dtt state of readiness general update report 27 – 28 november 2012 presentation to the portfolio...


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  • DOC TEAMMs Rosey SekeseDirector General, DoC

    Mr Themba PhiriDDG, ICT Policy Development, DoCMr Roy KrugerTechnical Advisor, Ministry of CommunicationsMr Wonder Dlangamandla Chief Director, Technology & Infrastructure, DTT PMOMr Sithembiso ManziniDirector, e-Content & Policy Development, DoC*


  • DTT DOC ACTIVITIESDTT RegulationsBDM PolicyFrequency PlanChannel LicensingRadio StationsTV ChannelsService Information for EPGInteractive ContentPlayoutCoding and MultiplexingContribution LinkingTransmitter NetworkSTB Control System DVB-T2 Standard ApprovalRevise MHEG ProfileEPG User InterfaceRevise STB Standard for DVB-T2Manufacture STBsConformance TestingTrademark CertificationWholesale DistributionSTB subsidyConsumer MessagingMarketing ChannelsRetailFTA Platform BrandInstallationsOn-ground supportGo-LiveAward STB RFPPlatform ManagementDoC DirectSTB Manufacturers: appointment by DoCCPE Installers: appointment by DoCCustomer ContractsAcknowledgement: SABC*

  • DOC ACTIVITIESBDM POLICYBDM Policy amended and gazetted on 17 February 2012.

    DTT STANDARDDVB-T2 Standard adopted for South Africa and SADC.

    SET-TOP-BOXESThe Set Top Box Manufacturing Strategy and Scheme of Ownership Support were approved by Cabinet in March 2012STB RFP was issued July 2012, closing date extended to 14 September to allow for updates on local production stipulationsA total of 37 tender responses were receivedAdjudications and contract awards were planned for end October 2012, but suspended due to e.tvs court challenge against the Minister.*

  • DOC ACTIVITIES cont..The tender included the contentious STB Control, which is the subject of e.tvs litigation.Plan to procure a seed order of 350 000 DTT and 100 000 satellite STBs in the current financial yearThe total cost will be an estimated R432m for the 450 000 STBs including installations, at the approved 70% subsidy for the STBs and 100% full subsidy for installations.An allocation of R230m is available for this financial year, with rollovers of R220m and R180m from financial years 2011 and 2010 respectively. Submissions for the rollovers have been made and Treasury is currently reviewing the applications.We plan to roll out 1.5 million STBs per year for the next three financial years.There is enough industry capacity to produce 5 million STBs within two years, subject to vendor appointments and funds being availableOur goal is to finalise the STB rollout within the next two financial years


  • DOC ACTIVITIES cont..CONSUMER SUPPORT AND AWARENESS CAMPAIGNThe consumer awareness program has commenced. External Service Provider has been appointed.Permanent Call Centre establishment unexpectedly delayed by the e.tv situation.SITA has provided Call Centre facilities for an initial six month period, as an interim, contingency measure.Call centre facilities to be shared between DoC, Sentech and the SABC & FTA broadcastersSITA to cost R357k per month for 6 months , shared between DoC, SABC and Sentech We aim to create about 4500 jobs on call centres in the long term



    Phase 1: Upskilling existing installers with DTT installations

    The training would target the already existing 1,500+ installers and provide them with specific DTT technical installation training. DTT technical installations are similar to DSTV training and hence does not require a great degree of extra training

    Phase 2: Community Support Representatives

    These are the backbone of DTT migrationThe experience is derived from the MNet test DTT installations in Soweto where it is recognised that people with DTT installation prefer to have a local community person assist them when they have problems with installation. Most important skill are soft community support skills.


  • DOC ACTIVITIES cont..Phase 3: New DTT Installers. This group would consist of newly trained installers with both satellite and DTT technical installation capabilities.DoC together with industry representatives and learning institutions held a successful workshop to streamline the training programWorking with MICT SETA, a common curriculum is being developed for accreditation across all industry players and training institutions.Nemisa/eSkills also working with higher learning institutions for further formal training in Digital Technology.Combination of new installers, community support representatives and content creation industry expected to create about 20 000 new jobs


