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feather to-morroy: Probably ndn and cold. .



N U M B E R 5,441 N E W A R K . N. J„ F R ID A Y . A P R IL 19, 1901. — V PAGES. TWO CENTS


fiber.B .lh iIily pf

Mayi that'• ’ * !U »n »

W .rt-MMllb-rfdtbalecth-o Ji tM »tb ol MoOr

UM •Ufaa ft 901- twMvft d tour ftortb


rom ^tin* [ic« HI ftft d«* t bft ft I flfP^ t tujft-rl wlibft ftftdrftrfteri t wftUi

kanlAf- td pftrtIftU of

r iSoB,

f V lrTtrlat•bov*


SMALLPOX ’T H IN K T H E Y H A V E"fiROWSi * R O h B E R O F f l a t s :


Fire More Patients Have Been Be- ■OTed to tbe Isolation

L o c a l P o lic e 'i i ib A . . e s t m N ew Y o rk o f a Ma.n S u s p e c te d

o f M a n y T h e f ts in N e w a r k a n d E a s t O ra iU |e . !

LtsirnmoN becoming crowded.

jKprftftd o f th ft iJ lftra ftf C 'alla .\ ite t it 1 on

A n e w to th e P o ia f Aoci>mciMo«1ft11oiift

f o r th e A R H c fe d i^ ^ 'i ir c ln n ilo n B r lu i;

T a r r ie d on \ 't iio rcm fti}' — W h a t U M kltk O fR cer C h a a d lr r l i f t * 1o Say

A b o a t t b « 9 lliia ttf>n .

F lv « more cuses o f smuilprjx h av « been discovered by the Board o f Health since yebierd&y. The patients n r« Mrs. Wtvehrle. 234 Bank street, h man named flould, from 21 \V'«rreu place: Mra. Week- mueller, Bnmmlt street and Biiasex Hve- jiu «; Thomaa Arntdd, iw cn ty -e igh l years ^4d, who hiis been staying In Jodglng- houaes, and James Reilly , 101 Wdshing- mn street, the Salvation A rm y barracks.The perflOJis were rt'mctveri to ihe Isolation huNpUftlr the houses ilIslnfectiMl and the other Inmates o f the residences vaccin­ated.

H ea lth Ofhccr t ’ hitndler says that U Is expected that many more eases w ill de- Telop before the disease has run ll! course. T o prevent as much a « possible the spread o f the malady, wholesale vac­cinating la being done. Besides hundreda of periion.i who ajjply fit dispensary to be vaccinated, the Board oC Health Inspectors are busy all the w hile vaccinat­ing In stores and factories where the pro­prietors request that their em ployes be treated. Several thousand vaccine points have been used every week recently.

Yesterday Mr. Chandler discovered that aeveral o f the inspectors o f the Board of H ea lth bad not been vaccinated, and (hey w ere requ lfed to submit to the operation, They w ere told that they were more likely than any one else to contract the disease, and should lake all precautions.

O r lfr in In D o n b l.Aside from the case o f R o llly . from the

Salvation A rm y lodglng-honne. the Board o f H ealth officials are unable to say where the patients o f to-day and yesterday taugh t the. malady. The case at ihe Ar- llnglott H ote l on W ednesday has caused some a larm there. Mr. Chandler was asked What precautions had been taken in respect to the hotel.

■*Wo disin fected It.” he said, “ but there rea lly was little danger, because the pa­tien t w as not out o f hlH room until we look him. A fte r the fum lgadon all the germ s are destroyed. 1 would go now w ith m y fam ily and e ia y a ll summer In that hotel, so sure am 1 that there Is no danger now. But smallpox m ay be caught anywhere. Some o f the patients we have undoubtedly contracted the dlseane by com ing In contact w ith an In fected per- Fon on the street or In a tro lley car. You can ge t U from a letter even, If Ihe mis­s ive has been handled by a sm allpox pa­tient. , .

“ About precaullons to take when a per­son has been near a pallent. A good Imlh Is advisable. The cloth ing can be esfdly disin fected. P u l H In a closet and burn sulphur w ith the door t l fh t ly closed, be­ing carefu l o f fire. Form aldehyde gas Is probably the .best disin fectant and one which w fl' use, Ur a solution of bi­chloride o f mercury m ay he used. Dip a brush In the solution and hrush the cloth­ing a ll over. Th is w ill k ill any germs.

Im p o s s ib le 1o d a o p a n t ln e A l l .■'We are doing all we can to keep sm all­

pox from spreading. It would be utterjy Impossible to quarantine a ll the places in the city where the dlSeast has developed. Besides, we do not believe It necessary. W e fum igate «tid vaccinate. W e are get- ling a lodging-house case now and then. The others come mostly from private houses and we cannot tell where the per­sona became In fected."

There are now about tw enty-five cases o f sm allpox Hi the Isolation hospital. There is but little more accommodation there, and If the patients Increase In number i t w ill be necessary to put up tents to accomm odate all- Thin was done In JRM, when 123 patients w ere at the hospital a t one time The danger o f sev­eral more sm allpox cases occurring calls attention to the poor accommodations at the isolation hospital. Even the Board o f H ea lth officials are ashamed lo use | such a place, but It la all they have. i T h ere are no toilet facilities there, and I when a patient needs a bath the w ater ! has to be heated on a stove. The only ligh t comes from o il lamps, and the heat from stoves. The building In a poor atructuro and is gloom y w ithout and , w ith in . A s good care as is possible Is g iven , and the best o f attention Is iiald to food and medicine. From the fact that ; on ly tw o deaths have occurred there In tw o years It ts argued that the patients a re w ell cared for.

D o w 't F e c i Itftiftllpo ft W i l l ttp read . Special Dlftpatcf] to the NEWS.

E L IZ A B E T H . April I I . - T h e health au- tho iittaa o f this c ity now fee l that a ll danger o f a spread o f sm allpox Is ended, and to-m orrow the quarantine on Ihe ten­em ent at fOI Spring street, w here a doten persona have been abut up fo r a couple o f weeks, ahll be raised. A t the Isolation hosp ita l thers la on ly one case, that o f Mrft. Daniel Carney, who Is not out o f dan- gee. ^

g fta a llga x la J e r s e y C ity , gperlai Dtipetch to the HEWS. T e RBETCITT. April 11-M ra Sturglsa.

a widow, was found suffering from imall-?ox tn a mild form at her home, 133 Ba)'-

iew avenue, yesterday. This la the eighth case In 133 and the ninth case on Bayvlew ayemie in the last month.


On oompiniiu o f Tiiptalii t’ usgrote, ot the local headquarters detecUve bnreau,Ih f N ew Vttck cmau*^'ho is supposed to fenowT* great deal about the many rfcem dal robberies Inthis c ity and East Orange. The prlaouer .......isfild he was Uftirv*'. Wilson, ot h® East j Hcconipanlui J. W . Tw en ly-sfivein li sueci. New York. Th is is not believed In bo his real n&nie, as the prisoner’ s picture Is said to be In iho ropucH* galler>‘ iicrc ami his allns la de- clnrfii to he Cleurge Lemnir. When searched abtuil 42.W ) worth o f Jewelry was found on him

Foi-mal complalju whs made against the prl.soner thU Hfieruomi iu th& First P re ­cinct Po lice Unuil by Mrs. Albert o f J9S FaJrmouiit uvenne. and Mrs. U. I*.Voorlu-es, o f 13 M iller street. The homns

Hi polUe lif.idfiuurteT^ Thriv. It Im de­clared, lhe\' Tvrognlst'il -i plujlograph In the rogues' g a l le r ^ j ie ilpu o f »he man. Th is Im H f l l d a r r e s t e d ht N ew York Im^i nlghl

Dr^tcfih I'-Hergeant P.tfsol' weru to New York tit-d;ty to .«ci* lh<- iiri^.nier He way

o f m Fair- inutnu :iveisuv. Th“ bifuiilRcd tVll-sou :i.s Mm- mull whom h*- inct coming out o f Mrs. Leon's flat on 1-‘i«!rnioiuU avenue a fi-w nilimres aftt-r 1i w.m robbed. ait?gel was pnslilvi* ilie t»rlsot(. r wa«4 the man, At the tint- .Sicg,-l sHw hmi ''"rnlpK out o f tbe Lerm apartmcnis \Vll«.in r:,rrled a bundle, which, h Is helie\isi i -miwlned valuables taken from the linu. i If the New Yorkpolice have no .............. ngulnst W ilson.as the prisoner gives Ms n.ime, he Will be- bri>tigbl ht- re under oxiriolliion papers,

p ctec ilves Moniiessty. t'n iiiln and But-

Filipino CapJ se JP,"; V' !i Good Teros Before Be Will Issue Peace



.4 liicArtli u r \ Miiiiii iM'4‘ 0* w i l l H lunnllxe

Iftftunnrc lof MAHir«>iii<k I1 3 U e lc a a t iig

IttHHF P r tN o n c r * o f W a r — M M llftry

tH nd n lN lllt l \<il F u ll t 'rca lll

f o r In a u rK n ii 'n AftjftHcH>—Hi* Wiantii

Im m tit ilt j* fa r I*mh| o d ru ce ft a n d R e ­

w a r d fo r F o tn r c R r l in v io r .


E flfo rl» t l ' t t l ' f c H'i>H( ;’'ta d o t o - R e c o v e r R e m a in s o f M o iU c la ir

Y o u t h —J 'a t In r H u r r i i 's A c ro s s . .M la n l ic to He F i r s t

: III lire iik N e w s to H is W ife .


.\.-rU \\\.


of both copiplalnams were robbed aevcral j pf .t.’nptHln Titus's commaiid, werp months ago. and coiiHlderahle properly | walking alniiR the ltnwt>ry lant night Hiolen. Deiecrtlve-Sergeauts Carroll ami when iHcy ran hit-isp u \<njnK man whOFe liOng. who arc ul work on the caae. »ay HcMoua appeared t>> i><> rtuspicinuH, Hen- they hove evldefu-e showdng that the p l • | went up tn the reflow and askedoner did both Jnb». The officerfl de flarc'd they have evidence In nine olher I'iiaeR Rgalnsi Wilson, and that they ex- pei'i many mi>rt' (oniplaluia against him.

During ihla w inter the many aparim ent- htimjc rnhhrrlcs in this vicin ity have kept the police' biiay, hut few arreala wer*? made, nwhig principally to the fac t thur the thefts occurred at times tvhen the resident H were not home. Fnlae keys were generally.usr^d in getting Into the houses

him whaL be hail In mi overcoat poi’ket. A t the same itne- Mic detective slapped hla hand on the ontsld'- nf the garment, A jin g lin g ammrl fM||i.w,rd, Jind the man waa arresteil.

At headqujiricts Mic prlRoner was searched and Hu- jini km which Hennessey notUec], when lurit.-.! liifilile out. revealed four wom en's gi-»lil wntclifs. all o f high value. In other poi kcis were found four rings set wUh illanmndH and rubleu,

The (■'. of lik'.bS''

-■■I III Lake ITing o f H

!. thlFIt - r u|io liMve

u m pl'd iifliiJ'Hvned From

1 -I nUhl, but ■ 1 iift . onplder-

! 1; Ulilklllg ilF-1 !.► ilo- lioHom

tinmen In Ihe •■imi" spcUoii recotved m iirti j jp w s ll« l bmoi li, i k .. sil. k pins, a pa ir o f nttenHon froni Hip Ihlnvoa, and Captain [ .iiHmoiid ear-rliiKP. a anPI Inokpt and i^ialn Cosgrove mude special efforts to capture Bcvernl nilW'r anl.i and silver trinkets.Ihem. Ltvtectlvf h' 11. of l-^.si Orange, went to

Several per.snns whn are said In have,: New York I'-d a y !'■ Investigate the capl- seen one o f the Ihlevesi were asked to call | ure o l W ilson.


?levvark ^AG lillery H nrdwvare M nna-

fnclorer lla<| geoared » Divorce from IIIh Flrat W ile.

Special niRl»Ht'-h in ilvf XKWS,C H ICAG O . April IS .-Kdward A.- WhUe-

houae and M ifa tidilh Bancroft, both o f Newark, N. J.. were married Tueaihiy night a t the home o f the bride’s hrnihcr, Frank Bancroft, in Auburn Pa,rk. The ceremony w‘na performed hy the Hf*v, Dr, F rederi9.k K, llripkins, and ■was wltneased by only the ImmcfUaie relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W'hlPdiiJUHe left Immediately a fter the ceremony on a wedding trip and 'w ill return lu Newark about June 1-

Com pan iilvely few people In New'ark knew that hldward A. Whltehouse had se­cured a divorce from his first w'lfc, Mrs. Mnrv Whltehouftc. who, with her three Bons*. lives a i ‘37 Belmont avenue. Mr. W h!tt h<n>»^ ^ vrcll'kiiowu am! prosper­ous sm ldlerv hardware manufacturer o f this city, and recently built a new factory In N ew je rs e y Railroad avenue. H ie bride w'fts em ployed fo r several years as a book­keeper In hlfl factory.

The fo rm er Mrs. Whltehouse told a N E W S reporter this morning that her husband le ft her three years ago. She was served w ith a summons In divorce proceedings begun by him In Chicago last summer, and placed her case In the hand.s 5t M fC ftrter & Adams, who, a fic r negu/ ‘ tlfttions w ith the hunband’a counsel, agreed not to contest the auU, ui>on his agreem ent to pay her alimony o f *lh,W0 and |10 a week, bealdes contributing to the support o f his three skUis, who live w ith ih e lr mother. The eldest son suc- ceetted Mias Bancroft ae bookkeeper In We father'a office..

Mr. Adams said to-day that Whltehouse had obtained his divorce In Chicago last summer. In hla affidavit he had charged hla w ife w ith cruelty and claimed to have had a legal re.sldence o f one year In that city. An answer was Hied denying the cruelty charge and challenging the hus­band's claim to a residence In Chicago, but a fte r negotiations that lasted »om s time the alim ony stated was agreed upon and Mr. W hltehouse waa allowed to oh- U lu ft decree by default.

Mr. W hltehouse has been making nis home with his mother, at I t f Fatrmount avenue. Mias Bancroft le ft her position In the fftctorv about two months ago, and shortly a fterw ard went with her tTHilher to Chicago, where she was Joined hy Mr.

, W hltehouse on Sunday, The saddlerj' hardware manufacturer is about fo rly -nvo

j years old and eight years hla first w ife a I junior.

P h llftd c li i l i ir in . .Recused o f n a e g lg r y r

W as W hile T ry ing to tvold Arrest.

TR E iNTO N . April l9 .-Jo«ep li Gumblow- ski. allBH Smith, said lo hen notor­ious crfMik o f Phlladelpblu. whose picture Im in the ri^gues’ ga llery o f many large cities, w.ns shot and killed yesterday by DetectlvH-Hergeant John J. Clancy, who

' was alti'mptliiK to arrest him.; Gumblowsk! was wanied In this K-Uy and

Phllndelphl.K for burglary, and whs locat­ed hy lU 'U riive t'lancy In a house cm Th ird sirK 't. this city, where ^several trunks of Jnwelrx-. supposed tn have been stolen. an<l nlher arllcleH, had been sciil to him,

I D etective I ’ lattcy nod i ’ atrolman John I M aguire were watching the house. When

Gumhlow^skl appeared, attd was luld by C lancy lo stop, ho fled. He was acallng a fence when the detective, pointing the i*e- vo lver upward, pulled Ihe trigger. C*um- iilowskl fell, and t ’ rrllfein.in Maguire, who

, had fo llowed the chase. Hummotied an am- liulunce and two physIclanH, (Jumhlow’skl

died shnrtlv a fte r reaching 8t Fram-ls ' IDispHaf. The bullet struck an artery In i Gumhlowskl'a leg and he bled to death.

The dead man was identified laat night ' by Paul Ciolotnatsky, o f U l East street,

Manaj-unk. He t*nid that the man had stolen from him. Frank Brush and W ill lam Aabrusby, o f Philadelphia, were com- plalnatile against Gumblowskl on the charge o f roblvery.

P[ieclRl Llflpiiii h ti. Jhe SfJWB.^^■ABH IN t iT i ►N.April 19.—The Htatemeni

Is mmU- ti*-d,iy that the inanlfesto o f Aguhialdi>. (he I>''il1])lnii chief, ra iling on his followers In lay dowp their arras iintl submit |iT Ml'- Am ericans w ill he Flgnetl to­morrow.

A mt-Hsngc WRM fpcelved at tile depart­ment to-il»y liy SG 'cm ary Rout from Oen- eral M.'u-Arthiir. g lv lrjg Ihc reasons for the ilelfiy 1 1 1 Ihe iMHuance o f the cxpecti-d manifestly by Aguinaldo.

The prlm-lpal reason is ihai It has hem deT’lded iba i the document Hhall not lie made t»Til'lU- unMl a fte r it has h cn Huti- m ltted ts> M\«‘ tnemhers o f Ihe T a ft Com­mission for its approval. That rommlsslim it) now making a trip through the Isliinds, ustabUsliliig I In It gnvernm eiils In the sev­eral provlnecs

General M;n .\rilHir lo-diiy announced that he would slgnailae the slgnirig o f the manif<-sto hy Agninaltlo by rcleuslng 1,01W prisoners o f war,

4 \ o t ko Docile*.AguinnMo, Imwevcr, seemingly la less?

fliilTservlem ihan directly a fter his cap­ture, He Hicti threw up hla hand#, took the oath o f alleMaiu'e, and made proinlsea lo thick ami fa.si that General MftcArthur w lreil the \Vm Department that Agul- naldn * '«ou ld probably la*^ue an address" advising Ills people to Come in and sur­render. That n legram wus quickly aud fu lly g iven t-i Mp ‘ public.

4 iHitiKeH ll ln A ltM u d r.Since that lime Hie cable correspondence

between the Secretary anil M acArlhur has proceeded iiiuici-, hut no more has been heard o f the manifesto. Secretary Root profesBes the nnisl profnuiul Ignorance o f Agu lnaldo's acts o t o f hIs liilenilopB,

; spwlHl iMspal'b.l** d ■I LA K J il.V llii.lvv t v ; search fo r Ih c h"<l}> - ' 'Mi■ M ontclair. N- J • “ '' Academ y sunbniis -M -«■ •

WnnonSCOiHiWnc Im cunoe M 'cdnesday. nv.,- ^

• m orning b y .ib o ctrw it been Tlragglng Up - I. 'k

I J r o h K . A d i v e r , w l m « -■ New York , arrived 1*. • j did not lieglu wurk iinul ; able tim e was m-c»-s-..t

rangem ents fo r his it' o f the lake. *

The body o f G ci'rgc KIIsnv .t ih imicB, the other v ic tim . w-HS (ak- • o N-w York to­day In care o f his l■l•l-Lll, i-'i.iuk V\ - M - E]ll!!Worth. o f New Y i«i k

On thP rnsl fi'Mm-hii. I icilRchU'na. which » » l le J fo r Kiir'ii"- .,i ' )ca -tfr ilflv B ficrnoon . w u ' li-. inn- M Snwi'ev, nf .Montclair, fa lhn- .,f I ' l . , s.iwyi-r, Mr. Saw yer's inlsslon In cricitiug Hie "CCfin W lo overtake hla w if f „p,.| .•louvhtrrwho aallcil the <luy .............. . Hi.Hllil to In fo rm tlli-ni ..r ll.. tr.iKic

Mr B aw ver had ''‘ •mpLi'd an'iinge- m rnts to go to Lak-ull.- ''oiin ., early

mornloh, h,„w ith hlP iMiflness paiin-r. >h lUiike. o f llohoken Heights, the la t.ii .ulvlsPd Mr. Saw yer to look a fter I v Mvitifi. while he woiiid care fo r the d

S h orlly a fte r noon Mr Saw-

>-er c"iii'hi'b-*l ui!ik'‘ Hu Jtuii'ii'-y u'ul irv rtU -|iKi.di(ilLUliA wHLsf'-at li L lN»’ rp"oI ahead <‘f h1 w ife Tin<i .laughter. Mr.< Bawvil- is ntv! in \ei-v gint*! Iu m Ii Ii . and fur this n-.L-fin If wus di t-mi'd advl'':iUb' fo r .Mr ftiUNHir m make the irlp a«ul convey tht’ sa.l liKelligeiiC'* 'luietlv iu her slit- b-nrin‘.l o f It frem himother R'lin i e

The i\\fivr>-four hours'starl o f rlu t tt-ht- ''Idaii'l. hut .Mr finwy.Ct. Is living in (tie hi'pe Mint he Will reach L1vcn>oid l i f t The Deotsi'hlnnd will touch at rLu i-'iiH i. iiM'l 11 (s Mr Sawyer's Intention (n engage a Kpei l.d ira lii thereIn take him lo Lherpoo l.

Mr. Blake, «H h 1 lulerinkiM- flcorgc Beach, nf .M'jnlclalr. stu i'etl for l^ k e - vine, t ’onn . ihD mnndng m bting the body o f young Sawvcr lo M.nirclah. when it Is rrcovi-red The ho.Is will Ihn i he emL.Hlm«'d mul kepi until the raMoT. m olluT and slsL-r return from f'!m-inie

The remains of yoimg limc*. which wero t 'c i 'o s c fd yI'ftiiI'Til.is iifii I'Mooii. a r­rived in New Y 'Tk h is i'n lg lll mul w ill 1" tak«'n to M tud 'lidr stum* Umo lo.iluy 1»\ U nderlakcr John H Kesler :iml prc|THri-d fur burliil. The fum-r d sers-iees w ill h" held a i the First FMiigri‘gFHlonal Fhiirch to-inom »w ' afp-rnooh Jimi liiierniciit wUl he 111 the finnlls i lnt In llnsfita le tV’nie- tory. Orange.

A telegram wa.B rcca-lsi-I ol Ihr Sawyer home 111 Moiiti'liiir this ufh'ruoon stating that Ihc Imdy h;ol ii'd yi-t la-im found.

GOVERNORNeed of a Special Session

to Relieve Passaic River_ _ Foliation Forcibly



Evidcitly Impressed by Board of Trade Arguments, but

Reserves Decision.


Military Board Decides that National Gnardsmen Will Spend July 15 to

ZQ at Sea Girt.


F a n w o o d W o a ia n D lJ ft 't f a l l U o c la r

to T r e a t D Ip h t l ie r la F ftU ra t T i l l

Haftbftnd laa lH ted .

8p«clBl DUpfttrh to th« NEXVti. |P L A IN F IE L D , April 19.—Ida Ellla. seven i

years old, daughter o f l^eroy J. EUl*. ■ Fanwood, Ib dead o f diphtheria. She wab bulled this afternoon. H er brothers. W ill­iam and Thom as, also v tc llm i o f the dii^- eftcie, are doing w ell and w ill probably re­cover.

Thom as first contracted the dlieaRe from some iiource still unknown to the State Board o f H ealth authorltlea, who are m ak­ing an investigation.

N o t until Mr. E llis Insisted upon real m edical attendance did the mother, who Is a ChrlBttan sdeattBi, forego that cu lt's treatm ent and call In a doctor.


H e la t l v r , o f T h o m * * K a w c H l,

W b o D iP il In t h ea p L o d s ln c -

h o u ir . H a v e Not A a iw c r - pd t 'ah lc 'u ra in .

Kpertnl Dl,paifh lo the NEWB.E L IZ A B E T H , A pril 19.-The body o f

Thon iB , C. Fow cp lt, « form er member ot the Iron and * le c l Urm nf Thomas C. Faw cett & On., Lim ited, tif Leeds. E ng­land. and who died In a vheao Indglng- house at K llt(ibfthi>ort. biIII He* In the receiv ing vau lt a t Evergreen Cem eiery herc, no word having na yel been received from the young man's w v.Iihy rebitlves, although they w ere ciiiihd as In hts dratK.

U ndertaker M llch rll will k<‘ep the body a few weekd longer In the hope o f ge t­tin g aome timtrut?llniis\as m ItB dijM^wBal.

Fatt'cett hafl been adrlfi frnm his fam ily to r several years, or siMi-f the death o f hlB w ife and child. He ha.l a hrlllianl

Ing so fa r a « to state that ho has heard nothing rAMfnily frnm MjAcArihur aboui h l« dlPtlnguiHhcd prisoner. The facls sup­port a hint KlvG n out uiiofllclally at the department ihat AgultuMdo has changed ids ftttitu 'lr and refuHG'H lo issue Ids ■]iruclftmatPin.

W oiK lii t o llarMiMln.It ii* probable Hml the Klllplno ch ief be­

lieves In Imrgiilnlug. aiul lu return for hla endeavors to pAJilfy his follnwcri* w ill de­mand hts liberty and full piTrilmi for any violatiuiiM o f the rules o f war which he may have romndited. That the de­partment JiftB been holding a imfialhlllty of Huch punlRhmcnt over Ills h<‘rtd Is prai-- Ucfilly admitted by Ihc Secretary o f War.

F i l ip in o Ift M lly *It Is the I'Inh w ith which the latter hopes

to force Agu lnaldo Into the poMlllon <Tf an a lly to Am erlcair arms. ai»rl without re­ward. hui It seems that he Hhh not given full valua tu Agulim idu'a la gac liy K slle to Quant Is as opposed to the department’s piirpoBfts aa It la rtlsplraalTig In prosper-t 1 0 the prisoner, and much will he con­ceded here to avoid such a process.

MconwhUe. Agnlim M o Is pcrnillterl With­in reasonable Unfits coinmunlcatc with the FlJlpIno.s still in the field and from Buch reports to form ulate his decision.

T H K N T O N , A pril IJ* The SiaU* M lll- tiiry Hoard decided yrsi'T iliiy that the NiiiloTTal (Juard encampmcin thin year at Sim G irt should be by lt'»:lin*’iilB, and that

B'-'- i 'th f F irst llru lm em of Newark^ undt*r


Olinda Was to Have Sailed for Calia To-morrow-Vessel May

Torn Tortle.


Prem eiil f'nncll4lM»na Im p e r i l MeaUlk,

•anil. H 1ft K lftied . W i l l F o r c e R a «

m ov nl n f l ir e i i f M a n u fa r lu r lM ic CoB-

<*eriift»1tMdfton Maid lo F i iv o r Memo*

Mireii lo P a r l f y th e N irea m I f t b e la -

lerrftiN o f t iu il ( 'o t in ty A r e Mafa^

g a iir r le d —ftioard H oes ^ o t l l e c e ie a

An4l-I*idlint1im R e ftn ln llon A ilo p te d

hy Ih e d'oUMily l le p a h llc ftD C om ­

m ittee .


ro lnnel Cflftiiibell, itml iht- Fourth nuMH. undA’ T ('o lon el Rtnlih. ahmiUl g'l to ih'* camp. The crfflclal tinn' of ihi* li'ihhng o f the cncanipm cnl waw ilx'*.) as follows:

W c i'k --rrn m .luly 1.’. l«> July 2"Si'COPd W eek—From July 22 to July 27.Tin* Ouvernnr. us nstial. wlU grant per-

mlKslon fo r the tro»tps in gii Into camp on the Sunday prcccrtlTig tlio comraencomciH o f Ihe o fflrla l week.

1*he Sei'Oiifl Troop nnd Hie M rsl Uattery w ill a lso go Into camp, one organlsnHon with each rcglmcni.

In fonn or VA-ars (here were brigade en- t'umpim-ntH, but umlnr Ihe rcorgituUuilnn. It being found that Hic bsitiallouB now an almost as la rge ns the nld-ilmc n-glments. n iM GlPFlrablc to have the gmuniJH occii- plc-d by A regim ent at a time.

Th e clalnt o f fon tr iic to r I ’arll, o f this city, fo r the payment o f a bill for the rnnfing the Newark Arm orj'. was re­ferred hack to Ihe on-hJtei't. 'fh e con- tfAC lor that Ihwa la -jMH! dije. -8«inc tim e Hgo OiH architect repiurted li:i the tuard that the pnymciil o f the sum wnw refufteil becaiiKc the roof leiiked. Mr. Uarll rrmtends ihTit the kahlng o f the roof is tut fp u ll u f hln work,


Broftil Mfreot HenlMleMili aiiit l*oller Have A FraHIrnn IIdmiI tor

narK lAC ft.

There was a burglar acare nt tlvirem e nr>rth arid o f Broad Htreel laat nlghl i * ‘ ^v 'X fjiYiNG 'TON. April ID.—ITcKhlcnt which caused mueh excUpment for a Mme j haa upon hU table an appUcn-

' Ph ltlrptne Malitlrr. Whn 4akft ji 1'ftr^

dniw. WftB Riillrl Proof on i thr F iring Idiie.I .app'Iftl rjlsi»ni«-li lo ihr NE3WH.

NF5W' YO R K .- April 1 > -T h r Munson Line BleamKtdi) o llndji, w hidi arrived here on tVeiliiesJay from ''id iim ports, v ia N ew p ort News. cEuigln fire a t her pier li>-day.

The fire broke nni In ilu' cabin, gbout l:3fi Ihia afternoon

At 2 o 'clock Hic hlftxe iipp^ar^Ml to be extinguished, but as ii ninMcr id preeflu- Unn three fonr-lru'l; slrramH wore kept p laying In the hold.

The OIIiuI h cchih cm the hntinm at her slip, w ith a heavy list to pert, and it Is fearei! that aln* may turn liirllc. Fxtrn heavy hft'Wfters are lielng use«l to tie her to the <lock In prevent ht*r fr<im going over. ______ _______________


Mm. WIHIai.i lllvhgrM* Cnnanlta Elliobvth L a n g rr i Yiimv* >n

A r t r * „ atirt o ih e r * .

Bperl*! tllii .U-h lo th* NEWB Z L IZ A B E T II , April lit -M m . W illiam

Rlrhnrfl*. an artrva* w liv hail a row in IhB Clark Hcnvl horv cm Tnm day wUh lirr hiiahanfl, who la iHirtlng man lu Ihr

i Van. Iio .Noir Drani.HU' Company, and who amaaliert a walpr pUrliar ovvr hi* hmd.' w a* In thl* o ily yanlorday a flvr- nooii and t nnaullcd a lawyor w ith I ho Inloiitlon o f hrlnglng a aiilt for alwnliite dlvorro agaim it Ih t liuaUand mi atatutnry ground*.

Rho hanio* an artroa* aa nnn ('nroapon- donl. and *a,v* thorv aro nlhor*.

In Iho nelghhorhnod. Tho houao nf rionrgr Hall, at ffii Broad niroel. ha* boon shut up for *omo clay*, and at about ll:3 i ifi'lnok .Mr*. I'harloa P. Sodvli. who llvo* m-il door, al No. S7, thougltt aho hoiinl ni>:*o* proroodlng frnm It. Sho aroiiaod John W'. Crook*, who live* at ,N*o. 6fi, and ho arirtod

' a flv r a pollvoinatl. Ha found f’.irnilrnan J Zellff, o f tho Beyond Proolnol. Zodff. ii'd ! being on doty , waa unarmod and dt-i-blod

to tolophnno to the preolnct T h l* ho dill, and the re«iill w'<* lUo ar-

! rival o f tho roaorvo upon ihi- ai'rno. live ■ offloor*. T h ey wdre unable to onior the I hmme without breaking In, who h ritoy I dlallked tn do. and Mr. Crnoli* illmUoiJ

from the aocoiirt ntory wboUiW of thoeducation and w'aa a tiret-' lae* c ivil and 1piechantral engineer. II.'..»nperlntended Boden hou*o to a w indow n( Hi" Hall

. the construction o f th" oiblhlt at the ; hou*e, and, com ing dowiiatiilr; i W or ld '* F a ir In Chirag.. hi lw3 that won j I the first pr1*e fo r hi* tirni (or hydraulic

D c H a lv a T o -4 w r D e a lr a A p | ille a t l*w

o l P lo la t i .^ t o H o v e l o j o o e t l o o

A v w ia a t lo c o a ic a t C o o o tea a

C o a t ta o r g ,

NBTW TOJIK. April 1*.-Immedlately af­ter the declalon of the Appellate DIvlelon In the case of Dlttmar againai thr Qould tniateee and the Count and Counteu Caatellaace, on April t last, the plalntlll applied to the Appellate DlvUton for leave lo appeal to the Court of Appeata.

The tBollon alio laked for a itiy of all proeeiflLnia and a continuance ot the InJuDCtlon originally granted by Juitice Beach. lYie appellate dlvlalon handed down a declakm to-day denying the appli­cation of Dittmar to appeal to the Court of Appeala and refuaing to eontlnue the Injunction.

Charlaa A. Qardlner, attorney for the Qould trnateae, was aaked what effect thl* dedMOn Would have 00 the Dininar Utl- gallon. He mid:

"Aa I aaderatand the deciaton, th« appli­cation ot thl plalotlB to appml to thi Court of Appeala haa been denied. The remit la that the optidon of t ^ Appellate Blvlehm le now the lew of the ceae, and no further appeal can be taken from Ihe order end declatwi of Juntlce Beech."

"TIM pUlntlffa' eppllcaUon fOr a con- ttnuaSee of the Injunction la, I under- •tand, ahk) denied. Tbe reeult le that the truat tnooDM ot the Counteia CaatcHene la now no longer aubjMt to the Injunction orlglnalty grented by Juatlce Fltagerald end continued by jH lIce Beach."

, UOMTAli or UKCOLII'a BOOT.r . ‘- .... - a !C :~ '- T a

■ e i i h lnk t o B o T n o m e n o d to Move ■ o a u a o l T h la M on th .

INDtAItAPOUa. Ind.. April n.-<l<iTcr- ner Onrbin hea- recolvad * letter frea npfliid'lala, IlL, etatlng that tbe body of AkMhem Uneefai will he removed from the teaaiMrvT eeott 1* which It boa been ^ g jh l^ th e crypt Jn tbe new Mnnaaent.


s t y le e H lm ie l f “ D o k e o f U n ite d

a t s t e a " a n d W a n te d S a la r y H e

B a ld W a s D o c H im .

W A 8 H 1 N 0 T 0 N , A pril 1».—Sylveater Barker. Who atylee hltnaelf "T tte Duka o t the United atatee,” whdae bOHie la In M organtown, W . Va.. called at the W h ile H ou ie to-day to me the Prc iiden t to co l­lect tlS.MO due him aa salary fo r being duke fo r the last five yeara

Jamea Claaell, doorkeeper, took charge o f him. and turned him over to the police. H e le ft w hickory cane fo r the Preahlem and seems rational o if every question but the dukeahip. H e admits that five yeara ago he w as In the Insane asylum a t W ee. Ion, W . Y’ a., hut he e ic a p ^ a fte r fo rty days.

M A C E p t BOfl D E P O B T E D ,

B e a l f r o m M a n ila f o r G t r la g In fo r m - a t lo n lo th e P ltp la o s .

B A N P R A N C lflC O , April » . - T h e trans­port Roaocrans brought from H anlta five men w h o hnd b e « i deported by the ralli--L la ry authorttlca. Am ong them was Santia Macao, a son o f the late Cuban leader. An ton io M areo,

W h ile tn the Philippines, M aceo became a t in t sergeant o f ttaa Uacaboba Bcouta H e w aa 'eccosed o f g iv ing In form ation to Che FlUpIno troppa and was d lim tn ed from tbe arm y. and. because o f tho sup­posed m enace at hla preaence tn the Island, Oenera! H acA rth ur ordered h it deporta- UotL

machinery fo r the ture o f sani­tary- pipes and rctorl*.

i e t t e r I e l l s of io R EHRES FOR JAMESBURG

In t n f t l r n e d Mlnsivi* Tbr^ ftln .4rc

M ftde to B u m T mmo 4 hnrvhrft nnd

O l l i r r litraH u iv ft.

Special DJapdleh to the Nr/VS P « R T H A M B O Y , AvrW 1!' -A Ivtler ha«

been picked up by h A- in.in It: Jaraesburg which threatena furih»‘ r Prin In the bor­ough. The leil<ir wuk uoi amj ap­parently was lost by.tk'' who wroteIt. The grocery slorT' " i J'-hn I'.rhari, the store o f the E agle GloHitnK ' '^mpHny, the grocery store o f L. T Hcrui'-n, two bams and the »h lr l fattor> “f Koh^nxen A Dftmaln have been burriKl I " the letter

-picked up threats ar^ nri'l'- burn the Catholic church, ihe lY f-b v i'H an ‘h u j^ . Creiger'ft H ote l an<l ivn liirti'- hHlls. The au thorltlrs o f JatneKburii !>worn In a number o f speelal p-ilirenvii as«t*t th 4>iie on duty to prevent fiuHi'^rtrea.


C a n a ry Is in n d * * ■ *T w e l v e K n o w n lo H n ie Been

K i l l e d —B a rk s K ep orte il l.os l.

dpaclat Cable ni»iwi.h t- c Ntn*. Vfiuy- rl*!u li*'l

M A D R ID . April D - A fearf.il hurricane has awopt over Ihe souihwestern coast o f Spain and .the i ’an»ry Isbin'l*. <iff the norlhwoaierri cosst of Arrira.

A dispatch from Tenertife *ta ie* that tho hurricane carried dru<h and destruc­tion throughout Ihe Northern anarles,----- _ tw e lve person? and , weeping aw ayA block o f buildings

A t CadU the temi"-*! penaian o f navlgalh'h * oB Ihe coast are known lo haie Ijeen lost.

_____________ _ __ _ - -

111 t i l l 'o fficers in. Search o f the fa1i'’dto develop any auAptcloun clri iinv-iium-w. and afif^r some tim e the luluhlffrhm.ul was allow ed lu reaume lU natiir<ii i aim.

, tliiu fo*r the panlou nf J H. Wnlacm N ew Orlcarif* Hunk rmtilnyo*. wlin 1h und+'f aentencG' nf eliflU j-CAirn in prhou fnr imi-

! VVnlfftOh rcrt-nHy r«Min'm‘(l, broken In ! health, frnm fifircn mnnth-M' WfArvln- In ' Ihe rMilllppIno'-s. whlHi.-r h« w m l wlill'- I out on liall w ith ihi» prrinl>*slon o f the trlnl

J ikIk i'. Hurlng the tlm'- IH' wan In L U fa i ■ accoritluK to ih<‘ testlmnny o f his

W olfson was ulmojMl mntlTiuimftly Ain Hu ‘■firing line," and jM-t'rA»rui‘ il many v\ plmts o f darhig.

■ n.- wMnif*rl to lilc. " ibi- Frealdentby an udmlnlHlraH-iii 'official who li^i-

lutorcaie<l hlm aelf In WnlljKm'a bnli.nf. "but the enemyfl' bulhMfi would oni t«ni‘ ! turn- H e hoped that h- A-nuld wipe out l,.- ilj«g iH cc by laying 4"^M^ hi* Ufa for IJh ■ •iHintry. U he Hhull receive a pfir-l-i, W'Tlfenn agrees to re-i-nfiMt. fvir lhre>; v« n mrj go back to Hie Phlllppliieft again. "

TAK AND FEATHERS FOR A UUCTUK.Im y h l i i C o ft iH lIo n W an |-;\hllil4ed

A b o u t (h r gireetft**-AeroM ed oF

A rr lou ft O ll^n re .

Special DlipatclT Rtn the NEWS.L A P O R T E . Jnd., A p ril |8.-.\ tr.iN■ ilii'sC

doctor named Taylor, who has b* rn i - liftlng medicine In K nox fo r ihi- » k waa aeverely dea lt w ith T a y lo r was charged w ith hevlrjK i u f i ib" daughter o f a fa rm er lo ruin.

A mob headed by her father u ." k*-l buu to a livery stable, where the> m-.tiii i" lynch him- The fa ther lnftlsi“ 'l. that he be atripped and tarrc l i-lto foo l. Thcjv he w a « covereil wit;* f- i I-- era. In that condition he war I. 'H u.-H! morning, when ne was exhibii*-d H". atreeta.

The fa th e r then said If T a 'i " Tt' i.UI le^ve the county and never .iTt.rnj>i comm unicate w ith hla daugtvt< ■ be aattafled. T a y lo r left.

MAD DOG IN BLOOMFIELD..a .l ln ia l B it o Y n .n h c r o f O th e r < n-

n ln e s B e fo r e 11 Woo K l l le r i

W ith e S tou r.

A mad doK created much exd lem i nt i" Hrui.kslde place. Bloomfield, yetUenlat ni- (erniion. The animal Wt dogs brlnuglug lo Theodore Kdwards, John M c t 'o iik '( .Mr* J. Lyon * and Ocurge Smith. Tin ai,- imais have been iw ked up lo await d n . l-oiunentB.

BcverHl ahoia were fired at Hia* r;i'n«i anlmul. but none luok effect.. Th* next appearetl In S ilver Ix k e . wbi-r. n hit four uther doga. three o f wM'-h w*-n* k llleii by the ownem. Jope M arti sii. « .-'-il- Hd In eventually ending the ca^fi-r <>i tIh* ling by strik ing It in (he heail Vsiih n

' itone. T h f ow'm*r o f the anlra.il I*- un* I knov.n.

ARRESTED WHEN ABOUT TO SAILMan W h n I'o fte il Am F n g iln h n ace^

lifira^ O w n e r A c fu » e d «# k r r ln d -

Mnix irrMiiiimMHlifiMnK

F r ie i i i l -

si'i-riii lUhr'nun (■' bi«‘ n klvs .M 'A S IIIN trT tlN . A yn l 10 ■ All omre r

liii* r.i."ii *e iil til N " " V'lfk to bring liai'k Arlliiii- I'. Ill 'll, flllii* A lla n Clllirlf'* Ar- ihnr. who IH waiiK'il Iv rr (or v lrU iiililiig H irliori lllgg ln lu ili'n ii otii o f (SIS by in*-;niK o f worthlrRH rti> • Ic

]>t-l| jsiit it|> al 4lo K 'llflgh . orlf* nf tbfIllO*'! f XJOT|>‘ |VP ICHMlI lil’I'-l.-, UTl'l |KIWt‘i1 ft*nil IJiiifUeh race it........... ... n f bifK -n i'o io '. w ith Hlrlng< -'f tfi'jrmiKlUirc'I.H In N f’W Voi'K and arr ' * fb-- water.

H lgghihoUnm If -‘.t. at ilip IU b ‘lknFit w.ift much in ii*ri'• •■•I wUh Delt'H l»fToii.H «p p c im ir j '■' ’ ’ ' I wio-n th<‘ btMnth!i|i]>i*iu*<'l to itientl''i. Hi.ii h<’ wnn olh .ir r^n.ly rnoney o ff' t- 'l ''ly^b hla c Iit'' h;d

"ijuy reaaoiiiil'l'' -oi '">y M r. l ie ll thoiiKbi Ui.i’ Hin'e cherkn f^r

1 2 'Mi, JTFi Huil Fh'', r ......... .. were ''rr.isfnnabh-." HHil a f t 'r k - 'iin g the Hmoiinls U'fl fur New Y.-rk lb wuh prcpiirlng i " ?tall fo r EurojM* w lni. iirrff'ieil,

race hukse killed.I SI. |]enii. n I lin * -> » fi r-u lil, ■ « ftlrin -

|kblH b* a F ftta l A c-

(tcvernnr Vi'aFrliPen liif<t night Ilwtened to fiirrefu l argiirn'min, ul a largely alleuded meeting h flil lu Ihe Jiofinl o f T r jid f rorumHf In favor o f lh«' rulllTig o f an extra aeation o f Ihe laeglMlnlure, til vrlilrh lawn may be enacted bxikhig to the purifii'atlon o f tha PfiNHalc lllv i r The arxumenta were made by represCiitallVT* rlllRi'im nf thin eeclIOQ iTf the fltRiP, who Mvere einiNhutlo In their aesprtlona thiK tJie pnlhitlon nf the aiream HliMiibl be ai(i|i]ied at the earllcat pnaslbie lime, The, GovrriHir llatemjd, but gave no df^elftloji. The f(*nl ronfUtbni o f the river waa fully explained, aitil fm iik tiULlement* were made that nnleaa m atlere w ere hel- . lered greiii nianiRfaoturliig coucorns lo- r,ated along (be river front wmthl have to im*ve. Fur Huftftim t-t»uiity It w «a said (hftt effnrta tow an l rlN'er purlficallon would be furibereil. If t im l county's In- (pr^'slH were Mafeguarfietl.

Governor Votirlieea said. In reepouftS to an Inquiry made o f him ut ElUnbeth lo-<1 R V:

“ U waa a fine mecHng ibflt I Httended tn Nowfti k Uei nifibi. bin I u inK iil ready l u l l . miw (n give any newa fur pubficftHon In

1 regard Hi iin extra Meawlon o f the L#egUla- ' lute. 1 may do ao later. Juat when. I am

unable to M ala ai preaenl.’ ’During tbe meeHng l«nt nlRht ft delega*

Hon from the Heiiublloun County Comnilt- lee, vonslBllng o f ICdgar H. ^Vrthl, f?ydney S. Ogden and Henry Ub kaon, appeared wtlh reftohjlbiuft adopted by the (.’ouTity 4 'nramlt(ee Rskhig f-'r an aesabm.President Tomkiio*. wh-n hiformed o f lit*rIftleguHou'a presence. decUleil HuU IhilBoard <Ff Trade's nm am uHon barred uny« iliing navorliiK nf iiuUric*. aa<\ *■> ilcflliivd 1 , 1 ri'ci'lvc them They w T c l i «m l" l "J lh » u.ivcrimr a (b rwiir.l. The rcsuliitloii* are lirlnloil In aiiHhvr luliiiiin.

(jnvcrimr VnurlU'i's *HI » t thr right n[ IT rsh ln it QM.rgr W, T.u rk ln* ■hiring the ,ll*ru**iim iiml llrlcn.-.l a ltn illv c ly . Ttimmh he mulntiihiril *lh'iii-r, ®

I vlm irly inii' h lm i.r.-.-"l « " h " h " ' » “ Hiitrb A fter till- mri'lhiK. lii r fra k ln g hl-

i fi.rmiitlv, hv *ahl he u'l Mir|.ri*."l « t th*I grcMi r h f ■!( Ihc g.'ilhcnrig, « t

Ity o f ]MTr|"»YO' and Howax exiJreHMf p|.

‘ The ifovi-m or wn'* not expeeUd i Hpcak, Hii'l Im wa* imt ■■alb'.l ujiou bi.

There » '; 1 * ni.t u |■'■ <'ll iui.-vcub hnw ricr. who illd lint " l* l i I" " " ' i ' ' ' ''hint on how to- ...... ll .K t iiiiou rim matter*o fo ri'c liilly i* i'r i ii ic ! I " Ihm Hu' t‘> 1 1 1 * c lo s e t friciMl* he Abl Ii.il tell hi* » ta t « nf mind o>i Ho- *ulij'-' i

I■r4»n ll l le l 1 1 Hen l* r e ft f«4 . rrom lnent Km->i.w Hi"-*-- i'n-srr»Y

Maynr Srytnniir. Muy-ir l-Mward .If-rney C ity ; M ii\yo-

N ewark: ft»rni«-r

the unanlm* em pba ilr way ll




P o a l Eov*r*-a Bike ( oBiinvn.arot*B.B o rro N , April

o f Pau l Bavvrv.-- vommrmoratrt in M i ™

<5the flteta to-*]sy.


W ell I d Meatro Which 1 lelileil Bta,IM>0 In hpaolah t'ula nri<l

flOOitNMI la Silver Bnll,ioioBpeclaJ 'DlspfttM'h to the KE Wti.

EL PASO, Tex., April ID.-Pam lintn 'n- thal, ftn El Paxo merchant, reiurm-'] f f m . diMdalaJara, Mex,. tssi ntuhi. nuU brought newN of a iiftriUng iresisim ilia- cove«4l. He RUtef that yenterdu wurk- men wh4> were excavating for r I'liihilng , for the Water*-Pierce .Oil CiYmpau' JI**- coverftd a covered well. In shPb iTo'v found H2.000 tn Spanluh coin and 'O • ■ roi.- OOO In ftUvar bullion,

The only theory advanced f"T ilu’ < 'tenfie of the treHfture In that SpnalordK J**- | posited H there after the evacuailori of ; Mexico Cftiy. l l ta known that .tvrr ;

worth of altver war u Ktui from cburctaea tnd publtc buUiling* In Hi** Gliy of Meaico Juat before the evacuxHmi. a ml , tkla la suppoeed to be pan of ti-

YIHH, M .W 'R H IC K 'i

^«ii>f^eliir$' W h ite haya Her I-'rrecl«>m |« ltelft>eil by AgltBllMDn

W A S H IN H T G N . April I&.-HewFy" ju-creUry o f the United Staicji Kmbawwy Hi Lrindun, waa Introduced tn Hu- l ‘ r**ei- dt ni tO 'day before the Cabinet byiiMTCtary Hay. Mr. W 'hlle han u ik 'n a great Iniereftt In the caae uf .Mr:-. M ay'

brick. '"T h e worst th ing thal could har‘i» 'M -tf

Mrs. M aybrtck ," aaki he* "Is f'»r »om r- one to reauTfie (he eg ltatlon o f her ghj*“ In ih l" country. Queen V ictoria was ih»- rts-lplent o f fteveral letters rmra */i- ihimlaetB In M ra M ayb rk k ’n ca^f * have been w ork ing on the caar ever siia » Mr,.« M aybrtck waa >ent to prlsun, ami ai »<vefy opportunity to do uomething fm’ Ihe unfortunate worran I have exe*-ird m yaelf w ith every Horae SecreUirv. J tin not (h lnk K in g ISdward w ill lnt**rfMf«- in the caae. ”' -- --------------- •------------


M B M I'H IS T- Ulih re i'-y ia r "M li- r*b-y, wa.v klll'-‘ l 'horsf' at M-u:ri:'irieseri'lNlng wHf. J"

A prll I>fHn, n. rmiii-ii hy W. I * Hyd- I •-••iiiktioiT with atudhG'ri-ry l ‘.Trk In-tlay, while kJ V * '(irhran up

were Hi>m, nf

F-:.ltt;ird K*'niiy. nC MiiNor l,>-likih-»-hrr,

t.f (hlH r l iy , Freshbiii Ib ilUril, -»f Hi® Ibtiird nf WorkK; f<-rnv‘ i Frcslih-ut llu rrb KOI, Van nuyiie, Hoarded W^.rkH < ■•■rnml-s- -unar" Hiiumaun, iiam Huii unit Vltmiui,

I ,ui-l Ht-natnr Tbnmas N .%M’arter,; Thi'n' v.i-r«' filRYf several “ ii-l Hud-

joiii iiMMi-mblymeii and »t b "^ ' n 'lif ’ --' KfnlaUve.-s nf legal, IndusG-mJ :iim1 I'iiTi-

iin-n-Yul liil'-rerth.If V. I- ;« r'-giiliir rm‘-*'Htig '» f 4lu- M'»«rd

I j,f 'tr.iib bill Hh* rnnHbb-raTbni -d t V f y 'o ib . i -ubjMt than rU cr piflluibm w.«n

Bldf--tTii. k-d \M-»n 'b- 1i..V4Tm>r h.nl......iv.d Hi- r-AJiilar ord'u ol husl-

mil'll, iilid lT i*»bb ’a1 Ti»n*’

f*iii-tira'iTintUl J.VlM-

Hiiiiim-i) by rhe fftil, biit Full I bt Iman was valued

■ ll l l iK C U*t\^ Mia«M%4i.

1 I. Hh, « ,is F-U l"ktTi' -mi' mint 'd '

In lt« ^;imiiiii In iliH ].i.w< r< all a F'p' I'lal miik'T>* Sii ' s'" - pt'«-K«*rit i-'Jii'll' L'l iiiMl K was Hu' wlHjoiil di-Uiv I-

-Th»* iiiirnt'f-r < sjiKHkrr, w liMHt lirnpen s

i-i) ilmt Ju‘<cph ‘ ‘null, chair* >,.v. i.i! Ki„ . iai |.*dlnn.Hi oom mll- lli.- Fiii.ird. • ij|il fbdiver an hU-

.VI r T ^ r t ‘ n * - d b r b - l l y 1 I P M u i i - ' \ * r u » > r l u

, f i h * ' S i ; i i . - ' s b i w •i ! i T i - -11 * - i n - i g ' i t ' - v T F i e. d f Ml i n d « d J i b « - (liitv 4't H»v Lb.Nenior,

r n s " > b u t p - i w e r .f pr|w..M-*. in .r-''-d H l«

h v - K l i t i d F y ' ^ i U I i a n d|nl»wi-siB arc illr--'H; alTi-tMM|,

, . , , - . . , 1* H h * ' | : 11 a " - l " ' " " • ■ ' ' r il i l B l r l ' 1 a r > b . . . i t - l l b . i i i - . * ' ' i i i l " ' " -

i i l i l m i u i u r a e l ' i i I n g e * t i i b l l * b n i . - i i i * l i , r i i *S t i i t i - I M l I M i ' a l . ' u i * i ' b - i H r i . . i i * . i l i . i i r n t g l i i

■ n t h e r » ! - e b e ■ . , i i * i . l e r . ' . l , m r i l - ( > H ' e o [ . - o B r e n l » . l . ■ l l l K ■ r s i n k j t u . . I i i - I * , i l t l i ' i i l i c . - .

I F x i i e i i * . ' . i i l . l l l i e . m ' . i i l f ' l l ' e a r e I m l I "I e o i i F l . t e r e . l , W e l i r e f a . ' , t ' l f a . ' f w i l h

, „ e h * . I n i r j e r t l , . i ' . . r u . i . ' i i . . ' e : i i l r i . . u * ,, veil .lemiin.l*, Uie l ‘i"m i.loroii* a,'linn. F.v.*r> .'IT.'n le

; t h f p . i . H t h a . <i has b«‘»-n bi !re«|uenl j MSHjnn fo r Hit- past i G x n i o n H i H d o N l N ^ l n g ^ T c l » u ^I , „ ' i | . . n T h e m a i u r h . i * c a n *• e s i m d b i i i j f l i ' . W c h a v e b * > » - n n i i w i l l l b g

aial vl|c-SJ-uire 11

'fills board

and urging •*d Ihl- gr*-at*

fiAUAN IN I ’COIMICK CASLP » H « L M k I o B f o r N or W h «u . th e

M IoaIss LoB lo l o U to Ho>r B lo v o o B ,

fDKlOl CoMS DUpotril 1 0 tiH ffE W K OopT- rioOt IW ^

LONDOK, April tt.—Lwd Kileiwntr ro- purts o Brit lob JKootvr to-4 oy. Ho soy* to o dHpateb fn » i PraHrio;

“ t rocrot to npbfi tiiot o porip of tbo H M h t i BiH i vM ii — buibsfi hr tho«ao-

C A P E T O W N .

Wootcro Ttonsvool not “ vo

* f **h ’ iSo1 oii « l l t « of *•“

Oooorol nmrit. Do-P o l r t r t i t u . * bOVN

SCMctol Olopstrii to tbe NEWS.HEW TORK. April W.-The psrvms uf

w il l lo M eCornilek, the boy who ha* be*n stroncoly mlootnp fo r o monih gnd who Is belloved T o hove been kldnoppefi. are of th o i^ in ls n co-doy tlio t Uielr son w^> to f j- dPvoBj|oBC '■ '— *w. oo*v. buried In the'~ ~ h .v o tH e tO f OB uptown Oewef - *

W N hooH for this tbeovj' Is the tsci ihot Willie, with snot her lid. piofuetl an Bal- loa tui.t^ ia t of the boy's disippeorsnce.

this Itoilon vowed venfeonrv Tbe po- Uoo ore oow loafctnt for this man,

" F o t " •b oed r. the oparilno man. la hard : at ■work t r r ta c to find the McCerniick lod. I H d h f.p n a ip tod to naaonal enercr by the--------- o towpfd at mm h « > « « oKtt.

» her. Bhoedy ooro that It Um --------

! r l a s l o r A rrw a a e o to lo th e T r ia l n t G a rw e t l D. I l lp l e r *

j Y F R A N K F O R T , Ky.. April W .'-lm llcH- I ilonft are thftt the ciifte o f Captain Oam ptl i l>. R ip ley, tried fo f alWgod 4S>mp11ctty In 1 (he Bhooitnt o f Governor Goebel, w ill go ' ic the tury la te tbia afternoon, j A tto rn ey O 'N ea l made tbe d o t in g ar< ! Rument f4}r the ntefenca th|» morning, and

4 ’ ommonwewlih 'a A tto m e r Prwnklln w ill cioae fo r the proaecutlon thla afternoon.

-------- - - - - - 1- - - - - □- - - -A ow vk t D e w ik i H l i D r io e t e d B a lle t . ftnM*iftl rMftpfttcti lo Ike JiBWA

I4 0 EK>HC!N, April flohKb,ffiinv Yeara bM, a fxrtn laborer of New­ark avenue. tM« 4slty. bring unable to fligl work and having eaten nothing nil . vMjterday. abut hlmielt In n c bullet wBft deflected toy one of hte rite ’ and came out twi bin back. He will re- irovcr. . _____________

Mwrrmewta a f Atawatera*C H B H B O U R G , April li.--Arrived. Au*

^ VICorio. from NSW Torh tor lUm-

Vifi NGeen at I 'h e l r tlnm eftM u re V\>«lMeiiUa>,

T lirn Hin:« IhiV'* ralssfrig Hielrh'lmi - ii> ■ I K ir-f'i uiiil ('bapel iila<->‘.Tb-'li Ni 'ilifr^ hnv- nui th^rn shi-;'.\Vi-diMT'du> Th ‘ *v tuld o f th<-irpl:rk- n t " il V g>dug to J'hlladrl.ph»:i. w ild ’ 1" nthF-r i ihey Hald th*-\ ufr-- gi'U.g i" v-'firk **u a farm near Waverl.v T l i f ii*'.'- ar»- James Murray, s liiei-n yt-ars cild, ■ t '■'> i'h:*p*d street; I'lwcfi lj>n«h kn"v.-i at* "I'HlMFo-je'" Lynch rairti-Hji \-i-rirh ‘ dd. " f ‘'I i ‘ hut»el streer. anrl Halrb-k M 'lM ii..ild. sf'vrntcrn ie a r - old. *>( 3( ’ bap*-l pl.oc, Thh* bitter Is said (•■ tiv Hi" leafier H r Fiecn working nt 4h<* Arha Btf-fl Wi^rka. Ills m tdher said, hul UV.|- m*sd.i. tU'd W his j*ay. arnuuntlng t.i 13.W|. and filsH|>]»* Firc{1, 11 Is mnthcr tlcclam l he has r.Mi rtwny four tlm»' bcfnn-

A hniihcr nf Lynch said Hit* ihrcc Imi\n , .......... -.......... . , i ...oinw.-rc ^w-ii In Harrison fa r ly yt-M-rda.- i hi tak.- iip ^^'TWdhrr public <iii< *tUm i I m ..mlilg «n .l 'h a l lh".v g..liig 1'. Ihl* m.i*' vital .me lia* t.een .tl»t.” * . . ''(__

a ’ freight train Ly ll. h run awav ! We .trea.l the apl.r'iaellliig warm ;« Minim-r ill- hn.lher -aid. hut rv- , and hiw wat-r. f.ir the rU vr h «* heenm. nr . - . iT f le r -evera l week*. l o r e great overl...r.l.',i.*l -.'w -r He,-.u*SMurrav'e parenlB are making a i-|..*e | of the ttlih en iid in l Im .' It fr.irti tmir. t l-

-enreh fur their son.' T h l* Is the fir*l time I |,Blltlen above thl*. Util. ‘ .r I v ha* ever left home. H e wa* emidi^'.'d | would b.- obtailierl If N ew ark -h.viild cia.** In the A tlia Steel W orks, but wa* t.aillv *eal<led several month* ago. and had not returned to w 'lrk He still bear* the mark* on hi* leg" below the knee*. He ha- black half, brown eye* and weara a round plush rap. .MrDimald 1* salil to be latooed on hi* arm * and ha* a mark overhis right eye....____ _ ——1»

l,f la t r r r a l lo H o o s e fo r o la h e r * .Newurkers have Just pride In the fart

that their oldest furniture and carpet es- labllshment. Amok H. \ ati Httfn. Ltd..I i * lust publlahed the complete forty- fmjr-page llluatrpted spring catolopue that h** Inst come to our notice- " K 1*'so well arranged that Intending houw'furntshcrs ran readily find what the, want a" d it wlU ' b ^ ; " tit* Mfm^iratlon* ar. escefient and a genuine ttelp” ntohlOF selKtloim. . a ^ l n g the .very lateat oprTng sti'lea lo fumluire and' “iVa'noears from the Introductory pole that the Amo* H. Van Horn peop le^ ll adlire lo the low prtc* and w y c r ^ t aonere . ---------------- ( jJJ people stens* that have made them . .fatxirltes alnce MW. Ih* year Ihay started oat In builneaa-

Wa're'iioalltT* thal any one may obtain w a addreaaing the puhllehert.____ I L V a J Horn, L l f . 71 Saifcat i t *dwaffc. I f r J r - i iw

dltM’harsIng Into U\ o In jftc y 4 o cM ^m p Iftlrd .

’ ■Wc fion’ i ask, *1oti( want, anyplan adopted thal w ill In juriously alTect any communlti ab .iv« or b ilow us. h s ssaure our friends In Hu.l.snn t'ounly lliBt In seeking re lie f ourselves we want (o keep the river above u« and the bay below us free from a ll Impurity. 'V a propoM. by mean* o f In teriep iin g seweri, to make arrangements for disposal o f foul m atter at several loilnt* a long tht

' "Ther/r are tw o th ing* tha l w e Insist upon First, that the raising and ex- pendiiufv o f the m.jtwy required, be lo the hand* o f commissions selectad from bL fep r^ n tln g t lw A S e re o t laeatltlea most Interested, so ‘ l i ft— them to a strict orrountaW m y.

"Becond that ihe dlatricta created shall Include all lo fa m i* i from which the pol­luted matter Is discharged; that when ac- coRipnehed the work shall be final and •Hecave. W e are w fllln g that the *x - nenee o f construction and opam llon shhil

(h e soniral munlcbial-be atvkW among the sovetwl municipal'

#• P W . «



OA YS ' ' SA TURD A YSC A R H 1 A G K 9 ,

fflARLifr'B A.COU N B E t*U IR - A T • L A W. .tU L* BROAn ST^

#1 RJiB CENT. 4 1 * i »i ;r <’e n t . ♦», I'ER CENT:

F N e

I In I

1 ^ .

- c

>lJ ff . rMIA Ihl, ^PWP OiniT.»fw— ..V-Z-r-- ■ ■■■■.-

P. CENT.‘ ’ I 'M

uoKk5 ‘. j ^ < i p . - | ^ p : c e n t ;-


\^>l'N'(i iu«n, w ]f« nnd a-year-old ilaui(ht< r tt«rn hrrtjj f BTUti reflncil rarnlly: .JRoiwviUi' «»r

. HOOD.r»rt>E N T IA U

Xn Itoyi^S'saw A U K . N. J. iR COMMlgyiQN-

•’ ''''■‘ " ' 'J i ' I^ A f r A S O MORTGAGE .\T r» HER C E M .


-- ■ - , WAflHI1NQT<>N_H7:^Nfwurk; m^at have no oilier lymrUera; jilp U‘rrn». M., Hux IW. "

MAhKKI^AND W a A H IN Q T ^ and inorlgiB'-


lEpri snd IllT Broad « . ; Xearark. N. J.THE LAROBST BALE ' STABIaEg IN NOW


2ioi4iOIWE*-*7<l TL'ESDAY, APRIL. K AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.

Tlil« B»lf lm'lu<lM IroUrrs, pu rrt, ro7« mAtfiifd d»lr». ilnjilr dOwri, (inillj-, biuinciT n’ork «^xpreM, draft, farm, Jersny chunkt, fact, hcroft in hqR all purp«)BM.

flK) to ISO head of flnit-eiaa* hordes always'v:330BiP**Hf- horses

M<dd «n iwt> lUya iT nor ®4HT«^>r^nt.ed, iniwhaiip fr*n#r uheefftilly rtlunded.

HoreMi. wayntw and harneas ■ received frntQ BHV une to l*e either at auction or. prjvais •lile. by ihc larpEest liorsv dealers in tbe ittAte.

Liiryp albck of horawi on hand; private salt or exi'haiiifr at ali times.

J. n. MORKH0 UB&. lateaman.RECtI ’ HAR Al'CTlON SA1>E,<J ^ £ U IY

Tl'ERDAY ,\aND FRIDAY.^ Telephones HiH5i and T78. JOB. S.

JACOB SHfTTB, AwHoneerHOfY, Fr>p.

L& T>^>VT T t lW ^ r 1. " -----

Ml:> ■:! Til'. :i'>7 pi I'HCl.hi.rul

.EAST otiANOE. .N J.-Oraovlile H|virim'-tU'‘ . '«iirbiry Hlr with I’Uy ;'<»nif'irtH; rh.il«-<- r''rn*-r

:!piinmrms, '* htrlit looms and Imili nii-l t'/ivai'' piassii: rtti imppivi'mfniBi hpIpcI tr-num- Mil ri'ffirenc'»-9 nivl)-; iwo tnlrwiM to tirov^ rifiith.t!. •!!H»\KR A- NKVU ’B.

N . v . »m ... I m o s e y ,0

---------------------W ju l lhe ffpnllsitiaii who took hat and coal by | « ^ j|

jiilMiiike ftom Frlemlshlp I. O. O. F

|>SRiO ]lA lu,


rni'lN 'itiirLfrilay niaiu oIoum- 1 ., F. K..i(KiVNfcrrT, Vft

smil name and aJdri^sa nllshiirgh*’

ri'iilJK to |t(. occuidrd flve 4i‘ . tudlM'lUe ttve. Engulu- -utiiiot, 8t., pawnahr.t-.

t- in' t:t b ■>■>•'irr.lS'KJt

tVST uRA.NtJK- -7 Walnut iil.; : il IIm.ii . I l•lH?; 1 ft: -III (irwly paiierwl and pal!U»’d on** y^ar

a « ‘j liippiht- Ilf !lie uwncr. on {he vmt}!e*'»

INI’’CH.MAT!<»N wanlHl of whereabouts of .liuiii'H -MuTray. pf Ch«j>i>| st., who left nls

iiimif. Wednenday.'' MRS?. M ART MCRRAY

fn*it>iisted on real eetatr. notri.bulidint b-af>

r T " ' l i A v N -om m rjfo^r of No.lbTp;,WI,. K - r, m. IKt M.rk.t Mf_______

•1‘1'RF In IpI. ;ifJA 8prln»?ni-H H\«- ipj|n. I'i JfF.YMAN, S!ln Bi.tinui'

i; \ST OhANUE- fWIi Main si., flat. « an Iitiiiii. third rt<Mir. ihret mlmatsH to HrU k

rliurrh Hiailon. .1. K. liiK»TH, WW Main *t

li.\RT wanted lu IjonriJ;" rp*ai«inable; mother's i-jir. Nuts'*, li 'is 175. roalofUi'e. Moiucla.r

N J. . '

m ilsk v ,,. ta.r.

HTHKI7 wlih thpec rooir:* tr» li-t iit'sp, Inituire rkl Hummev ti'"*

■.T>'REB let; A<ii'lfniy St,


r " l i KENT- Modern onrner dai. mniatnliiB »'• 1 ii'Cjns ntnl I-hIIi : upfii plumbliiK. ■•oiwf-oP-iii ' t - i‘nr; llvo mliiu1 “S' walk from nnsevllle ■ai.i- • 1 1 .>1 1. Apply owner. M North ArllhRion ave..

Kapi <jran«e.

cH A iiU ':^ m ik u r r a c o .zlm- SI.. Saturday

I'ull at XI Mnafi-

lo >dt- MEN"S INh- I’n., l^r. Broad and Mafket sts.

['rJE m i»*i. yKi Btiiniiiei «vi* , lo'iir f* ....... - liJitli. iHundr.''. Iioiiiefi hHiid'

[H| ihniiighnur.

1 ;.itii W

Apjd''’ .‘ umrni-r«HI-:-Favrae corner store i

Un(’.S|.-To let, M.i> 1, brlt-k hous** Vj nunirl s».. 7 roi'ins. rellar und altk-. rriu Jin f«r

A BttKTtIR.N, liu IHtrh *t.

f^TAUiH -To Jet. R stalls. prr«HSMlnu immeillalriy:

i[:iv I l«rnp

Pi*ly Kniplre laitindiry fn-dJI MuIIo’itv

:i frriii'Liirinl'b

jn ’.'IN i’iTuN- ilnive si., h-i-iom flat. wHh hath, fnnuiro fli:t KprHiRflHd avt». , .


d. hKSClI/.INKR e. cti.. rci*l rr'.tie brokers and siiotlonesrs: proi«-riy

on premiers ■ r ai the, N>uarh R|';tl I’.siatj' t''*'" dunut. It Pk i

AV. 1. REATTT, 7.'A llroa.l .1. R“al I"!•all (ir .I'-hatlltH; Imrti,. (Ire Ifi.iir.iti'''-

HiiCSE. with 11 rooms: ah tiniirovonu'iiti*; • Wijkoriiiiii avo.. with Ci<» feet froiil. 1’. I

TI»M 1 'KSN> . IhlMtellevHle ave ___ __

HnCBI.' 'I'lMh store lo lei; ro'p<*eih' lli-*hlf' l■‘llllalt>■ JcH'meiJ. Innulre ,h*

rink hell

f»TABl'K lo let In Cnjnppell «* li sl.dle Hiid uhHil fill R wagons: rrm m rf1»T;ito. in'4ulr>»yf

H V A N 'HORN*, 7^ ilHik«-t H-

i f lCf’n.Mi Hour, with rMiuenleiwes: near trollHj- I nhd (.Iroie Htutlon. 1.12 Main at-, iiiaslnriiiixe. _________|

IIOOMS. F L A T S , BTC .« W A lfT E D .

■1.. hriwei’ fi l-reiriji'S.

i h tA b I.IC, rear aw North Rrvi-nrh l-'ifth and Sjxth aves. fnijuire

STABLE to let; three stalls -md wa«on sli'd. 74 Booth nth *t. Inttulrc 7l.'ii Brooil «i.

FLAT wanted. .V!«y !. hy select two: Improvenisiils, rent IJd l)|

]-'|hI, HmK 10, Newk nir.: r.

faiTilly ofAddress

|pd'?:i;D Ht II

,’il So. Bhh si-. Rnsevihe. nil iMpia n iPLKV A agNri.. Commenlal at.

ttT.AllLK Hi let. H, ftialle. i'K>tii f<n d wHynne lo'liiirr at IR Centre Mwrkei. IIAIIN .

FLAT wiiin+‘(t: d rffbots. all Improv'emenis; ihree iiiluhs. I*ermam*nt, Ik** *0 . JSVws c^r*.

■ d H

p j .

W ALTER W. BALTER. Hml EH»te. Money. T40 Broad at

MO! >!•:. 4i.ipru'“eii

? Kouth Ninth si.; H rooms, imrlly rent I IK.

KT.VBi'lji B* let. U statu nnd sJiFdf l iul aL‘, ;1^ar South Hrimd.

f-tnfjMS Three or four rooms, twtween 4'en irnt ntid Sprlmilleld hvcr.; three In family,

j $-'k or $!■ rent. Box '£l. News ofTli'e.

O w e^lllnsa-ANOTJIKR nth sve, house sold, nply line'*

left out of eleven; • !* and seven hs'in btiik housosi Hleam heal; uti lmpropvrmen<«: doKni and $lrt monthly; ojwn f'lr inajiet tt»ii every day and Sunday afienior.Q, lUh hvv. bstweeh llhh and Itth lU. JOHN H. DLNN. owner and builder. ______

HAl.U .i.K ST-. ■•r.- llouse.-.n rjj...........Ills: grounds HflxIffTi; t'^ediy

ir^o's. r*-nr tHK JIENHV HUSHKLL. ville »w .

t sloT h' W B.-lif

KLCgNlJ FLOOR, S41 Broad st., lo UL vilL’e or light mercantile baaliiess. A

i'lv.ilU 76h .lirnatt a l .

BOOMS Flvt* nice ’•iioiTis: impmTernents: stiuiM ' ifulei fiiinlly: rent noi to esored |i2.‘ Addr*"<3.1 !* K.. Bo* hi. Nows idth’o.

A HJ2AS0NAB1.K e*le: a email hnnso and ron- frctlfinerv store, on a lot ar>xt«J ft. Imjuirs

4A7 lA tl^ve. ___________ ________AT Forest Hill, choke dwellings. Owner.

R0 B 1 :RTKI!KM U':R. 7R2 Ue IliHW Hve., 'dlv

IMtICK Iiniuie. wllli 10 rminis. imprrjvrmetitB;gnod rOtMltlkni Hrnad sL, F. B.

TOMHKINH, IKJ! Bpilevllle avr*.

rORNEB l*ROT’K R T Y~A bargain i21*l'1h;Ihree-Htory frame, «Ut^-n)of dwelling h"use.

on proinlnent cr»rner in Klghtti Ward, hay win dow's: iwo stories. range; furnace; wall rlrhly deroriied. and the house, whh’h Is nmipara- lively new, ta In splendid condlllow. and Ih** reason for aelHnt Is because the owner Is abuut tn rsinove from Newark and will sacrlflos the nrks for this hsrnlaoma property. Full l«ai‘- llruiari at North End lloal Eatata Ulllcr. MY' n o s W. MaRPH, lan Third ave.

FtiR BALE—2 family dwelllflf. H.T0 Clifton ave.;f-famtiy dwelling. »26 Clifton ave.. l-famUr

dwelling. 145 Waehtnirton ave.; steam heal; all — ............ ’A ^ D B E L U ITT Bruad si.Impta. OKO, W.

ru n flA L K -tld Broad i l . ; n1nc-r«»wm hones, and lot BOxhitJ,

O BNriNE BAn«lA lN *“ Rlyrn»li!f ave.. house.II roums. with all Impcivements. Hlahle.

grounds. l<Hlx4dh; at quh-k sale, will Ih* sat-rl- floed at KvOUU. HENRY RlIltdELU Hh Hclls- vllla ave.‘HOVBB-'Idn Bummer ave., 10 nwms: all Im-

prpvementa; rtvatit heat, g ^ ^ oondlllonj rents tU i U.UW- P- P‘ TUMPHaNS, IKJ Belleville avt.

HOUBB-FIne ,*l-sh>TV flat laundry 1 easy terms. F.

(Jultman at.

hoHef; ao rnonia: IKjKFMANN, ti17

IN WOtH>HfDE~Bls*r«om house, barn and ehop for sala; all Inujrm'enients i ‘6 M Sunday, K it'

WARTffl, Nrwnrk it ■ Nm lry. t i -J .HARE CKANCK-U-nsmi hojJer. In the liest lo­

cation In Roseville: sirt^el jwved- all Im- prosenienis. wiirih »4^HL will sell for |H,2tSI. KJBKE Real Estate Exchange. lloeevilleStation.

KCtll.N'V ST.. 41—Hiiuse; 7 nmine tjiid biBh- ri-'iii. all Impruvemenls: rcui Sil.'i. Clh i>’

ft'Kaatli'H apply to owner, 4b Bi'.'liia’ial «1 . llilrd Im’II

Sa Lci'iN (laod corfier anlo-m [< rfiiuii Blowing Co. of Newark.


I rent. Aptd.v :U!R Bpritiiikld I B>'K 4,

1UioM5t"-Three 'T f'Uir rnohle Matiied In nli-e h+iuiw': ap.-i.-ilrs prefiTred. Addreep Rmuns.

Ni-ws nflli’e.

LF A tE on the I’dMi If all's welL

'B o « ln * g g P w ra o B «U .flentlatry at moderate

with llrst-class and have an esij'

mate clven: no change for examination; gas or uhiieBtlieilcs ailnilnlslt*red.

IaicIv aitendunt, .IJ'iiirtt, h LO 8; Sunday, fl to 12.

^ UJGtiLlHUDE flea'STTtt^ prices i anal slant ^<QCU4*.vorkmansblp; call j

im . 8. BOUOHTON.

19 Cedar st.

Will remove May 1 to 29 Cedar st.. five dO'ifs frum present location. ___ _______

SCALP TREATM ENT,Our method will positively cure

dandrurf, ecgemg ind all the Uch- Ing, cfeipy e'orji^Ulons of the scalps of men, women and children. Examlna- Hon of vealp’ fm . KIMIIERMAN'B.

, liTT Broad si.,K4R Broad at

cor. W ait Park ft -

lA.tBtlK h>'U)M‘ . Nn. .HIP HunimcrHCiil all ltupr*>VPTn**iile. Full

hire ill .Ncitth End Keul^pEsUL' (■Ifh'. W . M« UtSK. Bill Third ave.


SlIDP III let for Hghi maiiufa-'Mirlng-*t.. 'itirhein* PrUilrnttat. ___

War....I. '.t'hlrees II

UP or twi>, 4M4 Bank st.


MEN'8 AND WOMEN'S CLoTHISO.Why near your dothva looking shohby? Our

priM-esK Ilf-L'leanlng Is the finest In the market; fin»> Iriftl Is all we askl we do dyeing, si'nirlnk. cU'HiitnK, repairing, iirepslng.cloth sponging tind renulshtng; a postal or telephone order *'B1

prompt ultcnllon. Telephone " '‘41. THr. 1..\1B1aL' cn., 2sn Halsey at., hear W illiam.


'MT I'LKAyANT AV.K.-Eh-g»n1 Bi n<ill modnrn impriivemints; n«*wK

]..i <;o\1<Hi; rent |!Kg‘ . ENJ^TB'I': huJlL.V.NA 4fe« hrnail st.

..■Ill bntis**, rn..lull'll HUuS. a

TO LET -A ftfr May I, a (.I 'l er...mil W itim .I ' i>[i PasBiilr River, close t i iv;«- r-fthoHMs: IsaH ' facturv on 1 1 . with tneirltig hivI ' nniiv aiul olher martrlneiy, RBiLB-

Nawaek. ^ ______ .fhtnr. with jinwev, ofsinpiv, light nlL

r lM M K I lK D K O Q M i TO L E t . ftCPERFlAlOrS HAIR.

I A BLEaHANJ fr> id alcove room, seoumlga-. 1-H h. 7*ntTnl; riWerencw.. 19/Warreti pi

MI'FUi-W HT.. 4T-B1X moma, IH Ktr-inaii's Ins, Co.. TNI Hriind et.

m*;\‘l B.

m’>.'<tp:VILLK—HI9-ao:i Ntiyih IHIj' i i N-w m'>'l- • rn hous**s; sti*um tieai; r.prn plumo-

Im ; hsf'iWHid IlhtsKj r<‘iU tSitk 1‘Al L Ij. UBANM>=.'“vft«T. fiaj Rodevllle Ats..N«tiaTk.N J.

iiroutid. all modern tmpr<'N t ;- " ' “ 'CM AH


TW ti^obrs,

OB?. 24 Roudlnrit ei»Tii-ms. Inquire ,

engineer an j

I'.Oil:.11V ?T., '>■ Dcslrtihlc Piomsi hsjii. Imili gns. etc : firlces reasuinahle.

W hti*. ■Mole* knd'Birthmarks removed forever hy electricity, IS year*' pxjierience.

MME. H. W ESTERVELT.________2 1 S \Vash1 ngton H.

TG ™ tana

YV ^R^ a

usr i Ciir.. hi euinf to i9*t'('AHfLl*. 6itO_Rro^ 8.1


, p«n on inoMgage. t'HAPMAN. lihl

M1LE8 W RANET * BR(A,97 to 41 Rrldgo at., NewArii, K. J.

Tt\'have just fecetved (Wd cafloadA o f rhunki anil farm hurseS; good workers, and lo suit everybody.

-A iJ iO -150 iim n -cLA S s ci 'a c h HonsEB.25 SADDLE liOAdlOS. a SHETLAND FUNIES.


Wo r k h o r s e s t o h i r e ,

TKl.l-:rHONE 424, ’ ' .


m o r t g a g e s # l o a h s —P E ilS O H A L .


ty New Jersey I^an

T4U Broad st.

horsesl o a n .? ..r. (iimlturf. planna. argafn.un.l wastin., ftf. tVlien ,yuu wanl it, « e onlv aiiL tim'L" no'!'"*.

DO Y d f KNO"’- " > * 'l " «rr*ni^ >h' ■"*" •” .„u l aa pay it t>ack to aiilt your fon- vmlrncf; that H. »hort time or ton* Iinip. small paymrAti or larp. paytnmti, anil If von pay tho rntAsy Imi-it hrforr III, limr aiptrea., wo witl allow you lll- loroot vn the uneapirea time.


If yi.u liave a loan with «ome other loiiii rempany, wO' will pay them for yon unO PI you have htove money.



DAY. APR IL IT, AT 10 O CLOCK A. M.A larae number of flrat-cia« norM_ of all

Awcrlptlons ori ban.! at #ftyale lale nr e,.ue3ii.l lyi n/iip VM i.raaoe —a r. - - - - - - - --ehangfc AIl.Jjiir»«a sold on two tlAyy trlAh ami. If not aa represented. m;>neTwagons add harnsss sold on cotfimltilna, alihir At auction or prlvAle sale.

Telephone 18t3-B. wvOw a -ALFONSO rCHC. ^og.

E. Ja MARTIN. MamMiar. . ^JACOB ?HrTTS. AucUonaet, ^

LAUOKST U N E AND UIWBS'T P*tICE« High-grade Bualness Wagons, Ruober-tirtd Carriages. IJyrses, Harness, etc.

To find exactly what you want, c a l l j i t The Centrll Wagim Works. The most complete stock of peddler, grocer, butcher. .eArpemcr, ]aundr>‘, baker, milk, and open o^praM wagoni; also a stock of fine depot camagaa, aurrsyi, phaetons, bike wagons, bngglhs. runa^uis. carts, eto,, to select from. Wngona, etrrlagw, harness, etc,, stored and received- oo aala low ra t « . t h e CENTRAL W AOON WORKS. « 7 to 44T Ceplrat ave., between 8 d and *th eta, (Take Central aVe. of Wari-en rt- card.V

.ATLANTIC ST., I' -n'l'mip for light haus*- kcrj-ltig. nil |jn|ir"venn*rtis.

2,,yi0 ep1 ciii'h. Ill well llglued fflclory; whole or purl; T»*ni clieai'- Spanger

RiuB., r<Mil CcntiA al., nr. P H. ?lalkui.

.WARUi&'ft+Ohf'ST.. .n;i T " in. Klprt.,. fbur_____________________ — ■ riM>iua and Uatlv^ Inquire iii Imi |ll•es94rH, .J.1

aAVUmwiK I*i*. fl-tt Moms. conicnleno*s | AVajihltixtoii at. ________________Crnlif si.. 1—0 hn>n»s. conveni**n

’-inr'* st.. twime, vl1 nvenl*‘ m■ ‘ llw‘(nr p«t« M —11 ronrna. cnnveni'Mif'O

Ai>i-|y 1 0 ^pq_N D. T ‘ H T IN , 4h:i <'HI'MMKH ,\VK.. awi-.S’ sar Hecuii-l n

PK'ma- iialh. tiiuiidry. uM lrn’,'i 1iiiHfLi>mf’ly dertir«n-<l ihtxmghoui Biitmncr nve,

I M'INAS’3 ;\yK.,'Ji4-TAi I I d ronnis; ‘ By water; II: I k Iteai'im st. *

ipi. HifiTc and dwelling; 2 . c,. XKCKM.M'HRfJ.

ATr.\NTH‘ ?T . fiimili , all Imvti

V Fiirnlsh'Ml roems; I Hinmii*.


ST . Mi*. COT. court' M,-‘BlPgHmiv ’ furnlHiii'd rfmma f^r gonitemerr; liHiti.

tion -yniral. •*•

v>.. nevi'n '

•Ai'l'ly 2MttTO ItEk, ICTC.. T i l LE T -

T O W 'i--O l T OP

?.\IALL houBi* on ?h'Tnmii ave. lo L c fr in Mji>I; eis ritama; m it tlb. It, P, iTi.VljriJN. i1-

ltri'H'1 Kl.HIIPTH ?T.. 52 l» all Unimivcm'-nts.

I. H. W. T llo M I’BiiN. ?|n Brifud it.

1 H fir.liJNU lo Rt, Davis and ilHrrls'm aves.. ! HnrrlKon; HuJluhle far nn "dlcn, icnt per I mnnili

Inquire MftB. E. F. M< |h>.VAIJ).40T» Davit* avi*., Harrison.

KTABLB. iwi' slalls, , , i Itniutrc Mei, hMn1cs'

KilFTH HIXTH HT,. 2**US-Hlx r<H»ms, balli and . g,.„tund sie.. Orange Inundry; lent |lu. Inquire llHT.

an<l wagon Imusa t<‘ let. Hotel. *;urnCF .Main and

TO I.ET-PHck ilwelling house. 24» Sutnmil sh.ilT'amiB. Iwshles ccllsr, taun try nnd bsihro*^.

Afply lo MAni.T.4 L. WARD, room 24. Na UlO Broad st. __

TWO houses to let, Wtaidelde prnvemenls; d mlniHes from

neimt snd Washington ave. Hylvan svs.

K r*a»Tiis; Im- .. North Newark

Iffill^y. Inquire l.Vt

WriOl.iHIDK—HI ininutea ft>mi M«Tkel si lull Urufinn uV'e,. 7 M'lms, imBi. Inipl'

m*> Llncidn svc.. T nh'ini*. bath, Imiita.. tilhere. 115 to tiki.

JOHALKMON. B7H Washlngtiin ave

.... 2 1

iU H lI lb l AVE.—iO*mem house, all Itnuts., IM M . P R «D W. ROMIKIC, 4 Academy st.

w m f pay rant* tM) rash and tl5 a month will bay a new 2 *family house, all imprawirteniA

r. J. FINLEY. iHH MarkK at.

W ICKM FFE FT.. *^m<*T K and bath; rent Idw, CIRO.

lltrm sl -Tft' rtsmiB ! l . fBft Brnait st.

1209 nOWN, balam'e same as rent, for new htrtise, ready May I, Ihth st„ between IMh

and Ceiiiral area.; 7 rtKitns; all imiiruvuntruts, C. T. BIUPMAN, 477 Broad st. _______

R C A lt U ftT A T E P U B S A L E - O tT OF T O W N .

B lig t O raa ice .CORNER (Ireenwood ave. and Eaton pL. East

{Jtf-ange; ‘ne</ brkk hauacs, 7 rt«»ms; m ‘ep- lltwi hall, steam heat, all lrujir<jv«*mems; INst down, I2A monthly; can be s6en every d-ty an*l Runday afternoon. JOHN If. iJl'NN. owner artd bulhier, T Ronth Inh st., Newark. N. J.

.HOL8 K llu ) cash. Iwtktnje ;o suit ytmrj»eir;seml-dflnrlied hoiisv. d r*viTiis each sl*|e; tm

provemenis. ileslrnbly l<H'ntei1 l plenty of urouit'l, convenient ti' iw*» tndleys utnl lallritad. Ati|t|y on preinDes, 232 anil X\\ CUntim s(.. FastDrange. N. J.

BAHT ORAN'flB—Moilern house. hU lm)-i>'\r.ments. n runms and hath, large itltlr. linrii

W"ort fl'Miff: near Orove Ht. Rlathm an<l tti«L 'ley; price |5 .fss». half easb. DwHMng, Box News oflli-e.

I5i«.'-'?lx roi>ms, hsHi and laundry. lveiii*T and all Imiirovenjcnis. W1 ‘% Mt. rrnwpeei nv*». j also

at 1H» Ml. Priis|iecl sve., will pljice In g*’™! ''‘Ui- illtbm. DHARLEH F. KOCIIEH. .Lawyers' Hutliilng._______________________•

TnKNToN N. i .—F'h-rent, large liuilnc-s pn'P- ertv on lfi(‘ beet birw'k nf the MrllluIpBl busi­

ness street in ih** d iv of Trenton, N. J.; Ifiur* story brick building. wiib lhree'el*iry brink bullflliig adjoining In tpe rskr; will h‘* r**mw emiro or divided to suit lenrtnts: flnst lha>r of main tnilldlng f*ir so,re; ui«per fSn*.rs f*ir light munuractni'ing: the r**ar hwlliUng f«>r maruifHC- i njring iMlriwiSW*. wtth or wlihout iu'wcr; best | locHtlcin frr pllher wholemiL ur retail imsiness. f CAHK A c\ iN . Hlaie nrjJ Warren st*., Tremon, |


HKi >a D s*'r I |M5-fii'liM't furnlshe*! raoms; Im-pr*>vt*tnenis; sU'oiii heiit: refertnci'S.

BIPIAD HT,. r»2 H'l'lert«arit rooms; oppoBiin, WoHhlnriin Park, use "f Imlb-

nrt»iAli ST KcnllppinEi.

inUl- Kiurdshetl room t" let for

C'lMMKK'*!': ST.hiiusekrt'Oing. i‘.

m riirnlshe«t rrwmii*, a n>-i'k

IT ’ II1>I.^TK1UNG Is needed In all Wfll-regii- IfiU-J homes. How.ahoOt yyura? Yl> arc In

low I'eni dlalrlct. hence low prlcea; flrsi-class wt'ik dune: drop a BasUl, '|ih*ine or chII; "■*» ..III Iron bY*da. ilE E K F R ’H. 260 Mulberry si . I el, 5f»3. ^ ______________ _______ _RHKl'MATfSM ln-«vefy form poklllvely cuff'd

bv Hanson'S Hheumatlc Mixture; Imnli^late rptlcf and [leniianem cure guaranteed; a NKv l)hlrtc cdnvincel*- Wrtie C. F. Hanson. 244 dih ave.. N: T.. fflr nanftPhlet; Sold by all druggials.

MSI WATCHES wanted for repairs; will he repaired by competent workmrn,

right, rvasonablo and quick.FRANK IIOI.T A CO..

rt Academy at.. *'PP. Pustufflee.___.

COMMKRi'K ST.. K1 with wilier

-|[Miisek"eping rnom. Aral

HAST PARK ST-tci let.

Hl-fleasarH furnished r'loms

Fl'KNlSilRp..r''4 mi: Jinvate. 75. Hussex I've^

URANT HT.r 3U—,S'k'0 ly furulahod ' parlriL; alto KiiiHlIer r*Hfins; pejutiHiMkle,

GlItaCN HT . ri2- Neatly fuj'nlshed front rpqm rfvHHte.all inuiMv*»menta; j

livLSICY .ST., X*17 -Nicely furnished na'Pis f'-r light hnusf'kee|dng: also hall rrvirn. __ _____

9TORE1I. O F F H ’EHf L G F T 8 . P A O - TO R IE H . B T A H L E S . BTC .* W A N T E B *

HTDHF, with 5 ur (1 crmnia. In go*'"! lM*'a,llo«: near ndviol prefarred. Store, Box 05. News

otilne- ; ____________. - l—


F tU N IA l lE D l l o r i B A TO L E T -O t IT O F T O W S ,

RTAMFu BD. gP K K N OF THE 'rYVI'SKlLl-H.PurnlHhed cottages. 12701 l«> *51M« tier seasutv.

Pure miiimialn ah*. Ntr mnhirla »>r tnusquitora. Hot ami uhl'l wnier. halh. stmie sidewalks, newer, eleuthu light, telephone, gulf, Liatlng. tennla. «lrlvlng, gm*«l B'joula, rtne aceiu'Ty. .Vil- dresH Ijegtil Adviwr, Stsnif'ird, X. Y'.

hull, sultjildr r»r liRlgeriWiio, Wort park st*. Inquire Janitor.

ROOM ? A A I ) F L A T S TO l.R T .

A n-HtwiM fist at 4|; Tk'heTu.ir ni.,-Newark, f'lr rent. Inquire iit Washtugii*n t'**-operHlKe

Bank, tlh Market al,. Newark.-

|«B’TH on.L"JaR-FumlsJteil huask to let se«- siin 'it y-ar, 13 rp"«ys, all iDqirovem^nts, Inrg-*

jruunils, Iannis i.fiurL ftne gar^tru, other idni'cs for sale niid rent at Rast Orange. H D. tX)N- HIT. iiptRisUe III h-k .Vhuroh ^mtiim.

T O L f t T —O C T O F TO W N .

llol'HM with 5 r*s*nia; rent tl'J OBrmiJK 1! W ixiLLKV, Ball si-, irylnghm.

IIKANDK Mlntipn td-, h.iuae in let. li nilluui-r'ivemettta. Miop In I'phi siinaMe fir glaw

siiiining. prlnltUK or »n> Halil businu **. Apidy Ht II *\’tiliuefcp st.. Oraiigt_________________

FISH residence: - .........- .blocka 1-*asi Orange Station.

14 ro»jms: steam. l«>t 4 nil\0, 4iridi**> , ri'i‘f-|iii' n

hall; atalned sIhsh: veranda; I9.5UU; half cosh Owner. Bus I4t). Fast iiiange.

HnrSE and lot •■n Washliialim Ht , near Wdl- lam, I4.2SO *'sti remain nn nu.riKHge; what

am 1 ofTervd? Address Bargain, L.>x .Nf'vss ofhee.

I r v ln v lo n .FINE building h>t f'«r erth. f -rr*'- ,‘ ' ^ 1 Ingni'l.l

and SUiyveesni aves.; this ns.'i will I.e iMi,i nut In noilis) f'tnl hds nn t M ihl fiir •j<!>h nr In- •lalmente. KIlFICi? linkerj

H llC flB jl W A N T E D *

A F l a t of 5 mom*, ave.; iniiimvements;

fiTst Hoot. *K rjtkilsrtck ring nrst hell

Hl'RNKTT m tn.lHNO, Academy it., between Broad nfid 'Halsey StS.: T-mama, with baltl.

#t**«in 'hfRtvd. all fmpnivMiieiJrts, w'Uh Janitor's nervlc**. .4ppry fit Janlh-Fs room. 13k ttalsey^lit.. between hpurs 10 ami 12 A M.. - and 4 f t lA

HAIitl':;V ST., .171' Sice fiirnl«hCYl front rnora; hil imMi-uvemenifl.


MHill ST. 472, near Marketnvoms. t*1w» 0t«M4*ke*plng.

FurnIshHil riamt lu Irt.


--- ‘'t'ffnq- ns-.BansilTS'^.” .ntTT "T f l i rHIGH PT.. 4TO“"Roums-ror figtt^saiaiiHl fll»u

single rniilii. _ _ .JAMI:S oT.. r>4P.-SfHtly rumlahtil room.

ltuiir<iveincnl*; senileinan only.

U 3MHARDY at., Ik -Klegant sreohd fmat.’ alsoHniall r'Mim.

LARfiK nght fiirnianrai rWiTi tie at.. Cliy.

' la let, flS Prys-

I ’ MBRELLAS repaired by ’ 'OHFK.N, the rmhrelU Man;" Green's gloria

re-mverlng for H drunks ari'l bsge rr- paired, too-), N. "■ ”Market sts.

-r. .Bruad and

imo.'skt !.N ft popular song; get ymir swings and iTisirumeiuat eomi'osltlirna arrangei! by

famous snng writer and oompowr. ADDIS KEN7'. author r*f many hits; lertps moderate. 2T*P South Aevenih st. ' ________Kl'R? stored and Inaured agnlnat loss, and re-

poired. at simimer prll-eji; carriage nines re­paired. cleane<l and reUned. M. J. CARHULU lurmerly with W,’ H. & H. HURNETFl', Wsalilngtort It. ____ ____• ______


THE Knickerbocker hreproof knuees are ilie Anesi In the

Biorage ^Ry; Inauranctf


ari'l rtoraKi* ralew the h>weat: services tu leed the best. JOHN MULLIGAN. President.


744) Broad aireet.gci'und f i "

Opposite Pnaiaffioe.

J. .1- K lNO ?LANn m .-?pec la ! lelepimne rail for dead.horse ambulance. 1202 Ortpge. Of-

nce. 2.54 Washlnglon. SI.. Orange; residence. 2U2 N*yrih j*ark st., Eaal Orange, ________

m o n e y t o l o a n , m o n e y t o l o a n .MONET TO IjCTAN.


All bavmenw arp *»f equal ammim.A receipt given fnf every dollar paid.WE GIVE FI LL ,\M01'NT APPLIED FOR.Phervthlng Jurt ft* represenled.You know exartlv what coat Is lO be l^mre

papers ar^ signed T-iana from 110 up- Money can be ha«) In two hours after making AppIlCa-Hon

DON'T W ANT FOR A FEW DOLLARSWhen you can borrow from Us aftd MlUftl Ih

small inomhly luemlmente. Our r a t « are lower than anv other company In Newark, imd we ask that Y‘'‘ti call and see us. No irouhle whatever to explain our term*, and no expensa in you. Information cheerfully given on any point you do not undemtand.

IJON'T BORROW FROM FRIEND?,go m a good, reliable voncern and be tutder

oBllgatmhe to tity «ma. Any **"*

WUY buy new-sewing mac*hlnea when you can liiiifft ,.‘yoiir' nid ones repaired at such small

coHt. f'ail or a* nd pcrttal, folk 8 1 .

Mahhinist, 35 Nor-*

W ANTED—All perwni* who neerl their teeth attehtled in In the evening** to call nn DR.

EDWIN RETT?. 4HS Broad el : open einlil HI n'olock. ________ ________ .CllTTINQ tailor; new meihnfl; give work guftr*

ant*e"1 m perf«dlon: one whofhae diploma.Addn^s KRA.NK ?0 I>:. I97t*i Rruoe ■!.

alaitMrl.fTHBRV* ?T.. ItiA-FurnLhral rooms large from riH*m*. ____________

NT^W YDRK AVE . a2ll Tv.-n fnrnlrtvel rmims, Hilltable for light hiiusekecplTig *W gentleman,

mih running w.ilcr; iirlvnt*' family.

ctfT. BelleHlIl' rraHomil'le rent. EN-

K IlfH'?. A n flllE NN A iTv.. J|R» Broad si.

BLDt‘MFfKLD .W’K..piomH. imi'Koomnits

STI ^ —

s t .. 'Jltl F'lur pl*'osam riH'mp. quiet fArijlIy, hull lighted and riimlftfnil

NORFOLK AT. 'JdT. near Idlh ave.-Large fur- iiHhed riK>m; suitable for light h Hiackecping;

ll.Tifli per we*-k.

n k w .■ nwfn.


0 2 —l-aree nljpely fUrntshed tnJh .Ijeflt, i^s atid bath; ho


NB’ ELV furnfshed rmfil num: Improvihienls private ffliiitlv. 2iW Llitleti>n av'i*.. '2*1 flmir.

liItOAD ?T., hath A. H.

M l—Third Anor, 7 njotti-s and I ’ EAL. 7L1 Biodd.rt.

Blhv\D ST c'eiiiral. four htiR** •fK'ms7 H ‘». \f>F. HL'HM'iNM. >*70 ........1. 1

NU 'RLY fiiinlshed fpint rn*»m In private lam Hy; use nf bath. U7 miH.nltlH.I n\e.

NB’ K light furnisheil .... .. :U IJ-** Arlingticn .«i..n<*ar Cnurt st. ii><iiilr<* within

* ' alt

MIDWIFE iMenilal treatmem

LniHes alaiiUlc private nuralu. con- 244 Orange, near NMblU.

UF.HJBAN mhlalf*: graduale: ladles boarded. MRS. K. iJiTTLB. 17 Spring at., clly.

PRIVATE wnrtnenietH nurae; doeinr In attand* an*-e. INI Mulberry it. ______ ____ __________

H fS T H D C T lO N .

NEW HT.. 52'-Nl(‘*'l» riiniotii-l fi-^at ruum,Irniirovemems; ri'f r'-n-** _____

]|*M’?iK W.mO'il. 4 or 5 rn'-mr ti' kec|i ihickens; rent ica ii

dreanT ItiMUli, msi Murlu't -i

Alih Inra*' yardC-fc.'i-.-.l *f*. .\<1 -

K orSK 7 i‘1- .s T(M>m houBf tt.uio*i|, urbh^^^iht^^ N«'

I lt> ur uub- uflU-e.

F F IlM H lll< :i) H O rN F h \\ V N T F U -O C TOl^ T O ^ ’ >.

HOrSK named at 'South Ohma**. iciir mutm- tftliiH iiM-i uollry cars; h pHim*-. fumiHheil *»r

unfiin'lrKi-.|. for a family «-f fL* aihilts. .\d- Wl Mi'WhiTTicr.

I'ntt.VL'B Badger and MruLeou it\"? ; "ne M< ck tii rih .( I ’hntnn n vr,, ir-'m .Mdy 1 . Set-.iml |

firti, 7 n»Mn>«. both an<l Inundrv Inijulre '-n premie*- . t - f owner, H S ''B rU A i'H K ll, 14 Weo -I

tiRANOE ?T. v*uc rn*»m.

I ,T.-,

47-I'1ih' i-nrlfir. hIm fr-mt al-

(T .lN It .HVR. and Berg*’t' at . U n'OtriS. alt inetiifi rent Apply hi

lir:MAKEST. 7H2 uriHid st. Possea-sloil TTiiii|riIlHli>.

I’ L.^NE HT., 25k fr**ht rtnim for ui.'»uplet>r gentleman, IniH-'i nn-l bath.

^ITH VFTHH <V)LEMAN n a t io n a l BLStNESS


TELEGRAPHY, ,Broad st.. Newark, N. J.

Olde.'*!, heat and most favorably knfiwn, best eqiillTed shd most thorough and practical j'luree nf instrUCHoiL Easy payments. Ragls- t»-r jujv ilriK* Ni» cla.ia work. TndlvidutH In- -fnioiJ..n. 1- igtish hrwijches. L »n g u it ‘s. Wfite or .-(ill f.ir new caialygue. Telephones; New York and New Jersey. Newark, 12«).Evi’nlncr echtiol now otien. Enter any time. Uunrier tommencea ffum date of entrance.

H. COLEMAN. FrealOenl.

ever dealt with uw-W lham *r# refer you. f jm C E HOUR»-8 TO e.

F E ir itn 'Y LOAN CO.. IM MARKET PT. ?B t !l 'R llT .MARKET HT.





a n d h o u s e h o l d g o o d s .








"E v 'r j tiM> c'n So a (hin* b « t ^ ’n’ ifhe'a ban broke lo It as a coll. TOT- H H O W M W ILL WORK BKTTKK Ot'R REHJABLE HARNESS. WMT NOT? ODR EASY p a y m e n t ST8 T M E N A B I^ e v e r t o n e t o I SE ONDV BAFB HARNESS.



W ILD receive on April O carload liril-clBlie driver*. bHiinee* and

heavy draft horeej; will acll at Inw- market prices; trial jklven;-for

___or eichange. The City LineSale Slahlca, aprlngfleld ave, and T*cnty-llrit st. M. STECHEB. Prop.

_ W IL l

■»sale I

TcL 4S28.

GTPfllEF AT M APIaEWOOD. tasrge tribe of gypsies located at BTcal's H o

tel. Maplewood, for one week; T6 head of hor«M of ell kinds, young and sound. HARRISON BROTH KR8 . Original Gypalee. ' _________

1 HAVE a few mur« of thote iKMmd, fervlf^eabls horsea left: J will sell at eoat to make rnoxn

for more; csTTlagee. wagona and harne« at youf JAMES OKTBL, 70 Atid TS Ftad-own price,

srick st.

BAT horse. 15i4 hands; R years old; can road 12 mllet an hour; also Colyer top b u m nni

harness, all in good order, cheap, at 143 Are- herst st.. near Central ave., East Oraage. N. J.

ipaken for asbt^ |M hu;nice chunky little horse; sultAblo any Hgj


business; kind and true; alao hameka, cheap. Ask for MR?. HARB'S horse. 1S4 Arllagton st-

NE'^'‘ABK Veterinary Hotplul, jem FO rori st.j

MAN. JR,. Prop. _____________ ,

SALB-^^Rubber-tirejl t>^5itVR BAJ fc' 'JVUUOPr-uresi niuinn^w*- n »c.double and single .harness., aa4 dlej. u l m goed ler. Inquire Slable, 129 Wasning-order,

tonHANIrfJfttIB bay gelding* *S.«; trotter; ahso*

Hitrty sound In every particular; mun be aaea lo be apprecJaiH. McCIjOUD^ Park HotW. Or­ange, ________________________ • . 'HARNBftH--Hlg lot o f new and aeemd-hand

doubts and single harnsss. cheap,AW'HKNBACH'S. 7? Market si.


F fv iTM ;i: fi-r, first 1

.■yi F*cbr WiVmi^nt anil

ST Mi4 • Three r i“ ni‘ I - Id. (7.

'RKi.'T O fi ?TW 41. Thr 'v fumlsbpd t‘> Iff8T , 421 Fur nisht*! r*Kini tu Is ,

WERT K ISN FY nisbed rnoma f-r

i r . Tht+«> nftftirvliicht tviisekeeplng'

drc!.> I s r i KM.

SKVKeRAli small lurnsr- f-ir nuIp easy lerina Innutrs SVIJRFR'S

niid un

V a lU b a r g k .NEW cip.lo-daU- cftiaxt-!.. ii.(. :i7 >axlii0 . “ I*

................ I’Hsy I'Hymenta111 re**mi'. J.'i.i.ftft' to Ji.l'in ldcatl»n. West f!ncl :icr. .inj KumHtl hL. Valla- burgh. KRNKSl N U'eVlI. 715 Urtia-I «t.

g T in it :? *TO H IKk,

O F F i r B I . LO FTS , FA C - H TABLESp E T t e, TU l.K T .

I DreStfi.vMLi:j h e a i f i l : ' , n ' . 'I iirhvemHfj-. - ;i

• ■‘ntriinv Im-aik-d ilr.*i n>x»r AhL r<jn)lahs«i an«l liKht*'!. nil im-

A|'|)ly iHl Jnrtit'?: 1 .

WAftHINCiTON -*‘T. :1>'I Two '■*mne*i»nK fur-nlsnert rramis f 'r lichi iKiuaeksepIng- _____

WArtHlNHTGN f T room; alsn hall

Ui> l.arge furrtj»bel ff-hi ■m. Impivvemt'ntf*.

uu> • \-:".Sll-: Itrnad at. stop>. .ui fi«tt fruni i»c iNfge phigle plule uliiliirti. ...ii ik’ttr ehlranre. ttAM l'IlL K I.'ilZ , j T(tN trv SI . or 2 d Slate *H.

FlmM M\1 I KIKHT FLA T : 7 Kit'‘ .V!S; ALL IMPlli'VLVtKNT.H, IN' llHU'K IK' 11.1 ilNG,l»7

MARK!:'*'. I-|-j:. s t u He j m u hsHING-

Jim- ro'^ma ight husliies*.

to h-t. .■f fi.r 1 1 St..

" ■ K l: I r ti; H. SKI ’ It' H iTV S S VJ N» iS BANK. 74- n H 'it lt nr., tt TO 12 M.

Maat K en Ark*L'OMFORt.MiU: l">Tiit*- f t sals In Kasi

ark with ImiToxenu dll'. uuih.hu urtuiRt' ti.. U|tH.ii,iislil

New -U'l :>•

V IK ll.i'lN *} i.«ri.' i- - 1 Iritiulr

rent tor fai'l.n j. I 27u A*-o«lemy

Ml u: I :•

l l lo o in t ir ld .in"'tVK For sal'-, h42 lllnomfleM n\s

pft-ld room houae' Improvement*, 274. HI <ift Fsrr’-nd st : cheap.

I Hl.fS.

E tU «ib f-«ta .

I • i iK 'll-n iNG , Aradeuii st. i.- 'w -t 1 -'I 1Liii<>4V stft.: a*n.'"ti<l suliat<li

[-1. iiees I’UtlH-afea; tllllftliei] l.i f )U ten ill Janlh'Ff rtxSin. IW Hal**-' si

n 1" nii-l II A M.. 8 aTVV_4 P. M. KKLI.I.X ll.l.i; ,\\K . W opposite KltWiiiilV-) 1

- re . I iishig rtHiina, BOfd Voi-alWy h'f i:‘'M ‘ilk'5 fl'* Ol lathe- li.li

FLAT 7-r..i• till*' Imll! eleclili ■j mantel', .

fCill I1 cub e. MYi;. i

N.t ;b*»l Hummer a v *., aep«- i.iliK'’, bniU, s|>eiiklliM liibe»,

--r. i-tt .. ■hniln-Wei.her. nMner j.r> h-t-.-r.ifrri: a iii'Mh t h*'ht'.

N<\rth ltn*t - t>tat«MOILHR i:h* TbiiK HVe.

VVT1.1JAM H'J'.. Ki” Furnliitied fruni puuiii for light h.-u5ek»yplHg • .

r t A N IH IIK tl KOOMH W A IT E D ,

II " M \'.\

i FLAT,. bqtll j‘ lili'Vi.1 un . k mltinif's t" 111 metb

nf-I Mnf- rd US

V*.. frti'n MAy i , n rn-'jna. [e. >M-ii.nrat‘‘ steam IfeaP'r;

at! ise-.vl> ih-<---Mli-,L l*» ! Miifke'l on tWl r.■ t Unea- X lo If RUKINSON, Ifld

■ti'iiiervsi( M7.V1 M(c>re cmlj, J12.&0

FLl/Am-iTII -rhuiue lute.near ataiUin. P J * \V.

Uc4 BrufUl <it . Flixalte-th

littiilern leIJ K V IS

tl! SI . 1 ;*I' tl:S r LI l l.l ilM i rui>M i.K ".u> S''

ia k t irb «B >NEW fn*>deTu hfiu.-o; large enree*' 1 1*.

nelghborlwiMl; '.-bi.-ifr i.- utilley a* il t t f t>nreain fur quick iun'I.iLser i',a:gai IIP. Belleville. N. J.


>U m'HlVKs'H a NI'.1. KKNT RFA?»>NAKi.E. 'N MAY I. .ri.‘ S<’UuFSlN'ilT-U. -

, m ;4'- HUOAl' ?T.

! FLAT SU merll*; n*--

' ramlly . n -.?t-'fiy si .

and l«ithrif] )»iinc*il.. 5ifrsAiHll

• Mill-retpiir'tt.‘ IfU .

FIAT*! 1 -- bi:io"i.iilvl

j.-'k-'il tcrani-

rn?t 5'1 find !it<* :e!it * 1 2 "I

^VINTlUb^ , No.

OUR auburSan wffli-e ope:- fmm 2 to h f

ta buy, sell, rent <»r

Ml Hmlth ■i;.. Vaitutur jti.M. ,n- I ult -iiiy Sun.J-i- ••

‘ t' lianx* “ fb-i- Le,u'ti •


Ut GR 14 aciys Inglr land. rt\er Irolley and Ncnark.Wt^t per a<r

pq Market at.


lin iun

; i'M l SU'.'U o< late John LyuatU, a ii; . i; -1 .: -enf »15. J. B. Ml s i;n XKi Ihi Jd sc . roctn 421.

‘ 1,.\T. M l : l*r rtcfiicnt

TrthfVKIN:’CORN hell

fuem.i\U!i !crgo pellar an«l r 1 '-r'

: l ib Oi.iiinc B^e. nnd Roi:-''


7T -Ijuxe alore, J. .t.

I 'L a T To ht, •■hpiirote fill'll e'

, w a g N f r . 27;;

e l 'L T nUnttift: 'hH Im- r. niK fth. V IS,

I - ' '__a ele . 1 -

I ' t!rti«l4* b).


HOL'HK. 7W lUgn -e-ltb L'» t-n.n e. o.rraitg*'!for three fufnlilea. goo-1 tonilltion: far ;'ule. rr

wIR exrbanie for amsll-r houae. 1 ', K. T’OilK- KIN?. riellevllie ave.

NEYIi' Slx*rO"m house, lot equ4t> ItSisIIn caih. ->r will eachanse i<>r }oi, himiie s)t

ua»it at Hawlltcme HeJgtui., Address U-ir- galn, Box 78. News uftlce.

l>l--SIKAi:i.L -1 lif t i \ .'ipi M I

A V4I . 7U4 Lr.-

room tn let. near r: *‘a. litquire tV, R. SMIPII

KL.ftT May t rent * 1 ,'*. F i­

ll*! High r i . . .1

B rnhina. third n«>or, ; l> to A. fhJNTOK.V.

F l’ RNlSHKD r"f't!i wiinled In iTlvaf- f,iriiK% tiv resperuble ncnnemafi; within 1 0 nYlTiiit*

of ventral drpul. >i , will pa> #5 ,i m- nthAddrest Oentral. lb-\ su. News nffli -

IjA 1 >T wishes fiunl-'h'-l r"i>Tn: ^hlnlTi nf Fui ion at., L-'x 1 *. N*‘ k\y ifni-f


AFl'OilliK^liATIOS f'?r fmir tm-i washing. 52H 't

BOARniNO. ttl5r- rooms. In i>TlvnT

forts. 4« Nea ft'-, •'

tiild.' iMiard.fmnlly, ati-l

ir Halsey.

an! i•llltr■1, In private 1 rentlemen. convi-ntmi M Rr.ft*-. Ill-

lion R -

• f-r Sm-




- A N D -


You pflETje ibe amount.You name the time.You name the paynfenlft.You. gel the money at rmt .You' are not Itxrtnvenlenced.You are Insured prlvacYe


AND MUTUAL DEALING. RualnesM hour*. 8 A. M. to tt P. H.

Saturdaya, R) P. U. Private rootna.for lad*®*- leoans made in suburban lowna.If vod have a l<a*H with anme oiher loan

company we will pay It off and advance you mors R>onev.PKOPIJI' 8 IjOAN a n d BROKERAnE OO.. PEOPLE’ S LO AN . AND BROKERAGE CO.,

Room 20. iVtephonp Building.100 Market, 2d flour.

Telephone Ni>. 7 8^1-

KARM WAOCJN with shaft and pole; ahKi rid­ing cukivator, cheap: fence wire. SCffL'LYZ,

Valley-SI., near MUlbum ave., MapteWetort.

PF:DDLEBH' wagon, top platf<»rm springs. Sin­ger make, In nne condition; sell reasouabls»

Address Wagon. Box ffl, News ofWce-

RUNABOUTB-Ptor sale, high and lo# rubber-tired runahouta, almost ftew. Al

Broome at. sawmill. _

!b i-ln*». Shorthand. Typewriting and Ten- iiianehip. Every graduate employed at a guo.lJkJlapv. The school roust be seen lu b* appre- Irited,Enter at any time.[»av and evening sestlons.

IF vnu are looking for a well-diaclpllned. select ...................pM.srho 'l of buslne4s. try the

NEW ftRK fli'HlNEeiH CnLLROB.\V U- W INNER, rnncipal.

(\ir Kroad and Market sis.. Newark. N. J. I'harges and terrhs are euSy tn meet—in- vr-Milaate Three departmenia: BFRLn r T r h o r t h a n d a n d t y p e .u niTING,. .EN.OU8 H.

Faiiiiogue 'la Interiaung; send for one, lipiter. rati. ____


NE14'ARK ACAPE.MY. a, A. FAttttANO. h e a d m a s t e r .

WIW*0N fA R fiA N D . AHHOt'lATK MASTER.THurbugh pheparillon for sny ooUege or galen*

ilflc school or for business Ilfs. Catalogue on spullcatlon.

DOARf>-l4nrv J HO New Torh a\

r-.h-'.x ronni, w-lil.

IKia RDERN—T w-' <^niUni*'n; Ivr.able rotmi. gnn'* “ > ''aKi nr,»

-- MR?. I.EKK 'H -Iterms 15.

mf. r: '•'mlK ,

CLINTON RT-. 4’ 4 tili-ly furnifthnlfront room, with k *'iI li*tard f««r iw

men; bath; .Imi r'iVf-ment'


K,S‘n itH lMiUrlu=4 , %' 72 ' 'I'muierce SI.. !■«in fTi'ir M.>s 1. 'H. Immediate If ile-

slreil, ■-••ir’U'ttnic f M-wt* mi limt floor; tw-i' flfKirk nirely llri<'d up, and iwo lofts abO\w,

d crtL;r. Inuunr .-n premlaeM.

j l-T.AT—l ‘p - i i r u a d sf.; fins reai*'ew' llsl part 'ir>t - M&j [■ ."J jargr roOmt; 725.

I OgRORN Key 3s l » l • * . *

t:i KUANT janitor

17 We*t Park st. Inquire

855,501} buys 1 hnuses. Belmont ave.. nr A\-ip ava.; tlO,000. 2 brivk Itousea, Suiuerftet st., nr

U tnAgouisry salt sviiataie or exchange all |>>r bnshteaa property nr. Bn»ad and Markrt. 'W houses nearby. Wallace Myers, Pfudentlal blug

F O A 8 A I.II O R fiX C lIA K iilC ^ O i'T UF TO W X e

A CHOICE Sivacre farm: '-*fted by di*cU-f, late­ly deceased; fln» nppnina, iither prup-.-rtiej, ;; (o

2 ii0 acres, bale or exrliaTige; catabqru' .J. L AiLA.N'g.

PUtaltiwn, N. J.

- RKNT- ;:tH S\ ASlIl.NUTON PT.,. ;i|i AND 4TII FLfM'm.H.



1M.1-IU7-11*U M \gHlN<m»N PT. ♦HENRY K. ii.^ lTIL 25 HAi’ kE ^T PT.

FI.AT. 5 t-a-n;: u, .No. 40 Ne-lr- ;> jfl

dentlBf Huihhnc

1 'l.A '^ ........ ...all Imp' i«n:pni«

\Y '

a\ e

7 r»oina a'fij'hath; h in l 2U4 Ultlelpn

FL.AT «J 7 i.-i.,SI., aas nml

dr*! fl.H>r 24H N'g'folli I’ lm* 242 Nv-tgolk at.

FL.AT t /•stms.

. I.-I V i r*nf * 1 1

ij ib :\ve.; « e 1 l lightedf=i-Tlln» »i.

f l a t tlllvl .1-H

210 \Ahit.i; r,.\

.11 r file iHMwnih'kec-

CO l'IlT rtT., P-T 'tenrgr .mo Sln• ll biiard^-aH lmf»F>irmft*ws.

COl.’RT ST.. 100 Uo;ir'lers WBnl*'(l. lrt:j,r.>ve menu; table Ijonr-I

c e n t r e ^T.. 710- K - rn- wtth board

KAgT PARK 8 T.. Li Uirgr r.H-im f..r iwo;newly papered and minted; all Impr-tein'-nts;

tenna modsrale.

EAST PAR K ST.. 40 Kurnlnhed rooRiii t.. r^nt. with or wUhrut t">Ard. all Itnpr-'Vinn-'nta.

KlftM PT.r IT-Wngli- r v..rn. wUh b-^r>i gmilAinan. eerroj* m--Kl Tate,

r a p t K INNEY «T . board*

IH -rieasant t-httis with

W iFR IKJLLAHfJ Ev-.^Meni rooms anil i.ihle;see them; one hlu.-K from !Jnr-.)in I'srk. 4 5

Tk-henor st, *v

THK N ,w »lli Beeninetv. MIm YVJlIlMr,'* lluardltw M d Dey^S^'w l (pr airH, « ! l Breed

el.: thorough meihoos: Hbrorj-, laborauiry,gymnatlrfm. prJgiary department, art elauea. leciure* 1B htelorr of art. voice culture: yrep-

” — .. (.ertlflcata adthirs tooration for all ©ollagcs; ........ - - .i .WrllMley, Mt. Holyoke and. CorneU LnlvetoUy

MISS TOW N8EK(f& Hoarding and Dsy Sthon fur Girls. M P tfk Pi-, Newark. N. J.; thor

I preparaUon for any college open to wnm* Acadmlc. Prlingw anji, Klu'ieTgsrieo I>- mehia New Art Department; clrvBlar on

oiigheo ; i-artrnenta applies lion.

im p o r t a n t f a c t s to r e a d a n dREMEMB^l^ WHEN NEEDING MONEY.THAT. You «»u borrow- any amount from ua,

from tIU 'lo V5 U6 ,'-the same day that you apply for It. ^ _

THAT. We Biftke ih- ee inans on househmd ruinlture«?plinoB4 horsea ^ad wagons, and other peraonal property, and that th"' mortgaged prop* ertv is always left In yuur pueftesalon.

THAT, You can pay ihe loan back, to suit vour OTO convenletics. from one month tn tweiee itmBtba. and In small payments or large payments. You only pay for the loon the actual time that vou have Ir. as a discount Is a llow s on the uncsplrod Hme if paid before due,

THAT. Even’ p*yir*-ni made goea toward pay- Ing off your loan, so wVn the time expires you are out of debt.

t h a t . I f yqu have « loan now, we will take H up for you ftho let you have more tnoBry, if desired. amJ give yuu a lunger time to pay us back.

THAT. Wa do the largeat huelnesa In the city, beciuSe our terms err the most llbergt. oUr olheea the largest md moftt private, and hating been In the huslncsii for the laat ten jrsara In Newatii- oufT cifsrotr'ra are assured fair and hopfst dealings, anil ■ uuri.eoua treatment.

t h a t . Alt our irin^actToni are strictly too- ndeDiisI,

THERE are thrmasnils of people who have never appllj^ for loans* because they do nol know of A ffllable olacp td’ to. You will maki no mistake when vou <1ftal with ua. Please caV or wrlfe and let us exidplTi our plan of l«<n1hg.


. * . l iS u d i n Uerkei ei.YN'cKid BuLldln*. neer Heliey et.

W AG D NS-rec teconil-lwnrt top I ™ , , * w **- one: one plaiform eipreae wagon. Iq Oliver

Bt, w . B. TDOKER. __________ ___________

HORBKS—20 goo<l w-ork home* tST sate suitable for conUaclore. farmer*, etc, ...iw

Frellnghuyeen ave.____________ ____________

WAQON&-TWO top platform baker or butcher; sell cheap,

ange ave. _____ '

suit liouib Or-

KORKEB- 8 good work horaea for sa lt} flO up; ■ome bargaTpe; aleo top wagctfi. BTa Jiklssy st.


I'HBAP-YVKBne aod reerl**** ; ell-------'T im jN .ALBERT T IP U N . 185 Centml avo^___

HORSE—Work horse fem sAle cheap; gtiillibi# forfArmlng. 965 South Orange ava. ;

HORSES—Work, buelneea and driving .hortM for sale cheap, m rentrtl ire^

MARE—For sale, good rtiad mare. A.LRURT CROOT. Ball al-. Irvington. 4 ■

HORSE for sale; sound and kind; welfiiu 1,200. ('Dal yard, 41 HAWkln® st,____ , _

STAGES to hire for May GEIOER. 8f15 W'arren st.

rides. JGSN &

FOR SALE—Drivers, builnesg and work #ort*A cheap. 8 Court st. t

n i'GOY—Fine buggy for sale efteap at J5 YaP . ley at.. Orange. ; .

ICE W a g o n body forWarreh sL*

ale cheep. Apply S *

tJE Bl Yfl horee, h inifa* end b>nx- vMI, eve.

$ n B c"-

BAHHY * BBO,, M Srldfe n .; 90 w»r)i »urM* to blr«. .


---------- e b t a b l is h m o iw eST. NHAft RROAl). M'fNKY ON......... JN a l l KINDS OF HOUBEHOLDF fr iN lT FR E wT T R O IT R E M O V iu --------


QUICK.I (LS’ FU JIC^IAL a n d R E A ^ N A B L &

" ^ DIAMONDB^^ATCHE#, -AT S p e r CteNT. ftER MONTH.

M w afe.INSTRI^CTION on violin, banjo, guitar iifnl

mandoUtit I pMOrtii to «acb pupil a *ery gr«j.l Instrument atwolutfly frea o f charge. HFHRKND, 71 Market st.

ft. F.

V IOLIN Irs^nt at, ga.tir boros; gay or even- Ihgl prterraodW*te- Vtolln. Box 4«. News

ufltn, ‘ _______________

PIANO TBACHKlL ITS Sprues at. r lerme veryreasonable; uae of piano allowed to beginn^n

in'SNt <Ia B PB RR fN E—Violta. Plann, ihoro ly uught. reaaoo*>^» tormo. *58 Qrcfcard


[l^^oa&ed on ousebold^furnlture. pianos, te and perwmit {rropetiT without relaov*

__jilea iaworably dealt wltb; can make re* t'eynieniitbr inotakagntat pualnwp cqnOdSDilal. H. M AR^XB. 7 Green at., near Briwd.

