last edition movetopositone currency acnon


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Vetfbw tomwrow; Pfobtbly Sbovtri.


'^Ij -mj

N U M B E R 9 , 2 6 7


S o ta to r W i^ B In trodnces RcsoIb-

t i w to P a t O f R ep o rt r i l l Decent’

b e r - I t G oes O ver.

N E W A R K . N . J . . T H U R S D A Y . S E P T E M B E R 4 . 1 9 1 3 . - T W E N T Y - T W O P A G E S . I W O C E N T S .


M ak es Last Stand a t C oaticook to

B alk P lans to D eport Him

to V erm ont.




to' dlr*ct tho Sentta btnklnc commltt** to aritfehaM fliuj tctloB on tha odmtn)i- -Mtlon curtODcy bill until th* Doeambor Mlfeton of ConfTtn w u Introdueod today IryCoiintor W u lu . of MaHocltuHtU, Ito- fuNIcna. 4un««tlona by Baiwtori Rood. Owon, tad other Deinocrtti on the com- ntttM . that they would tike to dlacuet the'reiolutlan, retulted in Benttor Waehi ••M elnt that I t ahould (o over until lo> morrow without acUeo. He aald he would than endeavor to force the Senate to decide whether H wante to prooaad new on currency ravlalon or to allow tha banUnc committee to conduct neir- iBS* until December.

‘’There U no emersency a t the preeant time that hae not exleted in an atiual d a |re t fpr tha paet two veart which would neoaaeltato bankln* and currency SedaUtloo." Senator Weeke uld .

reetue J. Weda, of the Mercantile Truat Company of St. Loula, one of the repra pahUtlvea of the Chicago coitferenco of bankere, told the Senate committee that the tdmlnletiatlon ovirrency bill would pu t the whole burden of ortaolntlon on the “eommerdal hemke" of thli country.

"The. national banke are Amply the MiQinerolal hanke movini the merchaa* dlea and tha commerce of the nation," be ■aid. "Tbla hill, In lU prlnclplea, lanofoe the trea t hanklnt atrenstb that haa raalty devaloped the country—tha Slate Satiki and truat' companlee that have fUUDced bulldinf. lend development, fartbln# and internal Improvemenu."

Indpceahentk, neeeeaary to draw in the ■tata and national banka had apparently been loit elSht of, he thought. Ha de­c la re the leaue of currency and the bdndling of the bank reiervea ahould be divtdad and not Joined ta in the new bill.

f i t would be a fatal economic mlalake for thfi fovernmant to laaue the currency OC the nation," Mr. Wade aald. "becauae It 'would put the government In debt Juat that much more than le neeeeaary." He P o la n d the bankera appeared not aa hsnkara but aa publlc-apirited ciUaena in urgi^nc the changa.

‘‘Wa fay; 'Don't put tha cradR of tha goVarninent behind thie great laaue of noita.' The time may eaitly come when tita' natlon'a credit will need all tha gkraoSth It can command tor emohgen* tUk'-

Tatli n i l Own Plan.Tha eomihltteo aakod Mr. Wada to out-

Um . h li tdeaa of a new federal banking ■ytlam. He aald a central bank with hranebea in the large cltlea would be tha Buclaua of any Ideal ayatem: the

« nf aota laku* ahould be loft to , under control of the government, the banka ta ba'va repreientatlon on tha tadarai board of control.

Thaaa aataa ahould be obllgatlona of tltaSanhi and dot of tho govemmaht. aald Itr . Wad*: they ahould ^ redoomable fn

wltii a fifty par cent. goW reaarve; n * Tadfral Beiarv* Beard ahould hava t ^ pafwar towlncraa** dr dlmlnlah thla

^ rtaerve In lima of financial dm ^aa-' Tha law would than proidda p ;at M tloaal and State bai)ha and truat oOmpaalea could do bualneaa under tha ■ygtam, provided they became mam here Of th* central hank..|*y,iW ad«'t plan prm^ded for the re-

tjjwlnain of th* praaent gevemmlHtt hens*

’ A d tnot ttid centrii MiiK plan to BtadiopM. however, and he favored build!, ih r dp aa yeftact a ayaum' k* pctaihii on a email numhet of regional roearve hahkii, ptWerably fiv*.

Hatlonal baali* ahOuld be permitted to oWta or (dab upon real aitate, up to a egrtain doflnit* limit, tha wltneaa thought. IlS.dld sot believe the ddmmiatratlon plan wi^ld wiault either In a great egpantlon d|'chadtta, aa/C harlea O. DawCa, of dUeago, hSd gradlcted, or In a violent oentraotlon of credit, aucL aa Jamea B.

' 9 ( ^ * a aUfgeatM.‘Tf the ayatem were eitabllihed 'With

Ite* feaerve banka. I don’t' believe It Would have the allghteat effect on the volunie of credita." aald Mr. Wade.

taatlfylng late yeaterday, Mr. Wade oftic lftd th* bill In a number of other narUeulkrg. He maintained that hank* ought Sot to be compelled to auhaerlbe t« th* gtock df the regional reaerve hank*. Tf thla faator* were retained, he eg Id' th* State banka would atay out

ayatem altogether for a time and MW how It worked, while It one-tenth of the national bankera rtfuaed to lubacrlbe, jm^ha thought probable, It would not be 'Mgglbl* to rale* enough capital to put Sirpropoaed ayatem in operation.

Ift. Wad* did not aay that th* State \m tk t would refoe* to enter the ayatem eventually- He pointed out, however, tiigt by th* tan pw ieiit. aubecriptlon tIMy would h* eortpelled to part with dM>half of fhelir reaervee. It waa not pmpar, he contended, that th* banka Ihould aaiume thla additional burdan wtthaut bavlng, repraaentatlon on tha ( e d a ^ riaerv* hoard. „

^ th e mind of the public," aald Mr. Wad*, "wa apa londeri of monay. But aa a dnkttar of fact, w* are the heavieet hagiSwiag elaa* In the country. Bvery (tiinilt la a loan to ua, aubject to an- t n v ^ n a r y call. Wa have not aaked for th* additional burden of the atock of th* nrittiDllI ayatem. T have not heard of OB* banker who want* more than the parr He wUI be compatlad to aubaerlbe ■BHr thto blU. Then la no on* who w n id take the atock If anybody elae aMtId taka It tor him-

‘ (Fhy. ig s r t thla capital atock thro'wB m tk ta 'th * lubaortptlon of the public? W* do not complain a t having to upder- hdtt It, and' to furbtah k large part at oFoapltallaatlen and reMrvet. But thla M l a a ghAuld be eohaldered aa ahy other enka^ tlon . No Senator here would .at- mihpt to eatabUah * eorporatlon of half


COATICOOK. Qua., Sept 4.—For two hour* today Harry K. Thaw, fugitive from Matteawan. faced a apeclal board of Ihiiulry aaeklng to deport him from th* Dominion under th* Immigration ac t and presaad th* point th a t h* en­tered Canada aa a tourla t and aa auch wa* not amanablt to deportation. The board agreed to "conalder" hla conten­tion, and at noon adjourned until thi* afternoon.

Counael for New 'York State an ­nounced thla afternoon th a t Judge Hutchlnaon a t Sherbrook* had ratuaed to g ran t Thaw'a counaal a w rit of pro­hibition. Thla would have checked a mova to deport him.

Thaw waa aworn and took the atand ■hortly attar 10 o’clock. Ha waa followed by H. Johnaten, a farmer, who drove him over the border and there deeerted him and by Ben Cadieux, a t whoie Inn a t Bartord he atopped lata a t night. The teatlmony waa taken In eeeret and only ■natchea of It could ba obtained from counael.

The queatlonlng up to adjournment at noon all bore on the clauae Involving "aotarlng Canada by atealtb" The polm of Inianlty waa not touched upon.

BipecUng a quick deolalon and a daah to the Vermont border wlUvThaw, Will­iam Travert Jerome paced up and down the atation platform below the immigra­tion detention room, where the hearkig waa held, with hla gray car ready to ■tart on ao tnaunt'a notice.

Thaw waa repreianted a t tha hearing by Cbarlaa D. 'Whit*, W. U Sburtleff aod H. R. Fraaer. Hla new chief counael, T.K. Latlamme left town luddenly to ap­ply for the writ of prohlbllioo.

Point Italaad by Thaw.Thaw hlmaelf brought up the point that

hla caae came under what la known aa tha tourist*' law* In the Immlgratioh act. He contended he waa a tourlat paaaing through Canada and that under Section 2, paragraph 4. of the act he wet exempt from moleatatlon. The board aald it would take the point under conalderatlon.

Thaw explained how he bought a ticket to Beecher Falla, V t, the laat atation on the Maine Central. Learning there that the train went no further ha began the overlend trip by buggy, which ended with hla arreat at Barford.

Tha fugitive aald that hla obJecUv* point waa Plttiburgh. He bought aeveraj Ucketa, he aald, In that hla route waa un­certain.

'the board produced It* eredentlalt before formally going Into aeaalon, abow- Ing that It had been authorised by the Acting Mlnlater of the Interior. C. J. Doherty, to deal ‘'aummarlly" with the ther caa*.

Thar* waa delay In getting th* Inquiry under way. Thaw, becoming Impatient, ■tapped cloae to a window and let the crowd get a eight of him. He had on hla atraw bat and waa amoklng a pipa. Jerome paaaed under the window, but did not look up. Four Dominion police blocked th* entrance to the atalrway. A woman cam* wdth ftowera for Thaw and waa denied admittance.

"Better have your machlnea ready, boya," aald Jeropie to the newapapat ifieB. "1Y* will apon be la Vermont."

The board went Into aeiiton M *:M o’eloek, after aendlSg edt for a' BtU* to awear. wltoeuw.' , ' , , .L'Ht’iaay Ikat .Hall'ao ho«)y; It m ar ta*t a weak," **ld the ehktfman as he went ufiitalra.. Johnetoh, the fhmier, who drove Thew geroie the line, aald they drove toward the border Jn the dlrec|ton of Paquetta- villa. About in feet from th* line, they turned back, he aald, a n d . made their -way toward Canaan, Vt. Finally they crOiaed the border a t Peabody'* "line houae,” Johnaton added that aa they went through the place, the low, cautloua tone' Thaw uaed frightened him, and he refuaed to go any further.

'Thaw and hla companion*, among thmn Roger Tbompuftt, alighted and went to the houae of Octave Nadeau. Nadeau agreed to drive them to the Inn a t Bar ford owned by C*d1*ux:

leene ef Hearing.The acene of the aecret bearing waa

k Uny office Juat off th* Immigration de­tention room where Thaw apent the night under guard. E. Blake Robertaon, aa ■latent auperlntendent of Immigration, waa the preaiding officer, aaalated by In- ipeetor* Reynolda 'Wllllami and Gar' oeau.

T'wo phyatetaBa, Dr*. Ourd and Beau, champ, trere on hand to examine the prlaoner, and Dr. Raymond Kleb, auper- intendent of the Matteawan Aaylum, waa held In raadlnea* to teatify aa to Thaw's ccmflnement there aa the Inaane alayer of Stanford White. I t waa only live milea from here, a t Barford, Tueaday, Auguat ID, that Thaw waa firat arreated after hie ehtranca Into Canada.

'Thaw'a tawyera, aomewhat damorallaed after yeaterday'* rapid developments, ■pent th*. night, exhauated aa they were. In conference. All were peaaimlatlc and gave U ai their opinion th a t an attempt waa being made to ''railroad" their client acToaa the tine.

Thaw waa Indignant when he learned that, reporta of hla braakt&g down under tha strain had been circulated. Although no Toportera were allowed' to eae hbn, he sent tola word down by a guard, adding

.tha t he had received eaiiy today a mea- aag* from hie mother, saying aha waa on her way here Ih reapoose to hla appeal.

Jerome, whore brain* got Thaw out of th* Sherbrooke Jail, baa with him th* almost; unmentionable Thaw trial exMblta, together with tranicripta of Thaw’s er- ra^O testimony at the habeaa co'rpua p n - ce^lng* In New York State. I t called upon he waa ready to aubmlt these as evidence that Thaw le hot a aane man, or. If aahe, not a man who ahould he allowed to enter the Dominion.

Thla morning crowds surrounded the Orand Trunk Railway Btattan, which houaai the immigration headquariara, buf BO on* could get a gtimpae of Thaw. Rl* room la on the second floor and b* ggt well back from th* barred window* through which streamed a brilliant Saptauher sun.

Sheriff Hombeok. of Dutchess County, N, T., who waited for more than, a week )n vain. In Sherhyooke, Joined the

W H Y 1 5 IT 5 0 b & S l f t A B L E

T O H A V E A W O R l Y Y C A N C ^ i O / V T E . U i H E X

O u f e C L E C T r O N * A R &

U 5 V A L L Y D E C I D E D

^5Y A P l u r a l i t y V O T E . 9

L 0 l‘


R o se v ilk T ru s t Co. ReorKanitatioD

P n c t ic a l ly ^ r o d if Tlwy

A p e e to P tan .



C o ro n er H oM s Inquiry Beliind C loied

D oors, D ecla rin g PiibncHy M ight

H iw le r P rosecn iion .


Reorgantiatlnn of th* RnaevUI* Truat Company I* a quasllon that practically 1* up to the holder* of atock. If they all ■gre* to th* ptai! of rehabilitation that haa been proiviatd by th« Depoattora' AaaoeieUon that ha* been found accapl- abl* to th* director* end which hi* had the aymiuiLby of the Slat* department of banking and Insurance, tha reopening of the bank will be a matter of a com- parallvely abort time as compared with the three yeari which will be neoeieary If tha Inatllutlon goes out of exlatenca by Uquld&lioB. _* i*

Th» •llu*tton on ln«holder*, It la aald. becauie of the action of th* dlractoT* at • w « ‘‘nf of the depoeltore, both held leal n While U cannot be ro­tor* promletd th*qutred to make up a fund of O00.0M to meet the claim* of depoaltot*. It wm auted that the Indication* of thli were

T jep o ilto « ! ''r i their aeeelon held in the hall of th* bank building, as '"** earlier meeting of to* dlrpctori, to Bubecrlbe for about *100,MO etock inthe reorganlied l»nk, y „ ronurchaa* It from them within three y«ro

a eharo Lt the holder! then detlr*

“’Hotooro of about 9M s h . ^of the present company have agreement to turn them over to the nd* Ity Truat Company, ne *''“*‘**'. ®®, r.on that they ahall «'=•'''* lor them as may l» T h «affaire of th* bank ar* Mitlad. They mtv «el some money and they may non, in « T c a a e . they will be no wore* o r t h a n a t present or If the l^M atto n of the lienk Is conttnuad, and the M eumptlon of a do*-ln-th*-mang»r pritoy may prevent to* depoeltore from being

** WhiR ther* ha* been some keilUtlon

Two Jar**y Vlrilma aad ThiWs 4Mh*ta ta New Ravea HeepHala IIUI la Critical Csadltlnie—MeCharg, *f C*at« ■erR* Camailaalea, Arrive# T<*gay lor ra d a ra l laveatlgatleB-vrntiamow Kay Be Fre*g oa Ball Lmtoi la Day.

on I he pert of eorae of tha atoekhotdera


E ccentric C ripp le , A fte r Trundling

Self to C em etery to Po lish Stone,

Sw allow s M ercn ry .


Broad S tre e t P av ing P ro je c t De­

layed fo r Y ear, b u t F ight

Will Go On.



Goes A board B altic a t Eleventh

H o n r - T w a s E ip e c te d He*d

V isit A d iro n d ack s.


TIrad of itf* and agaerUnf that nobody Wanted him any mo»n, Albert HoUlnger.


Ln ^ Kitish MOitaiiti to lec- \ t v « ia Principa] G t o E ast >

i J o f IG iiso im .

EVILS TO J E HER T i mdHiitot dereWf of i*« n s t n .

dept. 4 ,-lfri. Btamaltn* Weyb'ibirot* .leader *T Ingtond'a ■Mt^egettee, WIU apend to* month .of 4 b * r to tlut United Btktea. Deftnlt* wn-

(rf her propoied tour wga g. ofilCWJy today by the 'Worngn**

I PoUHcal' nnlon. Jtlia Jo m kif orgaqUat of the unteo.

.. A’.Mdi Beptsmbet U on ,thir Ctodrla to arrang«i)ieDta for Mr*: Fankhurat'a

TSd *. Fgtotontot intBoda to devota all AJuaHcgB lactorei to th* advaotggaa

■nfftaB* to fichtiur th* whit* i 'aexugl dibaaae evUa,. BM will

d e ^ - t n ' t w tJnitad Btato* on* moeth fem tentattv* Itliierary toedndea New O M to v w**btogwii, M llattolp^

Uontovtog and Bi. iHib; fu r^ .w e g tjh a n Mlinnuri.

.eAtoidUylnW ■ rVirk.idlltant leader tg itiU meupan,tla«

.grille, FraDO*. dHth her datiBhtar. ^«iitab*I.RMdator*t. and; it to ^ d ; t jnar a*U tmm Fremm not en«ii« ■ ■ 'Sndtond uiHtt-hri return 'froto

R win b* Mr*. Fankhunt’g

New York party hero today preparatory to the aelrure of Thaw on Antarloan soil.

If praaant.plaM do: not mlaearry, Thaw will. get fpot la the United State* not fa r ' from Norton' Mllla, Vt., about nine mil** from her* aa thp crow fUea.

Late laat night Thaw’a cDunaei ittued the foUnwlnt etatementi

"There aeema to he a- dtepoaiUon a t th* prdaent time to ihVoka all the cleuea* to the Immigration aot against Thaw. I t W underitood In tha beginning that he would b* deported. If deported a t nil, qn account of hi* having edtared Canadt byetealth. But It to n o w .u n d c rs t^ that th rm a tte r of hla mental condition xrlU ha Inquired into. I t th is ibould be don* It would very likely tiden av ay from him the right of appeal to th* minister of luaUce, which, it haa haori c o n s i d ^ up to tha preeent time, hO haa h ^ . In tola

the end'would come euddonly and he would be'deported a t onpa.” * ,

OtEtTEST or Jtm U N ’S u n tia iiis cnusiQiED

FBIRDItiCBBHAFHN, Oermany. SePt- 4 —A new Zeppelin marine dlrldihle, the blngedt yet conatruotod, wna filled today fm lta firat night which to to take place cn September t. I t w w chrtgtimed the Z i^ e lln J t. Its length to (IK faettond Its dlamfter t!tty .fau r feat, w hile It I* fttrnlahed ;wKh motorn .dtyaVtotof IM horaepower.

■%n.-pge41-niv.— - .. ■wheel chair to Fklrmount Cehietery terday afternoon, retouched hie own head- ■tone which alanda over th* grave alt* adjoining hla wife'* end then, returning home, ewalltwed three blcehlorlde of mercury tablet! with aulcldal Intent,

Bollinger 1* ality-one year* old and rooma a t 11 Munter(*on etreet. At th* City Hoepltal, where he wa* taken thla mamlng, It wae eald that there was a poeelble chance of hie recovery.

The old man hae been a criple for eev- eral y«ai'*. autferlug from locomotor ataxia and Internal trouble*. At on* time he wae coneldered quit* well to do, according to Mra. Mary Stoneman, with whom he boarded, HI* money gradually dwindled away, she aald, and now hla board le paid by hla four eon*, realdente of thle city.

Practically belplesa from hie dleeaee, toe old man appeared quite happy until a lew day* ago. when he became de- ■pondent and eipreeeed a wlah to die. Mr*. Stoneman aacrlbed hla low aplrlti to hla nine** and did not believe that he Intended to take hla life. Temerday morning he appeared more cheerful than iieual, because It had bean arranged for him to live with a married daughter In Hoboken. He waa to have been taken there today.

W heeli Self te Cemetery.During the afternoon. poUlnger waa a*,

elated into hi* whooljgbalr, and, refusing the help of the Stoneman cbltdron, start ed off down th* *tre*t. When he re turned he told Mra. Stoneman that he had been to the cemetery and spent most of the tUn* a t hla grave,

gome time ago Mr. Bollinger bought the grave and headetone, which wae fully lettered except for th* date of hla own death. He set up the etone on the grave adjoining hla wife'* reettog place and fre- quently visited It, The etone wa* well known to visitors to the cemetery,, here the man's eccentric idea was fra|i|tntly diBcueeed,

Retiring about 10 o'clock last night, Mr. Bollinger apparently waa comfortable Un­til about 1 o'clock thla morning, when he •roueed toe family, apologleing for the dleturbance, and aaked for a glass of water: He aald he waa burning up in-iid*.

Mro. Stoneman took tb* man a drink and a* eh* relied him to place the water to hi* Up* ahe saw th a t be had vomited blood. Her eueploloaS aroused, eh* ac­cused him of taking poison, to which, ahe says, he replied:

"Yea, I've taken three of thee* and I'll lake *om* more. Nobody want* me now. I'm only a burden to my ■one and I want to die."

ID-a. Stoneman found to the bed a bottl* of mercury tablet* of unsually large eli*. Dr. R. Huntar Scott waa called and ap­plied antidotes, Thto morning to* man wa* wars* and the City Hoeplul atthu- lade* was called,

Retnaad t* Cto t« HaapHaL Whan the doctor hkd arrtyed, Bolttoger,

iwaUslng that an effort to lav* hla Ilf* was bring made, refuged te go to th* hoe­pltal. Th* ambulano* driver, .Bernard Brady, notified Patrolman HarcH, of th*TKJriato ivlai aid- bm a ‘ - — — — — x - a

Wood block will not b* laid In Bread street year. The f card e< Wariei.

N IW YORK, Kept- 4.—Mayer Oaynor turprifed hie tr l |n d a and political ant'

noeb to suetaln Mayor mfflfcftlrtgW of thS pavement.

Four votes w ire needed to overrid* th* veto, and a* Commiseloner Gillen voted with Preeldent Ryan, th* whole wood block project fall*, after year* of effort on the part of It* advocate*.

It wae stated by a repreeentatlve of the Broad Street Merchanta' Association, that has been behind the movement to obtain a emooto, noleeleee pavement for th* city's main thoroughfare, that efforts to bring about It* adoption will be resumed Id toe spring of in4.

Mr. Gillen based hie action, aa was forecaeted, on the announced unwll- llngneu of property owner* with frontage on the fourth esctlon, from Lincoln Park to PoInlet street, to bear their share of the coat of the Improve­ment on the ground that It waa nob needed In th a t p a rt of the elty, whare traffic is light.


Com bine C on tro llin s Oil fo r B road

S tre e t W ood P av in g C o n trac t

F iles N otice h i C o a rt.


-Uoll! arit


Fifth Precinct Boltltifer wa* 'arr**t*d and taken to tb* hospital In th* poltch amhulanc*.

Ballinger told th* doctor in th* hoepltal that he had taken tb* pdlion at d o'clock laat night, but th a t It did not affect him unttl aarly In th* morning. By th* ua* of tha alomach piimp and tha wtiltes of tgga a targ« part of th*'potoon was taken from the man's syatrin.

While lying on th* h*d to th* recrivlng room the old man said, *1 hop* God will take me before tonight-"' B* spok* In a rambling way of hi* taeond ■wlf*, who bad died, and whoa* grave h* had visited y*«- terday afternoon. Becalling that he was to go to bis daugbtor’a boua* to Hoboken today, the cripple for a dm* eaemed to repent W* acL

m T l I N i a W OF ASYLUM

T R O O PS 'A T PERR Y C EH RN NIA L«K»t 4L»«mo:

Igthasriiii ptjglUUiF4i,<~nooM a « rricri-hd th

<4. aumtu*

laD D I^BO BO , Ha**,, gqet. 4.-By tnnnellng u o d tra dlttaen-CcfOt wall which ■urround* a; ttoW ' w htr* they war* at wark under gnar4 fIv* mildly toaacie prisonera a t th* Btata. nayltun- unahM. y tate rta r, „

Two of, tham. Tbomaa aqUlvan. of gprlngfield, Who hnd haan an Inmat* slnea iW , aaa 4<An IWln,! of Newtdn.

rocemtnmd ' In Mridgswatar 1 .Mm ingtkuMoa. -

NEW YORK, Bept. 4.-Tb* Faderal Court hate was notified today th a t th* so-called "Coal Tar True!" had ciimplled with Its decree Ip the government dlatolu- tion eult and the combine Is now con- sldsred Isgally dissolved.

Former Senator John C. Spobnar, as a t­torney for the defendants, made the an­nouncement, and Assletant United State* Diitriot Attorney Claude E. Thompson, who had charg* of the caae for the gov­ernment, did not dispute his statement. Tha dlaeolutlon decree, made on March 4 last, ordered that contracts entered by members of ths combine be reformed and the sale of stock completed within six months.

The government alleged that the de- tendacta attempted to monopolise the trade by obtaining control of a aubatan- tlal part of the supply of coal ta r in the United State* and of larg* productlona of coal ta r from coke ovens, and by eon- trolling competing comptmlee and firms doing the business of pnrchaslng «o*] ta r and manufacturing and marketing tarred f r i t roofing and paring ptteh and other product* of coal -t*r<

Th* American Coal Producto Com­pany of New Jersey beaded the list of defendant* which Included the coal tar manufacturing oompanl** of W*«t irir- glaia, Delawar*. Pennsylvania assl New York.

Th* m ist th a t haa hem diaaelvad I* tha comhln* that has oontrollad th* etl spridtled In Newark for th* paving of Broad atiwri with wood block. On* of th* eoaatttuent companle*. of tb* trust wa* th* Barrett Uanufaeturlng Company of New York, from which concern th* contraotors who bid for the HeWhrk work proposed to secur* th rir oU.

af Mayor Hausrilag^s objections which-led to hts veto of th* contracts wa* that tho oil was controlled by a comblnaUon. with th* result th a t th* paling called for was the product of a monopoly- _ .Th* "Coal Tar Trust" was proossded against laat apring by th* fadaral *u- tooritt** nndar th* Sbarman law a s a combination in restraint qf trad*; ,Th» allsgaUons made In the suit w*r* ad­mitted by th* defendants, who promised JESJTthroSblnaUon w o u l d ^ 1 If th* HtlgaUon wa* dlscontimi*^ Th* court thereupondissolution most be made e f l ^ m ymhln ^ months. Ths st* months’ period sic pirod tbd»y.

iTdnllhmint thMt h« ihould l*Av« Tork an th« •vk of h it eampAlkn for r««tltctLon w tf Bomtwhat tlla i'ad by tb« announctm tni that hit trip would last only tw tiuy dayc.

Tha Mayor will return on th t t tm t ahtp, due to arrive b e rt Stptember ZB* Mayor Gaynor't pU na prtvioualy an-* QDUnetd. tp o k t of a vacation trip of two weekt to the Adlrondacks» which wai to begin today. Nobody knew th a t he had gone abfoad until after the Baltic had aalled a t noon.

The Mayor changed hie plana at the eleventh hour bccauae he belAdved that a «ea trip would give him greater rellal from the throat trouble that haa re* curred a t tntervaU altice he wae ihot more than three years ago. This atlenipt to aeeaaalnate the Mayor wae made aboard an ocean liner a t Hoboken which was to carry him to Europe on a tnp aomewhat like that which he began to­day.

The bullet that lodged In hie throat three yeara ago Is etlll there and hla vole* never hae served him tor public epeaklng since that time. When notified of hi* choice as Independent candidate for re-electibn yesterday he wee obliged to have hi* secretary read hla answer .of acceptance.

Three candidates for Mayor are In the field here, but the political eltu- atlon wae clouded today by doubt about the compoaltlon of the ticket to run with Mayor Gaynor under to* sign of the shovel and by the attllud* of the Independence League.

Efforts were being made to i*arn ■whether the Mayor would accept on hi* ticket the Fusion nominees for comp­troller and preeldent of the Board of Aldermen. It ■wa* hoped ha would make his intentions known before he left

*°Th* Democrats and th* Fuslonlste have designated complete ticket* for the primary nominations. Ther* I* a vacancy in the Independence Deague ticket h*cauBO John Purroy Mltchel. the Fusion candidate for Mayor, re­fused to accept a place at the head of th* ticket. The place may stay vacant until 'WtUlam B. Hearst returns from abroad on September 14.

Before sailing Mayor Gaynor a lte re d hi* opponent* in a lengthy statement. ThI. purported to «ketch w hit the Mayor ha* iccompliehed during hi* tenure of oHIce. In picturesque language It assails Tara- many and Tammany leaders.

actlvg opposltlbn. The heaviest depositors In “ •'1™'"* part In to* reetoratlon of the bank Is counted upon to glv*,. a v a l^ to the shares of the pany, which cannot be hoped for If the

will probably provide a \nsL tXi ilocfeholderi to co-oper4t« with tho olh«r ogoncle* InterMtod Ib the bonk.

MmfIt wai onnouncod today that *bprocaaa of raorganfaatlon, MOO.OOO probably

would bo avalltbU, though thera may net b* need to uttlli* that total will be mid* up from th* Km.m likely to bo raised by to* director*, the nofl-OM which th* dtpoeltora ar* willing to subicrlb*. and tlOO.dOO which Edward D. Dunn, one of the director*, and tha man who ha* bean meet active In th* t*- orgapliatlon plan, hae arranged to pro­vide H required by to* banking depart­ment.

While the attitude of the great num- l« r of director* a t thrir meeting we* more friendly toward th* depoeltors and the reorganisation plan than at any time sineo to* bank,w»s closed, torse weeks ago today, th an ar* ssveral who have not algnlfled their wlUInghcss to aid,

w iuiam J. Banlaigr wa* raportad as ____willing to ta to r into tk* .1*" may w jurn to ■ a point b*tw**« th*

J® »^’,^ :,.i*d im *;P to*od atoU waU for t * apmm , !wa_ro--ar.f y .toain, praparad to dt*jii*F _proKf*

NE'W h a v e n . Conn., i*pt. 4.-Th* for. mal Inquest Into th* wnck ef th* Bag Harbor expraaa, which coat th* Uv«* of twenty-ona pas**ng*r* began bahlnd cloaad door* tola morning In to* oftloag of Coronar SU Mix. Th* facta adducgl wiu b« turned ov*r to tb* Stato'a ato tomay. aa a baala for criminal proaaette tloB, should they warrant such aotlon.

That prematura publieatlon of th*M facta might prajudlc* th* Stata'a cm* and th* Interw t of Juftlca, waa tha nm> sun glvati by th* coronri for holding thg Inqueat Is aacrat He dwdarad that mefe procadura had b**n hla practle* in crinB* nal caaaa during hla elghteaa peanP tonur* of otflo* and that to* law ephal* him.

H. W. Balnap, chlaf Inspaetor of tha Oto terstat* Commerce Commlaalow wblhh will b«gln a pubUo Inquiry he** toner* row,waa praaast a t th* Inqutat. A. B. Mil* l*r. fngln*«r of to* Whit* Mountain oa* pros*, which crashed Into th* Bar train, and Flagman Chari** H. Murray, of tb* doomed axprasa, th* moet tnpiHts •n t wUn*Hw, were to* firat oalXsd.

Both m«n hav* b«*n lacked up almw Tuesday night without ball, ehlady M . caus* th* coroner wlahad to mak* ears tain th a t n«ltta*r talked about th* Crito for pubIleaUon until after UeUfyltg. Th* coronar waa ready*to aecapt baU tog them aa soon as they had told thaig stories.

The condition of five of th* Injuiwd, In­cluding Jeann* and Edna Annau*. of Bayonna, N. J„ who war* laat night bov-. ering b*tw**n Ilf* and death, wa* d*- ■crltwd by tb* hoapllal aurgaont to ll morning a* critical. Ail but two of tog bodia* ofi too** kllltd b s ^ b**n ahtppadf to th rir homes.

Commissioner McChord, of the Inter, ■tat* Commerce Commleeldn, who will preside a t the Investlgetlon Inetituted bg that body, la expected here tonight. Mn Belnap'e four ■aaiatants continued todtif thrir examination of data showing tog operation of train* on morning of th* catastrophe.

Version* of th* causes of th* wfeek conflicting with the company'* axplanav tIon are being exploited by lom* of the ■urvivon residing In this dty. One .of thee* etorlei raised toe queetlon aa to whether Murray had placed any to ip e d i^ a t all on tho track: another whether ha had taken proper precautions to •** fw himself whether another train was *t>* proaching. :

The flagman, according to toa railroad version, placed hie torpedoU about 4i)g feet to too rear of hts train. Th* rail* road officials said laat night that to* rules required that on a down grads, ad In th* present ease, to* flagman ahould place one torpedo eighteen tslegraph poles b a ck -a distance of a little less thajg f,aw fa«t—and two torpeddaa. rightaata polee back of to* firat.

"After doing thla," reads tb* r.irt*.

establishing thg hgn k jiu 'Cord and Wlfllhm

night I .T*t* ' of I

MESSINA G E R A N O TBD t s p a■ 1,'T ■ ■ ■--- ■

. MEBBINA. Italy, - Anotherslight carthquak* ws» felt h*r* IW* mom-

aiid croatad . a fraeh paote amongtog . the lahaUUnt*. •*coiida-

The Shook laatad flv*

itSw nilk


NE'W YORK, Sept, 4.—United State* Attorney Snowden Marshall announced today that h* had Instructlona from Attorney-General McHeynolde to Ilia In the United State* D istrict Court this afternoon a ault against th* alleged "Jewelry Truat" lor violation of th* Sherman law.

Th* suit a* propoasd Is directed against the Natlenal 'Wholesale Jewelere' Asso- claUon of Phlladriphla Involving 172 Jew­elry Jobber* In Ohio, Michigan, Minne­sota, Pennsylvania. New York, Ittlnols and Calllomla. The National Ai*«l*tlon of Manufacturing Jeweler* of Proridence, B. I., Including rixty-seven Jewelry man­ufacturers of Maesachusett* and Rhode Island t* included.

Thft MtiUoa ‘Will all®W th tt th* fendanta-entered into an a^eam ent to prevent tb* mahufactnrer* from sailing nireetly to rriallers-

SBO V ERS, COOLER, FORECASTooolcf w**.ther* inltrtptfiMl

wito local showers, is a ^ ’Afsd hy th* local observelri and the Waabington foM- caster* -to be to* program for tola vl- elplly tonight and tomorrow. Moderate aasurly wind* are expected. The federal bureau’s .prediction yesterday thht It would b* lilny « td colder for today went awry» and tb* local weathri- mmi’* fors- eari. ot unse«l«I weather was danled out

^^ha^thSperatura a t S o’clock this morn- tog: WHO ?g deftwe*. Incres>lng to n a t T ^ to r i i , and to I* a t noon. Th* humHity a t I ririoefc was » por e*i«., and a t iwon ri p« r. **nt. T h e . wind a t noon had a velocity of tour ntll** from the northwest.

Tmtstday to* higboiit tempcratWg.was K dsMaea. tb« tow**? * , a ^ . th* av«tag* 7i. Th* grea**s^ bumidliiy rras M'j)*r S w t, to* « . .■»<! nvarago 6i S rw- W » vlitA nt tore* mUea ah.hour

Orithwwt. ■-I ag«dli;tKtolmuB.

■■ ■ tnh'M. a w ^

h f ' tfvwton, a « yet » wr 'hMrd f r ^ When th* tub jic t #*( breathed to Ur. •Woodward, h» said:

"I prefer to be »xcu*»d from toe re­organisation plan."

Mr. Woodward did not sty whether the expression was Intended to convey toe Idea that he would not make up hts share of th* lo»e to depoiltori, or that he would not put up any money for re­organization alob*.

Further consideration la to be given hy the director* to toe railing of their fund a t another meeting to be held thla after­noon. It is possible that ways may be found to aubicrlbe even more than IW,- coo, so to* director* may be abl* to show the banking department that thejt detIre to uphold their reputations end atert tha hank going again under to* moat favor­able conditions.

Depositor* I* AccerA Tha meeting of th* depositor* was a t­

tended by Edward F. Clerk, of New York, counsel for the orgsnizstlon, »nd also by H. M. Van Sent, pretldgnt of th* Depositor*’ Protective Assooletlon, and Michael K*no Jr,, the two composing * commltte* from their organisation, About a dozen members of tho letter body, among them being Mr. Van Sant, gave unqualified approval to the course fol­lowed hy Clifford F. MacBvoy, president of the other association.