  • ICASACALL CENTERTo create sustainable jobsTo ensure that communities receive support and help services during the migration periodDTT RegulationsBDM PolicyFrequency PlanChannel LicensingRadio StationsTV ChannelsService Information for EPGInteractive ContentPlayoutCoding and MultiplexingContribution LinkingTransmitter NetworkSTB Control System DVB-T2 Standard ApprovalRevise MHEG ProfileEPG User InterfaceRevise STB Standard for DVB-T2Manufacture STBsConformance TestingTrademark CertificationWholesale DistributionSTB subsidyConsumer MessagingMarketing ChannelsRetailFTA Platform BrandInstallationsOn-ground supportGo-LiveAward STB RFPPlatform ManagementCustomer ContractsAcknowledgement: SABC*

  • ICASA published a revised set of draft DTT regulations and held public consultations

    The public consultations stage has been concluded and the final DTT regulations have been taken for legal vetting before being published

    Regulations to be published end November 2012 after Council approval

    DTT signal distribution tariffs to be approved

    DTT Frequency Plan finalised


  • SENTECHCALL CENTERTo create sustainable jobsTo ensure that communities receive support and help services during the migration periodDTT RegulationsBDM PolicyFrequency PlanChannel LicensingRadio StationsTV ChannelsService Information for EPGInteractive ContentPlayoutCoding and MultiplexingContribution LinkingTransmitter NetworkSTB Control System DVB-T2 Standard ApprovalRevise MHEG ProfileEPG User InterfaceRevise STB Standard for DVB-T2Manufacture STBsConformance TestingTrademark CertificationWholesale DistributionSTB subsidyConsumer MessagingMarketing ChannelsRetailFTA Platform BrandInstallationsOn-ground supportGo-LiveAward STB RFPPlatform ManagementCustomer ContractsAcknowledgement: SABC*

  • Sentech rolling out DTT transmitter network, signal aggregation and multiplexing facilitiesSentech working together with the DoC and SAPO in the provincial STB rollout program, in accordance with the transmitter network rollout planSentech also collaborating with the DoC and SABC in establishing and implementing e-government services. This project is at a feasibility stageOther government departments to be involved for content and other related aspects of e-government servicesSentech to manage STB Control for DTT and full Conditional Access for DTH networks for Free To Air Broadcasters. The STB Control issue is currently being contested by e.tv in the South Gauteng High Court


  • SABSCALL CENTERTo create sustainable jobsTo ensure that communities receive support and help services during the migration periodDTT RegulationsBDM PolicyFrequency PlanChannel LicensingRadio StationsTV ChannelsService Information for EPGInteractive ContentPlayoutCoding and MultiplexingContribution LinkingTransmitter NetworkSTB Control System DVB-T2 Standard ApprovalRevise MHEG ProfileEPG User InterfaceRevise STB Standard for DVB-T2Manufacture STBsConformance TestingTrademark CertificationWholesale DistributionSTB subsidyConsumer MessagingMarketing ChannelsRetailFTA Platform BrandInstallationsOn-ground supportGo-LiveAward STB RFPPlatform ManagementCustomer ContractsAcknowledgement: SABC*

  • SABS partnered with established UK based company to develop test suites, transfer technology IP, advise on project execution strategy, hardware and equipment, and support with integration, acceptance and testing.STB Standard launched at ICT Indaba in June 2012Conformance lab to be ready by January 2013Test Suite Developers in a position to perform Conformance Testing on behalf of SABS from as a contingency measure, if required.SABS will issue conformance certificates to accredited manufacturersAll South African boxes to conform to the SANS862 standard and bear the SABS mark of approval.This is a measure to protect consumers and limit the flood of non-compliant boxes into the SA marketConformance marks to be used in all awareness campaigns


  • SABC AND OTHER BROADCASTERSCALL CENTERTo create sustainable jobsTo ensure that communities receive support and help services during the migration periodDTT RegulationsBDM PolicyFrequency PlanChannel LicensingRadio StationsTV ChannelsService Information for EPGInteractive ContentPlayoutCoding and MultiplexingContribution LinkingTransmitter NetworkSTB Control System DVB-T2 Standard ApprovalRevise MHEG ProfileEPG User InterfaceRevise STB Standard for DVB-T2Manufacture STBsConformance TestingTrademark CertificationWholesale DistributionSTB subsidyConsumer MessagingMarketing ChannelsRetailFTA Platform BrandInstallationsOn-ground supportGo-LiveAward STB RFPPlatform ManagementAll BroadcastersFTA BroadcastersCustomer ContractsAcknowledgement: SABC*

  • Ready to transmit SABC 1,2,3 on DTT network.