NONE urgeite ,

ai; oaHlea

MONEYrlJpANED SATMIHED PEOPLE hold*'Ing.plTOuent itoMthiiu'with TOsponaible oua*

hair o4in naiMa - wittieu* ascuritr*cefTts pbon tholr o4rn names/without atcuritj*eeiY Phtwwte. TODMAlt. jW WMSInatOh

H oraea , C » W M M W f t -HORSE—At nm, etTlWl horee OWl

Artrtreee, jlv ln , ln o « t price enfl partlcuiin. Hurw. .B«i* C. Kewi oint*, Or»B«e: _

HOR0B.-m!’ll»> road Itofae wealed that l*dj can (trivet, ele '* pritte. Addreed Here,.

84. .\ewn office.ICB wagon wanted; carry B.onO to 4 ,tti0 ^uhU*

41 Hqwklns si. ■ ^

o R B i ik iA i c iV a A x t t S t L iJ in e a v .

TATDOR'B DreeeCtlUIn, end H ilU M W l;**?^ '" Tenih r*»r- On* » f the e »e t saeeWthU

neee echlHl* In thf 8 U t*; you . * « tencht (li«.n lee« dreeetnIkiBt, IfcW ranntJKeed. : i^ h , . ,U U e e w ,j ,^ « .r yIndividually: d i^roak ing and .....----- -rd«r; open day an*ees«ing-; clrcuiaira on a i^ : ^ tlon. Mery E- l^och. 5T8 Broad.eggwDMNTblATA

MeBOWELL DroosouHtng :

JU C M tttIfSnT FOm lA ld S .

B IW O R NUTlNt/teactier o f violin and piano; H for % hoar leoaow. B tu ^ , 148 4iH sve.

«A B E^QINKS f^r talc. Thag Af« ^^blllcisckl. woonoAkiiV ond> labsr-oav- ing. Xn coal. aeb«. en g ln ^ . danger.

Sold o « togtilmsfijB |f_d««lr*d. It iwt Med power, write COMPANY,


PI AND, orgaft. hargwmy, 8<kJ. Address Muei- clan, Box 8. Neww ofitce.

ENGXK&B. bolteTS.- pugrps and iMtal workingbachliMT.: aecoad-hsMl and es*Bod« bsHa. all------- --------- ------------

beat aystem^lTi exisCsiiM: , own drtWp '#hlla. Ilaralag.. ^

• Mper jpAUOrna wwS^I to f ik C. LYNCH, itb


NEW sCTles of mnilDery 01 MIBB BAC-- Porters. 49 NoB tt.; ratrkamlar.g ig igU R f-

TAN BANT Drsfeecuttinf Bcbooti day ai hig laaeona. BOB PkiM st., nogr N*v-

ggd oedi'

StMs.» CHAB^ COUSE uld burytitg gPOWl

FOLK coimecilng ri»cwti», euliable for. lawyer or busir.cM ''itlcre. nedret-r. Merkel and BcwtaJ

•ts.: rent intylerale Inquire FHED'K T. l-'K.VRF.Y. IkW l.;i-wvera* BulMir.g.

I FLAT- Thiw.j rt-ui nn ti: I

HMH ST 7*12. U r

fl»i. J ll 1i«Us>41 ATS.; rURNJSHKli rnnmn. * 1 1 '-nnvenlw’ep iifak- I faat If deftlre*!. bi Reach, nerfr tin h;ir1

FOR BALE OR ENrUANGE-hFIne realdmce In O. Fur particulara addre*<i Owner.

1B2 Fifth ave.. Newark. ,

FUR UKNT-Strre -<n RnfvsUle a\e.. near in- ange *(. r"'-»l b'-aibut f ir burtnee*. .ipp'-.'

In JnllX D. TtiFVIS. 4M Orange el.

• it itnui. LVVttNlfiHKD fr..ni rnnm. enrvt twerd, prliat,.ti r-um,. I • ^ i r t « n ^ . v , , . j ^ n .T i« . i._____U r , . c , ell Impt.-------- AVE.. s / a r,w


in iS'iKnii i>i N* L'Hiiu n «\-in i*4iuth *1 . LI n >»m*, all iniT*tft

Sl.ll . st rre-tm*, uH Imillft...^.-tmiih -'.t-Tn . .

f.iH ISl S«’HI.KBI»HIBR.740-74« Resad st

NX] ,72IJ , 4M0


ljafu> vltr Slid. l!* ’HL'*Sr*TE1N.NICH0L£‘B Homestead. Washington and 7\'I11- <

lam. nine rcsoms and *arge attK-, lot TWhill'*. i D. NK-'HOLB, 62 Ahenudn ave.; irkpbone I tent, .ft, I d»t.-roa,,.Th>rtl gnd foureh floira buHdIns,

' -■— ---- --- — ■b'xno ft.

<5 0 <il> lixhl r'K-nii! t-- 1***, -nlfh i-*'Wct , n'>rth»*«er — i-tirner-»f Hamilt'-n er. ;i-.-l I' II. In- I III'H I i L\.* ?: fl.Oft, aeven large. Iight fooms

quire iif eupltifer. nn*1 heth. in '‘ li’ g.nnt new three-faroily brick— .... ; “ , ; bull-llMtj i-rlh.ii« »'%Ur, nepfirate niespi heat;

UltoF.M* fl-'nr with | ^ • ' w • e ^ . Ll^erly ani nhud.-#. --rv.-n-. hati . irTwt furolfhed.- 4l4 eSm-

g r a n t b t ., 3| l’ le*nani rtK»ms. with np wilh- wut bosr«t; all 1nH'i- -veni*m*; teems ithvteiwte-

n*ar Larkawanmi l*etail.

H ILL BT.. 17-Deslrdble 'onm>. with ivArd.


L E T ^ L T *F O R B A L K O R TO T O W S .

t S K iT ^ T ^ O M S - - r ^ ^ •«! house, jpuble snd hM^nery; B acres In Iswn and vegeteblr

garden; fmtt; IS.(R0, or ro^nibly rettt.

^7^ I ‘‘'titz .3SBT«ei. SiI light mannte'jlut-ins

ply I., MAKlT:4 Rroail »t.

2w>-h. siilTsblr fnr

immeillate p<>Mewiii|i. Ap- 'VH.ftflD. rK»m 24, N‘i >lu

iiAYi-;!!,jST. 4nImwjiw^ipnie.

l-n*tK. 4 njcs light rooms;-! ii-lutu 'inly, if& i I!)*

SI.\KKKT ST. quire ■i.'S l-Y-mj

:1T* - Fist in |»l ‘ 5 rooms, jln-

m ’ LHERRT t»T ITcs near Kltn-Very nreny sev-and-floot also snuilwr nice

roosn; good table Uvarrf. Impfovcrocnt*


t-mVAtTB I^ M O IU «r erenlu,: c i tn

efp U. « .gu od f<w g**y dooik* elf.SSSn S d »P fir ? THEJ S S n geWOOL d r^Pgtt»B » * Centeal m .

PATTERNS and tetters. Gothic, Rotwsn and bfM6- VALEW TINga. IB AUing sL

BOILBR-For sale, ofie bolter, BB-hbrsr ftower, m good condition. 258 Norfolk at.

BAD LB. lewelltFs drop hammer. Hagimeyf Boi^Pf. Newt offiee*


P R O rdoAceo.* L 'I « y

B R M iT . Brtmte m o ttt l »or erenling. at ddt Btwsd4tt.


walTr and tw o-oW privauhttnns R wUh moiiei£ l S ? c l S T k ti«d *y streBliW %lOtmum Hall.4M Broad Okt h W > .

MFLIHCRRY FT 2Ul'*Roar<lers wsntM i*hte board, a 50 per week. - ^ .

Lni-TS. with im-wer and steam htat. renctst, WASHINGTON M’ lLBON.

48 Law-I x«>irrn SE\ KN Tit ST . » - « t r i s > ke«tetl Bat. I ftv* r.-.me an-l i*slh; ImprcaeotentA

M IXPERR Y 8T.. Mb -Turn I She'S ronme to i « , with or wtth-'st ImartL ' '

T ou if

or » prtftcipul-

RT., B4--T*W* bemrder. e .puclaltT' . ih mclli.. will! twerij. i.Miwa

:B IIH *D T. is WHiftt

l la c h ls ia rF iT B ftfk d .SNOINB—IVhorse waatedl: mutt be

pnire. . . . —In good order- siAte pri Box St. Newt office.

Address RnflM.

N l^ W ’anied. BO^horM goa or gasoline en- .,,Tha Hudson Rolling H ill Co., Bloom-

DR, OAK DRK. slsetrlo pkyolekn rtMuRottam. Iwnora. eanoafp

'doyo, ‘eoiarrti, Moot dwoosea:

K. J,


THI( wodeeptam^ VUJ aell at. gubOfi a M a a ^ A rtU bottsekuld goods, boloog-

I SI her ehamsefor o

imiarlag Onllaga. H CMwtes at.

sMtape and stbrr ehargsa/orAoolftHi and Btsr*g«^Cih»

to^ OM year. U8 Mol-

A e w d m l * • » < C « U * « * * » *c e i o i t o B V K m a :

D A W rjjte ‘ J J I? 7 5 l£ !7 ^ ^ i ’ u ttoeSJertSiii]luelwto.0 wufttak*.U^

I S r S S S S S S S

_ J «K i iO N a ; beet vrortt';.IBS VOORHCBg. W ■«. . ^

M S IH C A l . '

RHai/lfATIBl* CONQUBKBD.l Birfcen't Anodyne, the idost ■ _ ^

IniterluMk n m t o f t o n a O M oMlMi df M

lOriJter; U rtroovos alt .m ; It has nevar beanfiMuttatism ky tka axpoMIde______tbs bkxNL the ODiy asans wM8kbe e lf* c te d :^ c e Tbe. per a Balthe M r - - -

Untoe ays., Irrintisdk

hr a

aLEGTRlCUe T1I>ATMI!MT ( « f*«H M 1

DB. B O U tn -B I P Ia n rd and pestttre- cuke for i__tkritlea.


# * e e e e n . «

iM B B O A D *i^ "*

WH. H. CAHFIBLD, JIL-.] tnftm eHei ptoewed 1 * i

terelfta e m m e * . I b ^ ___ T*ee' Belldteft, W Mertee d .,

PATKNTS-Dnik* ft Co.. ■**> » « anft Harket « » . i

« 1 U he « tm « -aottoe- H. r . a M i r J. '


"•A« on>r«M>*tu.





aUT « .. and, orwm •Ithar

TCB8 .>tir^

t Tht npl9t« ♦Titfr, ifonf;, rr»ri, bouta.

Ball. IRKS. Ih *U.



3.■ ST.

ly v If:>FSEflWITHNOT?


tceabls . « room ai four t Fr«d-

? trap, in gri«>4 aaning-

*: ahBfu bi aara

twi. Dr.


« l at.

fid-U ’.UfZ. kmI.


■ w i f-OVlv*f

ch fP :ic. . Iw

i; ault uth Or-

flO up; Maay at.

C«Bi all . «v «.

p .horiM



I jft rai-, :h .kppljt S5l

S sR o fi-

rjs B<ina«'» '

:h»(.raa. 1 ^

0 ^undl.

in ( rr>*rw. _


Dm IT OCCUR TO YOU, AM AD, MIGHT DO IT ?A B ffio ****^ * A | g f » U t o » A a v e r t u m *

a t o r a « r a t e * . H o . t o f th vac p in co a o r o o p o n o rrn t iiK a .

N E W Y O R K — ^ _EvenlnB N r »B Uranrh O ffltf. Rnom F,

thlrtacntU floor St. I’ aul Building, B road iaav am i Ann fireets, R? F. R. Hunlninati', spoOlal rcpreBenlallvt.

SPE C IAL. W E S T E R N A G E N T - C, J. B llloon. S lock Ekcjmni

HARRIAGGa.El’ LICK-OOr)L.ET-On Wadnnday. April IT.

hy Rfv, Henry Merle Mellen. 8 . “ "1 ? " lick and May tleH Qodley, both nf taaton,

I Pa-

Build-Ing, tH lft i

■XjfoTrtteK, M .e.^L.AND '- ,Iksula M. P o f fe f . Eflinghain,'HoUM, l-

A rundel st.. Strand, W . C.O B A N O E — _

E ven ing Newn Branch Office, O ranga N n llo n a l'lia n h Building, M ain atreet. Telephone ,7S.

K K W A H K -Holahauer S D rug Store, corner Broad

and M a r l ^ streeta.G oodaeH -* Co., 127 KrootH alreet.J. O. B lum er, 213 Ferry aireet.

• C. B- Duncan, 136 Elm atreet.F. B relthu i. !H Bollevllle avenue.M yron W . Mnrae, 13*1 Third aveuua.Paul E, Schneider, 118 llloom held ave.

nue, corner Garstde atreel.O. J. Laehe, W ashington and Chester

avenues.Joseph E ttenberger, Jr., 300 Central

avenue.D. S. Beldon, W est End Pharm acy,

Seventh street and South Orange avenue.

John B. Foster, Hosevllle and Seventh avenue*, opposite depot. Telephone 20M.

R. M. Latrd , druggist, Clinton avenue and M onm outh street.

Oeo, W . K in g (coal office), IM H alsey street.

Oeo. L ln p e tt * Bro.. pharmacists, L in ­coln P a rk and Clinton avenues, and Sherm an and Frellnghuysan avenues.

B a s t o r a n g e -E. A. W allace . 549 Main atreet, and

B rick Church Station. Tel. 30-1.W . H . P lum ley, East Orange Station H. N . W M m an. newsdealer. 106 Main

street.SO UTH O R A N G E -

P. obert L es lie , South Orange avenue. O R A N G E V A L I . E Y -

J. J. Spellm an. H ighland avenue Sta­tion.

IR V IN O T O N -P. A . W are. Boom 2. W h ittaker B u ild­

ing. Postofflce Block.M IL l .B U B N -

J. H. Gunn, office Postofflce Building. H IL T O N -

P, A . W are , Boyden avenue. M O N T C I.A IR —

D avid Loeaer,- pharmacy, tw o atorea, cor. Spring atreet and B loom field avenue, and 471 Bloomfield avenue. Te l. 12. N . Y . and N. J.. and » , N e w - ark T e l. Co.

U P P E R M O N T C L A IR -H en ry D lerck , newsdealer.

H A R R IS O N - „ ,P. J. Goodm an, t i l Harrison avenue.

K E A R N Y -John Hood, Johnson avenue, opposite

H igh land avenue. .Frank H. Pa lardy, dn lgg lst. com er

G ran t and Centra l avenues. B L O O M F IE L D —

Garlock A Co., 27* G lenwood avenue. BL-M M IT— , ,

Benjam in P . Holm es, stationer. Main street. . „

A lfred J. Lane, office Summit Record. A R L IN G T O N -

Am al Jerolam on. news stand opposite G reenwood Lake Depot.

W A T S E 8 S IN O -CharlcB B rad ley, newsdealer,

M A D IS O N — ^ ■L ew is A. W aters, newsdealer. D.. U

and W . H. H. Station. M O R R IS T O W N - „ .

W . K . Muchmore, newsdealer, M cAlpIn Block.

B A S K IN G R ID G E - Charles Shafer.

E L IZ A B E T H —F. E. Norrte. stationer, 90 Broad street.

R A H W A Y -H. L . M oore. 31 Cherry street.

C A L D W E L L —S. B o tterill. Bloomfield avenue.

N U T L E T —H enrv T . Ir flferts , druggist. Passalo

avenue, near Chestnut street.R E D B A N K —

John T . T e t le y A Son. newsdealers, op­posite post office.

M A T j t W A N -RB ben F. Fountain.

P L A IN F I E L D -YlMlIlam B ’. St. John.

H E t.P YA 'AYTR n—M ALE S .

D E A T H S .BE im iN tJE lt-A l her late residence. *3 N1*I

era eireel. on April lb. Katharine Behrlnfer,-. aged 72 yeara.Notice of funeral Itarealttu.

CARtJN-On April M. M l t W f l -widow of Jamea t’orthe—■ ■ - a | lr .^ i ■

JSelgtlvra and frlenda ara klndlr • '• 't 'b , Attend the tunaral from her tala reahlea^

So, 1 6 U Paclllc alreet, on Baturdaif. I he amn Inat.. at 9 A. M., to HI. J * " " * ,* where a Solemn High Maea of win be nffered tor the repose of her . Interment In the Cemetery o f the Holy Sepulchre,

COOPER-On April IT. 1901. O ee r « rnopor, u nicmhs, only cblW «

F)r>rm(-r M f’ ljopfr. . a « ir „runfral Mrv|c»i win i/r held Friday •venim

Rt 8 o'clock from hit p *ren «.Linden avenue, In'lnjlon. in***^^” ]!**?, I'lirjton (?emeterj- at contenience o f lamuy.

CORT-On April U. 1901. CharlM Cort. In 7Dih year of hli ate, , . . .

Funeral aerwlcea win be held from nil iai » residence, 14U (Jamden •treei. the 2 l it InsL, at 2:30 P. U. RHatWea a*Jd friends and members of Alpha 2fK>, Knlghla of Honor, are vUed. Interment at Falrmouni ' emetery.

CUTLKR-J. E. CuHer. Tburaday no<»'*83d year. , *»

Ftineril aervlce? Batwrday wi!.g, o'clock, at hia late reslidenca. No. 24 Steuben

■treei. Eait Oran*e, X. J. Internieni pn- '.ate. at Dover, X. J.

DEVINF-On Apnll 17, Arthur, huaband of Augusta Devine. . .

Relatives and frlenda, alic Tnetnbera or ^ y* ley Council So. 20, C. B. U . *r « kindly in­vited to attend the funeral from hwrMildence. So. Park place, on ^ tu raasApril 2(1, at 9;30 A. M.. to the eathMra .where * Solemn High Mael ofbe offered for tht repose of *i»« ^ “ > * 5terment in the Cemetery ol lb*chrt.

FLAH ERTV-O n the 19lh Inat..loved huaband of Mary A. FUhWY- ,.._u

Relatlvea and frlenda art Invited to attend ihe^uneral from hla late Johnson avenue, Rearnye 0 0 Monday, ^.ia inat., 1 1 7:13 A. M . to 9t. whrre a Low Mar* of Requiem will fered for the repoaa of hi*In the I'emetery of the Holy flepulcnre.

Philadelphia papers please copy.DASBERT-On April 10. 1001. Eliaabeth. be­

loved wife of OUo Goaaert. H her iai« reei- dence, Q6 Colden street.

Notice of funeral hereafter.JA(TKSON-On Thuraday, April W.,

a lingering lllnesa. Oeorga A. Jackaon nr- loved hueband nf Nancy M. Jackaon, agei 63 years ti month*. „ .„< • n*

Funeral will take place on Sunday. April i\. from the l«ie residence * 1 2 Washinamn street, at 1:S0 P. M,. thenes to the H»ne Street Prenhyterlan Church. ffL'*friends are kindly Invited to attend. Inter­ment In Falrmount Cemetery.

KEER-On April Ig, Nlel*. beloved huabsnd of Anna Augusta Keer tnee Laueten).

Relatives and frlenda and membera of Datiian Brorherhond sre Invited to a tt^ d the funeral fmm hlfl lair residence. 2 IW* EJjn street, no Sunday, the ils i insL, at 2 H. M. Interment In Falrmnuni remetery.

K E L L T -A t ornnge. N. J,. on Thursday. April 1«. IWI. Jdhn From-ls, the beloved hURband of Annie Kell\. spd aon of John R. arpl the late Isabella Kelly. .

Relatives «tid frlrmla are reapectfnlly InvUel to aiienil ihr funeral from the fnniily res - (lence. No, !Ci t'ary ■treat. Orange, no sun day. the Slat Insl.. at I o'clw-H P- M., thence to St. John's Church, wh're aervlces will he held. Intennent In fli. John'* Cemetery.

RICH-On I he ikib Inst.. Oeorge. belV>ve.l hui- band of Theresa Rich, aged 6 ii yean*.

Funeral semcea will be held at his late resi­dence, 44 liefiring avenue. East Newark, on Sunday. April i'l. at 2 P, U. Relatives and- ' ' iina'M g>f Pnmerov H........ ,

: \V'«Od,

N O T H 'E ^ A d v v r t la o m e iita to b « e la n - ■ in ^d ahon ld be re c e tT e d b « f a r « IlltSO o*r|pcl(a

T y a h a le n t a d v r r t ia ln s la *1 i« N E W S m nat be p rep a id . 5fu a rcoaa -ta w i l l be o p en ed forgSaeb.

b‘n a d v e r t la e n c n te w i l l b e r e e c lv c d th e tc le p h o n r rxc>w, : -th b r lg e d ncen te*

H ^new ees (o adeeriJaeuseD lh k e p t fo r tw o w e rk a and th e n d a * a fro y e d * I f an ^ o th e r d la p d i l t io n U d e o lre d th e o fflee ahoo ld b e n o t if la d *

H S L P W A K T lS n ^ M A L R ft.

TAllvOR—Ladlea' tailor wanted. SM Washing. Ion st. 4




I ’BB Fl'L man; Muntn' pl*'-'. go O der sU


A8 a sole biminess, or In conlunctlon with your rMular emplfynieht, you can engag# In a

pTofltaMe and pleaiani ilnr of woiAt.; repreeent- v->-,wJPKbf (he strongest', 'hmi kn^wn coneeetw 1* (he city:'no eiperlence requ red. Kor part.ic- ulsrs wm* X., nm 2 7 . N'en* olTlce.

.^GENTH—Flv^ flret-clars riiisrlsnced agent* wanted, Pfsi of referen.-F required; steady

work; Aimmieilfin. I’al! at | 2 2 Waahlngt'^ti avf.. liellrvllle, N. J.

AtSEXTR |.j soil our sll-wocl pants lo order.12.30; suits. |1 0 ; Hbsrtl ci^mmlsslon. Ne^f

7'ork Tailoring Co,. 2fi.S Market st.

W’ ANTED—For I ’nlted States army. _- led, unmarried

_____ B. cltlasns the I nlied State*, of g ^ T ^Character and temiwrate habUa.-irt'- ‘ WDAt'HMASretd and write Eiiflleh: recruits sjteeially a^-TT man eirw! <be em tne*r*. ewmlrr and InrAntay. rftT Information apply to Recruiting Offlee, 275 Mar­ket at., Newark, N. J.WOODWORKERS -Two gf>od smart liody mak-

era wanted; go -Ht jobs 1 0 suitable parlies, o . F. BRANDEaSBIRGH c o m p a n y . 9 11 Crawford *t.

w^tlleTT^maramad * — '■

BOV wishes to learn a irtdt of any kind, dress m SprlngfleM avr.

W A\TKD-.->l .ALEflv


(X^ACHMAN: msrrlrd: volured, ih.'roughly un-, deratands hla dudes: g.Hvt) careful driver;

personal reference*. New I', rk i'lty coun­try. Apply PORt''KY, I'linrltun st.. Neb'- ark. , ___COACHMAN-'Sltuatlon wsmed as coachman;

A l reterencf. AildreAs ( ‘tiHCbmati, D. A- HEAIJ.^. Llewellyn I'atk. t^Tsuce.

. gnod* 8 6 Main et.. Orungr

• Bwefl*

■>1 by. rolnred tnan ‘iVbji Nee. Jersey

COACMMAN-Poaltlon wnw.as coachman, refcmi.*-.-

Rallroad ave. _CHX>K» egpeHenced. R 1 I TcfFTi-nues. tleelrcs po-

aitlob. a. N., Ib»s n -m? -itb e.

baker wan.'-0< !vUii.*tkn. CONRAD. 1H2 First n .

oung msn twhliei -v. vaj--.niuet be e*p*rlenced, T w » « _______________ ____ ________Hotel, ' ' a ^ r l y __________ _________1 Wanlc.i Ainiiil-n ns engineer by

YOl'NO man wanted lo run cable elevalor. | dral-clasa^ man. ieTU|*er,ue miU siiNi.ly. iiesi of Apt'b" rtn>m 302. MetropniUan glid ing .

Washington and Market sta., P. M.

Friday after d■•mi'b'

AN Intellleert man wsriM ‘ i give credit and write letiers; only tl-.f?e cTpcrlenceJ neeff

apply Irv'tfthuenl. Ilui 67. Newt ofhce.

AN' ei|i?jtpneed ninn -.n ,v variety mouldci*' EDWARD y. rivO' ID & 'X) . 24 Essex at.

A PEARL butlna turner nn<l hnrer wanted. B- H rE IINKK S: Sf-NS. ITu Furry II.

yourg man aa assiat-.■.d-l'le: liv* with em- .'all t4’ -day. ft to Ilf' MuU'*erry.

BARTENDER WAnifil ant baneniler, nv*r W

r loyer; H3 month. 1lOFlNS'H butcher KbiH<.

nautei}. .^ilibess fSaf. Box 7Br

AN Amerlosn woman, not mo young, wanted In aubscriptlon ile|iarlmcni nf publishing houae;

adapted U' Iniervlea' customers; refereiicci. Address rJLMfjRK. Box r<4. News oflloe, ___

ACTIVE w(-niari enn moke Mk» mnmh and ex ­penses; jiertiiNneul iKtsllloti; exj^rDnee

necessary. i 'La RK & CU, tit., I'hlladKli'TilB.i a l t e h a t h in i u m i h o n TAiu 'm -M .AiiB I SUITS, .M-1T.T AT n.NCE. IV. V. 8NVI>LH j t cn.. lillOAIl ANL' I'EHAB STS ____________

I .A(lENTB-^ll^T^flll „ l l ln t ..ur npw foAt »*Uctv. j Phoenix Compiiiiy, 2* Mechanic 1 1 .______

[outh Fourth

I fk year*' referetn e from l.t-- H., Box Tib News (idl'e

I EXPKRIKNCED butvlit-r in jI wanla aUuatlon; b'<i otrii.i I reference from Inst eun'- vur.\ Kearny.

I GERMAN, handy, sirh iiv i-m;' ; erencci, wishes ti'sHh ti I N«wa offle*. _______

I a n u i’KBY clerk. Al u'.* 1 .I- - 1 i aide; reference. Ad'bc • ’ - in office.


t'GiMKiia maker • f w..tU, f«a>d iiiu ‘ tram ave,.

11(1 ref- i x 67,



A L L kind* Of trees, plant*.vines, etc-' c$ti nil any order, large or small;

send Hat of w'ants, snd 1 will quix* yoli price*: all Itn*lhgtnn cart ston at nursery. c llA ii MoMM.Nursery. A'all at. and SprlngfleM aw.,Irvington.N J.

A-—Newark r«>uHry Supply Co.; use KUlelliy Chick Fooil, best U*-(l»y ftkotl for young chb'ke.

lOc. and 2tV«'. per tmx. Ijaml»erra >>eAili to l-b v I'owiier and CJInlmeJii. fur chick", lik'. 1 0 ‘A'lc, iver box. N. P. H. Scrateh 'anA-4a»ni1ry 1 -Voil, i j k i ^ r Bki lb*.. JelD

f ' .4 IH IM bAR aavetl 1* a dollar eametl i buy . bra. kiU". globes,J In the cheape*l place |n the clt>. N

Oa* Fixture Co.. »4 Belmont -Springflelil ave.


Ilou n e h tilfl O nnda nnd Fu rn ltu rw .lirM 'SKIloLD furniture prlvnrr family; good

baTgaln*. 30| Bergen st., city,

1 N\’ jj^HusisblD niillng chslr cheap, Xri« quire J!7 Jelllff ave.

I.AlUiK Hntiuue iit>*s" .Antique,

biclHinid (oaki cheap, Ib'X 6 il. News iidlre.

NlvVi' IhbMK mHchliie, in K”"d i'rf1eT:'«ll at^ HI Smith Drsorjpe erawatrh -anA-iamilry T in'ki. t-^Liiwiits Ik l.,.\KK I

. — r - i «x s 'iK -7 ,ir !S rn iw T . 1 2•VH-li ■

pni ey-iTSTlng» v llj,

A COMPLETE aMcrlmenl of fruit. . orhamenial tree*, vine* and sbrnbbery; privet \

:e«lriua a specially. Newark Nurs'iry. i llnton. 1 and Madison avea.; othce.iDS Bergen at.Ji*‘ir


SEWING MAi'HlNKS, new and aeo ilrop'heRi! WlteeDf ^ \Vll«

Slngera nml other makea; old taken In part paymenii

rliliie#. L'l; SI weekly; big dls- Ciiunt fuT cash; Iteforc buying elsewhere, call i.r H»‘n'l me a try <mc free'leMuns given;

ave.. near 1 oml-hand; iI Slngcrj

.. M lllill-hltM-Il 1(1Shade and aniw-l tmi. liii

.SIHEA^Jlis lU lwy

A LARtiK tliighiMtFe for sale, tu giKi.1 ocndill-'n; ; T|iE rtillic cctitcnis of k large hou*e; Haven sulfhl'le f.u- 11 til, Dernafil i-r uihcr largM t-l 'p. upn^bi araml pUim. WherDr A VS'ilaon mwa

Applv heft ire-.\f*rll 'JH 14T TurreH H\r.. SoiUli j ing maebUu’ , mnple ciitfrm'nlerai, black wslnul Orange . hn-.ki'aee. brit* betls. leather cnucb. mantel— ------ ] nilrriTR tine rana*'. other gooils, at g

escr'ficr bti Marifet j»t. next to Kleenkloea Bldg.

ige, to tike d yard; ref-

?K», New*

BARTENDER New* office,

ROY wanted, about yeant of care of hnrae and elenn un arotin<

erence required. Aiblremr V-. box ofllce.

BOT—A Cffliiped be. about 1 6 yea''* of eg*- drug store. A()«lrfsi I'rngs. Itnx IHl, New*

office. _____ _

n '1 T-*-Htrong, bright h^y to learn borkhlndlliff- JOHN Si.’ H1-LU;Jt. bwkblnder. Urood

HOY wanteil for 'Ifna hi nr#; com* well twcom- mettded. Ad-lre«« lirtig*, Ibii &6. News office^

BOY, thorciiBbh experienced, In sign shop fonly). BENATAjt, THTi broad si. _____

ACir.NTS Womnn ageni* wanted, mortihig at 4 l Llncnlh at- ___

Call In lha — -

MACHlNTt^T-Vfiunp wanls atradv ixeliu-

lection going mil of Box 21. New* offlee.

MAN. Single, sU'UtIv I tlon n* Janitor * . New'a offleo.

A SALEH WOM.kN wanted at Bee Hh«. Montclair, N. J.

A GOiB) waisi hand at once, ange.

the Honlchlr

187 Day *1-. Or

I TINSMITH-A ro.mI -bi \ roofer and Jobtnr. »v.4|


‘ Y o rN Q man wnni* wm 1 Mixnda care of ibe ie.i. Ti|!,^ewa office.

iRiiiitlnn in- U.\ N't. N’ l'W*

ii'i'un'l Ivind, Fi^a ly, no iib-

M 'lirrale,

ssUlieK posl-E . box W.

< titetal worker. -|i i-Nl". Aildresn

■ ub‘l*r Willing, Rvx

A. A. 27 \aneiles of selected seed pnmiGc«.si'eolftl low trices ft r large nnsnilUe*. VIN

CENT'S Miirkci. 21M1 Main st , ttrange,

A r*ni'’ val sale; ten thiiUsjihil tilei’es of music, one niHl Mm’ cchIh ench. lbM'ilU ’l’i*N'H

music store, |ii i>dar st

A LL W noL aklrta, i.icketi and waists at ST . i new spring uverci-ats for Ik<vs. lady going

giiulh- 47 iirattge it.

J^xve lrF * E tc.i I ' ( . \ M t » N I * l i n e . i H > r f e i t a n d o f f i r ^ l w a t e r .

A-“*fllgns. sh" MKi llLINi.i,

*■ cm'Is. nffiC' n 't .Mmki't st

,mr lettering. Iiftuiberger'i.

A GAllDKN fniimrtiii for sale, 4x4. Apply D. W liLTK X- fr y . I2I i;tl Market st.

B.\Jl coHis. bar vests nnl t>ar Bpr-'n*. cf all aliea, buicher gotvn* ami spr <n*, extra long;

oyster apmns. rutiber aprons llcndquarter* at IIA h llV W. SMITH'S, ;^n .Mackci st.

AS8I8TANT dressmaker. N. J.

Box 24ft. Irvington,

baker buslnesa.BOT wanleil In learn the Market M.

RAO maker v inteii; nne who can alltch., KRICK. m Jt'HBt & CO.. H2 Market i t _

RARBEU \v:«niej. also ave., Arllnab n

BARBER naiiP'ii for;il2 Plane Hi

bov. 184 Midland

Snuirday and Sunday.

Dt.'HiK KEFPER-A**la1tnl book keeper want- « i . AiTiv i>y m.ii only ■' >“ > ' , 3 i

referenff* and sel*ry required. n iE (K^LKKLa CU., Ur BI7 Market * t . __________ ___________

HBH5HT young girl, « l»u l 10. n> on gpi-rentlc* to iHKik Hewing. IIP <.:cme at.. O range._____

COri.-l|;Tg-»TlTCHEK» ANU JOlNKRB, nn.\i;iip, CTl-.. WANTKli. IjL

SAHTK HA.\1'FAI.'T1'HIN(1 A M ' l-LT IMMPASV, CORNER HAM ILlO f- BT. AM- NK\\ JBUflEY K A IU tO A ll AVE. ________

K M I'I .O T B IE N T 33 A M L U —F E »I OLKB.

nbi like in work at ri»i'Mer-i1 -.iihle chain.

<• li . iiox 8,

A TOI'NU woman liome, experienced

eiirn «vr rm>e chain. Newa office,


B l’TCHEIl wantf.i fi r PaiuTvlay. 290 Mam si.. i 'rang*.


BDT<‘ llEf! Kii'erlencei! butcher wauled 200 Newark *t. ____

CANVASSKHS -Wanted, tWo bright canvaaser* to handl'- 'ur gnrids frnm wagon; compenti*

Hnfi the ii>*Hi, f ‘f»rence# required. \V. F.. W IN ­TERS. niMnHX"r. 2ti'J Mulberry at.

( ’ ARbl.D ii; |’AlNTV;il First claw A carriage iwlntei' wHtUed. iPratige t'arrlage I'l/tui'any,

04 Rs"et five,, orange _

CARPKNTERS-Klve rihhI cBri'enter* wanlel.A. VtHiKL. I'urner I'iirk and ArhlanJ avea.,

Weal Dran*re

a r i i i T B s s o p p o r t u n i t i e s .

A—Wanted, have buyers for all kind* of atorea, saloon*, hotel*, roadhousee. fumlahed and

iKtardiM’ houses, routes, reatauranta. markets, etc. HUBERT BOOTH, W CllttlOtt at.

A-fonfectlonery and notion •tore; 4 nice rcems; near large public school; good location;

prke ^ 5 . HUBERT BOOTH, 36 Clinton at.

A*Butter and egg route; profits |ft5 weekly;price 1 ^ : owner will teach purchaser budl-

ne*a. HUBERT BOOTH, tW ClliUon at.

Salocrn; whole houte: plenty rooma; cbeap rent; pfood location; require IfiBO; amall inort-

gage. HUBERT BOOTH. JWATlInton at.

A—Plumbing shop;equipped; price t87ft.

(.'Union at.

old eatabllahed; fully HUBERT BOOTH. Bd

AN old-catnbllahed saloon, near Newark, with ]nng lease, nice living rooma, hail, pool table,

bowimg alleye. goxdien, mahle*: low rent; prtce moderates cauas of selling death and aickneax In family. SIEG. CRONHEIM, Biane, corner William at.

'ln»tlTfi buys restaurant, rent lIZ. ^t40(P buys butcher *hop. weekly bus. tMlO. fl.SOO buys firjt-rla*s board lng-hoit*e.

SIEG, CRONHEIM, Plane at., eor. William at.

A NICE comar grocery *nd confecilonery itoie.with moms, rent il2; price 112ft- BIEG.

CRONHEIM. B8tl Plane at.

A FEtV (Irsl-clais saltooni for Mie or to rent- 6 . CRONHEIM. Brewer AgbT Notary Public.

A .-A .—A .-S PO T CASH PAID for atorea, merchandise, shoes, elothing, dry

goote hardware, groceries, etc.: business con* Identlal. GLAUBERO A CO..

SSS-240 East 4Jd at.. New York City.

CONFECTIONERY, lea cream, cigar and to­bacco atore for aale; good location. Inquire at

ALFRED DORCHBRT’a, 154 filoomfield ava,

CORNER grocery and candy store for sale. Inquire comer f^Raenth ave. and Sevantb st.

ESTIMATES wonted painting and plumbing. 72-74 Elm road.

FOR BALE cheap, candy and l » cream storej oppoflta li

cheap rent.

friends, alwi Hmpinyea of Pomeroy Hroihcra, are re»)>prtfully halted. Inteftneni r lBnd-»t<''“ m'"tfr>.

Sleep on, ilenr fuibfT, sleep and la-e thy re*;;Ijty down youf hfa-1 uppm yuui'Sa'I'Jtif* breast;I luvetl you %ell, hut Jeeua loved you b##i.And ti>ok >01 1 fo rt liome of peace un*l harpIneHS.ROWLAND ,M HiiHlninre, Md.. on Tuesfliy,

ApHl IH. Henrv .\. Rowland, profeantr " f physliF In 111" Johns ib-iikUiH Unh-erelty, sun of Rev. IDnry A. RowUnu. D- D-, do- I'HBsefi.

RUNYOS-On .\pr1l 1». llMll, 1‘harlea r.. bus- liiiitil uf IDa I're Kiinyoli. age'l I'l years.

Relatives ami frleiulH nro rrspectfully invited lo attend Ihe funeral fnam h)s late reslden -e, 04IP Thirteenth avemi#. on Mr-mlay, April 2J. at 2:3b r M. Interment In Blnoinfirbl CemeietTi'.

B M ITH -A l Mfmtvlnlr. N. J.. cm Arrll 18, HHU. Hansford Hmhh. aged year*.

RelatDea and friends are Invited to aiieml Ills funeral on llunday ui 2:;ut P. M-. from ul.i late resldeni'e. N--. P2 Park atreet. Intni- tneni at Mt- Hebron Uemelery.

S E E - ‘8iuklenly, t>n W eiiiiesday, April 17. M arie Bee. belnvad «t|f« o f Jticub Ben, aged GT year*. 2 momha and 27 liayj*.

R e la tlve* and friend* nre renpectfully Invited til liitemJ ihe fiin ertl on Sun- dav. April 21. a i 2 H. M-. from her line reiiUience, No. l»H Prince a lrcH , In* term fiU In Wtiodlaud CVmett,’ . y.

MONTH^S M IND .NOKR1K&-A Month'# Mind High Mh*s of ll < .

qulem will be ofTeretl for the rt-po*/ -«f ih? j 83>u| of the late John J. Ni'iTlea at Ht. ( Jamet’a Cliurcb, April 2u. ai h .y. 11. :Relative* and friends urc kln«ily liiviie.f it> i attend. __________ •• a s m v e h s \ r v m a s s . '

CRANN—Anniversary Mass of R#quTem will be ! ofTered for the repnae rif ihe amil of the late John t’Tsnn, at the Church irf Mif Sj-re.l ' Heart on Saturday. Apill Iti. Ita'l. at 8 oVhick sharp. Relatlvea and frlenda are in­vited to attend.

KENNEDY—Fouith Anniversary High Mas* of Requiem wUI h« offered for Ih* re.Miie of the 1 »oul of Eugene Kennedy 8aUir:tay morning at 8 o'clock, in 8t. Joaaph'* Church. R'?U- tlve* and friend* are invited to attend. i

RMrTH-Flr*i .^nnlver**r>' High Hase of Re­quiem will be offered for th# repose of (he Roul of the late Mr* Slargarei J. Smith, be­loved wife of Anthony P- Bmlih, at St. i .kloyaluh'i Church, on Saturday, April Ihi. at i S A. M. Relatives and r*’|en«lH are kindlyInvited to ntiend.________

C A R D O F T H A N K S .We desire to eapre** out *lncere (hank* to

relatlvea and frlenda fov beautiful fliiral ofler- ing* and expreaaloli* of sympathy and attend- ■ nra at the funeral of our dej-vgrieil daughter and aleter, Antoinette Marie Rhrke. We alH>i wish to thank the Rev. Mr. Shambtch, also the pallbearer*, for thalr kind service*.


CAKPLSTKRS 'SIx good K. WKHKfl. 4-**2 Miihi ei

nriienf^T* ni unce. Kat*l iiraoge.

CORHLT8 Kxperteneed senmers and on# Imii*, *tnriH»r; ai«ci nirpet preaacr8 : brignl girls

taken tn lem-n HEILNER A H EHi/(d». _*0 t ’nngreai .ii. ____________ ______

COOK^Vantod n good coivk for imall family of iwn. Appiv Siitnrday ant! Sunday nexl. «f

to d 1‘- M , Ml l' Mliclieil pl-. neur throve *1.. East Orangf. .S. J .___ ________________ _______

rOOK-PriUet-iani orok wanted In a private family, .t-ldresp ^ewa^^k«K_^3. Sew* ofiV'#.

rANV.NSPKR WiuT-an, eii)eriem-erl In can-a*a Ing; will i-ay Minry io an ImneM woman; no

f;ikei* nofil Jippl> foW N E MFfl. t'O,. 'Jn Avai-emy si. ________

A.—Sweile, iJerniaii. - 'li^r ■ .ii'4lile servant* on oiir waning list «;im iDiu^ewt.ik; cHy ur

enuntry. Ik*, 8 2 OdBr i-

rnoKH, waUreiisea. smob *;ri* nii.l li<3ii*ework- er*. ladle* promptly ^imi’lif'd'Hi oTu-e- MRS.

j r.^HK. h Uleecker el "774.

OtLORKD Woman wants hNU«ewnrk; reference, ir. High al.

KHtiiH iay'a aurk; ! JIT 1‘lJne st.

(lAV 'ii W ORk-W l.low give peraonal referent'

D .W 'fl W ORK-Colorf‘1 ni-min alaliea day’ * work IS South Blxieenih *t ___

llorPEW O llK -PhU *b tin Jip''*ka HUIe Rng- I liBh. wants place, do aeneral hnusework; em- • p|M>ed 2 yeara in .4mrrt'Hn faniliv. ('a ll A. jibH tSKY, IS Beacon at., leur

. lln rsK W n H K -A respertaiik . «ii r#d girl wanls eiriiatiim at housework, wiiiina to go i" ih#

seashore of mountain!*, "I referenr#. IM 7ih rtve,

UKST loitier. : lanilq and D;i

i-rf p umd. The (.Ireat ALTen Ciimpany.

BARRED l*R mouth U'ck for aittingJon.NXoN, High at , M>>ii(>'inti

BILL1.4BD tsMe f.<r sale, small Siif»>. •'all '•h.'I Hi •:

• l"Uble d si.

. ash regl*‘eri

BE(4T butter, n l> per pound. Atlantic anil ]'a''Hi>' l'< a C"iitpnuv.

BUTCHER'S hehiix r t IhofUe ave I'orher St

BEST butler. '.Vk- i.h: lanllu and ]'.i3'lib I'r

sHla cheap. 'JM Haw-

orih 417 . r:th at.

T. J. BRAt' eln-; I’aah

Kt 8UH South tirang# ave.*

iBanoifttl*, waiehsa and l*w« T w^'kiy paymeMa. 872 Hrryiil sti

C>N n-ei^kiv pHviiiems, tine diamonds, waichaiy waii'h Supply C-',. :i .Mahlcn lane. N. Y.

T r i i c n r l l r r a nntl 8 appU ea .RKMtNtITnN tvpewriteTs; reni#d M monthly a

" done. HOOTHtiipylng, si'evlflt'H.ili'hs,i'Unl3>n st.

TVri'D vn iTKR eii'hange. ''Mldesi In Newark,’* sold, rented, repaired- ISa Ueuver at. Tel.Tftik

Imperial Phono*

omul The ( mi'Hin.

Orvtt At-

C'AUD engruv lux.ding*. moii<>*Mi


I'cplitT I'laie iiTinilhg. wed- iK. ik’v ; aildieaa die*. H h llr.isd at., ,vvr Wls* A Ann.

rOR.S’ ET Triitle pI'Hf.i .■•tniei B for aale; limed at Itki, cait liL- t'l-uahi f»t y.‘<i 2 1 ihirnei st.,

rliy. r

Ii()N 'T forget, heal Dlabi tTPunrery butter, only k»c. i*«r leiund. The Croat AtlaPiK and Pa­

cific .Tea 4'«)nnmiiy. _

DROP poBla] 1 .. W W RKin, aueih>neer. 73 Academy el.. to'fi,it; 4.'Usu(c ><>ur houaeliold

fuoda or mercban-lise. t,iii imy ll from you or sell It fur you v>n C'iminH>*i,,ii __

Wanied. a yoiiCR woman m lan- liy. I'uii ut otv e at ti.iil Spring

CANVASSKR vans In 1 1 1“

field ftve. ___ ^

C.4NVAHSER8- Wanted, w-naii vanvaasrrs, 12 per day, 7'1 Ksm Kinney. r»iit Knab Mfg. l -j.

COMPETI.NT upmulTf git! ave.

im rS K K K E l’ KR- Poslil' ii ' 'fimpnnion, beat refereti.'

lo Walnut at.. East oruoKe.

h«niaekrei'#r . (Idreal A I


lliil 'F E W tiR K —rumpeteril xoi want* tvtislllun to 3I0 general housework Call HB Tlrhenor »i.

I'all 2M Rnsevlllr

I CARPENTERS svaiileil Ml 4U:i ^mlb 'Pen^h m-

i C fTTK H i'ti kaiher beltc; im sl ti - eipetlencerl.I Addre t* l.ei-ther, Ih'X 77, .',*-vvii ■iffife, ____

I DRI\KR wanictl. one us-rd inking care .d ' lieav> team, itiusi be tuiber hu>i (■•m# well

re^'ommeodeil. n>ine but experiem-l mea ue'*d l&PPlD HKnHiil:: II I'HR ('C- l.'3W < M

' DHIVKU vvimiej mluel*): an t-xpei'leiiced y jun* man tf deliver and lake .ndefH, only expe

rte:iceil man reed nply: slate Hg.- and where jum ’ emphiyed. Clerk. Box tk». News I'flK'-.

DRIVER al imr#. 8*> O 'lur *t. __ ^ ________

'■•ini# Imnvedliiiely Easi Orartge. Hji , an.l 12.

DRERJ4M.tKi:H wanbd. t- CaU ai lis* 'liemvooi! sve

unlay, .\|*iil Ln, i>eiwcen S _

KIGHT Newark tt-m-.m h* mlv'Ttlse King's pure malt f'lr New Turk h3im*e. I* in-r week *tb»f.-.

Aildress X N , Ilox 74. New# orTlre.__ _

EXRKKIKNCED preiiT on lufani#' long and I Hrtiiri clodha. JttSKHii A Rd n h I. .ALi hcotnr

LAUNDRESS want* wa« hi'iHecleanlng. li) ihe day*

first floor,

•inr;. Ironing ami 4U Centra sc. cU) ;

DON'T full lo try our rxlni lliir Elgin craani ery butter. cnl>' 27k pei pouini. I'lis Great

Allantio A Darlflr Tea ‘ ‘-niipiMO- ___

EGUa-Hlttlng eggs f.-r enie, fr-.m carefully •#* Iccted airatfi of 8 C. White la-giiMma, w. C

Buff Leghorn*. S. C, Itrnwii le-Kloims, Marred flnd Whlta While Wv«mlotle*i. BuffWvandotles. B c. Blsek Mm r-As. Uiiff Conldu* and 8t. Hraiimna. prlvao- famlll*^ rupplled wltti airiniy fresh eggs Si.rlngilei.i I'tmltry Farm. A. II. HOy’ FMAN. Miimiavi HuX W.

SURSE-Expi’rlemed nienl*. esih.-i-lHlly c

Hpriuglleld live.

M 'HSE Exi*erlenced riofsc in« iu: ccnrineni*mi >1 <1

Sidith ■(.

llUlve wants eiirilfe_ iiTilliieiiieiii caai'H ;i»7

uM like engage- ,.f invhllnl. hi

ExPfrien«'ed drafimnun un vie- iiilv ENCtlNEKlUNG

i.inn. wan;- r-glatered .iu i,re» liciigglst. H"i 0.

DKAKThMAN lull work. Appl>

t'u., inu Monroe si.

DRl Ol’.' ‘3-lerk, still# saldry

N*-wa vilttCK- _

t-I.E l'TKnl'I.ATlin ivll'' ,da Hie buBlncft? in ulj It* brutodi

1 CrlBL-V-Wanted. two young girls. Pioieitnnt.I for milng and labelling Isutl. » in paieni niedl- ■ cine howse; wages |,'i Apply, own hiindwrtring

J,. A. t'O., Box iD. News office.

vilR L U4 Pitei|, between 14 and Ml, I" as#is: \vl;h children fcud . Light housework, must sjiesk

Ormun, IKi ilaitfurd st. top ll*»*-r.

G IRL I I* *T Ifti to help v.'Mh hnuaework tind mind bsliv : inusl speult Gerinaii uotl Etlgllub

Al Uli Dolli st.

' HTENOdliAI'HER Htid nnewrller desires sH iiatlrm, experienced. ttuP'k sml atviieale, uu-

d'-rmnnils biM'k-keepiug ami genersl cinie work, licet r»-fen'rices r’lniDhed Aildress A. L., Mux ft. .New* ofllt f.

SITUATION uanle.l l.y ii young girl lo mind rhll'1 and aestei with light houef-work. .4d

: ilrees M., Box pft. News oltiie,

PTK.NeMJUABllEH, hegKner wislie* pv. slH"h. Addre*s i

(•mi e.

HI yeure of age. . Ri-x n. N«.wh

ira; iU -f I'jqier. Boxstand* Hie buBincb?

pftiary v.'untpQ utid five fefereni 4A, News ntflee.EXI'KRIEN<'KD ho*ik'k*eper anj stopugraplier.

Natloj.al Ch*Ii Refilsier Uo.. iH.’i Mimtei at-

G IR LK -T wo gills, one vra1 tr»*s, «dhet cliauc * bermahl. f<u boardlng-hMu*#. 'J7 Hillsi-le u'e., . Montclair.

! niRL-Want#d, experienced polishing girl i.n I rliips at WEB1LE A RUHE'H. ill Arimgton sl.

SEWlNil- Blilu *- terms j^Bwinnhle.

wing M. L

olid meudliig done; J.. >;t Halsey *1 .

FIRST'CLaiSS piipei' liar.g-r and « j* K';;od In ' SUM iiuialde iis|.ji»ra vvameti at Oiice; sud ,

gM F. IlNe-It. Tbi Maple pL. ftlo.iu air. N J.. ivciWTcn >’ark *i and Mldlatm ave.

1‘ tBEM AN-A steady rHIable tlreman; l>i ing | r«rerence*. Ap[dv. inuj.i 8 lu d. U H i i "

IlK M i A HOAU «*U. Warre.-. at., entrance.

GIHL-Wanted, a neai girl for upAlabs work- .kpl'l), with reference, IVl Kalrmoutu ave.

tilRLb-Tn 'ii wliRy gifi*. one for Imnsevviirk; one for upftalrs. ( all Mi North N^mli s'.

Fi'viE rhancp for (ir*l-clai*. experienced sales­man. National Caan Regleirr u^, 13ft Market.^

tiRfMiJil and second ‘ qachnton. married man, wlth3.ut children, io IL'^ over

muat have good reference. cAppl> vL IV K n ?*. CARTKK. wtsi ((rang#. Saturday after 4o'clcu'k, __ _ _ _ _ . .g a r d e n e r w*nie3l. handy with tool*; alngle;

refertnee. liS Walnut sT.. Easi Diange.

GOOD lottticco attlpi-er \van',rJ. E. R. BED- Ft-iRD, ftl I'olumhla. ctmerUjeei^ai^________

UtKMi harness fitter wanli'd TfJMPKINS AMa NDEVILLE. H WbM *'. _ ____

OEHM.AN mar wanied i'’ assist conk. Dining­room, ftH Academv a'. ___

l lE U ’ w a n t e d -F orfierh, helper*, gnader* and uoltshcr* oh hatchet* anti

bevelled tool* at our os'* fa i'f’O' now styting at Glasatwr!. Pa.; H.ii-scnllUred buildsIngs, Improved ninchin*n. oist-irlcnl tr*n*nil*- eion, *t#ndy work. A'lilr*-".American AX‘ and T '" i Pa.

I QlHli wanBHl to a**lui with houeework and chll- rtren. Apply at l^H Jatinson ave.

GIHI-. wanted, experlencpil on foiu pres* wurk. S.'2 Green *t-. second lli’oi. __

g iR L to hetp wMh ehltdren omd make herself ; UReful. *SU High ll. I

GlHIJt wanted la learn tailoring- M'alUce

TWO Swedish girl*, lately Umled, want house- Wifk. "A (Viiier *L. Oratigc

\Vp; have eight giH ll colored Houttieni girl* on hutid; iilHii Gerriun and Swedish girl*, and

! r.gr Sci tch girls and (dher g'V>'l h#1p; have ref- > •Tenoes. Emidoyineni Agem i . 74a A<'*detiiy i »t.. twft blochs frt3iii Brnud at. J.

I \V(‘iMAN. German and ueU ext«erlenceil. offli* cleaning MBS. STEGKK. 2 Sliirnisn sL. top

; fl'Hir. .

P'AIGH for hatching, from Hxrred Bnck*. White Rock*. Hlaok Minorca*. Indian Gamea, Ruff 1

rcH-hiha, IjanKebans, iVhHc W)Miidoiiss, PekUl* I Ducka. 12 per slitlna; winner* Ma hsun Hquar* ami Orange ah*'ws liml Ord#r-( liliwl prompiiy. ; White oak RMec I'Miltrv Yaids. Mflcea 2.i-l!i. ftkii Main *L. East orange,^ , J.

|-:g g ^ for bultblUK. mixed Blark Mlnorcas, I'iyttvoulh Bvn'ke.' W'lilte M'yHridiiiisL ih p#r

siiihig: duck ckk# ihk-. |a<r sliilua 37d Rose vMIe Hve. _____

PNJGS White Plvnniuih Rock. 11 per aitlHig.Lo n g , do OruiiNv wl , tilnomfieM

F.AHMKRH, GARDENERS •S.^d. *rrd; mda- roes, isiUiocs. rdKi liiimds exiiu fiviiii Maine,

Michlgun. \'eriiiotit. at "'KIIKEW AN'H \S'are- hulls#. 71M Fliiith I7ih at , near Sprltigffnld kv^.

KINEHT gilt digs t-reami'i'y butler onlv 28.*.per pound. The tlreai Atlanitc und I’sCttc

Xm C<.r»iv»an}'. _ _ ___________ _

FOB SAI.E U IlK A l’ New riilMop deak. 7'i- fuol counter and stool*. 4k4 Broad au. looni d.

GREAT RKMttVAL SALK—llargHln* In giis tlxiure* gb'bea, inrHiuli-d-eni Ilihijh, iirark'-ts,

oto iiiusl be. auM hy Mav 1: open evcnliiKH. HA \'||iSi>N, 7ft ITince *1-. goods dellsercl.

GAHDEN HllBR, S flrn!l t*t f-sd and upwmil.WALSIl'H SDNtt X O '.. Wai-hlllglOH at.,

Uluy aiitl Uniaatu st.GLASS BilTTI.KH For sale. 2M gross *J-oX. ne»’

ulaa* boltlee, $ 1 |ier grnfs. 2 1 Ct-dar st.____

HDl'SEH TO HE TORN DOWN.Two ihree-Mtory and une nne-Knd-a-haif-

ptorv houses for sale: same to he torn down by piircliaxei. inquire of .lA.MES SEME. 7 4H South I4lh it.. Newark, N. J- ______________

M-'.W visible writer cheap, graph (,'u., 97*1 Broad si

Ilona«>hu10 4iOi»da W n iit«d >I'RKNi'H ntnge; niso chnirs and tables wanted

Address Wanied. Bux SL’. New* office

\S'lll-:i-:i>U Easy payments, wholeaal* and r»* trill; largest stock In Slntc. The Mggest bar*

gain of (he yeur, the Remington, only lift; regular liSHi fftd mtiie!. This wheel |* mad* h> ihr R4-niinKG'n Arms Co., who have a wivrld* wide leiuitutlon f»r rimijliy. They *r* sill) irt the IvusliiHss olid rihlpplHH wheels rv«ry day. Can glv- you cludcr of frames, gear, etc.; tr*

'sM rtiisb Joint Sheibv tublna. ft-lnch dmp, t*ie. Moltovv cOHMnr und tirske biji|( at S4.3ft; Kiiwranlot'il Urea. f l 411. 1‘ennuMi saddle*, flUc.J foi-i tmmiM. Ikio.. tianil pum]t*. 4c.; cut'kiio helJi k.’ic , tor Hill*. 7c., ii.lliistHl’Ie bars, ; rat- . lTH)t pedals, 4ricr: i uriilic 2db. can. 22c. j SOlIft Ceivlitrv lunii'*'. It 4h., r do IIP we lit I vert De.-Tiibimc ||u and •."iii nuidelii;H'lJislest runtiUuc vvheel made.IMHI tuoilH. HiJ-ftiJ.ChHhih‘.<v S.V,f.riii

Sieiini* ......................................... 9R3 Hft1 ;im tin* tiiilv Newark sgeju for Steama,

Tbiritic ........................................ |4fl noNTitlomil ................................. ...t*ii and iftO 00Iver srobnsoti ..... ...................... and 14ft 0 0Bsiiieii ........................................ 141) and too OilMiin<<on ....................................|4M and 0 0Feftthersri.ne .............................. Illi.ftl) (o 140 OOllnvtnn................................. ........|4U and tftO 0<>Itenvlnulon. Ii'ixi tii"del ..... .............. 12fi OOHperiril. gONfMliieed f,3r oiVe year,..,,.............|1M flO,1uvei|l)e u'liei'ls. ........................ .,..$17.00 UDTrll'Diic b.-v'a Hheei. .................. I'J'J » )

See wheel* 1 bin si-lhng for 4ft down and $1 I t'f week. DM wheeia lukeii In eachangg (oT

'1,I‘ W 003N*. ’IIERItKRT AT:8 TIN,

pS OniiiKe d . 2 Mr3« k* from Brt'OLd at,, and ftY Frermaii el , or.viige Valley, N. J,

YOUNG woman wisbe* poaitlon In mamifactiir- Ing offli-e. gitod exjterieuc*. Address Steady,

llu i 64, News olhee

f tilt mg exjw-rience. ■mi'-m). (.Baaapor':,

GOOD plain ct»«k; alon girl for upitnlrs work and wait un table. 42 New si.

Hai'Hfc'WORK-Stmng neat woman for gen­eral houaework; small hnuae and small fum-

lly: a griod home anJ wages ii> ilglit person- Call 77a North Grov* »l.. Easi Orange.

nd oiiTrtl cheap. AddressHOME (dujnugraph Music. Hoi 02. News ofltci.

INCUBATOR-300 egg IncuhHi^r. In order, cheap. 173 Milford hv*. ^

HEADING STANDARD BlCYf^LKB—None bet­ter; feu- NS g(nid. iiiine hs rheap, 4 modelai

tcHi'k racer, mad rui i't', rcHitster and cuahlon fiamc; ihg dteciiuiit fi>r chnIi ; rosy lerma; dl4 wheel* tl-adi-d In. 'BIGIl G RAI'K HU.VniMEa AN|» RKBAIRIN<1

OUR HPKCIeLTT» „M<*rruw ....... ii«-w wheels), .fft.wlink lUflng wiitldlHH................... LWPiilm*>r llrt-", |-hi- iinlr ilIAill....................J-jbllanfurd N-.. 77 tln-a. pair i lW Ii . . ....... B-MHarif.iril lire*. N.'- 7n. per imlr GWil)..*.., 4-Wi.iilii llr<-s, eui ll . .......... 7ftCrtrbhli- i2 1 1 1. .............................. ^

Sccoiid-huud Mki-e. rHr** ImrgHlh*. Hlwgya oik liand, L J. WURTH. 2iI-'2H William it.

itpcn evenings. __________

CLEVELANIi lafi. $4(1, |f»b. , . ..Fastest and eaaleat riding bicycla bullL

ChKSCP;NT—122. IZfi, »3ft. /The wheel llial nev-r hreaks.

LIBEHTY- n o and $2'2.ft().A few rare burgatlia In new IIWO mftd*ia»

Cresteiit iHudem, l*ft: Cleveland, 127; Cre*^ crni $21; Hpaldltig I2d. Big riiia In iitn- di-lea, MOBR(t\V or .NEW DEI’ A R T IR nCOASTPGI BllAKICrt put on, tft. Repilrtng,ctKHi Hnd cheap.


.1M& Broad at., opp. C. R. R. Depot.

HUNTICH, bosc whesl on earlU'when equlppwt with u M-rrU'W cooaleT and brak*. prtca m ;

mode by the Hunter Arm* Co- a mlUi<miwr% r!.i.. .n i ,n.k-r «l ll.« Hm >h |,un, B-

m .Si.wBrti in IrtXl; morf llunt.ri rW- tli-ii 111 N»-3f«ck than any ims other nwak*; stlH In tile Icjd; will etill ]eud next year, on* year aujiruntce, md ma+lc hy *1' Vf^ifriSyp"jitrinrii: ffrst-cl.ina |l•pallln^ L J- V) Yr K fH ^ . 4M Br.ijid st. I!SH Morr-w r.wsi^ and brik*. |3P2 Wolf-American. fl'*g:il. M<*narch ana Ajax. Tel. 2MIG, __________ _

JEWELLER First cine'- nblain stendy poeUtiiU

lane. New- York


d man can 12 Haiilen

' oDpotita large ichool; good bualneaa; S rooma; ‘ » Hamburg pL

GOOD iiarlBg comer restaurant for sale, with privilege for m Iocd: selling on account of

sleknesa. Inquire 62 Karltet et

GROCERY BTOflE for aale; elegant spot: good rooeon for •elllog. Inquire at ROBRET

BAUER'S. 67 Morton at.

GROCERY for u le ; good buslnea tlon, Addreo* Confideatiai. Box

ioe, Omiiga.

in iD H R T A K B R t*

CALIJ5N * MATTHEWS, Uftdertikera. tl7S Broad at., cor. Marshall at.

ProtDDt attention given to calla, day or night. Telephone 161. . _____________


Ofllce. 12 Bridge at., near Broad. 'Fhotie 158.W ILBUR B. W'HlTEk undertaker and embalfn-

er. late manager for Ira 1 1 . Ormaby, la now located gl 287 Clintoo gye. Telephone 8ftS. !


TELEPHONE ISg.____________ 874 BROAD ST

U J. SAYRE A SON,f u n &r a l d ir e c t o r s . EHHALUERS.

TEL. 1188.___________146 b L oQMFJELB AVE i,

B. M. SKtNNER. undertaker and embalrner, No. 214 Clintop gve, Tklephoae l 20*a._______

0 . L. ERD. undertaker and embolmer. No. 22 WIlllaiQ at. Both tilet>lte0 ea> Sib.

■II for Newark,Hloumnel i a'pu&GE:

M KN-A few goed Granger. Hlotmifle

tmrfunliy to advance n>om ftl2. Wasbingi

,pU UM

74MAN rare horse snil sard'^n and iMoard, DeWtu ave.. BHlrvIll-___ .

MECHANIC 1(1 repairCaah Reglatcr C».. l ' _________

a t ----------- -------------milker, JACOBHairlsiin,

HOUSEWORK—■?\'anted, neat cokire'l girl GH> aanlfll In light huusework; sli^p h>une: ref 1

erencea. Call from 2 lo 8 SalurtUy 'U-ir soon-n, ' U21 Broad at-HOUSEWORK-Wanied. atrong. rapHlile girl

for general housework; tnusi itnilernPaiid <H>ok. | Ing. Call hi South Kleventh nt , U.'s-vnie, sfier Hi..70 A. M. ________ _ _ I

H f)UflEW nRK-Glrl wanted twhl'ei for gen­eral housework In small familv. ii< ws-blna

ami ironing. Call at Wfi Sherman a»e, *4*f iiivl bell.________________________Ht)U»EW GRK-0«rman girl wan"-d general

housethork, Including wiahlnx amt trouina. for a small private family at <17 ILimburg pl. <

MII/KER-Wanted. *:■ M.AHR. 777 !l*rrl*-n 1

NIQHT WATCHMAN for night watchman, *

fW ’ AR HARNE'hT K" llion sL____________OPERATORS wamrd '

and errand girl; eii>en*-i waist irlmmera. Al l ’ L>l

iVsn’ed, atefldy man • i.- 1-, sM*nd fo In Hera. M 'BY (•(’ ., Ibfi Ham-

..mesiic marhinaa, skin hand! and

. t'.i S. ftff* Broad

HOl’ SEWORK-Girl wanted for genersl hmies- work; must utideratand plain ■ •--uinK, n-»

waahlng or ironjag; small famliy. High st

HQl'BKWORK-Girl for geneml lo ui«ewiiTk.A lvly with refereneea at H Bppi'' "C 'near

Burnett at. and Central ave.), Fan iTShge.^

HOUSEW'ORK-GIrl wanted for geu"al h'njee- work; German preferred: one « h ' ia » C""k

Inquire Belmont avt.. ^mnd Ho* r ^

lIOUflEW'OBK Wanted, amall girl ■ ■ h-if. with light hoiweW'nTk. j. HUGHKS. .'2 AehlunJ

ft., near Soolh Orange ave.


HERMAN A cn.,the well-known and e*iah|1ahe>l firm, that has been located al ft8 Market at. for a guod many year* and always did sailafac-tury anrk for you. hat removed lo 22ft Wgshlngtn.i at., opp. Bniplre

I Theatre, where « e have made ample pfovlaUuis ! for ihe spring irade. und hav-e nn hurul a mag- hificent atwk of the fincM wnlliwpera and dec-

, uratlnnu. we aloo sell papers, ceiling and border l« match ll. 8 csnli per r«il and up, delivered free' we do all kinds of wal!,japfr1 ng, decorat­ing, In and outside painting, etc., and ai to

' prices,we w'll not permit ourselves lo be beaten, a* our long experience In this line makes u* the leading deciratora nf first-clast work, a* well a* In low Drii es. ffen'l postal and we win call iiwn vou with sample*. HERMAN A r o . Kn

I Waahlngtnn st.. opp- Empire Theatre; open evening" unlll P o'clock. I. T> Tel 80118.

THE NA TIgS A L DKiYiRATING UG. U.Hprlngfield ave.. opp i ’ -urth'>ij*e. We InvlH

(be put'lic to Inspect i>iir new line of u-ull pnitef* we carry f«5r ihi* *ea*ftn (he finest siid lsrgH*( aeierllon* n' all rh* richest de«iani. « e paper a rnom, celllna nii<1 wall* wiUi ai.L pttver. llTst-claia work -'uly. for |3.fih, ■•iir intitto Irfvlng lo please ''Ur piitrona and i i give them Ihr be*t kjtl*fac(iii>u naintlng, kalsoinln ing rind Gntlng at ih# )(i»e*i prices. F-ir eMi- mate* a'.id saniples. rnll, wrlla or telejihun* i > The National Deroreiing Uo., |ft fliirlnalieiLl ave., opp. Unurihoiise; open evenliifa until U. L T>. 'Fhone MVtD




BANISTER A POLliARD,2«J'JtW MAKKl-rr KT.___________

LADJKH' kid ehora. lace iir buHon. |l; J«dlea* fln* kid. lace or button. Il.lft: iJuliea *»mple

kid shoea, |l.2ft, ladira' auperl-T kid shoes.H 4ft. ineii's fine laced thtN s, $U m*'" "IM fii men's auperlur laced eh'*"- ?1 ik*

•russet laied. I1.40; nien s vhi khl w M 1 1 W hoys' Uced ah<ie*. $■• WM J. M'*KINNbY. Jib

I J’Une *( , near William "i __________________

1/»T Barred Rocka, few While Leghorna and Mirnn a 1 hb-ken*. ; ll )-iinp. Im'lu-Ilng smmi«

lU'-i 1 -rlxe etcrik. alao "nm- I’hh-ks. Frsirle Hlate |(xi egR Inculialur arvd 2 e*"-tlcrial coop* 84 Al- iJiie el

l„Mti;K aoeoriment - f uprlghi oval and oguara c«mnter*. sh-- * se"'.

st T.V a find; alielvlnR hh-I I'nuiitera Imilt lit order, iki Market at

isii lie

»; good loea- B, Nawa of-

GROCERY STORE ehoofi. SMith Brood st.

with ft rocMoa. 1234

U IL K ra«ta for oal« from 100 to 120 ouani doUrA Addr—g feiutr. Boa fiB, N o w ofloa

SHOE STORE FOR SALE.Sxo*li«ni opporttmkY to m a good tatwlnA

Don’ t forg «t to cmll at 114 Bowery

BALOON, good lonatloai: whedo houat, b o w ll^ allrya, 9 ^ Ubloa; Ioom prior choap. 90

F4H7 g*-A P4*g ItorkW Sir—t Dopot *

BALOON-'Fer iol*. oh««P. eomar aaloonA 34 Chrtotopbv at., O r a n g a .___________________

UNlONi N, 7.—CPantry gtoeonr btttlnaoa ctiMp; glao A ottoH fo m . B. BBADLET.

W A i m i b .

c a U f t T B K lB t .

ARLINGTON C E U E T B R t^ P le lu t^ u a ^ L t y of modoni pgfk plapting with careful man-

agomem of best coroatery aytto«B. Arlington cars loaTB Broad st. at Clay at. QAcos, 34g Broad at. aPd at CkiiPStairyt ArUiagton. H, J.___

c B M iw y K i f

h a l f lot In cMStra of Filrmouat Conotory^ for sols; pries loas than It cost l i yoora o n . Ad-

drtta C. II. HECREU rplfflatd, Esm s County, N\ J.

C B M B T B H T H A I I O V U U .

aEORGE BROWN A 00. Eottbltohad IfiflQ. Dsolfnsra and UaBufaetBrsea o f *

l lO N * ir i l »m . MAUSOLBUHt AND GENERAL C n c m ^ Y W O M L IN G R AK ITR I^ R B L E a n d i T O » ,

170374 BaUormt *4#.,myaaHa antrgwcs to M t Fl— wt CaiBWsry.

tri - -ifh'v famSUar with irk l'uii''ni' and * 1 1 1 0 1 1 nov-

answeUng state age. ntfd, Addre** B.. Boa

PL.ATKR wanted.handling ba*kel w

elites In sH flrilshes. In experience and wage* v, n21, New* offic*. i _

and bllnd_^W|n«r^ •»«-

painter*; nven Apply N. J.

X XMN'T S P O T C ^ HTOR T O U R ^ i N r i C J^ -rQ fF CLOTHlNQt


UORB THAN ANY O T U R------------------CHAS. CAHN,


b e t t e r p r ic e s r1 pMT tor «U UiMii of gsgitar casi«off etothtag

ind f M t I m Kindly send postal to_____JOB B E C X M

od X will eM W. KlBSor I I oolb

BETORE buying or islUnf yofor bouoshold furaRura, stars Art ores and otfeor sMirhai].

dlst, conMH tbs WaohXhgtdp Anetlon «n g ttor- aga Co., S f4<m WoaklngtM st. <op p a^ Nag Ceatorr Thsaliwl. StofOgs, n psr in ««A .

GOLD. Mlirsr, •fseordsd Iswslry, dHniwiis igd n t lO M . B w t J p M ^ by V e RRIRB. m road H.. M «r iBUilAlh as*.

BTAMPK. I ________

PAINTERS-Wanied. b'*^wl»o underatanil the i«u*lnef SURGES. 2i» Ferry st

at.. E»at Onagf.

PAJNTSBS-rlrH cHM pilnl'r"«aa.^*<ar>v ** W*rr3‘ *1.


EDWARD 1. KlSLtNO. JR., A CO.* OrW M l P —igners and Jdai ~

v o k u m b k t a l w cSM Oantral sv^ , eomsr Booth B

Appelntments day or •sonlgg.

laBStf of


'tMlButilala. ^^^ood sasr.KARINO

M Q B R B fB O .

I S m atA

RICHSKN. Tft *t.

PAINTER—Wanted, flrv c li* ’ wagon pslnter. 72 Frellnghoysen ave. _________ __________

P M N TTR ^arrlage pelTit'-rROW, Bprlngfleld. b- •' _ _ __________ _

Eatt Broad ___________ _PAPER-HANOER PolTiter wanted. Call

Elm et __________ _________

HOUflEWORK-Wanted. girl (•> •jb' g'*n t-al hnutework In small family; mur -tia'-'' a"*"’

reference*. Wi .Alpln# n.HOUSEB'ORK-Toung girl wanrcl !n fsrr'lv

nf two; plain cook. PA North ThirJ >( . H- vlllt, locond flonr. _

HOUSEWORK-Young girl to assist wi-h ilaf;bousawork; no wosnlng; *leet> h-r;*

South Sixth at.

HOUSKWORK-Olrl wanted: G-miri-i .r od orsd; amsll family adults. refer> r ■ .< ti*t

South lOth at.

'HOUSEWORK-Wanted, small gM with btrutawork ; sleep home, A( |>L

Eighth at.

I < .1 **!*'>nvj So'ith

HOUSEWORK- email family.


Girl for genera! h <rail 20 New

Buiamsf aVaa. sttpa

MA ipagm N o* TorCj


r U S E O L M T *

PRESS HAND, t f t - f , .A w n r. H. L 0 3 K U '*

P I . * * T * »K R -A P '* ' " ’’ ''Call 12 Hampden •(.. csr>.

floente B li" l » * * rv f j . A fu Arlington, N. J.

HOrSEW OHK-OIrl for generhl h k.Apply, after 7 this evening, nw *i_^

HOl'BBWORK-OIrl for genersi ' rwhltsL HENNING, gftfl Sprinafl^ d

HOUSEW'ORK-Wtnted. a whli* v. man for hotMSWork. MS Uergen at., first tl -fl’ ____

HOUSEWORK^Woouin wanted ' ' s^neraf hoasewafk; *lesp home. _____ _ i

flOUBEWORK-Wsmed. a irlitble g-rl f r gefi | oral housework. 238 Mulberry ■> '

HOirSEWORK-Goad girl wanted f r a^nertl houiswork. Call SM Broad at. ___ _ |

HOl»gRWORK-Wanwd. a girl lo h-U In hou* ; Fort. H i Mulbeffy st. ^ _____ I

HOUSRWORE-Olrl waoird for g-n rll house 347 Lafayette at.

TUK original Adams Hrrw.klyti and N. Y WjH’ , |.at>er Hlore. ftb K|irliigflHd ave.. whl>li ha*

been in exlttence ai the same place a number uf v*-*re has added o Jobbing branch, with ne*.- i|e- elant of paper, and *^1I* (hem at factory vr‘ *»■

m .A N K » AT * CF.SJS A ROI.L. n l l T AT S t’ K.STS A n o i,u RMBOHBRl) AT 1(J I'ENTS A ROW. AS.P I P. We also give «atiina(fs on papering and paint-

Itig at the lowest prlcei and beat Wivrkrnaft"hip. Call and convince vouroelf. L, D. Tel li2;ta

(•Err WIPE and don't retd nnnoenae; Irx k wi,*t 1 offer IP iwper a room for: 18,' celisnx *n 1 ,

wall*, with gilt vaper; thla la no fake; we .1 4 * I we ea r; wr do painting. In and outahle, hair< ii; intftg. etc., at dirt cheap prlceg; we sell parer st iU'. per roll, ■* we have the largest eiHick >f wallpaper In th#' State, and can affc rJ 'i * .work rheao. uall and convince your*c)r W- |are not a new firm, for It la the Original |Brooklyn Wallpaper store, M SprlngfleM uve.

__________ M. ROTHOUBF. Uf I

W ALLPAPER II have a few pretty bedruom p*jiep#

st fc. 4 roll; drop In and take a lnok

ftt their.THEO. A. TITUfi.

5#Rl HK'(\D fIT.

T llK welJ-toown CO-OPERa TIVK w a IjI»- l»,\rF.K UOMPANY. 934 Washln^nn. rcr.

Ma^et at., la hitown fof* (betr go id work Ii» ualnllng in and ouiatde, papering etc., they do

' ibe work therotelvea; are able 1 0 do ih# work ! cheaper than any oil* else, by laklna off tiu ' empluyer’a profit; we have the flnest eelecnuti it , wallpaper n-om blanha to imported ne'd*. »»■

*!«> aeil wallpaper 3c. up; open eoenlngi Ic 0 ' o 'c lck . r a il and oowTince youiweif-' STEIN 4 BLAU.

IPfl-lW SPRINGFIE1J> AVE Our Hue of wallpaper* for th* c jiuing »*aaen

1 * iKiw open for your inopecilon,A* a »l*c la l in d u c e m e n t for this MONTH

ONLY we offer eight rulle of iidea*!!. tU of cell Ing and fifteen yards of border for BPtv

Esttmalee cheerfully given. T#L Iftl'A.

u.SLY 23(jiff'hM'ed. The (O' *1


J’ l!r)N( iG H A P H -A ji : • carrying r»ae. larg*

ref'-nl*. Uati !>• ■KR.\NUIrt. ;W Kllh.i *’

for the biiMer thatI .Ml.-inllc ani]


DIUNTISG. rhetu- iinulare. blllhe*'1

shie; vour tradi :UiS Uiane «t-

I'KKINO du.'k ^gx- Itiiff i'ochtn ^gX‘ I

lif-n*. Iftk Mumi H -

1‘UUH Two f4PX t3 trl»- mrirke' 1 Hllk#', l"

Box H2. .Ven* "Ifi' *'

FUPF -Thorough! ->

ii rt h'liiie ]tlLouuani|-b, , !ii>ru, Mlahil Hiid ij 7'8(1 r. M . ilKii

v...rk; I.OIX) (*r-ls.‘.Ii*r w-irk; rra^"H

W Yi’ KOKF, Urliii**!.

WhllH WyafuloU** * 11-1 I Inic-hlng. also eltdng


(. II a. broiher ah'1 sIsi»t . , H.-k- (d‘l. cheap. PuI'k.

K n i "K AM lil.K H sr fur IW « r . InrtrM m « - l.UU'rnt wh.i'lH, All llir w»ll-known

aie it-talnr'l (»ui*li|n retnpirrementa, noliow furged fork .Tkiwn. I. cra.jk. G. 4T J- - while i.iu* irirlv tubing, narrciw head, long wheel base And brake have been added,uur " ll 'K A lr ft" Hr«- -pHKl. afUtid, durable hli'Vi'lee. ' ull Flna repairingHtul I..U i.f e-*'oh.1 hand wheM*. Htlvrr for caiih r.T on "Ur vuey tmymenl ayaiem. NRWAItK. U Yd .K ("ti . Urt'atl st. _ _ _ _ _ _

YALE 'VNI*r\VAUVVirK HicyuLEa ar* tha llghteHl built: gunrant'eil fur >e*r lUOl; lib­

eral « ush •n*.-'>unt«; also **>M on easy payment*. Th** Indian, best- I2.ft wheel on th* luarkelj

rid'wheel* from t1 up: sundrle* anj rrpulrlrig b'Wret In Ihe rltv.

F. U UGHNIBII.21U riinlon ave.

IF you wrifit one vt ih# highest grade, well* known n -w iWUl nueh 1"int bicycle mride fnf

orlv II I Tft an>l wimi II on ien days irtal before paving --ne . hiH. cut thla boilc# out and mall III SKAltH. ItcFm UK X 1 (U (.Mrago, III., for free bh ynle - aiulugue itnd full jianlcu* lar*. __KIUYi T aF. for eel- ll**i“ Uolumbln rhnlnlee*;

r3ia*t4T brake, in i-erfio'f or«1oj and wiih-nil a iH-raivh. C(i«( I*VI *iH.i -oMi. lire* nerfc'’ . on* t.rrind new . will ■'♦II ' h iip a* -Un , owner ne-da rii'iney. MOHTt^N', I'H'v Wn*lilriai-'n «vc.

HH'VULEH -For snb‘ .beau, . ti# le.ly * and one giVnl'a, giMid K* n»*w , '' ""t $4b

fer 110 •plef-e. InHu-iimt Inmii*. i'H1*< *nd im- i r.ive.l eqihlie*. Ih N o(h Tw*-liiy first si.. LftOt iitniige, N. J. ___ _____

l.vl'V 'rt anil gent'* hlcyi'', , ..,1 order Hill Itroud *f

njili lumjis, $3ft: I inp n-icr.

i-liUa wheel for VMl*- ib*H|‘ JUKY, 42T

UARRcTB aIMril Blorr.


S T K ri’ ING aale 2 1 (

ll I'lips fc'r sale, .'i: J

g • d 3 rting parrot* for eale

f'SrD end ofllre d'wvr letleTlng 7nj Lr-a l *i . (tor. Market.

* 1 i-ne and unm-p"*’ *1

Miung Maple tree Orange

_______ \VALLI*APER and decoration* c« d be h*d


' RUftlN-GFlULD .hVK-.(-T’ U. HRT*M0NT A VK. ;' FIBl ING TA-'KI.K iUoVCLK B l'N im iLS.I HABKH.AI.«L A.Nii t'I'uKTING (JOUl)B, Bi^ND i W o r m s .

TltUNK.H ItAGfl. 1>HKB.4 HUIT UABl-X I Bclna Mwav ft -ni the high rent diatrlct, buyer#! will fiii'J Lrlce* 2ft per -eni. lower than eln- I where. r.Ul.KLEV 2H7 Market at.

1 T ^ . . ouftier* and l^f shelving for sale very rheir 2 1 Odhr ■! _ _

i TY l'K^\ HITFH. t2iL gramophone, ftti recird*. li,-. 1 * Sraie ai. ___

' ‘ FRY beat butter. 2-Hc. jorr pmiml. TTie lireai j ' AGaniic and l ’a. lflc,Tea Company.

WK make xpeclalty of anvelopea; eiandard . rales alfe*. mill prlco*; printed, send

•ample fnr eaGmats- Bherman Ktivelope Com- IIH Market at

WE ar- aeiribg the flhcti Elfin creamery buner at 'jfh- per ivound The Great AflanMc and

farlflc Tea f»m piny. ____________


B|ie<’l« l Hieitiway *(1041"#, IT'i 1 4 nv-nthly. 2 Haalebm, Ifib oi)d pif. esih,

j'l J iwn ab’l 7- ni«niihly. 4 organ*. $2u. $2 ft anl liin 12 mtitdblv : t3evefa| uprlahi*. almnal rvew; Ilm iip<Aiiid. I"W monthly p*vnventa. H. A* tVAltl', « 'V We*' Uiirk at . Newark.

v'oNN 'dt iTANviS. renowned for ilurahlUty anj tiin'e. MtltoTi (iUnc* fiiri'i l*e beat for_

of afxi keepitig In l"lakeo. If ' ' ' ‘I want 1" flrel clAHi j'lufi".

eany payments ■Hve ififi.to $ 1 0 0 on a

i-nll and ne* them. HORN'&«c.tjlh tHHi'ge S' -,r Hnice st.

fini Rt'rTaX'

HOUSEWORK-Olrl lo tMlat with h'-Jsewf 'b i n LAfayattf at. _

cheaper her* than eloawhora; paper f , , cents roll up; paporlnf aM ^ l* 1ntfng at —

FBRENOLOOY l«Ha pM whAt roa or*, what you con b* gj>d what ywu itoould 4a. Call at

FOW LER 4 WELXR CO» ptoWBoliislM. I t M ot T w fttT "fc tl ■!.» Wow Ttwm._______________

FEARL'buUOfi cutter wanie-l PBELE. JSI E1i^“ "

; hot'l- »*

o r n c * W ORK-Tount l«dv to I"- L . n u t l » K cam t, uid i <k.«1 « rnw , »n»

P E U IS K T a IwtIi i i «M ri«n c< In Jnwdlfr bnitn»i' iT*fTT*a rifix Sft, Newi afiVre. ______

~ *htn-ateady

rate*, rooma paperod. 12.80 up; and aoiBplea, all

r * o r . p * 2 C 2 ^ .qelaaeag. f i t fcogJ at.

Mloflat> S; opa

aw4 qthtr

W albw.Ca. par r h iM Htoa fw aU tw tk m . 4U Mann a n . ; naU a n n a

promptly anaaaai la.IV'-'1 PAT %99t irteoa for m t t v a . aaipato, foatii-

m . ot«T«aa oloiw ttstvoa. Chll DEratTRO. 2*1 OranguM^_______________________________

A GOOD h IHtIa 4og.

100# M wMtod tor Ol aOaetleMta A U roN TraToiltr. Box 4B, Kows

becozcd-h a :Iw

3ND pntrttog fitooa woal A S m a Prooia Box f l . Nr

w oalo j; moi-

OLD OOLD. sUvwr OJsd M wiliy hOttgUL _ ^ R T I N . H 5 BwJ T w w J. y iag 4 IcWa.

CASS hti7«r o f oM fom tara fto ilM n; par M prtoat. pOlbENBEROa KIb m t wL

- PaM M-fcaad^

paM Par aU paM ■ RM APtM T. t t l Braai aL

T . J.

v n r o o w Mwttara anaut. ileaBt Pan . Mr n -T « B a m a .

NCrOKtn'. ppraanlan a a « i " >» ■prtnpflw ata..maaPad .M laeanl M L


FATTI, p tm o lopHa. eaa ta l l jm katr aaoean. Far aanaa call ■ Waat at.

q a u n T E . pknaoleglat aad aChat aclaaeaa W Baplaa at._____________________

KBU TAS S ; Sd'eS^JK«.*iS.rcKS rt-aHMER. iWVaroaa art. — -------------- ■ ■

*O U J *K « .IW Nanan at.. T oiIl

idcratanMn* n a m p- - Apply

Kaapartt- Aiialjr iw..na BalllH Mfll ro.;

U M T r a m i i .

fomKuea: ilofi'* _ _—. anitn«taiBRYAN'S Arllftfftun

7 afttrwMo, oa BroM at., 1_, Fa M a o W ’ A oMt oatebaia

coBtAlate omaU omowBi of moowr oad oetiooi UdwTlNawark oad Swiamit). la lam i o3 w oa L oom* V o i^ i . Win H k J ^ U oJIr eoouMtBl- cot* with J i^rT T A U O H N a ln BrooS t/L. NOW' prfc, W. J-7LOrr->Oa BoHovtU* tmr \ toJor w ill ho lltiaiaRj-

qytleW has haow pawaoi, wMtf; tba 3 ^9 * 4 ^

— iMfl who !■ occuatowaj to S A U W IA N - Y « ^ „ oeU wautbM 0 0

aalllai P * * * t o » t 'K xeQ - *•teaialataau; n la r ' Tu Aeodowiy at

npodeucod on ladle* asMoUf

FO U n u R P -W ia ta d . (m a t* pol'ah-n »

RALEtWOMAN-Taaiia■alaasinait. m w K S

O nnU TO RP.walata, lad ajaiaum (orawuman, -

rat*; part nrtm . Oonqeafor Pbln and w a in Mtt, Ca;, 14« Martin at._______________________

OPXRATOR-Cl W (emad npnatnr ^Bat* aibna naad ap^y. K and M Kal!rr«<)

P(-. » t fc * CTidfch______________________________

OesaiATOR*—aapart-nced npttatnta wanted oa pnim laachlM. U Wailan* ij_______

very low write or cal] for

ctTimaiea aod ooiBpiea, gji work guaranteed, call and convinco yoniwelf. A. fM^^RElHKR. tkS Ferry »L, corner Vgo Baron at.

p a in t e r s a n d PECORATORfl ptrot-rlao* ortlota. figufW work, relief and

ftpwar worh; 11m Jaaignt oa hand; loweot pelceo. Writ* a>4 wo will cmU. Docoraiors, Boa Tl. Saws ofllca. _____________

WMXki L IN E A L D-. S-ln. Wm, at 8W square fijot. 18 Beech »t , Afllfigbm.

go K gw ihowcaaot foe aale. must be sold In 8 J day*. 4 3 PduM at._____________________

p e r le'und, fineti, glU edge Elgin iToamery butler The 6 rcal Atlandc iTid itc lflv Tea

riimpany- _

H o w a o lia ld 0 * « J a Aw4 F a rw liw ro .b e d r o o m aolt*. aprtng matUeswa^ drewr*.

p a i n t i n g god Aecoratliif for prlv«to ftmlliei chiffr-nleee*. dlntng-rnoiii fumitur^OP mtatea. loweoi pHeao; deafor In tviUpaiier . chatr*, fancy tablos. deok*. ate.,nd paloten' oupplUa. A. OELLBR. 6 ft8 Mar- jq ^ 8 dally. H» North Twemy-ftrot #t.. Boatand

kot st

iA\’< VaiM srM **t*rllrik upright [-lann: beau- IID1 I rrab. giinv - see In ue- cne vear; aloO

i.fir1-ir'eult In eem* w f d; ton l*w *«en aU W«tel|ia«en » |i'*re 'liev h*v* heCfl Lw4

......... . MBS. M Ul^iHLlL Hux 27. N**r» Ofe_________ _ e

i g :.\u i\ a l k .vlt: ibxn'i^iN.-*8;iiMi upright, r aaewi'ii'l o«*c, $laJ\.

M2ft upright. r-'*rv3..vl ra-*-. ILL tUiO uunght. msInjgHfiv «ase, Jl**i

WiBtiNFH. nr-' ad ft.

TAK E N IN Hfcnnd hand - Taan*,

ulanom. highest value fentM. rent free If purchaacl A BtiN, Hprlngfiebl ave. r^r. High *t

K.XUHAN'-E,squsre «n(1 upright allowed, new plarvva


A FISW *b>ck - f I'lan'i*. Bh-mlnger, Rshnlhi and Frank hn make*, fnr reai^iahl* prlreaafb

cn . . . rSI I'hiltun It,

THE " A r o L D "ll.a r II lup-n.., to all olh.r lalf plarlnf In,

StAmem*. MATIIUSHEK A BON. plafi.3^ Bprlngfield ave . cur. High at,aiaiG ilTLY uoed mahogany upright; warranted

for ft year*. Including aionl. *c*rt and deliv­ery. |I4b; easy term* If desired. 160 Newtow sL

' iTpE OUR BMAIaL PIANO Just Ihe thing f'T small apartments; powerful

MATHUPUEK a bo n . PlanA t-or. High at.

1 GrsfigP. N. J-t h e RM l AdaiM WoMi

aikporlBg, fiwttt fl.iS op; ... ..i f« r sampNo. M. HORWIYU. 248 Broome *t

ip w r Stovo-Folnting. i bLAUK wilhut buffH and oak “ J**rv*t-c$aaa work, osnd for oale Uall at 87 t.grltott ■ u .^ a i Prongs.

OCT my estliMts for pop«r>|iaag1nf and house palatlog; efclnatsa cboorfully given. FRED 8.

gh’ BSTERp 148 Woobtaffton o|.

I f 'a tJ at 28 »i»4 27 Academy si., alter May 1; ____ m*^-titne* gad suppllo* wlU b#

The Blnger Manufacturing Com>otir farenus for sals ihei'o.

I><ne, price Iww U(f.. 8r»rlngfl*hl ■ v iw ~ liY ’ A"f^VANs1 and ..ther piano* gt special ' Drtrea accvium of removal to corner f edar andlliilae>' iis,__UOU»N;_l^ __________ _h a v e your tdsn«'rii regulited and put In gnoj

order. M ll-ToN-4+RUIiT, A«S Broad tb. *<♦* ©nd floor (over I.*evy‘ s ) . _________________

SQUAB* Iilano, 111. firrf 11.80, i l l ftpalra. ^ JarvlA_^n_Warf*n SU

ORllAN-li-3. riv-Jgood order, bargain. JAR\ IS. 47ft W arren ^

tuare' flam.. Kft; fifty cents weekly, ^ B f id st . "Pwn erentngi.FINE wiua


MFfL n iN TE N TS of 8-fOOOi flat must be mcrlflca. 84 roort it .; no dealers.

PIANO TUNERsold; will F. W. I'ANN.

pairtng. Market -

new strings, rt.: tel. Tim.


U >W O Mu a l

__ aalaavnman (®y(BR. » SprlaaS-tJ |

U H T A tM troWC-Oood *(rt «■<•<> atoln w k and n lU B f. C^ll t e

IWM * HOUSKWO] 3an »;

n m w o iu c E R a tie to w ;. . . . W.H-

W A V n O - ^ A L X AMP rM W AAM

SOM IB ____ - T ^ WMSod; !• «* •, irntt; S ^ a ptoreBi^ aoJArr - *■le J L Bos n . B «w « oSiec.


.•aiaJ “ w * » - *

K m a m a* M ttW akatar Onaaa, M. J.

M e w * at.P. K. OA. I

AdvxrtlMmeatsBawdvxS Too

U X T -O a —aa **>, i r taanAa* ky RMtla. Taas- -tnr anaMc. kanraaa iu a a P u A atA.

Pam ac _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _UOaT-Oa Part a

— j a i t a u i, who dwreesMy tBa.

TOOLM AKra b a t i M ; ^' t 5 S S . i t sJtS. n , ! « a « »

g. BEW COAL TAR I>-W Aan yea call (at till liard, haat-(l3is( L ^ M ti coal, ibcmatSiT

eiaaii, fttli vcichf as* daUvan* a its cSatia or (aga; coal (ar hnaaiAoM aaa oar apaMalty. and « • Sara II lAlpfad dtraot Iraai Ibt hiat ait-M LatD car yard oa caia. Larga Lafaigs No. It Nut, M car u s ; LsbIgV a « (. atoia~ar aai. X.u« g «

M on or aat oguaiur auaad wHa Mo. i a ji, |t.K> c « j e - Vat aa i l l

D O fB LK OV.U rangr. rrfrigaialor, n ry Sna Iroa t»d . bfaaa Irtiamlnga, qllartrtrt o i i dln-

ItiTrwmi famltarr; all at a tm t Uj« Bfurt. 0 2 Market at. . _______

aa* aicrtlteca-

a: aca.. t-IT

l e o w b U M A ,

M wlU find It nakoa a 3*C firs. Mavox Unts owd gniM yon satMfioetlaiL 4NUER30N

4B A T B 3 . P s A f iM M. sad M, J. R, R. *v«,I Ball ggogg. Bo. 8tT4.5 0

ekoaa ooal who* yoa vmr 8m Read of som. u M «W y losFctnaat taas yott go to a iwtioMantoOS to (Wd*T H-

lana aaaakar o( aaM M l e i ^ Inaaakaag- « H tklo Tialalir kay tkalr aaal har^ m o iaaaW* ~a.:.a__ da Aa A .nlL—ta^ dwwl nbil *k*

U-. iw y « « . w e .■ ***• otmmm21 WlUftam

F T 'f lH m ’BE' wID sell s i a ■

a is r jM i s r . j s ' j s u ' a

Sets, stoToa. bedding, ete.; 8 m . O Market at.

r iH S hraaa aad. IS ; raga. ll.M ; I I yaida « r - £ i A ft* aau. W WlllUai at.

Or L t BAMOAIN aaW (a heuarhold tmrhtiM, eoaaMOBiaat, ooaipanltnly c m *0- --fgg tkoo* goods or* to ba told at a

■ M ty^ a vW f city; caaMMtng parlor tg— jM ii god dlnta«>foat» oolta sad nteboii

s tw U a ; sarpMo. nas*. Itpotsumrl hotr m i - S S ml f W t l S r M l , ^ CBIcfiartn# pMao

UPRIGHT p**no. nearly new. i^wt I8W. will soertflee. must be *old. M Court at.

BUT MATBU8HEK 4 BtlN'S planoo. Bprtfi** field gve.a cor. High sb


RWteowood av*. a -

TO Clear an » l a l f jmying 11 and l i P " « " ‘ -

Bog 11. N fs a e f f lw

m t

• F t« a l

; J

±.i 1?.

" i


r l 1 *

E.-i . y;■ 'j;

:■ I S . -

\ M




METHOD of CLEANINCI CARPETS andruca; no HpptQi of acami or frajad adtea. Carp»*U uiUan m cl^anM and r«laid the aatna day b/ »r*’ful. ftp«- rlnicad mar. under the 'p#!*»'mal »iipar“ vlelon of MR. C. R. 0A,)MCS. »f*T M TBARd a MAKAOER CT^ANIN*! In Oili «‘!tr. PRICES U>W. Alan TlRflT-<‘T,A8B &T'''a.\UE,, MOV- iNa. PA^•KlNO and flHIPriNil to atl narta of the ootjMry by careful men at LOW RATES.

. „^AMOH H. VAN HORN, Llmltwl.TBr^MA^ET .pT-,

tn lM» our btiundrn duty to our fmployea and to th« community generally to exert any Influence we poaaeaa toward aemrlng the ob)ect tn view. We l»eUcvf we have exagg^TUlei nothing and that ever> word rtf the above. Bhall hflve the lnd»r}**Tnerif

■ «if the l&.W) petiple whom we Iihvo Hi** j honor to re^,rt’ pn' In thla m atter '

Krr^m I’ Httllantine <k Bona by **FV ItaUanline. prealilenl:



hurt none and help ub all nut nf thiti dreadful dilemma before we have nn epl- ' demtc on our hande, which wHI i-r^ie a« Rure ae fate unleBB Imm^rjiute aotliMi U , taken.”' H aniaon Van Duyne t»i»oke next. In \ part, he raid:

“Aa the calling of n apetiiil e»’r»slon Is en- j llrely in yotir handR, Dnvernor. the m"m- ; bera of thin Hoaul of Trade hHl»-vc that

tf, tnkp t when ibfi fact.® are brought tr* your iitn-n- 1 ^*!', j xul *" lh.-v a r . hy tha Ir li- r , ,.n-1 . l a f -

1 I*( ^ tt * U m rlut dlHaimnlFil- ; I'n-ntB HUhinittwl to you thin evening. :>'id^ h ltlc l in ^ 'h a t the health, nnd :

I r, r irtf, It? innU-t Ffif 1 perhfipa ihe Itvea, of-many tbmi^jindH ofIronertcl hualneHs along Up banKs. ro r * ► ^ u ^ - i imany years li has been nothing les.s than i \ ; ;

a1 ilmt

* which St flow*, ami n poalilve daniHgith»- property rm lha phure.f/ynb


MOVINO AND HOL’FE CLEANlNd f ^ r -fey having your CariK'ta uken up,

It la to be hoped that immediate hc* tlAn may he lahctt to remove the t*am*e of so miirh Injury in Ihr* puhlU' hcallh niHl damage to i.»roberi>‘, ami that we may notW r4iinmll'*d ihr4Fn«h Innctlorr, to RUhmIt i j» l .Myaalon,

T h e ^ f lp M ^ i k ta le in e n t,Mayor Reymoiir was th«m Introdu* "•d Ke ,

had not come with ,.9 prej»arcd Aju fi !i. h 'I Kail], but th a t If Immeiltate relief •'■old be I ti:,d h'*'felt (hat It wap nothing ntor*- ih-m , I jUKt that the Governor should call a wi”*' * :

giber aummer in Ihe cOhdltlnriHcltnned and lfil4 by W. T. JANCr>VJi:H,


«10 BBO.AD ST,. NEAR ORKKN.Tflephorst tOT. bushed iWia.

Ktlabllehetl 1««a.9Teltphon«» t04.RTDER A CO.'S


woriKfl.iw MKPllANic st r ::et .

. tlE r im N O A.ND RELATING.

CARPETS and rug* < |enn "d la 1n.|irnVi'<J ru- ce*t". made o v r and r-ini'1.CARPETS r|earie-| w the fl'H'F by our new

dlw'ftv«*ryFVU.MTCRK uf*hf.|e(ere.l. r»i*:ilrrd ftiul re- (K)tt«t>Cd.HEW HAIR MATTflEdSKH to urder. old oO*

■ renavatrd.JiANfVJN ft IRi'KEIiai'JN.

Beth 'pboims 4H. k4.1 and Mr» R-JP 1 ««. ii'

Olob* Carpet rleanlng Cnrrpni'v,

WAI.lJ’.M’Ell AMI |■.U 'T! ,NKW STOKK. NKW IIIK)I)S, SKW llBHial'f'.

Itoiimaiap f»rnlnin*d for huuw paliiilng aaoaiiqiitPtera r-tr rend,»'Mil*eii [ialnti, wliHe

iMd uiU v*rtilihfj«, UalKumlne and bniphet A. HKVENSEH.w Hi.rlngdrld ave.

F f^ e r i ) with A. A. Flppel

W RINCI'li RKPAIH IV).. fumjid l) 1,1 New el

iRemnved to 47 Rank «l.. near lUipe -. / (Jet your wrlngera. aweeiern. aewlng

machine*. wiH*-lie* and clock* reiHilr- gocHja ealbnl for and ddlverfd.-

md poatal. H. MANCKT., prop.^CARPET CLKANBtNa.

Mattreasea (*anit*r.v) renovated, (>ri«mal ru n ^toanad and rapalred; lUHng and laying aipeclally; alorage

M IGX .. .......STEAM CARPET (’LffiANSINO C0„ Telet*one |32?1. 512 Main at,. Fuat Orange.

WB CLEAN lare curtain*.W'e make window ahade* ami dmperlea.We make alio enver* and guarantee go«»d (IC


Ho. BM Broad et. Baut. IKHfl.

RAZORS, aclaaore,clipper*. *11 ruiiery , aharpened and aec ready for u*e. K-

BI'JTZlUiKE. G Hprlngfteld ave.. mfr. and d*al*r In hind-forfed rstor«,pock- etknlvea. ahean, (able eutirr)', etc.

UAVS voiir roofa painted by lh« (luaraiitee Tloof Painting Co.: half^rem j^r^aqiiare bwt•ortlaarr r*i ofSc*. newi

repalra free: leml po<Pi ark.

Ui>a M.

RANTED—All pemnni who need their teeih atleMed to In the evenlitga tn call on DR.

BDW1N BETTB, 4Mg ilroad at.i upen milll 10o'clock.

<i O. MINTON, maiwn and builder, furnace And chimney*; Jea-eRer (Imt) fnunnatitm, wftU*

r^ lrw d and atdawilka flagged, flti W.Ktnney at.

MICHAEL ROI-TKN, maker (»f new and remade truing: repairing and ah- rtenhif

tcndwl to. Old Burying Grtnind: T* D. T*l. IW,LAW'N mower* ihariirned. get. called for and

dallvcrwl. llardwar* dlore, M BelievUI* av*.WINDOW fflaaa. wbolcMlc and retail: a1*a

glailng done. R BOKORIN. 4h-U Prlno* *t.SOIiDtNO, nil klirda o| gantcnlng; Iftirni i

gpe^Ily. HARKNESS. M Bellavllla avc.TYPB W R IT IN a , apeclllratloiiA etc.; cwpylof

o f every dcocrlptlom 410 Central ava.

CASH reglattr* br,tight, andd. reptilrwd. Naiipnal Cklh K nitter Co., 1H& Market at.

RkRCSL ft«Mv«r1nf, 1r.Q«lr« 80S CamdenI ftoor.


IfR. LOUIS A. FKLDKR beg* lo DOtlfy hla ruatomari and the public In general that ha

bga taken Mr. Haa Rlaaberg, fur many yeara cdknecled with hla nuaineaa. aa a tiartner an4 that the bualnea* will herenfler l»e ciintlnuej under the Arm name of

FKI,DBR ft RLABUEIUJ. at Iho old atarul, HOli Rrftad at., HiKjm Ikk). Uwig Dlatarie Triephunn tfruri.LIID W K I SCHIT4a iihiitographer, hag iw iored

lo the ftrat-rlae* ground floor aiudlo. dl TUtr- teetith are..nr High at. und courthnuoe. Tel.TRl*.

RB llO YE l>-rm . THUS. W. TK>RR1NH, fteallai. from STl Broad at to 16>i Walnut at.


GOVERNOR(Cutkllnued frum Firal rug t.)

l tU « upon A banla o f the henefliH «b*rlvv<l witen the W'ork ahull be a»-vumpU*hed.

" i l l the itume o f Ih* ilonrd nf Tru»V o f Newark,” Mr. Coull vouvIudoU, "sto-uk- In f fo r almuMt mie-hulf u uilUUin la-oiilr who realile wUhtn tht- limit* <>t ih lf vounly. aa w ell a* for ihe Vd' i uomu- faciurltig and commercial iiiierK^t* In* volve«l, I n.sk your egfi'ilem y, l>', vlrtuo ! o f the power given y<oi. rn'«:til ilie legla* ! lutors ii»gether to t'tervl'ir* uiv power j which hH* bvim glN vn ilii-m fn proii-rt the : Uvva and prefu-rvr llj»- i'n--j>,'r(y o f the people they rvpr<'s+'Ui ' I

*4lrung l . r t t r r * H en iL |There were ih*'ti i>.( l li .K*Kl.stant Sei--

re la ry James .M Rvin\ b*uvre fr^tn aeven firm* or (•iirL»‘ 'ruTUitj-‘*. whoat* pinnta are on (he r lw r . iiim whom* comUluecl llnanrtal Irilervsi* un t* ry large lu these comrnithliiiilnh* was voice*! an '“m* phatli il'-munil Mint lustmit steps be taken to improve (he vondlibm o f ilie rlVwr. It wua ^iat»-4 in som^Wof the let- tara tiiut if present eonOlilons i<mUiine It w ill be nerev-Mtry to reriunc imlusirb-a to other !m-glirt+-

Mero are aomv extrmMs troni tln-ae let­ter*:

T ill ’ t.'lurk Threuil ('niniuiny. hy W, Campbell Clark, cke-presb ieh i;

‘'Im vhtibly a cnfMlnnance of ilm- prc>ie M comlltbm* wlli caom* ihc wholes.ile, re- tnnval of factories ,i<nl iM'ioiUdon U akould iMJl be overlooked In Ihls connec­tion tbtt( there Ik an cw*r vTcscnl reinpla- tion to iuccTssful miiniifaciurers to ea- lab ltsh ct'mpletv new pluiiiK In which the brnenta of reniriUlamg ami of (he accu* mutated ' k(iertence of yeura maj he real*

ibroufth 4 b iwhich hkvP prevailed so long. I sliirere ly trust thui « t rh«* roming meeting of Ihe Hourd o f XTHib- some prartlcttl plan ituiy be briMiglil forwurd which m ay be ncrepiMbic lo all Interests, even If It H"- ('•■ssliaiPfl H special flcsHloti o f the biTure.”

From Mie Nairn Linoleum Company, by J v ier ComplieU, treasurer:

■’ U lver jKjlIuilon ufTecls iia ve ry serlou-- Iv. Klrsi. Hy Ms delrimenlnl influence on llio brail h o f our emFilnycs, which rims*has Iho offei-t o f prevejillng mir men fn-m g iv ing thestiNoly service they wouldtulnT- nlso k Iv**. thus increasing our costtom .in- nfiK-uire .tud curtulilng the earn ing powvx nf ,.,ii h man. flecoml. The r lv * r has be- finn- sn foul that ihe w ater Is nu lifiigt-r til til Im* used fo r steam power. Thin lo rhi- ordinary mind may not seem so aerb ■Mil. I'Ui. to men cmpl«»ycil In largs linlus- trli>» no problem presents Itse lf so seri­ous ns tu be crlpplss] for un abmidtinl supply o f clean Waiter”

"A s lo ihe mciluHl. we have no siigg*---- Mou, hm. iiK i-Klseiik und tiixpoycrs o f Jludsmi I'ouniJ', W'e urge iip<m the Js-gls-I. 1 lure the ni-i'esalty o f the work, and are ViilKiig hi bear our pro rata o f tnx.itlnn to have ilie work (horougb ly well done

hope (hat Oovernor Voorliees w ill j'o Sen the lauiditloti o f this nelghborliorid, as will leaii him to ra il hla Icglslstors to ­gether wlHiout delay fo r the passing of some meiisme which w ill pul fo re 's to Work to evolve aome scheme for l ’asSalo IturinciMlon Im mediately.”

I I H e r ra n g e d S lek n egg .Kriim iln sV’ i»tls-C.'«mpl)cll t ’ompeny. by

II. T. t'ampbHI, president:"During last summer a number o f our

employes suffered from alcknenB. from ciiusis which ran be clearly attributed in Ihe foul cohdillob o f the river. The sew­erage wdilch hfti been adm itted Into thu river o f lute ysarg hon so polluted tin? srr»'um, that, at th « present tlm *. ii Is uri- einlurahie. \Va feel that If lom e remcillcs are ni>i inken to acToniplIah this ntijecl, (hut It will t>e nerpgaary fo r us to uband- on our present location and remove io u pliice where the health o f our employes will nni suffer from the oaiiHes stiMcd.We employ nbom 3&0 men, and arc lurgn taxpayers, and feel that our voice Jn tb ii matter should be heard, and trust that the measurea taken by your bofly may he o f a very urgent character, not only Id ncrnmpllah thU ohjBft Anally, but to affori] (IB Im mediate re lie f.”

Other letters w ere from Bailey A A iling and J. r . Smith A W sllace Co. The latter company wrote in part:

"The husJneHii intereata o f our city are terlnusly threatened for renions thsi sre obvious, and, speaking forouraelvcs alone, ye( knowing It la the experience o f othera

.elndlnrly situated, (he health o f our office, e lcvn ior and warehm i*e force has (jeen so AfTected as to make it neceasary In In- stancen in g ir e up the dutlea o f business temiKirorily at least. It Is Impossible fne those not situated as w e are to appreciate the fearfu l conditions which surround us.A crisis has been reached which must (le met by hem ic actjnn. A ll good etdaens should lend their efforts to the elim ination o f this (rouble, and the m atter o f expense should be subservient wholly lo the con- slderallnn and adoption o f tne very best means to permanently restore our river to Its historical purity.”

S o l K l l ffte f la w lB g G eorge Bhiwn A Cu. said In part: "A t

th « present time we are putting In drlvsn wells, as the rtver w ater In Its praaent con* ditlon Is not fll even fo r the purpooe o f ■awing stone. Our company Is now consld* erttiK a prapoiltlon to move Its w orks to N ew York , on account o f the filthy condi­tion o f the river, tho rilling up o f the same w ith sewage matter, and the uncertainty o f having a good trucking road between N ew ark ami Jersey O ily. W e consider It the Im perative duty o f the G<ivernor to call a apeelttl session o f ths I.<eglalature to remedy this ev il.”

A letter addressed to the I>oard by Btala 8eiia(nr Hobert 6. Hudspeth, o f Hudson, wap then rc.ad. I t began bj' saying that for years p a il the people o f Itudsufi County hud va in ly protesteil Ngnlnst the polluled condition o f ihe Passaic. The result had been (hat Jersey CKy hail lost her w ater supply ami hu<l lieen obliged, nt an ex ­penditure o f many mllilons, to aecurc an- othi*r supply.

” Now at last,” Ihe letter continued, “ ths people o f Kssex Ommty have renllspd that they have slumbereil too long, and that a cundlthtn o f affulrs confronts them which, unless remedied, w ill result In a disaster a* grcsi. If not greater, than suffered by the people o f Hudson. 1 can safely say that the people o f Hudson are w illing (o aid In fhe atneliornllnn o f the condllluti o f (he PnsHulc Rlvi-r. provided their w elfa re is priFperly safeguarded.

lin d s o n N e t i* l P o s it io n ,"T h s feeling o f ths pHiple U shared by

their repre*<eut«(lves, and «u fur as 1 have been abb ( m ascertain, slnmlij u special ■cgston o f (he Legislature lie coiiven''d, i iFelieVe (liH( they Would Vii(»- for any fa ir and reiiHiiiwihle mOKaute w h lil: would so- cnmplUh th*‘ schema to tie aib.pteO and the meilMil o f disposing o f ihi* seweruge m atter surtlcleutly proteclti ih »lr health aiul i'limriirt umi their pruiiertv Sena­tor Mct'urrcr liu* b#en moat liuleruhKable In his efToris to obtain from ib r repre- sentallves (he C(Hmiy s pU'i)a+* lUnt the> wm:iM Ktipikurt a measure etn(>rHi'iiiK the provi-lnnK o f the bill la te ly luirotiiiced In the l.eguiurure with an umeiuimetit priivMIru th.li no sewage should h<> ih - poslted in ,i ui+xious Form In New.irk Ha>

The h-ii.r tbeii went on to rec-lt*- ihi* n c «o i‘..iM,,i)H l» '(w ee ii Senator Mi'.l'dri* r. HoIw-t I I».,\Is Slid the writer, and r»-f* rr- IijK ( m ih " .iiMhide uf ,\ir, i>avls, ihe leiT»TCuMClUll.’l! :

■J • Ml siiy from ronversaiiomw ith him ihni tu* tuis no desire tuobs(ru*'i I'll-t IVsislHllon. I say (hlM InjiiM lrv t.. Ml D hvIb. who Is being unjustly crjtb is. ,1 ,.1 ?. n his course la Ibis mati^r The ..i.j*-. ii,iu. tf way. made by the repre* ■•‘ntmlvKii iuis< county Is not that they sr»* I the proposed leglalatlou.lull rhiii they tin nut care (,o«bl1ndly pledKO iiicm>ci\. - lii support legislation until lhc> .iti> f ilh Itifi'rmcd o f l!s .s i ’oi>e uml 1 -s*'ti(i.il i have heard It said(U;it the r-Mii’Ki ntallveH u f this county w*Tr trjInK lo mukc u com prom ise w ith *“ nii- um- ,ind lo iccumpliBh som ething

, (icf'iri rhey w.aild wgree to support the !• KtsiiiMor. In qticsUnn. that some power*

j fid aiul Hlnlsicr liiflnetice was being useil I III prevent th«-m ftnni agreeing lo support J any Mirli U*i<lKUiiMn. These snd other ‘ hkc insinu.httiins,tuive been made In CiUi- ' hp< lion with ibe atiltnde o f these gentle* i men. tii> far a « t am concerned, and so

Wc niiisr look a t this mnMcr ic il> :rl mniincr,” Ihe Mayor coutlnunl. "iind iiui di*<-clye ourselves aa tu ••sul« i I' i- Inn* (hat the Hfissalc to-dsv l.s a 1" 'l ‘‘f

(here Is a depth nf tlllii un (In' I'MM'im of a t least two or ihrc** .ttlrm l lip by every propcllnr (hal paHS -s, Tiuir. pnrMcuIarly, Ih when W" ifn- iT* f<‘ft The qucMtIun now is -luiU’ !'• *:■ t limru'dlnle relief, We have a Siah It"ar.j .'f F MWiTagc and there is no ycrirb ruah In Mil.‘( tuMin I think, who queHtioiis ih* jii'lb 1:y <if that hoard to bundle ih-- in.Mhr. If ! iinilersi.ind the uchcmc, it Is iln>i ••'i- j:1rn'i rs slmll prepare plfins ItvukliiK r<dP‘f nf present ronditinns. sp'-iikink frnm an enfilneerlrtR Biandp'diu, i b-'l tb.it U would take from four i-i >*1a tii.t’iths lu get any returns from ili'i.-=" * u- liM r-rs iinii Ihe ptnnr thni arc '! must

hi' .ippioved by the State board If ilc-y ,ir.- iHit, other pluns must b" undi n uii. W'-- niUHt not deceive mir.seh»-*i by Miink-

O ’N e ill &Announce a Sale of

Four Hundred New Suitssize, atfor Misses

50 Cents on the D o lla r!They cam e to us from one of the best m anufacturers, in

New York, were designed from the newest models and none b u t| the best m aterials were used in their m anufacture. T hey are all handsom ely tailored and are without doubt ttie m ost rem ark­able values o(Ter(;^d this season. ,»

o r T h e r i i s s e s ’ S u i t s nre in s iz e s from 14 to 18 year*. T h e W o m e n 's S u i t s in 32 to .16-in ch b u s t measure.

b« iih-

■ t.f

‘ V,- Mild

1114 ibci imtncOiate reliefMll'-d.”

■ I'roiri W'bfit I t-ai) gather tlic jic.ipl' |(udj*ut have not Uih hIIkIji*-'! ■11j‘[. lion to hlmic'r relief to (be p*-mi'I" “f ,irk. but they do fcal ihai lli*v : h' know Tvhidhcr newage I* P'-ltiK i** be ihimp'd (in tho ahore?* ‘if I’ l' 'U'l” I tfrink thp liovpm or han fisi gintl :in nrubT- Hf lU'ilng «tf thla m atter .i» u.iv ' ‘li*' herr*. Add he ban not ohiy Fllii4Hb*'ih. but (hp wIihIm State to think (jf mid riiic fur. 1 j iinti’i ililnk It la my province in nay to the j M'lVr'i'iior that It Ih hi« duty to cull a *]>e- I .u l f»(‘HsU n. I (In think ihfH It l« fb»w our '■ hitv ttf leave ih* m atter to the (invertior’B ginnl jiiflgiuent.”

Ur. ilerm an C. H. Ilerobl, prcalcbMU of Mn* Miiartf of Health, wan llii* next t*pi*ak- i*r. Me l>elleVed that the only aoliiilim of

H i*- probicnx wuu lo carry (bn Hcwiigc (o *cii. He laid Htregfl upon ilu> dunKcr of mi epidemic of malaria ur of yclJnw fevey If (he existing tioxitfun condltbuiH iirc hI* lowed to cntitlnue, and In cluaUig urged (he ne('e.«f)lty of immcrltatc ucMori.

On itehnif nf Belleville, John HuHtwood,, prcftldent uf the l^ittwood Win* Wurka, Hppe^lml to the Governor tu cull a Hpecial FU'BHlon. He wae followed by Mus'or Kenny, who carneHtly put forth the pe­tition ot Weet Htideon towns Urcsldent HiillHrU. of (he Buard of Works, called ut* tentlun t i the notice nf the SiiUc Sewer- ngv* CommiNNion thftt Newark muHt cenee emptying into (he PuRHaic ufter June 1, 1904. Thft.l fact In Itself he ihouKht should Impreie 4he need for immediate acilcm. Ah to ft epindat epeBlori, Mr. Haltnrd thought that even If pulbillun bills were dcfcalcd \( would have tiic effect of ‘lie- covering whri was reeponalblo nnil ho give opIKtrtunlty to "HpoL them In Ihe fjill.”

•■(loyernur,” said A. Mmiricr. "if we could only get you In a niwhoai hiuI (ake yrju up the river I don't think it would lake yoii forty-eight hoiire to make up your mind."

R ffia to r M craPter'A A rirnm cnl,Juroep A. Abercrombie Hpoku on hehalf

of (he Clark Thread Company, and ihen Senator NfeCarter made the cloning argu­ment. 'He »aUl In part:

"I do not prnpuie to weari’ j’ciu hy de­pleting In detiilt the eundilioii of the river. You have long been familiar "wUh itB general conilitlonsi nnti to-night have had deaenbed to you Bunie of Itn nauseat­ing detail. Suffice 11 la to nay (hat the dear old PaBHalc, of Indian fame, cf The me*-1 Ike natural beauty, the happy ideasuro ground of thnuMiiiula; nf the huidr. neoa men of Newark of to-duy In their hoy hood, haw become a scourge and h menace', threatening the properly, the healih, and even the llvei* of the Inhnblt- ants of th* FuHMalc 'alll*y. My mlnalon la to endeavor to convince you, bIp. of the propriety of your t»xerclahig your cxecu- tl'V« prerogative in calling a special sea- Sion of the Leglnlalure, In order that thiH m atter may receive leglMlntive atteiillon. Prior lo the l;i*1 legi.4latlve Hesslnn, there wtiH no rxiflUiig IcgUlritlnn Hufflclent to deal with the pruhlem, and ilte necessity of Home nuch legislation wuh entirely reougnlju*(J hy yuu. ."dr, In your lanl an­nual mrHHRge.”

Senator McCarter here raad extracts from (he Qovcrnnr'R meesugc liearlng on that point. Continuing, he referred lo the courae In Ihe laat LeKlabituri: nf the two blile that were (irfeated, and farther along (o the (K’caalon In 1NK7. when Govenuir Orlgg* called a apechil Hesalun to ciinHlder

T h r e e S p e c im e n V a lu e s :AT Suits made from line Venetians in all th e popular

4 n n shades; Jackets .'■how the new Eton effects with 1 • J 9 " handkerchief front and lidding, in th e new Roman * Plaids and are Silk lined. New Flounce S k irt lined

with French Percaliiie.


17.00Snit-s m ade from tine Broadcloths in all the new shades, short Eton Jacket finished with fatKy Silk Vest and G irdle and lined with Taffeta ; G raduated Flounce Skirt lined with French Peicaline.

2o'.ooFine Broadcloth and Cheviot Suits with fancy Eton Jackets and L’Aiglon Collars, white Taffeta Stitched\'es t effect and trim m ed with gilt braid; G raduated Flounce Skirt.

Also a number of Cheviot and Broadcloth Suits,' lined th roughout with rich, heavy Taffetas, at

25.00 and 27.50 each.

Sixth Ave.,20thto21stSts.,N.Y.

M e n H C S 9/J w . J w

a n d V ests

L O T HIm m e d ia t e J ^ e e d

Prince Albert Coats .and Vests Light-weight Top CoeLts '*<

Perliaps th e greatest trium ph in W anam aker R ead y -m ad e Cloth­ing is — the one g a rm en t w h ich , above allothers, dem ands a perfect f i ta h d artistic finish. In th t'fI ,;:rr™ ir.V v ^ “4 * ^ have Prince A lb e rtsm a d e b y experts, over a p e rfec t m o d el, beautifully sh aped . Then we have a stock th at is so b ro ad as to include a ll varia­tions of sUes, fo r m en o£ all figures— tall, s tou t o r regu lar. T hen , of cour.se, we do ju st w hat your custom tailor w ould do w hen you try th e coal on— m ake th e necessary alterations to p ro d u ce an exact fit.

It means a practically custom -m ade coat m iiiv~ iih u le .You get th e sam e fine m aterials, th e sam e carefu l an d expert

w o rk m a n s h ip , th e sam e Rt— u'itbout the b o fh fr .But vou m ust see and try on som e of our P rin ce A lb erts to

realize what a difference there is in W anam aker C lo th in g from that. . I . I. __ .._____.... 'fnmilLlQ'P A p 1*1with which you are p robab ly m ore fam iliar. A s to prices

Prim e Albeit Coals and Vests—At $20 -PiiTice Albert Coat and Vest of

albwojl black Thibet, serge lined and silk faceii lo button-holes. Vest dou- ble-ljTtasl«l-

At $25—Of same goods,Ihrou^hcut.

silk lined

At $30 PbTi« Albert Coat and Vest of imported -dark Oxford VicUna, silk- lined ihTJUghoul.

At $3S—Of imported Mack Vicuna, soli and luxurious; lined throughout with extra quality silk.

T ro u se rs to wear with Prince Albert coats and ve$ts. Very neat effects in pure worsted trousers, in dark and me- dium colors. Some very choice pat- tem.s in the celebrated Globe worsteds at $5^ th e usual $7.50 kinds. Other grades up to

Double and angle-breasted V es ts of fancy material, at $3.50 each.

The Top CoCk.t >s very sm art a n d effective th is Sp ring— quite m arked in its characteristics. O u r collection is v e ry interesting to particular m en, T his word of m ost p rom inen t s ty les :

The ' ‘ London” or long c9>t, is widel, liked this sHson. Its v tr, loose back and hig broad shouldm give a distinguished look lo the wearer. Ma­terials ate of light-colof corert detha, Oxford fniied cbeviols and btabk un­finished worsledi. Prices $18 lo $30.

Elitcbed collar and cuSs; at $12. A good $15 (Blue.

Black unfinished worsted osercoata, 40 inches long; silk lined and faced lb edge; at $15. Compare them with those offeted in other good clothing stores at $20.

