the mitchell family - wv ancestry


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Kellogg Note books 0 n J

West Virgi nia Families:


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Joseph U. Kellogg






Ori.<rln of the Family

No attenqpt is made in these notes to trace the nrultitudinous

Uitchell family back to origins in early Ehgjlish or Scottish history or

to work out in detail the various branches of the family in America.

Sufficient is it for, the preseht purpose to record some account of one

John Hitch ell who came to this coxintry as a boy, unaccoaqp>anied by any

other relatives, who settled in what is now West Virginia and who had many

descendants, forming our own branch of this large family. John Uitchell,

according to his own statement, came originally from Lancashire, Ehgland,

his birthplace having been a place called Dawston. (No such place appears

on even detailed gazeteers of Sigland at the present time. Either this

place has been absorbed by some larger town and so vanished as a separate

village, or there may be some mistake in the spelling of the name, since

it may have been put dovra in John Mitchell’s pension statement by another,

hearing it spoken by him and not written. There are several Daltons in

Lancashire, one being Dalton-in-Fumess, an important sea port town in the

Furness district, some 25 miles northwest of Lancaster. In Cumberland

there is a moderately sized place called Dalston. about five miles south of

Carlisle. The parish register of this latter place has been published and

shows several Mitchell families living in that vicinity. It seems probable

that this was the birthplace of John Mitchell.)

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Cn^nfilrr — P«rl1jr'« ><li M'S Io‘l*<t»», (In ('n'jrrwi'«Mfb

ruiilain VO.rt 0 ("* • r half '^ nilll co I xlip'.

(Fartirnlar* ami fr<a. * hit h ar* oomioal.

on ap)>l>f

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nift^op'4 Tran^riptt tC I A 2, >»/, Hoiinrr-^t lirwth T«* l»3Bl-5. 12 ^

llikti^rv «>f the '*‘j<leti)iani ^ , l»y Ibe lAtr T>r >‘jJ^ulAni, 4tu., (in lh«

Prin^e-f Prirrtt^y for fA# AfffKori’^

r>rink«nlrr K4m«ly, l*»n, IVtO O.P. Vlrrk K.k. mi St«'b«rt Pr»licr«rr, ►o. ll/22 CoUinf« Po.,J!^4.

J*rintfr A Puljl^skrr *»/— Oa^'lio AlotArmc 4 Pt»rk*'l Ho*»k. (9

Vitit—tiov hU (I P., IUai prioUsil by *‘.Mac* T iIIa,'* Caiind i.)

1llii)ttr.\t^<l ii\rlic Dietiotiary, 3 toN. £2. S*. Bi’^bnp'^ Tr.»DJHT»)*tH M \VeU<. ^oN. |, 4. AS.

Hj/Crach; \\>\. 6 7. (i Vol. IS U I* R.)10/..rx, Potun Mon lii*^criptiuriM. toI l.MOC Kent Mon. loNcnptiun^. to!. l.*.7 6 Note* on the l>«rHy K.iiniiy, 1912. O.P. Soiner*el lU iiji^ler-, Vol. 1. 16 >«»rth Pethfrl<»o Ke^i^ier* 4 Tr^nMTipt«. Vol.

1.2, 3 4 4 SiJ Vol. 15 n.P.H.) 10 . ench. ])weli) Pe»li*:ree, P»i. 1925 lU •

©cnciiloQicnl Jc lAccoiti OfSccs

E. DWELLY, F.S.A.Scot., F.S.G.,

36. Pemberton Road, E. Molesey, Surrey, Eng. lIoiL Lllr ro«-rab»T of Ih« Carllc So..-i»ly of Lomlon, and ><t “ An (Voiunn Oil'ffKa'ao'l *’

OenealoKical Searches of all kinds undertaken. Weft of England Pedigrees a Speciality.


/—-^CvA. Ia^ .LjeJXi^ ^ .


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From the Parish Register of Dalston, Cumberland, Eiigland (published in

2 volmes, Copj in Congressional Librarj)


Feb. 6, 1729, Thomas Uichel and Uary Coltherd.

April 26, 1752, John French and Uarj Uitchel.

Nov. 16, 1752, Thomas l^itchel and Jane Hetherington.

, Feb. 7, 1768, Adam Graham and Jane Mitchell, banns.

• June 18, 1758, Willm; IXitchell bac. and IXargaret Holida7,

St. llarTs, in a list of banns published at the

• ' parish church but not so]^nnized there.

Bajytisms; ^

O Feb. 6, 1728, Thomas, of Thomas Mitchell and Marj Couthard.

April 2, 1735, Uar7, of Thomas Uitchel of Hawksdale. \

Oct. 50, 1735, Sarah, of Thomas Mitchell of Hawksdale.

Jan. 25, 1737, James, of Thomas Mitchell of Havrksdale.

Nov. 3, 1740, Matthew, of Thomas Mitchel of Hawksdale.

Dec. 8, 1745, Martin, of Thomas Mitchell of Ha^tksdale.

May 1, 1746, William, of Thos. Mitchell of Hawksdale.

* Aug. 24, 1760, Mary, daughter of Willi am Mitchell of Dalston.

May 17, 1762, John, son of Reynold Mitchell of Bishops Forge.


Feb. 11, 1736, Sarah, a child of Thomas Mitchel of Hawksdale.

Nov. 16, 1746, Thofiias Mitchell of Hawksdale burled.

March 21, 1752, Martin, son of Widow Mitchell of Hawksdale b\iried.


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. ^ :noisrLHadiaH acul boa XarfoiiU aAciorfr «SarX ,dX .rolC

•e/uacf ^IXsdt^liC anal* bas oBdanO oabl ^SbVI ,T .(^aY “^1

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ad^ badaJtXdx/q annacfjjlo ^aXX a at t*TxaM •iS .. , ' .> v •' It....

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.aiabay«raH lo XXadoiiU aaoiorfr lo ,ni4**a¥ tS^VX *0 .oaG

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.bmtwd oXabasbraH lo XXododiU vobilT lo noa ,S^VX «IS doiak


.;rd« '|iA .. .dif ' 7’ *« •• ■ V

O July 50, 1755, Uary Uitchell of Kawksdale, Widow, burled,

Jan. 19, 1762, Willlam Uitchel of Dalston buried.

April 25, 1766, William Uitchel of KLackgreen buried.


From other neighboring parishes in Cumberl^d we have the foUowlng;

Registers of Skelton (1580-1812):


May 16, 1659, Thomas Mitchell and Mary Watt (one or both were

of Skelton.



March 4, 1759, Elizabeth, of Thomas Mitchell of Lamonby.

June 12, 1760, Mary, of John Hetherington of Skelton.

Sept, 21, 1765, Thomas, of Thomas Mitchell of Lamonby.

March 25, 1786, John, of Thomas Mitchell of Skelton.

Nov. 7, 1768, Richard, of Thomas Mitchell of Skelton.

Feb, 22, 1764, Elizabeth, dau. of Thc«nas Mitchell of Lamonby,


Registers of Bridekirk (1584-1812):


Aug. 50, 1747, Thomas CoYfthart and Mary Whiteside.

April 25, 1764, John Mitchell and Ann Bell.


July 18, 1628, Robertus, fil, Jacobi Coltheard peregrini,

Oct. 18, 1646, Anno, fil. Rovrlandi Coltheard.

Sept. 21, 1748, Thomas, of Thomas Coltherd of Tallantire.


•b9twd ^woblK to^CLuiofm *08 ■ xJtot

flbi»X4fl \o MoSlU ta/UUm ,gW*X *91 ,/ut ^ ^ ^Ti ' '

.bmtistd n«9f^4iH lo XirfoiiM auUJUSK *ad?X ^Ca linqA

<fi **'; T§!rr'^

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s(SX8X-06ai) no4LmiB^ lo 8'X9<taX;i«ff . ^|-*T

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.ooiXajflS^lo i»i3aXt«d^oK ndot lo *^«U *09rX *SX owlk »• J<

•T^^noiiaJ lo XXerfoiXU eBaoriT lo^^eamodT *aaTX ,Xa .ima • ^ m.m

■f »*“ i *^9

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•no4X93f8 lo XXorioiXU eaoorfT lo *arf6l» ^ddVX ,8S iforolf

.ifo^Xoda lo XXorfo^Xlf iBoodT lo (MoiioXfl ,8dVX *T .yoW il»i

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-l^inoiwJ lo XXodaiXtf eBrsMfT ,0^ ^rtfodostH *WX *SW»'.del

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tao^Xrtiif . d<

.obXeedidW XJ^ bns iiediwoO eBOodT^.^^x .08 .ai/A r?. . •^

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{AisaJbdqof I 1^' 'A^.' •



--*< (',♦ ■-•* j* ’ M ‘ ■>. i t ' ‘a . Jj^’

.InXtueieq brceerfiXoO idooel .lil ^ex/^TecWI *8SdX ^SX xXi/U

.bwrfiXbO IbaaXwoJt .Xil *ennA ,dAdI *8X .ioO 5V, *>

•niJiulUT lo bsadiXoO »m»<1T lo .aModt' ,8»rX ,XS. .,>qoa

■>—"tOtHyiM »,-%»ff«»






Dec, 15, 1764, Elizabeth, of John Etherlngton of Hameaklll.

April 26, 1779, Sarah, of John Hetherin^on of Cockersmith,

Jan, 15, 1774, Uary Coltherd of Great Broughton, widow, aged 96,

Dec, 7, 1786, William Etherlngton of Little Broughton, aged 69,

Feb, 18, 1787, Esther Etherlngton, widow of the late Williaia

Etherlngton of Little Broughton, aged 75,

Sept, 10, 1802, Thccias Coxilthard of Great Broughton, aged 86 yeare.

Other Cvanberland Karriages:

Nov, 24, 1753, Thomas Coulthard of parish of Wetheral and Mabel

Pearson of parish of Low Crosby.

Nov. 15, 1759, David Hotherington of Longbhwaite (parish of

Wetheral) and l[ary Pearson of Low Crosby,

' Jan. 19, 1756, Jamies Mitchell, collier and Jane Irwin,

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lo ifaXxaq) lo aoJ^nJH9rtS9H blrsd ,2X .wK ■ • I

•X^aonO iroJ lo nortoo? x*La]| bns (JtBiocUoV

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Frocn these itexns on the regiators it is seen that:

Thomas Mitchell lived in Havdcsdale (near Daleton), Cumberland.

He married Feb. 6, 1729, liary Coltherd. (Possibly she belonged to the

Coltherd family of Great Broughton and Bridekirk.) They had children:

* ' 1. Thccias, bapt. Feb, 6, 1728 (bom before p>arents marriage)

He probably married, Nov. 16, 1752, Jane Hetherington, X

2. Mary, bapt. April 2, 1753. She probably married, April 26,

1752, John French.

I 5. Sarah, bapt, Oct. 50, 1755; bxiried Feb. U, 1756.

4. James* bapt. Jan. 25, 1757.

X 5. Matthew, bapt. Nov. 5, 1740.

X 6. Martin, bapt. Dec. 8, 1745,

buried March 21, 1752.

7. VViHiamf bapt. May 1, 1746.

Thomas Mitchell of Hawksdale died, and was b\iried Nov. 16, 1746.

His widow Mary(Coltherd) Mitchell was buried July 50, 1755.

(Possibly Thomas Mitchell who married Jane Hetherington in 1752, may have

died a few years later, as on Feb. 7, 1768, Adam Graham married Jane

Mitchell.) It is thought that the mother of our John Mitchell, bom 1765,

was named either Mary or Jane. The name William is also known to have been

in his family, as the name of his father or uncle.

n ■*»vr^x r^rrrt

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lorxbXiifo bod Xb^ {•ititAobriB baa nroiif^fVcnisS i«4n0 lo bvorfiXoO ''• f* '«V v „ N' . S ..^

(e:i«±Tiam o'rolotf moi) 8SVX ,8 .M *iqAd ««aaDitr .X

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MVl ,8X .von baXiiid aaw bna (bsib •Xaba^bvaH lo XXodoilU Sisaoift

£. **, •' ■w .1

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.23TX ^08 xXul. baJbruid saw IlafioiJJI (btor{iXoO)^all wobiw «XK ■*- igi ,

• - - ■ - ^ • tit '4 wi r"

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ooaI* bobt'saiB mdmiO subA ^BdrX .d»^ no sa (To^aX eiaox a boXb

tMVX nod ^XXadoiXtf ndoL n/o lo oedioa arii iarfi idguodi aX il {.XldrfDiiM - ♦

naad arad oi oaorDt oeXa el eulXXlW aoan arfT .enab lo X'xaBI *sa(fila baoaa ea«

«aXoati lo ladiat mid lo a;ia<i adi ea ^xXloal eld nl

The Uitchell Family in Virginia


(l) Rev. John i^itchell,

John^UitcheH was bom Uay 1, 1765, at "Dawston” in "Lancashire,"

England. (From his own siprom statement in his application for a pension.

This year date is also that given on his tombstone.) The place probably

was, more correctly, Dalston, in Cumberland.

The only facts known about his early life are those taken from

the pension declaration and from the inscription on his tombstone. As a

boy he had been bound to a sailor and probably made several voyages, coming

to America about 1774-75. (The tombstone inscription says: "Bound to a

Sailor. Went to W. India & America 1774. Thence to E. India. Thence to

America 1775. Came to Virginia 1776"). r

There has been a tradition in the family that while his ship was

in New York harbor, he ran away from the captain to whom he was bound and

hid for tyro weeks in a clump of bushes, being fed daily by some boy whose

acquaintance he had made. In his Pension record it is stated that he came

to America in August, 1774, and arrived at Yorktown, Va., and that from

there he went to Norfolk, Fredericksburg, and Hampshire Co., Va. in 1775.

At any rate he was living in Hampshire county from about' 1775-76 until

Allgust, 1780, when he was drafted into the militia at Rooney about the first

of that month, when he was seventeen years of age. (On his tombstone the

date is given as 1779 with the additional statement that ho had substituted

in the army in 1779 even before this. The Pension record, in great detail,

is more probably correct.) It seems obvious that John Uitchell must have

been a boy of unusual courage and initiative.

♦ i

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•ooiemq • lol coUssUqqa ohf at tm^TotASt (nows mio (id axriY) .buXstfS tr

f* ’«!

•aAlq 9cfT (o9noSBiimoS eJtrf no nsvtz obIm at »^ab 199% airfT - ■' '^ P

•^>ft*X‘t»diaoO rU ^xsoiaXAd <ic*^i99Tio« •itaai ^smr ;^4-

flai&t aeod-t ai* altl xi'xaa atd ix/oda^nnoiDl iiiasl -^o adT

a aA .anoiedoo^. aid 00 a9tSqirtotta adi ai^ boa noiiaiaX^ab aoiaoaq adi

aniffloa ^aai^ov laiavae aban xXcfacfo-tq boa 'loliaa^a oi bowod oaid bad ad vod I f. /f 4|«

a od bo/off" la^aa aoiiqiiaafll aaoiaobaoi adT) .3r-#m ix/orfa aaiTaoU oi

oi aanadT .aibol ^ oi aanadT •iWI aoi^ataA d aibol .W oi- ioaW •loXlaS :j

» * .(■awx aiotyxif oi aaiaO .aTTI aai^aaA > %

aair qida aid alidw iarfi x-Ltaal adi oi ooiiibaTci^a oaad aad .aiadT

fcna bm/orf aav ad corfw oi oU^ao adi ap-rt x^wa nai ad ciodiad :iioI waM oi

aaodw xod aiaoa Xliab bal ^ad ,aadax#d lo qnyXo a oi adaav owi'^l bW

9But9 ad SMitJ baiaia ai ii bnoiat rwiana^ aid ol .abao bad ad aooaidUupao |— |

cnwoiahtaY ia bavina brta^ ^iTVX »iw/as/A oi a©i^a^^A oi ^

.am ^ .aV axMaqKcJl ^ ^jTLCfdedoi-iabat^ ,;{Xolv>H pi inaw ad eiodi

liinu d?-am ii/oda ami x^ouoo aildeqoiaH oi yiiril eaw ad aiai roa iA

Jm-iXl .rfi duodt x^naatt i» ttitlla oilt ofat saw ad attia ,08VX ,iw^k

•di oaoiAdaot aXd oO) .o%a lo eoMx maiiMTss •«« ad oada .dJnoa.Jad* 1# ■ .V f I ■. * ^

baii/ii>8dbi bad ad iadi inarpaiaia lanoiiibba adi diiw em «a oovi» ai aiab*

«Iiaiab iaari di ibiooan ooiaflaS adT .aiiti a^olad oaxra WVI oi 'pn* edi oi

aTad ieiM HadoiiM odol iadi atfoirdo «oooo il (.iaaTioo x^dadoiq aioa ai

'■1*' .aridaXdXaX bna agavraa Xauatmu lo tocT a oaad

r 'V ^


• * ’t •jk

*_ M ♦' ' * • \'T>

I •




His first service in the anny was in a company of militia raised

from Frederick, Berkeley and Hampshire counties with the object of going to

the mouth of the great Kana'K'ha river and bxiilding there a fort. On the

arrival of the detachment at Staunton however, the men were ordered to remain

there to guard Tories and deserters. This they did until about the last of

October, 1780, when, on the march homeward, John Mitchell was dismissed at

the mouth of Seneca creek, a breuich of thorj^rth fork of the South branch of

the Potomac, in what is now Pendleton Co., West Va. Here, about the 1st of

November, 1780, Mitchell enlisted as a substitute for William Gragg in the

state troops in the continental service and went back to Stamton and

eventually to Richnond, where he was placed in Captain James Pendleton’s

company of artillery, which belonged to Colonel Harrison’s regiment of «

Virginia artillery. The whole command marched to the neighborhood of

Chesterfield Coiirt House, near which they saw the British blow up a powder

magazine and had a small skirmish with the British troops. Mitchell con¬

tinued in this command throughout the winter and spring marching here and

there as the necessities of the campaign demanded. There was a considerable

engagement at Petersburg before the retreat of the colonial troops to

Richmond. Sometime in May General Lafayette arrived with reenforcements

from the North, and a short time later General Anthony Wayne also joined

the army with his comand, and much maneuvering went on through the late

spring and early summer. The 4th of July, 1781 was spent nesir Williamsburg,

Va., and not long after that time, John Mitchell was injured in the

shoulder. By reason of this disability ho was discharged and returned to

Rockingham county, arriving there about the first of August, after having

been in the service about nine months. Ho had not had his fill of military

rvT VT*i • *tTT?fty ♦•f*-** »er»



- a ' ^ lo Xfwjpam B ill SAW ypriM «ifl xil 9otvn^ iaiil «iK

o^.^nio^ lo laa^do «rfi fidiiv totJnsoo a*LMe<|3iiH boa x^/arfxaS moll

»’l • arfi iiO .Jiol a oiedi anUxlbcrd biu ^uuJ arid lo diiioa adi ''

oUci^ oi baiaino aiair oaa ad^^’^iaiawdri no^aJ® ditoAfoaMi add lo ’XcTJtna ^

lo iaaX arfi iiioda Xlinv Wb eidT ' .eToiiatab haa ealioY injury oi aiaW./ , • ^ 0

U teealoaib eaw IIa:lo^ilf odol «M«waAod doiJM ad^ no ^a9siif ^08VX ^ladodoO ll ^

lo dotiBid dduoZ arfi lo >(iol di^o^ytdJ lo dorund s ^>{0010 aoanaS lo ditiov^adi

lo ieX ioods ^aiaH , .*▼ ieaW ««o0 noiaXbnaY won al iadv ni (Oaooiol adi

. add at %^BiO jaallliif loT 9d^Std9<Hn a ea bo^aiXna IXadoiiU ,08VX ^ladoavolf

* ^ b«* oedmradS od^doad dnaw 6<ta a3lvTaa».Lsixiaflldi»o add iil aqooid ada^ * ' * Itr

l1 a*codail>aa^ aamaX oXadqaO Ai baaaXq saw ad aiadw ^bnooxloXH od ^^Xlatidnavt

r ^

lb dnauta^n 8»noBl-ruH lanoIoO od bayioXad doMw lo ^natyoao

lo toodiodd:^an add od borioxwa fcoaowoo oXodw adT< .xpLOILtdia alnJtyiXY t

labMoq a qw iroXd daJbdlifi add waa x^df doxiftf laan ,av;oH dtiioO bXailiadaad3 S*-

"€io9 XIadodXV .aqooid dsbddid add dSJbff dsJbaiJbCa f a bad bita andxa^aai' 1 d ' ^ "

baa aiad gntdoiaa )nXiqa br» vadrxXw add iuodbaordd briaonwo aidd ni b9t/nli


*- aldoiobdanoo a aair.a’tadT •bobnactab flsXaqnLso add lo aaXdieaaoan add aa aiarfd

V ** od aqooid XaXxx>Xo9 add lo daaidai add aiolad ^uudaiada^ da dnaica^a^aa

adnamabiolnaai dJJtw borXrxa adda-^alaJ XaionaO at asldan>e •biioorfolU ^ 1:

baoXot oala ai^aW v^orfdrU XaianaO ladaX aatd dio<te a bo* ^ddnoff add aoU

adaX add d^uoidd oo dnaw doim bna%baaon>o abrt ddXw ^^na add

c^twiaaaffrBf laaa dnaqa aaa X8VX 16 ddb odT ^laiaBt/a i^*xaa bna ;injtiqa

add Hi.baii/t«Jt a«r Xlododii ndol> dndS ladla yroX &on baa

od bamviai boa bo^iadoalb aa« ad ^dllidaoib iXdd lo noaaai ^ .labXumlb .*■■ * 4. r_

jyihrad ■lodla ^daoy/A lo dnil add dooda a tadd^ ^^‘'^brliia oia.fyfJWoai vV '

XtadiXin lo XXH aid bad doa bad aK .Biidnoc afiio duoda aodvias odd at goad

.^1 < gOv-' s

, . > V;* *Sr

service, however, and soon after his return he hired out again as a s\ib-

stitute, this time for one Willi am Howe, and inarched in a company of

militia from Hampshire Co, under the cccsmand of Captain Thomas Neal to

Torktown, and was present there during the siege, and witnessed the

surrender of Lord ComYrallls. (It is a tradition that he climbed a tree

to get a better view of the actual surrender.) Afterv^ard Mitchell was

one of a detachment which marched with the prisoners to the barracks near

Winchester, at which place, about the last of November i>r first of

December, he was again discharged, after about three months service. Total

service during the Revolutionary war was about fifteen months (from 1st

of August, 1780 until 1st of December, 1781). ^

After this last discharge, John Mitchell was in Hampshire Co. ^ •

for perhaps a year, where we find him on the Personal Tax list for 1782,

as being under the age of 21 years, but as owning a horse, on which he

was taxed two shillings. About this time he returned to that district

in (then) Rockingham County, near the mouth of Seneca creek on the north

fork of the south branch of the Potomac, where, apparently he had made

friends. More than friends they proved to be, for by the year 1784 he was

married to a daiighter of George Teter, one of the old settlers there, and

was settled himself as one of the permanent resideits of that coemunity.

He appears on that Census of Tithables in Virginia taken in 1784, published

in the Yolme for Virginia in the 1st Census of the United States, in this

district of Rockingham county, associated with the Teters, and as having 2

white souls in his family. Apparently he had been but recently married (no

chiiloren as yet). The date of marriage, therefore, is probably 1785, or

early in 1784. Ills wife was Catherine Marraret Toter, oldest daughter of


iw-due M n* difo b«xtif tri fru/do<s eM n(oo9 bnA ^n^ymud ^ • *1 . n *

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'O^ XmM •MDflT ata^qaO lo biiainaod adl iiobiio *03 oxida^pBiaH AidlXla

^ - £ •di t>98S9ailw bru »d^ giibtid^ BTOff^ inaMiq I r jS

•sni M b9daUlo »d JmHS aoJt^2ba*i^ b" •! *il) ^BllXsrrmc^ bitoj to ^^bttartuw 41

SBW XToddiitM EfuvrtoilA (.I9bn9i*m8 Ibu^b sdi^ lo weJhr la^^ed b od

iBon mHojnriBd bcU h-r^nomlnq Bxfi di2if b^doTam doJtikf JneirdoaSait b lo bob V *^,'9'*' * ' ^'if- •• i

' ' * ' M ^ t ^

^ * if' j' - lo 4«y11 -w ,iMxim9c^,\o JmaC adS JkiodB .ddBlq ifoiibr ta .laSt^ontJf

LftioT * *991^08 BxUnoffl a<nd$ JUodB^iBdlB •bd^'XBrfOBlb oIb^b cbw ad ^xadtaBoaO.

&nl fflo^) Bilinoa duodB.BBir ^bw xrtBOoiivXaviBfl bHJ aBlrvaa

- .(l0?X’%T9CfclB9B5 lo 11^01/ 06?X ^Sau%fil to j

•oO wrtlda^uH nl bbw sdot «e3'tBdoeXb XbbX bldd tbJIA' il|

«S3TX not JelX xbT XBoona? odi oo aJtd bnit bw anodv * sqBdneq not

9d doXxfir ao (Bsnorf b ^abvrro bb itrd «0*tBex XS to e;^ odi nobni/ •a ■ - B

# ialndBlb iBdi ^ bomuiBn od osi^ BidX^ Xx/odA •B^^iiXIXidQ ond baxMS obw

f ;C. ^

C diioa odi no iteono bobobB to dSstca adi xabo «'^invo3 fiLad;^'iJbioofi {md4) at M ,. - -:.. : lit " ^ „■ , - ' -■- -r^

I obBS bad ad xXinoii^B (Snadir ^obooSoH adt to dsnsnd dix/oo odi to dnot joi

atm ad bSVX xaax odd xd not ^ad od boronq ^adt abnnjbtl nadS »i^9btt ^ J

Q * * boB (BiBdd anaXiies bXo odd to «f» ^nodoT dgnoBO to nodf^ab b od babrUol j

U «Xdjtzunaaoo didd to Bdoobdeon inmatanaq »dd to arto aa tloamid^ bolddoa bbw

bodabldiir; ^^€?X oX aayUt atnt^itX at aaldadttt to avatiaO dadd ito Bnaoqqa oH •,

aids at tSododS bodlnll odd to ai/ao^d3 d«X «dd a1 aioii^nlV not booXot Bdd at^

S B^dTBd 9B bfXB ^enodoT add ddXw. bodalooBBa «\daxo9^ Badsnldoon to d^^xd9il^<

o .. oaj^^batrttm xXdrtBnBqqX •x^leu^ add ni bXuos edidw

i * \ no «C6VX xXdadonq ai ^onotonadd ,B^BhrtB« to odab/OdT .(dot aa aaiothtb^


J (

to naJd^^ab iaabla .nodoT dBnaanaH aatsadHS^ aaa a\tw atR »t8?l at xltaa ./

,** ' 'i, ' 'J .V'* V. • ^

;’j Mkii' iKr*****


* • • I M Vi - li 1 ‘ I t h y —-

o George Teter and his Kife Anna l£argaret Henkel.

A complete copy of the papers in connection with John UitcheH’s

claim for a pension based on Revoliitionary war service foUovrs: (In this

statement of his, he says that he lived in this district in Rockingham,

later Pendleton, County continuously for twenty years after his discharge

from the army in 1781)


Affidavit of John Uitchell sn application for a Pension.

State of Virginia) ) SS.

County of Lewis )

On this 7th day of August, 1852 personally appeared in open

coinrt before James M. Camp, Abner Abbott, George Rush, John McWhorter and

Benjamin Riddle, Justices of the Peace for said county and members of the

Court of Lewis Co. aforessdd now sitting, the Rev. John Mitchell a resident

of the said coxinty of Levtis and St?ate of Virginia aged seventy years next

May who being first d\ily sworn according to Law, doth, on his oath, make

the foHovring declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of |

Congress passed June 7, 1852. That in August 1780 (early in the month

according to his present recollection) in the County of Hampshire at Romney,

Va. he was drafted as a militia man, to go to the mouth of the great

Kanawha to build a fort as he was informed, the ccc^jany was to be raised

from Frederick,. Berkeley su>d Hampshire counties, Va. he thinks Frederick

was to furnish the Captain, Berkeley the lieutenant and Hampshire the

Ihsign; those drafted in Hanpshire rendoxvousod at Ran^ Moiindays mill on

the south fork of the south branch of the Potomac near where Uoorefield the

seat of Justice of Hardy Co., Va. is located, the Ensign from Hampshire




TfX • ^f. >


.^■ »\ / .iftinoB Iniifi'UlC mA ^IJtyt nhi bfiA tsi^T si*xo«0

u^SaUcUythl flrfot iWtw n9U9tmc9 96$ loa \q09 9U£qaM^k a '.,,


%lii^ nl) tawoXXpl ®o-hrt#« tsn x»JifloliuIo|;ia jio bacAd ootanaq a %oY mtMl9

^fliAit^flJtsIooifl ixJt doJt^Jelb ccl bwviiX •d.darfd ix*® jaiW ~i

•a'xaddsib «lrf ioJIb eid^x 'td/wwd iol ,fl^9lhna1 ladsl

., -^.o-».. .(iOTX Hi v~''»<o •«? 4 M

•xio2afl»l A ‘xol ooliAolIqqA rt XX»doiiM nrfot» 1« dJtvflblllA j- ^ _j

■ ’*' •• - V>- ^'•' '>»*-• - ’•

.88 ( •U'

f" 4 f«.Tl ^*-5L.lttJ ( eiwsJ lo zJauoO

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boA wtioitnoM flrfol# «ita/d| agioeO ^dioddA laudA «q;auO .M Mffal enolad &txso9

add •‘tacfcMt bna \tf3Uox> btA% *iol aosa*! add V> saa^dsuL ^aXbbX^ nioatAaOt :i

dnabJteai a IXado tXK ndoT> .Yafl adi »B«JtiiJta won biaeaiMla .oD alwaJ lo dnuoO t

ixan •tMX \Sn9r9ts ba^ alnlaTl7“lo bJjM Iwta. aiaoJ 1» xitwo9 blaa add lo It

- a:(aa «i(dao aid no *ddob »wbJ od yi^oooa /rxowa.xXnb i*^tad <^ xaM



I la Aa add lo. dllaoad add nliido 'ai labT^ ni noldjrxaroab 3fllwoXXol add 1;


dinoi add nl iXnaa) OflTX dau^wA nl dad! ,, .SS8X *V anriV baca^ aaaisnoO

,Xans>8 da aiild&qaaH la xinnoD add ol (<ioldoaXXot»^ dnaaaiq aid od ^olbiooan ' 2

daa^ add lo dduoa add od a^ od «nAa aldlXln a aa badlartb aaw ad .aV

baalrx ad od aaw XV’T*®* o*^ ^baortolnl aaw ad aa diol a blind od

doliabalX a^bildd ad .aT taaldm/oa axtdaqsad boa xala^had ^daliaba-rt «rtl .1

add aildaqacH bna dnanadualX odd \aXa)^xaS ^oladqaO add dalmnl od aaw

f f axabnoolf x^^nafl da boanoYxabnai a*ildatpiaH“.i^ badlarxb aaoi^ jn^^liidl

add bXailaiooU araibf aaaa aaaodo^ add lo doond ddnoaHMld lo shol dduoa add




- -A » •

a^MuB aaril n^lo/a'^add ^baiaooX al .aY 4.00 t*naH lo ooldwd» lo dwa


i/ »' a

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't.'' * *

I « 'IT

— vtTJ . .i'--

.i ll..

was mchael Ereraan who naarchod affiant trith others from thence to Staunton

in Augusta Co, Va, where we were joined bj those frca Frederick & Berkeley

and placed under the Capt, fron Frederick Tdiose name is not recollected, the

lieutenants name was Lender, his first name not recollected, "ffhen we reached

Staunton it was still in August; we were ordered to remain at Staunton to

guard the Tories and deserters, we continued there \mtil the latter part of

Oct. 1780 at which time we were discharged, those from Hampshire Co. were t

inarched homeward by Ensign Everman and in a few days after we left Staunton

affiant was dismissed at the Houth of Seneca Creek a branch of the north

fork of the South branch of Potomac then in the Co. of Rockingham now in Co.

of Pendleton, Va, where he, affiant, about the first day of November 1780

at the last mentioned place hired as a substitute for one William Gragg in

the state troops in the continental service, and with three others were

marched frem there under Lieut. Robert Uinnis to Staunton in Augusta Co. at

which place we were placed under Capt. James Culverson who marched us with

about 20 others to the city of Richmond, Va. at which place we were received

by James Pendleton, Capt. of Co. of artillery and marched by him from there

with the field pieces to Chesterfield Court House, Va, where we joined the

residue of Capt. Pendleton*s Co, Affiant thinks a mn who was called ,

Capt, Lewis Booker acted as Lieut, under Capt. Pendleton and then a man by

name of Lightfoot acted as 2nd Lieut, or Eiisign. TThile at Chesterfield

Court House, Capt. Pendleton*s Co, belonged to Col, Harrison’s Regt. Va.

Artillery, affiant thinks Col. Harrison’s Regt, was called the 2nd Regt. is

confident it was the 1st or 2nd, thinks 2nd. Soon after wo reached

Chesterfield Court House, Va. with the regular troops under Col. Davis wo

marched to a place called Hestham about 4 miles above Richmond, Va. the


. RJ

*1 ii ' '^ ' ’ i

■II- ^.-W ■

6S •90Mlt iSTtl aisHiio tf^Jhr ^nania baffoxia <Mhr oaoriavS Xa^dsiy ««r — ^ - '■

X^UihJk ^ ioJtiabint oontl aeodi xd bonloti^w aw arrafia •«? .oO AdBxf^A al ; _ -a- ^

»di mbaio^lXoon doa el'^aata Moiti •iqaO tabau boaAtq bat - • ■ Tg


baddMi aw oarif .baJaallpowi ^ afiJMi ia*xil ild ^xabnaJ «iw aauw cdiiaa#ii/al£ . r. . ^ ...f .-.. ,.. ^ ■ -P ,, ^

oi nodnx/aJE ia cLtwoa*x oi baxabnw exaw aw sieunniiA fll XIl^ «aw il noAnoaiS << X " 71 ■ * f

lo Jxaq xadiaX •di.ll^ntt axadi baimlif^o aw ^aia,Maaab bna eaixoT •liS irxaui oj

naw .oO axJbdaqpaH iootl aao/ld ^ba^xarfoalb aww aw einli daixlw Ja OOTX

a* J ■ ' flolm/ada naX aw xadla axab wal a al bn» ascxatS n^lSAl bsrtoxaai 4 -;

.» 'fl'*' * ■ ^ « ’«-,( • Wt .

tfiloa .afii lo xianar^ a jiaaxO aosinaS^lo dduoM ad^ da baeaXxB&Xb aaw:dfiania ^.1 • • • ^ ' 7* .^., '.'4, jTly

.oO xxl wxjfl ffladMLbCoo* lo .oO adi ol narli aaooio^ lo dofiaid d4uoZ ad4 lo ahol _ AX' w

< I

OerX xadaavdH lo xob ia*iil adj ixroda tinaXlla ,ad aiadw .aV *iiodaXbna^ lo _ . - . '1* ^ w ■

■-4 ■* ^'4


ttl aatXJLW ano lol adviXiadi/a a aa baxjW aoaXq banoidnonj ^caX add ia ,(*•

9^w axaddo 99*ui* d-Jlw^bfla ^aolvxaa XadnaciJt<^noo adA oi aqoox^ a^tada ad^ k *■'

^a .oO adeo^A tU^aoirsnjM o& alnaiU ixadoH •dxiajt4i’39bnxr a-xadi anl botioxi -^1

diXw an badoraa odw ooaxayiJuO aamal .^qaO xabmi baaaXq arew aw aoaXq rioJtiftf _ . y*.- ■ >

barXaoax axaw aw aoaXq doXdw da .aV.^booadoXH lo x-^Xo add od ataddo OS duoda , - ' ■ - WS V

^ «WW . V -t ^ ■

a^arfd noil nld Td'badyiam bna ri’XIidia lo .oO lo ,dqaD ^/wdaXhaa*! aaaal, x® ^ - . . 1 > . ^ 5 ' 4* »-y>»

add haoiot aw atadw .a7 toaoo^i duvoO blailiadaaiD od eaaaiq bXaXl add dibit n ■«

DoXXao aaw odw aem a tJtaldd dnaiHA .oO a’aodaXIwiaS .dqoO lo wblntrt

Td a oadd, boa /jodeXbooS .dqaO labnu .duadj aa badoa ia>{oofl aiwaJ .dqaO

bXaXliadaadO da aXldW .xiRXaifi to •dwaU bwS sa badoa doolddsU lo t>oiMi

-V' -- •■

■ ■♦i

s'DoaJnkB .SoO oi fcssnolsd .o3 a'noMCbo*^ .icuiO ttfjna

•1 .d^ tnS add baXUo aaw .d;^ a’noainaS .XoO a^ioidd dnaXlla «T^t»lIAd^ - jVI

bartoaoa aw aadla oooC *bxsS 4^3iaidd oo dlX ^ aaw di^ dnabHiw®,

aw alvaa «XoO latmr aqooid oaXtq^oi add ddiw »a7 «afrtfoH d-u/oO bXalliadaaiO • I w A

add •«? V^MotdaJtil avoda saXln A: di/oda jaaddaaH boilaa ^aXq a od badrxdK





. I



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■ *fc-*t 1a>ifciiiitili.!jfciA*.Iiif*1 AilitiiaiiiA.^^j> /..j..^Ai.>ia*..I


evening wo arrived at 'SVestham the British blew up the magazine at that

place, affiant saw it blow up. On the next morning we were marched to

Warwick warehouse, Va. continued there over night €Lnd on the next morning

were marched to near Hood*s Mills affiant thinks Hood*s Mills was in the

count7 of Chesterfield, Va. it was supposed that the British intended to

bum Hood*6 Mills, the regulars laid in wait for the British, fired \ipon

them, drove them back as affiant understood and killed several of them,

he saw one of the regulars have a red coat on the morning after the skirmish

with several bullet holes in it. Soon after the skirmish the regular troops

were inarched back to Chesterfield Ct. House, Va. in a few days thereafter

affiant with 20 of Capt. Pendleton*s Artillery Co. was ordered to march

to Chesterfield Ct. House, Va. to Join the regulars a sergeant by the name

of Sandford marched us to Chesterfield Ct. House, the commissioned officers

of the Ailillery and the balance of the Co. remained at Hood*s Mills, we

Joined the regular troops at Chesterfield, Va. the last mentioned time about

the 15th of Jany. 1781, and remained at that place with them until some

time in February foUoYlng under Capt. Lyon in Col. Davies* Regt. the

officers* names under Capt. Lyon are not recollected. In Feb, 1781 a Co.

of regulars was ordered to march and Join Capt. Pendleton's artillery Co.

then affiant thinks at Southampton Ct. House or Cabin point, affiant was in

the coii^>any thus ordered to Join Capt. Pendleton, and Lewis Booker continued

as officer under Capt. Pendleton, affiant recollects that when he was

again \mder the cocmand of Capt, Pendleton a man by the name of Ball acted

as orderly sergeant from Southampton Ct. House we inarched to the town of

Suffolk in Nansemond Co. Va. found the town destroyed by fire, we continued

inarching up and down the James river as circumstances required from Sxirry

V I 1’.

-«i I


Wf M i? -

C» P- J

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/t »i ry

* * •J..

Hi' •t<^ ■ i* »*W (|tf w^rd^dalJ’lnflf adi lusrtie^ ia borttiA aw^yiinay#


oS b^doTJua aitaw vir ^nlmtoct ix'<a »di sO "qjj woXd il' was inama ^aoaXii

• *• ' . —

^iniinon ixafl a<it no bna *iaTo aiadl bai/oldnoa .aV (<»e0o<faxaiv ddJhruW^'

D ■ ; ^ ad^ iLt aaw aXUQ^ a^booX s)(rLM4f inall'la ef-IIM 8*booB xaan bo(f9*uu!t aiaMf

oS b9bi:9ial dtJtiJhfl adi. iadd ftaaoqqua taw .aV jbXallnaieafiO lo

ooqtr baoil ^dsli±i9 adi irol iiaw al blaX a'lali/^ai srtt ^sXXbtf a^booH cnud ^

^flS9f(i lo Xataraa baXXJbC bna baadtiabnu ixxailla aa daad loarf^ arortb ^nddt

I <• * ’'.».■ -JSSS* « A J

deJtnrxJbilfa ail<t laila animod add aa daoa bai a avad, BiaXif^aic.edd lo eno wee ad - -t. ■

eqoaid laXtr^sT add dsJ^XsCa add iMdla r!Oo9*<^^«di fli ealod daXXi/d, I/rxavaa ddiw.

'xadlaa'xadd exab wal a crl .aT «aauoR .dO^-bXalliadeadO od dsad barid*xaa aiaw ■ti ‘■jrJ

n d:ruua ad faa'iabrta eaw .oO '^aXXXdTLA a’nodaXbna9 •dqaO \o OS ddiw doaitla

■ 4 j^. ' '

aoan add dnaa^Tae a eiaXc/^a*: add nlot od .aV itex/oH .dO blail^adeadO oi

atraoilla baaoiaBJbnuoa add ^atuoK .dO blalliadeadO od eu bada*xaa biolbdaS to

aw .aXIiU a'booH da .oO add to aanaXed add bos ^aIXld*iA add to • ^

duoda a.Tild baooidna® daeX add .s? ^bXadtiadeadO da «qoo-fd 'uXxriOT add baalot t ,

aooa Xldra/nadd" ddiw aoaXq dadd da baoiantaic btta ^XSTX •^qalr to ddiX add v>

t add .da'afl •eadvaa .XoO flovi -dqeO tabm/ yidwoXIot Twrxda^ al aoild

•oO a XSTX .daS nl .bedoaIXoaan ton a-ia ooxJ -dqaO *xabntf aaraan *aaaoilto

•oO '^aXXXdxa 8*fK>daXbna9 .dqaO aio^ boa doiaa od b9*Teirio aaw eiale^aa to

fjf eaw doaltta' ^daioq oldaO to aevoU ^dO nodcpaaddffoS da aTbiidd doaltta nadd

1 •' *3 ■» - ■• 5' '1- bacmldnoo' TadooS elweJ baa ^jJodaXbna^ .dqaO aiot od baTobro aadd xrtaqnjoo add

v rlV aav od oadw daxid adaaXXooar dnallta ,aodaIbaa9 •dqaO labts/ Tooitto aa h

% b'

badoa IXafl to eoxaa add xd oaa a aodaXbno9 «iqa3 to bnaoaoa add Tabou^nlaio ♦ —

• ^ ^

to ffirod add od badaraa aw aei/oK noScfajut^thZ mott daaa^Taa ^XTObro aa

beimXdaoo aw «aTil xd boxordaab nwod add boiiot .aV *00 bnoaoeoaV oi allotta6

XTuC loort boriiJpaT eaoaadeio/nZa aa Tawdi aaJuV add owob boa qi/ ^aidoraai

/ran * # !• *»

7^1 ‘ '/i* >

W ,

'V. •■■ .:^rr I I

j^.ia» _ A.'*

I V -r‘ <

t .V . 4 I’'

'■ . 5

MaiaMoy<H Vf

|1 .

tl.U*«i..>lUt«4M»tli»iU«l»>l ii»i il<lill«MllHllllll^<j»l>il



Co. Va. to Porteniouth in the sane state until about the lot of April,

1781, the British having been reenforced it was deemed expedient to retreat,

we inarched by way of a bridge on the llaheron(?) river to near Richmond, Va.

from thence we marched to Peterburg, Va. and on the 28th of April 1781 had

a skirmish with the British, the American Troops were forced to yield the

possession of the town to the British and retreated, they crossed the

bridge on the Apporaatox river tearing up the bridge after them, on the same

night reached Chesterfield, Ct. House, affiant was in the engagement and

recollects that considerable firing took place on both sides before the

American troops retreated. On the following day after our retreat to Chester-

.field Ct. Hoiise, Va. we marched by way of the stone cole pits to Richmond,

Va. and continued in Richmond until some time in Uay following when Genl.

Lafayette arrived with about eleven hundred continental troops from the

North at Richmond, Va. Gen*l Lafayette took command of all the troops and

we were marched to Bottomsbridge on the Chickahc/Bhiny river in the Co. of

1 New Kent, affiant thinks at this last mentioned place we continued about

one week, while there the Rev. Ur* Bellmain preached to the whole army,

from thence we marched to the Racoon ford in Orange Co. Va. and at the last

mentioned place we were joined by Gen*l. Anthony Wayne and the troops under

him from thence we marched to some place (not recollected) in Louisa Co. Va.

where the army encamped for two or three days. Khile at this place a British

Spy was hung from thence we marched back to Bottomsbridge near which place

we caught a large British ho35?e branded G. R. from thence by way of New Kent

Ct. House, Va. we marched to the (Court) Ordinarys near Williamsburg, Va.

we continued at this place some time and while there celebrated the 4th of

July, 1781, not long thereafter affiant was injured in the shoulder by reason



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j - ^.„S 'K'^J,\ >*!

^7^ ■ ■

r %tJrv%k ho JbI lii ^ods Xlin0 •i*J« mu* #^oi xfiuomiio^ o^

,i*>rxiot o^ iiMibeqx* b9C»«b e«w 11^ b97^ol/i»i^ mod, dwl^irA •ili «JWX .i>'. :

•ii? ^baoathlft nj*a 'WTJba (T)jxoiioi(aII 9t^ mo •sbJhrd a" )o boihram ow j#

bsd XB7X IllnqA lo rfiSS •rfX 0o bn« •«? ai ba((9*UHi air oonodJ tc<rA , , i

•di l>ayiol ««» tqoo^ ojiai^wtA adi ^delJlTfl ad# Hilw ffelenXjtelt

T tdi i^aeaora ^di ,ba<taa'riait ferta deii^liC add oi niroi ailt la noieaoeaoq

* -tt -

aoaa adi eo «fladi naila ti^JNd ad^ qu ^^ni’iaaX navJK jco4afno<iqA aiU no a^l*id

l>na Jnana;i«^ odt nX amr^dnailla «aiixft>B «40 iManioieadd badnea^ id:^lii ^ ^ _1i ■

odS aiolad ooblm idUod od aanXq doo<# aldmeManoa ^di aJ^aalXodan

-^aXaadO daaaie't luo *xa^lji lab lohroXXol adi nO .baias^in aqoaii nao^ieaX Sr

^baoadolSl oi aii:q aldo anoia adi ^lo xaw.xd bado'zaai aw .aV ^aanoH «ib bXail.

•XnaO naifw laV nl omli acoot Xiinn bnocidoifl nl b^atnlfiioo bos *a7 4 •“

, adi Aonl aqoaii lainaniinoo baibmid oavala iuoda diJtir barJNnui aJia'^laJ

btiA aqooii adi XIa lo bnaaxaoo dooi aiiaxataJ VnoO .aV ^birocBdalH ia xlinioll 1*1 >'■»«•

lo .oO adi ni ‘xavln adi no a^Jbrdsfiioiiod oi^badoiaa arcaw aw ■«

ii/oda baiaiiinoo aw.aaaiq baooiirm ieal eldi ia ednidi inallla ^inaH watf . a- i*- if- n * '' ■'‘^' i

^XPnaisIodW'adi oi badaaa^q nla&LIoa •'xU •vaR adi a^adi^alldw ^:Keaw ana

iaaX adi ia bna .aV .oO avs^encO nl bncl noooaR adi ai baiianaa aw aowddi uio*xl

‘labnn aqooii adi bna aixxalf xnodioA .i'laaO xd boaiol mitm aw aoalq banolina»^

•aV roO aaiiroJ ixi (baioalloaa^ ion) aoalq aeioa oi badaaam aw aonadi noil mid ' '^ rT - ■ *

d- ' daJtiiiR a aaaiq alili ia aXiiflT texab aaidi lO owi lol baqsuiona 'psia adi aiadif

aoalq doidw lean a^bJbidaaoiiod oi Road badman aw aonadi noil s^od aaw x<^ P V ’*t-

inal waM lo xaw \iS aonadi noil *0 babitaid oq^od Holdtid a^ial a idgoi^ aw

•aV cruM^'^nallXlW lean wtieoitriO. (i«»o0) adi oi badoian aw,;e7 ^aaooH .i9’

lo dib adi baiaidaXoa aiadi oLidm bna amii anoa aoeXq aidi ia b-.^unlioow aw • , 'i r . 1

■ r'«

nornaai xd labXnada adi nl bamtni aaw inailla ;tailaaisrfi fooX ion ^XSTI «xX0i



whereof he was considered unfit for service and discharged, his discharge

was signed by Lewis Booker and countersigned by Benjamin Eustis, major pro

tern of the New Ihgland Artillery, his discharge as well as his discharge

for the first mentioned service has been lost from the last mentioned service

he arrived in Rockingham Co. Va. about the 1st of August 1781, having been

in this last mentioned service about nine months, soon after ho arrived at

Rockingham Co. Va. (the precise day not recollected) he took the place of

YJilliam Howe as a Substitute and marched in a company of militia from Hamp¬

shire Co. Va. under Capt. Thomas Neal to the town of York, Va. and was there

during the siege of York when Lord Cornwallis surrendered, frcan thence

affiant marched vfith the prisoners to the barracks near Winchester, Va. at

which place about the last of Nov. or Ist of Dec. 1781 affiant was discharged,

was in the last mentioned service about 3 months making the service of

£Lffiant during the Revolutionary war about 15 months tour from the let of

August 1781 to the last of Nov. or 1st of December, 1781. Affiant was bom

on the 1st day of May, 1765, in Lancashire Co. Sigland at^ a place called

Dawston as he was informed by his father in August 1774 he emigrated to America

and landed at Yoric Town, Va. went from Yorktovni to Norfolk, Va. and from

Norfolk he went to Fredericksburg and after moving from place to place he

got to Hampshire Co. Va. in the year 1775, and continued there until he was

drafted, for the 20 years immediately after he quit the service he lived on

the north fork of tho South branch of the Potomac then in tho Co. of Rocking¬

ham, now in the county of Pendleton, Va. he then moved to his present

residence where he has continued to reside since. He has no documentary

evidence to support his ser'/ices but supposes Jacob Teter of Randolph Co. and

John Waggoner of Lewis Co. can testify to his services. He hereby


9rguuh%tJ^ Bht ^b^tMd99lb fUfiM 0oJhn*9 smifa/ tx»*i«bl«m>o ««w 0t1

enq Tot^ n^J9«tllsC^ bofi%ie*i9iftu«»o bn» ’x^iiooS nhfd td'"b0cn|lt rem

^ iC .•3iuwl98lb zlM tA XIanr m •^'lAdotib eM tT<*^XJtiiHA brLBXftrC waM adi le ma#

•aJhriM^lwnoiinM ^aaZ iU monl SzoX nmzd zMd aai^rsot banoliaaoi ietil ad^o/xolt ^ Cl

tiaed ^ahrad ^ISfX shiusvA la del ed.^ ixtode .jV ^ ated^nJblbDff nl barlna ad

ia baYjbzxa ad aadla fiooa' ,eddnQ4i znXn dx/oda aaivTaa befloidnara deal aJbid ol

lo asalq add ibod ad (badoaXIoea*! dofl aalaeiq^aiid) .aT .oO aad^Jblooff ^ ^ [V " * '*1 '

•qmaH mon\ zlSlLlm xttaqfnoo a nl bad9*xao bna 9dtrdliadiid''a ea a9M>H oaJLLLdf^

a^add aav bna .a? ,)fYoY lo oabd add od laatf aan^dT »^a3 labnc/. •aV^'^oO a*xidd

. > aanadd aoil ^bai^^baa-iitfa ailXancnoD bxoJ oadv sHoY lo asaJta alrfd AfiHidi . w

* . !■ da •af ,*tadt9dafliW -xaao adajrrxad add odfSiartoaliq add ddlw bado^aa dnaXlla

>■; * '

(ba^Yadoadb aa«r dnailla lo daX no .voK lo dsal add duoda'aoaXq doldw

lo oaJhrxae add ^blsa zdSnom 8 dooda aodvnao banoldaaA dsaX add nl aair tr^

lo deX add monl tt/od addnoyo 8X dooda naw 'v^anoidiiXoaaH add ^^itniib dnailla ,v

anod eav isaillA »X8VX ^nadffiooaQ lo daX no .voH lo deal add od X8TX deii^^MA'

baXXao aoaXq a Va bnaX^rfl «o3 anidaaanaJ ni ^88VX add on •«r .T • 1


aoinoBA od badarighna ad AVTX Szt/i/fA al naddal aid xd baonolni ea?r ad ta nodawaCT'

ttrrl boa .aV .dLColnoH od owodinol ix>nl dnair. .a? .nwoT :^oT da bobnaX bna. •* “

ad aoaXq od eoauCq aonl yilvoa nadla boa ^nji/dadolnaban^ od dnav ad dXolnoV^

B«w ad Xldnci anadd baooidnoa bna ^ATVX naax *a7 *00 anldaqaaH od

OO barlX ad aolnaa add dlup ad nadla x^adalbanni anaax OS add nol .^bodlanlf'll

-^iribboft le .oO add ol. nadd oaoodo^ add la donand iiduo8 add lo )fnol^ddioo add

K * : ditaeanq^^ald od btroa iiadd ad .aV »oodeIbna^ lo x^nv^o add* nl eon ^nuuf i

.V .i;



XnadnaAToob on sad aH- •aonla^oblaan'^ od baonldfra'o ead'bd anadw ^o.nablaait^ J y

boa *00 dqXoboafl lo nadaT dooaV aaaoqqos di/d aodimaa aid dnoqqiia od acnablvo .L

■' 1?^ a^

fdanad^aH •aaolrxaa eld od oao .oO alaaJ lo nano^^W raloV


‘ I .r " ^ * %' ' V - - ••’ A\ " • V --

• • '1^. '‘Ai ^ ^ .

T ' . -

w’*' ’"■f r*

k 1^ ^44 4^ i • I 4*« * X ^ J

relinquishes any claim 'h'hatever to a pension or annuity except the present


and he declares that his name is not on the present roll of any agency in

any state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

(Signed) John Mitchel.

-Court certifications follow-

Tracing of the above signature:


Virginia ) ) Town.

Lewis Co.)

Personally appeared before me the undersigned a J. P. etc. the

Rev. John UitcheU who being d\ily sworn deposeth and saith, that by reason

of old age and the consequent loss of memory he cannot swear positively as

to the precise length of his service byt according to the best of his

recollection he served not less than the pei*iod mentioned below and in the

following grades: For one year and three months I served as a private and

for which service I claim a pension:-

John Uitchel.

Sub. sworn etc, 7th day of June 1855

before Benjamin Riddel, J. P.

Tracing of this signature:

vtX ■ •

• ir ••

• • - ‘V-jg

■ •* i. •

r ». 'TTV^'’ ^ “»

’■ '* ' -,/ ll * i-v.i ^i

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oosAoY Td isrfd -diise bns riios^sb mows XIoitodiM iido^ - • o.- ’Jr*'- ?-'''i- ■ '<»• •■'-

■A ionnso »d vt^wa insapseaoo sd^ tea s^s bXo lo

Ti. • • •<

aid lo d€»d add oi yriirxodos iX'^ aoivTraa aid lo diinaX aaiosnq odd od

»il^ III briB wolsd b»ffi>Jtin»« bobiiq tiU luitt mAX b»vi«» nolissXXi

tMu .Xbriiq'* •» b»W»« 1 ertXoas bru imx •ne 10% !e»b«3 v^oXW*]

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. V.. . ♦ •^' tr.rSah

?► Sr ?

S«6I lo x»b ddV ^oda ihosm .di«

^IsbbjtH HJbBBtnad artolod

Affidavit of Jacob Teter:

Virginia ) ) Town,

Randolph Co.)

This daj Jacob Teter of county aforesaid personally appeared

before Isaac Booth a Justice of the Peace in and for said county and made

oath that he recollects that John Mitchell of Lewis Co. Va. in the year

1780 went from Hampshire Co. Va. on three month*s tour in the militia at

Staunton, Va. when his three months tour expired he recollects that caid

Mitchell went on a tour toward Richmond, Va. He thinks said Mitchell was

gone on the tour toward Richmond about six months. He also recollects that

said Mitchell was on a tour towards Yorktown, Va. about the siege of York.

(Signed) Jacob Teter.

- Certified on the 28th day of Sept. 1852.

Tracing of this signature:

- Follows a certificate that Jacob Teter was a credible person and his

statement entitled to belief, etc.

A letter from the Controller of the Currency to the Cocndssioner

of Pensions certifying that the widow of John Mitchell deceased, late a

penxionor on the roll of the Wheeling, Va. agency at the rate of $50.00 per

annum, has been paid from the 4th of March to 29th of April, 1840.

dated Aug. 29, 1842.

♦ \

• Kw’4i , ^ -1 '>i^

--•y. -vwv!«

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»b«a boA xSm/o9 bljsi- Tot boa nl 99a9^ 9tiS lo •aliaiiT* b rfJoofl oabbI Btol^rf




WT 9iiJ^ ill .bV ,o0 bIwbJ lo XlBrfoiJUf nrtoT* iarfl eiooXIooen oil iB/li ttlJO %■


1 ri

.■A M *.T.,

^ ‘ -7:^ Js MlSJUIm B/U al TUiol e'diaoa: trull no iIbV .oO oiirieqai^sa oo^ intw 08VI * ,

blB3 Itdl elooXioort art bnlqxe tt/oS BdJnoa tndl old xxarfw ,a7 •^ooSfOfaJQ

m£W UBdoJJOi bJtaa «>lnWl tH .*7 ^bno^rfol^ l«»wol •iuol b no ii»w XlBdoli#. j<

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•shot lo 0:^o1b sill Ji/odt **7 ,fn*ol>hor einawol n/ol b no a bit XHodolJbU blot .

•islsT rfoosTf (bsn^tlB) it*


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st*z{/iBo:giB* Bliil ^nloBoT •«?,*.'> o V- y .■it' ■'F'.n- .If- Vf

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•olt (lalXtd ol bsXlXlns Jii(uaa3, pj

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m sIbI «bsB^oob XXadollU odoV lo voblw sdl ladl anJb(Ul^to aaoXans^ lo «^r

isq 00.004 lo sltrt odl 1a ^ons^s i^bV «3mXsttfV srfl lo I£n odl no 'zsooJbuiaq | ‘.e»



i' ■II

•Ofax cXlnql lo flios ol KoxbX lo dl> tdl /ortl blBq nssd SBif ^aunoM O

.SASX *« .y/A bslBb 1 »

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0. W. and N. Division. 3—525.


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.uabiuE atetSrnI\aLl\ no. aoXensq lolr. noXiiio t XqqA (v* "g

{ .cEUHsatiaA eAW 3ot7ii39 KOB77 Haaxu ^onio » ^,. _ ■■.»V ^4■i■■^^-.4.^ A'Hi^i. * ..M *• * - 4.^ 'll,A.

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‘ ' • . ■ *!«'



In connection with claims of wide spread Pension frauds in

western Virginia, an investigation was carried on of all Pension records

from that region. John Uitchell*s claim and record were found to be

correct and his pension continued.

The investigation of this case by U. S. attorney Singleton in

1854; ' - --- - -

"The foil, is the narrative given by John Uitchell of his age and

service as a soldier in the war of the Rev. to wit. was 71 years old last

February, is a native of Ihgland, came to United States 1774.

In year 1780 was di'afted at Hacq^shire Co. Va. and marched on the

9th of Aug. under Ihsign Everman was destined for the I/outh of the Big

Kenawha to build a fort there, on getting to Staunton, Va. was detailed there

among others to guard tories and prisoners confined in Staunton jail.

Remained there until the last of October or let of Kovember following; On

Ms return heme in the same year went on as a substitute for Rin. Gregg from

Rockingjiam under Capt. James Calverton to Richmond, was discharged in the i

succeeding July, having been in service this ejq>edition he went as a sub¬

stitute for William Howell to Yorktown and was at the captxire of Corrmallis,

went on from Yorfetown to Winchester with the prisoners as a guard, was in

the service 4 months, this is a man of character and Intelligence I am

satisfied that he is fully entitled to all ho draws.

a true cop. “ W. G. Singleton. Nov. 9, 1854

In the Personal property tax lists, first for Rockinghan Co.,

and then for Pendleton Co., John Uitchell appears each year from 1784 to 1805

inclusive. In these lists a man’s taxable estate would seem to bo gauged

••f t* f r*t r r^r; ^^77*


1 V: •>

*' ' IWil''''i’ ol Mbarti noisfl®*! k^e^fi.tbjbw lojtialiJto dSht aoli9»tisioQ bI - - ■y I .*•]

-**- r - . -r- ^ _r •V.-,0.3

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bDM M^M mJU io Xlerfd^Jai uriot o»yJ:2 AvlirriAn eilt el .Ilol edt* .t

'♦ '>■•»'

V, ‘

fMBi bXo ATjen X? eAW .i^lw oS .taH edi lo •xaw erfi fil -wlbXot e ee eolnee -.^ X.A. ^1- .; > ■ --’t ^ ^

.bWX eelj^tc be^lnD c4 eoue ^bnelya lo evJtiea e a1 ^xietndeX

eilX 00 bedotea bfie *00 •TMKjostaH bot^jnb eew 06VX •ie»x

.fli iJfl eili4o dliiioM ed^ ipl benliteb sew luarxeva ^eb^uf lo

•aedt b^IIeieb eair .b7 ^floiAAAi^ oi »> ^nedi * bXtorf ol'Adrrenel

.Utet aoSnujM al benilnoa 8*ieAoal*tq bnA eeJtroi bi«0^ o-t eiedto ysoAA

oO. taniwoIXoJ wtoTt* ^o <»X to WoloO lo is»I »(IJ ,IMbo »t»i« ., o


mn\ aaeaO ^ lol olwiliedife e ee no tnew ia®x •dl "1 •w^d ifitf<toi eW

^ 8 Mdi ol bes-xadoalb ejkw ,bJTOfldoJtfl ot iiaiieTL»9 easiAt^ .IqeO i#b«i laaitiiLbf^

•<l(/a e te Irtew ed nolXlboqpce eld-t eoJhriee ni noed yilrad yLtboooniirtiiiJ -?C ‘S'* *

«BlIIjii«noO lo jviiftqeo edi ie eiw^ bne niwhhoT od IlewoK mMlLtHfl lol oti/tlit >■ f

■" x: ' .-'if

; al esw ^biijr^ m mm Mi&aoMJnq edi d^tlw leteerfonllf oi uwotahoT no^ no ^tiwr

r V^S'



■ ’■! I KM I esneallXektiil bo4 ‘xeloeiArfo lo cea a el eldi ^ed^iioai 1 ealnee edt^^-^

Bor < ,mnb mi tUot b»liUn» xXIol ai •<« #«« I :■

bZ8£ ♦▼oH •flOteiyilE ,0 *11

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od ot aeea bXvov etet^ aldaxet e'cLea m atalX aeadi oI •aiflci/XiuiX

• *'• -^iN »i I .« j • h ‘x‘ ^ ... * ., v ‘ . •

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^ ^ * • • . * . V* -4 .* - • » ; ' * '* ‘




hy the n^sabor of horses he owned* In 1784, John Ultchell bad 2 horses

but by the end of this period he was credited with 8 horses, as large a

nuaber as anyone had except wily a very few of the oldest and most prccdnent

settlers in t^'.at region. In the list for 1784, and again in 1785, his name


appears immediately next to that of George Teter, showing that he was living

with the latter, or was his next neighbor. In 1795 and later he is c^JJLed

of ”N.F." (North Fork) and eomatimos "Junr." to distinguish him frcm another «

John Mitchell, of a totally different family who was living in Paidletoa

Co., but in a different section (on the South Fork). In the lists for 1800-

1805, it is stated that he had two males over 16 years of age, showing that

his eldest son George was now growing up. After 1605 his name disappears >

from the lists in Pendleton Co., but does appear in those for Harrison Co.

to which place he reaoved about that time.

Those Tithable lists are preserved in the Archives division of the

State Library at Pichmond. Copies of a few of the lists are in the Clerk*s

office at Franltlin, Pendleton Co. One of the lists, that for 1790, has

been published in l'.!irton*8 History of Pendleton Co.

John Hitchell became, apparently, the ovmer of considerable land

there in Pendleton Co. Probably the first land he acquired was that given

him by his father-in-law, George Teter, on John Mitchell’s marriage to the

former’s daughter Catherine Margaret Teter. Formal deed to this property was

not dated, however, until llry" 4, 1795, at the time when George Teter made

his will and deeded various tracts of land to his older children^ The deed - f • *

from George Teter to John I:3.tch©ll was for a consideration of one pound

(purely nominal of course) and gave title to a tract on the west branch of

the North Fork called Lick Run, on the south side of the Timber Hills, ’ • '

t - I : J ‘

%/ -


• , ■ ' i' ■ • . • * . r ' 'j. ■ ■ 1 ^

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i .1 M vrul »ewxoil twlHwris unr 9d 1» !«• •xW ^



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Jn»olawq #»a« toft i»»M* «f# lo wl ■n*^ • *** ftcrciu ■• tedcua

^mmra eld 488^! ^ iil«s« *>«• Tol ittlX fli .ools*! ijr«i nl w#Xll«e

» yiirlX Msf tl i«di yiJhioxf* ^ rw^qq#

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■ri '

todlofis flotl rioiiryilloll) oi ■•wxoL" tojil-^oooo hfifl (jho^ dltoM) ••^•K" lo

Ml < *

' jit>#oXIifi9^ 1X1 aolvl-C BjEif oAr qXlas^l ^ayiolllb «^:.orfoilM «rfo^ ^ ‘ ... . <■ ^ i ’IT

•OCBl tol ••toll Bdi aX .(3iiol /Uxtci odi flo) ool^oB-dnototlib 4 «1.^ t-oO, , ^ -r^ VS.'?

^jMii yihioiftt “lo »w\ •♦Xjmb owl bod od iBdl bol4l« •! 11 t^oeX

et40<iq4«lb ooaa lid 8061 wm .qw^iartlwota won bow oitooO fl04 Iwbla cld .'I f '

^ ooBbriBH tol 040dl nl toBqtj* oaob lud fOO nolalbno^ rti uloW odl aott

*• "If ' -.* ' .•ail lodl luoda baBooFi od aoBlq doldw ol

* » iA

edl lo iiolBlvlb eovldotX adl ai bovteiotq •to alalX aldAdliT oeodT,.^

I '••di«XD •dl fll no elBlX odl lo w»l 4 lo eoiqoO .baoadol^ I4 • j»

•od tOWI wol ljdl,^tBl«lX wdl lo 0^ .oO nololbno^ .^cUdixot^ lo.oolltd O « * .M , • • >:l.

■■4 f'tf-

♦ - 0 ti •

■ 'P •• ■> ^ 'i ' ■Vlf'

.oP isolllbrtdl lo T*o1b1H •»iiolM9f^dl'‘bidalXdiiq


^ i *1 * ♦ ^ '■■••' -I, bojl ♦Xd«t»bl»jior lo toawo adl ^^Inotoqqo 4oa400<f^XXoddliM ndoi

ootII lall «4ir boxtupoo od boot IbiII odl xXdodot^ *03 nt>l«Xb/|»^ nl t- * ■ 4* '

• * W ■

eill ol •p4hn«a •^XXfdollM ddol no ^taloT o^tooD ^wBl-nl-^sdl*! old id aid^^

»4W xlxoqotq tldl ol boob XjMto'i rf.taioT lotB^tiM onltwfloO jwlt^Bb^B*

^ ••* ^ * .b« Oft*#! MTOtO BWJ* •ni;* *<M .8WJC .» V-S ,ft*T.«orf ,b»JBi» '><".-*5^;^

t I , t ' ■ “ '

boeb wit '.ftnbttil* •id ol bojU So Jlo/n* w»o.^t b^ob biu Xlift aid '

\tatOQ OO® lo flOllWtOblBOo'o 4 tol B4W XIodOllM Xldoly ol ttl^T OllO^ fflolt lii^* Z ^ -

* fl • ‘if, t -Jl

■io AawnS Ifto* *« oo lo»il • oi’oIlJtl ern *«» ieenmo So t^klaea xlemU

}. * I

’It, ^ *K* V

y. ,-<r ' •/?-'■/' • i ^ ■ ’ ’■-

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containing 140 acres. The old original deed, with the signature of

George Teter, is in tho ppssesslon of the writer (Joseph M, Kellogg)* It

apparently is in the handwriting of Gavin Hamilton, tho County Clerk at

the tims. (Pendleton Co* Deed Book B, p* 78*)

In the meantime, on July 6, 1780, John Uitchell obtained by

deed frem Andrew Johnson and Elies his wife a tract of 50 acres of land on

the west side of the Hcrth Fork, part of land originally patented by

Johnson, between the lands of George Teter Sr* and Philip Harper* For - -

this he paid 50 pounds. Deed recorded July 5, 1790* (Pendleton Co* Deed

Book No* 1, p* 100*) .

. On Feb, 7, 1789, he located 22 acres on the west side of the

North Fork, adjoining his own. Harpers and Johnsons lands. (Location book

yl, p, 4). This land was surveyed for him on Feb, 10, 1789 (Survey book A,

p* 4); and patent granted on Harch 4, 1795* Va, Land patent book -#51, p*

597)* (This was by virtue of part of an original warrant. No* 9409, dated

Nov, 27, 1781), The land adjoined ”his ovm former Inrd” on the north and

west sides. This former land was probably that obtained by deed fresn Johnson,

though actual date of deed was later than this suivey, (Survey plot follows,)

cr ••♦ ^ ■• K- \

id * ^ ' »» ' - ^ ^

;• ir-''< ^ ■'■.•' , ••■:.’3*5^7' ' ■■ ■' ’ ■,■'■«

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>yf' U

I^Vf. . K‘ ' f wn *1:^

41 »(w£lal"Jli rfq^Bot) fa4^^r •A^ lo fioJ58»»««<Kt «1 ^t»4*T

< i« ih^O \fas^ bAS ^i»41JmmJBI atrsO lo viti^wrbfiflrf od4 al t4inn»qcia

^ (.OT .« tfi *>••<* .oO'no^oXbiio^) .<^4 odi . fv .■

W^ bOfilAido XXodoilil iidot t€8ri ,® VXdt i» \»iT!i^ruio« di[» iiX a

«• •/ • ’ iV'ft', V- V '-^X

i*r.! ,.« . a

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no ba*I lo OMO* oa lo Jo»i* * »lhr »iil eotCS Jw aoonrtot. tmibnk HrA boob

«T 3^-i A •! r ’ 1


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On I>5C. 20, 1788, John Mitchell had also located 75 acres of

land in Pendleton Co., on the Allegheny mountain near the head waters of

Seneca creek, on the northeast side of his own former land. (Pendleton

Location book #1, p. 2.) This land was not surveyed for him until Sept. 20,

1793. (Survey book 2, p. 54); and patent for it was granted him on Dec. 28,

1805. (Virginia land i>atent book No. 52, p, 180.) This was by virtue of

part of original warrant No. 9409, dated Nov. 27, 1781, and of part of

warrant No. 12442, dated June 21, 1782. His "former land" in this case was

probably the land in the Timber hills given him by George Teter. Survey

plot of this tract follows:

___S]i^_ey for John Mitchell - Sept. 20, 1796

On Sept. 7, 1795, he located 25 acres in the Timber ridge, on

the waters of Ebenaan’s end Hedrick’s runs, adjoining on the southeast side

of George Teter* s land, extendirig to the top of the river ridge or hill.

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Tl>« UniuJ Sulm Gfolojrk*! PurreT is i ftancUrd

lopni^phic Silas of the United Stst«<. This work has been in

proyTBss since 1S6'2, sod its results consist of published maps of

■tore than 40 per cent of the counon. rxcludve of outlring

ponsekdoew. This lopogTa|>hir atlas ie published in the tbnn of maps or

stlaa theeta mear'jrinfc about lt>J hr 20 iticla^. Under llie

ireoersl plan sJo{>ted the countin' U dividrd into quadrangles

bounded be pars'lel* of latitude und meridian* of longitude.

Tb«*« quadrangles are mapped ou difl'erent scales, the s>aJe

•elected for anj quadrangle dejanding uii it' lulute aud its

probable future development and consequendy though tlie

standard atla« sheets are of nearly iiuiforra size they represent

ar«a of different flies. On the hiaer margin of cadi sheet are

printed graphic arales showing Ji'tiin-es in feet, meters, and

miles. In addition, the mIo of die map is shewn by a rvpre-

•vutatire fraction exprefS'ing a fixe<l ratio between liuear

motsurrments on the map and correspoiiding cietaiicw* on the

ground. For exanijile, the tsale means that 1 unit on

die map (such a* 1 inch. 1 foot, or 1 meter) represents C2,-V.O

similar units ou the cartli's surface.

