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© 2012 Razorfish Healthware. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary. Crowdsourcing and BigData: how ePatients (and their machines) are changing Health

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Ferdinando Scala, Strategy Director at Razorfish Healthware, talks about how the current explosion of medical sensors and collaborative knowledge-building platforms, have made possible the rise of Crowdsourcing and BigData tendencies in healthcare. It was the opening Keynote Speech at UXCON 2013 conference, hold at USI (Università della Svizzera Italiana), Lugano, Switzerland, on October 26, 2013.


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Crowdsourcing and BigData: how ePatients (and their machines) are changing Health!

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A Design Paradox!

!•  Army Cadet Officer!•  Plant Ecologist!•  Satellite Remote

Sensing and GIS Researcher!

•  Big Pharma Executive!•  Strategy Advisor!•  Wikipedian (17k+ edits)!


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•  A point where all parallel lines meet!

•  (math) The value or range of values of a function for which a derivative does not exist!

•  (physics) A point or region in spacetime in which gravitational forces cause matter to have an infinite density; associated with Black Holes!

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Technological Singularity!

!“… a future period during

which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep,

that human life will be irreversibly transformed. (…) this epoch will transform the concepts that we rely on to give meaning to our lives,

from our business models to the cycle of human life, including death itself.”!

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GNR Singularity Genetics (G), Nanotechnology (N) and Robotics (R) The convergence of Genetics, Nanotechnology and Robotics will allow to “reprogram our biology to achieve the virtual elimination of disease“ (G), “redesign and rebuild (…) our bodies and brains and the world with which we interact“ (N) and building “human-level robots (…) redesigned to far exceed human capabilities“ (R)!

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Is technology all?!

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Scientia potentia est!(Knowledge is Power)!

!Francis Bacon!

Meditationes Sacrae (1597)!!

!Knowledge allows one's

potential or abilities in life to increase. !

Having and sharing knowledge is the basis for

one's reputation and influence. Thus,

withholding knowledge means being in advantage. !

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Knowledge !is power!

(also in medicine)!!!!

Asymmetry in information between physicians and

patients, so as professional jargon, has always been

the foundation of the unbalanced relationship

between them!

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Cultural Singularity «A phase of human evolution, where the convergence of apparently unrelated knowledge fields, generate a abrupt evolutionary discontinuity between previous and following believing, behaviors and boundaries.» !

(F. Scala, 2013)

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Today’s Design exercise!

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The Infinite Monkey Theorem!

!A monkey hitting keys

at random on a typewriter keyboard

for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given

text, such as the complete works of

William Shakespeare.!!

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A question:!!

What does it happen when the monkey is

self-aware, self-disciplined and it is guided by an inner sense of purpose? !


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Crowdsourcing«The use of crowd, without any formal or hierarchicalcoordination structure among its members, for performing a certain scope, in order to pursue which, an exceptional amount of resources would be necessary; where “exceptional amount of resources” means a quantity of time, money, personnel or skill, and their combinations, which would exceed the capabilities of any formal organization.»

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !(F. Scala, 2013)!

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Old Style: !Encyclopaedia Britannica!

!•  32.000 articles!•  1 language (English)!•  6.224th website

worldwide!•  Limited to English

readers worldwide!•  Limited to the ones who

can buy it!!!!

•  4000+ contributors, including 110 Nobel laureates!


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Wikipedia: !the Total Encyclopaedia!

!•  30 million articles!•  287 languages!•  6th most visited website

worldwide!•  365 million readers

worldwide!•  FREE FOR EVERYONE!!!!

•  A 2005 investigation in Nature showed that accuracy rate of science articles in Wikipedia is comparable to Encyclopaedia Britannica!


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WMF: !Behind Wikipedia!

!•  142 staff people!•  Simple technology (wiki)!•  Living on individual

donations year on year!

Wikipedia is done by 350.000 !


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Collaborative Knowledge Law (Scala’s Law) «Given a collaborative knowledge-building task of any dimension, the quantity of time and monetary resources necessary for completion is inversely proportional to the number of contributors and their individual specific skills level; while the quality of final outcome is directly proportional to this number and skills set.»

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !(F. Scala, 2013)!

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Big Data!

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Big Data definition «Big data is the term for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. The challenges include capture, curation, storage, search, sharing, transfer, analysis, and visualization.»!

Source: Wikipedia

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Big Data landscape «Enabled by the cost reductions in sensor technology, mobile connectivity, and battery life, and thanks to cloud computing – a remote service that collects and crunches the data – people are re-writing their own knowledge and, with it, a perception of today’s reality. We should bear in mind that machines are more numerous than their human counterparts» ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !(L. Agrò, 2013)!

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Big Data consequences«The day in which we will produce more content in a single day, than the rest of human history, is near at hand. However, currently the amount of data produced by humans is very much less than the data produced by machines» ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !(L. Agrò, 2013)!

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Once upon a time:!The medical record!

!•  The unique document

describing our health history.!

•  A very limited information agent, since it was static, non-continuous, non-objective!

•  BUT anamnesis, medical decisions and epidemiology were based on it!!


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Quantified Self!

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Medical sensors meet mobile!

!•  Medical sensors have

the capability to measure virtually any physical parameter!

•  When integrated with simple mobile interfaces, they become a continuous monitoring tool!

•  Under the condition of invisibility and passive data recording!

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Medical Tricorder!!

•  Qualcomm XPrize is a award of USD 10 millions for the first one who will build a Medical Tricorder.!

•  Peter H. Diamandis is positive they will assign the Prize in the next five years.!

…do you think it is too soon?!

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GE VScan!!

•  General Electric has invented, realized and commercialized a portable bioscan!

•  It allows to!

•  Despite the limitedness of its function to a single area, Vscan is the first example of how much we are near to Tricorder !

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Connecting dots!!

When individual sensors are crowdsourced, and

their data collected, analyzed, clustered and

displayed in a form understandable by the individual cultural level

(doctor, caregiver, patient), they can

generate a singularity in our understanding of


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Cultural singularity: prototypes!

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I’m a UX expert: what can I do?!

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People are !Diffident Apes!

!•  Very few innovators

conceive new things!

•  Only a few pioneers adopt them!

•  Only later a wider majority adopt them!

•  Laggards use them only when they are common!

…only when !UX is good!!!

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People are !Lazy Apes!

!•  Energy conservation is

one of the pillars of Nature!

•  Average humans don’t like to painfully learn how to use a new technology: having benefits without effort is just ok!

•  The optimal design is the one which produces visible results while remaining invisible!

(I’m talking about you, Google Glass)!

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Patients are Preoccupied


•  Need for reassurance!

•  Need for guidance!

•  Need for simple words!

•  Need for simple UX!

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Bad Design Examples!

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UX experts’ role in this cultural singularity «UX experts can be the catalyzing factor of current cultural singularity in healthcare. This can happen if they act as a semantic bridge between knowledge users and knowledge owners.The result of this effort has to be the invisible embedding of the massive crowdsourced data capturing, analysis, representation and utilization process in the very texture of our lives.»

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !(F. Scala, 2013)!

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Ferdinando Scala Pro @fscalapro ferdinandoscala

White Paper available on