Some eiceilent opportunities tor special economy among a group of overcoats of broken lots—$15 to $20 values, at $10.

Very small lop coats, made of ligbt-color covert doth, .12 inches long, with

ficcond lli'or. Fourth avoniie. ____

JOHN WANAMAKERFetinerlv A T. Slewart i , Cc.. Ersadwav. 4th Avt., KUt and lOth 5ii., N. Y.

O’Neill’s.In trim m ed Hat Departm ent.

A v e ry e x te n s iv e s lo ck o f n e w e k sh a p e s in

F in e L a c e B r a id s , S a t in B r a id s , T u sc a n s , N e a p o lit a n s , C httfon a n d F lo w e r H a ts , E tc.

A n U n u su a lly A tt r a c t iv e A s s o r tm e n t o f

Children’s Trimmed Hats,F o r S chool a n d D re ss W ear, sh o w in g new ^and ta s te fu l co m b in a tio n s

o f t r im m in g s , a t v e ry m o d e ra te p rices .

Choice Noveltie.s in Flowers, Feathers, Millinery, Velvets, Ribbons, Ornaments, Etc.

Sixth Avenue. 20th to 21st St., New York,A h the St^naior wan Bpfflklng a ilelnffatUm from thp RfjHihlluan Tounty CommlUef^ wiiH announretl. It 4'Amp to pr HRnt ihi? mrimorla) lo (h<> (5ov(Tnor. Kiit a flfr con- f^renc* wllh hoiirrl moml«*rn renitIrfm. PrpsUIrnl Tomkins nrmouiicf'd that, owinR to B provlHti.il in the uurifltitutlim

............................. - ___ _ _____ _ probihltitiK Ih** rt'oeptlon of ]>olltlfalun error In one of the ameiitJnientH (o (he j boillee or rnattprfl hy the Ixiartl. ihe ileie- Uenenil Kleutlun act. t>f this (he Hena- lealloii ooiitiJ not he received. The prewl- lor Httld: j deni expr‘‘HHfHl reRret that he mitet un

“ It wuH (houichl hy many lnwjere ihri( ! rule, but flabi he ihtMixht th4*re w'nnhl he(he nm lter wbh o f mi <'«)iiH+<4iienee, Iml G‘ ivern«ir (Jrlxn’ Haiti: ’W h will lake noflak alfiitit (hlH m ailer; it Ih heiter to have Ihe l.eKl**liiture forup (o Trenton for mie day and rectify thh erroT. thuii It Ih to take 4*lian>'i‘H on it. lUnl ilie (.n'Klnlature went lo Trenlon i>n (he iwenty-fifth day o f Mii>. IV.'*;, iitid rorrei'ted fhe error ami

it-adJouriM -l Now. air, Ih li li»‘tter lo poal pone (he fvH' iDT conHlUer;itli.|i ..f ibis auU- Ject for ii >e;ir. or Ih It lieitv-r (n I'lirivene the LfeaUiitiire tor amdlHT *ilnKlp ‘lay In Trenton

L^Hlainiiire CoqLI He 'rr(i«i4-it.

no difficu lty III prefleiitiii({ i Ifp resoinUnnH 1 0 the Governor.

” 1 w ill take (hem a fter the meeUnB." the Governor imhl to Mr. Tomkins.

Afler (hla Intfrrupit'iii. Seimtor McOur- tor rio.sert htu ploa. sni lnx:

“ Now , sir, aa fh< jieunt-ir fr«im ihU xreai county, aa (he r'T>r*-seiitailve of (he Hepuliltean party o f ihN oiMinty In ihe upper house o f i1>« leKlshilure, bh the representative o f all sh-' people o f (his r«*unty, w ithout retr;ir<I tu political opin-



f.ir Ht* i hove anv kintwleilire, theoe lru (- laeA lo the fui!. .\Ipu U U i-saenl1al tu j (era ar«-elitlre1> fli-tlun, without any foun- th « perniHneiii suLS’esa o f an)' Imslness . ijiidun.nnd usetl f..r aome u lterior puriHSHe, (h at It "huubi be iurrletl on In cotvdl- | "N o w , hwKUHe th»- repreaentatlves o f UofiH that are not Uuritu' to (he health o f j this rouhty do Rut in, h mumeni abmilute- em ploj've ; !v pleiliie ihemselves, ihey ara pul In the

neeil hardly enlnrxe iin the (act, i p lllori' o f rrltlrlHfh. rheir Mctlona raloron- apparvul to cV'r\ IiileUtneni jnemle-r o f j s in ied arul their moilve-A dtatorted: they the romrtumlty, that (he Tu^stnlr X^allev, I are neJied wllhunt proper (Ime fo r tnves-lii (b t near nel hlHvrh'MMl nf (he river, la rapkitv hecfiTnlnjs unlit either to work or tu live In. Intolerable f'oiiilltl<uis )u*itlfV uuy atepa which will nut vIoIhu either law ivr morality, and undoubtedly the 4-alUi’ig of a ttwclal '•esslon of llu’ l.ie'^lelut ire w‘julii b« (hut kind of a step. i^u4stloii9 of proredent, coal 4*r pidlcy are (i.w. Inelit- ntflcaru 4o be ronsidcrijd f'*r a moment tn COttiiartlon with a' elate of ihintfs whh-h

(Waoed to he only a 'nervai'e ami ha a bftConi« an ai-tual Injury (<> t!ie iieallh, niMi dancer tu the lists, uf iicHrly half a m illion pe4»ple.

*’\Ve have fho irfeaicKt restn-t-l for Gr>v- erpor Voc»rhfeii. uiuVihe fulJesr ••uuttdenre Id bis Judgment, and we fEnel sure that U you CftD only make him aware, as >ou

(lifiitlon or mnslderailon to pledge them selves. I have HtateJ. so fnr aa 1 um Rwarv. how the represw-ntailves <if this couuly view fhe marler now no tb'ejdy grossing the 'biietillim ul the peo{de of E.hhox ('uuuiy. Hiid, In ronolualun. let me say that Juat i« soon as tjiey are railed up<m to consider the measure, which la ttRally determlne^l upoa, th« representa- llvee 4'»f this County will depiare their po- •Itlon ■■

Mr. Jeak lnaon*a R enaaeks.Following (he rea^Mn^ of the Hudsoiv

SeriKior'* letter, former PresWent of (h# Hounl of Trade R. C. JeDklnson a^UlrraariJ (he Gilvernor After irolng Into Htatlstloal expUnallona o t the actual amoutil of aewage. SH compared 'with volume of

“When thi- is recugiiiK—I lo it? All. I- Tl la dai!»D : when (h> I • muster, Hi i

I do.* Ah :i ii S tate I Tiiil

, (hot. Thl-■ at-HHlon for

paaseil ttniiu, m ay dirr» r , very luui.I e i i > e r K e i H > I

day of t'Mi' - meaning tliin? M“ r- praeiScall’. ecutlve, 1 - session wh.i-

■ elder any o i l i -» n nthree short iH'HSlon. .\k not pass th- • H-

' 'AiU not be .*l-' sr-istoii. 1 ri I !

' lifT»T 'nt In 1bills deveh>p' i , ' frt.-mls of 11 - p.'xi- thill. wnut [iflSHlnK th- ' ij.ij bef‘»re ih«- i Liture. T h 'i'. ' ■

j diss-illslled %'i.ti Ii ... |Kis4’il plati I' l -- i

Uf il>t-ae bills.■ with them K----X

(he iiMls. and III-j ‘.•bimii-irullvi- lgii"4I 01 tb'- subj'''d1 mutter. Ne$s « '' tbl* State |M th. .

anee of iIm-"'- ni'- relnirt‘dm'td. w>ui retn«*Vf ever' f;‘li Cuiiuly can n'-d><

■Tf the bills blllty CHR be v all events, '-e.are ahorll' t-i .......,of this Sirtte. ’• ■■ l!!L thal h a“ ’" ' ii ’• le - ; to the Stale . i- • fu on .It'd ' •••1 ‘nd I

iDipnrtunee of tills ipa'sdiin ivlmt ran !»• Hie ubjE'-'iloR

'll the skeptical nii^ vvltl .say,■ It Ih It b:nl pn-eeib-tu.» !-l.iliire meel.s it is Its tkwn ' <u riinnot tell w IkK Ii will '• [ii’ it-r <if the denim- «»f this I'r n-siMil such rt c harge us.-r , Lt KlMliiture li;i> b* r-u UiIII' •- mouchH. nml. while r '■ '-'lies tliMl liDiD'sl |tei*pl»>•' ‘ U did not do iiu> ibtng

' "ilctii be iriiHled In (his ".M think, with one mor«*

l.s il not rather d<-- iiiii In iiny surh pu<l- e entire slluutii>n is

i-nlltrid o f the Kx- oilsbb'r ill surh 4I'll, anti f;ill I.J eO!i-

In all probitldhiy,lid dls]Mse uf ih*f!»•' suys. \iHi could

hist sesHtim; io ti ^tl- ni “ l 4 etH-rliil '

Di.itbiM is en tirely j i p' sirl'iii to the.se

d ■‘iid'Jenly The |[■M'ton to Hup- *

■ . :i.k;er o f (heir |■ ' ’I three or four

i»r the IjegtH-• t'nunty WAS• .r>- o f the im>-

4 4LH opposadjoined forcea

■’ w.i.s In fa vo r o f ' !lt> m»'ml>era. in

the imporrant-e iltff' relit uhiml the

n-m one end of V >4s the Import-

\ e 'v ilte blllsr H■Miirmb-.i HO aa to

'l.e.i ihnt i[U4lson

Kile, fur IhE’ reasons t riinb fT elshorailon I'uii, «nd respertfiilly ' Ihe r.ajttslaUire In •'Kvi-nlent day In the

bin. In (h^ Btfiip S.Indicated, ami wtlli.i thereof. 1 app^id 1“ urge you to convei sjMTlal aeaslon. at » nnmth of May.”

A modoh 4»f thank- iu the Got'ernnr for hln attendance ami ituenibm was (hen |ti- Jnxluced hy Mr. (Nmit, uml ufter It b.i.i been patutftd by a rb-inK vote Hd^ouTiimeiii wa» taken.


IhiCogetj Cmnitlee flembers declare ihat

ibe Ugislatare Should Ceoveoe to Cwsidcf Fissaic Pollutkn Relief.


•' ■I the responabli-1> It liebmgH. At• r>' -le.ir Yiiiu. sir,' -'’111,-,' fjovernor ii<-.,r-l iiehliu! you '• 111 it'.il iH'-neftcIftl Th;jf will. UH yeara It* (iMth (dder than

afft, of the abaolute tw -t-SHh of Imme- \ clwir water and tidal tnfluenoea, Mr. Jen- dUt« aelion, your revuesi for extra klnaon na!d:■T'Mipn will be liptnedlaiely granted, r "Now,, our ipatuifacturers complain thatWhon ow*v'*w m V -F ‘‘• '.u t of the

r'Awnda and before the Ia‘glJ^ah:R^a, the n m e gentU-iDen who bave tacen in chgffp up to IhU point will be well able to «arc for It. And we wtsU to aaaure tlifga. through you. of our firm belief that tb r tr uaselAah and gratultnnn labors for Ike puWlc weal sbail be appreciated by tb« ftt large, who will know alsohoar W ra»ek Id due time any inierested pan y barlag tbe tsmarlty (o otaod In the w»y af kp ~ rlgLt-(■tty to M -Eafilated now, netMMft Ball.

4 AMwdew Dwiy,'v"-^D«r enewaa iar wrtrirg (hue atrungiy

I | |^ - q n k t i i l Ig aHk >ly that w t faai n

a -ihVer lekaupiipeWr-K. *■»->*complain t'bai! their' peopeTty ' fit vacant and la depreciating In value all the time,

We lutw ur*-. !*♦* a i,f ptca^nnt re-(lectbrn for 'i*-i Sni'i'iisv (bi'j*,- l’»ltls are not ;it Dr-*H4 m and ihr i1nu1 con-■ummatl'kn *if rl'**r imril'i-.iilnn Ih thereby de|:iyf-d one Vvar. .iu*! then thatin the iH’it -.iininw-r. »h f"T*- rtoHl purlflca- tbm. this is-'4»II»-Ti--r (■.••m** iipfvn (hepvatple tif th" iVi-.saJ* Valley, tatuslng un­told sb kne^vs .«i:-l pn*bablv deHth. Will It then (i*' a I'b-.i-.nt rv-rtti-tlun for you to ihhik (hat .ill ihi-- mbtUt have Ijoen pre­vented hail V..4 •■X.T'i-ml \ci;;r preroga­tive Hltd eiiMfd .t In thesprlnx of IJ*'!'’ t'r ir ihe Le*:t-|j*iurK meet and fall to pass the lull, ami then the pea- (I1en‘''e conii-'-. y*oi i-'uiid at least at suck a llrne reliant nijd sa* ! did what I couU fo avert thl? EMlarntt'

■"I ----*‘Tn!» queHilon Is not a partisan ona.

It ha* been, snd sh«'ijld be. -at far aX■niJ we cannot se« aay relief lb sight un- j pn.ssible. kept &k*of from poUtks. No po­le ^ by legislative aid. and w« aatf tha t . Utlral advantaie ]« sought to be gained you call the Legtelature together to adopt I by the coitHiimmatlon of the matter, but some plan to give us relief a t once. We polUtcal discredit will result to th# party cannot wait a year, and we are corUldeht (rifting with u r neglecting the stibjaci. th a t nothing will be fune la (he mean ; Tbe Republican party fru n thla county lime to help Ul, excep* to ipeod more of feotv the Importance of the conaummatlon the S tale's money, to idscuoa. or try to do | of Passaic purification so keenly th a t the

I so, soaoe plan or kobb: . and convfDee tkig^ Repubttcan County (.^uaculttee, a t a large-aseoclatee and other infiuentlal eltlaena that a trunk se w ^ *s tke right thlaotkera (hat Jt la not he right thing. What wa want iaxke uaa uf ike beat talent th#cooAtrr almNU to U j a«t • g i u tkot wut

ly attended special meeting bald this vary evening for the coosldenttoq of this sub- jeet. T a b IbfE>rmed unanlmottaly pasaad reaolutkina of which 1 have a copy

i A( a wall-altendt'd hnd enthu-l i'!!-,- 1 meeting of the E-'‘s. x ' ' .mity H*'pui :i. ,,i

(,’nmnilltee i* Chc.st' r Kow last idKh-. ,rcBululion calling for u .............the I..ehialaiure in fcwauivt iht- I'.jm-,,.,

: pollution m atter wa« ud«ipted. irf'SoluUon calling on ih*- ibmriJ *ir Wnrki. •

1 not to allow the Dulawat’f, I*ackja .u. lu ;and W estern Kauroud to nmlntsln u |

j acrosa Broad street m gradt* l4*vtl w .- ’’ likewise adopte<l. The reMoluttuiiH wiiuh

Were taken over tij th*- Board (.if Tr.i- • meeting, where Govertiur Voorheir. v\.,- read:

j “ Whereas, The I>>KlHlHtnre ha* Hil.in-ir!I eil without taking iiputi ih" M; -< relating to tbe pollmlnn of the I River, but dlspt>aed "f Hits nwMt ImjH.n.c.* i guwKlon by refusing to pann a hill for ;i i correetfon of a lechnli^al ornlH.'4|OTi n -i ,I adx-erilsrment of ont> of nald m**:!* ;;..

the same being a neceysary prer««i’ii-n. of lU conalderation l»'- the LegJ-laiur*-,and

“Whereas. This commitiH*- views inuh alarm the failure uf lenisladon tn rr-- movs the pestilence that is up<m th<’ p. .. pie of the Passaic Valk\-, atid ih«* « -quent Injury to their health. ‘Nimfort .muI properly that may artfte from f'lniivr posiponenient of thin matter; ami

"tl. oereas, We recogrdt*. the im'IH- ,| importance of tm* Ht(und..n. and feel \hAi It is d(»e to the grt-ai KeputUkan of (he ciHiniy of (hat ti Ke(tnl»M< m Governor skoulu at leant affurd the oppor­tunity for a RepublUan Iveglelalurv i„ consider tbeae bills upon Iheir R)erK« that said measures may either be pant.'ii or tke refpoaslbilltv for defeating iht same p iac^ where it belongs; (here/-if« be It ^

■’Resolve* That the HepiibUcso rouniy Comroltlee of the county of Essex unani­mously request the Governor of this State to convene the Leglslsiure in speclxl *ex- slon for the consideration of the Jeet.”

The track-elevation resolution reads T k e T ra c k R e sa ia tla a ,

“W'kgraa^ It l» currently reported'(n (ha putthc prtxiti that a scheme of track •levatkm for tke Delaware. Lachawaim^ and W aatera Railroad Company Is lo b«

HriiOiJ street for freight purposes at cer-taii’i hours; and

” Wh‘'rcBH, The Reput ifean party of Eh- Pf'X Cuuniy Is Irretrievably committed b3* Its platform of and by Its whole jraurse of ThdJcy from th a t time to (his, | to the rent'A'al of all grade crusslnga from ' (he Htreeis of (he city of Newark; there- : fnr‘’ be It !

•■HfHiilvi'd, That we protest agnlnsl the tulniiilon of a plan by the Board of Street aii'l Wilier ('ommlsHloners containing any such feature, and demand of the Republi­can members of said board, that, In Ihe cot sideratlim of this nubjeci, (hey carry om imih the le tter and the Hplrit of Re- pulilU'un (di'dgea concerning the same.”

M ajor L e n ts in th e (‘h a tr ,],en(z, as chairm an of ihe com-

mitt'"', talked the meeting lo order and ahnnmii-ed (hat U was convened to con- aid' r what action should be taken In ref-

to (1 special session, also that the i«‘minln.-(- miglii go on record aa lo Its vl»w Ilf the m atter. The subject was tii'.iiglu of Hulficlent Importance to war- rum Hit‘ County Commlllee spsemhllng Iti H|heria! .““sslon. the major said.

F.irni'T Alderman Sydney N. Ogden was ih * rirst to get the floor. He said he was Kruiilkd to receive an invllHllon to at- t'-nd ii special meeting of the romraldee. ii-( (lie HiiM<K't of the pollution of the Pas­s ’h was Important.

"Kv.tv one In the Passaic Valley wishes Dir [iMliuilim of Ihe river sioppcnl.” he

Mr Ogden then offered the r$Hol(itlon ..illlna ror a special awalon on th . pi.llu- !l ni matter.

II.- thi-n to l* of the roevnt Ipjlalitlon ■ '1!. .'nitni; the Wit"- Objecllnna to the [lii-ciKH Ilf the wu to rectify the ailvertls- •IC .imlvalon In the Anll-PolluMon bill acre hrsl raleed by the Democrata. Bo rordlng to Mr. 0 *den.

nrm anda A lteB*‘*n> • « O a » .■ The condition of the river demandi

mill a..methln» be done i t once to atop 111,- pollution." he continued. "Property «l..nB Ita hank* haa depreciated fully one- huir The dan#er to health la praat to muse living near it. We do not know what il.iv an epidemic may break out thla auin- m.T or next aummer. cauaed by tbe river. I: the Republican p a m refuaea lo under- lake relief ireaBur_rs. we will be polltlcally

!id for yeora.


Of Fully 4 0 Per Cent.Guaranteed To A ll Our Patrons

T O -M O R R O W .Meti,‘a Fine BusinessSm ts.

in Cassimeres anil Cheviots, welt made and finished, hfiuht, new styles, to-m or­row at the unheard-of price of

5.98.Men’s ExtiaQ uality Black

Clay Diagonal and Cnfinish- ahl 'W orstetl suijs, tlie $ i i k ind—to-morrow.

8.50.Mtn'i Natty Top Coats In light

M en's Splendid .All-wool Suits, nohfiy ^ o t c h C.heviots, S triped F lannels and 'Tweeds, handsom e 1901 SpritiK ef­fects, to fit stout, slim and e’x tra sizes, to-morrow,

9.98.M en’s F inest Dress Suita

for ffoot! (Ireswera, marie by skilled t 'n iq ii Tailors, this aeajioti'a crealions.wortJj | i 6,

1 1 . 0 8 .

Covert, Whipcord and Gray Oxford 5.98,1.98, W IU 8M O TORM EN’S


Bovs' (louble-hreaet- Boys’ Russian Blouse, ed kn e t pants Suits,also Vr.strc ami Sailor Blouse sailor blouse style*,, i S.u i t ,s, liandsom ely they BO to-nior- 1 J O iiiuile, worth '9 i Qrow for..............I . 4 0 $j. P ric e .. . ^ 4 0


Bovs' nobby Cossack, Russian Blouse and Nor­folk suits, newest crea­tions, w orth i A O |8 . Price. . . 4 .V 0

FURNlSHINO DEPARTM’T .Boys’ Negliffcc .snd Stiff J A _

Bosotn Colored Shirts, ex- tra value, to-morrow. . .

Men'* Stiff Bosom Colored Shirts, new, natty effects, with ex- tra cuffs, reiluceil from | f t .o n to ..................................

Js'ew 190! SpritiB N'erkwear, in- cludinjt the narrow I'our-in- P A _ H and, lmiM-ri,al, Hand Bow and Butterfly, special quality

HAT DEPARTMENT.M en'* Pearl, B lack and Slate Al­

pine*, also Black D erby A Q _ H ats, to-mor- V O v ro w - .........................................

M en’s "G rand D ne” and | F A "S aran ac" H ats, m ade to L 0 ( J sell for f j . 50; p rice . . . .

M en's Hats, newest styles of Dun­lap, YonnB, K nox and ^ C A Y oum an, alsoU ieraw edRC ^ j Q I I "P rin ce F jlw ard” Alpine

Come ••Out ot the H igh Rent D istrict” to the

Junction S. Orange and Springfield Aves.All Cart 1*MHR or Traoifcr lo Oor ktOTOft- We Pay Carfar*.

F I E D L E R ’ Strying to get the hlllji paxxed, bat Cbftlr- man FuDie. uf the Committee gn Revliton of Lawn, to which the bill wax referred, refiJH4-fJ (o report U. the speaker oald. ronfcrt-ncea were held, but to uo purpose. .MaJtT laenu said that Easci County wanted un extra eeasloii and that Essex

Wa should shake h«nds_ pg,j,( gtite. There wouldnot bf a dollar of expense to tbe people if a Hpecidl sesstas wae held, be declared,

Hhouid ha"ve thraitpport of th* who!. Bn- ' * « '>»“«<■ of any hormfuluubHcan Mrty and tha aovernor ahould legislation being Imjulped In. ConcmlBf haw th* wpport of the Republlcana. It >a., th.not from all ovar th* State. th»n from

with th . Boant of Trad* m*mbnv* acro«« 111.- wav for the .fforta they are making 1-1 thu 'end . Thla anti-pollution qtMatlsn

ih.Hio of thU Pwaaalo V*ll*y. If tho bill. 1 , annot b* paamnl «t • • ( « < • ' awalod. let Iho blame fall wher* It M lo^a.

Major Lenta realsned tha chair lo licorge E. De Camp in order to make aom. r-'inurh.. . . . . 1

■ Thla BieeOn* waa ealled bMauae a tHrue number o t BepubUcana told ran It , wa» neermavy to tako aom* aland to j ihitw the feellns o f ‘he parly on tit. | jKillutlon and a* « « aaaalon mattera,” u ld the major. "I am fam iliar with the hla- | --ry of tbe AaU-PoUutloai Wile. 1 look at |

the gtatnmente that tha Govarnor waiHaU to bn assured that the anti-pollution hills had votei eaough to paaa them before be • uiied a apeclal waalon, the major aa- snrted;

"I do hot believe Governor Voorhaaa allpulated thla. I do not believe we ahould lie coiupnlled to (o about seeklnp vQ'ni for ihna. btlla before (he .eaalon U etlAd. 1, for one. would not po lo 'Bob' Darla or any other Democratic leader In the State to seek aid In pacing these bllla. The Be- publlran party ts strong enough not to have to do thla. We do not have to aaefc vote, from man who wlih lo make poUtl-

Ihn’ “U iS ; * S ^ m T “;;S tC ^ rv ,‘e;™ ‘ „“: | « l ™ pn.l «ut of th. Uv.^ he.lth and m- -und. In doing ao. I aay 'hat the Bepub-llcan party la In. no way te blame f.>r tha meant lac* o f ‘artlan. Whatever tha re­st.nnsibllliy. tt reata with tha Deniofrata. Vou know our p a W ba» gone on rMont us favoring tha Antf-PoUurton bllla Tha Knpubllcan membara from ssa.x have done their fuU duty *H th# maUer.

D e t a l M Blafwwy •» »Mla.The major than gavw a detailed hla-

ii.ry.«( tbe btlla. arWch haa been toU la ihn NEWS. The blUa weva given to Sena- li.r McCarter by tbe Board of Tra'd., Major Lenta aaM. and It am. preaumad

duatrlea of tba people l(,vlng along Paaaalc. We call on the DeoDcratle County Committee to taha auch aettoo aa wa have to-night."

Rdger WlUlams, Robert M. Bprd and David B. Sanedlct .poke brIeSy IndorMng what Major Lenta bad aatd. Tha rvablu- tlon waa then pasaed unanlmoualy. Ed­ward Ward, Sydney N. Ogden and Henry IXckftoo were tppoliitvd a ronDOlttee to trfke It to the Board of Tredc.

Csder a auapenalon of tba nilaa Hr. Og. den Inlrodnead Ihe track elevatlni rcaohi- lion and thla wa* alao given to the « > » '

r „ , . — -- ------------- , mittae to b* lahen to th* Board of Trad*.tha. .11 oraUntlnarT wot* had bae* dona > Baaolullona ot regret at tba reeeat daath ■ on ihMB ■ of George S Jame*. of Mfllfaum, lolro-

"I bar* tdatt It aUtad.” **W th* chair- , duoed by Pradholder O e o ^ W. Kagar.man.-that tba BefMlI a* _-- MrCarter end -

by the Republican County ComDiIttee. urginy the call of a special legislative elon, was net baaed upon any objection had by Ibe board to other bodies taking action on the pollution queetloti. Oti (be contrary, (he Board of Trade menberi oay they would rather welcome co-opera­tion, buC at sane time, they do noi want poUtloe to become identifled iriUi (heir actions.

Joseph Coalt, chalranan of the' Board of Trade ComniUtea on River Poltutkm, sal'1 this morning that the action of the Re­publican County Committee mlgbl do much good and certainly coukj do iu> harm.

only goes to ahow.” said Hr. CouU. "(hat the Republican party has Integresi' cd Itself and demands ^tter conditions. The commlttee'a resolutions were aot celved by the board because we ^ d not want lo have It aald that j>oUi1cal bUS was permuted to enter Into our dellbera- tkona.” *

**rhe resoluttone adopted by the Repub- ttemn County Conunittee may or may not hire MB affeet." la the way Hairlaan Va* Duyha, who baa been on* of tbe moat con- ajhcuoua In the moveatent for an gzjfa aaaalon. pul II thla mornlDg, "Any organ- iaed body Ha* a perfect right to adopt t W ' luHon* OB auch a matter. It abow* that thar appreciate the dangera that wpu)d artw from a camlmwd pollullon ot th* rlvar. Tti* Board of Trad* did aot aowpt the reaolatlan. becaime It fait that It wu* not railed upon to do ao, aa any auch rmo- ■uitona atuuld go dlraet tb the Governor. It might alao hav* been thought that It would be Juat aa waU. perhapa, not to aveu reaately paanaot pottltcs with tb* board'* adnaib aa a board."

adopted, which ronuin* aa aa Integral i . r ,aikmm* *la a— w* tOm ■"<MrK« Mt .mlAI ______ _ . * I

M r^ an n an L Thl* M "5,,*™ * cam . a t tw th*and Mr. McCarter W ® ™ -* “ *trvaww. Alter Mr.reeded In getltog tB* »f «* « 'the Senate he trapafhrred hM mier ^ .othe bout*. Mr. T«»»“ ‘for l t . ^ t afterw ardMr. Bee. of > » -*«•hole. I prtwalaed to v ^I don't araat t * Haw TU v « e ” *** but yen e*»* *■*(*•( WBfew ^ y vote.' That wae a o t *

DO NOT W ANT TO.t - ■ ■ 'O R A p E

tia O t Iwy tR« hw etussa. Law* M t TBtso. W a k « « p ewsiolwB ■(hock

j tk s r c .

I IX IN POUTICS. R E N O V A T IN Gn H o t t tM M M l

pav Ih . Ml

Ja ftap k C « « lt aaA H a rr ta a a V » » ; D ainsa a a NsMirA a t Trads*a Na*

ta a a l *a N a a a tra B epahU asie C a a a ty C am m ittaa

U P H O L S T E R IN Gp r t a t . f is t a v a a tlm a ta .

e .-.mv- w -wryf ■ , gaft Uscfoof tM fight of solft compatiy ti»! m I* iTh* Saaaior uita rtad tb^ raaoluttoaM j maintain a Mpgl* track at gridt aciH* [ *^V**h*>.



:ftUnf )ti th« mber* Qp«ra' Fo nut


Coult. lexMl* Ittons* >ol rp- id not i\ bUf Uber»-

L * w -


N E W A K l t S V E K l N a N E W S . F R I D A Y , A P R I L


PrednUers ippriTe «f a Teaporary AgreoKit With Corporatioas aid

flidton Conatj Biard.

difllcuUy for th« prei«nt, FreehoMer Buhl Bpoke In favor of the resolution end the b^rd adopted it unanimously.

The secfetery of .the board will notify the Hudson County Freeholders and the i Plank Road Company of the adoption of ; the resolution, '

The last communlcallon of the Board of \ Trade, reyrettlng that Its meelinff Ism . night would prevent the members from attending the Freeholders* session^ was re­ceived.



|ilexi1c I l d a * ‘ ^^«0ikWiiA7 tn P o t th e Pas*

v a le B r id s e In S h a p e a n d th e E is e a

F r e e h o ld e r s . A f t e r A p p r o v a l b y th e

C o a h ty B n ir ia e e r . W i l l O p e ra te It

f o r h V e a r . C la ltn ltiK th e P r lT l l e s e t o C h a r s e H u dsou W i th H a l f th e

B ap en ae o f No llo li is > ^ ^ o I 'a r O ' to

th e A s r e e m e a t to H a v e R licb ta

P r e jn d lc e d —lln d so u to lie A o t lt le i l

o f th e S tand .

At the meeting of the of P'ree , ,lidldera last night a rc^oluUon wns I<d approving a ijlan ftir irmjHifary «gr<-e- menl for one year with the !htd.«on Onin- ly , fresholders nnd the N'*wark Plank Hoad Company t’OiU’vrnlng the Plank road bridge over the Pussuk' FUver. By the terms of the agroom^m It Ik proilded that the Plank Rond Compiiny shall put the bridge In shape for saf4> use, the amomit expended to be con?*ldered In the final iidjudicatloii of the matter, and that the Keaex freeholders, if the bridge Is ap­proved bV the c'ouiUy engineer, shall un­dertake to operate it for a year, claim­ing, however, the right to charge Hud­son County with half the cost of su doing. This Is with the proviso that no party to the agreement shall be understood to be making any conoesaluii which will preju­dice its rights in Ihe mutter.

As soon as the meeting was called to grder. Freeholder Bailey, chairman of the Committee on Bridges, presented the fol­lowing report, containing the memoran­dum of agreement;

*‘Gy virtue of chapter 135 nf the ucl Of ISWl, entitled ‘an act to provide for the control and operation of road.*i and bridges owned, or claimed to bo owned, by any plank road company, whose charter ha| expired or may expire,' it Is provided In the second section of said act as follows;

"I f any bridge be over a navigable stream, which marks the dividing line be­tween counties, then It shall be the duty of the Boards of Chosen Freeholders of said counties Jointly to take possession of such bridge, and to aci)ulre the ownership thereof by purchasi> or by condemnation, and the expense of building, rebuilding, repairing or operating such bridge be­tween said counties shall be equally borne by such counties.'

Resulted In Failnre* *^Ke^otlatlona between tho reprcsenla-

fives of the counties of Essex and of Hudson and the Newark Plank Rond Company have resulted In failure to agree upon terms acceptable to the said parties, and it is the object and jiurpose of this temporary agreement to provide for tho ■peedy opening of the highway formerly known as the Newark Plank road for public frafllc, which temporary agreement la expressed In the following terms:

"The Newark Plank Road Company will, at Us own charges, make certain Alterations and repairs in the bridge over the Passaic River in order that the same may be safely u.sed for ordinary iratflc as well as for the passage over the same of the trolley cars of the North Jersey Street Railway ('ompany. The total amount of t co.'t of such reparation shall be considered In the Anal adjudica­tion as to the value of said bridge. The value of said bridge Is to be determined by Us usefulness, dtirabllUy and adapta­tion to the uses of a bridge for ordlnsry as well as trolley iraftlc, whenever the same shall he transferred by purchase or condemnation to the county or counties Interested therein.

I "The Board of Chosen Freelioldera of the county of Essex, If such bridge shall be deemed by Its engineer to be safe and suitable for the traffic intended to be carried on thereon, undertake, during ihe period of this agreement, to operate such hrWge and Us draw, maintaining, how-

that said maintenance and opera­tion devolves e<tually upon the counties of Kssex and . udson, and claiming Ihe right to ctmrgc against the Chosen Board of Freeholders of Hudson County one-half the total expense. It is stipulated that nothing In this conncttlmi shrUl be con­sidered aa devolving In concession as to the following;

ftoad *!! In le r e a l*f**ht or intere^i of properly of

tho Newark Plank Hoad Company In and to luch bridge or any part thereof,

The duly or obligation of the Chosen Board of Freeholders of Essex County, or of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Hudson County, or of the Newark Plank Road Company, or of any trolley company maintaining or operating a line of street railway making use of such bridge and roadway, to repair, or renew, or enlarge or rebuild such bridge at any time when ■uoh repairing or construction may be con- aldored necessary.

'% The question of the obligation and duty of the several parties hereto to main­tain and operate, beyond the period fi^ed by this agreement, the said bridge.

' "H ie object end purpose of this tem­porary agreement is hereby declared to be the Immediate and speedy opening of guch road to public use without decisra- tIoD. admission, concession or obUgatlon of Mid parties beyond the period fixed by the terms of this agreement This sgree- Rtent shall be in force for the period of one yevs from date and no longer."

Bdr* Bailey then presented the following resolution:

"Resolved, That tb« Chosen Board of Freeholders of the county of Essex Is prepared to recognise any interest that the PISAk Road Company may have In the bridge over the Passaic River adverse to this county, and Is farther prepared to re­pair, robuIFd or renew stich bridge and make the ume'safe end suitable for pub­lic traffic to the Tulleat extent required or pennlttM by law.

"Resolved, That whereas the repreienta- tlveg of this board have requested ihe of- fleen of the Plank Road Company to put A vajuatltin upon the Intereat claimed by the said company Iti the said bridge, but have as yet received no statement of such viUuatlOD and claim, the said company be further requested to submit Its claim In Writing to this board on April ^

Tem porary Avreem eat."Rosolved, That whereas attempts at

negotiation have heretofore failed between the ropresenutivea of Essex and Hudson rountlM and the Plank Road Company and a permanent agreement aeema to i i for the present impoulble, (he plan for a temporary agreement to last for one year, an outline of which Is herewith presented, be now approved by this board In order that tho road may bo opened to public use."

Tho report was reeeivod, Ob a motion for yeas and nays on the resolution, Free- holdar Rummldge spoke asking wbethM' Under the agreement Eooex County would bo responsibly damages to parsons In­jured on the britage. County Counsel Hunn replied that Essex County would not be reeponsibla for aoy accident to any trolley car, but would be for an accident reaultlng from a defect iu tho conatructlon of the bridga Mr, Munn then oontinued to hold the gear and expUInod to the board the diffioultleo which bad attaodad the work of tho committee In trying to come to oome deflnita arrangemetit about the b r i ^ and his naoona for balleviug that tho terapor- sry agreement was the way out of the

Those .ipproved This W ea ls Repre^ sent a Cost o f Over $1*0,00C^-Ad-

slltlops *1 LawIlM-“XmonB the permits granted at the office

of Superintendent of Bluldlngs Peal this w «k wascrcctloii f,f five builtllngfl adjoining their Scftlbcr factory, -iii Vi*«ey street.- The coit of tho bulMlne'* !s eatlmp,ted at |16,fXI0. They W to U use.! for tanning purposes, i At* additiar.s to thu present factory. G. A. Wurth Is lUe arrhlipct. 1

The iios; of lb* new building*, extensions j Ak;J ad<il,:oMS for which permit* were , iijt.t^t«d duritig the week la estimated at j SBC.-till. I ho laiprovomeius spedfled ht tbn ara follows; « i

Firut »V .a^-4 t«n« frort. ilroatl street. ; I J, JtUfUl*;;.'I, •‘-Arc;-, cs'-iuatiJ coat. IWI; j i*:n •: ^A ‘uii'-i::. -.il rirouil strc";'., ,I tkm'x M. D* rp'-.i; < i.vms.. vslhonied rosi. i biir;' •‘.'■ult, 3 ' l.un’ihnvdy

wmiiin 'ntv-. vatlui.ikd■fi.ku.jj w'ABon and

Rturu^c-hou>c. -'3 Lun)lKiiiiy place, auitn- ownor. ifif[m*«iod coal, il.500.

aeiMH-d Ward—Alteration* to IniildhiK a*. 9TI Broatl street. Louis achte!*lnger, owner, estimated cost. J3.5rH).

Third W ard-Urirk *hed, 82 Sotnersel street, ('atharlne Braun, owner; esti­mated I'oai, Two-stoty brick niabie,Wi Sonierscl stre»*t. Catharine Braun, owner: estimated cost, One-storybrick store, same address and owner; estimated cost, S2.UH).

Fifth Ward-Alterallon to warehouse. New Jersey Railroad avenue, August Boeder, owner; ewtimated coat.One-story brick boiler-house, i Commcj- rial street, Gubble & Conant, owners: estimated cost. IfHX).

Seventh Ward—One-story brick shop. Hoyl street. Adam Gulllano. owner; esti­mated rosl. HlVl.

Eighth Ward—Tw'o-*tory brick build­ing. Vfrona and Mt. Prospect avetuie.«». Heller Urns. t'o.. owner*; eatlmaled r jist. Sl.unn. Three-siory frame extension, dwelling, K2 North Third Btreet, Michael Mirk, owner; estimated cost, 1450.

Ninth Ward-One-story frame exten­sion, IV.' FrellnghuyBen avenue, R. *\ fljul H. R. Good, owners; estimated cost.

Tenth Ward-^Two^story frame dwelling and om*-!*ii)ry extension, 172 South street. Joseph W'nkrtield. owner; cFtimated to-fi.

fO U N T A lN snWVQZS, ieclnd- inf hmUr bgttit, rubbtr tubint, thru hard mbbtr pipt). rttuktr 4fc. Special to-momlp, jfc.

TOOTH V H U S H S P E C I A L , retalar tac. Ta-momiv, 7c.

11,000. Buildings for® tannery purjMispH. Veaey stn^ei, M Rtrsu* A Sons, owners: estimated rnst. SIS,000. f ’o ur-sto ry hrlrk dwelling and store, snulheasl corner Van Bureii HUd Malvern streets, Gaetano Tan- aalo, owner; cstlmaied cost. 13,000. T n o - story frame extension hu ild ln ki 170 New York avenue. G. H. Stiles, ow'ner; cstl- moted cost, *'A» *■

Eleventh Ward—Tw o -sto ry b rick hiilld- Ing, 15 Norfolk street. Frances Rein owner; estimated cost. $li,00r». Tw o-story frame dwelling and two-*tor3' exicnalou, 484 North F ifth street, John Mulcrone, owner; estimated cost. One-aloryframe extension. W’arren sireet. JuiUis Rudisch, owner; entlmatert cost, >?(Ki.

Tw elfth Ward Onc-fltory frame work­shop and shed. 93 B arb ara street. Bruno Churchanl. owner: estim ated cM»st. li'i. Tw o-story hplck refrigerating machine building, rh r ls lle street. C h ristia n Felgcn* span, owner: csllm aled cost, 44.0m‘i.

Thirteenth Wnrd — Two-5tnd-nre*tiaif« story frame dwelling, southwest corner Sixteenth avenue and South Tenth street. J. Scholl, owner; esilm ale d cost, 12,WO. T lire e -sio ry frame dw elling, 448 South Tenth street. Daniel .Muldlsch, owner; es­timated COFl, H.fJOh,

Fourteenth W ard —Tw o-story' brick ba­kery, 242 and 244 L iv ingsto n street: Mesars. KIndop and Brown, owners; e*- tliaati'd cost. JlO.flOi). Tw o-sto ry frame dwelling, east side Ridgewood avenue, south from Clinton avenue, Mars.' J, C a l- lan. owner; eallm aled coei, Three-Klory frame dwelling. 50 Chadw ick avenue, T . Hermann, owner; estimated cost, H.TOO.

Fifteenth W a rd ^ T w o -stu ry brick,-dw ell­ing. 18 Wood Pireet. Antonio Panlllo , own­er, estimated cost, $1,000: one-story brick store. S Cutler streel. eatlrrtated cost. $500; fivp-siory hrick build ing. 79 Orange itre d . H enry M. Doremu*. owner, estimated cost, 49»0*0.


DERimiOII OF GRAFE-NIfTS.Cm CbIu ?(*l<her a n » « 1f»r Wata.

Tbonffet WM aftpUed and eaparlanma con4uettd tor about taro Toara, aoekloc to portacl a toad aaay for tiM Intaattnal dlcaatloo and pet make nae ot tba carbo- '1‘Tdrataa. aibuiaen and phoopbato of pot- aab obtalnod from tb^ graino.

SaooaoB c aw , and lockOr tba odantine food waa foond to baaa a moot dallaloua obd drtkMo avact, that of tha grape ■b«ar to ho acen gUstcnlng on tba ^ras> ulaa. That anggaotad tha Brat part ot tha baw ttmam nama. TIm laat pan -N d li" ** paiatr fanelfsl. tha Oeegoewd v o A Orapa-Mata hateg a eaload ward, having

■ no annal naaaing, a aacaatair Ihatwra ta eoatana ho tha rwlaa at (bt Pataat Mhsa aw tba raglatratloa at trada-Matla.

"Onpa-llBta- la a dalg raglalariil trado* T food i f

_ _ „ , g r ,^ /_ytTvlarH Choiee£ia thcnnt lutB titht Sprint mtthts. plain and Jotted nrumU and Tuxedo, bit bariety bfhitt and blaek inttrteoben. t fb ’httt U>ith black -aQ jtJ \ € l t ? d p n n g V c t l t f l g s date, a tl-m Chiffans. bety nekt and camel. Choice a yard ............................ ................................................................................................................

tw tinucap snMtMaNUI.a

T h e S h o p p in g C e n t r e o f T ietp J e r s e y .

LS.PLAUI&CO.JWioni aaow stMcrMCWAnK.N.a

POPE C!ASTILE SOAP {Ivfilte), regular jc . cake. Special to­man ok’, )C.

VIOLET TO ILET W ATEK.tood quality, 4-ounce bottle, regular HC, Special lo-morrok>, u/c.

H O YTS Q ENUINE Q EKH AN COLOQ'hlE, IOC. lize. Special te-marroki, jc.

To-morraip W ill "Be a.J3argain *'Tield Day.”Last Day o f G na t Dress Goods and Silk Sales Wind Up of Summer Draperies Stuffs Sale Tinish of Tk>o

Day Hosiery Sale—Jfany Other 'Extra Special Ebents.

We Cry “ Tore!” in Outerloear Values.A S p le n d id S u it V a lu e —A choice loi of I.ndies’ and Misses’ Suits that came i.> ns .it a material moncy-saviii};,

__ and we pass mi to you likewise. New ami popular ICtou Imiuv Vest effect, I.-Ni^lmiMixed Cheviots and Venetians; work, tit and finish all of tlu- ^ ■ l hest— not a dollar loocollars amonj; them

much for any. We say only

L a d ie s ’ D re s s S k ir t s — In fine all wool cheviot, dmmcc shape, strappcil with : rows j^ood taffeta, gore seams lapped, /\r\ best fast-color linings, velvet bound, ('.ood big §6.00 wortb for ................................................................................

A J a c k e t T to n ey S a h e r — Put a couple of dollars more to this price anywhere in the City and you'll not beat thu value. Handsome black cheviot, Oxford or 'I'an Covert, short tight back, double breasted, neat iilaiuor velvet collars ................................ .......................................

12.50iinl V fancy


5 . 0 0

L it t le O n e s ’ lV'(?.v/i D r e s s e s — Some vmslriiied percales and ^nighams, collars trimmed with two f.ancy braid: guiui]i and high neck styles: also others . ^ . with fancy cut collar^ of pii|ue trimmed with selt niade | straps....................................................................... ................... *

G ir ls ’ S a i l o r S u its— Choice grade of Percale, front and hack prettily plaited, I.irge poiiucd collar of pitpie, also yoke _ and belt of pique eilged with beading, newest of the ^ Q qnew for the girls

Garment Nelvs!


M ore W rapper Values-^n a fullsortincnt of sizes iiml mlurs. Yoke ecaiilettc hraid trimuieil. full skirt willi flounce, new nisliop sUfves, / 4 J C

Unusual Satme Petticoats i’ i .11 ublack and black and white, lart;,- .uconliiiii plait pradiiatiiig flouiu'e, extr.i * dust ruffle, full assortment of .sizes.

Very N e lP S ilk Wafir/.v StvlfSand colors, iicW’ luii-tiuk fnuit>; {uullKickB, new nisliop slwvcs, .stand- f\iti>4 collars, 3 rowK jun uit klnj,:. all siies ^

iron Putt lradicator.2ic: fo n e f, Sanalibe Pith. tiC. To»e,‘a Tonic Vermifuge, ifc. f. b J . Perfect H o.m d Platter,. 22c. ? ! fr ? - Strengthening Pta,tm.

Pointers for Parent or Quardian.T h e E x tr a P a ir P a n ts SuiV •We throw in an extra pair of punts w ith this suit,_________ ____________________________ without tlwl the latter is worth more than theinone.v we ask for it, tkaafs are all-wool t'hevints, very new pkii.ls ami irtixtares; ]zanls h.i\e tlouhle seats ami patent el.islic bands, all seairis 1;i[hs1 7 to 16 years. The shit and extra jiair of pants.............................................

Caps lA bout H a l f Value—

2 . 9 8

48c’Boys' Spring Blouses— 'F\''and Cainhrics, saairl roll collar (fTects, cut full, iues 6 to 14 \ears' ..........................................

Youths' Spring Suits- ^ ^ j ^ ^and Ciissimcres, latest style, single-hreasl- eil. high cut test and new Irousers, I-est linings, 14 to 20 tears, ttorlli easily Jio .

Young Hen’s T rtfu jfr j—strijitts and mixtures, vahie.s in this lot tturlh and sold everywhere at f 2 | J Q a ptiir, a great leatler here for............................................... ^


ihilf Caps in all the new .ual pretty ]ilaiils, gosl strong a ll plaid liaisig to laaleli. Grade fully up 1.0 25c. |This d esranee lot . . . . . .B o ys ’ Spring K n eenc-at plauls mid mixUm s. ]iiilrnl. . . ,

, li> 16 Years. , .lauds, mid scams laped, 48c

Boys’ Neh, Top- , -------------- ert Cloths,

iiHist eorreet shades aatt styles, smaller sizes with yoke, Izest linings, 2!^ to 16 years, worth anfi sold mostly at #6.50. ,\ti uncominoa har- gain at ............................

Y m i'll find tile fo llo tv in g a ll re a d y fu r you a t th e s e cnim ler.s in S h o e D e p t, tu -snorm w . T h e y 'r e w o nders from th e b a rg a in Ktaml]viini. B a rg a in Counter A .v " pnirs /'f, Women's nmi-

lla^dsom4^ kid ti]> I'.xU'tLsion Sole Hntloii SIuk s. wp iiickvd np uiuusuallv diiM]i IhcyM have W n rcjiidar Jj s^dk-rs. As alwnyn, we give you the bciiE'lil n[ any Imri^ain huvin^,A to K, t o ; ' ; , while Ihey last, SaliirdayB a rg a in Counter 3 khiidran’s new

T,.u'e SprtD^Mieelkill tips, si/.c'i b U> to K, Saliirdiiy . . . . .

(MiiWH'K*, h,atiie style,B a rg a in Counter C

legukir # 1.29

Itriglit liongol.i

K " 1,09


II to 3, F lo Irregular ,f i .50, .k.iiurday 1,3 0 .1 Jnst fio pairs of these c'liiMri-n s sinarlViiU-iit [.calher ........ Sliiipers, .) to H,

regular 75c. kinds. Saturday, go at .................................................

B a rga in Counter D ’ "•‘’v'’™’' t'oys'rriiie-Illack Culf, Bliacli IloX Calf, lll.lt'k \‘icl Alld

Russia Calf Tim, to 5;^. remihir $ 1.98. Saturday........................BurgaiTl Counter Men’s llo\ C.ilf ind iilack Iricv

H!i to 1. ,' , regular Jli.35. SaUirday . . ,



P ib b o n S p e c ia ls -Taffetas, and 34

wide, all silk, all the right colors; Striped Taffeta 3 inches wide, several choice patterns of ,

i ! i , h . , | 2 . ; c

Third Annnal lonCrrenf'^ of fhr Eiiairrn Edaca41o(iii1 AbbocIa*

tIoD to Convene Inmr\L Krxt W «e k . ^

The programme for f'ne third annual conference of the Eastern Educallonal AnfioctfitlouB. to be held In ihla city In th- leclure-room of the South Park rreaby- lerltn Church. Broad atreet an^ Clinton avenue, Thursday and Friday of next week, has been completed and contttius the names of a number of prominent edu­cator*. Those at the confereiu’c will b2 anCoriBiried by the local EducallouBl Aoclailoti.

At IX o'clock Thursday morning there wtl! be an ex cut ve ees.'ion. The subject for dlacueslon In tho afternoon is '*<-ity Work of a Public Education Assoclallon.The two sub-topics are "The Influence of a Public Education A**i>oialion or QUfs- lion* of Educational Policy," and "The Proper Relation of a Public Education A»t Boclatlon to the Board of Education. adilrfH of welcome will he marte by Mrs, Zaiharlah Belcher, prealdent of the New. ark Educutlotial AaBOOlatlon. and Mr«. Ed­ward R. Hewitt, ot the New York Educa­tion Aeeoclatlon. will read a paper on •■City Work." I

Among thoae who wilt take part In the dlacuaalon are; Mias Mary L. Adams, of i (he Bducational Association of the Orange.-*; A. O. Balcolm. of the Parents' ' Association of the Franklin School. New- 1 ark; Mrs. Carl Bariia, of the Public Kdu- , catlonal Association of Providence. R. h; Miss R. D. Beach, of the Woman's School Association of New Haven; Mrs. Lillian I Betts, ot the Public Eklucatlon Associa­tion ot Brooklyn; Miss Christiana Bond, of the Arundel Club of BalUtiiore; Mrs, Laban Dennis, of the N ew ^k Educa­tional Association; Ulsa Mar Hoggeii- botham. of the I>e|iartment o( Education ot ihe Philadelphia CWlc Club; Mrs. George W. Kendrick, Jr., of the Alumnae Association of Otrli' High and Normal Schools of Philadelphia; Mrs. Arthur L. Livermore, of the Yonkers Woman’s In­stitute; Mta. W . A. Hoatgonerr, ot the 'Woman's Educational and Indnstrlal Union of Rocheatw, N. T.; Mlaa Amelia B. Myers, f t the Department of Educa­tion of Ihe Jersey City Woman's Club; Mrs. Mlrlatp Sutro PHee, of the New York Public Education Aatoclatlon; Mrs Charlss Silver*, ot the EMacatlon Com­mittee of tb* Bllaabeth woman's Federa­tion: Mrs. George H. Wllion. Of the Pittsburg Public Education Aaaoclatlon, and Miss Ellen C, Wood, of the Philadel­phia Public EducaUon Association.

At the session on Thursdsy night "N a ­ture Study" will be the aublecl of dtarus- ■lon. Charles B. Gilbert, superintendent of public Inalructton at Roebeettr, N. Y„ and formerly superintendent of schools In this city, will discuss "The Place of Nature Study In the Public Bcbools." Qeort* T. Powell, director of the School of Practical Agricultuie and Horticulture, at Briar Cliff Manor. N. Y.. win spook on "The Value of Nature Study In our Public Schools, applied to Agrteuliure, aa a So­lution of the Congestion of City Popula­tions" William K. D. Soolt. curator of ornithology at Princeton Unlvoralty. will nuke an address on "The Method of Bird Study in Public Schools."

On Friday morning at 10:» o'clock the ■uhloct win be •"Village Work of a Public Education Association." ond the papnr win be read by D. C. Heath, of the Educa­tion Aeooclatloa of Newton. Mass. The dlocuselon will be by delegates as followa; Mrs. A. J. George, H i*. Allan Marquand, of the Public Sehool CMnmlttoo of the Village Irapfovsneent Boctotjr of Prlnco- too; Hlao Emily E. Morris, of the Aaoocia- tlon ol CoUeglate Alunnao; MIta Jeoata Patterson, of the New York AaoociaUali of Sewtog Bcbodlo, and Mrs. JuUa K. Wait, ot the Richmond Branch of the Public Ediwatlon Anoodstlon of Now York.

The eaecutiT* eouacll ot the Newark Bdueatlenal Aaioelatloa lo aa followt: Mrs. Zaebariah Belcher, prealdmt; Itra Labaa Deanla, Ttee-praatdoat: Hi*. Joa- eph Claik. aacratary; Mrs. Baaauel Clark, iroaauref: Mi*. Oaorg* Aohaaon, ' Eleanor H. Oaodwln. Ifi*. Sydney N. Ogden. Mrs. Hsamr Toang, Iti*. Chariaa Towmi, Hioa Barrier It. A d a ^ JBawKate LouJae Rnberte and HMa Plorcnee M. Johaaon.

The Exeeallee Ctom uee ot the CoaBmu caee lo nompooi* of Klaa Aaaa HaBowait, errie Clulk PkllalWlsMo; Mri. A. J. daotse, BrooUla* ■ dauatlnaal Hu tioa. aad Kn.-WERaM. B. Dl Saatt. Mew Tarfe FabOn Mngatlaa AMaBaUaa.

bright colorings, worth igc. yard..

L oIp P riced K ib b o n s —] }^^ riy , ' '™ '.., . .1. I lie fat-eil si-tin, very dioire quality,.ill silk,

inches wiilc. all Hie fashion­able shades, tvorlh jsc- .''<bi for


Kxtr.iordiiiary U nlirclla bargain (imit.Ttions arc frequent here, but the following is a still mqrt:~wundi;rful nioney-.saver, 34 and efi inch' for ladies (sun or rain), good, strong, serviceable; and 2S-inch for men, best P;iragon frame, close rttll covering, line Union 1 affeta Silk, case and tassel on handsome Drc.sdcn, silver trimmed and plain Congo,

Weichscl, Opera, Hook and Princess handles.,^ny other umbrella store would say tremend­ous value at S i .50.1 . 0 0 Our Saturday o ffer,

Top Collar Extra.1

Nelp Hat Sholvs. Women ’sCollarSaleA couple of hundred dozen

of dainty Swiss Embroidered .Top Collars, in white and ecru, they’re worth at usual selling izViQ., we shall put them out

8 c ? : * : ' " ' " * ' , . . 8 c

Tiist out of workrooms, s)iccially limed for tn-morrow'.s sale, ■- 1. iz-...... z D „ z i \i..;-zn' Va.vy, While and Black

4.95 & 7.95Black, Brown, U astor. Red, .Maixe, Navy,

Cfiinbinations, excep­tional a t ........................

Neh, Untrimmed Hats-‘y[ ''<; f^b>™.,hie Rm.Khill. I - I" Rnisfil liiiuil i t- ift-cU, (-(irrect coh'ritigs and iiiiilaliMii llhiik Hair Hals, value U]i t'l S9C. These to ('u at . , “ ^

Big Tloloer Value— offeriuK «hieh iiH-lmlesevery- proper kinil of Ho-a'-. i'u- O

liagc.Poppy. June Ku.se.Pansy.Daisiv-. larc’caliil unall, Hinas, fir. Values up to Ha', S- lliug at

Half Trice Handkerchiefs. \ To Qihe the Gentlemen a Good Time.

OC o lo red D ress Sh irt Special ilTi't in new, slvlisli, fancy Hres*;Shirt

is a collection c»f ihe ruuniry'rt Ijeal ni.ikcrs B aiul firif-t grade of inaU-n;by .ill ^izrs J.| ‘4 to iS. thv Stan.lanl r.-;-ul.ir f 1.50 iiiiiiiLh t . Niiuniav . .................................................................................................. ... *

{ Uovh' all sizes, 15 In 11 .

Saturday Unlaundered Shirt SpedaM^ ^i , full ■bl/i‘'s


flyers wfirm ^hl^ting intislin. wHl imidf*. Iidlcil srams, j;n.>vM-llt' clii'fd fronts, single and <l'njlil'- phut, all si/jes 12 In iH.

f J for 1 .00.1

Saturday Suspender Table■y lealhc • 5TH‘cial in lay. .

Vidiics in this hn up lo h,df a dnllar, up-W'-diii<'

fancy leather ami hraitl etlda, high weld'ing.verv sjH'cial lot, gtxxl elastic, plcniv (>f stretch Saturdi ,

(Centre^Table, ?. n More.)

25cSaturday Neekivear Tablesliapt‘s and ral^rs. idain .nid ! inms, latest Spring ofTis tb. fjm sill-;shajH‘s. ...........................................

(Centre TaMr, \\ P. |

SPEiNi LA«B APPEARS.It la 0 » e of «b r Novell of <be W eek

a t C e u lr e M ark e i-S n !• » e lu -

ttd Delaware s had

bladquarten. tn m to TOcent. t « buck abed J ™ “ ‘-rtc" een u for roe .bad- for

week Fresh mack-tba ■outbtrn O-vh ' * * ' * " ^ v e lt y - Thete oral la another welcome noeeibring » to M cenu ,he botcher

Thcr* la nothin*itsUsl^eiWDt* for Ihe * ViifX: Malaga erape?WlwP _ over laat & tkAiaaia mhAi«r Agit n

pea* bring |I a half peck; nrlnx -■>cent* a quart; Boaton cucurtil« rr» ir> m is cents; spinach. t5 to 30 cent* a h.ilf ji*-‘ k- tomatoee. & cents a quart: 'T’l"- ^to fiO cent* a quart: red onions. Bermuda onion*. 16 cents; ^ i '•0 cents a bunch; water cn-H''. *< ffui’* a bunch; parsley, 6 cents a bunuh: turnips *0 cents a half peck; eibbaar-. S i*» a head: enplant. 16 to 26 ccni'* iipincR: boets, 6 cents a bunch: new bcetp- 1"M J5 cents a quart; potatoes, 15 to 2u tvniJ' fl half peck; Bermudas. TO cent*: to m cents; cauliflower. « m I'-nA-* head; preen spring ^lons. 5 rent** h Kmn'h: dandeHons,. 10 a quart; mint. tent? a buarh; lettuce, 6 to J3 cents a head; hol- bouM radishes, 6 cents a bunch. •hadI jtuuiii- em radishes, i cents.

Btrswberrie* are worth from to 45lo jU

KEARNY RAWEMG SCHCOL EXHIBIT.W ork Done b j l^isplls of K%enlns

4 Jssses R eins flliown->4Mher %«les from Trans-Pnssnlc Towns.

An fxhlhltlon of ths work of the pupils of the Kearny Kvening Drawing School was aivcn Isst night at the town httU. The • four walls of the council chamber wer* • f-ovorcil with the work of the pu]4 la Ikolh the architectural and merhunli'a) hrunchs* of the ichool. From T nVlmk until after 10 o'clock a large number <>f people visited the halt. The exhibition will - be continued to-night and prises will j

' awarded. The Judges of the arch1te»'lural | , branch are J. E. Zellff, Wllltatn Nairn hikI ;

vkilt h f hfld on Monday In 0r, (> c lH u > fliur^’h.

H.iJy FYram-h, Ladlest’ ('Rthf'li-'Iti-nuv'b'nt AfiMficktllon of Harrli*<ni. ''•iH cf'IrlTJii'*' ll anniveraary tn-ni'iebiWith H rr.Tjnlon arid euchre at the tin- hoijsi r»n rieveland avenue.

The K ins '* Daughters o f the .^rllngt«ui Prefkhyterlan L’ hurth held a supper la-U night in the rhapet. on Kearnv Kvenue

T W w'TTiHn o f the A rlln g i'm lUipiJat r-hurch held a qu ilting aortal yesterday Kfiernonn In the flunday-s«'hool room.

A cruireft wllj be given lo-nlghr in Ar- Ifnsion Hall. Arlington, under the Ulrec- llon o f Otto Von fltegg.

f I '5 : I-

Z\ I

H en ’s Underivear—' ' bed H a 1 -

-briggmi tihirtrt and DrnwefH, 3 different eolorings, c(*UareUe necks, satinc fronts; drawers with saline finished bands, siis- ft

J 'jiendertapes, double,seats.Vest CAifflfF Vests,

j lint nrrk, .HlfvvHcsa.Mlkrililioii, snitic silk iTiu'In-l | O —Aithcr.'Asilk lHcct*lTccls,.\ wee l>il iiii-l jjcrfci‘1 or wmiM l»e all si/cs..

Newly arrived, a hundred dozen of Stiff Linen Collars, with line Swiss Embroidered d'urn-Overs, kinds proper value

2^c„ to-morrow’s s e l l in g ...............

noM .;in>i ng.iin Uar^uin nn‘M l«».:dl sj/e ncLks

..... . ■*


N E of those Handkerchief chances that even we can’t invite you to

share in often. 500 doz. very choice (]uai- ity Swiss scalloped and hemstitclied Handkerchiefs, very slightly imperlect, hardly noticeable, genuine reg- 1 9 't ular 25c. quality f o r ...................

^ ♦ C ^ C •* T J 7_(„.|itlcnicn ! Don't lose lime in investigating lh,al rc.illy wonderful value m lilue Serge Soils. Out .andThat jTen S oerge OUtt LeadBr! the best y..u have ever come across here or iiereabouls. z\tl-wool goods uilh good, .strong serge

lining, very latest spring model, 34 to 44, $15.00 none t'-o miu h

another;i-'M-Itriienl of popular

ill V 1 ondim.'is liLnal 25c

N¥.W YAAliK HMIAI.II ^ t.W \OHK WliJtLl*

»:\v loRiK *| N \ P y I raFH VDKK IKIBFNK M ..A I.10 F.H' lOJiK iloiiKNAl. eVtartrm Fw u>KK I'ltKiiH j w n a r j5 C «

A^lvfrhvnjrnt<« r<v eiv*fl and fftr allN>w<patN’rH and Maaifine*. Special ratMlo* JwrocT F. N. S O M M iRbi*Rt>ai«cr AdHertiviOtf. Hroad nt

AdAertiaer HulldlBg'

Maid l ie H m a ih ed tb ^ r h a lr a .. Ailing Judxc Fear*un pand#^! A’harlra

J ? ! mackeral.^ about as 10 Miita;» c*bU a pound. A rhlrk»o ball-

tap. II c o t s . «n ta;

pompuo. « to » a «n w ; bhio-troutseraU: Mewport

flab. 11 to U « n ' ' ; waaklUli. » e*B«; wUt# parch. B cm‘»:

U cants; I rnila; m c»nU;

scallops. » to « * w V io l i t m !* *« oenta and » a doasn;

coma a pound, and about out of nurkn. cranberries, U to 1* cenie a quart; or- anpcB. II to V cents s doaen; lertioiia, II to n esnti a doaen; twnanae. 11 to *> c-nn a doaen: apples, » to 10 cenu s half jH-fk. ptneapples, S to 40 cents aplwr. [irarr. 10 cents a*i|usrt; prspe fruit. I0 to I'crnta aptece.

MUIzt. «>l‘>red. of 47 Camden alroit. lo- k 1 day for •*''' urood Jury. tVllUame wae

John Entice, and those ot the meohankul with maltctnua mliH-htcf Jainea P.branch are Charles Bonn, William Chap- ; j^.n^nielrr, of I.* Hoyiien elreel. atat-d mao and John McBryn. ! the Jvidae that laat Friday ho employeil

A hlaie which started In the boiler- ; vVllllnm* to put aeats In three chairs, and room of tho Headley A Farmer trunk fac- (hat before the work waa finished the tory. In First street. Harrison, called out ntan demanded his money. Lonameier said the Are department shortly after I o'clock he told him to wait until night. He claSmed this mornin*. The damate will not amount lo over flOO.

tiT m a ^ t .IT mariut. —nor s'doaen. with -Oruppe. polijs S iaUoc-art » to N . turter brtiw »T <t^_% j»aan ,*P rs,^ ;

a so.W%4ta — J'aa„ n u id *

pbta prints; c h « ^hare no ngvslty lo

^ ''• * f? 5 t *W ib e r e ta no laqk of

spria* saRataw* shows a num-

12 ; - " * •' - - . . aunt

IISSMii MAN WAS IN ORANQLThe Orance police have received s letter

from H. C. Ksota, deputy county clerk of CoQtaMsmly, ni., aricinr for liiformtion rimcomln* Chariea J. Keols. artio h ^ ^ . la bta brother. The latter appeared at the j Otap* ^ Poliss » * t h « ! - (ion3 a*’ ilriiL »n3

_ J~aOiifld apparatos-biw- Ihal hla brain was stUi full of maanettsn!.

ttatacthra Drabell Induced the inan to Wavs Oranpa. Before be went away Keati ■kifi tlMt hJs fattMT was on old^rAon In tHUeaBo, In the tattor rseetred from Cook Oowip It In auted that Keats has been

for S n rsata.

Daniel Deary, of Harrison avenue and Second street, Harrison, was removed to Bt Ulchaal'a Hoepitat yesterday after­noon In the Harrison police ambulance. Ills lea tot cauthi In the spokes of a wheel In Newark on Wednsaday and was >—Ale mtahed. '■ '-ttlaasj; of the Second

Ward, Kearny, have oicanined a Good OoyetiniNRt Club, These a n the oOcara:

0 « r a * H. SmtinHin Hcreltary, John B. Hetnbold, A commit* tee h u been named to draft a set ot by­laws.

MIcbael Flaherty, forty-two years old. Of IS Johnston avenue. Kearnp, dtad to­day, attar a faw days' lllnaos. He ta Bur-

'rivsd It a srtdow. The fontral sersleaa

I that Miller refused to. and, not recelvln* the money, smashed the three seats with a hammer. Lonitmeler said he did not de­sire lo prns’H'Ute the colored man. because be wns aupporttn* a sick sister

luim herirllle.Jai-ob Helna has Just erected a derrick

at bis quarry on Helns'a Hill, and ta «*t- tin*' out some of the Hneat stone ever quarried In this sdclnlty.

_ _________ Miss Blanche Nelce. daushter of Gaonro

n w T M L . « P ^day at the . _____A" father tmFerry street. The ceremony vsaa per­formed by Rev. Dr. H. A. Cordo, pastor of the First Baptist Church. After a small reception Mr. and Mrs. Swallow lati for a short trip. Upon their raturn they trill ttea to thatr asw hooM no Georst Btraci,

A D V E R T I3 K »K N T t

K K C ’E I V K D T O O L A T E

D K A T H H s 'JJUADNKIIt-Du Frldjo moruiiui. al Urad-

li’y ItNai’h. N‘ J., \Vllll;im H.. «»nn i>f Jf nni'* lthnil»*?i BrailfU' i'i

aged r-iaht j fiartt.L rSA IUH -O i. Thiiradaj. April I'i. J-shtt

Luhardl. hiiNhitml of Marl^ L*u-ugf'fl yr>ttiH 7 mtUMlif rind 'A

ilaw>.Ufiuiivrti ami rjii-mlK Arp rf.^jv^tfully In-

vlietl |fi Htuud hD funernl on Sunday. April 2L a! 2 sM . from th** home o f tiiN wif*‘> i>ar<»ni % 13 tirove In-i*'rmk*nt in th<* A'enu'ii^rj’ of iht* Holy S&piih’hr*'- A SoIvTiin H igh Maai< o f Krqqb m will Irt- o ffe r « l for the CTIh)#* Of hi" JMjul Monday morning. O..'ll S >• A M .ln thr rhurrh of St, Phltlp Neri, (Jrovt* mrevl- ___ __

Tfrt'NO man *ont«1 a" aimtwfraphrr and typ*- wrllvr ami io ioalrt in liflli-*-, muat Iw a «oo4

wnman «i>d qakk and affnrmt^. A^lr«f«v ataR- tna fipacieopf, X-. Hci UX sN>wa ________

BTENOQRAPKEk and typraritor wontod, ho* hod buolaaM tnininx; only tltoo*

ate -OuaM CEPf PtfdiJEi -5®Jl ~rM- b JiaUBly isatra. _ iBSWtao ___

RP- *mtuumm *n4r

Mqskod. Agii^aa FanUHfr Baa M. S*aw« affian.LrMHIOl—Wantrd, S,0W or i ,W ^

bar' must ba aulUbta far pesfUfy hMpm. JOfiW DVQQA?*. Box 3W. BHtariHa. X.


-A uaol gin for gaMfOl I ■tta llAk Ma

p m

■ k S311

•rcA a l


L i —

DeU i tw Jl


S im l[ The

fiftyI Tb*

cenli The

i .E ca

I k,1centi

id*y I(rditt

Fortpo <


•H nfl

le n til

lo t I

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S.7 '!Ti .■ Sruj.T.m

JcwatK 3Ceros.. ‘ . AttPtmtk 0unitag ^exos.

rrHMAHicn bt Tim

ETcaki; News Piblnfeias Ceapaa;.2IS-Z 17 m a k k ; ; t s t r e e t ,

Ki-:wARa:,K.-i.*t tl>l t'o*»ofl!c* «c<ra4,^lM» ” 71'. .

In the (ortrunner match. The omli-slun o f iheee matchea, which were o f « i-har- ac ler (Ualipoily .icjven lLe 'p iia lo ibe English hahltiiile mill en ier le iu e iia ligalnsi owr own, will co iilT lh iiie iu ihe

rhanee* o f Ihe .tmerlH in H'lim The other aide ha« met lie aa we liir-e met them. In the fa irest aidrlt nf emirteay and enm lly uf mmil> endeavor. N ‘i .Vmer-

; lean will begrudge the English uiil- .veriUl^eJ^i-UUiir well-earned linnorH. if

lelephoitp ISM. PrliB ie Branrh E reh in ge cohDceting all deiiartmeuis.

I^ ir n e d by cameiS in any part of N and yaan Connfyand in all towns in Northern


The Evening News, five doUirs a ytaT or cedtR i month.

The Sanday N'ewJ, two doilartand fifty cents t - aThe Everini ’N>iw Sunday Newfy seven dollars a Teat.

The Evening News, delivered try cHTiers in Keirark. ten cent* * week; The Sunday News, five ttn ti a copy; The Evening News and Sunday News, filleen centa a went.

Ordinary idTeitserients, ten and fifteen cer.ts a Hue, igalc.

AdveriiBements u-'iun heads or Wanted, To le t. fo i Sale, Pereonal, etc,, one cent a wwd, hilt no chwfe less than ten cents each insertion. WalriTnuTiiiT Personals 20 cents a line.

ittey" u aecopd tiint*. ‘ 1 l»l»conlept, In eumv*<‘t|on with that tin- Americu ' , 1 cup, which priimlnes to p f ‘‘ - «.eiU phfihes f>r rtccHilng Interest^ wjl!

-eirfiihte jittutr hi Jntcrnnti'm jt rompeElilon o f eporiH, at* ll Is

ih© leiendv. arrived at » knoWlKlgi of the trituatlon itnpoaalhle to one who ependa a month there In elirhlmeelng and Inter­views? Are they not able lo ilUlliiKnleh beiwpHi the Jd|p gof'iip of dl!«’ontenled noldlern. the unfounded rntnorw thnt floni In' from liiaurfeent catiips nr th*' I'h’ae ur liyiJOcrHIral nvtiven, and th**. .'•olid trtitli?

Thin "ptinlj'lng the pnihlemn mi nhuri ron(5e” m«y have Im hdvantujsef, but the result* of previous Inventlgoihmn of like puiure iflve

'•.1r«'ully solving the problamt* that wifi f.u.e t'oriKToHii at U« neat «esfi*>n

nalary» If elected Oovernor, to the Repub­lican 8 tat€ C'otntniilee, ia characterlied n s ,an u tter abnurdlty by the supporters o f ' the Raaex Caimlldate. The belief 1* current that the rumor regarillng Mr. M urphy started from the fact that Colonel Dickinson iiromlsed to surrender to the party the itnolum enis o f his office hh deputy ro llet'to r o f custom*. The colonel a

! ;n't was pnilsed by the party leaders rts I Hit Indication o f pelf-sa irlflcing pArtlRan-

ehlp, but 1 be allegutlon that Mr. Murphy wuiild Im itate the H iuJhoti hos* has ralsetl ah biitcrir-'intt/''fias been denounced a* a ' jrratuUou* s t a r ' - " ’ter and in tegrity .'* There seems t o n e a fine dlHiinctlon <lraw'n here and now Colonel Dlcklnwoii ought to rise up anO «■?< plain the dlfrerence.

A> I^TKItR!4TIK<ii I- It I T tie March statlstica

to he one o f g f a t inum^'iU In the g ravrr .vawK> uf Ifi.Otw.wu Ui the export irude from form s Cf,mpeilitiiTi rciurna o f the aame numth oT !!•'**■

J , ------------ I ----------------- ip u(<(irdunc« w ith the awraK*' ‘ ^perl-T H K .'tT ■ y.]ice wt- nhoutU expect u <-urreNp..iidttig.

I or. at least, sume Increase in ihc rciutlve «rE h e .]lR4 i ahl nRU‘“ - t h e 1 0 1 ?? I

the lig l^ ljion *

The "unreserved liu llgnatloii'' over ihJ* O- r . - ! on Mr. Murphy not yetspread to ,Hudson. It ' Is generally con- cedefi In ■ thaj county that es’vrtth lrig is ffljr In pnlUlcp.' ' •


F R ID A Y . A IT I IE 19. r*d.

R I.i!> tH 'IV .rlyli Roanl o.'

r« nfi"*! publiciiiid

T llK fSOV RU>0«*h,\ssiiink'ig lhat liisi

Tiflde jncM lng fairly iipinloii In E hsi'X und V itH Uudson, that !l*(1 ld llier^ Of r.nGovernor t'nofhce* uo N>nK»r clu-rlsh any tlimb;* ae Ui tin uf ihcsenilment*!- *his vl fivi>rRble i t m

BiKi-l;i: seA.-io!i <-r Ihc . 'I'neneevesiD fur Itnmedla''* ocll <n to stop riv tr piillntlrm wok eskibllshed by evi­dence ib.ui muiit carry convlcilon. When nurtufuciurerf emplnyliM! llioiHand* of bands Olid with mHllnns of dollata In- TePlcd calmly declare that unless the pol­lution Is stopped Ihry will be coinpHb'd to seek oilier locations, U ts »-vlflent tl^at the exiromliy of forbeiiruui.u has been reached.

A guarantee waa given that ihe bills 10 be offered at the special session, If one shall be cflilcd, will be free from any features open to reasonable objection. They will be drawn with careful consid­eration of the rights of other lurulltle*. while providing for a speedy methofil uf relieving the present Intolerable eondl* tions. I ’nder th^ae circumstance* the Governor whoultl no longer hesliale. If the Legislature shall refuse to grant the people ot the Passaic Valley the relief de­manded, let the Ivefflslulnre hear the re- gpunBlhllliy. L'nlee* he shall convene the lawmaking body in epeclul *e*slon, Governor h1tn*elf will be respntislble.


t h e g A IU ’ AgM U F M A S kU ^ .The fallurr of the reolprocHy treuMe* In

the United Stales Senate was one of the curious features uf the late session uf. Congrees. These Inslnimerits of extenilltif the Intereit* of American commerce were Ignored mainly ihrough^ihe Indifference of the Rtpuhilean party. H la perplexing tn the intflllgent mind to grasp Just why and wherefore. Mr. John A. Kassnn. who had made himself prominent as n diplomat Of the broadest grasp, was appointed special commiesloner to negotiate these treaties In virtue of a slrongly expressed public demand, In- which the fiepublk-un polUl- clans cordially pgriiclpated, ft was at a lime, too, when these was but Utile agita­tion over the tariff question} far le*a than it now powerfully fermenting In view of the great Intercut ereiled by the bearing* oC tha trufcta, jft^lpfoclty was recognised as ^ gj*«Tfallng agent, which might go 'A r lO remove the objections ratsoil by the Imposition of high tariff tuxes, und was the pet hobby Indeed of Mr. Biatne. the king of modern protectionist leader*. It'* negotiation was Initituied with the fulleai sympathy of Ihe 1‘resldent and by an «x- pres* provlntun of ihc Dlngley law. which thus aspired 10 save Its face. Yet now that the Influence of rerlprorlly on com­merce might furnish tha protectionist de- fenderx with a new argument at u lime when^lt |m most needed, all Interest In ths qucslltm appear* to have passed away.

Mr. Kasson I* supremely disgusted. After having given years of hard work anil the rlpesl fruit of his knowledge an-l aiutesmnnshlp to his tusk: after seeing much of that work cllm-hed by foreign ac­ceptance, hi hchold* tile fnllcil Hlal-s Senate thsmlssing the wh«de serie* nf piili- llc iranBactlnn so nearly at-hletvd with n ahrug of Indliterem'c, not to say eiuiti-mpi Mr. KusPun's huilgnatlon Impi-lh'd him t<> resign his office, but the Pre«ldfiu r»ver- hmI* his wish. To mark his sf'hse nf the pcf'iiliaT sltu.mui^, h(»wever. lie h«s de­clined to receive compcnsailuii for tils .ser­vices. lie tlcalres to aturiip the irnih. mi iluubl, that compcnsuUon fruin the govern- mem la not righteously curmtl by public service or an Idle and pur|m«rh*«s sinccurf.

may assutne that this in a surcai^m aimed at the veteran tifhr ehnUier*. who dawdle.look arise and siiiml fur ihelr lime- honored privllegi' of ilHiiyhig public btiHl- ne»H fur six monili* nf the year on CapUol Hill. But Mr. Kussoo m.iy be assured that hi* satire docs not pletcp the cuticle of these genMenicn Th>-> will rather guffaw at the *ensihUU> wlii'h impel* him lu re- (uoe the use uf a hntulsonie snlary for doing nothing, ai.d Ignore the koen impli­cation which ii currle*.

tvmrduted urUon hv wldch

o f .Michigan propose* to ral.’e tlieir salaries, wllh that brejidtli uf view ami

■^iglojil siifiimen which bcromuif ihc iiiino>- plH'fp o f ills nEiiluiiiil u ip lta l, 'I'lie pi'’ '**- epi remunernlion o f a .Vlkhlgnii soion is tS u il.iy. Hiid Ihe propuslthm Is l " inu'Lc li M.fH") per finnum U 1 * not cotifeii-inl Jhat thin Srt Inadeq-.ttte or urijuiit. N« l 'h ’ 1 [A ihcie nny Htigg'^-stlon a* to the rlom o f the liR] or any unkind or satlrl' u! coinmcjiis therctipun. on Itie conlrury. |; i « simply argued iliut —l»nl her-’ i t .' The I 'oM 'k own wurda. " In the ohl iI.i N' -. w lieil « wli.deHonte edib le* tCcTt wi^nh bni l; ••in.di fia rtlm i u f l lK lr pr<.*enl vnhn» iiml wilts- k t; could he had at ■t;vrlve and une-h.ilf i to fo lly cents 14 gtillun. hrenrditiK lo 1 aSf. J1 H du.v, nT I'JI A wenk for III-:' | rcck>inc»l fiundny* the *nm>« r-c-'oln! i!:iyj-.-ma5‘ have been * 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 0 1 1 1 rcnuiiiern- lion for flu; hesi leg is la tive u len t ”

It has i'^ng hceii an iixium ilu* 'prc'e o f Iran In this country i* lin- irui- , trail-* hiirumeler. hlil this In prohohl)- liie | flr*d siicrcssful atteEnpl fo muk>* the p*‘lre ; o f lil-'ki y «n Index o f the vnlm* of states, imni'fhip. 'I'll* e ffec t* o f that poteni hev- • «'i;ige liave long been In evidence it» P-g- islutive debtitss a* w ell ft* In fhe iwhK h have found their wny to Hu* snitiiK' honks hi a general w ay, Ihf; rouniry hii* ♦•siiihllshed H sort rtf a connectltm heiwcen Its solon* iir.d Ua dls llllerles, eKpeclully since Ihe Proh ib lilu ii parly h^s (hn*wri Its calcium ligh t upon current h l*io i> . ljut never before, perhaps. hfi« the p -hI Im- pfiMance o f the price o f liquor iiecn su convincingly portrayed. H e Is hliml In­deed whfi cannot aec that the mi-mhcr friiTii Krtlomaioo, fo r Inafftni'e. who ctiiild

omforirtbly conduct his cumpulgn and airily project h lm *«ir Inlu ull aort* uf house or Semite debule.* on i" ‘ r diem, when whiskey wan at " fro n i twelve and one-hair tii fo r ty cents/ ' Is now uu'erly lucking In Inspiration and iideqmiii- sna- lfM im lon—fo r how fur w ill |3 g " wlu-n whiskey hI iumI h al It and over"' Ami huw CHU real sttttesniunshlp Hurvlve. lu Hoy iiulhlng o f nourishing. I f the Michigan

the case. On the other hand, there was {I deercaRe of 110,000,OiiO In ih- umouiU of goods brought In for American consiunp- ti'iu. Th1« doL-a not mean iliut unr ii*o- jile have ufted le*.*, but tiiai ihey h.ivc bought rfomeatlc product* (la ugMinst fur- Ign gtmUs at that lowered prlcf-, ih-’ cx- Iflictue of which had checked ihc • xport lb.tv of our own mnnufaciurca :ind ulhcr uriicliiB of need. Thu*, In syllt of Jessen- ■d exiiurls, the balance of trade has ucMially Increased In our favor Indeed rh-’ prodigious fact of trade ihirliix the la-'t four year* has been t'lnP we have gained even more In the *upiov of our tiw-n people than Iti th** supply of the fun'lgn world. This edge* ihc irrliatSon uf competing manu/ucturerH and m^r- thtiiits nbroad. that while we have ru- muMhed *o rapidly on thclr domain, we iiiive ((impelled them tft recede from uurs.

,V .’ pecltil lesBon e<nninrndy Its f lf t(* rea^ui! how ihe March Iradc hcgliis, as applied 1 0 h pnrely domestic problem. The rea*on that w e have marketed b igger vtilnes ni hum* ^han w e have lost abroad Is thai we can co{opei>' even flg.'dnsi n lowered schedule o f price* I f we ran do this w ith a robber iHrlff to hiflHh* do- me.Ntlc rate*, how mtH'h mure ronhl we sell !u our own people were that in rlff n 'lnoved und our matiufucinrcrii contented lu do hiislnes* on an honest proHl. The Ic.Hsoned ra fp « which the p-Mjple w'ould pay would stim ulate the I'olnme o f con- sum|it|on, and the mnrmfnclnrer* proh- Hhty make b igger prolits than they do now*, with Federal ^HCklng It Is a per- fect|>' well tindcrslnod prlrndple that ihe

publh' lni>'R re la tive ly Jnsi n* tnneh more HR price* decline. As iiMig hh there Ir ft in iR lw orthy margin o f pruiit it Is hulk o f

*iileH Instead o f grea t gain on the In- dlvldunl . tran*actlon ihai mtikes the

T h e ^Til||p^||epQhllran M i^ e m e n t In j S w r e l III .

T> Ihe Kdifrir c.f the KKVVH.Hlr—I notice In your editorial, under ih*

caption "The New Republican Party." you heartily lndor*e the movement of the so-called best clileen* of South Carolina in their endeavor to dl*franchl*c the ne­groes, ostensibly of that noble Slate tvhUh w j* the ilr*i to attempt to dlftrupl the country, but really of the entire coun­try. You «l»o condemn the negro of the aN'orih for Interfering. I think you a IlnJe premature. Now, sir. If you will look ai Ihe situation from an Impartlai pultn of view you will change, If there be any regard for manhood. Of course, as of nil other natlonR. we have bad among us, but when we look In the past we art toiudrulned t< ask if It Ih natural ur ac- qulrt-d from our Hurroundlng. If my memory ai-rves me right, history writ ten, by white men Inform* ua that the negro ha* been a very Imptnant factor In all batllw* rtf thla free country. Notwith­standing iho fact of our being told, not pidllely >*► ellUer. Ihftt It Was a white imm’s war and no negro need apply, a* often ha* he bnen ufferward persuaded tu bnllle for this hi* forced adopted country. [.♦-t u* for a moment pause. There are nuiny of nil miilnns come to thin country tnlaily Igiii r.'int of our law*, and after being here hut u sliurl lime, In fact not long *>n<Kigh to learn oiir customs, are given all the right.* of Ihe best people of Month t,'arollna nnd not a word of onffl- \‘orable rommeni from press or pulpit. 1* It possible that It has gutlen to the mi- fiirtunute period that u white face Is a pn.** for nil enmers. rcgarrlles* of charac­ter. many of w hom were exiled for crime'.' Not s« wllh US—we were marked by the Almighty, nm by man or our own con* HcnI. f trn*i you will give this place In ohr valimhlc paper, which I have read

fur more thun seven years and havo leanied to lo\e for Us fair deallng-Sn the pasl. J. A STILLW ELL. M. 1)..

ij* fJHkw'oud Avenue, Orange, N. J.

Htrmigeat counter In the mercantile gain.

T ile , whole artifttlc World, from Oreece arnund to Ahanghal, I.* bolding It* breath trt-day and listening fur 11 word from Jer- Hcy c ity . One o f the musi ciigros.Ning pnib-

Holim* m u il think and orate on siila rle i 1 lem * ih.Ti h «* a g lla icd ihe artlsiU- soul uf llml will purchase hardly a tenth o f ih c lf [ this generation I* now to be rlnally snlved.former allowance o f Ihe beverage which experience has shown to U* so v ita l to leilR lallvp greatness? These are Ihe un­answerable Inquiries suggested tiy the calm nnd In flca l dlsctisslon o f The I'ost. They *hinilil appeal in the country, m illl Ihe people sec to U that the price o f

atftissmtinshlp kee** itp price of

corn Julcp------------- 1-

The sincere friends of Paasmlc purlflcu- tlon oww no gratUud* lu lh« Repuhllcan Fuumy Committee for the resolution in fiiVnr of It speclftl sesslun adopi*dtfla*t night by that body. The effect 1* to Inject parly pohll(* Into H movcmeni which l« eMetUinlly nun-pollllcu! and to Juopurdixe iu cham e« nf aufK****.

I^ T K R ? ! M '\ n \ \ L I \ l\ K l lS IT V

The athU'Ur cunlcst this year belwecu

Ya le and H arvard 0 1 1 Ihv one side ima O ifi 'rd and Cam bridge I ’ u lvcrsltles on ihe other I* now asiiured. The Amcrh ati lustUuiKuift have made the f'oiicesslons asked fur^ and Hw* struggle fur Anglo- American hoiuirs wqll loi rlt plcnilH'rt l and fo llow ing days in New York, thir reprewtfiitatlves w ill In .Hotne *pn.*e huvi' lust un advantage jn the fact that the de­layed date will Involve u hr^ak In tra in ­ing, B* holding the meet In July ns at t tm planned wo'ttd huve hrought ih*-m to this irach and rt*'ld match fresh from university alHb-ilc prac ifct at nume under eharp set condlilon-* tjn the oH ier han<l.

Ihe Englishmen w ill h a w !h«* drawback o f «n umi'.'.'UNionK'd cihnnte to met*'. S*. perV^ips. the dlttlcultlcs are eynnlixed. T h i* trieeliiif. U m-e«l *crfrc*'iy be M id, !» Hue return matvh o f that liijit^yfiLc bttween te.nms o f the *an»e dual comblna- iluns at l.ondnn. Hur men ou ih.nl occa- * 1un came o ff sfcond in n»jniber o f poitiis icored, though tlic> won In the more jm* puriant events, * 0 that it m ight Ix- cl&lmed that h ofic ri w ere even.

This w ill be the first time that Such a cotuett w ill have been held In this ctmb- tty . Cambridge ru lve ra lty niei Vale In N ew York In m * and carried o ff lUe cid- ^rw. But the romblned excellence o f the tv u great Rngllab universitle* competing on Americati to ll l« a novel even l. They w ill ttnqueatLoTiably be re(*elve(l w ith

ifr wth N e a t ly eniphaMiie the en-len u cor6 ta l« between th « you ng «r gener-

' ftlToA# at leobl o f the educated meti g f the «wo M noti#. ~lt tmplten a convention o f fr-.':*. Which wo.* the prim ary thought that vitAUwd th « function n f the - ancient Olympic fe t ilv a l o f gam e*, am i which t* tu iellj' lacking ttt the T tv lv e a m odem Olym jK: games, how ever tn ie m t in g they M T aiberwloe be.

I t ki la te m tiD g U note that d iere will ! oo lg ttto* oveaU liiftcad o f claveo oa

CAMDH!«r ffH tM T.H BK U F ^ E I lO lThe Trenton State O a iette some ctuy*

ago siig|p*tfd that Trenton wa* « most

suitable luculloil fur h luftluh nffli'r of the KepuliUcan State Commutes to look a fie i the party '* lutere*t* In South Jer­sey, Then the CHmdiMl I'O 'd-Telegram ^ *m f forw ard with kii umemlntHut suh- stllu lliig the name o f t:«m den for ihui of Trenton. The Htolp (liiXoHi* dfcUiied to accept the amendment. mursliHlUng. In support o f ihe original propo.^Hloti, the name* o f prominent party lenders rusiU* lug (H the i-xpltul "w h o have u po lem In- fluriii'e III StfHe poltllCH miuI whose ruiin- *H In sought frequently by bual leaders and fliu lc o fficer*." T o which ihc Fost- Trh 'sraiu re io rt* that o f Ihe ihrei* igiiiie* metilloned by the 8tute Gageiie. lla tiCo ik . ilummorc «nd Stoke*, tin* iHiier Is a Cmn- herlHud leader, w h ile Umumere ha* un- iiounced hl.H w lihdrftw al from iioMiics.

l l is re!-|)ertf\dly suhmllled M these lusty dhiniluniR that their romrover.-*y Is Biipertlunu*. Fartlcu lftrly sou* lo ('am den. That city is now and has been for yeuT* Ihe real heudquurieri* o f 'b e Republican party nf New Jersey H In m ie that nominally the cnmm Ulev boim- has been eUcwherc. It ha* inalniuliiH l rooms lu Newark, .lersey C ity . Hiid during iM least one Hubi-nnluHul campuiKU liud :« brum h a! TreiUun. but a lw ay * Ihe real he:ul, the illrei lbiK mind, ihe m otive power, was lo ­cated 111 Camden, and from iher»- r-man- aisil Ihe urdj^r* which the com m ittee obe\--

eii. For many year* thos» who suoxhi Ihe fumitHln head o f Reptibllciiii wi.-Mlum ami pMwer tu N ew Jersey have Ixnured the Siiite Com m ittee headqiuirters nnd Rutie srrulitht tu a dingy brick ImtldinK «i|Juceiu 1 0 the I'ennsylvunla Haltros-l

ynrd« tu Camden.M hv. ihcn. should the Foet-Telegra in

w i* ic liH energies In striv ing for iln shadow when it ulreudy hits the *iil>- su iiM ’ '' And why should It throw cold w au r Oh Treu ion 's p lteoti* Hpp<-al fur recognlilun'’ Csmden ran w ell Hfford tu t*e genfnu i* in this matter. Noth ing but death can rob IX o f It* eiiprenm cy as the head o f Kcpuhlhan n iilhorily In New Jer­

sey Why gr i.lg^ Treiuon.,>M cn inib or two?

for when Jersey C lly speaks In m atter* o f urt. there Is nothing mure to lie said. The town council o f Bo*ton. some Uritiph so­cieties and H French body or two have opinion*, a* hftve ffobuken and Chicago, but thc*e lire subject in revision and even reversal; but when Ji’ rsey <’ Uy priunnirK'c* ft verdict ihere is no uppciil and no dissent. The questhm u i iRsue Is the posler girl, k In profound. Inlrh'ftte. uhsorblng. F irst o f nil, 1* *hc art? Secondly, If so, !o whftl extent I* ubbrevlallon o f pklri and Imdlce tu be eturicd In order to satisfy artlRlic Ideal* add squrite with lhat Innate dellcuc-y whlrh henttiloH the Jersey C ity charnv ter? Fin iherm orc, what must be the limi- tiitlun* o f her costume to realtxe art and ;it Ihe same lim e meet the a rth llc concept* and delicHle mornllty uf New Y’ urk, for Instance, und other .seciluhs o f the W(.»riit which from hitk o f opportunity have no! yet mounted to the sci'cne heights ut>on which Jersey ( ’ iiy atamls? Renllxlng that Hh( I* Hbutu to create an artlulle cjkjcI its 11 were, je rsey t*lly has culled her brightesl mid best witnesses befure the rn m in a l Cotirt. where ihe poster girl 1* tlKhrhig HI present. TherA hr? fo rty o f them. Including 11 hanker, a clergymun, an mlvcrilHtng agem . a photognipher, an url- 1st, a cuptnln <d ihe militia, a llb iary in i*- irc aiul some o id iiiary clllxens and saluoii- k iep fi* . Such a Jury, right In the sacred atmosphere o f Jersey c ity * iT lm m al ('u iirl, c.'iiiiiol go nmls. '. Before Ihe suu sets li»-riuihl. tiri'sce. Hume, Nf-wark, i hi cMgii. iKhkush and llotnikcn will have an ex i-alh'dra otilulrtn on llie posier gtr) In her I'cl.tiiiiu tu all ilu- *ivu i ciUicailunu movi riiciiW o f the ihi\

F o r e ig n B rie fs , t

In scnli-Ti. ing M W'binan fo "riln^*ly days for uriiMiipiliig suicide. R.‘i-oiiliT Stanton, o f llu b ik 'i:, rcceiilly n-iu:*rkMd: "Theri have l)i‘( 11 Inn many folks fruin uui o f loW'U 4'ouilikK lo lUiUiken lo db* n-i-t-utly.' This ioiiipl.'int is nsiUmil. no duulU, fur life lu Iloi,.,u> II is so dreainlL Ju.wms lhat the luiru ih'HiRln uf the K ing uf Turrurit. Is i-ulnil.tlcil in supcrlmlui'c a hr«-d feel­ing. A ctlii- w.iiriv time, his ttuiior should remember 1 ) 1:1 al) the world chii' i live In Hoboken i li.aH arc lol.s uf people fon ’eiJ lo ekn Ull' . xi-ieiH-e In Husioii. for In- fttaiue. .i"4 ni.iiiy more who must gel along u- Im-:! i |i>-\ cuii 1 1 1 F:irh. Ib rlin. KalumaX'^o .md nysit-r Ray. TUl-< Ik nul o f chidct i", riulPil. but utl eumpLlIslOP. W hy. lb-e Win n I'iu' >iib|e wHigs nf ileath begin lu ri.ii' uV'T a *4ud ihui h.is Mlw'.tys longed lo w.ihuw m the dellghlH uf the aesth*'tl(' oM .IriAcy town, um| thC.I soul seeks Ju«i a -u< • ( llidmknu delight be­fore testing iln- luveafter. should R e ­corder gTimbje? Is hv prepared.

I t has hetn frequently urged that the bltterni’ s.s which grind* moat aavagHy Id the heart* o f the Chluesa l* the extra-tcr- rUorlttiitj o f the cunriH In which cuaea HgaSnst forelsiicrt-, or auUa between Ihe PHtlve and the furrjgner, are tried. Thc*c cuurts are European and admlnla- tcred under a code o f Kiiropcan luw d if­fering. as It may be, whether the Consul, who i.H Ihe prcKldUig officer, Is Germun, Engllsli, American. Ruaslan or what not. The (laomlon) Speaker takes up the Huhject In this fashion: "A * long us the

hlneae retiiln torture as a means o f ex* amthlng witnesses, It U unfair lo Euro- peruis to ask them lo ucqwh-Hcc In the ubo- lUton o f ihc ciipftulatlons.. • • • T h » trader points to the Ohlneae excesses and argue* that he mu*t have the prolectlun rtf special courts, and 8 lr Robert Hart points to the special court* and urguea that Chine, w ill never reform her way* m u ll they are iibollahed- The question *eems lo re*o lve iiRelf Into this, A re th* ch in e*!’ itovernm enl so anxious lo get rid o f the ex tra-territoria l tyaiem that th^y wutild ag ice trt purthase release from U by the abolition o f torture und tho cstablishimuU o f a .code o f evldeuce and a code o f (•Ivil right*? I f the^* are, there ought to lie a possible ground for compro- niise. W hy should not Europe propose to China theahulRlon o f the extcfi-terrlturlal system on the e.4iabll*hment o f a code In Chins. Jnsi a.R Lord Rosebery ahollahed caiMtulntton* In Japan In IK% when th* Juimncse adopted u code? To ask this of China is a very different thing from Hi tem p ling to Introduce a wholly new r«- glm e or lo force on China a "iirugresstva’* (lynaa ly which would not last a muiuh."

The practlral working o f the new Coun­cil o f T,ahor eRluhllshed by the Frencli Government at Marseilles Is being watch­ed w llh great Iniervat. At present the coum ll w ill only have advisory powers tn arranging the difference* o f capital and labor, leaving the ultimate settlement in the eslahllRhed (Uilhnrltles. It* mlHRlon Ia to g iv e ndvicc «m all questions o f capital and labor; to prepare reports for the Mln^ later uf ComnuTcc «m l Industry; to pub­lish the current null normal rate o f wage*, and lo determine whai should be the length uf a workday; ii> seek means o f preven ting or t■i’mlnHtIng strike* and locknuta; lo repuri i>n the division o f al- low'rtuce*; to !nv*-(‘ ilgHir and report on Ihe execution rtf Iftw-. ilecr^’t’ H and orders nf- fecth g labor, nnd to suggest mudlflcatlon* o f I hem. The cuuiiHI w in be conalltuted o f th ree elcmunls—I’mjdoycr*. employed and iirudhummc.H. 'n^. la 't uamedare mem­bers o f the Ciuisdl dcs Prudhommes, h ' sort o f arbltroitoii mmtnUtee made up j equ a lly o f emplu>-TH .itul workmen, which hHR exiftteO In MarseiUes fru/n time Im- memcrtttl- Then- ar<- six sec'tinn.s o f the Council o f I,;ih«ir. i-nverlng the f'dlnwlng d lvla lon* o f i*ri«luctive industry: Whole­sale allTnentathm. me('hanlca) Industries allied thereto, and rhcmlefll Industries. re ifil] nUmentaiUui; truuHpopiathm und fre igh t: (41 hulhllii4:. lumber' ami jrim trade*; i5> textile Industrie*; (fit merhuTi- ICBt art*.

us Hisn't a

mHKi'«iT.lle Rill III UI dh


I b.'tiukei)

penalur M H.irrlsliurg fur <>u\ ermvr Sti tu- KeriaiuT T.

i j . . iy h.is run down to ■I liMle Interview wllh TIuh is a pointer for

I'l.ti' wiui. I f Invicad o f

' i

K T I i n i M i KT n .U A F H A Y I«K .A gU(.Hl]y tiumljer of Congreiam nn a>'«

now e r route for the Philippine lsf*nd-

"trt study problems there at rloue range." Ccndtilrtn? nr' favorable The armed re- helllon ha* dw lndl^l to proportion* thni I'rt longer prev- m ihe InstRuthui o f ulvil guvcrnmeul, nnd. by the Mme these \lsU- ur* arrive, u [% sgje i « predict that the rew manhluery w ill be working anKHtth'' enough to e ’ lftbte th.-Tn to Judge c f Its’ effe^tlveHesa. R<»mTHh!flg itke a ntntrpyi view uf Ihe Islands 1* iM-t-ilblc to them and- should ihey ko «iip«jss. they mH>' tftik with v?opte prom inciii lu ull cirri*** W llh flue (llllgenre and an cyu single 1 0 the mission which they p ro few . these Cun- gre*Hm<‘it shoulil iteqidfe much mdterlal wtlh which to lltuTTtnate the debnto* o f the next sassiun anJ n«*lst in prartlra l legislation.

Fortu n ale l). the vlaltor* inriude m-nn- twr* uf both |K»lltlcnl partte*. None is dn "an ufTcial i'a iu ivUy" and none goea the repreaem ative o f the PrcRliieni. These fu r:* w ill lead tbe country tu bHtk upon

I their inveatlgallnn* w ith voniv degree o f confldehec, iiotw lthatandlna the nntorifkus mleififorinatlDn whl^h vIotMiig Cftnjjro**-

-men. brought back £iom attd C u b« ■llb i lio rejqt ggrr r^Uiftiitmoac dlHgence and under rh«- fsv - orahle ctfrum stance*. how can the*<‘ jten* ilemen expect to add anyth ing o f par­ticular value to tbe country '* preiient knowledge? O ra n t ln g i^ a l tbe .American authorltlta now In the PhUipptne* are or- d taa illy IntelUgei.t and honeet, have ikey n o t/ la ibeae y e a n o f ataocffttlori with ih « naUvea and tborougb eaploratUin o f

culling t im e r .... . udcli from A lbany toNew York v.uuhl t,,k> ihc truuhle to gn to ARiftn\ lUm—-If. miRhi, perchance, be ss sucvcRsfiii in r.»Mi'■.itlluu tnftlt'TB as Is

■•.ll* cousin, ui' ivanld."

The abomtnuiliins o f Btreel H(lv>-rilslnx are ex c llliiif cummfni and IniKiiiriutl^ii) |u KnglftnO ami a -(n-l-ry cxIrIp for. tin* jiur* jKme o f Ha R'lpiiressluii. Mr. Jamcn R iy e In presiding the otlu-r ilay ills(-nssi,.<i ij,,. m ean* o f reducing ihc evil AHourlmi uas ca lled to the revm u* in F r im v fruni the taxa tion o f cxpuscii adverilsemHpis ii»-re there could lu* t«pp«'«i h new Kuiircc of reveiwia In Oreef Hrltaln. It h i.l i)c*n muggested that the power* o f miun.’ipnll- t ie * should be Hnlnrgctl to enable thi-m to dea l w ith adverlleeniunt*. Including nky* * lgn «. from the nvsihcilc polm nf vU-w T h e surest «m l snfest w.vy. how. \>-r. m present w a* t'» ''diirntc pubu,* ,i[i||-Li‘on. Blr M artin Conway said that he had fn*m.1 the excesses more monstnmH in N hw Y«>rk ftnd o ther American l■UleR than In I,on- don. Resolution* were adopted asking the goven iitien l l<» c(in*bl**T In Hh lo h.-rne of rsxatloti the deslnii.llliv o f Including ihls Hem. SO that the Ku.-lpt\ could drcfi a bill on the subject, o*' lu confer on local iiu- thoritle* power to ileal sumraarlly wlih the evtl.

Ir is a :'.ilrl> iP quesHofl W hfitu rIhe Boeril "t ll^.'bh -'-flHnlx, in deciding to a lv f mil tiM f inhcr mfoTmatfon ee tu the ppresil o f >nMlliv.\, hs4 c not taken the Ik*pi N.-*!i, ( r. .-ittf unneresparyalarm.

vT-VTh: K T (ttmn»- o f tht- rinrimin Reptrtiitrans whd

do lull nxr»c with I'ubmei Dirklnstm have ij-clarcd thii' hv cafmol turn o ver that t- iL iiii iiRH.-i Hi rranklln Murphy for ViOVTUDi The> iiN.«crl that Genera) R. Hurd 'irubh will get *ome o f the Hudson vote* if he will *!uv*cni »o run. The gen eral. h^w*-'..-!', i ' n.ii h gnod fprgetter. and ihc uf twelve scarn ha* not effacedfrom hie m**niuiv thi- tigure* which indl- ratMl liN dHie.it in ihi* Gubernatorial raci- •

While these litilc ‘iklrmlehea are go in g I on, nu ihiuKer o f a reaouQdlngI rH *h of .iTine ilM General Bcwel) com e*1 up fnun the Huuth. When the QOmnuind

er arrive* <m the ncene o f artkm tke real line uf bai'U- will he laid ouL and the forrep will Ih- marshalled fo r tb# attack. The DemtM’rats to hava called Ineven their ekirmlnhers, and. th a n la ap- ^ r e n t l> "nothlhg doing" on tkvlr 1! •*'' ^■ “^ ii'ongteaaawh Fg|

- o f t lw dQu>Mi- lion o f Mayor 8 e 3 inour, but obljr In

popgun son o f fashion. TYta fa rt that Robert Davis Is even further South than General 8 ew M art^unts fo r this state o f affulrs, which Is boenming Irksome to the camp followers. The AgbGng farces, how ­ever. seem to be w illing to rest on their drms for a time.

The reiwiTt that Franklin Hurphy has offered 1 0 pag over the |1 0 ,W a

An English Church paper smte* that there Is * diminution lu the ordinaUunn In the Church uf England In rec*-ni y#ars Tn 1900 there w ew 1.23ft. a* Hgidnai l,2fK in 1X99. not ft gi’ i'-'t' fulling ! ff. trt’ be »ure, but slgDlflcam as bel ig in ihai line of (llTnlnUhkng ratio which had pr.-orti*,! d ines IWl there hn* Wen a d-.r-nse uf Alxiaen per cen '. In orrlluallou*. The d»*.

C ^ S E D A T y ’ . M . SA T U R D A Y S A T 10 P. M.

- o e v e nb a r g a in s i n u p r i g h t s

A bargain that lias none of the elements of risk usually associated with a Piano bargain is wliat We offer 3’ou from onr s p l e n d id collectiou_ in the Second Floor Parlors. Every instrument in the different rooms is sold in precisely the same way as if it were new; each has our written guarantee good for a term ot years, as well as < the promise that is good with every’ instrument bought from us, viz: that we will EXCH AN GE IF NOT SA TISFA C T O R Y .

Twenty-three of the Pianos in the present assortment have been at rent for a short period, some for less than a month, others for four, five and six months. The balance is made up of new instruments outside of our regular lines, and good, used Uprights that we have taken in part payment of higher priced Pianos. As we have said, all are good, and we are responsible for the quality.

Prices are very low indeed. Y’ou can pay as low as $ 1 4 5 , or as high as $360, the majority of the instruments beiug priced at from $200 to $3C«.

We uame six to give you some idea of what j’ou may expect to find when you to come to inspect for yourself:

A C hase U p r ig h t in d a rk rosew ood, A go o d W e s te rn m ake of A -i r e p ­u ta t io n .......................... $ i ; 5

A n I v e r s & Po n d U p ­r ig h t in d a rk m ah o g an y . Ju .st ta k e n in ex ch a n g e a n d o v e rh a u le d . . . $160

A K o h le r U p r ig h t in m ah o g a n y . B een u sed a t s e v e ra l concerts . G re a t- b a rg a in .......................... $175

A M endelssohn U p t ig h t in fine burl w a ln u t. N eW ' s ix w eeks ag o . . . . $ r i5

A C a m p b e ll U p r ig h t in f in e ly f ig u red q u a r ­t e r e d o a k . A g o o d P i a n o ............................ S195

A S ta n d a rd U p r ig h t in q u a r te r e d o ak . H as line " s i n g i n g " to n e . . . $*35


6 5 7 - 6 5 9 B R O A D S T .

Don’t Workfor the present _ alone. Make w ise provision tor the future by insuring with The Prudential, which w ill enable you to w ork n ow w ith increased interest and greater free­dom from care.


P r u d e n t ia lIn s u r a n c f C o.of A m erica.

HMM OfflMINawaric, N. X

V, Frta't ood OmiooiL

e e b E B Bat*.. Mon., Ta«i., Thuo,. Sat.

Miaco’s Jolly Srass Widows

Why should you delay over getting a Piano when a good one can be had on such moderate term.s, and without taking any risk whatever? Besides, you can pay in such small sums from month to month that there need be no hesitation whatever on that score; we will accept as low as TEN DO LLARS in cash, and the Piano will he delivered to your home immediately. Later payments of six, ei^ht or ten dollars, according to value, will be satisfactory to us.

ALLCom. April 15. Mat*.. Mqti-, Tues., Thuts,,

Nvxt W aek—Frod irwla^a B l f Khowt

EMPIRE-J^verj E yM iae, Matiaeaa W si. and »tr -metMOS llir#*LKER -60 PE0Ptr-.i

In a New and O riginal Musical Cniiiedy

OA,' H A MK e l t W eek : Acr-awtlie Pacific.


M A R Y H A N N E R I N QJ A N I C E M E R E D I T H .

N e tt W eek—Mauiie Adamic in *T/Aiglon.»

mUMBIA THEATRE STOCK COMPANV-^T f Second ami la it week of


MaSeeV 5 ? o s o a .Next Wi>ck~ltoMt CoghlMQ Id the bportihv


O O U N O D \S T A aM O t'S O P K U A

— F ' A X J S a ' —S c h u b e r t V o c a l N o c l e t y ,

T h e A u d i t o r i i i i i i , W e d . , M a y i ,^SeatBTMiinrn™

%“Oh, Oh, Miss Phoebe,”

“Tell Me, Frettj Maid."Tw o uf thft naw Records on

April L is t

THE EOiSOMIA CO,Upen AVadiiesdrty avcniiut », Hnlurday W P. M., or.other eveninifH0 :30.

1 block fVom Rroad.Near Itatme's.A . O. P E T IT . M|(r,


O u r new designs a n d s t y l e s in Men’s Clothing

u n n v n unUn tU Nj» jt jit J*

W e want you to know that the new Spring G oods are ready. jt jt jt jt

W e want you to know that we are show ing th e finest


y o u ever looked at.jt ji jt ji ji

W e want you to become fam- iliir w ith ou r styles and qualities, and ou r prices will be satisfactory.

j t j$ j t jn J t

See o\ir lines of Handsome Men’s Spring Suits,

$ 3 - 0 0 t o $ 1 3 . 0 0

McGREGHIiCO.850-S52 Broexd St..


m t a P E C E HBarettes or Coiffure Brooches

Ar# m ade id a varie ty of fttylcs and are a ll of n ew designs.

ll Solid (old,sterling Qilt, Me. to U.

T his week we wiU place on sale our new line of

Chatelaine Brooches.iictionseprorti

itl come inThey are u tia tic re|

of anim al heads, am either g ray finlab or silver gilt,

From $1.50 to $2. .Engnifidvadiiigtnititiont.

BROAD,NearW , Park SL

“O L IV E S .”For the next ten days we will sell a i6 oz. bot­tle of

Fancy Queen Olivesat 22c. per bottle; 2.40 per dozen.

Atwater & Carter,FAN CV O BO C K B IB 'I.

728 BRO AD S T R E E T .

. . . P O R T H E } .

Easter Bridedoubt will b« w K l " auarters nation*. It t» often Hid that Engllih pM-wtlli dertilon. bat. n*T*rlheles8. la onr pie laeh pueh, activity and adaptabUtty. which, If worked loyally by men who be- Utlwr nallona do no( think ao. Daaplielirved In It. CQuW. • " convinced, he hostile tariffa we find Encllah tradara , . __

iF in «Uu-aiional attalomrnl h d ** , doing mo.t of the bu.1ne«i In German and | " plSft‘?fly” ™*auSlfn"fM'-i***' “ uh"an"/cr.n:' — .. ...........................................................

I Gilt* ot aterllng allver or a flna clock wUl

T h e * * r l^ o " t*U 'e rebellion o f i m and the ' I nerlod o f unreal le ft Scut land?u i T t b ? * « Chatham ralaed ,he

” from nraaricAralthck« v « t r

propone that when

coTTt, o f ih r rnnilldntr** In ISftft wctt Rratl'. i l * a o f Oafnrtl or rxm hrU lfe. whUd* 1ti ixm> r itf porcanlfta** wur iThU- la o a n t l uiji>.h4ir pirr cont- #vcat**c Vvr th<* dcmsTkii for r iir a tc r i » «** lirt-alt-r rii«n f v ' rbclc»n*- T**** <’k*rRV Ih ihd* only pruf-Hjiiai In whkh is nol areally ovt-r-croW d ^ * The f'xplHnatiuii o f u Reetninj?IftconRlftl^ocy Sv that there are plenu .,fvacan t curacies, but nmutl Indiiremeiit fore d u c a te youoK lo dpply fur ihi-ni. irtrifn ifleam I* ihe prtv In tt>mparii»rtn w.ihthe e a » « l t y and rc ,,«n »ibU H y o f ,h,. do [ " M ™ , ‘ ? P T : ^ ’ "ot courM. *hal the men , 1« . The tim.. haa gone by when any ho, | It w il l ha a l * ^ . « the occaatona! cnihiialaat In rellal,,,, la i who fou gh t againat ^

; abundant and the prtcaa ao tam ptiag that it w in be hard not to buy,, but wa-|l oa

I piokaed to ahow t^^gooda th o u ^

I . over we ahoUlO ralae live or the Irregu lar Horae fromHm on**the man b « k e « In the Tranavaal

A frica , but In o * h « _ "L

w t And British :capita l iloveloping th e~re*o(,r«e t o# a llparla o f the world where dlvldenda a n to purchaae Just yat. .to be earned under the direction o f B r il- : b ^ n at t l . go to BHl W e are famoua I n leh ngenlB, m an afer* end t tm naaaa, and | OUT beautifu l ehaped I t and I I kt, gold

sp iiarently there are plenty o f Kngtlah U I C n n i M C D I N H I 6merchanta who are becoming r ich ." T T k U U i n i v i \ i n i v v t

or Weat or Central Africa,, auch •• kind would be uaeful.where force* . that th.

willing to labor ptirely for the love and the church.

if ifiHl I « S l d n : v «I la—tn,

The lAtndon Spectator, in view „f an early ending of 'he South African War. diM'uaeea what la to be done with i(,e M.oon or *o priaotiera who will be l.fi „n Britlah band*. Bany M them, of couriw. will be able to go back to their fartha and oecupaIlona: and many will be he!(iwl to gei'rhetr living hs"thetr Trtenda' gi^,eela- llvea of the two new cOlonlea, or by ii>e help of aympathrtle aoula In Cape Colony Tet (here will be a great number of lanjl lean men. with but IlHIe relation to any drflnlte grip on aucceea. iven to the e*- tent of dally bread. What la to he done wllh three broken men? It la intimated that Ihry can acarcely be Mt up an gentle- nien farmera at Ihe eipenee of the BritUh and coiontal l**p*yer». Tke Spertaior haaardi an outlet for titl* potential force of uaefulnnra, H aaya: -rhe luggeauLw* bav* to nak* la one wbtek w* harame

T. ■ -Oi aver* Kngtlah newapaper which , . le « : i e J r t S a r i c ^ ot Britlah trade take* a p e * ™ » Uatty Preea

fe a lr nun* eheerfnl o ye r the and hellavea that the «ltuat|on

situation, aa againat Eng-think


Ja fa r f r o t fland. I t " If twn ffTkat com-

The O f t ™ " * ■ " “ *'*

W e In E n g '* " ” ‘ ^ w ill haven Bngww" ^ ^

* " T * ^ .. . T S ------♦ ‘ •‘ I Qannanenter in to But O w m an*

" * ”* ’*'** 1*7*■■inarra *»4 rmnp'ain that langwag* M baewuae whU*

E n g » ^ " w a the r f o a tIh f * * A a Oal ja l t _ |o order to

A queer Incident h a i occurred In Con­stantinople. ¥eare sgo the foreign em- baaelea agreed that fo re lgnen abould pay taxes on landed property provided' they w ets represented In the municipal gtirern- \ ment. O f cotiree Ihe Turkt did not Im p ' Ihe agreem ent, and th* totslgners pre- ' ferted to le t their houacs go almost 'to ruin rather than to pay up any arraar*. Re- ' cently tb * authorities dacldad on a reaa- i waam eni o f the tax** and th * Inapector* visited a ll propeiiy-osm ers vrtth thia and

j la view . A t the oemer* vrtts trilling to I > pay aotsethlng handsome to these o lhcia lt | I fo r a low esilm att. the inspectors m sd* a ; haodaoma thing out o t I I A tc e o ra ga d by

th lt thay applied the same rule to the a lready orerhnrdgned Tu tU sh p n p a rty - —mars la C tM taattectri .. h s p t « iM U g badultaaeah out o f th * Mackraail. -Th* tremandona outcry aUrmad lb * Bul- U n . and h * prom ptly aboUsihad the whole tax. ordariBg Ihe Inspector* to n t a n the m onsy a lrssdy eollscted. W hatcre r they m ay h s rs dlagorgad. tt la tirid that the o rigtaa l coatrthntors hae* not a e ts a penny o f I t

Frank Holt & CaD idinotM n t r c l i H l i

a « 4 T ru d tw o rtlijr Jdw dlldrg,

A A cad eo j Sty Opp. P*,0^N E W A R K . N . J .

G srm an ha

■ f

W i i n s a i n i o gpaatm l K s n l

and ta ta rd n y sBststa Bays Is

im iattA nm iat a laaw sly W » d aad an d . wal* m O lB ia r c I ttiHag aad

■ w ■ r.-

tfEW AR K E V E N IN G N E W S , F R ID A Y , A P R lt 10, 1901.








Kk will jr»nc»- ;1M1. •»w“fi! ’‘Si

tout IH old


P . f t r

to the Point.Buy cbthes from first hands— from the tailors, not

from the middlemen. Buy good clothes— not all tailors make such. W e ’ve been at it for years— we ouffhtto know' hov;. W e d o . Try otit

^ t f wsrftFTaind saving. ' ‘

in Proof, Our $12 Suits.Aviti probably buy j'annc. k V» ■ 'fTl-* IVIlll I stppeaTance of

a middleman. But we doubt if the wholesittev froiu whom they were bouiiht pul as j^ood litiinii.s, as ;jood trimmings and a.s good workmanship into them as %ve did. But y o u shall be the judge.

Cassim'eres, Cheviots, Worsteds, Dir.gon.sls.- Of grays, of blacks. of greens, of stirpes,Of inixuires, of blues, of olives, of checks.

^ n r i n c O v p r r r i f l t < l ' oim-, weave ando p F lI l J^ v V C l v l r a l S fashionable .shajie is here. $S to,?2r. An .all wool Coven Top Coat, silk lined, at $!()■

In Proof, Our Boys’ Suits.They’re here in every approved style, in all desirable pat­

terns. $2.50 to $8— pick according to tlic condition of your purse. In every case you're certain to gain all that profit which the “ dealer” usii.ally takes from you. And so—instead of paying a “ trading dealer”—say $6. 50 for a certain grade of suit, you may buy such a one of u.s at $5.

Stoutenburgh’s fistS


D ST., 21W. P A R K ST. N I W A I M C R A

41 •

Slantlard Fal terns and Puhliealiuns.

He Are Newark [inls lorThem

' '- f t£ ! ! !£ rk a b J e S e ll in g in N e w a r k ’s B es t ^

Cloak and Suit ftep’t.


Witness ia Mrs. Snitli fill Contest Sa; Late Chief Justice’s Danghter

Was Irratioaal.


Hht- T a lk ed Freatt^ntly of tlie Plot lo K U I Hea^-Decllircd Hhe Over- heRrd ComplrAittrs SA}* thAl *'A F ew Drops o f Something on Her Food, or a C.'lolh Over Her F aoo. W onid Mol l^eAve Au> Trnee.**

Bpeclil DI«i>Gt'.’h lo th^MORRISTOWN. April JudKC

■N'reeland In the Morris County OrphaiiH* Court yeutrrday, the contest over the will of Mrs. Kdwliitt Whelpley Smith was be* gun.

For Abraham L, AdtimR, the ereculor find sole legatee under the disputed will. Charlton Reed and Charles Stillwell. Jr., placed Township Clerk William B. Collins and Justice of the Peace Charles Stilwell,Sr., on the stand. Both witnesses testified ns to meeting Mrs. Smith at the reBidcncs of Charles Stilwell, Jr. on the morning of December 10 last in company with her friend, Miss Catherine C. Collins. They called at the reQuest of the lawyer to sign as wltnep^pB of ihe laai will of McHi smith and swore that before signing the will Mrs. Smiib had said that she aoknoA'l- edged the document to be her lust will and testament,

Chariea SUlwell, Jr., testified as to hav­ing prepared the will for Mrs, Smith, He said that she had caUedai hlahome by ap* polntment on December 10 for the purpose of having the w‘ 111 execulod, and that In the presence of those present he asked her If the paper was entirely satisfactory. Bhs answered In the afBrhifttlve and In answer to the question, “Do you desire any changes?'’ she replied In the negative.

E. Q. Keasbey, representing the cavea- I tors, then called Joseph F, Randolph, a Morristown lawj-^er, to the stand. The witness testified that on August 14. 1 , he had drawn a paper purporting to ba the last will and testament of Mrs. Smith un­der which the caveators are the legatees.Mr. Reed and Mr. Stilwell objected to the sdndsslon of the paper, but the court ove^^ed them,

T e s t lA to n y o f A. K lr c r .Mrs. Margaret V. N. Dukyea, of Saranac

Lake. N, Y-. a niece of the late Rev, San­ford H. Smith, the husband of Mrs. Smith, offered testimony relative to her numer­ous vtsita lo her aunt at dlfTerenl times tn Newark during ISM. She said that Mrs. Smith showed unmistakable signs of In­sanity and talked almost continually of plots to kill her. claiming that Mr. a^d Mrs. Qardner, of Kim street, Morrlslown, who are relatives, bad hired agents and spies to shadow her and eventually end h«r Ufe.

On one occasion, said ths'wltncss. Mra. Smith said that somebody had tried to break open her trunks In order to steal some valuable papers. At another time when Mrs. Smith boarded In the same house with the Gardners she told the wit­ness that she bad overheard the couple plot to kill her. Mr. aardner, according to Mrs, Smith’s story, hsd suggested few drops of something in her food or s cloth over her face, either of which would not leave any trsce.” Judge Vreeland final­ly admitted the testimony.

Edward B. Kelly, of SummiL iestlfi(^ that one d<y In September lastjdrs. Smith, who. at that'time was visiting Mrs. Mur>' Eantoh. of Summit. osUed at his office and Said thiat the Gardners and tiA'o spies at­tempted lo enter the wlmh^w of her moot at midnight, She engaged him to watch the place and the some night he did ho, but failed to discover anything. The next day Mrs. Smith appeared At his offioe and said the men had again frighteneii ner the night previous. She ealied daily after that and wrote many,,letters at one of his desks, said Mr. Kelly, until he finally told her the annoyed him and must cease her visits.

“In my opinion,'* Mr. Kelly said, "the woman was|tnfatie.“

**Are you an expert on insanityT" said Mr. Reed,

“No/' rsplled the witness, “but I hav« Uken quits a few ikersoni to the asylum."

Not AA fceAeb TAcetIwv. CjuGAtior.cd as to whether or not be knew

anything aboot th« late Chief Justice Whelpley, Mm. Smith's father, Mr. Kelly satd; "No, 1 don’t knosr him; he hasn't been on the bench since I have,*'

Etoth of thaso rtpUes caused much laugh- tsr sud Judge Vreeland wa« rompelled to rip for order.

Mr. Heed next asked the witness how be bappened to be subpoened in the case The witness said he didn't know and knew nothing of the conteatlng of the will until he read the aeoount in the NEWS.

