ee; j|used spartanburg. ^js i:|...

PAQBBIGffE- Washington Bened Fetes Professor T. v. By Millard Campbell lege Club received and entertained Professor Duckett at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Massey. on caturdav evening. Nov. 13th. Professor Duckett was completing a tour in the interest of Benedict, of several of the great northern v cities. Washington alumni enme from all directions to see and hear the most beloved of all the Benedictines. We had a grand fellowship meeting, reminiscent of the old days at Benedict. Professor Mlllffrd tV: Campbell presented Professor Duckett, who told us a jot of good things abut Benedict. He snoko mainly-im the interest of thjpttrrve tor the ejuui gvmeiii 01 neneiuci s ^enciowment. Mrs. Anna Helen Richey Whitson presented Pr'ofessm- Duck ett a cheek for $150.00 on behalf of the club. Among those present were Dr. Heyward (Chap) Chappell, -Mrs. Anna Helen Whitson and da ugh- ter Anna; Mrs. W. M. Hogan, Miss Susie Hoean; Mr, Edward Smalls, Mrs. Etta Head, vicepresident of the club; Rev. C. A. Chick, Mr. Conrad Smith, Mr. Wil ham C. Ritter and brother Owen: Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Massey; Mrs. 1 .pole DeVese Boyd: M»s. Eva Cas *ell; Mr. A. "E. Simons, secretary of the club; Rev. S. J. Gillian), president of the club; Mrs. E. 1)1. i Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Millard W. Campbell and Mr. W.C. .Johnson. __A Memorial T WO history-making incidentmarked the morning service at the Seventh St. Presbyterian church ot (jnarlotte, Sunday, November 14. Mrs. J. D. Martin, Sr., ami family presented the church a memorial to the late , Dr. .lames Daniel Martin, who at the time of his death on May. 12, 15)41, had " served the church for many years as a Ruling Elder, Clerk of the Session, and Superintendent of the Sunday school. The largest audience that has been seen, at a regular service at the church in a long time was ; present to witness the presentation of the memorial ami the administering of the sacrament of baptism. Friends were present from many other churches of Char lotte and from other cities in North Carolina and Tennessee. The dav was ideal for church- l-.- go'PWg- Out of poorer the air was cool, but not chilling. Inside, the church presented a spectacle of beauty. In -addition to several tuxuriant palms that had been placed around the chancel, -there were.clusters of cut flowers. hyrsanthemums, carnations, glad tolas and snap dragons.the gifts of friends. The scene was calculated to lift the hearts of the worshippers heavenward. The Pastor, Rev. J. W. Smith, officiated at the usual morning service, which preceded the memorial program. Other ministers who assisted in this service were the Rev. James T. Kennedy of Asheville; Dr. George E. Loder, principal of Gailor Industrial institute, Mason, Tennessee, and the Rev. At L. Martin of Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Rev. Mr. Ken. nedy .rend" the scripture lesson and offered prayer. Dr. Loder delivered the sermon of the morning, choosing for his theme the story of "The Prodigal Son". The speaker deplored the fact that many men and women are still seeking the husks of life instead of the better thiner^x While man has physical needs i ' that must be supplied, economics are not sufficient st o help him reach the high destiny for which the1 Creator designed him. We should give lqss thought to the so-called- ''five year plan", and more to God's eternal plan. Man's chief end is to be like God and to glorify Him. * The hymns sung dm-nrg.-thigpart of the service were Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Song", and "Faith of Our Fathers". For tfie offertory Mr. James Gunn, the organist, played with a pleas Ing touch, "Listen to the Lambs A-Crying", by Nathaniel Dett. At the conclusion of the sermon, Mrs. G. E. Loder sang "Eye Hath Not Seen", from "The Holy City" by Gaul. This heralded the b^ginhiog of the presentation ceremony. The Baptismal Font was then unveiled by Miss Catherine Richardson, a grand-daughter of Dr. Martin. The presenta- tion on behalf of Mrs. Martin and j Cq*V.;N, i .- «. ' v.**, 4HI1MIJT VT«0 IIKIUf Uty IVtJV. XJl. Arthur H. George. The memorial | was aceepted for the church by the pastor, the Rev. J. W. Smith. The prayar 'in dedication of the | memorial was offered by the Rev. A. L. Martin, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, a brother of Dr. J. D. Martin. ' The font is a^beautiful juece of hand caryjng, made of oak wood that was designed and wrought out by the Rev. James T. Kennedy, a retired Episcopal minister of Asheville, who was present and . v to^rtielpated in the cormony. It Dis.. Vjnm «*r feet high and contains a V for^ \v! -jwl to hold the water went Is Ks HMptism. The organist ^^ne long+h f. »v.ry appropriate se^jatened, ^ijssele'. while the bnptis%)^ray ln d.-eing performed. ^Lsh*« us ^ .'^^'-'owing the pre actioi?ven A'''CHt'on °* t^le <*y°.htanca, tha in- ^r.- and Mrs. \ r * ict College Club L. Duckett Herbert N. White, of Asheville was given to the Lord in baptism Mrs. White is the former Mis: Louise Martin, daughter of Dr and Mrs. J. D. Martin, Sr. Mrs Rachel Battle, .of Asheville, ; t friend of Dr. and Mrs. White, ae ed as god mother and offered tin baby for baptism. The ceromon; (yas performed by the Rev. Mr Kennedy. Those who stood abou the altar with Mrs. Battle wen Dr. and Mrs. White, Mrs. Georg< E. Loder, Mrs. Paul Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Beauregard L _M a rt in. . J In the afternoon at 3:31) o'clocl an elaborate dinner was served ai the home of Mrs. J. D. Martin .lan Ivf.-imn stfeet. Besides.tht out-of-town visitors "the guest; included relatives of Charlotte Winston-Salem, Asheville a n c Tennessee, all numbering aboul :hirty persons. Thus ended a day of inspiring worship and delightful spiritua and social fellowship. (HESTER PARAGRAPHS Finley High school closed Wednesday for Thanksgiving, and will open again Monday. Appropriate programs were.given.r several of the class rooms, fob lowed by luncheons. Mrs. Almena L. Johnson left Wednesday for an indefinite stay in N. Y. City. Mrs. Annie Mae King is improv ing nicely at her home 011 Columt bia street. Seaman 2-c Joseph Jackson after. receiving his boot training at Great Lakes Naval Training Stution lias been transferred to the N'avy Tib Portsmouth, VaTT Tie pent last Sunday here with his mother. Mrs. Leanna Jackson. Pvt. P. L. Coleman is at homo on a brief furlough from' Camp in Louisiana. Mrs, M. I.. Moore, of Charlotte was the guest o"f her friend, Mrs. -t-' M TTinloy foi- I b<» wi'nk end Mrs. Eloise MeLure Wise and little grand-daughter, of Washington, D.C., was the guest of her mother-in-law Mis. Amanda Wise, a few days this week. The death of Mrs. Jane Macon occurred 'Sunday- mormng after an illness of several years. She leaves three soris, Messi-s. Robert, John and Armon Macon, all o f whom are far away in the armed service. Neighbors and friends were very attentive to her ill tliis last illne&s. Alhtough paralyzed, she was a florist and filled many orders from hei*» flower yard for various occasions until her health became too broken. She wut; a staunch Presbyterian, a member of Mt. Carmel church, from which funeral services will be held on the arrival