star wars episode i the phantom men ace - script slug

I ', J STAR WARS EPISODE I THE PHANTOM MEN ACE , Written by George Lucas June 6, 1997

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', J




, Written by

George Lucas

June 6, 1997

1 EXT._SFACE _(FX) l

.,. ... •

Tit. l..-:.1 ,~,,rd:

A long time nge in ., ,vll;i:-:y f.11, filr awc1y ...

l\ va!St. s;e,, of stars SP.rVf>c- n!S t 1,,-. h.,,·f:drcop fni· I h<' mr1 in title, fc,J.lcwed t-y a i-ol .1-•ip, whi.-J, •·r; i.111·,, i11fi11i.ty.

T11rmoi 1 ha!S eng11 lferl I.I,,.. (;,, J .,,., ir: RepuhJ.i ,·. Th<> l:ilxation of trad-~ rn11t "" In 011t:Jyino s;t·.c11· sys;t<?ms; is in dis;p11t 0 •

!loping to r:esol\•e th-~ mr1ttt>:· wi.t:h a hl0ckade of d<>ildly<"-"hir", t !l•? •,ir0 ,..rly Tr>1df> federation has stnpp-'!•f al I ,shippinq to and fr:om the small" pliln•J'.. <Jf N;il•on .

While the Congres;s of tit" R"'p1thl ic eibdlessJ.y dehates this alarmin,:; ch,.in ,,f. "Vf>Jlt~, t.hP. Supreme Chanc:ell<>r .h,1!S ,.,.., .. ,-~, I y di!Sp,;tcht>d twn .J~ci.i Knight:r-:, f hrl q1P11,fi;111!~ ,,f p?.o,c~e, .to !Settle the conflict ...

Fl\N L'OW!-1 t:o reveal a sm,.1.1 !SP""" Grlti.!SPr. hec1rlino 'J'OWT\RD • Cl\MEP.l\ at great speed. rAH with t:h•? rruiser as· it heads tow,.r:rl the beautiful green p];innt of Naboo, which is sur.r.-rnmded by hundreds of Trade red.,.ration battleships.


In the CQCkpit of the cniiser, t·ll'> •~i\PTAIN and PIJ.OT rNme11v0 r c]os;er to on" 0f !J1P. b;itt 1,,,-l,ips;.

QUI-GC'i! (nff-r-:,~!~Pn voic~) r,.ptain.

The r:/\PTAHI turns to All u11,aep11 fi,.1111•1 ,sit:ti11u f.,eldnd him.

Cl\F.Tillli YP.s, sir?

(>Ill -r;or-1 (V .0. l T~] 1 th~m wn i.·! i sli tn be."'~ 1 d nl nnc"=:.

C/\F'Tl\ I !i Yes, sir.

The Cl\f'Tl\lN. turns back to hi!' vi<?w ,-,·reen, wherP. NUTE GUl-!Ri\Y, an odd-looking 1-!eimoidi;;n t r"rl"' viceroy, waits for a reply.

Cl\f'Tl\J ll With respect for the Ti:"d"' F'Aclerr1tion, Lhe /\mbassado1:s for 1-1,.,· r:h.,nce.ll.or wi,-h t:o t,,,,..,d i1111n0rliat.e.l.y.

!Jll"!T Y~~, }'P~, rif ('f'llr~0 ... :1'1hh .. . ,,:, Y'""1 J knnw, our block,.,:Jr, i" pei:f,,cl' f y 1,,q.,J, ,111rl · wP.'d be happy t:o !·ecei v0 t:ltP l\mh;::i~_c:.;::irfnr.::_ 1: ...,.,, ... ,. ,. , ...


< :utlT I NllEI):

Th<> screen goes black. Out. the cocl:pi I: window, b,,tt J,;,ship looms ever c.loser.

., ··-~

' ,.


ThP smnl 1 space r.rui SP.I" docks in 1"11P P11ormo11s main hay o( 11,n FPderr1tion battleship.


l\ FROTOCOL OROlD, TC-J, waits at th<' d,,,,r to t:he dockina bay. Two WORKER DROIDS, PK-4 and EG-9, stand in the

·' foreground .

PK-4 i Whoever it is must be important. lif the Viceroy !Sent one of those 11sr--lpss protocol gearheads to greet· t·hen,.

ThP. door o·pens, and the Republic cruisrr ,:-an be seen in 1 h'! rlocl:ing bay. Tw0 darkly robed f:ig111:es are greeted t~y TC-3. They move off down the hallway.

EG-9 1\ Republic cruiser! trouble ... don't you


That's thinl:?

I'm not made to think.


A door .slides open, and the two <::.lo;il:0 d shapes are led Fi\ST •:.7\MF:Ri\ into the form11l conference r"'''" t,y TC-3.

TC-J I hope your l10nored sirs will be most comfortable l,ere. My m~stnr will he with you sl1nrt:ly.

Th,, droid bows before 0B1-~AN KENOI\.I .-111<1 QUIGON ,llllN. lie b;icks out the door and it Thr ,JEDI lower' their· h<)ods and lool: out a large window ill t.he 1 ush green pl a11e1 qf 1.J.-,boo. QUJ-r,ON, sixt:y years nld, h,;:,: very :i,ong whi.Le hair in a ponytail. Ile is tall a11d st:Li king, with blu0. eyes. OBI-WAN is twenty-five, with vc>.ry short brown hr1ir, pale skin, and blue eyes. Several ~xot:ic, bird-like creatures SING in a cage near t.h<': (10,,1·.

OBI-W/\N I h;ive ;i h;id feeling abo11I I Ids.

QUI-GON I don't feel anything.

<:Cliff ItJllF:!


'~-.,. .•

OBI-Wl\N Jt's not about the miss.inn, M,"lster, ii:'s something ••• el.sewhP.r...,, •.. <' •..

QUI-GON Don't center on .your ;i11:d<'I y, Ohi-W,l11. Keep your concentration h(•1" wh0.1·e .it t,eJ.ongs.

OBI-Wl\N Master Yoda says I should , ... , ndndful of the future •••

QUI-GON · .•• but not at the Be mindful of the Padawan.


i expen,ar> "r u,,. n\omPnt. • l iv j ng f-n rr~, my ynt.111,~

Yes, Master... How d0 Y"" •.ldnl: this trade viceroy will deal wj I h t.hP. Chancellor's demands?

QUI-GON These Federation types are cowards. The negotiations will be short.


NUTE GUNRI\Y and DAULTAY DOFINE stawl, stunned, before TC-3.

NUTE (shaken)

What?. . . Wh.,, t did yni I s:,, y ·,

TC"-3 The l\mbassadors are ,JP•.l.i t:11i •;ht:s, r believe.

DOFI NF: I knew it! Th0y settlement, eh.


wer<f! s-0111 Bl ind 1110,

l"c1 fnrr.c a we're done for!

Slay calm! I'll wag<?r. t:hr-> !~011;it.e;t. rH-1a r.e of the Supreme Chr111,-,, I I ,1r 's move,s h<?re. (;o. Distract 1:110111 11111. i I l can r,,ntact Lord Sidious.

DOFINE Are you brain dead? there with two ,Jedi 1

J'rn 11nt. qoi11q in SP11d l.h{~ dro id.

4 •

1 !:!)' . . f:'E:l)fR/\T ION Bl\TTL!:,_:3_1_1} l' - CUNFE:RF:l•l(.:~: J:t>UM

lll.lJ-c;otJ ;ind OBl-W/\11 sit ;it· thP. J;irq" ,·.,111:.,0.r<'nce t;ible.

1°'!11-W/\N Is it t:hei1· nat.ur.P. to m11k!' ns: wait this long?


QUI-GON is thinking. open, and TC-3 enters WAN takes a drink.

The door to the conference room slides with a tray of drinks and food. OBI-

.• ,.

• ... ,11 ! -1.~r)I-J

Nn .. 1 S~ll~I?' r\11 unusut=1l r1mr.n111t

here for something as trivial dispute.

r,r fear as a trade


NUTE:, DOFINE, and RUNr. 11/\AKO are befor<' the hologr;im. of D/\RTII SIDIOUS, a r.ob<?d figure whose f:,rp is obscured by i1 h0nd.

l'0PTNF: ... This schemP. of yours has failed, Lord Sidious. The blockade is fi11ished! We dare not go against these Jedi.

DAR'l'll SIDIOUS You seem more worried about the Jedi than you are about me, Dofine. I am amused ... Viceroy!

!JUTE:, lool:ing very nc,rvo11s, steps fnn::ird.

NUTE: YP~, My J.r)rd.

P/\RTII SillIOlJS I don't want. t:h;it stunterl ,, I imP. in my !>ight again ... do you undr.,1·:,:! :i11•1"?

1-llJTF: Yes, My Lord. -

ntJTr. gives DOFINF.: a fjpr·,:e look, ;inc.I l•lf"II-IE, terrified, 1·11sh~s off the hridgP.. :-

l.l/\RTH SIDIOUS This turn of events is 1111fn11.1111,1!:e. WP. must ;;icce.lP.r.ate our pla11e,, Viceroy. Begin landing yt'llr. troops.

tlUTP. /\hhh, My Lord, is that ... l,.q,11?

D/\HTII SJDIOUS I will make it legal.


,~rHJ'I' T 1']1Jl--p

' '.


NUTE And the .•. Jedi??

DARTH SllllOlJS The Chancellor should never have brought them into this. Kill r.ii;;,ii,: imm,;,diatel y.

NUTE Ye ... yes, My Lord. l\F< Y'"l wi!'h.

9 INT. REPUBLIC CRUISER - COCKPIT - l~.!!.:l-:IUG 81\Y ·----(I

,. ;rn the cockpit of the cruiser, t.h,... ,·J\l'Tl\IN and rI !.,OT I nnk up and see a gun turret swing around ;,nd ptjint dirc>r.tJ y at them. l

PILOT Captain!? Look!!

CAPTAIN No! Warn .•.


The battleship gun fires. the republ i•~ cruiser E>:f'Lt)i•ES.


QUI-GON ,rnd OBI-WAN leap to a standj n<i posit ion ,.,j th t.hei.1:-laser swords drawn. TC-3 jumps b.:i,..I:, ,startled, sril.l the drinks 0n his tray.

TC-3 /\hhh. . . So ri:-y, sir. Tit•> Vic,~ roy ...

QUl-GOM and 081-Wl\N turn off thr,i {- ,,,.,,.,rds and listnn intently. /\ faint hissing F<om,d .:m, 1,r-, h"'arrl.

QUI-GON . G;:is !

QUI-GON and OBI-WAN each tak;; A is11dd011 deep brenth and hold it. The P.xotic bird-like cre'lt11r<>F< in t:h".' c'lge rlr0p dryad.

12 llJT. FEDERATION B/\TTLESlllP - 11/\LLW/\Y ' 12

/\ hologram of NUTE, s11rrounded by P-i\TTI.F: DROJ DS, app<>,1 rs in the conference room liallway.

NUTE They must be dead by 111n-:. Hl,,st whnl· 'es left of them.

The ltolngr;im fades off, 'IS a f,l\'l"J'I.F: l!Hllll.>, nwo-.1, ,·;i11t in11sly opens th,;, door.. A deadly gr:eP.n 1·ln11d Id l l_r,1-1,s frnm 1·1t" 100111. BATTLE DROIDS cock their weaponis ;is ;i figure stumbl,;,es 01.11.

of the smoke. It is TC-3, carrying t:h0 tray of drink!'.


fi •

l? , ·, nJ'I' HIIJF.ll: 12

T!'- l Oh, excuse m~, ~n ~ort·y.

1'h 0 PROTOCOL DROI!) p,1ss<>s t:lm ;inn,.rl ,·;imp just ;is two [J.-i,:hing lasP.r swords fly 0111: 0f I lw ,t .. ,,dly fog, cutting dnwn severa 1 Bl\TTJ,F. PROI ll!~ hPfr:-1·p I h<>y <:-~II fire.


',.. .•

The b1· i cioe .is a r:acoph,,11y ,, f r1 l;; nn,-:. l!l!TI': ;:rnci RUNE w;i tch OW0-1 on the view ~•7r''~II.

OW0-1 . • • Not sure e:-:actly what ..• i

OW0-1 is suddenly cut NUTE a worried look .

in half in mi.rf-snnt;Jnc-P..

• NUTE: What in bl.a;.:<?!' .i!' goi.11g 011 ch,wn there?


RUNE gives

Have you ever encountered ;i ,li,,rli Knight before, sir?

NUTE Well, n6t exactly, but 1 rlon't ..•

(p,rn'c'rl) Seal off tl1P. ~ridge ...

RI ltl F: That won't: , ,.., "nough, s J r.

Thn cionrs to the br i dq,:, S!,l\M shut.

tit l'J' F,

[ want ciest roye1: droids 111• ""'" ;it once!!!

P.LINE We will not !'tlrvive this.

14 urr. FEDERATION BATTLESHIP - 117\LL\-/7\"i - OUTSIDE BRIDGE 14 --··· -····

QUI-GON cuts several Fl\TTLE DROID;, i11 lt;ilf, c;-eating a shower of sparks and metal parts. <ll\T-Wl\11 r;iises his hand, sending several: BATTl,F. DROIDS c:r;ishi ng i.nto the wall. QUI­GON m;ike!'S way t.o t.hP. bridge dnor ;ind bP.gins to cut throngh it..


Th~ r:1u::~1 is v~ry 11ervr>1i,s ;is sp,.,rb: :·:1 ,111 f J yi ng arot111rl I Ii<> l>r.irlqe, don1·. C>IJJ-r.Of·J ,ind OBI-Wl\N ;i1r- "" 1.h<> view !'SCr<"<'tL

Nll'f'E <:losP the, b I ,,!'SI rloors ! !


15 CONTlNUED: l •;


The huge, very thick blast door slam;; sl111t, followqd 1,y n seco~d door, then a third. There is a hissing sound as the huge doors seal shut. QUJ-GON st:.;bs the door wit"h his swnr.d. The screens go black ;is ;i r,..r:I spot appen rs .in t '"" center. of the blast door.

RUNE ... They're still i:oming through!

On the r:lonr, r-hunks of molten h0qin to rlrnp :n-:.;y.

NUTE Impossible!! This is impossible!!


Where are those destroyer droids?!


Ten ugly destroyer WHEEL DROIDS nsJ I rlown the hallway nt:. full speed. Just before they get tn the bridge ar.ea, they stop and transform into their battle r.onfiguration. <.ml-GOl·I can't see them but senses their pre:sence.

QUI-GON Destroyer droids!

OBI-WAN Offhand, I'd say this mission is past the negotiation stage.

QUI-GON J know, I know.

The WHEEL OROIDS, led by P-59, ru,:sh t.he entry area frL'lll three hallways, blasting away witl1 their laser guns. They stop firjng and stand in a semi-cirri,.. as the smoke cl~ar.s. OAI-Wl\N a.ind QUI-GON are nowhere to be seen.

P-59 :.witch to bio... ;!hen" thP.y .;re!

The Jedi at the far end of 1'.hP. ha.illway and dash through a doorway that slams :;hut·. ,


NUTE l\ND RUNE stand on the bri.dgP., watching the vjP.w :sc-,·een as the WHEEL DROIDS' POV speeds to the doorway.

RUNE Wr-, have them on the ru11, :,it". .. they' n' no match for destroyer droids.

TEY HOW S.i. r, a transmission f rC:,111 t lie p Janet..

fl .

1 7 C:Ot·IT J 1-ll!F.D: II

, ..

RUNE It's Queen Amidala herself.

N{lTE At last we'r,;, qr,tting res11l.l,;:.

On the view screen, OllEEl-l l\MID/\1,1\ npp"',1.-·s i.n h<>1· thron,;, room. Wearing her elilbor;itP. headdrc,;:,s <111d t:<.'b0:s, she ,si.ts, surrounded by _the GOVERNlNG COUNCIi.. ,'!mi F<•llP. lll\1-lDMl\IDEIJS.

. •

NlJTF. /\q;iin ynu rnm0 l_,P.(ni-~ -rn,,,* v~,111 hi!w•:~s. The Federation i.,; ple;is<'rl .

i l\M l Dl\ LI\ I

You will not be so pleased wh,.n yn11 hear what I have to sa_y, Vjceroy... Yoin: trade boycott has ended.

NUTE smirks at RUNE.

NUTE I was not aware of such n fail11re.

l\MJ lll\LA I have word that the Senate is finally voting on this blockade of yours.

IJUTF. I take it yo,, 1:nr:,w the o'll.•:r•1nr,. wt,y tl,ey bnthnr':d to vn1:e.

l\l·l l DI\ LI\

I wrn1der

Enough of this pretense, Vjcc,rny! l 'm aware the Cli:111cellor' s l\mt,.,,,,,.,,_ln1:s arP. with you now, ,rnd that y0u Jt;i,:,, bo>P.n commanded to reach a sett. l 0me111 .

NUTE I know noth inq about any l\mbassadors ... Y''U mwsr hP mi.l"I ,11:-,11.

AMlf.ll\LA, surprised at: hi.s rear.t ion, "' udi-,s him c;,ref11l ly.

J\MlDl\LA Beware, Viceroy ... the Ferl<'r,iticm too far this rime.


is going

Your Majesl y, W"' would nr•\""I dn ·;inyUiing without t:hr r1prrovaJ of 11t,, '.~•,11,ite. You assume ton much. Good day.

ThP. C>UF.EN fade.<s off,and rhe viP.w ,sc-1<><>11 qoes black.

RlJI-IE She's riaht, the Sen,,te wi .I 1 111>ver .. ,

11 <:<>I.J'f'J.f·.JIJEIJ: (;')

. NUTE It's too late now.

RUNE Po you think she suspec~ts ;an ;at1:ack?

NUTE I <J,,n' t· know, but we must m•we quickly t·o rlisrupt all communir:;:it· i•,ns down there.



18 l!JT. Nl\BOO Fi\Ll\CE - THRONE ROOM 18

The QUEEN and her Governor, SIO Bll31:ll,r., stand before a .,. t,'o.logram of ~EN/\TOR Fl\J.Pl\TINE, ;a 1.ldn, kindly man.


•.• How could that be true·? I have assur;ances from the Chancellor ••• his .1\mbassadors did arrive. It must be t ht? ... get. .. negotiate .•.

ThP- hologram of FALPATINE sputters ;and fades away.

AMIDALA Senatnr Palpatine, we're losing you.

(turns to Panaka) Wh;at's happening?

C7\FT7\JN FAlll\f:l\ turns to his SERGF.:7\MT.

Cl\FT. Pl\Nl\Kl\ <:J1<>r:Y. the t:1·ansmission qe11"'1 i1l:n1·s ...

BIBBLE l\ m;_iJfunction?

CAPT. Pl\Nl\Kl\ Lt ,;ould be the feder-ati,,11 ii"lmming us, Ynur Highness.

BIBBLE A r.:ommunications diST1.1pt ion r;in only me;an Oil<'!. thing. Invasi.0n !

AMIDJ\LJ\ Dnn't jump to conclusions, <~overnor. The federation would not dare invade.

CJ\ PT . P /\NAKI\ The Senate would revol:rc t I,<> i r tir.1de p<'t:rnits, and then they wn1.1ld be finisher! fnr good.

1\MlDAL/\ We must continue to rely nn negotiation.


l O.


. •

BlBBl,F. Negotiation? We've lost nil communications! ... and wher<' :,r<" th" Chancellor• s l\mbassacir,rs? llnw ,,.,,. w,~ negotiate? We must prepare to defend ourselves.

C:l\FT. Pl\Nl\Kl\ This is a danaerous situ;it .i .. 11, Ynur Highness. 011i· security VPlomt P<>rss wi .l 1 be no match ;iaainst a hat t 1,,-1v,rdc11•~d Federation Army i.f they do invade .

AMIDALA I will not condone a course r,f that will lead us to war.

;\ction • •


QIJI-(.;ON And OBI-WAN appear at a l;ir,_1"' vent. in a 0iant hangar bay. They are careful not to be seen. Thousand~ of 131\TTLE DROlDS are loading onto landing craft .•

QUI-GON Battle droids.

OBI-WI\N An invasion army! This is nnt defensive.

QUI-GON It's an odd play for the Trade Federation. We've got to warn the Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum.

OBl-Wl\t-l You were right about on<? t hi11q, l-1,,stf.'r. The negotiations were short..


Shi landing craft fly in formatjrm t .,,.mrd t.hP s11rf;ice nf the planet Naboo.

21 EXT. NI\B00 SWAMP - SIIALL0\-1 Ll\KE - TVJlLJ GHT . - ·- . -·- . -- 21

' ThreP. lanciing craft slr,wly desr:enrl tlnn119h the r:loud c~w.-.r of the perpetually gray twi.light: !SirlP nf the. pl;,inet. Om! by one, the Federation war ships land in the eerie swamp.

OBI-WI\N's head emerges from the mud of a ·shallow lake. Far in the background, the activitie!S nf the invasion fore~ can be seen in the mist. OBI-WI\N tAkes several deep breaths, then disappears again under t.lte muddy swamp. Troop Transports (MTT's) emerge from the landing craft.

I l.

") ., --~ Ql/I-GON runs throuqh thr-> "tr.;inq••. l.111<1,:c·.11•0, g.lancinq 1>.1ck to SP.e t:he monst:n.:iUs t·roPp t:rnn~r-· ... , t :~ ,,m,."'rging · t·hp mist. Animals t""gin to nm past in " panic.

An odd, frog-like Gungan, JAR JAR l!IIJl-;f;, £<quats holding a clam he has retrieved the 111111 f:y sw;imp. The sh<>J J pops open. ,Jl\R Jl\R'" tonct11" !:11,1ps out and gr.;ib,s the clam, swa!lnwiw~ it in <'nP. quh•.

,fl\R ,Jl\R 1, .... nkr.: 11p ;i11.-f ~~'"'".S ')1JJ-(:,.•n -111·! th<? ol·h<?r cre;itur.~~ running likr: thP. wind tt,w1nd ldm. <'Ii<' nf the huge MT'!" s bears down nn the ,Tedi like a ch,,rqi11q locomotive. J/\R

.•• .JAR· stands transfixed, still holdi11q i:hP. clam shell in one hand. i

I ,11\H ,Jl\R

Oh, nnOQOOO<'OO!

,11\R ,11\R drops the shell anrl gu,hs ,,111 n (llJJ-GON as he pr1sses. The Jedi is caught by surprise.

,Ti\R ,ll\R ll<'Y, her me! Hep me! !

OUI-GON Let go!

The machine is <1bout to crush tlH>m as OUI-GON drags JAR JAR behind him. Just r1s the tr,1nsprq·t is about to hit them, Qlll-GON drops, and JAR ,1/\R goes SJ:'l ;it: into the mud with him. The transport races overh 0 ;irl.

OU I -GON a11d ,1/\R ,1!\R pu 11 t hemse l v,·.,, "" t. of the mud. Th"'Y stcrnd wr1trhina t·h0 war m;ichi11es dis,,l'P"••I· into the Jl\R ,J/\R qi:abs vUI-liON i'llld hugs hi111.

,J/\R ,.11\R Oyi, mooie-mooie! J · .lu-.· y<>11s !

Th<:'! frog-like c-reature kisses th"!·,J,.,!i.

OUI-GON Are you brainless? ldlled'

Yo11 ,,lmnsf. got us

JJ\P. J/\R I spake.



The ability t.o speak do<>:< n<'t rn;i·ke you i.11Lellig0.nt. !low get out ta here!

0111-GOIJ st ,,1·t:s to rnov<> off, anrl ,11\1'. .Jl\R follows.

,li\R ,.I/If< No ... no! MP.s,, st;1y ... ~r:-rvriunt·.

f.1,,,s;, yo11s h11mhuJ0



22 CONTINUED: ., ~ ~. ✓-

. • , ..

QUI -r;r_,1-J That won't be necessary.

JAR Jl\R Oh boot tis! 'l'is demunded byda· guds. Tis a live deb-ett, tis. Mesa ~uJJed ,JaJa ·Binkss.

111 lhP distance, two STl\P!, c,ul nf th,• mist at hiqh ,_,_,,..,.,1, r;ha:,:i ng 081-Wl\N.

QUI-GON I have no time for this now .•.

JAR Jl\R Say what?

The two STJ\PS barrel down on OBI-WAN.

JAR ,11\R Oh, nooooo! Weesa ganna ...

QUJ-GON throws JAR JAR into the mud.

QUl-GON Stay down!

llis- head pops up.

JAR JAR : .. dieeee !

i I

1'h~ two troops fire laser bolts at 0B1-WAN. deflects the bolt_,5 back, and the STAP!': blow <.>BJ-\-IAN is exhausted and tries to. catch his


QUI-GON np. One -breath.

Sorry, Master, the swamp fried my weapon.·


OBT-Wl\N pulls out his burnt laser sword handle. QUI-GON ·in:,:pects it, as JAR JAR pulls himself out of the_mud.

QUI-GON You forgot to turn your power off agpin, didn't you?

Ofll-Wl\N nods sheepishly.

QIJI-GON It won't take long to recharge, ·hut this is a lesson J hope you've lear11ed, my young Padawa11.

081-Wl\N Yes, Master.



2;: CONTlNUED: (2)

,1/\R ,J/\R Yousa 5av-ed my again, t,,,.,,·,

OBI-W/\N What'5 this?

QUI-GON l\ 1 or.;i). 1,P.I: '"· go, hr, r ("•t·" ""''." 0 r t hO!'P. droids i,l1ow up. ·

Jl\R J/\R Mure?! Mute did you i,pab~·,-,'!?

l '

OBI-WAN and QUI-GON start to run . ,1/\R ,1/\R; tries t.o kP.P.p up. I

J/\R JAR Ex-squeezee-me, but da m,~t·o g1·ande safe place would be Otoh Gung.:i. Tis where. I grew up ... Tis safe city.

They all stop.

QUI-GON A city!

(Jar Jar nods hi~ t,c~dl Can you take us there?

JAR ,lAR l\hhh, will ... on second taut ... no, not willy.

QlJI-GON No??!

JAR ,1/\R Iss embarrissing, boot.'..l'rn afraid my've banisher!. My forgot ,;,,_1-Bosses would do terrible tings t0 my. Terrible tings if my goen back dara.

A PULSATING SOUND is he;ird .iti the dist:.lllcc.

QUI-GON You hear that?

JI\R JAR shakes hji, head yes.


'i°hat 's the sound of a t·ho11,,awl terrible things heading this w;iy ...

0131-WI\N When t:hr-,y find us, t:hP.y wi 11 cr11,sh us, grind us into little p.iP.<."""• then blast ""' i11t·o oblivion!


, . •

22 r:mrnrmE:D: <3>

,Jl\R Jl\R Oh! 'iousa pr.-int is wPll so.en. Dis way! llnrr.y!

Jl\R ,11\R turns and runs j_nto the swamp.

23 EXT. Nl\B00 EDGE OF SWJ\Mr/GP.ASS Pl,111_!1~ - SUNRISE: (FXl



ThP ciroirl i.nvasion force moves out of the sw;imp and onto a gn,ssy plain. OOH-~. in his tank, looks out over the vast 1\RMY marching across the rolling hills. A small hologram of RUNE and NUTE stands on the tank.

RUNE : .•• and there is no trace of t~e Jedi. They may have gotten onto one of your landing craft.

OOM-~ 1 f they a re down he rP, "i r., we ' lJ find t:hem. Finally, we Are moving out of the swamp and are marching on the city ~f oxon. There is no resistance.

NUTE Eitcellent.

2'1 !':_:~;_'G_ __ l~l\BOO SWAMP LAKE - TWILIGIIT

QIJl-GON, OBJ-WAN, and c11\R JAR run t.o A murky lake and stop as JAR JAR tries to catch his breath. The TRANSPORTS ARE H~ARP in the distance.

Ql)l -f;()tl

llnch farther,

JAR ,ll\R Wesa goen underwater, nkoyrlny?

<)tll-GON ;and OBI-WAN pull out sma I 1 ,·ap:,:ules from their 111· i l i 1·•,.-belts that turn into".hinci masks.

JAR__,,;_11\R My warning yous. ·Gungans no liken out launders. llon' t expict :, werm welc-ome.

OBI-WAN Don't worry, this has not been our day for warm welcomes.

JAR JAR jumps, does a double somersault with a twist, and dives into the water.

Breath masks on, QUI-GON and OBI-WAN wade in after him.

\ 15.


QUJ-(;ON and OBJ-WAN swim behind ,11\R ,I/Ill, who- is very m11c,h at home in the water. Down they swim into the murky depths.

l:n the distance the glow of Otoh C.11nan, ;m underwater •~ity made up of large bubbles, becomes m<",.,. distinct.

GIJNGANS i.n the square scatter when they see the s~!lftge JJ:Dl:. They approach the strange, "rt· m,uveau habitat. Jl\R JAR swims magically through one •·f I h" bubble memhnmPs, which seals behind him. OBI-Wl\N "nrl •.llll-GON follow.


Four GUARDS armed with long eleclro-,,,,Jes ride two-legged KMDUS into the square. The GUAROS, J~d by CAPTAIN Tl\RP/ILS, point their lethal poles at the drirrii~ trio.

JAR JAR Heyo-da lee, Cap' n Tarpals, 1-le,sa ba!=k !

CAPT. TARPALS Noah again, Jar Jar. You,sa gnen tada Bosses. Yousa i.n bi.g dudu di.s time.

CAPT. TARPALS gives JAR JAR a slight :-:ap with his power pole. JAR JAR jumps and moves off, i<" U owed by the two J~ui.

JAR Jl\R flow wude.

"27 INT. OTOH GUNGA - IIIGll TOWER BO/\Rl! l"l!Jl-1 ~-, The Flosses' Board' Room has bubbl,;, wnl J,=, with small l ioht .. rl fish swimmina around nutside likr, 111,,·:i11-:1 ,sta,s. l\ 1<'110 r::ircular judge's bench filled wit·h '"'IVilll-1 0ff1Cll\LS, dominates the room~ OBI-WAN and 1.l11 l .,~nu ~tanrl facj ng !<lnS~ NASS; who sits on a bench higher I hm1 • t,,;, nth,;,rs.

BOSS NASS .•• Yousa cannot bees hai1. l'iis army of Macl:ineel:s up dare t.i" 11<"w wP.esong !

QUJ-GON That droid army is abo111 '" -~t.t:,.ck t'he Naboo. We must warn them.

BOSS NASS Wesa no like da Naboo! IJn d .. y no like uss-ens. Da Naboo tink ,fay so smarty den uss-ens. Day tink rl'ly 1,,.,. ins so big.

OBJ-WAN After those droids tal:e •~0111 rnl of the surface, they will come here ;ind takP control. of you.



~·... .•


BOSS NI\SS No, mesa so. H""" ,;cant talkie witda Naboc,, ,ind no ntitt .. n t'll kle wit nut tins mad: i """"" "" rnmPn here! Dey not know of ll!'!P.n.

OBI-WI\N Yem and the Naboc, are " ,.ymt,tont circle. What happens to one of yr,n will affect the other. You mu:!'t nn•l'!r,.t.Anrl th;,..

BOSS NI\SS Wesa wish no nutten in yon"a tings, outlaunder,. and wesa no r:are-.n about da Naboo. •••• only care-n ~out uaaen.

QUI-GON . (WaVPS hl.s hanrll

Then !"('eed m, nn nur W'IY.

BOSS NI\SS Wesa ganna .!lpeed yo11s"w"Y:

QUI-C::ON We need a transport.



Wese give youi;a una bonar,. Now gr,. Da speedest way tooda Naboo t i.s goen through da core.

