palmetto leader (columbia, s.c.). 1941-06-21 [p page...

~~ ***** Sli Mom.Tow wiB k* .w.4 **trMw ta Ala (thou. Tm hrrm ki». mod fcr mj mw «hmioii wimm Locjrr DnOun h^nmMi WnIm all Uttora ud yhn MM! wM ad dnilJ. ITIM»I» MTtUp*' tM f*M Wrt». To«.Asm* Wmm, mm * tm Cotnoa, 1 "nmn M. S..Tell me what to do. My child is 15 years old ami for the as. four months we have been li\ ing with his father. Ifls father drinks and does bad but promised to be good to us both.-They had a misunderstanding recently and the child left. My husband or his fa lher said he was sorry and prmnKt'tl nut to' du n tiling lise riifsagain. Tell me which one needs me the most? .^vilb. 11 lilt' IULIICI UJ yvui LHJJ would control his drinking and act Trrtght, it would be nice for you and the boy to continue living there witlh him. Hhowever, give warning ^that the first" time.he abuses you or the child severely; you will take the boy and leave. You are light . . . the boy needs you more than his father, b ut try to live peacefully together if it i an be done. 1111. P. 1/..Answer my question in the paper. Is my hUfdtttnd and why does he hag me so about my past ? Could I get my Asrtologv Reading if I send in fOF it? Ans: Your husband is sane, but very insanely jealous at times. If' at all possible, pay,, not the sTTghest bit of attention to his naggaing you ivb^ut your past. Ask him if he didn't have a past? lioH-t.ftrss-with hirrr wherrhet++a& ' Co brlnntr tip such things, btrt ignore nun ujtogeiner. i es, you may send for your Astrology Reading by sending 25c. Be sure to send full name, correct birthdate arid address. You may ask three questions too if you want -.:. my tree ..pinion on same. M. L. \V..I am anemic and went to the hospital for treatment. I y tried to get on relief and they say 1 am able to work and the doctors won't sign the papets for me not to work. When I work my back hurts and the doctor,, would' TiT"TelT"IHT "Tiry-TTftiTtT'rrr?; Tell - 1T1T" u littt.I.shuuld do 7 " AnsT'CIeTjr TTgr.t job and n.n~ tinue going" to the hospital for treatment. If the doctors thought your condition was serious. they would not insist on your working, but evidently they feel you would be better off doing half day work than doing ivothing at all. Cooperate with thenrmnd.F am mire yon will improve in health. F. M..The man I loved for 1? .. months and tried to live with. He and 1 had a fight the first Sunday in June and he got the ax after" me and I put lye on him. I payed his way home. I want to help him now until he gets well so please tell me what to do? Ails: About the only thing y.ou an aim-is help him with his doctor and medicine bill for he is gtmrg-tt>.htt-ve.fdenty of them..Itis ridiculous that two intelligent people.cuaM not settle a little misunderstanding \vpth<5ut resorting to ax fighting. If I "Wei7? ybii," I Think ~T would Tiiahe up my mind to behave myself in the future, as this is mighty_dangerous and could cause you some trouble. M. C.. My husband and I purchased a car together. Before we got the car he said it was mine and I could drive it all -that 1 wanted to but now 1 can't even get in the car as Tie is out and gone in it. What must 1 do as I helped pay for it? Ans: When he drive,, off in the car . . get in with him and go loo. The new will wear off very .soon-tuui- l»e will-he glad to have you drive the "same as he does. He isn't chasing girls with his car, but he is so doggone proud of it that he can't stay from behind the wheel long enough to even give you a thought. JOHNSON VILLE CIRCUIT Rev. Silas Middleton, Pastor S. S. opened at usual 'hour with Supt. and co-workers at their post of duty. The lesson was beauti- fully discussed. The morning ser vice was opened with an old time player meeting. At this time the pastor came forth amr delivered" a soul stirring sermon taken frc/m Genesis 40:19, using for his theme "You Can't Dp Wrong and (let By". This message was well .received j We were blessed with five infants to be baptized. The service was enjoyed by all. The pastor and his wife spent the week-end at the parsonage and among the good people, WATCH FOR DATE! STATE-WIDE BEAUTY CONTEST 1 BALTIMORE, MD. NEWS By (Mrs.) Louise G. Douglas* Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Halsey had for their Wednesday after noon guests Mrs. Louise G. Douglass, Mrs. Molly Gore and his bro ther Mr. Jim Russell who spent a very pleasant time. On sick list are Rev. Marshalt Flowers, Mrs. Craig; Mr. Htlt, the Rev. Wtbster Neal, Mrs. Jenny Jones. The others are during well and out of the hospital are Mrs. Lula P. Boones, Mr. Roosevelt Heath Mr. Marshall Andievvs Mrs.-Clara .SntiHa, Mtas.Jennie Whitlock, Mr. Clarenct Gregory, Mr. J. W. Shells. We hope for all an early recovery. Mrs. Ruth P. Peslon sister is able to visit her and enjoyed a very happy stay. Mrs. Louise G. Douglass was Mrs. Christine C. Andtrson guest u\d also Mrs. Daisy Mpe Heath on Monday. * - There was an entertainment giv en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Smith, 3532 W. Lanvule St., Friday, June 13th,. Dea. Turn benefit of Galilee Baptist church. Mrs. Delphine Russell and two children have returned home after spending three weeks with her mother in South Hill, Va. She re port a very splendid trip. There was a supper given by the United Christian Savings club at 11 H. Amity serett Saturday evening, June 14th. Mr. Richard Gaston, president; Mr. George Blizzard secretary. The S. S. S. club met with Mrs. Etta Boler 613 N. Calhoun St.; with the chaplain in charge "_»i the devotions. Bible verses by > ach member. President, Mrs. L. Wilks. The next meeting will be it Mrs. Alice Johnson 613 N. Cal J ~u>.7n St. All members are ask- to be present, please. Mrs. Dillie D. Brown and Mrs. Louise Turner" had for their Sat- inlay evening: guest Mrs. Ianiise Douglass. The S. S. S. club had a call t nee ting at the president s home n order to make plans for u parv tn lie given soon. ' EDISTO NEWS Everything on the old historic Edisto Island is marching on in full bloom. Services are going on at all of the churches and a definite result is being manifested. Rev, S. P. McKehery deliv- erfcd the message at the Presbyterian church, of which Dr. W. L. Metz is pastor, oil last Sunday. He is a senior in the School iof Theology at Johnson C. Smith university. He left Jienday for^ Columbus, Ga., where he will carry on during the-summer. .Rev. J. E: Webb, pastor of the R. E. church, delivered a splendid message to the Fathers on Sunday. This message will linger long in the hearts of all those who heard it." Children's Day wat> observed in the afternoon at [the R. E. church. A very fine program was carried out with Miss Grace Wright and Miss 'Mat "tie L7 Brown in charge. All Who have enjoyed it. On Sunday afternoon the sad news reached us of the passing of Mr. Henry Hutchinson, Sr. He wasTTTne of the most outstanding' citizens of Edisto Iskand having lived here for more than four score years. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church for many years. He will be greatly mis'sed by the entire community. Hfis widow, five children and grandchildren have the entire sympathy of the whole Island. Rev. F. P. Metz is here for a while with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Metz. Rev. Mr. Metz has just received his B.D. degree from the School erf Theology -oT Johnson C. Smith university. He has three rhurches near Beaufort a C VTiac. Rnn.,).ih C lint* im .4 home with her, parents, Dr. /and rMrs."W. L. Metz^ She is a teach er in the high school of Gaffney and reports a very fine school term. Miss Agnes Helen Brown is now in New York visiting relatives and friends. She came home and speivt a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brown, after the closing of her school at Sellers, S. C. She heads the department of Home Economics at Sellers Junic/h High school. Prof. J. L. Washington is spend ing the sumer here after the clos ing of his school. He is the principal of the iRidgeviiU Elwantary school. « « T1 <a*aaH' LAURENS NEW8 St. Paul Baptist Church Kt-v. L. B. Moon, Pastor Sunday school began at the usual hour under the direction of Mr. Jonathan Miles, with teachers at their post of duty. ISie lesson was wonderfully reviewed by Mr. Daniel Wearing. "The B. T.CTT began tat the usual hcur with a itice group present. The contesi closed Sunday, June 15th. The .iris won the first prize and the ooys the second. Ti e pastor pre: cned throughout Sunday and he preached a s never before. Our hearts were set on fire. His theme was This Matter Belongs to Me. And he told us about it too, that is what we need in these churchts today, the true will help our wicked race. We have just closed a ten nights revival meeting. The first week was conducted by the Rev. Moss of Augusta, Ga.; second week the Rev. W.W. White of Georgia. The converts were Baptized Sunday after which the pastor and his deaeons; motored" t-o White* Plains to help ordain some deacons there. A g«6d service was hlad. Mrs. Whitner and her junior choir wh« invitn/l to tho Piochu. terian church also the Ace club, -to render music.. Mrs. Viola Grant and daughters 'Ella and " Alloc Grant left for /Charlotte, N. C. Sunday. \ Mrs. Grant will undergo an operation. We are praying for hei\ She- requests the prayers of the Christiana. All who wish to get a Palmetto Leader who have news publishedin ths column see John Robert Hunter.. .Miss Kathryrr-Graderr-of-fireenville visited her parents over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gra den. We had visitors from various churches wo's'r.ip with us Sun- (lay, including a number from flreenville. Those who served the pastors luring the revival meeting Were 11>. ( i r.e 1 < » 1 nun ;. Mi s. FTe"~ ^-eeeteMl', and Mis. S.W Sullivan Mj.~~and Mrs. S. Mills, Mr. aixl Mrs. Luther Crane, Mr' and Mrs. Floyd Pressley, Mrs. Bertha Finley, Mrs. Mamie Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Andie Hunter, Mrs. Cappio Burnside, Mtt [and Mrs. David Schumpert, Miss Rosa Shepard, Mrs. S. I). Dendy, Mrs. Alice Todd- Mrs Jin FinvS« Mrs. Geneva Richardson, Mrs. H. Golden,"Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DorTaK 7 .Mrs; 'M. C. Whitney, Mr6. Katie Hicks, and Mrs. Cerilla Hudgens are attending th*» State Baptist Missionary convention in Votiway, S. C. Mr. Ezel Philson is visiting in Winston-Salem, N. . Miss Melrose Dial and neice Chaney* Diel Hunter are visiting in Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Alberta Mathis is attending summer school at State college, Orangeburg. Mr. Herman Walker son of Mrs Delia WaHcer passed away Monday, June 16th. More will be snid next week, Messrs Oscar Sullivan, Charles Dendy and others are vacationjn£ at Myrtle Beach, S, C,Misses Minnie L. Clinkscales and Josie Mae Garlington are in Hendersonville,' N7 C. HELENA NEWS. Sunday was a very pleasant day for all church goers and Sunday <chool« co-workers. At 8:00 p. m., '.he pastor. Rev. M. C.* Freeman delivered a soul stirring sermon. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnsor and Miss Edna Johnson nil Columbia, S. C., were the week end guests of their mother, Mrs Fannie Johnson of Helena, S. C Miss. Moggie..'Wright of Helena S. C., is visiting her sister anc brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fant of Wjutmire. S. C. Mr. amTlWrs. Herbert Bobb, aiu , nih. .< Washington, I). C., we're home visl ntf their.parents,.Mrs. Afflandi IlnKK 1 it--- - . " ami omer relatives ot Helen# tnd Newberry, S. C. Mrs. Ethel Clark left Wednr.ts lay for her home in Winston-Sa !em, N. C. after spending a few weeks with her (fraud parents, Mr and Mrs. Long, and her aunts Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Abrams, ant tick mother, Mrs. Viola Reeder all of Helena, S. C. Little Arthur Lee Wilson of He 'ena, S. C., is ill with the measlet at this writing. We a re proud to see Miss Janit Spearman home again after under 'oiug M serious operation at th< hospital in Columbia, S. C. . "fread the leader for the tatewi News." ^nhsrribe For . The Palmetto U'adei IS PAfcOTITQ LBADEft NEWBERRY NEWS (.'»lv»ry Presbyterian Church Kev. A. H. Keasoner, Pastor Instead of the usual Sunda school procedure, this hour wa Uevoted to a Children's Day pro grain. Quite a number o f chilurei look an active part on the pro gram and was considered a sue tea*. It wit# directed by Mrm. Ce lestine M. Allen. In the morning service Rev Reasonea- used us hi. theme, "Hov t,o face human suffering." His tex "For I reckon that the suffering; of this present time are no worthy to be compared with th< glory which -shalf be revealed ii us," Roman 8:18. "If so be thu we suffer with Him, that we maj be also glorified together," Rom 8:17. In the pastor's discourse tie would have us accept the worh as it is and make the best out ol it. He says, "In the world we wil rave trials ami tribulations, bu .ve wiy overcome." The suffering world today needs Christian mei anu women to hind its wounds. During Children's Hour, Rev iteasoner spoke on three topics Children's' philosophy, The waj Children think;.and the Scienei of Thinking. The visitors at these service: were, Mrs. Charleston' Penn anc Miss Rosalie Gilliam. ' Drayton Street School I ... . j rroi. k. l. (iiadden, principal I Drayf^on .Street school had its I graduation exercise at Bethlehem Baptist church Wednesday, June 9 | who received diplomas, They were, I Paul Roland Allen, William Clurk 'Baker, Jr., McKae Bobo, Elizabeh tBowers, James Boyd, Jr., Haync Thomas Cnick, Robert Lee Clark, Viola Clark;" Curt.s Coleman7"Jr." Mamie Lucretia Connor, William Eugene Counts, Ethel Mae Davidson, Mozell Marian Gary? Rosalie Demetria Gilliam, Janie Lee Glymph, Timothy Haltiwanger, Jr.. Celia Elizabeth-Livingston, Everlei\a Margaret Martin, Maude Beautia Moon, Scot'ield Parker, Jack Gilliam Rite, Georgia Mae Robinson, Sibbie Cyi.thia Rutliei I'ord, Marquis Singldton, Ilen/y Lee Suber. Mary Dell'ast Sumnnn*; Warren Montgomery Toland, Ka- thaniel Palmer Wesley, and Maggie Vivian Wright. The speakei lor this occasion was Dr. A. A Sims of Union. S. C. Salutatori.ih, Hayne Thomu> Chick; valedictorian, Ethel Mae Davidson. The music was given much praiise.