schools back at 'y' site after third bond defeat - digifind-it

WINDSOR HICHTS HERALD WO se< 'ion in page Thursday, October 2, 1975 Second ciass postage paid at Hightstown. N.J. 08520 $4 yr 15 cents/copy Schools back at 'Y' site ROOM FOR a school too1 Architect Eugene O'Connor thinks the possibility o4 omteinfig a needed school With this proposed recreation facility is one that bears investigating The liar : tor the 2“ at n ' rwnship owned trat ' e ■■ " Lane on the board would like for a K 8 school Double-duty property 'sound use of space' The Hast W inter school tearri wants the choice parcel of land off Leshin Lane for a school site Tte township says the former YMt'A property goes to the recreation commission for a community fun spot They are both right, says Eugene O'Connor Highs tow n architect who is in charge of designing the recreation facility And the solution might be to combine the proposed community building and the proposed school, saving the taxpayers a lot of mone\ both in sound use of space and letting Green Acres foot the btl! for part of the development It s ridiculous to have a school building that is in use for only part of the day with taxes going as high as they are and the community needing so many facilities.’ he said 'This is something I feel verx strongly about Mr O'Connor said rhai a portion of the school could be designed to he open after school hours or even during school hours for use by senior citizens, civic groups and the like Including a design for a youth drop-in center was aiso feasible lie said At the state department of education Edward Curzet of the facilities and planning division said he though! it might be a good idea too 'Our only recommendation would be that '.he schoolchildren have priority for use when they needed the recreational facilities The department s first in teresi is in the children " be said A Green Acres official said that there was no reason the sites could not be combined as long as we do not have to pa\ for school athletic facilities If the school can get the funds for those elsewhere then we can pay for anything else except buildings The recreation commission has ap plied to Green Acres for a grant of $250,000 in matching funds to develop the site Mr O'Connor estimated that site preparatron alone would cost $200,000 with proposed baseball fields tennis, handball and paddlebali courts landscaping and fees bringing the total to $500,000 after third bond defeat CHILDREN ROS’ IN -■ -■ Street „ould are less since 1969 with costs shared on a real estate assessmen, WhaUw....... .......... .mates are from Hightstown or East basis rather than on how many pupils each send Windsor Th.- two 'oyvnr. have been in a regional district Merger: Part IV School tax: up or down with consolidation? b\ <.ale Scott staff \\ nter he MI kt‘ I kinnel I \ Managing t ilitor i ist vs ncsor is frying lo renegotiate h. ><nnr recreation agreement with Might>tow t asserting the contract tetween the two towns does not exist !*■< ause ne (her municipality ratified it, Hightsfowr however maintains that, despite Lhe oversight, the two towns h.i * beer work mg under the agreement m <• 197:5 it was signed by both mayors imi ! is a legal agreement - uuneilman William Johnson, igh commissioner of parks. ri'.i- ..! md public buildings, said the i- rough attorney believes the contract Min! stand up to a court test, if it came to that ‘ . tHorney Michael Pane, ''win has formally asked the ’“'rough to renegotiate the agreement " ‘ he grounds ‘ is not binding Failure settle 'hi' iispute by Dec 31 will end 'hi infill program according to Mr Pane 1 i'.hnsoii is scheduled to meet with ) is' Windsor Councilman Steve Heffner week from tonight to discuss "all pec's of the recreation program ! '» ■ ccreation dispute is the second to fa<« this year between the two towns 1• hr I,.: > Hightstow n balked at the I Ik East Windsor regional school it : s niggling its' budget to prevent dn- transfer of nine teachers from the Kreps School ! no proposed transfer w as the topic of -chool board meeting Monday night opposition to it was why a stand- ng room-only crowd showed up in the Black School mutli-purpose room i he board decided to spend $55.1XK) to bre nine teachers and try to get the ' iwnship and borough councils to —-b>re $150,318 of the more than $125,000 recreation budget and refused to pay more than its share of a $100,000 budget Under Lhe agreement the amount Hightstown pays ts based mi its per eentage of the rateable base in both towns, currently about 15 per cent The township agreed reluctantly, to pick up the difference East Windsor wants more equitable terms of payment according to Mr Pane, such as paying on a user basts a formula which would cost the borough more than 15 per cent There is sentiment on the township council, according to at least one source in favor of ending the agreement Councilman Len Costa said the borough s budgetary objections earlier this year has produced a reaction in favor of going it along ‘We're not against recreation he said It's a fear that they w ill do again what they did this year Ironically, the borough council has an ordinance scheduled for introduction Monday night which would change the contract to allow either municipality one fiscal year from time of an nouncement to get out of the agreement That was the townships request earlier this year, according to Mr Pane, but it was then in July or August, he said, that he learned of the legal foul up $737,000 they cut earlier this year If they don't agree to restore something We re gambling that we re going to get money from the commissioner of education . Lynn Friedman, school board president said The board is appealing the councils cut to the commissioner The township council was to have gotten a taste of parental last night when parents were to have gone to an open council work session scheduled for after the Herald went to press Meanwhile the school board will be getting some of the Teacher salary money from its substitute teachers account The Johnson umti s being told it cannot call in a substitute teacher until two regular teachers are absent The Ehrenfrted and LeConey Units can call in a substitute when one regular teacher is out only during odd weeks even weeks require two absences like the Johnson Unit If Hightstown arid East Windsor merge the- East Windsor Regional School District would have to go back to being a municipal district What effect the change w oulct have has been debated by those who tee! it would raise borough taxes and others whtfsay there would be no change at all Who is right 1! when the schools regionalized they had agreed to pay vtheir share of the school budget on a per pupil tests, then according to the ! ounty and Municipal Government Study' Commission "a significant shift m taxes could develop because state law provides that no two residents of a municipality shall be taxed on differing bases THAT IS. if a town has a much lower proportion of school age children in its populace than does its partner in a school district, it stands to lose when a school system is no longer regional and it i an no longer pay on a per-pupil basis Fortunately for those who think merger is still a good idea when the towns decided to regionalize the schools in July 1969 the groundwork had already teen laid lor a future consolidation of the towns First, the decision had been made to share the school budget on a property valuation basis, so merger would mean that every one would pay at the same rate and a shift would be less noticable SECOND, a special bill had been introduced to the state legislature co- sponsored by John Selecky and William Schluter so that a merged town would not lose the state aid that :t was entitled to under regionalization The bill was signed by Governor Richard Hughes on April 16. 1969. the day before the special merger election in anticipation of what most people thought was going to be a yes vote Though merger was voted down, the law still stands so if Hightstown and East Windsor merge the\ will not be jeopardizing whatever remains of the in years of state aid the school district has been entitled to since it regionalized m 1969 BUT ST \TE aid covers only a fraction of the school budget, and regionalization a still smaller fraction Around 80 per cent of the money tomes from local property tax Of course, doing away with thc- property tax as the main source of school revenue would also dispense with the question of w hich town's taxes would (See SCHOOL TAX. Page 16) Schools to hire nine teachers on 'gamble' tn Mike I>onnell\ Managing f ditor b\ Gale Scott staff \\ritcr The East Windsor Regional School teiar'i iim\ bftve it go back /el agait and ask the township council for the 24 acre trad on Leshin Lane known us the "V proper!following last week’s defeat of the txmd issue to acquire its second choice school site Residents voted three to two not to approve the purchase of a 35 acre site at Lira and Dtsbruw Hill Roads They also item,Hed the proposal to build walls for self-contained classrooms in the open space areas of the Kreps and Drew Schools by iwo-to-one votes Edward ('unset, of the state depart- ment of education s facilities and planning division said that he could not say whether the 'V land would be ap- proved even if the Ixiard could get it It depends on a lot of things he said H is less than -Kit minimum recoin mendaLon for a K to-eight school, but we would have to take into consideration the fact that tend issues have been defeated by the electorate three times Still, lie said East Windsor is not a land-poor area Mr t urzei said that he as hsappointed tn the vote tecause tie had attended a planning hoard meeting and thought he had, answered all questions and object!or® of the board -igniters “Peoplegav< Sm ssas ■ kd el by staying away commented another Late department of education iffieta People are in conflict because they ar h save tax money bat at tin sam< no re o.ive a guilty feeling that the expenditures really do need to be made, -o they just try and avoid the whole iue vita by staying hornt Maybe we need a new system other than the referenda one S. hool superintendent Johi Hu I his 'Feelings were no! exactly gentle >n the defeat, parte alar 1 y the school iti purchase ''By 1979 will have more irs.. than seats,” in the distrk l - schools he said Dr Hunt said that he had appointed a committee, chaired by Dick Friedman to took into the possibility of 12-month ■eh r.ihng which he feels may be necessary to educate all the districts pupils without going to split sessions Other than that he thinks that the people who said they had the answers to Th board and administration say potential overcrowding should be asked what to do now ‘Nobody asked ,r questions before the bond issue a' , not go back to those people now in.i)ysi“ of the voting shows that ters did turn out tended to vote on the projects which helped their own attendance area \ otprs around the Kreps school went odemerit!> against Lhe Drew wails, but ily SO much so against the Kreps School " 'fie .arid question, one Twin Rivers : trie’ went heavily 235 to 147) for the itt acquistion. presumably because the -chool to be built there would be at- tetxied largely b\ children from Tw in Rivers The acquistion of Lhe new school site had teen fought by the township Republican council candidates and the planning board The critics said the site w as a poor one and that they did not agree with the enrollment projections Board members and school officials countered that the oppeition was using the issue as a political football with no regard For the district's children All along, however board members have said that their first choice for a school sile was the V property a 24 acre tract owned by the township and slated for development as a recreational site Asked whether the board would again request that the site be used for a school, board president Lynn Friedman said that she hoped that when a new township council is seated Jan 1 they might be more receptive to the idea Meanwhile she said t4ie thought it time to let the council come to them We've propositioned them too many times already, she said Recreation pact worthless paper? Wolfe reports on p '75. Page 6. rju, Sects VMM a pair of senior citiz-ens at Meadow I.ake-- Page b. ****** n il vX iriMjrte I B im W wi I B editorial ......................... 3A lifestyle...................... 6 A obituaries.................... 1UA religious service* 10A social notes ........ BA sports ............... I - k The proposed transfer came about after more students showed up in some schools than expected Three teachers were to have been transferred to the Hightstown Intermediate School four to the Drew School and two to the Me Knight School Water, water everywhere ~ again Bob Lyon pushes the stalled Wynbrook West Apartments maintenance truck put of one of the many flooded areas that developed locdlly from the approximately seven in ches of ram that full last week Police worked overtime directing traffic ana helping motorists retrieve their automobiles Flooding on One Mite Road Extension forced the East Windsor Rescue Squad to move its ambulance to the police station for several hours Friday (Photo by Jay! A teacher costs the school board about $16,000 a year including fringe benefits The $55,000 decision which won't become official until the hoard holds its October public meeting will fund only pert of the year, Mrs Friedman said If the state or the councils don't come through with money by January we II have to get out the knife

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WO se< 'ion in page Thursday, October 2, 1975 Second ciass postage paid at Hightstown. N.J. 08520 $4 yr 15 cents/copy

Schools back at 'Y' site

ROOM FOR a school too1 Architect Eugene O'Connor thinks the possibility o4 omteinfig a needed school With this proposed recreation facility is one that

bears investigating The liar : tor the 2“ at n ' rwnship owned trat ' e ■ ■ "Lane on the board would like for a K 8 school

Double-duty property 'sound use of space'

The Hast W in ter school tearri wants the choice parcel of land off Leshin Lane for a school site Tte township says the former YMt'A property goes to the recreation commission for a community fun spot

They are both right, says Eugene O'Connor Highs tow n architect who is in charge of designing the recreation facility And the solution might be to combine the proposed community building and the proposed school, saving the taxpayers a lot of mone\ both in sound use of space and letting Green Acres foot the btl! for part of the development

It s ridiculous to have a school building that is in use for only part of the day with taxes going as high as they are and the community needing so many facilities.’ he said 'This is something I feel verx strongly about

Mr O'Connor said rhai a portion of the school could be designed to he open after school hours or even during school hours for use by senior citizens, civic groups and the like Including a design for a

youth drop-in center was aiso feasible lie said

At the state department of education Edward Curzet of the facilities and planning division said he though! it might be a good idea too

'Our only recommendation would be that '.he schoolchildren have priority for use when they needed the recreational facilities The department s first in teresi is in the children " be said

A Green Acres official said that there was no reason the sites could not be combined as long as we do not have to pa\ for school athletic facilities If the school can get the funds for those elsewhere then we can pay for anything else except buildings

The recreation commission has ap plied to Green Acres for a grant of $250,000 in matching funds to develop the site Mr O'Connor estimated that site preparatron alone would cost $200,000 with proposed baseball fields tennis, handball and paddlebali courts landscaping and fees bringing the total to $500,000

after third bond defeat

CHILDREN ROS’ IN -■ -■ Street „ould are less since 1969 with costs shared on a real estate assessmen,WhaUw....... ...........mates are from Hightstown or East basis rather than on how many pupils each sendWindsor Th.- two 'oyvnr. have been in a regional district

Merger: Part IV

School tax: up or down with consolidation?

b\ < .ale Scott s t a f f \\ n t e r

he MI kt‘ I k in ne l I \Managing t ilitor

i ist vs ncsor is frying lo renegotiate h. ><nnr recreation agreement with

Might>tow t asserting the contract tetween the two towns does not exist !*■< a use ne (her municipality ratified it,

Hightsfowr however maintains that, despite Lhe oversight, the two towns h.i * beer work mg under the agreement

m <• 197:5 it was signed by both mayors imi ! is a legal agreement

- uuneilman William Johnson,■ igh commissioner of parks.

ri'.i- ..! md public buildings, said the i- rough attorney believes the contract

Min! stand up to a court test, if it came to that

■ ‘ . tHorney Michael Pane, ' 'w in has formally asked the

’“ 'rough to renegotiate the agreement " ‘ he grounds ‘ is not binding Failure

settle 'hi' iispute by Dec 31 will end 'hi infill program according to Mr Pane

1 i'.hnsoii is scheduled to meet with ) is' Windsor Councilman Steve Heffner

week from tonight to discuss "all pec's of the recreation program

! '» ■ ccreation dispute is the second to ■ fa<« this year between the two towns

■ 1 • hr I,.: > Hightstow n balked at the

I Ik East Windsor regional school ■ it : s niggling its' budget to prevent

dn- transfer of nine teachers from the Kreps School

! no proposed transfer w as the topic of -chool board meeting Monday night

opposition to it was why a stand- ng room-only crowd showed up in the Black School mutli-purpose room

i he board decided to spend $55.1XK) to bre nine teachers and try to get the ' iwnship and borough councils to —-b>re $150,318 of the more than

$125,000 recreation budget and refused to pay more than its share of a $100,000 budget

Under Lhe agreement the amount Hightstown pays ts based mi its per eentage of the rateable base in both towns, currently about 15 per cent The township agreed reluctantly, to pick up the difference

East Windsor wants more equitable terms of payment according to Mr Pane, such as paying on a user basts a formula which would cost the boroughmore than 15 per cent

There is sentiment on the township council, according to at least one source in favor of ending the agreement Councilman Len Costa said the borough s budgetary objections earlier this year has produced a reaction in favor of going it along ‘We're not against recreation he said It's a fear that they w ill do again what they did this year

Ironically, the borough council has an ordinance scheduled for introduction Monday night which would change the contract to allow either municipality one fiscal year from time of an nouncement to get out of the agreement

That was the townships request earlier this year, according to Mr Pane, but it was then in July or August, he said, that he learned of the legal foul up

$737,000 they cut earlier this year If they don't agree to restore somethingWe re gambling that we re going to get

money from the commissioner of education . Lynn Friedman, school board president said The board is appealing the councils cut to the commissioner

The township council was to have gotten a taste of parental last night when parents were to have gone to an open council work session scheduled for after the Herald went to press

Meanwhile the school board will be getting some of the Teacher salary money from its substitute teachers account The Johnson umti s being told it cannot call in a substitute teacher until two regular teachers are absent The Ehrenfrted and LeConey Units can call in a substitute when one regular teacher is out only during odd weeks even weeks require two absences like the Johnson Unit

If Hightstown arid East Windsor merge the- East Windsor Regional School District would have to go back to being a municipal district What effect the change w oulct have has been debated by those who tee! it would raise borough taxes and others whtfsay there would be no change at all Who is right

1! when the schools regionalized they had agreed to pay vtheir share of the school budget on a per pupil tests, then according to the ! ounty and Municipal Government Study' Commission "a significant shift m taxes could develop because state law provides that no two residents of a municipality shall be taxed on differing bases

THAT IS. if a town has a much lower proportion of school age children in its

populace than does its partner in a school district, it stands to lose when a school system is no longer regional and it i an no longer pay on a per-pupil basis

Fortunately for those who think merger is still a good idea when the towns decided to regionalize the schools in July 1969 the groundwork had already teen laid lor a future consolidation of the towns First, the decision had been made to share the school budget on a property valuation basis, so merger would mean that every one would pay at the same rate and a shift would be less noticable

SECOND, a special bill had been introduced to the state legislature co­sponsored by John Selecky and William Schluter so that a merged town would not lose the state aid that :t was entitled to under regionalization

The bill was signed by Governor

Richard Hughes on April 16. 1969. the day before the special merger election in anticipation of what most people thought was going to be a yes vote Though merger w as voted down, the law still stands so if Hightstown and East Windsor merge the\ will not be jeopardizing whatever remains of the in years of state aid the school district has been entitled to since it regionalized m 1969

BUT ST \TE aid covers only a fraction of the school budget, and regionalization a still smaller fraction Around 80 per cent of the money tomes from local property tax

Of course, doing away with thc- property tax as the main source of school revenue would also dispense with the question of w hich town's taxes would

(See SCHOOL TAX. Page 16)

Schools to hire nine teachers on 'gamble'

tn Mike I>onnell\Managing f ditor

b\ Gale Scott staff \\ ritcr

The East Windsor Regional School teiar'i i im\ bftve it go back /el agait and ask the township council for the 24 acre trad on Leshin Lane known us the " V p r o p e r ! fo l lo w in g last week’s defeat of the txmd issue to acquire its second choice school site

Residents voted three to two not to approve the purchase of a 35 acre site at Lira and Dtsbruw Hill Roads They also item,Hed the proposal to build walls for self-contained classrooms in the open space areas of the Kreps and Drew Schools by iwo-to-one votes

Edward ('unset, of the state depart­ment of education s facilities and planning division said that he could not say whether the 'V land would be ap­proved even if the Ixiard could get it It depends on a lot of things he said H is less than -Kit minimum recoin mendaLon for a K to-eight school, but we would have to take into consideration the fact that tend issues have been defeated by the electorate three times

Still, lie said East Windsor is not a land-poor area Mr t urzei said that he

as hsappointed tn the vote tecause tie had attended a planning hoard meeting and thought he had, answered all questions and object!or® of the board■ -igniters

“ Peoplegav< Sm ssas ■ kd el by staying away commented another Late department of education iffieta People are in conflict because they■ ar h save tax money bat at tin sam<no re o.ive a guilty feeling that the

expenditures really do need to be made, -o they just try and avoid the whole iue vita by staying hornt Maybe we need a new system other than the referenda one

S. hool superintendent Johi Hu I his 'Feelings were no! exactly gentle >n the defeat, parte alar 1 y the school it i purchase ''By 1979 will have moreirs.. than seats,” in the distrk l -schools he said

Dr Hunt said that he had appointed a committee, chaired by Dick Friedman to took into the possibility of 12-month ■eh r.ihng which he feels may be necessary to educate all the districts pupils without going to split sessions

Other than that he thinks that the people who said they had the answers to

Th board and administration say potential overcrowding should be

asked what to do now ‘Nobody asked ■ ,r questions before the bond issue

a' , not go back to those people now in.i)ysi“ of the voting shows that

ters did turn out tended to vote on the projects which helped their own attendance area

\ otprs around the Kreps school went odemerit!> against Lhe Drew wails, but

ily SO much so against the KrepsSchool

" 'fie .arid question, one Twin Rivers : trie’ went heavily 235 to 147) for the itt acquistion. presumably because the

-chool to be built there would be at- tetxied largely b\ children from Tw in Rivers

The acquistion of Lhe new school site had teen fought by the township Republican council candidates and the

planning board The critics said the site w as a poor one and that they did not agree with the enrollment projections

Board members and school officials countered that the oppeition was using the issue as a political football with no regard For the district's children

All along, however board members have said that their first choice for a school sile was the V property a 24 acre tract owned by the township and slated for development as a recreational site

Asked whether the board would again request that the site be used for a school, board president Lynn Friedman said that she hoped that when a new township council is seated Jan 1 they might be more receptive to the idea

Meanwhile she said t4ie thought it time to let the council come to them We've propositioned them too many

times already, she said

Recreation pact worthless paper?

Wolfe reports onp '75. Page 6.

rju, Sects VMM a pair ofsenior citiz-ens at MeadowI.ake-- Page b.

* * * * * *n i l vX i r iM j r te I Bi m W w i I B

editorial ......................... 3Alifestyle...................... 6 Aobituaries.................... 1UAreligious service* 10Asocial notes........ BAsports ............... I - k

The proposed transfer came about after more students showed up in some schools than expected Three teachers were to have been transferred to the Hightstown Intermediate School four to the Drew School and two to the Me Knight School

Water, water everyw here ~ againBob Lyon pushes the stalled Wynbrook West Apartments maintenance truck put of one of the many flooded areas that developed locdlly from the approximately seven in ches of ram that full last week Police worked overtime

directing traffic ana helping motorists retrieve their automobiles Flooding on One Mite Road Extension forced the East Windsor Rescue Squad to move its ambulance to the police station for several hours Friday (Photo by Jay!

A teacher costs the school board about $16,000 a year including fringe benefits

The $55,000 decision which won't become official until the hoard holds its October public meeting will fund only pert of the year, Mrs Friedman said If the state or the councils don't come through with money by January we II have to get out the knife

2 -A W IN D S O R M IG H T S H E R A L D Thursday, October 2, 19 »5 .

Growth, muff lers on political minds in East Windsor

Hast Windsor's Republican (ourieii candidates this week have iiime out with a three- point program they say ensure controlled develop­

ment of ratable which will strengths the &s nship . tax and *>rviee structure

M e a n w h i l e , t h e i r Democratu counterparts are promising to muffle the East Windsor Speedway by next pt 'I. ■ the re d (viedThe Republican slate in-

cbidi-s incumbent Johann Si hneolcr and challengers heyu Swartz, Chuck Newman and How ard Weiss

Inciindient Democrat Harry ( hiapiione - runningmates are Svlvia Vteivs. Dave Schnitzer and Kay Could

Pointing to the recent return a I of the state imposed ban mi new sewer connections, the tail' would continue the town-top imposed housing cocsi mi lion moratorium until the proposed zoning ordinance : enacted to prevent 'overwhelming growth" like the •ownship lias men m tilt' past

The housing moratorium is m effect until the ordinance i'eromes law probably not until next vear

1 he I ast Windsor Township Km ironmental Commission urges residents to complete their tall clean-ups in their homes by Saturday, Oct in. so that they may donate any usable items to the special icc., img collection to lx> held that Saturday from 9 a m to noon behind the Hast Windsor Township municipal building

The I rent on Rescue Mission will station its truck at that -ile to accept any household items delivered for the collections

Knn 'arc appliances tools clothing toy-., books, equip- ti’.eiii c any household items

i l b e a . c o p i e d f o r r e c y c l i n g

Township Dems will register you in your home

f ast Windsor Democrats11 resist*?r Twin Rivers

re *i dents i n their homestinring tins last w eek > 1 < >thi‘ deadline

iam Gan*l +48 7845 andtinill I /Ol 2 1448-9228 1 arehamil me t Di strict tfi Quad I

orientsIn Quad ll District u i Carl

Ik*1 man +411 128:5 and ChanaHi‘finer 4+i:t 1919 are theI'*’<>ple to ea il Hot) anri ,)ud\Li ■dcrinan 443-59471 areregi storing in Quad III11iistrict 12 and Zelig and

,1U•ather Her■man are workingQ>ad IV. T win Rivers Drive

irth .ind Enfield Drive inQimd III I) istrict 15

Monda\ uct 8. is ther 1* ariiine in order to vote in thisfv ivenifx’i- s jeiu-rui elect ion

! \ \ \ T U J M ) s i i U1- M ! H i . I N ( 5 ( M i

1 i x '>«7s

They would provide strong council leadership for meeting existing sewer commitments and getting new ra tables and follow en vironmentai guidelines to prevent industrial growth that would be detrimental to the environment

Send the Speedway to Midas is ihe way incumbent Harry Chiappone and his runningmates Kay Gould, Dave Schnitzer and Sylvia Weiss put it in their prepared statement

The candidates said requiring mufflers on the race cars "would nol significantly reduce the speed of the cars, would ‘reduce the likelihood o! hearing loss to both racing bins and the drivers and would solvfe the problem of many residents w hose summer and fall eve dings are disturbed by the roar of the stock car races

During the primary contest before Mrs. Weiss bumped Philip Rosenblatt off the ticket, the organization lacked slate proposed buying the speedway as a recreation site or possibly a school site

\ 11 donations are tax deduc­tible and a receipt can be requested from the Rescue Mis ion workers

All donations will be receded to needy families in 'h' f ie rcer County a ret Posters in local stores and buildings will remind residents of the collections The environmental com iriissHp sponsors these collections each season For information call Myra Epstein at 448-7854

Nano Craig

Nancy Craig at N. J. National grand opening

Nancy Craig, ihe reigning Miss New Jersey will make a persona: appearance at New Jersey National Bank's new Hightstown office Saturday. Oct 4

The bank is celebrating its grand opening through Saturday

The new hanking office, at ■ hi «m er of Mercer Street and Rogers Avenue will provide drive in tanking service and free parking for customers During the celebration the bank will lx- distributing free gifD to visitors and bonus free gifD for depositors and people opening new accounts

Miss Craig, a Mercer County- resident. will distribute free autographed photos from 9 30 a m until noon

Automatic-direct-deposit of social security checks will be available to all who currently receive social security benefit checks Senior Citizens who sign up for direct-deposit service will be given free checking accounts

B o r o G O PH i g h t s t o w n ' s t wo

Republican council candidates would bar borough citizens from converting their single family homes into multi pie- family units

Currently, borough or­dinances allow residents to come before the zoning boardfor a use variance to allow more than one family in a dwelling

Lynwood Wilkens and Joanne Frazer however think the zoning iaw should be changed to preserve the

many large lovely homes in Hightstown which lend character and beauty to our borough

Mayor Ernest Turp thought

H H S holding open house

Hightstown High School will hold an open house on Monday. Oct 6 from 7 30 to 9 pm

The program will begin with a brief orientation by bouse leaders Parents will be asked to report to the leader to w hom their youngster is assigned Included in this orientation will be a listing of all teachers and the room where they can be found that evening Following the orientation parents will be free to visit teachers

There will be a special presentation of the results of standardized tests taken by the students during the 1974-75 school year in the auditorium beginning at 8 p.m

Registration deadline Oct 6

Deadline to register in time for the Nov 4 elections is Oct6

Residents can register in person at the municipal of­fices. or by obtaining a postcard registration form from any of the three local libraries or the League of Women Voters

Call 448 7417 or 448-4943


REG ISTR A TIO N S:O CTO BER 4, 11,18 and 25.


Mites: Ages 5 to 7 Fee $25.00Lii p ic November through March No skating experience necessary

Pee#ee Bantams: Ae•Fee $53.00 Clinic 3 weeks Games & Practice l l weeks Skating experience requiredSpecial Hockey NoteSenior program available Ages 18 and upCali Bill Breckenridge 448 6526


Ages 8 to 14 Fee $50 00Practice Monday Wednesday & Friday November through March Tourn Meet schedule io be determiner

Squirts: Age . 8 to . 0 Fee $48 00 Clinic 3 week'Games $ Practice l l weeks ■ A- v y i t erpeuen e desirableMidgets: Age i 5 to i 7 Fee $63 00Game: & Practi e. 14 weeks Home & Awav Schedule


Cadet: Ages 8 to 10 Fee $10.00 Sunday Afternoons November through March

Junior: Ages 11 to 13 Fee $10 00 Sunday Afternoons November through March

GIRL S BASKETBALLCadette: Ages 8 to 10 Junior: Ages 11 to 14 Fee $ 10 00 Fee $10.00Saturday Afternoons Saturday AfternoonsN vemt>o r rm ugh March November through March

Ages 8 to 13 Fee $8 00-cnedule the same as boy's basketball

O l d b u t s t i l l u s e a b l e

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o p p o s e s h o m e c o n v e r s i o n salong similar lines during his previous term as mayor in the mid-sixties His proposal was defeated then by sentiment for residents on fixed cr low in comes who would be forced to sell their homes because they couldn’ t afford the taxes and

Boro Dems hear taxes are on voter's mind

Bill Schilling and Lillian Sikinger Hightstown's two Democratic candidates for borough council. have determined through their "listening campaign, that the

voter's main concern is his taxes

The other side, they said in their first formal campaign statement should tell why- taxes are so high and how so much borough land became tax exempt because it is they who have produced the situation

The Republican answer to higher taxes, they said, 'will entail costing the taxpayer more money That has been their answer for all these years

They pledged more rateabies curbing expenses and full-time government, if elected, and more discussion on the Lax problem between now and the election

maintenance without con verting

In cold hard terms, the mayor still thinks that 'for the good of Hightstown t ha t person should have to sell his house and move in with relatives or into an apart­ment

The candidates reasop that

There are sufficient number of apartments in this area thatthe conversion of single familydwellings is in no way- necessary to meet housing demands

If elected, they said they would 'recommend to the appropriate borough boards that the law be changed

All your


Michael's Plaza 409 Mercer St Rte 33 Hightstown. N.J 448 3308


H e a lth & B e a u ty A id s .. C o s m e t ic s C o s tu m e J e w e l r y . H a n d b a g s A c c e s s o r ie s Me.

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Thursday, October 2, 1975 W IN D S O R H IG H T S H E R A L D---------- : :: r t ________________ ____________________________________________ .----------------- '— — ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

/Mercer County mobile care unit could stive lives3 -A

b\ Mad Bush S taff W rite r

Mans of the estimated 871 Mercer Count) residents who will die from hear’ attacks this year could be saved b\ a new and expensive Mobile IntensiveCare Unit of specially trained fiaramedics and ambulances equipped Id iovp cardiac cases ‘definitive on the spot treatment

Hut a partially funded state pilot program in the counts has left Mercer bispuals and ambulance squads aboui 1300,00(1 short of providing this kind of Care

W ith a state grant of COO.(XX) from the Department of Health already in hand five counts hospitals are using the

money to train volunteer paramedics the first class of which recently com piloted coursework at the College of Medicine and Dentistry at Newark s Martland Hospital They will begin < 1 mica I framing later this month

THf VDDITIOS \I 1300.(XXi is needed to equip the county s 16 ambulance squads with the portable equipmem or “ life packs, capable of providing cardiac victims with instant diagnosis and treatment

The life packs together with am bulance crews trained to-use them could administer a variety of medical ions electrical shock defibrillators’ to restore heartbeat and elec trocardiograms

The pack is equipped with radios which transmit the victim s vital signs to central hospital monitoring screens where doctors can relay instructions to the ambulance crew Paramedics would he licensed to administer drugs which are not permitted to regularly staffed first aid squad members in this area

( urrent statistics indicate that

pemaps one out of every w m mart than 100 of Mercer - 87: cardiac deaths could be prevented if such equipment were available and manned round the

.clock by trained staffsHowever Mercer County is a long

wav from either being totals, equipped nr staffed right now

THf PARXMPDK training prograr whn h began in July expects to gradual* six volunteers in the spring of next > ear They will then tom their respective ttfilbttlahce squads in Pennington Hopewell, Trenton East and West Windsor where they will operate me new equipment on a part, time has:-- wher i> l§ purchased Full time paramedic staffing must wail for many more volunteers to complete training ‘ The equipment itself must wait ».

rrxmev “ from somewhere ~a . ■ pr "s ' coordinator Jerry Stem of East Wind sor one of the six paramedic* tr lining Mr Stein said he hoped ■ mi ••• at least a substantial portion <n the C(Xi ;XX* ■ iy Decemt*■ r when ;xjrer using orders for the equipment are expected to tie made

Mr Stein conceded the projec1 tentative and “ shaky at this stage w.tT so much money yet to be obtained The mm definite mobile units r .jpera* >t next year will be three* Traitor Ixilance squads which will operate *•:» ai MIC! unit on cal) Si hours a dm- on a rotating basis

Until enough paramedic- an trainee la man the Trenton ambulance squads full time coronary care nurses *il! tx riding in the units

Mr Stein said at least another five volunteers have already enrolled r m< second class whirl begins later month

imbuiance service staffed round the cxk with paramedics is too far away

right now to be calculatedw* haven't even made a dent in the

Stunnon yet he said, adding and 1 .and even estimate how many paramedics we'll need for total

'• age or when that will be Mr Stein and the project's sponsor

h< Mi-rcer County Heart Association ptar c raising the money through private contributions

'he project acquires funds and as -oiunteerv complete paramedical •raining, the county's other 13 am- '•■mince squads will be added in the pillowing order

Hopewel First Aid Squad

Pennington. ' ngham Rusling and Yardville

trill jointly acquire ,tr. M I ,C.U wrve their combined territory Fast Windsor Township First Aid

Squad!w r W Squad covering West

Windsor TownshipLawrence Township First Aid

SquadPrinceton First Aid Nquad Allentown First Aid Squad Pennington Road Fire Company

Ambulance Corps•Union Fire Co, Ambulance Corps

While the project has drawn praise from area ambulance squad captains one of their number ha* repeatedly voiced disapproval of the volunteer system of paramedic (Laffing Dewitt Boi.ce, captain of the Princeton First Aid

Squad, called the volunteer system utterly ridiculous and called Mercer

Countx “ foolish to have agreed to govoluntary for a !«ser state grant when other grant counties are going professional

MR BO K F C R IT IC IZ E D the lack ofselect ivity in admitting volunteers to the paramedic program and the relative ease nt the required curriculum

T don't believe that a paramedic can remain competent for long if he doesn't

have his hand in the field on a full-time basis 40 hours a week You're going to lose what you learned he said.

The only way you can maintain a proper paramedical program is or a professional basis Only a fool would volunteer as a paramedic when they’re paying them $10 50 an hour to do the same thing in Colorado ' he noted

Mr Stein as well as other local am hulance captains disagreed however citing the volunteer s greater personal concern and motivation

“ I think it’s, the best thing to come

along in a long while, said Hopewell captain Joseph Vaccarino Actually 1 prefer the idea of volunteers rather than professionals

While Mr Stein and others concede the project's modest start and the necessarily part-time basis of staffing in the foreseeable future they are hopeful of greater future coverage

When you consider the extremely limited care available to emergency victims now while en route said Mr Stein the life packs are an asset even on a part-time basis

PI V( H AND JUDY The Washington Township

Branch of the Mercer CountyLibrary will present a “Punch 4- Judy' Show Denni*Kowal for all township children on Saturday, Oct 4. at i 30 pm in the room over the Iibran,

2 Ways to Save Energy This Winter With Your Fireplace

1 L>pcn and heat part t irour home to save

: glass doors at even if hre is s ng and draft n Furnace heat l

it up the chirrm

Vl ■ I. ai (hr f*-r KnH vo

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oI s f L Y N W O O D W IL K E N S


m*.#***€; ’’■''**>»*» ,EMERGENCY HEART TREATMENT is simulated bv paramedic in training Jerry Sietn (lefti at the emergence room of the Princeton Medical Center He is assisted by nursr 1 oni Jednyak and Vergil Hollender playing patient









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it now carries MEN’S SHOES

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THE HERALDOctober 2, 1975

calendarThursday. Oct. 2

Masada Chapter, B'nai B'rith women meets K p m m Hightstown librar>

Beth Chaim sisterhood garage sale at 551 Dutch Neck Road also Oct 3 and 5

Twin Rivers Women's dub meets 8 30 p.m at Twin Rivers Library

Masada rummage sale at First .Methodist Church Bights- l own all week

f-rida\ Oct .!

h ree eye screening for cataracts and glaucoma for people .35 and over at Helen Kuld hospital from 9am to noon

"aturday, Oct. 1

Children s play at Cranbury Public Library 'If You've Seen One Dragon 10 30 a m kids tour (0 M

Creative Theatre open house 11 30 .1 m to Cranbury Old School

Masada Bowling league starts at Carolier Lanes Ncv, Brunswick

VIonr!a \ Oct B

Dr Marie Fantini speaks of educational alternatives at the

McKnighi School at 7 '50 p m Piano recital try David Krachbuel 8

pm at Cranbury library Stamp club meets at SI Anthony's for

sell and swap might 7 30 pm

V\ ednesday Oct H

•Joint District Area Women's Club team at Hightstown Presbyterian ( 'burch a! K p m

Thursdav Oct 9

Cranbury Police Chief Ken Logan liscusses security measures to protect nornes and property, 8 pm at Cranbury library

ORT hall Fashion Review. 1 pm at Kreps School

Krtda \ , Oct. 10

Fall Fail starts at Methodisi Church i light sttwtb

Saturday. Del. 1!

HighLstown Democrats bake sale from 9 a m in municipal lot nearTracy's

Sunday Oct. 12

Washington Volunteer Firemen roast '*e f dinner lp m to 6 p m at firehouse >n Rt 130

.Men of Zion al First Presbyterian 1 hurch l l a m

The l o o kway w e

recreation 'rap up hb\ Faith Sara fin

and Kilrm CYown R e c re a tio n D ire c to r s

Another pleasant outing is planned for families as the joint recreation office has made arrangements for a trip to Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge andSmithvLlie Village Nov 2.

THE BESETS will tour the wildlife refuge an eight mile drive with 14 stopsSome of the features are a gull pond, perch cove, goose corner, eagle roost and many others Nov l thru 10 there are spectacular concentrations of ducks, geese and brants in pools ex reeding 100,000 birds on 1.800 acres Snow geese begin stopping

The buses w ill leave borough hall at 11 a m and arrive at Brigantine between 12 and 1230 There will be time for a picnic lunch and the lour will follow On the way home a stop for touring and shopping at Smithville will be an added delight for the family Buses will return by 5:30 p.m Fee is SI per family payable at the recreation office Call 443-3707 immediately

THE. PING PONG club is starting itsactivity again under the direction of Liston Abbott The club will meet Friday evenings from 8-10 in the Drew School starting Oct 3 In cooperation with Principal Robert Sopko, who has 'wo new portable ping pong tables at the Drew School, the recreation office will purchase two additional tables and share use of them with the school Any ping pong enthusiast interested in

letters to the editor

r e c y c l i n g

s c h e d u l e

W e d n e s d a y , ( ) c t . 15

Twin K vers curbside newspaper collection Hast Windsor curbside new spa per collection

S a t u r d a y . O c t . IK

'(JId But Still Useable' household items collected from 9 a m to noon at East Windsor municipal building

Wednesday Oct. 29

Twin Rivers newspaper collectionFor recycling information call East

Windsor township hall at 443-4000 or Myra Epstein at 448 7854


Vmin Hi htsumri ami Fjm Windy r

Published even Thursday at Wtrherspoon S-

Prmceton N jtw The Princeton Packet Inc

Uusmev \ J 1)8"

Managing Ki ■ rR g Ms

OH u >.* M an a c- •

Subscription rate' >ru »ear W ! su?e U,cars Vh Three ye«m S8 New sstand price ! 5 cents

per copy

Second viass 08520


I elephone 609 R24-.1244

( cotral office, production plant and corporateheadquaners MX) Witherspoon Si Princeton N J i m$40

Mary L. Kilgore Beilman Board ChairmanI d%ard P Burke Editor A GeneralEd*m W Tucker Associate Editor Asst

General Mgr A Business Mgr Edward F. Carroll Executive EditorRobert Huichtmon Product too ManagerRosjyn Oenard Advertising DirectorWilliam Bennett Circulation Manager

Merger seriesEditor, The Herald

1 have been following with con­siderable interest your series on the Question of consolidaiicn of East Windsor and Hightstown With respect to the tax rate your writer makes an assumption ■which is clearly erroneous and makes dx- prospect of consolidation look much less inviting than it actual!\ > from the fiscal standpoint

Ms Scott assumes that il 'here is ,. S200 difference in the taxi-- paid on houses of the same real value after tin- merger assuming that no economies are achieved by elimination duplication and the Hightstown taxpayer win pay Silk) less This would only he the case If he two municipalities had the -ame

total valuationActually Hightstown has only about

one-fifth the equalized valuation that East Windsor has This means that, for '■very penny the Fast Windsor tax rate would rise, the Hightstow n r ate would fail five cents

Thus in the case of the Hightstown homeowner who now oavs $200 more than the ow ner of the house of equal value in East Windsor, his taxes would go dowr SI67 while those of his Fast Windsor counterpart would rise by S3:

If Ms Scott's 'middle figure assumption is correct and the merger will result in a $43 saving in municipal service costs per $40,000 of equalized valuation, then both the Hightstown and the East Windsor taxpayer will wind up with a lower tax rate after con sohdation

Michael L Ticktin Roosevelt

Now we knowEditor The Herald

Well, now we know Two years agothe 'liberal Stein board couldn't passanything in East Windsor and Right stown except for a local schoo. i Twii Rivers

The mixed Abrams board couldn't pass anything last year And the

traditionalist Friedman board doesn't seem to be doing any better

The pundits and politicians outside the school game have been telling me that tin1 problem has been the liberal philosophy of the school district They were evidently wrong The plain truth is that in any naive community which practices 25 cent politics you can always scare up twice as mam na\s as yeas on any issue that comes up

Where does this leave i*. Clearly we are not going to solve any problems in the schools if we can not pass budgets and bonds in the communitv, Clearly we are no! going to cfci very well on public safety, sewage systems or anything else With our present mode of govern ment by dramatic confrontation and rhetoric we have nowhere to go but dow n

W> shouidn t keep electing the can didates who promise four of our favorite chickens in our very own pot By now we should realize that the cost of those extra chickens willkeep us from buying vegetables and milk and shoes for the children

By now we should realize that we are only convincing councils and boards and commissions that success in public life demands rigid heroposes on their tittle mountain tope They are not going to help us to shelter in the valleys from up there

A prime example of government by public confrontation has just occurred

b the weeks before the election, the planning board ioudiy withheld support from the land referendum on the grounds that serious questions regar ding utilities were not resolved to its satisfaction The school board was publicly insistent that this site w * still the best possible in spite of some problems with the available utilities

To me. it is clear that both boards had beeb sitting (in their protocols instead of -•e tiling their differences quietly well in advance of the ballot To me it is clear that we have the- cheap politics of nnfrnnt ation instead of the art of

discussion and solution Of course the referendum lost

There arc a few exceptions The trade between borough council and board of education of fire plugs and buses was a rare and inspired coup But if it takes such an absurd deal to do w hat everyone agrees should be done we have no hope it -olving any tougher problems We

s', ' haven't settled on a good site for future school construction We haven't even settled on the size of this year's school budge!

This idiocy would be amusing but it is pouring tax money down the drain We get no benefit if the school board pevs tor sue studies on every square inch in the community We get no benefit from pretty bond brochures and school elections three times a year We aren't going to get the full education bang from '>ur bucks if the state restores some of 'he appealed school budget money very J&te in the year But you can be sure that we are paying for these things

The only cure 1 can propose is for the ' izens of East Windsor and HighLstown

t" stop tolerating such behavior bv our local governments Taxes are high problems need to be solved and we simply cannot permit our local agencies

spend their time screaming in the -treels instead of trying to solve our problems in the least expensive way possible

The screaming should be our job

William H Moore 47-1 Gardenview Terrace

W e e k a fte rw e e kEditor, the Herald

Once is not enough for Eugene Sarafin Week after week we are treated io his Joe McCarthy tactics of trying to discredit anyone who does not adhere to his educational dogma Very disturbing io me is the policy of the Windsor HighLs Herald to print his unsubstantiated claptrap without at least making a notation on some of the factual in orrectness Mr Sarafin persistently

refers to an incorrect figure in citir^ pupil-teacher ratios This seems to me easily checked out if the paper were so inclined

Best at ail however is the persistent fiction that the majority of the board is inked in some sinister partisan political

alignmentThis big he technique should

remind those of us who were old enough, of the Nazi propagandists who kept presenting the same preposterous stones long enough until uninformed people began to give them credence The moat preposterous lie to date, is that Mr Delano has been active in the East Windsor Democratic organization 8 rankly I think the truth of the matter is that your constant attacks on all local officeholders both personally and in print ls a function of your inability to get elected

My husband has upon one occasion attended a dance held by the Democratic Club He did not even know

w-here or w-hen the club meetings were held since he had nev er attended one He is basically an apolitical person usually devoting his energies to his career and his home If voting in a primary makes one an active Democrat, there must be many people you see in vour paranoia of political suspicion Perhaps you attach some significance to his distant kinship to F ranklin Delano Roosevelt-there are many folks in that category Aren : you silly'

1 suggest that you stop your negative- hostile attacks and begin to find out more about the people and events onw hich you seem to focus Then if there is a difference of opinion it will be or issues, not on some fiction you have created Frankly if ignorance were bliss, you would be the most contented person in the borough of Hightstown

Juliet DeLano 359 Dutch Neck Road

Represents all

Editor The Herald

On Aug 28. at a meeting sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Tran sportation 1 stated the Twin Rivers Homeowners' Association s support of and demand to begin construction of the proposed Route .33 jughandies and traffic light at the eastern end of Twin Rivers

In pert 1 stated that our association represented approximately 2.000 families living in Twin Rivers, although you chose to interpret this as a claim rather than a fact With all due respect to your interpretation and to the letter of Mr Rahn in your Sept 24 edition. 1 will reiterate that the TRHA is the representative body of all homeowners in the PUD

The owner of every living unit in Twin Rivers is automatically a mem tier of the association and entitled to vote in our annual election at which time three of nine directors are chosen The policies of this board of directors are. as a rule promulgated at an open monthly meeting after every homeowner present is given an opportunity to speak

I was quite gratified to ieam that Mr Rahn applauds many of our programs but quite distressed to know that he has been vehemently opposed to our policies in several areas without sharing his objections with the hoard ! take the responsibility of my office seriously enough to spend several hundred hours during the course of a year trying to provide representation for the com munity in a responsive and responsible manner

1 agree that there is a substantial difference between an organization claiming represent at ten of its members and one that claims the support of its membership In the case of the jughandies our association clearly had the nght to claim both If ail of our members were as proud of not paving their annual dues of four dollars as Mr Rahn is, I seriously doubt that we could have been successful in our epic battle against the DOT however since be is in the minority we were, in fact, able to claim the support of our membership

I never meant to imply that every member of the association or every director for that matter, is in ixiammous agreement on any issue Disagreement and intelligent debate are a vital part at our democratic way of life That elected individuals are able to reach a con sensus makes an organization representative of the whole although individuals or groups of individuals may be in disagreement

As the Her a id is quick to point out

during a 'heated discussion residents living near the proposed intersection argued vehemently against it " If the Herald had investigated further, perhaps some mention would have been made of our association s efforts, prior and subsequent to the August meeting, to ease the impact of the project upon this group Negotiations which resulted in the addition of a chain link lence along the northern jughandle provided an extra margin of safety lor the children residing in the area

Hit txiard tia ensured the addition of a subs tan1 la) amount of plantings for the area that will prevent a decline in property values and enhance the ap pearance of the community I might add that an ad hoc committee of 'vehement residents will assist in choosing and placing the plantings This, 1 believe, is what responsive responsible representation is all about

Neal Nevitt President. TRHA 53 Prohasco Road

Bomb scaresEditor. The Herald

The following is a copy of a letter sent to Dr John Hunt East Windsor regional school district superintendent

well as the other students, have been badgered and frightened by threats of the presence of bombs in the East Windsor schools

In three weeks of the school year, there have tieen three bomb scares already

What is being done’’ How are you attempting to halt these continuing horrendous acts that may indeed en- tanger the lives of our childrenn Will an injury from a bomb, or frantic attempts to escape when there is a threat be enough to produce action’’

As a concerned parent and citizen of 'he community I implore sou to use the dependable methods and technology available to catch the maniacs responsible

Mrs Martha Classen Parent

ThanksEditor. The Herald

We wish to thank the parents who volunteered their time- and services so that other parents school board members school administrators and east Windsor and Hightstown town - ouncil mem tiers could iearn of our concern tor our children, our teachers and our schools

.June New man 12 Exeter Court

Judy Levy in Exeter Court

participabng in the recreational dub,’* call the office at 443-3707 or report to the Drew School Oct 3

CREATIVE THEATRE Unlimitedhas announced classes at Sandie Savoy s Talent Center in Twin Rivers which cover creative drama, im­provisation, theater games and acting exercises Classes begin Monday, Oct 6, grades 9-12 f rom 6 30 8 p m and adults 8 30 - 10 a m The sessions, under in­structor Amie Brockway, is six weeks at a fee of $35 If interested call 443-3707

The community is about to be even more enriched musically In addition to the East Windsor-Hifditstown Chorale and the Windsor Rights Concert Bank there will also be a community based orchestra The organizers of the effort have engaged Paul Hofreiter, graduate of Julliard. distinguished young com (Kiser and assistant conductor of the Delaware Valley Philharmonic, who will he conducting One of his recent compositions is a bicentennial historical pageant "Crossing

Anyone interested in being part of this new community activity should report to the Kreps vSchool Oct Sat 8 pm room 208 for some musical reading and in­formal social time For further in formation call Susan Luty 448-5382.

\ FISHING contest at Assunpink Lake is scheduled for Sat . Oct 18 from 9 a m to noon Prizes w iII be awarded for largest catches in various categories It will be a real fall outdoors event with hoagies and hot chocolate served at noon

Pre registration is required so that we can order food Call 443-3707 and give name and age The contest is open to all ages under the direction of fishing buff and recreation commissioner Roger Luty Assunpink Lake ls the 300-acre lake just near East Windsor s borders off Old York Road

ANOTHER CONC ERT for the teens is coming up Nov 28 when the Allman Brothers play in concert at Madison Square Garden Tickets for this top name group are $7 50 which will include the bus transportation Anyone wishing to purchase a ticket can pay now at the recreation office, 124 Stockton St old Acme building There are only 49 tickets Bus will be leaving Borough hall at 6 30 p.m

WITH THE cooperation of Peddie School, arrangements have been madefor the Recreation Commission to run family ice skating every Sunday evening from 7 9 p m from Nov 30 through Eeb 29

Skating is divided into three sessions Session I includes Nov 30 Dec 7. 14 21 and 28 .Session II includes Jan 4. It. 18 and 25 Session III includes Feb 1. 8, 15 22 and 29 There will be 180 per evening registered Each individual or family may sign up for one date in each of the three sessions This will allow as many in the community to participate as possible

FEES \H F SI 25 per person, per night and S2 75 per family per ..night No registration will he taken without payment Checks should be made payable to H EM Recreation Include the name nf each family member, ad dress, phone number and date of your choice for each session We will be in touch with you if we need an alternate date

THOSE REGISTERED for the Oct 5trip to the Central Park Zoo and Metropolitan Museum should be at borough hall at li am sharp

H i g h t s t o w n a s it u s e d to b e

Term West was p ro p rie to r o f this successful e lec­tr ica l fixtures and con tracting business un til He died several years ago. The shop was located on

(P h o to courtesy o f the H ightstow n-East W in dsor H istorica l Society)

Mam Street across from the park, according to H igh tstow-n H istorian A lphaeus Albert


Thursday, October 2, 1CT LV/NDSOR- HIGH TS HERJil D 5-A

Boro GOP answers league questions

l e t t e r s t o t h e e d i t o r

E d itor 's Note The Hera ld in cooperation with the league ni Women Voters ot East Windsor IIightstown is

running biographical information on the I- candidates running for the Might stown and Fast Windsor councils and

their answers to a league question This week the borough Republicans answer

Vs a council member what criteria would sou use lor making appointments to the borough township boards and com missions" What criteria would sou use for salaried appointees'’ What procedures could be followed bs council to insure that the boards and com missions function according to their staled mandates

ter duties and proven common sense

dedication to the borough These same criteria must apply to

salaried appointees and employees with the addition of education and professional experience and com petence Government is a business and personnel must be selected in a hu inesslike and professional manner

To ensure that boards and com missions function according to their stated mandates, there must be open, two way communication A procedure mould be established so that a representative 0( «®ch board and commission and each administrative impart men] reports its activities and plans on sf regulai basis at a puhiu >,ork a-ssion of the Borougt f mini

Joanne Frazer

Biographical information 118 Hausser Ave attended Trenton State College, borough resident 14 years married, mother of two recent ac­tivities Mercer County freeholder candidate, 1974, borough zoning board secretary, first woman board member iif the Hightstown Cast Windsor YMOA Junior Friday Club past president First Met hodisl Church W0BtSO'*g Society f ’hristian Service past president, leader in development of well-baby clinic, day care center and senior citizens programs, mem tier of Highlstown-Easl Windsor Bicentennial Committee

Response to questions As a borough council member, my primary con ^derations for selecting appointees to boards and commissions would be the individuals interest in government, ability to devote adequate time to his or


Too m any fo rg e tEditor The Herald

We moved to Twin Rivers for the quality of life it offered my family We have enjoyed living here except for onething there are too many adults who forget this is a community owned by all

There are too many adults who do not allow the children of Twin Rivers the freedom they are entitled to There are o< many adults who are harrassmg and intagonizmg children These are the same adults who demand respect and tbedience from the very children they io not respect There are too many idulc who have lost control and at •ticked and abused children both ver telly arid physically

The crimes’ these children havenmmitted.... merely trying to enjoy

!h<- ■ ■ hildhood Evidently these adults ■ . < argot ten they were children once

Jder children have no recreation ireas aside except the streets and curt sards of Twin Rivers The younger

children will soon graduate from the playgrounds and be m the same predicament

There ts no excuse for adults who ir ’ oi control their violence in dealing

w th other people's children We have a •cash law for pets and a parent responsibility law now we need an adult responsibility law

A Concerned Parent

Wet feet helpedEditor The Herald

Thursday evening I was preparing to get some photography work done in my darkroom when I felt something wet around my feet After an hour of mopping up 1 realized it was as futile as trying to empty the ocean A call to the fire department brought Sheldon Strauss. William Bickley. Martin ("Harney and Martin Mark By ! p m I learned 1 had a sump tank which had been covered with a wooden round disc and over it vinyl flooring and it was now overflowing A half hour of pumping helped a great deal and I was able to get a night's deep At 8 a m I purchased a submersible sump pump

I also felt very indebted to Ken Richards of Plainfield who spent his lunch hour setting it up and finishing the job after his day’s work

Kitty Sang 11 Enfield Drive

Pub lic th a n ksEditor The Herald

The East Windsor Township En vmmmentai Commission would like to thank publicly the important personnel involved in our community recycling program Tom Atkins, township ad ministrative assistant Street 'and Lancaster Inc which collects recvclables at our recycling stations Mr Banning and the East Windsor Township public works crew who operate the curbside paper collections m East Windsor Township and help maintain our recycling sites Mr Watson and the public works crews in Hightstown who maintain the borough site

Our programs continue We offer convenient collection sites convenient collection times and dates com prehensive programs special collec lions, free schedules and posters and an opportunity to improve our en vironment, All this is possible because of the above mentioned people The commission is proud of our recycling sites, stations and sheds Thev are well maintained clean, litter-free' Thank you

Myra Epstein for the EWT Environmental Commission

County otters food courseA home-study course. Nutrition Food at Work for

You" will be offered by Mrs Margaret Lawson Extension home economist beginning Oct 14 Registrations for the free course are being taken by the Extension Service by mail at 930 Spruce St , Trenton 0B648. or b\ telephone at 396- 4594

The three lessons mailed at

two-week intervals include information on nutrients their function and what foods have them Also, an easy-to-follow guide to help [fan nutritious meals; food needs for different ages, how to use nutritional labeling and much more


The Footworks Metro .. a moving experienceIt s a soft ride to easy street in this glove leather moc we

call Metro"' A short-cut to anywhere takes you over pebbly crepe soles and stacked-iook wedges What a joy-ride

the Footworks Metro' Catch it at your Footworks depot and get moving1

$26.00BlockCamelR u s t

Jamesway Shopping Confer Rout* 1 30 • Eo*d Windsor

448-7200Hours: Dally 9:30 - 5:30

Thurt. A Erl. til 9 p.m.

l^ethrr refers to upper'

TheTPBXd/f Great American

Lynwood W ilkensLynwood VVilkens did not respond

'be questionnaireto

g e t n e w p r o g r a mResidents with develop

mental difficulties ip mental retardations cerebral

Rummage sale in progress

Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Chaim ls sponsoring a garage sale featuring a variety of items at 551 Dutch Neck Road < >et 2. 3 and 5 1 mm 10 a m to 4 pm

palsy nt epilepsy are im ted to lake Id vantage of the Citizen Advocacy program a new agency affiliated with the 11ightsi own East ft nd oi Sen ict ( err ei

: 1 it*, non-prert agency funded by Developmental Disabilities through the New Jersey Association forRetarded Citizens, theprogram offers a ope tonne interaction between a com­petent \olunteer and the participant

The volunteer or advacate helps his "protege

defending his rights and interests providing practical and emotional reinforcement or both

There are currently four counties i> ng served under the structured advocacy system. Burlington Cum­berland Gloucester and Mercer ( nordinators recruit, screen and train advocates and match them to proteges The coordinators also supervise the relationships, and may directly intervene in crisis situations

For information call Andi \V lenei at 44 ! 4464 or 4465

lVu \ ) S 0 R _ F

S p e c ia lS a v in g s G a lo re

/ A rm stro n g 's 6 0 q t S o la ria nYOitJU per aq. yd

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C o n g o le u m ^ *

$ 3 .9 5 P«r »q yd *Com m ercial Tweed

12 h width

Reg. $6.49$ 3 .9 9 per sq. yd. and up

Cut and Loop Shag t12 ft. width *

Reg. $8.95 *Now $ 5 .9 5 ;

also Carpets for Every Decor OPEN

443-6999 Jamesway Shopping Mall Mon^-Thurs 9 6

F r e e Estimates! Rt. 1 30, East Windsor Sat. 9-6

SPECIAL0 Combination Pack age Buy

X 144 Tablets, Gel 72 F R E E 1RexaH Super Plenam m s are ava ilab le to and used in the ** training fac ilities of aflf?6 Na- ^ tionai Football L eague teams 1

* *

x i o 100 •250 mg

89*1414 V a lu e

o n l y i m W 5 15; I 2 9♦ WH EAT GERM

£2 ,o r

‘ S-J69500 mg

2 for$ 2 * 9

P u t a L i t t l e G O P I n t o Y o u r L i f e !For Highstown Boro Council

r%% *





Frazer & W ilkenscare for the Hightstown Com-munity

We bel ieve in• O p e n gov e rnm e n t• Fiscal responsibi l ity• Accountabil ity• Respons iv iv eness• The welfare of local b us inesses

Pd by M*gntsrowr R*puC F 4—■<>' Mg S36‘ M**f* $: M,qr-*st w - N

Column 1 on the BallotFor M ercer County Freeholder









For East Windsor Council






100 s 50 meg

119100 meg

|992 for


2 for

S3 89



100 mg 1 00 s66C si VUAHM

2 ,o r s 1 29100 mg 250 s

2 for


R«*aii F O R TIF IE D


100 s

‘ 331,000 me

2 9 81,000 mg 100 s

2 lo r

S5 79

2 9 8lor SC79







1Foul *«s#we**ty • loaf Im p P1mnmi{ • Ordmjncr Review am)

teterceawiit • Impremt Caaiawaicitiompd t» 6W~T GOP Cmpgt' Fund D Ronre* T r*M So* S2 E WrrtOmot N


100 »250 mg

2 4 9500


2 for S475

2 ,or5717



25Q mg 00 s




1200 mg 100 5

•3M *2 'or S049 LJUT




100 • , mT ,

£ 9 8

2 lor $ 5 7 9




6 minims 100 s

s188 T2 for $359

One Uriel talk

mR E G U L A R


E + C S C H E W A B L E

T A B L E T S -



2 for$329

2 for$388

Rexall100 5

2 for S725


'0 0 % 200 I U 1


100 t.u..100 s

982 for


> 2 * 92 for


400 I.U

■ 3 "

600 I U , 100 1, 1I k


2 for$769



47 2,or$ 1 4 3 9

1.000 I.U. 50 s

7 9 2,or 151 s io "




U JIN D S O R H IG H T S H E R A L D Thursdav, October 2. 1975h-A

MEMBERS OF the new fife and drum torp from left, Greg Torres, Mark Ehlers and Scott Litzenburg practice to perfect the look and sound of 1776 AH five snare drums and the two bass drums wen: handmade bv Russel Sutton of Maplestream Road.

