the hiekmto eeurier.a blok mark hei


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J. 0. StubbsDtNTI»T

rvvaftf'i Mar*N«. «l THE HieKMto eeURIER. A BLOK MARK HEI


in»n» tliat rout lub•crlptlon bat axplradK*ncw promptly II yi uirant thr papa r to ooni«to 70U aftar tlita moii.k



How Pres. Taft Economizes

a C.runtctl uo•M lb* •«Wbirl.

Snappy^^^^^ ihc liisl winch

hat proved hi

be wob wbiriwbNl mmmm^lliit st>li\li iiiikJi I is uiU' <tf

Ihc- iituki popular llu» mmuu.HiibbML

I'niir hiillnns ulul ilun'i for-

iti i I list lh«kv arc builuaiia)j^ fur fbaaa.


Fite iba lout lora aiid ait.


CPOSSETT^SHOE$4 to If tvtrywktrt.

LmV a. CfmW. \mt . Mafcar.

to Tan «MiMmUr MoawBlcal?T«« aMV«r la UiM aot only bM

kit adMhiMniUon bwn far fron "oc-onoiiilrnl. 1,111 ilial it I,... n ih«ruatlh iii III III.' liiHinit i>r iIm' I iiili-d

SiHd N

The (<Ml«Tal t-ailiuaUfa for IVI2 ar<-

t>l«lM>r ibaa for IDII, m4 ttlt ka»ktihM- tkaa l»ia.

Tall aaant mora BMMii>r In kiM-iiliw

up ih<< Whit.- iiiiiiM.' Ill iIm' \< .>i i:<iu

llimi uiiy |ii>-Ni>|.-iit iiMil r<ii ;i MiiiilMr

I" Mc"l II- utf Mini.' riKiiri H ili:ii

hIium hIiuI It I'tMlla III.' p><<«|l|<- ut Ih.'

I'iilii-<i Klal4-a to pruvMf a |>iUa<-«.

• lib all iiM fomp ana aplonaar g( a

iMiii-«utv for our m yummt prxata^iii

Halurr <if III.- HraaMval $7 ••

Travrllug rtpfUMNI Xu.UWU

AMUNNokllaa aiia vrklrk'a .... 3.%,WM>

('(iiiiincrnt fHiia IT, iHMi

Willi* boua* ltnpro*ain(.|iia . . Ih.ihhi

Kuriilaliliica aiiii draptrirw .. ir>,o<Hi

S<-< n-turit-a ana cl<>rka 8!i,!c<i

ruri' of Rr<NMMto .'..iHMi

i-iKiiilna T If -

•• IH'I l< IHMI

H«aalr of graaakoaaa a.ouO

CSar* or graaakooao 9jmHrlnilnic s.uoa

Sborl of Hilp.

Total •Isaa^M

Smith & .Aiiihcr;^

Maiblaary kaa k^a aklwad torw A lioada- oMT kftek plaat. la ko« aiMl oa vkat la kaava m tko Jaa.

•'ratia ataM BoatkwaM of lki> eltr

MiiltH TlUk luaililiM'i) U for tbi>

iimhiug ol itri«aail bikb. abub arvfar


"urk kalUlac» iMo Nnprovlac tka ranAa wkli* w<>i«

f,,> iiiH iul.-O on 11 llliill.d miij.-

\ |,rltHl<- aallili »|l| !•<> built lu tb<-

• r.l" III tnki' rarr of ablpplag ont'TaI if ciiwcia to kava kla saw pbut Ui

••parMtaa akaat Aarll lat. aa4 will

' im oat « naa krtdi miiinarr «UI

Two Irlahm.-n <il<«l Oni- wi-nt to

I ' .ixh :iii<l til.' iiMii r Wi i.l In li- ll

Mik,' i.illitl (Itiwii rrttiii liiu\,|i :iiiil

.'i.kxt I'm luia h.* waa k>'I<Iiik :il"i>t

I III abovaMng i-oal," aaM I'at. "l)u

wMi ba*a to work vory kavir* ''Not

v ry." ko aaM. "w« kava aklfm I

•iiiir work akoai ikra* boora a day "

r.<i Hull IlKiiiliol lit MIk.' Iiiia Ik-

Win ii.ikli* It rill ii»i«|>liiK ill. Mil

.ilrx " (III y<Hi iiH\i' ti,

».>ik >.r> lianlT' "V«a." aaitf MIkf,

I kava to wort akaat otiktooa koara

• 4mr aa wo are akort mt m^m ay

It ooata over a quarlHr of u nilllion

dollara a y<-ar to pnivlO.- fur TaflAimI It ( |;'r,,ooo a year to bavol.liHolii III III,, wbilt- houan!


'laft all, 1,1 Ih not to blame. Oar|

«l-«r HUt..aiu(-D OB Capitol HIU ara


reaaonaibk., too. Tkoy flrat tralaaa|

tb« preaMaat'a aalary to ITS.WW. wHbiha naaratandlnR that It waa to «i>v..r

bin tr:i\i-lltiK I xiK iiH, > Kill :it ih,-

luMt h' mkIoii ii|i|iro|iriiii,'ii IHMI

tra Til. 11 ii> III, .11, ,11, .11 . ,1,1 til I

rnU.d iloir own HHluii.h lioiii ..,(•(«)

to %i:,<m Th.) built bi-autirul warI'll- orrii'it bulMlnaa tar tkaawolvaa,wllk all klaia of IvxorlMi at tko BM^•vBOMMfa aKaanor.

It raaU about tlO.mto nn hour torun (III- Ihmih, of r, lie -- ni.itu. . h,-

'"•<:ill>ll |IO|,I||m| 1. 1, 111. I, of .|,|,; |. :,H

Kroiii III.. >, , :' .,, 1,, I', I, I ,(„.

liriliv iiikI ||l|\y I ol.Hlilii, (J |l,4K:|,jt>U,-

•"••I liiirliiK tho flabt yearn prfcad-iiiR tba HpauMi war (IM»-tollW«> tkn«<>voraiaaat aaant IBi.Raa.ata to bmIbtCain tbc army aini imw ruiM m«atiaaa lnrr«>aaa of o\< r u i.iUioii doUara.Ana tb«> aatf la aot yot.

iuin fu 1m.

Valm atr la fislat to oaiaM fcer

oMr MaiNa. laaw tklaa aoMM kara.

Mra. Jaaalo Karlia, uf Jurdau. ba»

aaoaaiac aovatal tfara wUk Mra.

J. K. Mllaor, oar r t^anty

raMaa, MaaAar.

If tko KoBtockjr aab la geinc to

Aa aar kaoaUac tta akaat iMao tkojr

warn taotlai tfcoir

Hoaaaily, Ao jroa tklak tkat 441

agtraaaiaa comIA ooom aaarar aav-

tko eoaatnr tbaa ttIT

la WaaMactoa a woiaa larr fin«^

a mail for awaarlna. Tkia laoMoat

wlH not kola tko aaaao of

fn«a la ratios

A wgaaa ain yank up tin- »'uv

•>P«'B uf h«-r i'»iriii-t until .iliin»<t

•I'l, , ,.-1. ll, I M.lll 1,1 t of . |illl II

•I' ltd liird uu her bat aitd (u alrulllas

-round town aoWac tkifcata tor aaHtartalaaiaat to ralao amaay to aaaA

H lot of aikMloaarlaa to aoaw toraica• iiiiK- for tka paraaat af toarbiiiK • iv

illyatUin to tka haathpna, aim li >\<'

ln-\.-i know II wliiii It » us to », iir li

•«!»<. I . ,||m| alio liuvo llfl-ll HtniKllllliX

mUiiik III (hi. iKiHirani bi*ll<>r (hat

birda wt-ru craataA to alas, laatvad nfbell* worn aa a kat.—Laaalla Wt^k-h Sijiilrt.

Hayuolda Maaa A Co., wka raoanUyI'urekaaaA Um laaAar yarAa aaA atock•>f tka HtokauM Launbar A IManlng

Mill Co, anaounca that (h«>y bavii

111. ,. i . .| tli. lr hIim k'l l.y !«. v, r »l

Iboii mill ilolUtiH. uikI uii' now |>i''

pai,(l III riiriilnii liiuilur iiiul iiial i

lal tor bulMluc nay klud o( a atrui i

ura oa abort aatlna aaA at raaaou>bla prloaa.

RM. W. H. OWaa. of llftidciMiii.

IVnn, Will fill kla ragalar appoliK

ueat at Mt UaraMa ant SaaAajr. A-paoial eoilaetloa wUI ko takan for

foreign nUaahiaa. .BrarytMHly IuvIimI.

Ukuwaca D. mitaaa. a ailllloaaira

town att« pivmotar. waa faaoA guilty

In tbe K<><ti<nii Court on tko ckarga of

ualog tb«- iiiailH (o di frauA.

There la not much being aalA In

tbe paji' i^' now of a poliilial luiluri-

Yet, We may <-sp<M-t )'VL-rytliliig to be-

Kin to koU to a law Aaya.

Ilii'i Coiiil,, l< I I'.-<Ik 1111,1 Sllvir

l.:i,,it WyaiiiloltL* t^ga fur ttule. $1

loi a s,'ltliitf of IT.—Mra. Floniiii

uiLu, iiickaian, Ky. :tp

I'raitlriilly all of the M.OAV troopa

ori|.>r>-4l to thi- Tetaa Itordrr have ar- it .'S.ll, \llt,,||IO ,11 CllU l-htOll.

iilul ;tl liiMli |il.>.,h ill, ,<ii< uiii|>"<l .1

mhIIIiiK fiinli, I or,l,'rH frtiiii thi- Wiir

Itepartmeul. A general iwpreaalou

pravafla aamng tke oMa tka< tkey

aro to ae« actual flgktlasrAao to

the fart that they kavo koaa koavliy

iiroviKioii.'ii ati<i HiippiM wHIl aauiu-

iilllua no blanka.

The d<<ath rhair, to b«> uaed In i lt-f'

IriMlllllij; , ,,|ii|,.|lHl, ll |>ri Mllll-IH lit ItlH

K.lil.tnll, |„ 1,11. i,tl.,r> IH riiilali..d.

I ll, I I, 1 I ,« , . I,, nil :ii lit,. .Sbi-rrlll

Kuam-ll iilant, ut I'aducah. ll la ofllgkt coloraA. keavr oak. awkotont tally

built. anA witk paAArA aeat and adjuaial>le bark, ahm paAAeA. t'laiii|iH ftir

'hi hIioiiI.Ii ih for tiM- ariua ai,«l I,,

aiikli >, will, ., ,a,,_ nil If, rUlidwith I'l, I it^iii, .... loiiipit'te tka Aaaihdiialing outfit, abi-n properly coaatv i

oA wttk tha current. Tke ckalr'a ap-paaraaea gtvea ao lAea of tke komkla aao ta wkleb R to to be put. imi

wkaa Tialtora aat to it Juhi -for tba." and fait thi- K-riaiiipinu

ai ttli ill, » II u|Niii tlii.|r liiiibh

and riMii/,,1 tli.y louUu'i mo*,,(bi-y api>i, . i.ii, ll 1,1 u aiiiall m<*aauitbe hvlpleaa agony of aatldpatioiitkroBgk wkick tko ooaAaataaA mannuat ao tar tko fowtag Ma

Mra. J. T. st'-phi'iiH \iKii,ii ii,>r SIS

tar, Mia. A. J. Murpby. at I nlou Ciiv•avaral Aayr laM

Tko aMVlnr piriiir, l,iislii,M. iri I,,

Aay the ari'ai, st •liul' m ih, »,,ii.i

riii > ur, un.ll III aliiiiml , w r> < il>

town .Hill liaiiili t in III.' riiiii-<| .Slut. "

With Deuiorratk' li-adi-ra of tii -

houa«* In conft-reiu-a on a progruin

tba Impaackmoat of tka Becratary

tko latortar Balllagar aa a faaturv ,,t

tka ettra anaalon loonit-d up ax

atrona probability. Kfpri-at'niiitlvi- ol

ll, liiiiiis. i,r Ki'iitiiik>, vtli.i uiratikli»«; Ih-inoirat in tin- llitllinK> i

Mill hot III vi-Mt Illation. Is li-itdlliK tli-

movement to impeach Ualltiigcr. II-

aaM that ka will latroAaoe a raaolu

tlon. AeaMaAlac a trial of tba cain

net officer and an lavaatlgattoa oi

i-vory ili-pariiiii-tit by a Deauierailr

bouai- coiuiulltee.





Oaaartahi Mart Hohaaaar a

YOUTIE going to wear the best clothes

in town this Spring if we have any-

thing to say about it. You*ll come here to

get them;

Hart Schaffner & Marxclothes ; we bought them for you« and we ll show you

juft the fuit we have in mind for you when you come in.

You can buy lower priced clothes; but

youVe likely to find them more costly

Suits $18 and more.

We have other makes, too, at $10, $12.50, up to $16.50

all the very best values we can find at the prices. Give

us a trial this Spring.


Wom's Work.

Ihe qulat toltbtal way ta wbUb a

Moinan ottoa at auperlor Intellect,

and AecMaA tolaat for kigber tklaca,

Mill Alah-waak aU ker life away for

her huaband and children, la a atar

\i l ul palii iil I'liiliiiaiii ,- lli-ru the

itiiiiili' 1,1 Hoiiiaii is till- lii-av'eMt

M, .S<HNM r ib III I Hulk dlllll' lluiii I

i,i|iilri'a lo bi> ikine uvt-r agaitn. Mi ii

take eonlrac'a uf work on tbeui, fin

lab tkam, and tbey are over for all

time. Tke praapect of obAIbb tk^mami druwhiK pay for the labor to al-

liiriiiK. .And wouiun'H iwurk holda nu

snrll liniiiiis-' Sin- w,i..-li,.'- on .Mm

il..> ttfliT .\loiiila> III!' saim- Kaiim ais

iiii'il tliiii- In no iiiori- of till-Ill lo

^viub; tbeu they are replenlHbed by

iie« onea like oM, aad tbe rubbinx

and wrtastoc aooa oa aatU tko wora-

uut kanAa ara toMoA ftor tkeir etoraal

and only roat. Ska meuda atot-klutis,

wItk Urataaa OAallty, week after waak

,111(1 y, ar alli i Ji-ur Kvi i n iiioi iiini;

till' ifiiiiii- rouiua arc* to l>»- pui Inorlci',

only to be to the WiMeat disorder by

:-v.>nlng. Tbe aane atocklnaa, tke

hiinie waaking, tko aaaie eleanlac aaAiiii,kiii»: In i-ndleaa rotation, which. If

(liii I' piiiiii|iily and pro|M>rly leav, ..

t > iiiiK for r,Milin»; ami • If , nllur-

uliiili. asi,l,' lioiii til,- III, a. 111.' II af

foril' III,' \M>ii.ati. IS III, iiiiU iii,aii>

< ' filliUK one-Ht'lf fur the iiiii-llft-tuul

, •.ituiw af flbttAraa. wonder that women are not

tlilnkerH. or tliul I hi- danahtfni nf Bin-

1,'skIV)- Ken, rut Ions .m \a|,i,l iiiirill

lun-il t-ri al III , s. iii< .ipaliU- of lornili.K

an opinli 1 III" iiKisi liuiKiMani nub-

]> i ts of bumau i-uiialderatlou.

riiere la too little brtgbtneaa In

:!., lives of women. Tbey have too

lit till help In their AoneaUo oocapa-


veryboAy iMeAa a box oooafc. I

make them to your order.—Chas

Ward, over fuaua. Helm A Co.

Marriage Liceoses

Tke foliowtoc wera graataA Itooaae

III marry In Oblun ('t>uuty laiit ae^k.










L.. Waldrop and Beulah CkapmanO. Klag aaA OaM Ooodwla.

J. CaveaAer aaA B. L. Caaatog-

V. Bruce. Jr., aad LUUe Malu

r Lofton auA AnnU- KniKhl

II Johnson and Matiii- Chaudler

('. Brown aiul KUnu Wud.'

, U Marshal and Leiui Uouglaa.

A Smooth Skin

Black lltitdH. Cbapa, I'implea, Soreaand all iinlu'ullliy i-oiulltionM uf theakin ail' iiiimIkIiiI) and di*lrat't fromIhi- lookr, l',u,> It hon of lir Hi-ll s

\ lit i.s, pill' Salvi-, a ir,aiiiv, -uiou

\sl,ii, I,ml 111, 111 apply aa dliti ted and,,,ui kill twii ll, as clear aa a babeaAl all deitit-iH lu wedletaea.


First-Class Work Guaranteed.

Reasonable Prices.

W. A. DODDSPlumbing and Tinning: Co.

Hmm Onltntol

No. 84.

' Offioo*



•1M 9W

Nt'il Ttiuixla> is Uiv (lay btl (or

liu cuuvvuliou ui Coluuibuit lur uuuii-

latinc « Itamucratic cnudldatu for

atau lagUiauirt) trvm tbU di»-

tftak. It to kick Vtmm U« voton of

tkto ttMet WM« Mklas a» U«trioladi wbetber or not It •hall be a

oiiveulitiii h) uml tor llu puli; i

iaiiti," ur Mtii'ilicr a ti^xxJ, o.iii,ikui

t uiuii Khali reprvitt'Ut uh iu uexi

eiialatura. PreMuoius thai ta«

jl« aaai Mt kasv •ajrthlac •bout

what cow BO UMoaceawBU hav«MOB piM«< boloro tb« people o( this

fOCtlon aolk-lUng fear ur fawir, aud

he gauie ti\M:» uu wilti iiiii>uiiit> . It

n >niU lUt-n- arv- alioul ii liuil (Ji>/< u

ueii Mbo a»pire tu lUla uKieu, wtUi

•t cum-Bboe poUUcUa tbrowa In ti7-

to boU tho strtnc* on on* or two4t thMB. It In ntortnnnto lar «b«

:azpn]r«ra that wa dldnt bava a pri-

uarjr, but It Isn't too late to select

I Kuud uiaii fur IU-pr> scutaliv < . but

lulfba M>iue iiniiitHiiaU- acliuu la luk

II, tlif iMJliUt itii.a will coutrul the

jobvaatlon and the rlag will not be

\>iohnn. It to to tfea vatan to ae-

Jraet tto itsM kln< U dalagataa at

lb* praeteet oonvantloaa nast Tvaa-

dax *°bo will repreteut theu at Co-

Innibua on the followlog Tburailajr.


nia daaAb o( G«o. KoU.-rtti calU

.0 mind tba (act that In lM*a there

were only four laborlns uien In

Hteluaaa. The/ vara Wb. V. BarnaaWIU nyu. Itat inhUM and Mr.Bobaru. At tbat Uaa w a had nofactories, and four man waa ampleon ( for di'iiiunds for manual labor.

N'uw there arc uiure than a thousandlien doing the same work that tbe

ronr men lookad after IS /anra afo.

No man la in pohiUoii to do bis

lut/ who la oontrollad bjr tba aabi-tloa to ba • laadar or wke la alwnjra

looktac o«t for kla own political fu-

ure. Laaderablp in thought and in

i«iliU<ai actioii l.s ii.liiil.s 1 ndi-iJi-inl

111 of I ;lll^u^.• M :iii(l ( III. . I,' iciii^ Me•-adn who proiHiM h il.. m. u->-

uraa and daXuud a ibum with tbe

Tba reaHwiHoB at Richard A. Bal-

linnar, na Baoratary of tka Interior,

waa BMda pobHc Tuesday and wasibaa aoeepted by PnnMaat Taft, whoat ODoa anMMBOed tba appotataaat<if Walter U riakar to ancoeed to

JMr. Bnlllncar'a pUea In tba eablnaC

McCracken c<.ii!ii> i jnii inn omthe oril- r for ;jt) mili-s of K'uvel road

o be bulh durinK l!*ll. Wish Fulton

•county could rejoice some along that

line. Why not make tbe start byimildiac tbat road fram Fdltmi toillekaMar—rulton Leader.


i<Nk at Ika

R. Kalcbt died In Pal-

lia of 46.

Screen Doors

Springs and



Haw to Use (he Leftover

the Pitcher.

It v.TiM« . nii l iron* (.1 • l> ;iu hiMls*

nlili milk wlicii It !•< -o IiIkIi •veu for

lIp.Hc uli.> wlih t<' ilrliik II. I>iil sour

ai!<l .-kiiii iiiliu Mill! i.iitiermllk are just

ns i;o<-<1 for thii |iiir|HiM<>. no H to Mt su

Hiiti'TiiMlk i« IIk' lieMt poKMtble thing

l« cltMii ilii.>l<-iiiii Hud nilflolh. JUMt

rn<>|> It ii|> u i><>rt i-lotb and watchthi- ilirt tuki n off by tbe appltcatlon.

.\Ihiiii II work to aAan sneaghfor till* I'U-Niiiiii;.

Kiilicr vkiiii or soar milk will amkeriii.i..T i^.'iiit- uniw. Wask tka Imtmniiii a M<ift cloth In milk and water.

H|">iiuliii; <«a<-h off <-an>fully Inalda andout iiimI (lottrlng the remainder a( yearbiisiii Inlu the gmund of tbe tob. Tbalilnnt grown and tbrtraa an K.

Milk wril nibbed Into

ni'ikfo u coi-d farnitnre paMike<-|iiiii; tlie thiiiy surface In gooddition Von du not need fnijuent

Iretiliiii'iit. At tioiiiMt'lcauIng time Is

often eiioiii:!

So here :ir.' Ilini' wiivs St least of

uhIiik tile (•fro\<-r and syaMad een-

lelita of till- milk pit. her.

Hoti to Frtuhsn Ribbon*.Now U tlM' liiii.- to K''t tl»' fai'illy

tr>';i»iir<- l«'\ iIohh fr-iiii W* pin. •• "ii

llif . loK-i .'lii-If and t:ikf iin u. . ouut

of luir -t.M-k "f rllil'oiis mill I ;!. «•.< »iol

i.tloT tl.lMt- w lili 11 . ..111.. In hniidv

fur ti iiiiliiliii; I lie 1 tilldri n n hi Ii.h.I hntu

or iililiiii; .1 f<-w I. III. lieM til iiiir ownliivi jivir ^ h;i|«nu Muny of tlie old

rll;!i..|i~ 111 UM1I to v.'rv tn.''

tidt :iiit:ii:r if tli.-\ are proi*rly fresh

i>ne<1. W .i ti Ml.- rllitioii In w iriii -ohiiv

wiiter I'll not nib llie m.iiii on tb«

lililH.ii, lull riiiK* the rlMH>n lu 1 lear

«:inii w.ii. r iiikI llieii rull It rmind a

tlii^^ l>iill<. « hi. h bus lM-«'n i nvered

U'ltli II Mifl M^iiiiiel. Till- kIoh<< Hiid

pri'lty fililsil of the ribl'oii hIII !>•

sinilli il I' l< Il preiHHl >%1th the wnriii

It< n Till' ilrvliii: ovit tbe glam tjiitti*

vviil uiiike It Uiok almost as good as

Hew to Prett With Paper.Will 11 ,\.iii ;iii- to press a (ilerA

of ^ill •>! .if lll.ll.ill. to lllllkl' HU III!

• jii.iMlli^l -oi. i fss i.f II pla. e a plii e of

siiL'iitl.t il I iii| I'lii'il tvrapiiini; paperoMT It l.i'fi.ii. 11-..nine The pup«-T \*

loiiii'thliii; iliiii Is aU«iiyi) oil linud.

'riiiTi fiir.. It N III. I niiii h trouble for

v. ii t.. i|.. .iiii w lii'ii you itee the

ri- III! Kt > 1: »|.friiii. iif. no vwtli."'

I.f 'iiil III .vi.'i r .iMil pill e, II nf\»i»h

-riiTiii-Kfi In ilii- fiilirtc snd a perfi^ t

.:i<i-^ .TiNi tklll nerer depart ttim this

How to Make Buttonholst Strona.T.i I'./il.. 111. l.iitioulioleM KtrmiK In

liKili -ii's . lilt 111-., n.irk ovi-r ordliiHry

soft w ri|iplii|{ -iriii_' Ifolil II .III the

liislil.. :i.. neiir the mlKe sx |NMHlble andIt will Rbow wbaa the katfkiliIs flnlsri.M|

How to Shava Easily.

A rniur will 1 ni more remllly If It If

dipiied in hut water Just befuce It to


No Names Called.

A fwaer wear Wiaktoan totopboned

Madaj tor a daetor to eoma and at-

amine one of bla farm banda, wholiiiifi hKi <1 111 I..- ill Till- iliM-ior dkl

f-M and ruiildii'l fiiiii auylhiiMi tbe matt< r Milli till' iiiiiii, ami no riporl.d

rhat is what I IhouKhi," nald tlo-

farmer; "go back and tell liiiu tlnn-

bi notbinc tbe natter." Tbe doctor

went back and naked tka mm In

beti: "There la not tbe leaat tbini;

wrong with you; what are you lying

hiTi' for?" "\ know It." ri pin il lli"

hind man; "l.ul that man haHii'l iiio a (eirf fur tim e iiioniliit. andI inii'iid to Hluy right here until he<i<M>a pay me." "Koll over and tonkaroom for me," aaM tka doelar, "fbr

hu kaan't paid me naytklng fat three


Judge F. 8. Moore waa to Kultou.


