealer« will bo supplied at Nowfork wholesalo prioos.April 20 7m




commission Merchants.NO. 6 WATER-ST.,

BALTIMORE.OFFER their sonrióos for tho tale of COTTON,PIKITS, ROSINS and SOUTHERN PRO>U0T8 of erery description, aud for tho porbate of PLANTERS' SUPPLIES and all kindsf MERCHANDISE.Mark each 'paekage .li« tl nelly.Forward Bill-Lading.Orders exeoc ted promptly and at boat market

tte«.July 17-4m



IIVII ENGINEER,\y R8PX0TFULLY solicits the furtherLV tronago of tho community generally.Address, SumterSept 7-4mp. Q.

Bra OAuroairxA.R BITTERS,

"SEr mm*, end

S»itiT.' fmioua, jâcrnit^it, a^ Inter-

stirs vmr^-BfcaÄ

to the whole system,_

fopiN, TAPS, nd otherWOBMB, lurker taIbi.y^ra of eo many taou-enrU, aro eflsotaelly

^MÂSn^rU carefully the etroul*.aioundeachbotUe/prlntod Infoux UngMglt-

fcoprlator. ^SSSSSSSlg^Baa xranetteo, Cauromla, and 83 ands* Com«



Fever and AgueANTIDOTE

Always Stop« the Chili«.ThisMedicine hasbeen boforo the Pab¬

ilo fifteen jean, and la still ahead of allotherknown remedies. Itdoeanotpurge,does not nicken tho stomach, ia perfectlyBale in ajK dose and under all circum¬stances,mw the only Medicine thatwillCURE IMMEDIATELY

and permanently every form of Feverand Aguo, because it io a perfect Anti««lot« to Trialario«

Sold by «VU Drugarleta.May 4 ly

Old Carolina Bitters.A Delightful Tonic.


OLD CAROLINA BITTERSto tho public Thoy are compounded with greatcaro, and oontain some of tho best Tonlos in thoPharmaonpla. As evidence of tho superiority ofour BITTERS over all others, we have certifl-aates from many of the leading physicians in ourState, who have proscribed them in their praotioo.

The Old Carolina BittersWill be found invaluable for


We do not offer our BITTERS as a ours for alllisoasos, but 00 an Aromntio Tonto, thoy bavo notqual.For salo by Druggist and Grocers everywhere.Prinolpul Depot,Goodrich, Wineman & Co,,

Importera ofCHOICE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS,Feb lo-ly_ Charleston, 8. 0.


Agents-RHODIE & c o.,factors and Commùrion Merchants,

CHARLESTON, S. 0.Marah »0_ _^lyKinsman flSf riowell,

Factors and CommissionMerchants.

IliberalAdvancesmade onCotton and Naval Stores*

Charleston* S. CeSept 7- Sm



TUB : ; 0#V

HOUSBHOLDRBMBDtIT. hW been jU8Hy rsraarkad Uti A.I« oorrect. It eUmpe with itt owVZfIt*!"»webing IM.. I. eetab!lsb..d ou »ilon »nd toon rea ohe« the hoi »ht rf «5?^which ICU juttly entitled bkm5¿HBINITSH'S QUKKN'S DfiLIQûï,Th» peopU »p'.roT«, »ad PtyáwUiiLjit« uie, booeueo U poiaoe»«» merit, ul ktkïïaima to be-.


IT CUEEJI* HEADICHU.-Siok;HMd»oh»TN«rT»tjlUi.»oh», Dillou» Headache, Nwrtdrfa HMSICatarrhai Headache, Dinineei, BssVefsaatoUi. Head, Fullness, Oppretalo« o?¿tffiCATARRH.-Thia unpleasant dim»*, uü »,form», toon cured. ""'M*SORB THROATS. Ae-Sor, WHonra»»©»», Los» of Tole«, Weak Totea til ZL»ourod. . ^DTBPISPSIA-This diiftwe olwayt <nrW h ticatea, In persona of all aim» «naLlYBR COMPLAINTS, JAQIMM,. U-IWIoomplalots cured ID «ll eues.Chronto Diarrhoea «nd all Caronia DnuimCoiloa, obstinate CoatlvenoM. ^PILES.-Piles, Blind, Bleeding, er DkaMO.Painful, Itching, Barning, no matter Estai»exit ting, aoon oared. ^*Kidney Disease, Diabète», Gr»«), W.nenco, Stoppage, Bright'» Disease, «llmhLHAMS-Their peculiar dleeeeea aeaeavUPAO» ArraoTions.-Brown6poU,M«t»BkaVes, Pimplo», Black Spooks, Red Patel»«, ß«ing, Itching, Rush of blood to.th» foe, CU««.Bad Complexion, all aoon and Mrfwilr tv¡iAbseos s os, Scrofula, when on toa Seale, TkntLInternal or oxtum ni, oa the Toam,Bat»,u2or anywhere, Sore «nd 8 welled Leg», all per**,ly curablo. "jSKIN DI&BABKR.-Salt Rheum, Taite?, AntShingles, Scaly Eruption», Water* IHMIIMLItching, burning, Chronto Erysipel«, caret;TBS Eran.-Inflamed and Itchier, faith,Ac, on the Eyes «nd Eyelida, eared.QOITRK, SWBLLBD NKCK_Allcate;enrei lt-oent oases of Ooltre cured.Rheumatiam, Chronic, Acate, Htartlfk,Lameness, Swelled Joint«, inability te tia,pftinful or paesivo, eared by the «seef

HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHTTho afflioto i, nervous and debilitated, eta*sufferings have been protracted (rea »Min

causee, and whose caaea require prompt treat-mont, will find alway» « aar« remedy I»HBINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT,Do you fool weak, debilitated, eui!; feeliDoes a little extra exertion proJ no« pilplu*»of ibo heart ? Doe« your Liver, or Uriaarj Qaguns, or your Kidneys, frequently get oatottr.dor f Do you have apella of abort brtaOtaf adyapepsla? Aro your Dowds constipated; Uyou have apella of fainting or rothes of bl »otuthe head? la your memory impairedf Ii jonmind constantly dwelling on aoy taVJietf 0»you feel dull, Hatless, moping, lind of etaptitor of life? Ifjyou do, then yoorLlnrtad Eteamach are deranged, and their ayapatiietta Kfittupon the Brain produces jost saab neala), Ttlsooner you remove the eauae, tte too»er TM » njbo restored to « healthtul «nd a tfaoucitnl eta.dillon. Wo say-hy «ll meant try » boult, udbo sure you getUEINITSU'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT.None other ia genuine. Foraala by Dttfjitvanywhere and at



$12.50 clear profit per day. $75.00 per vttL$300 por month made BABT by toy Lilt *QRNTLRMAN introducing thia Qamoiaiùe 0i>aiMAb OLD FAVOBITB. With ita many nitatipjuctical additions, making tbe mott eeapbttcombination of valuable «nd aaefalimpnTtaaiJiever effected in «ny ono machine. Ike cot**-ment of extreme simplicity, efficiency ana ttiJHftentirely different in model and design (rta tr/low priced machine. It ia the mott tsvfitB*aelegant and reliable FAMIL-T SBWIMever invented, gives perfeet satisfaction wkerrwintroduced. Has received PBBMIOMB. 6UMWtost of 10 year», and ie fully approved*fty*nrjlamily who have them in nee. IaaolHkav,tatSthe atrong and beautiful ELABTIO LOCI Bag*with wonderful rapidity and cimnrtr. Btwanything « needle witL oo THROUGH, '"?J*finest to the thickett fabrio, firm »nd nett, J»ease. Use» all kinda of ailk or ikread dint* hmthe epool i ia Improvod with ja» aatfa*U«_*JJrprlng tension, eeifguider, and «aaa the abata¬ble STRAiflHT NRBDLB, perpe«<Hwlu«oUo^_3powerful lever action. Poaaeaaaa AIL tba paqualities of the best high prleed maablM t»>densed, without their complleatloet OB WWgSamplea of sowing SRHT FBBB on receipt oriwaa-For certlfloato«, Ac. see DBSCBIITIVBmailed free. A thorough practicalDhlne for family nee-"Tribune." AJ&VS»nd roliftble machine, at« low prie»-"6^r».Thia beantlful aewing machine it ont « »JJ*ingenious pieces ofmechaniam erar'Demoor«t," 0«. Worth many tima»M tan w

my famlly.-"N. 7. Weekly." I« «.low machine with it« many tote 1°PW«""3ind aews with «alonlahing ease, »Piaii|UjeatneeB.-"Republican," N. Y.^.JSfCtn samplea, setected with care, ro* W"""vita everything COMTLBTB, «ant to w; >*"ho country perexpreaa, paoked in ^'iT^.»ox, »BBB, on receipt of prloe, |4 Jtj^S wivory of gooda guaranteed. For»ara w»" ^IIOIBTBBBD LETusn, or P. 0. BOM«mrriak. Agents wanted, male or f»«^jT*¡jrh ere. Now pamphlet« oonUÍDÍDg trw »*"aducomenta, aenl »ns».

. ; . A*-

Addresa Family Sewing Mâelj»» w

?fl Nassau.Street, Now-York.AngSl- -i-SIOOO RBWAWJiriIS offered for any case of Bliod,«"^»-«!

jg, or Uloerated Pile«, tbat VtWWltoiKM KDV fail« to euro. It it P^P^^ett-eraonol anporvlaion of one of tba w0nV.Vi«».st living; Chemlata, expreaaly to e^J¡:¿^.[undrodaof ohronie cases ofororJQ^\ffgjig, have been oured in one WM«» **jjsB«tur»sos in « few day«, by this medido»- *°7¡¡¿.ow o hst nato or ohronio the ca«« aUJJJ^uailate relief«nd ? permanent ear» u*P"i «very oaeo. Ask your Drogfttt)EBING'S PILE RBJWY'

\ni Tftko no Other.^All weak, nerroua, à^^JfSàmftirne»tly requested to try » IN .iaaV'

IA FOOA. Yon will be .'«rtlad «t1 effeota. Sold by all DroggW* ttutmtrt,Laboratory 141 Franklin BhffiZtjFor sale by ^ A.. ftiCTttSept »I-flrft Dragg^J^Sl^


(Ths way to fly for ^M Pora Jalea* ol B«rh«,_H*»H

Colds and JalaaMMtflo»^¿¿SíUSt »those Weakne^ «d /^J^^ltie-iWoman. Fer torpid aatdl *^_»»*J?Ätt th» Liver. Stomaea, Bowol*

»or.at.by ^ A KoKAOtJ,.