'Gerald Wolfe photo)

Band camp '75: Roots of school spiritb\ Gerald K Wolfe

Special W riter

If cooperation dedication and determined effort are the main ingredients in any successful un dertaking then the '75 '76 version of the Hightstown High School Hand is going to be a smash hit

This t ear the band takes on a new look in honor of the bicentennial year with the addition of the 27-piece fife and drum • ore led fry drum majorette Barbara Agress The new look also includes eight lancers <Cpt Dawn Stackhouse to supplement the present 16-member drill team led by Cpt Karen Damrau The eight majorettes are headed up this year by C’pt Janet Bell and there is a total expansion of the entire marching unit of 205 students led b\ head drum majorette Ann .Jessup

W HEN i Ol add to the above the fact that there are 78 people new to the band you begin to get the idea of what a tremendous undertaking Milton Richey * the director, had in front of him as the buses rolled into a wet and dreary Camp Kittatinny on Sept 18 for four days of extensive field manuevers, tend practices and overall camaraderie that have made the Hightstown High School Band one ol the crack marching units in the state

You think ihat a little rain dulled these kids enthusiasm Noway' Cp at seven was the rule Breakfast, and get cracking' Chow lines were long and seconds were common Free time was a rarpv as Milt pul them through their paces around, between, and through the frequent showers that hung heavy over

the mountains the entire four day weekend

FROM FI LL-BAND field rnanuevers group sessions, section rehearsals, individual practice, squad leaders shouting orders and Milt riding herd on everything at once, you could begin to see things start to take shape A day ended at 10:30 p m with a full band rehearsal at the rec hall It was lights out at 11 Next morning it started all over again

1 heard some of the students remarking that because of the rainy weather Mr Richey gave them a little more free time at this year's band camp than last I. for one. couldn't notice sinee most of the kids continued to work during their free time

JOHN WOLSTROMKH, captain of the drum section, for instance worked his squad Airing freaks, lunch and free time the firsi day trying to perfect the new cadences for the marching band The fife and drum core practiced so much I could close my eyes and when i opened them expect to see General Washington and the Contenental Army come marching over the hill These students came to work and did they ever

I guess what all the parents and chaperones who spent the weekend at Kittatim really saw was a group of young people many of them strangers to each other, pull into camp on a Thursday with a lot of loose ends that needed tying

M H AT WE saw on Sundav afternoon when they left was a tired but tight-knit group of youngsters, most of them friends, and all on their w a\ to bringing Hightstown High honors once again for tiring one of the best bands in the state

Milton Richey s dream of an authent ic .776 fife and drum core blossomed into reality at Kittatinny This unit worked extra hard at band camp putting together the look and sound of 1776 The unit consists of one drum majorette, six flags one ftf• leader eleven fifes one drum captain, five snare drums and two bass drums

t i l t \ l T I I L N T I ( colonial costumes were handmade by a committee of women from the Music Boosters organization headed by Pam Smith, and th< amazing reproductions of the colonial drums were hand made entirely I". Hassell Sutton of Fast Windsor This unit alone is sure to attract considerable

attention and favorable comment from around the state and the various func­tions at which the hand will be per­forming

Band camp '75 officially ended on Sunday afternoon, Sept 21 But the rain had let up long enough for the big bonfire and hot dog roast by the lake Saturday rughl Everyone was there.

I talked to many of the students that evening and even with a full days' practice ahead of them most felt they finally had it all together I could feel it too The school spirit The camaraderie and the friendships that were being made that would last throughout school and beyond

A Ol THINK you know school spiritwhen you see it9 l>et me tell you something If you're on hand for any performances by the band this year football halftimes, parades, concerts, etc you'll be able to see the ac complishments that began with Kit- tatiimy But it goes deeper than that, and if you're ever fortunate enough to spend some time with these wonderful kids and join them first hand in their enthusiasm hard work and dedication to a job well done then you’ll know where our school spirit really is

Separate paths led to Meadow Lakes. ,1 I c Scott

staff \\ riter

.lane Mel),molds just doesn't get outinch anymore At 103 you wouldn’t nink anyone would mind, bul then you

probably haven’t met Miss McDanoids She is not one to be content to have nothing bul memories to keep her busy

Oh, how 1 used to love to read, she said, interviewed recently at her Meadow Lakes home “ I ’d read anything i ould get m\ hands on. she said. "Now it's hard to keep up

H\l> Till- country changed much, did she think

Well, I’m not sure It is all going along smoothly . she asked T haven't )>oon able in find out what all this fuss was with Nixon.' she said

n tl i i h s i pi esident M ias Mi i )anolds r> i; <mitiers u as McKinley One of five children she was brought up in Passaic where her father was a broker and dealt in real estate

it w as a big house with a great parlor and a big bay windt * she ;b d VI • had kerosene lamps and got around by horse and carnage or we took the trolley How 1 loved to get out

m (88 MeDANQJ l is nex er inert ed The right fellow just never came

along she said. I liad suitors, but none of them was good enough

Instead she devoteri herself to the care

of her invalid mother ana later to a nephew who had beer orphaned I love children, said Miss McDanoids J raised a Chinese baby for two years Seems a young Chinese woman came over here with a promise of a home and a job but a young American fellow got :h. tx'iter ot her Shortly after the baby was born, the mother died, and when 1 heard about it. 1 got the idea to take her in ”

Miss Met) WOLDS raised the little girl for two years and gave her up for adoption to a couple who ok her hack to their native China She said she heard from the family several times, then eventually lost touch

Doing for others is a fundamental part of Miss McDanoids philosophy Alter all, she has been an active church member for 93 years Looking track on the last century she said she thought she had led a quite life and that she had no secrets for living king and staying healthy

HI T NOW she said the flays are long All I do is sit,' she said in an exasperated tone Tell me. she said.

how big is this town” What do the people do" What's it like out there"

Down the hall from Miss McDanoids lives Phoebe Tamany 92 years old and

pears a Mm hod stl NL1KK MISS McDanoids who ran a

large home and had servants and leisure time to devote to volunteer work, Mrs

Tamany w ent to business1'most of her life The firs! job I remember was when 1 was it years old. she said, picking up trash in Philadelphia for S8

,i w eek I went to school in the morning and worked all afternoon

How did her parents feel about that "Well " she said, "my father was buss working and didn't have much time to know what I was doing, and my mother w as dead

Tears came into her eyes at the memory She quickly got" control of them and sal up a little straighter "But 1 got all my lessons and went on to high school she said proudly 1 was a good student

MRS T\MANA later worked as a dressmaker and garment examiner for the firm of Lewis Sticker in Philadelphia She ilesigned and made ■ lothes for 25 years at a starting salary of $30 a week That was very good money then, she said

Her husband was a conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad When they were married she said she 'hopped for weeks for her trousseau

MA l WORITF was mv wedding dress ot course she said ft was rose seersucker I got it so that i could wear it later, and I did It was my best dress for years It cos! $18. which was a lot then she said with a smile, 'but I was working and 1 had my own monev and 1 did what ! pleased

I.'CONTRARY TO statist' which claim working women don't live tong 1 Phoebe Tamany who worked for 25 years as a garment examiner and idesigner will son: be 93 She is a Meadow Lakes resident

(Stuart Crump photo1

THERE ARE senior citizens and then there are sente' citizens Jane Vic Danoids 103 a Meadow Lake resident is B imo witted and energetic woman who staff members say just keeps us an going she s an in spiratior Stuart Crump photo'

ON A d re a rv . overcast Friday morning ar Camp Kittatinny Hightstown High s band director Miltor R.chev : - i ■ tne

awesome -ask of turning 205 enthusiastic band members many of the'’ -tew into another crack marching unit

'Gerald Wolfe photo1

Coming on October 13 Duke of Wind sor Jewelers

Ear Piercing Clinic

E A R P I E R C I N Gn $13.95 o r $14.95

Free yourself from the limited selection of uncomfortable, easily lost clip-on earrings Isn't it time you entered the new and beautiful world of fashion jewelry. Price includes a pair of 14 k t gold ball earrings and a complimentary case to holdyour new earrings.Our expertly trained personnel will be on hand

E v e ry M o n d a y N ig h t 4 t o 8 :30 p .m .

'Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian)


W h e re ) , i u r t T r e a te d I ik e R n r a l f i

st Windsor Town Confer Rt 130 Eost Windsor


Ii t

T h u r s d a v . O c to b e r 2 . 1 9 7 5WINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD 7-A

Diana Cross!ey

Diana Crossley engaged to wed

Diana L Crossley (laughter of Mr and Mrs WiltUR J Crossley of Ixjwrenccvillc is engaged to be married to V I i l i u m ■ . i k • H i I ® and Mrs William Vltko oi Hight st own

The ’ rite ® « I grad rated from Lawrence High School and Mercer County Com mumfy College and is em ployed by the Princeton Ms,; < .i entei SO a I abmiogm lechnologisi

Her fiance graduated fmrn Hightstnwri High School and m <*niploy is i by the Nts i ■ •Credit I'nior league

A Mas la wedding is plan ned

ORT reviews fall fashions

Resident' an ms ited in jom their Inends and ninglilm! - a! a Fall Fashion Reviewsjxmsored to the Fast Windsor Chapter oi Women s American ORT

Fall fashions will be presented by the Mandee Shops, Cottrells s and Little Moppets on Wednesday 1 s i 8. at 8 pm at the Kreps School

Tickets are $;i and refresh rni'rHs ■,(, l; ric scr\ si Mi f unds are raised lor ORT’s School of Engineering at Hebrew Cmversits m Jerusalem For ■ ickets cail 448 H3u"

VFW honors Lions Club at dinner-dance

VFW Post 5700 wdi hold its• 24th annua! dinner dance ; Saturday 1 k-t 18 at (he post* home or Dutch Neck Road

Cocktail hour will begin at R p m , followed by a roast beel dinner served f a m 11 \-st y 1c The din net w i il tx- watered by Highlstown F. ngi ne 1 o Dancing begins at 9 p m and will feature Johnm and the Holidays

The VFW this year will be honoring the High:stow i.ions Club for its outstanding community servici President Bert Hansen will be representing thi w *nd

iept ■ | IA ivv n rve -a ant if im ' ■ '• k (1 ’ - n * a v

contact Paul Rrindock at 448 616b Mrs Judy Wiley at 799 no-, : tUihe pos M W STickets are $12 50 per person which includes an open bar

Father of three made bank v. p.

Richard P Phelan 564 Dutch Neck Road has been elected a vice-president at H an fa tu rers 11 11 v ei Trist s 41 St office in New York

Mr Phelan came to the bank m 196" and progressist throughvarious branch arat pH....its tochief ■ tarts a a® ib i o" mpiatform assistant n 1965 He was elected an assistant manager in 1965 an assistant secretan in t§CS an 1 assistanf vice-president m 19":

He is a graduate oi the American Institute oi Banking and holds a BS and ar MBA degree iron. New York University and NY I Graduate School of Business Ad ministration respectively He is married and has three children


Tb** East Windsor Society for R c i a rd ed Children is holding its annual Card and Mah Jongg Party on Monday Oct 20 sn the Parry L Drew School multi-purpose room at g 30 pm Tickets are S2.50 For further information and tickets call Nina at 448 or Lisa at +43-5595


Westmont Plaza.Cuthbert & MacArthur Rdsi q Stockade Plaza.I m Chew Landing & laurel Rds

a Springdale Plaza.>■ Springdale. Greentree




* r *o»o«

SPECIAL! I100% Cotton ant)

Cotton Blend


100% Polyester M en ’s


100% Polyester Knit


100% Worsted M en ’s


Val ues to $22 Values to $85 Values to $50 Values to $ 1 35

$088 *2888 $2488 $ 3 Q 8 8

Entire stock

Double KnitSLAX...values to $20

$ Q 8 8

Entire stock

DRESSSHIRTSvalues to $10

$ A 8 8


values to $10

$ 0 8 8


values to $12

$ 4 8 8

Western styled


values to $14

$ 7 8 8



values to $75

$ 1 8 » 8

Leisure Double Knit

JACKETSvalues to $20

* 1 ? 88

Leisure Double Knit

SLAXvalues to $15

$ 7 8 8

. A l / C T A

Long Sleeve Fancy

SPORT SHIRTSvalues to $15

J98 8

Special Group

SPORTCOATSvalues to $50


Special group Double Knit

SLAXvalues to $15


Long Sleeve

SPORTSHIRTSvalues to $10

88J 3

SAVE AT EAST WINDSOR STORE« » W m * •,k l , . A N ' W » ( . l U O « ' N H N ' - i | N W » . . : A X U . - 0 * N I PA


W IN D S O R M IG H T S H E R A L D TTiursday. October 2, 1975

social notes( ’om piled b\

'Irs Roberts Ttirlon Jr. <48-2907

Junior Girl Scout Troop 379 W|H hold its investiture

program < >ct 7 at 7 p m in Lhe Firs! Presbyterian Church. North Main Street Family and friends are invited leaders of the troop are Mrs Vi Trulson and Mrs Fa\

Drive a bargain?

% %

TOWN HOUSE CAR RENTALS INC tit the Town Hoove MotelRoute #33 it Eirt 8 N j Turnpike

P o n t ia c V e n t u r a or u m i l a r Hightstown New terse? s 1 j 9 d outomobilf *48 ?%3(M 448 2400

1 National Car Rental |




T ra ff ic s to p p t rs no path mg these Bley le doub le w oo l knits Tt'ies go smoothly wherever you go.The jacket and pants l ine up in bold plaid T he polyester shirt b le n d s u >p c lev non. Im ported bv H o o p c Associates


Members of the class of 1965 of Allentown High School, please sake note This class will hold its 10th reunion dinner-dance on Saturday evening Nov 29 a’ Village 76 Country Club m Bordentown If you are interested or happen to know someone connected with the- class please contact John Nherrarc 609 UK2 44~. bv Oct :v>

Hightstown Chapter 103, TIES, will hold its regular business meeting with balloting on Tuesday evening, Oct 7 Social hour with refreshment^ w .1; follow

Tickets are going fasti! Bob HoGrai I • i n Sasame Street is coming to Hight st own High School East Windsor 1 >R1 will sponsor two show'- at I i a m and 2 p m on Thursday Nov i s \dvanced sale reserved seats are 13 Don't wait ‘ irder tickets now so vout cluldrei dm ’ miss an exciting fun-filled show For more inform,ilior call 44H 7520

Donna Ka> and Diana Lynn Davison of Drums announce the birth of 'heir oMci i Vebbie Jo, 9 lbs 4 07 on sept 14 at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre The proud parents are Robert and Susan Davison, formerly of Fast Windsor. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs I .v ie Cass of VVvsox also formerly of East Windsor The paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ear Das sot: f ranklinStreet Hightstowr

Happy birthday greetings are u: irder tor Ernest Ben nett 111 Spring! rest Drive who will be celebrating his With- birthday next Monday Oct 6

P r in c e to n C h r is t ian Worrier ' ui ;* iv.-i coffee will lie held this month on Thursday Oct 9. at to am at the horn- ->! \udr Sn :!f 448 4674

Mr and Mr - I lonard Blake

North Academy Street, are happy to report the birth of another grandson David Michael Balek 9 It* 14 oz born Sept 14 at Yakato Hospital. Tokyo Japan The new baby has a brother Donald Lewis Blake Jr , 15 months of age The happy parents are Sgt and Mrs Donald Lewis Blake Sgt Blake is stationed with the United States Air Force in Japan The maternal grand parents are Mr and Mrs Chester Brooking of B'nwdoinham. Me

Mr and Mrs Wilbur Hut chinson. who did reside on Broad Street, were given a family farewell dinner Tuesday night Sept 23. at the home of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Froshau The Hutchinsons left last Thursday by plane for Fort Lauderdale Fla where they will join their son-in-law and daught er and thei r fam ily

At tne next regular meeting of the Autumn Club on Oct 9Mr and Mrs Jerome Setwister will show slides and tell the story of their recent six week official" tour of Russia

Mrs Margaret Mills, Crestfield Acres and Mrs Mernie Mills of Trenton at tended die World Wide Church of God Feast of Tabernacles session for eight days, which was held at Mt Pocono

The Hightstown Chapter of Full Gospel Businessmen International will hold its first dinner Thursday. Oct 9 at Coach and Four Restaurant For more information call Ed i Donnell at 448-2955

Mrs James Keegan. Stockton Street. is recuperating at. her home following surgery and two weeks stay at Helene Full Hospital She thanks all for cheer ards and flowers she recei ved

Danielle Marie Tedeseo, daughter of Daniel and Diane Tedeseo, was three years old on Tuesday, Sept 30 last Sunday she was given a party which included family pins ibese little ones her sister

Deborah. Alicia Warnsdorfer Billy Pankevich and Jennifer and Jeannene Tedeseo

Last Sunday Mr and Mrs C.E Steward Monmouth Street, had as dinner gueststheir family. 18 in all and enjoyed a very nice time together

Charlyn Robbins, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ronald Robbins, was three years old Sunday Sept 28 Helping Charlyn have a good time were Mr and Mrs Everett Grow Mrs. Catherine Nichols, Ronnie and Betty Coieman. Jimmy and Carole McGlinehy and son Jimi. Sonny Robbins and daughter Susanne Geetrge and Debbie Carson and daughter Michelle. Mr and .Mrs Harry Taylor and daughters Kim and Cheryl, and Kim and Traces Miller

Mrs William Priestley and Bill enjoyed last Sundav in MaUrwan where they visited with their friends. Mr and Mrs Charles Leslie Wood

Mr and Mrs Paul V Nau have returned to their home in Naples Fla They spent two enjoyable weeks with Mr and Mrs Levi l Lee also one week at (K-ean Grove They appreciated being taken out to several fine eating places by their relatives and friends and also meeting many old friends at church and senior citizens group

Mrs T Macula Lincoln Avenue is happy to have her daughter Mrs Joseph < anik. oi rort cauaerdaie Fla , visiting here w ith her for a few weeks

Burgerland birthday parties were heid for Stacy Fmkelstein 5 David Leonard.4, Dayy n Buccatusco. 8, Mike Keener Bflitche.i 'Weinstein,5, Lori Setzer. 6. Amy Zaslavsky 8, Brian Wilken feld. 6. Patti Stemmetz. 4, Amy Lubin 5. Beth Hyman. 7. Julie Gold, 5

The public is invited to hear a group of 16 young people this

Sunday Oct 5. at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary of the First Baptist Church Fourteen are singers, two others operate the electronic equipment Thev will perform contemporary Christian music using truth and free spirit material Mr Ronald Bennett is director

The Junior Friday Club of Hightstown was represented by 11 of its members at the 1975 State Fall Conference of Junior Membership Depart­ments of the N'J State Federation of Women’s Clubs The conference was held at Monmouth College The club members met with many women from clubs throughout the state sharing ideas and making new friends Mrs Dennis O'Neil] of the Hight stown f'lub spoke at the music workshop of the many ways the dub has participated in musical events

Francis Hopkinson Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution opened its 1975-1976 year at a luncheon at Colts Neck Inn with Mrs Benjamin Martoreili. state DAR chairmai of national defense, as guest speaker MrsMartoreli was presented with a blue or white New Jersey DAR bicentennial commemoralive towel designed by Mrs Myles Walsh state DAR chairman of bicentennial The towel features 13 New Jersey museums where DAR members tr< olunyeers For Constitution Week. Sept 17 celebration Mrs William Stults announced that exhibits have been placed in the Hightstown High School Library and the mayors of Franbury Hightstown and Englishtown have signed proclam a 11 ons rem cm tiering the occasion

The Sisterhood of Beth El Synagogue held a social tea on the evening of Sept 3 at the home of Est her Schlesinger It was plannee by Judi Goldberg-, the membership tea chair­man The 25 prospective mem tier- enjoved being escorted by sisterhood members During the course of the evening the aims and goals of sisterhood were discussed At the conclusion of the evening the women en­joyed refreshments and a special dessert For in­formation about sisterhood membership'or teas call Deb

Introducing sensible extravagance.

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At a time of MmjTvint frugahtv.Let Vakt> is vert, glad t- - present <i hftlo fxccnn luxurv

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MeixJer at 448-5581. One does not have to be a member of the synagogue to be a member of sisterhood

Alistair Cooke host of PBS Masterpiece Theatre series visited The Peddie School Sept 22 to see films produced by Peddie’s advanced film club 'Excellent, said Cooke "The techniques are very advanced Mr Cooke whose last visit to Peddie was made in 1955, complimented the school on its campus and the excellence of its facilities, particularly its new science building and its -18-hole golf course

B'nai Bn th Men s Lodge presented Dr John Hunt, superintendent of Hitfitstown East Windsor schools, with 129 ADL memo date books Masada was represented by Judy Van Praagh president of Masada, and Karen Sehuman Orah was represented by Barbara Meyers, president of Orah The men s lodge by Shelden Schlesinger. ADL

chairman Masada also presented one memo date book to the principal of the Roosevelt School Lynn Frank represented The ADL date books are to be distributed to key personnel throughout the school system



Masada and Orah Chapters of B nai B nth Women and the

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C H EES E NIPSCRACKERS. ...I6- 89C7 E T L E Y 1 0 env pkgICED TEA........... S1.59


F R O S T Y A C R E SWHIPPEDTOPPING.........9?*. 49CB R E Y E R 'S (all flavors) 1 2 GalICECREAM S1.69T A S T Y K A K E TANDY (all varieties)TAKES....?:??.?.?: 2/45CT A S T Y K A K ETANDY lall vanattaa) ea TAKES........?*. 89C

S P E C IA L S OCT i OCT 7, 19 7 5 '

far poo/rio on Iho goHickory Corn»r Road at Rt 1 30

Hightstowno rt* t a i l m n m m c til urn it m an

< 1

f h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 . LUINDSOR-HfGHTS h e r a l d 9-A

Martindell, Thompson highlight Women’s Fair

State Sen Anne C Mar ndel I i D -141 h Dist and “centlv appointed Mercer nunty Prosecutor Ann

"horn peon will speak at the ‘ omen's Fair scheduled for -aturdary, Oct 4 from 10 a m ' i 30 pm at the Hightstown -ranch of the Mercer County ibraryI be fair is sponsored by the

Own Rivers, High 1st own and ■ ast Windsor branches of the Mercer Counts Library to provide information on ‘immunity, educational, legal

medical services callable to women Sen Martindell will speak

on the current status of women in New Jersey She will be the final speaker after a day devoted to medical and legal aspects of women's lives

The topic of Ann Thomp­son’s speech is A Woman Looks at the International Woman's Year and the Equal Rights Amendment

Mrs Martindell was educated at Miss F in e ’s School in Princeton St Timothy's School in Maryland and Smith College She is a Democratic national committee member who served as chairman of the New Jersey delegation to the Domocratic national con-

D A i L T O N

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out beautifully (ut blare1 with matching skirt m camel han and wool blend The turtleneck sweater m coordinating colors looks great inside Bta/er SI 18 Skirt S64 wfatet S38

18 East State Street and

L a w r e n c e S ho p p in g C en te r

vent ion in 1972 She w as a deputy director of the McGovern Nations - ampaign and a member of the national campaign

Sen Martindell is a member of the National Democratic Committee's Charter Com mission

She was elected to her present post in 1973 In 1974 she led a successful campaign against casino gambling in New Jersey She also serves as an advisor to the Kagleton Center at Rutgers and the P r in ce ton U n iv e rs i t y Department of Politics

Before Ms Thompson's appointment as Mercer count s Prosecutor she served as a municipal court judge in Trenton She has also been a private law practice in Trenton

Ms Thompson, a native of Philadelphia, graduated with a liberal arts degree from Howard University and received a masters degree from Temple University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences She is a graduate of Howard University Law School where she was editor of the Howard l^av Review

The new prosecutor served on the Governor's Commission on Vocational Education in Correctional Institutions as vice-chairman of the Mercer County Comprehensive Criminal Justice Planning Board and as an advisor to the National Conference of Christians and Jews

She serves on the board of trustees of the Mercer ‘ ounty Legal Aid Society and a as a delegate to the Democratic Convent Maimi Beach Florida

She is a trustee <>t the New Jersey State Museum and has been appointed try the New Jersey Supreme < ourt to serve as chairman of the Municipal Court Judges and the Statewide Committee on Character

Twenty womens community nrgamzati be represented w ith and displays at the voter registration car; present

An interpreter for the <k>af will be active during Ms Thompson's speech All at tending are asked to firing their own lunch

Rummage sale in progress

A rummage sale to benefit Masada Chaptei R na B nth Women is now in progress at the First Method]si rhurch Stockton Street Hightstown

The sale will run all week Donations of used articles such as household -terns clothes and toys are welcome. The chapter wall pick ip any donations < ali 448-8TL >r 448 4912


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Jamesburg hunger walk steps off Sunday

Masada meats tonight at Kreps

The Brainerd Council of Church Women is planning a walk for the hungry Sundav or. Oct 5.

Walkers wall begin in Hightstown at 1 pm and walk to Jamesburg They wall seek sponsors to pledge money on a per mile basis and wall carry forms to he checked off as the walk progresses

The council has 14 member churches in Hightstown. Rossmoor Cranbury and Jamesburg It is planning the

walk in cooperation with the Community Hunger Appeal of Church World Service CROP The w aik wall be one

of 100 hunger walks in New Jerse\ this vear

Mrs Barbara O'Lone is president of the council and coordinator of the walk aided by Mrs Jean Thayer of the Jamesburg Presbyterian Church and Mrs Hazel DeBoise of Hightstown Baptist Church One hundred sixty- seven people participated in the 1974 hunger walk

Masada Chapter of B'nai B nth Women will meet tonight at the Hightstown Memorial Library

The program will be

presented by Lisa s Slim- nasties Refreshments will be served The meeting is open to the public For information, call 443-1680

Donna Radley wed to Donald Craver

A Prestigious


English Period Furniture. Porcelains and Georgian Silver

ft ill purchase single pieces or entire collections

C ali N o rris M cK e e at f 2 1 2 i 371-1 TOO or writeP.O Box .35, F . D . R S t a t i o n . N Y . . N Y . 10022.

Mrs. Edgar Archer Jr., was Miss Fischer

Arlene Fischer bride of Edgar Archer Jr.

1972 on in.

Air and Mrs Edgar A. Archer Sr of Hightstown wish in announce the marriage of •heir son Fdgar Allen Archer Jr to Miss Alice Arlene Fischer of LeRoy, Fans

The couple was united in

marriage at the St John Lutheran Church, Aliceville. Fans on Saturday July 19 The\ now reside in Humboldt Fans where the groom is teaching in the public school system

Donna Radley and Donald Craver both of Hightstown. were married July 26 in a double ring ceremony in the Hightstown Church of God The Reverend Vink Ivey of­ficiated

The bnde is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Radley of Wynbrook West Apart­ments

The groom is the son of Mrs Thomas Jolly Jr of Cranbury and Mr Richard Craver of Somerville

Matron of honor was Dorothy Prince of Rob- binsville the brides sister Bridemaids were Faren Foch of Hightstown. the bride s sister and Linda Chamberlin of Cranbury, the sister of the groom

Flowergir! was Jennifer Koch and ring bearer was Scott Prince Best man was Richard Craver. brother of the groom Ushers were Kenneth Radley and Charles Vasom

A reception was held at the

Old Yorke Inn Both bride and groom are graduates of' Hightstown High School The bride is employed at Jamesway Department Store and the groom is employed at Maark Corporation in Plains boro

Explorers wanted, M/F

East Windsor Explorer Post 68 is seeking new members, male or female who are eighth grade graduates or 15 years of age

The explorers are working with the East W indsor Rescue Squad in learning first-aid and training to help in emergenices The post meets every Thursday at 7 30 p.m in the district 1 Squad Building on One Mile Road Extension

For information cal! Cris Grooms at 448 1792 or Scats MatSofskv at 448-8661

E A S T W I N D S O R ’ ^



Due to popular demand...our needlepoint contest

is b a c k ! !Shou off your work

You might be a winner

Bring in your work by October 1 0 Judging will take place October 11 to 17

Call or stop in for details








HOURS:M O N D A Y 10 to 6 TUESDAY 10 to 6 WEDNESDAY 10 to 6


THURSDAY 10 to 9 :30 FRIDAY 10 to 9 :30

OPENS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, AT 10 A.M. S a t u r d a y i o to 6





Underwear sold at bazaar

The Sisterhood of Beth El Synagogue will have a bazaar at the synagogue on Franklin Street from 9 a m to 5 p.m Oct 26 and 27

All hems uiil be new There will be a selection of •'•allpaper men and boys underwear famous-maker dresses, a selection of shoes for everyone, toys and games.

Cops, dragons are at library

7 “Thursday, October 2, 1975

The Cranbury Public U k M n Will celebrate LibrWJ Emphasis Week with three programs for area residents beginning Oct 4

On Saturday . Oct 4. at 10:30 a m history's well known dragons will come together




Thurs. Eves Oct Wed. Eves Oct Won Eves Oct

2 Dec 4 1-Dec 3 6-Dec 8

C-or information a n d r e g i s t r a t i o n P r i n c e t o n A g u o S p o r t s

306 A l e x a n d e r S t r e e t 609 974-4240







143-1440floor & wall coverings, inc.

Rte. 130 ("Next to Imafine” )EASTWIN0S0R HIGHTSTOWN N.J


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Cranbury Bank style!The Cranbury Bank now pays interest from day-of-deposii to day-of-withdrawal on a 5°c Regular Savings PassbooksThat's right You'll earn a full 5% annual in terest— the highest rate the law allows us to pay— for every day 'your money is on deposit, as long as $5 or more remains m the account at the end of the quarter So no matter when you add or withdraw you II never lose a penny of interestinterest is paid and compounded on regular calendar quarters: January t April 1, Ju ly 1 and October 1 And you can Dank by mail the postage is on us!Now it makes more sense than ever to save at The Cranbury Bank. We've got plans in your best interest


The First National Bank of CranburyMain Office

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Me me e■ ' ::

obituariessinging and dancing in H You ve Seer 1 me Dragon a play for children aged four to 10 years, old performed by Creative Theatre Unlimited of Princeton The play, per­formed in the round in the Cranbury School gym. will be complete with costumes and set Puff, the Magic Dragon and the Loch Ness Monster are among the characters who involve the audience in planning a surprise birthday party lor Albert the Relectant Dragon who m turn has a special surprise for the audience Children under six years old should be ac compamed by an adult

On Tuesday evening Oct 7. at 8pm David Kraehenbuehi. composer and pianist, will perform a re< ital of music for solo piano :r the library The program will include rarely heard works of Bach as well as a selection of piano pieces by Mozart. Schubert and Kraehenbuehi

As a concert pianist, Mr Kraehenbuehi lias performed n solo recitals throughout the i ruled States and also as an ensemble player with numerous chamber music groups and soloists His most recent com [visit ion a concerto for piano four hands and or chest ra was performed in August at the Symphony School of America in Wisconsin Mr Kraehenbuehi resides m Cranbury with his w lie and lamih Following the performance refreshments will be served

On Thursday Oct 9, at 8 pm in the library Chief Ken Logan and members of the Cranbury Police Department will discuss security measures fhat community residents can take to protect their homes i. ars and bicycles from theft Locks and alarm systems will be discussed and questions from the audience will be answered

Admission to all events will be free

Knights launch RCA space trip

The Knights of Pythias Lodge 182 are launching a special program tor school age children presented by the RCA Aerospace ( 'enter at an open meeting for members their families and friends on Monday Oct 6

The countdown will begin at 8 p.m from the Roosevelt Temple

The program consists of a display and discussion of RCA spacecraft models and two movies “Fifteen Years of Weather Observation in Space and Mars The Search Begins followed by a question and answer period

\ similar program geared to adult interest is in the plan rang stages for Nov 10

For more information, contact A1 Smotroff at 443- 5645

Robert RyanRobert John Ryan Sr . 72. of

1508 Bay view Avenue, Seaside Heights and , formerly of Trenton, died Tuesday, Sept 23. at Point Pleasant Hospital

Born in Trenton, he lived here until 18 years ago He was an electrical contractor and a member of Local 269 ol Trenton Electnal Workers Union Mr Ryan was a life member of the Pennington Road Fire Company and a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Seaside Heights

Surviving are his wife. Mary Vogel Goehrig Ryan, one son. Robert J Jr of Arlington. Va three daughters Mrs. Kat henne Turner of Youngstow n 'ihio Mrs Peggy Ann Cope in Cranbury and Mrs Eileen Voorhees of South L.ike Tahoe

alii one sister Mass Margaret Ryan of Oswego, N Y 10 grandchildren and nieces and nephews

Funeral services were Friday al Orland’s Ewing Memorial Chapel 1534 Pen nington Road in Ewing

Township Mass of the Christian Burial was at the Church of the Incarnation Interment was in Ewing Cemetery

Memorial contributions may be made to the Pennington Road Fire Company or Boys Town. Neb

Funeral services were Friday from the A S Cole Funeral Home 22 N Main St Cranbury Re\ Dr Robert L Sullivan of the First Presbyterian Church of Hightstown officiated Burial was m the Brainerd Cemetery Cranbury


Bertha Skeba Eiker Dora SandMrs Bertha Skeba Eiker

56. of 35 Evans Drive Cran­bury died Tuesday Sept 23 in Princeton Medical Center

Mrs Eiker was a lifelong Cranbury resident She was employed as a cafeteria assistant at the RCA Astro Pla nt

Surviving are her husband, Franklin Eiker a daughter, Mrs Rosa.lie Moffatt of Cranbury a son John Eiker of Hightstown, four sisters. Mrs Victoria Bates of Jamesburg Mrs Mary Harris i PI Lauder-air Fla M r

Villa Brown of Cranbury and Mrs Frances Hutchinson of Hightstown a brother, Stanley Skeba Sr of Right stown and several nieces ad nephew -

r e l i g io u s serv ices

THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A A-- .. , , 8a;Hightstown 448 Q103 Reguia* Sunday ser . <; es M. Nursery and Church School through Grade 2 ’0 a rr ai' ages, Eaches Chape ' ' am 8YF Eaches Chapei C '-ape ' 15 p m

• ’ ?9 Ma1 r StTing Worship 10 a m toon Church School for 1 p m Thursday Eaches

FIRrr UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. 87 S > m0 h r v aJohn R Sowenng pastor 448-0041 Regular Sunday services Morning Wor ship, 9 30 ’ la m , Holy Communion on firs? Sunday ioma- and Senm' uMYF 7pm

i At 9 30

ST PAUL S LUTHERAN CHURCH oe Mile Road Fast W is- ler , Krych. pastor 448 8003 Regular Sunday ser - es t < •i * Adult Forum. 9 30 a rr. Morning Worship wrfh Hr,tv ■Sunday 11am

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF CRANBURY V.'anbury Rev Robm f Van Cleef pasto' 395 1737 R*u it£f Sun toy WM

Church School for all ages, 9 45 am Worship n; hM Fellowship, 6 30 p m

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Soun Mam -anb F**■.A Qutgley, minister 395-0897 Regular Sunday serv; es c-‘ • *tges. 9:30 a m Service of Worship' 9 30 11 a m Communion bott se ■ n first Sunday of the month

THF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Mr H,.,/Roben . Sullivan paste 448 0055 Regular Sunday sm • •••. service 9 S) a m (nursery provided- C hurch School Tr ditionru s**--.’• rr nursery providedi Mrjrmng Worship at MTeadow . at .••• A

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF DUTCH NECK S4.•-Mage Rd Princeton Junction Rev lamps S Weave' ;..astr'99 0/1 / Regular Sunday services Morning W irship 9 30 ’ a •• • S. ? •'-* v.a m Junior Senior High F&iiowshio. ’ p m

CHURCH Of GOO. Box 87, York Road East Windsor Rev • ve, pastor 448 9424 Regular Sunday servw as Sunday Scho 9 45 • V- •Worship. 11 a m . Evening Service. 6pm ” j#sday Prayer meet r . <• a ■ Th

30 o m udtes auxiliary !ast Monday each month

ST DAVIO S EPISCOPAL CHURCH he Peddie S <H *• 448 885' Regular Sunday services Holy Eucharist Sam

Holy Eucharist, morning prayer on first Sunday 10 a m Church v. noi a no nursery 10 a m Meadow i akes Holy tic'uviv • ast Sunday ’ i ■

BETH EL SYNAGOGUE se-va- .R-: *v H Abrsmowrtz 44 J 4454 SaPbatt sp' . es 1 - !ay • i* « •• .9 30a m

ST ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH 25 F rankim St Hightstowr Rev William J Haughney pastor Regular Sunday Masses 8 9 15 ’ y 4;.3 m Saturday. 6 30 p m Weekdays Bam 5 20 p m • 'pssions Sat mdav 3 30 to 5 p m and 7 30 to 8 30 p m

SINGLES CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. 320 N Ma.r St Hightstcw' M• H.-rmuman and Dr Rober- . Suitivar- pastors 445 * '*5- - .vices Singles Service 2pm coffee hour 3 i m s< a ; <■ : •

BETHANY GOSPEL MISSION CHAPELSt Hightstown Rev Robert Turton Ml pas'■T as Bibs message 7 30 p m

< der lonun .-i* if j r i a -48448 4596. Reg •

930WINDSOR UNITED METHODIST CHURCH v\ sf Quigley pastor 448-04'? Regut*- -ndav • ■ *a m Worship Service 11 a m

CALVARY GOSPEL MISSION CHAPELSr Windsor Res, Robert T inon Hi paste' 448 4387 Re ; . • lavLomtu'ied Morning W'i'Shtj se-mnn and Su' tav S' ‘ • i , i hildre'’ s classes 10 a m

FIRST CHURCH Of GOD Anderson Movement ''8 William S’ '-< g , v.Rev Robert Ackies pestoi 448-6S21 448 2355 Regula- ...da. so-. ■■■-t m and 8pm Midweek meeting as announced

ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Bank and Mecnau, • td -sir wn A, ;,.6 M a sell- pasto' 448 4 740 Regular Sunday services Sunday Schoo flO* ON ages wrth nursery 9 45 a m morning worship • a n evemr g s.-- ••• t- Wednesday Bible study and Royal Rangers ’ pm Thursday • ,u" Bible Study at various homes 7 p.m Youth Activities 5 p m, Saturday Praye- Meeting 7pm

LUTHERAN CHURCH Of THE MESSIAH Nassau an-' Vi v nnePrinceton Alter A Gan-ie- pa St Of 924 3642 Reguia- S Fda. SO' . < *••. Am ship 8 30 and 1 ’■ a m Holy Communion 8 30 a m first and thud Sunda-.s rd the month ''am second and fourth Sundays

Hi this is Sandie announcing the arrival of our 15Tb Ford Rpm-a-Cars. I’his \^ar we're featuring Pintos. Mavericks, Granada- and 1 orino trn- and introducing the -ports Mustang all -till at our low economical rates Mop in or i all me at

Potter & Hillman Rt 1 30, Hightstown

448-0940Why no! fry if before you buy it


Mrs Dora Sand of North Bergen died on Sep: Z? in the

Workmen's Circle Home m Elizabeth

She is survived by five children. Harrv Sand, of Hightstown Toby Levin of Rooseveli Helen Rfithsiein and Lillian Sand oJ North Bergen and Alex Sand, of River Vale



Couples club picks officers

officers were elected andthe first social mixer was setf « Nov i at the Beth El 1 ouples Club meeting of Sept18

Ron Kraft was electedpresident. Larry Lampert. 'reasurer and Karen Liss.secretary

1 ouples interested in the croup ma\ contact Ron or Rita Kraft at 443-6774. It is not necessary to be affiliated with■ ■ ora rich of the synagogue■ !>e a member of the Couple's





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• I ;U a.m. to H 00 p.m. • Sat. c* 3U a.m. to $ 30 p.m.




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The Cloches Closet Welcomes a great. bm petitor to The Market Place o f Princeton "T H E CHI L O R E N 'S O UT L E T " and also "T H E B O O K S T A L L ", the first store o f n's k ind m the Prince ton area 4ea: .- -j. o-.'er bora 5 at 20% to ff

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Gourmet Cooking Classes

Federated clubs drink tea Oct. 9

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1659 Hwy No 27. Edison N 985-2206

The .Joint District Area Women's Club Tea will be held on Wednesday, Oct 8. at the regular meeting of the Junior Friday Club of Hightstown

Area federated women's clubs expected to attend in­clude ladies from the women’s clubs of T> in Rivers East Windsor Hightstown and Cranburv ?as well as the Friday Club and the Evening Membership Department of 'he Friday -Club

The speaker for the evening will be noted New Jersey Historical Society member

Mrs site, G ra il Mri Greff a graduate of the Columbia Graduate School of A r­chitecture, serves on the Princeton Board of the Historical Society and is a member of the National Trust for the C S Scotland and the British Lsles She has w ritten a book entitled New Jersey Historical Houses \ Guide to Homes Open to the Public and her topic for the tea will be from the book

The meeting is scheduled for 8 pm at the First Presbyterian Church

Methodist planning annual Fall FairMethodist women's sewing,

crafts art, artifacts and haking will be for sale at the annual fall fair to be held at th« Hightstown Methodist Church oi Stockton Stree'



W €


a re th # o n ly fu ll *# r v ic e j e w e l r y S to re in th e a r e c A ll r % p a irs d o n e on p r e m is e s W e e m p lo y a fuII t im e je w e le r w o tc h m a k e f g o ld s m ith a n d e n g r a v e r W e s p e c ia l iz e in D ia m o n d R e m o u n t i n g T i m e xR e p a ir s a n d A p p r a is a ls

A ppran a llby »<> PO ‘ fi ’ • n f

D u k e o f W in d \ o r Jm >»• i m ' *■~h* • e y o u * f t m ate d l i k e r o y a l t y

Jamesw»yEist Wmcho' Town Center Route 130

E Windsor N J_D

Letters to the Editor always make good reading.

See page 4





IMAGINES U B S T A N T I A . D I S C O U N T S o n e v e r y t h i n g






MONOAf [hru ER ID A7 10 TO 9SATURDAY * 10 TO 5SUNDAY j ] TO 5



Friday <Xt 10 from Sam to 9 pm

Some of tire gift items in elude dalmation dog toys, teddy bears tops , turvy .dolls lamp chop puppets crocheted dolls, baby bibs strawberry pot holders, gingham and other style aprons gingham and crocheted thr"w pillows handmade slippers hand made Christmas tret' trim mings magnetu Fhrtstmas and owl refrigerator decorations

The bake table will have specialities ol many local Methodist women such as gingerbread boy cookies fudge, pies and cakes

Firemen serve roast beef in RobbinsvilleWashington Township

Volunteer Firemen will host a family style roast beef dinner Sunday Oct 12, in the Washington Room of the 11 rehouse on Route 130 in Robbinsville

The women s Auxiliary will cook and serve the dinner continuously from 1 p m until fi Tickets are $4 v for adults and $:i :=>(i children Takeout orders are $8 All proceeds go to the Washington Volunteer Firemen Inc Tickets may be purchased from any Washington Fireman or b\ c a l l i n g 259 7900

B! II U lO tt l \B

A workshop lecture on behavior modification for

children will be sponsored by the Mercer Chapter of the N j Association for Children with Learning Disabilities on Thursday Oct 16. at 8 p m at the Lawrence Neighborhood Service ('enter 295 Eggerts Read wrei ■ • • l i

Little pitchersLinda Galvin ' Belle Meade talks price on an antique Lustre pitcher with Jeannette Rue of The Collet mint d u r in g last weekend’s fifth annual antique show and sale sponsored by the Hightstown Woman s Club Proceeds of the two-day event go to c iv ic and scholarship projects of the lub (Mark Czajkowski photo)

T' offers basketball swim, holiday activities

The H ig htstow n East Windsor YMCA has an nounced its new fall-winter community recreation swim and basketball program, plus several new youth and school holiday activities

Beginning Wednesday Sept 74 through Sunday Dec 19 recreation swimming and Uisketbull programs will be offered on Wednesday and Fnd;r- evenings from 8 to 9 30 p in and Sunday from 3:30 to fi to pm . at the Y facility Individual dip tickets are available at the \ offices for pool activities while basketball players need only pay at the door

Therapeutic -.wim a half hour set aside for " Y " memlters recuperat itig from surgerx or illness as recom

Local philatelists to sell and swap

The Hightstown Fast Windsor Stamp < lub wall hold a sell and swap night on Tuesday , Oct 7 at 7 30 p.m in iheSt Anthony Church Hall on Maxwell Avenue in flight stown

The publtt ..nd new memU." a >■ Pod

mended tty their personal physician meets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from ■ to to noon Sept. 22 through Dec 19

Recreation programs will be ..Hived between 2 30 and 4 30

HOME DECORCurtains Draperies Bedspreads Lampshades


v/nsmw/i/AV/EAf ilUEMi:

I ♦ c.


Now thru Oct. 18V / S T A W £ A V f W o v e n W o o d s a n d W o v e n

A l u m i n u m s o re e s p e c i a l l y de s i g n e d to c r e a t e t h e d e c o r o f y o u r c h o i c e Y / S T A W f A Y E S o i l e r t h e l a r g e s t s e l e c t i o n o f c o l o r c o m b i n a t i o n s a n d l e t l u r e s l o r e l e g a n c e a n d b e a u t y to s e t y o u r h o m e a p a r t a n d w i n c o r n p l i m e n t s o n y o u r o r i g i n a l i t y a n d H a i r

Also 20% off custom m a d e d r a p e r i e s by W a v er ly D e c o r a t o r In du s tr ie s G a r d i s e t t e . P e r m e l A n j u Fabric and Stuart c u s tom by R o b e r t s o n R e a d y m a d e d r a p e r i e s b y Burl ington H o u s e Co r t le y Ti lburv fabrics.

u u u u > r cWs s s u m / fytnn Holbfc P o m s U wt»\ C y«cC ^ & I ocJ k . S r u x o U d , < u id L

C*ki<4~ dvw^.

Hightstown Grange to mark centennial

Hightstown Grange 96 will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Friday, Oct 10 at 8 p.m at the Hightstown Grange Hall North Main Street

National Master John W Scott from Washington D C. will be the guest speaker for the evening William Schlectweg Sr . state master and national grange officer will also be present and bring greetings from the New Jersex State Grange

Master Maitland Dey will give the address of welcome Asa T Davison Jr past master and past Pomona master, will introduce the special guests

Past Master David John Mulligan will give the history of Hightstown Grange and will be the master of ceremonies In the early days Hightstown Grange held its meetings over the old post office building on the second floor of Lite Old

one-hour periods and fees, call the "Y "

A new pre-school program for special youngsters is under consideration For the past three years. the local association has conducted a

[i m each half-day between l e a r n in g d i s a b i l i t i e s Sept 23 and Dec. 17 Super recreation center forised basketball and swim youngsters in our community

nung recreation activities will In evaluating this program it be available became evident that sub

Special school holiday stantial improvements in program s will be conducted on gross motor skills and social , I \m n |3 and 14 at values were very evident in

'he A facility Youngsters pre-school youngsters■>. super ised t . both Withfeis io mind the 'Y is

recreation swimming and now investigating thelaskethall each day from 2 30 possibility of extending Ru­in 4 iti pm program to a twiee-a-week

Senior swim a program of preschool activity under recrea tiona 1 swimming for professional leadership irea senior citizens, will meet Anyone with a child who might• : ’ Monday Wednesday and benefit from this program.• riday from noon to 1 p.m should call the YMCA.sept 22 through Dec 19 “ Y ” For further informationmembership is required for about these programs, fees or participants any of The local YMCA’s many

For tennis buffs the Y ” year round programs area ,i ill make its indoor single and residents should call the "Y ioubles -ourt available to both at 448 13 5 7 or 443-6110 or stop in members and non-members at the offices in the ’A Mills on weekdavs when no program Memorial Gymnasium on the is using the facility For in- Peddie School Campus in mrm.ition regarding available Hightstown

Hightstown Trust Company building and at the Hight stovyn Country Club The present grange hall waserected in 1935

Entertainment will be provided by a vocal group from the Hightstown High School Music Department and a dance group from Sandie Savoy’s Talent Center from Fast Windsor

All past masters, officers, and members of HightstownGrange, and officers and members of New Jersey State Grange. Pomona ( ’.ranges, and .subordinate granges are invited to this celebration

LOSE WEIGHT THIS WEEKNf« cl.nicji lexis completed »! t

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O D M N E X contJim an hunger timer that suppresses tne appetite Enjoy three good meals a (*«y as the tiny O D R IN E X taWel auto matically helps you eat less without being hungry With fewer calories, you weight goes down Safe taken as directed will not make you nervous

Look better feel better as you star' slimming down today with O D R IN E X Satisfaction guaranteed or money bac*

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I)r Let>n .! Buteau

Dr. L. Buteau is full professorDr Leon J Buteau of 65

l4ohasco Road, a member oi New Jersey Institute of T e c h n o 1 o g y s phys ics department. has been promoted to Lhe rank of full professor

Dr Buteau has been with New Jersey Institute of Technology since 1959 He holds degrees from NJ1T. Stanford University and ihe University of Florida

He is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and ihe American Institute of Mining. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers

Kreps student is Bat MitzvahMichelle Rodin daughter of

Dr and Mrs Jerry Bodm. East Windsor, will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday 1 >ci 4 ai Beth FI Synagogue

Michelle will chant a portion from lti< Prophetic Book of Samuel She will also par ticipate in conducting the Fridas evening Sabbath service

Rabbi Roy Abramovitz will address Michelle during fhe service Presentations will also be made by represen­tatives of the synagogue sisterhood and men’s club

Michelle is a student a! the Melvin H Kreps School where she has received honors She also plays the flute in fhe school band

At Beth FI Synagogue. Michelle is a member of fhe Kadima Youth Group

PI \N(s It EOT \! S

The Pioneer Women are sponsoring .. piano recital by Dr Arnold Popkin at the Hilton in Hightstown on Sunday Not 2 at 1 p.m Refreshments will be served alter the recital Tickets can tie reserved by calling 448- 0363 +18-4159 or 448-2008




Redken PH ProductsM en 's C usto m M ade }- W ig s and H airp ieces

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PETE GARIBALDI K'<j T im Banlex h :int; town Vikmq quarH-rt)HC an tj 0 victory Stuan Crump photo'

Rams run Vikings to 8-0 lossn\ Hill \pplegalr

Sports f* di-Uir

Many nachis (eel (hat a wet soggy field is the great equalizer in football Tn them last Saturday ■ Hightstown South Brunswick clash proved their point

The home standing South Brunswick Vikings o- 2 a heavy underdog by several ... gam* estin ites hi I Hu

Rams scoreless for three periods before a final quarter touchdown gave Hightstown an n-<i victorv Touted tailback Dana Shelton scored the w inner's 11) on a one y ard run on the fourth play ol the last period

Shelton s mx pointed capped an XT yard .to play drive that began midway through the third stanza The talented senior whiz, who was held to lust nine yards rushing in lh< first half but exploded for 121 yards m the second half r-arried 14 times in the s1 oring •nareh and picked up yards

Hightstow a register#xi sever first downs in tin winning drive which look plat <■ ent irely on the ground The biggest gainer in the,trek was a 15 . order tn Shelton who laterraced to yards he give Hie Rams a first and goal to go at the Vikings three yard -.tripe

Shelton then husted to the one before being slopped at iht same point on the next play However lx- bucked into the end zone for the TD on third down and rjuarterhack Mike Radies fired a two-point conversion pa wing! i -Brian Ishman to complete the' scoring

Tlve long march was set up when Hightstown defensive end Bill Dekovitch thwarted a

Viking march on their first posse i ii 4 Ihi m 1 hall South Brunswick's Jan Blazewski had recovered a Ram fumi • at the 28 and the

king ed to the invader's eight yard line* tefore Dekovitch threw quarterback Rick Nasden for a five-yard loss on a fourth down play

Suutt Bt .rise tel got its hands on the tel! only once more in the game It took Hightstown s kickoff following its touchdow r and reached 'hi winner s 4K before being torced to punt The Rams aga 11 ised their hall-control offense and retained the pigskin the rost of the game

Hightstown almost pushed across the filial-second score but Shelton w$s stopped on ttn two yard line as 'In- final gur. sounded We were just tig to hold on to the fxill and run out the clock.'" admitted Ran offensive coa|h Don Colbert

B u t i l l k V • fX 're lo s e-O w ' • eri to Stick anothi*t onein "

The two clubs. tought on almost equai terms ii tlx I • • half w,ith Hightstownoutgaining die home tean n

tftf • 1st:man :g yarns and fullback Darrei . tap • y a rds

ed thi aulk of tlx s. first half yardage while Biasewsk ■ prds ed tht Vikmg tei amers

Hightstown threatened to on n *ui veparab a

■ thejfirst aid f- ■■ I quarters moving to the V V ■29. 13. 18 afd is-yard lines l>e I ore tx*ing! stopped South Brtinsw ic t|’ s d e e p e s I penetration on the other hand w .is Hily tn: Uh* visitor s iti which came on a march after di* opci nt kickod


H 1C -• •* hi r Mika Radios evades a would be South Brunswick tackier n to throw for a 13 yard gain

!Stuan Crump photo*

"Th< ? up for us.-’eonfessed Ka m head coachDave Mclntiri: following the­ga me Theire's no doubtabout that ’ ( Ring offensiveline blr1 X' klr'l L y his club as thediffer? nee i n tlx- game hestated offensive linedidn't block 'tx x .n !ht*\should in the first half Butthey iround m thesecondi half "

Another ke\ was a halftimest rate* by the Hightstown staff to help stop South

Brunswick's running game which piled up 97 first half sards We made a defensive change to stop their option pla\ Mclntire said ‘We covered the pitch man wiLh ■xir end and brought our linebacker up in the gap to over the quarterback

the move more than paid off as South Brunswick managedb . ■ ■■ tit:1 yards « the groundin the second 16 minutes of,ii 1 a c

it \ M It V M B ! ! \ 1. s

Baby Rams lose it in closing secondssouth Brunswick scored or a

one yard touchdown run with approximately to seconds remaining in the contest to cop ii thrilling 12-8 freshman' football victory over Hight shown s Bai ■ ton Monday i the season opener for txith teams

The Viking yearlings had taken a ft o lead in the second quarter on a 35-yard TD jaunt

and made it stand up until late .r* • he third per >»! Hightstow: then grabbed the advantage when lullback Craig Deckel rambled 57 yards to paydirt ball ■and then bucked in for thi two point come.ijsiur to give ‘he : ■ t. home club ah B-fi lead Tlx* wi

t ball totfta using a brilliant goal mai

line stand “ to stop South play and Brunswick, fiiich had a first m the a


and goal situation on. the Hightstown two yard line early m the fourth quarter the Baby Rat:, nulrtn ‘ move the Dili am: were forced to punt

deep in their own

nne* the

on 20-

moved t he­ard line

vard passpass interference call id zone to set up the

deciding score

For Hightstown. tailback i .one < ook. quarterback Kevin Rauseher 78 yards passing lullteck Decker 64 yards rushing! and tackle John Nicola starred offensively On defense end Dave Kaplan, track Bob Gunnell mon- sterman Decker and safety < ook excelled

the sports scenebs B i l l \ p p l e g a t e

Sports t r111or

Poor playng conditions, resulting from last week's torrential rains forced postponement of the entire four-game Pop Warner slate scheduled for the H FV3 area s quartet of Clubs

Ail four will be made up at the end of the regular season

In the meantime, both the H EV. Midge! and Pee Wee squads w ill turn their attention to this Sunday s crucial games which could make or break their respective seasons Both Ram clubs will travel to Old Bridge to engage a pair of teams with their sights set on their respect titles in the Southern Divison of the Middlesex Count*. Conference

win b) the H-KV> Midgl '- (2-1 * this weekend s < ritical il the R.mis Spec! to remain m the Northern Div.son flag chase • lid Bridge 3 I which has lost only to powerful Matawan 736. heal teurence Harbor 20-0. last Sunday and should give =the Rams quite test

Wi re ready noted Ran. Midge ivrch Frank Terltei We want ‘hi- one bad' We’re

gonna split “’em

Before the midget struggle, first-yea' skipper Phil Pullts will send tits unbeaten and unmoored on Ran, Ptx- Wee eleven tn quest of its fourth straight win. Coming off a 26-0 trimph over Laurence Harbor, Old Bridge .(3-0< 11 will be out to protect' its undefeated

markIt should

douhleheaderhe luite

against new Publications the schedule

entry Triangle 10-11 to round out

The H-KW Flag Football tea gut* was another of the mans circuits which had its

late postponed on Sundav the HHS athletic fields due

to last week - t onstanl rains Soggy and wet renditions forced the three-gam< ard to be postponed until Nov 16

This Sundav ’h* loop swings dark inti retain ><■1 th a,not her three-gar e lUU ■ i| *

Hightstown Post 48 !tangles with Midway

Liquors 0-P and Manalapan 0-1 battles (.olden Coach

Diner 1-0 Then at 11 30 a m Hilton Inn ! 0* squares off


a m 0

.And a final reminder that this Saturday the H-FW B a s e b a l l M a n a g e r ' s Association will hold its tryouts for the 1976 season at Hancock Field, beginning at noon

Youngsters between the ages of nine* and 15 years old may partuepate in the program which is divided into three divisions

For further information call either Richard Camisa 443 44611 or F.d Williams 443 4817i

Hightstown s offensive line played much better in second half but still didn't look as sharp as it did in three pre Season tilts Shelton c ra s h e r ; 'he 100-yard barrier for the loth consecutive game with 130 yards on Ti carries He broke the school record by going oy er the mark in all nine aontests Si*-' fail m> each game lx- goes over the 100- sard figure he adds to the standard Radies connected 'in four of eight passing at tempts for 68 yards while having one aerial intercepted by Brunswick s Eliot Runyon Blazewski led Viking runners with 53 yards on 14 tries while Spady 50 yards and Ishman 40 yards trailed Shelton in that department for the Rams Spady topped all receivers with three catches (or 58 yards Hightstown piled up 19 first downs to the loser's total of seven and ac cumulated 291 yards in total offense to South Brunswick's 134 yards The Rams also showed their dominance by running 60 plays to the Vi kings 35 and by not having to punt all afternoon

Falcons nestIn spite of the inclement

weather the Falcon cross­country team managed to slosh to another victory, defeating Pingry School on home mud 18-39

Peddle secured the first four positions with ease as Steve Ranson won the race in 14 25 Paul Mucciarone Steve Caputo and Joe Lee followed Ranson in the slippers victory leaving Peddie with a 2-0 record James Calloway. Bruce Buntschuh and Dan Bulk ended in strong con­tention helped the team to an uncontested win

The team will be competing against its strongest threats of ,he season this Wednesday Del hart on School from Morristown The northern prep school acquired a strong high school runner who is believed to give the Falcon captain Ranson. a good race.