It pays to pay—A. A. Paris.


.Miss Kutta Klmbro visited 1^ uli.m,

frienin a tow daya toat weak.j

Kver> thing In luiiibi r and buiM. rs'

hardware at Keynolda Uoaa A Co

John Owen, of FuHoa, la balptnK >>'

get tkaw toaairy to nwainc arder.

BtaiiiUrd tardeii s. . il vt ev«T> di'

aerlptloa at Uettersworib A Frathor s

Spring Opening Sale!


Naylor Mercantile Co., Cai|ce, Ky.

We dedire to announc* to the public that we have jiul recehrtd Ifie nkctt and

betl gelertgil atock of Dry Gooili. Notiona, Shoea and Oxforda, etc., that havtI

ever come to thia market. «nd we want the people to come to our btore Of

course we want your buaineaa and are going to offer you special inducemniti to

come Mid Wag yoor egg* and p««lliyo we are going to give you valuei thtt

wtt pay jou lo co«M aad bring your produce, will pajr jrou Um kifkaat markn

who baa b**-


to luprutTom TbompaoB,

qalte tow witk


Mayor W. V. Caulfelld. «f Oloster

MisH.. ordera the Oaarier tor aaotber '<


R U KJIiatMi la making aoMit- un

priMtvi'iiienta on kto '*Mtor>'ie«'

ri »id<m •.

Couiit.t AiioriK-y lioni-y and ."^ -

iiiiuj.-oii were in Fulton aa kaKiii' Ki.

riiiii xi.i\

If prii-es aud quality wlU get )i'ur

truile. we are Itr-IOataMe PlWnilure


.Mrs. Carl Schmidt went to Kuimi

Monday to vtoft bar toathar. Mr>

tioo Jones.

ChiHlir Harding left f>lda.« fo^

K' liiK tt. Mo . aftti r a vMt With hl<

fiUher. II 11 Harding

S. c. Duller, of the Carrbmoii

Mo.. RepabUcan foraa. wea In thl^

city on buaineaa Satarday.

Vpboialertoc at erary daacriiinoi.

Brine ta yaar aU farattara and aei

It flia^. ap.—Ward, afar i^toi >>• >'

* On.

A diapaieh beai Waahkvtoa states

that It to itrtaally aaaared that .^mth

Triabto. n( Keatacky. wW ba appon-'

ed elafk aC tka 1

Tbia to the time for epriitfl fe«wing.

New eartead PIttaburgh PeffMt fence

received. Absolutely guaranteed. Let I

jt «how you.—W. A. Doddt.|

"nie new United Siati h itate wnl

lie (Oiuposed uf fort.\s.i)«' I >.'nio<°rtt la

ihlrty-eigbt "regular" Hepublicaaa andt:

A well known Hitknian firm will

liuild a big branch store buildinc in

W. Mt Hic kman, beglnnlna about twoluontba beaoe. Other cbamee will

also be Bade to the Ami's baatoaaapoIU-y.

A bic flourlag »IU beh>ngli« to H.B. Cnrlton, baraad down at

Tbnraday ntobt about li o'rioal

aldea tbe house and nmchinerya total ^l^s 'joo barrels uf

a lot of lirulii were loot.

I. I' MiClavy, the Metnpbis con-

tra>-i<ir who has Ix-i n duii« some le-

vee work near Hickman has caatract

ed a big lot of the grading aC theN.. C. * St. L. rallraad's baR.Uneaoatb of town. He will look after

llu- work from Troy rxail 'o ibe gov-

iTtiiiH-iit lovi... in West lliikiiian. .Mr

Ml Clavy Mlnrtisl bla force of workmenon the job Saturday, and will be here

In the nolgbborboed of three aatbeto tooTa tha 4MM eabto yar* af




Good drug* mean eveiylliiag

because they indnde high gndeas well as freslinrss.

Remember that fact in hav-

ing;; .-itiy prrncription or medic-

inal r< < ipi- fillffl.

All thr prc!M ril>ing and dis-

pensing of your prescription is

wMled unlem tbe ingvediMits

ueed in k Me of the beH.

You wiD find liMm aom


18 pounda beat grnnulated auRnr tO

Best calico made at 5c per yard.

Pmtta and International Poultry Pswdtr. tOe ptr pfef^ Mt tkm,

Hope Bleached Domrslic. per yard.

Lemon, Vanilla and ail tlavohng extracts Ac per viaL

The Udjr bringing or tending in the groeleel number of eggs on Sntandoy, March

iSth, we are going to give a handsome 92.50 dining ri>om fruil pkture free

We will likewise give • prise every Saturdaytotho Udy bringing ibo greatsrt

number of eggs* Priie to bo onnomicod ono woib in n4iWW^

Of Interest to MeOeWe have a cor lond of BuggMt •mi Form Morbinety Iknt wo can't shed w*

mutt sell.

$75.00 DelkerBuggi«i«l 70.00HooMor Com PUnter 81.60

BFLSr FARM KKNCC MAOC7 Bar. la incb SUy. 26 incb bigb 90e per rod8 • • 32 " 98c •

9 " " 39 97c10 47 29c "

7 Bar, 6 inch Stay. 26 inch high 95c "

8 - 32 99« "

9 " - 89 - 88c •

10 - • 47 - 8irc •

Hardware, Tooli, Gear and Harneas of all kinds. Roofing, Guttering, Olivrr

and Vulcan C hilled Plows. The Pilot Disc Cultivator, thia is certainly the l>e«t

Diac C ultivatur made. For one week only we will aell you Pratts and Inlnns

tional Stock Powders, 25c package for 20c, 50c pnaknge for 40c ThnmaiHog Cholera Remedy, 26c pockago foT 18c Btocholi iMtarnatwasI

Stock Powder at 3.00.

Make our store your headquarters for 1911, and bring your produtr and


hNMIi dnins.

The people of Hickman will hati

a chance to se^ the ballleHblp Idaho

Hoiio' tilue diiriiiK Ma.« If tlo Ihk w u

fiKliliT lau find eiiouxb wal> r ii>

float h' r liitwi . Il .N.-W tirleana and

HI Untia. The people id 81. Ixui"

have reta il atod the aary depar<m> i t

to let the ahtp ttolt tka Mtoaoart m.

tnipolla. and tbe reqaeot has b<-« n

K in 111. si

1 11. \l ,,^i~-.lpp| II. a IIHKlll * liU

HU .1 it is II llttU' lliilllilflll if

Ihi' Bliip > an rind aufflt ient watiT lo

fl<jat her. Many old river mea think

she wlU get tbraagb, altboagh herdliplaewint to IS.SSS toaa, and ber

draft when fblly <<mlo<l Ih l'4 fis i s

Inches. As a roinparnMui tin. I.<i

IJlx- iHkiis li,i\. .1 iliad of oiil) b II.

lu fi-.'i and till y ari' hoiih'I Iiio n KtraiMl

ed. Hut Ih.' MpriiiK riHi' which lo

generally on about May wUl add umtartally to the depth a( tha water.

llk-kiuan baa been vih|i>«1 by the

gun boat NasbvUle, Uie Meuttar Ar-

kaaaaa aad a tarpeda flatUla. It la

to be keped tkat tka praaaat aeparl-

eat will be sucoeaaful, aa tbIa la

the largiWt boat thai ban e\i'r undertaken III Kii w> far up the river.

Mrs. Fannto Bhaw aai ana. M. B..Shaw, entertained their frienda In

Hie Imniedlale nelghborhnod of their

home. Monday i'\i-iiliiK I'luf .MasV\ iiliiiaii, .1 iniisU iaii nl not., m aa the

iiiiun aitiactiuu. It was a musbaltreat and aaloyed very aMWh by all


Make them think you have a brannew hewae. Paint It thto aprinf andfliaha R l«ak Hka aaar. W. A. Daddahandtoa lha bsat palat la towa.

Ggd If Tluili.

Wf thank Hie uiuny frli iuIh whowere with i» through tbi> diitth or

our dear eon and brother, lie was agood bay aad wUI ba atoaed. Oodbleas areryaaa tkat waa with oar son

sad brsthar.—Aaato UaaU aad aoas.

CawfM en toe"Welt. I don't eara." en

aagry baaband. mam af saywoald approTo of aaakon the part of bto wife."

"Hut. my dear." aabaly .

allegMi better fcalf af tkaeomblaa. "^sw daatoa wMk My aaai



aetH Waya."Staiutira prove tbat

preveriiltp aaalaMthe WiM. Ouy.

"W.i|i. itl a poi>r rule thai wontwork txith ways." a.liled the HtmpleMug Htullatira also pmve thai Sul-

elde to a preventive


Just Lihs a Woman.Mr .'^lulih I .i<rti<-i|it 1 Msria, wbo

In llie worl.l took all tnr

AggH out of th.i IllCIl

them on the cold fli-ir*

Mrs t^iiliti Whv I dill. Jiiba I

fcinnil the iiii iitiiitor Ibe haadleatIn the »orli1 to ri

these chilly algbta.

UtT VOU rOttOgT-«fca ptaea topat bwlldlni matortal, palnta, ell. tuf^

pontine, and all neeeeaarles In build-

ing and finishing a Iiuu«p, even tu

the gMttering, is at W. A. Oedds.


As we kava been to tke pkotograpbbaalaeaa la Hleknuin almoat l>0 years,

we are going to show «Hir appreclnHon and ul lln' huiuo liiio' ct-lflu ^ii-

our ;!Ulh uniiivuiHaiy by kIvIiir ourpalruiia the adwtntaK< of (he followill*- low prii .»< fur a hIhhI iln,,. i,i,lv

CABINET PHOTOS, a dot. .$2X0POST CARDS, a do< yieMANTILLAS, a doi «1.00

TbuiikliiK oil) uiiil all fur paHl fa

vora and MilicltinK a <onllnuan<o of

name, we are respectfully.—ROHKHALK'S PHOTOOBAra OALUKT.Over Udfard * laadto^.

HBRHINB curea coitaUpatlon andre <-«iabiiabaa regular bawal move

iiiH I'rtoa Me. ialt hf HtokuiauUrug Co. §

"The HIekman werhlngmji i •

to Mw tafMlaiato torpat of t««o

chant." says tha Judge, i -<

the pane aead aapht te b* »t""'|

aar MWtOmmON OCPT. a \

Itoa Sf Druge and Sundin-i nu

tMf prIaedK—Hickman Drug C»

Silver of Quality

Hrif «HI vowr ow|u*lgm#«i •*

t>ni|pin. *• t

noMtirf >lti' <

It mw^lOBl IraKiir



U lltV IlKlilt

ih« keck ol •|>.~' -

• •I f«»i» •»i»ii' •

In •llv^r j.Uli u'


"Ji/i>rr Fill'

thai Wmh '' I

I* ultrir.1 111 I

(>|ill.illr '•'••'I

Huld tiy '

ilralria K".sraJ for *-'»i I' •

"c-L," awwiuKdssiast

Now on Display

Hosiery, Neckwear

Hats, Shirts


Belts, etc



IMicos Met Hire.

Thm rMlM OMMrty iMtm"oil liirt Ik Htckauui iMt Thuradar,<> il ih<> ait^lrtMi h»il a wry |>l4«Miit

'liil>iix III intiri nt III ih<- pro-

iixiiuii »<i< <l I »( iiji»< tl . uiiil ilif day

ayt |» frli-iidl) hiU'ri oiiriu'

aiiMiUM v«* On. Ni^rlor m4WrlglM. «f Qiyw: Ahwiir. LMm•Ktf fMiM. of l^^ltaii: Mnoi*. (M«i>-

I' tl <'urlln. «' \V riirliii. I.n

• I. i'Lillmi. Ilubltafd |lla> kdiitl and

ii«lis»r. Ilivknian

VuMIng pliyileteM w< n- Ora Kh b-

Ml iMi. Mvaa ikmi 9atiwt, tl CllaUiu.

••ibMB. fti HMrt— » wMft^ mmt 1tm turn* la Afrtt.

RmMiiit Of kmd.• llhUKAts. ii,Hl. In III* liiflnilw

.1.1111 liu r< iii<ik<M fiiiiii our iiiUUI.

><" ti W. Kulx-rta, b<- K ri'WiKt^

I MAT. KlUlMi L«l«« N«. U, 1. U.'* r . l«M •( Ms MM iar«i

•im wartty om who Mlvr-la tto iMkaU Bad prliict|i|r« taucbt

> Ihto f4iT and ttlitHH' iifi ili<r«-' WOB «on*l«l< M III till .nCllillnll

M iif II r<'|iiii>i(h>h ibal all of iiii

ma) t'Vi r rvinaatiMr «lUi Iwlnc K'*'*'

raiulljr our bwtfalt a)r»|Mtkl<i« *k»t

ropy ul ihttmv MaaluUoaa b« .pr««4'ir Uix iiiiiiuit-a ti< tin- lfidK<< aud prv• iiiiti tu lUt lUckauw UiNUtor lor

t' ailob aad b i( MMM kc

W. O. ITOOKTON,A. J. wiunr.i. T. ULIiON.

Forineriii of Hickisifl.

Tk« Mlawtas dlpplt fraai » Cm*OlimrdMM iMiiM'r. c hronk It-a tba 4««tbof Mm Jm Wolii-m. «bo. aa MiMN>-iiii \iiiwi ii'ikiiiiiii. waa kwnvn lo

a iiuiiiU I of Mi< liMiaii c iilufna:

Mr« .ini WuiiiMn dli'd at btfT bonio

> JarhMM Tburad^jr aflvmoM al 4

•'rioek tnm I* grtpv* >»kn». lb*ka« kMi atck Miy a few 4«r* mi4bdf 4Mlk eooiM u a terrtbU ahork<(i u *;r>al many rrii nitK

Mm VViilliTa aax roriiK rl) Ml.-.i

Nvltl* Alma kuiHii ut tin* i l(y.

mmt was warrlxd Juae 2»Ui. IDlv.

Mka wtm m mam. ooacMlal aad plaaa

•at gM kar btaOlaaaa mmdt k«rMMjr frtaa<i. tk* waa a alairr to

Mn. NMabauui and U-bmh iiiioiIkt

alaiar, Mtaa I'auiiiiv It. • kinKii. or oun« >l> H«-r pan iita Mi ..i.i \1 1 ^ HC Ut-vkmau. and tbn v brmli* m, Kub-

•tt, Hmmrj Mmt Bar Baakaaa. ani-rt im BMara tka fraat laaa.

Mra. WaMara «aa a aiaaibar of ik«Mi-iboilai Cbiirch and fruiii iln rr tii'

ruiirral Uwk |>iac« Huadajr atU-rii<M>ii

Good Lady Gone.

Tiie loix and VMlU Ufa el Mia.Ullaakatk Baraataa, a fkiaaar aKtowiu< Ulakaaa, *aa« to a paacaM doaaat 6 o'ctoek taadajr afternoon, Marcbt2 lliia Kood lady had but-ii In badli'iilth for M sirul iiioiilhs, and baduoi lifi'ii itlili- til Icavt- bfr homa tor

tba paat tbn f iQiiDthH UrH<hi'a dla-

•aae, with tba InflrmlUaa of advaac-ed aca. waa tba canaa of bar 4aath.

laaa IIM; ta iMt i*a, wkb bar faa-tralfk. Oanaaar, Oct. St, mso, aad' 'i>'<« to Htnkaaa wi"n a umti' Riri.

wii.T<» ab* had r<-ft<liH| contiMiuuBlyMm ll< D'liili H uuh l.orn In Itogen-

lly fcHldi-d lit tbe family realdvace oniIk- uppoaiii- aidf of tbe atraat traai

tba Courier otflea far M fmn, aiov-

lac tka flrat af tka rw to thulr

araaaat kan»—the only uiov« In al-

MMt kalf a century. Mra liermdea'tiiixiiHiid. Kcrdinand Bt-rcndi-H, dtodKoini :;ii M-iira ai(o, and wuh a aboaliimiiifiii liin r nf IIiIh |iIh> i- Hh<* waaiIk' nioihi^r nf ail iblldrcn, but onlyi«-u aurvlvc a daa|bt««r, Mlaa Mary,aad a aon, Ktrdlaaad, boik of wkoai

Mra. Barrndf* waa oni> of Ike vafybeat ladira In th>> wi>rld: a levlfiir

etotker, a kiml ii' IvIiImh ;iii.| Ik Id in

htgb ealeriii by nil Km iiiuny yeani

ah<* had bwn a di vimi itK iiibi r of tb**

ratbullr Cburvb, aad her llf« waa an••laniple of fBoteaaa.

r«aaral aarrlaaa vara kaM at tka

Saatwd Haart flinrck Taaaiay aara-

lac aad aba waa buried by Patkar

f>V«INvaB. of Mnyfh-ld. at 10 o'cloak

maat. Th< ri in^iinn wi ri ('oaalCBa4

to tbiHr l.iHi n-NiiiiK at tka

City <Viiii i. ry

TIm two rhildrfu have tka atatera

ajwyatkr a« tkair aaay Maaia la

ikair I

If Dm r. i» III.) tiulk la tka war of

•omU ImI».,ii III,' Clinton Oaa^tti*

aiiil Ml. I iiMiiii ..-.ij. I II I* n plain

cajM- uf tba- poi i-allli^ tb« kelU<'

blarJL Wkalavar tka two aavapapem»iay kava ta aay racarilac aack otk-

• r or tbe(r randMatea It ia net aolnc111 III 1|. ; •mill imlll Mlllla

Hull I' ' Jl^ iiii|i|t ri-ni III il a |>iMut

whir- llii |H>ini<* III lhl« diHlrli't la

diri) and unillanirii'<l TIk' only ao-

liitlon now la tbai ibf people lake

ibe iwlaa aat of tbe baada ef tba poli-

lidaaa aad pat up a auw vkoai tkayknow vakMa kla ckaraetar aad aMMi*

hood above a few dollara.

Tomorrow la 81. I'atrti'k'a Day—"In

Mifid Fatal SboL

Walter Klrtc. wkka, raaidlM l» tka

flaoKarriui ll ilv- iu'lghborbood In thla

ruiiiiiv. I iiKaKi'ii 111 un alii-rratlon wii

a iK'ifiM kiMivkii na "IIuiiiImiIiIi" laHi

wi'ik. ainl hIuiI ihf iH*Kru throuKb

'111- rlichl liD-aal. and bin d<-a(b U oio-

mfatarlly eiaected. Juat what tba

troabla waa, wa ara mabla to laar*.

Kirk made bla aacapa, bat tka of-

fleera aay they will aet klai. Kirk»MH iiiHrrii'il nUiiit t«o weaka aco to

u Mrn lluddon Hi- la alao aald to

liiivi' III I II In till' pi ii|i<-iitlur> . and

»aa a man of bad ivpuiatluii. 8b«<r-

ICf Jokaaaa waat after blm Immadl-

a|a^ aflar tka akaaikw. Wkaa k«arrhr*« at tka KI^M. KUk toaniMl

(be offlrer waa tkaia aai mmte a

daab for tka river where he found a

boat aad aot hair iu ruHii in rnrc Joim

»o« canght up witb lilm lie nlimit

•>d to the ab«-riff lo cimK* and k>'(

kin. kat of aaaraa tka otkar baak of

tka rlrar waa aat at tiM ofllear'k Ja-

"Hoaiboldt'* haa l>aen In the courln

hi Tl- lliiii iii.d Uk:.iiii un rliHi».'i' uf

itauiliiK and utbi-r pt^llt offuuM-a.

KOK S W.K l ull •.1.1. k Illiod.- 1-

land Ki-d ICgga al I'm- pi-r aetting of

IT.—Maaala MC, rSD 1


Have No Terrors for the WomanWho Wears Imperial Shoes...



altondur hiKMltfri Ifaeti hi Lorn

Im vMkly llMt niM tiMgMMlflf

W« ara offMat lb* HMMl MP

OT wutnm nuns




^gQuH borrowing iba Courier.

c. o. Saklaakar waat to CtadBitaiiSunday, on buataeaa.

PORRBMT: Tka Taka Ckiwa real

d-noa oa Oallafo HW. W. J. Harper

Mra. VlrglBla Baala la vtiMiw Ui<

faulljr of o. K. Baa«arBat. la l^dton.I bla waak.

Skarltt Jakaaaa alvarttoaa tka deX'lqaaat tas Uat tkia waak, aad It i»

iiiu laiallBat la

Oo «e MMvaa Kraa. Tkajr canabow you aoma ranarkaMa tralaaa in

boya cloUlac at tl.fl to M.

Mali Inrloa. a lanaar mt tkIa aauuty. aad Mlaa Kftla iaa« wara grani•d lleaaaa to aarnr laat waak.

Carl Towaaaai left Taaaday for

Houadajr. Mlaa., to apoad a faw waekHvMth bia kroUM*-. M Towaaaad.

Have you avar trM laaa Bab <•

noart Nalklac kattar; avary aackKuaraatoai ky Matkaay Broa. * Plan.

liefora bayiac yaar «rlac aalt, ae>-

tiiaA ttO ralaa la krewa. taa aad In

blue aarga at SaOliraa Broa. Tbuirprk:a la tUM.

Joa Oaatfllea, Ckpt ilotUa Kirk andthi> baaeball boya went ap to WolfUliind Siiiiduy iin liu- White Boa BOdbuKKi-d ai-vorul wild gi^-av.

John Meaebam la ge4Ung material

on til. Kriiiiiid for lilh III u n-sidi-ii i-

aoiilb ut tbv iCpUcupal < bur< b. It »lll

b« a twaatavy. T raaw koaaa.

I'tiut old rui'ki r or < uui-li iii i dii u\<

boMiiliiK and variilsbInK 'I'akt* li

tu Ward, ovt-r Kuqua, Helm & Cu, or

I'booe M. All work guaraijt«4*d.

II T. lU-uU- |i-fl yi-Kt. Tilio fill Mi ni

pbiH to atli'iid a nii-<'ltii»: uf tin Id'

lull |.4uuber Uealara' Aaawcialton,

» iiiek BMBto Thaiaday aad rMay.

Krae Ward waa arraatatf la Ckarlea-

ti ll. Mlaa., laat week on aa ladtet^

nil lit n'tumed by the laat FaHaacounty graad Jary. (or pktBlalag mbey aadar tklaa prataaaaa. MMrtfr

Johnaon brought hini to Mlckmaa yea-

(i-rday morning. Mr. Ward'a trouble

Kri w out aC a karae tia«a lor NenlaKiiiK..

t'hrtallan Church: Tbe aanrlcaa at

ibe Ckriatlan Church next Sunda.

will be aa followa: Sunday S>houl

at 9:il a. m. 8<>mMM> by Paaior llor

aca BIbareU at 11 a. m., aabjeci.

-ngkUas tba Oaat ngkt:" aad at

7 3« p. ai.. aakiaat, "Haw Ood OiawaM.<a to Okrtat." A aerdkil lavttatloa

Im aitaadad to alL

Mr. r^a. Maore. caadMato for tka

l.eateiature. and a party of kla paHt-

Iml fiiitidi. rami' iivi-r from Hick-

man laM iii»:lit III auloiii(>blli>a. Mr.

MiHii. ix|i. iii(l lu iiiaki' a apeMbbut found uo arrangcnu-uta made for

Mai to io ao. Ba aaya be will return

here Batnrtay ia auika bla apaacb

and aaplala Ma aeU aa a wmmkar of

tka laat Ueclalature —Cllntaa

After aiack diffleatty tka aaaacarof tka Opera Hoaaa baa aaBeaidBd ta

iMmklna the Hana Haaaoa Oaaipaoy.

whic b I* Juki ( oiiipli'tlna a tour of all

III.- larvi I ilii h of til. Siiiilli I'bi'

..|.|. iif iMiM i ii> sliiiiilil apiii'.'i iali-

i| ifiiii- iif M ,, h.i-ir liilUiii ill «I urti« thb« bigb claM8 altrai'tlon, ami

rnward kla atforta witk a cro«d<-d

hoiiaa. At tka I^yrlc Marck SB.

l-rlcaa for Ibia aagacaaMut wll bi-

:. r Me aad TSe.

A Lenten


Sealshipt Oysters

The tempting flavor nf old orean'i rhoice«t food -

—Deliciuui, firm tletbed—with a piquant lingering


That's Sfal«hipt Ov?teri .

Potitively tbe iincit oyiteri taken from the fiaeit

beds— let! wattefnl thaa naat at a fractioa tbe cost.

Sealihipt Oyilers are grown in wateri of guaranteed

pufity. Skipped to ut in air-tight, water-tigkt, ice

cooled rafcitaratoi carrieri—and Mid bf aa froai aclean porcelain enameled Salee-caae.

No water with SeaUbipt Oyitert—no tiaware—no

dwaiical preserTativei.

Only the fretheil, pureit. most dalidoaB oyater

meati, tared for our cuttomm to enjoy.

Do you value these ibiu^i ?

Then find out what real oystert taalt like.

Try Seolahipt Oysltrs.

We aell*{kaa.