- Daily Vacation Hible School v.iH 77c conducted lit Drayton Street tclfodl beginning Iun"e^TO~endTng July 4. We arc expecting a large attendance. * Among the teachers who are attending summer schools are Mrs. Jennie K. Gilliam, Mrs. N P. Singleton, Mrs. Lou Annie Gra ham, Mrs. ,Lillie Glaldden, M'rs Eunice. H. Allen, Misses Jaunitn Jones, Sylvia Gilliam, Carrie Gall man and Elizabeth Burton. AfteT attending a special courst at Meharry Medical College t'oi two weeks. Dr. J. Pi. Grant ha etuimeii auil rescmed practice, lli; many patients and friends are gla< to_see hi in. M rs. Helen ..Calhnut is the happy mother of a fine babj girl, born Sunday morning. »Sh< wate christened ~Ma.Mae^. Mrs^ Hebeccu Summer of Wash mgton, I). C., is visiting her moth er, Mrs. Cora Houseal and da ugh ter, Miss Mary Summer. M i,V^ Catherine Haines ,j» Waynesville, N. C., is visiting he: grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. An drew Frf.d, also their daughte Miss Minnie Ford erf Baltimori who has been visiting ' them un< returned, last week. Mr. Li neoln Davis left Satur day morning, for Washington, D. C ~ and Miss Addie Hare letft las !. Friday for Hendersonville, N. C. Mrs. Thomasina Myers left Mon day morning for summer school. ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHTRCI L Rev. W. M. McDonald, Pastor Sunday school was good a usual. After the class study of th lesson the school was wonderful! reviewed by the-pastor. The Bibl class is holding the banner, Re\ R. B. Golden, teacher. Services were good all day. Sun day morning the pastor s'tirrei the audience from the text, "G Forward," Exodu,, 14:15. At 3:3 p. m. Rev. Mrs. Fields preacho J a touching sermon for the benefi of the Missionary Society's child ' rente pfcw ra^ly. 'The childre nblely assisted the missionaries i their effort. The captains wen j Misse« Lydia Mae Cheek, Sara ' woodson, Elizabeth Yo"upg, Willi Mae Nelson, Geneva Boney, Ernie ' Cooper, Annie Mae Gflre. Hen Irietta Tucker, Gertrude Johnsor Mary Ldu Phelps, and Doroth r Phelps. We certainly thank ther and a reception was given fo them on Monday night at th home of Mrs. Wllhelemina Wood son on Henderson St. ' Sunday night the Children's I)a program was presented. The child > ren played well their parts an 1 much oredit is due the committe< \fisse$ Elizabeth Yoilng, Willi Mae Nelson, Genev. Boney, an Mrs. Eloise Janer*tte Darby. S< 1 James is on the way with Re\ McDonald at the head and loys ' followers. When you want to hea good singing, come to St. Jamei ! | Our presiding elderd Dr. W. I Loving Clark, will be with us Sur day' morning and night. TTVTs beTn his 3rd official visit. We are look ing forward to paying out in fu as we have heen doing this yea , Come and hear him. Visitor, ar always wslcomad, ..j .j/I *1 VI il«' r ORANGEBURG DISTRICT GROUP MEETING IS INSPIRING "Evangelize!, Reorganize!, R dedicate!," these arc some of t y high sounding keynotes struck s the district superintendent, mil - sters, and laymen of the Orang i' burg District, (S. C. Conference - in their firefy group meetii - June 3, at Ziont church- on. t * Jamtson tfisrge. " 5 District Superintendent A. \ Wright suggested that the mil v isters have a period of Evang t listic services throughout the di s trict. A discussion on Evangelis t was opened by the Rev. F. Marc i who in his remarks said. ,4'V i should start from the pulpit ai t come on down through the pe\ 1 with tt spiritual awakening." T1 . Rev. S. A. Flinches added th , there must first be a reorgar t zation oJf our-ehuiroh-.progra t "then let Evangelistic service reij I fifty two Sundays out of vei t with the other three hundred ar p thirteen days of the year throv i in " The Rev. T. J. Robinson eai rii . "a motion to the effect that tl : local churches on the district I r" organized and beginning June ; carry on an Kvangvlistte progia running indefinately with a fir s report on t he program's prog re: 1 to be given at the District Coi ferehce in "July. It was 'also suj gested that the pastors o»gunij a committee to go out and mul direct contacts and bring peop into the churcTf; Dir. N. J. Crawley, represei i tative of the Board of Pension at i Relief, emphatically urged tl group to take better care of il r retired muiialgrs. dp-.wu. U To shun this task when We oui selves are headed toward the* sam end", said Dr. Crawley. Father Day is being observed in beha' of Pension and Relief. "Mrsr Phillips Gibbs, state pies dent of the Women Society t Christian Service, gave an inspi: ing and informing address t > til women._ Some of the topics sis ; discussed were, (1) Christian St cial Relation and Local Ch Activities; T2) Mission r~y.Fi ucti'ion and Service:' (.'!) To Wesley tan Service (fill: (-1) 1 jerature; (5f The Status of W't men. "The Woni»*n Society .Christian Service is one of ill greates clubs trrthp world re gun less of denomination." Mrs. (lib!: exclaimed. Mrs. A. W. Wriei the district president of the s1 .-iety. was selected delegate to th reneial meeting in St. Louis, ?li Jljr. T. K. Bythewood, repa !'ii 'South Carolina, challenged youth U state to niaieh forward an.l ii'. H .fully take, their. places. _in._U; It inch of today. Katie Smith, ReiJdrter Claflin College Orangeburg. S.?C. CLINTON XKWS Friendship A, -M. K. Church Rev. II. \V. Walker. Faster Sunday school opened art.ti usual time with Supt. II. L. Ale ander at his post. All classes toi ' an active part in the diseussu of the lesson. The lesson was r ' viewed by Mrs. Rebecca (Bdowi Burrage. tfc'~rTAt 'o'ctggk lilt' '(lllkl f brought to us another one of thoi ? inspiring sermons. H it' alwa; to think about. If you are visitii in Clinton, find your way to Kriet ship A. M. K. church. Sunday night Rev. S. C. Demi f who is a ehalpain in the^army the state of Alabama, brought tl message. He spoke^from 1 Co , ..1.5th. ehaptei?