SOMBER FACED offensive guard Jeff Axelrod watches his defense hold South Brunswick . ireiess

NowUncle Sam will send your Social Security Check directly

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The a l l s e r v i c e b a n k t h a t l o o k s o u t f o r y o u


Thursday, October 2. 197.”> WINDSOR MIGHTS HERALD

Defensive mistakes cost Falcons victoryb\ Bill Applegate

Sports Kditor

Par the second consecutive week, Peddie School's varsity football team made untimely errors and they were the

deciding factor as Franklin Township registered a 14-6 verdict over the Falcons on the winner's field Saturday

We made three mistakes in defensive alignments, confessed losing skipper Bob

Monahan and they cost us We just beat ourselves with breakdowns They only had four plays that went for 10 yards or more he said

Unfortunately two of those plays were running plays by

the Warriors talented half back Jeff Brown The senior speedster took off on scoring jaunts of 38 and 41 yards to help Franklin open its 1975 season on a winning note

Brown's first touchdown came with 4 10 to go in the first quarter on an off-tackle play and the swift back almost duplicated the effort with his second score which was produced after 4 50 of the second period Bob Dressel booted the extra point after both of Brown s TT) s

Peddie got on the scoreboard early in the second stanra to cut the home club's margin to 7-6 Falcon quar lerback Pete Harris sprinted 34 yards to paydirt to narrow ihe gap but the prepster's try for the extra point failed, leaving them one point shy

We moved the ball real well, " commented Monahan, referring to the- Falcons' total of 196 yards rushing and 76 yards passing We pushed them all over the field he continued 'especially from the 20 to the 20 We just couldn't get a break when we needed it

Peddie tailback Pete Seavey had his second straight fine performance as he rushed for 92 yards on 22 carries to give him 196 yards running for the season Harris meanwhile

added to the laser's attack by completing eight of 12 passes and running the option play excellently

Despite the setback Monahan also praised his defensive unit That part of our game improved tremendously this week We

almost intercepted three passes he stressedLinebacker Tim Galvin and Harris, playing at the safety post were cited for their play on defense while guard Paul Davies of Cranbury received high marks for offensive work

With another tough battle

expected this Saturday when the Falcons make their 1975 home debut against always tough Malvern Prep, Monahan remains undaunted I'm confident The kids have a real good attitude and we know wer re going to whip somebody real soon now

CARDUNER'S U qur Store



G r a n d V i m d e G r a v e s

Located just south of the Great MEDOC region is located the equally famous

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GEORGE AND S tuart Field let the bubbly fly after they and their teammates took the B Division t rown from Carvel Sunday

M ark Iz a ik , jw sk ; > t

Sporting Goods takes 'B' crown in threeOvercoming an early 3-0

deficit. Fast Windsor Sporting Goods went on to am 8-3 triumph over Carvel (hat enabled the winners io capture their first H-EW Slo-PHch B Division title last Sunday

KWSG which compiled a 24- 1 record overall this year and finished with 20 straight wins swept the best of five chart)

pionshi p series three games to non* rrailing 1-0 after four and one half innings the champs tallied two runs in the bottom of dhe fifth to pull closer and then erupted for six more markers in the sixth to sen up the title

led Van Pelt hurled an eight-hitter to register the victory while his teammates

backed him with a 15-hit assault The victim ot KWSG s onslaught was losing pitcher Walt Adbuqurqut

While the winners are now enjoying their newiv in quired crown by capturing the B Division championship they must move up to the tougher A Division next season ac­cording to league rules

pigskin picksby Kill \pplegale

Sports Kditor

A 1-1 record last week still left me one o,ime beiovk the 509 mark • 1 2 after two weeks oi the season This can 1 goto lorever I'm still pointing for a 10-wincampaign

HIGHTSTOWN at Allentown With a dry field, the Rams's red-shoed back field should get a workout this Saturday Allentown, although expected to be slightly stronger than last fall when it completed its second straight winless

season appears to he no match for the locals But then neither was South Brunswick Still Hightstown 38, Allentown (I

PFIHMF vs Malvern Prep the Falcons are due A club as good as ■-kipper Bob Monahan's has to snap out of It soon This could be the week even though Malvern is a perennial Pennsy prep school power with a veteran team lack that stomped Peddie Iasi ye „ 4; 13 Remember'1 How about Peddie 17 Malvern 13

The Franklin State

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ty telephone,ife tim eyou moved your m oney toFranklin State Bank

'Sloppy' hooters 3-0 on season

Despite having won his first three games as Hightstown High s new varsity soccer boss Sam Turner still feels his elub is not playing up to its potential

Even alter the Rams destroyed visiting West Windsor < 0-2) by a 5-0 score on Monday for its third straight success of the young season Turner frankly stated, We were very sloppy We should have had 10 goals

Junior wing Shawn (onion tooted home the winner's rut 1 a mills :,ist four minutes

into the ball game and later added the final tally of the laj in the fourth quarter Senior lineman Mike Coons also rang the scoring bell twice, as he connected m the second and

third periodsOne of only two returning

Ram lettermen. soph Gradv Ivins banged in HHS's other goal in the third quarter to round out the scoring Hightstown goalie Jeff Kteh was called on to make onl\ five saves in :b< net to turn in his second straight shutout

The Ram' h.i e now out scored 'neir opponents R-i in their three w ins with Coons the leading goal-getter w ith three scores

Alter travelling to St An- ihom - tor a 3 45 p m battle tomorrow Hightstown must then tackle perennial power Lawrence under the Mercer County Park lights next Monday at 7 30 p.m

Ramettes trounce Monroe 13-0

Ten different players hif the scoring coiunrn on Tuesday a s the Hightstown High field hockey team (2-0) recorded a 13-0 decision wer host Monroe Township 0-1

The defending Mercer County champion Ramettes scored almost at will against the young Monroe club, which was" participa>ink in lts first field hockey game ever

Ellen Davison tallied twice to spark the w inner's nine-goal first half onslaught while Linda Dey Sissy Muse Lillian Muse. Margaret McCormick

Sue Patterson, Ellen Bradley and Pam Mundras also scored once each

In the second half, Tricia Bradley and Brenda Scott both knocked in two markers apiece to round out the scoring

This afternoon at 3 30 p.m Hightstown returns to action by visiting Allentown High inwhat should be a tough challenge for the Ramettes

T h e y ' r e ; g o o d acknowledged HHS coach Jeanne Heikes 'They always are "

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Single unscrambled monthly statementIt shows vour ch ecks in the sam e order m which you wrote them And can include all transactions on all your accounts

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We a1 Franklin State B a n k peheve you should be able to move money from your savings account to your checking account anytime you want. Simply by placing a phonp call to the bankWhen it's time to pay a big bill, you ve been saving up for a call to the bank should be enough to transfer the money into checkingIf you have to write a check fast, call the bank to make sure you've got enough in the accountPhoneTransferab hty! it's a privilege you should have these daysAnd so we ve included it in our new All Together Banking the all-m-one service that makes it easy for you to control your moneyYou can include any or ail of these features in your All Together Banking program And it's altogether F R E E

If your present bank isn ; doing all of this for you, come in and talk it over with us We II show you how to really put your bank to work for you

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Twenty-S". offices serving Somerset Union Midd'esex Merce- ana Monmouth counties

Easi Wiodso’ ?4 F'in' etoo Hightstown Road 609 443 6262

1 4 -A WINDSOR H/GHTS HERALD Thursday, October 2. 1975


McGraw-Hill men join ‘MR FIT'Approximately 180 men

between the age? of 35 and 57 employed by McGraw-Hill have agreed to participate in a federal heart attack prevention program being conducted locally by Rutger' Medical School

The’ program represents the first nationally-coordinated, i nntrolled prospective studs of its kind in the United States

Rutgers is one ot the 20 centers throughout the country that .ire recruiting asympton.a>:' m iddle-aged men for a ' iv .ear -tody iciest the premise tha' lowering blood pressure lowering serum cholesterol and e l i m i n a t i n g s m o k in g cigarettes n g a " and pipes can curt the nation s epidemic of heart dieast

The study nicknamed MR 1 i ‘ for Multiple Risk ¥ actor Intervention Trial. will initially screen half a million middle aged men ihroughoul the 'country From this group : z non men. 600 at each center, v.ho have no symptoms of heart diease, but who are in 'he top 10 per cent in terms of coronary risk profile will be selected to continue ,n the six

year studyThe M cGraw Hill employees

a ill be pari of a group of 20,000 men from local organizations and companies whose risk for d e v e lo p in g p rem atu re oronary heart disease will be

assessed by Rutgers per sorrnel

Half the men selected for further evaluation will be referred to their usual sources

ifor medical ere for hiep m reducing their coronary nsk The other half will be provided with intensive educational and medical programs to help them lower their risk Tlte intervention programs will include nutritional guidance smoking cessation clinics, drugs and diet for lowering blood pressure, and group and individual counseling

The USA 2-01 took over undisputed possession of first piace in the Senior Division of the HUB PAL Little Kicker’s Soccer League on Saturday with a 4-2 w in over Scotland U 1 West Germany 1 1-1 > moved into a second place tie in the same loop with a 1-0 squeaker over Brazil 0-2 >

Rich Rousseau booted home two goals and Kevin Cooper and Jeff Hill also found the scoring range for the USA dub while Greg Dunn and Randy Hicks tallied Scotland's two goals West Germany got its winning tally from the foot of Brian Carduner to hand Brazil its second straight loss

In the Junior Division of the league. Stewart's Root Beer (2-0) trimmed Hightstown Stationery 1 i 2-0 to grab the early lead in that circuit Meanwhile Elk’s Lodge 11 bombed Golden Coach Diner (0-2) 5-0 in other loop play

Two markers by Ron Inglisha plus the defensive play of Robbie Miller Steve Wilkie and Scott Cottrell paced Stewart’s to its tnumpb offsetting the effort’s of the loser’s lan Cooper and Steve LaMagna Also Kevin Stanton tallied twice and teammates Dave Rottino, Mike Wallace and Brian Krall also found the range for the Elk s while Same Beaver and Greg Capps ex­celled in defeat

Marty Egal leads HHSover ND

► 5 *tU /j . 0a - iAJ

Unbeaten Marty Egal toured the three-mile Hightstown High cross country course in 14 16 to pace the Rams 5-01 to a 17-38 triumph over Notre Dame 1- 1 on Tuesday

Egal, who hasn’t been pushed yet this season, got plenty of assistance from teammates Yal Ghckman second 14 47 Scott Jenkins third, 15 22 5 Pete Bingham fifth 15 29 5 and Arnold

Mavberg sixth, 15 30 Notre Dame’s best finisher was Lionel Ellis, who placed fourth with a 15 26 clocking

Hightstown’s only other scheduled meet Iasi week, on Sept 24 at Trenton, was postponed due to the heavy rains that hit the area No new date has been set yet to make it up The Rams return to action tomorrow afternoon when they host Allentown at 3 3fl p m



White Supply Lasts


H i g h t s t o w n N J

O n e end at a time, p l e a s e !ds as she s heid soli at th' front while she gets her

o D"" ires Beii The: abies clinic was the annual tree C.-M;t wsk. (jhoto

Hot Line needs good listeners

11 Piece Socket Set 3/8' Square DriveStandard or Metric

• Dne Quality steel• Heavy Chrom e Plate Finish• Reversible Ratcnet• A" Poouiar S'ze Sockets- Special Spark Plug Socket• Socket Extension• Heavy Meta1 Tool Case• fully Guaranteed

Similar Sets Sell For Up To $27

Now Onty



Hot Line is seeking voiun leers to train as telephone listeners

This community service provides help tor people with problem' in the Hightstown East H ind ot iri m sail at Princeton

Anyone with a problem that 'eerns too big to handle can all 448 1144 any night between

the hours of 8 and 11 All calls are strictly confidential

For further information on the training program, residents should rail the Hot lane number and leave their name and telephone number

That's no hat trickWhile it may seem that RCA engineer joei 8acher is pulling a rabbit out of a hat, actually he is ad|usling a propulsion thruster on an new communications satellite The thrusters- the RCA Satcom carries 12-are designed to enable the spacecraft to maintain correct attitude control after it has achieved’ a 22.000-mile synchronous orbit over earth RCA's Astro Electronics Division is building three of the satellites for the second phase of the RCA Satcom domestic communications satellite system scheduled for service in the US'n 1976

E x C€ •llent F acilities • Indoor & Outdoor Courts Reasonable Rate*- • Professional InstructionMonday through Saturday Mornings, 9 to 1

Adult InstructionGroup or Priv ate Lessons

Indoor Courts for RentO c to b e r th ro u g h Moy M o n d o y through Sundoy Mornings and Evenings

FOR INFORMATION CALL:448-8480f R: 30 H.m. — 2: .'(0p.rn. (


YOUTH BASEBALL LEAGUE(Form erly H ig h tsto w n B aseb a ll M an ag ers A sso c ia tio n )


October 4, 1975 12 P.M.(R a in d ate O c t o b e r 11)

Hancock Field

Youth League, Ages 9 12 Babe Ruth League, Ages 13 • 15

Children 8 years of age, or those 16 years of age prior

to August 1,1975, are ineligible Each child must Bring

birth certificate to tryouts


For further information Contact Mr. Camisa, 443-4461

Li t t le Kickers scorecard

Pl'tf* Rost*

Norelco signs Charlie Hustle’Cincinnati Reds outfielder

Pete Rose also known as Charlie Hustle lor hts

p e r p e t u a l motion during baseball games will be ••eat ured m on advertising

in p ata promoting the lamp and fixture products manufactured by North American Philips Lighting 1'nrporatmi. Hightstown, a 'U b s id ia r y ot North American Philips

\ 'cries of-four-color inserts leading Hade magazines,

ml headlined We ll Hustle Harder will be the main o.i usi ol the new campaign, .unci at increasing Norelco s ■hare of the industrial and omniemul lighting market

East W i n d s o r

A u t o Body


U S. HIGHWAY 1 30 H IG H TS T O W N 448 5025


SERVICE CENTER< < iiu p lrtr h runt I mi

U i i l i im . fM iiu d utir>)\ naimi .uui i i* • lmni<

\\ hu> i Baiatu tfijji c i r r i . M o to r l u ll. I |>

Hightstown freehold Rd1)1 A I I IK-1 "ill.!

The Creative TheatreI nl united open house post poned last week because of weather conditions, will be held Saturday Oct 4. fromII to am to 1 p.m

Interested students youngand old are invited to come to the Old School Building on

“•Main Street. Cranhury, to teieet tin staff browse through books and materials on the program and to have refresh merits

Creative Theatre will offer six weeks of classes for children and adults this fall under the auspices of Gran bury Landmarks Classes begin Wednesday Oct 8 Instructor Florence Falk explains that her classes will include theatre games Various movement and acting exercises to encourage imagination and positive self ex pi ession, She will be . i .,c -t the open house t<

,irawer m e t ion s and to discuss her courses

The open house will im mediately follow Creative Theatre's performance 'if a children's play, 'If You've s; m One Dragon," sponsored hy the Cranhury Public Library

For more information on the open house and registration call Ms Maybubeh Stave at 395-0711. Ms Falk at 924-5070 or.Creative Theatre at 924 ■-rtf-* realise Theatre - non profit creative arts program based in Princeton

( \MSTEH (A M P \H,\

f is! U uds..' . hapier of ' .xi' ''* ' ..r'' holding itscanister campaign on Oct h. 9 and lo Volunteers are needed to -.hake tans and collect money outdoors Call Anita at 448-6051





Or-Mt sum ti qroatly reduced p r ic e s—all yours at Ju s ' Men H undreds to choo se fro m -p ic tu re d here C asu a l Je a n Denim with hi-style tr im : Ele- gant j-p it . e all wool with vest. Le isu re su its in the la test fash io ns and fa b r ic s—all at up to 60°c off regular retail p rices .

pnneeton • m ataw an • w aynev<>| '<•' ana B»-«ara*- ' • Acceoied

For something you've never heard before. Call

Toll-Free-Frieda. 800-822-9703


Thursday, October 2, 19 ' WINDSOR MIGHTS HERALD 15-A

Pass play gives Jayvee 8-0 win

A second period touchdown ind a two-point conversion toodupfor Hightstown High sayvee football team on Monday afternoon as the Hams scored an 8-0 opening lay victory over visiting South Brunswick

hnd Mitch Robbms caught a 23-yard scoring pass from 'fuarterback A) Hausherr for 'he game's lone 71) and then hooked up with quarterback Bob Spearman for the PAT Following that the defensive units took over for both dubs

Leading Hightstown’s top

sports ca lendarThursday Oct. 2

HHS Soccer Frosh vs Fisher Jr High. 3 45 pm home iH HS Field Hue ke . V arsity

& JV vs Allentown, 3-30 p m away).Peddie Soccer Varsity vs

Pingry, 3 33 p m home

Friday Oct 3

HHS Football Frosh vs Law renceville, 3 45 p m away).HHS Soccer Varsity vs St

Anthony's, 3:45 p m ’ away and JV vs St Anthony s, 3 45 pm (home

HHS Cross Country Varsity vs Allentown 3 30 p m homeHHS Field Hockey Frosh

vs Cnee Jr High, 3:45 pm 1 home

Peddie Cross Country Varsity vs St Anthony 's 3 45 pm (home

Peddie Field Hockey Varsity vs Notre Dame JV. 3:30 pm 'home

Saturday, Oct t

HHS Football Varsity vs Allentown, 2 pm away

Peddie Football Varsity vs Malvern Prep, 2 p m home

Little Kicker s Soccer Senior Division I SA vs A est Germany and Scotland vs Brazil Both games at 10 a m al HHS Junior Division Hightstown Stationery vs Elks' Lodge and Stewart's Root Beer vs Golden Coach Diner Both games at II a m at HHS

Pop Warner Football East Windsor Fogles Micros vs lseiin. 11 15 a m home1 ad H ig h t s t o w n C h a r g e r s Micros vs Old Bridge 11

a m -away

FSB offers Social Security direct deposit

As the result of new government regulations Franklin State Bank w ill begin direct deposit of Social Security checks

Customers can authorize the bank to collect ru'xithly Social Security checks and have them deposited into an ac count al Franklin State

Franklin State Bank will guarantee that the check will be credited on a specific dale • egardie** oi It) lenientweather travel or illness

.1 \m i s ;\j \so\

The contrasts between Royal India, before Indira Ghandi’s rise to power and the e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f Parliamentary Democracy in India, are explored in a play Autobiography of a Pnn

cess, a Special of the V> eek which will be telecast Tuesday. Oct 14 at B p m on Charnels 23. 50 52 and 58


All Popular-Makes Reasonable Rates


Ai M Jeisfor Sale Other makesavailab'r


29b 1131___________

outdoor scenetroops was tackle Scott Snvder who recovered three fumbles and blocked a punt Another top defensive per former for the winners was tackle Pete Katsauros before the 213-pount Soph suffered torn ligaments in his left knee in the fourth quarter He was to be operated ofi Tuesday and he will miss the rest of the season

Also helping to stymie .South Brunswick were linebackers Gappy Deckej- and Paul Hewitts plus neweman George Stefanko

SundayjfOct. 5A

Pop Warner Fool be 11 H-EW Rams Pee Wees vs Old Bridge. 1 p m (Away and H EW Rams Midgets vs Old Bridge i p m yaw ay

H-EW F Football(light Stow,'. Post 148 VS V tdwaj Liquofi, io a m Manalapan vs golden Coach Diner. 10 a m . and Hilton Inn vs. Triangle Publication'­ll 30am ■ all games at HHS

Honda v>Oct. 5

HHS FootbSll JV vs Mlentown. 3:30 p.m away

HHS Soccer:* Varsity vs Lawrence. 7:30 pm at Mercer < ounty Park JV vs i-awpence 3 45; p m away

HHS Field Hex ke - Varsity & ,1\ vs South Brunswick i 30 p.m 'home

Tuesdays Oci. 7 HHS SoeeeM Brush vs

Hammarskjold J r High, 3 45 pm (away)

HHS Cress Cdpitry Varsity Harmlton| 3 45 p m .

away 1 *[ills Field Hdfekey Varsity

i J\ c sieineri 3 45 p.m home

b\ Gerald I VS oife Outdoor VS riter

With the various hunting seasons just around the cor­ner area sportsmen are beginning to (urn most of their attention toward preparing for their particular favorite

Even though all the facts point out that some A the best freshwater fishing : an be had in the month of October nothing seem* to dissuade most of these fellows from packing up their fishing gear around I^abor Day and sitting out the good weeks m between until hunting season

One fish that is a hot number at this time of year yet un derfished by most anglers is that toothy fellow known as the Fasten, < 'hair. Pickerel There are times that everyone who pursues this species has had during a hot <;a\ summer

Twin Rivers

b o w l in g le a g u e

Golden Coach 24 4Five Bytes Speedway BikeJamesway 17 11Hilton Inn 18 12East ( 'oast InsOld York? Inn 14 14Over the Bridge Inn 14 14Tw in River s Shell 14 14Starker s 12 16Vigue > Exxon Tw in Rivers Getty Shoe Box 10 18V&J Pizza 10 18The 19th Hole 7 21Steele Rosioff & Smith 7 21

20!) Games bowled Bill Pick 214, Gary \roster 206 Milt

Weiss 201 Larry Zim merman 2U1

|\. AN I W iNDSOH f- MKKI.KMA ( \l I


\\ednesday ( )cl 5HI® Soccer .A vs Peddle

1 10 p m home)HHS Field Hockey Frosl

vs. Lawrence, 3 45 p m homePeddie Cross Country

Varsity vs Hun School and Montclair Academy i 30 p m awayPeddie Field Hockey

V arsity vs Pennington Prep p m away 1

STEAM CLEANyour own carpets(Hi do il yourself yrm)RENT OUR R iNSENVAC the o«*ycompact carp*1 cleaning machine (hat l i fts dirt grime and out of carpets and does the job profession* ieaners charga up to a hundred dollars lor

siearr • ■ >commonly used te desertt>

matt •process 1 a roe' c ea* ,


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Friendly Rental CenterK a n o all P a rk S h o p p in g C e n te r

201 297-1336OPEN SUNDAYS



Domestic or Imported





afternoon when a pckerel will follow your lure all the way to the bout and (ben attack w ith a savage strike guaranteed to shake you to your boot straps

t sually. however they pick the spring or the fall to gel in their best licks It’s too bad that most anglers aren't around to accommodate them

it's also unfortunate that many of our lakes are full of the stunted ‘shoestring pickerel which come from overcrowding of the fish and underfishing by the angler To really appreciate the garnenes.s and fighting quality of pickerel you have to get into the over 20 inch, over two pound variety A few fall fishing trips can do just that, because like most warmwater species Chainsides' has a habit of gorging heavily in preparation for the cold months ahead I believe the cold nights also put a burr in their tails by bringing water temperatures down more to their liking This is what puts the 'big uns on the prowl

One of the best things about pickerel is thal they are not fussy Live bait, especially shiners account lor many <k them, but if they're hitting at all they are just as easily taken on artificial lures

Pn ably the greatedfiure of all liljes when one thinks of picked is the reg and white dareO 'ii Some angler's add a httle|^tra touch by fastening on a , ip of porkrjpd But that sing fa ilu re in (hat color com What ion has probably been-fpie downfall of more pickerel than fn 11 others combined Actual]) anything that moves in his domain that he can wrap his choppers around is fair game for OF Ghainsides

Pickerel can ie found all over the state and white it's true that the biggest ones come from the lakes of Jersey the pine barren* and ! idewaler streams give up their share

Some of the most beautiful and deeply marked pickerel come from the cedar stained waters of South Jersey

line unique method of going after just the big ones is commonly employed by several anglerg I know The action is spotty: but it pays off often enough g*d is probably one of the ea-1 lest and least troublesome ft ms of fishing going It's ‘ riled bridge bopping

All you do» • go for what many would c m .Sunday drive Take your fWvnte pickerel rod, a dozen IgAge shiners and drive the had .county roads 1 ake toads Ann \e never driven befor You'll be

surprised at how many small streams pass under them The *Lates loaded with such roads At each small bridge stop and toss a shine or your favorite artificial up under the bridge

and jiggle it all along the bridge abutments These backroad bridges frequently shelter big pickerel and the surprise of your life might be waiting just underneath one of

themIf the stream looks par­

ticularly good explore it more thoroughly You never know. Sometimes the most obvious i»-overlooked day after day

Pipes Blended Tobar\ | Imported Cigar* Smokers Access'!

h an d m a d e P i p e s

f inest Pipe Repair & lobacco ShopPfBE.* REPAIRED ON PREMISES

MAX BRICK: • m 7m

43 George Dye Rd toff Rt. 33) Hamilion Square N J.

^ A T U L A T /


FIRE COMPANYHamilton Square, New Jersey

on your 50th Anniversary

See you this Saturday at 1 p.m. for your gigantic parade!

A G ra te fu l N e ig h b o r

Subscription CouponK IN D SO R-H JGH TS H E R A L D

Delivered Even Thursday B\ Mai!

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Check or money order enclosed

Fill Out And Mail

40 S, Main Street. Hightstowfi. V J 08520

WE RE HAVING A RELOCATIONA : T " 5 T V TkJ I \1• « : ,-m N ff m N i

HIGHTSTOWN OFFICEM e r c e r S t r e e t a n d R o g e r s A v e n u e

F r i d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 6 t h t h r u S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 4 t h


rm ju p J

MeetMercer County’sT>wn ^


1 ■ci+X'TQ-

Package P°PU,ar OankingDw ifh , f DeP° * i' " So c ia l See

,h Chaeking a , a L Z url,y chack,* Drive-ln Bsnk ^ U*

auro-magica?/y'Y° U M like b*nking

F“ '* « w fr .a P„ar‘,,n 9 'p'«ntyall over th* ,of y

Nancy CraigSaturday, 0 c t\ ^ t 9:30 to noon direct

from her nabona TVappearance » « •

Miss America Contesi.Free autographed pictures

BANKING HOURSLobbyMon-Tbur: 8:30 AM-3:00 PM Fridays: 8 30 AM-3:00 PM

4:30 PM-8:00 PM Saturdays: 9:00 AM-12:00 PMfDrive-InMon-Thur: 8:30 AM-5:3G PM Fridays: 8:30 AM-8:00 PM

Saturdays: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Your choice of one of the gifts listed below when you open a new savings or checking account for S50 or more: or add S50 to an existing savings account One gift per family *'■

m Hi 98 ij*!m nt 0 m i

ColorfulThermalBlanket • Power-Packed

Fire Extinguisher

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Suitcase • Attractive Hanging Planter

Open A FULL CIRCLE ACCOUNT and select two free gifts'





$J 6-A W IN D S O R H IG H TS H E R J iL D Thursday, October 2, 1975

School tax< otilinurd Irom (>nr

go up after a merger

\ ST \7T ncome lax levied to provide everyone with a Thorough and ef­ficient" education the whole question of merger might not be an item for debateat all

Without having to allow for the vagaries of property assessment, equalized values and other such arcane matters, a team of accountants could probably sit down and have a C 06t benefit ana lysis of merger worked out in a matter of days The logic of merger would no longer have to be weighed against the possible short-term costs in property tax

The thorough and efficient bill this week by Gov Brendan Byrne had raised the hopes of income tax fans The bill was constitutionally mandated by a late Supreme Court decision which said

thal relying on property tax as the main support of the schools was unfair to those districts which were either poor to begin with or didn't have much left over after paying for municipal services

fit 7 SHORTLY before signing the bill Gov Byrne said at a press con ference that he might be forced to agree to some kind of statewide property tax if income tax foes in the legislature remain adamant in their opposition

There a r c two reasons for opposing a state income tax One is if you are a wealthy industrialist living m a one room apartment The other is if you are one of 'freedom of choice people w ho see the state's tax structure as providing an educational smorgasbord

League sets candidates night

Candidates for state, county and local offices have been invited to participate in the annual candidates night, sponsored each year by the League of Women Voters of Last Windsor Hightstown

This year's forum will be held on Monday Oct 20 at 7:30 pm at the intermediate school or Stockton Street

Response from the can didates has teen good, says .Judy Satkowski, voter service chairperson for tlx* league The names of participating ' andidales and the format for tie evening s program will be

announcedThe meeting is open to the

public Gall 448-4943 or 448 .417 for further information

Post Office seeks complaints

A nationwide Consumer Service Program designed to improve and broaden the quality of mail service will begin Oct 1 at the Hightstown post office

Alt he core ot (he program is a consumer service card, through which problems are identified and which postal outttsfct - attempt ti resolve The cards will be available from lettpr carriers and at post offices “ One copy is held locally and tlx- other goes to headquarters in Washington for analysis

The consumer service program was successfully tested earlier this year in Illinois Massachusetts Arizona and Rhode Island

B\Kt SA! !

The Hightstown Democratic Ciub will sponsor a take sale on Saturday, Oct 11. begin­ning at 9am in the municipal parking lot near Tracy's Mildred Schilling is in charge

w «im iT i m r m i w *

if YOU are an up and'coming young . couple with 3 2 children they reason. I ’ vou move to a town with good schools

and pay the higher local properl \ taxes it lakes to get them

! Whatever the pro's and con s of this argument, it seems to have been part of the thinking of East Wmdsontes who agreed to pay for the schools on the

l basis of what their property is worth i t was a good deal for us concedes

Faith Sarafin of the borough who with her husband Eugene was active in school politics the year regionalization went through

i lMiVT think the borough would :-have approved of it otherwise Township attorney Michael Pane tvht served on the research staff of the county and municipal government studs

Commission thinks the arrangemen1 is unfair

1 don't know how East Windsor did it to itself, but it appears to haw- been voluntary self-immolation

’ MR FANE charges that "East yvindsor's share just grow--, .me grow- this year the township is paying 86 7 per cent of the school budget and is sending |70 per cent of the kids

;! Attempts to verify those figures with . the school, the county and the state were ^frustrated by the fact that no one keeps any records of how many students come from each municipality only from each district

V\ t COULD get :t out of the urn puter butit would take some ’ :me said Paul Snyder, he added that the school

shad no reason to keep track of which town its students lived m

If Mr Pane is correct, and East Windsor is paying more than it would on a per pupil basis, merger would lend to be an advantage to the township The way it works now-, if East Windsor's propertv goes up n value it's s h a r e of the school bill goes up proportionate)', and Hightstown's goes down With merger, everyone’s property would be reevaluated and everyone would pay the same share of their taxes to the school district

V iky 81 TTING the possible rise in L^ces tor the borough would be tw factors hirst, there is proposed legislation which would provide save harmless aid to an\ tom v) (- residents felt an immediate rise in taxes as a result of merger

Second, there is a good possibility that borough land would eventually start to increase in resale value after merger hut that immediately after merger a house built in the borough would be assessed lower than an identical one m the township making the transition in paving their full share of the school hill easier for borough residents

From the standpoint of school taxes, then, merger seems to be a good idea


tit carets


RtNSf N y * C o p ia te * on ttw if«o n prirxipN to 9 * yow corp#ts pro*»inooo<ty cJ#on Pc*“*abte oncJ easy to ap*fOt* — we H you how N VAC* tke ci«X>rnnm+% a nd vacuum* out d ir* o rx jHidutt WN$E N VAC cWom

carp*** ct#on*f kM pt *>*m d#on#r tonge'

Rt 130 & Hickory Cornet Rd Hightstown Phone 448 11997221 Hwy O 33 H unkton Sq Trvnton. N.J Phon® W7 1MO

1010 Rout® 20* Bovtl®rrtov«m, N.J

Ptvoo® 2945700

Our all new selection is ready now Each year, many custom ers satisfy their per sonai and Christm as needs by purchasing Pendletons early Shirts are $26 & $30 Robes are $42.50 & $46

sen io r citizens sceneWe are taking registrations

for the October monthly social event, a harvest party Oct 24 at 2 30 p.m in the community room behind the recreation office

There will be square dan cmg to the music and calls of Phyllis Waldo Costumes are optional, but for those who want to dress for the occasion there will be prizes for the funniest, prettiest and most original Refreshments will be cider and doughnuts Call 443

:i707 to tell us you're coming Limit is 36

J AMESWAY CI NEMA will run movies every Tuesday at a cost of St to senior citizens Phone 448-1231 for the feature and the lime

WE \KE Still taking a waiting list for a third bus to Stokesay Castle Oct 14 If 49 people register the $3 75 will be collected and the third bus will be added Call now to

reserve a place 44 3 3707 Stokesay Castle is m scenic

Reading Pa and is the lun­cheon spot for the tall foliage trip Oct 14


Free eye screenings for glaucoma and cataracts is scheduled for Friday Oct 3. at the Helene Fuld Hospital trom 9 a m to noon The eye pressure test is available to persons 35 years old or older



Kosher Catering At Its Finest On Premises Accommodations for 300

Synagogues • House Parties Location of Choice

I >.>() hdgevvood Ave.. I renton, N J Phi me hOO-ddd-hdhU


OF FAILURE?Foul odor in yard and drain* Sluggish ond noisy dramag*

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Any one of these conditions can indicate soil refection of waste water Chemical salutation of He earth is taking place to close pores and stop drainage The result TOTAL SEPTIC SYSTEM FAILURE

uEPHCURt *■ i solve these problem'. GUARANTEtL Through application of SEPTICURE S specific strains of natural bac teria vou can breakdown this buiiouc and restore drainage



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modular solid state color tv *348°°


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oppos i te ASP


(Back in time for CHRISTMAS)


Plus 5 0 / Handling

* *eb4ee — cN W rw i — edulto — groept — 1 Specter of **chpemon »tr>giy only M * plu* 50* handling Group* $1 00 per person piue one 50* handing

♦ Select from finished Color Portraits Poses our selection♦ Extras, yea 6 * 10. 5 x 7. wallets But with Mo O n* to pressure

you to buy# Limit— one Specia l per childW Faat delivery— courteous service

P H O T O G H A P M f r s h o u r s

wscmcso* s a i m i r&t


RT. 130 E. Windsor

HOURS. Mot ~fn 9t30em-9pm. S it 1 Q»rr>-6pm. Sun lOsm-Spm

Dining out ton igh t7 Try one of the restaurants

on our Arts page.

c7*«a.(D.Donnelly Ion

M E N S C L O T H I N G • S P O R T S W E A R



2 5 4 2 B R U N S W I C K P I K E U S R O U T E L A K E L A W R E N C E P L A Z AT R E N T O N N j 0 8 6 3 6 T E L 6 0 9 8 6 3 5 8 0 0

Every week Johnny puts away S2 00 m his First M erchants savings account W hile his money is growing it s also hard at work making Monmouth County a better p lace in which to work and live For exam ple when some of our local hospitals wanted to expand and improve facilities. First M erchants was there to participate m the financing Johnny made it possible - along with thousands of others who bank at First M erchants

Do something special with your savings Save at First M erchants We invest principally m the com m unities we serve and all those com m unities are in Monmouth County and close by m Mer­cer That means we invest where it matters most — m your county, in your com m unity and in yog

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LU/NDSOR H/GHTS HERALD 1T-AITumday < k’tob^r 2, IQ . ~

H if h t i jk t i o f the menem ftmthered by the ed itors o f fhe $tx o ther nexctpspert in The P ock e t G ro u p Sixteencom rnum tie* m th ree coun ties o re c o lo re d by th e sex er,newspapers w h ic h hove a combined circulation oj25.000

Board backs downFRANKLIN The school board has called off its attorney who was about to file for an : )un i iga nsl the Mid-State Ath •

Conference which had put the high school athletic squads on probation for ad inmistrative violations of eligibility rules The board decided that the fight would only arouse feelings of negativism ' and hurt the already dented morale of students Beside; after a meeting with the Conference, school board members found that panei unyielding in their decision to impose the probation ofFHS

Half-days just okaySOI th BRUNSWICK Students and staff ar< managing with their half-day schedule at the township high school Continuing (W ap in completion of interior alteration work in the building have forced closing of the cafeteria tin thus shortening of the school la asses meet for six, 40-minute sessions 'some students interviewed said that although homework has increased they still (eel the loss of classroom time Another noted 'iiat V, i re used to the high school falling down mi we would like to have access to our lin ker 'n we can stop carrying hooks and coats around all day "

Teens get deadlineFRANKLIN Township Council has voted ’< give the hxal Term Center NOW Com rinttee until 1 >ct 15 to clear out of council's meeting chambers and find a new meeting place for the teens who have used it all

% summer in lieu of a more permanent southrbe tei ision made on Sept 23, came

w hen Council decided to act to move the teen renter search committee to "move off dead center according to Mayor Richard Messner Other factors moving Council were the mourning problems of the town zoning and planning hoards which need the spare for their meetings

State lifts sew er banTRENTON The state department of en­vironmental protection has lifted its ban on new connections to the utilities authority's newer system after more than three years; Authority chairman Rotter! Roltner quickly* noted that the administrative strings at\ inched to the lifting of the ban will prevent any massive rush to large-scale development such as that which followed lifting of a similar ban some years ago The decision on accepting new connections rests with the Authority Mr Roltner said

90-day moratoriumSOUTH BRUNSWICK It now seems certain that the township committee will enact a 9&-da> building moratorium covering lands m flood prone' zones as set forth in t master plan map The intent of the

<e moratorium is to provide the township of­ficials with time to analyze and correct problems associated with flooding July floods caused millions of dollars of damage in the municipality

CETA swells ranksMANVEJil Three new patrolmen and five other municipal workers will be hired with funds handed down through the Com­prehensive Employment Training Act

^ (CETA The salaries of the policemen willhe paid from federal funds, renewable on a yearly basis Mayor Albert Palfv said that council has informally agreed to pick up the policemen s salaries if the program dies off in a tew years Other workers will go to streets sewers and water departments

Woman joins forcePRINCETON 'flu tirst woman has joined the ranks of the Ixirnugh police department ( hie! Michael Carnevale announced last week that, beginning tins Friday Monica Sheehan 25 of Middlesex will become a patrolwomar, We expect to use her to the fullest i opacity as a patrol person, the same as anyone else the chief said Ms Sheehan was among no applicants for police positions who laced an extensive battery of physical and written andorai tests last March i inly two women entered the testing program

v Very hot buildingWEST W INDSOR They re still not touching the issue of whether or not, or how big a municipal building to erect in this community Township committee in the absence of pro-building member Alan Stub, at last week's public hearing on a $1 1 million bond ordinance put off a. vote The four members attending are split 2-2 on the issue A proposal for a $1.7 million building was defeated in a non-binding referendum in July Debate now centers on whether to abandon the idea entirely build only a police structure, or to go beyond the $1 1 million and include";) basement for expaasion of the building

R e e d 's S o d Farm on th e P rin ce to n -Law ren ce border w a s turned into a tem porary w ild life refuge byJust passing by the heavy rams last week. To these migrating mallards, the Province Line Roaci setting musT have

’ J looked like som eth ing from the uostate m eado w landsStuart Crump photo1

Sypek, Sayen trade barbsb' Brian Rooney

Staff H riter

Harry Sayen said What 1 make is nobody - business in response to Ar­thur Sypek s statement that Mr Sayen wouic. not totally reveal his financial •.d.i- m ,i senu formal debate between

the twn county executive candidates at the We-' W Tndsor-Plamsboro High school las! Wednesday night

It s sources that count, in order to bring hack political credibility Republican saver, said

i feel that a full financial disclosure is incumbent upon all candidates People can judge for themselves whether there has been a questionable increase in income.' Democrat Sypek retorted in the hpateri exchange

The fmam lal disclosure debate came

,i- ,i tangent to questions posed to the candidates in the forum organized by \llan Markowitz iegal and political experience class at the school

The central subject put to the two candidates was the role of county executive as each man sees it .Mr Sayen's contentnm was that the role of executive will depend heavily isi the formation nt the new administrative code

Without the administrative code there is no goverment he said

Mr Sypek. a county ireehoider tor 16 years chose to address hi msel t to Mr Sayen m a more id h<m mem fashion

He doesn't practice what he preaches Mr Sypek -aid.

Mr Sypek rattled off a lest of ac cusations that M; Sayen had opposed an open primary, that he would not disclose his finances and that he t

embroiled in party "boss'' politicsMr Sayen replied in kind, saying that

Mr Svpek 'is owned by Mr Richard Coffee leader of tire Mercer Countv Democratic Party

Following tire Saven Sypek debate, which was played to a standstill, the candidates for freeholder were set to each other on such matters as county taxes the independence of county agencies, the cost of the bicentennial in Mercer County and saving the ‘dinky

After an hmr of firing a! each other and exchanging with the audience the panelists became visibly tired and somewhat testy After one last ac cusaticn that the legislators were no; giving the count) theii best freeholdet Joseph Tighue said. I don't think you can cop out by blaming it all on publu officials Were people toe

Rains increase woes for high schoolWEST WINDSOR When it rains it

;<>ur- i W»«.' Windsor Plainsboro High School .a- week's heavenly delugenice agair brought attention to the

timidity - o f which literally doesn’thold water

i ast week the buckets were' l a . w fieri to catch the water that falls •• ip ; -a)< the slanted portions of the ... i t ■■>< 1 !r the 'fiOO level' wing

- utt -i « in acoustic ceiling:i,im - vert in many placesai <: surra -n all portions had even fallen

Iron: the weight ot the water they ab­sorbed

The leaky roof is not a new problem, hut an old problem Lhat is growing in creasingfy severe As time pusses the plywood under the turned metal por lions of the roof ls becoming water logged and mure readilv passes water to he interior of the building

1 I l f 11 \KA(>t FROBI F M hasheromc severe that the water is au-:ng si-n.ii iar\ 'iamage to th* walls

anil carpeting

!; - estimated now that repairing the roof alone will cost about a quarter of a million dollars Interior repairs should add a considerable amount to that figure



Rocky Hill readies for big day' " s iMirday Oct 4. the 900-plus - Ai i '- at 'fn- smau historic ullage

' : rxii-' 'fa-r flags and turn out en -* '<>r Rocky Hill - tenth annual Bid

io a ‘ ail fair and auction Thislund ■aisiitg fete t«ne!iLs the Rocky Hill ' '(immunity Group which maintains a j>re-Rm on;' h . house on W ashington Street where full program of hi-torica * do cat mna 1 and recreational pruti ct- - . .irried on each year From O' i m '■ | m ram or shine. PanicaroDark t Rouie 118 w i! be the center for booths and ..ctivityes to please all comers all ages

An aura ot harvest time will prevail,• ourtesy it ■ir.teivou s farm; the field

■» fasl toned with pumpkins, bales >( na\ anc i nrnsl alks All visitors can

mi then roniiortatiie dothes and join 'in tunandfrolu ot the old time country

o when they cat: participate m relay "" ■ t{ ■ u bu! 1 te i n bl m me

•ntesis and watch out for Rocky Hills very own medicine man with anmthentK handed down pitch from

ilgar. selling that god given, quick acting, easy to take balm. Dr Rokakiak - famous Eliptical Asiatical f'endicurical Nervous Cordial and Rejuvenator An added harvest time .'traction this year is the Produce ' ontest awards will be given for the t'iggps' home cow n pumpkin zucchini sunflower, watermelon. tomato,'icumbet pile hea. carrot, cabbage

and or ear of corn

What s happening10a.m. Bid N Bov begins11 a.m, 3 p.m Childrens races11 a.m. 3 p.m Historical Films11 30 a.m Puppet Show12 4 pm Biawenburg Band1:30 p.m. Puppet Show2 p.m Bid N Buy produce deadline2.30 p.m. Bid N Buy produce awards3 p.m Arr va! of Dr Bokakiat4 pm Silent auction deadline4 30 p. m Purple Moose award5 p.m Bid N Buy ends


WOMANby (. Iona Mai pern \--istanI Editor

Women are living longer these days, so it makes sense to plan for making those extra years more rewarding A series of workshops entitled “ Recycle A'ourself for Today's Changing World' is aimed at giving women the tools to build better, more satisfying lives for 'hemselves Funded bv a grant to the Princeton Branch of the American Association of University Women, it is being co-sponsored by the Professional Roster

Harriet Pace, who is coordinator of the workshop, explains that it is planned to help educated women develop au areness of and self-confidence in their skills and potential for em­ployment In contrast to many such seminars however this one's scope is not limited to getting women hack into the working world Employment as a volunteer may lie equally satisfying to some

TIM f MFHASIS is on choice." says Mrs Pace Women must look at their options and make a thinking choice, a definite choice instead of just drifting

The workshop will be very basic, according to Mrs Pace, starting with self-examination and evaluation

We have to ask, ‘what are our achievements and interests Many people have abilities they don't recognize Just because they're things they do easily they don't recognize them as skills

Top priority tn the know-thyseif commandment is clarifying what's important to the individual woman How important are money and prestige in relation to the need to use one's talents?

it 's different for everyone, -ays Mrs Pace, “ but unless you can decide down deep what's really important to you, you can't make a satisfying decision

Mrs Pace has been down the road herself A clinical psychologist, she is the mother of two sons, one in high school, one in college

l was slow to come out of the home, very slow she says There was no need to wait lhat long If I ’d liad a role model. I might have done things dif­ferently . but it was traditional women in my family were always expected to stay home.'

Mrs Pace turned to the Professional Raster when sh» decided it was time to return to her profession “ I came to do volunteer work , she recalls “ to check nut what was available fve done some pari lime work since then infields allied to my own But my interest has changed trom clinical peychology to the nor mai woman.”

It is in her capacity as head of job development at the Roster that Mrs Pace has organized the workshop Helping her will be Roster counselors Barbara Cohen Ema Trubee. Helen Hiltner Sheron Quigley and Ruth Sehulman

T H I N G S ( M ANGE so fast these days that it’s difficult to counsel in terms of actual fields of work, says Mrs Pace We can t give people aaswers. but we

can help them to find answers for themselves To that end. the AAUW will staff a resource library at each session

Women have been managers since colonial times, but mostly in the home, says Elizabeth Brown, AAUW vice president Now women are moving out of the home and we want to give them the confidence that they can manage a business just as well

Recycle Y ourself for Today’s Changing World will be held at Roster headquarters, 5 Ivy Lane, on Wed nesdays Oct. 15. 22 and 29 and Nov 5. Both morning 10 a m to noon and evening 8 to 10 p m sessions will be offered The fee is $10

18-A W IN D S O R M IG H T S H E R A L D Thursdav , October 2. 1975


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Mrs. Kelly chairman of State Opera boardMadame Maria Jeritza,

whose voice has become a legend in the world of opera was on hand recently to help welcome Mrs William F Kelly of Little Silver to the chairmanship of 'he board of directors,of the New Jersey .state Opera

In accepting the post at a reception given in her honor hy Mr and Mrs Joseph Rosenthal of South Orange Mrs Kelly said The State opera is one of the country' s top-ranking companies It is essential to ihe state s cultural life and 'a the life of our cities I am particularly pleased to

begin my association with the group at the opening of their exciting tenth anniversary season

The State Opera will presentTosea at Symphony Hall in

Newark on Nov 30. with Teresa Kubiak. Placido Domingo and Tito Gobbi in the leading roles Renata Scotto Giuseppe Campora and Robert Merrill will headline Verdi's "Un Balio in Masebera" on Jan 11 at Symphony Hall, and jin Trenton on Jan 17 at the War ■Memorial Auditorium

A new production of

Patent Institute set for Oct. 18 in Madison

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• sponsored by the Auxiliary of the Princeton M^dica Can 'er Than ever It opens promptly ai 9:30 a n Tuesday Or t lesday Oct 8 Gearing up for it are. from left Dorothea l ■ i f ■Ti-usuier, ai d Barbara Johnson, toy chairman

1974 A.M.C. HORNETSportabovt Wagon. Radio, Heater Auto 6 cyI engine Beige. 18,206 mites. Stock # 424




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womenorganizeVenture Club

The Venture 'Club of the Princeton area, a new service organization held its oru.i!u/.ationa! n eenr.g at. the First National Bank of Central •Jersey in K<x-kv Hill Guest speaker w a- Jane. 1 son director of Ihe Council of Community Services in Princeton she .fiscussed the va r iou s oppo rtu n it ies ' available to young working women for volunteer com nmnity services

The Venture Club is spun sored by the Sbroptinust < lull and organized for young

■ working women to share their time and interests with the community The aim is volunteer com muni' i y ' s t ­and the development of leadership and fellowship

Young working women are encouraged to attend the monthly meeting held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 30 pm at the Rocky Hill Bank For additional in formation contact Barbara Majardwitz at P to Box 3229 Princeton. New Jersey

Budding inventors take note The twelfth annual Patent i

Institute will be held on Saturday Oct 18 at Fairleigh Dickinson l'niversify on the Klorham Madison campus in Madison. N J

Ten (intent attorneys will be • ha nr t < < sp<-ak on jia lent law aid procedure p r o b l e m s as > : , a, answer questionsThe ST" registration fee

ni lodes lunch supplemental materials and the 100-page Paten: Handbook and cer-titicates Ear information and ■""-i t atums contact Joseph L Tram ill ala Jr director of the 1077 Pu'ent Institute at the I lorham Madision campus • 201 777 4700 ext 423, address 28.1 Madision Ave Madison. \.) 07940

The speakers and discussion ' a im i.ded 'a appear at the

institute includeJut r P Sinnott, patent

■ • 1, itifock & W ilcox' housing th*» right form

of production an in- patent.

trademark Copyright and trade secrets

H Hume Mathews,erector patent trademark

and licensing activities, \ m ro . Inc 'Therequirements for obtaining a[intent I'ntted Stales andforeign

H<register Bell Te


ward H Popper, rd (talent attorney, ephone Labortories. he problems en-

preparing and a patent ap

Daniel H Bobts, ■ gistered patent attorney tartner Popper & Bobis, Keeping invention records

trtd furnishing proper in "niiaiion to (talent counsel

ERA panel talk slated


SAYENA S p e c i a l M a n F o r A C h a n g e

CountyExecut ive

Ihe Mercer Hunterdon ' ■•' ' ’"I l ’ i' 1- (|lia i Rigid sD' codo 'in !, sponsor a pa oel ; seussion on KRAMyths and l ads at 8p m Oct 7 in the Trenton Times < "immunity Room Perrv

i fh*i j rent onLite group has invited 81

urea ' a adulates 'or assemble county level and mayoral posts to discuss their views on FRA For information con­tact coordinator Marilvn I" terson at 46b 1590.

st N M \ (. V! 1 KON

’Graveyard of the Gulf."if the

Texas Historical Survey( ommittec and othersa ag 'ig a Spanish ship ' ii ■-aok "f! the Texas coast

Wit thi t l .......century will be colorcast Thursday ( let 2 at 10 30 p m on Channels 23 and 52



Come and See Them At

NemethM&fonm e .Authorized Fiat Sales & Service

830 Rt. 206 PRINCETON 921 3500

electrical and mechanical inventions

Birgit E Morris, registered patent attroney Rt A Corp ■ Keeping in­vention records and furnishing proper information to patent counsel chemical and pharmaceutical inventions

Jack Matalon registered patent attorney Exxon Research and Engineering

‘Profiting from your patent Licensing as an industrial too!

Gloria K Koening registered patent attorney The patentees chances in Lhe

courts,”Isaac Fleischmann

director of information ser vices < iffice of Patents and Trademarks Washington I ’ 1' ‘<)ur patent system, thebroader view making serve us better "

Howard N Sommers, registered patent attornev Sommers & Sommers will moderate a panel discussion following the lectures

Donizetti's comic opera "L'Elisir D Am ore will star Nellie Praganza Vladimiro Ganzarolli. Eugenia Fernandi, and Alexander Gray in Newark on March 28 All performances will be con­ducted by artistic director Alfredo Sihpign.!

Mrs. Kelly, the opera company's new chairman is also head of the special appeal campaign of the Monmouth County Office of Social Ser vice, which provides visiting nurse and other auxiliarv services for the sick, and is a director of the Children's Psychiatric Center of Mon­mouth County a facility for em o t io n a l ly d isturbed children

She w as honorary chairman of the 1975 Summer Ball of the Monmouth County Cancer Society and previously was the Ball s acting chairman, raising more than $100,000 for

the Society In 1973 and 1974, the event was staged at theKelly home an old Georgian Colonial structure on 15 acresof land on the Shrewsbury River which has also been included in a fund-raising tour of homes for the txenefit of Marlboro State Hospital

Among those present at the recent reception to welcome Mrs Kelly as State Opera chairman were Alva n Gershen chairman of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Mrs Jerome Hines Lucia Evangelista) Dr Malcolm t) Talbott a trustee of New Jersey State Opera and the president of the Rutgers University Foundation, arid Harrison L Weaver State Opera president

For subscription in­formation and tickets: New jersey State Opera. 50 Park Place. Newark. N J 07102

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Bordentown on view for open house tour


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The long history of Bor- <k-iii” w ' ' >i * ’ ‘ -rii ur'-

. i«into u ‘■ingle Sunday afternoon Oct -a hen the Bordentown Historical S<« let a 111 sponsor an i )pen House T ’»ur of 13 homes and places of interest in the City, from 1 p m to ip m ■ He s ,r jn vtiior rx I lea at the residence <i Mr and Mrs John Prvnoski

\ It hough . -it .r begin

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t w in T i o ' i r e i s or b o x s p r in g each r e g u l a r l y $ 8 0

Full 5 i i e y $ 75

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At* ' 7 1 ' *

om r* ui

SAU $l»* S 348

SOFAS f i EqualH i-R ise rs ^ 2 ^ ^ '

--&**iV9£r** ’l&or’ — ■

* *4^*.^ $ fc<» *- -- S3 >4 •

$1 3 « 95 tc S 299 95

,'T’rrved*a fe •'»e Se ~(O iv.tVi

THE DEVLIN*IG $*,*c $ 4 9 9

Savr S50 to S2fe? 8rci 7Tv-' e : -e :: . * '

deOur Co nvertib les S ic k * At $??«

AWR f N( I R O u I'HAMILTON N . f H>C ■ • r ■

gr o* MOdClO’ * ; fttcoti South o< irdee* rycjee

OPE N DA . • 7AM ' • •

rn * I or i c;U interest ’■‘•ill he displayed here

am< i > ' ipt » tht self guided ’ our are

The i lara Barton School House at Orossu icks and Burlingtot Streets was one of •he h r* ' free pub 11 < school* in •ne State of New Jersey 1 lara Barton taught here for the chooi vear 1852-53 Miss

Barton - original desk and an old vuxid burning it we are Oiong 'hi item- at the school

■ - - is i s * .oh was built tr : 739 The (older House on . street neat Route

;ii .ct the Fiona of Richard Watson Gtider poet and ed :■■! | entury Magazine TheB u rd e n tn w ? H is lo r ic a i S o c ie ty tias furnished the two main rooms and a center hall

V. -rk* oi former Bordentown artists Samuel Waugh Ida Waugh Susan Waters and 1’alienee Wright mar be seen here

Tourists will Fie supplied

and map for tlx- self -conducted risit Tickets may Fx» pur

;sed at am house and the tour mav Fie taken in am order

■1 111 F * - nrwith a descriptive brochure cats at all locations

Garden Club sponsors horticultural school

TF* Garden Club of New Jcisc\ m cooperation with took College Rutgers l m versit> will present a horticultural school for growers exhitutors and nidges on 1 let 7 and 8 a t Sears. Koehuck on ! S Rtr »! New Brunswick -\ri examination

McGraw-Hill men opt for Rutgers heart study

will he


Approximately 180 men • •• .>••«•( ages of ft and 77.

employed b\ McGraw Hill, Ini on the Hightstown Road, ■ui i ,g:i n! 'o participate u. a heart attack prevention program txeing conducted by Rutger* Medical School The program represents the first nationally coordinated, out ml led prospective study

' - • I tK- I ’ ll ! I d •' ’ . 11!-•Rutgers is one of the 20

centers throughout the country that is recruiting i- mptomati) middle aged men for a sjx year st udy to test the premise that lowering blood pressure, lowering serum cholesterol and e l i m i n a t i n g s m o k in g

> :» gar- .i• : [» pes i an curb Ihe nation s epidemic of lieart disease

T t i e 1 1 k 1 \ ra« k n a m i x t M RKIT for Multi pit Risk Factor

TSC plansSaturday art classes

-■ rid a- .ign! mei r _’<i center; throughout 'he country E ronr the group. 12.000 men. 6(X) a each center who have n<. mjitorns o! heart disease but who are in the* top 1( percent in term* ol coronary ":*K ',roflle will tx- *elected to > -.lit inuc m the a\ ’■ eat *t m

Ttic Mc<iraw Hili'empioyees be fart ■ • . • ■ .t f 29,WQ

ii,et: "uni lix.'i I ur ganizat ions n n (impame* a hi x- ri*k lor d e v e lo p in g p rem a tu re

- , . - - Ieel J Rutgei

sonne IH*j|f the men ^elected for

further evaluation will be referred to their ususal sourii'S for medical care for help in reducing their nronarv risk The other Frail

will be provided with intensive educational and medical ;>t ograms to help them lower their risk The intervention programs will include

• r ' "iri.t .:■■■■ c .n mg essatior clinic drug.* <ind

diet for lowering blood pressure, and'group and in- i*i\ idua1 counseling

The program is being sponsored bv tfie National )r.-1itiite* i* Him Ith Betliesda

will tie given on Oct 10 for members of the garden club wishing to become holders of a Horticulture Certificate upon 'he completion of lour courses The tours of the school are from K 15 a m to 3 15 p.m txith days Bring luncheon, coffee and tea available

Courses on the subjecti will be offered 'The i,row'd: nl Plants in Terraria .inri m rushes tr. I)r John N Sarah* assistant protesor in Klnricul'ure ' ’x>k College

Breeding Ornamental Plant* by Dr Klwtn R < )rton Jr research professor in orna mental Port icuI Lure.Garden 1 Fir-. ,*anthemums

Growing and Showing by Mrs H Rowland Timms. National Council Flower Show School .nstructor Winter injury Cause and Preven hot. b\ Dr William Snyder, professor of < irna mental Horticulture ! ixik ( oltege.

