hearing on h.r. 2811, a bill to amend title 18, united ... · hearing on h.r. 2811, a bill to amend...

Hearing on H.R. 2811, a Bill to Amend Title 18, United States Code, to Include Constrictor Snakes of the Species Python Genera as an Injurious Animal U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security Testimony of Nancy Perry Vice President, Government Affairs The Humane Society of the United States November 6, 2009 I am Nancy Perry, vice president, Government Affairs of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). Thank you, Chairman Scott and members of the Subcommittee, for the opportunity to testify in support of H.R. 2811, introduced by Rep. Meek, which would add certain nonnative constrictor snakes to the list of injurious species that cannot be imported or moved in interstate commerce for the pet trade. On behalf of The HSUS, the nation’s largest animal protection organization, and our more than 11 million supporters, and the Humane Society Legislative Fund, we support H.R. 2811 and urge that it be amended to include all nine large constrictor snake species identified as posing risk to our environment by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in a comprehensive report released last month. If only some of these species are included, just a portion of the problem will be addressed. The trade would simply shift to other species, and risks to public safety, animal welfare, and the environment would remain. Dangerous Wild Animals in the Pet Trade The HSUS has long advocated for legislation to restrict the trade in dangerous wild animals as pets. Wild animals kept as pets can injure and kill, and can spread disease, and the average pet owner cannot provide the sophisticated care needed to maintain these animals in a healthy condition in captivity. People often purchase wild animals while they are young and manageable, and when the animals grow too dangerous to handle they no longer want them, but there are very few options for placement. If the animals escape or are turned loose, they can put people and pets at risk, can impose costs on cash‐strapped communities, and can threaten wildlife and wreak havoc on the environment.

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child’sfather,ahighschoolbiologyteacher,oftendrapedalargesnake(i.e.,aboa)overhisshouldersintheclassroom.Hewascarefultowashhishands‐‐butnottochangeclothing‐‐beforegoinghomeandholdinghischild.Thesnakewasfoundtobethesourceofthechild’sSalmonellainfection.1InApril2001,awomandiedinOklahomarelatedtoaSalmonellainfectionafterobtainingatransfusionofbloodplatelets.Theplateletdonor’s9‐footpetboaconstrictorwasidentifiedasthelikelysourceoftheSalmonella.AsecondpatientwhoreceivedplateletsfromthemanalsocontractedSalmonellabutwashealthierinitiallyandlived.2EnvironmentalThreatOnOctober13,2009,theUSGSreleasedacomprehensive300‐pagereport,“GiantConstrictors:BiologicalandManagementProfilesandanEstablishmentRiskAssessmentforNineLargeSpeciesofPythons,Anacondas,andtheBoaConstrictor.”Thispeer‐reviewedresearchquantifiedtheecologicalriskthatninespeciesoflargeconstrictorsnakesposetotheUnitedStates,lookingatboththeprobabilitythatthesnakeswouldbecomeestablishedandtheresultingconsequences.ThespeciesstudiedaretheIndianorBurmesepython(Pythonmolurus),NorthernAfricanpython(Pythonsebae),SouthernAfricanpython(Pythonnatalensis),reticulatedpython(Python[orBroghammerus]reticulatus),boaconstrictor(Boaconstrictor),greenanaconda(Eunectesmurinus),yellowanaconda(Eunectesnotaeus),BeniorBoliviananaconda(Eunectesbeniensis),andDeSchauensee’sanaconda(Eunectesdeschauenseei).TheUSGSconcludedthatoverallriskwashighforfiveofthegiantconstrictorsnakespeciesandmediumfortheotherfourspecies.Becauseallninespeciessharealargenumberoftraitsthatpromoteinvasivenessorimpedepopulationcontrol,noneofthespecieswasfoundtobelowrisk.Forexample,thespeciesallhaveremarkablereproductivecapacitiesandtheabilitytomovelargedistancesquickly.Thesetraits make limiting their spread very difficult. The snakes also blend well into their surroundings, hindering efforts to find and remove them. Moreover, according to the USGS report, no current control tools seem adequate to eradicate an established population of giant snakes that has spread over a large area.