The standard scales u.sed on Uiesc maps are multiples of

the fractioii Quailningles in thickiy sertlol or iiiduv

trially important regions are niappc>I on a st-ilc of or

aliout 1 mile to an inih. and cover areas nnu'iiring I.'i’ in

latilu<]e and longitnile. Qu.ndrsngles in hr-.' thickly scltleri or

iDdu.«tria!ly less iiiiportarit di-tricu .are inap|ssl on a scaie

of or about 2 mile* to an inch, .viid covci arcii* niea'ur-

ing SCf in lati^ide and iuiigitnde. Uevsinnairsnue maps of

detert or sparsely inhabittd re-giou* ha\e b<'‘>i made on a seule of 5^ or about d miles to an inch, <sivi iireai. inea.'uring

1* in latiluJe and longitude. Majo fi>r 5j>e,'l;l )'iir|ve«- arc

made on acales larger than

A topographic survey of Ahi'ka ha.' l>e<-ii in pr'ignv- since

181)8, and nearly '.io p< r cent of it' area b.-i.' inm hia-n mapped. About 10 per cent of the Territory lias tx-cn ovverwl by re^on-

naMBUite maps' on a ssale of or Hismt 10 mile' to an

inch. Mo't of the rcniaining area surveyed in .M.-u'ks has

been mapped on a ssale of hiii als.iit b,'*)(i s<;i!are niilos

baa t>een mapped on a "sule of

A large jvirt of die llawniisii Island* has '.ws-n surveyed,

and the resulting majr' an- piibtishesi on a scale >f 5-^

The features shown on ihiss* nia|is limy be arrangml in dtrec

groupM—(1) water, incinding sm*. lakes, rivers 'UnuLs sw.nnps

and odier Ixsliee of water; (21 relief, including mountains

hilla, valleys at'd other features of the land surf; c« ; (d) cnlrure

(works of nianl, such a.' towrns. cities, rad-, railroads and

bouinlaries. The isnivinitionjl signs ns<si to 'V'pi\--ent these

Cealiim are shown aiid explained l»-low. Varialii'ii' apjiearuii

•ome earlier iiia^, and addidoiial fe-atiires are repiescnted on

aome apodal maps

All the wiUT A’afiitvs !UT re|

atmimw and canal* by dngle blu’

the lakes and die .sea by biut w-j

mittent streams—those wh<'*e b

the year—are shown by line* of '

Relief is shown by <x>n!'iur h-

represents an imaginary line on

pan of whi>.b I* at die same alti

line could be drawn at any .alti

contours at rartain regular int The line of the isMisiast itw-lf i-

of altitude Ixiing mean .*ca let

rx.araple, would la die 'hore lint

Contour lints show the eli.a(a-'

vallcvs, a* well as llicir alliludes.

are far e|virt ‘in the map intlusi

cloie tigeditr indic.iU' u tUep

gether indicate a dill.

The in.anner in whh Iw c-mt.ii

ted in blue, the smaller

a and the larger streams

ing blue tint, loter-

dry a Urge |ian of

(•tr and dashes,

brown. conUtur line

round (a tontouri every

■Isive sta level. Such a

lit in mappiug only the

of altitude are shown,

tour, the datum nr lero

he 'Jit-fvait contour, for

■ *»-a '1,'iuhl rise 20 fees

* hills mnuDlsin*, and as-ive tamionr h' that

illc kIo|»-; lims that are

and lines diet niu to-

exprtse aldniJe, form.

in< lived Ic 'lai. t i|. i-.i, h *ide iif th» Villlcv i<

t< mie ini', w’iif h -ni ill -trtani' !;.ive cut iiarrnw gullies. The ■1; :lit righ: ill- .1 rtii tlcl •iimiiiil iiinl gcntlv 'lii|t-

ing spur. .cpii''.iii 1 lit intiins 'Jin- “ are truiii-.itial st

tl -ir low.T i nd., by a *• j cliff. Tiif I'ill at the IcA terminates

.'ibnip'.ly u! the v.ilhy in a sU' i' -c-irp, from which it “lope*

gradually away and forma an inclined table“Und that is txa-

verwed by a few ahallow gulUes On the map e»ch of ih«**

features is represerled. dirredy beneath its poaiticio in the

aketch, by contoor tinea.

The contour interval, or the vertical distanor in feet between

one cODlour and the next, I* stated at the bottom of each msp

This interval diffeia aci«rding U> the tnjiogTaphy of the area

map[w>d; in a flat I'ountry it may be as small as 1 foot, in a

mountainous region it may be as grewt as 200 feet Certain

contour hnew. every fourth or fifth one. are made heavier than

the oiliera and are aocvvropanied by figures showing altitude.

The heights of many point*—such a? p®,! comers, •ummita.

surfiu-v of lakes, and liencJi mark*—ere sl-o given on the map

in figures, whicJi fh iw nlliunloi to the nearest foot only. More

exact altitudew—those of liencli marks—as well as die geodetic

coordiii.a'.e' of trianguLition station*, arc pulili'hed in bulletins

that are i'»-ued free by the (.JsoKigital t-urvey.

The lerterlug and work* of man arc sliown in black. Boun-

dari<*s such as dntse of a 8uite, county, city, hind gnnU

township, or rveervation, arc shown by contimious nr brvikcti

liii«s of different kinvla and weiglita. Mclnlevl lOuds are sliown

by double lines, one of which i« accentuated. Other piiMi.-

paid.* are shown by fine double lines, private and J««ir Psid'

by dw'hevl double lines, trail* by J.,.*Ind ringis lines.

kiach <|iiadniugle is dteignaii'l by ihe n.inw of the princi|.i!

city, Uiwii, or uatiircl feature within it, and 0:1 the niargii,* oi

the mfcji arc printed the names .jf adjoining nnadrangles of

wliich maps have b<en puhli'bed. Over '2,800 quadrangles in

the United Staua liave been surveyed, and maps of diem

similar to the one on the odier side of thl* sheet have b<*-n

published. The lo)aigr»p]iic map is die luise on which die geology and

mineral resources of a quadrangle are represeiite«l. and die

in:i|is showing dive features are l*'und together widi a dtviriis-

rive text to form a folio of die Uevilogic Alims of tlie Uniit*!


Index maps of eaiJi 8tau> showing the tojiographit nnvjis iiini

pvilogic foliv pnhli'hed liy die United ritataa Uvsihigical .Sir-

vev iiiav lie nbuiinrd_f^;^ C'opiv of die topograi-hic ma;is

may lie obtaiiioi for lit (cnu eka,,'lii •hii'Tois of 5t7 or more,

eidicr of the same or of different quadrangle*, for C cents ewi'h.

The gvsdogic folio* are sold for 2.i cents or more ea’ h. the price

Jc|auding on the sire of the folio. .V circular describing the

foliv will lie aent 011 request.

-Applications for mapa or folios should be accomjamied by

cj'li, draft, or money order (not postage atampa) and should bo aildre*e**l to

THE DlRkXTtJR, I aited UtaUt Get/h/gicaJ .S'anry,

WatKitigluit, D. C.

November, 1919.



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rai 4b •i:-.ia *^1 vUattHa V»” ad* dato«d*’'^ik»MiaiK,-->. ’-■1

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d* ‘lii «>4> dMI aiKiMiu'l au Mrdt V» ar^taci -i-<>(

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la» dl'* itoinH ndtiratd aitfi kact a y*r«<ifataa

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Into •Haul ■<.?.|<TyiyB tdl iiaitaid> ^m*d itto* 1* apm sfbKt -taM aaia*** lalfer^ *di xd btd-iii Tn^ .(idi^ ’■i!t'''ta'^ aiam -td t»b Vi *d ma ryf

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;« c Jtoatat a# *im td tiia «4A

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(Location book 1, p. 25.) This was also by virtue of part of warrant

No. 12442, dated June 21, 1782. He was never taxed on this land, however;

and no patent was ever issued to him. Evidently title to this tract was

not claimed or perfected.

On the Land tax books of Pendleton Co. (yrhich are preserved in

the State Auditor*s office in Charleston, West Va.), John Mitchell first

appears on the list for 1791, when the transfer of the 50 acres to him from

Andrew Johnson is noted. The assessment value is given as L 9 - 11 - 8, and

the tax was 2 sh. 10. In 1796, the transfer of the 140 acres from George

Teter is noted. Value of this tract is given as L 12 - 15 - 0. John _

Mitchell is also credited with the "addition” of the 22 acres patented, at

valuation of L 5 - 15 - 4. These three tracts are then continued on the Tax

lists through 1803, when he disposed of them and removed to Harrison Co.

© The 75 acre tract patented in 1803, then appears and continues to 1814, in

which year it appears as belonging to John Mitchell "of Harrison Co.," a

grant of 75 acres, on "Alllganey," 27 miles northwest from Franklin, the

county seat.

Of these various tracts of land in Pendleton county, the one of

50 acres bought from Andrew Johnson in 1789, lying on the North Fork bottom

evidently was his home property. (Andrew Johnson’s first wife had been

Hannah Henkel, an aunt of John Mitchell’s wife Margaret Teter. The families

in this neighborhood were all closely connected by marriage or relationship.

See Notes on the Henkel and Johnson families.) This land was in a beautiful

location, not far from the famous Seneca Rocks, and below the "Deep Spring"

(opposite where the run from the Deep Spring flows into the North Fork). The

road down the North Fork valley ran throu^ or beside this property, and

'I *'*•*}•■* "


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JnsTUK lo‘iT*qilo •uhJhr’xrf Mi* «** f.’” •’• 1., '

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ioil ^ Ol .«0. M .dl Ic I.l.n.11 .« n.Hw .X«X wl l.tX «<1 no 1^'

bn. .8 - XX - e 4 .. n»Ti> »1 wX.v ln«iia..e..:o<«I •^•1°'’ "oenrtol noibn*

' ,. .aiooi noil .«.. Q»X .dl ^ l.i.d.11 .rtl, .WX m .OX .rt. S e« x.! .dl


_ nriol ' .0 -,2X - SX J .. o.vl3 .X t9Mtt .Ml lo .oXiiT .bilon .1 i.l.T


■-li ,b.ln.l«l ..10. SS •« lo'^notUbb." »dl dlXw b»llb»io oeX. .1 Xl.dolfll

X.T »rtl no b.onllnoo n«tl .i. .l»nl Midi ...dT ,» - 81 - 8 J lo nollM.Xw

.oO no.tli-dI ol b.To«.^ bn. nodi lo .d .8061 rijooidl .l.ii c

at .1X81 ol Monimoo bn. .!.««. n.dl .J08X nl b,ln;i.q .lO. 8V .dt

. ...oO no»lii*H lo" lX.doll« ndoX ol yilsnoXod .* »i.«iq. ll‘ii>.\ doMw

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nollod jhoT iinoM .dl no >nlxt .e»VX nl no.ndot w.ibnl ooiV Irfjuod ..lo. 03 _< r > '

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IrtilyAd . nl ... bn.X .Kff <...lXla.V ~ “Xon

anM^a q..a* .dl wXwl bn. ..dooH oaiLt euocV .dl ia>il i.V Ion .noll.ooX £

' .(*oX ^inol! .dl Olni .mXV V^qZ q^oO »*« ’XUoqqo)

bn. .xt.«|0iq .Idl .bl.*i 10 djnoidl n.1 >hoX dHoH .dl o«b bMi

-T '* ■•‘'i* ^2'H

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4 .•r • •». 5. •.

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John Uitchell had aorae difficulty in connection with this road, as the

follovdng items, taken from the original Court Order, Minute books of

Pendleton Co. show:

"August 5« 1789.

On motion of John Mitchell praying to have the road altered that

runs down the North Fork. Ordered that Andrew Johnson, Abraham Hencle,

Tost Hencle and George Teter Senior, or any three of them view the ground

and report the convenience or inconvenience that may allow the altering

of said road where it runs through his land."

March 1. 1790;

"We the Subscribers being Appointed to Review the Ground for the

Alteration of the Road that Leads Down the No. Fork when it Toms Through

the Lands of John Mitchell Have Made Report of the Same will be Convenient

to be Altered, etc" * ' '

Andr Johnston

Abram Henkle

Justxis Henkle.

Ordered: that John Mitchell the petitioner for the above Road do Cut out

the same at his own expense otherwise the above Road not to be Established.

Aug.~7, 1792. John Mitchell appointed road overseer in place of Philip


Aug. 4, 1794. Ordered that Philip Teeter with the hands working under him

do open the road from John Mitchell*s to Conrad's Mill, exclusive

of the bounds assigned him, and keep the same in lawful repair.

1 •t ft rT*»TTT*^Tt> r

,*%ii •m



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j^yj LI’ .;:

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. .loqiiH . , f", , ' . ■ ' ' V t kil*- i:™* It, . u-.»i,i ■■.■>s.t(!^* ^ ‘ •'

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.• a. > '.V Triei/Ioxa ,11111 i'bowO ol ••XIorfollM ndol ^ booi orfi ftoqo ob

' .llaqoi iiilwol b1 ocm •rtS qoo>( boo ,«tM bwmleeo abaifod ©rfi lo

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•*7* r . •

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ia!' m i ..i.. ri\; ■I.t.^li»lim....-Lj^u.^..—-—-- "***—*•***•-■*- ■— -

April 4, 1796. The grand Jury presents John Uitchell for stopping the

road by his house, and a breach of the Sabbath within 5 raonths

long past, by the information of two of our orwn body: Philip

Fisher and Peter Rupp,

July 4, 1796. On motion of John ?,iitchell - ordered that the road be

established along his fence, and that he open and clear the

same himself,

January 1, 1798. Isaac Teeter appointed overseer in place of John Uitchell,

Also from the Court minute books it is seen that on Oct, 1,

1792, it was "ordered that N. F, John Uitchell do supervise the election

of the North Fork district to be held at George Teeter's." (The election

itself, for Overseers of the Poo^was to be held on Octooer 15th.)

John Mitchell's name appears in a roll of militia for Pendleton

Co., dated Sept. 6, 1794, in Captain YtiUiam Gragg's company (together with

various members of the Teter and Henkel families). This Captain 'Williaitt

Gragg was the same man for whom John Uitchell originally substituted in the

Revolutionary V«ar and was the step-father of Andrew Johnson. He lived up on

the mountain above Seneca Creek. The service of the militia at this time

was in connection with the Tfhiskey Insurrection, so called, in southwestern

Pennsylvania. Not knowing the possible extent of the trouble, the militia

of all the nearby states was called into service in the fall of this year for

a short time. (Mortons Hist, of Pendleton Co., p. 400)

From the election polls cf Pendleton Co. (in an old book there at

the Courthouse at Franklin), it is seen that John Uf.tchell (called N.F. to

distinguish him from the other John Uitchell on the South fork) voted at the

^ ^ ’ • < •(ii wiiftqoiil-iot ri»ii©ini laijiK -S^ULilMs^

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.X .&oO no i«fi no*® ei ^.' •»*«>«<^ oA^nlm iwoO oHi aonl ooIA ^ * *' 'A

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nol*»«i* •«) •.••i»^»»T BS-JOSO i» bX»rt »rf oi WMiixb.Jho’l lUioH •<ifi lo ^

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inaiaoinl£oa ml .ba'ilaa oa .noidiraruianl aoUoonaoo nl aay J "I 'Ai. I aXJUlB add .aXaoonJ add to dnadxa aXdltaoq add yiimiul doH .alnavl^afloi^jj . ^ ^

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. ■• ' t ' ' " .

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elections of 1791, 1792, for Assembly-men; for Congress in 1795; for

Assemblymen in 1795; for assomblymen in 1795; again in 1797; for Congress t

also in 1797.

At a coxirt held in Pendleton Co. on Monday, May 5, 1794, Joyji

Mitchell, together with George Ketterman proved by their oaths the will of

Jxistus Hinkle. This will was dated Nov. 16, 1733, and John Mitchell and

George Ketterman were the witnesses. (Will bock No. 1, page 62.)

At the sale of the estate of Justus Henkel returned and recorded

* Oct. 6, 1794, John Mitchell bought one padr of Saddlebags for 5 shillings, 1

penny. (Pendleton will book #1, p. 73). (Perhaps these were the saddle¬

bags he used on his long circuit riding trips later on.)

At the sale of the estate of George Teter (his father-in-law),

returned and recorded Dec. 4, 1798, John Mitchell bought "1 Black & white

paid stear" for 5 pounds, 9 shillings, and also "1 Red 2 year old stear"

for 5 pounds 10 shillings. (These were the best of George Teter*s cattle,

except for the "Brindle Bull," which James Lee bought for 4 pounds, 6


John Mitchell was the Executor of the estate of one Christian

i^ynecker (who apparently was no relation, and probably a neighbor). The

bond of John Mitchell as executor, with Philip Harper as surety, was dated

Feb. 2, 1802.

Signature of John Mitchell to this bond;


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tuiot ^WVX 48 xX^tfmU no .oO no^Xbao^ ni blod fiMom b ^

lo IXiw Bdi Bti^Bo aXorti iii b^vonq Acois^XeX oa-iooO rfiiw^orf^s^ ^XXortoi^^

bna IXorfoilM nrioL ba» ,8«VI ^dX .toM b«i«b «ow iXlw eMT •aXataifl auiwrt ' -1 ^ "

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bobiooei ba» bomx/^oi XoXnoH w/^ei/- lo orfj lo^^Ixa od-l iA /

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4(waX-Ai-^ariJal eW) loAaT aiiotO lo aiaiaa arf^ lo aXaa atW M-

a<^l/fir 8 X" irisf/od XXoda^JtW nfioti 48SVX 4A .ood babioD^T bna bafrn/iai 'm ^

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4aXiJaa t’laiaT a^ioaO lo ieod adi aiaw aaadT) .eBniXIid® OX ebnoaq 8 iwl


8 .tbnyoq A lol irftood. atJ eamtl* doJWw "4XI08 aXbnXifi" adifiol iqaox# w A " • «w^ ■ r**; is 3 x;.

.A -5»a

iULLi8Z*idO ano lo aiaica adi lo ioiiroa3c3 adi eavr XXadoiiM ftrioV ’

adT. •(noddsXan a ’tXdadoaq, bna .noiialoT on aaw'xlinaiaqqa o(^X/laabant^

beJiO. MW .X^r"* •* ■‘nwK qiXJtin f»lW’ *io.fira.x» »» ISodoSOl mfol lo bna4

ibnod tlxU oi XIadoiJM ndo^*^^!© aioiai^a - *' ’ ■r'‘3

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o John Uitchell was evidently converted to J^ethodism, perhaps

through the agency of his vrife’s cousin, the Rev, Voses Henkel, or her

uncle by marriage, Moses ED.sworth Sr., and is said to have entered the

ministry about 1800, even before he left Pendleton Co, Ho later became

one of the most prominent circuit rider preachers of western Virginia and

one of the founders of the Methodist Protestant Church, on its establishment

after the break irith the Methodist" Episcopal Church about 1829, It seems

.probable, however, that John Mitche3J. was a Lutheran, before he became

converted to Methodism, for on the church register of Pine Church, Mt,

Jackson, in records kept by Rev. Paul Henkel, is a "list of those confirmed

in Pendleton Co., the 13th of October, 1789," and among the names of Dieters

and Henkels, all related by blood or marriage, is "Johannes Michel". (See

the Henckel Family News Letter No. Ij July, 1928, pp. 3-4).

After the establishment of the United States, the end of the

\ Indian war on the western frontier and the consequent opening of western

lands for settlement, there came considerable uiirest in Pendleton County and

the determination on the part of many of the people there to seek new homes

and better prospects farther west. Bnigration from the coxmtry during the

1790 years and the early years of the new century became very marked, S<Mie

•families went as far as Indiana and IDJIinois, often traveling in groups of

related or neighboring families. The main trend of travel, however, was

by way of the old Indian and pioneer trails to the Tygart*s Valley river

district in Randolph County and on to the valley of the ^est Fork of the

Monongahela river in Harrison and (now) Lewis counties.

John Uitchell was one who thus made the decision for removal

from Pendleton Co. to better his condition, gain more land, and provide for

J ■' . .. ■

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-t®d *10 ,Ie3fa9H'«9®cir .Y»^r •lii ^nlo<i0d Bid lo.^9n»B« tfifHrutt

•ri^ b^nsJnB rTBil o^ bl»« b1 bAB rfinowB/JB bbboM ^^^striMm yjS Blonf V! * *

BOBoad *iBijX bH .oO noiBlboB^ ilaX 'anolad bbvb ^OCSX JmdB ^ «

bfl*’BlnliiiV mBicBW lo eiBrfOBn^ iBbb^ iJwB^llo ^uantecwq iioa Bdi'lo boo

BiJt no ^itomdO inaiiaXoi^ ieXborilaK BTBbmiol BiWi/lo ano

Bases il .eS8X dxioda dyxi/rfD Xb<^33bX<0 ‘itlboffioU^atli rttXw A&rtd arfX nerU

. -rw ^Buaarf •<! ••ipW 'aaftUal • •*» Xi*rf9^J0l luteV^iaiU .wsiwK ,»I<J*rf<wit. 9. ^ Vt?

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beaiUnoo aaocU lo ^bXI« b li jXajfaaH Xifjrt .Tofl ^ejt ainooan nX ^oobjCob^

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B98) ."XerfoXH Bennaitcxt* aX no boold x<f ^ ,eX«5taBK bits " k* ^ Bi

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a<tt lo rfiol dosF odd lo ^ ^ ioiideXb-

.aaXdnnoo tXwaJ (won) bnoat lorti BloABywatdH

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lol abbfoiq bflB (bnaX atoa aUa ^noXdXbnoo aid taddad od .oO nodaXtoaX

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.(>-« .qq ilXn^ U .oH laiiaJT eirjM xXtcMl^IeKonalC arii

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adi lo 3liol iaaF add lo xaXIar odd od no bn* ^dnsroO dqXobnBil al Joi^ai^^

.aaldfuroo aXaaJ (won^ bn* noein*H flX tovXt Aloda^noncil

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his gi*owin^ family. In the late sirnmer or early fall of the year 1805

therefore he with his vrifo and family left; the North Fork and moved over 4

the mountains to the vicinity of Hacker*8 Creek in what was then Harrison

County, Virginia. Before leaving Pendleton for the west John Uitchell

disposed of his land holdings there as follows:

By a deed dated July 2, 1805, John Uitchell and Margaret his

wife sold to Samuel Teter, for one thoiisand dollars, 2 tracts of land on

the west side of the North Fork, "between Conrad’s and Philip Harper’s

lands." One tract was the homestead property of 50 acres, which Uitchell

had bought from Andrew Johnson (tl^e**descrlptlbn'inins: Beginning at a

Hickory tree on the east side of the river at foot'"of High Hill, opposite

the mouth of the Deep Spring Run, thence" etc.). The second tract was that

one of 22 acres patented by Uitchell on Feb. 10, 1789; adjoining the former

50 acre tract on the north and west sides. (The description includes:

"crossing the river to a red oak on Philip Harper’s land comer" etc.).

This^deed was acknowledged by both John and Margaret Uitchell in court on

July 5, 1^5; and it was recorded on that date (Deed Book 5, page 495).

The original deed is herewith attached. v

Tracings of signatures to this deed, dated July 2, 1805.

i '■ Vi .i

r. V . W »*’«iG •

S08I 'isvQ txfi lo ££*1 xo •^iiX eili^aX aTliAsl ;^iwon stil ^ ^ ■' ‘ y ^s^ ^

19TO b«yoa Cmu ahoT ilixoM •<W 4\ml iUauA boA *>llw airf itiiw ad •xol®xi>d*

hobItxaH fUMli eav ^attv oi a(Aax3 afxoddjaH lo yiXn^otv adJ aoUJiitfoa adi

Xlaifa^lU odoL ^taaw ad4 oQiaJbna^ v^-hrsaX exolaS •aXni^xlT ,xinifoQ

2'fl/| ' ' stTwXXol tz wri9dS e^XbXod bnaX eid lo baaaqeifr

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•Id ioxa^^oaU boa XIadaiXlf nrfai «e08X «S x^ljba^ab baab a

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a'xaqxaH qiXtiN Uta a*baxiioO li^oM tU lo abla 4aav adi • ^ r <Jk

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a ia tt/urt rttSiT^iyzab mtS) ooaadolr waxbnA^oc^x^ ;trf^ocf bad ,

a^laoqqo ^IXiH ifjlH lo-'jool Sb xorJN adi lo abXa Jcaa adi no oaxi riodalH

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seabi/Xoal noiiqlxoeab adT) «aobXci iaaw bna dixon adt no ioEXi axoa Od a

^ •(»aia "lairxoa bnaX a'xB^jxaH ijXJCid^ ao aCao bat a oi laTJtx adi yiicaoxo"

, ixi/oa at XXadditU iaia^xaU b»xa tzdo^ died x<^ aaw boab aid? > *- •• t ^ :*

• (3Q|| a^aq dooS boaCt) aiab iadi no/btiitxoaox cafe iX boa |3C^X (3 'i •


• / «badoa4ia ditwaxad ai baab Xaxii^ixo adt /. i

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i.v it ^ i'a

o On July 5, 1805, John and Uargaxet Uitchell made a aimilar deed

to Jacob Shoulders, conveying, for 50 pounds, the tract of land on the west

side of the North Fork, up on the Ttober hills. This was also acknowledged

in court that same day and then recorded (Deed book 5, p. 495). The number

of acres in the tract is not given in the deed, but no doubt this was the

140 acre tract given to John Uitchell by his father-in-law George Teter.

Tracing of signatiTres to this deed, dated July 5, 1805.

O The other tract of land which John Uitchell oimed in Pendleton

Co. (the 75 acres on the headwaters of Seneca Creek) he did not sell at this

time. It was not until June 5, 1815, that John Uitchell and Susannah his

wife of Harrison Co. sold this 75 acre tract for 50 p>ound8 to Edmund Wiatt

of Randolph Co. Acknowledged in Harrison Co. on June 9, 1815. Recorded

in Pendleton Co., Aug. 1, 1815, (Deed book No. 6, p. 184).

The trip of John Uitchell and his family, with their household

belongings, to the new home must have been made on horseback or on foot,

with pack animals, as there was no wagon road across the mountains at that


time. The way lay up the Seneca trail and across "the Roaring Plains,"

down into the valley of the Dry Fork of the Cheat river; then over the

mountains to the Tygarts River valley in Randolph Co., where George Teter


b«»b TftXijaia A 0b«Bi XXodo^^'irxj^'LdK tm* odoi «8O0£ xtsi\» mO

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•dJ 8«W «lrti id&ob Ofl Sud *b®of) »dl eU nawl^ Jon si doanS OfiJt lU •now lo /

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- .loioT o^iooO waX-nJtwjwiii*! alxl ^cf XXoriolilf ndot oi aovl^ oio« 0»I

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. . _.- • -' . . » TT > .*f>, * .;_'3r i* ■% i** ^ -I. '^-■ * TF

iialff bn0iBb3 oi obnooq 03 *iol ioaiJ stoo 3T 'OXiiJ bXoa .oO noaXmiM lo olXw *•

botnoaoH .3X8X ,« anwl no .oO tioatnaR nX boabofwowteA ‘ .oD riqXohrtnJl lo

-^■r ,(wi •i| *3 .oH dood bood) .3XaX ^X . jjtfA < noJoIbflo^ nX . .. yj

bXod^sirod *tXodi dJJtw ^’^f.twil olrf htw XXaiioJXH ftrfoI» lo qXti »dT

jiool £» no HoadoartoA pe> oboni nwod ovaif daxni' wood w»n 9(11 oJ j :‘

ioili io aaLadcuJota odd eooioo baoi on aao a^oAd m ^slanhiB doaq diXw

■^wiXaI^I VilreoJ! tiW" toonoo baa Xtani aaon»3 etiJ qu xoX ^w oriT .aaJti^

add novo nodi iiorXn iaodD orticlo otidry^o x»XXav odd 4dal nwob • ‘ ' ei. ■ • * ' j

i9doT oiiooO ••Xfldw ^.oO dqlobcxsa fit xoXImy zordA aJna^tT oili oi 'eaUJnwoai

..i. 4V • . TL V • V ^ »

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had owned land and where Jacob Teter his son and John Mitchell* s brother-

in-law was then living. Then the trail took its wa7 over what later becaine


the Buckauinon road throxigh the hilly country to the valley of the West Fork

of the Uonongahela river.

This valley of the West Fork, where John Mitchell took up his

new home and life, was by that time (1805) a fairly well settled region.

It had eoqjerienced many years of pioneer life and had been the scene of many

Indian depredations, but was now a peaceful and beautifu^ farming country.

Many of the people living thex^ had come originally from Hampshire, Hardy

or Pendleton counties. Some were relatives or friends of Rev, John

Mitchell and the Teter family; among such were Moses Ellsworth Senior end I

his son-in-law. Rev. Joseph Cheuvront who were pioneers among the Methodists

in this region. (Moses Ellsworth Senior had married an aunt of Margaret

Teter Mitchell),

Sane of the bolder, more venturesome, or more restless members of

the older families, becoming tired of the peaceful sort of life now carried

on in the West Fork valley, after the excitement of the years of Indian

warfare, were disposing of their property and moving farther west, to Ohio

or Indiana,

This gave John Mitchell an opportunity to obtain by purchase a

homestead property in the heart of this rather closely-knit community. By

deed dated March 26, 1805, he bought from James Tanner of Muskingum County,

CHiio, for $1535,00, a tract of land on Hacker*s creek, Harrison Co.,

containing 207 acres, (The description of the boundaries of this property

read as follows: "Beginning at a walnut tree on a point of a hill of said

Tanner*s still run, thence S65 WTO poles to a black oak, thence S5 E62 poles


$**-■#•, V ••-^- .-wi. j

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bIA qu Hoo^ ILnAtiDl ndoU B-ivSm ^Ttto\ ie«tf erf,t lo x«UCjy •Itff

. .floliM biXiioe IIsw a (808X) «tnli i^rfi ^^IIX bnj os»fl wMf

*■ XHAS \o •nsoa arf^ oaed barf btiM alXI TaafloXq lo aiaa^ xnaa baoneHsqpM bail Si

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fk. .41 --i

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..oO ooaX^YaR .daaio a^YadoaH uo baaX lo loai-l a •xol ^cXdO^ * ■>• « ♦•! , -J!”

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to a beech on the bank of the Creek, up the aame with Ueandera thereof

244 poles to a Sycaniore on Wm. Lowther*5 comer, thence S25 E52 poles to

a black oak, thence North 45 E 100 poles to a black oak, then N16 EllO

to a Hickory, then North 74 W 184 poles to the Beginning, containing 207

acres,") The deed, signed by James Tanner, was witnessed by Henry

McYihorter, Edmund West and Nicholas Harpole, Acknowledged at the June court

by West and HcWhorter and on December Ist, 1805 by Harpole, it was then

recorded (Harrison Co, Deed book 5, p, 620), As caxi be seen by the accom¬

panying survey plot (from Harrison Co, Survey Book 5, p, 559) this is the

very tract that was surveyed for Jesse Hughes (the famous Indian fighter)

on Jvily 10, 1791, by virtue in part of a certificate for 400 acres in right

of pioneer settlenent, William Radcliffe had been the original settler

on this site but he traded his pre-emption to it to Hughes, From the latter^

title had passed to James Tanner.

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John Mitchell*8 Farm on Jesse’s Tiun

Graveyard to left of lar^ oak tree*

Looking north toirard knoll with graveyard

(This flat valley of Jesse’s Run was all on his propert7)

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John kitchen's farm on Jesse's Run

] Harmony church was around beyond these trees.

Looking south from the graveyard on the hill.

Looking east across the graveyard.


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o Not©« frc«a asdth’a History of Lewis Co.

Pago 25i ® ^ • k * .

A mrabor of Indian village sites on Hackers Creek, as well as

innuniorable temporary cairp sites, 'tc. Among the village locations

identified is one on the ’’Second bottom** at mouth of Jesse’s Run; one on

the original John Hacker settlement about 1 mile below Berlinj and one

TTithin the limits of the present toYrn of Jane Lew. (These of course ante¬

date the later Indian tribes of historic times, who were merely hunters in »

the valley. Of the later tribes, the Shavxnees were the moat ieportant.

The birth of Tocumseh probably took place here (about 1768), at either the

village site at mouth of Jesse’s Run or the one below Berlin. (Tocumseh

himself is said to have told one of John UitchoU’s dau^iters that he was

bom here. —J.U.K.)

Pago 54:

John Hacker came and built hia cabin (one mile below Berlin) In

the fall of 1739, or early in 1770. Jdin and TTilliam Radcliffo followed

in 1770, and settled not far from Hacker on the Creek. The families of these

men came later, in 1771.

Jesse Hughes had chosen his hone site on his first hunting visit

in 1^39; then in 1770-71, after his marriage with Grace Tanner he built his

cabin there at the mouth of Jesse's Ruix.

Robert Loarthor built his cabin at the mouth of Hacker’s Creek.

Tiilliam Lowther, his son, lived near Jesse Hugjios at first, then moved to

near dorksburg. : - ^ ■ . . . ,

The \?08t8 came In 1775-74. ;•

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After Duaaoro** war others cajnox Henry yicshor aettled on tho

present oito of Heston in 1776, Charles TTashbrani end John Schoolcraft oa

stone Coal crock, ad;Joininj Flcahor*s place* -I

Indian attacks began in 1778* . ' ■ ' / i '

Host *8 fort was built by Edcnind Hest Sr* end his two sons,

Alexander and Edmind Jr* The Host hoiae was on the (later) Straloy faija,

about 1 mile above Jane Low* \v,' . '' . ■ ' ,\ . 'V

“ I

Thcxnas Hughes, father of Jesse and Elias Hughes, wns killed by ’

tho Indians in Hay, 1778 (at sane time also killed was Jonathan Leather, 4 "

’ • ^ * - -

brother of Hilliam and Eebecca*^ ■; ' ‘ v: ' ■ • “

The Hackers creek settlenont was abandoned and tho people all »

went to Nutter*8 or Bush* a fort* Hciily Fleshcts at Heston iras tho only hoca

preserved in 1779* T7o3t*o fort wao burned in 1780. A new fort was built

in the spring of 1781. ' ^ ^ v ; v- ,

At the close of the Revolution there t^as a new inflvix of cottiers,

including ITilliaa Powers, Henry Hc^’hoxtor, Peter Swisher, etc. Tho HeCann*

settled at mouth of Edward Hughes* Run, afterwards called ircCaan*a Run. Tho

Browns settled on T/hite Oak flat (near the Bread Run baptist church)*

Attack on the Flesher place - October, 1784*

December, 1787 - the Host tragedy* V ; • i '' -f-- - . ' / <- I- . - *'

August, 1789 - Attack ca John Hauck’s hesae* . •

Hay, 1792 - Teciiaseh*8 attack on tho Hag2«ier*a - on Jesso’a Run* ' . .. .V • \i~r

July 24, 1792 - Attack oa Hilliaa Carder* s hc^s, **whlch, etoed ' . ill ^ ‘ i .

Just boloer mouth of Loot Crock.**

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•aoDd ©*3Cax;©U odot oo ^©ddA * 08VX ^dov^iuA 4 ■ ■'■' 'I -

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• SevX ,AS xXwL ♦* .*w. J*.#

: ■ -. ‘ • *' t; • -I'-*. ’

“V fr-' ,- ■•;• t .* ****'« ^^***- -

This tract of land on Jiao’s Run hccano Rev, John Kitchell*6

homo farm, and in the private graveyard on part of it ho io buried* It

io situated at the mouth of Jesse's Run (named of course for Jesse Ru^*os),

where it empties into Hacker's Creek, about two miles above the present

town of Jane Lew in Lewis Co* On the property at the time John Mitchell

bought it there was already a large two story log house idiich had been built

by Tanner. On pages 467-69 of "Border Settlers of Korthwestem Virginia"

by L* V. UcYihorter, there is given an interesting description, with photo¬

graph, of this house, which became Rev* John Mitchell's hcc^e for the rest of

his life and in which his son Benoni Mitchell lived afterward. No vestige

of the house is left today; - but there is a giant oak tree just below the

old graveyard, which may well have been one of the boundary black oaks given

in the survey (see photographs). Snith's History of Lerris Co*, p* 150, says

"the settlers who came to Hacker's Creek after 1795 lived in cceg^arative

comfort, oven in backwood's opulence."

Shortly afterwards in 1805 (no month or day date given in the

deed) he bought from Isaac Heagle (and wife Prudence) and George Bush (and

wife Mary) an additional tract of 120 acres, the upper enc' of a tract of 240

acres on Jesse's run which adjoined his own land and that of Peter Hardoan

Senior* At the same time the Icrwer end of this same tract, (containing 120 (

acres) was sold to Peter Hardzaan Junior* The consideration for the entire

tract was 90 dollars* (Harrison Co* Deed, book 6, p* 48). The deed was

recorded at the Dscember court, 1805*

On June 18, 1808, John Mitchell bou^t from Peter Earcfean and

wife Margaret what was evidently this lower tract (now called 119 acres)

on Jesse's Run, "next his own land," for 500 dollars* Recorded June court.

r *** / ' ** -• V ^,^v .s'.- .

• flrfol •reJI •ew&KT infl •*e8Ml oo boil lo i^jw^ tlrfr

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1006 (Deed book 8, p, 75).

Ho aloo increased his land holdin^o in Rarrisoo Co. by original

entry and patent. From Larid liitry Book 2, p. 206, it is seen that John

UitchoU entered 275 acres as part of a Treasury warrant (Ko. 4609), dated

Feb. 11, 1811, on both sides of the ITost Fork above a survey of 555 acres >

for Henry Flesher and John Hall, and extending up sd. fork to David Scott’s

line. Again in Book 2, p. 227, John UitcheH enters 85 acres, as part of L


an exchange warrant No, 1986 to Robert Collins, dated Dec. 15, 1808; on

both sides of the West Foric "to include the mouth of the White Oak Lick run

and to extend up both sides of said fork for quantity." Date of this entry

was May 15, 1812. ” ; “

He obtained a survey for those two tracts taken together as one,

cc«itaining 560 acres on Dec. 2, 1812. The land is described as "beginning

at a Hickory and red oak on the westerly bank of the Host Fork, on a line

called David Scott’s line, about 50 poles bolav the first narrorrs that are

below Canoe run, thence" etc. (Harrison Co. Survey book 4, p. 452). Survey

plot follows: Patent for this property, 560 acres, was dated April 10, 1815

(Virginia Land patent book No. 65, p. 16)

S..’ •..

' ' * ». V

' ’ 1*J • ♦ , • . . , . ' ¥ . r - • X«afci>to vf *03 oosItuB ftt •QiOJE&Xod biul aid boeuMtaaU atX« ril •• m-

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On the I^and tax books for Harrloon Co*, John UitchsU appears

to have been taxed on the 207 acre home property first in 1809, At that

time he was also taxed on the first 120 acre tract. The eccond 3^ acres

appears first in 1811. In 1815 he was taxed on the three Jesse Run tracts

(of 207, 1^, and 120 acres respectively) and on the tract on the TTest

Foric (called here of 500 acres).

Cc^ llitchell appears on the Personal Tax lists for Harrison Co.

from 1804 to 1816 inclxisive (except 1006-1807 Yrhen his name seems to be

missing). Lewis Co. was formed from Harrison Co. in 1817 and ho continues

to appear on the lists for Lewis Co. continuously until 1841, when his name

is dropped and that of his Tfidow Susannah appears. . (Of course long before

that time hie children, George, ??illiani, John Jr. etc. began to appear

sej>arately on these lists.) -- -

On the federal Census of 1810 in Harrison Co., that of 1820, and

also of 1850 in Lewis Co., John Mitchell appears, with children given by

ages (so that they can all be identified from the list of children known

throu^ fanily records). '- _

In Randolph County, in that section of the Tygarts River valley,

where George Teter had made an early settlement and where Jacob Teter was

then living, John Mitchell also acquired land. Cki Feb. 24, 1800, ho had

bou^t from Hillian PEilscQ and wife Sarah of Randolph Co., for 50 pounds,

170 acres in Randolph Co., "on the waters of Tygarts Valley river, on the

oast side, adjoining land surveyed for Killian Doakerson, in Barker’s

"S^tlement." (Randolph Co. Deed bo<^ 2, p. 41. There is no notice of recc^)

In 1805 ho was taxed on this property, given an assessed value of 64 dollars

(at 58 cents per acre). In 1809 its value was reduced to 054.40.

•• .... I . . ^

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• •' /

(ProbiLbly it waa uniinprored land.) Oa Jan. 15, 1804 John Uitchcll had.

omrrcyed for hinaolf, as assignee of Tfllllaa Wilson, 60 acres adjoining

on the Southirest land of said Uitchcll. (Randolph Snrvoy book #1, p. 261)- • 4 / *

Lend Book for 1805 shcTrs addition of 77 acres - ralus And oa Oct. 6,

}dl5, ho had euTveyod £50 acres (170 of tdiich Trao the land ho obtained frea

Wilson in 1800, and the other 60 acres iras granted to Uitcholl by patent

of date April 8, 1803). (same, p. 515) This land appears to have been

near the present site of Bolington, H. Va.

Oa Oct. 17, 1812, John Uitchell and Susanna his wife of Harrison

- Co. sold to Edmond Wyatt land in Randolph Co., 'Vicxt Jacob Shooks land” for

fl56.50. Acknowledged in Harrison Co. and recorded in Randolph Co. at

Docesnber court, 1812. (Randolph Deed book 6, p. 231). Possibly this was

in the nature of a mortgage, or explains the discrepancy between the 77

acres on the Tax books end the 60 acres surveyed. At any rate John Uitchell

"of Hairioon Co.", or "of Lewis Co." later continued to bo taxed in P^andolph

Co. on 170 acres by deed and 60 acres by patent for a mzaber of years. In

1820, the land (250 acres) is valued at 0^17.50. It is located as on the

East side of the Volley river, 16 miles north of the coisity seat (ELkins).

John Uitchell disposed of this Randolph Co. property in 1853 by deeding it _'V

to his grandchildren. It had been in the possession of George Uitcholl, ¥

eldest son of Esv. John (and father of thsse children) for a number of years

Shortly after John Uitchell*s arrival in Harrison County with

his family, either late in 1805 or early in 1604 his Tiife Catherine Lkirgaret /» « # • .

Teter died. She wae buried oa. the farm there at the mouth of Jesse’s Ena,

but her grave is marked tcd;iy only by a rough stene with no inocrlpticQ upon

it. (Sso statem^t of descendant, W. George Uitchell of Jane how, acd

. - ■ • .J. I' ^ - ? ■ . ■ • ’ . . . • V • • ’ J •< -«

’ > ifc*.^ UjfthiJM iado% f08X xiO b^imaUnv V ■ . /T __* . _

ft Xld^dotl)

> « *« liUfllotfa^ fta^oc d^ ,ao«Xj9t aniXJlff lo Mosiaa* <tA *101

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7 ’. • 'y/' '

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irtoiaq xd XXadoiiJU oi boi^fsn;^ ana tdioj 09 nodXo adi bno «00Q£ !sX oo&Xllf

flood oTfid oi BiAoqqa boaX tMT (3X9 ;q «9£m) .(dOdX «a X^xqJL^o^ab lo

•/ir" i« ■’If $a - ‘7v ' >->'•**■•- irili «» •sf »W ^aow^aXXi6 lo odia d^soiq odd iam

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ia .oO rfqXoba£}{ at boMooai boa .oO ooaXnaH at bo^boXsnoinloA .03.93X1

9Jm BJtjif xJ^tMBoH .(X3S .q.^d dood boaQ dqXoboalO .SIS! xadoaoaCI

4* ‘ i** is TT add flaavdod tdn^oi[oaXb add aaLvCqxa to ^o^agftom a lo awdan add oi

tXIedodXV odol adai '.boxavu/a aaioa 09 add boa adood xaT add oo satoa :•! •

dqXoboaH ol baxad ad od beualJaoo xadal *.oD alaaj lo* *xo .*.00 coai^atH lo* A

jol .axaax lo ladava a *iol dfladaq x^f aaooa 09 bfla baab x^ anoa 07X ao»o0 - ■ -■ t , Q f, . — JU r '< •

‘ add. OO ea badaooX at dX *03.TIbd da batrXar al (ea*t9^OSSjf boaX add

.(a<iX?LI2)' daaa x^ouoo add lo dd^n aalbn 9X tiarJbt x*XXaT add lo ebJta dadt 1 ^

V k dl i^flXbaob x<^ 9381 at dqXoboaK aXdd lo baaoqaXb XiadodlM'CdoV I • • . ^ ' ■ ' ' ■y •

/ 'V. ^IXadodid a^^xoaO lo fioiaaoaaoq add at oaad bad dl .aaTbXldobajrxji aid od p0i’ ^- * - ■* . * .

. - ^7*. ^ ‘ r / • ^ ,

f,. .naax lo tado/fl a *xol (narblMo aaadd lo laddal boa) ndoL .Taft lo ooa daabXo'

• ^ ' ddiw x«bii7o9 floairtafi ol Xarbxia t'XXadodiU ni(oT»/xadla xXdrtoda ;:,b

•i; " , ' do'taaruM aoixaddaO aUbr aid A08X ol xLtza to 809X at odaX vaddla «xXiaal aid

*■ .i ■*'' • . — -') ■ K - * ‘ '* "o'- * ' ‘

. s. ststSl a^aaeat lo ddi/oa odd da anodd oial add 09 botvid aair oc9 .baib . ■-‘ . ... •., n5« -- -

* - floqtr noidqbxaaxU ofl ddiw acoda d£^ox a X!d Xldo *X arai:;} lad dud j

Vv ^ rj'i'.f f Vv *’t"^ %*.' * * V •« »^ * ** M r ^ V I

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3/^ BLACKsM/ro


1.^.4 :a

s • -, >•

5/vs - 14, .1«1-

Mr Joseph M Kellogg,

Ur’^ana Ill*



Dear Sir:-

In reply to yours of theSOth of last, hut owing to sickness • •

I was unahlS to ans, sooner for whitch I am very sorryw, and in regard

to Oathern Kargret Kitchell, wife of Rev, Jno.Mitchell, Yess she was

huried *here on the farm hut her grave is marked hy a ruff stone and i

there is no dates on the stone and I am unahle to finde out from anj

one anything definite concerning her Birth, age, or Death for whitch

I am very sorry. But if there is any thing else that i can do for you

please advise,

I am, •s

Very truly yours.

i ' , 4

,14 2aS- 'f’/cr



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iijKj*'***^*’^ ^ tj tit kXi I I *1^ » 4* » i4 4«A*ii il4 (l4t«AX4V> *>4 * iikHi>4 t « « * 4M ' • ‘ ■ ‘ * * ., * V r . .•

• ; • " ■ ' . .. ' ^ • .

Th© graYe of l!argar«t (Toter) Mitchell

This is the "ruff stone" marking the grave

of Rev, John J£itchell*s first wife. It is a

short distance southeast of his own grave.

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■ firmly-berjiiid 'Governor of Virginia, in the jufi<xind-

! ' *.■ >«.* ;<;i ,, •‘.Vc-.t;'-; : *,5 *»• fc V



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arc Virginia dollars, to \yhich pr^jfmcnt .v/cll to be cria^de, to the faid Governor or bia fuccelTordvV/pfQnd our felves, and each of our heirs, exccutwa and * ndminirimtors. jointly and fever- aHy, firmly by thefe prefenta. ‘ Seeded v/ith our feals, and dated this day of ^/0


The condition of the abovd Obligation is fuch, that where-* as there is a Marriage fhcrtly be folemnlaed be-*

tween ^^ ^>r^i.

now if there be no lawful caufe to obje^^. the faid Marriage, then the above Obligation to be void, otherv/ife to remain in full force and virtue* Signed sealed and delivered

in presence of ..j’


" ■-'TJo-,

^ f

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mm pw.,

itt; ti -^' ♦*

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- >. .. -j'^StiB bcowj 'jlfinfl bn« blsri -.- bnc 'tiibooiJ n>^r bru^ arfj ai ,6in?3ilV

arii oj pbein W oi\loiryjjill9w »nwn^^ dsidy/ or^iiBlIob dDsa has ^cavlsl 100 bn^jTs\v;;frid!!^933u1 8id>.io loniaviop btisl -•iavsl bnfi ^llnto^ jioJisii^DiRjIjfl -Bob cioJtniaxb tsiiad luo ^o bofi ^eissl luo liiiv/ b3i{i!-^ ' .suislaiq alarii ^

'(t£b’iX>'8trfj baJBb . ^ - * t ■ ■ . > ‘J

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-sisrfv/ JfirfJ ,ffDi>l «} nohf^IWOi^ccIfi oiftlo nohibnoo DdT -od b^zuooxdlol dd oa/bobnoaoi \bioiQ.d3£hisM s zi siodi ZM

c '5 fC ♦

1*) »* * ^ -• » •'♦■•» 1.

bisT aif3.iis(<Io "bl alofio IuWbI oa od siadili won fli xufitasi oi aliv/iadlo {biov ad 01 soiicgifdO-avods srii narf}

4 \ Vv X .9oJiiy bna aoidi IIo^ haisvilab bna baliot baagtZ

Ho d^oassiq'iii


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;,' . -

* '/


photograph)* Being loft in this new hocco with a nmeroua fasdiy of Kcall

children and no izmodiate rolatlTcs to look after thrai, it probably eecraed

incvcabcnt up)on John Mitchell to carry again almoat at once* So, on

December 5, 1604, John Mitchell carried Suoanna TTaahbum* (Karrieon Co*

Marriage record book Ho* 1, p* 77)* The minister who perfomed the ceremony

was the Rev* Joseph Chexrvront* The original marriage bond is dated the

same day and is sigiied by John Mitchell and Ttillian Carder his surety*

Susannah TTashbum was bom Nov* IS, 1782, and so was almost

twenty years younger than her husband, and only twenty-two years old when he

married her* She was the daughter of Charles Tiashbum end his wife Rebecca

Lowther (daughter of Robert Lcwther and sister of Col* William Lowther,

prominent military leader in western Virginia), Charles TTashbum had been

killed by the Indians in June, 1782, possibly somcnrhere near where Clarksburg

now is. Wither*s book "Chronicles of Border Warfare" gives particulars of

- - ^ ' * .

this tragedy, «

Extracts from Withers "Chronicle of Border Warfare",

(Charles Washburn was killed by the Indians in June 1782)

"In June some Indians came into the neighborhood of Claiksburg, j

. and not meeting with any opportunity of killing or making prisoners of any

of the inhabitmts without the town, one of then, more venturous than the » «

rest, cane so near as to shoot Charles TTashbum as he was chopping a log of

jrood in the lot, ar^ then jnmnlng up, vdth the axa severed his ckuU,

scalped him, and fled saLfoly away. Three of Washburns brothei's had been -

previously murdered by the savages,"

O -^ ^

r- ■ ■ . • • .

4 r- •

ffmittn ^LUul VS&VUSJtl M tUtW MRMf ir»tt *1(1^,ol 11»X ^

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“' ^ j1' i»dl b«iAib s2 bao4 esstimai JMt^lrxo 9dT .inorpruetO (iqAAci^ •vefl «»dl aav j I

-» ■■■■A

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/ .TXaitm •Id *i0truiO ouiJtLUIT baa XIarfolJtM odoli ^ b^SigU •l.boa tab «aam-, i ‘ St ^ j

I dtocaXa law oe Jmu ^SG^X ^?X •▼oW irtod aaar cru/dtfBA'K dtaa^auQ '. -> * ^ ’ • ■ * _.i

•d aadir bXo^aiaar owl»^xsyiri ^lXoo bda .boadatrd *>611 mult araaq ■ V ■"- '■ - « 'W-W-,' " ^ iv' ■

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Siuda^fiklD aiacbr 'taao atacbrafloa '^^Idloaoq «^8VX ^axart* «1 anstboliadl boXXbi ^

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‘ •"aaalsaW labrc® lo •Ij>JtjacniO^ atadilSf oc«rt. atoirtts^

■* y- ■• •^ j ■%*'^<'

..... T ■ r 4

^ ^ 1 •

.r*^ lo aienoaliq j|<ti^paa to ^olXUd lo "^llaylroqqo x?sa dllw ;^^^»aa loo boa • ®

• A flLBrli* auomliiaT o'loo *jsadl lo ano ,fniol aril A/od^Jtw aln>lldadnl add i

N ?* -

XT t*. w (38TX aotf^ xxl aflalbxs^ add baXXJbf aau wTt/ddaaW oolTadO)^ 4. y

^fTiidailaalO lo boodioddalaa add olol aoao aaalbnX aasoa axsvL oX” ^

‘ -l*- *4 dA lo foX a yilqqprfo* aaar ad aa muddeaW aoX'xa<0 dooda od aa ^aaji oa aoao ,daal

■ '' If. ;

' . ' - •* 1^ • * ' " -1 VP •

^ It*" " - - iXIjwia old bararaa aaca add dfjw ^qa yilJUtn oadd baa ,doX add ol booat . t |p~ v» • ’* i’,, *'**1^ -

• • . i»9<t bid at^dfM vnvidaiB W»*tdT .v«« b»Jtl bi* ,*tif b«iXM|f|3fiT , I ■ V • , h •■

• •*-* ' ^ — j» add xd ba^abriia

; «w

► .*' ' d. . •

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*«U^4 4^%X^4Wci4«^i4*«** 4*l*4«4i4AX4«iiA4 4X*^ •^«^**4^*^«*»-A***^^««* ^•>» fcU v*« • «


Fran letter of Rev, Paris L, Bent (with infomation obtained

from Lloyd Washbiim of Goodhope, Lewis Co.):

"Susan*s mother, after her first husband*s death, married a Ur.

Carder. Thoj lived in a house on the spot where Geo. Riff el of Good Hope

now lives.Sxisan lived rdth her mother and biether at the place

mentioned above at the time of the last Indian raid throx:igh that part of the

country, and only escaped being killed by the Rod men by creeping into a

haystack. They shot her dog and killed their cows. The other members of the

family took refuge in the house, and defended themselves with guns, through

port holes, Susan escaped as I have described above,"

Wither*8 gives an account of this later attack on the Carder house also:

"The four Indians who remained proceeded do'.Tn the river (the west

fork), and on the next day (July 25, 1794) came to the house of William

Carder, near below the mouth of Hackers Creek. Ur, Carder discovered them

approaching in time to fasten his door, but in the Confusion of the minute,

shut out two of his children, who, however, ran off unperceived by the

savages and arrived in safety at the house of a neighbor. He then ccsrsnenced

firing and hollovdng, so as to alarm those who were near, and intimidate

the Indians, Both objects were accomplished. The Indians contented them¬

selves Yrith shooting at the cattle and then retreated, and Mr, Joseph

Chevront who lived nearby hearing the report of the guns and loud cries of

Carder, sent his orm family to a place of safety and with nobleness of

purpose ran to the relief of his neighbor. He enabled Carder to remove his

family to a place of greater security, although the enemy were yet near, and

engaged in slaying one of the cattle that they might take with theca a supply

•»*f rf***rr*tif**-*f *'r*T jt-r***^


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1 r l(.♦^ eXwoJ \aqo/lbo^ lo /mndiit«W 5x*^ ai a Av> i-

wV ■ ^-vj ft jiy > I*!-^ ^ 1 ^

4 ’

" '■ ^ •^sa*-v ;^* r ^ ■'-'' 'r>T,

•ill a boiiufl .d^Mb e*l>nad«iiicf ieiil led loila .leiitoa %^as%uZ^ r— ^

•qoB booO lo lalUM .oaO •T9ffw ioqo add no oes/od s at bortX tiohrM

i**' - ^ ^ "J ' - ' ^ •9Blq odS lortJxnd bfiA 'lotfSoa i9if;diJNr fcarril naojifS « # '. • •strii won

•di^lo iiaq ^ad^ dni/oidi bin na^iT daal sdt mdS oroda banoXioaiB^^

a o^ni ^aiqaaia ^ naa baH od& xd baXIbl ^nXad baqaaea x^no bna ^xi-^oa -r.jr

}«M.WI A/9t^»\^ca WIU» -'*-

1 *' - * ' adi lo aiadsan ladio adT .ewoc itadd baXUbl bna ^ob lad ioda •dodJBXMd,


4l dyrortdd ,t£aq}^ddiic aa'rXaaaadirbabndlab boa ^aauod adi nZ oy/lwt doo^x^Ltoal

s *• ‘ib *.aToda badiiaatb avad I aa baqaoaa naeciC .aolod ^oq X

vi 'A

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toala aauod labiaD adi no doaiia laial eldi lo in/ooaa na aaiia a’ladiHf

*1 ' ** imaw adi) laili a.di nwb babaaaoiq baniaoai orfw artsJtta^ VfoJ adT* j

, jiAjUXn lo 9tj/oi{ adi oi ainao (^QVI «SS oo bna

nadi baiavoaaZb labiaO *111 .iaaiO eiadoaH lo diiroa adi voXad laan yiabiaO -i w -■'■ ■» -.X

C ^oJi/ata adi lo noZablno^ adi ol ii#d ^loob' aid naiaal oi aadi ni i^nidaaoiqqa <1 *♦* r

I 4 »■ ^ .■ '’tJ S' / S*TJ •\- , % ' adi \d boTiaoiaqcu/ llo oai ^lavawod ^odir tfioibUtdo aid ,lo owi ii/o ivda

i-j. -s-i ■ ‘ ■ ■ X ■' •. *• r q -.7' ' ^

beaoasiaoo aadi aH •lodds^laa a lo aauod adi ia boriiia boa aa^av, ;i' P:

S"' ' lA

. >

:; 5. ► 1



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■ ' • • »• , ^ ^ i ■ .■ *4, * . * • • s - - j ■*» ^ a»^* »f»>♦ r>#»»yi*ifr **^*^^**'’ffflf’tfyf ^Tf******^*^. '*'*"^'^

. I I I • ’'^* * , 7 4 ' li • ' ■ ‘i* ^ ^

I • • ■•■ ri’Tr:.:- ir'

% otsblsLlJnl has ^lawi aiav asodi Aiala oi aa oa «^nZiroXlod bna ^nJtiJtl

-<8adi bainainod analbai adT . •JMtiXqaooaa aiav aioatdo diofl .aaaibal adi^.

'7 4 dqaioC .iX bna ^baiaaiioi nadi biu aliiaa adi< ia ;|(riioodo diJbr aaiXat i-s

lo oaJtio bool bna c/s/;| adi lo iioqai odi bovtS oifw inoirai 4 'i 7'

lo' aeaoaXdon diZw boa ^ asaXq a oi xXbBul owo aid inaa ^lobxaO,,;^'

.aid aToaoi^,oi labiaO^baXdana aH . tiodd^an jild^ l^lailai adi oi oai aaoqixN|v .^

boa ^laan iax aiav XDE»4*ia adi d:|t/odiXa ^xil^oas *iaiaai;i lo aoaXq a oi x^Lbabl

Xlqqoa a eodi dilv asf.^ td^tm xi^dJ iadi aliiaa adi lo ano ialx*X9 nl baga^na^, nl

.»•' J.' I

I .» .,• J . 11.

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I- . ' ,. '49

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t».*•4* ••^••«»**t>*****«****-*«t*)*4»4«4«;ii»*4 **i’Vi***'**'W^%'‘.*^t' i4*f * » U * .4*i**4.»*A*^4* • ^ • t ^ ‘ 4* •.» i Hi iM * {^ * **^ *** <t * 4 k 4 i * **-^ ^ •* i ' 4 ^ ' I *1 ^

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\ .-•* ' t -* •••- •*

■/. ., ■ i.-

of meat* . •* •' 4

*Cn tho next day a cocqjany of men aosembled and went in piirouit, «

but they could not trail the aava^gea far because the great caution with

which they retreated, and returned without accoepliahing anything."

There were probably three children in the Charles TTashbum family,

cince in the Personal Tax lists of Uonogalia Co., 1782 (pub. in volume for .

Va. in Census of 1790) Rebekah YTashbum had 4 whites in her family. Again

in Harrison Co. 178S, she appears with 4 in family, ^saac Washburn was

certainly a brother of Susannah, and Robert Washburn was probably tho other %

child (marriage bond of Robert Washbiim for marriage Tdth Eve Roy is dated

Sept. 20, 1802, with William Carder as his surety). By her marriage with

Tfilliaa Carder, Rebecca (Lowther) Washburn had several more children. In the

old cemetery at Good Hope, in Harrison Co., is the grave of YTilliam Carder,

who was bom July 9, 1755 and died Uarch 15, 1859. Near by is tho grave of

Isaac Washburn, bom Sept. 6, 1776, died Sept. 15, 1854, aged 58 years and

9 days.

Rev. John Mitchell, by his second marriage to Susannah Wahhbum,

had a nmber of children, until by both marriages ho is known to have had a

total of at least fifteen children (names given below).

John Mitchell, as stated, was a preednent mtasber of the Methodist

Episcopal church in that part of Virginia. Ho was both circuit ridor and ^ . . . «

local preacher. In Raymond*s History of Harrison Co., pago 281, it is -stated f

that Mothodiem could obtain no footing in Clarksburg for cany years,' but ' -

pome 8 or 10 miles up tho West Fork thero was a flourishing society headed by

Hoses KllgffoHh. In this neighborhood was Joseph Chevront, a local preacher

** «« r*frri « ' •! •• • • ••, r • •• •, • f . . .*•

♦ \ ; -.i ■;. ^ .

* '* " • ^’ * ^''* * rr ' •* *5 t ^ «^lvm/q al ^im bti^ fc»fd«gafl< iumk lo xebKpao^ <• ixaa edi So*

I V ' « vr -t- , j » r'

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H ’ „ .4mm to

c dtJhr flolivso 4JOTSi 9(14' M^o^d imTl aa^MM 9(14 Ubrxi ion liiUfoo X9fl4 iud ’

Ub' «■ V n .j

^ ' I * - ‘ ?;* ■ ■•loiddtat snldsl^qpoooo ivodihr beiniri^i tao .l^«rx4M Tfdi dohbi • ^ ‘ ■ - -i ^

■ , A' ™-V- .ite.'?*., . ^ f xIlMt mi/ddsotf e9X*t9dO a/fd^ni oarbXlilo xI/SjBdciq aiw aisdT . v , ' \

^•siJS f>..»

^ •aa/Iot al .ddq) S8?X , .oO •JJ[9:^oix>lf lo 84«XX zaT lenono^ odd ol baoXo • ♦y



i- »•■. .C.'


clLbi^ •XXXfflat i[od al eoiJtdw t bod trint/ddsaTT daiadafl (O^X lo af/anoO. oJt »a7

*j> ., * ^ V ■ ^ . ■« ^ 5 •'S^ ■*'. JT

««« moddsaW somI ^xUwitviiX 4 d4i« 0*199000 ads .(SSVX .oO noalnoR oX ^ *: . -4“ ‘ ' 4 .•'TJ , ,

‘*4! — __ *.1

oaddo add xXdfidooq ajar trwdtioiSI iiadofl boj ^danxiaairS lo *xd(14otd a xXaJbadiM^V^

fcaiab ai avS ddXir e^aX’XOjs ool iroKblajW ^ladotS lo bm>d e/^atnaat) bXJtdo K) » .* K

d4ta a^aX’TXja oad tS •(x^aioa aid bj oabxoO aaiXXIW dSJtn «S08X «03 .4qa8^ X* *1 ‘t* fit *'■■-•

adi III owTbXidd aooA Xaiavaa bad im/ddaaW (*i9d4noJ} joaodafl ^labiaS) cjJtLLBf ,

; * < ■V.

^oebxaD oailUff lo ava'ta adi ai ^*op nooi'naH nt tOqoH booO 4a bXo o

r- ‘ rf*..

lo ara*!^ add al xd uaM .9^1 ^SX doiaU boib boa dSVX ^9 xls/l oiocf taw bdv

T , " . - boa a*xa9X.6d ba^ii «4£8X t^X •iqaS baib ^dWX ^8 .dqaC mod ;^nt&ddadV baaaX i

'r^' ■> "‘■•' I. / W- ' •«V8 ® -f. i ■■ '. A* 'f* ■ “ '.V - ** * -. ^c.-' *1^ ■•>'• ■ ---n. - ■ • .aMd -/-• -Vi - li.- -• ’•Sml^ . 1 ■ T , ^ 1., •

■a 1

1.J '< ‘;.’t

a bad avad oi imond ai ad aa^aiman d4od x^ Xiiaa ^imbXido lb *xadciRi a bad*

tinvddialf danm>euv8 o4 a^aimaa'beooaa aid x^ ^XXadoiiU odoU .Tail B ‘

r •

S ’ • *;\v .'-t. ^ «♦ ;,«p»

^ *'■ r v '*•' ‘**x.

V • .{noltd MTi} Bsoan) aviblhta asa-fin 4bs*X i» lo I«do4

4 StlbodhlVi adi. to ^fadbuxa inaiiiflDoq a eaw «ba4j4a' aa «XXado4lV ndbb


^ boa oabii Xitfoxio d4od^aaa aH molalyil^ lo 4iaq 4ad4 ni dorodo XBqo9ali;0 - ‘. . ‘ • - -»• ^

' iK ^

‘ <^ ^ > • I

.'," bai«4« (t il ,X9S ogaq ,.«9 oottruH lo.'Vio^XB ■'baoanc<H ol .loiioaoiq XmoU I ^ t t. i , ^ .f’ .. j. 4 ;' J*-. • / • ' W ’ ^ ,

V ^i/d *^87aax x^iaa tot ^txrdaihaXD ol yiiiool on oiaddo bXaoo fixa.^odio]| iadX/' • t .*1%. • ’^•4'’ C-: ,r-T

Xd babaod x^aiooa s,aid8.^t0oXt a eaw atodi dioX 4aaW a<U qn eaXia OlX ’to 8 aaoq I ' o : a •■ . • o ^

tadoaatq XaooX a «4notrad9 dqaao^ aaa boodtodd^iaa aidi oI .ditoiraXJS aoaoH

^ •/**, I*-> - *. ’■!*. ( ••.»■.,,».• . 'i - * (y*! _ ■• • • ^

t ■ "'Kii.' '^miM

f *«•<*« «*«*• *4 A«4> 44 \k4‘*«k*«fel4« ** i«i t4 4^ *4 W4 4*>*4» ^ 44««44 4*4t* fcli » * • i (444 1414* * i A4»4 ^ li 4 « • m4 \ M4t 44^44 i*4 *4^ I «444 • « )44-*iW444

of great usef\ilneoa and much loved by hla people. He was a Frenchmaja and ■ I

was firat licensed to siarry people at the Sept, 1790 tern of court in

Harrison Co, This was of course in the district where John Uitchell cams

to live. As mentioned above Moses Ellsworth was an uncle by marriage of

John Mitchell, and it was on the KLlsworth farm that this earliest Methodist

church in Harrison Co, was built. Rev, John Mitchell probably began • his

ministry even before coming to Harrison Co,, for on his tombstone it says ‘ .1

that "he preached the Gospel for forty years," (Re died in 1840),

In 1819, John Mitchell built on his farm the Harmony Methodist

Episcopal Church, the first built in the Hacker*s Creek settlement. It

was in size about 40x50 feet constructed of hewn logs, with a gallery around

the three sides on the interior which held one-half as many as the main

floor space. It had one door on the long side and rrindows in the gables.

The pulpit was opposite the door. It stood on the hill above the road on \ the site noiT marked by the bronze tablet at the southwest comer of the -

cemeteiy near the present Harmony church. The building was dismantled and

destroyed a number of years ago,

John Mitchell continued to take a prominent part in the Methodist

Episcopal church and members of his family state that at a General Ccnference,

about 18E4, he lacked only one vote of being elected a bishop. He was for

many years a member of the Pittsburgh conference.

About 18E8-50, he withdrew with many others frem the Methodist

Episcopal church, after a long conflict over the question of the episcc^cy,

and*he helped to found the Methodist Protestant chxrrch, Y?ith David H,

Smith he organized the M, p. Society at Rairony in October, 18E9, He then

had built on his farm the first Methodist Protestant church in the state.


Y' ~ ^

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iiti^ii I I iiiig III oi I Hii i Mirf

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itfu ojorfooviA 41 SfW •H .ai^oq alil x<f. bavoX dwm boa ee^aXtfliMix --=*.' , j x,...'1

al ■ Hsn9 lo iviti OQTX .iqaS mdS -ta aXqoaq Tn:jM botaaaXX «air^v^i •'j .. *■ - ►

•sad Xlatlali)! istfoL a^arfir. .^bfXaXb otiS al anuoa lo aair thft .aO /looimal? *• . ^

lo a^brxaa rtf aXaiBr nji zsv ifJnQwallS eaaoM airotfa bonoXJMM al ••▼XX oX< * ; , "•' » .-T

^X2>od^a)l ieaXX’xaa aXdi iatiX anal i!i*toiraXIS adi oo aair iX brua ^IXadDlfli nrfo^ ib '

I aXil .tnajad xXrfadoiq XladoiXM mlat .TaH .XXhid aar *00 DOBtru/t al do^da

naa aooiadcooi aXd oo *101 ^403 noeXrxaR'ol ^/ibnoa a*xolLa<i /tav« •» X

«(0frax flX beXb eR) •urTacr x^toI lol XaqaoO adi badaaaiq it* iadt

daXboiltaV x^oonaR anal aXd no lHud IladddXM odoL ^QX8X ol iMHH

.dnaaaXXXas tLsbi^ •dd, nX ilXud XnXl adi ^doicrdO Xi^o0aX4K<‘:i^ ' * V ^ *

basms TTaXIaa a di^Xw'«agoX nifadjtlo baXoirx^a/ioo iaal OdxOJ^ ii/oda oaXa ifX aaar ^

3 ilLmb ad^ aa x«a® llad-^no bXad ildXdw'*soX*xaXaX add ao eabXa «aidX tM i .1 ‘ •?

•oaXdag arii nX awobaXw btie afiXa guol 9dl ao loob aoo bad XI .aosqa nooXt '•


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,- ^ . S:

U OO ba<n adi arotfa XXXd adi fid booXa XI •▼oobiadX sXXeoqqo saw XXqXuq ad? o

» < adx lo n[aaio9 Xaavrdii/oa adX ia^XeldaX aanofxd adX xd badian ivoa aXXa 6x144

>; , . • boa baXXnacnJtb taw xnXbXXxrd adT •riosxido Xnaaaraq adX laaa x^>Xaaa^ ^.

•oga araax *xadcim a baxo*iX««fc4 '?*

. ♦ * \ • r

s,/.! ’ - , t * \ * v «»■ W .. i ^ - * , ‘ * . » •

ieiborfisV *(<4 ot Itaq JnMlflia^q « oi bauniinos LloiiO/tUt orfob

»>a »• •

^^9fsa)▼al^eD Xatoaop a Xa XadX aXaXa xXXffial aXd lo eiadsaai boa doiodo Xisc^a

-sol saw oH ^qpdaXd a baXoaXt loied lo •Xor boo xIm bsddal ad ^bS8X Xu

- sr' > *1

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.» • 1

y <r w’ • •

V (!♦ •••unalnoo xl^wdaiXX^ adX lov wfaaa a tTaax V^ut v w - <*1

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< 4 , /

^ •

XaXbodXaU edi fttntl a'ladXo X0^ dXXw woibdXXw od ^OJ5-©S8X Xtfodl

«X6aqo9aXiie odX lo noXXaaof) odX 'xara XaXXlxioa gnol. a a»Xla ^dnuda Xaqooalq^^ ■ ^ ‘

• 4 .R bXraa dXXlT «do^cido XxiaXaaXo^ XaXbodXalf adX bntrol oX baqiad axTbo*. * -4’' %' J9.1* 4-4*

^ *- ■»' ,, .'■v

aodl oB 09S8Ji ^xadoXoO nX xdowiaH Xa xXaXaoS .R adX baxXnagio ad dXXfld - > X

♦ •aXaXa adX xiX davtda XiiaXaaXoiB XaXbodXaU Xa«Xl adX mal aXd oo XXXorf bad

r-iV* rf ■:.-v.'s. •' '.t -■'“iJ ir " \ v

111. - Tr* *■►' • .,■ fe ^ i’j.'’ •* ■• *• • •■ ' • ■» ' 'j ' ' ■ i I

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f jC^ / - * . 1

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'a ? *’. 9m vsm*^ '■< >vrt5" j

•J •• kU 0*4 4 •« i iiki^l^»4 vJ •• t4«4«i 4»i«i4i4 1^liiU44<i4*M • «i4lM 44 4 I ft* I 4^ *• *4 * « *44 4 i*4 4 * • ** * »4 4* 11.4 4*«



This was near the forner church but lower down and farther north, beyond

the cecietery, on the site of the present small Harmony U. P. church. Ibo

tablet on the maricer in the cemetery confuses somewhat the two churches.

The inscription on this tablet is as follows:

"Site of old Harmony church

Built in 1819

’ Recognized as the Mother Church

of Methodist Protestantism in W. Va.