Needled Kvergreen* for Your Garden fix William Munk ' ounty Agent FIssex County

Professor Donald B I-aeey.Specia Hcant

Horticulture 1 <K>k ( 'illege will alsi' give a course on

KxtiiFiiime and Judging Evergreen Branches and i 'hrysantheimirn* He w ill be assisted , in the Practice Judging Course by Mrs F Morse Yreher Jr Mrs W Brooks Evert and Mrs Kenneth Doremus all N.ilinii.a i .uin( j i of Stale ' . at den 1 at \i i 1 edited Master .Judges

Reg. ration* m.c. he made wit! Mrs Wallace Willett Legist rat 73L- signal Light Rigid V ’ xifestown \ J ')805T They . dso be accepted at


am Tfie

take place



'he C i ' d c o I o f K i t c b e r -

QUA I IP *AAID Hoy be-r t »rY mg Delqwore Volley for ? ' ytory Wf Out jylonA?- of thouvondt of votty

‘••<3 (U Homer i tome perhopt Oh ye«rown str»*Aft our work guoro- eec and don* under the diftflFon of DelawareVoJWy s only erti fir’d- Jr Ft then day.gne-

y HO W S’ ’ c . ,c . . w , . f . Mon & Thur y s O Mo 9Sol 10 10 1

F C O N O A A X K I T C H i N S C U 5 T O A 4 K I T C H E N S ( O S A K A K I T C H E N S ; » S Y TESKAS A S R A N G E D A l l W O R K G U A R A N T E E D SINCE 949

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2 0 - A WINDSOR H/GHTS HERJfLD Thurndav . <tetober 2. I 9 .


An Popular Makes Reasonable Rates


A'. Models for Sale makes availablePENNJERSEY


295 1191___________

Hunter education deadline nearsProsepetive New Jersey

hunter- are advised by the state Division of Fish, Game and She!Fisheries that the cut uf! date for the office to accept applications to lake the hunter education course is October 8 for shotgun

The division also points out that the deadline date for bov. and arrov. course applications has passed and that no more bow and arrow hunter course applications can be accepted this year

The volunteer hunter

education instructors plan to have ail bow and arrow classes completed early in i k-toher so that they can fully devote their efforts to shotgun instnn 11or A> long as shotgun course --ludents apply by < Kdober k they ar he assured cf having the opportunity to be ■certified in time for the major firearm seasons

The division u r g e s at I ap

plicants to sign up now rather than wait until just before the deadline date

Applications for the hunter education shotgun course must be made on special application cards Cards and instructions are available from county and municipal clerks and sporting goods dealers who are license issuing agents

Village plans open house

BID N' BUY Fall Fair and Auction

Saturday, October 4 10 a.m 5 p.m. Rocky Hill, N .J.

A U C T I O N sterling silver, pewter brass andirons, f w Electro Hygiene vacuum cleaner cedar chest,

barometer braided rug, large schefflera plant an t-igue furniture, tube tester with tubes a Husky pup, ofigmai water color painting, carved wooden fan an fique silver and ivory memo book. French doors snow blower furniture for every room, tools for house and yard, athletic and play equipment for child and adult, plus hew merchandise donated by local merchants, depression and cut glass.WHITE ELEPHANT is* 31

H A N D IC R A FTS y-ed *iow»" m ranq*"-fashions and accessories, grft item* exquisitely madeB O O K MART A P R O N B O O T H CHIL DR EN S A C T I V 1T IE S G O U R M E T S I LHOU ETTE P OR TRA ITS f-cc M, . Hansen PU P P E T S H O W P R O DU C E CON TEST H ISTOR IC FILMS P H O T O S , and SLIDES G R E E N THUMB bulbs, house plants flowers. Indian


treasureknrued and crochetted all shapes and sizes

\ ■ oper house w , be held at Princeton Community Village Sundat Oct 5. from 2 4pm

Over 40 families; have already it m e»i nte. the village townhouses which will total 168 whe; i ompleted and whose row* are named lor three species or; the site Holly House !hr story midrise building for ! one bedroom urns »! ii lew months

away from completionSample townhouses will be

•pen and coffee punch and rookies will he served Resident villagers Carmela McAllister Sandra Sprull and Kvengeline Stokes will serve as hostesses

Parking will be on Bunn Drive off Harrison Street, two blocks north <)f the shopping center


By order of R L Stephenson IncR e m o v e d fo r c o n v * r u * n c # of s a l# to

T h e ' Gw n H o us® M o te i C o a c h & F o u r R e s t a u r a n t ' R te 33 F r e e h o ld R o o d N J T p k e E x i t 8

H ig h ts to w n N . J

W ED , O CT 8,1975in s p e c t io n 8 . 3 0 a m t i l l s o l#


^CLINIC• ftof*«iton«l Piorcmf• !o r r in | V#l#<tlon

• Hours by A f f « ln t m * f l t

924-7040N o i i t u St P r in ce ton N.J

■t4v n? Ilf A el!tiV FACf i


A harvest of fall and w in ter clo thing to prim e used condition a fine crop of va lu e* at

The Outgrown Shop

234 Nassau St. Princetonup sta irs behind

R ed d in g P lu m b in g )Tu#« -F ri. 10 5 Sot 10 3

Superior Antiqu#t • Custom Household

PUBLIC AUCTIONA -I S te in w a y C o n so l# So ld 12 : 3 0 ) E x t ra o rd in a ry 36 P r i i# P a la c # Urn25 G o rg # o u i OriaM®ol R u g i { 1 P M .)

Estate Kathryn MeghofDi39 H illcrost Dr., H ighland Park , N .J.

1 mi out River Rd fRi 18‘

SA TU R D A Y , OCT. 11 8 A M.'Rain.or Shmn1 t • .w- r>-- •

Exhibt/ Su'' Oc; 5 i to 5 P .!SOLD 8 A.MAioo Shi.* •toots etc*

SOLD 9 A.M .-p r f*• 11' • • • xs. A Pa Lo w b o y . Fin^ ' 1 765 C E fB drop >■ if h d ish <3 f>f»• ■ •>(*

N» V Ch ip C h a ir* > l<wH> ' >90 B u rm iu s 1760 P i M ur orRare I 790 Eng Server.' dc > J

: > VI

P !a r aopharu bn .

ct.iawai I Ie* bluf W <-dgw|jpd; Beilt-ek

Gifts in all sizes welcome

Elt R■• ■*v.i C ■!pc• whagt*n dm iber £} art g lass 1845

vertsy • - ■ ■ $ ,Furs, Etc' A Fine Sale'

Leste r ft R ob ert S la to ff'6091 393-4848 A u ctio n e e rs Trenton , N .J

■'OdO'IH Witt- -Tionult#r| ($*

i b«y erf your •’ (jfuor ant /*:• O.h rim

Surplus | ., y -- * *-d Sail

J!’,s " 1,1 Sl7,!S come in to help the United Fund-Red Cross fund campaign reach its $655 000 w' ,ai Her,‘ Shel! Chemical s plant manager James Robson hands a check for $8,000 from the on**1' found;)*.on,to fund executive director Francis Horsley while David Becker makes a mal'v big * iintnbution a dollar bill that represents a full week's allowance

Day with authors set at Princeton


Exploring Ihe Writers World, a day with area authors, will be held at the Princelor YW( A on Avalon Place Saturday Nov BfromlO am 2 30 pm

Fletcher Knebel will moderate a morning panel discussion with ( Mr I os Baker Laura Bergquist. George Garrett and John McPbee titled 'Why Write" What are the satisfactions"

In the afternoon, small on Mjldiycts of their ■ Ihik’c will he led by Nathaniel Burt I'onme Greiff F.mmett Hughe- Kdmund Kellex Ashley Montagu, Julian Moyruihan. Peter Putnam and Ralph Schoenstein

The event has been planned as a part of the YWCA Adult Program in response to in teresl expressed by local

tents a no, is abet a everyone < ann Laughlin and Ruth W ilson head a committee which includes Arlene Ber man, Phyllis Mart-hand Florence Peters Gloria Smith and Ruth Thornton

Advance registration is ne< east I t S per persoi Mid will include lunch Registration forms are .n ailable at the YW< 4 oft ice

r e c y c l eT H IS



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Get a whopping 10% re­bate of the finance charge on any new or used car loan, $1,000 or more, financed up to 36 months! (The chart belowT

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Act now! Take advantage of the great Princeton Bank rebate! And you don’t have to be a Princeton Bank customer to get a car loan and rebate! Offer ends Oct. 77, 1975.

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Our regular one-wa\ fare to Newark or Philadelphia is S23. But if \ou make a connection in either cit\ for someplace else, vour Commuter ticket costs a nmimum o f $8. St' you save at least S15. You save with free parking at Mercer Countv Airport Ux).

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ITmr^dav. <Vtober 2. 1**7 > l - B

T H E A R T S S r L E I S U R E

Jazz is backPRIN< ETON antes to the bustlingcultural ''Cent* in the region when on Fridav ®SW **>'! Miles and Silvcrhght and Miehal and Fusion appear in a double eon

B Alexander Hall on the Pijgcetw ( fliversUy campus beginning at 1 pm Tickets are at the Franklin State Bank v.irdow. m the University Store on Cniversitx Plact or at th« door fot 14 H at i ${ Bar r Mile- an alumnus of Princeton and Silverlight have an album on the London label Miohal Crbamak a Pole has been voted European Jam. Man of tt»- Yeai •■Jazz Forum magazine

Crafis on campusFIS' vi \% \\ Crafts artworks and ton < grown items will be featured in more than 100 booths in an arts and crafts fair flea market to be held at I ( ei hi Sunday 1 ><■• 5 The fair will be in ‘he parking lot of Ledgers Stadium on the Busch Campus in Pisc^laway from 10 a m to 4 p m

Guess Who s ...WEST WINDSOR 'The Man Who t'afiie to Dinner George S Kaufman and. Moss Heart ■ comedy opened < k • i for a five m t run at Mercer County Comoniil)(HI leg** on Old Trenton Road here Certain 1 mo-1 or 1 he . mnpanv '•production'

lo i'ii ‘ hi’Migt Sunday ilet 7 Admission - ' n‘ V 1 * ' -f udenis and senior Itizen.'

crvation it 609AK6-4800 _>97 hi {04

Cellist in concertPRINCETON 1 Edwin Duval w - ’ }'■ ■ ■ , i r, r.i* 1 (I u ill present conc ert on Sunday. (Jet 5 at 3 pm ik u Wool worth Center on the Pr motion

!'n* 'rpe an :open to Friends

the* pub af Music

is presented by Ti nceton


Management workshopWEST WINDSOR \ sjx* a stag*

an.igen en’ workshop ill he g ven at Mercer County Community College or, Old

Net 4 and 5 Instructor on Barnes general stage manager

Nat... .. Fheatre of Great Britain Forn art nfo on the program call Prof William : I i-. nr, I MCC( 609 AKP. 4800 ext :!04

Sculpture in ClintonCLINTON The Hunterdon Art Center here

*!*< ■' ‘.u on., sculpture exhibitionof the work of Harry Bertoia. Jeanne Miles. Isamu Noguchi and James Seawright on

' *• * ;i' ionDrawings by Po Hyun Kim are showing concurrently in the* downstairs ga et at * III i Exhibits .nnunue through Oct 26.

Major exhibitionNEW BRt NSWICK A major new exhibition at the Rutgers i niversify art gallery. Japonisme Japanese Influence on Irene hi \rt. 1854 19|o opens Sunday Oct. 5. More tten 3©0 prints, paintings and decorative art objects which explore the visual and cultural ties between the national an- included The exhibition will remain at Rut go: • ' ormigh \ *\ ’* i *« . .. *■: penMorel.,- Ihr •in'!, so’ ■ aday to an, v 4:30pm and on Sundays from i 30-4 30 pm. Adult or school group tours can be arranged h\ a a.! ing Janie Chester at 201 9:i2 ?o%

You a Goll iwhooper ?PRINCETON i 'pen audi tion - or'*GolIiwhoppers an American folklore play with music dance mime, improvisation a|$ audience participation will be held Monday,

■ ’ - * real ive Theatre t nlimited Studio! Trinity Church. B Mercer St Day time rehearsals and El .*. es likely call the theater at 609-924 3489 or dircelui Vane Bnvkw.r, 609-799- 1689

Sing , darn youLAWRENCE barbershop c SP EBSQ.s A wi concert at the 1 Route t >ne from The only comrrii

fhe Pri eton ciiaptt'r of the artet singing society,, hoirl *pen auditions and o

- * ; n Shopping * enter on 4 j) m on Saturday Oct 4.

iii-nt 'ought in candidates is the ihiluy w* fair-, , tun*’ and attend weekly meetings to learn new tunes and rehearse old ones

Horses in the hillsREAI'INDTi'N The hills of Hurrterdont County will serve as backdrop for the Easter-. States Dressage Assn s 7th Annual I message Show on Saturday and Sunda 4 and 7 Top riders from the mid Atlantic states w 11! he competing at Hobby Horse Hill for the regional championships The show starts at 9 a m tx>th days and runs til late afternoon The Pea pack Reform Church will have a food booth for the horse lovers

Photos in lobbyPRINCETt'N Photographs by Ms Elaine Miller including some of local physicians and their families, will be displayed from I :«)-1 p m on Sunday. Oct 5 in the lobby of

. Princeton Medical Center on Witherspoon ■Street Refreshments will lx* served and the public is welcome

Items for this column must at least one u eek he lore du\

< air 'See u f publica tion .


Try a refreshingly light Pretzels'

Rent event due on SaturdayEntertainment * * the Princeton Community Players 30's Rent Party to be held Saturday Oc’ 4 at the P'avers me Theatre at 171 Broadmead at 9 p m is planned by Richard Lost man mz fiik Jo a r as and Dave Dingle. Cover charge for the evening is 92. and there will t.*e plenty J *o - ' la "ash bar Among the many entertainers performing will be the Witherspooners Cynthia Gooding ptavmg the guitar. Liz Fillo, Roo Brown Dave Dingle at the piano Joan Lucas and the Castle Walk, The Barbershop Quartet and others

NEW HOPE. PA - An engaging quartet is giving a fresh start to the Bucks County Playhouse fall season in the insouciant, irreverent revue.'PretzelsJane Ranallo. Cynthia

.Meryl. Walter Niehenke and Manford Abrahamson. four attractive young people, make the review as appealing as it was in its New York run last winter In fact. Ms Ranallo was a meml>er of the New York company YPretzels". now in a four w eek engagement at Bucks Country prior to a national tour con­tinues on the boards there

( i lY C l \KC! \ SHOWPaintings and objects by

Juy Ciareia will be on exhibit at Princeton Dav School through oct 14 His work is involved with the exploration and inter relationships of textures and derive their color mostly from ethnic sources

Intime to open with 'Private Ear’PKINCFTiiN Theatre Intime will

open its season let 4 with The Private Ear and The Public Eye by Peter Shaffer The tw one ads are directed by Theatre Inline- board members Mitchell Ivers and Katherine Stewart

The Private Ear is the story of Tchaik short for ’Chaikovsky an introverted music lover who has found his first love his Venus 1 at one of his frequent visits to concerts His music- loving V«-nus however, 'urns out less than goddess like in the scenes that follow Helping Tchaik on the path through dinner party to love in his

Handsome -winging friend Ted whose efforts o make Tchaik more debonair .■no to smooth the evening along turn out somewhat less than pleasant for thehost

The Public Eve" deals with the common problem ol marriage gone flat to a new and surprising fashion Charles a very conventional ac­countant is married to a very un on\ entional y oung lady who finds that

tier joie de vivre outlasts her fascination with staid intellectual life When her long absences from home sweet home arouse husbandly

suspicions he hires a private detective t" watch her daily wandering' But what happens when observer and subject wind up watching each other as they trek through New Y ork s streets"

Hamilton Murray Theatre, home of Theatre Intime is on the* fTmeeton University Campus Tickets for the upcoming productions are now on sale cal! 609 452-818! for reservations, or drop by the box office from i to 8 p m Monday through Saturday For in­formation on subscriptions and other -peeials T cketx .r * S2 for -tudents general admission tor the Oct 9. 10, 11 16. 17. 18 run


Live, film specials in series for kidsFR IM TT uN t- >r ’he the official biographer of the

firs' time this season Me greai Harry Moudiffl Carter Theater will introduce The five film programs also

new S.i'urd,r. subscrrpiion •ticiude.i or the Specially for gi ludi^nces Kids series will begin on

film Saturday Nov 22. with Walt Disney - Animated version of

' a the Lewis Carroll classic wil Alice in Wonderland

Subsequent tilms will in elude W here the Lilies Bloom, a tale of four orphan children struggling to remain a family in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina; Richard Lester’s The Three Musketeers and the Pnn ceton premiere of

Huckleberry Finn." the 1974 screen version of the Mark Twain classic with Jeff East

l o m s t M i lh o u r n e as Huck and Paul Winfield opher author of more the father in "Sounder - as 20 works on magic and Jim

series for combining both li programs

'Specially foi series of eight < open on Saturday the return of tht MaHionettes in fornjiances of "Ala a m, and 2 p m

Additional the new serie long aw aited Paper Bag Play sally recognize

finest group

The final film is Conrack" which features Jon Voight a' an idealistic- teacher who brings unorthodox teaching methods to a classroom of black grade school pupils on an island off the coast of South Carolina,

Ail five will show at 11 a.m and 2 p m

Subscription informatics it the new Met 'arter series and a brochure is available from the McCarter Theater box office Box 526 Princeton N J 0854U t.309 921-87(X» ____r


York - theatei re now r

Io\ 1. with \ agabono

two per-

events cm nclude the n of the s. univer

as New children's and the ian and


George Street reopens Friday night with Luv'

NEW BK CNSVV'K K The| .purge Street Play hoiuseopen t* 975’76 : ison onFriday Oct 3 with I L Vcorned x bv Murrav chi 5The Play hoiise w 111 ()ffer xi?venproduci:ons over the seasonu ing a company ni posedent irelv of Equity t ors

"LUV. a comted\ >f axx.icky triangle ' rx ■ ■ xakeenst I of love and 1life will

feature 1 E deist* playingthe role of the wheieler-dc■alerMilt Manville K dels teinplayed tlx- lead ro|f» MiloTtndle i he Geoirge* StreetPlayhoui>e sitiash prr>duc■tionof 1*S1('uth las] vpr i ngEarlier. he u as s *en roleof Blunt;!*Cnl * PI avhouseijH-rier ArnVs and thf* Man

•i.Uv v,ll pla on theG^orgp treet f ige onThursday Fridax Sattirdav

through the 2>th In addition, there will bo matinees on Saturday Oct 18 and 25 Evening performances are at 8 10 except for Sunday which

* is at 7 39 Mali met P n; Phone reservations are accepted daily at the box of fkx at 29! 246-7717 or tickets may be purchased in person The Play house is located at 414 George St



195 Nassau Street. Princeton924-8685

ART & ANTIQUESCustom Framing, Coins & Stamps

Morris Museum of Arts and SciencesMo rristown N.J



Friday, Oct 10 at 8:40 P.M

G * n # f o ! A d m i s s i o n $7 50 A l l R * » # r v » d

F o r S u r t h e ' i n f o r m of ion C o l l 2 0 1 - 5 3 8 0 4 5 4

and Sunday night' from t*ct 3


MCCARTER THEATREMi GH A £ i KAHN - • ' C ig rec'0'

1A R T L E A S E

& S a l e s G a l l e r y


Parking available in th SKate *ot <>n weekends


m o v ie s - at McCarter1 9 7 5 - 7 6 SUBSCRIPTION SERIES

18 Films from Around the World

k\m\iiiiiiiiiiinMiiiiiv/r/4Every Sunday Night

Blue Grass Musicwith


100% Bluesfeaturing

Hoochie Cooch

Opening Tues. Oct. 14 at 8 p.m

HEARTS & MINDS1974 Academy Award Winning Documentary on the Vietnam War • Directed by Peter Davis

x.rSep* 30 thru Oct 4fh

Thomas Combs= - - a t m e Z u —S g "Dotw^ftwif (autige S


Aiain Resnais' stavisky D is n e y 's Alice m w o n d e r l a n d Malle's MURMUR of the HEARTJane Fonda in a doll s house is there sex after d e a t h ?J i m m y Cliff in The Harder They Come

-and Eleven More Programs from the U SA .India Switzerland France. Germany 8 England

SERIES SUBSCRIPTION: $ 12 Save 60% - See 10 films FREE!

Subscriptions available at box office o- bv mai from McCarter Theatre Box 526

Princeton write or phone for brochure with full details & dares (92’ '-GOO

through Oct 12* urrent day life, with its

trials, tribulations and frustrations provides ample material for some very funny lines The ribbing is always gentle the verbal shafts honey- tipped and everyone goes •iw ax happy no questions are raised

This is the type of review that fares wellina coffee house or cabaret In fact. Pretzels" has been enjoying a long run success in Philadelphia s Grenrie s Lair Cafe Theatre, that city s only professional off Broadway theatre and cabaret "Pretzels" is designed for a small intimate setting and it is much to this iast - f t edit that they can make the transition to a larger theatre

Each person wil have his

own favonte number Forsome it wil! be "The Cockroach Seng. (enter a new religion’ others will prefer the jibes of mother daughter shopping in l,oeh mann's,' and still others will dig Wild Strawberries and pseudo-intellectuals on the make

Whatever their preference patrons will find Pretzels as pleasant and soothing as an after-dinner coffee Sharp political satire i t isn't, it is smooth. bubbling and refreshing

Klainr P. Heineniann


L A BOHEME (in English)by Puccini

O ctober 24 and 25 af 8:1 5 P.M .W ar M emor ia l Auditorium

Adult $5 .00 Student $2 50Reserved Seat Tickets Send check and

stamped self -addressed envelope to Artists Showcase Opera Co

2685 Princeton PikeTrenton. N.J, 0864F


II j

* 0


v V o ^ , nF F r i d a y , O ct. 1 0 , 1 9 7 5

115 per person Complete Dinner Grecian Dishes Tax & Up included

Dinner 7 00 pm Music 8 00 P V Floor Show 9 00 p m Dancing til ! 00 a m


(.a ll for Rcsen ations

1714 Easton A*e Somerset N i . Route 527 off Interstate 287 (201) 469 2522 JSk

* : : - ■ ' -mmmm m m ■

Single Separated - Widowed - Divorced

The Single Set£

An Adult Social Group

Meets Friday at the

Treadway In nRt. 1, Princeton, N .J.

and every Thursday atr-The River's Edge*

Lambertville. N .J.* f j

Live Band Guests W elcomet

For info, ra il (215) 862-5889'

for Free Brochure w rite:The Single Set

P.O. Box 24, Lafayette Hill, Pa. 19444••TR • x-J-dc • :>W : -<-<•: I -

f c p iM ».

Thu \ r u


You CvtA C o c k ta i l or Drink of Your Choiro

AndG u lf Shrim p C o c k ta i l

, H 1 i • j ; ) •

R o ast Prim e R ibs of Beef Prim e B o n e less S irlo in Steak

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ALL FOR $6.50


2-B Thursday. October 2. 1975

Folk art bazaar opens Friday with special preview sale

TRKNTON a special preview sale and reception to open the annual Folk \rt Ba/aar at the \ev, Jersev Mate Museum on Friday (x '’• will pvc handicraft en thusia.sU ai opportunils to h-i c first pick of the Bazaar s unique collection of handmade wares from around thi* world

Tht Friend' ’.he • New .!< rsev sta1 ■ " ■ uni spo’ -■

le Folk Art B which t tor ' he past ’ w - ear ■> be>-t suet essful fund raiser Jbf.hoH- the Museum and f<pi*area choppers

' v opt . ot • eh 'peep'• . - ’s*i • espe pop1as the set ond flow - of the

Museum ■ ding il .M'West St; te SI reet in Trentonlakes on an c.Hmosphere ol ,inear Eas tenn marketplace

N o ai d m i s,sion will becharged tor ’ he • ♦*< epi irxi and

Alice ■ ,/Trtzt


Restoration FundNassau

Presbyterian Church ;Sunday Oct. 12 - 3.30 P.M

F r e e Wi l l O f f e r i n g

tsh har and refreshments .11 tie availabh to Fridas enmg shoppers according

Mrs Burton Peskin lairman of the event, and

,RGGD HOWG900nnwrrT HomrowFt tOQ-<uo -use

b rlends vice president formember

A ssemship services hlers ol the Bazaar

vl a res are Mrs MarionKel leher of Princeton andMrs F Hoosev ei

'earl Seligman o! It tn-.nired hv a Invp

of folkii inspiievi u> a love art ofijects. the twoavelled to foreign

countries- and to port cities togat he r thousands of han

from more 'than 405 for the Friends

Some of the items are anliques. ?dr- SHigman ixites


objects are ised on the illages, and ire created

( outstanding collections of askn ' rv :riba i sculpture

African textiles, jewelry and rugs will bo featured, along with apparel, toss pictures liatiks kites, tribal masks and dozens of other items Prices start at $1 for item s both or namental and useful

A growing world interest in ioik art and a growing world tendency toward in­dustrialization makes this year s collection of hand crafted goods even more desirable Mrs Seligman says Shrinking sources of •a I lag' crafts has increased the intrinsic value of each Bazaar item

The Fo lk Art B azaa r w ill ■•out mue through Oct 19 at the museum Excep t for F r id a y .1 ict ; shopping hours are the same as museum hours 9 am to .i p m on weekdays and 1 to 5 pm on Satu rday arid Sunday For further in- lormation contact the Friends office (609 394-531(1 at themuseum

Choir will sing on air in December

rrwprb U J Friday Oct. 3

Alexander HallP r i n c e t o n U n i v e r s i t y

8 : 0 0 P . M .

in c on ce r t

Barry Mi les & Sl lverl igntond

Michael U r b a n i a k & Fusionfeaturing

Ursula Dtudziak» S4 50 ond S*> o«of a* »h« Print »»on 5to*» cash*#'< *hm 'iigb' ot fonttrt

r F '

u ph


West '5 200- under

Joseph or of t the ational e New

The sumed nee of

in the opening event for the celebration of he soth an­niversary year of Westminster < heir College The program will lx* repeated on Oct 3. A and 7 and the Wagner per lormance will be recorded in a separate session by Columbia Records

Since its lounding iri 1926. Westminster Symphonic Choir lias performed more than 250

Doll exhibition ranges from

Indians to BarbieMORRISTOWN a major

exhibition "Dolls of American Childhood1 has opened at Morris Museum

Examples of early dolls of wood, corn cobs, nuts, and dolls made by American In chans are included in the show Commercially produced dolls of wood and papier mache were made in Germany from 1800-1850 and though few of these are in existence some examples of imported dolls are also included

The exhibit includes special dolls like the Edison Phonograph doll 1889 who produced Mother Goose rhymes in a squeaky voice, an early walking doll and the very popular doll. the Schoenhut doll 1872-1930 It had moveable joints, was almost unbreakable and came dressed in the latest fashions

The Bye-Lo-Baby came to lx? known as the "Million Dollar Baby because of its tremendous popularitv Modelled from the head of a 3 day old baby in 1922. Bye-Lo babies were made by many companies in different materials

The exhibit includes some of the comic strip characters movie stars, famous per -onalities and Kewpic dolls >r:ginally designed h\ Rose • Neill in 1909 Vinyl Kewpies


/} kF t f

1 %/ i f1% • \


conducted by w !.h 'he New York are still being made todayin per I ’hilhoarminic. a record Bringing the show up to the

rieet hoven s numtier of collaborations present is Barbie and the othermb Wagner's (»•! wiiui chorus and orchestra sophisticated dolls that leaveof Apostles. F nr information on these little to the imagination, it thtHall in New md other concerts call 609-921 child

||«1 II 609 921 1202 A special case is devoted tot in the series.

RECYCLE the dolls made by the Nationalte taped for institute ot Doll Artists F.aeh

ice will alsoTHIS of these dolls is hand created

N E W S P A P E R by the artist.



a ROLLER SK3T1NG ■PaRTY a t . .


Price Inr• g.---idc, x

jdes• *

• *ho* Skaif

X L L F O * S2S 0012 SO * •

M 4 X E RESI FV 4 ' I O N % NO w

ANTIQUES SHOW & SALEDfionof C w t r o i A c r t # i


AMERICAN LEGION HALL Route 31. Flemington. N J.

Thursday & Friday. Oct. 2 & 3 1 p m. to 10 p m Saturday OctoDer 4 l p m . t o 6 p . m Admission $1.25 With this ad. $1 00

The exhibition opened Sept 15 and will continue through 1977 Group talks are available by appointment

ONE OF THE STARS m the Dolls .9 American Childhood exhibit at the M ors Museum ' Arts and Sciences is this Izannah Walker.Dol made in about ' 785 The display opened in mid-September and will run thorugh 1977 The museum is on Normandy Heights in Mornstow-

M a k e r s T H e a t r ^ v

448 1231



bv ( Jane Boning Spirit of 76, a bicentennial

year and throughout the United States visitors will be traveling to New Jersey to visit our historic sites Why not think red while and blue1

1n stuffF or the earliest spring creeping phlox wil 1 provide a ■itlrni '-. i w it! blue iolx-lia ■ ir

colors plant fail bulbs of red. lacy border to ithis spring vincawhite and variegated tulips design Red sage salvia varietiesearl v middle and late After frost danger. from 6-36 ' high bloom

■ oo'i ng . a riel ics hlui and geraniums spaced in front of throughout the summer \white Dutch Japanese and white azaleas ;md blue flags rarer white and blue speciesdw ar! i■ ,- witn ,i 'on-ground of and w hite allysum are another jresents thre«- colors in one

S A M E R IC S FALL F IL M FESTIVAL ;\[ M atinees A l lS e a t s ^ l l

SUN -$2 All Day Children §1 All T im e s | L A S T C H A N C E TO S E E IT> U N C U T UNIN T E R R U P T l D>

un»:| mTTm70 M M FULL

l l f . t .LuTCpf-riTr. 1

Cali Theater For Times

Route 130 (Jameswat lack Fast Winflso' Shop Ctr ^ N k h o h o n


the o p e n i n g 0# the

H a m i l t o n S q u a r e b r a n c h o f the


Featuring piano teaching at ati levels

36 40 N o t t i n g h a m W a y H a m i l t o n S q u a r e

890-0094 • 890-0959 890-0926

combination II seed heads are occasionally clipped, the alivsum will bloom until frost

Dianthus familiar and spice-scented petunias and impa hens are a few of the red

planting ot tricolors of and white striped patterns

white narcissus red white and blue hyacinths the low Kaufmunmana tulips blue and white grape hyacinths scilla and blue chionodoxa glory o f t he snow A fall

plant t;consist zinnias ha go

Here flower*

truly A later trio could if white mum-' red ■ j h h piun



M c C a r t e r t h e a t r eM iC H A E l KAHN Producing Ot'eclor

Bonsai Gi ftsG r o o m in gBoarding


609 924 3202



is a partial It si of by color Unless noted

planting m spring is advised Most will flower through summer to frost

WHITE While we are waiting for the new Burpee pine ’ te Mangold seed, we

p i toy candytuft shasta sic- pure white daffodil riandus thalia all fall

i-Han' mgs begonias snap H ag* n -.tix k fiabv - nrealh


gJadiol; llxTH

]CallTheater For Times

Warner Brothers - •id F




Burt ReynoldsCall TheaterFor Times




A new play by Lloyd Gold

Directed by Michael Kahn

October 9-19S in g le t icke ts now on sale

BOX 526 • PR INCETON N J 08540

PHONE ORDERS: 921-8700 (609)


Schedule for Children s Modem Dance

M o n d e ys

T u » s d o y s &F r i d a y s


F r i d a y s

3 45-4:30 First b Second Graders 4.30 5 30 Third b Fourth Grade's

1 00 1 45 Preschool I1 45 2.30 Preschoc i

4 00 5:00 Ballet (8 year olds and upi

4:00 5 00 Fifth b Sixm Graders

For further information call (609) 924 9390

B i l l - S c a b i o s a delphinium sweet pea poppy seed Iasi three fall planting forget-me-not, lobelia, lace flower pansy, echinops 'blue thistle head . stokesia oxypetelum early April . plumbago

Ri l 1 Poppy celusia. rose, phlux ,,‘.ec' pea, crimson coral hell, bergamont, car .nation sweet william,

mu la Jam hue lily - white with red speckle Another garden favorite of many kienoratiuns the red bleeding heai! a hade loving plant .a o the penny which in the sun glow mure beautiful each w ar whether red or white.

Shrubs of blue hydrangea and while virbimum blend with red and green-whit^ ralad ton teaves The list is virtually endless The one crowning touch to your bicentennial garden is our country's flag and the bicentennial Hag may they proudly wave

Before bringing in plants ft wintei. check for insects ar clean the pots Take geraniui cuttings

Remove debris from ga den. it can \»- a disease sourc lor bulbs

1 '.Jane Boning

M-e,.- Thru Thvr* 7 15 t 9 25 . A 5 SOU '0 10pm So’ 30 3 4C 5 50 * 1 O ' , S„n i 3 !0 5 20 7 30 f 9 40

H»ld o v »r by pc pul O r dwmond !

2nd CSiont Week 1 ■

Biff Qwujtol

WHITMOREai Harry S Truman inGIVE’EM


Mon Tkru Tkun 7:15 ft 9:20 • Fr A Sol b 0 A 10 p .m • Sun 1 : JC 3 30 S 30 7:30 « 9 30

'N o w Showing! '

EISANDS J R E O F O R Otogetheri



sickest movie ever made - Interview


3 0 H iu rs d a v . O ctobe r 2 I ' t " 3-B

w e e k e n d menub\ Georgia Graham

A s p o t f o r p h o t o f o l i a g e fans

- ptHon t

" !h f;A

v '.t i ii Ha' kensOf a photo or canvas

night rnakf


'Hearts and Minds' to open film seasonighlight


C o m m u n i t y s p l a y e r s b e g i n p la y r e a d i n g s

it t ’ ! Hnwi Thf roar1" Litr afiT • iv.i : '.i

hfoughr .' -m 11l# ro

vgntngs They are not formal audit 101 r. opportunity

VV. na ? m th< be tl » fit:E n * H \ x ’> ■( .re-

■ >r i i"O'-*sUr■


■•mi rely shout t

kvidely at

1973 hT. ::m rd»*r

the 1 anadian Arctic year old office i i ea in ngee Now Eingland woman and c■ voting MoroccanlOSt'1 lives are saved la borer whoi comes lo Ger-if Eski nros hvdng on many ito ea ing as a

rid ‘rence garage meedlamei 3adhinds a A bn:>chur<» giving complete

.-1 a i m ed but little dates. 111 les .snd sutiscnptionilm ins pi red by the inform?it ion lablc by

spree <>f Char Ifdarkwea girlfriend rhere Six< rated sa ontempor






v\ h d©Ci


ver the th*So u p labe l o f f e r e x p a n d e d


Si ■'G>' •nh6' 1 ■ tl hi i

the s e n ert nut'!

11'1 N

• (1 M ■ d ’ '•

reading{(•her s

' m ner p ia \ s e -The E"S IT1 i 1 ' ( ' r iThe Misa



Gift festival set for Oct . 8

andFugate.Dea th

ire by Man Abt ary American

and “ Drive, k Nicholson s f rst effort about an Ail- college basketball ii - radu al -: ixlent

which still ranks t of the campus ( the early 1970's it McCarter will

Satyajit Ray s Thunder" from

hich takes place unng the .early days of World Git If during the great Indian amine Jimmy Cliff s The larder They Come." a 197 amaiean film about the world ' reggae music and from ■ ermany Rainer Werner issbmder s All the story

t ,i love affaii •» • w • 80

Coats 4 ties



Woe S? HjmrHoT Vq *'b . 4'fWt * ’he f W

Wrih jL 8t{ BanthSat. Harry Ubet

Sun Benny Snyde' SUN 8 11PM

Autumn may be the most beautiful word in the English language, not least because of its associations School begins lawn mowing ends and the leaves preen themselves in color as if to display a haughty spirit before a fall Then there are fresh garden tomatoes, a different species altogether Irom those waxy tasteless hothouse objects available in markets during the rest of the year

Autumn must be ap predated most by mends of a home gardener who has planted tomatoes The ripening is late all at once and far too abundant for any one family r t e hor ticulturalist pleads for help in reducing his glut

The menu for this weekend i! dedicated to those good Samaritans who graciouslv condescend to accept the tomatoe*- c prof erred

Dishes marked by an asterisk arc followed bv the reci pe

s v n RDA\

Consomme with herbs Chicken in tarragon cream sauce*Buttered noodlesSliced tomatoes with freshbasilPeach Charlotte

( hicken in( rea m Sa uce

Place t v trying chickens lit into serving pieces skin

side down in one layer in a large casserole Add it cups ■fry white .sine cups chicken 'lock 1 teaspoon dried tarragon double the amount if using fresh >alt and pepper to '.isle ( over and tiring to boil, 'urn down beat and simmer 20 minutes Remove chicken and keep warm Cook the sauce over high heat until it is reduced by half Add 1 cup

BARTH SHOW Paintings bv Jov Barth are

on display at the Nev. Jersey National Bank of Princeton


heavy cream and cook several more minutes stirring con­stantly Add salt and pepper to taste Mix together 1 tablespoon each butter and flour and whisk into the sauce Pour the hot sauce over the chicken Serves 6-8

St M) \\Fold shrimp salad a la Grecque*Parmesan toast Pots de creme

( old Shrimp Salad Arrange 10-12 red onion

rings in bottom of salad bow i < over with 25 cooked, shelled and devemed shrimp Add ■. cup crumbled feta cheese. 1 bunch watercress and 16 wedges of peeled tomatoes Mix together j tablespoons fresh dill or basil. 3 tablespoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 minced

B R O O KBound Brook 356 5858

Now thru Tuev Oct 7thCandice Bergen Sean Connery

Brian Keithm


Evenings 7 4 9 p.mSat 2 7. i 9p.m

Sunt) 2. 4 30 b 40 4 9 p.m

dove garlic a few drops on Ine menu will be furnished Tabasco, salt and pepper to by Georgia Graham upon taste Pour dressing over wirtten request to this salad and toss thoroughly newspaperServes 9 Copyright Georgia Graham

Recipes for the other dishes 1975 All rights reserved


D e a le rs! .uncheon

< )[>en at Ncxin ( .offee Shop

I >1111


H a rtsh o rn iD r and Parsonag e Hill Rd.

Starts WednesdayOct. 8th

Monty Python's

HOLY GRAILEvenings 7 4 9 p.m

Sat. 7 4 9 p.m Sunday 4 30 6 40 4 9 pm



Cr>> Hh

The Oft-Broodway hit comedy revue !



LIMITED E N G A G EM EN T TH ROU G H OCT. 1 2Tu Wad Th. 8:30 $5. Friday 8:30 $6

Saturday 8 4 1 0:30 $7 Sunday 2:30 * 8:30 $5Studem and Senior Citi2en Discounts

Group rates available Mail orders accepted now


WRENCEMLLE Thes val of the hour Seasons adolescent r rench boy

.ort>d Its the Womens and to term\ ian of Mercer Medical {pe puzzle and diallern *r will be held V\ed xuafitv Pascal T h(>4 i\ Oct 8 at the Kirb\

T >1, from 10 a m to S p m ‘ the i>p*>ntng

i Ls for ( ’hr i st mas and yea r s n ewKI A." "I VItailepom t !< i|'.ic>its toys tree dscorations @d flower arrangements u t d tluwer lectures r 'iii.i ' » k trc baked •- >odt ■v i v i s f ’ < 'i . a r r a n g e m e n tlonstrabon Luncheon will

\ IHl iv'l -ur!1 2 p m

enter Burn

•um Switzerland wi

Over ttje bridge^wi

( h i r l h m r u i R o o m — feature's —

• h > ^ l nest r

1 tin me / U'uttri1 •• Vh» ifrnu.

h ( rournu‘1 \ I• " h ‘ h.x< itmti \ nn( t '

o f the

N irk Stella I ri<>W e id .T r i .- S a t .

() u n til ?


I ’ r ' P la ins cK \.|tfilctfarth Hr!1 iiutitstovsn. N , |


N i ck S i e H a a t t h e o r g a n S u n d a y s

1 ta ils 1 uncheonsE m m S . I I 30 A M ■ . on P M .

D in n e r Specials BHrujuei F a r il it ir - AvailableMon thru Frt from $ 1 D) up tu I fuperaon-

S p.m. 0:30 p.m , a|| ,|48. ,,)<!<> Ask for Kirk K

11 \ P P )

H o i RI >a 11\ i . )t l-6 : 10

sai. Dinners • p.m - I U: 30 p.m.

Su n . \ )innf*rs i p .m . • (> : .30 p.m.

id e[he I with

tit;which dei afternoon count r>' house n\ni\ink rh*‘ mrrrO»*r- <

staff of a <mall office Alain Tanner s Middle <

g a y p e o p lepnnceTon,ry.$* 50 r • a ■ v - v ' • ••• • •Mff !|H&S A' 'N'UUAH • ■■ - v< » ‘ ^

Oct. 2 * S p eak e r: Timothy Lennox. Poet, Author of


tydkxMdAtiim Cty*rdPen-fir insw-OrSfe+Ti W CtMkrd Ue*K>ert«y

o u ! O t f f r p f t e r ( j y n d u c t o r

M eet w ith M r H ofre iterv ■: • ippf 6 at 8 p V a;

• Pennington Prep3<3lory Schoo’f ' ,.. j, ’ope' ' C • ’ y .•

he kreps School Room 208 East WindsorB r i n q m t t r u m t m a n d m u s i c

H » t i * a i r s « t s t o r B » c » n t « * n m a l S e a s o nA*- ' - -. •,■; ' . .... * V R

'm;- . Thti fast Wndso

For in fo rm a t io n c a ll 44S -&382 o r 44S-577S

GEORGE STREET PLAYHOUSEProfeNbtonal Regional theater


SUBSCRIBERS SAVE 33 - on all TICKETS and GET BEST THI H A M * (Chocs# six of sevento 3 ur» T Ca#«t SViorijto 23 frioM m Ues s lir. irfi :d n« mutr* to 5 'f*' m IS X «• U?t*ftTE

SUHCmiER ADVANTAGESUVMfil Yofe 33 o* Dc**!* f s 11 utitl u i n i t i .. ; i -yeve- p'Oducliotn ,o• «*' **■* *0MU c M ^•rcxndAHC1 <jf **Ch jriu eti” .9 , ,f,r ,• npni ,,,•••T MATS 8wfit"1m€ bn- l !'•4'. NrC vF <»' ■ —(* o- i PnQN'C RCSf »V4T ONIN I! HtV&tM We ^ <- rotri 'n* fjy- "oe wfrwr C* guf C «**ry*t5 it th* um* '-m*



towi t

PRINCETON SOCIETY OF MUSICAL AMATEURSFirst Session of the 1975-76 Season

Sunday October 12 1 975 at 4:00 P.M.At the Unitarian Church

MOZART- REQUIEMConductor J Merrill Knapp

Soloists: Jean i homas, soprano Jane Sharaf, alto

John McLain, tenor Stephen Owen, bass

I ■975 76 »*,ir>r tot A- of S

| ’ *'« S'r

1 P t * >•0311 5 1 jddyt teo Sue*-' p"Yr ■

( JOC 11 Coil

1 Into 13* Su *> u ! A '*■**«i** u*

. »« Si KWt 1»»t4* t* 1 >1 V* *> u 1 ». m 1Uw- )* ij r M j ss> *4 *« ».*.

> - 1!1____________ _

j U m %* J S’l I

xnsy t po'-’ - '• "'■Ci* » 11 Jft/'btJyjOscnjjSiO'T: r \*G ■ ■ 1 ; 1 7 .


M U S I C A L A M A T E U R S m e e t o n # S u n d a y a m o n t h f r o m O c t o b e r to M a y to r e a d t h r o u 9 h f o r t h e i r o w n p l e a s u r e g r e a t w o r k s in t h e c h o r a i l i t e r a t u r e U s u a l l y a n o r c h e i t r a is a s s e m b l e d to a c c o m p a n y t h e a m a t e u r c h o r u s a n d s o l o i s t s a r e a r r a n g e d f o r o s t h e w o r k s r e q u i r e T h e s e s s i o n * o r e a l w a y s c o n d u c t e d b y p r o f e s s i o n a l co n d o c t o r s T h e s e m e e t i n g s o r e no t p e r f o r m a n c e s T h o s e a t t e n d i n g p a r t i c i p a f e m c h o r u s a n d o r c h e s t r a

Mem bersh ip : Single $8, Couple $12.50 Single Admiss ion 2.00; Student tree

C h o ru sO r c h * s t r oS o lo is ts

For further information c o ll Mrs M ichael Ramus

9 2 4 -42 6 6Schedule ot Programs for the Year :

VmJe'-' vutyvc'C*>c* h ’<y Si?Good *« ec’ $J' *' 8 JO

Inttf 0 rc P'*»~3UV« -le*ere, ■ XA4-77 1 7

I e6nfe»tew i rWe fee e» y l*r**t I 8 14 t**i y kt***t IS*e* ftve«iet<k M J

'• vheet*o#e«i

O c t o b e r I 2 N o v e m b e r ] 6 D e c e m b e r ] 4

F e b r u a r y 8 M a r c h 7 A p r i l 4

M o i a d R e q u i e m O r f f C a r m i n e B u r a n o B a c h M a g n i f i c a t V i v a l d i G l o r i a M e n d e l s s o h n E l i j a h H a y d n H o r m o m e m e s s # B a c h M a s s in B m i n o r

U n i t a r i a n C h u r c h U n i t a r i a n C h u r c h St A n d r e w s C h u r c h

J M e r r i l l K n a p p L e o n D u f to i s

St A n d r e w s C h u r c h U n i t a n o n C h u r c h U n i t a r i a n C h u r c h

J. M errill Knapp David Agter Robert Jones Jam es Litton


I he ! ;swnTM/‘ lixkjBr



S e v e n F o r C e n t r a l J e r s e y

B u s in e s sOpportunit ies

a liable Market

; MA5

o r d e t a i l s

4 - B

BusinessOpportunit ies

PART TIME DISTRIBU­TORSHIP great potential Call 809-448 371? after 6 p m

PH INCETON BOROUGH faxi and Liven, licensee fc • ilr Inquire .it 60 924 1105

NKKI) EXTRA XMAS MONEY or just extra money0 \\> need fund raisers and demonstrators for shifts of

profits Start now for the* gift Living season For details

Help Wanted

Classified AdvertisingtHILLSBOROUGH BFACOfi

Hie Manville NewsThe Franklin NEWS RFCORD_____________________________

I ’h u r sd a x O ctober 2 , I d T . T

Help W anted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help W a n te d7". h C ' :7 MHNKK MCOC veeks full time m-

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t help at

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SECRETARYr our Ad !>o smart, rher iobs

MORT BARISHMort Barish Associates Inc. Research Park State Road

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S a l e s M a r k e t i n g S p e c i a l i s t

E l e c t r o - S e n s i t i v e P a p e r s

O u r m i d w w i b a u d c o m p a n y is i n v o l v e d in a n • x o t m g n e w c o n c e p t in s p e c i a l t y g r o d e p a p « r a p p i i c a t i o n s . A n d w # h a v t a n i m m * d i a t * c o r M r op p o r t u m t y f o r a s t r o n g s a ! # t m a rk a t i ng -o r i # n t # d i n ­d i v i d u a l T h i s p o s i t i o n r # q u i r # s a n i n n o v a t i v e t h i n k e r c a p a b l e of • s ’ a b l s s h i n g m a r k e t i n g g u i d e l i n e s m e r c h a n d i s m g p r o c e d u r e s a n d s a l e s c o n t o r t s f o r o u r n e w e l e c t r o - s e n s i t i v e p a p e r p r o d u c t s T h e s e p r o d u c t s h a v e a s t r o n g a p p l i c a t i o n to d a t a p r o c e s s i n g a n d b u s i n e s s e q u i p m e n t a n d y o u r f a m i l i a r i t y w i t h t h e s e r e l a t e d a r e a s w i l l b e b e n e f i c i a l T h e i d e a l a p p l i c a n t h a s a BS in e n g i n e e r i n g o r a b a s i c s c i e n c e a n d a M B A p lu s 2-5 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e in t h e s a l e s a n d m a r k e t i n g of b u s i n e s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n p a p e r s T r a v e l w i l l b e 5 0 6 0 % If y o u c a n m a t c h y o u r t a l e n t s a n d c a r e e r g o a l s w i t h o u r r e q u i r e m e n t s c o n t a c t u s n o w T h e r e w a r d s a r e o u t s t a n d i n g S e n d c o m p r t h t n u v s r e s u m e to

Box #03188c o Princeton Packet

e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y e m p l o y e r M F

k iP 1l in t\H0<~yCLERK nin - ’f 1V- 5 ” •«* * ’ 'v-.b i -\C ■IDistrif «9 V F tc a •»■'* ' , i ' nf •M A 1 •

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) \ A \m

“o I0K plus car. >es C all Ray.

Spelling, 353 rmceton 609 924

s P A i A B L E hint- :bookkeeper trict central of com mensu ra te

ce range $6,170 act Frank E

Jr School Bus r West Windsor Regional School Washington Road, net ion N J 08550

15 FOR A MAN f ree [>a r d in new s* i ‘ ‘.\change

• u h h v ln Required >pmg cooking

k * M ' [ X• ’

• * n ; t f! xcei

■rie• 9 44

W m H p a r t '»' T ) ( t


ed Will train rv iew 609-448

<THER desires *11 daughters M

aft er noon i.nd own Iran* us.’ ho** 924 4879

WANTED for old bo v 5 days

CRANBURY work, 5 30 a>m 11shed morning jtc available to on with car \ings for part

609 fK>.! 4260

full or


\ IT : <*he■ 924

* m iJol

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• i ; h ! v ip a h h

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■ pfiii■ - i f f I

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piU.S tlpfc

U S E K E E P E R uii charge in- are cleaning &

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K -1 r t 'O b 7


CENTERPr '- - - - ik'f : ■ ’ ■ ■ k

353 Nassau Street Princeton N J

Phone 609 921 6244W) FEE CHARGED

TV STUDIO MANAGER MCCO seeks full time studio manager to maintain master p r o d u c t io n s c h e d u le Responsibilities include scheduling of production crew, assisting in set construction

tmtera Kgptttig overseeing ■ ki«" I a hi ■" I ' !!'-s tnd w u

'i-chnical assistance in • -on!rol room Degree .in com- mumcations and l % r exp in : nett color studios Respond in ■iriting before Hi 10 T, to Mercer 1 ount\ Communih 1 "liege Personnel Services Dept ( Box B Trenton N J '>8690 Equal Op-;xirtunity \fffirma>1 ve action employer

■ LK W ING W< )M \ N wanted,veeklj eaniiM &

,-nrung Small house techelor pro! Kingston Transportation■ equ i r r-rl : ,-f eri-tu e Wi'i pa -.* / ■■ , ' i n H'j ■ .

B' 11 >KKEEPER ! ■ $88**' K P Boroughs

•'ookkeeping machine rail Ingrid Snellmg &• Srteiiing :S>: St Priru i-fn H09-924- Hor>4

>wrr< MB' )AKI> f iPKR \TOK -

evenings Small Nassau St -' - * - a * 'r.M .-i '4'

i: \BV SITTER Housekeeper, Weds !7 4pm nwr trans 301 Ti9-1935

RN S Full time position. 3 I 'M II P M shill Excellent

ti - benefits and working conditions Gall for ap point ment Personnel Dept SHE ' ARKIKR ' LIN K BelleMead N .1 5>9 3101EqualM/F

f rpportunity plover

a s T f )DIAN M F to workin px,t school.surroundings Write Box *08204 c o Princeton Packet

SKCKl•HA R Y Sup<;r clientneeds excellent txpi ng andsteno skills for di’,'ITSI fif'do p p r» r t u n i t v T o pre cogiiition and h■enefits$150 t- ee paid Call M(9 786

j* ' . , y - I.' 7Nottingham Way Trent


ppi »1 NTM K VI IK 1*1 44H HUt !

WAITRESS waiter Full or narttimc Apply :n person tetttwri & e Mon through Fri ' Buxton's Coun­try Restaurant Dorchester o r . at Old Trenton Hd E Windsor

DENTAI ASSISTANT full time experienced preterred will train Mrxfr-rn office in Lawrenrovillc ("all 6W 883- 1 T64

HKISTMAS SHOPPERS■1(1(1, .out -ig- now

Extra income, your < l tel o ■ '


W< >MAN for houseKeep tig in moot per

Refereno i 609-12 52(

I.PN S W ANTED for : 11 shift . ,j ja | Frid !'». B

0725 Elms Nursing Home. 65 .North Main St Cranbury

DRIVER growing bookdistrilmtoi Applx R'joksMobile Hay Press Rd Datvon N ,1


1 : v : lC) - ; - s i ' C (CANT 1m --

e to tx3 most fftnerai !•’ ' ■ CHj P "

- , u jaPAA■■ e The positM>n or the

, ' *3 f r ■• ‘( e d*f •

• t the placement-Teeminus mr» ,warnings, Wfil dec

he promptly refun

M ■ ■ —- -’es0" '* ' SKIIG service tor employerand apo%cant

•311 C1 C • |

VW 609 695 250$IVM. om.•n<« Townshipl u l Tf id Gondt lw on Build IRJ1 „. aB i id i US

Itnwrd 0 N n o n n f t l Con*witontt


P• o*esspna1 and Techm^ai Skilled and Unskilled

N#w Jersey State T taming & Employrnen! Servtcw

Sutxirban OH»ce at Rtes 33 b 130 at Woods -o P-:

Robbmsviile N.J

Phone 609-586-4034 609 448 1053

No Fee Charged

BABY S IT T E R L IG H T HOUSEWORK Monday through Friday. 3-6 om

am n a l Full days Responsible person to care for girt ‘i & box fi Lawrencevtlie area Call 609-896 1006 after 7 pm

I ’mMETK Housecleaning Twin Rivers Thurs & Fn "m transportation fib9 -hh

1.380 or 448-2960

EARN $$S MR GIFTS Money tor Clubs. Churches 1 'rganizations ’ Gifts for

• ■ ns Pari i vout home lr\ it' it s Fun! f all collect xla1. 202 67' 44.47 fit write

Santa s Parties Dept B. om 0600

-.Et ! RITA Gl ARD swing shift all company benefits -ii'ith Brunswick area ■ X)l • '29 457!

sK< RETARY Fee paid $7300 Typing 60 plus shor- tiand H5 plus Technical vping [ireferred fall Ingrid

s ’" -i out & Snellmg 453 *au St Princeton S83 -v-i


i'El e p h o n f : s a l e sIx-rit .ment part or <uii time - i t .a ’ grow mg firm 609 324 '.‘(Nit)

PART TIME WAITRESS W AT; !■ R For private psychiatric hospital Assist in 11 - i r i tm i o .n o f m e a Is a nd preparation of plotters Ex- p e n e n c e h e l p f u l b u t n o t necessary Some fringe »•' ■ '. lo t a p p o i n t m e n t

Pet - it - - Dept T K I ' 7 R R I E K i L I N K ' B e l l e M e . id N .1 201 159 3101

U NDRY WORKER h ull u,i mi i-lligent w illing,

Om i \ |N-r-on ’hat i at ..ssume■ *• - o' iii - i hi itx Princeton m< nut'. Box * irtafi c o Princeton Packet

M A N A G E M E N T CON 'L'LTANT firm xecks in f;x idual ti conduct one day

work shops Full or part itme M • urra- 'i, Box *03182 c o

■ ' i' -i-t or i ';n k.-t

i t ;7, TIME Babysitter ' :i xihle hour infant and S-ter D ue References and

11 ansporta tion essent ial P incetoi Reply Box *03181.

