gamification for hr

[email protected] | @keizng GAMIFICATION Using gaming principles to reward and motivate

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Post on 14-Jul-2015



Recruiting & HR

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[email protected] | @keizng

GAMIFICATION!Using gaming principles to

reward and motivate!

@keizng Nobody likes Working Learning is Boring But everyone loves Playing

How do maximize this Playshop?

1. Have an open mind about the word “fun”, and understand that this isn’t about making games. 2. Download Gametize App ( or go to for demos 3. Tweet @keizng or @gametize for questions

Co-founder of Gametize •  World’s Simplest Gamification Platform ( •  Also made just-for-fun gamified apps such as Selfiely •  Singapore’s 20 hottest startup in 2015 selected by SBR

Reformed Compulsive Gamer

Trained in Info. Science, Finance, and Management Research & Teaching Assistant in OBHR Gamification specialist and advocate

Stints in SCB, DFS, and JnJ


Why do you want to motivate and engage in HR?

Top Challenges in HR that Gametize hears

!  High E-Learning dropout rate (60%-90%) !  High cost in attracting and onboarding new talents !  New generation of talents that are increasingly

prioritizing “purpose” and challenging to retain !  Lack of data in employee behaviors and satisfaction

“Onboarding begins from the day they accept the job”,

Joanna Yeoh, 5 Talents Consulting

Maybe they all look like this

Wow. This is what it should feel like

Where to engage and motivate?

!  Learning & Development

!  Talent Management !  Onboarding, Culture

!  Performance Management !  Talent Acquisition, Mobility !  Innovation Management

Let’s talk about Gamification

gamification = Use of design thinking, game principles and psychology in non-game settings to engage and motivate

target audience for target behaviors. It is a process, and NOT an end point. * Also a rapidly growing market, projected by Gartner at $2Bn


gamification = A design-thinking focused process

to engage and motivate your audience into learning behaviors, with a balance of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, to make learning more enjoyable.


Challenges: Interactive or Behavioral!

People Factor: Competition and Social !

Feedbacks: Constant and Instant!

Rewards: Status, Access, Power!

Gamification: The Key Pillars

Let’s be Scientific about this



What motivates us?




What motivates us?


What motivates us? Flow Theory, By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


What motivates us? Flow Theory, By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

•  One must be involved in an activity with a clear set of goals and progress. This adds direction and structure to the task.!

!•  The task at hand has clear and immediate feedback. This

helps the person negotiate any changing demands and allows them to adjust their performance to maintain the flow state.!

•  One must have a good balance between the perceived challenges of the task at hand and their own perceived skills. One must have confidence in one's ability to complete the task at hand.!


What motivates us? Flow Theory, By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Pleasure vs


Which make us grow and develop?


Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory


In fact, it is the only industry that mastered

user experience


Gaming is not Gamification, but it provides strong foundations and principles to leverage on

What is the average age of a gamer?

American Airlines Rewards, achievement, level-ups (elite status)

Nike Plus Achievement, level-ups, competition

Linked In Level-ups (progress bar)

More examples

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


@keizng @keizng

= happification; “Gamification finally releases the potential of digital learning because it

recognizes that learners are essentially social beings”

- Laurence Smith, MD HR, Group Head of Learning & Talent Development

@keizng @keizng




@keizng @keizng

A Behavioral

Change Process

Legendary Behaviorist B F Skinner calls this Operant Conditioning

Singtel’s MAP Gametized

“Many think that gamification is only for Gen Y but we have used it

for our annual Learning Fiesta which spans 4 generations.

We have used gamification for L&D and recruitment.”

- Cara Reil, Vice President, Talent and Leadership Development at Singtel

Gametize’s 5D Framework

Case Study: Bank introducing Digital Mindset

Corporate Training: $200bn Corporate E-Learning: $26bn % Fortune 500 with E-learning: 41.7% Asian E-Learning market: $11.5bn by ‘16 Mobile Education Products in ‘12: $4.4bn (Elearning! Magazine – May 2013)

what you may already know..

And many more awesome mLearning stats..

Get your hands dirty!

Identify a common problem.