But Built & Dedicated as a

Methodist Episcopal Church

Erected by Trans-Allegheny

Chapter Daughters of the

American Revolution and

Descendants of Pioneer

Worshipers of this Church." -


♦ * !<•,** -m ^ '*.►' *■-. ‘ (

’f* r


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^ 4 ^ bftaT»d%iiHoa imob irnm^C’xiatnMfi •lU ibiaa e*w ciift X • .1

•(ff •d9ivff9 »M Ynoaruril Xiacns Jnadtt^i' *<1^ lo ■ •il® edt «• ,X7».t9«»9 odl

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i «,! i ifti* « ii^ii *4 * * *t>4 ^ i 4*4^444 'A*

Notes from:

p. 15 -

p. 21 -

IT. 50 -


"The Uethodiet Protestant chtirch In Nest VlrglnlA"

by Rev. Isaac A* Eames - (1926),

picture of Hamony church (in the snow).

called "Mother Church" of Methodist Protestantism in West 7a,

building built in 1819. Size 40x50 ftj with a gallery inside

around 5 sides, which held l/2 as many as the main floor

space. One door on a long side; - a pulpit opposite;

windows in the gables.

p. 20 - Among charter members of Harmony church were:

Rev. John Mitchell and family, George Straley & wife, George Bent

and wife, George Waggoner, Peter Waggoner and wife, Martha

Alkire, Rev. Henry R. Bonnett, etc.

account of Rev. John Mitchell:

entered the ministry in 1800.

at a general conference in 1824, lacked only one vote of

7 being elected a bishop.

Rev. John Mitchell was for nany years a member of the Pittsburgh

conference. At one time was a pastor of the Middletown circuit,

of which Fairmont was cne of the appointments and headquarters

of the pastors.

Rev. B. M, Mitchell, president of the West Va. conference of the

Ueth. Prot. church, is a great grandson of Rev. John Mitchell.

In a list of members of a quarterly conference held at Harmony

church in 1854 (representing each appointment)

includes: :, 1. .. •: :



* .ill,


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•l ‘

* ., i S' -K • /:- ; v^'‘

. 1 .jqoiig^ B bBdsaXB a^ilad- * ■■i* ^ ^'F*' ,i I >. ' ^' -es ■•'4'' ■ V >'

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^ -. »

r *.n

•diuarcid nvodaXbbilf Bdl lo oodBaq a eaw ertid ano *dA »90fta%9VK>9 V'

J • '"•

B*tBdiB0pbABtf boa BdnBAdaboqqa add lo ano aav dnoeniaX doXda to

^ - * ’. . i.t' ., ‘ ,' ' •B'sodeaq add to


•dS to aooa^atiioo .a? dOaW add to dnabisaiq ,IXBd9ditf «V .S

•XXailodlU odo^ .rafl to inabnai^ daa^ a bX ^dovtth .don^ .ddaU

1... >^ • ■

/ /

^ _ «

XOo^naH da bXod aoiBnatnoo xX^tedtaup a to aiadoBBi to daXX a ol • 03 •'q '2 B ,

'- ... :m (doaediii^qa do«a ^^doaaaiqBv} A5SX al dawth

^ • •'V> .' / . k

Rev, John Uitcbell Hcnr7 R. Bonnott

John Toter Ellas X^irson

James TThetzel Jarett Swisher

Thomas C, Nutter etc.

William Carder

George R, Jackson

p, 19 - Rev, John Kitchell and David H. Smith organized the Ueth,

Prot, Society at Harmony in October, 1829 - under the Articles

of Association which had been adopted at Baltimore Nov. 12, 1828.

The new society took possession of the meeting house on Hacker*s

creek - used it until 1880.

p. 172 - picture of Adam Cookman - ”an honored active member of Rockford

church (Harrison Co.) - a grandson of Rev. John Kitchell (mother

a daughter). He married Alcinda Blake and had 8 children, />

*’A can of fine intelligence and Stirling integrity, (the portrait

looks it. **““J.M.K.)


I ^ 4 f * 7f^'» f* ^^4- t 4 ^ ^


‘ - * * ' W ■ •' '' • I' - m- I*,/-.


>.\ .■'

4HanoB .H UddollSI aAo\ .r^Sk



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i i. V-'


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•OeSX iiiai; iX boau ^

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‘xadioa) XXsddilM odoL .vaH lo aoabrut^ a - (.oO do o/do

.;, .oo^XXild 8 hod boa eslsiB abnloXA babnaa «iR .(laXi^fib a

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■^r v: ^ 4k

I With the organij;atlon of Lowia Co. in 1817, Roy. John Hitchell

took an iinportant p>art in oivic affairs. He was appointed by the Governor

as one of the Justices for the new county, who gathered at the house of

Rev. Peter Davis at Westfield (later called Weston) on March 10, 1817, and

resolved thenselves into the county court of Lewis Co. (Appointnent as

Justice at that time was presumably for life, and was usually passed on

through certain of the more prominent families). His coomission as Justice

was dated January 13, 1817. At this same first meeting of the Lewis Co.

court, John Mitchell was apjMDinted comndssioner of revenue. Later he was

one of the school cccniissioners, and in February, 1820, he was one of the

cocmittee to submit a plan for the building of the new court house. (From

History of Lewis Co., by Edward C. Smith, pub. 1920j pages 166-67, 175,


In Smith*s History there are other references to Rev. John UitcheH

as follows:

1 * —-

page 65: Winter season of 1780-81. "Beech fort was used for other purposes

than for defence. The Rev. John liitchell, the first minister of

the gospel cn Hackers Creek, alternately fought Indians' and

shepherded a more or less wayward flock, holding services within

its walls.

There is a tradition that the first school in Lewis Co. was held

in the new fort with the Rev. UitcheH as its teacher. The fort

soon became the social center of the ccorsunity."

page 124: In speaking of the Uothodist church in Lewis Co. "A society was

organised as early as 1783, at John Ricker’s, on Hacker’s creek,


■ *lr •*« -4 .- •

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4 ,

lKonrx«rroO 9dS *£m mU .exlallA olrjbt ol JiAq JoAi^o^at fu ^lool 5. , •' ■ .

Jo aat/od adi 4A<i^»l•dd«^ odif ^X'^ovod «i»o edi 10I a«oiJ«Ltfl ed^ lo 900 m *• * ^ • ...

btiB ,TX8X *01 rfj«*2C no (noitoir 5#IXao ’IoXaX) bX^motV oiToil 'r'yiol •voH

04 ilflOALtfiio<2<iA) *00 oXwkI lo ^*itfoo X'^^09 »d^ oHit ooVXooe^d^* bWXoio^ t

ao boaooq xXXaww/ eow bno ^olXX lot •ow otaU i^di io •* •’

•oi^ex/lr 04 noXoaLnaoo olH .(ooXIlodt dneeitoKyiq oto® »dl Jo oIm&v^q

I V ' % ■


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. i.

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3s *• . '

aXddiw oooiv*roo ^nibXod ^dooXl bntowxoo oooX *10 •*xoai o bobwdqodo

. ' * . ■. '!' ‘ , woIXo'jr odd -

* ' u t -. A I It

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4 i iV .


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• f.

probably by Eov* John Mitchell, but no church wao erected

for several years aftenrard,"

pa^e 152; "The Rev, John Mitchell, first preacher in Lewis Co,, cams

to Stone Coal Ci*oek before the eettleaent had fairly started

and hold meetings in the homes of some of the pioneers.

Soon services were held at regular intervals by the Rev,

Mitchell and the circuit preachers, A class was formed and

a log church erected,"

It is obvious that the author, Mr, Smith, is in error in some

of these statements. Evidently the personality and reputation of- Rev,

John Mitchell was so strong in this section, as to obscure the activities

of earlier Methodist preachers, such as Rev, Joseph Chouvront, and

Mitchell is credited with things ho co\ild not have done, (He was only a

young man in the 1780 years and was living in Pendleton Co, - he did not

come to Harrison Co, to live until 18C5, even if he probably had made

preaching trips there before that date.)

Of course in his capacity as a resident minister, John Mitchell

perfomed many marriages in Harrison and Lewis counties.

The first one rrhich the official records show to have been per¬

formed by him was that of his own son Abner Mitchell to Dorca# Lawson on

Dec, 8, 1812, It is interesting in this connection to note that he always

signed his name with the one L only. This is ^rue not only of these

nvarrisgo records, but also of his pension statement, the marriage bond and

all other dociaamts we have from his hand.

r*VV V ■ ;r -■;

■.v it:

b9^9an» •«« /frtirdd'on ii/<f i Ciodoiill o/fol •tbS x^ x^^odoniq *■•-‘*3^ .j

<► Hi mm

".bwnoJtA oiMiPt

•mao ^.oO •iwvJ at YMfoAotq iaiit (IXodo^iM tvlol .toA axl?^ iSAI ^%9qK ‘1


'I' <• ro

" boi*Xist« xXxUt bad^taSmUtes •tiS •*iol«d AbtsO X&o3 MLoiS o^ *■

«• •Moofsoiq 9dt lo •mot lo ««Bod ad^ at •^ni^aas blod bos . 1—■ »*t'^

aiit Xd •Xft'naiot^iuXtfiftoT^^a bled nav aaotnoa naod

rijf ^il 'iff


bos bMno^t BMW bbmIb a »Bic»doa»nq dUi/arto adi Im Ilacio^tU

♦^v^varr'a^'r^’i’V'- r ?flr H>j«» .b«ion* dov/do ^ol M-

tv' f '■ •iir'H,*"- r-^v •.^‘i -/.


•f »% Jl 4 4) ^

-i, aflK>8 at *ioTta at ti tdtJbes3 •*x!< 4*10214x74 edt ^adi ^uotwdo st t'l

t'V -^4,


^ ^ •raH -lb notiaii/qart boa t<^tjCono4naq aili xX^nabivS oaad# I0

•• ttirtJos add anvoeda od es 4nolida« ttdd at ^<ntB ob bsw^ iiariottU n4o^ ^ ►

boa 4dnoTn/adO dqaaol •vaH 44 dotn cS'isdoaarq dsiboddoM 't^tirxaa lo.


o 4 xXno <aa oH) •anob arad doa bliroo ad ayiidd ddiw badtbaio at liadadDI'^ ..•ii

ion bib ad - .oO oodaXbnaA at j^otvll a««r brut eTaax 06?I add nl oao gni/c^^j m ' ;iAvS

N, .1-


‘Hfe' '

'* i r

, abao bad xXdado^q ad It nava 4^061 LtStei arti at .o3 at aa>ft<« jP ■ ■%.. .V •.^’•"■-' 'V, "■■ ■' > -r ..V-./ -v -^* c< ■ .- -

WTc^T (.atab iadt aiolad aaad^ eqjhit s^'^Moaai^ ^ ■■ -I. ' ’-5 ■ ' 33 '' ' :x' V,v

XIadoitIf odot itatatoia tnabtaai 4 44 x^taaqaa aid til aaiuoo IQ ^

•aattni/oo atwaJ boa nostrtfiH at aas^trua x^iaa booiolxaq

/» * • ■'

naad avad ai’^voda sbxoaa^ Xatotllo adi datfbr am taotl adT

ao naawaJ ■aaa'toO ai IXadattlt *xaadA 00a mio etd lo tadi aaw aid NjoiqI ♦f . aa

*• aWJ «tJB«fl4 ad iadi ataa at ooitaannao atdt ol ^itaaiiatat at tX .SXSX 48 .o^

'^'J^ aaadi' la xXiW toa wtrit^ at al^ .xXoo 4 aao adi dtbr aoaa atd bea^im

■; W

‘ ' 'I

baa bnod apatrxas adt ^taoMmlBjB notanaq atd^lo oaXa iud tolnaaai o^atnart^ if.-

t* •bnad atd aorxl arod air aimcuoob ladio XXa ^ w* |4X' »

. ■ * k-' ■ * s .* *.•'.- 1db

» ♦ A *


► • .•

{ — ♦ • ■ 1 ■ . '* •


m. *■•




As John Mitchell’s elder children grew up and were married

ho of course irlshed to provide for them as was the custom, in land or

other property. To his eldest son, George l^itchell, he t\imed over the

tract of land in Randolph Co., in "Barker’s Settlimont," and George went

there to live, eoon after his marriage in 1808, Although there was no

formal deed to George for this property, and it continued to appear on the

Randolph Co, Land Tax lists as belonging to John Hitcholl, it must hare

been cjmsidered to belong to George ^itchell, for the Rev. D, P. Mitchell

sj>eaks in a letter of money he had from the sale of land, his share of his

father’s estate, (D. P, Mitchell was a son of George liitchell.) George

Mitchell died in 1821, Actual deeds for this prop>erty are dated in 1855,

and are from the Rev, John Uitchell to his grand children, as follows:

On Dec. 50, 1855 (and Jan. 1, 1856), John Mitchell made throe deeds to his

grandchildren of Randolph Co., one to "Lorentz Mitchael," for $50, land

100 acres on east side of the Valley river bolow lands of Solomon Yeager,

adjoining land of Reuben Teter on the west and Joseph Tetor on the south.

Acknowledged and recorded Febniary term 1856. (Randolph Deed boc^ jfO.2, p, 65).

Another deed from him to Dsiniel Uitchel and Hannah Mitchol, for $29, land, \

76 acres, also on east side of the Valley river, next land of Reuben Teter,

David Holder and Joseph Teter. The Justices swear that John Uitchell

personally acknowledged this deed before them on Jan, 1, 1856 (John Uitchell

evidently was there in Randolph Co, on a visit). Recorded Feb. term 1856

(Deed book Randolph, #14, p, 426), Another deed frea John Uitchel of Lewis

Co. to Joseph Teeter of Randolph (his "step grandson"), 50 acres more or

less, for $50., on west side of land of Isaac Booth and on soxrth side of land

of Lox^ntz Uitchel and on east side of land of Daniel and Hannah Uitchell,

Recorded March 51, 1856. Uitnosses were’David Holder, Moses TTHson and


’ - A ' *• w, .'• .wn , - •^’ b«.bru<s •osw hqt# ({v i»TtbfW» i«bXi orfol* tA

*» frn#r flt ^aoiatro^ad^ saw •• a»rf^ abJtvonK^ ai l>9/teJhr tf&iuoo lo ad . as

•d;^ ^aTO b^fTutS ad .XladoilA^ ajicaO «xioa <t8al!>Xa sjtd oT #nJ^»qonq ^«djp p>»

Ifiaw MioaO 5iu ■ .incjniXi^aB f •todiia" fli ».oQ dqXobtuM al ftoAl \c

on saw triads d^uod^XA •8081 iti afAbnaai aid ^aila nrtoa^'^arAX o«t ^lad# “^ •*■ *! * >»'*''* **••-■' *' •

•dS no laaqqa oi UucAinoo boa ^ CiHaqoij aXdi lot 031008 ocf b^b Oattot ■ jj '

•rad iaxna ii ^Xiodo^XM odol oi •» aiabl xaT booJ .oO rfqlobna*’

JLbitoii^ .*1 .<I .T»i- •li^l.-iol •xtoaO oi snoled »i bsiabisnos n»ed -« > *

aZd lo aiada aid ^baU lo oXae ad^ oot^ bad ad tanoti lo laX^X a nX B)(aa^ '

a^Toad (•XXada^XU agioaO lo aoM a eaw XXado<^DI *9 .Q) *0X6^0 a*iorfXad

^ ' *■>>■'


oil baiab axa x^wjoiq aid^ io\ abaeb LuiSok JSBl nl bolb XXodoiiM^ . I


i laacXIot aa -naibllda bnaiiA aid oi XXadoilM oriol .Tafl adi ooil aia baa *

' «^ai»#«»a^» f*,. *._■ ’T ■*> %

n|f< oA abaab oaid.! abas XXadoiJtM ndol* ^(WSX ^X' bna^ 3C0X ^05 «ooO ^

boaXi^.OSl lol "tXando^XU s^naio^’ oi eno ^.oO dqXobnaH lo naibLldob/w-ii^ W

^la^aal ooaoXoS lo abnal iroXod larXi eaioa OQX^

.dSuoi Bdi.'OO itiot riqaaol boa iaaw arii no laiaT nadoaH lo boaXcbOliiXbtbii, ** * ' . I - _ » ■>

(SC .q dood^baad dqXbb«aH). .M8X mai babicaai bna fca^^I>ioful^

*LaaX .«S| 10I tJ^do^iH dam^ boa Xaito^iM Xalnafl oi add aoil baob lodl ' * 0 <

.la^aT aadyad lo hnaX ^laan **xaTbi •d-l lo abJta Xaaa no oaXa ^eoioa ST ^ •'< •

IXadoilM ndoir imU laaaa aaoXliu^ adT •laiaT riqaadb bna lebXoH bltaH ' ^

XXadoiitf odaiy &58X «X .naV i» aadi aiolad boab aldl bobbaXaomb^

dS8X mai Tdal babiooa5l •(ilalr a no .oO dqXobnaS al aiadA aaa xXXoabl^^|g^^,^ •’ ‘ - 'O'- ^

aXiwJ lo XodoilU ndoV *«1 baab i^^oaA •(8J> •<? ^dqXob*^ dood

0 ^ a^ioa aaiaa OB .(’•isoiaboaiji qpi-fa* aXd) dqXobnaS lo la^^aT, dcjaaoV o^ *o0^


3o abla dlxioa no boa d-toofl oaaaX lo boaX lo abla daaw ao toaaX • ^

vIXiadailU dacmaH boa Xali^ lo bnaX lo abXa imaa no bna I^rioilU ainaioX lo -^1 'Q

boa oocXflff aaaoV *ioblofl bJbrij'aiaw aaaaaoXlff .8S8X ^XB doiaK babioo^

' >.* * < »

.r. Vf

-.4 . • ^ •

»«*•«»•• «4‘-> ^ f ^





Lor«ntz Mitchell. (Randolph Dood book #12, p. 96)

To Tfilileja Hltoholl, second con of Rer. John Ultchell, wont

the later tract on Jeooo’e Rvm (not the hosnsatoad property). By deed

dated March 20, 1826, John Mitchell and wife Susannah conroyed, for 150

dollars, land on Jesse *8 Rvn, adjoining land of George Straley, John Cookrsan,

Peter Hardman and George Arnold, excepting freea the tract 4 acres of meadow

hold back by John IJitcholl in reservation diiring his llfo (Lewis Co. Deed

book C, p. 258). In 1827, Willi an Mitchell Is credited with the 2 tracts

on Je8se*8 Run (each of 120 acres) on the Land Tax lists. The land is

described as 9 miles northeast of TToston the county seat, and with the note

"both these tracts conveyed by John Mitchell."

On Nov. 11, 1825, John Mitchell and Susannah deeded to John

Mitchell Jr. (his son), for 250 dollars, 244 acres of land on the West

Fork formerly ovmed by James Anderson and Samuel Hanrray (240 acres of it

being the Anderson tract. (Same, Book C, p. 275).

On the same date, Nov. 11, 1825, John Mitchell and wife Susannah

deeded to Abner Mitchell (hijS son), for one dollar certain land. (Same,-

Book C, p. 256). Also on this same date, Nov. 11, 1825, articles of agreo-

ment were entered into between John Mitchel, Tiillian Mitchel, Abner Mitchel

and Jclin Mitchel Junior, which stated that "the above John Mitchel Senior

had sold to his sons certain land on consideration that the said Williaa

pay to his sisters Mary, Jane and Peggy at the expiration of ten years 150

dc41ar3 equally divided between theta in property that is of valua" -—or

cattle or horses, etc., with Interest after five years. Abner was to pay

100 dollars to the same women on the same terms. John was bo pay 150 dollars

in a term of 12 years. Also the said Will lam, Abner and John agreed that


•r#-.. <.»r * y** ^

■»:» r-?- V (d9 »q ^SXI ioo<f i>««0 <'>(Iojbcudl} .XX^dsilV ::ia«<ioJ

nrfot •▼eil lo tK>% boooM wmtSJJlff •? .. « ,1*3

■■ •!•'* ' , • ^*”1 &»9b b£0j0*aod 9dJjjQa) ta/fl t9Ati fSMX odi ,

iTv -■> ift- r 1 ^ ■ .- ^;' - I

031 *xol «bex9Tiio9 rfwaiwre •Ihf bA* iladditlX ndoi «dS8X «0S HooaM th»i«b a ^ .. - -

:fK»' •'It- • ^

«nBeDCooO odoi ^xsJteiJO asio^O !• batX v^iaiotba .cb/S oo ImuI .ftiAXfiali' * '«» • fc, ,. ^

vobMQi lo eolOA b &otetS odi ciotl ^oiiqoaxo ,^bXbxnA o^ioaO bos OAsburJI ' «*. ' p ' '' fg

bo^ *00 slweJ) alJLC aid v^Jtwb ooiiinnaaot ai lUtdo^JM ndol* W dood blarf "*y t '‘ •' .*. ■ .7 ^ ^

•boarti S orii rfibv boiibino ai XXarfoiilf iiaJUXtW «VS8I al *(838 ,q ^3 iootf i

.' ^»*'V

'^jil ai baal atff »8isiX xaT bfla4 odi no (eoioa OSi lo irloao) mrH a’oeBoU iio ’ Y' . ^*/■*■' ‘ . . >'.•-. V- - r'( <‘^.’''' * ir^A. ^ ’’

H' ‘ ^ ' * .;^ V •, ‘ 4 ..

»ioa ofti iliJhr bna ^iaaa ooiaoW lo loaorfi^oa aaXJIa d^’aa badi’ioaob H *»'T!~ 'jra ' , . 'f0

1 1:4 *4 * .XXodoiiU tuScil* xd baxavnoa aioaid esadi died*


f *• •'

W , ftdoV oi babaab tUan^t^ boa ilCadoiiU’ailoi ,3881 «IX .toH nO

... iaaW BtU no taaf lo eo?oA bbS ^a^iaXIob 03S lolrtCnoa aid) Ilacfoiili

ii lo aa^oa ObS) xemsaH Xoi/a»8 boa noaiobnA aoa«^ xd iHOfto xL%9mii\ jhol * tl . • ix lo ao L, - ^ ^ / ‘ • • > i **. i:. ; ‘ » -' L • Hr -• * :' t ■- /■ • % • (8V8 tq «3 atooS ^aoaS) •downed noaiobnA adi ^niad

dsaoMtiZ aliv bna riadoiiU ndoL .3S8I .II .voH .aiab oAca eefi cO . ^ , • '* * . .- ^ * it ' *

^ taoaS) «baAl xUaJx«9. ulXob ano i[oX^«(aoa a^) IXodpiltf ia<ii^ oi bobaab »* *r >*'. .f*• n .i# - . ^ * I ' - • rtt

•aariJi lo aaloii^a (3381 (XX •rod (Oiab aaaa aidi no oaXX «{d83 .q ,3 ^008 7 -7

Xadoillf "Midk .XadsilU naiXIi!S7 .Xadaiill ndo^ naairiad. oini bo^aina a^w i^aaa

rtoinaS XadoiiM odoV avoda add* SmiU ba^aia ddidw ^^oiiafL ladoilV adoXt bna V. - V

. gailLW^biaa aili iadi oobiaTtbiaiioo no bnai niajhiao anoa aid oi bloa bad

031 vxaax nolianiqpca adi da boa anai OTadaia aid oi xaq'^:.' _ ^ ■’ ' .'''''■ ‘ V

* 1K>—- "atflar lo ai dadi x4^9<3PTq Ai aaodi naoviad b^^bitrib x-^affpa axaXXoll " ; • \fi .-pp '.. < ■ ' v ^ 4^ ■ >■'*4! I

X$q o4 turn i^aodA .aiaox aril ^adla iaaioioi'diiir (.oio (toaxod 10 aXdisa^/ • 4 ^ . ■#V'

„T- ,. ^ w • Tli..- i=*'• ■?: .jj

rxaXXob 03X xaq oi aav odoi .aMriad mu# adi oo itafloa aoaa adi oi axalXob 001

iadi barsxa ndot boa ^laodi (gaiU.fff biaa adi qaJU . •ataaq 31 lo anai a al h:

’ - .1 •

' ■ ■ vf • r. .v^7.x ■

L'. w'* •>. ‘til' *. ., ' »• . Li> *♦! ••• %#,.T •• •#. -'a«Q •.^ aJ*. L4f

7: -^ ..'V-*':* ' ■' •- ^ fc* ^ ..i; • A y.. •'>’*■ :- , - . f :*

-»r *■ ■IT- '»• .f—.- »nin WI^JIII |»;»«MII»I .-■-». •nytfm ■ .n ■»

• V*^*


if the land that Gaor^ Rohrbou^h bought of eald Hitch ell Sr* bo loot,

then they rould indcrgnlfy said Uitcholl but ahould deduct 50 doUara fron

each of the girla in proportion to their qiiota, otc* This agrecfoont waa

aigned by them all and recorded April 4, 1826* (aaao, book C, p* 298)* Tho

three dceda above mentioned, to William, John Jr* and Abner Ifitcholl had. all

been recorded at the March term of co\irt, 1826*


Tbe land apoken of as having been aold to George Rohrbough ia j


ahown by a deed dated Sept. 24, 1825, from John Uitchel and Tdfo Susannah to

I; George Rohrbough, for 220 dollars, land on the West fork river at the head i


of Crooked Run (part of the Anderson tract), 227 acres. Recorded Oct* 12, 1825*

(same, book C, p. 202) Some of this land had evidently come into John Hitchel’a .1

hands from his early purchases, but part of it xraa from a deed dated March 25, ' - 'I


1824, from Thomas Wilkinson Senior of Shelby Co*, Ohio to John Mitchel of p

^ ■ T Lerds Co*, for 600 dollars, land consisting of 400 acres, tddeh was part of a *


tract patented to James Anderson and Samuel Haxnray* Recorded Jvao tera 1824* I'

(same, boc^ C, page 68). On October 25, 1826, John Mitchel of Lewis Co* . I i,

purchased from Obediah Davisson of Harrison Co. for 150 dollars, 100 acres of [

land (part of the Anderson tract). Recorded Feb* 27, 1827* (same, book C, j p. 582). After these various land transactions Rev* John Mitchell seems to i

I ■

have been left, in his old age, in possession of the hone place of 207 acres

on Jesse*8 Run, and the above mentioned 100 acres (of>the "Anderson tract")

on the West Fork* On tho Land Tax lists for 1859 (the year before he died)

he is credited with those two tracts, and also two other tracts, one of 00 Mr

* acres on Hacker*s creek, and tho other of 120 acjres on the Buck lick run of —- --

Hacker*8 creek* (It is not clear how he acquired these latter tracts.)

The Rev* John Mitchell died on his farm in Lewis Co*, Ya*, April 29,

k f ’ n.

♦ V" ►. \

‘ rf •

i .t.

«ifoX 94 •!& XXaKoJ'JSt i/JbBt. )o id^uod d^od'vMJI 0)io«O 4i\dit bmoJC aili li I

a»tl ruIXob 03 idubdb tiuodt Jird XXadDiXU blit 't^ias»bai bXcrox xMfi nodi

■jnr.ia*si»9il? oldT ^949ttp ^ioiit oi noli^o^oiq ni aiilx'odi lo doo#

odT *(863 •q «Q iood «e«o#) •dS8X LttqA btut JUm mtii ^ t>on3X« » “ , •• 7, ^

ISm hMd XXodoiiU lofldA b/io .Tt ndol# ,«&iXXiV oi ^boroiiaoA tnrods «b*:ob <>o*tdi '' *'' Sr ■ ■ ' *' * '■ ,t> ■ *1

- •? '*■* •b$dX «iivoOi.lo;anti /fortJlil odi io bob^oooi aood

•X ff^otiidofl 92'^^^ aaJbrod «o lo aesjoqo bnoX oifT

oi AatJOMnuZ olXir boo XodoiiM odoV acrsl (3S8X ciS «iq9E boiob boob a‘ x^ irstoiio i)

bsod'odi io ‘IotXi iHol iooV odi no bikX ^oioXXob 033 lol t^aJ^fodidofl e^iooO

3S^X ^SX vioO bobioooS .aa^ous TSS «(io«ii aooioboA orli lo iiaq)'''xxidl bodooiO lo

'XodoilV odok oini taa^ xXinobiro bod bool oliii lo on>3 (SOS *q ,0 }{oo<f (OOm) ~

«as b^Mh boob o oond ooif.,il le Sxeq ivd> ««ooodowq ^ibo eld oso^l tibnoif ^

lo lado^iU tuio\» oi oXdD «.o0 lo lolnoS aoaoJbCXiW eeasodT snit tbSajj^

o lo ixoq o«w doldo |Ooitoo OOi lo ^fiXiaXamo bfi&I ^eioXXob 008 'xol ^.oO sXwol

•bSdX moi oo/k bebiDOofl *\oibl&H XoimeS bno ooeiabnA 8«u&iL oi beiooifiq iooii • f -

' .oO sJhroJ lo Xodoiitf mtol» «dSdX «dS lodoioO oO «{aa osa<I stood ^oiseo) * ' • ■: , a;« • ■ ■ 1 lo 80108 COX .ruIXob 031 lol^.oO iiotXnoK Iq 4io88XT8a< dolbodO ^joil booadoii«| •^,V i . . -- *;r

,0 dood tOiBoa) .VS18X «?S •dol bobioool •(iooii^npeioboA «di lo iioq) baaX

oi 0B008 XXodoiXU^odob •'▼00 onoliOAonoii booX ei/oXior asodi loilA •(SM .q

iaroo VOS lo oooXq oaod adi lo aoXaooaaoq ol ,0^ bXo fid at ^iloX oaad orad . .

„ (*io8ii 6onobiiA” odi ‘lo) ooxoo OQX bano|ixioa oYodo odi bno ctwfl o'aeooU no

(beib ad oiolod.xeat adi) €2aX lol aialX xst boaJ adi nO .shol isofT odi oo

08 lo aoD .8io8ii lodio ooi oaXo boa ^aiooii ovi asedi dibv boiXboio aX^od “ ^ “ 'A. r:i

lo ors ioXI liaod odi oo ooooa OSX lo itdio adi boo «dooio a'ladooH no eaio^ „ j

V (••iooii laiioX ooodt baUUrpoo od leod xeoXo ioo aX it) •dooio a'^astooX- '*

«8S Xbiqi «.o? ,«oO abeoJ aX aiol eXd 00 boXb XXodoiXU mCok •red odZ

•T: A.. /» isT:

.**''*'*.’■ SC»>vV6t^* ' '* ’V ,7 r- . • M.

•■ < f‘;


^ . •■ ■ rTf 'T'

18409 (aa abated on hla tombatona and aa given In hla penalon record).

Hie age, according to the toiabatone, Tsaa 76 years, 11 nionths, ZS daya.

He was buried in the private graveyard on the fana, and hia gravestone is

still well preserved, although the cemetery is almost cccpletely neglected.

The site is on top of the bare hill Just where the road \ip Jesse’s Run

branches off from the main Hacker’s Creek ixad. (see photographs)

The inscription on the stone is as follows:


Bom in Ihgland 1765

Bound to a Sailor went - ” .

To W. India & America

' ' 1774 . - : ■ ^

Thence to E. India

Thence to America


Came to Virginia

1778 ^ \ ' V . ■ j, -

Substituted in 0. S.

■ ' Army


Drafted 1779 '■

Settled m this Fam

1005 ■ ‘ .

Preach’d the Gospel

40 year

Died 29th April, 1840

Age 78y., Uia., 25d. »

/ <1 '■li»yi»j,iti twn^ • '•

* V ■ *' a*^ •' '‘ (k ' * ■ • r



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Tho GlJave of the Rev, John ILLtcbell

(The tr©© b©3ide the grave is a black Tralniit. At one tine there rras a large oak tree just beyond,)

(Photographs taken in June 1940,)

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^ 5. r *

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Ji -. fihr- if ■

Zi'W^. ■

Bill of Appralsirent of John f^'ltchell deed Augst I3f l840.

One Kettle and bails,

One do

One . log chain, .r. - r,..

One pr of double trees, -

One hoe, -

One Grubbing hoe, - -

One large Kittle and bails,

One stew pot.

One stew pot small, -

One skillet and lid.

One potrack and chain, -

One fire shovel, -

One Axe and Iron wedge.

* ■ . •* < ♦

One ten gal Kettle,

One vinegar keg, -

One 3 peck basket, -

One pr of Geers hains 2c choler



One do do do

One do do do

One pr brest chains,

One do of trace do

One do of quiler rings

One drawer knife.

One 5 qr auger'.

One ench auger

One 3 qr

One l/2 do - - *

One pr fbot adds

One rnans saddle (four dolls)











.31-lA 1.50













11 ii




«•» ■mHi

-TT’ 1.^ mM

l,,. V 4^

I* ■'T'-'A'll •*■ •” ■'•V’iWHT '■■ ' ' V'^' ' ..? ^'7’' • . - Sm'i* ■■ .'"' 7.■'y-'-i;': T: ijjJIIU'' . V. ■ >■' '' b'*'' ■ '7,'^. ■ -•■ '■' ■ 'I' ■7- • ■ ’

\ • - i. .0li8l ,£I iajguA bo©b ICartoifM nrioU lo InemaUnqqA lo Hid

1.1 00.£$ m aa • • 1 . a» i

Jr •': 00. r • • «. ••

' .‘Jf' lOO^S.-«.

’ r '•’ > # %

V***..-' .» mft

[ V. .-■’' 00.1 V «• aa

7* «i'

•» aa i'

7 - ,, ?vi-sr. r . 1 * t • . •- ^

«a aa - ‘ • .-k

ari' ' * i ‘'I*.,. '■' IV ► * f •mf ce.s


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f -'-e.

V .njBrio ao»>'<<). '

- .,aoen/ dlduob '^o .*n0

; .eorl enO ... . . ■ ®r-- 7-.frj'

• - ,'J . «aorl. 8*^ * i.-. 4

,al l£^ bns al.ti iM a8‘'*^ I- sa-.

' *. %

.H.,. *.>1 -'v #

i .v



00.f ? ^


.,Joq wra>a onO ....

, [ f Btm i^oq ws^a onO •

'4 ^ *1* .f

Y i



,bn bHB /aliHa enO*

,niB/io brtB >loa'i^oq onQ

‘ .levorfa a^n enO i '■^•'

,asbav/ noTl bos exA »a(>

, «■ V . .• ■

1' ■ > A « . * "

r '


,.,. S\i-V£.

as. oo.s «


.' ss.t

I .02*

7'J 00,1

■ ^ .. m» . f i

,el*<e)( Usi. ..

,ga>l isgaoiv enO '♦>


r •r- • •

■ *' I '.' «/ t r H- * V.'' r.*

- '• !J^,ia>laad ^oaq J anO' %!’, p '• "

lalorto A anlid aiaeO ‘to iq anO^ U.

ob * ob ob , A

ob ^ ob ob ob enO ^ ’ • 1- ^"'■"30'' -

^antarla taeid iqoonO V:s -f




\ ’'■Mr '^' t ^ 7 r ^

• SNi-Sd.

■’•ll V • ^ -i

• < .w

ob'^aoaii^ 'to ob onO * • ** III

agoli lallop to.ob anp ^

rr t


,al lo>l Tavvaib anO

< I -ip .5 ®59jJP .;^ .,.j

Hona a

''ob ip £ .nO

■t ob ^ S\I anO ii-* ’-' r •,

abba iodl iq anO vf ‘ -T f>r ^ • I, - •^^‘*

* • «

' /allob luo^) ailbboa ansm onO M'

: :•■ ; •. •. 7. *•; l. ./v..; . ^ ,


• A .1.

*■ ’i '>'

T .»

:.•• -h-- 'vr:;iy yl.

•'.r;-'; ,0.;. .j *'1 •-• ••? I' vvt: ’ ^ i ...‘/•■^' : :,:;V‘^ V’ v/ -i--r^ 'i

One pair of pincers,

One weaving loom

One Rathe,‘

One Reede 450

One do 400

One - do' - 6OO

One do do

One pr of Saddle bags, - - - - -

One Spinning wheel & 2 spools - - - -

One do do - « - - —

One hand mill, - - - - 7

Thirty six lbs of wool, • " “

One corner cupboard, - - - -

One rantle clock - . - • - - V

/• . • ,

One candle stand, - * ~ "

One Bureau • «

four notes on the Mrs of Abner f/ltchel deed. —

four notes on John fv'itchel Jr. - - -

One frying pan - - - - -

three lb of Iron - - - -

One spike Glmblet ' - • - - • *

One bed stead and bedding - - - ,-

One coffee pot - - - - -

_One pewter' vacer^ - - - - -

One fat tub * ** " . " ’••I *.

One crout tub, - . - - - p

Eleven chairs at

One Cradle & Scythe,

One Shovel Plough

One bbl ... ». V

One large Harrow

One barshare plough


* \ .-m v*^. .VN tyiW

. I8-3A

i:oo .25'






- -75


- 11.10


- 10.00


- 4.00'

- 187.00 /

- 150.15





• 2.50 ■.



- .37-1/^ 5.00


H •! Bl!,!

j: !'

<! »;1.’




V ~t .■ vt' ./


I «' • (

f>y *w.. ewBTO

-': ' .31-1/2

i.'" ' 4.56’v.':‘' . J

. i.' •'

■' r. ■■ ’

. 2.50:::r::v.i::;.;.:..-;-;.

• •. . • . • ■ ” ■■•• ^ ■]': /' y - i'•- ‘'/"-f!•■•' :

^ . '• 3 “ •

.1 • » <

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% ’ ■ t'Ac-si;

. f’f • 1

t ^ ■• 00* f ^ •’

lo nlaq ®n0

' ■.. s. • * ,<• ■*

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oe. *1 ..

(Boof'< gnIvMwr enO ®. . i> -SJ •>'1^

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- ^4. OO* 00 anO



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f^- ob orO


- • ' •Ibbsa Jo thO

-•' W I n*

•• »fooq« S & toofhf sntnntq$ orO -

• . ^ • %9l x^ob’* 'Ob «' '^'^•fiO' " ? . ’i' ■

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; W*\«f -

• Sl.OSt -

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- ,loow Jo 8d( xU '<nMT


• (biAodquo lan'iDo 800

Jtoo(o^aI/ruB»i enO =

" * • . - ,brt8/a afbnao anO

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" farlbilM rwiob no *aaAonj'iuo'\ ^


1 fo.;,.-it .^.# #1


* » 7 -

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i. r-;.

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-sM-rei' -^>.4

•*«''„.•■. 00.B V-

ia(«tolO a>l^qa anO

> . Y -If galbbad bna Oaa>a bad anO

• •

' toq aalloo aoO t*

-'' '■*, '.r -X, P > ^ , T* •■-

*iaoBv la/'waq anO_ ' ifi » 1 f wl .i^ fc.

“* , * 4*. du/ iB*> anO . .

•V * • o • ^ 4.*.| io.s

-%.'i -4 ’•■vr** ‘ • < J V •.■«».’-« .

“ * A a(bBi3

lua^o arO

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^ I i *


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' - . , •.4*'^ .7^?* •“ - -‘ifcv > rtguo4^ ata^iatJ anO

» '‘"'"*• •{2 * * c Ulmntw'o^ ' j L v> i ^ >- • ^ 4VU- . i t ^ ^ - ‘^V V ^ • 4 - ‘71:-

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-"• * * < . ' • • .

1t V'r

. , ; ' 1 ' -

s . .

V •

two hundred & 50 doz •



One waggon t

- - -

One weeding hoe/ *

• - - -

One Bay horse ..

* * - - -*

One grey horse, - - - - -

One do mare - - - - -

One do do - ■ - •* - -

One do horse - - ■- - -

One Bay mare - - ;


- -

One Rone do ■ - - . -

Twenty four sheep . -

. ' ■* * . I ■* j-' - .' -

One year 1in calf * ' ’ . t

- -

One bull '-> - -

One cow * <




One do black 'V-'


One do brindle - - - -

three yerllng calves > - -

, < ■ ■ ——r-:.v ■ - V«. --

One cow at - T - -

One 2 yr old heffer 0 ✓

- -

One 3 4o do » *.


One do do - }' - - ^ - -

One do tdejiv^

" • 4 - .' - ‘ - .

pZ gaese. ^ . . - -

2 Hogs ■ - • '

» *• • * * -2 ‘ - • --'^•* ■ '■ •

r. ■/ - • r« . ■•

- ' •?*

70 dox of Oats -

l^ne calf m - -

, .'t -

'', ■

i ■ __

• - «

h ■ ■







a- m

- 45.00



I' .f!



‘T * •


' ‘30.00







(V I'



4* '

- I.;

- 15.00

r 12.00


- 10.00

‘11.00 :

- _10.00 '

- 2.87-1/^


3.00 :


. ^ *. (>, ... »•

i i '

>1- i •

3 ’Jay stacks

One pot and ball,

15.00,- #. V i « « • . U'

•^ ">.-■•2.60 • - .a v y f < .K ■»

One do

One Cow

.. ^ ■■ t

I-'.- i • i- „ '•

■- t -; - -i * > ■

":y7-iA r **/• •’*• ' • * ^ • f * , ■ * * ■ t * ■ • * V*. i * ' '*

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^ %x 'r* V a •, n- V: P’


'tf * ^ •

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OvvOAl «• «• * w «B ■» t^AHiir caK fV^ A

:fr r;(.i

'» • . ., 00.05 -

• • T*

• • t •. *v

oo.os. - :. •V’* r i/.:? •

A - ' ' j ; 00.05 - -11

»4 • /Mdw sob 06 4 bo'ibnurl owt

, i~t ’• • * ^' ■^. •.r4-

!•• «■ «

-tf 00.31

, " Vl i 00.5S -

,00/1 gnlboow onO •» * . *v> « '■ I V‘^*'-'X « - “ *, • ••lod x»8 onO

'.'v i^a > >• •« irt - mMR. • • •••'10/1 >!*•■'' i».»* v.»« — ■ ■ — , ■ ■ r-|.ii ^11 I •~«r*«-

' onom Ob tnO

V - ♦'

• * I

* ,-

•*.■*. 4*

>- 4*r'’ '•*.‘ -■'Ii ' ' i ■ \ •TMj-. -V.y '••*-; -.T,; n- .t

V M* ^i . ^ I, ^

00.0£ . >




Ob ob erO .r‘:ii4!

'v -v«‘.’^‘r; ^ ' « -•*

•♦ t* . . .HI

•'i«a XaO onO


% i:

oo.Ss M-a'

• i •*■'' Ob •noR onO

“ >, T^i , ' ‘^qoerfi ’luo't x^ilOwT ^ ! • *■>' * 4 . j ^ V ,..• .i tb.l" I . ** t' ^

• •• • . • Iloo ntlioox •<’0


.’ '.y ,

■* 'ir • ■ » • \> #f. i •■ ■ •i » -■'J •* ,

'•! • ■ - <Vi rt . '- < * *_ -'■■ •;' tffr

;&4^4te¥S,W‘:‘;-‘ :‘-^'A'-.f n ■•••" f-~'-

fiod tiO

woo »n0

)tdold Ob «n0 » A

f 4 ^bnlud ob ooO |iS“ t > \ I' • ' 00.31 I. ■• ^ • •» • —

-* ''i '*'-® A ■ ". . T- .” • “ • ••vt»o jnjli*^ *»td^

;V " ^ ■ *' ;<•


'/*. ^ ii ^ 3 * fin'r » ' “

** '• ' /yv A» ^ ^ CO#0l - . -

• , • . ^ lolled bio "ix S ofiO

Ir^X • ®.

■ f

*i -V >•** 00.n •

ob ob 5

4 .-J. . w 'l- . *J W ob ob enO

«r'. \ »Tw’.4.

warir V,


L- IT i-J ' 'm

^ .


f __


<• • - . I .

* y \T ^» - .....

2 Hickles,

One Axe

One griner stone

One steelyards





One side saddle 10.00

One Brindie Bow, 11.00

B. (?•. I. S. K'itchel, Adms. ^ -

V/e the undersigned appraisers do hereby certify that the

within bill is a true bill of all the personal property of J.

K'itchel deed that was shown to us by the adms which we valued after

being duly sworn before Vim. Powers a Justice of the peace for the

County of as v/itness our hands and seals Jan the lO l84-3. t-

Joseph Straley - .

' ■ • Nicholas A Ikire ' ' ’ ^

.. Edward J. Jackson -

^'\lI^tWrS'"'^UUm. y Court—*f’obrt»a,ry—^ '

The appraisment bill of the personal estate of John

Witchel deed was this day returned into court and ordered to be

recorded. - : ' . •;

. ’ ■ ' Teste ■

Jno. Talbott Clk.

r f

\ ■ .


A copy. - - Attest:

Clerk. ■

. i

t dr - . • - ^ ♦ - *

< \ : 'w--" ■ V v* ’ r '

Recorded in Record Book for Wills, Inventories, etc., ”A” '

• t -

* 9 P *

,% *-V' • • s

• . * * •.«.

' oe.i



: oe.*^


00.( f

# * 4 4 wl% '■wiii.o tM 11 riiliiiiiiiiMtttAii

-■• iiV


S I rfi

r exA enO j;

enoJ8 ieal>a anO >

abneyfaeia enO

efbbsa ebta onO ^

,v/oP elbnl’iP an(5

\ .8fnbA jlariottM .2 .1 .fl

©rll Y'tii'ieo yria'ie/l ob aTaaiBiqqB benglaiobnu orif elV

•b lo ^{J^^0qo^q fanoaTeq 11£ lo iltd euTf b al f f id nlrttlw

beuIjBV aw riolriw ambs sdt \d eu of nwoda bby/ fsdf boeb fodo^JM

eri^ lot aoiseq seif lo oolleub b 8Tswo9 .rriV eio1#d niowa y^iub gniad

.5^8I Oi ed^ nfib afaea bns abnBd luo aaenflw a& a*..ej to y^nuoO

flqeaob ' ' • 4 , ■ .

anIXIA aafodolU * ..... • ^ .

. - noaXojsL .b biawbB

J. \ ■* ' V' ■ ■ 4 iu\j^ ^jiiDuyenwj

nriob 1o a/aiea (sno«*ieq Bdf 'To Il!d inemaifi'iqqa adT «

ed of ba'iab*?o bns f^uoo o.tnl bamu^eT ysb aid) aS'V boab [odoi^iM T 4 - ’i ♦

♦babiooei . - . ' ... * V

' ■■ ■ : *• ■: ' alaeT * • /"“

.XiO y^odiaT^ .onb • 4

. J > *

k. « ^ * V ■ \

• 9 •

f • Tr* ■ r \ . ..

■ » •

* . J' % ' • . •

.X-»9t3 ■ r~->'A. fvV^ . 'v

Zfzeffk - - .yqoo A 'J

.f « •

"A" , .oia ,Bal'io/navnI ,aflib‘ ‘^oT Xoofl biooefl ni babiooofl

^ . . * .' 1

.t;' . «;'■

'i' ..lij

(Photogr&pha of the grarostone and of the old church are

giren in the faanll book, "Poena bj Eary Uitcball Pent" containing a

brtof genealogy of the doacendanta of Rer, John Uitchell.)

Ro will of John MitchoU ia found recorded, but an appraiaexont

of his estate was rcade August 15, 1840, approvod by the apprsd^era Jan. 10,

1845, and recorded in covirt at the Pobruary tera, ^1845. (Eacords of Le^da

Co., Yd 11 book 1, p. 599). The appraisers were Joseph Straley, Hioholas

Alkiro and Edward J. Jacksen. In this bill (a copy of TThich is attached

hereto), besides the enuroration of rmch porsonal property, notes on the

heirs of Abner Kitchell, end on John IXitchell Jr. are laontionsd, and B. and

Isaac S. Eitchell are given as Administrators. • ’

That there was sees diepiio as to his property after his death

is shown by a partition deed frea John HclThorter and Robert Irvin, Cca-

ndsoicaioro, to Casandra Eitchol, Isaac S. Hitchel & John liitchol, Elisa

W. Uitchel, Paul T. llitchol, SaEual E. Cocteon (devisee of l£argaret Kitchol),

Rebecca Uitchel, Binoni Hitabel, l£ary Cookrnn, Catherine liitchol, and ’

EUswibeth Bent, of the Pnd part, raentioning a suit which had boon lately

pending in the circuit court of Lewis Co. wherein said John E. Uitchel,

EHcaboth TT. Uitchel, Paul T. Hitchsl, hoii’s at law of Abner Uitchel deceased ' f •

were ccenplainants and said Casandra lUtchol, Isaac Uitchel, Uargarot * ; ^ I

Uitchel, Rebecca Uitchel, Benoni llitchol, Uary Cooknan the wife of George .


Ccolosan, Catherine Uitchel, Elizabeth Bent the wife of George Bant, and

others were defendants, seeking a partition of the real estate of which

said John Uitchel ths older died seised, etc, etc. A dijcree was preodsod by

said court Uay 6th, 1847, and appraisers aake the partition, etc,

etc. Other occiaicaioners wore appointed Oct. 8, 1847, now on Sept. 9, 1855,

1 r

9 • '#• • tf

-m, V tm* %• ■ % M. ^ i

wru> darsudo bSo 9dS lo boa Moia^TAif mdS I9 •ifqrz9oJo<f^)

> t * ^ 4 ► ’ *

Yi/^'r- •* ■ • fc." •

« IflJtalsinoo •io®ar UadodJH Xtf ^lUyodrJULm tit aJt /wli *

* r

• ■• ostoL lo 8iouifca»9t«b \o xRolMein ^ •^''' - ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ f r|r^

ScmeaB9lanqqM om Jyd ^betraoo^i. baaot 9I II^dafJM mhl lo Xlhr oH 4., -. ' r#- J

•01 •asl» n»8l8ncqq« •di b«^wqq# •OW ,51 dbaai 9an 94^^99 tld lo

L -jf. lo olnooofl) •Sb8X<b(iRo4 9d4 io>>aroo ol bob^oonJ>ao •8>0X

ulodoifi ^jplendZ dqoBoV oww n»»JtAiqqA mdJ .(W« .q ,I atood Xltt ^.oO ff •► *

UdoAi^A si ifoJ^^lo tqoo ohXXid ol ^ .ooAjlOAi Im«&2 bcu w^hLU . » ,

*■>. .

< »! »•<

9d4 ao 9e4oa XiinoMoq data, lo aoX^rxowBt 9^ oobXaod (o^wod ^ . v'-. J. ■ ','x, 1

boA ^ boA ^boaolims IioifotJ3f ndoi 00 boA •XXodo^lU tMdk lo otlorf ' JIP

. • .8*xodo»t*8lflbrbl AA XE»irli,ATA Il9d940l *8 oaaaX r ‘

A*1 ddAob Aid xintoqcrxq Aid at aa oJuqaib aooa asw merit tArff

^ ' ifc <-090 •oinl tnwdoS i£ui ^omocfiloH odoV oml beeb ooiiitTuq a X'^ craradA a1

i !



> , l=s ♦ *

aaJLQ •Xododllf *8 odoL A XedatiU .8 oaaaI •XedoilV mboAAAO oi •AionoiAAiv ^ I*' , '■/*• ^ [ ■■'

• (XedoiDI texeaxeM^lor eoAivob) aooAyoO ^ XomBAB tledodM .1 XK/Al^XodatiM .W

rsf-^ 4^ tLsr* * boA ^XedoiiSi aatiadieO. ^tuus/jyoO xuU ^XadaSM ioonod •ledotid ^^oodeis . t 'f 'H ' * ■ <* E ij

> » 1^*' •v -•

• '■^ *

' ' '•'*>

•* -J

» - i> '^'r •■ - V ■ **- *5c!( r jA xXotoX dAod bed doifbr dlira a' bof

-*•■ . ^ ’sr< ' - ---1^ ■'•"iji

•XedAiiU *< adoV biAA aJbnadn .oO bIkaJ lo ^vioo tii/m^O Adt oi Aaibaeq "J ~~ i. ■V'iIA' —■■■ .

bAAAA9<ib XedotiK lAodli lo WAX iA AYiAd •lAdotiH .T Xabl •XedptiU .V ritedAtilZ \ ^ ^ it ; -j ■ .C . >-*4f t:

_J ■!- i,* rj^ . ‘


^iBiiadJU r8 oaasX •XedatiU AibOAAAO biAA boa AtnAfllAJcpoo, eiew

>> t fi'

AiTooO lo oliw odd^ajiA&fooO xu2l ^ioilotitf IhoOaS •Xododitf Aooedefi ,XedatiM . . 4

'J '*■' boA «iiXA9 0^1000 to oXtw edt tneS dMaain •iedotlH AOiiAdtAO ^tutscMi 'f r ^

-^*1 !: 'v-

r •:- ♦

xbJUw lo A<tAtAA XAoa Adi lo aoliltuq a ^nbttAA ,AiaAbo»leb aiow A'xediD J- - > ■ -7 ii- ..

td boDimiq AAV omoeb A •oio .oio .boaioA boib tebCo odt ledotlM adob btsA .*• ^ • •. • J, ,-3 .

«0iA «OQiiitnAq od^ oaCut oi.XiQao aieaiHiqqA b£XA^«Vb8I «dJO vOi t'oroo bioA

» i t888X '4O .iqoS 00 woa «tb^ ,6 •ioO beiaioqqA oiev oaAOoiAAissaao TodjO .oiA •

-Art. r »T

■ ■"■^ ■ : -.iS 7L_^s

« ti: • yyrow

thio ^jourt approreo and coofima thoir report and tha p«Lrtitlcja* 7&en

tho dociEisat gooa on to apoclfy tha part of tho land each child ehoxild

hold, etc. Dated J&niiary 28, 1856, ackncaled,jod oa aaco date and proved

Jan. 29, 1856. (Ecoords of Lewis Co., deed book S, p. 168). This indicated

a lon^ drawn out dieputo lasting ovor nins years ariong tho children as to

their several holdinjrs in tho property loft by their father John Hitchell.

As to John lIitcholl*s personal appearance wo have tho testinony

of tho Rev. Hansfield MclThorter TTho reassmbors having seen hin. Mr. McWhorter

states that ho iTas a largo man, tall with a sli^rb stoop in old ago. H«

had prominent cheekbones and a prcainent forehead. Ho is said to have been

a nan who loved controversy. (Tho letter fren Eov. HcTThorter, dated Hay 15,

1915, when HcTThorter was over ^ years of ago follows.) (Eov. Mcwhortor

later died. His son paid an oloquent tribute to tho Ecv. John Mitchell in

an address ho delivored at tho old Eannony church seas years ago.)

•ii > ^ ^ . , •

:•. * ;■!!.. ,• . *IW^* -V”.:

'■ V ' j." ' '■ '.'^ ‘ ' '2f ♦ . vhri *1, , /. j p • .vf

'■ - ■ - • 7.sTTl*S^^- ■ ^ .a ‘

■ t-.r '■- -V. V ‘-'ir“^-’ : .;la >» Rr^ r. ".**-■* t'-.; •. /* ^


^mlSlSieq wi& baM ino<^ twi« Qovp:f<|cit irc0o<^«£if^ -ii. ~ O - - ■' - - ^ . -•/ ■':■•

blucd% blhi^ A9M9 bcuiX •dl to ii4q tdi xso a»o) J!nt^dob •dl * tr-. •■ ~ ;H ^ V'. r.-. 'Tf I

>7 ..»■ •

•^, b*Toiq b(U'*4<l> MU* oo'bssfcvX'aBailM’tSeSI <6S tmnirn ,bJCod

► • s z •(

«' ■ • ? 4. b6tMi^lbul.%ljSt .(681 *q jE jteod b9»b «.o0 sJhraJ to eMoo^fl) ,6''|8X ,8S .njit. *j


C ' .0 oi OA onhlhLy odi eiAOt ir^TO soMaaI 9dx/q«lb ivo arxth vmiX a '<«



* t •Xredoii]! cufob tsdtBl ‘riodd ^ itol xiT9<(oiq odd at eyiJtbXod Xsi^roAv xi«di h ^ ': xf ' »• ' •

nooidooi odd OTAd ov ootwiAoqqA Xoaonoa •*XIefi9dllI''czloi Qd,ai ;•< ■ a. » ■**!

• #

lod^odffoV .iX .old ixoot ^anirmi odw lodiod^btf blojtlAaiK •▼«A odd 1«

5 I


' /‘ vi*

« •S .0^ qoodi dc^lla a ddiv XXod ;ojiA otiAl • emtd dsiid AodAdt




* • '- cv, ■' •'■it'' sootf OTAff od blAA «i oH .boodoiot diMiainrtq a brxA toaoddoiMlA dnoodsmq r *


-.4 -• *

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tB^wdfioU »ris) (.imLM o^a lo exA«x ^ aav lodiodSM ooifir ,6X01 •n <

ni XXodoiXM odol .toS! Atid od odvdhcd dzioypol* cla bloq ooo oXB .boXb *sodAX ^

A.i ..'5 •

(•ciilA riAot 0009 dozsfds ypoanxsS bXo odd dA baioTjtXob od tanbbA oa O-

^ ■ -

*. , »•. >♦'.

• -»V *■ ••v* '

- . » -t,.,» .••*. . x:'^-****;t s. ■.5^ > ' - > ■ ; •• >•. ' " .‘-r-- >■.. J f T 4 -* / ji* , •< ■^■*‘'* ■ *

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« ^ A





^ȴ<r 9< o Cover Sojerrt otJ../>^*r etfO^C^ ri

• j r)^ u •

PHILIPPI, W. VA.,_„4i^._^-t!^_1913

ft^A/ I /V^ i|A^ c\^ /rruSufv^ |

.1^ /ixP l\X^.d XiX^t l\Ao^\,^

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« 4 -



-• .' ' -■ • • M '

On th© oidn hl^hrray in the vlll&go of Jano Loir In LcTria Co.

thero ia an hiatorlcal marker, (placod bj the Heat Virginia Hiotorical

Corcraiaaibn) mentioning old Harnion7 church, tho founding of the Hethodiat

Proteatant church, and tho grave of Rev. John Uitchell, one of the fomdera,

aa being near bj.

John Uitchell*a aecond wife, Suaannah (TTaahbum) Uitchell, died

July 50, 1845, and she was also* burled in the private graveyard on the

Uitchell farm. The stone on her grave ia now broken and the inscription :

cannot be made out fully. From a list of inscriptions in the graveyard

made a nuaber of years ago (by Giiy W. Tetrick of Clarksburg) the name and

dates were aa followsi -

♦ Susannah Uitchell •

bom Deo. 15 •• 1782

died July 50 - 1845

age 60 yrs - 8 mo

& 15 days.

k N \



1 lo/s G ' 2 CL


Sketch directly frea

the broken atone in

June 1940 by

Joseph U. Kellogg.


artE M; ^ Chtui^CH

Uii N


^Hoo flAsr

u„ I S M A 1 i





A- \

' 'v

al hxmX lo •^^AXi’Jhr tdS at xAwrt^lif obifl wit eO ^ ‘ “'■ '*2

j'-.''.-- ■;.. it’ l»»iio^»lH <laisilV >e»W (k(4 >{(/ f!«9«Xq)’.Ki^iiia XftO>M4«ii( a«.»/ vtadf '’H ■■■V:'-'".'—-' ■ ■•,- ' -. '' ’ ,. . ” '« •" •' ■ J 1^:.- 1 SwlhodSs’U \o .Hsmttiti vrtAjmjiA Ik^A * . _ > —^ j ■ r j 1 A - » :• * 1

«* ' 4 *,*• . f

^ibocl^U drfi lo yilfai^ol ^davjdo xpoena bXo (aotm^IamdS^ ‘ y*i«

•ity taiabnool adi lo *00 ^IXedoilK ndoU .raH lo aTtfri •dS bas .do'urds ^rukteaioTrtf, * , •

dt ' V’v ♦" . • . ^ ^ ^ , .^v4r

- - ■ . * .' Tisaa ^ojM 9M ‘- , *• * . » ■’ f ^ 4J1 -If-«J

,, tXl9ii9dJil (rrwddiultt) danfisaut ,aUtw hnoaat s'lIado-tlV ndoV V*» vA-

" ^ v^i. f adi no brutavari ad^ nl b9±vj<S‘o9lM «aw arfe bna .e>8X .08

r -. • -^ r lA V.,. - '^■1

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‘** ‘ii' ■i HQjbiqJhroaiil adi bna fli^cf .noa sX om^ rtad jno ^iwdi'^ariT •msf ‘.lX»itatI!li ■ •!,, ..J r if

-'. # i .* • 4

■v .-♦' •f 'it*. r^. &

; -

arfi nl wToilqlnoeni lo ^JLC i fflonl .x£ct/l Ix/o abaa a<f lonnaa mi ' ^ I ■r.i. , •.. I

• boa aoan adl (^n/deihjXO lo d^liiaT .W xiiO x^) 03a ^<> 'x»d»/i a aba« rVT'*

<1* *■ s.

V'* - » (J-^J

.‘1 i_2> tevroXIol aa 8*taif ealab


1. t •f^

- 't *r j. • 4*^*? *^.. '«v \ e'

' iladollM dAfinaauS ^

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00 8 <• rxx 09 a^a 't

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r».'^'.'5 iV!"’ ,aS ^ i’C ' s w." a .•* * *'*

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0^ XXlanclb do^dS

at anola naaiaqd aii


•UloIXal ,U dcjaaot

• t Jf- Wt ■ * • . ,*

i , A f V ■ "* '• '• ‘ Kfc*»< * *■. f.. iw* 'i^ • ^' *'-i .

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‘ ‘ *•••- '*. V . ^ A * , '!•



The iflll of "Susanna Kitchel," dated Uarch 29, 1845, 'trB.a proved

at the August court, 1^15, After all debts were paid, etc, ehe bequeathed

to her granddanghter Lyda Susanna, daughter of her daughter ELi&abeth

Bent, one cow and one bed; to daughter Rebecca one dollar; to daughter

Catherine one dollar; to son Isaac one dollar; to son Benoni ono dollar;

to daui^Tter Elizabeth Bent one dollar; and all the rest of her estate real

and personal to her daughter Casandra R. Mitchel, She appointed her friend

Nicholas Alkire and Benoni Uitchel Executors, Will was dated Harch 29,

1845 (and was signed by her mark. She was evidently very feeble, as she

had signed vigorously deeds at various times in her life), TOLll witnessed

by D» W. Sleeth and George Waggoner, It was proved and recorded August 8,

1845, (Records of Lewis Co, Will book B, page 42). (Susannah Mitchell

appears in 1840 census, herself 50 to 60 yrs and 2 females, 20 to 50,

(probably daughters Casandra and Rebecca),'

As noted above the Rev, John Mitchell was married twice:

(1) to C^herine M.grparet Tete:^ bom about 1765-85, died 1805-04, daughter

of Gcorre Teter and his wife Anna Margaret Ronkle. - - - ' ■- -nr, ,

(2) to Svaannah Washburn, bom Nov. 15, 1782, died July 50, 1845, daughter Jr

of Chsrles Washburn and his wife Rebecca Lor/ther,

The children by these two marriages were as follows:

» m ••w dtruM •^Xada^IU tnauj^» lo Ulw £fT • , ' «y,^* ‘ ^

' ^ ’' ftds ,9J9 ^bUq ww IT* itdiU' .^MTI .»di di “ : .r , ♦

'w/. ■■ dJBdMJtJSi 'XoJtfj^Ab *x#iif2^4ib ^^nAAeaS Atr^J ’i«Jd^£JdbeLfiT;g ‘xail ^

f *<-*• ’ **.d\. ' .■***^ Hf, ' - . ''^ tf. ididjafib oi iiAlXofr Mio AoaadidI Wid^UAb oi ^bAd^eco hAs vod'oao ^ r *

* - ' 1TaX£65 aoo InofisS aca od «Ao.OAAa!f aaa aJ f-yffAb ana A/n^niMf^Afi ‘ * €i ITAXIob Ado X/ioAsS flott od ('lAXIob AOo^OAAiCt 006 od t^iAXC4|> 909 AobiodddS) 5 . f' ’*' ‘ m

jr. i’ Adikda® ‘xad lo daoi oild^XXa.bfU (tAlXeb ono ina3 ddodMJtCI oi 'in 'V

fiflobil led hodftloqqA odS «iJ[Ad9dZU Jl MrtbnxttS) ladd^jb •wld oi lAaoe*xoq fa«# ^

■r;, ."j * ' ■S ^«0S doiAll i>oiab saw L£JBK •^lOiuotuZ ledodiM iitoxrod boa o'^ijUA •alodoHI

•s^ . /

*' *k •de aa^oldeol \:iov xldnoblYO uat oda J .diaa ’lod ^ smr boo) abOf

* •* *■

iv‘ - i

■■ v»v A' \*> -m*

? ,*•

„ V • ?*- . vr- *’ 'S',.- • -V.'-;; -.^’rjfi. .4. ” ■' i boaaoaiJttf IXAH.' •(slii 'xod 0! tomli auobXArr do ebWab |i«i^^ bad ' ' ^ u j

,8 dei/^A bOiVxoDM biu bovoiq ««w dl .lonoagAW e^iow hnc^didoXE .W ]

^ XIododlM iisMMUfZ). .{3A os^ *8 itood iXW ^oO.oiwfcl lo atnooog) .mX '

•08 od 05 ^aoXasiaI S bns •‘rx 09 od 03 ITAa^ed ^eirtimo OjNBX oi; t'xAO<jq# -f v:

-» .'^; ^ - v* '* r'* k,- * :'--»* '•'

1 •» . - , "■ . • -

•■ ■ ' ■• fI ' i - ?■ • !-'«



k, •

I ** (1 I I '-.1

» '.V ■if

4r ‘ -t a

•(aaae(i»il txu iilirusiiO xldadoyi^ ' ‘

-■* ■■■ s

^ • tooiwd bolTLKB taw XlarfodlH ndoti •▼oR odd AYoda bodon el a - ^MH^iHaaif

1 // .•

— H ' ♦

, 4. ** 1 # * «*,' T#Msi/«b ,K>-eo0i b*ib .sa^Ki

VJ;* ■ 45^ , -•■••

4’A 4 ■■ 3*

f' 1. .' 'V ■

A- . od (x) ji^. f

1 w - 3 ?-*. I

•Vtw eid fame lodeT omooO lo

xadd^tfAb ,8181 jCis -xixrtr bolb ,S8TX ,3X .toK irjod .gxgddeaW dbunAfLoB od (S) j - • V % -' ^ ^ ^ -I

^ ^ W " > * ' .YoddTfoJ BtOadsR olhr eld baa iryiAfries^T golYadO lo

teeoXXol «« o'xoir e»^Atrua owd oeodd xGf n$rtbLbto odT


>V V ^ “ ■ I' - k ^


Tlie children of tlie Rev. John Mitchell vero:

Dy first wife, Catherine Karjarct Teter (all born in Pendleton Co,


1. Goorf^e, eldest son, born probably in 1735 (according to tax

lists was not above k6 yrs, in 1300 and vas above l6

in ISOI). Died in Randolph Co. December (probably the

l6th), 1821. He married jiary McCann.

11. Villiaju. born probably in 17S8. Died in Lewis Co. early in

183^« He married Elizabeth Straley.

X Abner, born July 31, 17S9« Died in Le\>,’is Co. late in 1339 or

early in 134o. He married, Dec. 10, 1312, Dorcas


Mary Teter^ born Jan. 26, 1792. Died Xarch 1, 1871. She

married George Coolonan.

V. John Jr. , born probably in 1794. Died _. He mar¬

ried Mary IIow.


^ iii

+f<f»7 iv.

-HT ' vi. Jane, born probably in 1798. Died She married

1st Alexander Curtis, and 2nd John Godfrey.

-ftO' vii. Paul Teter. born about 1300=02. Died about 1330. Ee never


■fO; viii. Mar^rarct. born probably April 11, 1303. Died May 6, 1853.

She never married.


Ey second wife Susannah liashburn (all born in Harrison or Lewis Co.

Virginia) ~ -

. i . 1/^' ix. Rebecca, born about 1306. Died Oct. 31, I36l, Unmarried.

^ \ f.'

bn' Miiitu ! ■ lirtiiijlrt diidmik

rf"'* "^’- '■ '• '

:oTow rxrioL .Vd5! <>r<i lo■ n&Ubili/la _ • -. •^•r--^»T ...... . , /•

oO no^plbno^. ni mod Xlii) TtoaoT .aliw ;l«-ill ^u

»i» .>:j >> -f. i .* »^>i


.-■ji,»^, -j. ■..',!.^ — V-'

x*^ :)nib*xoaoa) <*8^1 ni niod ,ao« .X^ (Sfi-


•di xldudo'xq) *X9cfmeao(l. .oO iiqlobnxdl ni baXd *(1081 «i ' ^ .. -r'

j>uf'*t' 'T • ftn JsOoM balxTiAm ©!! .XSSX , (d^dX



'♦**'■» ' N- ,r .

nX XX'SAo ,o0 eivdJ nl JbaXCX .8SXX al xX^^^^oiq mod .cu&JfcXXXy .XX (8^

*"■* £i^9<Jj5xiX3 bel'i^Ba oil .-i^SX wi- -,i!^ *•:% - .i- Vv-vi ■% J - '^ •"-■'. '■ ••■*'*- V'"' -JT^ - ^

J I'y T. ■ ■' .*H ■

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10 ^C8X nX oXiiX .oO xXv»Jl ni boXG ’*C8^X‘,XC‘xXvl» n'xo<r''';70i1dA .xix 6N* w;3IK^5jV*. 4Vt» • .. ;/ V ’ ^ ^ ^

•n vfv:

od2 .X^8X ,X doiJ^X boXfl ‘ -S^^X ,BS .ocL mod .no^oT xiaK. .yi .'i

eooloa ,SXSX ,0X .oeQ ,boii*x«m oH ..Odex nX vXibo

. b^v*.i /.jIj.

: * • '■ ■?'* : rf?

-lAffl oH


.lYiuixziooO oxV'^ooO boXiiofii ^

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•won J^oXi •v^ ft

F • ...T*-


boI'XiMtn ortZ k.

,r»< f 'i-v -I*.* .>»» H/** ■ • Y<- •ri'

.\oiiboO ndol, bnS bno ^eXXitiO lobnozoXA deX . %

boxa •Sc^x nX \.XcfjadoiqVmodv,*or:AG > .ty ^T.^l V .11 , I '.. CJ-. •'


lovon oH .0C8X Xwoda bold *£0*00CX Xuodo mod .aodoT Juo*^ .XXy ?■ ‘9 ..... •■ , ^ _

#/ bo XlTxuu

aj» •J' "a. 4 I ’ jl# '■ ^ A.i

« ,. .CC^SX ,d boXQ .C06X ,IX XXiqA x^^^oiq mod .Xoio?/io^ .XiXy\C^ r' ■ ' " 'V- ■''* '' " . i-. .', .

• bolirtsm’ lavon odE >

..n., • j '


. ,^ji

• eO aXwoJ *10 nooXiiaH nX mod XXa) mnddeay dartnaxjjE oixw bnoooa x3

V t

‘3i _

« A# '

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• X>oXi*zaainU .XdSX ,X^ .^oO XboXGl .dOSX iuodm mod •*£00doJl ,xX

r '> i .


[)i^ xi.





Eli, born about 180S. Eied _. He married Delilab

\vindsor cf Hononcalia Co. Ho children. She mar¬

ried 2nd his brother Isaac Mitchell.

X Catherine. born in I8l0. Died March 15, 1870. She married

Philip Petty and vent to Hoblc Co., Ohio.

Isaac. born in 1813» Died !\ov, b, 1378. He married Delilah

(V.'indsor) Mitchell, his brother's \\^do\f,

X. 3enoni. born Feb. 19. 1315. Died Mov. 6. 1903. He married


Susan Life.


Elizabeth, born l8lo. Died June 20, 1902. She married

George B. Bent.

% CaSandra P.. , born between I8l5 and 1320. She never married.

IJJ! Iiuj.p II|W

-♦ ? - ^ ct«il«

T I r . V

'. V


rUIJLi^Cr boli:*TB«t .•!( :

' < .. r, ^^•■■‘

-'TBm BrfZ .no^blixld oZ .oD JillBonoaoK *10 ‘lo&hni^t ^

.XlBrloiiK 3AB8I •i^rt'Jo’td eixf bnS bivi^K. - - * ; 11 ^


I# ' >• . >^.^|f-oirfO , .oD sidorl ol ^now &nc qllixfX ^ .

rLsXlXoC beinxim oH ,8XoX .vpZ boia .tX3l nX rsiod fp^JOcX .iX* ^fQi-

beXa^Boi BxlS .0X8X xiO'zaU boXC ‘«0X8X nX mod .^nX*i<»rfigO .Xx

' <0. m i «wot)Xv 8*TBrI;^oTcf cX-'J ,tXaxioiXK [lozbiti'^)

b&i'i’ima oil -COQX •toIv boXCI •^XEX ,QX^ .dol mod .XnonoC ’.XXXx i>|J

,Xnoa •£! •■^looO

• boXiiBoi loven 0x12 .0S8X bno JLXCX^noowXod mod , »£L-£IS^£LSSJ52.'^ * ■' •♦ '■'

*• V '

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o Notes tnxcL licTHiorter’s "Border Settlers" t

Early exploring party inclndod Samol Pringle (1769) Trillicji Hacker

Josso Hughes Thccsas Hughes John Eat cliff TiilllGii Ratcliff John Etcoti.

p. 57<



Pension Declaration of John Btotti (this is John Jr. - J.U.K.)*

l£ade Levris Co. - Aug. 7, 1835.

Bom in 1764 - raised in Hardy Co. •

Yolmteered Narch 1, 1781, frcsa Hairpshiro Co. - under Capt.