: '-'IK P a ke‘

DRIVER Part time• ■ rmng i lean driving

nt & knowledge N.J & NY , . rssent i a 1 i ' row n

m: fuis; rie M-rxi ci 609-448 4389

Ml M V3J M AIN 'I!-: NANCE Reliableresponsible person to -uperx ise area of shopping ■enter north of Princeton f ■.enings Thurs & Fri plus

I •■ ' S ll A Bm Enr a Mi Nordhaaser

201 M2 7150

SALES Home Decor ts 'Kiki’iL! mi -cpresentatives to tiow 'Ivor nvetx decorating

■ iirn-v at home partics A on w i. can !uh ' ime pax bv

irking fieri tune hours <'all’in "22 8481

CHILD CARE and play i ’ !-.)!>. lor . year old in your hoi ( Mornings Mon 8'n m s k 11! m a n ■ B la w en bu r g a r eaI all 609-466 1829 alter Sept 23

i\s| R.ANCf Sb i RETAR A with some previous ex f>( ri'-nct or someone who

eari th nsui ancebusiness Phone lor ap- p-:nimenl '< a it, to 12 noon

461, t?7 :

N A S S A U P L A C E M E N ! S by Beo Hunt

W e s p e c i a l i z e in s e c r e t a r e s at the e x e c u t i v e l eve l

9 5 N a s s a u S t r e e t 6 0 9 9 2 4 37 16

SALES//at • vour ak> anti t'at it. too

an aritw Banib^rjrer' Princeton r«»ntineent \ <*u can :

• l rtf iihw-rai emfdRV *•< liw< -.unt• Nam** ihf tia\ 5 tim** u work• frcf t ! akf* carp • -f \ our swiai ri-wjM,ns,ibili{i*a> when n«M working

» Dayi

pmiaiipnt. part-umc. «ia\ tX ful' inir ;-i-iin»tt- availahip !<« i '.tips and

Cell 4~5.1O0 for en appointment

PnncfMon Shoppinir 1 »*ntcr4 n f.qumlf lppooumty Emptnv+r

PART TIME DELIVERIES PERSON one to three da vs per w k Stick shift Bendable c e il 8 @ 448 7787

( ITA PI, WNKRSThe Peace Corps needs pins to serve as vol in Sr, Am Asia, Africa Plan and construct towns roads bridges dam- waterwrks. etc trng starts soon apply now Must '* ' S CM Single or fouples onh For info call or write AC­TION 26 Fed Plaza NY 10007 212' 264 7123

ARTIST'S MODELS male and female for professional art schtxii Sommerville area Call 201-359-5155 for ap point ment

IK8TR1 ■ " « rn Par* 1 tine Sought for dav classes in anatomy and physetoiogv as well as a sc ience course w hich i n t e g r a t e s an a to m y physciologx i-hemisiry and micro-binlogx for "health science students Masters degree required relevant t e a c h in g experience preferred Submit a resume listing ,.i ademii credentials and relevant teaching ex penence to Mercer County Community College Per sonni-t Services Dept B C Box B Trent or, N .] u«69<Equal Opportunity Af firmative Action Employer

HOUSEKEEPING AIDES Male and Female roouired fer hosp ita l housekeep ing ctepartment. full time day shift 8 am 4 pm General housekeeping duties Ex cellent working conditions benefits and salary Call (or appoi nlment Pet rsonne! Dept THE CARRIER CLINK Belle Mead N J

1!! 0-311 1 . .. :portunity Employer M F

BKPERIENt ED SA ES PERSON In our ladies department lull time top pax tx-nefits lor interview call 609924-7too Mi Mihai

THE ENGLISH SHOP ;2 40 Nassau St Princeton N .1

W A N T E D W A IT K E SS w KTlt i and Bartender pa rt time [ilease appix in person bet 3 30and 7 30 p m < i«itp s Bar and Pizzeria 7,39 Witherspoon xi Princeton N J OK540

AFTER SCHOOI < AREneeded for 6 vt old box Vicinity of Htbben MagicApts or Riverside School ..

Miitaily Your home or mine Provide own transportation Ref erences ®9 4.,. 1464 ftei 7 pm

PRINCETON JCT Housekeeper for working fatter with 2 children boy 9 giri fi After school and dinner Must have own car For ap pointment call 201 329 7118 ,1a x s 609 799 9481, c\ i-s

SECRETARY' sales oriented with statistical analysis ex jx’nenee steno ;iccurafe tvpist Knowledge of metals heIpf a ■ .it necessary < ah201 297 9700

SECRETARY If you are eager to become a legal paraprofessionai it. Prelector and have super secretarial -kills curiosity and stean fastness call Mr Ban lax at 609 924 7.70(1

Mur,on. M Hull,,fa. <


AGENCYS p »c ia l izm g m

T e m p o r a r y H e l p

Permanent Placement'mSet rent rial. < leri, «/.E teeulivt I uP arid1 erhrucal

3 5 2 N o v i a u St P r i n c e t o n fc 09 9 2 4 9 1 3 4

PHOTO LAB TV Studio 7H era tech MCVC seeks

individual for full time work in slide duplication processing flat copy photography some stili location snooting and photo invenlorx work Must be on call at all times for T VttsdR camera < }eratt<x

i-olor studio Associate deg and r-xp necessary Respond tn writing before 10 10 75 to Mercer County County College Personnel Services Dept C PL Box B Trenton NJ 08690 Equal ' ipportunity Affirmitive action emploxer

| .ENEKAL ■ 9 I- IC1-. V.' )RK Typing required, full time Applv in person ifooks Mobile Inc Hax Pres- ltd Davton N J

WLITER REST. ARCHER ir assist in writing book or N J pt Sn 1 rcsum< i p <) Bo> Someiset \ J 0687

SALES EI)P To 13K Will train Call Ray Snellmg & Snell ng 357, Nassau St P- fleetol 609 924 8U64

RALES Medical T c 12K pks n, - or Eei- iK-gol iahle

■ all Rax. Snellmg &■ Snellmg Nas au Pri nectoi SW

9 . M 804 4

COMPUTER OPERATOR Fee pmd $8500 370-117 experience 5 rd shift Top

mpai Ingi i Snelling& Sn.-llmg 377 Nassau St Princeton 6(8* 924 flow

E X PT. HIT. \> E .............. ..I K it SI- K E E P E P T i ,adults in family five daxs per week to a.m unti alter dinner Local referenceS, ,a: ,jM" 609 42 9i,

i'HE I.AI.L1 P ■ a garo /a' lor: :. Prmcetor: is seeking person with experience in executive interviewing and or group nterx 'Cw mg i.raduati work : Social S<-,enc«*s 'iesirable

Full time, temporar posit tor minimun. i 4 months send resume '<■ personnel Dept The Galluporganization 77 Bank St Princeton N J 0K540 No phone calls please

PART TIME POSITION for person with exper one* in 'as' !imk! odustrx work counter & aril. Apply Blawenburg Dairx Queen corner of -IB &. ire,it R vid 609 46* I-'1

EXPERIENCEDw ciit-d ‘r cook dima week Relerence

, j r ■ >,, . I ' l l

PI- RSON>r 7 nmhts

NEE! > SI-3 ONE' INS ' iMT Build personal or family business from vour own homemmedait* I No in estmeni $15 >» 8 Kk eat

|».!en' :a I 1 a 1 HE 43J 1.7', torappointment

MAINTENANCE PERSON 11 garqei r rtmei

time Musi have own tools \[>ply 102 Hickory Coriier Ro Hightstown before 5

V\ ANTED temfxirary library usOk! m, Par' ' :rne - .eneral

maintenance of library'#! grounds Car necessary Inquire Public Librarv 201 821 8224


West Wtndsot Township

la ted <


$12ri 125 w k D O l p lus ewe' time it 1 - Full medical »n surande progfam and other benefits

Cali M r M i l l e r a* 609 799 2418 for further in­fo rm a t ion


PROFESSIONAL STAFF MEMBERPosition involves working w ith senior m anagement on proposal w rt’ tng supervising field work analyzing ana m rerprenng findings and 'epon preparatto- of studies on ducted for governm ent academ ic ana c ommerc *ai clients

Reauirem enrs are Education through at least M A ieve1 in a social science or in marketing research Several years ex perience m survey research

S # n d To

Response Analysis CorporationResearch Park

Princeton N J 08540or call Mr Alfred Vogel 609- 921 3333

ABLE & THOROUGH person tn clean our office once a 4!7t-k W e need someone who is * tiling to do a good job forwhich we are willing to pax a good salary Cleaning must fie clone after office hours or on weekends Please call 609-4522826

MILD; ARE my home, light housekeeping Must have ': ansporlaiion call 609-443 4 297 after 6:30 p m

SALES Biologx or Science . ► grou nd * ] OK Fee

negotiable i all Ray Snellmg & Snellmg 353 Nassau Si 1 *’ ncelot 609 924-8064

SECRETARY fee paid To $7300 Diversified duties m hurch organization Call Ray

snellmg & Snelhng. 353... Pri nee! n >*«. ‘rj4


110 51 f- KCONOMtSTThe Pi ace Corps needs 75 Vol n> each Home Ec Nutrition. Inrant < are in Afr Asia and SAp 70 countires in -all

• nf ,.r‘ - SOOT Appix sow Must be US U>! Single or

'upli-> only F-'or info call or -'•ntc ACTION 26 Fed Plaza N 7 10007 212 264 7123

FI RN [SHED APT PLUS SALARY in exchange for help with two youngsters and

pt■ ximately i: hours ;*s wek four blocfes from N issau s- couple preferred, "me e x p e r i e n c e a n d

• 4(1 934 H664

• : R N E! 1 R F DECORAT >R SALESPERSON Ethan Mleri furniture store in I rent or, needs person who wants future in selling our hotii* ■ urnishings W e will Iran as needed 4 dax s 12 to 9, s.e* e • • Excellent working i onditmns Send resume to Box 117.207 c o Princeton Packet

Ll-,'. At SECRETARY for law office

, i * a .,. 1 - pe work - a 1 a ry on non - urate with ex

pt i « ■ K ( Barclay J r Esq ’94 Nassau St Prin­ceton N .J

B1 SIN ESS MANAGER for non profit educational organization willing to per form all aspects of financial management College degree and or experience < Call N.J Education Consortium 609-921 '2021 _____S E C R E T A R Y [Mi.sition in


Requires good typist some steno, pleasant working conditions Good opportunity lor advancement Reply to box* 03206. c o Princeton Packet

X U 1 T A K U 1)1 H E C T O R

Preferrablv West Windsor resident, with knowledge of community resources social work background College graduate or equivalent in experience P T position, flexible hours 2 days a week Salary commensurate with experience Please send resume to Andree Marks, West Windsor Twp . P 0 Box 38. Princeton Junction. New Jersex 08850 by Oct 22.

REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON with or without experience Excellent training program Adlerman & Click 4- (7 609-924 0461

PART TIME JOB for housewife or husband Four hours daily Shipping clerical dutie with educational publisher 609-921 2803

PERSON TO SEW on double needle industrial machine Experience helpful 201-359- HT.r.i

LAP>RF,R TKI CK DRIVER 40 hour week includes

n.anual labor & fquipment operation with Twp road crew ,md public facilities maintenance S3 76 per hour max This position is federally funded under the coin

em 1)10) ment & 'raining act > >pen uni y to West

ndsoi Twp residents who an- ixit currently employed r unding expii es June 3ft, 1976

..I; Mr M Jli-r 1509) 799 240' ‘"or ' nformat ion

P AH 1 1 IME < LEANINGPER-SON one nrorrung per -week References required I all 609 424-6*. 17

NOTICEW i t h t h e r e c e n t d e c i s i o n o f t h e N e w J e r s e y

S u p r e m e C o u r t oi l n e w s p a p e r s in t h e s t a t e a r e b o r ' e d f r o m r u n n i n q a n y h e l p w o n t e d o d s t h a t d i s c r i m i n a t e b e t w e e n s e r e s

Th i s b a n n c l u d e s t h e w o r d i n g o f t h e a d v e r * s e m c n t o lo n q w i t h c o l u m n h e a d i n g s S u c h • t P s os s a l e s m a n G i r l F r i d a y m a i n t e n a n c e m a n o r e a q a in s t t h e l a w A d s s e e k i n g a

s o l e s p e r s o n o r s a l e s m a n w o m a n o r G i r l G u y F r i d a y a r e s u g g e st e d as a l t e r n a t i v e s

W e r e q u e s t t h e c o o p e r a t i o n o f o u r a d v e r i i s e rs in a d h e r i n g to t h i s d e c / s i o n o f t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t T h e a d v e r t i s e r i s a l s o l i a b l e f o r a n y v i o l a t i o n s

The P' n c r 'o n Par,,.* N rw s D Q p e r 30C rV ' lhe rsp oon S1 Prmc r- >on

South S o m e r t e ' N e w t a p e n P O Bon 146 S o m e rv ille N .J

609 924-3244 (2 0 1) 725 3355


) .................



10 . . . . . . .


3 Insertions - no changes S4 50

W h e n P o , d in A d v a n c e I f b i l l e d o d d 5 0 CLASSIFICATION



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C l A S S I F ' E D S A T E S

A 7 C l o s s i T e d A d v e r t i s i n g a p p e a r s n o i l s e v e n n e w s p a p e r s T h e P r i n c e t o n P a c k e t T h e L a w r e n c e L e d g e r T h e C e n t r a l P o s t W . n d s o r - H i g h t s H e r a l d T h e M a n v i l l e N e w s T h e F r o n k l i n N e w s R e c o r d a n d H i l l s b o r o u g h B e o c o n A d s m a y b e m o i l e d in or • e i e p h o n e d D e a d l i n e to r n e w o d s s S p m M o n d a y it t h e y a r e to b e p r o p e r l y c l a s s i f i e d A d s m u s t b e c a n - e i i e d b y 5 p m M o n d o y

R A T E S a r e S 3 0 0 t o r t o u r l i n e s o r l e s s to r o n e I s s u e o r t o r i g i n a l l y o r d e r e d in a d v O r u e $1 SO a d d i t . o n a l t o r

t w o c o n s e c u t i v e w e e k s o r i s s u e s o n d t h e t h i r d in s e r t i o n is F R E E T h e r e a f t e r ^ e o c h c o n s e c u t i v e i s s u e o n l y c o s t s S I N e * t i n c r e m e n t of u p to t o u r l i n e s SO c e n t s o n d t h e s o m e t h e r e a f t e r A d s m a y b e d i s p l a y e d w i t h w h te s p o c e m a r g i n s a n d o r a d d i t t o n o ! c a p i t a l l e t t e r s a* S 3 50 p e r i n c h S p e c i a l d i s c o u n t r a t e of S 3 0 0 p e r in c h is a v a i l a b l e *o a d v e r t i s e r s r u n n i n g t h e s a m e c l a s s i f i e d d i s p l a y a d ‘ o r 13 c o n s e c u t i v e w e e k s o r d i f f e r e n t c l a s s i f i e d d i s p l a y a d s t o t o l i n g 2 0 o r m o r e n c h e s p e r m o n t h o n d w h o a r r a n g e to b e b i l l e d m o n

t h i y B o x n u m b e r s a r e o n e d o l l a r e x t r a

T E R M S 50 c e n t b i l l i n g c h o r e e it o d is n o t p a i d in a d Vance 2 p e r c e n t c a s h d i s c o u n t o n c l a s s i f i e d d i s p l o y ads if bli t IS p a id b y t h e 2 ( J th o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o n t h S i t u a t i o n s W o n t e d a d s a e d o u t o f a r e a o d s a r e p a y a b l e w i t h o r d e r T h e n e w s p a p e r is n o t r e s p o n s i b l e f o r e r r o r s n o t c o r r e c t e d b y f h e a d v e r t i s e r i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w i n g t h e f i r s t p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e o d



I'hr l^awntncfi lodqor


Thursday. < ictober i '

Seven For Central Jersey

Classified Advertising-HILLSBOROLfGH BEACOT{


Hie Mdnville NewsThe Franklin \F WS R fCO RD ___________________ ____________


Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Jobs Wanted Announcements Personals Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain MartKXPERIF M 'K I i H'H'SE KEEPER tij supervise maids in 9? oom motel Responsible fo. ail housekeeping activit ies Company benefits Call S09- 452-2500 for appointment


WAITRESS WAITER over18. experienced l r»r lunch Mon Friday some evenings Peacock Inn 7.’(i Ice.aid '• -me Princeton *io9 924 l?()7

Ih II 'SEKEEPERS wanted for motel work in a family at mosphere Call Mrs Scrapp in housekeeping 20 1 722-4000

PART TIME office helpneeded Bookkeeper ae countani and clerk stenographer Approximate!) 2a hours per week Flexible arrangement Interviewsweek of Oct 6 Write Box « <>7121 'i ' Princeton Packet

WORK FROM HOME Telephone -ohciting, no sales We it an, 2ii 1 +69-8197

ATTENDANT t . IFF ic e r HilKtioi (i r-.wnship part ' inn job. 8 a m noon Please contact Tony Radano Hillsborough High School. '201 239-8511

ADVANCE C O M MISS K) N Smailing circulars Complete Beginners r ' $ D efui dable Send -tamped ad dressed envelope for in formation WMP1. Enterprises P O Box 122. Somerset NJ * ■

TELEPHONE OPERATORS lor telephone answering service 24 hrs. all shifts, exper preferred but will tram, looking for supervisors per soiitiel 924 12400 anytime

111 SRAND WIFE team piroterrablv superintendent maintenance man, live in Trenton apartment house Call 609 49 4 5060 Position open immediately

HOCSEHnl.D WORKERS ava ilab le immediately T) inn e s 11 c E m p 1 o y m e n t

‘ .MU f>580

IE IE PHONE. SOLICITOR sod area newspapers Ex perience helpful but n,-< necessary Hourly rate plus incentive bonus Interested parties may write Bex ■02398 c o Princeton Packet

Gl ARDS Cniforms fur mshed Work in Princeton Lawrenceville area For appi call 2ol-429-6021 An equal opportunity employer

R E A l. E S T A T E SALESPERSON yvith lots of energy and ambition wanted for our Princeton office Contact Jane Beene for con fulenhul interview <5.

\\ t- tlH- t HE M f.S'l A M INC.

242' Nassau St Princeton. New Jersey

609 1 921-270<t

YOl.'NG PERSON over 18' needed for heavy housework, xxindows vacuuming, dish­washing etc Part time some day s and Thursday Friday & Saturday evenings Call 609 9?4-1 707

AMBITIOUS PERSON of ch a ra c te r . education refinement experienced in leaching dub or church work p r e fe r r e d In te re s t in g educational sales work Ad vancement opportunities Sprite in full to R Lang .794 Denton Place Middlesex N J 0H846 L 86

WANTED Women interested in making money No exp nec We tram you to conduct style -hows for small groups Ex cel lent earnings Cali 201 722 1494 or 722-4582


NEEDED NOW Long and -hoi i .lv-ign merit - I ,ocn ted -r Hightstown, Princeton. Hopewell, Pennington and Trentor areas Work now lor extra earnings TOP PAY Ni 1 FEE

,1 A I H MPOR ARIES 2946 Rt » i , Law' renceville


NURSE H N or L.P N to work full time in internist s office Write Box « 03179 c o Princeton Packet

BABYSITTER -2.30 4 30pm my home Princeton •Arms 2 girls. 2 to 5 day s per wk Ref 609 443-6193

CLERKS 2 needed in Princeton wvhave long A short assignments Come in immed Top pay no fee


tawrenceville, N J 609 884 .47)72

PART TIME FULL TIME - Receptionist office manager .it private club 201-359-8740

MANAGER TRAINEE Grow mg last food chain Will train Call any dav io a m to 2 p m 609-443-4411

PERSON TO ASSIST fashion wagon advisor yyith home tagninn 1 all 2u! 72.71246

] ’U MB1NG PIE< EW i )RK ER wanted for work in Hillsborough area Call 201 477-0854

SECRETARY smallPrinceton professional office, must be experienced on IBM r \ecutive tvpeyy riter and fully self sufficient Salary open i .dl 609-92! 721“ '

BABYSITTER WANTED lor 2 vear old girl, 4 day- a ue-ek, trom 9 5 References required 1 Till after -p m 609 921-2252

ASHIERanted part

SALES Help tune Mature, .4

tys. 3 or

40 pm till plus flexible

p m ir sft

ghtstown area Call 609-448-

SECRET'ARY t<> Executive officers of growing management consulting firm in Princeton Exc 'yping & stenography required Salary depends on experience Exc working conditions & benefits Call Mrs Curve l ti s r 984 (804

NURSES RNs & LPNs Full or part time All shifts avail Exp pref New facility, pleasant environment good benefits Phone for appt 201- 821-8000

SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Light Maintenarx e lull time, salary V benefits Will train South Brunsw ick Board Education Cal 201 .729 8182. Mr- Kubiak

RESEARCH FIRM seeks proof reader, statistical checker Position involves proof reading and stat checking of social and marketing research studies and reports Requirements BA degree in English or a Social Science Good com ' nt English language crammer and punctuation and facility ueh numbers some statisocal training helpful Contact Mr Alfred Vogel, Response Analysis Corp Research Park Princeton *■>09-92 : LB

IT LI. TIME SALES HELP Apply in Person imagine Rt 130 East Windsor

Bt SPERSONS for day and night shifts See Mr Peterson in person Hilton Inn Mon mouth St Hightstow n

SECRETARY needed in the Monmouth Jet area for 2 w ks Possible use of Ml'ST may be included on this assignment Top pay-no fee

J & J Temporaries 2946 Rte 1

Lawrenceville N J 609-884 5572

PART TIME (TJERK to work some evenings and weekends in deli Apply in person Flovd’s Delicatessen 4 Old CranburvRd . Cranbury

SECRETARY with good skill shorthand 80 needed in Princeton-Rocky Hill area Till- is a 4-4 wk assignment starting immed Top pa\ no tee

J & .! Temporaries 2936 Rte 1

Lawrenceville, N J 609-883-5572

M A1TK E Ev en m g shiftApply im persoi Peterson at Hilton Inn Monmouth St Hightstown

HAIRDRESSER wanted with following Shprt work week Good terms - 20’. 821-7135 or 201 329 2041

P T EC Rijn. ede . s a

Pleasi ■ ■ ! per i enc< I qualifications W iter sheds P O Box 171. Pennington N J (8544

ResumesREDIT Resume Fxiiting « )|)j (*< 11 vcI\ 1 'cr sona 1 iv.ee1414 Whitehedd Rd A US

- <LP( 6>)9- 995-2505

Jobs WantedA.ARP MEMBER PRINEl RESTOI 1 till :1m m ■ Hovepevi ting'.ape recorder,

cassette have small car Experienced ijj city country

pik< parb g1 • ft p rii BOX 04198, c ii Princeton Packet

BABYSITTER fot,tiler - : ri* is ill net

A ex teacher.| targe family "•a - a-

.» h' • OX ("7

rondifton fie your utile one Call tM mterfiew 19 043.3

TWO HHS tf- will do■. * abysitiingj|1i mg parties

Anytime after 3 ;i n. ME ASal anytime ©al! WK. 448 1009

mid 448 OKI af'.*r 3 p m

in ns home fortorkini he®

..... r f i t Rivers 609448-4593 i


B.i’ -; - i-NijA set ee Male or; 609,432 7377

Mon-Fri 4-6 p!m

;i"! - IK K ! HR! live-in orday work, exper loveschildren, exc ref (i09 -921-3392

EXPER WOMAN desireswork Nursing. light hsekpgor baby sitting Kefs Own" C t If

BABB v. - -1; KIN1x ~ womanseeks 5 days work or1 - .......... ; ug living outLoves childrt'i -1009after 6 p nv

TALENTED YOUNGillus! 1 ..tin i-elc- intacts yvithauthors of chiidr i: - Nooks609-392-3804

MOTHER OF 2 <4 ill case forxour child. 8-5. weekdavs inRelie Mead 20! 35.9-5194'

ELECTRICIAN LICENSEDQuality yvork fcir all vourelec!rical needs .4.11 w ork fullvguaranteed to meet yyith voursatisfaction F*ree estimates609 443 5268

"HILi RF IN MY HOMElor working mot!tiers Largefenced yard, reerttat ion roomLunch A snacks includedHillsboro area 201 359-3511

NEED HELP" < ALL Y E Sthe Lawrence I'wp Yout1’Flmployment Ser■vice Monday F'ridav 1 4 p n 6(19 896MIX

Hli.i 1 ARF daily orweekly large backyard Ihave one 3-year-0Id 329-2141

CHILDCARE 1 mx homeHightstow n F i! time 609-448 1694

HOUSEHOLD WORKERSavailab le imimediatelyD om est ic Err1 ploy,men tAgency 201-462 6580

SE RI i f exper exctyping steno skills Con-sc 1 en! iou$ i. :■esponsiblePref* I w- Tw Rivers.( ranbury vicinity Write P OBox 03180 PrincetonPacket

H X SI 1.1tesined Have transport an

LTV >'

CARETAKER for small estate Separate living quarters married experience in general home maintenance A grounds upkeep Referen res 2«|: 72:

NEED A BABYSITTER'’ Westminster Choir College tiabvsitting agency has many sitters at reasonable rates $1 25 hr or SU 50 hr for periods of iess than 2 hours or for four or more children Please, call 609-921 7103. 9- ic 47 ;i m Mon thru Fn

AI)MIN ISTR ATI VE ASS1ST.ANT for church background in C F, all areas of church work Member NACBA suburb and large city exp ( ontact through P 1 ! Box 864 North Arlington New Jersey 07032

' HILD < ARE in my home for working mothers Days eves wk ends Brunswick Acres 201 297 1944

BABYSITTER A A AI LA BL FI experienced with tiabies & children 1 all Shanon Stoney 609 452 7171

BABYSIT BRUNS ACRES area Reliable senior SI hr Recorder lessons $2 50 hr 20; 29 7 6688

MOTHER near John Van Buren Wvcoff School, would ike to i are lor children in her

home either full or day 609799-2443

CHILD C ARE in my home, days or evenings, full or part time, or occasionally 201 159 444" /

( APABLE experienced college mad available as part time secretary Takes steno 609-921 8882

WILL BABYSIT in my home tot working mothers Located talween Hopewell & Prir. ceton Experienced (Till 609 466 1040

MOTHER would like to babysit in her home Hopewell area Experience &

■ ent es 809 4S6 2942

1 AM WILLING TO BABY SIT m my home in Belle Mead area Mon Fri . 8 a m 5 j! ti tali 20! 159-305;

AnnouncementsROBIN .1 AY


State LicensedRegister now for Sept 1975 Full or half day sessions Transp available Lunches ni luderi ' all 201 254 iSo5

THE PRINCETON COOP. E R A T 1 V E N U R S E R Y SCHOOL Nassau and Cedar ! am- ha-- opening- tor t and *■ t olds lor the 1975-76 school year Please call -Susan Gall 609-924-8748 or Kris Sheehan. 609-921-8049 or Pa! Harding 921-8499

CHERRY HILL NURSERY SCHOOL has openings remaining for -ear olds, for information please call Mollv Jacobs 921 3866

The Dutch Neck Comp Nur sorv School has one remaining • in its three yr old

a,w !' t 1 ere-'ed a! 609 799- 1823

MEN W ANTED to sing in a barbershop chorus Meet Tuesdays 8 p m For infor . 6*9 882 4647

'ii iK l.( m )K l.i M 'K There is , ■ , ;j_ 1']:licet ii Vat or,

Rates >0 cents per day Si fit) •-■i ;v(" tught. bv !hr week- » lw ’he month $8 Theonly overnight parking in Princeton

INDIVIDUAL TUTORING Pre-school through adults Reading writing, vocabulary I he Learning Exchange 609- 443-4114

CALLING ALL (R A F T S PEOPLE, who are interested m selling their work at a holiday gift boutique at the Princeton Jewish Center on Sunday Oct 28 Please con tact Henny Sherman 609-921 2884 or Maxine Gurk 609-924- 4694 We will be happy to supply full details

HOME OWNERS Refinance vour home Pay off all your bills in one small monthly payment Up to 40 years to pax i ,,-v interest t all Full Service Mortgage. 201 775-<976

BID N BUY October 4 Rocky Hill - fun fall fair and auction Treasures. en tertainment refreshment throughout the day

POSSIBILITIES” -Are you w Ting to donate your talent

'instmas and other shows for Stale Hospitals anywhere” Starting now for Nov A Dec Such as Master of Ceremonies, comedians. Haw ai lan dancers, can-can dancers, ice skaters, bands organ players piano & xylophone players, group singers. sta'ge nelp, secretaries, trapeze stunt talent trampoline Rehearsals are m order For interview call Vaudeville Productions. 609 924-6471

SERIES OF SI X LECTURES it Homoeopathy by J Cooper M D Leg inn mg Oct 6 Call609-799 2744


South Branch Nursery School ha- opening for this fall school will !>egin Oct 1 For more rsformation call .469 4956 ot (69 8091 after 6pm

INTENSIVE CREATIVITY S E M IN A R S beg inn ing Tuesday i ictober 14 and every follow tns Tuesday trom 8 to 10 p rr. for 10 weeks. The Dimensions of Creativity. Removing Blocks and Bm > tors to ( real ive Thinking. Developing Felxibility and Idea BJuency Characteristics of the Creative Individual. Special Creative Problem Sulving Techniques, Effective Presentation of New Ideas, and J her areas Exercises and Intensive Practice Sessions The course can in (reuse creative problem solving abilities trom m to 23®pt......... I Fo® i ogist rationand or more information call "24 !2l or write to Princeton Creative Research inf1 P O Box 127 Princeton N J

Personalsrao m sHOf ■

toady to start tali classes in Astrology Beginners, ad- ancod. intermediate Also

workshops on Tarot Karma and reincarnation, and astro projection if enough interest is -howr Books on all asepets of the circuit and personalized astrological charts Also sign up lor the experimental istro a - toting sen. ice Mon-Sat 12-4 p m . 144 Nassau St Princeton -it cal! 609-924- 5179

Fi 'REIGN BURN MOTHER and 77 me old -on enjoy the

itdoors ind - ports non -rnoker nor. -drinker, would like to -hare similar interests with mother and child about same age Reply- Box (14208 i o Princeton Packet

Professional man desires ■noatiingii; rciationship with intelligent good looking, warm. sincere woman Respond n mmplete con bdenee to Box .47 'Yanbury N J 08512

VERY RELIABLE mature person has children of her own like to pick other . t idren from vuart ( ountry : i.iy s< hoo m Pnnceton who live m Twin Rivers. Right- -tnwr "i East Windsor Reasonable Please call 609- 44 t 4249


AWLEA FORL KIN OF TON S SAK E . RFELECT HIM Paul for 'iy he Republican

uh ot Princeton Box 381. W S Fbeld, Treas

\1.11-3 TIN IA < OL0RAD0 < *K VICINITY 2 sisters, eel ng k aul i r. late

■ >0 “ early November Will ■ 1 ■ N ng ex penses

Pie.i-i cali 609 466-1009 before to p n after that call 609-

" 2! 98.47 a-k for Jenny or Brownie

A LI BIRTHRIGHT - for help throughout pregnancy Pregnancy test available Confidential, no fees Call 609- 424 7444


: MAT] N 1 ALL 609-934-7592 _____________ _

PRIVATE 1 .ENDERS & m- ,cstors earn 9- .% interest in .your money We tiave

. e'raI 1st m 11gagesi\ ai table on good solid brick bpntus li you fiave between g -< infLtW 111,1 -<)r a cafe,

• crib investment, call us ,dav b r c f t : GAGE REAL KSJ '.TK 69 6-8241

TRY DIAL 3X formerly• x-< A Diet New name same

n da apsules & tablets at Thrift Drug

i , y Y SWITCHBOARD m- tormation center. Call 609-92. ■256.4 Bp- i hour- 7-10 pm

WHO INITIATED AN OR DI N ANCE PROHIBITING B O U S I N G D 1 S - < RIM IN A T I O N ? BOB CAWLEY FOR PRIN CETON ? SAKE REELECT HIMPaid for by the Republican Club of Princeton Box 381. W S Field. Treas

s i n g i ES - Meet people worth meeting Low-key at­mosphere, conversation- food- fellowship Every Fn evening beginning 1 k-t 4 al The First P r e s b y te r ia n Church, Hightstown NJ Call 609-448 0055 Nominal cost is $2 8 40 p.m

ORGAN K MEDITATION to gain knowledge of the in finite 609-737 1454

WIDOW WOMAN NEEDS help to maintain property and also companionship Reply B"X #03193 c 0 PrirH >■' n Packet

COLLEGE STUDENT male will dirve your car to California Cost gas & tolls late Sept earh 1 *ct 609-599- 9729

EUROPEAN LADA late 40 s. attractive intelligent honest, desires acquaintance with intelligent honest professional or bus gentleman Specify age, hobbies, etc Reply Box ■03185 ■ o Princeton Packet

ROTOTILLiNG FOR GARD­ENS and new lawns Call 201- 297-3196

< iVERF ATHRSAV iNY.MOUS now meeting Thursday

evening- in West Windsor area F or information please call 609 448-2481 or 1.09 799 4494

DO IT ' answer this ad Change your life Attractive, dynamic, witty professional woman awaits your response seeking tall man. over 45. possessing above qualities and more Write box *> 04196 c Princeton Packet

WARM. MATURE very at tractive intellectually alive woman, interested in people social & economic issues music art. theater, wants to meet single man in his 40 s with similar qualities & in terests Write PO Box ''139: c o Princeton Packet

TRANSPORTATION wanted weekdays between Queen stown Commons & Research Park Willing to pay well cal! 609-921 2271 after 6 p m

WEDDINGS ARE OUR SPi < 'I AI TV Befon accept a liand, call us gooii danceable music lor all ages reasonable prices 201-359- 8487

JOIN l S Princeton Single Parents < hapter 487 PWP Conviviality, awareness, children s activities etc 609 +14 1544

HIGHTSTOWN PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC Monday evenings Call 609-448- 3439

REDUCE EXCESS fluids with Fluidex table!- only Si 8:* at Thrift Drug

LADY NEEDS RIDE to work daily from Kendall Park lo Kingston Will pay 609 924 8,462

RIDE WANTED fhom Hibben Rd to Princeton Jet Station to catch 7 a m train ( an carpool or pay Call 609 921-8972 evenings

NEW FRIENDS and new interests for disabled teens and adults Call Nottingham Recreation Center for the Physically Limited. in Hamilton Square 609-587-1815 or 587-4292

SINGLE SEPARATED. WID­OWED. DIVORCED The Single Set meets every Friday at the Treadway Inn. Rt i, Princeton. N J 9 pm - Live band '215 862-58® for in­formation

AA 1 MAGICIAN Birthday parties. Scouts Banquets Girl cut in half by electric saw plus others Amazing Gordv 215 968-3733

Bargain Mart

FLEA MARKET To Benefit Easter Seals of N J Sat. Oct 11, 10 a m ■ 4 p.m rain date Oct )8 ■ sponsored by Easter Sea! Society of N.j at 9 Terminal Rd , New Bruns Space avail for dealers & others Call Mrs Palic 201- 828-8080

MAGAZINE COAL A wood heater- ' . KW 220 volt onan generator Kawasaki 175 motorcycle for assembly many new parts. S175. Cal! 10 a m " - 3 p m 609-448 2369

COUNTRY ANTIQUES Dry Sink, Pierced tin pie safes, jam cupboards cherry linen press good selection tables, round, tarm & drop leaf Set- Of chairs French taker's racks cradle- mbs & goutb beds a! sizes & wood- incl wicker Brass beds, chests of drawers A lre--("> tots '! * I- k «lamps A- fixtures Lg 2 story tarn filled w modestly priced antiques Wed-Sun 10-6 20! 658-3759 Rt 202 & 206. 7 mi no Somerville Circle Pluckenmi

2 MATCHING PROVINCIAL CHAIRS Wood carved ,T i A- cane sides Good cond Bestoffer 20! 29 7 271:

4-WAY' Convert] filecarriage with mattress and rain cover in very good con dltion S4 5 20 1 29 7 94 4 8

NINE PIECE WALNUT dim ng room set Very good condition Asking S325 oo" ay> 4419

DURST 600 enlarger w uh Uomponar lens mam extras $150 ' 1 all 20 1 844 9447

F'OR SALE Sofa Hhi not atiused $150 Sears exerev < i(-

$15. Color T V $200 Please call 21M 1359-6482 after 5 p n.

8 SLATE poo! table K\ eel lent condition 609 799 ; 9,

ADMIRAL 25 color console T\ Slot) Call 609-799 4628 after 6*30 p m

BRAND NEW Craftsman tool box yvith ne\y tools M an'' new machinist :* \ Kcnne -■ Brand new car batteries, service station closeout $18 new Iletict: grinders new horse electric motor new we' A dry vacuum new 6" use new and used electric drit- time clock industrial tnxir fan, big assortment of mechanics' tool- and more Call Thursday and Saiu: i;r- ONLY 20! 968 5646

19" SYLVAN!A COLOR T \ need- work $50 a!


SOFA and matching wing chair 1 year old. floral print on taige I’m kgroum: -227Also submersible sump pump I'ail 609-466 2.577

BASHER A DRYER Mat thing white Norge heavy duty. 18 lbs each 3 year-,old Washer has 2 speed. < cy cle, permanent press, $175 Dryer is gas. auto dry permanen’ pres- Si00 Togethe: $25 \-i.!()• Bet 6)09-448 »u

1 PC FOR1 H or panr'i'iti set Excellent id • - «Call 381-297-485i

RARE FRENCH LACE bedspreadscalloped at edges detailed work in center and head Gorgeous $75 2td 29’ "441

PR MAHOGANY CORNER CABINETS pediment 'op glass door, cabinet -base w center drawer 45 yrs/old cxcH lent indit $20 fintor pill! 609 “9" “

BID pi BUY October 4 Auct ion from !'- a n '■ ; • iin R(x:ky Hill White Elephant books, crafts, gournn-' p, m'- silent auction To donate \ot deductible items please cal! 609 921-9431

DINETTE SET Sturdy wooden leg- 'or:-. ,. up upholstered hairs -7, .U9883-2008 (

G F. FURNAt E gas ;;rec warm air. 120.fXK) input it registers, pertey!Best otter 3 159-77.2:

BEAUTIFUL Colonial style ns furniture 6 pc- only (

" ttttw M $58 a 564 1207

FOR SALE desk 24 by 46 $60 hanging planter with Macrame $25 v . u g h ' fixture with gro 1 igh' rxjit S2.: Call 609-924-556! after r p.m

LENOX BOEHM plates - Woodland Wild Lift Rai kji and F'ox. $55 ea Golf club- Wtlson strata Hock in bag good starter set $30 -ki- Headistd 195cm Tyrolia step m bi nd;ng- poles ai d boots $50 good for taeinning -kier Telephoi' m m - HO 250 mm S8( 609-448 4184

ABOVE GROUND SWIM MING POOL 18x4 yy filter, pump sadder A cover s 100

ail 2iH-429-4589

MATERNITY' CLOTHES --:zes 6-12 Sachs A Bloomingdales. coats, pant suits etc All seasons, exc condition China, Moonglow by Fransican. Used once' Sterling Buttercup hy

than id ace setting Call '819-44 t 4597 or 444-527!

KIN- SIZE SOFA 92" white with red accent, ex crllent end Also Italian ■ arhie top drum table large

m I ,i. @Q9 uu .juqufor more information

'H1NKSF RUGS matched el ed me 9k l . two itx5 & ' < !x4 Appraised at $!8(Ki

Will accept reasonable offer W19-R82-IK474

SILVER A RED Go Cart. 4 lorsi- hrigg- very good cond .'ill 297 i49(i

55! \n \ i' cu ft refrigerator :•')-' freezer, excellent■'ondifioi. ; yT old S350 609466 (19} f

NAEX I BELT EXERCISOR KB $25 i mt offer 609-448


pure wixT.1 jacket, reversibli very warm size J6........... nefit -4' 2iii297-9448

M \DF T i '' 'RDF R Cushions, bolsters pillows mats,

■lit" ■ -eat- kitchen knocks 609 44 4646


Home grown naturally fc-d steer: Cut to your own-pm ' cation, wrapped and fro/en Kaufman Farm 609466-0773

I. M.M .F SALE i onsolata F at her - Rt 27 F'rankhn Park Saturdays 10-4

illectables furniture, toys., St,. ::.p- books records! loii-e; :d shoe- clothing

bag New -norkels suits, ending, gowns

F'<iR SALE electric•vpew ter -ate mixiei IBM carbon nbbon stand included $2"" exercise cycle deluxe

pe VITA Master 2 m new S2<8* ( raiR

• • - ■■ ■ -lej i- v < rack fm 'unci -[Hiikers $ UK i electric guitar amps A in carrying

nr txg inei 325 Sun hiii' lamp. Sears new $2: movie camera Bauer

■ a +■ ' , fight tar A case, •ae ' ' ew SI5(i F.xer genie,

portable gym half price at $20 ■ i 44 a eekdax - " 609448-8202 eves

NTIQl FI CLOCKS, grand- " ' ' >CK> & r 'XT locks

(•paired, bought A sold ged docits wanted for

: 46v n :

D('LL. HOUSES and \atmty Managers, handcrafted Order now lor Christmas Last xe .: pi ces 201 756-1479

Wdl.VFIRINE shoes and ""(■(- Waterproof Large -eiei tion Y our FCA Garden M *p Mercer Street High!slow n

' i.TRA MODERN SOFA BFIDS Ail original designs We can also make ,and im ; ' . ir be- grf 609-44 '404 '

1 -K o ■- o commercialgr.c -feel typewriter pullout- ha ndelier i w ide

Mgt 7 igfit- $45 water-- - y • - c $27 609-448-2f.K6 after 5 p m

; IKKW' ii >D Sf." pet cord,-ii - it-, et ed 2b 1

•!. -ALF. silverplated •' ■‘ —i.: 'ea set 8 pieces with

-(••era! tea end tables . • r.air. tameras small

Reasonat.le 609-924-

SJ -F.LL electric stove, ittet .irge mirror, mod 2

rocker lounge Mod !-"■' .H i desks -tep tables

■ i.'M • ••quip trained in- bin- -oals 10-12) o tW

", ng tuner A amp mam ' M>k- household terns All good mid prices reasonable .’('I ih' 4!4 Keep trying

MIST FURNITURE 4 pc w /king -i ze

headboard A mattress, sofa bed Mignavox 21 console

• '■(■ picture ' uF»• , end '•■bo- .triel old ilak chest’ -ni HUH 448-8581

APPIT. CIDER freshly pressed with no preservatives

pure apple cider now available at Terhune Or chards along with a large variety of top quality apples 430 Cold Soil Road 609-924- 3210_____________________

FIREWOOD We cut and split our own hardwood Beat the fuel shortage use your fireplace Excellent quality Reasonable price New Jersey Beagle Club Hollow Road SkiiliTian N .1 Phone 609-466- 1841 weekends only

PLY YY i KID SHEATHING ox! new MM 8 S4 78 S5 68. 5 C $7 58 , ' $9 58 Kilndried lumtar 1x3x8 39c . 2x3x8 88c 7x4x8 45c Andersenwindows. 25'V, off 25% off textured l-ll plvwood siding s/B 4x8 $ i ! tin sht Can deliver Call collect 215-276- 0632

Mt ST SELL ( )ak desk, greenrecline: lounger chair,bedroom chest and dresser, kitchen table Portable TV 609 799-9472

SOF \ BED 1 -r M Con­temporary striped, gold p r e d m i n a t e c o l o r

hesapeakt brand New $450 ni -:)- Ix-st 'Cor 609-924-0980 after 6 pm

5T KITCHEN TABLE with '2 section 4 chairs S55 609- 737-1252 after 5 p m

m-m ING Mi SI SELL G E a ,,m,m vrs . $125 Ken •i n- dryer $25 King-size bed A af'ri-ss. 45 and Maple d r 1 ■ a •,. ■ 1- & nairs S4o

<'Inldcralt baby crib A mat uses - .7 Hitaooi rib $10 ),i han| et $10 stroller"

SU ng set $15 baby hibat rat t*‘d Sf

f p m Mp ■- ;. '■ / 'kl9-457-1729

AAA FACTORY OUTLET Group act i(Hi Our one of a it. id amps got together demanded better displays Tf1.1t - A h 'hey 're coming of i the floor and on to a large ksM.rtment of occasional i in ture THE R< X5STERS t '• Largest lamp, shade A fl.xiurt tot 1 too miles radius

Kit : el Size Pricing On Rt 29 7 miles south of Lambertvilh • ®7 “C. 1 ,: Georgian House

Annex -tops awayt* turins HE KINGS KoRNER with fireplace equipment hearth A val tieinr chime ihx'k.s A more he i-c 7" THE BENJAMIN JR0 0 M with wood, brass.

tinware andles Mali decor & more 609-397- 2877 Puncture one-of-a-kind ian'.jr- ,v ii.-m nr: (he 2nd floor ').)»■* day- Wed A Fri til 8

;.sun 11 to 4 j. m

setre'ary Kissinger and G 'xertair Shapp turned down out •. rand . ijxming Invitations but why don ! you come No tie. 'nons t)i;’ some unusua:

jbargains in Ezekeial Crab "Shaw hand blown glass •F'urlone Lamp Factory Outlet |i ■ 7- t fot !9 m le radius p io north if Hatboro on Rt (£(.:> Furlong. P,> OPEN 7 IlYAYS Phones 2;:. 794 7444- a I Micro dot jirmirig

■ ■ US! PLANSV i! scii new 42 w ide pre-fab fn eplact- w 2-story chimney and -late hearth and tnm option $495 And two U ■ her I'.opd tic si ding glass Cm .: Si2" ea 609-799-3264

F'uK SALF. King size bed 1 ,i: Ad ;>4 528' evenings

(. I- PORTABLE DISH V, \SHER $25 609-737-1252af ter 5p m

; ' H I L E S 24b lbsM ■,)! JOHNS MANVILLE BIRD R! BEROID $17.5n

per s<j call Raritan Lumber Co- 3i 1-257-6300

•IN ING RM SET 44xw- iressie table w 2

ieay e 1 hairs e.xc cond. it atige • ■ mght iron bamboo - ■ vr,1 - mulching stools

M -m m m

HR! NSW ICK 7 slate pool ■abie with ball return Ex- - ent condition $275 Call


( 'IN COLLECTORS Dutch interesting

n m -ion .! FIuiopean coias V> j.'.i 'o e'v hange tor North ..nri South American and Asian

ns < 1 afta 7pm 609-924- i)264

LADIES ( 'KERRY' desk, chair and lamp, one vr old Two mah()gany end tables one pink bedroom table lamp and elec wall clock call 609-509-92.34

pf 1 REI UE D STi VE Mint nditioi iron 24' nigh

Sim or tast offer Call 609-924- 387

THE PRJNCETON PACKETI'he. I^wrr.nrf!! /xkjcr


Seven For Central Jersey

6-B12Classified Advertising


The Franklin NEWS RECORDThursday. October 2, 1QT5

Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart Bargain Mart MusicalInstruments

MY What a beautiful dress you are wearing

Thank you It's from Rea Barn See our collection of dresses, pant suits, long dresses & skirts accessories

KKKBARN U NS l Ni.S Route 206 Belle Mead


THREE PIE< E BEDR< >( >M good condition $150 609-466.1544

FOR SALK round coffee table. 5 while kitchen chairs French round table & sewing stand 609-737 3275 between 1 & 6 pm

GAS CLOTHES DRYER cooperlone excellent con ditmn $hk 609-655 4216

WASHKR DRYER used months Moving, txithfor $250 609-883 5 i so

t'ALORK stainless steel wall even & range 'op. remodeling must sell, exc cond. easy to clean 201-297 1950

GOLD SOFA BED queen size, like new, $175 or best offer 609-448-8449

MOV’Tn g Ml ST SELLHeritage dining room set. table with fi chairs, credenza with china cabinet Rattan indoor/outdoor sofa, chairs 2 end tables, bean bag chair dresser 609 H96 0946 after * p,m

CORNER CHINA CABINET $90 drop leaf table $65. bah-

ilems ( 'hea p 2(11 297 -Kiln

24" 3 WHEEL BICYCLE front wheel handbrake rear coaster brake 6 mo old. hardlv used $16.5 Firm 609 466 1765

Ki)K SALK OR TRADE want used electric office typewriter in top condition IBM selective preferred

Have Phileo 1972 am fm stereo roundtable console recently refinished in ebony $175 Also long, low modern buffet innew ebony finish $150 Vietnamese hand painted ceramic table top elephant 2" high i in unique bronze color finish $65 Well used Gary Middlecoft golf clubs 1 & ! irons 3.5,7,9. & putter w ith all new pro-grips golf tag 4 caddv cart $40 Also dozens of teioks in mint condition 609 921 2070 anytime

FAM ILY ROOM F I R M TURK Dark Oak Colonialstyle gold green upholstery convertible sofa matching chairs, end tables coffee table lamps Excellentcondition S4t>o or ties! offer 609 799 (787 after t 5 n.

E X T R A L E N G T H BOX SPRING Tfl x 39 1 with new foam rubber mattress and metal tied frame $175 $285new 921-6896 Evenings

GIRI2S 24 SCHWINN hike red. coaster brakes $30 Call 609 799 0686

,5-SPEED DELUXE Schwinn Tandem bicycle, mint con itltion 609 799-2800 after 1 p in 609- 799-0917

WHLB1LT 3(i Gas stove, like new $75 Gal! 201 559-5883

TWO PEC K RED VELVET SOFA 9 ft long originally $800 asking $3ix 29 -;'

MORSAN FOUR-MAN RAFT 2 vears old. with electric

motor $100 297 1975

CONSIGN MENT RESALE: Better quality tamily clothes Consigning hours to a m to 2 p m Tuesday thru Friday Shopping hours 111 a m to 4 p m Monday thru Saturday Pin Money Boutique 14 Mercer Si Hopewell N o 609 466 2810

GRIB & Mattress exc cond $25; dressing table $10, high hail $5 walk el $ baby

bathtub i'3 double tied $20 maple rocker $15 new make up mirrors' $4 ea new Knickerbocker Denim Levi dolls $3 50 ea Ladies Benrus diamond watches Slid value $50 ea 809 448 £ 4

TWO LADIES BICYCLES '26 inch light weight t-speed

mechanically excellent - $50 & $35. call after 4pm 201-844- 4187

20 cu ft REF FREEZER automata washer gas drv-r maple wardrobe chest of drawer- double folding bed table and benches, metal cabinet lounge ha r tw m bed with spring-- m b with mat i res - Gall aGcr 6pm 609-448 2619

11S Y 1 H B p E L I < L 1G H T SHOW projector great for parties or teens $65 at Saks like U. $30 609-92 ! 3599

M4.XPLY FDRT FRAMES 1st quality all sizes $23 ea < all 448 6278 after 5 30 p m



medium PAIR FR JITWO OD endsize. ex< el lent c ticn $20 tables $30 each M .itching1,09 42 ; 78% round « ‘kts it table $5n F.xc

cond -1897GUN n .UBS & PRC iPKRTAOW NEH No hunt i ngsigns .5 c each ( )ur format KLE< t r k : < A i n I-A TORSYour last vear s sign Four ■ uru u tomaticreprodui:ed 5‘ u c each1 201-:69- const; • \. or AC0301 any time operat fi $16 95, Action

Busim - Si.: . 1225 StateRoad - ■ ! 34 54

NIKON Li NS as MM, fl 8.Spiratone and 2>i tele■-adaptor.$95 for !not h ( a!! i 924-9207 A" H te 1 !JE Bnistol stereo

G El AUTOMATIC’ washing machine for sale Brand newnever used 1 ana' w'th newhome, and we have own washei Asking $175 nr lies' ,., , . . . ao 44 5

2 SWIMMING POOLS - new One 24' round aluminum with 2 deck all around, complete with aluminum handrail and heavy aluminum swing-up ladder One rectangular poof 18x33' outside dimension. 14x24 at water, complete with deck, patio and fence 200 Whitehead Road Trenton. N J 609-586 1712 , 9-3 dailv orby appomtnnent P S Cabinetdoors and (iIrawer fronts, newsolid oak 1hundreds of sizesreplace or build your owncabinets f(ir vour kitchentethriKim ckm. library, office,etc Dirt cheap, bankruptcystock

TWO SNI >U TIRES withwhirls lor sale, size 855 x 14,studded El ectric law n mowerby Sunbe.uii. twin Wade 15Tile blix'ks . K ' 4 (till 4ft'0678

HKD Early A $25,Chromcraft Bar 2 -tools $100assortedIg irugs sacrifice $10ea 609 448 I(290 or 443-5631

VISIT THE STON E SHOP atJ S Amernnan Co . Your F ro-Mart Home Center, NeshanicStation Wi •od heaters pricedfrom $25 69i Phone 1201)309-5511 or 369-4202

35 MM Mi BANDA, SENSO M AT SI ,R with 50MM 1 8[ a-ns filtei excel lent condilton, asking $135 Call after 5pm 201-359i 5420

FURNISHINGS Rugs 9x1312x16 5 pode lamp $10; light

. pink drape 0856

s 60” long 609*655-

MAPLE HUTCH, ex cond .London club sofa, barrel 4wing chair-5, and drum tableReas 609 655-3497

MOVING. CLEANING OUTATTIC Stuart needs paperbacks for its old Drop at the 921 8611- Iniimmediatelypricing

BASEMENT'’Country Day School old books records

and comic hooks Miok sale. Dec.- 6 school or call 609 pick-up Wanted for sorting and

A LTE K N ATI V ES G U A RANTEES that our advanced design heated waterbed wilt be the most comlortatsle lied \ -m ha\ e is slept in A iu be the judge ii day trial >>19 924 5c j i '.iii for our free brochure

g k m g n k k s i n Greet white crushed velvet. 90 matching table Reasonable 609 443-3065

■ : |l M , ,,ir IS»-- 10 x ‘

Well stifled I scientific


•ope Catalog lagmfication

n edical 4 Excellent

len cabinet ngs

, f R ACTOR Porterrot er . double f9 '■ I

!'■ 1 ■•ion

V////y ///- 'A" Jjf

K;tlinger Furniture1 g 1 ....

I ne Gifts lid and new

. J he

/RAIDED wixii rug blue and kf white ®C2 $95 Blue club rhair $55 Colonial spindle jed. $55 All in top condition 419 466.1-4

MliVLNG MUST SELL, almost new gold Maytag electronic control drver Asking $225 Call 609-924-2908

m e y f .r s s n o w p l o welectro-hydraulic lift, iron works light Fits Ford Bronco or 7.; Blazer S45n firm Call 1,09 448 90.C at’ci • -i , -

MOVING TO CALIF New Furniture Selig couch, glass 4 chrome Fterse • otiee tahie matching end table, mod floor an.; -hat te at tweeri rug. other misc items 201 297 0547 aft 5pm

REGENCY 8 channel hi-low jcannet $81 I ■» book 7\4’ $55 Victorian walnutdesk $7< 609-655 1746

OPTIC.AN ORGAN w band sound, records, books, green trimmed lamp gold leaf curio Ext cond 201-297-2863

PECAN HUTCH. PR-A TICALLY NEW 72 x 74 $500 walnut stereo unit 7: long $150; 2 rock mapledressers $100 ea old dining rm set 6 chrs and buffet $40 green-and w hite Indian rug. 6 x 9’ . $100; off-white ■ Scat i£ IJS rile 2ndUste a . - ' .4-6 a Frencl St N R

me of the finest selections of previously owned better quality family clothing at Pin Money Prices'


Hopewell. N J 609-466-2810

open daily 10-4 pm

LENOX BOEHM BIRD PLATES 1970-1974 $500 for all five After 5 p m call 609-T9- 0940

C H A N D E LIE R Custom . 1 -1 few ad wagon wheel

with six torches Best offer Gall 609-443-4828 evenings

MUST SELL maple kitchen set. double bed, arm chairs, bookcase 609-924 2657

t.5 - Hig!

0 ■

FARMERS NOTICE President Lifted OIL 1 'piling ■ >'•■ idem rs w ’ Pi.i-1 u coated Steel Drums me spigot 30

$ A G * 609-448(‘41 ,i!t(*r ■ -.. noon

K IR B j E L E C T R I C ■ Ft ■ kcl ments

h i <’ ,c'it • ; ' ■ • 609-4483015

5ALI G.E ( om ertibte dish * is he; 4 cycle underwarantee until mid-Dec

: i- - 609••34 1924 or "99 26i» t'x 252 or

S'i ' ( KN D . ■ ’ ndge in a(y- -ii1 " ' 9( 1969

pnii nr hiding red leather box Perfect condition 1 all4 ■ '

TV si NY d iR mode! K5 tjr.cic c> w never used

, mHope 215 794 8489

FXCEfLtJENI B1 A Zenith 25 B & l e t .\• sc- & box spring

eKm • 1 in ■ 1 609 4484921

fWIN BEDS w frame" ■ * • 11; 15 - ' - "2

APPlJvS' f< 'R SALE red & del peacl

c.isk*' It- terga;: 1 ranbur ery •■• d of N Main StI 61(4 -< IV-1

V i . 1 5 'Meall 619-921 -8958 after 6 pm

■ B! - •wheels with tires, also trailer hitch & tin arner 201 297

TWO WILSON T-3.000 tennis rackets Call any time 609-896 9060

ATTENTION Tropical Fish Hobbists 1 -ell African ( uhliris .it wholesale prices 1 11 hlid City 1 Iris Drive. E W ndsor 609-448-6724 evenings mil weekends

E L E C T R I C 1 R A 1 N S REPAIRED 1 buy and se'l new & used trains jav's Train Repair 201-828-0763

' ! LTt RED MARBLE vanity p- t actory outlet Seconds

nfd nliirs Save 20 40’Y Alteg Poly Marble, 73, Second 51 Snmcrv die N J 201-526-2777

- i S 1 1 N E D O A K FIREWOOD Delivered free

1 •■ it radius $60.a- I 301 2- 6U44

Hfs • - • xcel lentground ciivci -lay- green all

Can ■ ■ v 1 ;»■ ;. -■ - ;>er ' j-' 321 8928

' >! N IN(; H1 n -Mfc -el I ;gh! colored wood table 6 chairs

close' ■ «k! -ondi 11on -31* AD -:<-ree • •’ .Itching wood la ■ <19 88. V2<I

ENEMIES Give .1 candleparts free gifts for hostess - For further information call

e 1 «609 799 :465

T\ Zenith 2? B. W an- le M a d - od

1101 $81 3ip;u •-■■ • p n.