"I have admired the manner in which Mr MecEvoy ha* carried on hi* work. " said Mr. Van Sant, 'end I Indorse every­thing that ha* been done so f»r. I feel that Mr. MacEvoy haa don* splendidly xnd has shown unusual shlllty In handling the proWera with which he had to contend."

Thle statement Indicate: depositors' organization*

Mr^MacEvoy explained the negotiations w hich had been carried on with th* di­rectors and told of the progross tow yd making the bank a strong institution, de­claring also the need for co-operation by the depositors,

Mr Clark, who 1i a lawyer, and waa once president of the Guardian Trust Company In New York, now merged w th another Institution, was for a statement. He asserted that he was absolutely certain the dlrectore of the bank were liable for any ehorUge if they were taken Into court, but ho said that If court proceedlngo were Inetltuted the depositors would probably have to wftJt a lortK tlmft for their nion®y-

If tha depoBliora and atockholdfrre «n- tered Into the plans under consideration, Mr Clark pointed out, the depoeltors would be able to get at least seventy-five

I that tha two will work Id

per cent, of their money within emailflaction'orthe two or three y-iars. perhap* more th a t would follow liquidation and c o u rt proceedings, while the other twenty- five per cent, or less would be esfeguard- ad and would be made available, with Intereat. within three years.

The meeting wa* not concluded, about U o'clooh. It Is understood ly. in view of toe harmony of *< dlcated hy tha action of Mr- Va.n/ Sant, that * general meeting of the degositoro will he called a* soon *1 th* detail* of th* reorgenlsatlon .scheme can be worked out.

■Igaal* In full vl*w, using «v*ry tffort U sttrso t Attontlou In staaon' to *t*p ^ When recalled he will look and llatril for any approaching train, sqd U ivotjg te located take up to* rignal tmrpo(M nearest th* ir*ln (leaving th* other two), and return. If recalled before plaelng torpedoes the required dlstenc*. g fu»J» should be lighted *nd left on th* track. Should the grade b* heavy, w**to*r h*d Of view likely to b* cut off by amok* from passing trains, he roust go ** much beyond th* distance named a t stance* may make necessary to saM y protect his train."

Anelber EIHotl gtolemeBt, President Elliott's version yesterday of

the secret Inquiry waa:"I wish to su t* again a t clearly a» i

can that th* management of the New Haven road he* nothing it wlaheb to bid* or distort in connection with this seriou* iccldent. Ther* seems to be a mliunderc standing on the part of some of to* r*p-reaentatlvee of the newspapeiw about th* hearing held Tuesday In th*Bardo, th* general manager. That h e ^ ing was a joint on* participated ID by tn* company, the coroner and the rep rew to - tlve of the Public Utilities Comnrisal.OB,. the representatives of the govemmwt examined the witnesses under o * ^ something which the railroad had no power to do, .

"When th* question was raltad of hav­ing th* representative* of the pres* P ^ - ent a t that hearing, proper reaport toy the coroner and representatlvea o.f to* State of Connecticut mad* Jt oecMsary to ask the permission of those gentlemew The officers of the railroad u^ersM od that the** gentlemen thought th a t auco attendance a t that time waa ■When th* question came up today of lur nishtng to the f " h « « “totlyea (M tM preia copies of the sworn testimony « that meeting the company fait aw in that proper respect for the pubUC *U. thorltles required It to hav* thatr *P»prov ft 1

After conference with those f«nU*ir»n by telephone and verbslly. In which sent* of the representative* of th* P '* " ticipaied. It appears that ‘ha public an- Ihorltles feet that It 1* time to make public ‘he tesUmony, m i l* the company has Ing public any and all facte. J* in a m atter of such great aa this unfortunats accident^ act In any way counter to the Judgiaeng

(Continued on 2d page. 6th column.) _

TWELFTH M A R Ya v ia t o r is k il l e d

L ieu ten an t L o re P ln ii^es 3 0 0 F e e l

in A erop lane a t Army S M ,

H ear ^ Diego-


m a r r i e d SECOND HUSBAND


" M r i S r C t (.-Finding that M^s,' Mary J- Robinson wag married to her second husband. Samuel D. Robinson, eighteen day* before she obtained a final decree of divorce from her first husband, ViewChaneellor Back** has b*en com- pellMl to suiUln a plea entered by Mr. RoWnaon In hi* wile'* ault for divorce. The huaband la a resident of Atlantic City*NotwlthstandJog the Ul*g4U|ty of Mra RoWnaon’a second marriage, th* viee- chancrilor does not propoa* to let her huaband aacaive to* rerimhilhlUty qf pro­viding for her malntenanea. loatoad of dtemlaring tha auie b e JtM 'glven^Mr*. Roblnso# an opportunity t o . amend bar petition by irillnd forth th g i t ^ l a tow common law wife of Th* cou-nu w#v9 iDamc4 S w t Us 1^ *

Uviiw tofetlMr for soiooL of tb« 1q>

Roblqaon sought to eacap* Uablilty for U)* wife’s malntenanc* by pleading tb* lll*galtty of hi* marriag*. Tb*- floal d*- Cre* divorcing Hr*. Robinson from bar first -husband. .-Tohn H. Nalhngi waa algnad July UB...

b a n DIEGO, Sept. l - F l r s t Mosa L. Lov*. signal corps. United Btatew army, wa* InsUnUy killed today %h*n h it aeroplane ,dung*d !M a t the army aviation school naar H* waa the twelfth military aviator, ta

™Bhortly'hefore toe accident Ljv* to descend from an altitude of appro®!- S a t T 2 C« t « t When «0f«*t from t ^ ^ • - Xtehers *ay ‘hay ,*aw a PuH.M

Ih* machine and It dropped Uk*

.Eleven' avlge


smoke on i* 'WASHINGTON, Sept. .4.- tore Itave been killed in th* a rm y . navy service, alnc* *xp*riia*Bto .Prtrt S ir te d with hearier than air

In and onetpTiwlatlon toa world over -

bMEf kUUd fiinc® l Wa IIS.ouHm fW.-’a natlva of ytfv

klnto. ' 1-

CB1 1 BI o m c a s f f l i a !IH ABlOFUm (ccaB it

BRIKC, Germany. 8»Pt. offtaet* of th* German A n w *

fh i'.



f t l i r ie j Pnbcrt Dip Into In p ra c id CovifMr*i Faiicea ■ Dir«d


NSW TOKK, l«»t. 4—Ttl* aeoMlttM lnvMUi»Un( WlUtua Sulwr't Bi||Bc** Mv«d Mdijp Into bli Mato-wldo eM9 *ign (or dIroot prtmnrltt. Tb* oon- n tO w otubUthod tlwt tit* anmpnKn « M |lT,eM. It olw ooulht to ifaow tbot M M of tiM oipOBMi, bonw t>r th« Btoto, knd nlto boon p«ld Or Bulwr’i (riondo.

It ITM MMitwl that Bulsor had vlolnM tho lav la aioMdlDc hU appropriation ter^prlntlnr by tl.dH, and that tha Btata oooWtroUar bad apont n.00O to poaU<a to cirwiiata tulMr lltaratora.

Hfbaiovar arvidaaca tba conualtUa un- eovart a«alnat Bulaar In l u lupplamanlal pMBa. which In all probability will and toMr, trtU not ha flioB to tha wlnda aa CM tba oaaa In tba orltlaal Inquiry.

TBnunany baa takaa coiniiaaca o( tha .attuatlon aa four Banatora on tha oommlt- 'laa will pit a t tha Impaaehmant trial and dcplraa ui avoid tha cbarga that tbla quartet haa prajudfad tba oaaa acalnat tU Impaacbad Qovamor.

Tha oommittaa propoaaa td turn orar Ita MBBtawaatat avldaoea to tba board of ■MMsara of tba SulMr proaaoutlon and ih^aad of todayp prooaadinda will prab- B ^ a a a a lull in tba controvaray until tha

; of UnpaacbDMttt oonvanaa. ttaartara hava baatt takan by tha Im-

pMchmant m atafara a t M Wall atraat BBC thalT lawyara aia a t work on pbaaaa B( tba proaecutlon. Tha lafal ita ft la

up of Alton S. Paruar, Edpar T. Eufana Lamb Richarda and

Probably a trial lawyar of tha of John B. Btanehflald or William

_ Jaroiaa will ba addad. iP Bpaartvd that Jdcob H. flohlft, tba

. whoia chask ooatrlbutadtba Butiar eampdlcn fund Ur. Bulaar

to Inoloda in h it twom ptatamant .flw aaoratary of Plata, trill not bo ItaoM bafora tba Ibawlay oomnttttaa. flnandar, It w m laarapd. had boon

to appear aad taitlfy batora tba court of Impaadunant Initaad. tetraptlfttion mado ^ tha Fratrlay

haa tndlcatad t l^ t tha Buliar fund arap approktmataly tUO,-

Buliar In b ti awom italamant „ with tha aabraUry a t Plata undar . jw r u pt practical act acknowladcad

Bttli abova IE,W0 la racaipu and axTppndlturap atctbitatlilc larae-

llka tf.MP. Tha eommtttaa hai not lOMM baan Ibla to oitablith bow

e( tho monay waa uaad for catn- purpoiaa and bow much waa dl< to otbir purpoaao.W bat IBunlvy Bqyaalid.

E sse x CounITo prevent

”“ *^Ba£meas of 11,000 dnw 2 per cent Intereet in tUa btnk. The growing merctiBiii's w *U account it oqtitUy welcome. C r ^ In proportion la extended both.

S ife Depoalt Boxen: Flood, Firs tiid Burglar ProofC a p i t a l , S u r p h i i a n d P r o f l t a , $ 2,660,000

CHiUUiBa 1* ITABItBI.L. Piaildona m a k IT H ao-riaa. BanJaailn > tb a . Vlva-Fraa.Ooorca F. Vlaa>P>aa.

Hvmjamrp* a o a w ,A. r . B. UaHIa, Caihlar


Theosopbiits at Conventioo io Chi­cago Predict Reincarnated Race

Will Dominate Earth.


Vatican Physicians Declare that Aged Pontiff’s General Con­

dition Is Good.



Governor Cox Lays Dawn Some Stringent P ro v iim t for the

Conity L ic e n ^ Boinb.


I dtPClMurpP up t« tUlp bnvp Phown llpt of Of tbi* MOM WM

“ ■ withtb a account with tha j firm of Fullar B d ray abowi

llta of tlLKB. th a t with M yar B Old. Mr. 8u)Mr'i aoeount,

a t tba tipantns of tba campaiBO i a-bUaiMa of tLOM wai iwallad to

• duilnc tba paiiod whan eanmalsn tha Bulaar, dona wari comlof Unto tha

Tba accouBt of l^u ia A. BarackyiUU Ifutual Al|tanoa Trupt Cotnsatty,

.................... ....... t a la n aMibleh It hap been proved that i at Bulaar campalnn money want,

I dapoplti cl nLOW-durlnB tba lam a

ebaok made by John Lynn, a of Judpa Waubopa W ho. w m

.__ obia made by Lyman A. fipald.WM far tiM: one made by Judea

T. O'Chryir, of tna d ty court, for n n : one ^ m John W. Coa far liW, and another from UaC' Coxa.WM for a lare* amount, a m

to Information which haa (ha Frawtay coam tttaa, all ware to Ur. Bulppr parponally a t tha

;tan Club on tha avaninc of Ooto- II by former Judge Conlon, of tha eea rt

w u 'tb a ttlab,t ^ h a n Ur. Sniper

CHICAOO, Bapt. t —New Aryan atock that la dtatlned to rule the world la da- viloplnc on the Pacific Coait, accordlni to tbaoaophlaU fathered hare today to attend tha opaninc aaaalon of tha twanty- iavaoth annual maatlut of the Amartcan paction of tha Theoaophlcal Bodety.

One of the chlaf affalra eheduled for dlaeulalcn Ip the development of the ao* clety'a fiftaan acre tract at Kaltona. Cal., DOW uaed m tha headquartari for tba otfanlaatlen and eatabllihed two yaari i fo at a coat of IICO.MO.

A achool hM been opened there for the taachlnt of the cult by ality volun­teer workera. The ultimate plan la to uae Kaltona, which la within the munici­pal boundarlaa of Loa Anfclea, for tha ortanliatlon of a colony, which la to -.a the nuclaua of a new race or phyalcal type In America.

"Thli toot race la the aiath aub-raca of Aryan atock and there are unmlitaka- bla alpna that It had appeared on tha Pacific Coaat." aald Uax Watdall, of Baattla. "It la a new phyalcal type and m the courae of tradual procaaa of re- tnearaadon In our opinion. We bellava ihli race la deatlned to rule the earth. Eufanloa haa played an important part in tha davilopment of the now type, which li taller, more athletic and aoma- what darker than the prevalllnf type. Its mambara have a tloar nervona orfanl- Patlon and a hlfhar aplrttual perception.

"At tha proper .time we ekpaot a Haa- ■lah to appear and direct the deatinlea of tba new race, tha same aa Christ did cen­turies SfO."

C. F. Hotland, of Los Anfelea, Cal.i said three young man are preparing them- aalvea to ba human repreaenatlvaa of tha new Uaislab and that tha quetUon of which may ba chosen waa caualng eon- aldarable diacuaalon among the thsoao- phlela throughout the world.

Uembara of the Boelety of the Eaatam Btar baltava tha honor will fall to Krtah- namurlta AlcyoM. of India who la elgh- taan years old, and three years ago wrote a book which attracted the attention of thinkers on ralncamatlon.

Another candidate is an Englishman, whose Identity Is not ravtalad, and the third IP said to ba a resident of Chicago. All three candidates are, according to theoaophlata, undergoing a ayatem of training for tha purification of their pbyalMl. emotional and mental baingi.

A. T. Warrington, general secretary of the aociaty. In his annual report said thara are more than (.ODD thaosophista in Ammca and that WO converts had bMn raported since the last annual meeting

Among the early arrivile were; Mrs. Uarie Ruasak. Paris: Carlos B. Hardy. Loa Angeles: Henry K. Motchner, New Tork; Irving 8. Cooper, Chicago; Julia K. Sommer, New Tork; L W. Robarta, Nhw Tork, and D. 8. M. Unger. Chicago,

ROUS, Sept. i.-W hlle admitting that Pope Plui X. Is again aufferlnl an In- dlapoeltlon, recalling tha serious tllneee through which the aged ponllff passeJ last aprlng. the Vatlcah physicians state that his general condition Is good. They think that although he la troubled by an occaalonal cough and soma catarrh, he will be able easily to overcoras the affec­tion, and will be aaslated In thia by the favorable dlmalle condttlona now pre­vailing,

Notwithatandlng his phyalelans' orders to uke a complete rest, his holiness in­sisted upon keeping engagements he hsd made tor today and received In audi­ence Cardinal Ferrari, of Ullan. who headed a body of Mllaneae pilgrims. The Pope afterward appeared before the pH- grlma themaeivca end welcomed them to Rome.

Uy notiflM pit b li nomination F awde hit kpaech of aceaptance a t Kationa). Damoefam Club. Prior to

Bnotinoptlon csramdtilea, ha took- dln- artlh H r. Parker, who 'mada - tha

tlMtlon speech: Charles F. Uurphy, I tka BMiiiharii of the nmlUoatien com-

Albany eomsi tha Infoitnatlontba Will of tha tdaphoaa ccmpanlaa tbs fight between MuePhy and Mr.

rtWhad Ita praient critical stage been held up by the Comptroller bills aggragate ' many thousands

BeUars.. On soma days the long- toils from Mr.' Bultaris office

run M high a* Mb.1^ eonnaotlu with th is It w m leamad

M r.. Swiiar had bead aaaUng to a troin tba talaimona company a

tlat of tha out-of-town calls


COLUMBUt. O., Bept. 4.-"Tha new Btate liquor license law must be en­forced In letter ae well M In spirit.

Politics must not enter Into the grantf Ing of licenses under any condltiona

"Licenses must be granted only to msn of good character.

"Roed-houscs must be curbed through the influence and force of your ofttca."

Thesa wara some of the declaratlont to­day to mtmbers of the now county liquor hcenslng boards by Oovernor James M. Cox. who addreeaad tba naw membars In a body.

Oovernor Cox melted tho history of wet and dry at rife in Ohio for the past dosen years, and declared hlS belief that by proper operation, the new law will elimlnete politics from tha hindllng of the ealoon pueetlon.

"Tou Republicans and Progresslraa owe your appointment to a Democratic administration," said the governor, "but because you are Rapubllctns «r Pro- grcSalves you muet not be Influenced ir. granting llcenaes for political reasons.

"Likewise. It tha Democratic Wembare of your boarda evef tall you that a 11. cenaa should ba granted to any man ba- cause he la a ‘friend af tha admlnlatra- tlon," you pat It down a t a bald-faead fslaahood. Tha admlntitratlon la not friendly to any one when It corosi to granting llcantM.”



CfOin the ruoma of Bpaakar Bmlth of tha Bagambly and Sanata Leader Wagner on

U and U. whan the Impaach- . .siotutlen WM paaaad by tha As- Bagably, the tftaory ef Mr. Suiter and hitMUbmI halDf that tkis Information would

that the wlrW had bagn kept hotqn that avantfui night by Tammany Y n itri. The haarlng KhaduUd for yaatarday

M a ra JusUca RMbrouck a t Kingston on sn lt of habaM ocorpus. laausd after

Bulser'a pardon of Joseph J. Robin, tha BOQvleted banker, w m Ignored, w m post- ptmad by consent until Monday. The cate Islonkad; On M a test of Bulser'a powers.


CHICAOO, Bapt Shortening of a ^ b a tlo n a l oouriea from one to three years lii advocated by Praatdant Harry P ra tt Judson, of tb s L'nlvarsity of Chicago. In an articla on "Economy in Education" In Tha School Ravlew, Is­sued today.

The educator assarts th a t students who desire profasatonal train ing are among tha principal sufferari from the ay stem. Medical atudanta ha w rltaa enter on their Ufa work "older by tar than ought to ba tba casa"

"1 bellava th a t wa can say th a t a t leaat a year of the alamantary school can be eliminated." Preildent Judaon declared. "I feel aura that wa do not head more than lavan years—I am stretching a point to concede tavan yaara—for elem entary school work. And whan I turn to tha oollega I am confronted by the tact th a t our Amer­ican coUegas are unlike anything alia

I In tha civilised world."In this particular cssa I think tha

fact th a t wa are dltlarant Is not a thing of which to ba proud. We are doing university work in the iM t two college years and eecondary school work in tha first two collage years. Our colleges are doing laoondary school work. Whan we once do a th ing in aduoational lines, educational inertia oauaas us to kssp on doing It. 1 would put lass time on the beginnings of our sduoatlon and more time on the end­ings of our education."

WAiHlNOTON. Sept 4,-A ftar practi­cally three montha of contlnuoui aasalons the Senate lobby commlttaa adlourMd late yaatarday, aublsct to tba call of tba chairman. Tba tastlmooy of J. P. Bird, Qcneral Manager of tha National Asso­ciation of Manufaetureri, was concluded.

Bird's testimony related to the disputed account between Colonel Mulhall and the N. A. M.' tor work performed In the Blxth New Jersey District In the campaign' of 1)10. Bird had Intlmsted th a t this ac­count WM held up by the association be­cause the officers believed Colonel Mul- hall had been guilty of duplicating hit ac­counts.

'After a meeting of the. board of di­rectors held in WMhlngton," axplalnad Bird, "I was directed to psy Colonel Mul­hall the balanc* ha claimed due him lor hit work against Congrdtaman Hughes, of New Jersey."

Bird said that the National Association of Manufaetureri had paid Colonel Mul­hall tIS.OM during the ten years tha colo­nel waa employed. ''

"Ha wee the only man m our employ who did pollttcal work," aald Bird.

"How about Jamec A. Emery?" Inquired Senator Overman.

"Emery never received any money from the N, A. M.," aald Bird. "He '»*« psW by the National Council for Industrial Defense."

"But that organliatton was controlled by the N. A. M.. was It not?" Inquired Senator Overman,

'T t wae," admitted Bird.Senator Overman wanted to know If the

ttl.DM referred to was all that had been expended by tha M ioclntlon tor political work In ten years.

"We spent a large sum of money for educational purpoeea," aald Bird.

"You mean you tried to Influence the views Of msmbers of Congress and Sena­tors through the distribution of litera­ture," aald Overman,

"We believe that Is the right of every American clUien," repHed B ird ..

088ININ0. Bept. t. — John Kilbride, sentenced to life Imprisonment In ItM for the murder of John Kelly, a t Fort Hamlltoh, eluded his guards at Bing Sing and today has either secaped the prison or Is hiding within the walls.

The convict was employed In the ship ping departm ent of th e prison, and In the belief th a t he had been boxed into an empty cbm all the boxes still In tha prison ware broken open iM t nlgbt, but be was not found


(Cantinuad from First Page.)

of tha coroner and of the repreMutatlvee of tha Public Utility Commleilon. who are chargsd with certain raaponsIblllUaa and duties In connactlen with tha tnvai- tlgatlen. Any and all facts In possaialon of the company wfllL ba given promptly to the public anthorltlea and a t the hear- Im ot tba Interstate Commerce Comnds- slon. which la to begin Friday, all such facts will become public property.

At a time Uke this every officer and great mental strainemploye la ondar a g rea t m

in trying to dA n il doty to ell coqoernM -to tha emaloyaa, the authariiiea and to the pr*e*-bOd

th i . traveling public.the

ri jh ts and ■ wishes of all must ke con­sidered."

The following questions ware asked of Mr. ElUott:

1. How m anyu teal care are oparalo.1 on the New Haven road?

I How many etMl care have been or­dered during the past year?

1. Mow many ot the above have been delivered? k

t. How many wooden care have neen ordered during the past year?

8, How many of the above have been delivered?

MU answers were:1. There ere tlfty-elx all-eteel care in

operetlon, ot which twenty-six are 'n lervlce on the electric flUmfofd and York- In addition to

t h « i iixty-nln# itoel und«r-

M O V ETO -PO STPO l HALE LAYS FjCURRENCY ACTION(Conrinued from First Page.)

thiaframe Pullman care In service.

J. One hundred and fifty.A. Thirty-four. . 1„ ,4, No wooden care for paasenger trains. 8 No wooden cars for paeaenger trains.

FEDERAL STEEL CAR LAWlikely at next session

Kllbrldgs was probably Sielstsd by Mv- eral conladerates among the prisonersand may have been carted to the railroad ■tatlon In a packing case and then taken to a hiding place. He may have been placed on a train going In the dIrectloD of New Tork. in the belief that the box he was in contained supplies.

A riot WM threatened when the prison whistle was heard. Crowds from the town soon surrounded the prison end the convicts In their ceils ahouted with glee when they learned that a fellow had gained tale liberty. Their cheers andhooU could be heard plainly outside the walls.

Vi'srdsa John H. Clancy and James Connaughton. the bead Keeper, led the searching party, which made the roundt ot the prison Mveral times In the belief that Kilbride was hiding there.

Hugh Lavery, tho keeper In charge of the shipping department, Said he did not notice the dlaappearance of Kilbride until ha counted the prleonera prepara­tory to placing them In their ctIU.

Frost lAe trasAJegton 8a r« a of (As TFB.V-

W^AWIINOTON. Bept. 4.-The dlsposl- tiqn of Congress to adopt the recommen- deUon ot the InterstaU Commerce Com­mission, mada in 1»U. th a t all Intaritate railroads be required to abandon wooden paeienger care for Steel ones, within a fixed Uroe. hM been greaUy accelerated by the Wallingford wreck.

hsv i bMB btUi, w jw rti oft dIUr, aunsationi by the Interatate Commerce Commlialon and speechM in both houaes of Congraae, running over -a berlod of yaara but ne legtalation hM ™»ult*d. Chiefly th li situation hM been due to the statemenU of the rallwayi that they were putting on etMl equipment ’ Juet •* **»! M tlu lr flnaneai and the capacity of the steel mine would permit. ,

I t look* a* If th*r* would tonn b* hear-



UINOHONT, Col., Bept. t —One person sma killed and five more or leas serilously Iniared early today when an automobile, bsrend control, aped down a steep moun­tain road, near Lyons, and waa guided Into the mountain side to prevent its ptunglng over a ateep embankment. Annie Marie Jackson, aged fourteen, Denver, WM killed.

The automobile carried thirteen pereone M Its Qiual trip from Estes Perk to Boulder. Aa the chauffeur Wolcott, start­ed down a steep stretch of road seven ttUee from Lyons, the brakes on the big Bnatenger machine failed to work. Un­able to atop tha car, Wolcott guided it ibto the mountain aide, the Impact caus- lac it to ov«rtum. Tho other **v«a occu- m u oietpwi uQhurt.


N EW . TORK, Sept. 4.—The White Star liner Oceanic came Into port yes­terday with the story ot the rescue of John Steele, who with his sister. G ert­rude Steele, was bound for Plainfield. N. J., to visit their brother, Thomas Bteela Steste, while asleep, crawled out of a porthole and awoke, fuel as be was about to drop Into the sea His screams attracted seamen, who lowered

rope tied In a bowknot Over the aide

NETV YORK, Sept. 4.—Simon Depew who Is employed in a Wall street bank, was a prisoner for several hours early to­day in a drug store a t U6th street and Lenox avenue, having been accldentaliy locked In.

Depew. who te thirty-three yeare old, entered the etore a few minutes before midnight. He went unobserved to a tele­phone booth in the rear of the large room, The electric bulbs in the booth light autoraatlcally when the boothIs closed. Because of heat liepaw left the dour i ^ aod talked In the dkrk. ''V W a v h i Wm In tha booth (he min ager closed thq store; Whan Depew emerged from the cabinet he found the room in darknees. Depew 'phoned the police efler celling up friends end the store management released him.


ftnd drew him to the deck.Paetengere had Juat quit talking

about thti when Henry Aoblneon, a ieaman. suddenly went Ineane, fought off thoftft who would re itra ln him and leaped into the sea to hla death. He leavee a widow and fourteen cbildrau In Southampton, England.



*p«4el Berrios of m HEWS.t o KIO, Sept. 4.—Chinese Government

troops, proceeding against the southern reSela. attacked Japanese In Nanklnk. acMrdlng to dispatchee received here today, and Japanese Indignation Is at f e w heat.

I t le said that the Chinese killed four Japanese and looted ell the shops In the town kept by Japanese. The Japan- •t# Oavenunent Immediately lodged an e i^ a U e protest a t Peking. The Tokto MWepapers publlah excited editorials snd aaB*r is generally expressed.

I t la known that the Chinese northern- eupporUng Preeldent Yuan Shi Kal,

Mamed the eeuthern defection largely

BRIDGEPORT, Sept. 4.-Of all the "speed " dancee which have been analywd by the International Association of Mas­ters of Dancing. Which yesterday began a three-day seesion here, tho "Tango," the "Hesitation waits," the "HItchy Koo" and the "Peacock glide" are all right It danced with decorum.

This is the opinion laid down after first considerallon of the steps In these dances. P. H. Kelly, of Holyoke, Mass,, secretary of the association., declared that the 'Turkey trot." the "Horse trot" and tho "Grlsily Bear" were vulgar "We wUl never recognise them," Mr,

Kelly said.The association during Its session will

unify the stops of the approved dances In order to leach them correctly.


an Japanese ^ ta to r s , and the fact that JJg, . Ihia T at Ben fled to this country Iskaltaved to have Inflamed tho loyalists qsalnat Japanese.


■*W TORK, Bept. 4.—A unique train fcM iry by three men who, in an express ■wStm, dnw n by a galloping horse; kept

with the moving cars while they I a f r tlfh t shipment, wm discloeed sight by the arrest of Louis Mopty Boger Mulchy, drivers.

NEW YORK. Sept. t.-Followtng a ftre- boat demonstration at W:3(l o'clock this morning off th* Battery, the tire chiefs atlondlni the convention here left for Coney Island on the steamer Grand Re­public. To night there will be a shore dinner a t Relsenweber's Brighton Be«ih Casino.

Tomorrow hte firemen's parade win start frpm Fifth avenue and Fifty-sev­enth streqt. traversing Fifty-ninth street, Broadway. Seventy-second street and Riverside Drive. The firemen's memorial at Riverside Drive and 100th street win be unveiled a t ? o'clock.

Saturday morning will he taken up with a buelness session In the afternoon the baeaball game between the New Tork police and fire departmente will be play­ed and a t n'.ght there will be a banquet at the Hotel Astor.

LITTLE VALLEY, N. T„ Sept. 4.-A lighted match held near a gasoline tank caused an exploalon that reaulted in the death last t Ight ot Mrs. William T. Mat- toon. fifty years old. and Lester Llnsley; twenty-nine years old, Mrg. Mattoon kept a general etore and sold gasoline.

When a supply wsgon came to refill the tank Mrs. Mattoon and Llnsley stooped over the tank and some one lit the match. The store was burned to the ground, Mrs, Mattoon waa a widow, her husband having died four months ago. She leavee four children.

MAN DIES AS HIS WAGER IS WONOTTAWA, Ont., Sept. 4.-—Excitement

over winning a bet on the last race at Connaught Park yesterday Is said to have caused the death by heart failure of Jule Lllllanchal. whose home was In Neiv Tork City, Lilllanchal was a book maker's clerk a t the race meet and laid a bet on the laat race. He stood to win (M If hla choice came through and wor. rlad himself Into a state of Intense ex­citement, It la Said. His horse non.


head book-katpar of tho Southern IUIdoIb Btate Bank, of Bast Bt. Louis, Ills., committed suicide yeaterday by shooUng himaelf. His body was found tn the basement of the bank hutldlng.

Officials a t ths Institution declared Ahring'a account showed no discrepan­cies. He was twenty-eight years old. Several weaks ago ha suffered prostra­tion from ths heat.

lugs before the House commlWM on in­terstate commerce resulting In the fai/or- abls report of a bill rsqulrrbg all steel


a million dollais It those who nippllsd the money should have to abandon Its control.

"No OM doubts that ths President RIU nsm t men who. at leMt In his Judgmsitt, are men ot integrity. They will be msn at such sminsnes a t. will sttract tha plaudita ot ths country. But we do doubt that they will have the baulring and butlness experience neeesaary succits- fully to Inaugurate this system. We do not fear for poUtloal control m such. But ws do tsar for the businaas effi­ciency ef a board three of whom wilt be members of tba Cabinet, with their time from morning till night taken up with Other matters, and the other four of whom are to us unknown.

"This bill is rapulsiva In Its provisions for control. It Is a force bill ths like of which Is not on the books of any nation. There ought to be. and I am aurs there Is, wisdom enough In the committees of lbs House and Senate to tram s a msas- urs that will not compel banks to joltt the ayatem, but which will provide so advanugeaus a ayatem that banks will be knocking at the door to get In.

"For six years I have orged that to make a homogenaous banking system the Slats institutions must co-operate. Now you are telling the national banks to Uke on additional burdens or go hack to the State syeuma. It Is my opinion that if ths hill were passed today It would be Inoperative tomorrow. It discourages the bankers by telling them they are a class of ettUcus no longer en­titled to representation. This is a sUp backward. It is In no sense a step tn the line of the progress of the nations."

In showing ths difficulties of inaufu- rating the proposed system without the friendly co-operation of State banks, Mr. Weds quoted figures to Indicate that tha national banks of all New England would only be able to organlie one rsgloiul reserve bank of the required capitalisation of $5,1X10,000.

The Eastern Statee. from New Tork to the District of Columbia, he aald. had l.MO national banks. If Ifii ot the larg­est of these surrendered thslr charters and kept cut of the system, he said, only two regional ressrvei could be formed In that great are*; In the South there were 1,481 national banka, and It 14$ ot them held aloof there coutd be only one regional reserve.

In the Middle Btataa, where there wera 1,»7 national banks, he said, the with­drawal of ons-tenth of the larger InstltUr tiona would leave that section without a regional reserve bank, and the same thing would happen on the Pacific elope, wherd there were 4M national banke.

Bryan PrciM i at Lw f C ai{ci]t||i Over Mexico with WOira’a Per-

soDil h fem aat.


Wa s h in g t o n . Sent i -w u iia m Bm "• rd Hale, who epent Uie laet three month# studying political condltlena In Ksxfcq, laid bstors Prasidsnt Wilson today (n- formaUoa he gathered about ths Husrta fcvsm m snt and alio confsm d with Bspwi rstary Bryan.

Mr. Hals dscllned to discuss his visit with the administration officials buL it is undsrstood. gavs thsro an Intimata da- scrlpllqn of th s nsgotlations eonducwd.h* John Lind and the H usru ot(icl»ls up to a week ago today, when he left WMcp City. Bo far aa is known Mr. H ^ a connection with thoee negotiations was unofficial and Informal.

Dlspalcbss from Msileo City, saya# prominent Mexicans bsUevsd IJu ^ ta would Tsslgn In favor of Qeronlmo vino, and thus make hlmsslf an ellgjbls candidate for ths presidency, lacked coh: flrmatlon here, but lbs n*»i was prising to admlnlitriHon officials. WtiUe they are still hoping for a dstlnlta ancs that Huerta will not be a eandldaw. they rtallH (hat a plan to Install hint In the Presidency hM been under way for some time.

No Inkling has been given M to tha admlnisttatlon'e future policy ibould Mt- Llnd'e efforU to obtain a deflniu as­surance of Huerta's sllmlnatlCn Ijrovs frultlsss, but developments of sitbor an affirmative or lisgatlve character are expected eoon, which will affect ms ■Washington government's policy mate­rially.

PMSsnger equipm ent by a l ? s iS l will net be passed durlM the ^ a l leiMon. but will go over until the

th . r ._ w l l l probably be aiflrmativ* i,ctloa. Tli* teiftper of both houn* 1* f»vor»bU to euch loffta

'*rofe leglelatlon, coming after “ l® rail waM have been a t work providing toem H lv u withvigorously opposed as It was when first

At that time fs* steel cars wem m the ra llro^s, aS arule oppoBSd the leglalatlon. When the Iteei car proved lu value, with the ra- luK that on nearly aU the transconti­nental ri»de steel cars speedily replaced woc^M ones. Roads such as tho Pennsyl- va^a aSd Bt. Paul have all-steel care, while eome of the others have wooden i n with steer frame and underpinning,

gome Uosda Bqatppcil-A few ot the railroads have entirely

tinlihed their steel equipment, others have 50 per cen t of It, and thesa figures decrease to 16 or IS per cent, in the ease ot others. Enough hM been done in ths country as a whole, and enough orderi for ateel cara are now with the steel mills, to cause the railroads to view th* prospect ot legislation with relative In- ditfarence.

Teatlmony taken during the commis­sion’s hearing following the Stamford wreck, showed that the New Hav*n road St that lime lJune. 1913,) had placed or- 4ere lo r 364 all-ateel passenger cara Th*M, how*v*r. will d* poiiiiftwha-t wow In being turned out. On account ot the heavy "irJers the mltla have for steel of all kinds. The railroads must Uks their turn, and the New Haven may not begin to rscslvs its steel equipment until next


NEWPORT NEWS, Bept. 4,-The three petty officere and five seamen from the battleship Nebraska reported drowned in Hampton Roada yesterday when a water, spout swamped a launch were rescued In the nick of time. The boat went down near the battleship, and the men man. aged to keep afloat until aeal stance came,

Speotatore along the shore saw the acci­dent and believed that all on board the little craft had gone down. News of the resetw did not reach ehore until Im I night, when tho sea in the Roads hsd subsided and boats from the fleet were permitted to go to Old Point-

The storm swamped mepy small boats and threatened iblpplng generally. The Old Dominion line eteamer Mobjack, bound from Mobjack Bay for Norfolk, was reported loat with all on board, but ah* reached her pier at Norfolk safely last night.


Tate, railroad builder and promoter, who came here from New York City about two years sgo. committed' kuiclde a t a local hotel yesterday by hanging himself with a window cord from th* top hinge of a cWor In a bathroom. Colonel Tate was a member of the Engineer*' Club of New York, and a daughter, Mr*. M. W. Bar­ton. Uvea In that city.

