equipo plas final report.docx

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  • 7/17/2019 Equipo PLAS Final Report.docx


    Phase Two of the Local Plan for SustainableUse:

    Nurturing Communal Stewardship of theMangrove Ecosstem

    Amy Kessler, Lauren-Jasmine Lambert, Sara Pfeifer

    Team El Salvador 8Monterey Institute of International Studies,

    A Graduate S!ool of Middlebury "olle#eJanuary $-%&, %'(&

    Series Editor) Adele *e#ro, Pro#ram +iretorTable of Contents

  • 7/17/2019 Equipo PLAS Final Report.docx



    .......///.01esults and 1eommendations......../......../...///2-('


    1eommendations for Im3rovin# t!ePLAS.........///8-('

    1eommendations for Eduational"am3ai#n.......//..('"onlusions........................


    Anne5 I/ 1esults) Stae!older Analysis and *eedsAssessment../(%-($Anne5 II/ Train t!e

    Trainers...................../(&-(0Anne5 III/ Poet-boolet for t!e Par

    1an#ers......../..//(2-(8Anne5 I6/ Informational Pam3!let about t!ePLAS........//(7-%'

    Table (/ Stae!older Analysis../.....................///('Table %/ Stae!older *eedsAssessment..................///.((

    Ma3 (/ estern Setor of t!e 4ay ofJi9uiliso................./$Ma3 %/ "ommunities of t!ePLAS......................../0

    :i#ure (/ T!e Environmental"ommittee...........//...../&


  • 7/17/2019 Equipo PLAS Final Report.docx


    !c"nowledgmentse ould ;rst lie to t!an t!e Man#rove Assoiation and loal ommunitiesof t!e estern Setor of t!e 4ay of Ji9uiliso/ T!eir understandin# andommitment to environmental steards!i3 and to t!e sustained !ealt! oft!eir natural resoures is ins3irin#/ e t!an t!em for t!eir 3artii3ation in

    t!e study and dediation to loal #overnane/

    e e5tend a s3eial t!ans to "armen Ar#ueta, Jos< Mar=a Ar#ueta, JoseAmilar "ru>, Giovanni +=a>, alberto Galle#os, +avid Marro9u=n, Ines Salviaand Luis 1amos for s!arin# t!eir noled#e and onnetin# us it! ot!erloal and institutional stae!olders/ it!out t!eir noled#e, mediation andlo#istial su33ort, our or ould not !ave been suessful/

    e also e5tend a s3eial t!ans to all t!e stae!olders t!at 3artii3ated int!e fous #rou3s and intervies, 3artiularly t!e 3ar ran#ers, *ational "ivilPolie o?ials, re3resentatives from t!e "ommunity Governane "ounil

    @Grupo Local, and Giovanni 1ivera, of t!e Ministry of Environment and*atural 1esoures @MA1*/ T!eir ommitment to t!e Loal Plan forSustainable Bse @PLAS and its reneal 3rovided t!e foundation for our or/e t!an t!em for t!eir 3artii3ation and illin#ness to 3rovide us it! t!eirinsi#!t, e53ertise and reommendations/

    e also a33reiate t!e arm elome and eCorts of La "oordinadoraDs staCand our !ost families, as t!ey 3rovided us it! t!e neessities and omfortsof !ome/ Moreover, it!out t!e su33ort and lo#istial oordination ofEo6iva, our or ould not !ave been 3ossible/ In 3artiular e ould lieto t!an t!eir International :ello, Aaron 6oit, for all !is noled#e, #uidane

    and ommitted or/

    e ould also lie to t!an t!e determined eCorts of Adele *e#ro and !erontinued dediation to buildin# a meanin#ful relations!i3 beteen t!eMonterey Institute of International Studies and t!e Man#rove Assoiation/:inally, e ould lie to t!an Aimee Teaby, "SBM4 #raduate student, for!er sienti; noled#e and insi#!t as ell as !er e53ertise in arto#ra3!y/


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    T!e Loal Plan for Sustainable Bse @PLAS !as #overned t!e resoures from

    t!e man#rove eosystem in t!e estern Setor of Ji9uiliso 4ay sine %'('@Ma3 (/ Man#rove forests su33ly loal ommunities it! several im3ortantresoures, su! as ;s!, s!ell;s! and ood, !i! families use as soures ofsustenane and liveli!ood/ In addition to t!ese e5trative resoures,man#rove forests 3rovide a number of eosystem servies t!at !ave bot!loal and #lobal si#ni;ane, su! as storm and ood 3rotetion, ater;ltration, arbon se9uestration, and !abitat for a number of im3ortant ;s!,re3tilian and bird s3eies/ Ji9uiliso 4ay ontains F&,''' ares of man#roveforests, main# it "entral AmeriaDs lar#est remainin# man#rove eosystem/Given t!e #lobal im3ortane of Ji9uiliso 4ay, t!e 1amsar "onvention 3laedit on t!e list of etlands of International Im3ortane in %''0, and in %''F,B*ES" delared it a 4ios3!ere 1eserve/