)NL-A1 x if- \ 84 long g ■ xl Dpod $5t HAM RADKRe c e i v e r n < tot' newcond .fpo Misc additional equipneent Adding, machine taps- -ype $10 609 896-9705

JUKE BOX CMC High Yamaha new mcke!fidelity. 60 record good plated Best offer ail 609-655 condition For best offer 201 :t59A589 or 526-3212

VIOLIN Antique German.maker Joseph Muller New

FIREPLACE WOOD - Order *case and bow $150 609-466- early to avoid winter rush & price increase Cut 4 split All hardwood, choice seasoned oak seasoned 1 vr or longer Delivered 4 stocked $40 a truckload 609 448-4253. if no answer 609 261-3032

AntiquesKKl 1 POST WTIQl f -Collectibles. Furniture $

Oil LampsMany interesting item-


OFF S 1)411 X

G arage Sales Pets & Animals

DRUM SET. 6 Pc Tempro, ' 6 raos old hardly used Sacrifice $250 Call 201-297-6414 after 5:30 p m

OLD A MPEG B-12 $150. 2, 12 inch AJtee speakers in fender cabinet $150. Call 609-921-2764

TYPEWRITERS Electric manual, portable, office models New reconditioned ADDERS. CALCULATORS Name brands Rentals. Repairs. Trade ins CENTER BUSINESS MACHINES, 104 Nassau St 609-924-2243

Wanted To BuyA FRENCH HORN inex pensive, single or double to be played for enjoyment 609-466- 0257 after 7 p m

LIONEL TRAIN SETS and others Also engines, cars, accessories, catalogs, etc I pay up to $1000 for some sets or collections Call for free estimate 609-587-3333

PIANO Steinway Baby Grand, model S. 51 walnut case excellent condition. $2600 Call after 5 p rn , 609- 924-2366

LUDWIG 7 piece DRUM SET $450 609-448-5350

WASHBURN GUITAR circa 1897 Rosewood back 4 slides, good condition 609-924 2645

4 PC DRUM SET Custom made, new condition Call 609 799-2155

Just west of 206. DUgfrhtown Harlingen Rd Belle Mead N J

BILL S ANTIQUES We specialize in locating items of interest to you. 579 P le a sa n t v i r * Road , Hillsborough. : rm west of 206 left off 514 Amwell Rd.. Neshanic, N J 06853 'We Buy & Sell - Consignments Welcome ' Call 201-359-6402

THE LANTERN ANTIQUES Copper & Brass cleaning S Mail » i Next ’ o Hagertj Florist Granburv N J 609- 195-0762


VIOLIN buy don't rent superior students full size w ith hard case asking $150. Call 609- 921-3619 evenings

ORGAN Portable Farfisa '7 ip 233 mint condition $495 Call 20! 725-8725 after 6 30p.m

INTERESTED in purchasing VIOLA Excellent condition, old master 19th or early 20th wlth case and '2 bows $150 609

century prints 201-297 25,37 934.g^g]

FREEZER BEEF excellent quality fed on pasture hav and gram no Steroids Halves cut to order, packed labelled and flash frozen Will deliver 609-466-2937


Dixie Bed A, E oa m Wed to Sat 12-7 116 N Main St


F iU M K l BULK A RUlA W HOI ES \i 1

For \our home camper, bom 609-443-4646

linn Bed A 8 oam Wed toSat . 12-7 116 N Main St


ABINKT DISPLAYS must-be 'o make n*mi lor nev

lisplavs Aristocrat Kitchen.- 2 Route 33 Mercervi lie


riGKR U TOSTORt s 54 26 Witherspoon Street

609-924 3716

PRi il)t UK DIRE< T FROM mi Helds >0 you. untouched by apray of any kind sweet corn nu ked 3 in 4 1 imes a day snap fieans picked every day green and vellow squash tomatoes, uppers l ucumbers, picked at least 5 times a week Sweet , 01: lor freezing. John Drake ir 518 Stillman NJ 3 4 of a • iio west of route 206, white picket tence 609-921 7735

F.i i 'Nu MY upholsterers AM work done in old world Tadition 609-443-4646

1 111 ( lilt K1 ! t \(> 1-

ls now located at 81 Main St Kingston

Imported Fashions Handmade doll houses and

doll furniture Greeting cards An! iques Crafts

609-921 1038Hours Tues-Sat 10-6 Sun 1-5


c o l l e c t o r purchasing all l s coins ollections, Top Prices At home appraisals 201 -297-5573

WANTED TO BUY Scrap ipper, bras-- leca,

aluminum, stainless stecJ. sterling silver, etc . solids or turnings Industrial, business or private Correct market price cash paid S Klein Metals Co Inc 21561 Gin. plain Rd Somerville N J 08876 Phone 3)1 -722-2288

THV BE FORK you buy Kent a pi ano w ith opt ion to buy

Rent money applied to purchase Gall Miss Brook- 6W ®2-?133 Mifflin Piano 4 organ Co . 234 E State St . Trenton \ J Open any eve by appointment

RM1 36HX PIANO HARPS 1 Jean electric sound Paid $750 6-mos ago Best offer 609-799- 2854

TELECASTER DELUXE with case Exc cond 2L yrs old Humb pick-ups 609-924- 5884

NEEDED 'Piano for musician SOLID OAK. hand carved w ith limited space and limited Hamilton pump organ, over means Call after 7 pm 609- UK) VTS 0i Best offer 201 4661425 359-6098

I seci Ft RNITURE of even- o--., riptioi Largest > 1 'u-v■r ice in Bucks County Daily til 5 ,<>sed Sunday Edison Fur

niturc Dovlestown. Pa

Lli iNEL-AMERICAN FLYER TRAINS wanted by collects Will pav up to $5(Xi a set on $2500 fbr your collection [’ lease vail 609 585-9218 after 5 p m

CORNER CUPBOARDS Jelly cupboards, blanket chests 1 drawer stand, chest Of drawers, oak china closets, oak desks and other antique furniture Also antique American clocks 201-297-0914

TOY TRAINS WANTED any make agi- or condition I-'or quick cash call 609-394 7453

NEED GASH" Buying all U S silver coins dimes to doila’ S and Indian V Nickels 201-722- 2288

WANTED - Cabinets and counters trom Kendall Park kitchen For --ale. custom made 4 post couth trundle ted 201-329-6000 after 7 p.m cal! 3)1-297 3761

WANTED DOLL HOUSE good condition wood 609-924- 5783

SMOKING PIPESUsed Uharatan. Dunhill. Sasieni, Barling, Comas G B D The older the better terge bowls preferred Cond must be excellent Call 809-382 6HS after 5p m 609-88.3-9274

oXYACETYLENE WELD­ING OUTFIT WANTED used good condition, also machine tools Call evenings 3)1 359-5206

WANT TO BUY set of snow tires w w H78 15 8 -15 H 55-15. etc. Call 606-448-3836

WE ARE HAVING A BABY looking for in-good condition, tessinet CM infant carseat, carriage changing table, 609- 924-0617


SUMMER GRAND walnut ewe in perfect con riiiion 10 yrs old New $5tXX asking $'2800 1 .ill 609-888 1604


RUBBER ST UMPS Si ar 1 o l ^ e address Home, business, zip code Rubber stamp of ail kites and sizes made to your order at:

HI.NKSON 'S 82 Nassau St.

>KA WEED Liquified or granular The ideal plan1 vitamin At Petersoa’s Nui -- Lawrenceville Road.

Princeton ‘

WANTED' Older National or M r s metal resonator Cone guitar and paD-5' 201 2 4-0585

V01 LEN . new S?0 Flute. Ards lev used $50 Trumpet Stadium used $30 Instapiano and amplifier near new $375 Cal! 609-883-4680

ANTIQUE PLAYER PIANO completely restored. Call 10-5 p m 609-392-8108

WANTED English fur­niture. Porcelain and silver -M-* Norris McKee displa\ ad Women’s page

BID *N BUY - October 4. Rocky Hill The usual and the unusual, at bargain prices Enjoy the local flavor as you browse, bid, and buy

ALL SORTS OF GOODIES, every weekend through Oct Also complete Ivrm fur niture. me! sofa, chairs, tables lamps plus freezer 4 pa tio-furniture Tw in Rivers ’.7 Overton Rd 609-443-3328

YARD SALE 31 Yorkshire Dr East Windsor Sat Oct 4

G a r a g e s a l e Oct 4, 9-4pm Clothing including maternity, baby equipment, toys & household terns 15 Campbell Rd Kendall Park

1 >CT 4. 3 &■ 5. Multi familv GARAGE SALE 551 Dutch Neck Rd East Windsor. 10-4. Appl, rdwd picnic set new Jothes new & old books, new

asst items babv items

ANTIQUES: 6 leg wal­nut drop leaf table $165 pine decorated dressing table $125 Tiger Maple & Birds Eye dressing table $350. small pine corner l upboard $600 4 plank decPa Dutch chairs $185 4arge blanket chest $95. 3 drawer cottage chest $50. old Empire dresser S85 pine jam cup board decorated $150 Slant topdeck $885. ladderback armchair $175. childs Boston rocker $50 Pa Dutch rocker S95. Tiger Maple dropleaf table $'275. Windsor Bow-back -idechair SI 25 Cherry 4 walnut 1 drawer stand $85 Cannonball bed $150 etc

Pumleve s Antiques. Routei f ! Lafay ette N J Open SUB Mon Tues h Fri . 12-5 open everx Sun For wkdavs test to call evenings 201 827 9310 Shop numbers 201 - 383- 2114

FOR SALE cradle, dry sink blanket chest, quill and washstand Evenings 609-443 4508

BOWL 4 PITCHER SET plus 8 pcs $175 Cut glass Derry bowl. S175 Shirley Temple doll original, $65 Sleigh tells brass $55 Child's Victorian rocker $65 3 4maple spool bed. custom Lord & Tavlor mattress $165 Pine server $15 5 201-29 7 3274

ANTIQUE DOLL FUR NITURE 'fainting couch wicker chair cradle, high hair. 3 beds, upright piano 2

cradles 921-6896 Evenings

CORNER CUPBOARDS Jelly cu nboa rds blank et chests. ; drawer stand, chest of drawers. Oak china closets, oak desks and other antique furniture Also antique American clocks 201-297-0914


Sunday. October 5 at 2pm at the Hobday Inn

Route *1. Princeton N J

The following discontinued Boehm baby birds will be sold Baby Chickadee. Cedar Waxwing Western Bluebird Red Poll. Flycatcher, Magpie. Goldfinch and Blackburnian WarblerD IS C O N T IN U E D I N ­TE R M E D IA T E S Indigo Bunting. White Throated Sparrow and Chickadee with Holly,EARLY • BOEHM PIECES Cat with tell only 85 made tulip pitcher French Poodle reclining. Beagle hunting dog Wire haired Fox Terrier and the Red FoxCURRENT BOEHM Bate Kingfisher. Hummingbird pair Canadian Geese and the Verdin limited edition- ALSO 1970 Lenox-Boehm bird plate, animal dates, limited edition Boehm 'oo-ok ISPANKY Prudence. Huck Finn Repose, and Elizabeth We have two limited editions Jessarr.y d j| i >ebutanle We wilt allot sell some older tenox pieces plus the Patriot bowl and Sader plate We may have additional Boehm items te sale limeB! Y PORCELAINS FOR K N a 0 Y M I N T IN VESTMENT OR CHRJSTM AS GIFTS



586-4531 or 586-9202

SATURDAY ( tCTOBEF I o Mi a m Personal proper! \ of Mr and Mrs A E Kluep pel berg Wertsville Be Wertsville, N J between Neshanic 4 Ringoes Wat< h for signs Antiques hundreds of picture frames including issbfted sizes in differed woods walnut Victorian roil (op desk. Circa 1865 hanging store lamp lanterns in­teresting primitives chairs, and rockers sleigh tells hand made cherry chest of drawers Circa 1840 blacksmith forge coach lanterns Victorian marble top furniture, quilts, mantel clocks etc Elwood Heller Auctioneer 20! 236-2195

GARAGE SALE Princeton Jd . Silt Od 4 10-5 Diningtable 6 chairs, other furniture silver antiques, drapenes io- speed bike, toys, clothes, books 23 Sherbrook Dr

GARAGE SALE Sun (let 5 12-4 pm 257 Dodds Ixsne Princeton Household goods, loss etc

MULTI FAMILY Garage Sale Sal Oct 4 9 to 5 at 7 Glen

wood Circle, off Hickors Corner Rd E Windsor Come ram or shine Household items bikes toys, books, much more

M O V I N G S A L E Refrigerator, knehen cabinet, acquarium. books baby Hems furniture, dishes tires misc household item 10 a m Sat Oct 4 . at 11 Sheffield Rd . East Windsor

YARD SALE Kendall Park :i Sturgis Rd off New Rd Mull i family Oct 4 10 am 4 p m ( anceued if raining

GARAGE SALK 97 Birch Am - Princeton. N J Sai . Oct 4 ram date Oct 11. cooking pots dishe- cutlery, clothing lamps 9-5 p.m

HUGE GARAGE SALE from soup 'a nuts in treasures Sat ' ict 4 at 59 Crusher Rd Hopewell Road to Charley s Brother

GARAGE SALE Great toys puzzles desk 3 bic. ties, tricy < n lot hex -.Rates teats sofa, more Oct 4. to-5 Ferns Thompson Apts Western Wav


Miranda brown 4 black.Shepherd mix. spayed hOusebroken, female "Liechen". full grown spayed fem a le housebroken ,Wk-imaraner AKC ' j S k i p p y ' B e a g l e , bousedroken. unaltered male

Shawn AKC. C ol li e unaltered, housebroken. male *Pupp\ female. Shepherd

mix 12 week old puppy Kusiv" male, brown 4

white, short haired mixed breed. 12 week old puppy

This is on)\ a partial listing of our available pets Gall today for a complete listing All of our pets are healtny per ' sonahu plus pets available in assorted sizes and breeds, even some purebreds

Animal Placement Agency of The W indsors. Inc


HoursMon i-'ri 9-1 Sat 9-5 Sun 1-4

Ba b y g u i n e a p i c sPeruvians and Abyssinians. all colors $5 ea 609-655-0252

HORSE BOARDING on private iarm access to Amwell nunl country and trails. SUM) jk*r month 201-369-8201

HIDE w ' ', FARM offers 'he 1 most fat ill I ics for I he care & boarding of your horse, with ;!u- largest area indoor ring 4 0Ui Only a short scenis uri \ i A lost 11 isonable rates In -i rut ' mu. begi nner. hunt -c a ,nd -Aesi.-rn Lindbergh 1, Hopc\M (»09 466 3426

BAA' GELDING 9 vrs. old ( >w nor leaving for boarding school w ouiri like to make deal tor board Boarder will have lull use ol horst 1 all 609-921-


PI PS VI ANTED In Utter lots lot resale as pets Phono t,n9 452-990.-: tv-‘ ire noon


201-234-011tFor your shopping con- venienct we will be open Tuesday from 9 a m to 9 p.m Monday Saturday 9 a m to 6 p m

LABS > ; R i m iE VER PUPS aki champion lines, sll -.fie--- excellent famity dog or burner Supenoi pups 201 - 359-5948

GREAT DANE. PUPS Ch.sired. ■ a a - . nrl brindle,- pped hot M9 753 -85 13

EH‘ , puppies '--KC -1 , ■’.pioi re Lmebred- pj-: nc show ijual ’ v Callaltei p n 201-782-0843 G i Has half Lingoes. N J

JIMMY HALI S U mON364b Nottingham Way Hamilton Scj 12 miles Iron: Princeton Sales and display center open 12 9 pm daily Auction of furnishings, an tiques & jewelry Wednesday Oct 8 at 7 30 p.m Reserved seats St 50 each Call 609-890- 0926 or 609-924-8585 Auction each Wednesday there after

ESTATE SALE Saturday October 4. 1975. 9 a m to 5 pm 717 River Road, Piscatawav. NJ Antiques, general household Rugs lamps twin bedroom se*t also electric powered single ted for invalid refrigerator

Orientals, trunks clothing, garden tools and tqols (food clean items No early birds Cash or good check

AUCTION HALL FOR RENT Saturday and Sundae Lawrenceville Indoor Flea Market 608-882-7960

Garage SalesFLEA MARKET Joyce Kilmer Chapter of Deborah. Reichler s Park Monmouth Jet Oct 4. 9-5 p.m $5 4 $7 Refreshments Contact Roee 201 329-6722 or Mrs Skrocki 238-2579

YARD SALE Oct 3rd & 4th. 9 to 5, household items lawn mower TV upright freezer, childrens books 4 toys, xnick knacks, clothing. -8 \4 swimming pool w - cover ladder 4 filter 191 Dorchester Dr East Windsor

' GARAGE SALE Mac mg Sal & Sun . Oct 4 4 a 10 i p.m82 Librarx PI Princeton Dinette table- with r- swivel ■hairs buffet, nest oi tables, old fashioned baby carriage childrens furniture crib Jr ted.eb School desk, toys pin ball machine lamps chest of drawers and clothes

FRI S A T , & SUN Dayton near IBM Hw\ 522. everything & anvtinng New 4 used items

SAT OCT 4. 9 a m to 6 p m Bicycles slim Jim elen tr - broom, collectors bottles A\on Beam & muse items ‘22 Lorne Lane Birchwood Estates of North Post Kd , Princeton Jet

LARGE GARAGE SALS Everything from jxits and pam- in i-lothes and furniture Must clear everything out Sat Oct 4. noon to 6 p m at Terrace club. 62 Washington Rd . south of Prospect St Princeton

E SALI I 4 5 9 a rr, to a p m Many antiques, furniture, recliner saddle, dishes, stereo, bucket seats, man; other terns Harold Da\ison Farm Cranbury Neck Rd Ite mi from Cran- l>ur\ 609 395 0034

M %Gi SALE Mixlern -ola. club chair, rug. kitchen set chairs, books, dishes. 1953 Buick and more River Road. Belle Mead Sat & Sun 10-4 pm 291-359-4282

Pets & AnimalsT B Horses for sale Also mare and foal Call 201-369 8201

BEAUTIFUL 3 year old Anglo Arab filly Ready to go maiden hunter or babv green hunter Standing 16 hands and growing $1800 Cali 609-924 0934 Serious inquiries only

i K it \r old affectionate :n„le dog" Well behaved Prefers young girl 609-883-7646 alter 6 p.m

MINLATt RE SCHNAU5ER PI PP1ES H w k.s. AKC. champ Wood line 609-883-4023

- N ! i1 g NDS AKC reg . treeing walkers. Cham­pionship blood line. 3 mos . papers shots 4 wormed $125call (lira 448 2766

SIAMfeSK KITTENS nine wks old Call 609-799-3451.

(-AI BOARDING Bear I'd "ik Kennel . Princeton Jet ! ei - ; Board of Health appl O' od RKI-452-2692

F 1' EE Biuepoint Siamese lemaic tixed 1 have too man-, i a (s ( .f.. 2(1.1 i 526-1.357 after p m

SADDLE Meuban Siegfrii19 new $280 201-821-8566


Private only -( i-rlified Instruction ■Beginners thru advanced Age 5 thru adult

-Class time 1 hr. -Complete program include

Text-Ridi ng Horse and lack Care


I lit- School of t.quiation

Sunset Road. Sktllman, N J

Instruction in Riding and Horsemanship

Special low >ene*< ratesfor begi n.ners and


Horses Boarded and Trained

By appointment only 201-359-5060 : 609-924-2343


ilw. I -awrp.nce I ixkjerTHE CENTRAL POST

WINDSOR HIGHTS HIRALDThursday. October 2. l u

Seven For Central Jersey

Classified AdvertisingHILLSBOROUGH BEACOTf

T V M d n v i l l e N e w s

The Franklin NEWS RECORD-B

Pets & Animals Pets 8 Animals Autos Wanted Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Trucks InstructionPrinceton

Animal Rescue League

' SAVE i



; ■ black and white shaggy g medium sue

■ tan and white Terrier :>• (log

black Lur-rau->r pc dog pure bred Husky dog

'ale large black Labrador [X1 dog■ male tan and white Terrier. ",i Lmg haired

dature female Collie- i-pherd found on Jin male pure bred Beagle

m a le ‘(paved 4 war old end ivpc (log hi■ jser ;

"xi with children m- pun- bred Silks Terrier

log i wars old

|C'C\ Ci'Ltr,' 1

IfcDQrt loci and found pets 1 hir; :a/\ r period and call

1 • ponce ;/ sou mi! n .! ured

n. airs •> i i,raves 609‘ , ppt

Leeds and Grams for all animals at

Host t) vi t Mil l 274 Alexander St

Princeton Ej(J9 S24 111 34

UHSES -ught & Stal for rent

i 5819 ill

i i rt itHealthy.


'N REGISTERED half Arab ’alonimo mare. 7 years old in xcellent health Shown 3 ears tn 4-H Pins at shows (as alternate for .Jersey State how 1975 Good for hunter iding breeding Needs a trong rider Owner going to, i lit" io .Hi "‘I

k i<; FOODS RCA Garden hops a >• jour lies; source i, R d Huskies It you're i

I! O itiout -[X-I :alrices K( A locationsightstown New Brunswick rent on

ALAMINi i spirited 6 vrs .; j ;-..l J Ml" ii. iS. :


■ , - • '“■.I'.rds (amity wdh yard Idren now that city family

* ... t".

iKKlE Pt'PPIES AKC g . males and females nsonable Call after 5p m .

e i -km

LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups nine weeks old, AKC registered champion line excellent with children, only four left Call 609-883 7434

BE At T1FI 1 mm A spue 2 yr old children's cat. declawed and neutered Owner allergic and heart broken Free to good home 201-297-0631

DOG BEHAVIOR PRO­BLEMS solved byprofessional psychologist m your twine 600 486 201 ■ n 448 9391 9

DAOHSHEN'D p u p p i e sA K ( 10 weeks old Black and'an 609 466-1687

5 V KITTENS 4 months females. 1 male Farm or

individual homes 050-448 4002

B'iA CONSTRICTOR 2 yrs aid beautiful marking- ft »ng plus heated rage Jioo

mi" !•! • 4;j

LARGE HUNT HUNTER for -ale 9 yr old grey gelding

shown at top shows by , hung gjr; perfect tamily ponv Safe reliable and capable i"r beginner to ad vanced nder Cali after 5 p mu"‘ 466 !7'it

\i USKAN MALAMt TE pups AK' fit)9 W. : 2?i evenings

and weekends

KERRY BLUE TERRIER male. 3 yrs old. quite reasonable very affectionate 609-655-3135.BRITTANY SPANIEL pups AKC and all shoG Parents.• xi eller.' hunters 60!' 73? 1124

W EIM A R A N E R PEDIGREE vrs sch.xil trained likes

i i- need' a place to run , ><, goud *>< r : ... 600 -4-4 i

1336 after 5 p m

REE KITTENS Part,iiiiesr w till'- • gray par .lined t week- old 3n 1 329

FIELD HUNTER • Pleasure Hi )RSE I6h i .elding jumps

£ alt wm 689 w I 6

ENGLISH SETTER puppies 1 leg ' week- ,ild ' n color and orange and white tick 20 1 782 7153

ADORABLE KITTENS one red, two gray free to good , . . l'(l9 to'

POMERANIAN PUPS < hampion Blood Line Call

f i '»

DCtG HOUSE LARGE 3x4 ft . met ex I IT! "I CM . W ! KM : $29 9:

picked up Call Raritan 1 ■ ye 257 C.«K

KEESHOUND PI PP1ES 4w ks old Call 201 722-4254

inn, GR< H >MIN(J bathinglipping all breeds high

.. i set ' ■ nablt■ ales 609 737 1 $49

MINIATURE COLLIE 2 sable and one tri-color champ Mood line ix 19 i't.i 185.7

Lost & Found


IHNNY S sdjRAI IR N METAL will fey old car*, trucks farm machinery in dustrial A resident a 609-®5- 3311

Autos For Sale

SCHN At ZER c i re um st an ces m us t

vrs old. raised with A11 (S' 11 * in;t ? t* $150

L A C K L A B R A D O R TR1EVER l year old.

O registered champion ie Beautiful and very endly Needs room to run m 609 882 'C>"

m IDLE looking c.r I homiHigh spirits go.k 1 waichdog cute sm standard, hlk 4

■<'" 446 '"4 :

J, SEND My 3 . mos old v ir. x uur farm to be

,,o Fill' will be reads th Also STAID for

.... $ 11 m nio w-11 i f eed & . an. exercise ceded ! t re pasture & uxxi .rx luded

. . . . . 8567anytime after 3 30 v

IVE HE. A A'A 13)1 .OR ED v, ft c Shebi

arm $2 per b ird . 3 , erage D elic ious for stew • icasse soup or sau ces iackpomt M ontgom ery Rd eshanu 210 *69 4.s

HEAT DANE 7 mo lod ■ male fawn ail shots grea1 s position good withx, Idren housebroke.n dert at chdog AKC champion icestrv must sell 201 359

HORSE STALLS tor rent leal bx-alion for trail riding mail outdoor ring with jump >ncfe pasture $7o-mo n oted on Cherry Valiev Rd ill I it W 466 147(1

Z & W M A Z D AU S E D C A R V A L U E S

7'< TRIUMPH Rf $3 900yellow Convertible 43 200miles

. v : { 4Coup* $3550dark green AM FM 000miles

v -.,7 1 iW l| $3100white 9 (XXi miles

72 M A ZD A R X 2 Seda r $1 .700greet 82 fXKl -Oiler73 C H EV Y VE<M W AGON

$2396White \ 1 45 onomiles

1 u -$2.395

white, automat* 30.00< nles

- 1 ■ <r $2. 5(K)ti­ now

ll res 20,000 mitesj I $2, 195

greei w tt jn jp r o[ 42:miles

• , i Ilk • Oil! HO - ,,;,i.. tai 11 eW


2 & W M A Z D A R T . 2 0 6 P R I N C E T O N 1

9 2 4 933 0

X)WC*S' loan ' 11 rch'i *

1-a tes •

■ ill" on ;

y new

a 36-nont h 1 oa n Call the3ank of Manviile 201 526-430(1


good shape $(ioi 0467

>8W GH \ND 1PR1X Pontiac»ood condi thon jus t t unedompl«stely .aut ornattc anonai t:toning tilt steering^aded $85(). 6C)9 44H 856:

FOUNT' YOUNG MALE CAT or. I mversity Campus tiger tripe and -vhit* eal 609-921


LOST Gold tie clip initials A M S 3rd’ Reward, call

609-921-6724 after 6 p m

f o u n d b l a k f e m a l enog medium size Poodle rvpe. collar and flea collar• 4)9 92! HIM4

Autos Wanted

WANTED 7! ur 72 Datsun 240 Z automatic airreasonable mileage and goexi

'■<: 3 (4-19

MORRIS MINOR in good rendition t aii Freehold 201 462-8149



• x “. Me. i.-i .

.11 NK ( ARS V, -ANTED » ' SliKi .V 548-6582

WE BUA clean VW s or other imports Princeton VW R' 206 Princeton, N J 609-921 2325

ALL -H NK ' 'ARS and 'rucks - .ii"ed 1- ree iowing $1.7 a; : up Scarpat i Auh> Wrecking•lift u-ir

INF! '

.1c O’-


NIK)! ,A i • 1 »ki• j". , ; Ui2

MERCEDES 450 SL '73, fully equipped, original owner. 40 000 suburban miles, new -teeI belted radials, serviced ■ inly bv Mercedes dealer garaged always Light blue dark blue tops & upholstery SU. 800 609-924-3476 After 6pm weekdays or anytime Sunday

70 COUGAR XR 7 p s. p/b a < std trans am fm stereo, stl hi! radials low mi , best offer $1100 gets it 609-448 6630

L o w e r 7 c, ; m

'47! A ( tl.Vt :*M : uxury sedan Exc cond a/c, auto radio.


71 PONTIAC GRAND VILLKdixit hard (up ( jxiwr nr

1dition Private sa • -185<IXXI H8 L.'iS-

i(GA MARK II roadster Moving must seL call eve- & weekend- 609 *4 ‘-2~

Mi C AN' . '0 n • ■ ' !«' B-cvl good condition Best■t: Do >e'j ax


896 9142

I jj|convertible.} runs well $250

• ■ •••■ ngs -'*■ 4. . 2o

VW BUS -4 old but durable new shix'ks-, battery & paint B'Kh. ' \i eiter , ■ • re' en* ;. (Lai US' V ■) :>■"‘•4-1 14 (

72 PINTO H ATI HBA< K .do v igge •

am !rr. sle- -arfiai- in** w ' • 55 600 LI9 7V*< Ht

•>464 ("ORVAIR 2 dr good needs muffler Best

lifer Call 609-395-0026

i46S GOU) CHRYSLER New automatic all power,

dr radio, high m p g exc cond 297-5435 after 6 or w**ekends

i ADILLAC 75 COUPE DEVTLLE fully k»ded low

i .a must fee to ap prrelate Call 609 737 1467

i960 JAGUAR 3 85 new ■ c • exhaust tires Needs

genera tor, bodv work $1000 or lifer Call 737 <838 eve 9247412 da y

LD£ UTLISS -i Ail Michelin radials gdniul Best offer 609-924-6871

T ! 1 iY i iTA COROLLA 1600 i s«» i miles new radial tires

si Hoe Call 609-443-6287

974 MG Midget excellent condition 18.000 miles Muring must sell Asking $!!«N! 609-799-2685 after 7 30

%4 (ORVAIR Excellent ondition Must sell Call after ; n 609 882-9342

DATSUN 240Z Excell -id low m ieage $3600 or

L ifler 609 452 8850 or 466 1787 ask for Allan

968- AiG MIDGET new paint good condition, $950 215 946 8215 after 6 p.m

19J0 FIAT 850 convertible new radial tires, 50,000 miles.

good mditia S.ODOKS Cl 2988

1H TR A VELA Li, 72 all ' ras excepl 4 WI) $2300 201

'159 2286

97 BU RK CENTURY I XUS 2-di lull power 8 rack stereo low mileage

■ igt kept OriginsI owner 60g 25 ■ 229 7 m i

N J ( all after 5pm

■. AH LAND ROVER Authorized dealer T & T A1 i- ir- di" AAuodbridge Ave liigtuand Park N J 201-572-

197" PONTIAC Catalina Wagon. PS P B 8.C rack.

tape deck trailer towing package $2500 Call 20 1 358 <008 evenings

'HHYSLEK Town and 1 " -■■ ckd M I DU -Ht

AM FM stereo ailxki m Asking $1500 Must

sell. fast 201-752-2444 ireenbrook

ADILLAC 1974 Couj>e de Yiile immaculate. 12.000 mis loaded cabaret roof, hocolate with tan interior 2"1 844-2785

S A AB Authorized

Sales Service Parts St NSF T At TO s AI.ES

Route 12 Baptistov. fi N J


" " AK , Midget-engine fop rdi! um new clutch, brakes

\t-eds some work-cal! 609-924 ,6101 after 5:30 pm or aeekends

74 AMC MATADOR. 2 dr . air. stereo rear window defogger intermittent wipers vinyl top 14,000 mi , new spare, mounted snow tires on rims Asking $2600 201 ■ 75224 44 or 356-3315 Greenbrook

AMC MATADORS buy any new 1975 Matador from our stock for $75 over dealer in­voice plus small prep charge Limited time offer while over Docked Colonial Motors US ~ North Branch 201 -722-2700

72 KURD GRAN TORINO A/< P s OB -AM FM stereo radio tape Excellent con- drtion Best offer over $1800 Call 448-0228 evenings preferred

70 TOYOTA COROLLA -Auto 30 mpg, radio, snow "res new paint, exceptionally• lean dependable, inspection July ’78 Asking 111!® 201752=2444 or 828-4117 Green brook

71 BMAA 28Q0CS Ixtw mileage, good condition Call 609-924-7080 after 6p m

97: TORuNADG Original winer exceptional condition. Mere" air full power many extras, just tuned, new • -xhau-s' system brakes tires -hocks, eh 60.000 miles SlHOo ■ all weekdays 609 924 7757 >. et-kends 6119 65.5 023 I

I’nRSCHE iW\ ER Needs arge at ton glider tra;i*>r

AA'LL sell nr trade for Mercedes itese 173 Porsche 9)4 2.0 appearance group. mag wheels air cond am dm stereo, sk: rack '14,(XX) miles Immaculate 609-921 85.91' ext K) oi 809 799 3858 eves

74 i ’UTL ASS supreme A !P Windows P S P disc- brakes AM FM stereo sport wheels alarm, bucket seats console Like brand new 609 799 1697

1888 VW has1 i«ck i \ e lent running condition just passed inspection many new parts 57.000 miles $950 or best ifler 609-466-3364

74 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, sun roof, radial tires. 2-dr 6-cyl 3-speed std stereo tape deck. 1 driver $31000 609-466-2762

70 CHEVY' ■ Concours wagon 8 passenger PS.. P DB auto V8 Factory air Ex­cellent gas mileage $1350 or best offer 609-466-2108

» tSli I'ti'-r ..iuh< '■ " i* v- x

t*<0 n •1 * * ---

MKK< I ■ BI m SE fewei -m het

,,n a® > - 8301 ftapm f

f'EMPESTn • • ti|W

tis ■ ' /'*■ ■' ■ '■origina gwnei worth $385

« i9-44H (8.0

MUSTANG Fast back air auto, PS, PB 15 000 mi color red Lack nt Ask ng $.’*** 201 7322444 or 356-3315■reer I njof

1972 M E V Y Kmgswood ; ■ ate wagon Delux ex- teriot A 1 ‘ P S & brakes AM FM radio casette plaver w speakers 50,000 mifes ?. 4<* *19 - 2969

1974 SL'BRAU. 4 dr , radial tires. 30 mpg in citv. factors warantee Call 609 392-3585

1977 MUSTANG CONVERT Midnight FHlue 289 V8 engine All new whitewall tires, am fm radio, std shift. 20 mpg plus Exc. running cona $1 000 609-799-1749

F'iRD TORINO j dr HT .mu!! motor auto air cond <<r oOti mi tires like new vinyl >np PLxceptionally clean A * ng $1775 Greenbrook 20! 752 2444

1971 DATS N -'4(iZ orange original owner 55,000 miles, ■all 201-297 4277 after 4 pm

70 PLYMOUTH Barracuda 383cc. 4-speed, good condition Asking $1800 609-466-3488 after

73 PINTO WAGON light brown, auto trans fm radio, exi cond Hast sell Owner "■ax ing country Asking $2300 < all 609 882-4285

72 BU1CK RIVIERA air full rower AM-FM. Vinyl top I’ery clean inside and out

garaged 56,550 ■ miles 924 (1746 or 201

TRU MPH Spitfire Brown 1970 43. 800 miles NewRadials AM FM Radio $1*150 Call 201 297-0432 or 201 "297 63 4 8

73 MAZDA 10.000 mi . im­maculate -ond Student eaving tot "liege Must sell 201 297 1696 aft 6pm

1975 MUSTANG 11 Mach 1 4-i speed, radio 4TXKI m iles

• ■■ ■ ■ tel 3o mi ieag'' $355! i 2 o In M) p.rG

a relm 297-0114

IMP ALA 4 dr Slat tor. Wagon P s&b a - auto shift, am fm. radio auto door locks

1 tic cmer $ ■« Ml8826 after 5 pm

69 PONTIAC CATALINA. 82,000 mis air rond . P B $575 or best offer Call 201 1 37-6091

471 A AA Squareback am fm radio. automatic tran-

■ : of if •■ tes Near [x*rfect condition 609 921 4203 4-5 p m

m SHELBY n M ICR ;.L ! sp alloy wheels white w hi ini 52200 201 <29-6124

i 'ustomizer's Special $KKi

55 Buick Electra a c radio '■lean, bad valve otherwise runs smcxrth. rear deck needs 'work new front tires

GRAB IT fi09 443 3H)!i

1974 < tlds Delta 88 Royale a < luxury ahm* ntments ex-client condition S330O 609-443 1919

MAVERICK 1970 Slick shift 47 (Kid miles ver\ clean reliable economical $1150 Asking 201 329-6463

59 MG A super shape • ■ oam cal iy peri SCI * a I i

with black interior new 1 cp adials. must see $2000 call

'.09 448-6935

COUGAR XR 7 loaded 5L 000 mi white with blue int

ar looks new Asking $2200 Greenbrafec. 201 752-2444after 6. 356-3315

72 CHEVY VEGA Hatchback 1 speed, low mileage, excelien!on gas new paint job Will sell 'I. brst cash offer over $1175 rreenbrook 20 ) 75 2 2444

74 PONTIAC Ventura 4 dr 4 spd PS&PB air, am fm « KKIrr $275" 609 737-2927

68 C H E V Y VAN Automata excellent running cond some bodv work needed Make offer 297-1446 after 6 p m

...' TAN VOLKSWAGEN BUG good operating cond fa I y low mileage a rare find $50(i < all 609-443-3950 alter p m

BAVARIAN '72 4 speed,jxiwer steering factory air, in fm Becker 60,000 miles Asking $5600 will trade 609 799 2124

GREMLIN 1073 iit peccttbi* cond Rcvl.std shft. new tires radio tugg rack 22,000 miles Operates economically $199" 609-466-2933

1970 MERC MARQUIS BROGHAM 4 dr HT oeel belted radials a ■ p p t, 50 '**i miles Ex< cond Cali after 7 id p.m 609-443 4289

MUST SELL third car 1969ad b.c Sedai I »■ \ Be p two

weeks Recent rebuilding of transmission. steering brakes exhaust system $979 Passed N J Inspection ready 'or <0.000 miles of service at 13 14 mpg with minimal upkeep Best offer over $1200 wins a well cared

■ .i - 00 0242020

74 OLDS < utlass Supreme i dupe ps pi- w hi tew all radials vmvl roof air am $3500 609-924-8666

-tot. A ' iL\ i $ G" Bonnie 609 "54 0235

73 TOYOTA COROLLA ■Automatic radio, new disc- brakes 35 imki easily driven n lies, 25 30 m p g Expanding amtiy ftrees fete IM ‘635 at 215 297 1546

m i voLVt i22s,automatic, air radio Gcxxi condition New battery brakes tires exhaust distributor hoses wires $995 or best offer Call 201 -249-3252 between ll-6 p m

i69 SQ BACK fuel injection

new tires body could use some ■Aork (vest offer 609 92 : 5154

70 FORD RANCH WAGON Air cond . power brakes,

:iwer steering Body rough "irst $275 takes it CaJ'l 609-882- 7997 between 5 and 7pm

70 A AA GH1A $850 red conv autom . R and H. good cond and mileage just inspected 609-695-5547

1971 CHEVROLET Impaia - 2-door custom coupe P/S. A/C, AM radio, exc cond $1798 609-883-7727

1962 CORVETTE red & white, exc condition $3600 or will trade for 1956 T-Bird Call 609-298-9669

VOLVO 69 STATION WAGON, am ■ fm $1000 Cali 609-921-1720 after 5pm

64 DODGE runs good, automatic $250 or best offer 609-443-4354


1962 FORD PICK-UP TRUCK in fair cond Asking $300 Call609-466-1009 or 92! 9857 after 4:30 p.m .Ask for Brownie

GROVE ROLL BACK bodies, new 4 used trucks in stock with bodies mounted201 - 247-7491


Weld-Built Body Company- Distributor


Baptistown. N J 201-996-2137


We re overstocked with over 75 new pick ups. vans. 4-wheel drives dumpers, suburbans, utility trucks, heavy duty models Our biggest selection ever

COLON! At MOTORSTruck Center''

t. 'S Rt 22 North Branch 201-722-2700

1968 CHEVY l.MPALA STATION WAGON auto, trans radial 4 snow tires First <450 609 882-5243

1971 VW Squareback E -onomical and dependable. $1495 Call after 5 pm 201 - 873-3711

1971 TOYOTA 1600 wagon A C auto Call after 6 pm 609 443-4234


THE HONDA PLACE oopet - 1 loo Ranch 866 Hi

flam ilton Square Mon-Fi i 9-9 Sat 9-3

. A MAH A Harr Brothers Motorcycle Sales ServiceParts 1605 N Olden Ave. ! ' on! or 609-393 7550

MR TUNE UP-Get ready lor winter with a quality tune up at a reasonable price All w ork guaranteed Also winterizing and oil changes Residential service 609-448-9112

1974 GREMLIN 8000 mi, factory warantee i sp std. best offer over J'gntxi 609 448 154:-:

fid CHKVROIJET Pick up .1 utility hod\ 609 448- 10:30

1971 * ARMEN (Hi!A autam fm radio 30,000 miles new tires, vellow like new 609-655-0935

73 FORD PICK UP Fi(X) a th camper 34 0*xi n lies exceltenl owttUoi 20 169 6444 alter ■ p m

7" Ft iRD ( i H'NTRY SQUIHf- asking $850 ( al! 3b 359-4204,

after fi p m

74 TURIND*' ELITE w hite.- Whill A fflt " Utt i43i«

( all 009-88:■ 2743

i)PEl. I'letlc Running '-ondilion Nef-'U vmo work $125 600-466- "747

75 CAPRICE 4 dr sports sedan low mileage retired ', M executive 609-65.5-4506

-4 M ALIBI ■ LASSK >UPE p s. p 'b a c. v in y l roof,

many extra s Asking $3475 609+48-5731

68 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme. 4 dr a c PSPB. 86,000 miles $1150 609-799-9036

1972 DATSUN 510 station yyagon 4 speed AM FM radio $1995 f ali 609-298-7089

MERCEDES BENZ 45SE 1973 white w-Blue leatherinterior i; S®® one ow aar miles Perfect Asking $11900 Inquire 201 22: «88 or 201-233- 5534



Adults AChildren THE LEARNING

EXCHANGE157 S. Main St Highutown


IAZZ PIANO from pianist composer Learn to play whetvou hear and feel Call anvtime 609-448-5533

CONCERT PIANIST and teacher ATCM NJ Cer Pa is accepting a limited number of students Beginners to ad vanced 609 655-4346

1958 CHEVY 4 ton Dickup, rebuilt carb generator new brakes $400 201 359-3188

64 IN T E R N A T IO N A L METRO STEP VAN-Good gas mileage, fine running con- dition very efficient van Asking $650 Call 609-924-1412


19 Eldorado motor-home. 7300 miles, like new, power "teering power brakes, a'c. am fm $7500 609-448-7795

FOR RENT 1975 new Win- nohago Mmor home model D- 21 Sleeps K Full) self con ained living tacilities Weekly

rental S275 pi us 8 cents per mile t all after 5 p.m 609-586- 2669

1970 HOLIDAY VAC­ATIONER RB 60 gal propane spare tire. bunk, exc i-ond $2600 t all 20!-329-64!7

HONDA 125 Super Sport perf conditiort Gcxxi on road or dirt -Asking $325 609-4482118

CYCLE INSURANCE low rates immediate cmentt 1 9 or 12 mo policies Call Kim Bowman 609 799-0472

1972 RUPP ENDURO Good condition. Tc 1 Torque con verier. Back Rnobbie asking $125 609-448-738!

HONDA Trio! 70 Good condition, low mileage, best offer Lafayette HE20-. CB radio with turner + 3 mike Also womens bicycle Call 609 924-1519

197! HONDA CB-350. red, 9.000 miles extras & cover Mint condition 201 85§ 7404 -ifler 6 p m

Mt'TOR BIKE for sale Harley-Davidson 65 cc like new 70 miles Helmet and luggage rack $240 Call Tim 609-924-6364

HONDA XL 350. dirl and road bike 3.500 miles 1974, $850 Call 609-466 3052

147- A AM AHA »80 excellent ondit ion runs and looks like

new f all 609-799 2155

K 1 A yS A K i 350 . evl 2 1 rokes "(reel. 1200rrn!es like

new $700 201 -359-5042

HONDA SL125. go<xi cond low mileage, many extra parts Asking $250 Call 201-359-3524

’.97r. HONDA 750 Super Spirt orange extras $1800 Call 609 799-3820 evenings

47 . I!t UP SCRAMBLER shocks front and rear torque

■ e r l « $u .’t 201 045

1972 YAMAHA Dirt Bike 250cc DT 2. excellent con dition 609 443-1437

1975 MONTES A ‘250" Mofocross angle shocks, excellent condition Must sell Make reasonable offer Call after 5 pm 609-448-.3586

VW 1966 Pop-Top camper ■ t.'xxi condition. $875 609-448- 7432, ask for Bob

Campers1965 COX TENT CAMPER ( all after 6 p m 201-297-1867 - K e n d a l l P a r k



17 Livingston Ave.New Brunswick, N J

Complete Secretarial and Accounting Courses

Day and Night Courses Telephone 201-249-0347

The School ot EquitationSunset Road. Skiliman. N J

Instruction in Riding and Horsemanship special low series rates

for beginners and intermediates

Horses Board and Trained

Bv appointment onlv 201-399 1060 609-924-2343

PIANO LESSONS. ex­perienced Princeton un­dergrad particularly in terested in young children 609-452-0273-Sarah

1-; V K NKU D E 7 hp ou 1 boa rdmotor Exi cond $225 firm 1 all .liter 30 p.m 609-924- 2181

SAILBOAT FOR SALE 10' ■ lass D Dyer Dink with brass fittings excellent condition trailer included $700 r ail

M i 924 7 286 after 5pm

1969 FIBERGLASS 22'Hurley twin keel Call 609 152-2300 ed 68S or 215-785-2597

BOAT 14FT .ALUM duck boat, trailer, I2h p motor $35(1 call 609-448-2766

ROWBOAT Heavy con Mructed. wood.almost new fait i"b lakes up to 3 hp. seats - ■ m - A m k- For fishing or pram im $5<i 6(19 448-8 1 91



PRINCETON UNIVERSITY STUDENT WIFE FROM ISRAEL, wishes to teach Hebrew privately or in groups Experienced tutor at all levels Your place or mine Please call Lea Shimshoni 609- 921-2046

Beginning Classes in Exercise and Meditation


Call 609-924-3962 after 5 pm

FLUTE AND PIANO LESSONS Bachelor of music mus ed Qualified teacher

will accept any level students For more information cal! Sharon V McMichael 609-452- 1959.

G U I T A R L ES S ONS Reasonable rates. Chester lwhman 828 So Main St Manville 201 72.5 1683

PAWO LESSONS an in­ternational concert artist now accepting advanced students in Hamilton Square. Call 609- 890-0094. 890-0959 890-0026

PIANO LESSONS, former Juilliard Prep ,Umv of Mich grad Call Steve 609-921 1812

STUDY THE ELUTE with experienced teacher Lessons available for children and adults, all levels at your home or nunc ( fall 609 924 SIS

READING TUTOR all grades, experienced teacher with masters degree Hourly- rates Call 609-883-0763

NEED HELP IN WRITING'’ call H el i k on 609-924-5782 Private and group sessions with qualified teachers, writer" and editors for students adults busines-ses

SAILING CANOE pleteh equipped Good cond Canoe or sail $100 201-297 1129after 5 p.m

RIDING LESSONS com Professional, 15 yrs exp

Guaranteed results Dressage Equitation. Jumping 609-655- 3359 after 6

HG.N'DA MO-PED motorbike Exc cond Low cost tran "poriation $85 20 1 297-1129 after 5pm

KAWASAKI 90, good condMot across type rebuilt engine, priced for quick sale $275 201-297 1.390

® ' STOM abir cruiser -Twin Palmers flying bridge Steps 4 cvci'llent to live aboard Manx extras $8500 ( all 4)1-359-4722

END OF SEASON SPECIAL Jelwmd/Mach II sailboat 14 ft cartoppable. exc condition fast & toprated $495. (all 609- 466-3559 after 6pm

Machinery & Equipment

CLOSE-OUTS - Foundry type all modern faces, repro press, electrostatic paper plate maker Elrod Nolan remelt furnace, galley cabinets Lino mats. Varityper, all in good con­dition Real closeout prices Call or stop in Trentypo Inc 304 Stokes Ave . Trenton 609- 883-2198

GUITAR LESSONS - Learn onlv what vou want Allsytles. all' artists off-the-record transcriptions of any music a< a liable Reading scales chords, theory etc Bare beginners to advanced, ages 6- 60 Stop playing the same old

call ('licks

( 'hi Idren

899-924 0636


Kendall Park Area Ml Sl( LESSONS

YOUR HOMEMost Instruments Taught

:t0 Years Experience

MERIT Ft) NT IN EL I140 Kendall Rd Kendal! Park Dial 297-2108

F L U T E L E S S O N S Specializing in teaching younger, beginning A in­termediate students Em­phasis breathing tone, theory' A musicalitv Call 609-924-26® after 6pm


In s t ru c t io n


IIw IMwmnr/' I/xjger


~ 8-B~B u s in e s s S e rv ic e s

Seven For Central Jersey

Classified Advertising=HILLSBOROUGH BEACO\

The Mdnville NewsThe Franklin NEWS RECORD

Thursday (ictober 2. 197.1

G a r d e n m 9 *

vTRO SEWING 8 lessons■j, >0- r-r: 'it 1 >< ’

ser AH levels ■ ■. - ..

1TAH In pe f i encer

ith qualified :h*T Please



Ready Mechanicals negatives only

Tnason. 609-924-

\i 11()\ HI MM- SSM PPUKS

|;\IK ! 'I >1 Mix t! SPf- ( 1 \!

I >PFPurchase any ne^ Olympia

NS for tipewriter and receive a Wnahi f-'REE < asio Electric

k Call Calculator

m outh npht

Bui ld ingS e r v i c e s


•a lor •rane«




Prim Hon North Shopping ( enter

Across from Princeton Volksw agon next to Good


I 5 PIM . DON) IN PR!N ( ETON \RI \ by an ex

ici i -j-i-retar;. u<>rkmi •mu:: inline \li work corn pleted on Select ric 11 typewriter Call «®-S21-3398

C a te r in g

ATERING Intimateinner parties to large eceptions V ariety of menus

M A h l 'C A S CATE R IN G Finger Food specialists ' ri-ncr a iter mg No party too mall or '<« .irge Be a guest,

at vour own party' For in-• •" ■' -i JO", w>

F u rn i tu reR e s to ra t io n

mplete \ and 121-2184


I B Itt 1)1)1 N(i A s<)\ 1N(2 i4 Nassau St

Princeton 609 R24-01 fit*

NKRSON t.l %.*.S & \l t MINI M


run!it lea

hat does it

- flam ante

1 l O! Hutu It t SUN &. SUN

ci ton. repat Alterat ions

• i ■

HIP meatstore, no dangerous jxiint removers, no dirty mess aid no ixiur- ot trying no I started to strip it off but • ouldn’t g<-i it "ff and best of all I took it to DIP N FTRIP and it's ready to refirush and • .i-"Jin' If Ik • ali us it o

424 5668 or bring your fur- i,ilure ’ • DIP N STRIP 49 Main St . Kingston N J We ll do tlx- dirty work for you We have furniture lor sale We do catling and rushing and if vou need refinishing we ll do that 'on Thank you. not ils DIP N STRIP 49 Slain St Kingston.

. . . .... ' ; >

I li \llts ( \N! H It l SHED reglued. tightened repaired Furniture refinished Years ui experience Free pick-up and to! Ivor- Mill K9f> 1)0.47

~H/ . RESEEDINGirwl 1 Sinclair'4)9- *

DOE RI )- R - w d m APES

Linds cape Des gn ngand

Cc>n' ' 1 ■ ' : lfc924 122!

LE our ganfen Roto-l{S l m 1 nent >perati(3nCT>« ti - 1 > :ren 09-448 49 888443

FT KX)EE & SON'SLA : , V[>esgat - -k done f >dd jobs

)B \lt, xltl't N M \HK! I ING IN<:

.andscape.;; -Designer 1and ( ont ractor

ander St1yr1nceton


n 1 all siztes, trimfyU'' 1 609-44.3-W1

L.-' n care.Ire nd finev. ood Cai!(O’ ’ • m.ales 60V1-448-4913Or

L. NTHNA NCE atr( ales Ca 11 IwRo11 609 448 4'

R 3 - TIES end of.Si 1,MI! , - •1 (m nardw ood 6 b\t, ■ "eosoted y >-< i - ; 411:R.,r ' , 201-2576-"'»

3' UP TC) $1,30singles & ,1 hions. a11 colorsBl •' I ran bur’( SouthR ■ •-- 1 1/2 m 1 fromfa irgrounn s a t f)ijnham sCorner Ri is fromK Lirsers027!

H o m e R e p a i r s' ( A R l ’ E.V! F ■ PAIRSH - G ND Rut •KING -u • ■ ’< * i * ) i i. . ) M



RNITt RF REPAIRED tR ( i o F I N i, A N D O Rnt- \ pieces reglued >>r A Ml? M SIDING Forplaced like new Shaky free esnu phone 609 924-airs, tables or what have 8 action cajlu Kef ini.shing also dor«' anytime Ask IfH’ L)irk orill .’nl ;?;>M j h. eves ficiga



Peter \\ ikoff

RACTORK k sidewalks

pat iad

148 til

B u s in e s sS e r v i c e s

IN TCIUOR( 'o N s nt ’ 1 \ I


1i >M\U IFSll)

,ni l r\IENTtA l

r 'us tom Draf>es. Vurmture.IVallpap .amps ( 'arpetEtc Ua11 201 V*H6 6 pm


EXCEI .LE M r ex [)e riencetypist Manuscripts. thesis..-Ic Fieetric 1BM SHectrie 11609:t95-<1749

TV PEW HrrFiti KF.I ’AIRGeneral cleam ng and rt'pairsFree e'Stima tes Aa 11 EaKadi gal 1, t>09-448-6443

TV PIN C7 \. t nom 1 :>v exIjeriencc■d st-cretary Reportseorresptinde noe, uapers VV ot i\done (m 1HM Exe cuft vet vpeu nt! er A 1all 609- ■3 4385



orations partnerships - vt duals F in a n c ia l tions

KEMP'Sl \\ A U ( Ol NT1M

in anytime

E le c t r i c ia n s

N H l i U U SONS flw y io & Grjggs Drive

2t:: >'29 4k >.

Repair Service - Electrical Power &

Lighting Installations Industrial Maintenance

ELECTRICAL WORK no iob loo tug or loo small, work iiiauship guaranteed 201-297- >047,

ELECTRICIAN LICENSED Qua lily work for all vour electrical needs All work fully guaranteed to meet with your -atisfactior Free estimates•J 1*1-44 ;

G a r d e n i n 9 * r-i. L a n d s c a p in g

PLANT CARE advise is heap from Mama Frisbie

Si txi That s Cheap Con sultation bv phone Mama Frisbie likes to give a diagnosis not a post mortem. So don't w ait until its too late ‘ (.get help i all Mama Frisbie

... , igys | - soo up* «■>:;

JOHNs TREE WORK topping A dropping No tree mo large Free est 24 hr emergency service 201-2974760.




FREE ESTIMATES 609-443- tit(■>

24 Hour Servicep Sc pi ok •>.- hn


Home Improvementsic improvemen Additions

Firepl ac incline

|*I IyiriK-i >i H’k|f* y. • , i r

CARPENT!WILE A 14 jts experience in p i phase pent!Club . ’-**• *99 -’Oos

M \MiN ( UN rit M T< 'R

Fr ep ici w - st- ;w ..term " " 'e g ■

l\\i 1-TSHl R Bl II DEHS I N<

609 799 3818

PI CMBINu A HEATING Residential Specialist, repairs 4, altei 1 -sn i ' ' r'(H‘ ' r atcs 3 ' 238253'. ; • 499

MARVIN'S LANDSCAPING i(.d:\c 'k'signs 4 planting?

Shrubs shaped & prunea sixiding H R ties Free est 201-238-3343

CARPENTRY ALTE R A­TIONS ADDITIONS No job t ix 3 m r lotRenk Builders 609-653 1221

Home Repairs Home Services Roofing Special Services Housesitting For Rent - Rooms

V', : ,3 ’P< " "and St eratia.)' ' free(estimates 609-443 1424 44343 28


Installed & serviced Sliding Olax\ doors



r arperttrv Int & Ext Pa ntmg Minor Plumbing A Electrical Repairs


HOPEWELL T V Sales & Service Home 1 V & anterww repair .15 W Broad S! 609-486- 1364,

1 A REENTRY REPAIRS and small alterations Call 201 .35'.; 7571 after 5 30 p m

GARAGE DOORS ■ IN STALLED & REPAIRED Reasonable Free estimates 201 297 3797

PLASTERED WALLS Ceilings cracked, bulged, i all mg down on ynur head Will repair replace lath with two coat plaster Masonry repairs replacements and some new work on sidewalks stoops walls, foundations, pod'*’ ’ uck pointing stucco and float 1 inisnes < !al 1 609 466 437 between 4 y evenings If necessary call anytime Small mbs accepted

SEAMLESS API MINI M Di PTEHs Victor Diamond, K R 2 Box 219 Bridgepoinl Rd Bel le Mead N .) 08502 21 d 159-364 : night tx 19-924 1643 dav.

NEED HELP' CAN T DRIVE A NAIL" WANT A CAR­PENTER" < all Walt IJye 60s 148-1555 after 5 p.m

H o m e S e r v i c e s: 3 PI ' iNn |, i! - p r ic e

CONSCIOUS0 Discover Interior Design Studio, 14 Moore St 609 924 4794 Mon. Tues & Wed 10-3 p m

GENERAL MAINTENANCE pa nt ng odd iot>s t ime &

■ .iter :al 609 466 3544

PLANNING uN REFINIS H1N(. ’ liat old piece" Find out complete retimshing not necessary We can repair -cratches snicks cigarette burns dog chewed furniture etc All types furniture

red1 *< 1*1 44 . >J uv

LAMP SHADES Lamp mounting and repairs Nassa Interiors. 162 Nassau St , Princeton

I >!• t 1)RATE or. a budget • ret great ideas from an expert and ’ hen go do it \ ourself 1 'all 609 • ' >W,2 '.H ore 9 tt 1 ■’ ,itater 5 p m

Carpet cleaning and floor waxing Residential and commercial ( all Paul Mar for iponai introdue'nrv rates 60s 448-0663

FIjOOR SANDING hardwexxi floors sanded and finishes3' ;:, 1,09 3S 82 it

Hut SE t LEANINl done by hard working hones , ambitious voung couple < ail ixitt 585 2553

PLUMBING Lie -4621 Need a plumber, free estimates all types >H plumbing Call Mike anytime day ix" night Phone 609-586- 0-266

EXPERT HOI SE<'LEANING Honest, reliable, ex

pc onced Reasonable rates P., 1 - UO >!7 m3

M ILP < LEA N a It ics. garages cellars Will do light hauling Reasonable rates Call 201 237-

FUKNITl KF refinishing reasonable Don't throw t away Discover its natural tx-aul' (u9 799 1X176 e\ c-

EXPERT K\ TERM IN A TIN G Rodents insects roaches

etc Termite control oar >pec!.ilt\ Fj;P Guaranteed Cali evenings Schloss Valenti Exterminating Co East 1 - M t j 19-448 6 2


FLOOR WAXING Rugs professionally cleaned n, \our nome Dry within one hour Guaranteed no shrinkage Free estimates I'ail 609 448-0120


Cranburv N J 609-395-1389

Home and Industry Garbage, Trash, Rubbish

RemovedHauling of all Types

P >GE RS ' P H O L S T E R Y I' onsumer Bureau No 5412 509 799-2807

DRAPERIES & SLIP- 3 ERS Reasonable prices

Also free lance drapery in­stalling Ed Walker 291 369-4361

CCST0 M UPHOLSTERY Reupholstering. reftnishtng and builders of new furniture 609-443 1510 Comsumer bureau registered *5590

T HE BUCKET & MOP The Personal Touch in Cleaning (>eneral Home & office Maintenance 201 t.59-4722 Mr T o m live



7 Trucks No Waiting

HI ssl-,1 1, HE ID CO.