AmsI Dodd, of Newark, a cousin of the lati Chief Jostlce Whelpley, testified that Mrs. Smith's relatives had said she was iTtsaoe. and that ho offioAd har adrtes which lbs refused to fallow Hs also stated that durtpg the eaily years of her life Mrv. Smith's mind was clear and vfg- rutxa, bug In later years she was pacuUsr

ill her talk and deaidanor, and It was svl- detit to everybody with whom she asso- » lAted that aha was greatly altered. One l;.staooe that forced him to believe Mm. STolth waa Irrational was when she sent a lattar to tba wife of Rreetdent Clove- land cequsatiuf an Interview. The former vice-ehanoellor testtfled that after tbs death of her mother tn IMS Mrs. Smith \ tixprewed bar dlseatlafaetlOA of the for-

will, and became totalir eetraaged from lbs other mein be re ^ the fandly. In bis opinion, ps said, whlla net entirely de- prtved «>f har taUUigcM hU Judgment of her as to her shMgbtlon# ti tlvet and Muida and the dhipoeitloD of her ptegerty was that Mie was uujuet and inca^Me.

At owe stage of th» WSfbeedligi Mt- Reed aak ^ the w tM ia w dneaRoo as to

ft memorable ride in Princeton, Instead of answering ihe queMlon Mr, Dodd piled thf- coiinaelior wiUi querieft. The latter aroae and adtTreaaed the court. "I reaV lee.•’ he aald. "that I am'S young member of the bar and do not expect to ever have such honofR heaped upon my he«d ns the vice-chancellor has, but I do desire to he Irealeil courtenvialy, no mailer who the wilncHB Is «ir his station in life."

Mr. DoOd then offered an apology, an.d stated ihai he had never seen Mr?*. Bmith nqr corresponded with her since Decem- lier. 1B9S. when she wrote to him on a postal rani, asking whether or not Ibe re­port wfu? true that his grandfather had robbKl some orphans of an estate In 1826. The receipt of the card waa another rea- sem why he shmikl believe, he shI<], that Mrs, Smith wiis Insane,

Dr. peter P. Hewlett, of New’ark, followed Mr. Dodd on the stanil. Iji* tolj of atiiMtdink Mrs. Smith from October, 18M, until July, liffW. He said she was suf- f ^ n g from both phynloal and mental all* raenta, her principal illUBlon being that her relatives were persecuting her. The witness told of an Instance when Mrs. Smith wrote dally to Samuel KHlIech, a Newark attorney, for several weeks, ask­ing him lo bring action against the per­sons she thought were annoying her. The lawyer paid no attention lo her appeals, and she finally convinred herself that the spies seeking her destruction had caught him In their net. Dr. Hewlett said most emphatically that he believed Mrs. Smith to be of unsound mhid.

The case will be continued next Monday.

STT^^ Made of all wool lioinC' spun Jackets, stmic Hton, others coal cfFi-cls, lined with good silk lining, skirls, new seven gore fi.ire nicely lined ami hound, al . ’ ..................................


1-:T0N jACKkTS-M m le of all-wfKil cheviols, revers fiiccfi w ith Pcaii tie HoiCj atnl l i n e il tliroughout w ith '4s k ] s ilk J A Oliim.f;. 4 , V 0i l l ........................

m.ACK C H K V I O T SK IR TS — With ctjrded flagnev,fiiiisluNl with three Itands of siilin, Mhers with tleep llotmce finished with Iminlsofs ilk ,

SH IRT of gfKsl inailras.

--3uOur ireiiieucUuis business this spring in wonuy’s iv;uly-

niacle wear—Suits, Jackets, Skirts, Waists and ChiUlreii’s Oiiterganncnts—is tlic climax of years of liberal donlint r wilii the people and our distinctive policy of selling only Midi gar­ments as would give satisfaction, not only wlu-u llicy were bought, but dnting the entire time that they wen- serviceable, and with It all selling these goods at such a narrow iiiaigin of profit that our prices were invariably lower than those of any other ^tore for like qualities. The following are some of our especially good values;

SU.K-MN'HDSnTS - l/irp'iis.

oortment, maiU- of ilu- finest I'rcnch Hroadclotlu til vlu-xiitls, in all the lalcsl stvlv" silk <lrop skirts, a

MISSIES* AND C n i),- i

!| f r i> mk





SriTS Matleof all wool chev- |j lot?) in Black and castor, m-w I'don Jackets with I.’.Aiglnu ccdlar and ciitim frcntH of taffeift silk, new lloniH'i’ ?tkirls, tnaiift ami | | lined lliroughtml in In='M I I m q manlier........................... 25.00


TAl-TMTA SJI.K KTON ;ior Rolc-rtt Jackcl.s, some | DRKN S BOX COATS tucked, others ncally cord- ed and lined with c^ualiiy silkUiiing, al . . 4.98

C O T T O N \\A !S T S -M :h1c (jiiality percales,

q t o i6 - year S'sizes, of all wool imi-

teriais in all wanted shades, some L'.Mgloti collars, oth tTs velvet or d o th tieallv Irimmcfl

_ II a t ......................b j .a c k c n k V 1 o t

SKIRrs-Ma.k- «,tl, ,lj;epj flounce, trimmed with five bands of l;ifTet:i. others with niflles. neatly iIriiiinied with j A O i .ilk, 4 . V 5a t ........................ - (

W H lT lv I..WVN WAISTS! —I-'ine while lawn shirt waiats, ill a larf;.-. variety o(

ni.ACK nROAI>LT-OTH seven

gore flare or floum e, some plain, others triinmeiI with s.ilin, iitieil tvilh good percaliiic lining ^ ' ' j g and neatly 0 » Z uIxiiiiid..............

AI.RATROSS WAISTS —(lood qiialilv, in all the verv best eolorings. full

anil rlianihravs, in stripes, |i styles, some made w ith fu l l , tucked yoke; also hack, ligtires and plain effects, 'i lace and emh, fnints, some ; rollara and cliffs tucked, some have revers, w h ite '! w ith tucked thdcri) jacket, ' liishop sleeves, fultshed piuiie shield,Bishop sleeve, il others tucked, hcinstitelied : with small gold Imllons, soft eollar and i Q _ “ ver, Uisliop euffs, rcg. 7.SC. to ' sleeve, soft collargfle. Saturday . i and cufFsjeg ii.qb

1.98 rcg. value for to-morrow s|)ecial ................

' Men’s New Shirts.Negligee and stiff Ixisoms, made of line rpiality

madras and cambric, in the newest patlenisand stripes, some with plaitnllaisomsand some with two A O ^ Cfdlars to match, cuffs with all shirts; real “ q C value to Hi .,10, s[iecinl a t ....................

White Petticoats.Made of fine (|nalitv muslin w ith dci p lawn om-

lirclle flounce triminerf with two rows of lace inser­tion. several clusters of fine lucks, and fin- ^ A ished with ruffle of laec to mulch, ftdl width | and extra dust flounce; worth Jt.oo, at . , .

Sipeiiytendeit Wri|;lit lalimates that He Acted lloder Fresgare-Feir

Teachers Also to Leave.

Another Glove Sale S tarts To-morrow.Tw o Great Glove Bargains.

SI K'd Gloves...........................................58c 15fc. and 15c. Fabric Cloves al . . . 2ScThe; gk)«c sales we have had during the la.st year have Ijecii .so icmark-

able in value giving that the public expect something extraordinary when we meiukiti a sjtetial ghrve .sale. We have It In two toi.s of gloves we purchased front one of iJew \'brk'.s leading importers btlmv their regular prices—we ■ sell them the same way, and place on sale to-morrow two of the greatest glove bargains of recent times. The following describes them;

THAT YOU CANNOT AFF0ilDT0M|SS.Tlie weather linsn’i been right—and trade

has suflerod. Manufacturcis are anxious to sell -^uul we’ve bought ,; t pitr .avci^ricc. You get llie benefit-—in the slutpe of iinnicnse values, and you’re just as welponie to tlie bargain.s Otl Credit if you don't earc to pay cash, for them.

Men's Pure Worsted Trousers,Our .issorlnirni iiu'luili-s all ttiY fiishuiiiiibU- kimls ami the

prices lr<nii Jtj.tiu 'rUts>p('vi:il lot is of purt* worstrfl,iieursl stripi’ :uul A’luvk pnlltTiis, iinm’ of llu’iii worth tjiidrr jin l miiiiy All lo ^o Siitnrday. Cashor CrA'ilit . a t ............................................................

Men's Noliliy Sack Suits,I'lvi'i vthiiijf thill's Avanicd ami ilosiraMc: you'll finrl iti our

stiK'k ,\ proMiinctit tnakvr sohi U'4 3uu line Black UnfluiAhed WtirsUnl nml Tliila'l Suits, very latest I'Ut, very U-M tU atul finish, tha t orrliuarilv sell at YoiirnSalunlay, fi»r Cush nr C rc ilil.................... ....

Men's All-Wool Cassimere Suits.We li.ivc Suits in Cussiiuercs niid T'ancy Worsted up to Jin.oo,

imt tills s |n ri.d lot ci|iinls the usual fm .ouH iul f ij.ix ) kinds. Pure wool, m wvsl style, line fit utid finish, iind ntso .Suits of ~Uhn k Thilu‘1. for yoimg men ii]) to iq yrara of ngc.All lo go Suturiluy, either Cash or Credit, for . . . , ,

A Rare Barpin lor the Boys.Three'i>teee Mieldy Suits, made of fine pure wool navy cheviot,

jai’k fi with dfcit sailor collar rivhly Irimmotl willi silk liraid, vest also brairl irimiiier! am! W’hile pearl InUlons on jiarket " “ “ iinrl jmuts. worth every e rn l of Cash or Credit,Siturdav ..................................................... ...

lui*. f urc


( RESEDt ni THE NHIK.. ' s r M r . B S - . ' M i f l trnmttr ^ Om u m m litoK

wall m Urn I: • 1

The rumnrrof sweeping change* In the ■ebool system of Franklin, current for bcv- eral week* past, were brought to a head yesterday, when It became known that the resignation of fiupwinlendent W. U. Wright and four teaoherji had been accept*

ed by the Board of Kduratiori of that 1 place. ThI* action was taken some days ago, blit the Iriietee* mirte no announce* ment of the fact ai the time further than to *ay that the etaff had been decided upon and that change* would occur,

Mr. Wright. In hi* letter of resignation, placed before the hoard over « week ago. dW not slate hi* reaeon*. it 1* *ald. for giving up the place which he has held for the past nine years. Both be and the trus­tee* are reticent to the rausp* W'hloh led lo the step. The superintendent de­clare*. however, that the board hnow's hlh reaflon*. and really brought about hi* res­ignation. Thia IB admliied by the*lruBtee*. who are alao said to have given the four teachern to underetaml that they would not be reappointed.

Th^ resignation of Mr. Wright came in the nature of a surprise to many, hut those who are familiar with achnol mat­ter* in Franklin aay that his retirement ha* been under consideration for a long lime. W'hen seen thl* morning the auper- intendent declined to go Into detail*.

*‘l have Just resigned: that 1* all there I.** to it." he said.

In regard to a difference of opinion be­tween hlmaelf and the trustee*, he de­clared that he would pay nn attention to such reports.

A b o a t D lf fe re a e e a o f O p lo lo n ," I have told my frlendg all there Is lo

ba told,” he aald. "The people know what , L_ I have Alone here, and ray work ha* been Indorsed by both the county anti Newark 1 superintendents of whooli. The board ] has a perfect right to appoint whomsoever it liken to the position.

"Ye*, ray resignation was brought about by the trustees," he said, In reply to a ; (luestlon, "but I am leaving with a clear ; conewlencs."

fleveraJ of ibt trAistdat who wers \ spoken to In regard to the changes heal- UteO about giving Information bearing on the probable causes. They daclared, however, that the appolntmetit of a new superintendent and the four teachers were in Itna with thair Intention to place tbs township school systeni ofi the most ef- flclent basis possible. 'With a view to this end, they stated, chsmgea caloulatad to make the ourrioilura more practicable are now being considered.

As to tbeir reason for withholding the i announccraent of the five reslgnatfonii and the causes of them, the trasta«i held that I It was done for the good of all concerned. J as they could not see that any beneflC | wtnild result from airing the matter. Mere* ! bers of the board declared that they had no deelra lo enter into or start any con­troversy, oud hoped that tlte matter would drop quietly.

The resignations of the superintendent and of the fonr teachere. whoee namea have not been simotinced. will not tike i ^ect, It Is understood, before the end of \ the present terra. Their successor* have ’ not been decided upon, atthough meny ap- I ^ioatlons are aald to be under consider­ation. Mr. Wright eays h« has not aet- tied on hie plafts for the future.


■•nplv * f ■ «* F e<n A rau r€ 0 « « rH U F r * p * * p 4 O v r r . i i lK h t S ta y a t

M a ta H aatca—O llin T av a a F M l n iak ted .

•pHlal SMpatcl. IA tk, MkWR.WAamKQTON, April U .-P ru ld ra t Me-

KlaUr'* ipaclal min vlil sot nm out on tbo pier at Santa UoBlea, Cal., b> order to

. ........... Rl*” meiuber, of the parlj a ohaaca tor . - i «e » Ota, nJakt !a tke k a li^ aalt atr of

FkftSe. The plan to to do hao been killed bp the anirjr pnteaU af the people of Ban Pedro. Par reara tha iwnared tn- tarMta ot ttaslk JPeOta

Hoatea le th^Terndnao v f iba Sonthern PadSc road, over arhlcta the Praaldant will go Watt from Texta KU- tlaat art tavaaUd ta. tha baikor of Ban Pedro, and t n r j Ubm that aapthlat coaaa up pTonilitn« an advanUse la •oBta Hlonk*. thaaa raonerod xmb rtae la Serve eaanbatleeneee and damand aoeae tfe»i( -ewaaHy ak«oed.- it ihap aaa't aac

Lot 1—AVoiiicii's Kill loves, .j-hook lAwter liie- inx. three shades only, laii.s, browns and blacks, all aircs; also j-clasp. in all shades, including black and white, with self and black embroidmd tjacks. regular price $i. a great barg.ain at. per pair ....................................................


Lot 2—I’abric Gloves, pure silk. duiilile finger ttppcil gloves, 2-clasp and 4-bntton, in white only, all sires, from ,s'j to H; also a few down of the same gooils in black, ai?.e 6 only, the value of these ^ F _ gooiis is from ,v>c. lo 7.sc., a great special at, pry pair...............................................

Saturday Offerings in Our Popular Shoe Department.W OM EN’ H OX-

M)KD8-Made of*c* leviedpatcul leather with aQ KiigllHli Uhb. exlfuMcm oak bt»1e. ihiodyear wolt, al*n turn Holes with I.<mi* XV. heel, l a t e s t .spritig Hlyle. i e ry •ire.'wy, worth rcKw- lar g3..Y0, for ^ /\|\

(tHU-8’ p a t e n tLKATHKi: SHOKS —In boll] lor^e mim! buitnii Nlyk‘*. w ith u dull kid lop, fixed with good paieiit leather, w ith a hill round toe. oak soles, spring heels, to r». l.*b : sires l li i'i •>, J.OO; Mizes m P

t o n , k5r.: 7 5 cSlZCHOtO 6 -- * ^

BOYS' PATENT I I.K.ATHliR LACK ' SllOI'.S.with a (hill

kill lop, full fo^ei! vamp. Intlldoji loe,cX le n hit) n spring Itcfl s',. Ut l ’,J

sole,siwsg e t


All the New Blocks in Men’s and Boys' Hats, Soft and Stiff, $1.50 to $3.00.

Rare Values in Outergarments.Ladies' Separate Dress Skirts.

An uswirlcd lot, including line lirilliBiilinr, in black and blue, li.iniliomv all-vuiol pl.iida, plain cheviots iind rainy .lay hkirl>. l.ilrst . hll]x■s, full generous widths, values np In jLS !«.. Satnrdnv, Cash or Crcdil...................

Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits.Nobby lilim suits of lioincspun, in light and dark gravs and

browns, mililiiry collars triinincd with satin and gill braid, flare and flounce skirts, full sire, Indies' siies and also frir niisKcs I.) lo iS ye.irs Ilf age, worth fto.oo to f 12.00.Salnrdav. Cash or Credit. .......................................... ^ 7.50

Shoes— For Men. Ladies, Boys and Girts, lat­est lasts, $1.35 to $5.

. ' i i

L. Sternberg k Co., 230-234 Market St.


W h a t Is The Use :;Of laying out a lot of money for what j'ou need when you can come here and cliooso from the choicest assortment of Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, etc., to be found in the city ■ ■ and pay for it in small weekly .payments. We offer special inducements for this week, j

Solid Oak F o ld in g Bed. like cut, full size, finely carved ami po'.tsh finish, sp ec ia l price 11.901 worth 17.50.

Full size. All StMl Folding Beds, oxidized copper and brs«fronts; special 19.981 worth 37 -5 0 .

If you an looking for a Folding Bed to last a lifetime, look at onr steel beds.

Solid Oak Roll Top Desk, polish finish, has two row.s of drawers, special price ■

t4 .98worth 20.00.Other Desks up to 60.00.


Morris Chair, solid quartered oak, polish fin ish , all hair cushions, spring seat; a la.oo value

F ' o r S ' . O S .

Tailor=Made Clothes=»V5==

Ready-Made Clotlies.T H E R EA D Y -M A D E CLO TH IN G M ER C H A N T w in. o ffe rs y o u 8

tine su it o f all-w o.i! d o llie s , l ia n th io m d y n iade, fo r .sir.fjK o r f o r ^8,73 o r S'S'.t** o r uh:iic'V(T he m ay ch.-irtfe, d o es n o t lak e t im e to te ll you w here th e y w ere m ad e or wiio m ad e tliem . T he s to re w h e re th e y are so ld lo o k s b rig lit and nice, a n d fo|- m o st jK-opie th is is su llie ien t. Hitt m o re m en m e eaeh y ear a sk in f ;: W ho imide th e e lo th e s I am su jjp o sed to w ear ’ M any m en d o n o t s to p t'> th in k of

F ou l-S m ellin g Swea-tsKops,vvitii th e i r rllsease-h rccd ing ' lilth w h e re a h ij; iic recn ta jrc o f ready­m ade e lo th e s a re m an u fa e lii red.

B E F O R E GEO, W H IT H A N & CO, re v o h iiio n iz e il th e ta ilo r in g In is in ess in N e w . irk b y m ak in g su its to m e a su re at $12.50, in c lean , a iry , s a n ila rv w o rkshops, re ad v -m ad e s to re s th a rg e d $ iS and $20 fu r th e s.ame m a te in d m ad e in d ca ih sm id lin t; sw ea tsh o p s . 'I’h e y c h a rg e

le s s now .W H i r . 'lA N ’3 e lo th e s a re a s well cu t a n d m ad e a s th e o ld -fogy

ta i lo r s m ake in th e h u n d re d j>er een l. d is tr ie l th a t c h a rg e y o u tw e n ty - five to th ir l v d o lla rs fo r th e Kimif v a h ir th.afs W H IT M A N g iv e s fo r $12.50. Iff c o a rse , we d o n 't m .ike voii p.iy lo r bad < icbts c re a te d by tlie old h a s-b een s, fo r w e d o a e a s l i Inisiness, W H IT M A N sa y s avo id c rcd il h o u se s ,es]>eeially th o se iliai a d v e n ise no m o n ey dow n. I t m e a n s h m o r tg a g e on y o u r life . 0 1 :0 . W H ITM AN & C O .a re m a k in g to m easu re .Seoieli a n d E n g lish S u its , fm est t r im m in g s a n d m ad e uu p rem ise s ,

1 2 . 5 0


too ma'iv fine rocker* and offer special price* Porau example;

W e have

|lo move them‘ A » l i d Mahoganv Rocker bwutlfuny Q t a.carved bar carved heads on hack and anna, pi.no | ^^■ fin is lr . regnur price 2i.oo, .pec«l pnee . . . ■

Other* fn'Ri 2*00 up to tS.OO.

Bird’s-eye la p ie Dressers,44 in c h e t lo n g , 3 to p d ra w e rs

sw elled , h a s 14x30 F re n c h bevel m ir ro r . S p e c ia l p rice .

17.50,W ortii 28.80.

We bave the Isnest stock ef Ranfca hi the city at the lowest pfkea.

COUCHES.Deeptuft^fl U^uch. po]. b n ooit frame. *pntiir •dffe all around. inuead auJ seat. ^ In . wide ipd n ft. I in. loiur,well wt Till Ii qx uur ppeclal price-

Otlm ronrhea fi>' 3.75 to 40.00. 118 Send 120 M arket street.

B irdVeye Maple Chiffonnieres.Full swell front, large French bevel mirror,

polish finish, inside of drawers finished. Our spe­cial price.

SPECIAL! SPECIAUFor this SatmtUy Kvcnhig, Iron! ,s o'cliK-k to 12 o clock. Monday and Tuesday,

; all day. 22 and 23,

Wavth S4 .W

Genuine Mahogany Chiffonniere.L arge F rench b ev e l m ir r o r , a b ig , ro o m y p iece

o f fu rn itu re . O u r sp ec ia l p r ic e .

Wwfth Ma«Ov

O A S H O R C R K D I X .

JOHN RUCKELSHAUS,’ ■ 22g .r.r.p^„B T ^T., NEWAR5L >

/ ')


'S 3 -'

UM Bant.U.S Z i . « « tta

Utt> over tha #ce«t dsaait,hot OW o drtaamMtha poUttetana .hetc ptaca anffthat the t " l » ”

B t o l - • » •1 '* ,

that th* proiactHl atcht’i rest at aant* Htartea waa abanaaneO *

"Ton have go I4ta of the Wraerin*. and IMtr Jtaleaalaa ihia trip la aroustoS." »«W

tha PTMldant’s peraeoal tritada wha ' tha partr'


Ub# of roiK* who boltewt th4lr pl*c«s luiTe to«D iltvhtcd, tiRduliitiv Itt bitter •nd. fn MBt# eaaes, uDchilatlanftfce' eritf* cum. For evory town th« PrMideiit vtotu lu dMttii«4 to ttit ttrlfo tmthTM or fovr (Hb«n la tbt TlclaHr. No ««•

laa tfto

X b» 6-quart Gra>' Kuamellwl Saucepol, | Or This Embty>kieT*d Biinsou '

s J F ' R E J K :aad up, dt

25c. AtfiMto the porchaarr of i lb. of Coffee from 30c. and up. ot >» lb. of Tea

lb- of the Beat Brand Baking P»«vdeT gf 35c. 3 cans Condetiaed Milk 1

Ahnts BiisyTea and kOHne Store, l97Sprii%fiild A n' SC a 'S taR 0pcatat j,r.M.aiiactnrd4y,



ADVOCATES NEW jm an s c h o o l !


Dr. Folaoi Sajs Newark Skoald Have aa lostitatioi Especially for


Our entire line of 2 5 i GiltTop Cloth Bound Works of

Fiction includine works of ill tfie < 0 — populir authors—to-morrow i t only *

n 1i —Black Sitln, with the new bodice D € i l S shaped buckles in gold, gray and b lack -ill in pretty new de- "J T - signs-48c. kind—i t . , . . . . . . . . . . .

I »



A t th e E l r v r n lh S n n on I H i r l ln a Hi-

E x p r e a i fd H I" S t * - " " 1» llr«|H jm l-

liiK III Ihi* T i#b "< “ The* W iiirrlratt

H lH h H i'h on l" m ill W m* l l f ^ r l l l y ^Ji- % en rtrl. U l l l H n w r lt i

K e * i » A h r i'r t » i » l O t l i r r i Irtrw In

T h in H ew jiiT l—o c h e r TnrmrB ni <hr

U kA ilitet.

Dr. AtiUiHOti n P '.l:in ‘ l. ih^ i.- « ' Inli'CUlrhl o f public ■n‘ li«»iil>. cl fhi’ iiunUHl inecling o f the TM.uli liool aXluitinl fit jHfohy'si hib.1 nlyht. rhp iTi-r-tlon o f finoih^r hljib .k ln'nl In iliir cU>' Jli* ShIiI 'I l f prrS'-Ill "O ' yi|\HUliI tSlHllfl''. ijpsWes Ihe Knjrll’ih .m«l p fa-rlftil I R f»r ism jiim ! tr«mum. anilth » t u new hulMinit «houlrl* lif iT<*rH‘iJ fur flip lire r*f Mih'iliirn ih-rtlrinii I'l laRp a thnmug!i l.il inUT-p I0 » rtiKKi-n-tlonr weri' grr-pfi"! w llh pp»nouni;<’«l a|'- plaupp.

Dr. I’olaml wah jv.'l'ort‘llciA! lo tn'* 'oail, *Thfl Amf'Hcttri MIk Ii S i li-u'l." wh«n bi*

Ladies’ Saits-Saturday's Event.3 3 2 5 f t ( f g ^ ' ^

$25 Silk Lined C6shmes--$l'^*^0,, . Here is another o f I e i i i p « f C o s t u n i e . s to join the seemmgly un,ng procession of notable features of this season s filing in our popular b u i t ^

A New York house, which is leading all the others m sales, r e c e n t l^ ^ ^ nearly Tike these in a day. The price wp the same as we wi 1 a sk , hut their suits lackedone th in g o u rs p o sse ss— an in c h band o f s t itc h e d ta ffe ta a ro u n d the s k i .

T h ese a re s t r ic t ly m a n - ta i lo r e d S u its o n h o r o t i | t i ly go<^ A l l -W c w l - - ■ - ;I-:ton J a c k e t s - n e w co lla r le s s .sty le, J u n J s o n ^

$17.50B h e . C a s to r . O x f o r d a n d G r a y ; H to n J a c k e t s - n e w co lla r le s s .style,b;m Js o t s t itc h e d ta ffe ta ; G ra d u a te d F lou n ee S k ir ts , t r im m e d w it h bands o l s titched ta lje ta , J a c k e t _ a n d J k ^ t lin ed th ro u g h o u t w it h h e a v y ta f fe ta S i lk ; the en tire co s tu m e ta i o red and im ish e d in i l ie best p o s s ib le m a n n e r— w o rth e v e ry cent o f f2 5 to be o ffe re d to -m o rro w

(111 sa le— a t ............................................................................................................................................

l i r s t tim e

O ur Mark In MtlUnery,No one longer doubts that our hats are the most refined,

the most elegant, the most e-sclusive in Newark.We've made our mark—and-w'eve emblazoned it high

up where competitors cannot easily erase it.Vet w e h a ve n o t g ro w n so p ro u d o ve r o u r lia t t r iu m p h s th a t we

have fo rg o tte n h o w to m il l in e r (o r th e masses. W e k n o w th a t th e m a ­

jo r it y o f p e o p le d o n o t ca re t o p a y e x tra v a g a n t p r ices fo r hats and th o u g h we

se ll m a n y o f the e le gan t s o r ts , w e have had o u r bes t t r im m e r s m a k e sp e c ia l e ffo rts th is season , a n d e spec­

ia l ly th is w eek to tu rn o u t a g ene rou s c o lle c t io n o f h a n d so m e , e x c lu s iv e , y e t e co n o m ica l

Hats to Sett at $5, $6 and $7.50- h a t s fo r w h ich th e a lle g e d " c h e a p " stores w o u ld a s k y o u S 7 .sO to $ 1 2 . S e ve ra l h u n d red ready fo r S a tu rd a y .

Y o u ’ ll m a rv e l at th e ir b e a u ty .T h a v e s e le d e d t i o f our tine im p o rte d hats, w h ic h h ave been

J in p O n e O T J m S IK e O U C e Q m a rk e d $ 1 5 to $ 2 ? , a nd re d u ce d ih e m fo r S a t- J 1 5

n rd a y s e ll iitg t o . ................................................................. • • •,......................................................................

,— 150 hu n ch es o f v e r y p re tty a n d e x t r e m e ly n a tu ra l F lo w e rs and F o lia g e

Herbert I.. Tbowlra*.l l f is Sfcrf'tary of the iligh School Alum­

ni Aworlatlon, which celt-hratetl Iti eleventh unnlverwury by * ban­

quet t»Kt night.

fsferred to Ihe ni:itier, Me Opolnrerl there b u l^en a tendency to igjioro the enm- mercial brancli, but that all over the country the atudy of biielneM miMhntlii W*s beflnnlng to ultraci great aUendnn. The ll.WU.UOO rnmm^rrlHl college aooiv to ^ erected In New York was referred to. There young men arc eo bp -tralm'd for hUHinees and at the enine time given that broader edurallon whkh every bunlnraa man should have.

“The next high school In Newark should be a dlMlncllve rommorclal histltullou," D r Poland declared, “It should teach all the buelnena branchca and be broad­ened by the study of l#atln and ihe sciences. It flhbnid turn out ths beat and most oducaied biiAlhcea men that the country can produce, A building for luch a purposr' la bound to come, pri»vlded Kem rk Is to k^cp pace with her neigh­bors.”

All those present were graduates from the commercial department of ihe high school, and the city auperlnlendenfs In­ference to Q riistincllve commevv'lal luwli* lulloa was rscalved with much cnlhual-

t a wt K v ee itt G ro w th ,I> f, I*6land dpclared fhul Ihe blab

bchool has been o f recent growth. In the year IRfiO there w ere Si^Hriely more than fou r o r live high schools In the cuuniry, A fte r Ihe C iv il W a r they began io In- vrease rapidly. W ith in the last decade the number o f h igh achoola have In- ers ised from 2.BOO to and the number o f puidls Increaned 137 per cent.

The high bch<inl IH Hti American Inalltu- tlon. Dr. Ptdniid (let'ljired.

Other iQusU were given by Uev. Henry R. Rose, pHHtnr of .the t’hurcii of (he He- deemer. His xiihjet’i w'uh “ From Tileas to Ideals.” Mo dwelt on [latrlntiHn and said Iho crseitlial thing)* In the life nf ii republic were lud cniniirieed \n inlllUry orgiutlXHtInn. but In the truth nnd honor of the peo|vlf. It le Ibe chanicter of the cltlsen that glits h nation her strctiKili. Air. Rose had many piea«lng $tof1e« to tell and wan greatly enjoyed by all pred-

J*resl«|pn1 R e m a rk s ,Charlew E. H ill. pre»<l<tejH nf the Hoartl

o f Educiillon, )<!ki»lte on “ The Duly of CItlsens to th»‘ i'uhllc SchonlH." Me sahl Ihe reiiRon clitldm n arc erowdi-d mit <•( the achooit* in tbU c ity Ih that tin- oily does not prnvitji* enough money to pm up more hulldluKe ami pay more ipuchert* i l e said it wan the du ty o f rvpry dllxen to uphold and suppuri the whole sohuol system.

iTofesaor t‘hnrle-* F Knysfr. rnrmprly Instructor.In flerman nl the high •rhiud, gino responded to a toa?»t

After the apeechmakintf. Mcorr,of the New l>nUiry Th«’.Mre, enteriulmMl the ^j,ttnquelrr« with )<*’V«rdl l\uiiii»rous rsduiiloni).

The alumni member:^ were •eii-hrming tbelr eleventh a iin lvn •«ur\ 'I'hey met torept-w uci|u>ilil1aui -0. .iiul liilk nvi-T iild schctol day.-*. . Many hui) KriKlu^jii-il long before others entered I'hi’ sKli-ud, but the old tradlllofiH In litnd hf,- fromclass to c1:k«:*, hlmllng ‘>n In iTofu- friend­ship.

At •''cliu k .ni In form al rcrepMon was held and at oT I im K l ie Intmiiiet hall | Wuh thrown <"|h‘u. Th i wer*- abniii tlfty present. The prr-ideut. H a irv V. Havidl. 'M, preslde4l .^nd 'olJt-d for ihe nrasls.

The iilher -iih. ■ r'' -d ilm .Mumnl Assorl- Stloii an . V i- • -pre>*Id« nt. Eugene Kriales. J i., ‘3 : «rcrct.*r.. th-rlivri: D. Thnwle^s.

and irensiirt-i-. „W llliam P. 8iwllh, 'Sa.— t -----

R u lg p i '* I'rH in III T r a i ‘ k lin inra.NEW M KfNrtW lf'K . April In. Ituigf.*

will le* n pi4 !4.-nHd hj the fnllowlna te:*in Sn (hs open anme?* o l IV lncoon tit- lunrrow: Alonxn Hon'‘on i4l -yH d dasii rliarleB VV. Wtevenb, ’JJ". Me ;uul Tun, U. \V. Deary. IJ'- -ind 22u-vuni. hui- dies; W. T. E. Ehnend.*rf, Pst-vnrd da*r.: H- V. Kirk, ^b»-v Td rtfu. .inil Th*'«.(p»ri' T■»bl^h. 2Ji-yartl d ish <rid hre:,ii jumc-

1 7 / - ___ J ISO bu n che s o f v e r y p re tty a n a e x ir c m e iy n a tu ra l rn A w c ia auuP lC y W e f S d n Q P O U d y e the b e t te r c U s s — m a n y s o r ts to choose f r o m — va lu e s u p to 2 ^ 0

50C.— S a tu rd a y a ll d a y a t ...................................................................................................................................................

' Saturds.y Shoe Specials.B e s id e s th e " V ic t o r ia ” at $ 3 .5 0 , th e “ R e h a n " a t $.*, a nd t h e ‘ ‘ P e e r ­

le ss ’ ’ at $ 2 .5 0 , a l l o f th em sp t(; ia l v a lu e s , we o ffe r th e fo l lo w in g :

L a d ie s ’ Idea l K id O x f o r d s — re g u la r ly $1 at S 2 .S 0 .L a d ie s ’ D o n g o la K id B u t to n B o o ts — re g u la r ly $2 t o - m o r io w

at $ 1 .7 5 .G i r l s ’ a n d C h i ld r e n ’s T a n . L a c e and B u tto n B o o t s - s p r in g h e e l—

s ize s 1 1 ‘ j t o 2 at $ 1 .5 0 — s iz e s 85* t o 11 at $ l.2 S (

Ribbon Specials.Oiir entire line of 4 an<l 4 '-..-iiHli

fniicy Rihlxma—rexiilarly mill at the low price of 47c. nml o^r.—Saliinlay at—24c.

ja n t l s.!^-‘ind i I'ancy TalTct.a.—rcR- iilarlv 15c. ami 170.—Satiinlay at—IOC. ■

I,nora I.enKtha nf W hite Sa tin f)oii- blc I'accfl Cord lidKC R ibbon—

i >4 inches wide— u c . k ind at - 8c.1J3 inches wide— 15c. k ind a t— lOc.a inches wide— 19c. k ind a t—IJc .

Dress Goods.A limited lot of All Wool Henrietta

with polka dot—in Garnet, Gray, Rose and Heliotrope — particularly desirable for shirt waist-3 0 inches wide ■2 Q « —ref, value 7ic— this lot to f a at

■ Jaconat Lawns— 9c. a Yard.A n A p r i l o f fe r in g o f 2 ,0 0 0 y a rd s o f la w n at a S ep te m b e r p r ic e —

a ll th is s e a so n ’s best p a tte rn s , m o s t o f th em o n w h ite g ro u n d s— fig ­u re s o f n a v y b lu e , l ig h t b lu e , p in k , red and b la c k , the la t te r v e ry fa s h io n a b le — des ig n s e q u a l t o th e 15c. p a tte rn s— ) ! in ch e s q w id e — S a tu rd a y a t . . ...................................................................................

Dress Lining, Flannel Specials. Ne"P> Glo'hes.Silk Moreen In all the newest color'infs

—no black—our regular JOc. g rad e-a t 2 9 c .

36-lnch Fast Blick Percaltne—our r ^ - ulir 15c. g rade-at 1 1 c,

36-lnch Silk Serge in alt Ihe newest coloring—75c. grade at 59e.

£ jje Glasses.We make a specialty of tilling accur­

ately oculist)' prescriptions. A graduate optician wil! attend to all your wants in this line.

To-morrow we will sell;Frameless liye Glasses, with patent

cork or shell guards—periscoptlc crystal len'es—made to lit the eves and conform with the features—usually sold — at f t —to-morrow a t.................. O j C

l.saminallon free of charge.

Toilet Articles.54funf<i3t'3 Specials.

S5C. Bar rastile Soap—48c.8c. Roll of Toilet P a p e r -6c.3SC. Bottle Platt’s Chlorides—3 tc .IOC. Trotti Brushes—8c.IOC. Whisk Brooms—8c.toc. [ire.ssing C om bs—8c.48c. Real Ehony Buck Hair B ru sh n -

all Bristles—at 2S&

Washable Scotch Flannel for waists, wrappers snd children's dresses—nest stripes—regular 45c. snd 60c. grades— to-morrow at 35c.

White Embroidered Skirting Flannels in fourteen neat baby patterns- our reg­ular 50c. kind—io-inorrow at 38c.

Sheet Specials.Readv-Mlde BleschKl Sheets-rLock-

wood Mitts Muslin—siee torn 8 ts9 0 — made especially lor this house— C T — on sale Saturday at only ..........

T h e re is n o t a d o u b t fu l G lo v e in

o u r w h o le s lo c k , and the re is no t

a g lo v e tha t w e w il l se ll th a t we

can n o t re co m m e n d .

Complete lines of Ladies' Suede Lisle Gloves in tans, mode, gray, black and w'hite—2Sc., SOc., 7Sc. and 98c. pair.

Children's Gloves—25c. and 50c. a pair.

A new line of Suede in all shades at $1 .New Spring shades in the celebrated

"Jouvin," lor which we are sole agents In Newark —at $1 .50.


Mens Wiear.T ies—High Grade Imported Silk and

satin Imperials, Knots and Four-in- Hands—new and exclusive nov- Q C — cities-ourregular9Sc.gradesat O J t

■More of those Gradu.ited Reversible tC inch Four-in-Hands—made of regu­lar jOc. material from short ends of silk -now selling a t ..............

G loves-F ine Soft Velvet Moco, in Slate Colors—cable self sewn—one but­ton clasp—embroidered hack C 4 C r t --light weight -sizes 7 to 9-al del*

S u sp e n d trs -G e n u in e ' Guyot" Sus­penders—plain and fancy web—regular 50c. quality—on Saturday only O Q — It the very unusual price o f . •.

H alt Hope—Full regular made Half Hose in plain, black and tan—high spliced heel—sizes 9,’.j to 1 1 —regular 4 C — price 19c—at — ......................... i - j C

S h ir t s —Men's Woven Cheviot Neg­ligee Shirts with and without collars— sizes 14,'i to IT—In the very newest p itterns— regularly $1 —Satur- 7 C *day a t ......................................... /

B o y s ' P erca le N egligee S h i r t s — with detached cuffs—collar bands for w hite collars—sizes 12L; to 14—neat as­sortment of patterns—regular " i l C - price 45c.—to-morrow a t.......... v J J C

Writing Paper.Large box containing 100 sheets of

line grade Cream Writing Paper in square or octavo shapes, with 100 Envelopes to match-regular value f l a box—to­morrow at the extraordinary ^ price o f ...............................* 1

Princess of Wales.A Comfortable Summer Corset.

It is g e n e ra lly conceded th a t the re is not a m o re s h a p e ly s tra ig h t fro n t co rse t in e x is te n c e than th e P r in c e s s o f W a les. A d d t o th is repu ta tio n the fa c t th a t in t h c s u m m e r s ty le th e fu lle s t c o m fo r t is poss ib le in w a rm w e a th e r and the a d d it io n a l fa c t th a t no $ 1,50 co rse t co m pa res w ith it in th e m a tte r o f w ea r, and y o u h ave a c o m b in a t io n o f v e ry good reasons w h y y o u s h o u ld w ea r the P r in c e s s o f W a le s C o rs e t the c o m in g sum m er.

M a d e o t s tro n g ne tt in g ; b o n e d w ith c a r e fu lly co ve red un ru stab le steels.


The liRer's Tail Twistei Last Nifhl at a Meeting of Denocrats

in New YoA

- .f* *. fWiS-j

i-n mmITbi' <*•

A Charming Complexion. ’Tb.e foundation <if a dear com­

plexion is blood and .i cleansystem. The natural Carlsbad tiprudel Salt puts the system in a healthy state and inirihes blood. ]t positively cures constipation find disordered -stomach.

Heware of imitations. Thegen- iiinc imp<arted Carlsbad Spnidcl bialtK has the signature of ddsner ic MendclAon Co,, Sole .\gents. New Y ork,” on every bottle.

To-day You Cough and Sneeze,4n d Wish y o u ha.d never beeti b o n T h e n to d a y is th e day to take

R a l e ’ s H o n e y o f

H o r e h o u n d a n d T a r .

I t w ill s to p y u u r c o ld a n d its d tsccin - Idct*; p rev en t th e co m in g o f th e m ore •ttioB S tro u b le s th a t follow colds. A t sU d rugg ists. T i k e on ly H s te 'a *5*,

and $1.00 W t le ; U r g ^ ,aiie cheapest.

NV:\V YulUv. Vpnl 13- ”*nie Mrr'Xter .V. n, Vt«rk Dv-ni'icrtii >■ wnf» 4»rganiied last hlglu nt a ■ line In A'Hrn4''Kie Mall.

Mt» r ih* mv ihiK Txa* organlzoil the fol- lowirtfi rejuiluil'di ’Aas imanlmonwly

■ Whor -an. TiitTiniFinx Hiitl Ih reapnn»lblie f<ir t’xt’ttUix -lYiusi* in th** lulinlnletratlon nf cSiy utTnlro. ami \\9 ]’KTmaneni «ver- thT4'w W an fi4*0TnUl itrrrrqul^Ue to the fmi't’O!*? of any altnmpl in secure betier |

, lor'.il iE4iV4TniTieul llit rg-ftire,I ' That this organliatlon he atid! is lrrevoi‘fliil> tn oppnae theel»s'tltm of r»nilliia(^ix at the comlnn mvjnlrlpnl elettlnn rinmlnalw! by the bo- cfllleil I>*‘m44cratti'fltv and cnunly ronven- tiiiiiB to be belli niHler the of

‘ Tamtinsny Hall.”Ta^lttkan^ tii PoHtkra.

I Winiam llt'ikliurn KuBAt'ii marie a I siieex-h. In *hlfh he tie.-larwl lhal Tnin- j many Hall had depannJ from true De*! itiocrMoy and hart Imh-oitu' “merely a Oro-

k« r organ giindeT. ' He fuMlier dev'Urert that hy hls blundere Richard Croker pre- vi n»eil th4* election of a Democratic Preal- dent In l ^ , the lYemcwratlc (Jov^mpr In ihc BBine year and a DeitUKTaiir Oovernor In Mr. Russell ealrt that Comptroller tNiler might have carried the State for the Democracy last tall. There were a few cheere for Mr. Ooler. Mr Ruaeell laudeil l).ivld R. Hill ** a wise and conBer\'»tlve lender, and the flr«l real enthuetafim wae

^fohown at the mention of the eX’Senator'e name

I Pei4*p B. Ulnry. a former dlstrtri-auor- t»f>' of New York, said In hla epeeoh that the polite force needed i« he reformed at

X ytie he* ’ pol^renwtr th*•Hty would b* rSSlclent and c»pa

Men’s Overcoats Oend SviitsSpeciala p iVoJue in $12 Top Coat

YOUTHS. ALSO SpeciBkl V& lue in $10 Suit

miyiLIHS & SONS218 and 220 Market Street,


WHOLESALE AND WPAIL■ ' s F ‘ l S d A . r . S I T O K

Thursday, Friday anil Saturday.BEDROO.’W SUITS, SIDEBOARDS.

Solid Oak 12.50p a r l o r s u i t s , Solid Oak I0.5IL

B A B Y C A R R I A G E S .

Like This 18.50nORRlS CHAIRS,


Like This 2.75 Like This 6.50.C A - R P E X S .

Hundreds ol patterns of Carpets to be dosed out. Bright, fresh stock, whose only fault is being here in too large quantities.

I It is easy to appiy the remedy of reduction and ciose out as much ' as we care to in a hurry. Look at our prices for the next six days.


29cPer Yard.


49cPer Yard.


MOLLINS &218 and 220 Market Street,

NEWARK, N. J.B r a n c h S t o n - s . l e r s o y C i ty , P a t e r s o i i , B r o o k ly n .

The Largest Furniture and Carpet Houses in the W orld.

CtSB OR CREDIT. J'n d ’ r I t m u OR CREDIT.

The weather man is making your W inter Over­coat too heavy; and we arc ready to fill in the gap.

Our stock of tan covert Topcoats and Oxford Cheviot Chesterfields challengea Investiga­tion. Our raglaiis, paddocks and yoke Overcoats, of coverts and Oxford chovtots, have lull, freely draping s k i r t s and military shoulders. Prices $8 , $10, $12, S I S to $22.

y p u n g Men*4: Suti>s, S pecia l V a lu e S IO

Men’s SuitsExclusiveFa.brics.$15 and $16

Young M en’s S'uits of Exclu­sive Feebrics. $13 8cnd $13.50

Young Den’s Overcoats are cut full and boxy, or long and sweeping; materials, youth­ful; U lloring. ours; prices, $8 to $18.

Young Men’s Suits sre a specialty here. W e choose bright, attractive fabrics, and make them up with an eye to the taste and requirements of the young man. Special Cheviot Suit at $4.90, worth $6. Other lines, including exclusive pat­terns In fancy cheviots, $6 to $18.

rien’s Suits at $8 are ol serviceable cheviots, In desirable patterns. Our SIS and $16 Suits in velour finished cassimerm and unfinished worsteds you will not find elsewhere in the color­ings and patterns and quality ol goods of which ours are made. Our regular llnaa have never been better worth buying. Prices $8. SIO. $12, $15 to $22.

M.ar.shatl "Ball. H e t t r a r K , / f * _________


SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY!W c A V ant Y o i i r T r a d e . I> c a i W i t h U».

S U G A RF U 1 .L W E I G H T , 3 )4 P O U N D S ,

16cSPECIAL■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Rent Kl*ln Butler, ftperUkl. KroflhcCountrj* E*CK**, upeclal,Early Rlw Sunar Corn, p^tHue! Jrrifpy Tomatoea. per fan.......Te

Lanrp California Prunes, per lb....5* Fine Mnraf'albo Coffee, per Verj' Pineal Oolonff Tea, i^r Choice Leiuonit, lar^e alac, per doa.lf*v

J B K S B ' Y 'V B A . I L , F » e r l O o .


R O S S N A G L L & d e P U N Q U E

1 m .nt "n-i< on ly i,. r . ia l. l l .h » n u rw r j ' * " 3 '• S « « i » « l .4 ia ,- « .,F o « iT r D » a .axyluni fi r .1 horiJe n f ca in ii fo l- ' r iw ./unera l o f ^ m u .t Aldon Fo .t.r .lowpTs who nrry upo-i ih f isxp syo r* . but | forty-n lB*to fo«t»r » *y»trm of s i« c tln e 'n « -re t ^eW to-nl»hI a i » n'clocX. if r h n dnu f thrnuBh h loath!«.tn» i-ovpo«bt -wtlh « n * n « I to h i, houw , ln n (tatuMajc r lm r II m v , ih n \m4wT T o n t r a M j t«»* . ,^th pneumont*. M r Fonw r D r« i in

) there hae he#ti W ..vx-iPhiae Yn I New ark •reeti yearA. He waa a buyer fr»r1 the tauntclt»al eifpentteii am ar"* ’ i f o t S . - ’i L . 8. P la u t He Icavea a wMoa

ble If proper officers were p la rea over in th ive ve*ire. white the rea l eatate and one ch ild . The Inlerment w ill mkethem arpVa connnleiOoner o f polh’e named j valuatloni* have been Increased by T i t - i fo llow lna day a t tlreenw lck

had the conIWenee o f The people. The oonaoo. The a.ldre»n cotualnJ tHla aenfenca: ‘ ft|>eaker appealed to Democ^raji« to c^t^off j -W oree and more Intolerable than t h l i

burden of cru ih lrva taxea la the desrada*(ton; the Infamy w h ich brlnga a aenav of aha me t4> eYery reputabke d t la e n of New York. Tb la< clty Inatead o f eblnlnff, Ha lu s lre Btands fo rth to-day In j^ la iin$ dla- credit aa the she lter and v ic t im o f tbc

rhild. H* hxd ti««" yrlyk R. W oU«f» * ch«nti *t the C « l r e vrurs. Fot tb* ta r t two r*f*»■proprtatw Of ■• t<-k. T h * funvfx l wtUliw rwrtd.ncf. r™ .*

b't7 b ™

the "rtiaptd. brutal rule of Richard Cro- k«*r. the^bow.”

.\ddreee tm Tw tere.An addretta that waa prepared for the

voterr charred that the city la auffetint from "v ie mtarule and d^radatloa;** that

J oh n L a e a e d l D ead.JobTi Luaarrtt. aaed twenty’Sia yearn,

died yeeterday at the Qrore atreet reatdcncc of hfa wife’* parenta. Mr and Mra. 3. B. Ferrettl. with whom he

____0 'Tkw cxlenrionn eb U id h em o rt lM j^ foot, b raaa tn ram iflg i.

I. waa » dt sizemy life. wa» ■uafaeimiir’ iim»nt ct>«d BW q ' S . ' i S i V c o n w l ift.r donor, h»4 ftiiw . c. r j j tn w r rVulta, r t n n . f c u sw U r tJ J - T .-A dv.

u d Clew. K n a U k v IU ttra i, . l .4 a I Ft.™ Lrmt Btttk M rttrai,.......................... »-Sa

w p o u d ^ CoUon H a ttm n .................. *.as

R B ^ WmI ^ B oirtiu ...................Hak lu n n w < « i«Buvrt*d................. . .art Ifc

«DOTat*d........- ..........iaI p b o M ^ d ranvlttim mada oear r»-

corerM. Kov oaTwlirv fttmialMd.

... I ' ^


I t ,


c h

I .


W illia in B. G aild, W b E ie c i le d the

Docam sat, T es tifies as to H iss

W ard 's Capacity .


Ur. (Inoto^tl im

1h** Wlnld Us ttt* Pi-isi idee l .

fu r L ib r rp L lr — i;ir on iiiN tfiiio ra <kf

ijilptiilnK G fe M l it H r lH trd .


M e. a ». . . n t..m ilh

ti>a i » ^

The fon.u>!it over ihc w ill o ( ihc late Auiui H. Ward, o f cum^ui> Ui tiu- OrpUauM' Courl tO 'day b<-f<rre JadR<i SklniuT, and du' lU lga llon w ill probubly liiBl a loiiy time. Mlaa Ajtna H.

wus the duughier o f tho latt* Dr. tTPorge K Ward, tm<l ta Ills doaih in- Ij. ril* d from him « It-gacy o f about $UJ,0’J0. Tilt’ fam ily homeait-ad had lu fn g lw n her i.y h tr fa ihpr brfore hlj« iksuh, w ltli, U Is lialmod, 4 iJi'tivlHlon that a\nna IL W ard -houM IttqupHih it to h»T hn>thi*r. Gforg**

Ward. It is clalmt-d Ihai Ml8s W ard did tuit t'lirry o iii Itr. Wtirrl’s wishes in tills- respect, and ihercrorc the brtdhei, ' tlcorgo 1’. \'\’ar<l, instituted the ]n*o<‘«-»'d- iiias to litive set aside the w ill o f his sis­ter.

When M Ipb W ard ’ s will was ofTfrc<l for probate In surroguti-’s otlir*-, U is al- b'gcd. ppcullaritlew wore disi uvered In It, which Elvln W. Criiiic, wli'o r<*pi-i-scmp tho conirsiaut, assert!* Indlcatril tUni *he I " k- ; t.itrlx was o f unsound mind when Uio w ill ' •.vas cxecutcil. One pmvlsijjiii In ilu- In- hininiHit, which. It Is ihtlnii'd, Is cx i'fi'd - iiiifly ]5cciiilur. iilv**s to Llaxh' Dow, who had hcptt h“ r llliild, the gn*at.T portion o f . her eptalc. ,

W illiam H. iiiilld was t.lu- rir!*i w itness l • ailed by KrirtTU-r Judge KranriH Child, vclvo miiu-rm’d fnr th<‘ cxct-ulorh. The wU- > ni-*s testlhcii that for nhmit lifty years he had been ii lawyer. Me sold he had , known Dr. ‘W.ard for thirty years. The • .loclnr had bci'n his physician far that . la rloU. wnil he hnd been Dr. W tird 's Ja-w- j \ er. Mr. Guild also said he executed the w ill o f the daughter, who was ]»rt'.scnt i when l l wns done. ' I3e.s1de Mlsp W ard, there AS'en* prc.scnl T^tuiru ,M. Jeiiklna and himself. Itoth wliucsses to iho w ill.

T h e P r a v la io n fo r F lo iv.Mr. GulliJ added that he read MIas a id 's w ill ami codicil to her and then re­

marked:•Tl is, o f course, none o f m y bttalness.

.•\niia. hut it scetneii to me that you lild jH'ptly w ell for LSazle before you nude nny tidilition to the w ill. Anna reiNflp^L know the m atter was talked over beiwceii toy fa ther and my.sclf when hi* made bis will and you know what he wa\tcd me to do. Vou know how he and I fe lt about l.lKzle. You know how fa ith fu l L izz ie has been to fu lher and you know how klrul slv! has been. I don't think that I w ill cv<t nifirry and I think that L iz z ie and I w ill continue to live together always. I f G eorge Imd children o f his own I would have made a provision for-h im .’ ”

Continuing. Mr. Guild said o f the con- . vcrBatlon concerning MIsa W ard ’s w ill.

“ Anmi was present and Dr. W ard spoke o f L izz ie Dow. ID’ said: ‘ Lizzie has In^en very faUhrul nnd very kind, hut I w ill make tio provision for her in m y wdll. but ] want you to do that. She ought to he liberally provided fur. Instead o f doing that myself 1 w ill g iv e »o ymi and yuo can btivo the use o f the money ns long y<*i live.’ Annii rjrumiscd tn <lo hs to ld ."

Mr. Guild said that the tcstiMrix signed the wMll In the presence o f Miss Jenkins and blroscir, the wltnc.'sses, and that they saw her sign and she saw thorn .sign the paper, Tin* w ill a fter being executed w .th le ft w-ith the lestutrlx. The body o f the w ill Mr. Guild said, waa In the handw rit­ing o f Anna H. Ward. The words w ritten Hhovt* an erasure witness thought w'erc In the same handwriting. He added that ihfe codicil w;i% dictated by hlT l to MIas W ard. Who wrote u.

T lto n g lG Hho lln il C n p H c lIr .A fte r a ,r'e<'ess from 1 o’clock to 2 o ’ clock

Mr. Gujlii resumed the vvltne.“ s chair. He tCBtlrlftl. In reply to a question by Mr. Child, that Anita B. W ard, tn his 0 |ilnlmi, poBsessed lestam erlary capacity at the time the w ill tvas nxecuivU. Hf* added, “ I knew' her very well."

Cnxss-examined by E lvln W . Crane. Mr. Guild said h« aniit a typewritten draft o f a will to .MIsb W ard to cojiy. There was no legfil reiison why the document should ho in her handwriting, biu w itness said

' there were firactlcnl reasons for ll.The leMifllrtx aske<l Mr. Guild to draw

n w ill on June 2*V and on the fo llow in g day he sent her the typewritten draft. The w ill was executed June IS. The haste In the matter waw created betause Miss W ard and her father wanted to gn to the coun­try fo r the summer. W hen the will was cxeciited. Mr. Guild said, he asked the les- iHtrlx llw usual questions as to whether shs knew It to be her lust w ill ntul testa ­ment. and she replied that .sin* did, and that «h c was aware c»f The provisions In It.

In repb ' to a quopttnu by Mr. Crane. .Mr Guild said he could not say what pvn or what Ink the testatrix up 'hI In sign ing the w ill, but he did know U waa algii.-d In the prcBCTice o f h imself and the other w it­ness..

" I t srpTTis to me/* commented Mr. Crane, “ that the Ink and pen used by yon was not the same that was used when Anna B. W ard ’s name w*as signed."

Mr. Child objected to the remark, and the court ordered that It he stricken out

The case w'as adjourned this aftentoon until next Friday,

VAC.4N<:\ IV IR V IV G T O V B O A R D .

A coimnimlcatlon was n ‘ceiv<*d hy the Irv ington Board o f Education last night from Thomas H Osborne. stuUng that he could no iongei aerv'eais a momber o f the board, as he bad accepted an appointm ent on the Board o f Assessment Comm ission­ers. A motion was passed to hold a spe­cial meeting on April 25 tc appoint a suc­cessor to Mr. Osborne's place.

CommlMsloiiers Christian and Sherman opposed the motion, becatise they thought ihutr the recently elected mem ber* o f the, T>oard should have n voice In the uppolm- meirt and they wanted to have U Igld over until the new ItoarJ organized.

In a letter the Board o f H ealth declared th^t the Manhattan Park public schoui waa In an uiisanitary condition. T h e m at­te r w ill be invesllgated.

D em ise o f th e F a m on a S H e v i f l * f A f ­

fe c ts a .\ninlper o f H is F r ie n d s

I d T h is (T t y .

The death o f Professor H enry AuguS’ luH Rowland, o f Johna Hopkins Unlver- i'Ut . which occurred at h i* home In Bal- tihiorv early TbeMTay morning, and was noted in the N E W S that nlUht. brings gr ie f in a number o f N ew ark friends o f the scientist; I'rofessor Itow land was horn In FlonfsilnJe. Pa., but while he wa.s still ji I'hlld, his father, R ev. Dr. .Henry A ; Howland, lam e lo this city to take the iwslorflie i»f Ilu* Park Presbyterian I'hurch, so the greater part o f the.P*’*'*' f ‘ - ^ r * s early life was piisaefl h fTe.-au d

his prelim inary education atNewark Aj aib-my, • T ftrve hla s ln «r s are uoav living at 24 Plane sltt’ ct. and another sister, Mr**. W. G. Verm llye , re- i^ides at Englewod.l, N .T.

Pro^'.’oior Kowliiiid bad a , remurkable sclvntLflc curfi'r. He to<»k a chair In Johns iliopklni* Cnlverf^lty when he was iwonfy-llvH* ycjirs old. .*<oon grew to be 6tu* o f the leading spirits <if thc 'fam ous iHidy o f leurued nu-n who have puraUHl Ihvir siuelles tin re. ntpl ui bis death w as one o f the most rev' r«il «nd belnved o f nil coimectod w lili tin* insiitutloTi.

Fuiierjd scrvlee.. wer** held ycHterdny morning In old .St. PanTM Episcopal ('b iirch In linhimore. and previous tn going rh*Te ilii' fin iitty ami studemn o f .lohiia Hopkln*- gathered In one o f the Ii .i IIh nf ili<* im lwr'*liV end listened tn a eulogy pfoiiomjc»*d by J’ resident Gilman. liT. iilhiuni spok** o f P rofessor Row- iHrid*'* |iOWi*rfiil mind; Ills vision and dex- hTiry, !*i>ufr<dJrd by a brain o f exinicir- dlnary flTienesp vcrsaMlUy and str<‘ngth, and Ids life denned to IliO study o f Iho physical ami ehemb-al forces o f nature


DtMcmiKliKn «if M Imt Khm Hc«‘h Done In the liifereni of M'orkinyc (TiiMSeM

l»y KxerulU e Jliin ril.The executive Imurd of ibr L'<msumerB’

League met yesterday at Hie rmsms o f the W ork ing Girls* rlu b and eleeied the fo l­lowing nfflM’crs for the • iiKulug year; Pres-* ideiil. Mrs. tJ. M' H. fuddling, -if Hast Or­ange; vice-president, .Mrs. Hugh V. F«X . o f Rayoniie: sccri-tary. Mrs !■;. H. Shel­ton. ‘ if p’ aiJt Oruiigi . irea^urtT, .Ml«»

JElejipiur Jeukiustou. o f this • pv.Gushing

.fiiliiu ig'i .'IS the repfrHrhl.ltUV o f Nsey to the Nml-nuil On .meeilng lu that e llv tvlJiug of a number o f • ments in various pans Th«*M 'lseonslii delegab they hail s-fured a Sai. i fo r sab swoni n -lud mil;

er--iimers' l.cagtie fii-- weeks ago, tfresting move- .■r the country.

reported 'ih .il I i\ hiilf-holldiiy viii*! in Mllwau-

Gf 'lie lumsE*

■'Nobody cotiUl walk w ith h im ," he said, { "wtihout ]M*rcetvlng h£s firm grtisp. his Hear aim, his coneentruted energy, hla cxtraonllnnry powers.

'■The inyslfTles o f ihfl physical wnrbl. Ki.-ivltailnn. light, beat, H nctrlH ty ami maguelli^n Wi-re ids constant study. The prlrielpli'.s o f nicehnnlca were in him, n f fund. irrieiitJil Importnucp. und miiibi-*- niatle.4 was subservient to nil hlfi InvcstU galioiis, lu this broad flHd h** was a ri’ader, a'suident, an experimenter, mi in ­vent.>r, a discoverer, a phllosophiT. He knew iiow lo :isk ii dIHU'ult and far-rcucb- i lug (itiesiloh, und lie knew how to acHc iht* mi.swer I

‘ Kxtruuciiiis cTintlltlons w ere excluded wh.-ii he siiw the point o f an Inquiry, und 1 on that jioliu he concentrated a ll his pow- M*rs. When he began ihc hrtlliant scrb’ *i j JJqJ •of exp 'jlm .iu s In spcclrography, which ' made him peerless in this domain, he saw th.1 t the Hpef'ii'um depended on the ac­curacy of ihc gratings, and the gra iltigs on the dividing eiigim-s and the dividing engines lui ilip screw. «o h « began the study of light by devising and making a screw more exact than any screw that has ever iu-'cn produced by the most ac­complished maker o f Instruments o f pre­cision, Hiol tlc ri In* ajiw thut photography must he iTnprovwl before he could reveal to others tiu.- Intricacy o f the tjolar sys- tem.

“ HI.h lntei|..ciuul apparatus waa cou- troEfrd hy a powerful w ill. M'hcn lu* w . b determlnE-d tipon ,'i given courHc, no re­gard for I iiriMefpienccs. no apprehen­sion for peril.** or difficulties, no dread o f fsilure imoved a harrier. T h ey heightened his zest. Fortunately hls ends were noble and bi.s proi-pcdlngs w ise—ho th.it rarely, If evi*r. did fa ilure disappoint him or weaken hi.« Hcl/-confi<lencc. He would have been ii grenf soldier, a great rx - plorcr. n great bewyer.

"Bu t above his keen perceptions, his logic, 1 1 1 .** iid iiptiiion o f means m end.-*, and hi.K miir\clloiJs concentration, I inUHt place arioih(*r moral qu ailty—ono tbut ap­peals to fill o f us, whether we understand his determination o f the mpchanlcal equivalent of heat, or the atep* by which he arrived hi the value o f the ohm. This moral quiilUy Is the love o f truth." Dr. GUman enlarged upon Professor Row’- land's cxldhlliun o f this quality tn all Ills works.

A mimbrr uf dlsilngutfiihcd aHcntlsts were preai'iil at the funeral or sent letters o f concloh'Tice. The National Academ y o f Sciences was reprcHentcfl hy Prtjfcflsor Langely, Hccrrtary o f the Smlthsonliui ItlPlltUte, kiid ih'esidcni Mendenhall, o f the Worcester Polytechnic Institute,

k* *** ihr^>ijglcpu|. the siim iii.! qvi.niUs, The .Mb lltg Ih del' gilti

rru-iK In ilii*lr Sl iic ui il.Riib-sssi.rm-ri durlm: ll ’.* •Th *y Sent 'n;i l•1 <.•ill n pers 1 m turn out cnrK curly In Hh’ d.iy lu lii ■ the iisuifl lung hours ■ and sure*-. di d verv v .

; the same r*'siilt w:is :n ■ i abl nf "«!m ;iud ihui'l <I The liugiic, .:nd Ml*' m- . hy n t*lncli!iin!l U'*W“ p .I n prize fnr ihr* h>*st ■

on " Ib iw to a U'\I;M'I rh rlstm as Shopping/ ' !; SON.« subp iltli.! \V‘ l l pi ’ otmiaiiu’.T in liu'm 1 •


*f the mnve- I ilie toll o f the

:-1mas season, i-kli-.g the shop- n lii'ccmher ami T .rr M n it down

tl, ‘ shop girls. Ill g Ii 1m much

itdKhed with the ■- Kent out by ■I ]‘s Were aided

• r Nvhli'h offi'ieil1 V .1 saleswoman itie rtiirdcns o f

S< ■ o f the es- I ‘ d. ind the hliiiH

. uuHb-ra aloJjg

1 1 1 ih:w the Na- . w.i'ild bo rc(>re- .iiTiL'aii Kximsiilnn.

k ..Ma«on. prcsldcnl ‘ ig i i . . h.til lakM'U a

wtmhi devmo her suntnuT to < xphilrbig iJi.- leiigue ob.jects tn (hose who rniglii i«r- inior<*sifd in them.



A lu m ii itF M»f HI. F llE n lied i'H .%e«il-*

vm y to G iv e Hlic K n iT tre P h p I j- MtK i*a e 0 :e r .\iiili1orluMii Ttk-u1iAlit.

- The big euchre piirt.v to hr given under ’ the auspiees o f the Alumnae o f ’ }4t. KH*- 1 abetb ’s A radem y will be held to-nlglu at

ftn t^ g »T Auclltof.luin. .# ^There have hcM*n alnnil l"i» prizes sj*iinvd. '

anvong th*‘m a box f 'T Hlhrl Itarrym ore hi "t.’a v ia ln J inks," scuts for t ’ haunies Ul- con . box at Empire The.ttrc. a vase o f champHgiie, a case o f Han*i. two lumps,/ tw o handsome pU’tnri-s. gold cUati-bdue, | go ld matchbox, scvcrul sofa vushlppa, VHsys .im l brlc-a-ijrai-

It is expected that the aitcjidancc w illhe very lftrg»*i ___

------- ------------------

■ ' ' l l l l . l . \F ,T O K I». t \

X R y o r ^HMi U e f iT « t<» 11 i i »D i im iiiiI iiw tiriiMUMl fipr SelKoint'ii.

N E W YO R K . April If*-Y «;sterday M’avor Van W yck vi-iocd the rh arU T Tievislou bill. He le 'lur^ l lh.it the proposctl rli.tr- i I t r w'lis a tlumidag Mroiind for all iminner

'o f jichcnics thill Imd lso*u dl-uitprttvcd by him. 1

AnP 'tig tiicse ill lui-ntlMih-ii the |dau lo 4ll1o\V reltglMiJ** • Mi |..ii o ilriisi lo iuiild vaults ' under .sldi-vvalks w ltlioiil charge. Itivrea.*- ; Ink pay tjf eMnitaissloin rs hi s ireri opening i priK-e; dings from fil tu Jlp a tlay. and pro- | v id ing fo) I'-irpMjaTl.m iicw'ipaiiiTs in the |Bronx, giierii.- and KlHimoiul, snIiU-Ii will |cost the eir>‘ Jp'iC.MlMi it yt*i(r.

W h y G i v e Y o u r D r u g g i s tBIG PROFITS !

WE DIVIDE WITH YOU. DEAL WITH US.D V l i R 0 ! ! . l > K t : i> A R / lT t C R iS . * r

Mr?R. F iishb'g n'1 iPuial rirtismiKfi’s' Ij setited iit (lie I'a>i! and that .Mrs. Fr- >■

New -VMrk la Buffalo :

HpcelHl ia-«ini !i t.i 111** XMWK.W A S IN N 'iT M N , .VprII 111-Miss UvlaJl

' M a y jSanml-. grand-dauglinT of ibaieral G ra in , Is to 111- married lo Arehlbnld Ibil- i four, o f I.MiidMii, The engugerpejil Is aii- I miuaceil by b* f lit-dhi f. Mrs, Nellie Grant

SiU’toriH. T l f wedding will take placi.' In I his e ltv . U''Vl lab.

Miss Is iwciUy-Lmc, and alnoeher dehui hiis been v e iy pnpultir In sn- cl'*l>- 8be I.- h lgbh ’ acetiTUpIlsh'sl and is

j spetia lly foTid of iithledcs. hi-hig u good gtllfi’ l. hiusewotimn .'Mul Nvhip.

A llow ed io Remain in Itie S ta le

fo r Fear They Would Practice

Iniim idation.

E V A N S V ll.l.K , lad., April 19.-[nd1«nn miners who started tUirlns Hu- night for the coal Il< Ills o f Western Kentucky, where, it was staled, they would Imlucv the miners to gi> mi striki*. were met ut Zebre. Ky , HHur w hich town ihi‘y cro.'iscd the river, by the . ln‘^lfr.

Thu sheriff hnfl aimed hlni’^Hf with w orrnm s for the lenders o f th>- Fndluna delegation. i[« ' halted the ifow d , read to them the Kenmcky hnlmhlailoii law and ordered iliem back to th*-lr boat. A fte r a, flhon ( i»nf'T«*nve. Un* Imliaim lenders *le-

CliArlen Clnrke Kvayma nead.The di*;iih o f ( l ia f le s C ln lke Ktinyon go-

enrred a i hltt home, 34u Thirteenth avenue, early this morning. Mr. Runyon was forty-six years o f age. H e leaves a widow’, Mrs. Kva I'n* Hnn\’nn, The funeral w ill be from the home Monday afiernoim at 2:311 o'clock. The burial w ill bt' .jji bloomrteltl,

JA M K *l M. DEF.Ha.

CITY NEWS NOTES.A fal.*«*i .il.irm o f Mre was tu m id la from

stiMlun .m n .ilsey and itcechcr streets, ahLim |] o i l*ii k last aiishl

The H ius'- of Prayer branch o f. (he G irls ' Fib-i|Hllv Society will ludd Its quaf- tcrl>' meeting mi Monday night.

\V« plati'imah t ’ ouiicU No. lii, D»>grm’ o f F‘m'aljoiit;i>. liivMs a "K ra tiks ' K a ra lva l" j anil g ift cnieniiiiiiiiM’Ul to-nlghl :it W ood's ■ Hull. U"J M.irk* I street.

The I'lnricer Luillcs' Sortety held a W'ell- ' nt1cn<bil vofTfc social and ituiict* ut Doel- ger'B Hall jcs ic rilay afternoon. .\n eri- JoynbJo progr-Ainme was carried out,

The E lg liboiitb Avenue I ’ ublle Schfiol A lum ni .\ssoi l.itlon will eelebniU'’ Its eighth aiiiiiv* i'*:jiry next Wednesday nlghl w ith an apriin aivd iiecklie social In Juvo- by'H Hall

l ’’nforsr*cti I !ri iinist.'incos have rompclh-d the ]M>stpi'rioiii«'ni o f tin* n>cM*]dlon in have hccii g lv r i U> V. and Mrsf Thom as U Bridges a I tic- Sccimd iTi-sbylerlan ChKircb ro-niulii.

T ’u* Jao( ling o f (he Eighth W ard Prl- I m iiry IiiV''sT)«mtiMg GomTuliicc, which was

to have bi-s'ii hcM at the North End' Dem -

"" Si*V,t 1 's ^ 0 nS(k;. st/e .-. Oqu

S<*otl'vKuiii!'m COft ll.iN isi/c. O Ov

WauiiHdrV « ■ <1 CQn L ive r thi. SI "i * D ab

Cod l.i\ '’ i Giii [■ink... ■' CQn

s, pi*r bov " f ' *; J j b ^ V u re Cod I “ •(NorAvegiani.uu ; / Qnbunlc . .

And sa.uA ,toil iiumevon- ll •

W t t I T K P i M ; A M ) i A l t " ’ " . r r i '

C O K i l l S M U TK ivn b ir pr.< <’ < • i . i.. ;■

-.:,.ii of t ml i . half pint

. I i*d 1 ,ivcr p i. hot tics.

; ’lus .Lnmb M.(-'^bc. a me Nv ilM 'odI 'il, i l si/c

• r..«l l.i\ cI I I p in < K

2 0 g20c68c13c


hp'lUil I


SYRUP.T l i c l i i ' i m i i i c ,

r . ' . ' i i l i k r iii 'lt '* *, {H 1 O i i r i i i ' i o ’l i l t l l i o y •• ll pa r o i i n i l , nsily

96c.N m v is t h e T I l iH '

I t ) l i n y .

Granular Efifrv, . . . iil

C i t r a t e M a irn c .i i ; i.

K iill i-M>. I'- it .K iill i-il'. I 'H iil... I.

T liiO irU 'e ini inri' '

SPECIAL IN T fU R C lf fA if ffiP A R T .W E N T r

Boolli, Ihi\ uI 'oO, hcrfcotn ......IV


Liiii'otit Cigais, .'Ml III

1 iMic Tot-, I n o< lull In Ixiv) ll Gu

"I iobi Ul -‘'-.itiii."*'Miua ira wrapper. |s-r I TQ Ici to, !4t III l'o\ I. D J "Ibliiucsil' r-i pi-iIccP',

kev \\co..ilM l.i 0 o rMitm,lH'\**r Z .Z t )

1Tgnr*i ilcllicrM'd fri«* auy piivl o f the Clly,J cli'lihcni- or driiii ii« car.l,

'I'lils sale oil eig.u'i will pi'SilivHy hi'nl lU ilf one week.

"G ato" CigHi’,gi-iimiic lle. *) QQ‘dvuigbi . ........ DO

H •iTmau llnU^-e AVaUHto'iicru! .\ribur. d'l.WRI'o-tomcu., •■MWdrmni ami M.irkct.Ktl.tW •UI in boxesof ,'4i ylgiim.

I'l (I gciiuitic Gareiik. K-*v Mt'-i l.ratid, 1 /Qboy ol 'ill mgiilM Z t4 u

SPECIAL: I l i’W Days Only, lirrtaular tilfePvtsctM I'rosphatrI'ltiurn, Tull■|. '...ulc-.-


; I hi I ;. ■

Ou J • imd lilt it*( prc|Kinilli»ns ii- p'lll-iI I I I 1 1 0 etc., Ims loa jj adv iiiifi'd in vri(*n. l lm wft

havr y e a r ly vtm tnicts w iili iJia bi^ iiniMU'lers :indI tie :hlv:iUC6had t'oiiUMCled I'lnMivei* fLblHHl

J iin im t ‘ nliiiiie PilNiiehititi^ en:Ued, Ilk)

2 4 c

I'wn lTli 1)1 qlhlllllM hcEofe ir .d d n ' T K A 'r i : P i ; i i !■:

Parkr, D «vk & Co.’ s Soft (Juinine Cipsultj, OUL' iTicea all tlie Vi'iil im im l.

■vgraiu (Ihnx ot i do/eu)........................................:> u r i i j i i (Ihnx o ( l d o 7 e n 1 ....................................................1r.graiii (box o f l ilozcii)........................................ I

elded ta olx v rath 'T lin n prcelpltaic rtghl. and marched their follgwm-s back crud e rhJi» Ucdiicsday tilghl, wna •jmsi- to the InndUifi, three miles dh iam * pnlied undl lo-idglu.

MeKeemnul Strike >mM i*erUiup. * A latJles s*ic1:il uuil the olqhlcvnth nti- P IT T S H rU G . April b' Tife -irlUe i> D ««iivcr«a ry i. li-brntton o f Newark .Liidg

tho empl'tve.s of (he .McK' ''sporl, L'omiect- .Ing Railroad, inuugurateil Iasi night. Huh \

$(Mklillf»r W h o W «M MvHlclMn o f X<»le lllrx tn HnltlinttPO.

Sppolif Dlupftich U> (he NEWS.BALTI.M OItE . Md., April IK,—Brlgndlrr-

Qeneral James .M. aged elKbiy-three, dlfil yeMcrday at his home, fWl llo l- llriB (Mtreel, th l» city. H b had Ijcen 111 slnct; Saturday, when Bright's difl^nz** diiivAd- oped. H e w-as born in H alllm ore. General Deema bore the dlRtlnctlon o f being Ihe only muplclnn In this country who hud a t­tained the rank o f general In the rn iteu Statez^Army. i

A fte r the cloae o f the r iv t l W ar he fo l­lowed the pnifessiun o f muplclun, having written a number o f excellent text-books and works- He was the jiullior* o f a grand opera, a comic opera and the oratorio. ‘ 'Nebuchadnezaar." General Deems Is aiir- viVed by three zona.

In no wa;. Interfered with ilu- nporalion o f the X.nionnl Tube I'umpany'a plant, and a ll il--partnn‘ His wnrv ruiinIhK to-day. But few mA-n are out. and. while the road is crippled, ll Is running as usual.

N o serious trouble is apprchcmlvd and an earlv Hcmcmcnt Is expected.

P O T T B Y IL L E . P « ., Altrll lii.-H lx hun­dred nilno M'mphiyes struck to-day at iho H.’tyen Hun, Phllailclphla and H'*(idlng Coal mid Iron Cumpaii.v's colliery, on ac­count o f the dUcburKc o f two loader bosses, who were dlsmlascd, It is alb gi'd. In^cuuse they iire members <if the r i i t in l Mim- W orkers o f Anu'rlA*a.

F o u r T h fin fg n d Men in vn lM cil.B R ID G E P O R T . G.. AiUll D •(apecbil).—

A fte r It confereiwe o f State «nd Nullonal officlala o f the Mine WorkA-rs' organlzatlim lu Ibis 1 ‘ liy . il waa stilled thpt U Ipol^d like H light between the tiu*n and opA*ru- lora of the Fifth Ohio sub-district, com ­prising half a dozA'ii cpunik.4 in Eastern Ohio and four In Wi*st Virginia, I f lUi agrcAiTncni Is ni>l rt'uchcd 4.0UI nien wdll strike lo-niorrow.

C’ l^ E V K L A N p . April 1 ».~Tt?c otflclitls o f the t3n*ul Laki compuny dcilurcil b -day that they w ill rtghi the |>emlliiK alrike o f the tugliretneti anil litieamcn at lowor I.^ko Erii' ports to a finish. Tim company will nAil only refuso the demands o f the siria- era. U Is uunouncod. but has decided here­a fter 10 place J)Ut one ilrimian <in each tug Insti-UAl o f two, as has been customary in the past. On tho nthi-r bund (Tie strikers s.ay that unless ihclr ib-mands are granti J sharlly the strike will beemne general at a ll ports on the gn 'iil lak* s

No. 21, o f Elk*!, will lie li' ld .it the Kruf-gi-r A iid ltoriiiiii .tpiiMlay iilebi. Stipper will fo llow tin- l■tllerll1 illmcrll.


R ipoctM 'tl W o r k a1 h t'atM*'r»iHi M il l ,

H im IlM^tarnod let H en iiK o ii I pon l.riMnilng siniitibiKi,

C F N T B A L ’ S T A t \ P i»E A L n * .

H a lt ru a d * !

Lo iit W n leh In N o n Y o r k C rov rd .John Drannlclo, o f 33 Broome street, went

to New York yezterday and last night whUo on his way. home m ixed In n crowd on Pgrk Row. which wag try in g to And out the imiise o f an accident. W hen Brannlcto got out hl9 gold watch wa«* mlealng. Thia morning he told Cgptaln Co.*4grovp. o f the i'Eeal headquarters detective hureau. o f hta Iona, The police w ill try to recover the watch. ^

T o H r ln H o a p lta l A aao^Jg lloB .There w ill be a maasmeeUiig In the tn*

lereata o f the Daughters ot Igrael H oap lta l AsmootAtion on Bunday afternoon at 1:30 • fr lo ck EU Columbia HalU T h ere w as a meeting In the Interesti o f the Inatltutloii Inst night. A number o f addregap* were made. Mhny new racm bei* w ere enroUed And donations were received.

S rR I^ fO B B iO R T g .

4 t la a l t e G ttr-

g tn le n oa r ii H cR ra AIhmuIh a y r e o n t Lan a .

K|>pi‘lBl mppaU'h to ihc NEW^JKHHEV C ITY . .»?prll 15*.-Thc St-Ue

Board o f Taxation this Afternoon took up New Jersey Central Rallrom l Ciimpany's appeal from taxes levied on Its New York Hay front property, Mr. Edwards, the company’s counsel, subm itted maps and called John C, Payne, secretary nf the Riparian Commission, who (eadfied con­cerning the lioundary lines and gram s maclp by the Riparian board

The proposnl nf Edward F. Cragln for a Hlyarlan grant, whlah the board aoce|H- ed but which has not been upprovid by the Secretary o f W ar. wiis read by .Mr Kdwardo. "IQ ahoar a measure uf Rlp^rlun values for the guidance o f the board."

Tho figures read by Mr. Payne were; "G rant to E. F. C. You ag fo r the Permayi- vanla Rniimad In 2.040 feet, the aolld filled line, 400 acres, a t per acre, price IIOC.023; 1 0 John D. ^Blalr In WW 1.060 feet from at $340 per acre, pftce tl0,5a).28; the Morris A Cummings D redging Company In ISRl l.Sl$ feet front, about 180 acres, for P».480.40.

Mr. McDermott opposed iha acceptance Of these values as a standard o f the m eas­ure o f value In this case.

TH ICNTON. April P' ' Joseph D iltber arrlv*'i b with nineteen girle. w Iimui u from Bir.iuUui. They h.i-i they wuul’i get work al iti* when they learned of t’ turned t«> New York. .Ui piiiil home to Penns.vL^. society lu New Yiirk. T '

man iiame<l yesterday

ii> Imd cscort^ l ■ X|icetcd that 1 i;ite mlli,' but

-irikH ihey rc- rii'lr fares weuE ,* liy ;* German \ luive l»een on

strike in pp|insvlvanl.-i f' l i 1D lirh rr atiemtisl thr ......... s’& Diigiin strikers, .iii’ l ! ■’ 'i more htiil expected 1" '

l l wart re|Mirt»Hl af ild- '■■’ ■ enmmlitet) sent to Ui'U i have gone to w'ork in join their ranks, and iii stronger, had not nx't '' Another tffo rt will h* out.

There is no chaiiK* ' sitoalkms, The d'd* -i w ill ni*'el a( F»*isi ' form plans for^ the 'Uk’.

,.-!i'cn WM*eks. 1*1 the Frank - m ihul' fifty

..... . that the■ i.> M,.linen who ll- r iiiiUs Hi re- m ill'* 1 be strike

ll ni'ifh su«*certs. , 1- 1 -* get them

I r I he strike ' : r III ilu* shops

■ :d(;iil and - ... t 'd ;i union.


L f.ir .1'- ' ill tini'liiMbili


'. LThr i


ktTlIiPr*’ I.«trKl linri ’ A TK R S O N . April

k’ rank & OuRan mill I” miMt o f thr 8Blnoii-k, to ppll liquor to Sill »h i i IiiHlstK oil wi.r-.i wliilies. Po trr UnJ' T ir r r ie . Jokn BohuI ’ ahii otlipr aalonn-kr. p r- ed hv Iho Birlkors ili .1 liquor to hrr their --■i! eotted, ^

i.n t l l l l t . l r l .r;r-,K<-rs nf the


G R A N D A T t ^ A R T t C H O T E LVirfMa Ava md Baadv. Atiaatk City. N* J.

M S. KASBO^' R B in G l« i .

G ives I 'p H is O l i r v u B p v c la l R * « l - proelty Canm lsslow «r.

WASHINGTON. April l».-<^ohn A. Kas- Bon ttBM sevsrsd Ms official connsctloo with thf State Department, whera he has been since the bann ing of Mr. McKinley's administration, engaged as speolal plenl- potenilary to conduct (he negotiations which resulted In the drafting of a number of rectprocltgr traatles and arrangemeots under the terms of the Dlngley act.

Allhough thus severing his offiMat con- aection. Mr. Kasson holds himself ready tn respond to any call of the department for the special Information of which be !a poBSeeaed.

Mr. Kasson Is the olficUl who recently refused to accept his salary of $bl,:d0(l a yser because he claimed he had not earned It. ___ _____________



Frank L. Schafuas. of Montclair, and Hiss Fiorenee A. Htcka. of MS Putnagi avenue, Brooklyn, were tnanied on Wed­nesday »idgbt at the bride's borae. the ceremony a peckaga waa left at (be door by a messenger, It waa found to contain paper purporting to be I1Q2.&I lb

SBC beatttlfoi roams. Meet ettitral w*ect [ bonds of the Panama Trading and Ele* Iw-etlrtu and cold | yetoping romps ny.ti/M sAd ts per Jay; lltsa. liri. »lT.ae per week. Amerfcaii plan. Cosvh meem all trslos. Booklet mallsd

O N A R L t a t . O O P K

Dlreetty uq the oiassa front, Atlantia City, Jm adfolslng tbs Csboos board wallt;

fUepreet MUt cattr^ «t tarlek sad ma; oapa» ny 44B The hotel Is one e f the w t inaaiieMiiy furnhibet sad nmst BMidera e f resort beassa aitrster, steam hsel. n o pavtUeas oa board *slk. Boring raiM am redueed; booklM apes ^ o e e t ROTT. T. t>tTCtk)P. foemSThr maMgef Of Haul iBunrUi sad VIetorta. New TetW.

n s m u i M M L l a w n w M U


There wae a note expla in ing that (ho bonds were g iven tn return fo r a fa vo r done by the brtde'a fa ther fo r the sender. H r. Slid Mrs. Schafuae thought they had auddeii)>' come In fo r a (ortuo*. Th ey bare since leamadi that -the bondA ate wortbleaa and that It waa alt a Joka

M w rtga fr* MS X *e r AuAlBwriwas.A m ertga ia lo t SI8.BMA f i v « o h r (1m -

Knlghta a ii lodlea of tiM OolAtm Star to toe Pranhtln S a r lo M InatUutbon. was raeorded at ^ co v t fio u a o to-day. 4 0 . the savings Inatltanoa tt w u explained tkat the B ortsage waa a lva a o « tha N ew Aodltortwm bu fid ia t on O range atiwet. to pay o ff a form er am rtgage o f endradudea additfoitai that waa tteedito maha Asat aarm anta e g tm aroeeam au recently co m p u te ^ O u b w B a g-

j W g f fM K H la R s w w a r te w a yw am aa .

C vroa ,m t

T lo lh ln g H as $ e l l>rv

4be D e a d lo e k IIh H '■ m l K n ip l f '

Noth ing hfls ‘ i ' t ‘ k thedeadluvk beiwecu thj ii 'i :- ' ' ployes o f cither ih'- I 'r * - ' ' • Lour- vo la ler-W llcox Miimii.i* I ’ ompanyover the rct-ugnlil'ai ><f 'ui uis.

The strikers held ib> ir In ahuwger's Hall ihl^ ni* w ere dellven*<l bv Th.nn.-i A lbany, an organizer f> r Structural Irunw-irk'-rs’ 1 IdcKuUy. y f th** KU- Vnlon No. Bi2. o f this Hastings. Mr. Ha-tii'K but sixteen yean* ax’ * ii’ the watchcasc wt+rk 'r the K n igh ts of enthusiasm smoiuf ib*

T h e aettlem^ut “ f ■trike o f the ste»'l wnrX**r* at Pa., lo f a w r ot iK-- ■ n ti'io j-» <“ ' f en co im crm en i ti> i<» , Jh.,momln*. On., of di'- IbJauccM of tho mi-ii iI>t ' " ,v„7d itomptorora In th- local ' w a . ^ h « N-HiD auber-H am ik l"' i_''qil’a"> ,..„uiil irtve Canton, a , itailiiK employment m fiv '



ately. 1

w o rS ra .M tWaUon waa aheolutrlj 'kr w.ited

••m* oommitiw from

^ " ‘ptanrruanlna thr aam* M on

Mondayr' •’/ I * ' ■ Htfla better

evary day. -*nu*h Sands m aM T*^ben you h*vr enou**^

a eaaer* WlU gel along••Owuwy wejw**- tiuMw tnen

kU rlfUL W * remain with theheck w too* “ j ,, tmloM. Ttot la toaJ- terrlce In

J -nier a r.

“ “ *• V ? . and re««lm

• t kMUt.

T lip n-.il fs ta lr iniHlln’ss nf l.mjJs A. Fvhlcr Jti Urn,id sir«.'«'l will hcmaUtTIr* c(mtinin*'l uriript tFu* Jiamc c f hVlrlcr & Hlaslvcrg Max J. Blilslicrg this week he- tam e a member nf the firm.

The next eptn meeting o f Ihc Newark H ebrew i.ilt^rarv Socirt.v w ill lx* 1)vIl1 on the nlghl r)f Sunila>', April TS, at S {I'Hock. John Whitehead, nf Morrlstnwn. will nn- 4m "A BoHlt* and Us I ’nnacqLM-nccs."

The at. tlcorgc UnnevnU-nt B faiety will hold its (wcnty-nlm h annual I'f-lcliralnii o f SI. Gcnrgp'fk liiiy at llirk4*nlKni»-r A FJfiumann'H Hall. c4vro4-r o f Snuih Grange a »: l -MhffIh MV'*ni|HM. Tucsdsix tiiKlil nl i n'cliirk.

Tlu ‘ rinsing itittUnH' o f JnIm H. Illrh- ants'.s rlillilrt-n's clussrs will he litdd m tlir 'Kru4«gtir AuJitorluiQ. Saturday af(i*ni4Hm, from l!;3h to T, o^rhifk. TIu rinsing rvt’fp- Mnn uf ctu* <*v4-nlng rliiNKi-s will !>,* h‘*ld at Lhf’ saiTu* pFat'C nvxl Friday nighi.

The members nf the Newark TurnverHu w ill g ive tt gynipasiU* cxhlhhloa, fom-ert and hall al tin* KruvgiT Audltoriuni 4Ui Bttturday nlftlK. April 2T. There w ill Ii4* TIlM hoys lUi'l girls. 1»M women. i(evnhty-live actU'i* turner-* ami fifty Juiilnrs in -ih»* gymnnatU* exhlbttlun, timler ilU' iliriHtioii o f G eorge Hi-lkel.

TFic annuttl couG*rt o f (he i>uidlH nf A.J. Wcdilt w ill he given at Awsn4*i4Hl4in H ull next Tucpduy nlghl. The I'ra'ek HnnJo und MamloUn GUlh, the lm|>t*rikl Ban jo and Mandnlln Club, the Lyru- Ban jo and MnmloHn Club. Fr4‘.lnrh‘k K. Grnhs. hum4Hlsi. and .Miss Mabel Hopler, Xilanlst. w ill assist.

rh cm ls i Herbert P. Ualdwiii, -if tli- Ftfmrd nf Henlth. will s|»eak Ii4'f..ji- ilie Vom ig .Men's LenKue o f the F<uiiilh Hnp- tlst <*hurrh Hi the monthly ^►'4*ilii« ih«* organlgnMon In the ehurrls v.s if'. 1

nlghl. A number 4vf Ittuii-rn sh>i> - I shiiwn A <lHlcgtttlon nf y4iiinL' m« ti fr-i tin* North Reformed Chun b win ! .• iji«etll.

Gv*Th«*ated gasnlenc HCl fir> P-1l-‘ wn«iwfirk o f Hii automohilc ni-ai IP ..... aiGlay s liects nhout 2:3S n’ c l'" k Hfi» nuiHii. The vehicle w :i- . - llvcrlng shni’S, and some o f >M' rear nf ll Wf-re damageil. Tin « lIelr^n^e4l (o A A. KlHele. n1 SKreel. U WHS lowc4l to a -! pttirs.

A verdict fur $4l4.ij7 w.is len lu y b> a Jury In (he CIt ^JuiJge Swii>z'* presiding, in ("harles U inlsall and against i Br4>wn and Ids wife. Eliza Hi., su it was hrmiktht to recover j-i ' in terest on a prnmlsaory U"!* g iven on Sepi^mlier 24, iftx.i, * fendanta.

A fa ls g Hiarin o f fire was ri.'' Box (SH. at ibe 4-orner o f l! i Spruce s(re+'ts. late tlds rv' r le rk In D. Jimis h- r'a bul4'her -! the street from the Ihjx, g iou p ot buys hanging arutii.. and one o f them, a fter pulii a larm , ran nfi, followed- by ■The police w» re mdifle<l.

A t the annual meeting o f rl,'S tewards o f South MinkM ethodist rhurch last nighi. Ui> officers w ere fleeted: iTi'Siii.Sm ith ; vlce-pn'.sidj.nl, Ghrist"! 1 e r ty ; aecretary. Emil .Mum- zecretaO 'i Mias Mary Smith.Mias Sartth Miller. RUIb w . i . pW4l up to the end o f the vhop '

Seats fo r the coming ih-t p - QouTtod's "FauB l," 1 0 be yi *Schubert Vocal Society, Mav g e f ' i Auditorium , may bv •> ■ m orrow morning, when th4* \ tickets w ill ittrgin at 9 o'4*lii. k

.hauer'8 drug store, at M ark ''Streets. Joseph Btternsielu ’M ephlsto and Mrs. Floreiict- .M -• the part o f Blebel.

T h e A pril meeting o f the N ' ' ' • ’»11c School Principais ' Ass4K-li»ii* hHd Iti the sclance-rudm o f th* school on ‘Wednestjay a fte rii'- i. o 'clock . Principal Davis W:t* i* r- Chestnut Street Bchool. w ill re 1 1 ' on ’ ‘C arly le and H is W ork ," Tn- bera o f the association fe d (h it H entering upon ^ year o f unu-^ual .t ’ m ent and good feeling.

Judge Swayae In the CTnuU L -- day dtracied a jury- to reiul»-r .1 fo r |477.» in fa vo r o f the piatm iff m -Hi*' ■uit brought by the. ISdward ‘ M ^u* Cotn|WDy, a corporation, agjlr.st in»* P ry a r Leather Company, also n l•'•^p>'ra'. tton. The proceedings wen* In-iU ’ ii'-o 1 0 iweovar a balance on « pn)nd>*!*ury note, fo r H.llB.f? dated January 3£. ll"-*. mad- by the dafaskdam company.

A fewture yesterday afterm/on at thv . f a i r being beW under the auspb rs " f

jmmedl- fa e v e ra l aorictiea connected with th** HrM Germ an Reform ed C^iurch, on Bium atseet» was a coffee social, during whu a a progr amme consisting o f Instrumenial nuBbeva was presented, To-nF*hi thv ' ‘T h a l 'n D o " Kustcal Club will give a coaoert, and W illiam FeueHierm wUl en­terta in w ith comical songs and redta- tioba.

T k a bdaketball tM m a o f 8t. .Mbhaei’s T . M. Ct A.* wUl bPW Us second anaual reoetiUtm In Harm onla Hall to-morrow Wig h t R v a ir efforS has been made to

akoaeaaful sad a largs_ ____ 4 i cxpectadi The coramlitee o farraageBM nU Is composed of. Bart Free* B a s t ehalnaan; D, T , DaleVp secretary: ThosMi* W « i ib . tm tu r t r . >nd Danl«l 1. C an p b c ll *ud r » n k C. Beatty. Tba re- e e » t l n « »a a a ltta e la made up ot M. A. F la n fla m . a b a lm an ; W lltlam F. Provoat. W m iM a Rttaaell. Bucaoe MarrIaaejF.

ifty, Joka J. Mulfoy. John 1. WUUam H cLaM tilln n<‘ )>P

W k W UUaA Ruaunall

Why Pay More?\Vf ''4 ll ’ i:

the in*., i-ii‘ -you lo lay such iiiiiisti.ii fc rc il I'rcEjib’ i"^

Marti'll's I iT-t !i I ul;n‘ jirk'c ^ i • i ■■ a t .................

Kijig'rt I'l-'iii'-- a rcksuliir i*ni *■ ' ! •1*1...................

M .'G illV di*;,i,i - l;r»'tfulur jtrk'i- *- 1. ''i-

Hr. MiHI'r i'M i, I'ills, rcg. >i - .

I i-tl ju ices ll vxiiM {>:(V

i I.; il i i in , as1- .III- lint n f'

‘1 1 4' I'llH, tr-tf-

t.371 lU 'V I'llls,


Or, n iartin iii.r \ ' .rrnn li t i' iiih Ii' I ’ illr " I !'■ ■' ' ' ' '!• I ’‘ "' I f'u lltill HiH'l. Il'L'l! r O O r .Spcrial l it ...... ■ 0 » 7 L e

' Fi'i’ ii.'h Fi'Uiii'' I'ii -I'liuihi. mill n 'liiiti!.'', i'i'i;"l " ^ A C kll IxiK, Spi'i iiil I ■ m- * r ^

C jiiiheiiler '’. Iii.n iniil liriiml rrn- iijTnyal I'llli-. ll - S-. d A OrilHi’inl at ....... ■ r a * T «

U(ui|)i.r’« l i i i i ' f u i n i i l r I'ill’'. rutiuliir I'rii’u 'i- ‘'[.l■■inl

Miilti'ii, Prenrii Pi iim Im I'iH -n f i "ttoil llni't. Tuii-V ..... .. aMy.il. Sin-rinJ ■" y ' a ^ "

\V.i . iiry «lr.i .1 "ll- I ...... • ll rill"S iii.i.'ili'i'-, I'l - i ■' '•''■■■ "Ii ‘ i niii'i’s. ir .’iii ' I I " "r a i l : ' nii w ill 1 " '■i"'i-

Some of Our PricesAlltheYear Aroundd U . ' I K 1 1 I 'u ll. W e ur«>

iu t v a i i c i - t i i i r iH ic e 'i . K v e r y

I inuK,. Ii. ' I -.‘ 'I' ...................-MimiihI Hun-i-‘ , n U.II .ir .......................\uKu;*i run'll*!', .'i,' *ti/e................. •.-\yi l ’'4 11.nr Vli<"i 'll hi i-. ..................iiCdSim's I'lii-atvr-. S... r f .....................Hl-niib. S 'll.i. [H r Ui ..............14h iicv'> 1 i U r«i\nU’r. ................Bliiiul's h "ii I 'ill '. (•IT k*i ... ---------Bcm’h rc '- i.nm ;u i ::*■ k ilu l- .-Hramlvci 1/' I'llN ...................Ihii klmnli - \ i’v:''i.il>l4' I iilib'ts..........Curler's I'ilH ................. .( ‘asCHrets. j.'i.. M ■»' ..........................fii.Ktnr G il. I'Ur"- I •'> U"'l ...............CaKt4?riii il'u cln -r*• iTii'i':l'k*.......I ’ itra ic MiViziir'-i.i. lo i lU'.................... -Crcaiii T iu 'li'i. pi i- U> .................( ‘uiu-ura I44*'‘I>I'.i’iiI. si?'*..............I uticuru S'JiL .............................I ’munira ShIm *, .%n‘ vi/r..................Kpaoin Halls. |J<'r H' ............ .............GarlU'M T''i«. aTn*. si/cG lyco 'Ihym tilim '......................... .GlyccHiu*. pure, per luiii ...................Gruy'rt GlTi'4'iiiif T4Ui1«' ........ ........Grecn'rt N ' l v liaiii*..........................Gmic I ’c i ’tti \h(iiifnn........................1l l i i le ’s H«*ii'-v ami T iir.....................*H iUk I 'j* I'n-iaraliMUR;.-- , .........llcl'lis. jir4 "' <1. pju’Kiiyi I 'if............Jllmnnr*' I uft’ .....................Ihmd'K Sai-inMnlhi ------ -------lliiit'rt Mall l ...........................

i h H i l l tlic^ 4‘o iiH iin < \ \V (m H (1 n o t

I t i i i i K iu t l i in s t o r i ' a l i g i 1 p r l ir o s .

1l4a<]ii‘v's 1'ills, American.................. t.ilfi!.H*li4*i's Hidi'i-H............................1liumi'lu‘4*V!4'HLi04*ities..* ............I.liiyiic' AlUTiUitc, II.iiumI/c............. 1'Jayuc'iii VenulfUKc, .'t’’i4*.Hi/e...... ...........l:(vni> .s KxtH'i'iiit'ttTil, $1 ....................Joltiwinn lligC'^tivo Til till't K, fibi*. nI'/.o AUcK4'jni4‘4l)-'!4 I'a^i'Ttlc Reih4'4lv.............*OeKUmiT's .suadip Kooi. fitc sire.......... flScKlltiifr's S'Ham]i Root, II dr4>.... .....(Hel.iixiitivc llrnnui Gululim Tabtelx......I5rl.iiittiil i'ccfeUnuU............................ 7ftt>l.lHtcrlm*. I.HjiiiicrCrti........................U7oMa|(4-il Milk. si/i4........................FMIcMwI(4*i1 Muk.ll size..........................7«oMailed M>U. Hizc..................•a.HB.M u It im* I 'repurat hm......................... 7HoMariaui Wine. Via t'lx'ca................. HPeMilan's Nen hm................................ 7<>rMiluh's Ihmrl Cum ...........................70oGmimilsimi. |i Q9erullH''(4 Celery .70el'('(i'nmiu'H ItiMK'h I'lud............ Pri’iari'c'a McJli al lh?n-uvcry................70eI’ierce's Favnrilc I'rcM’i-iptUin............70«i'NvchijHs gciiulm' ...........ga.;(9itipuas TuliulcH. {bi/i'U 1k>xi'h.......iliK'liicIlc Sjiltfi'P4*r 111 SQcHiis^ell’N Kttmlfiiiui of Mixed Fats.....70eHantu] Miily lurimini'i.................,...7iieSchllli/ I’liwd TH. iier Ihix..................I8fl,Sai<]liir J’(iw4li<r>,'J hhu‘A Jtii4l 7 white 5c Stuart's l>yh|ic])*'ia TahlclH, AUr, Hixn,...%H« Siuart'a I ly l' ’|l iu IaMcm. || hixe-.. .75cSniart'N taitnn li iabtctN, Auc. Hire.....3AcS- S. H., l l hI/c .................... IOCS. S. S.. ll.iAsi/.c a........■ 1.S7M Anivr'N LlHiia TaUlclA...... a.........,.lDoW am'cr'H Safi* 1 'm-c...........................meWUlittniH'riiik I'ilH........................ 3BcWillluinH’ R'lftdi h'*nMi......................15cWiiidi Ha/cl, ilmililiiritrA4:L gMlIon- 00c


o t m - s S|(i‘it1ns, a l l t l

N ciin ilK iK .o i i r p r i i ' . ' ,


C u tic u raO u tf it

fOMI'I.FTi;.lurlmliim •>( ;ik4* <i1 Hu-

Ili.M lf >:th I* anil It bi<nl>- Ml ilui IU-F>nlveiil.

Wlii'U- Hiiiig ium|»li-ti; l'»i‘

llrnlil, .S'lt/.l'l',llh-. .s>/u .^..

hrmii. S4dr/i*r,-jrpi*. si/1*.......... I i b v

Jlrmu. Srh/cr,Uh'. Hl/i*.......

Urnm. Sult/4T,7.V. HJZC..

HrMii), Si'ltnT, C f C / s O Kf

Lrnm.'Si-lUt-i. O C k / sgj.im si/4<...... 9



^V'llHl Imvo you iici*n tiiiyiiig for

Beef,Wine & Iron?thir pr1i’4' all the year


Full P liitB (r tU e t- ..-a « ‘

Full Quirt Botllti' ■Only tlio fini'Ht ruid

iiurast ibrtideh ustMl in itH miiiiufuclurc.

The largely advertised u(td l*4iinilar ('om C utw ul 4’nt prli'ew hem.

I>1L S. He AVtXID'g


tt4*in4Evr>nr»rni» W ith- out i'a lii or horcDcsi.


L le b ic '-s U e « i U x tra c t.TiOt'. nlzi*.

L le t i ig ’ s B e e f h x lr a c t ,I.IHI >1..'.

Wi-I iir ry ii f i i l l lim’ <■! tiooil*. AinriiiitTH. SyrlnxeB, nie.. elf-.Lull' l*ri«**‘ *4. < Jiir >.(4H k m I lial lliH’ i.** vauiph-ie ami pur PTU'wn im I'liUiitaili Syrhiff4‘ i4 itui I|4it at4-r H4' l ih '' r,4iiui- friun JUv, up i4i kl.VH* Call uiul H«e uz; we uru Mur© (o iu( i»H* \ I'U a*- uiir ptu vH lue rlg lil.

Dr. 5. So W o o d 's Cocaine Plasters.o iir i»rl<*«*.

W e p o a iU v o t y

cu rs W h o o p in g


AVe httve the re-cHw 4.f a faTnoaaNew York hjhm'U»1* irtl- fnr t lie oiir<' 4if\S‘ liO<iniliK ('(Jllirllin 4 Jiiltheu, liabicH and Hri>wu I'm/pio. Ri‘(fiihjr i»rl4’(* ;»*r Uatle ;.»i4*..ourprice M>c. Him ImttlO a l l ! roiiviiM'e vnii (if IIn riif'ritK We w ill rt’ fnml moimy if you ge l no ro ller

Briefs Balbered /Iround the eilv.:

I R r i » f ( R j t h f r f d S

•>bm ^ ........................ .............„

A t .r .M M WI L l . T I A t i: .M.W U llyKTil. Ilanilmrw I ’hn* S-li-i'-l .Vlunnil .V • |-i Inti |l( l«l Kv ri-u llHii: W'-»*k, AliiilHjTt.-c'ni. uml ll Wa;- ,Mii\ ri-b- .-Mnii- tlnir : ilii' rr;iMs:is‘ 1 b»ii uf !•'I -inU'V, Hu» Ni'W I I . t min.il HiftigH iJihd i- IS' I' 'll" Till- jmxl m •■ M Ma.v LN», wlU'ii . Ill ■

■ ar Will 1)4' .‘If. f..|


,I.i i Ib <‘ l■ illt«l|■ « ttiilBl.pn Ah .ilit A r i l -

../.Ill 1.) 111.,.- T H t r l ,

fr iiiH n >isil4»iiu. I

t -in iillily mcfjti in-rjilit-rx

- ■ : !t'il tf» hm.l \t iuiiiiH l a t -

' • l'*rancia JiirdlHii, " .

hjjiHnrimx rii-! .!lg wUl tl'- , •

Tor f Ijp i -h- . 1

liiO.ueed tl) r«'fUrifl

MarMtthon, -uHinHi Lhelr

A lexander h.ii | t'ondon

i.i*(m warn- M'.’V Si'll any

- A lii be boy-


,|M-d lo l i r r e k

I i;mpl<>y**ra1


. f

: 1 hunt

':.5r meeting t K Addreesea .\|f(;overn, 6 f

Bridge und Frank J.

fru.^' Workers' X. iiint .Unbroae

11...W retired* H - i.Mive nmong . -! , .{rugglo o f

.ri-aleil much t.'-iluy.t iiTiiemplated MrKeesport,


SI[AKF.JiH 'KA,m..\.V L E C T f I: f l.i'Si*: T in l.i 'i i l ih>( U'Cturos .ii I-fn jiml WMrk*4 til S i- Ik- p'-ari*. *•!v- ti i.luhhy 4lur1tiK Hi- Ahil>-r by Hr M [{ Si-raAfiM' ..I rij. .N-uark Se-mliiai- f 'lr rcd N i'stf'nl.ej,. \v)u-n tto' xiiFijfi-' • '.ist*M-<»h>n \va « ‘ ■Shakii4iifftr4**H Jt*.. i I'iillMes I.!iHii,>n«eiis,'' hr. S|i|J ilii/r<iiiifhl.^ tniivirsaru wj fh Fii<u-i' t| hu!.; iiifijs ill iiiit. I* i-uthirHljiMni i • < nitnfi. lit II I.- I.’. luin] ,,n Hhiik.I'-Min ffh (M ill!-, Ills auiHeiu ■-" " l l rti'Hi iii'jirt I i.iiiV ''-\G AGTIG-N G.V \K\V g t 'A F tT i;

.N' ;i rni-Hlug’ 'if rl.i- ' Xt-ruDve mjit:: i Ue» S.iivau- I '.irps ihltf m -.ril: .

(•ifHlbui .if .‘ fi-j-tlii*{ tan ni-w hu. .:,fTi-r.*nt s.MlIt.:;- nf (lu* f*Uy w ,l--.:s4*ns?4i-il. bill iin ds'flnih- a i'lifu I -kuMi ( ’ Fmrb*s S 1 mrt/l.■ ■immtU4-f, sold a fter (he meiMltii; h . ..inmlde's- Ij* i*+*Hily [it rernimjit Ih. pns.-iil r|ii;irtiTK )k> suit] u~..-i »nii-qu:.|i- nfr.T for Ihe prcip4Tl■ i lv i i i , H«* latlm atei] that jm f ni-l nn wimld b4* r.jvon-fl hy ih<- * '■ i, :tII Ho' prftpfrty Is

T in -: T liK H P lA N H K^'TM ^V^.y^Ilir ft '- iir i ilraititt rnwforcl's r l ' i ! i 5lv4*n * 1 1K*- Auditorium cm Gr:-.i i:-

l:e*l iilifliit liV (he ThesidHpi". Rr-i < ^I ' T SiMio-w-Eod. N, F. F':U4-alu L illian Lt'Minard and Mlsx Hsirah •;A '-re ptr.imliu'nt In Ihe ^att1 irs i lv* tif till- jilriy there were sisvIaHi- >- S.iruh ItmfinaR. .Mlse U llla ti F.> >Empire yuurtettp and Jlaym-u - ■ rnU. A fie r the iKrforFnnnie Ha ii- (^c*!ir»*»l ffir clttui'lng. The grai -l

b-.l by the floor maimu'-r I- no , Glo'gfin. Jr., and Hilsn Haruh L i " - ' i.

1 ‘H O P K K T T FO R C O F N T V S iTr; lirod has iK'on recnrde'I fo r n lui.- '' o'. -

I t»n Ihe south aide o f Markm ‘ r : -; f..rFy-fr>ur fv**t went uf Gr.»vi- -rn : 'tans ferre il by Henrietta T. \( auKh w h

F-Mi X r*ouhTy freph«fi4li‘r « an a piiri Mf i' r yjri* f'sr the >iew courthuus**. Th* (•?!■ ! j.:iJd by the rou iuv for (he iiln« f>- ] irontHge waH finl.v one l-ii. fr=>t:I in g M H M arket s i r e r t . n o ' w rt-maln^ o * ■ , s»*eurvd by the cuunt.v to gain |h*s-h*"-I

o f The en tire site. Thin lot la part of 4staie and application has li«s>n m'td.- i< eommiafluTiefs to condemn Ihv proi»'ri -(he. freiT-hulders having fa1le:<1 I'l .-.gr< upim a pnrehaee price.

1 • 1. h ,J M'M.n-, i-r-iiml; I ImI. ). L'Ji Hr'.i '■ .M>.' i-i liT Ho- Si -'

[ii-- ■: • rnMoti, in >ii.......... .. b;irn-mli i

: ■. I't:iiii* sirm-t. I". I" hi'- I'lin, ttini •' ^ I o rmlr i ri-pri'S'-i ■.. t : ■ w l*4>rti*r ' - -

; I,.’ rk f. i]i > liilm l' - . II rifl Mil iU'CMUi.i ■

..i'f.-i-r . l;Hm fill ' . ' t l i ) r - Sjild ' irMJT friiin lh(

;i j)in-rk • ',1 .i>. .iml II •I'M '

.|..i I rnl-d 111 ll I. ,ik ;i Iiis (It .1 lilt* d m ’ '

................. . 111 'Im ri imrrMW ■;. 'u.iinil mF a .1. ■

T l • n f'-ri1,11'" iii'iim h'. I fur Hi-: r 1.. If fur -Ml .

•'( If I i> II ’Mir -iipi'M ' •.. .I

"t. |m1


.if (he GoldI \V:4>4 llii-,.l lF|"irlri ‘ ’'iiiri.. ' -11 |jriiU)i:lii l>vF'lm-r !C I'M 'k.

. , .i\ i-T Wllg'1 - y pi IH .l.iiri'-i ! ; . pl:tinll(T. .md

! 'I'tidiinli ill,It J4 wa.s .hi’

hui IM'd j tip’ nll4*K('d t..Pii • n imiv. .1 1 •

1 • .ilixlHlIim m1 Gil • . r:i1 pin k-i ••!' I iilps, ,li|iU'.

' . f riMjId (n»r I-* due. 41!" II

.1] ill lion in f.M 1 I 1). qiR'tUlan w:

|., Ill,' UVlM.ll

t iliU-, cttnls itml P'lii fruin I 'lUii-

Wli ir wi-n* Ha-y . ■ w'^i'ii’l He-> ’

■ ,j 111. .li>4lKi' "h ', ,,i t.>r kliidlliig

J h

A FROWN THAT DISFIGURES.1 ii.'imls4iiii4' f;i4'ii i-> E.fh'ii c;iii'<cil hy • li fi-.-l ive eV4‘HiAHil H i tl .-..uhl bi->-a<ily irm«-i|ied by cohMili iim .i n-ii'iilifii' tipi I. m»i. rum** to u** iF ' mif i-jFi ’-Eigbl 1- f.iiliiikr 4>r jiMperf*-i t ;iud W4< will i< iiM'd V all dofi'i't’. iiv |.|npi-rl v t esi mg lU'i htung yon w illi Lye Glasses or

i.i« b-*.,‘ h > 1 1 ii(‘ '.Ipht fr>‘C of ' Imigc,

B U S C H . . .Mo- '-•rli-ljtrllil' Optjf-btli,

|l hl4:n4•hM%•*.. 4 nr*. Illglj r.



M lch n e l Kxi tM. <»f H. IH -H lle , 4ci*(iMeil

Ol poiitilJUi II !(■-» ttlver «1 Sa- 4,-riM lll/ / iilp ’" llen il.

||V :,HHttUlt Htvl bill'Don’t You Think

. !

H-\lb - ! •

ll. 'll.

W IS ir. ll

I ; v ; . : ■I w •' p. ij- •I il I ’ •i iin I

I < ■ •- I -Hi n l-Pic

I i.-r« rn d nufiilrisi Mi- I , J.. i. .;'l. n*al esiAile c.wm r

|M,/. 1' Lii k MirM»-l. .<. , . i.,t. .lu tU-i- of thi- I', iii. , . i.ii . .1 Hi;t1 H4.RI w.m ‘bi.

ft I: - I A ’.T k 'in :t m*w d A i-ll. 1'. . '»'d H'*1 iilisi* h"' i-.-'ll'i

, 1 ii- ■-! Ip red Ills m. il < t

■ i l t i r I'.l" imils. a iiL li wi-p'- f Ih " iJtW huU^e. H.\.r:il

U|ih l.im vvrui. his br 'lh tr-in- i ■I'llnj'pi.m-, uf l.'i L i’*'I< "in-, t

.-U.ir. Fih- said. Mr Rahu............ i iiiranct'. and. pmhiIMik.ll ih- m. iir'li-r»*d th. m i-i *p-t •■ff

Ulzxuiln liUhl h«- .<>k'-il Ity.n

it's linu’ \ ; i ' l '■ ! iliiit tiredli’f l in ; ; '- Lil" is l< ■ !‘-ln.n f . spendHindi linn- Ir'-iiL; niisentble. espc'ei.d! V’ \t’’ion il ci <^l sl i t t l e to

well, !'■ y.'ii l-ike ilr^idner's Stoinadl liitUTi. l,-r ;i tew days,to -et the slnniiidi ill a ” ii"d healthy

omdili'iti, and ihen take Hradner's f!eef, In'll and Wine, the j;reat hl'Kiil t'lliie, I'l piirdy the blood and lu iild ji) the system, voti will



-.1 . Hmi ]p- r4Mlhl k'lM M IT. .«ml | sur JTI t lip l Vt itl rs c i I 111 M llCClIth V

b-ing l i i e s w itrk . M )c . c d c ii.I * w.ts In cmisiiinl fear nf ,lif, .1.1 ui.( .-iwav HH quickly .•i-' pM-4Mil,{. |. .ivuu; his iMidu liebind him


^ r w J # r » « y f ' l iA i f t r r I I I H ic

( oaai V'lee^Uiow.-

The N ew Jrrwej^ Chapter o f the Ameri- can Lnztltute o f A rchitects w ill m w t at A ch te l Sietter*a p^-.rlora Lata (hU a fter- nftOTX- One o f the most Important nnit- tera to be disvtiiaed la (be dadaton cA the county cOAmiMloaar.i to lim it cotnpetUlon fo r plans fo r- ih v net coarrh ou ^ to cef-

. ta lp J 4 g v York archlt«cUi.A s told In the XE\^ 9. the N ew ark ar-

chltacta feel that thiJj'. h a v r been alighted.' ^ f o r * the meeting ll v tia said that a ' com m ittee m ight be appolntad to hook Into , the m atter and report iptne (M b iita Uhe

o f procedure. It nothing else can be done, the arrhheeta are b o u ^ to exprcaa

■ th rtr dkaapprobation !d no gnan-' ghr. atMl tbe m atting proa iiaaa 'te b a 'a o

nil. 111 NT \%nn%i.4i4'i«l l le a lH i 4 u K iu r if lea (o

n (•«*nern l V a o i'liia t iu n .Hr r i. irk Hunt, o f ihe State Hoard

,,r Ib tilih . vixiled Harrison lo-dtty and h.nl 1 r-u£if» w'lih (h*- |Frcsld»*Tii and

.rc ta ry .if Hu* 1o<h! ly « rd wfih r**fer- , II.' (o (In- rtma11|it>x < aae .m K^'yiioUlfi ii\. Milt- lit- ttiiv|>«n.i u g«'nerul vac<-lnulii>ri ./ a ll nil'll, women and chilJrrn, whlth, li. s.itd. w.iH ih f' 1h*si pt*i*«4lbh* way io pn ,= 11 1 tl;» ..»pread o f Hu* rtls"***!.'**'. Nt> new, Im-*-u rvpori*Hi In either H «rr l-

vr Euhi N'-wark A ll the pndeiita f*.iin Eji.* ( Se-wark wltM arc In th*- ij'Ui hospli.;! at Snake IfiU .are r**i)un*'?l In dMing w U .

Th- K tarnv IToard o f Health aqUio(n*iM (41-day signed by H arvey t:. Ihcrce. pr»-"*ldvn(. Dr George F. Light* f.iiji, hnalib uffiver. and W. W . Keyler, i>ecr» tor> . denying that Ur. John W . Reid httd the Mnallpox, nr that a ease o f ih « dl-'4oa!»e existed in the towh. •

B A a L E Y - Q A S a iU U - iT h e marrtag* "o f U ab»l ^ M r s a a i * * ; t

daughter o f Mr. and Mrw- t^harlea L . Qaa^ | kill, o f 2 FlUmtH’a street, and A lfrad N . >

uf Rahway, took place Wednes­day night at 4S Fulton street, (he realdehcre o f the R ev, C. H. Dodd, j»a to r o f Peddle i le m o n a l m u rcb , who performed Uia

The Prescrip tion

D ruggist,B ra d n e r ,BloomlieldandSuiDiDerives.Kloonifleld or Furr>s( H ill Cars pass (ha

corner. Ask fo r transfer.

FRECKLE AND MOTH CREAM^^'a^'a(ill'd tu cure. Prica but, tier jar.

SULTANAFnr liiitlntf Ihe I1p« and

tht-ek*. Price ft® <«ata,

P a r ia n L o t io n" '.J Kornhilw iinu ti»e «kiB,

Bru-f 8wltl I.I thp B.i^HlTe, Mahn*^Baiiiliut«r'> Mid KurilerV

• f . « D A M i B . W C S T E R V fL T ,W ASH IN U TW ^ d t b k b t .


W e i k M e s C m i 'Dr. Mi'Usuthlbti's Bki6> trk- Beit cars* spsas* debllUated naa sad ra* etores perfect sireaifth and vttalhy. No b m -

• ‘ . Ml-

l^naitine oao.

(* '• 1 irm or W l«i»fin* m to *U old •tyto Btitm. .to-envnany. TB* w4in«»»« U) tbe Durrik(« ' snuMimi M. l»nwdUi»lr,^ (xd tjjto ihM «< n ArUi»r E. of Rohny. > 1 ■■bcatbar of tiM groom, and Ittm Catharina i

' i L PwiAt ki l U cAKg.



LFINANCIAL AND Stuperitdious E fforts AT M ’Curdy’s

s t n m i f i kNEW YORK.

aoiftll Distribottd Ba;ii{ Or- ien al (he Opeafag a«d Some Nflte*

worth; Adraaces in Prices.

Lo u U vH li- . trn lo ii I ’sc iD i: and A m a lKam BK-d C o pp er. T in - Inat m frt llo n rd n i 'a (n 1271.., .om p*rr>*ltti"ia!% . Ihejow vi nt noon. I ’ n lon "l l i r p re le rrM w fir tn e d 7>» and ,h e i . , m i , fo u r P IT i T i i l . b o n il , im p ro v id to I'll T h , rtentmn! fo r t h , Injifl p rnm lne ift a lm 'li i i-npi1n i i ,d n r * ( ,n i I'lio iiith to i 'lt ,ir T .J .SEP " KB liiB . I - a h , K r t i ‘ a m i VVentern rixu red fu r «>,. nm l C i in iu la R o iith iT ii li> 'i. N o *' M nvPil Ra ined 2, C n m m ir i la i I 'a h le i ' . i and [>,!. .M o ln i* and F o r t D oiI r , 2" i . T h e Hea- bonrd anft ctm l l a r r l r r a rose i iB ii ln to m p

S) . a . . .

' K ^ v ' .: : f ILL BUU n STEEL PLANT

Arc always made to INSOJRE (heir PATRONS ENTIRE SATISFACTION decided suc&ff^ i^jfivjp lo the buyer the greatest inducement ever offered by any concern

Our new discount system is proving a No matter where

y o u s h o p , y o n w s l ,

‘ 8.08;.‘7da(yr find the best vs!-*


Bnmor Begarding Erection of an Immense Factory at Betiiigsport, CeNfimf by Congressnaa Udeaslager.

N E W l O K k , A p r il U .—T h e re w ere v e ry l» r * e b n j'lt iii o rd e r , w e ll d ln trlbu ted th ru u * h o u i the Hat o f ra ilm a d und tndna- I r iA l a lo c t . , a t the opening at the e to rk e *e h a n » e th is m orn ing T h e orders ran fro m l.ikki to tO-W sh a re s in the l.'n lie d S ta te s S tee l s to rk s . So u th ern R a ilw a y t lo c k r . I 'n lo n I ’ a c l t l i , H n rlln g to n iind K o n a n , and T e x a s In r i i lm i P a r lf l r Ihore w e re t iittn ln g sa le s of Ifl.tioii sha res at .'7 and 97'4 . i-am pared w ith tS' 'n^t i i lR h i . la ,( l» a h a re s of S t . FBHlr'’» t ir.7 to l,'.S. rom - p a r r i l w ith l!k> la s t n ig h t, and lO.'S'i sh a re s o f B u r ltn g to n at 1S.i to 19.)i w ith IM *, l i s t n ig h t. T h e re a lso o f a i^ohit o r m ore In Miss re o n a y lv n n la .and r ’ ropli ‘Y o r k A lt B ra k e Jum ped 2' ,

T h e ran g e of to -d ay 's p rlcea (o r th e m '" " | S e tive Stoeka and Uondi of the J ie ,« k m a rk e ts , a s fu ro lth cd fo r the .M -,W h i .y i post * F la g g , la g iv e n b e low ;

v ll i i. i i-1 l lg n -1 oW -t-li ?'111*


t k :

t i'inipiirf*»3 gftlnA

-itifl P itrifli- . t},,y NpW

Aniitlflrtm rtlt'tlC o p iif r , ojH‘n l!iK up

n A M .- T h f innvem^r.tfty th ? ronm p ro ftss l-^ iaN . w li li ’ li In v a r iJ i ’ h\y. fo llo w K A h ip li >(u*nli.K, w h» ‘denee . and the Fae ltlee , ( ’.ra n g e rs , ,Meiro- p n H ttn H tree l R n l lw a .i, W este rn t idon n n j r rn n s y iv n n it t reae led , som e of Ih rm a p o in t . M ean w h ile le s . im p o rtan t s lo eksw e re r is in g V lg n ro u 'ih . »ttd 'h e ir m a in ­ta in e d s tre n g th .-aused the .henp er prop m le p to rd l lv 11P t . P a u l (Tofljvlna IW

export Ofiiy oil roHl i>rnvit\t‘«i fith » B r lt ln h I ' lifU e t lntluc<'‘ l


h^uvy p\ir- I MiPAMirl

A m . Got IH | f ‘o.AmA m H uff.tr............A m T o h s i i ' r ' i . ,.Am G .ir A r . f 'Am A' * F . To.,A m ttl. * 'ip tK T ...............Aniii-oii'J.j <' -M. '-’o..Ai--h • ................A t r l ' p r ...........................IS iiU in io rr' St D h lr j . . Itn .o k iy n ftupicl T . .K i i r * f4 u ln c y ............I & Ohio• ‘ h lc i j f ' i Grt*ot W ..