- and. 5hth._ vers Brethern be steadfast. Every bin I present enjoyed his sermon. Misses Rubye Johnson and Ma tie Mae "Young, who are attejidii the Allen-Benedict summer sclm , were m tuwu -Sunday.. They can along witli Mr. and Mrs. Warn Wilson who were the guests Mr. Wilson's parents. Mrs. Rebecca Brown Burrago home.visiting her "mother, Mi Eunice Brown Adams. See" Miss Kubye TJaisy. Pit for the Palmetto Leader. s e Hebron Baptist Church y Rev. A. A. Sims, Pastor a Sunday school Was cafletT t() c ' der by the Supt., Mr. J. B.. Ruth at the usual hour. After t * lesson was discussed, the past conducted the review. J? Sunday morning t h e past ® preached a very good sermon. k; number of visitors were preset The B. Y. P. U. convened " (5:15. n The U. C. Club met at the hor n of Mrs. Jimmie Young, pj Mrs. Lauru Harris.heft to d: ''or Hendersonville, N. C. ^ Miss D. M. Lomnx left Saturdi .I for.Washington'..D-.P Rev. A. A. Sims, Rev. ami Mi WlllU1, Mi', and Mis. .Johnie Dav ' and Mrs. Rosa L. Pitts were <li ; ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen r Bobo. (i Mrs. Mary B. Williams. M Lucinda Miller, and little gia daughter, Lueinda C. Pitts, w leave Wednesday for the Womei State Baptist Convention at Co ,] way. , A popularity contest, was giv p at Hebron Friday night for t benefit of the church missionai t- A first and second prize was gi en to the one raising the highe ,j amount of money. Little Same r Day Fleming was proclaimed t s mosl popular according to t f amount of money raised which "w i_ $5.00. Little John Edward Tayl iT TarrtrF?i"<tm>nrt; misTng J37TSfT cinda C. Pitts, $2.20; Arebe U Hester, $2.20; Lucy Moore, $2.(1 r^-Eddie_ Taylor.. $2JUL ..Bartha Jkl e Gilliams, $1.15; Evelyn Flemir $.05; total, $l4.70. 1. . SHADY GROVE METHODIST CHl'KCH t,_ By (Miss) I'tker Davis he by Winnsboro', S. 'C..Miss Inez n" Gladden departed--thts life Junt*.IT ®" and was funeralized on Friday af ^ ' ternoon, June 13th at the Shady he Grove church. Rev. C. W.:Talley opened the seTviees and offered V. prayer. A Charge to Keep I ll" Have, was sung "bv the choir; the es_ 15tfh-ehapter of St. Paul was read m by Rev. Talley who took an apL!s propriate text for the occasion^. A J comforting prayer was offered sij. then the song Will There be any he Stars was' sung. Miss Gladden, a native of this m:JLown >vent .to.. ta. jn live. While she was in good health but returned after her health began to fail ar^d lived \ith her grandmother and father ;t) who did {.ll they could for her. In ie her youth she was a strong Sunday school worker and always car in a ^hlJLe>. As long as heist health permitted she would atss tend church being a member of .Shady Grove Methodist^ church. 1, Slip was preceded to the grave by u. her mother some years ago. le Rev. Talley commended the bereaved to God for comfort. She will be missed in the homo and in ie the community by yotmg and old ts of both races. It is our lost but p,ahrT=^=": lt. Surviving are a father and step s mother and four uncles and a+mts-^ a grandmother, and a host of~rel. J atives and friends. kf t Mr. Alex Russel had charge :of the' remains. :: I t' i Servant of God well dope. ^ j Rest from thy loved employ; | i-: The battle's fought the vic'rv won « Knter thy Master's iov. -.1 J:. . i 1 HM r I he voice at midnight he stalled to j up to hear, - | 1- A mortal arrow pierced his fra no He fell but felt i; » f.-a1 SI'ARTAMii KG. S ( . .. Trinity A. M. K. Church - RoV. A. I). Dan Uins, I'a Aor J" j "Sunday was a !..vcly d: v ! ; ill el)liroll goi-iv v. mi- funisi w! L lJJM- t.b '. j'1 Am.i -1-,t- -I -1-.1'. o ll st Z . At JO o clock the Sunday so' «»ol j ook phice with a-largo atteiidai; C. I he lessun was thoroughly ta.ught by the various teachers and a most .ntoiesting review was given by Miss Dot lor. Class No. 2. Mis. _Lois. Royd, reacher.4s still holding the offering banner. At 11:15 the pastor. Rev. Dawlins. brought ; inspii dig "message f i o m Ilel tew 1.1:11. / riieme. "Christ ians' Foot Rare." jn A large audience heard the message as the God sent man deliver- c" I ,.,l ;i ri i ' -- .v. wv I IIUH 'l SCeilHMl 1(1 I)*.' lied with 'he spirit A mnnberj At .'1:110 the pastor and choir s.* vorshipcd with liuvt.Ldiupiran at 'J S'cw /,'nn Baptist church..Uc.H ® Daw kit: s delivered a wonderful s -r- l\ man from St. John. 11:15. The 1( message was hwh-H f\ trfyt 1" ' h" "T- oiigregathm. I : ' Sunday night at S o'clock our! 1,1 Ini tpiartoiiy conference was Told '' at Trinity A. M. K. church by the presiding elder. Dr. Tr 11. Addisou..udur-deliv+ired-.tT«*.evening message to an appreciative a. du nee. The message was short and sweet, pleasing, instructive' and inspiring, alter which we entered' ..into''.KOKSfolV.* Ttl ; 1141 quartet wffs caliied ouFharmo.iously. All present left in sn)iles. 0 A wi re also glial-to.haKev.ind Mrs- Jones, who worshiped with us Sunday night, come again. rs> You are always welcomed.®.o l, l* nicely. Thi* pastor ar.d members ro .doing- sple ndid work in the improvement of our church. A nvw tainted roof has been p..t on ami \ n w platform is being built in >r- tTe basement. We are asking out M. members and friends to visit Trinihe ty and help put the program over, or Our doors are opened anil you tie welcomed, or Mrs. Anna Craig, Mrs. Mary A Davis* and Mr._ Pearson are still it. on-the siek list. We prav for them at a speed>\ recovery. >< HE READY TO PAY ay YOUR By ' S 11RSCRIPTIO N f~"| PINCKNEY'S F1 ,v~ i NDKiTTAK T'.R AND I Ph OF SOUTH CAROM r^ii SEdiiH U )g. "TlOOfi WASHINGTON SI ;_. <*! --«- - - v ; Saturday, June 21, 1941 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ® * DR. H. H. COOPER DENTIST Special Attention Given to T5T eases of the Gums Gold Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty Office Phone 6429 iRes. 8261 1125 Washington St.. Cola., S. C. Office Hours: Telephone*: .^.: 8:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Office 603." Residence 887 ! Dr. D. K. Jenkins DENTIST Fillings, Plates, Crowns, Bridges. Anesthesia a Specialty DR. J. G. STUART Eye, Eur. J\ose ami lluuat Glusses Fitted Accurately Office Hours Telephones 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Res. 4602 ^ 4 P.M. to G P.M. Office 3706 Office. * Residence 2030 Taylor St. T347 Pine St RRVl H "TTOHMSDM . - ~ * " ' . . 3 ^ Notary ruai.ic Office 2029 Marion Street Dealer in Real Estate, perform* Marriage Ceremonies, writes Will* Deeds, Mortgages, Claims, etc. Call to See Him (i'i'liiMIMI) L AOK TOR ; I MENTHO f d | MULSION IW STFOR COUGHS f-P.OMCOLDS^M" zjA ^ that won t turn loose ^^2 « OF MENTHO MULSION Mr WAIT FIVE MINUTES m if YOU Fail to get EXPECTED RELIEF M Task for tour money back j SOLD BY DRUGGISTS ,v ^ EVERYWHERE ; wayr?r . ;rasjKE=nsrs«e j"or_im'9Kmsiu»»\ ;ii',t| AltFyntioHs. of all kiiuh^tju'luding the Relinina .1 COATS .see. Miss Laney Kennerley A Specially is made of School 01 ^ Print Dresses. Work Neatly Done 1203 PINE ST. | MADAM PETER'S HAIR GROWER Gives Ufi . *nd Beauty. BEST GROWER Apply once a week.Price 35c. I90f» Blanding St., Columbia. S. C Counts Drug- Store, Washington S t.t Thnmoc TY .o * *. ,J n K ~ re« Iaylo» and Harden Streets ONE WAY V/z cents per mile ROUND TRIP 10% less than double I <y tho one way fares Air Conditioned CoachoM > ON THROUGH TRAINS ^ J. T. COBB Division Passenger Agent Columbia, S. C. ,mmn Telephone 9231 DANT/I.KR ijon..- > i i r»i, SHOE REPAIR SHOE .2179 Hermit Ht. Columbia, S. C ^ i Prices Reasonable V' Invisible Half Soling a Special!* Work Caller! For and Delivered [TNERAL HOME | ICENSED EMRAI.MER NA AND C.EORC.IA Funeral Cars and Funeral Equipment AS ROOD AS THE BEST I And Hotter Than the Rest I And Prices l.csa nftife I'lione 2-3.1"»7 ffrs ch'nrc I'hone 7765 COL'KTKSY AND SKRV ICE COLUMBIA. 3 C. " *