QUJ-C::C'IN Thank you for your help. WP ao in r,eace.

QUJ-•~ON c1nd OBJ-WI\N turn tr, le11vP.

OBI-WI\N Master, what•" a bonan'?

. QU l -,,ON I\ transport, I lmpe.



The ,TEDI notice ,TAR ,11\R in chains hear his verdict. QUJ-GON stops. for lorn look.

t" ""e side, waiting tn ,11\R ,11\R gives him "

JI\R ,11\R Daza setten yN1s up. Go"n thr.c,nah da planet core i,; bad b<'mbi 11 ! 1

Qll T -C::C'IN Thank you, my fr.iencl.

,11\R ,11\R llhhh ... ;,ny ht>p t,;, Jr wn,, I rl I•~ h<'t.

Jl\R ,11\R' s ,;oul ful look .is co1111t·.erp0i 111 r->rl hy " "heepi"h ari•·



.• •

27 CON1"JNUED: (21

Ofll-Wl\tl We don't hRve timP, M,.,.t,.r.

QUJ-r.ON Time "pent herP m"Y hP.lf' ""· Jar Jar here mRy be of u11e to 1111 ••.

OBJ-WI\N I sense a loss of foc""·

QUI-C-.ON Be mindful, my young r"dawan ! Your sensitivity to the livlng force is not your strength!



OBI-WAN is embarrassed. i OUI-GON wRlkf hack to BOSS NI\~~-

QUJ-r.ON What i.:, to hei:-ome of ,l:,r ,t:,r Rink,s hP.rP?

BOSS NI\SS Binkss brokeen the nor.omb11r.kie law. Hisen to bf! pune-ishecl.

QUl-(;CIN He has been " areat helt- t.o 1111. 1 hopP. the punishmf'!nt.will not he t,-.-, sevf'!rf!.

·BOSS NI\SS Pounded unto death.

JI\R JI\R (grim11cina)

Oooooh ... ouch!

OB I -WI\N I oo ks concernf'!cl. <)ll I -<~(lN i " thin f: i na.

ou1-1;0N. We need a n11viaator to gP.t 11s through the planet's ccre. J h;,vP ""VPct ,,,. r Jar Binks' life. lie ow"'" m" wh"t yon call" life-rlebt.

BOSS NI\SS Binks. You1111 h;,vena JivPpl11y wlth thisen hisen?

JAR ,JI\R nods and joins t.he JEOT. OllI-c;oN W'IVP." his h"ncl.

QUJ-GON Your gods demRnrl that h.i II Ii fp hP.lonqs to me now.

BOSS NIISS H.isen l i VP. ti!=: yn~. 011t 1.,1111d,...r. R~Q"'tlP. wit hi.m.

1 ·nNTll

~·--.. •


JI\R JIIR Count mesa outt" riis! flf'ttf>r ,t,.,.,t h,u,., den deader. in· ria core. . . y,.,.,, gud!!, whata mese s>1yin?!


1 R.


NIJTF. ;inc! RIINE stAnd t>efnre" hnlnqr:,m of l'I\RTII !lTl'TOll!l.

NIJTF. The invasion is on schedule, My Lord.

DARTH SIOIOUS Good. I haue the Senate bng~ed down in procedures. By the tlme this incident comes up for a vote, they wi, 1 havP. no r.hoicP. but to accept yn11r nf the system.

NUTE The Queen has great faith thf> Senate will side with her.

DARTII SIDIOUS Queen Amidala is young "nd naive. Controlling her will not be difficult. You have done well, Vl.cerny.

NUTE Thank you, My Lord.

DARTH SIDIOUS fades away.

RUNE What about th" miiasina ,lndi?

NIITF. No neP.d to report•that tn hi.m, until we have something torepnrt.


A strange little submarine propP.lia jt,.,elf away from Ott'\h Gunga, leaving the glow of the ,;ettlement in the distance .


OBI-WAN, in the co-pilot'ia seat, auiclPl' thP. craft.

JAR ,TAR Dis is nutsen.

()Bl-WAN M11ster, why rio you A)w;iy" dr:,a theE<<> l""th<>tir l if" fnrm,: "'""'1 wi I h 11c:·1 ...



• .• ,.


ou1-1;nN lie' 11 be helpful, you' II "'""·

Jl\R Jl\R Dis time, wesa die'n, hP.y?

OBI-Wl\N turns the control" over tc, ,11\11 ,11\R.

OBI-WI\N Here, take over.

Jl\R Jl\R Hey, ho? Watt di!!?

OUI-GON You're our navigator.

JAR JAR Yo dreamen mesa hopen ...


i I

Don't worry, the Force wil.1 anide u"'···

JAR ,11\R Ooooh, maxibig ... "da Fc,rcP." ..• Wellen, dat smells-stinkowiff.

JAR ,11\R veers the cr;,ft to the )Pft ;,nrl turns the lighl::o on. The coral vista" are grand, f;,ntn:otic, and wondrrm,;.

OBI-WI\N Why were you banished, ,Tar ,tar?

,11\R , 11\R Tis a longo ta]P, ~utn "mnll part wC\wdabe mesa ... ooooh ... aaaa ... ,. 111ms:y.

OBI-W1\.N ~ They banishP.d y.,11.becan:oe V""'re clumsy?

As the little sub glides ever rleeper into the planet ,:-nre, a large dark shape begins to follow.

JI\R- ,11\R Mesa cause-ed mabee nnP. nr rl11Py lettal bitty ax-adente,; ••• yud-!'ay hoom da gasser, un cra:oh Der Bos,.es heyblibber ... den bani!'hPrl.

Sudd<>nly therP. is a lour! CRI\SH, anrl thP l.l.ttle craft .l11rd1P to nne side. QUI-GON look,; aro11nd 1111d S<!e"' a huge, .l•1minnn OPF.F. SEI\ KILLER has honkP.d them wi t.h it"' l ona ano<?y tnnan<'.

ou1-r;nN ~,11 "P""rl 11hP11rl.


' :10.

30 CONTTNUED: (2) 10

Jns;tP.Rd nf full ahead, ,11\R ,Tl\R j"m" I""' r.ontrnl" intn CRUNCH! i.ts :i"'ws.

The sub flies into t.hP. mnut-1, nf the crP.,.t.ur ... The OPEE SEIi KIJ,t,F.R h"'" nnp• wing nf t.he c:r.,,ft in

Small pieces hP.qin tn hrP;il: n(f.

JAR ,11\R Ooooops.

OBI-WI\N Forward, forward!

. JAR Jl\R I canna do dis!. I canna •••

• 081-WI\N

I'll t.ake over. i I

OBI-Wl\N takes ovP.r the controls. Th .. rP ts "' loud Ttmn, SCRF.F.r.11, and t.hP OPF.:F.: SF.II K Il,l,F.R i ,,,.,. 1111 t· I y . rP. I "'"''""!'I f-1,,, sub·.from its mouth, ,md it flo;it:s fr"<'-

,TAR Jl\R Wesa free!

QUI-GON llow'd you do that?

081-WI\N I'm not sure .•.

The !'IUb zooms away from certain dP.At,h, and they see " IArqer set nf jaws, munching on the h;ipl<!"'" t:Tl,LER. ThP. jaw" belong to the incredible Sl\NllO 110!111 MONSTF.R. lt. .is; d;,rk. The lights on the tiny ""h begin t·n flir.kP.r "" t:hP.y;,.,. deeper into the gloom.

,TI\R ,11\R Yousa Jedi not all yo""'" rr;ir.ked to be. Oh, oh!

Spark!'! are flying, and w;iter i"' lPAki110 intn thP. cabin. The "ound of the power rh: i ve dr.ops.

081-WI\N ••• we're losing power.

OBI-.WI\N is working with the spRrkina wires.

QUI-GON Stay calm. We' re not in t rnuh.te· yet.

JI\R .Jl\R Wh;it yP.t? Monstairs not ciare! Leak'n in here, all'n ~ink'n, Anci nn00no p0wer! You nut.sen! WIIF.N YOIISI\ TTNK WF.SII TN TROUBLE?!!!?

, ·nnT I HII


;, 1 •

30 CONTHIUED: (3) 30

0B1-WIIN Power'!!! back.

The Hghts flicker on, reveAlina "" uoly COJ,O <::l,IIW FT~II right. in front of thP.m.

JI\R JIIR Honstair's back!

The lArge COLO CLI\W FtSll t" ,mrpri RPn nnd rP.Ar" ThP sub turns around and spP.P.ds 11w,sy.

,lllR ,IIIR (scr~mingl

Wesa in trouble now!!

QUI-C".ON Relax.

j I

ou1-r.:0N puts his hanri ... n JI\R ,JIIR'" ,;holl lrlP.r. ,lllR JIIR relaxes into a coma.

0B1-WIIN You overdid it, Master. IIP'" nut.

The COLO CLAW FlSII l.eapi; 11fter the fl, ""b RS it "hoot" out of the tunnel and intr> the w;iit.ina jAw" of the SANJ10 AQUIi MONSTER.

OBI-Wl\tl This is not good!

JIIR JIIR regains consciousness.

JIIR •. IIIR Wesa yet?? Oie ~nip!

JI\R 011\R's eyes.bulge, 11nd he faints 11gain. The ,;ub narrowly avoid,; the deadly teeth r,f the 110!111 t111MSTER. The CQJ,f) <:IJ\W FISll chasing them isn't so lucky. 1t is m11ncl1E•d in h11 If by the larger predator. The littlP "'"h ,:ips Away.

QUI-r.:ON llead fr,r that nnt.croppi nri.

31 EXT. THEED - HAIN ROI\O l~TO TIIE~D._:: .IJ.l\'i _ _(_fl.{J. 31

The lona columns of the l"IROID I\RMY mnvP. nnwn the main rnarl leading. to Theed, the N11b<"o capi.t,11 l.


RUNF. ;ind NUTE stand t-ef<'H' 11 h"Jngn,m nf fll\RTII SlDIOllS. They are cowering in terror.

DI\RTII SI DIOUS •.• Yon defy me?!


r·rlf·IT It-I

• .. . .


NUTE Of course not, Hy J..orrl, nf rnnrl'IP. nnt. It's just th11t. •• the!IP ,lr.,tl :,rP. not easily destroyed ••• eh. l'm ,.nr.e thP.y'rP. dead, but we can't confirm lt..

DARTII !ltDIOtl!l If they are 111! ve, thPy wi II ,.hc,w themselves ••• and then I wl 11 .,1,.,.l wit.h them myself.

NUTE Yes, Hy Lord •

33 INT. NABOO LAKE - UN;ERWATER - sun (~l The little sub continues to prc,pel it:o,.lf toward the surf11ce, which is briahtly lit.

,1AR ,IAR Wesa dude it!




Paranise. Billowing clouds frame II rnm11ntic body of w11ter. There is a LOUD RUSil OF BUBBLES, 11ncl " !'!mall sub bob,; t:c, the surface.

The current in the estu,.ry into a fast moving river. remaining bubble canopies. around. JAR JAR lets out"

begins tn pntl the sub bac:l:w11rrl OBI-WI\N :owl tches off the two

QUl-GON !'tands up to loo!:

,11\R ,JAR Dissen good!

QUl-r.ON This is not aond.

JAR ,IAR Dissen berry goon.

siah nf r,.lief.

OBI-WAN stands alongsige his m11,e;tPr.

OBI-W1\N What is it?

QUI-GON Get this thina started!

JAR JAR stands and looks back tn wh£>re, they're ciriftinq. lie they are heacied for a l~e w11t.P.rf11ll.

,11\R , 11\R Wh~t:!!?? Oh, t1n!!

r·nrn-r t11


) ,

. • ..


JAR ,TAR sits and tries to start th<> <>naine. · The long prc,p,; behind the sub slowly begin to rc,t.ate. JAR JAR frantically struggles with the starter until finally it starts and is able tn generate enough power to , rlrifting backward in the powerful current, a few feP.t shnrt nf the wAterfAll. The snh ·11lowly moves fc,rward. 0111-WI\N ,al.ts dc,wn. In t·h<> backqround, QUI-:C".ON takes a cable nnl· nf his utility h"'lt-..

OBI-WAN Full throttle!

JAR ,TI\R f loor.s the ga,., Anci thP. ""'Ii 11" •·nnqh,. nncl rll .,,. . They ,=tarting drifting hAckwArcl. .11\P. .tl\R pAnic:,, •

JAR JAR Iyiiiyi, wesa ·gonna ciiP. !

• I

QUI-GON throws the thin cable, and it wraps itself arnund a railing c,n the ,.hore. The sub rnll,= thl!' cable taut, nnrl the 1 ittle craft ham;ts precAriom•ly rwer the ,.dge nf th.­waterfall.

QUI-GON Come on .•. time to c;iet ""h<'rP.

OBI-WAN climbs out of the sub And pnl J,. himself along t.he cable. QUI-GON starts in after hi.m.

QUl-GON Come on, Jar Jar.

JAR ,TI\R t-Jo, rne!=:a st~yj n h~re ! 1'nn d~naerf""IU~ nut dare!

Qlll-<~(lt-1 Snit yourself, hut ,look ,,,,t t·hpre.

As Qlll-GON gets into the w>1ter ;oncl ,=tnrt,= pulling him,.elf alonc;i the rope, JAR JI\R looks b;,rk nn,i ,...,es he is h;,nai n'l over the waterfall.

JI\R ,tAR Oie boi e ..• mes;o. r.nm,m. 1-lp,=;o rnmen !

JAR ,tl\R starts to come out c,f th., ,=11h. OBI-WI\N is on <ahor"! and helps to pull QUI-GON out of thP. wnter.

OBl-WI\N That wa,. close.

BI\TTT.F.: DROID ~f\~ (ll.S.) Drop ynur we;opnn,=!

The TWO ,TEO[ turn aro1mrl nnrl e;:P." FIVF. 111\1'1'1..E flRCllO:, s:t·;mrlina in front of them, guns rlnwn.


,. •


34 CONTTN!JED: (2)

.J1\.R ,11\R cl imb:i:;; 11p on :i==horl"I t'IPf"Wt"nn I hr• .n::n, ;'I~ l·hpy nu,v,.. fnrw,.rd t-, i,;t;md In frr,nt ,-f th<' ''""'"r:. ,11\R ,11\R "' ,.,, "" t.he r"i lino.

OUI-,.ON Come on, Jar Jar.

J1\R ,T1\R Mesa nr, tinkP.n rli!I i,;af<'.

Olll-WIIN Jar Jar, get up here!

JAR JIIR No. Mighty no!

. i I

J1\R ,.11\R pounds his fist on t.he r.;1 i I, br.P.aking loo,.,. th1> cablP., which causes the i,;11b to an ovPr thP. W',lterfall.

JIIR ,11\R Oops! !'lorry.

FIIITTl,E flROTfl m3 _ 1 said drop your. w'""'P"'"'.

The ,TEDI ignite their. laser,s, And in a brief fl;ish, all FIVE PROIDS are cut down by t.he TWO JEDI. They walk forward through the rubble toward t.he p;ilace. JIIR ,T1\R follows and looks back at the me,ss.

JAR J1\R Whoa! ! !


The w;,t.erf11Us of Th.,.<>d ;,r-, ,spri11l:lnrl in i-t,., nnnnr:l"V """·


QUEEN 1\Milll\LI\, 510 BIBBLE, 11nd Form <lf llF:R 111\NOMl\lDEN~ nr<? surrounded by TWENTY OROIO~. Cl\rTII 1tl r11N1\KI\ ;ind FOIIR tll\B!lfl GUI\RO~ are held At gunpoint.. I\ hnlnarnm r,f NIITF. >.1nrl R!JNF. st11ndR in the middle of the room.

1\MIDIILI\ ..• how do you plan to •xpl,.l11 "'" invasion to the Senate, Viceroy?

NUTE With your rooper;,tion, Yn11r lliglines,s. We will forge ;,n allianre th;it will be ratified by the Senate, I'm ,s11re.

1\M t [11\ l,I\ 1 don't think ,sn, yn11 li11"1P r·nw;ird.

r ·, it-ITT NIii

• . . ··•


NUTE Now, now, Your llighnes,s. Y,:,11 Ar.,. nnt going tn like whAt we hnv .. i r, At.ore for. your penplP.. tn time, 1-lu•i r ,:ufff' wi.11 pers1111dP. you to ,.,.., nnr point of view.

1\HIOI\IJ\ Never!

NUTE Commander •

(OOH-!! lStP.p" Proces!'I theft\ .

OOH-!! sir!



' Yes,

Take (turns tn his sP.rgP.;mt I

thP.m to Camp Four.


The SERGEANT marches the GROUP 011t of the throne room.


Queen Amidala, her fonr hAndmaidPn.c:, ,•,ipt,.in panaka, ,=in bibble, and four guard"' Are led 0111: ,,f thP palar:e hy tPn battle droids. The plaza is fillr.d wlt.h tanks and battl.e droids, which they pass on their WAY tn the <letention camp.

Suddenly, the BATTLE DROIOS stop t.hP. r.:RnUF in A quiet Are" away from the other Droids. Stm,<lir,,:i in their WAY are the two ,TF;OI KNIGHTS, with II very friaht·Nued r.UNG/\N peP.kin,:i out from behind t.hem.

om-r.nN /\re you Que<>n /\mi.rlA 111 "r 1·1,,- M'1hnn?

I\M f OJ\ 1,/\ ' Yes, tam.

QUJ-GON We seek an audience with Yn11r Mi'ljP.sty.

ORCTl ['I ~ERGEl\t!T Clear them away!

FOU!l l!ATTLE DROIDS step forward to escort the JEDI and are instantly cut down. MOU DROIDS move forward and are also cut down by the JEDIS' !"lashing lightsabers until there are no Droids left. ·

JAR JAR Yousa guys bombad!

QUEEN AMIDALA used to this. buildings.

and the OTHERS are amazed. JAR J1\R is gettin< They move into an alcove between two

, ·,,rrr ttr



? 6.


QUJ-GON Your lliqhness, we Are t·h,. 1\1nhA1<s,idor1< for t.he Supreme C:hancP I. I nr n r the RP.public... '

1\Ml D11 T,11 Your negoti11tionl\l 11eP.m tr, hnv" fAilP.d, 1\mba:,sador.

01n-r:0N We mul'lt make r:nntact with t-1,,. n.-publ le.

CAPTI\IN PI\NAKI\ steps. forward.

Cl\t'T. f'I\NI\KI\ They've knockPd out al.I communicationio.

QUI-GON Do you have trAnsporti<?


i nnr I

In the main h,ingAr. Thiio "'"Y·


THEY disappear down ,in alleyway ,is t.he I\Ll\RHS are soundP.d.

38 INT. CENTRAL HANGAR - 111\LLWI\Y - 01\'f

.CAPTI\IN hangAr. several DROIOS.

·PANAKA cracks open" side dnnr to the central QUI-GON looks in over his shoulder. They seP­

Naboo spacecraft guarded hy nbnnt Flf'TY BATTLF. I\LARHS c:an be heitrd in t.hP- o-li,st.itnce.

CI\FT. l'I\NI\KI\ There "re t.on mAny of 1· hom.

OllT-1~nN That won't hP" problPm.

(to l\midAlA) Your Highness, under th,. ,,i rr:11miot.ances, I suggest you r,c:,me to·r:oru,sr:-nnt with ns.

1\H I DI\ l ,I\ Thank you, llllll;>",;sador, hnt my plAr:P- i.s here with my people.

QUI-GON They will kill yn11 if ynn ,st:iy, Yr.-ur llighness.

I\H I DI\ 1,11 I don't agree. They nP.ed mo to s a treaty and m,ike this IE'g" I. r don't think they ran Afford tn '""~ mP.



. . •


QUJ-GON The situation her.e is nnl: wh"t it ,.eem10. There i"' snmPthlnQ P.l"P 1,,-.1.;.,,1 t·hl10. There i,i no loqic in t·h<> F<>•lrr,.tion'10 move. My feP. ting!'I tell m<> f-1,,.y wi ll dP.strny you.

BIRBJ,F. Flease, Your lllc;ihne!'l!'I, ,,..,.,.n!'llder. our only hope is for the 5,..,,.,.,. t·n ·.,i_cie wl.t.h us... Senator t'Alpatil,,.. wl I 1 ynnr help .

Cl\~T. FIIN/IKJ\ . Your Highness, this plAn i!'I tioo dangerous. Getting out nf h..lre will not be easy.

SIBBLE I will ,itay here And dn wh"t I can .•.

QUI-GON If you are to leave, Ynnr llicihness, it must be now.

IIHID/IL/1 We will join ynu, then.

(to Bibble) Re careful, Governor, yon "r" Important to us all.




The door opens to the main hang;,r. Vllf-GON, ,T/IR JAR, CAPT/\IN F/\Nlll</1; TWO Gll/\RDS Anrl TWO 111\NnM/\ [DENS, foll.-,wP•I by QUEEN /IMID/\L/\, he11rl for II sl<><>l: ,·hrr,mp ,;:p11r;pr-rAft. ~TO BIBBT.E and the TWO 111\NDMlllDENS ,:t-;1y h<>h ind. The 111\NOMll lflF.ff!' beqi n to cry as ·s10 llJBRT,E Wl!tc-:h"" I h<>m ApprnArh thP c;hir-

CAP'l'. PANAll We need to free those pilots.


OBI-WIIN I'll tAke ,Are nf thAt.

OUI-GOM I'll qet the nther" tr- th" _..hip ·,.nrl will meet you.

Oi-lT-W/IN he11ds t.0ward th<> ar.-,up nf r·:ipl 11red pi J.-,t,a. flR0[f'l': surr.<'nnd the qr011p; they ieave.

GUI\Rf1 DROJO Where are yon going? Wlrnt is this?

r ·r111T I nnr

'~·· .•


our-r.mi I am the l\mh1'S51'dor for 1-1,,.. C:hanr:e 1 lor, 11nn l '-'m t" k I nri to the Senate.


!.11rr'"mP. l·t,p,.., f'POf'le

You are not! You• re nntl.,r 11rrest !


The DROID GUI\RI'> r:lrawA hi" weApon, hnt t,.,forP Any ,..f 1:hP DROJl>S can fire, they 11r<> r:ut tlnwn, IITIIF.R IIRCIIIIS run In their·aid. OBI-WAN attacks the GUI\Rt>S Arnund the PILOTS. QUI-GON stands, fighting off DROJDS 1'S the OTIIERS ru!'lh on board the spacecraft. OBI-WAN, F'OIIR FRF.F.:D f'ILOTS, and TIIREF GROUND CREW MEMBERS rush away. The ot·her TIIREE Pl LOTS ,ind GUARD rush to S10 SIO BJBBLE. FJ 1u111 yt, OUl-GON jumpi; on boa rd. I\LI\RMS sound. MORF: ORO t ns rn . ..-, in to the fo1nq,i r as the ship takes off.


The ship exits the hangar. BI\TTl,E [lROll)S st1'ndinq in thP hangar shoot at them.

41 EXT. SPACE (FX) 4__1=_

The sleek spacecraft .5peeds away fr"m l·he planet of N1'hoo and head for .the deadly Federat.ion hJor.kade.


The Pl:LO'l' navigates toward the massive battleship. QUI-GOB and CAPTAIN PANAJtA watch.

RIC OLJ:E ... our communications are still jammed.


JI\R ,11\R J,. led into A lnw, r.rampPci rlnnrw,iy hy OIH-Wl\tl.

OBT-WI\N Nnw stay herp, :,nd kP."I' r,nl· nf trouble.

0B1-WI\N cloSP.S the door.

JAR Jl\R looks around and "ees a Iona row of five short, dome-topped 1\STRO DROtOS !R-2 rmi.t,.j. ThPy All look nli.b•, excPpt fer their paint rnl,..r, 1'nd- 1 h"'Y """m tn hP ,shut ,tnvn.

,ll\R Jl\R F.llo, hoyoi;.

(no responi;e) Disa w1'nna long" trip ... h .. y?

,JI\R ,11\R t1'pS ;i t-r i.aht rPd R-;> tlll IT "" I""' 1,r.,;rd, ;rnd it" he1'rl l'"P" np ,i t-i t. Ile l,.t,, n11I ., q.1c:p "" 1,,. Ii ft" th" h<>;i,




JI\R ,TI\R Tis opens? ••• c>ooopl'I !

Many l'lprings and thinQs corne flylnQ nnt.. ,ll\R ,ll\R qulr.kly clos,.,. it again, v@ry •mbnrra!l!lf'd.

JI\R ,TI\R Yoi ! ,tnst ynlcP.n !


The Naboo spacecraft heads even r·lo,..,r t·n the massive Fedet:ation battleship!'!. They 11rP. 1mrrnrmded hy EXPt.ns roNs.


I\LIIRM SOUNDS fill the cockpit al'I OBl-WI\N P.nters.

FTl,OT We should abort, slr. Our ti,.flector shield!'! can't withstand tl1(!1.

CIIFT. PI\NI\K/\ Stay on course!

QUl-GON Do you have a c:loakinQ device?

CAPT. PIINl\l<I\ No, we are not a rnilitnrll'ltir:, people ..• that is why thP. Federation was brave P.nough to attack Ul'I.

ou1-rmN The F"P.deratic-n """'" pnl,,:,r t r-:wkina. Try spinning th• !lhip ... lt will m;ak• it difficult fnr t.hP.m t·o or,t· " r,•;idina. ,




The !lhip l'ltarts spinninq a!I it r,.,.,.,, t nw;ird th'? h;,itt. lr>!lhip.

47 INT. NI\B00 SPACECRAFT - DROlD 1101,D (F"Xl_

Th 7 l~ghtl'I go on, and all th!!' l1R!lll1S :,rp ar.t.i.vatPd. Thr> spinning doesn't seem tn ;,ffect t·hPm. ThP.y n1l'lh to an extP.rior air lock, except. for th" rr:-ti """• wh<' run" intn a wall. JI\R JIIR hnlds on for d•:,r· l i r ...

One l,lTTLE BLUE lets out a loud G1mg,rn to jump. is "iP.cteci onto

IISTRO 11RC11D, whc, ;,. P.!lpP.r..ially deciicat "d, screech as he pa"""" ,11\R Jl\R, r.ausinq thP.

ThP. T.lTTt.E DROii) Pt1tr.r,; an ;air .lor.k ;md the exterior of thr> "hir,.




As the DROIDS pop onto thP .. xted"r ,,r t·h<> -N;il>on ,.pac,.-r,r;ift: it Rtops ,;pinning as it r,, "'"r"'"' t-11° ,-urf11<~P <>f thP massive battleship.·


EVERYONE in the cockpit is plea,_·,.,1 "" t-t,,. b11tt lel'lhip rt>r.Prlp" in the distance.


Federation fighters blow Away thrPe 1\l':TRO llROIOS. '!'he RI.UE DROIO connects some wire,., causinQ "'f'11rkB to fly.

The lone BLUE DROID finjshes hj" rPf'lljr,.. and goes h~ck into the Rhip. The Naboo sp11cecraft r11ce!'ll,.way from the_. Federation fighters_-


QUI-GON and CI\PTI\IN PI\Nl\1<11 stand bP.hinn them. OBI-Wl'IN i.l'I in the co-pilot• s seat working wit.h l:hP. PILOT.

Fll,01' There• s not ennngh pow1H tfl g .. t Ill' to Coruscant ••• the hyperrlri vr i,. leakinq.

OUI-GON We'll have to land som,.wh"I"" t<> refuel and repair the ship.

QUI-r.ON studies a star r.hart on II mcinit:nr.

OEII-'Wl\tl llere, Master. 1',itnoin,;,... lt •,. "m;ill, out of the w,iy, pnor ... The Tr.,idP. Feder;,tion h"" nn _pre.""llr., l·hP.rP..

·cAFT. Pl'INI\Kl'I How can you be sure?

out-GON Tt' s c,ontrollorl by thP llut·t,. ... -

CI\FT. Fl'INl'IKl'I The Hutts??

01\T-WI\N It's risky ... bnt ther"'" no .,ltern,itivP..

Cl'IPT. PI\Nl\l<l'I You c;,n • t t,ikp H<>r Rciy:i I II i ,ihnP"s thr.rP. ! The llutts ;,re g,ir,gster!', .. I[ t.hey discovered hPr ...

t"flHTll 1



QUI-r.ON .•• It would he no diffpr,,nt t·hAn if WP.

landecl on a system contrrill,,d by t:hr. Federl'ltion ... exr.ept thr. lh1tt·s ,irP.n' t looking for her, which alv"" "" ,in advantage.

1 I •

CI\PTI\JN PI\NAKA t.akes 1> tief'p brPnl h in frust:ratinn, t:hPn leav.,,,. the cockpi.t.

Qllt-r,nN Statt. the "'e'111f'nr.e t.o I lqhl. "PP.Pr! •

The PILOT pulls back,nn the hyperdri Vf-, and all the flt:nr" streak into oblivion. i


The Naboo starship strel'lk,. int" hVP"'""l'"'t:";


NUTE And RUNE sit around" confPrPnr.e table with the hologram of DI\RTII SlDIOUS.

NUTE We control 1'111 the cities nf the Naboo and are for l'lny other settlements ..•

DI\RTII SIDIOUS Destroy all thP high-rankinq nffir.ials, Viceroy ... slnw\y ... <t•liel·ly. 1\nd Queen l\midalA, has ,=he been .,, imin:,tP.d?

tltlTF. She has ,:Hs,ippenreci, My 1.,n•I. We think !'lhe · i" dearl. I\ ttahO" rnii "" r t. rl r>d t·n run the blno::kad... w .. think it· wAs destroyed as it went inln hYl'"'""PAr<>.

DI\RT!l SIDIOUS That's not good enough, Vir.eroy. You must find tnAt. ,.hip ,incl d.-i,:J·rny it.

NUTE My Lord, it 'i,: impossiblr" , ., lnr.Ate " ship travelina At J.iqhl "l'""d.

111\RT!l SIOJOII;, ... not for A Sith ...

1\ hologram of " second 81Tll l.ORll ,ippP;us behind DI\RTII SIUIOI.JS.


.,.. .. •


01\RTII St Dt OIJ)'l . ••• Viceroy, thi.l'< is my "l'f'r,.111·1,·e, J,nr.r:I Haul. lie will be joininq y,;,11 ''" U"hnn. 1 expect you wi.ll COO('Pr;,\·,- wf th him. lie will find yn11r lost l'<hlr.

NUTE Yes, Hy Lord.

The hologrl!lms fade off •

. NUTE · This is getting .out of h"nd ••• i;o now

there Are t~o of 'them . ;

RUNE I A Sith Lord her" with 11s?? t told you we should not have made thil" i-.,.rgain. What will happen when th<> ,IPr:li become aware of these Sith Lords?


.1,. .

· 54

QUI-C.ON, OFII-WIIN, CIIPTIIIN PI\Nl\1<11, "nd the l,lTTLE BLUE l)ROTO starui before QUF.F.N 1\HlOl\1,11 and hPr TWII 111\NOHIITDENS.

CIIPT. FIINl\1<11 .. . An extremely well pnt togpth'!r little Droid. Without A doubt, H. "'"v"'d the ship, as well AS our liv""'·

IIMI 0111,11 It is to be r.nmmended .•. wh;it i,= itl'< number?

The LITTLE BLUE OROID l 0 tl" C'Ut wi_l-h ;i l"Pri."" nf beeps. CIIPTIIIN PIINI\KII leans nvPr ;ind !"r-r,,p<>,= l"<'fflP r:li. rt n[f nf th.., side of the OROTO and 'CP.Ad!'•t:h" nnmb.,r:

<:llrT. FIINI\KII R2-D2, Your lliqhness.