MarCk Mk, 1*11.

eut Mayor UUkNi. CouadkaaaIII. nki-r. Hall-, I.iiti n, Powell and


MlliUU-b ul iasl ujiA.'UU4i Wi'lv

and un uiuliuL ttppruvcd and MittUcd.

Tka toUawlBC aoeouau wara pro-

ftspsriy approrad aat aa aa-

Im the rioQ Coiuit; C&piul

John WrlKht, nln i t woik ..|5I.(N)

J. A. Nouuou, dieting i)niKinera|34.r>U

Oaldwail * Oiay. rapalia 11.00

|{i'|iiiM III c lly Til ahiin r for Feb.,


Oanaral Fund Account.

To bal. par Jaa. ropwt |200s> 37

To aait read Jaa. Wrlgkt .. 171.15

To aast raod Toa DlUea Sr S4» 4ti


Tka oaaa mt A. A. raria va. U. M.Joknaon, forcible detainer, waa tried

Saturday. Verdict for plalnUft.

Tbe foUowlns caaaa wara trM oaMiinday


J. T. Morgan va. Will Ward, furci-

bl« detainer. Verdict lor plaialUf by

Alkart Uaaala ra. J. T. tatUwIak.treritet for

»J41".' il.S

Hv rks |iai«l in Ki-I). $7:'i: .''•4

My o diaft City Hall >:;i I.'.t4 :J0

Ceunty Court

A resHlar tarat of tka JTultoa Coaa-

ty Coart waa kaU M saday. aad tka

foUowing baataaa

The following fhlticlaiT

wen- filud and uixli-ri-d lay OVOT tkkty

dayii lur ixiepliuub.

W. S. ICIIiHou, Kuardlau lur l.<>uls.-

Aiwoud, I'maton Aiwood aud Atwoodlleira.

8. S. Oaaoa, guardiaD for Llaala

Bal to credit Ibia account 1 W>&.6J

Water A LIpht Bond Acct.

To bal. par Jaa. report |M(.U8

IVi aiM reed Toai INBaa Br.. IM.oo

Bal to eredit tkla aoooHBt..tl04&.08

Tka Ototk rapartad tkat ka kad ex-

ecuted tka ftoUawta« daada to OaaM-

tery Lata aad tkat ka kaUa Bapt.

Toas OUloa. Sr.. raoalpt lor aaaie:

Tkere kare kaea afaoat aill ra committed In tka lawar aad

of iiii' <iiuiit> uiihin the part flvi-

y.-ai-x, and uiil. kh the belter rlll/

of that st-iilon niak<> a vIkoioils caiii-

palKii lu put It down, crime will con-

tinue. ProaecutloB la next to Impos

Mibla. aceordlac to Caaaty AUoraeylUinay, baeaaaa tkoaa wko ara kroack

iii'fora tke grand Jurlea will not give

111 thf faola. Wketber It ia fear or

; ill in- to protect the live maniiiuki>H no dlfforenca. Juat ao Iohk

iiH wIlni'HWK fall to put the facta i.

Ilia baada of tbe law, Juat ao Iouk

will kHMBB io aabrldlad ta tkat eoni-


Tbe Muupbia Nawa-Bcloiltar, peaky

iittla Mampkla akeat. ataMBt wltkout

a name aad wblak kaa a repatatton

for "noatng In." refers to HIclnaan

HM 11 "biNiiii town." trying to put us

In a < iiiHH mHIi u lot of Ukluboina

louiiH ulio^c liulioiiiK liuvi- falli'ii mil

aud tbe uillk and buu<-y dried ii|>

Hlokaiaa la older tkan the ohli-xi

inaa oa tka BelaUtar, aad la aior<-

I ouaervatlva tkaa MaaipMa. Not aa

larKf, of rouraai kat w«*ve Juat been

waliiiiK for the good yeara of ISIO-

I'.ni I.I I llll^tl. on ouraelvea,

l)ii t. iiin>; to li-i Mi-iniiliia I'Xiat for

aw lull- III lillHHful U'lmraiK i lu luii-

i ruwdlug her off the luap. Fcuplu

are laavlnc tkere every day aud coat-

ing to Hkikmaa—tke "kaoat Unmm;"

but take It from hb. tka kottoai

taU oat. kaota ar wkat aat

Baa DeeaoB, ool., lot 4M atoe 20x

IS feet, conalderatlon t18.

Jo« Sniitli. lolorid woiiiaii, lot 4M).

aizi- 2UxlS f'-i't, I'oimidiTaluiii,

On moUoii till- fon-KoiiiK ri-iMirts

wt-re received, ordered apread Uimii

the racoNkk paUtsBsd aad Iliad.

On motton three UgkU ware order-

'•<l pat la on Ivy atraet.

On laotlon It WUH onli-ri'd thai ih>>

liriii' of all lot* In llu- t'lly Cviiii-tt-ry

III' put oil saiiii' lianiH. and lii raJsi-d

tu the biglieal price now < liarci-i^ for

any lot.

Oa aartlaa-tka CHy Alarahal waa la-

atraeted to kave aotioea priated anddistrlliiiti d. notifying all parties to

ell an up tlirlr pri nilaes, and put then]

ill a saiiiiaiy niinliiiiiii ami .spriiikli-

linn- around tliilr pr.-iiilsi-s. within

ii<'xt thirty daya, and upon thi-ir fail

ure to do ao to procei-d aKaiiiHt ibeui

acoordlng to law.

On molloB tke Clerk waa iBatructed

lo Older one Mtk Ceatory Btraet

Qrader. prtee flU.On motion It waa ordi>r«d that Pul-

tiiii ^.tl.•l III- o|M-iifil up and Kfailiil

III I Wi l li Mai ki t »lri'i I and l^iuoklyn


Oa motbHi Cqub'*!! adjourued

Atlsat: H. a Hata^ City Otork.

F. J. ESberhart, guardian for

Kranklln aud Lottie KranUln.

The riiluijur) .n-itl. nn nt of E. I-

Kint;, adniliiiHiraior of Uit- i-Mtali- of

il. KiiiK, wan coufiruied.

The laat will of U. W. Roberu. du-

ceaaad waa fBad. aad Joka Pyla ap-

patatad adaUaletiator.

Tka tranator of teny prlvHaiaa at

tkla plaoa of J. W. Ward and R. U.

Kirk to W. A. Hlaakaw waa fUad

4kBd approved ky tka Coart

J .\. Sliiaii aiiil Ivii iiili r l.iinl ow u-

t-r» filiil a pi tilliiii for a ii- « ruud

to bi- eHlahlinhi-d. a^ tollow.s Hi-Kin-

nlug at Ibu uortbweei corner uf W.J. Mayea' farm and eroaalBC tbe toad

of tke foUowtac: W. J. Mayea. Iteka

A Bdwarda. r. B. Attofcarry. J. A.

Sloan, H. U Jobnaoa. H. P. Jokaaon,

A. J. Biirim, Bill* Mayea Hra.. J. A.

Aal>ell. T o \.-;lii II. K S ( III.--. .1

R. Scott. Mrs Uosa Moll. .Mra .M J.

I'aiiiplx'll. S A. Cirahain, MrH KuHii

Holt. Mra. M. J. Campbell and J.

Champion to tke Ukarty road. R. Y.

McConnall. P. J. OBver aad W. A.

Hhuck were appointed nuaiailwdnasra

to view till- route and daterailaa tka

danuiKi'H if any.

K K Kiilii-rtii wax apiminted OVar>

si-t-r of till- KirKusiiii road.

.lohn .Ni-wlii rry wa« uppoliiti-d over-

Heer of the Kiiltuii and Wi-alay roBd.

Circuit Court.

KxchauKe Bank uf Mayfleld vs. R.

K. Rogera et al. Suit on note.

Artkur Gray aad Mrs. Jeaaie Bol-

ton were married at tka CoOH Houaa>i .stniiuy liiiiii are well known clti-

/I'lis of Ihi-i I iiiiiiiy.

If you an- liiti iidinK In lake advan-

l!U:i- of our i-osc bush otfi r. II l.s lluie

you »<ri- Ki'ltlnn liiisy Tin- nanie

bualH'S would rost .\iiu 1 1 V-i at any

first claaa aaraary. Utok tor tba of-

fer to «Ma

Dr. Jaa. M. Peck, age 5S, died at

hia koSM ta ArUastOB Tueaday.

Tkere waa a aUgkt 'tkUt- af lee

laat Bigkt

Aocordlnt to tke alnutnae, aprlnc

B. G. HaleReal Estate

We have sevrial I'mr tracts of

Bottom Land, below Hu-kman.

for sale, alto some Wrut Hick

man lots for half their rf-al

value Now is tbe lime tu iu-

vest in real estate in aiul arounu

Hickman You can see prices


Ckll on or addreai m at


BlHiMtt PiMMM No. 15


PEOPLEare paying too much for

thar drug store goocU. If

yoa art tncHng ebewhere

yon %vo«iUfMlizethisaft«r

one viait Id our store. WeJo not pose as a cheap

store however, but having

everything priced at a fair

rigur«'. 1 ly lis soiiif time

antl know tor yourself.



MMMohuMtt* Taopaytra ArcULMitlWhat Thay Oat for TMr


Baatnn. Mar. 14. Au iuvritlRatloB

>>l Ibo Liumuesg uikUaKtruicui of lUl

'ba tanoua .Maaaachu<*ii8 cummU'klalaim dvparuiiaiiis ikuil inatltuilciii!^.

t& which Ika laiyuvna u( liit- siaie

vUl b« rasu drd a* atui khuld.-iii oi

• lutouara of tb« t>uaUi«M, i* nuMrr

«a> b«ra. uiidai tbr dli«>ii>>ii uf iKi\.

«rBor Foaa, in accc dano- \\.:h a iw-

I oat act of ih<« loKi^iaiiiiL- Kiwiig tbo

Kovarnor thai i>i<»t:.

la a itatrmeut Uovarnur Kona ulUof Ua raa«oD for tka jptraHgittoa MulauUlaaa Uta plan.

"TkU iBvaatlgation will ba llnltad

lualaax to matt«ra of buviiiraa man-Krmaat aod afflii«ii'>, i><- ^a>ii

Tlia varloua dlvlalana of the atatu

.luainaaa ba atudtej aa if ihef

wara daparimcDta In a bualnsaa con-

<<arB conductad by prWata capital, to

Uataralaa whatkar tkay ara propariy


ramdta. Tka•( tks alU* wlU ba rasard-

aS M tba aloeklwldara and cuatom-

an, aaS tk* la«Ktry will ba conducted

la Mr latMMt, to aaa whatlwr tbey

ara aow sajrtac k«aTt«r ruaninc «z-

jianaaa tksa ara aaea«ary, aad w^th-•r tka STTlcsa tkay bar tbf

ara s> 004 saaUty."


for forto toHowoas in

Ins Coronation

LmSob. Mar. 14.—Waaltby Amcrl-

oaaa ara maklac bish bidt for fur

nlahad bouaea la th« Waat and durtni

ooronatloD daya. Oae Liberal p«-<-i

la raportad to have rafuafd f:>u>Hi<i

•for bla [jundon rculd^no- f"r

waeka. Anothar Amer li an ufTt-K-.l

K)t for n house In a faablonabl** atrr-

lor thiae Diuntha 'l b* o^ner refust ,

to aocapt IwKs than |iOi><<,jo

It la report. (1 John Ha.m llainmonil.

'tpaclal ambaitaador from thf rui . >

lUtaa. will par a week fur tbr-

rtott-Cuuttt uianalon.


la rrtilrlint Daahea Through Mudon Splrltad Cavalry Heraa at

San Antonio, Tex.

Ban AntoDle, Tei.. .Mar U— Wel-

(Omad by a lalui^ uf aitiilcry unj at-

trad lu a mud Mplaabt:d ault and ac-

• 'ompaniad by OoYarnur Colguitt andDtaa. «i-Prooldoat Tbaodera Huoaeveli

laapoctod tko poat naaouror camp at

9Kt faat HoastoB. SpumtiiR a car-

rlSfO, tko foraior president iDaiaiad

am rldtas a Sftrttod cavalrr beraa, and

ha (allofod so tarioaalf tkrougb tba

taad tkat tba aMBboro oT tka sovora*

0f Mac bad a dMoaK taak to koop


Praoldant Haa More and Waiah Par-

tfan Papara for Conaideration

Whila on Vacation.

Auguata, Ua., .Mar 14.—What dl^po-

Iti iii uf (be Walth and .Mm >e {janlun

aa<a Mill IjO oiade l>y i>i ciiil' lit I'aft

laa nut lji<«n ravualeU aim » i In- execu-

live beaaxi his ahoi t uutlnc.

Tbw papera lo both eavH wara

bt koro kjr tko proaldaat tot coakst ka ksa sot goao ovor

A Rmmwi tf Pratriss.|


olutionired Literature. !

n>m< »l tlx u.iin-Miif BiM. i. " »ini«.ii (or

The Hicknini. > • i i 'ml l" ie»<lll);m

Bavarian Mnoo SO Voara OM.-Mualck, Bavaria. Mar. 14.—Tk*

..iluatuib birtlulay u( Frlnca Rogaal.^Itpuld waa ganarally oolebratod

biuuybout Bavaria. Prloca Lultpold

a In Koud baaltb, and went on foot

tbroMab tba atreata of Mualcb to In

Mpoct dacoratluua that bad bo«u bung

ia ksaor vl kl« blrtkdajr.


A yoatk of IS—tba oSclal "bad

kof" oC tko aodaU towa of Stratford

oa-Atroa—waa acala la troublv. Tbia

tiaa OB a mora aarloua charK** than

tka beating of alskt watcbman or pll

forlBc of fruit or otbar tine honored

OustOBS of tko plaea. H« wa* ac

eaood of ao laas an offanaa than tha

ataaUac of daar from tba park of Sir

Tkoaiaa Lury. chief maglatrata of the

eommunlty. Not ao very many years

aarllar tbls bad bean a crlmo pualak-

abia by deatb. Evan now—la IMS—It aatallad baavy »ooalty.

Tba yontk tkas aeaaoad was Will

Sbakespeara. aoa ot a tonn«-rly wail-

to4o merchaat wko bad fallen on

aucb financial ill-liick tbat thia eldaat

aoa of bis bad b«aa obUgad to laaTO

acbool at 1> and go to work.

Toaag Sbakaspaara waa aaeBooS

not oaly of ataallag St Tbomaa* deer,

bat of writlBg a aeurrUoua poem eoa-

caralng tha augiMt magtatrato klai-

aalf. Altogether. Stratford koeamo too

hot to bold kioL Ho raa away to

London. Bat tat tkat Soor-atvaling

optoodo tko worM atlgkt aavar have

kaarS of Skakaapaara. Aad tka marchof prograaa—la Utoratoro aad la»guaga aa wall-^wonld kavo lackad Ha

laipatva. Thougb ao yonas.bad been marrlad for

about two yaara. His wife. Anne Hath-

away, was eight yaaro bis acnior P> r-

bapa for thia reaaon, p^rhups frompoTorty, he left bar and his ohlldraa

behind whea ko waat to Loadoa.

Practically paaallaaa, tka fogttlvo

raacbad tha motropolla aad caat abouthim for soma maaaa of livelihood.

Bat ko kad ao lova for routine drudg-

aiy aor ozporlanea in blgker occupa-

The f Qht with ^ ^rtftad to tboPoverty.

theaterii and ra-

aawad acquaintance with itoine of the

aHora with whom he bad caroused at

Stratford. He picked np a fsK panca

by holding the horses of men whoeama to sea the playa. I.«ter he laaaed

oat tbla hostler )ob to a number of

etraat urchins, who became known aa"Sbakeipeare Poy«." Prom holding

horses to pi< k\ng up bita of work In-

aldo the th<at*r was hut a Ktrp Andla time he wns pl.-iy iig ai^ a!) |<urta la

varloua playa of the day And in.

for Ave yeara. went on hla hand to-

kand battle against poverty Play

writing at that time waa the crudest

sort of art. Indecency, illiteracy,

wratched Fngliab, poor plota anddraarv stupidity ware the drama'a chief

ebararterlsta. England. In fact, waafar behind many other clvlllaed na-

tions In culture and literature.

Atiinne the taskH allofte.l to ShakO-SP' ;ir.' In the theafera where ha BCtodwas the rew riting of old plays for aaaon the stage and the adapting aad*1>nllding up" of parts to suit cortain

famous actors. At thia ka aeblevadan instant and marveloua auccess—


success that none but the greataat

genius of his country could ever haveachieved, for be not only revlaed theplaya In question, but transformedthem Into vital, brilliant productiona—classics for all time—couched la

aubllme veraa and diction and sowholly changed from their original

form aa to be [iractlcally new Manyof th« best plays attributed to Sbaka-speare were thus rewritten by himfrotu otliirs' nianiiarrlpta Nearly all

the rc^t were taken aliuouf bodily

from old books, atorles. poems or

legends. This is not regarded as pla-

giarism. Rince to each "Nirrowed" plot

Shaki-ai'eare gave a new aeitlng andtreatment and new diction and clothedit in his own beauty of style In fact,

of all his playa, ••I»Te's Labor Loaf(perliHP'i th-'

Iooreat of the lot) is

said tr) be til. oi ly one that waa whol-ly original with lilm

How the h.ilf educated, harum-scarum country boy ever amaased thaaducation to writs such claaalca baaalwaya koaa and alwaya muat ren nln

a mystery lint thewriting of themrerolutlonl/ed not

oaly tba drama but all llter.tture aa

walL England took and held a posi-

tion in culture equal to that of anynation. Queen Klizabeth delighted to

do the new genius honor. Great menTied for the chance of becoming hla

patrons. His fellow actors and play-

wrights In turn envied and hated him.nut he pursued hla chosen way un-

kerdlne <ontinulng to write (or re-

writ'- 1 Kn-at plays and to act in them.He was AD indifferent actor and waaintrusted with no great parts ForInstance, he played the (Jhoat In

"Han, let." Adam In "As You Like It,"

and similar minor rolea His salary

as an actor waa about f-OO a year.

VoT the flr.Ht few y. ars 1;Ih niiniial re-

wan! aa a playwright wbh ban-ly |1U0.

nut aH I' IK plays grew lu favor huwaieil rlc*!

In l.'iK'J he left l/onilon and r. iiirnej

to Stratford, where he wipe.] off old

scores and earlier diagrare by buyIng tha flneat estate in the town.There, until the bla death In Itub. belived in luxury, courted by tha ckil-

dren of tha men who had once perse-

entad klm. Evan la deatb hla geniusabowad Itaalf, for ka bit on a cleverplan to sava bla romalna from the dis-

interment BO common at tbat time.This four line versa, said to have beenkls latest poem, waa cut on hla tomb-stone, and its wording baa aver since(oardad bis grave from molestation


-Ooei Maiig. for Jeaua' sake forbearTo dig the dust larloa-ed here,

Blast t>* 'he roan who npurM thaaestones,

at earst be be who oiovaa mr l>oa<at"

Quit bonvwJM titf

Monorod and Rar-




WIRE FENCEStands Like a Sfone WallTurns Cattto, Horvts, Hogs Is Practteally Indtstruetlbis


AMERICAN FENCEHuv vouf n w fence for yean looooM. 0« tbe big, kesTV allts. tko

I iiirr I'liii. ihr "xi galvaniiing, tkc aiactly p«u|Miniua«4 ^uawy of sisol

'' at is aol ISO kard nor Iim> »t4t

Wo cSBlkow vou this (rnre in oor Mark tai asalaia to Mtto SSiguaoriariiyb uaiy Is Ihs mU bat is ItoMit

will arrive Saturday or Sunday, also

another big shipment of of True Blue


We are to busy now to write much,

as we are run over with business. Wesell Hardware in Kentucky, Tenn. Mis-

souri and Arliunsas, and are {{^ettin^

new customers every day. The reason

is as obvious as a sore thumb—we just

simply save our customers enoughmoney on their purchases to pay themto come to our store.

We Can SaveYou Money


Will Stut Mmdiy.

•l%o Rtafeaaa Staam Laandry,

brand aaw .aUrprta. la Htckniai,

iiuunre tbat tbo wUI b. read)i

liUMin<«n next MuiHla) Tkis uutiitliy liiat llutloii aiMl right In

iIm- atari shtHikl bava Ika aappun ,,

• uuiwratloa of ovory otUsan uc i

i»wa. It la a haaia ooarern ,

pluylm boma paoplo. aad ho

Very diaguailng waaberwi

b ill III a iiKMl H«tlK(..i ior>

Their wiiKoii will coUK iiglii .

d.mi MoiKliiy and deH\er yout

>ii« la (rwn two lo tkrw. day*Aa laassBtloa of tha slaat »iu

vinoo tko mma ksstlcal that a „airirily aplodat.. aad M|uipp..i . .

new and liiiiMi ui<iil< rii ii< >

Niiihiiiii U-itrr tit Ibv state

<1< iHininl lite plMd OOBI alMtut I'

Meaara. Ooo Marrta aad A t k

•nly, tk. Bwaas srs. boib h

arv iwu cla-ter. d«-*<'r«lii«

and Willi their hu»tle and ••••

hi- llkhluaii Hii-aiii I ampruw a iMMMii bulb lu lla pi<


and tia istraaa.

Uato yoar bsailo loady Mui.a..

Aro yos vaaisflsc «tst to eat

luomMrt Soataklsl Oysliia - rw i.

•ituni, taaty—aoM Moafk— aiMi

I..I iiii-al Just Ihe Itllas tor I.-

<.>i.l I,) Klllaon UroK.

Roll Of Hoaoi.

Tko saooBd eiaailaaUuii <>i 1

iiiekaHik SskMili kaa Jast tim>ti .. 1

• he MISWtaB ^asUs naoad.d lu 1billing poaka o( kaaor aad ui la* 1ixigiii kati^Ma si alary: 1

Ola Moaaa ....f 1

ICieae !.•<• •• I1

I .oil .Na) '.'I . .

.\rii< 11 ll' tMlvrauU ..

Cecil ilariMM


Tenia aroOo.

Uly Hackott

• a a a a o


l.iiilta l.uiiatond.

I, Idle >*uketl - ....

iKMfclti Hijaek

Itoy J'Niraoy

I^aola floroo .••«• .... <

k. .


M. »» .

»; ;






.>• :

.»4 •




iWlarr iK.ld.

.Marshal M> l>aulr| .

Irtit I.<«I»|4|«» ....

l.iM'll» Ualtby ....


»; •


.»; .


(Mary Jokaaaa !•«


Mtlioa Hackm **

I'wrter PWrra ».'


llei. n Tyler »I «

"11 I ••llllia .


iUiiey LuUlas t»>

inaa Bumt

Siath Qftsaik

t'amiUe llarrell

Ward .Swot *'>

UMtIo Saraas »« .

MIMfoS Tkaawaas K »

cianlle HoUaad i*- •

Veraa Uarrla »-

l.<H'lle Naylor ''

\iiiii< K MiMjro -' '

.-^opiDH l.iiiixraoa I

.Mat) T UuraaMHubert llSiksS *

Ifl »2«

ir«k Orada.

Anna Igraaa Dsiis Mlioloa aioa !

Aalu R DsMb N I

I'hrlhiiiK Siiiutbermou .. ..Nl4>la Cbuala »3 i.

Haari m-ilii M *'

Third Orado.l ordle Itay '.'•<'

Ahiili- KlliH<i|| !*••

lues llousl«y *

ijiValla AdaaM ***

(!vwg«| Holak MMeary retb»

Th<' lrr.!.ifiibl. Isiik of ih^ sen

loiiiid oiil) ill s. uUblpI Oyalers I '

ilx il,ii,,( for l.KNT- and lO"!

iliau meat. NoM by BUIsou Brim

Mies Stella Halmoa Is btir. r>""'

Ix>ulHVllle vlHllIng her pun iitH

March—the month to build.

your plans raatfy and IH ua dellve<'

tiia lumbar to your lot. IvorythiKu

naadad In a ksNaini fraai tko bric^

In tko foandatlaM «a Ika nail that

holda tho sklnglos on. Maw slu>^t>

Ing and tinning ahop adastf t* ^'**

buaineaa. W, A. Oodda.

rCreafing a Favorable


•J" I hat Clothes dont make the manmay be true—but good tailoring

helps a whole lot

If you want to enjoy the distinction

of being tailed well drrssed, then

you need one of our Peck auitt.

4 There it no question about the fav-

orable impression when your clothes

arc right, and with our label on your

collar band, all cause for worry

<I Just lots of new patterns to choose from, and every

one a **crackerjack.'*

4 We can ht you from head down, feet up, skin out

When can we expect to hear from you ?


' riffle (m jmr

UtoM iMi

Arthttr ahtm «m ttvm ttiai'

» u »t(ti II. B. OnrlUl.



W. A. BMkma Mi4 pMty w«r«<

M'K'i mat ywat wmm% aatu at

•^xiiivui Brw. M ICM « 114.

MiM Ma BrMfeun. »( WimmIIiiimI.

»iiiUi4 Mrs. Hurt TUMkrId iMl

Mia Bki«D tpi'lit Saitiinlnv

iilRlit 11x1 Sundajr vHfe rttathrM ui

• kwlMaa trip to liMkMrtUa.

