palmetto leader (columbia, s.c.). 1941-04-19 [p page...

Saturday, April 19, 1941 CAMPFIELD BAHT. CHURCH Rev. Geo. E. Goode, Pastor Ahheville~-Every one irs invited to a musical program to be ren- dered by Rev. S.C. Campbell and his co-singers from Anderson on April 18th sponsored by Miss L Marshall's clu^T We had a good Easter program here on Sunday. Among the participants was the Hunters quartet Sad news came to our churct Sunday, of the death of our eldeat beloved Bro. Henry W. Rillingsworth. He was said to be 102 years old. Funeral arrange i mentfl Will be announced later , Clear Spring school, Mrs. G. D Ashe, teacher closed Wednesda> \ °vening. The children se'emed sa<? o leave so soon. -1 Mr. Marvin Lindsey of Honee ' Hath spent a few hours with Miar Lois Marshall Sunday. ^ Mr. Joseph Marshall and chil | dren called at the homq. of Mr and Mrs. John Thomas recently. On the sick list: Bro Thomas Marshall, Mrs, Sarah T.{«dHfy _ Bro. Allen Ward, Sr. and Mr. Albert -Wharton* f r:.- ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. Ii. Sheppard, - Pastor Prosperity.S. S. began at th usual hour with Supt. A. Mayo present. The lesson Was taugl. by Miss M. A. Brown which a! enjoyed after which prayer sivices were conducted by beat, O. B. Brown, then our pastor earn before us out of self into Christ and he just let God used h His theme Christ Done What 1: Paid. We had an enjoyabie .ter progranTSunday night and played their part well. Visitor? were Prof. J^eith and wife; Prof L. A. Brown and wife; Prof. Ri-! flb kard. Lever Chapel AME churcli choir sang for us. Mt. Olive A M. E. church members also wen present. We are happy unde the leadership uf Rev. Sheouard 5E Matthews, s! C..Sunday was a lovely day and a splendid crowd attended cervices at/ the various churches. J Sunday school convened at th« i usual hour with supt. J. A. Ford and his teachers at the post of duty. A great message followed, delivered by Row J. C. Coaxum, from the. subject, "A Grave and A Garden." Immediately aft,er this wonderful sermon the rally took place_ with .almost _,every circular -* . leader reporting.The total amount collected was $110.12. who paid onlv n mi-t rf fV,o «»«« ^^iand for those members who did J not get tosee their leader and their Waders did not get to see them. i Miss Mozelle Wise kpent the week end at her home in Columbia, S. C. , Miss Majorie Dandy went home for the week end and took Mrs. Mable Barty as her week end guest. The following persons came here for Easter: Misses Mildred Coker, Jessie Mae Walker, Lillian Whaley . and Maggie Jenkins from N. Y. M/sses Laconia and Sylveser Wad! dy, Mrs Rebecca Robinson, Mrs Evelyn Laney, MJessers Milton Jones, and Paul Mintz, Columbia. Misses Ollie Mae and Harrieti Whitmore, Messers Julus and Hor ace Ginyard, of Orange burg; Mis5* Catherine Johnson, Messers Alti rne, Nathnnral Johnson and Marcus i Williams. Denmark; Miss Clotell Larrymcre, Charleston. Miss Gus sic Howell, Charlotte; Mr. Ernest Churchill^ Florida; Mr. Milton Gin ya-ll, MuWlJlH'ry; and Miss Mnriah Caldwell, Holly Hill. The Twilight Club met at the home of Miss Hennio Owens Tue sday night, Aprrl 8 at 7:30. The meeting was breif on account of revival meeting at Bethel and-the * St. Matthews Baptist Churches. The house was called ta order by the president, followed by a brief devotion conducted by Mrs Mary Caldwell. Next the roll way called, and the minutes of the last meeting received and adopt »d. The house was then opened for business. Many interesting plans were brought u»s !!<.. .i.y m|/ uuu li « seit by the club and all the mem Hern that were present^ pledged to carry them out_i© the point to the beat of then* ability. At j 8:35 the" club adjourned with the 1 clbb song. A delicious repast was i The next meeting will be J fc«14 it the home of Mrs. Mattie Eirera. 1 *->. i Trrf r V e JOHNSTON NEWS - U Bethel C. M E. Church Rev. W. E. Wilson, Pastor 81 S Our congregation r njoyec. an ^ inspirational message delivered P by the pastor on Sunday, "The ^ Resurrection," being his subject, ^ was well outlined and delivered. Did not our hearts burn while rt the man of God spoke to us by the wayside. n We enjoyed a very interesting ® Easier progTam sponsored^ 'by"1 the Sunday school department, ^ with the assistance of Miss Spig- c< ler. Prof. E. L. Bowman rendered a-very interesting address" on'The ^ Risen. Christ His addre&s was v Riled with food for thought. We ^ always enjoy listening to ou; principal and hope that we will $ have the privilege of hearing him E again, soon. ^ Vf l.QSPQ T. T .Qn\irnll I. M "D « 4- 4-«« .. ^ .j-g wvnvil, u.iUi lVOtViny md. X- A. Spigner were royally *entertained as dinner guests of the N. S. Amoses on Sunday. "g Hobbs, and Inez Carter are here paying their last-tribute of re- p spect to their aunt and mother, jj the late Minnie Hampton. t( The Misses E. N. Frasier, T. Holmes, L. E. Rutherford, A. D. c> «X Walker, E. Veal and M. Peterson p spent Easter week end at home jy with parents and friends. .. « MT. OLIVE A. M. E. CHURCH 8 ' Rev. H.- C. Andrews, Pastor F F Myrtle Reach.Sunday was a jy lovely day for church guers here' ~ Just before the sun began to rise jy Easter services began with a ^ spiritual prayer and praise meet ing conducted by the pastor. a (J a.m. Sunday school .opened. t( Mrs. Jefb Bellamy, the ^upt. ask, g ed Mrs. J. V. Willard of Conway co act as Supt. Then the teachers a took their places. The lesson was reviewed by Rev. Leroy Judge Thrf lesson was thoroughly dis- n cussed and enjoyed by all.-r f. 11 a.m. the Pastor came before _ us and brought a soul reviving sermon from Isai-ah 53:9. The ^ spirit truly ran high. jy 4:20 the little folks Easter pro rram began vnTh~~ah~oul'"50" eh IT- dren portraying their parts well 7:30 the Junior program began with a pageant: The Rugger Cross and Sepulchre. These pro were enjoyed by all. Praise go to the ladies who worked together in arranging these programs. They were Mrs. S. A. Wil liams, Mrs. Becky Bellamy and Mr*r Jeff Bellamy. The'Coltecjdoir " for the day was good. Saturday afternoon the children enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt given them by the Supt. Mrs. Jefl Bellamy. ^ Mrs. Frances Rbbinson and Miss Evelyn Myrell spent Sunday after- j noon in Conway. r ., ' 4 v Miss . 3ome friends of Columbia and Myr- _ tie Beach Tuesday nite with a buffet supper and bridge. 