    +es3ite su! #lobal reo#nition, 3oorre#ulation of Ji9uiliso 4ay enablede53loitation and tri##ered onitover t!e use and oners!i3 ofresoures durin# t!e early %'''s/+ue to #roin# onern over t!ede3letion of man#rove forests, t!eMinistry of Environment and *atural1esoures @MA1* delared allman#rove forests as national3roteted areas in %''0, 3ermittin#no e5tration of resoures it!out aMA1* aut!ori>ed onession @MA1*,%''0/ In res3onse, loalommunities t!at de3end on t!eresoures for sustenane andliveli!ood e53ressed a33re!ensionand frustration it! t!e national 3oliy/ As a means to resolve bot! t!eonerns over t!e !ealt! of man#rove forests as ell as t!e soioeonomionerns of loal ommunities, MA1* issued +eree *o/ (& in %''8, !i!enabled ommunity leaders to reate eosystem-based ommunal#overnane 3lans/ Moreover, t!ey re9uired t!e re#ulations of su! 3lans tobe #uided by bot! soioeonomi and sienti; evaluations/

    Ma3 (/ T!e estern Setor of t!e 4ay ofJi9uiliso/ Soure) Teaby, Aimee @%'(&/


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    In res3onse to +eree *o/ (&, ei#!t ommunities of t!e estern Setor ofJi9uiliso 4ay establis!ed t!e ;rst PLAS(, alon# it! t!e su33ort of t!eMan#rove Assoiation/ T!e ei#!t ommunities t!at initially establis!ed t!ePLAS inluded Las Mesitas, La "!aastera, La "ano=ta, Los "ali5, Los Lotes,La 4abilonia, and Isla de Monteristo @Ma3 %/ "ommunity leaders from Isla

    de Monteristo in 3artiular 3layed a formative role in t!e reation of t!ePLAS/

    To or#ani>e t!e struture of t!e PLAS and ma3 t!e various #rou3s involved inits im3lementation, t!e PLAS inluded a desi#n for an Environmental"ommittee onsistin# of re3resentation from t!e 3rimary stae!olders andrelevant institutions t!at ould 3rovide te!nial su33ort @:i#ure () t!e ei#!t3artii3atin# ommunities, t!e Man#rove Assoiation, 3ar ran#ers @GuardaRecursos, MA1*, t!e +e3artment of :is!eries and A9uaulture@"E*+EPES"A, t!e *ational "ivil Polie @P*", and t!e Institute of MarineSienes for El Salvador @I"MA1ES/ Hoever, t!e Environmental "ommittee

    !as not met as a om3lete entity sine its initiation, leavin# t!e PLAS it!outlear oversi#!t, and t!e stae!olders it!out an or#ani>ed struture toommuniate/

    ( T!e PLAS as !an#ed from its ori#inal name, t!e Loal Plan forSustainable E5tration, or Plan Local de Extraccin Sostenible @PLES to t!ePLAS, or Plan Local de Aprovechamiento Sostenible, in %'($ for larity, t!eurrent study ill only refer to t!e 3lan as t!e PLAS/


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    T!e PLAS re#ulates t!ee5tration of ;s!,s!ell;s! and man#roveood from t!e forestsand rivers s3annin# a

    surfae area of(,7(2/0% !a, from t!eestern border of t!emout! of t!e Lem3a1iver to t!e easterned#e of San Juan delGo>o Lae @Ma3 %/T!e mana#ed use ofman#rove ood, in3artiular, !as been a!allen#in# om3onent

    of t!e PLAS due to t!enational no-e5tration3oliy establis!ed in

    t!e La of *atural Proteted Areas @MA1*, %''0/ To ensure only neessaryand sustainable use, t!e PLAS establis!ed a 3ermit system re#ulated by t!eEnvironmental "ommittee/ "ommunity members ould re9uest t!e use ofman#rove ood to re3air !ouses dama#ed by oods and storms, and toonstrut domesti fenes/ In addition, t!e PLAS inluded a 9uota system forfamilies to use man#rove ood as fuel for ooin#/

    MA1* initially issued +eree *o/ (& in %''8 it! a ;ve-year le#al frameor/

    Hoever, sine t!e PLAS did not enter into eCet until %'(', its ;ve-yeara33liation ould e5tend until %'(0/ +eree *o/ (& did not inlude furt!erlan#ua#e to s3eify t!e le#al e53iration or reneal 3roess for loalmana#ement 3lans establis!ed under t!e deree/ Aordin#ly, various loal#rou3s !ave 9uestioned t!e le#ality of t!e PLAS 3ast %'($, !en +eree *o/(& e53ired/ Hoever, t!e Man#rove Assoiation !as ontinued to u3!old t!ePLAS under t!e understandin# t!at it also !as a ;ve-year a33liation t!at illend in %'(0/ As t!e end-date a33roa!es, loal ommunity leaders and t!eMan#rove Assoiation !ave be#un t!e 3roess of evaluatin# and 3lannin#t!e ne5t 3!ase for t!e PLAS/