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~~ ***** Sli

Mom.Tow wiB k* .w.4**trMw ta Ala (thou. Tm hrrm ki».mod m« fcr mj mw «hmioii wimmLocjrr DnOun h^nmMi WnImall Uttora ud yhn MM! wM addnilJ. ITIM»I» MTtUp*' tM f*MWrt». To«.Asm* Wmm, mm * tm

Cotnoa, 1 "nmn

M. S..Tell me what to do. Mychild is 15 years old ami for the as.four months we have been li\ ingwith his father. Ifls father drinksand does bad but promised to begood to us both.-They had a misunderstandingrecently and thechild left. My husband or his falher said he was sorry and prmnKt'tlnut to' du n tiling lise riifsagain.Tell me which one needsme the most?

.^vilb. 11 lilt' IULIICI UJ yvui LHJJwould control his drinking and act

Trrtght, it would be nice for youand the boy to continue living therewitlh him. Hhowever, give t.imwarning ^that the first" time.heabuses you or the child severely;you will take the boy and leave.You are light . . . the boy needsyou more than his father, b ut tryto live peacefully together if iti an be done.

1111. P. 1/..Answer my questionin the paper. Is my hUfdtttndand why does he hag me so aboutmy past ? Could I get my AsrtologvReading if I send in fOF it?Ans: Your husband is sane, but

very insanely jealous at times.If' at all possible, pay,, not thesTTghest bit of attention to hisnaggaing you ivb^ut your past.Ask him if he didn't have a past?lioH-t.ftrss-with hirrr wherrhet++a&

' Co brlnntr tip such things, btrtignore nun ujtogeiner. i es, youmay send for your AstrologyReading by sending 25c. Be sureto send full name, correct birthdatearid address. You may askthree questions too if you want

-.:. my tree ..pinion on same.

M. L. \V..I am anemic and wentto the hospital for treatment. I

y tried to get on relief and they say1 am able to work and the doctorswon't sign the papets forme not to work. When I work myback hurts and the doctor,, would'TiT"TelT"IHT "Tiry-TTftiTtT'rrr?; Tell - 1T1T"u littt.I.shuuld do 7


AnsT'CIeTjr TTgr.t job and n.n~tinue going" to the hospital fortreatment. If the doctors thoughtyour condition was serious. theywould not insist on your working,but evidently they feel you wouldbe better off doing half day workthan doing ivothing at all. Cooperatewith thenrmnd.F am mire

yon will improve in health.F. M..The man I loved for 1?

.. months and tried to live with. Heand 1 had a fight the first Sundayin June and he got the ax after"me and I put lye on him. I payedhis way home. I want to help himnow until he gets well so pleasetell me what to do?

Ails: About the only thing y.ouan aim-is help him with his doctorand medicine bill for he isgtmrg-tt>.htt-ve.fdenty of them..Itisridiculous that two intelligentpeople.cuaM not settle a littlemisunderstanding \vpth<5ut resortingto ax fighting. If I

"Wei7? ybii," I Think ~T would Tiiaheup my mind to behave myself inthe future, as this is mighty_dangerousand could cause you sometrouble.

M. C..My husband and I purchaseda car together. Before we

got the car he said it was mineand I could drive it all -that 1wanted to but now 1 can't even

get in the car as Tie is out and gonein it. What must 1 do as I helpedpay for it?Ans: When he drive,, off in the

car . . get in with him and goloo. The new will wear off very

.soon-tuui- l»e will-he glad to haveyou drive the "same as he does.He isn't chasing girls with hiscar, but he is so doggone proudof it that he can't stay from behindthe wheel long enough toeven give you a thought.

JOHNSON VILLE CIRCUITRev. Silas Middleton, Pastor

S. S. opened at usual 'hour withSupt. and co-workers at their postof duty. The lesson was beauti-fully discussed. The morning ser

vice was opened with an old timeplayer meeting. At this timethe pastor came forth amr delivered"a soul stirring sermon takenfrc/m Genesis 40:19, using for histheme "You Can't Dp Wrong and(let By". This message was well

.received j

We were blessed with five infantsto be baptized. The servicewas enjoyed by all.The pastor and his wife spent

the week-end at the parsonageand among the good people,



BALTIMORE, MD. NEWSBy (Mrs.) Louise G. Douglas*

Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Halseyhad for their Wednesday afternoon guests Mrs. Louise G. Douglass,Mrs. Molly Gore and his brother Mr. Jim Russell who spenta very pleasant time.On sick list are Rev. Marshalt

Flowers, Mrs. Craig; Mr. Htlt, theRev. Wtbster Neal, Mrs. JennyJones. The others are duringwell and out of the hospital are

Mrs. Lula P. Boones, Mr. RooseveltHeath Mr. Marshall AndievvsMrs.-Clara .SntiHa, Mtas.JennieWhitlock, Mr. Clarenct Gregory,Mr. J. W. Shells. We hope forall an early recovery. Mrs. RuthP. Peslon sister is able to visither and enjoyed a very happystay.

Mrs. Louise G. Douglass wasMrs. Christine C. Andtrson guestu\d also Mrs. Daisy Mpe Heathon Monday. * -

There was an entertainment given at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Blaine Smith, 3532 W. LanvuleSt., Friday, June 13th,. Dea. Turn

benefit of Galilee Baptist church.Mrs. Delphine Russell and two

children have returned home afterspending three weeks with hermother in South Hill, Va. She re

port a very splendid trip.There was a supper given by

the United Christian Savings clubat 11 H. Amity serett Saturdayevening, June 14th. Mr. RichardGaston, president; Mr. GeorgeBlizzard secretary.The S. S. S. club met with

Mrs. Etta Boler 613 N. CalhounSt.; with the chaplain in charge

"_»i the devotions. Bible verses by >

ach member. President, Mrs. L.Wilks. The next meeting will beit Mrs. Alice Johnson 613 N. Cal J~u>.7n St. All members are ask-to be present, please.