AMI t'll\1,1\ Thank you, 1\-t'tno Detoo. Yon h;ive proven to be very loyal; .• Parlme!

PADHE bows before the QUEEN.

IIM Jl'l\l,I\ (Cont· ',t l Clean this droi.d up the """'·- ymr' r,;in. lt deservE's nnr gratitnrl" ...

(to Pannkal Continue, Capt;ii.n. 1 """"m" t-l1PrP. is more tn this A1tdiP.t1Ct:1 ti1r111 rt~i~l.nq rl


CI\PTI\IN l'I\NIIKI\ looks nervnusl y to nl1 I -Wl\l1 .ind Qlll -GON.


,,.., .• •


QUI-r.ON Your MAjesty, we Are h•Arlina fnr" r.emotP. planet CAI led TAtr>oin,.. 1 t. 1,. nnt p;,rt of th,e Repnhlir. nnd i JO in " !"yJOt:nm f11r beyonri thP. r,.Ar.h of thP. TrnrlP F°PriP.rntinn. There we wil 1 he ablP tn mnk .. """riP.d repairs, then tr11vel nn l·n •:nruscant.

I\M r DI\J J\ This TAtooin.-. J,. danqer'nn,.?

CI\M'. FANAl<I\ Yes, Your tt's r.nntrolled by a group;of qangs eal led t;he Jlutts • I do not agree with thP. J.-.rit on this.

' QUI-C.:ON Trust my judgement, Your lli<1hness.

AMIDI\LA and FI\DME exchange looks.

AHIDl\l,I\ I trust yon.




PAOME sits in the hallw11y, R7.-07., the bravP. l ittl 0

Astro Oroid. J1\R JAR pops his hP11d nut nf an open door.

JIIR ,11\R llidoe!

Both PI\DME and I\RTOO jump and 1,.,t nnt " little SCRE1\M. The Gtmgan is Pmbarra,.sP.d that hP friqlttPn,.cl thP.m.

,JI\R . 11\R Sorry, no meAnPn to f=;r:,rP ynn~rL

FADMF. That's all right.

JAR ,TI\R I scovered oily bAck rlArP. Needen it? -

PAllME Thank you. a mess.

This little guy i.os 1111i.te

JI\R ,11\R hAnds FIIOME thP ni 1 r.,in.

JI\R ,J I\R Hesr1 ,ta ,t;a JH.nk~~~s ....

FADMF: I'm f';adme, I ,it tend flpr llir,h11,.oss. Yn11' rP "Gung,in, arPn't you?






FAOMt (r.ont·'•ll (Jar ,Tar nods)

How did you end up here with m,?

JI\R JI\R 1 don• t know •• • mesa d11y ,.tnrt:.,n ('itty okeyday witda bril'lky mnrning w11lk in da swamp. Den bnnm ••• gr,tt.,.11 berry skeered, un grabben d11t ,Jedi, and before mesa knowen it ••• pow! He,in here •••

(he Ahrugs) .•• getten berry· berry ,.kPPrPrl.

ARTOO BEEPS a sympathetic beep.



OBI-WI\N, OUI-GON, anr.1 C:1\PTI\IN l'IINI\KII w11tr.h ovPr 'the l'Tl,OT'!l shoulrler as he pushes the c:ontrnl,- l<'rwnrrl; 1111d thP ,-hip comes out of hyperspace in a strenk nf !!<tars. A larg"' yellow planet appears directly ahe11rl.

081-WI\N That's it. Tatooine.

RIC Ol,lE There's a settlement ..... sracepnrt, looks like.

QUI-r.ON Land near the outskirt,o;. w .. don't w,int to attract any attentir,11. llnd send no transmission" from thi,o; ,o;t,lp.


The ,o;hip heads toward t.he planP.I· nf T"l·nninP.




The Naboo spac-ecraft lands in th 0 d 0 ... ert in " swirl nf rh1,o;I The !!<paceport of Hos Espa is sePn in the distance.

59 INT. Nl\B00 SFl\CECRI\FT -_ M~lN l\RETI

OBI-WAN is hoisting a large enc;i.ine f""t:t· e>ut with the 11id of a droid anti-grayity hnist. up t,:-, him 11nd f11l ls tn his kneP,o;.

,TTIR ,ll\R


nf a flonr pan• ,ll\R ,TAR n1sh 0 ,

Ohi-WMn, ~i rP., rleP~P~P, nP m,..~r1 qc·d

t>fl 1 -Wl\11 ~('lrry, my tbi!==l"-="t'~ rir.1ht. Yn11 1 11 m:l.k~ thinqs. le~~ nhvinn~.

1 ·nITT I

.... .. •


JI\R ,11\R backs to I\RTOO In th,. hnl lwny ""' OlJJ-r.ON (rlr""'""'" as l'I farmer) enters t.he m11in ar""·

081-WI\N We need a new hyperdrive gen<>rator.

QUI-<".ON moves closer to 081-WI\N nnrl "'l"'""ks quiP.tly t.n him.

QUI-GON I shouldn't be long. ~e wnry ••• t sense a disturbance 1.n the fnrcP.

OIH-WI\N I feel it ;,lsn, Master .

QUI-GON goes to the exit ramp. i I


QUl-r.ON descends the ramp And mPel,. ,11\R JI\R and 1\RTOO in the wind-swept desert. They start l:heir trek toward the city of Hos Espa. In thP. distance, l'I strange looking caravan makes its way toward town.

JI\R ,TAR Dis sun doen murder tn "" ,akin.

From the spaceship, CAPTA tN PANI\KI\ l'lnci FI\DME run town rrl thP


Qllt-r.oN stops a,. they catc.h up. rl\L>MF, ls clres,aP.d in rnnqh re11,annt's garb.

CI\FT. FANI\KI\ Her Highness c,::,mmand,a yon t,~ t.Ake her. handmaiden with you. She wi,..hP.I' her to observe the local ...

Qllt-GON No more commands from IIP.r: lli.ghness today, Captain. Thii; i;pacernrt. i,a not going to be plea!'Wlnt •..

CAPT. PANI\KI\ The Queen wishe!" it. ShP i"' curious about this planet. l'nn' 1: mnk.- mP. ao back 'Ind tell hPr yon r<>fn,a.-.

PI\DMP. I've hee.n t·rr1;n~d in dPf.-:i:n~,:r, .•. T rr1n take carP nf my,.,.lf.

OIi T I don't havP tim" tn ;,1·011"'. Rttt lPI'. me warn yon, t-t,is is nc,t " qood idPa.

..... .... •

61 EXT. HOS ESPA - STREET - 01\Y ~! The little GROUP walks down the m;,i.n F:treet· nf Ho!'! ESP"· They pass dangerf'.>us lookJng!'I ,-f All types. Fl\t>Mt looks around in awe-at ·this environment.

OUI-GON ••• moisture farms for thP. mnst part, hut also A fP.w l.ndigen""" trih"" Anrl i<cavenaers. ThP f.P.w "'l'"'""l""rt!'I 1 ikP this onP. ar@ havP.ns fnr t:hn,.,. wh" rln not wh;h to hP. founrl .••

PI\DHE •.• like us •

JAR ,TI\R is in a const;nt ert11te nf r.,nl~. I\RTOO whist!. .. ,. along, with perfect confidence-.·

JI\R ,TI\R Dissen berry berry bad.

{steps in ooze) Ooooh .•• icky .•• icky ••• aon.


The GROUP comes to a little pla,:11 !'lurr.,1111ded by sever11J junk spaceship dealers.

OUI-GON We'll try one of the sm11lle.r rlealers.

They head for a little junk shop that h;is a huge pile nf broken spaceships stacker! up behinrl It.


OBI-WAN, JAR JI\R, FADME, ;ind I\RTC)(l .-111·,..r I he dingy iunl: shop ,md are greP.ted t,y WI\TTp, 11 p•trl•ty hlnP "ll•>n wi,n fl;,.,. on Rhort little wings like " h11mminqhi rrl.

WI\TTO Iii chuba da nago?

our-r.oN . I need partl!'I tor. " J-typ<> \;>? N11bian.

WI\TTO l\h yes, ah yes. Nubian. WP have lots of that. What kinda j11nk?

(subtitled) Peedunl:el! Naba rlee 1111kn. {Roy, get in here! Now!)

Q!Jl-GON I have a re;ido11t here.

r ·nrrr I tll


~·.. .-•



ARTOO plug" into a small viF!W .,,.,,;.,,n ;ind "Pi.t,s nut.,. lnnq list nf beeps and whist]PS as " rll,.hP.VPIP.d bny, I\Nl\f(IN SKYWI\LKER, run" in from t.he junk ynrri. lie i:!I about ninr, years old, very dirty, and dres,sP.n in raqs. WI\TTO r111,.,.,. a hanri, and I\NI\KIN flinches.

WI\TTO . ("11btl.tlr.dl

r.oon11 mnl ia? (Wh,,t t·nnk ynu "'o long?)

ANI\KIN (subtitled I

Mel tassa cbo-passa ••• the bin like you ••• )

WATTO (subtitlecll

I l Wf'R cleaninq i I

Chut-Chut! Ganda doe wally11. (NP.ver mind! Watch the store.I MP. clwana no bata. (I've got some selling to do here.)

(to Obi-Wan) S0000, let me t11ke-a theP. nut back. Ni you'll find what yon need.

ARTOO and QUI-GON follow WATTO tow11rcl t.he junk yard, !Paving JAR ,ll\R with PI\DMt imd the young br,y 1\NAKIN. JAR ,TI\R pl.cks up a gizmo, trying to figu_re out l ts p11rpose. QUI-GON take!' the p11rt out of his hand and puti; i. t h,ick.

QUI-C"-ON Don't touch anything.

JI\R ,TI\R ma l:es " r11de farP tn OtJ 1-r:oN'" hnrk nnd "ti rk,-, nnt his Jong tongue. I\NI\KIN "its "" t "" ,·n11nt<>r., rr.etP.nci i na to r.lean ,. part, st11ring 11t. Fl\l'll·1F.. !°:hP i" the mn"t bea11t.lful creature he ha" ever "'PP11 in hi" life-. !IP.;,. in awP. of her radiance.

PAOHE is a little embarn1ssed hy hiis :o;t11re, hut shP. mm:tpr,a up 11n amused smile. Fin,illy, he- the courage to "'peak.

ANIIKIN /\re you an 11ngel?

FI\DMF: What'?

I\NI\KTN l\n angel. I've hearcl th" """I' "pace pilots talk about them. 'l'hP.y live on the Moons of Iego, I tl1ink. They 11re the most beautif11l crp11t11r•l' in the universe. TIH'!Y ;ire gm,rt ,111rl 1:inci, iind "o pr .. tty thP.y m11ke <>v<>n t ""' mn"'t hardenP.d srice plratP ,·,y.



PI\DMF. looks at him, not knowing wh"t tn ""Y, PIIDHE

T • VP. never hP.a r.d of Ana" 1".

I\NAKIN You must be one ••• mi.ybP. y<>n jU11t don't know it. You hav_e such ,.tr.r,na ••• energy.

· PADHE walks over to ANAKJN and l1111gt,,. nervously.

PJIDHE You're a funny li~tle know so muchj'

h<>y. !low do you


I listen to all the trader" and pilots who come through here. I'm" pJlot, you know, and 11nmeday, I'm uning to fly away from this place.

PIIDHE You're a pilnt?

I\NIIKIN All my life.

PIIDME (amused)

Have you been here lona?

ANIIKIN Since I was very little, thrPe, J think. My Hom and l were sold t·c, GA rdulla the Hutt, but he lost us, hPtting on thP. pod races, t:,:, hE>r.P, wh0'" " lot better mnl"tP.r t.hi.n Gi.r.clnl l.a, T think.

PIIDHF. You're ••• a slave?

I\NAKIN looks at PIIOME defiantly.

I\NI\K-1 N I am " persnn ! My n11mP i" /\1111ki n.

PAOHE I'm sorry. I don't fu 1 l y •mrl,;,rst.and.

(toor.ina ;,rnund) This is a ,atr11i1ae wor. l,l I" '"".

ANAKIII studies her. intently.

ANIIKIN You ;ire a str;,naP qi rl In m<>.


, ·nr-1-r I II! 1

. • ,.

63 CONTINUED:. (3)

JI\R JI\R pm;hes the nose nn wh;ot "l'I''"'"' t-n. hP. " T,JTTT,F. DROlll, and it instantly r.omes t-n 1 I'"• qrnwR 1 .. 9,. 1.1nrt nrm."', and startR marching aro•md, knor.ldnn "v"r P.VP.rythlnq. ,11\R JAR holds nn but can't ,;top it.

I\NI\KIN Hit the nose!

JAR ,11\R hits the no..,,., 11nd the 11n11111 inst.11ntly r,oJ l11r""" back t.nto its .,riginal state, pJ,,pptng ,11\R ,ll\R on th., ground. IINAKIN 11nd PADHt laugh. I\Nl\l<TN watches PI\DME straighten her hair •

ANI\KIN I'm going to marry you. i

I PADME starts laughing. JI\R JI\R rolls his eyes.

ANI\KIN I mean it.

PI\DHE You ~ an odd one. Why di <I ynu s"y that?

I\NI\KIN I guess because it• s t n1P.

PI\OME Well, I'm afraid I can't mnrry you ••.

ANI\KIN .•• Ana kin.

Pl\l'.lMF: Anakin. Ynu'rP jn!'t ., lill 1,, hny.

ANI\KlN I won't always be.'

64 EXT. WI\TTO' S JUNK YI\RD - BEHIND snor. -_ DI\Y 64

ARTC>O has plugged into" small rnrtn~IP mnnitnr, hPlrl ~Y QUI-r.ON, who hands it tn WI\TTO.

WI\TTO ... Now let me see .•• a T-14 hype> generator!! You-a in 1.nck, thee! I'm the only one in town whn hn!' nnP ... but yon-" might "s wel 1 buy " 11PW "'" ip. It would be rheaper, I think ... · Saying of which, how's thee qoinq tn pay for all this?

QUI-GON I have 20, ono Rep11bli ,. d'lt·nri P!S ...



WATTO Republic: credits?!? ·Rep11hl i.-: r.rP.dit.s are no good out. hl!!re. T .,.,,.,,,. Rnmet.hinq mo re rP.A l. ..

OUI-!".ClN I don't have anything 0 \sP..

(raising his hand) But credits will do fine.

WATTO No they won'ta.

OUI-GON, using his mi~d power, w,iv.,s

OUI-GON Credits will do fine.


Id.,; i I

hand again.

No they won't.a. What, you think you're some kinda Jedi, waving yn11r hand around like that? I'm " Toydari·,in. Hind tricks don'ta work on me - only mnney. No money, no parts! No! 1\nd nn one else around here has" T-14 hyperdrive, I promise you that •




JAR JAR pulls a part out of a st,ir.k of parts to inspP.r.t it, and they all come tumbling down. IIP. struggles to r.,itch them, only to knock more down. ANAKIN and Pl\DHE are oblivious.

1\Nl\KIN ... wouldn • t h,iv., last,.rl Inna ; f T WP.nm' t flO good at fixing thinas. i • m m;, king my own droid.. . •

QUI-GON hurries into the shop, fr,llnw.,d hy 1\RTOO.

Q!JT-GON We're leaving.

JAR JAR follows OUI-GON. FADME -:iiv"" 1\N/IKIN " loving lnok.

PADHE I'm glad I met you, ...

AN1\l<ftl ... Ana kin.

PI\DME Anakin.

ANI\KTN l\nakin Skyw,ilkP.r.


-,,...,. ..


P/\DHE Padme Naberrte.


PJ\DME turns, and /\N/\KIN look!! SAn ,.,, h<> wAtr.hPs hPr I <>:,v ...

AN/\KIN I'm glad I met ynu too!

WATTO enters from the junk yard, shakinq his head.

WATTO (subtit.led)

Ootmiansl Tinka me chas11 hnrne ma booty na nolia. .(Outlanders! The!,' think because we live !lo far from the center, we don't know nothing.) I

AN/\KIN (:!Ont-titled)

La lova num t-otaffa. to me.)

W71TTO (subtitled)

(They seemed nicP.

Fweepa niaga. Tolpa ria _bun ky dun ko. (Clean the racks, then you can go home.)

ANAKIN lets out a "yippee" and runs nut the b11ck.


QUI-GON, 1\RTOO, JAR J71R, and P1\0ME h11vP. found a quiet "pot between two buildings. The busy str<"et bP.yond is fil lPd with dangerous looking creaturt>"· flf\1-WAN is talking nn his rnmlink, while JAR JAR nervn11,.ly w;itches the strP.<>I·.

QUI-GON ..• Obi-Wan, you' re sure thr>r<> lsn' t anything of valnP. left on 1->nArd?

0B1-W/\tl (V.O.) 1\ few container:!' of snrpl i,.s, the OnrP.n'" jewelry, maybe. Not Pnc,ngh fnr yon tn barter with.- Nr,t in t·hP. 11mc,1mts ynn' re talking about.·

QUI-GON 1\11 riaht. /\not.her snlntinn will present itself: I'll check t-Ack.

QUl-GON puts his comlink Away 1111d st·;irts ont into the m"in strP.P.t. ,J1\R JAR grabs hi" ar.m.

JAR JAR Noah gAin ... dA bPing" h,..r,-.:it,r•11t" ,,:,w;,7.y, W<!"'-' hP robbP.ri 1111 rn111rhPd.

1·nt-lT I I

,,,., •'' •


OUI-C".ON Not .WP. have that's out problem.

nc,thinq nf V'llue,


~ 7..


QUI-:GON, PAOHE, JAR JAR, and ARTOO mc,ve out into the street. JAR JI\R is walking along the crowdPd m"rket "treet behind the others. OBI-111\N, PADME, and I\RTOO w,ilk by an outd<>nr cafe filled with a rough gang of nllen,., nne nf which '·" especially ugly, SEBULBI\, a "PidP.r-like creAture.

JAR ,ll\R stops for a moment in front nf " stall selling dead frogs hanging on a wi,_-e. lie looks ar~und to see if anyone is looking, then leans over, sticks c,ut his tongue,.and gets hold. of one, pulling it into his linnnth. Unfortunately, the frog is tied tightly to the wir.e but is elastic enough so th'lt JAR JAR can get its head in hi" month. The vendor suddenly appears.

VENDOR Hey, that will be seven t.r11gt1ts ! !

JAR JI\R opens his mouth j n surpril!'e, and the frog snaps away, ricochets around the market, And lands in Sebulba's soup, splashing him .. As JAR .. JAR moves away from the VENDOR, SEBULBA jumps up on the table and grabs the hapless Gungan.

SEBULBI\ Chuba!!

J/IR JI\R Who, mesa??

SEBUl,81\ .Ni chuha na??

SEBULBI\ holds the frog up to thP r.11na;in threateningly. SEVERI\L OTHER CREI\TURES start to aather. SEBULBI\ shoves JAR JI\R to the ground. The GunaAn de,.pprately tries to scramble to safety.

J/IR ,TI\R ( to himsel fl

Why mesa always da one??

I\NAKIN (V .O.) Because you're Afraid.

JAR ,TAR turns to se.e I\N1\KIN push i na h i1" way next to him. The bc,y stands up to SE:Rl!LBI\ in ;i v"ry 1"P.lf-'lssur.P.d w'ly.

/IN/\l<IN (subtitlen)

r.hess ko, SebulbA ... r:nn wnlpa tnn111>y rana. (Careful, SebulhR ... 'l'his on<:>'s very well connected.)


.,.... . " •



SEBULBA stops his assault on Jl\R ,ll\R "'nd grabs 1\NAl<lN.

SEBUL~l\ (suhtit l,;,d)

Tooney rana nu pratta ttunk•~, "'hag. (Connected?? Whada ynu menn, !!!lave !'!lag?)

I\Nl\l<JN (subtitled)

Oh da llutt ••• eh"' pnrkn r,nt m:m qee!'l11 ••• mP. teesa rodda co p11na r,.,. chorp11 chawa. (As in Hutt ••• big time outlander, this one ••• I'd hate to see you diced before we race aga,in. I

SEBULBl\' (subtitled)

Neek me chawa, wermo, mo killee ma klounkee.

(lauahsl (Next time we race, wermn, it will be the end of you! I Una notu wo shag, me wnmpity du pom porn. (If you weren't ;:1·slave, I'd squ;:1sh you right now. I

SEBULBA turns away.

ANAl<IN (subtitled)

Eh, chee bana do mullE'P r.". (Yeah, i. t • d be a pity if you had tn P"Y fnr me. I

QUI-GON, FAOME, and ARTOO arrive.

ANAl<IN Iii again! YotJr bpddy hE'rP W;:t!'I ;,bout. to be turned into green gc,n. lie picked a fight with a Dug. An P.SpPr.:lally dangerous Dug called

,TAR Jl\R Nosir, nosir. Mesa h,.t., r-rnnehen. Oat's da l;:1st tinq mesa want.Pn.

QUI-GON Nevertheless, the boy iis i:lght .•• you were headina for trouhlP. 1'h,.nk you, my yonng friend.

PADME looks at ANAl<lN and smile!l; h., ,smiles bacl:. They start. walking down the crowded ~trPPt.

,TAR ,JAR Mesa rloen nut.ten!


,·• .. •

67 CONTJNUEO: · (2)

1\NI\KIN Fear attracts the fearful. 11 .. w,ii, t.ryinq to overcome his fear t,y "q'"""" Ing you ••• be lessafraid.

PADHE 1\nd that works for you.

1\NI\KJN° To a point.

(he smiles)



f, 7

ANA!<IN and the GROUP stor At a fruit 1tanc! nm by a. jolly, but very poor, old lady named JIR/1.

ANIIKIN llow are you feeling t0cb1y, Jir..'1?

JIRI\ The heat's never been kind tn me, you know, llnnie!

ANIIKIN Guess what? I've found that cooling unit I've been searching fnr. It's pretty beat up, but I'll h11ve it fixed up for you in no time, 1 prc,mise.

JIRA You're a fine boy, llnnje.

AN/IKIN I' 11 take four pAllie,; tnd:iy.

( to r,idme l You'll like these ....

ANI\KlN reaches in his pockE"t anc! r.nmr,i up with three,i. He drops one. QUl-GON picks it up, n~ve,,.ling for " momr>nt his lightsaber.

AN/IKIN Whoops, I thought I had mnre ... Hake that three, J'm not huuQry.

The winds pick up. SHOP OWNER/; Are ,it,,.rt ing to clo"" 11p their shops as JIRA gives them t.heir p;,J.1.ies.

JIR/1 Gracious, my bones coming c,n, l\nnie. quick.


are AC'.h; nci. . . ,itnrm' s Y011'd t-, .. tt.<>r. get home

(to Oui-Gon) Do you have shP.lter?




OUI-GON We'll make it b11ck to nnr ,:hlr.

1\N1\KtN ls it f11r?·

PADHE On the outakirtR.

I\NI\KIN You'll never re .. ch the nut.,.ldrt,. in time ••• aandstorms are very, VP.ry dangerous. _Come with mP.. Hurry!


The GROUP follows ANAKIN as he rmshe,. rown the wind)I ,.t:reet.


OBI-W1\N stands in front of the Nahnn RpAcecr.aft a'!, the wl ntl picks up and begins to whip at his robe. CAPT1\IN PAN1\K11 exits the ship and joins him.

OBI-Wl'IN This storm's going to slow th~m down.

CAPT. Pl'INl'IK1\ We'd better seal the ship.

CAPT1\IN PANAKA's comlink sounds nff.

CAPT. PI\Nl\Kl'I (Cont 'ell Yes?

PILOT (V.O. l We' re rf:!ceivinq ~ mess;=toe fr,,m hf'\m~.

Cl'IPT. F1\N1\Kl'I We'll be right there.


AMIOAl.l\, EIRTAE, Pl'IDHE, and OBI-W1\N wAtc:h A very bad transmission of a SIC BIBB!,E holnqram.

BIBBLE ••• cut off all food surplies until you return ..• the death toll iR catastrophic ••• we mm;t h,:,w t,:, their wl.shes, Your nlahness... rl"A"P. t:ell us what to dn! · 1f you cAn hl'!Ar lis, Your· Highness, you must help""·

1\MI Dl\l./\ looks up!!'P.t. .. a !most nen•n11r-.


< 'ONT ltl!lf



OBI-W7\N SP.nd no reply... You mu,.t· "'""d no tran11mi ssion!'I nf 11ny ki nrl f r,-m t.hi,.

. ship •••


The wind is blowing h11rd as OUI-r"..ON, ,11\R JAR, and PAD! follow ANAKIN down the streP.t 11nri Int" 11 slavP. hnvel.


QUI-C..ON, JAR ~AR, ARTOO, and PAOHt enter a small livi1 space. •

ANAl<IN i Hom! Hom! I'm home. I

JAR J7\R Oissen cozy.

Ana kl n's mother, SHHI SKYWAl,KER, " w11rm, frhmdly wncn of forty, Pnters from hP.r work 11rP11 1111n is st11r.tled t the room full of people.

SHH! Oh, my!! Annie, what',; l"hi,.7?

ANAKIN T_hese are my friends, Mom. This is· Padme, 11nd ••• gee, I don't kn"w any of your names.

QUl-GON l 'm Qui-Gon Jinn, 11nd thi." h: Jar ,far Binks.

1\RTOO lets out a lit!le hP.Pp.

Pl\nME ••. and our droid, 1\rtoo OP.too.

ANAK!N l 'm h_yilding II droin. "inn w"11n11 l'lP.P7

SIIMI 1\nakin! Why are they hPrP7

ANAKIN I\ sandstorm, Mom. List"'n.

The wind HOWLS 01.1tside.

QUI-c;ON Your ,mn was kind Pnnnqh I" <"f (Pr "" shelter.


72 CONTINUED: 1 ✓.

I\NIIKIN ComP. on! Let me !!how ynn my rirol.d !

ANJ\KIN leads FI\DME into the nthP.r rnnm. I\RTOO foll ow,., beeping all the w11y. OUl-GON tllkPPI flv,. ,.m11ll r.,ip,.111..,,. from his utility belt 11nd h11nds t.hPm t·n l':IIHl.

OUJ-1"'.0N l h11ve ,.nouqh fc,nd fnr """'"'·

SIIHI Oh, thank you. Th11nk ynu so mur:h. I'm sorry if 1 was 11brupt. 1' 1.1 never get used to l\nakln'!!' surprises .

OUI-:-C".ON He's II very special boy.

i I

SHMI looks at him as if he',. discovP.n~d a secret.

SIIMI Yes, I know.


ANAKIN shows off his ANDROID, which ls lying on his work bench. There are two P.yes in the head; the body, arms, and legs have no outer coverings.

I\NIIKIN Isn't hP. gre;at?! He's not. fini!'hed yet.

PI\DHF. He's wonderful! ·

IINIIKIN You re;ally lik,, himl II"'" :, prot.or;nl droid ... to hPlp Hnm, W;atd1!

ANA!tIN pushes a switch, and the DROID 1ights up and sits up.

TIIREEFIO. now do you do, I "'" SeP.-re<>-O, llum,.n Cyborg Relati"""·

FIIOME See-Pee-0? Shouldn't he havP. a number? 1111 the protocol droids I'vP. PVer known have had a number ...

ANAKIN Really?

lh<> t.hink"l Wh;at ',; your f;avnri t!' nnmt,.,, l

rl\llMF; T don't 1'hre~, 1 f'.111,:0,!=~.

r "ONT I tlflf



1\N1\KlN OK ••• three it is.

ANlll<IN grabs an electronic gadget: wi t.h " handle from desk, pops it into THREEPIO's he>1d, nnd ratchets the several times to get a desired settinq. He pushes a on the handle, and TffREEPIO is jolter! !l'!'veral times. stand"' up. ·

TIIREEFIO Ooh .•• ow •• • eek ... aah .. . oh. llow do you do, I am See-Threepio, llum>1n <:yborg Rel11.tions. How may I eervP. ynu?

PADHE He's perfect.


j . I

ARTOn lets out a flurry nf beep!" ""rt whistl"'"·

TIIREF.t'IO I beg your pardon ... wh11t dn you mean I'm somewhat naked?

ANIIKIN tie's right, Threepio, hnt wnn't worry, I will fix .that soon, t prnmi!le.

(to Padmel When the storm is over, 1'11 !!how you my racer. I'm building a racer too!

PADME smiles at his enthusiasm.


QUI-GON listens to his comlink. _.,

Oflt-WI\N ... the QueP.n w"" 1tpsP.t ... b111· ;,hs;nl11t<>ly no reply w11s ,;pnt.

QUl-(;QN 1 t i;nunds I i k<> bn it.

OBI-WI\N For what trap?

QUI-GON II connection tr,.ce ... r:0111 d t rRck anyone listening tn the !"ourr<>.

OBI-WI\N That wouln t11I«• " ver:y lnnq I imP.

OllT-C.ON Nnt for a ,lPni.


hi" h>1ndle h11ttnn·



I "otlT !ti'





OBI-WI\N Either way, we're runni.nq ont of time.


The giant l!;a1nd!'ltorm en911lfl'l thP. town, I nr:l11di.n9 t.hP. NAhn<> spaceship on the out!=kirt!I: the r,lty r.-ntPr, where W>lttn'" shop is: 11nd t.he slavf'! qu"lrt:er!I, wh"r" rirl ft,. nf io>1nri hPQJn building up against AnakinUs houioP..

76 INT. ANAKIN' S HOVEL - HI\IN R~_.!?!\X 76

QUI -GON, ANAKIN, SHHl, JAR. JAR, 1tnri l'l\!lMP. 11 re seated II round a makeshift table, having •dinner. I\ 9;tnwing heater i,. In the background as the wind howls nut"l~e. JI\R JAR ~lurpio­his soup rather loudly. EveryonP. lookk >lt him. He turn" a little brighter red.

SIIMJ 1\11 slaves have transmitter" placed inside their bodies somewherP.

I\NI\KIN I've been workinq on a sr:anner to try to locate mine, but no luck.

SIIMI l\ny attempt to escape ...

I\NI\KlN ..• and they hlow you up ... pnnf !

l'ADME And JAR JAR arP. horrified.

,11\R ,11\R How wude.

PI\OME l can't believe in the galaxy. slavery law:,: ...


there j,. still :,:lavery The Rerublie'"' anti-

The Republic "iln<?:on' t. ,.,. i sal 0111· h'!'re •.. we survive on our own.

An awkward silence. I\NI\KIN attemrt"' to P.nd thP. emba rr.assment.

ANIIKHI !lave you ever. """'" " rnrl ,·;ir:r-·?

PJ\OMF, shakes her head nn. She•n,;: thP. r ... ncern nf !':IIMI. JAR ,11\R snatc:hes somP food frnm 11 lmw.1 ;it t.he other <>nrl of the table with hil' tonque. OUT-~nN qive,. t,lm" rilrty look.

r ·nHT TtJI


76 CONTitlUEO:

QUI-GON They have pod racing nn M,.l,.1<tare. Very fast, very dangerous.

1\NI\KIN I'm the only human who can dn it.

SHHI looks askance at hP.r !!'On.

1\Nl\l<lN Hom, what? t•m nnt. bri,aqlna. Jt.''" trne. Watto says he's nevP.r he"r<I "r" """'"" doing it.

• QUI-GON i You must h11ve ,l<!di ref I P.>!P.!' tlf you r11ce pods.


i fi

I\NAKIN smiles. ,TI\R JI\R attempt" tn '"""re anoth,.r hit nf food .. from the bowl with his tongm,, bnt. OUJ-GON, ln a fla1<h, grabs it between his thumb and fnr<>finQer. ,JI\R JI\R J,. startled.