“We have met the enemy, and he is Powerpoint”

E-Learning Completion: 30-40% MOOC Dropout Rate (estimated): ~90%

“People don’t have time to learn,

don’t know where to learn,

and don’t want to learn”

- Frustrated Client

Key problems in L&D

Get your hands dirty!

Determine your goal: What is the outcome you want to

achieve out of gamification?

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The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

Get your hands dirty!

What are your target behaviours?


Gain knowledge and experience through challenges!

Collect points and badges to level up!

Pit your score against other countries and global peers!

Get your hands dirty!

Profile your target players:

Make a list of characteristics of your target group and desired


Bartle’s Player Types


Scaffolded Challenges!

Competitive Spirit!

Instantaneous Feedback!

Earning Rewards!

>20,000 employees, 2 million challenge completions!






Organize!1! 2!



Case Study: Bank engaging employees in their anniversary!

Leadership and Team Building (LTB) is a core module offered as part of the business program in the Singapore

Management University (SMU).

To solve the problem of engagement in LTB beyond the classroom, the Gametize

platform to produce GameLead, a

gamified experience to make learning

much more engaging, exciting and easy

for 177 students in a pilot run.  

GameLead was made available on both web and mobile to be played by students

wherever, whenever!

GameLead Case Study

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

Games were segregated according to LTB

classes, students will only see their

designated classes, while administrators

can access all 4 games.

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

A Game for Each Class

New quests unlocked weekly

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

A series of simple

challenges, from

photos, quizzes, and

videos prompted

students to reflect

on and apply what

they have learnt in


Challenges within each Quest

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

Challenges within each Quest

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

An activity

feed enabled

students to



by other


and vote,


increase the

points of the


Students can also log their in-class participation for points here

Class Participation Quest!

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

Gamification was

also used to

collect student

feedback on the



A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

Gathering Feedback and Sentiments!

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

We were

able to



that help us


our users’

pain in using


some of

which are


Gathering Feedback and Sentiments

Gathering Feedback and Sentiments

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

We also


what the





that can help

with future


Verdict and Results

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

Verdict: Successfully Gametized

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

Verdict: Successfully Gametized

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

Verdict: Successfully Gametized

Focus on the problem, objective, and data At a glance, it is easy to dismiss due to a handful negative reviews.

However, GameLead was designed to solve the problem of engaging students beyond the classroom, and the objective was to provide a

seamless and engaging experience through gamification. The success should then be measured based on the overall data in relation to these

questions, in this case, showing GameLead’s effectiveness.

Iterative Development and Improvement Gamification is a fairly new concept, especially with the use of digital technologies. An iterative approach to improving GameLead based on the data is key to its continued success. The unfavorable sentiments, though not necessary relevant, (e.g. minority users do not want to be engaged outside of classroom) should be reviewed and considered.

Conclusion for GameLead

A Case Study on Gamification and Learning All Rights Reserved.

Heaphy and Losada’s Positive to Negative Feedback Ratio: Can this be Gametized?

How many % of gamers are women?

What exactly makes a game fun?


Frustration! Sense of Achievement!

Challenge! Strategy! Problem Solving!

1. Hard fun!


Interesting content!

Collecting Items!

Points and level-ups!

Amazement! Happiness!

2. Easy fun!


Exploration! Escape from thoughts & feelings!


3. Altered States!

Surprises! Discovery!


Competition! Teamwork! Social Bonding!

Personal Recognition!

Sense of Achievement!

4. The People Factor!


Case Study: Bank introducing a learning mindset

“Space Runner”

gamification is not magic. it is a process with a long term strategy, which like many others, must be well-designed and planned. there are no rules to fun.

otherwise it will backfire!

Real Intrinsic motivators

Don’t overgive rewards

Make real fun, and keep them fresh

credits to @eliaveris"

Insites Consultin



Leaderboards. Not always good

create emotions

tell a story

introduce heroes

paint a journey

lots of testing









Generous, Extrinsic Rewards (With clear paths)!

Appealing, Fresh Content & Context (Make Stickiness)!

Maintain and Manage Efficiently (Use tools) !