14 The Junior Missionary mot on T-fSr ^ rhursciay nite at the home of Mr5 lames Sanders. Delicious refresh ir ments were served. Mr, and Mrs. B. Owens "had is their guest Sunday niter" Misj . Catherine Barnes of Conway and . Poplar; Miss Bertha Jenkins of \v Florence and Popjar and Mrs. Eth p ?1 Carter. P WOODRUFF NEWS New Bethel Church it Sunday was a beautiful Eastei Day ---we also remembered th< ^ death and suffering also the Re- d surrection of our blessed Saviour, C Our S. S. was fine Prof. A. Wil 7-' Iiams taught the senior class and Ts we enjoyed his instructions. S The mflpy m " . nie Irby are glad to know she is improving. " j h< Mr. James Little Of *WW?t( | S Pla:n Baptist church J<aurons^ h worshiped at New Bethel also Mi li Robert Boozer of Bush River Bap r< feist chui eh, Newberry wTJrsMper cl at Bethel. p Mr. R. R. Rogers spent the week el end with his son Mr. Roy Rogers d of Ashevlle, N. C., Mr. and Mrs tl Mosley of Highland, Spartanburg F visited Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Trh\ n- Sunday, Mrs. Montgomery' aceom li panied them. le The sick Mrs. Theada Robinsor ihu> Mr. -Stiff Winn, alsn Mrs. F. zm Deshields mother (Mrs. DaviaT--a. We hope for them, a speedy re tl covery. ' e Mrs. EfFie J. Parks gave an egg fi hunt for her .Sunday school clasf T ind others also. The one finding B the gold egg was given a prize ri Master Reuben Brown won th' c< prize. They had a merry time. tl , /<,"> - , y... L'i ml '' Jiuii.ii i 1 ' c WH1TMIRE NEWS Easter Sunday was well ob^p^ed at the various churches, unday morning at Spring Hill. .. M. E. Church, a fine Easter rogram was given. Rev. A . C. hambers delivered a fine sermon unday evening at Gedar-Grove lurch a line Easter program was:ndered. Rev. Blackwood, delivered le address. After the program, a illy was held. Those contesting 1 the t'ftlly were: Mesdames Em 1a Swindler and Susanna Abrame he contest was that Tf the two jntestants would raise an amount ver $25.00, the pers jii having the ighest ainuunl wuu !d receive 5T n^st watch. The finance is as jllows: capt. nxi. T,", Mrs Swindler 45.00. Capt. no. 2, Mrs. Abrams, 22.60. Public collection, $1.00, rand total, $68.60. Mrs. Swindlei eceived the watch, it was present d by Rev. Blackwood. Sunday night at Bruce Tabei aele A.M.E. Zion Curch, a fine aster program was rendered, spon orprl hy the snpt A fl f.nld :.Ethel tr. ant, Miss Carrie Lee Harper. Co ection, $10.08. A large crowd at ;nded the program. Miss Easter Robiinson attended fine sermon Sunday at Good Ho e Church in Camden, S. C. Rev. [urtz delivered a fine sermon on, The Lord Is Risen". Miss Robin on returned Monday. Correction.During the Surprise 'arty at the school the past w< 'rof. R. C. Lake spoke instead ol Ir. Frank Douglass. A fine suit as presented to Prof. Robert L loore, he received it ver^' grateully. __ Miss Ruth Johnson ^pent Easter t her home in Statesburgr and at ?nded service at High Hill Churcl he returnd to her home Monday. ^Spending the"~Easter holidayfe t home were: Misses Ruth Byrd nd Gracie Fant 'from Clinton Col ?ge, Rock Hill, Minnie Geter, Si ion High, Union; Celestine Wal er, Newberry. Mrs. Miittie Kinardes of Clinton pent the Easter holrdays at her ome with Mrs Maattie Young, liss Annie Abrams spent Easter LJbiora£i-= Miss Mozoll Epps, Willie L. Epps pent Ejaster at home. L A I'R ENS NEWS Mrs. Lillie Stewart of Anderon visited her sister Mrs. Char »tte Thompson and family dui Ig JLhe-Easter holidays, Mr. Louis Gibson visited Rev n<I Mrs. W. L. Wilson over the -pek- ehd. Mrs. Violet MeKee of Char>tte, Nj. C., v raited her brother, I»v Eugene Miller -recently.Messrs. William Sullivan and T. Dial students of Allen Uniersity ^spent Easter holidays ith parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beeks and cphew, Bobby Thomas visited datives in Greenville Sunday.. The Sunshine Saving club met ith Miss Beulah Blakely Washigton St., April 7. The program rendered and enjoyed by alt.' his club led among the othet ubs in helping their president i the rally at St. Paul church, hich was appreciated by Mrs 'autne Sullivan, who is their resident. Mrs. Rosa Mae Ferguson and on, Fred, Jr., visited relatives l Clinton Easter Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. McDuffie Little, Ir. Tsthmus Philson and two chilren and mother in law all o f harlotte, N. C., visited Mrs. Arella Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Doughs Young and other relative* unday. fhiilal una AHVings ('luh Mrs. Emma" F. Oliphant was ostess to the Aces Socral and avinprs Club April 9th at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Franl n. Each officer performing he» sspective part. Business of the tub was carried out. The latte1 art of the,evening1 was spent ^attinjr, frames and music. A ~ «. I.HV.IUUS i t-pusi was served oy hostess, assisted by Mrs. ranklin, the president. Next leetinpr will be at Mrs. Frankn's, April 16th, Mrs. R.L. Butt hrstess. On Easter Sunday each member r the el oh was presented Wifb ~lovely corsage.of peonies by le president. She in turn recelvd a beautiful orchid corsage om her husband, Mr. Franklin, he club members worshipped at 'ethel A. M. E. church Sunday, jndereij a selection "Alone," acom pan tied by Mrs. Oliphant al la ,piano, .Z'* THE PALMETTO LBAPI GREENVILLE NEWS Mrs. Mary Telford of Shelby, N C., visited relatives and friends on Elford St. last week. She is exoecting to return in a few days. Mrs. Hattie Hill of Ann St., if much improved after having been indisposed for some time. ~Mr. Lee Pinson of Moonviile who underwent an operation recently at General Hospital, is expecting tc go home this week. Mrs. Fannie Hunt was the supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. f. Young of Elford St: Tuesday nite. Mrs. Ceona B. Sullivan of Moonvjlle and her sons were the guests if Mi'sr Suludla Ybung 6n "Friday night. A sunri.e Easter program was 'leld at Springfield church Sunday morning. Mr. T. J. Hadden was rn ha rge. The many friends of Mrs. Lola Young McGowan will regret t' learn that she is still sick at hei iome in Travelers Rest. She is the vCe of Mr He-rekmfr.MeGowan, 1ml the sister of Mr. hf:.^irnng Mcimi'h. Allen Davis ami Frank Booker of Ashevllle visited rela ives and friends in the city Sum day. Mr. M. Garrison of Anderson was he guest of his sister Mrs. Minneota Garrison Smith of Forest St. Sunday. The funeral of Mr. Robert Downs of Lowndes Hill section was heli from Old Pilgrim church Sunday Walker and Sullivan in charge. Mrs. Ma'riah Thompson of Marsaills St., is able to be out aftei having been sick for sometime. Mrs. Juanita Ricker Campbell ind little daughter were the guest.' of Mrs. Campbell's mother Mrs lanie Ricker Sunday. Mr W. B. Byrd of Manly Street was sick a few days _but is nov much better. Mrs. Mildred Cureton Turner_ol Anderson-was the guest of hei mother Mrs. Minnie Cureton o f Dunbar St., Sunday. Mr. Charles Roozer visited rela tives on Green Ave. Sunday aftr noon Mr and Mrs. Pinkny Jenkins of Washington, D.C., visited relative? here this week, _Mra JftTlkhs wna Mrs. Hazel Williams Thompson of Manly St., is able to be up aftej having been sick for sometime. Sh< is the mother of"Miss Carolyn, who is a student at Sterling High. , Mrs. James^-Beyd---Cheeks o f Spartanburg and her little daughter Carol Ann visited Mrs Cheek's parents-Mr.