QUI-GON Don't do that again.

JAR JI\R tries to acknowlP.dge with some !'illy mumbling. QUI-GON lets go, and it snaps back lnto ,TI\R JI\R' s mouth.

ANl\l<IN I ••. I was wondering •.. !! ••.


I\N/\1( JN Well, "hhh ... ynu'rP ".1°di kniuht:, "ren'I· you?

QUI-GON What makes you think that?

ANI\KJN I saw your la-Ser sword. In ynur tunic there .•. only JP.di knial,t,. rnrry th"t kind of weapon.

QU!-GON leans back anrl 1<lowly i,mil~"­

QUI-GON Perhaps I killPrl a Jedi ~,,ri ntnle lt from him.

I\NI\KIN 1 don't think so ... ti"""~ ,·,,11 kill "Jedi kniaht.

• "'ll IT I tll'

.. '.


QUI-C~ON l wish that !!lo ...

ANl\l<TN I've dreamed I WIIS a ,l..,di knight. 1 came back here and freP.d all the slaves .•• have you comP. to frP.e us?

OUI-GON No, I'm afraid not .•.

I\Nl\l<IN I think you have •.• why be here? •

OUI-GON thinks for a moment.


P.lse -,,nuld you

i I

1 can see's no fnnl ina you ... (leans forward)

You mustn't let anyone knc,w 11bo11t us ... we're on our way to Cc>ruscant, the central system in the Republic on " very important mission, anr-! it must bP. kept secret.

I\Nl\l<IN Coruscant •.. wow ... how riid yc:>11 P.nd up out here in the outer rim?

FI\DME We've had 5ome difficuH.i""· Our ,;hip was damaaed, and we' r<> !'t. rAnri"'ri hP.rP 1intil we.can rPpAir it.

I\NI\K lN T can· help! I can- fix ,n,yt hina!

Qlll-l;ON I bell eve you can, but nnr first job is to Acquire the part!' we""""···

,TI\R. ,ll\R Wit no-nutten mnla to tr"""·

FI\DME These junk rlealers mu!'t h"v" " wealmei,;i; of somo. kind.

SIIMl Gambling. Everything h<>rP revolves "r01mct bettina nn tho!'P Awfnl r1'res.

OtJl-r.ON rcid rrtr.ino ... (~rr~rl c .. ,n t,n •l pnwr.orf111 •lly ... if it's 11sed prnrP1·ly.


., r,

'""tlT rtl 1

·, !


1\NI\KJN I've built a n1r.P.r! rt•,o th"' h1l"tP.,ot P.ver. . . ThP.:rP • ~ 11 hig r:,r"' t·nmnrrnw, on BoontA F:vP.. You con I ol rnt·pr my rod. It's all but finished .••

SHH! 1\nakin, Settle down. Wnttn won't .•.

ANI\KIN Watto doesn't know I've huilt it.

(to Qui-Gonl You could make him think it was yours, and you could.get him tn t .. t me; pilot it for you. • I

QUI-GON looks to SIIHI. She is np,oP.t.

1 don't awful. you do

SIIMI want you to I die every



racf>, l\nnie .•• It's timP WAtto makes

But Hom, I love it ... i.nd th"Y nP.P.d help ••• they'rP.· in trouhlr. The pri,:e money would more than f'"Y fnr the parts t.hey need.

JAR JI\R Wesa ina pitty bad goo.

OBI-WI\N Your mother'" riqht, hut w,. m11,ot qP.t to Coruscant ... ig ther~ ,11'\''"111".' nrO.nnrl here fri•mdly tc the Rernhl ;,- whn mi.aht be able to h"lp us? •

SHHl s:hakes her head no.

ANI\KIN We have to hP.lp them, Mnm ..• ynu tP.11 mP. that the higgest prc,hl<>m in the universP. is no one lu,lps: .. nrh nthP.r ...

SIIMI 1\nakin, don't ...

'i:;? ••


JAR cll\R belches. There is s:ilP.n,<> fr,r " momPnt A!'! th .. y ':'At.

FAOME We don't w11nt to p11t yn11r """ i.n dAnQP.r. We will find 11nother w11y .•.

r·nt-1T JtltlF:1



SIIMI No, Annie's right, ther., j,. nn other wAy ••• l may·not like it, t,,,t help you .•• he was mP.l'lnt to h.,lr ynu.

ANl\l<IN l!'! that a ye"? Tlu1t i"' ·,, V"" !

The "torm continues to r11QP. out.,in,. J-1,,. o;l11vP. hc:>VP.l.


DARTH SIDIOUS 11nd a hologram of l'I\RTII ~!I\UJ. lonk out the v11st city.

DARTII MI\UL Tatooine is ~par~ely trace was correct, t quickly, Master.


• popul,.tc,n. If the w i 1. 1. find t:hP.111

DARTH SIDIOUS Remember, you must disr"ns" with the Queen and these meddlinQ ,l<>rii.. MovP. againstthe Jedi first ... you will then have no difficulty with the o,,een.

DARTH MAUL At last. we. will rP.veal n11r,. .. lves to the Jedi.

DI\RTII SIDIOUS Everything i" going as pl,.,,n•d. It is too lat., f.or th ... m to ,.,·np ,.,, nnw. Thr-, Republic will snnn i-,., in my c·nntrol.

.. ,.

., I:,

.,., OVPT.

The ho logr11m of PI\RTII 1-11\UI, fAde!' "ff "" PI\RTII !':TDIO\JS I nnk" out over the r.ity.

78 EXT. MOS ESPII - JUNK DEALER PLI\ZI\ - ll/\"i "/8

The ,ot·orm h11s passed. VENDORS And f.TRF.F.T PEOFJ.E cl PAIi 11r

t.he m.,s,e; ,ind rebuild I heir for,ri ,., .• ~II". ,ll\R .11\R ,oi.1:,o "" a bo~ in front of; p'1rts ,ohnr, w11tching all thP activity with growing nervnusne"'"· I\RTOO is "t.11nd;ng ""~t to. him. PI\OME stops QUI-GON as hP j,o 11h011t: tn enter th"' ,ohnp.

PI\OME Are yc,u sure about. thi,o•, ·1·r11,ot:ing <'.'Ur fate ~Cl a t:-ny W" h'1rrlly l:11,,w. The ')"""" will not apprnvP.

QUI-GON The Ot1PPn do~s not: n~~rl t·n l:11nw.

Fl\flMF: J don• t "Prr<w ...

1 ·nt1T ltllff

. •


OU!-l;f)N turns 1<nd starts into thP. ,.1,,.p.





WI\TTO ,ind l'INl\KIN are in the midrllP. nf "n "nimated di"""""inn in llntte,.e. QUI-GON walks in, 11nrl WI\TTO ,ind 1\NIIKIN jnt11 him

WI\TTO The boy tell !I·--. you w,mtl!I sponsnr him inda race. You can't afford parts. flow can you do this? Nnt r,n Republic credi.ts, I think (he lanqh") •

QUt-GON My ship will be the entry fP.•-

QUI-GON pulls a small obj'tct ·th11t. Jnnk" like " w"t.r.h n.,t of hi" pocket, and a hologram of th" N"hoo s_pAcecr;,ft AppP.'lr5 About " foot Jcma in frr,nl nf WI\TTO. IIP. "t:ndin.~ it.

W1\T1'0 Not had .•. not hAd .•• a tlubi'ln.

OUI-GON It's in gond order, for thP. p11rts we need.

WATTO .•• but what would the hoy ride'? Ile smashed up my pod in thP. 111,.t racP.. It will take somP. lonq tim<> tn fix it..

ANAKJN is embarrassed and steps f<"rw11rd.

ANI\KJN l\hhhh ... it w11s11't my f,,nlt really ... Sebnlba qashP.d m" with his VP.nt ports. 1 Actu111l y ""v<>rl t.hP. porl .•• most.l y.

WI\TTO (laughing)

That you did._ The.boy i" qnnrl, no rlouht.s there.

QUI-GON I hav,;, ••• acquired a porl in a game of chance. "The fastest P.vP.r built."

WI\TTO I hope you didn't kill "11ynn° I knnw for it.

(laugh,;) So, yon supply the porl ;ind th"? <>ntry feP.; I "llpply thP. hoy. W<> "Pl it- thP. winninos fifty-fifty, I think.

• . • , .


QUI-GON Fifty-fifty!?! Tf it',=: going to be fifty­fifty, l suggest )'OU frnnt n, .. cash for the ent.ry. If we w1n, you kP.ep all the winnings, minui, the cf',=:t. nf thP. parts 1 need... tf we lose, ynn 1-:.-ep my ,=:hip.


WI\TTO thlnks ahont thl,=:. l\~l\l<TN t ,,,..., nnt tn i-,., nPrvnnr:.

Olll-C""..ON Either way, you win •

WATTO Deal! •

(llutte!'le, subtitlP.d) Your friend is a foolish one,


i I methinks.


OBI-WI\N sits in the Ni!boo spacer.r,.ft r.nckpit, speakina intn his comlink.

OBI-WI\N What if this plan fails, Mai,tP.r? We could be stuck here for " .long time.

OUI-GON (V. 0. l I\ ship without a power ,=:upply will not get us anywhere, and there ii' something "bout this boy ...


QUI-r.ON puts the comlink "w"y ""' !'IIMI r.omP.s nnto the pnrrh.

PI\DME, ANl\KIN, JIIR JI\R, 11nri 1\RTon worl: on the enaine,; ,-,f the pnd racer in the rourty,url r" I nw.

OUI-r.ON You shnuld be proud of your. ,;on. lie gives without ;my tt,ought nf reward.

SIIMl_ lie know,; not hi no ot QtP<>rl. II<' t,,.i; ••.

QUJ-GON lie has i,pecial powers.

SHMI Yes ...

OU I -C;(lN lie can ,=:ee thin\l"' bef0r"· I hr>y ""rren. That',=: why t, .. arpeari: to h.,v,., !'m,::h <1uir.}( reflex""'· Jt. j,;." ,IPrii 1·,·ni I.

' ·ntlT T NIH

~·• .• •


SHMI He deserves better than a slave's life.

QUI-C".ON The Force is unusually !'<trona with him, that much ·1s clear.

SHMI . Can you help him?

OUI-m>N No... llad .he be•m born tn th" Republic, we would have 1dentifl.etl him.•,irly, and he would have become A ,Tedi, (no doubt ••• he has the way. Rut Ii t' s too late for him now.


C,,:; •

R 1


K ITSTP.R ( a young boy About l\na kin',. :,ge) , SEEK ( a boy "r twelve), /\MEE (a girl nf slx), ,inci W/\1,ll (a strange cr...,~t·.nr .. with hig eyes and a lonc;i nose, Abt"11t ,.tx yel'lr" old) jni.n ANAKTN, JIIR JI\R, IIRTOO, l'lnd PI\OME "ecurinq some wirinci nn the afterburner.

ANI\Kltl Padme And Jar Jl'IT., thi,. is my best friend Kitster, and Seek, l\mee, and Wald.

ALL whistle, hoot, and speak a greetinq.

KITSTP.R Wow, " re11l l\stro l.lrnirl •.. hnw'ci you c;iet. ,;o

I\NIIKIN That i.!'ln't the hl'llf of it-. r•m P11t.0 r.-.d in the Boonta Race t.omnrrnw!

KITSTER What? With this??

Wlll,ll ( in llnt.te:oe)

You are· such " joke, 1\1111 i.0 •

IIMF.P. That thing's never goinq tn r11n.

SEEK Come on, let• s on play t,,i 11 . K'"P.P it. up, Annie, l'lnci you' re qr,1111:, t-, .. bug "'lll!'l:oh.

SEF:K, WI\I.D, and IIMEE tak<" nff, i:,11ghina. ,11\R ,tl\R i" fiddltna with one of the energy ~i11rtmr pl11te".

1 ·nt1THJII

.• ,.

!i ., .

!12 CONTINUED: n:>

I\NI\KIN Hey! Jar Jar! Stay aw"y frnm tho,;e energy binders ...

JI\R ,TI\R Who, mesa?

1\NI\KlN If your hand gP.ts caught In thP. heam, it will go numb for hou, ...

JIIR JIIR peeks at the energy platP.; it makes a little electrnnic pop, l'lnd he jump~ back.


But you don't P.ven know i{ will run.

1\NIIKIN It will.

i thf,. t:hinq

QUl-GON approaches the GROUP and qiv<>s 1\NAKIN a small battP.ry.

Qlll-GON I think it'·" tim-e we fnund nut. llse this power charge.

I\NI\KIN Yes, sir!!

1\NI\KIN jumps into the eng i nE's. lie puts the EVERYONE backs away. EVERYnNE cheers.

little capsulP hehind the two gtant powP.r pack intn thP. d11isht>nard. Th<> P.nciinP,s icmH,. with a ROI\R.


SHMI. watching from the porch, ismi.l<>,s isadly.


The ,sinister looking Sit.h ,;pacprr"f' l:rnds on tnp nf "



desP.rt. meis" at dusk, !'catt,;,ring ., h0 r'1 nf Ranth""· lVIR1'11 MI\UL walks to the edge nf t:he m""" '111<1 "tndi.P.s the I and,sr-;,f"' with ;i pair of electro-hinocularsa. 11 .. pl.cks 011t the I icihts of three different cities i.n thP. di !'t;ince, then pushe,s buttons on an electronic Armband h,.. ;,. wParinci.

Six fnotball-sized FROBE OROIDS fl0,it nut. of thP. iship """ head nff in three differP.nt dir,.rti""" tnw;,rrl t.hP riti<>!". DARTH MI\UI, stand,,: on t.hP. m<>sa and watr.hP.,s thP.m throncih hi,s elP.ctro-binoculars. ·





As t.hP. twin suns risP., I\RTOO is t,n,,y f'"int.ini;i the port nf the r"cer. ANAKJN is aslPep. rl\llHf. P"sses I\RTOO.

FI\DME I hope you're about fini,.hPri.

I\RTC>O whistles a positivP. reply. rl\t1MF. ,.eel" KITSTER ridina towarrl them on an EOPIE, a str1111ar ,,11mrl-like cr.,,.tnr,._ lie is leading a second EOFJE behi.n<I him. FI\PMF. goP.s nvPr to I\NI\KIN. He looks very vulner,.hl,. nl" _he sleeps. Sh.­watchP,; him, then touche!!< hi.m on thP d1<,P.k. I\NI\KIN wn~,.,. up, Y"wns, and looks at her, ,. l ltt.l,. puzzled.

AN~KIN You were in my dream .•• you wet, leading a huge army into battle.

PADMt I hope not; I hnte fighting. Your mother wants you to come in nnd r.l4!an up. w .. have to leave soon.

ANAKIN stnnds up "nd,hP:<1 j11:<1t "" KTTSTF.R arrivP..

ANI\KIN !look •,.m up, .Kl t,.ter.

(to Padmel I won't be long. Wher"'" !,)ni-r.on?

·pl\DME He and Jar Jar left alreAdy. They're meeting with Wntto at thP. nrPnn.

PACE CREWS mill about.

~ INT. MOS ESP/\ - I\RENJ\ - l-!I\IN_]II\NGI\R - 1.11\Y A7

The h11naar is a l;irge buildin'g wlt.h ., <fozen 0r "'" pr,d,s r,nin<J readied. for the race. /\LIEN CREW~ ;md Fll,OTS rnsh nb,,nt, maklna last minute flxe!' r,n thelr VPhir.l,.is. WI\TTO, Qlll-1:l)ll, and ,11\R JAR walk through the activity.

WIITTn ... I Wnnt t.o !;:P"' youT !'J'ilC<'!'h ir, tht> moment the Tar.P. i.,s <:wPr.

OUI-GON Patiencf', my blue friPnrl. Yn11'll hnve your winnings hefore the !'t1nis set, anrl we'll be far aw11y from hf'r"'.

WIITTO Not if your ship belonas: '" mf', I think... I w;nn ynu, nti f111111y hui;in"'""·

QUI-GON You don't think nnakin wi 11 win?

,. •



WI\TTO ,stops before an c,rana" r11cPr. !<;ittlng· , . ., onP ,.;,1,., havina his neck ,ind shoulder!' m""""'a"rl, li; !':F.:BIJl,BI\.

WI\TTO Don't g .. t my wronc;io. T h"'v,:, Ort'!"t. f"ith in the boy. n .. •s a credit _,.,.. yr,nr r11cf!, but Sebnlba ls gc,i n·q to win, I t.hink.


WI\TTO He always wins •

(laughs) I'm betting heavily on

QUI-GON I'l~ tak" that bet.


i I !:Phu 11'" .

(suddenly stops J;,nghi.n) What??!! What do you meAn?

QUt-'GON I'll wager my new racina pod against .•• sAy .•. the boy ,rnrl hi,. mother.

WATTO I\ pod for shves. l don't· think so ••. well, perhaps. ,h,,.t ono ... t·ho moth<>r, maybe ... the hoy isn't for ""l~.

QUt-GON Not /lnakin???

WIITTO ,.hAke" hii, h"arl.

QUT-r.ON For the fastest pod evpr h11i .It·?!

WI\TTO shakes his head Again.

QUI-GON Both, or no b<'!t..

WI\TTO No pod's worth two slaVf!l' .•. 11nt hy" long shnt ... one !'lave c,r 11c,tl1l11a.

QUt-GON The hoy, t. h"n ...

W/ITTO pulls out" !'mall white r:uh" fn,m hi!' por·kPt.

r·nt-lT ttJtlf:

i 60.

87 CONTINUED: (21 R7

WI\TTO We'll let f11te decide. Rl11P. it's the boy, red his mother ••.

WI\TTO tosses the cube down. ou1-t;oN 1i ft,; his hand sliqhtly; it turns blue. 0111-GON "m!IP.s. WI\TTO Is ,inqry.

WI\TTO You won thP. !'lm11ll tos", nut: lmtrlPr, hut you won't win t.hP. r11cr..

ANAKJN and PAQHt enter the hangl'lr n11 ""e of the EOE'lES, pulling an engine. KITSTER, on t:hP. r,t,1P.r EOPIE, il'I f'Ulting another engine. 1\RTOO t- rundles hPhind;. pulling the pnci with ~HMI sitting in it. WATTO p11ssesjl\NI\KIN 11s he-le11ves.

WI\TTO (subtitled)

Bonapa keesa f>i'ltP.eso, n wnnnn meetee chobodd. (Better stop your frhmd's betting, or I'll end np l'IWnino him, too.)

WATTO w11lks off, laughing.

ANI\KIN What did he mean by that?

ou1-r.0N I'll t,;,11 yon tater.

KITSTER This i!I so wizard! l 'm ,;11rP. you' 11 rlo it this time, Annie.

PI\DMF. Do what?

KITSTF,R Finish the r<1C":P, of cr>11r!'P!

E'I\DMt You've nevP.r won n rArP?

ANriKIN Well ... not ex11ctly ...

PADHE Not even finished?!

ANAKIN look!I sheP.pish.

I\N/\KTN ... but Kitster'." riohl' I wi 1 l qij,. tirnP.

(.)LIT -c;oN Of course yo11 will.

,. •



One of Darth Haul's PROBE main street of Tatooine. PEOPLE as it se11rches for

DROIDS slowly floats down the It looks In shops 11nd studiP.s OBI-WI\N, 0111-G!JN, nr the OllF:F:N.


An EXTREME HIGII WIDE 1\NGLE r.eve11 ll'I " VA,.t. arP.nA J n thP Tatooine t!P.sert: 11 large ttemi-rircl"' i,mphJthe11ter th11t· holds at least a hundred thousanrt penpJP. dominates th,. landsca~e. Large viewinq platforms loom over the rac'!!t r"ct.

On the left side of the tracks "c:r.o,.,. from the grandstnnds, a line of pod racers emerges from the large hangar., surrounded by severa·1~ CREW ·MEMBERS. PC')ds are pulled hy a wide variety of CREATURES· and 11re le1 by aliens carrvinq_ flags. The PILOTS stand faci~g the ro~11l box.

90 EXT. HOS ESPA - AREN1\ - GRANDSTI\ND - D1\Y 90 ..

Colorful canopies shade sc,me of the SrECT1\TORS. VENDORS sell .bar~ecued creature par.ts and colorful drinks.

91 EXT. HOS ESPA - ARENA - ROY/\L BOX - ~I\Y (FX) .?l All the PILOTS bow from the waist: "" ,TI\RBI\ TIIE HUTT ent'!!rs the box and waves to .the. crowd. The. crowd ROARS. SEVERI\L OTIIER SLUG-LIKE IIUTTS follow, aJonq wit.It humans and aliens. Several SLAVE GIRLS on a chain 11re. · l"'rl alongside J1\BBI\.

J1\BBI\ ( sub tit led)

Chowhaso! Tam k11 cheP. Annnt,i rulee. y11, kee macida hodrnrld,i d11 wnnrl" 0 • (Welcnme ! To celebrate t.hP. roonc:.111,-inn ,..,f the Rnnnt,i festivities, wP hr.1vf:' r~nnt.€1~t.;tnt.~ frr:-im the far reache!' ,-,f thP ci11Laxy.) .C::Pb11lb;a tuta Halastare ...

92 EXT. MOS ESP/\ - I\RENI\ - STI\RTING GRID - DAY . -···-·- 92

SEBULBI\, who is right next. to ANl\l<IN, ,:tanrl!' 11nd wav,-,: '" his f11ns. I\ sm1111 ·per bAnrl P.lay,: "" Iii,: f,ins w11v,- anrl rl-r

l<IT!'lTF:R ;at.t;iches the gi"l!int. P.ngin,..,. , . ., l\n;,kin's; rnrl with a long cable. SIIMl QiV""' I\Nl\l<lll " t-iu h11q ;u,rl ki,:s. !1h"! looks t,im right in the eye.

SIIMI Re s,ife.

ANl\l<IN l will, Mnm. I rromi""·

ANI\KlN makes sure the c;i!:>Je hitrhe.!' "r"' ,;"cur".

1 •1•tJT I '1''


• •


Jl\881\ (subtitled)

••• Hawhonic tut a Hok, ,·.,.,mtc- p.,gal l@s tuta Hoonus H11ndel, 1\n.,kin !;r.yw"'J ker tuta Tatooine •••

The CROWD YELLS, 1\NAKIN jumps ont.n his pod engine and w"'v'"" as ,ll\BBI\ cnntinuf!!'I wtth hl!'I lntTnrinctlnn!'I In th" b,v::kgrr,unrl. SEBULBI\ moves over to one of 1\naldn'"' rngine.,. KlTSTER and ,ll\R Jl\R unhitch the F.OPIES frnm H,,. rnd, nnrt KIT!'lTF:R leads them away. 1\RTOO beeps t.h"t r.vP.rything is 01(. ,11\R JAR pats 1\Nl\l(IN on the bAck •

Jllll Jl\R Dis berry loony, Annie. be kind, mesa palo.

Hay jda guds I

PAOHt comes up and gi_ves ANAKIN " liltle kiss on the ch"""· SEBUl,Bl\ bangs on a part prntruding frnm 1\nakin's engi11P, He looks :iround to see if anyone h11s nnticed.

Pl\DHE You carry all our hopes.

ANI\KIN I won't let. you down.

PAOHt moves away as SEBULBI\ edges his way next to ANI\KIN and gives him a sinister grin.

SEBULBI\ (subtitled)

Bazda wahota, !'lhaa. Yokn tn A"ntha poodoo. (You won;t walk awny from t.his one, slave scum! You'r" ll"nth'I poodoo.)

1\NIIKIN (subtitled)

Cha skrunee da pat, sleemo. on it, slime-b..,11.)

(Don' t. count

1\N1\K1N looks the evil SF.BULBI\ in th!' '"Ye with" r.old !"t>1r ... QUt-r.oN "pproaches, 11nd !-EBIJLBII t>acl:"" "f { t.ow.,rd hi."' r"

J1\BBII (subtitled)

..• l<aa bazza kundef! hndruriri'I ! the challenge begin!)

( ••• let

The <:ROWD lets out a l,OIJrl CIIEER. QllT-GnN "helps IINI\KIN int" his pod. The boy straps himsel{ into the tiny racer.


'·· '

,,... . .. •

92 CONTlllUED: (2)

QUl-C'".ON Are you all ~et, AnniP?

(Ana kin nods I Remember, ennr,P.ntrate nn 1-1,., m"ment. Feel. Don't think. Tru,.t. ynnr in,.tincts.

(he !!miles l May the Force be with ynu.

QUI-GON steps away as ANIIKIN puts on 1,; s goggles.

ANIIKIN flips a switch, 11nd his •mginr. "tarts. The •incredible ROAR of high-powered P.ngines igniting echoes throughout the arena. one drivP.r, ODY MrS't't1RALL, yell" at a droid (OUM-4) to. get away frnm ti';"! front of his -.ngine . The crowd grows tense. i


SHMI iooks nervously to OUI-C.ON a.-. h@ •mters a vi.ewina plat form. PI\DME and JI\R ,11\R arP. al r"""dy on board. ThP. platform rises like an elevator.

SHMI Is he nervous?

OUI-GON He's fine.

FADHE You Jedi are far too rP.c:kle.-.,.. The Queen ...

QUJ-r.ON The Queen t. rm: t !!' my j urlom"" t , ycmna handmn i den. Yn11 ,=:;hf'111 rt t_,..,r,.

FIIOME You assume too much.


The giant power-house '!naines tnrri11e "" t.he FIJ,OTS gun thPm. The PILOTS flip "witches, and powr,rf11l rmergy t:,ind,;,r" "hoot betwP.P.n the engines. -1\liens carryi na l.'lrge flags mew,. <"'ff the track. JAR JI\R covers his P.yes.

JI\R JAR Mesa no watch. Dissen gann11 be messy!

The P.arth-pounding ROI\R of the P.noinP,. revving is deafenino. On a bridge over the tr'lck, a gre"t grP.en light at tt,e center flashes. The pods shoot forw11rrl with a high-pitched scrPam.




l\nakin'l' f!ngine flood!! ,ind rough" - 1-t,,-11 dies. /\ti t.h ... other pndi; except nne "wPrV" Around ldm >1mi ai.""PP"Ar rinwn the trar:k. The !!lave boy ,qtruggl"" tn 'l'!'!t. hi!< r>1cer. res_ta rt:ed.

PI\OME and JIIR JIIR are very. disapprd nt.Pri with I\NI\KTN. QU t­GON puts his arm around a worried lr, SIIMT, to cnmfort. her. Finally, llnakin's engine!! lanlt,.. "" l(nnm!I "way "ft.Pr the rer:eding pack of,, IP;ovlnq ,,n., flllaclra-rnrl racer ,.til 1 trying to get. starter!.

95 INT. MOS £SPA - l\RENA I\NNOUNCER'~-~9Y..= _p~~l .9.~

I\ two-headed ANNOUNCER. de,.crit:,e,. thP ri,re "" ; t. prnqr.""""". i


The porl11 fly· "cross the desert. SERllI,P.-1\ is running nF!r:k and nf!Ck with MI\WIIONIC. They rnunol th" f I r!lt. rnrn l n t hi" track, side by !!ide. SEBULBI\ drlv,.,. hli-, pnd Into his d.vAI, forcing him into the wall of a l"rqe ror.k formation. MAWHONTC crashe!I in a !!pectacular rlii-,plAy of fir.P. And -oke.

ARMIN is much fa!lter than the hi!r:k-end straggler!! anrl passes them easily.

One r,f the driver!!, GI\SGI\NO, wnn't f,.t l\Nl\KlN by. l\NI\KfN trie!I to pass him on one !'!ide anrl i" r:nt: nff. He t.h<.!n tries to pA!l!I him on thP. other !lide anrl. l!; cut nff. l\s t.hey r:nme up on " cliff dropoff, I\NIIKIN 1:>ac-ks nff, then guni, it A" GI\SGIINO goes over the cliff. I\NI\KtN accelerate" !IO fa"t that he sails right OVF!r th" top "f (:l\~GIINO and !<pP.ed!' "W"Y·

97 EXT. MOS ESP/\ - I\RENA - VIEWING FLl\1TORM - 01\Y 9·7

Jl\BBII TIIF.: ll!JTT and the r-rnwrl w;atr-11 It,,-. pr<-crns,: r,f th" r:,r-~ on ~mn l l, h:;ind-hP. 1 d v iP.w ~r r'!~tlFi. tlT\R . TJ\R ; ~ J "n k i na '"'"or the i,houlder of "' str,.nge alien n11m0 rl FI\NTI\.

JI\R Jl\R Where'!'! Skywalker?

FANTI\ mnvP.s the view i-,crP<.!n out n{ ,1,.r. ,l,.r's view. Fl\llME, SHMI, ""cl QUI-GON WAtch ~nnther ""r"'"" ;,nrl lo<"'k wnrrierl. IIRTOC), down in th<.! pit!' with l<IT5TF:P., \pt" ont. 11 wnrriPrl sigh. The driver of the <1uadra-p"rl 1 nr,ks worr; en.

98 EXT. !·)OS ESFA - Rl\CETRI\CK - 01\Y_ ( FX) -~8

I\Nl\Kltl ;,.· "rnund r<'rnPrs: ;,mt ,,v.,, hi I ls: .,nrt •·l i ffc:, pas;,:ir,o nth,-r rar:Prs right ""rl 1.-,11. ~F:RIIJ.1'71 is: in t 1,,-, lead. ll<.! is being ch,.l!P.ngerl by ,.,.,,,,-1,,..r n.1r:Pr, XF:l,flRF.f:. :,EBUJ.1111 slows a little, ""rl "I' Xf:Ll:IP.F.F: rul l" "'""g!Sirt"', he opP.ns a side vent on t.he n1c-er'" Pnqine 1111d t.he exhnni<t. st,.rt.s: tc, cut. thrnuah t:he "lion•.~ "llginr.,. The bl;ii,t r·nt!' "long the engine fin;,lly it r.xrt.nnr.!':. !':f;l1111,flll rt,.,ft ly ve~r;e:: .::1wr1y.

'·1 ltf'I' 1 IJI 11·

,... .•

91! CONTltlUEO:

ANAKHI works hl s w11y thrnugh " rl,.n,.,, m""" of rllcP.r" "" th"Y zoom nver II dune sea, kic:klng 11p •l11!'t.. llis pod shake" v_iol,mtly IIS he goes OVPr .. jump. f\tJF. OF TIIE POD RI\CF:!u=;, ODY, ratches one of hi" f'nQine" h, "'" l'l&nrl, anti the wholP. thinc;i EXPLODES.

QUI-GON sits quietly, medit-Atinq. l'l\l'IMF. and SIIHI i,earrh the landscape for any !!=ign of t.h" rArPr!'I. JI\R JI\R is "till annoying FI\NTI\ for infnrmation. ThP. r.rnwd SCREI\HS. WI\TTO is l11ughing with his friends, cnnfiriPnt. in l\n11kin's riPfP.11t..

The quadra-pod engines stArt ju"t 11s thP. r.acers come 11rnund the corner. The DRIVER, WI\N SI\NDllr.F., puts it in gear, 11n<1 the four engines go c,ff in all rlirer:t.ipns, EXPLODING in a spectacular display. The pod rlrops to the ground .as SEBULBA enters the arena, c:losely followed by all thf! OTHER RACERS. ltITSTER strains to see as AATOO beeps excitedly.

QUI-GON, PJ\IIME, smu, and .:17.R JAJt yell for joy as ANJUtIN passes. JI\R- JI\R is v.-.ry 11P.rvo11" 11ml f'Ounds on the ba.-,1: of hi" allen neighbor, FI\NTI\.