    Universal Access19 SABC Radio Stations are available on the DTT platformCoverage of all SABC channels will be equally available throughout the country

    SABC plan to launch other incentive channels in the future

    SABC and etv collaborating on a Free-To-Air partnership

    Provision has been made to accommodate new FTA entrants

    A Rules Of Operations Committee was established by SABC, Sentech and other broadcasters to ensure technical interoperability between all stakeholders and a seamless user experience


  • etv is ready to launch on DTT platform, awaiting approvals of ICASA regulations and tariff structures

    Memorandum of Understanding between SABC and etv has been finalized to achieve DTT launch

    M-Net ready to launch subscription TV on DTT platform, also awaiting approvals on final ICASA regulations and tariff structures

    Draft regulations have made provision for Community TV Broadcasters and other new broadcasters to be included in the DTT network


  • USAASACALL CENTERTo create sustainable jobsTo ensure that communities receive support and help services during the migration periodDTT RegulationsBDM PolicyFrequency PlanChannel LicensingRadio StationsTV ChannelsService Information for EPGInteractive ContentPlayoutCoding and MultiplexingContribution LinkingTransmitter NetworkSTB Control System DVB-T2 Standard ApprovalRevise MHEG ProfileEPG User InterfaceRevise STB Standard for DVB-T2Manufacture STBsConformance TestingTrademark CertificationWholesale DistributionSTB subsidyConsumer MessagingMarketing ChannelsRetailFTA Platform BrandInstallationsOn-ground supportGo-LiveAward STB RFPPlatform ManagementCustomer ContractsAcknowledgement: SABC*

  • USAASA has defined the STB subsidy qualifying criteria

    USAASA to place STB orders with manufacturers on behalf of DoC and pay the manufacturers after STBs have been delivered at SAPO warehouses

    STB Distribution logistics to be handled by USAASA and SAPO according to a set of business rules

    Distribution business rules developed and in the process of being finalised by DoC, SAPO and USAASA

    STB distribution process to be fully automated and run by SAPO, in accordance with the provincial rollout plan between Sentech, DoC and SAPO


  • SAPOCALL CENTERTo create sustainable jobsTo ensure that communities receive support and help services during the migration periodDTT RegulationsBDM PolicyFrequency PlanChannel LicensingRadio StationsTV ChannelsService Information for EPGInteractive ContentPlayoutCoding and MultiplexingContribution LinkingTransmitter NetworkSTB Control System DVB-T2 Standard ApprovalRevise MHEG ProfileEPG User InterfaceRevise STB Standard for DVB-T2Manufacture STBsConformance TestingTrademark CertificationWholesale DistributionSTB subsidyConsumer MessagingMarketing ChannelsRetailFTA Platform BrandInstallationsOn-ground supportGo-LiveAward STB RFPPlatform ManagementCustomer ContractsAcknowledgement: SABC*

  • SAPO has signed MoU with DoC, USAASA and SABC for the distribution logisticsSAPO has designed software processes to carry out agreed- upon business rules for the distribution of STBs to qualifying subsidy recipientsSAPO will be working with USAASA on distribution logistics countrywide, under DoCs supervisionSAPO*

  • Phase 1: October 2012

    Proof of Concept launch - realizing successful operation of DTT and DTH network in SKA area and demonstrating start of Digital Migration in SAMinister successfully launched and demonstrated the workings of Digital TV technologies in the Northern Cape.Satellite technology was demonstrated in the SKA towns of Williston and Carnavon, while terrestrial was demonstrated in Motswedimosa near Kimberley

    Phase 2: Early - Mid 2013

    Start of Commercial launch Availability of STBs for both Subsidized and Retail Markets

    Phase 3: Beyond June 2015

    Analogue Switch Off (ASO)DTT LAUNCH CALENDAR*

  • Challenges

    Current legal case by e.tv threatens to delay the project even further, thus extending the dual illumination period with the associated running costs.

    Whilst we still have funding issues, there has been some improvements and we continue to work with entities and National Treasury to ensure that this national project gets fully funded and that the funding and project delivery schedules are aligned


  • *

    Follow up on funds availability from Dr Sam?