- and Mrs. T. V. Fin son, last week. Mr. Cheeks and his brother Mr. Joseph Cheeks, motor.ed over for them when they were ready to return to Spartanburg. Mr. John Prince is spending a few days irr~the~cfty during the Easter holiday period. He is studying Theology at Shaw University. 11^ ,waK gn any.years. that Mr Prince was a high school, student at Sterling. And even ther his quiet, steady manner won the respect of his schoolmates and teachers. Mr. William Logan of the Allen School faculty is seriously ill and is being treated at a local hospital. Melvin D. Washington The funeral of Mr. Melvin Wash inerton was of uv vjyk fii£ lltflU church Sunday afternoon Mr. Wash ington passed away Thursday a.m IT a result of injuries received when the car in which he was returning to Anderson during: a heavy rain a few days ago skidded on the wet pavement, left the road and turned over. He was rushed to a hospital. But all the efforts ol physicians proved futile. And h* died without regaining f^s^ionc. ness. At. the funeral, Rev. W. M. Lipscomb read the 90th Psalm as the Scripture lesson and Rev. Gordon of Greenville offered prayer Solos were sung by Mr. Adgie of Anderson and Mrs Baame Soyd and Br Guy Douglass of Greenville. Remarks were made by Mr. E.C. Mur ray, district manager of tbe North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co., Dr. E. A. E. Huggins of Green ville and Mrs. Alexander of Ander son. A list of the names of organizations and frfends who sent telOf*rn n » - . . 1 1 ** ^ »r'»iii» was reao ny Mr. UUliam and the obituary was red by Mr, R, wot Rev, Mfixle Gordon, pastor of Royal Baptist church of Anderson. And his thoughtful, comforting eulogy, based on the text found John 11:26-, not only extolled the useful, Christian life of Mr. Washington, but also offered consolation to tht great number of people who knew the young man and took his pass- UR . = THE CIVIC LEAGUE OF AIKEN The Civic League of Airken is re jally going places. In their monthly meeting held April9, thcy^ were fa vored with two addresses. Mrs D. B. Taylor of Orangeburg, S. C., _aupervisor of the N. Y. A. Center there brought word of conyratu lation and encouragement. Mrs. An derson of Waycross, Ga. also broivght instructive information concerning the Civic League of that city. AH officers were re-elected to serve another year. Every' month the club sponsor some type' of entertainment to ra ise funds. Ybu will be receiving invitations snnn ilAnt » « . ., vv/i.% I vftKCi tl it 111. Easter gifts and cards we.« sent to the sick and aged of this community by the Leaguers. ST. PAI L BAPTIST CHI RCH Kev. L. B. Moon, Pastor Laurens, S. C.-.Sunday was T 4Avely.spring day fui1 ail SundaT opened at the usual houi with the Supt. and co-workers a their regular post. xA~ duty. Th< lesson was beautifully discussed by Supt. BYPU began at usua" Ttme," 11:30 there was an Eastei program presented T>y Mrs. M. C .Whitener and Mrs. C. C. Hudgens appreciative audience was present at 3 o'clock ended the anniver sary of our pastor, it was his 4t> anniversary. All of the deacont said a few words about the imv provement of' our church sinct he hag been with us. We fee' that we have one among the best pastor in the 48 states. Miss Geneva Paden, Miss Jes sie Harris, of Greenville worship| ed with us in the 3 o'clock service | Rev. Hicks and Johnson made"? splendid talk. The Pastor's Aid club met at the parsonage Thursdiiy April 3rd Hostess Mrs. Alice Todd.. Miss Ella Bell Williams of Ben edict college spent the week en/ at home with relatives and friendf The Pulpit club met Thursda.. mght -April-JLXth -at.kome.ofCora Wheeler. .The -Gleaner club met Tuesday might, April 15,.at the hutne.trfMrs. C, C. Hedgens. Mrs. Janie Sullivan, Miss Veatrice Taylor, little Billie J- Sulli van all of Ware Shoals spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fnley, Mesdames T.ydia Watts Emma Graden, Anna Dendy, Gena Hunter, Lealer Dendy, sistei -Byrdr-sister-MeWiHiams-enjoyed a wonderful missionary meeting ir Ware Shoals Saturday night a* the home of Mrs. Sallie Graden. RIDGE HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. A. C. Jones, Pastor The Easter program was quiti ~tt..mmea's Ouiidny. The "yuggair title. The Challenge of the Cross was beautifully carried out. Thi rally ended with an applause when $'24.03 was laid on the table. I! tie Cleo Merritt won the silvedollar, her bank brought in $3.55 The girls who won in filling the watches were Margie Greene Georgie L. Lott, Gladys Quattlebaum, Rosa L. Broadnax and Mazie Hammond. These girls will b< given a churn of delicious ic< cream on the campus at the "Lawn Party". A number of visitors and chilf reri from different colleges were home for Easter. ing as personal sorrow. Rev. H. W Stewart was master of ceremonies And Biggs-Stewart Mortuary haoj charge .or iunerai arruiiKemcuvo. Mr. Washington left Benedict Cnllfgr .in ordp.r to aasiat hia widowed mother in rearing and training his three youngei1 ^brothers. For seven years he was employed as an agent of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co. So satis tory was his work that when an opportunity occurred, he was promoted to the posiition of assistant manacer of the Greenville district with his office in Anderson. He, his wife, and little daughter mad< therr home in that city. In Greenville he was an active ( church worker. He served as assistant superintendent of the Sunday schogl and also as president of the BYPU, And in Anderson his religious" life continued" to keep pa« with his other activities. He became-a member of the Royal Baptist church of that city. And in time he was elected Supt. of th< Sunday school there. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE PALMETTO LEADER County Teachers' Association The County Teachers' associu tion was held in the junior higl school of Drayton" street Friday April 11, at 1 o'clock with the pref ident presiding. I>uriny tho ivnr ship service the opening song wa* "Were You There"; prayer was offered by Prof. C. W. Jones; next selection "He Arose". After the business Prof. A. T. Butler gav« an excellent report of the Stat< Teachers association. He was oui delegate. Prof. U. S. Gallnian presenter C. T. HendrTx who in turn pre sented Prof. Felton. In his re marks he spoke of his visit t0 ou) schools "is'with the Idea to hoi solve our many problems. W have some our groutwho always speak about thei) rights but never assumes the re sponsibility. Prof. Folfrni .. should practice honesty. He isi it favor of the teachers' salaries bei»8 raliedHaut "ne spoke of ~tl7T' criticisms that were made by som. of the trustees;.The.teacherr should be sjo fictive and have theii class room so intereisrihg until they will deniand more pay. The\ need common sense and look ou for the interest of the child. Gooi' teachers make a good school am should be paid well. He is goint to suggest a law to pay teacher on the basis of average attendance If they are caught padding their records, there will be a method t< get rid of them. In response Prof. Gallman thanl ed the gentlemen tfor their re marks and admonished the teach ers to follow the advice given b\ them. During the business session th« Is were elected for the term 1941-42: Prof. H. B. Ri kard president; Mrs. Mary Haine: vice-president; Miss Ruth Thomp son, secretary; Mrs. E. P. Keith assistant secretary; Mrs. Bessi. Fair, treasurer; Mr. L. F. Vance chaplain and Mrs. Eunice H. A1 len, pianist and reporter. Tri-County Garden Club Prof. W. JL-EltkfiC*. Praiident __ . The club nieeling.was held.ft. Drayton street school, Monday nicht Anril 21. with the PTA o D. S. H. school, hostess. Prof." U. S. Gallman master, ol ceremonies. The program that was rendered as follows: Music "Rejoice Your Lord is King" b\ the glee club; .prayer by Elder S ca" by glee club; welcome address by Prof. R. F. Gladden; music "In vitation". by a group of the glei "Club; Miss Walker the H. E. teacher of Bell street high schon spoke on t ho-topic of Vines..Mrs Minis also of Clinton, acted as president as Prof. Minis and. Park .ur were. nbseaL Remarks hv Mr.- J L. I. Pratt and Mr. White, Nortl ' Carolina Mutual Ins. agent of thi> city. Music, "Summer NSght' Tijk -group.of-gle^ club. The entire. program was enjoyed by all. Manj compliments were given the gle club for their beatuiful renditioi under the direction of"Mr.rKu nice- H. Allen,.After tho .1 the group was accompanied ti the H. E. department where a de licious repast was served, Miss J B. Washington, teacher. The pa tron or parents who assisted wen Mesdames Ida Hare. Hill, Clnit* n man, Gussie Miller, H, M. Young Chtarityi Montgomery and C. E Allen. The Cemetery Beautifirattor committee of the Bible class an< j Community club wish tQ announce that Mr. William Harris bettei known as (B. Harris) has chargi } of beautifying Wertfs^ cemetery j They art asking all who ha«v. 1 relatives buried over there anc' others to cooperate by giving donations, service and lending tools We centainly thank Mr. Harrb for the very fine work he is do i»g over tbere. .. St. Matthews Church R*v. WT. S. Young, Pastor Sunday was a lovely day, bein;> Easter Sunday everybody lookoi cheerful and pray. Sunday school opened at the u: ual hour. The lesson was beauti fully discussed and reviewed by the Supt. At 12:30 Rev. Younp hroiUChL a wonderful message tak. en from the book of St. Luke 167, subject "Go and Tell the News" While the man of God talked to us our hearts were made to re- joice. In the afternoon we witnessed ^ a wonderful program. The llttt* < folks played their parts well. Mrs Ellen 8wlndler had charge of the j Easter Drogram. It was nicely cai " v-O ' , y --^1 Pa gt PIft MK. W. S. HOLLEY*"PI ANN A 230 MILE HIKE FOR THE Jl VENlLES On gOod Friday April 11, tfre Ifolley Funeral Aid Juveniles went sight seeing-. They met at Eastover at 9:30; from Eastover they.t<>«>k their flight eight cars as loaded as could be. The first rival was in Columbia; there he had prepared an ice cream and cake lunch. The Juveniles rendered sweet little program. Ail aboard aftd^the trip continued going thru Fort Jackson out to 26 Highway and back thru Edgewold and Old to Sumter road and on- irnto -Sumter. There they took five minutes 'lest. Leaving Sum-, ter they, arrived first in Summer^"".. ville; second Paxville: third St James: fourth San tee River and Santee.- fifth Parlor: ""sixth ElluJUM-i.Mwenth.Lttttt-.Star; Ttghtlt " Fort M< ? < ; ninth Wnteree; 10th back in Kastoyer. Everyone said they enjoyed a fine trip and wish * io.thank.t-be.Ikotiey anth-Sonff ^so much. H<i[h- m, Othe*1 r place soon. This trip will Pe a : long remembrance to thoaP who went; and those that didn't go, missed a treat. We pray that Mr. Holley live a long time to do more and better work. The drivers wi-if-a s follows: W W. Holley, engineer K. W. Holley, baggageman, ser vice cars: Sam Smith, Raner De veaux, Joe Hopkins, Robert Gunter, George Smith and one other. ried out. A neat sum'.of money was realized. We }iad a largt number of visitors. A correction in St. Matthews news. In the last report we spoke of the Spring rally and how faith ful oil) girls .worked to help raise the sum of ..$.10(R« 'One of our.mate .workers name was left out, in th< person of Miss Sallie Long wh< raised $11.00. We wish to' giv« her credit for her faithful serviet in the church. We can depend or her at all times. Calvary Presbyterian Church .(V. H. Reasoner. +*astor Thjfc BTDle class is still alivr with -Ycta: iielpLu].lessons.beteg- taught weekly. Mrs. Abrama wa: ~- ~~r teacher last week, who very-beat: tifully weaved in the sacrifice o> Jesus for our sins. Those clothes that were given bj the Averleigh Presbyterian church v win it-; mrougn tr.e request ol the teachers.-has added twstv? members to our S. S. The littli .'Uldi'etS tooKerr~"""VerV sw<K>t artr played their pui'4s well Sunday morning 6:0o o'clock. We deligh. id to have a large number of visitor.- from our sister churches. Wc co.,. ... ..if o.T.~'T~ iir un n'lnr. a^am, JUU a.. welcome. Tlie newly organized glee cl of Newberry." of which M. Gibson is director is p: . 4 ng nicely. Their first program was a grand success. It was enjoyed so much by Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hentz that they entertained the glee club ai their home on Tuesday night, April with a very delic n<_ ________ iu'p"per~ wT'tJi Ice cream and cak< [of (JesserU Everyone enjoyed him self immensely.we are wafting for a second invitation. Mr. Hentj is a member of James Hopewel _ church. Rev, J. C. Gibson, pas-' tdr"."" We will be glad to fill any Write L,. M. Gibson Newberry, S. C., for a progaumi*.-' <' I>r. and Mrs. J. E. Granj^spenl Easter in Orangeburg with rela Lives and friends - They , reporte* t pleasant tr'PMrs. Mary Bovd of Peaks die* Monday morning after a short ill less. Wav^Hy Ksso Station ONE STOP STATION Rnttpripfi RiprKnr»o * Lubrication, Washing and Polishing Tire Repair Serrice Telephone 9308 _ - orner PINK and TAYLOR ST8.arpenter and Caldwell, Operator JUST OUT HOWARDS New Sepia Edition STYLE BOOK Of real human hair, WIGS, PAGE BOYS. Send for your copy tolay. The biggest variety of hair goodg ever seen. Open a Customer^ Deposit Account. HOWARD WIG CO. Dept. BA, 143 W. 125th St. Hew York City New Terfc Beauty Parlor Agent* Wanted