of the boys. The funeral services of Mrs. Iredell.Montgomery were held on Sunday afternoon at Gethsemane Baptist church in the county. The attendance was very large. She left one daughter, Mrs. Mary J. Montgomery Westbrooks, a WAC from lies Moines, Iowa, who was here with her mother a while in this illness, and is still here, four brothers, two sisters from Washington and northern cities. She was quite a business woman, and owned number of houses here. Burial was in Gethsemane, graveyard. Grand Master Stanback is doing nicelv after having a throat operation in the hospital in Charlotte. H" returned to Chester the same clay. Thanksgiving was observed at Metropolitan church Sunday nite, when the Young People's choir presented a Thanksgiving devotional service which was followod by a luncheoTT The basement was artistically decorated with autumn foliage, and during the rendition of Beyond the Sunset, the audience was thrilled to see a beautiful sun seting behind .the trees which formed the background of the stage. The pastor, Rev. Coleman delivered the devotional message, and Mrs, Etta Stan.baek gave two appropriate Miss Louise Babcock, rendered -mask* for the occasion. At.t- h. e dose of the service all present were seated around a beautifully appointed table which extended icarly the length of the room, and_Avere.sgr.ved a delicious lunch eon. During the luncheon Rev. and Mrs. Coleman were happily jUi-priged when Mr. C. K. Leathers presented them a purse as a Thanksgiving HoRen fcom ^ I h e *roup. Every one went from the service with grateful hearts for the many blessings We are privileged to enjoy. Mr. Hart of Spartanburg State Director of Hoy Scouts, was here Tuesday night for a- meeting. Mrs. Ethel Clarkson Taylor, Librarian at Finley High school spent last week in Columbia with her husband and other relatives, Mrs. Josie, Home Economics teacher at Finley High went to Macon, (^.a., Friday to spend the week en$ with her husband. Chester friends were surprised to receive announcment of t n e marriage of Miss Cleopatra Spann and CC Smith, of St. Louis, Mo., the marriage having taken place Sept. 7. She is now at Ft. Huaohuca, Ariz. "Miss Cleo" as she is known hdre, has been in Wash jngtoi) for several months. Hex many Chester friends are inter2sted in her, and hope that she ind husband will do well in their ar away home. She is the daughter of Mrs. M. B. Spann antt the fte- Undertaker J. K, Spsrrm, thr second of the six Spann sisters. - m'.j- - > ' Wi- - ----- 'Bethel Methodist ; World Community . Day Celebration i. The World Community Day was s observed by Bethel Methodist I chrrch, November 11, 1943. The - entir*i_day Was devoted to this \ service, which opened with soul t thrilling devotional exercises* for e global peace. The Rev. R. B. Splv livart and Rev. Susie Beachem . were the conductors. Mrs. P. M. t Gibhcs, master of ceremonies. b The United Council of Church b 'Women across the earth, launched , this great day on which to call i. the whole universe of human beings to their knees to fervently r"call God'r"attention' to The vile, t ind wild behavior of reckless and , cruel nations, and thed iabolical *- war, also to~supplicate for the ei temal peace that surpass-human , wisdom. . _ I "The Price of War and Peace" t was thoroughly discussed by Rev. John C. Gitbes. The theme.t 'Ee; ononric Interdependence," receivI ed sane ventilation from the ftcun of the Bethlehem Center, Spartanburg. S. C.. Miss Bertha Ellior.,, "a tl i a ii- ' oV... -! ixiiin, s\ nean, A Jtesponsibiiity , was amply treated r by rMrs. J. A. Smith from Tay| lors. The Presbyterian minister, tin- Rev. P. T. McGill of Greer, ^ spoke fluently. on "A -Ne.w World . Order".. Mrs. Emma Bankhead the ice principal of Dunbar high handled the topic, "World ^Jroth orhood" in the most cogent and acceptable style. At the noon hour, The Sacrificial luncheon was the mind, soul, and body Love Feast. At the evening: service, Prof. R. 1... Stewart, the principal ; of the white and colored schools . of Greer, exhibited a moving pic, Lure entitled ."Liberty", i with r wonderful appreciation and effect, While these three services were intellectual - feasts, they were alr co, souls exhilarating blessings, and personal comforts. Every faith in town of our group was represented and each one in the great and big crowds.that--assent' bled, was strengthened, edified.'illuminated and blessed. The united testimony is, through the entire efforts, and prayers the world must be protected, and saved, and Ilis Peace come In all its power, love and beauty to satisfy Him, and redeehi the human family. - " John C. Gib!>«s, Greer, S. C. WESTON CH^EL A. M. E. (HH U( ItRev. I.. I). Gamble, Pastor Sunday marked another bcauti: fii 1 day of services. The Sunday school made u wonderful record in .. 4he rally which reached a new high in church circle. At ^ll a.m. Dr. H. D. Ramsey brought the morning message which was enjoyed : by all. .This was our first quarter for this year. All reports were up and the presiding elder was paid fn full. A delightful dinner was served bv Mr. and Mrs. Joe 1 McNeil at thoir crivv hnnm '" or of I)rs: Ramsey, Gamble and wife. Also Mr. John McNei'i daughter and wife. Mrs. McNeil s really a swell cook. At 4 p.m. .the pastor and choir along with our members journeyed over to Andrews Chapel M. E. lunch to assist them in sending their Pastor Dr. James, to his conference. We laised $21.75 and presented it with our best wishes * for h/s return. I Sunday 8 p.m. the pastor_preach I (1 a splendid sermon and thus endJ ,-d another chapter in our church J nistory. * I Those who are anticipating atI .ending the homecoming game at dear old A. U. are Messrs James Edward Eladger, Lafon Fladger, Miss Helen Haigins. These are among our best citizens whom we delight to honor. We wish for them a safe and enjoyable trip. Service will be held at Weston Chapel Thanksgiving afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp. Mesdames Gamble and Bethea will tender a Thanksgiving affair at Oak Grove,school and a barbecue. : urzWe.aru praying" for the peedy recovery. St. John Baptist Church !tev. W. (i. McFadden, Pastor The was opened ;t the usual hour singing gospel ,,..1^ rri. c* j- 1 muiimie*. a ne ouyji. and icacnersi were at their post. At 3:30 o'clock the Help and \id societies of Latta, 60, 67. 72 rendered a union program with Rev. Johnson of Florence as their guest speaker. It was a grand .'