I. R M Mxllnian. mMMmI MrfU-

or u( tiM MvBCtl Hm Co.. la kara

lUs waak from UMiavlUa.

Mra. W. 1. Hii>i<« >>f Unloo I'n.v.

vMUrf kar «klwUl. r. Mr*. H. U. Cur

llB. • iMr 4a|ra iaat vaak.

W N. TulUrd, branck maaacer o(

tka Mracfl ptaot at Maaialwuud.

Tmb.. waa kara Mairfajr a«

Ciis ViH.r. and W. 1> lluoh^rl r.

IUII..HI Siii..lj«y fraoi Antiporl, wfcare

till) ii'ii<ii<i tka

III.- iiuiinf- r txiat.

Mr iiri.) Mtii Harry flcat«*a. of Mi-

iiliutl|i|'i. I«lt SiuhIuv fiir l liU)ii ('il>.

aftar a atiurt visit to lila aiatt-r. Mr*

P. B. OarilB. aa4 fWillr.

('. R. Nawooaika. alNtri<ii>ii .>r

lioalaTlUa. who kaa bMB kan- r<>r ti«'

PMt all vMka wttk ikf> Mi iwc i ii<'<'

wa»l !• UmlBTllla la»t ».•« k.

Ceiricr Wait MiumATB»-«g^kjMjgrWjHil «ar Waak


liui CuiHbat\V:ti<j l-Uuna. N.


MiK SAUB: Uood BiU«.<4l ba>. -

Paul Sfeaw. Kala Ltaa. 44tf

KDK KKNT. I>.-Hlr!iljla

B tin- hill - I. I'. Kllisoii



Lyric Theatre

Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in the- in-

terest of his candidacy for the l eKinlature

from this dittrict. Mr. William* has the

reputation of being a good speaker, and all

that can should hear him.

LagNi If a Sm.Kaw Coofiar laatea wko kiui "Ca-y JoMa" hara aaj Maa that aach aHA arar lived. Whila tbe song bai'ly »ery rec'-ntly come Into popular-

11 « aw I iiiiipoH- d HI \ t ill 1 yui H

" ". and ill Wi Hii rii Ki-iitucky andI ' iiiic«H4'e ban bi < II Uif iK'Kro'ii fa

vorlif fur aloKMt a d«cada. "Caa«-y"wai a Blcknama smIM to Jonas on

' <-a«iu «( Ma b«M baliw la Oayre.>vv., a law anas aaat of Htataan.

worM today la alnslnc in gladsome

tCaylohn Latharla INI, aad apaat hia

vs oa Ua fSthar'a term la tkia

"iity. At tka aK<> <>f 19 he- besaaiiK on tho Moldli' ti Ohio railroad,

iiiui l.ii) r Mas KliiillMrly t-inployi-d oil

Ml.' lilliKilH C'<-iitnil. ill IK9U he wasI'l uiiiiiitMi to th<> poiUtlon of ensliie^'r,

Ml h h- held unlll hi* di'ath.

><•• »aa tranarprn-d from the Ten

diviaiun at ih«> Illinois Central

' tb« Wairr Valtoir, Mtaa.. divlaion.

•I raa a fr*tcM anataa there aaUliMtaiiM- fllKlMt^ to the Chlcaao aA (irli-iiiiH liiiilicd, a fast paasen-

fin li wa> I'll lliir^ iiiklnlalit

I.. Mari'h Ih, l'.*<>i>. iliut in- Itwt hlH

In «a r«>sr-4-iMi coiiixioii uiih .<

ight traia at Vauckaas, Miss, by

>• ». aa wall aa hla raeklaaa MtaroUt-n at the thrattlo, be won ban-

Is iif rrlciitl.s uiid HiliiilriTH Whcti

' •iiKiiif eiitcicd a town thf chll

11 know tha whIatHiw U -Cateyl"ri<-«.

i'hf sons b<-«rliis his name waav.i itiea aad Mrst saag bjr aa old

r'.uadbniiBi Bsara mammt Walhtnes.tndara. By tba merry Jlacle of tbf

"lis it Is <>vld«>nt that th<> authorKiM'W iu> Iroul'l'' oi Kfirrow. for im'

' I't iiN a liiitiw of i5Mi f IijIii u »:a> < ar

al. Till' piiMii li.i.- ii.vir li'aiil

' " H tba sntalli'st portion uf ili>'

'«. tar. aa Uma paaia4, varaa aft< r

' o re wara at taaat flftr ar «y

Caaajr" Joaea' boms waa oaljr k-

it taa mllaa fram hsra, tha larm«-r

lie of tbe junior PIriBS Lisa auui,

I th<> abov)' facta arc known to

trii.v In til.- (jiil.-t iltlli- rotlaKeI a>ic llun- now jix-M lln- iiMith - r

('«K<y" .I0T..-S, iinli'Ha »hi' hait

' to her reward wltblB tha pastr> u years. A beart-brokaa wMow aadI 'lie cblMraa aMtmi tha loas a( ai"iHb«a« and IMhar of whaa tbe

Aa Mark Twain Inniiorialu. d thf

steamboat, so has John Author .I()Ii>-h

Imsnortaliied the locotnotive The old

darky who atartad the merry jlugle

on Ita mlrth^aaklBt Joumay around

tha warM today wlaMa a shoral andwipea hla aaghisa, sU aaeonacloaa of

Ills raaponalblllty for tbe greseat

iiiuHlrsI bit of the generation In wbirh

he ilvt'8 No oil. liii, -ii.K 'li'.K Hong

with th). f<-.'liiiK and uiidfratandlng of

a nirro ii. i|»-r who kaaw tha real

•('na<'y' Joih-k.

U might be addfd ihst Col. 8. L.

DoMa waa a aehoal iMta at "Casey"

Jaaaa. sM ha wIM ataa ha l amsmh ur-

atf hp SMUQT af aar raa4am*

Sealsbipt Oysters ara ahraya gootf.

DuriiiK I.«nl they are tbe most wel-

rolllf of f(MMl-< More wholeHOIIle than

meat and they oust leiw, welKht for

weight. BoMW br

I Have'


To Stop Advertising

lots in RICHMOND & BONDCD'S New Business Subdivi-

sion in G. B. Bond's Subdivi-

sion, and my lots in Walker's

Southern Heights Addition,

because even the blind men

know this is the part of town

to invest in if you want to

make big money—and then

the railroads and boat lines

are coming in so fast that it

is not necessary to advertise

any more. The property is

eUing without it

0. a BOND


Savingfsis not our only induce-

ment Quality is the first

and gvMleat TISa applies

to our entire drugs, medi-

cines, surgical supplies,

sundries, rubber goods and

in fact eveiything in our



A. O. Klwbro spent Saturday aadSairfap to CnHnhBaM.

MiMH Teurl t'lour, of Clayiun, baaImm-ii MHilint; .MI»N lleltie Wlllianui

Miua l.ucile Musa, ut i;uiou City, ia

v iHitlac bar aiator, Mra. PhlMa.

I'luiiipt iiilhii). if >ou plioiie .4

luf gruc«ri<:a auU luuaUi.- MatUeayBrsa * Ptaat.

.Mrn .MlllanI .Sliaw ami .Mi.-s KUk-Khuw, ut Dear blatti Liue, were iuthe altjr shopplBs, nMsp.

Mrh .1 W HoKers returned Moa><liiy truui lJulou City, where aba Tla>

ii'<d har sialar. Mra. VMea Harris.

.Mr III > ..111, of I'liloii ('ll>. visit, -.1

tiLH dauahu-rs. Mrs. U. C. Uarretl andMrs. T. A. VBttu*. atajr.

Mrs .liniii. MoKH lia.s reinrn.d lo

her houie in Fulton alter a visit to

h*!r parsata, twaa Bhma aad wM*.

Mrs .\ TiirkiiiKlon Uhk r. liirned In

lii-r liouie ai, Daytou, Ubiu, aftur au• xieiidud TMt wUh J. B. Hsaslsy aadwife.

H. P. Holiepts, weretary. aiul Kubl.

S<'hli'irhi'r. Keiierul xup^ rliii. iideiit of

the Meugel Box Co., of LiouiaviUe, vis-

ited tha plaat hsra Orst a( th* waak.

I'V Old- Z

FRESH MEATS Ic*. II. ivxooma

l' 4 {



worn BAUt; >'oldln« Harrow a. all

alsaa.—HIakaaa Hsftwsra Oa.


tVK AAUt: Oood hay. tlBMMhy aaiU

otorar mUaC—C O. BowlHraM. Uir

POR BAUI: Oaa »-yasr old sMre.

one S-year oM mare. Both good work

i TM -Joba Bonduraut, Cayca. Ip

von 8AUI: Two reglatered Red

I'olled Hull CalveH, .S iiioiiIIih old S

r. Henry, K 4. llUkuiun. Ky. it

PAINTINn of all kinda; 3U y. uis

11.11.. |{. r. i.|,,e O. Collins

ot .S. A. Choalu. I'hoiie S2-S.—M. N

t'oillaa. « AprM

S'lllAYKH: llla<k liors.- iiuil.'. .--Ix

yeara old. 1 4 hiiiMlM liUh, without any

Btarka or brandH I valaa thia mule

at II Ml 1) II Wilson

MK.N and WuMhi.N. h. II i;iiaraiil. • .1

hoHe. 70 per wnt profit M»k. |ii' a

day. Pull or part time. UegiuuerH

luvaatlcata. Wasr Prwif. MU Cheat

uut St., Phladelphls. l>a. lApr

h-OR BAUB: Nssa from slaadarJ

bred BhMfc faaaahasa, Buff Rooks

and W|ilta Wyandottes, alao a f«w

t holce oockerala. It paya to s«t

beat. Mrs. Aaala MeDaaM, Hlrk

man, Ky. 2"

$60 WILL liUY lot No 7 In Henry

Addition, If Uken this iii.m iIi This

Meclluu la buiidlug up fauti r than any

other part of Hickman, and lot 7 lo

ou tha auwt aoatatoiag Uia torgaiit

numbar s( haasaa. tofiriw st tkto


I'reabyUrhia Ghureh—Bvbjaot for

th. n.urninc sermon. "Bblbboleth and

Sitil.ol. ih." Subject for tbe evenluK

Berihoii, •(•liildlio.«l •• .Sunday School

at 10 a. Ui - -Wui. U. Stockton.J

i It

T (


ing and

Summer Goods

Our bouse now full oi nice, new

goods, and our fMices always

lower than others. A visit will

convince you that we are sure

of what we are saying.

New Lines of I Btfii Mmm OxIbldB

NowLlMBBf MiMMldBofHmr Unaa of Droia Goods

Now Lines of Siln and UwnsNmv UaoB of Notiona

Now Umb of Carpoto and Art S^uaros

Now Umb of IUit*i ktfl* •"••ll

In fact, we are in a position to please you. May we have

the pleasure to wait on you and show you through our


For young men who are hard to 6t, we would be

pleased to take your measure and have a suit made to

your order of all-wool fabric, made by Rose & Co.,

of Chicago.


Naifeh Bros. D. Q. Co.

The Largest and Most

Interesting Collection of

Smart Spring Hats

Our Hat Drpartment has a rrputafion of satisfying

customers. VI e know how to tit you properly ~ to give,

you m bloek aacl cHmennon that will be moat becoming

and in ooafonnity to your features. Our hats are all

the choicest styles of the leading makers. The finest

materials and highest quality of workmanship. If you

are ready for a Spring I fat you will find one to fully

mMy you at

Millet & Alexander

$1,100 For First Lit. Head Split will) Ajw.

Thf first to* ssM ta th« iDdiutrial

.jMLgut- Adtliilon to Hickman brought

<i nice price. Ii w»h bouKbt by Uay-

gr Ton UUioa lor tLliW. TUs lot

IS ia Uook S. loU 11 vt* It. It Ua oorner lut, facing the rivia luiii

Itlyervlew I'ark. Tlirt't- loib have al-

Hady bffu suit], altliuiitili tlit- i>rui>-

rty U not on the iBArk«i yvt.


T« W. U. OSSOB Mitf wU«, Jterdi 1.

Rab7 RsUsr, tUnk t. wbercukwU.liiex Perkins, auL, Umnk t, mptui^

•U art«ry.

Mra. EUissbeth BsfSBiiis. March li',


Rial Estate Deals.

Mrs. Matf Oravm to 8. H. Carver,

.16 acres, ft.OOO.

Mni. Jam Wada, ot Phoeuiz, Ariz ,

0 c. O. mtm, kMss aatf tot raltoii.

C. O. bUKH u> Jas. 11. BobMion.bouse and lot VMoa, pm.

J. V. Oarvw to S. A. Bard. MMfM, $17M.Mrs. Mils Wade to A. T. Conley,

iot rultOD. t27:>0.

Linnle M. SinalliiiK tu S M. liurrus

1 ucri'H, ll'TL.

A. HLMldUntuu to ills Hcltie B.

WIllilllllH, lut t^lltOU tlJ.'O.

W. T. Tlploa to Uarrjr Tivtoa, litt

Om of the fouliKt miirdi rs ewiromnitti'd ia ihte count/ bappt^n -d

Huudajr night, whaa a jrtltov hrut<'

reaemltUac a croas balw««a a aeRi<>

and a Mexican, took an axe and spht

Arthur Bakt'r'ii b-ad open wluli- iii

vlc'llki lay urlo'p. Ilukir if u ii>'Ki>>.

utid rchi'lt'd Hitli bin faiuily ti ii iiiiU h

below town in lb«i lowtr buiioui, aiid

bore a good reputation.

Tto sua who dM the ktlUag w»<boardlac at Baker's horn; aad badprerionsly be«n euiplojF«d «a tbe con-

struction work uf the aow railroad,

u'hert' tit' cauit' froa aad kis aaaMart' both uuknoHU.

It' 8«fms tbai tbe niurd«-rer owedBaker a small bataaoo oa board andBaker aalMd hlai lalarday algfct if

he could not paj hUa the accooat, aatbe negro pxpected to )«av« Sunday.Tlif iuurd< rt r uiid hU vlcdni hadU'.'ii Kl.'eiiiiiK toKi'ilur. ami rvlir.-d

as uHiial Snme tiiut- during tbe night

tbe former slipp«>d out, got aa axeand came back and split Baker's headwide opea. This hafpsasd. aeoordlng

to the (aalljr's stonr. akaat dajMgbtSondajr norelnc. llio aogrs th> n

made Ms escape.

Il In tliuii^'tit III' Ih hidiiiK In I.ako

Icoiiiiiy, and both Sb' riff Jotinson andIx I'liiy Hob Goald* r *r<' s<x>urlnK that

dlMtrtct looking for bin. An eHortwill be made to (st Oor. WlUsoa to

offer a |6M rowari Cor his arrest

and ooBTfflUoa.

Bakor will tx- t' MiciMb< r<-<! ax havIng been shot by Holi Moore, anothernegro, not long since, and his rifht

leg was almoat tora off.

8. A. Bard to Mattte 0. Bard, let

i^lton, ISM.I) () Meachuiii to J. T. Phusmar,

ol Jl EaM llickiuau, |4Utf.

J. T. riuiiiiii. r to Lexlo Parks, Ukcres Und, I16.62C.

Tbe Mengel liox Co u-.k i.

eived a car load ot fine Spaniab• dar loga shipped from South Amer-ca. Thor wU ha sat ta this mill for

•igar box tanAsr as a tost


Cairo •dfsst.

Ira Ureen vtent to Mewpbis Satur-

day Bickt.

l-'iiiiik \°oh liorrieM, lAwrunce Mua-Kelniun, Oscar Salmtni. IIoIIIm Kirk

and Dtek SniDi - t tu i>onaldM<>n

oint. Mo.

\V>-<liif-<lii>, 1)11 liiislita'HH

WlitiiiMr pr<'f<'r< IK « in hIiuuh in

ti' pi'Mtil Ki-prt-at-nlatm.. rare.

biMiuld bf in favor of Judge P. 8.

Moore, ear keaM Baa, a«.ke Is bjr all

poteat BMa at tke

ShMiif's SalB lu Tun.

On Monday, April 10. Mil, It be

inf. the firm da) of the April termof

til. .Vpril term uf the l•^^Uon County|

fourt. at till' I'oiirt IIoukv iliKir. In

llkknian. Ky, 1 will »«-ll to tlie lilKb

est bidder tor «ash for taxet. dut* tb«

8tato aad Ceaaty of Paltoa aad ooat

of sals «Br fsar MM, tke Isttevlag

d. Hcribed real estate aasssaed la tke

iiamea of the fOUowlac:

One Dollar aiisd la sask aaas Isr

advert inlng:

Fulton Precinct— (Whito)

Mra. Anna Heti. ' ^> . i i 30 acres

land, value fiUO. tax and coal tll.M'

Mrs. H. H. BiTsas. IH aci«a laal,

value tlMd. tox and cost in.M.~

Mrs. J. M. Brown. 1 lot. value fl.-

MM tax and iiMt. t\'i :w

Mm. I." Ill lli-Ki. 1 Ill ri-«, value

l.'iiMi, ia\ > f ' '">

U. W. liugbes. 4 ktln. value MUS,tax aad oost. ttS.dl.

Mrs. BoUo Jekassa. S lets, valae

tKKUu. lax and cost, ftt.N.

J .1 Jon. H. I lot. rahM lUM, lax

.11. d 1 ii^t i\

w il .i.ih. > I lot, valao ITM, (ax

una codt. |«.hti.

w. H. MvL«cky, I lot. 9^**,

tax aad cost. It.ia.

K. M. MeLala. 1 lot. vahw llTM.

tax and eoat. fl'u 77

J IT. Mi'Neely. 1 lot. value |M«.

':tx and • i>-'. fie ii4

K .1 Ni'wIioUM', I lot. value tHMU,

tax and cost. IIS.74.

K. C. Nix. 1 lot. ralue ItlMHt. tax

aad ooal, $I7.M.

Mia. Ida Nonner. 1 lot. vatas tlfM>.

tax and r<i>it. $:!i 7>.

I 11 Kxai.s. 1 lot. vahw Hit, tax

iiikI <'ohi. $7

J II i'. ..pie.i, 1 lot, valao |Md. uxand CMt, |«0.3«.

J. H. PlUew, 1 lot. value I11M. tox

aad cost. |M.«LMra. Dora SadW. land, value $4

iHHt. tax an.i rom. t4<; IV

Mrs I, K Sharp. I lot, valiM- t'ihO

tax iiikI rout, f:( 83

H. P. Tbouaa, Und. vahto | and coat |».T«.OIek Thoawaes. M acres. rakM f1.-

3»S. ux aad ooat fitJd.J \ Tn «nra, 1 lot. nteo ftM. «bx

and < lift i'.> 4t>.

.1 K Walla.. I I .. . I let. valao|3<Hj, lax and oust fC.UI.

Ulyoeo Wright. 1 tot. vataa | and rant $7 70.

Fulton Praalnet—(Colorad)

Atoisader. 1 lot. valae flis

I. t58l.

Toib I.jrona. 1 lot, value. |:>0<i tai

W .M .Martin, 1 lot, vaiu«* !:'<'<' tax

and < list. iC MJoha Jaaios. 1 lot. value |M«, tag

sad cast. IT.7I.

Henry Smith, 1 let. valw |1M, taxand roMt, tS 88.

Ionian Willianis. 1 lot, vatao HM,lax anil i rmt, f7 .IS.

Hicliman Precinct—(White)

Tom Benton lot OH. vahM |M30,tax aad coat Itt.?*.

J. II. Pock, m aeros. valae IllSd.tas aad asst. I1I.U.

J. O. Rjraa aad wifo. 1% lot W H .

vatae IllM, tax aad east,

Un. Beard, 2S scree, vaiin

lax and eoat tU> M.Mra. Sally WlUJams. iX% acn*.

valae |SM, tea aad eoat U.M.

^ring Your Bo^

into our "little fellow** department

for a try-on of the new Spring mod-els of

Mrs. Jane Hopkins

Boy Proof Clothes

These wonderfully qualiticd boys'

clothes are are specially designed and

tailored by a trained organizatirm of

clothes nuJcers. The ''Mrs. Jane

Hopkins*' line for Spring embodies

every newest style idea and wear

proof tabnc.

Nurforkx, Sailors, Rusiiaiis, Knickrrbm k<*r>

and many juvenile styles at moderate prices.

%SiMt MOO. 93 50. $4 00. a4.5a tft-OO

Baltzar & Dodds D. Go Co.INCORPdRATi It

>x and coat M M.

T I. Cjirr. nHIttI itwi |«bu.


Mn M J (Irahsss. 17 aeroa. value

ffHiU, lax uiMi coal 17.M.J M iious,'. 40 osn^ valaolwM).

tax and eom tIS.M.

K A i-. «i(t. Id aerea. vatae M**.


and < out $'.« $<.

Cayoe Precinct— (White)

Mis. JuMa Maaabemr. 1 lot. value

IllM. tas aat sa« |l«.»7.

Mis. Bane B. Marrow, IS^ arr««.

vhIu* moo, tax aad cost M-M.

Cayoe Preaiwe*—(Colorsd)Joe Rflos, I lot, value $200, lax aad




The Shoe

For Men

Full Money Value

!n every particular is the

best we can offer you.

Yoar money buys the skill of th« beat Brockton•hoe workeiB. tho knowledge and idona of Iko land-ing manufacturarB with 40 years experience, andthe wear that only the beat aalectad materials cangive.

Yon ara aafa in waarint




Will Bennett lot and <-oei, %1 ^ti.

nu liard Booker, lot BH. value f7S.lax and t okI $3 70.

.vi ura^K. lot BH, vatae |7(, taaand oust, |3J7.Aaato Osrter, let BH. vatae t2ft0,

lax and east, |4.fiS.

Jennie Clark, 2 loU OA, valuetl''<U, tax and <'OKt |.'! lU

Collier lira, lot KM, vaiii, |;;:,o.

tax and coiit, $1.38.

Ben Oreen. lot BH. value |M« taxand cost I7JI.

Oar, tot'WH. vslae |1M. tasII.4I.

Caire Under, tot BH, valae MM.tai and cost M.90.Bw'k Milner Hra, lot KM, vatae

1690, lax and cost M.OI.Reed Hrs., 2 lots BH, valae |IM,

tax and cost |444.Joka BInco, lot BH, value |1B0,Ux

and coat %l> 80.

Ellia Ho>al llrH , i; lots Kll. i.iliie

iL'iio, lax aiHj < i«i y.

lllanton Tally, lot Kll. value |2M,lax and <OHt tS.St.

NaUiaa TaUjr. 1 tote nH. value MMtax aad east fUJd.a C. Tbesivaoa. lot BH. vatae fMO

tax and oost 110.42.

Mima lipsbaw. W) acres, vstae |7M,tax and cost

I'ave Walker Hra., 2^ aerss, valaetiuo, tax aad ooet 1141.

Jessto MeMorris tot OA, vslae |IM.tas aad eoat, M M.Tony Donalaon 1 lot, value IROO.taX

and cost, $1001.

FIltiiDif Jenkins, .S',i W. II. |(,t,

tall).- $l.',',o, Ux and <OHt $10 1)5

lullv UrH, N'i Wll lot, value |2tH),

lax 14. aO.

Caaale Tkoaiaa, tot WH, vataa IIMt

In distataa the ceMSMW rluh

•tatua yeolerdey. two well kaown bua-

inoa sMa loM a Oaarlar bm* that

they wnwM each reatrlkoU |M. or

uuiii' i( iiKi'KMitt til n Kiuall booBt-

•-rs < liib >( iini ov. r .!" iM>'luber>, l<i

to UW'O III adM'rtlalns IIi<Iii>.mi' ui.d

• uuld (ulluw it aa wllb tbetr pru

rau oC the aawaat nsiiissry to hln>

a Brut elaas aaa ta do aathtad hat

•o«k ta tke tetereat eC Ike leva aa-

der Ue dIfMtion af Ike rlui. Th. y I Wi

riMM Hixa vlaii'd >a Ihu •


Praia Jeaee wUl awvo to iii >.

tkto aaofe.

rhisea wi BrovnavUto.

Mlas Jonra, of Mab»l. I« '

livr sraadaiOher. Mra J J

Mr. aad Mra. H. L. WUiuiWm Poarl. vtaii.^

Black Locust andfarSala

By taking all a good nursery hsd, I

i>ought several thousand eitra gootf

Cetalpa and Blesk keeael

oeo. I Hove wiers Mian 1

and will offer a part of tHeai

payable next fall at M.7B per tftoos-


Now it the timr to plant them.These plants »rr brddad la

shape at my eeet farm.

a. L. DOBoa.

AUoraey Baaejr aad Bkertft John-aoa are ta raliea lo4ay.

WEATHCR: Oenerally fair today;

fair and warmof towierrsw.