Colonel Tate was the soft of the late Colonel Sam Tate, of Memphis. Tenn„ a banker and railroad man. He had been engaged In railroad work In Bouth and Central America and Jamaica for yaars. Two years ago he came lb Asheville from New York and accepted a position m resident manager and chief engineer for the transcontinental railroad, now build­ing. He la survived by a widow and two children. Miss Loulee Tate, of Ashevllla and Mra, Barton. The body "Will be sent to New York for Interment,

year.The fact that thia railway ha* been

rather alow, as the commission says In the report of th* investigation a t Btam- ford. In ordering stsel cars, Is shown by the statement of the mechanical superin­tendent, who. after pointing out that th* ccinpany own* a total of 3.31* paasaogar cars of various klnda say* that only thlrty-on* of them ar* of steel, th* re­mainder being of wood. Of these wooden car* thlrty-thrs* were built between 1863 and 1*71, 13* during the decade ending In 1*31, 744 In th* decade ending 1391, 311 In the decade ending In 1901, 930 In the decade ending in IMl, sighty-nln* in 1913 and three up to June, 1913.

ProTlsIon uf ISU BUI,Th* bill IPtroduced In the House In 19U

provided for steel passenger cars only, and In replying to questions propounded by Congress, the commission suggested that th* lagtilation should also provide for stsel mall, baggage and expresa cara. I t now sssms certain that this laglslatlon will go through. The commission favor* a ten-ysar limit and states Its rsasons as follows:

"At th* expiration of a ehorter period ef tlm* there still would be many car* capable of e* satisfactory servlc* as a t prasent, and to piit them out of service altogether la a tees period then that sug- gestad would antall a very heavy loss upon the carriers, and deprive them of the use of cars approximately u good as many ot their standard cars now In use. It is believed that even a t tha end of the ten-year period there would b* many cars avallabl* for further valuable ser- Vfc* with reasonable safety, etptcially on minor roads, where tew and eipall trolA* Sr* operated and for short distances. This would be particularly true as to cars of special eonatrbctlon and strength, such a* Pullmans."

For the reasons just given, the commis­sion believes that it should be given au­thority. in any law which nsay be enacted on the queatlon of steel cars, to axtsnd

CHICAOO. Bept- 4.—Datactivea ssek- ing new light today to support their theory that Charlie Sing, the Chinese restaurant man found backed to death In h it bed yesterday waa the victim of g white man traced the career of Bine’s American wife from th* date of her birth tw enty-four years ago on farm at Olbba Mo.

While th* OrientaTa whit* wife lay on a hospital cot today fighting oft death her alster. Mias Anna Davit, ot Joliet, 111., told detectives how the girl met Sing and married him.

"Alice left the farm when she was Just a girl and went to Kanasa City to become a mlaslon worker," said her sister.

"She was working In the Chinese sec­tion when Elsie Siegel was murdsred In New Tork. She had some quiar theories about th* Blegel murder and always thought th a t tome K ^ ta s City Chinee* knew more sbout it than they ever told.

"Whlis the was following what the thought wa* a clue In tha Blagel cate the met Bing. He wae young, wealthy and good-looking, aa Chlneaa go, and ba- (ors I knew It she came to Chicago with Bing and wm married quietly In Judg* Cooper's chambers.

"That was ten months ago. Sing bought two chop suey houaai In Chicago and Invested tn several Chinese raitau- rants. He gave' my tleter everything she wanted, but he kept ail hit bualnet* secrets and his persona! affalra from her. Even if the Uvea 1 don't believe sh* will be able to explain why of how Sing WES murdered."

A meat cleaver and a knits were dis­covered under th* bed where Sing's body was found, and a servant girl'* stats- ment that to the dim light Of early morning she saw Sing fighting desper­ately with a white nun, are the clue* upon which detective* ar* working. Bing's wife coma out of a condition of coma long enough to scratch a tew un- Irtelllglhte words on a place of paper and then lapsed Into uncontcloutneta Her condition waa critical today.


fipedal Serrics of (8* JfBffg. ,VERA CRUZ. Sept. 4 (Via Oalvastopl.--Th* Ward liner Esperanxe. which sailed

today for New York, was crowded to cs,- raclty and every available spsce" was occupied by American rsfugeas and o t w foarignari, many of them were In the stserag*.

When'John Lind returned late last night from Vista Herfflosa, accompanied by Rear-Admiral Fleteher. he refuadd to make any statement except to say that the situation waa unchanged and that in his opinion Amerleani In MtMoo should take the advice of President Wil­son to quit th* country. He said that he saw no revolutionist* on hli trip tAto the Interior, but taw avldences of tbSIr ravages.

Refuges* continued to arrive In Vdfa Crui today and all sailings in thS Immediate future are booked to tltalr llm ita On the train with Lind >m I night, were several famlliea from naab Vista Hermosa, who have not long been In Mexico. They mad* S pSrsanai appeal t othe Special Envoy for bSttSr accommodatione than the steerage and Lind referred them to Conaul Canada, The refugee* told Lina th a t they Iqft behind them all their bouaahold pos- seestone and were utterly destitute. '

Rumors continue to d rift Into Vefs Crus th a t General Huerta- has given potltlve asBuranc* that ha will not he a candidate for Prestdent and also of friction w ithin H uerta's Cabinet: but they are not confirmable kb the consulate.


"WABHINOTON. Bept. 4,*-The Mexlcgfi'■Itustlon bobbed up in tbe Senate SSalQ' today, when Senator Bristow dCclargd


th* period of time within which particillar carrier* might continue th* uae of wooden ears. -




i New York Central freight train start- > lo r up-Buta on track* which rut.

; Eleventh avenue for eome dietecce fmeprea*'wafon fail In beside the car*t tha hors* "wm whipped a* the traln'a

Iqosastd. By ins time the alx, covered the men hod picked: Ipek on the ih tn i car and stolen

and linen 'worth HW. A detective 'pursued on foot and (Irsd a ra-

•g a t the msn WM outdiatonesd. tObbem abandonsd their work only

the tt«hi beggri to move faster tba-hoMie,

I rm ato t* Avafa BM*t HeSvick.B«pt. 4,-HJqoW* F.

Of JUhanr,. Wga sjactad to * I t 4M t Ilf Breatdent of tha Brother- ; irf' 'SalnicTih Deoerator* and

r* •f. -Amwlca, . y**t«rday. « f tA fayatU t Ind.; wad

KE"W YORK. Sept. 4.—Five hundred telf-tupportlng students a t Cktlumbla University earned tlW.COO last year, ac­cording to a report made publlo a t tha university.

iKitorIng was the most lucrative work, brlnglni in during th* year 139,639. Since 1393, When the Columbia authorities first began to make a record of the students' eamtngi, undergraduate* have earned $1,113,637

BT- PAUL. Sept. 4.—Resolutions favor­ing a full Frogreaaiv* ticket in Minnesota ntxt year have bean adopted by the Progretilve State central committee. For the purpose of selecting candidates. It was decided to hold a maesmeettng of Frogreatlve* of Mlnnetota In St. Paul, February 13 naxt.


Letter-MTFlera Pick Osaolui.BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4.-Tba Na­

tional Aaeodation qt Letter-carriers choaa Omaha, Nsh., today aa tbe e|t* of their eou'vehtlon in UU. when tha result w m snnouncsd, the worker* ter DallM, Tex., extended their cas^atulatiotia to Omaha.

PfelRec Beads Foatal Cterks.. INDUNAPOU8. Ind.. BapL I.—

Oeorg* X- Pfeiffer, df Mltwaukaa, was atecteid president and Ban Francisco ssieetedM th* 1118. convanilon etty a t th* cloehtB aasflon ot th* National Fed- fiM bn ' o f PoVtoffllHi O w h a hdr* dkrly Vdaqri-.,

Spefioi Sttrt™ of (6e JiiOFS.LONDON. Bept 4.-Jaek Johnson, the

colored purlllst, WM slightly injured in hit back when i taxicab collided with hi* touring car early today. Johnson's ear wa« amathsd and the colored man thrown to th* pavement. Th* chauffeur of the taxicab wai arretted.

CHiaiiU CAFES WANT DANONGCHICAGO. Best ^ “ T h tt restaurant

men are trying to find a way around th* recent ordinance forbidding dancing In restaurant* becoM known yatterday with th* application of several of them for dance hell llcehsn*. Action on th* appii- cations WM dtfttfSd pending a dsotslon by ths corporntlop oounasl.


Boobs, slgbli ysarn old, saw bin s i ^ r Dorothy, aged 'n ine.strusK tog. 'iayqoil bfg dnntb In tb« A rk an su «riwr. ham, y*atiH4w),'b*. eswtiNtefWg''*00*. Both w*t*'dii)RJMlb'.h:'

RIVERUEAD, L. 1.. Sept. 4.-Th* wlJJ of Theodore F. Jackson, of Brooklyn and Weethampton Beach, Long Island, pro­bated yeiterday, gives to CaroUn* N. Jackson, th* widpw, $130,600 Immidlately, all cl the testator'a Uhdg, household tur- nlture. Jewelry, horses, automobiles, etc.

Tho will also make* .the following be- quesU: Theodore Frellnghuysen Jaekaon, a nephew, gold repeating watch; Emaat H. Jaekaon and Arthur L Jackson, nephews, $6,000 each;. $10:060 In trust for the aiipport of Herbert N. Jteksoa, a nephew, and Mary A. Kennedy and Margaret M. Bhaw, aervanU. $1,000 each.


phyalclani tay, te a. OlseMed mind, John Stephana aged nineteen, so* of an Albany merchant, hM oenfesaed to robbing the grave ot Mra Paulin* Blum, who was b n rltd Sunday after­noon.

A workmen about the cemetery dis­covered the desecrated grave yester­day. A maid in tha EIMphdn* boatt laet night found th a oaffln 111 the cal­ler. Em* notified tha family physi­cian.


graduate* o f the lAp*. Technical BIgn School ot thle etty, "Wbo bav* been ap­pointed teacher* of m anual tra in in t in Porto Rico, ^wOra reoslited today byMayor H o rr la ^ prior te their depart-

tomorrow^ for their poeta Tbt«ure Eomorrow^ lo r xn m r poiixs. iDiiIs the largeeMbody o t toaobsrs tor (a- solar service drawB from any otta te ^ o L ' -

BnUe aa T saiash ippei Ralf-WASHINGTON, iopi. 4.-.WMd pqlp

and paper, dsstloM for the United Btatte,................ intermsdlary

. from. ___ . . 'tavsM

nation'’ treaties vlfii ih* ynltilB Bteite*. Assistant Att«tti«B?&*aaral iMmlaon, pass­ing upon a quesBon riUaad' by- Norway and Sweden. uSay asvltei Eaewtary Mo- AAM tfattSM b.«‘4 « M B i i# « B r « : f n ^ .agh wlthl* |]|*.|— —

ana paper, OMUOsa « » uniiea no h q t' tranahipteS. a t sbiiw intermed point, will he adhUtted free of Jlute i all Etttqpeajb xkuttVria* h iring ."tav


SPRINGFIELD, Maa*„ Bept 4.—Ed­ward A. Robcrtion, of 'WMt Bprlngflsld, ha* had the unusual experleno* of being ttrsman In hoth of tha recent wrecks on th* New Haven road. Re WM fireman on th i train that was run Into a t Btam* ^ord June 13, when ilx persona wore kill­ed and half a score Injured In tbe parlor bar Skylark, and he w m flraman on th* angina th a t ran into th* Rar Harbor ex- l^reu Tuesday a t North Haven, when twenty-on* were killed and forty la jurtd.

In bath case* the engine Bobettson wasitedon WM of th* new Pacific snperhMt.

typa. Robertson is no more than shaken UP and ’Will be able to resom* Ms work next waek, unlssi he la wanted a t th* Investigations. He re fu su te taUc, but )4r*. Robertson emphatically deblid iMt M h t th a t either ha or the engineer Jumpad from the engine a t tha tlm* ot tba wreck.


LOS ANGELES. Sept. 4.—The aiiertlon vfas mads yesterday that John ("Bull") Young, the prixe-flghtsr, who died re­cently after a knockout blow had bean administered by Jess Willard, hi* oppo­nent, In * Vernon bout, succumbed to th* stfecti of a surgical operation and not to Willard's blow. Such was the defense set up a t the preliminary examination of Willard and eleven others connected with tha fatal ring affair.

Counsel for the defense ettacked th* methods ot the surgeons who wera celled to treat Young. Just before the adjourn­ment of court OB* of th* attorneys ds- clared th* defense would prove that Young's death was caused by a brain wound from a knife in th* hands of one of the surgeons who performed th* trephining operation to relieve prasiure on the fighter's brain. The case went over until today.

he believed this government should mlt General Carrania, the constltuDon- allet lender, to gel arms and ammunillM In the United Btetes. because H ltent had been allowed to import arms ubtl^ very recently.

Senator Bristow explained th il h i brought up the question because ^4d seen widely published statement* QUi Congress was solidly behind Freitdent Wilson's Mexican policy. To pgrU' 'or that policy, he said, he took axcepiiOi' to others he agreed. He argued tbat'-thA United States by gtsnUitg ImpOrtatlOiM'of Arms to Huerta bad recognlxad him.' ,

"It saem* to me that we should rdO- cognlie th* helllgsrents who are fight­ing h im ," he said. "I bellav* tha fac-A tiona should be allowed to fight out their domeetlo troubles but every tenee ot fairness dictates that Car- ranxa should be given the right 'td purchase arm* and munitions of war."

Senator Bristow said hee disagreed with the President's w*rnlr.g to Americana to leave Mexico. That, he maintalMi, WM taken m an Indication that inter­vention was contemplated. He wae op­posed to Intervention at this time.



BOSTON, Bept. 4,—The thief whose depredation* In Wellesley Collage dor­mitories laet w inter terrorised the girl students Is believed by the Boston po­lice to be In their handa He cam* ther* through tha jealousy of his sweetheart. Miss May Smith, who le also under i r r e e t

Wesley Coakley. the euepect le twen­ty-tw o years old. He was caught yae- terday while try ing to ditpot* of a bag ot metal. The hag, the police *ay. waa part of the loot taken from a Wellesley stu d en t Bliverwar* And other articles valued a t eeveral hun­dred dollar*, much of which hM heen Identified m having been taken from Wellexiey dorm ltorlea was fonnd tn hie room.

On one ooeaelon a burglar who en­tered the room of a tleeplng g irl struck her on the head erban 'ehe awakened. Th* young ikeman wax unconeetoui for eeveral hoursi

WABMINOTON, Sept, 4. — Secretary Bryan's request for a $100,000 apprupriatlon to get Americans out of Mexico brought on a lively debate In th* House today In which varlou* opinions on tho gd- mlnletratlon's' Mexican policy were ex. pressed.

Representative Murray, of Dklahomo. aesalted th* Preeldent's "moral (uatlqn poUcy" as foolish, and advocated force. Representative Garrett, of Texas, de­clared the people of hie Btate war* un­alterably opposed to any recognition of Huerta.

"We would give the conetltutionallete all th* arm* they need." he cried. ."Xhey are patriots fighting for their cOun|ry. I, for ene, will never consent to ““ tecognltlott ef Huerta or anything Huarta elands lor,"




CHICAOO, Sept. t.-From »» to Wtl lives. It I* sstImaUd, will be eavqd each year If Chicagoans will develop the hg^lt of creealng street* only a t Intereeotloak. This assertion, hosed on th* iooident record* of hie office, w m made .y*a$er-' d ty by Coroner Feter M. Hoffman, who 1* prtporing on ordlnanca. ranking H a mlsdemeanav fOr any pedestrian to croee a thoroughfare except a t * eornek;

The coroner, who 1* arouied by th e 19T death* here iM t year ceueed by •*$*- mobile*, le planning an- educattonnl enra- palgn w ith th* object of reduelhg thle toll of life. W hile not mlnlmlxlnf the negligence of some automobtt# driver*, th* coroner assert* th a t a large prepor- tlon of th* fatal accidents are due to. Ih* fo o lh ^ in e e a Of pedeetrinne. ■

COLUMBtTB. 6 ., BSpt. 4.irJr»re early today distrbyed the .plant p i the'Buck­eye Window Giiaa Company. a lose eattm ited a t tUO.DOt,

PHILADELPHIA. Bept 4.^Th* bodlat nit five ot th* eight PMiadeIpbia vletim* a t th* New Haven wreck were brought here Yeeterday on * epeot*) train en­gaged by Gacrge w . suctns Jr., of thle Sty.

Tba bodies ef Hiss UarW 1 . Bullitt and J|l*e Harneet C. Biddle w eta taken Dom Bi* tretn e t TorTesdale, g subiirb. That eg B. C rn er Fox wee removed a t North I^IUdeAihta and thoee of Mis* Bmlll* K. p iv U and Daniel N. Me<}ulU*n were brought Into the Broad etrOet tltaUnn of

'esnaytesata Railroad; HeiaUvee of the daad aecaapaaiedetb* bbdtw to thliCh*

iity. The body of Robert U. Tatm wmaUreiillbt eg a eperiai car atteebed to

tegular tritln.

fCHORD OFF FOR WRECK 8KHSIYWABiaiWOXtJN; Bept 4.--.Cemmt*ften«r

.MeCbord.' of the Tnlerstat* Cemmerd* Opsurrietioa. left today for Nam Haven, Conn., te mrnfhiu personally 0 * t twulrif


PhtalUng But l i?

tie insuriAe* was carried.' .The lire e ta r tid from a spark (rdm

a pMeing ipoomottva and before fir* departstant raaoh*d It, two.millie northeeat e f Cdlilmbua, the blM* hgd enveloped the m ain itrtiotur* « id 4*v- orA) other building*. There w il go w ite r end th* firemen were forced te stand by end w atch th* p lant harn te the giotmd. C E. Bortrapt. preeldent, t ? l n ‘ ------Neir York.


body of Jem®* McNulty, a real rntate broker and former hotel man, dma found retwrday in a cabtn n*ar here, th* ^k-

being mad* by We pertripr. *, Mober. . ' V.

Th* upper part n( th* bady, whleb wiu covered with e msttnae and bedding, bed a number ef bullet wound*. Mo- Nutty'e father Is prominent at Narwood, Ontarie.

A sessla T le tlH Be •$• Beale.BT fcOtJiP. Bept. 4.— A man, khewipg

no trio* of ^ n k or Ulness. appaarpd a t the City Hnajiitai tediuF, end m ^■TFho am f * ^ from the W«'?dm*ii *«« t* 4B ■«.


‘bed. ladf* ret<?th* World,


NEW YORK Bept 4.->^Ai * eeqiitl te th* longshoremen’e etrlko la'KdhokeM, the Hamburg-Amerieen linbr Pr**ld*nt Lincoln ran atroulld. off BayBrooklyn, thhigh

thle studtuerning end'theca un til six tugg pulWd h * r;e tt a t

gh tide ehertly after 4 o 'e tm ^On account of (h*. longehoremen's

ttr ik a a t Tiobokan. w h e n th*>big Ham- burg-Ameriean doofc* erb 'loeated, 'th a Praeident Llhoeln era* 'taken to Etouth Brooklyn |M t weak, to r her load . pl fr tlg h l. Bh* WM sohednlod. l a . e w at noon, and w*t on her way lr$m)>0, anSouth B htoklyn to take on pMMigol'* a t Hoboken when eke got tern dltlT.*citity, /

BEUEYE o m n V A $ CAST n SEABAN PYLANCIBCd, Bept A -ila lM ^

Itatea euateiia otiRel^ aaprtoatd Mm belief yeeterday that a large quantite at opium WM jJirown Into the nea fr" tha PaeUto liner Manoktiria tor* th* vceeel arrived Itern oa Mop and H u t the tltty-nlaa c iM .o t they dteeovared oa board formed onlF a i portloR of a big ihipm ent . .

Thotigh all ef the wirelte* Matteda l berewere plaoed under eloea eWvelllaei* dM* before tee eteamer anivwl, itwHi v m Wli^ cd F*et*Tday that abrnm amtt teih* vttfeltroa i ■apMn


hiUcSenice CMBeto A|

tera iM l


AgT**mcnt wai Bsrvice Railway • n a with 1 9* Be afternooii to furt it* tranifer syeti approval of th* b after thu agresmi th* company It p

Juet what the contain tho trclU te eay M they hi Mturano* was i GlLoaour, repree* under the propo* prlvllag* grantsd company It oblli

Thle agreemcii auggeeteil by Pt Publlo Utility f WItbuUt a disaer slonac Qlllan liui vUlon b* mtui* I tern. Mr. Olllrn glvan 0,1 a tran Clifton and Ben and John O" pany w m anxlo Into *(1*01 If It larsont would round trip f->r a

Whan Mr. G r* vision of tha Uon on which should be (ran that tha comp* a revision "und 1* living up to sgreemsnt In th ot traniferi., 6 Hf. QlU*n Bcs and u ld he r« on* oould get c have a tra-isfsi

Beside* 'he t Un brought ui ileted should h *gie*ment b«tv peny. Hie col upon th*e* pr tianwouB to tl franchleea p«rt not Included 1 which It now tmleee some of held up.

Hr.One of the na

city and the cc wanted th* cor nMlit on the ell oent. tax, Wh that the comi eftect a eettlsi BOW before th Hr. Gillen ret vote to grant •

Another thin have the com agreement wa would b* char to the dump* trolley care a collected in wi tor. Thle was eigii to the re the betterment mour replied, wanted such the company week if the fi by the city a* be removed ar and from whe

In urging a cent queetlon, who teem to k method of coi baele of track city. By this trimmed." he an example ih reoelv** only of the gross r th* other flvf outside the cii tiw * are one ro*d oar* thi

Sr barns In : rther.Hr. Gillen i

b« made by i the company ; tbe nuitter oi th* crantlng

It wae poln jMr- O'Toole i

the Turnpike, from fares I city, aa th* i th* Hackena Tha question two sides, A deolsred thai dispute shoul

TeTh* agree

form of an troduced in Ing this attr

By the a | tag Will he [ Of all llnee llshed by tl line* will b dltione ae « of motor p and elevate building an trecka, and Intersecting tracks In B for the purj fe r prlvllegi

Fares coll gtdny. shall cent, tax, at

. In the agre< lie Service

Xlpon rec curve* a t h the pomp*; dleeontlnue Broiad atrei been sougt the Mulben i t made on from the i removed tnIs given t< down the p avenue froi te (be P.en

Xgreeme tije curve a t Bergen eblnctdent*

• til* addltlc ■rranted; t for the ex the proper of Ogden doubt* tn Dlvtblon si

The gran fk rry atrs the oondlt dMIeat* h the propel Bowery ar th* Unee o

No undei ^ ehall be j

fubway wl the Board 'gcfoe* to- avenue an te th* nor ether <>»■’*


Adequati four stcr® months w day befon Bhnkrupte receiver. I tor an all iions mat teoUng cr that f*oo 1

Th* rep profit” a t a t New an* South puraamenl about $».( ' Mr. Btei

would ba hueiMM I Bltdar, at

of « sell It M

WM abc

atedtfer*. qig t.-:ev(



PiM c S m k e aid Board of Woiiu Co m to Agreenent for Bet<

termeit of Serrice.



ai ^



Newark Glass 27R Market S tw lSpecial Prices on Each Article

Glass Spice Bottles

Olau Btopp«i»- Hold* * ouno« . U belcd for ■!•*. A 11 • P 1« CUT**. Muilprd

1 caraw*r S* • d. , TkXMr.' *tc.

filassTowelBar _" 24 Inchej long. I inch in dUmeter, ^ B a

Nickel plated ......................................■ ^

Glass Shelllong, nickd plated brickeU.......

ao inches

50cAcm m cnt w»* nud* by tb* Public

■•rvleo Railway Company at a confer- ansa with t le Board of Worka yaaterday aftarnoon to furnlah a plan of chaage lA Itt tranater ayatem which will meet the kt^roval of the hoard, wlthtn two montha a tta r tha acraement between the city and ttaa oompany la put Into affect.

Juat what tha new tranafer plan will (sootalB the trolley men are not prepared to aay aa they have not completed it, but •aaiiranoe waa given by L. I>. to w a r d OUmour, rapreeeptlng the company, that under tha propoeed echaUule tha trapafar

, prlvllaga granted would be wider than the company It obligated to give.

Thla agreement by the company wae aufgeated by Philander C. Bette, of the Public Utility Commleelon, and accepted wtthuUt a dliaentlng vote after Commie- •toner Qlllen had Inelated that eome pro- Vialon be made for a better tranafer eye- tern. Mr. Qlllen urged that a tranafer ba given On a tranafer on auch llnaa aa tha Clifton and Bergen, and both Mr. OHmour ami John O'Toole eald that the com­pany waa arialoua to put auch a ayatem Into affaot If It could ha ao deviaad that leriona would not be able to lAaka a round trip fur a nickel.

'When Ur. QlUen wanUd to make a revUlon of the tranafer tyctam a condi­tion on which the terminal tranchlaaa ahould be granted, Ur. O'Toole declared that the company would not make auch a ravlilon "under a club." The company U living up to the requlrementa of Ita agreement In the lasuance and acceptance of tranafere., Mr. O'Toole eald, although Mf. Gillen leeraed to think otherwlae, and laid ho remembered the time when cne oould get on a car a t any point aiM have a traneter accepted.

Bealdea ihe tranefer queetlon, Mr, Qll- len brought up other nvattere which he ilated ahould be included In the blanket agreement between the city and the com­pany, Hti colleague*, however, looked upon theae propoaltlone aa entirely e i traneouB to the terminal and all the fmnehlaea pertaining to It, ao they were not Included la the general agreement which la now about ready to be elgned unleaa aome afterthought cauaea It to be held up.

Hr. GUIcn Objecta.One of the moot quaattona between the

city and the company of which Mr. Ollleii wanted the company to agree to a eettlo- nMnt on the city's lerme wae the five per opnt. ta i . When Mr. Ollmour declared that the company would not agree to effect a aettlement of a queatlon that la now before the courta for adjudication, Ur. aiUen retorted that he would not vote to grant another franchlae.

Another thing which Mr. Gillen would have the company put In the terminal agreement was a bid on the rate that would be charged tor the tranaportatlon to the dumpe of garbage and uhe* by trolley care after auch refute bad been collected In wagona by the city contrac tor. Thla wae a propoilllon entirely for eign to the re-routing of etreet cera and the betterment of trolley aervlce, Mr. Oil- iTiour replied, and added that If the city wanted auch an eatlmate he knew that the company would furnlah It within a week It the facta and flgurea were gt+en by the city ee to the amount of refuee to be removed and where It waa to bo taken and from where.

In urging a aettlement of the five per cen t queatlon, Mr. Oltten said that thoae who *e«m to know believe that the preient method of computation of this tax on a baelB of track mileage is not fair to the city. By this eyetem the oUy le "being trimmed." he aeaerted. and ho cited an example the Flank road tine. The city receive* only four-ninth* of five per cent, of the gross recelpte of thla line, becauae the other five-ninths of the trackage are* city, while as a m atter qf fact tbare are one-halt or more of the Plank rogd oara that only run aa far aa the

Ten Cents Eacli BatbSeatsEnanieled 60c

P a r a f f i n W a x

RadiatorSTEAM GAUGE Bfonze

GLASSES g a M a i t e t S t N f M B K ------------

Open Saturday Evenings as Usual.

We Give and Redeem Surety Coupons

M a rsh a ll B allHithett *Iype of Headv-i*~ Wear

~S07St3 Breed Slrteh~The White Fronts

econom icalBoys’ School Suits

Increased AssortmentSUITS


I School time is at hand, and parents of boys and children should not lose sight of the fact that M. & B. clothing for boys is built for hard knocks and at the same tim e is moderatelypriced. . . ,

Our Boys’ and Children's Deparment is growing at a rapid I rate. Stocks have been enlarged and space increased, so that

every youngster may be fitted out in an up-to-date manner and at little expense.

-- -- ■

Sr barn* In Market etreet, and not a bit rttrther,Mr, Qlllen urged that the oomputetlon

be made by ear mileage, and he wanted the oompany to concede to a settlement of the matter out of court m a condition to the granting of the terminal franohleee.

I t waa pointed out by Mr, Qllmour and »Mr. O’Toole that on other lines, such as *the Turnpike, the city reaped the benefit

from fares that were paid outside the elty, ae the five-oent faro aone ended at the Hackenaeck River, over In Kearny. The question was one to which there were two sides, Mr. Ollmour remarked, and declared that it as only right that the dispute should be settled In court*

TerwilBal Tax F lea .The agreement ae drafted le In the

form of an ordinance and may be In­troduced In the Board of W orks m eet­ing thla afternoon for It* flrot reading.

By the agreement the five per cent, tax Wilt be levied on the gross receipts af a ir Tine* and parts of line* estab­lished by the franchlBBe; all the new llnea will be eubject to the oame con ditions e* existing lines as to change of motor power; the subway txacke, and elevated tracks in the term inal building are considered as intereectlng tracks, and both are considered to be intersecting tracks with the aurface tracks In Broad street and Park place for the purpose of extending the tran s­fe r privilege. ,

Fares collected by the Terminal Com- **ny. shall be subject to the five per cent. tax. as th a t company is considered In the agreement an agent of the Puh-

' Ito Service Railway Company,Upon receipt of permission to Install

curves a t Market and Mulberry streets the pompany agrees to permanently digeontlnue the use of the M arket and Broad street curves, a thing which has bssn sought for years; the g ran t for the Mulberry and Market street curves i t made on the condition th a t the curve from the north to the oast shall be removed In nine m onths a fte r a g ran t Is given to the company to run cars down the proposed extension of Central •venue from Saybrook and P ark places to the Pennsylvania Railroad Station, j! .Agreement Is also made to remove thg curve from the north to the west a t Bergen street and Clinton avenue eblmildentally with the Installation of

• tile •ddltlonal curves th a t have been wrAnted: the eompany agrees to pay for the extenelon of th e pavement to th e nroperty line on the easterly side of Ogden street to m ake room for a double track from Bridge stree t to Ulvtblon s tre e t j

The grant for the Bowery, ChapM and Berry atraot connections- Is made upon the condition ttm t the corapeny ehaJI aeajeate to the city aa a public jtraet the' 'property which It owne , between ^ A te ^ ^ S d Perry e t r e ^ the lines of Chapel etreet aa e x te r tr t .

No underground ptatfornss or etetlons . ■ he establUhed along the

* ^ a S w a y without the expreseed. oonMmt.of the Board of Worita, and th* oohiP^lJ '•ifedB to- remove the o u rv e a t Gentry KlSue and Sroad street from the west IB the north upon the Inatellation of the other euiv*i sought.,,

Blue Serge Suits 5.00 to 12.001Boys’ All-Wool Fast Color Blue Serge Suits, sizes 6 to 18 years.

Single snd double-breasted Norfolks in the new Fall effects, slso single and double breasted two and three button models.

All Wool Mixed SuitsGuaranteed All-Wool Mixtures, sizes 6 to 18 yesrs, embracing all

the newest Fell styles and patterns. Including Norfolks.

One-Trouser Suits. $2.95 to $16.50 Two-Trouser Suits, $3.95 to $12.00

Corduroy Trousers—Special9 8 cReg. $1 .25 C o r

d u fo y T r o u s e r s . .

Reg. $ 1 .5 0 C o r - I | C d u ro y T r o u s e r s . -

A large and satisfying assortment of Boys’ Blousbi, Shirts, Waists, Underwear, Sweaters, Collars, Belts, Suspenders, etc., all economically priced.

Unusually Good Shoes

Boys'. LJttls Gsnts’ atvd Mipses’

Q uality , C om fort and E conom y Gombinod

Misses’, Boys and Children’s T™-Tred Shoes, according to size, $1.50 to $3.50.

Little Gents’ Tru-Tred Shoes, according to size, $2.50, $2,75 and $3.00.

Growing Girls’ Tra-Tred Shoes, sizes 2}4 to 5 ^ , $3.00.

Boys^ "Double-Wear” School Shoes

Pair "Extra-W ear” Soles FR E EBox Calf Blucher INDESTRUCTIBLE TIPS—Can’r "Kick ’Em

Out.” Pair of “Extra-Wear” soles given FREE with every pair of "Double-Wear” School Shoes.

For Boys, sizes 1 to 6

L i t t l e G e n t s *sizes 9 to 15 'ifi

Remember the Number—7 8 3 Bread Street

Perfection In Dentistry

n.ioo, SCHEISt STORES, CEB $800Adequate oompoaautlbB for managing

four More* of teheusT * Broa. fop two month* wa* a eubject for dtacuaelon to­day h«for* Referee Bdwtn O. Adama, Is Bhtikruptcy Court, when Uouta law ta, tha PecMvar. eubmltted til* report and aifead fS^aW illowanco of H.M0. A ftw objoo- ttohe mad* by Qoorga Btewart, rapre- a w H n g T rflto " . Ecforoo Adama decided that $800 would he a proper allowance.

report of Mr. i f j * ; p n m ' a t the atorea of a t Saw BrungwICk, BlooMfleW, Orange a h i Itoath Oiange. The receipt* and die- {hrMonent*, which w*t* ahoutwqual, were

auggeeted that $500 ec teoo would ba auffld to t * U u w a^ , « J h aMsiDiM Miswad no profitahut WathMBltdar, attorney for Mr. tcw la eaM th*

of oond'oetlng the burinaae waa to •ell It aa a going concern.

I t waa animiiikied that there w ta on hand about fU,ooo. to dtetrihote among cMdltori, aUfflcWot for about a fifty per Goilt. dtvideod. Becauae of cotnpUcaHona tMulting fronf tndlvtdnal aewta of nwm- baM cd tha bankrupt firm batng cla lmad I by erdhltafa to whom tha Rrm ow ad|

^u 5 eW 4 M b M * tio n or a dtvidaad w aa ' t aver t a ^ im t

Oitb must take pride in his work in order to attain perfection in den­tistry—we do. We are always aim­ing at perfection—and hit the bulls- eye more frequently than we miss. We say this without the slightest compunction of being, boastful—our work proves the statement;

A U l Y f D K i D A I A i m H YEARS

g o o d PliATESAND UP

F ilt in g s d PLATINUM, m m a t ic RmCBLAIN, S m U O I w

- - „ , SILVER, fWLO, o pBvarw Opwatfoa Palolofs aad Oiuranteod 4h Tea y « ra ^

d r . A. D. SMITH,f e »_783 BROAD ST.,HEWAI«,H.J. mST.

-mmam w o w from wAiMsmr,BSTIMATM CBBSRFUU.Y GIVSR. MAMWT.

LABT ATTBINDANT. GBRKAJI «oaua o«M* a A. M. to a a JL amUny. i» *• Ifc |a a F.

Store Open on Next Saturday Until 9 P. M,$3 to $4 L a c e C u r ta ih s

Scotch and CaMo Net Laoa Cur- taint—Moat beautiful allover and real lace daaignt, SO to 60 Inchea wide, and 3W yards long; we •«- cured these from one of the lead­ing jobber!, at greatly raducedfirices, on account of being odd ott, from 4 to 12 ptira | A Q

of eacb style; all perfect; | , V O beat washing quality; pr.