Ulchael St^srp. ^ :

Discharged Oct. 1, 1781 (served 7 months).

Moved to (now) Lewis Co.

On Nor. 1, 1731, & served on until Juno 1, 1785 - as an Indian

Spy - Tfas an Ensign of Spies, etc.

Test. Nov. 1854

Isaac TTabhbvm said had known Brorwn since childhood. Broim and

himself had been posted or stationed at Brown* s Fort, (built by

Brown*s father) aifter the close of the Revolution. Brccm was

then a young man of 20 yrs. or more.

Echrard EroTm, a younger brother of Brown, .states his brother was

a soldier, etc. - _ V • .> -

Adverse testimony by John raggoner '

T?illitm Powers - knew Brown in Hardy Co. in 1773-79.

Says Brown cams to Harrison Co. in 1785 '

(was pot thore In 1732-5-5). •' • • ^

4_. . — ■

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TTilHara Porrors was bcrn la Frederick Co, Ya, Hot, 9, 1765, ^

Cai&e with father John Powers to Sinpson’s cresJ;, TTest Fork,

Served as Indian spj - from Uarch 1731 to exrzaer of 1785 - was

Ensign of spies, etc, - later also.

Pension doclaration - Oct. 1, 1855, .

Was at Powers fort on Simpson^s creek, etc.

John Brom and John Schoolcraft swore to good character and veracity

of William Pavers, ‘f ■

(yet later William Powers testified against both these meni)

He was 5*-6" tall - well built - erect even at 89 yrs. old,

ccaig)lexion light - dark hair, • ".

Ho laarried Hannah Stout - sictor of Dr, Hezekiah Stoxit,

O Ho died Juna 6, 1858, Buried in Broad Eua cemetery,

.. t ■

The Ed.:!Tund West Sr. hemeatead was "the present Straley fana," about one

mile above Jano Low, He was the builder of ori^jinal West’s fort, Tho

elder West and several of his family are burled near the old fort,

Alexandor West, son of Edmund “West Sr., was bom in Accccon. Co,,

Va., August 11, 1760. The family came to Kackor’s Creek about 1775,

Attack on tho West family - Dec, 5, 1787, Edntind West Sr, xras

killed, also Urs, Ann (Hacker) West (wife of Edmund Jr.) and a youngor

brotl^r of Edhuad Jr,

Aloxajvlor West was carried twico - no record of first;

second was Jan, E4, 1793, to llary Straley,

He died Juno 1854 - buried at Broad Eun, ; ' / , ^;

V* A‘V • MTX .toH •«? ]C9l*i«bot^ Hi xrr9^


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,fto6 £2D099X ot inod aair «.r«8 dmo^TbrnalbSi to ooa ,Ht0‘ d9b{Us:<i9tk -

• v.--^ •8VTX iwoda iaeiD a^iaioaS od aataa \XJtnst aiflp rC3tX ^Xt <lm£r^A ,*aY ^ '

■j{i. ■'\y:;C

' • aaw .irB bmu^bSt . *t3?X •oaKI - 4iM»9f ail# no dooddh'

1 '■. ' /vr

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na^ftoox 9 boo’{,1^ bmusbd. to ativ) daaH (lodoaSQtxsA •ordl atlo ^boLLtd -» ► \ s’

• V

3#’ * bfwi±S to *iad#OKl ^

' {dwitt ta trtooot ea - ooiwd boJtvum %mt dooV lobdiucaXA . •’V"'^

- . %lft ft ft -ft • i. - ^ O ^ - f i ■■. * • . '■ .

■' ^ Jfe I?!

•'■■Tl v .

John SehoolcraTt in bia Ponaion etatencat — July 25i 1855 .

* * V . * • • ’ ■ **•.•-'••,•

.says :’■ / .V ' V . * ■- •, '•• V. ■''■:'•. , •.;■ . ■••

■• ‘ '' ■ '

bom near Hoorefield in Hacpahiro Co., Fob. 15, 1757. ^ t..

• lived there xintil 1774, when moved to (now) (Siio Co.

In 1781 came to Uonon^jalia Co. - on west fork (in now

Lewis Co.) - ecrved in spring of 1785, under Capt. Carpenter at

UcCana Fort, etc.

Vouched for by P. UcCan and James Brcmn.

In 1854, adverse testimony by TTiUlam Powers, Christopher Nutter,

John Reger, John Neely, Nicholas Carpenter.

Attack on TTaggoner family (of John TTaggoner) on Jesse *s Run was in l!ay 1792.

Peter T7.^^r?oner retiumcd about 1812.

He married, 1814, Catherine Hyde, a widow (maiden name was Hardman) f .

He died at Lome on Millstone Run (branch of Hacker's Creek),

Feb* 26, 1879, aged 95^ liuried at Harmony.

His sister Mary (captive until after 1795) married 1800, Jacob

Wolfe., Buried on Polk creek - Leiris Co.

Another sister - Lizzie (also captive) married John Hardman.

5WI • immSBH ooiao^*! tlrf a± dltnofootlrA j^i~. _»'V * •>. ‘-v - •

i ■t. • . ' ^ /'»■-. ' ’ * Viitf' - * '•, • ** -14 ia

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- « \

o Je809 Ern^hes sold his land in fall of 1797 or 1713 to Jproe Trinn^r

(this isras the fara boixght hy Rsy* Jchn Hitchell frca Tanner)

tho house was eroctod but not ccc^eted by Tanner*

Jesse Hu.^es* bom in 1750, settled csi Hackcr*8 creek in 1771-2.

- - Saiw year married Grace Tanner*

Re Tfas a son of Thcsnas Hughes Sr* - killed on Hacker* s creek

in 1778. Probably came from South branch in Hampshire Co.

Other children of Thanas Hughes Sr. were:

Thomas Huj^hes Jr. - b. c. 17S4* TTent to Jackson Co. W. Va.

Kllas Ihi/^hes - b. 1757 in (norr) Hardy Co.

married Jane Slesth - died 1844 - went to Ohio.

O Sudna Rushes - mar. Col. 171311 am Lowther. :

Job Eu-dios - married, 1791, llary Hamm, - wont to Jackson Co* IT. 7a.

another son - killed by Indians .. ; ; ^ .

daughter -'married Joseph Bibbeo - also to Jackcon Co. • ,

XJTob. Doborah - narried Hilllan Bibby 1795 - also to Jackcoa Co.

possibly: Uary - married Eanjtain Cox - 17S8.

f • ' . ' ^ .i.

• » • • • .

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OGTX *10 TffTX lo XXji^ Itl biuUt tl^ f>Xo# t.».';7*vH

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•oO xprUS (voa) al r??X •<! - naci^nn

^ *''''' mv inw - ^;K8X l>oljb - cLloeiXB wxaL bslnsai

* } " »-' -' • D f

•^•cfivoj filSJtLLKT •XoO •TMB «> COffT>irf{ MhtA

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p ’ 1/ j bW *©0 oosisAl, o4 iaom - «oacH x^ ♦XeVI ^betefia i eox5:r;jH'''d^{i^

-. ' *r h" •’ 'Cr^’'’' ' ' V"- f ,* i*'*- ' Vt^ ^•‘', *‘.'.'.Tt-BOAibtil Xfi bdlXK - ao© i^rfioo©

<,'^ ■* . - .

.0® oowtojlr of ohlM -"''»©ddia tlqpscl^ bsXrtM • ^ ' ‘‘^P* ' '’j '<.''>v ^ - ; 1. -.v.- - < ^ / btXa •• &6VX x^fJtS tuilLLttf bdirxAB^* ilsTodbO ‘41;^ yaaiipjJ^

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.X •> -i *■ v'x.

second G<m»rtitlon

{Z) Cr^or,*^ llitchall

(eon of John) waa bom in Rockin^^iaai Co. Va,.

in 1784-85. ' (Eo first spptsara in tha Pcmcnal tax lists for 1801 oa now ■*...

abovo 16 years of trith his father John llitchcll.) ks a boy ha grew

\q) there in the North Pork valley of Pendleton Co. The first and only

reference to hia cn the county records there is in the Court liinute book

for 1802-05, page 9, where at the October court 1802 it naa "ordered that

George Mitchell be appointed surveyor of the road in the rooa of Jamos

Keister and that the \isual tithables do-assist hin in keeping cane in

lawful repair."

When his father John Mitchell removed fresn Pendleton across the

mountains to Rarrisen county, George^ of course acconpanied him. This Traa

in 1805 or 1&D4, Just when ho was growing into young manhood. There he

made new friends of course; and before long he married the daughter of one

of the earlier settlers in that region.

On December 20, 1807, George Mitchell marriedJ^^.r7j.!cCaDT.'

(Earrison Co. marriage recor*d book 1, p. lOO). The minister who porforvaad

the ceremony was P»6V. Joseph Cheuvront. The original marriage bond waa

dated the day before, Dec. 19, 1807, and iras signed by George Mitchell and

his surety Daniel McCann. Tho bond itcelf states that George Mitchoil Tvaa "V '

the son of John Mitchell and llary McC:jm was the daughter of Prtrirk

locccpanying the bond was a note fren Patrick llcCarsi giving hin perniesicn

for the marriage (t;3 .r;i3 custezuiry when the bride was under ego). This nots » ■' - ' ■, . '

was witnossed by Daniel McCann and Catnorine McCara, wife of John McCann.

' ‘ -

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1 • I xX«> fca* ®dT .oO ixc^^XtaoH lo >hoX diroM <N<t nX 9w(^ <ft * -

^ ' xk>od mivnlU f%iroO odS at tJt tnatiS atnooarf oa mJtd o/ •ozmdn >5 ^ v' *'

ii SCeX^tWQO wipiiriO ed^ wwtv ,0 tdO^^UDeX ioV%' .

^ , •«ffl«lr lo ttxn trfl al htm ad^ lo loxtwrs bo^iildqqA od IXodoiitf oatood ii ' T

‘ 1 aal^paaf iii aM ^U%m cb aoXdod^W Xoirair o<1^ boa loiaiol


Alt. ^ *>

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i> D odd B60100 floloXbool marA b&vo&n XXododlM nriol twWil %M noflOf

*4iJtoq9rt lolwaX

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«r •d netfr .boorfojBa Kmrax ©dnl lotocH^ o«r od nadw ioot .Kl0i •xo «0ex xxi

k* - A ' j«, ^ »

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• j% f viioi^ot dadd al irtoIiicBv'xoiiTaa odi lo* I Jjr * • '‘-V i' >^ ' ■" ’’i* •• ■• ''^ -'.^ .it^T'" ^ ■“■■ ■ ^V_ •■■ ' '<•-' ., ' i>s’T«

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•• 1

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b(*anoli^ odw lo^Jbnim odT .(CXXf .q dood Moooit o^a^rxan «o9 ooalnaB) ■;i

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tnod '9%&trtm Xani^^Jhra adT .doomroiO dqoooi •toS taw xJ^o^snoo 9di — . 1

boa iXedod^JtXI onooO xd baaai» »*» baa ^VOei ^ei .oaa ^rxolod xa5 odi btdah

•* ••* j V ■ . tp .St j' :• T *•*-«■' * •• •

iaw XXododiZi «;^'Voo0 iadd codada IXoadl Jbnod odT •ncaOoK ioXffdO aXif ' ■ V

.t, - ^dr^^ab odd «a« ooaOoH xwM boa XXododiM ssdol lo coe tdd i-Cry • •'• ■' •' *•4'- ' ij.'^**i:;*l/*'’*i.

n. 3. ., •-. 4 , ■»■ •'''r oolatimeq ebd ^obri^ a3^3tSI xloJtidal aaorl odon a aaw bnad odd snixnoqaoattA- 'w -

""*'* ■* .* ' * •dofl oMf •{c^ mbczv omr dl>M add i»dir xnLtfiodiM'icfW Ci3)^atWi^^ •xol’S '

^ A ♦fUccOo^ AdoV lo ol^ ^aa^hU oiiHoddaO baa nisa^oV Xolnsa x^ botaoodlw aaw


art held »nd 6rtnly bonod onto ' art held »nd 6rtnly bonod onto

Efqulre, CoTcrnor or Chief rosgiPratc of the con.mcnweilth of VTrginli#

for the time being, and his fuccifforsto the ufe of the (aid io the ftm of coc hun¬

dred and fif-y dollars •, to which pa5oceDt well ard tiuly to be n-adc, we bled curfciTif, cur and

each of our heirs, executors and admlniflrators, jointly and fcTCtally fiimly by iLcfe prefcnis.

Sealed with our fcals, and dated ihia daf

WHEREAS 8 marrbge b tof'^, roJ^>n]sed bctT7CCQ the abote bcu^d

■ dteghter _♦ r’ - ^ . *'■ Jvj,'-■

ti tbovfcobli- : ;:.v u

gitlon is fuch, that li there cc p (aid Ei^bgc, then

the above obllgaiioa to be void, eUa fUl fcrce Eiid ti^ue*

Si^nrJ, staUd and dilivtrtd in tbt ^rtitnce tj I

• s. V-


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•liOiliT'i >liJi b*«* ^liaioj,rfioinAiaIai!i* b** rt®fo»« ,nb4^Wo lo dt€f

Vh' •“' •** "• ''’’• 1 „"■■-j_J*- . Vi


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(See photostat of bond azKi note.)

Tracing of signature of Goor^ HitchsU

(Froa Marriage bond - Deo, 19, 1007)

': ' ■ : - • . ^ ■/■

George Mitchell appears on the Personal Tax lists for Harrison %

Co. for himself alone first in 1809, (The list for 1808 is missing) He is

credited with 1 horse. In 1810 he also appears similarly. His name is

among those signed to a petition to tho Virginia Assembly dated Dec, 10,

1805 asking for a division of riarrisoa County and the establishisent of a

new coi^y. The names of William and Abner Mitchell are also signed to this

petition. (The signatures are not autographs. These three names: Tfilliam, A f

George and Abner Mitchell are all in the ssuno handwriting. They were

youths, under age, at the time. Froa original petitions - Archives Division,

State Library, Richmond). This petition was not acted upon favorably, and

it was followed by others at different times, especially one dated Doceinber

6-10, 1809, which had a very long list of signers. Finally a similar

petition dated Nov, 20, 1816, is seen to be endorsed "reasonable," reported

and Rill drawn, and Lewis Co, thus came into being early in 1817, Aseng

tho eignore of this final petition for th® fomatioa of the new county were

John Mitchell Senior, Abner Mitchell, John Mitchell Jr., George Cookman,

r-«> . T

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o A petition dated Sept, 15, 1809, asking for the restoration of

the rewards for killing wolves was also signed b/ Rev, John Uitcholl and his

three sons, George, William and Abnor Uitchell, (See photostat of original

document in Archives Division, Virginia State library). This petition is

also endorsed "reasonable, reported,"


Tracing of signature of George Uitchell from this petition

Sept, 15, 1809, _

' f-.



George Kitchell appears in the Federal conmis for 1810, in

, Harrison Co,, as the head of a family consisting of himself, his wife, and

one son under ten years of age (son Laurence of course, bom in 1809), ,

Soon after this George Uitchell removed frtxa Harrison Co, and

established a home jfor himself in what was called "Baiter’s Settlement,"

on the Tygarts Valley river in Randolph Co,, on the land that his father

owned there. This was on the east side of the river, near the site of the

present town of Balington, Later George Uitchell had surveyed for himself

.._in Randolph Co, 200 acres on the west side of the Valley river, on the

Island run and its waters and on the waters of a big run that entert into

the Valley river below Jacob Teters, etc. This was on Oct, 4, 1820, He

obtained a patent for this land of date Oct, 1, 1821, (Va, Land patent book

#70, page 580), . . .

f*-- *• • « » . t»

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..'. ■ „ -ti* aI %ol iti/QLfr#9 edi ^ naaqqa ar^io^O f’

l«» 4«ll«r aid ^lliMsaJW To yiJfc^lalBnoo ^liajil a To baWf wiS ea t*o0 /loehnaH 75 ;M' , H f II.

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TXovUM *101 b9^rrxf6 bad Xlodoiltt o^mO TodaJ *noiytil4>d To iwod dnoarSi T l]

no i-ioTJuxalXiit irW To obia daoir •dd'oo tonoa^OOS .oO dqXob^ nir^^JL { ’ ’J F

odoi aioino dndd orz a To aFxaiaw odd no bxia nodavr edi''-taa ibts bnaXaX^^fl

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In the census of 1820 George Mitchell appears in Randolph

Co. with his wife and five children. In the Personal Tax lists he

appears each 7ear frora 1812 to 1821 inclusive. After that date (ho died

in 1621) he does not appear of course, but his widow Mary Mitchell appears

from 1822 until her icarriage to Joseph Tcter in Dec. 1824.

George Mitchell died in December, 1821 (probably on the 16th

of that month). It is said that he died from a hemorrhage of the Ixings

or from a heart attack. He had fainted several times before. This time

he was out in the yard cutting up some fence rails with an axe when he

had the attack. He was brought in^o the house and died a few days later

after being able only to dictate his wishes about what property he had.

His non-^upative will was acknowledged and agreed to on Dec. 15, 1821.

(a non-c\q)ative will is one which is not reduced to writing in the presence

of the maker; one which, on account of unusual circxmstances, extremity of

death, etc., is spoken before witnesses and sworn to by them). It was

conanltted to writing, according to the record, on Dec. 18th, and recorded

at the February term of the Randolph Co. court, 1822. (Records of

Randolph Co. will book 2, page 125) A copy of the will follows:



The Will of George Mitchell.

"I, George Mitchell of Randolph County do hereby make my last

will and testament in names and forma following, that is to say I desire

that all the perishable p>ait of my estate be given to my wife Mary Mitchell

and out of the same estate therefrom all my just debts and fivieral expenses

paid. O

AiioboMSi at e-TAaqqik! »2’xo9a 0S8i 16 tx;tn«9 otfi ol

•rf t^UC xaT •rfi td ^nartbXW^ srH^bas ^liw tld dtbi\cO '' ' '* kTV' h » V' ■-■- ' Tii

beJtb 0d) •^Ab Sadt , .•rtaulaal iS9I oi 5101 ««1 wt rfoAO riii0<|ti* .^7 t' ' ■ -- ^

riAdqoA XlaibilM tx*U wobhr slrf it«f »0«n/o» lo lAfiqqA /ofl a^ob ed (IS3X at .'T^, . ►T- r ’ ..w .] -?


.♦S3£ •©•a at idi©T ot azatTxam llirtu SS0I aoriX am p , ■

diSi tit no i^dadovi) 1S$£ ^tedamoaQ at both XSathSIiS •8*io»0


tS • ^

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1, George Ultchell of Randolph County do hereby maVe my laet Will

and testament In manner and form following, that is to say I de- ♦

sire that all the perfcshable part of my estate be given to my wife

llary Uitcholl and out of the samw estate therefrom al 1 my Just

debts and funt»rn1 _

2, -- after the payments of my debts and funeral expenses I give to

my wife- Mary Mitchell all my personal estate for and during her

natural lifeii .• this being my last will and testament.

In Witness whereof I. have hereunto ackno-wledged and agreed «•

to this thirteenth day of December, in the year Eighteen Hundred

and ^twenty one.

And this being committed to writing December the 8'tTi» 11821

Randolph County Court, February Term. 1822.

The nuncupative Will of George Mitchell, DecM, was presented

in Court and Proven by the oaths of Joseph Teater and Haney Tcater

and ordered to be recorded, ^ .

, Teste; -

- A. Earle,C.R.C. * **'■*'' . . * ' .

State of Vest Virginia:

Randolph County Court ClerV's Office;

February 23rd, 1914.

I, FranV A, Rowan, ClerV of the above named County Court

do certify th^at the forogoin

of my office.


(C) Clcrlr

'■ip 'V *'

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" 2 Knife and nedle,

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" 2 rid'lles,

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"v 1 dreser end furnature,

" 1 ladle and truse, -

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*• 2 coverleade,

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" 1 ^ed,

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The within named property heini; apraiicd by u« boins first duiy

sworn, this being certified by us this 12th day ofl Aprils,1822.

George Teter, y—'

I saac'Johnson.

: Jacob Teter. \ ‘ ‘ . - * •

April Term, 1822. Of Randolph County Court.

The appraisement bill of George Mitchell,

Deceased, was presented in Court and ordered to be recorded.

I •

< •

’ ■' <

A Copy from

(C )


I *


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»' 's J.'* .. • ■• * A* •• 4 ’ I ^

After the paynent of my debts end funeral expenses I give

to my wife, Haxy IXltchell all ny personal estate for and during her

natxiral Hfe, this beins my last will and testament.

In tfitness whereof I havo hereunto admcrsTledged and agreed

to this thirteenth day of Dacenber in the year Eigliteen Hundred end

twenty one.

And this being coesaitted to writing December the l&th, 1821. ■


/ '» t

Randolj* County Court, February term, 1822. (page 125 - TTill Book 2)

' ■ .• ow •

An appraisement of his estate was made on April 12, 1822, and

recorded at the April term of court. A copy of this is attached hereto.

The actual date of death was probably December 16th, as his

son. Rev. D. P. Hitchell says in his diary that hia father died when he *

himself was only 10 months and 10 days old, and ho was bom on Feb. 6,

1821. •‘

George Mitchell’s body was buried in tlio old cemetery (situated

where the town of Bolington now is), frea which place his bones, together

with those of his wife and her second husband Joseph Teter, wore moved

and placed in one toob in the now cemotery near Ccacord church (according to

a statement by Jacob McLean, whoso son helped to move then).

As to George Mitchell’s porconal appearance, not much is knoeai,

except that ho was a tall bony man. Apropos of this the following story * t

is told about him: "An Elder of the Church was spending the night at his

houflo (he was a good Methodist) and Mitchell was sitting by tha fireplace.

The Elder, looking at grandfathers legs, said, I wish you_w}5uld give no

■V ; ;



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■• m d f.

one of your Brother Ultcholl, to uoe as a fire poker. Uitchall, , k -

look5j\j at the Elder* a largo flat foot, replied, I will give you an even

trade for your foot to use aa a Johnny cake boordl (Aa told by Sylvanua

Bonnot, George HltcheH’a grandson). Evidently George Ultcholl had a

cense of hiracur, at any rate. It la caid that both he and hia wife were

very severe with the children, often beating them. But of course, this was

quite the custoa in those days. The children however much preferred the

milder parental rule of their later stepfather, Joseph Teter. \

After George IXitchell’a death his widow married as her second

husband, said Joseph Teter, who was a first cousin of George HitchcU (the %

latter*s mother, Vlargaret Teter Mitchell was a sister of Jacob Teter the

father of Joseph). The date of this second raairriago was Doc. £6, 1824, and

Joseph Teter became like a father to the children, especially to Daniel ^ ' t

Patrick, who was so young when hia father died.

As shown above, Geor^ I!itcholl married. Doc. 20, 1807, in

Harrison Co., rary ?^cCv*-nn, (bom Juno 22, 1788), the eldest child of ^atric\

HcCqnn and his wife K^-nn^h Jchn.?on. She died (aa ^l!ary Teter") in Barbour

Co., January 19, 1859 (as given by family records). Tho official record,

on Book 1, p. 17 of tho Barbour Co. death records, gives the date as January 19

lu«/v, but her ago is given as 71, and probably tho year date is tho usual

enror, soon after the New Tear. Cause of death is given on tho record as

"canoumption". She is called "wife of Joseph Teter Sr.") For particulars ^...

about her see notes cq tho ITcCann fandly, also those on the Teter fezsily*..

Tho children of George and IJary ITltchell ware ai foUcTrs: —

■ • t ^ ' • •' ' *•

+ O !• Laurence. Bom in Karrison Co., 1809 (between Harcb 6th

and Hay 6th, as shown by the Censueea of 1810 and 1630); Died . '

> 4

-* 4 Mrm DA not ILtm I «fc»iXqri »a'ua tH^hX!! nffi i* yiJbfooI

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M- tnoorx sdl oo iwrl^ si dtoob lo saxisO wsif.sdi Mils fK>os .lono^ . ^ .

d * / ns^llxaq lot ("^la loJsT d<2ssoli lo sllw« b>>XXso tl sd3 .“noli^pat^xioo® *' * ^' *-

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r • ■*

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IXodolltf x'lqV bfli e^^WoO lo onblido sdl i. , •. _ A :\ f*s *ri

rCQ noslrxaH ol 0108 .sonoiojJ *1

.. t-

. 4*4

in Barbour Co., in 1845. itaxried DrusiUa Rorabaush*

I ♦ It ii. John. Bom in Randolph Co,, Sept. 21, 1811. Died at

Albaigr, TThitesldo Co,, Ill., Kaj 12, 1876. Uarriod

Elizabeth Roffoan, I

♦ rt. iii. - TTiUiam, Bom in Randolph Co. Sept. 4, 1812. Died at

Kingsburj, Khitesido Co., HI., Hay 11, 1881. Uarried

Elizabeth Holder. t - .

♦ io iv. Margaret, Bora in Randolph Co., Oct. 8, 1815. Died in

Scotland Co., Hiosouri, Harch 9, 1875. Married Nathan

' Rorabaugh.

♦Al V. Hannah? Bora in Randolph Co,, March 29, 1817. Died in

Scotland Co,, Missouri, Sept. 5, 1835. Married Aaron

Bennett. J

♦AA vi, Daniel Patrick. Bora in Randolph Co., Feb. 6, 1821. Died

near Halstead, Kansas, Aug. 24, 1881, Married Eliza Ann


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(5) T7illiam Mitchell

. - X • William Idtchell (oon of John), was born in Rockingham (or

Pendleton) Co. In 1787-86. Ho was probably named for William IXitcholl,

the father of John lUtchell. His boyhood was spent on the farm in the

North Fork valley and of course ho removed irtth hl.s parents In 1805-04

to Harrison Co. His nano is among those signed to the petition dated

Dec. 10, 1805, asking for the establishment of a new county. (See notes

on George Uitchell)^ Ho also signed the petition dated Sept. 15, 1809,

asking for restoration of the revrards for killing wolves. (See photostat

with notes on George UitchoU)

Tracing of signature of William Hitchell to this petition

Early in the year 1809 William Mitchell married Elir^both

Straley. The marriage bond, signed by William Mitchell and George Straloy

as surety is dated January 50, 1809. The actual marriage probably occurred

a day or two later. The minister was probably Rev. Phinehas Wells, although

there is no return of the marriage by him. The marriage recoxi book for

Harrison Co. Book 1, p. 114, gives the same date, January SO, 1809. (See

photostat of marriage bond). On the bond, part of William Mitchell’s signature

has been clipped away. v

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(Elizabeth Straloy, born 1784, Ttaa the daughter of Chrletian

Straley and his wife Christina Lantz* Christian Straley was bom in

Gemany, Sept. 21, 1742, and died Augtist 14, 1818. He is bxiriod on the

Straley farm in Lewis Co., across lUcker’s creek from the old Hamony

church and cemetery. Before the Revolutionary war ho was living in what

is now Hardy Co. Then he went to "the Crab-apple bottosa" in Pendleton Co.

and then by way of Hampshire Co. out to Harrison Co., where he purchased his

hone place on Hacker’s creek, April 16, 1792. His wife Christina was bom

in 1745, and died Feb. 9, 1822. She is also buried there on the Straley farm.

There were several Straley children besides Elizabeth, including Uary, who

married Alexander West on Jan. 24, 1796; George, who married Elizabeth

Bbnnett on Uarch 25, 1796; Christian Jr. who married Susanna Bonnett on

Hay 25, 1600; and Joseph, who w^a bora Nov. 2, 1779 and died Uarch 2, 1854,

and who married Betsy Hamilton, April 50, 1818).

Tracing of signatures of Christian Straley Sr. and Alexander TToat to the

latter’s bond to marry Hary Straley, dated January 19, 1798.

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In the personal tax lists ITllliam UitchoU appears in Harrison

Co* and Lenis Co* continuously frcsa 1812 to 1654 inclusive* He appears

on the federal census for 1820 in Lerds Co* also that for 1850* In 1840

he does not appear of course but Elisabeth hi^chell (his irLdor?) does appear,

with 10 persons in her family*

TTilliam Uitchell acquired by deed froai his father Rev. John

Mitchell the tract of 240 acres of lamd on Jesse’s Run and this became his

h^e place (see notes on Joiin Uitchell)* This apparently was farther up the

stream than John Mitchell’s own homo farm.

- WLlllam Uitchell died in the spring of 1854. Hia will, dated

Dec. 27, 1855, was probated at the June court 1854. In it he speaks of

himself as "much afflicted in body but of sound memory" eto. His wife

Elizabeth is to remain in possession of the estate until the yomjest child

Margaret arrives at the 2Lge of 21 years, and wife is to have one-third of

the real and personal estate during her life. To son Joseph he leaves "the

farm I live on" provided ho pay his sisters one hundred dollars each* After

all debts are paid, and all the children have arrived at full age, then a

division of the personal estate is to be made and after one-third is given

to the widow the remainder is to be divided among "the girls," share aal

share alike. Re appoints his bz*other-in-law George Straley as sole executor*

The witnesses to the will were Joseph "Shouldis", Mary "Shouldis", and

John Uitchell* Will proved at Juno court by the oaths of John Mitchell and

Joseph Shoulders. Signature to the will was by mark:

vt^ 0

m - w* L W ^ ‘ A. ^

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ObQI iiX ’•t.OSSi •sol ^edi oala moO thnJ ol.OSSi iql tvaosa X;nrlsd^ aii^ oa

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.»/ Adol •vaH iMul aid baab beniiipoa XlodaiiH aalXIiST ^

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i» ‘ *' m. - ■•*';■*

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rallw aid •ala *xto»a bo/oa lo Ix/d xbod at balolXlla doijai*', a#'liaaold ■' , p • ' «w ■•■'Viai

bXlda Iva^fii^ adl Xllno alalaa adl lo oolaeaaaoq ol niacat ol al d^adailXI i y .

^ lo biidl-aoo oTad ol al alia boa «a*xaax XS lo a^ adl la aorlrta Jw'i «»'“• y f

adl* earaoX ad dc^aaol Aoa oT ••111 ’zod ^oiii/b alalaa Xanoataii bna iaa^r adl •V,

• r ' »*•

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la*- • '* * 'a

• 1.

‘ w w ' v a uadi ,a:|a Hol la baylna arad o^XMo eitf.UM bha <^btU!^%^a ‘'aldab‘^^J^ f rrt

* ♦ JL u

,51 oavli al bildl-«iso *xalla bna ebaa e<f ol al alalaa laroertaq adl lo nolalrlb

- '■• . ■' •< f boa nodt *«alxti adl" iM^oosa babbrlb ad ol al iiabnJLe^n adl woblw arfl ol ^ —r .t ■

*T ■ • k • . «nolxioaxa aXoa ms xi^Ijn^ walMil-^^dltnd eld alrJoqoa* aH .a^liXa o'Lada

. I.' M. s'si

a * '



- — k -•

; , i fcon -•albJuoie" xiaM «*albli;ad8* dqoao^ o^mw ISJtm otl4 ol aaaaanllw adT - . • ■■•I ■ • ■ L 1“^ - .i

I, - 1 ».

boa XladolIX odolr lo adlao adl xfS Imoa amrl la bovorq JIXIC .Xladolb^ ;xdoi;^ _ , s

; t*tm. xft aav^Xllir adl ol •a'xabXoodd dqaaoi i,'

»?•. •,

f- •:

» ..I ■

I »

H■ -'n.; ■ ^'V .:* .,:f:.^^}£ ' ..

r-* 1 . f* *^h '•“• *■'• •. ' » '■*'' ' - «'. -»< Vr*>'v - ■ ^

_i-^7- -mtm,^ — , —^ .^.I ■■■ . |I~«. ...ip --- --—■—..^ I m I nnp 1 , -■ , 'lfnwiia<n* ,

f / i' I ,. /w’l - .k

s*«W^.. «« 4.

An inventor/ of tha poroonal eatato of "Tillliaa Ultchol,

Doc*d," was dated June 14, 1854 and was sworn to b/ John Uitcholl (hlo

father) on Juno 18th, Jt was presented and recorded at tho July torn

of court 1854.

Tihen his widow Elizabeth Kitchell died is not known. She was

living in 1850 rrith her son Joseph (as shown by the census).

The children of TTilliaa and KUtabeth Uitcholl we ret

+ 313 i. • 9

Joseph. Bom 1810, Died • Harried Polly Fisher,

t U, 1

Phoebe, Bom about 1815, Died . Harried James


+ Xf iii. S

Uary, Bom Dec, 15, 1819, Died June 22, 1891, Harried ,

James Bent,

Afc. iv. >

Elizabeth, Bora 1824-25, Died , Uninarridd.

A7. V, %.

Har^raret, Bom 1850. Died , Unaiarrled,

(There were several other children - daughters also - who were either

incompetent or died young,)

« /

V, ^ S K "

•’ ■ V

* ,’ ^ ’ vr,-' ' v ’ > ♦ * ‘ B ' ' i ^ ■-■ ‘rJ11>.L -L!'-r -*~^**~ _|'*'

' ‘‘ ■ .‘t*i , __

••-^ ■•wrv'.v-' '• i'Ti-'-'’. '«p*T* ' k M • • ma ^ j ^

i « 'i.

* *

. :: V., V

> -

■ ' T * ' V ^,V-.,-*,i^,-;‘

3 iv.

^XlddiJty MiLflffi^* lo XM081i»qpiMfl 16 &

'•jtw "i » , 1M i ' ♦. * >Ai _^. ’S ^ ^ ■'’ ’’W

bibS xJbt^ ^ bvfkTotMTt boji'b8Js88«rrq tsw iX •diSI taiiU xk> (nAdijl

T^ A>‘ .





:6-> •Id) JCXsdoiiU fldol^x^ QS 'cnoHB ijnr bnji frSfiT. ,61 oiuii 6eie6

^ j

•■• •^ \'»ni''S» «6‘ i^' *f I'^i irmoo lo m

•jpr BdZ rntmotBi ioa •! b»ij> ZlmdoJlM diddjslQ wo6Jbr eJM ootfiT

iH ■ 6.^ • (ai/BOAd av^B u) dantoX aoa ^erf d4iir 030i oi ^nJhrif ^

. - ■'> * ■*. •. .• ^ r

' \ Ki . %

h. # lalsw dtsdiJiXI 6nB maJtUJW lo anblldt oxfT

w* vVt^ '•S

^ •

XlLo^ bBtruX t3J£L •OisX mofl .licjaaott •!

••mL beJhrzaU-i «,

■. •^.' ••- :' :■ j ^


■ ;l ■-• ' • ■•■'

boid .SIBI iiioda mod . «ed»oi(d

^ *ba#a I^T;

, bobruM .X6SX ,SS orti/t^boXa •€I8X ^31 m'o9 •XXX IX: ♦

*'■. I V <1 'W’. .‘,.-'1 \iia ... ^ •4ne3 unml*

m* . « V

■»-■ ’ ■% •*. •. k<«

',••''■» >< > 'S^- '-V >||)

• - " T ^ JL

I. ' r*

. '• ■ '~ \ :%

mbctnMaaSS « •if ^ t »

bold .SS-^SSX mod .d^ed&sijQ •vl

J^Jhrtaoxdl • bold .OSSI mod * .v ' .tX

odir * oeXs jnolrf;^Bb - oo'ibiJtdf ^orlio laiej^a m«w ane

i.i. •k,

\ ,,■ • '' • ' ^''** ■** • >1

* ■ .* -4 aJZ ^ .. .. r '* , - • ^ i.’-t f

j“ ■■/^'•' •' ‘-■' >*.' f"■'***.■•• ,tf-»' * -• . _ ■ • . ■ • * •


•v:-; . ‘ <’■ rj r •

• »«,*

insJeqiioMlf < -r- I '4

I ‘•‘ .»»-*»- -.f.y ~3f>i 4,-^A «» ■ *4.J • . ' , ' » Pi



< ' ® ■ y*' W'l!' -S'

•-^ ' v-;' . -f.

■ V*


'f A ^ Vi '■' I - M Ji'-If■i.i.'V.

•^ Vkt-' / . V -■ ii* .

. .4 V^i >>jj ■"‘I

f '.■ f /"i'- 't •4 S '4-


O (4) /^bnor UitchoU,

Abner Mitchell, (son of John) was bom on the North Fork

Pendleton Co,, Virginia, pc»ob*fely^-a-1789. Ho came with hla parente to

Harrison Co, in 180S-04, as a boy in hie early teena, Hio name appeara anion^

thoae signed to a p>etitioa dated Doc, 10, 1805, asking for the establishment

of a new county. The signatures to this petition are not eJJ. autographs, and

the signatures of the Uitchell boys, George, Hilliam and Abner (the latter

/: was barely 16 years old at the tine) are all in the sane handwriting (see

notes on George Mitchell), Abner Uitchell’s nano is also ancaig the signors

of the similar petition dated Not, 20, 1816, when the now county asked for was

authorized, Abner Mitchell also signed the petition of Sept, 15, 1809, asking

’ for the restoration of the rewards for killing wolves, (see notes on George

O' Mitchell). .

• / * * '

Tracing of signature of Abnor Mitchell on this petition

i- t

Abner Mitchell married in Harrison Co,, on Dec, 8, 181J, Dorcas

Lawson, His father. Rev, John Mitchell performed the ceremony, and signed

the record in the maixiage book on Doc, 51, 1812, (Harrison Co, manriaga

book Ho, 2, p. 8) Dorcas Lawson was bora Oct, 22, 1792, in Prince George Co.,

Maryland end was the daughter of Themas and ELlzabotb Lawson (froa Lewis Co.

death records).


. . - -s#

IL^^HiSfu^A (>) ■

ol ]Ho1[ riJnoK odi oo r'rod ftxw ^ndot lo no*) ^XJCodoilM t^fidA

tiod'Xj&q «ld ddJtw oduo oR ,g€t?X^Alnlyttf <.o3 nodaXbA^^

yQM4 «*u»qqft QAAfl alR •aisaod aXd aX xpd a aa ^^O-JSOSX Hi *o0 noiimaH

ioaadsXXdadaa ©rti nol ^abteis t30af ,0X ♦aaCT botab a od b^rrgla aaodi

boj ^edqaTjoiVA XXa don »njB ootJl&Aq «idd od oo<u/dAn:ala adT .tdmroo was a la

radial add) lanrfA b«a aaiXLCT ^aa*w>^ t«T<xJ HadodiM arfd lo BaTBrd«naia add «

aos) yxddlTwfccLod aoae add nX XXa trts (aald add da bio aiaax -sa

nan^la bdd ’^noaiJi oaXa tl artrin a’lIadodiU •xendA .(IXadodJtU o^rtooD /» aadoa

ajgj lol basfaa xdni/oo wan add nadw *0X81 ^OS .roM badab noidXdaq laXlaia add lo

jobTaa ,0081 ,21 .dqaC lb xioldidaq arid bafrali oaXa XXarfodJSM lartdA ♦baslioriiwa

a^nooO no avdon a??) itavXov ^aXIHaT lol ebrawan arfd lo ^Idaiodaai arid lol

.(XXarfadJtU * . a

* ”* • ^

ooddidaq eXrfd no XXariodXd landA lo aoi/danjia lo joIwtT ^

. . _ eo0X ,ex .dqaa




aaoxoG ,|Xaf; »8 *000 oo t.oO noaXtiaH fzi baXrxjsci XXadodiN lofsdA V

bofi^a bfiA ^X/^ocwioo add baoiol^aq XXadodXM jidoX» •vaS alH •noawaj

a^Xnaa .od floaJtTu.H^ .^Udl ^18 .ooG no shod A^slmta AtiX al brLOoaic add

,,o0 aaioaO aoahrt rU ^S^X ,St ,doO mod AfK oosvaJ aao^oQ (8 .q |S .oM 3fc>otf

•oO fXwaJ ooil'}'ooawivi ddadaiJtXS boa aacodT lo i^dri^ab arid saw boa boalvutf

’ ,. .(ebioors ^aab

T • » i ^ r

; • • . . »•;.(■• ' ',.■ ‘ T’,


. • « - i \ h




Abner Hitchell received land (122 acres) by deed froca hla

father Ecv* John Ifitcholl In 1825 («ce notes ca John Ultchell). Thio

farm was farther \q> the TTost Fork valley, cxx the Sand Fork about one

mile bolow the present village of Roanoke. Be had probably been living on m

this land since his caniago, Snith in his History of LcTris Co, says that

ho settled there in 1808, and that for years ho ms tho only settler on

the river from Duvall’s to the mouth of Skin creek. He built a mill and a

daa on his property. He appears in the Census of 1820 and 1850 in Leivis

Co. He does not appear in Census of 1840 having died early in that year

or late in 1859. In the personal Tax li^ts ho appears continuously in

Harrison and Lewis Counties from 1813 to 1859 continuously. In 1840 his

widow Dorcas appears.

Abner Hitchell was also a minister, and the Lords Co. marriage records

show numerous marriages performed by him. (ki Dec. 14, 1824, a petition was

presented to the Virginia Assembly, signed by a long list of people, "in

favor of Abner Uitchell". The substance of the petition is as follorrs:

"We the undersigned beg leave to represent that Abner Mitchell -

is a professor of the Christian religion and a preacher of tho holy Gospel

of God. That he labours in the ministry withoxit asking or receiving one cent

thei*efor. That he travels much over the County of Lewis (where he resides)

and preaches to large congregations. That ho has a wife and an interesting

family of children vrhea ho maintains by honest irdustry and by his precepts

and exacples in rearing his children in the practice of virtuo and belief of

the Christian roligicn. Wa further state that he professes to feel an

Irresistable call to tho oinietry and we are free to say that frea our long

acquaintance with hia (from his youth up) we confide cuch in his statenont.

1 -.

‘v. t : f •

I ‘

y vA - !■ o. y , r.-j ,;»j ..- •

•Id 09ll b9«b xdH (»onC9«"SSI) boaX barrl«®»i XJCddpl.01 tmfA **

Tv *.

jC I


•iirr MiUt, a> tPioa •••) flX ^JCMbilK «d9li .TaS ladidt,

•oo A/od« 3ho1[ twiiSie<W,a> *x#XlPir ±vf^ d»*:f #4^ esw i^ ;75 ^ D ' , .vr« * • • 1. , 7|

A3 jaJtrlX flood Tldodon bod oB .oioiuol lo osaXUr dnoonq odi oolod oXJb ? i-Tjrt

• . . aa. * w a. . fl oro _ ^ A o . boMT AM A &«f aaA ^n Krf A f A ^ "' A' ' 3adS 91BM .oD aiirpj lo ^ oOa^mpa tld ooiila bn«I cid^

^ oo loliifao xJxio orfX ejw od •OJienC ‘w^.-^pdd I>*14| ,808i^ ol nodi baI4Sp9l^9d Sft >4 <r bo * V Jim '*

M hfu .ffrg • iXiinl all Adano hIjB lo rWxio* odi oi ••IXwa'Wtl laTXx‘odi . /V :., " ^ 'i -Vj^* . if •l«oJ aJt Cisai tn£ osax lo cirooad adi. al eijaoqq* oH *.t^a<pnq aW ao Aab^^

^ ® M - .^f.. b r T .,

TAOX.iadi la vf-iaa bpib yaL^od OM lo b*wO ^ •" ^ -j 'y^l' '■ ^

A » p at xtaaemUteoo oiooqqo od od^jU a:»T Xonootis odd ol .888X nd odoi “lO


y -

add OWX nl ,tIe*«*nW«>»'«*W od CXai A>lt aoddawO alaoJ bra ooadTTJI^ ^ , J* a - j • ' , : u- J iJ #■ , .. A ' '^n


•drtoovt asadriAi .aO adaoJ add boi ,-:«dtditta a osXa aow XXadodd" TooilA _ ;,|

BOW oodddd^q a .»S8X t»X .otd M jOd td bonto**^ a9>adTW vmvam wodB ^ . 1-7: iJ , "'1

• ^oXqooq lor iall jnoX a xd boiXS^a ^x^daoaiA alrU^^iVf adi oi bainaaa^

^•- ‘ ♦‘‘"'•vY

.■ i V V •' • ’■ ■


}? \

.oxaoqqa s&Viod wbiw .g

*• ri « ' ' •


M t : V tanoXXoVaa al oolilSma adi lo donaia<ltfa adt •■iXadollM lo ^lOYdll

% 'S ^

- > - •ww’m ... . ^ Vfcd ;

-d^ ■' : *|iKv •_

V. .-^ fc* _ •' * ^

IXadoillf “i^adk iadi inooanqn^oi. avaaX :iad b«n%Xan9bsMi 94^ oil'*

X«K{aoO xlod adi lo Yodoanq a boa iJ0jfcalX« nalial^dD adi lo ‘toaoolooq a al ^ttr

. •. . . . .T < ^ ^ cKto. ^Bplri^aai v v^btaa ivodilv x^alols adi ol nwodaX ad iaifT aboO lo

ki ^ (soblaai ad OTrarfw) elwoJ lo x^csmO affi ^aYo doioi aXoTaYi aii iadT .lolnaili^’

Ml. i«fy."'i A

^(L^ianaiiil na toa all^ a ••d od JariT aaooliaBdYjiOoo a^iaX oJ aoaioarxq *»«• ^ > - “ - •■■ -^T ' , ' ^

aiqaaoiq aid xi5 tea iaarod siilaittUo ed imhUdfa lo x^nal J

d ■

to lotXod bna GtfiiJhr to oolioa*tq odl ol rmbUdo old talion nl taXqoaaJi boo

oa laol .oi an^-alnq aa^iadi^oiaiai-iod™! aW .aol»JLX« oali^jhidD adi *^^ • ^

yr-**! mo ami iadi xa* ®i a^Yl aua ow txio xiiaiiLta adi oi IXao aUaiolatrll A «



Ko or® the ooi^ atrengtiwnod in this bolief frca his exen^jlaiy piety,

Wo rurther state that ho is rcuch oppressed by having to perfom militia

duty and woric on the highways, particularly the latter, where tho Surveyor .

has it in his poner to indulge in a spirit of porcecution and cocpel his .

attendance on the road on days that he has appointed to preach and thereby

taking advantage to iii^se fines on him for delinquency, TTe thorofore ask

that a law may pass excaipting frcm rorking on tho highway altogether

and from attending ar*d performing militia duty during the period of peace,"

Despite this statement of his character and religious conviction

and duties, tho petition is endorsed "laid on table Djjc, 15; rojcoted

Dec, 16th," (frooi original petition in Archives Division of State library

at Eichnood),

Abner lUtchell died An appraisement roll of tho

property of "Abner Uitcbol deed" was taken on Harch 5, 1840 by George Duvall,

Uichael Weybright, and Lewis Srrisher; presented and recorded at the Harch •

term of court in Lewis Co, 1840. A eale of his effects was ^ hold on ^ril 15,

1840, at which sale, among others, Dorcas llitchol bou^t a cow, John Mitchel

botig^it <Hie horse, John B, llitchol a bog, etc. The final settlement of his

estate Tdth Dorcas Mitchell as administratrix was dated Jiuie 7, 1841, (Lewis

Co, Ifill book ri, pages 574»75),

Other signatures of Abner Hitchell are seen in connection with

the marriage bond of John Godfrey to marry Abner’s sister, Jano (Mitcholl)

Curtis, . ' . ■ '*

v o

r ' i ■ •

' * ■»

v- ** J


Tracing of signature of Abner Uitchall as surety on

this bond, dated Fob, 5, 1853, :

t iv'- ■ ■ .. . • -v J'

. V '

' '^1 . ■ . , ~i- . < '■ '• .v''' 'S I

- ^ ‘1 •! -■*1^ t .■ j I '1'■

J"- ."S- V;1

f •: • V

n • • /,

' fV * < •

/v* *•. •*' ■ •


KT: '•-■.<• s <»■?«- '.VV

'W-, ^ “* ' vr n,; "• *"

*. ' ■-* V " . .’^ilitqL xTmXqmx* tid mnt \9jtM b/cmStriea •d^ •» .



h« molioq ^ f»®6*Kjtio xl^aB.f^ ftd 4^4^ ♦4*4e *i«ii4*ifll. tW * n

iOT©'rii#3 ^44 yx»dir PtH i^ItaXifoZJlA^ ^«X»))r4aljl ^ afw» 1^

■ X^QSiOP bcul col4uo#*T®q lo 4i*i4({t s aJt •j^lKbflLt 04 towcxi eld fxl 41 Md

^ X^9ied4 boA il0A0iq‘O4 bo4iLtoqq« Md td 4*44 «XJib oo bAors odi m ooftAhrt’fila

da* aTtoloioil4 oV •^conoi/puHob lol nW flo aoixH aBoqst^ o4 •^i^cwfbA 3^bi»4

■F ‘i.<

■«%-: *: ,w


• •

iad492o4XA xamlsid ad4 09,BflJWi«w Muxil jblU yiidqpmo. asAq ■• 4i!44

-t -i

* r •

••ooAoq lo bojtioq arU ^aimb q4ub Ai4UJjB iobrsol^ bfiA ^nllut'jS^a acnl btu • * . - . - ^-i ^ ^ CE

fioi4oJhrooa ai/oislXan bn*, to4oanui4o aid lo aid! aliqasQ * «•( Su. t * * '•- ^ li *'» *• • 'I

Xe> '


ba4odt»l 431 •••<1 •ld£4^Bo kUL^ baaiobao.aJt TOli414#q adJ ^B9Uub b«4a »K

X^dti •4*18 lo iwXaiviO Mfhiaii. at aoiiiiaq Icot^Xro tarA) •.<081 .aid

■^f^- (>r» k's >■■,. ? V .'*■

fiT'* ^ a6d v2sa

V''> >'.W :* , - ..

ti ^-'T:



- ». - «^bcKx:i:dabi 44

"• ‘ ^ xarai

ad4 lo iXon ictaeaaiaiqqa nA balb II»do4il| ^CKfA J


^lUYwa aa^xoaO *id 0>ai dyUK co i»)U4 a*w "boab Iado4JM •*wdA» lo <J*xaqa«^ » ' 1 * i- I

dotaU od4 44 babrooai bfu baiooaaiq jiadalaC alvoJ boa *4d^di.:«Tf .^jsfaa~ '* *nx9K.

'•• ,'?I XtKul oo K9d*8«r aXoall* »ii lo eXa* .^s-\ 'r %

"'■.-.v**: 'X»iI»»X)£ «16t .ibo'a'Xrfaootf’XoitoJW aaoltda ^a-feaxo rfii^ ■ -* ■ • ‘ -■'Ire... • - ^ ^ vV. ■


I *4P‘ • ■id lo 4B«aiaX44aa Xaoil adT ,«o4» tiod 4 Xado4lM *3 odoL ,*eiod oao dd^tiod

ahroi) .Ib8X aflwV bolab ajv a^loidaliiXcba ao IIsdo4i¥ aoyjdCl d4b» ®444i^ “ .'^L

y. ' V:

■ ".' .*.1

»^.1 , •

.(W-tT8 aowK ,iSl iood iXfll .oO •'5,^,0^

f =-; .fw&i ■ ’ »»

q .»4 • ^ .

(XXado412i) aoi^ t-»4»ia a*r««idA xtuii o4 xoilboO edot lo haod osobru* ad4 ^

• < V- ^tji •"¥

AStK D0140WWOO Bl u—n vib XXado41U iBodk lo ao^rdocriXa iafi40 .. jt

V .'V

V i

‘‘’VU-ry A :x<v.'1 V.. • -

:-f>*» 4.w.-..%.>i»..I —• *-y..*, •»-• v^*._, *?;• •'’■/• •

■ - ,*%. a :.Ji - ' “i Mi J

Tlic widow, Lorcas (Lawson) Hitclioll died on Feb, 13^7, ajod

64 yrs, 3 mo., and 13 days. She had been born in Prince Geor^^e Co.

Maryland, the daughter of Tliomas and Elizabeth Lawson, (as report¬

ed by Elizabeth Mitcliell, her dau^^hter). Lew'is Co. Death records,

Jt The Icnown children of Abner and Dorcas Mitchell were:


(;^7j ii


Jolin Elin. .

5 Elizabeth V.’.

born in April lolS. Died May

Married Prudence McCally.

, born Mov. 20, I3l4, Died _

23, 1862. He

Paul Tetcr, born Cct. 23, 1322. He married on March 3,

1839, Harriet Shoulders


p'^‘-T^:.' :Ti


\ ■ ■’.*?«!'" :^l ' "*1

. i ri . 1% i^5.8X ,4 .cf®*! no Jboib JC£ecIo;^iII {ro»w»J) 'e/iOToa’^oI>Jbr'orff

T *1 ^ ' -' ^ (N ^

^ .oO •S'looO •ORi'x^X nt nioC noocf bii/f oftt < .a^Jib bnn *,©ni t

» bi ' '’W' '■ '"’li' -iioq©*! so) ,nosvoJ[ i{;todoslXl[ l>fio toaorfT 1© 'x^ftf^^nb •bnol^'to^f ^ r

f* ' ':/» ■' ^ f: • slnoo©*! AimeC.^oO sJtvoJ r , ^orf r!;t^niiX3 '^if'b© »{

.jt j[ so^c»'4r^XIoxf3^±:< .©ooioCE‘j;>no nondA lo r.s'iJbXi^ nwonsf orfT^

~ * ■■-j v“i • ■ oH .SdSX ,?1S x^*- ^>oitX .6X31 Xi'iqA nX tt'tod . .ciiXa"’m{<^X .i

‘1. I -■■iihr . *

...yXr^< .i

-y. 4. . ■'■ • XXXoOoM oonolMi'z^ •#! ^

‘XiES^^’ fj ■f' < fiolC .4iX8X .OS .ToC mod ..^ rfXocfoi/ia '.Xi " , ■'. • V.., ... ^ .. -.. -i. .V- • ‘ ^

^ •

,3 do-imH no i>©X' •!£ .SSBX ,^S ,io0 nno<f .'loioT Xiifi*! .XXX fci]4- * *. ' ■' ,, ^ ;

• S'xoLXuodd XeX'X'ioH ^Q^SX ^ '-., N >

f:-'-j .i* T-

212 ■'

■ f*\ ‘ y ;

: ~ ■'');'’^■ ^4

*i 'K

.' < II

1r *.*- '' '

J''•• '

“ •• f - 4C ' • -V.- - •!i.<g>• ^-il

■•A'!-. "’■- % » k» • ' ' I • »/ • .V ••‘V

. . I : ■*'■< * ■>

1.^ "fi>*

* ' ♦‘■'iiv-.-t.. i.boV.'-' %. • • '. ■*’ . ’'♦^ •;



. ‘i '<ii.

.m k 1^1


* « ' 4»«l 1 % i - • y

#-A ' 4

o f

KH0I7 ALL MEN BY THES2 PHESENTO, That se . V * , Xtxc held u^d •'—^-’4 i»irv'

•£f<;S ire, CoTerror

' V • -« «/

--1.,,,. -- \T . „ r . y>

•»*^* .y> . ipif^,. Iiwi rw Uil "5i»^ ■fw ^T»rr

. ;.. :a-V • , *

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Va» dMt .w dritl bslirtl ,ttflil!>*ij s1«Ji Ttaii _ • ■’t.* * * * •• ■■ fli

» ■-

««»* .* w«A,v«*A**« i.tiAwC^. -w« «■ *<*«’*«*« .»H^ ■•».

. • I

o (5) r.ary Teter Ultchell


Mary Teter UitchoU, (daii^htor of John), was born on the

Korth Fork in Pendleton Co. Va., January E6, 1792 (ao given by fc^sdly

record. kg9 as given on tocibstoao Trould indicate a slightly earlier

date). She was the eldest daughter and of course accompanied her parents

to Harrison Co. in 1BD5-04.

There in Harrison Co. she married George Coc^caan. There is

no return of the marriage on the county tiarriaga book, but the narriags

bond TTas dated August 24, 1811. It is cignod by Cookman, with Eov. John

Mitchell as surety, (see photostat)



Tracing of signature of C-oorge Cookaan to bond

August 24, J1811_

- V' ■ r.

. .7 . .♦ V

* -fk*,'''

- s'

George Cooknian was the son of TTilliaa Coolanan and his wife —-

Elizabeth, and was bom Feb. 6, 1790. Tho Cookenns had cese to the Hacker’s

creek community froea Ivorthxnberland Co. Virginia about the txam of the

century. George Cookman had a fara on Jesse’s Eun, and both he and his

wife Mary (Mitchell) Cooknan are buried in the old Harcony ccimtory n«ir the

site of Raraony church. The inscriptions on tho gravestones chow th;^:t

George Cookraa died July 50, 1850, aged 60 years and 5 coaths, (bora Feb.

1790), and Hary Cocknain died March 1, 1871, aged 79 yoars, 2 ciontha and

-V •

* O? T.F ^ ^*^>M*** * 1

• ^ iJ^ ‘ w. . . ' .V •* ^ -

«a ^ . f.. . . - '

•f*’’ ’•* -^^ . '•<iiC*» « .^• 'V .r». . K ; , %|| ^, ■.' * . •■>.

M. , T « • » ^

ub;<3^iu t»s*r T«ii., (e)

•di 00 xnod s«« «(e:foV lo tXXadoJlM oo^t xudfr^v ,Jt C^



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X<Uai«l xtf ovTi:^ ea) JMTI ' (9S tluss«1» 4«jf •eO not&IbettA at ±10"% dinoV 'v

iolI*tM xXixisHt o o^£oiJ>ai bisfcm eno^tdosoi no imy1:| m 9^ Jnoo9^

tiooioq lod boiii&qsiootti M^oo'lo boft 'loJtlsfirAb doobXo «di eew odS *(oiAbji ^

4V?t.' I

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■m!** \ r

I ♦ • ■ Y ► * • *j ^

•j^Ahnua odd isrd ^Jood trj^tnsjM x&titt09 edJ' /io 9%Bi!Ti»a odd lo srotinn oa ' l^vt*

Ofiol» •▼oH diJtir ^flJuadooO ^d feangjla eJt il' .IXSI dBi/;|i/A bodob ojw bnod ;

. *<

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I (dAdoododq.eos) JLXodod^ ''""V

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j.bood od moioaO •3*io*0 lo mfdfi032o lo jaiowT ^ :jr^ <,\'j - ^ •> • .-v^'

xcax Ola O

i ■ % fl'•'»??' ~j a'-' dc^' '* ‘"*i i4w" • ■ -'■ f.

<’r v .- , ■- • ^V>i‘^


► [^*

•tiw «id bos OMcrSooO mMftiti lo not odd t«y o^ociood •V ,

•*to3(oj3 odd od 000© bod ooiRacdooO ©rff •OCTX ^8 •do^ frtod ojw boo ,dd#doslIS Bt i .-v>

* »■•,’


odd lo mud odd ioodo .oO baaiwiajrtfdioE, *nl

“« * • .SI '


•Id boo od ddod bat '«oidi t’oaotV oo^tfitt t btd ombCdoO .t^doto



# .


•dd itto jpoaiiA bXo tdd od'btJhixfd oit aBtrlcBii (XXododJat) 'OtM ollir • *• ■i*^l<r?'-

d:^jvodt BBOQ^Bffmtb Md fio ,«aoldqlTKOtAft odT .^..lio^dt xnofSttH lo tdla

•dtH mod) ^eddxsMi 8 bat mtox ^ «088i ,«C8 xXi^l^ btdb ot^tooO o^'xotO

■'• t-t; >'«*■> •.o

N(>J >7

bot •ddooo a «mtox ^ (XTSX «X dortH bobb iuciooa ^ «(OOTX ^

. i ■ .. ,. ' * . ■•,. ' •

o ZS days*

Uary Cooloaan Gcor^a Coo!niaa

Graves of George & Kary Cooknsan in Harsony Ccmsteiy*



Nearby, in the sane ceaatory are bixricd Georgo Cooknan's parents - WiHiaa

Cooknan Tfho vms bom Oct, 19, 1753 and died Dec. 8, 1847, and Elisabeth

Cookman irho yras bora Nov, 22, 1705 and died Sept. 24, 1847, A nnnber of

others of the Coolcran fardly are also buried at old Harmony, Georg© and

Uary Cookman had many children and their descendants are said to be legloa

in Lewis and Harrison counties.

The children of George and Uary (HitohoU) Coefcan verei s

♦ IC -1, Uargarot. ^rn Kov. 4, 1812, Died Uarch 22, 1866.

Married Martin Post Jr.

$ + >A li, Perker B. Born June 29, 1814, Died July 4, 1892.

Married Sarah Post. , ( +« lil. mil£2t M. Born D«c. Z, 1815. Wed July 24,

Married Sarah A. Cheuvrbnt,

iv. Sophia? Dora about 1818. Married Jases Post, son of 'I . ^

Martin Post, Bond dated Doc. 29, 1856. Suretyi

• • ^ ; i - T « -I


‘ ■ ‘'B® r' •«- 't ?* ■'i^'" syr^T

' J ” ‘ SL . ■*■ V

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f ■ - titnail

u ■ ' • •'*..■ '■ i * *’*'*• ■-' • V • '" " ■■ #f ■ --* .1 ‘ '■, ■''' y yv-%4i'.'. .v-i!*-.- ■ •;. y^w--^

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Jr < 'V-' T ' ' W'* y- y

jpoaruSk al euuiDiooO ^ e^ioaO to -1»''!k‘'il. >

/ *: t n

ttttffiW • alovTMf t'luac^ocO •^*1990 b^lrxiid ns \isd9m9 scst sifi aJL «x^'Z9SK ;< rV

• ■

d^sdMlia bos ,8 .9®a bel6 btis 82VI ,81 •ioO'ortW «sy» wife '*♦ »' j r*

lo isdcarxi A «VAQX bslb Ihxs 86Vi «SS .toH nod asv odw fiaonf^soO ) ^4 '■'

: • f'-' Aos oA^oeO.• •xnocarxsB bib dji bsJbuxd oslA ns i^Iitasl nsTiosO sii^ lo norfAo





110I39I sd od blss sru sdoAbosoeab xtBtU bnB.i^ bsd olfcCooO x^sM _ ‘ # is ■- “■ **> <>- r ,j •' •-■■^^'^.^ . '•

»ns« fuaiocO (XAtilbAiU) ^ptnH bos a^iooD lo nnbXids adT »♦- *- - ^ , . V , t

.solimmo nosimii^I jbitfl sb#tJ ol ?:

■ 1 rA nmi^iif PHm mttf * '3H| 'M

«M3X ,SS iatM .nut .ToC tnoQ .iausuli it*

■ 4»; . *' ’ ‘ a^V iso^ fild-xsM boAnAlt

*> ' ul8ax «A aAISi ,83 amilr tnoS - JL w>iio3 *11 ^ Ait

.isol AtisZ bsimts* * laflf L «' '■''•'i’*'♦'j '■'* ■'■i.^•■' if^

‘ . ' ’\'' ,,t3WLA **3 xiin beJM .aX8X ,3 .osQ noS Vli «£KXiV .Ui ^ U*- ^ ■ •-^ ■ >•■ *■ ■■• ■ V , ^ ■ 'V ;*_

I ’, . J F- .iacrmmO .A (Urufi UtrtM , />5f) ^;,'3 ,. * ^

K - 2

•» 1*. 4 ■V

i - ■ -*1 L ' • i ^ __ • 9 M.* Ill'

^u^: *' lo oos ,iiol s«MBs^ boJbruM *8i8X Jxfods ncfl ^ohlqat mrt

rtinoe *5^ ,83 .coa bodsb tcidfl .doo^ oliicslC . 4?

»•'» ■ , • ^ J «, < V. ,'» r \. t • ■ t , *t I • . __ ••a*' '*/ •9V4 * • 'I* •

I ■ t% •' ** . •f y -■’ '*-*.' 4^. •• , , •.♦ ' ^ *<^-*ii""oigi i.iQ"* i/|> y,;.^ I 9* — OPi *a«,i 1» ^lan fowoppo—

, F. 'it . 4 * . * "T *3 . i

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• ■t i . .f


JM i. ^•4 ^ ^ aS^* a V #1' ’ - ^Ji V ♦ Aa**

• a^T - j 5 J I, - - . * •*« * -< 7.- *9 " • ^ a . ^ - J' aT . / . j ''* ♦ Cf

K Abl 4


% ..J

» 1 '

1 «







Goorco Cookman, (Tho bond states that she was the daugh¬

ter of Georc© Cookman),

4(3.^) V, Adam D« , born Aug. 2, 1821. He died April 22, I908.

He married Alcinda Blake,

vi. Samuel . born in 1824. Died Ho was willed

land and some money by his unmarried aunt Margaret Mit¬

chell, who died in 1853* A child of Samuel was;

4 Henry R. , who died Sept. 1^, 1850, aged I3 yrs

9 mo and 15 days (Harmony cemetery).

[Jlj vii. Matilda, born Oct. 13, 1826. Died Sept. 17, 1847. She

is buried also at Harmony. Unmarried. j

(3?) viii. Angelina, born 1828. She married Samuel Smith.

(ix. Elizabet!^. born in 1833* She married Eiias Bonnott.

A daughter, Melissa Bonnott, was a missionary in Japan

for many years.

J X. Jolui Wesley, born in I836. Ho married Lydia Bonnett.


1 ( I >■ ‘

■ W

I?' . ►- »C. r- -« ,(


km v"f«»!'. 'j '".« -■' •ct^Ab «Aw ade ta^ata bnod axIT) .niuroCooO a3t[oa0

'9PM - •(najD>rooO a^'xoaO To -la^ ^ ^

,80^1 ,SS Xi^qA ballft aH -XS^ ,S®',3«A'i«o<f . ,0 ciAbA » .r * f'U)4*

«- > ,r » - { I »a>(iiXa ahaloXA JhaAixam aH

A'aXXlv caw aH t

•'•?« ■

t V. baiCl' .^SSX nX n*XQd .,? Xet;cia8 .Xt

-XXK ^a'la^naH ;tnaa bAJt'i'iAmnu cXd xd xanom aooc bna bnaX

^/‘'w2S*''v * r ' ... ^ I cay Xot/ma2 lo JbXXdo A •C^SX nX baXt> oilvr > ^IXadd A •>

f j r aTfx ex iHpaA ,0^8X ,^X ,Xqa8 balb oriw , .H X'xnaH^ ^

» •■P • ► «.• • It -' -1*1 •„'»€

,T ' ■‘f*.

‘ ’ ;51*. (xTt^^^wao cx^^ tX bna om >H'i *.■' '" ". i .

"^•d2 »’f'*^X ,'?X .Xqa8 baXa .^SSX ,ex .^oO n-iod .abXXtaf^ .XXr (T^JI « t ' <

,bAX*timmnU .x^CMircaH ;ta ocXa baXrufd eX

i ^aatxcB, XaumaS baX'X'zaxa ar£8 .S^SX mod .anXXa;\aA .XXXy ft|).

• i^armoa caiX2 baimaoi ari2 .eC8X ni. mod .frtedi sXXg .xX J . *>,- ., . ■ ■' "f'

naqaL nl x'^^noXcaXm a taw ,;^Xannoa accXXaM ,'Xo^xi3ijaX> A . _ _ c

I - 'll. ' <1 il’

UHD ' 1 *!.<

• cxaax \n»ta ^o't ><

• iXannoa aXl>xJ baXmam oH .dCSX itX mod ^velcaVf mIoL ^ I* ' lU,'.

•■* 1 * .-•y •

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y . •*;* •» >**>" ■ -1 ‘’■'.ts”. ■ ,.< fc*' r

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'- •/. • I . \ ■ ■ i •, • -• • ■' ^ •

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— f.

s —


.•* .***-.* • '* A ■ ■. • **-sV

;.•%*<. • ■' . - ■ . - (6) jrchn^^ltcholl Jr,

• • ^ •**.*•■ ' i ^ ■ ■ '/**• v-‘/ ' '1'V‘ . •* . • . ^ > . r i . ,» ^

-'v ■ -• •• * . V * '-r

*• i


< . > ^- »•

; Jc5m Ultchcll Jr«, (cca of Jc^), t:;;2S bcia ca th« Torth Fork •" , -r ■ . ■ '>.. ,• '■'■•• ■- . . ■■'■•■ - ■ ^v"*: in Pendleton Co,, probably In 17^4, He resolved as & bey rrith hia pai^td '

to Barricon Co, in 1605-04, nrja-3, a« John tlitcholl Jr, ap^oara csons- : ' ■ • ■ ■. ■ • -•• - ■ . ‘ ^ - ;-:0 . - • . ■ ; . . . _ ■

. . - - - I ' . ^ •.*'■ i' •

tho signatures to tho petition of Hot, 20, 181G, already epeken of, ackinj • * •■ •*" . *• ' ‘ '**«** * ■ '*; ? * . * v',» • ^ ^ .'• • •■

for tho forcation of a ncir county. . ; • - ; V: * . ' . • ' -. . ' •*••■■ V •' ' ■ ■ ' . ^ , John liitcholl Jr, ELorried, in Lcitia Co,, on January 26, 1818,

-v :>•

•. . . *t* >•

/ ' ■ *- 1'

•• f -a- V • t ^

. - .0 .

'1 * Vi }S3xy H<73o.* ^0 Eorriago porforiood by hlo father Ear, John lUtchall

^ "■ m-* i - ' • X "

(LcttIs Co, xarria^® ^^ook 1, p, 5) , Tho nnrriago bead uas dated Jcimary 21,

1818, and uas of courso dgaod by John UitchoU Jr,, Tsith Jehn Brock as

surety. (Hio brido’s nauo is given as ^Polly* Ho^,)

* - • ‘ 'I . V*' i * , -

r* ■•-_£. ' rA'-*- -

■*. *

;. .c c/r i

A..-, '."- . , ■ vs.

MQ'-}:- '}i

Tracing of signature of Jeba Bitcholl Jr. to the boad

'• January"21, 1818 •• , J - 'v.

• ►- • ’ \ ..

•>•» *. •

i'r_"'V *■

4V 4-. -r,. A

'-r ^ t

• ^ ^ .'*4 •s ‘ •^ S'

'‘f y


< j 4. •. ^.* .« ^

«s .' •.... .y. :7

» ‘.«5 •’*' -

• ^ . ■ S *«

► > > -i-•

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■ I . * • , • •« V-

■;. •>• / • -r .'i :•'•■■ ^ .' :;k ^. ;

v' ^.;

■•<•■;•• V-.■ •■ -.•r,, *'•

• • . s o»

t* .V i.

TTith tho original bend thoro is a ccto frea Bor. Jeha l-itcbdl", addrcA^oed

'V 4:" to tbo cleik civirg perziesdca'for'tho 4v;^ ■v.• ^v•/VV^■ -' .4 - ;■ • '. - ■ .;-.4 V' r'•■• -A A; V ; •'■ :• ^V/:

"a,"' r V ■ '-• V 4.' r A' ■ ^ "v ■.;•*-■■'■ ■^ • Vi .vV'-ii;*-

A.; :... V Vv‘'.

rs ■ • -X ■ ■ '■ V/:' \ 4A A*!;: ri-.,.- J v-;r: A-v--^■‘'• ^ ' V ■;•-■■ :•■'•' .-‘vs. •.'••■'■-V »■’•.* v:/ ^:s '■ ; s / ; a'- :• \

X V ' ' I • ... • .. • • •■ - ■ ■ • . , • ’ .■ j- ' Cf ^ - s • ^ ,>.' . • . ■. ■ ' ^ ' s f >* >•. • ■* *■ ••- • ■ * < •'• 1?./ . , f • . ^ r • fc . • ♦ ^ , • • • .

^ \.-vv ••' s .-A •■ • •- .'i:

'-t' "4 ; r ■ ■■ i N. ;i -- r^- • T; ■r'^'"4^ '4'V- t-V-::-» ' » ^ - \

•• "■ >•: - A'.

. 'I > • , • Hy- ;

4?. •X*

1, ♦•. • -t. 4- i- V ;

.- . .••• 3


•tiS o-t •<(# " »i .

2s.'^».'nVS.V’: V, y'.L-

In'BQiMMRot •]!> '• •'

• - ■ -i»*' ' C‘v '.#«- . f; .f ■ . >V..-

bSi TUJOOii 00 ,»o0 aiwoJ al «boJtri]n \i\ 1I»M]^ teiol P JM ^ .*«. «., ©‘... «•*.* ■

- y - - - <• i ^

‘twWol oil! trf itfif. \mKA‘x^ , ‘V;'V*^%v.‘. V*'•'"'-v^' ’" •' *‘*’ T r '• >“:/•? ir*V;|:*/^^* \ Xt*««n bo^sb ^ taoS nA^nn •iff-*(9 •< iX'itood frs#tiqM».oO'elwoJ)^ ^ l^.*-*‘'- »' .j- • vt

'* *> I

. '

»r- •


h'T'T ‘ ' ■- ^, .

-' ‘ yt h'i >: . V • - ■';. 1’^- v, i ^

- , ♦ j #i >

jt » ^ V

-, ^ 4.