Dress Ri^^ht

This SeasonWear what aiw-iCST AND BUT, Anii

have il made to order

—to fU your IndtvUuil

fl§mt, Il costs noner^ tkaa iMat ready<

BMuits aad fhrss yoa100 per ctat nert sat-


Made to OrderinCliieafo

We are the exclusive

acents for tbe Aiaericaa Ladias Tailoriug

Ceaipaay of Cblcago—toe rseofoised MasterTailors for women Calland lei ui show you theroagnilirent array of the

Uttst Sftriof styles aad Ubrics thatart yoars to choose from. You'll besurprised at the values we offer.

iiuiti $1.3 &0 and up. Coats $10 00and up. Skirts $5.00 sod up. Dmles $11.50 and up. Capes $8 snd up.



said that wbat w«- n«*4 ia inor.' litc-

lorlr* aiMl indurtrtiK to •'tii(iiii> la

Utr, and ilo' oiil> «ay to ai<uiuplisli

an>tliiiic 111 iljfei iin<- u to so sftrr

uae ihiaa at a iiMe, aad aead a Maoat after tkeoi. Tveatr mm, wkowiu pat sa h vorklac rapiial uf fi.

set aad tkeo hire a coaiiMi ni manlo devote hia ahoto time lo dongi

Ihiaa*, UiH SH Kr*«lt>r r»«ull» than

club u( luu iu<-iii<>rrs Tbi' Iroubl*-

with ih>< avi rase club ia that thejr donot work syateaMttrallr—every aMhleavea B la Iks aiker Mtav, aad ikaotktT Mtov last caat aefWt kts

bualnees to loot aft* r tht- loan's la-

trrrau \K. nr. iximind d Hist lhi«r

K'-ntli III. II haw III,' ri»'l.i i<l. n Tb<'

•lUkker w« can gvt t»< u(y xuud menloaetker to seek aa orgaalaailaa, tkeaalcker *e eaa aet

Henry Boltaa rwluraed lo h

to MaMea. Ma., Uto tseek.

vMt to hie ether kere. •>

hi-« II i|;lt'' Bl< k

w \ t'laddork wee llr< <

ptfsrb by Hrownai l||« llepliai <

Maftk S. Bev. tMsMllk la n

lae HaB Maadly tastHaio at M«

.*<iin<ia> Marrh It •III U .

• d lit |iiii« iikmII, .>4iiiida)' X'

.MtMloiiuit |ia> \ «pi«'lal |i'

Will he prepared for tke or> a

C F. Sinith Otid.

Charlf« P. kailth. the wHI knownlll<-kman aMekliHst mid t£iiH.,iin.' .nxliii- niaiiufaetnrrr. .ti. d n' hu Iiouk'

III ibl* I'ity )ch|,'ii|,iv nfli rii.iKii ai

- I''>, afu-r aa illiM-aa ru««-ring a pt>r

lod of tear er Ave siaatks. He kad.however. oMiy boea eoaflaed to hisbed eight weeka. Oaaesr of the liver

« aa I be raaso of doaik.

l>. ..-a«»id waa 12 yeara old. aad• aiiK lo lllrkman IC yeara ago froaiiiuuhisoB. Kaaaaa. He to aarvtvodby hU wife aad tkrae eklMre»-Hea-ry, Bdlth and Bdna. Mt. waa a aieaiber of BItti Caiiip No 3. W. O. W.,and will Ih' l.iiri.'d i.> ih«>memlter« ofIhlH onl. 1 this afii riHKMi at 2 o'rItN-k

.It IW. » ii V III,.

.Ml Smith waa a quirt, uaassumiac•iiiin. and wss a very flae aucktalat.Peaee ta kIs

TomOoorge Buck.

to vtaMlaa Ms aaela,

Ciareaoe Orakato. ol fattaa, waaiMPt rrtriap.

Cbaries Ueckham, ofMo , waa b<-re tills wvok.

Cutrt. liyau delivered tke traaaferboat to tti<- Iron MoaaUUa railroad atColuuibiiii, Wudn*-aday.

Mias Mabot Wllaoa has retaraedfroui a visit to r«toUvsa ta Mayneld.HlM waa asssipsaled kosse hy kercoasia, Mtaa BaU Mwards.

Mrs. J. M. Habkard aad daiwkter.Mlaa Ckarlotto, kave returned fromiiraoksvOle, Pla., whore they apeat apart si Ike wtotar.

Vox llie sakr of rccnomy

International mude-to-nici-


tBUorbf. Dd il alao for I

laka ol appaaiancra, fm i

ing waara better or looks mhamiaome than

International Clothes

Only one month till !-<>

Give ua your order now. '

or no mil'-

Millet & Alexandei

Bhorlfr QoaMer Jahasoa srr-

sevea "popalar" Tsasf atfa in a

osl hotel la Palloa faaiay alsht.

were having a llttlu eanif of •'

Tlwy were flucMl $26 wacb tu •'^i

rswdar^ eaart Matak^r.

Till lodHstrial Lssku.

Tke uiMM'BieDt Of tli« Htcknuw

luimuiBl htmt* »f mm akvwlac

i>iu<-priato tt Mw •MtttoB mu„ . Mt tM* «r IMtlWB . it in laid

,,,r 111 » iMat MtrMtlv* and advan-

.iic'iiim waaner l><>«li for r<'Kid>-iK<'

uiid rarturjr aJtMi. Oii tin- imrthwint,

faring tb« rtvvr and aklrilnit ili>-

blitff*. • IM«« park haa bean toM out

«hk-h wNI b« liwini w "MMTTiawiMik- la ita Mtaral atau. witk

i,.ric<' ir<>«« a»4 a chain of anall

.ik<'N, II waa a prvtty »|m>i. Imi

A lu ll th» l^acuo cuQiiiimiiiaii it

lilaiia uf plajilinc fluwtra, puttlim ui

a lot Of mmtM, pMUa« boato oa

tbd lakaa. imvvMac (ka tfrtvawajr

i.rutwli It. a(c.. R vtR cvrUlRlir ka a

.1. Iintiirul plar« to wblli- awax th>-

.,,11111 Kunnliia IhiouRh *\„,,,

ui,«lli 111 IdMliili Id lli< ii>-»

lUiH "f 111'- N Si I

rvad. A daftut will ba ouuvvuk'nily

uirat<4 M tJM gwaaia, too, that win

loMMd glva atwat car aarrlra to tJM

uuainvaa 4laUM of tiM towa.

Tbo aotlr* tract win MNtiala in thx

I., lalilMtrbtMHl iif I '•<i<i IuIk i..<ii2;, niM

tiiiul l< trrvla aad tM>ul<'«»nla ruiiK

Aloi« th« rallroM ara a 4oa«>n ormora iaifa. wall locata4 factory hIi. »

wlH ka 4oaatad to conwrn- ii.a.

,*rtrB to I0.1U.- 1,.,.- A I ,„..«. MlIMaara Btx>»i, a,.u Miti. hi-.) art- u..ottadug »ni, ,„ difft-ieui manufav-uirera wiio ara alaicM sura to patPlaala la tka aaw aMItlaa.

1 1, a Hliort tlaa Uieaa ioU Win bePln»«d oa Um markH. biK not at uu,t»OB. Tha paopla of Kuitw loumywill bf iWaa a lluili. d li,,.. h, »i,»,hto makf their pur- Imn. h Ti„.y « ,||

haw i»M .i|,i.,r;i,i,i<i |„ ,|,^•< r. an, „| ,i„. j,,,^^ „ y,^^ do notI'tk.- .i.Uaniaae of ika offar, H wIM«h. M |M> turnad ovar to a half d..?.

or mora travi<nac aaWncn who willa#ll ik«> liiia 1.1 |M«phi of otkar c<mr>»«•• and atai.a In far4. tbfy are al-r»-i»«ly ftoadlnn tb<- aurruiii>dlii|t roun-try Willi llii-mluro iHMmtliiK Hirkiuaii

Uulii- a iiiiiiilx r of uiiiacilvf tvm-«ur. B ar<' ). i \„ a.l<|< <l to Ik* In-dual rial Lmwuf Addition—auck aal«v»fd alrMta. vlr - and iho lola

bouM arU Ilka ko« l ak. . No i<.»nIn IhH mala affara audi <i|i|.otiiiiiiili'H

•hmI r.iiM ly Bona la aip<-ri' iM lii»' m h'Kl KiiliKinnMal kiohiIi


DiatHat Attaraay Wilharaa* afChiaaga ^raMeutlni


aniD tMiaf KdUr.lMbf OUK«M«f.lMbf laifcKaiglilErrMt

Juclgraof ]m V ]^t\mTee will TfCn^:!ii/. tfir vrr>' strotiK I)rr« HinK rrprrspntrcl in tlu- Mood

linra of KKI .I .KV S I AK Mr tracea tliiuiiKli his aire and Jam lo the most nott-tl Jacks and

Jcitnpts known to hiatory, wluth gives to him a lineage which will appeal itiongly to stockmeii

loaUiiV aifv that will give quality, kize and finish to th^ir mules. Mis sire, the ^rcat son

of Kalty. was a vrrv famous Ja. k and had frw r<MiaIs. and his dam w;i^ fjy Day Star, diaps

the most cclrliiatr.l |ai k .nr. l«-mi' m I. < tc.l on acroiint .)l his large si/r. quality and

model c onformalion for a piilure which was c ngravctl on a silver loving cup, and presented by

the Unitad States Government to the American Jack Breaders Association for the beat Jack in

KFJJ.F.Y .STAR is a laii.-.- J.u k, standing' I hi^'h. with jM-rfr, t white

iH.inls. finr laiKr lx»nr. k<mkI le«s .ii.d fret. strouK back, inagnihcent head and ears, wilh a finish

tliat IS rare in Jacks of his si/r I It- has fine style and action, and is now m his six year old


While but a two year old he pecured first premium at the Tennessee State I ,.ir ns . r the

largest herd of Jacks, inchiding many noted Jacks from Kentucky and Missouri, ever seen to-

gether in the S)uth.

K hl I > V S l ARS get are most pleasing to the owners of mule mafes who have patro-

MMd him. ami prove most convindngly that he is owi ol tha veiy greatest nude sires to be

found in the Sonth. they have si/r ...J , )n..l>.v, %v.ll. arfion and style, so essenlMllo. market

mules. I he breeders will (,n,l m llu^ Ul ,ve.y quality needed to produce the hiyl.csl type

of mules, and we respet llully uik<- I'" ""^ stockmen to consider the merits of this sira-

He will especially please the o%»ners of krge mares of the draft type.

KELLEY STAR will stantl tin- pr. srnt season at the Oakwood bUn k I iiin, Ihiee and miles east of Ili.kman.KN. Me will serv.- mares at a fee of $ 1 2.^0 to insure a hvmg

I.Ml.note taken at tim. ol seivi.e payable .n eleven months without interest, but shouW the

mare be transferred or sold, the note becomes immediately due. The season lor Jen n. ts will

begin about August ISlkand a limited number of approval Jennets will be d h.m-

The best ol am nam by eKperienced horseman to prevent accidents, but no responsibility

ahouU MQT ooeur.

In MkHdon to* the above animal the following will make the season «» Oa^^v^



R. A. TYLER, Prop.


c4nnouncement1 take this occasion to announce that on

Saturday, March i8th

I will open a ( omplete and up-to<late Gent's Clothing

and Furnishing Storo. and oxtond to all a cordial invita-

tion to cdl aad nllaadi njr opaninf.

Mjr atock b ahaolutoly now* Ium

The same courteous treatment, the same price to

all, and the same high-grade merchandise that others

sell, but for less money, are the methods by which 1 hope


P. S. As a sp/cial feature for the opening day, and

in order to get better acquainted. 1 will allow a 10>(

diacp—t oa nftMag in Hio \kvmm, llwiHpnyjrMtopnl olf hnitec MrtR jron njr Km ud est nqr ptisat.



Pol* PIvetad an CrvMbar Kaapa Ropa

rram OraMM and Allowa Animalai«a «s

i fassatly astlasi a lalhar salquo

,«ar at tiisc aawa sat ta graaa. AIMsat pala Is plvstai aa a srawbar

akaat tfersa fast atova tka groaaS and

1kf«a isat tosai dw aaS af tha poia by

aaaa af a waisa pivat. as ahown at

at tka kattaai at naalraUoa. aajra tha

Oiaaas JaM fknaar. To tha abort

aa« a vslght Is atUtkad sandaat tu

tin tha atkar and late tka air.

Tka salauU is tta« la tha loac and

of tha sUak hr a IMoot rapa. Tb«waifht at ifes aai s( tha paia kaapa

the rope off the fround, and thim pra-

vanta the cnw from beoouilns laaglud

up in It. I l.i" iiMinsmant glvei the

row an area wlUi a ftMoot radlua to

graaa ovar.


k iraat «aal of loa« to wastad on

hoga ia wlatar as aaoooat af tha aar«-

laaa way la «klah.thay ara kapt. .No

domaatia aalaiato ars probakly mora

rhansaa thaa swtaa. aaStther

ara pro-


aiiaatlm Oa aosM tanaa rail paaa

with a laaky aovarlas aarra aa winter

akaltsr. Tha llth/ eondltloaa la which

hogs ara kapt to alao a aubject for

aavai* Slllll<SIII Manj parsuna take

It for graalai that tka bog la natural-

ly a IKhp ar uaalaaa animal ! Ita

haMts. ftorea of olroumatanoe* nver

whlA tka kog kas no control makca

hlB sa. If hoga are provided with

goo4 paas. with place fur aleeplng par-

Utioaag ky a ali Inch lioard, tkay « ||1

kaap thair straw beda aa4 alaapiug

CemfertabIa Houaa far Hofa.

Don't forgHt to provide a comforts'

ble house with plenty of good bedding

for the plK» Alao proTlda charcoal

and jiKhi>» inlied with aalt. placed

where the plga may hare frea acooas

t» U. A few nhunka of soft coal

alao ba kapt tn tha pig paa.

Kansadjr tor lasara iioa.

THE E.-M.-F. "30"Thirty H. P. SHdinf Gmt;!Foar CyKMkrMotor, Com Chrtch.

Four Models, All Beauties

Coma in and loolc tham ovar.

Standard E.-M.-F. "30" Touring Gar, $1130

Seatinu five p:i><s<Mi^< rs, moliair fop. wind shield, mapneto.

five lamps, horn and generator included. Built on smart

lines—can't be outdone in style and appearance, but roadservice by no means sacrificed for salw of it. on the

contrary a combination of both.

1 he mott)r, the most powerful and speedy up to $2000.

Built for steady service- the most effective made for hill

climbinji;. l.on(;. ste.idy drivin^^ does not heat it. Mostlx)W('rtiil. most iniiet and (oolcst motor made bar in)ne.

L'.xtreme simplicity in construction and control. Desir-

able features in a motor ear attained to greatest degree in

the F..-M.-I- . "MO " Tlir- < ;ir for every member of the fam-ily. I h<^ c.u lakes (.ue of itself.

Our I 1 I 1 ouring Car and 1' landers "20" Roadster has

arrived. Call ua on the phone and arrange (or an aaHydemonstration.





The Colds That Hang On

I' jdll.v i iiK'U b> Or. Ucil'H Pliie.

Tui Moll > It raltovas the cold audniupu tilt' ruiin^h. Tkara Is only uuoKfuMlna. H



Richmond & Bond Co.'s

Bisiiiiss SuUhfisisii

C M. & a R. R. Bought 4Lotoon WaUSt

> ROntd boaght'S Iota

Sumpt'n Gwineter Drap.

Hale and Achlanker bought

11 loto on Wall SuiaNcwSubdhrwion.

It is a tbouMnd t> '

contract « B*w kabli iU»u to k> i i»i

of an ol4 oa*.

Tbf sky to not leM blu«f bei«u>i

Tbajr <km*t

ffooHdJy. Cat

You must hurry, Prices will


II Johnson or W. E.


G. B. Bond

By DR SIMON rLCXNER.When it la n-callpd that luber-

colnala cnuaca about ooe-third of

tb» dcatba that uccur iH-iweeD

Um mgm of twMty sad flttj

rmn It bifoMW at oae* sppsr-totMMS

or tkiS €Masat oaorrto* mpom ibo do-

votopipoat and pwigreM of iodo-

tr. Tkt oradlestloa of fbsraiIssis ti nmom tbo «hM aMs to

bo aeooapNabod by aU tho t&m-«lM vblrb art atrtrtag to apHft

to SMfea Its

tod aolf aiwtahilin Baaeo tbo

eoBqaoat of tabTWituata baeoaaatba propar Ootd of oodaavor for

the atatr«inan. l^xlatnr, phyal-

FoMlac Barrawa. aUuaa Hastwaro Go.


Tti. ollnr Ja> »»• ri.i.l Uu- loliow

uit; li Uii iiriiii<il ui a my nt>««P^'

per: "Uaar HAiiot: 1 aw a good

)roai« BUB wbo alimia had pleaur of

Ctrl frionda. and wbo baa r«c«nU«

come to ihv city. Now uiy tempera

BMBt ix ^U(ll tbat 1 Uluct nsDvMi..,

but do not ku<>« any Sirla and li <"

uo frieuda in tb« cby."

Tbouaonda oC o«r yoaac pt^l<-

leoTo our couatry hoao wiT u>

aad to work in our larger citiea

ill. J may not b« wli««- in ^rXim ih.

a^f^> l)\n ihe anilMiii i •' >>>u<h c U<-ai

auu blind to aanvr >' i>( ilit

greateal iui'ouv«-ni< - .: u.i uuia

ia that thoy are •itaut«>ra aiuous

trangeis. MaUag frtonda with any-

body and overytwdy ia boU daagar

oua and ffwiiaii, e«t>«4-lal)T ao ta a

larK<' < '!> Tli« r. .i.'

iiiu ur woman lo iiri>iiii>« ••..*- .> ^ i* • i

lOKum uiiU tdldid dena irf lmiuorttlii>

III cltitw fur the tn«xperi<>ncvd yount:

cot'iipany and plaeaa of aaiiiaemt>nia

lu-fure they know H they auty bo on-

i.iiigU<d in some vico bllghttag foroYfr

iluir purijy and hon«-i»ly.

We would auuud tbia ii<>»«' of »ur i

in becauae of the youiha tliul iia^'

Ipft or are thinking -of lea\kuc oui

uwa comanalty. WhUo at borne you

knew with whom yoa ooaM aafeiy aa

ro-lat«. You bad alao aiaay friendH

ii> :idw>.<' .M>ii That la all dilTfrciii

a^uv (rulu bout« amoag atrangera.

Without preaching a sermon, but

aeeklag to giiro»wholeaoai» ad-

\-lre, we would aay that tho aatbat

\v;i> 'u iK^'iinie ac<|Hainted with tb


|. ' i |i>'iii>li' IS to cwnnect youraelf wlt'i

-i.'ii. tliuiili I'lv tu ^^lllldit.v S<'lio.;l

.lilt* j<>iu till- Uible ciuM). lu tUu) »u\

>(.u Mill luifl the moat moral )(>uii>:

uin and ladlaa of that locaUty. in

form tho haad of tho Suaday Sehonl

and the pMlor «C tbo Aareh that you

re a atraaaer, and they wni see that

yii will bave frit ntlii Tins aivtbo<l

<.if f,aiiiiiii: III' I, lis. » li. u .m;iy fro.ii

In. i]<!- i; .!> i.oi Lu- till- pvir- »t. bir

Ibey are a (Jiuuaaud tiUMsa bvUer ttutii

pureat at tho foul touad upon tbr

atreeta. in aaloau a«d la gaaatioaable

\V> b«-llove that tbe wurld la a ko< >1

plac« and is growing better. Tbia

world bogaa 'with a gardaa and it ia

coing to end with a gardea R'a apifuaaut place to Uvo 1m aad U Webad b<t«i iiMiMilted aa to which of

the stars wt> Hbould chose tor a hab-



Ciir«d by U><Ha E.


fiHtlil M Mm II I Bit-

liOR Doltir

rrwit<>i-,. I.>u;i I w »•» trrtuhlad

I |.>iit: tiMw witli iiiMaiimuktion. pahMIII my sid*. rtiB)i< :t<laches aadvtiusneM. Ihad^kfii ao manv SM^knii.-i ttij»t 1 vahill ^. .Ml r.\f^'l aa«th.MiKht 1 wo«Mtil vi>r get w»a Afri.iHl toM HSafl

VoiretsbloIMMiiiJ au«l It vs>

!»t>ir»'tl utr t'> lw«)th.I h*Te no MM*.

Sn. my nerrf* arv str. usvrarnl I oaaj

my own writ. I \'Ua t l"-

VeKi-tal'lt' t'"iiiix"ii.(l >• .-• .irvf.

e*erytUiii(r I>-»>1 f'l "i. i tr^\ommend it to oth«T siiflpriiif wwuhsl" i

-Mr!>. Wm. s»jtL.t. «« W. UowmadM-,


Cn-stoii, liiwa.

Ihouaaiula of unM>Ur{ted aad fevniiie tOsUmoulals lil^e tlte above pr«>v

tlie dOdeaej of l.ylim K. ilnkbam '«

Vegetable rnmpouixL h mati/e

eielMSlvely from r<Hita and Ih rt>c

Wom«*n uh.> nf.fTt-r from th'>«e dla-

trfssinff ill* >fi" ii"t !'•»* »*irt<t of

tlit"tef:)<'t:«<>r«l"u)'t tt>f sbUityof LidiaK. |Mnk).:iin-s V«-(r>-Ubia OMafMMIOn st.Tr t!.. ir liciltli.

If voii u aiit "iM^ial ^ rit«'

t(».>Ir<.. i'liikliitin. itt l.jiin. Mi*^*-.

Sho «ill tri;it >oiir I «• 1 1 r r a«»trictl> conli<ietiti;il. Fi»rtO)«mrsslio liiiA he«n helpinr »»l«'h wo«s«in this »»y. freeof duun*. vmrthi' —"


Hicknun Electric


Photographs in every Htyit.

Prompt Srrvicr.

All \XOrk Cjuaranteed.


We do Copying and Enlarging.

make Meilallions and Crayons.

V^ew and I' lash Light J'ictures

any lime or place.


Many Cemmunitist Novo Catting Full

Uaa of S(.hoel Bui^dinya, Which

•liotild lha Lacal Pomt o« Cdu

eatienal. Political and Social Lif*.

The ei-botii i>iaui of Auivrtca la >iti

ued SI •I.IMI.UIU.OOO. II Use Idle "i

pet ceal of ibe avalbible ttasa^ vb**!)

M Is asad aaly tar day schsst pur

^>«« x^miilng thai tho fall aae of

Ibto prwtwti i< worth lo the eoaiuu

a^^g^PPcTiit ii|><'<> <>!'' Ii:^ •«tm<>at, Ita

Ml^Sayaeoi U-r umlruotloo oniy

•xMid Uivt>l«« an aiiuual waste la liie

V^Nd aiaiea of <a»Juu.«M). says t;tar

eace A. fMey hi the •mrsp.

A* wi* Mkl re*«atly. "wM/t of as no

»...rv •(<( rv>-tat«> what It BMSns lo have

ItivM i«>ft*i-Ml' iia tliaii (be iM-<>|>lr of

tun-iw twforv IHC iii'linttatf^l what

n ataaal tu baNr (tif mrtti Tbfr*

was s wbete bemlaphare of Incatcala-

bie voaMh aad ipfifWaWy shout

wbu h they knew aethtaa Aad ia tbo

i>laut there la s whole hem-

l«, '^.r* i«f »«:ui> iiurvelltJ-'l lipIU'

wrr^ (.t lh.'«.' wll.i Ihlull of II i«« "Hii

{• I a l"illdlni{ fiT the r<1ui-Bll.>ii 'f • Ml

d'<-ii. «llli tlif add<d uae of an '•<-. i

al< Ml' rvfiilus ai'huol'

V'<« wh<a>I iMilldins atlixiM Iw tlx-

rapliol of tlif iiciKlilMirhaMnl. tin' f<«'iil

piMul of mliifalli>nal. rwrrall -n |~'

Ullral aiMt oi-lal llfi> Ita liiif .n«if-e

a< ' i'la<-^ for tli* ili-\vl<>|<iiifiit of In

I . lit piilillr aiilrlt tlin'ii^h tht- frr*

dtiu-iioiilon «f piilillc <|iii>«tl<>ii* I* fiiiKla

iiieolal. for ibiWP who anr <>|H-nlns our

ai-buuihoiiu'.. the largeot public

evr\ Icp arr -III pi > i-arrytag aa the tta-

dlUooa of frvedom."

Rark In ibe «<«bttee It was custea-

sry lo lam the acbootbouae ever to

Ibe Janller at 4 o'clf<k for sweeidng.

An boar Isler be lorhed ibe doora. andthe bolMlag was ao< need by anylMNly

darlag Ibe rsat of the day. When be

got ihfuagb oa rrfilsy sfteraeoo the

wofo cleoed aat> the

Meaday aoralag. Oa 101-

arday and Randay the arbool grouadawvra ahonned as tartlddea terrllory.

I>ur1ng Ibe long suaaer aoatbs aoone eaiered Ibea escept possibly the

worfcaen wbo weal there lo aske rapsira. The whole srhoel property waaneed fTaa P lo 4 durtag IK days oat

of Ibe year—about M per real of thetotal aakle ported. But wlikia aconpio of d«wadea a raal sseeeaent baa

ataned fur a wider uas of the

Make Every Dollar WorthMore 1 han a Dollar.eee

Him store makaa prices thatare real pertuadera.