    T!e Man#rove Assoiation re9uested a team of students from t!e MontereyInstitute of International Studies to 3erform a 3reliminary evaluation of t!ePLAS eCetiveness in January of %'($ @MIIS Team El Salvador F/ :olloin#t!is 3reliminary evaluation, t!e Man#rove Assoiation re9uested asoioeonomi evaluation, !i! as t!en onduted by a returnin# teammember in t!e summer of %'($/ T!e evaluation demonstrated ommunitymembersD noled#e of, attitudes toards, and om3liane it! t!e PLAS/T!e results of t!ese studies #uided t!e desi#n and obetives for t!is study/

    :i#ure (/ T!e Environmental "ommittee


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    T!e 3rimary 3ur3ose of t!eurrent study as to larifyt!e le#al frameor of t!ePLAS for its urrent

    a33liation and subse9uentreneal, as ell as to 3rovidesu##estions for its im3rovede?ay/ Key ;ndin#s of t!e3reedin# studies !i#!li#!tedt!e need for betteror#ani>ational struture andommuniation amon#stae!olders/"orres3ondin#ly, t!e urrentstudy 3erformed a

    stae!older analysis tounderstand !o ea! #rou3of stae!olders vieed t!eirrole it!in t!e frameor of t!e PLAS and it!in its reneal 3roess/ T!e3reedin# studies furt!er em3!asi>ed t!e need for im3roved noled#e oft!e PLAS amon# ommunity members/ T!us, t!e urrent study foused onidentifyin# t!e best met!ods to rea! ommunity members and foster#reater aareness of t!e PLAS/


    1esear! for t!is study as onduted over t!e ourse of t!ree ees by ateam of t!ree #raduate students of Team El Salvador 8 of t!e MontereyInstitute of International Studies it! t!e su33ort of t!e Man#roveAssoiation and Eo6iva/ n-site resear! as arried out in t!e esternSetor of t!e 4ay of Ji9uiliso, El Salvador in January %'(&/

    T!e ;rst resear! 3!ase onsisted of se3arate, semi-strutured interviesit! re3resentatives from ea! stae!older #rou3) 3ar ran#ers, P*", MA1*,t!e Man#rove Assoiation and eleted o?ials to t!e "ommunityGovernane "ounil @Grupo Local/ TES 8 resear!ers met it! ;ve loal 3arran#ers, one re3resentative from t!e P*", one re3resentative from MA1*,four members of t!e 4oard of +iretors of t!e Man#rove Assoiation, and toor more re3resentatives from ea! of t!e ei#!t PLAS ommunities, it! t!ee5e3tion of La "!aastera, !i! did not 3artii3ate in t!e urrent study/uestions ere desi#ned to assess t!e needs and om3etene of ea! #rou3it! res3et to stren#t!enin# t!e funtionality of t!e PLAS, as ell as !ats3ei; tools and a3aity buildin# ould su33ort im3roved aareness,im3lementation and enforement of t!e PLAS/

    Ma3 %/ "ommunities of t!e PLAS for t!e esternSetor of t!e 4ay of Ji9uiliso/ Soure) Teaby, Aimee


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    T!e seond 3!ase of resear! foused on im3rovin# aareness of t!e PLASon a ommunity level/ 1esear!ers !eld se3arate fous #rou3s it! t!eleaders from ea! ommunity/ uestions ere desi#ned to identify anddevelo3 ey tools to im3rove t!e aareness and funtionality of t!e PLAS/

    Information olleted over t!e ourse of bot! 3!ases as t!en inte#rated tosu33ort t!e teamDs reommendations to im3rove t!e o of informationamon# stae!olders and stren#t!en t!e funtionality and or#ani>ationalstruture of t!e PLAS/

    $indings and %ecommendations

    T!is setion is divided into t!ree 3arts) ( t!e stae!older analysis for t!ePLAS % t!e reommendations for im3rovin# its im3lementation andor#ani>ational struture and$ t!e desi#n of an eduational am3ai#n based on t!e su##estions andinformation 3rovided by t!e ommunity leaders and 3ar ran#ers/

    #& Sta"eholder !nalsisT!ere ere t!ree 3rimary #oals for t!e stae!older analysis) ( to #au#eea! stae!olderDs noled#e and su33ort of t!e PLAS % to reord ea!stae!olderDs reommendations for im3rovin# t!e or#ani>ational strutureand eCetiveness of t!e PLAS, and more #enerally, im3rovin# ommunalmana#ement of t!e man#rove resoures and $ to outline !at !an#es, int!e desi#n, im3lementation and mana#ement of t!e PLAS, ea! stae!olderould re9uire to su33ort its reneal, as ell as !o ea! stae!older viesits role it!in t!e reneal 3roess/

    T!e 3ar ran#ers ere !i#!lynoled#eable and su33ortive of t!ePLAS/ T!ey 3rimarily vieedt!emselves as advoates ofenvironmental steards!i3, and it!re#ards to t!e PLAS, onsideredt!emselves as eduators of itsre#ulations and im3ortane/ T!eysu33orted t!e reativation of t!eEnvironmental "ommittee, !i! t!eyvieed as !avin# a ritial role in t!eim3lementation and oversi#!t of t!e PLAS/ T!ey furt!er !i#!li#!ted t!eneed to establis! a more !olisti ood-use mana#ement 3lan t!at ouldbetter inte#rate t!e 3ermit system it! 3ro#rams t!at minimi>e man#rove-ood use and miti#ate t!e ne#ative im3ats on t!e eosystem/ T!ey furt!erre3orted t!e la of larity re#ardin# t!e 3ermissible e5tration sites for