JAR ,Tl\R What gooie-r:,n?

Fl\NTI\ Bug off.

Lap two. The crowd distance.

SEBULBII and the p11ck r11c.-. p11st t.hP. m11in stands and YELLS as thP. pnri"' scre11m off

arll:'na. into the

QUI-GON and PI\OME look wnrried.

,ll\R .Jl\R lte must a cr11sh-11rl.

FIIN·!F: ltere he com.,.is•

99 filrr_,_HOS ESFI\ - 1\RENI\ - PlT 1\REII • lll\Y

I\RT00 lets out 11n E-xrH,,rf whil't f<', "-'' KTT!=:TF:R yP.l l!'I.

100 EX1'. MOS ESFI\ - RACETRllc__f:( - lll\Y (f'l-:l

Sur"! f!nough, coming aronnct thP h""" iis IINIIKIN, <1uickly gaining on the pack. 1·1,., c:rowd qo<>is wild.



ANI\KIN continues to gain on the p11ck in the "econd lap. Ten.!<ion for SIIMI and FIIOME is unt:,o"r"l'.'lP.. T\!; I\NI\KIN r11.-,.,..!< thrnugh thP 11rena for th" bP.gin11i11g ,,f t.he t.htrrl lap, he i.s nnly fnnr or five r11c.,rs Aw;ty fr,,m t·h<> le,trif'r, ~F:fUIJ,RI\.

BOZZlE stops in thP. rits. l)roid!' ,w.-1: "" h.i!' OUM-4 !Stands in front ,:,f t.he Pt1Qi11-:-""ri is "url:f'ri in, CA11!'ling ~hP. "!ngine to rii.e. PllM-4 ;,, s:pi t: ont the t,;irk of t.he engine, very bent up. The 0 119i11<> l"!t.s ont. one fin"I wh""""'• then F.XFT,Of.\F:S in " pnff nf s,mnl: ...



.. •


100 CONTTtlUED: tnn

807.7.IE nroids!

In thP. third lap, TERTER l" get t i11a r-1 ""P. t.n ~F:RIIT,Bl\, who purpn!'lely break!' a small part off hi" rorl, !'lendini;1 it Into Tert,.r's Pngine, cau,.tnQ him t.o v,.,.r into 1\NI\KtN, Anrl unhooks one of t.he majn st.raps ""· 1\11111:in'" f!!n9in,.,. t.hnt link:o the pod to his enqlnP.s. ·

ANI\KJN struggles to keep control of the little porl. Tt whip:o about wildly. l\s the pod !'wing" near the broken engine strap, I\NI\KIN grab!! for it. F"inrlly, hP. catchP" the :otrap and niana9es to rehook ; t t·o t.he. pod •

SEBULBI\ cuts the f!!ngine ,,f ODTTrlKT wlt.lj hi.!! l"ide exhaust, and the racer crashes in a cloud nf dn"t. I\ THIRD RI\CER,_ HI\B81\, flies into the cloud of dust and crashes into thP. OBI TOKI. 1\NAKIN rounds " corner "nd hP.Ad!!! into t.he c,1 oud of !!'moke. lie hi ts " part nf on" of U1P. P.n9i11P.s but rP.anin,s <:ontrol.

ANI\KJN finally catche" np with ;,F.Ellll,BI\, and run ;,n,t neck over the rough terrain. JAR ,TII.R, ou1-r.0N, SIIMI, 1111d PADMt all SCREAM as 1\NI\KIN comes t.hrouqh the arena. The lights in the tower indic.,t.P. th;,t· this i" the fmn:t.h ;,nd last lap. WI\TTO begins to worry.

SEBllLBA uses his side _exhau"t port tn try tn r.ut thrnugh 1\nakin's engine!!. I\NII.KJN managP.s t,:, ;,vcd.rl h;,ving hi.!!' P.n9in., dis;,bled. On a tight corner, I\NI\KIN rlives to thP. insicl,. and takes the lead. SEBULBI\ is furious. He !lt.ay:o: riqht on 1\nakin's tail, crowriina him and pu, him thrnuqh the turn:o.

SEBtJl,BI\ pushe.c: 11.NI\KHI h;,rrler, 111vl I hP young bny ha" " difficult time kP.eping rnntrnl.. "n" nr t·h,. r"rt" nn 1\nakin's engines begin!! tn !!'hak~ Im,,. ... II.NII.KIN sPes 11 and switches over to an ;,uxiiiary syst..,m. While he i~ trying to accomplish t.his maneuvPr, !';F:J\Ul,BI\ p;,st hiai.

AN1\KIN tries to get Arouhd SEBlll,P.1\, tn no av;iil. Every mOVP l\NI\KIN ml'lkP.s, SF.:BUl,£11\ is at,lp l·o hlor:k. F'ln;,lJy, I\NI\KIN fakes a move tn the in!liciP. "'" h,:, 11:0:UAl ly ciOP:O:, I hPn tries to gn around SEBOl,811. nn the nnt.,._iciP.. ThP.y r;icp !'irlP by side down the final stretch nf t.hP tr.Ack.

SEBULBI\ veers toward 1\NAKIN '-Ind t,;,,nq:o int.o his poci. n .. cra,.hes into 1\NI\KIN over 11nd OV"r. ThP. ynung boy !It n1q-;i1°~ to mi'lintain control aia the !lteerhia rnd,s on. thP. t.wo pnrlia bet:ome hooked together. l,EBULI\ lnuah.c: "t:. 1\NI\KlN.

II.!! they head for the final stretch, 11.tll\KIN fiahts to nnl<>"k the :o:teering rods by tryina to r•1ll Aw;ay from SEB!lUll\. The "train on the stePring rods i!'< trr>mPnriot1!'<. !-11ddpnly, .1\Nl\KfN's ~teeri.nq nrm br~r1k~, nnrl hi~ pPri ~tnrt-~ ~pit111inu.


.,.. .•

"., .

100 CONTINUED: (2) 100

The of tension !lf'nn" !IF.:Rlll,RII into an anc:i..,nt. ,.t,.tnP. One f>llgi-ne EXPLODES, then the othPr. ~F.:BULBT\ !'I kids thrnnqh the ftreballs, blackened, but unlmrt.. lie 5lides to a 5inol:ing stop, gets out of his ral'."Pr, :ind t.hrnws wh11t'r,: l"'!ft of a ,.hifter arm on the ground. RurlrlPnly he rPaliz"'s t,;,. pants are on fire, and he struggles to rut them out.

1\NI\KIN fliP.s through the EXFt.O!ltnN "" th"' r.rnwrl ,.tanrl,., CIIEERTNG. FI\DMt And JIIR JI\R jump np And down with excitement, PIIDHE screaming for jny. 1\RTOO and RITSTF.n whi5tle hysterically. 0111-00N Anrl !IIIMr smilP.. 1\NI\KJN r,.,.,.,. over the finish line, the winner •

As ANAKIN stops the pod racer, l<lTSTER;runs np, and they embrace. Hundreds of SPF.:CTI\TORS join them and put ANl\l<IN _ on their shoulders, marching ,off, rHEF.lhNG 1\ND CHANT.ING. DARTH HI\UL'S PROBE DROIDS move thrnm1h the crowd.

101 INT. HOS ESPA - I\RENl\ - F_B_I~TE ~ox_-_ O~I

Several I\LIENS leave W11tto's box, l1111ghjng and counting their money. WTITTO sees OUI-GON l'tanrling in the doorway.

WI\TTO You! You swindled me! Y<'II lmew the boy was going to win! Rnmehow you knew it! I lost everythina.

WATTO flies up to OUI-GON and put,. hi_,. ·f.11ce right up aa11in"t QUI-GON's. QUI-GON simply smiles.

OUI-GON WhenevP.r you gamble, my fri'i'nd, eventu111ly you' 11 losf'. Bring thP. p11rts t.n the mRin hangar. 1 '11 ,.,,m.,. by yc,11r shop later "" you can r<>I""""' 1-1,,. t-,ny.

WI\TTO Ynu cirn't h11v,;, him! H w"""'t a fAir. het!

0111-GON Wnulcl ynu lil:P t·n di,-,·11"" it wHh th<> llutts •.. l'm ""r" t:hey ,.,.,, ,.,._,·t· t<> thi,..

WATTO No, no! I w11nt no mor<> n[ y,,ur trir.ks! Take him!

The RlTH PROBE DROID w"tches thi" with qrent interest.

102 INT. HOS ESPI\ - l\RENT\ - Hl\IN t111m;111<_-:_l)_l\Y

The mAin hnngar is 11lmn~t rles.,rt<>rl "~ PTIC~R~ rler,.rt. II


few lll<OIOS haul in wrecr.1.taP. from t hr r;ir:!'. OUI-GON wipPs !'lnmP t---1,:,nrl nff r,f 1\nAkln',s ;,rm s,ith ., ,.m:i1 J p;,trh.

, ·rnrr n11,.



QUI-GON - There, goc,d 11s new.

001-r.nN carefully putR the. pat:ch In t,;,. pnr,b•t.

JI\R ,11\R qives I\NI\KIN-,i gre.,it huq, th1>11 rl\UMF.: qivP.,; him " hug, then SIIHI.

I\NI\KJN Ah, gee .• ,enough of thl.s ••.

SHHI It's so wonderfuf. l\nnie. Yon have brought hope_ to those whn have none . I'm so very proud of you •.•

PI\DHE We owe you everything.

I\NI\KIN ,lust feeling thiR goort w,i,s w,,rth it.

In t.he. backgrounci, OUJ-GON has h,ir.n"'"'""d thP. F:OPIF.S tn cont11iners full of parts.

QUI-r.ON Fadme, ,Jar J;,r, lf't's qn, wp've qnt. t.o get these part,s hack to t.hP ,-t,ip.

The r.ROUF walks over to OUI-GON and the EOFIES.

I\NAKIN Good-bye, Fadtne.

I\NI\KIN giVPS her ;, little 1:;,.,, "" t 11~ •·hPP.k. Shp ismi '""· JAR ,ll\R grabs I\NIIKIN'!!' h;mrt nnd s:t;i,-1,, ,ah,,kina it.

JI\R ,11\R Byen, mese pal<". Youis,i """ hnmblaster boyo.

I\NI\KJtl Take care nf ynnr.self, ,1"1· ,l:ir.

PADME climbs on behind Otll-GON. the-second EOFIE, only to Rlowly I\RTOO whistles. I\NI\KIN ,ind SIIMl

,11\R .ll\R 5wings up f'nt·n ,sliciP. off the other ,;lrtP.. w;:,vp Ais they ride nff.

QUI-r.ON 1 '11 return the Eopie" hy mi rtd,iy·.


ARTOO crui11es AhP.11d of QUI-GON ,md rl\l'Mt, whn are riclina nne nf th" ,st ranae EOFIF:S; ,TI\R ,11\R r td"'"' Hie nthPr. "l'h"'Y stnp in front r.-f.t:he ,.1 .... 1: N;:,hnr, ,sp;:,••,,rr;:,ft. Ofll-1-il\N ,.,.m .. ,a out ,,f the ship and join,. thPm.

r 'OIIT 1111

I .. , li9. '

.r., .•

103 CONTJtlllED: 1 01

QUI-i;<)f,I Start integr11tinq the!'P p'lrt,. I ntt"> thP. i;hip. I'm going b11ck .•. ,inm,. unfinished business. I won't be lr,nq.

081-WI\N Another passenger?

QtJJ-GON The boy who•"' rP.1"pnn,o i h,,. I nr g .. t. ti. nq us those parts. Rnn a mldi-o,hl<">riAn test on this .

QUI-GOl'I tosses OBI-WAN the patch with blood on it • i

On a far hill overlooking the N11hoo ,..,,.i,,ecraft, the SJTII PROBE DROIO turns and speeds away.

104 EXT. TATOOINE - STREET - SL1\VE QUI\RTERS - 01\Y - ==-=====--=-==.:.--==-=-===··-~-=~ ANI\KIN and SEEK are rolling around <">n the ground, fighting. About I\ DOZEN OR SO KIDS are standinq around them, 7el.lin9. Suddenly, a long shadow is cast over._ the TWO BOYS; they stop fighting and look up. OUI-GON i,. towering over them. U'l'STER is with him.

QUI-GON What's the problem?

ANI\KIN lie hit me.

ou1-r.nN l\nd ... ?

/\N/\K!N /\nd it made me ,inary, ,sn 1 hit him.

QUI-GON Were you friends?

I\N/\KTN I\NO Sf:F',K No!

QUI-GON Ro now you're friends.

AN/\KIN I\NO .Sf:F:K No!

QUI-GON Then your fighting didn't: ,.olv.- anythinq, did it? Inflirting p11i11 iA nnt ,in pffective 'lOPnt· for ch'lnaP ... r.ome on.

1\Nl\K!IJ and OUI-GON w,i.ll: 0ff t·c,wllrd 11111\tnN',s hr,vel. .Sf:F:K is 1Pft ,.t,inding in thP "treet "rr'ltrl1i11a hi" hP'ld.



105 INT, IINAKIN' S HOVEL - HAIN ROOM - ll/W - ---===------------='---"=.:.;...==----' .. ---SHMI is cleaning up as /INIIKIN bur,.,:,. t:hrn11gh t.he door, followed by OUt-GON.

I\NIIKIN Hom, he's back!! He sold t.h.,, rnd. Look at all the money we have!

ANAKIN pulls a bag of coins out nf hil" pocket.

SIIHI Oh, my goodness. That•,. won<.l<>rfnl.

OUI-GON And Anakin has been freed.


QUI-GON You're no longer a slavP.

ANIIKIN jumps for joy! SHMI is st11nnf'<I.

ANI\KIN (to Shmi)

Did you hear that, Hom? (to Qui-Gonl

i I

Was that part of the prize, or what?

QUI-GON Let's just say Watto has learned an important lesson about aamhling.

SIIMI Now you can make· yr:'lur rlrPAm~ c«:ome trnP., llnnie. You're freP.!

_(turns t.o Qui-Gnnl ls he to become a Jedi?

QUl-C;QN I am mindful of c-oincid<?tl<"P hPn,. Nothing happen!' by acc.lct,-nl. ""' 1,­strona wit.h the For.ce, nnt h,.. may nnt be accepted by-the Counr i.1 .

ANIIKIN A Jedi! Mighty blaster"', ynn mean I get to go with you in yn11r. ,-t;,r,-hip and everything?!

QUJ-r.ON kne"l"' cinwn to th., hoy.

QUl-G0tJ llnakin, trainlna tc, he " ,1,,r1; wi 11. nnl: bP an P.a "'Y rh;i l i 1?nge. /Ind i r ynu succeP.d, it wi 11 nl? " h,ird 1 I f 0 •

r ·nt!T I tllll


. .

; 1 •


I\NI\KIN But it's what t drearned about.

want. Wh;,t. I• Vt> alway1< C11n I gn, Hnrn? !

0UI-C'.ON This path has beP.n plAr.ed lM!fore you, Annie: the choice to tl'lke l.t ls yours alone. ·

ANIIKIN thinks for a rnornent, then Jonk"' to his mother, thf'n to 0UI-GON .

.ANAKIN stops. .ANI\K!N

IINI\ION I want to ,go.

0UI-G0N Then, pack your things. W,;, haven't rnuch tirne.

ANI\KIN Yippee!!

hugs his rnom and starts for SIIM! And 0UI-G0N give P.l'ICh

has realized something .

1\NI\KIN (Cont'd)

the nther room, then ot.h'a!r A knowing look.

·What About Morn? ls shP. fr~e too? You're corning,_aren't you, Morn?

0UJ-G0N I tried to free your rnothf'r, l\nnie, but Wattn wouldn't l1Ave lt.

I\NI\KIN But the monPy frorn ,.,.,,1 J in•1 ...

QUI-G0!I It's not nearly enouoh.

SHMI comes over to her !'<On and sit.!'< nP.xt to hirn. Taking both of his hands in hers, she rtraw"' hirn close.

SIIMl Son, my place is herP. My f11t:11re is here. It is time for ye>u tn lpt go .•• to let go of rne. l cannnt qn with yon.

I\NIIKJN But. Wfltto'i; Angry, Morn. Ynn're in danger. I can't. leavp you.

~IIMT You're also in rlanq.,r, llnni ... I will be fine ... you wi 11 ..,., fin". WP rnu!'t e;ich find our nwn wfly.

n,tlTl l

', '

~·· •''

105 CONTINUED: (2)

I\NI\KIN I want to stay with you. T rlnn' t want things to chanqe.

SIIHI You can't stop chan9e l'lny mnrP than you can stop the sun from setting. l,isten to your feelings; you knnw wh,it:'s right.



1\NI\KIN takes a deep breath, drops SHH! exchange a look of r.oncern. there are tears in his eyes.

hi,- head. OUI-GON "nrl WhPn I\NIIKIN ra i"e" up,

ANAJSIN I'm going to miss you ~n mur:h, '40m . ..


SHHI I I'm going to miss you,' too, 1\nnie. love you so much ..• now hnrry.



ANAKIN and SHHI hug. ANI\KIN runs into the other room to pack. SIIMI stands and takes QUI-CmN's hand.

SHMI Thank you.

I will word.

QUI-GON watch Will you be


him. You have my all right?

I'll be all right. He w,is in my life for such a short time.


thrown the last of his !'Iii nc:i,. in " ,omall


I\NAKIN has backp.,c:I:. that w,ikes

As he leaves, he stpps "nd pnshes the button his droid up. TllREEFI0 ,ot;iu.,.,; at him blank I y.

I\NI\KIN Well, Threepio, I'm free ... ,inrl I'm going away •.. in a starship: .•

-TIIRF:EPIO Master Annie, you are my m11r.<>r, ,ind I wish you well. Although T'rl like i.t better if I were" littl~ mnrr ... c:omplete.

ANIIKIN I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish you, Threepio ... give you cov<>rinq,o r1nd .,l] _ •. I'm going to mis,. wor~in<:i -"" you. Ym1've been a great pn J • l ' 11 m:, I:"' "" T"' tlnm doe.!;n' t !'ell you nr Anythina.

Tfll1.F:F:r10 st,.res "t 1\N/\KltJ "" h<> n1shr,s n11I ,,r t·l,p rnnm.

r ·r ll IT 1 lllfF. •

I .



TIIREEFIO Sell me?!?


.,, .

I II,;

The PROBE OROIO beeps and whistle"' tn lll\nTll MI\UL. Th.- r.TTll LORD qets on a spt,eder bike and follows the PROBE OROlO into Hos Espa.


KITSTER runs hovel. SHMI of coins out

-up to ANAKIN as he and OUl-GON exit 1\naldn's stands in. the doorway. I\Nl\l<IN pulls a h11ndful. of his pocket and gives t.heJn to l<ITSTER.

i ANI\KlN , I

You're my best friend in the universe, Kitster. You've helperl mP in '"Very~hinq I've done. lt.'s qoinq , . .., '"' hard for me .•• without you.

KITSTER There are so many to stay, Annie .•.

1\Nl\KIN I. ..

of us who want you You'r<>"

(looks to SIIMll I. .. have to go.

QUI-GON has moved a short way rl<"wn the i,treP.t.



Well. 1\NI\Kltl



Thank!' for every moment yn11'vp t-een here. You're my best friend.

I\Nl\KIN 1 won• t forgP.t-: ••

ANI\KTN hugs: KITSTER ;md rnn,s t:ow,.r,i (Jflf-!";ON, thPn !'t"r" to loe>k back at his mnthPr standinq ln t-t,P. dc,or.way. lfp turn,a hack to OUI-GON, t:hP.n t.ur.ns: "'"' r1111,a h;,r.k tn hi" mothPr.

ANI\Kltl t can't '10 .lt, M.-.rn. I ;11,-1· ran't rlo .it.

SHMr hugs T\Nl\KIN. QllI-c;nN wntche~ frc,m I he di.~tnnre. ~hP knepl,a rlnwn 11nrl looks: him in th<' r,,..,.__


' -


1\NI\KIN Will I ever see you aa11i11??

SIIHI What does your heart tell ynu?

1\NI\KJN t hope !IO ••• yes .••• I QU'"-""·

SIIHt Then we will see each nt.hP.r naain.

ANI\KIN. I will come •back and freP. you: .•• I promise .•• I •.. will become a Jfdi.

SIIHI Oon't be afYaid, l\nni.P..

1\NI\ION I'm not afraid.

SHHI Hy love will alway,i· bP wi t·h ynn, no matter where you are. l\e hrave, 11nri don't look back ... don't l.nok back.

AN1\KIN (starting to cry)

I love you so much.



SIIMI hugs I\N1\KIN again, then t.nrn" him 11round ,;o he i" facing QUI-GON, and off he march.,,;, l the brave Utt le trooper that he is. He marche,; riaht pa!lt OUI-GON, st;iring straiaht ahead, tears in his eyP.s, d•t•rmined not to lnnk back.·


I\NI\KIN hands JlRI\ some coins.

I\NI\KIN I've been fre~d, and T'm gning 11way. Buy your!'elf a coo.ling ,mil". with this ... Otherwise I'll worry 11t->n11t ynn.


JIRI\ is astonished. She stare!', nnt knnwina what to ""Y· ,llRI\

Can I give you a hug?

I\NI\KHI Sure.

She aive,; him " liua.




. • ,.


JIRII I'll miss ynu .•. there Isn't " kinder boy in the gala,cy. Yon r• ,.,.r.,.ful •••



ANAKIN runs to join OUI-GON, who h11s alrf!ady ,;tarted down the street. As they walk along tnciPt.hP.r, QUl-C-..ON notirP,s something out of the corner of hi,. f'ye •

. Suddenly, without breaking his stride, he ignites his laser sword, swings around, and lunges fnrw11rd and cuts a lnrkinq PROBE DROID in half. QUJ-GON in,.pects the sparking and . fizzingDROID .

ANAKIN What is it?

QUI-GON Probe droid. Very unu,;n:, 1. •. not anything I• ve !'!een befc-r". ComP. nn.

QUI-GON 11nd ANI\KIN start running tnw11rd t.he outskirts nf town.

ill EXT. TI\TOOINE - DESERT - NI\B00 sr/\CECRl\FT - DAY 110

QUl-GON and ANI\KIN run toward the N11hon spAcecraft. IINIIKIN is having" hard time keeping up.

AN/\KlN Do you think Padme is in t.rouhle?

QUI-GON turns to answer "nd see!'!" nllRK-CLOIIKED FIGURt. bearing down on a speeder hike.

Qtll-GON 1\na kin, drop!

ANIIKIN drops to the ground just "'" lll\11TII MI\UL ,;weeps rwer him. DARTH HAUL jumps off his !'l('P•rh,r hike, "nd hefor"' he h""' hit the ground, the Sith l,<'rd ha!' !'lwuna a dP.ath hlow with his laser sword that is barely bl<>cked by QUI-GOii.

AN/\KIN picks himself up,.. The two ga l11ct ir: warriors, ~i th and ,lPdi, are bashing each nther with incredible blows;. They move in a continu11l cloud of dn,.t, smashing everything around them. This is a fierce fiqht. IINI\KIN gets up, bewildered by the confrontation.

Qlll-GON (shouting)

l\nakin, get tn the ship! T"k• off! Go! G("'I!

OUl-GON ,.truagles: to ff>nr! ,,ff q,,, rnl,..111· '"'"'" nn!'ll1111nht "" Mll\K IM n,,.,..,. t· n the s:h i I'.




.• '.


111 INT. NABOO SPACECRAFT - IIALLWI\Y ill ANAK!N runs into the main h11llway of the spaceship, where PADH!t and CAPTAIN PAHAIIA are working.

ANI\KIN Qui-Gon'!I in trouble. TakP nff ••• now!!

CAPT. PANA!tA Who are you?

PADMi: B• '• a ~riend.

l.12 INT. NABOO SPI\CECRAFT - COCKP.IT . . AHAJC:rN and P.lUJME rush into the r.nckpit. i


I don't see anything.

OBI-WI\N Over there! Fly low!

In the distance is a small cloud of dust:.


OUI-GON and DARTH HAUL continue thefr sword battle. T,e11pjng over one another in an incredible dii;play of acrobatics, the two warriors hear the ship fly nver them a few fee.t off the ground. OUI-GON almost rlisnppears for a moment, then jumps up toward the spacecraft. lie fore DI\RTII Hl\Ul. know,; what's happening, QUI-GON i,; nn the spacecraft•,. ramp.


The ~ITH LORD immediately jump!S nnt.n thP. ramp ;ifter Q111 -•.;otl, but harely makes it. Iii,; heels hnng over the edge of n forty-foot drop. QUI-GON swing,. hi!S laser sword with e1J l his might and knocki; 01\RTII Hl\UL ,:,ff. the ramp and ontn l:hP. desert floor. The ramp closes, 1111rl the Nahnn craft rorket,. away, leaving the Sith J,ord st;mdina nlone.

115 EXT: SPACE - NI\B00 SFI\CECRJ\FT (fJ<J. 115

The ,. leek spacecraft rnr.:l:ets ,iwny from the planet Ta tnni ""·

116 INT._ NI\B00 SPI\CECRJ\FT - 111\LLWI\Y 116

ANl\Klll and OBI-WI\N rui;h int,:, th!? h;il lwc1y to find OUl-GOtl col l;ipsed on the floor opposite the .-ntry'. l\RTOO is .lnnkim, over him. The JEDI is brec1thina he1rd and is wet with ,.we;it and rovered in dirt.·

1\Nl\KJN lire yC'l11 all ri.aht.?


• . • ,.

,., . 116 CONTINUED: 11 fj

QUI-GON I think so .•• that was" Fttrprise J wnn't soon fnrget.

ORI-W.IIN What was it?

OUl-GON I don't know ••• hut in the Jedi ,irt,;. after the Q11P.P.n •.•

.IIN/\1< IN

hew"" wP.11 trainP.rl Hy qnP.FF IF he w,i,;

Do .you think- he' 11 fol lnw IIF? i N

QUI-GON We'll be safe enough once we're in hyperspace, but T h1we "" rlnnht: hP. .t<nnws our.destination •

.IINAl<IN What are we going to do abnnt. it?

OBI-W/\N gives .IINAl<IN a "what are yntt?" look. 1\NAKIN r"tnrnF an in11ncent stare.

QUI-C".ON We.will be patient. 1\n,ikin, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.

AN/\KIN Fl eased to meet you. Wr,w ! Yn11 • re " Jedi. too?


01\RTII MIIUL stands before hiF ship, tnlking tr, " hrilngr,1m of Dl\RTII SIDIOUS.

Dl\RTll Hl\llL •.• they are henning to you, M;ois;ter. Should I follow?

DI\RTII SIDIOUS There is no need. Go to Nah""· I wi 11 contact you there.


SF.:VERI\L FEDERl\TJON DROlllS p;,trol " rlP,-Prt.ed c-Hy Ftre<>t. The !';,lace can be seen in the di,-t.nnC"P.


NOTF.: ,-i_t.s in a strang<>, mPc-h.anical, w;ilking ,::h;iir, whirh <1pprnar.hec SIO SIBBLE and SEVER/\1., <1T11F:R Nl\BOO OFFir::Il\1.:-. RUNE f~llows n few paceF ~o.hind.


. .

\ i

. •

7S .

119 CONTINUED: 119

DROID GUARDS surround SlO IHBBl,F. """ 1'11F: OTIIF:R/l as FOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS watch.

NUTE When are you people going t·n give up this pointless strike? Yonr O,teoen i-s lost, your people are !Otarvlng, anti you, Governor, are going ti" di", mnrh f'noner than your people, I'm "fr,.lci. Take him away! ·

OOM-Q approaches NUTE .

~-9 Hy troops are in positinn t.n ljegin searching ttie· swAmp:o, for tlu'!sd rumored underwater villages ... t.hey wi. l l not stay hidden for long. ·


The ship is asleep. The lights l!lrP nim as PADME walk!' ·int.n the main room. JAR JI\R il'I stretrhpd out on the floor, snodng. ARTOO is to one side, c:ordnq as he rests.

PADMt appears tired •. She senses someone watching her and turns around with a start. She :o,ee"' I\NI\KIN sitting in the corner, shivering and very dejert.eri ll"nking. She goes over to him. He looks up 11t her with te11r"' i.n his eyes. lie is hnlding his arms to keep hims .. lf w"rm.

PI\DHE l\re you all right?

I\NI\KJN It's very c-nlrl.

FAOHF. gives him her over-jRr.ket.

PADHE You're from a warm warm for my tRste.

I\NI\K1N You seem sad.


p1'm<'t., l\nnie. Sp,H"P is r.old.


The Queen is ... worried. l!Pr people are suffering ..• dying. She mn,st r.onvinc:e the Sen11te to intervenP, "r ... T'm not sure what wi 11 happen.

1\NIIKTN 1 'm ... I 'm not ,.., re what.'"' '1" i n,:i l"n h11ppen to me. I dunnn if J '11 "V"l" ""'" ynn again ...


r "OITT"lHfl


. • , .


ANIIKIN (cont'd) (he pulls somethlna from his pocket l ..

I •made this for you. So yr,u'rl n~member me. I carved it out of " .I I n"por snippet ••. It will bring you good fortune.·,,



ANAKIN hands a wooden pendant to PIIIJHF.. She inspects It, then puts it around her neck.

PI\DHt . It's beautlt'ul, t?ut 1 dnn't nt'!ed this to remember. you, .Annie. llow ;r.ould I forget my future husband? Ml'tny things will change when we,reach the' capital, llnnie. My caring for you will always remain.

I\NI\KIN I care for you too. Only ! ... miss ...

ANI\KIN is disturbed about something. 'l'ears are in hii, eyes.

PIIOHt ..• You miss.your mother .

.ANAKIN looks at her, unable to speak. ~he hugs him.

121 EXT. SPACE - PLANET CORUSCIINT (FXI ill MOVE with the ship as it heads towArrl r.oruscAnt.

122 EXT. CORUSCANT - ClTYSCI\FE - NI\B00 SFI\CECPJ\FT - O1\Y (F~!?2. The spacect"aft flies ovPr the endl""" ritysc.apP. nf Corusr,mt, the c.apital nf thr, gAIAxy.


ANAKltl looks out the cockpit windnw i. n "we.

Pit.QT Coruscant ••• the capital nf th~ Republic .•• the entire plRnet is one big city.

I\NI\KIN Wow! It's so hllgP !


The shir flies throuah the cityi,r"r" nf ~nru~cant.



i i




125 EXT. CORUSCANT - SENI\TE LJ\NDING FLJITFORM - 01\Y - ==----======-------====-====---=-=~ -----="'-Supreme Chancellor VI\LORIIM, SEVER/IL r.111\RUS,. "",:I SENI\TOR PALFI\TINE stand on a landing platfnrm.

The !'!leek Naboo spacecraft land,i r,n t.hP. platfnT.111 h1.qh "hnv .. the street level of the galactic eap!.tnl. The r11mp lnwer,.. OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, JI\R JI\R, and I\NI\KlN descend the ramp first and bow before PALPATINE and VALORUM.

CAPTAIN PANAKA, TWO GUARDS, QUEF.N I\MTDI\LI\, then FI\DHt ~nd EIRTl\t and HORE GUARDS descend the ramp. QUEEN I\HIDl\tJ\ atopl'I before the group. I\NI\KIN and ,ll\R JI\R stand to nnP. side, looking at the huge city. FI\OME ,imilel'I at I\NI\KTN. PALPI\TINE kisses the Queen's hand •

• PALPI\TINE It is a great gift to Your Majesty.

i see yo<1 alive,

AHIOI\LI\ Senator Palpatine, you havP. tried so hard to avoid a conflict. Now it has come to this.