20 Years Experience 21 IP844 2534 201-356-5800

Moving & Hauling

VMHITIOUS \ ETC RAN to do ■ igtv ti.njling and n n\ ;ng Also xki mbs 1 leaning cellars

ai'iics painting etc Free estimates, reasonable rates Call 609-447. 4968 ask for I^arrv

WILL HAUL IT Cellars, atticsno g,,i age leaned 1 all 609

799 1680 Consumer Bureau Registered

ATTICS BASEMENTS garages cleaned >ut Ligi * haunng & moving 201)359-6402

MOVING & H A IL IN G f l i c s cellars & garage 1* cm3. , . cared ' .,!

1' ' 6tX) 89), 1,71)

Painting & Paperhanging

INTERIOR EXTERIOR Price ( 1 >n,sciitus

U Mitchell 201 521-0678

PAINTING & PAPER- '.1ANGING Frank Janda. 232 Dut( h Neck Rd • a! 609 44873578

R1 x )MS PAINTED free estimates, reasonable ratea ’.•.car .'Mirk > ail 609 799 1462

ALLIED ROOFING - New and old raols of all tvpes repaired Homes remodeled inside and out All work guaranteed No job too small 609-448 5707

ROOFING & HOME REPAIRS all workguaranteed < all 609-924-4933

BELLE MEAD ROOFING - '28 yrs in business Free estimates n all type raefisc and leader-- and gutters ana chimney flashing Call anytime 609-924-2040 or 201- 359-5992 local call from Princeton

Why wait uxnil the roof leaks" Plan ahead for your roofing needsNEW ROOFS REPAIRS

( OOPER & >( H \FER 63 Moran Princeton




( 'OMMERi 'lAL






J \AHUH-148-5623

DESIGN PHOTOGRAPH ICS advertising, public

relations modeling, coloi slideshows brochures phone 201-297-0150

P ia n o T u n in g

PI WO 1 l \ I N (1 Repair Regulation

Prompt and efficient service rendered a' a very reasonable rate Please contact3 LU.AA r s i .. m m1.59 or 39:5 057'

PlANDTl NIN< 1 & REPAIRS, reasonable rates all work guaranteed 1 all 201 828M94


Regulating RepairingHUB! RT II Il.ALI.IEZ

RegisteredMember Piano Technicians

Guild. Inc 609-921-7242

PAINTING INTERIOR &EXTERIOR Top quality wor"Free Estimates Reasonable — . _Rates Fully Insured Capitol b p e C I O I S e r V I C 0 S Planting 609-8J,3 1.537 *

MARTA S ft NDEL Pa ’iti: k Ix .1 at 1 ng Ser

vt tin- Pnnceton area for • wit 26 \ears For quality and cxficrt workmanship phone ».(|9 448 .332.7

t STUM PAINTER 20 yrs e.xp qualitv work, references R Pi et.lick 609-448 1717


Prompt personal service All types ot wall covering

Free Estimates Dan Rudenstein

609 58.5 9371,


Reasonable Guaht..Hates Pait’.lExpertise :n Workmanship Year round txjsiness

No WaitingFree R09-924-3962Ivstimates after.5 p.m

PAINTING EXTERIOR & IN T E R IO R W a l lp ap e r removed' Fully insured Sa ' isf a et ion guaranteed 1 ommercial & Residential 609-924-630(> M & B Paint mg

THE B'LAKA PAINT CO - Experienced bu' less ex ­pensive Paint to you at wholesale prices Don't let things go too tar Call 609-883- 6785 after 3pm

I "I sf PAINTING interior • • >: For ftee es! mates 5. 1 'asale 3H-297-5823


R o o f i n g a n d o rALL'MINI M SIDING For free estimate phone 609-924 8721 Quick action call anytime Ask for Dirk or He lea

A P A R T M E N T A N D GROUNDS maintenance done in exchange for apt or cottage in Middlesex or Somerset Counties call 609-737 3237

LADIES & MEN'S alter ations done at home Quick, reliable service Call Helen Wasko for appt 609-883- 6196

PLANT CARE advise is cheap from Mama Frisbie $1.00 That's Cheap Con- -uliation bv phone Mama Frisbie likes to give a diagnosis nol a post mortem So don t Vait until its too late to pet help fall Mama Frisbie

kia A eekda • 609 46600671

WANT rO SAVE money on clothing" Hand tailored clothing al Department Store Prices Bring your labric to us - We ll make It for vou'! ASHIONS BA M AI)Fl VINE

55 Sand Hills Road Kendall Park. N J

201-297 2453Mens & Ladies Suits Dresses. Blouses Shirts Mater:. ' A edd •;* i « BE children s 1 Jothing Give us a call E see samples of our work

CUT & TAILORED to your figure, gowns dresses pant suits No patterns needed Call Maruja 609-466-2804

SLIPCOVERS DRAPERIES & pillows etc Custom made Your material Call Mary Kemmerer 201-462 7494

(A P T t R l THt DRAMATICfall setting of your home and preserve it in a watercolor painted by an award winning Frineeton area tine artist References and portfolio Peggy Hansen 609 397-18 78

SWEATERS, dresses shawls afghans knitted or crocheted to your order 609-924-2439 anytime

SEAMTRESS have clothes that fit design your own outfits alterations or new garments «)9-799-2794

DRESSMAKING, reasonable rates Call for appt. Call 201 297-1454

NEEDLEPOINT PILLOWS backed stretched and stuffed 1 >dia s Sftehery 7 llatl !>w i N J 609 259-2312

FACIALS SKINCARE AND BODY MASSAGE with the most modern equipment and techniques Treat yourself to ■ >ur special pampering, comfort and beauty YouJl love it

Ask about our PRETTY FEET' special leg waxing with pedicure


Pri nceton 60H-924-4875

1 DP PER PnTS Tinning, t>ohshmg and repairing of upper and brass pots Call

609-397 2259

I )E> ( )R A TO R \> -vlJLPA PER.w ood w o v e n ,

lammateq shades vertical t.ii mis furniture, carpeting discount pices 2M 2.3.19 alter 4 p.m

MAGK SUPREME for par ties. tetKjgtets etc fluiliotine luggiing others 1 all Ed 2U1 359-2847

■ k n RI ■: )GK AL I I SI ING Drinking WaterPsrritt Lab Inc m Franklin St Hightstown, N J 0852U 609-443-4848



ss ran ■ guy fabrics 1 1 ud, eg H A D M ADE

' B LAW :. VM'KK ir, pillows, t>eds oreads ttr.ipertes anduphuN'i'riid turmture made 'o rder 1 1 609-443 151 < >

HOMEMADE QUILTS regular & twin size For in formation call 201 '297 3567


609 46ti

: 1 5 YE ALL Y<rt R W O R R IE S b e h i n d P rofessional woman desires 'Hiiise-3Mng position Wii.r tender loving care to plants and pets Available thru Jar, Princeton area references available Call 609-921 3195

H< J SESITTER AVAILABLE While vou are away will

tend pets, plants and grounds Long term preferred References available 609-585- 2316

Wanted To RentA. ANTE 11 professional voung woman seeking 2-3 bdr Souse, ottage in country private -

-ecluded. will maintain grounds have petsreferences §#50 Call 609-737- 1332

ROOM WANTED IN FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP St00 $120 per moProfessional man prefer refrigerator & stove or hot plate Write Box C-2, South Somerset Newspapers 240 v> Mam St Manvilie N J

D R E S S M A K I N G &m u t e r a t io n sTobin Call 809-448-5614

D R E S S M A K IN G AND ALTERATIONS - Janice Wolfe Dali 609-448-2125

HAVE TOOLS WILL TRAVEL tuneups inspection repairs

minor repairs Work done on location 201 297-2095

SPECIALIZING washing h in repain in n <a ii

and residential, reasonablt 201-297.5047

COOK & DIETARY CON­SULTANT Menu planning, food jxirrh.m ng and -coking Emphasis on qualify S450 mo 921-9435

DESIGN DRAFTING SER­VICES machine piping, process plant layout material handling Adinolfi \ssonates 201-821-9441.

LAWN MnWFR REPAIR Tunc up- urn: repairv (>09 Mh 1802

L A D 1 E S C U S T O M TAILORING oats sui'• tresses gowns skirts ett - uh* ■ ncict Hillsick St id WS 7 77 I KftH I

HousesittingHOUSESITTING DESIRED - Graduate student, refs. Steve Selinger Philosophy Dept Pnnceton U 201-359-5350

FEEL SECURE with an experienced housesitter Responsible professional man available in the Pnnceton area Will care for vour pets plants & kids {excellent references Please call 609-452- 2126

ROOM FOR RENT m large : arm house . mile North of Rocks Hill Available Oct 120,-359-2481

■ 'MS in,; *emi efficiencies 3 veekl'- rates Pnncetcu Manor Motor Hotel. US «i. M'.'imoutt-, Jet 201-329-4555

PRIVATE ROOM for rent parking avail Prof people preferred 42 Henry Ave., Pnnceton

NICELY FURNISHED ROOM w alking distance of RCA 606-


ROOM in Plainsboro Parking available, gentlemen only. Call after 5 p.m 609-799-0002.

PROFESSIONAL MAN seeks iurnished apt or room near Princeton for ■'eeknights ('an offer cash or exchange 'or my furnished : tiedroom apt in Doorman building - Greenmich 7Jliage n J Arrangements can t>e tiexihle Call Tom ('rabril 609- 7'*9 26(X, ext 420

' 7 If, R K I N G S I® 'orwinter use by twp professionals Your unused basement, heated tarn or carage • !! do iust fine Please

Rick it 809 "24 7721

MAT’ IT RESPONSIBLE ,f PLE want small hot^e

i country with large lot or -mall acreage Man ex­perienced in general home mumlenarice repair &• ground pkeej educt hs I c > 1 725


WANTED TO RENT 4 K'dr "ui house Hillsborough

i in:’ ’, with option to buy Availaole Jan or Feb Rent S35o 4bo :• onthlx Phone 201 359-1362 '__________WANTED TO RENT 1 or 2 Se hr no u country cottage be i> -r:at e -ent 20 1 329-6141

; MI U 7 E : IENTLEMANdoing graduate work in Princeton needs sleeping space sofa bed or spar*> room -om<• week nights after working latr in library Prefer Pr ncetoi Law re’nceviHe area I a. Bill. 609-292-8978 rlays 215 598 3998 evenings, or write Box 25.3 Yardlev Pa 19067

\lEDED BY DECEMBER The two of us and our 3 well ■ ■ aimered k 11iev are Irxikmg or a : bedroom apt tor 5!50 >r less rurai -etttag < all

609 44 ■ ! 742’ after 6 p m

SINGLE GENTLEMAN in >' - seeks room, with either kitchen p m leges or board in private home within ten mile radius ot Hopewell Write Box

Doc Pnnceton Packet

APARTMENT sought by business woman One bedroom reasonable rent. " ' or \o\ occupancy No

7 ds ■ pet Call (>09-882-2315

'GARAGE: RENTAL WAN­TED space needed for small car Write Box R13191 c 0 Princeton Packet

PROTECT YOUR FARM AND A S S E S S M E N T S DEVELOPERS Rea: Estate Manager* EGx .idy Managers

Landowners interested in leasing lari land on annual or long term lease tests or contrar ' iarmmg your land in Franktii Pnnceton- Mon- •grimer. Most Windsor and Hopewr c nships all 809- 466 1299 after 7 pm Monday- Friday

WELL RECt >M MENDED retired gentleman requires rcasonarily priced single room No cooking Easy walking distance to Palmer square • onlidenhai replies to F. >x * I9t) c 0 Pnncelon Packet

MAN DESIRES to rent reasonarde abode or will -hart- t ommuting distance to Trenton 2)1-359-2404 after 6 p m

• , HE! 31 3LE m td - twenties looking for apt. in '••• ncetc* area around $200• repl........ >uld be great Calliftei ; " at 201 S 6- 8197

LG BEDROOM private home bath & It kit pnv Bus woman student Ref 201-329- 2031 or 329-6068

FI RNISHED studiobedrOom for rent Pnvate bethi entrance and garage Walking distance to station Princeton Jet area Cal! after 5 p rn . 609-799-0249, gen­tleman

ROOM FOR RENT - pvt entrance, walking distance ofPrinjieton .Jet railroad station Gentlemen only 609- 799-1771

LARGE SUNNY ROOM In country setting, all house privileges 1 mile from campus Call after 5 p.m 609924 5792

FOR RETIRED or semi- retired gentleman - large tiedroom seating room, semi- private bath cooking facilities Hopewell Valley irea tioo monthly Write Box »302p] : 0 Pnnceton Packet

Apts/Houses To Share

bJ 10M MATE Wanted im­mediate occupancy no e< j rit > no lease ultra

modprn 2 BR apt own room & leath w w cpt & a c. really nicr Male or female rent very reasonable located in Hightstown East Windsor ,rea 609-443-5870 evenings

WOMEN in mid 2Q's to share -paqlous old house in Hopewell with 3 women Imrfied rental, $100 per month, plus utilities Call 609- 466 188! after 4 p rr.

Plk( )F WOMEN grad tudsrit seek female room

mats for large sunny Victorian house in Rocky Hifl Location ■ x I01 !hii cetoi Trenton & New Brunswick own ivrom. urge yard great ight lor

plan(s 609-466 U3fi after 5P m I

31 \j,F TF \< 'HER wishes to harje . tiedroom lownhouse

witlj uthcT male Reasonable '■m A- 59-0233

FEMALE WANTED TO SHARP. Darge farmhouse, one mile from Mercer County Community College $75 a ■coiith plus utilities 609-443- 5594- cv enings

IS IT POSSIBLE you are ■Hiking lor a quiet female 34 •oommaic in Hunterdon or Sorrjerse! County area? My sharr- no! to exceed S12S mo

... y o • ‘ p m 201 246-1159

ROOMMATE WANTED Professional male 28 looking lor same to share country house in Princeton area. Rent appre $180 ( all eves 201-1.49-44 7 0

ro U P li- : interested in farmle and raft- looking to share

imuke w iu-reage Hopewell area Maximum $250 609-655- 4361

PROFESSIONAL GAL ,w)king to snare 2 bedroom apt No lease ('all Elsa 609- 148-5441 between .4 :k)-7 30 p m

lb 0 ).31 MATE NEEDED ~ to share modern 2 bdrm apt in K1 ngst on wjth worki ng man 3130 per mo plus utilities Call 609-924-4099 and 609-452-4261

SH \RF a large old house on 4 acres in Millstone 12 miles front Princeton No pets $130 per mo including utilities Call after r, p m 201-359-8735

ARTIST TO SHARE Superb modern studio Etching press, darkroom, painting drving area lave in and or work in S225 per mo 609-443-4639 or 448-2722

For Rent - RoomsFEMINIST - working motto has house to share wit mother & child Reply to box 03 1 97 c/o Princeton Packe

HOUSE TO SHARE Ur furnished bedroom beautify house in Kingston 609-927821


H OM E HUNTER’S GUIDE! • uradav. < )ct< >her 2. 1,J ()-B

it ta k e ^ a h ea p o ' livin in a hoiis. t ’ m ak e it h o m e .....

Him) a heap of I i\ ing i- what you may expect from btflr latest Princeton listing. I irsl <>f ail, it s in a great location fot intown living Lint Hoad between Hodge and "toekton ... situated on a divinely wooded lot witli privacy galore in the back and nicely hidden front view in the front 1 here s a lovely screened porch overlooking thi garden" with access from the kitchen and diningOHim really bringing the outdoors in

Ole design and decor of tin- inti rior lend them*elvei;aicel> to coni fort and ease % fireplet ■ " hand) u ed manth highlights the ample living roonj-with windows at front and back ; tin- is ad jaoent to the inviting dining room with chairrail; a lively panelled l tongue-in-groove I library is off the 1 enter hail and ha- been equipped w ith gun cabinet-. I*><>k sin yes sterei wtriisg built- in In the proficient owner 4 family kitchen of Oualtjr Maid lestgi with functional shelves lazy tutsans arid all tin other work savers i- off the [Kirch, utility room and not too far from the two-car garage for grocery toting.

f here - a m a ste r suite upstairs with walk-in eloset kinder the eaves and a lull bath — iih -tali sliowei a mill large bedroom has it- own full batj t with tub iS shower, and then there are two other comfort able bedroom-- and a full hath.

[I,,, basement has been lesigned with a lug uctiy t growing family in mind! It features a work-Imp panelled playroom w ini cellar -t ige g l< -t : \ \ 11 - \ I \ A Vl I I H SHOW I b.W H \ P 1,1 \ l H V W li.-V 1 C'.ONVI.MK V T . '

U . : ■ i 1 . ■ v. ' : i , ui • u . .u - - ■ 1, ' : re - . ' - c 0 --- 1 be a p[ ir*-• antedPlease i all for an a pfh tin (merit to see for \ ourself. I rpi mht - only a -h'>rl jog ftom the V . the l i n k . 1 a l t , f I' I ti 1 ii 1 ■' g' ' ai r ..'' 1 '

na|UHN | -j


08 525 V ’ P n r ic r t o i N1 >PVU I l l .I 1 - ,! W y -



The incredible homes at Delaware Rise Up to over p ,000 sq fl of living area brick fronts 4 and 5 bedrooms, e ® baths and 2 -car garage 6 ' x 3" o' insulation in all hotjifes City water city sewers, walks and curb- ire a led -Woodedlots available. Hilly ’ acre lots with 125 ft frontage

d6 MODELS from$4 7 , 9 9 0

l i )

D I R E C T I O N S95 So . w pos

Tnke R.qhl P-

Open 6 Day) o Week ! 0 A M 6 P M MODEL PMONt 609) M 3 5603


Y Beautiful Community Fabulous Com mute.

!n«rodLOng Kingston A c'^ s a r e xctio g 'ev%cornm urnK of 32 ^0 me.s no'ciprmg prestigious Pnnceton of> Star*' Htqnwav - ' K r'gstoe N ',1-w • ' - It ' jstA c e s ^egu'ariy ,s t an 80-minute nde t Ns^Yora N• Pr • ■ . • N tw i '

Dy locai bus se rv ice 'o onven ien ‘ s^opp*ng recreational facilities an i cuflurai eote^

'. „!siandir>g cotc- -c stvte ‘ D^es a •- n 1 • i'>!0rt 'r eievarioos r' a >•

setting4 - 5 bed-' o^s2 . baths starting at $60 000 M.-'-gage 6nan- mg avai-awe :r Quanr-ec :OIRfC'IOM

C IR C A 1860H a rely but sometimes an opportunity like this one conic- a long

I wo Sp ec ia l O ffe r in g sA Georgian brick Manor House" on approximately <> > acres surrounded by old shade and exquisite landscaping including boxwood and brick walkway- bi.v bedroom-. four and one- half bath-. living room, dining room ) 2 i x 21 C family room, many auxiliary rooms, fixe fireplace-, two three-car garage- with 4 room apartment, pool and tennis court Offered subjc, t to s u b d iv is io n .................... $ 2.">0.U(Hi

20 year 7 3 4 °o mortgage availab le to a qualified buyer


R E A L T O R SHnpewe’ H ' Su

H ,pev. r N r x

( 60*4 4(>( ; 55n

For Rent - Apts.PRT.n TON \KM.x

Luxury Apartment-

1 and j liedroom- Individually controlled heat 2 air con­ditioners IndividualBalconies 12 cut ft Refrigerator Venetian Blinds I-ii go walk in closet- Prvale entrances Laundry room w ith washers and dryers Wall to wall carpeting in 2nd floor apar’ ment- Supermtcndcni on 'ite Rents start at $2(*i up

Mixkd apartment Telephone ’■*«' 448-48"f < >[M■ • rLai 1 y ' rum ,2 ti! P 111 to 5 P m except Sunday, directions from P r i n c t o n P r in ce ton Hightstown , Road, turn right on Ola Trenton Road. mile, turn left and follow signs

H l . l A ht R M nMB.P (\ K BISHKOOM -\PT w - tit. dryer & dishwasher Retire! n-ri! com num i'y no one under 48 years of age \\ ail able No\ 60n ffi t" :

MIR5 Rf N APARTMFA'TR. modem fully carpeted i & 2 bedroom apts in a secluded country style setting A distinctive address for responsible adults and ;heir pets Starting at $200 including washer dryer central a c generous parking and out 'landing maintenance ser\ ice 1 'l l ice opened everyday except sun Phone '4J6 4881 809maker Bridge and Brookwoxid

Rd in Hamnto.i Twp

For Rent - Apts.I N K ! HNS IK HD NKW I t XI R ’i APTS I & 2bedrooms. $270 and up AB alow 1 .anc A jit - \ minutes 'inf i ’nno't'iii ' ( all W>04.42 8220

1 V\ V fHK SE ( BARDENS - , i 2 bdrtn apts from $18. Might-town Supt on site soy 448-2198

SP At TOPS I BR Apt L R .: Kit balcort; SMS ieci

’ ' wrench a- ' .n 24s, m<Ki

NI BEDROOM APT Hopewell 2nd floor garage

- 609 8*0 , 182.4 or m -m & - aoiti, '11 ser*

S ta tio n S q u a re Rou te 206 Be lle M ead

(2 0 1 ) 3 5 9 -6 2 2 2

r f *

Ri OM APT in201) 722-2552

M a n v ■ lie

\PARTMK\T cenler of Princeton Living room dining room 1 bedroom kitchen and bath. 235 mo Cali 809-424 <1370 . during dax til 5 {()

RM APT in Trenton $149 per ninth ('all 609 193 1320 af ter j 34) p m

HIGH iwOWN . bedrooms, living room dining rixim, - ;d fieri ne.i: and hrji w irx tuded Call weekdaxs after >. pm 20 1 52 ! 2!62

)\K BEDROOM APT to -ublet m Princeton Meadows. $241 per month 8 14 Fox Run ! i i s r Plam-horo 1 onv- fef ->t leave note m mailbox

>Np RPIDROOM apart- men! turmshed located in Princeton area Very at- tr,active. spacioas with all modern < onveniences Heat Bd hoi watei pro5 i cfcd S-'ioo

monthK call after 6 p m scr9 132 8271

!'U BEDR APT Hopewel area 2nd fir private entrance, garagi adult couple only 609- 466 I1H4

APT AVAILABLE Hopewell tied room duplex large

modem kitchen, nice card. $225 me [kus neat and dec Available Oct 15 20i -m i8oo, 9 ■ p m or 6(8.) 799-2040 after 6 :«i

Ft RMSHKD EFFICIENCY M’T tor mature business m an , garage available $150 monthly 10 miles S W of Pnnceton Write box » 03202, i o Pnnceton Packet

FOR RENT. 2 bdr apt large living room, kitchen & dining area Walking distance to railroad station in Pnnceton Jet Call 809-799-1672

5 ROOM APT Pleasant Ideation close to center Princeton $295 mo plus it mties 609-924 1758

MANVILLE 4 rm apt on Crd floor $225 mo - utilities & -er-uriR Call exes 201 356 -403

For Rent-Housesf ASt A INDSOR Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2'v txa t h ranch Central air fireplace ap phances, etc Excellent K>cation, $400 plus utilities 609-448-7063 after 5 p.m

P i



P .

Route 206 State Rd. Princeton

(6 0 9 ) 9 2 4 7 5 7 5

N EW -PLA N C O LO R S AN D ITEMSTraditional two-story with entry fornrla sniiH! ' ion dishw asher in k itchen with a breakfast area panelled family room with brick firepiar - 4 b edroom s . baths 2 car garage. aJt idea: utility m oin ir ' sew er and wet! w ate r 366 900H O P A T C O N G D RIVE b o a s t s '>' i 4 bed m e n excelhcondition Centra l air Centra: Vac uum by Budd r."st d deck from dining room. Carpeting in living room, dimno room, hall and stairs remain, interciom throughout. Humidifier professional landscaping, 2 c a - garage 2 baths vanitv sm s in tioll bat" separata lautidry ui dr- sac location Ownar wants m (mmediafesate $58,900O P P O R TU N ITV M O N T G O M E R Y a r o>de’ tw -'0 . with w alk-up attic now used as a one family. 2 family approved with entry ball 8 rooms, 2 bath- -ap around front porch. 30 5

For Rent-Houses For Rent-HousesFNFt'RN ISHF1)

Attractive 2 bedroom stone ranch on 2 acres Franklin Twp , swim pool, quick oc cupancy $450

4 bedroom half house Lawrencevilie Available Oct 15th. $450


2 short termers t After (Act 15 to May or June 3 bedrooms t baths Princeton Borough $725

2 Flexible - from March. April or May to Sept 5th or Oct 3rd 2 bedroom- » den, 2 baths Princeton Borough



An attractive country house ust over the border in aw rence 'Tow nship

bedrooms 3 baths Nov. available Jan : 7f> to Aug 31 '76 with option to renew for a year $600


Broker 609-924-1416

HOUSE FOR RENT in Ringoes, N J 4-bdr with living room dim rig room and familv room Rental $456 per montfi Call 609-466-2853

P R IN T t IO N \ K 1 \ RPNJ \l -

M VVindsar large -i bdr: split-level on quiet cul-dc sac near the high school Living room with: [replace dt mug el eat-in kitchen, family room basement. I-car garage on naturally landscaped lot with, -hade trees, available mimivi $450 [ X - r month

Hopewell Nelson Ridge furnished rambling con temporary with in-door pool and suana, several fireplaces generous rhaster suite with his and her baths 4 other com iortahle bedrooms, library den. etc A great place to get away from it all Available <k‘t 1. $700 pc*r month

1 IRt s-fONE RE. \1 KST VI iRE ALTORS 809 924-2222

EAST W IN D S O R - T* n Rivers 3 bedroom townhouse in excellent locatior Available Dec 1 $400 px :month f’ lus utilities 1 vear lease 1 : months securdvrequired Fully carpeted, all appliances inclosed Air conditioned Cab 609-448 4081 weekdays lor appointmen>

FDR RENT . house. 6 rms & bath including 3 bedr- w a Iking distance m railroad station in Princeton .Jet Fail 609 799-1672


I]P l




i jrSlf2J


24? >6 N a ssa u S tr» « i P rtn cato n . N .J .921 2700

O U R 6 0 t h Y E A R O F P R O F E S S IO N A L S E R V I C E

C A PE 3 bedroomii. 1 bath$4 1 900

R A N CH becfdjoms 1baths

S 4 I 900

C O L O N IA L S P L ITW W inS Sfi 900

JU S T l .S T E D 1 1 $54 9 0 0

(sir- , mugntfit eht family ■ i-m with stone fireplace and ; uthedrai-' eilihg lovely 'and' vipinq. 16' X 32 m


P R IN C ETO N - 1 -

S66 500

I I I ! •

JUST I ISTED f i r m s . m ;w f .n-pirtri' Ceihoal Air -

S69 900


SB I 500

N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N 4Df-')rtiun’s baths 2'ar.res

S B2 500


i E;

C O N T E M P O R A R Y 3bedrooms - Barn 22] acres Hijm erdon County

SI 65 000.

STORE SUBLET N assau Btrw-.- Approximatefy 900 sq uare feet

$450 par month








Lip *prai


H OM E HUNTER’S GUIDE10-B Fhursdav ( ktober 2,


’ Seel ion results w o o d e d c r o w n i n g s e c t i o n of th

V is n o w u n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n or© b e c o m i n g e v i d e n t th i

s e c t i o n w i l l u n d o u b t e d l y

a n d t h e i l u s h Iy

b e t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d t h a t h a s

b e c o m e the s t a n d o ' d f o r a l l N e w J e r s e y l u x u r y home r o r n m u r v ’ e s T h e g e n t l y c u r v i n g s t r e e t s the premium l o c a t i o n s a r e a l l r e a d y for y o u to

u o s e f r o m So to o is o u r b r a n d - n e w m o d e la r eo Astute home seekers please note that oil home'- this new section ore equipped w i t h gas neat reor©sen’ ing some of the last n e w in- ifoHotiotlf i n the state A. i s o B0f8 that mkeeping wth Hidden Lake s new policy choice Home sites o fe avaii able for custom build mg from your plans and by your own builder or - f 4» | || ifj | . o f ©f e V ; | ' ’ r | — *•**>► wh ■

lo* selections a n d m o r t g a g e t e r m s or<best





(To Qualified Buvers


D E lM r l l T F l 1 < <>l \ TH \ LOTS

ACREjniCipal app



$ 1 7,500



* illy stocked nursery lover 43,000 '■Tings' on 6 subdividable acres is

man four miles from Nassau St ner will give terms to qualified buyer for detaifs.


B e l l e M i I d e - • _Can a o f 'u n e H I 3 5 S -5 U 1


( > M M u

Buy From Owner Save Broker's Fee

- \

I 1 1 I I . 1


5f a< i o u s a B R m level offers virtually every modem •• in - <ejt you cc.uld desirt- Almost new wall

;o wall carpeting covert living room, dining room, a-’w iv >i.irv.a\ .i""1 master Per)* iom upstaes and

mti pe.troom downstairs Self cleaning electric range - snw isher highlight a cheerful eat in kitchen Ex

-,i paneled family 'oom downstairs Other. ir, ■ iuoe pressure balancing shower valves m' pled baths. finished photo darkroom andaunt , ,ne i enrral air. floored attic storage space vttfi ti'-.u tiedi ng • cess stairway and professional Ian

ccth maturing shade and ornamental trees fast at $4/ 500 C all 885 6306 for ap

• ■ See 'his #- -.eppor .!


ofPR i \ ('.ETON, INC. Realtors

EXCELLENT THREE BEDROOM CAPE CODsituated cm a one acre treed lot Interior (■< ....... o T'pietely remodeled

S A3 500

\ assau Street » (21 ■fiitftfl < )ur < Hirer Ad*.

For Rent-Houses For Rent-Houses





t neo isemei

Hightstown luplex l ‘-z • in lining hen Newly her dryer, ■v asher w vv and water

ed 13 tf* oc - .

SQUARE 4 ne with eat-in ing room. TV ivmg room with oiling partial ar garage, nice central air. for i plus utilities

.•~kil.iv- nun

E i I k * i

T WINDSOR 4 bdrm br ,iv rm.din rm.famrm. kitcl Btl garage

Vi' ur i 2 M-re $385 per 609 921 5617

... :;,hi - - \ wknds

T WINDSOR New 4 ix.r. Colonial in excellent Ron Immediate oc- anev $400 mo plus ties 1 vear lease Us iths security required ly carpeted air con- :med ('till 8O9-448-4081 kdavs for appointment

MONTH RENTAL 3 I r ii o’m Tow rHt ou s e ■ 1.1f ill’ ill-,:; i t i i . i 'e h $2,78


qt \ J ) -) TOWNHOUSE 3bedrooms. 21 baths, full basement $395 per month +

I I 11\ \!< I l \ \ N R IS E t U M 5

80*1 I 01-42.30

ROOSEVELT 3 HR house lurnished Enclosed porch w heat cent a c . newly i. •. k • $.!ix per monlie utilities < all mornings.; •. iVi*. 44K >lf,79


Beautiful lurnished and lovel*

'.A US

rlomal un-spacious pool

grounds$750 month

Contemporary near the In stitute hedrooms 2 full baths. air conditioned F:repliHC in living dining

New kitchen

ur rushed eiironm-

$RXi month

story in town 3 baths, nice

$300 month

Borough oration living mom dining area kitchen, tamily room 4 bedrooms. 1C baths Manx other extra features $550 month

i ( 7 ! )«4N s >i t‘t■ k- .»,! \r \ ’ 'A*

oHENDERgON1( 609 ) 921-2776

LAW RENv T. TOWNSHIP 3 bedroom rancher laving rm dining rm . kitchen 1 car garage : lost- • Notre Dame and Lawrence Township high schools Rent $400 month pJus sccurit depose i Pmtinalli Realty ■ 809 695-8501anytime

HIGHTSTOWN 1 '2 duplex. 3 bedrooms l iv ing room kitchen water & heat in

ided Weekdays after 8 p m 2tl 1 521-2163

KENDALL PARK bedrooms with u* baths on beautifully landscaped acre Entire yard fenced Close to N Y buses $380 mo plus utilities Security required 1 all lavs 809 896-0800 ext To Eves 201-359-3610

TWIN RIVERS 2 large bedrooms 2 full baths, w w. central- air. all appliances, laundrv room w washer dryer Patio, swimclub. $27500 ..r rent w option $340 per mo 809 443-6823

ROOSEVELT furnished home available immediately to June 1. 1978 3 bedrooms. 2U baths, den. Near grade school ■ al I after 8 p m 609 448-2339 or 809 924 2807

( 'ABE COD on a 3/4 acre country lot 3 bedrooms and den, single bath. full casement, oil warm air heat Rent with option to buy $365 mo plus utilities References required and security deposit Call 609-737- 1970 after 6 p m

FIVE BEDROOM country I arm house lor rent privacy & seclusion is yours only 10 minutes away from Princeton $57! per mo Call Thompson Land Co Realtor 609-921 7655

L V ILLE RENTAL 4 tidrms . l iv ing w f irep lace , dining, porch, basement $450

nth 609 8964X172

BEai TiFUL river estate near Nev. Hope, furnished or unfurnished Stable for 4 horses Rent negotiable 215- 882 5359

FOR RENT house m the country 3 bdrs w bath up -lairs living room, dining room & kitchen downstairs Bull basement, near Edin­burg. N J Call 609-799-1672


- AMPGROUND FOR SALE Interested'1 Small and

profitable family campground located on the Susquenhanna River in the Endless Mts of Pa located 80 miles west of Scranton Good potential for expansion For info write P ( )• 142. Rome Pa

VACATION HOUSE TRADE will trade beautiful Florida

home w pool on water in Ft Uiuderdale area for 2 weeks during hunting season for like property in the Princeton Hopewell Valley area For further info write Box 03178. c o Princeton Packet

BEA( H F R u V i APT on beautiful Sapphire Ra\ St Thomas -Ground floor, sieeping-hving room large bedroom, equipped kitchen. 2 baths, air conditioned Ac­commodates up to 5 persons Maid and linen service provided Tennis courts, swimming pool waier sports restaurant on premises Reasonable Call 609-924 2826

H I M l RDO .N C O l N T>1 hirteen acres of deep woods surrounds this intimate all-cedar contemporary Deer frolic in full view of the glass walled dining area and adjacent gourmet kitchen. Two inch (hick -late floors echo the coolness of the forest. Move through a stone arch to the liv ing room with stone fireplace wall of glass and on to tin childrens wing, three bedrooms, each w ith built- in--. -kv -iite- and rafter bunks, two baths. A few steps up to the music landing, entrv . and the master bedroom suite with fireplace sundeck. dressing area, full hath and-sauna-shower. Across the bridge to a guest studio, liviag room with fireplace, kitchen wall, bedroom and bath, balcony. Shade dappled stone and brick walkways surround till- exciting ex­pression of a love for natural beauty and intimaty $165,000.


\ new four bedroom 2 U bath stone-front rancher in Princeton Farms. This lovelv home with citv sewer is located on approx 1 acre and is suitable for a private residence or a combination resident-professional situation . $('2,.>t)0

\ new four bedroom (expansion to five) 2-bath with two half bath- on I 1 . acres. Liv ing room and family room fireplaces Authentic Thompson Colonial bv Hopewell \ allev builders L till basement, attached 2-car garage and there ts -till ampletime to express your own interior choices, (.all now to see this beaut*....................................................................... $ 1 59. ,00.

A reallv good buy in Princeton Farms. I .ur-bedroom, 2 1. bath iwn-storv with citv -ewer and centra! air H u m ' ..................................................................................... $69j9O0.

ithin walking distance of Pennington Boro. A large I bedroom 2 storv colonial with 2 . bath-. Great country kit chen. formal living and dining roem- laundry. 2-<ar garage full basement, even a treed lot and bridge over the brook.

..................... ........................................... . $88,5(1(1

\K )N TG ( iM i .m i ( (VS N SH IP

\ new listing on a full acre close m to Princeton, t bednioms. 2 _ bat Ii- i oloniai. Eaniilv room with rai-ed hearth fireplace, large living room, formal dining room. Absolutely dry basement. 2-car garage anil formal brick patio. $ 4.000.

LA VI R E \ C E \ 11. LE

Newlv listed four bedroom 2 Ly bath 2-storx Colonia! oti ap- prox. ‘-j acre wooded lot. Center entrance hall, living rioom. forma! dining room, familv room with fireplai excellent < on- dition.................................................. . . $06)900.


On almost two acres in the Tail l imbers are. a nev- home of brick and aluminum for minimum maintenance with five hedroom.-. 2 Oj baths, large kiti-heri. formal living and dining rooms. Large familv room with fireplace and sliding door to patio. 2-car garage, full basement. Priced right at $ oOO

T h i n k i n g o f b u i ld in g a new house?

I )i - v ou hav e plan- ;I )n vou have a lot ?

Do y o u have a financial iLimmitmentA

We have them all - and the answers, to manv other question- that onie up Best of all, we < an*make building a new home a- simple as buying vour new c<yr. A-k for Lloyd \ an Doren---he II prove it to vou.

H< tpf- w E L I B( )R( »l (45

Professional man or authentic colonial buff., here - your op- portunity Almost untouched detailing -an? TLC . \ betlroom. i bath colonial with fireplaced living room, familv room and diningroom Enclosed side porch. Detached 2-car garage with separate heat and second fimir studio 2-storv barn All on beautifullv lam 1-cafM'd three-tpiarter- of an acre and sifting high above the Kingston-Hopewell Road................$ 1 10,000.

Hi N T E H IX I N C H V IAj 8Ju-; over the Hopewell I wp. line, a very young 1 bedroom. 2 bath. 2 -torv -it- up high on 5 treed acre-. 1 hank-giving will be a treat in the formal dining room *and later on you can enjoy the two stone fireplaces in the familv and living room- B111 now i- the time to eros- over the brook that run- on the property and -troll through the dancing leaves and listen to (he quiet.................................................... $73,000.

11| -

(> acre-, panoramic v iew

2 acres, open, v iew . ready to build

2 acres, partiaIK wooded

$29,‘ "■


$! 7.000

t acre-, partially wooded b r o o k ................................................... $ 22 . 50( 1.■ acre- panoramic v iew ...........................................$20,500.

I o a c re s wooded, s t r e a m . ...........................................................$ 2 .> .0 0 0 .- acre- v\ihide<i v l ew $ 1 (i. )OO.

J( )H N T

M e m b e rs ofMLS,P r in c e to n Rea l E s ta te Group


H o p eA V (* l l House S t j . , H o p e A v e l l , N ,J . ( 6 0 9 1 4 6 6 - 2 5 3 0

Call V n v t im o

A r e a R e p re s e n ta t iv e For:-

REL ffi ln te r C ity R e lo ca t io n Service

POTERE (Home Purchase Plan)


MILLSTONE WOODS ESTATES2 storv Colonials from SSS. IVO. Including 4 bedrooms, 2 V2 baths, familv room, full basement. I acre wooded lot. Located in VI ills tone Tup., I _ miles south of Ht. 33 on \1 Histone Road.

Call Living Systems. Inc. at(201) 464-5676 or (201) 348-0882


NOVA SCOTIA Over 4>'sided acres with 216' of lake

frontage 1 all for more details $6,900OVER 7 ACRES by StMary's Bay Several cabins. 2 lennis courts and a swimming pool Call for more detials


609-466-2800 M \Y AGKM 3

Realtors ■ Insurors Serving

Entire Princeton Area Rt 518 - Blawenburg


LONG BEACH ISLAND OCEAN FRONT Lovely 3 bedroom, 1- . hath duplex available Sept Oct & Nov $25/dav or $150 week 809-799 '2235

SUGARBUSH DRUMLEYS CONDO Rent season, week month Unit «]6. 3 bedrooms, fireplace kitchen dining and living room Call 303-359-6313

B ft BEos’ Wmdt o Twin 8iv«rso r » o 4 b ed ro on s to n e s 2 ’ ? b a th s fu ll basemen • i :ar garage inter tor com pletely redecorated AH of outside trim repainted A lso «n eludes central air conditioning Y fa li to w a ll c a rp e tin g , hroughout refrigerator, dish

w asher w asher drver and stove Availab le for immediate occupancy O wner open to of er

A sk in g $48 900



609 65S-0080 609 448-8811


ft ft B !E o s t W i n d s o r 8 4oedrooms, 2 stones 2 c baths, uH basem ent, 1 car garage, in

tenor compteteiv redecorated Ai' -d outside trim repainted Alsc includes central air con dmoning wall to wail car p e t 1 n g t h r o u g h o u t , e fr ig e ra to r . dishwasher

w a s h e r , d rye r and stove Availab le for immediate oc cupancy Owner open to offer

Ask in g 14 * 900


TWIN RIVERS TOWN CENTER 6096550080 609-448-8811


ft ^S T U D IO S$170

1 B KD R < X)\1$180

2 B ED R O O M S$260

•Vil apartm ents w ith wall N'all ca rp etin g , d rap es r b lind*. app liances and ( a • ]ira l a ir cond ition ing .

im m ed ia te < R-cupanm

An ideal loca tion close ■chopping and major trh Aponation


t w in r iv e r sTOWN CENTER

609-655-0080 609448-8811

m ms


H OM E HUNTER’S GUIDEI h u r- d a ', , < ><'ti -her _ I ‘ 1 ] 1 -B


DUTCH COLONIAL plus tow n location Cen ter foyer, modern kitchen, laundry area, fomai dining room living room with brick fireplace and b u ' t in desk and bookcases family room dec .Free bedrooms 1 . baths large rear deck, one car garage double lot w ith mature tree'- $68 900


HORSE FARM 75 acres. Cc ylomal farmhouse, circa 1710 Barn, silo, carnage barn, corn crib plus other small buildings House contains k itchen laundry room formal dining room living room w ith fireplace family room’ with fireplace, four bedrooms tw o full baths 1 -car garage beaut if ui set t ;ng with privacy

S 27 0 000,

A T T R A C T I V E R A N C H E R w o • pr ivacy t rees lot, modern kitchen, dining room living room, family room three bedrooms, 1 v baths, basem en t, 2 car g a ra g e ........................ $55 900n e s t l e d in the h a r b o u r t o n h i l l s - 2story G am bre1 on three beautiful acres. Modern kitchen formal dining room family room with log burning fireplace and wet bar Laundry room, four bedrooms, 2 Mt baths, two car garage presently used as a small horse fare S79 900.T H R O W Y O U R P A I N T B R U S H A W A Y and buy this aluminum-sided rancher in move-in con d i t ion . 3 bedroom s, fam ily room w ith fireplace, new custom kitchen 2-car garage, patio central air $57 500


A T T R A C T I V E R A N C H E Rformal dining room living three bedroom s T v baths, cellent Cindstvipeo iot wet yard

Modem kitchen, -om, fam ily room, 1 car garage, ex

fenced-in rear $45 500

V A L U E PLUS offers Large hall, modern large living bedroom s, ful extras

s what this imr lot with matu kitchen, form room, twt tiled bath, f

ulate rancher trees center

nal dining room, ^generous sized 4 basem ent, many

$34 900FAMILY WANTEDthis 1 story dwelling Modern kitchen, dining room living room fam ily room, 2 full ( ’ >t( I jar iqt , r je $ 3 4 500O N E W O R T H L O O K I N G ATColonial in Mountain V iew section Entrance foyer modern kitchen w ith breakfast area formal dining room: fam ily room withfireplace, four bedrooms, 2' baths, 2 car garage w ith large tool storage room central

$79 90 0B RIC K & F R A M E C O N T E M P O R A R Y * . anon over an acre


one w ith wet bar one w ith fireplace, five bedroom s five baths central ai fish pond 16 x 40 in ground p

of Ian*d with privacicaped. 1Jltra mtDdern karea , for mai din •no roor

)yer. twei fam ily rooms

2 patiosDl, qardei



>f land

S 1fc4 500




N T E R E S T YOU Ok1 stonefive apart Apai tm entsand five r ooros with baths

cently renlovated Als<> smallthuddings Apprcix 7 ’7 acres

S 25 000


C O N T E M P O R A R Y R A N C H E Rfour wooded acres Modem kitchen with large eating area, living room with fireplace, rear enclosed porrn for future expansion, 2 b e d ro o m s, 2 fu ll b a th s 2 -ca r g a rag e , basem ent $7 2 900B U Y L A N D T H E Y D O N T M A K E IT A N Y M O R E137 A C R E S Hopewell Tow $25 000

3 02 A cres Hopewell Tow nsh ip ResidentialS24 000

3 87 acres and 2 30 acres.Zoned B 1 Route#,31 Hopewe a : S25 000 per ocre

18.5 wooded acres, W est Am well iw p , ex cellent road frontage $3 000 per acre.

77 A C R E S half wooded with stream Hopewell Tow nship excellent road frontage

$3 000 per acre 2 LOTS - Hopewell Tw p . 100 front over 200 deep on Pennington W ashington Crossing R oad S 1 1 500 each

Van Hise RealtyR e a lto rss____

I el. i 60*) l * 3 7 -3 fa 1 > I M W I 883-21 10

» •«» «

H I L T O Nt h r e e BEDROOM RANCH on a well landscapedlot Oversized garage and black top drive Con vement to New York transportation $40 900

NEW FOUR BEDROOM HOME IN PRINCETONJUNCTION Spacious family room with brickfireplace Corner lot, side entrance qaraqe............


EXCELLENT LOC ATI ON FOR THE NEW YORKCOMMUTER and close to schools. Five year oldfour bedroom Colonial $66 500

LIKE NEW HOME IN PRINCETON JUNCTION - Four bed' •••• Uoiomal with aluminum siding. Walk tostation and shopping. $69 500

A CUSTOM BUILT seven year old Split Level m fine condition 20 x 22 foot family room is an outstanding feature. Many extras. $73 900

LIKE NEW C OL O NI AL IN PRINCETON TOWNSHIPFour bedrooms 2 oaths central air basementand two car garage $79 500

RANCH STYLE HOME ON A BEAUTIFUL LOT ■ aexceptionally onvenient Township location Four bedrooms ’ dree baths, iarge recreation room.

$84 500

R E A L T Y CO.of P R IN C E T O N , Inc. Realtors

NEW COLONIAL BEING BUILT in the beautifulStuart Hill section of Princeton Township. Call us for details $135 000

CUSTOM BUILT HOME IN NORTH BRUNSWICK TOWNSHIP. Five or six bedrooms, three baths, two zone heating and air conditioning $135 500

One acre plus lot in Penns Neck.


$1 5 000

FURNISHED THREE BEDROOM RANCH IN PRIN CETON TOWNSHIP available immediately. One or two year lease $500 .00 per month plus utilities

East Windsor-Prmceton Arms: one bedroom, one bedroom & den and two bedroom apartments

Mercerville-Klockner bedroom apartments

Woods one and two


W if Ha


( mO pen 7 Doys

CM Nassau Streetli r h. Hlit-m But! . • ml } • • I . ,1 : ,r -v,. -



UALIFIED BUYER4 ftdrm. Colonials, 3 Bdrm. Split-Levels A Ranchers

1 and 7 Car GaragesWhere endur ing quality in workm anship and m a te r ia ls is combined with a sense ot tranquil & cu ltura l atmosphere

4 Models from $44,990Terrace Qreen

DIPEC TfONC’ :. »• R a t mi» *' **' ■ O ' A* • \< KP-

HAMI1 TON TOWN SHIP fslf W f Rv >m Trento--' Take Roi H- ' fasf Met <

• <m '»ght on Edinburg $d Rf j * * v r Dube Rd * r, m o<j P 3

>r uppir ",P'OC «“!- d

M O D E L P H O N E : ( * 0 9 ) 5 8 6 - 0 2 5 0 O R 5 8 7 - 9 0 7 9


Wooded lots Awaliable

$49,990 Flexible Fmani inq

O p e n e v e r y d o y f r o m n o o n for i n s p e c t i o n n o o n ror i n s p e c t i o n

5 Super! models to choose from 2 Ranches. 3 Colonials 3 and 4 bedroom models available Our

uomes ire se’ on 18,000 sq. ft lots and al have 2 car garagesL)iPECTlGNS FA cr 206 to beauhtu new extension’ ,r terstau- 95 sour- only a few minutes to Scoter Rd Exit #3 Hrtve i- Y'- S< - t Rd to MurSBV Rd aitd continue one mile

Mode Rhone 609 882-684 7 Exclus ive Soies Agent ideal Realty 201 283 2600

Business Real Estate For RentIMP >!- KKSI < i \ A 1. 'IF F !! K SPACE.


Prime professional office bunding ni fen rig approx BOO >q It office Ideal use for Physician Lawyer. Ac cmintant psychologist etc Ample parking $550 per month includes heat

ul I N I- s|>\( |- o h HOMKS

Approx KMX! sq ft rancher ,a,ru’d Inr professional -iffice on Prim elor Hightstown Rd Will sell or lease Attractive terms

fiussman6. >



a > RHF\ PLAZA WEST Hi I3b & i Hitch Neck Rd

J room suil S240 mo net net office furniture available

Attractive prestige building with ample parking in ex­cellent location Paneled


Superbnoun!a aside -k a' n Hikinglushing rafting & hiking sleeps Three rxsirooris liaths completely furnished & equipped including t v & stereo Renta: includesswimming A tennis dub. Call I-09-H8 ■


SAMBEL ISLAND. Florida world famrxis shelling New Gulf view 2 bedroom 2 bath condo beautifully furnished Screened porch tennis pool Guff swimming, boat dock No pets Two week minimum Call 20!-369-3171

Auu can report violations of a;iter pollution laws to thes t a l e b\ b-lephonmg HU9-292 7754 .

l i v eample parking in ex­

cellent location Paneled walls, carpeting, accoustical , ngg cent ra I s ir

diltoning i or 2 year lease with option Available :m

edialel ■ ■ fall +»« 4<i-4weekdays

1 iFFICE SUITES Immediate occupancy -me to four room offices newly decorated S95 to FI25 per month including ail utilities Clarksville Kd West Windsor Twp . one mile West of Route 571 Princeton Hightstown Rd. Quiet location, convenient to Princeton and Trenton, ample [jerking Call 609 799-2828 9 am to 5 p m

Business Real Estate For Rent

EAST WINDSOR ! 200 sq.ft of almost new of fice space Route 130. near the Old A'orke Inn, across from ShopRite Individually heated air conditioned, panelling and private bath Highly desirable location, excellent parking immediate occupancy Lease ierms arranged unJv $4 5o ACT QUICK LA

HAMILTON SQL ARK Business space on Rt 33 m Hamilton Square From 1 mm to 2,000 sq fl Units in dmdually healed and air conditioned Almost new conditon with acoustical ceiling, carpeting store iron' Ideal for business or office Reasonable lease term- Priced right from jq 00 per sq ft

HIC H AKDSON RF. U TA K09-44#-50tK) (j09-5fS6-(>400

SHARED ( IFF I d 311 \< E available Fine location, good parking < all Sierra Club 609 924 .3141 or Vi hole Farth Center 609 924 7377 10 5

)FFICI spaci fos rent MX -q ft Hgw y 206 Hillsborough Twp will partition and : prove In requirements of tenant Ample jerking ideal for professional office"- Cal 201-722-7555

UNEXPECTED \ ACAN’CA in Hightstown Fi Windsor - most active professional building Present occupan' - nciudo Attorney - I let l st

General and Vascular Surgeons I n t e r n 1-' a n d a l s o Specialists m Prolog’, & Pediatrics 1 ai 609 c. - 20K1 for further de'a:

PRINCETON 600 s(j i: ot■ !r\ w arehous'1 spfl< S i»at ' ■ center of town Reasonable Call 609-924-4710 8 a m 9 30 best time or in 11 p m

HOF’ FWKLl. quam: sfioprental, good location lor an tiques crafIs and gif's Great opportunity tor several craftsmen o, share rein 1300 sq.ft $315 per mo < 'all 609-92: 3038

1 iFFICK sP ACL avail m line Princeton location Modem bldg with ample parking Desire to rent to typist or stenographer below cost in return for small amount of phone answering 20! 359-6991

MICHAEL S PLAZA ‘Only a lew left Very busy shopping renter on Mercei St or Rt 33 in Hightstown Locate or 1 locale your business in this verv desirable locale Ex cellent for offices and professionals a? well For information call 609-448-4800 id 10 p m

IDEAL LOCATION lor Office studio, or Store Route 13! Cranbury NJ 609-385-1750

HIGHTSTOWN EAST\v INDSOR Stoi ■ 'or Retail or professional ( ar peted oif slreet parking 509 448 3197

Rve years from now you’ll have 60 more rent receipts!You can change that!

If You Live At

You Have You Will Pay to ta l Exp enseIn clu d in g T errace

or PatioPer Month M inim um

In Five Y ears A S S U M I N GA partm ent A $ 7 4 ! . $14 4-3. NO R E N TA p artm ent B %. }■ $ I 6 . ‘ I N C R E A S E 1 jA p artm ent C

___________ _______COM PA RE

CARNEGIE Approx1020 Sq Ft Estimated ----------’ 1CONDOMINIUMS S 172 45‘ S 10.347'


•Based or- SIOOO Dow- nr, ! i $70.00!Mort£«j': ■e at 9 1 $ Your P. iyments ar>A t>£--r' ? x1rri ■ n T •32.68 per Month anDunne Five Vearv Y u w ■ t! Pay an Est,mated $ • ■ i Estimate-SB79(;

$10 458Is lor Tot.:

the 25 T.jx Br it YOU Wi LL HAVE IASAVIN', 14 and Freduce youMortal, e : , $7700 REDU ING YOl "OUT -OF -POCKET TOT Al ETpfAISI NOW!


609- 921-6177Charleston

-k Hiding II

PF.S \ I\GT(>\

The neu l\ opened community

brings together th•It nest of Traditional and ( ontemporar* architecture in thi woods and hills of

( ha lestoti He ling 11

h HM'sHF f> \h>nt Io n \> ot i t

i\f>/ t /.HU) n 77/ > H\1

l . iU ( t iW C c / \ i L c n

Business Real Estate For Rent

V. ' CRT N PLAZA V*. KM R> - id F AM' WINDSOR M 'RF SI'ACFt FOR KENTtKKisq ill950]! X KI f j 2000 -i. It

5400 lr,o $450 mo S500 mn S900 mn

utilities shopping

plus taxes and Existing 20 stort plaza Fully air conditioned acouslu ceiling recessed light mg pa ne'er! wails lile floor Excellent location on Stale 11w >. ”130 i nn south ol the Priik P i e r , Itightslow 1 Rn 2 yr lease with option Idea lor bakery outlet, florist children - clothing music M m e o r unisex clothing childrens dance sludm and others all 609-448-4024 week days tor appointment

RETAIL & OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Hopewell Borough Reasonable rent m 0*82

FOR RF NT 3 room office ■-part- approx 600 sq.ft Large oarking area Ss fenced in yard ('all 606-924-0125

Real Estate Wanted


Bearribmi a ■ y ;; - - - > se r ssitt '■ greaI golf a Fay lenna on on*’wi vol’Pv ball■ hoo! boot in th«^: nnf i> hig-'M -i'

Princete e

D is t in c t ive one and tw o b e d ro o m a p a r tm e n ts . M in u te s f ro m Prince ton U n ive rs i ty . The tra in to N.Y.C and Phi la is just a b ike r id e o w a y

Mr 1 (Jk V IUQ KO' d'P o-'fj '2 rt , **', • Pr i nr f M»(■}»! 5- w-• b,1 8 A RiqL • ■ ■ f ' 6ues *o Cror bv>- y P a n-, ■ #’Rlt Ip'pi'iTDbo'P .'Me ode w-

609 . 7 9 9 -2 7 1 0

iVIcLachlan. inc.John McLachlan b <-o *C'

75 Eos* M om Str®#» S o m e rv il le N J 0 8 8 76

t ravel • real estate • insurance 526 2300

PARTV To buy frednxim house

Western Section. Princeton all 201 232 2712

PHIL AT?: approx

A R E A L B U Y F O R $ 3 4 9 0 0SOMERVILLL > -ftmt 'nlomal a- i h t hrgf 1' ■

a- -’ypnifot tij -reryhing FJfn(p-,--,ion a r ’

T W O F A M I L YSOMfFVIlLE .'he -enani h-o Day -r> -eaf- 1 ■ . a ar loti-' 'oom apartmenis Loca'ec r „• n

- ite ava'-ab S-yD E L U X E C O t O N l A t

BRIDGEWATER aBtom tanoreo tor yow srge fatn > fbedrooms Urge cquntnr kitchen lamiA ra -room and Honda rj»m finished basement : to bath agarage

C U S T O M B U IL T R A N C HSOMf RVILLE Ran' h * th pa'ki’Ke . ai !: ■ , . apu

- r La'ge < Tg room *v!" bnck fireplace jn’ ’y laundry foom j bedrooms lull dry basemen! Home needs a ■ .. ■ .all us tc inspect fh'S well built ranch

$34 900

S4 / 500

W 5,000

nirngtep• ? < HHfA'.-'Vy5/4 900

m fv«ning« A WCah*ndi Gro«« Tovoroni 725-780#

0+mr9m fmdmr 7 2 5 - 1 9 2 7


H OM E HUNTER’S GUIDErhur»da\ . ( k'tober 2. 1<) . 5

C o u n t r y C o n t # m p o r a r y in t h * B * d * n s 8 ro o k A r «

from d o w n to w n P rin ce to n \c t h id d e n av*a\ in a p r i\* ►nU»m|*orary w ith a c re a t iv e ly d esig n ed flo orptan At

«»l w ith j>atK> an d sa u n a . whil#» at the o ther i* a rle ligh •■nt i term gueM - ■' i "ep ara te in lavs a rra n * 'm «

•to fa n iiu r<M.rii iiav . th e ir i>wn firepla* *•- while- the k ir • I IT ien ire fo u r *»r five Ikedroom * in a ll am i fou r fu ll ha m verrits M odem w h o m ight al*** ru t yo u r ifran* you

-am** m o n th ly p a v m e n t- a* >nu d pas in a w e n t * thouAsk ing S I 09 000


E x t r o o f d m o r y S o c r i f i c e E s t a t e fo r th e P r i c e o f o H o u s e

rot • to t»u\ a fine < h a rm in g five b e d ro o m res id e n ce w ith a tu tn d (mmiI a ll fo r the *am*- p rice a* you w o u ld p a\ for th odow arid px tu re w in d o w ‘•pa* io n- k iK 'h en w ith I. ru^n* fan iilv r»***nt or lib ra rv w ith rained h e arth and built Im m e n ear 1‘ riru eu>n in m r *ee th i* e x ce p tio n a l enter hal pr o e n u n t - and h a rd w o rk an d lx- ab le t*. *»j>end ur lit te n n i- in ste ad «»f w o rk in g a ro u n d the ho u se P ro m p t inn

S 900

-CLCL. n, n n n . n n n n n a rx-ci run n -

Win or lose, it's fun to read about it

in the Sports pages weekly .