.leeting with praises from all. Sunday night the faculty of DilI911 county training school entertained a packed hous* with a Thanksgiving program. They were here in the interest of raising funds for health T. H. The principal and teachers played their part well and the listeners were uplifted. Floyd Bethea, reporter I- .Thousands of white soldiers are >n nianouvers here this week. rhey seem to be everywhere a, ibut towjr.r Rev. I. H. Green, pastor o f Union Baptist church here, will Le installed Sunday as pastor also, of Liberty Baptist church, near Fountain Inn. The sermon will be preached by Rev. M. T.I 1 Coker, pastor of Calvary Baptist I church. Quite a number nf Cbec. ter members and friends will atr tend. ^ Mts. Kosie Mnyheld has returned from a lonjf stay in New Jersey ~i T tl THE PALMETTO ! y tiEOROETOWN NEWS J_ J. Ford Wednesday, November 17 the Hollyhock Beauticians club met in \ business session at the Manigault funeral home. Matters of vital in- teiest were successfully discuss- ' 3(T The following men are memhers as advisors: Dr. U. G. Teele, Mr. Walter H. Manigault, Prof. J. 1 ELPrioleau. The next meeting will ' at the home of Mrs. A dell ' ITfontafewho recently passed the [ -tate Board of examination and . :s in possession of her cosmetulo- ! gist license. . - 4 A large crowd witnessed the last , rites for Mr. Robert Cox at Stephens AME church Sunday. Rev. A. J. Jenkms officiated assisted by Rev. T. .0. Mills, M. B. Geathers his widow, one daughter who is j doing' war work in CalrffrFhia and live grands. " . SIX MILLION TREE SEEDLINGS AVAILABLE Continued from Page 1 i healthiest ever ."Town by the State ') Forest service. They may- be ob- A luincd at a price of $2.00 per thou-and delivered to the nearest ex- J. press olfice. For further infor- mation contuct the nearest county or ^district forester, or write iu Lin.* otato r oresi service in Join mbia." AROl'X^ WI-ST ( ni.l MHTX I By Rev. A. L. Dirks "u Sunday', November 2)st wo were a at Mt. Pleasant' Baptist church Rev. 'W. M. Green, pastor. The _ writer preat" ed and administered the Lord's Supper. The pastor was absent and employed the writ tr to fill his place. At night we were af Brookland ' Baptist w'here we listened to a won * ilerful sermon by Rev. R. II. VVilson lin assistant pastor of Jiion 1 Baptist. Columbia..Deacon W. Hr Mitchell will preach his trlTtl ser ;" mon at this church Sunday night, 11 N,ov. 28. He 'has a good report J and is worthy. Come and hear him. Mrs. Janie Wickerson, of New York is spending two weeks with her mother Mrs, Anna Brooks. Rev. Henry Mickens has been assigned as pastor at St. John A. M. K. church, Johnston. We wish ' -him much success. - . Mr. Baekmon Tucker is building ' three more rooms to his house and will be a beauty when completed. \ Rev. J. L. Livingston is doing the '* work. Mrs. Dora Butler is visiting in '' Philadelphia and New York City. She will return in two weeks. Iv Mrs. Celia Livingston has a i( plenty to do. She works every A day as most Women and is piesi- " lent of the Brookland Baptist \f i hs i n n a ry unrtPtyy rtaht nmsmn ary of Brookland Progressive church and Sunday School "union ' for young people and secretary of the Lexington County Progressive 'l Sunday School convention of whuh Rev.-W, M^Green, is president. jv Mrs. Rssre Mickens w:ho has ,, been sick is looking the uicture of health. I Rev. S. Glass was here Satur- jay and paid the writer two dol- . liars for the Palmetto Leader. | Mrs. Ella Knygood paid one dol t ar more last Saturday which pays j* j her subscription for one year. ^ I McCALL NEWS g We were very glad to see a good 8 many of our boys home that is in u (the army -service. Pvt. Elijah & Hancock, stationed at Ft. Hua- 8 khuca, Ariz, is on his first furlough, & he has been away two years. He 8 is the eldest son'of Rev. and Mrs. 5 Hancock. 8 Pvt. Hazel M. McCrummon sta p uoned at Fort Benning <_:a., is also « -pending a while with relatives 8 and friends; 8 Pvt. "James Arthur David of g New Orleans is also home. Mr. p tA * * ivussei Morrison of New York is r.orr.e sending a few days with ~ I datives and friends. He will S oave for the army on the fourth fl of December. Mr, John Edward I left for Columbia to stand his fi- I iial examination for the army. Rev. L. M. Williams was culled to Reedy Creek to conduct ser .'ices. Services wore very good B[ it Beaver Dam, Rev. P. Hobinson 1 was at his best..' Collection $28. At 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon 1 the funeral of iMa*. Jim Smith was I held. Rev. P. Robinson delivered I the eulogy. He was one of our H best carpenters. r Services at HopewetI were very good. Rev. Bowens pastor. They I are preparing for annual confer- ^ jenee. ;~ L The sad news was received that " Mrs. Piiseilla Chiior is no more, the remains will be shipped from [ N'ew York. Those on sick list: Mrs. Carolina Mclnnis, Mr. Lawrence Mon-[ roe and Mr. John D. Murphy. Rosa L. Butheu, reporter j laurens news The Eleven O'clock Social club met at the homo of Miss Willie Mae Jackson on Tuesday of last week. After an interesting program, the hostess served delicious i.tsfreshmenta. The next pieeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fielder. Friends and relatives were hap py to see Mrs. Ethel McBaniel of Washington f).C., a recent visitor here and in Abbeville, S. C. Prof. Carl Flipper, Kansas City Mo., Prof. C. G, XTarrett, Colum: oia, and Mrs. Jane Williams were dinner guests q? ^FrC and ~ Mrs. Earle Franklin wbile Conference was in session in Clinton^. Mrs. Cora Turner has returned to Nashville, I'enn., aftflT^visiting her sister Mrs. Katie Hicks. r " II HIM LEADER PATRONS W11C) RECEIVED The 87th annuai nalionw Christmas Seul Sale, in which Uichland Anti-Tubereulosis As iation auxiliary takes part, oj ;d today and ~tvill continue ur Shrlatmoof:.=. It has been discovered that qu i few of our patrons have rece h! two sets of Christmas Seals >ne from the Auxiliary and 1 ither from the Association in t County Court House. We ate i; ng you to return your contril ion in the envelope addressed 'ollows: dr. Arthur E. Williams, Treas. Richland Anti-Tuberculosis Association Auxiliary 1022 1-2 Washington Street Return second sot of seals in 1 nVelopc addressed: tichland Anti-Tuberculosis Asj County Court House, Room o The club met Thursday niyht he usual hour. All officers we n time. We elected our office Ull the coming year. A fi liunges wero made. Uhtinish* ad new business was discuss* lick dues and report from the s iers were made. Election of i tcers took plucc. Our Vue-Ppe ient Mi. Williams gave a supp Jov. 25th starting in the aft( i°on at_ the home ojf Mrs. Man jalcman 1)11.Park stlWl. San lay night Nov. 27 Mrs. \Y. oimson will give .a supper at- li loino l(l!7 College street. Y re invited. IIAltDLEYlLLE MAYS Sunday school was opened «.t-1 sual hour at St. Stephen A. i I. church. At 11 :.'{<) the push lev. Fran!? Alston delivered trong sermon. The junior char endered a program of wek-oi i behalf of the pastor, Mis:, ! ! eiemopy.' Mir. f.. Id .Hiley w * our local president acted hairnuni. ..At night the scran as delivered by Hev. Isaac W anrs. It was enjoyed. Hev. \\ eel; which convener, at Charle 311. The St. Phillip Baptist" ehun eld its regular services with He . C. Simmons pastor who delive I a wonderful sermon. Hev. Fulton Edwards, pastor IstuiVs chapel 'chUTOji "ileliverc )i.i stirring sermons day ai ight. Tiiis being the last Sa nth before conference the men err, and friends made it vei uppy for him. $81.00 was rece 1 for the day. A few scle'etioi ere rendered by the Suva tin;' singers. Mr. Quiticy (Jlo leader. Thi.s was much ei ived. tMrs. Zyl'phia E. Primus is a de rate to the general eont'eren< \ 1944. She will attend a nice ig of the .delegates of the stm riday, Nov. 2G at Manning. SI to meet.with the ladies of tl eaufort district Moiiday. No > at Hendersonville. to formula! ans for another year's work; »> t- art giuu to sec .vii s. .Man 'ashington fro me again after easant stay in Asheville, N. ( r»e was royally entertained wit home-eoming:~narty by her si: r-Mrs. Jessie Mae Stewart. ?oaox>o^xroo:c:o:octo:oo:oo;ooo< DIAMONDS .WATCHES . SEE WOODS FOE QUA WOODS. The Frie Out of High Rent Distr 1226 Ii A M I>rI OSTSTT" toch^>ooo'oo"0'ooooo:oooo-:o<; MO nn_ it*T^x.T iu ivindN a In The -Same Time FH DOLLAIl D 1101 1-2 HAMPTON ST. Mf \ jm / I \ and pin ii ' \ V I I \ W SLACK, H* | I j | msuMMi If I J \ I LADIES S I I 1 I A I SIDE FAI \ A'ifg FRl I^cLacSj', IU.UtTAA.TtO I LEXINGTON "CIRCUIT NEW1 4,-8 Rah- L (). iSimmuiiM, Pastor fj® On the second Sunday the pa u lor was at Mt. Zion church. very large crowd was out for .j S. and our pastor reviewed t ' lesson and preached a great sc ." mop. The Holy onu lunion w served with Rev. \V. E. Lee ussi ing. Mrs. A. B. Sewell present" ^ the paid bill for our new pews. \ "he </*'on rea"y looks new. ' 1 Sunday past the pastor was >u New Bethol. He preached a re as Thanksgiving sermon. The pa '.or and his mother were the di ner guests of Mrs. Anna Port md family. Evangelist E. Strother preac d a very fine sermon at Sprii I,,, im church Sundayj).m. She k1: preached ai Now I^ethel for 0 JO ivenng service and left on Mornli iQ(j tor her home in Philadelphia. Mrs. Sarah Ri Corley and sT rUunksgivina; program at Ne . Hethcl Sunday at 0:45 p.m. T1 rL, PTA met at the school on la week and reports -a very fine njei ,v, ing. ^ Pyol'. Paw kins and 'facull rr~-3rtt-doing tilings here. .Mrs. J. S. Dr.nicy also pepor an good news at the ('enter srhor j! Those on honor roll the first si / weeks are Mussent Counts, Kv ie' lyn Lvtes. Annie P. Co. ley ai Plorisha Gates. "Miv. Mattie Hills is spend hi 111 thre" weeks -in Mississippi \vii tier husband Pvt. Odd Hills. 'Mis** Hell Minis left last I'r lt'' day for her home after, spendin three weeks here with her si\st< Mrs. Sarah M. Keisler who hi reeetvGy -undergone a'" suecessl'i ipOration at the Waverly hospiti }1(> 'lid is home at this writing to tl M. delight of her many friends. Rev. H. J. Finklea and Paste fimmtms^ motored to Clinton lai '(.|, Friday and visited the Piedmot m. .it 11 tin I conference. ti. The Usller l'oard sang at Ne ,.l F.tlnel Sunday ni"ht \ >i y ia- .ul ;10 fiiliyc Our. pastor will Le : us Sprhig ililj on Sviulay 'and t! l)n iiinior church will be On displa i|. at New Bethel Sunday night. Til iuiTfor choir will sing. r myrti.i-: iji: \cu m;ws fli Ml. (MiA' \. M. P., ( liurcli v.. i r- Rev. A. .1. Hi iTa n. Pas!or of e, ... 1 < ' ........ ii was a nay in n d" T<« i1mid a »:<vl Uy -trmst-AVorsffipom id :»L .\!t. OHvi:. Ol" i Yesidiiy K b- ier R»-v. M. F. Robinson preach 11- 'd the sermon for the mornin v mil afternoon services win eh wer iv .very.ifii ileal. J-h.t4w.often t.s quai terly von fere net1' was Hie'u th The i\. was paid in full. ^ Nov. 21 be!n^ Trustee day Re\ n- I. Livingston preached the nioru . mr sermon.. At X p.m. o r 1- L rough! a message of inspiratior -v Mr. and Mrs-- John Jenkins n t- Memphis, Tcnn., are spending th te,e. irtter at the beach. Mrs. CuYri ie bivinvslon of Norfolk, Va., wa v. Owens last week. While here sh te .Vas entertained \v;th several par k-s and dinners. She also visitet ia friends in Conwav and Wilming a ton. N. C. Mrs. Mary McQueei 7. daughter Evelyn Ruth of Cor. ;h way are spending- the winter her 3- with Rev. and Mrs. T. 11. Ilem ' ingway. c OO OO OCfOO OOOOC'.OO.OO oooooooo JEWELRY .MISCELLANEOUS £ L1TY GOOpS < JEWELERS .1 ndly Store ict.Means Savings To You £ < Hot ween ALain and Sumter Sts. * 'OC-^OOOOC/OOC'OOOOOOOOOOO.OvO' NEY nd WOMEN Take* To Sign Your ;rvice in towx ISCOUNT CO _ COLUMBIA, S. C. | : T.r :.t-tt.Irm nr-T.: * iS ?C95 EXTRA WIDE K.N6E. DROPPED BELT LOOPS, PLEATS. 14 TO 16 INCH CPA BOTTOMS WITH CUFFS Y om thlse fabrics ano colors: (-tak s, scaaes. th/bbos. shadow w 'ripbs, plaids a no solid colors SOWN, tU-Ut, IAN, ICAL.CrKtCSV.CSKAJ. i«t,» 'Zflelactioiu j&Sfg ggK M*.fu MT OR WE »Mlf> fSVI \\\Pl JTBNl* EVIRVWMIRfi'S)1 1 BCi BOUT TONAim SET / V* m WITH EACH Puachaci B UK MEI ^ /1 1 Sa S I 000<X>0<*0000<*<*:KK>0<KM>009. 1 I « A l| 1( lor M I sl i he! | ' 1 Ijf Choir & Pulpit I a I GOWNS I ":-l r °° 11 Choir and Pulpit §|s II ROBES 11. ,y| | Made To Order §~ tt-j-g g " j|Used Choir (iowns § ^jS" $3.00 up I ti 11 ; "I i:| LINDNER 1' I ~. 81 lf» O 1 r O » tt'nnrn ~ ^ I vS'i §i -Tg N.w York I, N. Y. §~ Ml ' 1 of . ,8 ?i :g Des criptive Leaflet mail-§ »*! & a ul. o | * <> K\ 16 ('(I upon request. .2 10 8 9 m § i t !o o * :i'-| i' 'i I if s m g .-m5 ST j 0"<VO OOv'v OO !* v O-vOOv000-0'v>OCtC y ^vOOvC^oooc«:><:'OvOOOoo:c>ooo'<> b ic» When It's Anything . IN*. ' E Sfooes & Hosiery COM 15 TO w-- CANNON S ' 1533 MA'fN STREET i- , t-r c>.oooo.oooooooooooooooooo<: | ^Tsr^ooo-ooo^iKi^'riaoo^rvm j M WAVEREEY « ESSO STATION ' 2202 TAYLOR ST. PHONE 9S18 f I ® Hours: 9 A.M. until Midnight | s Sundays 9 A.M. until 6 PAL i Nonessential Gas Users 123 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. _ I { < . Expert Lubrication, Washing 1 and Simonizing \ QUICK TIRE SERVICE J ANYWHERE ft THE CITY ? l\ CAMPUS \\ LUNCH ji l\ 2200 TAYLOR STREET C H-- RHONE 9518 ..: -A I Good Food ^ Pleasant Surroundings j Open from 8 A.M. until Midnight ( > MEAL TICKETS FOR SALE of \va i> Jasper Caldwell, Prop. m !j Madam PAUWNE I .Ml PALMIST.LIFE READER _ Guarantees to Read Your K"! Entire Life. ^ 4 Calls your.Sweetheart hv name. B Readings on all affairs of life. Prices in reach of everyone Sh C White and Colored 5 LOOK FOR* TRAILER Madam Office on--Meeting Street next to Johnny Fowler's Lunch A i City of West Columbia V I i , ihi11J.. j is LEEVY'SFUNE i Undertaking and Embalming LADY ASSISTANT AMBULANCES . <-?*ANYTIME ANYWnERE i __________________ Superior Equipment Superior Service .SLOGAN. LOWER PRICES r> ii i nu liwiervmK. ruur hciurcu Jirai TAYLOR ST. COLUMBIA ..... ... S i. , ..." v J ~T r~F' 1 }*% tlirdav, November 27, 1943. * THI ||K_Kin .SAT. TRUE TO LIFE" With MARY MARTIN FRAN< HOT TONE mrtU DICK roWE^L i . 'MrflaS.-ml HBBftflBBKKSnflNSBBnBHHi MONDAY and TUESDAY IAUTE To The MARINES with WALLACE BEERY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ASSIGNMENT IN BRITTANY "ith PIERRE AI MONT and SUSAN PETERS ;fJ FRIDAY and SATURDAY BOMBERS' MOON 'LAYIN{;.T H IRS.- Fill. SAT. "IS EVERYBODY HAPPY?" THE IMCTl'RK WITH A HAPPY TOOT : Starring F.I) LEWIS & His OrchestraT AN NV YNN-MICHAFL DI ANE AT THE rown's Lunch Roowr 1011 LADY STREET Good Home Cooking A Specialty 'ronipt and Courteous Service Reasonable Prices pen Each Dav Until Mid- nipht. rs. W. K Brown, Proprietress ~x~x~x~x~x; Wavcrly Unknown Lunch Room Courteous Service Reasonable Prices Mrs. Rosa Davis, Proprietor » -r 49 XTervais St. 7 Phone 2-7S§w -f. ...... .. NNIE WORKMAN SEAUTY PARLOR OPEN DAILY Telephone 6189 25 Taylor St. Columbia OLUMBIA'S NEWEST ND_EINEST^N1GHT GLUR HE SAVOY CLUB LOCATED ON THE OLD WINNSBORO ROAD j Miles from the City Limits Eau Claire. The Savoy Club is formerly known as the Pal;tto Grill. _ ea Foods, Chicken and Steaks. A Specialty. We cater to Private Parties ard Clubs '" s. Lula E. Niles, Proprietress ; < . i » 'oro Beauty School Millwood.Ay*. EAUTY CULTURE IN ALL ^ ITS BRANCHES > \ < ampooing, Pressing, Marcelling roquinolling, finger Waving*V Hair Dyeing, Bleaching,- Mm. icuring, Massaging, Hand Molding, Anatomy arid « Electricity. .^. PHONE 5687 inie M. Pope T-. Malone, P?4t Vilhelniina C. Pope, Instructor* jvzi^^22£2S HA1. HOME I L 8. Leevy, Mrt. i. ^