'• .. *'• *

l -%-

\C>-- f;.‘rg>' ; #^«JbTXJc«i cmI^ *xo1 j>DlB«lmoq tLdiio^& odot. *'««S lo to t/xidjen(f ^ 5^


. •. ^ •.i

■ .f -

■ ■*


. ■ ■ ■ • • ‘ ■ . V' - - • <»r-

* ^ tf

' . 1 • 4* - ' / .r -

V. r * V. * *.•« '* V. 4 • 1 4 • ^ • • * . V ■ . . * • * • 1' '. ■ ^ . \ ■ ■«<•.• .... 1* * ■ *.y . • ^ ■

•*■ '•-: .>*.'■ :' ■ !^: ■ ■- ' '•-:•■ ^ *■' - • •• - -■'•...■■■< .'-.v.- •' > a, .•■V.,‘. ■■ ■ •• -.r'.v •; vv.' . V'V * .s-:.'-; ■ ^ V rv\ ■:• "-•v.,* ’ 'v " . t v-t v, ; -.•» v. .. .■ , ,

-A . I • . • • .a-,--;..- ...r..

. o to hara recorod udth hi« f&rAlj to Ecattucicy abotA 1&4S.

- / ' m

. ; ^ 'a .. --

Aacaj tho children of John Jr* end (Folly) Htsholl rcrox


A* -A 'i

i» Gcor^jo* Bom prcbably in 1S1&-19* Hu randed in TiTcriiiKjr ' . . •. f • .• : V. ■ * ' V. . ’^x

1857, Johanna Prichard, dac^tor of L'ary C^sttril*

■ '■ ■ ■ ’>7^ '■ ^ • carrier bond is d&tod iknr» U, ir2X, and denod by Gaorga ■

.. •/* • »

C* mtchcOLl, TTith j£a:oo T?eot ca

(by ELoxk) pomicoicn for her

ci^na psxraiocion for hio coni Kis porclGaioa noto ia, '

l.-jy- f

Ir- ..V


witnsssod by TTilllnn E* Arnold emd John E* Kitcholl (con of

Ateior)* '■ ■ -rr- • ^v-' /

; .t ' l r % ‘

r > • . 'V <

V '* . , C <•

.•y »s

•***•,. •' 1 ■’>’

* V*’ V



Z <* * .: «/ . •■

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.f.: "i. *■* * C**;«


h <•/ \u';.y:.y

y Kr : :, ■ •.

■X 'f_» ^ ! * . • •

-< . - ■: i

■r1 .

. V M

X-"; a:'. V.' • r • I . '

•;. ■• > • •;■•. -i- A

, > * :•v’t’

< w .

V ? ■* , ■• .• •' • . •

/I y :},

* - • IT.- • ' v... •. ; V'-! »-» «> ■ ' . . r .• • • I • *■

-■ X:: - "■ ■ • '. A- -f.*; AiV-

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• ••'

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*V * ^ » c “ . *.*• •*'

Tr£Cln£;3 of eieuntxa^ to ber^d &ad csoto

^ •: ■ ',■ Xf , .;r

•. *. ^ il.

*•••-- • r Dardd* • '

,! V

• '• ’ • -'.• ’ j, T: y ;

'-’•a iii. l!ary. Harried

’z" /- J ’ •• ; r - ;


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‘iA. ,) ''•A'"''. <’ ■

■ •

l^-idro ,' A"-: .V 'a •■ .\‘‘.-^ A-’.• ■•. !'■ V- -i' X;

(prehably oen’ef Jeln ir;Cri^c)v.'>y''.i w .«► • '* ^ >

V. 'A».

V.'. •‘.:X-'X: x:-v^ : .... ..•.x';.;jv ^.c•;. .• j • >;'< :.x A ^ ■ '■- ., A ^ ^ . » >. . t... • ‘.f. .• ’•* -. ■•, •-, ,■■:.■■ ^ ■ ..-y- r-’ \ Ji. •■■y:.' . -•' «* '•'■;.*i. t* •, ^ a# • • -• •.* .'\' ,. »■'*.'..'• • » '."'i . . . > * * ’ ^■*V* - ^ ...

X’av- - .. •'•■ -* •- ..._• . • A- ^ . 'x-'' ..‘./V ,-r, .'.'i J ■■--

'^■'.y;,.> V"'''';; •>. T'/. "ir ''‘X ' .•*‘; ''■: .yi'/ *' ‘i’ .•;’ ^ -Ar X■ , : ;a /v .



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“ V I •/I -Ji’vvV-; . . '■ •; i. ■ v-V-'iJ-’ -'v '■>

'i:;' ^ •

• * ' > _ -C- \ r."- H f** >

% *. V .

^ '■A:’-"'"/ •' X" ■

• / . ' :-C ••■■" • .;• i'J.'tchoXlj (Ciitu ot Jc')a), tcra ia '-C'v fl-.

<" ' 'X 5; t '. prcT:ably - in 2.VC.3,

- ^ i

rl^ hoy p?,rcala'c.o a er:*13L cldld r:!iYlcr:i - * '■ . ; ^ .V .'- .-.' 'i; ■ . ’i" .-.'>1.;-..■ •'■■ •.‘ "V

'. .', : '.Co.'ln IcO^’i* Sha c^cfTr vp ca tho fani ea Jc^ca’o cjid n^jsvicdji-^.

* X - - * *

; --y-.X-i ■ ■- • ■ , ..» I. ;■* :. • •' - ^'''• ^v' ■ - - "• - '. . ‘ ■ , ■■ •

-v’vV . ' • • . »- ■ ^ ■ Af^r covered children tjoto boKi, Alei::r>.^di:r Ctrrtda died, abetit ’. -. ;•

-‘-16^-0, end tha rddo^ Jiina. (Uit-oholl) Csrbia n^rrlcd, ia Lwia Co. ca .•■u' --'V

Fob.-14, 1C53, Jeha Godfrey, tho ccre^ay is?.o poo'fcrco^d I'y E;:rv* Alabr'

* 1* *

/ *• ■» >

V, IdtohoU, bor brother. Tho Eorrd^q^ tozd ijas cbtcd Feb. 5, ;1C-133,. ciod J . < *. J-v -•

■ . -■ '■ ’< 1 -..•■‘.••V.'* > > ..


• ...-Abnop Klteholl and John Idtohcl Jr. eiarotlcoA •• . - *.':..-.v, .x. c-• ‘i->i ■ , •• ■ . ■..^- ./V. y i - % ■ "V

; ’ . ■■; ■ '.;•. v *• ; v,- .../'■.v ' v V .;v:''/'.'s>.■.:r:h'..’ «■■_.

i* .. y-'t. -■ Treeing of this bo^id - Feb.-S, 1CC3. V-V*'-7 *> .1 • ' “ • - -• ** . ‘ u •• ' - * ■r'i • • , /.. > - • ‘"•s t .*4 '

-■.■/■-''‘yv.V-'- * .'.'': ■-. -.' -i-vy-y.' ■ — ,■ ■ "ty ■ ■' ••!;■ . -• .. . >■• v- -•c..-•• ■>■...•■'. ,j. -’’c-;.'-*-.

• ■ ■ y - :--.-y.-.. .'.y v* ^ -'y .v


.:. - .> •• , %-. •• .'- ■ >>." ':i ^ •

: ’ -f ^ y' Tr

■I V -'.v:; I - 5> •••

y* . *• - • ■ -V'’" . - - '


yy:,v^y.y:' • - ■, .• ,v

•“T*»i;x Vi

I ■; I .

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- --i- ’-C "''v*:

•-.‘■ y^ -' : • - >'y .> ■ v:-.^ ^.'-y . - -y .-■ ■ ■■.r-^: : :; ^yv ^2•:- :^y.y.v:*y'";.*'.2'y--^y>yy' ;.-y ^ -AA vAV.yA\>-v--/’:• 'A- y^y. A7-.;:y,^y;yy 2.

-yy-'V-y^ y. -a- ■• :y ^ * ;:: 7.. 7^^:::.^ .y' x. ' 'V-Ay7v.:/;y-yyyA2'^ AyrA-yy 7V,y .< v ^ a A ... •...y ,,.77.;: - ,, a..^ x.-;.>.;:7: : A-A'? .'V * “ '* .. ' > - ■'•'■ y ^ . i; *. ,* -; <'. * »•' ^ •'^ -.7 -l. A' «;'".

A •'■ - A •• 7 A -‘ •‘A7, < "Ax'- — r A A-v'.-'Aa'w-"'yuA ‘A <-7 A'A ■ V-'- .^VV-V- ■ ■ .•

.Ai ’ ' A*.\ •. ' .. . • ' ^ ' .

■• ';■ ••„ ■ • y- .'v- A :. Av? ^

AAvyyAjy’y:;';'-;a^:;"' A-"

V . "'V

-■'A'A-’- 1 /y- ■ AA.^ ■ A' •: .ry ■ * J i' ■' ■■■'■- ..:v'7^--'Arr-r-viv;v.''v'y.'.^- -

vAA^.y 7' ' A- v'.-A :Ay . ‘. . ^ ^ W:. .V ft *•"'.A>r/> . ' ’ •• 1 A- ' •-r. ' V . ^A* ' » '-A. t • .^--VA :;.<yv^y. Ayy - Al' ' •• .'?;A.>,.a. .aA;

*■ ' . f V r • . -V. . ' • jv ■ * *•..•*• “* V . ' .• •• i,. -A • ^• >1.- - . ^ . f ^ • . V •*. '.'• * i‘ ' • ..x,.- 7 •L t^r-V A ' •« ' .' . '-w : •/ .*' ' ' ' ■ ’■ ' .. • . .• A./ jx _ y a ‘ ‘ • A A‘ ^ .

•f •

: .. y'A • ; A-C • ''.V : - .Vv.:-v:.V'^Av*' ^ • -■'"• ' V . ■ V :-Ai ■ -

. . ‘7 •-■ • ^ • •. AAV. ‘A»~;

:■ y A :: .r-.yy-JA A AlA . • yyy;yV-VAAyn- J ^ • •> v•■'.A-y--A-A ; V ;. ■. V'..,.'

-* 4:^^* --

^X. _J ';:.v;:y ^ -;'A A. 7 A. / Aa :> x:-;•-. ;A;^ :^7Av.7»A,AV;--''y . •.’-

rl'-A'x •...■•,'77>.V' /•; * A'.■'■ • “ ‘‘ 7v 7 ■"''••,/••■■ "2- ". . . x;'".-C.'- A” ■'* '■-.'.A’- '''-A-'» -'* •

'•x'A xi AAA ■ • •’•■ X *• '■••» -A ,■•.-• -r'A r. ’ •'i.'-v*- \t ''A'-* .‘A.'‘ ■.■-.^> V7-x^.^^' .•• :V. ''T.''- •' ,.7. A - 'x ’x-.x* " . X. -f ' r • *.- ►' S’* -x-

.^AA 2yAy AA-A-:AAAyAAV:;-Ay,A-AA:Ay.AA7:A.-y .' .A--".- - ,f ,'V.x ••'. r'.r ’.;v'^' -y : ‘ - A' ''"'>7 •' “ t • - ■ ' ■■''y.-, '■/■ . - -'.'■'.•V.' / xix '•'. . >,•» ..■'►.'.•x'- j ■'.'>•. ., • ,. ' I-' *

^ t • - ^ •• '.X >x “ . ' >. '' •• •

« V

• *. t

V ♦ -V

V -. •'. *'•'- *’ • . •'.•■* . •.■ ‘ '' ‘v, ' •.'•’-f ' 'W- , -I"''- '•. i ^ J V ' ■

• ''*• *, ^.' ■ . ' ■ ' "V ^ ■ • ‘7 ' ** V- *)• ' ‘ ^ ■ V f ^

•-V I ’• • ^ * . ' . ’ .1 • *: '1^- s-.'^

V V •. V • '■.'•*«•

-• ^ .*1 :■ N V* •;: *' •'

.. V.* ^ T ■

j . r

*« •** r 3 » /.


:.'sj ^ .' • / •. -

* •' V-* 'V> ’ >

S 4 *.

Acocncx^TlDS tb5 bind ras a Dcto fsxn Jc!u Cc^Srcj, ■.’ •* -«» •■'• .<*

• - C ■ ■ '* ' . » /• '

Feb* 6, lEC^, ecldi^ tha oli^rl: to ccr.i o licc^oo

Prieto Cr.rtic^**» Atunsr end Uitcboll alco vdtE.csa<:-d t^a. ‘. .s ^VAi-

t r

- ’V ^ ... , Xt-;: ->.■

cnoo.Fcr lilu to .‘- V/ -'V' ' • . JT • ■ ' ^ t* * ■ • ' . * > . * ■x r

/ • . » . . ^ • •• -4 /. -V •

^ * «-

4 *» ‘ i

* •

' ‘O' ..•


-• "to this Yl0t9

• . . .,•••. . -i- . t •* *

■ • • f N ' -x r*. r, • ;N

:. -■ ■'■■• •• •■ ■ ,•■ r‘ V - :• ■ r * .J -.;' .'■• y'.j-.J ' *.- ■

■'. ”• ■ ,• ’.'J ■,■' ' •I' -'C-.' • v'"—:*>r J’.i y.' i'""

■ ■•>. -'■ i> - ; ■ . ■ ■^«' ^-vi'.■' -’*!/^ i - ' : 4 • y\ * ' ■ * , - ' . • , : *• . 'v ^ »

-*' .». ». . . f . . •

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V C', ’■• . '.'CCf .'Cv

, • . -u'-., ./ .

,xlV’ 4

..V 1.- , ...

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*•*. '. • . • .. ' • 'sV- •> •' '•. ' ■* ^

. . •*

> \

.4 «

1 ■ > • #• 4,. ' > • , '

Ifhen John end Jnno Gtdfroy died

Tbo children cF Jano I V 'N - V.--'v.V;X; v;?.: yV>v;

-y/. ■,■•*•; V‘v^‘-•'W - . ■ . - ..o T- . ' - ,-. - s : '• * V / - • • V v*. * :* , . V 4 .

- - -. ,* ? ' ‘ • . '. »• ? .• ' - M . ■. ^ ■’ * •• - • . .--.v ..•.■• • ■'. >-•

V: ** 4'

Bj firct hni^jned, AlcnnndiT ; ^r-- ■ \... : ■ , •--•5


:• V ■ . ; •!• V, ■' ;c, .' A. ■:■;

■.-v> ;• ;. ■ •■ s' • - •• ■'-.•■■■ V. •.*.•>-

y.’ ■■'■■At

-• '.A'

V !• ■ Christim* Earn 3X3^*." ^o E:nrriodj E3, 3-C^l,

.’ '• Alfj?cd Pos^, (bora 1G20), tea ci A * _ ' ^ ■ .' '- - ,*'• ,, - ..^ ■’ V.' ,4 . * '■ •* •*■•*. • ' » • *' '■ ^ vVV, .*' '*..

AM 'A • «.!•« M a ^ V. V - ,*.^'4 ,*

f - 4 .. ,

rr ■-■ ’ •-i« • V ■• (


•^4^ .4v‘i- ; ;;

’ r: .j - - ,7y,V:.;^r • > * V-’


1 ■" - * t.... -*x-. - ^ -i :•

y- • - •

, .'.• *•/•'» • • * V ■• .

A'- .'• ■' -»■•■,•' ‘i y'’ ■r y ■■

V,--, .(:■"

--'■. ‘ .-i-. ; '••• .

I, y- -•••'•- ..-• '. . —■ .• .• . / .■ ■-4v-y;-C < .. - ./ ■ , ■-... J- / • . . ‘ ■ :v ; •V^: '. *. yr .. . . •■. ^ • ••J .r , • >•. . •• ■ '■_?,■••■,■ • •-

eVr'"' •:.••,•..• - v-„ •. • -V > • ._ v .'•• '•;.. . ' -r' -

•v;.;.; y.:.. ;.■ r\ \-;V' ' ; - * • v‘--'v' ^..vW • '- ^ V; *V‘ ‘ ' . r '

V. iv-aj, 'ct^^ <^-hAyyyy ■ 'yAA'iyy^yyyr'

‘ . . .i'.-;---’ -' , •• • *-.'c ■/•;•! • ■ti-'A' . ■ _■ y .■:■•-■••• ■." .', .V ' v.. ,,-^'••,1:'*'- '• J* • * A '.*.•»' ■ :y * ‘ • 0^- .* . ■.' .. * • . 4 . » ' - V •< •''- /.'*••.•.• ^. ^.dr' • i • - - .4 • T . -

■• *. ‘^ ’V* ■ i'/ d..' • '**•■

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f •* '■ ^ Vw’a"' ■ ■ .-'>!•> •■]

-J* • I .o •

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••■'-• -: . V o- -v. -V . ^.-^ ..:...>V'--;; ••O-- •'•■?'.V -'’vl: v.^; ';."V • ’ ' • ••. ^ •*...• ■'!•. o:.// ' • ‘;i ! -V ••*■•%'.>.',•-,.' .•

V ‘ *' •■ • ' r ' • *.*T f “a ' " -'X'.’* ■ « /• ■ **‘ * • ' '* * ■ * ;■ * 'v * * ' •• * .'*'*» ^ C» ". • ,.' *• •' • V' ' ■ • '^ * ' * ^ V '

^ ^ t.f * ■• ^ '• -i *•'* • ’-. * ■.>, v. * ^ .'••*


;0 0' •k .

. .. ^-.s ^

t ■/ ^

carricc^J bead it^ dat<?d Jmo 6, 18rCJ, ced Cc^^TrcT-

vnx3 evirety for Eo^irboti^ Ccixrjos:y by Eiv, Talbstt* .

Erdly nehrber/;^ trai nearly CO j^ara j^rs^ior than hor

.r V V * *’* '*•

? V '• X**\ ' /

• ^ ."v t 'r-. t. •. ♦_.

> ». ! •' **•

husband and vaaa evidently hie cocond \iifd. Tr^yy appear V t- » 1 ^ v'.-* • . > .. -V .*» V* ‘

y^: V ■* -*'l- ' >

■■ 'I ■ in tha cca&no of lOCO vdtb tbo follcoinj childrcnj ' * ' ►: — .


■■: - v

1* ' '-‘c.2^ 21


• 'v . '* r > • ' 7.

.f ■; . o


5 ‘ ^ •



5» Sarah J. « ■ / / v--

j .*. • .- r. ■ .^ • .• j.v'^'V ? r’:v-

- •< , • r

♦ O;' ^ •• t- r —

J-'* .•' »%: ‘‘‘O *

'• - *-i V'.- r * - > • S • - '

Edrard •■4’..r -


. 8

64 Snsarziah !£• .. " 6

^Ria lact 2 or 5 children T?:ero

r * * •^ » . V *.\ • ; ,r.o ...

•5 5^ v .* . « > • ^

4. Uohala c. - ■ ./••■>.'■ -^.4'

V-v • *: -’im. '•r.-'r


■} *z* •'

a1 •>.

V - •


sv.o -• ’ ^ T .

^ /' * V ,•* <• '

; .’f • -• *• . ■

i.y •:

iil. Sneennah# I^ra 1C33. = Sh^ iiarried 11:^7'8, Id^ / yx,-;,' ■

Eolirbou^^, (b* 1023), cen of CsorQO Echrboeeb# !it3 Lairic^ *•' ' ■'• > V

bend iraa dated l^ril 25^' lC-i5, end Czorc-a Eohrben^ reza ■' .t, 5'- ' '

miraty. Ceremony ty Ear# D# E# Eolnicic. (Thia Adin trda an ;

aldor ocn of tho Gebs^a Echrbori^ tbora T:ho Earried


• '-L* of

* j-'.

f *.'

** 4f SncsniHLh^e ciatcr In the ccasTia of ICCO, they eppear ', v ^

Tdth the ona cMldi

4 / • ' -.V • • -’ ... X

..'-.r ■■■.'.

' t'*> .'I*.

: 1. Bnara £• : Ecm 18C04‘ -;7=:.

7''; . ^ oocond hsebend, John Gidf^esyt

It. rilHan. E;rn 1SS4. ..

> •

■ .,'T

-■■V ^ "■»■.. 7' ■ ». . • . /'.. .

V^* - • ''*


'4^' «

4 . ^ T. Uchaol#

vi# Karstca#


■ 1855*

-• 18134 * 4

• 12C3.

' r r - . -d-v * .*' ■•' *. '• . T- ' "r • '••v. *..- -X 'X' . -•• c.f..-^---- 5.,: . ' '.t.

r. . . •;■ ‘ V.' , •.. ,.:>■ [.I : -.:V'-.,f _;x • ;•», '. - j.;:. ; ■ ..* .J'-V-'^; 'r

. 1:. . - . • r ♦ '• : ^ •' ^rXt *■ r ■ ,. » ^.* ‘ ... 1; V. • ■ • .-‘' i '■ - i. ■ . V ' ■• ' ' •' * • ■ ■■ ■' •'

t": ■ - V'^ 'v:. ‘ -vr^r..;- ■ -r’ , ..••••.■' ;'.•■■■■ ' .....'a-

.. ' r.

. v’ V - yy

•y; >ev iv- r: ^-v. , > ' .X • ,

• - '■ . - ' . • •. . 4.V Vi* .. •' .»•,*-**'. .4•

.-r > ' a I v-.. - :- -v. ,/ c . - - -r" ■■ , ■' • • • -V- A-t: ^-'•: ,». {■'. A’■ .': ..'>j/'v'-'

‘ '. ’.• ^ -:- '■ .. ',■ .•■ ••' .'. , ..’ ••• * ■•■> ' ; • : ' , -r'. ..-S /' ..; ” ;*».A'Ai

. *»*..« i

> V ■A’

* » . h V-‘ ' ''-•*■. '^•‘

V ’ .i- o ...- i 1 f . '■ - '/ •

•' y - -. ■*.' '.• ■ • r.

.. .. s . •

/ - .■;• . ' \,S X. V. ?•;< vo;


%•• • * . >


r. * • ;.♦• i*.

. • " , . • ’ ^ .: d, - ' . • •... * ^ ** ’. ; \ ■ • ; * /.‘ ; Al-t... '. - V ■..^': f- ■* ,. :-' .•.■•'■• ' !; ‘r^- .-;

• '.'. 4 ' .*1 ' *'*»’^.* A 4. I'i?* .1 **/*•*•■ * ;-■ ... .- • .'■.•■ ' •»'^ V.. ... . .. - ■.-•-.y-/.'- •

. 4 \ ••..•• j!-. - ‘i* -•• :^ * * ' . — ' •• • i ' i .■ » ' • * -

• -.-N ;■•' .• ;. a:* -'.y; ’. '-.y ■ •^• <•?*•'•■ ‘ -!v':-'-'V'r,-'‘V-;? .;.:.>:tv'-::

• /■•:' •. *• - .-•■•-■ ■••-■■:: V-.i .r.vvt.; ..--l-y / •.

■ ■ •. v :• ' ‘ . .. V y . -'y . •‘c;’ v'• ■

■'- •. ( '•

» mMw ncpocTaoJi V

M »*tr ho* !»fl«ijr3iBd > ''** »' *" ■ , ?.*<

’ '.s* * . \ j ' ' “j • T • ‘ \ w • *..‘ . i*. ■•»*••.• f . - ... . ' -

' ‘*■ •■•*• .V r' \ •e''.'v^ s'. '• V'., ■■■’- V • :c ■ i'.'■ y I-,

-'i.'''■■■■'> • •: i *.'•••* v-.;-.i'..-.’s-'

.J.- .> • • :' ■'• -v:> v'-r.A?:!-}:--*,*

.v'wV- ■•* V-; f; ..v'r 4>'.rV’.>.:;V.V ’ . ; • 1' ■* y - ^ ‘

’ ;:S ^v: >,yV;' -y r\.:'vyv^':v • •■•• •.. '■ •' ■ ■ •■'. (dr.'r* Jc!:a),,tfii3 bcs^ 'r "

^ V. * . j ' ^

Pcndiotcsa Co, In ^ c!:DVvly v

rcnoYal to UirrlccQ Co*) Cho corcr r^irricd n:i<i3 hcri3 5ai -

yc^ars ritb h»r deter, Ilary (mtchcdl) c.opc.iro In t!:3 \ • v. ..•• V

of 1650, in tlio fcdly of Ood^n, on of c.£:o <L3 yeaxa* •* •' ' V'v .'V-.'-

. mtcholl .dcd <a 1C53, to in-old > A"_■' -• . * n *.'•.T -


• -V V


r j**-

Earzioay cci^stcry near tlio Ccoh:::tn3* / Ineo^ptdca .c<r7a oko died ca tt%% >: •• -- . . •--- y ■ ■< ' ■ ’ V',- X' y"'; J- • ■■ ' -- '- ' » ■'■' . _• . . . ^ ' .' ■■-. ■' .

dato, a^ed 63 yoareiarjd 23^ dnys* (Tdn-ib pi;Cv'’-»27 or'hls-^ - y -.

-vV V.

V„ • >.- ■-JL

" rao;: .'r .* A ^ 'y •

' y :-■) ^

'C) :;

rcadinj for CO years. If co, cho raa ^ra -Uica on ApdJl 11,

fcdly tradition lo,tfcct cho Vrzuj tIi-3 yevs^d ciiild of Vo^_a.lIltchai2-y'-y'.yV ,y •' "-. ■ ■■-' -•■ • .-■■■'■■ ’ V’V .y* iy■;Vy-j”'/.''’y^ yj;.y.y.,'-‘y;y-

■ by hia first Tdlfo.) Esr ^fill is .of resord in Ledo oi. '^ia it c'^o dlls ' • ■ ‘ . '■ ■- ' ■ • > •,,'■■ vV . ' ' •''.•■':•■ X .V'- "Si'' ■' ’' •" .^-r' —'■ ■

Sajniol E. Coctiaan oil hor land lylaj at tho of Jess3*a‘P^:n,' v ■ *' ? V '

. V ^

t ' 'f - f \

J'l « . •/

part that tma loft eo by fat!:or®}: ta ll^ry^ trd - . 'ji -• "-G

eaddlo"! to B. Coc!n:.‘an a co. of CO d^Harc, tha.eaid hrrvdn,^ y>/-

It in hia crrja h^asda; to nicoa Ijx^oJJLn^ Qoclz - - • —-

- y-. V .- Bonnet 10 dollaroj to J. VTc^rlG/ Cosl^m S dol2^i

^ • ■' • - * ; • ^ \ 't ,. . V- ' ' :. '• I ■ • y '

i^o*^ "^7 ••'iC. ;v'y V'-V-y

. liltchol her Eark. Dated /iprdl CO, ICcS,. • by - -’ -y ^’V.yV

;, AdL^ De Coc!22rji* Pror;;^ crid reoerd-d at the r7\y tecim of cciit in I.rrie v ^■- '^7 . .k y'

Co. 1865.


. • •. i* ^ •

. 7 . . *• •* -I .-

'V/ \* ^ ••' -i .-•..4.. • 'f .e - * ■ ^ .

.• . V .’ *l « 'Z \ ’?7 ' . • y - ■• . /'

- c'*.. *!:

■ix ’ r t • T i •..

. e-, • -s r ■'.y ■ 1 ' ' * ':

Ir ; ^..V -" V ,

'-r- *>-

:/4*. ^ * -A .i



T* . : -.• ■,!■ .^•- *v , . 1 -• .-.-y > ' .i - ^ *•. * • V r • • • •*.

r >•'■ ■'/ ;/ PG3l-:atohpU‘(icn of fc7’^/ra3 in Cc'y :‘yy • ->■ - ■ ’ •■■ '•' • '■ '. •■• . •;-i; •'■> ;. i'.""'i ' viy " ”?/ '/"••'.■ .■ •-y'--''7-7. •Co. Va.I!o’'s:ns taken by iils psr'yta

■-* ■-’/it'-V*-V

:v% V . Aasm* •i&t at ww^M (XiE^oij^ xuSi i»S dS±m *. v / -K . • - . .

k. f

V 7;*iST : .CCSbl »XX JLbr^ i» «o<f »x:;9r acia ,o '^w'^ l' j ^ . ^'■’C •*i. ■ ' .i •■'4

oa 11 • ACtav^; C3 ^1 tatbaat * •'i * *<> yj I

^ r .aJ • V r . a rr Wa .a^.. Al ^T aa Waa.' « aa i %aa < «i 4 ! r ^ ^






ho vas unmarried. On the Personal Tax lists ho appears first in

I82U and on tlirou^h 1329, but not after that. Apparently ho died

at about that time.

(13) Isaac Mitchell

A. / Isaac Ilitchell. (son of John), vas born in Harrison Co., Va. in

1813» He lived in Harrison and Levis Counties, appearing on the

Census of 1840 in Lewis Co. as “Isaac S, Hitchell", with one son

and two daughters. In the Census of 1850 his a^e is as 371

and his occupation as farmer. Kis wife Delilah was aged 50, and

his son John ^uoen vas aged l4. Ho appears in the Personal Tax

lists for the first time in I836 and from then on until 1342 (the

research was not carried after that date). He is said to have been

a doctor. He died Nov. 4, I878. 0.7^.

■ ■ r' O ,-r :

¥ ■

Tracing of his signature as a witness to a note of Ills father the «

Uev. John Mitchell, dated May 8, I836, giving permission for the

marriage of Elizabeth Mitchell.

Isaac Mitchell married Delilcih (Windsor) Mitchell, the widow of

his brother, Eli Mitchell. They lived on a part of the old Mit¬

chell homestead. Henderson says they had no children; so evidently

the son and daughters all died before maturity.

»/ t


«.• ' -V ♦ 1

'XaT'’'XiKfiO£79? •Jb«X*xitiiairuf cjov •<!

^ ^ *■ V ** ^ ■" % ^ ^ bfitb mt{ xXi^ne-XAqqA Son Sud ,eS8X xfowoxrtJ no bnm 4s8X

♦" t f.



■. '^. 4»mti *BtU tucam i* ■ ““

- H ( ft ^ '

•■ r

. ? ' -»; li^i ‘r ■ f ■* V ’ Jk ■.- ‘ ni .x7 ,,o0 noai'X'xoH nl mod eovr ,(ndoX» Tto nog);;;

"1 - ^

t*' ' ' ■ I *' * ^ ^ sdS no snX'XiioqqA ,goX^nnoD. ei%roX boo nogi'X'xoK nl boYiX oH .CX8X’*

* y ’ ■* . ;r ^

nog ono diivr .■XXorfo^JLM ,8 oAoeX” zb ,ob zlwoJ. nl 0^81 lo eugnaD <2'

gA nori^j ai aj^ gjLrf 0^81 lo guanoO orli nl .gtoixl3i;fib ovi ,54 -

bna ,0c bosB eavr rfaXilaa alivr gXH •'lom'xol iii noi:»gqcfo^ old baa ^

r ^ .Ly> xax XonoaioY odS al g*i«oqqA oH^ ,dl bo^o ggv neoup mIoL nog old

,-lv .

• f? ' O - od^) S48X Xltm/ no nodi mo-il bns ^8X ni,.araii Sz'xl'i &dS ^1 mSzlt

x,!T • 8^6X ,4 ,Tol! boib aK •loioob a t Si I • ^. ^ t

h- .

^ '' 'i


*• ,, ? - ■ \ . axfi 'xodiol gX^rio aion a oi ggaitiXw a ga oTjjign^^ig gJLd lo snXoa'xT

adi -xol noigglmYaq anJtvX:> ,^8l ,8 boiab yXIorloiiU nrtot .Tan^ .^P?

•. •XXarloiJtM'^rfiadagXXS lo a^l'Z'icifli ^ « • _ «

lo wobXw arli. ,IXadoilK ('xoebniV) doXXXoQ boXmaai Xlo^ioiXll oanaZ


. bXo oiiS lo iYaq a no borJtX \artr •XXadoiJtH XXH' ,iariio'xd eXil

. • “ ■ ; ■“ : * ' - ’* m' ^ XXinebXro og inaoblido on bad x^di gxoa noaiabnoH .baeigomod XXada

'• H, ,. ** r. X r .XtX'iyiam o'xoled baXb XXa ggaidauab bna^nog adi

.rv J^- <


vV*iW» ^

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' k •

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■I »

V- ■**•*«'•■■• f*« j ,>■■•• tk*- IT irr I PM ii|^ I in^

(1^) Dononi Mitchell

Bononi Mitchell, (son of Jolin), was born on tho borne place in

Harrison (later Lewis ) Co,, Va. on Fob, 19, 1S15* He was tho

youngest son and inherited tho homestead on Jesse's Run, where he

lived with his family in the famous old log house, until his death

on Nov. 6, 1902. He was the last surviving child of the Rev. John

Mitchell. He is said to have been a lawyer, as well as a farmer, «

He appears on the Personal tax lists first in 133^ and from then

on until 1842 at any rate (no later research was carried on), On

the Census of l84o he appears in Lewis Co, with himself and wife,

2 sons and 1 other female besides his wife (too old to be a daugh¬

ter, however). He also appears there on tho Census of 1350,

Benoni Mitchell married, in Lewis Co,, in August, 1837, Susannah

Life. the daughter of Martin Life and his v^ife Elizabeth Fleshor.

The marriage bond is dated August lo, 1837, ajid Joseph Mitchell (tho

son of william) w'as the surety on the bond, Martin Life, tho father

of Susannah, signs a note of permission for the marriage, (Martin

Life had come to Hacker's Creek from Pendleton Co. some years before)

Both Benoni Mitchell and his vrife Susan are buried at old Harmony

cemetery. The inscriptions state; Bononi lIitcholl--Born Fob. I9,

1815. Died Nov. 6, 1902; and; Susannain Mitchell, wife of Benoni

Mitchell, died April 1902, aged 33 years (born therefore probably

in 1818-19).

In addition to the signature on his own marriage bond in 1337,

there are other signatures of Benoni Mitchell as surety on the mar¬

riage bond of George 3. Bont and Elizabeth Mitchell; and as witness

for his father, tho Rev, John Mitchell on a note of permission for

F- i

4 »

, F


\ -I

/ ■«-■ ;^v

vi-4; *' '- ’■*• ' ^namhh-tM’ ' ■^■■'<''^-^5 •I f 'r.' ■ 4

al •OAlq omoiX erfi rt^ niod ,(ndo^l« no«) .iXpiio^iM inonii^

•xW «AV SE .^SX ,EX .d*! «• ,bV ^.oO ( «Xwoj[ ^oJ'JB£) no«X*xx«9

•d •'xeriw ,ni/H e *o«teL ao bB9^e«ooff oriS bt94J:'XBr^Jt bna noz ^eo:;vntfOV«

• 7' *’ »■ xfdA#l) zlti li^nu yoeuoif aol bXo euaeusl ©fW ini y^ltnta'i z±si rfdiw bzrlX

ftdotr .toE ©ri^t lo blirte ^jhrivai/a ^«©X ©xfd ©avr ©U .SOigX ,d .toK no

• ‘Tomal © ea XXav bb ^-texwaX © nood ©taxI 6i L^©a ai ©H •XX©d3li!| -A

n»ri* noil tn« ac8X iil *s-in" I«noe-i»<I »rii no tH I*


no .(no bz^'xtMo ©w ria*i©o©©'i ^©^©X Ofi) ©;^©'x ^n© S48X Xi^nu no

,©liv bn© iXoataixi d#iv .oO aJtwSj ni'^eioeqq© od 648x lo euanbO od^

-xf^x/Ab © od ©^ bXo ooO) ollv ai^ eobiaod ©XacioI ‘xod;»o X bn© anoa S

.0C.8X lo aixanoO odi xio ©*x©d;» ©'XAoqq© oaX© ©K '/(tov'cV'od ,Tf©*

.^C8X nl' , .oO sivoJ nJt ,b©i'xi©fa XX©xIoiii^' inonoci

>T.Qd©©XX d;>©d©aiXa ©liv aid bn© ©IJLI ni^TroK lo 'xa^xI^uAb oxfi jaViJ ...'Sl:' • * “" ' *

•illj IXarioilM i!q*eol bn* ,\tSX ,81 tzu^uA haiab «jt bnod »rfr

I,. * . ' ”

TodiAl ©d^f, ,©*iij niiTok .bnod ©d^ no x^o:sua •d;r eav'^^ (wAXXXiV lo no© . J ^, * ■ > '*%

n«-«iM) ,oT n^laato^ * »naJta itv^

(aiolad e-Mox- aaioa .oO,iTO*.fbno-i, ootI ji.oaO. a■•MjteaH oa bad

TBoanaH bla a. baimd „,,u2 bno XX9rt^ai^^ inonefl rtaoa

,W adet n-xoG—XXodo^lM inonoa looa^a anoicJ^iTf^aiii ©dX .x*x©^©«ioo

inon©a lo ©liw ,XI©doliii d©ai^«u8 xbn© ;SOeX .vol£ J^ia .^X8X

XXdado^q ©loloiod* mod) exa^x Ce b©a© ,SCeX ^Xi-jqA boib .XX©do^il4

1" .X

.♦t :>

t" ,./■ . c| ’ ? • (EX«»8X8X* ni

,^C8X ni btiod fnro aid no o*xudAnaia ©d;f o;> noi'^ibb© xil i -3

-S* i -•xa<a, aria no-xaaaua as XXadoaXH Xnonae aaTiiaai^Xa liriao’.ii .a.^ia ^

aaanaxw a* bn* iXXariaaXM da.daaXxa bna anoS .0 aaaooO ;io bnod •a^X'*

lol nolaelanoq lo oaon a no XXoitoaXM nriob .-roa .da ,-x.da»l eid'aol

• • . . ikA ...< j

. ViAr-....r ■ •• •- .

V «i

this marriaeo (soo notes on Elizabeth Mitchell).

• -» iX; ^» > ♦ w -V> •y*“TTr^

’ >■■■• • .

:. ; i ^y-> . ^

yfLy^-^ ^ ^J^A'9^--


Tho children of Benoni and Susan (Life) Mitchell were;

i._ Oliver C. Born April 12, I83S. Died Dqc, 25, 1844.

Burled on the Mitchell farm.

(53) ii. Draper C.. born in 1839« Died in 1895. He married, in Lew¬

is Co., Oct. 21, 1359, Martha D, Barr, aged 21, *■

daughter of Daniel Barr and w'ife Mary. They had

several children, including; McClellan, May, Alice,

Oliver C, and Burke {\<h.o died in his teens). Tho

daughter, Alice Mitchell Sutton, is the last living

member of this family (in 1955)#

iii. John W.. born April 2, 1842. Died July 6, 1848, Buried

on the Mitchell farm


-. ^ '’i ^ . • CXXoifA^iK rtJodetJtXa'no noJ'on ooe) o^eliTtaai «Xrfl^

C .V ft.

^■,.^ ‘‘..'•-f- ,.A




7v >.ip£

, ?^ -uwAr-i I '^*

toiov XIod3:tJUf (alJLI) MZisZ bno tnonzQ *lb no'ZbIXdo o.^ ^

, ''Iy-.,^#,'|^ 4Pi

< S I > -« , . * ” ^*1"'* ^J/l* ’ ~ ^ ^ - "^ ■ •

• ' . .4UI8I ,iS,..opa Jboxa .8C8X ,SX XX-xqA irxoa \0 XZvtlO ..1 ^ *Tja , L

w.ajf '•- . -■- - r>

'S' >

^ ,mxfiT XXod^^^4K 0^^ -«a'. boX-spS, .vr

-w#J 111 ybolTiJisi oH .^^BX'^nl bolCT .^C8-C mocf . .llJ

,XS b^ao t****^^ •.^ srf^^mM ,^^.8xV*XS •to'O ,-o0 zl ;.

" JTj ^

barf .x**^ ollw brut n.a3 Xolnal lo •xoctdauAb V"

'**1 ,oolXA ,x*M ,naXIoIOoM xsnXbuXonl ,n9*xbXlrSo Xaiovo* ^ ‘

* . b» ".,' •>>

orfT •(crteo^ t JLd nl bo lb oifv/} esfiuGI bna ,0 ’xovlXO

anlrlX ieaX oxl^ cl ,no^;fu2 XXoxfodJUf oolXA ('xoj^ifarrab

• nl} xXbuA*^ ztciS to *iocfo:aci

boilua' .8481 ,a xXuV_boia .S^lei ,S IIt^A irrotf

%0 '- ’• i'W 'r: •anal XXodotlK oit^ no

*v: . •«

• ■;* '<LJl t <' .* •,•« . •

#■ .r


(^0 iv.


L^) V.

(^) vi,



-f(^3 viii.

[40 ix.

(tO X.



Cassandra Virfrinia, born Oct. 22, 1845. She married in

Lovis Co., Jan. 9t 1S6S, Elias L. Barnett, a Tana-

or, aged 23, son of Daniel and Sarah Barnett. The

ceremony \/as by tho Rev, D. E. Helmick. Elias

Barnett served in the Union army in tho Civil Var,

They lived in Lewis Co. They had several children

(all now, 1355, dead) , Tliere are grandchildren.

Twins. Born Dec.. 25, 1347. Died Jan. 10, 1848. Buried

on the Mitchell farm.

John A.. born in 1849. lie married in Levis Co., Dec. 25,

1873, Harriet A. Barr, aged 21, She died on

March 25, 1904 "aged 50", and is buried at Harmony

cemetery. They had five children . The eldest

son, Bononi, served in the Spanish-Amorican Var,

Another son, V. George Mitchell lived in Jane

Lew (see accompanying letter from him). Ke is

now dead. # .

Isidore. She married Bruce Scott, of Kincheloo, and had

throe children.

Alice Byrd, born in 1853-54, on the old Mitchell homestead.

She married Robert M. Henderson. (See later)

Belle Zora. Slae never married.

Susan Florence. She married a Mr. Williams (?).

I n r'rt'

nX holTiAm a/lE ,SS .doO^niotf , .".Xnfr^T^T, M^m. \rl Q\i •’ *, ’% •

'■ rT<; V.

•o-XAl'« .J saIXS ,8ddX •XM^t ,;.o0 mlinJ '■' Jtt !»•

•rfl .^i^nxAa rlBnuZ bos leXiiJBa lo nos ,CS ^8* *

1 • j»iX3 .MolciIeH .3 .Cl .toH o<fX ocv

• loV XivlO orf^. ni Ynns nolnU ori^ nl borTtoe ^ion'isS A

noTbXlrfo Xa*2evet borf YorfT .oD oiveJ At b»vXX x^^ ’ . .

• no‘xbXiffobrui'Z5 om o'xoxfT .(boob ,^^0X ,won XXa)

boItuB «848X ,0X .fUDL boiQ . *?4l8X ^ooCI nrcoQ .enbi/T f » « (L. .‘.-j ' " *■■ ' ,»

® - .1*^

•anal XXaiioiXM arid no ^ •• •f —

mOoCL ^ »o0 aXwoJ.nX^baXiTafa oTI .^i^SX nX nio'd . .A nrtoL •Xy-

li no bsXb otiZ ,IS bo^a ,YYad .A ioX*x*xa5I ,C^8X ^

XfloanaSL ^a baXiud aX boa ,*0^ bo^c* dO^X rfO'xaM

ieobXa oriT • nerTblX/fo aril bad x^^ •x'xo^^eaioa f '■

• ‘xaV naol*3atnA>»xleinaq8 adX nX bav'xea ,inonoS ,no8

*'anat nX bovXX XXarfo^XM o^^'xoaO .V ,no8 rtad^onA

aX aH • (mXii moal ^o^ioX ^nXxnaqraoooa aoa) vaJ ^

i>' -t*A ♦ tt

•baab won f V

bad bna ,a6XadOfliX o^ulXt baX-nam orfE ToiobXal .iXv

’^r *i/v3i 1#.'= . v.. • naibXXda oo'xtlS

^ ij • baai^aomcrd XXadoctXM bio ad^ do ,4l^-C^8X nX mod . 1>iy61 aaXXA .XXXy' I, ■

‘.a (‘xataX aa2)j .noa^abnaH .M ;»*»adoK baXY'xaca artE

t ■ I y'v baX'i'icai rcoYan.oxlE .axoXv'aXXaS •rX’ OiJ

e .(V) ««sXXXiV .*xM a bainaia ad2 laono-^oll naeuE ' .x

’< t T •


V* I -

.ei 1 i.i-. * 1 • * * "

» ■* ' “''■x 14^'!^!^" ' “v*', '

•-.»■ '•

, 1 ' f • ^

, ■- ’■•fi'^1

’ Lt

■?♦'«.■. ■ vTs:'- v-v.■,.-.i-Aaft *1p^ . * ' >k '7^ ■■ I ^ y ■ t m iiiyiif inl■^..^l»—II — - - —<''-'^^-*^iiii -J-■ _______-5.»” **y »p*'*! ..^rn ..iwp

'JTi^ « - ' *♦ a Tt^

tA: dfu A . I







(15) Elizabeth Mitchell

Elizabeth Mitchell, the daughter of the Rev. John Mitchell by

his second wife, Susannah Vashburn, was born on the homestead on

Jesse* s Run in Harrison (later Levris) Co. Virhinia. She grew up

there on the home farm and married in Levis Co. on May 3»

George Broad Bent. The ceremony was performed by her father, the

Rev. John Mitchell. (This was four years before he died). The

marriage bond was dated May 3r I836 and was signed by Bent,

Benoni Mitchell (Elizabeth’s brother) as surety.

Tracing of signatures to this bond: \ . t :

.■* vv. t '

- A

‘y..x :1 :

Accctapanying the bond were notes of permission from the Rev.

John Mitchell and from Lydia Boll (the mother of George Bent). The

note from Jolin Mitchell reads as follows;

"Mt. Tolbert Sir; Please issue License for my Daughter

Elizabeth to marry George Broad Bent and oblige yours

John Mltchel".


Signatures to this note (see next page);

y i

. . - ‘ - '■ t'j


oo l>«.».«aed no mod .ow .niaddj.v ilonnoeu*^ .*liw l«,ooo» eid

■ '?rr^ ik ': __.,

>^JJedg»«l City* .‘•>~ ■'^, Tl

. :• ■ ;.. ,,' 6 -

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V 'v^ lawoXXol M abaa*! XXadoctJLM mfet raoTl #:►©«

^midzuaQ. xa ainaoXJT aoaal aaaaX? aiXe ;^'xadXoT ,^>I*

a*xi/ox a^iXdo bos :fna& bso*!?! a^'XoaO xi'xab of ^l:^adaJtXi^

• *Xa£io;>lif mfoL —— ’ "**

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^ - . . „ . .'upv* .. V ^'V• >t. • “> \MV ‘moO •OMfl oi ii»w tiHd»9ta bam ^co t^dMj

> •> . ( i -'•■

o Their children 'weroi

i* John* Bom 1857. meia an officer in the Confederate

Aray and was on General Lee’s staff. Ha lived in Salisbury,



S ii. Eli Y. Bom Jan. 9, 1859. Ho Tras a local preacher in the

Methodist Protestant church, and lived near Spencer, Tf. Va.

He is buried at Hebron church there. Died after 1904. He

married (let), Nov. 15, 1859, Catherine Cox, dau. of Isaac

& ^arah (Hisely) Cox; and (2nd) Sept. 28, 1890, Julia Smith,

dau. of James and Emma (Rogers) Smith. Aniong hio children


1. Melissa - married Patrick A. Ihgle.

0 2. Kenna - b. 1894. Married Oct. 25, 1916,

Ruby Snodgrass. Lives in Spencer*

5. Claud S. Also lives in Spencer.

<4. _ iii, Jerome. Also an officer In the Confederate Army. Killed

at battle of Fair Oaks, Va. June, 1862.



iv. Achelaiis. Also an officer and killed in the same battle.

7 V. James A. Bom July 15, 1855 in Roane Co. Va. H® was a

laityer and author of Eont,*a Digest of Supreme Court Decisions,

Lived in Elkins, Tf. Va. Re married, at Eaverly, TT. Va.

Nov. 27, 1888, Maggie C. Butcher, dau. of C. \7. and Amanda

Butcher. Their children:

1. MTTtle. I

2. Laxira Gertrude. -V

O S. Edgar M.

W V ■ p V‘

r*-- . -


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ytji. -•xiiad.aaaa arfi al baXXlX boa Taolllo oa oelA '.aifaXsrisA .▼!. i * ~ "'‘V , '*’y . . • ^ * l4 *'" '"* 1* ‘

‘ •■* *1 ' ? * •AW aH ,a7 .oO aaaoH ol 5381 *31 moQt .A aasat .y M * ' V - . *&■ ,._•»•» -’’si ■■*:• V'

' •aaolalaad l*woO fwaiqija lo lae^lQ alinsa lo lodiaa boa " '■ vlii ;'_

f. .aV ,W ,x£i»vo8 la »balTia« aH ^7 ^W .exUbOX Jtl brrU “‘ .' j. y la ^T "• *“ '■;.% ■’• * j" : ' ft- . abaaei bna .IT .8 lo .»«b ^ytdoli^ .0 ais^ ^888X ,TS .yoH " ^ ’ i

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f '■ . V.

ct. ▼i* 5


Ibion, TT.

if. Til. >

Arieta S.

41. viii. 1


Ii. ix* Van Buren.

71. X. Tarletoh**

71. xl. Coltsubua** V'.

. 71. xii. Dcuipooy*

xiii. 1


If. xiv. Ananda***

.-X. , ■*' ' • ■.' vr •

■. t ‘ #


Mollsaa, IfArricd TtilUcia Rcynolda* Lived at ^eet

.V "

Arieta S. Lived in Catlettcbtirg, K/* '

v; •

^ ■ *'

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. * f* mf I '• If- . A

Waatcm. TT. Ya* Xpril 14, 1955

Josoph li. KollOGar 93ft Eiontticlry Stroot, iQXTTonoo, K£ia#

Doar Ccnialn:

Tlio first thlnp* I want to fio Is to thank yon p#S* for tho photopTaphfl an'*i tho history of tho fcally of' I cn onoloolnfCtOT* John Ilitcholl, ntich of irhlch. la not in ny reoorf^a.

Q plotnro of tha ol<^ hor^otoart Tho photo^rropha cho'3 econoo that nro qrjlta tolrcn Qhont fcinlllar to 123. Thero lo probably not q foot of cmy 1GC4* I cja ' of tho country oi'^o ohoua ^hich I havo not oxplorofl. In tho piotnro r?Qlha<i cn norhdil oror* ' The p>ravo otona io fcjail- onA yoa 13 Inr frca try boyhoofl on op to non I haro roa.^ tho ot^tho tlEia Inscription on it cicay tl^oa. For ycmr infornatioa it WQ8 takoa* it '^ifl topplo otop, probably canoo/l by tho nphoavol by

tho rooto of the nalnnt troo oloce to it. Houevor, a fen yoQra Q(?o a pjronp of tho fl9Qccn(^anta rot' to^?othep, fomo-l on QococlQtioa, bonelit Gn coro of ^^rormrl on rhloh tho ol-l cenotory la Icootodj^ fonco<! it aH'^ rootorod tho old tonbstono by drllllaf? it boltin^^'an iron bar to the baok of it. The rronad naa olecnod np and ziaplo treea and other chrubbory plcntod.

See lo/Tend fop nciiea of thoco in tho photograph*

In yonr historical ekotoh I note that yon roe- ord tho dGto of birth of Baacni Llithholl, ny ^andfother, ea Fobmary 19. 1G13. I havo q copy of tho ooncno of 1850, tho first to rof^iotor tho q<?03 of oltiscna, and that chcr7o that ho uao 37«yoGro oZd Qt tho borlnnln« of Jnly of

- that yoar uhiah uonld iicho hio birth dato 1013 InatoQd of 1815 an^ hio are CO Qt tho tlno of hlo '^oath*

In tho r^ittor of "Old Eamony Chnroh'^ I hayo aluaya had tho iDprocolcn that tho orls?Lnal502 lop? bnlldin<?''chloh Rot* John Ilitcholl 1:20 iaatmnoatQl In bnlldinffr abont 1010, nont over to the no^ omnisatlen aloar nith tho ccurtoc:^-

tivH, bnt I conld bo urcnp?. I havo no ncaory of any cthor l^ildlnr until the'prcceat chnroli uaa oci.^lotod and dodloa* tod nhoa I uao abont S-yoaro old* Then tooj both ny fathor end nothor uoro convortod in tho ol-^ otmotnro cn tho hill nndor tho proachinr of F.ov* Somol Clcnocn (Gla^oo) nho fraa

on Qpdont Eothodist Protootcat* Tho Foot Vrlrinla ®DltiO " Book** orodito **old namrny^ ca beinr tho firat chnroli bnild* In^r of that doncziinatlen in tho U* S«

' 1

Chorloa’rachbno, abont ny aeo, la otill llvin/? ca tho old rachbnini henootoad, noar Good hepo Giid"ha3 coppllod no with infomatloa ocnoornlas tho early Uachbnins C4id Sn* scamoh, ny rrcat Rrandnothor, in particnlar*

Thlo la Jnot o noto* TThon I rot oan«dit np with xay


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’ftaoli«il «tf

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:xtl«iioO *tJi^

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*rox TiB4dS of al oft,of fiiow I ^^nidf faTl) oiff ‘lo Orff lo xncofaid adf Mro oi^qA’z^ofod^ oift^ tol

• •ft-xooot fli foff si doidv to dors «£Iodofl£l odot •Tf^ifia«foffo C3 Z b.—' u, t 10 OltstOl^ O

• > mflnp 070 foilf aoboob roda ed^omofodq^ odT^,. ^ ftot;toe!iod ftXo • ^ xnB lo fool o fofl \lfi6a<nq ri oiorfT •ca of■ ^niZlciol' ftrodo floiM I |fto7oXqx6 fofl ov£d T ifoid^r ez/odi "o^ia TXfsiroo Oilf lo ^ cj Z

•Zic^ol ol aizoffl oTot^ axTT " •xarovftbd^oo ftea fu ftfi(|ov rxirf o|^ od^ ol I odf *AOi arod J v^tt of q[t; co ftooxS^od cto^l ikisi v 8i aov mi#

itoIflaioloi iffOXvTOt .aeoJtf XQ^ fi fio frolffi^otjirl It ®df fa Xrf XoToedfitT cdf x.rf xXdsfoig ,70to eX^qof ftfft, fX •itodof aow f Jf

B ,70T070H •fl of oaolo 097f ftrUBO Odf lo BfOOl O^f |7odfosof *fo^ ofBBftBOoaaft odf lo gcrois a oi^o a^oox val

|foilt7 no ftXInOTB lo OlOO AO fx^AOd (OOlfAloeaBil on ftcinol odf ftnofeot ^A8 fi ftooAol .ftofocoX ol Tzofcneo ^Xo tdf of xfid Aoxl,Ao'AfllfXod Nxo fi ^niXXi^ft x<f onofcdctol P)|o

•ooxf oX<iO:i f>aa ^pr ftofi^oXo aoo ftaooit^ ©xfT •fi lo tfooicodf • ftofcoXq Tieddtnjiu «odfo ftoa

«v » 4 .

-oar ifox ffi^f o^oa I dofaafa XoaiTOfolii icrox nZ ^TOlffBlftfifilB XQ iXiod'ffltl XoDixcd >10 dfTicf lo ofoft aiff ft7o

lo ooQCoo odf lo^-x^oa a OTisd Z ♦CXOX -OX x^Offvcfot <oo fodf ftcB «e0oclflo lo eo«B adf xofoiaoi: of foiil airf \038X lo xXaX lo *cinai5^of adf fo ftXo otbox-^C eov od/ fodf Dtroda lo ftoafcuzl CXQX afaft df 7 id''aid 0:213:1. ftXoo:i doidv fadf

. < ; ;dfBa^ aid lo coif adf fa 09 mo aid ^ab 0X81

ftiiaaaX^oaQ 10 tfinoA XOl adf si oaodf

• \..o7^ofodg

■o^’f -■

» -O'. N

^ .' fl ?•■•• . -■ ‘ ^ f »'

bxaaXb arad Z •’dotodO rtroracH ftXO" lo 7affca adf aX ^ daidA'aoiftXirfd noX u^Xoalai^o adf forif coiaoox^ Ji* fdf ftod

,fXOX ftrodo twriftXirrd ni Xofcc^urrfoal an XXodofiU'/idoX^«TaA «c%oxafloe cdf dfiw acroXB^AoifcAioos^o uoa adf of 7090 faw lodfa x«o lo o«a^T^ I «ac«A ad ftXuoo Z fAd -t^f

^oaiftoft ftco ftofaXc^a aotr dOTttrdo fAeoorrq edf XifArr m^aXiad AodfDl xn dfod* ;oof fiodY" •ftXo a70!3x^ foodo, oasr X ffoxX^iftaf IXid adf C9 ozi^ocncfa ^Xo OiCf oi ftofTovdoo ax^^ xodfai2.f4Aa

109 odirt(oQ!7DXD) £eooa.3X0 X<»tcaj&3 tTeA lo i^oixiaAf^ adf xaftAo “ aoXa* ciAiaitr fat7 ad? •ffWfoofoxA faiftodfi^foa^xo at'

•ftXlnd dOTAda foxil adf ^nded so •/ccjjiaII ISXo* afiftarxo *doo8 •8 •IT adf ni coifcoiiaaAO^ fodf lo'^sl

fi '!•'-■ • Ij- -'V " BO ftisirlX XXifa ai ,6%o faoda ,£fiAddJc.!l"adXXBdO ftoiXqfioo acd ftdo t’^od-fto^.l xbOa ‘ftoofaesiod 8««diltf7 ftXa adf •ere ftoo aoxirddacy x^^oa adf soicioocoa aoif^rjtolAi dfiv as

•xaXiralfsK ^ •xadfoizftcBO30| faara xu ^ilosABa

xm dfiw xa fdairaa fc^a Z AadV,: •afOA d'fart ai aidT

. H'N

aft Ai vox afitir IX»I ,dic« ABixqa

(XXaxaoaiB ’■.I

x b




Since oloslnff ont nj letter, a violent bnt brief wind otoin, f0110173by rain, cone alono- r^imponod aa<^ <^cnponod eona ontai^^c torlc I inteH'^O'^ «^oini? an'^ ny onthnsiacn co uq11»

Uy OrOildfQther, Eenonl llltoholl, doe'^od ths old hone plQoo to hia eon, John A# liltoholl, or to hid chll** froa and coon after the *^oat!i of crcindfotlior and prand- mother, mcle Dick, os he irao called'rased the old hona en/S ballt a cottage on the cito* Tort probably Daw this eottap^ when yon uoro here in 1940.

I think the old photo/^roph, which la remarkably well proDorvod, ia the only one in oxlotonoo, end toaiy* inf? it ntp'ht becoiso too frQ<?llo to handlo, I recently had oopios na-’o of it ea'’ cm onolooin« one of thon for yonr records.

It is nonally neoloss to oxprocs re<^rot for loavlnflr trndoao'thinf^ that ore now iirpoDalblo to do. I had all tho opportnnity In the world to'prot first bond infomnticn, in* toraporcod with lo^road, Qbont the tiitcholl fenily. I was yonn^? thonPh, ca^ littio' intorootod in ciioGstry» oo lost nnoh of q historical natnre that wonld new bo of nnoh Intor- oot to ns. I did nclro cp-acisdlo inq.nirloo and a’fou notos, nony of then loot. I know mcay of tho people yon nontlcn. S<2niro Ikmofiold ncCiortor end other ncabero of'hia close fcmlly. I oca rocembor Bill Godfroy and hoarlag my nothor and onnto call hin ‘njnolo Dill” b\!t ny rocordo of Dill Gcd® froy and hia deocoRdonto are ia short cnpply. Of the Cnrtia branch of tho fenily I have no rocordo whatovor. 1 cca ro* • laenbor q Jocco (hirtls who rao contractin3 with ny ^^rcadfathor for Q IcQcs on cone land which ho uaatod to clear. I was

only a cnnll boy bat rooall that xThon croadfathor'vrao wrritlni? the contccct and caoolfyinff that a’rail feaco chorld bs bnilt to onclceo tho loacod land, ihr. Cnrtia Inoictcd that ®Polo3 will do CO trollj- Eon, polos ulll do ca uoll,” and it la ey rocolloQtloa that ”poloo" It uas that built tho fonco.

Tho loflend of footmaoh^Q birth plcoo bolaff on q part of the old hccooteGd, was enrront nhon I was a erall boy aad i have picked trp many arrew heads on tho p-ronnd.

There wore two stories oiirerefrt abont the Rev. John^a oaoapo from hia chip. The first was that ho loft.'hia ship in Eooton and uaa hidden and foa by no/rro olavoo nntil af* top hia chip cailod. ‘Eho other which I hoard nnoli lator, le GO yon have it. I liko tho Eoctoa otory bottor end think it tho moro likoly one, cince Eosten was the neat prcnlnont harbor in the conntry at that tiiLS.

Attain I on si^int? off.

X. A. H«

iri' 1y ■T^

I k'

. • V 't

- ‘ ■ 1 *

-i> V

.,' '‘5?V >•


J9i^4f itfd ^0»Xo1t • X* too VOltpIsf ^e^T•x««^ Asa ^floXa acoo «ciat Tlf Ae^oXXot .Miv --...-- -- . . _ Xst Ait0 vxlIoa Aeasaifli i aAiatfro esoa'^Aasa^x^^

• XXas as t^iaXSffrftsa ,<t

»l ■•¥‘J f

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Mo edi ^aA00^ .IXeifoilH Xcosea ,Tei(tolKfioxl> «Ilifo iid so ,XXM(e9lZi •▲ sfloi «so8 sXd o0£iXq ostoif

•f^cosa Oiia sotf^r/lAa£>is Xo jdtaoA so^ta iroos ao* ss^t enoxl Alo tdS Ao^fiS BoIXao saw ^oxf as ‘«:Xoia cXoa^ .sod^oxt oixil vss xZdodcnq noT .o^lt exft so oaAt^oo £> Mit;^ as#

JIVS T. f'-* 0 !i «0iV0X Sl OSOil OSOW fT<^ BOtttH ‘ ‘ • .' o,

XX<fA:fisarc si xfolifs iifq-vno^oxl^ aXo edS lUtdiyX . «sso7 Aoa ,«oGo^aXsa si oso x^so ci^lt oi ^KoneQO^q IXev ■* XJCtsooes I ,oXaaoj1 0/ cXXacsl oo^ onoood W asi SOt-^UOjii )o OSO aslOOXOOO XSa,^0 tl^tO oAca OOt^O A0if

• i k-’ V ,V' . . •nAlOOOS SrOT . Vv ^ ‘ trVu?? ■'■' ^

sslTsoX sol tBT^&z acosqxo aseXess tX 9df tlo hbd.l •oA ot eXdlocoq^ vod esa iodt 'h^aX&‘^ii»f*au -ail?,col^caxolfll Acoxt ^asll Msos xiisiiasoqqo

Sk'^X Z •T^i^Z XXoxfo^iil 0|{t itfodo' .aflo^oX XUXtr. Aaq^oqitsot acoX 00 «Tx^eaoxi3 i£i B9f&o%9ftU'cltXII ^co ,i£atroxi{r imncr

•loJni xtonn lo ©rf con‘'AXi>ow #nxl^ cstr^oa Xsoisotciil a lb tfotfa ,ooXon nol'o aa© ooisltrpiil oiAoiz^cqn oilas aIa I .ta o# #00 •colisea orox oXqopq ©4ii lo xcsa Bond 1 •^ooX. co«[^ lo ocolo cXS'lo^osctfcon sexiio hcj sotfsoiOca AXoil£ist;i.>osXfr^

sorf^oa qn cixtsAo/f Aao qoslAol) XXXa sotfcoaos c:>o I tf^Xicol •AcO XXia lo oAsooos qa Xtftf •Ilia oXoctr* niil XXoo o^rsi/o An©

cJl^nO Oif^ 10} •qXqqsa trodn si aso oXsoAsooaoA oXit ah^ qosl * -os cso^I .sofotoir^rjoAsoocs on orsil I Tliriol, c:t;? lo Xfosastf

sciJyolAms?^ qn-ilJiiy tztt90iiiao6 oca otfj oi^frO caaoit A saOitaia •ixar I .sooXo ot #4. asoX ^ :o& 00 s<>1

^slfiso o6v'tbdM^tt3T»"'tojtsi*todt llooox' tnd torf lXiri. o qEio tllird #4 AXffOita oo0ol.XiiK*4l 4o44 soivli00^0*"Acs foxxsisoo ©44 •oXo^ Xc4:^ ftoXalqsi oiltffO .sTt, ^AscX fioasoX o4t cj^Xort o4 ^ qa oi 4i asb a^XXoB 00 oh XXIb ooXoq ,irc3 iXXo» so OA XXiw

• aosol aiU XXirrS fod^ as© #i. *ooXoq* ^s4t noiXoeXXooos - r., .V. ' - ^ - I*

"I *r.

-Wig.I f

’ ! ^ Af >

vr • PCK.

■ ar sLs _

lo Iscq s CO lAoiotf oooXq dfnXd o*402.ssooS lo AsoaoX atfT X huB qod, XXssM^o asu I w>dv^ tnnxtro ^hAotootod Mo ©44

^ •Aasosn eo i|Aoo4 botso qsiia fsr.'Aioiaiq «Tja4

0*0401 •r©a,e44 tsods tCi&xoztro oalso^o ©wi aso«r>oso4T Clrfo oXd'.OloX^od 404# asv iosil e4T^^ .cXjlo old ©josi ©qaooa •Is 114CO covxiXa osAon qd ^1 ^os soMVid s.Ttr Ass bo^oos ai

,so4sX 4»fR3 Assei I doldn se44o otfr iOsXXsa eid:) oid se4 4nid4 ACS qo44od xio4o fioyaofl cd4 jdiX X ,41 OTCrf vox. as oi

4aoslts>sg 4aofl odl^oar sOiaba aokio*>si| tXodiX aioa ad# #1^ . , •«BBi4 4044 4s TSdfltfOO ©44 Si SOdssd

Weston, W. Va» 4El Delaware Ave.,

January 6, 1955.

r • Mr* Joseph M* Kellogg, 936, Kentuo>y Street, LaT7renoo, Kansas*

Dear CouSln Joe;

lour letter of Deoenher 20, reached me the day heforo Chrletnas* The holidays and soise work I am doing for the Veterans Administration, oontrlh- uted to the delay In my reply*

lour letter was a very welcome Christmas present as I had practically given up hope of getting In touch with any of the descendants of Kev. Daniel P# Mitchell* I have had many varied experiences In my quest for information, as you will note if you have the courage to wade through this letter to its conclu¬ sion*

lou are right about the book of poems of Mary Mitchell Bent, published by the Bent brothers* It did fall Into my hands and In a peculiar way but after I did get it, it was filed away and remained doblnant for almost fifty years, or until after World war II*

Back in the early days of this century, a friend of mine from Cutllps, in Braxton County, where I was then living, came home from his school in Cln- olnnati, on a brief visit, and asked mo to go with him to liormantown in Cilmor County, to see a giSrl friend of his with whom he had been corresponding* I had no reason to make the trip but it was a Saturday in Eovember and with nothing bettdr to do, agreed to maka the trip with him* The only mode of travel then was by horse-back or by buggy* Hoads were almost nonex¬ istent too but we decided on the buggy, a ^buckboard", hooked up the team and started out in a snow storm, the first of the season* We arrived at Eorman- town at supper time and put up at the village hotel which was operated by a iir. Boggs* With nothing better to do, I stayed in my room and ocouplod myself with reading* I picked up a copy of the pamphlet men¬ tioned and immediately recognized the old homestead and "Old Harmony Churoh"* YThen Ur* Boggs came in a little later, I made inquiry about the booklet and was told that he had bought;(^rom Rev* Bent ^ust to help him out, that it meant nothing to him and that I oould have.It* I paid him the quarter he said he had paid for it, filed it BWay in my trunk on my return and there It stayed until about 1960, maybe a little earlier, when I began to piece together information in my pos- sesBlon and finding the process more interesting than I had at first anticipated, I oontinued my soaroh*

I was Interrupted by eye trouble in

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'^pOm JbocioBox, ,0S irc^cfeioooC ^o xoit^oX xlroX rfxow ocfoe boa .aar^totxKd 9roJf*4

^(fit&aoo ^aot^B^&BXatabJi enjsteSBV edt toJ 90X06 (rrc I .tXtr^T vn^^itx >uaX86^0ffX ot 6?^a

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Xo^naCt •ToJl to Btaa^nooaaO eri^ lo \£ta dftw dctfo^ at at 9»oa»txoqxe Aoiiav zxwa oyad I „. .Xlodo^XJl •!

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, • 'r- ^ f *«OXa 8aaog«l:o rfood arf^ #ao<fa 4’if3lx eta ooY

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^xeooa tdoalm etoa a6aok '«^S£rrf Ajrf ito ioarf^osT^d \d\f! ,»67aorfrfoxirf» a co 686X006 ew Jiwf^oo^ ^o8;XaX -^^

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lo^orf 090X1X7 edt ts^qo toq baai eatt xeqqjre fa nwqf- ‘ 90X13X00 fiXXW •099^ a \;rf bstsxeqo aaw rft>Xi^W

tXaeja botqaooo baa aoox at bexata I .06 ot xattsd •aam toJLdqmq edt to-xqoB m qa badotq 1 ^wtbaex rfXXw

aaeXadoorf 6X0, orfX boaia^oaax xXetatbo^J 6aa boaott M at eciBO a99cA apd^ ••rfoxcrrfO ^ooirsiU^i jiXO^ 6aa

aaw baa taX:£ood srfcr tarodb x^tapat 0600 Ic^teXoXf oXXXXX gXerf oX taut ta(Mx *78)1 GOtl^XXrfgoorf 6ad arf'XarfX, 6X0X

6X000 X XadX liaa eirf 9$ ^aiittoa Saaom XX 4’itrfX ,Xiro oftd^^ zot btaq bad ad 6Xaa ed x^tzsop arfX aXrf 6Xag X^‘ «tX.0?Brf *

aierfX .6eia maXe^s 555'no ioxntX ^ nX xawa XX 6$iXXY ,XX^X * tXatXx^ aXXXXX a^orfyea! 'jOSex XoWa^XXXro'^6ag[aXa XX I -aog ^ at aottaarotnt xedta^ot eoatq^at oi33orf I iiarfw**^ aadt/gatteaxatat oioo^aaoooig edX 90X60X1 6na noXaaaa

• rfoxaea xa 6oimiXoob I «68XatftoX3raji Xa'i^l Xa 6arf I ' • yt


X9^X at aXrfootX axo x^ batqoxxatat saw X^ ja.'WT—

« I

Pago 2

and entered the Veterans Administration hospital In Martlnshurg, ,77, Va* for the removal of a oataraot from my left eye. In 19 52 a like operation Tras per¬ formed on my Idghtoeye. I served with the Spanlsh- Amerloan forces In the war with Spain, which service, hy act of Congress, made mo eligible for hospitaliza¬ tion* My vision la not as good as It was prior to the affliction but Is much better than the blindness with which I was threatened* I can read some and havo no difficulty in reading what I typo but In all the years I have been operating this old typing machine I have been unable to teach it to do a oomnletely ac¬ curate Job of spelling*

That lends up to your supposition that we axe of about the sane ago* Well, I an ten years your sen¬ ior, having passed my 79th birthday on Hovember 21, last year and thereby hangs a tale*

My mother died In 1894. iily father kept the family together, all seven of us, until his death In January 1900. His funeral was the last time the seven children were ever all together at one time but the six of us still living did have a family reunion on Sunday, Hovember 28, 1954, the first get-together in almost 55-years. One sister who has lived in Kontan- a since 1909 cams east for a visit and was present to help me celebrate my birthday and for the family re¬ union. Another sister living In rhllndelphia was also present for both events* Por longevity we think it a pretty good record; Here is the lineup;

J* A* Henderson Weston, W,Ya* 79 Georgia A* (Bishop) Lewistown, ilon*76 Robert 0* Grafton, W.Ya. 72 Earl 0* Fairmont, W.Ya* 70 Mary 0 (Gerwig) Exchange, W.Va* 68 liuoy S.(HloholB) Philadelphia, Pa 66

My oldest sister, Maud Leo, who died in 1940 would have been 77*

Kow back to ray quest for Information about de¬ scendants of the Rev* John Mitchell* After I had as¬ sembled all the Information then at hand, I condensed it and published the condensation in one of our local County papers, closing with a request that any desoond- ant who might see the article get In touch with me* I received numerous letters hut still lack some direct oontaot with one or two members of the first sot of children* One old gentleman, a Mr. Ilinear, olalmed that one of his anoestors married a Fanny liitoholl but it

-seems th^t she was not a daughter of tl^ Rev* John but probably a granddaughter and her marriage sponsored by the Rev* John. That is a detail not yet cleared up*


nt XMftqBod ^otiBtf&tatmbA enstB^^' 90^ J!>9t9ta^ fin# j^oflistjso # 16 fiiriterr *xpl , 11^111581!I^tgM

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.eotTTea dotdw .nfacra rf^lw ^xaw eii^ nt a»6*q(r ftaoHsciA -astla^tqaorf loi^alohjXra •ja-efiaffl ^Baai^nos to ot rotw eaw it'^aa fioo* aa ton at noi&iv •naf^ aeaiUfintltf arf^ eaift •5o;ff etf-doaa .at ;^iItf noftotnia arft

ararf Ann emoe fia»T a*o I .fieaotao*tdt saw Ilriafdw ^ aift IXa nt ;ta(f aqt^ X »a<Wt sa^fiaaT.Al \;^i:#amffi #■

antfioafl sniqxf XXo atdt Bnl:ta-xef6 need 9red 1 siaax •oa vXa^argfgQO a ofi rfoao^ 67 aXdaftjy naad aTAd I

,> .satIXoqa lo dot a7aairt)

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al a^aofi aid Xt^tn# ,6# lo aoTea XIa xXlaal aarea acii^ amtt feml ed7 aaw Xa-xoncl alK «OO^X ipca«aal

6rf7 &iid aorttf’ ano ^a rcerfdaBO^ XXa nave arrow aarefiXtdo .ao aolaaaT \Xtflsal a oTad 32b ^atylX XXt#a aa'lo xte at •xed^a^l-7a;| d'sitl ad^ ,t^0X ,0S ‘rodcfrarott

•oa^ao^ at fiartl earfiOdw re&eta onO •aiaev.-Sd ;t80flfa 0^ tnoafnq aair fiaa dtatT a,iol ^aaa acjao ^0X aonta a -ai xXtmfil arft tol fiaa x^bdfitd ^ etaidalao an qXad

oaXa •aifJatrIqXafiaXlifT at aatytX rte^ata radfonA .aotna a tt^Xntdt aw '^trasnoX ^ol •a^asTd ritod lol'tnaaaiq

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i.-- S>r-^, f.-iffe jii .♦'.•<<3V :rtf' ^ jHr- ' ' •ofi ;raodfi noti-acncolfit 10I taaxrp tck od ^Coad wpX^

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toa*»tfi eao«,.d6©X XXtla lad aiaHaX oao^affiaa fiavtaooi - lo loa^Jatil aiil Id’a-xadK^m ow7 -xa

ladl fiaiataXo .rcaaati: .rt:* a .oaffleXlna^^r fiXO oflO *iiax6Xtd6 It lad XXadoltH \iift65l a Oat-x-MW Oxolwaona atd 1# ano

ndol 4Ta)i edl io tedd^Brah a,toa aaw ede l|>dl aaaea- jfia-roaaoqa a^atTEiaai -tedf fina redd^yjabbiia^^ a<^qXrfadoxq lad

6axaoXo. laq Ion XtalaA a at ladT •odo^i '•raJl adl


page 3

^uite natxLrally in my quest for inforr^ation about my mothers family, I beoame interested in the Henderson branch of the family tree.

iy father always claimed to bo ’'Sootoh-Irlsh" and while I was in the Veterans hospital, a gentleman from Virginia, just behind me in line for lunoh oall, said to me, "I‘11 bet you are Schotch-lrish"• I admitted my fathers claim to that distinction and as^ed him if It "stuoi out"# His reply was that;"the Scotbh-Irish were not Su-U. j t m ..iVL Irish but Scotsmen who had followed "Honnie-Prinoo Charlie" got liol:ed, fled to France and not liking it there, came back to Ireland and settled in the five northern counties, which malie up the pres¬ ent Protestant area of that land."