Mrs. Dillie D. Brown and Mrs.Louise Turner" had for their Sat-inlay evening: guest Mrs. Ianiise

Douglass.The S. S. S. club had a call t

nee ting at the president s homen order to make plans for u parvtn lie given soon.



Everything on the old historicEdisto Island is marching on infull bloom. Services are goingon at all of the churches and a

definite result is being manifested.Rev, S. P. McKehery deliv-erfcd the message at the Presbyterianchurch, of which Dr. W.L. Metz is pastor, oil last Sunday.He is a senior in the Schooliof Theology at Johnson C. Smithuniversity. He left Jienday for^Columbus, Ga., where he will carryon during the-summer..Rev. J. E: Webb, pastor of theR. E. church, delivered a splendidmessage to the Fathers on Sunday.This message will lingerlong in the hearts of all thosewho heard it." Children's Daywat> observed in the afternoon at[the R. E. church. A very fineprogram was carried out withMiss Grace Wright and Miss 'Mat

"tie L7 Brown in charge. All Who

have enjoyed it.

On Sunday afternoon the sadnews reached us of the passing ofMr. Henry Hutchinson, Sr. HewasTTTne of the most outstanding'citizens of Edisto Iskand havinglived here for more than fourscore years. He was an elder inthe Presbyterian church for manyyears. He will be greatly mis'sedby the entire community. Hfiswidow, five children and grandchildrenhave the entire sympathyof the whole Island.

Rev. F. P. Metz is here for awhile with his parents, Dr. andMrs. W. L. Metz. Rev. Mr. Metzhas just received his B.D. degreefrom the School erf Theology -oTJohnson C. Smith university. Hehas three rhurches near Beauforta C

VTiac. Rnn.,).ih C lint* im .4

home with her, parents, Dr. /andrMrs."W. L. Metz^ She is a teacher in the high school of Gaffneyand reports a very fine schoolterm.

Miss Agnes Helen Brown is now

in New York visiting relativesand friends. She came home andspeivt a few weeks with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brown,after the closing of her school atSellers, S. C. She heads the departmentof Home Economics atSellers Junic/h High school.

Prof. J. L. Washington is spending the sumer here after the closing of his school. He is the principalof the iRidgeviiU Elwantaryschool.

« «



St. Paul Baptist ChurchKt-v. L. B. Moon, Pastor

Sunday school began at the usualhour under the direction ofMr. Jonathan Miles, with teachersat their post of duty. ISie lessonwas wonderfully reviewed by Mr.Daniel Wearing. "The B. T.CTTbegan tat the usual hcur with a

itice group present. The contesiclosed Sunday, June 15th. The.iris won the first prize and theooys the second.

Ti e pastor pre: cned throughoutSunday and he preached a s

never before. Our hearts wereset on fire. His theme was ThisMatter Belongs to Me. And hetold us about it too, that is whatwe need in these churchts today,the true will help our

wicked race. We have just closeda ten nights revival meeting.The first week was conducted bythe Rev. Moss of Augusta, Ga.;second week the Rev. W.W. Whiteof Georgia. The converts were

Baptized Sunday after which thepastor and his deaeons; motored" t-oWhite* Plains to help ordain some

deacons there. A g«6d servicewas hlad.

Mrs. Whitner and her juniorchoir wh« invitn/l to tho Piochu.

terian church also the Ace club,-to render music..

Mrs. Viola Grant and daughters'Ella and " Alloc Grant left for/Charlotte, N. C. Sunday. \ Mrs.Grant will undergo an operation.We are praying for hei\ She- requeststhe prayers of the Christiana.

All who wish to get a PalmettoLeader who have news publishedinths column see John RobertHunter...Miss Kathryrr-Graderr-of-fireenvillevisited her parents over theweek end, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Graden.We had visitors from various

churches wo's'r.ip with us Sun-(lay, including a number fromflreenville.Those who served the pastors

luring the revival meeting Were11>. ( i r.e 1 < » 1 nun ;. Mi s. FTe"~^-eeeteMl', and Mis. S.WSullivan Mj.~~and Mrs. S. Mills,Mr. aixl Mrs. Luther Crane, Mr'and Mrs. Floyd Pressley, Mrs.Bertha Finley, Mrs. Mamie Williams,Mr. and Mrs. Andie Hunter,Mrs. Cappio Burnside, Mtt[and Mrs. David Schumpert, MissRosa Shepard, Mrs. S. I). Dendy,Mrs. Alice Todd- Mrs Jin FinvS«Mrs. Geneva Richardson, Mrs. H.Golden,"Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DorTaK7.Mrs; 'M. C. Whitney, Mr6. KatieHicks, and Mrs. Cerilla Hudgensare attending th*» State BaptistMissionary convention in Votiway,S. C.Mr. Ezel Philson is visiting in

Winston-Salem, N. .

Miss Melrose Dial and neiceChaney* Diel Hunter are visitingin Philadelphia, Pa.Miss Alberta Mathis is attendingsummer school at State college,Orangeburg.Mr. Herman Walker son of Mrs

Delia WaHcer passed away Monday,June 16th. More will besnid next week,Messrs Oscar Sullivan, CharlesDendy and others are vacationjn£at Myrtle Beach, S, C,MissesMinnie L. Clinkscales

and Josie Mae Garlington are inHendersonville,' N7 C.

HELENA NEWS.Sunday was a very pleasant dayfor all church goers and Sunday<chool« co-workers. At 8:00 p. m.,'.he pastor. Rev. M. C.* Freemandelivered a soul stirring sermon.Mr. and Mrs. James Johnsorand Miss Edna Johnson nil

Columbia, S. C., were the weekend guests of their mother, MrsFannie Johnson of Helena, S. CMiss. Moggie..'Wright of HelenaS. C., is visiting her sister ancbrother in law, Mr. and Mrs. SamuelFant of Wjutmire. S. C.Mr. amTlWrs. Herbert Bobb, aiu

, nih. .<

Washington, I). C., we're home vislntf their.parents,.Mrs. AfflandiIlnKK 1 it--- - . "

ami omer relatives ot Helen#tnd Newberry, S. C.Mrs. Ethel Clark left Wednr.ts

lay for her home in Winston-Sa!em, N. C. after spending a fewweeks with her (fraud parents, Mrand Mrs. Long, and her auntsMrs. Brown and Mrs. Abrams, anttick mother, Mrs. Viola Reederall of Helena, S. C.

Little Arthur Lee Wilson of He'ena, S. C., is ill with the measletat this writing.We a re proud to see Miss Janit

Spearman home again after under'oiug M serious operation at th<hospital in Columbia, S. C.. "fread the leader for the tatewiNews."

^nhsrribe For .

The Palmetto U'adei



(.'»lv»ry Presbyterian ChurchKev. A. H. Keasoner, Pastor

Instead of the usual Sundaschool procedure, this hour wa

Uevoted to a Children's Day prograin. Quite a number o f chilureilook an active part on the program and was considered a suetea*. It wit# directed by Mrm. Celestine M. Allen.

In the morning service RevReasonea- used us hi. theme, "Hovt,o face human suffering." His tex"For I reckon that the suffering;of this present time are noworthy to be compared with th<glory which -shalf be revealed iius," Roman 8:18. "If so be thuwe suffer with Him, that we majbe also glorified together," Rom8:17. In the pastor's discoursetie would have us accept the worhas it is and make the best out olit. He says, "In the world we wilrave trials ami tribulations, wiy overcome." The sufferingworld today needs Christian meianu women to hind its wounds.During Children's Hour, Rev

iteasoner spoke on three topicsChildren's' philosophy, The wajChildren think;.and the Scieneiof Thinking.The visitors at these service:

were, Mrs. Charleston' Penn ancMiss Rosalie Gilliam.

' Drayton Street SchoolI ... .

j rroi. k. l. (iiadden, principal

I Drayf^on .Street school had itsI graduation exercise at BethlehemBaptist church Wednesday, June 9

| who received diplomas, They were,I Paul Roland Allen, William Clurk'Baker, Jr., McKae Bobo, ElizabehtBowers, James Boyd, Jr., HayncThomas Cnick, Robert Lee Clark,Viola Clark;" Curt.s Coleman7"Jr."Mamie Lucretia Connor, WilliamEugene Counts, Ethel Mae Davidson,Mozell Marian Gary? RosalieDemetria Gilliam, Janie LeeGlymph, Timothy Haltiwanger, Jr..Celia Elizabeth-Livingston, Everlei\aMargaret Martin, MaudeBeautia Moon, Scot'ield Parker,Jack Gilliam Rite, Georgia MaeRobinson, Sibbie Cyi.thia RutlieiI'ord, Marquis Singldton, Ilen/yLee Suber. Mary Dell'ast Sumnnn*;Warren Montgomery Toland, Ka-thaniel Palmer Wesley, and MaggieVivian Wright. The speakeilor this occasion was Dr. A. ASims of Union. S. C. Salutatori.ih,Hayne Thomu> Chick; valedictorian,Ethel Mae Davidson. The musicwas given much praiise.-

Daily Vacation Hible School v.iH77c conducted lit Drayton Streettclfodl beginning Iun"e^TO~endTngJuly 4. We arc expecting a largeattendance. *

Among the teachers who are

attending summer schools areMrs. Jennie K. Gilliam, Mrs. NP. Singleton, Mrs. Lou Annie Graham, Mrs. ,Lillie Glaldden, M'rsEunice. H. Allen, Misses JaunitnJones, Sylvia Gilliam, Carrie Gallman and Elizabeth Burton.

AfteT attending a special courstat Meharry Medical College t'oitwo weeks. Dr. J. Pi. Grant haetuimeii auil rescmed practice, lli;many patients and friends are gla<to_see hi in.M rs. Helen ..Calhnut

is the happy mother of a fine babjgirl, born Sunday morning. »Sh<wate christened ~Ma.Mae^.Mrs^ Hebeccu Summer of Wash

mgton, I). C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cora Houseal and daughter, Miss Mary Summer.M i,V^ Catherine Haines ,j»

Waynesville, N. C., is visiting he:grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Frf.d, also their daughteMiss Minnie Ford erf Baltimoriwho has been visiting '

them un<returned, last week.

Mr. Lineoln Davis left Saturday morning, for Washington, D. C

~ and Miss Addie Hare letft las!. Friday for Hendersonville, N. C.

Mrs. Thomasina Myers left Monday morning for summer school.


L Rev. W. M. McDonald, Pastor

Sunday school was good a

usual. After the class study of thlesson the school was wonderful!reviewed by the-pastor. The Biblclass is holding the banner, Re\R. B. Golden, teacher.

Services were good all day. Sunday morning the pastor s'tirreithe audience from the text, "GForward," Exodu,, 14:15. At 3:3p. m. Rev. Mrs. Fields preacho

J a touching sermon for the benefiof the Missionary Society's child

' rente pfcw ra^ly. 'The childrenblely assisted the missionaries itheir effort. The captains wen

j Misse« Lydia Mae Cheek, Sara' woodson, Elizabeth Yo"upg, WilliMae Nelson, Geneva Boney, Ernie

' Cooper, Annie Mae Gflre. HenIrietta Tucker, Gertrude JohnsorMary Ldu Phelps, and Dorothr Phelps. We certainly thank therand a reception was given fothem on Monday night at thhome of Mrs. Wllhelemina Woodson on Henderson St.' Sunday night the Children's I)aprogram was presented. The child

> ren played well their parts an1 much oredit is due the committe<\fisse$ Elizabeth Yoilng, WilliMae Nelson, Genev. Boney, anMrs. Eloise Janer*tte Darby. S<1 James is on the way with Re\McDonald at the head and loys' followers. When you want to heagood singing, come to St. Jamei!

| Our presiding elderd Dr. W. ILoving Clark, will be with us Surday' morning and night. TTVTs beTnhis 3rd official visit. We are looking forward to paying out in fuas we have heen doing this yea

, Come and hear him. Visitor, ar

always wslcomad,..j

.j/I *1 VI il«' r


"Evangelize!, Reorganize!, Rdedicate!," these arc some of t

y high sounding keynotes strucks the district superintendent, mil- sters, and laymen of the Orangi' burg District, (S. C. Conference- in their firefy group meetii- June 3, at Ziont church- on. t* Jamtson tfisrge. " 5

District Superintendent A. \Wright suggested that the mil

v isters have a period of Evangt listic services throughout the dis trict. A discussion on Evangelist was opened by the Rev. F. Marci who in his remarks said. ,4'Vi should start from the pulpit ait come on down through the pe\1 with tt spiritual awakening." T1. Rev. S. A. Flinches added th, there must first be a reorgart zation oJf our-ehuiroh-.prograt "then let Evangelistic service reijI fifty two Sundays out of veit with the other three hundred arp thirteen days of the year throvi in "

The Rev. T. J. Robinson eai rii. "a motion to the effect that tl: local churches on the district Ir" organized and beginning June ;

carry on an Kvangvlistte progiarunning indefinately with a fir

s report on t he program's prog re:1 to be given at the District Coi

ferehce in"July. It was 'also sujgested that the pastors o»gunija committee to go out and muldirect contacts and bring peopinto the churcTf;

Dir. N. J. Crawley, represeii tative of the Board of Pension ati Relief, emphatically urged tl

group to take better care of ilr retired muiialgrs. dp-.wu. UTo shun this task when We oui

selves are headed toward the* samend", said Dr. Crawley. FatherDay is being observed in beha'of Pension and Relief."Mrsr Phillips Gibbs, state pies

dent of the Women Society tChristian Service, gave an inspi:ing and informing address t > tilwomen._ Some of the topics sis

; discussed were, (1) Christian Stcial Relation and Local ChActivities; T2) Mission r~y.Fiucti'ion and Service:' (.'!) ToWesley tan Service (fill: (-1) 1

jerature; (5f The Status of W'tmen. "The Woni»*n Society

.Christian Service is one of illgreates clubs trrthp world regunless of denomination." Mrs. (lib!:exclaimed. Mrs. A. W. Wrieithe district president of the s1.-iety. was selected delegate to threneial meeting in St. Louis, ?li

Jljr. T. K. Bythewood, repa

!'ii 'South Carolina, challengedyouth

U state to niaieh forward an.l ii'. H.fully take, their. places. _in._U;

It inch of today.Katie Smith, ReiJdrter

Claflin CollegeOrangeburg. S.?C.