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Saturday, April 19, 1941


Rev. Geo. E. Goode, Pastor

Ahheville~-Every one irs invitedto a musical program to be ren-

deredby Rev. S.C. Campbell andhis co-singers from Anderson on

April 18th sponsored by Miss LMarshall's clu^TWe had a good Easter program

here on Sunday. Among the participantswas the Hunters quartetSad news came to our churct

Sunday, of the death of our eldeatbeloved Bro. Henry W. Rillingsworth.He was said to be102 years old. Funeral arrange imentfl Will be announced later ,

Clear Spring school, Mrs. G. DAshe, teacher closed Wednesda> \°vening. The children se'emed sa<?o leave so soon. -1

Mr. Marvin Lindsey of Honee '

Hath spent a few hours with MiarLois Marshall Sunday.

^ Mr. Joseph Marshall and chil |dren called at the homq. of Mrand Mrs. John Thomas recently.On the sick list: Bro Thomas

Marshall, Mrs, Sarah T.{«dHfy _

Bro. Allen Ward, Sr. and Mr. Albert-Wharton* f r:.-


Rev. W. Ii. Sheppard, - Pastor

Prosperity.S. S. began at thusual hour with Supt. A. Mayopresent. The lesson Was Miss M. A. Brown which a!enjoyed after which prayer siviceswere conducted by beat,O. B. Brown, then our pastor earnbefore us out of self into Christand he just let God used hHis theme Christ Done What 1:Paid. We had an enjoyabie

.ter progranTSunday night andplayed their part well. Visitor?were Prof. J^eith and wife; ProfL. A. Brown and wife; Prof. Ri-!

flb kard. Lever Chapel AME churclichoir sang for us. Mt. Olive AM. E. church members also wenpresent. We are happy undethe leadership uf Rev. Sheouard

5E Matthews, s! C..Sundaywas a lovely day and a splendidcrowd attended cervices at/ thevarious churches. J

Sunday school convened at th« iusual hour with supt. J. A. Fordand his teachers at the post ofduty. A great message followed,delivered by Row J. C. Coaxum,from the. subject, "A Grave and AGarden." Immediately aft,er thiswonderful sermon the rally tookplace_ with .almost _,every circular -*

. leader reporting.The total amountcollected was $110.12.

who paid onlv n mi-t rf fV,o «»««

^^iand for those members who did Jnot get tosee their leader andtheir Waders did not get to seethem. i

Miss Mozelle Wise kpent the weekend at her home in Columbia, S. C. ,

Miss Majorie Dandy went homefor the week end and took Mrs.Mable Barty as her week end guest.The following persons came here

for Easter: Misses Mildred Coker,Jessie Mae Walker, Lillian Whaley

. and Maggie Jenkins from N. Y.M/sses Laconia and Sylveser Wad!dy, Mrs Rebecca Robinson, MrsEvelyn Laney, MJessers MiltonJones, and Paul Mintz, Columbia.Misses Ollie Mae and HarrietiWhitmore, Messers Julus and Horace Ginyard, of Orange burg; Mis5*

CatherineJohnson, Messers Altirne, Nathnnral Johnson and Marcus i

Williams. Denmark; Miss ClotellLarrymcre, Charleston. Miss Gussic Howell, Charlotte; Mr. ErnestChurchill^ Florida; Mr. Milton Ginya-ll, MuWlJlH'ry; and Miss MnriahCaldwell, Holly Hill.The Twilight Club met at the

home of Miss Hennio Owens Tuesday night, Aprrl 8 at 7:30. Themeeting was breif on account ofrevival meeting at Bethel and-the *

St. Matthews Baptist Churches.The house was called ta order

by the president, followed by abrief devotion conducted by MrsMary Caldwell. Next the roll waycalled, and the minutes of thelast meeting received and adopt»d. The house was then openedfor business. Many interestingplans were brought u»s !!<...i.y m|/ uuu li «

seit by the club and all the memHern that were present^ pledgedto carry them out_i© the pointto the beat of then* ability. At j8:35 the" club adjourned with the 1clbb song. A delicious repast was i

The next meeting will be Jfc«14 it the home of Mrs. MattieEirera. 1


i Trrf r



JOHNSTON NEWS - UBethel C. M E. Church

Rev. W. E. Wilson, Pastor 81

SOur congregation r njoyec. an ^

inspirational message delivered Pby the pastor on Sunday, "The ^

Resurrection," being his subject, ^was well outlined and delivered.Did not our hearts burn while rt

the man of God spoke to us bythe wayside. n

We enjoyed a very interesting ®

Easier progTam sponsored^ 'by"1the Sunday school department, ^with the assistance of Miss Spig- c<

ler. Prof. E. L. Bowman rendereda-very interesting address" on'The ^Risen. Christ His addre&s was v

Riled with food for thought. We ^always enjoy listening to ou;

principal and hope that we will $have the privilege of hearing him Eagain, soon. ^Vfl.QSPQ T. T .Qn\irnll I.M "D « 4- 4-«« .. ^

.j-g wvnvil, u.iUi lVOtVinymd. X- A. Spigner were royally *entertainedas dinner guests ofthe N. S. Amoses on Sunday. "gHobbs, and Inez Carter are herepaying their last-tribute of re- pspect to their aunt and mother, jjthe late Minnie Hampton. t(The Misses E. N. Frasier, T.Holmes, L. E. Rutherford, A. D.c> «XWalker, E. Veal and M. Peterson pspent Easter week end at home jywith parents and friends. .. «


' Rev. H.- C. Andrews, Pastor FFMyrtle Reach.Sunday was a jylovely day for church guers here' ~

Just before the sun began to rise jyEaster services began with a ^spiritual prayer and praise meeting conducted by the pastor. a(J a.m. Sunday school .opened. t(Mrs. Jefb Bellamy, the ^upt. ask, ged Mrs. J. V. Willard of Conwayco act as Supt. Then the teachers atook their places. The lesson wasreviewed by Rev. Leroy JudgeThrf lesson was thoroughly dis- ncussed and enjoyed by all.-r f.

11 a.m. the Pastor came before _

us and brought a soul revivingsermon from Isai-ah 53:9. The ^spirit truly ran high. jy4:20 the little folks Easter prorram began vnTh~~ah~oul'"50" eh IT-dren portraying their parts well7:30 the Junior program began

with a pageant: The RuggerCross and Sepulchre. These pro

were enjoyed by all. Praisego to the ladies who worked togetherin arranging these programs.They were Mrs. S. A. Williams, Mrs. Becky Bellamy andMr*r Jeff Bellamy. The'Coltecjdoir "

for the day was good.Saturday afternoon the children

enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt giventhem by the Supt. Mrs. JeflBellamy. ^Mrs. Frances Rbbinson and MissEvelyn Myrell spent Sunday after- jnoon in Conway. r .,


4 vMiss .