I knew that two of my fathers brothers, and John Henderson, twins, had migrated to Hissourl way back, but I had never seen or had contact with ei¬ ther of them or members of their families. Uncle John died childless but uncle Highter raised a largo family, so I wrote a letter to "any descendant of Highter Hendersony enclosed it with a note to the Post i^aster, Georgetown, Ho. and at the same time mailed the letter you received. The letter to George¬ town# l>o. came back marked; "Ho such office in state named". I pigeonholed it and there it remained for the next six months, but in a clean up I found it and redirected to Sedalia, Ho. and in about two weeks had a reply form A# C# (Jake) Henderson who says he is the youngest son of Highter Henderson. Jake has promised me a visit—in fact he was to come about the first of November with a daughter who lives in Paducah, Kentucky, but had to postpose the trip. Our corre¬ spondence has been interesting.

How your letter comes completing that part of the picture but leaving much yet to be done.

To your charge of getting Interested in family rather late, I‘11 have to plead guilty and your ad¬ vice to confine my research mainly to my own branch of the family, is good, but it is Interestlrg to browse about in the family garden.

lou mention the old homestead. I was familiar with every foot of it. i^y boyhood homo stood on one corner of it, the Dr. Isaao liltohell home, which came to my father and mother for oaring for his widow, aunt Dellla Kitohell. I have a hazy recollection of her at the time of her death, nothing more.

In 1896, I think it was, my grandfather deeded the old place to the children of uncle "Dick" John A Hltohell, and in return was to receive care for himself and grandmother during the remainder of their lives. After their death the old log struuturo which had ser¬ ved Rov. John and his numerous progeny for so long and 80 well was torn down and a cottage built on the site.

' "*■ ■' ' ' • 'H,, ^ ^ _

^ itxrotfa aolSasfttffJtii \o\ loanp Xfs nt Xt^Stl0ta ^tla^ > itosieifsH erf^ ai b9^at>T.stat oemedf^l ^ie£'tbJi\ BTert^aa rm

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* '^ rfottaicrf fitiB ^«jhct^too)S^ #tf of JbaaMIo e’cairlai ^ ^

£aoT^ a *JCB^iqco<C ea»i&;faV Hi aair X •Ildw .biaa \XXao^ oaM at dsi Aatiaitf ;^8fft ,elflt;|itv^

X3 b9ftlaba I m"iiBtnlmciofoiSot ^rs'itO'Z tod XX* X* ,•« ot tt It pld bodO0 bdn aottoalfdtb todf mt itlotkf^o%oAiB\ "

datzI-^ddfooS ndf^itadf bow xXtfor elM m jCocta^ bowoZIoi bsd otin HBBiBtooS jfalYXijELL‘bE!3fcr;:S‘atow

las BOOSTS'of ban ,JbodotX to^ *'»tXtj#rf»> eoeM^^laxioa** bBif&BB baa'oS doBd ^OSBO ^otBtiT ft ^tdil tOa

B£tt Boinm doltirt ^Bottmjoo^jrtod&ioii ftvtt etf^ at tBdf ^6 bb'ib tnataf^oil tno

,8*r©rf:fo*xrf ozadf-Bf wonjf ‘X"^ tTToaatii of Jba^iix^tnr &sa, ,catwi ^flosaaJtooK jKdo^ baa

-ie dttw top&nOo J6aa zo aaae z^roa had i JH tdoad^xo^ oloab • eelZtmali:A.xi&dt io Bzoditem %o^d^t l;a xodt

o^zbZ a 5aei«Y Tia^43tH aXoair ^j:^ RoalSXMp. JiatX arfow' •“ ^0 ^oatneoeaib of zotfoZ a aform 1 oa' ,^X|flra^

arit ot Btoa B dtt^^tt boeolono ^noAiet^as* YB;rd3tB earit mBO 'odt.ta faia ^.oH «nwo^eaYpfit%Y0<taA«,;r8Ol.

-dS'ioed ot - zattoZ ®dT «lb9TtBOB‘x bo\ *s&ttol odf boltBoi otatB^&t ootWo ^doMfB 6if* )i>BXxa£i< joacf^Besao •Ohl •qwo^ zdl hbalmoz ft ozodt haa tl beZddaoo^^tq I •"J^asaa

tt foirol I qxr naeZo a nt tijd ^odtaom xta txoa Bdt B^Bow oaf tjjcda at baa *oa ^MtlaboS ot botooztboz baa

>1 'ad ©138 orfw aoBZBbaoh (aoCdt) .0 ni, cTYol^'^qai a bsd Bad aXat •aoa'XdJ&neJi !!to aoa d^atv^txro^,.®di at

^xroda acxoo ot aaw ed Rt^rttBt7 .a rq tisaiwoicj; •> «daoa£a^ nt aerlX odY zofti^ab a rfjttw ^adceroB tazn

-BYioo hjO mqtzt odt BBoqtBoz ot bad ta^ ^xtotftao^ ^ ' 4^itB0ZBtat Oi^od Bad Boaobaoqa

aeispp xo;^io£,M<njMoH — ’ frfBaoh od ot tax donm ^ntYaaX t^fd azatoiq




*• .

A' - •». XXtflia!t nt fietaaia^nt lo^'a^Tado zjjo\ oT -da zxrox baa t^tXtin baaZq ot arad XX* X ^ataZ zadtaz doaazd awo xa ot,.,xZatam dozaaaez^xif^ 'aatinoc ot eotr

ot yittaozatnt et ^^tt tad .doo^ at adt !to 1 ' •nadica3 xZtaal adt nt taoda eavoYd

. *xatXt(sal eaw X •daa^aeiRad dXo^ adt aottnaiitjaox aao no boota eaod<bocdxod x^i ^tt lo toot x^ora;dttw

Bcao dotda ,aaod .IZadottH oBaal^^zQ adts^tt to zanzoo■ taaa ,wodtw atd 'gat'xao zot: zedtoas baa zedtat'^xa'ot ta zad to aottooZlooaz \sod a erad I ^ZZodcttm, aZttaa Jb

Bj ^tdtoa^^dtaab zad to omit adt bohoab zadtatbamz^ \pi ^aav tt pitdt l^^b^&X at

> A adofi^^Satfp^ oloaa to aozbZtdo ad^ ot aoaXq bio adt tZaantd zot bzmo artaoaz ot aav azatot at baa ,IZadott'd

• aaril 'itadt to YBdnt^ai adt ^ntzab zedtombaaz^ baa -loa d«d dotdw axo^pinta';BoX.dXo adt dtaab ztodt zettA^d^

baa snoX 06 zot xaoaotq aaozama atd baa ndoV •roH doT ‘ •atta adt no ^Xtnd o^n^ioo a dna^nwod azot aow^ZZaw oa

fiyaiiiHHi ■ wTnwwaafiy Pd,», HI tuM fctbUpll

■t ■ > .

■' ^ ■'■ ^y. :•

> i . .%M ’V



This portion of the old homestead, Inolndlng the oottage hunt on the site of the old log home.^i:^ fell to Ivy I^ltoholl Thompson, who Is the only living member of John A. Hitohell's family. The ueorge liltohell and jDsnonl xiltohell,^7hich you mention , were brothers to Ivy Hltohell Thompson,. v

As so often happens, the children of uncle "Diok" who heoamo ovmors of the farm, disposed of their holdings and strangers took over, inoluding the family burial plot. The fence rotted away. All of the monuments wese toppled and trampled, many of them brohen, even includ¬ ing the one at the tomb of the Rev. John. Then, a few years ago, a group of descendants got to gether, formed an association and contributed funds with which to pur¬ chase the cemetery plot. This was done and the plot fenced. It was cleaned up and some plantings made but much remains to be done and will be done as funds are available. The old tombstone was broken but drilled and had a metal plate bolted to it and is now stand¬ ing* I have recommended that it be encased in a oon- orete slab with a glass oover at the front. A more enduring monument would be a structure enolosing the graves and preserving what remains of the monuments.

If I knew the date of your visit to this part of the country, I might tell you of my whereabouts at tho time. Except for three years—24 to 27 I have been a resident of Weston sinoe June 1907. l!y father moved his family to Braxton County in 1891 when I was 16, but except for the winter school months, most of my time was spent in the vicinity of the old homestead in various employment available in the oommunlty. In 1897 I tried my hand at teaching and in 1898 enlisted in the End W. Ya. Yol. Inf. for the duration of the Span!sh-Amerloan War. I was mustered out in April 1899 and again taught but later quit the teaching pro¬ fession to engage in the lumber ind\iBtry in which I continued for many years but finally ended my employable yeeirs in the glass industry.

In 1917 I married Eva li* Dodge. Four children were born to us. One^ Barbara Lee, died in infancy. Her twin brother, John Joseph, lost his life in the invasion of franoe in World War II. lly daughter, Jeanne Dalro, Bonnett, lives in Clnoinnatl and has given me five grand¬ sons. Hy youngest son lives in Clarksburg and has two daughters. That briefly is my immediate^ family history. There is inish more I oould write you but my letter is already muoh too long.

If you oan find the manusorlpt mentioned and will loan it to me I will greatly appreciate it.

In the meantime may your Lew Year be happy emd pros¬ perous.

Sinoero /■ _

^ irf^^c/er^o/T


% ■ '^^ •.. 1,1


mii ^tiffTloat ,AB9SQtfaoa Mo eiW to aoii XS9f i2i^t,%m0d aol Mo o<(t to dtla o/f# ao tsai^oo -xodffloa aolrM x£tt9 odt odrr ^'nSfiqmoftf Xled^ti:^ ^Z of bao ILodof l'ti o^ioov ad'v .T:ftofl[t »*rxojfot2n .A iufot to

of dzBd&otO oioif^, floi;^Aoi?i isox dotAH^Xltdoflm Jnoaoa / . *floa<fiBorf? XXorfosflH xrl

^laOf » it


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*dot(V^ oXooff to aoaMl^o odi jO^eqqad aoi^o oa oA* e^^iMorf T[lodi to Aoao(|«H ‘^arxift rat^to OTSimo fc'fioad odo

Xotxsfd erft ^toYC^^too# eioa^Oi^o taa oaew ai£i9aaaoa oHi /to XXA •x/b’ita^ bBitoi 'oon^t odT .^oXq —iiaXoiil ASYe ,aa:foY<l tsodi to '^^oaa ,i&oXqsiB'i^ J5aa Aolqqo^ wet a ,n«ifT *^01^ •roH dBMi odi io oao Bdi ^at

Jbeenot ^tod^a^idi $ot^ oiaBbaooOdB tQ''q<70‘xa a •taoTf •xfirq o# dolifw tw^cAfujt .Jb0^xf«ria^fcnoo;.^a, ao^iaXooaaa no

;foX9 ,odi tne onojb-davv aidT ^ •^oXq,'^o^oesBO odi oaado tlA^ %Jbaa ejaltnoXq iin60 ioAoato aaw /X «Jbooc9t 6Ta w£»aut Off onob ed XrJtw /^ae onob ed oi antaaoi doata

*• hoXXith istd^RBdotd aaw eao^adnot MO'^odT ^^mOXdellAra •*taz3B won af Ma oi AoiXod^ ei^Xq Xaiim a hsd bas

-noo^a Al ^eaaono^ acT itfydt beJ^oimooai 9r0d,iX^ oaoia A •inert odiiL ia r&roo ^'aa<a^^ a if^tw dfeXa eioro

Bcii ^te&XoaB anrforjiie s ed 6Xxrow tnacsaaosii^^lTirAne • o.^naaimbm tdi to efilamoa iada ^irroeerq ^£da adTaY3

to troq aldi oi dtalv aixoij to ota* odi woad^l H Bdi is eiuodseredw ^ to irox XXoi id'^ta 1 ,x^iasioo Bdi

•' m need ovad I TS o^' i^S—a'XiiO'^- eardi rot iqooxS mornti bo^ca roHidt ^ .VO^X mj/1 ,ooatB aoieoV to inobJtesr

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odi itap xsisX iod id^jrsi ala^ bno 0^X X dotds at xiisx^bai todniJX sdi'^nt ozazao oi soiaaot

oXdai^oXqno YSB botao xXXaaXt iad BTab^ %n£s xot boaatiaoo • X^ioudmt aaaXs odi at srso%

otav AoxAXXiio %i/o%. •osbod tH avS Aeltxatt, X tX^X aX atwd Ye£ •xbaotat at batb^sad srsdrsH^saO' •aa oi^ arod to notsstat odi at sttX eta iuoX ,dqosob adoi ^xodioxd

^(rsXad eoflaol ^xoidzasb, \^ • 11 xat? bXxo^ at ooxiatt ••liftaxs OYXt ea aovtz oad XtanatofiiO at ssrtX ^iioaaod

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•^oxq bos XV^ad sd xaoX ntox x^ smtiassm odi aX, ^•aooYoq

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5rd Generation

5 (17) Latirence ItltcheJ.!

3 X * Laurence Uitchell (son of George, John) ■was bom In Harrison

Co, Va* in 1809, (some time betireen Uarch 5th and Uay 6th, as shown bj the

Census data). He no dovibt grew up in Randolph Co. where his parents had

removed soon after his birth. He married, hoirever, in Lewis Co. on Fob. 10,

1851, Drusilla Rohrabaugh (the name is given as '’Rohrbough” on the bond).

The ceremony was performed by Rev. Abner Mitchell, his uncle (Lewis Co,

marriage book 1, p. 67), The marriage bond is dated January 27, 1851, and

■was signed by Laurence Mitchell and by Nathan Rohrabaugh (brother of

Drusilla) as surety.

Tracing of signatures to this bond,

Janxiary 27, 1851,

Dims ilia Rohrabaugh was bom about 1812, and was the daughter

of John Rohrabaugh Jr. and his trife Nancy Idleman. (The will of John

Rohraba'ugh was proved at the July term of court in Randolph Co., 1842.

In it he mentions his daughter Drusilla Mitchell, son Nathan Rohrabaugh

and ten other children. This John Rohrabaugh was a son of John Rohrabaugh

Senior of Hardy Co. whose will was dated Aug. 12, 1818, and proved Nov. 15,

1821, In it he mentions sons John, Anthony, Jacob, and six daughters.

■ ■ '’ "fPri-rw,* -*1

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' eiCi anode ae «di6 \eU boa do^eM oMondod eai^ <ll »eT *00

r V.w , ^ ^ had einaiteq elif eiediTj.eO dqlohffVI ni: qu weT^^ id^ob on ell •(s^eb eiremO

*ai ^01 .do^ no .oO elwoJ ni *ienwod ,fcotTxe« eH .dixld eld leJla nooe bsromn

“~ .5 .(hood edi no "daaodidall* ns navis ei eoan edi) dst^adaidoJI eXXleirxCI «X8&£

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•S^8X «.o3 dqXohnaH oi >Ufoo.lo orrai adi is Oavoiq aanr if'^sdmdoH

davadstdoH o&fCiail aoa ^IXadoilV jsCXiairxCI laidnosb aid anclinaa ad il al ' - . •’ ^ .<■■

‘ , r?*-' ** '" *■ ‘jcJ ' * '?J dstfsdfitdofl ndoi lo oaa^s esn <|^^sxdofl ndoV airfX uzotOXido nodio nai 2xu >r p

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The wife of John Rohrabaxigh Sr. was Elizabeth Harness. The Eohrabaii^a

were amon^ the earliest settlers in the South Branch vail07 in Hair^jshlre

(later Hard7) Co.

Laurence Ultchell lived in the "Barker Settlenent" district of

Randolph Co., where his grandfather. Rev, John Mitchell, gave him some

land. The deed from John Mitchell to his "grandson, Lorentz Mitchael"

was dated Dec. 50, 1855. It was for 100 acres of land on the east side

of the Valle7 river, below lands of Solomon Yeager, and adjoining land of

Reuben Teter on the west and Joseph Teter on the south. The consideration

given was thirt7 dollars. Acknotfledged and recorded at the Februar7 term

of court 1856. (Randolph Co. Deed book No. 12, p. 63), This 3^nd was

given an assessment value of^ $400 on the Land Tax books, credited to

Laurence Mitchell until his death in 1845, (on the Randolph and Barbour Co,

books) and then to his heirs until it was disposed of, as noted below.

Laurence Mitchell was appointed a Justice of the Randolph Co.

court in 1855 (p. 71 of Bosworth*s Hl8tor7 of Randolph Co.) probably as 9

being the oldest sen and head of his dead fatherfamily. In 1842, Laurence

Mitchell was a witness, with David Holder, to the will of Robert Morrison,

proved at the October term of court, 1842,

On the Personal Tax lists, Laurence Mitchell first appears in

Randolph Co. in 1851 and continuously thereafter until 1845, Barbour Co.

iras formed in that year. He does not appear on the list for 1845 in Barbour

Co. but his widow Drusilla does.

^lAurence Mitchell’s name was among those signed to a petition to

the Virginia Assembly, dated Dec. 20, 1841, asking for the formation of a

new county. This petition was acted \gx)n favorably, and Barbour Co. was

3 . . ’ >’ ' ft' ^ >' ' r

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I Lauroiiao IJitoholl, of Randolph County and State of Vlr-

gitiitx, do horoby cako ay last Will end Tostnaont la Banner and

fora followlas that is to say,

First I dosiro that ny poroonal Estate bo sold as Boon as prao-

tioable after ay deooaae.

2dly, If there is any part of the funds loft after the paying

of ay debts, and funeral oxponsos I Will the residue to ay wife


3dly. I will ay lands and Real Estate to ny wife, Druzilla, 11t-

1ns in Randolph County on the East side of the Valley River in Bar¬

kers Sottlonent, during her natural life, if she dies without holrs,

the said hn±xn lands are to be divided between ay nearest rolatlvea

and hers equally*

41y. I desire that one Dollar of ny personal estate to bo glvon

to ay Brother John Ultcholl liyln^ in Illlnoio, I also will that

One Dollar bo to Wlllion Mltohell, ny Brother living in 1111- ‘ *

nols, I also will that One Dollar bo to Margaret" Rorabough,

living in this County, I also qlll tliat One Dollar bo glvon to Baa- i I

nah Bennett, living in this County, I aloe will that One Dollar bo

given to ay Brother Daniel Mitoholl, living in this County. j

61y. This fifth and last artiolo, I appoint ny wife Druzilla

Ezeeutrix of ay real and personal estate.

In Witness whereof ^ have hereunto sot ay hand and affixed ny

seal this 5th day of March, 1843.


Signed, sealed, published and declared by Laureneo Mitchell, as and

for hia last Will and Tostaaent, in the presence of us, who at his

request and in his presence have subscribed our nanes as witnooees.




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I T7 A.


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” ,,9iAXa#..XAi*on8q bAA Xabi xa'^o , ^

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bi(fj mm ,IX#4b1XX eBoofii/AJ qd be-taXadb biiA bo4aXXdc/q ^balAOB ^bma^lQ

#14 1a lo #Bfl#B#nq odl^Al ^lAAfiAlatt? bmm XXXV IbaX b14 «io1

** «eBaA#Aliir ba a#BtB« bddX*}9iKfi;<a^ ##44 aaflBArrrq #14 sX biiA lBei/p#*x


», ^

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t'' A? •b*iOBtn #41 Aonl Xfo# ▲


m '.> < 'X'm% '* A,

■■K*a if»

«4>« « . w «#■ •A4^4 V < «4 « *^«.*M*A*

established frca parts of Randolph, Harrison and Lewis coimties.

(eee photostat)


Tracing of signature to this petition


Laurence liitchell was evidently a young man of promise, active

in public affairs, but unfortunately he was taken sick and died, in

Barbour Co., probably of consumption, in the spring of 1843. His will,

dated March 5, 1843, was the first one to be recorded in the new county

of Barbour. In it he vdJled one dollar to each of his brothers and sisters

and the rest of his estate to his wife. Apparently Laurence and Drusilla

Mitchell had no children. A copy of the will is attached hereto.

The widow Drusilla (Rohrabaugh) Mitchell later married Philip

Wolfe of Preston Co., and she lived there in Preston Co. to an advanced

age. Philip Wolfe, (bom 1794, died 1877),'was the son of Augustine Wolf

(bom 1768, died 1844) and his wife Mary E. Cook. (Axigustine Wolf was a

son of Jacob Wolfe Sr. and a brother of the Jacob Wolfe who married

Christina Whetzel, sister of the famous Indian fighter Lewis Whetzel.)

Philip Wolfe had also been married before, to Christina Miller (bom 1797,

died 1844).

The land which Laurence Mitchell owned by the terms of his

Dec. 20, 1841.


‘ » <,. . • * • -'■ __ .■ .'-* ' “ ^ .- ^-aTv * • "f ^



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will went to hla widow DtusIIIa dvurln^ her life tine and then to ®zny

nearest relatives and hers eqxiall/*" Her later marriage was probably

taken to bo oqiiivalent to a relinquishment of this life interest in the

estate* At any rate there are several deeds recorded in Barbour Co. which

taken together, show the transfer of this property from the heirs of both

Laurence Uitchell and Drusilla, to Anthony S. Rohrabaugh, a brother of


On Jan. 27, 1854, Nathaniel Rorabaugh and Patience his wife and

Aajron R* Bennett and Hannah his irife, all of Barbour Co* Va*j Daniel P*

Uitchell and Ann* E. his Tdfe of Carroll Co., CSiio; Nathan Rorabaugh and

Uargaret his yrife, John Uitchell and Elizabeth his Tdfe, TTillian Uitchell

and Elizabeth his wife, all of Yihitcside Co., Illinois; deed to Joseph

Teter Jr* for $90 all their right, title and interest in the land 100

acres, devised by Laurence Uitchell to Drusilla his widow during her natural

life, the land being next to other land of Joseph Teter Jr., William

UcL^e, John Skidmore and Isaac Booth. This deed iras signed ard acknowledged

by these people in the various places mentioned and at various tinea frca

from Dec. 11, 1854 (by D. P* and Ann. E. Uitchell) to June 21, 1853 (by the

Bennetts)* Recorded Oct. 6, 1858. (Barbour Co. Deed book 5, p. 456.)

On Uarch 8, 1856, Joseph Teter Jr. deeded to Anthony S. Rorabaugh,

for 120 dollars in 2 notes, all his ri^t in this came above described land,

which ri^t he had acquired by the above deed* Recorded Oct. 21, 1856 (came

Book 5, p* 455) •

Then on July 8, 1857, Philip Wolf and Druzilla his wife, Philip

Rorabaugh and Uahala his >Tife, Wilson Poling and Uatllda his wife, Jacob Bott

and Jerusha hi& wife, Isaac Kelly and ^cinda his wife, Delilah P-orabau^,

. <

K z f --

• * C r .

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» ■ 1,

r ‘ J»W' ;b-.

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- f o.

•rt^ al ittneJal(»tlX V> ;ft»ariiaiipn±Xrf a oS imlstwiPpA^Ad oi omU^ .p j^.

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y. ' ‘-r diod lo rtloif ail^ Bcrrt x^a^jaiq airfd !• Talanaid arfi woda ««aif<ta30i nailAi

lo ^dioncd a ^ff^adaiiiaS *8 \^dXnA »jXCJtlunc(l bixa /XadaiJU/ ♦ ^

.* t *..

y-* .1. -r^i.r - •aXIiaiMfl ' T’T ‘ *

boa aliw aid aomlia^ brta dstfsda'xoH laioMiaM «VS .na(i nO Lft •XXW ftXn SOnoXJ®* DIi# OyfBwftTwl X9XiXBiiv*n ^irvwx •*«>v MV ^ ^ .? - ^ 'll I

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hoA dauadai^ aadiaM ;oiiO\.oO XXoTiaS lo alia aid Ji .tmk tna UeMjk

Iladoiiir aailtiir ^tlhr aid diodaaiXX bna X£adoii}( ndot >liw aid ia^a^-xaM ^

dqMoV oi baab jaiooLCXl , .o0 abieoiirfir lb XXa *aliir aM iittddaam'fjnj

>1f^ ^ OOX bn^X adi al ictntaiai bna aXili tid»i*x -xiadi XXa (»| tol .lit iaiat

p ’ ' Xan/ian lad ^oXiob wobiw aid alXiaina oi Xiadaiiy ©onaitfaJ boeivab «eoioa

* iiif^ aiaiXIiW ».lb laiaT.dqeaot lo boaX -radio oi ixan ^^wX add «alil

ba^baXWondoa bcta^bati^ia aav beab tidT ^.diooS oaaal.b&a'^o'xoedxisCS urioL ,

floil* eaoii abbiiat ia bna benoiinafii eaoaXq axroiiaT arli'fii.a^lQ^®^ " ' • . Ui - - - . “ ' . . ^ .e. > t

•dS Trf) ®20X tXS Bflyt oi (XXodoiia .1 .mA bna .«J' .<! td) >28X \XX .oaO noil

• V (.W> .q »3 Awi baaa .oO,lJuo^^xaa) .deSX *8 .ioO bob^soocd! .(eiienoajto

I*'* /

^dgoadaioS .8 xdodinA oi bobaob *ili ladaT dqaaol ^dSOX ^8 dcnaU aO*

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■< »s J ' • ■ ■ » - '

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*« .• ^.ar^ a itf • i^* ^

*) t '•;

• -4 V '



-> -iT- /"w .(22* .q ,a *>Qa ’ * .',

qiXidi .aliir aid BllUtna'bftA iXof qlXlirt ”^\*a8X ^3 «» »*« ‘

ddoQ dooA^ 4aliv aid ab£t;faU boa %citX6H aoaXiff ^allw aid aLoUSS boM^diusditoSl ^

«dyradaio8 daXiXaa ^alhr aid afanioo*^’ baa v^ol baaal ^aliv mid adaxmla boa ^ ^ ^ *1,

•X =r; '• •I'H


— ♦ai. .i •'J? \ - *'»'’C ^ \ ^

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Martin R« Poling and Ruth hi a 'wife, deed to Anthony S, Rorabaugh all

their right in land, 100 acrea, cnmed by Laurence Mitchell at the time

of his death, and devised to his wife during her natural life, etc. There

were various dates and places for the ackno^rledgement of this deed,

(Philip Rorabaugh in Lowell, Columbia Co,, Msconsin-on Aug. 1, 1857;

Philip and Drusilla Wolf also Delilah Rorabaugh in Preston Co, Va, on

Jan, 9, 1858; Jacob Bott in Lewis Co.; Wilson Poling in Barbour Co.; Isaac

Kelley in Calhoun Co, Va,), Recorded Dec, 50, 1865 (same Book 8, p, 174),

As said, taken together, this accounts for all the "nearest

relatives" of both Laurence and Drusilla ^itchell.

\\\ ^ ^ • f

V > •

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' ■ V • ■ ' %*■' * ^ ■ -li' '••*.'•* 3S'V ••■ ,•.'■* , •- «iS T: t 7 . i > Iff; ^ I -^ •• ^ ' . !


' ,'M Xla'* d$i»idjnoil XaorfiaA fee*b ^ellifvaJxi dhM hn« ji^o^ Jl ' ’ ’ 'S -

JL£er(oiBI 9^iktw^ bmim .ed-tOB^Oai ,bn«£ Al Sfh^lt

, nsifT .di^' t*lll Ltrm^m i#rf dtJhr •!/( o> b#*/reb brt» ^if^b 1« B •e

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OBaet |.o0 •wod'i^ at yiilo^ uoeliW j.oO eiiveJ nl doaaL

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(18) John mtchell

John Uitchell, (son of Georgef John^ was born at Barker’s

Settlement in Randolph Co., Va., Sept. 21, 1811.' He grew \:tp there and

on Feb. 14, 1854 he married Elizabeth Hoffman. (Randolph Co. marriage

records) She was bom in Pendleton Co., Uarch 51, 1816, and was the

daughter of Kichael Hoffman and his wife Susannah Scciers, who were

married in 1805, probably in. Pendleton Co., where Uichael Hoffman was

living, in the Sweedland valley. Michael Hoffman was the son of Bargett

Hiiffman and his wife Uary, who lived on the Little Fork, a branch of the

South Fork there in Pendleton Co. The will of Bargett Huffman was dated

Aug. 10, 1805 and recorded July 5, 1804*

John Uitchell removed froa Virginia about 1856, going first to

Ohio, and then soon to Illinois, where he lived on a farm in Whiteside Co.,

on the east side of the Mississippi river near the torm of Albany. He

died there on May 12, 1876. Mis widow Elizabeth Mitchell died many yeai^s

later, in St. Paul, Minn., July 50, 1891.


1 -• - -

cJ^Vte Jtruriuii:— ^ i

i 'VTe wish to publicly expres*bnr ihaak*j UiToagh «be colamus of your ralaabloi /ooanAU to the pe<.'{)le of AJbciay for their kindly loterrst, aid aoJ 8/mpaihy, during the sickneii and death of our lost ooa> John Mllchcll. and, allhouj.'h all

I aeenaed to vie with each other with their I offer* ol.a*»istaQce. yet vro wish to men¬ tion In particular the physician la auen- diujce, Dr. Beattie, who, uniting with hU ujcJioal luiiiuoce the quallUeJ of both nurse and pa>lor, aat night and Jay by the I dying bed. and as the spirit of oar hn*-,/ bend and parent was pnasing Into thf^ world of shaJowa, and all other heair j were bursting with giief, hU clear voi-wJ . took up the words, “Vea, thou h I walk ( Ihrongh lha ralley and ahaJow of death,JL jV

■ will fear no evil, for-1bou art with .ciot fccd aa the I.vsl words of thl# bcauUfcl jJ pjaJm were dnUhoi, Uie spirit hud goni | to God who gave it, and the auticrlcg body;*

wax U rtet. , . , Yr« tlvo wish to speak at the oGoiri a-d

cf the Pre^ibylerUa cbordi. who, j) , ■ - !'_i c^o n'cctlloa tco liTja for tie

to -t.t, f. • • < t > rtr‘:lr la t’.:'.r c'j-.r'.y i

, ' 'r c^n apf'ol: 1 -t,. f <1 l.-ei-d i ,

Notice in newspaper at time

of John Mitchell’s death.

' n «)»»


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mfun^xiyiUoq m Bilvf cfW f ‘•t^jtetgf iMTi V> uaiatr.? •tfi Kd \a*aiA >» •dt M «t*fUk0«(i ,tCU«q<DX« Im 6U ,lmy)a) \ltBU yl*i$ laol ta« lo tfiAtk baa M*aitf:il* axti natii^b 11a 4hio« flila jbaa JlaflNUt atfH ^ tMi jUto uAto rfaao jitfw »{* of KnTToa •aaa a dMiw a* iri aaaa««.*M.f« avaSW .«$<ta al a«L>la\tf^ ailf taloolm.; of aolf ■Itf tUiw talfla'a /tav aOfMd .«a i«<Kb>l^ dtuB do *ftJtflaaa *41 aoMiUttji Ujtbiai^ ail frf 4*L Uea irtxla Ja» boa

i^OpA lao do iis^aaai aa baa >*0 |9J] utal itaiM«si aav iaowa boa

lU baa ^oba/fi )o blia* i«a:»4a Xfs A'l« folMwdoiav

£a« I a oobi ^Y** jrfrrawaafaa _ fl I ^aiatbdp aoboaa boa vibav a4f iiacwSSL^'^H ''^aUa. na Mrk*%dk .H#o oowrtiM* e\fl|

bUfaaaif *141 do akttm am[ Ui aa' Kaa " boot bsi ihla* 041/ ^rfaiob mo

Tlbod )ahid}ot»BfLoa^aTa|oao bt0m JbM la aaW

JJ«a ataofllo a«l« doAiaqioi ado ««;« 4-;^ R «aiw .<Lru4a oafvar^iat<] adJ V* <«»Jarici P aiJ o^W Mf aobaan-boa »Jf/

a^ifaviila »h^# oi aU^ ao a.* *: v* ‘ " o' -' • <


The children of John and Elizabeth Mitchell were:

i. Asa.^ Bom at Barkers eettlecent, Randolph Co, Ya, Feb. 2,

1855, Killed at the battle of Missionary Rid^, Tcnn.,

V Hov, 25, 1865, while serving in Co, F, 95rd Illinois Volunteers,

Unnarried. — - - ^ •- - - - - - .. . - - .

ii, Susannah Virginia. Bom at Cordovia, Rock Island Co. Ill.,

May 22, 1857, Pied at Denison, Texas, Dec. 16, 1896. She

married, at Kingsbury, Ill., about 1860-61, David Reffelbower

(son of John and Sarah Heffelbower) rrho was bora Aug. 17,

1856, in Stryker, Ohio, and died, Feb. 22, 1898, at Morehead,

Kentucky, Their children Trere; s

1, Dora Elizabeth, b, in Albany, \7hiteside Co., HI.,

Aug, 50, 1862, Harried, in Denison, Texas, Aug. 50,

1880, George Lake. They have one child at least:

(Address 1810 Maine St., Denison, Texas.)

1. Georgia V, b. in Denison, Tex., March 2,

1885, ^8 married and* has three children, i*

2. John Mitchell, b. in Albany, HI., Hay 27, 1875.

He married in Baltimore, Hd., Hay 15, 1895, Ethel

WHson, They have one child:

1, Harie^ b, in Denison, Texas, April 28,


IF. iii, Hary Ann, (called "Polly") bora at Kingsbury, Thitesido Co,

HI,, Feb. 2, 1845. Harried, at Kingsbury, HI., Aug. 12,

1862, Edgar C. Simpson, who was bora at Flamboraugh, Canada,

Dec, 18, 1856, and died O

Their chHdren:


^'*4*'j%.r >’tf:is\''. ■ ■ '■ '** rT,-.W;f «

V '!.■* -IRK^- ^ L. ■ '■

in«« Xledom ifi«d«<JLfa bat Mol* lo^o<nbXlrfo odT ▼ it

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• •itfloT ^0|^JL]i lo oXiiM orf^ i*^boX121

.e'to?^istfXo7 o2oifi2XXI tn^9 #o3 at yitvioo oXiAf <2S •toH

if ‘ } -Afci .u - r . .

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•d3^ .^X ,dX .o«a «ejMoT t/KwXfiea io beta .TfieX^^SS \flM »* ■

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' ^bo«<<«o« 2» t«sax eSa .doT ,boib bno ,oldO nl »68eX


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s^B&»X i« bXido eno ovorf xoifT .OsbiJ oatoo® ^0d8X . if

. V I • *' * I ‘

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- ^ I*™#::. is ^.xoT ^aootnoa ill ^ ii2s*»«0

rt« ’*<' 5 ^ "W . ♦ ^ ■ *

^nbXltto.m^S fcodrUru fiitJhruKi »2 .5861

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.«t8X ,VS xolJ % .XG. iXfUMfXA nl ?<1 ^XXorfoili^ 41 Mol* •$ ■ Ai ,• ■_

XoiUa ,3«0I «9X t.bM ^oiomlXIofl aX^b^irum aH 'tie

' i T i'l 9



iblldo ono ovod '^odt •nooXIV ■■IW.'AI 4

,8S XltciA «eaxj»T ^noolaoO ol •d toJhiBtt •X

2 % 4

4 -lL'; .deal

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•o3 •fclaoilifff «xw<f«%nlX Is'mod (•'xIXoH'* *»XX»o) 4*11^ •212 . «|

4SLC *iaA 4«XX2 47S»d«yi2J 1« ^boli'toil^ .SAdl ^Sr.dol 4*X£Z , ^'i..,: -.. >/ wB> •*> -j, .».

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bolb bilO 48301 4&£-‘a&0(l -*• vt

»-H Tri '


'K y w ♦ .* .a/4 • ^ .


1* Edson Aaa, b, at Kingsbury, HI., Uay £8, 1864,

d. in the Coeur de Lein© Mts., at or near Uellen,

Idaho, Jan. 17, 1890. Uimarrled.

2. Robert Harleyf b. at Kingsbury, HI., Hay 19, 1868;

. . d. at St. Paul, llinn., Feb. 8, 1897. Urciarrlcd.


5. Goorgiana, b. at Kingsbury, Ill., Feb. 5, 1870.

Sho married, at St. Paul, Uinn., Hay 6, 1896, J. H.

Gillette. Living in Ft. Shiith, Ark. in 1914.

Thoir children.

♦ If

1. Ernest Gilbert, b. «ot. 21, 1902.

2. Arnold, b. June 6, 1904.

r 4. John HitchoH, b. at Kingsbury, Ill., Harch 15, 1872

d. at Phoenix, Ariz., Sept. 17, 1898.

r 5. Dora Caroline, b. at Prophetstown, Ill., Aug. 24,

1878. She married, at St. Paul, Hinn., June 20,

1899, Horrard H, TTaldron. (Both are ncrtj dead 1925)

They had one daii^ter. - I i- — • 6. Albert FoIttoH, b. at Prophetstown, HI., April 25,


4 —-

iv. Hartha J., bom at Kingsb\iry, Ill., Dec. 2, 1844. She married,

Uarch 25, 1866, John H. Young.

• •

IS .

• r-^-

tA, I f .'tJ!

«AMi ,0S \tM «.JtXX i« •d i:o«bS. .X

cOiilX^U t^ttaT^o i« ,.sdll eolpJ it/»oO •4^ nl •bo

•bolTiMdD •009X |TI •flab «o4abI

^ 4


«. , ^ 'vs (9081 ^8X x«M tX^<^*8BXX da *4 ^igBl'SidB dredoH

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•CTOX 4.XII da ad «anaJt^ioaO #9 ■ iV ® V, <• -la.

aW ai *8«ai ^8 ffinXM ^Xira8 .de da ^baJtriM ada V..f.- -r

•bXeX ni asHA «ddJba8 adl ol AoXrbl .addaXXiO i: ^

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•jaaibXiild •xlarff

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/ e •Seex ^TX .dqa8 ,.sItA tXlflaotfi da .b"

\ iW .(^A ».X£I *ni»d»dadqcn8 da .d ^aciXoiaD aicoG .8

j if > ■«t ' ,1

. «0S aniitr ^afuxilf tXtfa8 aJ8 da ^baJtnaa ad3 a8T8X

(8S8I.baab won a*La ddo8) .noibXafr .K tnawoH «fif8dX

vn aA

■.ladd^&ab aco bad xadT, -r^Ste S'-’'- ■'- # ■'' '-f-v'-fc'- *-’-V’

^as Xbxq;A ,.1X1 \nwodBdad<(<rt*iida ^.d ^owXa^ '■^"- , . . ...♦ . v"

. . axaax . '.. .’. ’--Jf " ■W6.> •'-''' ^ ^bmlTiMca ad2 .bbaX ,S^ .»aa ,.XXI ,T*«d«^aftW 4a mod ,.b add:ia!l .t1

.^otroT all iidob ,3081 ,8S doraH •■ 5 .% ;.A V •* mf

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'aV. V ';■■;.■ ■ ■■ : - T-' <■ ' .'■ ' a. < ‘ '% • ' ^ ^ . fl- ^ A ’^^'Y '* ■< ' ’ »1<; • Ac ’ ■-‘* *•• ■ • . - ' * •• . * ^

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fT a. o>\ "-j ^ -til*

‘ a^ •


<■ y.

i*'1 J*.

» V- (19) iniliaa IXltchqll

y , K » yUliag Uitchell (soa of George, John) was bora at Barkers

Settlement, Randolph Co*, Va., Sept. 4, 1812. Ho grew \q> in Randolph Co.

and married there. Sept. 10, 1855, Elizabeth Holder. (Randolph Co, marriage

records). She was bom in Randolph Co. on July 21, 1818, and was the

daughter of David Holder, a, prooinent man in Randolph Co., a Justice and

Sheriff of the county. (He was bom in 1788, a son of Thecas Holder, one

of the earliest settlers in that region). The wife of David Holder was

Eleanor Kittle. They were manded April 6, 1816. (She was the daughter of

Abraham Kittle Jr.).

William Mitchell left Virginia soon after he was married, first

going to Ohio, but then soon to Illinois, where he also lived on a farm

in Tfhitesido Co., near his brother John. William Mitchell died at Kingsbury,

Whiteside Co. HI., May 11, 1861. His Tddow Elizabeth Mitchell died at

Newton^ THiiteside Co., April 11, 1872.

The children of TTilliam and Elizabeth Mitchell were:

A f*. i. George, b. at Marietta, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1857. Died in 1905,

in Portland, Oregon, A son:

1, Fred. Lives in Whitebird, Idaho. 4

4 B*. ii, ELeanor, b. March 25, 1858. Died 1882, in Redfield, Iowa.

She married Robert Finnicum, and had 4 children.

91. iii, Dnily^ b. at Albany, HI., Feb. 1, 1840, She married U. S. »

Haynsr and Hved at Ten Strike, Minn. Children:

1. Royal, Lives at Ejealdji, Minn,


2. Frank Mitchell. Lives at Los Cruces, N. Mexico.

f}^ It, Mary,^b, Not. 5, 1841,(42) She married P, P. Mudgett, and

1>- ' '‘^' rt^m^Uta .C«)

'•' ■' J t n*

•?^ V ^ ;<T ---t'


rlttfuS flnod •** («loC^ ,*3;iofr0''lo cio|^:IXodaJiM

•oO iklXol>n*a n± V wi» .H -JireX .» .itl»8’ ,‘.»T ,JbO liqXoUuB .iiwwXJJrt

n-ttuo .oO* tuxoi^). .-..bXoH .asax ,ox .iq^a i.T»ia b»i~« i>«

,di •m hn» ,8X8X ,XS vJiil no -oO rfifltobnoa ni tnoi bow •!« .(Bb^oaot

boo ooMowt » ,.o0 dqXohooaoX «u» JnBfilrawH a ;i*bX<flJ)iTfla V> •jsMjuob i.!

MO iWObXoH boboiR to BOB a ,8^1 nl (nod bow oH) .xio/oo odX lo lltiod* ^

f ‘ ' ^Bow wobX^ h±»oa lo bMw o<ft .(noXjwi MaUw iM to

to ibMjbbS' Wdi BM oie) .i»I .e Ilnqi bort^a »«W xoUT bbIWU noo^oH «

• (.-x^ •!itHJI ffAilfftdfc ' T B V • , V . ., '' I "

*#W oooa nal Herfo^iH aallXfir * ^

u « r

’I < iw# \

mst o no bowiX'ooXB »rt Wiwbt ,aiontXXI oi noqe c»rtJ tod ,oi<«> ot ^

.TmdBbflXJ to bolb XIorio-tm aoUIN ■Briol osriJe%d bM 'ioon ,.o0 oblBoiX/ni ni

to boib UodoiiM ddodoJ-Ua woblw oiH .XeaX ,XI T«M ,.Xn .cO obleoJilW;^

« 4( */; b rf'j!'--. *.

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.wei at-WJta .^501 t>S ,fiafytocO^*t^

t•59W XtofCdilil d^<K#Aali3 to


.'•S’-., too# Jk •xsQ'%#*iO at

' k.. oOfUbl ,bxtcf9ittif1f fil »«tU* IX

.owi.1 ".bUttbofl ni ,U8aX boW .eSBX ,» tisnsSl, .d -.-MnooXa .It

UiMhlids b b«d tot .ouobiort'.toodoll botoixsi orf8

.e .H bBlTUa oriB .0*aX ^ .d»q ,.JUI to .d *


•A*. itnwbilxD oimhi a«T i» b«vXX to

' -r-. 't.'. ttorXX mls^pA

•ooJbLaH •! aoX i* ••rtJ oXX»d»0^ totl *0

•A ^t'A" l« -B--^


to .«! batruMi ®riS (S^).I>aX *d .toH

'i;' N V -H - , *»t-h - . • B. - b' ,v , • , , 4

= .'quiS . / ■' .: , . . ■‘'- jii •' .'•■ ■-•'--'■ijiSiis, .;-■ vi ■ ^:7' ; ■ \ 'i '--■' .•■■■- -;■;/. .'(■■_ 4

• . . ; ■>».• I • • r . "s. ' • ■ ' / . ■*■ '

, i» »

. C-.; J' V AT * -V *.

« » _





* «4***^*«>» «»» .•>»<*«> . «

o lived in Clinton, lown. She died, 1927, Had 4 children.


1 »on and 5 daughters, Ctie daughter;

1. Udjinie, mar, TTilliam Ferguson, Lived in Denison,




r*. r. Randolph, b, April 24, 1844,(45) Died in 1875.

95, Vi, Elizabeth, b, Jan, 1, 1848. Died in infancj.

ft. vii. Hargaret, b, Aug, 24, 1848.(48) She married M. C. Collins,

Lived in Concrete, TTashington,

rt. viii. 4

Joseph Morrow, b. March 5, 1851, Lived in Sherman, Texas,

tf. ix. Alva Atwood^ b, Aug. 8, 1852. Died in infancj.

n. X, A *

Caroline, b, June 10, 1849,(48) Died in childhood.

f#. xi. Florence^ b, Jan. 5, 185^, Died in infanc7.

xii. William Monroe, b. May 26, 1858, Lived in Louisville,

Kentucky, Children;

s liOifi •

_ r . 2, William Jr.^**




.atablld^ > bjH .VSCX ^coiaLft) <U

rMifi^Ab •do 2 tns ftps X

•¥ ^noeluoQ al berXJ wlI/JW •‘taa ,«irriLttl .1


? ■• ■ i

f .eV8X nl bftia (d>).Ab8X ,Mt Itiqk .d ^riqXohaea .T


•X^ftslnX at b»JitI »8^X *X •act •d ^didd^sIXS •Xr


> •0 •M baina* •dS, jAS c^^A •d ^d'STSS'Tr'M tXXT

■ .noJyiJLdBATT ^eA^aonop ol b^TiJ

..swsT .iui»i«rf3 fll .J28I .a ri!>x»« .d rfqswt,

.X&fKlnJt ni b*Jta .S36X ,& -S^^A .d ,boow^A ar/XA *xt * • • ^

.boorlbXJtdo cJ: baiW (B^).Q^0I »0X •nut .d ^oniXoofiO -x

•Xooolixl al .^SQX *5 mU ♦d

-•IXivsiuoa Hi .W8X ,as xtU .d .eouioU cu^LUlV .iix *X>^DJ^dc9a

% •iioJ «I

•'.It s:.^llSMi .3

• r . ... ^ • ^ -

’ ■ . •

o (20)’ >^Arj?aret Ifitchgll

3 , # Margaret Mitchell (davighter of George, John) iras bom in

Barkero Settlenwnt, Randolph Co*, Va., Oct. 8, 1815. She grew up in

Randolph Co. and married there, on April 10, 1854, Nathan Rorabaxigh.

(Randolph Co. marriage records). He was bom in 1811, and was the son

of John Rorabaugh Jr. and his rdfo Nancy Idleman. (Ho was thus a brother

of Drusilla Rorabaugh who married l£argaret*s eldest brother Laurence

Mitchell. - See notes on the letter).

Nathan Rorabaugh and his wife removed from Barbour Co., Ya. about

1856, first to Whiteside Co., Ill,, where Margaret's two brothers John and

William Mitchell were living, but then soon to Scotland Co. Missouri where

they settled on a farm not far from the town of Memphis and the Iowa line.

There Margaret (Mitchell) Rorabaugh died, March 9, 1875, and Nathan Rora¬

baugh died in July, 1881,

-_ Tracing of signatxire of Nathan Roraba^ugh to marriage

bond of Laurence Mitchell - dated January 27, 1851.



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at qff wx^ •rfB ,ii8£t:V8 ,dsO **•? fOO dqlobnjiS ^dnoe»U^39il BnamaM.

^dyiadnoZ fuufiaH^^wei ,OX ItiqK^no ^oxodt bep-M bcut \oO d'lIobaaM

aoB bAS tffir bru «XXBX al awS aam oH •(eib^Masii ^^adirrUn .eD

led^trtd M BtfriS bmw eH) ^tumdSbl xpa^ •IJhf •id fafta •ll* dyiMdeno?. isdoHi lo

*C^ ^ monarwad 'ladJojd tmelbXe B^SarayiB^ balrtea odir d-^odjirioSi aXSltirdl lo

td «


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boB iufoi Bitdtotd omd'B*dartA%*tail •Taitw ^tXH ^*o0 6bloodldit oi dmll * « - J# •: >■•

" ©Tdrfw 2*ii/ottiV .oO hoftXtoda oi flooe ffsdi W ,anXvjL£ enam Jlodosm cjilLtXK u, - - * - ^ *■

;0aH flwol »rii bflA eXdqiailf to nWt tdi ami '14I toa cnsl 6 no beXii^oa

-.rxoa ludiaU b«j *er8X ,e rfondl ,b«U> dyjad&rofl (IXsrto^X’d) a-ioOt

,I8BX ni btXb tiy/Md


ITi' -. 'S'*!*? ’’.

W 'f, ' , -i


^aXtcm oi. AadisM lo ourJ^enaXs lo yitoariT . -f

X. « ■


• ^


'*' .X28X. ,Ta iri^wWJAli .^^o40t>.--XX0rio;>jtir BoaovfBiy^ bmdfi { ® ■ • ■■' £» 1] ^ ‘If- ...

. i = ,v. ' .•, . • •'^ '■* ;^ •,'-ailF. . . •vf ;i ' *■"* . ' ■ .J _A . -. * .. ^ Lii. / , .44) ^

t* - • f 'ri’> V - ‘ ‘T. .

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r-Vt/' i*. V < k. • I «I

•r /I •■•'.■■

, * . ,,-v: 4-k' ).__

- '• ^ :&

♦ 91.

The children of Kathan and Hargarot Rorabaugh wore:

i* Joseph Teter^ Bom llarch 51, 1855. Died Sopt* 27, 1908.

Married Martha McLoan.

- 4 . »*• ii. John. b. 1857. Married Uar7 E. daiic. Lived noax

Joplin, Mo.

99. iU. Mary^ b. 1840. Married, Nov. 25, 1857, Ellada Boach.

Lived at Buiiiovillo, Mo. A con: «

r 1. Oliver. Also lives at Burksville, Mo.

9 if. . iv. Nancyb. 1841. Married, J\aly 1858, Ben TTeaver. Lived

in Rosedale, Kans. or Kansas City, Uo.

9^ . V, Margaret! b, 1848. Died April 26, 1910. Mairied Joseph »

Randall. A son: jr ’ '* •

1. Ed Randall. Lives in MengDhis, Ko.

Vi. 4

Nathan. b. 1849. Married Susan Graften

tr. vii. 4

Aaron. Bom about 1854. Mairied Mary A

- Perry, Ok. ^

11.*" viii. Marion? Bora about 1857. Married Sadie

Men^jhis, Mo.

. Ijc. Daniel? Died in Infancy.

( • • • » - 'v .\tr>.'


. ’ If

* "-.^'if'. .f ' ‘ ''''■

1 .



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(£1) Eann&h Uitcholl

Hamah Uitchell (daughter of Goorgo^ John^ was born at ^

Earkera Settlement, Randolph Co* Va*, Uarch 29, 1817. She grew up la

Randolph Co. and married there, October 28, 1858, Aaron R. Bennett

(Randolph Co. mairriage records). Aaron R. Bennett was bom in Pendleton

Co. Va. in 1816, and was the son of John Bennett and his wife Sarah Ann

Raines. (John Bennett, bom in 1784, was the son of Tillliam and Barbara

Bennett of Pendleton Co. The Bennetts were early settlers on the North •j

Fork there, the first of the family, Joseph Bennett took \xp a survey below

Clover Lick in 1767.)

Aaron Bennett and his wife removed from Barbour Co. Va. about

1857-60 and went to Scotland Co. Uissouri, where Hannah*s sister Hargaret

(Uitchell) Rorabaugh was living. There in Scotland Co., Uo., Hannah (Uitchell)

Bennett died Sept. 5, 1865j and Aaron Bonnett died April 6, 1885.

Tracing of signature of Aaron Bennett to petition

dated Doc. 20, 1841. (See notes on Laurence Uitchell.)

‘ .-A ' - ■ •-

See also accoGg>anying original letter Trritten by him.

r ' • ^ v -V ' ' *■ #

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The children of Aaron and Hannah Kltchell Bennett were:

i »o*. i. Druallla A. b. in Randolph Co. Va. Sept. 5, 1859. Died

in Scotland Co. Mo., Nov. 14, 1888. Married Daniel McLean.

i-ieJL. ii. George Nitchell, b. in Randolph Co., March 50, 1842.

d. at Abington, Mo., June 17, 1864.

. Married Margaret Houts.

♦ ■ ' ■

iio$, iii. Sylvanus H. bom in Barbour Co. Va., April 6, 1844. «

died i^s,o . Married Sarah Norris,

iv. Mary Elizabeth^ bora in Barbour Co., Va.,-August 28, 1848.

• Married (1) Otho P. Cook; (2) D. D. Hagler.

e. V- • "

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(22) Danlol Patrick Idtcholl

Daniel Patricl/llltcholl (con of George^ John) was born at t

Earkera Settlenent, Randolph Co., Va., on Feb. 6, 1821. Ho rms named

for hie mother* a father and \mcle, Patrick and Daniel HeCann. Tfhen ha

waa leas than a year old hia father George UitchoU died, leaving hia

widow with six children all under twelve years of age. So it was not at

all strange that she soon married again. Her second husband, Joseph

Tcter, became the only father whoa Daniel Patrick ever knew.

As a boy ^Dan" was a great reader (influenced no doiobt by

the example of his stei>-father). It is said that he often used to stay

up all night studying. Apropos of this the following story is told. •

Once, at the time of the great meteoric showers, possibly Kov. 15, 1855,

the folks next day were all talking about it and asked the family if

they had seen the "shooting stars" and they said no. Then Hannah turned

to her brother and said "Dan, did you see them?" Tou must have been up,"

and he replied, "why yes, I saw a lot of extra light and stars blinking,

etc., b\it I thought it was Just the stars breaking for day." (As told

by Uary Bennett Hagler, daughter of Hannah Ifitchell Bennett).

" ” As a young man Daniel Patrick Hitchell signed the petition dated

Doc. 20, 1841, asking for the formation of a new county, (see photostat

and notes under Laurence Uitchell.) As can be seen he used, as always

later, this abbreviated fora of hie name.

Tracing of

signature to this

petition dated

Doc. 20, 1841.

V ■ r 'v. i 74 -v. -* • » ,» . ■- >V ' S''■ f •' -'-*.7'-

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As the only unmarried children of their father George Mitchell,

Daniel Mitchell and his sister Hannah received a deed from their

grabdfather, the Rev. John Mitchell, on Jan, 1, 1836, for 76 acres

of land in Randolph Co., next Joseph Teter's land. (Randolph Co.

Deed book l4, p, 426), On the Land Tax books for Barbour Co, this

land, 76 aores, is assessed at 380 dollars, credited to Daniel and

Hannah Mitchell, as from John Mithhell of Leiris Co,

On June 13, 184^, D. P, Mitchell and A, R. Bennett and his vifo *


Hannah, deeded this property for 200 dollars to Joseph Teter, The

land is described as being on the east sude of the Valley river,

part of a tract owned by George Mitchell*s heirs. It was acknowledgcHi

by D, P. Mitchell on June l4, and by Aaron and Kannsih Bennett oSl

Doc, 31, 1843. Recorded Nov, term 1846 (Barbour Co. Deed book No,

1, p. 401).

Early in his young manhood, Daniel Mitchell became a I'lethodist

and was admitted on trial into the Methodist ministry at tho Pitts-

burg_Annual Conference at Steubenville, Ohio, on July 10-17, 1844-, K

* T

Ho was appointed to the Kingvood, Va, circuit. In 1843 he was sent

to tho Murraysvillo, Pa, charge; in 1846 to Johnstown, and in 1847

to Cochooton, Ohio. He had other yearly charges, until in 1835 ho

went to the South Conanon charge in Allegheny City. He remained thoro

in 1836 and then became the Presiding Elder for that district, liv¬

ing in Allegheny until i860. Then he went to Salem, Ohio, cind in

1861 to Johnstown, Pa, again. Ho was there also in 1862. Then, in

1863 he vent west to Leavenworth, Kansas, where ho remained for 7 or

8 years, being Presiding Elder of tho Leavenworth district in 1866-

67, Pastor of 2nd Church there in I867, Chaplain of the Penitentiary

in 1869, and Pastor of Ist Churoh again in I87O. *

r>, •«".


.^Jfdd to hoxbXixfo boiitjiaanif xXlnio orft oA

•xXodi «o*illjboob o boTloooi donncH lo^oi* old boJi IXo/lo^XM'Xoirtoa , =, ' * * -ar

00100 lol »SC8X .x '.iua no ,lXorioliK^^o^, .roHiod* ,iod;>«tbd*^

.oD dqXobitflJl) •bnoX i’to^oT ilqooot» ^zon ,«o0 xlqXobiiAX JtX bnoX lo

»Xd^ .oO nifod'XBa zol oXood *Wr bnoj orf^ nO *(^54 .q ,4X atood booll * f %*- f

l>no XoJtnoa od l>odXl>o'5io ^ozoXXob 03C booaoooo, «1 *»o^oo hS ,bfiol ^

i.' .f: • .oD ejhroJ to XXoxIdiXK ndoL moiTt «o ,XXodo:^XM rfAnnoH

F'' • olXtr aid bno ;»;tonnoa .H ,A bno XlododXK A .av,^48X ,CX ofwt nO

*. •'X -

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l>oal>«Xvofntoa aov dl .^‘xJtma a'XXodo^XIl oa-xaed xd bomro iooT? o to i-xoq 5 >■

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•oK dobd boofl .oO 'xuod'ioa) b48jt arTo^ .roK bobnoooA .^48X^ ,XC .oo® ’ ■- - ■ ' ' tf-

' " , : 1^ ’ . .-■■ly} ;u ^ -v, -(-tH-l.i Q

dali>odioK a oata^d XXodoiXM XoXnoa ^boodnoffl smiox^aid nX xXio*

-adiXa od:» la X^iaXnXa ;taXbod;>oI{ odi ednX XaXiO no bmi^itSihM aav bna V 1.'.,

,448X. ,\X-OX xXuTt no ,oJUiO ,oXXivftod<M^2 ;^a oonozolaoD JisunnA. ^-xud k j

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o4 ^^8X nX Ji^idnxi ,ao3'zado x-^'*^*X '*oddo bad oH ^XdO ^nodoodooD od.

ortodd boaXaoo'i #H xniid;^^lJLk nl ^^-rado nomoO ddifoS odd od inovV^^ "■' iQ'

-Tic ^doXTdalb dadd aot Toblfl antblaoTt odd ocaaood itodd bno d^8X nX

oX bna ,oldO ,aoXa€ od dnov od noi:^ .ObSl XXdna x^A^boXXA nX anX

nX ,noifT .^idSX nX oaXa oriodd aav oH *nXaaA ,fivodando^ od X88£ w i •'/’ . , . '2:1' .,. , “ . '■ TO ^^Tol bonXaaoT od oto^ «aaanaXo tdd*zownoTaoJ od daow dnov od C88X • • ^ ^ ^ ^

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In 1871"72 lie was stationed at Topeka, Kansas; in 1873 he vent

to Fort Scott, where ho was again Presiding Elder; in 1877 he was

Presiding Elder at Emporia, in 1879 ^he Independence district;

and in 1880 at Hutcliinson, Kansas. He was three or four times a

d&£egate to the General Conference, and was perhaps the most widely

knoAvn Methodist minister in Kansas. In 1878 he was a candidate for

Governor of Kansas on the Greenback ticket; and in 1880 a candidate

for Congress from the 3rd district, Ho was a member of the first

Board of Regents of the State University.

In the summer of 1881, while speaking with General Weaver at Cen¬

tral City, Nebraska, he was overcome vrith the heat, but recovered

sufficiently to visit his son Henry at Raton, New Mexico. Return¬

ing with his wife from there, he was stricken with heart failure and

died on the train, near Halstead, Kansas, on August 24, 1881, aged

60 years. His body was buried in Maplewood cemetery at Emporia,


Daniel P. Mitchell married, Sept. 24, 1847, in Blairsville, Pa,

Eliza Ann Baker, (daughter of the Rev. Henry Baker and his wife

Martha Harrold. She was born in Indiana Co., Pa., Aug. 23, 1824.

She died at Emporia, Kansas, July 12, 1894, and also was buried at

Maplewood cemetery in Emporia, Kansas.

. «

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Lottop fron D# P# nitcholl to Bishop Anoai

Johnstown, Pn# Jfin# 7th, 1005.

nov, Anwo*

Hoar Blchop# 1 roooivcKt your lottor of tho 50th ult* on

tho Inot* and tro'-ild hnvo ropllod aoonor but vro aro hovln^; q vory r.ood nootlnr; juot now vrhlch io oocimylnr, noorly oil of tiy tlcoi cind then I nan tod n llttlo tiino for rofloob’on boforo I ropliod to a ocroanlcntlcn of go mc2i Ir^ortono-o ns yours. It 1g tmo I nno at tho oponln/T of tho ru y# o^Mrch In Lonvonnorth, but not until I failed to ocnvlnoo then that they could bo bettor oorved. end nith looo onponoo nonror herso# ' hllo there, I nao roQUOOtod by cen-o of tho proaohers of the Kansas Gcnf* and oono of tl^ nc^nboro of tno Loavon- north ch^rno to no?: n transfer to tho K.nnGna oonf, and oannonco ny labors In l/onvonnorth, I stated to tho proachors fr n’cly. that I did not nish a field of labor thot I nns Incapcoitatod to fill, or to labor in a oonforenco nlthcut tho oyr^nthy and cordial cocporatlon of rny brethren In the nlniotryi and that I nao poor and had o Inrco

• fonlly and could not live on tholr Inferior '^opolntnonto and to talco tho boot nould, I feared, ore- to unpleasant foelln^B anonc tho proachorsf and additionally It n(^d look like a sped al end not a rone ml trnnofor, i-lnco ny rotum I rocolvcd r ^nTlTt'or fron Pro# t^nnioon of tho 'Manhattan diotrlot, further urninr no to oensent to a tranofop# I answorod hln kindly but Indofinltoly, I also pooolvod two oc^!n^lnlc*■-tl cno freo tho brothren at Loavonf I anoworod then 5n tho sane nrinnoro ixit at tho rcQUoot of cno of tlio brethren I nroto to Pro, Price of Leavenworth dlQtrlot str.tlnr, thiat I thcayht If I wore fcransforod I could do noro rood In LioQOurl cn q district v»lth a band of noblo onorr.otlo non arcund no than I cculd in lycavcn* worthi for I bollovod that not only rioscurl but all the I'Outh would ooor. fall into our hands, IXit I finally told hln th^t I would loQVo tho nholo nnt.tor in t?io hands of ihe appointing pen^ror, end as Bicliop Ginpoon had a tx^ttor o iportiinity tloan •'•ny other to loicr:/ rro ho nlfht aonfor with hln on tho subject, and lot no knew tho rosult* I havo not hoard frnm either hln or the J ishop olnca,

v'e havo seven chaldront the first, third and fifth are anno# ^ Tho oldest Is In his fifteenth year, tho younyest Is ^bcut four Donths old, d'!0 oldest son la n pretty nood ooholnr for his nr:o| havlnr. studied orthop.mphy, rondlny, ar5tlmotlo, 'ndl-oh r.rorssrr and Coof^mphyi ho Is new roadlnr: Cnoosr, oloslnn the first nart of J>y«a nlr.obra, studyiny natural philosophy and roadlnfi natural history, ITo Is not converted, Our oldest daughter lo 5n her 15th year, has possod *hrourh tho sano studios with tho addition of phyololof^y, and Is a llttlo tho hotter scholar. They both write a rsjch bottor hand than I can, 'Iho dnuyhtor has boon converted since cur r:eGtln^ conmonsod, have two others to school and are well edvanoed for their cnir children am all healthy and havo ponltlvo ch'rnotora, caenblo of lx>lnf’ very bad If thoy ore not r,oca, I fool very: deeply the rosponalbllity tholr education, Ity vlfo hoc


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♦ Wni\/t5V •ntfi^ ,rpwo50firteXi 1.^ , ^


•qoxiain^noon • ^ '5

Tir' !lfri •if,' 'ik/r.#i • ' 'v TK^ :>>. no ,iltf ittOi ortS 1o «»JioX iwa^ MvIoom l .^4 .

rntfff • ^Jtvofl ow ^iid norpM^a /joiXcoa ©vnrf DXfK>iT vxm mvBtu ,3V f*n*> iccxl^ \a Ho x-t‘io6fl j^ftttrircoo Bi ciolfitt vron ^oi/t *

o o^ toiXq<n I (nolod noMooilcyx »sol ca.M ia ODi» I oin:f at 31 •bujo’' an corwi:)^or;i2 f'Ofri oa w fioidrtOxriurT»#

» X XX^ruf 4on ctwX ^fUtotmovnoJ ftl.rCo'iMfo #7 rvilno^ aaoX ^fta fcovnoo toS^tyl od hUryiy ootttvaoo o3 ^oXIol ‘ r Oft) lo onoQ berfooi/po^ oa<y X rjitit‘, '%c.^djttnoon oonoc^t ^ tf-

-novaoJ on& lo Morfnjon erti lo onoe /vm flrioD MMtv ^ • rn oononpo© Cwia •^/top aaaflp?f.4)[»rtJ P\''opj^^,^*tAaP./T7^Oy.0 I 3add •YX:Jn'll o'lorloporrq ai&>o^^lN5:ffiPa X "

63 fra-*IXXl oi X^^n^loaqi3Pfa.«rtw..l dorfi la ftX©xl'^#nf,;jon notJiyiOfTOoo Xntf>iao bna xd3onrfzB odf 3o6d3t^ o0a9*i^m^o cil xoaoz ^

enrrfX a hod too %ooci aotr X 3oei3 ban pr» nf «ftn£oia ^ ^ •Mai o3 ha/t c3ao[i3ator(rrf* *xpX*{pl(it •tloriW ao ovXX dort^MfJPO noo •

Bd3 nnoaa PX^IXool 3cioQOoXaruj o3 *0*10 ^homa'X I ^hXuov 3(io1

a 5on Xmui «OTf*I aoa

oaXo I 0xXo3tnt^cbtiI 3sj(f xXtrM ntrt batom^m j ^tolonnt3



‘ tKnonoflo 1 incvooJ^^fi n<nitJ<«</ orfJ c<«l oaot3>-otnumob otr3 fy>vXoO^ -i

00^/13end Oft) lo OC50 lo 3B0upin 9d3 3b ^ixi ♦^enn^ onoo ortt nr Px^jaoft^ X 3nrt3 :v^t3'^3B 3ot*i36tb rfJtotrnovooJ lo oP>«*l •O^M o;t { v ^oltPoX^ a a> 1*100081.’! nl^6005 ol> MuoP X btytolann^i otow i ti.