A- A lK U I . . . .r h ) A A lto n , p r ..........

IV . r A H(. T ,,.- ..ro i. F & 1. Co.......Cul.. a V & T ......t 'o f,, I I W &■ T . , p r .C iin n o lltifilm l ( i t i s . , . ,f 'nn ilii^ ’n lfs l TobttC-.-l>r>j a- iMUiHon.........0 *nv«'r A- U . <j ............D ffivi^ r &■ G .. p r , .hirji- ......................IC ilr 1st. pr ...............

K k 'c - ir lr . . . K .in * ii^ A- 'r«-XMM,--- K iin f .t * A- TVxa^ . l>r. Istilll-* S: N '.tfb ..............M illlh .'tU iii. -M fi kV-

P n M 'in r .chgaea o f the b itu m in o u s coal road s to rk s to u c h in g th e aen h i.a id . T h , " (-n m m un lty o f In fe re s t . '* In d lcn led h y the d lr ,e to rs e l « t « l to 111, r n l l , d H la te s R « p r ,s s C o m p a n y b o ird . r a u s , . l t b t EJirr^ fu* jt ln rk A anrl 1 n lt f t l WlatcHa rtv an e rd It* . W e lls -F a rg o 3 and A m 'r le n nt po in ta A l l the Ju n io r V an rte rh ll s to rk s w e re a lro n g , (.'nnada So u th e rn lead ing . W ith a g a in of S,

B o u ih w e a tc rn s lo c k s rose v io le n tly on re ite ra t io n o f r ,e e n t ru m o rs o f a rnmt>l- n a tio n , and K a n s a s and T e a a i com m on ro se to * i» i T h e p re fe rred Im proved 14 a n d M lsao u rl F a e lf lc ove r 2 pointa, A m a ■ g a ll ia te d Copper ra llie d to 12(Y j and A tc h b son w a s v e ry b uo yan t, se llin g up to w ith ­in a shad e o f 71,

.N o o n -S p e r iila t ln n broadened out g ren i- ly and tra n sn rt lo n s w e re on a reenrd aca te . B lo c k s o f Ih n u sn iid s o f sh a re s o f th e m ost p rom inent s to c k s changed h a n d s , b ut th e ir m n vem en la w e re not nn l- fo am . re s l l iU tg h av in g e ffect In H I. I ’ a i il , A tc h iso n sn d otherth e ab aorp tloh o f Itn 'o n P a c ll lc ,P aeU lc an d R o c k Is la n d c a rr ie d them

'' 'M a n y o f the u a n a lly neg lected stoi ks m ade s u b stn n tla l g a in s . In c lu d in g F o rt W o rth an d D e n v e r C i t y . E v a n s v i l le and T c i r e H a u te . L a k e E r ie and W este rn , S P a u l p re fe rre d . C le v e la n d , C ijic h in a t l . C h fcag o and B l . L o u is p re fe rre d . J 's c in c C o g it com m on and second p re fe rred and N o rth A m e ric a n , a l l o f w h ich w ere from m - to * vio ln t* h lffh e r. Cah itflft So u th ern fO M 9 potntb in a l l lo 77 nn rum ont o f fi»* v o n b le fo m ln ff deve lopm enlP In th^ prop* i»rty Th^re not rmieh lnipr«^t dl*- p la y e d In th e S tee l s lo c k s o r In d u s t r ia l e h a re a , b u t th ey a ll showed considerab le f l r n n e s E . H e a v y eales o f A m a lg am ated C o » p « r w * re nenr m IddHy. andt h f f lra t n o iiceab lP p b u «c In ih^ RPheral upwm rrj ru sh o f p rlco s fu llow ed . Bonds w « re Q uiel and I r r o f U lB r

I P . M .—A rlfte In Ppople ’i* U iim of led a r a l ly . 9 m fU ln « ro-*e 2* and H A te d CopT»*r ro ie above 125. N vw

M*’ x lrftn * ’ f i i . H K . N iit li in n ! n if t ru l l. . .- . N lll l .r u i l r n ..............N . V A ir Dnikf^-----N V ..............N o rfo lk & W e s t . , . N o rlh fi'n llKt'lfle- — N t-rth rrn f^arlUr. pr D o fa rln A W oHtPrn, l ’f n i i5s k an lji ............

M a ll ......... ..iVop li* ’M IritX ................R fa illt iB ............................[{ead lriff. I hi p r ............H ock Is la n d ..............HI. I » u I h H. W ............HI laotilf* H. W .. p r . .HI I^Hul ......... ....................a t iijlh c rr i p H c lf ic . . . . Hotithcrn R a i lw a y . . H n iilh crn f t y . . p r . . . , T fn n . r * I r o n . . Toxnft A* P a c i f lo . . . . T 'p loti P a c if ic R . R-, Pnlcm P H c lf lf . ^ T . . ,[ ' f*. Igi'nilirr...tv fl. TAdtrhcr. p t . . .t*. fl. R u b b e r ............W a liflsh . I T . ...................W es le rt i I . T e l ............W h A L . K .....................W b . & 1. E , 2d p r . W U co iiflln t ' e p t r a l . . ‘Whron.'^ln T .'en l., pr



fiT^m %13SV4178%i v ianinm15 4mioa%f»34\353T76%39

i ’ A M lf E N . A p r i l ]9. ’-HHpr»-'*<-niHUve ' l .fo id fr is lr if fe r y e s lo r iJ a y oocirtrm f*l ih " f ' -

hi(«r th at an Iram crvsr s le d fo rs ln n p tm l ; v«.:ta lo h r YutHt Ml l i l l l i i i f f s p o n , N .1 • ult th»‘ In 'lH W jirt; H Iv e r . A (rd i 'l u f : 0' i a i r r r t |

I iiKM ljf’ 1‘11 o li if llm tl fo r fh c ' f p i , ih*' In i'u - il ' i ' i fith iH lo p rijv ld p fo r i* nf*w town in i f i i i t i ic l io n w t ih ih tf p i' in t . Th i- work-* i- .f n* be ,'bmoiig ih e larfCHNi j ii lb*' r n l i ' ‘ 'l

I lie coal o f co M s irn c tlo n fiin n lriK nji into Iho in llb unH . i«.>motifi llm p ro jc c tc jis ore i i ■' T'rii k ih 'i A W. M ellon , n f P it T s b .ir f f i l l i- i ir y fJ . .M'li--*-. I 'r c a ld f i it o f the N*vi, Y o rk Hhl['- iijilb llr iff < 'o m ]jany : Jo h n p t jt tc r h M'1 ,

, o i l i .T men w ith u n lim lte t l «-anltHi if Tb«-lr. .iiin n .n id

H '-p iyn-'iif.-itlvc Uou(lr-iia ltiK+r Ini.t life iiInrw i’lv in f l l r i im r n t n r In e ffPcH ng ih*' fi-tile'ltMie ill a l t , ai» h la r«;;*liiem-i' is u iUK i’iH ili nc'«;c;lvd fo r i-lif p i'int- Tfit-

, ii.-ffn il-iilo iiK fo r ih " p u rrh u s c o f t l f Int'd , , have nm tpr w a y fo r a !oi>* tim e. «*nd [ iiuon tw o til rhre-e o p caK lo iis If w ns feared I w tn k l com p to n a u g h t ,i I t r a l f i v a i a g K o b lla n t .I ib-ii.U 'jU B Of P a iJlB b o ro MiHl \tfi v lr in l iy

.ii* ‘ in b lh tn l ove r tho p ro s p p 'l " f the b ig ' I cmI h Mish m e n t. Jo h n A . Pt»nt*r, fo rm e r ly

'‘ l ip iT h iio m lrn t o f i h f H o m e jiica d H tcd \NKrks, Is i lr t iw l in f th e p la n a , w h irh pro- \lil»e fo r Ji t-.l"/0.00P p la n t . T I i I h. 11 la as- st'C icil. Ik o n ly Ih r n u c le u B n f the p ro je t't.

I I . I ■ I ' r lc k 'a In tc re sLp a re b e llevctl to be tin- lu iffi-n l In th€ c o n ce rn Th i- p lu a t. It 1m ar.Mprtid, w il l be cap a td e o f p rod ncln ff lb " |iiiR .f« t and h e a v le B t a tee l castlnKM and fo rffltiffs m ade fo r I r a n a 'i iU in ih ; steam -

I uhlp.'i. M r. P o tte r w i l l p ro b ih ly b*? m ade , R p iie riil m auHffer o f the work.-*. T h e fines! i inlior-M tivltiK m a c h h u fry w il l hp In stia lled ,' bui ev^n w iih th la a t le a s t l.ortu n ie ii w ill i liH iib ilo ss hr* em p lo ye d , am ] the nnn ihor I m ay be tin la rg e a s 2,00<1.

M aliojiany f in i s h ^ ChifTfJtt-

1 n k r e . ] )U lo g in ss , !zi*x T4 luc'hcrf.'^ h a s fiv e n K H iiy < |rAW frs. is A4 in c h e s w id e , a n il a l l in a l l a b ig v a lu e a l Ih e a b o v e p r ic e .

A /:40 lbs. I’ . 8 . -A. Hair Matlrcta, t l> .y 8 411 lbs. ( 1. M. Hair MaUress. . I A .O K 4i>U*. I, C., Hair Maltiesh . fJ .O O . ,y. Sea Isianrl CoUon

.M.sliress..................... - ,40 llis. t Cotton Mattress .CT.ll.iii .ami Hukc Mattress .Cotton nml Excelkior Mattress . riain Mattresses . . . .

7 . 0 «5 . 0 0 ; j , 7 5 2 .4 M1 . 0 0

/ f f r t


\V v m a k e a l l o u r M a ttre s se sgiiariiiU'C 1‘nn tert s. ^

■ SO lU 'v OF T H E M A K E R . luM.itV-d.

\ bciUiiif'il y,p!eie Iioiden tijiL. Mill, ilresiter Ittis F'nnn'liAt 32.75 «iaV x it if l ie s . ih e

hfrit in full drgsfier-llic

Like Cut— 3.98.Mils bi'itiis tail. I rnsM knobs. IfTfias spindle,

f x le m iu 'l foot, a ^11.011 va lco .

U u y s the licslquarU Tcl ( ja k r a r 1 f) r T a b le to he seen a 11 y - w h e re a t ih ep r ic e ; it is rul»- rK.’(l f in is iie '! ,iftp is 24x24111. C O ' T S .

Mattings and Oil Cloths. 7.75 For a roll (if do yards Japan­

ese Malltm', repiilar 5tu <J0- Only h rolls left of this kind.

I'nr 40c. ^rade of Oil Cloth, .ill new patterns

.and every one a tlmrouKllly scpsoned piece of Roods.i F o r ( j- fo o t w id eO i)C S (|y fl i.i.VOLKUM,

i-* f t Buys one similar to eiil. The I fC jC "arm weatjier will be here

shortly — provdde yourself w ith .V col. You will find it mere than


Our ]iricc for a .snlid oak. f;nlden finisheit Rocker, cobbler scat and verv dur-ablc, the head piece is very nicely carved.

See it.

2.23 Axminster Carpets.S o m e v e ry p re t ty a p -to -d a le d e s i j jn s

-gf nice selection—made, laiil. | | Q!int<l ,

Art Squares.

Eeaovatint; in l i ’iie jireveniM iptnilde i i i t i ro n , ( In ly A v . II j.

29c yd

New line—stric tlf all-wool kind. H x 4 y a r d s , 8 .,5 0 .

j T i r t l s , 7 . 5 0 . H x U ' . j y u n l s , 5 , ‘J 5 .

Alt Wool Ingrains.\Vc will make, lay and line any of

onr ,\U Wool Itij;rain.s,

special at 72k yard.g A/L'V J « L I ^


itik ; 'The N ew V*ork S h ip h u lld lu g fV im p a n y , ! of whivh Henrv Q. Morse l.s inresldeip, ' A . W . .M fllon a d ir e c to r anrl M r K rb k one

]ij^ tif iho largoMt h to c k h n id e rs . w i l l p rohnhiy j , ; i J la k e H iRrffM p a rt o f th e o u ip u t o f ih'' new

! plrtni.



O rder !« Nlitrwv 4’nn se W h y <»nN liiiu ld \ n t lw»r


B B r r n i T l E * « . IW E H T M E ^ S T S , E T I ' . S E ( t n l T l E * » , i n v e s t m e n t s , B T C ,

f ts . S . B A T T IN .pTCsident.

JOSEPH w . PLUME,Vice-Pres. and CKh er.

W I L L I A M J . G A R D N E R ,A js I . Cft$hier^


T h e P r ic e d « f B o n d i .O p tn - iii ig li- L 'tw -C lo s

A . 1ilsiU.aMo..N or.N o r

inff,A S. K . 4k . . . Jf»2U

« O h io 4k . . . . iitt% K A T , :Mk . , 82% P ttf lf lif adM ... 72% I’H rllli- 4k , . . . . U>6%

Heridloff 4k r>iiou y'ftcllle 4k W'AhtiKh tleh...



MelroFolilan, Manballan and Brooklyn ' Bapid Transit Arrange for Com- ' niinity of Interest



T Ik C P l i t lM d e lp b la . HtocEi: IH a r k e C .p r . *rii on inn I ’hLfli.JoJpbfu h jO vk

nxchunide. aib U buuu-d u> L iv k ilrrix

u ra te r re d 7- B t. T a u l m o v n l up to 160. i w h ic h U 4 p o ln H ove r lust n lg lu , u n .l ,

o l th * B o u t h w « l , r n » ro te h ig h e r i h J t i h e lo re . P r ic e s I t n e r a l l v diU not re-

• c o v e r tu the top sn u sp e cu lu ilu n w as sem e, w h a t q u it te r .

' t P , M —W h ile th e g en era l run of s lh r h ,v a r ie d but sU g h t ly d u rin g the a fte rn oo n and w ere In fluenced In rp o ts by Is rg re g u g a llo n s , Ih o m a rk e t he ld up w e ll on - l im to e xc e p tio n a l s ir c n g lh roH iilfesiM l by

dt C o ,; iM cl.A akcrj.Am»»r. A lk ivH .............. ................ 1' . . ‘i jC o n . T n io t ln n ............................ ................ HH •' >;? i<*on T ra c t io n fis ....................... ................ ,cMmclBW ......................................... ................. 5T»*:4C h o c ta w . | i r ................................. ................. M y iU lec . On. o f -Vnurrlca.......... ................. t“ iM a rsd sn ..................... .................... . . . . . . . . K,>lBt. A sp h aU ........................... ................ K.Nttl. A s i» h sH . I'l*..................... ................ 15 nTy*

4K4Nate A s p h ft ll .................................. .. 4Hi N r w f lfk L»Hfl 5k ......................... ................... HKi',4. NHW urk HflKS. H y . h* ............................ llf iu .1 , 'h i la . K I s4‘ ................. .............. t ik a;»

"hub. 4.0 ........................................ w 4»hv■ridpwftl^r S I pel.......................................... 1* '.11

't ilon T n u l in n ....................... ................... .tl 31I4U htied L ia s i m p . . . .............. ................... 124 125.5 4i r w [ r k ....................... ................... 7 I k

In n . t'u . o f N . A . . . . , .......... ................... s i ik 2:1

WEATHER CONDITIONS THE LOCAL MABKE1.W A 8 H IN G T 0 N . A p r il I f l .- W e a lh i 'r

c o n d it io n s and «»‘n e ra l fo re ct iK i: IT h e fltm lh e rn B lotm h a * rauved e as iw rtrd \

lo a c o rp la wlU» s^im-'whal li»pr<*nKed In- ; t c i ja l t y . «m 1 the re in tireu no?, e ato iK l* tki > Ih c A t la n O r c o m bi; «»v€T the lr»w rr la ke reg ion m in h«a chan ffc il to «.now. In the |o # e r O h io V a l le y and U > k i O tilf B ia le a r a in h a s been fn tlow ett hy c le n rln g wpoth- e r . I t t» tlecldGdly co ld e r from tiu* M M iUk ■ nd E a M O u lf H ia te s n o rU iw a rd ih ru riffh th e lo w e r la k e roglon and hglU froKi •. • cu rr^ d ove r pon^ona o f ib c W est Attiff B ta tc e and the M idd le 51]kk I kkI p i >I Vatle>'. In th e W est the te ro p e ra tu r i’e have rlKcn b u t a re K ll l l below ih c pieiisoniti H vrraffc

T H ere w il l be rR in tOsitlRht In Hit- .\ t1iin t i c S ta te s , upper fih to V n l l iy a iid m in ftn.l »no l» o v e r the r ; eater pornotA o f ihE* lM «vr la k e reg io n .co n tlm ilr iR H H hird ay cxce iii In th e S o L ih A l la n t lr flinleH- It w il l be much c o ld e r in the South A l ln n t lc Htnie'i w irli f ro s t S a tu rd a y m o rn ln K In \\'t’nUMn O e o rt la . A la b rm a . N o rth e rn n?ifl Ka^r rn M lM lae lp p l. Tem ieKKPe tinvl K rn im k v l i w i l l he w a rm e r S a tu rd a y tn H i- i L i l ' S ia te a and lo w e r nh!«v \ hU»n

O n the N ew K n fflan d rm*l .VI-l i r f t t c roaatK w in d s w-lll cnut'.nu*' i'.t?ir>rl>', Incsreft.'B'nff Hi fo rce On thr- Sm iifi A tlitu . t ic c o iB l th ey w il l be h igh « o i i ib i .T if i- r l j . » ih irt in ii lo w c K le r b . mi rh " O n lf l oaKV th e y w i l l he nortbW f-Hirri.v. b rliik to iila'n o v e r the K b k i

S to rm w a rn lh aK ar^ diKpInv• "I nn ih<* g u lf ro a st from tL'ednr K- v . to K r \ W eal and on the AtlnnTb fr . r.i M lnmJ toK ftB tro rt

T h e fo llo w ln a henvy p m ip ltm .o n (In tm h fK F waK reported liiirm *' tbe pfint 4w e n t )- fo u r hour^. Tam pH . 1 Parker^ - Ymrg. 1 14, A t la n ta . ) M o h llr , l.nn. M o ntg o m ery , 3,t )L t 'h a lia n 'x v s a . p a h a . ( i l l . 2 lft. HaJnbrSdffA'. U a .Q u ittm u n . f lu . . T b o T r iK V Ille . «l:v.R o m e . fSa . 1-74, A le x H iid r la . L a . G o o d w a re r A la .. 1. 4 . r m n n Sp ring e .2 49 F o r t DepopU A la ., J-W.

MoHt o f the ira d ln ff on th e ini-a) m a ik a i to -d ay wdK in the W h ite L in e s e tr iii il le K . T h e rjeneixiil lon»* w jih f t m nn tl p rice s Khow but ilt t !e i-hange.

'1‘o - t ln y 'a 4 n o1n t ln K ia ,

N e^ Y iir li a n d l l n c k o n a a r k \ # r|M > ratl< »n .

in«i»ineli to itreT R lO N 'JtrN . A p r i l Ih .—V fce-C h an ce lb « r

E m e ry Iv ik ffra n le d hu o n ie r to aho w ruuK-- w h y (I r< '-I'lve r sho tilil not be uppolnrinl fo r the N V iv iirk tim l Ilficke ilK A O k T m c l lu i i Lom pJinN . TJfo order w ija g ra n lrd l<< rh o rlK H M Kas<‘. o f N ew :»rk . a n d J- .^ck- e rm jjn fid '-n , o f H ac lA n iK iick . ih ro u g U M *1- eey M U iim -M . In the b ill . D a n ie l \V. CtMUL .h 'bn l [ . (Nvtui. i ! W IIU h P c m t s .- K rn n k M. r i i T c e and W HUam C . G'omprlPliiK II T 'u irffH iiiaa tlnn v o m m lltc '- 'd the tille ffe,! In so Jven t ro m p iin y . u rv i i Iko ifK irn lrte d from v o n ir a n ln f f a n y fu rth e r deblrt In the oo m pan y’ K beh.Y lf. T h e order Ik n iiid f r<*lufnable tttk M ofidny . A p r i l 2Ji. tH Je rn e y ( 'h y .

It iK Kct f ' lr lh h i the b il l th at Ih e B o an l o f L ire c tn rK , vo iiK iK iIn ff fiT W il l ia m CJ, S trt'p t, o f New Y o rk ; W ill ia m (V M cCor-

M a n h a t ia ii | m lv k . o f r l i lc a K o ; W llM nm C . G llew . of g’.tg.r. hjin**- H ro o k ly n : C h a r lr a D. T h o m p so n , o f M onl-

d n l r . and D u d ley P he lp a , o f N e w Y o rk . R ave no perKonal a t le u t lo n 10 the op»Tu- U n ii of the cnm pn ns'K hPKlneKH. Th»' re- o rffan lsm lo n i.fnimm(tlce. It . Is . o ilc ficd , UKtiri»c(l a l l Ihi* fu n c tlo jiK o f the Bonrtl of IM reclT ira and co n d tn ie d the bvisIneKK In u fn iu d n le n t m itnner.

T h e .reoTKikiilBTrilon co m m lU e c . the b ill aetfl fo rth . Hpeni ove r 813ii.tYo i lle g a l ly , to the dam affp o f ih e .o o m p la ln an iB etiu 'khn ld erK . T h e ro m m ltte o Is snld lo , have H c ic il w h h o ih d lKo retlon n iid Jiidg-

■ om m iiiilly o f liUere.'*! I» deve l- j m rn ! . tiiid In l l * K n iu ia l repo rt IrtKl j “ • ■ - ■ ■ m m u h m ade m isH tatem en iK conc^mlTU! j

the dnaru l ii l and p hysle ftl con d ition o f | Ih i* com ivnny. ih e re h y d e c e U ln g the pub- I lie In g en era l nnd ih e KtockhciUlerB In prtr- i ih -u la r.

I t Ik i hiti'ffed th iit no c a ]d tn l Klot k Uuk a e iu f ll ly been Ikhui d «tr paid in , o r th a t I f U had i l WHK m uch lr?« th an the (*■', the n iilh n riB e il a m iu in l. It I h alBo c la im ed th a i Ih e fTnn fh lK es p u rp o r lh ig to h ave hwtn aerured hy the re o rg a n lsa llo n co m m lu e e a re w iRnhicKK. ^

T h e co m m ltie i* . it is f ln lm e d . In tird er )b ia ln fundK , bus b orrow ed the fo l-

a m o u n ts : ( l it a ro n iy T h ik i f ’om-

N K W Y O R K . A p r i l 19.—B ro t jk ly n H ap b l T m n a li . M c iro p o llia n and h a v e m ille d In a p lnn fo r r h im e rc h a n g e

. o f hUKlneK-B o v e r the new E a a t R iv e r hrldge, T h e p lan , hk ngreert upon . Is fo r the cjoHeBt Kork o f c o n n a c tio n . in w h lfh

. pHHKengtTK from R ro o k ly n m a y lak^ w U h- I om del«>' s u r fa c e or e le va te d t r t i ln i , w h ile i puKHenKerH fro m M n n h a iL in t r a in s or

M e lro p o llia n c o r* w il l find It e asy In _ change lo ih e r a n fo r K ro o k ly n . A new ' B ire e i Is lo be c u t th ro u g h th e N ew Y o rk

elde to g ive nrcpKs to th e b rid g e , nnd th is j w i l l lie ttft.nl hy the H urface oura.

A i-loKe comiT

ThOMc lo B e Ia a a e « l f o r t h e S l o c k W B e a r F o u r P e r C e n t , I n *

t e r c a t ^ P a r B i d .B O S T O N . A p r i l 19, —M e s s rs . C h a r le s

Stee le und R o b e rt B a to n , o f J . P , M organ & O o.. w e re h e re y e s le rd a y . c o n fe r r in g w ith the d ire c to rs o f the ( 'h ic a g o . B u r llt tK ' inn arifi Q u in c y R a ilro a d ab o u t th e te rm s tif ih c p u rc h a se o f the road In th e In te r­est o f the N o rth e rn Paclfliir a n d (Ire rtt N o rth e rn . T h e n e w honda to he issu e d In exchnn ge fOr B u rlln g tjo n s to c k w i l l hear frntr per cen t In ste a d o f th re e and one- h a lf . iMid $200 In bonds w il l he o ffe red for each SUtO In a to ck .

A n u n d e rw r it in g H yndtca le Is being fo rm ed to la k e a t p a r . I ckk th e usuaJ j b anker'B cn m m ls» lo n . a n y o f th e UondH th a ! K lo o kh o ld e rs o f Ih e road m a y not see nt ir> ac c e p t In e xch a n g e fo r th e ir ho ld ing s. I

r n d e r th e iirenen t p lan Ih e p a ym e n t [ ffU iiran lced to the R u r l in g io n s to c k h o ld e rs w il l g ive th em | 8.7ZtVUOO a y e a r , hlh a g a in s t lit.jTn.OiiO, in ca se th ree Hud o n e -h a lf p er te n t , bonds w e re lasued at 23.5. A b an k e r sa id y e s te rd a y tb a l the Issue o f fo u r per cem . liiK ieadi n f th ree an^i o n e -h a lf per' ra n t , hiMlda W OilU P lfhp H fy the p la c in g n f the IsR iie nm ong in v e K lo rs .

A G llnp iilrh from BOfiLon la s t n ig h t s a y s Mini. P re s id e n t P e rk in s nn n o u n resv ’th a t it w as p m c r ic a U y s e llle d y e s te rd a y a f t e r ­noon th at II fo rm a l o ffe r n f the n a tu re tie-

and i Kcrlhed Bbove w il l he m nde w ith in a w eek or tw o . H e Kaid i h a l J . P . M org an & <*o.. In b e h a lf o f a a y m llc a te . w i l l o ffe r to buy I 5I!.t)iki.in)o u f th e bonds a t p a r .


NEWARK. N. J.A t a iT ce n i m ro tln g o f the B o a rd o f D ire c to rs of th is b ank U w as u n a n im o u s ly

•decided to a llo w in te rea t a t 2 p er cen t, itw o p e r c e n t .; upon b a la n ce s o f I j OD a n d o v e r ,HUblaci lo che^'k In te re s t to be c re d ite d m o n lh ly .

T h is ac tio n was In fluen ced by the g ro w liit i dem and fo r im p re st on d e p o s its , and h v the ran ld grow th o f deposlta In a l l l iU i re st-p a y in g InaM tutlnnw.

^ In m ak in g th is offer w e d e s ire t.o c a ll a t ie n lio n lo .th e fo llo w in g Uem .s o f s e c u r it yfor.dvr,..l*»: ............... .......................

T J o b l l l iy o f S h firn h o M e rs .......................... 2-A.nnoHurplUK ......................................... ................................. 100,00')U n d iv id e d ' p ro fits and b u n k in g - _ '

houKe ....................................... .................................... IIS.OOOMaking ft total of.....iTlj.(Kip erm anent s c c u r liy , over and ab ove u l! iisselH ob ta ined by the In v e s tm e n t o f th e de- poaila Ihcm H elves. . . '

In ad d itio n to tlie ab ove , Mi I r bunk Is re q u ire d by la w to A L T \ A \ S keep a re se rv s fu nd of 15 per cent, (f iftee n p er c e n t .) o f I t s d ep o s its , an d has a l im ita t io n fix e d by la w upon the am ount fif i t s lo an s .

Ba«cd upon the above, wt* w ou ld be p leased in r-.-celve n c ro u m s , p ro m is in g on ou r p a rt the m ost lib e ra l ire a tm o n t w*h1ch sa fe b a n k lr .f f w i l l p erm it.

National Newark1

^Banking Company CERTAINLY NOT

oping h e iw veu H ro ttk lyn U iip U l T ra n K lL M e lro |io !ltn n and M u n h a iin n , hk w jhp o ln icd utit In Ih e NK% V8 sd m e .t lm e tigo, hu : (hose w h o » re . tmoNi fn m ih Q r w ith KM nalinti nay Mth i ih e p la n s do not IncTude an iicU m l co m b in a tio n o f the th ree com- piinleK. T h a i ih c M a u b a t lr tn m ny beleased to Ihe M e tru p n llta n Is ponslble . hut Ui*»rc Is no iTlaii a t v>reKent con tem p lated utulnr w h ich IT ro n k ly ii R a p id T r a n s l lw ouhl he a c tu a l ly I'om blned w llh theM etrapo lU an llncH.

T h e lo n lro l o f l l ie th re e co m p an ies Iscom ing m ore and m ore In to ih e hand s o f ....................

' Ih e sam e m en. hut th ere a re m a n y re a so n s I jow-lrig

759 Broad Street,C or. B a n k S t .


j 'Swplns. . . . lUndiYlded Profits.

. t n a r r h l a f a T h e r e I l i^ n y K o o n - le i l f f e o f fto n ia la rifD k t. W h o , * T s v a s g o ld .

W un t<» K i l l (■ e rm h ii E j in p e r o r .

$ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0


3 8 5 ,0 0 0

FiirnlKheu by sircet. Newark

J . a . H lpp e i.

UonKOllitfl led T n c tS o n C u .. t 'onso ild rtled T ra c t io n i'o .N 'e llillt ilil .....................................................K s 8e* 6( H u ilso n O a s (.‘o .e . , .li'V.sey F lt y . H<»boken A I 'a i .(ejse> t ’ l i y . H oboken & P a t .V e tvark ihuiKoJldateGl Gft» X f'W iirk I'o n sn lid ftled G a s 6s .V»-w.Trk PaHKenger R a ilw a y.N e w ark G iik ' ‘o rts......................\ n r t l i Je rs iv c a tre c t R a ilw a y N o rth Je rs '- - S tre e t R a ltw n .s t ir a n g e A f ’.isK a lc V a l le y . M r.ing e A P h khU* V n l l f y 5kU n liP iJ E le r i r l r C o . . . , , ..............U n lle c i F b ’ i ir ii- I 'o . 4s .................

74b B ro a d U Id .A s k e .LIViIfKF 101

>'4 S4I..,57 58

lOf. lOHlls*t 11141tl 22'sM -J K>.’,7 I'VlIR l'i:.

I 4H 4 I \ % \D P B O V ia io N a .

.^ia- I HJ; 1 'L: 1 .U

. \1a .

S T lL t. PRED IC T RAIN.T h e ra in w h ich w as p red lc ied fot la^i

la g lU and lo-dftv by the lo«ul w e n ih tr b u re au Is l ik e ly to c<mne. th e pfuphct«i Kft . :*.>-lTight an il l«i-mnrruW' 5'e K te r 'liiy w.t-. tn lrt fo r an A p r il d ay . T h e a\.> rng f iem- p e fo tn re w a s 41 degreeh and the IdghcM t>olm reaA'hed w as 43 d'^grec-;. T h e low est te m p e ra tu re w a s !h* d^-grees T h e whu! w aa eae i an il It s m sx ln v m i vehn-lts w ss t h ir t y m llen an ho ur. T h e re whh no r iib i. b ut th e s k ie s were t lire u ie n liu t a l l da>'. T h e h u m ld iiy w a s u lu p iy - iw o per a'-'hI . T h e w e a th e r eoRidltlons to-day Rre Ajulie a im lla r to i Iaosc o f ye '* (e rt ia ) . w b h the e x ­cep tio n th a t the w ind hn-l riilfYed l'> the ao u tlie fts i su u was. h lnw ln g a n ly llfiH «n Tnllee an h « u r T h » i iu n ililU y w as nb ipty- tw o p er re n t and the u u np eru tu re a i 3 o ’c lo -k iM s m o rn ln * w as 35 drar**e^ A i 7 o’c lo ck It * s s 4f dcgrct-H tim l l i bad gone up to 43 drgree.s hI i:on«!. 5 je e r jg o i<*d a y ih e re w ere w s n n x p r il show ers. avetag< icmperai'.Jre was W dA*treef h lfh ee t iem!*eratur»' we? 7l d*g^ers Ih e InTcesl w as 5 d egrre? .

K e « *e l|k ta n u tl 4te io 4a t lo i» a H e c o e d e rt n t i h r N ew ) o r k E x c h n n < « e .

N E W Y 'H IK . .\ p r i l 19. N o f in .U lo i i r Ke- celp :p b'.^M M ils , sH les. 4.UK) iik g s . S la t e tm-i 5V f'- le rn m a rk e t had th- 'isu.Yi niiJib'fHM* trad e . rcIleA-tIng rftn T m 'ils te a d iiit '*-1 I lf u m le rlo n e .

W h e a l Ih v 'fiiY lK , ,bu . l -ftli'.iiNi fji,i 1 ijiM in ] t-'.sy on enhh K .rn llb il ! g{jiid 55'rm<r<i buying, but yielded t R.MU In r i 'a b ilh f f . M a y , TT-UTT',.J u 'y . 7‘1 7 l' i (7*i U -lfi. fi-^plenihcr. T.’i*4'irrYl

l i \ . Hn-.xii>, H lii ie . nSffjfi C. 1. f . . N* w y .iT k 101«: No. " W G 'sten i. f «« !• a f liit il .

I ' liru - H'’ *'■li-i'i. "l.CiOO b i j . ; s a le s . 5.5, P i i , . Hrm t i ' I n In Mie sesK lo n . b ut ftlso

’ irf i i .w :i r . l norai w ith w h e a l . M a\ .lu ' . ^ x,,. S e p tem b er. 45V*

(R :ii8 tt* ITI.IHIO bu . q u ie l H l.iit k w h ite , 31463 (1.

w h li-h a re llk<dy lo p re v e tii a n y u c u ia l C ftin h liitilh in o f !ho H ro ok l> n and M a n h a t­tan IliicK . One Lk ft fe a r th a t In the ft itu re th e ro n ip fln its m ig h t be com p elled lt> g ive i tre n s fe rn on nii'* fa re I f th e y w e re a ll un- I d e r one o w n e rsh ip I

\ n n ile r lk lM a l iG le r e s I c i l .I t is ilie s liiP i'l-b an l LmsliieKvi vv}ilch is

proftiHl'U* KtrA'ct ra l lw a v K . an il n o jliln g CAiuld b* tiHlned ih r u u r h a t r .in ftff r system w h ich Would i»nab|e p n a a rv E c fs fr<im M an- h J tto n lo ride th ro u g h lo Hru^ kI^■n nr fro m B r .in k b i i to Mtn-h m ih -i T h e \ 'an - d e rb lU s i irg e h o ld e rs . i f l lr o o k ly i i R a p id T r'iti«iii a to c k , a iu l ilio>* a re a lso l.'irg e ly l:ti.T<-vied in M riiih a tM n , iho n g h th e y a re f i r from b eing in in n t ro l o f e ith e r ».v«l»‘iTt T h e R iK -ko fi l l r r s h .ive bought K rro H '- !i U a p id T r o n ' ' l i a« rlvAdy, and It .s 8;jtd ih** spleA’ tloh itf T'rfHi«l*»nt O rcRtH lr ffi r \y4h In i le fe rc n c c lo Mo’ wi'-hej* Yif the S tH n 'lu r l i ‘ jl c ro w d . T h e r - has re ­c e n tly bc*Mi lo s in g o f H ro t ik l\n P np id T ra n s it In t |i. :n : , o f th e l.<it-g l.^land RailroM Al, w JiUh oonYroHed bv ih* tV nn- s y lv a u la R iilr>-i.d n ii 'l i h r l'*■nll^v^va^Ila IiUrT»‘Kls iiii- iii.i- Ill exert a con«»l lerahle inf.ijpncG' ■YV‘ i i ' l I

p a iiv o f N ew Y o rk . lo.iKNL Jo h n H. ro a n . l 42.5(Xi. D a n ie l W . r .m n ,

The hilt. In Ki»c;iklni; o f Mu' conim llipe's Tnislendlng annual r'^port to ihe State itiiard o f AascKKors. Kiaiea that the cost uT the railroad Is fur h«*low the repuled prh's o f 12.50.000. 'riiat the A‘nmpnii>‘ Is In- eAYlvcnt. (he hill abi il-rLircs. und <’on- ibitics tiy saying MuH Mti- riiUruHd lia.n hern opcralrd fli a hcavs Ilnanclal loss ever k1tta?c Hk orgiUil/.Jiil'Mi It uIkas thyrgpfl »hftt ihe p r - i- r iy «pd franchlJtra o f the eompnny hT'' i (jf trulebtednesK. whl'In cren s ln R .

A c c o n lln g to t l . " •K fts c , one o f the U‘ > r r t lb n l in re ce ive

Organized 1804.

.Conservative Liberality Assured

lo f ih Mi»' anuu in t Midd in he il ill> ‘

iru-i iiT rhKTlPK M. . .n ip b iln a iilK . he Is I In bnpd^ and ii

s im i la r am o un t o f ^toA'k J . ^Veker-m an C o le s , th e o ih i’i ■ .tn u d o ln a n l. IumIk I k thai tlft.POO In Imjti'L and n bkc amoun! tif cap H fll s to c k a re 'b i. u m

S e c re ta ry W lU la n i '■ 'b J i s . o f ihe I'.m i- i fn ittee , w h o Is als-t tm - iiii nt Me- m ni- p a n y . l l Is a sae rle d tui fr . q nen i ly refiiHi-d j d em and s fo r a s t .it . : i . , ii la ilu- llnan- | c ln l co n d itio n o f the . vn inany. ^

Special lUapnlfh lo the NBW8. . « ■ - fc» iI ’ ATLH H O N. A pril 19.-The Paterson j O l d ^ S t B a n k fH N C W J t r S e y .

Aimrchlsis deny all know ledge o f An- .H rchlstK ivlio a re in the so -ca lle tl p lot to k ill the k in g s o f th e e a n h . M oal o f the pi'omlni^m A t ia r c h la ls h e re w ere seen b\ ti N K 5\ S re i'o r t c r to -du y and ih e y a l l deji.v any kno w led g e w h a te v e r i>f R n m a g n o ll. w ill! U Wits sn ld w a s chosen to k il t th e L m - P'Ti>r rjf CJt rm a n y . C h ie f o f P o lic e O ra it l liiiiK h .: .li, Mie Iru lm a ilo n th a t the p lo t w as la iri In n uTuI s a y s th a t the m a tte r I k a n.Aiurl re f le r ilo n from Ih e B re s c I ciiMe.Al) on throe weeks ago an unldetitlfled p^'f- Kiiii f i und fit letter that Was iiddresKcd lo Pnj-v( uinr ICmley and told of a plot made hen* lo kill Ihe Csar. The finder o f Hie bM« r tnok It to a local newspaper nfllcp,

Fi"i"'rterM carried It around fo r weeks KTid irb*'l to get some one lo translate li Thnse whi> understood Russian to whom It u ; i8 -hown declared that ih e words w rliiin In the paper mettm noth ing whai. e\cr iiiiil that il was a jok e on the news- 1p<ip.r.

// y o u r poftcy a f )nsuraoc9 la

tha Alutual Benefit C om pany /j

made payable to y o u r wife y o u

cannot borrow m oney on the

policy without h e r consent, but

I t y a u r pa icy i§ made payable

to y o u r estate y o u m ay do ag

y o u choose with it w ithout ask^

lag a ny one, A lu ffy p a id -u p

M atuai Beneiit PoUcy ia a gitt^

edge security. Stephen S, Day\

District Agentt Ao» 776 B road


C H A R L E S G . R O C K W O O I) , P re s id e n t .

E . S . C A M P B E L L ,V i c e - P r e s i d e n t .

H . W . T U N I S , C a sh ie r .

Dickinson, Grummon


IP i l l H E S E E K P R I / v K

SiH-rtai l>iKptich Jo the N EW S.


I hi' fUlUTt'.Definite H-iF

tA'TiUy o f a I’ !.I n iit»p ro iic li to 1 111w ould HKr\ e lf> . I . I .1J, pt H rookiv IL .i» I 'fn w il l ru n f r ir n in , \\ ap p ro ach , iiin j 'U. . nnprAivemeru

• ik l\ n H ap id T r a u ’i i i h i

m*’ht w a« m.Yd ' \ p*'0 ft nvw K treei ar*

H i> er h rb ls i '. w h icht IhA- Kurfacr* r HidHh U ( ;in . T h 'K -w r\ t-i l l ic brulge ’ Im a tfd coKl o f the

T h e ir .if lb n fthe B ro o k ly n llRnM T m u * ! ! It.kk Ijp .mi In- A-rcHH|ng rap ! !!' . , f i ; , i r . atvd o A M b U *■%- presB Ih e h e ii f f t ' ’ .i i pa^'Gcnger re<'f|pm ih lK y e a r w il l be u r s .- u in c x c c k k n f ihn»e In a n y p re v 1m;« .»nriin ifr in i h f h lKtory of Ihe compan.Y

i i l E U n a l D e n i < a n » n i i i t i iR 4G*Gl.BKRLIN. I'a . A|'id m o r n - "i tin-

largest CT>al dealK i vi-r m.ifb- In H« t|* rHi-t t'nunty has Just h<«ii > • ncUHlrd, ftn<i .-lu- braces over rurv*-. /Hljnlnlng Ib rlmThe lerrltory whh >m!,1 tn ihr \\ K NB’t r fc'ompany. ' f N» w Vnrk. whl-ij erflies mine* nr;tr lllk l.lrk, H<nn>'r *" roun ty . Develoumi-iiis of the h^vn im - t<tr> are to begin 1mm»dtately. req'i;rii;yan expenditure of


almiii -ilradv . i: H^cf Firmer pork g a in l „ i r d KirTo ;■ Fil|M «t li- • I*


H w » s rv p o r lv il h a il hpvn birt fo r « a i .iv k E ic h n r q p .

3 > si iTd A\’ th.aTHf.iY m the

tm»‘ \5> K te rn Kie«m. $’» i ) 4, n.3«l p k g 9. . n n ie t ; fre shfn -'ln ry .

i ’ h« T l- ‘ Ipt K, 3.301 pkgK. fsnev largexu.‘»r*'*il. n u n 'i faiu y large w'hlte. 10\ 6 IL fa n rv ftin iill • obifed. 12f i l 2>*, fa n c y s m a ll w h ite . I I 'h Ii IS

H > g K -B iT c lp t s . i : . 4tV» p kg - . K!**ady. St ; l c And I ’ t-iuv-Y Iv tin la . l 44iH^i4 , W e s te rn reg Y ila r packed . H - ( l4'* . Kti%riigf‘ V5’«‘H ie rn .

S o u th e rn at m itTk.HiigAiT—RftW', K irrurg . fa i r rc f ln ln f f .

c e v t r lfu g a l. ;Kt i 3-ti7r . ; m n laase s au- g a r . 3 7-18. rc t ln n ', h rtn . jTU Khed .pftW 'lered. y.W , g rttnulaTeii. h 4:

S o m e S t i i c U b i i l t i r r * 4 r r I n x l o s * 4o 55 In it I p 4l ie 5 g it lr « n f ih e 4 n l f e i l

*«taieM 1*h o it< tc ;ra n h ( n t u p a n y .

It is a u lh o r lia t lv r :> S ch o o n m n ke r h a s I k » o f rhe -■American h v C h a r le s M orse , v- f u r ih e r c h a n g e s ;in

vtair-tl that II flee ted i'T< ’otiT[»any ih s-.i ‘' ‘ "Mid . and |•'~<nt•■Tnplat•■'l

K I- l / .A H K T H . A p r i l 19.—T h e E l i ia h e ih l- d lie t- '-d ay a re lo o k in g fo r a handsom e i i j l i l ie r - t lre d fa n c y road w^figon. tvo rth llu * !. Y^lurh w a s s in le n Iftftt n ig h t fro m !n fm n t nl the U n lt td S lf t le a H o te l, nn 55> s ( M rand ptre,-t; here .

T h e w agon w a s one o f th e p r‘ geB nt the n 'etif f a i r o f J e r s e y C i t y L m lg e o f K lk B . and w as w on by R o b e rt S w a r t , o f th in ! n t v . w ho Is e xa lte d r u le r o f K lU a b e th | l .i.d g e o f B lk * . M r. S w a r t , w h o 1b co l- ! b -n c r fo r a b re w in g co m p a n y o f th is c it y . -In-ve to J e r s e y C U y la a t n ig h t , uccom - ! pattl^^d bv O u o S c h a u h le . an d got the [ w agon, w 'h lch th e y m ad e fa s t lo the r ig Hir e w e re In . a n d d ro ve b ack to th la c it y .

T h e y c a lle d a t th e U n ite d S ta te e H o te l. W hen Ih e y c a ra a b u t h a l f nn h o u r la te r Hie ju lx e w a s m is s in g .


As C O . ,Memlieri of the New York Stock Kichawga>

10 W all St., New York.B R A N C H O F F I C R :

751 Broad St., Newark, N. J.T«!eptionc U62.

P r iv a te W ire tn N «w Y o r k .

POST & FLAGG,MemlerK of Ihe New \4fk Hlock Uxchaug^

3! tile B u i ld in g . > rw Y o rk *B R A N C H O F F I C E :

A M E K I C . 4 NInsurance Co. of Newark.

i 774 Broad St., Newark, 14. J.! ALFRED L. DENNIS, Resideat ParinaL

T E I - B P l lO N E IH B .

Local Investmeat Securities.EfJTAnujiuEr) i \ m 6.

.^RftcU. IDl.lfilimilen. 1,i:5<4,30r» DSftnrpItiA, g2.1l>0,T6a 15

D IH K C T O R U t

I’f : |mn c ' triY iUng fin i* -d H t .it f s I 1m wht'-h wiiK tn !lU 'i.n . h .iK be mi pn-Jii':it tU f Aftm'' h''Mr Th- m* r* fo r the i'utjM»se of fpHxln*; ■ lo w ind 'i|> Ih c a iT .i ir ’' *'f ’ h'

■" k h .ild iT K oC the cr *i-h i ■omp.iny, Tl fi:u *■ r«T?day. at o‘ .l .m t ll A p r il 'A I’.' r ' ln ? w:tK ca lled

♦ Tted action •''ucern . T h e

T h e G e n e ra l R I k ' I t ;*- ('nnipaiTV In ' h o ld e rs o f U s Keyen i*.'r ct-nr lunu ilH p re fe rre d a io c k th ii i the rf.m p ;m \ g ive th e m t'om m on K io rk fu r it^Khur* ehnre . T h e com m ''Ti sim.-k Ik now e ig h t p er ce n t , b a t'll

11 \ D F E W P B B f t O S A L E F F E C T S .


T h »T h -and

T'ofTt*r—Kukv. NoM o!n5S f«—Stead y

S r w \«> rk N la e k r t .A.)pei>-Hifii)-jjOw -CloB-

m g. e sr. « a i. ingWher.l, M a> ............ T8V 7'*

Jvily ............ ifA*fo r n . M ay .............. At«* •

L ' r . i t t d 5 t a t M D e p a r t m e n t a l A f r l c u l - i n r e , W e i t h e r B u r e a u .

S e w V o r l l , n . T . . A p r il I » , l » a i . .H w e rv it io n i u t e u » ' r A 'S th u ier.


F a l la r e of 1. [.. 4 'a re le r .feiL'Ct ‘.Bi IhwpBtch 10 ih^ N K 55'H

N E W Y O R K . A p r il IK .—1 1. C u r r ie r ,w h o c a rr ie d on h b an k in g b ro k e rag e bueU neKK under the nam e o f I L . C u r r ie r A

a t $2 and 1274 H rt»Adway, to -dnysigned fo r the lie iie n t of rre d lto fK to M ■RlrhafdK. T h e fa i lu re la a la rg e one, ! lIk Ba ld , though no Ktfttem eni o f lliib ilU le K and asKetK haw y e i been m ade N e a r ly 2ftJ cviKtomerK t>f the A rm g athe red a t the A rm 's utBcee th is m o rn in g , soon a f t e r the T flllu re w a s announced Rev**ral k a M th e ir lose w iiK la rg e

O orernm ew t %llBa S » « « r 4 wee.1 N F :w Y O R K . A p r i l 19—T h e B o ard o f

, I C laealrtcM lion n f th e 4‘ n lte tl S ta te e G e n ­e ra l A p p ra is e r s to -day a n n o u n ce d a de­c is io n

cnm ivany whk 1n<*‘r i - r.YToil abfuJl e ight ycu re :ig o , end wtt*< .• ip H .iI iz r .l at 1235,nw. a l l n f w h ich . It le ‘.u til haw heeft paid in . T h e offli era. ar* .! < f F’ h llad e lp h ia ,p rcK ld em . and Ib 'b . rt •' n .inCK. o f P h il- a ile lp h lfl. s<'tT«-!.tr‘. .11. 1 rteuK urer T h eI om ivany'K oJTi.-t' und ha.< been a l^7 O rang e K irc e t , .t.n! i h 'n u g ra p h s w ere ma«le ther^ and <bi|U '-‘ l n il p a rts of the w iirb l

H enJ'im fn .A ih .i, i>f .\ ihH /(e H ug hes, o ilc lo th m anufa i'tu r»T '* m IV> S u k k c x a v e ­nue. Is one o f the wtoi k h o b le rs H e said lo -d « y th at fo r a Rhort Hme the eofnpnny m ade m oney arid d iv id en d s . Andthen It bet'ame iiiv id« ,ed tn vom poiU lon w llh the KdW i'n a 'o rn p an y . am i from th at tim e w a s operated a ! a Iokk M r .\ lh a Kald tJ>At m uch i f the K in rk I k held by

' people In f ’a ie r*o n . and th** cK tate o f the la te tJa rre t A H o b n ri and fo rm e r A tto r- n e y -G e n tra l J(th n \V ilr lg g > we~e am ong the stockhttM er- H«- a y e a r s ff" R ob ert t* c o ru ro llln g Inter^Ki In endeavoroil to boitm K eeds, and th a t the ■“f*.bft'oroc tired o f tho

V ic e -P je a ld e n t M ori u n f the A t. ' ,re fe r r in g lo re p n n ed con ieu ip la tY-i , H ance b etw een the P enn Ky lvA n ia .md isr . t t f h lw n »y»te«n». ta y - ' I f thvr» i , ■

a n y a lU an o v or ram h ln H 'In n a . ih i|, P c n n a y lv a n ia o r ih » l l u l . Is lan . not a w a r v o f (h a fn ■' Spi-.nkina c ln lly I do no t h v l lw r (ho r rp n r t ."

vl. 1

Vicv.Prvaldvnl &oo vP. nf ,n.‘ Am. rt- Bmrltlnr and R fC n ln s rn n u ia n v . has n n ; the <lefinl'« >'n''’ (n'TH 'hot c)lvirl.-,„|. would be paid on the common .lock ,,i that company thia >ear. It I. undcr.i.,.vi that It t» (be Intention i lYCgln p i ■. ■ nj; dividend! on the common stcH-k wme Hm. this summer, a t the ra te n f rither hvp , - tlx per cent.

( I l a r h m r n l I w t o I t I « » K l l a a h r t hl i n n i f a r r W a a T k e r a f o r e H a la e d .

Siweial fM .patch to (he N liw n .K L I K A B E T H . April !» .—The a u a c h m e n ( ,

l.laced on the peraqnal property of fl.• ■hamhera MacKibbeti. late proprietor of ■ the riarK Hotel here, by Charlee Turk, an Knallah cigar maker, who aoiiaht to roonver a claim for l l » » . » a a removed ! veeterdav by Sheriff Hou«o^n and the \ r 'lYOlln relcaa^. • • the aherlff concluded • tne levy would notJipld.

.VIncKibben la entitled to retain tato onrth of property and what was aeUeii Aouid not brim that The property eonaista chlefl> of J - ;.nd outing sulti and a few other articles if MacKIbben h »< '/al“a W '/ '° ‘ htng-an,! he alwava dreaaed tn the height of faehlnn -,h "e ;‘‘L*a. non. «>, "• J f " *'1*. h i . . . , o ie re h a le f t th ta m o rn in g . m , , i lB t l im i« a re .a id to be o v e r *10,(W), w ith

(fhart^s .5, Light h:pt-, Ji*r ni;ah ETaker, £Uhk t' ]Wirifthn ' 'lurk.Ck' rg# n K«icham, .lamss .5 Hanl^t-r,

Fclward A. Campbell, 3 #Herbert Hellanttoe. <i#tirgc H. Swairt,John O. H- PiiUfV,Phlleinoa U. HcBd1 >« 5V. CBmpb U Clu-Tk.

C. A. HARNED & CO.,M lL L t t B V I I . I I I X O , N. V .

M em bers N'ew Y 'o ik S to ck E x c h u ige. H ra iich Off.ce-SOB ItK O A H 8 T . . N E W A R K . XDtVAitU H. W K K iH l, Jr..i „ U e X M e t IN mM IT H , J M a n i^ere

1 K I .E P U O N K n s . 4H3 C t lR T L A N D X . H IH E C T ; P l t lV A T f ; W IR E .

K U A R O lX jn E l l t ;B . Preildent.<‘.A lJ(Ghthlpe.5'.-PTeft. r . U Hosdley. 5'.-Pr«B. j

B . Worden, Secy. I ’. J . d to iid ln ier, T reas.J b*.



W. B. SMITH & CO.,Bankers end B ro k e rs


M e m ltw New Y o rk S tn rk E x c h a n g e ,KUO i lK O A O K T ., t iO O - n 0 2 7 *

GJube linildinv.P r iv a te w ire s lo N ew Y o rk . P b ile d e lp b ik

!T5d ('b lce 'gu Exchang ee .K > 0 » A . <i, 5 0 Q T . H ftn a g w r!.

T e lep h o n e Na« ffTg.

Dick Brothers & C o „7 0 4 BKO.VI> S T R E E T .

S to iiu , Bond , and In vc ttn u n t tfc .u ritie t

v la lb le aaa e ta

(H E g S E » P E » T g PLAYING.

T h e d lre c to fs c f the ftt»a»rgla, Uar<'PniT and N o rth e rn , the H a le ig h and G astt it. th e U h e ra w nnd C’ hCKtcr and the Sfabo-iTa A i r L in e B e l l R a ilm a d . re sp e ct iv e ly , have fo rm a lly recomnten(l<>i1 to th e ir Khar-- ho ld ere to con sent to n m erg e r o f th^'r p m p e rtlee w ith th e new SH aboanl A ir l . i ; , .

- - R a ilro a d C o m p an y . Th i* Yon*niltlai#.,i iidciei) th a iA ab o u * i co m p an y a lre a d y o w n s ft m a jo r ity n f tt,p

B ancfi secured a « h a re « o f ih e o th e r conuuArlcs the c im iv an y and ’ * * / . . , «b il l w ith o u t a u c . M a x N . W o m o w . or .0 , Stone av p u u .,

- k h . id iT j . h a v in g B ro o k ly n , y e a ie rd a y had th e d l.i ln r t iu n •n ra tan t loti* o f 1 o f b e ing th e one Ih o u .a n d th u n fo r tm ia i.

N E W Y O R K , A p r i l l ^ - T h c In te rn a .li.m n t P a b le C h o P * M a tc h fo r th e Newnea U .m a l C a b le ^T ro p h y b etw ee n

R t T A B L l k R g n Iggg,

o . F 'aB A N K E R A X U B K O K K R ,

^ews^b, N* I.

t ie n ib e n New Y o rk aud F li i la d e lp li ia h to ck E x c b a n ie e .B ra t ic l i O ih te . T A l B R O A D X T ,. N aw ark .N .J^

W IL L IA M r . M I T H . U a n n tie r * Long It itta t ic e Talepbottea ;g i aud IQgi M r" E xce p tio n a l P h ila d e lp li ia S a rv lc a .

I_. D. Tel. 41S. Local Tal.

h e n n to -d a y . T h e A m e r iro n .

in the R u ssian - s u g a r caae . T h e | y . , a d v a n ta g e In th a t p lace nf iho na-L_. _ ___h .,.!.!.. a k .* » k . ' . - ’ Hiamiio , _k .—. aa# nW ]A «• KThlnKboard , bv a m a jo r ity vo te , h o ld s th a t thY* U n ite d fetat^s G o ve rn m e n t w a s Ju stlfted fp lmj>o«lng a countervaU Vng. g u ty i on R t isa la n a v g a r T h e op in ion w a s w r it te n

;e fe m e r\ '111e and G e n e ra l A p ­p ra is e r |i l» c h e r c o n c u r ! w ith h im . C o lo ne l T ie fcenor w r ite s a d ia a e n tin g op in ion .

o f the ('fuu’e rn s«> th a t th ‘.y on the re m a in in g a e s e u ^

T h e low y^ r em p loyed id Tep reaen t the m ln n r lty s to v k h o ld v rs , -,'ho a re the one* urg irtg the fUssohntorv. U E d w a rd A . D a y . M r. A th a sa id th a t m a n u fa c tu r in g w a i

• ' stopped on P e o ru a ry i . and th a t a t pres-C o a l m ad V o k e C * . l i s e o r p w r a te B l . ent Is a a c A . L e w is , an .'k p e ft (Xccountan l,

S A L T L A K E . U la n , A p r i l 19.—T h e U ta h Is a t w o rk on the books. I l Is p robab le C o a l and C o ke C o m p a n y , a N e w Je r s e y ; ^hat he w il l ret»ori a t th * m eeting of co rp o ra tio n , haa filed I t ! a r t ic le s h e re w ith ;

m lih T r M h ie i t lo n a r B a n k n ip t c y la w . w h lrh h-uuim.. op.^ ‘ arative on Jatiuw y L Itttb. In h i, iwtiiin'n.

Blfd With «*" clrrk of thr rn ttrd S u i , . rd a t f le t C o u r t . * " pTho-lalro rlovon un .-- e u rrt crodltora. wfth Widnp. of tJ.ATT ?: np,| aajtrta of MCA

{:l:5: : r in ‘7 K " A « d ™ V of M u .ic Brook h n! nml the Britona In the Cafe Monlco.

' The™'eual cablegrmma'of - ^ t l n g pre- roded tho opening of P '*’'' announrtd that the men *nuW P'er 1"

, the folloering order; n«vrv1 AmrHrana-PIllrtury.

HiH lgea. H y m e a , V o lg h t , M a m h a ll . Bam p- ! to r,. N e w m a n a n d H ow edLj B r1 to n r- -B la e k b u r iia . M w n .1 Aikine. Bellingham. W ard. Jarkeon. Je-

I’obx a n d M itc h e ll . - _

la g a iA R K E V !4T.H«al EvtaiB and Local *DV«B:m«nt a«ourltl<a

t'oied Stoclu u d Boada Orain a r i Cotta*f ELERHON^ U€tr,

S . K . K in g & C o .B R O K I S K S .

EDW IN R. C A S E ,Ko. I MNtgiwry SL. Jtriey Ctey. "J-

Banit aaB T m a t CompaglcA' S tockg and U u ^ a r ly tn t S tre a t R ailw ay B onds

BOUOHT AN D »0 I 4 >,

740 BROAD ATBRET, NEWARK. N. J .Stoeka, Boiidx Grain and Cotton. Caah ot

Marain. Prompt Service.

L U l ot e M e c i end .lo ca wam e« tom la l»d ee appiieattM. H ig b -irad . fcoed. (e r « a iM r«e . tlve loftaCmMl.


Local iBresImeatSeciifitiesBB o w BV o F a t a l l yspwlal IMijWteb

Eaems Wwaaekreper. j''-7 6 0 B B O A D B T K K E T .

ati ameridnieni tucreaitng lit capital itbck fro m tlQ.OOO to tlO.Min.UQLt. an d chang iT ig Ua nam e lo the U ta h F u e l C o m p a n y . T h is l i

the stockV > Id »rs M r. A th a sa id th a t

Mid to be a rt^rganiaaiioQ all coalconpaole! ownetl by the Mrae interevts ■*-- **- ' .‘ande

r T ” a trwM miw*53l lewaeinsl ip K a tlS B ,

along the Rio <3.-a nde Western Railroad. The eoiil property li Included in the w l* ' " '>enwr and Rko Grande an^ QMCrfe

th6 proceedings thus far had been rrieudly and that nn. application had beeii made for the appointment of a receiver- He could not aay what might be done In the future. The couroe that cMed on would probably

Dv qonv in xnv wWiid ka dv- h^tetaratead

Rltawll ftagr I* poputarl- »iipp,„.,j bava luffortd hravy liw.r. In bin ppt-an,;. rail bu.lnraa during thr past month |i la true that he haa beru ronalaieniiy WMng on the market to date, if one la tn Jud*, hla attitude by him public atatom-ni.. Vj, It alao la true that Mr. Sage hat enjnvn) unuauat proftta In the call money market L.aat week he loaned upward of ttomny, at atx par cent., and even batter, and al- raady this w a ^ be baa put out. It laxity

„ _ - a . • Lwnia R o aa May Be S aid..NEtxTWNL April Ky.. April » ._T h eh o u aeke ep w f w out- Lo t ,l!V H ie . H end erao n and B u L o u h , R a i l -.K cu p le e th e , road A ra l m ortgage honda h av e u k e n ar id e o f _ H IM B te in w a . audden Jum p and a re a e llln g n o w In th ew'tkArLMAav afternoon- ^ T a . , U 'v Zz ------- now in me

.pai-f ^ S ? ^ J ”blew ‘ ,>» ±".hiaxe. Xra. Weat-rear o f the botSe. whaB ' * " , ^ 1"''^^^!,’ ' , * ' « " " «n t ly . Thia ia aaM I

her aklrta over tha Jf. '*!* »>» LoalgvUlebrook, daughter of Mr. m — -------------------deavored to agUngulah tb*

I t , . Tboxapaon.,Mi th* flamex

around Mla* •W n . andfhc«and NaahvtUa la aeeklng tha coMrotHna" i l " ? ” **“ LoutavtUaaad haabviUa dsea gat coatrol of tha

H wtn have an lodapandeat Kim from LmiMvttla to St. Loula aharter than

I iMRgUr Rtnehasad kg


Jri M . Q u in b y & C o.,CARRIAGE BUILDERS.

NEWARiCElegant rirriagea, all atyb

N E W A R K E V E N IN G N EW S* F R ID A Y , A P R IL 19. 1901. 11

148^3^1(61■ ■ s t r e e t . G u e s s W h o T h i s I s ! 1 4 8 Market■ a s t r e e t ,

Newark, N. J„ Newark, N; J.,- - w p M ' w e e k R A M " T R ' R ^ " • * ^ ^ u : ' r w K i : x

Bioad and flalsDii Sts. M'aiiii 'riaisey Sts.


Thousands profited by our last Saturday’s Bargains. We want thou-


sands more to see them to-morrow.

J 1,500 MEN'S $4 AND $5 TROU 5 SERS, stripes, plaids, hairline cassi-

Worry is caused by expectation of trouble. Cotiie here oii Saturday and you will accomplish great things. „

B K I I V G . T H I S W I T H Y O U .From 5:30 P. M. to 9 P. M. Only

You can’t afford to miss t this Clothing chance. f


meres and black cheviots. To-morrow

M. and 11:30 A.M. Our Price 1 . 8 8

Our Great Things Never Go Wrong.1,802 BLACK CLAY DIAGONAL J

between the hours of 9:30 A.

These Bargains Do Not Last Forever.

Spring Overcoats and Top Coats.T h i s N e w L o n d o n Coat, g o o d l e n g t h , bajrgy back a n d . big b r o a d s h o u l d e r s , of » whprp 'o n r cta ll PnVf' !

Oxford Mixed Cheviots, back unfinished Worsteds, light Coverts, in twenty shades. Unr £ £ g • 'price for l^.Uirday ....................................................................... ' ....................... “ i* . ivi. t o t » i» o i». j

PANTS, to fit the short and fat, the tall ! and slim, worth $6.00 else- | ^

■ i^ IMPORTANT NEWS=-A Deposit on Any of the G reat Things Mentioned in This Adv. Will Secure it for 30 Days for You #

t CUTAWAY OR SACK BLACK' J CLAY DIAGONAL COAT AND VEST. ^ Kept in repair for one year Free of r Charge. 7 P. M. to 10:30 ^ P. M. Sale Price . . . . 5 .4 8

Call and see if w e have your size in this lot.t i to 4 P. M. only. 75 MEN’S A A A r SUITS, all wool, worth $8, $9

I. HILTON,N e w a r k ’ s G r e a t e s t t ' l o t l i i e r

- F i t an < l S t y le ,

* A l l C a r a T r a i i s l c r t a

148 Market St.C a r F a r e A l l o w e d ,

I. HILTON,M . ' i l l O r d e r s G i v e n P r o m p t

A t t e n t i o n .

l O iV , M . i 'T O ISi A , M .. •■200 ■ B o y s ’’ $ 4 a n d I 5 S u i ^ o f f e r e d to - m o r r o w a t 1 , 7 9 . " T h e iie-st

. v a l u e p p y ip g s a l e o f t h e . s e a s o i i ' t o k e s p l a c e i n t h e B o y s ’ C l o t h i n g D e p a r t m e n t , ■■•not-a s t i i t d t i t h e lo t w o r th l e s s t h a n $ 4 . L a d i e s d o n ’t b e b a s h f u l .

a n d $ 1 0

A Tip From the Owner—Unfinished Blue and Black Wors- 7 7 7ted Suits, 2 to 5 P. M., worth $12, $14 and $ 1 5 . . ......................... *

■ Don’t ask for these great things when it’s too late.

« W hy is this store busiest of all ?Heeause biggest values and greatest varietie.s arc here.

2 P. M. to 6:30 P. M. Onty, 100 Hen’s Suits. ^Blue and Black Serge Suits, made up of fashionable wide wale g

serge and guaranteed all wool and fast colors, not fiimsy serge, but ^ -Xjust the right weight to wear now . . ................................................. v F * . 'v /

I Military cut stripes are correct. We ^1* l l l l l U l l . o l i p have’em good and strong for 3’our boys. ^ ^All wool Worsted Suits, worth Si 2 . 0 0 , at .

From 1 P. n. to 6:30 P. H

Newark for Ready-to-wear Clothing. Last Saturday’s Enthusiastic Throngs Have Carried the Fact Forcibly Home to You. This Business is Growing,^This IS the Busie proffressinir’ That’s Because We Are Always Looking to Your Interests. We’ve Got the Greatest Variety of Spring and Summer . -


148Market St.

I . H I I v Y O N ,S A . ' T U R D A . Y E V I S K I P r O U 2 V ’r i r v t l 1 * . 3 V I . ^

O R B A T B S X C B O X H I B RNOTICE TO THE PUBL1C--If any person or persons were neglected by not being promptly waited upon last Saturday we

humbly beg their pardon. Be on time. Other bargains too numerous to mention

148Market St.


DID NOT FLiNCB ON SCAFFOLD. | FINED FOR WBlPPINfi A BOY.XfUro I’ . l l l Ih f I’ e n . l t r Inr K l l l ln * • B p rn a rd S te rn .V a n a ifd li* H . r r y

^ I H o r u r r . S l l l l ln n I lu r ru ■ B . I I I n K i I In Krunt of Ilia ituuae.

• W h ile M*n W h ileln to x le A le « l. ' I

F R K D K R IC K , Mfl., A ( ir ll l».-^har1e« \ ehamiflFnn’nt with a hitrarwhip whlfli H„ allaa ■rrubua" Overr, colored, wa, 'Rernard Stern, of 10 Charlton a tr«l, .nR hanKpd at n »n to-day In the jail-yard at ' mlnUtercd to nine-year-old Harry Horner,

On' thin place for the murder of Ctarlea Methe Whole Not Unfavorably Re. Donald, a younft white man.

' cnY -'Coal Tai Awakesa Dreak


lH iin w fiic tu re rx B r l l^ v f U W ' l l l N r r r e lo L o n e r I 'r l t ’ ra n iu l L m a r n t 'o n ip v - H f lo n on T h o n e I 'ro a ln v tn —S o n a r (lOrn Ip.a.'Vrv*' L o n n ('a»nir T o -iM o rro w —-M ln lx l r y S o ld lo U r lU t l - 1ns f o A F u l l .

The negro, who was only rlKhtrert years oltl. displayed ummuiil coufuge on the wcarrold. and i.he expcuilon was WUhoul fcpevlstl rnrlil<’nl-

Ovrrfl killed McDcmHld by shooting him with a revolver us* the resnlt of a quarrel which the two men had the day before the !*hnoilijg. After hift urreftt Overu con- fesfied the ct Ime and aaltl he was too much under the Influence of lltiiior at Ihe limt to remember any of the details of It.


TO l(KATH.%lNi ST.\TK JR. 0 . l ’» A. M.

LONDON, April 10.—Tisken an a whole, the comroentB of the country im the pro- pOHalH of Ihe Chancellor of the Exchequer in the budget atamp presented yesterday lo made good the deficiency In the Income <if over WCO,000,000 cannot ba regardeii asi unfavorable. Tlie outaiandlnR feature of the public'll opinion of the budget 1? the nuicry from the coal district, and In a leaser degree from the bualneaaes affected by the iiugar tax.

In coal centres the export duty Ip re­garded as conflrihing the Idea in some radical quartern Ihat the government Is riding for a fall, but the well-informed conHlder U poftaibie that the Chancellor of ilie Exchequer will he induced to exempt from the new d»tty all contracts mmle prior to to-day. thus relieving the prea- pure on the middle men who have bought ur siold coal for the future.

This. It 1a believed. 'lyiH go fa r to recon­cile tiW coal trridc genera lly to the new ImpoaliUju. In the m eanwhile, however, the opposition o f the coal owners Is aug­menting hourly. 'The ChnmbcrH o f fVrm- merce In the coal dlatrlcts ard prutestlng in vigetrous tenns. The C ard iff exporters yrvn i ruin and ihelr m arkets being cap­tured by AmerlcHti and Germ an coal. The manufacturers, on the o th er haml. Halter themaelVM that the e ffect o f the tH» Will b « to lower prices and lessen cora- |)«1lllon In Iroif nnd ((tecl.

9 a R « r O ne* t p .

\aM o n n 1 C o n n e l l D r ln g a S a lt lo Re-* c o v e r M u n e ya C la im e d b y II.

TRE^TTON. April 19.-The National CminctI of the Jr. O,’U. A- M. yesterday, through IL B. HutchlnflOP. brought suit In the Court of Chancery . to gel the moneys which U clulma from the State organlxalion of the order.

The details of the suit are the oig mat­ters rVarged In the pull no*p pending In the United SUte.v Court. The Chancery Court iP asked to prevent the Slate Coun­cil from making any use of the money now In U.e treasury, amounting m 116.-tHK).

A rule lo show efluse on May 0. at .Tersey City, wan granted why an Injunction should not be l.sayed restraining the de­fendants, until the litigation la aeltled, from disposing of any moneys ai?crulng from the per capita tax.

of 8 Charlton street. March 14. coal the former Jo ih the Second Diatrlct Court this morning. The boy was the plnlntlff in a ftuit to redriver J300 for the chaatlsphaeat. iind the case Wa.*' "tried before a jury with William GfA’tiifleld representing the plain­tiff anti Abner Kallsch the defendant.

The leptlmnny of witnesscH was conlllct- Ing. but U was a<lmUiHl by the defence that Mr. Stern struck the My once while the latter was sliding dawn the railing in front of the defendiint's house. The plain­tiff claims several blows were •jmek. also that be hud hever been warned lo keep away from the dcf«'ndanl'H premlftes. This was denied by Mr. Stem. wh«i aaW he Mad been annoyed a good deal by tite boy, and had often warned him to keep away.

U was also clalrtidi by the boy that he W’as cut under the eye by the whip 'and was confined to the house two or’ three days ns a result of his injuries. The mark of the alleged wouttd In the face was €>*•' hiblted to the jxiry and Morria Horner, the father of the boy, anil the boy’s aunt both testified to the extent of ilui Injuries,

f Eyewitnesses of th« Incident did not ’ agree as to the nnmlier of IxIowp struck or what the boy vHd immcdlaicly after* wards.

In addressing the Jurv Mr. Kallsch said the (lefenAlanl admifted striking the boy once, and realUed that he waa liable for at least a nominal sum. The jury brought In a verdict of Ju.

A f f l lc t r d W o m a n , W hoae H a a b a n il la M C le r g y n ia n , R e rnaea M e i l l -

r a l .iaM lstnnee,Specisl IllspHtch io Utf NlvWH.


R X C l iB B I L L PA ftf iB S .

A m e n d m e n t to 'H w ln ea l,n w flo ea T ir ru n ic b N ew Y o r k .Anaenabty.

SiJPdttl PlRTiatrh to the NEWS.A L B A N Y . N. Y „ A p r i l 10.—The Strana-

han Excise b ill, am ending the Haines law , passed the Aasem bly th is m orn ing by a votft of 82 lo 04.

Republican members Adams, Adler, TtiackweU, B rooks, Cook. Cooley, Davis, H a rr is . Henr>'. M k in i, 'A a ron , M cM illan , McQuade, Patton, Ra iney, Rube, Schnei­der. Thorn. Watte, W a lra th and Weber voted w ith the Dem octaU .

The Speaker voted! aye, Ihe f irs t vote he has cast th is seealon.


NBW HAVEN, April 10.—Except Ur. SteMlman. of ■fintjthlhglnn, ami I>r. Friink W. of this city, whn wentto the house In their <’npurity a. heaUh officers, no phyplcmn has been called to attend Mrs. John C Si. John, Hie woman who has smallpox nl the house of her ]>a- renls. Being Christian Srlenllsts. she re- fusea to lake medical treiitment and reltes upon the power of prayer to heal her. Her hushand is a rlergvmHn.

Police are patrolling about the Ikiuho and tt strict quarantine Is held. Houthlng- ton people are being vaccinated In birge numbers, and a feeling of uneaslnr'ss tVrC- vollt', for several women accompanied Mrs. fit. John on her ride from New Ha­ven to Southington.

B f iy c o t t on T r o l le y C a ra .It cannot bo told, however, .for about

two weeks, whether sha Imparled the dis­ease to these, or tralnmA-n are infe<’ted. One result of the Incident was a practical boycott of the Southington trolley road veslenlay nnd to-doy. until the report that Mrs. St. John had ridden from the stnilnn In 11 car was exploded. The Huspecied car was hauled oft and fumlcated. Inn wag put un again to-day. It Is m»w know'ti that ehc rods home In a public hu<’k This \ ehl- *’a! was taken by the he:j|th olileers Lind fumigated. Mr. and Mrs. WttiHlruff. pa­rents of the patient, arc wHIi l er.

It Is said that Mrs. Si .L'hu has a brniht'r. Louis Woodruff, whu resides In Newark.

In d ia n a k e u n io r ru itk lit I p IJe« o im ar P o lItJc la ii’a !H4»ii M as lj(-

n n r rd hy I'i'ealtleiH .lApM.iai n inrairh in the NEWS

WASHINGTON. April ID.-SiUiatur erldgc. “ the ]«>y orator from the hanks of the WiihHRh,’* Tu'ored Hie Sci-rctar.v ttf War ycKterilHy becausi' the latler hud rallCAl to Im-lude Itt the list ('f uppoint- menta from the vuluiueers iUe.j4Uiij uf g|h Indiana poiltldan.

It is said by lh<fsp wlu» were near that the youthful Srnutnr pawed ih ’ air in hi.

4'Aiulirldite P rlent W ill M ake T lirinP j i l n 1 e a r 1 nOJ. T hey RttU ’Jli

'J 'lilrly -fiv r Venrn t\fHp.-(i i;il U* tJu‘ .N1‘;XV.><. |

rA M H H lD U K . yfags., April IfL ^nn \he \ iHCusliiji «if ji MOl'ial rniniitn o f HI, M ary ’j j i-a ihelie P-nrlKh iilglii ({iiv. F u Hum-SiMlily Pmk rtcritHlOh t«i uddreSH tlie yniilln iKHji lif I he parish UpiUi lle 'lr 1« lidepi-y pitAMnulti hfii-lwinrs.

(IcrbEtk'd linit lir-rrn ftvr h«' pnn>oa<ia t«i tax nil uutnnrrli'd nun Iti his parish over twiaii.v-tlve years nf ag»- lUli u vi-itr until they reai-b th irty-live, whefi they w ill III- taxed p i A fli-r Hull age liioy w)U be exempt from the l-iX, hs the |U-b*sl

to m arry


iH u n l i - n r o i . - O f p n r ln r r o f a N teo a T ru u b lo f l R l.h i.r .1 I’ ,

roao'aMr»- Richard ..t oranKc. la wor

B A ^ K B O O K - K E E P E R A R R B « T E n .

T])(. grocora advanced aiicar « half penny |.i:|„,rHril W Itk A p^rop rla tlas B.A'I.n per pniind tnia mortlnS In London. Bril- i „ f ,|,e laa tlta ilaa ’a Ppada.;s!i refined augafS were very ,»oon* and | nupatch ta the News. ■Pimped two ehilHinia lo two alilllinga and ] p|d^rgB[TRQ, April 19.—A.

penro a hundred welfrhf Tti* Beotcli menj.favturln* confectlonera

and iirMCrre Inaltera advnncrd pricea four ahlSlIiigH apd ala pence and two ahillinpa aiKi ala t>ence per fiundred welsht reapec- ilvely TheScoli hsuttar refinere have put <m ihree eMIlInlfa to' four jhtmn*a and have iilioHshed dilcnunts.

There «u » practically do bnelncss to-day the Grcrnodft'Wiaar Eiohanffc, owing

hi..-Ino netnr to the bnd-

J.Scliroth . Ind iv idua l book-keeper a t the F lra t N a tiona l BiAnk o f B lrm ln tham .Sou th Bide, F it ts b u r f , waa arreatad la i t n ich t on Inform ation furhtahed by U n ited States Bank Exam ine r S lack , charged w ith de­fa lca tion of Ihe bank ’a funds to the amount of Wt.999.9fi.

l i e was released on;tl9.00l) ba ll.

rlert o ver the behavior of her husband, who le ft home yertcribiv- A. niece o f his Miss Busan H ill, " b e has I'sen working fo r some months In his sn.re at' 1 Centre itrM ts Orange, Ig iinwheri* to be foutvl.

Mr. C o a l» saw hl.i w ife at noon ycHicr- day amJ aaked her tc take charge o f the g(ore. wa he wait rctmng to thia c ity fo r the afternoon. H«‘ ®t th«?lime, she claims, tliat Miss H ill wfts aigo going away, but bn «liil not know juat where. „ ,

Mrs. Coata though...... thing o f the cir-cumaiancc. until on reaching the etOM ahe found a note from li'-r husband In ih^ raah drawer. The nottf slated, uccord n c to .her story,, that her hvisliand waa going to Cuba on a business trip U did not e x ­plain h ii previous sliuemeni that he wgalo spend the afiern-Ton in this city, and made no reference to ill^s Hill.

The husband has livi‘d in Grange fo r tw en ty-five years. He is llfty years old and has grown-up childrui. H ill latw enty-three years old.


rngc. but the best he rolihl gei from tlic ^secretary whs ''Th.U lliese npiioliilmcnfs | w„nn,n wrnil.l rnrehave ben made and thny will n-mnlu uh , ihen.they are,'* * I — ■ ■ - — • - —

Senator Beveridge headed fnr the While j i.-ire Uentroya f.cntlier Plan House after he .left the Wiir PeiuvriimULL | April Kjre tu-danti la id hly grievnnres before the 1‘ ri'HS- | j4,rnj-,.,j‘ (hi'dvjit. 'hu t U la «ald Ihtil h * received no i eubatantla l eonHolatlon there.

l.iMther «‘'*m|iiitiy Mt>rv. Sirijlt**. )

_- -hi-tHiinbig plant <if ihf» A I ’ lnij:

Lims*. tl'WT. HUi; liiHtit-

A m nlraf.i for eii[)j>lylng Jbdlevjlle'tt'lrtl WiitA-r fur Hiree years- was nuide i)y lh.o’ Ibnird nl \Yiirks yestfcduy. Be!lf>\|l|e IteH le 'f ii ujiin'g 1h-qiiicnii<M-k wdl<T pUMuised. fri'iu Newnrk (nr lb»! imnl year, .tmdVr ii l( miMAniiy mTnngemenl that recently^ rxplreil. Undi r ibe new i-rmiracl Ih® low ? -J h1iI|i w ill pay J'it> a milUon gailons to r U l . anuply. ' ^

TIni' enntn ict w ith thi* Kast Jersey ’SNja* tt;r Om Tjuinv fo r su iip lylng .MtmtclaJp w bli'fi lias been the rau<r of <‘ii|iM|derHblttI'dhtroA't'rHN, tv.m (lisrUHtinl Fiv | |)0 'KluHUA'e U nn in ilile e of Ihe bosrd In srerct ses.*loii at ennshlrraMe lohgih, iik was allRn ihi* prri|«r?‘ef| new A'onfraet Bfr-wiijr- plylng >Jr>iirc)>ilr. but iioFh|nk:de1tnij4i wutt* tiei'idf d ilpnn 111 either fane.



In lh« cx ivne lve buy In* D rier tu the bud ann/;func*m0n,ta.

Th« prisaident d t tha R o fin e rt ' Assocla- «xpres»cd the op in ion tha t th« tax

w ill Vfork out benafle la llr.The budget had \iXtW genera l effect on

the 5 iobk Exe4*nnge here to -day» apart, front' w e iksn tog 'co^sol: . T h i« i * *J***‘ fiiBcurlty opened h a lf & pd ltit low er a t w ,* but la te r recovered gom cwhai. The price tn-day It Ike io w e il s ince IKH' Buojnets U vam e brink and the m arke t indu lged In a fiaifte o f .p ing-pong, f t lth opnsola for baila, '

There Ih reason lo believe th a t the bexr finanofal c irc les approve of borrow ing on COI'.soll, '

They* ja *otdc, expe<lL*tlon o f the ucw loan .cmniliB to-nyortoiv. Thu rnavkat ta lk •uy jcs lx that the isaue p r ice w il l be W . i onil a lready d ca llitfe have oeew red a t to premium.

Toe e rw r t ooal buelnea* a t C a rd iB dock* was k) a M io t e i lU toedar. M erchant* rc- fiiseA k V i l i lp w id t»ke the rcapone lb lllty of the M W tax, w h ile lb* co lllen r owner* r.pud ltte any' llaW flty .

Th* Scotch c ipo rte ra . o f co a l a re o t l i e epliiton that the U n ited B u te * are bound to a p tu r c lb * Wc»t Ind ian c « l m arket.

The sh ip owner* o f O lEsfOW antlc lp*te M i ll a portion of the du ty w il l come out of (h r lr peu luM .

I r l* k C o» t«*« "f* .The ccmnHmta of the a ftend ion new*-

paper* her* fa llew the le«d o f the m om - ln« impcr* ten e re lly !h ah tlc tpa tln * tha t it^ ikore acute I rR t iiltb n w H l'io D n p**» of!. The Irish atwapaper* tondotno the innHDo m x featut* a f tke Iniditet aad they th ink Ihe >u*ar du ty w lH pres* •pecla lly b»rd s« liw lend. ew R i* lo Wio a e n e rt l por-

MOnOAN IN «tiO D H E .iL T II.D e n ia l n f B toey C a b le d H e re t h a t H e

H a s H e a r t T re a b fe , IX lN U O N i; A p r il P le rpo irt M o r-

*on started fo r P a rts th l* m orn ln* In the best of health and accompanted by h isson and prandch lldren.

Tbe-represe ind tire* o t M r. H o r**n de­clare tha t the sto ry o f hi* lll-b eaU h cabled from hero to the^Uftlted Statek l* ah io - lu te ly untounded. It wde heporCed he had heart trouble. ,

D r o n a a d V e te e a a B a r te d .etch lo tbs vs^

^ 'E L V K A { ^ V ’ Apr.n •.'-.S iounty P h y R - ctan W eetcoa laat n lir lit exam ined the body of Theodore F . C row ell, Ihe shli^ carpenter, o f W* .IJvIr^atoi^ »troet, ih lcLb'j d is a p p e a rs W aBhInclon '*B irthd ay and w xh foand I r^ n e d iy e s te t . d V Ot B lla a b e th llM Dr. W e t t e d fonhi) no ma perm itno" mark* o f v io lence and *av* p burla

V lr lc D ah lg ren _Po*L. Q, A . B.perm it, i .riv n.to which C row e ll be lon ied , took charee o f the b ^ y . The lu n e r it tea* Held thl* aftem oo*. C row e ll wa* s ix ty year* pM, served to the P m r t t J f e w Y o rk H eavy A r t i lle ry du ring the C iv i l W a r. and leave* a widow, three son* and a daughter.

C r ip a le d g tv a M o r H e a rd E r a ia .LO N D O N , A p r il R.^-The d laaUed H aM -

bu rgsAperteaa U a e *t«amer B v ig a ita . New Y o rk 'A p r i l A fb r H am burg , wo* r

fromwhich w as reported hav iiig loot he r atar-

I fraeturedc the a h if l ™ X .,. .. .— p a p e d P ra w le PotatIn the B n a llah C h a n n e te x r ly to-day ilo wly proceeding under he r port ‘ her dentt e a t ^ ■ ^

p b iS T IV A L ,P.VTHKR -RATHKW A H lB s trr l Miow tTo».-« <he . tg a i r a t

St. J o a e p b 's l l s l l .Joseph’s T tc ll was crowded laflt

n ight, when the festiva l ot the Young M en 's F a th e r Mathew T A .B . Society whs brought to a close. A nilnaire! perlonn - ance wa* given by the y o i" * women of D iv is ion No. 1. Lad les' .AuxlUary, o f the Anc ien t O rd e r o f H ibernians, and-Father- Toom ey B ranch o f ' ih e L. C- slated by the members of the F ^ h e r ^ l -hew Bociety. M t« ' n fthe a u il l la r y . won fhe gold watch, de­fea tin g M is* Mam ieC. -3: A-i by >2.30. eaoh hribglug In ovsr R » . 'H a r r y Colemnn was the w inner o f the b icycle, hH number brtng R

Those who made up the ^ ^m in stre l p r tfo rm st" ''' ^Thom as F , a. Kearns; lambos, m s*D ob . H Ibs M b jb o n n Edw ard McLaughlin, 'ThomiX M e . Onvern. W illia m Ba**n.

Choru»-M l**ea Lucy Casa, M rs. lie lH e Stuart. m i :Ann ie Regan.B rady , M o llle Nash. N f" '*M u lv sney . U *x ie Ne->Jttt. M O ^ n ^ ! . Anne Bartow , I^ rc»»

A M B e rt lu n Wnd* laB o a M l o f W o r k a A g a ln n t i h>giuK »t

L a w r^ n c r S t r a t i — LMh^r B o a rd M a t frrN .

A be la tP il nrotent against iliv 'lo s in g of I jiw ren ce s t rw t was recriM -l h> Hih B oarAl o f Slrt'Pt and Wntt*r t eca yeatfrday afl^tiioon, from illlam H Cockb fa lr. H is olij^cUon Wii" t'^'l c lo s ing o f the street would he bst l fnr business, would p ra cU ra lly m' -tn al-u Hie c los ing of Colum bia Ktrerl* arid jiti Un- ped lm ent lit view o f the aasr-rilun that N ew a rk should open mirrA- mriMMs in- fltpead o f c los ing any. He adnuiteU ih A l I lls protest would probably have .jx much effect a s would “a tack hanini’?!' on Hie ro cks of G ib rs tta r."

A petition w a i received f<ir nn e lectric lig h t a t B r il l and Te rry streerjr, sind a p ro test agains^t the eloslnij id Fuurth stroet. The Huperlmendeni ‘d public w orks wus instructed to jnlviTtls»’ for b ids fo r pavlrtg fourteen fAiret-ls, bids to b« received M ay 2. Ordinance-A fiij- the pav ing o f O rleans street w ith b r k k or aspha lt, between New tuiU Market streets, and P a rk street, fn>m M ulberry to C h e rry street, were pa.'Afed on ?*-oond read ing. The board pa.> ?*<0 f'n th ird read ing a batch of ordinances, h idud lng one chang ing the name of Jm eb street to Sou th N in th , and others pruvidirig for street pav ing as foll<jws: Baldw in .tireet* from H ig h to Broome; Monroe street, from M a rke t to E lm : M llio n street, from W lc k llf fe to Boston; B lum street, from Bpringffe ld avenue to South Tenth street: South Ten th street, from South Orange to C s fr tra i avenue; C layton street. Hamp- rJto s treet; W ard street, from Market to H am ilto n : Em roet street, from New Je r­sey R a ilro ad avenue to Avenue t ’ ; Ham - .btigs ^ c e , from D re3*5m «-■ ‘ ftirrlson s t m t ; B ru n sw ick street, from Pennsyl­v an ia avenue lo M ille r street.

w ill be occupied by the

L ^ c Ruanen. c * n . _ ^ n . « .

• c ty 'o f ih c poapl*. Th» XJublln Im lepcn- i* h t m u r k s ;

"Th* Im pM la l ta x - ig a th cn r w ilt Ihare- by b^ m a M n i to d ra w « « i o f I n la n d on «ldlAl4rjB k a lf m iUtap (o r Iho Bm ith

w*r, which, a* a na tion , w* bar*mplivCtsU coiidkmiwa.”

r u a i p u l a a *1 K i t C a n o a D e a d .m a M o o s . III.. A p r t t I1 .-W . a

.............................. * " ttoboMLdy. a pcmalDdht_ ___ rsM d n ii o f . Huta i_____,north 5 * th is "c ity . . 1* J«ad. ag tdthree y«ar».-Kennedy • * » a vatoran o f 11_ Mexteaa and CIvU w a n . H e waa a per­sona l M e a d and eom panhu n f K i t C an on .the famous scout, and shared a i u y o f the la t te F s tn n il l i ig eiperteneea on the p lahn .

S J v in n f t M sn irc l Healey. ««1 J*n«u Rowe J r „ 'Wllll*n> Duffy, 'nmothy F,

JosePH P- BicBsrfon* ThomMJi, ConnUt, William OiTolllom John lofd. Bemarti Gannon, M ^F inood. ^ ward Panerson,Q uig ley. F ra n ko S S e . P . J. a » ™ F W u S i^ • *«cHan<ara. Jpl“> W»tt»f»j wuiiom

r5 : « ;™ 8. K ^ ' . M cLaUgh lla ,


J a i l t« H a a se « f tsood s h e p h e rd U iB le Buck ley , the slxte*‘ ti-year-nld g ir l

wtoo w as arrestod as a disorderly person a f lo r m tdn tfh t last Bunday. agreed to bscon is an inm ate of the House of the Oood Shephard In New ark. The g ir l co B iia iae d to Ja il by Judge Brny in the O range Po lice Court, ss iKv Newark in s il- IdUon expfossed a dtslnc llnation t(* rere iva her. Dococtive-D rabe ll. of urshge. tntet- ostsd ktmoetf In the case snd w ith A. W. Abbotto agent o f the C h lld re n 'i A id ctety, o f Orange, v is ited the g ir l In the Jo«. Bbe v o ltm U r lly agreed, a fte r some p o rsau km . to Mod heraelf‘ r S AKJ

iJe .j( tha Dbod[ and to v tne r Ihc House «1 tha '

on May 1st, where the m ost beautiful exhibition of modern art pianos in appropriate environment that

' has ever been made in New Jersey may be seen. As w e do not wish to move any of our present stock, w e make the fo llow ing tempting o f fe r s :

N E W PIANOS.3 Small Size Uprights, each .4 Medium Size Uprights, each 6 Large Size Uprights, each

Secohd=Hand Pianos.4 Small Size Uprights, each . ^ 1 0 0 * 0 06 Medium Size Uprights, each .12 Medium Size Uprights, each7 Large Size Uprights, each

l i ^ l C 5 S . O Oi H S . o a

l e o . o o1 T S . O O

(^ o f f ic ia l* o t which Con»enttd

John Kane. Edw ard .A. M cN aom r.

F w Cm h I a t B a a vw la tow da , M cx low . |

. asam r i a v - . n . ^ SSSrSmiFUmi.f.j

H llo w kw ib ■ s o t i ia • M r d M K o t la a ,s W DWcaU l. m tha ——Tb*' ^nal kfd

' *yvt» c « ‘»*taw gw.UA ru^mlrb to HBWB, *

«t IWLVttNSA.. AprtPK;;^P»««,2i K S :»b* P « P ^ T ceataJuIi , alt

„ wh*n the entire c a « W .'oHr.them. A cco rd ln rtr. •••*

. e lgh iecn year* o f age she w ill « - (mdor the aoclefy * charge. T h , g irt «

■ e th e r la hi the penlterularv.

T h ir ty Day* f a r F H teea CraM .Jo h n Maaterxon. o f X ‘ ‘I S lV

•b* n ig h t ira lchm an a t » < l*pkn*?*!s l e i t ,7 E i wxT 'arm tcd V e e i^ a y ehJrtNJ*?**!• •»*»«"* fffUen cent* “ ISL*

t M e _ n a v i K l i xthgjieifitrtinw

ja ff* c ted b y ,W » » ra* D - “ • (■ ■ lly.

WISSNER»599 Broail M , Newarii

; '






i ^

‘ fi.

V i

2 I Is -

g ■

Another Great Shirt Day.1,000 Dozen Men’s Colored Dress Shins at

Almost Two-Thirds Below Value.I,ait Satiirdiiv'?. Shirt S:ilf nl onr sli.ir.'s vvii u!i-

ifimhu-cllv ihc j'ri-atf.t 1‘VTiU of its kiuil I'rt r hi hl in ^ y thisSlali:. To-iiiorrow vtc will ItffA la.‘i'!iiisc wt"h:ii(''?«Tiir.«+fr«m

l i r im < l» i t \ , > . V .; 'W n- ( i lo b c s l i i r t < i)., W 1UI.CI' S l r i r t ' t . > . V ,, anil L. I t c v k c » A < 0..

ahnosi (lu-ir wilirtr r.l(s;hs of M n tS S h irts , with ’,;plv st.'t "II

U.F-OII1S, j.iiir "f'tllitv i\ltTS|1 o liiiilili. Knllii'r<<l h.n V.-. (aiinli-fl vuki's. sliinxsl shiml<k-rs iimt nrmliuk’s. piiti-rit m-rkhiill'i, full l-alit’s, llUrt'plors iiti! wlirniiitfil f.isl ami iiu'lmli'

all llio iit-w f.niiriti-s. llm paUi-riis an- tin- liiiiiilsoiin-sl shown this year, si/cs i ; to 17, T lif \.ist imrch.'ses nl In); disconntMiml onr owti smnll ](rufils omihU- i is -In ofli r you Ihcsi! 75c. shirts a t ......................................

Hats Trimmed I’ree of Charjre. Ped 5tar Stamps With Purchases.

Clothing Priced to Please.l;adi Avcckt>iirCloUiini; iin]»n>tc.i. W r '•hi»w si.-< hn*-

‘ i i i f tif pojiulur i^ r im l > ‘ K) ls ti*' yrni <-att liiiil in Intvn. N " prift's iskt’f 1 ' ■ :iMil h!il<' i*' m il''

•sM- srtliil'v viiu, tiUifTwin.- ym ir int>nfy Imi U.

ii| Ml iiini


«• n * s .411 - Wtiol SiiDv. fioi ilyc. loy.ii I1U1C l■r>v ri arnluntv t H iitiit><.kkn'J( Mil' Mhlslinl u•l.r ltH], »o r . l ti■l» i'lii<viiil.'<, rtLSi i-

jiir-rr- -ilff]Mrilo-i. t’ln-rk*;, plaiils iiiiiroviS'pJjiiil'‘.-<lvlis|i-h ■•nr iLiiit 4'iiiiartlyru il» «r i- t 1 Pm.siiivo 1 v <‘Hiiii<it l«' (iii| hi'tiipiiFor l>'i> Hmiifill Mhrl 91.’tipi'iitl lit-->T r It ' s -111 * W«<il

.<»i)tu,lii]lti'k flay liitl. Mmi>, liliii'k :i Im1 hiiitvi) liiiskel vvPiiU) liinl wfiiM n.lfpt, tt'K. .<iir» val..

tSrrat'lnii'.ilay 7 » 9 8Kll**..............

n«!r** SiilUa 1,'jiri i kniAP, KiiMHian Bwuiifi. Vesiei'S, amiSuitn.niyc iOin W yiMr**, ulpuiiiiliiy iiiilnmt. luiEMlwiinyly triiiiim-d. nil t'Oi.ilo h e v l M t H , u i i d wfifMlPiU, rtimi-hir #3.!W, n o$7.ri0 vuliips. ii) emu gri-at htyrnuiii i , 7 Olot lit....................... ...... ■*

Born' roDAAiimiioii hnItM, Kciiitlnt) Roy»l Wi'Hl of KobJiumI wriri-a nml MiU'k fliiy diuttomlJUs D to lit yi'uK ihni i r/\ blu or«iii»Io Itruaslrd yesis. n«K.|7 .aft vulnoa, for NuUirduy, »ii —

lyoiun Aii-iVooi K up*' Jfty, ra u u . wruofs. llatmul.s. i-lc.. A y Q |l,OD.ilss'iOiiIi(i ft1.7d vuhiPM, nl s...

I Muii'h S|>rlri|; 'lu|* < oalH. a <mf‘ <lay H\

, p-r wa Will .‘4t'U 4M all- W4*ol Bf.iy Oxfords iiml

' Ian oovurt-.] MMuo hi]k ami v.ilin liiriol n» iliu 5 A P

worthup ro 911', al .

Vluir* Trous4*rH. \vursiiols, iti ull Itm vtit't

. riftFi'st ?!Tf[jjf*4 itiid' ■•olnrinu't, HpJf'udidly OMl aiirl rtitinr- t <v|. rcif. I tnml I U ft 9:i.'o vuls.. Ill. • ^

llfirn 1 ronnrra.Muoumi I>hv4‘k iiMlIniRlu'eltViiiKttM), 'scotrit ivvecH!. litm f'liBviiit and I'AVii- Jiirrp, I | PS»..'ih value. 1 , 1 5tie..................

Rem arkable Sale of Dress Goods.30,000 Yards of Seasonabld“ FaTilMCs at IVdarfy n ie L * “

JohlH:r!t ami iiiLpork r- ;irr -.iilli rm;.; lliinm in ritio- llicir slocks in onh r t" ri.-.nly rnsly.their Kraals far ticlow rcKiiI-tr yi - ■

Bargains in Black Goods1 . x t r a ( jiiu lily

ItliU 'k H M ir ie l ln ,iliinhlc W'iilth, fine fin- i.li. xi>l(l everywhere it ’,oc. This sale, ' l l _ var.l................ L \ Z

Iv frotn\Ve linv

the nns'aM iiK ihlinc'S o f ilie werither, nnd are eon ipelleT to sac- e iic i'o in in 'a ijlc 'l three w ell-know n firiiis, am i now- can offer

\|1 WlMlI Ill'M -rictlii.'lonhlc wiilth. I'jut \UM\4 , t\ '5ni' ■| ''||•'-

H In ck l*4*Uhle<l S illtiUKH, dwulfU- ui«Uh, extra weight, iistiully 59c. i 7 /*Tins stile, yard., 7 I C

i;iMck KrigLUli Clii V' Sot.,.%* ill. wiiTu, sponKt'd ;iii‘Ulirunk. tl.JO •» P . ijmilily. This hiilt’, -yiird......... ■

r l h

39cI t l iU 'k -Moliiiir

l i i l s t r e , recer.sihle.I ilnilhle width, pcrfeel : d c " k . i'|C. ;;r:ide.

' y!"! '"'' 25cj; I II e Ii tfrrnudim '*.

hiUMpiMfie 4|4‘J»'ifris, * tn iii> 111*'- ill*'. ( h<‘ ()UEi]il VHim ..... ’■'•Tfi'' l O r tsull a. T h is ^ y C

, ;s.lle. J ltlll......... .

Barpiits in Colored-Goods.r o ll lU 'f l S lT }{CS,

I l i 'i i i 'U 't la s a II <1 I ’ liiiils, ts indies wide, i-'iniplclc line o f color', siH'ci.d I r „ value -It, yard. . l U v

I'oInrrU .irinnre hidt- liilfH, ilmd'le widtli- ea-iinisire'liadincs, - y -w"rlli ‘I-

/ / A side, yau l..........'// I \\ IVileMriciiiie S h lrt - ■U ft ' J In *., noi'r.sililc.. Komi.-! at X B,ii,ktiuni.il niiidiiy. no

ILniria l■|'.lnn■l■d. l ortli :«■- I his i V C

A l l W o o l C o lo r ’ ll C lievro il.s , donhle width, fine colors, worth .s.'ic. This 5 Q _sale, yartl........t jV C

C o lo re d ( i r a i i l t o S u lt lii) '!, , d o it hit- width, splendid colors, worth 6 0 c. This A f\„ sale, yartl. , . . 4 t C

C o lo re d B r o a d ­c lo th s , 54t,n.| all the new.richslikiles, Ji-i.t; quality. This salt, yatii . . , 85c

Huyi' Faiiatlrtoy HIouim'Ii, vptt fiiic4]iiiUil> liiwn iind I'Alulu'ic. rniUmiih'l'i'il‘<i]|;ii‘H iinil ciiftM. it noinplt’tc

Mimpli* Mtu* Ift wliM't fr4zni, wiH'ili up In D-'M’.. I’liuice Jit...................

Bluti'N I>urljyii Mhtl AlplitBA. in ;ill llm h-mhiiH sliBiHiA ill urex aihiiKi'idoi'A, f|Q _ the |h‘. « uml KTiideH. in-umr y O C uiw u l .........................................

Eaya* NiiIIa. nizni B Ln Ifk hlitaami 1<11< h cheviuts iimi fiitu'V iiilxtnreH, l<ink xxi'i] iitirl will weAr vrell. reKi'lsu' V o C |U1H..........................................

lUiyi and Gnir Yft<dit Capi..................................... 25c

Sacrifice Sale of Hosiery.1,04)0 D o z e n P a ir s a t L ess T

Hosiery, ti namplB lino, all klndii, fiuirips, bhick and tan, full HPauiloMi, flue, arayH, iU'iiblp A0lC4, ImelH aud booH. Hoino them may lie sllglilly Miilcil from | A _ haiiilhiiiti -iOi'. llnalerif.Haturriay....................

I.iull.i' lltwtery. AnierLean and foraign, silk plaiteii in hW,k, tati, seal, «l»m »ml drab, full tegular, Hnrraadurl d»e. atillt’etl reels, sniea amt IMS, regular disi. llitslrry. faO LHatuiilay...................

Men’* l l» .e . In ill aid a. strlims, eheeka and dots, lilncks. tans and coinrs; also In cam«r> hair and natural woid. I ^ l/ .lull Main less, fine sauge.dmililnsales, heolB aud toes. reg. 4jc.. lot

liiiii H a l l R i ’ it id a r P rice s .Hoys' ami tilrt.' lliislery,

inifxirtpd ami dlcmp -tic. hno roriliiroy rlhbed. nioiliMiii rutd heavy wolrthls. duuMo -A4»lf>N. liealK, ktKU'H and icoi, Maco yams. Hoft »ml pljalih* ^ full TefEiihir, Iwoiimi'',Xc. valuHH. >SAiur<luy •

Royji’ awl OirU' Jmrorfe<I Hoalpry, full rofrul.ir madH. Herm^orf dyo, full rfinfdirpcd, allji|/rs, H’Kular ‘-l*i. I Jlnsiery. \i)Q

a’l l f in ’ fi llo.m% full st^amh's-i, finp double wiles, black, tmi anti

fancirn, regular 19c. hose, l A p Saturday, speciid a t . . . . , . I v C

Kid Gioves.IGilire nexx line

of L a d le s ' • - c 1 a N |» K i flG lo v e s , in ihf liest eohir--, ei|Uid to 1110*40 soil! el‘>e- where at79c-, our 3 ” Cprice .

t l i f ; h G r a d e K ld l i lc iv e Hin e v c i i io g and street sh.iiles, M )fl x'plveU’ finish, tlu* . liC'-Jt shapi’d am i f>e8 l fiiiisheil g love siioM ri Iti N ew ark-Yuu'M -g reaitily pay H / jD hir I 1 1 | I them tit other stores. i » v \ / here at................ . ■

For Toilet.Ly im s’s T o o t h

C n ivd c r , llu- | 5 ^ Kcmiini', Siify I tH .

C ;;jj -Sliiim|K>o.2SC. jiirs. SiiUir- I ■ )„ ilay . . . . l i t

\ i o l e t W i l e li i l t iz c l , (j.omicL T j i hntlli- D L

B n b e sk in Siuip," t i ly " 1 1 1 - 1 " n I ns- tomer. iit . . . I w

B ay B n in . u k u - lar i-ic. hiiltics, Siitnrikiv . , , . / v

Laces.V i i l e i i c i e i i n e s

C tlK iiitfs , ncwlKiti'i- sijint prtUerns.actniilly worth 19c. Sjtur liay at, yd . . .

V H 1 e 11 c ic iiiics l''.ii|;in;i;s iiii i l In ­s e r t io n s ,supi-rh new- designs, at hair pTicf.

12 yards for 15c.IGack MBdl \V li I f «

F.iteliiE* ami InAprl- iriBA. hi-AUt iful panel ns. \xonli;flN'., " IE —Huturday, yuid................

Neckwear.C 'l i i i i y Luce

C i)llu r8« cxcjiiinitc designs, worth 49c. ami 59c.. - jp Saturday . ,

S i lk C lim o n TicH , 2 yanls Unig with handsome eiii- b ro id e re d eiiils, some with embmid- ered odgw. iniporipd

........... 111 retail iii i/k^^ •i.OH. Speeiai 4 v C

inirch'sepriceSat In Stork ■ and A nhoia, i a

All niiors. omhra{<ieTed in a M Twliite and k'<ild. JWc*. value * ^

S a tu rd a y ’s S en sa tio n a l Shoe Selling .T lio iis itiitls o l P u ll's o l 'S ly l is l i M ioes o t I 'r ie e s Ineon iiuLi'iib ly L o w .

I i i id ie H ' K i t l s k i n Lace n r B u r t o n

S h o e s [11 all the n ew toes, w orth Si._^o. S a ttm la y .....................................69c

C ' l i i l i l r e n 's K i d s k i n L a c e o r B i i t lu n S h o e s — S tro iig ly matlc, all n ew sh;i|ws. size.s K 's to I I , worth $ i.o o Satitr- d a y .............................................................

U o .v s ’ S a t in C a l f L u c e S h o e s -SJ/. to 13, handsomely llnislicd, wcuir like iron, worth S '-15- Saturday...


Carpets, M atting, UpholsterySplendid %*alues, making Saturday anHatvy huality China MritIub.

aix naw chotca natterna | 7 1 - toselocl from (4.Wper |roll 40 yardai, yam.....

Heavy quality y#‘n«tlmn | p Stair Oarp«i, brheht iiat-tenu* y a r i....* .................

4 «M h ’WlkUa Cork maaa, lAncy hvared and inlaid doKlBiui. very Imavy nmtb ily, 2yardfi wide, worlb J V Cfife, yard, Hquare yard......

Tapeitry Carpet, the bext ifratle made, full lO-wIre, cliulci* imi- toTuH, hand wewed. lined 7 C ^ aud laid free of chance, |yard ..............................

OH Opa«iu« KhadM. anxT'J, eprina f P rotlrns uliahily Imppffojt, worth U C

■25c„ compfetp with rixture*i..*,.ll I>pa4|iie Hhiwina. 31x72.

porfm’1, houvlly Mt/Wrrlntft'd..................... *....................

NotUnahain Lar« Carlalna, ;t yards louffg full xviiltii. liK‘lt Sthdi etlau, four p3ll<‘ni». worth It.oo. U V L lafr •



ideal day Gir epoiiomical purcltasittg. fXMiMa iknfir Mala, Widl

ninde, extra heavy brush, f |V Cwnrlli {»«(%. each............. ^

W ool Smyrna sIdkIodtHir hIzu reverHl)»lflHii«a..... ..........................

Old Fashion llntne-mntile | □ ^ Itaa Carpet, HUmiK* | n Cvippable, yard.................. ^

Cost more to weavr* Kmyrua IlmB*. si/e :v)xDD inches,

frinifcd adiI reversiblp i |j^ patteriis. hi styles to t# I | U

Ciuitain Falei, oak or i lkcherry, with set bratm Hx- l y rlures rompiuta, cai'h...... • »

Tapeslry FnrtlarcN.Orbuital and HaEdad stripe afTeota. hCRvily fruucod | h q top and iKiUom. worth |:iw, I U qp a i r ................................. .............

Fancy FlanieU Drapery Kllk. ollnea, new spring patterns, yard • I2 k

Fancy Flaured Ctirtaln Swl*acs| ^ | Drapery. ;w liirhp.s |and C'attAEi

wl<le, yatil-

B o y s * S a t in ( ' a l l L a c e S h o e .s — N ewstra igh t last, si/.es s.'-j to .sjs, w orth $ 1 . 75 . S atu rday.................................... 1.25

Men’s Satin Calf Laco Shot-s-d og toes, K ng lish hack stay, sizes (> to 1 1 , w orth jjs.oo. S a tu rday, . . . .


1 . 0 0

L a t h e s ' X 'ic i K i d L a c e S h o e s a n t i

O x f o r f i T i e s -A ll handsom e new styles, worth $ 1-7 5. Sattm lay . " 1.25

L a d i e s ' F i n e V i o i K i d S h o e s — h an d

turned soles, kid o r 3>at. lea th er tips, a -wr all sizes, w orth § 4. 7 5 , S a tu rd a y .- . . • D

L a d i e s ’ F i n e P a t o i i t C a l f O x f o r d

T i e s - 'N e w m annish lasts, a ll .sizc.s a and w idths, w orth $ 2 .00 . S a tu rd ay . I . * H I

S upperServcfl hot from 4

until 9 I*. M. Satiif' ilay. RohsI Young Turkey» C r a ti b erry Sauc^a Pickles, Maisluhl Polaloea, lea Criaiii, Cake or Pie, | F ^ Tea. Coflfee nr 1 ^ ^ Milk, all for..

T hree S ilk B argains.r.HjPi-ty Sulln*. px- I r«iu1»r<i sIlkK. Itirge,

Ira tine hisirp. full mndtum and hmsill delirip of C4j)ors. , KighH. new ihflii-

vuliip, al, a V C li IrMfx. value. A V L yard................ m x W jj ..........

n(»rk i*Atln Diich- ciuiCa jn hiclies xx'ide. superb rlrli rtu- Z A - i«h,w*i*, lumlity, n y C al. yard ..........

L A D IE S ’ Chtdee of fnxi \'olvel. S;itin anil I,.eathcr P P I X C IfH l'i in everv tifxv faddish shape, worth 4 9 C-1 ^ | j C D C La I d • A t ..............................................................................

Towels.3V liite llon e.v-

e o in b T o w e ls , large siif, fringeil with Q _ rcil bonier, each O v

A ll l i i i ie n H t ic k T o w e ls , fi rm woven quality, size | A „ iSit^6-in., each I v w

Summer Screens and Stoves.li|H*cTul mUitli'U35 for ibis Ailvanci* Sale:


Fi(1«)fiilr»P Will- ilow Arrf-ena, hpsl liualitv paiMit’d ■wiTP, Mrpl rhirs, walivMl H l u i II p d frAim*', p i IpihI tn :r.’ bi4'h«'H in h mIUi ■i)|il usually I »lit Sn-. Salt! i-ii- *

llaviiMe F ti II I S4TrpiiDnorii. xvul-

niit itaiued Much fTiitup, l»‘si «niiility painted wiru. a ll ‘ irrsrfc'X'Hini'hes.'L’xAi itu'hfR- iwxH'j iurhr>H. isinKt J V C liB'han, Usually Sale pric*-

0<hmI rnliitnl |Wlw*. 2 ft.. ‘-’4_ fl., a ll . , S(»ld 1’ lv ‘ W. here | ^Al •Jtc. ft. Sab.* price. m\. ft

Bold 4'1'W’xvlirrA at $i.4P, s,

V-ltiirq^r> ! O i 4* , 4’.|Hlircn. ab'liiclui- lilo i-*i|w liiid ttratf^.all fully

iiVI'i?','.4'Hiirncr Oil 11uh.-..i iron drums,

hiuKcd iloora, Ithiwi rat* b'-i. casi iron i:riiif's. nil warranteil, iiMUkllv Q x r * Mold al 31.-ri. Sale price...........

*4-Hiirner Oil Stavet Rnrs :i tn'iix lruins, bihEci! d'firii, hrasR r.iifhci-i, ^ all xv.irTiinred. ifh’. vabie. N-i'' 4 ^ 0prlra.

5 AI J i ^ i X T R A ^ P K I A ^ ^6 k lOc

F i I(*bhI4>ii WTncbiw -irreea*. -.priuE wabun ■.fimed fr:im4* will fii aiiv nimloi'up t'-A .'iiicIh'S xvitlc, iii'l "U * r '■ ! " : » l A -CUsli>UD-r !1 f4» IL’ A. M.'‘ntlirdliv ;il.ea4'h ..................

Ki4Uklii *>r PiitKinKluirsa. ,vl! -I/I’H, BATHi '!* ">' I-A. M - At ...........

DTNiHk I Itcxl** fitl |||> r IM>1Wll'duB ■ \IcIhI III -11 iH 1A M . - .1 h...............

TttliD- tGb'bUh*, 1itt.s1llu-ple.............. ............. ......

lAidIra' NrrV.Wi-l*r .IsntiTOlMalH. ,i lilt ofodd** ami P'dI*- HlH have hfi*ii cst-d 1 • _ h)rd1hpi:iv. :tiln..p..'*tOi’h .4‘ lf’ . ' nliifs up (0 .*1111,. 1 1 i iiri- xvhile tot la*-! - -


TftliD-Dhi'buh*, htt.s1 iii.d.4”-. D>ifbcs 41 ii|r, I’crfrct kofMl’a fri-«* lull | l(iri*. '•Dll; \. M-. Mird

<*4ly ;I 2 inrb licin, irinH il I * A4'h ••

^lolMiMieA Chips, crrum lillcil, pure kimI r*esh. ruKiilai -'•••. ■ amlins, fi to I’j -\. M.. |wr lb

ihteel Hn)l, xi,.imii'i| I'nilifplla-.ifood quality ulnni riocriiiE, whti men's and wotiH'ii x :iin|

. piiiin Aiicl faiM'x haii'l iH iKUiiltyfl T.'n'r. Saturday iimniiiiu'....................

While Ifriioll 11041 Hami- kprehleft. flpm'ial xahii' iildUA- M-.eacb ........... . '• ..........

Ikiyii* Ftrcwle all iicxv! prtitornn. frcmi Ji in i ’ A. M..i DACh..................................... ..............

li»yn' Kn»f* Faiiti, E' ’ful '^aivire- | f " _ ul'-.' ■jiiiiliiy. !> lo 12 A. M. |)cr I J f :P.iir • ............ ......................................

Tb’t4ir4* HarcHlii* pho1oi;ranui;r4>s and I )l.truivii4*s. thirty hubjeclf.fti/'* i.'ix-.n, n in"itMi4.'ti tin itcavf martg, at«i 12 A. M,.

.... .........................................lli)Ml4-ry Barcain. Men'M, Vomr n'e. Bovs'

ami Hil ls’ fftithlurk hoae, full »lis**. it'H;ular 15c. values, u lo Ij

Itlhbed VeslR. w hite or blur. * -ilk i;i|'.ed neck and arms. 9to 1-’ .A M.. OC

fn rsi't Karcaln* 150 luiin* o f stantlard triiiJii’ c-crsets, odds and endK, 3f»r., | A v 4uf. and BBC. kindf. choice u lo r: l U C\ M ....................................................

Four Splendid Suit B argains.Nearlv one thouiam ! siiit.'t are in stock,

prii'i's Iirc'hv far lower than we have ever than you rail buy them fnr al other stores.

I.ndies' S|trinjr -SilU»,an exceilcnt' line of fabric.*,

with uicrcerigeil .

Oftsk ir l', worth Jur. 0 , 9 0 special at . . .

[ .a l l ie s ’ r f n e S u i t s , ofBroa-M",th. Vencliaii ami Hoiiie'l>u)l. I'iton, Blouse or ,!onlilc-lir.-a'tc(i jackets, silk iiii.-l, 'iu'rt' iii ffsrc shaite, entire 'uit I'laiu or triimned Tn i.ilti-i I silk Of ^ P A Kilt Urani. actual Q , 0 t |Jj.i; ami Willies

, all th is season's latest make. The sold such suiU for, and much lower

l.!itiles’ S w e ll S u its , ofimported Kiae'ff’oth, Vene­tian, Hoffiespun and Covert,

.... jackeUriey'';“ ‘ '^"^^~^:*^yaSts• ..AU Its TTgUUC’C


8.98silk, skirts in Itar^, tfounce find gored styles. Plainly tailored of elalioratelyIrihinied, a c f na l tJolof25VBluch. al

S u i t s , an-perhly tailored, fine liroail- cloth' and Venetian, lined llironghoul with taffeta sill:. latest sliapcs, posi- | i 75 lively worth fyo.unr p ric e ...............

Greatest Millinery Values Here.iTK'CS that are simply surprising when rpialily is considered


TriTnmeil Haf Spfrii*l—*I' eleKftiitly Uitimmd

HaIh in ahiuidant xariety.Not one W4irib I eloxv Sl.ro, S a ( 11 r il a y r pedal-

Children’s Trimmed Hats.Thtfje fctroat fnD* on fia|p Saliirday', bo^iiiiiiuK at P.3H- Kvcty

hat rortainly worlb double.98c. 1.49 1.98

Trlmnird H»t L«*«rter—Thonir>sl (^HplivnliiK s t y l e s ftboxvn iii’fnwn.sujierbly trim. Hied in bitrh aviidti inalfi" lals, xiell w p r i h j A £ Sui.no. Our 5i>e<.ual lea4ler.-".......... .

.Stift'A' ^hapen, i,nnf) to i pick from, every shatie and rolor, w o r t l i t»94’. —« Triitimqd f r e a charge........................

silk I hlf^nii Hatii, in niaiii and trimmed elTeutg, till col- r,TM. iilmitica] with those sold 4'|--ewhrr» al Sl-03, A Q — Triiiitred f r p a . ji f y Q C charge' .......................

' XlEht fiou'im—Made■ ■ ■ ilhi,

Ladies’ Underwear Bargain. Men’s Underwear Bargain.1.»dJc** i:od<TVPii*, Kpriiig wni^ht.*, high 4ir low t f

neck. MlBCvn)(^sHor tUinviu, fu ll)' inpoil, n'urth'--'i'. I ^ CMen'H M ilrU »n i! D rnurr*, MUlHir weijfhts. Ruitn- 7 f | -

IiIp tor iiri'M'iii M’eur. nil Hizes, reKiilar .'ak-. KBriin?utfi.oarli: Saturday....................................................................

ftVf THin H^is Free 4j f ChirEP, gnaraiitHeijig losalisfy >‘‘01 ihorpugbly iti every part i' tilar. just lb'" aniue as if you paid for them.

12,000 Bunches Fine French Flowers.An importer'.^ en tire stock, eon.^isting o f I ’opp ies, Roses,

L ilies , Lilacs, A p p le Blotisoms, Cowslips, B luets, T u lip s and nearly evert' know n flow er, w orth iqc. to p8c. p er bunch, (Jn .sale Saturday in th ree g re a t lo ts at these rem ark a b ly lo w prices:

l O c . , I 5 c . a n d 2 5 c . b u n c h .

Unusual Bargains in Dudemiuslins.Ill "ur large, new, brigh t, airy fnderm uslin Ilepartm ent we show the liest

standard inaki-s. On every purchase you save from 20 to ,t,S per cent. Satur­day the tmmey.saving chances will lie particularly great. Note these extra- tirdinarv values:

C’AT<i<*t Cbiuti- (If Herkelavcauibrii'. Imtid-oiiH-Jy trirnmnd ivitli iusrriiiin amlciiibruiut^ry, all Bizc'S rRfb‘i’1 titliag. ']IC — rvEuhiT ftiv. •••■vt rs, Sut-ui’dny........................ .

l.ftUli**’ MkHI Gownii—.lu.stum in thf ............ high-BMilemuHliii, lieijjsiiiclu’u yokw. high iir low neck, full bodies, air alzfH, ri'gular f&r- ‘ A , * viihit'.s. while loi lasts. n V CSaturday...................

LnrlleM' Night frownn —<j«od Hrm mnsliiL lui'ki'd tiud trim­med yokes. cmhr'^Klered neck ami slnyven. nil sizi’s, i A - worth 75c. lo P c- I'JU’h.Saturday...................

LfKh«*a* hklrta-Of fine niUsUtl. daepi' iiinbrclln rufflf of i-ainbrir. ImndsornHy tniMiiH*il with fnil*Tnidf*ry. inaer* Jfkj- tbui iihd lave.regular 8ix.'. skins. ^ y CSaturday...................................

I.twLeV Fln^ Hunlin Skirt*—Heavily triiumeik with embroidery, tlio hen f ( ami ^i.’-K skirt In the city, | |V C I•Saturday.................................. \

Corart*—The Jtreateat bargain in New' ark. hI) standard rnakea; made of ttoe ; coutil, jeau and Italian cloth. In white, drab Jiiid black, lienxily l)oued, double nrlpped Kidi* MteeU, heavily Uce and ailk trluuucd; we cleaned up tbe entire atoek , pf the mnst proniincnt maker Iti 5Ai*^Aimniva. tliAl are his regular 7Sc. j y C luid 81.DD C'reels. Saturday.......

1 ,adle*'Of Fruit of ilie l.(Xiin niuall. handsomely ht'MiFtltched niid iiisiTtf’<l y4)ke«. enibrtddered Qt*rk and sJeovcH. and extra large ]'()4lles, all alzea. wnrtli up tn 81 '25. Sat' urdfty....... . ................ ^ ^

].a{lleit* Miialin Drawer*—Beautifully trimmed, yoke baniin, derp hema. all si'/K-*, reg. 5Dc. drawers. A,"IP Isttturday.................... ^

l.ailten* Drawer*'•* Of high , grade mualin, beautifully iriiit- ‘ mi‘d with insertion an<l

einhroider>. all regular ^ y C T5r. dniwera. Siiturday ^

l.adleh* I'eitlewifa-^Iade of laffeitiline and Amisilk, look* e<imil to the genuine taffe‘a silk. It'gh lustre, lern accordion

! plaited ttouncenml fluted rnme. F iy all colorsand bUvk.wnTl.li i y CSaturday speviai........................ • »

[..adiaa’ High Grade Pettiio ita—Made of menierized sateerm, in nil jtnpular cnl- om and black, deep umbrella rufhe w itli two small 4.*ordt'd riourccR. S4)ld n o ^ nil over Newark at iLTfieacli, Sat- y n C iirday............. ................-.......... ^

Corael*—.\11 standard msken of high grade tuiporie< F'remrii coniil, jcaii and HateenR. heavily lioiied. perfci't tilting, lave trimmed, all |1,BU values. Saturday

Fuzea, 59c

T hree W ash Goods Specials.F ftiio j ' F i p 11 r e d

L ft tv 11 « , uRvy blue grounds, neat figures alld dots, worth T2 '-^c., / i t _ v a r d ........................O ’J C

: S l i i ip s o n ’s D re s f tI S a te e n M , fast col- . ors,1ight and dark pat- I terns, worth ■ ^ 1 ^ I 19c .................. i « ! f C

F a n c y F lf^ i i rc f l O r - g a u )Hct4. wh ite grounds, corded .effects, neat flor­al designs, worth I ' l l *5C., yard . . . . l i a i i C

Sole Newark Agents for

Bazar Patterns, Only lOc.

The most per­fect filling pat- terna in*Ti:le, So simple tliat you cannot make mistakes. We

Shirt- carry a full line, wftist. wiib side front ^■:niforni iirice

ICk. each.