PI\LPI\TtNE_ Hay I present Supreme ChancP.llor Valorum.

VI\LORUM Welcome. It is an honor tn finally meet you in person. l must ·relay t.o you how distressed everyone is over the current situation.

I\MIDI\LI\ I am grateful for your concern, Chancellor.

VI\LORUM I've called for a special session the Senate to hear your posit.ion. is a question r,f procP.dure, t-nt. I confident we nverr.nme it .•.

nf There

f P.P. l

PI\LPI\TJNE starts to OUEEN TIM Tf'l/\1,11 ""cl h.,r RETINUE nff the rlatform toward a -iting air t"xi. JI\R ,11\R and l\lll\KHI start to follow, then stop,· t:hat OBJ-WAN ;ind OIJI­GON. are staying with thP. l':UFREMF. f'.111\Nrf,LLOR.

QUEEN AMIOI\LI\ waves to the duo to follow her. 1\NI\KIN look,i back to QUI-GON, and he nods to oo "hP.;id. I\NI\KIN and ,11\R JAR join the QUEEN and PI\LPATINE. in the taxi. Pl\l,FI\TTNF. gi VP.!S the Gungan and the boy in thP. b"ck of the taxi ;, skeptical look. JAR JI\R leans over tn I\NI\KlN.

,11\R ,11\R Oa QIIP.P.ns-a t,Pjn gros;sly nir", mes:;, tinki;. Pitty hnt. !




81 .

125 CONTINUED: 125

VALORIJM and thP. ,JEDI WAtch t.he t;,i<i mnv" r,ff tnto thP rlty.

QUJ-GON We must talk, Your Honor. The situation has become more complicated.


QUEEN 1\MIDALA is sitting listening to rl\LFI\TINE. EIRTl\t. and YI\Nt stand behind the QUEEN: rl\!lMt is nowhere to bP. seen. ANAKIN and JI\R JI\R are in an adjoining room. They can see the Queen but cannot hear what is being said.

JAR ,ll\R Dissen all pitty odd to my. i


Don't look at me. I don't know what's going on.

CAPTI\IN PANAKI\ enters, then goes int.o the room with O!JEEN AM I 01\ I.J\.


PI\LPI\TINE is pacing.

FALFI\TINE ..• the Republic is not what it once was. The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates who are only out for themselves and their home ,-ystems. There is no interest in the common good .. is no civility, nnly pnlltics •.. it's disgusting. J mnst hf' frirnk, Yonr MajP.sty, thE'r"' litt ,., d,:,nro th., Senate will :,ct on th.., i 11v:1e, i "".

I\MJ ll/\Ll\ Chancellor VAlorum seP.m!O to thin!: thE're is hope.

FIIU'I\TINF. If I may say "fio, Your MA·jeisty, the Chancellor has little rPAl pnwer ... he is mired down by baselPs~ Accuisations of corruption. The bureAucr;its are in charge now.

AMIOl\1.1\ What are our options?

Flll,F'I\THIE: our best choi.c<: would b,, to pll!Oh fnr the t:?lectic,n pf~ sttnno~r ~11pr.emP. Ch,mcellor.



'· \

,. •


PALP/ITINE (conl:'ril One who will take contrnl nf thP. bureaucrats, enforce thP. l11w,., and give us justice. Our only nthP.r r.hnicP. would be to submit a plea to the r.nurt.i; •..

AHIDALA There',. no time for th"t:. Thf' cnurti; take longer than the SP.natc. our people 11re dying ••• morP. and mnrP f'Ar.h d"Y· We must do something qnJ.ckly tn stop the Federation.

PALPATINE . To be realistic, Your llighne~s, I'd say we're going to have to Federation control for the time being.

AM I Dl\Ll\ That is something I cannot do.




. .ill

A unique building with the Coruscant skyline. vast temple.

its tall ,.plrP.,. stands out ag,.in,.t 11 small transr,nrt passes by the


OUI-GON stands in a tall stately ronm. Twelve JEDI sit in a semi-circle. OBI-Wl\N stands behind OUI-GON in the center of the rnom.


The cldei;t Jedi is Hl\CE W_INOll. Tn his: JP.ft is an ali<'n Jedi named Kl-11D1-MUNDI, And to his: IP.ft, the Jedi MAs:l:P.r, YODI\.

OUI-GON .•. my only conr.lusion is thAt it was a Sith Lord.

MACE WtNDU 11 Si th Lord?)_?

YODl\ The vP.ry Republic is threAt<>m•d, if involved the Sith "re.

l<l-l\DI Impossible! The Si th havP bP.P.n ·extinct for a millennium.

MACE WINDU I do not believe the Sith r0u ld havP returned withnnt. t1" lmnwi11q.




' i !

-,,.~ ...


129 CONTINUED: l'-~

YOD/1 Hard to see, the dark ,side i~. Find out who this warr.ior 1,., WP. must.

l<I-1101 I sense he will r.eveal himself again.

MACE WINOU If the Queen is his taraet, agree.

YOO/\ You mu,st :11t11y with thl" NAt'<ln queen, Qui-Gon.


We will use all onr resnnr.c:eJ here to unravel this mystery. Hay the Force be with you.

YOO/\ Hay the Force he with ynn.

OBI-W/\N turns to leave, bnt QUI-r.ON r.ontinues to face the Council.

YOO/\ Master Qui-Gon, more to say have you?

QUI-GON Yes, with yc,ur permis,.ion. J hiwe encountered a vergence in the Force.

YOO/\ II vergence, yn11 ·say?

H/\CF. WlNDll Locaterl arounrl a p(\r!'n11 or. ;n, objer.t.?

QUI-GON A boy ..• his cells hav,. t·h<> highest concentration of midi-c:hlc,rl11ns I h11ve seen in a life form.

-HIICE WlNDU You' re referring to t.he prr,phe,;y nf the one who will t:-r.ina hala11c<> tc, the force .•. you beli~ve it.'i- thi,s boy??

QUt-r.oN I don' t pr.esume .•.

YODII But: yn11 do! P.0 v<>'I l erl yr,11 r "Pi 11 i N1 i ,s.

QIII-GON I do request th,;, boy t·r, t,,- t .. ,=ted.


\ '


129 CONTINUED: (2) 129

The JEDI all look tonne Another. ThPy nod.And turn t,,.r.k to OBI-Wl\N and Qll!-GON.

YODA. Trained as a Jedi, ynu wi"h fnr him?

QUI-GON Finding him was the wJlt of the Forr.e .•• I have no doubt of that. Thert~ is too much happening·- here ••.

YOD11 Before us bring him then .


A large, distinctive looking domed building stands out amia the cityscape of Coruscant.


The !':P.nate chambers is huge. Thntt!IAnrls of SEN1\TORS and their 1\IOES sit in the circular as!lembly Area. Clll\NCELLOR VALORUH sits in an elevated are" in the center. Hundreds of 1\lOES and DROIOS hurry about. SEN1\TOR P1\Lt'1\TINE, QIIF.EN AMIDIILII, ElRTllt, YANt, and C1\PT1\lN P1\N1\KII sit in the Naboo congressi:,nal box, which is actually a floating platform. JAR JAR sits to the far side of the box, And everyone tries to keep their distance from him. Pl\Lt'l\TINE lean11 over to the QUEEN.

Pl\LPI\TJNE tf the F"ederAtion moVP.l' to <1,-f.-r ynnr motion ... MovP. to end thi!< r.ongre,;sional session and force a new elPction for Supreme Chancellor.. . I rr,..mi se yon there Are many who will l'npp,-,rt ""· .• it is our best chance ....

1\MID1\L1\ You still believe Chanr.P.llor VAlorum will not be able to hP. Ip "·"'.

Pl\LPATINE" lie is weak .. . he· is afrAirl. II<! will he of no help, I promise you.

VALORUH The Chair recognizes t.hP i::P.n:1tor from the sovereign system of NAbnn. ·

The Naboo conaressional box floats into the center of th<! area -'!nd circies the podium.






PALPI\TINE Supreme Chancellor, de]Pq>it""' of the Senate. A tragedy has on our peaceful system of Nabon. WP. haVf! hecome caught up in a dispute ynn'rP. all well aware of, which began right here with the taxation of trade routes, Rnd has now engulfed our entire plRnPt in the oppression of the, Trade FP.deration.


l 3 I

I\ second box rushes into the center of the Senate. It is filled with 'Federation trade h11rn111< IPcl hy loOTT 000, I hP Senator for the Federation.

• LOTT 000

This is outrageous! We Senator's statements!


i ob,ier:\: to the

The Chair does not recogni7.e the Senator from the Trade Federation at this time. rlease return to your station.

LOTT 00D reluctantly moves back to his place.

PALPI\TINE To prove our allegationi,,, 1 pre.sent Queen llmidala, the recently ruler of the Naboo, to speak on our behalf.

QUEEN IIMIDIILA stands and addresi,,e.s thP. >issembly. Then! is some applause.

AHIOl\1,1\ Honorable repre1<entat iv'!~ ,.,f !·hf> Republic, disting11isherl ""'"<1>1tes, 'Incl Your Honor SupremP. Chl'lnC"<>.llnr. Vl'lllorum, I come to you undet the of circumstances. The Nabon "'ystem has been invaded by force ... l'l9>1inst all the laws of the Republic by t·t,r, llrmie"' of the Trade •..

LOTT noo tie object! There is no pr0of nf this! This is incredible! WP. rP.r.nmmend a commission be sent to tl'lbon to ascertain the truth.

Vl\l,ORUM Overruled.

LOTT ()OD Your llnnor, yon cannot "\ \r,w ""' t.n bP. condemnP.d without pro<'f nr rP'1!'nn'lh\f> obSE'TV'ltioni,. Tt',s 'la:iins,I· .,t I th<> n1lP,s of proc-edure.



' '





131 CONTINUED: (2) 131

A third box representJng Halast,,rP. mnv~" Jntn thP. r.P.ntrr the room. 1\KS HOE, the 1\mh,.ss"dnr., ,uirtr""""" thP. crmv,.ntfnr,

1\KS HOE The Congress of H"lastare conr.urs with the honorable delegate from the Tr,.de Federation. A conanissJon must be appointed ••• that is thP. Jaw.

VALORUH The point •••

V1\LORIJM confers with sevP.ral of.hb 1\JtlF:S and VICE Cll1\TRMI\N HAS 1\MEDDA. PI\LPATINJ: whispers something to the QUEEN .

PALF1\TINE Enter the bureaucrats, of the Republic, and on the Trade Federation.


i I

the true rulers the p,.yroll of

The point is conceded ... SP.ction 231\ takes precedence here. Queen 1\midala of the Naboo, will you defer to allow a conanission to explore the validity of your accusations?

QUEEN AMIDIILA is angry but remains compcsed.

AHIDIIL1\ (angrily)

I am shocked that you will not even allow me to finish my statement. I will not defer ... I have come before y,:,11 t.o resolve this attack on c,ur soverP.ionty now. I want action, not words .. :ar.tinii";"° not politics. I w,.s not PlectPd to w,.tch my people die while you di5cuss this in a conani ttee. If this bnrly ii; not capable of action, I sugge"t new leadership is needed. I move for a "vote of no confidence" .•• in your leadership.

This causes a great st-tr in the aS!!P.mbl.y. 1\ loud murmur crescendos into a roar of approvAl and jeers. CHANCELI.OR VAL-ORUM is stunned and stands speechless. His Vice Chair, MAS AMEDDA, takes over.

VALORUM What? ... No!

MIIS 1\MEDDII Order! We shall have ncrler ...

Thi119s settle down a little. Thr fr,d,-r11ti011 box cnnlinnP-" to ri rcle AMID/ILi\. JIIR ,11\R looks 11Prvr<11". FRINCF.: Bl\11, ORGl\Nl\ move" his box into the arpna.


-- .... •

131 CONTJtlUE:D: (3)

Bl\J I, ORC;l\Nl\ l\lclera;in seconc:is the mnt. inn fnr. ;, v,..,te of confidence.

Ml\~ l\MF.:0D1\ The motion h"" hP.Pn sPr.nnd<>rl by fl;,il Organa of l\lc:iPr"""·

. Ml\S l\ME:001\ turn!< to th<> confu!SP.d Vl\l,ORllM.

FIi\ T I, ORGI\Nl\ 1'here must be nn <IP. l"Y". ill on the flonr And m11,;:t in this sesi.ion.

1'hP mt'.' ti nn bP voterl 11pon

LOTT DOD The Trade Federation mnvr,is t:ht,n he sent to a commit:teP fnr ,;:l:ndy.

The n!lsembly begi.ns to chant.

l\SSF.:MBLY Vot.e! Vote! Vote!

P/\LFl\TINE stands behind l\MIDl\Ll\.

PI\LPI\TINE: You see, Your Majesty, the tide is with us... will be_ vot,;,c:! out, I assure you, and they wjll vote in a new Chancellor, a strong Chancellor, one who will not let our _trngedy continue ...

Ml\S I\MEDDA We will recess. Tomorrow we will begin the vote.

AMIDl\LI\ I fear this solutio~ will 11nt. play it.self out soon enough.

JI\R ,11\R is FedE>rzition PI\LFl\'l'INE:.

confmsed by "1 l of t.h i" rnnnnPl . .i on. ThP delegation is f11r iouis. V/11,0RIIM t.11r11,s l:n


Palpatine, you have betray<>c:i me! llow could you do this? I t:hought you were my ally ••. my friend.




OBI-WI\N and QUI-GON stand outside.the palace on a b11lr.n11y.




11;> C_'ClflTlllllF.11: I ~.'

··-_ ..

()Rl-W/\N 1'ht:! bny wi 11 llf't f)rl~~ t·hn ,·n1111ri 1 '!::

t 0 ~t·;.,, r=1nd yn11 li:11nw it_ JI,:,, ; ~ r.~r Inn f'l1rl.

u111-r:nu l\na J.: in w i. l J hPrnm~ A , 1r-.rl i ••• I pr"'m i ~e-o yn11.

rlRJ-W/\N (lnn't· dr..fy t·hr,. f',llllt<~i 1, Mn~t ,,., ••• nnt ,'laain.

Oil I -r;r)N I w.ill r!r, wh.;t. I m11st.

0RI-W/\N M;, yn11 r.nnld he sittin•~ 011:lhP r:011nr. i l hy O'>W I f you wm1 Id ·j 11,.t f n 1 J nw thF? rnrln. Thr.ay will nnl 'l'' :ilnt,(l wit·h y n11 t: hi " t i m<>.

Qlll-G0N Yon s:t.i J l havr,, m11r.h t·n , ,,,.n,, my yn11nq ;ippr.,nf· ice.


/\N/\Kltl st.1111ds b'!f0r-, \hP TWEJ,VF. .IF.I)! •. YOlll\ holdss ;i ssmAl.l hanri-hPld ,;crP'!n. · In r;ipid ss11rrP.s:;:inn, im;iq-,,- fl;i,-h ;icros"' the scr.,en.

71111\K 111 1\ ~hir ... 11 r11p ..• ,, r•rr:a.:,t·11,n •• _., ~p,..r.>rk•r.

von.ri. I 11r11~ t:h~ vi~w srrPt:)J\ nff.

Y'1ll/\ (~c,nrl, ·J~ ry 'J''nd.

/\ll/\K 111 Cnlrl, Rir.

YOJ1/\ llfr;iirl ;ire yn11·,

/\N/\K I tl No, ~ i r.

How dn ynn r r,p I -;

-H/\CF. WIND!!

/\frai.d to qi VP 11p your Ii f<>'?

1\1-11\K Ill T dnn't· thit1Y. :=-.n.

, ·, IJ IT 1 !Jl1Fl I

' ··,


I 3 3 <:ONT 11-JIIF:ll:

YOIJ/1 See through yn11, WI!?' r:r111.

Ml\CF.: WT Nllll A<> min,if11l nf yn111· f<><>I i11q,s ...

KT-1\IJI Your thnuqht.R riw.,11 n11 your mnth<>t.

l\Nl\KJN mi~~ he.r..

YOlll\ l\fraid to J.osP. t,.,r. .. J

l\Nl\KIN · (a .litl'IP. ;,nqry)

What'is t.hat. qnl: t:n tin with :111yt,hi.11a?

YOD/1 F:verything. F<>;ir i" th<> I'·'' h •n th"' rlark Ride ... f<>;,r '"""" , . ., ""'l"'t ... ;,11q .. ,·t.0 h;,tP. ... h;,t.P. 1°;,ds, b·, s:11ffP.rinq.

l\Nl\KlN (;,ngri .ly)

I am not afr;,id!

YOD/1 I\ ,Jeni must h;ivP thP. rl"'"'I'"'"' ,·nmmi.t.m.,nt·, t.he niost serion~ mjnrl. I ~""'n~,:,, murh nnqer .in y011.

l\Nl\KIN (rp1i.,t lyl

lam nnl'. .;frnic!.

YOlll\ ThP.n contin11e, we wi.l).



I 1 \


QUEEN /\MID/\LI\ i5 isf·;,rirrn <'Ill t hP wirtdnw, wi.1'.h F:IRTl\f: and Yl\NE standing bP.hind h<?-r. ,11\R ,11\R s:tandi ng h<>forn th(> window, gazing out. The J.iqhts nf 1·1,., rity Rh.i.mmer h<>fnr<> them.

,JAR ,11\R turn,; ;,rnund tn fnr.P. th<> C.HIF:F:M.

,11\R ,11\R MP-sn wnnder why rl~ qud~ inur-111· pr1]n·:

l\M I Ill\ I ,I\ To movitnt·P. 11~, I im;-ic.1inn ...

• Tl\P. ,ll\R Yn1t~;} t·inkPn rr-qrJn q,,ll!l-7 dir.:,:'

r ·, >!IT I Ill W''

' )

.. •

l '.H C:ON'l'lllllr.1':

l\M 1 Ill\ I.I\ I rinn't· know. WP h;1v,... no ;i1my.

,Jl\R ,11\R ~t111qr1n~ c;innnR Q~f-. p;:a~t-_Prl t,,n, Ph?

l\M TIil\ I ,I\ I hope not·.

,ll\R ,ll\R r~unqan" no rli<•'n witho111··" fiqhl· ... w"'"" w;,,rt'i("'tf"!I:;. llAt-. _why yn11 110 1 i Y.,-.n 11~, metinbs.


PI\LF'l\TINF. ;and Cl\PTl\lN F'l\111\Kl\ rn"'h int" t hP rnnm nnrl hc,w •befnrp·the OUEr.N~

CI\PT. FAN1\Kl\ i Your. llighnPs~,- _r,,lp;it i,\,.. h;is hP.en nnminr1t.f::'ri tn !C=1H~rrapd V;:,.1 nrnm ;i!=:

Snprem" f'."hnnce 11 nr. '

Fl\!,Fl\THIE Tl !Surprise, to hP. snre, Im!· ., wF>lct,me nne. l promis .. , Your II i.ql11,r--""• if I am eler.ted, I will bring rl•mnrrary har.k to thP. Republic. I wi 11 pul: an enrl to corruption. The Trad,;, FP.rlPr;it.ion will lose its infl•1ence nv"'r th., h11reaur.rat", and r,ur people will be freed ...

.I\MIDALA Who else has been nominated?

C:l\PT. FT\Ml\Y.11 Bnil l\nti.llP.!S nf l\ldr-,r;a,i11 ,rnd llinl"P Teem nf Mnln~tnrP.

Fl\LPI\TINE I fee] r.onfid~nt ... 01{r. "~i 1·11;it i0n" wi 11 r.reate a strong ,.ympathy vot·e f0r ""'· .. I will hr-, C-hanr.el !or, r prnmi ""' ynn.

TIM I 1111 I ,I\ I fear by the you hnvP r:cmtr0J of the b11reaucrat,s,- therP wi I 1 bP 110thi ng left of our c:-ities, 011r pnnplP., 011r wiiy nf l.i.f" ...

PT\LFI\T lNF. I 11nrlerstand yn11r r.onrPrtl, \"n11r Mn j<>,-t.\:; 1_rnfnrt11nately, t:he FP.d 0 r;at· i.n11 """' pos!SP.Rsion. The lnw i,-; i11 t·h~i r fnv0r.




I "H <:ONTIIIIIF:n: (?. )

/IM I fl/I I ,T\ There i ~ unt.h i 1v..1 mnreio I ,·.111

!;P.n.::.tnr, thi~ i~ ynnr :ir"':"I, I h~vr> rlPr..i d~d tri Q'l b.,,·Y.. is with my p<>nplP..


,In hcrP ... 11,,1· mi 11"'.

11\' "'"""

<~o b~r:k ! ! re,11J st: ic !

F!nt, Yn11r Mn jr>sl y, ._,. Yem wn11Lrl "" 111 ,r,.nqP.r.

1\M T l.ll\ f ,T\ My f,.I·_,.. will ht>·11n rliff,-..-,-.,,1 f1·nm lh;il pf onr people. r:,.pta i11 !

• Cl\PT. PT\Nl\Kl\

Yes, Your II iqhness·?

l\M 1 01\ 1,1\ Renrly my sh .i p !

F'71l,F'l\TlNE I beg you, Your M,.j,.st:y, "'"Y t1~r~ ... wt1erP it'~ ~~fo.

1\MJ P71L71

i I

No plare is s"fe, S<>nntnr. 11: is rJ,.,.r to me now thilt th<>. Repnhl ic· no lonqr-,r functions ns it w,1s intPndPrl. If ynn win, T know yon' 11 do r,vo.ryl hinq ynn can to stop t·he F,;,der;;.t·inn. I hopP. yon will hring 5"ni ty "nd •·nmp,.ss ion t,,.r,k to the Serrnt.<>.


I • ~

T\MlUl\J.71 and h,;,r RETJNlJF: Pxi I: 1-h,. rnnm. s:elf-sat.isfied smile nn his f"C".

P71f.F71TINF: """ .,

135 INT. TEMPLE Of THE JELJI - COUNCIL CII/\M£3ERS - EVEIIING 1.35 ··--· - --------· -----·-----·-····-·-·-·

AN/\KTN, OBI-WI\N, ""rl (.)l.!f-r;nN s(n11d t,r-,fnrr,· l·h<! TWF:l,VF. MF:r--1~F:P.S OF '1'118 ,TF.DJ C:O!JNCll,.

YOfll\ .. . Correct you W'?r.e, '.)11i-c~nn.

MACE WTNotJ His cont;,(n a hiqh corw,,11tr,.t:inn of mldi-chlori"11s.

Kl-/\DT The fnrr::e is strm,q with him.

tlll 1 -1;nM lle'stobP.t.n1it1Pd, lh,..11.

Th<> 1·1,IJNCTL t-1F:MRF:RS )nnk !·n Oil" :"\IH'I h,..r


\ I



YOO/\ No.

/\N/\KTN il'< cn•,o;tfallen; t·_p;,r,s hPqin ,.,, rnrm i.11 his: cy.-,s:.

OllJ-r.ON No??!!

OBI-W/\N smile,,;.

MI\CE WINflU lie i,o; tno nld t:n hp t-.r'1inMI. Th<>rP i,s already too much Anger .in him.

QIJJ-(;<JN lie is the chosen ni1e ••. yn11 ,spe it i. n him.

i YOl1/\ CJ ouded, i ,s th i ,s m-'lsks his fate.

bny'~ f11t11n:••.I II is: Y'"'' h

QIJI-r.mJ l will train him, th.,n. as my Fadawan learner.

I t:;1 k,;, /\n-'I kin

OBI-W/\N reacts with surprise. /\N/\KIH w-'ltcl1es wltl1 int,.rPs:t.

YOO/\ l\n apprenticP, yn11 h-'IV"', Qni-r.nn. Nnt wise, 1:n take nn ;t SP.(".OtHI.

M/\CF.: WINOU We forhici it.

our-r.oN Obi-W-'ln is re-'lrly ...

OBJ-WMJ J -'Im r<>-'ldy to (-'Ir"' ti,~ l·ri-'IIA.

YODI\ Rearly ,sn "'"' r l y, .,, r., yn11 ·1 Wt,,, t· know yo1.1 nf r<?arly?

IINI\KTN W-'ltches as: OUJ -(.;ON _jlnd OR 1-W/\11 "XC-h'1nq,;, -'lnqry 1 nnks:.

QIJl-GON lleadstrong ... and he hr1,s m11r.h 1.o J er1rn -'lbout the livinq forcf', h\11 h<> i"' C-'lp-'lhle. ThPn>. is: Ji t t In ,,,,,,.,., h<! w.i J1 Jparn frc-,m m<>.

YO!l/\ 011r mm C01111SP [ WP. wi J) f:<>np Pll whP i !'<

rParly. M0r<> tn l<>-'lrn, 1,,-. h,,,,_ .. , ·, 11 IT I l·JllF.l 1

I l~ r.ot-l'l'IIIIIF:ll: (?.)

,,... -··

Ml\l.'.F: Ii 1111)1 I tfnw i~ nnt f·h,::,. l·i1no fnt lhi~ ... t hf"' ;.n1111lro ;:i:;; vtit:ing for r.1 nPw r;;upr,..111,..., t'JJ,,11r~tlnt. {l11ee-n 1\midn:l:.1 i~ , . .,, 11,·11i11 1.1 ""'",..., wllir·h wi lJ p11t- f'T 0 !C-~11r~ "'" f·h~ F·~dnr~I inn, .=tnrl ~rn11 d wirf,::1,11 t·ho rn11 ft "nt·:\t -; nn.

von11 Wi l hon I ~P1i:1t ~ :.pprov;i I, f nl '"'' r·~d,.. i tt thi~, WP. r.:tnnnl .

KI-1\DI Events Are movinq fa,st .•. ton f;i,st.

von11 II gr<!l'lt rHi;t11rt:,;,nr.P. in t·h<> ; ~ ...

Ml\f:F: WINlltl 1 !P.e.l your my,st.erin11,s ;it·t·M·l-:"'r's,st in the OIIP.!'.11 """ ,snm<>t;hi nq ·t,:, cio with thi,s. Th<> r:,-,11,w.i I l,;i,s A11ti1nrit·y lo protP.ct her, Aud """ h;,i,: ;iqr<><>ci t·n r,11 r help. r.n with h<> r h;,rr. t· 0 N;,hnn rtnd cii,scov<>r th., idenl i ty ,,f'. I his d:uk knight. Thrtt. ;,. t.hP rlll" w<> ""'"'rl tn 11nravel this my,st·<>r.y.

KJ-1\Df ... rtnd 1 et 11~ prny hP i ~ ""' ., Sj th 1,nrd.

YOllll Young ·°' kyw;, l '-" r' ,s Li 1·,., w i I I t,,-, d<>r i rl<>rl lAtPr.

Qll T -r;mJ ti~ hr1~ nnwht?rc t·n 'J''.'- Jq·n11,1ill l\11:,kill; h<> will ist:iy in my •·11:iirt".

Ml\f'.F: W TtJPtl lie iis your wnrrl, r.)11i-1;""· •. W" will nnl· rli.sput<> that.

YOO/\ Train him not. ,:ike him wit"h \'""• h11t train him not!

MIICE W 11~ nu Stay nut. of Any r:nnf] i,·t· th;it 'lr.i,s,, 11nti I we hnv~ the Senrt1:P' ~ AJ'prnv;i I.

Y0!11\ M;,y 1-1,0 fnrr 0 t,,, with V"''-

nrlf-WIIN, t1IIJ-<;01-r, ;ind 11111\1<111 ,~,,,,,,_


'· )

13 6 ~X'f. _s_:5:>Rl,! SC/\NT - S EN/\'1:§_),l\.!.!!J. 1_1.!_G .. r 1./\T F"ORI·! __ :__ ti.~ GJl_:J' 136

OUJ-t;nrJ, ORJ.-WT\N, "11ld 1\NT\KIN ,,r,111d "" I h 0 l;,11dir,q pl;,1 rnrm nut,;.id<> th .. ,,h_ip. 1\RTO[) whi,,tJ .. ,, " ,,,,,•ry ,.,,,,,.. ;,,;; hP fn""" ov•H t-l1P .. clge n{ t·h,. pJ,.tfnrm, w:,lr-hi11'! lh,. t·r;,ffir:. S\.1drlPnly, h,:i, 1-=-rtnR ovP.r t·or:-, f~r. :ind fnll!"-= nv~·rhn,,rrl. T\fti~·~,· A mnmi=>nt, hP, 11r-:::in'l hir-::: nn-hn:"trd jr,,I ~ 1,, rr''J""P'""' r bark n11t0 t-t,., IAndinq pl:,I '"'"'· Thr> witrd whir•" "1t 111-11\K IN "" ho Ii ,;t<>n,; t·n ti1<> ,IF.Pl.

nnI-WT\tl Tt i~ nnt tli~r.t=-!i=i;pPc~t., Mn~t,..,, it· i~ thP t. ruth.

ou1-r.ou From ynnr point nf viF>w .•.

O81-WT\N The hoy ls clang<>rnu,; ••. ll1•y it. Why r"1n't you?

Qll T -1;011

"l ll sen"e I

ThP r~o1i11ril wiJJ rfpr~;r-1,-. l\n:i~i11 1~

·f<'tte ... thAt :sho11lrl h<" """"'Jh for Y""· Now q,.t nn hnArd!

O81-WTIN b,,,.,rrl" u,., tl"I""' .spArt>rr;\ft "" (,)llf-•t;r,N goe" nv .. r tn 1\NT\KtN.

1\MT\Klll Qt1i-~on, r-:::ir., T ·Oo ni"lt: wi~h ·t·n hr.:- r1


QtJ T-<;<'N You won't b~ ... 1 r.:r1n't t·r,,i11 yr-11, l\n;:i,, ~o yon m11~t wrttrh tnP nnri bro mindft1I ... yn11r fnrtt!=: rlr--t0 1mi1tn~ yn111· n,,alit.y.

1\NIIK IIJ Si. r . .. I 'v~ h~t:111 wnnriP. ~ i no, ~ i r . .. wh.:. t "1r.e mi.rli-r:hl0ri;,11,;?

0111-1;01-1 11 micrr:-,,copir:- Ii fr, form I h:i1 , ,.,. id.,,. within "1ll livinq r:-<>l 11' r111d ,·nmm11nic"1t•,. with thP. ~hoe midi-r·ltlriri"11t Ar"' actt1"11ly nn<> vA,;t ent.i ty I h;il ,.11r0mr""""" the 11niver.s<>, hut is brnk,.11 i11l:0 "" infinit·..- numh.,r of !;'m"11 I ri"r"" tlt"11 r,>,;i.d<> in PVPry livina tltimi.

1\NT\K Ill Th,.y Ii ve i11,.irl 0 nf m<>?

Qlf I -r;nn l 11 yn11 r rp J J ~. \•Jp At~ ~~ nnl, i , •Tl I w i t Ii thP mirli-rltlnri;,11,s.

116 <:011'1' 1 tlllF:ll:

.• ,-

l\NI\K 1 l•J ~ymh_i n11t· ·;

Oil J -r;on l,ivjnq tnqPth<!r fnr m11lm1l :,,tv,.nt:,qr-o. Wit.hn11t ti1P mirii-rhlnr i:,ur;:, Ii f,-. ,·nn.lrl not PY..i!=it, ;i11ti WP. wnttlrl h;ivn "" l-:nnwl,..dr:1f" n f t· hi:i. Fn rr,... 1'hpy ~pr-i-;1 l: t " Y''" .i I I th<! ti me, , . ., 1.1. i IIQ yn11 H,,.. W j I I n f t-11<> F'nr~~-

I\Nl\l<IN They do??