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Removal efforts should occur when a population is limited to a local area less than a few acres, but USGS says the snakes are rarely detected until they have spread more widely. TwoofthespeciesstudiedareconfirmedtobealreadyestablishedandbreedingintheUnitedStates‐‐Burmesepythonsandboaconstrictors.Fromarelativelysmallnumberofanimalsreleasedorescapedfromthepettrade,BurmesepythonsarenowdistributedacrossthousandsofsquaremilesofsouthFlorida,probablynumberinginthetensofthousands.Thewell‐knownphotographofaBurmesepythonwhotriedtoswallowanalligatorintheFloridaEvergladesillustratesthemagnitudeofthepotentialimpact.IfBurmesepythonscanchallengealligatorsfortoppredatorstatus,theycanupsetthebalanceoftheecosystem.Burmesepythonswilleatawidevarietyofreptiles,birds,andmammalsofallsizes,andcandepletevulnerablespecies.AccordingtotheUSGSreport,“AverylargenumberofimperiledspeciesareatriskfromgiantconstrictorsintheStateofFlorida.”ThereportlistsseveralspeciesofspecialconcernthathavebeeneatenbyBurmesepythonsinFloridaincludingtheendangeredKeyLargowoodrat,round‐tailmuskrat,limpkin,andwhiteibis. AccordingtotheUSGS,largeareasoftheUnitedStateshaveaclimatethatappearssuitableforsurvivalofBurmesepythons,includingmostofCalifornia,Texas,Oklahoma,Arkansas,Louisiana,Mississippi,Alabama,Florida,Georgia,andSouthandNorthCarolina.Withglobalwarming,thepotentialrangeforthesesnakesisexpectedtomovenorthward.Boa constrictors also are already established in Florida, but over a much smaller area. With proactive measures to stop the influx of these snakes and remove existing animals, it may be possible to halt their spread. According to the USGS, “extant technology would not appear to be capable of eradicating any of the giant constrictors from south Florida unless the colonization were caught very early, perhaps around the present range of the Boa Constrictor population now in Miami (several hundred hectares or less).” The USGS report sites evidence strongly suggesting that a third species, northern African pythons, has established a reproducing population along the western edge of Miami. Individualanimalsofotherspeciesalsohavebeenfoundinthewild,raisingconcernsthatthey,too,couldbecomeestablished.TheUSGSnotesthatagreenanacondawasfounddeadnearFlorida’s Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park in 2004, and two adults and a juvenile were observed in the area.Yellowanacondas,asmallerspeciesthatcanstillgrowto10‐feetlong,havebeenfoundinornearFlorida’sBigCypressNationalPreserve.Awildlifeofficialreportedseeingayellowanacondaapproximately6‐feetlonginArkansas’sWapanoccaNationalWildlifeRefugein2005. Anothercharacteristicthatcreatesriskistheabilityofthesnakestoserveashostsforparasitesanddisease.AstheUSGSreportnotes,snakestaken from the wild and