You kxJc at a beautiful piece of furniture, and

wish you roiild afford to huy it. You look at

our red price 'ag, and find that you CAN afford

to buy it Just that esperience aMraita you ban.

Wa think wu can abow you the

Largest Stock of Furniture

to be found in this section of the state, with va-

lia^ to suit all tastes. It is impossible to give

you an idea of our stix ks, Imt will 8<iy that wecan furnish the home from basement to garret

for cash or credit

We bave just added to our stock die celebrated

CHARTER OAK line of stoves and ranges.

Nothing better and rea.son.iMv jirii r-il I .»» ns

show you our line in any department before you




Next to INHa HotaL

Je Madi&on Pullen

iUtlon, we could not bav« done biiu-r

tbaa to saiuot (hia. Wu have alwa^ a

b«oa ghid that wo got aboard tbia

liiaiut. It Juat suita na. Tb uur uilud

tUi' vtfry bent uulur lu Ibti uuUcr^o

lui water la blu<.', iliu voi> l» m nUadu

(ur graaa la Krecu, uuii llit- vit> I'on'.

fur water la a cryalallluc llajili 1 li<

i.iountaliM are Juat high enough, ihu

vallapa Jual low aanugh, tho rlv«tra

Just swUt saoagh. Tho human facu

la most wonderfully adapted fur 1!»

U.4 • Mtlll htlllBlillll.' lU ll^ ..111 •illJ

iiliilxal 111 iLti fluvkii, Willi iwii • >va,

one Uiuru tliau la urcibttui > , m< Liiai

If uuu in put out we alUl may ik u tbu

UnhMMU thtaai <M has placed a

riiuad aa; with oni aoaob aoat admir-

ubiy arranged to tahs la tho swh "t

|.. I llllll>'^ uf earth.

Art, L'Vi'ii at its b«Mt, iiiuy III' jiiilly

1 riui iniil, but where 1h llio lil.i«iili. iii-

I J Who would dare criUdse the arcb

of tho sky, or tho ersst of a wave ur

bo flock oC fleoey clouds that tii<-

.-^hophpfd wind Is driving over tUf

|i;i.-;' iif .V (if 111. hW) '111. I.' i.- Diily

mil' ilis.oiU III a I li<>ii>.iiiil li;iriiii>iii. M.

Til. I. l^^ .1 Kliulf nky full of robiiiH

ic Dili' liuotliig night owl, and lo rv-

• ly ileetnicUvo torrsst there bun

•I reds Of plaeld aUaaas with water

iiiilcs aachofiad at their baalM ami

•Hiaiit laylaa hrtght ranaatioaa to

1 1> .'p in

For buarHi'ii. hH. iiifluiiii'<t luiixa orIrrllatliiK luuglui i)AJXAUl>'S liUKB-IIOUNU 8YRUP ia a healing balm.

It doea lU work quickly and thur-

oughly. Prk-e 26c, r.Oc und fl perbottle. Hold by Hlckuiun DruKThere la only One Pine Tar HoneyI'.'iui 1.-^ Ill Itell'tt. It U lliii uriKliial

aiid ran lie relli'd on In i roiip, i:old«,

ioiikIi.s and all liiiiK uiul liioiirliuil

iroublea. LrfMik for the bell ou the

ituttle. »

Oranulatad lya LMaI to not nucd to bo caaterlsad or scar-

liied by a phyateiaa. Suthorlaadls Ha-^li- Kye Salve la guarante<Hl to cure

ihiiiii without pain. It In harmlean

awl a aura eura for granuialiMl lida.

Ms ts»ss St all tisiiai •

•rhnni (ilniii. nnd luauv .'•.iiiiniiiitttra

are iiKW ri'-i-lilnn uiui >i liiryi r ilirt

deiiili ii|Miii iln'lr Ik liiNii liiM'oi ii.i'tiln

.Main :ti 1 1\ itleii lire I|i'» i-arrlinl on

In HI hik'' liiiii«<-a Hfler (lay hour* Kvvii

tou uiiil triii ntliiii lu'liiKilii. |ila> L'rnuiida

In » Imh>I ynrda ilurliiK Jiilr niiil Au|Hi«l. e\ ••I'liif r«x re«iliiii ami ».>t liil rru

ivn iliirliit; Ihe u liilei iiioiit Im. fiM-

l«"'iiir>-«. riiierlnliiiii«>iilii. Iiiil.i 'r ^[i.irta,

fiilh dnno^. v\\\r mill eilir iill.iiiiil

llli'i'tllll.''* Ill Hi Iliu ll ||4«<-||||.| V r.>llll<<

HI.. I I.' \ mil I -ItilliH tile*., riri* i !)i' UWt«N.i« in woli-h the laipnyera are«Aowreiiiug mtmt wtnfim tmm achoai fisp-eny.

Ill liiM'baNier, wliere eipr> oihrrei Ii.".IIh'11'<* hiia l>e< i.|iie h ih'Ib IiImit

IliHMl III .'l nil I'l (••nil I ' IIM* ofiiii«~r»xiiii" Ih l.iiui: iiuhIi' I.j lueii'a

111 ll Imill f..r iLiiii'iirtlxHii dlwtia

hIoii" uf t'i'll' l'')i I <|iieH(liiiiit "Thi*

m lli.i.lli..ii«i H iin- the |.li». ih« fur |Milllt

ml iiii't't I in."<' Miilil II .'iiiilj . i.iiiiiilt

lii^-iMHM III ,1 II'M lii'iter liil I enier

"I <|.i nut llie.'ili tlillt lhe\ >liulil)| Im-

«|M"||<h| ll. niiv life |Killtl.'Hl I'Hrty. hutto hM \VI'\ ihuiilil I tie . .iiii|>>-lli-<|

III t^u Ihtii M III'!'. ."Ill f.l llllllri'Hi H |Ml

lltlriil iiuiiliu;. uliere (lie l.nrlrniler

l« iiHlni: nil- to advertlae liU liwr?Wl.y xtiuiilil I Im> roiiiiielled tu au In'.u

miiiiki' lIMi'il iiHiniH III talk on |Milltlral

|«tiie'4 iilieii M» linte liiillillnK'« Ilka

thin wlii ri' li.uM- IIiIiikh i uii l.i- tnkeuUtiV l|i.« i'ikIIx the urdliiMrj pnlillr

W tlililllllhl Im'i ullle>i the t'r lining

|a>illl fur 111.' I..H liil H. |l\ltleN uf tlie

lii'ifl ll I \* well llliiHirtitiil li>

III.. Ill >Ii'i i.iililj.- HI hiHil No. 0. He-aldi'M Im'Iiik h il:iy. eveiiiag and vara-tluh I'll...! mill >.ir\lii|{ n* n inilillc

rlliMiuii«e men >\ ii.i n |...\.< nn.l

(.'IrlK. till' luilliliiiL' N iii.ll :is n uiiiv

liiK |il' Inre tin nier. II liM'tiire Imll. ii

irwniiM'^liiiii. 11 li.'iilili.'iwe II iIhii. e hall,

n lll'iniv iiml 11 |>liiyKruiiiiil liuiiMe Afree ilnitiil i lliili- la tu l>e i.-itnlilUhed

In It. mill It hnn Hlremlv Ixiuiue ii

plllillc lieiiltli i.m e ItN .\Hril Ih iihi-iI

aa a |ilii.Mii'uiiiiil. 1111 iitlili'tli' tli'lil mill

a wl I Kiirilen Willi n little luure

gniuiid fur H |.Hrk tin- Mliule pluntiviiiild riiiiie . luie t.i n ri'iill/.iitlun ufthe lili'iil MiH

I II . enter ll tlii'ie anyallier .\ iiierl. II II ln>.t It nt luii ilint a»li.'ilnriilly iitlnn t.. tu ll^i'lf nil thit vatied liilpraeU of the couiinuulty ?

Qivaa Prompt RsllafWillluui 11. iKjiuiiua, Jr., of Washing-ton, I>. ('

.HayM I lake Kreut pleua-

urt) In liironiiirtK you I luive uHod I>r.

Balls 'Pino Tar Honey aud it gave

' FURNITUREW« bava just fillwl our kiga alora %nlb a fcdiline

•( Mw atylaa of Funulun. at a price tbat wil an

able us to give you nrw (^immU nt almost yruirown

prirr V^V mean just what we say wr must aril

and wr do sril good gfxxls,and guarantee them to

be juat aa w« taM you. TiyMdif twadoaaliMka

goodL da«*t buy.


nUxt Door to r»at OfBas.

^1 aA.a.*. kA.a^h.i tA.a^h. tA.4a.l. tA.a^l 1



parfact mjterij|« of i<»hic»i •'

cewruo, le the cH»ef. A aa^a o'

tKeiU.INeB brand uMN aetiia <h*

pSffasMow 4M0ette« ao far a* flewr k

camsfwsdi Order a each leSar. mI »OMr tiawta

C. 5e TravU


Toa'U kt itsd yoa

sorry yaa aMiB i gst i

Their iaflntuca will do yos food.

Do you 1(004 DIRBCTLY-Mks yea fssi Nks DOINGTHINGS.

Give you

of othors.

la yoofioK, too, tad via the ir i|>r< t

If Ih'i* lhti,»'j ^^>pf»T to you to tif Worth whil', <lfi fi iii

some day aoU let ui talk logrihrr oo Ibo sutjecl oi


dCtlNIDf, Tlie Tailor

Make Hows BeautiiuL

Nolhkug bi aniiiiii. ika

kruuuds iUe a lew woll selected RSI-

• H The Uourler la gotag to make il

iiuaslUo tor amy gas 9t Ma raadera

lu baaatlty hIa or hor hosM grouwlaMlthoul a ceut uf uual. We Mill » i..i

>ifU the nil •'rlikioiiilii^ oiu >.iu mil

i>MH<a d«M:i Um-U U Iom, uI.huIhIi ly freu

or chaTKu If you will aeiiU ua uuly

II 2a lu pay toi Ibe (Hurler one yuar

aud The Karmor a Mlockuiau uaeyear. What Is awio, wo wlU aaadyuu asMpists laatroetloas oa phuitiiiK

aitd ears with each collectlvB. TkeHuiiiHii IK I iiiiiH :iii uiiiii'ii hy an obiofloiini. oni' ol I III iiioiii hiu'eeanfui ouearth

'i'hu ru«e«i will be sent piunpaid byI iiH Karuiur a Hluckaian dirool froui

Ihe Oorlat la Ohio, aay tliM you wiahYuu oaa order the oodeetlon now. he

riire the Hii|i|ily Ih i'IIiuiikI i iI anil liuvu

llii'in Hhliipi'd un> liini' you witih be-

fui-.' .May iHl.

Hoaua uiuy be liluiiti'd any tliiie be-

i weeu this and May Ut. B«tter ordor aow before the aupply a oibaaat'ed. Thooasads ara ordariag thasoplaaU now, and the aui»ply may beeihauaiod If you wait until April tounli i 'rill- I'liiiiii i K Still kiiiiin will

lii>l<l Hie row'H [or you uuUl yuu afoiKiidy lo piuiit tfeoM. Do adt takai bauces by waiUsB.

No ExcuseFor It


Out the habll- gu to lUu Kiocirlc

iHin't Heiiil )uiir Job |iiiiilli.> " ll »'

'" A I, 111 li'ttHl icl\u your hoiiii' 111 "

lution a chauce lo figure oa it

< aa foralah oa

Coauaarelal priallat of sMli^ndgB and Uoaiealla UalaadaraAdvortlalug tana aad aeeaiUea

Kugrarod aaada aad wsidlaa ia**'*


I.UhoKra|ibt<d school diplouiaii

UUMgraphed aloi* oaNtfteaies, »>'

^mttt latlmioss.utho. haafessfiHMkCualomera ohdiks vMi iaiaebsbla

lulli euvera.

I atiiloKuea.

('uttou aud grain

Klaak book wortLMat. aklit aad MilUaaryHale and 8tock UUbi.

Marriago OarUCItialaa.

Don't buy new furnllure^ net ynor

old plaoea rapalrod aad uphobivie'i

a 0

Or. aeli'a Antl-PaIn

A BUddun atuuik of taiolera Morbua l«

dangeroua. Keep Dr. Ml'a Anti Pn>"

at hand, a doao iwUoroa alawat mIt atoo flUBM IHni^iisa Kluii


THE HieKMAN eOURIER. A ni.UF MARK HESIIininH ttirit roiii atib*<*rlptlon tiM- Htptrtd{••ill*w prfifnptir If y< OWHiit ttif pHp^ I to rnmifto yitti Hftt*r llii- moli.b

in tht Taam that l^ulh tr, !'"::nB!c,»l U/agoa up tb» Hill of Saeem. Th, Courm Kia' Good Toam. CToaaa th§ Rxlaa at Yam U/agaii vfan. and Let's Hi'ch Up




, Ml/ H»w4 ClMiM •! BamIra.

WHm*. la (


a . I nl' baf. marrteas to lk« IMi^*l vlll mmmf tka ««M.

MK Day NltroD Tboagki ywi


II I ••And It Ml (k« puV.'.t

t A man lb*t» « lih

' ' K I In bl* b«)>'1



AUolul«l)r FfM. No String* to

thU offer, we •wn pay

Yon rarnot buy thil for Ifw thuri $1

I I' I III '.tiiiei It I 11,, I 1' i f

' <y (il.ite silver. Entire ip' on ii

*i« iDchti loiiK. handle ii four inrhej,

rarved and erabosncd. Thii br.uui-

'"1 ipoon it nivrn fre^ to cvffy iub-

criber to the Hickman Courier and

Americao ParoMr. Pnoe

$1.40I liis offer reniMii* gooii (or only

'"oiled timoMMncI in your''-'I riplion now.

N'Mk'sh all oidrrs to Hi»k-

luaii Courier, i lickman. ky.

III.' ,

tat k* iMaat te4 ' 5*


»y ADounii-a KNoiT. It n.

Till' rrtltrtm blCa Um'Ii iii:|<|)>,

mill I hn»i» limDl It fn)iu" -'11. 1 ' II wim wnme' ' li'T Mlth thf

I lii^iliiiiliHial

" ''

' '! ^ • «thm1 f,(r

ilillMi , ho ciulll

'"' ailwliiorra

riiiiM wiM" !• i«iiiii art* not

I. rltM fr..iii Ml.- iitiliiiirlaii

I • ' 'if 1 1. « iiMi' I, I. - fromI mil I ri 1 1 ; , • .,r

' •'..'! Hill-

I 1 l..'ri'iih>


• •«>li

' I' I III « liiit

If Im* 1* nil

' .1 i-.piivtl

<'• III lil« M .ii k

• •• liolllf It llllivt


ii If ih<» itntlfiit la'

'M.,,.. to hl< ImI

• I. - ' oii.niiitiiiK a••f ,,r ..'..lion In a rrnwilH

i» lr. 1.1111, oft.'ti Kl'tioiii Mrbt andHIT. !• Mts j;r.Tii Kiirb a p«till, I i«« , ... I,, la not lakrarnr» of at ifir ri,ri|| Hm* |gIfw rlrhf |i!!i Mia a ipMal d««l

In 'I ii.l and iHK larra-<|iM'»ii« a.l.lltl.iual l|r«« arvMert-><til iiiiMiicb bu mndliloo aa4rnt inmitiPlit* Itila la aijr aB>awrr rrttm ibr atllliarhiD point of» ii • lo lb.- atatfinvni that W to

a uartraa titpMidiinf* la lakacai*or III* wrmlnstf iim

Popular Hickman Physician.

Vr. PrMhtr B. Cmriin


Thf '1. (ST" «•«» •» '«*

|tl»« I'd a 'I ' etilckan atMitag.

TTila «w jiicipiiiai.- iliol4«4 lo

a|i|M>«l t.. tl..- b > - ' i' r

-New. «. «< hi t. V ''

4afkr. •till" ' •' ' '

IB Wlirt li.:in> t1


ablekriii tlial I m tlii-.l f r him

k«r.--Ah dont biBuia you, a*b," ratuniad

tta ratio r -Ahl tlra4 tf waiM Mabare. i"<J


-T>ion wliT .lon't you tonrh Mm tiiiw

to act' 8hii« tilm "i" T\r ^ "ji^ and

ha won't b«i ' or. < li. r.

"Ah haa •n »"1 .i- ^ r'x «rt,

Mh." drclari-'! v., ./.I n. .u .r:..-i!v.

"Ab haa autiiMiiv stiowi',1 'n. .ii- rintit

vajr, but b« a«)mi'tiow ki'"!-" r»>'"i"*

aavcbt ctimia' 'way wl.l doaa chick-

aaa!"—fVatral Iaw JoumaL


TiiikH V"ii ntaboardta*


Wlnka—Ymi Outtar Bo WM« f«« aay

Man an< Olrtab

"Aa iii-y «r.' palnlad.

tiCllMlUT Um) TA1L.OII.

Citizens of Hickman


Industrial League AdditionOn the East Side of Hickman, to the Qtizens of Hickman

and Fulton County.

Rek ing upon the principle that our obligations are first to Home and HomePeople, we have dftemiined, 1^ fore starting our salesmen on the road selling

these lots, that home people should have the first choice. Not an auction, if youplease, for it does not require the glamour of an auctioneer to create a demandfor such property as this. Auctions ar(^ always the last resort for disposing of

cast-away, hard slock. Symbolical of the undesirable, the refused, the unsoughtand entirely too undignified to b(^ associated with such desirable property as

these beautiful lots in die INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE ADDITION.

During these ojDening days, every citizen of Hickman and Fulton Countyis most cordially invited to call and inspect them whether you want to buy alot or not. It will be a revelation to you to see how beautifully these groundsare laid out, with broad avenues, boulevards, parks, etc., giving some of the

most picturesque views in America.

Immediately after this opening our talesmen start on their selling tour through the country for 500 mBtt•iMnroundinf, aad of court* iIm clioicoat lots will be Iho fint to mU. W« offer you tho MKrantaf*^ ^while the whole additioti i» intact, giving you firxt choice. Whether you appreciate our attitude remains to be

KC«*n. But don't {or^vX that Hickman will not always be the same Rmall lown she is today. Think what the

new railroads will very soon mean to the town; think what the new belt line railroad is going to mean, especially

to Una addilion; think What the bridge acroas the Mbsiasippi river will meen to Hicknan; think bow Hickauui

has grown in the peat five years without any of these things and without arty booating away from borne* Thewhole country, for manv miles around you, is in a fever of excitement over the wonderful future prospects of

Hickman, and all eyes art- turned on you now, even if it is "only Hickman" to you , for "A prophet is not without

honor save in hit own country!" then think how thu feeling will be augmented when an army of salesmen are

tarted oat in all cBrections fron Hickman, booating Hicianan and attracting new people here. Think wbat an

investment will mean to you in those beautiful lots when people begin to rush here from all points of the com*

pas«, which is certain to Ix- the case; think of Oklahoma City less than a dozen years ajjo, before it became ad-

vertised, and think of it today. Lots that were sold there at the opening of the early subdivisions for only a

few dollan a front foot could not be bought today for 91000 per foot, and many of them that 96000 per

front foot would not touch. Oklahom.^ rity hat not half the natural advanUget of this very town of Hickman,

but still it has grown to a city of 60.000, and still growing like a weed in wet weather. The same is true of

many other great cities today. What has done it? Advertising, civic pride, local boosting and the attention of

the world being continually called to it by its traveling land salesmen, backed up with merit Whether you

racognive it or not, Hickman baa the merit, and that sufficient to make a city of 100,000 population, and then

it has the civic pride and everybody is getting to be a booster, and the INDUSTRIAL LEACUR will certainly

give it the advertising and the publicity by flooding the whole country with men to boost Hickman. Watch the

rapid growth from today, and in les* than five years you will see our predictions come true.

I hese lots will be sold on easy terms, or a liberal discount for cash, and a chance at such desirable lots as

these baa seldom been your ptifilege and will perhaps never be jrour privilege again. Now is your Golden Op-

portunitf, a little later will be too late, opportunity s watchword is "NOW OR NEVER." It was up to US to

offer them to you first, now it ia up to YOU to take advantage of the opportunity or the fault will be YOUROWN.

During this opening they will be open for sale to Home People EXCLUSIVELY at the very lowest price

they will ever be offered for. After that they wiM be open to the %rorid. We await your pleasure.



Walter L. Brown, President

A. J. McGehee^ SecretaryHICKMAN, KENTUCKY













AiMHoana LMk On • InaurrvctM

m* Dtu Mtn W»g« Batti*—Cm-Ar« About MMmtjf


DongtM. Arts.. Uar. 14.—AMtb«r1«rc« Ms*t*iBMt bctWMB ihm fed*

irau and Inaurrcrtora at Afua Prtata.

vl«z.. li e\ld«nt Captain Jokaaon,

umuiauilluK Troop P. Third I'nltad

9Utea cavalry, on duty here, recalved

i dlipatck froin Labor! Vaaquea, com-

nlMArio of pollcs at Arguerttia, aar- i

ug that Jo»f> Hlanpo, tb« lnturr«icto

aMj> >K> 'u)( to tb« atUck of

-.ha town aTtti buring baca rapulaad

hr (Moaal Mara'a fadantla.

Whola Town Watch** B«ttl*.

Dougla*. Aril.. Mar M Eleraa

limtA and i<-ven wonml^d cm 'b» r»4-

•ral side one wo'iiided and thirtH«a

yrlaonan taken, all of whom ar« re-

yarfed to have b*«n abot a' iiinUr. '^n,

>B th» Innurrertoa' nld*, I* th« report-

ed rpaiilt of a batfl* whl< h took piac*

i»» 'iiiWs oB*t (if \nua J'rieta h«tw»«a

no f*d*rala undrr Colonel Mora anA

tlO Inaurreetora undiT O'tif-ral Rlaaro.

A larg* portion of Douglas' 6 OMpopulattoD vlilted th* arcae of battla,

uid many of th*m ar« reported aa

aavtng been mnl!r«Bt*d. Charle*

Roearhe. an Atneri< ati pbotograpbar,

who went to the haitlefleM on a bVojrcU, wa* bayoneted and half bla

•calf torn away by a Mevlcan f*d*ral

aoUlar, who baat him witb hia

altar kaTlBc brek*n hi* ramar* mihia birycl* froM him.

mfly theta at On* Man.

li aald to ba held a pri»

Wahb aad Cattle. Amarl-

) eaplwrad by f*d*rala an4wtU alitet, wba« tha

jJwM Btataa iaia««a< tWir

Oapt R«rrr Wha«l«r tt tka

taacan. wto bad com ta tka rabal

ouap to took to a atnyad horaa. waaattackad ky Morals nd fkllr MyMiMta war* Brad kt kta. b«t k«oapad wHkoat iajmry.

MaxleaB Capttia nalagoa eaao lato

Ooadaa to got mopay to pay tho

•rtMpa. Jaaaa BIdaraoa. aa American,

4toppad blm and sboutad "Viva Ma-

darol"Ixampi* t« Inaurracto*.

Oalle^ns whipped oat a revoWer aadwaa about to eboot Bldaraoa. wbanOapt Pred John'ion of th* Third

'Tnlted Htatea ravalry ••lied th* gun,

b* hammer of whirh ff-Il on John-

on'a thumb Johnion took th* Mask<ao captain arrosa th« line and taraad

ilm over to Colonel MoraTheae alleK<?d (Ixprf-ditioiiH are

latd to have bt-un romml'tvd by th*

'*d*raU afl an »-iamr>le to Inaurreetoa,

Ince the Kovornnipnf haa iiauod or«

lera to show no nuarfv:

WUIIain WKbb aayn whilf he wns

hald a prlDoner during the duy h* Raw|

ika faderala capture Dln>' unnnasd


4axlaan apeclatora of th>- battle and

R. R. Systeio oo Boat.

It la a Mttle out of the ordinary

to .s. ! ;i . <iiii|il.'i.' niilroiid MVKioin

float Mil l<> and I'l' uiil(>n<ti'd in a

toun. but this lia|i|M'nf«l in llirkinaii

—the town of noliiing liuiMMwiblo


Tilt' UiK tranvfiT boat Ckaa. M< r-

riuiii ulul iht' Ktr. Menael Itox CowHh four big barKgf>, broiiphi ihi-

whole tblng In "lock, stuck ami


On the boat* were two hM-omotlvi-M.

twenty-one flat can. a Ug aicain

log loader. w«lgbt S7 tona. a ateain

•kidd«r. wflght 4K tona. two car toaJa

of railroad i«|)iki><i, cnotiiih sli'd tn

lay niiK' inllii. of innk and a l<>(

ut oilii'r eijuipoienla. Thia is tlx-

logging railroad owD«>d t'y tlit- .M>'ii-

gel Bos Co., and which baa b<HB In

operation at Aahport, Teaa. The out

fit waa unloaded at tha Incline, andnin down fho N. C tracka to th«>

^' ii wHl' remain.

<' on tl)«- tracka of

lb. ( . .M A u.. (tho aaw railroad

now buildliia). It la to b« naed tbcn

In the timber laitd betweea ker« ai -i

Ttptonville, Tenn.