Close Saturday 0 P. Ai Other Days 5:30 P. M,

U I,,* r i M*n**d PbosiOrd*™ Km*W*T h e D*e n l v e prompt Md Cantul att*atl**. t^ cw a i a

Handkerchief SpeciabHlaaaa’ H. 8. HanAerchlara--

Narrow bent, claar ihear elotb; embroidered block initial set in wraatb of embroldery;elxdealgna; tlsd op cards of half dozen; soldby only

Mlaaw* •■ ! Cbliam'a All U*** H. a. HBaSkerchlcf*—Soft flniah; ready for u*e; cl*»r, aven J weav*; good list and all lluan; apeclal at .................

vmiaa va vaatwa i |1 op cardt of half doian; told

r!.";"., i Dot 25c

Everything for SchoolFor^bogs and girls o ta ll sizes and ages, for

the tot just entering kindergarten to the gouth or maid college-bent


Clothes of the right sort in style, in appearance, in construction, in fit—clothes such as will materially enhance their appearance. Every­thing in the nature of supplies requ lr^ to facilitate work at school, evetything in quantity and variety. B ring the children here tomoltow or Saturday; a visit to our store wiTl doubtless make them eager t^ r e ­turn to their school taslfe after the long summer vacation.___________

For the GirlsT o 1 .5 0 G i r l s ’ W a s h a b l e D r e s s e s

At thi* i*a*on of th* y*ar waahable dr*** ■lock* btoom* dapleted; ala** ar« uaually brokan. and what ar» left are usually tolled—not ao with th is lo t Our m anutacturora prepared for a d»- mand th a t always occurs a t thI* Urn*, and 1* uaually hard to meet*—dr**aa* th a t arc worn right up to cold weather—ginghams, shepherd check*, percalea gmlate**, stripe*, platd* and plain color* —model* you will be delighted with—and the beat of all 1* th*y ar* not priced a t anything ’J E - Ilk* their worth; regular to $1.B0 value. a t ...........................................................................

G i r l s ’ N e w S e r g e D r e s s e sThii U poiltively th« b« it All-wool forge droft

wo hfvo loon In m fny a day for $8.*$—nlcoly ta i l­ored. and a good flttlng garment, ono-ploce droea neatly trimmed; il»ef f to 14 yearf. Many atorea fell no bolter for 15.06; loader a t ........*........................................

3.98G i r l s ’ N e w S e r g e D r e s s e s

An especially good assortm ent a t this price, and every one a good model—stra igh t Russian, waist dreue* and two-piece middy and Peter Thompson mod«Ii, trimmed with white braid; other* with contrasting d o th or Bilk; eome here with patent leather belte. In ehadee of navy w r tA blue, Copenhagen, brown and wine; sIbcb ^« to Id. a t ...........................................................

G i r l s ’ $ 7 .5 0 -$ 1 0 E a r l y F a l l C o a t sAn otpoclally good afforim ent of g lrli’ conto

for ichool woar; ozceltont quality of navy sorgoR, cbocko and pretty mlxturoe; lome yoke lined, o thari ell lined; collars are self and trim- p med with contrasting m aterials; sUet 6 to 9 * U U 14 years; special a t .........................................

Boys’ Norfolk Suits, Worth 7.00With two pairs of Knicker pants;all-wool materials; extra goodvalue; specializing a t___ 5 .5 0 .

We term theae Double-SerHce SulU, as the extra pair ofR pants actually doubled the life of suit. This is one of the most sttrictlve offers ever made to parents who ire getting the boya ready for school, which opens next Monday morning.

Our celebrated "Double Service" eult (regletered) haa alreadvL made Ite reputation a* the g reatest suit for school wear. Material*^ ol all-wool chsvlots and cassiinsres, isason 'i nsw sst ,c®l^r*tigs, cut on th-e newest fall modsis, well tallorsd; coats a rc llnad with flns grads Worsted serga Dntngs; both knickers cut full psg fashion; hav« belt loops, w atch pockets and full llnsd— g F Asizes 7 to 1ft years; actual value 17.06; specialisingat

iB o y s’ $ 8 .0 0 B l u e S e r g e S u i t srin e grade fall weight serge, new Norfolk model, with two

side plaits, loose belt and paten pockets; Bxceedlngly well tail­ored, lined with pure worsted serge linings', knicker* cut V a a full peg (ishlon. belt loop*, watch pocket* and full lined;Biles t to II years; specia l........ ..............

J u v e n i l e $ 5 .0 0 , $ 6 .0 0 , $ 7 .0 0 W o o l S u i t sManufacturers’ sample line; Russian and blouse suit*; neweit

novelty models; great variety of pretty m titiiroe,jlncludlng n tyyblue serges, cadet. Eton and aallor collar sty let; full cu t ^ Q O l bloomers; Hn^d throughout;_ ilees > to 10 years: gv**t O . F u lsulta for the Fall, aohool and drees wear; epeolal.

Specials in School ShoesSchool Shoes for Girls

School Hats for GirlsJaunty elose-fltiing hats, soft crowns and brims;

brown, navy, black velvetta and fancy plaid with fancyfeather stick-upa. Entirely new and very good 49c

Kid button shoea with Goodyear welt aol*e. neat and dresay. but with lota of service;Sites < to 1..........1.TBA3.M I Rises lU to I t . . I M A M

Sites i iH to 3 ..a.aa*3.Ta High Cut Shoes In Kid, Patent Leather, Qunmetal

and Tan Calf, xSites I to I. a t ................ a.aa l Bliss 11H to 1...............MBUes l$i to 11................ I Stxei IM to EH..............»•»!

Gunmetal, patent lea ther and tan calf button ahoaa, with welt sole*: _ ^Sizes 6 to I .................... S M I Bites IIU to l . . . . . , . . a . nBites l u to 11................ 3JS I Site* 1$$ to I .................BJW

For Growing Gltla wearing the rejnilar women’s Made on modish EngUsn last, with full t h r * ^sites.

value, atSm ut Close-fitting Hats Corduroy, with fancy

feather stick-up, white, navy, brown, red and black; the hats are very jaunty add will be "quite the thing”

y, at v “ Lamong those who deUfiht In such chic millinery.

___ ___ gUfh ___wide loles and semi-flat heel*—arrow- CQ 0 4 CA C 4

It t u to S.......... qMfcuUjBor*' Iclieol Shoe Special*

L ittle Gent*' regular $1.10 gunmetal blucher, lace; slzea 10 to U S i; »p#- I OQrial a t ....... ............................................ ,

L ittle Gent*' regular 11.00 gunmetal lace shoes, welt soles; slies 10 to | CQ 13'A: a t .................................................

Ing girls' shoes, t i n tBoya’ R ogalar SATB G u a u ta l abaaa

B utton and lace, t in * 1 to I; rag- 2 A 5 lia r $i.l>: apeclal a t ................. .

Good m atartali woU mada by Oeedysar Wait Byatom.

Bring the Children to This 7,500 Yards of Manufacturers' Short Lengths

Sale of School SuppliesSchool Slate* and W ood Ralor* ■Rog. 6c. Slate*—Slto 1x0, very

strong; special .............................Reg. 16c, Emack Slatea—Double

sl*e, 1x9, handy for home andschool: special ...........................

Roar. tc. School Ruler—With hrasa edges: 12 Inches long; speciala t ................. *64e

Rag. 6c. Rulers—W ith bras* tip,I t Inchea long, bard wood........SHe

Rahber X rasenReg. 2c. Rubber E r u e r —Good

site for Ink or pencil; sp ec ia l... .to Reg. lo. Rubher E rasers—Small

s in , for Ink or pencil; special...Xe Reg. Be. Rubber E rasers—For Ink

or pencil; good alse: special......... aeReg. Be. Rubber E rasers—For

typew riters; good quality rubber.Se

Fea Holder* and Pen Point*Reg. 6c. dozen Pen Points—Stub,

medium, falcon, bank and railroad,all steel pens, dozen...................... So

Reg. 6c. Pen and Pen Holder—Coml^natlori. assorted styles........3c

i—Rubber Up.Reg. Be. Pen Holders-cork and various o ther s^ le s . .3Hc

Reg. 6c. Companion Sets—CoH'talna pen holder, ruler, pencil and slate pencil .................................SVie

P en c il Bone*Never W ere Better

Reg. <c. Pend! Boxes—With locknnd key, lithographed to p---- SHc

Reg. 10c. Pencil Boxes-Very pretty design, with lock and key, assorted styles ...............

Cretonnes, Silkolines, Etc.

. . .Tc

Among tlic lot are also choice printed scrims and p an ji cloth. These are among the finest domestic goods made; most useful for curtains, draperies, coverings, art and fancy work, all of the newest fall and winter styles.

Some Lees Than Half PriceRegular 12c. Silkoline, while it lists, y trd ......... 7V4cRegular 25c. Cretonnes, while it lists, y trd ......... 12eReg, 35c. and 45c. Cretonnes, while it lasts, yard. 18c Reg. 2Sc. and 35c. Scrims, while it lasts, yard.. . .10c Regular 30c, Panja Cloth, while it lasts, yard— 15c

The Sale Goes on With Great Vigor. There Never Was Such a September Sale of Standard Brands of

Sheets, Pillow Cases and SpreadsR aam k eag Ptan B leachnS Sheets

■ad P illow Cane*.Choicest grade muelln. wear* and

look* Juat like linen: mediumweight. In ex tra length* only, hand torn from the piece. 2-lnch top hem a 1-lncha bottom hem*; pillow cnee*. 2-lnch hem*.

Sheets.68x$6» reg. 1.65. apo d al.. ftfto72x90. reg. 1,15. sp ec ia l.. . .60c81x66. reg. 1.36, apecl*}------ 1.00ftOx06i reg. 1.49, apeclal* 1.19 >

Pillow Coaea.42188VS. rag. 28c. a p e d a l . . . . B4 ■ 46x18^. reg. 82c, ap ec ia l.., .27c

pofiaot Brand Bleackod Ikoeta and Cnnea*

Beet known and meat popular muBllna, made from flneat cotton yarna. hand torn from the piece; aheeti, 3-inch ton bema, l*lnch bot- tojM hema; dllow caaea, a^lnch hema.

Pequot HesBicd Sheete*B<i20. reg. 69c, apeclaj....... ^«Si»0, reg. TSe. npec n l........ 69o,.72*90. reg. S7e. spec a l ........TBo72*99, reg. 66c, apec • ........85cElx90. reg. 9Eo, apeclal........ 85e61x99. re*. 1.06, epectal.......90x90, reg. 1.06, epeolal........SSo90x99. r«g, I.IB, B p e c la l ,,, ..! .! ! 90x101, reg. 1.26, apeclal---- 1.1!

Penuot Keneetitched Bheete.lU S jti,, ijm. l.tO, sp ec ia l... .100 .

K M O rttyhed P illow CaHel*F«aOt • nanwTv16X3SV4. reg. 30c. tpeclal----27o ,

P eq aot 9eeJlopeil Sheeto.81x99, reg. 1.30. special----1.10Pequot Sen llnpcd P illo w Canen.

46x331 . reg. 34c, special__ 90cRegular 65c. Bleached Sheets

For full *1*0. double bed*. Arm weave; free from dressing; fully bleached; these sheete are torn, not out from the piece, and made up

W o m e n ’s R e g . $ 3 .0 0 t o $ 4 .0 0 L o w S h o e sLast call on end of summ er season lots; broken

lots ties and pumps; about 200 pairs in the lot, mostly small sizes; many extra good shoes in the Q C r t lot, but details are im possible; on bargain q Q Qcounter in shoe dept., while they last, Friday

CUL ll*l|ll pl-C-..rfc>. -y,rIn the moat perfect way; also beforehermrlng. ftf*90 Inches; reg^ 6 4 cular B$c-, a t ...................... - . . . -------R eg. OOc E m broidered E yelet W ork

Pillow C'lieea.Look ju it like the hand embroid­

ered on«B costing more than double **'elr price, on standard Fruit of the Loom muslin, full st*e; before hemming 46x38-lnch Ith full 3inch hem: Iwndsom ortmenl of

0 39c

FeaBOt H em m ca PHI*w Caaea.' 42xU>i, reg. 22c, apeclal-----Ite4BX28V4, reg. 34 t ipec a l . ., .J le B0x2Eli reg. 27c, apeo lal... .Me 14x36^ rag. 30C, epeolal... .aae

very attraclTvo dee' clat for th is **'60c. a t ................

D lB lty He For elngle, twin,

beds. Just the klnc In demand; ligh t ■ handle and laundernomlcal; aavee lab< —.» ,— -----olo»e. flu* weave; re* from dre**^ ,.g; pure white, v ry handeome and

pretty In appearance; dlrnlty. plain itripe ■with heavy crinkle etrlpee botwesn,Blin 62x:0-ln„ reg. 1-86, *p*cal..l.W Bias 72l90-ln., reg. 1.60. ipeelal. .i,3» Size ftlis60-Jn., reg. 1.76, special.. 1*4»

uU-slsa .zo much «a«y to

iittary, sco- and patience;

Extraordinary Bargains in

Dry Goods for FridayR e g . 3 4 c . B l . F r u i t o f t h e L o o m S h e q ^ n g

Z<A yards wide, 2 to 8 yard mill lengths; balance of lot left fromrecent sale; splendid heavy, soft, fine thread weave; will 22cgive endless wear; especially good for sheets, pillow cases, mattress covers, etc.; while it lasts, special, yard

2 8 c U n b l ’d S h e e t i n g2)i yards wide; heavy weight;

leading brand of sheeting; from of best milts; perfectone


lE s Proving Our Greatest Annual September

Sale of Fine ComfortablesRegudiiig Depositi—A •ffl«ll depo»it reserves your purchase

until December 1stI I Medium WdIfM ComforUblM

Bingte and fu lf i«a; tilled 'with pur* white cotton in on* aheat; welt aaaorted colors and dealgn*; light to dark—floral and PwMan llgure*; two ■lz«(, 69x92 and TOxTl: coveredtwo ■|4l*Mi *sni avA-im*w ith good grada allkollna; gpOClal * r ................ . ,B tt. fl-75 Wltttwf Weight Comfortacrade

f a C .b««iwhiWn»* Wtii!atie 79x78; regulnr |1.TB: j 9 0 gpoololR a i. 12.00 W inter WeiW Comfort*

IFllled with good w afta on*-*h*etaanttary cotton; fancy acroll atltch •d; covered both rtdaa with good ■rade flgured ilUiqUna; ebolce aa- K u S en ro f new ^ g » a ; all I.AK oolon; aiae T2x7I; a p ^ a t . . .Saw. 12,21 SOk Top Crib Confoit*

v n r a e 29*88: whlto.»airitary aotton flUInn: covered wlUi ten re d allk tm tu and Jap. »Ukunion ,11k b o r d e r ^ W im ^ d ^ e R k ;_________ oroerLioUne ha'Jk: nicety daalgna and coliw pink 1 CA arid bine; *pei!lal,,...,.».,.. *e«W Bw. n.00 Had. WdiJit Comrerta

tSlverad bath atd*« with tha flnaat allkoUha; clotely tnnad; axtra car, takan In making to haPa Oiem eoft and lofty; anowfliSc# winltan' cot- Em flllingi nil drt«y , hart daalgna and oalofingai *»•• .gytClAl a>h • a a* i a •

i Winter Weight Comfort*xda of silkDiriie and qam-

brlo covannga; closely stitched;oha-eheet, nur^' white “ Mon. jl 'j : Ing! flgurtwi both eldea; all wanted oEKn; a aaving of JOc. on every one of these you purchaie; itis 1 fig72x71; apeclel ......................

SatoMi Wool Comfo^He* winter weight, wool filled, cov-

,md with Very hert luitroui aateen; S loIoo design* and oolorlnga; o«ra well mods: very aerrtceaEl*, will launder nicely-„ „ ___ _O^rtB, fu g u lsr SS'SJ’ ' ' 'lu STBxn, WBUlar *5,50. ' • 'J JJBlxiav »•*■>« ■pe«*rt....*iOO

tlB 8tlk Down Comfortable*Co'^^wd with heej quality fwloy

goods; til lengths; sultahte for sheets, bedding, etc.; will bleach white after few washings; spec,, yd.

1 9 c c ™ ." T o w e l i n g19 Inches wide; extra good

grade; very heavy weight; made from alt linen Rax yams; close, firm Veave; dries perfectly; suit­able for hand roller or dish tow. els, in all white with nett h s t color red borders; apecitl, yard ........... . 14c

7 c U n b , D o m e ! F l a n ’lFull pieces; medium weight;

soft fleeced; both sides well napped; 20 inches wide; early season opportunity to secure good domet flannel under usual price; new goods; perfect, ideal flannel for every prac- to tic^ use; special at,

1 7 c U n b l ’d S h ie e t in gij^ yards wide; 2,000 yards;

splendid heavy, fltmweave;high- ......................... ke;grade sheeting; famous mak

will give endless service; laun­ders white after a few | | _ washings; all new, per- | } ^ feet pieqas; special, yard

12^>Ce F a m o u s B a t e s S e e r s u c k e r sThla famous brand "Bales” is knotvn to every woman as theM S-4 -.-.II.. fifc juaelmM aAaa'L e,A#i n i » JMlllLruO Uiaim jj«ava 1 0 ivaiw,** it . *V «vv * 7 Txwaqams* •>,•

beat of it* kind; never sells less than 12j- c. In regular slock, yet here It la in grand assortment; short pieces, but all very desirable lengths, ranging from 2 to 10 yards, at a remarkably Q | / - - •pedal price; all the popuar stripes, checks and plain col- ( J ora; apeclal, yard ....................................................................

Inch iolW color hordar le back !■ covered w itr high, luetroua* TQercer<

__»-incn, BUAIU WliV8 «v^jato match: the back !■ covered

otor._tpan; beat aui. . ,

M hltary d o w n . nlled: extra coreaJalb ooror* ajs'*- *Mto‘*v9*a'9 i ^ d Mtoen: beat guaiUy■aniimry uvwii j*»»*bv»*ta lu n l» the m aking to prevant the down from coming through;alia, ix a ; apeclal . . .

Satetm Down CtmifertabwaKzoaptlonal bargain; oovared

W j t o w y h S t lirntrou* aataaH, flg-spMtol &*a

iiae txfa e S o M r $d*tO* atediai^ , 7 6 l W . Weight Coarfwta

* % v to * d both *W*i wtth crowbar nain im lt; flUInt of beat ^ » a r y Very lo fty , m j*m m . In walght, bu t warm and maae up Is th * hw tBisa 71x71: apacM ;. ■*;*®*'BStnoar;

R e g u l a r 2 5 c . W h i t e M e r c e r i z e d P o p l i n spure white, rich silky poplins; most prsctlcal of sll white fab-

r l a ; ideal mtteritl for women’s, misses’ and chlidren’s popular dress wear; beiullfut Anish; full plecas^ new goods; wlU give lasting service and launder excellent; sped el,yard

R e g u l a r 3 5 c . W h i t e I r i s h L in e n30 inches, pure ill linen, medium weight; smooth, even weave;

one of the grades for which there is now a great demand; ' I ' T - especially adapted fOr ahirtwalsts, coats, dresseg, ate.; pure white; will launder and wear excellent; sped*), yard.

R e g u l a r $ 1 .0 0 B l e a c h e d T a b l e D a m a s k70 Inchea wide; fine all Hncn Iriih damtak; dote weavaj

fiw from dreisingr’ricb, permanant aatin^lu^S 85cand wear* perfectly f choice asaortment of ptelty design*; special, yardSpOClOlp yOIM 1 BO *« • a *.* aa a * a a * • • • ‘ • ■ • » •

R e g . $ 1 .2 5 H e m s f e d P a t t e r n T i ^ O o t h sS8x7«^ inch; good, sturdy qoiJity

cU m arw o^nr he.5y rJe lg h t/f ,^ . 8 9 ^ .CKWaiy WWTWl* glWMf/ toV*i$54*| •avw ,luster; desirsWedesign*; borders all atomid wtthfullspoke hemstitched edgss; excellaiit cloth* for wear; tpedal .......


GATiffiRHMAG Altttiatl Sc (£o.GnKTtl Bcyiot* Libor CoiDiDMio&*

tr, Piui to Brndm Work for Wdfin of Eaiiloyet.


B i r u t oammliilotMr o( tho «op»rtiiii«iit of latM. • oM tlnf of "foctory chloti" wtU bo bold lo Um Kruofor Auditorium UOXt HObdoy Blfht, Thl» will bo tho •ooond moollnf of tbo Usd to ba hold undor tbo Mina ouaploai, lha t in t taov taC tokoD ptooa loot Docambar U. olao Id Howotk,

Dadar tbo proaeut laclmt, tbo ' fodtory tb lo f ’ boo boon modo on Importont foot* mo la aeaducUtf to tbo w o ttm of epaco> throo of tootorioo and an ooODOmlo factor

Men’s FurimilsIhiiiTig DepartmentA new Importation of Men'f English Rain Coats In blue and tan, regular price $20.00. will be placed on sale to-morrow (Friday) and until noon on Saturday (when store will be closed), at the special price of


Kejs of MofltRomerr Stroet Build' inc Handed by Mayor to Play*


The Rip Van Winkle of Mechanics

Lubrication ha been fifty ywilecnibehind the science of mechanics.

But the advent of the automobile hai caused an awakening. Since the originri squeak was first

Seased with a piece of Dinosaiu^s t, the greatest advance in lubrica­

tion has been the discovery of the value of graphite as a lubricant.

TJid Mm - . F»r»l.hlna D .p .rt« .n t I. .« lly tb . oiiln to tho .toroi


ia w t o f tb . an p lo )r.r '. P » .-pwltT. A t th . loMpUen of t b . 14m . o rt b . OMt t tw . of It. iwduetlon to prao- tle.WlIt]', tb . "factory dhlef" had to do only with fira protactlon. hi. d u tl« .Im­ply b*lnf to aHum . rMponalUllty for f in drill., to ait.nd to ctrtaln dataiU laid dowa In tb . propaf*»da of tha labor d«partmant to r^uoa tha flra parll to (aotarr amploya*.

Mow that a woond maMlat baa bMD .palMi tb . dutl*. dnlM d for tb . ‘Yao< tory eblaf" hav* bma graatly wtdaa.d. Modarina that oftlclal, u n a lly a votua- tMr, on. of amcb mor. Importaao. than b . Wat whan fir . w a. tha only n aM C aealnat which ha took a laadlai Patt (b li4failpiArdlBf bit tinplorw $ 04 h it ftl*

la an la U ^ a w with tha tortboomlnf maMlac e t factory ch a . lu MbjMt. Oaoaral Biyant Midi

O anval B ry aat^ Vtowa.

A Special Sale will also be held of

W o m e n ’ s

praetloal impoHibUity of rUitlac ' ba Btat. withtk . tactorlM of tha Btata with auftletaBt

(rwjiMaey to follow up tha quMtlon. of •afituardInB tb . op«ratlva to tbo .x toat t t a t mlsht bo darirod. coupiod with tb* won orcaalMd eontantloB that a eoiuid-

p.rooatap* of tho acoldoata oo-IrrlBB oaBiMt wall bo av o lM unloH

rit of oo-op«ratlon axlrt. Mlitw*.n th .^ i l m ir and'unploya baa promptad tba M pprtm .at of labor to uadartako tb . or- iBMiiatlqn of what la kaowa aa a fao-

**^frimarUr. tlM factory chlof had to do witti flr . proTiatlon only and bla dtttloa

io aiak. dally iaapootlona of tho buliiUtB. to *M that tha i IMm woro ctapr, o u t dooft uBloblMd and flrontlarm haaM unobatruttad: th a t flro doom war* la worhlBB ordar, laflsmiaabla material k tp t aafalr tuardod and froquoaUy ra.

’PMvod, tlm briiradM orBoalaod, tha oloo- trtoal a la m ayriam taatad. oparativ*. laatructad in tbo uaa of flro ftcbtlng u n a ra tu L and la oa>

" n * wofh la tW* dlfootloa baa baaa ■ found to bo 10 Mriifactory that wo aro

MW axtobdlDf tho aoopo of U i opata- tlon to laoludo tho auporririon o w ;

. oral MfM uardtat tbo oooiaUvo, U ta r aa pbyatoaf oondtuona. lueb atwratora, hotatway. aad vata, am cob- OMtiMd. la addtUoa to tha protacUoa of tbo opm tJvo from daDvarou. maoblaory.

"TlM aroraf* propri.tor od a factory mialillihtiiint la ao much eocuptad with tM riaasctal probtoina of hla ooBcan th a t ha kl*M mlatiTaly llttla attantlon to th . pualeal ha iard . of bla boUdlnf, aw l aaiaa. lb . rMumatbUlty of Im Ubb « fiar thtM haiarda la i^sead la tb . h aad . of a«nm qo d flad ladlvldual th . plabiM Utl.. a** that th ty win not oatw* th* oatafol attanttoa wtileb tb ilr laaeortaac. dwinvoa.^ ^ A a ia t . Urila doubt th a t with a thor* auak kaowladB. of tho rMl daaaar axiat- A i l le (aetoriM by tho napoaalUa partic. t t -wouUl ba aattraly eorraotad wUbia a atBwatatlyaly short ttaw. UatHtuaBta- Ip, bowamr, Um ayotaia ladivldual who baa baoB coDoaetad w M Idetory Ufa for ■may y w rt doaa ac t roallso tha d aa ia t mdatiaa from such aU naatary prebitna

In styles adapted for present or early Autumn at $5.00, 7.50 & 10.00 each.^wear

In the regular stock Women’s Trimmed andU ntrim m ed HaU; Misses’ and Qlris’ SchoolHats; Ostrich and Fancy Feathers; Flowers,Foliage, etc., will be found at very moderateprices. .

(D ep a rtm en t on First Floor.)

JTtfl Xwtott, 34^ stth 3Stii Wrerii,

faotory ohlaf would bo to attoad primarily to orotoctlat tba factory oparativ* o^y* tt S T W found th a t a propaily adu- eatS^teetory cWaf la of trM t aari.tane.

**‘'W *o^P *uaatlo ii achodula und.r tha « a Ju T y .? ru lS 7uy law M M fM for th* Tartou. typ**S S r ia l injury: th* m t o ^danta thwofor* raaolv*. >““ “oooaomloal problmo m * ^h * d u la do .. Whlla th . eontP*""**®"

a t th l. otflc* am from houa* p a * ^ ^ a conaldarabl* portion bo pr*v.ntod by th* .lo rc li* ” 0P»fprecaution*. Moving ploturo O'm* of

Befori a number of olty official* and men and women actively InterHtad In th* erechon and completion of the bulldlna, formaK dedication of lb* new Third Ward Pubtlo Bath, a t Montaomery and Charlton atraati, wae mad* laet nlfht. Th* key* of th* edifice were turned ovar by th* arohitect, Richard C- Erler. to th* Uayor, who. In turn, handed them over to Prieldent Algernon T, Sweeney, of the Pleyground Commleelon.

Before the exerotte* began tha Invited gueata were ahown through tha bath- houae and many expreMloni of approval w ar. hMrd, Tb* entrance hall wae daco- rated with flowar* donated tor the oc- oaalott. Two brona* buate were loaned by th* Free Public Library. Variou* pIcturM were given by a friend of the Playground Commleelon.

Mr. Sweaney pretldwl over the dedica­tion exarcleee. Mayor HauatUng accept­ed th* key* Id a few word* from the arebltect and turned them over to Judge BwMnay. The latter In accepting them for admlnlrtratlon of the building Mid:

“W* are beginning to *e* our eoclal re­lation* In a clearer light, and ordinary dtiiena who do not pratend to be .odolo- f le t. cat) apaak of a city having a "eoclal mind" without being tWlculed, and cer­tainly one would be dull. Indeed, and ilow of obiervatlon who did not perceive that Newark 1* determining to ehake off her dvlo lethargy and fulfil her civic needi.

K n fa rk ’e Awake-lag."All of her new municipal building* and

th* wldanlng of th* function* of the mu­nicipal department* atteat thl* fact. That th* Playground Commleelon will eoon be­come a department of municipal recrM- tlon muat b* perfectly obvtou*. It la, therefore, fortunate that Juet a t the tlm* of our eixpanelon our department ehould receive a epiendid modern building of ite kind not .urpaaeed In the country that will ertabllah a etandard below which DO otbar ward bath In th* future will ba ooaelderod."

Rabbi Solomon Foater, of the Temple B'nat Jeehurun, Mid that the eoclal ef­fect of th* bath would be better neigh­bor*, better general efficiency, and, con-

The squeak is the cry of the wear and tear of friction, caused by the grinding one over the other of microscopic spurs, pock-pits and other roughnesses that theeye cannot see in high squeak, but do not e

Oil and grease stop they polished bearings. ' iminate the grinding.

Dixon’s selected flake graphite fills up these irregularities of surface and makes a smooth, oily veneer that grows harder and spnoother and finer the more it is rubbed and used.

But all graphite is not lubricating graphite. To lubricate without balling up or packing, the flakes must be peculiarly thin, flexible, oily and absolutely free from harmful impurities. Dixon’s selected flake graphite is absolutely the only graphite produced that has these qualities.

If you will put Dixon’s Graphite Trans- mission and Differential Grease No. 677into your car for a try out we guarantee you will live to swear by ^aphite lubriw- tion. TTiere’s a special Dixon Graphite Luliricant for every part of your car. Sold by all dealers and garages where you can rely on the best of everything.


Made in JERSEY CITY, N. J , k , IheJO S E P H D IX O N CRU CIBLE C O .

Ettablished in 1827

VLiauMvoMP. —- .II ^ OUKS| UQLUfir* drill* and flm brigade* Oaquantly, an advancement of the entirebe ahown." v.i.-.’nunlty. He declared that Ite effect*

'.tCI ultimately ba felt in other citlei

> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ O ur 8th

not. a . yet. t a S K S T T a ^ t y cauMd by S S ^ i n i l ^ i o a * . a t th* aver. ia*Buf*ctnr*r b a . **

DMeMtty of Prt>vtdi“« j “^

ITSrin p « w u tb* faetow OP.MUV* toeontlao* la fdod haaltb and vitality.

V*. B in rw w a tlo m•Tto,«v.r. tho » M t ^

onaag to tha a ta n u fa ^ re r 1. ^ th .of «*• PTotaoUon and proven

tion. lam iraac. authoriU*.world aro agrMd to the

S I . on. 0* the a o i t Importantlor the prevenUoo of fir* I* ab » -

luta riMtolnoM throughout the PBftiauUrir la .ueh placo. a . cellar*,

■i th* aooM d Mt ooTM. a e p o M d jp ^tas> dhanthf •»* othor haaard* _ h r gPMlviag p a r t, of naohlnary. T h. M to o tlra of Um m daaaar point* lavatve* a paiaparatlvoly nnall amount of money ^ raaliy rMotvh. Itgalt Into a quatUoa • f odnaAttoa..

Bohoela of ti^ tvM tloa.-W a a n aadaavoriag to aariat la tb*

piflttloB of thl* m atter by holdlnc fra. quont achooi* of Inatruotloa for tba fao- U ty A M * a t which tlm* they will be ad-

a* to tbo dangor* oonaacted with


I d n to O n. of t h . Specifies S-ttM S T to T to o to rr chief 1. to make daily* hVOWljr w-e—- — ___ a_i_

a* th* building la otdar to aacertain; S : ; i : ^ S « S .o r ® t b . r t n ^b l. matortol ar* Morad to

njl oUy wait* itorao lo aalf-Blorihg ean* a»S removed dally, xU axoalflor packed to metal

S ’ i ta S l r i a

th . .lactrieal w rtam ofkept to propar workln*Z w . baaldaa ba to obll^tlon

Employ*, of th . H cp lta l for Con- taglau. Dl.M .e. a t Boho, who have been awaiting Increaae. In H lary voted them by the Board of Freeholder. May U laat, ar* not to receive them. The hoapltal committee of the Board of rreeholdet. yMterday reiclnded the reaoluUon gtant- Ing Inor****. of fW p « month to each of lb* firemen aad engteeer* and .mailer Lncrea*** to other employ**.

Thli action wa* taken becau** of objao- tloni by the board of manager* of th* hospital, who. In a communication re­ceived by the freeholder*. Mid they could not agree to the IncrMiea and theraton had rafueed to approve th* pay roll* carrying the enlirgid compen*atlon.

The letter My* lh*t under to* tow creating too hoepltal *iid ■ providing for lu admlnlgtratlon by a - board of man­ager., luuh body only hed to* power to raise Mtorlei, subject to toe approval of th* #r*ehold*r*. The oommunlcatlon also ■Uted that th* totter could not exceed tb* amount* recommended by toe manager*.

I t developed that th* power plant force had requested either an Incraaee In com. pensatlon or a day Off each week, prefer, ably the former. The counter propoeltlon would entail engaging extra men. Tha board of manager* approved th* plan to grant a day off, and m reoommanded to

whlCQ have not awakened lo ihelr need* a . Newark h u .

Other cpeaker. Included Mrs. F. J. Ja- cobion, president of th* Public Bath As­sociation, who was one of the hardest workers for to* building; H. C. Mueller, of the Trenton Board of Education: J. Leonard Mason, secretary of tha Play­ground Commission: Alderman Frank Bchleninger, of th* Third Ward, and other..

Bathe Ready Tedey.Tbs beto was open for InspacUon thl.

morning and th l. aftarnoon w*. open for burinsH under John C. Fiend, the tuper- Intendant. T h . male attendants were dresMd In white mlta, and the three w c men attendants Id blue and white. It la estimated that thousands of men, women and children. will use toe bath during to* year, not only from that section of to* city, but from all sections.

Th* regular hours, to be effective after today, will be from 1:30 to 9:S0 P. M. The building will be open tor infanta from 3 until U o’clock. On Sundays It will be open from I to U o'clock. A new piece of eoap and a towel will be provided for the nominal mim of tore* canU. Patron* supplying their own soap and towel will not be charged anything.

tn* Board >'t Fteeholdaw. Tb* fraahold rklng oraar *»“ I *rs, however, thoulht Witter of to* pteo

dMly. siW beeldea h* to jinder to give to* eddltlonaf Mtory diW W to*

brigade, keepln* to* mant IB partect condition,

■Undar thB-uPW pracW ^ chemical

I 5

pBitkutor ptooeaM* and will hava iiie b w matood. of safeguarding thee* iMAdKleM explained to them by mean* ill •bereeptleoB view, and aetuel exhibit*.

NYtte chief meeting of th* factory 'ete «** held tn Tumbnll Auditorium, rkst street, Newark, on Deoember U, A and wag attended by between sight

(Mg Bln* hundred men. wbe bad bean Htgught toar* from twenty different dMa* of tb* State. Thl. factory eblef

' igMvsmant ha. reoelvad th* unquallfltd tadoniment and aupport of a large num- Iwf of maanfaeturef* and at th* prea- «kt tlm* w* have approxlmataly 1,03. toetory chief, appolntw.

"An au to g ra^ U ttar of Instruction. Is (nrwarWd to* chief, by the oomral.tloner aC Ubor, and In addition they ara prc- BHiM with badge, of authority, wbloh

fir. w U nguSw t'w B. p u r c h ^Mk tha wall atid % Wn* how pUoad

but without anx-----found Ihfct tha■ I t wax found v“*

^Mihlcat aitlngutoher lost l u thMuah failure to recharge and to* Un*

toiJim* m rotten th a t in caseS a c t ^ Z ; “ t W found to be worth- las* Under the present propegenda of t h ^ d e p iS ^ n t of labor card , 'a re furm lh id W to to set forth to* to t* u p ^ :S2to t i % n g * w*. t o e n g ^ ^

ta t* up6n which the hose WM tost- 2 ^ ^ l e e Z r d s are .toned by toe fec-

M iMued by th . Btat. fra* of ebarg*. I t n factory ioepector la lactruoted to

O'* ■ ’

egS fo r them when maklBS Inipectlon • f the factory, and they nr* Impreesed Vltb th* Importance of their poritlon and the onwrtualty which le offered them to gafsguard th* Of* and Umb of their tel-' low-opera live,

"The department of labor has dletrib- utad through tha factory managerasnte and with tha airiaunc* of factory chief*B large number of placards, whlto have been prepared a t toe expense of the State and which Indicate precauttone and Inttruetlon* to b* considered In connec- t l ta with toe operetion of the fir* drill and fire brigade, as well aa card* pro­hibiting amoktng and Improper use of the elevator! and tire escapes, together with warning notlou to be used In con- naetion with machinery. Th* forma in­clude a book of rules end regulation* covering the operation of tire drills and maintenance of tire brigades throughout the State, as well a . Inrtruetlon. for fir*

. ' drills, whloh are printed In English. TId- dtoh, Italian, FoUsh. Hungarian and Slavic.