Extraordinary Sale of

Sample Handkerchiefs.3 great lots frum 1., Iirummers- IVa

n mght the liaudkerclilefs at u Ihird tlieir value and will offer them at like reductions,

M e n ’H ftiid 'W o m e n ’s l l a n i l . k e r c h io l f f , all kinrls, sotiic with em broidered initials, loc. val-ues, a t.............................................. t )L

A le n ’ffn iK l W o m e n ’!, H n in l - k e r c h l e f f l , g rea t variety, hent- stiched, colored bordered, lace trim ­med, em broidered com ers, etc. Val­ues righ t up to 2.SC. Choice

M usic B arg a in s From 9 A. M to S P. M. Saturday.

'■ Pnrktmvn 8ocl^, iwi-siep-“Aummohubhie Twc^-hlfp''...........‘■Ui4'n«‘4'irlh Two-Step .................'I'hp new ’‘PlziiCBtiJ .....................'* A HllinpAe of High Fife. iwo-Rtep '■ I'tituf^ky Co«iL two-Riep. ..........’• My Carolina JjMiy " .................................................................. i• '.Amazalla.*’ waltz........................ I « a . r * * i“ Impei’un'o'ifi 1-iaviB .......................... I F - A C H ,“ The PalmB.’MnfitriimentRl.................................. I ^ r w w i i .•’ Iheatn of ParatliBe.'’ x-wa] or inslrumental.............................. /

Eleven fur <»n« Dollar. PiiblUher'R priee flftr. eopy.


Haas (0 Rill Czar, Gennao Emperor and Italy's Ralers Said to Have

Beeo Discovered.


Jlnema* .45 re* lllnpnteli llet-lArm lln(iiM.Kni»ll I iMler \rrent In t.er> ■tnn}') ||ovv4*v«’ i*. He \\jt« I'lmutl In 'riitn fatiiHir) l-Und Mwhl Uml I'-i.'- prt’Mhefl WnIom Ikittitt’ iil — IntiitlryHhim* He Mhn Nt»1 lleeii \vvn5 frtiin Ainerlen, air l-ejfMf W lllitn l-'lve 1 enr*.

lU'ENOS ASUr..'. .Vrumlli..). \ i.t G..I- ve^lon. T'-x . Anrll T*. ,i! Hntown o f Rosario, in tin p io iit i ’i nf S;tii-.u I'e , h a w »4'i2a4 Fajvi'r*- wlvn'li ih -v proi’e^ that ;t p i')' .,4 .i.ru*J the h\- i t tm- i^mjifroi- of G-rm. n\ ih. f i . r ,tf Itus- ma, the m 'U n nf im4 n.*-Cornu Turin r«H'i’iniy int.i m p.ipM-i ifK J.

IllVe.'illgAHoiv w i tK'V. .-m .- ,.fi H,, -ertpt o f dleiiatphe*: from fi-rlln, jtntunj i -- jnf that Ihe polle« nf iJuji eity h;,,j

eri’d it ploi :\j<:iliiRt Ihe Hfi‘ o f Knu" tur Wllll^Ul!. ThejU' d|!ll>4ltche« still,"I tlliH I iiiiut' lusls frtmi Argentina were the mt.\- : In ! hi ihe plan, ami lhar one n;iin*'lUmih.iril h h i,| li^en Th*- m u —rnt iiLw '.f itniiMauBH, who rei't-mu ird Itiirt rto'iiiriv. werv In ired h>' S'>v»’ riiiin nt i.mi'Mi- It was femnU that hr ciuiii* fi’i-rn 1 Hivtiviii wljeii' :tii niuirchist KOf'li*ty b.i-4 1Im’ ik in'i’ii 111 t vlstenoe. *

Til, ii'iii'*.' "f ih:ii town Stmm*d1ai*’ly • 1 tji'ii '>1 it.w and flriHlIv mtnl' iI till m -‘ii ill, nu.iriers o f some fvf the ni<-«t |lin-miru’i I it'irrhists. Impoptmit ptipf-rs h< lit Ini' lip'ft (Ih- 'irAT-nilzaltmt c f Hu* sui i. tS . W,'V4' «• li*-1

I'jiiei'atiu I'ltit ftlleitrci.’1‘ ln'ii- vhoM’ il thill UotmtiHioli jnh'l

u|M>ii 'llr»-' I "r-l' f*: fr iin Ihiterenei. A leiti'r w.ts sim t " him telhnK him that ht* h.iA iirtvn tli.tfi. 1,1 u>i ti> kill thi-llmpt’fuf ainl Itmii iP'JiuK him t" *fo imme-th.ilrjy t'l ll,‘ri|ri ||. li-ft Uosjzrlo S'u>h iftcrw an i. 44o»l *i.ilh’il frtjm thN iwiTl.II,' ilid not u.i ilii«’. ill In <?''riii.iny, bin tn

Unim . wlmr)' H I** jsijpivoMi-d he i lurnmii*'•, iieil with lu li in ;in.in’hf''l’*. He lh» n vm ut I'p N*'U V'lk. evSdenilv tn rei-eivenn il ifistt'h i1ou>i fi'.itn the hMtlers In I’.il- ► ►-ntv II* t imi lo .\T«eiitlnii skbIii [fii'l lit-hl I nuinuuh'iiiloii with hl*< fi it u<l-<. .it.'l th‘ ij •'Stth-'l for *teTm uii', wiim’i* ho w.,-rtlj’fslrti iM-f-iFi* h'- ''n'llll hlS Ot-.|. r-a

Wh' ili'T rn> “ii-firh’ Mrl;nn hn-i l>' t.tk*-n to 4':iii* n 1; the p’*‘"lutl'm of i. r.il#'rsnn SOI let 1 f'-T llu .iss.'issinailoit ><'. the I ’z-ir of !Pi''*'Li anil llu ItiiH.in nil, :■ the I'M.hr*' will ti'ii -.iv Th. t:»rniiiri. Ii.il- l.rii .■iii4T’ ITu''OlaTi leitniton . I: ■■Ri'*\'r‘r. h...,’ h,’-''i pt-u'eil In pi.s5*'Msini. nf ihi- t;‘) l**

H«kiiiauiM»H Kii«>vv» In l^aleritOM. I’ATKBStiN. .Vjirli 1!* Ir. the Itniermosi

t .n of iiTiat'-hv luTt .m,l in We'-t I Inin., ken v*’siirdi).v ih»‘ n* wn eoiitaim'ti In ihn tShp.iU’h from Htlerms Ayres ti.it-i lend with interest. INilro Ksieyo. 4*tllt,vrIlf Ui L Mi’'ittnin- S'M’lale. the orK-itn of (h, t*«M.'laU5ilt; 2\nur<'hHl KPoop of ratersioi,

a pfoicnlzecl le:ider I'P Its Ootliuli’-, w!in M.4--: found It) hlM iu Mark*'!street, whlelv i- In the sitirf hullU.im wloTe th* Faterson aroii-j, h-dtls U« w»-.-k U mi*eiinats <111 Tuesday nljfht«. 'Irntetl m1|

Ilf .1 Pdirrwun AnafThlst n-ftnedKotnaifnell,

>’>l4’Ve j'Xpre'ised Hie opinion, iEi«tif IhrEff Were any substantial founOanoii 1o7 the llueEPi* Ayres and Berlin rable ills* f>at('bes the whole affalf must bvi.' a con-

: splrH41 czincfVied hy t overBmen.c forlbe,^doubie purisise of easting iTTarri'flK uptm Paterson Atiarehirta. and nf ijem^n-

i stratlng lo their home government that they are doing S4>meihlng In n*turn ‘‘or their sniartes snfi their lari** v-xivens*- . < - t*oiint>.

Rdller’s Ket«*R«l.I fdn# ot the moat prominent of th*' Paler*

1' KMi leoMlors ta ilen)«mln ^aixiitia. the ed­itor of rl Movimento.

UaxgQitii, wiicB shown th* Uueaoa

i . We're NOTJ Heavy Ingrains, Illl-Wool Ingrains. Brussels.? 29c., 36c„ 4Ic. U ' 52c., Blc., B8c. U. 4Ic,, 55c„ 63c.

Onr "NaM ri'*x’w ’'f-'afPOt nBdvniiiK w W'linlerfiilly l•a n.fnl iin<] Hmrriugh !

The largest Carpel and Furniture House "in the world,” but the largest in the State! “Bigness” doesn’t count . unless

, square and fair dealingi;. behind it—viui can rely on large stocks as well as Iil\'r,U treatment here—always I

.lust 10 gi't you all ioteP^stod lu tin CariHit Klo. u,* makft thesFi

Extra Brussels, | G9c.. 75c., 89c. fd. |

VBlvets. ' Moquettes, Oil ClDtlis, |69c„ 15c., 89c. Yard. ' _ 89c ,.J ]c . , 1,14 Yard. linolBums, Rugs, Etc. |

wNew IfWl “ P- dapa?,, yip. ^

- A . 1 1 X O S H . V a r v I l o r i v , Ltd. |HARKRT STREFJ-, US’!'™* a |

^ uN il:.’ 1-1 * 1 t ^ n e a r p l a n e s t r e e t , T:rM#fti»enwrintf. on |


fl'» m

# ft ft

fl'♦ flM I'll*' D hi»''i t'*• .. .t .... \i « ..

4 Carryingj A L I N E O F

' GroceriesT o p le a se a ll b u y e r s is an e a sy m a t t e r b e ca u se w e c a r r y o n ly g o o d s o f b e s t q u a l i ty a n d se ll a t r a te s a sk e d fo r th e p o o re r k in d s , a n d g iv e s ta m p s b esid es .

Prices Cit n Half.l-tli. pk . Muliar'n 7 /.

MocftroDi, pkg...... ' V3-tb. taQ Bamhuin'*

Clam Chowder, I i peau...................

UjC. gloa* Fruit Pre- Rervea, all Harora, I fk^K la».................... R W

Kiwab Ginger. I.omonw N ic N a c s , ^ ! ^

Be t Com Mtal. Oat­meal or Cocoa Shelli.lb................M

50c ^Sff*®pswith every txjuie Sommer's high

, A « Ti w .li*-i*:i’ * It : i''■i-.t. :i-lmiii4’*l freely . tlmt h*’ k.t*vv .ir A'.ir. hHl iiiilmat*‘b' ll.ltlt'd H' n: IK’I "II ' ’I'I iniltl nlKMlt tW’u

ji'aif. 'V ' h''*i 111- niiftrimeutafuli.il liltti .1’ 1'"-' ' * -I’-’ ’ ! I’Mi West!Pd»>vki-'i

M nii’-ii 1 'i. ». nil. .1 itini .t>4 a i*Hk.wi',4>*r. il'i'sii tv.>t!>-Hv .fH old, lall iirtd sirii‘J*r. -it)'! witfi d.iik hl.u-k huiP. small k mL'i u I’.' <url. 1) up j»l th*' I'iidti. ,utd .1 ililu. I'I.!); 1 ' f isfiUl thatAn*:'"!" H‘ "11 li.nl fiTir«»rJy lived in Hr,|..(tu.i Itah. hnl tu- ’ao k*Nl In \\>Kl |iP<.b«>h*’M lr> Vvlvf-rt .lu'l n riiliTi.

Th* Hiiilan 4 ‘ ln'T <il‘I Ull fi'j> a moment e-ntrrt^n «h**.hf'u.f that liomag-liivH i -iiiil i»«- thi nmn r*p«'rtFi] arrested In viermany “ for ,t i i-ri'-plrarv for the *llfe ofThe Kmp*‘rui vni fvi.-iher/iUPnUonlng, hoWever. h» admlll4"wnjjat Utimagudii h* »*n a flMK* frinjul o:nl admirer uf the BEHajMiiii. Uref■.l• unj hr.fj po«ed uji a e|>eak- -r and aifliariir fri’qiently at Anarchist. meelin*{;* In pHteriwn and In the ■T'lrrula ijtiindo Valle * of West Hoboken, wklcb w4tR named in honnr 4>f \'aUe. the at'cnm- pllce of Brend. who in now In an Iialfan }all. The edUdr added that Romaknoir*

j anarrhlslfr were regarded a* Mttte-I wtuu cxueiD^ but h« dJd not recant him

pj* a nmn of Hbllliy or *■" .to l>e Iniruatcil with J4ity 4lr-tpi*r.ii** 1,1 x.

Homacuoll 111 WeMt IlnlHiWen.FtOBOKEN, April LL-Auga^ui

nolt wa* found at hie homt*. street. Wc*t tlohuk'it. lai i nlkht. It- ,x.

, preeseO aatonlshm'-ni when shviwit lii,- eable dltiiiatches Mt tnHl;«i*-d th.it he hH.t never heard of any oth**r AnatvhWt In thb

I neighborhood beutlnj? :i naW pimUftr t i hi* own. and If *U4-h an arn'ei hfnl hren

t made In Germuny hv could only ntiij#.-- Hire that the prlstmer might p -tvhjime be aume pereoii who hMd e*'tj fit t*» .nh-pt hie name-

i Inciulry among ih** triends nf Hofniism- I nuU and hi* *ntplri>:eri4,a4 Ui«.ju4k Aa4^h'

Ing mill rtVealed the fact that he hail nui |(wt a day’a work for many months and

, had pot been either to South Afnerlva or at lesat within five year** Mr*.

L^fiolatU . an eldert.v woman, who oceu- • iiU-% room* In the *ame houae, gave'Kfv.

magnoU an excellent rhararter. am! eald he had occupied the same lodgings fur

; ye fw-KKW TORK. April 1».-At the tiallan

, and German conaulate* in thi* ilty u w.i* j *aM yeaterday th»t noiblnjx wa* known

I of the dLicoyery of a plot to kilt the njj. era of the three countrle*. and no of,. OcUl coBBimickUon had yet been made

to the conaulatea concerning the arr.'*i !' 44f Romagnoll. Though the Italian t.'or- aulate be* *pent eopetderable money In Invealtoetlng abd welching the nntve- mente of Palerion Anarchists slnre u was discovered that the plot to assassinate King Humbert waa hatched there. It waa declared yeaierdny ib it the consular om. ;

! dais had no knowledge of the moA tnenm , of RomagnoU. The Count of Turin, wh'i | Is mentioned ■* having been marked for : assaMtnmtton. together with the new King of Italy and kJs Queen. I* the present heir I apjkarwntvof the Italian throne, the King I being cklldleiui. _________ |


IwarAgtlww • “ 'M B t tw K lM kerley V lcU w -

CAPK TOWN. April » . -'Following !« (h« ln*cf4pEl«i written by Rudyard Klp-

' ling fbr the monument erected at Klmber- I ley In memoir of thoee Who perished InLihe siege of that pUce:■ “Thla for • charge to our children, .In *tgn

of the price we peld. ^ ^The prU^ we p*W for freedom, which

comee uneoUed to oW bond.Read, revere, M»d uacoear -here are the

victora UId.They who died for th# d V . *>etef oou


TkBestintooKttHere U c

1 2 c

Prime Veal, lb., i |/»•e, and -............. i l v

poek Routl.«g t.aint>, Jb..

Ktb RoaotorCoc- 1 7 ^ log*Ham*, lb • -

Pigs* F e e t Tripe....... -......

grade Catsup or Horae Radish.CA/, ™ Sumps with everv pound of Fig U U L Bnghtona or t lb. large t^alifomia Peaches,7 f t f t 6 1«rs Sommer's High« , , V v C.rade S^p. (None better,)CA/, in Sumps with every can Lillv Milk, or 3 t/U v lb. cad Fears, loc. a can.

A f i f l n* ' <™e plate and didi freeW with : lb. Coffee or lb. Tea.

' n » e « ~ 6 ' T r t t e i i r ^1 IK Java Coffee............1 $1.02 aod’ ^ i ; IUK Ft

5 c

bottle Unisela................1 IK Java Coffee..............1

. Alpba Pnddinc orf.... felerr iValt........... iPraiies or bottle Baladi

1 IKS ibe. Gold Jledal Floar or I

1 at. Beans.................../Hommar’s tologna. 'a ie T k ^ lb ^ . ', Dallaac* Coadensed Milk, can....

$ 1 1 . 0 0IN STAMPS FREE.


0 . ( S o m m e r & S o n ,tM. M r w s . O K O C E B 8 A M P B C T C B E U 8

2 6 6 AND 2 6 8 n m J E N T H AVEWffC.r . K.-MAII, OBDIRa PBOMPTl-T D ZLITK M D .

A Bather O il a a a h e r " ■ r n R h l la .”Snr,-lal Dtooateb to the NBWB.

BEAI’MONT. Tea.. April The alxth krrat oil rusher w as "broudit In" r —- terdajr artenwon. I t Is fultr as great a producer as anjr of the olhcti. It Is own. ed by Ike Haywood CHI Coaqiany, ot which lewey Heywood. of Clilcaco. Is p nndp .1 owner, h la located U N feel

‘«SS. l2o2*eSr**'

-A a M c r I rw a w a rk e th ’ C aafeiw aea.There was a coaference of Iroowvrken

a t m Market itree t, yeeteiday atterwoea, for Ihe pnrpoae of trying te aettle lha dlapnte between the Newark and 1*ni York organlSitlona No riaair waa ar- J*T** •*- l>«t another saeMaa wul ba hoM ^ .atlem qon. Tho— i MeUevera, t<


m i f f l i , 19.

• t

J J e m a r k ( S w c t i i t i g PA1IES1318 20,


Bn irj A. Barclay, ot Short Hills, - ia.Jiiew York.


Tbc Groom In the Son of W. II. P. Ftcdler* a Fortner Alilerinan* Mn.>or «o i l PoBtmnufer o f Thin 1'lty nnd ex- 1'^ C'oilKR'^vrniiin — FolLonlnK GerDUkn Cuntoin.

Dispatch to th« NKWii.NEW YORK. April 13.—A hrlllUnt wc«1-

dins' was solemnized til the l*hiircb n( the Heavenly Rest. aL 3 t»’elo<‘k yestertlay af- ternoon» whleh united uvo uUt hikI well- known families. The bride was Miss Koalsle Xavier Paul, dauEhler of Co]mu>l and Mrs, Charlea A. Paul, of Phlladel- l>hla, and the groimi was Henry A, Bar­clay, Jr., son of Mr. iiml Mrs. Henry A. Barclay, formerly of Npav York, iml at present residing » l Short i I Ills, N. J.

The gro<jm%i a Un jiil descendant of Rev. Dr. Barclay^ tirsl rcctiir of Old Trinity Church, New York, and whose grandfathr r Barclay Rtreot was immcd ufier. The • father of the bri«le Is ii colonel In the United States army hjiU returned from the Philippines expressly lo be present ai the ceremony, Hnth of the young couple are well known In New Yr)rk, Huston and Philadelphia society <'lrdes.

The llrlda l I'roeesnlon.A large numhvr of prominent society

people were present at the ceremony, which was performed In (he main aanctu* ajry by Rev. Dr. Morgan, the rector of the church. The. bri<Ial procession, formed hy the six ushers, four hrldc^malds jwd maid of honor, advanced to the uUar preceding the bride, who entered Icanlnp on the arm of her father. At the sanctuary ralUng stood the groom und his brother, Wright Barcray, who acted as best man.

Miss Gertrude Barclay, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor, ami the Misses A. Blsle, MIPS Ruth Present and Mi. s Ma-bel Dwight, of Bosrnn. and Mias Julia Post Brow'n, of New York, were brldea- mftlda, The uahera were Foster Rawlins. Kugena Wlltlard and Mr. Eldrldge. of New York* and Bcarle flarday, und Rob­ert C. Barcl^', of Short Hills.

Bron^lit from t'lilll|T|»lnes,The bride was attired In ft gown nf while

corded Bilk, brought from the Philippines by her father, and was made w'ith an ex­tra long train. She wore & full tulle veil, which was held back with orange hlos- eoma and secured with a dUmond orna­ment. Her other ornamenls were dia­monds, Including a diamond pendant at her throat. The maid of honor whs at­tired In blue silk, with h hat of forget- me-nol3. Her bouquet was of pink roaesj. Yellow crepe de chine whs Uie material of the brtdesmald.H' gowns, aid they w'ore- large black picture hais. Their flowers were shower bouquets of yellow and while daisies.

Fo llow in g the ceremony (he rc la livea find Im m ediate friends asscnihlfd at Sher­r y ’s, where a Tecoptloti was held. Mr. and Mrs, B arc lay w ill spend a brief honey- Tnoon at the elder Mr. Ihiroluy’s country place, “ Bonnie Hnie,“ at T^niox, Mass. F rom there a short sojourn w ill be token In N ew York C ity and tbe aiimnuer w ill he spent at Short Hills. J<. J.. with thegroom 's parentB.

F1EDLER-BOR5UM*Sisfclal DUpatc.h to the NKWH,

PUAJNFIEl*n. April 1? -A t the home ofher parents, Mr. and Mrs. l/ouls Rorsum. SIR Woodland avenue, lids city, MIbb Mar­tha W, Borsum atid William C. Fiedler, of Newark, yesterday were marrh^l by Rev* Ersklne M. Rodimin, rector of Grace

tq p r JERSBTS OUUkT&fj’ f f o i i ^I West Tark Street Ai-te.

O uter Clothing Styles and Prices.

Main Floor. MiiMle Aisle,

U nderw ear.

T The bride Is the daughier of Uleutenaiit-roloiirl and Mr- fhurlps I'. Paul, tif ar I’hllailclphiH. and Ihe groom is the oldest uf -Mr. ....I Mrs. Hmry A. Barclay. 4-^ of Short I nils, ■ ^

■ V + + + + *+ + + + + + * *+ + + *+ + + + + + + + + + + *+ + -* -+ + + *+ + *+ + + + + * -+ + *+ + +

carried wldte ro.ses. The brlde»mnlrts weri:’ dresHed in ]diik <Tepe dc chine over (.'luny Ittce, and cnrrlHii pink roseH. In ilu> lufRp dr!4Wliig-i-.>.nii wus iih ftUuf ewered with f :i bower of Soulbcni smllax, flixdtcd wltli [ callR Illb'S iind white roses. Here tbe bridegroom imd )il« best mnn. his brittlu'r.Krncst J. K I’. KledU-r, met the bride's party. The ushern were Ur. Albert nttiK, of Plalnlbdil, luirl Otto Kueohlcr, oF New­ark. DnrlriK tin- procession and the per­formance of (he ceremony t'onde's tJr- cheslra from New York playtd Wueiht’s wedding ntJtrvh from “ LohenKtln'' Im­mediately afi.r ihc ceremony ihf guests aRscmhli'd In the dlnlpg-roonl, whicli w.ia also deckol in wblu* roses iiinl CHrrwitbiiiH for'the receiiUon. Following an tdd Ger­man cusloni liii' labels of the wine were of soUd silver, marked ‘ ‘HorHnfn-Fle«ller. Plalntlcld, .April 18.” These formed the souvenirs '«f iin? uccaslon. /rbe ruM-ptlon was aliendcd mainly by llie r*hillvcs of Ihe prlnripiil.>* nn<l a number of their chw- est frleniL*. .Many ppPPents were receivcij by the young couple. AfuV the rcccivUin Mr. and Mrs. I'iedler left for u wedding trip. They will make their Immc oii their return ui 2M Kighlh street. Nt-wiirk,

M XO N -EVAN S,SpffiHl tr the NICWB.

MORRISTOWN. April lH.-Al the resi­dence uf John H. Berry. In Phmnlx ave­nue. last night. Huheri Nlxein and Miss PaltSc JCrans were married by Rev. Alfred Evans, of Uidgeflcld Park, a brother of the bride. Mias Nellie Nixon w'as the lirldvHmuld t ntl F.’harles li. Smith wuH heiii man. l-ikm their re­turn from a brief hnne>’mi»on Mr. and Mrs. Nixon will reside In Morristown.

* - -b l a c k ie - b a b b i t .

Sperlot !Ms|«a!rh to the NEWS.MORRISTOWN. April If).—AiiiUher

home wedding yesterday Wfls that of'Alias Winifred Rabhill, tlftughler of Mr.-*. W. S- RabblU. nf Ann street, this city, ami

W E D D E D A T P L A I N F I E L D .

reside In .M rldcji, where .Mr. Frap-wcl) lins a p'-<nl' ii witlii the giis company of that i<i\s h, ^

AIHa D-CHAHBBRS.The niarrlni;. Mrs. o«therlne Aurclla

( ’hamlii-rs .ui«l Ib nry Hiirgoync Menrl. [■'nth (if inK Was i-elomiilzetl vejiter-day ................I i,t ,i\.|nck iH ’Trinityt’hiir* h. M|iK a (i u iniimtUe friends were prcKi-m ill il'i < p i-i nnuiy. which wes ]>er- formec] \,y R.v. (jeorg*- Otis Mcftd. of Hoiulp II; \‘ irglnia. a brniU r «if ihe Kr<mm. ri.‘i«lste.J li. w. T, J.iptnn, Thebride txii- uioMifd in n custiinie nf gray chub, .an! 1 iiTliil Nlnlits. The groom la j the lori-UM'i of iln- Ess -x and Hudson 1 Vminiy iPis \\orks nii' .M.?,rkei 'street. .\flvi* rh lercmnny Mr. and .Mr?. Mend lefl fm ji v.i'ridiiig jminn y, and on (heir return wdl fisidc .at fia UMgewood avenue.

RROVVN-WMELAN.MI'.k '»|..rv Whfdan i-iid .loseph Hac-

gcrlj li'own. boih of llellivllJe, were liiiimnl lit n runitftj mnjis In St. Peter's (.'uthKlic I'liurcb, in tjiai place. ye5ierda>'. fle\. .1, IV Smti'i pcrforiiied i)n- eeremori.\’. .Ml.'is M.Jiy Galvin wa« lirldesmaid. atid Joseph llnuley nrlc-d as man. .Mriind .Mrs. I'.riiwti will reside (mi Wllllnm «tre.i. Hell-vllle.

/.tiMek-4i4idlcy Nupttala..S. Morion Zidb k and Miss May Bell

Hodh;'. both of Ea.ston. Fa., were mar­ried he i Wediu*.«(Ui.v nlghl at the home of the r i.'im’s sister. Mrs. J. L. Rulib. «t l*i Tleluiior street. The eervmony, which was perforjued b.v Hev. Henry M, Mcllcn, p.tslor of i'hrlsi Rcfornied rhurch. was wllne.ased only by the Immediate fami­lies. The tuide Is the daughter of Will- lain nbub'y. nf Eiistoii. ‘Mie grudm is er>- gnged la llie cordage business. After a sh(»n vudilUii; trip they will live in Kaslou.

1{e4‘eptlou to Itrfdc nuil t^motn.A reception was given hist ?dnhl by

Mr. atu) MrB. .loseph Mellruvy iri ih«-tr , reshh itci'. 14 En.' t Park street, in honor of Mr and .Mrx. Samuel A icIo soti MeUravy. who were married WNalnesday bight In l-'lilladelphia. The rooms were pr^Ully dfcoraied. and supper Was served. Amung the guests Wtro Miss tiadb’ lJulati, .Miss Minnie ^pcar. Mtss Gebhardt. Mc-LaUfihlln. lands . (•i-l.hardt, MSsa farrle bimmims, Miss Mvrtle Simmon.s. M>. and Mrs. fi T. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. .Miner. ,>1r. and Mrs. Alexander Ncumajj, .\lcx- ander Elilii. WllliHiri Walker. Frederick Huff, Atntuslus Smith. Mr and .Mrs. El- mi»r Alveison, W. I. Fowlc, J. J. Marklln. Mr. and Mrs. Small. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Btirnct and Mias Badb' r'osiello. of this fltv. and Mr. and Mrs. J. I ’Hlmcr. Will­iam Wheeler. M1h« Annie Arts Hjid Mlaa May Artz. of I'hlladehihia. ___

BlNIIAinTON GETS JERSEY PASTOR.K,-.-. Clnr.'ii.'r A. Hull. ..f l'tB l..v lllr,

("nil to1 har,'li o f llii‘ (■«">l 'li.-l.hcril,

HIN'UHAMTON, -S 'i .M'ril IP.-Rev, Clareni'i' A. Hull, nf r!.ilii'!ll,-. Snmeraal. County, N. .1.. Ima rn i-.-|.i.il .1 cull to the Church of ihc Gotnl Fln i.li'M. one of the IcaiiloK onil olilpsi i-hurches In(his srrdon.

This Ip the churt h T>liien iilBhopHuntingdon ousted R*v f»r Puffy, lock­ing the door* ihi- i>U£ii< on him and

Church, Plainfield. It wax one nf Ihe moat hrtiiianC house wedding's ewn In thte city. Mr. Fledter U the son of WilUaffl H. F. Fied}er„ former fildennan. Aiiaemt^Jynian, poHtma^er. Ifayor and ReprcBentattve of Newark. Tor a time last summer the bride's life was despaired of, as the re­sult of Injuries received in a runaway ac­cident In thb White UounUlna The color of the houM In honor of the marriage was pink and white. At t o'clock the bridal procession formed In the upper story of the tiandsoms dwelUngr and tho bride, leaning upon her fathers arm, came down ^ e wide stairway. She wore a gown of RenaissaDce lace over chiffon, with a Jril of white tulle, caught at tbe throat ^ a large diamond star, tbe gift of the bridegroom. Upok her head was a wreath of lilies of the valley and she carried a bouquet ot the same flowers. Preceding her were the .|Mge* Master Louis Boreum,

Plainfield, and Miss Margaret Huber, Jf Newark; the floWet girt. Accompany- Ihg Miss Roraum were MIm Bertha Bor- *viQ. her sister, the maid of honor, and the Iffinea Ida and Anna Borsura. brides. ®alda. The maid of honor wore white crepa chine over Chantilly lace, and

Oraaga and ^ Suburban News and Orange Advaftiae-

■i 7c.,v^k!e *41^^

Lad ies ' W h ite

R ibb ed ^'csts,

!o\v neck, silk

tr im m ed, '=soft,

e lastic .'

2lc.,valiie?9C. — I.a d ies 'W h ile R ilih cd L i s l e 'r bread Vests,

erepan .styles, lo w neck.24c, v.u li—i l f i i ’s l ‘U‘sh Colorr.l or

l.((;tn Hhu* KiblH-,1 Sl(irt.s or IfrRwers; also I’ liiiii anil fnl)U-ni'lit“il Uullirij;>;aii Shirts or Drawers, fiiij.liL-d in lie.st style atvl all ]wriert ffoisU. iiiailc to sell for yge,

Many others for Salunlav,HAHNK &CO.

A lb a tro ss NV’a ists , in superb ^ o m c

tucked from an -b a rk , others tr im m ed w ith fou r diands ot satin ribbon , si/es to 42 , v a lu e S.?i,so, lo r ).o.s,

t ta d te s ’ 5uit.s, o„o<l V en e tia n , color . biack, silk lin ed __K lo ii, s k in ^ m la r e o r flounce, pcrcaline iir.cd. v e lv e t bound, trim iiu-d with tatTeta silk,, best vahn ..f 'the season, repu ln r § 1 -*. q. Specia l tt.50.

C h ild re n 's ” R eefers in c lo th o f all shndi-.s., iicw shaped s a i lo r cb lla r. in n iin c d w ith b ra id a n d se lf-s iitch in j;. si,-es 2 to 6 year.s, ra in c S.’. jo , fo r 1.9 8 ; v a lu e ,s; ; 0 r 2 .5 0 ;v a lu e S.P9''' fo r 2 .98 .

r i i s s e s ’ Bo.\ Coals a n d R ag ­la n s in various . k n_L.ths and shades, va lue s ; , ;o , fo r 5,98; a lso $ 9. 50 , f o r 7.511; ; iR o $ to .50 , f o r 8.50.

We Oder for Saturday an­other .special putch.uiti-o! a lot of Misses’ (AitKitr;=r“ 'V-5'i„3Vf-'f mere 5ailor Suits, made ami trimmed with braid and taf­feta., They arc worth from

sirpS' 4 to' fti I years. Special d.5U.

l.adle.s’ Silk Btons, of T.ideta i or I’etin de Sole, made' in a v.i j riety of s ly lesa l imustially low ! prices. Sec assorl inent for

Saturdar at 6..50 and 7.5t>.

Separate Skirts, m.ide ot Cheviot and Venetian, newest shapes. Some tailor stitched on hands oi satin, either tlarc or flottnec. ,\ii eiiormoiis varictv to select from.

Rcjjnlar and .'S .so values 3,98.

Rej^ul.ir $0. 50 v.dues 4.98.

I IA IIM . ,S; VO.

4 -f » t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦*44-*-»4-»44-f ♦ * 4 4 4 4 + * » 4 - * * 4 'H 4 * 4 - H > + 4 - * -

R*v. William BdiJ Bfackie, of N f* ' Tbrit. There w u no brideaauld. Rrr. Mr. Mc- llaatfre. of Clnctnn.tl, m . brat Rmn. Th« brUlf. who wore . town ot white peau de eolf. trimmed with dttehe.4 lace, waa siren aaray by he* uncle. O acr B.

I Maekridse. of Naarark. Tk* uahara ware ; Arthur H. Mockridse, ot Dover; John ; Haddon. of New York, and O anr A.

Uockridse. of Newark. Rev. Albert Erd- man. psator of the Bouth Street Rreabyta- rian Church of Morriatown. peyfanned the ceremony.

(:R A PW E LL-5P E N C E R .«p «la l Dtmwtah lo tlM NNWS.

MORRISTOWN. April lA -A t noon yea- larday M*aa Adala Spencer, of Chleaso, IIL, and WUlUa N. Fnpwell, of Morria- toam. ware married at the reakteiM!. of the brtde'a nnela, Oaorse H. - Brown, in WiUar tm at. Raw. Wynaat Vuiderpool oOtctetlai. Mia* Kitty OUvmr v u bridm- B *U and TIelor A. Wlaa acted aa beat mas. Tha eaosl* atartad at dnoa oo a

6% sn *P -ilM «iL »*s ,w e i

.Main I'tiKiT, Midflle .\islc.

5tockin}i:s.n v e s T r a i l

o l tc r t ]t e ,5 e

t l i r c e S to c k -

i n o H tir }ra iiis

'() " S a tu r d a y :

lOc.k uvi'x. lh-( K. I

i| _ l ‘ \lk

V \ I K. CliililrviFs n .(r r « w

nbl'Vf I Mark l‘oUoullnsf. ,1 It 11 I, 1 li

i aiiil tlnralilv. I.ii'liis' liiwl Men's■ T I _ • (.■KIH’' ItlMI eflfilN

I'l.i'l. ;m<l 111M1I l.uiov tlc- i'idlnti,linsv ;1H(1 st’irks.

lil.'U'k or l.ni, tir now hniry «lrsjj;ns, luitun Ui>*»e an«l

mvii's stjvks. 1 1 \1 IM ’; S: CU,


llroiiil and New Streets. •

a tu rd a y jhoe ale.

Good sh o e s fo r W o m en a t 60c . to $ 1 .1 0 a pa ir below r e g u la r prices.

The let will r im sislo f Uiulics' Kidakin, I’at- ent l.i-ntluT, .ind Knaiuelcd beathcr. Button and l,;n'f Sle.c^. all are haiiil sewed, welt or turn snk^. all new- toe shape, hij(li and low luvl. Till ", are worlh f 2.,5o atnl #4 a p.air.(Ml li.iruaiii cm inler Saturday, yourchnice for................................................

MisM-s’ and Children 's Box CaK and Khl- skin Sprint; i l . t ‘1 Hiitloii and bare Slioi-.s, a 'v si stonl sole-, of oak tanned leatlier, sires 1 1 lo 2 for I . I J , ,-i/es S'., lo II for 98c.; sizes 6 lo .S for 89c.

I.ittle Bins Spring Heel Slows, satin calf vatn|i-, doii,;f>l.i lops, stout soles of kofs! leather. Imllitoj; toes, sires 9 to I,Vwortli SI 2S, f . n ....................................

M en'- Shoes, uppers of viri kid, African calf .mil Ini-; r.df. soles of nak laiiiicd li athcr. welleil .liid slildie*!, all new toe sliapcs, iwiiiie shoe as vou pay for hi cxclii-sivc men stores, \Ve sell themfor , . - . - ........................

rien '.s I 'a t e n l L e a th e r Shoes teed no t to b re a k th ro u g h , Dongo- la k id tops, all th is season's .shapes.worth *s.oo. Sirecial I’r ic e ................

H.Vil.N'K 8: CO.


I Icnllicr. -,1V''. hrtiiie

3.00, p u a r a n .


We.st r.irli .■street .Aisie.

Millinery A La Mode.An exact copy of the

genuine Gainsborough Hat, as worn by the Duchess ofDevonshire, in the famous painting, is now on exhibition in our Millinery Parlors.

Hi;,r :is>rirtincnl (if T r im m e d H ilts. I 'o r S;itur- d ay ou r ;;re.it leadens at 4.75, 5.75, 7.75 aiul 9.75. T h e y l"ok in be worth dou ble the price.

h'or 2.5c. wc nlTcr .a lartfe as.soriment o f .\incr- iepn Rcautv Ro.ses, 4 larjrc roses niul ln];,io,. j[i btineh.

F or 49c, w e j; iv c choice o f a b ij j assoftnu-nt o f U n trim m eil H ats in lu iita tion H a ir , l'’ ;incy lliiiids, etc ., c v e rv co lo r and black, as w e ll as all Ih e new shapes. * Hlier houses sell th ese at - 5c,, we >;ive you choice at 49c.

L a rges t assortm ent o f T r im m e d , R cady-to- w car atu) S p o rt in g Hats at from 49c. to 7.00.

M HAII.VI-; .A- t'o.

Main llonr, aisU*.

B o y s ’ and M en ’ s

Spring Clothing..M en 's I’u r e W o rs te d B lac k I >ia.a;onal

S u i t s , cm m .sack o r c u ta w a y f ro c k s ty l e s , sL’.e s to tit a ll s h a j ie s a n d s i^ c s , f ro m .pt to .|.t in c h b u s t m c iis t irc , c lo ih in j ; s l o r e s c o n s id e r su c h A A r o o o d s a n d m a ld n tp a bar^^aiu a t M W j $ 11; ,00 , o u r [ ir ic c .............................

H oys ' T h r e e I ’ ieec Suits, cut just like- p.apa's, ill siniylc o r dotilde-b reaslcd coa t, w ith doiib le-lii'eastcd vest, a lso a sh ie ld tlia l e .m 'lic worn o r not, all w oo l H lue Sci'oe,s izes 4 to 12 years, tm u.sers are fu ll lined and all seams are taped, SI) as to prevent piilliiipf out. 'I 'lie lik e nr (|ualiiv o f lliese "ood s cannot he fou n d at an y o ilie r lionsc in th e c ity for less than f tp 00 , or d ou b le our jirice, wliieli i s . . ..

• H o y s ' S a i lo r S u its , all wool, 9 a j r e g u la r 4.94 ffo o d s ........................ f a .V T

llA H N H ft CO.

Ilroiid and New Ftn-t-ls.

For Wet Days.Lad ies ' 24-inch Pure Silk U m ­

brellas, paragon fram e, case and tassel, natura l,horn , pearl,black, and s ilv e r tr im m ed handles, in black, ga rn et, g reen , brown and blue chan geab le , value $3.49. Special. 1..59.

Ladies’ and Men's 26 and 28- ineb English (lloria Umbrellas, paragon frame, steel rod, taffeta case, natural and trimmed han­dles, value (98c. .Special, 79c,

(JiUl sizes and colors in Men's Miirk- iutoshrs, rexular Jy.uS lo f 4.pS, Spe­cial, i.98.

Hegulur (.,19 to f 9.C)H. Special. 5.98.H AIISK & CO.

Broad and New Streets.

M e n ’s H a t s .Men's Derby Jinil

A1]line Data in all t!if approver! ahujM?!»

1.98» 2.98. The wearing; qual­

ities uf our Men’s H a t s are unsiir- p«s^e<i mill prices are lower than where. \\\‘ ^iiiir- jijitce pvery halj^

Boys’ Hats.Boys' Derby and .Mpinc Hats, 98c.

and 1.25.Boys" “ Gran D u e " Hats. 1*49. Bovs* Telescoj>e Hats, in all eolors,

Q8c . ' IIA IIN K ct CU.

Brnatl a*nl New Slreels.

Men’s Bath Robes.Mcn'.s T iirk istl Batli Rolios, ii f<r){o

va ric tv o f new ijattcrtis ami colors, 3 .2 5 , 3 .98 and 4 .49 .

Neckwear.The eboicest as.Mttlnjeiit nf Meii'.s

Neekwear in all ihe newest slia|>es tiiitl colorings, 48c., f»00 amt 1.39.

Collars and Cuffs.Men'?4 Cullarsand Cults, all the Ui-

ent hlift^K's; eollars, Ifle.g or i furlSc. Cuffs, 15c* nml 35c.

Men’s Shirts.M en's Ne^lij»ee Sliirls, new styles

and paltcnis, 98c., t . a 5 , 1.39 ami 1*49.

i lA n S H & CO.

M.nu I'hUr.iim'u, l!n»ad Street.

Good Smoking.special Bargain ITIces for Saturday;

K ey W est liip lnnia .s, b o x o ft;o, 2.69.

Itiliiis Caesar, bo.s o f 50 , 2.'7S.

Host 1 Hbec, box o f j;o, 2.98.

l la h n c ’s Standard, bn.x o f 50 , 1.75,

, llotcd I'-ngUsh, bo:; o f ,50 , i.7.5.

Specia l lo t o f 25c, P ip e s fo r19c.

O ld V irg in ia M ix tu re , mtbJ and sweet, in i lb. liag, 29c.

FlA lIN i' & CO.

Broad and New Strect-s,

Flannels, Etc.Choice o f ou r 8c. and loc. O u t­

in g F lan n e ls and Flannelettes,

fo r . S a tu rd ay , 5c. p e r yard.

O n ly 12 ya rds to customer.

New Linings.Shrunk Canvas, regular loc.,

at b '-c .

N o v e lt y S a teen L in in g— "dd shades— re g u la r 48c., I2'.'C.

P erea lin e , l ig h t shade-, regu ­la r l e '- e . , 8c.

K id C am brics , regcl..'.' ic ., at

4c.It MINI', ,'i: CO.

Basement, North Aisle.

Sporting Goods.B e st L ines a t L o w e s t P rices.

Rvaiade Oolf Balb for pracliL'c ]dayiiig. Satiir- d.iy only. 1.98 do/, instfiid of *2.25 d07.

2-ilvt-rtoii Golf Halls, well iiiaile and w ill seasoned. Saturila)- onlv, 2.5U do/., instead of f ’ .os.

S[).ilditiH‘s I 'a ra c h iit e Golf Halls, tlie tiesl made for praeliee lirb tiig,7Sc.c.v

B:iseb.il! I'aiiLs, .ill si/es, well niude and fiiii.slu'd. 89c (siir. reg, $1 .00.

Lxtni Heavy All-le.ither Basclmll Mitt with rein force'I [aim. Satiiril.a only, I 00 instead of fi.so.

guar.mtced (irio)e Bicycle Tire in all sizes, none lietter m ade, 4 .50 pr

H A H N E sK; L d

Main l-'loor, N'ortli .Mstc.

Other Eyes.Kyes

fft*f of i liar^»u by un KxjMTl Opticiftn. all fittings guiir- aiitccd batis- favlury u r

jnirebase inrmfy n fuiuloti Special aj- irhion givTTi lo presuriplinjis of H iysi- vians .ind Oriilists r«.‘u..ir-!inj,| tin- se- Ifulion of pri>j«*r llroki'ii

rt’pjareil wiUi v!iMn '.a{isfai tinn .at small ef).st. Silk t -m!, Ucn'k or L’abf fn-L* with eavli ]m:i

Oiir K. Skt'lf’tna iiM C.iii] FillcrlHiiliiiu Biou SftAi'fHi I'- ttUh niir < fimiH f'l ri’M*o|iir (‘ry.'.iai 1 » ( -*■•*. H<ul | i o ii-nitlly M-11 for 4.'.. f-t "sinirrltj { • 4 0

<Tur lokt. (JoM Ki!l>'(l I f'l in siT.t -!,iIh>iiv. wtirfli .‘■(0, '■' r-l.i

nin Kyr ( H.i'.- nriitJK 7 t , '

ijiiy , 'H \H M ' cN Cn

BascmL-nl, Wi'^\.

Pood Chopper.The ’ ’Tni-

Virsiil" ift the <JTily

rllOJlJKTlliiil cutsi'tMHl with- iJiH tr.irini'. retains all jiiiui's aiif! fl.Ivors inlilt',-its, fish, V t’X t* lahlvft am] trnits, and iUh-s .ill

lllal j'. flauiu-il for

i(. U al*y> au.iv wiili choppingkiiiff Htid b>'\51 I III SI* pfiivs lor Sat urday, only; Btgul.ii ^r.j.s lor 79c#; H*'k- lor ki .;.>i t|S for 1.39*

NoU‘—Conii- ajril 'ft >li'inoiislr.itum.II M IN I. aS; CO.

Broad Slret-l. Main Entram'v

New Gloves.L ad ies ' *-c la sp K id (dnves,

one TOW em b ro id e red luck, tuns,

mode.s, s late, red , peiir'.. white

and black, r e g u la r 75c. <|uaiity,

63c. pair.

L a d ie s ' R e a l M ocha G ' i o r 2 clasps, h a lf piipie 'cw ii, P a r is po in t, em bro id crc 'l back, slate, b row n , reds, mode- and b lack , r e g u la r 98c ., .s[)ccial 79c.

Ladies' Mercerized Silk I.i-'"' 1 .l"vt‘-s. tans, mode and slate, re[t. 2i' I9c.pr.

Ladies' Silk Taffeta Glove- jerwy wrists,black only,2sc,value. - i >l 1 "*•


JIain Eloor, La-t.


I.adies' lland- Embroiitered Ml L inen, I'lilaiiii-

dere<! H andkerchiefs, IZ ijC . each, in­stead of 17c.

Ladies’ fn lau n d e re d .Ml Linen. In­itial H andkerchiefs, eac!i, in­stead of 19c,

M en’s rtila im d ered All Linen, fn- ilial H andkerchiefs, I2'„e. each.

Ladies' I.awn Open Mexican work and H enistilched, I 2 ^ c , ea , reg 'ux;.


Main I'Usir. We-l

A rt W ork.Fiinry VVash.ilu'- i^unau for

ikummer usv. line Sh i-s lut.'ki*il nml triiilltHMl with s .ibno U'liiivH lace wilh extra fbuly. Si! I vl-cw lnTe .at ^ 1 .2 . our price \Giilu ib« v h"lf1 mil 85c

H AH M ': tSi C<».

M.iin rl.Htr. Ursl.

P o p u l a r M u s i c .Hellort L'l-nVal. frive Me Heaven,

O iii 1st ih f I )M Virji'inia Pines, |k»wn lb'- Cutiuik HlosM)ins Bb'snii.

J.anu u .Mi re«Iilh aivl flelU’s and Beaux \YalDu-*. I'ri'lir i*f the bilks, tw o >tep, Jj.'inv \ i . iline Kvj'. ,s«>c. inusif. J^aturd.i' I 5C. i‘arU,

IIA H N K & C<i

Mdin I'liMjr, North Aisle.

G ow n G ood s .r.too yards .Ml S ilk W h ile

jap . gii'id linn c lo lli, 70 inches

wide, .5<>c.

.) I im li Hlacl: S ilk ('i.rfnadiiu ',ll'ital ile-yyns. v e rv pii[>,ilar

t.i' ': . tli;- -I a -" ii, 85c. yard .

'rr_,-iiii ii .Mi W o'd L a d ie s 'C lo th ,

C "m [ile le :me o! -iiadcs, also

blai.k, VC! V t i 'f enU rc

C 's lU I IK '. 6.5c. .i:a|,

ciitupleU' 'm e o f Fancc' S lrtpc .-Mli.i!n>-s. m .tli ih e.pastc l S h ad es , 2 'K .. ,VK ., (1,5c.. 75c. and «5c. v.m l. II .U IM . c'li.

* l* 1n, reaaon. for which Pr PuffMbreat- «na fi sirit for tiancler.

Rev. Mr. Bull eom « hlahly recomra«d. Btebnp Hnniinados ■"'J Blrtop

Wllltam*. He’ wttt he*ln Ws rastoret* In this ejty on May U- He i* » yoon» ">«n of Mrikliui i>fir*oTnillD'-

________—— ----- - ■AKCCED OVEH SCHOOL MATTER*.

John 8. Prine7^rth7^oar<l of Ed“ « ' Uon ot BellevlBf. ewortout a warrant be­fore JniUn lot Faucherie aaatnst Samuel Foi«t«. Jr., atao of that place, this mpm->««. The eomplaInant alienee that foiRteuae4 vita lanauaffe « dobhn bodily harm l»ai "I**” ' . ■ .

Tha trooWe ia aald to *>“ " an artument la « » * « > »o dUferenew twaan tbe remtendln* faotton. in the tawniUp school beard, of which Mr. Price m e uatll rerently c h ^ n ^ J J a dlsMta oenirred on Main

^mrnrm] Mrsfiiw fire filMffiO to llfiVfih S S rC S T ’t o l S I U t thm un.4 b0«W -

. 1.


fliivvrw arr anA OGLoe AtIIv I''* TiilieB fraai C. <*. Jaiae*** H®u*v—iiur“ " |

A e rs A e o a f ie il j

^ The refildenee of Ch*rie* H. Jiimvs. nn . Academy atreet, BeUe\ill<*. irit<rfU| early tUla morning and a haul nvi'lf iv C T W a i e . hooaehold a r t l c U ^ f i n d a Hinall j *um of money. The burKlars m.ide a , nedae which awoke the oi'vuparitH o f tbe t houH, and left In a hurry iw-furi' they | had m ched the upper floors. JusiUe J. | J- Comwll. who was furnished |a da«cr^>tlon of the stolen artiulpf (o the , pohoa of this city and neighboring lElares.

Mrs. James heard suspicious soumta on , . the lower floor about 4 o’clock and arousea ■ b «r husband, who went downstfllm to In- | vesllgate. He found the froni divir ojten find •veryihing scattered In r«mfu*lon | around the dining-room. An onyx rloib i had been lefl on the stoop. af»er a sliver ; onuimeDt had been wrenched from (he top of tL A pocketbook cocUlulng a umall i sum of money wfis mtsaing from the din- - ing-foOm closeL Table Unm ami ee\eral , sofa eushloni were also taken. , ,

Marks suppoa^ to > *ve• JiRBray were found oo the front door, f i l i b e g th« bolt kad npt been tampered with. Botfance ww* effecled, it i® :

by forcing the catch of a window j * * the first floor.

Ewnwwe llfiwfirkwr Plaea Ewployes.PA TW ltO N . April ».-O ver WO of the 3

•«P*oyes of ■. Echeuer A Co. were ban- j fiOsUod here last oren li« by Leo Sc^uer* j Inrmfii iji Hewark* In honor of the* ---- -Btog of biSiMlf fifid bridA am I


Hnaae nf J. A lbert H addorL Fnirrril.Fam ily Is Aw ay—Arrrsa Thronah

a tA'Iadow.The burclar who has been busily i‘ngas:i‘il

dyrfng the past few weekiN in East OiKriK*-. or some one who Is following his exampi- p.aid a visit to the house of J. Albert liad- diick Ht 71 North Walnut street last iiIk^ What he got away with emnot be • tamed utuU Mr, Haddock and his famlH'. who have been out uf town for a nmnih. rG'turn. ^

Chief of Police Btauroefc, of East Or­ange. told a NEW S reporter this m<»rnhiK that the robbery was discovered by Letier- Cftirler William Simpson, who saw the front dour standing open and reporteii the matter to the police.*' Upon kivestlgsthjn it was found that the entire house had been ransacked. Bureau drawers were standing open and the house wa» in a stale of disorder. A seo'ant employ^ hy a family living next door to Mr. Hsddw'k says she saw a well-dressed man about the premises yesterday afternoon. He carried a good-sised leather^ bag in h!s band and waiked on, t l » ptaxsa and tried the door. Then.he fceht ' .

The bUTgisf foRowed'titr ^idTpiwtsetfre which has been In vogue in East Orange lately. He pried open a window opening out o«t the front stoop and gained entrance through that. Then he etpenad all the doors au as to fsclllUte hisaa* hiw and apparent­ly took his time In fli'ing through tbe house.

It davelopa that tha b «> iU f wbo visitad the rasidence of Bestkunin Shepard at 7s Barrfaoti slreat m Wadm^day night*

W .A U * l ‘ V P i : i f .l>.irir!'^'’ni-' 'k\.ill 1'niitT-. ill full r-imMua-

if<iii>(. Htuiiibli for luntn. pt rr o l l ............... ........................ . 4i»

N.-xv ‘ x lim n ifr Ilhl'-li. In rill 4-o|.nj iT U Jt(i.iTTi - .............................Ur

FiiM.'t nf •lit.iri -nHiin rii.| ImaIIliji'tvrii-*, ill'll Kri-'HiM..................... ei4’

lAiui IiiuIa-* Ihs- fl'jrMi aibhI xftilnvflf*-. tK f'T l((r

I\T.*i Fui{

) All for8 Rolls of Side Wall 6 Rolls nf Cetlin};.1 6 yds. of B order andi 7 |ap I pkg. of Da/s Diamoad Kaste' I w liAll 1riuim»‘i| hoi] hellvere-d FrOe.

20 N K W .S tU K K T ,V. -.r A Co,KtiUr< HuH'llin:.

COR. DLLMON jm f£,€*W .m fi£y SL .,5 SAwhich robbery' wa* told of in the NEWS , DOiWMrion of the Shepard family for Btv-

I yretenUy, enjoyed hlmaetf with refrreh- | eral gvneratlon*. ucnia and aronked a number of Ur. 8hep- ! -O'ard'a cl«ara. He then took away a quanU- WedweMla*a aad Sataeriatre ay* 'ty of .valuable ailverware, aom* of whicl. gpeelal Real Eatata Day* la iRa waa MiiUr prtiad aa bavlnx baan la the | r k w r

1 t I

i 2

1 . V ' .

T H E N E W S IN T H E O R A N G E S .

I l i i f c f l r i . r n « t > o v i . r M i h v i n I ' m i . k i V f R i i i n l a I W o r t t h e S l i i h l i ' t i l r < M t i hu i i c n r e w h » n i m o i c r e h i t j j i i i m i . K i j r _ M n n d a y n t g h t . H e « U I h e h e e l e t e r t b y

O u n g e B r a n c h — N a t i o n a l B a n k B u i l d i n g . T e l e p h o n e 4 7 S O r a n g e ,

l l u » f t t c i o r y , w h i c h I n r u u r i h i k * ' l a y a r i d n i d h i : T t l ^ ’r f i d r v d n H U * ' m } a f t o * ' i -l i i v t f u H U hJ k ' l i f U i h u t w a n i l r l v t - n h u c k , y o ' l fhi‘ •■nfilfU'"!' 'tf tht* f-a»'l('ry Ih'Mi ■at:ii‘t«'rl(la l i l u w r h » * f m - t e i r y w h l » < t h ' . a n d a W N U < l l « m r c > u - j l d n . i l u * r u n f o r l l r t h f i ' t l - t | u u r t i ^ r H , . a l m o s t a m l l f a w a y .

Afii-r alik>iu>r[ftovn minute's hrnl flUMK onp tltouffht of Uih'lihonlrrK (»i‘ iln-mnn.'This wnH 'drmp. jlu«l unrjiUr'i l H < r n i > n p u j I i ' U H * > x N o . I f t . i s J v l ' l i n^'*^** cat'll a block avray. at aieoui tin .-■inu*

o fIhs Kn*«HiHn <?ti|an]luep!iolr,

Mr Hiul Mth. Jon*‘|ih Vhii Vh»ck, Mmrtriair art' nt Mot Siarinsn, Ark.

M r , » ] i 4 l M r n . J a i m ' s < »• t ‘ h ' - * r < ' r i n i i n e u f M n n l t l i i i r . ( T U ‘ l H ‘ i H 4* < l t h i - l r K l l v c r v . 4* d u l i i g i i n u l v » T i i * u : y a t i U H r l i o r m - , 'J T r i n i t y m M o i i i i r l f i f r , < M i U V d n y n f h i y u l g h l w H h

I a r t M ' c p i l o n , « i w h i c h h m i m l n f T o f f n e n o a w e r e '

Kansfnnl HWlth died at his homn. If2 Mark nfrew, MraniciHlr. y*'Ht*'rd.iy urieT- ijoran. frrjm a ••oinirllt'aUoh of diseases. Hi' wan thlrly-nJx yfarn old, hud in nurylverl hv ti wtdrtw." The funeral will b»' h*ld mi• '• • • ?U


CitUeas' Conmittee Renews Its Protests ti Boahl Against Grantiag License

to Michael J, Sweeny.


• 1 -

ioMTOllirel IftlmerlthiH I'Hlelek ^ I«m- s a n I l N d . l o l i i i i M e d i ^ e l l l n t o M i n o r a — \ a H U I d r e i i a r K u M r i a

u o J n i i r I r M " n a D e o H c U r i ( o I , e l l l i e

M n i t e r t i n l U e r r n l H l l i a l T i m e .

R o n r d H r f i i a e i l I n H o ^ v o k e M o ' e n a e

o f t l o l i i a ^ 4 l ‘ h t t i n u t *

Hlnue the Uriinge HtoinS nf lOxcIm* w« k created U has ueV4-r Ihiil u.- lar-K*' mi audi­ence aa W'ua |jn*8i'iu hint iiikhi. 'J hin ftunirH'iji t'uunell cluiml»''r, wh’ rv ili»* biiuni meets, waa crowdr'il. All the ■enlatlven of the I'llltt'-ns' t'miiniin«-t' .siil on cm? Hide of ih*' renm. wlille lire uilu r ftuditorn U«»k fie.-it.s on the opi'uHlie slih-. .After hearing shHrments mudi' t'.v Jirlin

V. K. Stmil, iif 2*>N Main Hire-rt. and Ids couiiHfl, Assemlilyman VVlIUnm A, l4rit;il, the eommlUee withdrew Hm nhJectluilH tu graiUlnK Mr. Hnmt'a tiitiilhiUlnn. In the case o! Frank lliirff. of Hw Main strcei, whotip llci’nse tlie ceinmlttee asked th" board to revoke, beetii]lHe he had hren fined for kPCiilnn 4>|ien mi Hiitulny, Ihe board Riinouneetl that, InJiHuimli as the offenee wttR commit It'd iM'foEe tli* present license wav granti'tl. the retiuenl would have to be dehl.etb .Iti lh*‘ " f Mlclnu-l J, Sweeny, of 40 tNme Mreei. who was fined for nslng abuNlvo lunguuki* m Policeman Urennau. wlp-n the latier dlrectetl him to Hna« hUi stUoon early on a Sunday morning roc^iilyi. 4he hniird etalPfl that Its dirpialuR Iti llie mailer would be reached hi ii later diite, Tin* l.'ltlxcna' I’nmmfdee had deeldeil to dfup the objerllona li> Sweeny, when hin niHcwaa bnnight up nl the eommlure’N tneei-Ing on Monday night, but at a Hessioii tif the BxeniiU'e ('ommlttce. on Wednenday night. It waa delrrmlned to renew the protest.

O I H r c r Made Htatemenl.The I'tjmmlUee also naked u» have the

hcense of I’iilflek Mangan, of 02 Tremont avenue, revoked, bemuse, an It rhilmed, he admitted having sold In minors, init as the lleensc txyliT« On .Juric J It W4a ntmily. detddf>d IQ waif until Umi time and to protest ugulnal granting him n renewal. Sweeny was n<vt at ihe nieeting when his case was Uiken np, bni in- op- peartyi later. For the ritlaens' ( ’ommlt- tee Dr. David A. Kennedy stah'd thal the ease would rest upon the Police I’oiirl record" showing that Sweeny had iieen fined for using ahnsive language to a polke iiflleer. The laiard calleil Police­man Prennan, who preferred ihe chntgi* against Sweeny, and he made » atuU- ipeni of the facta In the caKe.

Kepljdng io a iiuesMun frofn Pot^jls- sioner Fpoemun, .Ihe oflleer sHid th^ 'he was atU*i^oted |o the liar room because (here was so much nolae lit the place. I'cimmlsaloncr Kidder nske<l If this wii.s (he fir.si lime he hibl heard m noiae In ihi» iflloon after 12 o'eiuck. The uWeer replied In Ihe ofTlrmallve, nllhotigh he stild the

' 4» f f e n ^ e ( M i n i n d M ' - d ' t h e; p l H i n u n t s . .

' T h e 4 b ' N l r e I t i I h e r i i i z 4 * n « * C ' . n m i i i 'i t c H , " r e i n i i r k ' d U e v . A d o l p h U * ": to maln^yln the exlNiina I iiui liI oUiu*4l id ihljik that i t('mwitters a* *

. w h o l e , . l a n o t f u l l y l u r - ' X l i P ' l l U « ? i p i n g s 4 » f I h e l a w . 'I H a n ts k lifliles fJrntvit.j The i ’ lt)r.en>s' ('om ndilee. In a fim im ud-

cfUion i^lKhvd ii> l l ' \ Krarik .Mio I.Miil'-l. cliairm an o f, ijie llx '-i’ iUlVf « '^miiTilnei-. a f k e i l ibe b o a n l p i i j i - o - i a n u r d l i n i t t r e r > - qiilrlnK cVer> s;iloon-k**«i»er to ihive Id- wh'lJiles (ir SfTceil’' S" ilr.iWN lliut the Int- Dcir nf III,' Hiippon e-'-nId lie In vb w nf Mj'- iMibllr 'hirlnv lllOlr^ win n f*ulr>on*« nr-- hUppi#Sfil (Ji lie ' Insi-il. Th is ll•lleJ■ u,!- reii'lvi'iJ iilfl ,Mr 1'Ti‘ioiMn stn iril-that u Winild In- clv'-n 4’oiiHlih-n« Moil.

Ai'pIP-.iUoris w i-ri-g iorilcd f " Peler IT* d''iw<"i'l. l?M'<iiie Kirert. Knimii TraPnl'I.

I.b iu n r ( Kin-et, and .hitneM l>»-lgn;iK, M

M t r i e t h i ' m c J ^ w n g c r a r r i v e . ] a t U p - e o g i t M - „ i; i r t 0 ( - h i n f f l b . - f h i i n i u n i > - l I n . i n ^ ^ f o n 1 l H y M f l n r n o o n h i ! : » < j l

I h n s u b w r t H t h a t t h e b o * o X : i i n • ' r i I . w o m e n 4 i f i h e f ' h i f r < h o f I h e K a t r e d M e a n .>o-*v*^w*B‘^ * '• ' T A im lon jri: '-^ 'r ih^

w h i s t l e h J ( w s e v e r a l d f P f « ' n n t ' i i i l r i i G e r . ' * i - ’ i r K i H a p t l s t r H n r 7T ^ » ” l a t f t T I h * l l r e r n e n . h o w e v e r , h : K l o B i r c . i r u o n ' n i c h l . H e \ ' . ( ’ h a r l e s A . r ' t i o k w a s t h ei l l * b u r n i n g h i i M d l n g a b o i i l l l v . - m b i ' l t e s ' p a d e r . . . at

" • ' ............... . i mSh-s i‘n‘ T l i i a t l o w u t h i s m f t r n i p g . T h e c a r r i a g e

I f . l i L M 1 n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ “ - —re K/mii .suJalijad A ponboi

irnpj i<‘ f ‘h»' haJUIJ^ig wAHlnirn'Ml i i i i . i < h l n 4 r v W a s n m d a m a K i d

H T r Y ' ! * D K n . - W e s T e S K e n t s f o r t h e O r s n g e i f o r t h e M o l u i t i b i t t , 1 , - h M n u l i t i c h s l n l e s s : H a r l h ^ r d .

P a c a b l e r . W o l f , A m e r i c a n , H o i l a n U , K a y c y c l e a n d J u > n l l e w h e e l s , I I S u p ; a l l w h e e l s ( u U y s u a r a n i e e r t ; a l s d ’ a n m e l a d l e s " a n d g e n l * ' c e i - n o d - h a n d w f a e l " : p r l r e s e a s b o r

1 r > M W h e e l s u k e n a a p a r i i > a y m e n l ; . . ,! n k u i h I w j i ^ e l b « s u r e a n d s e e o u r l i n e ; h e a t P

a u . i i i e r e - f o r r e p a i r i n g ; p r i c e s r e a e u n a b l e . i f-’ c T J f b R o g . , P a r k i i . , i . V a n s e .

S K W H O M B n r i - K R S ' l i E . V m ' E -A s . ' t f e a n d p r n f l l s h l s I n v e a t m e n i f o r s a v i n g s ;

I h e n e w I d e a d u t w i « n * ^ r * r l - - - - - - " T i r t i t t f i l p t ;. W " b u y l o t a n d p l a n h o m e m ' s q f l p i i K h u g e ' r ; : . i l c f l a P e ( H i n t r u r l ; I t W r a l p r o v l s t n n s : i n v e e t l g a ’: p a n l n v h 4- d . K e » J A M E k g , K O b M K H . B a n k ; p u l h l l n f i . O r a n g e , u f t l r e * a > e n T u e a d a y e v f i a - ' i i i K . N e w a r k o o n U e i r i i t M ' i l t i s t i l m i - l d i n i t .

. . r < 4 k ai r , « i P i r v n r l r e s ; o v e r l . f k k )

. H W i . k i ' > ',7 ' w B i k o n l y . A .

— A I X l > E ( i l T l I E T J l > - V aS" and een(*‘ i ' ‘F Abb I>KSl hr lnetal Ienl : Rt Hbl.K . , if.i .kph T.\KI=1N AT; I f y o u w d n r | i j > K T O N ' r t

: d » M A I N S T . _

Miir line of hleyrjes; J.'* 'ti'wnP R . a N M S . W e s t o r a n g e . _

It* JkKS rsmaiions. > . s a t M v M m W t * ”

violets aniJ-other cut How-

S i \ N I I I \ K


K S 'fK H TAI> 'IK S ’l-

1 i i

.411*1J ' a r r . . t t e i r v t . T h * - f t » i | i i w 1i u { a p i d h - i I b m s w * ii‘ n ‘ C 4 * l V f f l tind Inhl i r v e r u i i M I

T h n r . > . d . i , s - , M a y 2 : . b i n p - s . \ l 4- . \ l i i n u e . S m i l i j s l i « 4 ' 1 , A r e v i i l o ' l l 1 t 4 - i u ‘ 4 t * - L l O , 1> K - - •4* * , i v > m i 4‘ . f J I u H e f t p o V i i b ‘ 111* * . 123 A T i i b ' hUc' I. Th'irmis D. \'aimlin. ISIh SiuPh d* f-fiTM»ii Hi|-4'«-i: iJonilnh’k <iJUlg,iii. V'»-Ht MrevL. Jilsri I'Tnhcrly, HO Mill hir*> i.

Koch, 44 M cr ih 'sm y m ri'tr. .bHiu Kg.Ill, I'ja l^ahf'Khle.uveniu ; iT irrle IT iH, i;o Mmjlh street.


. V l t e ‘ l l l l * * ( | v I f c i i t E f l tI i i l o u l l t i l l » O r w i i u c .

> l^nerti Was given Pi ITiii'oi H iH i i i i ' - ' i ' . I f i * * ! n i g h t , u n d e r t i p * a u ^ p b * - * h i - Wtmehlio- f l o c l e i y and Ihc* WoHtMu e iTu lf<- lliiri TeiKpHruricv riiUin. Th*- hall .iiH the t-iilh-ries w e r e c r o w i b - d . aioj Ml*- I ' T " ' y r a r n o p ' w a n w e l l a r r n n g 4 ' i l a m i b i i * i ' i t i K M i m n ^ h o i i t . J o s e p h J ! l i i < - k i n - i n I ' l * * - t l i * p r o g r a m m e w i t h h m i m t e r " f i iiMKiapli r e c t i r d s . M i s s Miihel i P i w . 4uMoiilel. followed w i t h h rmlt.-UInh. K ; i r r \ - M a c D o r i o u g h g i M V * * i i c , o n i ' - i .

. \ n e ? < Is4fh«‘l O r a i H . s o i i r i i i i c . s o n g ' I T - ( ei.i* >■ mill *‘Aehcs nf Unsye." iind Mie I r.oima Farr MePoy read fpifKl - '‘ I."'*' j l b i r ' . M I s .h (Tiridlne Deryitmi pi;i\*-d «

i ' l l l i i s i i l o . " F a i r y R e a l m . " w h h h w . i - * * u - I'Ti'd. IlcHlrtee Franks reejiMl ,iii ]-TiHier En-to. himI AlfH. McCtjy lmn‘*lu'-*-*l Mrs

M i i . \ ' K . H e l l , I h e a t i l i i o r *i i t 1 I m p * r ' c i i - P.r *,)f cuUireil “a,iiiv(h'«'' mid pbiiPail-'n

u*IilJll'-H. Mrs. tMarii A. Korn pl;i>**l -' V- i , i l piano solos, one n hrlUtaiit p-dopatei-

of h* r own compOhllluh. t4amu*-l [oulke I'l, V4'*| iw'u miiniluliii snloe

A i M i i v c r a a r y < i f L n f i i y e H e L o d g e A r -

r n n u e i l b y I ' u m i i t l H c t * — M l h e r

% u f p s f f o u i M ( « * O r n l i g e g .

l , ; i f a > i ‘ 1 t e | , 4i f l g e N o . 12, I . < A ! ■ ' . " f U r a r i i ( c , ) m * - I I n s t f l i g h t n r h l l i | i t l t f 1* - d " l a i p - w l i e n i h e r a m i w f i r k e d t h e h i m i I i - k i ' * . - o n . i r i o i l i e r , A t l l l e n e x i m e e i l i i K l l o - h * * o i e l i I h k h '* - w i l l h i - w o r k v 4l o n f f i i i r r i i ' i n - b ' - r , - * . ' i ' l l ! e n u - r l i i l m r i 4* n t c o n i m h i i * - i - - . p i i i i e > l i h i i i * * v e r y ( h l i i g w i i h h i m i - ] | i " - s ^ f j » r l i e - H i i h i \ 4‘ / h a r y e i i t e r l a i b m e n l b > b * h e l l ] h i r p ] M ‘ i ‘ M u h U ' H u l l . O r a n g e , l e - x r

" n i i i i M 4l . - i > ' h l g i i l . 4] 4r * i d s p e n k e r H w m i b l . l i e - I ' o x u r m i i M ' d e c l n n - i t , h e p r e s e n i a n d o n . i l * t r . i c H v c V 4" - n l i i m i n i i i s l c u l p r o g r a m m * W o i l i i J b e n i e l e f * - 4l ,

T i e - Y i x u n g M i u i ' n C a t h o l i c L i 1 * ’ r m y r i i u a i D i a i i u i l l c < T i r p s n f O r a n g e w i l l p i ■ • r t i ’ i H * ' T l e - D l r l I L c i f t H c h l r w l M * ' " i n I n n i h u s ' r h e a t r e l o - T n n r m w n r b T i i f m i i i i n - l t n x h t . J o h n T . P I t t t t w l U i m i u i i g . - t h * - p r o - i l n i - r l . a i k

U - V t . i r . . A l l M i r l B . C f i 4i p 4- r v i i l l | i i > : i i 1i I n r t L E ' l P i l ' s A . M . 1*1. i T i u r 4- l i . . S - i n i l i f . i r i - 4* i . o r a n g e , a t H o ? r e g n b i e i v - i k l y p r a y e r - i m o ' t l u g K e r v l c - i » l o * n l g l i l - e l b * s i i l i j e d . " W h a t 1h M i - r t i U b y I ' h r l ' - M a n I V r f i ' H l o i i ? " A n e n t c n a l n m i ' i n w a s « i v . n I n l i t * - r h u r c h I a s i n i g h t .

A e i i r t a l n h l i * w u K a i n s I a g a » j ' l i n t h -r e s i d e n c e 4* f J . W . A y l s w ' i t l l b 22S . \ | l * H i H i du M - m i e , F a s t O r a n g * ‘ . h i s t u i g h i , m i d F r a n k l i n H ' # b d C o m p a n y w n ^ s u m m u i P - i l t o e x I i n g u j i H h t h e h h i * e T h e n i T l . T l n w . i - l o r n d u w n ' f m i l i h a t i r e ] > u l o i l t w i t h H l i g i nd n m n R e .

' H h ' i i t i n u a l e l i n - t l o n t S f t h e \ V * - s i ( i m m ; * - F i r e D e p a r t m e n t - w i l l I m - b e W o n T T " ' * i n j . U i g l M C h i e f J a m * ‘ S r t l i e e h i i n b : i M i * - i p i m l n n h ' d t o s e r v e a n o t h e r y ^ - u r . J i * - w i l l l i e I h e l u d y e n u d l d a t ' ’ .

T h e O n i n g p F i r e D e p n f i m e n i t v a M i ‘ ! i | | - i l o u l t i l l s m o r n i n g m e x t i n g u i s h .< l i r e I n a [ 4 * m ‘ m e n l h o u s e I n C u m * s l r o e i . o r a n g v . T h e i l H n m g e w a s s U g h t .

A r e c e p t l n n w i l l h e t o m l v r * * i | K c v ' . I T , J < i h n I ' T i ' a t l r r s i M i , | i : i . * 4| y r o f C e n t r a l b y l e r l a n C h u r 4* h . t i r n n g e , I n t h e S u n d a y - s c h o o l P ' M n n o f t h e e h u r r h ( o - n l g h l . T h e Y o u n g I T n i p l e ' s A s s n c l f u l o n o f t h e e h u r c l i

h a v e t h e a f f n l P I n c h a r g e . T h e r e i a ' i d P n i w i l l c c l e b r n t e D r . P r t l l e f . H o n ' s e i g h t h n n - i i l v i ’ r . s u r y n s p a s t i i r o f C e i i t r n t t . ’ h u r c h ,

T h e c h o r a l c l a s s o f t h e F a s t O r a n g e H i g h H c - h i m l w i l l « l v « ‘ a c o n c c r l I n ( h e N a s s a u l ^ i l h l l c a * - h o o l . l - i U B l O r a n g e , / i nF r W d - j ' n U h i . M a y a . ■ ' ^

M i s s R u t h L . U n v i - y w i l l g i v e * u d a m - e I’ S o f M i e s e n l « > i ' t - h i s s o ff t a l f M i n k e e p e r k ^ p t 4» p c i i u n t i l 2 o ' c l o r k | t h e c l t t H s m a i ' . . . . .

o r l a t e r , n n d i i r n c t l c H l I y r a n o n n l l - n l g h i ‘ O r a n g e H i g h B i - h o o l I n A r l o g *s g l o o i v . B v . f a r a s V u * H u ^ ' W i i c o p l a e r m l d i O r a n g e , n u S r l t l n . ^ ' i i l g l v lt e t a d r i n k I n t h e s a U m i u a t a n y l i m e ; , , ^ „ . . i . . . i . . .d u r i n g t h * i n i g h t . I f e s i i U l f u r t h e r t h a t 1 K s s t t i r a n g c B o a r d n f l l e n l l h h « l do n o n a c M b d O J i l o n b « h a d r e m c m s t n i t e d w H I i 1 r e g u l a r m + ' e M u g h i s t - n i g h t , u v w h U h B w - e r p f e T ' f h l ' s e l l i n g b e e r t o a w o m a n , w h * i i r o u M i i e m a l t i - r s w e r e d l h ^ i i s s t n l i m h I

’ ROW In the t>enltenMary, and whost daughter was sent to JhI) this week, at t a'clfgik In the morning, when the woman was already drunk.

Police Caplaln Leary told the hoard, tt Its reipipsi, (hat (he present c«un- plaint was the first one ihut hud heni made against Sweeny. The latier. In hts own helmif. sal<l that he und fine of his bokpderw w*ert* In a back room when ihe poticeman kimeked at the dour. IJa gen­erally thtt ,floors, ihA» snlounkeiuMT uid.

*‘I generiijly close up at five mhutteH to 121'o'elack." coniliuied Sweeny. "| 3on't keep open oh Sunday, and I wouldn't keep open <vn Buinlay, ami I've Ik'»>u there for ten years. My cust4>nrii'rs are nil transient. 1 haven't any steady. c i i s I o t i i - trs."

Mr. Freeman nnnmim-ed that the hoard Was somewhat In doubt about the ca-*,* and would w-lthuUl Us ih-ilslon tor fur­ther InvestIgnMoii. The houril would ln*sl- tate (o refuse a Ijccnse to a man who h.oJ .kapt* a saloon for ten years nnli'^s the place wna i;oi, vomJutTew a# It ■shmihl bi*. but rf II saloon was Impruperlv nunlni-icd k Ucense would hr refused

g l o u t ( ' H s e T a k e n t | i .When the case of Mr. Btoui svax taken

lip Dr Kemie4ly hold that li vi.m ,,niy hece tsury to rest the CHsr np<m iln*Jiiv Court HM-ord. M r l.'«r4i. wii.» ;ni. ■peared for Mr. Blout. ili cl.in-il ihnt tin* tourl record simply slated « chargi- The fUy rlmrt *r {irov]4lvd for a iinlKriieni in an -gctluii for «leUl In a case of ilii>t - ori. bni tUTO there hS4j In-vri ti4> .iiidxEm'iii. but Merely a convlcilim. j lthrfcit contesting ih'

m m i l u ' r o f n u U n t n p ( - M W '4* r 4* r e p o r t v d a b a t e d .

I s i W n t n a i i ' w H e a l p i i .T h e s l x i h a n d i H s t p a r i e h H U | H i * e f o f t h e

I ' u l t a r h i i i ( ' h u r c h , C b ' V e h i n 4| H i r e f - i , U n i n g 4- , w i l l \ie g i v e n u n d e r t h e i l l r e c t l u n o f l l i e W o m e n ' s 4N « l i o i u i l A l U n n c e o f I t U 'I h u r t - h n e x t T h u r s d a y , B u H » e r w M I l l i e s e r v e d f r o m C l o K . M . A n i l l n s t r a l e * l l ^ i :t n r a w i l l f 4) l l o w .

M r s . H l t s t a m D « « . M u s s , s o ] » r a n i i , w i l l h e t h e s o l o i s t H t M | 4' c o n c e i t t o h e g i v e n b y t h e I M t i s b i i r g o r c h e s l r a o n M o m J r f y n i g h t I n I ' n l o i i I I h U , U n i n g * ' .

M m c . b y d i H v o n F l n k e l s t e i n M u i i n i f o T i l w i l l b - c t u r e o n " L i f e I n l l i e i b i l y l . t i t i d " b i r o m m o n w e a l i h i W l l . K h h I u m r i g * - , i u - l i l g h l , n i t d e r ( h e n u A p t c e s o f t i n - H o r i ' i n y - s c h o o l 4* f C a l v a r y M p t l i o * H s i C h u r c h . K a s t n r n r i g e .

M r s . J ' d i n B u r k e g a v e a n l i v f t i r n u i l i h i n e o N l h e r r e s l d e i n - e I n l A e w e l l v n I ' o i k . W e s t o r a n g e , l a s t n i g h t .


«H i l V itllsb u ru ii-S e v e r r r l r e j w Y i f l s n n s t r c 4* t T n i p r o v i - i i H i i l s

b y M l * - R f o ^ r d o f A s s e s s n i e M w i l l b * s i d e r * - * ! a t ' t t - t a e c l l h g r » f t b i - B o l i l h i i r u n g * '

t V l l l i i g t i . t # < * t o ^ t l T r U H i e . e a l u i n - h e l i l n e x t Thur*><lsy':flJWt,'-.. B i l l s f o r g r . o l l i i g . I ' u n * -

l i i g a u d . p a i f l | l l w l l l s i d i d a * ' ' w i l l a l s o b e - • 4 i - l v e a a t f ™ . ] i m ‘ t d l Q g .

An A till-B aT^fl Leagu e w ill soon b*- ur- i i iIz«‘4E in BoiUtt N ^ n g e \ iMag**. Mem-

»/ th#* w ^ th -Q riiiiK e M K Church iAPi* at the hC M 'u f tile mrivem'- ril.

M e o r g e B . J < * | ^ l n w j H . t > T ' r n r r * - l l n V e i n i e .nuth <>ra>iKe, In hflme fr*jin an *-xlen'li-'i

\ \ l ■ s l 4■ ^ l • t r i p .B - d . e c e J . B h c r l o c i c a m t f i i n i l l y . o f M < m l -

/ s e . h a v e t u k e n u p a r e s M e m - e t n N e w firk.A l a r g ^ l j - n l t e r r t l e d m e e t i n g " f ( h e L ’ l l i - -iim' A s s O c l i i t l o n o f X T i l l s b i i r g b w a s h < d d S t i i l g h i U i t h e H h o 4> t l n g P a r k a s s e m b l y

r c ' i m s . T h e r e w a s a g e r n - r u l i I I h c u s h I o i i < i * ' ! K c r n l r i g ( h e a r f a i r a o f i b e b o r o i i g h a n d

w 4j t f l i ‘ e r s w e r e e l e c t e d u s f o l l n w . s ; I T e s l - n i , W i l l i a m B i l l i n g t o n : h r s i v l c v * p r e « i -

t b - i i l , H a r r y F , H c a i > ' ; , s c 4‘ o n > l v l c c * [ ) f c n l - i J r n t . . I f i h t i F . M i i r p h y : s c c r e l a r y , J o s e p h K . F o \ , t r e a x u r e f , b T a n c l s . 1. I V o y n o l d s ; s i - r g c a n t - n l - a r r a H . I I . V u n n v c r . K u b T l a l n - m e i i i C i i m m l t l f t e , H a r r y F . I l * ' ; i l y . J « > h n V . . M u r p h y . A n d r e w E s r h i - i i f » - l ' b * r . . l o h n D b ' l V n i l m l c r a n d T h o m a s C o n i i i - l l y . T h e

i i s . H o i - i i i l i o n w i l l h o l < l a s n n i k c r o n T h u r a - i k i y i i t p h t . M a y J S .

The Boiith Orange V illage \T)lnnteer F|r4* DepurimvTit w'os f-alb-fl «mt >-estcr- i5fiy iiftern4Hiit t o eitlngul-*h «« vhlmney f l r 4 * l u i h f r e s l ( h r n r e o f !■ ’ . H . J n u v l c f , a l IJK Hiiymoml avemie.

M r s . i h - o r g A ' W . I l 4n t g * s , u f ^ ' S v o t h i n i l t o j i d . S * ' O l h O r a n g e . j f l v i ' - S p H d n p l l c n t e T V h l s t t h i s ufbTnonn.

O r M i i g e W o m a n ' s f ' l i r b M * * e t D i K <A ri-gni ir inei-ling nf iln* U'omanTi CInh as held Wednesday al i* riioon a t Cnlon

Hull. Hri.iigc, T h i’ ilepiirlnn’ o l 4if science, o f which .Mr^ H. F. lirio lb.y Is chairman, was 111 i-hiinp*. [^rllers from Dr. A lice B. rSmdU, Ilf Manila, were reail hy Mrs. Fad- dock. und the corre**jKm4llng se tre ia ry was liiMirncliMl to retnni the greedu g sewt hy ihe ubst-nl member. AniiuumN-mviB iWas mailc nf lh4' 4!enlli o f (he 'frmfh*T 4jf Mrs. Heorge \V. Hluckwell, preMlth’iU o! Ihe club, musical iir<*grHmm«' was ren- 'b-recl. and a paper on "Kvltitoic i's 4»f N atu ­ral Btdectiun." wrm»-n by Mrs. -KwtVUrg, was reml hy Mrs. M cKee. .\n niJilress w a s

SI v e n h y M r s . H r a 4| | e y o n e v b i n t i o n , r r * ^ , . I c T p v l n g e . t i r i - s b l e n i t » f t l u - T W i p a n ' s

< * h m N n f w i i l k , i N m n . , w a s a g p e d . ' u n i l guvn a siiort mblresM.

. \ c o u s e i l I t y t l n i T T ' O t i U n e t c » r l i v e ^ n . I h u i i U i l c H t i H n i i t n c i i l , o f M u n i c h i l r , ' W U r

n r r e s t * ' i l > ‘ c s i 4T 4l a > ' a f l e r n o o i i b y I i e i c 4* - f i v e ' T e r r . v , o f M o n i c l u l r . f » n c t t m i i l n l n t o f D i ' l e c d v e s M c t T e l h i i i u i h I H k l d t n o r e , « i f ( h e l a i v k a w i A u t n i K i i l l r o a d C n m p i m . v , f o r i h t i i i l l h g c d l a r c e n y o f o n e u n d i i h a l f ( o n s o f e o i k i , o h e 4- r o w b . i r , t w o s h o v e l s a n d a s p i k e d r i v e r f r o m t i n * r u I l r 4» H d i - o m p w n y . T h e t o p i s w e n - b a i i i ' l t u i h e e 4' l l n r 4i f D u n * m e a l ' s h o u s e H i u - o n l e r Y 4» s l h e i i l t h e a e J I ' t t s M t t n t l M i h a l l f o r t h e g r a m l i u r y .

I t l r k M t - w B - I i v M W a g o n o w n e d b y ' i i J m * ' i l B u s h , s n i l w h i » d e i n o l l s l i * - ' ] T m * i o f f s e w a s e a p l t i r e d h f i e r a s h o r i ,

( i l H c o m m u i i l c a t l i i n r e a d a t , ’? i ', In-Id Itv Ihe HloEiTiineld FJoanl o f Ht-anh , las> night Ihe .New Jersey .Mclb .d Bo- ' rii 'iv 0Hmplu1nc4l o f the fallu i'v o f tnMH'> i f-m(ilov4'!*- t 4i enfor4*e ihe urdlnunf'e agi'liis i ^rxiwe-Forallng on Ihe lloor o f the I'ars.

,*^reTe(iirv W. L Johnson was Insm icieii In write lo Ihe ir4dley compHiites and in-

, fi^rrn ihiun Hint they mii^t see i^ui the oriMriwnce la enforced.

, I t u i h l , y i i i l e H e y u g a v e i i r e c i t a l b i * r - ' j r s t C n i i g r e g i i d o f i a l C h u r 4- h , M o i i i i - h i l r ,

; . l a - ( n l g h l . b e f 4f r e a l a r g e u u d l e i i c e I n . * i i i i i n . ' i i e s s c H w e r x ' M r s . t ! . D . D u B " i > . M r f * I t o b e r l C h r L s t l e . M r s . D a v i d D . D u n - 4 - i m . M r s . l > I ’ . C r u l k s h u n k . M r s . U l l l - i l i i m * C o n j i e r , M r s . H a r o l d F l l n e y U n ^ w i i . . M r s L i i w r 4* n c e i ‘ . K a r l e . M r s . T h o m a s l * . K u l u i i . V l l s s C a r r i e H o l m e s . . M i s s J o l i h -

H i m . . M r s , W , K . I M u k h a m . M r s . W l l l l n m K M a n ' i i s . * M r a . H e r b e r t t j l o y d , M r a . •

T r a i l i s c h o l d a n d M r . s . P a u l W | l c 4» x . ^r p H * o r I l n * m u s i c a l t r e a t s i n M o n t i - h i l r

t h i s s i - a s o i ) w i l l b e ( h e p r i ' s e n t a t l u n o f i h r . s H c r e d i ' i i n t i j f a " K s l U r - r , t h e K e a u t l f i i l I g i M - c f i . ■ I r i I h e F i r s t t T i n g r e g u t l o n u l C h u r c h , t o - n i g l i t M w i l l h e g i v e n n y , U n - T ' l l g r l m c h o r a l » o * - l c l y . u n d e r i h e ’ . l l r i - c i l o n o f \ T ) l « - n l l n e Y o u n g m u n . T h e i H i i l i * l s t . H w i l l i w a s f o l l o w s : K s l h e r , t h e \y i i r e i i . . M I s h J u U e . M . Y o u n g , s o p r a n o ; l h « K i n g . i ’T e i l B h e r n m i i . b a s s ; H a m u i i , o v t - r s c e r o f t h e r * * a l m . K l l h u t M a r s h a l l , b u r l i o i i e - , Z * - r e . ^ h . H a m n n ' s w t f e , M r s . J i - s s J c A . F t i i p e ? ! . c o n l r a l l o ; M o r « l e 4! a l . a J e w . A . K . M m - k . b ' m * r . T h e y w i l l b e s u p ] i o r ( e d b s a c h o r u s o f f i f t y v o i c e s .

W lf»N Ytill W ANT <Kk>D CQAL Try-Frc‘rnian;« ctirbnited but ttuff; No. 2 aul afp«viahy: D.

W . A . F R E E M A N A E O N ,F o r n j e r l y A . P . P l « r » o n ,

m - e r . t Q y f t T n , P i p r s n n ’ i > H g y . O r a n x g -

AIIGalvanized Iroa Wringers

w i t h s t e e l s p r i n g , b g

C E N i r12 Centre St.

T h e C h e a p e s t P i e c e i n O r a n t e .

Witf. II’ ............,.....................Hr.Mni V' l'i. i ; - - ' ' ' v . ' ....... ■■■■

u m h . p f i - H ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K i l l . . I ' h l ' l i ' ’ ” - . I l ’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.T 1 ,,-mnrrow imiv.

[ . ; „ r ( v H - i - f l ) 9 . k , . t . .K i m - 1. , ‘ n i . n i ’ ’ . l - ‘ . p i t c h . 2f i

I f i v’ HAItCEUK O f WEW JKRSEV-To WU|,U i f i H , . A r c u U r J u * . - . ■ ■ ■B y v i r t u e ot a n o r d e r o f t h e C o u r t o f C h a g -

c e r > ’ o f N e w J e r » « y , m a d e o n t h e 4U r l O f i t h e d a i « h e r e o f , i n a c - a u s e w h e r e i n M k ? b a f e r M c ^ D u r i o u g l i t a r p r o p l a t n a n t , a n d y o u M d d t b e r i A r e d e f e n d a n u . y o u a r t r e x j u f r t t T f t i p i r f a V , t d e a d . d e m u r o r a n s w e r t o i h e c o m p l a i n a n f s b i l l , o n o r b e f o r e t h e f l r s l d a y o f J u n e H p u l ) n e x t , o r i t w * s a i d b i l l w i l l b e t a k e n a a c o n f e s s e d s g s i n s t y o u . . - ,

T h . m i l d h i l l 1. I t l ' d m f n r e r l i m t » f > r e t U I n I H o r t g a K . . , ( h e O r a l l i h l a d J a n u h r y 1. a n , l I S . a « ; , i h d d * l . d I ' . b r u a r y i H , I H H l , u p o n l a n . J a I t i l h « l o w n a h l p i r f t t o u t h O t » n * p e o u n l y o f ^ a - a « x a m i S t a t o o f . f . ™ J o r t o p . o a d ■ i n h d B t t y y « j a n i l y . i a r i v ) f . t o l b . p a i d M l r h i . l M i - n o n o a i h . t h . . ' o m i J l a i n a n t . . A n . l . y . J ^ t . *1:l a r l u . , a r . m a i l , a p a r t y t l f f . n i l l n t , h e c o t i a a y o u B . r . t h e r a a l l . r o t l a U l t i i n r l g a g r . a n d r l a l t t i a d T o h . l h a o » n . r o f m o r d p ( B U d n . o r l i a , « l o r e j n l s e a .

' D a t e dS o l i e t t o r - o f **

, N u . H R * B r o a d « t . . , . - ■ N e w a r k , N . T . . '

118. , 0 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ii4StSNBrr."7~-

w i t t i H i t i f i l s t e e l s p r i u K a d j u s i e d . w i r l r t l i i i n i l i t e r e d v o B l y

IS $ 2 a S S O I S C t O l T a S'fj wdrdwijfk • ulkoiit cither to suell or

shrink wul.lplUv VtwT'dnrulde M'rlogers. Cull siitl exgnilDe them ut

DmoDd's M e r y Store,18 $ M i t f l 5 t n « t i O r a n g e -

Dlo.................... 5SSc

m i v T F o l l c K T O r K F B K D D P : f A U T - ‘ . M K a N T .

SI.29 E a c h ' ......( I ' . i u e i H u y . b f i . .

i "'ny'’?i‘r'!J ‘’“ ‘»"t. vri'f ™''the'o?phina’ eourt u n t h e J u y o f t h e i l a H h e r e o f . I n t h e m a l t e r i q

^ 1 . c o u r t i b ^ w n r l t n f o f t h e p r o b a t e r i f k p a p # r 10 b e t h e s s l w i l l a n d t e * u -

P e i e r I ' o i i e l n s , . ( e . - e a s e d , W h i c h s a M ' I J a i i r w T l t l n i I s d a t e d i h e t w e n i y - U i l r d p a y o t .

K M * ! V i V . ^ m h f r n l t i p i e r n h u n 4l r e d . y o u a r e ’ r e q u i r e ] t o a l ' P e a r ’ i n " a i d m a i l e r I n s a i d « n i h * rt h i r t i d i f l v » f M a y n e x t , a m i m a k e o b j e c t h - n , i f a n > - y o u h i v e , t n t h e ^ i i r o b a i e o f , s a l d ^ ^

K K . A L B ^ T . W T F a T H A N B F K R S a

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Suburbanlkw$ nok$«

B y iMvlti, * f|H*- Ills '

M s l i n e M c i i l h i i J

l i n t

s i i R g i ' S t l n i i t l n i l i r h*nr .Mr; Stum brfnr4-

Humin'd «p , lhe-'T4alnim-kKepvr r i l l l - i * ; i n l i h n i l i t * l o o k c h n r g i -

t « H g t k n o w U M i g w l i l u r l i . * v l < i U , i h - . | t h e o r - i l j i u n i ' A ; , u u d J i u c i I h * 4* i u i - ‘ f i J i P 4i r u t m a c l 4 I ; ^ h e t l m * * b e v s c u k i l o u t - b i - t - a m l v l w i l

t o p a y i b i * I h i K l u s i H u . J . o r 4 k > l t t g i b l a . . M r . S l o t d h i i i i i < i l k i ' 4 t w I M i i ) u - t H T i i 4 ' < 4 e n p -

' t a w . . h u l l , i l c s i r p i g t . . u v n i d p u b l b l l y , I u h I p a i d h i s ( 1 1 1 * w l t h n u i h . i T l i i g t h * .* i - u h 4.'I g i r l n l . T h + * r 4 h - . i *. r u i t - v S t b - n c * - i * » s (hat r h i c c tbai tiiiir ilu- phu-t* ludl b e e n h i M i i J i i . U m I I n n l n v , - f u l i n u i i n i - r .

D l l . M r , K i i b l i T ' s w o u i < \ b e i 4 iM r . D n r . iS t B t r t i I n

H i y p l a y i - o n D o i i d o ' r I K . h i i v l i i g p r e v i ­o u s l y I m - 4 1 1 . i t u r i x t * < l I n H i i u U u f b i i s l u o s s

N i ' V i - T n l > 4* r I I . i l S n u i r i l n i i i i g h i . h * -t r i e d ! l o g . - i t l i t * j x - u p l e o m 4* f t h e s a l n o nO n i - f t i a u f r * i r n K n s i D r a i i g c r e - r n s c i l 1 m i l l b e H U ' I b i n I m r i d - m l e rW h * r e u p f i i i t h e n V i t n T l i : i u ) e H K i i i r f H V h l m t i l I t i 4* i - u i l l i - r H h k t b ' n p a l i l I l l s , h u e - l M > » ' 4 i U * e I M h H i i J * - i I . m u u . i h » p w i o i n < ] h e t l i j n o l w . 4i u a n v p i i l i l u i i v{ ' u p l J i u L t - a r v ' s i a i t - i l t h a t s l i u i - i h t h e K U l u o u h u d i i e c i i r u n I n u i i a a n n i - r ' . " W h d H nU r

g | k T o x i n C n n i i a e l H o x x c ^ a l v i s e d a h u ( We a l O rnn ite 4 'anni*H \mUh l l l m

t o K t | » ( a l u F n r i l k i * r .

T h e 4 - M i i i i U t c r o f a t r a i g l i i i n l u K n u i a t f l i i g b * i n l l i e s u r v e y o r s ’ I b u s j i h u u ; l e y r e a d . h 4 - r w - « ‘ 4 > n F r e c i i n M . i n . 1 M a i n B i r e e l H , n « - . u p b - i l t h e n l l e n l b u i n f i h * - i i u - t i i U e T s c f i h ’ S V d - . - d t U n i n g e T n w u l a s t n l g l i l T b i * q t i e s i l o n h : i * 4 l j ( < ‘ u i l l s - t - i i S M - i l f r i i p u - i i l l y , a i i i l w i u f i n a l l y r 4 - - f e r r « * i l t * i ' I . w n C m i n s e l W U l h j m H . - . n l H 4 . I V I * * f . * r . I I I i * p l n l n n . * M r m nc u i n m a i i l * . i t l M i i . r e u i l I n s t n i g h t , . a d v i s . - i ] i t i u i 1 1 1 * - ' i i i * * - i m u s i b e n ' - i i p 4 * i u * A b C p t | | , t l o t i u f l i i v p i . i p i - r t y i i w u e f B I n i c r . - s p - i i

h i 1 1 1 * ‘ < o l i i i o i i I l f C o u r t < - H m a n l U v ’J i “ ‘ >‘ « r t h i s . . . u r ' - r nuA i m i i e c e s s i i r y . a n d l u - . I . - - < - l a r i - t l 1 1 1 . I t l U i T i * k V U 8 i H ( m i 4 ‘ t U l n x i i i n b - r h •

g - * j I n g i l l * * i i i . i t i * ! w h i c h h u d n u l l i C 4 * i t l . r . » i u ; l i i'h n W -.'* ........... . I ............

W iHM lahle am i F u re a l i l l l l .M r m t i l M r s . ( b a i r g c hi. H i - v i u U l s , o f

l u - H t a w a v c m i c , F o r c s i H i l l , w i l l g l v t a c a u l p a i i > l u - i i l g l u . I ' r i x c s w i l l I m - a w a n i - c « l a m i r i - d v s J i m c n l s s c r v i - d .

( i r o U k i i l \ v , i H l . r u k c n V H - . - i i c r ' l i i . t a t U i e C ‘ i i i U ' 1 i » f C i i e m i r i i m ] ! A i i * - " l n u t c n i u ' s l u r t h e [ U J i i M ' s c o f l i ' V . - r i i ’i g p ' i > e s f t r i ' p a r a t d i r ) - t o l u i v i i i g C b v s i c r a v i ’ m i i *

A " p ! i i l a « i r - : i ■ w i l l I i 4 ‘ u i v d ' i i f 4 i - i i i o n - o w u ! l t i ' n * * " i i f r o m 2 l o 4 * . t m * k a l t h e r e . - ^ i - i l c n * - f o Y . M r s W t l U a m B t c i v i n . h * y v \ ' a t 8] i - I n g t u n i > t * - t u i > * . W u u i l s l i b i B e r i ' e io i n v i u i - l i o n s h . 4-n> 1)4-1 I I l ' « s u i i l t < n > l ( h * * i m i c u e c s a r c f " i I I I - ( i M i i c h i * i i I ' h i - l . H i U . f o r m i i 1 Church

T h e l l • ' ■ | l ' . U C J i i h h i * l i l u > f i r s t a m i u . i l r 4- c f i p i i « i i i . 1 1 l U - l l e r ' s M a l l , V V i t i u n ; i v e u u e , l a . - < i m g l i i I ' l l * a f f i i L r w a - - w i - l l ; i i t e i u i e r l .

A i r s , T I H h i * . I l f 2i r j i W a N h l n g i o i i a v e -n u f . . . . . . . . . . . . l * - f l 41J I \ S ■ ■ i l i i i - - i l i i v f d J i ’ i ls i * W e i - k ' . i U A » l u - v 1l l c , N ' i '

V ! a s t w ' iI t c ] l c \ i 11t f J u ( t l l k K * .•1 H < * s * ‘ u n d l l o 4 « k - . i i i i M a d d c r

t n i - l i I C i u n p a n > " J s h . - H * * l l e v l l l * - F l r « * l u - p a r l - m e i i l w i l l L i* > M i l M e l e v e n r h i i i i m i n l r e r e p - t i o i i n u l l l i ’ d l I ' l n i g h t . i t l t * ' l ) < ‘ v i l i < H a l t .

T h k * i l i - i l i \ l U c \ i - l i - r : i u s ' A s s o c i a i l o n c o m * p e t e d a r r a u u i ' t n c n i s l a s t n i g h t f o r ( h « - . M « - - i i u i r l u l C l ' G - i i v u n c e . C u p l i i j n W , 1.' , A n s t h i . u p p o l r t t M ' ^ H f H l m i r i i h 4 l A f " t h e l i n ^ ' o f i n I f I I . w h i c n w u ] I n - t b n ‘ U g h t h e i » r l t i ‘ i | " ! i < * i s 1 1 1 1 1 1 * - s c k i - r u l c e n u * - l i - r b - a , * T i l - w i i . i - o f v * ‘ t * * r * i i i s a n d h r e -

c j c . - l f . 1g “

b i m .

Me h.ul

t i i m * -r*b-Tl>

brimgbt up this .-hs.-," sahl Kerm4‘fl>, • wi* saw ihui ihe iSty <ff

g r a n g e a p p e a r « ‘ d a s t h e c t i i n p l a m a m J i m l we Mjppased il hod .i <-ttse ugaiosi M r S l o u l . F r o m h i s 4 > w u M u r y w . > f i - r i i | , , i r i f e h s v e n o d e s i r e ( o p u s h r h l s i . i s * - a n y rurlbef biHl therefon w * withdraw um p r o u - H t . "

‘ ® o m e a p p l a u s e u n * l a I H i l c h i - s b i K g r e e t e d t h i s a n M o i i t u * m - u i . w h i c h ' m . r * - r e b s i k e d b y t h e c h a i n n u i i o l ' H i t * I m a n i

A k s e i n h l i m a h l . o n i s a h l i h o i h o d i d r o d H d l n i b i h n l i h c s n l o i i i i W a s 4 * p < * n f o r l i i * * r v ^ 4 t l o n u r c n t e r i a i n t i u h i n f t u s i u m c r K

G r w t r f n l t o 4 i k u t m l i i e e ," t o u r p o i n t I s t h a t i t w . * * . n p i i t f u r i h * *

d e l i v e r y 4 * f c i i : » b u n c r s a m i n u i ( o r i l i H r ■ r w r e p i b t t i . " d f r l a m l M r . K l r t t i e r ' ■ T l i c c h a i r m a n a s k s m e t n a m i m m i r * ^ t h f . I n i a r i l V d e c i s i o n I n t h i s c h s v . U t a n n r u p l u l o i i l h a t t h e c o t n p l a l m w h s v e r y ] i r o j « i e r l y i f t a d e t o U 8 b y t h e ( M i l e * i t s ' C 4 i m m i t t > - t - . • p d w « a r c g r a t e f u l t o t h a t I ' n d v f o r h i v ­i n g I h e r o a i l s r b e f o r e t i l l - b o u n J , a y d w e s h a l l b e g r a t e f u l t o i h e m f « Y r a n y u t l u - r p r o c e e d l u g i * I h e y m a y I n i t i a t e I n 1 n n n e c ’ - t i o i i w i t h t h e l a v s t - o n c e r n l t i g t h e s a U * o f l l Q U o r . T h e c u i n m i u e e h a d a r i g h t t u b ^ l n g i n t h i s c o m p l a i n t . c i r c u n j s * a T k , e H I i a \ e d e v e l o p e d w h i c h c o n v i n c e i h e i M w i r . l I t a a t t h e r e w a a n o t r u e n U o t i o f v i o l a t i n g A l a w I n i h l s t o s i a n c e a n d t h e b o a r d i» l u l l e c o n t e n t t o m i r w t h e l i c e n s e . * '

18 t h e c a s e o f F r a n k l l a r f f . M r . K i d d e r i ^ l e d u h a t u n d e r I h e B l a b - l o w I t m i g h t b i p r o v e ® t h a t l i q u o r J r * > * . . y o W . t h e r e b y n ^ e i i n k I t p o M i b t e f o r t h e b o a r d t o r e - r j jk v a l i c e n s e , b u t I n M f i r l T ' s i - s i s e t h e e o n v l c t l o n h a d b e e n f o r t h e r e c e p t i o n o r q i M e r t i U i i m e n t o f c u s t o r n e r s . U h a p p e n s 1 1 1 t h U r a t e , h o w e v e r , t h a t t h e o f f e n s e d c ^ p l a t n e d o f w a i c o m m u t e d u n d e r a 1 1 - < m i i e w h i c h e x p i r e d o n D e i - e m b e r I S l a s t , q d t h e b o a r d d o u b t e d w h e t h e r i t

m .-'SfiiT sonii further dlacus-s|im ii w.ir- d* ’ 11- >1 til r* i|i!i--l .Mr. lb*W4* to In- pr-s. ;ii at th< n* xi tni'-iliiK nf Ihe 4'ounc11

M r I 1 . 1 W 1 . i l s M r c i u l c r t n l i i t i 4i p 1i i i u n I n t i p l l i . u r r r * > f u b i l l p t - * ‘ S P I l t i * i l b v t h l * s l d p o f I . u I ' l g s l o n . a m D U i i t U i K t o 34S >')(! f - i r 111*’ i . i i ’ I’ !' .1 f a n i U y o f t h j j * n a m e u f F l * i H o n . w i l l . t i i . * s * * 4l 10 W e s I O r a n g e 11 f * w n u M d h - . i g - > I t v s g i s s a M t h a t t l k c > - c a n i r f r o m l . 1v i n g s i - ) p , i h d i b t - y W e r e r t - i u n i ' - d 1 1 1 i h . M j . i . i n - T i t o U v i n g s i n n a u f l a * i r l - T l f H i l »-4 l ; i r i ' * ] H u h . M r s I ' k r s i m ' s I m m e w u i* * c i d I n t h . i l i n w r i - b i p . M r . I l u w i * u t l v I s M l I

i u m p l H b i t J I s , - i i t , . w i t h o u t r e c o u r s e t u ,I l i t * « 4. u r t - - , i i i i - l n ! i n i i d l i M i o f M r K e i i n j I t w . 1-4 r * s i - l \ • d I ' l i l u n i l s

A r o n k T T i i i n l c i U i u i i w a s r e c t * l v e d f r o m i b e i - i i k i g r * g . K J o n i d S i . M u r k ' s K j d s c a p u l I ' l u i r i l i . . i - k 1m s l U e t i u m c l l t o r e f u s e g i u n t U Q t i * » r l b M * * ' s t u p e r s i i u K w h o p r o

I j K i . s n d t ' » * * p i ' i ! - : i l « i - i T k s w i t h i n b l W f e i t o t [ i t I ' h u r c l k . I

T h e o n l l u u m - f i x i n g t i n - <4f i l a r l e s u f c e r - Il a h i o t T l c l i l s i . r I h c t o w n w a s l n t f o d i u ' i * i ] , | b m ( h e . i m o u i d - * w e r e U C U f l x * * d . T h e I bnmis o f t h e t < i M . n « . f t l i ' * ' r s f u r t h e e n s u i n g ! \ t - a r w e r e i i l s o • v . t m h i e i l , a s w e r e t h e a c - r m i i i l s o f ( b e t r e T | s » i r e r a n d o v e r s e e r o f ( h e j i u t i r . u n * l n i l w e r e r b a i a r t H l 1 0 l » e s a t - U f a c t o r y T h e ' > » u i i r | | r a t i t l m i t h e 4i p - p o l i i i n r i H i t b > ( ' h H l n n a n K 4> l t l n s 4u i 4* r i ’ 4> \ i n c l l m a n r m i i i l n g h a t r i a s i b e V V f s t O r - u n g c n i k - m b e r o f i h « - J i d i u B 4 w e r I ' o m m i s - s l o n .

T h 4* f o r m 4* f T m t n l n a l l i i g J i i n t e n S h e i - h H i i t o s e r v e a s t - h l e f i \ f t h e i i r . v n g * l - ‘ l r eD e p a r t m e n t w . i s g o m - t h r i i u g h w i t h M r B h e e h a n h a s s i * r v » * , i i n ( h u t 4- a i m c l i y r * i r r t k i i i o ’ k e a r s , a n d t h t > i g h I n U » * b - e ( c d b y t h * m e m b e r s u f i h ' - d t - | i a r ( m e M t l i e I s a l - w f t * , H n o m i n a t e d b y t h e i - u u i n - f l , w h i c h a s * s u r e - h i s r e - e l e t t l o n i - a r h t l m * ' i ‘ t i u n < l i ­m a n r o m l l t p r e s e n t e d a m e m u r i n d u m i * f t h e s a l a r i e s p r i k p o s e d f o r t h e v a r i o u s M f h - c i a l - * 4v f t h e J o i n t B i - w e r t ’ o T n m i s - i b i n T i n * a p p l i c a t i o n o f H e o r g e L . > A * U s « m f o r a M - q u o r l i c e n s e f o r h i s p l a h c f t t \ ' u l l e y r u : k * l a n d f * a r y s t r e e t , w a s r e c e l y c i l a n d i h * - : « t i - p l P ' i k i b m o f u . i " F e t i r t l a f f f o r a I m i k I* r s ' l l c p i i . s e W H S g r a n i e i l . J u h n W a l s h w i s : i p - p o i n t e d a p u u n d m u s i e r

t m m . w i l l w i l l I m - I'Uurehij i H r a d e\'eieran


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.1 i - i l b u b n i I ' x t h e K-biy

T i l ' * n i ' » : ■ I ' l v u r y h ■ i i « ‘ i ( I o n t a a i n l g l . i C l e m i ^ t . V V l i L i i - h i i r i ‘ i v l - i r i l l -

' l ‘ h c I n d * I * t ' w i l l - a l t i n ' i i ' - l

l i o n N | g ( n i g h , plack-. A [tr-'Ui * n - v s * ' p M - H i . - f i n . i w t k d t* H 1 !

l - ' r a i i L H i i a n i lIll- I'rarikUii .Nb'lhodlsl

. • -ib-Hd gave a (‘JiV’ *!*' F i” ir pjisHkB, Ht-V- ’K lls-rt

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T l u * d i * ‘4i s t t l i i i h w e r e r e c o r d c v l a l t l i P i - i i i i i d y n - g J s l i ? T ( i u t l U - c y c H t e r d u y u r e d . i l u l b i W H .

r i T V .S i a t i i | i ) * .

•: 4 * 1 - r b r l s t l a u K r u e g e r e l u x L o M n t T l . s B r e u x l . «■ ti K i i n k l i i Hi 131 f t H f r B O r a n g e a v , l l i x U l . (1

F r e t J e r l f k W . l l r t s s l n g T i r P t n x I I I M a r y J . - M c f i u v e r n i r u c o s *' H K l l x a b i - l h » v i & f t I t 4' f r U r i i t i f u r d B t , 41x U K ;( J i l t r r i i . ' O w s H h P r m a n a v 5i i i t u J r B r a n f o r d B t . 26x 100. . . . 1

M e r i n u i i i t T . W a u g h t o t l u *B o i m l * i f L ' l i o B t m 1‘ T e e h a l t l v T B < ■ ( i h c I ’ o u i u y u f E f i a e x . x x M a r k ' d s i 44 f t w f r K s i n k l u

] i l , I ' x J l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] S A i - K i i i m - i K . T u r n e y t o E r n c B t I I .

B e j i n H i L a n d u n d I m p r o v e - i p c i i i r i i m p u n y , p » N 2d a t

f t f r l U c k e r a o n f l t , l l h t T w ,3 iH ) L . i v o ' i - m - e I b - w s t o n t o M a r g a -

i i I K . D o n n e l l y , « e c o r ( J x -i i i i - i l i i i i d U l v * - r B t P . a > x l C l i > . . . . . . .

C b t - T l i ' i m a H J , i T i r t l n e t u x l o O - c i l c . \ l , F n f f c r . W ' » N l l l h « t ; i i> n f t n f r B e v c n l h a v , i S x HKI ........... ...........................

4 U O - M a r t h a L . S u y d i i m e t a l B .. ’ X r H . I n F l l i t M . N e w t o n , W ' h M r I ' l e a H j i i k t u v 1 3 1 f t H f rU i i r v e v f l l . . ' i i t x l ' X l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S a k t l O

- t b - . i r g i ' P . K l i i g . ' i l e y P i u x l u 111. ' M a y o r u m i L ’ l i m m r n i I ' f . i m c l l ( 1) . n s H a n o v e r s i 22 f ( e f r M a l v e r n B t , 50* 75: t j k . H 1 ' r o r I ' l a i t m i d F h e s i -( l i i t s ( M , y u x l l i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 00- L c i r 4‘ l t u A , M u l l e n u m l h i i . - - l u i T i d t u M t c h i i e l J * . R o c h P . e K j e f f p r s o n S t 421 f t b f r F e r ­r y H i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

* . . . — E b L c I I p R . N i u - b s I m a m i h i i s - l i H t i d ( a f l e n r l e t l H T . W a t i R l i . s s B a n k s t l u n f t w f r H i g h

17 f l f k t . i j i i l i l . M c C a r t e r e t u x t o A d r l a n . i . M . K . H r u m i n o n . s s t U i p l o R a v r t H k r o f F w r k h u r a lHI, k lx in O ............................... .............

T O W N S I l i P P ,1 i K > — I l i k r N s c ( u x t o - H r m f -

l e y , C u r r i e r * C o . M b n i - c l t i l r , e B B l o u m h c h l h v 144 f t N f r P p p e r M * m n t K l n h v .125x i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

:* jiU-AiulrtW UnW hInay at u * -to ‘ K i n m a H e r r , \ m a n , E h h i i > r -

i i n g i ' . n e B B t a l e s i 4K 2 f t mI* f r P a r k s t , 311*151. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 o O — I C m m a J 4 . D v ( ' a m p h i h I h u s ­b a n d I d M a r y H . B r a u d e s ,K i i w t ( . i n t T i g p , * w k t W l n n t f i i s i ‘332 f t n e f r M a i n s t . 42x 5« ( . . .

F r e d I t u m l u p l o E l l x a b e t b < } T u r n e y , V u l l s l n i r g h , n s B D r m i g e a v W i f t e f r O r u v ®H t . i f i x l l K L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

T h e K r n c H l I I . B e n n e t t l . a m l H i w i I i n p r o v e n t p n l C o . 1 0 K l I Z H b e t h H . T n r n e y . ( 1s t

i r a c u K h b I Q r n n g c . b e i n g ] o i H N < 4S , 3 a n d 4 < a i m a p o f p r o p e r l y , n f K r n e s t H . B r n - i i p l t o n 1 1 s F d g e r t n n l e r * ^ i H < ‘ e ; i J d t r i i i ' H l o t s N o b . J H ,2| i , 9 1 . 31. a n d :12 o n m a po f p r o p e r l y n f K r n e s i H . H c n n e t i . n s K d g e r i o n t e r - rav’P ....................................

1 W b - K l l a u b e t h t 4. T u r n e y l o P r u ­d e n t i a l L a n d a n d I n i p r u v e - n k c i i l C o m i » t t n y , d f d I r a c D K f t B i O r a n g e , l o t . s 3 u n d 4 o n m a p o f p r o p e r t y o f H m o K l M . n e u b c t l l . a n d a m i I m - p r a v e n i H u i ( * m n p u n > . n k K d g e r t o n t e r r a c e ; ( 2i l t r a c t ]K r t M l Orange, l o t s L’ K . 2J ) . 3C .31 a n d 3'J o n m a i > o f p r o p ­e r l y o f K r i o - s t M B e n t i P H I , a m l m i d I n i p r ' i v e m e i i i

C o m p a n y , 11 s K d g 4* r t o n l e r - r a c e ; i 3* l i i ' a t i i V a l l s b u r g h . n H O n n i g * - f i v . V i f t e f r f i ? o v e H t . . ' r * \ i * : ! . m i i t r u c D F a s t D r a n g i - , «• s O i i k s i 5n f t n e f r L l m l t - n u v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5o — B r i d g e t F a r l i - y a n * l h u s b a n d U » H e n r y D.ivey, K e l l e v l U e . e J* B e l m o i J t 4 1 . S T . ' i f t h f rl l o n i k H H t . L T - x i i i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

T iC i W i l l h i t n M c i - r w j g - e n e l u x t o O n t t h e b F * ' i l , ( . ' U n i o n . ' a j f l l a l B t f H d J IN o n i - . o r f t i r m e d l i k - e H F - > r r \ - M i * 4- o n U « t .

& i x l 2J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 60— W i l l i a m I t W l l s o j i e t u x l o

J W a n l V \ " o * l n i f f . K u s t O r ­a n g e . e s M i i n n a v , S T T i f t H w f r C r l l t l . ' i l i t v , i R x l 6f -

A n g u s l u M o r l o c k a m i l i i i s - h a i u l t *4 W i l l i a m A l b e r t . W e s l A i r i . n g i - . a W h l l l l e -

4],4 . . h v m f t n e f r R b l g e a > , 25x 1a "

5 1 ) — M o t ? t * B H i d ' a a n d h n s h a i n i | 4» H e n r y F H a n t a . F r a n k - U n , e s n f i l I r n c t o f W i n c h i b l B I s i 4 i h . i r t a t n e c u r o f K e n i . v F . l l - m l u ' s b k t

I X (•(>— K 4k s l n u ' W h . i C m i h t i m . d h i i H b m i 4j t o M a r g a r e t W B a k e r . M - u t ! l a i r . n s

C h u r c h S t . I D x l 53. . . . . . . . . . . . . .I K 00— M a r g » r * - ( W B a k e r t o ( i * .*

W D a ( T m h a . o u m e p r i > p i r t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“THE ACORN.”££0 » l U c i l n a s t . ,

J N O . V . E . 8 T O U T , P r o p .F i r H t - c J a a s r a f e a n d r e a t a n r a n L S p e c i a l u ( -

l e i d i o h t f i v e h t o l o d g f B a u d p a r l i e s . K i c e l - lent Iku fltlftcliful.T R L K T H O N K 204 F O K 1» A H T I C I ' L A I I S ,

p e r h d . B l . 0 0 . . U O c

rHEHSHEEFtaWe Sell a We

IsrfHBls \ t'l'r **’ ..........

S h o t l l t i ' T t i P - ' I " " > . . . . . . . . .

U 'K \'| il. I 'T ................

E r l o i i p s c "R t j i i M i i i s C l i U k ' i i . P ' - r I P . -

r.i'K L.itnh. P' l' II'............

Centre St. R. R. Crossing.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iSStQ

I Wfi hare just rereivad our

, Spring and Summer Styles111 fabrics for Gentlcmen'B8uitH, Fanis, Vcala

1411 li Tup Coals.SPITS mailp to order from I# .00 np. |’ -\N'r*H made to order from S»fl0 iu>.

H A R R Y B E R K O W I T Z ,.Merchant Tailor. 340 Main St., Orange.


O E K M S I X C A R P E T SA r p I I s o u r r e o f n * n l d a n f f - t r t o h o a l i h , , < ‘ a r - 1 , 1 c l e i m H i i i B a n d M i i l t t e N S ( s a n t t a r y l K p i i ' V t a i i i m . N o w l i r k k ( a f t n r y , B u p e n i i r w e f k .

O f i e i i i a l R u m ( I t ' i i n e i l a n d R e i i B i r e t l . K f l i l - U r t a a n d r o l a y i n n a B n e d a l t y . W t o r a a e , ( d c n i t l y r e i l u t f d p r i r e s . < o r t a u f f r e e .

ESSEX STEAM CARPET CLEAHSIHG CO.,T e l . l ‘- a 5. M a i n s t r e e t , K a x t O r H n g r .

B e s t b u t t e r , H ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I ' o t a t n e P . h i l f b i i H l i c I . . . . . . . . . . . .

A ll kinds tlowcrs. P**r p l«n l Oond co n iv l boef. jicr, lb ....iiiio 'l sirloin Mcrik....-*^ ......i t o o i l p « i i r ? i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F. W0LFSflN.*8and 1» Day SL, Orange.

. . . arw....

. . . . . . . K k -

. . . . . . . tic

. . . . . . . 14 c. . . . . . . K e

C. P. Baldwin & Co.H ave tm* Knrti line o f wheels in Orange. W e guaranrc4- HidiAfarium if You )Jd^ »Pinri-H .MoahlInK. ch-vtittbd, MoimTcn.( rn,w ford, ilftgra ut Nyack. I’O ISO. Ivlunt.sulUfactory |4>all.

w r l i l n * 4 i r t h a t i n d e f a u l t t h e r e o f s u c h i V e . l l n g w H l l i e h a d ( t g a l n x i y o u a s i f y o u J u d

! a p e w r e d i h e r H n n » a f o r e r t l d .I A m i yoM a m i e a c h o f y o u a r e m a d e a p t n e

8 . - A L E B ,Frocior for Froptinent,

rualufTIce uddretia, CoTirthouer. Nrwafk, N, J..

< J 8 40l I ' n i t e d g t a t e a o f A m e r h - a .

IV CHANt'KIO* OF NK1V J E R S R V — T o Ade-

" ' t f y ' J f r K i ' o r a J ' ; ! r d * r a ( V c o u r t o t O h a a . . , ,o f N e w J e r u f j - . m a d e o i i t b e 4 l a y o f i h e d m e h e r e o f I n a c a u i e « t i e r e l n I « a a c R u t h l a c u m -

. l a i n a n t a n i l y o u a r e i l e f c n d a h U . y o u a r e r . * - i u l r e d i r > a p p e a r a i k d p l e a d , a ^ w e r . o r d a n t u r t i l t h e b i l l o f v o n i j i l a l n i o R o r T i e f o r e t h e a i i - t r t n f h d a y o f M a y n e x t , o r h a j d b i l l w i l l b * l a k e n a a c o n f e s s e d a g a l n i t y o u .

T h e B B l d b i l l I s r t l H d t o f n r e r i n s e a c e r t a i n m o r i g a x e e x e c u t e d o n I h e t w e n t y - f o u r t h d a y o f M a r c h . e i K h t e e u h i m d r e d a n d - n l n e t y - e l f h ! , , b v y o u l o c o m p l i i i l h a T i t , o i k j ' r e m l e e a a l t u s l e o u M o n t r * ) i » e a v e n u e . I n t h e v i l l a g e o f ( t o u t h O r -

^ g e I n t h e C o u n t y o f E i i e x , a n 4 l y o u . A d e ­l a i d e ' A . D e W m , a r e m a d e a d e f e n d a m b e - 4 a u i e v u u a r c ( h e o w n e r o f s a i d p r e m l a a s , a n d y o u D a v i d ( 3. a r e m a d e , a d e f e n t U mb e c a u s e y o u a n l i i e h u s Y i a n d . o f i i a L d A i A e U I ' l e A i t e W i i t , a m i m a y c l a l i j k t o h a v e ' B 4 j T n e I n l ' j n « ' ( I n s a w p r e m l s f i .

A N D B R W S . t A T L o n , S o l i c i t o r o f C o m p l a i n a n t ,

7U 3 B r n a d R t r r M , N e w a r k . N . J -

D a t f J M a r c h 15. l U b L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _KSSBX f X i r N T Y OIlPHANH' COURT-ln the

m a t t e r o f t h e e s t a t e u f K d w l n A . C u r t l f i . c e a s e d - R u l e t o s h o w c a u s e .

N o t i c e I s h e r e b y g i v e n l o F r e d J . C u r t i s s , a d - i n l n l s t r a i o r o f ( h e e s t a t e u l w v e n a m e d , t h a t , p u r s u a n t t o a n o r d e r o f ( h e O r p h a n s ' C o u r t t h i s d a y m a d e , h e a p p e a r b e f o r e t h e s a i d , c o u r t , i n t h e c i t y n f N e w a r k , o h F r i d a y , t h e t s n t h i T s y o f M n y n e x t , a t t e n o ’ c l o c k A . M . , t o s h o w c a u s e w h y h e a h ' ' > u l i i l ) S r e m o v e d a s a d * m l n i s t r a i o r o f t h e a f o r e s a i d e s t a t e .

D a t e d Newark, N’ . J.. April fi. IM l.JOSEPH W. EJJ^/IR.

S u r r o g a t e a n d C l e r i r .B e n i a m i n K . J o n e s . P r o c t o r . _ _ _ _ T I 3.184

2 0 b 31A I X S T R E E T .