-fiovppJ at biuoo X wM an Pfvwwp non ot3orytonB oldon lo Nwa n f»rr"* ^Xoov xttoo'i cd3 Ho 3u(S tnuoaaVS x^no 3oa 3od3 bovolXod l nol irfinptt »

r/oeX bXaoo 13^d3 ntd hIo3 X 3ifl .o^noff,5f;p,o^^^ iXnl nooa^ oortOflU ao bfip>t'io^Q ^yil^nloaco'ISifli lo otwri ortif ox •fotJ'rtCT oXoffw onj ’

o f4-

i^ln art cti pore! o^sTorfcto yo^ n/wib o |» hoti rtoe^lS 5*^ OPOlf I »3tuDtn ffocoi on 3oL bno ^ioolcfoo tid3 m mid rWln *iOlno#

•eonla rodal'i 0d3 no cxlif *fof(^lo cyvnl ginned ^ort A'"! aarr>ft ono ftflil Uio t/tVlS t#nH odS tnenhX^do novoo tYo/f o ' X»H l^n XU 4Jl X g%^u AZ4 H# 'waw V. T a -J»^

-fool ioo<<'' al 3ocotiixix od3^\nn&z d3nr>o3*ilJ old at cl ^n©r>Xo-onT •ono aid nol noXorfoo fx>on o-^ 00® SBohXn orT #5X0 ed^m®

two n'^tspur^•^ dolX^n ' ^0l3cnr{3 (no ^natfmvt ,Ydno*f?«Kt^lo t>o!r>u:?o r^rrlvoif uWn:; lo 3rioa .3eni% od3 rvnlaoXo ,-iooonO nnh^n<w non ol orf r:r'qftrwo3

•^o^olft XiyjiJ3oa ;vtlX>80T hno xdf^oaoXtdq ttm/doa •xnrtl>^o i/waor.Xii oAif '.-iaoY d3Cl nod nl ol no3rtruob Sooblo thoJnovnoo 3on al on

two twXolmsrtq lo noWrWia ad3 ddtvr aolPwna onno odS rt^oond- £>080oq Mod nc330(1 doom 0 oOltw ri^od lorfT *-xoXoffoo nott^oX odS ot331X n a I

Qot^oefn ^oo eonla bodnovnoo nood eod no3d^itnt> od7 §noo I nooj boonovJCw XXotf 010 ftno Xooftoo o3 aiod^o, on3 ovod a** #2>caaarnpP

evlPlnop ovod bfum xd3locd IXn ono‘ aentxt^ ntp ^ %ono *11^ noj Xool x'' «!on p-io x^3 11 toad* Yio*y nnlai lo oXdfi^oo ^a-xo^o/rt’dP



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aad •tl» •;« »mt3aoub« ntiuU W^iXIldlenoroorc orU iX'-eab "lor -.ja-

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Cood honlth nnd oho lo I’othocUot# I nover uroto to onycno oo pQrtl<h\lorly about rr^ fcnily V^i^oro, Uit I think It you ohould know *>11 tho footo#

I V7111 no.T onoak of ny flnanclnl olrcunotcncoo# I hnvo tut llttlo of tJils norldo noocls ami what llttlo I hovo io not nvallablo* I hnvo 500 noroo of land In Tlllnolo and Icmai whloli I eupnoso If thore TToro any mrkot • t all, would trlnn atcut C10*ro ror aoro* I havo It paid for and hnvo tho toi^oo patd up to tJ'iO prooont :.^nr* r-oaldoa that I hnvo .luot nbout oncurh to nny ny dobto, and novo on nvorof^o dlntanco to ny noxt nppolntnont* (I'y brothora who nro fnmora have node n oonfort*'blo llvlnp;* nTlo wno oomtchod ) I hnvo q library that coat no nbout *500oOO 1*7 tlno htio boon wholly n^von to n:* work o nco I ontorod tho nlnlotry* 'Hio first four yo" ra I tmvollod I roal'zod about ('SCO©00• TJ'iO nojtt olrht yonro 't avorar.0 of nbout CSoOoCO n yoarj for tho loot 0 It hao boon bottor, but tho Inciuanod olno of ny fanlly rnd tho advanced coat of llvln/» hao about oonnunod all I roc-olvod* :'.y library wo.o nrlnoipnlly nndo by oollln'': boo]:o, ontl th.o land I hnvo in tho r/ost nno purchaaod with £1 llttlo nonoy I riot fron ny fatliors ootate# If I could noli that lend I could novo wltliout difficulty* I dealt think I proaoh for e "norool of hrond'", for I bollovo I caild mko noro nonoy (with tho approval of Provldonoo) at oono otlior calling* yot I fool I can bound to provldo at lonot for tho phyoioal wnnto of ny fanlly^ and to cdu- onfcb thon no boot I con. How If you Of'n provldo for this I on at ymir aorvloo* (\b nro vrlllln/^ to risk tho olinnto* tI>o toll of tmvolj tho Inconvonloncoo of a net? country* and to cuffor and dlo In a otrm:f^o land* iut wo fool If wo do veto curoolvoo wholly to tlio work tho ohiuroh ohould provide cur tcnporal oupport* fly wife eu/^rioata that If you tlilnk It boot to nend uo v^oot* no far os I.)Gnvor city por- hnpo V70 hod bettor otop o yoar at bonvonworth during whiOii I could vloit ronvor and obtain ouch Infomntlcn as ncpuld onablo uo to novo to Vxjttor advontfir.o* i\it I on Trllllr^n to lonvo tho wholo nattor In tho hands of tho 'pnointlnr, pCK?or tr5th tho nbovo undorotnndlnr. You nay oor^l un to ’*5nnotirl* to Konsnn, to i\:AVOi** to "d^QXij’oriiin.9 or to Ciilnn* It 5|o tnio wo hnvo frlondo* nony donr frlorjclo and rolntlvoa but nono of thon rboolutoly dopondlnr: U’>on us| and tho tli!x> wo hnvo to llvo in t.hlo world lo too ohort and too nroclouo to spond It oinrly In ooolal onjoynont* I profor* hewovor* to ot^-y hero until tho cl030 nf tho- omforonco yoar; nn!:o n:* r^o^ort t oonforonco* and novo 5n Apr'l#

You will plonoo infom no no Goon'^ao you docldo what you will do In oooo; and I will drlvo oii our nootlnr; (which lo Incronnlnr; In porror over:’ day) till I hoar froo you*

Yburo truly*

]^* P* hltoholl*



08 ono''cn'> oi o^ottf novon-1 •» 8l Tmi /tJXnorf b'>os ' 5Xi/o/fo w)v irtnXi jChlfli I cTi^ ^o-io'itw^J vTInal ^ fj rXTi^X/iol^^iatj

•ftioel OftJ XX^ tw5nx ovorf 1 *.ooom)5ncuro-i!o Xflio/mirt'i lo >Joova XXXty

• eXrfoXXrtVn ion oX overt I oXiiU ioHw af)Oo:^ oMnnxr atr^ lo ^X^itX •lorti 11 ooorqxia I rlOlrfw lerrol ftnn elonlXXT nl />fioX lo eonoj^ COo •vo'. I

$t overt I •<non ‘xoa 0^*01': iuortn nnX^rt 5Xiw ,XXa S • :to?finn o^orr eoMao'l tioor^ inooo-ic oi c;m bfrtq aoxni oftt overt fjfin ^ol &Xoj o7^o*tcivn no ovon ,cirtt>h w ^na oi rtruiono iwvfe overt I innj

overt iwofvinl erxo orf^ mrort^orta *inorr5nlonqn .^’con eonfiJfiiO 0 ©vert I (.•“•“boti!>3trtoei ©nn oXrf •r^rtXvlX oXrt-inolnoo a

oi n©vlj\ ^XXoriw noort ajjrt onXi vl OOtOOti^ on ifioo dorti^ ^jvnvcfrX I an'©T 'iLf'l ionll ©ff»' *^iolntn orti Ixynoifio I oo/i -a

fi'^ i* aneov irtr'lo ixon ©cTT tOO^Cy.^*) iuorto fjox^'Xuon 1 boXXovoni -noiiort noort cert ii innX ©rti nol tnne^ n OO^OriS) iwocf« Ic ar^/rioTO j>fttvXX lo inoo hooryT/r*© orti bne •^Xlnel \?2 lo onte bonoirrorit erti

o'bna ijXXeqXoftlnq cow ^i^^vnertlX ♦bovXooo^ I XXo fK^Lfonoo rfiiw boDXjrtoneq onn ^oow ort? ^cil ovnrt 1. fcocl iorti XXoo bXxioO I'lt •©ioioo evo/WAl noel »^on I oXiiJX #

8 lol rfODoon I jJnXrti imb I. ♦t^Xx.'OlllXb vtxjorW^w ovon bXnoo I rvftoX orfi rtiXw) Tconon c/io^r oalcn M/joo I ovolXort X nol 4'^heonrt lo XoonOn

hu)T^cf nn I Xool I io’z ,:'XtlIXoO nortio onoo io (oonoriiyots lo Xevoncrqo • -i/bo oi bno <v^tnol ^ lo aiaOw IcoIn^rtcT orfi vol donoX dn oi>X'^'>nfr oi

5© n© X cZ.'fd *Tf>l obfvonq ft'^o no\; 11 •rtjoo I doort 0© rrorti odnO -Xovnid lo XXod oiid ^odnnXXo ortd >Jaln od aalXIlw on© o <) nootv'io© nuf)5C

e a! olft bnn nolli'C od bn© ,rr^nf/oo non n lo oocnoifte^^rtoonl orid ihow afd od vXIcrttr oovXoovoo odovob ow li Xool ow dii^. on ^iJo

edcorviiiO olivr♦d'T*!^';i;o XMOqnod nw? oMvoti XxXuorto - •noq ^;dla nofrnovt go nol 00 ,dootf on bno© od deoc/ dl i'nJrtd oo*: lx dortd

Muoo I rtolrtw rtd*tOT?n.vf©<xI do nno^ o qodo noddexf f>nrt C(7nrt ©von od ©1/ ©Xrtono bXx/cet cn no tdnfirtolnX f(ot/d nica ^0 bn© novnof^; dxaXv

nX noddort oXortw ortd ovnoX od ^ilXXXtr ru I '‘tyi *of\©drtoviy» noddo/ od noY - .^^nibnedWobm/ ovt)rt« ortd rtd»w norp*»n rviXdnXo-q* ©rtd in arvxort ortd

od 'so^TnWtBob' oV <yS: , triron^n^ BovldeXon bn© ofinotnl nnof) ^Bfinoinl overt ow oirtd ,©nX;K>

Off onld ortd bn© foi/ TvrXlvtaeob t-^odt/Xoorte cn-^ rrortJ "In oriori"wtw dX bn-yia od ©lajfoono ood bfi© d^orto ood ol blvon oXrtd nX ovXX od ov'ert

Xldnxj ©nerf ^'^do od ^novowort «nolonq I #dnnn^f.fto Xe^ono nX y**'*^^® tynn -©ononolfioo' d dno^a© ’71 o:Inn l*too’»: oonmol/tod ©n't lo oioXo ortd

: •IWqA reX ovon of) IXtw tfox dertrr oMoob vo": en^'nooo no on molnX ©o©oIq IXXw tr>Y

ni noXeoononX al rtoXrIn) nr^tdoort noo rw ovXnb XXlw I bn© loano '^td nl cionl neort I XXrd rto^ioq

^ ovi^jY •‘ ’4 '•. ^ .

li cXXartodXrt .rt ,a




Vr# briefly chroofoled tb« death o( our ajtocfate editor je«terday.

Elder Duolel I*. Mitchell tto bom I * at PhllMpp!, Brtrboar couoty, TTeici Vlri:Iul», February i, 1821, couseT,!' qnently when be paeeed orer to lb ' better laoo trai »lit3r years, tl tnoothi aud tweuty-two daye old.

At the affe of tweDtr-eli, Septeo) her 1847, he married Mies Ann Elii Baker, daughter of Rrv. H. Baker, o Indla-oa county PeuD.. by whom h had eight children, five glrla an*

three boyp, the youngfet of whom, ^ daughter, U now fourteen yean* o« age, . ^

I Rer. Daniel P. Mitchell was admit ted on trial in tbe iPitlsburg aoona

conference of the MetbodiHt EpUco ' paly;hDrcb, In 1844, t hree years befori ‘ bis marriage. Was Appointed to th« Kiogwood charge, West Vlrginia,anf at once took rank as au able mlnli? ter. In 1845 he was appointed to th«/

Marraysville charge, Peun.; la 1846 * /ohn^ton, Penn.; 1847, tloshoctoil ! Ohio; 1848- 50, Norwici:. Ohio; 1851 * Cadii. Ohio; 1853- 1554. C.irrolton | Oiilo; 1855, 8ouib OotnuioQ cb&rgt Alleghany City, Peon.

Elder Mitchell was afterward stationed at Salem and otb er places in Ohio and In 186^ he was transferred from thj Pittsburgh conference to Kansas an appointed In 1833-4-5 to the large church lu tbe state, that at Lsaye: worth, Iq 1806-7 he was pr^sldin elder of the Leavenworth district.

In 1868-0 he was pastor of tbe se oud U. E. church of Leavenworth, 1 1630 he was appointed chaplain r

the Kansas state penitentiary. 1

1870 be was again puttor of the fir. U. R, ehnreb ot L“aveoworth. 1

1871-2 he was pastor of tbe church i this city an«( was very popalar as uinister.

From 1873 to 1870 be was statlooe at Fort Bcott. In 1877 and 1878 he wt stationed at Emporia as presiding e derof the district. In waatrao fered to the Iodei>eodeDce distric la 1880 he was stationed as pastors the cbarch at.Hnlohison.

As a minister be bad few equals an no snperiors in Kansas.

Elder MltcbsU when a yonngme became a warm abolitionist, woe tl compeer and friend of Rev. Ed wat Smith In the Pittsburg conferene and contributed largely to tbe rev olniioo in the Klelbodlst chare which broogbt it over from a pr slavery orgaoisilloa to the side ot tl slave, a liberty party man, a fr» soller, a free Democrat, and in 18 when tbe elements opposed to sla cry fuaed aod oraanlted tbs Brspabi can party, oar minister, at the age • 85, became an active Repobltoan. 1

1878 CadiRf that doty and sympatT

for the po4r required him to take • •Upforwrd be embraced the do trlA« of the Nftllooai Oreenbe^* |j Labor party, wa» its Candida',

for goveroor In 1878, making a Ibo' c-^h canvrt# of tbe state and mnnlo far ahead of bis ticket.

lu IK'O be received the nominstio fi»r congress in the Third district ai made a vigorous eaoraa again niJ oing ahead of bis ticket. In evel relation of life Elder Mitchell wa*\ tree man. His wife doted upon hlol i bis children almost worshipped hln\ t In I?oTrinb«r last Elder Mitchell bc-v f came associate editor of the Statr (•' JOORHAL. and since April last hca been almost constantly in the field, speaking for the National party and working to build up tbe JoCRRAX Bach waa bis popularity m a speaker that applications hid been made for him to speak ala series of meetlngsih Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, etc. Church¬ es wanted him to dedicate (heir bonc¬

es of worship. It Was arranged for Elder Mitchell

to canvass the state and speak witti General Weaver throngh this state and Nebraska. He went to Atchison to meet Weaver J nly 16, bat it was impossible for Weaver to reach At- cnlsoo. Mitchell made two speeches / afternoon and evening, aud we shook hands with him for the last time in

this life at the depot “ in Atchison, on Sunday July 17. he spoke of being tired bat said tbe

j church at Atcblfmn wanted hla to preach, wo protested aod nrged that

' he was killing hlmwlf, but sneh was his anxiety to do good that be went acd preached. July 18, with General

Weaver, he spoko at Falla City, Ne¬ braska, lOtb at Lincoln, 20tb at Cen¬ tral City. 2l8LsLt-Kearney. On Sat nrday, July.23, be reached Mankoia, Jewell connty, Kaosaa, walking to reach the place six mllee, and riding

'la an open wagon, over thirty miles In a broiling sna without broakfast

[ or dinner, so delermlned was he to ( meet bis engagement. At Hankota j he made bis last speech; fer almost

1 two bp'ort s^ood in a broiling sen ' taiking to ft large andienoe. Boon af¬ ter the close of the meeting, while n

talking lo friends, he eonplalnad of p being nnwell wwl starttul. to the ho¬ tel. *>n the way be fell Intenslble. and for n I0D5 time but little hope wflj^'trtertaloed of bis roPovery. Yet on Wednesday L. B. Kellogg, of Em¬ poria, got him on ft stretcher and took bira to Atchison, thence to Emporia where be seemed : to recover all his facnltles bat remained In a deblitated eoedl- tlon when by the advice of physi¬ cians be went with his wife to tbe Ratoon moontains in New Lfexleo, hoping that the moanUln air would Improve his b(>alth and'only three or four day" ago vo rvoeived a private | Utur eiprersloj hopes fos]

From ft dispotcli dt.icd Newton, Kao* t£s, cpruiDg, we learn tb:t Elder D. P. Il'tc'uell died of heart duuiiBS on the treia • few ciles ^e.Jt of that p’ecs while <5a hii way frota Colorado, whil^ he had gone .to recaperate his fsili&g

health. Mr. Mitrholl trss well known ia Kan¬

sas. He hiJ teen ft protaincit tjura ia |

her rcl5*;ioti3 apd political hirtcry dnritj the port rix 6r ci^ht jeart.

A big-hcfxted, larj^e-lrdaed mra, full offibJ C£s?c7i«ha he nndiTtPok he

•Jdid with his nighu lUrcly edtarod, I his prsochisj was on the higher of

chrietbaity where men, to be chrL-driS, nCiSt carry their ftuth la Czzh liTci. He ^ ttcj kcirsd

to bs &c«. He rigard^d the ro- Hgica cf Chriitcj ft trt>ialTij 8;icxd for the li:ait!c3 ecaciticB of the hcTrt; t, of £T0wia.i virtees Czrt:cz^^zT into bcUcr phiici eordi cl men are lulcd to bibber P^'"'>

Ilr. Iliteiall tcts in conpicts‘i f ptthj wiih tta people when he ftlte Ji- fcd T-pea to krtruot He caterti kie^y into the icrro^t cf the poor, and ts gracefclly he jemsd in Ih-Tcr rejoixnya. Elmp'.e c:>d unaiTe'Cted ia hii maisiEt; chai's sxi Kkot ia his Lsgc-tgo; ipise tid drrttcd b his thoughte, be wns of the cfTte'-he pnlpU orators cf the Wirt latpoechhs wts c!a«. elegant

and forsible. He had ft fxednta foe

politbi. ixdted, fse 1 the Itsly brjiy fife cf ths 0trc74 gnbtlcr, 'but fex t’mt tohh'x exene there co^. cry he dciA fhe the pc€3cr end vcflier pe:-! s. Ee early ki pitm? d w Uh [

wtJ CKTilidnj the b':,-—of ft p-ar;■6t^J t -iJ-oarp ted b ths khcrcr’e tjht'/

eta the entsuAtk essiEc. 1

I 4 J


>*di f«ib«S li?tc

. «ir«l 0> '*it>rt •«*! lo1

Ob Hll b*ifci»»«3«»* •<! iaooAi*!! pd* k* ••Hi

•kNbi>«> itl »Xi-^ ’»od^l

odl • ♦o^Mw «* 1


^;ij3imiii .T'a

u» du»b ^6^ b%T»»oo^»l>

^ Mr U* *d*ll« .‘t ftJwin b«* ♦«•*» •di lo ••ra*» dx ^ ,Bod^*a .IqqHMdl i*


<<tt;H ;a(>tir<ii^ ^dqtlb« oot^

tsKS i«^ dtost •« j$:icn<vsi tiiJ

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M^r ^oirrafeO aniS v« ob tUdv |

•Ailot) cii »in»qcon oi. b«d m


•^*2 d B»v tap aH rU'ii • c..';4 tdi *11 mi

pbwhxt9iali^\:^Mt jmtt iixii !•) tii Aaq p4j

ILA jMm Jb<^nr>4 aH A.

«d iooH^'xd •(! Mi<» UiK 1*

tWtsilTD tbvuH Jisldi tii itiv 1 Ic •ac!i«ji:ii *41 CO ter sUd&rn^ til *

/4uS3thi» ad ai »c$«i oi»i«t«<A4i:thj(fd

d wiSi jyijn ■'. kja

hffuml M*, cH ml 3hdJ n »J4 btiiuttl »H >arft od pi iz^xs^

m1 (ocdct tsici«<9 « MJBhjOWcc^^i

• ;tie&l bd< apiixufhp c.';;i:t<dl

«:oruv sehron ^ misiv bcrta *^''7^

•“^i M waadq tOMOi •ioi

/' ' *<% VkIjW oi i«AU CM ••.‘3 to 4irpt

4 )* oJdocoo d MV old

•4» 7t{d ti taoilv okodX XidiA<i

t/lcd 6«tdaa oH - Jcffxtspi tti Oii hs

M &04 tOoof oil lo fiioJsi

j»lB%3oLn tJc^ ii fc*c^l*J tUiAioctj

^«:U£3 tii cl bv^ooSiflc JifMC.'qaijt | |4ttil«

;c««scsul tU cl IsoIm Im o^ifio

•(90 uv oi ^iiopiiihlcikUt'n <

noMM iMba oTlMts t^aa tii to

uxao!* .Mob M* bJ (ba«<« oX

Us» r9 tioo&ndl c ft«4 oH

jbobci . Mm Mt’iioi

.xiddci >x:» Xo o'Ui ibdxfvioiAi

Jbaci csitf* ptrm miSca UJ4%htoi^

»it«v ieso CIBOf OAlvScCQ^od v^'

d::vWBi‘ *H<d«a.3!r94tHea «H ai4<^

Old ytljMiccc axmUi}^miTis\kZt4p t>TBOidui k»t*c»3 c^o

oilooloioo •dl-bliTlMOt OdCcfll ■!

!• J0hi*rt» tnldT Odl o» M*noo« I |*rf oU»a Mr»a«o «oo70f It • obota

irro ot Jvdvli eld lobdsdssnic ««r HtdPilU ToWa oUl >• oollofr*

,)d ooqo t>7ti»b ollw •IH JtMtO OO^J Id bO«ql'VM»V iOOtfitC DMbildo old

A^»<l t»b?* Hoi 7*da*'*'roW ol \iiMrAT3 «di Xo 7o)lbrouf»o*Mocj*»

aAd lw« UvqA oool# bo»d*xctioX ,b{«R wdt el tUooiMoo itoojle o»7d bo* THoq UooIIa)! oitJ 'ol ^uldAX)*

, OACCtrol odJ <19 kUod ol3oljfrH>» J Md^oa* * M dd *•• d3ii3 il'iol'^bain ffMd b< d •ooMe^tlq.qs X«il}

'^‘oUielHoai to»#hM eledMq* oJ eild

.do-«ud3 ,0»dO ,*oelbol\oloolUl < d 7i»iit olMibse oi utd b»la«w w*

Aifd^P* W o KidatiV T*bl^ tel b*t09-^9 mw al d.’le dAO<i« boe oMia odt «%av«jo ol •Utt oldl dseofdi larroV/ UtooaO ooalii»l>. oJ Ju«« «U ^itktda^ boo

4«r it ied ,ftJ ti»l> -JA doooi •» 70l oldloooquil

•»rjAv04|» orl oLas: llvdoilM jMttfio

iloodi C» boo 4iolo*a» bom •oott7«iia ol oalt lool odl >old iliiv obOAd

oi io<|ak od* «A elH old! •fj t*wX xniaoB eo .oootdoiA •di b(«« led bvii> s'Tlod Vi «doo« od oi otid boioAW oMinsiC lo doiodo Md# boo 0^ «do«»70 •t^ dooo lad AlM.'^irl DcUlId oa* od iii^r aJ lodt boos oI» ol dd UiAcaO oil** .«! X^ol ,b*d7C«'q b30 n^ .tllD OlUi lO OdiXIO %d ,7MA»VI

iM diCi »jp|090!»l IC dlR< J^4K4,:.d i«d aO .xooiooA .MiolS iXilO lei> ^lodooM bidoAOt od ^C^xIoL.aoino ol solillAr ^«ko»2 ,\looo« ilowoV SalbH boAvMlIta xU ooolq odl doon oollia tHtrtJ 7*»o aonrnm ottjo •• ■»

^ldo«od loodK* aoo seltloid • ol o) od «A« b»ula»»}ob «o (laaolbto] oioieoH lA je»ai»so:ao* •id'looiBi ikTiinle 'taI ;(fo«Mi ^ Itcl old ebtci od I

ID ‘io -lolfloid A el boi>J» od naVd } do ooo8 .oeeoibe* octAl m oi ^alilLmi

^seUooo Adi to otoie odi tal

],. ^raot X»*** t 4.1a •



V^tS ■’■tm’Xrf ^floSool >-4'

•eii ei X-H

&o<r!«?aJ ooi urn

■ vw «-o<wov

ilo boilolaao* od .obb*h\af calJloi

I >od odtoi ,b»M«ti boA Wteoa BfllTd

I ■ AldtiflMol 11*1 od xe* ■•*!* o^* «qed olllil lad aciII t|aol • to) boo ioY .Tt**ofcAi old lo booloHiXtfs-MW •mS lo.saolloJl ^ Jl xabi^aboX7 Bd boo vod)frili A oo Atd lOl.OHfM]

•eukdi ,oooldolA ol did dooJ b«d«x od otodv Alto^a>a «t OOlllOOAt old lU loTOOM •» >tbCOO baldlWob A of booiMaot led •la^dR to ootTbo odJ id oodv eolS odl oi t)l« aid dilr 3a*w md mumH oatCaU el tolctaead aooi«fl

j Moo« ^>A alAleoeoi «dJ l•d«l«etood |to oaidi xtoo'bao dilMd nd ovo^qcil •Mvhqc b>»U v*T ow OM •tab tool I

fo) Mqod Iaa^ ^oUmvt^xm voiioli

.tie atAbovHtioswl


,i,3 oo/ ...»i

, teodv^e Jk'irt®*’*‘***'^*^^**' *

H)‘ataot eoa kJ

limb* MW l^•tl•)^.l^ T Hlitea .f»a AOSBA yiudiin’l’fdi toht •• b*l

io9.1aa iklboiD^ti •dlto.owtooo

rtolod .W '•‘V* ^ dd % ,oa doKn/V I.*,Vi *AaMd9bo«»*'.4n*»

olniw etoo d.k fA-doAt

1 r/oodkc;. .ttox ;d« .M ,



Uiods oodid'^O d^eoR

biAWMrte flsiJalii* '*'*,*?. 1

la* •-!*» b-rtolJ*»«

et be* <>^dO ol MOkiq ‘*•1

,rij I»<ni br»ialMMii ••’



d<nV bwialMMii ••’ ^

jcmmaX oi Mnri-Hooa dMod^ilrt

,«.b! •dJdl W «l tMolwWe

im Mdl ,*»•»« „lhlAdq M*

.i»ht*lh d»7oe ovraoA *111 to i»bl«

•»»dl to-i^'k-q ****I!*V,"J I 'o dModa .8 .U b^

^ bJaIq. i'^ hsjelooqA MW ^

.,a.di 1) io''«q »i»3***«

f .HnoworWerJ *0 dMed»

\ dtiad* *01 'o loi"**! MW td «“lt»^ «A Mimioq Xaac m* boA Xito ‘to*


Lael1*>i MW tri 8TbJ •! tfil Uw md r« be* rrtf el .iiomH rtoH ie U »albto»to M Ah«q=ii b»ooliAH AAIIMW «*l el. tiiJ tot»b

siiitlb »«o»bo*q‘*t»*a •«

• TOjBtqM b»ooU«t« MW ed voRi Cl

.•MldoioB J* dMide eOl

la aiew^ e*l b»d ed i*l»lol£0 a *4 ju*o*X el «oH*qo* o"

«»aooX e e’rtw JtodkilM isWa

i MW ^Blu illUodA <BtAW A AOMeed to bo*Hl be* t**<ittio*

aano^soo »kodtUi9 #di ol dildb

T*i Adi el xl*a'** bAlAdhlOO* boA

•lodA itibodjcii Aril ol Aolioto

mn A ABOil lAAO 11 idsoetodoldw

IJ lOAbteAdtal OOlli*»fl»iMX7*T#lC

rt1 A .OAW xi-iaq XlMdll A .ataI#

41 at boA j4isoia*<X aw»1 a .iaOoa

al* ei b*Aoqqo *l«*flr»to e*!*

Ideqefi Adi bAtlOAjikO bOA bAAoV XAA

. ASA Ail lA .telklalfll MO ,X*Ma OM

I .AAAlldOqAfl AAltoA SA AI»MOd A*




tb* * fa'torfc aJDd fot Xh# JoDHW- A.L .»nJ only tbe day b«for»

'■bli death be wrote ble la«t letter for. ^publkatloQ which we pobllrbod y®*-, lurday. Elder Ultcbell ItnmedlaUlyj after wrltloc that letter etartei^

‘borne te Kanial foellos taoebloeDe- 'dted by the trip. At Ualcbtneon they itoppod over to vUlt ioq)0

i t ■(rlrodr. Testerday tbe Elder walk-

to tbe train aod got oa withoot help and (eerned to be enjoyhis t^e trip and talking as usaal. Between ^Baletead and Newton, whlUt Mr». l Hitobell was abcsot a inoinent to K ‘to speak to Mrs. Fenukuore an ota 'friend, when she relarnsd eho foun^

*her hesband. upright Di h'_5_6aat Lbi ^

^.fiad the;>’T=^'' „ . ^ tcf., .

cre^t macu It l3 wlLh-a'.aeac:,':r,-''

■ chrobic!* tli(Cd' IJitono of

'jry.hayo loatcaa'f ■

A'jbl «^;tl’d^cs■ vf-- ■ ‘tr-ora (.'-S'. "pncolod trllh th>

••lATcll vrith tiio ( h^OQcfrtbit la P, . '.hht hijrher life It;

‘i !:c’o;a' ihz\ fca T

r:rsVcXv=t^-^/^>'^ '

■'bn widiJty l-.brl . tS IL&lr f ^rca r.

^ y> -

.< • « e *• *

. • :*“a. '■e

IffI I

'•VCOOt* AdT^lol b4Ul «1^W 1*6 •tt -p9t

^ .«o1 ‘Ml#*! 4ul aid •tel* mI ,^t t»ii*06aq •m dti4»

' 1 iiotfoitX vbiX * pttMH J«dl loUHw

^o«o(tto»a ;iall««1 »M0«X«t4 •^ivoldoJaU JA «dl •«rM lUbr •! t»ro b*qqaH iiiii|


' ■■* '* ' _ ' ■ ■ .' Aj t «• 4 ^

^ ' ' ‘ ■**^ ^ ^‘•-» •’'**■ ■'»•'^*'■ ‘‘’'vf* ♦ '■ M ‘ Alii -,•''****^*.**** -•• ; 'f . •yf■

‘.4(«« T•btil td) x»hn9l**l «*> 40odtlw •<> loj bo0 ol«il •dl

•d»*(HT»icM •d o» b*»M« bo* J*B«u«* lolilfc* bo*

■ S» '*■' J^i*-

■" .' ,,v vf ' ,.. . ;->3j|

^ ^ . ^-f _ .ita -^^1, »|'*\ 'T L ‘**-.t J 1 # n A‘ f?l »•

» .-r . : •> T' ^ » '. t. ».WXtA® f.*-' • . . ^ s. . ' Iv* ... wi! ■.tJ^’^fefci-


■ .-^i.

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•‘ *1*. .

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.1 O'

o O


o o

o o

foe goTcroor of Kins** in 1878, o&d fcr Coorrcj* la the Third Diitrict in 18SO. ** •

Hii foorlctss dbsQisioa c£ all qoeoCio&f mad* mix/ enraies, cspeciaHjlB poll- tisa, lot tJODO even of theso will dow d»-

cUr* that Mr. Mitchell waaoot a good, pare minded, cotweientiouf mxn.

Bar. Daniel P. Mitchell

iraa bom in Western Wir- ginia. lie was admitted to the Pitts* burg oonftrence of the M. E. church in 1S44; was pre«sidiDg elder of Allegheny

distiictin 1857: wts tracaferred to Kan-

oonferenoe in 1863, was stationed at

Leavenworth, and sabecquenUy became presiding elder of the Leavenworth dis¬

trict. In 1S66 he was appointed one of the regents of the Sute Uni¬ versity, and was chaplain of the peniten¬ tiary in 1869. In 1873 he wts made pre¬ siding elder of the Fort Soott district, and in 1878 of the IndependcDce district, Sonthem Kansas conference. Ho was a delegate to the general conference in 1860 and in^870. He was a pillar of Metho¬ dism ID Kansas.


e r o • 1- ta > U

ELDER D. P. MiTCHELL. We pablishfcd a letter from Elder

Mitobell about i^ew Mexico yetter- day. The following private letter to Col. Wood will show Wa condllloa aud feelings np to Aosact 17, better than anylblog we can wri>«; - J-

* Hat la, N. U., AosjjtU,-

Dbar Wood: Yours of tl«v Htts, ba» jasl been read. 1 amsoV ed i»t ail to be captions tbo tcj>' {veraoee qnenllon, but 1 fc-al I wor'^d' not be tra-.* to the parly, to the Joc. l - NAl,, or inyeelf to say le?» tbao 1 ' and 1 ask nothing more than yeo« Bay in yonr reply. The party In Kansas la myjodc^r, r&pldly.dislotcgratlng frp-n.&.'vuklsty | ofeatjf^s, Tba oorjit an

al elec;5SU oJ® drtttir::

introduced among oar owo people tbrougbontthe state will be a good ooe. A iboroagb and saooe»«Xui caoTHS of Sbawnee couoCy woold not ouly add to tb« repnlatloo of Ibe pa- p«.rr bet greatly add to Its profit as ati adrertlstnl^^edlan. lam mote sbau ever convinced that .we have It Io oar power to mske a great paper usefal, lafiaeDtlal and profitable. 1

wish I conld be with you la the work. Motbing worries me more ibaa to ba unemploye 1, whatever may b« Ibe cause of that io activity.

The doctois all say that I ara noi thoroughly organically dUeased,yet 1 mend iluwly. but 1 anj doing tbe bfst Icau. I can wsljt aboat tbe

^ roont wod ride oat a libOe, bat a lltlia j «jXrrtIo;t, exhausts n?.' 1 can sleep pretty w'>ll but my appetite is very

•poor. I will ret a rn home in a .few J days and will then go dow n to the of-1

Dee to sec yoou ' I Tell tbe people through tbe paper how 1 am aud wbera I am. 1 am bere stopping with my son. I will write yoangrainlna day or two. Give my lo\*wto-llr. RaetLiell him I would love io see his good notiued face

more., Tell GreSDsV to kerp sby of □ mbrellaa.

God bless yoo all. D. P. MircH^bl,.

-•*- -

,nd to the ocesAion and gave -'rt'ofthelire of the deeeaic,.. »>-

hlL<>li:o lr2poral.rSt>o<^-Mlog fccdH of ITewtoa, j oQoa acjklRS aco4flftlPS to the Ct'X" 'I r^t- nr n«nnUnn n.. Tr.^r..

'IJm fnncrsl o( Elder.D. P.- Mlfchnll took place at the Congregational ebnreh

' at ^ o’cLack this moraine, it having been iband ImposaiUa to ddnv U» burial till

. to-morrow, the time originally fixed ' upon, and announced in Th* Nkwb of ywleitisy. Ihe services •were con¬ ducted by. Rev. Mr. Kirby, of tbe M. E. church, who made some. well-timed remarks appropriate

a abort deeefjr^d. He tvna eup

ee, and Ibe great body wLieb oontrcU tbe machinery of tbo? tbrough-

onl tbe nation belo^sX-i^ latter I elopy. and wt need tba produclo? J;


should not tbea 1 torn from Heatb tod many oth¬

er seoarecs io llllnoia, ladlana end ObU that I am greatly deaired In thosa places. 1 wrote to Hestb ofj my condition aud told him 1 would ; atrlKe the appointments en soon ta t pbulblo. Tbrt work In Eoatero Ohioj where 1 am well known can ba made both orefnl and profitable to tts party and the paper as aooa *J i •hall be able to enter opoa the work, i fiod 1 have calls for more poblle speaking than I wUi ba ftbl* to eoct- ply with. J am astitCci that the ar¬ rangement to employ Wakefield iifc» III tff eaq get‘oor paper tborooghly

Rev. Dr. Dennison, of the 77snjg.s Con- I fercoce, sod Rev. Dr. Cetdby aod Elder ‘ Rice, of Ibis city. The sttendince was quite large considering the brief ccHot of the change in the time of koldlnj the services, though It Is a source of deep forrow to tbe family aod thslr frtenfis that the abccalchnSrca of tM'dec£a?5<l, CtiTlIs and Anna, did not arrive la dine to even look epoa the mortal remains of bh;1r revere d L -her. All the retarlrdag rrembers of the f4;nny ciocptlng Jerep-h T7cre present and followed the body o/j

Ihclr Lest eoiihly fnecid to jU lack ittti Ing place. .

^ .


T iTiifc

to* Jo*i Nmo tfooo9 9%omm6b to *«▼•** «*iq •as t» ooiiAjpQ** •tfs of bba tfoo «*IB«n9*^iM latf *1X1

• lowwof ^IV*5r^al»#n**b« u„ 1! ^Tad *0, J*ifJ b***i«n<>9 «®fJ« %*qt>| f*«»a * 9d*M 9i 1**09 aoo n*

’1 jiiOafAoiq ti*j UlJafuttM.taHMt dioo •#• fli tiox diiw *d b(*»9 I dttw

«lola«dtMooi •««*Hio«r ^tdioK •M *4 t««a i*v«t^d» .1 *^oK|««au * .V^vtia* ui iMti looM** »oo »* I «wli tiofMbvdT J«X»bM**«lh %lt*oio*^v> tld;|oo^ods •41 valob 09 I MmI .^loWt ba«a f ♦d) tOOd* jfloV AM I .Ot*|.««Mf' •lilll « w ,»[|«U * lao abh ba* aoot 9MU a«»

iiMfewipMNA 0ti

tll^bHWb ilauBaoa tax* ,.— ^ ^ -eb •VM Uhr aMitllo cr?9 Ka'Xi lal v*i>

)a«i^.|lad*}i2> .iMulJaub

Mc*iar *109

f t

-iT^ "1 .T*Jl i*uuS

))•iUiH •dt 0 itfUmbl 90W9U Moit

■ ■ di damf* Jl M tdi 1# aooMalaoa twd I; taa<(»>flA lo «l(i seitnoKf mw

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cIC 1$ tjlll Qvt$i%i$P

That I, of (}^ BUhopa of tb«

Meibodiat Epl*cop»l Church, ia th* Uaitsd 8tak:« of Ajncrie*, under the protectioB of

Alhiohtt God, und with » 8ing\e eye to hi* glory, by the itapoaiiion of my hiad* end

pr»ycr, hiTe ihU diy i4l tpATt /d^iL

for the ofhee of x Dkacok, in the eeld Metho<ilft Epiroopil Church; \ itun who, in the

judjment of the / , / r v»/C /T V rfru<^tX^ ConfercD«, U well

qualified for tbit work: tnJ be is hereby recommended, to ell whom it may concern, is *

proper person to idmiaiiter the ordin&ace of Baptism, Murii^, and the Burial of the

Dead, in the absence of an Elder, and to food the flock of Christ, so lonf as his spirit and

practice are such u become the Gospel of Christ, and he coaODoeih to hold fast the form

of sound words, aeoordinj to the established doctrines of the Gospel.

^ TsmnoKT Waxasor, I hare hereunto set my hand and seal, thia

one thouta^ eijht hundred and^

/(fUrfy, C” __

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a-y e4«.kC<'»K

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one of the Bishops X;l

I'liAT I, / ... /'!/> f f/ /r f

irx of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States of America, under the

XX protection of .Aamighty God, and with a single eye to his glory, by the imposition

XX of my hands and prayer (being assisted by tbe Elders present) have this day set apart xx

xi yyjrtrf/ ' r , ////./, ,'r --- for the office of an pij

Eldf.r in the said Methodist Episcopal Church, a man who, in the judgment of the

xi . ^^//j / f/ ry/i //// ^ / Conference, is weU qualified for that work: 0

XX and he is hereby recommended, to all whom it may concern, as a proper person to

XX administer the sacraments and ordinances, and to feed the flock of Christ, so long

as his spirit and practice are such as become tbe Gospel of Christ, and he coatinueth to

hold fast the form of sound words, according to the establlibed doctrines of the Gospol. j ^

In Ttstihont Wh«riof, I hare hereunto set my hand and seal, thi* KX XX

XX t t//! /A X X XX one thousand eight hundred and XX j XX . / KX y . ' KX y ^^/ t XX * 1^*1. %t /

KX / a ■ KX ' / ^ »tr » w<"w

in the year of csir Lord,

C■■■■*'■ i.-* «.;■- ' --- .'■• ' M ^^3


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adf ai aaa a {darmT) ItqooaJt? HlkaiOaM biaa aiimj aoMaa a la flaw aj taaoataUaO .NSv^ •dileh

a ca .artaeaoa << aeoifw fli oi .baibaaaBi^aoai t^atad ai a<f laa : jfsow ladi wH

aib ^ UhaQ adi boa ^yjamaM taMtoif^ 1» aaaaaibnM ad) ivaioiadia ol ooaiaq

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ad) taal bfod M lOaoMaoa *4 baa iMridO la adf^avdaad aa dwa aia aai))^^

JaqaaO ^ aasniaab badiildaaaa adi oi |nibaoaaa ,abaaw boa«* la

- aid) 4iaabca kudtttiM (riMaaad iHNnf I .vo«aa«W raoimvtT «1 . ^

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j! j ^ j. ^ **** ****^ ^ ^ loaioaoifrio boa aloaniaisaa ad) itlatotoiba

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#* t.. - <‘A(

o [U^) ix. Samuel Burke, born in Leavenworth, Kans., Sept. 24, 1864.

. • • •

Died in Leavenworth, Kans., Juno 12, 1865«

■K)i+) 1. Dannotta Patriclcetta^ born in Leavenworth, Kans., Doc. 13#

1866. Died in Emporia, Kans., Sept. 10, 1944.

She married Jonas E. Eckdall.


11# I ' ^

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•XXa^atoS •fl^sanoL iMl^'inin axfS

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X V *

' ■ t • 1-

■- - f •’‘ ’ ' (25) Joseph Vdtch^U.

Joseph UltchcU, (son of TrilUcn, John), rras born in Rarrlcon

Co. Va. in 1810 (as shown by census of 1850 and of 1840). Bo niarriod in

Lewis Co., Fsxch 14, 1850, Polly Fishsr. The cerciony was perfomed by '

his grandfather. Rev. John Uitchell. The emriago bond was dated on ..

ISarch 10, 1850, and was signed by Joseph llitchell with his father, T?illlaa

* n*.

• V

.* • • * •

Mitcholl as surety.

Signatures to this bond



-V .V 1*0- ' w r- li

4: \

..... - V - : ':?i. ^

His wife was bom in 1800, apparently. The date of her death,

or of his, is not known. Their children: ' .•

^ ' ■ \- Eliza. Bom 18S0. Died about 1601. Uenarried. Iltf. i. EUza. :

nk. r

ii. Juliet.

*n. iii. llary Ica

-t-,: •'.* •'

r ‘ a’; V. V ^

David Boilon (Eoylan), as® 24, famer, bom in Gilnor Co.,

son of Thcaas and Uary Eoilon (Lewis Co. ciarricge bock 6,

^ >

p. eo). • /•

• . * ■* i. . i < : -X



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► c * > fll IwlTttai aH •(OW lo b^WaX lo am>ii» sa) 0X8X aJt .m7 .oO

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XC-, 71 r-F-ww.

^;..|f* V f •" .'*^‘* •*/ ''^'‘ ‘•*® •’' - • 4a

r*^*:^':. M»w •<« .xt»rf»^iu iioi .Trt ,»di„-u^

'* ^ ■ • >. - 9ta dJhr HbOsSI^ dq^aol x^ b»xr^a aaw boA -OCSf .OX rfrUSI *j^ 0B ‘ i* '.- •* .4 ^V - _ . f


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:/-«■“ ,b*iTtM .le .OMX <noa 't«XlMMX xmK

.'■i.>s;--." ■ •••® •Watifl at snoi ,iMn.i',»S ,(mXx^) ooUai ki*rt (-’J^- V'/. .’#. ^ ‘ ■“' k' • ’■

^ '. »d iootf •AtJbn^ .a3 rHts.T^ nnrfvsff K«. ___^

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24) ntrv^u « * -

*• ^

3 ' ' - X ■ .• ' ! - ■ Phoebe KitchoU, (dau« of ^iHixJs, John) was bom in Uajricoa

son of Stephen and Elicabcth ^od. ISarried by KIl ?. TTestfall*"

\ S '


•• V ?

-••. k>'

' ■^ t ..


Co. in 1815-16. She rae in her day tho best knorm ccho^ tcachor in that

part of the state. Jrd^e H. C. llouhorter/ tdio Txnt to school hop, /'

paid quite a tribute to her in an article ho centributed to a rocent publi-*';

cation. Hr. Edvrard C. Sjiith, in his History of Lc-rds Co. (1020), statsoi . * - *

"One of the most raraiicablo teachers in the county about the tino of the » ^ ‘

CItH war Tras Hiss Phoebe Hitcholl, who taught the children of the Froerana^^

Creek ccc^sualty for several years. The school mistress ras a bom tcachor" > *

etc. (pafce 279). Late in life Phoebe HitchoU carried James P^ed, but had. . « ^

no children. The carriage record is in Louis Co., Book 5, p. 18.

"June 2, 1861. Phobo Uitchell, age 45, single, daughter of

Willi an and HitchoU to Janes Reed, ago 52, widorer.


■S t . ^

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*•«% >' *.«■ • -. i- «)»i^ tU moH M« (otfol‘*,rjitX;71o jrafc) ■f

V. ■» o

./ • .


: ^ i»(IOA»i Xo<>(J»» miBfii is»<< »« t;** t»el ni a*» *1® .'sx-ami at .oo’

•■ - . '.-tti oi Xoo<fo» tnrr <«6r ,i»Jtk><C:oU .0 .H .stwl erfj J%iq '

■'-stiaDq ine9M « ot b»A-dIii:iZ' .if .X9i«, « ni i.d oi .Jutfrti , 6^,, ^;'

,(0S8X) .oO »tmj lo TJoJeW .W fll ,<fijk3 .0 tninia .,H jjoWm '

•dJ lo s.-f^ tood. X'tooo .lU at nsdowt tidaihasrt decs .rft to .n0»

/at=avA ,di to aoibXtdo «ft Jrijaat od» ,lU>d3tlU tdtcifl tpjd am tm XirtO '

•wdOMt Biod . ,MW etn^aJaloodot aiff .rton £«.yoa -rot iscdtnu=m» '•

bad tud .boon e«aol botrira XX.rfadiU .diiojn »1U nt .taJ .(«TS .j*,) .si« • • ' *

•8X .qt ,a 3(ooa ,.oa tivoj di 9l tnoo9^ ©^Jtnjui •rfT ♦flotfclWo oa * ' * • • .. ,

lo 9^ ^iXado^JW ocfoil<l .I09X .S eiwl”

4W0i>lw *S3 9^ ,bdDH Beaia^ XXodjiJJHI .. tas aalLUif . '

V *

•i*i ••


».iXalina?T .t iJ3 xd botTuU .ba«a diadesUS bn. nadqaje to noa ' o

■ /* ■«« H ' .

' •> %

. (25) rar/KltcheU

llary Jano Hitchell, (dau, of Uilliaa, John), rras born cA tho old

Mitchell hcasstead on Jesso*e Run in l/owie Co. Va. Dec. 15, 1819. She grersr

up thoM in Lctrle Co., and raarried, coeqxiratively late, on Nov. 11, 1856,

Janes B. Bent. The cerenony was performed by Rov. Henry R. Bonnot at Joseph

Mitchell's residence (as stated on tho Lerris Co. records, Bock 5, p. 7.

James B. Bent is described as a farmer, aged 52, bom in Prince William Co.

Va., son of Delaney and Keffe Bent. Mary J. Mitchell's ago is given as 56.)

Soon after their marriage they moved to Gilmer County, where they spent the

remainder of life. ’ . . • ,-•*. * -1^ ' •

Mary Mitchell Bent was a trocan of much more than ordinary intellect

and rare piety. She helped to establich the Methodist Episcopal church in

the comaiunity there in Gilmer Co. While her school advantages were quite

limited, yet she had so applied her mind to study that in the estimation of

her children and neighbors, she tras a veritable encyclopedia of general

inforEiatioa. Her knowledge of current history, her fai^iliarity with the

Bible, which she had read through by course more than fifty times, and her

ability to recite frea. memory the old hymns of the church, excelled that of

any wcenan of the ccsmiinity. She composed many poems, the best of which have

been gathered together and published in a fnrall bock by her son, P^gt. 0. W. * Xk


Bent. This also contains a brief genealogy of tho HitchoU family, descend¬

ants of the Rev. John Mitchell. (Published in 1C04 at Ecnrrocd, W. Va.)

Mary (MitchoU) Beat died Juns 22, 1891. Her husband. Jamas Bent

died in_1894

bfo «» M tnod .m .(ndot'mKUB lo'.ttab) «i»t^’

, • *•’> •®*® •***^ oi oufl •'•*■•1 00 bMJMoad LloibtBt Ti‘ ' ‘ V'^/■’ ‘‘Mar ’■ ^ *’* ' n .‘‘ '■ * rj]| .1^ . ' ..= ■■• *-“i*»*" no .••>^ TX9vi*«»«i|aos ,b»iT^ to, ..joO sJtnJ ai rt^ tpi ' '

•• ' . ilqsMl it <00003 ,a t*n»S t<* >MrK>tl»a •«» tno^oo oiJT .AisS ^ aMul - <»»-*■.,'■ * ^ -» , , • 'fj <

, .r .a ,e Jlooa’.obTOow .oO olW tH aa btitH e») oantbltat t»Uaris<a( - ^ 7 '

u ' toaM kt tntxS ,S« !>«»• .ooeul’* ■« b»dhi»„b ,1 <nog .8

J ^ _ LI" a ^ *r- “ ■- > ■ 'V^, -

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b ■?> *

'r®" \tiU 0008 ';•

.•'•V.T ;.v.,'".^K ^UV .,^ t'sj. .Ol^Rlo loKli^ ^

'*■'- : 'io9XX»i<il xiArtiJno narfi noa ifoua lo naonv & a«w rr.rf.o4M/'^*»8 ^ '• * • • . * i • ^

io9XX9ial irtArtiJno wuiJ vxoa Horn lo luoov i» ajw inafl XlarfaJ Ml ‘-y* •M r- * ^ ^ •'•? *1

>• al doTMio Xoqoo.1,^ itO^iUm orfi itaUdMiat ti btqUd erf8 .tJViq.ow boo

W ^ •ibip fntn .ojoJosyt, Xoodoo T«f oXijfit .oO iobUO tU «orf< Wtouasoo »<«

1 -*• p? . Jff

lo iX)XicaiXi»» 9iU al xfow^ ^ bali^i^a ^Uqqt*ot bMd eiia ^

. .'•’ - a ;j . '« *ib«I0l07Dn» oldoXlioTo ajW ^o »eto<idal«il baa m^ZUo tod ^ <i:« ■

'.. * .,. 0. ®di Ittlw X^tyllla£l^i9d ,xioJ»J5rf 4n®-wiro lo OB^^Xwond lea .nolitrjiolfll ' i 4^^^? v ^30 '■*^ ' j' ■. "V


iMf boo '*> -


^ fM ,®oaW a^l CIO* truwa xd l^ bed 9^9 doXdw .eXdia.

lo i^i^boXXooxox^rloii^d 9dl lo Bmnpl bio od,t XTtoflwta ooil odlooi od x<tXXbds

./ iloirfir lo deed ei^ ,as9oq vita besoqaoo ed8 .xdlowcnp# odd lo ntm v** -j

. .H .0 .Tea *iro» «rf Jtood ILmw « al bertelXdwq boi oeddioiod boreridtt oood ' » •

", * I

-boeoeeb ^xXbotl IledediM odd lo xxoloocce^ lebtd a eoiAdaoo oaXa elrfr •dneS

l , V ^**1 *1^ tbooit^ dA KX?X ni b9d9UdffH) .IXoriodXtf orJot, .Tog Add lo adnA

. .•f.'; , • ;

. V : 11 ,' v - ■.. r*' i'. Ir /•. 1. •'•• • ;

•■> '* • •' • .,*• i*/ • V -• '■ . t'.* ■ •••" •. I :'.•**>•.•. ,.', y -• • i- 1, •■>. • - -4. ., I <

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1 ' Th^ ohil^ran ef Jenoa and Ilary* (Uitoholl) Ban^ vetot

\'-'0■ . >' ..

' « . • * . ^ * * • . • V • • ■' • • • *

^ . .

. r* Hf, 1* AdoIp^ua.U* Boat* Eoobor of tho Epoklos Mli^las •’

/ Oo* 'Ohde* .. --I.- •/ •> " . :-V-

i V 11% lir Perio -L* Boot* - Bora 1C25> died lp21* Ko wao a oiaiotor of

• 1,-V .-ytHa iiotHodiat Cpieoopal OJaarcli* ' Ho bb?*'

j •'

1 rlc(5, 18C-3, Vlotorio'Osborno.( bopa l^C2p

diod 16C3)f datt£htor of Jacob Oobordo

’ ('. iCOp^lSPl) and hlo olfo/'Blicabobh

OlBTon ( 1020*160^)» ' . ■*' <r . * > ■


A daughter lot

Sho carVlo^- .


».• -N

V-s rf. U» Jfi'

ill* 0» H. Boat*

' !♦ X* Pearl Boat* .. • * *, : - - » r-" ■ . ^ -

^ ' AEbroGO UcOarthy^ : \; .. S\. , ' . • ■' - ■»* ■ ■ ' ..

Aloo a olniotor of tho Hothediot Bpicoopal


0htiipch( •*..■•7

i::. i • . .

|>^l. Iv. Ro.oa DoVo Brcaaoa. CI!a lived la 1^0^ bn tho old fanlTy

^ ' •* henootoad at Coalnsc, Hoot 7a* ' i

Ettlot H* pant* On a fara at Alfrod,' Uoet Ta*.

J ^

lu V* *•


..:i. I » .

f '7 / I

A K ,. %■


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^ .



(28) John Ellra >tltchell

3 a. • John Ella Uitcholl, (aon of Abner, John), rraa bom in ' ^ .

• «

Eorrloon Co, in 1815, H© married in Lcnd.8 Co, in 1842, to Prudence

UcCally (dau^ter of Henry licCally), Tlie marriage bond is dated January 29,

1842, John S, He Call y, (probably her brother) ifas surety on the bond, 4 . •


John E, Ultchell also became a Hethodist minister, but on the

outbreak of the war he entered the Confederate army and was a Captain, He r / “ .

either was killed or died in the service on l£ay 25, 1862, Date of his \ . .. - J • ' 4 ^

wife’s death is not known,




Their children were: A

i, Wesley P, bom 1845, Ho was also in the Confederate army - t

and died in a hospital at Petersburg during the war,

ii, HelviUe V, Also a Confederate soldier, 1 - -v . . • '

iii, Ira Bom 1847, Also in the Confederate aimy. He married,

January 28, 1869, in Lc^Tis Co,, Margaret Susan Watsen, aged 20,

bom in Lewis Co,, daughter of THl^pja A, and Margaret A,

Watsen, Married by A, D. Thccaas, Ira B, llitcholl is givesa

as a blacksmith, aged 22, bora in Le?ri8 Co,, son of John E,

and Prudence Ultchell, (Lewis Co, records Book 5, p, 45,)

Iv, Henderson D. Born Jan, 25, 1848, Ho Eiarricd, in Lciris Co,,

Dec, 15, 1868, Mary Soilth, aged 58, bora in Lewis Co,, daughter

of IHlliam and Sarah. Saith, Married by A, D, Thesras, Henderson

D, UitchoU Is given as a farmer, aged 20, bora in Braxton Co,,

son of John and Pnxionce UitchoU, Consent of the parents of

the grooQ was given in writing, (Lewis Co, records. Book 6,

■ • - ■■ . ■ • ^ ^

V-Av • •aa9btrt% oS ^ .o^ civrvJ ai beXruffl «aw.«H, .8t8X jtt .©o caatraR

i JuxmM^ boScb 9t baod BintrtJta arfT .(xliaOay r^aH la t»4i^ab) rXIaOsit ^ '• ‘ 'Vi . ’ r ‘*’,. ^ r • • ^ ■ r _

^ ^bnwS 9di oo^^9’W9 eew (wiJo^d latf iid«d<nq)s,^U::aOeR «8'ttloi .SL)^ : .

•d4 m JiAf ^-xaielflia dBiboddeM a actaoad oaXa XXarfD^iR .5 adol, ' * '' T.^-. " • j-“^ f ' ' '•' ' yi ■.^; .>

V J . 1*.^ aH •otaiqaO a aaw bna xcrtir a^a-iabelnoO ad^ brxaXna ad w adi lo )(s9t<ttiio '

aiM .S88I ,as yU no Mtri** wJi-ni b»li to boUU otm toAiU

* ■ • « > s- k

1 V w tr%.^.


’ iC; W‘6 .-*v*. ; ■■*» ■'.-. '■>♦•'*?' w ... V . .A-. , »-

% df ^ . •



fn. ,. '•’ i i ..>:•• ';ss.

, »!, .**'? • *J>J 4'.

r.*'^' n",-., r« ’" •flwoad ^oa aX diaab

V -t •'> t‘

f4 V ^ la'iew Dwbliife itaifr V " ■ ■ ft - ^

Xiaia alarcabaliiaO td^ ni oaXa »a« aHi •dbdl mod .^ CaSr ,1

^9 •" I

diaab a^alXv


*■ -'y '

.w add iftbxyb anifrfriala^! da Xadiqeod a nicbalb boa -7r


rnUmlbloB e^riobolnoD « obIA #V BXIirXeU

. «H .‘^paxe aia^abaljYoO add jit oaXA .?WX moiS tfi ml .111 * - V

- rC flaeirS^daxasxall «.o6 eivaJ nl ^C68X ^SS x*uwjia& !■ * ^ i

i* daxajj*ialX bna «A oaX^Xilf lo xaddij^ab 4«o3 aiir^ ni mod i * T- i *■' ■’•■ '■ *..,.. ,• V- >iW

i' »< _:a PmL ^ ^ '* _. » ■'"., ,.■•/ ■;* J .J|U'»' /.-.A 5.^

^ * •'* -^ *. Vv, <.

coaTlji aX XXododXR axl ^ea^^ Xt ^A ^ bairtiatf .naa^daV ^ ^ *-• I*"**

•5 fldol, lo noa ^.oO adwaJ ai mod tSS b»aa tddJbcadaaXtf a ea Y . fc ^ M I

: I i .'•*' ‘H i'

^ ..a3 ik^wfwT Y

(.W .q ,a jfcloB •bioori ^oO elwsj) .IX»(toJiU •snsbuil boa ■ ■' f . > * ^ 'Vi n

♦ -

,«.' V. • "a .-.^ * ‘

t.o0 BiwaJ ai tbaimaa aH ,eA8X ,83 .nali mod .a noBTafataH .-ai .^ai ||

. • -r.l • 9^d|Jrab 4.0O aivaj ai mod ,85 ba^ ,ddifi<5 xtali ,8881 ,2X *008

. ^ ^^aomaboaH .aaawfT •(! .A xd UiruH .ddi*i8 .’dmeS bna iaiXiiW lo

r; oodma ai mod ,03 baja ixaaial a aa.aaTi;^ ai XXadodiiC ,a t''M l-l*. 2'* *0 ’'• ^

.,^' i A r lAS ' r ;^flk

‘T X’ * « . '■ r.‘ i ’ •^- , ,-<-

.‘ ♦-tXadodiU fooabml bqa mW, lo iioa . TJ* ** ^

^ *8 atoo3 ,ab*xoo8x «o0 alifaJ) o%nldtm ai oariii^eair noar^ add f ' , ^ \ /m " ^ ~’ *2 f'


• V * ** *1 ♦

■' ■ ' . i •


Semantha. Born Angust 28, 1855, Died Sept* 29, 1919*

She caxrlod Uartin Riffle. '

There irere alao 4 or 5 other children*

I •


. \

•. ■ ‘ •- -^ -L . ''T7

^ ^•; ? ,;.^. - •■^*^' ~v..* .Th, , .f V. I » . -■* "*s. I - »-‘*jP. •.- .?; - - ■ '• , *,.^*-^ ■ jT**>i - <*' .%•.. kj^., ^ ^

^ -■ A •-■■-.'S*-■•• ^*7 >'‘r , A «*■ ' «.». h’

rv-if; - -V

3 (30) Paul Totor Mitchell


J Paul Teter Mitchell, the son of Abnor Mitchell and his wife

Dorcas (Lawson), was born on Oct. 22, 1822. He married in Lewis

Co., }«Iarch 8, 1839, Harriet Shoulders, born about 1835, the daugh¬

ter of Conrad and Catherine Shoulders. (On the marriage bond Paul

T. l*litchell is described as a farmer and aged 3^, the son of Abner

and Dorcas Hithhell. Harriet is given as of age 23. The name is

spelled "Shouldice•). The birth and death of several children of

Paul and Harriet Mitchell are given on the Lewis Co. records. Of

those who lived beyond infancy, the ledest son, Alvin Darius Mitch¬

ell, was born Aug. 23, IS63 and died April 11, 19^1. He married on

Sept. 3* 1893| Hattie Schiefer, and they had a number of children.

whose children in turn are numerous.


> ^

9il6mm llte.

•» ,

_rx#ffo;ti:f 1/1 ^»T Xtifc*f (oc) H - '' ' ■* ■ ^ ‘

•liw ,irf 6« JXa.ri.o»^.^ tcT^rio, .d^ . IX.rroJfit" . .. r r...^ •

nt .H .ssei .SS .too no n,od .(„.ew^,

-a^Mb ont .eesx tuodo mod ..,.Mood2 t.imoH .?t8X ,S rtoa*M ..oO

luo, J,„od oaox,,^ .rf, „o) .e„„„„rta oni,,dtoO bno bo.noD lo ,.t

T.ndA lo no. odt .dc boj. bno ,om-l o „ b,di,o.ob .i xXodot« '.t

»i eoun ortT .CS 030 to e. noris tt toitioH .XXoddtiM .ooiod bn«

10 noobXXdo io,mo. to dt.ob bno dt,id odT . (•ooibXaodd* boXXoq,,.

10 ..Moos'! .00 .XwsJ sdt no noTis. sta XXorioJiM toxtosH bns Xu.^

-dotXH .uioaa nXTXA ,no. t.sbsX sdt .xonatnX bno^od bovxx edv ..odt

no b.Xm.„ .,4ex ,XX XXo^ b.Xb b„s CSSX ,« .3„a mod ..« .XX.

.n.tbXido to ,.d»,„ a .t.t.XdoE .Xtt.K .C^Sx .c .;iq.e

..uotomon ^^a nii/t ni n.obXido

' J

o. / r-*.


* ** n


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"V; ■>.•'• ■ ' . • ‘ >■' . • ' *"' /• ', '*■ ''I' ' . - “ '~ ' , " I''V' ■- V '.

- • ’• ’ r- ■■'' .i ■' -' * ’ ' '- ' . • .. ••,' - ■ . ■■ ■■;■ <■ ; • ' . _ -.,•. --: -• ■ ■ '1 . ^ - , f - ■■' ■’ '.






9 (51) Karr?^-rfit Ccx>te«n ' . ■ ' ■ • ■ -

Uargarct Coolcnan, (daxi. of Gcor^pD Cookiran and his 'wifo U&rj

Teter UitcheU, daxi. of John^, rras born In Harrlaon Co., Moy. 4, 1812.

She married there in Lerwis Co., Janiiary 6, 1851, Uartin Post Jr., son of

llartin end Sarah Post, (llartin Post Sr. was bom in lie's Jersey, Juno 15,

1777, and di^ Hqy. 19, 1856, aged 79 years, 5 mo. & 4 days, of fever.

His wife Sarah died Sept. 14, 1850. She was bom Feb. 7, 1775. After her

death he married again IXary . Hartini & Sarah Post, are birried in ^

Ut. Pleasant cemetery on Jesse*8 Run in Lewis Co.) . • ■ .» *

Uargaret (Cookman) Post died Harch 22, 1866, aged 55 years, 4 *• j \

mo. end 18 days. (Lewis Co. Death records). Her husband, Kartin Post Jr.

died Axigust 20, 1894. (He was bom Dec. 25, 1K)9.) • ;> ' •


Among their children ware: , ' '' ' ^ .

i. VJary Ann.^ Bom Feb. 21, 1852. Died April 4, 1908. She

married Oct. 16, 1851, Lewis A. Swisher (bora Oct. 5, 1829;

died Sept. 9, 1854). They had a son: ■ '

S' 1. Burgett Srfisher, bom Sept. 21, 1852. Ka married

Sept. 5, 1874, Elisa Jane Yoixng (b. Oct. 10, 1855;

died April 19, 1C37) and among other children had

a daxighter: ' . *

4 1. Hary Air-onda S^d.cher (who lived near Jane

• • • ^ ^ . Lew, IT. Va.)


ii. Barbara. . •

4 15*. Ui. Olive.

ISf. ir. Eber.^ ]

IIA. T. . 4


.. \




/ • *. «

■'• •• ^-'r • •'. ' MBfegP ■(«) • ■•■ :!'. - 4'?

•wax ,» .n>H ,.«0^oo«lTMa <U imtf w.CbiIoV to jrjii .Xtods^WistoT. ..r.

-I '-■ to w. ..jt ai>id| .ieex .8 ru«ul ,.oO ctmd at b,tnM, «13

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F ‘ .loToi to ,«vi) * 4 .o« J ,,1MX ev boa* ,«ex ,9x .to* b«xb ^ .mi ' Co ^

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: / ..^ . ^el nitooK ,h(M4««f ^ •.{objooM itiMCt .oo' oXtoJ) .*x»b.8X baa .on

' '• s J'vT (‘OMi t^s .8oa morf BOT oH) .MSXhOS toioauA boib,.

■ ^ ’ *' .i/ ^ ..c; Va fla-ibllrfo -iliM!# $A0«/l ti«-

ifV“ » •lV!'i%''‘a®®* 1» XbiqA boxa .MSi ,XS .<feq <noa ^.imA X«M .1 ■»*•

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, 18., r*- /<l ,A ,^,2^5.

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bJil tMibllfUi •^dSo %poauPb{iM (yB^ ^CI XHqA bolb b>


ir fc - ii f ijjy * ^1

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H.'. Ke^y I • *r


! ■




• ■ V* «*#4 I

vi-v -:, - ' \ '■ .

(-52) Pari-cer B» Cookoyin

5 < Parker B. Cookiaan, (son of George Cooknan and llary T* Hitchell,

John), was bom June 29, 1814. He laarried, in Lewis Co., Feb. 19, 1858,

Sarah Post, (daughter of Uartin Post Jr.). The laarriage bond was dated

Feb. 16, 1858, and signed by Parker B. Coolcian, with Uartin Post as surety.

Tracing of signature to this bond.

X. .■

It I'f'j

* » » »

■^vvA ‘V

• _^ ^

Parker B. Cookman lived near Rockford, in Harrison Co. He died

there-July 4, 1892, aged 79 years, 5 days (Harrison Co. death records. Cause

of death is given as "passage of stone gall"). His i^-ife Sarah Coolosan had

died Jan. 8, 1885. (She was bom Harch 15, 1815). They are both buried at

old Harmony cemetery on Hacker’s Creek. The children of Parker B. and f

Sarah Cookman were: '

i. Edith.^ Bora 1857.

17a. ii. George. Bora 1841.

III. iii. Uelville. Born 1844.

»5d. iv. Sarah.^ Bora 1849.

*jy. V. •1

£. A. Bora •

Others perhaps.

»A\ ‘

V - r

A • :

'< % » • >

• • • •. *

J C ; •

•H- .:V : V'


f <

'• *1»

«k ■ Bl "'f. If. _ ^ *.

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,XlMbiiu .T xiM Ixs^iuaBlooO •fte^ lo nJ») ,iuJio^ % -w^n ' “ “ - ■ AT ,. - 4i , ^

••• :■' *4**'! uifMtrtMa bB .»xax ,es mod w ,()tdot. ,

' b^Ab mean iia<v^ / -.t. a-.«i ^ :

«\4J^ /r: •r

^ ‘^.vV^fV- ■“ f *)ii&*TXJ'_*..f-Wi «,-. >♦ '?■'.• - •', -.sta ' -...VVi ,. »»f V :t“* ^ <V .*■ . ♦ • * • . • > i '

■ ^ j- >-

i*' '

* ,Xlr./ V > .

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'•♦. .K

BJ *.• 1 '*•' ^ jpo.

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i * ■O

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^ib aU ,o0 floebrxAH al «biolioofl uua boTll amoDiyoO *6

' s.:^, .•b^ooM d^Bob >o0 0oolTwa) «tAb a ,e^x OT b93A tJCwl» mimdS '

' •■ • 4. lailud <Ooi mo tWr .(SXeX .81 iJo^U motfW ed8} ‘.883X .not bilxb

^v';;v:v^.: % • ^

ha* •B^^tMhA’i.lo^xTA'ibXbtlo AdT ,3laart0 •l*Mjfe>A8 oo -tnocnAll bX)® » . - ■ V

^ ^ tumhoO iruZ

•y^Bi flioa tdiibs, .1 • ^ .Ki

« 9JS^' o’ftr ^ *

. •' -A' «t '•A — A ^ (» ’* ■ *^- wi' U- •- . ^ .* . -.fc’. . ..-iOa f .v.rf.| ;: • N' ' I

• V^. 4 « « !*»>•«'

;■ '.•••■.'

S' *' r . l?tllian M, C<>o>Xv?-n

j ^ Mlllcja U. Cookcan, (eon of G«orgc Cookman and Uarj T* Hltcholl,

I John) was born Dec. 2, 1814. He married in Levris Co., Jan. 50, 1840, Sarah

Cheuvront, (daughter of Gideon Chexivront and his wife Phoebe Post). The

marriage bond was dated Jan. 20, 1840. Sarah Cheuvront is said to have been

bom Sept. 24, 1819. She died March 5, 1860, "aged 40 yrs., 5 months,

10 daya." Tiilliam M. Cookman died Jul7 24, 1897. They are both buried in .< *

Mt. Pleasant cemetery on Jes8e*8 Run. Among their children was:

/It, 1. C. G. bom May 25, 1845; died Sept. 14, 1907. He

married Mary H. _, who was bom April 14, 1845,

and died Oct. 9, 1901. (Both also buried at 1ft*


l Adam D. Coolgr^an

* 4 Adam D. Cookman, (son of George Cookman and ^ary T. Mitchell,

• k John), was bom Axogust 2, 1821. He married Alcinda Blake (bom at Rockford,

Harrison Co. in 1852). Ha lived near Rockford in Harrison Co. On page 172

of "The Methodist Protestant Church in Rest Virginia" by Rev. Isaac A.

Barnes, is given a sketch of Adam Cookman, with a portrait. He is said to

have been "an honored active member of Rockford ch\irch," and "a man of fine

intelligenco and Stirling integrity."

The Earx^sca Co. death records show that A. D. Cooknian died April 22

1907, "of old age," aged 86 years. He was a farmer, living at Lost (hroek, a

widower. Reported by Olive Bard, a daughter. His wife Alcinda Cookcan had

died Doc. 5, 1896, at Rockford, "of heart failure," aged 70, "houso.vlfo". .

i»ii^ -•<4iki

k- •




■Ml. V M — ■ •_

• •■' - . s . \ . ... •■ ' ■ , . V * V.'' , ' - • • ■ •’i-*.

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fXXodoilU ,T bfu riAcz3(ooO o^^io^O lo iioo) ^oaoDfiocO *U #*lilifir

‘i«TAa ^OWX ,0« ^.oo e^3j til bthnusa oB .K8X ,S .o?KI mod bow (!idot

odT *(doo*I odooffq oUw eld tvu inorvjjerfO nooblO lo loirf^ob) .Snovrr^tO

flood orarf ol biao el in<rm/o/D fteiaS .0>8I ,0S .ntl bodeb ea^ bflod enj<ilvriya

,adinoa e ,.8«rx 0^ be^A" ,0881 ^2 d^raU bolb oriS .9X8X ,bS .dtpC otod

at batii/rf Mod otm v><fT seal vIuL b»ii n«ntoo3 .1£ c^mtiT " .»xab Oi

«*» osTbXIrfa tlarfj .nufl a'asee^ no ^ajsnao .kutooX^ .Af


■ #»'

• .*v


oH •V06X ,M •IqeS belb ;S>8X ^25 xaM mod ,0 *0

t2^X Xl^qA mod ejjw orfw ^_ ,ji ^aU batrxjsai

.jJd 1* boiwi oeXa ddoS) aXCeX ^9 .doO bolb baa



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flaaJ2£lia_saSA ' ^XXedodlM iT neaolooO e^zoaO io noe) ^ciaeBofoaO *(1 «i>aA

,biol3too3->e'm .o:^ ^AfeiiolA boKio* eH " rxif^X* ,S d?omod o«w Vtorfol.

o3Bq xxO .oO noelrxeH ril broikoofl *xoefl borlX eH .(S29X ol *<>0 floel-nisfl ^

•A oeasi .voJI ^d "alflijTlV doeTf nl rioii/dD dnedeedo-rl delboddoM edT** lo

od bias el oB .dlmdioq a dSJtw ^aiusJooO oabA lo dode^ja a aorli el ^eomafl ^

ftfiH lo Aaa a" bna ■^rfoTudo b*rolj{ooH lo zadmm oyldoa baicnod ne« need ovad

. ■•Xdl^sdfll iiibAilde bna eoneslXXodnl

tSSo^'Aq A bo lb fle-'afooO *(I •! dadd wo*'^» ebiooe? rldaeb .oO ooel^zaH odT

'.w > iiofliO d^ da ^olrlX ,iomal 4 taw oH .ataax 58 bXo lo" ,r09X

, b^ aaxdooO abalolK ellw elB .‘leddsyab a ,tnaa orliO bodiroqoH .towoblw ^

•■fllwoeflcd" boga •^oiyXlal draed lo" ^btoldooJl da \d§QX ^8 ^ooQ bolb '. - •

!•■: ■•- ; V •• .

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o Rejxjrted by A* D. Cookraan her husband* Tho inscriptions on ths graTostonos

in Rockford U* P. church cetsetery, irhere they aro buried^ give:

Adam D* Cooknan, b* Ang» 2, 1821; died April 22, 1908*

Alcinda, ifife of Adam Cookman, b* April 5, 1852; died Dec* 6, 1898*

They are said to have had 8 children, among Trhom was: _ -i:--

1* William B. Bom Dec. 50, 1855* Re married at Weston,

Leivis Ck)., Sept.* 28, 1881, Juliet Swisher, dau. of

Simington Swisher. (She was bom Feb. 15, 1862.)



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(59) Alice Byrc^ Mitchell

Alice Byrc^ Mitchell. the daughter of Benoni and Susan (Life)

Mitchell, vas born in 1853-5^ on the old Mitchell homestead and

farm, east of Jano Lew (the site of Dooch Fort of Indian fame).

She died on Copon Run, in Braxton Co. in April 189^. She married

Robert M, Henderson, born in Va. April 28, I8^f0 and died in Braxton

Co. Jan. 12, I9OO. During the Civil V7ar he served in the Confed¬

erate array under General Stonewall Jackson. He vas captured while

on a scouting expedition in 1862 and v/as a prisoner at Camp Chase,

Ohio for some time.

They had seven children, of whom tho eldest vas:

-t John A. Henderson, born !Iov. 21, 1875, at Natty Creek in Bar¬

bour Co. W. Va. He came as a child to Levis Co. Ho served in the

Spanish-Araorican 1'.'ar in 1893. Ho taught school, and then engaged

in tho lumber business until retired a few years ago. He lives in

Weston, Le'idLs Co, V. Va. lie married, on June 27, 1917, Eva M.

Dodge. daughter of Joseph Daniel Dodge and his wife Lillian Wilson.