Koreman Qua Moore bad cbaiKc oi

the loading of this railroad on thv

ateamera and Capt Ryan looked .it

ter IMling it here. Unfortunately


'' o

, .ng, two cara rum-' downtil. lilio so faat that Ihi y ran the

'11 !• iii;th of t)i ' l><.;it ali«l |ilM!m.'l

' ! iiiio tbt' rivfi in wuicr ii'U Uvip tjf course they were a oom-

ThJa nine nillea of railroad aiM e-

((iiipment la now standing on Its omuprivate track in the Mengel yarda,

awaiting the completion of tke newrnllroiiri, rimI for the time balBg, w<

bn\c anotht-r railroad.

11. G. Colt- .sp<-nt Suitday In Pulton.

Ous Alexander waa la Pulton Ban-


Free aouvaalra Batnrday.—L«ibo-


Swayne Walker la woririi« for tB*

llit'linian l>rug Co

Circuit Clerk MorrU la attending

c-onrt at MayHeld.

.Miss Stella Salmon Ih h<-r« froml,<)uis\ illi- NiMilriK li. I iiai .-nia

1( goods dont ault and prioaa doni i

suit. Boat bay.—HtaftMia ranltaraCo.


Uuy "Fortunv'a Wlich liaxel andi

Alutoad Craaa" at OanglU'a Drug^tore. MU t us flgara on Chat btU ot lum-

ber.—Reynotia Moaa * Oa.. la o*^IxiratiHl.

Portuoa'a WIteb llasol

Craaai for aalo at OMrglU'a Drug

•^tore. 30

I'roaipt LH-llviry, it you pbuuo V4

for groeeriea aad meata.—Malheiayllros >lanl

Miss Mayme Nay lor returited Bun-

day from Pulton where ahe ban boon '

tiNiiiiig Miss Rrline Re«-d{

Mrs. Sam Salmon and daughter,

.Mlsa Claudia. ar« Improving rapMly.

.ifi« r a *«'Veral days' lllniKH

waau bla etolboa

ka alwayatba nuar.

When acleaned aadfor a tailor.-

A pracUcal aoavealr froo to avaryone who viaita Mbmlta alor* oa• >!>• ning day—Saturday. Macrh 11.

BRICK!1 Make 'em."


Don't take our word; try aa.—Hl«k<man Kurnltura Co.

Men's and yoang men'a avita atSullivan Uroa. at M.M to

Mlaa Uiisa Amberg baa beeniliu akk Hat tor th«9 paat week.

Tfcc- KoliUili- I';:

viilui B al .Su la Hi

' anI -loK


$1 7.^.


Have yo« avar trMKlour? Kotblag batter: ovaay):uarant«ed by Maibeny Uroa. A Plaat

Before buying yovr apring aalt. aoe

that $20 value In brown, ua aad la

i.lui' K' rv>- III SalUvaa Bma. IVBr|irt«'t> is tl3 .'lU.

Remerobi-r If you have aurplua pro

dtico or anything lu m II. or wunt ui

boy anything, our want (uliinm will

do the work. Oaly la a word. I

That old rockt-r or oomli li. • d.s upIio'-t(iii,K !,(] \arniAbin»' I'aki- i^

o \'. ,trd, oter I- iic^ua. ili liu A Co or

pbune All work guaranteeil.

I'ri Hb>l<>rian Chun h— .SubJ»-« I f-ir

the morning s<-rnioti, "Shibboleth ai <l

Sibboleth." Bubjeot flnr the evening

aeroMMi, "CbUdhood." Bnnday Srhoul

at 10 a. m.—Wm O. Siockion

If you are latandlng to take advHii

tage of our raa* baah offer. It la thix-

you wore getting buay. The samebushes wouhl coat you |l.7u at anyrintt rlaaH nuraory. iiOOk lor the ot-

f<-r In thlH Ihhiii-

Chan. K. KIliH and Mi - 1;,.

IbiKK. two »>'ll known yoiiii^c p.-

of Kulion, \M r«- iinlii-d in man .w8un<liiy KUIh waa fornwrly of Moh-cuw. Both partira worked tor ih»

Caniberland Telephone Co.

roMiity Cir« uii Court bad'•> draw on Pulton county Monday to

iili th^r Jury panel In the raae of

the Commonwealth aKalnat .lohn I.<>w-

la, who two y<-Bra a«ro ahot und kill-

< il .laiii' B rufketl. n Mayfi. Id mati

'I'hey Were all eaat end men nunimon-


March—the month to build Get

your plans ready and let ua deliver

t;i* lumber to your lot. Evorythimjneeded In a buHdinc from tho brick

In tho foandatlon to tb* nail that

holda Ml* ahlfiflloa on. N*w ptu.Tib-

Ing and tkinlnf ahap add*d to th*

buainaaa. W. A. Oodda.

lUi caroful alx.iii your cioiIu-m. I,i-i 1

S. Iiiiildl, Ihf 'lallor, ( b an and prinw I

till III and be oil Lhe sufe Hide.

•loi Canlillon with ilobi- l-"i rrU.

.Ni<k AliriHk, Jimuty Willlamn anddowB in cold blood. Hia ii lurry Clyroer. went to Rmelfoot IJike

bawavor la naaah«taatlatad. Monday.

Crui'a Body at Valparaiae.

Valparalao, Chill, .Mar M -Th*liody of Anihal Crua, who dit-d r*.

oantly at Waahlngten. where hn waalalBlatar to tha United statea. waatgfeaa from tba ba'Uaablp Oalawar*

aai daUvaraB to tBi> GhlUaa oCBalala.

ditar la Dead.

Mar. 14.—Curtis Guild, Br.,

fOBBdar aad adltar of lb* Boston Coraloorelal BallatlB. aad fatbar of laraiat

(Mv. Curtla OaUd, Jr.. la

d* yi


l4ist Thursday evening, Mlaa Lea'.

Harry entertained members of KnU-.N'ouH Club and a few outside visitor*.

Book aii'l i"i V . l o jilayi-d. .\ Kalad• oiirso aril ;•.

i iiun aiMl <-,iki- »i-io

I ^ o I i,. OsitoiM Won- .MiswHC. iil li ir ii..-

. KuUi Walki r, Kranki"and .\' il l'i a\liT, and iiii inbi-rs, MIhh-

*'H MuKuU-e Hicu, Hazel Johnaon andI>ottie Davidson and Meaara. WarrenBllison, Will Bondumut, Harry Mil-

let. Prank Smith. Swayne Walker andCbeaUr Baraaa.



has his speoBl p««pBration

and formula (or oertam di* he uses exclu-

sively. We have equipped

our store to take rare of

;inv prescription may

roiiii- III. Vie iii.ikc.i spcf-

iahy of tlu.s and offer you

our exF>erience in this kind

of work.





Announcement of the.

Hickman Steam Laundry[•<>r Home time the people of I have l)rrn <onftonteil with a ptohletti of

importance ttiat of CLiv\N CLOl ili'^. l u dale there tiaa never liccn an up-li*

dale latuidry in Hickman, and «ve have had lo put up with tke owiijr diMdvantBgea

of the aveifg waahwfoman thai «re %nB not mention, but froas

Monday, March iOUi

we psopoee to do awy %irMi rfiia Blnle of affairs by slartinc a SIbmii Lmuidrjr. It will

!>(• so that all you have to d<> is ^-rf up v<>iir hiindic at home wr i .ill for it, wash them

C.I.I..AN. Ill f.ul. tliev will \w .SI I KII I/I I) wlirn we >;ft lliioii^li with ih'-m (.i-» they

will be treated with steam), and we prumiac- nut to wear them al ail. 1 hey will be

finished with late nackuiery that gives them tke MUCH DESIREO DULL FINISf I.

iiid deliver them to youT home in one to three drtys. fhis does awny wMi dkt; leainii

( lothes (.IS we prf>pose to be resp«>iisil)Ir frw all ck>thea kwt. torn.etr ), j^eritis, diir i-r,

epulrmii s such as sin.ill \mx, dtptheria. etc, and, in fad, ail the unpleasant conditiona

of the laundry pro|x>.Hition.

We urish to slate alsa that from the finl w« wil have an empeit buiodqr (ore-

man and an aipeffianced crew,and ikcM will be no "i psriniUhft*' on your WMldng

Acting upon the advit e and pkasof the Hickman {>eople we h.ive K<>ne to ,i

l>iK expense, have in\<-sfcd .i large <iim of rnonrv. ha\f Ixxitfh' tli«- Lite-*! .ind Ik-iI

machinery so that wc can give you good aerviie. and now ask your help, one and all,

show your appredalioo of a regular City Laundry in a small town, by letting us do

your laundry nvork, by boqaling (or ua. and helping ua in many wnye thai yon can.

Vi e will caU for your laundry NEXT MONDAY, have your buiKlle iii|| andif we do not ^'>-t everythinK just right, OT if anything IB miBMIp IbI "US" loMW not

others, and w<- will make it .ill i iKhf


We give all a cordial invitation lo C4ill and see the beat laundry in Weatein

KenlMcky, with abaohilely new. modem marhineiy. Yen are wshimiB

Thanking you in advanee (or your ful co-opamlion with oa in making Hickman a good humdry town. w« are

Yours for dean clothes,

OCE HARRIS and A. ti. kt^NNtDY

Manager Joe ('antillon, who is showingthe Minneapolis Baseball Club a

"lly time" in Hickman.

Ikjiit trail to raad our apodal offer

obtowbur* Jfi tbia laaaa. Bis raaabasbaa. aU a yaar oM aai fla* varia-

Uua, given fre*. Now li tba tlm« (o

gat aad aat out tb* tto»*rB yov have

Sullivan Uroa. will aarv yoa awaayand appreciate yoar trad*..

Capt L. D. TuHIa, wbo baw Ix-m onthe BU. Mengel Pox Co. with I'uix KM Ryan, baa bi-. !! nnui.- (iioii on iii.-

Aiciigel Tag, and thu algUl viuw tak-

*a act tb*

Raqalaltlaa M*a*r*d.On a raqtrtaiUoa fraai the ._.„_„

ar Ohio a warraai of arraat was Iwnmdfor the r«>tum to that aiat<- of All. uOrigga, now under armpt in.lxHdovklie.H* la waatad on a charge of IBMuie to»rwvM* for his family.

Cbas. Wb<<t«r a«d totolly .

Baaday at «bo haaM af Cbaa. U>>

Mai I in I Mini an and fasUI/ Wrr.-

gui-aia of iwa Uaaiua aad elTr


Iluah M< Itaiii. l and rainll<

Hatarday at the boaM of a it <


Btroihcr Itlrc and wife spi>nt

day at tb* born* of bar alaler, >

dgar Walkar.

Mlaa Deaale Douglaa la the y

of her oaaala. Mlaa Laea Uaagis <

Tray, tbto »a*k.

Mrs. Hlnpler, wbo haa boon >'

b«r nolo* tor aoaM tiBM, baa r<>iu

«<d to bor boaM aaar Ttotr.

Mra. Mattia rargaana te la N<vlllo thia ««ek, the gueat of ki^r i'

cnu, Mr. aad Mra. lAoaler.

Bea Baatoa to baytag a aaw hmbuilt oa hia farm aad w* aaderHi o

Cbarll* Kllliou will oocapy It.

' A. Hatealt aad wlfs. of <»»

"' Hp<>ndtag IbM «**fe with >i

i>i>iKliter, Mra.

H. P. Roberts und ittdit .s< lii.<i< h. i,

of IxNilavlll*, wert! i-nu'riiiln.d a xlx

o'llotk dinner Mundny t-v<>nln4c by<'H|.i and Mrs V. M i<>an

Pay cash and sav* money en youraaal Mlla.~A. A. Farts.



I'l 'iN«i Mi'lklfJ[grt»a'- - JXiikiJtm li iii* i nltt'fli|illfiTfy"j

my tiri. a: Munt would

ft>r you to iiKik. ,1 iiiiii urixtt'ry oi

.Il < ii.'U .-.toll', jiixt III »'> I a aanu'

of ihfir aurvlcv aiMl gouUa.

If yoa waat carpenter work >

eall oa or pbane Q. h. Oulllua, ib


*Two bottles

Cured MyRheumatism''

" I lure been a suf-

ferer fiom rheumati*in(ur altnut two years, andhave used many lini-

menu and patrnt nirdi-

CtnM which c.ivr iiir iin

irlirf. A U<l) Iritiid of

mine Uild me ohr hj<i

tiM-(l your IJnini<-iil ai .I

foiinit irlirt Jt oiii r |

; 1 two Ik.iiU- .iimI iliry cur>.l mc. 1 ii.nik it it the best Uniment a pcrtun< 111 li.ive in Uir liou r I shJ| alw.iy ^> r\, a txiitlv in mf hwMU Im^ at I. ai. j{cl lU"— Mk-. i:.. K. \\ AMJtt K,' MurTi^tulla, V*.

Man. JAMU McGiuw, of 1116 MadcvOle St.. New QMmm, Lk, writes v-I take pIcaMm la wrfdnf to you that I had a pain inmy am lor five years,


for OM «aA Mril wm coaiylatoly ctnL I wooniwtwd your Lintment vowhiKhly-

^Sloan's Liniment instantly relieves

stiffness of the Joints,Sore Throat.

I loarseness, Sprains, Neuralgia,

Sciatica and Lumbaga Better

and cheaper than porous plasters.

At All i»rn(cl-i< I'rt. . 'JJIo^aao, Mitf §1410Ml<>«i<'« ttraiik* >. MoT** ••lit !>#«>. AiltlrMa



Brcuisford 4-

AndrewsC!(>i(lially ituitc thrir frirmU nnfi ciistomert afKl the jj

Krnrial i>ul)lic« to •Urnd the ionaaX opening ol thdr

new atore

Friday and S it '\ M ternoonsWiliiiiiiiiiiiiaigltiMtMllliiMBBMMMMaM

March 21 , fcwn 1 1» s •'cM

III tlie Ri'aii^ford Aii'li "\^ ' H1 1

^Sct* ^Thl^rf Sfl^di 4iw^ ^^Siftfte J

Your round trip fare be rafundod on purchMce


Triii il HiMi

Tbe Cuiirii r liaa lh>' fllii-Ht ll<><* of

11*12 c«l< iiilur L.iuipUvH Hint will h«

i<>«'ii III lll< liii>iiii, HUM i<a<l> for >iiiii

timtMicltou. ritliijiii/.< llii? Iioiiii' 111. Ill

• Dd aavo saluMuiaii's »-xi'< hm m of a-

boMl M 9or ooot. UaiaiMUra auiuUtlo

tar all Uaoo el iNtalni'M; tktMu ni

our oMtce, or our r« pnrsonUU*• will

call mt yuur pla«a of tuaUeaa. But

Lay et home.

'I'Uu (.:uurlur waiilH all tlie uh uI ik w

)u KultitD couoty. deaths, bIrlhH,

rlagMi, •torUlBBMBU, vlattura (lum

•braei. otc. eW will bo obliged ir

p«oplo wUI aotify us by callintf a'

th« oOloo or lolepbonlnii a Uim.

Iiont iorfot that wo have to sell

Koods and to sen gooda we bave to

iiiiik.- Ill I... lo auH you.—HIcluuaai'urullure Co.

EngravedCalling Cards,

WeddingInvitations, 4rc.

At Courier Office.

Till' M i-.>i>si|i|ii Valli > 'I'l .iiis|>or ;i-

lioll Co. MllU'H UH lllUl llll-y will llUM'

ihi'ir enKltu^r biTi.' In a fuw dayn lo

look after a location for tbelr new110,000 oonacroto docka at Hlekaan.It iH to l)<> hoped that when thia com-

imiiy iiiti nipiH to hu land hero that

il vmIi M " lo more than

|1UU yur Miuatu iouU


Governor Will Call When Cen-

sus Is Announced.


Congr»«ilonal. Legifimive and Appel-late Court n.tiMct. AHectad—


Dale Not Vet Fully Oa- .

cidcd Upon.'

» r.iti«ir,.||. Alllimuh tiov. WlllsonI

. 'I ilfierralmHl upon tht> dat« for

• jUiiik an extra aeaaiun of the Ifalsla-

tnni. It la known ptiattlvaly that be hs«decided to enll an extra i^ssion whenthf rrpnrt of the rpnsut reiuma laKi iiiuiky Is rr«-»lvrd liy I'lm.

Tin- i>i ini oliji'i I to, III)' etlra»»i>«l<ii ii: !.. I,, riill-^iiHt ihf stair

ioi ibr li'i;isUitvi-, toUKivsaloual

appellato OMirt diatrltis.

To rull ttrafiftli At Onoo.

To h.' |pr, I,, I atlt rm«T|r»'n''y

ihui iiii\ iiiiK.- ami tiH n ii(l< s'limlil

III!' Iin' r ,1 •< I ho. 1; l i- , (1 iiilo

a<iiti' '

.1 1. 1< )-, on nniiuut uf trouble

«.il. «i. \i<.>. the ICoatacky nalloital

K'larrt wUI bo recruUed to lu f«nHiM-nnh at ofire. Tbo men will hetfid 111. , . r , Ice.

iU I Ik- i.mi. I II I' ' . .1 I

., iio ac-

couni V ill III- i.tki I 1.1 iiii-ii who ar«>

I* < Mriiii'il rro'ii (lu ll I'uinniandk or not•ivsiiaiilf at iMiie tor aervtca.

I h.' tirder to recruit at once waa la>

•ii>d t<y the artlnc adjutant Reaeoal.MaJ. K. U. ItaaaeU. It waa laaued ladetiend^at of aay ordara frum the wardi-partiaenl at Waahlactoa. aa« toiiorcly a preeauikmarr BMaanrtb

Bruner Order* Bank Closed.

On vruiint of ex(-<M*lve kiana tha| .. .-i.i'i-i. i,ni,k. II .->it pli. iii<,.<iri. wasI III.-n il lo I ill... II.. iliHiiH anil ifii llitii

IniMiliilK U liy III-, Dm. I 11. I iie<--

ntar) of stsii-. Tli. .i os..

>«» ioniaiti<-<l III a ti l. i.r.1111 w-m to

' lank. The bank waa eapl4aliB<*d

" m l Irol .|. iioHltR aiiiniinllnclo II 1. 1. ( It IB nill bl'lil)Vf4

'I 1' •'• i|.

|.-.'. I-, will loiif anyihlng.

" 1^ " 1' • \ iMiiiu-)! r(-<'i-iiLly andiiiid to haM- exi t laivF loans !•


Capitalists Intarastad.

We are laoviuc at a rupld rate.

I^a yearn aao the praoeat mana«e-iieiii of thn Coarler bagaa to < xpioit

ihr <i|i|iortiMilttea hnd resoiin.s of

lliikiiuiii Till- |).-vHiiiiisiic Mill., fly

iliiii rull K on til.' c harioi wb..'ol of

i>ii>k;iiM., tiMik u niiiK at oar "dayill' iiiiih mill air c iintli'S."

Hut whi n- iH that uiintTabh- lit

<iin» trultty? Hurt- -he Iuih hiked oOil- laii tluiber—dried up—raoKMaed

jHklddoodled. 'He waa run down by

•he band wacon. iflckman la comingInto hf>r own. Hickman hi the only

' II III the wurld hi-r H^/.^ tlim roux

III.- nhy. wily dtillar from the iilin-

\k\ riipiiulit<t like w<. hatre done In


I 111- |>:o-l fi' w llioiit llH.

Sill'., .hiiiuar) Isi, two land cmii-

Ili.ii.H s. barked by JliHi.oiiK l ai 11. Iiavi'

iiuircliid liKliI III uiiiiiviicd and pill

|>li<'ir iiioniy In Hltkuiaii. \V'i. n i.r

.>u the luduatrlal L«age first; andl^file Partta and othera, of Union<'lty, Bfcond. The laat named genile-

tiian and aasorhilea. whlth is prob-

ably the Obion Liiiid fo . II T. iiii.--.f

I HI IMirHtlon. 1 aim oti i .Monda.N amilit thi- Tom I'lumiiK r larni «rf

M I. H. They paid for It lltO an acre.

I'hiH land lioa Jiiat aoolhweat of the

iiidiiiiirlal l-Migae Addition, and JoIm'he riiy llinlta OB the enat. The (ur-

• liuse was made thrtniKli tbr IhhiIk.i-

iloikof Mr. Ilrown, wbo iiiii iho prop>^ill<ili before Ihe I'liioii t'lly <'a|>it,il

.Viid It folloWK. Hint till- laml

V I" 1 nt up Inio loi.s and |ilall.-<l

UH an addiUoii to Hickman. It mightalso be added that thhi la the htoh-fat price ever paM for tana land la

Ktiltoa county.

These two big land oonvanioa vlune would be a Mc booot for the•own. to aay nothing at new rail-

I ontts, boat lines, etc.. wo havo aaderwuy.

And Wh< -lopt

I A pain ill III. I III.' or baiV tliut

'i .iiili. ^ yon » h n .\iiii si ii upI alia fur a nibbing uppiii alKiii ufliAU^AROS 8NUW UNIMSNT. It

Irelasea the contracted mnaclt« and

: penulte ordinary bt>dily motion with-


out suffering or iui^nvenlenoe. I'ricu

2&C. Mo and tl per bottle. SoM by< IlickaHHl Drug Co. t

Up te ttalo aoord.

In the caae of the ComaMMWoalthbT H. I... Anderson, revenue agent foi

' stale at laricp. ag.iinst ib. I. \i N.

. .ilnwd. on B|i|m.|U fniiii ib. I. iT. rxoii

Int uit ciiur^, the roiir! >•! ainH «N af-

flrired I lie Jiidrnieiil of Ibi |,i»i I .ur'

aoc ftir




at il

il .

.1 Ill have aasessi d < i-r-

oMiiix) by the rullroHil

li.iw l>»H'n oinitted fromhiK of |;iiiK. The railroad

ii the pro|ierty had not b<-f


.1 ..1 .1 omitted by Hie Slate board

ol taliiMtions and aaseaamenis. 1 1mn|ip«-ll«t« (otirt says that It la up to thestata baard to act In th*


O. A. R. Objeeta.

Thai a roiireiied effort Will bo mad-In pri-vi'iit Ihe n>nioval at tho remaiii..

of John I'ltch. said to be the Invenwir111 the steamboat, who died and wasI iirU-d at Rardstown over I OA years

«Ku. to Connecticut, his aatlve aigte.

as provided for la a bill now pendingin the ConnectkiU leclalataurt, waa In-

(•irated when at a meeting of the Jolin

It eh Chapter of the naughlers of the

American Revolutloe. presided ov<^r byMrs. Bea Johaaoa. the atata rrgeni.

resolutions ware adopted protest inr

.iKsinst tha raaotral of nteh'a re


rsehaat «a State.

In the rotirt of appenlH Jiid«;ment of

Ibp .lefleison ruaiuery ronrt. in . onddl>iMlon, wa8 afbiini 'l In the rax.' of

the l..oiilsvllb> .Naiioiiil IUiiUIiik Co.

and Charlea T. 1 '.'arni'.:. n huh kbidd-

• r. against lb.' . oiii'iii'nvM'ii.lll>. .Iiidire

lltihson dellM i-i'd I 111' iii'inlo'i aiul llie

whole court, except .Indri .Mill. r. ion

riirnd. The ad lull wan by iIh- l.imis

>. iii.<il board to eH< bi'.u to ihr

stale two lota owned by the bank, va>.

u I'd Mi aboat |S.<MM.

On Inapoatlaw Tour.

nepraoeatatlrea of the Kentuckyrtra Prevention aaaoclatlon apent aday tn (ieoKetown. that elly baviagBaked for a lower rating.


FoHawing era (tofairs la the Waa

Murray, Ky.

oU, ai. Sep. 1, 2.

I iiloii ( I ) . St |it. t, I, h, y.

in. .-.I' I,. pi. 13, U, 16, l«.

TariH HviH. 'M, 21, 2i, 23.

Humboldt. Sept. ST. 2$. 19, M.'Jaokaon. OeC S, «. i. «. T.

Ooriath. Mlaa., Oct. f, U. IX. tS. 14

MerMiaa. Mlaa.. Oat It, 11, It, U.14.

WfOOO Tubea

f>f RutherlandV Kiu;le Kye Salve lu.ld

In r.ios aii.l iiol oiii' uurd uf 1 iiinplaiii

tUuU(;li . tnl.i. MBM Kuld uihIit apuHiliv. mi.iiaiiiei-. It Is Kuud furuuthiiii; but lUt' ey«a. Aak your drug-

No better llae oC (Teah aM«U wUi

ha found aaywhera thaa at Mallieay

Broa. A Plant

We are K<'ttiiig roady for ihi bii;

bullditiK buoiii that l8 KuiiiK Ui uk.'

place in ilukuinn tlils xprlnt^ by in

creoaiiiK uur kUn k of luiuber aiid

buHdIiiK material. I.«t us figura with

yoa.—KuyaoMa-Moaa A Co.


.Wa ara aathorlaad to

S. A. NOmiAN,of Mayfleld, as a eaadldate for mateSenate from the district cuiui.o.. il of

the pouiitlcti of Oruvi'g, h'ultuu andHU kinaii, Hubji t l tu tbe action of the

Democratic Primary Election, oa May

Wa are autbortaaa la aaanani

w. A. nuMrr.of Wlago, a oandldaia lor tha State

Senate from the district compoaedof the counties of Fulton, Hickmanami li'.ni'H. Mil J ( I lo III. ariloii of

the Ueuiocrutic Primary ICiecllou ku

Mar t7. Itll.