QUJ-r,ON $ome call It intuition ... thf'! vnlr.:e" within ynu. WhP.n you .IPArtt tn;quiPt your minrl, yn11 will t,.,;,r t·h<>rn iPPAl:ina tn yn11.

I\NI\K[N 1 don't t1nd"'r"t;,nrl.

QUJ-GON With ;,nd t·rai.ni11q, yn11 wi 11.

Two taxis pull up, ;ind Cl\FTl\IN Fl\NI\KI\, !'ENl\'J'OR Fl\l,Pl\T JtlF., TWENTY OR SO TROOPS, GUl\RDS, l\t!O OFFl<.:F:RS wall: tow;,rd the ship, fol.lnwed hy QIJF:F:N l\MJll/\1,1\, Fl\DMP., F:lRTI\F:, and finally, JI\R ,Jl\R. 1\MlD/\1,1\ ;iml lt.,r 111\tll>MI\IDF:NS , befnr• t.llP ,JEDI~

OITT-f;Otl Y0t1r. flighe!=:~, it i.~ p11r pln;i~11rr-,, f·n ~t:!rvc ;ind rrntert yn11.

l\M I Pl\ I ,II T WP. .I ,:-nmf' yn11 r ""Ir, '"II \'"' 1T I '1" V. m:, y not be that P.Asy this, t·irn"'... SPn; raJp,,tine fp;ir!'< t·hp rPrl•n•l·i"ll ln""III!'<

to destrny mP.

QtJI -<;nu T promise yn11, Ymir lli.al111n,-:!'<, r wi 11 nnt let th;,t hAppP.n.

1\M!fll\1,1\ enters U1P. ship, fn.1.lowPd hy h•r 111\Nnl'II\TDF:NS. ,11\R JAR h11as OUI-GON ;,nd 1\NI\KlN.

,11\R ,11\R WP.~a q0P.n h0mP!

They ALL move onto the ship. The ship takes off and rockets away.


137 INT. lll\800 Fl\Ll\CE - TIIRONE ROOM ·· TIIF;F.l• - IHGIIT 1.n

.. ,.

·--- -·. ·---·-··-······ - . ---- .. - . - ... --· MIJTF., HllNF., :rnrl lll\R'l'II M/1111, "'""'! 1 .. ,1 .. ,,. ., hnl"'l'•,111 nf PI\HTII :- llllrlll~.

11/\RTII ST DlOIJ:-The OnP.,n j s on hP.r. w.,,y t n ynr,. l ,.,.,,r !<hP. i!': n[ 11n f11rtfue,r 11""' I" ""· Wh"'ll "'"' Q"'t" u, .. ri>, rl"'"trny 1,,,,._

1)/\RTII Ml\U I, Y~s, my Hr1:=:t.,.,,r.

0/\RTII 1'.11.lI OlJ:-Vi c:e roy, i,:: t-h~ plru1P.t r;nr11t r,,?


Yt>s, my t,ord, WP. have tAkPti ov,.,_r 1'11e !Ast pockP.ts nf pr lml ti v<> 11 ,,. jf orms. W<i Ar<i In comp.let!'! r.011t.rnl 11nw.1

Dl\RTII :, [ Otour,; Gnorl. will !':PP t·o ii. r·ti;,1·, in l·h,i· Spn.,,t<i, thinq!': "t"Y "" ll1Py ArP.

138 INT._ SF/\CE - N/1800 SF/\CECR/\FT COCKPIT t JS

l\Nl\KTN stAnds next t:n thP. PII,OT, prdnt-inQ t.CI v.,,r.iCIII!': 1,11ttn11,s and qAuqes.

l\Nl\KTN ... And that nne?

F'ILOT Tl1e fnr.w.,,rd st.,,bilizP.r..

l\MI\K HI l\nd thn!':e l'."!Q11]'1tP I hP ril"rh?

139 INT. lll\B00 SPACECRAFT - U!JEEN' S ~~l!l\t:1!3ER~ l.1 ~

YI\Nf. .,nd F.IRTI\F. stand hPhinrl QIJF:F.11 l\lltll/\1,T\ "" shp t:;ill:<: Olll-C.:ON and r:l\PTI\IN F'T\NI\KT\. <IRI-WT\N Atlrl ,11\R ,11\R sl.,,nrl hy thP rlnnr..

Cl\F'T. F'l\NT\KT\ The Ferleratinn wUJ. fc•rr,., Y."" tn :;iqn the trPAty.

<.)ti l -r.ON I agr<!"'-.. T 'm not sure wh.,,t ynu hopP to .,,r.rnmpli ,;h hy qnino i:,,.,rL

T\M T ll/1 l./1 T hope t·o t.,,ke n11r. syst<>m b;,rk.

r11rT. rl\Ml\K/1 Th.=tt- I~ imrl""'l~~ihl~. "l'hr-qr, .,,,.., nnlv t·w,...lu0 nf 11~ •• . w~ 11:ivr., ,,r, .=irmy.

• ·nr IT I llllF:P

.. · .. }

I 1 <l r :otff 11-111 F: ll :

'J.111 -r:oM Wo rr1nnnt fight· r1 wnr fnt· yn11, Yn111· fliQhn-=-~~, only prnt·,-r,rf· yn11.

/\MI Pl\ I,/\ I h;i,,., " r,l;,11... .rnr .r.~r ni11k,;!

J/\R ,1/\R ''"'"" r1rn11nri, f'117.7.1Pri.

,11\P. .11\P. MP,:.a, Your lliqh_1u· .. ~:i:;·?

l\M Ill/\ 1,1\ Yes. l nP.e~ your helr .

. • 14 0 EXT._ 1~1\800 FALACE - COURTY~!!_~~I\Z_l\ :. !>~~


1 t f\

l40 . .

As t·he Naboo ""'"rP.crafi: · J;inris 111 1-1,.,. ,..,..,.lrt:y;,rri, TWF:NTY 81\TTt,F: DROillS ,o:11rrounri thP. r.r;,ft·. l\ tnt I: r1im,o: It·,; q1111 :it. the ,o:p,icecr11ft.. ThP. r.11mr, Jower,o:, :rnri 1>ROTllS ru,o:h ni, tv,,,rri.

NUTE ;,nd OARTII MAUL wa.l-k into the cnurty,ird as IJROIL> COMM/\NDO 044 emP.rqP.,o: from the ship.

044 No one':i; on hn~rd!

NIJTF: What dn yn11 mAkP. of th;,1:?

P/\RTII MIIUL Tl con f 1 i ct is rr,m i nq ... 1 .. ,,,1,, Y"" r ,. rnorsa.

,TI\R ,11\R , dnwn intn f\nhhl"' ,·; t y.



,11\R ,1/\R t.he m;,in !''JllAr<>",,f th" 1'11hlil<> ,,Jt·y. lln stands, istunned, in ;;,m;,,:emP.nt ;,nd r,..,,,._ II<> i,o: nPrv011sa ""'' shaking.

Jl\R ,11\R Ello! Where d;,~ P.veryhndy?

The pl;,zfl is ompty. HP. notice,o: t·h;,,t· m;,ny nf t.h-, bui 1dinqsa arP. shnt 11p ""' if h;,,d be.,11" b:it·t·l., nf isnme l:ind.

143 EXT. NABOO SWAMF LTIKE - UTIY ]43 --· - ·--·----

JTIR ,1/\R PX it~ the ,o:w'lmp l,,ke M>d ,.,., I ks, r>VPt: h, Ql!f:F.ll /\Mil•Tll,TI, CTIFTTIJN F'TINTIKTI, !181-WTIIJ, ;111,! t>llf-c;nN. The IITINl>t1I\ILlF:NS, /INI\T:1n /\till TIP.Ttln, F!llll' 1'11.ClT:-, ;rnrl r,:1,~!IT ,: 111\PJI:'. :st ;:ind in t·hp 1,;:ir-l:atr""lllJ1d I\PAT f wn (•~1·.,,,, ... pPrl:-:.

t ·, \IJT 1fJIIJ-:11

' 14 3 COi-iT T 1-HJF:D:

,,... . .

,Jl\R ,11\R Ila TP.-so:=t nnhndy rirt rP. l\ 1 I ""'",... ~nm,:=, kj nd:a f_j ght, I t· Ink. Sony, nn Gung:as .•• nc, G11nq:as.

71M l 0711,71 Do you think they werP t·;ikP.n ,.,, c11mps?

CI\PT. P71Nl\KII They m:ay have been wir,.,.,I 'nut·.

,11\R ,171R Nn .•• mP"a 110 sn, go to sacred place. them d:are.

(:1-111q.,11 in l:r,,uhlP., M11r.kil1r>Pkc: nn find

Olll-C::ON Do yc,11 know wherP. j t i ,s?

l I



I 4 1

NUTE, RUNE, and 01\RTII M/\IJL walk wj t.h :a hologram c,f n11r-r11 SIDlOlJS.

NUTE •.. we've sent out patrol,;. located their 1ifP. r,c,d,,; in Jt won't be long.


Wr.'ve already t t,., SW'1mp •• ,

This is an 11nexpected mnv"' rnr her. Lord Maul, be mindful ..•

l'l\RTII M/\tll, YE'!s, my

l'l\RTII SJ DJOtl;, BE'! patil'!nt ... My ""'n"" is 'l·hny w.i.11 come tn you.

145 EXT. NABOO SWAMP - D1\Y 145

Th,. r.r.our fol J nws JAR Jl\R as he mov,.,s th rough th., ,sw'1mp. ,11\R ,11\R stops and sniff,; the air. Th<> r.ROllF st.or,,; h,..hin<I him.

JAR ,17\R Dissen it.

,ll\R ,11\R m;,kes a strange chattering nn.i se. of nowhere, Cl\FTl\Jll Tl\RFl\J,S anrl S 1 }: OTIIF:R ddina on Kl\7\DIIS emergl'! frnm> bnrnh.

,11\R ,_17\R Heyo-ci;,lee, Cr!pU,i n T,nr'" 1 s.

Sudden 1 y, n11 t (;{IN(;l\f-l TRO(Jr;,


14 5 CONT T tllJEO:

CI\FT. TI\Rl'/11.~ Binl:s! ! Hc-"h q"in!

JI\R ,11\R We com"'" to ""'f! ri;i bo!<s.

CI\FT7\IN T7\RF'7\l$ rolls his o,

f:1\PT. T7\RP/\l$ Ouch time, J\.l11l:!< .•• fn1. ;tll-n of yn11sP.



Ja,; jar, queen amidala, an;ikin, >1rtnri, q11i-go11, oh;-w,.11, -'iino the rest of her qronp 'Ire l"n thrnngh " r..l:,;,'lring f11l I of gung,,n refugeei;. /It t.hP. f;ir l"lld "r" t.hP. rnii n!< of " gr'lt\d templP. with massive carved hearl!<. Rn"" m,,.,,. ;i\,d !<P.V"''"' . oth"'r council member" walk out: nn thr> t;np of " tht<>.,,-•111>1rtr>r-· suhmerged head ..

ROS!': N7\SS Jar Jar, ynu"" payPn rli" 1·.im<>. Who's da uss-en othP.T.!<??

QUF.F:N 7\MID7\L7\ !<tPps fnrw'lrn. Cl\l'T7\ltl 1'7\NI\J<I\ 'lt)rl th .. ,TF:111 stand hehind here.

/11:11 07\ 1,7\ I am Queen Amidala of t·he N;ihoo... I come before yon in pP.'lr<>.

ROS!': N7\SS Naboo biggen. Yous,; ht·; llQPII d'I Mackineeks... nc1y b11ist .. 11 u,;is-en omm. Yousa ,;ll bombad. Yn11s:>1 :il 1 rliP'n, m<>s'I tink.

CAFTI\IN PI\NAK7\ and 111\LF 7\ !107.EN 1;\JI\RN, 7\Nll Pl 1,0TS lnnl< around nervously, and the GlJNGIIH TROOl'S lower their '""q power poles. The JEDI stay rel'lxed. 7\N7\KIN w;itches everything with great

AM J 07\l,7\ We w~sh to form ;in nl fi >111,:,P •..

Sudrlenly, PADME steps fnrwnrd.

F7\DMF. Your llonor. ..

11.RTOO whistles" "11h oh."

f\OSS NI\SS Whns;a dis?

, ·n~JT 1 IJl1F.I,


l Hi CONT] NIJE!l:

f'l\11MF. I am Queen l\mid..,la.

(points tn l\mirlnln) This is my der.ny .•. my rrnt·nrt·inn ...


I\NI\KTN is stunner:!. OB1-WI\N anr:1 0111-r.oN q;v., .,,.r.h nth.,, "knnwing look.

.. . .

FI\DME ••. I am sorry for my rl<>r.<>ptinn, hut unrl.-.r the circumist.ances it 1,..,,. 1:-<>r.nmP necess..,ry. Your llonor, "1 t hnngh WP. rlo not always agreP, our twn qrP..,L societies have .,Jways• liverl in p .. nr.r. ••• nnti I now . The Tr.,de F'er:ler..,tion 1,..,,. r1,-r,1·rnyPd 11;1.l that w<i h,we wod:eci so h" n-1 t ,:- hn i lei. You are in hiding, my p .. npl,;, arP in I camps. If we <in not ;wt· ,p,ir.kl.y, ..,Jl will l:><i lost for,..vPr... .1 .-,r-1: Y"'' to help us ••. no, T hPq yr:,11 h• hr>.lp us.

PI\DMF: drops to her knees and prr:ist·. rntr,s herself l:>efor<> RO:-S NASS. There is a gasp CI\PTl\ltl PI\NI\KI\;. HIS TROOPS, and the 111\NDMl\lDENS.

PI\DME We are your h11mble serv;int.s: ... our fat·.e is in your hands.

Slowly, CI\PTJ\IN FI\NI\KJ\ and his TROOPS how down beforP the GUNGI\N COUNCIL. Then t.hP 111\NOMI\TllF.NS, I\NI\KTN, anr:I fin..,11 y th<'! ,lEDI. The c:;UNGI\NS "r"' puz7. l<"rl l•y I hi.o:. RO:-S NI\:-~~ beqins to la11gh.

ROSS NT\SS Yousr1 no tin ken yol1!'" q, p;,t,-,,· rl"'" rl;, Gungans .•. Mes.., like rl..,t. Mayh• wesa bein friends. ·


BOSS NT\SS pnts his arm ;irn11nci ,11\R ,11\P..

BOSS NI\SS Yo11sa doen grand. IIPp ,,..,,. ,1..,r h.rinqen uss-e un da N;iboo•air. Yo11:sa berry bnive .•.

JI\R JI\R l\hh ... why no qo :sayen rl"t ... ti~ nutt.f'n ... tis 11111'.tf'n.

BOSS NT\SS Yn11!"n qranrl w;,rrior, ,lnr ,r.,,.

,11\R , 11\R No, nn, no.. 0h, 110 •..

,.,,,rr 11111r-:1,

147 CONTlllllF.D:

ROSS NTISS Wesi:=li m.;Y.en you~.; Anmhnd 1";r.o11~1·A l.

JI\R ,JT\R \,enf!rr11 ?? ! Oh, nn . ...

JAR JAR faints.

I ll I .


A r.llllC::7\M SENTRY sits on I.I,,. tor r,f n11 nnfi.,nt t ... mrln """"• ~t=-~rr·hing thP lr1nd:~r.Ap-=! wJt·h n p:iit· ,,( ,..,,,.rtrn-·hinnr·11t.,,~. lie !SP"'" ,.omet.hinq ,ind y<>J 1,. down 1,, 71117\t'll~ ,ii tho> f""' of the "'l''ltUP..

~ .,.. ·' C-:UNGAN I.OOKOI IT Oaza cnmen.

i ANI\Klll yells anrl runs over. to djsc11,.,.inq a b,il:tle plnn wit.h incl11rlinq JI\R JT\R.

rl\llf.11': nnrl t.he .1i:!u1, who n , . ., thn f"1 VF. t':IINGI\N C::F.tlr.RT\ 1.:-:,

711-tl\KJN ThPy' r., hPr.e ! !

f'I\DMf:: Good. Cnpta in rnna kn h,·,,uuht them through sc1fely.

FOUR SPEEDERS pull up t.o the GR01Jr. CI\F1'1\IN f'T\NT\KI\ anrl a DOZF:N OR SO GtlT\RDS. and f'ILOT OfTTf'.F:RS pile out ;incl ini 11 the group.

CAPT. rl\NI\KI\ I think we qot her., wit 1,,,,,1 i,.,i.nq rletecterl.

f'I\DMf:: Whnt i!S the !Sitnntion·~

CAPT. I'I\NI\KI\ Most Pveryone ii; in c;,mp,.. 71 fpw hnnrlrerl police, gunrds, ;ind wh,it· hnvr>-yn11 hnv"' formerl an underarounrl m0v"tn"nt. T 'VP. brought i'l,. m,iny· r,f thn .1.,,.;,,,,.,. n!S T ci:,11ld. -

f'I\DMF. ThP. C::ungilnR hi'!Vt> " J;irq,..,· nnny U,;in WP. ever im,igined.

ROSS NI\SS RP.rry, bP.rry hnmhnrl.

Cl\rT. FI\NI\KI\ ThP FPrlerl'lt.i 011 l\rmy i,a n mnrh I ;irqPr 1:h;in w,.. t.hn11ahl ... nnd r111wh ,sl· t 0n11,_,-. Thi~ i~ rt hr1i-t IP 1 d" 11nl t hinY. wr- rr111

W j 11.

n •IIT f llllf:I •



147 CONTINUED: (2)

f'l\DME I know ... our only ch;in,:- .. h~r.,. lis t.o 11,o;P. the batt.lP. "" a r!ivP.r,sinn... 1'h"' Gung,mis will dr;iw thP. Droid 1\rm\' nw;,y frnm thP. cities, so we c;,11 gP.t int-<, t hP. palact'! and capture tht'! Viceroy. 1·11.. Federitt ion CAnnot: operatP. without lt,o; hn;id ••• Droidis only follow ordP.r,o;; t-11<>y dnn't·. think fnr thems<>JvP.s. , . .,., ,o;;,mr., c-,n1 i:, .. said of the F@rlerati 011·... W.i thout thP Viceroy, they will be lnist· Anrl confused.



TherP is a moment of sl)Pnr:<> as E'V"rvnnn thlnk,o; thronoh th"• riamificationi, of ti1fis. f'l\OMP. lnnkis t:o Olll-:GON. · '. w ...


It appe;irs to be your pn,o;l'i.ble move ... although there i,o; gr.P.nt: Even with th@ Army gnn~, t· 1, .. Vi r.P.roy will he well guArder! .•. ;rnd m;,ny Gung,rns m;iy b@ killed in thr?. b;it:t. l<> with thP. Droidi;.

BOSS Nl\SS Theysa hombai,;t guns no ,_, .. t f:,..11 through our shields! Wei,;, re;ir!y tn rln are-i,;a pi!rt.

Jl\R Jl\R smiles a very worriP.r! ;inr! sh,..,.pii,;11 watch"'" with interest, ;ii, doe:e; 11n-roo.

1\Nl\K 1 t-1

Pl\DME First, we will ,secure lh<> m;ii.11 h;ingc1r. Then we'll senr! wh;,t pll"ts w~ 11;,vp tn knock out their nrr.iti11g r:,_,111:rnl ship. That will stop thP. nroidis i11 their t.rc1cks and greatly rP.duce thP. G1111q/1,11 casualities .••

CAPT. Pl\Nl\Kl\ If the Viceroy sl1ould g"'I: ;iw;,y ..• l1P. will return with ;inothPr Drnirt 1\rmy, anr! WP'l.1 be no better 0ff th;in w,:, ;,r.; 11m1.

Fl\DME That is why Viceroy ... We must cut

we must not. f;iil to get the F.veryt.hing rlP.pewls on it. off t.he he;ir! nf t·hi is 1'P.rpent.


NUTE, RUNE, Dl\R'!'II Ml\UL, OOM-9 ""r! " hn I nqr11m c,f 011111'11 SIDJOtlS walk down the stairs from th" throne ronm.

ll1\11TII S 1 Ill OIi:, ••• ssh<> ios mr,rr> fnnliish lh.,11 I lh,,11qhl.







Nll'l'F: W1:1-;t t"<P" ~f:"ncij na ;:a 1. 1 nv., i I~,}, I r.i t rnnp~ t n meet army nf hers """""'''l i11g n<>ar the swamp. J t af'pl'a r.s, I n .,., m:id"' 11p nf pri mi tj ves. ThP.y h'""' l ii t I.P nr. 11n t.P.chnn.lngy. WP. dn nnt P>:p,...rl·. mn<:-h resistancl'.

OOM-9 I am increasing sP.curlty :ii :ill N;ihnn rlP.tP.nt.ion camps.

0/\RTII M/\UL I feel there, is morl' t:o Uds. 1'h.- two ,Tedi may bl' using the (l'l!""'ll for th .. i;r. own purposes. \

Dl\RTII SI flHll.lS 'J'hP. \Jedi cr1nnot. bPr.nm,:,, i t1\1n I Vr"d. 1'hr>y r.;;,n nn.1 y proter:t thP. ()II•"'"· F:v,-11 t>•.ii, will not break that r.c·>'1<•11a11t·... Thi.s; wilL_work tl'l onr acivanl·aqf' ...

NUTE J hav.- yonr apprnva 1 to pnwr,<>rl, t.h.,,n.

0/\RTII STD!Ol!S Proceed. Wipf' t.hP.m oul.. .. :ill of thl'm.



l 4 n


All is peaceful. SMl\J.J. CRJTTF.RS rlri11l: nut of a larq" """"'r' lake. Sudcienly, ther<" js, a cii,st11rh:i11r-r> i.11 th" mirl<:li" nf the lake. Tl rnsh of huhh.]Ps, thn11 ;i t~IIW~l\N SOl.,DIF:P 1·irl.i11q a Kl\/\ n1 J emerges the water, r" I I "w"'d hy SF:VF:Rl\ I. nTm:r :; . FROGS and OTIIER !.JTTLE l\NJMT\J.S f I nr., i 11 :, 11 rli t"'ct· inn,s "" the GIINGl\N ARMY marches through I hn :o:w:imp. The Klll\Llll:. s,h:i I:" them,;elves off as they exit the lakP.' Whl'n ,1/\R Jl\R',s Kl\l\1'11 shake,; off, JAR JTIR falls off.

SOLDIERS on huge, lizard-like Fl\MBl\l\S with l;;,rg" shi,,ld generators mountP.d on their back,s fol.-low thP. m:arching Wl\RRIORS. The (;IJNG/\N l\RMY heads n11t. r_,f the swamp anci onl·n the rolling gras,sy hills. IIUNDP.l:llS OF' r.tJNGl\N Wl\RR!Ol'S m;irr·h in long lines toward thP horizon.

150 EXT. 'fllEED - CENTRl\L FLT\Zl\ - 01\'i l ~,o

F/\DME, followed hy OBI-Wl\N, OtJI-r~nlJ, l\Nl\KlN, ;ind l\RT<>n stecalthily make t·heir w:ay tnwarrl 11,n Pnt:r:a·nr<> tn th1c mnin hanga,r. They ar"' followed h.y al--n111· TWr.NTY NTIFIOO r.1111r11s, !'JLOTS, :and TROOPS. Th"Y istop, awi Fl\111-!F', 11$<"!S :a s;m,il I ,,.,d laser light to signal ac,·nss th<> rJ;i7_;, In Cl\FTT\JN Fl\tl/lK/1 and 'l"WE:N'J'Y OTJU::R l\S.':ORTEl1 !Jl\l1C11' THnnf'!~. 'l'hPy "i an;i l !,;id:. OUI-GON le:ans ov<>r. tn /\Nl\KlN.

< '<>IJT 111111".I'


QUI-r.ON Onr~ WP get i.nsirh~, yn11 f'.inrl :i !!=-"f0 p1.=.r.~ nut <'.1f thP w;iy Anri !'tAy I h,..r,,.

I\NI\KIN Sur':'.

QUI-GON · · 1\nd stay there!


1 r,n

DROIO TROOPS mj 1.1 about th,;, ti!mk-f1 I 1.-.r1 r,1A7.A. 1\t th,.. f:n end of the plA7.A, SF:VF:RI\L llROJl)S hPg i 11 tr, run ;,nri fj ,.,,. . NI\ElOO SOLDIERS hPqi n to f i rP b;ir.k Al I l,n 1'11\TTl,E f!P.fll flS.

t .. • - . -

,•flS the ruclmi,; "!'TUpti,; At nnn P.nrl nf. t-1,,.. J'lA7.>l, :l'l\l)f1F. And IIER i-r.oors rush intC'I t.h ... fflA i 11· h11nq:, ,. . ···1\rTJ\ 1 tt FI\Nl\Kl\ Anri HIS SOLDIERS cont:i nue t" nnq;ig., f-i,,.. PIH• I PS nnt\c:i rl"'.

151 I NT. THEED - CENTR/\L. lll\NGI\R - OT\ Y 151

l\LI\RMS I\RE SOUNDING as PI\DME, the JF.:lll, I\NI\KJN, ,md f'1\011F.' r-: TROOl'S rush int.C'I the hAng;ir. P.,I\TTLF. l'ROTl"\S begin f.irin-;i at them as they run for cnver. 1\Nl\Kll·l rnns und.,r A N11hnn fiqhter. The JEDI deflect bolti,; ;iimP<i ;it. FI\DME back nnt<'.1 the BI\TTLE DROlDS, causing them to F.Xl'l,ODE.


NUTF., RUNE, anrl f"OUR COUNCl I, MFJ~Rf.RS w11 t r.h the pl a 7.>l b;i I t l P

on" J;irge view screen.

NUTE I thought t.he bAtt.Je w11s q0ina tn take place miles frnm hPrP ... t·hi~ is tnn r.lni,;P!

RUNf. Wh;it is gninq r>n'?

01\RTII MI\UL ent.eri,; the throne room,

01\RTII MI\UL I told you titer,;, was mnrP. l ,-, ... thP Jedi are here!

153 EXT. Nl\B00 GRASS PLAlNS - Dl\Y 153

Federation tanks move up to" rirlqP ;i11rl i,;top. Tn the distance they see the GIJNGI\N I\RMY m;irrhinq toward thPm. The r.UNGI\N GENERI\I., CEEL sees th., tanks: Nl the r.idqe anrl ordPrs a halt.. The (;lJl-1(;1\l·IS ;irp sp1·r,:,rl n11f in ;, 1ilr9r, 1 i ""· ,Jl\R ,11\R ::.,es n,arvn11s. <~f.tlF:RIIL rF.f.l. "i qn:i 1 r-: l·r, t·hp s:h i .. Id opo.r;::it.0r~.

GENF.RAJ. CEEJ. Enerqi7<= the s:hi..,lds!

' ·, >!IT 11 JI IF: II

. . i

1 o, . 153 CONTINUED:

1\ ,...,,,i ray shoots out. of thP. QPll"TAl·nt Ann hlAsts int·n :, l"ra 0 riish on t.h<> h"ck r.-f " ,.er-n11d F111\Ml"ll\ a11rl spr'o'Arls 1 i k"' an 11mhrell" ov.,,· thP ; lPr! W1\RP.1 llP.S.

The f·P.n<P.ratinn t;,nks begi.n t:o f.i,,. 011 l·hp GllNr.1\NS, b11t th.-.\' arp protected hy thej r en .. rgy shiPld. 'l'hP tAltks .. ,.:or firing, and the GUNGI\NS C:11EER, ,mt i.1 thPy seP. th., rt,,nr,. _ to the massive t ransportia npP.11, """ ,·ncks of 87\TTl,F: llRfll 1>:: are pulled out ;ind lined np hy " "'ln"rl nf STT\f'S.

The P.IITTLE DROJDS reconfj g11,.-., int·n t·t,pj r iat,mding pn"i ti nu. The GUNG1\NS get ready for i'lll ;itt;ir.k. OOM-9 givei, u,.-. comm,rnd to move forw,ud, anri Tl1011S1\llll~ OF" ORO! DS ffli'I r.c-,h ,to.w" r<i the GUNGT\NS. •

The GIJNGIINS power up thPir we"p"ns. 1'hP DP.OTn\,; !"lowly tn,.rr •, thrnnah the protP.ctivP. i,hiP.ld a11d i,l·n, t· firing. 'J'hP. rm11r;11m: thrnw thP.l r pnwPr po.lP,s "'"" flill'.J i,m;,l 1 bAl li, of e11P.r•1y with slingshot!"- ThP Wl\RRlORS d11m1• 1AH1r> hAll!' nr- Pll<'TQY into mortars thnt: he;;it up i'lnd fir .. 1:1, .. Pnergy gno .nnto fh<> 81\TT!,F: DROIDS, causing tl1em to iah0T"t nut.

The b'lttle rage,s and the r.UNC::I\NS d,;,fP.nd their shle-Jri gen"rntors again:o;t the 7\RMY OF llRf\lPS. OOM-q wat.r.he:o; frnm a t"nk on a hill overlookina ti,,, hAttlP.


ANAKJN hides behind one of the Nahnn fiahters, ducking ai, larqe bolts whiz past and EXrLf'lf)F: n.,.;,r i,im. 1'1\0Mt and 1:lt,.. TWO ,JEDI destroy B1\TTl,F. PROJOS righl and lP.ft. The OIIF:F:N'S TROOFS also blast. away at th., l>ROlllS. l'ADME si<;inal:o; t·n her pilots.

f'ADMF. Get tn yo11r shipi,!

The f'IJ,OTS run fnr thP tlahc•o fialttn,· rr;,ft: :o;t.;; ill t·l,o hanq,ir bay. ONE Of 1'111': l"Jl,OTS \umps inl·n" fiahtPr J"iqhl· abov" where ANJ\KIN is hiciinq.

FIC::IITF:R f'Il,01' Better find rt IIP.W hid~\a plar·P, kid. I'm trtkinq thtia ship. -

The ship begins to levitate 011t ,,f th" hanqar.. 'Rl\TTl,F: DROIDS fire at it ;;is it falls ln hehind fivP. othP.r fiqhl .. T,s.

ARTOO whistles to ANI\KIN from a !'"""nrl fightP.r not .f;,r aw,iy. ANJ\KJN runs anri jumps int.n thP. SPr-nnri f.iqht.,r to hir:I".

155 EXT. TIIEED - CENTRAL f'Ll\ZT\ - DAY 155

ThP two Naboo ia1·arfiqhtr-,i-,,: exit I It .. m;,in h"naaL l\ t;i11': fir"'"' at them, hittinq n1t(> nf l·h 0 111, whirh rA11:o;"',s ii In pinwh,,, .. J intn th .. qro1111rl m,rl EXPLODE.

. \



I Of, .


CI\PTI\TN l'ANI\KI\ ;inrl his TROOPS r11"h inl" th<> h;,ngar :,nd overwhelm the fpw rema.lning RI\TTJ.r-: t>ROlllS. P/\1.lME, nnt-W/\11, ;ind Olll-GON :ioin forces w.i th r.l\rTII Ill l'I\UI\KI\.

F'I\OMF. 1°hP. liic-,.roy Is prnh>1hly ;., lhn l·hrnn,. room.

She looks to Olll-r.ON.

Qlll-GON I aqreP.

They Rt;irt to hear! fol'.' th,;, e1<i t, 011 t:h<> w"y P"''"ing the, .fiql, when, I\NI\KIN is hidlnQ. 1\11.1"00 whi!!tle!; " qr,. 0 1imi as 1\117\KIN peeps 1'.'llt of thP c::nckpl I • i


W>1it for me;

QlJJ-GON No, J\nniP., yon ,.t;iy hP.rc>. !':t_;,y r.iqht where yon arP.