She vas born July 10, I89I, in Davis, Tucker Co. V. Va. She grad¬

uated from the Fairmont State Teachers College and taught school in

Clarksburg until her marriage. They had four children, of whom

the eldest son, John Joseph Henderson, was killed in the Normandy

invasion of V/orld War II. Another son, Robert Dodge Henderson now

lives in Clarksburg. One daughter died in infancy and the other,

Virginia Daire Henderson married Edward N. Bonnet and now lives in


(See the manuscript prepared by J. A. Henderson)

■-< I '■


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- iTXQX, ,TS oniil» n^ .bol-yjAw oH .aV .W ,oO;;a^l'^oJ ,no;reoW

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(92) Joseph Toter Rorabau^h

Joseph Teter F^rabau^, (con of Kathan Rorabau^h and llar£:aret

X I. Uitchell, George, John) was bom at Baiiccr*8 Settlement, Randolph Co., Va.

March 51, 1855. He married there in Barbour Co. Dec. 51, 1857, Kartha

McLean. She iras bom April 19, 1855 and was the daughter of TTilliaa McLean

and his wife Hannah TTees (who were married in Randolph Co., Apiril 1, 1828),

The marriage ceremony was performed by Joseph Teter Sr. (step-grandfather .

of the groom),

Joseph T, Rorabau^ removed to Scotland Co., Missouri, and later

to Oregon, where he died Sept. 27, 1908, widow llartha lived to a very

old age and died •

*5*^* i. Hannah Margaret. Bom May 2, 1859. She married, Dec. 51,

1878, George W. SchneUe, who was bom . and died


Their chifldren were: s

June 1925, - .. . . ' . " . - ' - .

** ii. Sarah Elizabeth. Bom April 29, 18S5.. Died Oct. 11, 1885*

She married, Jan. 11, 1885, R. Robbins,

iii, Laura Ella. Bom Sept. 7, 1865. She married April 2, 1884,

Ira A, Heckinger (bom llaj 14, 1862),

r iv. Mary Eliza, Bora Oct, 16, 1865. Died Aug. 15, 1921. Harried

Oct, 22, 1885, Peter Buck (bom April 28, 1852),

v. Drusilla liana. Bom April 27, 1868. Harried June 16, 1885,

Willlaa Einerson Fortune, who was bom March 24, 1830 and died

Doc. 17, 1912. A daughter is:

L. 1, Ethel. Married Edgar H, Buraa, Address: 408 CoUogo

St., (P. 0. Box 9), Hewberg, Oregon,

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. ^ ■>!<< > i* %% *4 • m4. *• .‘i H V . v;;v ^ V. ' • .

JT vi. .Daniel Hcdurg* Born Doc, 9, 1870, H<j married (1st)


Lillie Edwards, and (End) Victoria Ludwig,

vii. Coi'a Alice, Bom Fob. 9, 1875, Married, April 15, 1891,

Zena W, Do Canip (bom March 2, 1870),



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« \4 t >^I< < >44,. -i «* 4a < ‘ ^ fc* « ^' tV -«•* . 4^4.




(101) . DrusiHa Bannett

4 ) ^ Drusilla Bennett (daughter of Kann&h liltchell Bennett, George

I Mitchell, John) nas bom in Randolph Co. Va., Sept. 5, 1859, and died in

Scotland Co. l!o., Nov, 14, 1868, She married, Aug. 26, 1858, in Barbour Co,

Va. Daniel McLean (son of T7illian ^cLean and Hannah Weese) irho was bom V

Jan, 4, 1856 in Randolph Co. Va. Their children were: 1*

i, Anzina UcLane, bom in Scotland Co. Mo., Oct. 5, 1860,

Married, Feb. 27, 1881, Hill Stone, in Meiiphls, Mo. Residence:

Grandview, Wash. Their children:

i i. Hester, b. Dec. 22, 1881, A graduate of the State

Normal School at Kirksville, Uo, and studied at

Chicago Training School, Married, Joseph R, Anderson

of Kedcuk, lorra, (LaiTyer and graduate of Iowa

University). They live in Seattle, Wash,, and have

two children:

i, Donald Stone Anderson,

ii. Virginia Jeanne Anderson,

ii. Harlan R, Stone. Graduate of Iowa Wesleyan Univ,

Now a minister in M. E. church. Bom Fob, 16, 1885.'

iii. Nellie P,, b, April 15, 1889, Student at Univ. of

Washington, Seattle. Married J, Wia. Getzendaner,

graduate of ^nitheran college at Carthage, HI. t • . . ■ . •

Prepared for the ministry.

i iv. Dona, b, March 6^ 1894, d. April 1, 1894. ^

, ' i ' V, Lois J, b, June 28, 1896. Student of Seattle Busineos

• ■ College. Married Charles A. Heath of Neah Bay, Wash,

Government Telegraph Operator and Weather 'bureau Agent.



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1 •■



They have a child: '7 ■''.■■■

!• Herbert ^elvlllo Heath, 4

vi« Norell McLean, b, June 4, 1899,

X ii, Charles L*, bom in Scotland Co. Mo., April 4, 1862. Married

in Memphis, Mo., Dec. 27, 1891, Demma F. Best. One child:

& i. Frances Marguei*ite McLane, b. Feb. 2, 1895, at^

Fresno, Calif. . •

X iii. Flora, bom in Scotland Co. Mo., June 5, 1864. Died in Meagjhis,

Mo. Oct. 21, 1905. Married, in Van Buren Co., loTra, Juno 22,

1884, Fremont Beard. Their children:

4 i. Mabel Beardo b. May U, 1886 in Van Euren Co., Iowa.

Married March 25, 1908, in Memphis, Mo., Rev. Albert

Merritt Ewort. Children:

7 i. William Beard Errert, b. Oct. 50, 1910.

d. Nov. 5, 1910.

ii. Kathleen Mabel Errert, b. June 15, 1912.

4 ii. Hazel Beard, b. June 5, 1891 in Scotland Co., Mo.

Married, Jan. 1, 1914, in Pawnee, Ill., Charles .

Thcaias Shephard. j. - 7/ ^ .

Kf. iv, William, bora July 26, 1866.

(102) George Uitchell Bennett- >>

^ f ^ George Mitchell Bennett, (son of Hannah Mitchell Bennett, George

I Mitchell, John) was bom in Randolph Co. Va., March 50, 1842. He was kHled

in a railroad accident near Quincy, HI,, Juno 17, 1864. He married

Margaret Houtz, who was bora Jan. 12, 1844. Their child: . . -

i • ^ ‘

.j •'

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o i. Bnma Vest! Bonnett, b. in Scotland Co., Uo., Nor. 21, 1865.

Married in Arbela, Scotland Co. Mo., Dec. 5, 1882, J. M. C*

Miller. One child:

i. Strauss, bom in Philcciath, Benton Co. Ore^n, ,

Sept. 18, 1885. Married in Bozeaan, Mont. Sept. 16,

1911, Della M. Bradley. Ho died . Their

children: - ■ - *

i. Jean Elizabeth, b. in Bozenian, Montana,

. ■ ' July 15, 1912. ; -

t ii. Helen Drusilla, b. in Eozenan, Mont.,

July 18, 1914.

O (103) Sylvanuo H« Bennett

Sylvanus H. Bennett (son of Ha nnah Mitchell Bennett, George .

Mitchell, John) was bom in Barbour Co. Va., April 6, 1844. He died about *

1920. Married, Feb. 17, 1869, in Van Buren Co. lo-^a, to Sarah Norris. Their


iSa. i. Stella Bennett, b. Dec. 15, 1869 in Scotland Co. Mo. Married

Oct. 51, 1889, in Van Biiren Co. Iowa, John Saar. Children:

i. Jessee Saar, b. Jan. 5, 1891.

4 "liT^ Bernice, b. Jan. 9, 1892.

iii. RillaJ b. Jan. 12, 1893.

Ir. RubyJ b. Oct. 12, 1894.

ft V. Sadie Marie, b. Mar. 50, 1893.

vi, John B., b. July 50, 1897.

0 vii. Hollis, b. Jan. 10, 1899.

■ 1

viii. Marguerite, b. Apr. 17, 1900. v- ■' '

■ -> '

! .

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11, Jesse Bennett, born April 5, 1875, In Scotland Co. Ho.

Harried, DecI 2, 1900 in Van Boren Co. Iowa, Odell Carder.

Children: > • ’

1, Hadeleine, b. Doc. 20, 1901. ' .

i* ' ---'v • ill. Jessie, b. April 5, 1875 in Scotland Co, Ho,

r iv. Nelson Bennett, b. Oct. 24, 1874 in Scotland Co. Ho. Married

Sept. 19, 1897. '_' ' •

Children: ^ y'-;. ' c .

1. Van Nelson, b. Sept. 1899,

(104) Ifary Flizabeth Bennett

A j ^ Hary Elizabeth Bennott (dan^hter of Hannah Mitchell Bennett,

a • George Mitchell, John) was bom in Barbour Co. Va. Aug, 28, 1848. Harried

(l) Feb. 18, 1869, in Scotland Co. Mo. Otho P. Cook who died Oct. 6, 1888,

and (2) Aug. 26, 1891, in Fanaington, Iotte, D. B. Hagler, who died

Kl , She died ’ . ^ ' . . . v= " ‘ -


Children by first marriage: ' ;

y 1. Hallie V. Cook, b. Dec. 1, 1869 in Scotland Co. Mo., irarried,

(1) Sept. 7, 1887 near Cant rill Iowa, TT, L. Potter (died

1895) (2) Feb. 21, 1900 at Milton, Iowa, Clarence Stone.

Children: . ; - , . t ■ • ■ ‘ . ' . ■ •

i. Otho Lee Potter, b. June 7, 1891 at Bonaparte, Iowa.

y id. Clarence P, Cook, b, Jan, 18, 1871 in Scotland Co. Ho. Harried

Feb, 1, 1899, at Keosauqua, Iowa, Donna Blanche Raxabo who died;


March 20, 1911 at Denver, Colo, A .

^ .

iii. Roy L. Cook, b. June 5, 1873 in Scotland Co. Ho, Harried,

• May 17, 1899 at Aetoria, HI., Gertrude Cmble. Children:

' i

* T

V •

. 1 • •


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< !• Helen Elizabeth Crable, b. Dac. 1, 1904 at

Toledo, la. .

l 11. Geirbmde Aileen Crable, b. Oct. 20, 1915 at

Colo. loTTa.

y Ruby P. Cook, b. Aug. 14, 1882 In Rice Co. Kans. llarrled.

Hay 15, 1908 at Uilton, lorra, Feank HcHanla. Children:

1. Dorothy Jeame ^Uanis, b. Feb, 23, 1909 at

Milton, Iowa.

11. Harold Richard, b. Sept. 15, 1911 at Milton, Iowa

a’rv"*"'«,■'»’ ’t , *' ^ ^ J I. ■* ■*'

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(105) Henry Baker Mitchell. • •

Henry Baker Mitchell, (son of Daniel Patrick, George, John),

vas born in Cochocton, Ohio, Aug, 29, l8i^3. Ho vas baptized Nov.

19, 1848 in Jacob's Post, Ohio, by the Rev. James C. Taylor. He

died in the Port Kail Indian Reservation in Idaho, on Oct. 27»

1896. He was a Civil engineer by profession. Ho married, in To¬

peka, Kans., April 17, 1373, Sadie Carr, daughter of Amos Carr and

his wife Amelia Maria Stringham. She was born in Clean, N. Y. on

Aug, 9, 18^9, ^nd died in Now York City Feb. 5, I906. Their child¬

ren were:

■•-(ifS) i.

IIS’!) ii.

Daniel P. (see below)

Joseph. born in Topeka, Kans., Aug. 25, 1875^

Trinidad, Colo., Hay 17, 1879*

Died in

p 6'S) Daniel P. Mitchell (“Bart"), was born in Topeka, Kans, on Jan. 2,

1874. He married, in Asbury Park, N, J,, Oct. 25, 1899, Susan

Pettingill. (daughter of George Dean Pettingill and his wife Nancy

Stansbury) , who w'as born in Asbury Park, N. J.on Feb. 4, 1879- He

died on Feb. 2, 1955; and she died Nov, 20, 1955» Their children


i, Charles Bayard 2nd, born in Newark, N. J. Nov. 18, I9OO.

He married at Voodbury, N, J. June l4, 1924, Julia

Vhoaton Steelman, They were, divorced, and sho died

March 15, 19^5. He married again. There is one


Y*xnf>n (^dx)

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*iia iiaO eomA Xo -laXdsoaX, .TiaO aXbaa .eV8X iiiqA ,.enaZ ,a:,t,q

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• no »i oioxfT .nX«aA boiiiiwi oH .^.ilQX ,^X doioH

child by his first marriago:

7 i, Bayra Vhoaton, born in Voodbury, N.

June 30» 1929. She married, Aug:, 17f

1952, Vance A, Derby, and has two child¬

ren; » Julia V,, born March 15, 195^•

Penelope Jane, born May l4, 1955.

ii. Daniel P,. born in New York City, Jan. 5, 1905. He mar- 0m

iod at Voodbury, N, J. June l4, 1928, Natalie /, t9/7

_ — W7 ^ • J. Boyer. They have two children:

i. Phyllis Harri^, born Oct. 3I, 1932. 7

ii, Daniel P. Ill, born Dec, 21, 1939«

iii. Ylrfrinia Louise, born in Woodbury, N. J. Sept, 27, I906

She married in Philadelphia, Pa., May 15, 1937,

John Mcllvaine Bonford, son of William Baer Ben-

ford and his wife Lilian Chew Chorpennin^j, They

have two children:

i, John Mo, Jr., born April 18, 1940,

7 ii, Susan Ellen, born July 26, 1944.


. ppii


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(106) Mary Vlrf^lnl^ Mitchell

>!ary Vlrf^inia Mitchell (■Jennio*), daughter of Daniel Patrick,

i i George, John, was born in Adamsville, Muskingum Co., Ohio, on

March 4, 18^0. She was baptized in Adamsville by the Rev. John V.

Baker (the child's maternal uncle). She died in Emporia, Kansas,

May 8, 1911. She married 1st in Beaver, Pa. in 1867, Benton P,

Arthur, who died in 1872; 2nd in Emporia, Kans, June 11, 1878,

Lyman Beecher Kellogg, (son of Hiram Kellogg and his wife DellA

Beecher). who was born in Lorraine Co., Ohio on Sept. 28, I84l, and

died in Emporia, Kansas, Oct, 8, 1918. There were no children by

her first marriage. By Lyman B, Kellogg there w'ero three children:

i. Charles Mitchell, born in Emporia, Kans. April 8, 1879.

He died in Santa Rosa, Calif, Jan. 3t 1942, He

married in Emporia, Kans, June 28, I905, Byrd May

Veyler (daughter of John Villiajn Weyler and his wife

I - Laura Amelia Schmidt), who was born in Council Grove

Kans. April 10, 1381. They had one child:

6 i, Lyman Beecher, born in Santa Rosa, Calif, on

May 6, I9I2, Ho married at Petaluma,

Calif., July 9, 1998, Alice M. Simoens,

(daughter of Julius Simoens). They have

two daughters:

~ 7 !• Susan Ann, born Sept. 27, 1999•

7 ii. Claire, born summer of 1946,


[/64y il. Mary Virginia, born in Emporia, Kans, June 4, 1882. She

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o died in Compton, Calif, May 21, 1936. She married

in Santa Rosa, Calif, April 23, 1926, Volney H.

Tanner. He died July 22, 19^^. Tiioy had no


JT iii. Joseph Mitchell, born in Emporia, Kans. , Sept. 26, 1885.

He is unmarried and in 1936 lives in Lawrence,

Kansas. (The author of those notes).

(See the manuscript on the Kellogg family.



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Mrs. Lyinaa B. KellofTK dlM »t S;30 o'clocK last nlgbt, after an 111-• IM«38 extending over a number of- montba. Her death bad been mo* | menUrlly expected for hours, and j came after almost twelve hours of ^ unconsciousness. During the closing t days of her Incurable sickness she! had suffered much, but the suffe-* [ ing left her toward the end. ai^^ her death—like her life—was peac^j ful She was surrounded by her husband and children, brothers and ^

Bisters, and the remarkable clarity of her mind enabled her to recog¬ nize them as they arrived at her bedside. Dr. Charles B. Mitchell came yesterday afternoon. after ghe had become unconscious.

Jennie Mitchell was born March 4. isr«0, in Coshocton, Ohio. She was the eldest daughter la a family

of eight children. Her early life took h^r into many towns of the states of the Middle West, as her father's profession demanded fre¬ quent moving. She de\"eloped that studious bent of mind, which so marked her later life, when but n child, and she w as an inseparable ^ companion of her father—who was noted for his logic and deep men¬ tality. While attending seminary, she was married In to Benton P. Arthur, at Beaver, Pa. Mr. Ar thur w’as in bad health at the time of their marriage, and five years later died in Brookvllle, Pa., his former home. After hla death, Mrs Arthur, who later became Mrs Kellogg, came to Kansas to live with her parents. Daring the eix years ske remained w'lth the fam¬ ily, Mrs. Kellogg taught school. The Mitchells lived in Leavenworth. Topeka and Fort Scott during that period, and later In Emporia.

Mrs. Kellogg was the dauglUer of tho late Rev. and Mrs. D. P. Mitch ell. Mr. Mitchell was a Methodist preacher and vras prominent In Kansas political affairs In the slx-^ ties and sbventles. He dedicated, th*e First Methodist Church In Em porla. In June 1864, and was pastor of the FlrsL-Church of Leavenworth in the later sixties. He waa noml Dated for governor of Kansas, at the state convention in Em;k)rla Julyj 3, 1878, by the National Greenback' party. Mrs. Kellogg’s, brother, the Rev. Dr. Charles B. Mitchell, of Chi cago. Is one of the feremoat Metho¬ dist mlnlatev* and lecturers of this country. For years he was pastor of the'Grand Avenue Metb^tat Church of Kanraa City. Tbs sisters are Mrs. George Guernsey, of Independ¬ ence; Mrs. J. K. Eckdall. of Emporia;


Mrs. C. H. Aull, of Omaha, and .Mias Devo Mitchell. A.nothcr broth¬ er. Joseph T. Mitchell, lives In Wash¬

ington state. She was married to Judge Lymau

B. Kellogg June H, 1878. ^ Their lhrc«e children are Charles Kellogr. of Santa Rosa, Calif.; Jonoph Kel¬ logg. of Ithaca. N. Y.. and Miss Mary Kellogg, of Emporia, A year ago Judge and Mrs. Kellogg moved to California, whore Judge Kellogg’s sons, Vernon Kellogg, of Ix^land Stanford University, and Fred Kel¬ logg live, hoping to make for them- eelvea a home In a milder climate. Mrs. Kellogg’s health failed, and she underwent an operation for cancer which seemed successful. But the affliction returned, and early this year the Kelloggs returned to Kan¬ sas. that Mrs. Kellogg might be with her friends aj- home until the last.

Mrs. Kellogg was n pioneer ejub woman of this state, and one of the most active Kansas ever has known. Her unusually strong mentality m.ade her work especially valuable She was a member cf the old Social Science Club from its organization In 1881. This was the first women 6 literary club in Kansas, and was the forerunner of the Kansas Federation cf Women’s Clubs. In both of which organizations she was for many years a leading and Influential raem- ber. She was elected president of the Social Science Club in 1^89. serving tv^o terms, and in 1895- 0 6 was president vf the State Federation of Woman’s Clubs, which had replaced the Social Science Club. She was vice-presi¬ dent In ’94, ’96 and ’97. ancf served on many committees. Some of the beei work of her life waa done in the Ottawa Chautauqua Arfiemblies, In which she had charge of the C. L. S. C. round table for several years. In 1 89 8 she went to Boulder, Colo., where she did similar work In the establishment of a Chautauqua. .She was the only woman who waa ohoaen president of both the Social Science and the State Federation.

Mrs. Kellogg was one of the first Kansas women to he admitted to th^ bar, and for years waa & partner with her husband In the firm of Kellogg & Kellogg. When Judge Kellogg was elected atto<rney gener¬ al of Kansas in 1889 she became bis assistant, and together they waged a relentless war In the eTcrrt to en¬ force th# prohibitory law. Judge Kellogg wa* tbo- firet attorney gen¬ eral to attack this class of law¬ breakers, such work having been left

to the governors before that time. ’The fighl for law enforcement caused hl3 defeat In the next election. Mrs

OTcry possible occasion. She was the orily wemaa assistant attorney gen-, eral of Kansas,

For nearly twenty yearn Mrn-' Kellogg was Identified with locaJ club work, having her membership In the Junto. She waa Its president from 1906 to 1908. aqd many, times a member of Its board of _dl-’ rectors, helping to plan Itr- pro-, grams and fts ranny actlvlUos, Also, ahq was one of the organizers of the Fourth District Federation of Women’s Clubs, and ono of Its most earnese promoters. She was president of the City FMleratlon of Women’s Clubs for a term—or per¬ haps more—and did much for-tk»

—welfare In that organlzatloo. The funeral will be held tomorrow

afternoon at 2 o’clock In the First r'ongregatlonal Church. The' ser¬ vices will be conducted by President •loseph H. Hill, of the Normal, ar/ilst- ed by Rev. R. H. Mize, of the Episco¬ pal Church, and Rev. J. H. J.

T-- — t. r-. • -- • -•

interment will bo made in ^wood Cemetery.



VMS Er.P0r.IA DAILY 6.".,^£nS' et poet qdco at

C3 e5C>or.-d-cLa£S casil

fl. A. r/EITB ., C. LTuaKza,

ILdLtsif tsA ......... OlJcCil City

EJaHy by c-r.y ba odvr^nos C-4 by pC-T cisntJi.. ...dO<

Weakly by mail, per year..%:



Mrs. Jennie Mitchell Kellogg, be¬

loved wife of Judge Lyman B. Kel¬

logg, passed from this bourne o^

time and apace during the night.

Into some other realm than oura.

Her sojourn here was of more than

passing Interest; for she was an unusual woman. Her life was to full and so well-rounded that' In many respects she may be regardedj ts the beat product the womanhbcxl' of these Western prairies baa con¬ tributed to contemporary clvUiratVon. Yc-t she was not unique nor pecu¬ liar. She was a prophecy of what may be expected of women as the

Kellogg was an Indefatigable work.] w^r^tury grows older. ' ' for w-o„an snffraso. and Dover, Flhst of_aJl wa, a mother and

fail^ to spoak and aak for It ^on Vyvs Vv—


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a hotue-maker. Sh* reared' auccess- fully flv« children, - These children are of exceptlonaj character and ability, as would be cxpocted of Buch a mother. Her home was more than a place to eat and sleep. It was a center of cultural Inspiration for her family and her friends. Andj with all her other Interests, her home was her first care. It 'grew in pon^r for good as her life widened. Her life was an Irrefuta¬ ble answer to the charge that as the Interests of women grow broader their home activities become narrower.

But Mrs. Kellogg’s Interests were wide and her sympathies deep. She practiced law with her husband. She was a founder aiAl leader of

"the club woman's federation move-1

ment in Kansas; she helped In the traveling library cause, giving her time and money without stint; pcrved on -the local library board; led in the work of the City Fed¬ eration, of which she was president reveral years; was foremost In the club life of the Junto of Emporia, which she helped to found In the years when clubs were rare In the ^ycst. In city affairs and in school affairs, where women have a vote, Mrs. Kellogg was a leader; always Bcnslble, always reasonable, always effective, slic became a power for good In this community. This! power she extended by example and ; by hard work from the town to the • state. No other Kansas woman has done so much as she to bring the standard of woman's Influence to its present high plane In Kansas as Mrs. Kellogg.

Taking a large view of her life, considering the children she, has reared, the home she has ere-j ated, the sphere she has occupied,! the life she has enjoyed, the beauty

^ of soul she has developed, she the most Important woman the

I \ye8t has grown. And yet In It all . and through It all the gentlest,

kindest, most loving mother, sister, ~w1fe and friend In the world. The

woman lost nothing," while the

world gained much. She passed out of the life Into

whatever further existence may be in store for us. with becoming grace and fortitude. It is unthinkable that such a soul Is iiot an Imperishable part of the spiritual adjustment of

this universe.


Beet ft $, _





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^TinHay, ScpfMnb'er 6, 1909.

/i Hundred 5'«'f Kansas VI omen

Club Women I Have Known.-1. •Their hiKher Instincts kiifw

Those luve Truth best, who to Uieciselves are true.

And wl>;il they dare to dream of dare to do.” —Lowell.

This Is cot so much a biographical

prpr today as it In the story of a move¬

ment. It Is only the first half of it that

Is told. The other half will come in the

next Issue—a continued story you see.

Kihlch may have ns much as three or four

•“halves” to it before Its ‘'flnl.'h.'*

Last winter 1 received a letter from a studious club sister somewhere in Kan¬

sas. tayirt: •• Mrs. McCarter: I have to write

a paper for my club on Kansas club women. Please tell me the names of all the prominent club women and give me W biography of each.”

That was my busy day and I couldn t do It. But If my friend her ear to the ground she may hear some of these names and a bit or two of blograpliy thundering down the ages through the columns of a great priiuins pii ss. I-or

, It U of this club story a.-; u. state move¬ ment that 1 am wrltitiK. and somewhat of the women who mode it.

Some years hence tlie club movement in Kansas will furnish a great theme for a historian’s pen. It may not be amiss to say here, that pending that lime, the writer Is trying to make ready material. As official historian of the Woman's Kan- Lay Club for the >enr of IS'JS. 'and OK chairman of the Kansas history de¬ partment of the Tojieka fciltralion, 1 am urging clubs all over the state to send, in manuscript or printed form, to the State Historical Si'cic-iy a brief history of their own organization. When, where, 'and by wliom organized, nanit*. charts members, purpose, line of study, work accomplished, present membership and any other Interesting data, motto, flow¬ ers. etc. Also I urge that pioneer women Id any line will send their photographs to the State Historical Society to he pre¬ served there. 1 hope every club woman who read* this will Pee to it that h-jr _ club's itory is sent in promptly and that the promiiicnt women of her club, or ^ Pioneer wom< n of her vicinity have photo- | Crapiis s»-nt to the State Historical .vluse- um. This is lm|K/rlanl. Uo not wal'_ And now to my story.

In the year IsSo. In I-«avenworth. there was a nieetlrg of the organization that had hud It* beginning In the Social Scl- fince Club of Kansas and Missouri. Of this Social Science Club much Is to be written, but that smother story.

In May of 'l*5. then under the admini¬ stration of Mrs. 1-aura E. Scammon to whom the Middle West clubs owe much, there was created a state federation for Kansas under the rather burdensome ar¬ ray of te.'ms for w'ntch K. 8. 8 8. P. was the simbol. By ar.d by an 8. was lost In making a charga. and then the whole term shifted to K, P. W. C.

At the X-eavenworth wrMlon, Mrs. Jen- j n\e Mitchell KellCfj wwe cTaJSrfl tue prei-1 Ident. Mrs Kellogg le the wife of LymooJ Be'cbcr Kellogg of Emporia. H*t fathc.-, . Daniel P. .Mitchell, wrj a pln.ieer Mrtho-j dist prcaehei In Kanraa. Hln daughter a i ewrly year* were apent after manner j of any Methodst preacher s rntld. Much shifting from p'.sce to -isce. Many strangers at tho board. Much compulsory form lor the sake of apiiearancri, ro doubt. Bi.d many Ittll# dullra that were to be the forerunner of greater ones.

Jennie was a bright child with a pene¬ trating mind and a disposition to take matters Into her own hand*. There was as much ml’chlef ss saintliness In hen make-up, and the ability to make lile i Ictrrestlng. and an attractive personality. ' presence, or whatever It may be called. 1 •were hers. WltbaJ, she was handsome. I with that pleasing permanent kind of good i looks that means more than beauty and lasts even through old age.

■With the basis of a Christian home In¬ fluence combined a Ju.-^t estimate of the worth of things leading In later years to a wholeaomo unconventionallty, a sane view of the Important things of life. If 1 have any power to estimate causes that produce known results, tl'.ese are some of ' the elements that have entered Into the make-up of th* Mrs. L. B. Kellogg whom

I know. Put at the head of a new and promising ^

Woman's movement In her state. Mrs. | Kellogg took hold of the most difficult j jear. To her work she brought her i jT.ciilallty, her analytic penetration, her cense of humor, to save the day. her 1 ability to make life Interesting and her i attractive personality. She brought, her Christian spirit of good will and her 1 broad commonsense view of .life. She did | not figure on any personal monument I building, or having her own name sounded j to the echo, nor on controlling the office ' longer than the twelve months assigned to her. Whatever th* state federation may have to suffer from the personal am¬ bition of Us leaders In future years, noth¬ ing of this entered Into Its foundation. Carefully, modestly, sensibly, gracefully, Mr.s. Kellogg set an example for the fed¬ eration, holding what was given to her charge, rather than seeking In It* new¬ ness to extend her kingdom.

I remember the meeting of IStv? at Topeka. Mrs. Kellogg's training had been In the Boclal Science club, and Us gen- tilnenes* and high ideals were reflected j In her. I was In the rear ranks, where I eeem to belong still, and I looked up

. to her as a model. She rounded out the federation’s first year with good j order, programs and good feeling. Olad would the body have been to return her for a second term, but she refused the honor, and stepped back among the ranks. R l.usy, ■willing worker tnere. Bui J*' . Kellogg Is more than a club woman. To her husband In hs profession, both In high official slate positions and In hi* regular law practice she has been a true help-meet. When .Mr. Kellogg was the At¬ torney General for Kansas, his wife, a* j Assistant Attorney General, having a wo¬ man’s ability in legal matters, filled the j responsible place with credit. I

Of her home life, and her work as a ! mother and companion to her chlUlren. too j much of good can barely be said. The 1 atmosphere of the Kellogg hr'm.e where club Is the ruling genius Is Ideal. Comfort, many luxulrles. culture In art, music and Ilteiature. a genial spirit of hospitality and a sweet home love all abide here, and above them is the crowning gloo' of any home, the spirit of Christian faith. Mrs Kellogg la a believer In higher education, of roiirie. I-eland Stanford, jr.. university ard Cornell unlversltj- have each bad a son of hers for a student. 81.e Is the mother of thiee children. The ohiest one Is now In the Governor’* office In the

Stale house. The daughter. Mary. Is at Some In Emporia, and the poungrit child IS a tenlcr In Cornell.

.Such U the oriide picture of a prominent club woman 1 have known.

I regrwt to have no photograph of her thi* week. In return for a little favor ihe asked me rerently. I demanded her picture for the historical library. As f.irnest of her intentions she sent me a little blue print taken at the door of KateApllr.gton'a tent In the Council Grove


fhautauqua. * promptly embezz’ed’ the ipv ar.d p.vsted It In my paper weight.

1~ lr«. Kellogg la a woman the years do 1 t rob. She belongs to "IfKW und now,” tj.d the alway* will. To the student of

jUien and women her Influence is clearly •een as It reaches out from the fireside .nto the busy life about her. She will al¬ ways have a part In t'le club hiieiory of Ihe elate, for right well and strong ahe made It.

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(107) Joseph Teter Mitchell

^ t X. * Joseph Teter Ititchell, (son of Daniel Patrick, George, John),

was bom in Cadiz, Ohio, Kov. 16, 1851. Bapt. June 20, 1852, in Cadiz,

0., b7 Rev, J. N. Eaird. He died in Tacoma, Wash., VTarch 27, 1925. He

was a Civil Engineer by profession. He irarriea, (1), in Atchison, Kans.,

June 26, 1878, Susan Elizabeth Smith (daughter of William G. and Susan T-

Sniith), who was bora in East Liverpool, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1855, and died in

Fairfax, Wash., Nqv, 50, 1902; (2) in Fairfax, Wash., Oct. 18, 1906, Minnie

Grace Shirtz, (daughter of James F. Shirtz and Uargret^ Doyle), who was

bora in Silver City, Nevada, Jan. 16, 1862^«/w<

The children of Joseph T. and Susan Elizabeth Smith Mitchell



i. Anna Eliza, b. in Kansas City, Mo. ^ov. 4, 1879. *

d, in Kansas City, Mo. Nov. 6, 1879,

ii, James Buckley, (baptized William Smith Mitchell), bom in

Walla Walla, Wash. Aug, 4, 1881, Married, in Tacoma, Wash.,

Feb. 8, 1905, Ada Wheeler, (daughter of Gage M, Yiheeler and

Elizabeth Ferris) who was bom at Oscoda, Mich., Sept, 18, 1884,

Their children are;

• t i, Susan Elizabeth Smith, b. Fairfax, "Wash. Jan. 15,

1904. Mar. 1927, in Seattle, Dr. William G. Kinney.

11. Charlotte Bayard, b, Tacoma, Wash. Feb, 17, 1908.

Mar. 1927, In Seattle, R. Sinclair Nicholson,

iii.. Gage Wheeler^ b, Buckley, Wash., Feb. 17, 1911.

d. in childhood.

iii. Daniel Patrick Mitchell, b, in Tacoma, Wash., Nqv. 17, 1890.

d. in Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 24, 1890.

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(109) Anna Eliza ^ItcheH

*♦ / 5 X * Anna Eliza l^itchell (daiJ^hter of Daniel Patrick, George, John)

was bom in Allegheny City, Pa. Dec. 9, 1855. Eapt. March 9, 1856, in

South Coraraon 1!. E. Church, Allegheny, by Rev. S. TTakefield. ‘ She married,

in Emporia, Kansas, Feb. 21, 1684, Charles Herbert Aull ( son of James A\ill

and Phoebe Ferris. Janes AuU was bom near Unionto^m, Pa. Feb. 27, 1817

and Phoebe Ferris was born in Eaton, N. Y, April 10, 1821. They were

married May 27, 1846), who was born in Allegheny Co. Pa., Nov. 25, 1849.

Anna (Mitchell) Aull died in Cnaha, Neb., August 19, 1951. Charles H. Aull

died in St. Paul, Minn., August 7, 1955.

Their children were: y

Ifct. i, D. P. Mitchell, b. in Pittsburg, Pa., March 8, 1886.

d. in Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 14, 1887.

r It**. ii, Harrold Baker, b. in Pittsburg, Pa., June 9, 1894.

d. in linporia, Kans., Jan. 14, 1900.

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tlKTc^hoC'-i c^irrch, ccndacUxl the rnrlKi TCrs. V7, W. Ftrk^r t!ung. Fftll^ccrrra vjrs Jsttvts Dr. Frt^^ w. ^7. 1^- lon.jrc:: l:;7. V7ni aub, of omaiu, ati*Ci';c.:3 T. autn^sCf, jr-. oI la- fiepcjLdcivcs.- r •

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If X ta Al^r^-^ay. Pa, a raburb of pUwbarilU IZcr cciiea naaa wu

I IBrj'VJHii Diia Gha caarft to nr.r.-.r3 vttJx bar partnts soon titcx-.tba-C^VpB tr«r, tha faaaily Kt- tUaj tt D: ''.'_nvorth, but b^t-sr mor- loj to I‘.':pcrla, Eha lived In Ibn- pcrla intll tbeat lCC-0, when hs vraj mtiTied to C^arlca H. Aull. at Pitts- burjirb. • L'' ifr. and. AuU moved to Omiisi, wbora ■ tb;y -had alneo UredL

Ufa. AuH for many yean vm prooalD'nl la tbs D. A- R. Ebe onc« vrns vloj p?rjld3nt cenertU of tha natloafj'c:.'t i^Jn^Uon and clits re- £ent. of'.Ncartcbi, basldis' boldlnj pitny other cfno?4 In tbo .order, {hs trtj fi. msmbsr of tbs b::-2iedi*t thurch ct Oauba. . •lire. / vB li rarvlT0d->7 IfrhAnll

! ihi IZs. y.u]!’* tbros eebdrea, YTUl { AiBl, cf Ceneba; Jrancj ?. /riil, ol

II-*.rierj X;lT. rad Iff*. Ilyichs Ev- c:'e<?a. c! 1 Ut-bar^h; tbroo fcirterf, Idre,,jcb': virc'xdell,of Bnprrlft; Mrs Oec:j4 V. Guemrjf, of Ledepsad- cnc*, and btlis Dora mtohell, of Omiha, and avbrothy, Elibop

c .Cbirlts Eayard tdl-ehiU, of Ptti- P idina, Calif. Out-c!-tovn relative*

who citendM the funeral veere Ch/U'l:! Aull. Will AuU. acd^Sdlss DiTf© 7llf-:hsll, of Oai&ba; hlr. and Vsz, C'la.-t;* T. O'isrr.asy and

g} doergO'T. Ouemr-ey, ]r, of Inde- pervden&e, and Jotsph li, KeUogf,

^ of Llvrtnc*,




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(no) Charles Payard yitchell

Charles Bayard Uitchell, (son of Daniel Patrick, George, John),

was bom in Allegheny City, Pa., August 27, 1657. Bapt, March 25, 1858,

in Allegheny, by Rev, Thoraas McCleary. He married, in Pittsburg, Pa.,

J\ily 6, 1882, Clara Phoebe Aull (daughter of James Aull and Phoebe Ferris),

who was born in South Charleston, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1855.

Charles Bayard Mitchell is a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal

Church; now retired and living in Pasadena, Calif. No children.



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d^.ty G.yrtc


Ch»rlf« • Bsr»ri3 Mltchftll, wtio l_ -died Mocd&y In Santa Barbara.

Calif, was the only biahop this town ;, hae even turned out. W© hare de-

Teloped acTecal other strong puplt . ( orators. But Charley Mitchell was ^

the most distinguished ecclesiastic ^ , the town has e^er produced. The » j. short biography that appeared In < ; The Gazette Tuesday after his ^ death revealed a long line of dls- ^ j tlngulshed service to his church d i and his country. Next to the late ja * Senator Plumb, who still remains Is I our top ranking Emporlan, Charley

Mitchell, who used to work In tne * post office and who ran these pi

etreets. working, growlrig and play- I Ing with men and women who were 1 boys and girls 60 years ago. remains, •' now that his career has clcced, our » * most distinguished citizen. ( Bishop Mitchell used to come [ back to Emporia In his sixties ' and seventies and look up his old _ friends. His two sisters have lived \ here nearly all the time siiice he ' left. Re was a dear and affection¬ ate brother and a man of rare talents and high (jualltles. He spent his life well. A few* score old timers will miss him deeply. For

t he had grace and charm and great loyalty to those he loved, along with ether qusJltles which have car¬ ried him so far.

The town was proud of Bishop Mitchell. But those who remember Wm In the old days will miss and mourn Charley.

I i





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Not* oa Biahop Mitohall'a ministarial caro«r«

Aft«r graduation froa Allegheny College, at UetdTille, Pa.,

he vac adaltted to the talnlitry of the yethodiat Epiecopel church

in the South Kansaa conference in 1830. He torved eoreral oircuite

there and- held paetoratea at Marion, Kutohinaon, eto. In Sept.

1834 he waa tranaferred to the Pittsburgh oonference, and became

paator in Pittaburgh, Pa. In 1889 he went to Plainfield, New Jer-

aey. In 189!^ came baclc weat to the Grand Aw*. Methodiat church

in Kansaa City, Mo. In 1897 he went to Minnoapolia, Minn, aa

paator there of the Hennepin Awe. Methodiat church. In I9OI he

vent to Cleveland, Ohio, aa paator of the first Methodist church

there. In I9O8 he came to Chicago, to St. James Methodiat church.

He was elected Bishop in I9I6 at the general conference held at

Saratoga, New York. From I9I6 to 1924 he was the Biahop of the

St. Paul, Minn. area. He then went to the Philippine Islands, aa

the resident Biahop there in Manila. In 1928 he retired from the

Episcopacy, and lived thereafter in Pasadena, Calif.

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S'Y#- / '-'

o (111) Sarah Eli2abeth Ilitchell

/ J 4 Sarah Elizabeth liitchell (daughter of Daniel Patrick, George,


John) was bom in Salem, Ohio, Sept. 13, 1860. Eapt. Jxily 7, 1861, in

Salem, by Rev. ’n. L^Tich. She married, in Emporia, Kansas, Sept. 15, 1881,

George Thacher Guernsey, (son of Jesse Guernsey and Elizabeth Eaton) who

was bom in Dubuque, Iowa, August .11 ,'-1859. Residence, Independence, Kansas.

She died in Independence,'Feb. 28, 1939. Their children:


■ir George Thacher Jr. b. in Independence, Kans. July 2, 1882.

Harried, in York, Pa., Oct. 23, 1907, Joyce Kaviland Taylor

(daughter of Arthur Russell Taylor and Emma Louise Haviland),

who was bom in V.averly, Iowa, Sept. 22, 1684. ^heir children


i. Bonnie Bell, b. in York, Pa. A.ugust 10, 1908.

She married, in St. Louis, l/o., Oct. 23, 1934,

Howard Betts Hengerer. Daughters:

1. Joyce Haviland) 7 ) twins, born Hqv. 4, 1938.

2. Anna Loomis )

k ii. Jessie Elizabeth, b. in Independence, Kans.

Dec. 17, 1909. She married, in Amherst, Hass.,

J\ine 10, 1931, Samuel Ervine Shaw. A son:

1. Samuel Ervine Shaw «Jr., b. April 10, 1933

(Monday at 12:30, noon). k

iii. George Thacher 3rd, b. in Independence, Kans.

July 17, 1916. ^A , /4. ^ Si. ^ /Vo .

iv. Arthur Taylor, b. in Independence, Kans., Sept. 27,

O 1920.


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O i*

ii. Harold, b, in Independence, Kans., Jan. 18, 1886.

d. in Kansas City, yo,, Jan. r8, 1891.

i* I***- iii. Jessie, bom Dec. 14, 1891. She nrarried, in Independence,

Kansas, Nov. 11, 1914, LhiLford Harbin Jr. (son of Hulfoi^

Harbin & Rosa Rainsford). Their child:

i. Sarah Elizabeth Martin, b. in Independence,

Kans. July E9th, 1916, She luarried,

Sept. , 1938, in Hackensack, N. J., George

Piirdy. Has a child

7 i. Ann Purdy, b, 1959.

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THE EMPORU ■11 ip LWiWJiP J»l Lliil



MRS. GEORGE GUERNSEY DBADl Mrs. Osorge Thatcher Guernsey. |

sr., "8. died at her home In Inde- 5 pondence Tuesday evening. £he i was Injured In a fall several weeks j ago. I

Funeral services will be held Fri¬ day morning at 10:30 o'clock In In¬ dependence. i

Mrs. Guernsey, the former Miss Sarah Elisabeth Mitchell, was bom September 13, 16S0, In Salem, Ohio. Her parents. Rev, and Mrs. Daniel ^ Patrick Mitchell, had moved to Ohio from Pennsylvania and later came to Kansas, llrst to Fort Scott and later to Emporia. Mr. Mitchell ‘ was a pioneer Methodist minister ; in Kansas, being one of the first to come to this state. He became a presiding elder in the church, hold¬ ing the position now known as dls-

■ trlct superintendent. Miss Mitchell attended the Emporia High school and the Kansas State Normal. She began teaching at 16 and became principal of the high school at In-

' dependence. Later she was presi¬ dent of the school board. She was a founder and later a director of the public library in Independence She was married to George Thatch¬ er Guernsey, of Independence, on September 15, 1881. A great grand¬ daughter of the Rev. John l^ajch-

. ell, who lived In Virginia in .1776. j Mrs. Guernsey became a state re- ' gent pf the Daughters of Lhe Amer¬

ican Revolution from 1908-17 and 1921-23. From 1917 to 1920 she was president general of the national

. society of D. A. R. She also was a 1 past president of the Daughters of

American Cclonbts and was a member of the U. S. Daughters of 1812, Patriotic Women of America. Huguenot society and the Eastern Star.

She Is survived by her husband; a son. George T. Guernsey, Jr, ol University City, Mo,; a daughter. Mrs. Muiford Martin, Jr, of Hack- ervsack, N. J.; a brother. Bishop Charles B. Mitchell, of Pasaderia, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Jonas E Eckdall and Miss Dove Mitchell. 727 Rural, Emporia, and two ne¬ phews. Joseph Kellogg, head of the architecture department at the University of Kansas, and Charles Kellogg, Santa Rosa. Calif.

Mrs. Eckdall has been In Inde¬ pendence with her sister since the first of the year and will remain until Friday. Miss Dove Mitchell and Mias Virginia Sue Eckdall will drive to Independence Friday morning for the funeral servlcea.

] t b K R ir.

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Each l’rr>itlenl (Irnrral makes her own peculiar ronlrihulion to the National

S>riety. E'cry Dau^thter of the Ameritan Revolution owes a debt of appreciation

to the late Sarah Elizalieth (’.uern>^-\. Honorary President (General. It was she who

firs! reali/eil that for a Siciety with a broad program of service to progress its affairs must l>e conducted. n..t as a s<n ial organization, iiiit accord’ng to principles

of strict business management. That the .National Siciety ha« Ix-en able not only • to weather all storms of depression, but also to increase its activities and •.st-fulness.

has lieen due in large measure to Mrs. (iiiernsey’s vision. h>resight, and courage. 1 he soiinilness j.f jt^ policies will lx- the S'cietvV niemorial to her.

SsRAH (itiKBiN RontKT, /Vevu/enr General.

Sarah F.lizabeth tMitilu-lll (iiiernsey was Imm in Salem. Ohio, Si'pteiulwr l.d,

186(1, anil moved with her parents to Leavenworth in 186.'L She was graduated from •the state normal mIiooI at hmiHiria. whence 'le went to Independence to teach

M'hiKd. There she met and married (ieorge Thacher (iiiernsey anil lived continually

in Independence until her death. Eebriiary 28. lM.i9. .•\fter serving as regent of Esther l^iwrey (ihapter, which she helped organize,

and as .''tate Regent of Kansas for nine coiwciitive years. Mr«. Ciuernsey was elected

President Oeneral in 1917, at a time when the Sieiety was confronted liy many

iirg«-nt iwoblenis and the Nation had just entered the World War.

I'nder her administration the number of the .National Committees was reduced and their work eonsididated; the Magazine was returned to a siibss-riiition liasis after it had been isMjed free to all paid-up members at a cost of thousands of ijojlars;

the erection of the .\dniinistration Building was authorized by her last (jmgress, in

1920; Memorial Continental Hall was renovated; and the notes on the land in the

rear of Continental Hall were i>aid off. All this was done, besides organizing the

many line.s of war work of the ."society, buying Liberty Bonds. sup[Hirting French orphans, and giving a waterworks system to the devastated village of Tilloloy in

Eranee, which was voted and the work begun. On her retirement she was elected

Honorary President General, and again served as Slate Regent of Kansas. .Mrs. Giiernsey was admired and lieloved by countless Daughters. Her services

to our Socie‘y were outstanding. She was capable and forthright. oiitsjMiken and frank, kindly and thoiiglitfiil toward the sick and sorrowful, strong, vigorous,

patriotic, religious, with great strength of determination and executive ability. The ntemory of Sarah Elizabeth Cm rn~ey will ever remain in the hearts and minds of onr mendiers, a living monument to her life and accomplishments.

,Avm. Rim.krs .Minor. Honornr\ Presiilent General.

Tlie parents of .Sarah Elizalieth Mitchell, Rev. Daniel P. Mitchell and .\nn

Eliza Baker—Ixith of Revolutionary stoek- -gave her an interest in all that related

to the welfare of the L'nited .States. Sxui after lu-r marriage to George Thacher Guernsey she Iwgan participating in tiie rivic activities of her town. Travel and

study at home prepiared her for an ever-widening sphere.

The safe solution of the problems which confronted her while she wa« President General of the National Societv, Daughters of the .\merican Revolution, proved her

to 3 eourageous and conseientious worker possessed of a keen mind.

In Decenilier, 19.'f8. sfif had an accident which resulted in a broken hip, and the verdict was that, though she might in a measure recover, her activities niiist be

curtailed and she would lie an invalid, (ian we, her understanding friends, richly

as we measure her presence, selfishly wish bark to face such a fate? Her part

in the drama of life is finished. She departed it surrounded by a devoted husband, a loving son and daughter, and amid the heartfelt sorrow of many friends.

Each year the solitude of broken “frii-ndships” calls anew the sweet communion meniorv brings with the thoughts of our loved ones, memories fragrant with friend¬

ships that have influenced our days and plans. siiH have the essence of the

distilled flower ttiat lingers long after the golden calyx that produced it has faded into nothingness, ^e still have the silent influence.

Her nio-t fitting memorial is the imperishable love and respect of those who

knew her and worked with her.

Mary H. S. Joiinsto.n, Treasurer General under Mrs. Guernsey.


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By fes B"' 0 , WtOl, ? -

Area Chapters r

To the Memory of Late

Mrs. George T. Guernsey

thought k-oorcnlm- tion. Hr*. '* '•'stJor tT» tt» t^t^reiU oDwr town. ?r.ite and countrj'. •‘•nd id*-n- • iflod wlfli *>\rry nio%»nnpni tor oivir and national b»ttPr,TiPi)t.

“To recount h^r .T<"hl'v^i»nt» would require hotu<. ao I \ill rn*'n- i|n>i only a (pw of lhp*« . evp|ii« o( h«r life. Vo'i ran ^iinj'lrni'-n* thrae bv your o'^ n reryonai knowl- rdj;e of the unman.

—Turn to r*;« glva

Dplegalions from N^odp ha. Tof-' fnyville. Fiedoiiia. WiiUirld and ■ p'her rhapt< iB in Souih^aM Kan-‘ 5as were heir todu>- to att>-:id th** unveiling of the in.^iguia of the I*, i A. R. and D. A- C on the ciypt of | Mra. George T. Guein.'^ry More I than 6y gursl« v.?ie pti-vrnt ibis' lucniing for the rrirm..nv whlrli ; opened with thn advan<*' of loloi tj by Roy Scouts m Treep diipcf-, fd by their scoutmaster. Wtlllain J. Bnnis.

Miss Marion Seelyc. st-jtr rc2''nt of the Danpliteis of tho Ameilcau Kevolution. tcid the audienro of thol significance of the assembly .•’ud i presented Mis. Walter T. ( iiatiey. , Itipeka, stale chaplain, who otter¬ ed the prayer.

The state regent of the Daugh¬ ters nf the American rolonisis. Mrs. I. M. 1’l.ati of Junction Cit>. gave the rcmenilirarce .and seripiur- al reference. In her dedication of the gift. Mrs. rimi said. "All wh ) liause in tliis place uii! be remind¬ ed of the nobility of a life well lived. May tbi.s tablet quicken our re¬ sponse to ihe e\er-ccniinniiig rail to unselfish : ervice-->.f I vii.e to our feAow men, our bclo’ed America,

jour Cod ” j Mlss Scelye dcdli ated the ntark- er for the b. A. K saying. "May!^

'this plaque ever reniind us all ta|| iserve and live, as did 'he one whom !• it hciiors-a life which so ne.Miti-'; fully exemplified the inoito of our society- -for God, for home .and country."

Mrs. Fannie Mc.\dams and Mrs. | R. R. Bitimanii. >\ho ^'eIe lung ^ associated wttli Mrs. George T. I, Guernsey in the Tork of the.' Daughters of the .\mei ic.m Colu- iiiste and tne Daughic-rs of tli- i

American Revolution, g.aro Irib-■ utes to her today ^Imn the t"o societies joined iu unveiling the markers that have been placed on her crypt in .Mt. Hope abbey. Tribute by Mri. McAdams

Mrs. McAdam' spoke for the Daughters ol ihe American ( olo- nlsts which Mrs. Guernsey found¬ ed. In her trib’tfe she said;

*'W»f ate, gafhcied here today to render tribute to . the memory of one, Tho endeared herself to her asrot i.itr.s. and who by her, aicrmplishmeiiis and *he eNatnp.lo of her life- left a ri'h heritage for the coming srueralions. Sarah Elisabeth Guernsey.

■■inheriting from pioneer anres- lora her strong eenBe of right and »Ton|r. and her Independence of [j

'I i


Dcdiccllja by ibe DAR —Continued From Page One

"She 'vas one of the Incorpcra- ! tors and the first president of the ^'atlonal Society Daughters of the

^American Colonists. For six years she guided this new patriotic so- rielj which was organized to pro- motq patriotic educ.itlon. conser¬ vation. and the preservation of

, colonial recorda prior to 1776 ■’Locally, Mis. Guernsey was at

one time president of our school Ito.ard. and president of The Lo¬ uies Library .Xssocialion. She was our outstanding Regent of the Esther Lowrey Chapter D- A. R.

: "In Washington. D. C . she was a prominent member of the Na¬ tional Society of Patriotic Women of .\merlca, and the National Council of Women's Section of the N’avy League. For three years she was President General of the

; Daughters of the American Revo- I lutlon. Mrs. Guernsey was thor- ’ ough in all her methods, and \ served the causes into which she

entered with high endeavor.

Homa Ties Strong i "In a llfe*^ so full of public inffcr-

esla. itlll her greatest love was ‘ for her husband, children, brother, slaters, and all home ties. Her character, her Intellectual attain¬ ments. her fine taste in music and art. and her prominent associa¬ tion with large movement*, made Mrs. George Thatcher Guernsey one of the great women of our state and of our country.

"All crowd around you. Sarah Elisabeth, like sisters round a sister, like children round a moth¬ er, to bear witness to your worth.

"Until the sll<*nce fell upon us, we did not entirely i ppreciate how largely your ^oice was repeated In the echoes of our own hearts.

"The members of the Daughters of the .American Colonists, whose labori you were ever ready to cheer, whose merits you loved to prorlsim. tinlte to bring an endur¬ ing memorial to you, and offer their salutations and praise In a full chorus of respect and affec- tion.-

Polntlng out that It was Mr*. Guernsey’s love and reveience for the principles and precepts of those early Colonists that made h^r a leader In all movements seek¬ ing to Improve conditions In the little town where she fiist^ caniu as a teacher. 22rs. Blttm'..a paid tribute to Mra. Gaemae/'v^t a

. \

perpetustor of the American way. the rafe-guardlnr of freedom. "She waa a member of the Daughters

.1 of Ui:. Patriotic Women of Am’rica, L*stei-n Star and she also served s* a trustee in that great educational movement, the Chautauqua Institute.

■’But the large part of her Iti- tercst and endeavor was in the .National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. A

■'Charter member of Esther Lowrey chapter, she served as regent In its formative years. She was elected slate regent In 1909 and served until 1917 and again from 1921 to 1929.

"In 1917 .Mr.«. Guernsey wss elected to the office of President General of tlie National Society and gave three years of outstand¬ ing service. Coming into the. presidency at a most critical time in our affairs, she brought order and efficiency to the office and soundly e.«tahlished the business of our order and our general well being. French Village Reatored

"She gave generously of herself and of her means. She traveled much In the furtherance of our growth and made two trips to France to Inspect and supervise Ihe restoration of Tillaloy. a French village destroyed during the World war. Thi.« village was restored by the Daughters of the American Revolution. For this Mrs. Guernsey was decorated by the French ambassador and com* mended hy the Queen of Belgium. Many fine tributes came to our society for the various patriotic, i^ducatjonal and humanitarian ac¬ tivities that were part of our pro¬ gram in her administration.

■’Her clear thinking .and keen insight w'ere of great value during those terrible dajs. We were all steadied and guided through a rational program that -strength¬ ened and uplifted us.

i 'Today ws ccius t© dedicate


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the nurVem placed on her crypt, to commemorate her life aad la¬ bor. Rut to tho^e of tis who knew her bett there ia no need for markeri. NVhat she did lor nr society she did for her beloved

country. As the years pass th* niisr.ltude and worth of her work ►hints clearly down the p-th of time.*’

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The markcri are exact rcplkas of the pins of the two orders. On the D. A. R. marker are the dates I?lT-]520. the years when Mrs. Guernsey was the juesldenf jener- al. The Pauchiers of the American

, Colonists’ carried the words. "In- ’corporated and First President I1921-1P2S.' ' Huse baskets of blossoms cover- td the sifts before they v.cre tin-

• veiled. The Daughters of th-* j.Xmeriean Colonists used their col- 1 ors. colonial blue and yellow and their flowers w ere irises, ucacias

• and yellow rosebuds. Large bows ‘of blue and gold were tl''d to the ■ handle.

The Daushters of the American Revolution had combined yellow- snapdragons and jonquils with co¬ lonial blue irises

An excellent picture of Mrs. Guernsey stood In the window- be¬ tide her crypt. It w-?.s wreathed with English ivy and sfnndlng at one side was an .American flag.

White candles, twined with ivy, were burning in the windov.s be¬ hind an Ivy-draped altar. Rosebuds and carnations were placed in the urns at the slde.s of the altar.

Among the state officers .here for the service were Miss Marion Seelye, Abilene, regent. D. .A. K-l Mrs. I. M. Platt, .lur.cnon City, re¬ gent. J). A. C.: .Airs. A. J. Berger. Arkansas Citv, vice regent. D. A. R.; Mrs. C. F. Laird, Madison, re¬ cording secretary. L*. R.*, Mrs. Walter T. Chaney. Topeka, chap lain, D. .\. R : Mr.s ..lonas Eckdall and Miss Virginia Eckdall, Em¬ poria. Mrs. Eckdall wa.i Mr.«. Giierti- Rey's sister. She Is state chaplain of the Daughters of the .American Colonists. Mr. Eckd-nll was also here fer the cerrmonv.

At noon a luncheon w.-i.s served In the home of Mrs. Xelle Woodman with the members of Esther Low-- rey chapter acting as hostesses. Mr. Gtiernsey entertained several friends who were closely associated with Mrs. Guernsey in her woik. -•


Placed in Wi-stlawn .AMu-y, Indi pcndi-ncc. Kansas, by the Kansas Society To Honor the Memory of

Mrs. Geokhk TH-ACHKK (iL', "JIinir/ionitur inul First Prvsideni."

-A portrait of Mrs. (leorge Tliaclu-r Cuernsey was plaei-d in the *‘H.-ill of Fame” at Topt ka li.v the .Jam- Peebb-s .Si-xion Chaiiter of Wiehita. .Anthony Morse of Fbnporia and .Marirai<-t Dunnimr "f Topeka.

A set of I). .A. C. lini-ajre taioks has been presented to the .Ftate Historical Society’s Library.

(.Mr.s. Ikvi.m: M.) Emm.v .S. Platt, b- Slate Ki-trent.

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0 {111) Dove E. Mitchell

Alexandrina Hamilton Idtchell (called Dove E.) (daughter of

J i • Daniel Patrick, George, John), v.-as bom in Johnstov>Ti, Pa« Sept-. 21, 1862.

Unmarried. Eapt. March, 1864, in Leavenv«orth, Kans. by Rev. L. D. Price.

.Jtf-./A.2 .


(U4) Dannetta Patricketta ^litchell

4 , 3 *

Dannetta Patricketta I'dtchell (daughter of Daniel Patrick,

X • George, John), was born in Leavenv/orth, Kans. Dec. 13, 1866. Bapt. January,

\ 1884, in Emporia, Kansas. She married, in Onaha, Neb. Sept. 5, 1903, Jonas

Ernest Eckdall (son of Jonas Eckdall and Eva Mary Lanstrimi. She v/as the !

daughter of John and Sophia Lanstrum and v/as born at Kowdala, Sweden, Sept. 29,

\ ^ I 1832 and died in Bnporia, Kans., July 31, 1910), who v/as bora in HeComb,

Illinois, Nov. 21, 1867


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MLm Dove Mitchell I>eft(L Miss Dove E. MltchcU died at

10;30 o'clock Sunday morning at the home ot her etster, Mrs. J. E. Eckdall, 737 Rural, alter several months' Illness.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the First Methodist church. [ Rev. C. L. Hovgard, of ^Topeka, a former pastor of the church, v^-ill conduct the services, assisted by j Rev.. Hugh B. Fouke. Burial will j be In Maplewood cemetery. The I family requests that no flowers be j sent. I

Miss Mitchell was a teacher for many years, and was widely recog- j nlzed in the educational field for | her success as a primary instruc- i tor. J

A daughter of the late Rev. D. P. i Mltthell and Eliza Ann Baker I Mitchell, she was born at Johns- ^ towm, Pa., and came to Kansas with her parents when a small child. The family lived first at Leaven- ^ worth, coming to Emporia in the 3 late 1870's. Miss Mitchell attended B the Normal school and taught in 1* the primary grades In several of ( the Emporia city schools, including the old Stone school In the present Senior High school block, and the Walnut school.

From Emporia she went to Hel¬ ena, Mont., and taught in the city scffools. Later she went to Ply¬ mouth, N. H., where she was direc¬ tor of the Teachers’ Training school of the New Hampshire State ; Normal. After retiring she lived . with a sister, the late Mrs. Charles | H. AuIL in Omaha, Neb., for sev¬ eral years. She had lived at the | Eckdall home In EmpxDria for the * past 10 years. ^

Miss Mitchell was a member of • the Methodist church, the Colonial Dames, the Daughters of the Amer¬ ican Revolution, the Daughters of American Colonists, and of the Red Cross and other patriotic so¬ cieties. She Is survived by her sis¬ ter, Mrs. Danetta Mitchell Eckdall, of Emporia, and by several nieces and ntphews. A nephew, Jf«ph Kellogg, of Lawrence, a memoer of the University of Kansas faculty, la In Emix)i1a. •

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V3i Lr«r« Tr«ck«n Cm3i*x* Facakj Altar

Kury Tean al Seii

MTK Jaomm mtm «(SS

tSar T>*ctjm Oo^rvv taan^Ky

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ta.-y*;! ^ l^poraa tuc^ acfmC CS. X. Ovcmar-f ta:ai^ at Irair^as-Oraca

Cr*«a arx* X>w MxtcticX co« ta a r» I a ^ ~ ■.

taoc^ KaB,:7 ^ara fea C» Kcpor&a pcb^ artmja A. u w <jf <Ma. Srtf-ar.. >ar K^Ikicr ^ ■<- tbe tmd

ntrss. at thr C^pr^xizj << Ka>- ▲ C^cop. )£rv Va£3C7 Tk^se.

cf lA«T=aa Be-ac±i. f: Mias Kary KeZocx. to rrir^AeoS fT^ baa taSrmt^co at Car Tracbrra

at vaa as ^.pcJaa tbat raa ibrtr^lb a tarfv part c/ bo* tJ^ aest Mra. Czk^aS fcte Car teaciCDC prafes^ac: aTtcr aba b*d de^otaO aracra! years to art

DastvCa )£-:rbeS Loavcs^rarth bet

ariM?! chr.*! arsb bar a^tcr a farted ressOteoa ta Toprte ar>g< J^rt Scoct- She grrw irp bea arKf atteei^ctf Car pcbtjc acborb and t*^ ^=por:a acToct, a~tL'.*zb aba left to late a prrparstcay cfTcred al Cat njLae at Cae aid Narcal tbts co:^raa cbe a«et to baa sbtar. Car bte Kts. Charles H. AsS. in ci^H amrs^^rd tba !Coc=:al a-hr»og aa ladbna. Pa^ and la^A- abjdiod era! yaars al Car Seboot cC rkr^i^ng to Ptnsberstu Pa, a Lava aba ^i=ai. azioGC ceber bcooes. a r.yr^al lor ber vork te ct g. 5ba abo bad prtrala at Cns Cma Otixte, KraeL a zacced landsca^ artbc Prera tba Scboct cf IDaseza. T^yneatm yxcbaQ vavsi to ? Tork Is- a yaar^ •l>jd> *t Cv Erader.toT leac^ aad m-bb WC Cbatc- lAlrr aba mosad mid A«II to Oenaba, Neb^, and H^V-jal vilh J. patntar.

T» Eatparte fraM Oaaba. PTOca Qr-a?^. Dssdrtla V.nrfyB

casa to Tbr.porla and aetrral XoTBsal A" Loot. gTva sisler. Idrs. l«. B. ZLalIccx- lad B^aCaods cf tcAcbdc Cr arUb Mis far:as Cnd^r. vzzi: cadly brad of tba Trsebeza C art dapartsam. and art c tratrjEa^ azlb a Mr. Abbott, and aba becans ao trudgaent la bocb tbrar couraas Cat sba arbairmrd ier i~rr laachart a bra tbry aa^q racaticas. At tbn taa also ^rbncralad a aer» cf b.*bed by tba Chana a Toprka. Sba bas been ccem a'ltb tba NotssaI achnol and

j Taachars CoCrfa dz3Tr« tba •* IstratioBS fd leer pcesL'*——



Mr*. X E. EcltAdi t>»€l

drst TkyS=r. Prasided PrrskVr* EO and PrTsadmt

kDsa kf&efaeS beyta t»iar*»^y tba Kcensl arbnni fei 1900

I tauchl lor tbrea raarm. Xa 1SC3 aba ' I aas Esarraed to Jonas ErkdaX. «d i fatporta, tba aaddnsc takV:c b3 Otraba. ?C5pk. Tb.-*


ajad aad gne

baa been pcas.dae:iA cd tba of PaetCty Wnnen at tba OoCcf^ and aba bas taesi a ] of Lba boATd cd adTiaca «f Taacbrta Ccueya T. W. C. A. Axs y;»oeser of tba Rbo Ma <

A cecTg^ '

cd tba Cnoouaiy trcoi aba resr^jrd

and dona oaaCaa vork Ib aZ cf art and sba bas ta^c^at tedsstrteJ art. cbiy»codabnc. katry. cQ and vAtarooige. OKI p 2z)d la bar ipaclA^.

Mrs. Krk/jCl la a gwzrJbrr si Art Tamcbara aasodabrai. tba d^ty cd Madaliis^ of Arrarkm tba yjgtiS Ctata Tesabars aaat Coo. Sba la aajrlary cd tba pp;ia cbapCar cd tba AmertoKB aratlflD «f Arta and aha has rtyact of tba ~ tba Da: A*;iaTm ad tba KarotuCm. of whaeb eba la a bar. ffba abo to a g>"=bar Coifiaital Da mas. hcCdmc a p oo tba slats boA.*^ of tbs a and aba to a E’jac.kar ed tba Pat loss of Orw-ral^A Gba sm a lai to fL«d C: iJSS sock toi y (

Cba World %ar Rv to a oa tar of and ae aruiia sorkar 1a

j Cana aba had rbAry* <d tba k^d fartsti ta tba cb^nTb.

1 Mr and Mra fakdaS ttow c * * da^hlsr. V^ftnia bTs. a‘s wtZ

■jtA Trxxa tba l>arb at tbs ced cf Co

Tba sparid a part saeb r^er a» tbnr <^>*a to^ i d^eu, tear toexj.c«-. Cc^, _^ l^an to spend A^.at ar< nrr^srto.

cf Aria; Cto-! aJ PATTirs cd Ajae

Da .E cf . toeeb cf qr^-i—:l=a"yrs ^a had I hald ata^ sfT^ra; Ebtnnc^ ei:a>-|

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_ Mitchell Data

O - * , %

Daniel Patrick Mitchell, the youngest child of Georpe Mitchell,

(eon of the Rev John Mitchell), end the latter’s wife Mary Virginia

Mg Cann. was bom at Barkers Settlement, Rard.olph Co., Va. on

Feb. 6, 1821. His father died before he was a year old, but his

mother married again, to Joseph Teter (a first cousin of her first

husband), who became the only eM well beloved father of the young

Daniel. It was he who inspired Daniel to obtain a fine educa¬

tion and eventually to enter the ministry.

It was at the Pittsburgh Annual Conference held at Steubenville

Ohio on July 10-17, 1844 that D. P. Mitchell was first admitted on

trial to the Methodist ministry. Later he passed through the var¬

ious stages of circuit riding and settled charges. Presiding Elder,

etc. Ee came to have Important churches In Pennsylvania, Ohio, and

later still in Kansas. He became perhaps the most widely known

Methodist minister in Kansas and was also active In politics, be¬

ing candidate for governor and for Congress. Ke was a member of

the first Board of Regents of the State University. He died sud¬

denly on August 24th, 1881 at Halstead, Kansas. He was sixty years


D, F, Mitchell had married, on Sept. 24, 184?, at Blalrsvllle,

Pa., Eliza Ann Baker, the eldest daughter of the Rev. Henry Baker

and hla wife M>artha Harrold. She was bora in Indiana Co., Fa.

on Aug. 23, 1824; and died in Emporia, Kansas, July 12, 1894.

Their children were as follows:



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,«^XS aaxfcxamq .aastado AaXXX.a X«, 3«XW-t XXootXo lo aasaxa aaox’'^

ta- ,oXdO . alnarXiaggai „i „doggdo XgaXgoqaX arad oX aa.o .H .oXa'

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Pi / gadmaa a .a^^^ ....aagsdoO .gpl, taa loggaaos.^ol aX^WXn.a ^X .1 \



-fiu« totb aH ,, .tXx'moTXaU aXaXe adX lo aXgaaaS lo *taoa Xmxi TdX ■‘i*

•d«.T tXxXa aav ,h Xeacg.X .£»aX,XaH Xa X88i ,dX*S Xagg^A no ^XnaX.

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•AMX ,SX tX«/C .aaaaaa .aXioqrf ax taXX. X^a ,XS9x .CS .goA go

•-*^ ■••’»*'fl*lXdXdo iXadT

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Children of D. P, end Eliza Ann Eaker Mitchell;

1. Henry Eaker, bom In Coshocton, Ohio, Aug. 29, 1848; died in

Fort Hall Indian reservatlcn, Idaho, Oct. 27, 1896.

Married Sadie Carr. Their only son (who grew up)

vas Daniel P. Mitchell, who was bom In Topeka, Kans.

Jan. 2, 1874, and died Feb. 2, 1955* For many years he

was one of the executives of the Victor company, with

home In Woodbury, N. J. His wife was Susan Pettlnglll

and they had three children.

2. Mary Virginia, bom in Adamsvllle, Ohio, March 4, 1850; died

in Emporia, Kansas, May 8, 1911. She married Lyman B.

Kellogg, and thewere three children, among them:

Joseph M. Kellogg, Professor of Architecture at the Univ¬

ersity of Kansas, bom Sept. 26, 1885.

3. Joseph Teter, born In Cadiz, Ohio, Nov. 16, I85I; died in

Tacoma, Wash., March 27, 1923. He married Ist Susan

Elizabeth Smith, and 2nd Minnie G. Shlrtz. He had one

child (who grew up): James B. Mitchell of Tacoma, Wash.

4. Martha Jane, bom In Carrollton, Ohio, March 15, 1854; died In

Allegheny,Pa. Sept. 1, 1855.

5. Anna Eliza, bom In Allegheny, Pa. Dec. 9, 1855; died In

Omaha, Neb, August 19, 1931. Married Charles H. Aull.

Had two children, both died young.


» ' 4

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at tmtb sW3x ,?S .8i,a .oMO .naAoori.oO ii/ «orf

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rf .- ■'<■, .. x»dX to.

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♦ .Sflu/ot rWo^/ .M'xiXirfo Q4t& bei ♦ hJ! ■?' * />• i*

^ >v * ^







Charles Bayard, bom in Allegheny, Pe. Aug. 27, 1857; died

in Pasadena, Calif, Feb. 23, 19^2. Married Clara P.

Aull. Had no children. He too entered the M.ethodist

ministry; held important charges in Minneapolis, Kansas

City, Chicago, etc. He was a Bishop andgovemed dis¬

tricts in St. Paul and in the Philippines. After re¬

tirement he lived in Pasadena, Calif,

Sarah Elizabeth, bom’ln Salem, Ohio, Sept. 13, i860; died in

Independence, Kansas, Feb. 28, 1939* Married George T,

Guernsey and had children: George T. Guernsey Jr, now

living in Cape Girardeau, Mo; Jessie (Mrs. Mulfoid Mar¬

tin) now living in Glens Falls, N. Y.; and Harold (who

died in boyhood). She was prominent in all sorts of

organizations and womans activities, culminating in long

terms of office in the D. A. R. (Regent, President Gen¬

eral, etc).

Alexandrine Hamilton (Dove E.), born in Johnstown, Pa. Sept.

21, 1862; died in Emporia, Kansas, Jan. 10, 19^3* She

never married. Was a prominent teacher In Kansas, Mon¬

tana and New Hampshire, etc.

Samuel Burke, bom in Leavenworth, Kansas, Sept. 24, 1864;

died in Leavenworth, Kansas, Jule 12, 1865*

Dannetta Patrlketta, bom in Leavenworth, Kan. Dec. 13, 1866;

died in Emporia, Kansas, Sept. 10, 1944, She married

Jones E. Eckdall. (No children). She also was a pro¬

minent teacher (in Art) end in D. A, R.; Colonial Dames.

tafft ;^8X .rs, ,8i,A ,tn.rt3,xxA at. tworf .trtaxiB ••Xt.rfO Id' _<r __- _ 1



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lo BJioa XXa nt #HaaXr«q .aw ed8 .(Xoorftod at bait

SnoX at s<iXX*:XnXi/t> .aaiJXvXJsa ,n«,ow iaa aao'XJa.iaasTo

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.Aqae .a, .nvoxanrtol nX n^orf .(.a ,W) 0o«i„« anX.r&«c.XA .3

•tf8 .CAW .OX Inat .aaanaa. ,ax.ioqo3 nX rXiaXX. .-SMx ,XS

-noK ,taenaa nX larfoaa, JnanXmott, a aW .bafnam aayaa * ..'..V ■ . ‘5..- ■*. .

if ~. ■AV .0^# , Ailrfaqinaa £>ffa arisJ ^ ^ r f ■*

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.CdSX ,SX atuZ .aaaoaZ ,a^owieveaJ at X»XX> ••

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