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Washington BenedFetes Professor T.

v. By Millard Campbelllege Club received and entertainedProfessor Duckett at the homeOf Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Massey. oncaturdav evening. Nov. 13th. ProfessorDuckett was completing atour in the interest of Benedict,of several of the great northern

v cities. Washington alumni enmefrom all directions to see and hearthe most beloved of all the Benedictines.We had a grand fellowshipmeeting, reminiscent of theold days at Benedict.

Professor Mlllffrd tV: Campbellpresented Professor Duckett, whotold us a jot of good things abutBenedict. He snoko mainly-imthe interest of thjpttrrve tor theejuui gvmeiii 01 neneiuci s ^enciowment.Mrs. Anna Helen RicheyWhitson presented Pr'ofessm- Duckett a cheek for $150.00 on behalfof the club.Among those present were Dr.

Heyward (Chap) Chappell, -Mrs.Anna Helen Whitson and daugh-ter Anna; Mrs. W. M. Hogan,Miss Susie Hoean; Mr, EdwardSmalls, Mrs. Etta Head, vicepresidentof the club; Rev. C. A.Chick, Mr. Conrad Smith, Mr. Wilham C. Ritter and brother Owen:Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Massey; Mrs.1 .pole DeVese Boyd: M»s. Eva Cas*ell; Mr. A. "E. Simons, secretaryof the club; Rev. S. J. Gillian),president of the club; Mrs. E. 1)1.

i Murray and Mr. and Mrs. MillardW. Campbell and Mr. W.C. .Johnson.

__A Memorial

TWO history-making incidentmarkedthe morning service at theSeventh St. Presbyterian churchot (jnarlotte, Sunday, November14. Mrs. J. D. Martin, Sr., amifamily presented the church a

memorial to the late, Dr. .lames

Daniel Martin, who at the time ofhis death on May. 12, 15)41, had

" served the church for many yearsas a Ruling Elder, Clerk of theSession, and Superintendent ofthe Sunday school.The largest audience that has

been seen, at a regular service atthe church in a long time was ;present to witness the presentationof the memorial ami the administeringof the sacrament ofbaptism. Friends were presentfrom many other churches of Charlotte and from other cities inNorth Carolina and Tennessee.The dav was ideal for church-

l-.- go'PWg- Out of poorer the air wascool, but not chilling. Inside, thechurch presented a spectacle ofbeauty. In -addition to severaltuxuriant palms that had beenplaced around the chancel, -therewere.clusters of cut flowers.hyrsanthemums, carnations, gladtolas and snap dragons.the giftsof friends. The scene was calculatedto lift the hearts of the worshippersheavenward.The Pastor, Rev. J. W. Smith,officiated at the usual morningservice, which preceded the memorialprogram. Other ministers

who assisted in this service werethe Rev. James T. Kennedy ofAsheville; Dr. George E. Loder,principal of Gailor Industrial institute,Mason, Tennessee, and theRev. At L. Martin of Chattanooga,Tennessee. The Rev. Mr. Ken.nedy .rend" the scripture lessonand offered prayer.

Dr. Loder delivered the sermonof the morning, choosing for histheme the story of "The ProdigalSon". The speaker deplored thefact that many men and womenare still seeking the husks of lifeinstead of the better thiner^xWhile man has physical needs i

' that must be supplied, economicsare not sufficient st o help himreach the high destiny for whichthe1 Creator designed him. Weshould give lqss thought to theso-called- ''five year plan", andmore to God's eternal plan. Man'schief end is to be like God andto glorify Him. *

The hymns sung dm-nrg.-thigpartof the service were Come,Let Us Join Our Cheerful Song", and"Faith of Our Fathers". Fortfie offertory Mr. James Gunn,the organist, played with a pleasIng touch, "Listen to the LambsA-Crying", by Nathaniel Dett.At the conclusion of the sermon,Mrs. G. E. Loder sang "EyeHath Not Seen", from "The Holy

City" by Gaul. This heralded theb^ginhiog of the presentationceremony. The Baptismal Fontwas then unveiled by Miss CatherineRichardson, a grand-daughterof Dr. Martin. The presenta-tion on behalf of Mrs. Martin and jCq*V.;N, i .- «.'v.**, 4HI1MIJT VT«0 IIKIUf Uty IVtJV. XJl.Arthur H. George. The memorial |was aceepted for the church bythe pastor, the Rev. J. W. Smith.The prayar 'in dedication of the |memorial was offered by the Rev.A. L. Martin, of Chattanooga,Tennessee, a brother of Dr. J. D.Martin.