3ome friends of Columbia and Myr- _

tie Beach Tuesday nite with a buffetsupper and bridge.14The Junior Missionary mot onT-fSr

^rhursciay nite at the home of Mr5lames Sanders. Delicious refresh

irments were served.Mr, and Mrs. B. Owens "had

is their guest Sunday niter" Misj .

Catherine Barnes of Conway and .

Poplar; Miss Bertha Jenkins of\vFlorence and Popjar and Mrs. Eth p?1 Carter.P

WOODRUFF NEWSNew Bethel Church

itSunday was a beautiful Eastei

Day ---we also remembered th< ^death and suffering also the Re- dsurrection of our blessed Saviour, COur S. S. was fine Prof. A. Wil 7-'

Iiams taught the senior class and Tswe enjoyed his instructions. SThe mflpy m " .

nie Irby are glad to know she isimproving. "

j h<Mr. James Little Of *WW?t( | SPla:n Baptist church J<aurons^ h

worshiped at New Bethel also Mi liRobert Boozer of Bush River Bap r<feist chui eh, Newberry wTJrsMper clat Bethel. pMr. R. R. Rogers spent the week el

end with his son Mr. Roy Rogers dof Ashevlle, N. C., Mr. and Mrs tlMosley of Highland, Spartanburg Fvisited Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Trh\ n-

Sunday, Mrs. Montgomery' aceom lipanied them. leThe sick Mrs. Theada Robinsor

ihu> Mr. -Stiff Winn, alsn Mrs. F. zmDeshields mother (Mrs. DaviaT--a.We hope for them, a speedy re tlcovery. '

eMrs. EfFie J. Parks gave an egg fi

hunt for her .Sunday school clasf Tind others also. The one finding Bthe gold egg was given a prize riMaster Reuben Brown won th' c<prize. They had a merry time. tl

, /<,"> -

, y...L'i ml '' Jiuii.ii i 1

' c


Easter Sunday was well ob^p^edat the various churches,unday morning at Spring Hill... M. E. Church, a fine Easterrogram was given. Rev. A . C.hambers delivered a fine sermonunday evening at Gedar-Grovelurch a line Easter program was:ndered.Rev. Blackwood, deliveredle address. After the program, a

illy was held. Those contesting1 the t'ftlly were: Mesdames Em1a Swindler and Susanna Abramehe contest was that Tf the twojntestants would raise an amount

ver $25.00, the pers jii having theighest ainuunl wuu !d receive 5T

n^st watch. The finance is as

jllows: capt. nxi. T,", Mrs Swindler45.00. Capt. no. 2, Mrs. Abrams,22.60. Public collection, $1.00,rand total, $68.60. Mrs. Swindleieceived the watch, it was presentd by Rev. Blackwood.

Sunday night at Bruce Tabeiaele A.M.E. Zion Curch, a fineaster program was rendered, sponorprl hy the snpt A fl f.nld :.Ethel tr.ant, Miss Carrie Lee Harper. Coection, $10.08. A large crowd at;nded the program.Miss Easter Robiinson attendedfine sermon Sunday at Good Ho

e Church in Camden, S. C. Rev.[urtz delivered a fine sermon on,The Lord Is Risen". Miss Robinon returned Monday.Correction.During the Surprise

'arty at the school the past w<

'rof. R. C. Lake spoke instead olIr. Frank Douglass. A fine suitas presented to Prof. Robert Lloore, he received it ver^' grateully.


Miss Ruth Johnson ^pent Eastert her home in Statesburgr and at?nded service at High Hill Churclhe returnd to her home Monday.^Spending the"~Easter holidayfet home were: Misses Ruth Byrdnd Gracie Fant 'from Clinton Col?ge, Rock Hill, Minnie Geter, Siion High, Union; Celestine Waler, Newberry.Mrs. Miittie Kinardes of Clinton

pent the Easter holrdays at herome with Mrs Maattie Young,liss Annie Abrams spent EasterLJbiora£i-=Miss Mozoll Epps, Willie L. Epps

pent Ejaster at home.


Mrs. Lillie Stewart of Anderonvisited her sister Mrs. Char»tte Thompson and family duiIg JLhe-Easter holidays,Mr. Louis Gibson visited Rev

n<I Mrs. W. L. Wilson over the-pek- ehd.Mrs. Violet MeKee of Char>tte,Nj. C., v raited her brother,

I»v Eugene Miller -recently.Messrs.William Sullivan andT. Dial students of Allen Uniersity^spent Easter holidays

ith parents.Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beeks andcphew, Bobby Thomas visiteddatives in Greenville Sunday..The Sunshine Saving club metith Miss Beulah Blakely WashigtonSt., April 7. The program

rendered and enjoyed by alt.'his club led among the othetubs in helping their presidenti the rally at St. Paul church,hich was appreciated by Mrs'autne Sullivan, who is theirresident.Mrs. Rosa Mae Ferguson and

on, Fred, Jr., visited relativesl Clinton Easter Sunday.'Mr. and Mrs. McDuffie Little,

Ir. Tsthmus Philson and two chilrenand mother in law all o fharlotte, N. C., visited Mrs. ArellaWatts, Mr. and Mrs. DoughsYoung and other relative*unday.

fhiilal una AHVings ('luhMrs. Emma" F. Oliphant was

ostess to the Aces Socral andavinprs Club April 9th at theome of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Franln. Each officer performing he»sspective part. Business of thetub was carried out. The latte1art of the,evening1 was spent^attinjr, frames and music. A

~ «.I.HV.IUUS i t-pusi was served oy

hostess, assisted by Mrs.ranklin, the president. Nextleetinpr will be at Mrs. Frankn's,April 16th, Mrs. R.L. Butthrstess.On Easter Sunday each member

r the eloh was presented Wifb~lovely corsage.of peonies byle president. She in turn recelvda beautiful orchid corsageom her husband, Mr. Franklin,he club members worshipped at'ethel A. M. E. church Sunday,jndereij a selection "Alone," acompan tied by Mrs. Oliphant alla ,piano,



Mrs. Mary Telford of Shelby, NC., visited relatives and friends on

Elford St. last week. She is exoectingto return in a few days.Mrs. Hattie Hill of Ann St., if

much improved after having beenindisposed for some time.~Mr. Lee Pinson of Moonviile whounderwent an operation recently atGeneral Hospital, is expecting tcgo home this week.Mrs. Fannie Hunt was the supperguest of Mr. and Mrs. B. f.

Young of Elford St: Tuesday nite.Mrs. Ceona B. Sullivan of Moonvjlleand her sons were the guests

if Mi'sr Suludla Ybung 6n "Fridaynight.A sunri.e Easter program was

'leld at Springfield church Sundaymorning. Mr. T. J. Hadden was rnha rge.The many friends of Mrs. Lola

Young McGowan will regret t'learn that she is still sick at heiiome in Travelers Rest. She is thevCe of Mr He-rekmfr.MeGowan,1ml the sister of Mr. hf:.^irnng

Mcimi'h. Allen Davis ami FrankBooker of Ashevllle visited relaives and friends in the city Sumday.

Mr. M. Garrison of Anderson washe guest of his sister Mrs. MinneotaGarrison Smith of Forest St.Sunday.The funeral of Mr. Robert Downs

of Lowndes Hill section was helifrom Old Pilgrim church SundayWalker and Sullivan in charge.