1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . m w r e r . r t o f r o o m f l i l r i l w i t l i » v « r y l l , J , i * e o " - ' " J F X T R A K PK C IA I. v o l t T 4LM O K K O W :

FiliP larae larttml plants. (Jprauiuuis. lleJiplrnpe. DniBids. Hwflpl Williams, Fanstea, Bh’udinB Hfiails, etc., H^e. narli w hile they lust bir yatiir ehuiCP-

'43 4’holce eaU for To-ino rfow. Cut Vp (o Suit J.vefyliody.*tr Bfeasta Veal-.^....... ........................ ---lOo

(Hi'*ice Legs l.iHiih............... ........ -............................................ ®a n o t h e r c u t KOR t o -m o r r o w . R e g t t l » r I O c . Ooodsfor f t o . lb.

P i g ' . ^ H e a dI’ ig'a Feet..

L e g s V e a t •

Baef L ive r ......I . n n k h ' s T . D ' e f - -

' F r e s h T r i i H * - . . - . ( . F i c k l e d T r u a j f

1 7 (A M ) p e t * ! t o S l e w , - .^ ■ [ I j i m b t o - t A t e i r .


id i-

L U M O M t t , 2 6 f u r . . . .

F i n e H A R I A ' R O S l - r o T . V T O I - : ^ ^ ,

w a v ' d o w n . B a s k e t .

. . . . 3r. . . . . . . . I r. . . . . . . 3 c......rto. . . . . . . 3c......3c


. . 3 c. . . 3 c. . ' 3«,.3c,.3c

I'tg s hurt.............................H a l t S p a t e H l b s , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f ’ c r n c u B e e f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rig's K.idm*ys4..... .................. ^nitic CinCKEN hAtTBlfT, 'while

i t l a s U s . o n l y , 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F in e S H A D (R O H S ), l O c ea., I S c pr

lOcR X T R .A — W f liavc i ; tlifitreirt varie liea o f the finest Seed I’olaloea

in the intirkel w ith sjiocia! prices,

' X 'u r l c t j y • , t 3 1 » l o l « o i " a s » , 13^to ., V r o i k i 1 0 o . l l > ,J r a r r . y a \ o a y m o r e i f o o i l B f r o m o t i r s t o r e t h a n a n y

o t h e r p l a n t i n O r a n g e .

t ' i l l i i l i u r r V i t o f F o o d . r e g . 13c - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' O rK x l t n l . a r g e p a g e O a t s , l o - d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S oa * ID. Iisg Flonr.. ■

atFresii 3* ilia, lip/ L 1 1 f a- — • 'aVFreiih f'jjojs, for.......

Cftlifomla I'runeH -...... ..................KvupoMtcd Pp*rs, elsptriu‘ve bic......Fvoixirated (Team, rcg. I0(\. naii.......huxar 4■am. (liis sale uiily. deans for

. ....H5e

. . . . . . . ^ f l e. ?Oc

. . . . . . . 3 c

.....lOP. . . . . . . 3 c......2Hc :

I J C f t k e f i I j m n d r y S u a n ' f o r - • ■ p e a n u t B r i t t l e , w h i l e i t 1

. 3.30l a a t s , p k g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tic

P e r H i n n D a t e s . M b . p k g . . e l s e w h e r e f t * . . . . * cTry uiir r1ublh*e Java Coffee, nonelo iier,

a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I t e i n e n i b e r we aivp Hemitlful and Oniaiueiital Clocks Away FKKK. , . i -lit.not fo r ie i oor fly inm itl) R w t , W h ile Kn.'k and Hriio-,, le g horn hgBS fiir KMelring. 300 TON'S o f llie HutM lco.*'e hay,.grown ('O our uwti f inus, clietip, at \ INCKN f H, ,o>0

Main street. *

. . . 290, 292, 294 MAIN STREET, _

V in e s n t s , wfAn 300,302', miiist U r a n g B .T a n o i at n > i t nrange, L lt ln K »to n nml W eal LlrJotaloD, N. J.

■ • ml'ik; \ t ftf,• * ' b i L r * i f N t i l l t y h f * b l h* • * ilnlmakcrtt unci rci-»*p' .1 r "rt* itg lii!y Hiib, In that

t i n n i " >‘t m n - b - i i l i i i i ' l H i c r -• - v*-ii b. m»-mbcr», w-ua




( r i l f i u i i t M m i l l 1111( 4111,> p - - * A i m . . I ■ w • , l , . » k * w o u t l . b i i H

i t T i i i u i h l ( u 1 ’ '3Q * . i i f i . I v i s i l i n g T r i M i d si i i i * l i v l a t i i * - l U h - i f i

I ' l - f l f l u f i r e ^ U - l l I M i l ! - ’ i l . D M i i g l i t c n * u fr- t i ' j l . i b * - r t v h + - ' * t w > U , . i t . i i . i . t i n j 4* . * t i n g i t ilir,t. j Iriiiigb'.ii T'.mi i(aU btui inghi. g\riet'lhc

l ' i | f m » > 5k- m M . * 4i n g . i e.4K I n ] W 3 H h f b l .A ^ < K l a l X i i t b i i l b g « : i h u l f l J n u t n l g h l ' a t

1 1 1 ! f . ' s u b ’ J H i ' . ’ f M l . i n d " M r ? ,H u m s n n Y u l e -n iu

K ' l U M r t h e M i - j . - M , ■ 'f Bronklyn.

V u i l f - v V I c w T i n . i n d J t - s a h r l . « * r k e > .


M I D h u r n u n d 3 c « r Y k y ,W i i r 4) f " s i i | ' i * . - r w a a h e l d 1j ! h i

n i g h t i l l i ' l ** i i i i r l s l i - h t i j a t * . ^ 4111-l i u r n . b y i h r - K u i g i * I i . u i g h l * ‘ r a .

T h e F n l m i T o a n * h l p I ' i J T n r o m ' e c s * - ] ] ] m e e t l o - n i R l i t

A rci-A'l'U'm n;is b.-l.] Wi'drif-sdaN' nlaht : i i the r e - 1' l e t K - e n f M r . i m l M r j i ( ] i a 2 n r S4‘halici*. uf L'kii'iin III*-, in )t44n4ir uf tbeir diiiiKhtef, MIr** blu yk-lmJU*r > iU n y gi,i**'ils W'4 rc. |♦T+!* 'Ill.

A l ihK m ertl’u: "T m* MilH>urn Buard o fK i t n m t t m i . I « 5 t n l j r h t , K r a n k H - ’ I C k r -■ » h ; i l l W - u < c l ^ t ’ t » 4l -C4 I n - T a r v . t o H u c c 4r c i 1i h * b i t * - i b - ' ^ r g ' S . J u m * ' - . w l j . i . I k H l ^ l h l K

. M r J a i i i * * ' - l u i d l h i J i J b u l l i o n 1 n r i l m u n M ' i J v F o r t h e | i B - i T e n j F t K A . ' V v H l i u ' l i M - t ' i i u n u b l t * l i t : i t t * - H > l t < F t h e f l u t l e e f « i r A f 4* w i T i f i J i b - i - a ? * ! . - i W i n g t o I l l n e s s T i n * n e w - - r i . k f s . M r M a r s h a l l , l a M c r i i n g h L h 4. < ' . . i v I l e r m . i* * ; i b u n r d m c m - i » * - r T r i i ' * ! ' * - W t H h i r n s a m i 8 a i » r r 1n t e n d -« n i T s u t ' - n w * r « - a c - o m ^ i U t ^ t o• I r u f i “ i i l m b l i - f v n l u i h . l i - > m i M r . J a m c K ' a i l c a t h ! i w t f . | M p o r t . - t l h v i h # r n r n n l t l t t e «

i i n i h ; i r g * - n f U n - m . B i r - r l h a t f k o I T n * > n t h a l t t n - f - n n - ; i ' I n i S w i t h t h e R p r l n g - ; U t * U ] l - U i u r d u f l - M i u a t b m i n t e f f ^ r c a r c 3 o j I h c a m i H i T i i i * r l u l r i n t i f c « > l u | i a M

f o u r i r a n v f s T r * - - ! M l U l n i r n ^ o h o i R F i i a i - I b-iiillng ih*- rii>rlngfl4 bt .-ichool. I t Wga E v t t t i c t ] t h a t ( l ) < S i ' t i n f f l T r l d t H k a n J a i s i m }

for $ iO i. iLnublv liic prU------ --- -- . . .> rfnrnR*rly paidrtrleaa^B * 4 '^ * - y - F * * — » » * ^ ' - . t a th o f i k ; T w o uf them*

*w lioli W ith > M hlblrcri. lt w,I* e(.U4 il. only ariendeil Ihe. •* I Hi'hiHd « ,j.r '-m on th *, and but

OrwBBr Co ii< *rrn 'e -r*'ne (s th« re ui i>r4‘wrnl. T h e Miillbiirnf , . *1 J O I buard Is sulil i4t 1m- w illing lo lM| the fullFlumes were dlfirovercil about *« ;x | Hmount for the one erholar and com .

o'clock last niaht In I h e blark^mklh shop ' iTom iee '«n ih»- others, ur would p »y the ailMi-hed lt> the lawn in«>wcf fuctur% uf ri ' f*mr. T h e question

- - P. 7..-rn«.n .l & .-n , ..n - > m r , l «v..nu.:r « r o k e « I t c m a e i m e d a l n c e t h a t d a t e b e - | W e s t O r a n g e , a m ! h e c a u a c n f d e l a y ( i , v a ^ ^ s e o f a n o f T e i i a e ' ' o m m l t t e d u n d e r a ; t u r n i n g I n a n a l a r m t h e l i r e a a i u m c d s u t h

H c e n a e . £ * a v h I t c e t t f e , f r o m y e a r t o p r o p o r t i o n s a s i n t h r e a i e n f o r a t i m e t h e y e a r , t g a t i e i f ( o n f r a c l . H r , K i d - d e r H e - b i g m a i n b u l M I n f o f i h e n b u u ,

. and on the ground that the board ‘ The blase apparently oDirinated from* hft* w power to revoke e U oeu e Xor a a i fr ia tlo e caused by e b tU asd puller, acid


niootweeii* ,R e v . R n w r i r d ' B

( d H f i u t e l M l r .BHsa and family.

MOFlTDAiEKa.Th e lo llow in g tnurigagcs wen,* r*-. : r,l-

cd Hi (he county r-uistt-r's 4jftb-i v.-sUi, day;

<TTY,llenrj' Ward el u* ux Knighu df fy.

Building UMil l^jiu Amnu' biitott, 4lJirM ) e ■ Humenlon et: (2 iracu w Pei-hln'e ave, $»)<•

The Real Estutn imm-rs' ( ’onipnnv in Archibald M- W'MHirnff. »• » ThlrJ jij. $>iu

J o h n W - , S t e v e n s c i u x l u W e ^ t K m l Building and Ijoan AM;4ui-iQt|i,ii, ts H St. ii.ew.

The Supreme L4h1«»' " f the Knlgluv r.:<\I, adlea or (he Gohlen Star, a corjhmtiM.i. t o ' P W i n k l l n S a v i n g s l r u * t i i u i i u n . s - M. f. rls and tSasex Hallri'ait a w . Ma.iin

F-Tancla Macbln to Frederick W Wur i n a BranfoiM si, S5u'-

Ceclle M. Buffer nml husban4l (,i Tlmni- HH J. Curtin, w H N llth nt. $4..Vo

kUa M. Newton i4> Juhn H. HaMwin w a Ml. Pleasant avt-. Ii,‘.sai*,

Annie Hauasr hu-I tul^hHn^l to ' Fr.'^nk- l!n Savfnga Instliutlou. w e lng,rahani n

* ■Mary K. l-awrenvc nml husl'Hnd in Kx-

celslor Building nml (.rmn Assuibiij,., n o cor WadlHon aw and Hunierd-MiI I . I D O .

Frank Legge cl ux iq Krneai F exf. e s 8 Uth st.

Franclico Btaiichiiio ci ux in Ciil.-:4*bi-t I j o r d I e t ux. s s D e l a n e y a l .

Susanna Meldlmg lu Warren s. Itruwti 9 B Sprinffl*-!*! av.

Michael P- Roche ct ux to rilm.in Piii, Building and Igoan Asa4K'iaiUiii, e x Jcnr» son at, M.W).

^m c tu aame. e s Siuuh ThlrtHrnh 13, « 0.

Michael P- Rm hc rt ux ui Frant is Roche, same pnnoTty ias).

John r. Flournoy «i tix to XHt|4inal Rulldtng. i-oan and Provldcni Assu* Imiim a a Thomas s». ll.W

MorHs Brcngl cl ux io Mniuat H'lil.biig and i-oan Aaa.H-failon. e a Rankin 11,300.^Guslave Aiigu.*i Si-hw-#-des to n*rmah

Sfe^-]ngi Bank, a s Springfield aw dUn^ TOWNSHIPS.

W atson >VhUfDs*y ‘ b ux b»-W . ^ ' A r * h e u O r a n g e , m w curi*#mtipJ —*.7i-»»»-4ves. .'SOh.

’ -ifferfs ei ux >to Franklin Building aiM* tjmn A^'sucialfun. Frankliu cor Kutley and Passaic avs, t&.4<ki.

Henry uavey t** Bridget Farley, Rcne. vtUe, e » Balmont av. t!S.

Annie T, O’Neil and husband lo Fighth Ward Batiding arvd Loan AsKOclaiion Franklin, s e cor Kim pi and RaJIroail av'

—C O N T R A C T S .

The following corarac'u hart been re

ROTH (Bl CO. MARKETFresh Killed High Grade Poultry:

iTii-asst-f Fowls, 9 l’. |)er II). * Itrailiiij; Chii-Urnsj 17«. ptfKniiNtini! i'owls, 1^0 . |)er 1!). Cairns, 1 7C. pi-r 11),;K r ) I'ickw l Tu rkeys, l a . ' , , . ju t Ifi. ,SijtiBl)s, >.It»c. each.

Twenlj'five Morris Coootj Veals, Our Oku Dressing:limist Veal. 8c-. per lb. Shouliier Veal. 1 Oc. ])cr II). I.eg or l.oin \ ea), 1 tic. lb. J.cH of fi^iiib, 12c. P«r lb. Stew I.amfi, r,c. U). Shoulder Ijnifi L'!inp.s,iac, lb.

The L arU aat b.nd Beat C ollection of Mee.1 e.nd P o u ltry in lh eS tn .te .‘ R eliable In que.llty end R e a so n a b le in P r ic e ho lds o u r reputatlora,

a n d sh o u ld b rin * y o u r trad e .2 4 2



t h e ; ( n l l o w l h g o r d l n a n r p B h a v « b e e nb y t h e H o a r d o f ( i t r e e t a n i l r o m m l * -

i l o n e r a a n d a p p r o v e d b y t h e M a y o r n f t h e c Y t y o f N e w a r k , p u r i u a n t l o c h a p t e r n f t h e l A w a o f 1B 03. a m i a r c h e r e w i t h p u b l l a b e d h y I J i t e :

A n o r d i n a n c e p r o v i d i n g f o r t h e v a c a l l e n o f a p a r t l u n o f H a m l l ( < ^ n e i r e e i , a s ( h e s a m e l | n n w l o c a t e d a n d n i > e h e d , o n t h e n o r t h e r l y a i d e t h e r u K i f . a n d e x t e n d i n g f o r a 4l l s i a n c e o f o n s h u n d r c H j a n d f o u r t e e n f e e t e a s t e r l y f r o m B l u l * b e r r y a l r e e t .

A d o p t e d A p r i l ] | . i D O t .A p p r o v e d A p Y U l U , 19a l .A n o r d i n a n c e p r o v i d i n g f o r t h e v a c i i l n n o f

t h a t p o r t i o n o f L a w r e n c e s t r e e t l y i n g b e t w e e n I h e r w r i h a r l y l i n e o f p r o p e r l y o w n s d b y I h s O n l r a i R a i l r o a d C o m p a n y o f N e w J e r s e y , i t e x t e n d e d g c r o x s I j a w r e n c e s t r e e t , a n d i h o ' h ' ^ r l h - e r l y l i t r e 4i f H a m l l f t n s t r e e i , a s t h e a s m s 11 n o w i o o a l e d a n d o p e n e d .

A i l o p t e d A p r i l 11, I W I .A p p r o v e d A i > r l l I f l . 1P U 1.A n i j r d i n a n c e f o r i h e v a m t l o n n f H a r r i s o n

c i i u r i , l y i n g b e t w e e n M e c h a n i c s t r e e t a n d H a m i l t o n s i r e e t , o n t h e w a s l e r l y s i d e o f W a r d e l f e e l .

A d o p t e d A p r i l 11.A p p r o v e d A p r i l 13, H k d .A n o r d i n a n c e p r o v i d i n g f o r t h e v a r a t l o p o f

t h a t p o r t i o n o f H a m i l t o n s t r e e t e t i e n d l n g f r e n l l d u l Y ) e t f r y s t r e e t ( o l ^ w r e n c e s i r e s t , , a s t h e

s a m e i a s h o w n n n a m a j i o n d i e I n t h e t j I T H c e n f t h e r l l y c l e r k o f t h e c ! l y p f > < e w g r k , m a r t s h y t h e r o m m l M l o n e r t a p p o i n t e d p u r s u a n t t o t t » e p T V k v i s l o n B 43f a n a c t e n t i t l e d " A n a e S a i i - i h o r l x l n g I k e a p p n l n i m e n i o f c o m m i s s i o n e r * l o l a y u u i s t r e e t s , a v e n u e * a n d s q u a r e s I n t n * 4' l t y o f N e w a r k , a p p r t n - e d M a r c h 20, I S 37, a n d t h o s e v e r a l a u p p l e n i s n t * t h e r e t o , s a i d m a p D . ! ) i l l d a l r i l M i r t h S I , I S M ; H t . i i l l r m f l u M l ■ u r h v a c a t i o n t h a t p o r l l o n o f H a m t l t o p s t r e e t r o n l a l n e f t w L l h I n t h e b o u n d a r i e s o f s a i d s t r e e t a s I h e s a m e 1* n n w I n r a i e d a n d o p e n e d .

A d o p t e d A p r i l U . 1901. l . \

P r e s i d e n t o f t h e B o a r d o f S t r e e t a ( t d W a t e rC o T u m l s i l u n a r a . • . ^ ^

W H 4 U A M F . - G R E A t f U C A D , C l e r k o f t h e I F * r d .

J A M F f t M . F B Y M O C R .Mayor. ,

to AP r R ( 4 l C i N O T l C B - O r d l n S i i c e s o r d e r e d t h i r d r e a d i n g . . . . j . . . .W a , i f j o u n d e r a f g n e d , h e r e b y c e r t i f y _ w a l ( b a

f n l l o w l n g o r d l n B T J c e * w e r e r f * a d a s e * ? o p i j t i m e a t a m e e i l n g o f t h e B o a r d o f S t r e e t a n d « * t e r r o m m l a s t o n e r s h e h l A p r i l I k , I f N H . a n d d u l y o r d e r e y i t o a t h i r d r e a d i n g :

, \ n o r d i n a n c e t o p r o v i d e f o r t h e p a y i n g o fORt-KANH fiTREET.

f r o m W a r r e n s t r e e t I n N e w B i r e e i , w i t h a h e e t a s p J i a l t n r p a v i n g b r i c k o n a i - u n c r s t e i s t u n d a - U o n ; an o r d i n a n c e u. p r o v i d e f n c i h a p a v i n g ( 2 f

P A R K K T R E E T ,f r o m M u l b e r r y s t r e e t ( o C h e r r y s t r e e t , w i t h a h e e i a s p h a l t o r p a v i n g b r i c k a n a 4; ; D n o r e ( a f u u i i i l a U o n , l u g e t h e r w i t h a l l ( h e a p p u r W n a n c M n e c f n a a r v t o c o m p l e t e t h e s a m e .

T h e p r o c e e d i n g s I n t h e a b o v a p a v t n g w i l l ^ t a k e n u n d e r t h e p r o v t s l o t i s 4j f c h a p t e r a l b o r t h e h t a t e l a w a u f I h b 3-

G E O R G E U . B A L I 4 A R D . P r e s i d e n t o f t h e I k i a r d o f S t r e e t a n i l W h a l e r

C o m r n l s a i o n s r s . _ ^W I L U A M E . O R E A T H E A f > .

i n s r k o f t h e B o a r d -

a,nu sn o v ju 1/1 7«-■ ___


Alihkcr '

A.p a i n t i n g W ’ o r k . T I S : w U h H v n r y A - S « i i i . f i > r r m i B o n w o r k . 14. . 4H I . u H h i - i . , . , , i - a r t e r , . ’ a m m . r n n . l i l n n i n , . u - n i - i c £ H I M S ) w U h M H l t * * A ' 1 l u l l , f i H Tumi.fif.' )Iork $1,«0; K -'-n H

'• Y i f ' f f m n U l i e i i H i t or ' *' ........niew. Niil-(-r 'i f 'N titler and HttHiWb' hv»>m ,y. .S, J . With Th om ** H )))* )-. fi

h t i m b e r . w h i c h w h h t h * * c h o r a l b a l l a d " K i n g E r i c / ' h y \ ' o n W l l m , M i s s B o x a l l g a v e a h a r p s o l o , T h a t n u a ' a " R e v e r i e . " M I s h B u x a l l a l a o p l i i y e i l I n t h e . ' ^ e c o n d p a r t o f t h e p r o g r a m m e n n o l d W e l p h m w l o d y " D a f y d d y G a r c g f V e n . * ' M l s » K e y e s , w h o h a s k f t j t e c o n t r a l t o v o i c e ,


a n d r e v is io n o f T A X E 8 -C IT Y H A L L ...-N O T IC E -

rO t'R T OF APPEAL.In AcrordaiK-e with an act of the LegItl&tufV

of this state tto« Board of Aaseoament and Rw* vlatw Of Taxca will sit as a Court of Appeal Ui thslr room. No. H City HslI, from the (bird Wednetday in April to the third Wednesday la Hay. IBOL every day, from 9 o'clock A. M<- (b 1 2 noon, when parties can ascertain the apiqunt. ataetadd on real estate All will please taka notice that rhtala the only lime to entertain and make such alteratlona.

PH ILIP LQWT. Preaidant

s'.n, uri’hHei fiHenn'X*

n ( - r

I n k ' w ' < * r k ' . l i f f - H * . w U h H v n r > T l . ^ f f e r i H . „ ’ o | J f , n - h l n v l ' i l l n . « u l o s " A l r V a r l e . " 'I n r v . i r i H - n l e r , r o o f a h d p u I i u I i i k w * T k , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '11247 w i t h H e n r j / A . A « ’ k c r m M t i . f o r T n a - J ‘ i ] i w o r k j r . S T S r W i m n n i S t r m n . u j % h l -

p * r [ i l n m n - 1 f ^ u i g " H a b a n e r a , " f r o m ' T a r m e n / ' M r . A r -

b y V l w i x t e i T j p s a n d I l n h a y ' H " H u n g a r i a n C v x n r d u s . " T h e s > l e c i U > n f o r t h e * b a r U o n © s o l o i s t , M r . F i r m i n g , w a s I . 4 e D n c a v s U O ' a

U e n r v A l l s o p p , o w n e r , n i u t o n u v e n u c . p r e U i d * ’ f r . . m " I I ' u g U a c H . " M i a s B u B W ? r t 4 - l ( t w i t h J o h B ' l * R e i d , f o r h e u t l i i g - w o r k , , s a n g ( h d H i d o n a J s e f r o m# . . .1 I I P l - h I f 411- r ’ ' _ _ _ _ _ ■ „ I .

u s e a v p - w i t h I I . W .

3350 I * T . M a c t a i g a n * u r c h l t c n T n > w h r l < l g e X i w o r i h y , i i w n v r . c n a t s i d e

J n X n l V a l l n b u r g h . N . J w U hF r e t l Q C u r t l k i f o r i t i a a o n \ s u r k .' p a . r t r k b " J ^ l a n y . o w n e r . I M % o «

f i ) ' / r i r ' i W W ^ I t h O o r e « \ v m i » n ) ) i , t o r W i t t ) b . K . H l n e e , ( o r r a r -

p ^ n / e ? w / r V , 4S . 1I I S : •■ ■ ■ C t ' e y ,

a n d E d i t h L . D o r e m i n . < w n - r r " ! w M U r l ? S d e « f C l a l n n o m a v ^ u e .

!4 S . w i t h J o h n B . Q a r i b i i r .


M ..ieal Trt«* ■»<•»'*.\adl4BM *•

HBlI, OW»»e.T h e M e n d e l M O h n C h o r a l C h i b o f R o , e -

v h l e e a T O I t * K O o n d e o o e e r t o t i h e m a- s o n i n * r o n i T i i * n w * * i r t > H » l l , O r a i i g i ’ ,l a a t n t K h t T h i s 1« U * * o l o b s » l * i h » e a -

a n d I t 1 . n o ' O thatn e v e r b e f o r e h * i t h e o r i a n l i a l l o n a l v e n

t . I h n r a u c h l y 4 e ! l * h l f n l v o n c e r t . K r l : m « . ™ . r l « n d p O t n f i t l e f . U u l e i n l « d e b i t e d . P r o O t l n * b y | > * > t e i p e r l - ' / . v . h M . 4 » « • o t n i t t * * : f r o m t h e n r - : s « , « : . n r t f i i . " « e d 0 0 . . . h u e . O j b e i K - r a a l o n . T h e e o n d u r U w ,K w a n , h i . - t r o t , a n d t h * w o r k o r d e r .

F p p e r M o n t c l a ' r , h a v e a r r i v e d l a - B i e H o l y - 1 c o r d e d a t t h e c o u r t h o u s e ' - s o d . i H e r m a n D o w d , o r m r t , B e r k e l e y a v e n u e

P . O ; f i r o < i i i o f f w i u i t w r • n n u J E t l l « c - J O r a ^ , N . J . . w i t h T o p p t n * B o d e , f o r

G r o r g s R n i s ‘a ^ w M ' ' ' h a d ' i h e u n d e r p e r f e c t c o n -

h e w o r k w a s o f a v e r y h i « h

I n l a c h o i c e o f a o l ^ l * t h e c l u b w a a a l l y f o r t u n a t e . T h » s o p r a n o .

B u a a e v t , t o o k ^ h » a u d i e n c e b y H i n e n t R h e k a * • r e m a r k a b t y r t c h , v o i c e . a S ^ h e r w o r k w a . a d « i d e d m u - V t c s l t r e a t . M l a o M a r g a r e t G K e f . . .' w a s alao a n ac<jul«lMon. a n d

A Fleming, the barflone. m a d e „7 ?S; third ot tk.

t h T t a l t t r b e t a g t h e r e g u l a r a c c o m p a o l . t o f t h e C l u b .

C k a m o M W a l l M e w d e e e d .T h e w o r k o f I k e e b o m ^ h i c h i .

u p o f a n u m b e r o f E a s t ( ^ n g e p e o p ^ i ^ a a as Ik* Ro**vtUa AnMkg^t did mt-

w o r k A X u g * o p < « 6 > «

" M l g n o n " , T b s r u m u l m l e r , , f t b e , ) r o , ; r i i n i m e w a r d a V d t e d t o s e l e c t i o n . , l , y ( h e c l u b , a e e l s t e d ' b y t h e a o l n l a t i ) a m i o r c h e a i r a . O p e o t t h e b e a t o f I h e a e w a s B u l l l v a n ' a " T h e D o s t C h o r d . " w h i c h w a a b e a u t i f u l l y r e n d e r e d b y t h e c l u b . a e s i H i e d b y ( h e o r c h e a ( r a a n d H l a a K e y e s , w h o s a n g t h e s o l o . B a c h - Q o u o o d ' s A v e M a r l a w a s a l s o w e l l r e n d e r e d b y t h e e l m . , . M i s s W u s s e r t . M r . - A r h o l d a n d t h e o r c h e s t r . v . t h e h a r p a n d v i o l i n o b l i g a t o B , l d l n i > U i t h e n i u n l t e r .

t V ' l n r e r i ' s w a l l a I d y l l a . " M a g i c . o t S p r l i n " w a s r e c e i v e d w i t h f a v o r . M l e a K e y e s g i v i n g t h e c o n t r a l t o a b l o , a n d t h e H u l l l i n i n g u ' c c o m p a h l e d b y I h e o r e h e a t r a . J u n i a i i ' e " T o - n i g h t " w a s ‘ s u n g - b y t h e I f i l l , , t h e b a r i t o n e e o l o b e i n g t a k e t i b y M r . F l e m i n g , a n d C a l d l c o t i ' s . " W h e r e A r e V o n G o i n g , M y F r c t i y M a i d , " w a s p l e a s ­

i n g l y r e n d e r e d b y t h e c l u b , u n a c o o m p a n - i - i l . N e y s l e r ' a c h o r u a , " G o d B l e a * T h e e . L o v e . " w a s a l a o w e l l s u n g , w i t h e o p r a n o a o l o b y U l a e B u e a e r i a n d b a r i t o n e a o l o b y M r . F i e t n i l t g . T h e a u d l e n e e w a i l a r g e

a n d e n t h u a l a e t l r ,

h E W A R K C H B E k B M A D E T H B I I I I L U

T h r e e r h l l d r e u I s a a E l l i a l i e t h F a m ­i l y P o l s o a e d .

a g e c l s l D l i p a t e h t o t h , X E W a .E L I Z A B E T H . A p r i l I K — A n o t h e r c a e e o f

p t o m a i n e p o i s o n i n g f r o m e a t i n g p o t - i h e e e e w a s r e p o r t e d h e r e y e a t e r d a y , t h e v i c t l m a b e i n g t h r e e c h i l d r e n o f W t l l t a m C a r r , o f » C a t h e r i n e s t r e e t . T h e y w e r e s e r t o u a t y I I I f o r s e v e r a l h o u r a a n d a r e s t i l l i n b e d . D r . T u n i c r a t t e n d e d t h e m .

T h e f a m i l y a a y t h e p o t c h e e a e w a s p u r ­c h a s e d i n N e w a r k . T h i s m a k e s n i n e p e r s o n s w h o h a v e b e e n p o i s o n e d h e r e w U M n t h e l a s t t e w d a y s b y e a t i n g p o t e h a e s * c o n ­t a i n i n g p t o m a i n e s , t h e o t h e r s b e l o g t h e [ a m l l y o f A r t h u r A . P U n i . o t O r c h a r d s t r e e t . T h e P l a n t s a l s o c l a i m t h e c h e c s o c a m e f r o m a N e w a r k d a i r y ,

A s i p a T k r w l e d O B l B B a a t F a t e r a o n .P A T E R S O N . A p r i l U — A r t e l e e a t i n . ,

f u l l I c o n s t a t i n g o f n e a r l . r 4 h a l f b u n « n ? C a 1e °; d o n t i H i . f r o m N e w a r k w a * r a i S t i l K r f

l a e t n i g h t b y t h e l o c a l C a l e . 1a n l a n C l u b , A c h a r t e r e d I r o i ^ y c a r b r o u g h t t h e E s ­s e x C o u n t y m e n h e r e . T h e P a t e r s o h r l u U m e n h a d a l s o w i t h t h e o i C h i e f P e t e r M a e l C r a e . o f t h r H u d s o n C o u n t ; S l r t o n t a n L l a b .

I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 — ■

D r * 4 B « * b 4 1I « oI P « « p B i a r a « 4 .9 p w M ] I X a j p a t r t i r t i b t K 5 W 9.

C A - M D S ^ s A p r i l t S . — T b a a t o M d r e d r x a n d k y d r a u I R m u d p u m p C O I t i m b U ; ^ ^ l o n g i n g t o t b e A m e r i e a n D n d g i n g C o « - p a n y . c a u g h t B r a t t h i s m o m t e l A d w e n t i r e l y d n t t ^ t d . T h . m a ^ h l D e J ^ w a s

TW O STRONG AllGUMRNTSI n f a v o r o f L E A D a n d Z I N C P A I N T

a r « i U c i i p a c R y f o r c o v ^ r i n t a l u r f a c t w i t h k u n i f o r m a n d l a a i i n s c o a t , a i w U a * w e a r i n g q u a l i t i e s u n d e r a l l w e a t h e r c o n - d l i L o n p . P ( * K K L l N B K E D O I L . P U R K W H I T E I . K A D , P U R E Z I N C W H I T E

» n d P E R F E C T C O L O R I N G P I G M E N T B , c a r e f u l l y a n d t h o r o u f h l y g r o u n d t o g e t h e r , g i v e a I t t h e q a k l i t y a n d a a t l a f g c U o h y o u a r e a e e k l n g .

8 0 m u l e c o l o r c k r d a m a i l e d f r e e u p o n r e - q u e o L F O R S A L E B Y

J. J. H ockenjos Co.,B39 BROAD STREET, Nowark, N. J>

T B I . B P H O R B H a . k k * .


Oe« o

E r u s t t • ( Veal, lb . . . . .StaouMera of Veal, l b . . . .UelM of Veal, lb .............. ... , (G oLt** of Veal, l b ..................... . .1 0 0R m Vaal C bo^, lb . . . . . . I l> f0

OnrtHiBrosseilPoQlir!!.Yomok Fowls, lb. . . . , . . l.OoR oiw tiaK C bidfaw ,lb. . . . Frlcaaackioi Cbickekt, lb . . . , t O o : S o M RDoV ovet BroUonClb, l3 > to

v a l w o d a t | ( D . I

Cbolct Lotof O17 Ptek- •R Haa Toriteya. M. . .

ROTH & QDL■ " - * « f * i— aik« S o w A r r

N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S , FR ID A Y , A P R IL 19. 1901. 1 5


Beiierii{ ErerjMs to Be Bis “ folchiUB Taras ResUirant Into

Beleasaered FMiress.


M«dniaii la lren ch «t t ll iii« « lf on Third | Floor Bnlldlnir^Sooro of Po llctiurn j T rr to Cnptnre H lu - 'F l r * Volley ! After Volley to D1b1o«1bc Him—Re- : tam e the 9h «t »—After F ive Honre le Tnkea by Sirnteay.

PHILADELPHIA. April ll'-Bellevltig that every one was his enemy and fearing that his life was In danger. Harold Lee, who for the past year has l>een night watchman at Boothby'a reataura,nt, 810>512 Vine elreel, yesterday turned the place Into a beleaguered fortress. Armed with a pistol, he shot and wounded two men, a storm of buHeta crashed through glass and woodwork In the rear of the place and excitement reigned supreme.

All this time a score of patrolmen froib the Eleventh and Vine Streets Station were In the building and on the roofs of adjoining houses shooting Into the room on the third floor, where I.<ee had taken up hl» barricade. Tit© man was finally captured, after holding the fort for flve hours, by the strategy of WllLlam Mack, the engineer of the restaurant.

Robert Pleasant, colored, one of the kitchen servams who was shot by

From Prominent Citizens of Newark

Expressions of Gratitude (or the Great Physician. They Marvel

at His Record-Breaking -5?' Praefica Since CoKit^!.

to This City.Dntsf Billin.ltii Curing Oufniii. AiUimi ud

CoiKUfflpllon tj Hit Oijon VlUlim ind Elnlrlo VIbnIor.


Mr. C h a r le s Peiidrlck* of Dewey St.,Newark, N- la quoted thus:

•‘My case of catarrh had been In my sys­tem for throe yeara. It went from bad to worse. My bronchial lubes were so lined that I could hardly breathe; my throat also felt full and choked. When a hacking cough took hold of me I became alarmed. I am convinced that for catarrh or lung disease nothing is e<iual to Doctor Ballentine's oxygen vltallser. It Is to hla sealous care and treatment 1 owe my res­toration to health."

Mr. W n . R e ln e rt, TdO Hamilton St.. Hurrlsan, .V. J., ic IU how he wna cnreA o f aaihmiu

"I had about given up hopes of being cured when 1 placed myself under the treatment of Doctor Ballentlne," said Mr. Reinert. " I had suffered for a long time from a severe cough. My cough became

, much worse, causing me to apit up quantl- Lee. I ties of mucous, and I suffered severely

w*as removed to the Hahnemann Hospital, rieasant'e wound, while painful, te not serious, being in the fleshy part of the thigh. In* his endeavor to capture the erased man Engineer Mack received a slight bullet wound In the arm and a se­vere bruise on the shoulder, where he was struck by a heavy weight.

Hie Odd DekaTlor.Lee'a outbreak of yesterday, white un­

expected, was In keeping. It Is said, with his queer actions of the past month. He has been employed at Boothby'a for the past year as a night watchman. Two weeks ago he confided to Manager Slb- bltts that he hud shot his brother at his home in Conoho, Martin County, N. C-, and that be had to flee.

“He stole the honey from my bees and lumber wUh which I was going to build the hives." said Lee, “and we got Into an argument, during w'hich 1 shot him twice In the legs and once In the stomach. 1 didn't kill him and now he ta In the city trying to kill me." Lee formerly had a room In a lodging-house, but within the past few days he has been sleeping In a storeroom In the restaurant. During this time he eyed all his fellow-workers with suspicion.

Lee worked Wednesday night and yes­terday morning until 7 o'clock, when he retired to his room nn the third floor. At 3 o'clock Pleaeani, a colored man. went to the third floor. As he groped up the winding stairs he heard Lee talking to himself. Suddenly the report of a re­volver WHS heard and Pleasant fell to the floor with a bullet In his thigh.

Bnlteta Rained.“Lee shot me! ' Pleasant groaned, as

Engineer Mack and half a dozen attend­ants rushed upstairs.

"Don't come near me!” Lee shouted from the head of the third story, “ril fhoot any one that does." Lee waved hit revolver menacingly, and Mack and the men dodged. Just then Lee flred and a bullet sped over their heads. The wound­ed man was sent to the hos­pital, and within a few minutes a detail of patrolmen, under charge of Sergeants Kevins and Condran, was on ilie scene.

By this lime l^ee had barricaded him­self In a little room pn the third floor, and from a hole In the door commanded the stairway. Despite this Mack, the nervy engineer, crawled up the nnd almost succeeded In reaching the sheltere*.. tide of the doorway, when a long, gaunt arm came from the hole In the door and a pistol muzzle was thrust w'libln a few Inches of hU head. At the command of the crazed man Mack beat a

I I had such a lightness across my chest that I could scarcely breathe, and at times 1 had severe attacks of aathma. 1 could nol sleep at night. 1 bad to sit propped up in a chair to gel any sleep or rest. Slnco taking a course of Doctor Ballentine's treatment I have renewed hope In life, for now 1 am a well m an"

Mr. Wtii. Ogden^ 344 Saaaev Ave.,Newark, N. J.. lelateshls experience: “My nose wouid become dry and stopped up, so I could hardly breathe. 1 suffered from | headaches and felt dull and tired. After ■ an Interview with Doctor Ballentlne 1 felt 1 encouraged, and took a course of hl« ircai- ment, In consequenco I can say that 1 um free from my cinarrh/’


TH0USAXI)S who visited our store the past week expressed the greatest surprise at itsuiajrnitudc —11,500 square feet of floor space, 5 floors devoted to the display n( cverv-

I'-Mlt thinj; to heauufj f a n d family.^ littlo money docs it all.


SideboBLrd, aoUil en finish, large mirror, fine carved top, height 6 feet, special

Brass Bsu,

14.4S I

V, ’ •

M e itt re s se s , fine mattress made in 2 parts, art nouveau ticking, wonh $10.00, our price this week

7.98M & tt in g s , all new goods, new patterns, as low as

to 48c . To vour interest to see them.Tapestry Brussels Carpet, 7 9 c .

inch post, heavy tilling, linish- ed with best French lactpicr, . worth $50.00, syccial

58.98E x t e n s i o n T a b l e , i^olid

oak, 42x42 inch to]>, liueiy Im- ished, 3 leaves, special

5.4814c. up

Ingrain Carjict, 43c.


No Better Dressed Merv, irv Towrv

^,Ghan ^Thoje Who Are Fitted Out ■ -

How could it be otherwise ? Our stock is so im­mense and varied, and yet so correct and perfect, that no matter which Suit or Top Coat a man may pick, he is t)piiud to make 53. stvlisli and^seiisible selectiom, . ^

"(*.iien we say .a SulfKis all wool, all wool it is ; ’ and when we ffuaratiitce a Suit to be fast color, the guarantee means just what it .says—thatif the clothes will fade you get your money back or new clothes for nothing. That'’s how we’ve done business—that’s how we’ve built upttlie largest clothing business ia the State.

Ovir Men's SuitsTop Coats

a t * 6 .95

Laedies* Svit Dept.

Ft on 8nim, in tan. blue, cantor or gray, all trimmpd with taffcla

1 ilk,L'jMgloii collar. roUI utions, sk i r t with

'reurii flouuce, 9.98J.adies'WniRlfi In .Mlm-

Irossnr Frepch Klunufl. hnniisomely q t tI r mmfkfl ........ -r 'J

M en’sClothing Dept.

Mpu 'h Spring SuitR. made of bliH'k iindblue uiilinished worsipd with tiilk fitripea. light ('uii»red cheviots, 7 dlf- fcipiit iiattcriis to hpIccI IroTii, nil ilienewcHiami iritmnlngs. 12.75

Voting Mcn'aSprina Suits. «i/ps 1.4 HI !i0 years. Imicand

Boys’ Vestee Suits.

SDea 3 to 10 yeara. Mricilv

j\rc a striking example of our superior value f;iving. Cot- responding (pialitics cannot be found anywhere below $io.

____ - - yeall Wind gray ciioviolJ'. with olive fttrippz. dilk vent wa.slmbio shield, also . . piecB 0.311 hie-hreiksted ruIi**, regular $4.00 value. 2.75


Skirts, ill nil ' ’''' 'rsted.cheviotzundcnloTH flcrgo. eiievlfts, fancy r-itHNiuieieN, fauUlfas V f n f t i a i i H , b r o a d c l i ' t h s , t a i i o n i i H a n d t l i o r - | 2 0 0 t u l l _ f l n r p _ flomiiii. iriiu- I'URlily mi tu-dntp.McnN Spring Tuptroata, iGforrl>i, rlieviotfl, diagon­als. ivrir.Atedfl and covert rdni l4s. elegantly cut audtfiinmnj, well 11.49

i i j © i l s a l h il a l T e t a , f r o m - 3.50

M ILLIN ERY.esi Kli:ipe<;. trimmed to suit the moat faetiOloua. from !f..4H ii]i. liulorcd ■

Visit Our CuHiom Depart- inenl—We ■ have a romplere line of ini|u»ried and domeMio woollens, ail latc.st designs.

W© make to order at popiL lar prices.

M en’s a n d Boys’ Hat Dept.All Hip laie^t tdof'ki. in JicrliTu .m,j \l|MTie.s

Newest Spring sliatlPH. Ixiwesii i>ni'i*s.

Our Men's Suits {Sh Top Coasts

at *9.95

Mr. E. V. Schoflrld, H6 Alpine »t„ K rvra rk . J., nay<»i

“My tllnfFfl began two years ago, affer an attack of la grippe; It HetUed In my bronchial tube?. The conitant cough witn which I WHS nnnoyed did nol relieve ilo- tk'kltng in my throat. I kept up a rr)n- linua! hacking. Doctor Ballentine's treat, i ' m nl reached the root of the dIsPHse. T l#- I day I can say. w-iih much eatlsfuL'tlon, I I am a well man."

The Shoe Dept, Ha^rttess Dept.l.,i,iii>.'Kii.u-s,tiiifviHkiiluml y C O , K '‘ 'fyH 'in i? .the llerse Bt prices that

paiei.t Ifiiiilx'r.jn Inittonumi laueParent1.69

1 3 0 C X O R


2 West Park St„ Cor. Halsey St., ;;Newark. N. .1, i <

Office Boars:Doctor Balleotine hai do Hiiaday hoiira.

I.nplicji' Kid. Tiin andl.piiilior Oxfords. IhIphI liKhl inoi liPiivy foIps. special..

Men's Shoes, vii-i. velour, U» X C A and paif'jjt leutlier, very <lrc.s.«y

l.itilH Lent'H Sliiie . waxed ciilf and extetihioi) rcgtil^ I

men's shapes........................I hildien-s fine doiignla, kid patent

Irnrli 'T tip, spring liepl, hnilon or 1.00

‘oiiipflt ilUni.BIThfV M.\HNKSS-Hesl stock, all

waved lavei>, etirklo or Davis | ArnhlK'i-tmiimiMi.......................

SI HKKV ttH rARKVAU.llAKNKHS- 4 - h i . M o l d i p , l i i r i i c o , n i c k l e o r D a v i s r u b b e r t t i o n n t e d . p a l e i i l I J E I f ^ AiDittlier rolUtr.......................

Delivery i.r KxprcFS Hnrnes!*—4j In- sad­dle, njokle or hTHtislriininingH. y y C Ac o i n p l o i p w i t h f f d l a r . . . . . . . . . ■

Lap CoTrrs, SlieKlf* CoolerSi Whips* Hsitrrs, f>lr.


Credit Rules the World. We Lead the .Credit World.



I a i r w i n r a o T n n r


That 1b ih© Story a liacLm aarkTbW ftf »

BIrd’aFot*.HACKENSACK, April Hi.—Henry K.

.MaUjeischeck. a member of the Hackeii- _ Back Wheelmen, tellz a weird story of the

aialre \ of a pet parrot which until VV©d-.nezilay formed a pan of his household.

The bird w*aa a tine talker and was made much of by every one In the household until two w’eeks ago, when a pet dog enm©

I upon the ecene end the attention© whk-n bed been lavished upon the parrot were dl-

ha«ty retreat down the crooked stairway, ! v«rted to the dog. 'fhe parrot manifested •nd s bullet crashed Into the celling. j "iii 'o altsris the dog. and be-

Thinking to attract the man's fire, sev- ! I*]* cage for this, refused to talk,eral polh’emen clambered up on the roof

S H A R T E N B E R G de R O B I N S O Ni i u u n i u i . n v i u i i L

199. 201, 205, 205 M A R K E T STR E E T .

Neo-rN e w c u r k



Te lln Th em Almnl Hla Hunt*Ijig Trip/

NKW YORK, April IS.-VU'e-RresldHiU TheniJore fioosevel! reached the city from

T w u A ctlona Uemin on S fren g fh o f A lle g e d C o iitm ct WHIi the I.nte '

Mr. Shniiley, j

Two suits were hegun In the New Je|;- ' aey Siiprenie Court yesterday against the

of (he adjoining house and poured many .nhots Into the room tvhere I.«ee was In­trenched. Lee returned the Are and held the offlcialu at bay until darkness fell. Again Mack craje^'’ bp the etajrs and from a vantage point atieceeded in at­tracting the man's Are by ahoottng at the ceiling. Mack now became conclhft' lory and began to argue with l ee.

Taken by fl lrn le g y .“They want to kill me!” Lee insUsleda

'and before they do that I'M burn the house down over my head."

Then Mack thought of a bit of ntrate^ and soon put It into effect- A duifimy/fli- ure, llfe-slsetd. was secured from a /tore next door. By this time L«e had/taken refuge In one of the rooms on thw'second' floor, which he had barricaded like the one on the third. The lights were turned- out, and, carrying the duniiny before him Mack succeeded In reaching the head of the stairs at the second floor In safety. The room In wnich t-ee was hiding com­manded a full view of the landing, and as soon as he saw the figure of the dummy he shouted:

“Hold on, Mack, I'lt shoot you If you don't go down.’*

From hie place on the steirwmy Mack pushed the dummy nearer the door, and l^e opened Are. With the dummy ae a shield Mack gradually worked his way to the door, heedless of the bullets.

Thinking to make hie escape Lee opened the door and sprang out. Mack grappled *'lth the man, and after & struggle cap­tured him.

Mr. Malljetaclieck says that the bird moped and showed everj' sign of sorrov, Wednesday while the family was absent the bird was allowed to roam about the house. When the family returned it la »»■ serled the house wns fliled with gas, and the trouble was located In the UKchen. where the parrot had pecked a hole through the rubber tubing leading to the gas rango and allowed Ih© gas to escape.

The bird was found lying dead beside the hole he tore In the piping, and Mr. .Malt- Jetscheck asserts that It Intemionally In- haled the gas to end It? life


' a ''m

W iishingian iinexjieeltd ly ytsterday. l i e t I 'n iied Gas Iniprov^tnent Company, torecover about IH.nOn, which represents the highest Intermediate value of siock of the I ’nlted Electric Company, alleged by Frederick W. Eager and Jerome Tay­lor to have been promised them by the late Bernard M. Bhanley.

Summonses In both suits were served' ’ on the defendant company'e agent in Jor- ! eey City, by Robert it. McCarter, coun- j Bel for the plaintiffs, Mr. Egner, who lu secretary^ of the Fidelity Trust Company, Is plaintiff In one of the suiin, whih’ the other Is brought on behalf of Mr. Taylor, who Is second vlce-prealdeiU of the Fidel­ity,

It la Bllegei] by the plaintiffs that when Ihe 1'nlted Gas people iihportied the local «a,s and electric comoaiiles they subscribed for certain shares of the rn liH Kleciric Company, giving their subscrliiilons Hv the lute Mr. Shanley an Hgent for the rnllA-d Gas Company, Mr. Kgner, li Is said, sui>- scribed for 402 aharea. Mr. 'Hiyior for 3i«i shurpw.

It is further alleged that \ho rnlted Has and Imnravement Company h;is n iiudlHte.l the contract said to have been mu<iu by Mr. Shanley with the p)alntirfF>.

r e lo r e g Man W Ina F tra t Prlae.HAMILTON, N. T., April 11-Tn th«

Omul hlstoiicil oration piiw contest at Colgate University, Samuel Howard Archer, colored, won flrat prise this even­ing, and OMrfe Burton Manton won oee- ond prise.

STUART'S DTSPtPSIA TABLETSttite vEBracT D io s m o v , imnrD


an Ptc>|£ed Oat fo r .Associate fo r H an k H a ll MnsI RemnlD W ith

Presen t Em ployer,

BOSTON, April 19.—It has been decided that Captain “Nate” Watson will not sail on the Lawson cup yacht Independence as associate of Captain Hank Hsff, as he must remain In command of the Constel­lation. the yacht of Francis Skinner, Jr., i safe to Beanes hous' of this city. The question of Captain ! found.Watson’s nfceptsnce of an offer to assist 'In handling the Independence was depen­dent on the consent of Mr. Bklnner.

The owner of the Constellation has de­cided that as Ml tailing plana for the seii- son are extensive* and that with Captain Haff as skipper and Captain Miller and Captain H iff'a son available as mates for the Independence, he does not feel U necesso,ry to relesse Captain Watson,

mndc the trip fnun the caplial for th#* pur­pose o f acting asA w aller for a lot news­boys who 'R'cre Ihe guests o f his slater, Mrs. D m iglas Kuhlnron, and her husband In Ihe W est Ride Boys* Home. A fte r ra r ry - Ing turkey and rranberrj sauce. Ice crenm und o ilie r good things nrnnnil and Bcclng to It that evi-ry boy's sfom adi was flIU-d, the V lre -Pree tden i iTiade a speech.

H e told them how they mlglvi become g^eat men, und suid that they had us good and a better cliance to become Governor j and \’k‘c-Fr^slden l si rid even Fresldant ! than he h im self. Then he tnuched on his t recent hunting trip in the West. hhaI told | Ihe boys that (he b iggfst Uoii ih iil he ariid Ills slog lo gc lh er had killer] only W’elgherl j 227 pounds, A numbfT o f pueieiy people : were present and alsu wiiltcd on the boys. !

XVerallli 111 lle rm ll's R fferta,HAMMONTON, Ajirll 1!' \U the poul- :

try le ft on the form o f Hermit Joseph F. | Bean, who was rcrenily killed bj' an ex- | press trnln on the Wr-fi Jersey and Sea- , shore Rallrm*d. was s t d d y*'sierday by Ad- 1 m lnlstrator John Prasi !i. The chickens i and ducks kept by the old man were noted fo r being ''thorrujghhre-is, ' nnd were read . ' Uy bought by hla neliibiMUs Good prices [

] were paid fo r the stock The papers, aup- ] posed to be his will, r-hei: opened were a i b>t o f nolesR outJawcil by dales, and dl- ' reeled to be sent tn hi- sisier. M ary E.1 Bean. F 'ishlng Fnlni. Md . w in perslstent- t ly refuses to make any rei'ly to telegram sor letters sem her by the iuithorltles. No trace can be found of « gnM watch known to he had by the obi mnii. Yesterday a driver of an express wiiR'Ui reported that some time ago he delivered a Bmftll Iron

and this cannot be

'W om en (o P ic k 'Worms for t hnreh.HANLMONTON, ApyU ISi-Thc ladb-s of

the Epworth League of the M. K C’liurch have adopted plana to hplp swell the finances of the organlialtnj;. hasagreed tn earn a dollar ou(nl>]p of her regular vocation. Already iW'> lenA'her* in the primary department of th*- 4’entrai School have contracted with Loiinil .Mon­fort. Insect l•omm1sBlone of .Atlantic County, to nick basket worms from off the hedges along the street*.

“ N ingie l . l fe ” W e ll V r e ifn tr d by YouiDg I 'e op le o f f 'l ir ls t ICpIieo^

I»mI t'hurrL In that I'oivti,“SlngU' Llf*',’’ a threp*a<'t comedy, was

lircseiued In <'eniral Hall, Hlor>mflcld, last night by lht‘ young pei'ple of Christ Epla- ropal Church In that town. The play waa given under the direction t>f Mrs. (1. 'W’ln- ihrnpe Root, and the acene was laid la Knglsrnl in INSNK The costumes were pleasing and the amateurs rendered their pans with miirkcil skill.

Those who appeared were Warren B. MiHFre, John Scoit Jarvle. Jc„ Kafle R Terry, Itomeyn H. Zabrlskle and- Henry Preston Bowron, and Miss Clara L. John­son. Mias HackeM. Miss Flora May Hack- etl. Mias Florence P. Johnson and Miss Marie I L Van Sant. The committee of ar- I ranprenienis was compneed of Mrs. Fred­erick T. Camp. MlSH Carrie V. Van Bok- kelen, Mrs. Charles M. Halnhrtdge and Mrs. Harry Van Auken. Ktchard V. t ru- ker was stage manager.

F o r an A c t iv e W a r on Rata,CHICAGO. April D-~\V.ir on rats an-l

mice has been declared by on»« of the lars- ept manufnclurtng eTHiT|irises In Chlcas". Within ten ila.vn the propaganda of lln‘ Japanese Governmenl which Dr. N. No- I gueba announced while tn the city a U-w ' (lays ago. will be In active operation on .i scale which Is expei-ied to demonstrate i that the extermlnatlou of pesls Is thor- I onglily practical. A virus dlicovere-J through extensive exp*Tlmenls In the Pa**- teur InaiUiite of Parle Is to be the agent Employed for the alaughler of (he roilems. ;

M in ister W u kr Fn lu glae Grant.NEW YORK. Ai>rll 19,-Wu Ting Kang,

ino ( Itlnesp MlnUi..r, has arcspt,d an Invi- lailon Id ilpllvar ihp oration at Grant a tomb on Mamnrial Day. May » , Thn pjar- .'larsat tha tomb nlll ha in charia of r S ’ Grant Pnst, G. A B.

Carry ofl' tlii- {talin at this sale. The assortment embrace! siicli cle>;aiu Suits as llerriiiKbonL'1,'licviot.s. raintly Striped Cheviots and Cltcviot.s in tiie newestcliecks .and plaids; Clay Worsteds and Diajrotials, Serges and fl'weeds, Coverts and Hannocklmrns, and ea-ery stitch am! buttonhole is don* right—nothing .skimpwi or slighted—just as a liigh-priced custom tailor won Id do. Styles arc single and double-breast­ed Sacks and Cutaways,.choice from all these for 9.95.

Our Men's Suits d®Top Co0LtsAre cut from such iiigh class woollens as (ienuine Pure Worsteits, in hairlines, pin stripes and lierringbone stripes; heavy wale iiVue Serges, Cray Vicunas and ( *xfords, Scotch Cheviot.s, Lrisli Tweeds, etc.—cut by skilful cutters and put together by good iniirney.nien tailors. Men who, as a rule, spend about 3 '* ' f"r their new spring suits or top coats,will find these goods at lU.9S to meet their highest exiicctations.

Our extraordinary Offers inBoys’ Clothing

Never fail to attract the shrewd money-saving buyers.Among the good things prepared for to-morrow are

the following;

Boys' $2.50 & $3 Suits—Including Vestee and Double-breasted styles—made of

nobby Oxford, jdain and stri])ed tlanne! elTccts—also light colored Suits—all sir.ist—3 to 16—to-morrow only a Q

■ a t. ................. .. .............

Boys' 5-Piece Suits--NobViy new styles in light and medium calored materi­

als—single-breasted coat with vest—also grand line of Hoys’ latest Serge Saulor and Russian Blouse Suits, in red, brown, light and dark blues—worth $5 and (6— "jt C IO choice for only..............................................................

Thakt Big Shirt Purchevsewhereby we secured joesdoxen Men’s Shirts at less than half price, has attracted big crowds. This .sale will be resumedto-morrow. 'I'lic value is,$i.oo. 'Hie price will 59c

lu our Hat Department we are showing every­thing that is new. We can sell you an Alpine or Derby Hat that wotild cost yon $2 in any 1 A r t other store iuithe city for. .........................

M A R K E T A N D W A S H IN G T O N STS., N E W A R K , N. J.

A p,priu IlMMdj tor D]wp,f«U WklA

R » Mad* Mmny ItowrluM* CarH.

The iprlnf of Iho rear li the time for blood purlfler*. It le the eeason when we think we malt dose oarselvee with uno- ***,7 '!,**' '•'•••r* *"<l the endleai list of so- 'AjlM blood purlfters and nerva totiica

As s matter of fict, there la but one pos­sible wejr In which to purify tho blood, and that la,, through ths atomaoh and

, bowelt.Thire Mood rosblta from wholtaoms food

lOorouthly dl«ested. Impurs blood resuUo {rpm poor dlfoatfon and aaalnllatlon. When tho alomarh refuaaa to work prop- *nr tba food rematna too lonp a time, fmenttni. formln* asses, ahown by sour. WUW taite In the mouth, bloatinw and helebln* of taa. and distreaa and dlseem- 'Ori tenarally. Poor blood, weak aoma. v«pleaaneaa and a taooral don't cars

*''®*'*■tuarfa Dyapip-

*0 All other apriaa A"^ pwrUlars, Thar airs

J ^ « t dlfntloti, tho fbod dooa not Uo In tho stomach for bourn. Thor slra a riaor- oui appetlta, sound aloapv otrona iHnea. tnd wholeiooM f o o d T ^ d l M ^ ^ ^

Mood, and In no othoT^^^eSTtK Mood be purided Tha Man fhai , rina In Itaolf. wUI purify the Mood whan

‘* ' « * * ^ are outT.vS!!r '• «»»*noo. StBatt'o Dyapapala Tabkts ara oogfli bjr thouaanda In wafvt.

JSSaT* » ,2 :^ AhWar plUa" and Blood puriOors.” Imeatiaa tbay ramra the cauat of tho laipm Mood, and you’ «0 not hnwa to UhTthom toraVJ t . ^

^ T * * "** **-” obatJnat* diamoo and a r iniidr wm *.


Colasnhla Mwdant Ontdoas H li Par­mer Parfnmsaaeaa oa Ihe Teat*

ia « Mnehlaaa.MEW YORK, April U.—Harold Woeksa,

tha Columbia sopbomora, added 111 pointe to the Columbia atrencth teet record yes­terday and made a total of l,7w polnta on tha machlnaa. Tha Individual teats srera as foltowa:

Stranpth of hack. ITO; strentth of laaa flf (Columbia record); rifhl hand prip, tt; left hand prip, M; atrenpth of luopt, K; number af dipt. It; number of china, IS; total. t.T®. ^

Waekea was Influoneed to taka ymter- day'a teat because az-CaptaIn William R. Itorley. of tha (ootbait team.' had lifted 1,M pound! with hla lepa aa compared arlth l.ltt by Woekos. The latter, howaver lifted 1.111 pounda yeitarday. Hti racord la now ISO potnta bahtnd tha Intercollwtate racord bald by Cochoma, of Harvard.

------------- s------------— ■T. It. C. A. Rataa.

Tha tn embers of tha modal elata of tha T. » . C. A.. In charpa of Profeaaor L. M Smith, will Mva an ezhlutlon of advanced armnaatica upon tha pamllal ban and nrr- amide at the twelfth convention of the American Amwciatlon for tha Advanca- raont of the Fhyitoal Education to ba hald In New Tort. Tha Intemedlata boya' claaaaa mil partlclpata la n drill.

Tha aaamlnattoni ter the priaes In the Pbvalcal danartmant mil ba bald on Mon-


tm y alaht. Mav 11.The ftrat oatlap of tb# anaton tor boya

uM thafr m™"*!.rriU ha held on Hay k ^ f aaaor Smith Will ba In charpe. "Chrlat'a Conduct in Danper'^mn ba tha

fetutta,to enre, _npealMly Im R jm s '^ . _ * ?. *w t dyivapoin...y y y * DWOPMA Thhiou riataod la oara avi ezer - ~ and**^(rinaa.

tonic of tba ConvaraaUonal «b la Clam which sriU hold IM uaual aeaabm to-mpht In tba nnrtora ef aa^atloa. Saeratary , Cosaans wlU teach tha Itaaon and conduct 1 tha nweatloa tewar. Tha monthly nooMbla will follow tha aiaaton.

Tha DOOPdar taaoharr mcaUnp and tb# ' padWMgj** ■# !> |p**eal«aa mU bn JmM* nasMhoa^arelaaaaa wfll oloat thair teamans mth thM montM Dtploota arm f

It*5 a spring m edicine; and the chances are you need a hottle or two of it. You want something that acts directly on the blood, takes out all,im purities from the system, braces up the nerves, and makes you in tunc with the time of year.

It's a spring medicine— Ayer's parilla.

There are fifteen remedies,Nature's own remedies, in this grand old family medi­cine. If you are feeling all run down this spring, are dragging around in a miserable condition, and go about your work in a lifeless kind of a way, try a bottle or two o f Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You will be wonderfully pleased

It ac»Ull.

*” *« * *• r « a f aad a•hmrfb

fe Tk* T. A.'

A j i ______- '^ '^ ^ r i a r i a Traataiaot of IfW Who An

■,Mlnp (ha t^vaa a ^ n iia s" m ^ tMde (• ba dMaaiiad by tha mamhara of *•“ I— « » t r ^ ap t»aaa rtleh wlU M et manday BMcalap at I a clock.

A* **‘ ***Ad *•“ Taka FM-hiwa' BWa Cftaaa.tha azcaam of tha aa- »va d trill fca oiarndwiA Tha oadal taata mglba "1 Daa-t C a d a n t a a d J P ^ ^

I bive w r f A ) ^ i Semperifle eveiy ^ in g and M for a peat raaiijr jre i». I am zuie

S tAt

e f t S t iPrayata arBl foOaw

I maptlap J

it Keep! me ftee fiean both ai j to meet the pranoBMPd I r of impore blood. It ia j w tlie medidne t o

apaaoDi.''— Gao. R. T hompoob, Rnptn, Vt. ,


M d r w f f i i t B .

. ^ 4 y t o 4 oct)orw*ttkftliiiikaofAycr*aStopariBt. Tke]• ^ f r a o i b a d K a peat aaany timet asd knawi jam what

I if ba dodiaot tUnk it bJ. TMiopdaiiA

■ r *

" IV b e tn iit doubt, give silver.


W e d d i n gS i l v e r

The W Iss lines of sterling'silver and finest plate offer m any a wise suggestion— the rich variety, the marked beauty o f patterns, the

.perfection of w orkm anship , th e t favorable prices ou g h t to It as(

’ viially interesting to you av they 'ce i proving to others.

Forks and -Spoons by the. dozen, odd serving pieces, or complete family chests holding) any wanted as.sortment, with! or without the matchedcutlery. The W ISS reputation vouches' for their QUALITY.

Other lines; Cut Glass, Jewelry and Cutlery.

J . W i s s & 5 o n s : 755 B ro a d S t r e e t ,

N e w a r k , N . J ,

r t . . DiKovering a new or twUef wav of doing a th ing isL l p l I S i r y called progress. The “ H ilborn sytem " —a relief

igdvntlflc 8i f bi Corrr«tf#n.y

for every cause of eye strain or poor sight is true progress.


Th e - Chtf-doeuvre" of Piino instructioa. You may have one of these rlefint and justly famous instruments In beautifully deslfned cases at a very low price. If you are one of the fortunate people

*wbo know an opportunity and ict quickly, and if you eipect to beamox the lucky ones you’IMiave to come immediately.

We have ftteen Bradbury and Webster Pianos which have been returned to lit, bavini been used during the winter season just closed by artists and for concert work. We will sell these Pianos for $329 each; the refutar price being from WOO to JSSCk accordix to style

These Ptanos are In some particulars ready better for ihe wear and tear of praritce and all-round usage than some new ones, as Ihe actions have be­come settled and havix ixaa re 'egulated b j our experts are now perfectly baluced. and will remain t i . This Is f by theirtiitic performer. If you want t hlfti gtade Piano if t Ihls saleb certainly your chance

F. Q. SMITH,679-681 Broad Street, Newark.

1 * •


f iji

i 4

D J k t X t l C O X K O U X , A . X X O M .


" ’fft

Do You Happen To Be LookingF O P

,-,^■ tKf -L ^ i « O Q e T O R . F _ A I 3 | J ^ X T S V W r i ?

I F Y O U A R . E , D O N ' T J I I S S

H E R E A R E S O M E O F T H E A T T R A C T I V E F E A T U R E S F O R N E X T S U N D A Y :

Fables In. Slang by George Ade.

"The Lady of Lynn,” by Sir Walter Besant.

Odd Events in the History of the Trenton Sta.te House.

««Jimmie Johnson,” the “John the Orangeman” of Princeton.

A Bright Children’s Pa.ge.

How ©c Girl of Modest Means Mny Dress Well.

Ste te Stenogracphers and Political Pull.

More Picturesque New JerseyHomes.

Filosofer Finnegnn.

Some Clever Short Stories.

Don’t Forget The Free Music Supplement4€ Her W edding Bells Will R^ing To-day.ff

‘ i .. j


i' V

V/H r

fl'C '^N

tIT o/v/

^LVlPrt A

J*r])h. W^TP l> n"PU t r r s h l l i lK In n v t 'ii! a t uu trnTd. i ‘nD iu la . TIu- fa th e r had JU ’d a D ijrnht'r o f yea rn ami*

A h u m the nam e ilrm* F a th e r M u lh au l, o f HI. Joa«‘ |»ira I ’ h iin d i. N ew tun , ree.rtved a le t te r f n m i utu* u f the nm in. n '*h ieslh iK h im lu \Tnl1 t i l l ' l i l i i iK l in iin e and «eml h im a m in u te d i'n c 'r lp t lu u u l the w im a il utul jiiK 'h lnN > rnu illn u iia lu- em iM g lean fruTn h<T, F a th e r .M u lhau l h 'ft the l i is t lt i it lu r i fu l ly em iv lnee iJ th a t the w n im m w as liio n ilnnh iK nii>ther.

T h e r a w s t\a s at nrn'e n> rw anhd upon hl.M r e lt i r j i to NeW Ian . an il on t’’rida> uf lant w » ik the tw o i lm ig ii ie r i i. HIsters KniiMN-s a m i F l ih 11s. a r r iv a l lu re .O w ln i; i>» the mulh>Tr> ile ih ,.r i‘ - m enta l enni!iU'<n It w as deem ed lie s i ih u i she a lii 'i.M ri> I nn - i lu-r d .iM i:h r*rs n tn il i i f le r he r l< 'M i'v,d fn u u t i le a liii'-hnUM '.

TnheTi (II ft NmHiarliim ‘ d iy M rs . t ' l1 .1? K ld fci.w . d. IMS Sta le . - liM ifh te r s xvUl VI 4t lie - m uther.

u] Ji W iia le r i i i i 'd ih:i( n ea rly i: • have r la | - ' • .1 l i iu .Mrs.

aw fty f r u a Iu t home In I 'd 1 ii ir iu K th i- tim p r w r y

ti ntdde h- dL I A r-r her



Little Jockejr Hopeful that Euglish Stewards Maj Again Give

Him a License.

Added Starter and Third Choice in the Betting Gets Star Event at

Aquednct"Other Results.

N E W ’ Y O R K , .\ i i r i l I9. - J o c k e y T od Sluotv, Snten i on wjim itkK i Ik * fa v o r u f me E n g lis h J o ck e y t ’ lL ' i .« uw arils and K a lli-

Oli S - HauU i' Then

F ru it I (hrcf riAPk 1 I j i f a \ ' ' • e ffo rt l i , whereul

Uneu . where >

k «•!„ r.,k.-n l-r..r l l r , . „ „ . !cip llu t hor?»e» on the i.nuHsU tn u k^. i« nowone liny out uti hi;* v.iy iu KiighjitJ. The l«lg s le t im e r D e u ls i Id.ind n ir r le s the IH ile fe lliiW .

I t tu- ■>! tii'T ^ ide H luan h- > ‘ d u ll a n d lu l l (lu* i l " fs h u p i 'fu l U w ill

Iimi hark in goodown.

r p u n h l» a r r K t i l i w i l l h u r r y to tiu- .1

, rttew.Trilg his Rt«ry be fiurtlcient lo i";

i Htundhig.If T od c a n show

4- I Tmiiic

T h is M o r r is C o u n ty C oup lti A r e C elc ltrn tin i) T h e i r G o ld en A\ eli­

d in g -A n iiiV e rs jiry T o -d a y .at l.it t le to ii— H o u s e h o ld He.id

.\c\jtv U se d T o b a c co , T ea . CulTee o r L iq u o r .

Hcfoir^ til (oMre<i V.y m i lion.- r o u s l d i ' i ‘ w hen I'l ' h«d tip id i- • and hAit ■! lm :ig ln*.d '

H u w M i a mysfi i live enl!f' r>n fuut ■ '■ rangunii • the I’os!.

. rnicod t>> t■vf■r s|l

V »l,r !:mI "\!, M I h.r W..S,- ■ ‘>'l» rear, he « l l ■

ihi* sum m t'r. If lu- vv 111 he b u ck In Am i

L lu le Naif* M in :g

niioWM th a t (M iTii'd ’ oil her \n r. un, and ■ 11 dlscu\ • ri-d 1 i|,ir .sill'

in o n vy at .M’ r r is iu w n ,I hi-Tiire Its ii\rl.!il they I h ivi' |u'rish»'d

■ ri !\ e\! at 1 larni

g u in t to A u s t r ia tr w U h C . W f ln h e i ie

iftleialH Uit* errur1 ilig that It TA ■>M|d la-!'■ iH ' ly fu r Ji j> un l l r l t i s h .s«.;l f:.r

t'fduRed a lle'-:iSr tie r.i u In th ree ks

■ <1 W ill i StOAH H r UtTh a entlag»*tn«-rl

' it'fi

• I

1 liiiit <ia- l.isfaN* iu •r .1' ll- x.’r pf^ar.i

uiVg I I- f - l % TF.*<T«m.uJr-

1«l T't^t-«t. It t,. d f NFTW.’S Il . | T T 1.K'|-> >N. A w l l ly -M r . m u l M r s . '

I 'c i r r A Tuid.H uru u idvh rn tln ic th*-lr gold- «■! w i-dd ing s im tlvu rp jiry u i ih id r hume tii iMspIn- ’ iu-dav.siirruiihihd hs thi-irihll-d r- f i jtnd ntu«i> f r k n d s from Hds nml o t lu T Htatr-s T h e c .iu p lv u - r - m .-irr l'd In lh»- u ld ih u it 'h lu M -a r is .l i svn and lij^su n s i.led In M a rv ls f u i i i i t y . a l l th e ir Mvi-s

Ih»r th» Uu*! thUiymvf l iv e d hsn-. w h m * M r T-ird'* lu i' cd n e a m a g ' a m i hor'* i--slio idng ’Id this day \* ;is a-'tl'.

Mrs 'runls fire 111 Ihe I" 't ' M l T im N H ttr lh u te s h is k - -i

- Till u f! It to (he fa c t th a t he n*'> « r lu o In u n i fu rra ur tea. eufT. -


Old I a».NEW V'

s ix iy - i i i \ idaver. d rtgh l uf I' the h p sp il ■Kasi Side L L'ln- of ila i •

l'ln> i-r llrnil.t 'h iir li.w W rjg lit .

■ i i ld - l lm - lv!.':.'b.tll - ii.d H ■spititl last

U t w.ts trikpii lu ditv's US' fr>‘m ftii

I- itrii.- U'ligtii w.iH I'lay i-rs.




man>- year.-* Iw w s " su p u r ln t 'n d e u t *-f Ih r BuiuUiy-seiu >'] aiid't.ik« .s an ac-n\' j-.in hi ri'ligliutj Work.

■■ M r Tunis w as ttssessur T wiisiitp 111- 1h deveniv-tw.'I Ills w lf i om- y ea r youuK«-t

A t ih e I . i i f i iu o n to-Ouy Ihere w r j.resiMU t il l It ihMilrA'Tt. M rs . Jo seph It Kei-vi-q; . / !T riU * lv r i: M rs E llf t Reeves. Phlla^i. U 'h i.i. I ' j , Ju se]ih M Tunl-*, M o r ­r is ]*:.»u s « h a r l‘ -s p. find G eo rifu H. T u n is l . i t n - j i* iiiH l F a r ra m l W . Tun!?*. V f i.u iA . iM i;.''* . r w ith th ir te en ffrand- e h lid r i n m a l . ■ * g ri-u t-p fr iin dch lld . M r. and M rs w*-re the rac ip ten i* o fnu in y ihrl c o s t ly presents.


ReCM»rdM*r Niniilnit Hck Iium Kffort« to ' l*rni‘(ii'4> lt> >rudUi|i:

<i(rl |*i‘II1 l«‘ll t (ur> ,l!OB<jKK\. Ai.rd I'*. - K* < «.rdvr Hiniiton,

of this place, ttunuunc'-d In Ms courlruoin ‘ yealerviMy hiP Uiletition *+f imiklng tiling- Interesting for thcst- whu iitii nipt <ul'ide In ih la c i t i .

H o b o ken , he w id . had M**im*'i tfor those Wat tm s iii ' id * ' fr«ini ne lg h lw r- Ing c ll lf 's , a i i ' l h'- had dt*H‘-i nnro,] i,, jir -p It, !n c ivn f‘ dm ir> w it) i l it - a ,. he Im- poeed a jM'Dicnr** u f i . ln r t j - la v s ’ ImprtSi-n- | m e n i in the IJu-lson C o u m y p» u lu -tm u ry ! on Katie Kruft. w lio fa lh 'i i In h* r :«tti>n)pt. to k U l h e re e lf Ivy ta k in g cn r lx v lir and.

"Next time I’ll rnake sun* I gi> tu thf - BiofRue, toetead of the iH-tilteiitinry.” thr '»trt ansefesl.* " I w i l l sh o w these i>ersons." uhserved th e B e ce rd e f. " t h a t Hnl»oken is nut deeir* ftlde afl a s h u ff lin g o ff ir la ce .”

CASTOR IAFor la & n U and (ThildniL

Til IlM Y ii Han Aliap Boatht

Mrs. ( la rk , nf l.afayeT te, Ind.. W hn I I mmI t ie e n W n u d e r l i ig In finasc-v

I Minntp. HeK(«Nr«*t| i<f I 'am lly .N K W T itN . .\prll 1'* —Lasi J.^iniptry a

dernvpted wom-iu w'ajs fi'iiiid siruillng In ihi- (A'HmJs near llsm liurK, by Samuel Wvii-iitn. 'if M i.X fec She was In u Oestl- I i?r « ..julRIun. eli'thes torn, hulr mtim-d. and gave • very evident e " f .«ufferlnK from hunger. ^Ir. W eyden caretl for the utiTn- :in. but was nnahlc to learn tinyihlnic fruni her eonrern lng who she "Fwhere she M’Hine from l!e -htt«l hi r i i tii- m iitrd to the cuimtv alm-shnuse

Stewaril Smith euun d tscow rid that ih ' V hail In ch iirge a woman uf rehtie- tTtc'it'and one w'ho bad eitju:ted h hunie of .com foil stich a*! Is provt<ied by W'-g’ rli HwiinK (h r few wi-eke t he gu tr evl-dM'tice uf Improvement both in healih .hhI mln,d. iitnl became quite stuttiiive i - Uie fact fhiit -she was an Inmale o f a puhMio Institution and a charge oti'lhe r^univ

F ir s t l l l j i t v f Id e n t ity ,U w as then (b a t- th e cximmtfheeil u> ta lk

expecting TO ri'cvlve

ofT r l i i l a u f H a b - c i iM b r e i ' a b r n l S]in,|;i

Huuk Dei'la i-nuI SRMtHfji4-(i»rti.NEW YORK, .Vprll l!« —The V- ir

L 'n ln a p ro a n J l ‘u r il: i ': i t lo n . hV.i.i ■: L ie u tc n a n t -G e n - 'n il M iles, hus 1- .; S a n d y H o o k rest th«- suh-c.tUbt* t fu se s a n d a idottin^t ivo:ird Inve O a p ta ln P h ll l i 'S . m i'l i ln ^ e r iil M Ia s i n ig h t ih n t ih i ii*«fs w ere V'>


N i : w Y O R K , A p r i l l& .-T h e R o se S ta ke s , fur two yea r o ld s, w as the fe a tu re o f a gu -I card a t A q u e d u c t yen le rd ay . E ls ie L wi.n She w as an acJuled s t a r te r and (lU i'l >-]j>i|ie in the be tt in g , u t i to 1. T h e IT. ;..i, II was the fa v o r ite , a t 2 to 1, w h ile S '- 'liiiu ii had a b ig fo llo w in g a t 3 to 1.

Aff* r ti ilre so ra e d e la y E ls ie L . b ro k e In IT.'iii. tmule a l l the n ii in S i ig and w on ck*v- ir lv by (WO le n g th s fro m T h e H uvdon . Mlr*s lla H iln g a w ns th ird , tw o leiigthvH iiW iiy. w ith the re cna inde r o f the he ld huU- I' -‘'•(rung out. B r ig a d ie r w as Hu* o n ly faV 'tr ite u f the d a y to w in . S u m m a ry :

l-'hf»t Race— F iv e and o n c -h a lf ’ fu r lo n g s . Rrie .M ihT. 117 tM en ry ). even and 2 to &, W"n. R o y a l S te r lin g , ll^ (Bhaw ). S (o 1 anrl - tu 1, second; K in g B ra m b le , U 5 tB.ulL> m.iibi, u to 2 a nd 7 to 5. th ird ; Um c. I.r>7 4-5.

,si-rund Rat?*—K o a r a nd u n e -h a if fur« luii^H. .S tarter, hH (ffla ck ). & u i l and In to

wuu, .Marg ie 8 .. (I«andry i, u*j to 1 and I" 1. sccuad ; Shandon fle ld , liu tH uU m an),

an il 2 to 5, th ird ; tithe , .37.T h ird H ace—AbOUt aeven f iir lo n a a . G e r -

iru . lc K lH u t l, m tsh a w ). 5 to I and 2 lo 1. vv.n; A n lm o a lty . IW tR re m iu n i. 3 to i .in<| rven , second; A la rd . GMlIes), T to 1 and (o 2. t h ir d ; tim e, 1.2&S-D.

F u iir ih R a c e —T h e R o se St«k*'F; fo u r a nd u i i f h a l f fu r loD ga . E ls ie L . US (S h a w ) . '4 i'» 1 and S to 6, w on; T h e H oyden , 11! (B o - iam i), 2 to i and 4 to 5, aecond . .M iss H a s t - luKi*. 112 (M cCue), 8 10 i and 3 to 1; th ird ; tim e. ^ 1-1

F i f th Race— M ile and se ven ty y a rd s ...A ~ '

lion , 1(0 m r s i i l l . * to 1. w on; D o c a m fro n U 3 (C a rro ll) , (-vrn. B rron fl; 111 U s td . l l>3 (B en jam in ), 314 In I, t h ir d ; t im e , 4.364i-

F i r t h Ra re— PHtapat-o S p r l. iK S teep le - chase; tw o m iles and a hu tf: puree, I>IKl D ive r, l«3 (M r. N ich o lson ). 1 to 2. w on ; B a cke t i, 162 (Carsun), 2 to 1. sacund : S e lf i ’ ru ifc t lo n , 1C3 (D ay(on), 2 to 1, th ird ; t im e , 4-Si

Lakeside,C H IC A G O . A p r i l 11# .-T he t a l l end o f a

b llz jy ird s tru c k C h lcn go W edne sda y n ig h t, and the K e n tu c k y ho rsem en w ere re ad y lo sh ip uw 'ay yeste rday m o rn ing . T lio s k y c leared , how ever, e a r ly in the d ay , and the w a rm aun m adi’ Jt co m fo rta b le In the a f ­ternoon. The ra c in g w as w ith o u t fea tu re . S um m ary :

r 'iT s l B a re —F o u r and a h a lf f iiT long s. R iu ! H vneckna . 110 (C ro w h u rs ii. 3 lo 5, won: L a s t K n ig h t , 104 (H endcrso in .^ l to 1, se'"ond; A r le an B ., 98 tDavlaiHoji i, 7 to 1» th ird ; lim e . 1.59 D 5. , . ,

S*'cnnd Hacp—S ix a nd a tudlf ft ir longa . jo e M a rt in . 121 (C ayw oud i. 2 (n i. w on ; W. J. Debue. t lO (G o rm le y j. 7 in 10, «e«-ond; Debrlde , 121 iR obe rtson? . 4 to 1, th ird ; tim e. 1.23 2-i.

T h ird Ra ce—F iv e and a h a lf fu r lo n g s . T a rsu s , HU (R obe rtsom . x m i. won: c . K. C am pbe ll. 100 (Dosfl). a to 1’. sei ond: C o rn M av t'll II., 1C€ (Davlstiu ri). ‘i to 1. t h ir d ;t ltn r. 1.12.

F o u r th R ace—F iv e and a h a lf fu r lo n g s . E duca te , fl8 (R . Jnckpun i, 2 to 1, w on ; ; E m m a R., 102 (R . N a r ta - z i, 'i to 1, second; O dno r. W (N ew com i. I'l to i. th in ) ; t im e , I l .W . !

F i f t h Ra ce—F o u r and a h a lf fTirloTiga. \ Y a na , 107 (V ltU toe ). 7 to la. w'On; B lu e ' R id g e . 10! rR. Ja rk so n t, T to S. second ; E d n a K enne r. KG tK . N iirv ire * ), 8 t o 1, th ird : tim e. n.5S 3-.’i.

S ix th Race-One milt* am i nn e ig h th . G eo rge Lee, lOS fYUtltnoi^ to 5, w on ; C h an ce ry . lOfi iH lrd**Tiruihi. fi to 1. necond; P h ld lf ls , lOfi IC. Houk-T i. -I to 1, t h ir d ; lim e . l.&S ^ 5-

M em p b is .M E M P H IS . Apr)! i '^ -D u e lis t w on the

T u r f Coiiqr^’ps Sv.v'-psuik« s a t M o n tg o m - yesterday an il pcorched the b e tt in g


The “ E IS E LE FOOT-TRAIN ­E R ," oiu » w Shoe and Oxford for the E ITTLE f o l k s . W ide toe, broad gauge bottom and extension sole, in kid, calf or patent leather, hand sewed. Price,


S U H N Y W O M E N .Wlio has md Vnnwn the woman whose

distjosilion is licsi rilte-l 'ly ihal one word ” stmny?'’ There <• .dwavi; a laugh lufk- itiji A>n h^r lips. Her cheeks are ever ready to in ^rniUs. Tier house*hohl inlUivti''r 1' I- ^vnghleuing and stiniulalin^ .tv tue sunshine. Nolhiug

• oin lie iTt*p:rr Hmti.'-' h.ive ihil simshine hioUetl out he Rut thii t» acommon CTU'> •, Tiu vnimi; wnie who \va.s the s’iiishihr ot Its shadoH. r*.'TV know tlie vnoic n>i Dr. 1‘icrce's Favorite Prescriptioti in the protection ami preo* ervaiiofi of the health. It proiuotes rcgulanly. dries the tlraimt which e«fee* hie IaocIv and mind, ami curea inflommi- lion, ulc<Tiiti«>ti and lemole weakaeaa. It noun-slH-s l3jc Jieivoua •}*stem and

factory. The (csi .! liic sub- uii r for the purpose uf ll'•lo!•TnlnSnK tl-). and the ai*e and ih*- nuniber ■wi > I be itkeded.

The «ub*crallbrc J il- is a devbu- nhlch may be placed Inside »he high powur guns from four tm-l 'Tu-elghih im 1 •. fur practice piirn-.-.? The i-vp. it;- votved In the firing of largu great that the gtiv -rnmem eanu u :nvr Ihcm used for practice with ihc r- c .'.i- ilon ehargra. By n.t-.iiis of an Inn-r n.. . ihe calibre is icmpumrlly n-iu-’.-! ‘ so that a tbree-iNOimil shm may be i hv mean* of the suh-i ilibre It l.'«i pivs*'. ,• (.■ provide for freqmnt pra<Mlee in -(.mWig and In handling th>' iuiuUng ur iiru.ir mechaniam. All ihc balterU** ait the Atlaniie, Gulf and Pacific coasts furntshed with lh»s* iTibcs.

UrtAlford. no (Slack), 16 lo 1 and 3 to L won. sir Flurtan, 109 (Landry)- 3 to 6 and out, second: Matt SiDpaoni <Rogera)» 6 lo 1 and 8 10 5. third; Ume, L4B,

Sixth Race—MU* and seventy y*trde Tvrahenn, 108 (Brennan), 6 to 1 and 2 tol. won; DouW* Dum m ^ 165 (Booker), 6 to I and 5 to t iocand; R o ^ r t Metcalf, 101


ForR DBan i\ N\o\vai.im;.(heIt l. lt l* Ttvo liO O inatlvr, tri.m

H all, lo Deo,. OorKe.b o u l d e r , c . il. , .Vurll 14. - \ V l i i . , .

Inx efinw at Fratirc, locomnuv- the Colorado and N.vrthw.-atrrn ,vwere Mruck bj- a ssicnslldv j.st.r,, ■ ,,t. lernoon. IKteJ bodily fryir the ryi'. ai d carried down a iTecIpituu, gorti- y,; avalanche of anow and rocji. cmer. 1 ihe englnee and four of (hr crew.

The dead are )v. J Hanna. ihlrt\-nv... marfled; John .Vf M!ln.r. thirty, tn.irrt.d. E. B. FUagerald. tn.‘m>-sli, slnal, \\ h '

'Blair, foriy-Bve, m.irriedEnirlneer Jatne.. Murk, wa, r..,i.,.r .d

alive from Ihe mow iirier an hour he h.unie becomes l diXKinc One arm wa, hmken. or.iiK wife ahonltl penetralid on.- f. ..i. He wli;

Miller), e to I and 8 to 6. third; time, l.lSt*. plnllew .

j BALTIMORE, April 18.—aioomy akles I and a chill aur marked the opening o(■ the raeea here yesterday at Pimlico uh- I der the direction of th* Maryland Sleeple- j . hase Association. The track, while not I In ihe bait of shape, wat fairly fax I Three hooks In the beittnc rln* did a good business, althoujh the odde offered were j hy no mean! attractive to the talent. In 1 the end the pencHlera and bettora spin .about even. .The dJaappoIntmenl of. the

day came In the fourth race, when a fluke by Decaiheron'a rider threw Ihe money Into Trillion's lap The race was for two miles. Local society was well represented and the victories of the fentlemen riders

' hroaghl forth an avalanche o f handeUp- plng, aummaries;

y-in.. Rscfr"For hacks; purse. 3150; six rnr!™ U & l A d l a , *

ring for h:» owners, Chinn and Forsythe, and n coterie of St. Louis politicians. It was the biggest coup of the Memphis meeting, the cnlt being backed from 10 to 4 to 1. Duelist kicked l-ady Schorr at the post and undoubtedly the accident Inter­fered with iha Hlly's chancta Sum­maries;

First Race—One mile and a sixteenth. Eloaney. lOJ (Coburn), 4 to E won; Be- qm-uih. OS (Cochran), « to L second; W a­ter, rest, !0l (J, Irvin), 7 to 1, third; time, 1.34(*. •

Si-coml Race—six furlongs. Velma Clark, 92 (Cochran). 4 to 1. won: Harney, IVI (Dupre). 6 to 1, second; Edith (1., 10« tOU- tnore). 15 to 1, third; time, LlfSk-

Third Race—Four and a halt furlongs. Lena re 101 (J. Irvin), 9 to 1. won; Kaloms. 113 (Ollmore), 3 to 1. second; Beit Man, K (Cochran), 3 to 1, third; tima. O.HW

Fourth Race—Turf Congress Sweep­stakes, one mile. Duelist. 110 (J. Wink- held), 5 to L won; SHvetdsle. IS (J. T. Woods), * to 6, second- Wild Pirate, IS (Cochran), If to l. third; time,

Fifth Race-flix furlonga Tom Calling m (Cochran). T to 1. won; High Jinks, m

______- ly'O L (Flynn). 1 to li

( F a r r t l l ) . 2ook), 4 to l.

ihlrd: itme, Lfl%- lutN^-r-

(BraoilL <May«ito " second; Berte, IH (Benjamin), t to

' Third' Race-^HujnieDS' , f a f . . r a « ; one

P L A n lR l\ 4 t S T R t 1.IV.

" ' * mil. mrsft P«L Capon. 3 0 (M r Hayes).T - 1; -r.l m I*. I " * ^ . SSatlal. IS fBrowni. 7 to 5,^n-l ,,n Buckl« yi. oven.

third; time, : Fourth Raoa-k

chaae; about two 1

Bivcs (o the h,»ly tlirC-siTanw .itmi. btto^- anCT of perfect -Jicai.* tempcrain-r mnlk-ihe.

anew .son, bwoT-„ Jrirtly-

to Mrf*. Kmirh »f rniiliVy fro|n Ii wum tlurlng ivnruf tho'ftf' cnr«v»;'riMiilonH ihai Mr i^mlth Bocerutn^ th* nam« » f « doti r«al(tliig in Inwa. Ilv at one# t ummunleanvfl with him and ibF oun iM'ovetl lo a -prumlueDl

man uf that Slat*'. rngagtHi lu th« ctothtnff buatnoaa, a'nd that hiJt nuth- a r « waa Mra. ii^rnh Clark: ttMianother bod i^sldod In IndbiRa. and thri>«daughtaiOf attura of Um order of St. Jo* 1

*1 cmti iMiy yonr tnrdiciBr ewnd me,** writr* Mrukt IVa»'et. of StxmtwpiHc. Fair- firld Co. Ohio *vi hr-l frofffrtd aboat yrmrw from fc-nisle «r «nr«s sthI 1 hod aimoAt pvea up. ihjTikiac ' vrir was do cure Ibr mc. Thru I nrani jKji? |»r Pierre'* laediHne and thought I would tt. 7t. 4dd can oay that omn bottles of ycu»r ' I ja oriir ' made mewell 1 am now atiir ig do my viwin hoowwork 1 took aix'iui lafh'e 'wMtlesiti all « Dr Pierce* racdUtoe* Tm k manv of the 'C>oU«a Medical lOacorery -r Pae»trtte l*resctiplfop * aad K»C m the • Mea j ii pr:it+« J

Di. Flexce'a PeUefa o u t ttwojgfiBfc

SeHona OnlhrraL In Insane Vsylum• t 'n n i r a V la r m . V <7 ' '

VAHCorivKR. 11 f . A p r i: i'. ■yb. s le ii{n e r E o ra n g ! o f S id n ey b rin g s n -« . -,f tn>eh o u tb r ta k s ..f the p la g i ir h i it r le im ,,.

i and P e rth . T h e serlm ie phase Is th - ji( i. ; p e a rtn ee o f th s plagus- f i) C runw ich in - - Hsne A sy lu m , w here there a re l.,>«

matesL N e a r ly a l l the inm a tea a re s e lil to , be aged o r IrtcBm blc, BO the nu thn-Rk has

a roused the g reatest apprehens ion .

• « t)li«s3aMcolls. « a i* s w ^ no, saw rttW Si; la tfs the s t a tw kaaO XIVIfivsB i m — .. T-hsb4»-#»s ssma

111 (Coenrsn), t to l. wan; High Jinks, tot (J. Winkfleld), 4 (o 1, second; Expelled let (Cobum), 9 to I; third; ttioe, 1.11.

Sixth Rsce-^ne m i l e and a slitaonth. Sunlocka. ltd (W. .Nelson), 4 to L won; Al­bert Vsl*. 107 (J. Winkfleld), 4 to B. aec- ond: Dleudtmnr. 93 (H. Butler), U to L third; time.TieS. ^

sewgart.CINCINNATI, April lg .-N ew j»rt hat

had coRsUnl cold, rainy weather alnce the start and yesterday In addition were hall and sleet. The sport waa fair o W a very slopp)' track, in Die second race, □wing to a mistake In the announced weight on (Sxitine, the favorite, beta were declared off, after the bortae were at the post, and twenty ralnutea allowed for a new book. Twenty horaee arrived at the track rron Bennlngs. Summartea:

First Race-Blx furlongs, Mlse Aubrey 9B tCogesrcil), even, won; Dr. Black, u l (Donovan), B to L ee«nd; Uterpe, Ids (Hoibereall), S to f. third: time, l.u.

Second Race—One mlln Peter Duryea. 113 (J. Moodvt. B lo I won; CaaUne tie

.. (Ltadiay);. t to I. eecond; LRtle Toainie : r ^ Trucker. M (Qough), - -

1.4Rt.Third Race-Free

$l.50to$2.0l)W e f i e t t h e s t y l e i L i a s e a s o n , a s

U s u a l , a ' i t h o u r U r g e a . s d o r t j u e n t o tIjij i io a ' aeerl OfiaiiAM' f tv/Anl TldaiS.Ladies' and MUaes’ Oxford Ties, made by W IC H ER T Sl GAR DINER. Before buying your Spring footwear SdC o iir w in ­do w s to r s ty le an d prices.

NVe c%n give you a tru ly artistic Oxford wiUi kid o r patent leather tip, turn or extension sole, at

$2.00 and $2.50G en tlem en 1

Don't (sll to aee our Urge a*- Bortment of Oxford Tic* and 3 bocff before buFinff your apring footwear.

Johnsioii A Murphy oprioff *antpl««, wenh 15 and |8e will be■old tbt* week at

aOO,Calf or Patent LeRthcr Ox-

ford*. Dn our own new laat, ex* tension flole. at

^ 3 . S O .


Cogs Brooil aod AcaAenfa

San MoMy by Going toH. Horns

I*tMatniBOa vioO.

.4* litout ~

h-4 <ve oocata a lotlia #

iriwia uroiaml.......... oaiw.

\ cum I In Hatch !*kad Ekkbi.atxOltrKSTER CITT. April Ta^Th^

a’U.tTtf g |n ;Ita t o m e ||

Itmgs. neriM boe Tobacco, i l l (IfcOaMit, 3 to 1. won; J. J .’T., TO (J. Moody), 1 M 1 ,

4 to I. third; tlesc,Handicap; ala fvr-

U l ------*00

(RobMns)y eren.

United Btaics Fish Comm!aah>n atmmvr FTsh tfawk Win arrlvs here about May l

I and ettgage tn the haicIWng of shad s k a. J a

T** cwvw A CwM la t>ww War

P I r ia r e a , n e x r o r w *"'« ■ MalwtalwJlB dk ift. ^ • aa<t BS2 Break M. Twawiaa

■ im ro a

OereW e-oO(*r 4nu*q*4aa

■econd; Tuaculum. UJ thlra; tlB«; LiM i

Fourth R ac^Poor tnrhHiga. WeddingBnCtuh. ) « (Hoth*™ m . 9 to 1, iH nod; Biontana Ptoneer. HI (U adsavi t to L third; m e . .BIL s ™ ..

Fifth Race Rera n fqrlotiga. Jeaala Ja r-bee. IM o n c a tm ) I to E w n ; Lord FTa-

JF iSZ l'V i: • > *• ieoondi Ih-surteclloii, 31 (CHngh). 1 to 1. thfrd; time,1 S>4.

Btith voice—uiie mile Ckttk. » ( i. VillllaiHiC a i W . * f j R j g j ^ T , o t . , j o n d U

«iaart«r. ^ A1

T t

IIS MUIBEBBT STRUT.C h o ic f R ib R o a s t . . . . . , 8 0 . , 10*P o rte rh o u se R o a s t ....................... lO eSirToin R o a s t ................................. 10c

C h u ck R o a s t .................................... 6 cP o rte rh o u se o r S ir lo in

S t e a k ............................... l O e ^ lZ CT o p S ir lo in R o a s t ........................ IOC

C ro ss R ib R o a s t . 9 CB ottom R o u n d ................8 «L o in s P o A o r C h o p s ............... .lO C ,F re s h H a m .......... ..............F re s h S h o u ld e r ............. ................. 8<H in d c ^ a r te r L a m b . . . , , , . . . . 10*P la te C o n e d B e e f . . . . . . . . . . 4 *R u m p ConH id B e e t . . . : . . . . 1NFowls or RoagtjscCbk^csa.)




AS W ELt' A S^ 'm T tT ;-”



FIRE p r o t e c t io n .

3JY Auctt Mousi F.AKt E.(CopvrJghtc'4 I

wnn s ffin t lire in?*iirnr!<'t* n reu ln ry Ago. In PhUndelphSa wah ' ’ TTic I^htlndeN phig Contritiutflrghlp fo r <h« in^^urance o f Houarjt hy Loss hy r iro * " w-hk-h la fiup-

to Imvo been founded by Franklin, and w hlrli stH! exists. The ru e was tViMitv shllllnpM on £100, the policy n in- ntin? far Hi-veit years. The promlum was In ibe nature o f u luun, retim u'd at the end I'f the term w llhon t Interf’ st. No housa with shade Uoc-s near it would be Insured. A laliel was tatrsed to ihe Insured house, A rival Insuranco company was started nnd took the dlsUnguSshlntr tup or label o f a tree to affix to the house, since it Insurt-d irpe-emhowered houses.

F*nr many years these twtj rhllnrlelphln fire Insurance companies w »t c the only ones. It Is not known that by 17f<£ a single buiuilnff In Boston was insured against lire. There existed a p rlm lilve sort o f mutual Insurance, which wn* another ex ­ample o f the general hel]»fiiln«.'ss, the nelphborltneea which <!V('rywhf'r»* exi.sted, jt was a rcognltlon o f the principle that

wRlkinp If) church. The (Ire laddies n f the first salaried x^ ijian lp s w ere inado Im­m orta l by t ’n fflfrau o n 'th e stage and through Innumerable caricatures In the press. "M ose '' In his red shirt, w llh black hrcrtitlelftth troupers- ttickwt Into hoot and his dlHliiiguisHlnp ‘ 'soap*locks" hang­ing down lilii shaven cheeks, was a real character. U Jh told that in New York In Iftai there were jiiO alarms of Arc, »o the companies were never Idle. T lie fights, contests o f skill, r ivalries o f love and “ wash-outs" o f the d ifferent compan-

r;EW YORK riTiV. ln g in b and e n o in e - iiorjtE, iNou.

fFrotn an old print.)ics Were episodes of American life, and the cnKlnecr with his tnimpet was a hero.

[ The orgies of llie firemen's annual mus­ter Rff-w to he nbn«»xi<ms to many Inw- abicling vlilr.eiis, and when my father, in a vau=lilr)n of aiuhorlly, refused to counle*

M y RH ELH ATlSn C tR E is Just as certain to cure rheumatism as water is to quench thirst. No matter what part ot the body the pain m iy be In or whether It is acute or ctirOnic. nUNYON'S RHEUriATlS.l CURE w ill drive it out la a lew hours, and fu lly cure In a few days-. nUNVON.

MuDyon't DvnpepqLi Cur*- w.;: i-.fe arty case of Indi rstion or itoiiiach irnubir.

Kiru-ty per <<tn. of kulflcy < nmiU»mti. including liic exclirst Ilf bright A |j >ras.e, can bcciirtuwith Munyon'a Kidary Ctin-.

Muoyon’iCjiiirrh Curewill c'lfe rafarhnfthe hrad, ihroAl and stonutth, rornaitFr' l 1. .\v !.in>: Ntxnding,

NprY’ontaffe'-tion xnddiw *''- J the h»ariarfcon­trolled Andcuffd liy Mtifivtin N* rf* .indHrartCure.

Miinyon aC’ilciLure ivill I’nak ‘ijiAnyfurmofcotd.Mufivon'g Vitaliirr rpstor-g F.st powrri to w rit

meo. Price $i. iThe filiiUleto lIcBlih ireejitrlk about diaeiMi

and ibeir cure, r.rt it at jry dni: Mi-rr. The Cuta* ar« all on *»\t th rn. mosHy ni rrnw a vial.

Miinyon, New York and Rhs'jdHphia.■I'MION'M INHiLPU n\iY.s tm BBH.

H 1T< ;K H S PH.OI IlS M tlU \ T K A N K i ■

.Aasnr«>f| (h n f m iidi U l h>'‘ fo W l ih 'l t 'I t iry AA'ort' Un M nl |n fi. K .

N E W H U rN S W irN , April in.—Themcmbcrp nf ilu- r;i. ii]i\ nf itut^.-rw t ’n llcge and U\v nf ii.. .\,.w Hrun.swickTlicolrig ifu l s-ivnihi.i’ > li.ivi hi-fii gn^dtly Ipvrtnrln:d In nilii.l ..i. i ih. qm-.nioii o f av- cejitlng ibo lnvlt..ii ui of tlic' Rutgi-rs Cul- It'go Ahuniil n Uj mitnul thb re-uiiian which v.lH ■■■ In.id |j| ih,. n> w York A tlilcflu Ldnu. !bt< (. T ln ‘y werebidden 1 0 u b.iMj i ishl- h tlnd-e were

i to bo ho long .-pfi Jij.-s; luiiJwt’d by. a "B m u k n " and ,i v:i'id<-\ tnc lu-rfnrmanfe. j Just what the ^l:iid riltj Jd'nlnh»4fiTS IniUK*' hied ;i ViiUikivhii* pi iT' -i mniu-v Id be is u i m a ile r o f doubl. Ini: tpev tdiji-rird In the I word, ajid uli it im [xipuLu'ly :jU|ipusi-tl Id |I stand for—iiMiitil.v a iliivd \vnm«‘U and i

rest. jThe arjn.i:"ph-Tf' umimd the ndlciLtP'

campus was •■lUf'v.hat clrarpd s’usiuriluy ■ on receipt «.t ,i h-it.-r fr->m S i'v i'H ary | Slulesbury, m whhh ht-.-aid that "vainhi- j v ille " wafi u-"ii ()nl> In the o f va-r ifty , and w i- nm hitcndi'd i " ronvey ihc Impression ihm th<- nliimni wnre to hi> : ireated to a lilwh-kickiiig. fakowalK lng or , tumbling pr-if. rnmuev. Ih- coniludcd his letter as fnjinir-.: . i

“ There wHJ iu> uothhig in tlu* ••lUerlalri- i ment to jar iho sviiHildlliy o f llie most j tender. Th*- v .ir le ly will prolifshb’ consist o f vocal F5*-I' ''iians. in ch' rns and solo; in- I strum cnial iiju.-u- drnVh dirvf ily from the i wood; wirnl. nfriUKcd i i i s f u u 1 ■ rrcitnlirnjs un-i.l care boliig i xeiclsed It* , lh « m atltT o f sHt*rMon and CDiisorshtp." 1

D. W M F 1 CO.Let us call i )1lL Reliable/Lfor tliatJs

just wllat we are, for in Sunshine ami Sliarlo-w-the strong pulse of this busiTiess is 'e\T?r ihrohhiiig, for there is life, and \villiout life there is no pulse. \V who draw's himself up in his she"

e pity the merchant sou\ and morose, he-

cause the Grand Old Adaster di'seonds rain, and deals outa feiv chilly days, forgetting that “ Ye shall reap, if ye faint not."

in the fullness of^ time



Attractive Waist Sale*100 Doz n Alm ost (liven Aw ay.

UY.ill unneev‘‘*ary in go in to miy k-ngtliv drlail almm these S h ir t Waist?*. They are sncii ns tn give entire sali-faetiim to any lady, for llie styles are go<jd. am! the quality fai lietter Uian you cx]>ect. sijes ,t2 to .j.j, Siiliir lay onl\ . . ................

Corset News ofGreat Interest.

SjK-aking of Cor.=cts, soine doctors d o n ’t advise tliL-ir use. Iml wc sec no difference in our sales, in fa d , they grow largt r H ere's an opjK-Tlunity to line Ctirst-is lower Ih.an ever Udore.

'■lull i t ’s only for one day. Iienr th a t in mind. I lo u v y ('or.set.**, indrah. o M n t regut-lar V/' \a liu \ sizes iS to S.'itnrdsv o n l v ........................

Men’s Sprina: Suits.The D. Wolff cS:

Company Kind.Do you know w li.i

It means ike kind that has made tlii"The kind voii ■ .m else. The kiml ik.it and ch aru liT all ii - ishly copied I'rrim I'.r hw-n You cun hardly pick -!|1ml what Ytm’ll imd i touch sure to ph-;- tliere’s a dilTerem >• and one of the niosi ferenees lu-tween i! au<l others is that - in onr store is ;lhwool,

1 ' nI I lot liiiiK'

•> t.llJloUS.m-uluTC

hsllIKtitUl \MI, ||'>{ sl.lV-

pi.III-..nt luTf

I iL.'t t.iilor-\ 051 t »h '< lo iliih g ,

!it ■lit( loi

' • ’.*iruu ni idiiielv nil

25c $10, $12 ami $15.

Speci.Tl O ffe r iiie in

Ladies’ and Hisses’Tailor-made Suits.

This w ill in 'ih f in.iM uuiliii); m Ic Umt we li.m . ew-i iiwiile.fiir lIu- (jujil- itiC H iirelM 'iU ltilill .iiiil iiiie tiu liir- i l l l l . They cmi-isl of Uiei int^.Veiie- tifitis, Ilomespiiiis. ,Ser,;es,,mi Nmcltv Cloths, ill every ilt.sir.i1i|r sluile iiiiil are wortli )i2..so just ns well .is one cent is worth niioUier. m j q M isses’ sizes 12 toiiS; I,miles' / A X sizes ,tJ to .(2. Satnnl.o • • » Iv

Fresh Jacket News.Ativ Lp'y that Mill ddly-d.illv ahout

herSp ririfT • lilcU o l, -iiu-r we Udl her the tiows, ilnii'l dc'scrw oiu-, l>e- canse thi«i o])porUinilv m .i‘ rare one, in fact, run* in lu.fiiv tvspt-uls rare qim l-Uio.s, rare sI v Ii'h ami a rare DriCf*. yimnt ity is imt l.jrgr, i f | 0 iml Jt'8 nn oliject Irssiai ni ^ w X Jacket selling. Saturday.. * * ^

For Saturday, Monday And Tuesday Only!

Not more llinii si\enkts til-.

Ikililiitt's. per enke . . , . IS '.c.Sniin ('.loss, jier'enkv . c lU . c tsirkti'inh’S iiornv, per entie’*~lC.(! llormaiin'.. l.,ie!e Sup, eake lU .u

Coffee Lower.Art.iiekli CoiTe.

■ll.•.!ll. I III.I rOasleil



I'l.nai. 1

7 c15c ’

The Pioneers of

The Cash or C red it

S ys tem . A lw a y s

O N C PR IC E and R e lia b le .

D. WOLFF & CO,I2I-I3I Market-St., Newark, N. J.

)<>OP<>O0OOOOO<>OO<>OO<>OO< >00<>^0<>00000<>00000<K

Here’s a Treat.One Day Only.

o iT Ftm n w N .t.

the loss which Is sharp lu a slngl* iierson falls lightly on many. A elllz«*n whas<» bouse or fhop had bocn doiitrnyed wouhl Bpnd out a psipcr or (mhllnh a notice call­ing ailenlinn lo his misfortune ami asking th ass»istiim’r of his fellow townsmnn on th» groioiril ihaf find's Iinnd might next visit them, and they woukl need the help

nance these musters unll! certain restrlc- Hons wpre enforcert he was ihrcatemMl with tiorsDnii] ngfliiult and a genera) riot Heenmd Ineviiuhle,

When fire engines eame Into more gen­eral use still more attention was paid to thfi formation jif firv companies. Small wages w‘cre paid, fire drills were, held.'

necessarily from.those In dcHtltute clreum- Btatigrs, and'U may he assumed Ihni lib

he how Iniploryd. These petitions were not certificales of ennduet were given. A cer-' “ lain member manned the roi»e. and each

had (lutipR assigned. When the fire was over ami ibe engine was again In the en­gine house rt roll wae called and all absen­tees werft fined.

The newspapers had constantly from persons who had lost property from tire cards of thanks to all who had helped them In their time of need. Thus in 18i!7 In a Hartford newspaper Enoch Ferklns presented his cordial thinks to the en­gineers, fire wardens and members of the tire society for their nsslstance at the fire u( his dwelling place.

About Spotitaneou5 CombiJAtion.Public spirit was also shown In warn­

ing Against the causes of fire. Sponta­neous cnnibusiion was a great theme.

A modern reader of the Aurora of Feb­ruary. IWl, would be surprised to sec so much In Its few columns taken up hy one item. There had been a lire in PhliadeJ-

I phin In a tallow rhaiidlor'a, and he puh- j llshed an elaborate explanation uf the ' cauBv. A workman had melted up. to’

firast, some old candles that in some way ' had lost their shape and become fused I together, He strained out the old wicks ■ from these melted candles and cast them I f side, and these wicks became fired tn

some mysterious manner akin to sponta- I neous combustion. The chandler published I this relation, alao the long and wordy ; affidavits of p half dozen workmen, can- I dlemakers, #ho affirmed that they had I seen fire generated from a similar cause, i and that they gave their testimony shnply I out of kindly Interest in the world at

LEATHER FltlE BVCKETS.I'From an old print.)

eral response was given. There were also friendly societies which carried out these methods. The Masaachusetts Mutual, the first company In Maasachuaetts. was es­tablished ^iih the century: It had some curious rules If a policy holder allowed his pump lo get out of order and remain BO after fits attention had been called to It be had to pay a fine of |2. He was also fined If ills chimney caught fire. The first fire Insurance lawsuit In the United States was lirnught against this company In 1H>7.

Csrin£ for the Fire Buckets.Fire rules were ligid enough everywhere.

There was a fine of £l for disobeying any order of the fire warden. If the house­holder could not display to the warden hiH fire buckets hajigltig tn good order In thi'lr proirer place he was fined. In New York if the constable fetched home the fire buckets to the owner after the fire he Pot xtx shillingn apiece for hts pains. This W'ua deemed excessive, and It was more

Xnya H e T?> l l i e IrO gtco l n c p o b l lo a i i !C'ntKlIiliile for I'rcnlili'ut. :

LINt'OLN, Nvb., April l!i;—Mr. Hryan ■has v:>mc i>ut (mt Mark Haimu iis the 1«»K' Iral CUpdiclalE of ili^ Hcpiiblic-.'ina for ITe-*- | Idcnt. He says in this w<;ck’H Cummriner: |

''Many pfoplc tituWv when Mark Hanna I Is suggested itH ihe t>osHlble K'‘pubHcan nominee In IWH. hnt thefe Is tlt> real ooCa- slon for thexe smIlcK. The f.ict Is that Mark Hanna Is the best pn. slble represen­tative nf the Republican party ns at pres­ent constituted- His Ideas are entirely out of harmony with the Ideal of ihe foundeis of the Republican party, and yet he has tirought IhAi party to hta wjty of thinking. He h»iM shattered traditions and nnilons, he bus forced many Kupublh’an ItailerH Into the background, unri he Is to-day the maatcr of ih^ K^pubtlcan party. This is not axaggLrathjn: it is a atukt^VM of vefy apparent facts. ^Vhy ahould the Repuhll- canH heanatc to put forward the man nnut truly typical of modern Republicanism.”

Fresh Vanilla Marshmallows

LEHMANC ' 2 J * 1

l.inu ill theI’kK

Clinton Cumj:;!! nr Mnn- C Dr.ip-,, ttt.j 51- pk.v;. I’m , O C

1 Su_i;.ir 1 l.i. l Uiuvcr tS;l:l<liT'«. hvNl NUear, < f \ ^. . . . . . !S J c

-il ill lvi '> ............. H i.sc

7CCorn. )*v l Nu\y \\-rL ^Hatc

Cream Sit;4.tr Cnni.pi r u.m y CToimiti.M '-. S'lUthurn u-ii ripr ^

tuniaUvs ]ji‘T u.iri , C )CCoiiilcn.si’il M ilk , i ’riiiiisiil.i In

.t vitn.s —O f.; 1-Vih Utaml.jHT can......................

Aspaniiiii'i iCeies Hraiul’ very i'lm-, per can. . .

ITunes, kiri;e aniL iu»talv. - Q *pouiiiU fo r . ....................y C

.\)>ric4ils. liUicy uViipuraL- C \ Q ^ C'.l ajjrtcols, \ Ihs. for .

IVauhes, fiiucy « vapor;it C ^Cill, IVavIles, t Ib-i.

A]iples,fancy cvapiu'aU’il lip- Q pies in I Ih. varlun- . . y C

Stri. llv l’‘rc:-h iv.-;-.. ia-r d t f ^*lo/eu ......................... I3C

Small Delicious Calilurnia- Q l H.1111*4, pel ill , . O ^ C

llimlt r UaUiinnri’ Rve\vhiskcY, iM-r i.ouie. y y c

Tcf Case. |1L7*T.Cliiri’t Wim-.slMi l Iv pure

C.diferiUii Clircl, p;d. O^JICFori, Shenv and Wim

Calilnniia s i r i i 1 1 i pnie. pi*r palliiii .

Rye \\'hiskev, "in iVnn sylvaui.i. per y.iUon,

Mfill Nnlriire > \nheuscr IhiMch’i per holt U- 1 7V-, |>cr

9 0 c1.50

Manisehiiui Cherries, new imj'Hirt- ed, the U'si ill the mat- ^ket, (pmrt hoUle. - . . | O C

DiifTv’s I'liri Malt WliiS’ kev, tAT iHitile.


New York OKIelnli W ill F lg lil Affainnt VIMLIHUUIOO firanl,

NE"^’ YORK, April l!».—The attempt of the New Y'ork and New- Jersey Rrldge Company to get through the Legislature a State hill giving the compiiny rights worth $.lo.C«W,wi6 niong the North itlver water front will he fought l>y the elty offi­cials.

Mayor Viin Wyrk Is against the bill, hut he will have no eliuncc to v.’in or prevent i the artiou of the LeglslHinre. the mens- ure is so drawn that U will imt uome be­fore Mayor Van Wyuk f-T approval or disapproval.

HOME d ressm ak ing .

G rocery Store,

93&D5 Springfield Ave.

large, to warn others against similar loss by fire from a similar cause.

The Fire Plugi ot Earlier Times.There will occaslonHlIy be seen In the

streets of Eastern cities the worils "Fire Plug" cut Into a wall or post rntll a year or two ego (and I preaume It Is there still) the Inscription "Fire Plug. 26 Feet," was cut In the grenlfe wall of the hurtal ground In ^'ashlngton atreet, opposite Rutland street, Boston. These lire plugs

_ THg VOLUNTBEB FIHEMAR W POLITIC*.wroei u ell crlm hi adroeaer of the election of Jeroes Qnlldt ee re*liter of (he city of Row

Torit) *

On Saturday Only at • ■ per lb.

J1l$o last day for }ls$medCh9C* dates at per IP.




A X T I - T T R I T ^ TStore in the city. Uiule' r <lni ■ i

iiukimgcuieat uf

FRED'K j. HARRISON.Hithertii the Kf'srx idi » •'oi-pG’

Co- >'cw 8ioru. New iSti- k

SATUROirS SPECIALS;Ray Filters, set of 3 . . . 60 ucnts Hypo, 5 lbs.................It cents


”F'i‘'M'T'i''i’'4"F4"F'i*+'FT’ •frFT"F4"F4"F'FF‘l"ETT‘4"Hr't"F'F*H ‘4"t'FT'T'l"f F4*'FT*T"F'ET •H +

IV HousecleaningI T ’

w a r h w e a t h e r is c o i i iM i t

ahnul our Tlci'F Wine rnpllrun Fl i« jire- jbircd l urcliillv fr iiii Ihv wry I.'A'.-I in- j^rcdivniN. It lic*l]ia t" LuiM up the•Acakftk'd tuT\r-.unil m-ikr-- ik H, slronji; hlcMvl Wr 'it.iranlvv it.

Full pint h'jtllv, 50c,

MENKES PHARM ACY, 106 M arket S treet, opposite Washington, N ewark.

Merik and Ihrv*’ m fl»G 'n 'd phnniMtciita pul 1 1 1> pr«H rrip l Iuhh itt prSr«-«.

g e t r e a d y I o r i t i

Vinco Paper, 4x5, doz Oil Ruby Lamps , Drying Racks. . .Funnels............(ilass Graduates. . Glass Travs, 8x10.

l.s ct-nis , 4S cents

III cents 10 cents

, lO tc n ls ^ , 3 IIcen is 4"

rutz’s Llqijjsl F'l'lsh; large canH, red or wiilu-,

lO o .Ammonia, ex. f-tn-ugCn®

i-ql. iMlttlea,

lO o .

I I ' J n l v ,1 famll\; h >4lpr


riciiirc Hiink> moulding. o>>e.

to fit un

For Saturday only, we olTcr ■ printinB<put paper, size 4* 5, ihrc sheets Tor 25c . livery sheet 1 Come and hear aljout "Dixie. " O' gaslight paper.

IQI ■ ST.,(Betwwu New and Bleecker

Pipp L ’lddfTs, large 1>- fof t v<TY W'cll made.

Wash Hollers, oval, with cover, largv No. 1$ aixc.

Er ametinc. Blow pollih.

the modern

t i c .

■a order lo ctainj th* reieanl. Usually Uio aqueduct day* when th* water lupplr wickets wew left m a ptlr or t*l up on j came through a row of willow togs laid fence posts and owners and their servanta I on either side of the wall from Jamaica Jtne to claim them the following day. ; Pond Into the heart ot ~ *■kiiRrllmea they w en lost by being put jnirt|(j,ij. Into th* river to he flUed and 'Cft to (Ink to the bottom. So they were hoi a cheap accessory to the household.

Tha OM VoluntMr PlreiMo.The old volunteer flnm en ot the A nt h a lt

of th* nineteonth century were a pletur. nqae and Inspiring group. All claaaea ot ■osSoty. from the wealthy merchant td Rte huiahAat workman, served under the ’folsnteer'i heavy h a t Men left their “Otne* to riak their lives tor the preaervn. Ujii of (he hotnaa of others, snd they did U insiked. end os simply as If they were

VVhatHave fqr Desert?

I ’M* qnegtloa ariaa* is the itmilp ***>7 <U]r. U tw a a s m r a t »d ^ r . T ty

Jell-P,im tw o nrfmitsa. I fo boiliaq^T « o

Boston. At th* point marked by this Iniorlptlon thers was a sort ot tank formed ut osk boards that would hold about three hogshead* ot water, and In It a smaU wooden ping was set. At an alarm of Are the plug waa drawn and the An engtna took—what water U etruld get Tha word* "ig (■*(.. Indicated the force of the -water. Thsre were In all twenty ot theae Art plugs in Boeton. The word "hydrant" has fo gen­eral supplanted the word "plug." though I am told th* latter If attU need In some of odr cltle*.

A U fM t F ir* hi K «w YoHi.

iThe Are of the Merchant*’ Xxchang* In U S was a great crttls In th* dereiopmant of the city of New Tork. The water aon.

• ^ * * r b .d h f*a :B «go g » and mis. , eram* to B » IncradlUs degrac. Thefe w«rc

wall*, bat even honea ratuaed to drink tb« water from them; th* wslar was fau ^ Alth; thera woa a Ma-water pamp which euppBed drinl^nc water, then carried byCMts a h ------Jm town. Thare waa a varyBoant aqueduct eyetem hy wUeb a poor supply ot bratAdsh watsr was pomped ua from wells snd carried by hot low lag* tiBWBah a few atraeL After this dlsag. trous Are the Croton amior system was ajroivsd aad ptrfeeML U was sponsd with a Btrast parada, a formal dlnaar. a halt aad a eoacert, at whleh aa onthiem eras suag havteg sacb retsta at tbaa*:

Wolar baps, at K Whtb hot ciatani roura.

3301 Be jL Pi.oT,'.:,~ lto V- -ears.

Bvery mother know, th" advantage to ha found In * sleeping garment thot moans protection from chill and itpu.-ure when the coverings are tossed oside ty ehlldlah limb* Pajamos being rancled by big men as well as little possees the added merit of being mannish, and therefore de­sirable from the boy's point of .view. Th* model shown la made from striped chev­iot. blue and white, but Madras, pongee and ilmllnr materials are used for warm weather, while Bcotch en.<l French flannel and Aattnelett* are adralrsblc for cooler nlgfatt. . ,

Th* trousers are cut simply and drawn up at the srallt by meant of tape* Insert, ed at the upper edge- The coat ha* a saam down the entire back and is and WSU AtUng at the safue ll me t ^ t It Is easy snd comfortable. At the left side I. a patch pocket that !• venlent, and the neck Is flnlshed with a wm turnover collar. A . lllu .traW the eloalng Is accomplished by means of pOlnt- *d atrwp*. lo which buttonhole* are worked, and pearl bultons, B « o d ^ burgi ot waihsble cord can be substituted If peefened. ~

To cut these pajsmas for a J "? f'***®y*.rt ot sge i yards of material wide, yard! *7 Ihchea wide or 1% yards n incke* wide vrill be

Tb* pattern. »W. **oC «k H Uf U ^nd J4 yfkn at sge. __

EVERYBODYixT b f\ i u u v i jjj wnoeciiou " j"w a n t s Wh o l BBA l - 1 -

■ rri WaicIim buU vIgil L f K r I l l I everyd®«ripu''ti V IV L^ I/ I I dasienB anU Uhi SOMFTtriHS. “ •nxhlE. t'Kk>. Id w m c i i i ic s * and R«rer.'<l'’ri‘v

ware. Wa handle only tne heat iowaet oDMtbte price. Every man. w- l hj and chud cartamty on»ht to treiir a a wateh and chain. ItlBapiLrtofaMel[<lr♦•••^^■ l paradnaBSiB rueful aavrell as orM.umnUi. Wa cjUkTce jan no «xtra Vrive.N (■ i rr«-iu. pave yonr monay for othar w u >vrtoin the wlmloFoler and make iiu ne ' " wild aaleaman with aampleB ot*

tiil T;30 evenings. Hiui (r'‘ttermt. etc., befere buyine alaexvlin»‘

Shelf Paper5 yards in

pieev, extra .fine and ver>' hea\7

5 c

Hcfrl ;* I I . Mil- J('T- eey, Nii’ iii iin«i well modv. niTiMv.ihlv whhIw pipe, U ui'lr .ii'orH, .Mprfial at

,(.frlu. ' ii'.r.., ' b 0 IHiiiiilGi; luirrlVi'niMl. airi'i-

finely Ilnii'l->1. rvmovahlw wuHtf . -'Dr U mjifv.

Ici* n,.lhorGHL:l!' luifit. wHIi

f:ulvntii7. ’i iMUt, ueee Uui Ittlv ]> e.

Oil H it -' . 1 Wu luiTiT r wjflill-- LIu*-’ liiiTIP. pOW'Tf’J: tr‘’.>ters; IJitlduel! '!! [ 'Y •,

On« two iHirn-ers. I’l i'. :• In n and biin-ot

l > J S o .on HtdVfF. IWi) 1 r*i-

era. (be Summer F’ l • • ■In use; lo tu :n i-i”


« > o .

i r j o .


>1 :O o .