The font is a^beautiful juece ofhand caryjng, made of oak woodthat was designed and wroughtout by the Rev. James T. Kennedy,a retired Episcopal ministerof Asheville, who was present and

. v to^rtielpated in the cormony. ItDis.. Vjnm «*r feet high and contains aV for^ \v! -jwl to hold the water

went Is Ks HMptism. The organist^^ne long+h f. »v.ry appropriate se^jatened,^ijssele'. while the bnptis%)^rayln d.-eing performed.^Lsh*« us ^ .'^^'-'owing the preactioi?venA'''CHt'on °* t^le<*y°.htanca, tha in-

^r.- and Mrs.


r *

ict College ClubL. DuckettHerbert N. White, of Ashevillewas given to the Lord in baptismMrs. White is the former Mis:Louise Martin, daughter of Drand Mrs. J. D. Martin, Sr. MrsRachel Battle, .of Asheville, ;

t friend of Dr. and Mrs. White, ae

ed as god mother and offered tinbaby for baptism. The ceromon;(yas performed by the Rev. MrKennedy. Those who stood abouthe altar with Mrs. Battle wenDr. and Mrs. White, Mrs. Georg<E. Loder, Mrs. Paul Richardsonand Mr. and Mrs. Beauregard L_M a rt in. .

J In the afternoon at 3:31) o'cloclan elaborate dinner was served aithe home of Mrs. J. D. Martin.lan Ivf.-imn stfeet. Besides.thtout-of-town visitors "the guest;included relatives of CharlotteWinston-Salem, Asheville a n c

Tennessee, all numbering aboul:hirty persons.Thus ended a day of inspiring

worship and delightful spirituaand social fellowship.


Finley High school closed Wednesdayfor Thanksgiving, andwill open again Monday. Appropriateprograms were.given.rseveral of the class rooms, foblowed by luncheons.

Mrs. Almena L. Johnson leftWednesday for an indefinite stayin N. Y. City.

Mrs. Annie Mae King is improving nicely at her home 011 Columtbia street.Seaman 2-c Joseph Jackson after.receiving his boot training at

Great Lakes Naval Training Stutionlias been transferred to theN'avy Tib Portsmouth, VaTT Tiepent last Sunday here with hismother. Mrs. Leanna Jackson.

Pvt. P. L. Coleman is at homoon a brief furlough from' Campin Louisiana.

Mrs, M. I.. Moore, of Charlottewas the guest o"f her friend, Mrs.

-t-' M TTinloy foi- I b<» wi'nk endMrs. Eloise MeLure Wise and

little grand-daughter, of Washington,D.C., was the guest ofher mother-in-law Mis. AmandaWise, a few days this week.

The death of Mrs. Jane Maconoccurred 'Sunday- mormng afteran illness of several years. Sheleaves three soris, Messi-s. Robert,John and Armon Macon, all o fwhom are far away in the armedservice. Neighbors and friendswere very attentive to her ill tliislast illne&s. Alhtough paralyzed,she was a florist and filled manyorders from hei*» flower yard forvarious occasions until her healthbecame too broken. She wut; astaunch Presbyterian, a memberof Mt. Carmel church, from whichfuneral services will be held onthe arrival of the boys.The funeral services of Mrs.

Iredell.Montgomery were held onSunday afternoon at GethsemaneBaptist church in the county. Theattendance was very large. Sheleft one daughter, Mrs. Mary J.Montgomery Westbrooks, a WACfrom lies Moines, Iowa, who washere with her mother a while inthis illness, and is still here, fourbrothers, two sisters from Washingtonand northern cities. Shewas quite a business woman, andowned number of houses here.Burial was in Gethsemane, graveyard.Grand Master Stanback is doingnicelv after having a throat

operation in the hospital in Charlotte.H" returned to Chester thesame clay.Thanksgiving was observed at

Metropolitan church Sunday nite,when the Young People's choirpresented a Thanksgiving devotionalservice which was followodby a luncheoTT The basementwas artistically decorated withautumn foliage, and during therendition of Beyond the Sunset,the audience was thrilled to see abeautiful sun seting behind .thetrees which formed the backgroundof the stage. The pastor,Rev. Coleman delivered the devotionalmessage, and Mrs, EttaStan.baek gave two appropriateMiss Louise Babcock, rendered-mask* for the occasion. At.t- h. edose of the service all presentwere seated around a beautifullyappointed table which extendedicarly the length of the room,and_Avere.sgr.ved a delicious luncheon. During the luncheon Rev.and Mrs. Coleman were happilyjUi-priged when Mr. C. K. Leatherspresented them a purse as a

Thanksgiving HoRen fcom^

I h e

*roup. Every one went from theservice with grateful hearts forthe many blessings We are privilegedto enjoy.Mr. Hart of Spartanburg State

Director of Hoy Scouts, was hereTuesday night for a- meeting.

Mrs. Ethel Clarkson Taylor,Librarian at Finley High schoolspent last week in Columbia withher husband and other relatives,

Mrs. Josie, Home Economicsteacher at Finley High went toMacon, (^.a., Friday to spend theweek en$ with her husband.Chester friends were surprised

to receive announcment of t n emarriage of Miss Cleopatra Spannand CC Smith, of St. Louis, Mo.,the marriage having taken placeSept. 7. She is now at Ft. Huaohuca,Ariz. "Miss Cleo" as sheis known hdre, has been in Washjngtoi) for several months. Hexmany Chester friends are inter2stedin her, and hope that sheind husband will do well in theirar away home. She is the daughterof Mrs. M. B. Spann antt the

fte- Undertaker J. K, Spsrrm, thrsecond of the six Spann sisters.

- m'.j- - > ' Wi- - -----

'Bethel Methodist; World Community

. Day Celebrationi. The World Community Day wass observed by Bethel Methodist

I chrrch, November 11, 1943. The- entir*i_day Was devoted to this\ service, which opened with soult thrilling devotional exercises* fore global peace. The Rev. R. B. Splvlivart and Rev. Susie Beachem. were the conductors. Mrs. P. M.t Gibhcs, master of ceremonies.b The United Council of Churchb 'Women across the earth, launched, this great day on which to call

i. the whole universe of human beingsto their knees to ferventlyr"call God'r"attention' to The vile,t ind wild behavior of reckless and, cruel nations, and thed iabolical*- war, also to~supplicate for the eitemal peace that surpass-human, wisdom. . _

I "The Price of War and Peace"t was thoroughly discussed by Rev.

John C. Gitbes. The theme.t 'Ee;ononric Interdependence," receivIed sane ventilation from the ftcunof the Bethlehem Center, Spartanburg.S. C.. Miss Bertha Ellior.,,"a tl i a ii- 'oV... -! ixiiin, s\ nean, A Jtesponsibiiity, was amply treated

r by rMrs. J. A. Smith from Tay|lors. The Presbyterian minister,tin- Rev. P. T. McGill of Greer,^ spoke fluently. on "A -Ne.w World. Order".. Mrs. Emma Bankhead

the ice principal of Dunbar highhandled the topic, "World ^Jrothorhood" in the most cogent andacceptable style. At the noonhour, The Sacrificial luncheon wasthe mind, soul, and body LoveFeast. At the evening: service,Prof. R. 1... Stewart, the principal

; of the white and colored schools. of Greer, exhibited a moving pic,Lure entitled ."Liberty", i withr wonderful appreciation and effect,

While these three services wereintellectual - feasts, they were alrco, souls exhilarating blessings,and personal comforts. Everyfaith in town of our group wasrepresented and each one in thegreat and big crowds.that--assent'bled, was strengthened, edified.'illuminatedand blessed. The unitedtestimony is, through the entireefforts, and prayers the worldmust be protected, and saved, andIlis Peace come In all its power,love and beauty to satisfy Him,and redeehi the human family.