Mrs. Ma'riah Thompson of MarsaillsSt., is able to be out afteihaving been sick for sometime.Mrs. Juanita Ricker Campbell

ind little daughter were the guest.'of Mrs. Campbell's mother Mrslanie Ricker Sunday.Mr W. B. Byrd of Manly Street

was sick a few days _but is novmuch better.Mrs. Mildred Cureton Turner_ol

Anderson-was the guest of heimother Mrs. Minnie Cureton o fDunbar St., Sunday.Mr. Charles Roozer visited rela

tives on Green Ave. Sunday aftrnoon

Mr and Mrs. Pinkny Jenkins ofWashington, D.C., visited relative?here this week, _Mra JftTlkhs wna

Mrs. Hazel Williams Thompsonof Manly St., is able to be up aftejhaving been sick for sometime. Sh<is the mother of"Miss Carolyn, whois a student at Sterling High., Mrs. James^-Beyd---Cheeks o fSpartanburg and her little daughterCarol Ann visited Mrs Cheek'sparents-Mr.- and Mrs. T. V. Finson, last week. Mr. Cheeks and hisbrother Mr. Joseph Cheeks, motor.edover for them when they wereready to return to Spartanburg.Mr. John Prince is spending a

few days irr~the~cfty during theEaster holiday period. He is studyingTheology at Shaw University.11^ ,waK gn any.years.that Mr Prince was a high school,student at Sterling. And even therhis quiet, steady manner won therespect of his schoolmates andteachers.

Mr. William Logan of the AllenSchool faculty is seriously ill andis being treated at a local hospital.

Melvin D. WashingtonThe funeral of Mr. Melvin Wash

inerton was ofuv vjyk fii£ lltflU

church Sunday afternoon Mr. Washington passed away Thursday a.mIT a result of injuries receivedwhen the car in which he was returningto Anderson during: a heavyrain a few days ago skiddedon the wet pavement, left the roadand turned over. He was rushedto a hospital. But all the efforts olphysicians proved futile. And h*died without regaining f^s^ionc.ness.

At. the funeral, Rev. W. M. Lipscombread the 90th Psalm as theScripture lesson and Rev. Gordonof Greenville offered prayer Soloswere sung by Mr. Adgie of Andersonand Mrs Baame Soyd and BrGuy Douglass of Greenville. Remarkswere made by Mr. E.C. Murray, district manager of tbe NorthCarolina Mutual Life InsuranceCo., Dr. E. A. E. Huggins of Greenville and Mrs. Alexander of Anderson. A list of the names of organizationsand frfends who sent telOf*rnn » - . . 1 1 ** ^»r'»iii» was reao ny Mr. UUliamand the obituary was red by Mr, R,

wot Rev, Mfixle Gordon, pastor ofRoyal Baptist church of Anderson.And his thoughtful, comforting eulogy,based on the text found John11:26-, not only extolled the useful,Christian life of Mr. Washington,but also offered consolation to thtgreat number of people who knewthe young man and took his pass-

UR . =


The Civic League of Airken is re

jally going places. In their monthlymeeting held April9, thcy^ were favored with two addresses. Mrs D.B. Taylor of Orangeburg, S. C.,_aupervisor of the N. Y. A. Centerthere brought word of conyratulation and encouragement. Mrs. Anderson of Waycross, Ga. alsobroivght instructive informationconcerning the Civic League ofthat city.AH officers were re-elected to

serve another year.Every' month the club sponsor

some type' of entertainment to raise funds. Ybu will be receivinginvitations snnn ilAnt » «.., vv/i.% I vftKCi tl it 111.

Easter gifts and cards we.«sent to the sick and aged of thiscommunity by the Leaguers.


Kev. L. B. Moon, Pastor

Laurens, S. C.-.Sunday was T4Avely.spring day fui1 ail SundaT

opened at the usual houiwith the Supt. and co-workers atheir regular post. xA~ duty. Th<lesson was beautifully discussed bySupt. BYPU began at usua"Ttme," 11:30 there was an Easteiprogram presented T>y Mrs. M. C.Whitener and Mrs. C. C. Hudgensappreciative audience was presentat 3 o'clock ended the anniversary of our pastor, it was his 4t>anniversary. All of the deacontsaid a few words about the imvprovement of' our church sincthe hag been with us. We fee'that we have one among the bestpastor in the 48 states.

Miss Geneva Paden, Miss Jessie Harris, of Greenville worship|ed with us in the 3 o'clock service

| Rev. Hicks and Johnson made"?splendid talk.The Pastor's Aid club met at the

parsonage Thursdiiy April 3rdHostess Mrs. Alice Todd..

Miss Ella Bell Williams of Benedict college spent the week en/at home with relatives and friendf

The Pulpit club met Thursda..mght -April-JLXth -at.kome.ofCoraWheeler..The -Gleaner club met Tuesdaymight, April 15,.at the hutne.trfMrs.C, C. Hedgens.

Mrs.Janie Sullivan, Miss VeatriceTaylor, little Billie J- Sullivan all of Ware Shoals spent theweek end with Mr. and Mrs. LarryFnley, Mesdames T.ydia WattsEmma Graden, Anna Dendy, GenaHunter, Lealer Dendy, sistei

-Byrdr-sister-MeWiHiams-enjoyed a

wonderful missionary meeting irWare Shoals Saturday night a*the home of Mrs. Sallie Graden.


Rev. A. C. Jones, Pastor

The Easter program was quiti~tt..mmea's Ouiidny. The "yuggairtitle. The Challenge of the Crosswas beautifully carried out. Thirally ended with an applause when$'24.03 was laid on the table. I!tie Cleo Merritt won the silvedollar,her bank brought in $3.55The girls who won in filling thewatches were Margie Greene

Georgie L. Lott, Gladys Quattlebaum,Rosa L. Broadnax and MazieHammond. These girls will b<

given a churn of delicious ic<cream on the campus at the "LawnParty".A number of visitors and chilf

reri from different colleges were

home for Easter.

ing as personal sorrow. Rev. H. WStewart was master of ceremoniesAnd Biggs-Stewart Mortuary haojcharge .or iunerai arruiiKemcuvo.

Mr. Washington left BenedictCnllfgr .in ordp.r to aasiat hia widowedmother in rearing and traininghis three youngei1^brothers. Forseven years he was employed as an

agent of the North Carolina MutualLife Insurance Co. So satis

tory was his work that when an

opportunity occurred, he was promotedto the posiition of assistantmanacer of the Greenville districtwith his office in Anderson. He, hiswife, and little daughter mad<therr home in that city.

In Greenville he was an active(

church worker. He served as assistantsuperintendent of the Sundayschogl and also as president of theBYPU, And in Anderson his religious"life continued" to keep pa«with his other activities. He became-amember of the Royal Baptistchurch of that city. And intime he was elected Supt. of th<Sunday school there.


County Teachers' Association

The County Teachers' associution was held in the junior higlschool of Drayton" street FridayApril 11, at 1 o'clock with the prefident presiding. I>uriny tho ivnr

ship service the opening song wa*"Were You There"; prayer was offeredby Prof. C. W. Jones; nextselection "He Arose". After thebusiness Prof. A. T. Butler gav«an excellent report of the Stat<Teachers association. He was ouidelegate.