I\NIIKJN But, I. ..

QIJT-GON You're too young .... 1,1,.1· ,.,.,..y in that coc::kpi t.

IINIIKHI Yes, r-:-ir.

They hear! for th<> exit. l\" thoy nr.P ;ibrmt: tr, gn thr.nnqh a door, surldenly PVeryon<> sc::attr,r.i;, ,.,v,.;iling 1)1\11.TII Ml\111. standing in thP rloorway. Clll'TJ\HI l'l\Nl\l{I\, F'IIDMf::, Awl IIF:P. TROOPS back away. Olll-GON J\Nn ClFll-Wl\tl ,, fr,rw;irrl.

Qlll-GON We'll h"ndlP. this .•.

The 'J'WO JEDI Jgnite their ]a!!er sw,,rrts. fll\RTII MJ\ll!, iqnil. 0"

his laser sword, ;ind be>t.h ends cir lhr> "word light llf'. /\I the far end of the hangar, SIX WIIF.Et, 1.'ROIDS roll i11 <1ml trans form into their bl'lt tle position". J\RTOO call" J\NI\Klll'" attent.ion to t.hP. DROIDS. The JF.()J t,F>qin to fight. th" SITII LORD.

I\Nl\KJN Oh, nn ...

The llP.OIDS beqi11 lo arlV/'IIWP. ;ind ,.1;i1t lirina n11 F'I\Pfl!': :,11d IIF:P. TPClOF'S.

I\NI\V. I tl W" qntt;a dn """'"thina.




I 07.


ARTOO wh.i.istle,s " rl'!ply. l':11ddP11t ly, I h"' ,sldp's: qn on, ,.,,ct the shir beainis tn lP.vjt;,t,....

I\NI\KHI All riql1t, l\rtno! ~r"'"' lrlP;,! I'll tRke nvP.-r.. ].,P.t '~ tt;'!'P. •••

ANI\KlN ,stper,s I'!,,, ,shir h•w,,rrl 1-1,,... 1,Rnrt•!"'. fin p11s:h,...,. " buttnn, anrl the ,ship heqin,s to ,sh;,!: ...

1\N.l\Kl N Ul1, oh ••• wronq one .•• m;,yhe tl1is onl'! ..•

ANJ\Kitl .'Wfpinq

pushes " ,seconD button, ;,nrl t:h<' l;,ser,s bP.g5n tn fi ri>, Ollt sever;,! OF.STROYF.R DRnt PS. 1\RT()O wh~ ,st le,s ;, ,-1,,, ... r.


The ,JF:01 are eng;,g!"rl i.n " fierr 0 ,swr-,rrl fight with 111\P.TII MI\UL. They have mnvl'!rl i.ntn I.he ,. .. nt.r,r nf t.h .. hang;,r. Whi l~ the WIIEEL DROll)S are mnment;ir.Jly cli,str;irl·Prl r,y I\NI\KJN, rl\flME and IIER TROOPS exit into n p;,)ar.P h;illw;iy.

The WIIEEL DROIDS star.t. f.i ring ;,t. 1\111\Klll. Th!>TP ar"' EXPLOSTONS all ;,round him.

I\NI\KJIJ (Cont'rll Oop1;. .• shield ur! l\lw;iy,s nn thP. r.ight. •. ;i)w;,y,s nn.t.h 0 riahl'.

J\NKIN flips The fighter holrl nn for

sevenil ,swj trh"'s, ,inrl th<' ror.l:ets nut· nf th<> h11110;,1·. dPar. life.

;ifter-r,11rnPr ianil'"'s. I\R'l'Cl(l "nrl I\N~K ltl

The SITH LORD' s moves ;ue incredible. lie is fighting thP. TWO JEDI at once, flipping intn tl1P ;,Ir, nutm;ine11vP.r!nq them at every turn. ·


JI\R ,ll\R's clumsines,s works for hi.m i.n l·he hatt.le. ""' g"'t"' caught np in t.hP wiring r,f ;i bl1'1/!<t"'rl l'P.OID, rir;,gging t.h 0

torso around with him, thP. dro.i.rf's g,m firin-;i r;,nrl,..mly, accjdentally bJ;,sting SF.VF.Rl\l, DROlPS in t.hP. prncel'!S.

OOM-<l decides to senri in the WIIEF.L DROJ 1$ and gi ve,s th<> signal. HUNDREDS Or WHEE!, DROIDS rol 1 nut. of the tr;,r1,spo.r.ts and hl'!ad down toward the h;itt.le. 'J'h 0 y !'lo_wly roll thrnugh the rleflector ,shield,;, t.hPn trams form t.hemsel VP.S onr.e t.hP.y

. qet on th"' other side. Th~ GllNGl\t!S bl.1'tsd ti,., WIIF::F.L DP.OlPS wjt_h energy t-,;i]J,s. The f'F.STRnYF:R l'P.<llllS t-,l;i,st· m;iny r.11Nr.l\MS.



158 lNT. Nl\B00 S'fl\RFIGIITER - Cl>C.:f:r rr - ---------·· --- ------------·- t ,,n

Th<> tiny NAbon starfiqht<>r rAcn,a :iw:,y frnm t:I,,,. S:\ITf.i'lr·n r,f thP pl1met_. 1\NI\KJN s:t.n1qo]es: Al I t,n r·-,nt·rnl,: ""' .IITPnn '"""I'~ wildly.

1\Nl\KIN J 'm trying!! ••.• 111,:t 1,r,lrf nn :, ,:nr-nnd •.• You' r" thP P.Xf'"'rt. h,:,r,-. !

1\RTOO, ;,nri a meR!'!FICJ<> ;ippP.;irs: nn th., rP.Acinut in fr....,111 of 1\NI\KHl.

I\NI\K.I N l\ll right, l,;,ft •.• Wh:,t '" th,,t?

.• ,. 1\NAKIN turns up the vnlnm<> of hi,: r;idin ;inri


7\NI\K l ti 1'h~y' TP. nt \';:ark i nQ ~nm~t Iii lt'1.

(Ar.t"n """'PS-r"'Adn11I ) When,?

,11.Nl\Kl N turns t.hP ship, ;ind out t· hn f n,nl wi.nrlow w., '·'"" ,.,.., a d.istant Federation h11tt 1111dnr Atti'lr,k by H1,;, 11,,1,n,, starfight.ers.

l\Nl\KTN Wow .•. let's go !'!P.e.

(/\rt oo beeps l Qui-Gon told mo;, to Si'IY in t)d,s rn,:,kpit, which i.s whpr,, T'm :e:t·nyin,:i. tlnw comP on ••.


ThP SITII LORD drives thP ,JEDI Olli: ,:r I""' h1111qc1r anrl inf n a power generator area next do0r.


Tliree i;words arP. croRsed i.n 11n_ i nt;r-,i1s:n displ '-'Y of swnrdsman,ahip. The JEOl and tt,,. ~lTII l,ORP fiqht t.hei r w>1y across the narrow bridg"' of th., Th.,.,d p,,wer gP.nP.r;itor. Dl\RTII MI\IJL jumps onto th~ hridg<> "hr>V"' t.hem. Th,;, ,TEPl follow, one in front of thP. ~JTII l,t)P.P "ml on~ bP.hinrl. Th 0 y continue sword fiaht.

161 INT. TllEEU - Fl\LI\CE - 111\LLWI\Y - 01\Y 161 -· ---Fl\DM!':, C.I\PTl\IN Pl\NI\Kll, anrl TIIF.JP Tr.npr,; '1TP t·.r"l"I"'"' in" h,,J Jw,iy hy fll\TTJ,F. DROJJl,;.

r11Pnr-: WP rlnn'I IHlVP t imQ fc,, t hi~.

• '"11'1' I IIIIF'.I'



C:l\r1'. f'I\N/\1<1\ LPt's try the 011t, ,.,.,,;,w,.y.

Cl\PTI\IN PI\NI\KI\ bl.asts" hole in thr- winrlnw, nnd thP.y m:,k.­their way outsidP the ontn " ledge about six stori'-!s above a raging wat.erfaJ 1. 1\hn11l 1'WF.NTY NI\BOO SOLDIERS stay in the h;,illw,1y ;,incl hnlrl nff the B1\TTl,F.: llllOTl':C:.

162 EXT. THEED - PALACE - OVER WATERFl\LL _ - _ 01\Y !_~~

PADME, CI\PTl\IN PA_NI\Kl\, anrl about TF.)-1 OTIIF.R NI\BOO i:;01,01 r.R::: are- linl'ri up ,1long th" lerlg... 1'h"Y t,,.v,, r11J lPd iom:i.11 attachments out r,f their pliotol!' ;md f I re at a l'!!dQP nbn11t· four :stories above them. Thin r:nhJ,.,. iohoot out of th.,

·'pistols and are embedded int·o_ th,. l~d'l"• Pl\DMF.:, CI\PT/\111 PI\NAl<I\, and the OTIIERS l:>eqin tn r·limh np t.hP W,,1 l.

}.63 EXT. IIABOO GRJ\SS E'LJ\lNS - Dl\Y 163

The GIINGl\N ARMY is no m; for f-11P. IIF.:STROYER ORO} DS. ,11\1'. JAR tries to run from the BATTl,E llHOTllS.

GF.NERI\I, CF.El, Retreat! Retreat!

The GlJNGI\NS begin to turn and run, 011 fo0t, on their K;iad11s:, and i11 wagons. JAR JAR attempt!< to el"r.ape on R wagon nf energy balls but only manages to tmld tch t.he b;ick g;itP, c;iusing all of the energy balls to roll out of the w;ign11 and dnwn the hill. JAR J1\R scramble,-; to avoid being hit by on"' of the balls. FOUR DESTROYER DROIOS aren't so l11r.l:y. They oet blasted by the energy bnlls.

The GUIIGI\NS renew their attar.I: 011 thr-- llROlO 1\RMY. ,11\R ,TTIR'" bumbling destroys several more BI\TTI.F. flRCHDS.


ANAKIN's st.arfighter heads r.loser t0 t:hi> dogfight h"'tw .. ~n the Nnboo starf ighter and FPd.,rnt i 011 f i qht.ers ;irr:,nnd ,, I:, r'l" battJeship. ARTOO beP.p,-; hyl"teri,·nl I y.

1\NI\KJN Whnt ! ? · Whnt ! ? Whnt ! ? nh ..• r;,7.;,: !

l\NI\KTN looks around and SPPl" thal ft., i" h<>l nq ch;i,.ed t,y two small Federation fighters. l,a,-;<>r blasts hit al.I nro1111d him. 1\RTOO whistles frantically.

ANI\KIN Whoo boy! Thi" i" ten" 0 !

1\RTOrl whistle" snm"' mf'rP "" th<> F,...d,-,,·:,t inn fiqhf·p1·,. bl.,,st


1\Nl\KlN P0d rncing, yenh! OK, h,,r,, ,.,,. qn!




1\Nl\KIN makies"' "'harp_ divr> """ h;,rrly nti"""" roll idinq wit!, a Ferl,,.ration craft. lie hP>1rs a !rt· nf Rl\ll10 f'.lll\TTF:P..

RRI\VO l,F:l\DF:R Bravn Five... r.c, for I.I,,.. rrnt·r,1.l hrirlor>.

BRI\VO FTVF. Copy, Bravo l,eArlP.r.

ARTOO chatters jn bePP"'·

.• ,.

I\NI\KlN Should we??

(l\rtoo I agree.

I\Nl\KIN dives for the FedP.ration cnnl.rnl "'hip.

165 INT. THEED - POWER GENERIITOR ·r1T - lll\Y . ---· - •··

i I


ThP laser sword battle r.nnti.nnP,. c>n t·h<> sma.1. 1 c-atw"lll: "lrn1111<1 the vast power pit. Qtll-r.oN lmnr.l:s thP DI\RK I..ORI• ,_,ff nn"' of the ramps, and he landi, h;ud on " ramp two levels h.,lnw. QUI-GON jumps down him, fnl lower! hy OFll-Wl\tL Thr> DARK !,ORD backs Away along the r."ltw,i 1 I: into "' "'m"' 11 dnnr. QUl-GON follows, then ORl-WI\N.


The SITH LORD, followed by QUI-r.ON, enters a long haltw;iy filled with a series of d,;,adly rays th"lt go on and off i11

a pulsing pattern th;it shoots down thP. cnrri.dor every min11tr> or so. D71RTII MAUL mal:ei, · it rlowri ,;<P.V<?rr1l wall!' of d,.~•11 y rays before they close. Otll-GOH ;,,. 011"! wall away fre>m th<> Dl\RK LORD. OBI-WAN ii, jui,t stArting into it anrl i,. fi\'"' w;alJ,s ;iway from DARTH M7111!.. Th" ,lF:llf m11s:t w<1it 11ntil 11,,-, next pulse to acivance rlown th~ r-nr I i tl"r. OR.1-W71M i" impatient and paces, waiting for \ h<> wall of rr1ys l.n "I"""· QUI-GON sits and meditatei,. Th<> !-lTII I.ORD t.riei, tn p'11·d1 up his wounds.

167 INT. THEED - PALACE - HI\LLWl\Y TO TIIRONE ROOM ····- -·· ·····---'--


-A window in the hallway h.last.i, Ap;nl. Pl\nMF., C:I\PT71Hl FANl\Kl\, and HER 1iOLDIERS climb inl.o th"' hallway. Th"Y h<>:,,l for the door to the throne room. Suddenly, two DESTP.CY(F,P DROJl1S skitter in front of the cic:,,,i-. PI\DMF.: t.urns: ar01111rl and sees TWO MORE appear at th<> f'lr ~nd of t.h"' hr1l lwAy, trapping them in the midrlle.

F71DME throws down her pi.l"t-n.1 Allrl I 11n1,s In <:l\PT71lll Pl\111\l'.l\.

r11nMt Thrnw rfown yonr we;ipnn!". 'l'IH'Y win t·his: rmmci.



Cl\f'T. l'l\N1\K11 But WI?" can't . ..

f'l\OMf:: Captain, I s;iirl thrr,w rlnwn ynur W"''1pons.

Cl\ F'Tl\ 1 N P1\N1\Kl\ ,.,,,1 Ill J; HF.N t.h row rlnwu t· h<d r wp:,pnns.

168 EXT. Nl\B00 GRJ\SS PLlllNS - Dl\Y

I I I .

I r,. I

I C.11

11 DF.STROYER llROTll blasts nne nf th" ,.1, i ".1 d a'!nP.r:,t.nrr., c,ius; ng it to EY.F'l,ODF.. Th<' r11:ol·"r·I· '"" shj.-.j,t hr-,gi nr. 1 n we,il:F>n and fall apart. OOM-q SP"S t hr> f:hield we;,lrnn m,rt qr.tiers hiis tanks forw.-rd. Thr> r.11m:11t1 r:F.11F.R1\1, _!"ign;,Js "

·'retrP.;it af: the t,ink!" enter the hllt·t le. i I •

'!'he GUNG1\NS fl"'"! as faf:t as they <"'111. ,Tl\R ,Jl\R is t--Jow11 off his Kl\l\Dll and lanrls on on,. r,f t.h'! t;i11k gun!!=. 11 (;lltH:1\11 W1\rrn10R sign;its·· ,Tl\R ,11\R t·n jump of r. ,11\ll ,11\R i,.-: :-if•·nid. 'I'he 91111 swings around trying tn l:11,wl: ,11\ll ,11\r\ nff. ,11\ll · JAR hangs from the tank harrel ;is it mnv"'"' ;,Jona. Fiu;-,1 l.y, he jumps onto a KMOU behind a r:IINl'.:1\N Wl\P.RJOR. F.Y.l'I.O:-IOl-1:-from the tan\: fire are everywherP.. Jt is chaos.

169 INT. NABOO STI\RFIGHTER - COCKPIT - srl\CE 169 -·- ·- . ·-~ 1\Nl\KlN's starfighter dives through "' wall of flack towarrl

. the hridge of the huge Federation h;it·tlel'hip. 1\Nl\KIN fight.~ to control the s-tarfight,.r ;is i.t '"' hlown from sidP. tn !"irl". The Federation fighters !!=tart att;i,:-ki11q from behind. 1\RTOO is p;inicked.

1\Nl\KTN I'm trying ... 1\rtoo, h11t r 'vr-> q0t new"' for you, this isn't pn<i r;wi11q!!

l\Nl\KIN races across thf' l"Urface, dnrloi11Q nh·jpr.ts anri 1:-is,.., fir:P as he trif'S to shnl:P off tl,P fiqhf.E'Tl' on his tai .I. A second fighter joi11l' thP fi rsL

I\Nl\KlN Oops, now we've got twr, of them h;irk there!

l\RTOO whistles ;a reply as flack hur""t" nil ;,rounri him. I\NAKJN dives for COVPr ;inr.! hP.arls: i11t·n t-ft"' m;i.i11 rinrkinq h;ay of th., hnqe FeriP.ration ship.

1\Nl\KIN Wrono w;iy! <::;r,;,;it qnl•s nf l~nnt.h.a pnnrl0n! ! 1

The t.wo fighters follnw l\Nl\KJII ;,11,f rp1sh into th., w;,l l"' of thP hangar. 1\NI\KTN shuts hi"' P.11<Ti1t"' rinwn ;,nri l;inrlr.. The ship skids, sp;irks flying, ;rnd swinqs ;,rn1111d, p0i11I im1 bar:k the w;,y it r.,ime. Bl\'l'Tl,F. PROlflc- ,.-,..,,,,,, r11s:h.i110 t.nw:-i1rl the ,es hip. 1\RT<'O sq1.1e;, l l'.

r ·n11T t 1111r:1 •

I 12.


1\NI\K I.II 1111 riqht.! 1\J 1 r.iQhl· ! Wh;it_ If J t.ry thi:o:? !

1\NI\KJN pushes a button, And thP :o:hir r;i,•p:o: fnrwArd, "'l"H"" flyj11q in all dir.e.ctlnns.

1\NI\KTN OJ<! J,P.vitation~? l,t=!·r1t·innr:;?

ANAKJN hits another button, And th., "'hip move:o: off thr, hangar floor, barely missing thP wr.,ckAqe of the two pursuing Federation fightPr,.. "" e.xit." the. lumg,u· bay a siQ!J of relief and flies acro:o::o: 1·h0 :o:urface. of th"

.ba'f tie.ship. i




1'he e.lectrnn r;iys r.yr..lP "'"" 0111-1;011 ,,;i,, m<>rlit.Atinq.•'l'h"· wa.1.1 of deadly rays turn Away, """ 0111-WI\N :o:t.,.rt:o: nm11inu towi'lrd QUI-GON and the DI\RK LORD. Wh"II the wall l:>l'!tw<>,.11 QUI-GON and 01\RTII MAUL open:;, Qtll-Gml i :o: in_ ;i spl i,t """rnnd fighting the 01\RK LORD with a fe.r.nrity not sel'!n be.fort>. They move into the area at the e.nd nf th"' corridor callPd the melting pit, a small ;irea tJ,,.t ,,. mnst)y made 11p of a deep hole.

The ele.ctron ray gate:o: begin to r.ln:o:". OBI-WI\N tril'!s tn make it to the melting pit but is ,:-;iught one gnte ,.hort. lie slides to a stop just hefnre 1,., hit:o: the de;idly eJ., field. OUI-GON and Dl\RTII Ml\t.Tl, h;it t·l<> ;iround the mP.ltinu pit a,s a frustrated OBI-W/\1-l watch"'"·

Dl\RTII MI\UL catche:o: QUI-GON off qu;:,rd, ;111d thP JEnI sllr" into th!" melting pit. lie is b;ir<>l"y ;ah.IP to holri m,1-., ;, nozzle on the side of the pit. lli:o: :o:wnrd falls int.n th,. pit, hut by using the For_ce, he i:o: ;,hi,; f:n rPtdP.v" th.-. sword, causing it to levitate ne;,r hi::: hP.ild 11s he hnl.d" on for dear life.

01\RTll MI\UL moves in for the kill ""' (,)111-GON, exhausted, grabs his sword and jumps tn safl"I y b<>hinrl th"? Dl\RK !,OP.fl. QUJ-GON seems to have th!" upper 1,m,r1; whP.n thP. SITll m;il:Ps a guick move, catching th"' ,TEDI nff q11;ard, and run:o: _him through.

OBI-WI\N screams as the pulsing e.1Pr.l·rl'.'ln g11tf' opens, ;ind the SITH LORD attacks him. The 1.11\RI: l,0Rtl is relent..le:o:r­in his assnult on the young JEDJ.


Pl\DME:, CI\PTJ\IN Pl\Nl\Kl\, ;;ind SIX C.1'l'11F:R Of'f.ICF.RS ar"" bro11qhl hy TF:N !ll\TTLF. DROtDS hef0r<> Nl!TF: ;,wl RIii-Jr. ;,mi FOllR NF;JMll!DTI\H COUNCIi, MP.f-lRr.RS.

, :r 11JT 11111 r,: 1,


N\JTF: Your ljttle in~urr~r.tinn ;~ :,t r1n 4=1nci, Your lllqhnesia. 1'ime f<>t yn11 to sign a treaty ••. anrl end thi~ littln dP.h"1tP ln the Sen11tP..

11 .3.

l\ s,;,c-ond Fl\DME (Yl\NE) appP.ars j II t·hn rlnr,rw"y wi t.h SF:VF:P./11, TRnors. SP Ve r>1.l rles t royP.rl h,i tu ft ,t I"<' I r!r. . r."11 hP 1'""" ; II th<> rli iat,mce.

PI\DMF:/YI\NF: I will not bP iaignlng ,i11y t·.r<>;ity, Viceroy, because yon'v<> loiat!

-NU'rE and TIIE OTHERS are stunner:! tr, ie:E>P. a SEC:ONi> OIJEF:11. tJUTE y"!lls at thP. TEN l;U/IRDS in t hr> rnnm. I

NUTE After her! This one's a decoy!

SIX OF TIIE DROIDS rnslt n11t r,f t·J,.-. t hrn11P rnnm >1ft.,r t·h,.., OUEEN (YANE). NUTE turns t·o F'l\])tl~:.

NUTE Your Queen will not: get· >1w,iy wl th this ..

PI\DME slumps down on her t.hronP "11rl immPdiately hits"' security button that .opens a pannl i11 her desk opposit<> CI\PTI\IN PANAKA. The Nl\B00 CI\PTI\JN t:P.Aches into the compartment, pulls out a pistol, ;,i11rl Rl,I\STS two of t.h., BATTLE DROIOS. PI\DME grabs two nl h.,r pistols, toiasp,a """ of them to one of the OFFH'.F:RS, ;ei11d Rl,I\STS thP. l;iiat nf th., Tll\TTl,F: l)ROIDS with the c,ther. Th,. nfTlCF:RS rrnsh f·r, 1-1,,.., r:loor control panel as Pl\l)MF.: hit's t.h,.., iawi t:r.h t:n r.loia<> 11, .... door. The OFFICER at the door j,in,ia t:hc-- r:'.l\l'T/\ 11-1 F'I\Nl\gl\ throws more pistols to th" OTIIF:P GlJI\ROS. Th., NEIMOIDIANS are confused and afr,.irl.

PI\DMF: Now, Viceroy, we•r~ anintJ In ~nd ynur occupation here.

NUTE There are too f P.w of Y'"'. l t won't he lnng before h11nctred,s of''""' rny~r clroirls break in here.

172 EXT. NI\B00 GRASS PLAINS - DI\Y 17 2

Th<! r,mJGI\NS have been overrun. s,,m,.. f 1 Pe· j nto th., hi I I ,a, chased by BATTLE DROIDS on ST/IF'S. M,rny OTHERS at:"' hPrrl 0 rl into groups by BI\TTLE JlRnJPS And Jlr.:,TROYF:R PRnTJlS. ,1/11'. JI\R ;iml (-;F:NF:RI\T. CF:F:J. ;ir., hP..ld i11 ., ,srn.,] I group with fl'l'IIFI' OFF! Cr.RS.

,11\R ,JI\R Uissa h;,irl, br,mh~rl.

< "fill'!' I IP 11':I'



GF.UER1\!. C:F:EL Mesa hopen diss;i workl11,:i fnr rl;i 011e,:,11.


J\Nl\KlN is chased by another. FerlP.rnl inn i,:t,nflqhter.

BRAVC\ l,F.AIJER Rogue 'l'wo, conc-e11trate yn111· f fr.P. nn thP. control brirlge... J think w"'v<> lmnckP.rl 011t their defle.-:tnr,;.;. llo ynn .-:npy, Rog11e Two?

l\RTOO beeps to 1\Nl\KIN, .

l\Nl\KlN What? When•? Oh._-_- 1\hh •.. J,eader ...

BRl\ VO l,F.l\DF.R Who are you?

l\Nl\KlN Just someone trying to hP.lJ>.

BRA VC\ LEADER Well, form up.

i l'.npy, tlr;,vn

1 14.


1 ·1 J

JIN AKIN swings his ship around and joins the two other llnhnn starfighters as they head for tl1e bridge of the batt.J•s:l1ip. The fighters blast aw11y at the f'erl~r;it.ion ship. flRl\VCt LEADER, then BRTIVO FOUR, then l\Nl\KIN. ARTOO beeps, a11rl l\Nl\KJN starts bl.11sting aw;,y. Fl ac-k hnri,:ts 11] l around t ht>m. Fin;,]Jy, a direct hit to the ha11-1ik., hr.idge hlnwi,: it- np. l\RTOO ,;q11e;il,; "" t.hey qn thrnuqh I hn F:XPl,!lSJON.

l\Nl\KlN Whoooeee ! ! !



Suddenly, all of the OROJ[)S hegi11 t·n i,:h;ike npsi-rl,. rlnwn,


run "round in c5 rel es, t hP11 stop. Tb" r;ttNGl\NS c;, ref111 1 y move ont to inspect th<'! FR07.,EN t>ROJllS. ,11\R ,Jl\R pni,:h"'" ,,,,,. of tlte BATTLE nROIDS, anrl it faJli,: nver.

,11\R Jl\R Wi erd .•.


The DROIDS blast the door.

17 :,

• I 15.

17 6 I NT. 'fHEEU - F1\Ll\CE 1"JIROIIE ROOM - UT\ Y 11 G ---- --···----- .

Th"' RT\TTLF. DROlllS arP. BJ,1\STJNr. ;,t t hn dnnr. S11rlrl"'n I y, "11 goP.s quj et. · F'l\DME punches up hnr a i ""'. v; .,., srr.,,~n. Wn !Se"' " CLOSF. SIICl1' of BRT\VO l,ET\DF.R.

BRJ\ VO I ,F.1\PF.R We dirl it... Missinn ,,,·r.nmpl ish"'rl; ycrnr llighness. Look.

The c:"mern in the cockpit pans .m,rl r""""ls th<> burniw1 cont rnl ship. The OFFH'.F:RS CIIF:F.P..

., ... •

FTIOME Viceroy, yon '·re going t,,.,.I: l·n th<" Sen;of·p anrl explai.n•a.11 nf t:hi!'.- .

Cl\F'T. FT\NT\KT\ 1 think yon ran k.i ss ynn,· t·,,·,,,ip qondbye.

i I. t porm1 ~

17"~ INT.:._JIIEED - POWER GENERT\TOR -~ t:l~Ll'.J._ll~. _FIT 1 "I I

OBJ-WIIN and DI\RTII M1\UL uia,;, the F"nn:•r;, In fling obj Pr.tis "' nthP.r ;is they fight. DI\RTII MIil.ii.. SP.ems In havP. I hn upper hand as OAI-WI\N grows we,,ry. 'l'hP. SITII J,ORD smilP.s as he goEls in for the kil]. l\t thP. J ,,st. mnment, 081 -Wlll·l jumps out of the way, t.hrowinq lll\RTII Ml\tll, off. ThP. Y"•mg JEDI swings with a v<>ngeanr.<!, ,:,11t·ting t.h',' STTII down. J\I\RTII Ml\UL falls into the melt pit l"n Id is death.

OBJ-WIIN rushes over tn OUJ-GON, whn is rlyinq.

OBI-WIIN M;ister! Master!

QUJ-G()N It. i~ too J.nte ... my ynn11r1 rlf'f"ft='lfltir:P.

Of\1-WIIN No!

QU.t-r.;m1 PromisP. ••• promise boy. • • .

Ofll-WT\N -

YP.s, Master ••• n11ythina.

OUJ -r.ON ""' is the chosP11 on<> ... t, .. w i 11.. . . hr i. no b;; l anc-E' .••

178 EXT. TIIEEO - CEN'fRl\L rL1\Zl\ - FUUf:r.1\t, 'fEMFLE STEFS - 5UU:lRf1 -- ----- ==-"-==----_.;:.; . ·--·---···. -· ·-OUI-GOII' s body goes up in flam,;,,: ,.,, 1"11n ,,i:;nJ. COllNCJ !., t hn OUEF.:tl, SIC> BlBBLE, C1\FTl\1N PI\Nl\t:I\, t_h,. 111\NllMl\lDf:NS, ,.,,,1 I\BOUT OIIE IIUNORF.n NI\ROO TROOFS, Tl·!F.llTV OTIIF.R ,lF.IH; Fl\LFI\TINE, 081-Wl\N (st;mdi ng wi H1 1\111\IOH), ,11\R ,ll\R, IV>:-:­N1\SS, I\NO TWENTY OTIIER GIINGI\N WI\P.PlllP.S w,it:r.h. 'l'hPrP is: ,, drum r..,ll that t11tops. llnvP:o; ,irr> rnlr,;,,:ori, ,inri th" hndy is gone. l\NI\KJN look!! to ORJ-Wl\11.

---Tn .


I\NI\KlN Wh,it wi 11 happ,:,n t·o m0 n-:-w?

OAI-WI\N You wi.11 becomP ,i ,IP.di, 1 rn,misP .

side, MI\CF. WINnU turn:o; tn Y()i,I\.

MI\CE WJNDU There is no doubt. Tho my,:trrion,: warrior was a Sith.


i I

l\lways two there are ... n" mnrP ... ,,n Joss. I\ mast.Pr and ,in ;ipprent i rp.

Ml\CE WINDll But which one wa,: dei,,t,-"Y"'d, ·the m,ister ~r the apprentice?

They give each other a concerned look.


CHILDREN SING and throw flowers nn th,;, p;issing Nl\ROO SOLDIERS ;md GtlNGI\N SOLl)JF.RS. Thro CIH>WDS r.llF.F.R. 1 t i ,-, a gnmci p;u;ide.


QUEEN l\Milll\Ll\ st;inds next to the '.ml'RF:MF. CIITINCELJ.nR Fl\LFl\TINE, BOSS Nl\SS, SIO BIBBLF:, ;,ml t·he JEDI I,_

l\RTOO stands in front of the QllF.F.11':- lll\N()Ml\lOF.NS and whistles at the parade. QUEEN 1\tll l'lll,71 ;inn Fl\l.,Pl\THIF: smi 1"' at one another.

ln the parade are Cl\PT1\TN F1\Nl\Kl\ ;iurl his Glll\RDS, ,JTIR ,11\P. and GENERAL CEEl,, l\Nl\KIN and 081 --Wl\11. Th<! GIINr-1\NS t:; d,... KAADUS. 1'he OTIIERS rid<i in spP<>ri 0 ris. ThPy stbp bP.fot·"' the QllEEN and w;ilk up the steps t." st;ind by her sir!P.. EVERYOt-lE CHEERS. The p;i rade m;i rrl1nr-: on.

lRlS OtJT:

F.nd lit Jc~