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    man#rove-ood, and t!e need to learly delineate su! sites/ T!eir 3rimaryonern as to !ave a 3!ysial re3resentation of MA1*Ds aut!ori>ation of t!ePLAS to demonstrate to ommunity members t!e le#ality of its re#ulations/Moreover, t!ey re3orted t!e absene of a uniform 3rotool for reordin# andres3ondin# to infrations of t!e PLAS, as ell as t!e need for a systemati>ed

    means to doument and ommuniate infrations to MA1*/

    T!e *ational "ivil Polie @P*" re3orted to be unfamiliar it! t!e PLAS and itsre#ulations/ As enforers of t!e la, t!e P*" vieed t!e lear le#al bain#of t!e PLAS as t!e most im3ortant om3onent to enable t!em to a33ly itsre#ulations/ T!us, t!ey undersored t!eneed to !ave a ell-de;ned le#alframeor and o?ial aut!ori>ation byMA1* in order to enfore t!e re#ulations/Moreover, t!ey e53ressed su33ort for t!e 3ar ran#ers in t!e a33liation ofenvironmental re#ulations, and vie t!e 3ar ran#ers as im3ortant soures

    of information/ Hoever, t!ey furt!er noted t!e need to im3rove t!e lines ofommuniation it! t!e 3ar ran#ers/

    T!e Man#rove Assoiation em3!asi>ed its role as a o-mana#er of t!e 4ay ofJi9uiliso it! MA1*, su! t!at t!e to or#ani>ations must or to#et!er toensure t!e 3reservation of t!e natural resoures of t!e man#rove eosystem/it! re#ards to t!e PLAS, t!e Man#rove Assoiation vieed its role as aneduator and failitator of ommuniation beteen stae!olders, as ell as asoure of te!nial and strutural su33ort needed for t!e im3lementationand maintenane of t!e PLAS/ T!e board members indiated t!e Man#roveAssoiationDs su33ort for t!e reativation of t!e Environmental "ommittee

    and a#reed to assume a leadin# role it!in its initial 3!ase of restruturin#/4oard members em3!asi>ed t!e need for t!e PLAS to be a ommunity-led3lan it! t!e le#al bain# of MA1*, !i! t!ey vieed as a ritialom3onent for its im3lementation and suess/ T!ey su33orted a moreinte#rated mana#ement of t!e man#rove resoures, !i! ould lin t!e3ermit system to environmental eduation as ell as man#rove restoration3ro#rams/ T!ey also re3orted t!e need for re#ular sienti; studies toevaluate t!e im3ats of t!e PLAS on t!e eosystem, as ell as an u3datedre#istration of ommunity members, su! as ;s!ermen andpuncherab;s!ermen, urrently usin# resoures from t!e man#rove eosystem/

    Par 1an#ers from t!e ommunities oft!e 4ay of Ji9uiliso/ P!oto taen by Jos!


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    T!e "ommunity Governane "ounilre3orted to be su33ortive of t!e PLAS,t!ou#! onerned it! its le#al bain#/T!ey re3orted a la of understandin# it!

    re#ards to its le#al frameor and t!eMinisterial +eree *o/ (&/ !ile t!eyem3!asi>ed t!e need for a ommunity-lededuational am3ai#n, t!ey onsidered t!e3ar ran#ers and t!e Man#rove Assoiationto be in !ar#e of its desi#n andim3lementation/ T!ey furt!er su##estedt!e inlusion of yout! #rou3s it!in t!eeduational am3ai#n, t!e desi#n ofinformational material to be 3laed in 3ublis3aes, and 3ubli-servie-announements

    for radio broadasts/ T!ey stated t!eirsu33ort for t!e reativation of t!eEnvironmental "ommittee and onsidered itto be t!e 3rimary means of diretommuniation beteen ommunity

    members and institutional bodies su! as MA1*/ Moreover, t!ey su##estedt!at t!e Environmental "ommittee s!ould inrease ommunity su33ort bymeetin# more re#ularly in ea! ommunity and by inludin# re3resentativesfrom yout! #rou3s and oo3eratives/ T!ey additionally su33orted a more!olisti mana#ement 3lan for t!e man#rove resoures, t!ou#! t!ey notedt!e need for more te!nial and sienti; su33ort to ensure t!e suess of

    miti#ation and restoration 3ro#rams/

    MA1* e53ressed t!eir su33ort for t!e PLAS, as demonstrated by t!eirintention to ba t!e desi#n and im3lementation of furt!er loalmana#ement 3lans in ot!er ommunities t!rou#!out t!e ountry/ T!eyvieed t!eir role as 3rovidin# t!e institutional bain# for t!e PLAS, andem3!asi>ed t!e need for loal or#ani>ations and ommunities to tae !ar#eof t!e desi#n, im3lementation and mana#ement of t!e PLAS/ T!ey vieedt!e PLAS as !avin# le#al validity t!rou#! %'(0 it! t!e 3ossibility to reneits aut!ori>ation every ;ve years de3endent on loal su33ort and sienti;studies demonstratin# 3ositive im3ats on t!e !ealt! of t!e man#rove

    eosystem/ T!ey indiated t!eir su33ort for t!e reativation of t!eEnvironmental "ommittee, alt!ou#! t!ey onsidered t!at eleted ommunityre3resentatives s!ould assume t!e leadin# role it!in t!e ommittee/Moreover, t!ey re3orted t!at #reater ommunity noled#e and su33ort oft!e PLAS ere needed for its funtionality and for t!eir endorsement of itsreneal/