Prof. U. S. Gallnian presenterC. T. HendrTx who in turn presented Prof. Felton. In his remarks he spoke of his visit t0 ou)schools "is'with the Idea to hoisolve our many problems. Whave some our groutwhoalways speak about thei)rights but never assumes the re

sponsibility.Prof. Folfrni . .

should practice honesty. He isi itfavor of the teachers' salaries bei»8raliedHaut "ne spoke of ~tl7T'criticisms that were made by som.of the trustees;.The.teacherrshould be sjo fictive and have theiiclass room so intereisrihg untilthey will deniand more pay. The\need common sense and look ou

for the interest of the child. Gooi'teachers make a good school am

should be paid well. He is gointto suggest a law to pay teacheron the basis of average attendanceIf they are caught padding theirrecords, there will be a method t<get rid of them.

In response Prof. Gallman thanled the gentlemen tfor their re

marks and admonished the teachers to follow the advice given b\them.During the business session th« Is were elected fortheterm 1941-42: Prof. H. B. Ri

kardpresident; Mrs. Mary Haine:vice-president; Miss Ruth Thompson, secretary; Mrs. E. P. Keithassistant secretary; Mrs. Bessi.Fair, treasurer; Mr. L. F. Vancechaplain and Mrs. Eunice H. A1len, pianist and reporter.

Tri-County Garden ClubProf. W. JL-EltkfiC*. Praiident __ .

The club nieeling.was held.ft.Draytonstreet school, Monday

nicht Anril 21. with the PTA o

D. S. H. school, hostess.Prof." U. S. Gallman master, ol

ceremonies. The program thatwas rendered as follows: Music"Rejoice Your Lord is King" b\the glee club; .prayer by Elder S

ca" by glee club; welcome addressby Prof. R. F. Gladden; music "Invitation". by a group of the glei"Club; Miss Walker the H. E. teacherof Bell street high schonspoke on tho-topic of Vines..MrsMinis also of Clinton, acted as

president as Prof. Minis and. Park.ur were. nbseaL Remarks hv Mr.- JL. I. Pratt and Mr. White, Nortl '

Carolina Mutual Ins. agent of thi>city. Music, "Summer NSght' Tijk-group.of-gle^ club. The entire.program was enjoyed by all. Manjcompliments were given the gleclub for their beatuiful renditioiunder the direction of"Mr.rKunice- H. Allen,.After tho .1the group was accompanied ti

the H. E. department where a delicious repast was served, Miss JB. Washington, teacher. The patron or parents who assisted wen

Mesdames Ida Hare. Hill, Clnit* n

man, Gussie Miller, H, M. YoungChtarityi Montgomery and C. EAllen.

The Cemetery Beautifirattorcommittee of the Bible class an< j

Community club wish tQ announce

that Mr. William Harris betteiknownas (B. Harris) has chargi }

of beautifying Wertfs^ cemetery j

They art asking all who ha«v. 1relatives buried over there anc'others to cooperate by giving donations,service and lending toolsWe centainly thank Mr. Harrbfor the very fine work he is doi»g over tbere. ..

St. Matthews ChurchR*v. WT. S. Young, Pastor

Sunday was a lovely day, bein;>Easter Sunday everybody lookoicheerful and pray.

Sunday school opened at the u:

ual hour. The lesson was beautifully discussed and reviewed bythe Supt. At 12:30 Rev. YounphroiUChL a wonderful message tak.en from the book of St. Luke 167,subject "Go and Tell the News"While the man of God talked tous our hearts were made to re-

joice.In the afternoon we witnessed ^

a wonderful program. The llttt* <

folks played their parts well. MrsEllen 8wlndler had charge of the jEaster Drogram. It was nicely cai




y --^1Pagt PIft


On gOod Friday April 11, tfreIfolley Funeral Aid Juvenileswent sight seeing-. They met atEastover at 9:30; from Eastoverthey.t<>«>k their flight eight carsas loaded as could be. The first u»

rival was in Columbia; there hehad prepared an ice cream andcake lunch. The Juveniles renderedsweet little program. Ail aboardaftd^the trip continued goingthru Fort Jackson out to 26Highway and back thru Edgewoldand Old to Sumter road andon- irnto -Sumter. There they tookfive minutes 'lest. Leaving Sum-,ter they, arrived first in Summer^""..

ville;second Paxville: third StJames: fourth San tee River andSantee.- fifth Parlor: ""sixthElluJUM-i.Mwenth.Lttttt-.Star; Ttghtlt "

Fort M< ? < ; ninth Wnteree; 10thback in Kastoyer. Everyone saidthey enjoyed a fine trip and wish *

io.thank.t-be.Ikotiey anth-Sonff ^somuch. H<i[h- m, Othe*1rplace soon. This trip will Pe a:long remembrance to thoaP whowent; and those that didn't go,missed a treat.We pray that Mr. Holley live

a long time to do more and betterwork. The drivers wi-if-a sfollows: W W. Holley, engineerK. W. Holley, baggageman, service cars: Sam Smith, Raner Deveaux, Joe Hopkins, Robert Gunter,George Smith and one other.ried out. A neat sum'.of moneywas realized. We }iad a largtnumber of visitors.A correction in St. Matthews

news. In the last report we spokeof the Spring rally and how faithful oil) girls .worked to help raisethe sum of ..$.10(R« 'One of our.mate .workersname was left out, in th<person of Miss Sallie Long wh<raised $11.00. We wish to' giv«her credit for her faithful servietin the church. We can depend orher at all times.

Calvary Presbyterian Church.(V. H. Reasoner. +*astor

Thjfc BTDle class is still alivrwith -Ycta: iielpLu].lessons.beteg-taught weekly. Mrs. Abrama wa: ~- ~~r

teacher last week, who very-beat:tifully weaved in the sacrifice o>

Jesus for our sins.Those clothes that were given bj

the Averleigh Presbyterian churchv win it-; mrougn tr.e request ol teachers.-has added twstv?members to our S. S. The littli.'Uldi'etS tooKerr~"""VerV sw<K>t artr

played their pui'4s well Sundaymorning 6:0o o'clock. We to have a large number of visitor.-from our sister churches. Wcco.,. ... ..if o.T.~'T~

iir un n'lnr. a^am, JUU a..

welcome.Tlie newly organized glee cl

of Newberry." of whichM. Gibson is director is p: . 4

ng nicely.Their first program was a grand

success. It was enjoyed so muchby Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hentz thatthey entertained the glee club aitheir home on Tuesday night, April

with a very delic n<_ ________

iu'p"per~ wT'tJi Ice cream and cak<[of (JesserU Everyone enjoyed himself immensely.we are waftingfor a second invitation. Mr. Hentjis a member of James Hopewel _

church. Rev, J. C. Gibson, pas-'tdr"."" We will be glad to fill any

Write L,. M. GibsonNewberry, S. C., for a progaumi*.-' <'

I>r. and Mrs. J. E. Granj^spenlEasterin Orangeburg with rela

Lives and friends - They , reporte*t pleasant tr'PMrs.Mary Bovd of Peaks die*Monday morning after a short illless.


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