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imported often carry exotic parasites or pathogens that may transfer to other captive snakes during transport, sales, and pet ownership, or to native snakes or livestock if the animal escapes or is released. For example, snake ticks originating in Africa may carry heartwater, which is potentially devastating to cows, deer and other ruminants, and ticks from Asia can carry capillariasis, a disease of human health significance. Wild-caught anacondas imported to Europe are reported to be riddled with parasites, as noted by USGS. Environmentalriskassessment,byitsnature,isnotanexactscience.TheUSGSreportsaysthecertaintyisgreatestforBurmesepythonsandboaconstrictorsbecausetheyareunequivocallyreproducingintheUnitedStates.Becauseofthepotentialdangerlargeconstrictorsnakesposetopeopleandourecosystemsandtheextremecostanddifficultyofremovingtheseanimalsoncetheygetestablished,itisimportanttoerronthesideofcaution.TheUSGSreportleavesnodoubtthatactionisneedednowtopreventthespreadofBurmesepythonsandboaconstrictorstonewareasandtopreventtheintroductionofotherspecies.RisktoAnimalWelfareThoughoftenmarketedaslowmaintenancepets,reptileshavecomplexneedsthataredifficultfortheaveragepetownertomeetincaptivity.Theirrequirementsforlightandtemperaturefrequentlyarenotmet,andheatingelementsthatcanharmthemareoftenused.Constrictorsnakescangrowverylargeveryquickly,resultinginenclosuresthatareinadequatefortheirsizeandtopreventtheirescape.Constrictorsnakesmaysufferfromstarvation,dehydration,andothersymptomsofneglectwhenownerscannotprovidepropercare.Underfedsnakesmayposeparticularriskstopeople.Byoneaccount,thesnakewhokilledtheFloridatoddlerwasabouthalftheappropriateweight.TheUSGSreportnotesthatthesnakewhokilledtheOhiomanin2006alsowasunderweight.Constrictorsnakeshavebeenfoundkeptindeplorableconditionsbybothdealerswhomovelargenumbersoftheanimalsandbyindividualskeepingthemaspets.Forinstance,aFloridawomanwasarrestedforanimalcrueltyin2008afterauthoritiesreportedlyfoundanimalsinsubstandardconditionsincludingaBurmesepythonkeptinasmalldogcratefulloffecesandsheddedsnakeskins.OfficialsinvestigatingareportofanalligatorinaConnecticutapartmentin2006alsofound36snakesincludingboaconstrictors,pythons,andananaconda.Thetenanthadbeenevictedthepreviousday.Theanimalswereleftinextremelydirtyandunhealthyconditions,withnofoodorwater.AMarylandmanwaschargedwithanimalcrueltyfollowinganinvestigationofconditionsatareptilewholesalebusinessinawarehousein2003.Boaconstrictorswereamongtheanimalsbeinghousedinthefacility;199animalswerefounddead.

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day,astudentzookeeperinVenezuelawascrushedtodeathbyaBurmesepython.Source:KVBCAugust2008(Michigan):Astatetroopershotandkilledanearly7‐footlongsnake,believedtobeaBurmesepython,seenonaPortSheldonTownshiproad.Source:TheGrandRapidsPressJuly2008(Maine):Amandiscoveredan8‐to9‐footreticulatedpythonundertheenginecompartmentofhispickuptruckinWilton.ItwasthesecondsuchincidentinMaineinlessthanaweek.AGorhamwomanfoundareticulatedpythoninawashingmachineonWednesday.Thesnakehadinjuriesonitsupperjawfrombeingdragged.Source:SunJournalJune2008(Florida):Awomanfounda7‐footBurmesepythoninherKeyLargoyard.Sheandafriendkilledthesnake.Source:TheReporterJune2008(Illinois):Awomanfounda4‐footalbinoBurmesepythoninaStarbucksparkinglotinRockford.Source:rrstar.comJune2008(NewYork):A14‐foot80‐poundBurmesepythonwasfoundaftermorethantwodaysonthelooseintheJordan‐Elbridgearea.Hehadbeenatareptilerescuecenterandtheownerbelievedsomeonecutthebungeecordsonhiscage,lettinghimgetout.Source:news10now.comMay2008(NorthCarolina):A4‐footpythonwasfoundlooseinarestaurant.Source:WECTTV6May2008(Florida):FirefightersbattlingfiresintheEvergladesencounteredpythons,boaconstrictors,andotherexoticanimals.Source:NationalGeographicNewsApril2008(Oregon):Apetstoreownerreachedintoacagetoshowacustomera12‐footBurmesepythonwhenthesnakebitherhandandcoiledaroundherarm,throwinghertothefloor.Ittookseveralemergencyresponderstounwrapthesnake.Source:MSNBC(AssociatedPress)April2008(Florida):DeputySecretaryoftheU.S.DepartmentoftheInteriorLynnScarlettfoundan8‐to9‐footBurmesepythonwhilehikingintheEverglades.Source:People,Land&Water,U.S.DepartmentoftheInterior April2008(Connecticut):A6‐footpythonescapedfromahomeandwasfoundtwodayslatercurledupintheyard.Source:TheNews­TimesApril2008(Florida):ABurmesepythonabout8‐feetlongwasfoundintheraftersofaMarcoIslandExecutiveAirporthangar.Source:NaplesDailyNews

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