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BIOGRAPHICAL CRITICISM To His Coy Mistress by Andrew MarvellLook deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. This an adage from Einstein which clearly depicts the feeling of the poem of Andrew Marvell. The poem brings you to an idea that who is this mistress: was it his or was it another mans mistress. Written in 17th century, the poem depicts a great popularity until the 17th century. From that point on, we can see that this literary piece, To His Coy Mistress is a poem that depicts the life of conservatism during the 17th Century. Base on the title of the poem, it is written in a way referring to a third person. Moreover, examining the first sentence, Had we but world enough and time, strikes a lot of regret on his life, that as if he had find love at the wrong moment of time and at the wrong world. To add further, his usage of the word Indian Ganges would refer to his vast knowledge of geography as what most he had done in his life, to travel. Furthermore, his usage of the word Humber which is an estuary would denote his recall of the pain that he endures during his fathers death. With this we can imply, that his love might be better 10 years ago and had he met the woman before his father death, this love would prevail. Seeing from his life, Andrew Marvell has no love life. Due to scarcity of information, no data was given to his marriage. Hence, basing on this line, his usage of the metaphysical term my vegetable love. As we can see, vegetable grows rapidly, however they easily wither with little storm and snow. Reflecting, his idea of love might sprout rapidly, however it also disappears in an instant. The tone of the poem changes in the 21st stanza which says, Times chariot hurrying near. We can see that the poem was written during the era of war and political disparity, basically he had awaken that all his lustful and lewd desire is of no importance where in any mistake in that era may be punishable by death and the womans virginity is vital. To wrap it up, the poem is a battle of an idea between the moralities of his desires basically because he was raised in a religious family, having his father as a pastor. It is filled with sexual desire which is normal for man, however trying to suppress it because of the scenarios that it is not vital because of his busy schedule and reconsider their love in the next life time.

FORMALISM/ NEW CRITICISMS I Felt a Funeral, in my Brain by Emily DickinsonFear. Loneliness. The central echoing message that the poem conveys.The speaker in the poem, I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, which is not known whether a male, talks about a funeral happening inside her brain. The speaker tells of the loneliness and fear what is happening in a funeral while the rest of the crowd is in revelry. In progress into the speaker breaking up and falls into something deep. The genre of the poem tackles about fear, and how it can drive you into the verge of breaking. It talks about the human mind, how it works when under stressed and pressure.In the first few stanzas, it depicts the actual funeral that happens. The loneliness, wherein people breaks due to severe loneliness. In the second paragraph, A service, Like a drum Kept beating beating (1) illustrates how the heart works when couple with fear. It creates a strong pumping mechanism until such time it become exhausted and the person becomes weak and numb. In here we could also notice, that funerals are couple with hymns of choirs and not of drums. Rather this create a paradox of reality, luring us to believe the idea that indeed a happy funeral was held and the rest was happy because of the speakers death. To continue, paragraph 3 and 4 of the poem shifts the theme: from the world where humans are buried up to the time that it transcends to heaven depicted by the Heavens (13). It is also noticeable that the speaker falls in a sudden silence (15), which leaves an open ended statement trying to toil the readers mind of how it ended. However, in the preceding lines and then a plank in Reason, Broke (17) which might portray the speakers mind betraying his own and falling into an abyss of unknown reality. To sum it up, the speaker depicts the faintness of the human mind when provided with stress. It battles stress. It tries to overcome it. However, as time goes by, when it escapes human control and coping mechanism in itself flew out of hand, loneliness succumbs man and such even his body defies him -- falling into the unfathomable hell of despair and melancholy.

Stopping by the Woods on Snowy Evening by Robert FrostThe poem is one of the marvelous work of frost which clearly depicts his perfectness in metrical pattern making the poem being recited by many. A she quotes, this is his best bid for remembrance. The poem is an example of an Iambic tetrameter.In here, the speaker once more is unidentifiable. We know not about his character, given that the man was riding a horse, then we might conclude that he is a man or maybe frost himself. That such man has been travelling for quite some time already that along his journey he had encountered a familiar house. The poem plays with various scenario of when and where did it took place. Taking a glimpse in the word, the darkest evening of the year we can closely define it as the longest night, which might refer to a solstice or it can also be a period wherein human mind transcends into its deepest thoughts. In here, the speaker is the representation of humanity which discovers himself through lifes journey. That somehow and in certain point of our lives, we try to cross a path of reality and dreams. This line, the woods are lovely dark and deep, may have a double implication. This may send a message of Frost subconscious mind telling us that he viewed death as something lovely and mystical. Or we can also see this in lighter note that what he meant by woods, refer to some important things. Things which will not be allowed to vanish without being taken care of. In addition, He gives his harness bells a shake, this implies a lot of idea. Taken for example, that the bell wakes him up reminds him of his reality. Or it awakens him to forget thinking about death because there are a lot of things he has to make and promises to fulfill. The coldness of snow and its purity and the enticing beauty of the woods may lure us to forget of the world we are living now, but in the end such marvelous beauty can wait. Or we can also look at it, that any moment we may meet death, but its up to us to choose to accede or contravene to its ways. In a nutshell, humans may be confronted with options, but it is up to humanity to choose. To forget the sweet promises we keep, or we can grasp reality and build chances so that we wont regret later on.

Literary CriticismsEnglish 217

Looking through the Works of Andrew Marvell, Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost.

Presented by:

Orlan D. Balano

April 24, 2015

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