'The factory chief, have entered Into the spirit of th l. movement and are tak­ing to* keenNt Interest In their work.I t 1* to* intention of th* department eventually to educate these men M they will h . tooroughly converMnt with toe l i t . of toe proper Mfety appliances in | toair particular Indurtry and also even­tually to hava them acquainted with toe tangeri arising from th* prinoipat ooeu- paflonel dlMsses. One of th* difficult prehlem. of faotory Mtaguardlng It th* question of insuring a proper qh of

. gBfety devices after they have been pro­vided by toe employer*. I t 1* common practice to find m w s . tew guards, power

' y preM guard, and other device* placed oitt of commlerion beeauee It ha* been thought by toe operative* that toelr use eeateWbet Impeded their work. Th* ne- eeeglty of comprehensive and thorough ggXagugidlag I t not lo epecdaoular m th* reqatiamente tor protectioh agelnat den- g e n Incident to fir*, but they are, nevar- t ^ e H , of quite ** great. It not greater, toniortaDce.

Record e t Aecldente.**Ag U Ulurtratlon of th l. fact, there

were tw*nty-wven llvee lort tn the giaat 8igb etreetiflr* dlMiter In Newerk, and during to* past fiscal year rigbteen Uvti war* loM through acetdettt by reason of etovaton and two Uvea loit from th* gnmparatlvely trifling matter of .Upping ladder*. Tfa«r* were Mventy-elght minor

'Beddent. by reason of elevatora elgh- 'igm fatal eoddent*: seventji^four minor ttdgldsDts through eUpplng ladders and dkie* from laddar* hraaklng.

"WhU* thl* country bee, as yet, don* little la to* pMtter of curbing to* spread

' of eoeupatlonal dlMases, the impoitanoe «( the worie, wbidi may ba vary greatly

by the factory chief, Is apperent. S B it t l to* question ^ lead palaoB, to* g i r t — of Bbaolut* rlsanllnssi OB to* part AfAb* pperatlve ha* much to do In to*

. MgveottBg of to* contraction of thl* dls- sW ^ atM a factory chief who la tntoiestod

eoDSdantlous In briBglng about the Id nsndt* would, t i oeursa h* in a i bettor poritlon to lartir* oompUapo*

I ioiie.Bffladr saaltBiy reanlBtioBs tbaa(geey liHgeetoe .to* Tiatte toe feetorr In to* oourm eC pettaaB* eato alx

“ ■ S e lin U jy of to* factory flro brlgado . S ^ r * d ^ have already been demon-

le tb li State. The evidence of ^S ?* toc£r^ ebSf 1. that prevlou. ^ th e O rg a n lM llo t t of a faotory fire

two dleaetroui fire* occurred In ?h?balldlng m which he 1. employed, one S * S t a . t approximately I2»,000 and the i ^ l d ^ f l ® - ■*«»* toe organlxaUon

r ♦^TM ctory fire brigade there have

S i ; " r 2 ^ ‘“birw M k K:E0 and m . The dm *w*a dw«intv>flv«Chief

Floor Restaurant le a Mecca for “Good E a te r i" -M e n u E x cellen t-P rice* M oderate


$25,000 Worth of Lace Curtains Now Beinsr Disposed of at $15,000

___ -■__^ U,....*,. » nwmaf-m aiTffrAPRti


Mine time douhlad the emonnt reocm. mended tor othM minor employM.

Oppusttlcn to toe plan to recall the reso­lution w»* '•dvaneed by Fretholden MatUa and Watpra notwltbetandln* an opinion obtained from County Counsel Jones by Chairman Ryjnan, which .up- ported th* contention of th* board of marager*. The two freeholder* voted against the motion to rescind and again In the negative on e motion to give to* powSP p lu t men a day oft each week and fixing Dth'«8 Itiereise* a t t2 Instead of H

month. 'Thsilast will data back to

Here’s a greater *eBregation of remark- able values than it has ever before hMn possible for us to place at your dwpoMl the greatest curtain values New York n*e seen in many a season. Every *‘**" ^? worthy of your careful consideration and prompt inspection.

Curtain Comers at 19cThe lot comprises Imported Scotch M aik ^



The curloalty of Annie Gatong, tore* yaar* old, of l a MeWhortor street, came neap qoaUag her life lato ySstsldar. The little girL. clutching hpc doU, enterad -the smttfctdB’plaiiit ef Jbhn McCann, nearby on an uninvited tour of Inspection.

Peering Into comers unobserved, the child espied a big Jug of ammonia, and after admonishing her dollle to be care­ful, she uncorked the Jug and smelt of Us contents. The escaping fumes over­came toe smell investigator and she top­pled to the floor unconscious.

Workmen, hearing toe atlfled crie*. found Annie lying there, with her baby doll tightly clasped in her arms. The Third Precinct auto-patrol took toe girl to St. James's Hospital. After treat­ment, and still retaining her doll, she was was able to go hame

Marie Antoinette Curtains,Regularly $2.95 to $4.00................

Every pair mounted on extra heavy net and guaranteed to give exceptional weap. Just ip from the maker, and clean and erisp. The wholesale priae of'the cheapest pair Is at least 25 per cent, higher than our special price. ___________

Novelty Renaisstnee* Clunya

I9c;;tingham. Cable Net and various otherfine curtain corners, particularly desirable for making sash cur­tains; choice; a t.............................

Lace CurtainsUsually *8.50 to $10

At $5.85Lace Curtains

Uaually $11.75 to $15

At $8.45

Lace Curtains at 33cPrincipally NotHngham, Scotch Lace and

C M t Net; only one c u m in of a style; full width and full length.

Irish Point C u rta in s , ) $:Reg. $5.90 and $6.90

?h la exceptional offering Is the rseuU of a lucky buy" by our Parle oIRoe, which secured toe**,iuLAd> y J J ikiBt’MnAhlaa ua to

'3.65line cirtolb. at r i r i c . ‘ i,nce..lonIheteneble. u . to

1000 Pairs Lace Curtains, $i AA Reg. $1.76 to $3.50

Comprising one and two pair lots of fine Not­tingham, Scotch Lace, Novelty Renaissance and various desirable styles. „ . .Crawford Co.

Lace Curtains Lace CurtunsUsually $5.50 & $6 Usually $7 & $8

At $3.45 At $4.65

S T " t o Z fire* would have M .um rt 2ri<;u7proporttoM had U not been for

‘^ I n K r k l 'S u S S j to*, past month, a f l r e ^ U ^ d In'* ! « » • tenement building -w eh bad to M»* vtclnltT of thirty whleh electrical alarm eyetem*Mh&nU T M -.rvv—™ entire bulldlnf wasWM .AAea itali-irii Wv TVlflBAa«nDtl*d without any confusion by mssns T tb* fire drill, and the rire was ex- rinl^*sh*d by weans of the appliances

’’'"Fir*!!!* purpose of Instruction, a t toe m eiSo* of the factory chiefs.

iM to i methods or fir* protecUon and pre- ^B tion Are drill* and orgM liatlon of M b rtg ie s . Mfeguardtng of dangerous S.^nbl!l*ry tos elimination of dust,

fumes and excessive heat, proper SS^““ s o f toctory lighting, which pre-

Injury to toe ay* and also makes ^ Z l i r for to* operaUve, besides which I h Z Jrill be a talk on to* m atter of oe- iu S r t l t a i disease*. ..pectally the sub- t v to f iMd poisoning. " It hM been found that a large number

of cases of occupational diseases reported

Miss Helen Davis, of Fourth street, has returned from Atlantic City,

W illett Mlllspaugh and two aons, of North Sixth Street, are home from Maine, where they have bean camping.

Mra. C. A. Thomas and her daugtatsr- In-law, Mra. Harold Thomas, of South Ninth street, have returned from Point Pleasant.

Rev. Dr, Albert Foster, of to* Rose­ville Baptist Church, ha* returned from Massachusetts.

The Lincoln Club will meet ton igh t Mrs. A. W. Btiell, of W arren street,

ha* returned from Now Bedford.Harry Hertzberg, of Orange street, le

visiting Niagara Falls and Canada.A surprise party was tendared Hisses

Louise B. WllUams. of TYonton, and Bvelyn M, Davis, a t tos home of the latter, 105 Fourth etreet, last n igh t Those present ware Mlseee C lara Van Busklrk, Amelia Kiss. Rdna Holwlck, Jannle Dan.le, Florence Skelllnger, Florence and Louise Weller, Dutcls Tttus, Minnie Dick, Ferguton MacKen- ale Jack Staate, Mortimer Jeroleman, George Maltoon. Charloa Hopkins. Marry Spinner and B urt Coffee.

Mr. and Mro. T. H. Davis and daugh- tera Mona and Elsie, returned to thotr homo at 259 F ifth e treet yesterday after a two-month slay in .their bunga­low at Keaneburg.

Mlseee Isabel Carrington, Viola G uest Mary E. H frgrov* and May B est of Rosevllla have returned from an extended trip to Buffalo. Niagara

> Falls and Toronto.


For Your Baby.The^Signature of

t o t i » o n l y l u e i e n t e e t h a t y o a h a v e t h e

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bunting, of Riche­lieu tarraca, have returned home from a two-week itay a t Springfield, Maee.

William Tench and family, of Sandford avenue, have returned from a two-month vacation a t LarabertvlUe.

Howard French, of Lanark avenue, has returned from' a two-month vacation atWrikee-Barre, pa.

‘ Eugene Krautler, of Sandford avenue, left today tor a two-wesk stay In Atlan­tic City.

Dr. G.' W. Merrill, of South Drang* ave. nue, hat returned from a week stay a t Newport, R. 1.

Leo Reilly, of Oakland terrace. Is spending a few days at Rockaway Beach

Frederick Qelmer, of Smith street, Is visiting In Philadelphia.

Officers of the W. C. T. U were elected yeeterday afternoon at the Kllburn Me. morlal Preebyterian Church as followe President, Mre. Daniel B, Reub: vice presidents, Mrs. Ella Gibson and Mrs. E. D. Edwards; corresponding secretary, Mrs. EUa Gibson; recording secretary, Mrs. EllMbeto Goble; treasurer, Mrs. Margaret Smith.

Mrs. Stratford Ryokman and daughter, Miss Marlon Eyckman, of Smith etreet, have returned from a two-month vaca­tion at Spring Lake.

Ralph French, ot Lanavk avenue, hae returned from a two-week vacation at Lake Hopatcong.

Mr. and Mr*. George Hone and daugh­ter, of Sandford avenue, have returned from Bridgeport. Conn.

William George arid family, ot Sand- ford avenue, have returned from a three- week vacation a t Keaneburg.

Miee Jennie Cotmors, ot Lenox street, la spending a week a t Atlantic High­land*.

Miss J o a n n a Breeder, of Columbia avenue, ha* returned from Ocean Grove.

MIS* Rode Rebbman, of Clinton street. Is spending two weeks a t Bradley Beach.

Mlsaes Minnie and Elila Ksnngott, ot South Orange avenue, have returned from a short stay a t Ocean Grove.

Mrs. J. R. Bryden and eon, Kenneth Bryden, of St. Paul avenue, ar* spending a short vacation a t Aqbury Park.

John F. Rtelly and family, of West End avenue, hava retumad from a sIx-Week vacation a t ROckaway Beach.

William F. Dehnert, of 'Vermont ave­nue. has returned from a short stay a t Rockaway Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Idler and sen, Ir­vin* Idler, of Vermont avenue, hav* re­turned from Connecticut i

FURNITURE SimplyThis $25 Brass Beii


Fourth Floor, Ou Sal# Tomorrow. ■■ i — —

Dependable Quality a t EeductionB Q m not Af ford to Overlook.

This $8.50 Sliding Couch



This $3.50 Brass Costumer

A t 95cTwo desirable

styles; one exact­ly like Illustration a t the left; a rs- m arkabls value at ,thls price.

Splendidly constructed, with two-tnch post* and 5 one-inch ailers; choice of bright or satin flnlsh; a remarkabl* ‘ value a t J11.76.


Good frAiTto. m at­tre s s and bolster pad; can fea sasUy con­verted In two i«pa- ra te couches or a ^ fu ll-s lse bed.

This $65.00 Dining Rooip Suite— *39.95 $4.00 Living Room

Rocker$ 1.95

1 2 5 3 ^ ____This suite consists of a handaom* q u a rte r^ oak

burtet with two small draw ers and drawer and cupboards; a 42-lnch extensiontable and four slip seat oak chairs.

'Simpson Crawford Cm—F ifth FI— Oa Sal* Tomorrow.

Splendidly constructed: exactly Ilk* illustration: Just 69 to be sold tomorrow a t this special prlea

RUGS at a Clear Saving ofA Particularly Fortunate P u r c ^ o f :;

Us to Offer the Following Remarkable Values - ♦

, t w o m gem r O* oqBW«lon*l dt«- **M w*

prppited him Ibr over 50 years.t

SoM j^inmslzebottt^ bulk

CLINTON D m R i nMr. and Mrs, Georg* Leimeti. of Le­

high end Bllsebeto avenue*, and Mr. and Hr*. WllUam Johnson, of Hoboken, have gone to Leonardo to spend September in toelr bungalow. , _ .

ThomM Woraley, of Wapplager’s Fall*, H. r . i I* apendlng M* vaoation with hi*parents, Mr. and H ii. .Jana* Worsley, ofI , , . . . . „jymour and . c as te r avenue*.

Th* first tall maettnf of the Touag wmnen'e Hlselon of the Elliabetb Avsnn* PredhyteriM Cburnh will be held Monday nlgh^ a t to* hon* of Ml** Lulu WtUtameon to North Broad stseet, Lyon* Farms. The tople WlU he^'Amorican In- dlan*." Boil ta « wlllf t a reeponded to with "Tboughto l i t th* Tear."Bergen will ipank.


4T5 Triple B x tn Quality Beninlee* W ilton Velvet R u j ^ m a l l all- over figures and rich medtllicm effects, su itable for parlorSv^Hv- ing-rooma, llb rtr ie s , etc. Theserugs are absoluiily $19.85worth $28.50. Size 6x12. Sale price..

350 Standard Triple Extra Quality . » Tapestry Brussels Rugs—This , entire lot made without a aeaipi., at a much lower price than moat stores are asking for seamed end cheaper quality, a * nsaw ■' Worth $24.50. Sale price ........... $13i 0 ;i

MB T lls ls E x tra M s l ^ Stafc- W Utea V r i« t * —lee* -----

6x9; w orth Sal* price ..

IBS Danble E xtra t ta s l t tr TSy^--------------- ■- loamlasa.

$12.35catty BToaecle Rage, eoamlesa.W orth tlS.69. Bileprice

1 o n n R nv9h.l A x i iv i f v s td r R *\18# S p e c i a l S & IqSiie 4.6*7,61 wtSh » .«> . fnr $6ii>8 | Six. 3x6; worth 14.71, lor $3.M I Size 27x45; worth tor $1.7^

The Famous Crex RugsccveX,“'on**'t;.TaW f‘1^ov^”to ^ * f g 'Scolorings. Suitable toASOuu,VLy

Bh'owh in large varto ty of Bra IM

,~ f o r 'V , '. |S .« 'i Blx* 6*J. fo r ; .......... g-TSaia* SilO. to r........K w I Mae txS, for.Blie 9x12,

Old Fashioned Rag RugsIn all toe Igtcet color eJCoate.In nil toe i n tc e t ------ -----------

alee I X IE 199 *Ia* T.Sx t }6 SUe Sxl, worth fia.SO. 19.6, w o r t h w o r t h $L76.. ta le p r i ta $11.60, B iJeprita Sal. prioa

‘y iM $ r .n cL w .

wide, wide enough to cover moat rooms with only one asant,



#(iis the* thiaja |w etWoileua Adds MsiF $Sk<tMr pisvaiittn,S m t S c - m FWPSSS o f -- ■'iS assn tim% tba a

^ ^ - " s W t s B th m ib o c t l

JSr«ff5S & 4_s»IhBMawpimti* tfc. anttito * thl




& fljfww ;L F.«

Mira, PsTolval | t ,Bs«w. of JMiavmavanna, left-.y^MdSF tor a stay at Asbatir Putu ^IF, w,, -------


Your Office Furniture ■)

Should rsSset the pride you tohs Id ywir imBrell*aoDesrln. olBoo m s^ ■ |6od impitwon. A good idipm-

ayatem tndSae na, «t*f« oBoa fnmiture fpepluut*-

12-lA B m itaM n m e ; .

Fmidi CoffMiliPorto Rko Coffa :

m u

Over m9 year* tgstoef lento diaannredtiiat Porto Rico pmdoced a esM* aunariar te that glim a la any ether , part of toa world- ta 'French* CeSbe, bec^ue dunaa* Br He-ex-.. ceUeH* Mmr aa eel* ben eS larta ta i l s *


BEAR]Rtpsrts from

eate Soii| Gail

BIG PARADEM a t tboueani

coBM afflllated lltlcal tinlon, i the dirfenot g throughout the znontoly meetin tors pselerday say etreet.

Th* report I Annie Peake, l la It was amho g e u ra l feeling was encountete that toe union must use Ite *ti have been on month.

It wa* voted In th* suffrage city iSalurday, poislbte every a npresentaUo for a maesmeel the exact date later. The prli Gertrude M. O' end ta r topic Irleb Weman'e

It wae report Labor he* pled cauee and will to to* cempali reaent each eo

The failure c flee to publtel trege amendmi as rsqulred b cussed wlthou who were rase ot the atorles garding the amendment ai of the attornc as toe conti Fielder, Seen Crater and t clipped In seta In th* twenty These storlea, V*n Winkle, will SMble 1 th* State to di the blame belt ban ot th* oi flclal* were i

It wa* ann men and wo: ta ^ a s with t tear speaker, 8* secured tl tary -

Mr*. F. A. W. Smith, o Flower, ot 0 R est O ran^: of Columbia Connolly, Mn M. J. Reynol,

The speak I gurated a t h< t t Is axpecte meetings all tos psradA i


SuspsnsloD was Imposed a t toe Over' Bupervlaor E after an Inqi qrdlaeUan, m E- Ward. ' from Friday iwrarily euei min R. Ball, between the I

Hogsn said tarvlce Comi supervisor's i that rumors I force would I imd any fou genial cancel to the close haua

The chergt from the all to obey an reference to ler. It Is alsi of bis superl In wblch he i

According pervlsor by ter. In mal power plan, the boiler i to* fire bos the drafts insisting th arranged, : fireman to : ' Hogan m, charge of li Ored to coi as, in hla oi erly set, h« fusing to I •ra t wltnei for each eld cate were t local atto ready to a but hts eei

In pasali 6ian, the ci Incidents I Hogan tha him, If Bul his dismiss

WARDEN - NAT' Permlasloi gress ef the to be held lA wa* gi Ho*p, of t t oommlttee Fteeholderi toose of C Who was < Hoip, will 6r*a»ury. 1 pointed a 1 Qovsrnor F '.The realgi

was «mplo: guard, wa*ttom Augui

court atten niaalon wll ellglbiaB t r tA made tc

u .• The valu

C. Toung, Ilaaad a tventory ft ;Sdwln Tm

Accord bn igad* by Mltoael U Itate eon*

i( ettimated th* value <

Found aBtreet. tai in n g t , V VoiiTtb P tMioped t WUdarmai Buigera , tSoju, madtle te {ten

Hodost UriBg to'

thek a t tl * m ba t gutltoqRIe

.^Iteeelrt VAfter m ored, Iasi West Kin him la w ridewalk. a man wl era* retne doetta* • cut over

' t t y g g e r

,'T f J W A f i S I T E N I N G N 1?TCS. T f T U R B D A Y . S E P T E M B E R i 1913-


.ris ,Not-tber

) c

o£ » * hd»a, < k la to , ^




IvtUtjr-T h i«SMlAi

I m ott Ml and

«5t£:2^ S

i c w 2 ; - %un'



KWMtMflU* ■liar t« t in t a an(M»( fW


cate &ipport for Caue laGaming Ground.

> “


/ f 7 .


TkM titouMndi of mombori Ktvt b«- « « » affllltted with tb« Woman'a Po­litical UdIod, tlirDUfb it! aotlvltlet a t tbe dlffcnnt grancei and county falrt thcou^out the State, waa reported a t a monthly maetins of the board of dlree- to ri ptalarday a t beadquartara, 7f Hal- aay itraet.

Thi report waa preaentad by M in Annie Peake, the general aecretary, and In It wai embodied the etatement that a taneral feeling of eympathy for the cauae iraa encountered all over the State, and that the union hae dlacovered where It m uit uae Ita atrenath. Five new branchei have been orcanlied during the laet month.

It waa voted that th i union co-oparata In the euffrage parade to be held In thla city platurday, October 19, and that If poaalble every branch In the State ^eend a repreientatlon. The union la planning for a naaimeetlng to bo held In October, the egact date and place to be announced later. The principal epeaker will be Mlei tlertmde M. O'Bellly, of Dublin. Ireland, and hf r topic will be ''Suffrage from an Irlab Woman’! Standpoint.”

It wae reported that the Federation of Labor baa pledged Ita co-operation to the cauta and will aend twenty-one delegatee to th i campaign committee, one to rep- reaant each county.

Tb# failure of the State aecretary'a of­fice to publloh the paaeage of the euf- frage amendmant by tha laet leglalatura, aa required by law, waa caaually dla- cuaaed without any crlttclam of thoaa who ware reaponalbla for the error. All of the etorlea publtahed lb the Newa re­garding the failure to adverilae the amendment and the aubaoquent opinion of the attorney-general'a office, aa well aa tha conference between Oovemor Fielder, Secretary of State David 8. Cratar and the auffrage leadere, were cllppdd In aeta to be aent to the branehaa In the twenty-one countlea of the State. Thaaa atorloa. according to Mra. Abraham Van Winkle, the prealdent of the union, wilt enable the ouffraglata throughout the State to decided for themeelvea w h.,a tba blame belong# and whether the mem- bara of tha organleatlon of the State of- flcMU ware guilty of neglect.

It w w announced th a t tha following jneu and woitien had affiliated them- m N m with the organtw-tlon ae volun- tedf ipeakeri, and their tervlcei may tie tacured through the general Mcre- tary^c

Jtffl. F. X. SlurgU and Mrs. F rank W. Smith, of Flalnflflld: Mlsa Edithflow er, of Orange: O, P. Connolly, of lUast Orange; Professor Joel Splngarn. of Columbia University: Miss Louise Connolly. Mrs. Agnes Hylands and Mrs.M, J. Reynolda of this city.

The speakers' classes will be Inau­gurated a t headquarters October 7, and | 4t Is expected th a t speakers will hold meetings all over the city following the parade. October 25.


Suapenalon for fifteen day# without pay waa Imposed upon John Hogan, a fireman gt the Overbrook Hospital, by County Supervisor Edward Bchickhaua yesterday gfter an Inquiry Into a charge of Ineub- Cfdltiatlon, made by Chief Engineer Louis ip. Ward. The enforced lay-off datee from Friday last, when Hogan waa tem­porarily auapended by Warden Benja­min R. Bailey, following an altercation between the fireman and his chief.

Hogan aald he will appeal to the Civil Service Commlaaion for a review of the aupervleor'a action. He denied, however, that rumore that a atrlke of the fire room force would be called ehould hebepuniahcd Kad any foundation In fact. A similar (lanlal eoncarnlng thta waa made by him . to the cloae queetlonlng of Mr. Schick- baua. I

The charge of inaubordlnatlpn resulted from the alleged refusal of the fireman to obey an order given by Ward with reference to the care of flree. The lat- l*r. It la also itated, resented the action pf hla superior in criticising the manner In which he waa performing hla duty.

According to the story told the au- parvlaor by the chief engineer, the la t­ter, In m aking an Inspection of the power plant, dieoovered the drafte of the boiler wide open and the door# of the fire box red hot. Ho directed that the drafts bo oloaed. Hogan refused, instating th a t the drafte were properly arranged, and called upon a fellow- ftraman to support hla contention.' Hogan made a complete denial of the charge of tnaubordlnation, and endeav­ored to convince the auporvlaor that, as, In hla opinion, the drafts were prop­erly set, he had acted properly In re ­fusing to a lte r them. Although sov- •ral. wltneaaea were ready to testify for iitch side, only the principals iil the case were called. .Matthew J. Beady, a local attorney, was a t th i Institution ready to appear In behalf of Hogan, but hla aervices were not required.

In passing sentence upon the flre- fnan, the county supervisor referred to Incidents in the paat and warned

' Hogan th a t a future .charge against him. If Bubetantlated, #ould reault In bH dlemlssaL

Cheap” Hard­ware U a Joke

“Chetp” Hirdwire Is t joke all right, but the joke ia on the man who allows it to be put in his building and pays out his good money for it.

It is an expensive joke, too. There is no economy in fitting your building with badly constructed, clumsy looking locks and hardware trimmings.

The best hardware ia the cheapest in the end. We have such a wide choice of artistic designs in Sar­gent, Reading and other good makes that selecting here is easy.

We have supplied the hardware for many of the leading buildings in-New Jersey. We ought to have your trade.

Macknet & Doremua Company

Evtryihing tn Hardwart

796-798 Broad Street j!

W. Y. SNYDER CO., Broad and Cedar We Give S. & H. Qroen Trading; Stamps W. V, SNYDER Co., Broad and Cedar

M e limited^NewAU-SteelTrain’

In Service Daily 'C h i c a g o t o C a l i f o r n i a

Perfect in equipment rich in all those things which make for travel comfort—complete in every detail—and yetJVo E xtra Fare Is C harged

Library-observation car,draw­ing room-compartment stan­dard steeping can, tourist sleeping cars and dining can complete the equipment of this splendid train which leaves Chicago daily at 10:4S a. m. for San Francisco and Los A^eles via the

ChicagoM ilw a u k e e & S t P a u l

Union Pacific LineLet me said you lu eriptlve Htera- turn and full Infmnation—address

O. L. COBS, O sunl A t« t, Beaienear Seyartmwit, UOO Brudway, V,« Tsrk.


' PsTmlasion to attend the annual con­gress of the American Prleon Aeaodatton, to be held a t Indlanapolla, October II to U, Was granted 'Warden Ferdinand J. Heap, of the county penitentiary, by the dommlUee on priaons of the Board of Praeholdera yesterday. Hla expenaes and Hmaa of Chairman Richard F. Mattla, Who was authorised to accompany Mr. Hosp. wilt be paid out of the county trsaaury. Warden Hosp was recently sp­l in te d a delegate to tha convention by Oovemor Fielder.'Tbs resignation of James B. Malten, who

^ms smployed a t the penitentiary as a guard, waa aoespted. This was effeetl'va from August V, when Mr. Mallen left the tSsUtutlon to accept an appointment Oiurt attendant. The Civil Service Com- mlaalon will be asked to supply a Hat of stl^blsa from wbleh aa appointment wlU bS laads to fill the vacaaoy,

^DR. J . C . rO U N G LEFT $ 127,066;1he valus of the estata of Dr. Jdeeph

($. Toungi of Broad streot. thla d ty , la plaoad a t |UTJlM.r, according to an In- vantory fllad with tha aurrogata by C. Sdwin toung, exacutor, thla monUng.-‘ According to the Inventory, which waa lawda by Archibald F. Sttngerland and Michael tl . Chanatla, appralaen, the ea- sjate oonataU of money In banka f^tal- tag tHjSn.n, tnaursnee policies 'valaSd

household goodi and clothing osUmated a t MM and stocks and bonds t t s value of which is flM a t JO.

A sy , Who Fled State Mease, Caaght. Found atttlng on a atoop In Newton

early this morning, a boy, clad tn rags, was arrested and taken to the

- in*fitb P ted n et Station, where it de- M t^Sd th a t the prlaoner waa David WUdetinan, sixteen y ean old, of.;3nk

' Bulkers atrest, whO, iHth' eight other %ys, made a break tOr liberty from the l ^ t a Melme for Boya a t Jameaburg, July b lloat of the o then were capturad Atrlng the night. Alt of them are now Vkik a t tha home except Wtiderraan. He Will be turned over to the Jameaburg g ttt^^ tlea tomorrow.

' knedkod 0 « t Wad Left la Street. VjUbir hneohlilM out 'WUllam Jones, col­ored, last night ia Halsey street, near Wert Kinney, « wegro ran away leavlbg hUa la aa unconaclous condition on the atdawelK.' ,Jonda 'was found bleedttag bya man who ^ephoned to the police. HeWWt' removed to the City Hospital. Tha Soctors said Jonegi hurta eonalated of a

’ oat -Mer the right aye and another on um n p p w u p .

I^ O A Ii H o n O B Ss a w JBMET-VIa

is-hsha, aevlasea erO ft, hla

.i* ’3Sec wf the Oeart f t. /ersey, made on the dele wherein D m te

S5|S3£'31£3M £^S E W A tlC S ^^

W atchR e p a i r i n g

The Imporiince of baying thiir timepieces repaired by a thoroughly skilled mechanic Is realised but few people.

We are the reeognired leaders In Watch and Clock Repairing, and yet we charge no more than,la asked by or­dinary watdhiMkere, 4*

Now li a good time to have your timepiece put in ordef. .

Expsrlmmtlix with gtaisss it daegeroMt, Why not come where you are tafe?

Bigger and Better Values Than Ever Make Our September Sales Truly Great

CUSTOM has made Friday a sort of a “Clean-up Day" in our store.It is a good custom, too, because it enables the fru­

gal and thrifty shopper to economize even more sub­stantially than on other days on everything she needs for the home or personal use, and it enables us to allow special reductions on broken lots of merchandise.

Tomorrow, the first Friday In our Great September Sales, brings a number of extra good things in Ready-to- Wear apparel for Women and Misses, and equally good values in all of the other departments.

Thus far the response of the public to our Septem­ber Sales Announcements has been most gratifying particularly as it proves to us that the people appreciate our efforts to provide them with good quality merchan­dise at low prices.

Tuesday and Wednesday were BIG DAYS. Today looks like another record-breaker, and tomorrow ought to be the best of them all.

Everybody Is getting to know that we’ve GOT THE GOODS, and we’re -selling at lower and closer prices than any other store.

We renew our invitation to call and see for yourself the FULL EXTENT OF THE / • ^ ,PURCHASING POWER OF A DOLLAR. -g / -

Concerning Green Stamps

These trading stamps are very valuable. Beautiful articles are given in exchange for them. We advise every one to save them. We give S. & H. Stamps with all purchases; one for every 10c. expended; this is bet­ter than a cash discount,

The World’s Confidence inany article intended to relievo the Bufferings of hum anity is not lightly won. There m ust be continued proof of value. But for three generations, and throughout th e world, endur­ing and growing fam e and favor have been accorded


because they have proved to be the best corrective and ‘preventive of disordered con­ditions of stomach, liver, kid­neys and bowels. The first dose gives quick relief and Mr- manent improvement follows their systematic use. A trial will show why, in all homes, the use of Beecham’a Pills

Continues Td Increase

jwa •essfwksra. h W ueltrttM w

Boys’ Regular $3.00 ' l l ! School Suits for . . .

New fall suits, in a nice assortment of double-breasted and Norfolk coat styles, with full cut knicker pants; all sizes from 6 to 17 years.

Boys’ $3.98 School Suits $2.98Made of splendid quality cassimere and

cheviot, in neat mixed patterns; double- breasted and Norfolk coat styles; all sizes from 6 to 17 years.

Men’s $2.50 & $3 Trousers $1.95Mostly light colors in neat stripe effects;

all sizes from 29 to 44 waist measure.

Women’s Lisle Stockings 24cExtraordinary fine quality of Women's Lisle Hose, full regular

made, double soles, heels and toes, also garter top; best 35c. number imported, in black and tan; sires 8'/i to 10.

Women’s Cotton Hose, 12i/iC.Full seWlesa, double sole, heel and

I toe, medium weight, excellent value, all [perfect; in black only; sires to 10.

Men’s Silk Hose, 25c.Double lisle sole, heel and toes, high spliced heels, lisle top, seam­

less. extra splendid grade, worth 35c., strictly perfect, in black, tan, navy, gray and helio; sires OJ/J

Seamless Brussels Rugs,Size 9x12 feet, Regular $18 Values to Sell Tomorrow

Only 100 in the lot. All extra heavy grade, full 10-wlre; designs and colorings are suitable for any room. One of the greatest rug values ever offered.

A Good $1.00 CA^ Corset at . .

Made of fancy striped ba­tiste, with medium bust and long hip; 4 strong hose sup­porters; suitable tor the av­erage figure, and splendid for home wear and hard ser-. vice.

QeaDUp o fW o m e n 's ^ Q ^50c Union JSdts at

Cotton union suits; lisle finish, low neck, no sleeve, cotton or mercerized tape trim, wide umbrella leg, Swiss ribbed or spring needle knit; all sizes.

Absolute Final Clean-up Sale of A ll Summer Dresses and Skirts

Balance of our stock of wash dresses, former values $2, $3,50 and $5, including lawns, ginghams, linens, stripe tissues and Bedford cords.All pretty styles, handsomely trim­med. Your choice of any a t ...............

$5 and $7.50 DressesVoiles, crepes, stripe tissues and |||

flowered crepes; smart, stylish models; beautifully designed and P Afinished; fcalance of this lotto close a t .............................^ >||H \%/

$7.50 to $10 DressesThe final clean-up of all our voiles,

lingeries, linens, ratines and crepe dresses, all the latest high- ^ ^ A A grade models; special at,


Big Special Two-hour Clean-up Sale Friday, 10 to 12 O’clock Only

All our Odds and Ends of Women’s Wash Dresses, Wash S k ir^ Girls' School Dreaaes and Waists, which formerly sold from $ 1.00 to $3.00, while they Itst, your unrestricted P A _ choice of any garment a t ..................... .................. U U v

More of Those Dainty Embroideries, Laces and Insertions at Extra

Big Saving Ibices45-inch Floundngs on swiss and nainsook, values from

$1.25 to-Sl.SO a yard; our September Sale price is, per yard. I

75c Embroidery Flouncings,10c Embroideries, Yd., 5eInsetrions, galloons and beid-

ings, ill worked on beautiful fine cloth, I to 3 inches wide.

12 *4 c & 15c Embroideries, Yd„ 10c

Swiss and cambric edges, in­sertions, galloons and double edge headings, made on fine, heavy cloth, English eyelet and heavy blind work.

White Venise Edges and Inser­tions, in widths from 2 to 4 inches, now in great demand forlinen and ratine dresses, 19c

White and Ecru Shadow Edges, 9 jqches wide, in assorted - patterns, yard................ Z flC

Yd., 39cThe best way to appreciate this

value is to come and see them; among this lot are edges, bands and galloons, also many allovers.

Cotton Torchon Edges and In­sertions, in widths from 11/2 *0 4 inches, yard......... O C '25c 4o 35c Embroideries,

Yd„ 15cSwiss and cambric edges, in­

sertions and double edge head­ings, some English eyelet, others heavily worked patterns,'3 to 18 inches wide.

A large assortment of Shadow, Cluny ^ VaL Edges and Inser­tions to match, in widths from 11/2 to 3t/2 inches, per yard ............ 9 c

SN fair Scetd NotUighan

ifar 11.25 ud $lif FairLace Cartaiii, Wa Its*

All new deallipna, full tencth and width, copies o f Irish point, Renais­sance ana Cluny Curtais; ail double thtesd and have the overlocked cord- ^ edge, wkicb make them extra strong, choice of white or Arabian color.

50 Rolls of Extra Heavy Velvet Stair Carpet, intwo-tone greens, reds and wood colors; reg­ular $1.35 va^ue; made, laid and lined free,at, yard ...........................................................

5,000 Square Yards of Heavy Unoleum, 4 yards regular 75c. per sq. yard; special at ........ ..

Extra wide;

‘ S 7c1,000 Yards of Two-yard

Wide Linoleum; reg.50c.; at, sq. y a rd .. . . .

200 Odd Pairs Fine Lace Curtains at Half the

Regular PricesWe have purchased an import­

er’s sample line of beautiful Lace Curtains at half of his regular wholesale price. If you have an odd window that needs a curtain, here is a good opportunity; all kinds are in this lot, such ss Irish Point, Rentlsaance, Scotch Not­tingham, Marie Antoinette, and other styles.