Easy and Emotional, relevant to audience profiles!

Tribalism (create tribes and communities)!

Intrinsic motivations (move from extrinsic rewards)!

Social behaviors (create conversations, sharing)!



Gametize’s Design Strategy

Anti-Gaming Mechanics! Iterative Testing and Changes! DESIGN CONSTANTS!

D! Data for analysis (create valuable intelligence)!

Engaged target behaviors relevant to target goals!


!  Promotes culture of Transparency with clear paths

!  Your ‘employees’ are customers; they should have a great user experience with Meaning and Relevance

!  Focus on the People and their Emotions (e.g. teaming, competition, socializing)

!  Encourages Frequent Feedbacks to help them grow and enjoy the journey, with milestones and achievements

!  Understanding that Intrinsic Rewards are more effective

Why A Gamification Mindset Matters in HR

Get your hands dirty!

Design your game.

Create games where your players can:

Upload a photo Write a comment Answer a quiz Make a prediction

Scan a QR code Fill in the blank Enter a secret passcode Answer a survey

Get your hands dirty!


Octalysis: What motivates us?

Gametize’s Intrinsic Motivation Framework

Scorecard!!!The Gametize Scorecard & Checklist is designed to be a guiding light to make awesome games. Let's begin with a basic checklist.!!!  Has the problem been defined? Otherwise, has an overall objective been identified? e.g.

lack of motivation for training, implementing a long term loyalty and contest platform"!

!  Have the goals been determined? e.g. Increased knowledge, interests, conversion of sales"!

!  Have the target behaviors been decided? e.g. Players will do quizzes weekly, encourage each other "!

!  Have the players been described? e.g. Unmotivated, avid mobile user, dislike ""!

Great, now that you have these information, let's go on to design the Gametize experience, based on the following scorecard. You don't have to hit a perfect score, but these are questions that you should keep in mind. #""!

Game!•  How clear are the objectives of the games for the players? ___/10 "

(Do players know what to expect? Do they know what are the rewards, if any? Are these in the descriptions?)!

•  How attractive are the rewards to the described players (monetary or non monetary)  ___/10 "(For Enterprises, avoidance of penalties can be a form of reward too, e.g. dance)!

•  Are there any "wow factors" or surprise discovery of rewards in place?  ___/10 "(If so, are players somewhat aware, and how easy can the early rewards be discovered?)!

•  How focused are the games? ___/10 "(Is the gametoo broad? Are the challenges specific and consistent in theme?)!

Challenges!•  How easy is the on-boarding (very first) challenge to complete? ___/10!•  How appealing are the challenges to the described players? __/10 "

(Will the players be intrinsically motivated? e.g. sharing photos let them express themselves)!

•  Will there be fresh challenges rolled out? If so, is the schedule well designed? ___/10 #(Also, are the players aware of new challenges periodically?)!

•  Are the challenges well thought, relevant to the objectives/goals/problem, instead of being random? ___/10!

•  Are the challenges easy to understand? ___/10!•  There are not too much and overwhelming number of challenges ___/10!

Feedbacks, Competition!• How clear and frequent are the feedbacks? ___/10!• Are the feedbacks relevant to objective/goals? ___/10!

Some food for thoughts!• What motivates the user to achieve the targeted

behavior? (Every time I want to ______, I use the app)!•  Is this a long-term or short-term game? If it is the

former, what are your plans to sustain interest in the long run?!

• Does the challenges increase with difficulty over time to give users a sense of mastery?!

“The opposite of play is not work. It is depression”

- Dr Stuart Brown

Banking & Finance!



Oil & Gas!



Consumer Brand!



!  Download Gametize App for inspirations. !  Go to for more resources. !  For our secret Gametize Playbook and Gamification

for Learning White paper, drop me a note

!  [email protected] | @keizng

!  Download Gametize App for inspirations. !  Go to for more resources. !  For our secret Gametize Playbook and Gamification

for Learning White paper, drop me a note

!  [email protected] | @keizng

“Let’s bring back the Humans and Relationships in HR, and make work more meaningful and happier”

- Yours Truly, Keith Ng, CEO of Gametize!