R-ifli-h nr 4*ri’KiiIar ISt,., ■j*

i o o .K .1- HruiibfS,

']H’i lal valua at



U’liitownjtli liniBhes, wrtth J handle. T

l o o . i

Carpet Cleano X -I The new a 'k' ..omn, nn.l * _ T

B u tte r D Lh , 2.511 to S .51).1 n u t D ish, .?„S!I to 5.5!) S ilv e r N .ls , 4 pieces, 7.83 to

.M.-ttl.Tea Spoons, 1.35 to 7.00. C a rv in j; Sets, 4.(Hi up.Cut (ilass , l..5!lto 10.51). C locks, 1.50 lol-ID.in).

O ur personal guarantee w ith e v e ry a rtic le sold.

SC H ELLER .LDiji Mah*-r.

286 .iUBhtT 8T„ N;ar [’onn. DefotWHKIIK VOI MONKV.

Packing Awayt •F+++++++++++++4'+++++

CITY H.\LI. PHAH.MArV. • ipp-mlte Naw CUy H'lli property. Ton

- . BUY - ■


Ca*ii or £k*y Term*. |

H*ar the “Apollo,” superior to' all other self-fdaying instntnierus. | Special bargains in tise Piahos. |



• t* M nan. gist* s"“ f " 'Orim Aicd aneii*!)' ** j _i kkswaa MAT » * ■ * “* l*ATT««.g CO. I|

j ti itinr ~ ->—<»•***** ■*- ■*

RSSON ’- V \ L M ) O I L

: 1 q-r \ Itl«' )wl I'loe- c*i‘

Winter Clothing, Furs. Carpets and Horse Blankets should be caretul!y and properly done. T o prevent destr’jction by moth use Petty ’s Cedar Crystal. W e have sold miiny tons ot packing material, but none has giveir the same satisfaction. 18c. and 30c. a can. Don’t try imitations.

IMI 1)92S


iTwo Drug StoresT e l. 914, Newark, N. J.

P E T T Y t H e P v tB U p F r e «c r lp t io iu .

F i r s t i i n a l i t y . l r e s h in i iM 'i l . l lu r i l

I , F . I I I ( ; i l t t) ,V L , l u r IS j; ; . S t o v .

o r C l i c s t i i u t Hkxo.

AbnerS.Reeve&$oni KPtKbltfehvd l»ver

! 88 Front Street*n ty iH 'P l lO > E b - '« 3 . tuo- Ucctur M

Ii V £ > A l X e V ^ U t C ! U l « A . X I O O ( .

,-THE .

MatchlessLlghtA ll t h e S fu r e a a iu l M a q j

H o u se * U se f t .


TIE UNITES QiCTRK CD. OF H iMarket amt Beaver Sts.

aaa* i

liiat .



! I



N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . F R I D A Y . A P R I L 1 9 . 1 9 0 1 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

UPTON’S YACHT TO BELAUNCHED TO-MORROW, i3 S i s t o H a v e N o S e c r e c y i n S l i d i n g t h e j l

S h a m r o c k 1 1 . O f f t h e W p - " : f 5

5 . 9 8 i

rton 't^ Y oS c ta n J R aC ian C o i l a ii t o v a r t an it ■ a » ' . « a t ahadea o i U x fo rJ . r e fu la r $ 1 : v a tu t.

5 . 9 8

L t A D l K O f i m ^ i U N . C L O i

fl1cn*5V oke and R a gU n C o s ts jn C o « '< r tS n d « e ^ ‘ -e f t sh ades o O x*

eg u fa r $15

L O N D O N . Aprit T iw m e* vi^p-tdn’ s cup-chsllpa^er. ShAmrork If., w ill be Uiinr^he^i on th f OlJirt? w-morm w Fivp hundred workmen are putilnn the nnluh- Ing touchea on the yacht in order that nothing win drlay ihe Vveni.

Tho VachltrjR World, referring to the g^reat effort to n fl the yaL-hl rrnrty hy a pfofnlR<r1 dale, «■»>’**: ' Having promisedto have the chH lIfiig 'r rraily to launfh on April CO.' Mc?J»rn. Memiy Bridheira etralned every nerve \o have her ready, flquad a fte r equail hsa been added lo (he workmen originally employrd In her rnn- ftruetion, until during the inei fortn ight thg total number <>i men employed In

flrUgiUngoktJf^ i n u f ^ «ejj not, leae thanm .

" I t hae been the oualom to ellp racerst Into the water with very IHile d*» p lgy. Ciircaelonally, indeed, elaborate pre- caiitlona have been taken to Inaitre ihr abaenoe o f apertatore. Ilui Sir Thomae L lp ton and Mr. Wnleon have rightly de­cided that there La nothing to he gained hy pushing aeerery to ihle lejigth. I|

"A number «>f invhiillons for the have accordingly been leaned, and qu it" » host o f diaiingiilahcd people have Jndi-

m te r t their InienMon o f ty ing present to wish suecrae to the latest o f challenger^ T h e gathering will he » repereentallve drawn from alt patit «'f the kingdom.'




"■u a k O E

S T O R E S .

128,130,132 WiRKET STREET. CORNER HUSET,, N L > V . i ,R K , IV H W J E R S E Y . ^

1 7 7 .1 7 9 B R : a w a v , C a r .B R O A D W A Y A N Dt M r c i o f l a i l H £ U * t l . H , t A R K P L A C a ^ . V .



S T O R E S .


S P R I N G C L O T H I N GH a . s M e t W i t h G r a c t i f y i n g S u c c e s s .

l . f iw c r th a n l ik e t j u a l i t i e s a r e s o ld f o r e is e w h e -r e . N e v e r h a v e o u r s t o r e s c o n ta in e d

su en .1 v a s t s to c k , su ch a g r e a t a s s f> i tn ie n t , ,n r su ch r ic h r n e t c h a n d is e . b o u g h t b y th e p o w e r

o t sp o t c a s h fa r b e lo w i t s r e a l w o r t h . W c .are in a p o s i t io n t o s e r v e y o u a n d to s e r v e you

r ig h t , K v e r v p u r c h a s e m a d e h e r e m u s t b e s a t is fa c t o r y . I f n o t , y o u r m o n e y w i l l a lw a y s

h e c h e e r f u l l y r e fu n d e d o r y r n ir p u r c h a s e e x c h a n g e d . W c s a v e y o u m o n e y cut e v e r y t h in g

v o t i b u v f r o m us.

Vtrsil; Team Defeats Cellejiaas Loosely Played Game ly Score

of li 10II.

Resglls in Toomaneals of Newark A. C., RosiTille and Pradeotial Team^c

Oiker (iames.

S^lon Hall lupi to flyracuAP rn lve»r«ity yefrierday in a gam^ whlvh w as very looaHy played by holh tenm«. t'nJitello. •W. o f B«ton Hall, nnd now a ^rnlnr law- at 8 yriciii*e . occuplad the* hox for llie vialiora fo r the greater 'part I’ f the guintf. Though he recently held Philadelphia down to three hita he waa louched up for aeven by the ln>al team. lillNm and fummlng-^ p layed gilt-edged ball. Bheridari and Oan non fielded well Tor the home ti<am .ind W ea ilak e capfure'd Ihe battlMg honora of the gam e. The acore:


I renewed ac llv liv nil the a'llej fvUvo f the New ark A th letic tuul) laai night,

A K.

the howlera evidently try ing to mak»* up fo r loet time. In the iwo-mnn han«'IJf'<4 |> tournament one event o f note happen'*'! - the Ilf Cooke and r>nna. whohitherto hod not taeted defeat. During the fve jiln g they defeated De W Iti and Kranke and T. Keer and Van HmMen. i wo asfan h leama. on ly ' to " fa l l dow n" Ti> I ’len-H and Hardle, handicapped at eSgh- (f'eri. r*lcrce and Hardle, by the w in. to Krr*r Hiul Van. Houten anri Ds* W itt niH Kranke. The acoree:

M e n ’ s B u s in e s s a n d

Fortner Price,

#8 . ,5 0 Fancy W oo l Clurviots1 0 . 0 0 C b ev io - Suits .1 2 .tx) CgKsimere Suits (4 . 0 0 Fancy W oreU d Suits. f 4 .r0 Castsimere suits. . •15.00 Fancy Worf-ted SuiD.15.00 N*Ave*t Stripe Flannel1 5 . 0 0 I^ateitt Checked I'lanneh iH.iXi T^re Fancy W or'^lcls

D re s s 5 u i t s .

8 . 0 8

N o v e lty B la c k C h e v io t S a i t s . (S a tin Y ok e , I'aiiuy

1 2 -t.o Itlack C b ev f>t Suit^ . , + .H 8Fancy C h ev io t................... 7 .4 »S

1 8 . 0 0 Salin U n e d 8 .0 H

Qannon. e. e. Pohacezw eki. W eatlake, c .. bheridap. lib.Coaji. I f ......M cCarthy, c.M arlin , p ......Con way. 3b. .. Rutledge, Ih.

r. f..T'rHnke ___

' De W ilt. ..

T 'l.m157-330



B l a c k D ia s o n a l S a c k s a n d C u t a w a y s .i.S.fxi H lcck D iaR u m l Siiil, . . - . i . 7 .t^ 8rM.oo Black D iagonh] Su it................ H .t lS2 0 . 0 0 Blactc D iagona l Su it.................... D'.DH

Cooke . . I ’ finfi ...De W HI. Kfiinki* .


M e n ’s T r o u s e r s .h'onnerI’rice,

f ; , 5 n M eirs-Triiiiscrs .

j..;,'! M en 's Trmiscrs .

4 . 5 0 .V[cn's Trcusfrs .

5. no Men's Trousers .6. (]<j Men's Trousers .


1 .2 4

l . » K2 . 4 8


. '{ .4 5

t o y s ’ L o n g P a n t s .$ 3 . 5 0 Cissiiii'*ro I'.tn tR ...........................

4 . 0 0 Fancy \ ’or-lerl I^HtUs . ... . . .

B o v s ' K n e e P a n t s .

1 ,2 4

1 .9 8

Mrs. Jane lliip l.in^ 's Ji.oti K n ee

Pants , 44cM en 's Hcav\ Knslis li ConlUTOy 1.98

Pants, Frown i:nil drab .w orth

Spring Top Coats.Form erPrice.

f S. 5 0 .All-wool Oxforrls .

R. 5 0 ,\ll-wonl Cmert . .

1 0 . 0 0 S ilk lint'll ( 'x fo rd ,

1 0 . 0 0 Satin f.iceil ONfnnl

1 0 . 0 0 Covert Bnv Coals .1 2 . 0 0 Salin lineil Cio'erLs

1 2 . 0 0 luiKlisU llos Co-ils.

1 2 . 0 0 Camlirid.i;: Oxfnril

1 2 . 0 0 Black Clrt'viots. .

1 5 ., o O xfords, silk liiio l

1 O xfords,salin Ii;

i.Vi'o Newest S lta ilcC f

jH.isi R aglan <I x f o n l ' ..................

15.00 R a t !!* " C o v e i l ...................2o,ix> I.oril K itd i i ic r V nk f Coals

2 2 . 0 0 I.ord K it fh n c r VnWe Coats

2 5 . 0 0 I.ord K iU lin c r V i'kv Coals

im*<i . . • Y Qlincl Incdije |

V ovcrls . V / -

6.908 . 9 8

8 .1 )8

• ).1 )8

1 0 .1 )8

I 1 .1 )8

33.St «

vs.Boys’ Knee Pants Suits With Vests.

Totaln 11 14 Z?flV R A C rS E U M V E R fllT V .

R A. K

T K e<r.........Van HnU>n.K rtJ ik ^ .........De W il l . . . . . .


] 73-316

(JOttclIo, r I. anil p. .... II II 2 i 1 v«pierce ............Hardle ...........riOuftO. 3b................. . .. . 1 1 5 2 2

A tw e ll, s. a......... .. .... lu 1 u d 1T. Keep...........Maurlernofl, t. f ....... 4 1 (1 ft ft

Cummlne. ]. f ..........Dillon, f ....................

.... 3 4 4 ft (1 Van Houten...i a 2 ft 1 vs.

Hakrr, 2 h.................. .... 2 n % 1 3 I 1 'ri e ...........Berfi. Ih ................... .... 1 ft tl 1 ft Hftrdle ...........Moore, p. and r. f... ..., 1 8 (1 4 ft Cooke ............

lianaTolaEa ................... . . . . 18 1.1 27 1! ft vs.

Raton H a ll........... 1 0 * 7 2 0 1

0 0 1' 5 O -ll J■ I’ l 'r i;* ..........iy r a c u ie ............ i) 0 ft 3 4 0-lft H iirAI, ...........

- « 7




^3.‘«Earned runsi—Sym eufe 8 . 8 fir»n Hall 0.

Two-haae hitg—fij-racuie 3. fleion Hull I. Three-base hits—W esH ike. Atwell. Fagned ng|l—S#ton Hail. SHSes nn hnlls-O fr M ar­tin a. o ff C p ilH Io 1 H li by pitcher—Conn, r o l ie l lo . Struck out—By Martin 7, hy Cp s - tello 1. L e ft on hasep-Retoti Hall 4. Byra- euse 4. Double plavs—Afoore 1 0 Reed. House to Reed. Oanticn to Bherfdan. Tim e Of garne—Twti hours nnd tw en iy mlnutea. Xrmplre—Mr, O'Donnell, Selnn H ail Col- legi*. _____________^_____________

153 171- 167177—33{»




333Cooke .........Dana ...............

vs.T. K ee r............Van H o u tfn ...

In A tv id n n l T o n r H a m r i i f .In lUe Individual tournament o f the

Hitsevllle A. A. on Tuesday night these scores w e r f made:

1241] 66 - -W2 r*2 '

Hreakfrd - I ’ontlrniHtiiin

0 1 u 1 ( 1 Veart.

Forii’icrPr.i e.

I 4 . 5 0 I'ancy C h tv io ls . . .

4 . 5 0 C ass iineres ....................

h.5 u niu^ S e r g e ........................

8 . 5 0 b lack anrl Blue Cheviot.^

(S. 5 0 F-'ancy Cheviots . .

8 . 5 0 Fancy L'assimercs

5.50 Mixcl LaNsimeres . . .S 5 0 Im ported T w e e N . . .

S.5 n Black riiib ets . . . . .

3 . 5 0 n ine S p r ite ....................

lo.CKj Im p u te d W orstcils

lo .to Blue Scr^e .

SUe!'i ire.

It 4 8

a . 4 8

.2 .1 )8

; j . t ) 8

;m )K

4 . 4 8

4 .1 ) 8

4 .1 ) 8

.4 .1 )84^.1)H5 .1 ) H

Young Men’s Suits,1 M o 1 > \> ir).

Knnm r I'l-irp.

Fancy . . .7 , 5 0 Fan^y Cheviots. . .

7 . 4 5 Rhiv .in<l lUack Clit v- io L s ...............

to.ixi \Vorsle<l Suit** . . .

tu.(V) Blue W orsleil Cbc\ iom.

Fancy Cas'^inirres. . .

Fancy W or^ tcN . . .

I*8m,'v Cat^hincre-i. . .



13 im

I1 3 . 5 0

Blue W crslc il Cheviots.0 . 4 8

Black T h ilie l . . . .

Black J)ia>,jouals . .

Im ported \VoT'%li‘ils. 1 5 .1 *) Fancy Cassinicrcs. . 1 .5 . 0 0 Black Iriaponals . .

Boys’ 2=Piece Suits,D o u b l e - B r e a s t e d C o a t s

6 t o 16 Y e a r s .FnrmerPrice.

^5 . 5 0 M ixed C lieviots..............5 . 5 0 M ixed Cassimeros. .4 . 5 0 Blue S c r f ie ..................4 . 5 0 M ixed Casxiliicres. . .4 . 5 0 Blue and Black C litvio l*.6 . 5 0 Fancy Cassiniere Suits6 . 5 0 B lad i iM asonals. , . fi. 5 0 Blue Serf{e. . . . . - .6. 5 0 W orsted C lieviols. . . fi. 5 0 In iporlcd W orsteds. .8 . 5 0 English n iap cn ils . .5 . 5 0 Fancy Cheviot Vesteea5 . 5 0 Fan evC ass in itr ' Vestees.2 .1 )84 . 5 0 B lueScr^e Blouse Suits . I t .1)84 . 5 0 Blue Serge V eslee Suits . It .1 )8 .1 . 5 0 Red ami Brown Blouse

Suits...........................S »*-**l^


R ag^haJ I M n n fr la lP

d a y R g g a llk In I r o r ^

« f O Id X

! ffay ln ld ..................... .... 134: Rray ............... ......... .. . 189i MeV'^r ........................ ... 2ft]! Hrrty ........................... . .. . 169■ M ej'er ........................ . .. . 141! t.J.iylord ..................... .... 119

Br*S' ..........................L a g k s .......................

.... vts

.... IM' K d g lf i1 G aylord X ...................

. . .1 4 7 .... 16ft


161m134211roi162163 1 1 ?

On W ednetday night ihr^e m-opo* wer^ m adf.

The lecon^ team o f (ho M on ic ltlr H igh School w a » defeated by the R idgeH igh Schoo l'* nine at M n n tc l^ yesterday

o f B to I.

Katglvs ........BtyVftra .......J. B. tVood

I Van Neva .,

afternoon •(O re

by the score TheBtyvere .

I V an 'N eae

G L K N R ID U K H. S.J. B. \Voi>d

. Badger ......

R. IR. P.C, A. K.2 } 4 fta .h if/ ey , r. f .................. 2 5 ft ft 0Nichole, e. f ................... 1 (1 ft 11 0D U idoti, c ...................... ft 0 19 2 1Pierson. ?b..................... ft II 3 2 liCatder. s s . .,.................. ft 1 2 1 ftMlU-hell, 1. f .................. 0 ft 1 ft ftBenson, lb ......... ............ 1 ft » ft ftW h ite , 3 b ..... ................ 0 U 1 1

Tota la ......................... « 4 it 1 ft 4M O N T O L A in n. H. 2 P.

R in. P.D. A ED *i k*r. 1 1 1 . anti t. 1 ...... 0 1 3 3 II

Hhepard Hmiiger .S lyve r* . KetchamShepaid ......J. H. W ood

211 . 144. 10 0 .1 “ .. 166 . 1 » . ITS

1H3 . IPS. 1i» . 166 .206


m2t l1312(H17314420:165m .129179171231125


Shoe Specials.I f \ - ^ F o r H e n ’ s

a 7 9 $ 4 3 h o ; $ .Choice f ? ™ 8 0 0 pairs o f Shoes

in c o n g «M , U c t, button and O t- ford ties, black anrl tan vtci kid,

eiigtnH and patent ea!f. Mngle and double soles, leather «ttd d r ill lin<Nl.

)»-priTiK shapea, actunl ^4-00 ffrattes.

l e a d in g ftMERiCAN CLOTHItJ!^A . l a r l & e t a s t . , . o o r i i e r I t c l ta ts 3 2 - ,

k e ; 'w j v k k ; , J .14T-I20 BKOADW .4V. N » i r to rn a r B R O A IIW A T AWD

t'u r.liD ill W r«!t. N, V. P A R K PLAC E . N. V.

The New Spring Hats.TlieOrand DukeO PR F A M O rx

98c.andl.48gprlMg Unts inl)erljy .4 ami Al- piine , equal K> luoM 9'd and |J Hula, oil the new­est sha|e« a n d coioie. mrliidlnv the Dunlnp. You man. Milter and K 1 1 0 S blocks.

T1 cnew snuiire n on n Si iff Hat. and K in g Rd- wArd IJa(. the lilt uf (Ur reason, shown here lb all dhneiisinii?. 5i.rju elsewhere. O it r















# 1

4 1

4)4 »



# !

# ■






# ■


“ I T



4)4 )




■ #





WtExtrfll Extra!

p i r i n g :

The coat for the hour, day, week or month. In all tbe iro .t fatliionable lengths and newest sh t f^ . The lo p C oa t, cut from new shades of Covert Cioth, leids the ptoc'sslon, only lo te bad al Watson which means al the lowest possible price and the highest possible value.

T H E W A T S O N S H O E .A shoe for every tasle and purst

$2.50 T O $9.00 P E R P A IR .

W ID T H S A to Z. S IZ E S 4 to l2 's .

W e caa fit you. W e can please you.

n A lL B O A D T IM K T .A n i.E S ,

4 I M I * M * 4 » # 4 ) # 4 l 4 ) 4 i N M | i 4 l 4 l 4 | 4 l 4 l # 4 I M I # 4 l 4 l # # 4 l # 4 l # # # 4 | 4 l * * # # 4 M f 4 l 4 k 4 l # # * # # 4 l 4 » #

Bbepard ...........................214Ketcham ....................... iJii

On Thursd.'sy night ihe results were as fnllowa:

Valentpie, 1 1 ( 1 wmdn . 3h.,f^iuan, p ......Btudt r, ......H olton. 2 b ___8 ouU . I. f . . , . h y ie t i. V. (... R lgga . r f. . . , Hughes, ih...

. I

.. 0

.. n

J. B. Woofl .K. K. IVotMlPierat'n .......Van Nc^a. ... (idvlord ......J. R 5VmnlN'ftii ..,B r a y ..........K. K. Wood (.•aylord .. .llray ...........Dirraon ....


. 176


. 221


11171 ITS 164 152 1C3 1 2 1T3 23 i172 190 200

To t ala .... O. n . H. B M. H R. 2d

Two-hosp \'a1entlnt< 4.

27.................. 3..... 2 0 1...... 0 1 0hit—Decker, PnaapdWUd pHchea—Stuart 3,

$P 00 0

H : 0 2-6 1 0-3

W ill.luma 2. Ranen on hallo—Stuart 3, U'iiHsm!i B. Kit hy pitcher—Nlcholfl 2. Bowman Sncriflee hUs-Rtuder.^ Valciuiiie. Picrei'U. Rtiuck oul—Ry Stuart H. hv WUllfime 1i l.»efl on baeea-fj. R. H R m, ,m h . 7, Time of game-Two houre. t’mplre-Mr, Hoffman.

I ’ r a d e n t ln t T o u rn e y , n e raon ’s (earn won two g.Tnu's from

i ‘ontreir«i tenm. and the Marhlii and Bonn (enm^ ^plH even In the Prudenilul tour­nament at M ontgom erye .\eatenlny a fte r ­noon. Bonn And Plareon hoih lopped the two-eoqr«’ mark w ith and 2 lS rm pect- Ively. Tbe ecof?a:

5\om nn on H ie \ lle> a .Tesnis A uud B o f the L jiiIIi'S' AIpJii'’

Bowllua I'luh m llrd twfi gani»!» on Prank's nIJey? on Wc(1ne,qrnj\ afternfinn. Mrs,

wUh 1 .V’ Follow ingBuenk Wits high were the ores:


TRAM A. ftiurck. 133 Lindner Tft /.clt(ler. 93 hVsrke. 79 RnnT1> a 1'''h HesTiU. 114

STAB A. C. VS. 0. N. T’S.in

e t> N T R K L L . \ hmidt . 1S4 j^ rra r , isn i4uchm«n 107rnim . I7»Oontrell ...... 15J

I7d Slovens iJCiSlnler 144'DeMoit in Badger lOO Flerfon

F IF R a o N .

TK A M liIV* Mr*) Florns. 11781 136 184Ni 51 rs llcrk 'm 83 !<R:‘ .u.ii.rciY. rift r.6

Mr^. Hkihlfs. 1S4 103ft:; N1 r». Crank . 12 ft 13S

591. To!:hU ri7ri 7M


Handsome, Stylish a n d "Serviceable Spring Suit


, IK 2<fl


ToHiis . .')94- Ml n o iiiA r lil IJ ow ler^ H ti«y .

Team^ and B o f the (.iwT BowHnaI t'lub o f Hli'-)inre!d played a mHtrh game

133218 I

F r o m a n a g g r e g a * t i o n o f o v e r

5 0 P a t te r n s .O ld - t tm e n i v a U on the D ln m oad

C om e T o g e th e r on H n nda i.

T h e SiHf A. and the n N T .> w ill open the bmebaH ^ea^on nt the* Hlllalde b icycle track. BplIeMiie, no*i Sunday a f ­ternoon. Theee irama have long been riva ls HTid C)rn he depefided upon to put up a hnt game. The i>. N. T . ’e have praetl- c fllly reorganlied aucJ hove a nirnng team this reason and the Siars are In fine form .

ArrangCTm-nLi are under way whereoy the Stars win all aeaaon at Reltevllle w ith nil fhn leading acfni-profeaelonal teams- Manager Thaller, o f the bicycle (rack, Is h Ish making nrrangennente to have Sunday bicycle racing In conjunction w ith the hall gamen. A number o f m»-n are w ork irg on the track and hall gmunda

Tntala ...... NHM AL’ K IN

Brav ..............140W hItnHil .. . 126Aeh . . 1 2 2:-t!fT-tert .. \mMarkin ....... 169

777 Totals .1 BONN/'lammnng


I2h «12

on Hnriet vtPin's a lleya In Vullshurgh laet night. The 8 . orem:

t e a m a .

146f'.. hompann IlilSnnnekAlh.14k< Mol l7h Bonn

H. lyCMilui*' 3imer . KrbRelnh-'lmcr Beyer .

T )ila le ...... T » 718! T o la ls . . . . 79* 6WF o t r e ^ o aa (3rta R econd V in ce .

The ro'H'Off in the tie for aemnd p!are in ihe I'a th 'illr Young Men's Dlooejirin I ’nlon Len grr between (he K n lre Nous (earn of ratPMrtii and i^e V M ("*. I* » 'f •'irnrige \ all»> e-ie de-diled « t 8 l. fn lum hn p V M lV a ftlley.P, Newark, last night The gamr^ n#'Te p fc ity e w n ly cnnteeied Kntr^ \.uip wrm the first by e igh ty pinp. (tr.trge \'alle>' (he second hy flfty-ih rce piir* am] ihe ihird game was not de» lded until the |flp( man had rolled. En tre Nmj*


and e\eryth lng will be in shape for Run- flnath winning hy eixteen vMna. therebyday ’ s hall game. A week from Sunday (he ; racing acaeon will start.

CLENfOODS ELECT OFRCEISPowriitOTTn R naeba ll n-wb io P la y ow

J a lfe ra o it U treet faronnda a n d W an4a D alea .

T b e filenwood A V., at Itp meeting last flight, elected these offleera: E. J. QuInTi, president; M H. Carlin, vice-preeldent: L, Toohert. aecretary. John. Carrlck. treas­urer. W illiam Hopwoftd. sergeani-at- arm a; John Leary, manager, Board o f D l- rectors, M B. Vuder. Thomas Curren, W llllan i Oref.n, .A. M. Prawl. j r . W llllnni W'elsh, Robert Jarvis and M Mee

T h e club has secured ihe Jefferson ft r e e l Inclosed grounds for the coming orason. and would like to hear from all ftrsl-clmas ball teams tp the S tate having op*n dates in June. July and August. |i has booked flrat-class attractions for M ay and part o f June Address alt communl- catlnna to L. Toohers. oecret’Afir. I(l5 Ferry

•’^atreet, c t ij.

taking second place Tbe scores;E N T R E N O rS

Fross ..............H7Bulger ........ ..... 195Planrhfleld 167pennSs M ft a r ih v ........ isi

’ arthy. ... ... tjhi

TE-AM UVogtAahbyA LeuHurTrober('ofm ey


Daniel M«

To ta ls


1691901 : 417')

% ilan itr r lt ih n o lle .The A .1 1 ; ! h r.-nms o f \h' Atlantic

Rowling I'lub rolled the fo llow ing book scores on K itiri'y hIU vs laet iilgh i:

t e a m a

ir>147 155

.. 135

e C loths Z C olorings ^T rim m in g s

r " ■

are o f fine c|ualitv \'clour-finislie<1 Cassinieres, V icuna C heviots o f softest ‘.cxU ire and hard fin ished W orsteds , .and SerKts.

n A S S lU B B .

U ie n iu i

! Piljt^XlSVLVANi'A TtAlLROAD—Oft- and after .-April L:. lituJ, [laina will l«ave Murkei

aLaiiun, NeAsarh. as (ollawa: f ii:2u .\. 31. i-asl Mall, dally.'' LtrnlWd (g

IV 0 hufTei Farlor Cars New York to Fttu* ujrg. Sleeping Car I'lllfcLiutB lo Chicai-j. iN« iuSL'hea tu lUctsbutg-l

f 9::t7 A. M. Fast line dally. For Pitiahurg .rill Cievelofig. , , . . .

f lU:i;7 A. M. Pennsyh'arila Llmiied, dally, Pullman Cunspartiu^ni, Sleeping', l>lr)lv|, Benuk. ng and Ohwrvailtiii Cara. I’ur Chicago. Cleve- •and. ToItHjo. Ctm-lnnsti. Indlanapolii. Loala*• Ule. Si. 1 -a/uIr.

I f 2 20 IV M. riiirtjEO and Sv l«oula LtpreiSp dally. Fur DiuiPvUlc tua Clnolnnail). Iniian- apolls. Cliicagn, St. LjOuIp.

f U:l!0 EV M. Kl. Louie Expresfi, dally, tor PlTUburg, CutumbUJ, Inillanapotis. Louievill* and Si. I.«nule.

f OiSiSii fV W. Weatern EJtpreas, dally. lor I Pilisburg add Chicago. For 'loJedo. eicefg - :''aiui<lBv.

f r . M. rweirte fSsprcM. daily. forFiitsburg gn<J ChicagiL Fur Knog^lUe, dally. Ca Shenonditali VRjIoy Route. Conneota for 'levelanrt. <'xc«|it Haiuiday.

I f «;iV? 1*. M., itallv. I’ levplfttid anil Cincinnati . nKTuesa. For Fninhurg, i^leveiamJ. ColunTbu#

Hnd Naebvilie (via CltiHnnatl and ijO'iUvtlle).. W ASh lN llT iiN AND TilJC SsOVTIL

For Haltlmore, Washington and the 8 ou:tu I3:4T, S:ST. H:5N. iPini (Lamll*^ Kipreis, PuJl- inan Vepiihule Parlor Cars, Veitibule FMten- Kcr I'uacht!* and PTnlna Vir. UvtSj. l l ’.tifl A. M.i l-L'ft. i : 2 H. L!.4 4 . 6 -.5 K, 4:67. 6:26 end 9.44 P. M. On i^'jndnv, 12:4*. H;6S. 6:27, 11:36 A, M.i l:2fl. 1;2«. :t:6 . 4 .Ml. ,V2ft and IV M

Southern riailway. Lxnreea, 3:26, 4:37 P. M.. 12.tT night. ilHily.

Nurfiilk and Weetern Uallway. For Memphlg and New Orleans. 3:6S P. M. delly- .

AtlanUc 1 ‘uHHt l.Jne. Express. U:2D A. M. and ii :6 6 P. M.. dally. ^ „ „

Chesapeske and Ohio nall»ay- Eaprrsi. S:.T A. M. week-days. R.£d 1*. M. daily.

iteoSiuard Air lJ»ie. Floihia and Meirop»ultaa 1 Llmiied. I'. M. dally. Ksprsse. 12:47 A.• »1 . dally.

Old Polrji Comfort snd Norfolk. Kapress, b;27 A. M. we*>k-days and U:27 P. M-.

1 Kor Phlladelpiiia. Expreiw, 12;47, H:4fi. i :35, 7:6** . :27, b;6H, 6 :?n. tf:5t ilh:45 LlmUed Kx-

‘ i-refs. Pullwan Vestibule Parlor Cars. Vestibule Passenger Coaches ami Dining Can, 11:28 A.

I M-; 12:W>, D2il. J :2#l, 2:44. S:24, 3:6a, 4:67. 5:20, 1 1:2 6 . N:27. S:5i, 0:27 and U:0S P- M-„ Ac<lommodatJon. 11;;I0 A- M.. A:iXi and 7:itfl "• **

, Oh Huji.Jay. Exprohi. 12:47, 6:4H.

4;,S6. rvjl!. S;i7, »:51. I):27 ,n j t itIV M. Afcommodatlcn, 6 :A> and 7:33 P-,H.

For Trenion. 12:47. 6 :4il. 7:W, 7:W. 1 :j9. e:^, 6 :S8 . U:37 111:4.5 IJmlied KgureseL

. Inan Vf>«inbule Psjlnr Cars, \>ailhuifl PaaM - ger Coachea and Dining Car>. 11:26 and IDW •A. M,: ISMK J.20. l:2i*r 2:4L 2;4a. 3:24. a : » .

I 6:06, 6:26, 6;2a, 7:3;;, 9:27. 0:2T and 0 :.VH P. M. Sunday. 12:47. 6:4s, jvBS, U:27. 0:0] lOlSO Oiol U:26 A M.: 1:26, 3:6\ 4:34, 3:3fi. 4*30. 0:3L T:M. 8:27. 0:27 ahdti:6 8 P. M,

For Atlarstlb city. Tlir>.ugh Vestlbuled Ra*, press Trains, Buffet Parlor C iri. Passenger i'oauh and romhlned Cniirh, 1U;25 A. N. and 3:26 P. M. week-days. Express, 12:47 and 11:26 A. M.; 1:26 and 2:44 P. M. week-days; 10:46 A. .51. Saturdays only. Sundayi. 12:47, 6:41 A. Sf.

For Atlantic City via Hrlawar* River BrldtS npuie. 6:46 A. at.. 1:26 and 4.36 P. M. week* i-iays: G:4N A. 61.. and 4:36 P. M. Suoilsya.

For Cane May. Expiest, 12:47 night, dally. ^ For t'olnts on ihe New Y'ork and Long BranctI

Railroad. U:31 A. M.: 1:13, 4:(I3 and 6:36 P. U. On 6 imday. 10:13 A. M. and 6:-t2 P. M. Slop At Interlaken for Ocean Grove or Asbury Park on Sunday.

For Bt4*(nn. without ehArge. 1?:W P.).-ee>(-days. 0;.56 IV M. datiy.

For Hhu^klyn, N. Y .-A ll through tralne con­nect at Jeraey City with boats of 'Tennsyl* vunia Annex.''

FOR NEW YORK.l.eave Market Siree! Station. 3:13, S:42. 0 . '^

C HJ. C:4M. 7:i>7. 7:26. 7:42. 7:.5u, 7.A7, 6:07.h;l5. 8:34. 6 :W, h:W, a:57. 0:16, 0:26.10:00. lo:28. lo:56. U;0W, U:l7, il:.64 A. M-l la:0 2 . ia:'JU, IM , 1:33, 1 :611, 3:01. 3;07.

3:.W, 4:1.3. 1.J1. .1:0.1, 6:13, .1:13, 8:011, ll:;j'>. 8:3T. 0:57. T :l«. 7125. 7:34. 3'.i«. S:W, «:M .lii:S3, 11-11 I-, M., ___ ■irslns. S:tQ. 3:42. :35, 6:33, lo:0<10:16. ll:Uu A. 5f.: 12:07. 12:40. l:r ' -........ ^



O n D ra u g h t or iu BoUlei.



Eotli Phone, lu

125. 7:31, S'.ifl. 5: „ . .end I'ilM iHfht.

:i:ll, M.6S, «;3i, lu:04. W-!?................... ls:07. lJUl). r2:6T. 1;»J.:1V1. 1:23. .1:011. 3:6!l, 1:iy. 5:121. S:18, « : « . J.OU, .211. 7:25. 7:37. K:I1, 3:31. 8:27. W:03. ' “ i-**

I r . M.. l-2:i*i nighl.I 3'..r Plizahcr- and Ualieex, 3:31, . :w. yo*.I 5:17. 8:3S, 11:31, lll:.12, 11:3U A. M.; 1:W. lij®.

•2:.'.7. .1:53. 3:13,. 1:3li. 4:83, 5:0D. 6:1». 6;3».5:43. U;il3. U:liS. tl:lH. 8:11, 8:48, ■ 3’T, i-*“ i

t 3:01. 3:41. It;l2, 10:47. l l :3 i P. M.: 13:** ‘ {V*:„12:47 nlxht. Sunday. 11:13, SIS'!, 0:34 10:15,

10:30. 11:30 A. II.: 12:35, l;l5, 2:i3, 3^6, 4 : » i j 5:03. 0:3U. 7:01. 7:U, 7;5'J, S:34, S ^ ,' U>;ul. 18:14 U ;:’2i I>. M. and 1 2 :4 7 bImH Poa, t:ilMlK'lli only. 8:57 A. M.I 13:30. 3:0* * “ ®i U:56 P. M. week dSNS. ^I For New Mrunewlch. 6:46, 7:iMii c5S. g:W,1 0:57 »ml 11:38 .4. M .; 12:36, 1:58. 3:23. 3lSJ,

4:30. 5',M. 5:23, 8:23, 7:’ *, »:27. 0:5* and W:4J : P. M.. 12:4! nlaht. Sunday. ft:43. «:5*. 0:*4 t and 10:311 A, 61,: 12:3.3. 1:3:', 3:53, 5:3*. 7 :*3 ,1 3 ;5 » and 8;.3S P. M.. 12:47 nlahl. ,

Fur LambertvUle. phllllpeburg. Easton and!1 PeMrtere. H:27, 11:26 A. M.; S;5?» fEnstoa1 C6nlr>, 3:24, 6:26 P. M. Sunday. 6:37 P- H. _

For Freeheld. Fsrmlngdtle, Sea Gift andi IdOng Branch, via Monmouth Junction, DbM

U:0fl A. M .; 4:at) P. i i . week-days. Fur Ft**- 1 hold only, 6 : 6 6 P. M. week-day*.

are Mur. Llack. brown and gray , plain; chrck.s nn l stripes and broken cfTects in everystylish color cninbinatioR.

“ f” slope only on notice to agent.For furthw information see ilmetabler T*®*r


c e n t r a l H, H. (IF \ K W


:irp lilk fia ishcil F a n n e r 's Satin F ix ly 1. 1 n 1 8 s , K n g I i a b T w i l l S lrevr r.ininits.

r'|iul III that iiTf ■ Karmenls. |,;'.:8 raT ;l'[il.

o f h igh -grade " t o nieas- F it. fin ish anrl sen 'ice

Trains leave bruuu anU yerry 6 treei btauunji For PlPinileM. 6 |2 . ti;og. a:ia.

1 0 ,-ua. 10:43 A. M.; 12:045. 1 .U2 , 1:43. \\i.\ 2:43, 3;0S. 4:02. 1:40. 3:04, 3.2.1. 5:4.5, 6:16. 7:33, 8 :h*. P:80. l!:00 P. M. duiidaye, 1 :aj, u;u3, 1 0 :110, 11:33 A. M.i 1:1ft, 5:33. 7:0C. B:63,

I 10:25 P. M

r<ip |3*IM*»-a HI I •« a..;, a iiirv >a vi • - ■ • - _eta for all rxdnta on the Penn*ylvsnia Railroa* snd conneciinnii. Pullman avcummrjdailcjni. etOi at No. 7W Bn>ad etreet, or ticket offles, lilark«lStreet Stsflon. ^ ____ _J. B. HirTCHlNSON. J. P*. WOOD. ^

General Manaa-r. G*n. Paes. Ageat


For 9omer\ill» at fi.1 2 . 7:30. 6:38 9;Q3, 10:05 k. M.; I2.U3. l;l>2. 1.13, 2:35. fl:S5, 4:02. 4;4l). 8:04. 8:45, OslU. 7:BS. SilO. UsSO. ll:tW P. M. Sundays, 7.»>. 10;U3 A. U .; 1:10. S:45. giU,' I

, 1 :0 ft, ft.ftO. p. M.

RlILROlDiF o n r lh A%e, mnd Vma»mle i t -

C. Lent*D McCr**a P Schilling DrnnyI!. Lenta____


tN o t n suit

less thanthe l i t I ail !>e Im ughl at any o th er alore than oum for

_ _ ____ __^Tvt FJemlngton^ T.du a . R .; l:S3. 4:40. 0:23

Totala it*t? 728Ti:.\M It


............. mo r a n g e v a l l e y ,









Nftthnagle Kuhn — W errel . .. BsrwHI .. HdPCh ...




IKOELLHOFFER BR0S.,$^ IM M.IRKET SHEET. 0pp. Vashiiiston. ^

Tota l* 034

Tolnl!! 7Wle w .

8 IT4l P a rk v

T w o gnmea were rolled yesterday n^ter- Tifton hy t*ami) at the L id ies ' Parkview Bow ling Ciuh on Arno Kunath 's a lleys at Parkview . Team A look the tw o In easv fasblori. M l*« Theresa Quinn bad ihe high scor« i»f the afternoon, iftj. The seorcs:

.Mrs Mra M rs Mrs

T E A M A C oray ...N o ll......Kunaih.H erm iL

ALLINIiTON c u r s PUNS.5 1 I8 U T Quinn 1 8 '. Mrn U rm ann **

• T K A M H, .'»M ry. J o h n ^ Sfhorilnnr .. i l 8; M r • Julius ^ Schorlln^r 77 JfMlnx Brauni. «7 “ Mist N. Quinn 6 1

“ ^ Mr«. Johnjon 6«

B eenF lw * B c l ie i t t l « o f G am e# Haa

A r r a n s e i . to C o m m eo ee * n M ay t t .

Th e Arlington Baseball Club baa aeeured the K eo rm ’ Oval for the season and M an­a ger Oulick h is booked these teams, all the games to be played on the ova l: M ay 1 1 . O. N. T . : l l Cuban Olants; 35. Haledon A . C.i June I, W atgegalni B. C.; S . O. N. T -: Ju ly li- 'Q ; N T/; 8 ^ W af# :-

A series of. games has also b ^ n arranged w ith the Brooklyn Field Club, (be dates o f which have not as yet been decided i upon. *‘N o lay" BuUlvan,formerly ou tfM der ! OR the Arlington team, w ill play a sim ilar position this sei ion or the Rutherford A.*C- Rem W Pey, form erly catcher on the Arllngtona. has signed and wU1 ptay thf^ season wrlth the In in g ton A. C.

To ta l .To ta l ......... 314 324

Team s o f the Lehigh Bow ling Clyb rolled last night on Arno K u n a th i a lleys at Parkview . Team H took three gam es by over 3P0 pins In each game. Bchurti and O foel were high men The form er hsd 3Qt> and the la tter 201 The Parkview Bowling Club win roll a practice gam e to-rdght on Kunath 's a lleys The scares last night:

TE A M AKuhn ................... W4-Qrt#fci*'> i ’ , - t . 4,f (E. Bartb ..................Dunham ............... ITJVrooin ........... 1 * 8

.................... |J7

. .. fiiftOn 4 DNlnn U le y s .

Team * A nml B */ ihe Ltd ies' Thursday Afternoon hf^wlHg i iuh rolled the fnlJow- ing scores on ih<- Cfl-lno aWeys. 147 WH1- IniTi street. ypHi*»rilH> afternoon:

T '»s(rf A - Mr*. <i VVlru^rbald. ing; Mrs J. M\’Co>,^b Mr« C /ehuder. ?4m. A Batadle. 134. Mre H Wendt. Ida: Mrs. W t'amfleld. 1>. Mr* J N. Orlqul. Iflh. To* ial. 764.

Team B -M r « J M^r* ofi m , , l . l»odd. sfi. Mrs FeU«-r l i l Mr* J S ien fk . M:

I ?Jrs. H- Kiw llhcffer, S3 Mrs. H. nam e- J man. K87 Mis* M PoTn*’’hoff. 84. To ta l, 603.

aon th (kranpip R oTrlrra (o D in e.The howling i>f th^ South Orange Field

Club a ll! hold a sub,-crlp:lon dinner at ihe held du ll on Monda> evening. May 0. W. W . Palen J ‘ ’harlr* u Hr'en and W. P, Allen comii'i-e ihi- rumniUtee o f arrangc- mehts.

M o r r ia io n n f lu w le rs W o n .The Taykaow CtuKx howling team o f

MorrlM 'iwn wo.i two games from the Newark Athletic ch.h on ths M orristown


Per. I•xniVNY

]G4 5IF!4.


on Wednesday night by these

114 IS



A Rutan . W ilson . M itchell .

•r R u ta n .r McCletUn ..

TAPK AV iW ,.................. 17................... U l

. . . . . . 161....... ..........l i :

i« ;104I3Sl^


l 'H A M F in > k in i* RK (O H U?«.A n lltm n l lueacne.W I... T>r \v l.

Brooklyn . I ‘t .lok-gt. i> iu Ik .Boston .. .. 6 4i Fiitsburg .Chicago .. 0 6 'VO New 5-<iTk.C loclim att .fviApMlaR B « l L T i O0' ^E J*TK R n% \ ' 8

^ s lln n n l f.e an a e ,Brooklyn, 12: rhliadeiphla. T. *N>W York vs, Boston St, Louis va, ( h ivag • •Cincinnati vs, rU t-h u rg-R u In

g a r b s S 4 H K D IL F I1 F O Il T O -n \ y . ^ p flo n w l I.eaR ue,

Philadelphia ui Brooklyr.S ew York at Boston.Ctnrinnail a t Pittsburg, i t . Lauls a l Chicago.

—oo—The ■n’ashlngton A. C. promU s in have

a atrong team on the field this '^easou. «nd w ill g iv e a ll good teams o f eighteen year,- average a itissle. The first game is with ! the Woodsldo Field Club on May H. on the W oodside ground. For dates adtlress T. Van Valkcnburg. 14I Plane street

“Quigley’s”8 .tU £ OF

Men’sNeckwearT*ck»,Im per'»I*J fiu™ .«' Four-ta.H»od6 .

f e n i HoW». B » l W in * nnd Butterlty Tifr.. t i l t h i i » w Sjwin* tlitd fx .

25c.Hats, l . a U t m d 2.W

i2141 « 4 '

Totala « ! TT5 79

lA flR o ro w a 'a C M i l t I n lo a ip M T e i.S £ W YDHiC, A *tH )* -T < n in a 0 «rd < n I

W flkoroon. the GahrMton jockey who fe ll ' a t Aqueduct Racetrack Wedneoday and i fm ^ O fe d kla fk iill. wag repui ted at the I

H e ^ t a l Uat night to be eery much ‘ fld tbe Burgrona there hava i

o tro a t « c U t mtlm ata ro-

Totala ................ . mT E A M B.

M urray ......................... IteBchulU ......................... 1 «*Brown ........................... iMBrauna .......................... HIKunath ......................... 171Tauacher ...................... I®P. B an h ........................ IK


Northrop Dana

N. A CIftim



K eer ................................. IRO tbom ............................ 1*7Austin ................ Jta




T 6 e Columbia \ r j j f J .rw y i-(,y VDUld ll lt f 1 8 hbai' from all unlfnrmed tcaau averaa ln * f t a h w ii , 8 t«--n iy y rt fi* - 1 1 1 K x «a r fc . KllxaSeih, Montclair, O ra n *, and Wcatflcld o lt.rlng a au lub l.

113 ruarantac. A d d rw j T. J F ltipa iH . k ua I M on i*om »ry a i r c i . J erw y Ciiy.156 I —tyr\ „

T h * Q idckatcp j and tkc M yitic ba.«,ball m n u w ill n » « t a t ih » trou nd i pf W oodald. A tb lc tlc Club lo-moiTow mom. In*.

Alao ew eptiona l t »1m ta U aderw ^r.

;583 Broad streetDeew* Below O a tro l Avenae.)

P. y Rundiv*. f:3ii A. M.; 4’:03 P M.For siaiinne on Klah Bridge Branch. 7:30 A I

M.: 4,40 IV M. IFor pEBtiuni on main line New Jersey-Central

pivjslons. RtfUon. n«hlehtm and Allentown. i 7:30 P;«i3 A. M . 1:30. 4:40 iB:4S to Easton) ' P. M. Sunday*. Lift. 8:*3 P. M-

For Mautih Chunk, 7:Sft. It:03 A. M.: L33 4:'*0 P M Pundayi. MO ft:.Vi P. M.

For Wuk^sbsrre. Plnuon and Scranton, g:08 k. M.. 1:A-6 P. M. . V -VFor Elizabeth and Booelle. ai d;12, 6:30, T:*0.

Ri-IS. P:Sft, I0:(W. 10:4.5. ILSS A. U -. 15:0ft. L35. L3S. 2:SB, S :« , 4:iH. 4:40.r- 04. 5:23, 3:46. 9:19. 7 ;n. S:l0. 6:50, 9:30. ILOO I' M. Svindav*. T:Rn. {i;0ft, iftiOg ll;3ft \. M-' 11^2:45. 4:W. 5:03. ft:85. T:06, 9:15. 0:<», I0:*3

Pewarwn. at 6:1*. S:38, B:(I3. 10:03. 11;gJ A.5F : l : !« . 3-»^ --or ft-4,V «:jf» R;v » R U. Sun. 7avp, fiifUi. tnKVl A. M.: 4;0n P H

For Perth .Amboy. 6:13. » :3 a Bior B;s|i tojo^II 33 A. l:5». 3:35. 4:02, 4:40. 5:45, 6:10, »‘ :50 P, M. Sundaya, 0:05. 10:05 A. M.: 4;U5 ^ M.

For Atlantic Highlands. Veabrlaht etc., via Mfftawan. 6 :1 2 . K;.Vt. 1 1 :1^ .a. y[.- f : 4o5:4ft P. M. flunrtaTP, 0;O9 A. \j.; 4 :fi5 i

For FTeehold. 6 :8 6 A. V ; 1:58. 4\o. 8:45 P. U.

For Red Bank. I>nne ftran<6 ». Ocean <Jr- vc. etc. f^ l* . Red Bank onfvY, 6:,38 ift-ga Rtd ‘ Bank only). tl.Xl A. M. (1;M. Bed Pank'onlyl '

4 :0 2 . Red Bank only). 4;40. 6:1* p M. g>irii I days, eacept to Ocean Omve. tlOKU KedHank only) A. U .: 4:0ft P. U.

rnr I«kawood. 6 :8 ft A. M-: 1:56. 4:0* R M ' Funda-va. 10:05 A. M.

T^ma Btver and Harneret. 6:35 A II.* 1*5A 4:03 P. If. gundaya. 1 0 :0 ft a . It. I

Fot Atlantic Cltv and Brld«ernn. t:5R P U. FOR NKW YOFK

At 5:J0. 5:*V*. 6:2l>. 6:40, 7:«0, T-JO. 1:4ft '«:0ft. 6 : » - 9:Sn. 9:40. tOlOO, lfl:Sf).19:40. H;00 11:W i , M ■ ,i;00 M.i li:30. .i-.on. i ; « . j:jn . 5:i5. Hid. «:Sn, #hA. 5:K, -5:M, » * » . « : » . «:40. 7:00. 7:10, 7:119. TirJl.»;5». 108» 10:40. 11:2) P. M.; 1»:B5. li;40Dl*h>. SandH- 7:00. 8 :I1 ). 0:09. 10:lXi, 11.W A. M.: 1 * ^ '•■iJ.;'’'*- '■*V S:"0. S:‘ IO. 4:09 .5:90. 0:09. 7:09. AXW. 9:«9. tOXX). 11:00. 1J.4A) '

BOTAL B U 'S U S E , 1r « Tmitfln »n j PbliaMpbu. 0 :1 » (txrtpt i

PhllaOflpillAl. y p lS:0a. nrapt Tmilnn).108» <Mc»pl T«ntm,> A. K.; iHXIB. .an ci

5:04> 0:10. T-SO. lldO P. |f. Oonoay. O-os 10:00 A. M.; 1:10, 4:95, 6:00. 7:05. 0 ™ P H i

Pot Boltlinora and W .*!n »to i,. *:M ,1 1 ;» A. ll*®v8:«4. 0:10. I j S ) P. li:H u^an. U:CS. 11:03 A. H.. 1:10. 3:03. TxiO '

C lio *, Br. . , 9 Otrwl'guttaTi. 'w « l Cltx Tlcklrt Ofllc*, is i HirOM ilrK L TeieMKHtt ao-


X^ave Newark (ur^Patersoo. 6:16, :4T. 8:45,6:i3AItl.lT A. M.. U:lk). *j2a. 8:4.,

«:26. 6:oft0. B:1 0 . 1 U:SI P. U., and l 2 :Ji A. M. liundaya. 9:Btl A. *4.: 1:37. a:41. T.UO, bJW

forlu ’kl p u.Paterson lo Newtrk-Leave

.Newark. 5:89, dtlS, 6;4U. L l:'. T:4ft, b:2J. lw ;n, ILSU A. M .; L U . 2:16. 8 ;S6 . 4:M. J gs 1:3ft, 9:1W, Ut:3b P. M. {iuudaya, T :if. 8 -a*k U '03 A M .: L52. 5:Sili IU:J8 F. M-H, : 1 .(h., O.OIP, .* •

N E W AR K Atil) NEW TORE. _ Leave Newark iSew irk lo New York)-^n^

6.4ft. 7:21, 7:411.M.; 1:41. *:4H, 4:irt. 5;k*. 8:0T. 6 :W. I L " p M. Sundays. T:ft5. U:Op. 11:39 A. II.I 6:07. S:8ft. IL IO P. « .

Leave N e « York. Chambers ttreet (New To t to N « im tk )-5 ^ . 7:15. » :% 0:45. » l : »1:SU. S;1S. 4:15, 5:00. 9:22. 3:93. •:**, 7 ^ 1(1:00. IS'.iiO P. H. auBda>*s, OnM A. V .l LAA 8:16. 6 :Ku. 6.i)0. 10:00 P, R.

Ci*nne4*(lBg trains lea\e at foflewaiDay £iu<r»aia leavea Newark 6:15 A. M.

Sunday. T:6 6 .A;_*'M. Veatlbuled Umlted Newark. 1:41 P M, BulTato E^preea l«*” f Newaj'k. ft:5ft P. M-: Sundays, T:0g P. M. Cftl* cago Expresa leaves Newark. 8:10 P. U-i 8 uiP

: daye. 8 :lfe P. M.I For tlrketa. baggage chacks, siceplog cor I cation, tlmetahlea, rail at the c ity llck tt Of* [ ffee. 16* Market atteei. Teiephona iO. or U \ station.

Lackawanaa RailroalEipnaa Lralpa iea<>e abJ amve at H^bokaa i

. fullows:

Leave.Llmlns Local.............. giL } A. M,Lackaa'antw Limited..*10:15 A.

Y. and Chicago E*n •1:-*0P.V., Scranton andN.

S :

4 : ^ T f £

Plymouth ............... 4:17 P .H .Cbtc. Vettibuled Eap.. H:*!) P. tL UuOalo. Otwegu and ^

Ithaca Sxpreos *9dnP. M.BulTato and Chicago

i i i S l& l i :

bfixui Elithn . -.. - . 3:90 A. M. lOdI A. & Tickeu and Pullman ocromaiodatMii

Broad fttreet Itation. Newark. For ehM of inilaa at Newark tee Soburtain Folgara. _■ expron tralna doily batsraeti Newark ood H*w York.


L E H I G H V A L :L E YT n lB 9 BatwM a TB«m Fala^a.

A N C H O R LIN E.. avuioIu; * i n ^ 6)«a York m i iR~ i

0 C A 5 O U W v ia L O M X )M I> ft «4 i« , , P s u a n *9 0 > ■ «

> « C a O f, •a s .M mm*T W



• D i l b r m M ' t a H l a y . o t i i w t n i u . U l rIJX: Mx-'kj. ■ • ! * " «- .»u t la iL A r ! w « k .

T o U l » .................... 10»M . A a a ' i ■ • v l r n W la

T h * Bb Ann ( Bawlinc club th fZ l » aBna

To-nlfh< • !;iub H 9 U th*

piay Ih * T e a p k liw A- *

A lo 'iilu s Catholic

C. H. U >ulr*l t* B » n i ( * r p f th , gouih fib W Club Junior b . » h , | i T n ,

T h * t** in la open fo r ^ l l e n t n fro i» '

I He Behool, HurrtoUh. h « w w n l * « . 1 bosrtm ll ch ib and otodtad w ll l l tm R ar« 1 r ln t t H cuplbto. W ! 1 I U » O w w th e r trtuu-

u rw and A rth u r B u u uBcrutMT.

Club H eu the eenlor b u k e tM H t « in ) w in i the luembere o f vh lc i, noi nn■ C. «J b ro o U s -^ The . ,n , .r e ra v * . o re r ytere <rf ™

A. C. W edM edar n l«h t th iW ' ju n jo r/ u iu ptay the E n p irte o f d ty . jm M thb W aw o od a ' aUairb j I ta a q a s W U M Jow eU M ta |

T h e Quicketepe oC Hhrrtaon vou M like

to e m n t e f « » — ^ ” , , 1 5 2 1 7 ^ *a t n « n * » " * ■ •*•*“ 2 . ™ ? 5 * e A M re ee O v w Q a lM . »

i ' i i ' i ' 4 ...... 9 :n A M8:46^, II. BaBaio « wtotem ben o;Qi a M ’U :a i P. M..BIaek DtanMoa E ip.;p 6 ;4l p. M l l : l « P. K.M, Chmik * Haa^a L> •10-S A M

*4:64 P. MiWU-Bittw ft gcraa. Be * u iS - *«a:«g P. Me.......Faewia Local.......

ClMwvg A Ithaca LicoL ~6 J T P . »,Chk a Tor. Tea. Sigw.6 J t P . ]| ,..% »aaA )e» BkgrwT:.» : l i K M ltlL . Wmt, A WeoL R e,Tlekaca and Pattmaa aeeanwM t

For tarthcr infiaiieallin apply to ---------BrethagOi. 17 oM 19 Iroaditay. K «w TOrk. w WUUola M H ia , T» feallFrttle goUh. « r C . ^ -------------- ----- e t. or M. B. M u le * Ce^tnOA 4A, or IL B. M u le *h e Srueh •»-. « 3 JL & • '**• *•*I. M. B m e h Cm, M Bneh M.. Keeent,

O L D D O W IM IO M L 1K &ta A U .il M U bVH H *

re t o u iMtai






^ I Haoy Well-Aflowo Players Get M’ I ' ' lowaiccs af freio M to 17


4 i '.J. A A AAAAAAAAAAAAA A AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAf t t l f f l T T H t g a a a a a a a a a

+ + 4 4 ^ 4 4 -f+ A -f -A + -A -A 4 + -f -A + A + + + + + + + + + > + + -+ + + + A -f+ A + + + + + *+ - ( -A+AA-f-! A 'rAA + + + + + + + .+ + 4 + + 4 + .+ 4 . . .

NKW VnilK, Aiirll 19.—By miill ywliT- day ijie f1rj<i iifW:* was m-plVMl vnnccrn- iJiK tlic anrivnil fprintf mectinR nf the nf*R'


Rowiog AssociatioD Decides I'pou the Programme for the Meet on

the Rirer on June I.

The fl« « iii!t t'ommlrtff oT the f ’assalc RJvat UowItiK r!i*i‘ld-c‘il Ins! nlchi Id h’lve cijilu i vcivf» nt the

InlermUional Cj clista’ I ’nion tlmi wu?* ' twt-my-st vi inh ;iiiitviHl n-K;*ttn uf iht- an- tSraeeo'Roman heavyw«'ighi champlen. In j hrlii at Alessan«lriti, llnly, on Easier .Mon- | sodaiioii to Lp'M on Jttnr I

<lny. A. (i, Haii'ht'hh^r r^prest'iiU’d the N'a- lionul Cycling As^judnilnn the Unlioil Slates ami hi-uinjllcrl for the hUcrmUJonal

Dwyer, of Uruml Haijlds. Mleli., ai New- I champJon?h>p^ to he rtin In 1W-. The ark April '’4. hA»t iwtt out of ihn-c fallH. ! champlmishliim of ililj* y»*ar are fn hr run yatch-as-ca'u'h-taii siyle. im'l o" Apiii K ' «l ttfrli" 1" July an'l 'h y e »IU I'f « i

___. Ih,. : meftiti# at that tltn. of the 1. C.COn: l"i*

meetitin: »t that time r>f the 1. C. I’ , whk'li ihla u|i[)Ucalloii wiltdlan'Champlnn. In Hroekton. Masi». |

JArt'ttkf* and Barker wrestleil two hours , ,( jj, iiitltiide of tlie lOuro-pean ddrgaieH Is aiilticlently fnvpr:tlite toward Amerlcti to make It prohahU? lliat the worJU'a ohampion.Hhlp will by held hen* next year. Bnlchclder Teretvi?d jih- .stirnnce thfil if the vote iicXl July did not Send the internsilonal inert the riiUed States thl« country would certainly get li In* IIKES. At Paris lant year weremad? on the churaplpnablp. juoefi. ^nU itI O' 1 ■aSYIriirfS.rA AWt.. ...aT. ..riuMn I...

was over.riirktt'tu^hlKlTl will mtcnipt to throw'

three jwd wtthlii u time Hihlt of Jlflcen tnlrmte i' fit'Vi Urooklyn mUHlc halh via.;Frank Jordan. George RtchnnlMnu, the lifeBa 'Vr of JJoraen Reach, ami Jim Gfllvln, i i - lj<*1tovPd Ihiit this I'ifn easily he .nur the "Irish Comet,” who recently stayed passed In this country.Atteen minutes with Leo l*ardello,


L n n e li Ml«n >1ore T Im n ■ M a leh fo r

Peoaay lvan la F iR h te r .

M A N C H E S TE R . N , H., A p ril 19 .-A fler five rounds o f fast figh lln g laid rTlRhl br- iween George Gardner, o f !>nwell. and Tmi Hurley, o f SuBqilehnnna, Pn.. the lnl- ter's second* threw up (he sponge jii!*:! fts ihe men were about to be called up for the sijah rourul.

The go was scheduled fo r fifteen miinds ami waft given under the ^luspicps i>f the gueen City A th letic Clnh

Gardner worked both hands to good e f­fect on H urley 's fttomach ami rlhs. iiot for- gi'lting to land a few now itml then un the face In the f lm three rounds.

The flflli and laftl round was Gardner's from the Blart. He piit his man to the floor twice and the gong aoved Hurley.

A fte r the Su.Hquehanna man had been In hl^ rhulr a few seconds hla handlers ihrevj up' the.sponge.

The rvojH'i will in* as fniuiw.- :Juplur iniiglc.Senior airiHlc i.'-|H-« ial fnr <*culh.Tft who

lmv« WAjh a sruinr rucc). 'Jiinh-r di'Ubh-. 'Senior Alouhlc.Junior rniif-har« 1 fc-

I 1 ritcrmcdliit«‘ foni;*4j*tjifvd-j .lunh'V ''igh*;\ Senior 1‘lghi.; The wtenmer I’assalc Quycjj-,was hired,

for the-oinciuLs; itud press-tG^resetiiatWeA. The Hpcflnl sctilor single r-ice.' which Is

Ui-new foauirc, ehunid, it tf'thuught. prove ' very intercstihi:. as th**re ;ir« n nmnluT of j local m<‘n who have galnul tliuir si iihir ! laufE'-lH. hpt .^jnld not buck, up

siic i mA-n as Utivcnnl, Runnihr and oihcr crucj oarsmejt. . •• 'A r r of fflf''Vf^nTI* Sfrn'^t n ■ Iftiin' RiralghfaTvay from the i*otnl House to the Institute burtlhonpe. There 'W'lU Is* m» de-

TU. eyciin. c r ..n ..U lo n , UuM r.pr*-»y.U , hr lullnwisiB rountrie* hn. .l.-leKim-, ai ;

Ihe m...ling: trance, llaiy . Germany,, The meeting Mat: nlghf.k-na hcUl ai. Al-herscjti'B, a Comm ’rce.-itl fs?!. I’ljmnjwiori- IJaddow ■■w'as In the < liale' mid delegates weN* nrepent from tl c \ alencln Ihmf.L’luU. Hoboken: Kervid'BDai <’ luli, HellcVnie; Newark Rowing '^Inh. Iiudlikti ndiif t'lub ahd NA'Wark Aihlctlf rinb. A

DrlefTAteit \M>fo From.

A c r e p ts W a r d 'a U f A,Joseph. L*wh*. of luw Third nvennt,

BrfjDklyn. w'ould like to accept Denny Ward's challetige for (,’hrls McCann, of Pdssujc. He names l[l|. pounds an the wiUKhb and*pnys that McCann will flghl either in public or Jn private.

association FOOTDALL.A rlliiv in it v»4 Troe* DIur.

The Arlingtons < J Kearny will meet the Tjue Blues of Paterson at Cosmopolita*! PAPk. East Newark, lo-morrow afternoon In A championship game for the American cup, The Bluea will bring down the atrong- frft i^am they have had out this season, while ihe Arllnglons will have out their reguUr team. The Blues are very deter-, mlpid to retrieve the honors they lost lu t.hs Earlier part of the season and a fltu* game is kssured. A big dplegation of root­ers from th^ Silk City 1* expected to ac­company the Patecson bf>ys lo East New­ark. Th* Un&-up will be as follows:

Arllugtcmi. True Blue.s.Hiller...................... Goal ..........Donald.............. Full buck ...• W d o n ; . , , F u l l back*tark................ Half back ...fagan.,...........Half back

JfvOre.il....,-..., Forward ...Folding............ Forward ....W w rock....... Forward

I'nltcU .Stales, Spain, PortUKid.BAvltznrland, Canada, New Zealand. The Argeiiilije Republic was an unaci-eiiicd cnmlhlute. There are iwo drt;.iniz:i(hnis in the llepuhllc now battling for the con- irtd uf the s])ort. The cycling Airgunlsu- . [inns of Spuin and Portugal were both 1 newly admitted members, A letter frnm I (he American delegate .»ays: "Ii was Imade apparent by the French vote at 1 the meeting that eventually all <-y<-lp rac’ ; ing In Frunre will be controlled liy the ; l.'nlon Velocipede de Franrf, which now I controls finly the profe^aloual em! of it." ;

The meeting sprung one sensational thing for Aruertesn riders who have thought fur a year or so that they were lieiiiltiK all the w'orld In ret oril making. The rules made, by the 1. r . V . require that all lime recor<lp above the distance of one mile must he made from a Htiimliug i start. This will .^hui tnii of recognition as world’s rwords a great many that have In this country been recognized as such and have been allowed by ihe N. c. A.

At the Herlln meeting the Amei'h'ftn r»*presenia.tlve win submit a rule for adop­tion that will allow of flying starts U )T

time records, and thin Is a ilme-hT>nored cu.stom here. It Is believed that next July England will apply fqr roemlierahl{> In the 1. C. V . At present Great Britain Is the only country of consequence not In the International association and BrlO.«h rid­ers are barred from Continental racing unless they 9ev«*r all home connectlona.


ST. michaEl ’^ 'fiveWINS TWO GAMES

Seiiors Defeat Deminicans aad JboIws Down Tiger A. 'C. iu Fine Basket*

ball Contes.j.

8 « Tbree-concred Race at Ssstoa and Two Other Events ia

Nef Eopaai , :• ,,

At. Harmoiilii Hall lu"' i.igbt (he St.Michad'K Y. S\. yciilDr i-.i'-kcihall team hdul nu trouble In dL'b'uiiut. the Domini­can senior learn by u ol ir: lo 11. Tbe Juniors wcre'to pU>' th'' Mulv Gross 'Junior team, but the latter f;tll-1 id ftpi‘eflr:' The Tiger A. A. WITH jiul'sniui'’1. and wua ^s ily defeated by the s‘ i tt n( to 2.

In the first hulf of On* s- iunr game St*Mlbhaid’s gnve a cIcv.t < \hll‘iiiDti of pass- liig and blocking uinl si *<rcil thirteen ftcUl goals. The Dominbiir.s hid liiird luck with, the basket ami f>iib ‘sucreeded In scoring one Add pool .iml a frve throw.The score at the pnd >'( tl ■ flrei half was 26 it> 3 In fit. .Mlchiiol’ rs fii\or.

In the second Imir ih« liDmlnlcans saemed to wake up uri«i li* i'i Bi. Michael's [Collier, Dr. Joseph CDtllns, W, Kth

Local golfers will be especially Inter­ested lii the full official hanUloap list as comidled by ihv Metropolitan Golf Asso- cluilonuf ihose hamikapped f/um, one up to ten were piibUsheil In the NEU'fl yesler- ilsy, but in adi^thav tn this there are over AH) others reci'lving allowancea up to and induillng seveiite»n.

Among those coming imder the he^d of eleven are noticed such well-knoMlrn players us A. Schroeder, former daidain of the goK: c'^^'<M8%<mtclulr; rlsN>n. another • Mimtclalr crack, ■ wlio de­feated Marc M. Michael, tl'ie Nutley <*raek. In the i>pcn tounmmE'tu at Knoll- woud, two years agu, juid W. A . Lamed, of Baltiisiol, the well-known golf and lennls expert.

TIiGDse \Vtio l im e T w e lra .K. G. K hju, the Ka.st Orange golfer,

who piu)‘od r*'gnhirty on the team lest year, has been rainl ni iwelvei while at, thirteen Ihere nre Austin GqIgiUe, who defeated A. H. Lurkln In the Ooiisolatlon play of last year's New Jersey champion­ship tourTuimcn: fii Essex Oouirfy. and Paul Wilcox, who last fall won the title of champli'ii of the golf club Of Munl- dnlr.

Thi‘rc arc a surjirlslng miAtber uf players wHi known In ihia vicinity who are rated at seventeen. Thhj In­cludes L. De OoM. who worked his way to the. finul round of the NewA^k Athletic l liili champiotiabip' Inst year;J, \V. Halsey, one of the scratch player*In the local i-bib, Cliftord Gould, of ^wex r:(njnly. ami others. Hen* fs the official Hat from ten lip to seventeen, Iticlusive:

The Eleven Heo,Hiindi* a]i II—A, A. A^ams, F, W. ,

Bacon. Jr.. George If. Barnes, ^fax Bebr,J. A. Ululr, Jr.. 11. 9. Brooks. R. W. randier. J. H. «'haJwlck.. E. N. Dailey, damps A. I’’ ilwiirtls. F. L. EldrUtgc. J . F. JSmmil, 11 L. Kish. H. A. Gllderelceve.W , K Glyi), r . c - . iloldsborough, Harold Godwin. L. n, Graham, obarlss F. Grant.\V. A, iLujiiUun, I’uul Blarrison, H. E. IlavemeyiT. William T.'Hilton. P. Notmun, M J. O'Brien, C. L. Perkins, JoiepH Ityle K. W. Sanger, A. Schroeder. Joseph II. Spfiman, II. T. Schrlver, M. Smith, O. G. Smith, R. H. Syms. R. T. Talboi. WvlUs Terry. G. Fox TllTaivy,_ H,A. Tucker i' I* Turner. T, C. ’Watldn«i Harold \\'1]ci..x, .Si. J, Wood. Thomas Hovendfr. F r . Jennings. P. H. Jenidngs,E. W, Jfw»’ii. L, S. Iverr, J. M. Knapp,R. G. Lungdun, W. A. l.,arned, H, 6, T^eavid. G .1. LUtle, W. J . McConvIlle,J. J. Manning. T. K .\ferrlU, L. .Mortimer.

Ilandfciip i::—G- R Adams, Ernest Adoe,W. A. Adrlaure, B. M Allen. C. W. Baker. A. F Barron. W, O. RayllB, D. W. Bishop. C. A. Mlyth. A. H. Bond, V ,\ K .

Bonner, A. K Bourne, E. W. Brooks, t\ 9, Brown. James Brown, J. B. Bullan,I. T. BuBh, \V. L. Cahn,* F. C. Curley. F’ercy Chubli, L. i.i. rhorchlll, B. Clark, Craig Colgiiic. Frank Cunjilngham, J . W. Curtiss, R. 1. (’uthbert. Roy ds~Ralsmcs,T. A. Eddy. J r , Frank Enos. W, A. Flagg. Archibald F'lrbcs, M. Graham. Jr.. N- F. Griffin. W- B lUmlltOTi, J. B. Harrlmun,T. H. Harris. W. R, Hill. F. C. HlUiard,R. G. Hugiivs, A. J. Jennings. ]•]. C. Kent,F. ] \ KJmbnll, J. It, Klrki>atrlck. Jr.. J .C. I>ord, F. i,. l.oring, Jr., W. 'W, LKiwrey,A. J . McClure. H. G. McKeevcp, D. M. ‘Marvin. J. Moller. Jr.. W. E. F. Moore,A. 9. Morrow*. A. Morten. 9. Mowry. L. C. Mftrduvk. H. C. Myltifl, R F. Pftfer. 1.. M Flct^lfl,' 11. K. Fler'rapont. • Jr., A. W. KosTj title Fu.st.“ J. r..Powers,; r . || Fy4>tjiO f t *';b . F.,Jlelnihund.

f%tt. t5. frtunj*cit,‘ Alfreti SctfMi, .U.. n S M. Shaffer,- J r . J. II. Sherwood. W. P. Hlocovltchr ■ W.: P. Stern, K. L. Blevenson, J . F. TaJ- lUftdgc, Ur, J . E*| Talmadge, Jr.,' H. R. Townsend, S O. Vanderpuel, G. A. Von Diihii, Wrtltpr flisyson,- J . ij. P. Whar- toji, A' K. AVhitne>\ H. T- '^'bltney,

Allovfatice o f T hirteen .Htihdffxtp 13—H. 'Mf ’ AlexamJer. A S.

Barnes. E. K. Ueddall, W. C. Beecher. R. «L. BeockJiMxeL,A. W .DUck. iL A^.C, BIujCK. burn, P. R. .Bonucr, H. BrooJui. J . A. Brower. Dr. W. 8. Brown, N. B. Burr, W. JiV, Cnjwelh F. F. Chryalle, Austin Col* gate. I k rolgafk, J . C. Cottrell. F. K. Curtis. Paul Dana, K. 8. Dike, J . -W. Farquhar, tl. 1>. Fooie, SuBuier Qdfard. R. A. OfMimia. S. P. Hopl^ns, A. W. Ilnyi,X. O'Hhniphreys, W. Uungerford, G.H. Jenklnsnn. 2d. E. L h ^ f ^ e . E. A.

Robert Langdop, John Larkin, George. C. Low. Aflbur'M on,‘T. L. Map- aon. dr, J. W Multllellh, rl; IT Moore. H:C. Mortimer. Granf’ Notman, A. 9. O g l^ IHI R. n,Paterkr>rt/f«|*org* Jt. t^fklns. w P . PerWna.' F. 'J. ^PhimlA,* t^hhrles I f Pope. Jr., K. W. Sheldon, VV. C, fiheldoni T, W, Siylrn; John R. Suyrtnm. S A. RweiiHpn, H. W. Taft. T. J . Tavlor. J, C. Ten Eyck, C. 8. Treat. E. R. Walker. W.W Waterman. C. T. Wemplc, Paul Wil­cox, r . G. williams. R. H. Winiam*. Will­iam Witherspoon'. Dr. George Wonleej-.

Handicap 14 -J. French. D. A. Fuller. H.B Gaylcy. V. Garret, C. R. Glllpt, R. D. Graham. A. B. Graves, F M llurrlson.A. .T. Haydel. A. Hodges, F. IIods**n. J r ,J. K . Hoffman, Ford. HatillugiDis. n 0,Hunton, E ..L . Kalbflelsch. Jr. Ken-nudy, V . R- King. M. T. Lyon. D. ll. Mc- Alpin 2d, Thomas A. Mark. K Vl«r* thew'Sfiii. A. Moffat, W. C NVgsmltli. Howard Page, P. W. Page, f). M Palmer,J . A. Peck. C. 'W. Pierson. II IMlmpton, H. a ; price. W. 8. Ralnsford. Iv S Ran­som. H. 8. Redfleld, W, C. Rldgway. G. C. RlggSi*C. E. Roberlaon, T. G. Cong-bm. Jamea CotiVt'Cse. G. A, Cormack. W T. Crosa, H. Dally. D. D iDqna, L. Daniels,8. W. Doubleday. John A. Drake. W B Eager, A. Rogers, C. Runyon. J r . M. W. Th^ j-w. M. Tllden. Jr.,. C. J . Turner. Jr.. R, E. WMghfltn, ,N. N. W'llllamsiui, L B

Wing, F. 8. VVnnham, R. J* WorrGi, Charles Adams. M. M. Adgms. J M. Alrt- andre, Jr.. H. U. Andrews, J . K Barn*'*. Pr., H. Batchcller. George L. Hc»r, P W. Bierbower. G. T. Brokaw, H, Riuib n. F Burgees, H. C . Carbaugh, W. Cliry‘'M' , A- 8, Clark, A. B- Claflln. N. H. rob-. I'rli.-.'


i i r .



Suits to Order,mtii.5 «s W indow Display.


\ \ / H E lV W-* established a Custom Made Suit for

to order, made up In faultless styte. properly tailored, an d i^S ir i~ *:r :: >*;e workmanship ajuJ lininKS, we ex- , pected yu dp bu.sine.ss, but o u f highest hopes to obtain" patronage was more than doubled- W e arc making them still and never better than now.

Y OU-cannot fail to appreciate this offer if you ^ ill ,(;a ll an(l see our line of A L L W O O L CLOTHS

order atyte

$ 1 2 . 0 0 .W E CARRY the best selected stock in the City

'' and make a better' Utting garment, better tt;immed and superior in workmanship and save youoTsie- u a l f in c o s t .

. ■■■ ' >'* ■ r i.' H e J S C I A i . F O K k ^ A T l 'R n A Y t

. Vestings, wuiih *5t f() fur with everyiiiil order.

t o O r c l e i * , $ 1 2 k O O .

H. Greenwald,106 M a r k e t S t . ,


Shits to Order,

See Window DJipUy.

;>00 0 0 0 < > 0 0 < > 0 0 0 0 0 < > 0 0 0 0 0 0 < > 0 0 0 0 p 0 < > 0 0 < > 0 0 0 0 0 < xI V I o l x i o i a i x G r l x i g s e r |

1 9 T

A I v O jV K .

' W ' l X H O U T T

. Conlim ied users of Imported Ginger Ale never, ffo back to it after once drinking the Mohican. For tone, richness and quality Mohican easily holds the lead. The lower price is only an added attraction. *

g r e j i i c a « A . i . , C ; J i v a ) . i . i > F p A . i „ i c i « ! 4 .

J e r s f i e ^ v * l l r o o c l

w . j > . i ^ i n r A i v , i v i f . i M . K c - r .

(> O 0 < > O O O O O O O O 0 O O < > O O 0 < > O O 0 < > O O < > O O < )

MEN'S WALK-OVER SHOE,] Photographic Suppliesi l s : r . r ; o e o i n t 4 . i, p fp i ) i5 u i ,R i ( f ( {4 ,n ;

p r ^ h st^ck,o^ M v e t i.p i.te .. vm co

special Prices for Friday and SaturdaywciuTV Ilian nnr htuitiv, hyi;- c.t*l. u|) liM]ut” ami rw'ffci't Hi- niiK wnlk-nvHr _.<•1101*- itimlu by thi* liqritj-wtVH'tl pr«<-cs« - irco |Irt'ltt WRXYllUMUlft UIKI t;4HkM, I i-yeieT iAHn Iiodks Wrtir bla 'k.

.Fasie, Ty! <* with bruih, Nq. i . , t j . . .I'iSte, ‘iube, wilU biusli, No. 2 .........Fruit Hollers, exira quality, wood

kindlek.’ .......Wash boxes, ^7 or 4-S heavy zinc,

lu>ld 24................... .....................I.




188 Market St., Newark.t . t b i m m k r D R O P IN C O AL.


i D t l i Y r t J i K y ; t b e p c i ' T o f i » i * ) i t t IihI (lie HU|ictiDr of inatiy nl i '<r ft.'i und #it Nhoi'b nl Dth^r , citleris :k tiliDc M hit;]ii, lirmg*t I'.uktoihcrH evury ibiy tluuT N A i‘i'.''u: '•-5 ’ ' i ’lJ':.. hold 1 2

I Ksjialive I'reitrvtrs, 4x5, per KX)........... 1,’t' , Ijmps (oil), liijht itfhl....................... :{H

' Mtxsuriiii; (jIjSms, .s o/........................ t i l. !. Funnels, gUs!)....................................... 07,^ Tr.«yi, MxlO, Ainhsr pljss....................'.iJU

■t Trays, 5i(i. Arnher class............... . l i ti Trays, 4x5. Amber c'ljss.................... ,0 U! Trays, ITbrr, 4x5 ................................... (Ml

Tnvs, I Ihri-, 4x5, special, wUli III*... ,UH r.dkt Ton use Solu! ion, S fir, bottle.. , I U Uevelopinc I'ossdcrs, all kinds, per

box of six........... , l ( tWeluvethe larccst slock In Newark of

Chas. Cooper & Cn.'s pure clieniicafs.Ask to jee Fssex Pennanenl Platinum


Special DtmurMlralion Saturday, 8-9 P. M. on


KIIIM, YOUf! M:iiATIVi:r4.


^roTtor^fU i* n la r d fritli BrM l^high Egg» Sl«ne E iW l^ ' PtlR

lud Q)4»i(nat. 5 . 0 0 V i l V I K l n U i i i i g W o s m J

-NiV. 4 , «0 d *d#r T«jji.lil.B a 3 w r . l * aU '4 I ' l 'r - 2 . 0 0

l lo lb Th on fit ffSiaOFFIGE-89 N. J. R. R. Ave., Cor. LafayetteSt.

Drop Pultiil in Uoi Thta EV.iilin; ari,! Coal Will Bb Mllvercl l.-morrow

• * Cht • *Photo Supply Co.

9 0 » B K O A D S T R E E T .

. .....MIHvr . .Alexander...........Barr........ ...Hall.......Turner...Cochnne ......... BTUoi

■ H ae Arthur..... Lauder.......OldfleW

■The Arlington Club *111 hoW Ita annual ^ptaou and ball to-night at Eiberon Hall.

^rmati,.......... Forward ....ttansoD.,...,..... Forward




K S fe ik ik rB id L

^ . N S W B u a l T W w t U f M . >■ aOn.


NewEkStife,l82lraHSL* a

Tfte ej e lf racing aeajon 'opens to-day. in New Engl.ncr. At Boston John A. Kelson, Will C. Stinson and Bubble W slth ^ r niKl' In 8 lwenty-flxs-mlf« tnotor-^paced race. Nat Butler and Harry Caldwelt compste In a twenly-flve-mlle race. F. J. Caldmll will rsce Joe Downey at New Bedford for twenly-Bs-o miles. A (en-mlle raid race for amateura wilt be beFd at Medheld, Mass.

The Yale Bicycle Club will hold l(j scorch to New Brunswick on Sunday. The club will leave a s Clinton avenue at S:yS o'clock sbarp, and wUl pass through SVs- verly, Elisabeth, Linden. Railway and Metuchen. ■ - * .

The members will not make any stop St New Brunswick, but will start on their return trip timnedlately. Floyd Kpehs, the

Flying Dutchman," and Johnny King rill do Ihe pacing, and they Intend to

make the going Itvejy.Charlie «adlleld haa been training a(

New Haven on the eight-lap coliseum track. In company with CoUeft. Jacobbon. Saxon Williams. Clyde Chase, Willie Dob­bins and the members of the Tale bicycle tssm. They have been working out five miles both morning snd afternoon at an average gait of t*>.

The pace is Increased on the lu l mile, and the last lap U a sprint to the tape. CoHeU generally wins out but Is hard pressed hT Had Held.' The Hnal mile In yes- terdiy's Wprk-oul was done In tU , which la considered (sit ao early in. Che seasoB. HadBeld. Dobbins and Chase left last night for MedHeW. where the two ama­teurs ri4e In Ibe ten-mll^road race.to-adag.

- Ofl mla ts ia l »»d * to ‘I’isk* FlOre w gsio.

d ay to Kesr B n a s - sedak.

The Mlllbum WkealBien, to tlieYiuinber hi aboBt twenty-are, wW go oa-aclab ride to New Brunswick next fliinday. Tka start will ha at U o'doeh In the mora-

**?wo tandems, one ridden by George ChoCe a»d Cony 8 mHh.^aad the other by Hugh Dawn. ^ w / to lth , ^ ge M p ^ B g altenataly. X lla la'Ota tSvh'i

at- ' Y • . : __

*s .-

clfiwn to rtv * flpSiJ RnaG. vsliil* th^y srored flve Held goals nivl oi!i- fri** ihri>YV.

The goal fthofYtIng of iicth and theIndividual p laying uf Hus«ell was tine.

F o llow in g was the Uri*'U' ftl. M lfh aers Srs. TFiftifm'i-an 8 r8 .

FJhrly........... RlRhi funvufiJ .....Gunning(.Togan........ Left fFrrwanl .. .WhelanP: ............ CVnirt- . . .IkMiRherlyMorrissey...... Right tiuuril J Mf'DonoughHtWsell........... Ijeft giMr-l ........ Riauk

Referee—J. UallaghtT. uf St .Mlrhael’s, UnuiFre—J. VVhetaii, of lKtjnliii\-;in». Time- keept-r—D. Duly, pf 8 t. MiA'lnu I's

In the junior game in« Si MlohaeJe'f hftd ffkrerythlng their owit. '•Miy. vi'orfnf goat after goal. whil»" ih<< TigtT< ran arbund after the ball. i»ui ■ tulil not get their ^anda on U B(. .Mit h;ji I's. nliw goale, while th*' nppuHlnk team ^tled to acore any. In thv half8t. MI(iha<Ift*a scored ?i*w» ii*;Iil Koal* and one free throw, and the Tlc«-ps siored one field go.al. FoHawing was lh»- ilne-up;

at. Michael's, J l^ A- A*Croggh......... Right FfirWrint ...MooreMcLaughlin...Left Ff»rw.Trtl LeonardAdams................ C*enirr ........K Beatty......Right OmniRummell...... ..Left Guanl • • Mallen


lE o iw k O n n Expert Dropped S'Irst at ' geoioo a t T h rrr E icnts to S. * .

Van Allrii. *>FN E W TORK. April 1».-Thr flrst of s

astisa of thrso mauhes for ■* *'***• ***• loaor to pay for Hir cost of the events and birds, was decided yesierda}- at the old

.Dkxter Park grouruls. between H ^ry c. Koegel, of the East Side Gun Club _ f

ifftwark. and Stephen M 4 *p Allen, of theEmerald Gun Club oF"'*'TL . iV„„

T rt awn shot evenly- but ' an A l l « » ekpertence proved the most u-«e to Wm

■and he won by three birds- The bco."e

bold Edgar, A. H. Eliott, T. r i;r.ri"'.T. B. F. Fairchild. B. T. I». Fi-ke. Jl 'V. Ford,'P. H. B Frellnghuysen

The Flrteea List.Alandlcap Ifi^OMver Adams, f S ,4d.e.

H. Andrews, F. S. Armstrong. H lliii-ou; P. L. Babbott, 11. O. Bates, J]-.. II 1.. Batterman. H. D. Betts, George S Breed.A. C. Canfleld, N. 0 Carman. II. H ' -is- well, C. M. Chapin, E. L. Chetwood. 1- L. Clark, C. G- Coakley, Q, Cotllrrgnood. B.B. Cooke, F. A. Dattet, William K. Dan- Ifl, P. Jl. Ingalls. J, D. Irving, George tV Kealss. C, B. Kell. E, R. Kellogg. R H. Kerr, F. Larkin. Jr., A. L. I.lvermore, 8 . IV. Lockhart, E. M. McGlarhlln, .4 H. McKee, A. Macy. J. Macy. R. .MorHun, Dr. E. D. Hllchrll, Dr. H. Moffat <' deR. Moore, P. F. Murphy. E, Newkirk, W,S. O'Connor. George 8 . O'Flynii, .41 H. Palmer.'.R. W. Paterson, B. H pelser. Jr.. L. B. Preston, G. B. Post, Jr T. 8. 1’, Randolph, W. Raymond, G. I.. Record. S. A. Day, W. M. Dodd. W. 44'. Dodil. <’ Durgo. J. W. Escher, H, T. B. Krelliig- huysen, H. C. Gllderileeve. R C Glider- sleeve. R. M, Goddard, C. S. Goss. J i Graham. C. C. Harmstead, Ashion Har­vey, R. Headley. J. W. Henning. I- T. Hildreth, R. W. Houghton, M R H ""-. Odorge L. Hubbell, Ogden «#ld. T I', ^ynolda. J. B. Ross, H, M. Ri.hlnion. 'vtlllam Runkle, E. D. Ryder, Horace Rusaell. Lloyd Baltus, p. R. Sheldon. E H. Sherman, W. Shippen. C. H .‘tlmmons,E. de F. atmmons, B. B. Sloan, W. V. Toltey, Jr„ H. UnderhUI. C. S. Van Bens- Mlasr, E. W . Van V le ^ G. P. Victor. J r . r . .Waterman, F. L. W'ellman. F. B Wesson. J. A. Weeks, Jr.. A. L. 4Vhlte; k. H. willlains. Jr. B. Woodward. F. M Knee land.

Handicap W -C. P. Anderson, E, H Banwa, F. D. Beard, c . B. Beekwlih. c. W. Bamea B. C. Bliss. R T. Booihroyd. w . H. Bottsford. O. Bowley, B. B. Frown.F. A. Burrali. F, F. Carey, T. F. Chsd- -h !». J ‘

Ni'pser, J, E. O'Dnnohm'. J. J.'(Vpmiidiii''. Jr. II. L, I’lmcsnii. J. c;'rarrlsh , fllvi- livid I'lielus, W. D pUllllps, F, S. Phrnni r. iV, c. Post, James Foil. Jr.,.C. il.-P re ii. W. s. p Prenllec, E M. Price. N T rtllslfer;.WHlluni A. Putnam. B. lleiids- koff. E. L- Richards. Jr., W. T. Richard ■. \V D Rosenornnti, J. 4V, Ryle, P P " '• mar. M. L. Shed. E. M. Shipp. T. S H Simpson, C. A. Smylie, phurles Sieelv. t .d. Storhtnn."E. .N' Stoehr, F, B. Snidxeil C \V TaliUnr. A C, Taylor, M, T. Ta.'t"i. \V (' Taylor. J. ,s. Todd, K. Twreiiru. J- u.' Thomas. M. 1! Van Beuren, Gcora - Vitn Keiiren. A. H. Wadswnrlh. R. 1 Walden. Dr. H. A. '4'*'<!.f™. W- P- H II Warlord, J. H. White, H. U "H I- Inriis. I.-. J. WlTron; Oliver wren-' Jiim-s .4 Wright George II. Young. tR't'rg-* * Young.'R. N. Young. Ml « . Pattesuu.

■ The i.lm itrHandicap 17- L T. ABAitt, ''■‘i';;;''

Alls ms, Jt. )^ a r, E. A. Air.iult.44'S ' l l ' iWcon, 3/N. ^ In , H. RarUhO'^' c.' {lurtvVeil. E.:W, Barn-. C.-Jl. Be™*'L i t H IlBlts, W. R. Bigelow, R. K. li-uuer,

11 b ' liojd. D. 1. Bradley. N. Brnw-n. 44.I F, Hilliard, E. Burnett, T. O, Callender,

j ' p R, carhart. J. .M . Carrore. 11 ll. | L'heever; R Co,bd#n. H. E. Coe. 11 M :

i Colgate. W. 8 . .Coley, F. Could, c '4i De- , goil H. Eaton, J, R. Edwards, It. D. FdL- tee W. T Ferrtb, C, A, Fry, R Furman, i p. p. Gardner,'H. Olbney. ^C. A Gould. : Charles Grunt. Jt 4V. Halsey. H T Hal-

i „ v C H. Hamilton. R. L. Harrison. G ! o'ilaven. JF-'P! 8 . Hellner, H. Henry, G. ;' Hersch. E. R. HewUl, R. Hlcko*. 4'.: Hoikmeirr. Hodgman. T. li«UI»-

ler, J. Holibca. Jf i'E,- J, 'Hunt, B- Hurrj.;I w. B . . inrila, George • Joeobus, 4VlHt»m ; Janie, G R JbbrtMh, A. P- Kplley. Dr

Kleinhous, Y. Kneeland. J. E. C. LeuvHi E. 44'.. Leake. C. I*’ Lee. J. B. Lee, R. D. Littlejohn, W. P. Lough. H. R IxJUtts- bury. H. R. Loupshury, Jr., D H. Lojd.T T F. Luotteer. H. Lyman, H. McClen Shan. J McCulloch, R. McKee. W. -41an- Ice. W. E Marcus, E. B. Maraton, C, I. Marion. E. Masteif. R. F.‘ Mayhew. G ' Maynard. S. Merritt;' H. a . Miller, A. J. .Morgan/' H. L. Mott. .H. Murray, -M. T. Murrky. C. F. Norton. A. .Pardee. .3. L Parrish. A. D. Partridge. D. Partridge. M p'atnit. H. O-Pllmpton,.G, II. Polls, L. K, prOhaacu. H S. IWmsdell, J. H, Rbotjes, Jr.. L. M Richmond. H. L. Biker. 4V. <’ Roberson. 'N . t Boblnsoa,, J., R. Sage, C. A.s Seymour. E Bhoarsoo. . H. i H. Skearaoa. . . J. M. Shedd,. B- S Bhrtneld. J- E. Bbeflleld, Dr. O. T Smith

S. & i. H I T S '! !

TH E nrew.

T A P E R C RO W N S.tn t lP ^ P , E t c .

S M . O O HATt h p t a i .k o p t h k t o w s .


Genuine Youmaifis IGenuine Hawes!

SALISBURYMAHKRT «TnEKT. Oppoaitr N^wurk Thcalrf,



The best mn,lerlBlo cend years of experience In brewing mixke B&llan- tine's the best. Drop us a postnl, or call usyup.


BOTTLINQ CO.,14 Com m ercial Sts.ISewark

TalaiH^Aria Nos 4371ePiewikrk T«lat>Hon« No- M3*

.. Uy CbocKiUkUy O90rgf OhaMurey. ............ „*,xsx**.M- H. Clyde, M. T. ColHn*. L. R. Coawri* ( y. W. T. .K* U Bnedekcrf * M. Curtis, C- Cusbiuf. Jr-. ---------- --- - - -J. E. Denton. J. C. Dtthrldge. H Downey,J. 'Bi Umendorf. K. P. Emmons, J. E.Faber, * . L, Fleming. W . T. Floyd, J. D.

X' XI Koe*el. 41. The con- | f^bot; A. Q. Fox. E. Freeman, A. B. Frost,Aii. Wrls each, thirty I '>• Fuller, A. Gardiner. D Geddes,dbioDS wwe 8 flJ S ' j p, q . Qo^ ss, J. H. Gibb, M. F, Boodwin.

D. Griggs, J. W. Oslggs. H. 8 . Hsdden. c. K Malateod. C. J. Harbeck. G. B. M.Harvey, H. W, Hayden. D. 8 . Henderson,A .D . Henry, H. J. Hesrat, W. Hoyt. G. B,.

W K « h . ”^ F T IPKlnAall. It. L, King. H. D. Laphsm. C. H. F*riu”Lae. Ik B. Isswls. Dr. C. L. Uixdley, F M

yardtr riisC.-^ — — ■-------------

laliFcm rd Hatch . *K ATAW ANs Aprii |sr^f nuiut^

nf MnnU ftwn different sections of tbs to Applegate's Park,fcaWtSem .Unacted «


II. L. Sprague. H. C. Stebblna. L Stevens N E. Stout. E. M. Stout,.C. A. Sykes. H. sirebergh. A. Synlngton. E. C. Talvott, II 'rWmadag. O. E. TarbelJ, H. R. Taylor, E 8 TIU. F- N. Todd. J. 8 . O. W a lk r f.^ ' ft. Wheeler, Jr.. C. F. Whitney. F. H. tl't1klns,'j W. Wood, Jr, L. H. Wood.


at BU>oiuA«ld Ui«t Tiicht only ibfm plbyed. At th« toum«T" li

thU m a ^ a w N George » ( JfWB, J r, M. J. Lace. JThe t c h was at flfty Wrda, tSBirg yard# Maekenile, Cbarlea Mason, r i ^ r a wrte o f • » Fage woo thd Morria TlMen. V. Thome. A. F Souther-' » »■ :1 2 ^ he a «srg ln of a stngle Wrg. the land. T. B. Btrong, Jr„ H. Snydam. J F. Or»"t «n l.te« W a ^ ^ ^ ^ g Btrorda. A. D.aeore atandtkS « i**

tU defMtHl W-g — » ---XBee XI ragdimw

c McCov H R. 1 'I t end. the men ara p layt^ cau-™ W A -iwyhw ^ ^ th s r'**- - - « e aa (alloWkt l f » -

Grant SO together

iSTSaw', T. «. Tutar. a W. ThYtof. * ^ A. Mw im i j l u . l o m A *k

U bringtoMther Bruett and tJruhfr, HeCToAy aad , .

'oc*. Path# aad Madgaiar aad Jaca- 1 j

U ry Oar


fa d tU f i t Jtf«s/ AhMpet Ml -paMalar p ricts .

Vnton Made^

EiPdrtein *-t,ffafiKet and

M u l b e r r y S t r e e i ’S T

A. B., A . >L.

W h - . S p e c ia lis ts Offices 293 IKlartef Si, Newark.

Lpnj! ctmUnutd experience hM him lucceoaful lu the treain^nt of ai# Chronic DlaeanYci of >1« ti ind 'Wpineit*

All Nervous Dticaseo. lilK ate»of mood and Skin.DlftealfHi of r PrlTftte Nature qmicbly.

Mfely jiHd pennineatly cured. . *All eflecu oi ahueri. extaisew knd %

E S f r eci^nimcaltrabj>« of Heart. KldneyA Biwai

ach* IJver and Bladderf e m a l e d is e a s e s .

piles, wuhout ths uaa of the knft* an j

^ » h o " l . ? ! l i X . n d ThmatBy tli« Uteet ttethodi an i^ p tt -eettona. ^ ^

Varicocele. Kpllcpey or n t i.Strict conffdenfe will V

CONSULTATION PRE&*i Office Hour*: From J A. M, te U L l#' I tverAntta Sipdayf. 3 to 4 o i i

I ^ Wednaaday and •atwday.j . ' . » , f c A » I > B , A. .V‘ _ ■ • . 'tr " B*

' - 4 ’v**H

' . \

■•twd**' lC^^-3^46 - - •

, *4^ fe bimA TwA- 4 ^ *I*si V-

--------- I


! i '


The W eather To-morrow W ill Probably Be S am and Cold.

_ « » » » * « .

J o iiv in & Cie

M d . .


M A R K E T & H A L S E Y

Jo u v in (S: Cie

K id

. (JfOL'fi.' -

' “•S S a M ;


f l l



S »


'H E sty le, m ake and general excellence o i our c lo th ing and that ' iwirti" o thers is T h t - . J :7J t f S » c n c e is in '? h eprice. Y ou know , and so docs everybody eisc acquainted

with our m eth o d s, th a t a d o lla r’s greatest equivalent is alw ays found here. L ook a t o u r 13.00, 15.00 and 18.00 Suits. E very bit as good as custom m ad e k inds costing double. '

Mon’c Hate In I'hu-k

lAtfSl bloi'ks, iiu'luilim; Kno\, hMiilii|i.Vouiiif,*!. H. iLRil ViM,n»iin fiiJk bufi'iami Itmfling— ItHiiiK | P A -uniua niiidf*-«t Ji.oo, a.Ao, 2 .<ni ainl......................................... •

olcD S liQ D ^r? iiiiii i'088hn#i]i>stripes, clificlih aiiil miMurffi- sj7 *H.r; tu waiH ineafluro; ulyn ni/e« for youthR

from 13 In ll» yf;jf8-w<'ll fimrlf* .

Men’s Overcoats,


aiHt rtiiiftlied Mt

wort It $J.r>0 In $:St 1.98

.\ll Woo! i’ov»'t'l ' In Ian iiinl gniv hhiMi*-**;

a1hO(»jtfor<! prnjr cheviot—hjy.i's M If widcH'rem'h fio'lijgH aiuj hciivv it:ili:in lining oiriH with Hath) hlcui* ' JinlriK— imule—worth f l 0 .tM>-at........................ 1 ........

Mph c ^ni^c SiiiKlc>hrraKteiKark' jlins niauc of «*hci In!, I ;k'?<irm‘r«*

anil all wi ol blue Hcrge w irk* Krftiti h fat • inff-Italiau liuiijff-B(‘w i-m veskv-(H'r* fort rtlting tronw-m -Viwtvtrii m p a niAiifl-worth iKi.nn to


Upfi*^ Verr fiiif'4 Jicrge, worBli»<l cli«vinf nrnl enssimfr*IfiCil 3 JUiis jjj patiernB -sirjffle brea nted sack ■iyiw> -Hiijgp Of Italian lining—F’rt'urli fa^eil—new rut vchih •• l A A A

.9 to 4ii~ iKTr<‘ri tittlng ti'ouBern—worth Ihiooto I I I I I I I . ................................................................................

Bojs’ Caps..Ai) new aiul corrpfi slylps

inrlurflnir golf, yarlil. ratlol, band golf and Tarn it’Sliaalnr*

I —niade ol irUlti blue ?»PrKPani!' aizw-

iiii’pjy lliird—worth 3,Vcarh'-MpPrial' 25c

Boys’ Pants.Made of rbeviot and ra^ i-

mere In light aniE dark i*nl- terna; alrm plain lihie sizes 3 to ift year4—small nirrs iriin- med with bowE ami-liunkleji— {latent elanlir wai- t- j a _ handAand lapwi sfRm»> 4 '/ C —worth fl“" ^

I t HEYMAN,Mtf ^I T h e S h o e m a n , jg 218, 220 SPRINGFIELD .AVE,i l j r W o r t h and Mere.

if you arc in need oSt any shoes, it wijl jiay you to call licrt* first, as wc nevei' hat] a*, large a variety of spring styles as we have now. Tr> iytroduec some of 'mr new spring styles wc will sell Snlunlay the fol-■■ „A,i^Owfnrii Vm aVTvdtu'c^ prices :

f>iir $2 .4 Model Shoes, in lave and liullon, also jwtent leather, tfifferent styles; this shot.- is as giMnl a,s any 1 . shoe soM in nlluT blon-s. I'or|’’rhlay and Saturday only.............

fhir f? Ladies' V id Kitl Shoes, hn’o anil | J P hulton, flestible soles, patent leather lip?i. I’or 1 ’ridny o n ly .................. '........... —

Our jl2 .5 ''» Patent lyeather Shtx's. exlm- sioii sok-s, dull- kid top, huttem | Q |J anrl lace. I‘or Friday and Sal- |urday o n ly ..............................

Our $2 .AS fients* Model Shi>es and < »x- fo.d Ties, in 2 2 different ‘styles, hand sewerl welts, lui Itctlershoesold ^ | A nnywhere for For I'H-day and Satur<lay only . . . .

f mr | 2 ,2.S fienls’ nitivk ami Tan Viei Kid Shoes,also Caseocalf,Good- | Q ? vear welt. I'or Friday andi^lurday o n ly ........................

Oitr 5 1 ,5 0 Misses' Vici Kid Shot's, lace and button, {jalent leather —lips, sizes n lo 2 1 * 1 ( 1 , i y ^to II K7c. ‘ ■ >" V


Open All Year Around. M onday Until 9 P . M ., S a tu rd ay I I P . M ! !

-l J J

ISuys’ Jil.SoSatin Calf Shoes, extralmiH liarU strap, bullrioK toe, every f | 0 ^ pair warranted, si/.cs J'-flosJiJ s J O C.miy l . a j J , I 2 t o 3 ....................

Alt our $ 2 laidies' Oxford Ties, viri kill, Rus.sia calf, patent Ipthcr and pat­ent leather lips or kid tips, black and liin, flexible soles and hand | O Q sewed, liiitton and l,tce, for I 'li-day and Saturday on ly ............

Alisaes’ Black and Tan Oxford Ties, kid lined, springheels, si/cs 1 1 J-a J A . ,

0 0 c., to 1 1 flO c ., 6

Y O U F t

CREDIT15 G c -T -sK ja a v

H lC f lA iL § ^200 202 A N D 2 0 4 -

A V A R K E T S T 9 ^ • ^ L A R G E S T -A M P - A I05 T - C W IP E N T IA L ,UR5TAIR.5CREPIT- C LO W IEPA

I r ^ i > E \ ,r I c F O R ,

M E N W G / ^ E N> ^ r N i r >


% p -jj

, 6 t(j H. .

to 2to K . . .

Men’s Black Ties, flexible on lv ..............

Tennis Oxford leather soles.

We carry a firil line of W. L. Douglas’s }3.#ll and $15fl Shoes.

E . H E Y I ^ N , 218-220 SprloeHeM Ive.N O C O N N K C T IO N W IT H .\N Y O T H E R S T O R E .

$1 a W e e k O p en s a n A c c o u n t.

Read Our Specials.More money saved and better term s than any

credit house in the city.

Boys’ Suits.TtURdo «iyh’B nmih' of plain

hliio rhitlis or fum-y I’hoviut And rft-whiH're"many all ai*ol

lizeti a to 10 years"tbmli!«- hreanted ^vMti paiilH havtj

WtObttmnilN aiiii ^ J A tajHjd Hfams “ worth |;i.40to|:i.DH-'al.....

. to 75t'. aarli

Boys’ Suits.

Men’s Department.

12.00Will buy a fancy. Worsted .S u it , worth$[6, M.any ]iretty patterns.

Ladies’ Department

8 .50I

In alzea to iti years <ailor. Tujtodo, Kn^wiaji l-Ioust- ami ilpuhlp'brdaKtucI fUvlr.s -nmile o f fawliionablp I'hdliN hnitiiM-fuUy trimmed—uaiitH luiv pat-enl la.<uir wnlstbfttul --------and tipod noaiiis worth I 4.WH al- 2.98

Boys’ Saits.Light or dark nerge. choviol

and CAwimero—Tuxoflo, sailor, KurwiAn. doiible>ljrra.Hod nnd 3<piRre atylM—fllzefl :uo ifiyFars "• handaom* coDihiuationK — host workmanship n O worth ♦«.<» to #S.fw*ia.Vfi •uch-npeoialat.........

Remarkable Men’s Neckwear Deal.AH U N D I^ E D h u n d re d of the p re ttiest possib le ties, including m any exclusive

novelties. L ig h t and dark s triped , figured and check effects— Four-in - hands a n d T eck s designed to wear with new sh ap e turn down collars— m ade b y a m anufacturer o f finest goods— w ould b e sp lend id values a t double our price— ( while th e y la s t ...................... ......................................................... ....

To prove that we are Headquarters for finest Coffees and Teas, .and to convince the public that Price and Quality arc the best obtainable in the city, \ve will give a ;

i Demonstration (to-morrow i Saturday at our store.

5c. Per Pound ReductionOn all Grades of Teas and Coffees.



- * w - • • -

25c. Olass Atomizers I5c.

Wonen's New Famisliiflgs. Fasbioaable Yelliags"


'ft uaa j an aiHi Tux­

edo Iti blark. wbKe. brown and DdvT-^v«<lYei or cbeiiillo dntH, altw) ptaiD IS Uirhe« w .de — worth JiOc. i>«r yard,At........-.............pM rv TW-dAU>t *tflfertfi. trliO' r a C J IRS nmdwlth r lb W or ruchlngi aIao stock oollars ami double huwa In whlto. block, plok. blufl and lavender— A f i ^ voluoR up to fl.76 each-' y Q ^ fpOCloLimin - V ’

Special S a tu rd ay SupperHftaid 5frh>in <i/ Jkrf nr

nf Latfit) Anoivi (I’riri:}/ jl/o4h«a /VihirozA I’oru

I'ahhaQe tiiiUlii Uirr PuddfNtf

Irr r’frarnTtft 2 5 c«

I5c. Triple Extract at lOc.

I19c. Tooth Brushea at lOr.

Sheet iBieic^ 'Down Wbflra tlio F o l i o n HloMfiomit

flrow," WilllAniB attd \Valker'8 Biu'cew, V My LUlle Zulu Babp;" *‘In lilt* OoiUMjHfTtHiMurhTrou- hU'," “There'o No Nortli ut Simth TMday»!" *'HwMt Amhla Moora,-' “My Hearfu Trvniilbt in Tuxam,’* “ .lanho Mi'rtdllh Waliza.^, **Ar« You A Btifralo," ami Blue | C ^ Kihhon March—Hpeclal ' \ q Q


Baby Carriage Bargains. Itecliaiag Oo-Carts- iUfeL'ruilroll — tinned or urean enameled nears—rubber tired wheels-aalecn

iiaroAol - lined raKular q |\qHI.8N each—speoial O a V O

Body Carriages- a 'yauamaiad English uaai’a —Httniifg an<l llbtht — tiuaty tinlsbad *- Hateen iiarosnl — reaular q ikQ • 11.48 values—MraviaT O a Y Oat---- . ,M-r« .4-, . , . --- --------

TEAS.S ii tn rd ii j '


a H e

2 2 e

1 8 e

l l t c


R r g i i l i l rP r ic e s .

.SOcGOc.TOe40cy . ^c

S ii tu r i la yP r ic e s .

7 5 c.5.5c4.5cIL5c50c

l ! Taste! Test!


B u y !

8.505.506.501.001.951 .2 5

Suits of good qufil- ity S e r g e a nd Cheviot, Wo r t h $12.50,

Voting Men’s Suits, 1. to 20 years, fancy stripe .suits, well made. Worth $10,

nine, B l a c k and dray Serge Suits. Worth $1 1 .


Men’s Suita, | 14. beautiful |

llanncl sailor suits. Worth $2,

Little 4 to

Blue, B l a c k and iirav Serge Suits. Worth $3.75.

B e a u tifu lly M a n T a ilo re d S u i t s , w ell m ad e , a ll col­o rs a n d c a s t o r .

-IVorth S 12 .50.V iost h an d so m e M an T a i l o red S u its , silk lined , m a n y s ty le s to

se lec t f ro m . W o rth $ 17.

G o o d q u a li ty S p rin g C o a t, in b lu e , black a n d c a s to r . W orth $4-

M is s e s 'S u i ts , i.2to t S y e a r s , good q u a li ty , m a n y p a t­te r n s a n d co lo rs to

■Worth S 7,B ine, b lac k and c a s to r , s tr ic t ly all \v o o l.W o rlh $ io .7S.

B e a u tifu l S c h o o l S k ir ts . 'W orth $.1-

select from.


Don’t Miss This Opportunity.& 0.

Children’s Spring Coats, in all col- | C ors. Worth $3...................................' *

lOc. T o ia t 5 o a p a t 5c.- * «


|0 use d en y in g it— we are trem endously overstocked, an d , know ing th a t we m ust lose sooner o r la te r , w e have decided to afford you th is m oney-saving opportunity a t th e very heigh t of th e season. O ver one thousand h igh grade waists in th e assortm ent, including all of

th e newest and m ost effective designs. A n im m ense line of shades— ligh t blue, old rose, helio­trope, lavender, re d , g ray , corn color an d g re en ; also w hite, E xquisitely trim m ed with laces, go ld or silver bu llion , chiffons and fancy bu tto n s— som e of th em richly appliqued—-others e laborate ly tu ck e d and hem stitched— bishop or dress sleeves— all beautifully finished. In add i­tion th ere are several dozen dress waists trim m ed with Persian, chiffon and velvets. Sizes 32 to 38 only. R egu lar $ 6 .9 8 , $ 7 .9 8 , $ 8 .9 8 and up to $ 1 2 .0 0 each.

Wendover & McClelland, j180 Sprinjtti'eld Ave. | 10 Belleville Aye. j|


Best Goods at Lowest Prices! S P E C IA L S F O R SA TL ’R - U A V , A p r i l a O , 1 9 0 1 ,


LO TONE. Special, 4 , 7 5 *

LOTTWO. Special,

tW -

vbs»M /



Women’s ; Children’sCarmentsIT is cautious, w ell-posted people who m ost thoroughly

apprecia te the advantages of selection from our enor­m ous and splendidly appo in ted slocks. W e prom ise

m ore and give m ore for less m o n ey than any o th er Newark or N ew Y ork store. W e have dem onstrated this fact to thousands— can prove it conclusively to any one having a know ledge of con tem porary show ings, and offer in evidence a lew of m any bargains th a t will m ake our third floor depart­m ent a busy sp o t to -m orrow . A line of H igh G rade Tailor M ade Suits w orth from $ 2 9 ,9 8 to $40 .00 for 25,00 each.

Beit KIshi Urraiii'ri-J BtTIttt.2 3 c »>


13c ii>


2 9 c bap

FANCY RICE, f¥o lt3DRIED rRACHEJi,t*o ita

LyrKe rallfornln Pit INKS,4c ib-

Our Com bination.t lit, itpif < ofr« ...... -....... .....t f! ui f>iir*..... -................ Itfr1 itikt Beil Murifnrd................ lO«*

Lyrce d'aHfoniia BAIHINS,7C lb


1 |]«r alum......................... lOf1 <-uii C’oni........................ l*><’1 lb, r.o4t Pninei. ..............lOr' I’.t, Bent Tea, any flavor. .......33v1 Ml. I’epper........................


8 c pke3 Ibl. Berit Chit le«l


1 bottle V anlllH........... .......lo'Bl.............. ... .......•l-fll BEST CLE-ANID Ci:iUlANTS,

lOC I’kg$15 S!aotps Free With This CeiabiiatioaSATIN GLOnS or BABBITT’S ?,1A1’.

3uC bar

.T lltR TVaithlaK Soifa,sioWEST fsTAltCH,;* '4o ir>

1 >'Er.l>A BIflCl’ITS4cnlth other oalei.




I K P f O W i V ;

i Friday, Saturday ai t Monday,

‘■’" M i

A P H I L 1 9 , ‘2 0 a n il S i .

•S.OO stamp. F fi- " 111! I lb. Be.t foiT.t- or 1 lb. It,->t Tea. XpecHl It » l.vrrv rnrrhanaraf Brt,-..nil llv.r Xt, rr«i«ot»for Speti-lla.

F. NUSBAUM. 150240 Ferry Streel, 268 Springfield Avenue.


Ordert cftlkd for and ilc1i\‘6rpd to any i*arl of tlippily.

I ton Jackets



Children's Dresses. Cbildreo's Reefirs..Made of Rretir itlaiil

rlti cufTmalpfiaU yok*» .%nt: trinimml whb ulain col­ored I'lmh jind braid- full fckinwi wnli dt ep hfm-wortli iUH I rflCb- J>4¥»rlal a l................. 98c

All ttfKil* PO Hl’lS millhiHUhi p)oth>t- r<'il,lilu<‘. bri'ti u. $tn*« n iiurt i*a‘'it»r ■»liarl«*A- titled and I’hoj l-acks -nnipli and fKiu viTillars wTniih « |^q

Pdiking . i in S iiiadpof iillM.tui I oiMi.o-k niAti'rials-new rlari« rl- i'-it. rpHhiws oT urilphniff !• 'Hum 'hliip, lifowii. a j q.mil Ox lot'll itliadHs wnrih

speriataf' . ... ■ ^of Miiemiiil

qUftlilv tannin vilk u;> kiijd All er—Hifiapwd >>panis ‘‘■'inp lusp white ve»l» - Unnd with \MiUi- It Itlrti'k taffeta— fLQ

wisrtli •L’.w nai’li— V .M r t \pi V >pfptnl al.- .............

Tailor Made Suitsand \ rnntian rlotli- blai'k and new

iliRibln-bmahled reefer* iiimI Lti.n style* - lrimiiie<i and ’'iiU'lii'd uith tjiff«‘ta — rifmme skirt- I'en aiine luic*d | a a o

.............l 4 , 9 o

Children’s Saits.Sailor styles made of

all wool I’lirviot seritn lull blouse and larfta hailnr Foilani-trimmed^ ith li r H i d - bkahi’p

Cloth Jai'Uts ' "•I‘i'!ie'«n4 ;iii-rsiiiaiie of all iaoisI ' it-d \u,i bafks-dmnd 111 -ilk rmnaiii teitit

I'liveri' • [hruUKi<" lai-y wT>r’

I’ial t.- ' Iasi

snei'ialimy I

■' ‘Ml sale ■9 anil while \


Steam Pipe and Fitting;s, as well as

I G E N E R A L HARDW ARE.Sjj COMPLETE STOCK.I BANISTER & M LA R D , 20(i-2 »8 Market St.i M i f i E i ; !


f o r 3 DAYS ONLYr2f Ills. UmnulitlfJtl Suwar........ .T..... 9cJ III, tioldei) -liiva ft Ib'c.................. 30r

Total...................................... 30cTo Mirurn .Hujjiiir al afioro very low

figure, botli aviirlf. inii-i Im purrlia.sed tugether. yuai antn*- CttlTee lo be uur

' regular » yc- dtiMk

2 Iba. for.. ..To. SpecialBest Starch.________Katin til«?*H Soap.nakw......7«« Kpeclal 'Pure l4Ard, per lb.................. ftc. Special ^l>ried PcaoheM.per lb........a..8c, Spedal ▲Fine Sauerkraut, qt............ ftc. Special YFern <!midcnaod Milk..........7e. 8 l>ecial ▼Pure Cftlifornift Haret, gallon,/.........<W>c •Pure Old Rye Whiskey, ot...../.........75n iIhire California Fort or Stierry, gal...l*tw> T

Best Creamery Better, lb . . . 25c I Gold Medal Floar, per bbl $4.15 {\

♦ . - m « > « « w v i a j ^ « - a a ,^ Til** Imadlng OrmiFr. Fine WInea and Llquori,

J ♦ 252, 254 Springfield Ave. 27715th Ave., Cor. Hayes St 1. D. TeL S7. ♦

A . R . S C H A A F , 1

iPLAIN TALK ’$ a b o u t th j « store is d o in g m o re to p u sh it B .head th an a ll th e b lo w f

a n d b lu ste r to c o m m o n In the adve rtis in g o f th e p e r io d O ttr w ay * W is a Kllle s lo w er, b u t It’s f a r su re r . H e re e re a f e w Item s of in te r- V ^ csl to shoe b u y e rs fo r to -day a n d t o -m o r r o w : H

Little B A s ' Satin Calf Lace Shoes, spring heels, solid

as a rock, our rej-niar ft .cm.

*iW\ 9ii-all si7.**s orth I rial at

%worth — 2.98

Tw en ty-F ive Dozen Hats at About Half. The almost' readv-to-weari

variety. S tiaw braid crowns and dainty chiffon brims— several new 5ha|ies—black only— can be trim m ed witli flowers or foliage— form erly $2.49 to $2.9,8 each —\ Saturday while they last................................................................ ' ....................... )

Another Lot of Those Children’s Hats fo r Each.

3.5(1 SHOES- A T -

D A L S E M E R ’S



I M e n ’ s 5 . 0 0 S h o e s a t H a l f P r i c e —A sample lot of ihe Wtrnei iI ■ I I I v e q u u n n | r Luofuon Sboegf v m ■■p'pat^ntrtli. An «nUlcly ri«F idtti. and OTie ibit will rras.ily find fiiror among thooe sgff«- M \mg wub tender feeL Made of best materiali in Utot styles— hand sewed welted $el« -un, L ^ I I

1 Russia and vici kid moniy—lace only— regular retail price $5.00 per pair— SaturdaT at.... )

WouKo’s Shoesand eaclusiv«'«iy ... ____VfxfordB 41 l,9H. and lace or Imuon at

Girls’ Shoes

anil Oxford! -- llit* "American HrMtitj" ill twentv new j q

and eaciu5iv«j«iytr«-;*^iual t« any |.i kind-*%ca:ea’sOifonls i«th.r >nd.-b.i.n s, - ...M /Jt’l.'laM'iT.l’r V;' | h 5HR salespeciiJ lo-iiKHTnor .... __ l »U (7

Kmp>n and larfng ht)1r«madeot viri

kid—numd t* ev with patfut leatk- , ertips—MTitHf hcpla—sires f

TOf.aizea f*4 lo n

I qual-

' »to*ftt l.<00 . and iiA lu ■> at.

pAfc' Made nf sr<icd <BUJ5 ity andeLtr»n? i-alf in lariiig sty1t»< ivnly- ufw matioisl) ikuna with ^ A/\

.ntpe atitiibed edgea-sizea / . M i lW tuai-parpair.......... . • • v v

Boys' ftoes -l.aririg ,ixlw-m,ilp

lirel, m jiip j.j („ ■sj>rin;4h<

iieel) •T«jie«. IS K> ■ special a!,. rit h 1.00

1 0 !

C*n I t our New Store,

Now Goodtaod U|hto-Dtte Styles.

DalsemerMon Sboe House,; ' 589 BROAD ST.

B «w ar« o t Im iu te r* of I h e Com- lo r t Shoe.

L BAMBERGER & CO*, Mdrk6tdndHdls6y StsW . L . D O U G L A S

1 .5 0 SHOES I'ilSP.tMa] wiQ looTiac. tbxt

1 . DosZlu tkH* an tk* hwt U tha warit.

M nrjuw wrpM i,

i7B5 Broad 8te

The Leading Clothing House on the Hill.

211-215 Springfield Ave.,COB. CHARLETON hT.

Our Store Is a MeccaFor the tastefully inclined whose in i nnics I ilo not permit of extravajfsm oullavs. | and it is our consUnt aim and plea.sure | ! to meet the wanta of that great major- ' ily—TH AT W E DO a ^ a ta n t lv increas- i ing busiheas and growing reputatiim for O.OOD qualities at LO W PRICKS amply | demonstrate. |

UnmatchaMe Clothing B a r g a i n s ! for To-m orrow : j

.Men’s Baits, ta English clsy disennsls, ; black, bine and eray. In saek OT_rutawa, ' •tylea, m^e,eqiul to custom work and cannot bs duplicated for less tlian frtiiB » l ’ .®to tlMWonr price ....................................................... ■ IW W f

Men’s all wool Knelish Tk-nnas in hmwn snd aray, T'.yal blue semes, unanished . wiirsleds. cheTiots,^imerea sod » - !striped woroioda. worth ftom • n w to •fi.OA our price foro-niorrow.a.- .....Men’s all wool Saits to oewm shade* vf !

striped (ianmS ttcoteh, iweedaplaids snd overplislda. » o n * Itoin lie to 9IS, Qorprk* for to*mowaw..

Mea^s very floest«d SniU. roede ^ end l i ^

' equ*l *o ruKOBi work, wortli •!« j to • ’JB,RftTprio® lot u>Rb<irfOw.,..I Men'i Trousers, worth • * . » snd e e aI .......................................... l a O U

ktea's extra floe Tw i g w in iw ! dUfereat styles, worth h * » •#.** i to (SJa, oar price lor‘ to^todtnnr............ ................ -I We beve a rneni** ?PVsl* “ 4its.hstsitUwii»

At 89cas a rork, our re

At 73c

At 98cblack or rus-^ct, ;

At 1.23

A t 1.19I,adie.s’ Dongola Ox­ford Ties, patent leather tips,all sizes.

Misses’ Lace and IltiUon Shoes, of fine dongola, jn

black or ruxset. sires 1 1 to *.

Ladies’ Fine Tan Vici Kid Oxford Tics. Light as a

feather and solid as possible; regular f 1 .50 value.

Indies’ D o n g o U l.ace and Button Shoes, patent leath-

[ er tips, cloth tops and leather tops.

M g Bovs’ Fine CalfI Intce Sh(KS, hull-

dog toe, all solid leather, worth $i .jo, sizes 1 2 to 2 .

k ± ^ i T A Our Men's Jj-oo^ f l m Hand'.«ewvd Vici

and Congreaa tips or plain toes. Spe­cial for these two days.

A i . P A Men's Hand-sew-A t b a U U ' ‘I Oxford Ties,

p a t e n t leather, Vici kid and Russia calf, all stvles and colors; sold elsewhere for $3 . '

Don’t forget the "Raddiffe” Shoe fca-'Women. W e are the selling in this city. Only the best material used. High Shoes, 2.30. t 2.00. W e carry all the styles.


» rulswa, '

7 . 5 0

H E LLE R ’S, F o r m e r l y L s w y B r < »

160 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE.Betwwan Hew&rd and Btwnn* Strawta. '

Look for tht UlumiBsted Horsetljot on the Building. Wc Olvt Rsd Star StiMps.

6.001 0 , 5 0


Poultry and Baib Wire= G O X O i

