i. l. knunyants (on his 60th birthday)


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Post on 10-Aug-2016




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I . L . K N U N Y A N T S ( O N HIS 6 0 T H B I R T H D A Y )

D e a r I v a n L y u d v i g o v i c h :

The Pres id ium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Department of General and Technical Chemist ry , and the Editorial Board of the journal Izvest iya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Nhimicheskaya cordial ly congratulate you on your 60th birthday.

Your many years of fruitful scientific activity in various fields of organic chemis t ry have received general recognition. You are the c rea to r of the Soviet scientif ic school in the field of the chemis t ry of organic fluorine compounds, the successes of which are inseparably linked with your name. Your r e - sea rch in the field of physiological ly active compounds and the chemis t ry of heteroeyeles and your work on the creat ion of new polymer mater ia ls .are not only of grea t theoretical importance, but have actively aided in the pract ical introduction of the most modern achievements of science. Your scientific p ro - paganda and editorial activity have been of great value. As a talented pedagogue, you have made a great contribution to the training of scientific staffs. Your scientific principles and intolerance of anything that hinders the development of Soviet science have earned deep respec t and gratitude.

We wish you, dear Ivan Lyudvigovict{, good health, long happy yea r s of life, and new creat ive successes in science.

Pres id ium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Department of General and Technical Chemist ry , Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and Editorial Board of the Journal Izvest iya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimieheskaya


Translated f rom Izvest iya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimieheskaya, No. 6, p. 954, June, 1966.