17c50 Pieces Ecru & White Curtain Scrim, per Yard

Full yard wide, in a variety of de­signs, such IS plain hemstitched and drawn work effects; sold regularly at 25c. the ytrd.

Special Valufis in

UndermuslinsDrawers, made of fine quelity

cambric _and trim­med with wide em­broidery ruffle;others trim­med with lace; value 39c. and 50c., spe­cial at


made of nainsook, several styles,daintily trimmed yoke, othere ifith tlon and edge; 75c. value, at

Combinations, of fine quality nain­sook, trimmed with wide embroidery insertion and beading and ribbon; other styiee with Val. lace insertion and edge, beading and rib- 4 C /- bon; 75c. value, at................. ‘l u v

with embroiderylace inser- 45c

The Very Newest F A ' Silk Messaline, f l M r W orth 89c. y a rd '^ ^ ^

36-lneh All Silk Messaline— Choice of the three leading shadea for fall—Emerald Green, American BMuty or Klng’a Blue. Strictly perfect quality; not more than 8 yards to a customer and no mail or 'phone orders.36-Inch Black Princess

MessalineOne of the best qusUlies over

retsiled at $t ■ ytrd, direct > jn~ from the mill; special, ytrd #

36-Inch PercalesHundreds of new designs, re­

tails regularly at from 12j^c to 15c; some pieces subjeet to slight Imperfections, limit 10 ysrda, no mill or 'phone orders, spe- Q f/si- cisl tomorrow, yard........... a / • I r

50-in. All Wool Black SergeRegular $1 value, one of the best

values we ever offered In all wool black storm seme, only 200 yardiIn this sale, Prldiy, yard 79c

Scallop Table ClothsRound scallop, extra quality

mercerized table cloths, fall bleached, In a variety of designs,good value at $1; special 69c

Union Linen Crash Toweling

Our tegular 10c quality, bleached, choice of various borders, does not lint, limit yards; no malt or 'phone orders, yard ...................... ■“Money Back” Bed Sheets

Our aheet department haa been made famftua tor value giving m the aalea of thli bed alieet; lixe SIX. SO; for full alae betla; aeamleae. round thread, ftill bleached taltia no atarch or dreaalng; elaewhere 'you pay 80c.; our. price, each ..................

Silkoline ComfortablesFiKured SllkAlla# Top

choice of floral or Persian dealfna vftnitary white cotton fllUng. great est comfortable value offeiea where; no more than two to :i cUflr tomsr and no mall or ’pliona orders; regular $1 vHlue, epedal. each ......................

Embroidered Corner Handkerchiefs

A muiiufn.ctur«r'B entire aurplu ■lock, some h trifle lmperf*L-l: flue sheer white Uwn handkeninlorB neat or elaborate embroli- 'ilfm/w erert uealgns tn corner; tuil val. to 15c.; spec, each,


Special Friday Economies in House Furnishings___ __ _ w I . nfLlA.. Tnll*#

39c to 59c Perfect E nam el W are

AtfaetoiTprlceiievery piecegueranteeo to give aatlafao- jilon or

nonay iretundedj [ohotca of loovered Berlin 'cook pota, 8-quart slie: double

rto* boiler, fam ily its#: water pall, 14-quart to b pan: w ater kettle, No. T alie, holds B quarta, a t.

New Domea, 8-panel style; choice of am­ber or green; c o m p l e t e with t w o outside g u lights, ape- cial at

Toilet Paper, kood tlatue, free from Utter, 10 rolls . . .

Gnerasey Dlahea, oval btkeG $ and 7 inch ilze, ihlrred egg dliBet, round and Oblong shape; value to 39c.; for this sale, 7c

$4.75 25c

at ......................O niM aatlea

Chatri strongly rarnUhed. at . .


Ladda*nicely 78c

Ironing Table, sd}ustable kind; smooth lumber; full size; st


98c■ tm g Ask Caa, with

wrought Iron aide ■trlpa and band on top and bot­tom; this Bale.AaatHan Ohlaal *lMdlOO-plaeo dinner aata,Hvan rloh dacoratlona .0 chooie from; all large piacaa with fold

reguiar aola to I1I.M.

■K Blostiia Awto Hara, KMIOBlectrlo automobile horn, fully

guaranteed, oomplete with puati but­ton and wire .. .

large pIlning; rag lie. at

White Enameled Toliet and Wash Stand,value $1.49, St . . . 4

Inverted Light, complete with brass burner, globeand good mantle, 29c

Notion SpecialsWom«n*N Fancy

Pud Hoh* !$up-ftortcrjii e x t r a arir« b)£«b; pink,

blue, while and black; 25c. IQ/*value; at ..

J.corri, black, bera;30c. dozen

J. CUrk’i Cotton. 3-whSle and

all num-25c

F u r g tra n g th W illiam S tavea

H eath braces, (o rmen. women and children, ull alxaa regular 26c.; apeclal ........

FaneyDuttons;25c.: at, card ... .

C o a tregular


UBOMi ncwtobs

BrsdSt., at Veit tok St.

IdSGAL NOmOESI ptead, aaawer er de­

le data

are required to *ppaer, i mar to the bill *( «rtd ^before the ttalrtlath day of October next, er the eeld hill will be taken aq <»a(eaead

bm** hUl It nied to quiet the Utte ol tha premlaas known and dmtaanM aa Uia aonthenat eemer of H aw k and War. ran streeia in the elty .rt .of Maaen, a ^ Male «« New Janejh being a atrip of land Imttiue twelve (e«t ea Warren street aad axteartag alSBg Newark atreet (ev a diatugaet ano 1 Pqt«d A y et

1 eompialnaPta on er y of Oetol

FLBAB COtlBT-In tb*1 matter of the appUeaUon o(Waierhonae (er leave to aeanme theMameo( Arthur Tyson A rm itrong—Order,“‘Arthur Tyson Waterhouae. having an the •_«l^ Hventh day ol August iHitent. ap- -ttS wort by peutlon, mtUnt forth•V. .ftldivlt of laid wllaant annexed thlreto (« an order to huthorlM the srtd iSluiwer to « n m . *'*•

- d «U.AM thftt aald Arthur Troon

.rSJui: r«Tdw in tS t„ n of bIu.; bISS c“nn", New terms, and that

And It further appear^

lu Newa. a new w a^^r by^rtd petition that MAWresbl* grounds


gnet.jS f 'h ? hereby i« amthorUad to aeanme the

plemenU thereto, all Uiat oatWn let ol UM to liw city ol Newaik, coenty rt kstts aa* g ^ , el New Jenwy, hnrwn ae hit No. t M h1^ MSI. frontlag on Ferry atreet, M dMJa- g^bea ead bald down on iiaeiwBint map of I ™ ^ of Nawarh. daaetlbid by aWlan andbounde aa fallow:___ __ _ .BoirtaMV on F*iry thlnr faK tnwtlOQK MM P*fl7 pwortfifty mlautiA wwrt rwcty^ylftit fi«t: thffeo •01^ itvoa d6fr«<i tta mlMtii tiHriv« foot; *hwS^ Mttth tw«Atr-«y^ f lm m

r a z “su:kneXm moi lu totMfc t t9t JAeob Alrone mod* by Mmhum 1U WMp AATthM hyvlrtuo of M 0(4<r nwd* m ^ l Tn ,ofIRIit or __

‘w s t e 'S ia .:Hnlltgaa *

^ « s s r u s « ° : 5 k . N. 1.

W the CImilt Oamt M tha eounw you era requlrad to ridamn Urn artd i mtd aali on or hrtMO. Jaiwaty SI, I show canaa on 5SW*2!i?M caurthooae tn CW olw al Nijaih.

Umwr^do oauao a oqpy of thU order to ba

nte in ouch oaaa mada aol i*0vldadi O B m oU onM ;^ g o .

X r

u s g a l N ornoE SMil of oouplatnt alleged that you ere the haebeed of »va A. iwry. the wmplainant In eald aalL who elaime an undlvloed one.-tnd that im to havehalt tntereat In and to said landa: by raaaott thereof yon mey oleii aone Intarert In and to saM {«*>*“ ( l l l . l t ) LBO iTlSlN.BoHeltor of Complelnakt,

P, O. addroaa, SI Clinton et„ Wowarn. N. J,TO WBOM IT MAT OONCXBN—Nothe la hen.

by ftw a that Peter H. Van d«t Hart baa fled a peUUen la the Orphans' Oai)n, of the Oouaty of Isoea, for penniishn to adept Jessph Oseer NttebaU, a niluor under the agt of feor- teen yean. Sad that en Friday, the olpiteenth Sty W Sepleaher, A. D., Ntneteea Bnadttd sad Thlrtean, at. 10 o'elocb la ^ f o t m ^ la U» Oipbaia' Oaurtnom. in the M r Omily ^ t -

In. the « ty of Newetk. Cowty Its of New Jereey, the eald oesrt will

flacTMt end eirtteUe petlin ee neat ffM sieof, fa ftccofdUMt vitA u

order m M * ^ eald wort « Ao^nat twenty-



Apeiot for Petitioner k o S d Newark, N. J.' . (tt.4t>


» neUoa. tba* aa jL r t t W ^ frof r

IN CBAMCiitff OF Franela », Ferry;)P ttu t taka patMi that by vlttua M m o

der of U« above OaUtled oeurt d a ^ Augnit nlneteantb. -oaneteoa hnndtell and, thgtoen. In a oaOae thefein ptartog- * •■ "* •* ?* A. Ferry Is oonrplaihant, and ynq aad .M en are detendaim ybu *»



. yM Hi di Md JW

s .S 3 t ‘

UT o r NSW fERUrr—T* Bdrword moka*vMWf #rd«r af ika Cotui 4)Ctr* W N«w Janars B*da oo Um day of U»a

date & C ik fa tba aaWl e«a* Bu mT. Illdha Iff pattttoaar lAd jou. JB ^iM HtcKa.

>Sn*LJtSS ^rta'n”’i !M ln S * ]a :Tba oblaat.afI

Mewuh. tt. f.

having sahlhliid under oett a true aonount of the peteonal eetate and aald lataitate, wheretpy Jt eppw t that the ueraonal eatata of sold Trtn DIetl la tnauf^ SSrit to pay hla dabia. and raqueita the aid of“f t dayrt ASguSTmieleen b-**"*deradthat all partont lnt*ra#ted la tho Ubdi. Kamwntej nofadltamenlff aad raal tM^aSd John IMetLthlff court at tho courthoaa* la tho city or Hffwart, on tht thlrir-firat day of ISU/at 10 A. M.. to iHow eaUM why »A.nd raal aatate of tho aald ifohn Dlctja da* J iM ad ^5 !ld not bo wld aa wHl bo wfrfotent to pay bla dabta, ^ MAHtH*# i.

IffOM 8ho«ntha], Burrefdta- JobA lioinUotb,PzMIor of PotUlonffT. ' „ - r#ta 9a\i Olinton atreot, Wawark. N. J <|ld.,24)_

yy f*gAWCBRT fjEW J1SR8BT-—ToOaorao Bdwvd B^ofman.

By Tlrtno of an order of ®ichanoary.' made on the iwonty-nfth day of Augual, nineteen hundred and thirteen, in a cine, wherein Wilfred Splelman le pe- tlttoner, and you ai* dolendaqt, you « e reqnirad to appear and anewar tha petl- tlonar’a poUtlon, on or bofota the twanty- aavadth day of Oetoher neat,- or In default thereof inch decree wlU he tahea agalast youaa the obaneellor ,shaU thlpk equitable“ rh e ’eald petition Is Died agalnat you tor a dlvoree f r ^ the bdnd of mat»»i»o»v the' ground of doeertlon. ■ ■-*'' ■

* itJoiitiUT;* SoUdUrp of PeUtloner.

- fat

qountt fmniANs' £ p B * * - rS ^51 t tS .“W S R l

’ )Sfl! id£SSdtWtrtx of IdiiA DI4L

CFTY ADVKKTI8EBf£NT8for Iktoffoi. M&tuliud Lb oji at>pHoatiioa« or potlUont laado to tbu boord for tbo gnipUM of llooiuiM to Mil opjrliuous. viBouv. milt or browtd Ikoorip lUtd not a«r«tofori* publlsM icoOTdlrjf lo jiw, te wUi „ a,.Kinite BUilniMs Rutdiiic*.

RSTAlIp-AXNllWAUi.JoMPh P, Ctuke Ma-ST2 Cootmt iVs.Sffmo ptAcio H u lk - ‘ -vitraa.Ttootil .tffor.twdoro id^uttir.

Porttey Bow»ry its....... ,eS&moplac«Petor Flood. Wd Oronfi it............ ifimovlooe■ ifTTtoiUlOy tW dprlofflild iVs.s.Hoint Blico

409 Ifitli %v.,«......Sunffiite^’OBrotflkoitiliy m Jgba Klnitafir. _„ . .. Tat-. lBd-a02 tilOOmflfrllJ IITet

ditui p4MOAntonio fteeteypl, 81 ^nrttdc fftwedAm* pUc« J tm te BontvltA 45 Ctifioo &v..e...H«rMpiacff Urn. D«ll« LnVoBt. 267 Hlfb rt..e,BKmff jo to Qe H*lA 613-417 rrflTlnjffaioyffOn nvee , BffBlO pfffCBHoRlff OfftrtcUp 188 PffTUUirJwite av.,b«oo plncffUrff, SAurt ilmcoffon. SN-dBl Bi>^d ffte.UlcMff) CApom. 1» (jofffide it ........ gnm* p U «JOIIW Clchy. *8 AVMU# J. Bowtry ot.gjmj g w jP ite r Bo*®wlc*. 81 Broom# «t...... piwteCborlte U. Bleohoff, S4BOUstav Busobem, t« Delanw at.. ..gai..e paga Thomaff BuaffCCO. IB I^lft •t.reeeae’BaMte ptffWB nll aiumenbelm. M U eter a t.. .. .8 a n » p j« d


Muaiai*iBb oF_TH* e r ry it*': Ok raWANE .

•jiT c m I M AWurt a*. laia.

Joeauh J. Brown, IM Adeiot « placeJohn Ind«rsflei. TM Hunterdon rt..|nn)e PjjcjMartin Qeorae. IM^rgon m........ SSElISSMartin Wlackas, « Bowen at...4..,.8ame rta«» id S ird Scbwahl, O O ar^ JartaChAttet Uibltfe fu-iW pLJauff yiBj*Su. Laura lohwarta,Bamial T. Toung' )2t HMTT •t....‘ga*a»W*W

Mrs. Tareala Bachatatt. M arkrt^ .- . . - bainaplaoo Chkriaa VaiheBClui, W .W anm rt rt..aainu placa

whoijsbalbwIUEMcw a l .Busail WmllHng C Jh-IW S X

SI- BgTAiL-^lkANByBm. yard mrnwger. f*om iSI No. dth at. W-11 Baieor at.....;.......„ .......lld Bruaa at

A 4 tM M . fWia 81*. A a t J ? ^^■^IWnp at..


.r :

IIMk .■ t i t

N E W A R K E V E y [ y ( > N g W B . T H U i i p ? A Y . e E P r i i f f l f f t g B L im.

JJeroarIt ^tieningPu»U«lwd 4*«^ tiMPt »™nair. »T


. Jt.tu*4 M tl» N«*»rfc K. J , P0*t»m« »

b ,h in4 c « * a i . n law• P »fu «» bahind Am»rtc*n law. I t la « n u a iiy aa«clara1?0B th a t Thaw n « ^ nMwhat ha baa baan tfolBf In U olta4 Btataa an tneaa

’'“ Storaaaar. thara waa an aaaartlon t b a t ^ n f ^ n fwauM not ha toloyata4 ; an _ ^ r a n ^ t ^ t . w h ^

T0ltptioft« tOOO Uirfctt.Bftaeh EicUnt* eoanteilM »« «»part**nta

/ « • V»«. «V* «»11ara f« ia i* to fsrolia Muairtw* Maw Torlt oao*. M?-n« Braaowtok btitWlni. »» 'K 'n ‘ '

Chtaaao OBca IMI Trlfcuoo balldlaa.WaaataftOB Bmaau. H* Caloca4a tmlWlaf.® ^A * .® S tfa i.“ 'SlI: i “ “ ‘‘S oP r^ irlS ? . braaoh axobanf.

llaa te lB r B ranab OOea, H I OlonrWao M aibara-tBriDfSald Braaah O®**. I* ? 'bEwilir Wtlbura aaoaaa Tab »0 Mlllbura

dni( Itora Baak

MawtoB Branab Offlca 1« awl»a **'•anm tt Branab OOoa. »oa« 1 T- O. bull4IOf. Tab ,t»M. Bamt Brsneb Otto«a • LoMy Htr#*!, T*L HI*t r ih t o n burbao—it WMt itb u birMt

V a J m Vaaroa. fab m babary Part,**Tl'o*OTT-^tb<ri>a*tb"* A4»arU<ln« Aianoy. WalUr E.

m ight b* po«lbl« In U nited fltataa, J n » t l« *nC a M d a 'in ^ fd bo maUd out T h 'i la »llvary In v lfo ra tln i »nd IbipiHng. I t U Thaycan paopla have hopad for from th e '••tin "* ” have known m ighty wall that, J j* J ”wealth behind him . Thaw waa evading the iwnalty ol h it crim e, aecurlng for hlmaolftion i th a t should not be tolerated and Intertertng « -a ip«rfttlnfly with the m anafem *nt of public IftiU

*““ S" r one great hope 1. th a t. If la b roufh tback, a t we hop . he will be, th e re wlU beaver Of th e dlapotltlon to tre a t him w ith a •o'l«j‘“ ^*

BaUtvlIIa arabb^ !**■Bruo* vtrMU - BIm EtTMt. IMH CUatOA »V*BU«i 111*

locai. bbamcb o y n cB iiHunbart P'ffb !*•Myrtlo av,, •• (RoMvUlal. Baulb «l*th ab. JH . tvalltoa plaoa. at.

THUEBDAT, raPT EM B ER *, 1»1*-

WQr UA 1*ICP lAiBywwafcAwa* ---------—- -to w hich ha h a i no claim and th a t beunder auoh strict aurvellllnca th a t a ll poaatblllty of arepetition of th li eeoapade will be gone.

T here la one other aapaot of thla • “ * *■.‘*“ * ^ “ * ®: menUon. W e are not persuaded th a t either the legal or m edical profeaalon h a i done all it ahould and could do to rem ove the reproach th e Thaw cate hM c u t upon i t To plead th a t U h a a ra a c tt agaln it the re . aourcefulneaa and e n te rp r lu of th e p ro leu lon making It and does nothing to re tto re confldance In th a t pro- f«wlon. O f c o u m t theie proftM loni m ty not o u tild e rt to do th a t to o l u r th e ir good names which they a re unwilling to do to r thamaelvea, and what thay suffer from the lack of public conlldenee they ripely and richly deiarve.

- T


ra ther la naadlag a lat-upi Father hai worked at the shop

Faithtul and never oomplalatng, Until ha Is ready to drop.

Blowly ha ocmai from bis labor, Weary and haggard and apant.

Dally tala figure grows thinner. Lower his shouldari are bent

Once be w u keen for hia supper. Once ha w u ready for play.

Badly ha broods In hla>corner, Father la broken today.

O o u Is hla gladness and sparkle;Sea, u ha nodi In bli chair.

Over hla brow ti a ihadow Brad of aabauitlon and cars.

Father should have a vacation;Tea, we should taka him away

Up to a llfa-giving mountain, Down to a btalth-ylaldlng bay.

Out In tha magical country.Out wbara tha summer wlndi blow

F u from the din of the city Fether would brighten, wa know.

COAL OOM BINS* p a s t AIP> PR ESEN T.The obleot sought In the govarnmonfa ault for the

figwluUon of th e R u d ln g Railroad Com panye control e f the C entra l R ailroad of New J e ru y la the same which th a opponents of the "coal oomblne In thla Btate fOUEht to obU ln twenty-one yaara ago. » was In n i l th a t th a "ooal combine" w u attem pted hare, by laglalattve authorliatU m that c a u u d acanilal a t Trenton. T he law th a t w u passed w u In^tonded to overcome by subterfuge th e rtatu tory provision th a t DO New Je rsey ra ilroad could be leased to a foreign potporatlon. T he lirtent of th a t scheme w u over­throw n by a court decision rendered by Chancellor AisEander T. UoOlU. Nine years later, however, the proposed com bine was affaotad by th e davlos of "stock

. e w tro l" of th o Jersey Central by tha Reading road, y I t t i th is oom bina th a t th s govem m ant now seaki to

dhMolve b y gult under the Sherman an tl-tru at law, F redarlo R . Coudart. who li tha ip ad a t a u liU n t of

A ttom ay-O m isral MoRoynolds In th is lltlgaUon, h u da- olargd th a t th s objeot of tha ault is to s ^ e a t the h e a r t of th e M th ra d te ooal situation. If th is B f^* oom blnatlon sha ll f o unohallenged," ha ^ d , 'th e BoUoy o f Cntigrass will hava bean oomplatsly sat a t

i ' ’ nansh ti a n d ons company will dom lnata th a produo- ki tlon and transporta tion ^ anthraolta coaL * •

TWs'.siiU should ts s t th s ablUty of th e g o v ^ m e n t to ^ oops w ith th e m ost im portant and powerful of th s great

oom binatlons in th o aso asiltlii of a®**' f?' tsntlona of th o tovoram ant aro upheld by tho oourta Vv should go fa r tow ard roitortng conditions of actual and

p o u n tia l oompoOtion In th s oosl flaids end among the

T his g tatom oat bosrn oloss ressm blanos to 10m s of th o stro n g p o in ts i ; ^ s In the opinion rendered by Ohancsllor MoGUl In vitiating th e coal combine In 111*. A fte r pointing out th a t tho lease would give

„ eontrol to a considerable paroantaga of tho h a rd coal output, th o u g h It would not oonstttuta a oomplato

Plainly wa sea It our duty, BtiU wa naglaet and defer.

Idle we dally and Unsar, Baamlogly taalplata to itlr.

TROUBLES ,A eample of an axamluatlen In tha

Fourth Precinct Court;Iiaac Blinder, the court Intarpratar: Did you vent by him mlt a badnaia or

v u he from you afraid from vat und for why?'

Defendant; "No. I didn't vent, I cama by him. und' far nuttln ha called It me a go to b—I und mlt hie handi made moiioni. Alao dar gonlff dan feaU on dar dirt und m ak u It out ha dlea, but I didn't bit him mlt a voodan."

Complainant; “01. 01. Ol, Joodge, ha earned by my booaa und far nuttln knocked me on dar vail mlt a hatchat, from Vhlch I got It a bad ileknaaa alao luch a paper from dar doctor und vlt- naaiel "

Ky. *' monopoly, th o chanoallor sold;iT* - ina_ mm AWsA AlamnM.

I . 3 -

To say th a t thsso oondltloni do no t tend to a diaaatrona monopoly In ooal would be an insult to intslltgonoe. I t Is poaiiblB th a t such a monopoly mar h s used, aa tho defendanta suggest, to intro- dnes ooohom les and cheapen ooal, but I t doea vlO' Isncs to o u r knowledge of hum an n a tu re to eapect guah a rasn lt.‘ Tho com m odity In wWob thsso oompanlos dsslIs s n i 'T ----- r of lUo. I f once a oompleto monopolybo o itab llahed by tho dostruotloa of oompetltlon. w hotbor th a t bo through leam or by oo-operatlon, th s p ro m o tsm of It and sharers In It may hava w batover p rie s th s lr eupldlty suggasts.

T he d isaste r which will follow canot be m ats- nrod. I t w ill leave in i ts trail m urm urs of d u - eon toa t w ith a government whloh will to lerate It, and a n th o o thor svU eftooU of opprosalon.

<Tjio ra ilro ad s agslnat which suits hava now been ' startod have in the past sa t up th s dsfonsa th a t they

n e t engaged in tho coat m ining buslnssa, and they will douBUesa en te r anoh a defense In th e present lltl­gaUon. T h a t w a i f tH p t they did In Now Jersey In t i t l . B u t ChanosHor ItcQlU characterised their an­sw ers d sn y la c th a t "olthsr tho FbU adelphta and Read­ing Com pany o r th e C tn tra l company own any coal lands, o r produce oir deal to coal," as an evaalon. I f a sim ilar finding ahould be made by th o federal tri- banala. th e re w ould bo no quesUon th a t the oom-

' bine s t ta ck«d would he found to be an unreasonable ynstralnt o f tra d e In anthracite coaL And such a do-

4 l nUion w ould be followed undoubUdly by sim ilar suits _ * against fo u r o th er railroad oom panlea which, with '*'■ th e R eading combine, control ninety pe r cent, of th e

m tiro unm lned a rea of an th raclta

NOT BUE, BUT PRACTICEB.Renew ed complaints about practices by the u n iu

of th e dissolved Tohsoeo Trust may serve to make clear th a t It la no t the else ol a p a rticu lar c o m p ^ which Is objectionable, b u t the m ethods It has ussd to reach th a t slse o r m aintain its pre-em lnoncs.

T he fact of monopoly slse has bearing only In this sense. T here la an Instinctive belief th a t no buslnets can grow to a else approxim ating m onopoly In this vast country by haalthy. natural, eth ical m eans. To sMume th a t It could, would be to assum e th e posMsslon by a very few men of abilities p roportionately superior to sn y o th er group. That Is neither dem ocratic nor log­ical so th e fact of monopoly s ite la tak en as Indlcatlnf unethical p raetlcea But It Is really th e practices thatare condemned. , , .. ,

The m istake of Judilng finally by m ere slse Is ra ther Induced by the Bherroan law an d lU penalty of dlssolu- tlon. B ut aa WM mad* very p lain by the Supreme

kfJourt's nndlngi In the Standard Oil and Tobacco cases,It Is really the practices by I w hich monopoly ilss was a tta ined th a t a re condemned. T here Is yet no case where th e tru st was dissolved and Its practices hsld ethical.

T h ere ore two general groups of proposals to sup- plem ent th e Bhermsn law to m eet this Inoonslstenw. Both are based largely on providing punishm ents for those practices which the U nited SU tes Supreme Court has condemned.

In New Jersey, regardless of tho slse of the offend­ing concern, the com plainants could appeal to the courts. Unfair oompetltlon Is defined In New Jersey law under the "Sevsn Slslere." T he complainant need no t prove any monopoly. All h e h a s to prove Is unfair com petition. This Is the W ilson plan aa developed to m eet th e particu lar situation In th is Btate. Its general principle has been assumed to fo recast the national poUey tow ard trusts under th is adm inistration.

The altornatlvo proposal is th a t Idsntlfled w ith Roosevelt. Hero the com plainant would appeal to an adm inistrative eommlselon sim ilar to th e Public Utility B oard here. Thla board’s power would bo regulative;I. e.. It would not be condnod to forbidding and punish­ing th s wrong, bu t could epm m and tho r ig h t

I t is th is last function th a t h a s brought th e regu- Igtlve plan under some doubt. The fear Is th a t In tho neossaary InUmate and guiding aasoclatloa with all buslneas of such a concentrated au thority , th e board would cease to become the reg u la to r of business and bsoom e Its m entor and patron.

As th ings stand now, th e Roosevelt way of on forcing fa ir competition prom lies certain ty and direct­ness, w hile th e Wilson plan Involves th e expenee and_ delay of legal proceedings. B u t th e Roosevelt plan th rea ten s a commerolatlstlo paternalism , while the Wilson plan h as all tho safeguards of democraUo evolution.

A suggested combination of bo th Is to create a trib u n a l of huslnoss law w ithout adm inistrative powers, b u t acting In tho way of a public prosecutor before th e courts, combining and corre lating oomplalnU and acting as ofllclal watchdog of th e public Interests.

Helpless we wait and we Unger, Juet like a boat ki a fog

U we should go to the country W bat would become of the dog?

A LABOR DAY EXCURSION. Three time* the young father etarted

away from borne with the baby on his a m and a aatchsi In his hand. Three timee he returned. The third time the young mother waa heard to demand, from the depth! of the houae:

"And what's the matter, nowT""I forgot the nipples," ths young father


THE LAST WORD IN DEVOTION.I would go through Are for you I" he

declared.She had heard that before."I would ford ewollen rivers, I would

scale mountalh rangea. 1 would swim the ooean, I would fly to the moon,'

O Charles!" shs answered, only partly convinced. —- „

'To reach your side 1 would even cross Conneotlout on the No Tute, New Hades and Heartbreak Railroad. "

Her doubts collapsed. She sank Into his eager arms.

TIME’S RAVAGES.I've wandered through the alley, Tom,

where once wo used to play.The dear old barn we knew so well Is sad­

ly changsd today.With haymow and with old shed roof the

barn Is etandlng yet;But 00 the door appesu'i the sign;

THIB FINK q a r a o e to l e t


Bf Charles Stelils •daatlflc management may be responsl- Host of

Me for some additional burdens upon workingmen: th s t is, when It Is merhanl- calty carried out. But there Is no dpnbt that It has come to au y and that U srlU be even more thoroughly developed than Is DOW the case. Recently I vltlted a plant which had been "modaroleed" through tha Introduction of sclentlftc management. The year before the eye- tern bed been Introduced the firm lost money a t tha rate of twenty per cent After the first year they came out even: the second year the profits were twenty per cent: the third year sixty per cent, and the fourth year eighty per cent.

What had aecorapllthed such marvel­ous regultsT It wasn't through the re­duction of ..wages. As a m attsr of tact the wages of the man had been raised from thirty to forty per cant. It wasn't by driving the men unduly. I noticed two things In this Interesting plant; first, that not a elDgle man was loafing on the job, and eeoond, th a t not a single man w u baing ovarworked, and I think I would have observed cates of either loafing or overworking. Neither bad any new ma­chinery been introduced.

the rMutta were obtained through eyeteinatlsing the work of the men. Actually, It was the proper use of the margin ef time. Ths twM need hr the men wars Of tbs right kdad and th a r had b u n propsrty prepared. The work w u alto shifted from one departmsnt to another with such tad U tlu th a t not a moment was wuted. The whole thing bad been reduced to a science.

This sort of thing works out all right In a shop whan the managers take Into con- slderatloa the human element. Worfc- tngmea are not machines and they enn't be handled u so much equipment. And this lu d e me to say that life is not an exact science. Lite le an art. A tu c h wni4y iUflCMt 40d StlBdUlAtl bute I& tMend, life becomes •uecessfUl only u the student w yks out hie own proWeins. Whan an Ifflcleney manager loavu no room for indlviduellty. he la itrlklng g t a tundamantal right of the workingman; end he ihw eru hie own purpoeu t o ^ - duclng simply eltldancy In Industrial W s hut not oontsntmsnt on the part of woHc- ingmen with their Jobe. And ao raeh ^ you can 't get the former unlese you have the latter.

Novel Rainfall Clock for Australia


RELIGIOUS ITEM.The m u who u y s be can worthlp In

the woode as well u In church Is a Uar or else hs h u the hide of a rhinoceros.

SOMERSAULTS IN AIR. -As* reqto eqi se Xsee t i UMop episdn SUReiAS je q i

■xis xixuejj 11,1 noi 01 imt ma 'UMOuei am stnjaund jou pincn I Xepoi pijoji eqi Re Xq pejssqs si

uMotsited fo pnoS*d jtieisuopi

A DROUGHT VICTIM.The drought-stricken K ansu tarmsr

w u staying a t tbe Brown Palace Hotel In Denver, he and hie wife and hla daugb- tera and hie daughtere-ln-Iaw, until the dry epell down on the bumt-up plains should esue.

He u t a t tbe wheel of hie automobile at the hotel door waiting for hie women- tolh to dress for a ride. Ha had Juat finished explaining that he wished to be darned If he would return to Emporia until that section had had a Iwo-lnch ruin. He added;

"I heard a feller last night telling how the time would come when we would per- duce all tbe rain we wanted artificially. But when 1 took a close look a t bJm 1 saw he was smoking a cigarette."

Two curious facts ars ahown by Aua* tralle's rainfall records, which have been kept for twenty to forty years. Forbes, a New South 'WalM town, near tho cen­tre of Auetralla'i population, has a monthly rainfall of about two inebea and this continues practically the same for every month In the year.

Tha other odd generalluttlon H that the rainfall atoewhere ahUta with pendulum- llke regularity. In the summer months It Is g rw U it on tha north and northeu t coasts, but the distribution ohanges grad­ually. and in tbe winter the rainfall and Ita varlatlota are greatest Ih the south and lou theu t.

Tho regularity of change has augfesied

to the commonwealth meteorologist a novel rainfall clock. An ouUlne of A u - tralla Is cut from a card, and baneuh thla opening a lower card with through Forbes, shows, as It Is ro t» w . tbs changing rainfall dlstrlbullcn, IndM marks giving tho positions of the hyetaie. er lines of equal rain, for each month.

The charts lately Issued by the Aus­tralian Meteorological peraturoa as well as rainfall. Tha ollmata Is shown to rangs from mild tsmparate to tropical, the mean summer or January temperature near Victoria being alrty to aixty-flve degrees F.. while that 400 rallM north is eighty degrees, and that of much of the centre and northwest Is above elghty-nve degrees.

"Kid belts are all the rage."

KATIONAL Tg. STATE BANKS.TEke a t face valve th e statom ent of the dlreetora

J , ■ ■ o( th e RosovlUe T niet Company th a t they adm it no *'" W duJpable reaponilbillty, especially as backed by the

iS v irtua l confessloo of the Sthta banking departm ent ir th a t S m ith 's m anipulations wore too m uch for Its

sg sa tln e rt. an d th e sltnatlon a t public Interest U th a t

W HY?"W hy le it 10 deelrable to have a m ajority candidate

when our elections are usually decided by a plurality?" -—G ubernatorial Candidate K atxenbach.

W hy. Mr. G ubernatorial C andidate K atienbach, la I t dealrable to have a p lurality? $

W hy, Mr. G ubernatorial C andidate Katzenbaoh, le It desirable to have m ore th a n one vote?

■Why, Mr. Qubornetorlal C andidate Katzenbaoh, la It desirable to have any vote?

W hy no t Just ash Jlra N ugent?Or, why not m atch penn ies th row dice, consult a

fo rtune-teller, look for a ahootlng-atar?♦ W ell__why not, cham pion of democratlo aelf-

governm ent, Mr. Katzenbaoh.

NO RIGHT TO KICK.The boarders a t an Ocean Grove houae

went to the landlady and said;"Mrs. Choppi, we don’t like to com­

plain. but the food that you serve on your table Is so poor that we are fairly starving. If It were not for the fruit and crackers and other things that we buy outside and eat In our rooms, we could 'not possibly live. We are paying you enough to enable you to set a good table."

"Ladles and gsntlemen," warmly re­plied the landlady. "I am not running this house for personal profit. Every cent that I make I give to ths cause of foreign missions. Boarders who were good ChrlsUahs wouldn't find fault."

AUTHOR’S APOLOGY.Reader, If your favorite column re­

sumes In s halting, awkward and un­wonted manner, bear with It patiently, I pray. The motorcyclist Is a grotesque figure when he starts ou t His legs fly around In windmill fashion. He gets off and runs, pushing hls heavy machine along by main strength. He has to stop and take out s monkey wrench and tinker with the works. Ke Is a ludicrous spec­tacle. But think how he sails along when once be gete to going.

NE'VKR. It Is said, did the forehanded Raymond E. Smith, ol RoseviUe, give hls friends the ellghtest indication that he was a trust buster.

t o u r f a v o r it e n e w s p a p e r is

I-J of th e re la ttv a njluraBOo to depoaltora In the State

I f

a ad aatlomU banking systemx.Concede fo r the argum ent th a t Sm ith’s procood-

la g t w ould hav e equally eioaped national bank exam- laers, th a t 'h o m ore ausptedon would have been aroused o r traeed ou t: concede equal bustneia Integrity and

* ' banking knowlodga to dlroctota under th e two ays- li terns, and th e fac t remalna that, when any "accident"

happens th e atockholdera in a national bank are liable to depositors fo r tw ice th e par value of the stock they hold, regard less of any fau lt on their part, while direo- tora In a S ta te bank aro not legally liable for loiios unlOH crim e or its equivalent In negligence can bo proved AfAinst them .