CLINTON XKWSFriendship A, -M. K. ChurchRev. II. \V. Walker. FasterSunday school opened art.ti

usual time with Supt. II. L. Aleander at his post. All classes toi


an active part in the diseussuof the lesson. The lesson was r

' viewed by Mrs. Rebecca (BdowiBurrage.

tfc'~rTAt 'o'ctggk lilt' '(lllklf brought to us another one of thoi? inspiring sermons. H it' alwa;

to think about. If you are visitiiin Clinton, find your way to Krietship A. M. K. church.Sunday night Rev. S. C. Demi

f who is a ehalpain in the^armythe state of Alabama, brought tlmessage. He spoke^from 1 Co

, ..1.5th. ehaptei?- and. 5hth._ versBrethern be steadfast. Every bin

I present enjoyed his sermon.Misses Rubye Johnson and Ma

tie Mae "Young, who are attejidiithe Allen-Benedict summer sclm

, were m tuwu -Sunday.. They canalong witli Mr. and Mrs. WarnWilson who were the guestsMr. Wilson's parents.Mrs. Rebecca Brown Burrago

home.visiting her "mother, MiEunice Brown Adams.

See" Miss Kubye TJaisy. Pitfor the Palmetto Leader.

se Hebron Baptist Churchy Rev. A. A. Sims, Pastora Sunday school Was cafletT t() c' der by the Supt., Mr. J. B..

Ruth at the usual hour. After t* lesson was discussed, the past

conducted the review.J? Sunday morning t h e past® preached a very good sermon.k; number of visitors were preset

The B. Y. P. U. convened" (5:15.n The U. C. Club met at the horn of Mrs. Jimmie Young,pj Mrs. Lauru Harris.heft to d:

''or Hendersonville, N. C.^ Miss D. M. Lomnx left Saturdi.I for.Washington'..D-.PRev. A. A. Sims, Rev. ami Mi

WlllU1, Mi', and Mis. .Johnie Dav' and Mrs. Rosa L. Pitts were <li

; ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henr Bobo.(i Mrs. Mary B. Williams. M

Lucinda Miller, and little giadaughter, Lueinda C. Pitts, wleave Wednesday for the WomeiState Baptist Convention at Co

,] way., A popularity contest, was givp at Hebron Friday night for t

benefit of the church missionait- A first and second prize was gi

en to the one raising the highe,j amount of money. Little Samer Day Fleming was proclaimed ts mosl popular according to tf amount of money raised which"wi_ $5.00. Little John Edward TayliT TarrtrF?i"<tm>nrt; misTng J37TSfT

cinda C. Pitts, $2.20; ArebeU Hester, $2.20; Lucy Moore, $2.(1r^-Eddie_ Taylor.. $2JUL ..Bartha Jkle Gilliams, $1.15; Evelyn Flemir

$.05; total, $l4.70.

1. .


t,_ By (Miss) I'tker Davisheby Winnsboro', S. 'C..Miss Inezn" Gladden departed--thts life Junt*.IT

®"and was funeralized on Friday af^

' ternoon, June 13th at the Shadyhe Grove church. Rev. C. W.:Talley

opened the seTviees and offeredV. prayer. A Charge to Keep Ill" Have, was sung "bv the choir; thees_ 15tfh-ehapter of St. Paul was readm by Rev. Talley who took an apL!spropriate text for the occasion^. A

J comforting prayer was offeredsij. then the song Will There be anyhe Stars was' sung.

Miss Gladden, a native of thism:JLown >vent .to.. ta.jn live. While she was in good

health but returned after herhealth began to fail ar^d lived\ith her grandmother and father

;t) who did {.ll they could for her. Inie her youth she was a strong Sundayschool worker and always car

in a ^hlJLe>. As long as heisthealth permitted she would atsstend church being a member of.Shady Grove Methodist^ church.

1, Slip was preceded to the grave byu. her mother some years ago.le Rev. Talley commended the bereavedto God for comfort. She

will be missed in the homo andinie the community by yotmg and oldts of both races. It is our lost but

p,ahrT=^=":lt. Surviving are a father and steps mother and four uncles and a+mts-^a grandmother, and a host of~rel.J atives and friends.kf t Mr. Alex Russel had charge :of

the' remains.:: It' i Servant of God well dope.^ j Rest from thy loved employ; |i-: The battle's fought the vic'rv won« Knter thy Master's iov.-.1 J:.

. i1 HMr I he voice at midnight he stalled

to j up to hear, - |1- A mortal arrow pierced his fra noHe fell but felt i; » f.-a1

SI'ARTAMii KG. S ( .

.. Trinity A. M. K. Church- RoV. A. I). Dan Uins, I'a Aor

J" j "Sunday was a !..vcly d: v ! ;ill el)liroll goi-iv v. mi- funisi w!L lJJM- t.b '. j'1Am.i -1-,t- -I -1-.1'.o ll st Z

.At JO o clock the Sunday so' «»olj ook phice with a-largo atteiidai; C.I he lessun was thoroughly ta.ughtby the various teachers and a most.ntoiesting review was given byMiss Dot lor. Class No. 2. Mis._Lois. Royd, reacher.4s still holdingthe offering banner.At 11:15 the pastor. Rev. Dawlins.brought ; inspii dig

"message f i o m Ilel tew 1.1:11./ riieme. "Christ ians' Foot Rare."jn

A large audience heard the messageas the God sent man deliver-c" I ,.,l ;i ri i '-- .v. wv I IIUH 'l SCeilHMl 1(1 I)*.'lied with 'he spirit A mnnberjAt .'1:110 the pastor and choirs.* vorshipcd with liuvt.Ldiupiran at'J S'cw /,'nn Baptist church..Uc.H® Daw kit: s delivered a wonderful s -r-l\ man from St. John. 11:15. The1(

message was hwh-H f\ trfyt 1" ' h""T- oiigregathm. I: ' Sunday night at S o'clock our!1,1 Ini tpiartoiiy conference was Told'' at Trinity A. M. K. church by thepresiding elder. Dr.Tr11.Addisou..udur-deliv+ired-.tT«*.evening

message to an appreciative a. dunee. The message was short andsweet, pleasing, instructive' andinspiring, alter which we entered'..into''.KOKSfolV.* Ttl ;1141 quartet wffs caliied ouFharmo.iously.All present left in sn)iles.0 A wi re also glial-to.haKev.indMrs- Jones, who worshipedwith us Sunday night, come> You are always®.o l,

l* nicely. Thi* pastor ar.d membersro .doing- sple ndid work in theimprovement of our church. A nvwtainted roof has been p..t on ami\ n w platform is being built in

>r- tTe basement. We are asking outM. members and friends to visit Trinihety and help put the program over,or Our doors are opened anil you

tie welcomed,or Mrs. Anna Craig, Mrs. MaryA Davis* and Mr._ Pearson are stillit. on-the siek list. We prav for themat a speed>\ recovery.







;_. <*! --«- -

- v ;

Saturday, June 21, 1941




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" *