On© Mile Rood ond Prmceton-Hightsfown Rd

East Windsor N . J.

1 and 2 Bedrooms from $210 per month


(included m rental). WASHE R A DRYE R FACILITIES• R E S I D E N T S U P E R I N T E N D E N T• MAST E R TV A N T E N N A



Inc,professtonal Craftsmanship

fil l Phases of Build*oq

- R A N B U R v N J

6 0 9 6 5 5 2 3 3 0

R e a l E s t a t e W a n t e d

KENi (X ‘ t i Iunits ngs

FT WINDSOR • 5 acresimercial. 10 plus acresriential Chca|p 201 236-

i* ot .wxxied land withstream runrmig throught of the properlv Build ak* in a rx*aut iful naturalmg with privat•v Also willan excellent long rangecs tm en t b' i n a n c i n g

■ ■ ■ *rf . ifj. 6H7

OPEWKl .L TO,W NSHIPMA S \( HF.S farmland —

is Estate sr*ttl1 an ent F orlediate sale Askmg S3.750

ration callfurther in

IDF \i RF \l rv i n *Itor jul Js:; Jl.lmi Oak Tree Rd . Iselin. N j

vG LOTacres R. dens Brook Rd ,

it L'omerv Tu n completei all necexssar v permitsi\ to tjo ’ $23.7nil Brokerx

lui ther inform09 799-2828

> ACRES of ichoice land; a beautiful fiv• ■ , tc lakell\ wooded u i th an exent stream runningugh the woods Fields areited with 9. 000 young"green trees Beautifullesite or ex<t el lent inment Financirig availableIH6-1887

EAtiE &■ LOTN r p f hp

memg avaiiablo tR»r acre

U|' lit ,M dl 1 pt!\

|HI> 1 1 H IM TOR

Everything clicks at Colony Oaks

You i yout good luck when you live at Colonyj.-t-kc the mosi chic new place in the Brunswicks Con ■eTioorary l and 2 bedroom apartments in a beautiful nn'tmy in c lu d e s heat, hot water balcony or patio, ai* onditioner and more Complete recreational facilities

now being p lanned for ihe sitef r o m S 275 to S355


elect U S ' of’ Rome . on Finnegans lane. North Brunswick N ,

Real Estate For Sale

\ f OLDormchei

“Of O’ad

tached a IK land

RANCH 3 dining room,

baths. full panelled rec >om den 1

garage aped on

in Somerset Ji,! 345 -kit .


bedi ion olomal with

Real Estate For Sale

ST WINDSf IR -l bdrm bt

.11 ST REDUCED $3,000 '•u: ' ■’ x- - -pc ' ;k ular buy • Eos; Windsor A Hickory icres a bedroom ‘ranch, now *■ i -ale by owner Large eat-in■ ' hen a Ui sol an ah floor■ <-ss I v • a rpeted fover and mi K room tiaths 2 car

cached parage- Perfect lor jr iu - nil tan:ii'- and ideal for apartment Ail this and■ I! e lor III d .30 x 609-448-

eat-in kit


3 ACRES WOC DS STREAM> ] K X.H »W » ' evening- 201

EXCLUSIVE : OTS in ElmRidge Park acres. S2Y1K ')up Princeton prestige are.Harold A Pe<irson. 609-737-2203

PRINCETON 1'WF) one off©u, hu 11 da hie lots sewerpent t ... at e In the PrettyBrook '.x tmr 2 acres of veryinteresting terr ain plenty oftrees and a hro , $48 ", - W sBORDFN HI U rOR 609883 .1900 F.ves •«i9 882 .44!

rm. din rm fam rm. baths garage.

Ail •«»Possible 30% down uavment ■c. .iilahle o. qua! if ion 609-921 501? days w . _ W o i 's & wknds

RED HOT BARGAIN 2 50 park like acres in rural ii.ipeu ell Beautiful 'rees surround a cozy immaculate Cape Six attractive rooms, w mdow u all living room, 2 car ga' age oru- $44 90* MAX I) M Oman Rea It \ Route it'2 m Fleming!on 201 782-2713 i 201 782-7020

KENDALL PARK Im - mediate occupancy, 10 rm 1 a r ic h 4 b e d r o o m s fa m ro o m si id $ 2 haths garage S3 ®0 down to qualified buver F'-anklin Somerset Agencv I r . ( a )) 201-249-: tit* 6.309


NDSitR Brand droon split level available for irri

i-dia’ i keupancy m loveiv 01 ■' 1 ..niri -u: : \ ;■ .mulesin , N .1 Turnpike Exit *8 “ rtgage i\ .1 table W lj ■ r pel ed .11r c ond ’ inning.

-! 'rms and screens, natural , ■ fleai iiall acre S2 (XX) IRS discount allowable Call 609- Ori 40K weekdays

Si BRl NSWK'K by owner V> 9*m . - tn level. 4 bdrm 3 Nath, e kif Ivg rm din rm.

ten a w carpi 2 at gar ; 2 acre 301-329-2130

f-’.E AUTIFUL ) BRT 1) W N H 111. S E P r i m? lix-atior. T.R .mad 1 Many ‘xtras Principals only 609- 348 7636


hid level

-N. or 20]

TWIN RIVERS anytime now to Contemporary 5BR split Negotiable price Assumable

rr ..rtgage Good location Many extras By . .. ner 609 44L 2606

Real Estate For Sale

TWIN RIVERS gl AD II i BR end unit finished basement brick patio man; '■x-r.-ix now reduced '.. S36 ■i<)9 44.1 1909


In tte aristocratic tradition of another era presentlv under construction on 2- acres About !H00 srj ft . 4 tiedrooms.

Laths living room. formal dining room family room, l a u n d ry & 2 car garageE entrance terrace and recreation terrace offering a splendid new of the woods 'iwner forced to sell this mansion in fhe making before completion fa i l for ap- poinfmeni and bring vour (T e a t ;i e ideas with vou

$9 5 750. as s

W S BORDENMember of

Multiple Listing ServiceRealto r 6 0 9 - 8 8 3 1 9 0 0

Eves 609-882-1440

PRINCETON BOROUGH English Tudor excellent condition. 2 blocks from Nassau St Large living room w.ih fireplace formal dining room large kitchen, sunroom. family room. 3 bedrooms, dressing room 2 laths, walk up attic 2-car garage Please

.tier 7 pm 609-921-6342

IK iSSMODR 1 t iNDOMIMl'M an adult community 48 vrs

of age or over, Vermont model resale, moving to Florida 'A Vi carpet enclosed patio

■ .rm windows, custom built: cabinets on petio &a rpeted, drapes & rods plus

upright freezer and other appliances yet priced below ‘he new models 6)09-665-3)45


STE W A R D S O N - D O U G H E R T Y PAJ 77. I-tan- Associates, Incorporateit

f66 \a an Street, P r i n c e t o n " f e r , , \ 1 ,85407 * ‘ r>f)(j (j : . . y - S j


« f S T U I M i s o R \ \ rr\ crisp ( ,olon(ial vsithin ea-\ w alking distance to shopping arid New fork commuting! Hu* usual downstair riximfi in­cluding a panelled familv room and un especially bright, spacious Kit .-hen hour good bedroonix. two and ifie half baths. Full basement, two . ar garage Aluminum siding for low maintenance. Now

866 ,5 00.

In this best ..f family neighborhoods tin the Western I ownship. an at­tractive multNeve Colonial on abnoat an acre, with live bedrooms and three full til*- baths. Entry hall, bright long IK mg room with fireplace, dining area with new bin window, large family kitchen with brick wallfireplace, spacious playroom. Walk-up attic, protected screened breeze wax . txx<. < ar garage New ns if and new vinyl siding fur low main- tenace \ c r x private brick terrace, with sitting wall, lo o k s over a back lawn dotted with fruit tree- and bevoud to the Hun Schtsil mall


fir.-at -spa., f- >r ;ii. \1oucv In nearby VX est Windsor, this attractive Colonial has over 1.0(H) square left of living area, LS. id.- gallery foyer1, separate living and dining room. font faniilv room with beamed ceiling and firepla.-. wall, kitchen, id \ 20. with large dinette, fifth bedroom or study utilitv room, jxiwder room, li pstair-. four verv spacious bedrooms ‘ master bedroom measure Id f. \ Jim and two tile baths. Full, drv basernert two . ar garage F.lectrii door ..pem-r, central air . ond it ion mg f<-ra >-1 v ard F airly priced at.


f fc



A n n e H Cresson R o b e r t E D o u a h e r - y Toby Lcughlin

Georgia H Graham Betsy Stewardson Ford

James B laughlin Julie Douglas Fritiie Moore

R -• h. .sti ■i’arAs»n-(lft:f’i 197-J)R » a l t o n

R e p re s e n t in g B r e n e w i E x e c u t iv e H o m e S ^ n rc h

I r r r r r r r r r r r r c r r r r r r r c T r r r r r r r r r r r r r n ^ ^

Real Estate For Sale

EAST WINDSOR Seclusion For the family who wants privacy and seclusion as well as location 5 bedroom Colonial with fireplace and beamed cathedral family room Save on utility bills as this house has nl heal well water and septic -vstem Brick veneer exterior and hai: acre beaviK utxide-d lot Needs new carpet and a creative woman A bargain at $55 <XW ('alt owner week da vs 1X19-448-4081

EAST WINDSOR ‘ or sale hv owner at $59.50d large ranch style home on 12 acre Has center entrance hall, panelled den, living room & formal dining room with high -Piling A carpeted eat-in kitchen & laundry area with w asher dryer are off 2 car garage 3 bdrms & 2 baths are on the isl fir 2 bdrm- & bath on the 2nd fir are ideal for in-laws Brokers protected Call evenings & weekends 609-448 6436


0-lgt 1•r m- ' ' , ' : • -E* , ■ -r\b r -V»n*-yn-!*c* if> ■ a■ >p<i ■ a■ 5 bedrooms * * t.atrs

-r. •• - • 11»

• *-•:‘ , 1 refdmic mk* bafb'wms

3iace m a r *f:‘- ' H-?R

3 fa?-

ry)fie! ?oorr pp*'a aif

Tuts stainJes; ... .,.

.rvr ha . .quail*

fn a fireplace and sarnie tlie bath ?

.'N sMith a -dar .iosei and Ihe •Red forced ho* an cvstem w f

• *rac nciude • ■#& bar wth a 7lHI| : m fl 1 - - -a- •• at* |

e Ka au l shaped fecri i large r>tudy th a

m a bedroom a ao?age re > .8 i which house-, the c

' ng and a humidHier ?^ ,mi< Aipci' hea* and ■de «Vai t *3'i-:arper»ng and drapes Ihroughou! The mam

■ - < • . i-e- **■ *- -T4 ■ , i u<.ng area

'he ‘-ge * -eceive b>C\ ’nr fhe no. > and r on October 9 '975 at Room H he Ad strat 6 img at ihe WesT Wmdsi

.ifTp . a m.n mum d*c " 5- . * f ■, been esjabirs&ed (e*elusive of xp .ieo t an- *■'« a i V- lowr paytnen? 'equ-red at the time of the bid

f 1- SU'«eo Irom Mi Rodert McOade it m.Collet*t iM t i m eitennon ?*5 p

Real Estate For Sale

TWIN RIVERS 4 hr twnhse, a c 2' bath ga: heat, full hsmt w w much more Mid $40 - 60s 448 3849 after 6 212-554 3417 days

' RANBURV MANOR 4ix-droums 2 full b a th s largebasement garage central air , ond $46,900 609-771-1177

Real Estate For Sale

IVIN RIVER 3 bedroom end unit $39,000 assumable 7W *1L500 mortgage Must sell, wHi consider 2nd mortgage 609 443-4568


<(. \ M / \ IK )N


on the recent tour of historic ( .ranbury houses (Colonial was built 24 sears after the sign ini' o dependence. Fh ■ superb. ) i h i mas e i if hi'! ' T\ fi ir nniv

<W I 'S T A ! \ l ) 1 N G V A L L i IN N E A R 1 1 M n N T tM M H K R Itp shot ■ from P il R i - ! ounirv ( .lull is our 2 . acre w ith a barn and plantings and profi- baths, front and back rtiorr. including a sp aim time sc i release cal

SCO! He J i, | ( }(:,[' r i > t c c! I I, I I t ’!■ aial land'i aping I >ur l •tairs, h\ mg room, dining rc cic ais lam il\ \A .■ i atfor an appointment with u-

K f - \ L T O R S

HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEI " h i ir s d a v < le t . .p c : _

t f o W E** ' r" 9 : v e ■ e tS8r »* 0 1! O r S ■ insurpf,

Gallery of HomesM i l l e p o n d

e s t a t e s


Saturday & Sunday October 4-5 1 2-4 P M

Two Houses Ready For Immediate Occupancy

E xc lu sive Sa le s A

DIRECTIONSRoad 1 % mi to M

.prom Prmcet I Pond Estate

P R I N C E T O N B O R O - A unique 2 story h ned for entertaining, 3 bedrooms and firepi for further details

a tree lined street beautifully plan nust to see Call our Princeton Office


L A W R E N C E T O W N S H I Pmshed or unfurnished Three bedre.

ine Nearly maintenance larqe beautiful iot with r refrigerator Extra kftci

$49 500

NO M O R E C H A U F F E U R S ' Township home convenient to shopping, tran$75 OOC

H A P P I N E S S ISolder two story h

e convenience of walking to everything and living in a charming acated in Princeton Boro Spacious, bright eat tr- kitchen for

torn full basement and one car detached garage »6? SOO


laundry room,

Harr i township) two apt 1st tioor apt has Z , living room, dining area, kitchen partially finished basement with age and a work room, central air conditioning and a detached t has 1 bedroom, bath, living room, kitchen and a window air con



tures Possible N o w $71 900


924 0095 799 1100 '82 4606

L o o k i n g for a j o b 7

T r y the Classified pages.Real Estate

For Sale


o fP R I N C E T O N . I \ ( R e a l t o r s

SHERBROOKE ESTATES PRINCETON JUNCTION. Three year old Colonial in mint co n ­dition Large hvmg room panelled family room four bedroom s patio, basem ent and tw o-car garage .


I " I N.l";l|| >t • 921 *6 Yy Our Other \rU

TWIN RIVERS Two story town house, two bedrooms. I 1? baths, central air. close to schools and shopping

' »K

COLON! \1 4 bedrooms, 2l2baths. fam ily ' room w fireplace, centra^ air and vacuum system plus much, much more

Slid -k K

11)1 \1young couple 2 bedrooms family room cat in kitchen, lenced van! one car garage

S3<) 500

O LD E R COLON! A1 New bath. 3 bedrooms, formal dining room, large eat-in kitchen 170' deep lot Hightstown Bore

*35.500Hi \CRES Ir Hamilton Township with 4 bedroom home 1 baths 24 x 40' family room. 2 fireplaces 2 car garage

S97 500

WEIDEL286 Nel 1 ingham VV ay Men er\: lie N .1 '18819

809 588 141X'

HIGHTSTOWN 2 BR. bath. Ivrm dnrm kit basement playroom all appi $33,000

19-448 782t


NEW JERSEY S F IN EST 1in t e r m s o f l o n d s c o p m g d e s ig n m a t e r i a l s f loo r p lan and l i f e s t y l e H i d d e n l a k e s the m o s t lu x u r io u s of a! N e w j e r s e y s a p a r t m e n t s 6 d i f f e r e n t f lo o rp io n s to c h o o s e f r o m

from 5295 mo.Directions Route 1 nor th to Cozzens Lane No Brunsw ick 'sign says "A dam s S ta tio n ” ) left on Cozzens Lane to Route 27 left on Route 27 to Hidden Lake Drive left to m odel merits

phone 201 82 8088 or Mam Office20 1 846 5700

Real Estate For Sale

o p e n House: s a t sun12-4. 11 Stonelea Drive byOWNER in Princeton vicinity This spacious T bedroom Colonial less than 1 vr old and located on . acres, contains MANN extras and is being iff ere I *8 9® that lest than builder Extras includecircularwith fami fireplace

drive, central a c ndifier . panelled room with large ! lull baths storms

& screens t)troughout, centralvacuun i m•w plantings, appi i anc? lishwa sher selfclea m ttg 0ven and manymore Vlinutes fr<im train trN Y ( ’ tw-4 91BV»

HKLLK MKAD 2 VR OLDCOLONIAL. on <.( partiallyvv ooded acre law ned lotin a lov(tI\ \-oung<community.

Real Estate For Sale

For over 2t) years we have enjoyed the challenge of tinding the right home for many families throughout Hopewell Valley We ap preciate vour confidence in our Agency Here are some excellent opportunities in

HOPEWELL BoRO Century old home containing 3 rented units and ground level tvasement Includes baseboard heat, city water ranges and refrigerators wide hoard doors and separate one room building next to main dwelling £62. (KM)

Large home with lots of space inside and outside JQ rtx n ' 9-au11fully kept including bedrooms full dry usable •lasement and a barn garage w ;th storage space above

$61 VXMl

Strong and sturdy describes ’his older home Such items as piaster walls oak woodwork fireplace and a charming foyer are often left out of tiuilding todav $63 500

LAWRENCE TOW NSH1P TWIN PONDS Some lucky family will find this im­maculately decorated rancher ready to move into Drapes and carpeting as well as all appliances go with this 3 Bedroom 2>, bath hoxs This m u lovely quiet area in whichto raise a family $88 n

Call us for properties too

1 nvest m ent

(a IN N E S S \ ( , E M v

Joan S Kroesen Realtor

2 V> Broad Street, Hopewell 609-466-1224

Member of MLS Licensed in N J and Pa

Real Estate For SaleOPE N !KM sj-

I \WRi- \< 1 HOODS sat Oct l sun Oct. r>

i 2 noon to s p ni


1 N H R I \ ( E V 11 1 IDistinctively styled by a New England Architect

IN I ME 1)1 Vf f (K < l P v \ ( \ into 2 completed stvles One with 5 large bedrooms with 4 Both homes have 2 extravagant baths family room with log burning ' 1 replace banoiset su e formal dining room, ultra modern GE kitchen with delux dishwasher and continuous cleaning double oven stove, qualitv Georgia Pacific cabinetry First floor iaundry full poured concrete basement with outside entrance 2 car garage maintenance free brick and aluminum exterior and professionally land scaped

Other styles under con­struction Builder will take

■ 1 ngen< - of selling . our home when -wiling these

DIRECTIONS Kt 206 to Lawrence vtile turn on Cold Soil Rd about 1 mile south of Light at Carter Rd about 1 mile north of light at E'rankitn 1 'orner Rd Take 1 ■>,- So Rd 1 iong block to open house -ign

W E1DE1 HE M E.S'I ATE f\(

2681 Main stI .a w rence-v i ll< N i

< all 6(19-896- KMHI

FLEMINGTON AREA 12 acres 7 room house, out building' fruit trees $85,500 Mortgage available 20 1 782 8915 after 6 .30 p m

moiled family -back living xiern kitchen dining room

room, full garage, gas a c. storm

wall inheated w mdovsulation. fully quality car peted 1 it \ w ater and sew age underground service lines Eull range of 1 vr old. first class appliances included Sold bv owner ( till 20 1 .359-

</« VH

T W IN R I \ E R S U iW N H O U S E : liedroom 2 (Kith home

E'.at in kitchen with self-clean oven Family room with oamec celling and panelling Einished basement panelled carpeted, with bar and separate laundry room S4! •kiK 1 vet Rea I > . M i 799- 2058 and 809 924 77~7

TWIN RIVERS Quad 3. 3 hr . excellent location Assume 7! ", mortgage Pnld family room nwny extras Will ac­cept fx'st offer After 7 p.m 1919-44.3 4981 i or 20i 254 439!

SHORE AREA Reautiful lakeside location fishing, -wimmmg boating 2 cpted HR pnled cpted K m mod eat-in ki! ceramice tile f»ath

X - . ed pteda c. vr round rear porch, fenced yard mcl util shed Low low taxes Too much to |m" up .it $29,904 Pnneipais only 201 (49-6982

IN PRINCETON split-level near Lake Carnegie on N V bu' route A 'reed iot 100 x 250 insures complete privacy standard sizebedrooms plus a large bedroom 'junto with dormer window' 2 baths living room with fireplace formal dining room panelled famly room with separate entrance large screened proch car garage, full size dry basement large attic Asking pt in low 70’s Gall 609-921- 7556 ew es &• w knds


P R I N C E T O N . N


The prestige location in Princeton. Space seldom

becomes available. Reserve parking for tenants. Ideal for law offices.

Inquiries - call John Yeom an609 -924-001 1

Real Estate For Sale

MO! N T A IN \ f t : U A R E A 'ton * olomal ranch large

living room rhnrble foyer full dining room famiK roorr with fireplace, fdrmica kitchen laundry room 5 large bedreon - . bal hs a r eene 1jxirch large flagstone patio heated fully automatic inground fX)rjJ, large wooded lot gas heat I- central air, AT condition Asking $99 501 owner bv appointment 609 882-8181

! ’R 1 V ETON .11 NET! N E ,>ur bedroom. 2U bath (olomal. move-in condition panelled family room with fireplace, country eat-in kitcnen. central air full iiasement wijh large finished room, 2-car garage Mature landscaping located on a quiet street Walk to train, stores schools $70,990 Oliver Realty. ijwj -UU >n"vP. a rid ROQ 094 -7777

Letters to the Editor always make g oo d reading.

S e e p a g e 4.

Country Club Atmospherein Apt Living

We have immediate and future occupancy m 3 4 & 5 Room Apts, from S230.00

» vale Entrances• G a s & E lectric qi A p p l ia n c e s• z c u ft geratocs> S w >mming Pooi

Ho'flf. ii ri Floo'• Eye . eve! B r o i !g '• C en t r al A C

I# P ! a v Ground

• D i v h wo s h e r s m 5 Rofc>m ApM• A m p l e Pa r k i n g Spacje

B A R R E T T C O U N T R Y C L U B E S T A T E SKendall Park, N .J, (201) 20*’ 1838

Rental O ffice Apt 3L

HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEt - B ITiursdav. ( k’ tober 2. 1 !> ;


JU S T R E D U C E D FO R Q U IC K S A LE TO A F A N T A S T IC $46 500


S S 2 90C


S 5 4 9 0 1.


S 55 500

/ 7

Plenty ot Room(no r oom tor gloom)


S 5 8 9 Of


S62 9(


S67 900


S66 500

R ichardsonR ea lty(609) 448-5000

caR£A yOP* MLS


I Ilf LEXINGTONM ode1 Home

open 7 d a y *> a w eek 1-5 p m

mo * q a g e t- o v a i (a b 1 e to qua l i f ie d b uy ers

" • * i ■ "v " ’s tru rtio n . located on a cul-de-sac' is :• •' .............. easy com m uting of Prin

p uarge living room formal wading to covered porch com

i f|oor is ci master bedroom ided is nf. wood burning


10 WUth to Exit 7 N J Tu rnp ik• turn l*H on R* 68 ’ 3 m ilts io•* pif. y ri * - - • ;,‘h* t ooW B-- mod*' Horn®

■ *

RDSC on structio n

Com panyR o n o ld H Roth S o 'v o t o re T D#Biass<

niecav* o m r o n A T i& N *


Fo r in fo ca l l 6 OR 298 5 0 0 5

9 a m 9 p m


M ID JERSF Y REALTY COAAontgomer jr T wo Hillsborough T wp

Route 206

1 £ i 3 5 9 - 3 4 4 4




Call 1609) 452 2552

Rec E state For Sale

Real Estate For Sale

4 acjrenshlP

ummum h choice

e b a th s

THAN baths

. acre, n For d! full

e x e i m i nt on In

JUST LISTED this LOVELY spirt level in East W indsor offers all the space today s growing fam ily needs plus it lends itself to a wide range of decor from contem porary to colonial with its spacious living room c omplete with cathedral ceiling, ♦.•oma. dirwng room panelled family room 4 bedrooms. 2 ’ . baths and a beautiful modem kitchen wnh dinette To enioy outdoor 'wing to its ‘ uiiest a beautiful larae redwood .)(*■.. k and plum pear apple peach b -herry trees At" this plus a ? at garage • entoii an ustom draperies b shades and in ♦ <* ff'linn: < on d'bon $59 500

MCA v It > WOODED lot -in Roosevelt 4 bedrooms. 1 O baths panelled family room, eat m kitchen separate dining room arge living toon b 2 car garage $42 500




Ju»t r#duc»d to S59 500

'mall “ • S38 9 00

S39 900

ZONED VILLAGE RESIDENTIALstory Cotomai 4 bedroom, living room

W est W indsor

IM A G IN E D U C KS O N THE B R O O Kfireplace in the w inter A big sunny kited room, dining room Ft fam ily room All com plete w central A C ! All forJ U S T RFDUCED ly 4 bedm

S45 500

Sfc,7 500



& i$ t ? A t f A beautiful home in the best area of East Windsor

$M»1VEL$? Mak<[•o in tm en t to see se v e ra l lo ve ly p ro p e rt ie s at re a lis t ic

RANCHES? 4i 5() sm ay be th at w e h a v e ju s

S O M E T H I N G SPECSA . , 7 .\ ■

N E W C U S T O M H O M E S ■ ■ ■ • TO

Q U A L I F I E D 8 Y E R S

an to d a y e>d g ive is the >s port u n ity to h e lp yo u fin d ist w h a t yo u n eed 443


A G E N C Y R E A L T O R S E a s t W in d so r O ff ic e

R o u te 130 (609) 443-6200

Rea! Estate For Sale

M l N H t i E S p a c io u s 4 « in , i-iiun tr> i ap e in

'■urM |*ii>i i a - lin in g a re a t e t h s f u l l f in is h e d

’ - . i - e m c n t u n iq u e h e a t in g • H e m m a n ) e x t r a s Lo w

lot J u s t S4Ii Tun n (! B r o k e r 201 V I 1611.

'■.e- 201 2.7 15616

1 '■ F.IVKHs \H(U SP U 'd ro o m .- 2 h a th s a ir

ii 'b 'tu n in g - t ; k 1 o and wood • ■an <-i( • n ish e d b a s e m e n t , 8 ’ ! -h o p e d , w e t t e r no w a x . a ht-i v e n t r a l v a c u u m in g

.m - n l i e r s t o r m s an d re e n s g a s g r i l l . T \ ' a n te n n a

- , ; i q • Id ‘ -n -«>r\ ic e P r ic e. ,j ' : ‘ - , . • H ¥■) 4 4 ( H )f


E X C I T I N G C O N ’ F. Ml '■ 'K \R7 -\n extremely• tillcrent brick tront. 2stor\ i ontemporary home in We-tmer F'rnm the Dogwood -haded approach to the evergreen enclosed rear vard" ........ a sense of privacs; ■ ■ ■ -et - u - :on w hi le being iin'e lost- to ail conveniences

1 ml\ glass walls separati the ng areas from the green

beauty There are i or 4 bedrooms ! or 2 family relaxation areas and 21 l- baths Very different, in 'crest mg and exc iting

( mix $76,900 Wm H Fl-LPER

K F U T O R S 19s Main.

'tardley Pa 215 592 4007

F.\ t*s 2:7 493-417!

S64 500

S 2000 t a x CREDIT a v a l




Ad le rm an , Cl ick & CoR t 'n l l r u - In-Min ip-

924-040 586 1020

Real Estate For SaleCRANBLKY

IDF \L location lot horse lovers Country Ranch home set on 3 • beautifully land scaped acres laving rotim with 11replace ; W nm ne 2-.• st1 r i r g a ra p skv 910

3 BEDRtXiM 'arm homt- on 3 86 acres 439 frontage, ba ths 4 car garage $78 (XX)


ig o! his

Real Estate For Sale

i W E ST 1 iK dispo' rental properties R a n c h . 3 oed ro t n S3, | a 8

F n # S A L I- B 3 Neat 4 bedroom West Windsor conditioning 1 country setting fruit, rose garde Write Box hit 13 ceton Packet


Custom Built Hornes


3 HR Rarud . barh . , RWm Bucct Builder Inc. ■

N o w b u i l d i n g o n S t u a r t R o a d a n d ,

P r o v i n c e L in e Rd

For information call -(609! 924 0908

Yege I able <TT I IPm

T a p e < Od R a n c h 3 R a n c h 3 R a n c h , i S39.6(X)2-story ,a rage S49 5u

4 bedrooms, bedrooms bedrooms, bedrooms.

$2,1 9tH $34,100 $36,:«xi garage

I^UiLLb IKrally tTo............. tv? M Multiple

Listing Service 7 \ VIa in St C ranbur>


4-0 797. TCI IK! {97 ;23K

TW IN RIVERS BR twnhse i^uad III open area upgrd appi no wax fl gas bbq. mam other extras priced to sel. fast 609-4-43-4994

LAKEFR 'iNT 4 Bit 2 te'h. Quad 1 Twin River- assumi mori leek off kh upgraded appl & contracts Lovelv' pH 448 7774


If you are interested in ,i’ pet ;: it erdoi will <•;*!: o u r F 'le m tn g io n ( t l f ic e we d on 't h a v e w hat you a re liK ik in g to ’ w e w 11 i do iiu r fx.'-,' ot f in d it fo r you


203 Sou!h Main St i ••n.uig'oi h 11 782 Wit

O LD E R H IG H T S T O W N H O M E T h is lo vew o ld " ! h ,

is situated on a ntcely Isndst ^sstd ot kid ,'1" ' yet nvinq ro o m fo tm a l d in in g ro o m , K itc h e n lo u r b e d ro o m s an d b a th full b a s e m o jii 2 M ja rg g t W ad ■" i ' . . - 1-s in i lud e b e a u tifu l i h e s trv n in n i i .q t io u : m e h , -ii1 hot w a te r heat (n e w ?• y e a rs .k io so m e w a ll >o w a ll c a rp e t P r ic e d to se ll a t i $ 5 3 0 0 0

a , d N io w N ' 1: ion • suitable -o-,fa'niiies. V living rooms dining ....... 2 utr ru-ns ‘l ie ilr K im s : t i.lth s and fam ily a t ire p la r .e G o n it

-1 - ' l l 1 a t 1 a . A : ■ $ 4 2 5 0 0 .

S T A T E L Y C O L O N IA t T> -■ ,a i • .-.e'lent condition and a pleasure to s

rooms include foyer living room, dining laundry, 3 bedrooms, bath base*

garage Large lot with shad# trees £S37 9 0 0


O f f i c e 6 0 9 4 4 8 4 2 5 0 16 0 S to c^ < to n $ trf‘ e , H iq h t s io w n . N J

I E S S D F N T IA Lc o M M t » c i* i i y industrial

L A N D S P f C i A L IS T S

dial 448-06002J! loom rv HICHTJTOWN



$50 OOC.

S 39 90(i


Rcdurect STt 900


d v jiW

K O R R £ N T

3tit;I*1 NO M ONE Y i.i irtgage


- ne ChriTtir -, - • - B - ss [ fa Pascair k -.iT 0o»,

5fc2 500

S 4 0 0 p e r m o n th

»A8 121 l«8 i 93425= 4«05

?0i 329 283:

SO UTH RIVERilomal formal dining room, living room

full base nr bat hi 2 car garage Very neat bouse• ...a - k c o n d it io n


maculate ra n c h with full f in is h e d b a se m e n t Onappro* 3 - w ith 280 fro n ta g e $52 0 0 0»□ HERALD REALTY

R e a l t o r s’ • - 20 ! 287-5656

1974 H i g h w a y 27 Edison. N j . 088 17

HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEThursday. ( October 2,


! ■ e i usive E lm R idgt So.uthwesli 1< .[.cvst'li 11 <\% nshifi

1 sensitive adaptation of a colonial rla-"i< with all the modern features vou rc looking for. Built by Baiestrieri and Pearson in the exclusive Elm Bt'ige area on 1 > ;«■ re-. this autlicntu Fhompson Salt box offers fourbedr.ioms 2 . baths, cat-in kitchen, living room with fireplace and large hut cozy family room If authenticity and quality without compromise arp your rc iu irenn-iit' . better see this home now $ 1.5T. 11h''

when you experience him Ridge Park Southwest, you understand the realities ,f country living at its ultimatt \ 3 -bedroom I with expansion to I d - hath I hotn[> ■ e.lonial cape on I acres i- a pleasant th(night

hut when it - .instructed In Balestieri and Pearson it is the toast that makes the party Quality without compromise is evident from the quarry tile entrx to the handcrafted cabinetry and mud ceramic tile hath fea tu res include family room with fireplace, a den, first floor master

Some color selections could still $ . " d m

bedroom suite and rear flag partx path l>e your option at this t im e..........................

C O M ! r o o i H < >iM \ H O I S K >

■ m Suntlav . O . - i i ,! icr f r o m I - 1 1* M .

D I R E C T I O N S F ,rn P R I N C E T O N Rc $ ®dalt? R o o d to r ig h t o n C a r t e r R e a d « f t on E im R * d g « R o a d r ig h t on B lu e S p r u c e D r i v e tc, a mqh' on W e s t S h o r e D r i v e » f t on A q u o T e n o c e to s ig nF r o m P E N N I N G T O N E a s t D e l a w a r e to P e n n * n g t o n R o c k y H i l l R o a d r ig h t on E lmR id g e R o o d e f t o n B l u e S p r u c e D r i v e R ig h t on W e s t S h o r e D r i v e e f t on A q u o T e - ’ o c e ‘ s ig n

c.HENDER§ONR ! A I I< iR^s


MANVILLE WESTON SECTIONr R mnm ranrti fpatllFinn large living j

$42 990


LOW TA XES ! $37 900.


$36 900


C u s t o n i b i,


$43 000


CHARNESKi & BONGIORNOR e o i fo r s 8 I n s u re r s

4 2 S Main St Manvi l le 2 0 1 - 7 2 2 - 0 0 7 0

Fv#mrvg H o u r s on W®d Thuts & Fr late Eves 201722-5524

Find out why State Farminsures more cars than anybody e lse .Call:448 6667

Denrus Whitneyl i k e a g o o c n e gbbe

S t a t e F a r m

is t h e r eVi- i * u u ■ .. i

I U t* y * > •

Qffic*8 s-e* nfioa *>« i

Reo EstateFor Sale

Reo I E sta+eF o r S a l e

Rea I Estate For Sale \ \ \ H I M 1 fi'U WHIP'"

O M ,.1

t\ usher siainless toaster Nutone n complete ’With me knife sharpenerFinished recreant ‘.enuhful built m t tvir with 5 line wot stools and man IxuIt in quail

•new hatti 18 x $2 pool with access ! deck iargt1 patio,

n Many




IHH> M l F 1 1 \ HI \ I T S: }■ \ [ ’ » F, RN


6 room ranch. 3 Bedrooms full Basement, patio at lached garage 75' x 113' iot $43 900


Modern 6 room brick Cape Cod 4 Bedrooms, aluminumsiding on dormers, new foof. 1 full oath and 2 half baths, full cellar 2 car garage 6 0 ' x 100 lot.

S49 800


58 acres. Approximately 1450 ft. road frontage Near city water and sewers. Zoned residential. Terms available

S4200 per acre


212 South Moin St Manvil le N.J. 201-725-1095

Eves. Call 20 1-359-3245 M E M B E R M U L T I P L E L I S T I N G S E R V I C E

TWIN RIVERS 2 herimom *< twr,hi him- Gomt bi.v Av.lit.*We V A F H A i s — ■’ n-.s ;>• o f

S 3 6 9 0 0

TWIN RIVERS 3 Be. .......... .. . ” ‘ >s"••(,<■ available l .i- -’.ivs

TW IN RIVERS. .......... . r . • $49 900


S59 900


Set and Sun Oct 4 5 12 to 5 P M Storting point at 109 Hoovorton Place

Follow signs oH Rout# 33



9pf vnq people N r r [SB4PBitors insurers



O N f M U f- R O A D$53,900



Reci Estate For Sale

OWEfRf vmq people smt »• ’ 88S

Rea! Estate For Sale

i pitnm u c c u p a n i e i lligf S>-keep try ing

R IV E R S Twnhse. 3 huths. fully eptei, tiledhr NYr Hnce \ecoT

K tit

m uPgrcl 'Ppl & cp.1 extras Assumable rriig

: app’ 4-ie


?n tuny ill eleclri

tng dining room imished kitcher

c, extras‘eaus


s-ih :*i

\ i u-ii u i ! C l i RIS Realtor

301 526-4107

I ! .\1 H >M1N H M eg I I t ,i nit ll 3 HR .: txat ii end ur ' lop location • hilrirt • u. Principals only 609 448 8663

- Oxvne: w knds

M 1N Ri iE H.A it the TurnpikeImmediate occupant's 5

*I’erfec! Mother-Daughter E din rm . 2 full baths 5 major appliances fully car

taxes E xeel lent condition JustRmkcr 201 eves 251>816 *

negotiable Good 609-443-1006 after

HUNTERDON Ctll \ou want a beautiful lot near Sergeantsx elevation and reasonably priced

h -Nm

TV\ IN r iv e ;Townhouse Mortgage Mai 44. ; 449t!


$.! v v

mMv- pmeled dcr; jiancled rec room, fireplace, central■ in i onditiomng 2 car garage < ucated on a quiet cul-de-sac 'uli> landscaped patio ap phances and other extras A62 >00 Pnncipals onh Can f>c seen by appointment• ciephone Jill 287 4574

TW IN' RI'-. KRS TOV. N.HOUSE 1 me of a kind : bedroom j

bath tow nhouse professional! v decorated throughout plus Hiper Imished basement On irge 6 extras |42 .<'liver Rcu.". on ns jr.,. aI

■ jn K24 7777

TWIN Rl\ ERS hdrmtwnhse. l ’ z txaths. full Oiscment gaslighi and grill

pgr a fie<i arpetmg AI appi A extras 809-448-7761 Cal! cv enings


BONUS This new 4 bedroom home qualifies for a $2000 rax credit Cathedral eilmq in iivmq room h tor

$42 500mal dmm lom.

o u t s t a n d i n g starter home featuring a beautifully wooded half acre, app ianr es carpets drapes sliding glass doors to private patio $4 500

WALTONS MOUNTAIN 7 IM. • I , r " spur -for country living Spacious modernized 4 bedroom home and 2 full acres of land $59 900

b e g o o d t o a O U R S E L F 1 f you ve earned th e op ponunity to improve your lifestyle, this is your kind of house Custom features include w w carpets, central air large pantry laundry $58 900

NEED EXTRA ROOM r P; ; •’ : >'1di'iqrto the 4 or 5 bedroom mam house with a huge family room we offer an efficiency with appliances and pnvacv at $6 3 500

M IN F A R Mwith stone f make this an

m . at ion pius a 3 bedroom home plus 5 Acres of land and stream

-,c ffennqat $59 900


609 448 0112Call anv Day any Hour


W illiam sburg Colonial located on a ry road. Four spacious bedroom s. 2 b

baths, large living room dining room, modern 24 x 12 eat-in k itchen, fam ily room 19 x 15 w ith a brick firep lace , panelled w alls and beamed ceiling plus a

glass door toDasem ent, central air, tht cleaning oven d ishw asn tached breezew ay and 2 land 3 '/? cleared and ter tw o large sta lls and a la rep

i hardwood :ar garage 4 ' ;ed for horse;tack room.

Delowore Twp Cah Today 1 S86 900.

THE B O R A C K A G E N C Y INCRealtors

f l e m m a l o n 2 0 - 8 7 1 9 7 0

[)LE7\ Lowerefie ld \\ \ nnew ood in Ranch ; Ixtlroonis .

library paneled rec : I- a klichen, ipphuni <•'

al nt 1 all owner ,t 2 .h 7(77

> RIVERS hdrmiwnhse 2 bath, lull bsm! ail

"PH* w arpet rig n-nlu, a i Loads of extras 7 ",--- ■ ; ' V s, nr) .pi


HOUSE E’ OR SALE; HillsEmrough area 11 rooms •' ii. 'a * ali , arpet mg no w ax llooMiig Ninken den rloublt i ' **1Ta( I ; separah• bea* ;ng syslems oversized heated garages sun deck covered pain ideal mother-daughter or professional use Choice i(X'atu>n or, quiet cui de-sac M ■ ■ mat trees ■ jsi sse to appreciate Priced below actual value for ijuick sale 97 >«n> i iwner 2<d L59-4.54 ;Principals only

h.ALEI BA OWNER - 9 rm - pa i i o u s ranch Kendall Park 4 lidrms 2 baths large kit , large utility rm or family rrr

pai i ■ n • in- rm garage Lot 9| S ffl Assumable mortgage at 7'V with approx ! ! down Only S4T Old ■ all N HJ! 0454 Nr. t'rokers


m center of Higtitstown East Windsor

Phone 448 2 1 0 0

Real Estate For Sale

TW IN RIVERS quad HI. 3 hr •wnhs<- ojien area, s c oven. I block NY'' bus extras, asking upper t" • -i-vuit..,’ k ow ne- UN 44)'. !>‘


- «H il.t H

BI LEVEL 4 Bit 2 dnrm. Ivrm modern eat panelied & < p!d In rc garage ceni air s s surrounded b\ resident-ial community Princetm & turnpike 544.WX ii rent w opt ion $42." rm. > a!

I4W 44.1 447. ■; nrnmg- & al' er p m

t a x i y vm d so r

555 000

C r a n b u i y



7 A S S U M A B L E M O R T G A G E A V A IL A B L E T OQ U A L I F I E D BUYERS on this well situated 3 bedroom ■ iwnhouse m Quad II in Twin Rivers Extras include a sen leaning oven, frost free refrigerator washer, oryer gas grill on patio, thermo pane windows "iron oh out central vacuum system and much more

$39 000

N E A R L Y NEW 4 bedroom. 2 full bath home with "inn, --iDrovemenis Situ.aied on a qi iet cul de sac

ir Hightsiown Borough this fine home offers an entry foyer, spacious- living and 'lining rooms well equipped kitchen, family room and laundry .• 1111v -oom immediate oc|upancy $46 900

J U S T R E D U C E D exceilerl opponunity to reside m - i * East Windsors finest comrrkjnities Slate

fi yet with open staircase. 20' M l room wch fireplace and bookcaseis * formal (dining room overlooking a brick patijb, spacious kitchen -mo family room, 1st floor utility roomy4 good size

ims and 2 baths (Walk to school, park and - ■ courts $$T 900


IMPRESSIVE C O L O N I A L>aised living room, f


fe a tu r in g an .e n t r y feve rdining { room with

athedral ceiling, panel® family Ipon " replace, 5 bedrooms. 2'| baths Sidii entry 2 car hi',1 j. Beauidu ly landsrlped ' aq?e ir • within raiking distance to Kreps Hemwtary f

Y l $60 900

of f e r e d ot S 6 3 9 0 0


Realtor 6 ) N M o t n S*Cronbury N J

655 332 2 or 448-2477

ERE EH' )IJi T> iH NSHIPPrincipal". unl> 4 tiedmom fining mom kitcher dinette rec room lull basement 2 'Riths 2 car garage- Si station intercom zone baseboard 'kii water heating full-, iand scaped 4 acre central air conditioning, large brick fireplace, fenced in patio

pper u * all ««-443 4 . 1 1 no answer and evenings call 2U| 467 46OH

c t i f ^ t a c U h o i s f a g e n t P£ * INSURANCE


1 3 8 S o u t h M o in St ! t i g h t s o w n N J (609)44^1069 k

!MI al m Higlltslmvt . \|iunmrrfj 1 - nwims) .m il l" —tores idealh situs 'ed for sma^ shops, f in and -.1' -ir>-ei l ‘ .i king ( m«x»-I t‘ >c plain snvestment ( mhI terms & $38.IHH)

( h ,i 11 m i l i, l hi- . rr^m bi-lex el.h.ilI - h.-drui.m-. panelli'il faniilx' r<) >m. car-

p.-img in lixinn room, dining hsdl rA stairslar g* I. : wiih flux' mg -Ir>-am Reduci d $4-2.1100.

¥ ..Hickory Acre- - I xuanded Ranch - Five large tn-. Ir*.. ens panelled den formal (lining room and eat-in kitchen with laundrx area, Howe ha- been n ■ .in ', ri deenruled on inside and |-umes with • a - her. qrxer A air i . aid it ii >ner- in cl ml -d I here i-

.Trv basement xvilh added craxxl -i>i»' eS Sb.aOU.

1 txxo-'torx in Hightslnwnjt completelyrem a ted A in \ erx g invl co n d it io n . ( ,l| se to d o w n ­town! *' $ 2 9 .(MH).

ftjnf) square ft. warehouse, office or retail tx|H- zoning. E or -ale or lease 2 miles from e< it . A

yXL - haxe more listings in our office -^call Us for price- and details.



Real Estate For Sale

I l ( ) \ l 1 >

Real Estate For Sale

Reo EstateFor Sale

vegetables I he »m home is immaculab as manv added feature* ing a fireplace in th< i f HA of

and sliding glass Both have foyer*- m> ' porch and patio junur; ■!;:;in, perty has an kitchen. 2 bedroom

perennial^ and pliances. disposa


den Priced carpeting •irunn aJi outsio naintenanee. clubhouse poo ictivities coif and more


$4 2. 90C

.IT LEVEL Kcsidf >1 the most age oi Hast Wind- lull ba

me * onto ins bedrrw

jo m i o r 4 le d r i t i liaths Other s


) H R A N ( Tiding In ?h«-se tw;modern kitchen _* include* living iathi. and garage dining ultra m

''■* ’ ‘*a! ion *x*droon:

ing SPL and frarr


rage no

off f a m.* rx*dr o< kitchen plus

ilf Wall to wail porch off dinirlg and y<■ pi* t i n g. f riroughoiit Gas a value at $74.500►eboard hoit water fwat and« range A r R(X K\ HILL Excel

$37,500 storv Barn Rainch on a

ST WIN IOWA fruit trees iti a n v srU; n Rock]

IP TIun heautifuI ranch Features love r, iaxgeSJXICIOUJ> living room formal dining

eplacc dining eat in kitchen. panelled•creened porch, room, 5 hedrooims. 3 ful

id Uni fam 4 w 'ad laundry, full I>asem (*nlont kitchenettie . car garage ('entral *

irve lot is aped with trick bar

$67 800


lovely patio make excellent bu\ at ST1'

/I ' a n J 4 i

4 .i t n c u

{><>o u a t 2 5 o

6 0 9 .4 4 8 5 0 0 0f Windsor T-«wns!v.D Highi


. \ K F I„ A W R E N (' K l^ d ro o m ( o lo n ia l 6 veai

NEW LISTING Split Level Par

448-21 St 448-8042


03>\ erst zed

Extras ’

MLS:n r a n c h8 rooms

TWIN RIVERS Q BR Split, level Lai

!! 0! -

AT ROSS MOOR uimmumt) 2 bedre fully carpeted, heating air condition washer. disposal, refrigeral or. w.jshei



Pa. Propert ies

STRE \M \ IKW gently rolling acres of fields

iew Near Elk Mt ski area ofI

I V KI H It .HTVii acres of sweeping H-adowland Some wttods ake rights tor swimming, vt.iiii; md relating ^'uie load $7900 Terms nvder Reality SiiM|ucbanna.


( . \RI>I N

„arge selection of lots and ( ri-ace Sum a rl .pt ingied t reams MOBILE HOME »V| N IL S w hv ren < mi .our we acreage it. the comerv

ns Jiriced respective l\ lv 1 r Financing avail able

room and large formal dining IMIYI 1 HI \L1\tB Rt )OK Adult room, both * $rpetea anti («* Route !' ‘ #•' '.uti

offer mg luxurv fenfw an exceiR o orw -jiiio Belfast amd W' ind Gap

■ - V Ji quiet and *he f)ark k* grounds Modern 215 759 .m:\

l! tennis swimming craft ims country club living

.« .. - in monthly pays all Phone 1 655 2044

'ee’ Large .year old one■.... rouf ;>fi!: >or: . hatrlonial fount ry eat-in kit - ?n Luigi- living room m.n lit? "o r>.*>n r a:; y >m with sliding glass door

t , < y <«v er Reap 609 799 2l .-924 :~7

iTN RIVERS } bedrixim: T"w -.erlookingmers field l year ola. graded appliances: plus fas 500 44! i4mJ

Too Late To Class i fy

i dales ex Center

tor. Road,

Too Late To Class i fy

SALES < IR E E fl WITH M l l.s M \ N \ (. I MENT (t f 'f ’ l i|. rt N IT! f s

V. i .si> the right people a s.ilar l'. participate in our dynamic new training program it you are .. thinker a responsible non-conformist.

»• being friendly & energetic; if you are managing now >r an t*e tl i i ini i« manage people I

, IHMove to unlimited com-

a' i"i': T.'irang pernx;Our managers incomes

Id I " : I ' 11,1! 1 dll Ml [>er■ ' 'a* M inge o n e ! ; '



■ .ii •

■GA'RAGE SALE 43 Central Ave off Bennington Fku ■ f inkic Park, I ; i & Sat Oct

, ■ : tu-4 New & used items-0-

The Princeton Regional Hebrew High Scho< look ins

experienced | pa fieo teachers to teach Sunday om'. the subjects of


JEWISH HISTORYi ■ i - . tar* *.:4 Vh * *.; fr924-5528


I*. tipmTktginmng fH*i'enitx*r Expenenct'd Excellent localr e f e r e nc e s Mat ur e

Too Late To Class ify

El ■ >- >R v\ AXI\< - Reliable ser\'ff *inri reasonable rates 4 ' : :. as iir fi09 448 45.79

M1SSI <. • \ r H | R s , aa kdressers some with mirrors > chairs tor caning, assorted table* ail i n our "As Is Room" Come out and poke around i HI SHFii Bridge; 'in' l.-.m H, . Mead .yen

NT RSK AIDES fulltime, 4 1, & 11-7, a limittxl number of pimtior an , iatile New facility pleasant working conditions good benefits Apph r person. Franklin Conv Center, Rt(‘ 27. Frarikiu Park in tall for appt 201 821 -8000

L A W R E N C E V IL L E VII, LAGE walk to every­thing, newly decoratedunfurnished fi rms fxiilt-in kitchen fteamed Irving rm, panelled Ten, private yard,other er.itie Pre' evecalls 201-232-2712 $375

FOR W INTER RENT Furnished ; bar !x>us< with fireplaces in country b

o f ...", o j r ,

FOR RENT Furnished country studio apt $175. plus utilities Securitv payment

APT Ann s m l' . -S *il »**




to rent verv

callv neat

sear bt txirms

r 5 pm

-peed with


aw -ence I a ncher

ml new d rear v lurfing


muse buiil in 1800 4>en rooms t a m i ! v room,lining room. living room. 2 ireplaces 1 fuli batn. two half lain: iaundrx room, darkoom, brick patio, porch overlooks lake in Histone

. f'»f Rcr: tn Df Su%

Mil. SMALL PRINT IN [III AD' SAYS 'Woodgrained

.1 ■ an nab 'ups solid ir -inane [able legs and w ainut vi ny i on particle Ixiard They sure don't rtnik. furniture like they used to That nice old

ought to visit THE WOOD s H K D F l R N I T E R E S T 1 P I N G Ii >T E 'N isH IN ., ' ENTER wfM-n we il sec it gets Vh* respa leserva Bridge Point Road, Montgomery Tw p 201 359 4777 or our fabulous new -iepo! at The Itestora! ion r ent(tr Mam Str*-e» i ■ anbur\ 809 65 *022Closed Sun & Mon

H09 924-0277 A C. rad tires r/»9 799 23(M

. un' txI snowi ■ k-1 ween 9-.i

adults desires LOSING TO 1NT LATIO N ”small cottage Manager•s Earn substantialArable Reply second .ncome ;in depressionc m Princeton P11,0 ■ ! riterna 11oria 1 growth

business N o phorit interviews

iRTMKNT MANAGER >i ■ 111 ;terse’ - ar deM Par!

’ iiii, Si.i ri - \ovemnei

PI BLK SALE SAT ikT 4 1 ' qyc 5. IkHl- ehold

1 or Mr and Mr Fred Nix, nos * iefc

I <deral sidebuMrd ires t825,I 1-iiih VI T sideboard irea1850 oak dresser oakwashstand. early radio country sl(.x-e counter with cash drawer, other country■ r> ten-, oin iv.ney, oak

■... . ■ ase & gui. case pat■ .. irk quid- nianket chest

keU M ! fable 1890 !m yt ie with wooden parts cut glass silverware oak aropleaf table office -.wivei chan -j-;.- x ham oitavase Limoges and man1, other items

Directions Rte t to to Yarn- %illo to 588<) So Broad SI ( rosswicks N J < -. ’>er and Aiidoneer not


S t P F, H B ( H 1 N E S E COOKING catered in vour home Classic cuisine . ulh* n11( a iIy prepa red.

u;'iful v -er t-d Intimate ,ta' i f Tiuet- all ( trehid1/N CM ’ : -7V

APT FOB RENT near i a w r e w ' Idtad lirehous* 5 mom ^ Sa t)i S250 80VWtf68M af ter 5 p rr.

sAl.f PFIRS' N NFKDFi lx ii'erpsting field of

K-.t.i't- i xperience treferred •mi •»)( fxsen'i.M Stults Realty

('o 37 N Main S' i 'ranburx 14)9 i9 <>444

l.AWifi- NOFIV" I F NIx i fR FLE A MARKF. I A ear round. Saturday and Su iday 9-5 (V19 882 79(9

HELP Responsible young responsible for an\ accident orcouple 1:n,m W (V desperately iasses on the premisesneed a 1mi- Ix-ilnti.r- ,i| 1 or ms cashNo vein ber Must be within ( ’! (rk Scott

PRINt FTi bedi ooms Parking Ir


irxT utilCUD 809

^ REALout SOrh foot y



met* oi exchange rent Call

ask for


with residence 9-H olonial. 2 baths

garage 100 x UK ;th off street larking ■ • ii Rea i )! »J19 49c

NEE i >r.

NW 921 - > >4:i

Alan Nixon


Trenton diocese appoints ne w ass istant

f* I A ’

t O ATt



NDKKI tri hu

4PJTA1- BF* vino lirn • FRF

rams in ;-hools in ese She

BRneeded fc

ist er Rita

la ndscaprxi

Ranch fireplace, 2-cur garage Beautiful trivd corner lot approximately 115 x 185' Mam extras''


$40 s RANCH Bride front 4 tied; ik is - 3 tyi th* -:rg' • a! ' kitchen 9e \ Ilk lot

RANCH 2 vears old. 3 bedrooms 2 baths cat-in kitchen central air. full basement. 2-car garage half

lx >\\ $tc - i ape Cod 3 bedrooms stean garage Nice clean house low taxes Owner moving anxious1'

•K R ® L*REALTORS 88 2 -5000

< )PK\ s-i

. KST AM WELL TOWNSHIPHiinfprHnn pAiint\ If \ ou irpunking of relocating vour

negoi I*TiOM #15'

or starting

•ixiking for f lodem type



I BMC K LE SABRE* >]] ,ii- jtwxl t- ndit ifm 8)1 ' . •y '7 ' > , iTci l if"

:. * • | f4i*4 4-4 ' H2 :

rivau entrance, air con- ’ oned. Belle \f cad area

ientleman preferred Call ' !,*T p rT 29! 159 5947

hich the>

the -tati

‘oduct ion ( i ui ded

n IGF.

o pioneer Diocese

carpeting storms &

22 Of H i sqft air conditi oned REM MAGIE SA1 T Ei*i Oct n \5 BR 0 1 m \lam parking iolt t or in 10-5 pm Sat L 9-12.irs Excellent vi a ter hew s Epi scopa! The h11 story <if blac k

supply The only storage plant t hurch M Curbs A meric’ a n m f r<in the to\y ns.hip will servo?e ;kx) Ave P enn in1 t2 lon N J :mnarv times to 1■ If interested Saturday ) 1 . all you can present will'he the 1(K US

give niy office a call for more get in a txii g t or i ' ‘ S a v B rot her A *a t i orcom pitRe ’nformahon Edition yy hich vc;! 1 be '(• k :

t >st VR Mol 11- R 4 \l T\ PRICE l e ;vS 7; IMP ERIAL Saturciaiv, Oct. 18 at 8 30 pWI9 ;97 j 1 IX 4 doer i, a c, p s to i nannels 22. 52 and





mtennae.1 i t. ■ K ■(

to school Mtge

"IMPU-: MODERN LIGHTDAK DIN INC ROOM table w 'h six chairs china cup- !«tard and buffet 1895 includes custom refimshing to vour taste THE Wofifj SHED

■ INISHING, ENTER Bridge Poin t Read . Mon­tgomery Twp 201 359-4 7 7 7 Open Tue thru Sat

■ ,;se ont r< L garaged Although blacks compriseda ,!• - ingmai owner 609- ono 1" per >-nt of the

,.‘24 14 ■* After r. p m or Anier., ,.r: population in 1966a ' ' Sunday $24‘Hi th<-y made up 17 per cent of the

total I'nited St.des effort :n, , , , ,, ,, . _ _ Viet man A tiadsden. a

., , , . ,- r, Vietnam veteran talks aboutp- r h f t or M e. inow s f- i\ K u n. . . . . . - . his expenenci Vmei i(509 c - and a black man :n Vietnam

I hut - la; 0 MY ^

w it ho u r

lo w c o s t


S e l l in gj c a n t b e a t 9

N C I r o s P . H C K I - I6 0 9 92 d 3 ? 4 d

6 0 9 ' 8 9 6 - 9 1 0 0

( ; TR4 2 0 1 1 2 9 ;

/; M I G H T S H( 6 0 9 ) 4 4 8 - 3 0 0 5

M a n v i l l e( 2 0 1 ) 7 2 5 - 3 3 0 0

I he f ranklin M Rj ( OK!)(2 0 1 ! 7 2 5 - 3 3 0 0

All SevenFor One

Low Price