    ##& %ecommendations for #mproving the PL!S

    "ommunity leader in t!eMan#rove :orests surroundin#Monteristo/


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    1. Addressing the legal frameor! of the PLASa/ 1e9uest t!e reneal of t!e PLAS every ;ve years from

    MA1*Ds +e3artment of *atural Proteted Areas +emonstrate inreased ommunity su33ort of t!e PLAS by

    im3lementin# a ommunity-level eduational am3ai#n

    t!at 3romotes a sustained aareness it!in t!eommunities Enoura#e #reater ommunity 3artii3ation in

    environmental eduation and man#rove restoration3ro#rams

    Evaluate ommunity noled#e, su33ort and attitudestoards t!e PLAS every ;ve years

    Evaluate t!e im3ats of t!e PLAS on t!e !ealt! of t!eeosystem folloin# t!e reommendations of a biolo#ist

    b/ btain o?ial o3ies of t!e PLAS from MA1* for distributionto t!e P*", 3ar ran#ers and ommunity leaders

    ". #mproving structural organi$ationa/ 1e-establis! t!e Environmental "ommittee it! learly

    de;ned roles to) 1eeive feedba from all stae!olders re#ardin# t!e PLAS :ailitate ommuniation beteen stae!olders Provide a demorati deision-main# 3roess amon#st

    stae!olders to deide) T!e a33ro3riate 3rotools for res3ondin# to


    T!e re9uirements for resoure users, inludin# t!eirre#istration and 3artii3ation in restoration 3ro#ramsand environmental eduation

    Im3lement and su3ervise t!e PLASb/ +evelo3 a struture for #overnane, inludin# t!e dele#ation

    of leaders!i3 in t!e a#enda-settin# and failitation ofmeetin#s

    / +evelo3 a systemati>ed met!od for ensurin# trans3arentdoumentation of t!e deisions by t!e Environmental"ommittee

    d/ Ensure re3resentative 3artii3ation by ea! stae!older

    e/ Atively en#a#e ommunity members to ensure t!eirunderstandin# of t!e funtionality and role of t!eEnvironmental "ommittee

    f/ :ailitate eletions for ommunity re3resentatives and#uarantee t!eir ommitment to onsistent 3artii3ation

    #/ S!are best 3raties it! ot!er ommunities en#a#ed in t!edesi#n and im3lementation of loal mana#ement 3lans


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    %. &uilding a holistic ood'use management plana/ 1e-establis! t!e Environmental "ommittee as t!e body

    res3onsible for t!e im3lementation and mana#ement of t!eood-use 3ermit system Identify distint roles and duties of Environmental

    "ommittee members for t!e oversi#!t of t!e ood-use3ermit system +evelo3 and 3ublii>e a doumented 3rotool for t!e

    a33liation 3roess and a33roval for man#rove-oode5tration t!at inludes)

    "learly desi#nated ommunity re3resentatives fromt!e Environmental "ommittee !om ommunitymembers must onsult

    T!e re9uirements for a33roval to be deided by t!eEnvironmental "ommittee, !i! ould inlude)

    o +emonstrated eonomi neessityo +emonstrated ommitment to t!e !ealt! of t!e

    man#rove eosystem t!rou#! 3artii3ation inenvironmental eduation, man#roverestoration 3roets andor miti#ation 3ro#rams

    Met!ods for trans3arent doumentation of ood-use3ermits

    T!e 3roedure for e5tration, inludin# t!eassistane of 3ar ran#ers in loatin# 3ermissiblee5tration sites and s3eies

    A lear 3rotool for res3ondin# to infrations, to be

    establis!ed by t!e Environmental "ommitteeo :irst-time oCenders ould be re9uired to

    3artii3ate in environmental eduational andrestoration 3ro#rams

    b/ Provide te!nial and sienti; su33ort for t!e inte#ration ofmiti#ation and restoration 3ro#rams into t!e mana#ement3lan

    / Provide neessary su33ort for t!e 3ar ran#ers to at aseduators of t!e mana#ement-3lan and #uides for t!e3ermissible e5tration of man#rove-ood

    d/ Im3rove ommuniation amon#st stae!olders to ensure

    ommunity members !ave a lear understandin# of t!ere9uirements and a33liation 3roess for t!e ood-use 3ermitsystem Im3rove ommunity aareness and aess to

    environmental eduation, restoration 3roets andmiti#ation 3ro#rams su! as 3lantin# livin# fenesN andusin# eo-stoves