-" John C. Gib!>«s,

Greer, S. C.


I.. I). Gamble, Pastor

Sunday marked another bcauti:fii 1 day of services. The Sundayschool made u wonderful record in

.. 4he rally which reached a new highin church circle. At ^ll a.m. Dr.H. D. Ramsey brought the morningmessage which was enjoyed

: by all. .This was our first quarterfor this year. All reports wereup and the presiding elder waspaid fn full. A delightful dinnerwas served bv Mr. and Mrs. Joe1 McNeil at thoir crivv hnnm '"

or of I)rs: Ramsey, Gamble andwife. Also Mr. John McNei'idaughter and wife. Mrs. McNeils really a swell cook.At 4 p.m. .the pastor and choir

along with our members journeyedover to Andrews Chapel M. E.lunch to assist them in sendingtheir Pastor Dr. James, to his conference.We laised $21.75 andpresented it with our best wishes* for h/s return.

I Sunday 8 p.m. the pastor_preachI (1 a splendid sermon and thus endJ,-d another chapter in our churchJ nistory. *

I Those who are anticipating atI.ending the homecoming game atdear old A. U. are Messrs JamesEdward Eladger, Lafon Fladger,Miss Helen Haigins. These areamong our best citizens whom wedelight to honor. We wish forthem a safe and enjoyable trip.Service will be held at WestonChapel Thanksgiving afternoon at1 o'clock sharp.Mesdames Gamble and Bethea

will tender a Thanksgiving affairat Oak Grove,school and a barbecue.

: urzWe.aru praying" for thepeedy recovery.

St. John Baptist Church

!tev. W. (i. McFadden, Pastor

The was opened;t the usual hour singing gospel,,..1^ rri. c* j-1muiimie*. a ne ouyji. and icacnersiwere at their post.At 3:30 o'clock the Help and

\id societies of Latta, 60, 67. 72rendered a union program withRev. Johnson of Florence as theirguest speaker. It was a grand.'.leeting with praises from all.Sunday night the faculty of DilI911county training school entertaineda packed hous* with a

Thanksgiving program. They werehere in the interest of raisingfunds for health T. H. The principaland teachers played theirpart well and the listeners wereuplifted.

Floyd Bethea, reporterI- .Thousands of white soldiers are

>n nianouvers here this week.rhey seem to be everywhere a,ibut towjr.rRev. I. H. Green, pastor o f

Union Baptist church here, willLe installed Sunday as pastoralso, of Liberty Baptist church,near Fountain Inn. The sermonwill be preached by Rev. M. T.I

1 Coker, pastor of Calvary BaptistI church. Quite a number nf Cbec.ter members and friends will atrtend.

^ Mts. Kosie Mnyheld has returnedfrom a lonjf stay in New Jersey

~i T tl



J_ J. Ford

Wednesday, November 17 theHollyhock Beauticians club met in \business session at the Manigaultfuneral home. Matters of vital in-teiest were successfully discuss- '

3(T The following men are memhersas advisors: Dr. U. G. Teele,Mr. Walter H. Manigault, Prof. J. 1

ELPrioleau. The next meeting will '

at the home of Mrs. A dell '

ITfontafewho recently passed the [-tate Board of examination and .

:s in possession of her cosmetulo- !gist license. .

-4A large crowd witnessed the last ,

rites for Mr. Robert Cox at StephensAME church Sunday. Rev.A. J. Jenkms officiated assisted byRev. T. .0. Mills, M. B. Geathershis widow, one daughter who is jdoing' war work in CalrffrFhia andlive grands. ".


Continued from Page 1 ihealthiest ever ."Town by the State ')Forest service. They may- be ob- Aluincd at a price of $2.00 per thou-anddelivered to the nearest ex- olfice. For further infor-

mationcontuct the nearest county tc.gentor ^district forester, or writeiu Lin.* otato r oresi service inJoin mbia."

AROl'X^ WI-ST ( ni.l MHTX I

By Rev. A. L. Dirks"u

Sunday', November 2)st wo were aat Mt. Pleasant' Baptist churchRev. 'W. M. Green, pastor. The _writer preat" ed and administeredthe Lord's Supper. The pastorwas absent and employed the writtr to fill his place.At night we were af Brookland '

Baptist w'here we listened to a won *

ilerful sermon by Rev. R. II. VVilsonlin assistant pastor of Jiion 1

Baptist. Columbia..Deacon W. HrMitchell will preach his trlTtl ser ;"mon at this church Sunday night, 11

N,ov. 28. He 'has a good report J

and is worthy. Come and hear him.Mrs. Janie Wickerson, of NewYork is spending two weeks withher mother Mrs, Anna Brooks.Rev. Henry Mickens has been

assigned as pastor at St. John A.M. K. church, Johnston. We wish '

-him much success. - .

Mr. Baekmon Tucker is building '

three more rooms to his house andwill be a beauty when completed. \Rev. J. L. Livingston is doing the '*

work.Mrs. Dora Butler is visiting in ''

Philadelphia and New York City.She will return in two weeks. IvMrs. Celia Livingston has a i(

plenty to do. She works every A

day as most Women and is piesi- "lent of the Brookland Baptist\f ihs i n n a ry unrtPtyy rtaht nmsmnary of Brookland Progressivechurch and Sunday School "union '

for young people and secretary ofthe Lexington County Progressive 'lSunday School convention of whuhRev.-W, M^Green, is president. jvMrs. Rssre Mickens w:ho has ,,been sick is looking the uictureof health. IRev. S. Glass was here Satur-

jay and paid the writer two dol- .liars for the Palmetto Leader.| Mrs. Ella Knygood paid one dol tar more last Saturday which pays j*j her subscription for one year. ^I McCALL NEWS gWe were very glad to see a good 8many of our boys home that is in u(the army -service. Pvt. Elijah &Hancock, stationed at Ft. Hua- 8khuca, Ariz, is on his first furlough, &he has been away two years. He 8is the eldest son'of Rev. and Mrs. 5Hancock. 8Pvt. Hazel M. McCrummon sta puoned at Fort Benning <_:a., is also «-pending a while with relatives 8and friends; 8Pvt. "James Arthur David of gNew Orleans is also home. Mr. ptA * *

ivussei Morrison of New York isr.orr.e sending a few days with ~

I datives and friends. He will Soave for the army on the fourth flof December. Mr, John Edward Ileft for Columbia to stand his fi- Iiial examination for the army.Rev. L. M. Williams was culledto Reedy Creek to conduct ser.'ices. Services wore very good B[it Beaver Dam, Rev. P. Hobinson 1was at his best..' Collection $28.At 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon 1the funeral of iMa*. Jim Smith was Iheld. Rev. P. Robinson delivered Ithe eulogy. He was one of our Hbest carpenters.

r Services at HopewetI were verygood. Rev. Bowens pastor. They Iare preparing for annual confer- ^jenee. ;~L The sad news was received that "

Mrs. Piiseilla Chiior is no more,the remains will be shipped from[ N'ew York.Those on sick list: Mrs. CarolinaMclnnis, Mr. Lawrence Mon-[

roe and Mr. John D. Murphy.Rosa L. Butheu, reporter

j laurens news

The Eleven O'clock Social clubmet at the homo of Miss WillieMae Jackson on Tuesday of lastweek. After an interesting program,the hostess served deliciousi.tsfreshmenta. The next pieetingwill be with Mr. and Mrs. JimFielder.Friends and relatives were hap

py to see Mrs. Ethel McBaniel ofWashington f).C., a recent visitorhere and in Abbeville, S. C.

