packaging: turning functional brands to fashionable brands

You Are Adressed By How You Are Dressed Packaging

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Post on 13-Mar-2023




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You Are Adressed By How You Are Dressed


Turning A Functional Brand Into A Fashionable Brand

Has to do more with perception

What is a brand? Brand is an accumulation of emotional and functional features.

It’s a promise by the owner/seller to provide consistently, a unique set of characteristics, advantages and services to the buyers/consumers. It is a name, term, sign, symbol or a combination of all these planned to differentiate the goods/services of one seller or group of sellers from those of competitors. 

Turning A Functional Brand Into A Fashionable Brand

Its good to see what you believe but better to believe what you see because that will bring about action.

Brand loyalty is fuelled by perception and perception by senses

The Mirror Image

Do you see a Cat?

Do you see a Lion?

Aquafresh Mc Donald’s Coca-Cola

Pako Mama Put Kunu

Some Examples Of Well Known brands and brand to be are:

Which Product Would You Choose?

The Name


Why Will People Continue To Have Preference For

Branded Products Over The Unbranded Ones?

Perception: People will continue to prefer branded good over the unbranded ones because of the


To a consumer: brand means

Source of product is trustworthy Delegating responsibility to the manufacturer of product

Lower risk Branded symbol Standardized production process Guarantee/trust

To a seller, brand means

Basis of competitive advantage Way of bestowing products with unique associations

Way of identification Brand loyalty It’s a way of legal protection of a products

Sign of quality to satisfied customer Branding makes advertising/promotions more effective

Which Of The Following Is Not Kunu?

What is packaging? Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing, beautifying or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale and/or use. 

Package labeling or labeling is any written, electronic, or graphic communications on the package or on a separate but associated label.


Imagine going to the village and your parents have arranged two beautiful brides for you, they told you about their good manner, hard work, caring and all the other good features you want in a wife.

So you are eager to see them, you rush to the room where they are, open the door and behold your two .....

What You See, Feel Determines Your Perception

You May Kiss Your Brides

This is the exact reason why people sometimes run from a brand that has higher quality but poor packaging.

Because they find it hard to believe that any good thing can come from a badly packaged product.

If you marry a short or ugly woman, the perception is that, you are likely to give birth to a short or ugly baby.

People think like the computer, garbage-in, garbage-out.

No One Likes Ugly

Perception: Good Packaging Hides Good Products, Bad Packaging Hides Bad Products.

Effective Rebranding Cannot Ignore Repackaging

This is why packaging is often regarded as the first advert a buyer sees when he holds a product.

The Japanese have a saying “A good product sells itself” but most brands, not well packaged will never get the chance if they are not attractive enough to draw initial interest.

Zobo Packaging Good Enough For Export

No matter how rugged your product is, no matter how much you want to concentrate on quality, never forget the compelling power of packaging.

Fashion CanFunction

Hadiza Nuhu, 2012 Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria