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    ###& Educational CampaignMulti3le stae!older #rou3s em3!asi>ed t!e need to develo3 an eduationalam3ai#n to im3rove ommunity noled#e of t!e PLAS and its im3ortane/T!e 3rimary #oals of t!e eduational am3ai#n ould be to im3rove #eneralaareness of t!e PLAS, failitate aess to information, and to 3rovide a

    ontinued 3resene of visual and auditory reminders t!at su33orts lon#-termommunal mana#ement of t!e man#rove resoures/

    %ecommendations for an educational campaign(/ Train t!e 3ar ran#ers and ommunity leaders, inludin# t!e

    ommunity re3resentatives to t!e Environmental "ommittee, tofailitate an informational ors!o3 for ommunity members @Anne5 II

    %/ Provide furt!er lo#istial and or#ani>ational su33ort for t!e 3arran#ers and ommunity leaders to failitate t!e ors!o3 for ea!ommunity

    $/ +evelo3 and 3rovide neessary audio-visual materials for t!e ors!o3

    and am3ai#na/ "reate a ;eld 3oet-boo for t!e 3ar ran#ers to eduateommunity members about t!e PLAS and its re#ulations @Anne5III

    b/ +raft a 3am3!let for ommunity leaders to eduate t!eirommunities about t!e PLAS and its re#ulations @Anne5 I6

    / Post informational si#ns at sites it! t!e #reatest e5tration ofresoures fousin# on t!e site-s3ei; resoure@s under stress,inludin#)

    i/ La *ueva) t!e e5tration of rabs, and man#rove ood forbuildin# and ;reood

    ii/ El "aOn de "ali-"!aastera) t!e e5tration of ;s! ands!rim3, !i#!li#!tin# 3ermitted nets

    iii/ El Llorn) t!e e5tration of ;s! and s!rim3, !i#!li#!tin#3ermitted nets, and t!e e5tration of man#rove ood forbuildin# and ;reood

    iv/ El Horno) t!e e5tration of man#rove ood for buildin# and;reood

    v/ La 4arelona) t!e e5tration of rabs, and man#rove oodfor buildin# and ;reood

    vi/ El 4arral) t!e e5tration ofpuncherabsd/ +esi#n 3ubli-servie announements for radio broadast, it!

    t!e !el3 of yout! #rou3se/ +esi#n 3ubli-servie announements for ommunity

    me#a3!ones, 3artiularly to 3romote aareness durin# t!e no-tae season forpuncherabs



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    As t!e PLAS nears t!e end of its ;ve-year term, re9uirin# reneedinstitutional a33roval, it is ritial to reet and build u3on t!e initialsuesses and !allen#es of its im3lementation and funtionality/T!e PLAS !as been !i#!ly suessful in anumber of re#ards/ :irst, by assi#nin# ri#!ts and

    use-3ermits to t!e resoures, it !as !el3edredue onit surroundin# t!e e5tration ofresoures/ Moreover, it !as si#ni;antlydiminis!ed t!e ommeriali>ation of man#roveood and !as 3romoted ommunal mana#ementof t!e a9uati resoures/ :inally, t!e PLAS !as#arnered national reo#nition and su33ort fromMA1*, !i! onsiders it a model to re3liate inot!er areas/

    Hoever, t!e PLAS still faes a number of

    !allen#es/ As a ommunity-basedmana#ement 3lan, it is essential t!at ommunitynoled#e and su33ort of t!e PLAS e5ist/Hoever, bot! 3revious studies and t!e urrentevaluation !ave found t!at !ile t!efoundational su33ort for environmental3rotetion e5ists t!rou#!out t!e ommunities, t!ere is not a stron# sense ofommunal oners!i3 of t!e PLAS itself/ Toaddress t!is !allen#e, stae!olders it!or#ani>ational and te!nial a3aity s!oulddevelo3 an eduational am3ai#n t!at su33orts

    ontinued aareness of t!e PLAS and its ommunal roots/ Moreover, it isim3ortant t!at ommunity leaders, alon# it! 3ar ran#ers andre3resentatives of t!e Environmental "ommittee, assume t!e roles aseduators and advoates for environmental steards!i3 and ommunalmana#ement of resoures/

    It is t!us ritial t!at ommunity leaders !ave diret and reliableommuniation it! or#ani>ational and institutional bodies t!at an 3rovidet!e te!nial su33ort for a sustained eduational am3ai#n/ Lieise, it isruial t!at t!e institutional stae!olders !ave a lear understandin# of t!eloal im3ats of t!e PLAS on t!e !ealt! of t!e man#rove eosystem as ell

    as on t!e soioeonomi onditions of t!e ommunities/ T!e Environmental"ommittee as desi#ned to reate t!e s3ae for re3resentatives from ea!stae!older #rou3 to #at!er and 3rovide onsistent os of information!oever, as t!ere as no lear 3roedure for meetin#s and a#enda settin#,t!e ommittee !as not funtioned 3ro3erly sine its ine3tion/ T!us, tostren#t!en t!e PLAS and ensure its lon#-term funtionality, stae!older#rou3s must reuvenate t!e Environmental "ommittee and establis! atrans3arent or#ani>ational struture and 3lan for sustained ommitment/

    Par 1an#er in t!e Man#rove:orests of t!e 4ay of Ji9uiliso/P!oto taen by Jos! :einber#/