U Ita aaythkc la tto laaibar arbuilding line, go to SafMlia^laaa *Co., laoorporatad.

Jas. Barkett, who la looking after

A. 8. link- 11'-, \\ . -I lli<kiii.iii dipart

meat dIod', luiide a biiHitieMi trip to

NaahvlUe laat waok.

Don't forget to renew your sub-

scription to tho Courter. Tha paperstops when tfto ttM to OOi—M OB*


O. I. CoilinH and wife vialted hbi

brotiii r. 1:0 llarpol. m ar Vaioa City,

S.i'iii<la.\ ami .SiiiidHy

S<'e Sullivan Uros. big bargains tu

mea'a, youths' aad boya' auks.

. 1


' .1L.You Can


With Pride

dM bath rdiNn you have had ut fix up in

MoJarata faahioa for yov. TImm wfll Mlba a raoa ito tha hoM« oMra compklalf or

man handtoBiaIr appointed. If iIm ox-

pense ia provonting you from having such

a bath room, cotuult us. It will cost con-

•idaraUjr loss than you oxpoct*

Hickmdn Tin. & Plumbing CoRoth Phones Mo. 73



Oving to the fact tkal seme of ear caitomera art dfla

tory in paying their Water and Lights Accounts, which are

due and payable at our office ON OR BEFORE THE lOtb

of each nonth, wa wigh to annoaiM» that in tha fntare Ihe mla

governing this brSBCh of our business will be enforml to ihe

letter. Our Collector will make (»Uections on Main street

only, between the lit and lOtii of each nonth. and will call

but one time fi-;r this account. Failure to see yoi; l.'.rs not ex-

empt you (rom the penalty of being cut off. Parlies living

in the outskirts of the city will please arrange to either send

check or m3oey, or Bteke arraageaMeta with eae of the banks

to pay their .trmints.

Don't think that you will bo the favored one


tlfekiMn ace ^ Cm! Co.— Incorporated

J. T. DILLON, Managor .

Mlhit Mary Kli'/.iib<'th l.ear, one of

ihi- mint piiiiiiiiii nt yoiniK women of

I |i|iii ' ill! rani, will Jii an .<|MiiiKor of

III. Kiiiiiiiky diviaitin of the I'nited

I'ohfub rale Veti-raim. lo llii. roiiwn-

tloii ol llie liiili.! ('..111. lb i-ali' Vit

crans to Im> liold lU 1, 11 lie Ituik, Aik.,

Majr tS to IS.

W. A. Vroat, randldale for State

B4-nator in thin dlatrict. hua challeiiK-

ed hlH iipiMiiii'iii, Sam Norman, for aX ri.'s of Joint dlacnaaloBn of the la-

HIli'H iiivulved.

hiiii i fore. I OIII o|M niiiK <l»y i"'"'

Saturday. A nU-e souvenir free tu all

Who vMt the atore that day.—Leibo-*IU.

Our lady rnadera dhould not taU

to the Naylor Mereanttle Con-pany'a announcement In thia tosaa.

Il contalaa aomethlng special.

BuUlvan Broa. can aave you moneyon your apring suits.

Cov. WilL-'on liH!< ri'iiHi'red fipOB his

WorHl allat k of la grippe.

United States Court.

Tbe Miiii 11 11 1 III of '111' I'lil'i-d Stall *

iiiiiil »lll 1 out. Ill on M'lnb 1'.. ind

will be held in lli<- H'raiikliii ininiv

loiui houHe, aa the custom huuse is

i i-iiiK remodeled and to SU torn to


J. A. Cason. of Kanaaa City, Mo.,

Is here tho Kill -I of Ills poat W. H.

Caaun. 'I'liey bad mH neea each oth-

er la aixteen yearn until thia week.

There wnti a iln iib il dro|i in iIk-

teiiip.Taluri' Siiiida.i aiii iiiimhi. and

uIiIkiiikIi I'Xiii'ini ly uaiin in ilii fun

noon, M wiiK ii<Ti->,s.ii \ 111 ii:n.' Ill'

la the heating stoves betorit ituiiKet.

Oo <o Stilllvan Bnw.I.. I ... . I

. 1, 1 1


buys clulUiuti ul |1.7{i lo |4

For CroupThey rnn I^- Bell's I'lne Tiir Honey Is the beat

' known n iuedy. Uo aot oxporlmi nt.

>'. i 111. I'.enulno Dr. BalPa

Uoatijr. S

An Electric Linp

With a

Lnk Conl

is a good thing ia tbo bonso at night By

ita aid cloaota can bo soarchod for tbo tnd-

denly neadad madicine, burglars can bo

easily detected. If you bavont tbo elec-

tric light in your house of course you can-

not haTe this convenient use of it But you

should have it Suppoao wo talk cost

liickiMin Ice ^ Coal Co.

r. 9^.*

LESSjlCASHPittsburg Lump Coal (Cash with order)



When cash does^not accompany order 1 cliar^;c

10 ; extra for making colUction, which make the

pricfs as loll(>\v>»


Pittsburg Lump Coal

Bon Air Lump Coal




tlie city limits.

their own coal

Prices based on delivery withiti

Parties out of town desiring; to li.uil

will be allowed 40 cents per ton deduction from'pi'ites


You ran leave vour ordrr, acrompanied with

cash, at the oth^ of 1 iicknian he Coal Co., or

phone 48 if you .jrou wish order sent C. C). D. Noone has authority to extend cre(ht, so don't ask for it.

1 will .tppreciate your patronage, an i by selling

strictly for cash can give yon security against an ex-

ovfakant advance in prices.

4. \. FARI»

?lhe Courier's Weekly Sermon/ I I I It Ki'SMKi I

~- r

Ey. Lop Coal

THOusAL.s OF c:mons


Pattor Rir;iell

Spscial (Mm ONsrs.

Every r. atlcr of the Ccurl. r cansecure all of 111.- sU li.'aiiiilul .'V.-r-

bluouiiux roM! buiJita deHcribed U'-low wHkomt ctefs«. Th«7 mn allwell rooted om jroar old pUuiU. soar-antL>«d to reach you In good condl-Uon. Each collection will b« Mcoin-paaM wltlt taU ImUvcUom ob pUnt.>nc aad tan.

BLACK ROSE>-The Black Kooemarks tho highest attainment of thehybridliers sklU. For gimos. forsiand oolor the Urc* fctsllftil flowsrslook It Uojr www «t teum thehOSTtMt tek rloa TOlTM.

Cash Book Store

New BooksStationery

Post Cards,

Notions, etc.


WHin KILUARNEY— The u. ml. Nfttl MW "Irish Beautjr" uu/oiaiu«broad wax Ilka potato lato aaarmomaoml^lnll flowers of puro snow wklu.

rRK.-^iUK.VT TAJT— It la a atraas,rubum, vlj;ort)u» Krower. The flow-ers ari- f.iultli'8».ly foriiit (1, extialarge aii<l iloiilil.

. tlw coiur au exqnl»ite htiatle of bi u ' t ^:<.irkllnc plok.

YEU.OW KAlsi;Ki.\-lt \» a. TO-bust, healthy t;ro«tr, \rry Lardybush OB whleh great otasaes at as-•iulatta BoMea ysUsw rasas sra koma.

Mary Berendes & Co.


taf jC|hs»*<

Money to Loan.

I loan money on farm lands In O-

ikiQ aud WeaJLley Counliei, Tenu.,

lind In F^ltoD Coutily, Ky. About

uae-kaU Um caak value of a (arui

vlll ko ISSBSA. Loaas oiada In sums

uC |l.Mt sr SMSS lir Of* jraars witk

;MlvBaaa ts ksrrowsf at payinc same;iftiir one year in full or maklDK any

;Jx« partial payment dentred at intur-

mlj of alx uiouths after tbe expira-

tion of one year. Interest t>elns stop-

iwi « partial paymenu oiatfa. Call

<a sr wills O. 8PBAOUN. Attsniay

oMmw, Uslsa OMj. Tmrn. tt

RIOU SKD-Onataaaaaaar largedoable Oswafa of tka rlekaat valvetyrad ar^proSacst aa tka wkals Uoob*

DOBOTHT raUCI.NS-ln ha)>it ofIt Is astnaiely free, produc-

ins nowrs la iauaaaaa clasters. Tbecolor Is an exqalalte shade of clearshell pink.

S>-iid u.>; oiily 1 1 IT, to pay for the("our;, r uie > ai>d Tti.- fariM<r *Htocluuan one year uud we will ttend

you these six beatiUful everblooinlngroaoa postpaid and absolutely fre« ofcbarge.

This to the greatest offer ever nadand It majr ka wltkdmva Asdi fliatOrder now katora tka sswHr to ei'baustad.

Address all ordare to iKs HIsknwnCourier, Hiakiaan, Ky.

AN sT n.

BoaM St kto frtasds beard Atlaa Blgk>

tag aad asked klm what was the ma^tor.

Tva got a world of trouble on ayka answered.

Or. Bell's AntisepticSalve

A. K. Kennedy, the liiauraiK u man.

haa moved his office upniulri over

Jlrerard's store. You are Invited to

Pkoaa (1.

riM HMnaa Oourler aad WaddylUuerclal Appeal, t>oth sas ysST

Oet tkaa aew.

i'*|ksas Nk. 4

Take HERUINE for IndigeaUon. It

I .•li'ives tbe puiu iu a fi-w uiiuuten

lud forctti tbe ferUKjiili-d liiullir

\ hich cauKutt ibe luiui-ry iuto Uielowels wbi-re il lb <-xp< n<.-d. i'ri< u

COc. bold by lllckujau Urug Co. it

Show! From the aiMeOr ].n and P.rnieiews

riuenc* Upon Mankind.

Tr»nlon. H. S„Kt'bniary It—Break-Ijrn Academy uf Mu-te waa «r«wd.d to-

day to lM<ar l*utorRUM.U on the ahoveluptc. ilv drrlareil

thn% KoiwIthMand-Ins our Aodem In-

V4*ntlon« th» tel.-

srai'ii irlrphoni^wlUi wire, and with-out—Um laaiM Badn dtSleult to bellav.« h I (>!•- I<il.:s

t -i'lr;i pli.-ii. I

. ,1 Yri.

I'li iiH- o'.l>< I I i-.a Iht-rr U a • gruw-Incly larae. which, under the nam. e(•plriilsm BtKl i»>'rhli- phrnomvna, are b^llk-< :irr!..| ivv i\ 'I'-. • l\i<l l>)r WiclMd agl^Iivwlui|«!- ' <i. th- ill aJ and whe Si*%till. 1. til -I'lri' !' . I

.'!-. vitiK. .tC,vuri . u-. . I- nndof .ii-ijiiui: [ ;i t ' i\ : 1 I : L

I . .' ti .1 Tuu A Taia

i l.i-x. witliln llic l.iiii I- f yvarih hsi gslbrn il to Ha niimlM-r lit- naair. of aeOMprumlnpTit >. I< nilal*. Imih In America andOri'iit lirltuln Thiup are IrllInK the wurl l

thut (hiy ar>- nut aptrllualiata. but eelenU«i«. and ihry ar. wtMillfloaUy dsM-onutnitlnir tri nduatly, with OMir. andof uit'tni'i n ilittt Ihejr are la

wljh P':|,.rlri ii,in tiitr-nis^nee.

(1l\lnK th'«i ei'ltntlala and th. aplrdni<-<l>um« whnm they ua. IMI sredit for all

i>, I I'l. y rl.ilm In the way oT aMaifMta-' r. I't for etncerlty. IHstor

I' Il the It'Ma glv** a bet-

\ r ' \, .11, If \'t th*» nhrnomrna—a moreI .t! >n;il I 111' a' 1 In liU c>|>lnlun. tbe only|iuiiirarlt-r> • \i't.million of thu flndlns*(f r-|>lrliiialli>'« anil arlinllat. al one II



I- * ;i' •> ! ' i-'c

4.50A Ton

Let ine save you moneyon your ooaL


Hi.lrliK tort»y. Inetudbis medlama. rrwi>

, xlg« thai many of l(\ --I 'l

IV rtimmunlcate thr.iiiKli Hi-

»l. kill aplrli*" and »r.lii.'ln«- i-i-^im.

iuat aa 81. t*aul Mid <l TInielhy •: 1>

Hut l> llevlna Ih. aplrtla. lhal Iher rrprr

•r- t ikad hamsa b.laca, the medlunun^iinuiiv MipSsee esew ef tbwn soxd

. I II ir alone jtelta lhal they ar. all


^ '

, TOM OIUON. Sr.. Prap.


Marble and Uranite



Mcknn^ KintiKKv

alone lhal they ar. all (Ka are aot baiMM apir-

i| mi^n are dead andiii.ii .1.

- ^Ti<i Mark art

ii.-' ii I' 1 .1'' ov :-ii..'i>iJ In China, forln«tanr«. uur ordinaryB-.anurnctiirr.l and uaM la WtmXIn end-'uvur tu rid Ihtmartva. of Introd-ln« *t>lrlla. who harase Ifctir llvxa andevi n mako aoro. of thil laaan. ihroushcliM'Mlon: atany of the Inaaae oflanila are llkewla. merelyI'aul tell* u« Ibit th. ends whomhi-ni'^i-n wnrvhip kt" Uemona and Bet SSdS'I Cnrliithlana x. int Aauin IM tidls ofM N trln< a of demona** (I Timothy tw, 1)

AT i.vrr honfh«-ndi>m these falae

ha\'. 1.- n itior.- IT I' I.H rit.ittllnheil

oni' f r:n ir ,', .:li,r In njii Ih > eoadl-r . ' 1 ^

• II. I • of tlir p. iplr And- ' \< :

|| It <"hrliiliiiili>m haa notr. I I'- »l;i • r lh>"r diwtrlnea of de-miiii"' Wh" »' I my thii a<>me of lh«Mfa'>-" clnclrlt.ii. .Il l n.-l ». I wnrkrd Into all

of our rri-i 1 . f th- .Inrk asML** botheothi'ik- aii l I'mt. iit.u.'


Jeaua Cait Out DemonsTho Bi rtpiur. -" i " i: not only

Ji-uiiK 'B.«t iitit ilrmoii-i bit that aa ar.

I '. I' n< « i>f ihi-lr authfvlly and hia au--:. Tiiy hi> ic:i\.< this pow»r to his Api'Ktleawh. n h'- r. n; lli. ni out to preach Cvory--II- N f mil-, r with th. Btbl. narrattri-ar- ^ !!>< tiiiK II...,. demons—mas at tiMmvr y Ftarii hc For iiiiaas» esr.MM'svl It i-i Ih- i-'Miitrr of tbe OsSiniis..«

' . n- h<> »a» Di't hy a craai^I man.-1 . .^. .1 of I vll P|ilrli» The Maeter ad

ilr'--. -! not Die man but th- il<-tn nn if»h''iii a lint-'h hal tukf-n i...^*r«it.'ri

ir h i: ihi lr VI. Ilm by thi-lr »:irli>ii« ar I

irii l'i\ r iicKmtlona anJ commandsA I r n i f thi-m were In him and th'v

ii.|iii>'>.| thnt If thry muat come out \\\rr- " trranii-al i-iiportunlty to s<i Into ih-• i-r-i of awlne noarby—so anxloua mmii'< V for earthly, aenauous Ufa itmi', -in"-,| thrlr request, hsrsssi swln<

\\ fiirl)lr1i]i*ti to the Jt'W unili-r

V Till- i ff. . t of tbe dfmonl«r.ilI ' - . .n of the awln. waa to craae thu

hi-rd until they ran Tlolenlty down a ate'Pfl -f-n find wi r • rhokod In the aea The

•r 1 V h l^'.- hrcn a de-1 ! • • . -. the awlna. or.

|N, .-.!:>. by di-einiylns III. alaSi toaroiiRe inSlaiisilsa aaslast Jmbs OSsrkV. 1-14)

Another remnrhabi. Inatanen waa theono when at I'aul comniandMl the erll

Kplri' '.. r -Tie GUI of til. ober eaeil w.niii'i I » anolltaaycr or fortuii"^

I.-II r .11.1 |.; ..|>hral«4 that Paul and aila*»

< I <• aarraala of Ood Alihouah Ih. aMs-F waa an endoraemmt of them, StI'.i >l n allied th.H an rn.lonu nx-nt from ail. iii.-nUr atiuri" wim nnwurlliy of hi.

Maatur aod.of h^i ggopel SJssiH art, l^lll

Caol WorkWhen vou feel tliat you

can hardly drat; throughyour daily work, and aretired, discouraged andmiserable, take Cardui,the woman's tonic.

Cardui Is prepared for

the purpose of helpinijwotnen to ret,Miii Uicir

strcfigth aniJ lu ilih.

Not by doping withstrong drugs, out by thegentle, tonic adloa, ofpara vaiatabia hcrba.


iTiktCARDUIwinks—My laadlady to a srnal-

bearted woman.Ulnks- Why do you think soTWlaka—ilhe says she enjoya aaalac

kar koarders bare good sppatttas.

UeKular senrieea at the Presbyter-


Ian okurch Sunday momlng and even-



Pratt's Poultry

Helm a haiiaua'a.

The Woman's Tonic

Mr*. L N. Nicholson,of Shook, Mo., writes:"Before I began to takeCardui, I was unable to

do any work. I havetaken 5 bottles and haveInproved veiy much. I

can do flie nott of myhousework now.

"I cant say too muchfor Cardi'i, it has dOMtomuch for me."Your druggist sells Car-

dui. Oet a t)Mttlc today.


.1 . 1



il. a.l lihlii Ih- ri-Kur

hi n thf* alevplns hoata

hrar the eulce of Ih*

< . Ill

kli.-w 1' '

Irnr. '

Ih. y » !l. 1- '11

r»-i tliin 111 rt' f*. «

of h<iiiiii'li> » 11

fliin of

O.mana One. Hsiy Anflsla

,\\ one ilmr aald PaMor RumtII. all Ih*

holy antan belns llr>l In d>IP 111. I' . I »i» rii-i'.- II aa a

I. tiik-- 1 *i-r - i».-rn»llti-it to

. 'Mil elili hliii for a two (ul.l

1. ih.-m th,. in»|»ir»unlty to ilr


not only tho b**!

Mlviii » f'"- man

\,| »i|'.< -ilH Onil »

Farmers and Merchants Bank






We comHine ahaolute safety with natiafactory arrvicr, m. i

..rirrxni (lf|Misiior<« the most liberal Ireatmcol conaiainu

vsillt S4>iiiiil liiinkinu


II NrnHAMAM, J. A. riiitwraiiR, >a«i.i

It. I* HAMAlir. Aaat IWabtOT

pn » h ii- ly.

I 'I'll 1. I'd

r I. i l II I-

everytlMns «

U apt* .If. I

r I y n- r. III. »

A<'i iiun lit t'aair* and wfen ai-

n .11 I wllh Mi-i l«i' wS.-ni


I i.ll

IM|1 i.rt \\r It wy-accroit* o' Vll


r|,,. r. -I • • •


L.rkiT^l•.« ni


iiir-l. •Hli b

.liv III ivii-r n. «. Jiiil*. «) t:i*e«lier»

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.1 I'f I 1-1 ihe da>a of Noah while Ihr

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irlallixl ("t

Utaa to live

waa OeS'a «1



Daaa^ Kidney l»Hla Have Oaaa Oresi

Service for PeopU WhoWork in Hickman.

ev. I .>

over alir

Moatday In aoaie atralnod,

si Uon—bending i:oiMitaatly

desk riding en JaiUag

Books and BanksCkoov your iMink with the same carr and <ii'«

crimination l>uit you aelrd your hooks -apply thr

same htgli ninndard that you do in the sslecliBn o(

your prraonal friends.

Tliis is tlir rxitrt. rrudal iBsl that we inirila from

intciiiiing tustuiiicia.

Of course our own standards ai« as high as youra.

IjtI us nncct on a common planr of k^mmI failli nml

bii^inrss I rmrtfsirn. virwfil in tlir l>r<Mil>-4| ll^lll

\u\x have iu>l a legiliin.ilr l>anking i)rr<i tluil wrcannot successfully meet -and Id your i

W« pny 8^; M Saving

HICKMAN bAiNkm mt. JUai r4i«M»r

lakorkNis koasework; lift

laa, reacbliic or pulliii«;, or toll.,,

the back lu a buuiln-d anU mi- oMi-


ways. All Ihi'Ktj airaiiih I. uU 111

wawr, wcaki'b uiid injun- iii. kiai(i->,.

ULlU th< ) lull bi-Lii.U III O.I II wuikot flltoriug the pohtona fruia tii«.

iikjod. Uuan s KMnay PUto care al''k

kidaeya, pat saw atia^tk la badbaeka. Qirea etfeeted la Uils locali

ty form tbe striiiif:< ^t i>ro»f of tbolr

orriclvucy. R4-U.1 Uik, t. hi.i;,.iiiy

J. K IMiln I. .ill, 1,1 I. II ...lUt-

I'urt, Ky., nu>k: "Au>uii« wImi loi-

Iowa uiy ocoupatkw ra«alraa a stramliaok, for tke loac kours spent at tbechair, brlag a steady steady atraln

on the iiiu.mI. 1- ol III. loiiih I w.L.-.

iu l>r)-tt> liml hi u|> .mil khiIiI «iui

worll Willi aio "i.-Kr.-.- iif ..jiiiftiil

Uoana KlUin > I'iIIh ri- iiii;ili>

brought to my utti niuiii uihI »iIiii,,'.

to try anything that Uilght linxktroubli'. I procurod a box. Tbaypromptly relieved tka pain In mybadi aad tka kMney secretkms wbii bli»d l)e<-u manly siid distrvasing In

l>iu<Haj(i', ln-<-jiiii.. nuiurul"l- or null- li) all di ali-rii Trice HOc

Koaii r tlllburu Co.. UuXfalo, N. Y.,

aole ageato for tU UsMad itataa.

RenMoibar tka

lake no oCfcar.


biMiy 4 PiAm's

Basket leaves every

Toasday aflernoos

BcitWork Lowtil Prices

-Att Foa aan

Hto Master^ Valea.

Lard nt« Rhum (about ta reUn^ Iskla vslet)—Wake ne at daylight. Jarglaa—bat daa't let tbat blaaied aaarise tea early.

Aak tor Omega Hour. None bet-

ter.—Battarawartk * Praiker. i

Oet tbe bnlMlv hahtt.

A Ko<id tn-aimunt for a ooM aet-Mill III (b<- liiMKa Is a HBRRIOK'SKKIi I'KI'I'KK I'ORUS I'li/HTBR ap-plliil 111 Mil cluBl to draw <iiit tholiithiiiiiiiiiiii mill I'.AI.I.AKIi'.S IIOUKilllUMi .SVHi;i' to nlux tiKUtueait.

You get the two reiu<-dies fOr tkeprice of one by buying tbe dollar elseHorehound Syrup; there to a porunplaster tree wlUi eaek ksttls. 8oklby Htakasa Drat Oa,

Dti't Biam thi Hm^^lM*a u qi'l H<iil I <| jH Ir h

Were Uood wki'n sh<> lititl lh<>m

Your»ti Kx.imit.P Imsiii Hire

C'ompariirii .itnl y m i i ( i' .

die Kkk*, t>ut afii r:ill i .;,'t

it t>eit to demand ihe kn il

of insuiance that vou knowif (good all of tbe time ?

R. T. TYLERMollM •rtaeat Caact


Attorn./ at i-aw

•I! .e In liatts Halldlag on rn'

lllikiuau. Ky

OR. B. M. enuTCNrnto.—Oentlet—

iNitldeoa'a aid staad. fkoaa NoUtaksMa. Ky.


and mfcalmera.

liKwe M. day or algat.

W. F. MUNTGUMERVUiidciidker

lli-arae aud drivurs furulabi-d

WUOOLAWN OAIRVA. Me Iw49tf ^W^^f^^^H^*

Tim iMily up to dale dairy In

Kuliott Cuualy.

DR. BiLLL'o ANVl.HAi.>l

Take out that Insurance lodsy. Yousy ka Beat ta bars o«L—Kaiuwdjr,

At the Lyric.

The Taykir Stock Co., Man b, I a

14. aad U.


The Hans llaaaon Co., braas bandand orchestra. March 27tk.

J. A. Oobura'a an>ater Minstrols,-date later.

What wo say we do wu do du.

Htckawa rstUtaai Os,


far Ul.l I luiii fiiiiiif. litke N'

i^prtac '^artiaparllia, a aUoiuluu

ill aitkfol tsatai—Halai * MUaoa.

ParUealar woOMa mm Ualat's Wi>> '>

Hasel Graaai Latlea tor tfcair co>»

pioston. Aak your dmggtot.

Remember. If you dont eend t><'

caih with your coal order. I charye

you 10 per cost extra for collectl»u

-A. A.rsrtai

W. J. Cook baa abe will trade tor a

work lisraa tb^a