T h e m o ral is obvloua The State should a t least m aka th e d irectors In Its banka as responsible ae the

— nation m akes stockholders In national banks. Of course At m any t ru s t com panies are fully as solid and reliable as

th e best na tional banks.| Of course the Integrity and ' I m orale of th e bankers is the best guaranty of safety. I [ But th ere Is a residual "factor of safety" against acol- I ! dents tn one system th a t the other does not provide.

, r sznnnu- T H E LIST of dead and Injured in the lateet New H aven road disaster Is compared with the record Of veh icu lar accidents In New York City tor the month

‘ a i August, It will strike tha ordinary reader th a t * ra ilroad trav e l la comparatively safe. There were t tw enty-one killed and forty Injured a t North Haven

as against forty-seven killed and 20t Injured by , vehicles In New fo rk . But It Is to be remembered - th a t a t least one-half of those killed In tho streets by

vehicles a re th e victims of their own carelessness. T hat w as no t the case with tho victims of the rall-

~ road, w ho had paid their fare ea a guaranty of safe tran sporta tion to their desUnatlon. The slaughter on

3 th# streeta was largely due to the exigencies of modern m ethods of street transporiaUon. Tho slaughter on th e ra ilro ad was entirely due to defects In rail trans­portation m ethod!. The first can be claased as an accl-

HERESY."Jumlay Is a queer sort of Republican." "Tea, he Is. Just now he wsi maintain­

ing that the prosperity of the American people depended on the bcuntlfulnese of the crops end tbe kindliness of Provi­dence."

thirty years old this week. Thirty, as you know, is the roost mteresting age.

IN THE SCHOLARLY capital city of Nebraska one can buy "Bandwlchs of ail kinds."

■THBRE a r e signs of an early Thaw at Matteawan.-

The Trouble with the New Haven

I fS dent; th e second ae a wilful hazard.


JU STIC E IN CANADA AND AMERICA.One need not be an Anglophile to adm ire the deter­

m ination of th e Prem ier of Quebec th a t th e all me of th e Thaw tr ia l should not be dragged across th e Juris­prudence of Canada; neither need he lack patriotism to wish th a t as Arm and blunt a determ ination had been nbewn la th e United States to uphold the dignity of th a oourts.

"O ur Jails a re not p<iMto boarding-houses," the P raro ler’s representative declared the o ther day, "and they canno t be used to shield any m an from the fed­e ra l law ." W hile th is was, on Its face, a notlfloatton

1 ' to H orry Thaw th a t Canada did not Intend to let him m ak e a monkey of its oourta It was m uch more a n d If "hospitals" hod been subetltuted for ‘'Jails" It

^ 'WPUld hav e described very closely the travesty, on justice T haw and hls lawyers have been conducting ever s ince th e m urder of Stanford W hite.

X^ooKlng back over the years slnoa Thaw killed W hite Ih a ’^tia rre l between Ubertlnes over tbe Nesblt g irl, esooped tb e penalty ot h ls cowardly crime on

p lea o f Insanity, and tried, by long continued legal ^ 1 * .—*. to outw it the Intontion' of tbe courts and sOeure h is tteodom , no American worthy of cltlzen- ehlp esti to blush a t tb e drab record. Nor can h e v io v ir ith o n t oontampt th e disrepute into which th e Thnsr m oney has brought oertotn branobes of the m edictf And proftstlnaa The to k en in g stench of

th e sensIbUitlea of decent rS r ie S r lU . Bxptirt^W rimony, which should be countedj. ' " " ‘ -

a n EXPOSITION D IT FE H E N T PROM OTHERS.Differing from the generality of expositions and

"w orld 's fairs" which have occurred In the past and are projected fo r the fu ture. In th a t It was not con­ceived oa a celebration of any past achievement or event, tho National Conservation Exposition a t Knox­ville, Tenn., Is an Im portant undertaking.

From the "Centennial," a t Ph iladelph ia In 1*7*. In­spired by the centenary of A m erican independence, these expositions have signalized som e g re a t ooeurronoe in history, som ething th a t has been done and Is past. The Panam a Elipoeltlon will draw the world's attention to one of the most m om entous engineering trium phs of all time. Admirable have been the objects of a ll these expositions. But oven more adm irable Is th a t underlying the present undertaking, which I* to spread the gospel of th a t conservation which makes great achievem ent by a nation possible.

In the resources ot a people conalet th a t people’s w ealth and possibility of fu ture a tta inm ent. Upon how well those resource# are husbanded depends th a t peo­ple's continued prosperity o r Its eventual decline. By past h isto ry It has been dem onstrated th a t a nation w hich does not conserve Its n a tu ra l resources, the re- eouroes of the land and th e people, cannot progress. This nation has vast natural reaources In Immense trac t# of virgin soil besides th a t whloh Is now producing the w orld 's greatest crops In coal. In m etala precious and useful. Yet even now lack ol conservation has m ade Its effect visible in m any ways, an effect th a t In some Instances la Irreparabls.

The Conservation Exposition a t Knoxville will con­tinue for two months. I t will illu stra te how conserva­tion In m any directions may m ake perm anent the coun­try 's rlohneas. as well as Increase th a t prosperity In th e present. Tho benefit of good roads will be shown. F o r­estry, mines, land, farm ing, live stook. child welfara, bette rm en t of woman, aro am ong th e departments.

T here a re wonderful posstbllltlea In an exposition of th is kind. The gospel of conservation has been preached through the length and breadth of the land. Some of the government’s conservation activities have had notable reeults. The p resen t exposition, if carried to Its term ination along the lines which have been indicated, cannot tall to achieve resu lts mors beneflclal, fa rth e r reaching, than those o thers whose spectacular tsa tu ra s It lacks.

, g-. n rgili*"— an d a aatefuArd; AM bean wholly ducredtted.T ba pivIaMloua) standarda legal

khowa its- ro tten tee th . One does not n««4 to w ondir. then, th a t th e Prem ier o f Quebec

to M #o hie Teovtnee f n m debauchery by Thaw

TMt th e re He* UaptIUt' i tL tb e deelaintlan of the <0 toproignlgttve * r « N to to th e Ameriokn

Commenting edlterolty on th s general demoraUsatlon of the New York. New Haven and Hartford Railroad as reflect­ed by the North Haven wreck and/slm- llar disasters cm that system in the last two years the New York American this morning, very cogently says concerning tbe responslblUty for these conditions:

Howard Elliott, the new jiresldent, said yesterday In hls official statement after the lateet New Haven wreck:

"The road has automatic block signsta of wbst la called the 'banjo' type, which when Inetalled, were considered very sat­isfactory. BInce then Improved methods of signalling have been devised. Author­ity was Issued some time ago to Install the Improved and modern signals between New Haven and Springfield. Fifteen per cent, of tbe new work Is already''done."

'The Hartford division, where the wreck occurred, did not have the Improved signal ayitem used by other railroads. Result: Twenty-one dead, fifty Injured,

At Bridgeport, on July U. 1911, the Now Haven did not have the longer "crossovers" required by modern equip­ment. Result: Twelve dead and lOOInjured.

At Westport, on October *, 1913, the same defective equipment caused nine deaths I and' fifty Injured. I

At Stamford, on June 13, 1919, the brakes did not work on a locomotive previously reported as defective In that regard, hut the locomotive was kept In service with the result, six passengers hilled and twenty maimed.

The Now Haven operates t,3S8 passen­ger cars. Of these only thirty-one aro ot all steel construction, and 2,iS7 are wooden. More th in a thousand of the wooden cars regularly used on the New Haven are more than twenty-five years old. Some of these, more than fifty years old, which were used to transport troops during the war ot IMI-Si. are still In use. Only elghty-nlne new coaches were built last year and only three added this year'. Ot the 33* Pullman sleeping ears only twenty-four are of steel.

Seventy-one passengers killed and M3 maimed on tbs New Haven Railroad in two years, In olghtoen collisions or de­railments 1 INlth the heaviest railroad traffic In America, save one; with the richest territory, and profits unequaled by any othor railroad In the past, the New Haven has lagged so far behind other rstlroads In maintenance of equip­ment and trache that it has spent only

nineteen per cent, of Its gross eamlngo for Improvements and safety. The New York Central spends twenty-nine per cent.; the Pennsylvania Railroad thirty per cent.: the Atchison, thirty per cent., and the Louisville and Nashville thirty- three per cent. Even the long discredited Erie spends twenty-six per cent.—ons- tbird more than the New Haven—and tho Erie hasn't had a fatal accident In ten years.

The New Haven hasn't had eqough money to maintain Its equipment and to buy safety devlcoa to protect tbe lives ot Its passengers. It has raised and spent, however, more than KfH.00#,000 In ten years to buy up steamboats, trolleys, wharves and legislators to crest* a lighter monopoly In New England.

■Who Is responsible? Not Charles S. Melton, whose resignation as president, procured by the directors as a sop to In­dignant stockholders, was Intended as a vicarious sacrifice to the outraged pub­lic.

AN A'V’TATOR has created a flurry In tho circles of b is profession and evolved a new circus feat by flying in a monoplane upside down. In consaquonco, an a ttem p t has boon made to prove th a t th is achievement Is a long otop forward In rendering navigation by aero­plane m ere practical. In advancing It toward the com­m ercial suoceaa which Is th e goal of Inventors and exporltnojitere. Sober contem plation of this feat, a repetition of which dem onstrated th a t It was no freak of accident, would lead to th e conclusion, however, th a t th e science of aviation will receive no rem arkable Im petus through the proving th a t a n aeroplane can be m ade to execute an exalted cartwbeeL

Mellon was not alone or oven chiefly responsible. Any rillroad ptealdent re­sponsible for tho New Haven’s crirolnil hegligence, Its manslaughters. Its mania for monopbly. would have been dismissed In disgrace.

But Mr. Mellon was not responsible and fdr cogent reasons he was not dismissed. He has, In hls own words, "ceased all oonnsctlon with the New Haven road," but he was nevertheless voted by tho directors last week 130,000 a year for five years to come besides a present of *W,000.■ This was a confession by the directors that Mellen waa not responsible for tho policy of the New Haven, and that tho directors wars responsible and, above all, the two directors who have dominated Its board for so many years, J. P. Morgan and William Rockefeller.

The borrowing of nearly MW,0*0,000 within ten years to stifle compstUlon would have been impossible without the approval of J, P. Morgan, Its to |# fiscal agent In Wall Street as well aa t u mas­terful director In Now Haven. In the execution ot the Moigan-ltooksfallor policy tho reaources of tho road wore SO waited, Its purchases of unprofitable trolley linos and steamships *0 burden­some. that dividends had to bo sacri­ficed, and finally cams this Mgbtful toll of human life.

Who has profited from th li policy more than tho banker-rollroad manager who has taken a commlaslon from every fresh Issue of securities?

Clearing Bridge Wreckage with Oxy-Acetylene Torch

Now directory of M anhattan and tho Bronx Is one pound six ounces lighter th an th a t of last year. But th is does no t indicate th a t tho population has tallsn oft a pound and six ouncss. as th e book really contains 11,004 names more than tho prevloua one.

T here Is gomothlng refresh ing In tho very name of tho in tam atlonal Congress of Rolrlgoratlon, whloh la about to Como together in Chicago, and something appropriate In tho city of tho mooting, tho greatoot cold storage plant ot then; all.

Edison tg ^ d to contem plate • mechanical opera. Some opora wo have board recently needs to bo wound up, a t t h a t

Indianapolis has rocsntly been engagod In removing with fire the wr*ckM« caused by flood waters, states ths Scien­tific American. Two bridges which crossed White River and Fall Creek, ro- apectlvsly, wore badly damaged during tho recent flood.

Both bridges were of stone and co-- erete with a framework of heavy stool gfrderi. and when they went down these supports were reduced to a mass of twist­ed Junk, but withstood all efforts to re­move them. Finally the city engineer solved tho problem of cutting away the steel wreckage by colling upon a com­pany of that city that makea a well- known automobile acetylano lighting sys- tero. , ^

In lespoose to the appeal two oxy-

ooetylena welding outfits wore carried to the bridge and put Into operation with cutting torch attachment*. Tho steel girders were quickly severed. Tho ontlro work ot cutting away the twisted mass of wreckage took only throe day*. 'Withtho c i t in g torch the girders ware first beatem and then a stream of pure oxy­gen waa directed against the hot metal. Thla caused tho steel to bum quickly and safely.

The average time consumed In cottleg'a girder was a little over flv* minute*.The entire apparatus was moniited on a light two-wheeled truck. This feature of portability hat mode tbe oxy-acotsdogo system of welding and cutting vary do- alrabte In cases when* rapid work la nooaisary.

FROM FARAWAY LANDSOstriches and aUigator* are raised in

incubators In South Africa.

A "msgtclans' club" of persons has Peon recently fonaad In London.

« e «A •uBpenslon bridge with a main span

),n* (tot long Is proposed ^ r the Uertor ^ v e r a t UverpooL

The death a t a “raol" *on nf tb * Am trlaon Revolu­tion oerroa os a remlndei' th a t th is ig Indeed a youngllStlCttg

Australia’s co-<«>otatlve^lndu»tri** con- tlnus to Increase In number. They report financial succoss.

Gorman paasengsr dlrltlblss carried imM persons on togvOar trips bad: year Without killing or injuring one of tbtm .• • •

Tomsk, tbs sgrleultiiml ermtre at

The graphite deposltr of MAdggagogr are to be exploited by a French ognipanr.

India b a i produced about AiOAno tons o f sugar annually for ths logt fFb ygor*.

• * •In Russia tbe majority of gtrfka* In

IMI (l,n i with ni,»» pexuclpante) were due to pollUcs. The other 7% xrttb 171JBIparticipants, had economlo Utettkes iht- feclfectlng them.

(Kberia, bo tau ol th s qnly untv'srsity In te a t aonntry. i t wna ^n ned twodta-rix

thnf haw* lot ; thaw’d immilou* lawrom Md wttnesasa maka of him a pubfle imlaanee. The

DM Thaw need bst fzcpapfc to flnd 'A ref^* 1 Interttete Commaro* Catzonlaslanar MOClWd aaga mllroad tlaughter must. end. I t Mtould never have

yearn age and la so w*U endowed that tultlen feaa amouBt to a s ii MO a »**r.At the u m verz ilirlM ^tal mgy be ;(fh. telned tbe only P ia teur tieehhsnt for

I nwd dog Hte th a t I* aenUphle In flihDfla.-JJ{ t r •

Aocoidlng to tbe report entmltted to the annual tneeUng of the Durban (Boulh Africa) Chamber ot Commered, on April 15, there were twelve whaling nempaalet a t work during the year UU On the eoiitb and eoat ooaats ot Africa, inoetir on tee aaet Oooat The tlvs Natal cempdnles eapture^,,lU whalM JaM year.

The newer German army elrehlpe will carry, crew* M iUteen men, two tMChloe ■gha and eavenJ tone ot explostva* and

'11 Ija ^ remain. In the air tOr atetyg..Wltbou

Wsrerooms open Saturday evening*

Many “Bests”Paradoxical as it may appear, every maker

of pianos and so-called pianos makes the best piano in America! The worst masquerades that the whole industry produces are advertised by their makers as “artistic” instruments.

There are pianos that are being marketed at far in excess of their value—often at double their worth—because of the ignorance and cre­dulity of piano buyers.

It is quality that makes a piano worth while, that endears it to the family circle. Assuredly, all the praise that a maker can bestow upon it does not make a bad piano a good one.

There are cheap, commercial grade pianos bearing oldtime names on the fallboard {through the purchase of name-rights) that are a disgrace to the industry, and that, nevertheless, command high prices merely because the buyer does not know better.

It is quality that makes piano value, not the salesman’s say-so. In the purchase of a piano at this institution, you are free from risks of trick­ery, for our whole reputation has been built up by selling only reliable pianos at honest prices in their respective grades.

Here we have a dozen makes of instruments for your inspection, ranging all the way from our own beautiful Lauter to the thoroughly depend­able Lle’iYellyn. It is quality that makes piano value. It is well to keep this carefully in mind.

We have a stock that is probably ten times as large as any other hereabouts. We arrange easy terms of payment without interest. In the event of your decease PAYMENTS TERMI­NATE, and the instrument becomes the prop­erty of your estate.



LAUTER CO.591-593 BroadSLNewark

Limited=Payment Policy Premiums

a r e p a y a b le f o r a s t ip u la te d p e r io d o n ly - T h e f a c t t h a t t iK p o lic y h o ld e r k n o w s th e p e r io d f o r w h ic h p r e m iu m s w i l l b e p a y a b le m a k e s t h i s p o lic y v e r y p o p u la r . A sk f o r r a t e s a t y o u r a g e .

■f <4 -

r.‘ .

Prud atialForrest F. Drydea, President


Price, Wito’fK Ailments ol

Offer SoiWANT D O a O R

Fries, W aUrho qertifled public s aodU tbe books and make suggi tte ■ystem, bavi affairs of tee B night's nwering 1 of tee Common mltted a report.tnaa;

Th* :Board of 1 wambera; It shoi five or six buslt

Tha health of tlclng phystolan pubUo hesJte afi

The tubarculoi should have a charts tor ths 1 tag In proper a

The general I are "well and q ■IderaWe ImprO' tn tha accountli

Tha oommUt without commei law department

Vsrom In a chapter ;

e( the Verona ante say th st e accruing to Un our province U has been taken pert engaged b vejrs and exhil Foundation of

A UtUe furth tains this sugg(

‘In our opini. ment which wi InUirest of the cured through 1 board of oump practicing phyi The latter shoo srite experience and who would tbe in ^ lca l wo Jeet only to th board. The ho directly respon financial offeli

Tha chapter eontalnns only accounting met tlve to th a t ii critidsni offeri ot recording tl alack."

Tbe report pi of tbe Inmate fourth floors, ' tte e re being 1 meens of eecar report goes on Is old end the 1

. the pstlents n< " esriDus loes ol

should a flro W% find, bow utee th a t this been referred srith no result

MustDeolorlnf tl

tg run on ext:bipa partly be

'attons.Biodattons. ar plate account! ant dlagnoatli with these pei

"We coulfl f relating to tl It le uauaJly ot a similar : th a t It Is on porarily save diet Is ordere make It all 1 tha record ol la the fcltchci:

"That the partake of tl emphasised b ot the board t, IBO*, reeds

" 'That an about tbe foo refuses to ps dlsmiaded."

On the su the report p< In Newark I "the city cli te lligen t eft' work, which

-city of Newi vieable to tr. B eatih Daps ditlon* there

If the OR telned, the 1 trem ely edvl more oo-ope and a bettei ords."

The lack c reports" Is

"We have Ing the offii M. than S A “and while t had to wait tem should Information previous, an in the mori care of by a tain Inspect tu rn a t mid

As toIn the ohi

tlon Is raai record of ii whether the stances wh treatm ent," th a t “many side of Nev fo r whloh At* paying g a ting sye would be

'Clares.Other 00

chasing m< to be "opeof raportlr elassiflcatii

.1 compiling . ’peris of reelpte being A

.end the metThe BUgl

w ith HealtJby "prai.talned In whloh It li

.'.members < 5 have alreai

operation, or obtain, or O l

'h e ad s ove; :the subord,■ tions.'

Best Tl DinnerK a i s c


I ro*I Ohriawte

T H B B w nn PK

Maxt w



»rk to

; * l u


X B bb;iro-tttoTk-^owBV*

t B^nf->Bibi.xliud ,



% to itry 10

illo« LUdl »vo



Price, WaterlioDse &.Co. DiagDOse A^nMDts of Department a ^

Offer Some Soggestiona.


These Bar|i[ain Mushrooms Have Sprung Up Overnight,But They Must Quickly (lathered for Will ^ t e

Pile*, W tU rh au n A Co., o( H«w York, CMttnod publlo kooountanu. omploykd to kudlt tbo books of tho city d«p«rtaMBt sad nu.k« (utcMtlon* u to liaprovlnc Its kyiMm, hava boeo Invutlcktlng th« ■ffUri of th« Board of Hoallh. At iMt ■UVht't mMtInc of th« fitwao* commlttao of too Conunon Coutioll th« firm iub- laltUd A rtport, with tho tollowlni ftsd- Io m :

Tho Board of Healtb codUIdo too lOAny mombori; It thoiUd b« oomposod of about flTO or alx bualnoM man.

Tba haalth oftloar should ba a prao> Uoliur ^ y s to la o , with a knowtsdfa of pobllo naalth affairs.

Tha tubarculosls sanitarium at Varons ■houid hava a batter systam of diet oh a rts for tha patients. It Is also lack- tjw In propar accommodations.

Tba ganaral books of tbs dapartmart are "wall and carefully kept," but "con- • l^ rab le Improvement m l|h t,ba effected la the aocountln# methods alone certain UBas."

Tha oommittea received the report without comment and referred It to the law department.

Verona’a Shorteomlacs,In a chapter (Iven over to a dtscusalon

a l tha Verona eanltaiium, the accouut- anta lay Chat as to the medical baneflis aeorulns to the patients "It Is outside our province to discuss, but the matter has bsen tsksn up In s report of the ai- part encskged by tha department of sur- ▼aya and exhibits of the Russell Base rouadation of New York."

A little further alona the report con­tains this tu((estlon:

Tn our opinion probably the arram e- mant which would operate for the best IntoMst of the community would be ee- ouiad tbrou(h the appointment of a small board of cumpetent business man and s praotlclna physician as a health officer.Tba latter should be specially trained and srtth experience In modern public hysleno, and who would be entirely responalbli for the mimical work of the department, eub- feet only to the general direction of the board. The board would, of course, be directly responsible for sll business and financial affaire."

Tha chapter on the Verona Sanitarium contalnns only one paragraph, relattn t to acoonntlTig methods employed In and rela­tive to th a t Institution, the gist of the crltldsm offered being that "The method Of recording the stores used Is extremely alack."

The report points out that the mafortty of the Inmates sleep on the third and fourth floors, 'from which. In case of firs fthera teing no fire escapes) the only means of escape Is the use of ropes." The report goes on to say that "as the building Is old and ths main stairway of wood, and

, tha patients not being In robust health, a aenouB loss of Ilfs would probably occur ^ o u ld a firo start and spread rapidly. Wa find, however, recorded In tha min- iitae th a t thia matter hae time and a«atn been retarred to the building committoe with no result."

Must B at Brown Eggs,Declaring that "the whole Institution

la run on extremely primitive lines, per­haps partly because of Inadequate accom­modations. snd alec because of Incom­plete accounting methods," tha account­ant diagnosticians conclude the chapter with these partg rsphs:

"We could find little evidence of charts relating to '.the dlet-nf the patients ee It le usually found In other hoepttale of a almllar nature. tVe were Informed th a t It Is only In exceptional, or tem­porarily severe cases, where a special diet Is ordered. This, therefore, should make it all the more easy to maintain tha record of the general euppllee used la the kitchen.

"That the patients must necosearlly partake of the fare put before them ie emphasised by the fact that a resolution of the board a t their meeting of May I, UW, reads as follows;

" 'That any patient who complalni about the f o ^ , especially brown' eggs, or refuses to partake of the food, ehall be dlsmleded." , . „ ..

.... On the subject of "vital statistics, the report points out th a t the reg istrar In Newark le the city clerk, and that "the city clerk has devoted much In- tem aen t effort to this eectlon of his work, which Is highly creditable to the

• city of Newark, and it would be Inad- vitable to transfer these records to the H eatlh Depsrtm ent under existing con­ditions therein."

If th e old method -le to be m ain­tained, the report reads on. "It la ex­trem ely edvleable that there should he more oo-operattoa between the offices and a better oo-ordlnatlon of the rsc- orda"

The Jack of "a proper eyeiem of time reports" le pointed out.

"W# have observed inepeclore leav­ing the office et a time nearer to » A. M. than S A. M„" the report reads on. "and while the excuse may be th a t they had to wait for Instructions, the sys­tem should be such that tha necessary Inform ation would he prepared the day provlouB. and any complaints reported in the morning's mall could bo taken care of by arranging the routes of cer­tain Inopeotors so that they could re­tu rn a t midday to take these up."

As to Dispensary O ra tten .In the chapter on "Dleponeary" men

tlon Is made of the absence of any record of inquiry Into tho question of whether the patient was In circum­stances which sntltled him to fres treatm ent," and It Is fu rther suggested th a t "many residents In d istricts out- Blda of Newark are obtaining beneflU for which the taxpayers of Newark Apg paying." W ith a proper Inveetl- g a tlng eyetem this e tate of affaire would he Impossible the report de-

'o larsa.O ther comments re lste to the pur­

chasing methods, which are declared to be "open to criticism;" a "scheme of reporting expendlturea” a bettor

I C lassification being recommended; the jcom plllng of monthly comparative ro- ' ports of receipts and expenditures, a sam­ple being Among the appended eihtblti,

.and the method of handling stores.The suggestion of a sm aller board,

w ith Health Officer Chandler replaced ib y a "practicing physician," le oon- italned tn a "general aumraary," In which It le declared th a t "the general mambere of tha organisation, as we

; have already itated, are lacking in co- loparatloh. which can only be changed

or obtained by placing rteponslbla I heads over the bureaua from whom ' the eubordlnatee must tak e their dlreo- I tlOBB."

' A great newspaper writer recently said: “The department store has lowered the cost of living; It has been the one thing that has fought against high prices.

for ourselves we can state that the sole aim of this store h u been to do I m t volume Thfa nwjmaarilv means gelling merchandise on the lowest basis of profit i t tU tiroes—and

^ to * ^ th a t"^ ^E 'td v an u ^^ opportunity to secure such merchandise as appearsin addition Remain sales are made up very largely of sithe market mt less th in regular prices.. The Friday Bargain



9x12, $16.89These rugs are the

Axminster made, from the Alex. Smith & Sons, in the latest Oriental and floral patterns, at ............



RUGS 4x7, at

16,89 4.9SJunior Dresses for the Growing Girl at . . . .

Sizes 13, 15 and 17.The isaortment Is not Urge, so the

is for those who come early. There are a number of good looking itylea, well made of percalea and shepherd checks. These dresses have sold previously for a much higher price.

7 9 cbetter selection

H O S I E R YAny color you wish in

this Silk Hosiery for Women a t ..............

The quality is an espe­cially fine pure thread silk, well made, with a double sole, high spliced heel and reinforced garter top. This grade usually sells tor 59c.

Splendid value in Wom­en’s Cotton Hosiery | 2 ^

Not many pairs of this game and medium weight cotton hos­iery, but the value is so excel­lent that it is well worth com­ing a bit earlier, for none of this'lot sells fo'r less than 19c._

An attractive Special in Men’s Cotton Hosiery

The 19c. kind, with a few slight imperfections. The (jual ity is a fine gauze lisle-finished cotton, with double sole and spliced heel.

Men’sPure Linen

Handkerchiefs An extra fine

quality with H or inch hem-

atltched hem; full siie; r e g u l a r25c. each, 15c

Here Is Uonsual Value Q in Women’s W aists a t

An accumulation of odd styles and sizes of our higher priced waists, in­cluding handsome models of voile, lingerie and messaline. There are high and low necks and long and short sleeves. Although there are not all sizes in every style, still there is a com­plete range of sizes in the entire as­sortment. These waists have been sell­ing regularly for one and two dollars.

merchandise. There is not one single item on this page but what is to be sold for less than you «re asked to pay ordinarily—and the sevings are not little savings, but enough to make a seriousence to people who spend money carefully. ^

To look over thia page on Thursday night is a good habit to cultivate. Thousands have al­ready formed that habit. It Is a page that has helped to lower the cost of living more than any one single thing in this city. If you doubt this, look at the great number of items that follow;

The l.ast Tub Outergarment Ad. of the Season

By the end of the week we will have disposed of our entire stock of wash dresses, suits and coats at next to nothing prices. There will be ample time to wear them before the new season starts, but we are crowded for room to display the advanced Fall styles and so have re­duced all summer garments to the following ridiculously low pricei:

WASH D R E S S E S - 7 0 r f l t l H t O R

LINGERIE D R ESSES- | q A a n d ^ Q 8

LINEN S U IT S - f O KValue up to $8.98, a t...............

40c to 50c OILCLOTHS2 yards wide,

to cut from full rolls, at

2 7 icSq. Yd.

Boys* A ll-W ool P an tsExtfA qutlity All-wool Ciiiimere. cut on full

model*; mixture shade* of gray*, brown* *nd t*n*; strongly made, taped seam*, belt loop*, luspender button*, Q P - strong wsist bands; sizes 8 to 17 years; worth $1.39; specisl

Boys’ BlousesFor Friday, choose any of our SOc.

blouses, either light or dark madraa or percale; also white made neck band or collar attached styles, with yoke back and reinforced open A •J cuff sleevea; sires 6 to 16 yrs; it ...........................................

LINEN C O A T S-Value $1.98 to $4.98, a t............

Shadow Lace Flouncing Novdty PlailillgSBeciuse we only have this flouncing

in pure white, we are selling it at this greatly reduced price. It is from 15 to 17 inches wide and sells regularly from 39c. to 59c. yard. Special for this sale at ................................

79c and 1.50

2 4c

Itce pliitings in white, cream and ecru; velue 19c. to 2Sc. per yard. Special 12'/*cat

Gorseoos Yealse BandingsFrom 3 to 6 inches wide, in • bttu-

tiful array of the newest pittefB*. in white, cream and ecru; value A i m 59c. to 98c. yd.; apecitl a t . . . “ “ w

Children’sS w eaters

Wool Sweaters; car­dinal, navy and oxford; made with high collar*, trimmed with pearl buttons, and two pock­ets; sires 1 to 10 years; worth $1.25 a n d $1,50; y ^ Q special ..........

Aubrey Stoters’ Beautifler; white or flesh; regu-2Sc.................. 19c

Peroxide1 Pouod Bottle


C learing O ut Odd Lots of Corsets

Children’s and Misses’ Dongola Button Shoes with patent tips, all sizes, 6 to II; 11/2 to 2; valne $1.25 CQ ^

Little Gents' Calf Lace Shoes, all solid, sizes 9 to 131/2. value $1, a t.. *

Boys’ Calf l*ace Shoes, all solid leather, sizes 1 I 4 C to 7 ; value $1.79, a t..

We append a correct list of six brands, with sizes and regular prices.

W. B. Reduso—One 24, two 25, one 33,"two 35; regular $1.50 ....................................

P. N.—One 18, two 19, two 22, one 23, two 24, five 25, two 26, two 27, one 29; regu­lar $2.50 and $2.00..........................................

C- B.—Four 18, three 19, one 20, two 21, two 22, one 23, three 24, four 25, three 26,one 28, one 30; regular $2.00 and $3.00.........

Princess—Two 19, three 20, three 21, three 22, three 23. three 24, one 25; regular$2.00 and $1.50 .............................. ............

Thompson’s—One 26; regular $1.50..American Lady—Two 25, three 26, two

27, one 28, one 29; regular $2.00.............

UpholsteryCouch Covers—Full Couch Size Cover,

made of heavy quality rep, Roman atriped border* and fringed all around, in green and red; worth $1.19, special.

Cretonne Bemnants—1,000 yards of high-grade taffeta and dimity cretonnes; remnant length* of 2 to 7 yards; large va- riety of colors and patterns; regular |35c., special.............. ...........

8 5 c

Children’s Stsaped DressesWhite and blue, made or un­

made, special

19c and 3 9 cDomet Flannel

27-inch Bleached Domet FUn- nel, both sides well fleeced; regu­lar selling price 12c. yard, ^ sale Friday at, yard............. ^

Bleached Sheets81x90 Bleached Seamleas Shoets,

close weave muslin, well made hsma; regular 65c. each, sale Friday at, 5 0 c

C h o icea t

1 . 1 0

Here’s Real Value, Men!

6 9 c N e g lig e e S h i r t sA A / ^ Pure Linen loweling,

and full widths, fast color red shirts were cmsldered y « i . gi/xj;


Pure Linen Toweling, bleached

A larm Clocks

49cGuaranteed one year;

nickel finish; extra loud alarm; accurate time­keeper.

Gold Plated BraceletsValue 1.00 at

65cWith joint and catch; plain

and chased patterns; every one guaranteed one year.

g«w-on Hose Supporters; reg.10c. pair, at ................................

Neck Banda; regular 5c.each, at ............

Aunt Lydia’a Thread, all colors; regular Sc. each, at..

Machine Bobblna; regular 5e.each, at ....................................

Royal Safety Pina, per

WomcQ’s CombinationsCorset cover and short

skirt combination,' made of good quality nain­sook, trimmed with em­broidery beading and ribbon; were 59c to 79c; special...

unusually reasonable even sale at, yard, when sold at their regular price.They are of fine Gardner per­cale, in a large assortment of colorings and patterns; all are in coat style, with attached cuffs and French faced sleeves.All sizes from 131/2 to 19.

W om en’s V estsRegular or extra sizes; atyles, low neck,

no sleeves or short sleeves, shaped bodies; silk tape and crochet around neck; made of a fine pure white cotton; regular price25c. and 29c., sale price for Friday I7 c

•K H *

50-inch MohairAnother shipment of those 50-inch Mo­

hair Sicilians, brown, navy or black, double faced, for skirts or dresses; regular M r 59c. yard, sale at, yard...................

Black Silk Bates SeersuckersYard-wide Black Silk De

Luxe, a handsome all silk fab­ric for waists, skirts or dresses; regular $1.19 yard, sale Friday at, yard............. 1 7 ^

Genuine Bates Seer*uck«ff) from the piece, not remnants pt seconds, vast variety of styfea, stripes, checks, plaids or plain eol* ors; regularly 12/ 2C. yard,sale at, yard

F ' R K Kguaranteed-for-one-year, accurate

WATCH, with purchases of $5.00 worth for a boy or $5.00 worth fw a g irl


50c.Best Table d’Hote Dinner in Town,

s t o 9 IP . not.K a i s e r ’s Rathskeller,

WoaUngton and Bank Straats



But Hlxb-aliH MihI« ii TxadiTlUa. JroWIN ABDEN • CO.. JB jij™

- -------- ^ CLEM XN^ sad tth m ,- - \Y . a t 9; ibc, to Sde.DAILY. I'

tC B B M C X B n o S .’

AUUSBauDirr p a r k All cx

Nnr uA Airship Am


NORMAN HOUSE38 B*tll A«. Op® 1« W. 0. T. V, tom H ® . Beumti® n aa,®®. c. a. raiEST.


j B R ^ K H U R S T71 h »nU PwX AW, UdU® n.w m . o u f

m a t . Mod«nt* r . t « . BcokI®. B. J. (I'onn.rty of I aut.1 I»».1


FIFTH AVENUE HOUSE91ft 6th Ave., faciuf AtlAOCIc Square tutl Sunast Lsk«, block from w a s Arcade; eiduslvs twt* rosafs: September latea. M. C- A A. B, Jopsb-

G R A N D V IE Wla d Avs., Asbury Parte; blo<^ to oosan; $10

to $15; Sept. U up* M. D- ChssbrouyK

THE MADISONOpes ^1 Teti- A blfb-frad# famUr boM :

bkm from ocean asd Btuust L ak ^ laetef s partti e sp a d ^ mO; •tsem hMt. 3 K. PodaaiL

N E W B U R G HIpadal rates for ■aptaabsr tad Labor Opaa MtU October 1. A. T. ATKINIOW.

SUNSET LODGECor. C iltttl ® d Pitnaa A r ^ 0*® Ij* 0«t 1 gpocUl a®tmB«t rat®. MBa, J. g. IWWT.OCEAN nltOVB, Boolnttd b* . u

ruiof OC.U ®a Ut*: oln, t in lunat MmI- i®t ttSiti a«pt. tat®, |7, ta *M la.

THE DUCHESS,IW UMkt to oeoui rot® IT up. L pnBW.

MADISON VILIOptB iU year. 6]

aoa aiita An.: block to bMch.

ittN. H. WOLTF.n rv A K in A N V iUHi tn ., block to Octu. W YANDAINK ^Kodcitt. fill ntot Bolocd pttroMte: Chitottoo. V. 0. BUNWIU,.