Prof. Carl Flipper, Kansas CityMo., Prof. C. G, XTarrett, Colum:oia, and Mrs. Jane Williams weredinner guests q? ^FrC and ~ Mrs.Earle Franklin wbile Conferencewas in session in Clinton^.

Mrs. Cora Turner has returnedto Nashville, I'enn., aftflT^visitingher sister Mrs. Katie Hicks.





The 87th annuai nalionwChristmas Seul Sale, in whichUichland Anti-Tubereulosis Asiation auxiliary takes part, oj;d today and ~tvill continue urShrlatmoof:.=.

It has been discovered that qui few of our patrons have receh! two sets of Christmas Seals>ne from the Auxiliary and 1ither from the Association in tCounty Court House. We ate i;ng you to return your contrilion in the envelope addressed'ollows:dr. Arthur E. Williams, Treas.Richland Anti-TuberculosisAssociation Auxiliary1022 1-2 Washington StreetReturn second sot of seals in 1

nVelopc addressed:tichland Anti-Tuberculosis AsjCounty Court House, Room o

The club met Thursday niyhthe usual hour. All officers wen time. We elected our officeUll the coming year. A filiunges wero made. Uhtinish*ad new business was discuss*lick dues and report from the siers were made. Election of itcers took plucc. Our Vue-Ppeient Mi. Williams gave a suppJov. 25th starting in the aft(i°on at_ the home ojf Mrs. Manjalcman 1)11.Park stlWl. Sanlay night Nov. 27 Mrs. \Y.oimson will give .a supper at- liloino l(l!7 College street. Yre invited.


Sunday school was opened «.t-1sual hour at St. Stephen A. iI. church. At 11 :.'{<) the pushlev. Fran!? Alston deliveredtrong sermon. The junior charendered a program of wek-oii behalf of the pastor, Mis:, ! !

eiemopy.' Mir. f.. Id .Hiley w* our local president actedhairnuni. ..At night the scranas delivered by Hev. Isaac Wanrs. It was enjoyed. Hev. \\

eel; which convener, at Charle311.The St. Phillip Baptist" ehun

eld its regular services with He. C. Simmons pastor who deliveI a wonderful sermon.Hev. Fulton Edwards, pastorIstuiVs chapel 'chUTOji "ileliverc)i.i stirring sermons day aiight. Tiiis being the last Santh before conference the menerr, and friends made it veiuppy for him. $81.00 was rece1 for the day. A few scle'etioiere rendered by the Suva tin;' singers. Mr. Quiticy (Jlo

leader. Thi.s was much eiived.tMrs. Zyl'phia E. Primus is a derate to the general eont'eren<\ 1944. She will attend a niceig of the .delegates of the stmriday, Nov. 2G at Manning. SIto meet.with the ladies of tl

eaufort district Moiiday. No> at Hendersonville. to formula!ans for another year's work;»> t- art giuu to sec .vii s. .Man'ashington frome again aftereasant stay in Asheville, N. (r»e was royally entertained withome-eoming:~narty by her si:r-Mrs. Jessie Mae Stewart.




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\ A'ifg FRlI^cLacSj',


LEXINGTON "CIRCUIT NEW14,-8 Rah- L (). iSimmuiiM, Pastor

fj® On the second Sunday the pau lor was at Mt. Zion church.very large crowd was out for

.j S. and our pastor reviewed t' lesson and preached a great sc." mop. The Holy onu lunion w

served with Rev. \V. E. Lee ussiing. Mrs. A. B. Sewell present"^ the paid bill for our new pews. \

"he </*'on rea"y looks new.'

1 Sunday past the pastor was>u New Bethol. He preached a re

as Thanksgiving sermon. The pa'.or and his mother were the diner guests of Mrs. Anna Portmd family.Evangelist E. Strother preacd a very fine sermon at Sprii

I,,, im church Sundayj).m. She k1:preached ai Now I^ethel for 0

JO ivenng service and left on MornliiQ(j tor her home in Philadelphia.Mrs. Sarah Ri Corley and sT

rUunksgivina; program at Ne. Hethcl Sunday at 0:45 p.m. T1

rL, PTA met at the school on laweek and reports -a very fine njei

,v, ing. ^ Pyol'. Paw kins and 'facullrr~-3rtt-doing tilings here.

.Mrs. J. S. Dr.nicy also peporan good news at the ('enter srhor

j! Those on honor roll the first si/ weeks are Mussent Counts, Kvie' lyn Lvtes. Annie P. Co. ley ai

Plorisha Gates."Miv. Mattie Hills is spend hi111 thre" weeks -in Mississippi \vii

tier husband Pvt. Odd Hills.'Mis** Hell Minis left last I'rlt'' day for her home after, spendinthree weeks here with her si\st<

Mrs. Sarah M. Keisler who hireeetvGy -undergone a'" suecessl'iipOration at the Waverly hospiti

}1(> 'lid is home at this writing to tlM. delight of her many friends.

Rev. H. J. Finklea and Pastefimmtms^ motored to Clinton lai

'(.|, Friday and visited the Piedmotm. .it 11 tin I conference.ti. The Usller l'oard sang at Ne,.l F.tlnel Sunday ni"ht \ > i y ia- .ul;10 fiiliyc Our. pastor will Le :

us Sprhig ililj on Sviulay 'and t!l)n iiinior church will be On displai|. at New Bethel Sunday night. Til

iuiTfor choir will sing.r myrti.i-: iji: \cu m;ws

fli Ml. (MiA' \. M. P., ( liurcliv.. ir- Rev. A. .1. Hi iTa n. Pas!or

of e, ... 1 < '........ i i was a nay in nd" T<«i1mida »:<vl Uy -trmst-AVorsffipomid :»L .\!t. OHvi:. Ol" i Yesidiiy Kb- ier R»-v. M. F. Robinson preach11- 'd the sermon for the mornin

v mil afternoon services wineh weriv .very.ifii ileal. J-h.t4w.oftent.s quai terly von ferenet1' was Hie'uth The i\. was paid in full.^ Nov. 21 be!n^ Trustee day Re\

n- I. Livingston preached the nioru. mr sermon.. At X p.m. o r pn-.tn1- L rough! a message of inspiratior-v Mr. and Mrs-- John Jenkins nt- Memphis, Tcnn., are spending thte,e. irtter at the beach. Mrs. CuYriie bivinvslon of Norfolk, Va., wa

v. Owens last week. While here shte .Vas entertained \v;th several par

k-s and dinners. She also visitetia friends in Conwav and Wilminga ton. N. C. Mrs. Mary McQueei7. daughter Evelyn Ruth of Cor.;h way are spending- the winter her3- with Rev. and Mrs. T. 11. Ilem' ingway.cOOOOOCfOOOOOOC'.OO.OOoooooooo


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tlirdav, November 27, 1943.


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