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    Su! ommitment by all stae!olders, loal and institutional, is essential fort!e PLAS to 3romote ommunal steards!i3 of t!e natural resoures in t!eestern Setor of t!e Ji9uiliso 4ay/


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    !nne' #& %esultsTable (/ Stae!older Analysis

    Par" %angers PNC Mangrove!ssociation



    PL!S - 1e#ard PLAS asuseful instrumentfor resouremana#ement

    - 6ie t!eir 3rimary

    role as eduatorsand advoates oft!e PLAS

    - Bninformed of t!ePLAS and itsre#ulations

    - 6ie t!eir role asenforers of la

    - 6ie t!eir role as o-mana#ers it!MA1*

    - 6ie t!emselves asfailitators of


    - Su33ortive of PLAS,but onerned of itsle#ality

    - Su33ortive, tryin# tore3liate in ot!erre#ions

    - 6ie t!emselves as3rovidin#

    institutional bain#it! a small role inim3lementation


    - So3e of or !in#eson MA1*Ds su33ortand t!e le#alframeor

    - Bnertain of le#alityand (&t!Ministerial+eree

    - "annot enfore PLASit!out le#alframeor

    - 1e#ard PLAS as le#alt!rou#! %'(0

    - "onsider MA1*Dsinstitutionalbain# asim3ortant forle#ality

    - La understandin#of t!e (&t!Ministerial +ereeand PLASDs le#albain#

    - 1e#ard PLAS as validt!rou#! %'(0

    - 1eneal de3endenton ommunitysu33ort andsienti; studies


    - 1eommendations)inlude restorationand miti#ation3ro#rams, i/e/3lantin# livin#fenes and treenurseries

    - Im3rove aess tonon-man#roveood and 3ro#ramsfor alternativeonstrutionmaterials

    - *A- Su33ort inte#rated


    - 1eommendations)inor3oratemonitorin# and

    restoration3ro#rams,eduationalom3onent, treenurseriesoo3eratives

    - Le#ality is ritial toim3lementation

    - 1eommendations)inlude restorationand miti#ation3ro#rams @unsure

    of nurseriesDfeasibility,3romote aess tonon-man#roveood

    - Su33ort t!einor3oration ofeosystem-basedrestoration andmiti#ation3ro#rams su! asA""1A, 1EM @P1EP

    Environmental Committee,EC-

    - Su33ort re-establis!ment

    - 6ie E" as anessentialom3onent of t!ePLAS

    - illin# to 3artii3ate- illin# to tae

    leadin# role ininitial 3!ase ofrestruturin#

    - 1e#ard E" as diretavenue forommuniationit! institutionalators

    - "ommitted to3artii3atin#

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    Lines ofCommunication

    - "urrently use adoumentationsystem forommuniatin#infrations toMA1*, but not fort!e PLAS

    - 1e#ard 3ar ran#ersas im3ortant sourefor information

    - 1eo#ni>e need forim3rovement andt!eir entral role infailitatin#ommuniation

    - 6ie Man#le andMA1* involvementas ritial

    - Em3!asi>e!allen#es inommuniatin#it! institutions

    - 6alueommuniationbeteenstae!olders

    Education - 1e#ard t!emselvesas eduators andadvoates of


    - *A- 1e#ard t!emselves

    as 3layin# a eyrole in ommunityeduation

    - 1eo#ni>e need forim3rovement

    - Em3!asi>e need forommunity ledenvironmentaleduation andyout! involvement

    - 1e#ard eduation ast!e tool to inreaseenvironmentalsteards!i3

    Table % Stae!older *eeds Assessment

    Par" %angers PNC Mangrove!ssociation




    - MA1*Ds endorsementof PLASdemonstrated in 3rint

    - Assurane t!atPLAS !as ale#al aut!ority

    - ?ial o3y oft!e PLAS

    - "on;dene t!atPLAS is su33ortedby le#al frameor

    - 1esoures forre#ular sienti;and soioeonomistudies

    - "on;dene in t!ele#ality of PLAS

    - Sienti; study toevaluate im3ats of3oliy

    - Provide annual or bi-annual 3oliyevaluations

    - PLAS reneal in %'(0PermitSstem)


    - "lari;ation ofs3ei; e5tration

    sites- ritten

    doumentation of3rotool

    - *A - B3dated study ofman#rove resoures

    and re#istration ofresoure use

    - Te!nial andsienti; su33ort,

    es3eially formiti#ation andrestoration3ro#rams

    - Im3rovenoled#e ofe5tration sites

    - +emonstratedommitment by t!e

    ommunities to t!e!ealt! of t!eman#rove eosystem


    - Protool for reordin#and res3ondin# toinfrations

    - 1eommitment frominvolved 3arties

    - *A - "ommitment by allstae!olders to t!eE"

    - Human resoures forrestruturin# and

    - Inreaseommunity3artii3ation viainor3oratin#oo3eratives and

    - Stron# ommunity3artii3ation

    - Eleted ommunityre3resentation

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    a#enda settin# yout! #rou3s- More fre9uent

    meetin#s !eld inea! ommunity

    Lines ofCommunication

    - System forommuniatin# PLASinfrations to MA1*

    - 4etterommuniationit! 3arran#ersre#ardin#infrations

    - Strate#y tostren#t!enommunityoutrea!

    - :untionin# E" tofailitateommuniationbeteenstae!olders

    - "ollaboration beteenall ommunities it!loal mana#ement3lans

    Education - 6isual material to usein t!e ;eld

    - *A - Strate#y forim3lementin# aneduationalam3ai#n it!sustained results

    - Aut!ori>edre#ulations inritin#

    - Eduationmaterials su! asinformativesi#ns3osters andPSAs

    - Assurane t!at PLAS isnon and ado3tedt!rou#!outommunities,su##ested ea!ommunity !olds a#eneral assembly

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    !nne' ##& Train the TrainersTo 3romote #reater ommunal oners!i3 of t!e PLAS, ommunity leaderss!ould tae on t!e roles as eduators and advoates of t!e mana#ement3lan/ A 3rimary om3onent of t!is role ould be to failitate eduationalors!o3s to inform ommunity members about t!e PLAS, its funtion,

    ommunal ori#ins, and or#ani>ational struture as ell as its s3ei;re#ulations/ :or t!e ommunity leaders to assume t!is role, t!ey indiated aneed for te!nial and lo#istial su33ort from or#ani>ations su! as t!eMan#rove Assoiation/ In order to em3oer loal leaders as ommunityeduators and advoates of t!e PLAS, t!e Man#rove Assoiation s!ould meetit! loal leaders to 3lan t!e eduational am3ai#n for t!eir ommunitiesand involve t!em in t!e desi#n of t!e ors!o3/

    4ased on t!e information #at!ered durin# our meetin#s it! ommunityleaders and t!e Man#rove Assoiation, e desi#ned t!e eduationalors!o3 outlined belo, !i! t!e Man#rove Assoiation and ommunity

    leaders may use as a model to ado3t aordin#ly/ e ould alsoreommend t!at re3resentatives of t!e Man#rove Assoiation 3rovidetrainin# for t!e ommunity leaders and 3ar ran#ers, !o in turn anfailitate t!e ada3ted ors!o3 in t!eir ommunities/

    (/ Introdution) failitated by a re3resentative from t!e Man#roveAssoiation

    a/ Ie breaer) failitate a #ame or ativity t!at ould !i#!li#!tsome of t!e ey bene;ts or !arateristis of t!e man#roveeosystem @0-(' minutes

    %/ "ommunal ori#ins of PLAS) failitated by members of t!e "ommunity

    Governane "ounila/ E53lain t!e !istory of t!e PLAS as a ommunity-based

    mana#ement 3lanb/ E53lain its le#al bain# t!rou#! t!e Ministerial +eree *o/ (&

    and t!e 0-year reneal 3roess$/ Environmental "ommittee) failitated by re3resentatives of t!e

    Environmental "ommitteea/ E53lain t!e roles of t!e Environmental "ommittee)

    i/ To res3ond to onerns brou#!t u3 by ommunity membersre#ardin# t!e PLAS

    ii/ To failitate ommuniation beteen stae!olders

    iii/ To evaluate and oversee t!e PLASiv/ To im3lement and su3ervise t!e ood-use mana#ement

    3lanb/ E53lain its or#ani>ational struture and 3lan for re#ular meetin#s/ E53lain t!e ste3s to reativate t!e ommittee, 3artiularly t!e

    need to elet ommunity re3resentatives&/ PLAS re#ulations) failitated by t!e 3ar ran#ers it! t!e assistane of

    visual materials

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    a/ Partiular em3!asis on t!e folloin# re#ulations)i/ E5tration ofpuncherabs

    (/ *o-tae re#ulation durin# t!e re3rodutive 3eriod%/ Permitted 9uantity

    ii/ Permitted ;s!in# nets

    iii/ Bse of man#rove-ood @for buildin# and ooin#(/ Permitted 9uantity of ;reooda/ Provide easy onversions of t!e loal

    measurement, unpante@(m 5 &m 5 0'm,used in t!e PLAS re#ulation to ot!er loalmeasurements su! as un asN, unaarretadaN, and una 3i!i!adaN

    %/ 1e9uirements for t!e use of man#rove-ood foronstrution

    $/ Permitted sites for e5tration

    !nne' ###& Poc"et+boo"let for the Par" %angersutline atta!ed in S3anis! on 3a#es (2-(8/

    !nne' #.& #nformational Pamphlet about the PL!STo versions atta!ed in S3anis! on 3a#es (7 and %') t!e ;rst versioninludes more detailed ritin#, and t!e seond version is in a bulleted-format/

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    Se establece una veda total en el Izcanal

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    MA1*) Ministry of *atural 1esoures and t!e Environment @%''0/ Le( de)reas *aturales Protegidas+ ,ecreto *o. -/.San Salvador, El Salvador/

    MA1*) Ministry of *atural 1esoures and t!e Environment @%''8/Resolucin *o. 10. San Salvador, El Salvador/

    1ivera, "arlos Giovanni @%''8. Estructura ( composicin del comple2o3anglar'estuario del sector occidental de la &ah4a de 5i6uilisco7 8sulut9n.Asoiain Man#le, :ondo de la Iniiativa 3ara las Am