A 'T U irrlO CITY. » . X

TIE WILTSHniEptoTSd.water la|W «> SJLS


llpr p MlO tnuTE

Ocm Vlov. Qr®lc tp tc it , aeo, p H n t . twtbo.

titvttor, otc. Uuolc. r. I3.S0 up u r

INN Kiue-Euoor


A aotUBU Boum torll dlKtltOlUtUV PMplC. I

^ tot. fiwa NX, O T A WEB | 8 o » oz cat

aSAWNEB OOUNTBI CLUBg o l f c o u r se

Op® tktoMk I M . too Ucol XOBtk IN


IJLs z u w A U WAnm oap,

THE KITTATINNY~ ~ sitttO at.liabsic OSalBiVtm m



.............M AUC H O H U NK

aU N O N O K O




West Point f'* NewburghS U I U D A Y

Septem ber 7 th


NEW JERSEY CENTRALC onnecting a t Je raay City



Leave Broad St. 9.25; Ferry Street 9,27;E. Ferry St. 9.29 a. m.


iMn nuite««i a«et. Tiat*v« tneait. 9.491 Pair ft. *.V|

BettFrorrll a-4a«.iatI ATUUITtO CITY at.B « I

Mart Bweapi toel. Tit


Hudson Riverby Daylight

All Itn lc . Dili, Ztoopl a ,» ^ - OlnetSiU OcBOMtloM to tU polofe U t t iCotoktUt. I tw o ft. tbo Afflio^cko, tb . Wcft twl Nortt. Hutlo- B nU orta tStr. “Waihiogton Irving”

Tieadara Tbvguja latartapa.Str. -Hendrick Hudeon”> A M.) w.’ 13*tk at. *:30 A M.;Xofflccfc *J« A ^ : u !««M

- All York


^lat, 'SewboftiT emibkctiwltjKlu poiirt. Ctttklli: Hadt® tbfoaib nil «ck®i b r tw o N " lot AlbuT tenpM.

Str. “Robert Fulton”

palBt ConwalL N«vbw|b tad iiMpng

r Wait F«y(a*

'H u d s o n R i v e r D a y L l n c


VIA BOAT A.VD TBOLLBY, 0*. PToiid®® Dlroot. *1J»: Woronicc,

•b ^ to o au OLiBl Bteamiblpo <- ‘ • *tiy- Sunday,


____ . Lou. flAO «d8I..1 aictm iblp. G .ortit »#<1 TenbotiM Dill,. Inolullnj; eundty. I:{4 P.Prom Pier It, B i.t Rivtr, Now . PbOD* >700 BMkmH. d tp TIoBit 'MO B ro u tn y . Uptown tIOkot <..........B'wtp tnd i i a at, w n w fo» onnuiot loiecr.

Ikl. Bptlnt U tL

Afternoon BoatS t f » m e r "A L B A N Y ”

“lUcy ZowtU" a«Dt.H " lu ry pgwwi tcoi. O rM U y In c rw B o ad C a p a c i t y*or Wt*t raot, Ncwbqndl, pouttkccwn.

-The r * i ^ B« pito ttd .'



All OaMd« B « .m t^ J U « a « ™ A , . . TIck.u, A B. M .p.r, 33 Cllploa ®. Bpw. '

uk. tb* new. B. HeBMA 3*1 U vrltk l AvA, KutIha

ANCHOR LINE< e n j v ™ S 6 r « i l i S ^ ^6iBoT.'S,,no1!ibi(iiiS»

AotMwSllnattimtct i n n atiip.a ttim w t I n n«t, tw t W, 31c lU tb lU 3 P.


m ® ._____ «* rtb Bfc-

3|p « tt.B ■Oprlaf.

n o P iB 'a rLAtaxoDMP.

MOUNTAItw . t$d Sty 1ft, w .m a t S t ift.tffa y 1L*« A d . ifoAliicnr atnnUMri


t i T » ,jIicIc? M tAlunStji.

Siglit^eiiig Y«&t$JuSvATtOM. TUluCaX A

' 8



UwletiM ss Wiwe T b a E w , Siy»Om WitieM-Aiiodier Teili


WAMHNOTOK, B»»t. t-M or*)n « *wlClT«k. W. V»„ th w a t any othar partod «f lu hlatory. awsordin* to Unlar'a wall- ma#y of Wattar 8. Woodt, laaaral man- kaat of tha Standard Coal Company on Uiat craak, bofora tba Sanate InveaUfaOns uimmltwa.

Tba lawlaaanaaa. wJtnaaa aald. wban BTOMad by tha oommlttoa. eonalatad of hanaral dlaordar amonf tha mlnara. Tha ‘W ira radical onea" ware aOrrliis up trouble with thoaa who ramalnad a t work, ha daelarad.

•Tha worat of It la thara 1a no ona to atop It.*' added Mr. Wooda. 'Thara laIV, aa»aaaaJ»a aoa- ■ ’ ■ -Vot a fuard or a apaclal otfloar or any tig^y wtM to rapraaant tha law upon thalawar and of tha craek now. aacept ona juatiea of tha peace, and ha waa ona of tha laadara of tba alriha and li a 8o-

**Sanator Kanyon Inquired If tha trouble anu due to drink-

■'Larsely,'’ replied Wooda,"They are more radical after tha hot-

tlaa are open," au«eatad Seymour Bted- Bttn. attorney for tha United Mine Work-

I M P O R T A P J X t

COALIt’s Time to Give It Some Thouf ht Consult Us Before the Advance

OUR PRESENT PRICESBeet Quality Lehljh No- 2 Nut^.............................. W ^ [o“Best Quality l^ ig h Egg and Stove....... .......... i . I 6. ^ ^ j«nBeat Quality Lehigh Chestnut............................ .. ■ P "

Ever Tried Trimmer’s Mixture?Stove and Chestnut equally mixed with No. 2 Nut, $5.60 per ton

This Coal Will Suit-Give Us a Trial ^ e r All Coal Carefully S creen ed —Satisfaction Guaranteed

S. TRIMMER-& CO.135 Lafayette Street

•P h o n o s M orkotiM. V. o rr iC B

n s tk at, and Harlrai Hirer •Pkoar SIPS Hrtroaa


Hot. Hooaa Oann, tha roeantly alaclad procoitor of t)|e Ohab Shalom BmBOfua, will aaauBoa bla dutlaa thara a t tba aar- vtoao' tomorrow nlfirt. Tho now choir of tha conxrofatlon will also ba haard a t this aarrtca for tha firat tima, and Rabbi Cbarlea I. Hoffman will dalivar an addraaa of walcoms.

Dr, Oaiin comai hara from Phtladalphla. whera ha apant two yeara aa pracantor of


, BatUaa batwaan tha Paint C ra^ atrlk- m and tha ‘tu ard t ’ wars daacribod by

W. Phaup. In charfa of tha fuarda. Tha d lm ai of hla story waa an account at boUw loll tor d a ^ attar M M July «, 1»U- H'd *'•with bulitt-holai, waa cut up at Omlnara' maaUni and placas wara worn on exist lapdla aa aouvanirs.

T t o w l t ^ n « t told «* *0 ahow pour- in* down upon hla alx men on May ». WH, as they were on thatr way to brwk- faat. without arms. He than d«ldrf that a waehlna *un was nocossary u tna m w di wars to ba protected asalnat men hlddan In the roounuln follais,

Phaup told of bain* ahot off a hander mt Htdiy Orevs, and his companion Wlrit killed. Aa ha ravlvad. ha aald, he haar.1one striker isy : "Don't ahoot any mora; Uiat'a.sot h in t" Phaun dtawad him * t to a hoapitst. two mllel away, wlto hla

H m broitw bya bulltt, *ncthtr bulltt buriod below hla ahouldar blade and a bullet wound In hla chaal.

■Tho doctor a t tha hospital waa afraid of trouble and put out th^ report that I h ^ died on the opermtlnk table, lald rhaup, ,

"I tost my coat on tho w v to ^ hospital and th s oe*l Sunday, whan Uothar Jonas mads a apoaeh to ths mtnsra, ih s saUbltad It and aald It waa dscoratsd to suit bar. The miners hun* It on a fanes and then cut It up into

dlttla -plseas to wear on thalr coats aa h# b u iKot

,aoan tha daateaftTattcn hlmsslf.


Admitted to probate by Judge Mart n tn tha Orphana’ Court, the will of Will­iam Cowan, of M lAtino* avenue. Eael Orante, waa tiled In tho aurrofaU's office lata yeaterday aflornoon. At that time Henry Cowan, a brother of the tes­tator. and Walter Q., William B. and Kvarett M- Cowan, eona. qualified aa axaoutors.

Tho will had boon dented probate by Surrecate Bhoenthal whan offered last month because part of the first page had bean lorn off. He certified the docu- manta for the action of the Orphane' Court, and at a haarlng held August ?7 It developed that Mr. Cowan, who died July II, had torn off a portion of th« page before algnlng the will and having It attoatad by wltneaaee.

To Iba widow, Mary A. Cowan, Is be­queathed a life Intereel In tho Lennox, avenue property and tiOM In cash. These provisions for her banrflt are mentioned In the codldt. tho original will bequeath­ing to her property at ll#-l!l Hummer Bvsnu*. which wai later sold by Mr. Cowan.

tn addition the widow la to receive all the furniture tn the Lennox avenue home and tha Interest on twenty-three tl.coo bond!. Them conslit of thirteen Paeaalc W ater Company bond». seven Passaic and Paterson Oas and Electric Company cartlflcatea and three bonds of the Con­solidated Traction Company of K«^ Jaraay.jThe will directs the executors, a t tho

death of tha testator's widow, to sell the estate and divide the proceeds equally among the children, which Include# the ■ona named ae co-q^ecutora and Estelle Cowan, a daughter. *


Fewer Conteeti Ttuc Usual Revealed kmmi Lists of Asinrants for


Thera will be fewer conteete th tn uiuel In the prlm arlei for nomination to city office! thie yeer. The timebU Liv; Lsaasuva gssem ^9^1. asim aiissvfor the filing of petitions expired at m idnight Today the city clerk's office

TOHK. iapt. l.-Ciad In male •ttlra , a young woman, who said she m u Ifiaa H a rta rs t CfConnor, alghtaan y oan old. Of IH Waat m b atraat. this Mty, and tlancaa of "Jack" Britton, llghtwalght puglllat was arraatad laot ■Iflit whila trying to gain admlaslon to f t . Nleholat Rink to wltoeai tha Moran- Pajaar fl*ht.

The young woman wore a rain ooat and a cap of bright cotora, but curly locks that paaksd from beneath tha cap dli- ctaaad her aga. 'DetacUva Rosa, of in- sntetor Dwyaria staff, lad tha girl away, m a waa arraigned before Haglatrata CampbaU In tha Woman's Night Court aad dJaeharged after listening to a lac- tura <m daportmant.

i S 0 9

Surplus Funds of Estates, Institutions or

'T 'H E ^X Institutions or Firms de­

posited here will earn interest while a decision Is being made as to a selection of securities.

Two per cent, interest on bal- ar\ces o f or over.

Let us keep your household val­uables safe while you’re away.

Safe Deposit Boxes, $5.00 a year and up. ,


Merchants’ National Bank770 Broad Street, Newark

Capital and Surplus - $1,250,000Resources - • • $6,000,000

Belief Prevaleat Here Hud EHfaer of T W PitersM Men k

Lkelf SelecHeB.


Jo*. M. Rlk*r, Pro*. Arthur U Phillip*. Ce»b.J. S. RIppel. VIce-Pres. Wm. H. W .rner, A**L Ciuh.

Wm. C. Morton. Supt. Safe Deimglt Dopt

B cn ra

■av, Woava Oaaa.



w ith one of the moat compactly ar- ranjgad banking rooms In the city, the now Washington Trust Company opened Its doors, a t 417 Broad street, today. Al- though the amount of dspoalta was not made public, Peter B. Fox, vice-president, ■aid that both the number of depoaitore and the amount of the dspoalta waa moat gratlfribg to hla aiaodatei.

The offlcere' rooma were decorated with many flowen, glfta of the well-wlahera of the new bank. The quartere of the of. tlcera la finished In majibgany. and the main banking rooms In golaeri oak. There la a aepaiate banking room for women, and aata deposit boxes In the rear of the«nU ... ................- -bulldinf. On« of the Innov&tlonB It a rest


^A tS U kH D , W ti„ i tp L l.-«iaphard D. Tyiar, uolvaralty student and sailor, Jlea tn a hetpltal hers today with a broken :kacfc. Ha la not axpectod to live.'■ T V young man, who waa making hla way through the University of Ohio, waa working aa g deckhand. He tell through an open hatch on tha aleamer Joseph Wood yeaterday.

. Hospital authoHllaa wired hla mother a t I f t i l ^ 0 „ abd a alaler a t Wausau. Wla. Both a » expected today. Tha In- jtirod youth agld;

“I was' trying to make my way through adiool tn 0.hlo so that I might help my mother and gtva my kid brother an edu-

room for Vomen depoaltora.The directors' rooma are also In the

rear of the building. The vaults are of ths most Improved type, and were eon- atructed by the Hosier Safe Company, Although the front of the building is not yet completed, U Is expected that every­thing will be finished within ten days.


was busy preparing to print the ballots.The Republicans will have contaata In

only two wards, for aldermanlo nomin­ations There are no Progreealve and no Soclallat onntaats.

Practically all the fighting Is In the Democratic prim aries, where the pro- greailve Democrats are giving tha regulars a raes for the Board of Works and City Home trustse nomlnsllons. and for soma places In the county committee. There will be aldermanlc contests In only four wards.

The Woodrow Wilson League placed several candidates for county commit­tee In the field, but not enough to threaten the control of that body by James H. Nugent and hli political asso­ciates. Apparently the Nugent ele­ment, with a candidate In every dla- trlct. wins the committee before the first bjow fa struck, AH the league candidates are designated aa '*Pro-

' greaalvos."The Hat of candidates for the more

Important nominations for city office in lha Democratic primaries Is as follows;

D e iso c ra tio ,Board of Works—Patrick H. Kyan. reg­

ular; Theodore B. Feltlnger, progressive; tviniam Vincent Byrte independent,

L'lly Home Trustee—John M, Laderer, regular; Charlee B. 8. Thorn, progres­sive;

Aldermen-Flrat Ward, Edward J. Quig­ley. regular; Walter J. Boea, Anthony Panlco. In lependenl; Second Ward, Mark F. Phillips, regular; Charles W. Rooney, Independent: Third W ard,‘Louis aemel, regular. Fourth Ward, Joseph F, Mc- Crudden, regular; Fifth Ward, F. Joseph Kchmeix. regular; Sixth Ward, Thomas J, I.,ee, Jr„ regular; Seventh Ward, John J. McQ.jvern. regular; Eighth Ward, Richard F. Powell, regular; Ninth Ward, Charles 1', Frey, tegular; Tenth Ward. Thomas E. Curran, regular; Eleventh Ward, Thoraaa Harlan, Francis M. Fow­ler, Independents; Twelfth Ward, John F. Fltxilmmona. regular; Eugene J. O'Mara, WlHlam F. Carroll. Richard J. Durkin, Wlll'am J. Zlmfnerman, Inde­pendents; Thirteenth Ward, Charles U. Hahn, regular; Fourteenth Ward, John Falas, regular; Fifteenth Ward. Michael Fagan, regular: Sixteenth Ward, John M. Judge, regular

tha Congregation Ohel Jacob, where he trained a choir and established a large children's chorus.

Dr, Gann was born In Kievln, Russia, In l*n. and after hie early schooling studied music a t the conservatory In Vienna. After acting as precentor tn R uula ho came to this country ilx years ago and wao connected with eeveral New York aynagogues before going to Philadel­phia. Mo has a robust baritone voice.

Tho members of the new choir that will be heard tomorrow night are; Miss Esther Weinstein, soprano; Miss Hilda Bralnoa, contralto; Harry Wlrkllch, tenor, and Harry Brodsky, baritone.

At the eevtce Hatiirday morning Rabbi Hoffman will speak on "Organiied Re­ligion," and Sunday morning the Oheb Stelora Hebrew School will open for the fall and winter sesalons.




Pnblk Welfare Representative Tells Cooncil Finance Oimmittee Health

Board Wants to Spend Money.



Charge that They Wrongfully With­held Money Due Estate Compli­

cates Copper Co. Muddle.

Th*t lh«re hM developed & bit ot fric­tion between the Public Welf*r* Com­mittee end the Boerd of Hewlth w u dle- L'loeed lA4t nlffht, when Edward BLftU, AM epoheiman for the eommltt«e, tcaform- ftd the Common Counell finance com- mil tee that the Health Board dealr«djto have eome lay as to expendlturea In­curred by the child hyrlene departmant.

When the finance board apportionedapprwrlatlona among the varloua mu- pal ................................ - — V.A.X a.


lion. 1 wm aorry they wired mother luae I didn't want her to know."


NEW TOBK, 8ept. 4,-WHIlam Alexan­der, an Inspector at the Immigration itatlon a t ElUa Island, was called before •the commission appointed by ths DS- jmrtment of Commerce yesterday, and ad- jnUtt^ that he had i^thheld evidence MlgUng to the feeding of Immlgranta, fearing that If he told the truth he wpuld lose hla ^laee.

Alexander had been employed many .years at tha discharging point for Imml- ■ranU, but on Tuesday he failed to w r- roborate Alfred W. Mcl’ann, a reporter Tor an afternoon newspaper, who asslit- ad the represontallveo of the Bureau of Municipal Research In Investigating the food supplied to Immigrants.

Instead of a jell s«itenc«, as he had feared Jaraea Conway, a tlnkar. from Seattle, Wash., got two Jobs today In tha Third Precinct Station. Travel- stained and weary, the tinker, with hia kit, faced Acting Judge Rooney, accuae-l by Special officer McCarthy of riding on the Penneylvanla care without the sanc­tion of the railroad s officials.

"Don't send me to Jail. Judge, ' pleaded the traveler. “I'm a good umbrella- mender and I'll "hake the duet of this town off my feet right away If you let

Remembering weather protectora that needed ttttenlloiis both PilroIm^P Br«x and Court Officer Van Houten h«am e Interested. When the court granted the prisoner's request the guardisns of the ™ c e slipped outside. Intercepted tha mender and put him to work.

Half en hour later Conway departed fifty centa richer. He said he was going to New York,



'■ ItANCHEBTER. England, Sept. 4.-A great bonded warehonae belonging to the Manchester Ship Canal Company, situated

'on the banka of the River Irwell, was dastroyad by fire lest night. The damage U estimated a t The warehauaecontained all kinds of Inflammable stores, la r i^ y bales ot cotton.

Ths fire spread and proved to be the (btoceat th a t Manchester has luftered In Dwsy years.

■ Tba property destroyed Includes S.OOO bale* of cotton and :,00l) caaea of print tea ii- The fiemea shot up In the air -to 4 height ot nearly I.OOO feet.

Continuing the aeries of municipal band concerU being held In the local park", there will be a concert tonight In West Bide Park. Voss's First Regiment Band, conducted by Andrew \o s a will play. The program la as follows;

"Star Spangled Banner;', march. Thun­der and Biases," Leurendeau; overture, "Jolly Robhere," Suppe: (at “Humor­esque," Dvorak; (b) Intermeixo, "Caval- erla Ruaticania," Mascagni; aalecUon. "An American Abroad," Fulton; mlroduc- tlon and bridal rhorus from "Lohen- Kfln/' WuRTief fN!lect1on, "Alma, Wh^re Do You Live?" Briquet; sextet from "Lucia." DontiettI; Southern medley. "The Sunny South," Lampe, finale. "A Slippery Place," Hockel; "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean."

Rcpubllcas.The Republican primary nominations

ars;Board of Works—Louis Pfeifer; City

Home trustee, Henry A. Guenther.Aldermen-First Ward, Thomas E. Bar­

nett; Second Ward, Louli E. Behmorber, John D. McQuade, James P, Hall; Third Ward, Joseph B. Breldt, Joseph Hlrsch; I'kiurth Ward, Louis H, Corbett; Fifth Ward, John Manfred; Sixth Ward, John P. Landgrat; Seventh Ward. Benjamin D. Ijssher; Eighth Ward, John M. Ijintx; Ninth Ward. William F. Haas; Eleventh Want. C, Clifford Brangs; Twelfth Ward 't'homaa Locfflcr; Thirteenth Ward, Mau­rice H. Welsh; Fourteenth Ward, Fred­erick G. Ross, Fifteenth Ward. Karl .lulluB Kocster; Sl.xteenth Ward. Charles W, Lllllefleld.

P r o g re u lv e s .Tho nominations of the Progressives,

all unopposed are:Board of Works—Frank E Davenport:

City Home trustee, Antonio Petrone.Aldermen—First Ward, william H.

Roberta; Second Ward, Charles P. Joel; Third Ward, Edgar B. Haines; Fourth Ward, William L. Jones; Fifth Ward. Howard Thomas; Sixth Ward, Hamue! P. Stein; Eighth Ward. Daniel Hopper, Ninth Ward. Charles H. Walker; Tenth Ward. John P. Young; Eleventh Ward. Theodore .Gottlieb; Thirteenth Ward, Charles G. Meyer; Fourteenth Ward. Joseph Tannenbaum; Sixteenth Ward, William 8. Andres.



I ’WASHINGTON, BepL 4,—Chile mayI 4aa *Va a V* A va a ai .decline to participate In ths Fanama- <T-aelflo Hxpoaltton, according to a re ­port to the State Department today liljm Henry F. Fletcher, American

jJ in la ta r In Santiago, who aays the Chilean Congress has adjourned wlth- 4nit appropriating the IROO.OOO asked -by the authorities for a Chilean ex­hibit.

Mr. Fletcher Indicated, however, th a t whan tho Congress reconvenes late next month It might appropriate.

LANSING, Mich., Sept. 4,-A t a con­ference with Governor Ferris here yea­terday. Charlee H. Moyer, president ot the Western Federation of Miners, and Cluance 8. Darrow, of Chicago, ona of the miners legal advissrA submitted to the Governor, In writing, a list of pro- posltlona looking toward a eettlemen^ ot the strike In the copper country.

Mr. Darrow suggested that the chief executive tender the proposltlone to the mining operators. Governor Ferris de­clined. Ho Informed the miners repre­sentatives that recently he submitted practically the same propositions to the operators and they were rejected.


THE HAGUE. SepL 4.—The In ter- parttam entary Council today unani monkly Accepted Richard Bartholdi's In i»ttatBiii on behalf of tho eiiy of New ■Tork asking the members of the Council do be tb a guests of that city during Its meetings tn America tn 1915.

' ~ B eeo lu tlo n a also were adopted inv it­in g , the next peace conference a t the

to provide for the closing of ‘nk tral money raarketi to belUgerents

i« favor of a universal two-cent jrtetoge.

koclallata.The SoclBllsts have filed norolnallng

pot It Ions for these candidates:Bosnl of W orks-John T. Wherett; City

Hiime IrUBiee, Henry Green.Aldermen Tillril Ward, Maurice Rosen,

krsnz; Fifth Ward. Alfred Cross; Slxtn Ward, Simon W. Gordon; Eighth Ward. Charles Delli; Ninth Ward. Albert Kilng- etberger; Tenth Ward, IaiuIs Kaiser; Twelfth Ward. Georg Herplch, Thir­teenth Ward, George C. Dlttes; Four­teenth Ward. Morris Klein; Sixteenth Ward, J. L. Cart.


Camlnettl took tha stand today to try to convince the Jury th a t he had not violated the Mann aoL ns tho govorn- mont charges In taking Lola Norris, In company with Maury I. Diggs and Marsha W arrlngtop, from Sacramento to Reno. He asserted th a t the trip was not made for Immoral purposes.

"I had to get out of Sacramento." Camlnettl declared, aa Diggs had said, and hiB attorneys triad 1ft every pos­sible way to Impreae upon tho Jury that the only purpose Camlnettl had In mind was to escape tho scandal all four participants believed was about to break pver them.


A new turn was given to long Blending litigation Involving the United Copper Company, when Morton Lexow, son of the late Senator Clarence Lexow, yestei'day filed affldavlte In the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, charg­ing George M. McKellar and T. Tlleslon Wells with depriving the Lexow estate of money due the Senator at the time of hla death. McKellar and W ells were Senator Lexow's law partners-

The affidavit mentions also the name of Maurice Delche", candidate for regis­te r of New York County on the Turn- many ticket.

Application for the a ^ ln lm e n t of a re­ceiver to r the United Copper Company, and tor a restraining order to prevent the foreclosure of a *1.000,000 mortgage on United Copper Company properties held by the United Copper Syndicate was made before the Court of Chancery in Trenton July SI. 1912, by William A. Payne, of Doaton, and Thomas H. Ball, of Philadel­phia, stockholders of tha United com­pany.

The complainants charged mismanage­ment of the affaire ot the company, and that the United Copper Syndicate waa organlied by Heinze and nl" fellow-dire"- tore ot the United Copper Company, and th a t the syndicate and the company were being operated In a *igner prejudicial to the Interests of United Copper Company stockholders.

A rule to show cause granted by Vb:o. Chancellor Emery waa continued from time to time. In August, 1912. Chancellor Walker signed orders admitting McKellar Delchea and John J. Hogan as parties complainant. Subsequently .Mrs, Catherine Lexow, widow of Senator Lexow', was given leave to Intervene, and through Harry Lane, of Jersey City, wae made a party cointilalnant.

The order to show cause why a re­ceiver should not be appointed continued for a period ot seven months. On Feb­ruary 111 .Mr.jAine forced a hearing on It before Vice-Chancellor Howell In Jersey City, but a week's delay was granted on the plea by counsel for defendants that they desired time to obtain certain affi­davits. When the matter came up again a week later In Newark, it transpired that Delchea. although a party complain­ant to the suit, had on February 10. through McKellar & Wells, caused re- eelvere to be appointed In the United States District Court In New York, coun­sel tor the defendants consenting, and that the Interests back of the New York move had supplemented their action by obtaining from Judge Ballatab an order enjoining the further prosecution ot the receivership proceedings In New Jersey.

The affidavit filed by Morton Lexow. yesterday, tntimatee that the sw itch­ing of the receivership su it from the New Jersey Chancery Court to the Fed­eral Court In New York was brought about In pursuance ot a scheme to pre­vent Mrs Lexow and other stockholders of the United Copper Company from re­covering a substantial amount on their holdings through the aid ot the New Jersey Court of Chancery.

A n application by Mr. Lane to have the litigation returned to **'«Ne'w Je r­sey Court of Chancery was byUnited BUtea District Court M artin in July and Mr. Lane has since taken an appeal to the United S tates Circuit Court of Appeala

nlclprt departments It added *5.000 to tha Health Board’s budget, to be used In the prosecution of the work of the child hygiene department under tha control of the Public Welfare Committee.

When e liatch Of bllli waa presented by the child hygiene department a t a recent mAetlng of the board. Mr. Blau Informed the finance committee several membere. among them Dr. Meeker and Dr. Cor­win, protested that if they had to ap­prove the hills they wanted a hand In the management of the department-

The finance committee adapted a mo­tion offered by Alderman Hopping that the *e,iM0 appropriation be withdrawn from the Board of Health and th a t the finance committee Itself should order payment of the bills In dispute, but this was later rescinded al the suggestion of City Counsel Nugent, and a substitute motion was passed, referring the m atter to Mr. Nugent and Auditor Rowe,

A letter from Algernon T. Sweeney, prealdent of the Flay Ground Commis­sion, ashing for an additional appropria­tion of *M,000 to keep the public bathe open In the winter, was ordered filed without A word of comtn«lt.

A wriltoB roquest by J. L«on*rd Mawn. flocretary of tho aame conunlstloji, for an appropriation of 12,600 for play ground fixturei, waa granted upon the recom­mendation of Mr. Nugent, who aa-ld tha money waa avnllabSev

An appropriation of $85 ww griintM to Gaa Inapector Franclaco BUaworth; ona of $200 to Smoke Inapector Maloney, and one of $50’ to Electrical Inapector Gaff­ney, all three approptlatlona being made to defrey the coata of attending convene tlons. A requeat for an appropriation of $U6 with which to purchaae n ali-onred life boat for the uae of a volunteer llfe- savlnga eprpa itatloned down the bny was referred to the law department.

The committee paaaed a resolution dl- reeling the examination by Price. "Water- house & Co. of the accounts of ths comp­troller's department.

Brotherly and slatoriy gansroalty ex­ercised by members of ths family of Will­iam D. Zellman, formerly prealdent ot tha defunct Edlaonla Company, wera not well rewarded, according to Joseph B. Zellman, a brother, who conducta a mualc atora and cOBoervatory a t 346 and 349 Lenox avenuCT New York, In teatlmony today In Bankruptcy Court.

Referee Edwin G. Adams signed an or­der to show cause why Joseph Zellman should nut be certified In contempt of court for having collacted Inatalmenta on the piano leases and tor having seized certain pianos from customers, contrary to a restraining order obtained by Frank W. Long, truatee, last July.

The order was issued after It was dis­covered that a large number of dupli­cate leaiea are In exiatence, the leaae- holdera being reatralned. pending a detsr- iQlnation as to tba rightful ownership. In obtaining the contempt order Mr. Long said Zellman disobeyed the court order.

Joseph Zellman and hli alalsr. Mri, Samuel KodSwaky, an officer of ths New York Plano Company, of Watarbury. Conn., would like to get beck about *40,009 worth of piano contracts, or leases, that wera lent to the Edlsbnla Company, be­fore Its failure, to be used aa security for loans.

When the leases wets ohtalnsd by the Edlsonla Company they were asslfned to numeroua banking-houaea and loaning oompanles aa coUaleral. Zellman, of New York, wae to receive one-half of what­ever loane were made, and the Edlaonla Company the other half. Tha loans were for six months, and a t tha end of that time the two Zellnuuis were to pay up and get the ieaaea back.

Out of about 090 leases Joseph Zellman declared only about sixty were returned to him. He said he received loans amounting to about^ *1*,000, of which be paid back (O.OOO to the Edlsonla Company. The latter company 'wai to repay the amount it received on the loana, but when the company failed the money wae not forthcoming and the leasea wera never returned;

Joseph Zellman declared that leases of the New York Plano Company Fere also tu n !^ over to the Edlsonla Company.



The police have been unable to serve a summon" for the appearance in court of Jeisomlnu Del Fera, ot 108 Cutler street, to explain what he knows ot two fires that occurred last week a t the home of hla inother-ln-taw, Mrs. Angelo Prlma- mcre. at 73 Culler street.

Mra Prlmamore told Judge Herr and Fireman Thomas Fagen, of the bureau of combustibles, that ahe had seen her son- in-law set the porch of her house afire the last time, and she auspected that he had caused the first blaze.Fagen made an Invoatigation with the

result that a summons for Prlmaroore's appearance was Issued. Officers have been atalloited at his home since yester­day afternoon, but he has not appeared and neighbors declare th a t ho and hla wife have left the city. Thia morning a warrant was Issued for his arrest.

Tha Joseph Hsnilar Asoodatlon, about 600 strong, left a t 10 o'clock this morning, on the "teamer Isabel, on tta nineteenth annual outing, to 'Wltsol'a Point "View Grove, Long Island. With the contin­gent wont Mayor Hausollng, Sheriff Mon­ahan and a number ot city offldali.

Forming at heodauartere, 237 Ferry street, the members, headed by a brass band and a platoon ot mounted police, marched up Ferry street and swung Into Railroad place to Commercial wharf. There they were met by Another sec­tion. The Isabel ateamed down the Paa- sate. amid Waata ‘ from the whistle and martial stralna.

Residents of ths Ironbound District thronged Ferry street as the procession, with emblems Outtering tn the breeze, passed In review. Older members put their best tdot forwerd as briskly as any of thelrejounger associates.

Al the grove athletic gamec, conalst- Ing of races, feats ot strength and baee- ball will ba Indulged In. Return will be made about 10 o’clock tonight.

The committee of arrangements Includ­ed Charles D. Keor, chairman; Adolph Henslcr, Joseph Harbutger, Henry Egner. A C. Goodrich. Edward Warner, Fred­erick Maas, Harry Wolf. George Baben- stein, Robert B. Smith. Joseph Sell and John Cahill.

Cbarlea P. Duffy, a former letter carrier and a t preaen* an Inapector In the State labor dapartmant ot Claranoe H. Baxter, a newspaper editor, may ba tha Interaal ravenue collactor for thla diatrict, aocoid- Ing to the belief In political clrolea In thla city. Both men are Paterson raal' dents. It Is said that United 8tatea"Sen- ator Hughea, upon whom will real tha ■election of the man for rscommenda'" tlon. hat made up hla mind to nama one ot those two. To both there la a political debt owing—to Duffy for m aterial aid given by hla brother In the Hughea Sen­atorial campaign, and to Baxter for'yeo­man aervloa In the aama cauia.

Hughes has maintained a aphlnx-Ilka at­titude as to ths Identity of hit candidate since Bernard M. Gannon, of Perth Am­boy, announced that he would not Bccnit tha collectorahlp, for which President Wil­son bad nominated him. Even hla in­timates profess not to know whom ths Junior Senator has In mind for the JoN.

From reliable sources It was Isarned, howsver. that the names of Duffy and Baxter were being mentioned in conneO- tlun with the Job, and that ths odds seemed to favor the latter. It waa said that should Duffy land the berth It would be In the nature of salve to a wound that 'raa Inflicted over the poatmastershJp of Paterson, far which Duffy was an aspirant.

■Tha postmasterahip went to James P. McNair, a nstghbor of Hughea, and the original "right bower" of the Senatof, having been Identified with the letter's Interests stnee be first entered the politi­cal arena. Duffy was very active In Ills efforts to land the piece, and there was some feeling, it Is satd. when he learned that he had been turned down.

Friends of Baxter regsrd hla chances of appointment above those of Duffy, who a t preaent holds a *2,500 a year Jo,V. They cite the Intlmeoy that has a lw ^ 'i existed between Hughes atui Baxter. The latter, they say, was frequently consult­ed by the Senator in m atters political and that there Is a friendship between the men that hag made them almost Inseparable.

Information concerning tho collactor- ship seems to have been devetopfog eOer since Congreaeman Klnkead sent a 'te le ­gram to the Woodrow Wilson Demoorattc League In this city warning the leaders that the place would probably go to a man outside the county If tha leaguer# did not agrae upon ona man. Ths roea- sage wa^aent, apparently, in Ignorance of the tact that th s leagne had formally Indorsed John "V, Dtetenthaler In the face of opposition by supporters of Joseph.*. Connolly, ot Belleville, who Is KInkead'a choice tor tho Job,

Mr. Ktnkead's telegram created the Im­pression that should the appolntinaat go to any man outside ot Essex County It; would bs because ot ditfecencea axliUng In the Wilson league. To oHeet this, It Is understood the league a t 4 recent meet­ing named a committee eonaiattng of John. L. Armltage, the chairman, and Edmond A. Whittier, to consult with Senator Hughes about tho collectorahlp.

Tha committee, It is said, waa Initruoted to try and ascertain from Hugtie# whether he had a candidate lo r the plaee- At the same time ths commlttoemsn wars to ask the Senator 12 In any event he would beck either Dlefenthaler or Con-

’ nolly, provided the other man WM ra- movad from the race. I t waa the sen* of the league meeting, it 1# #i*d, tjmt should Hughes commit himself to either man, arrangemants would ^ whereby the other man would w iaaraw . The committee hM not yet connected with the Senator.


F rac tn rn khoulder la Fall.While erOBSlng In front of ISB Market

Btreel yeeterday afternoon, Mrs. Mar­garet Gregory, sixty-four years old, of 181 North Nineteenth street, Eaat Orange, fell and sustained a fracture of the left ahoulder. She was taken to the City Hos­pital.

NEWARK LABEL ON DEAD MAN’S SUIT In the clothing of the body of a man

recovered In the North River In New York yesterday waa a label marked "270 Market street. Newark. N. J." At the atore It waa satd the sale of such a suit could not be recalled.

The man waa about forty years old, about five feet nine Inches In height and reddish hair and muataohe. Hla clothes were dark and he had a black and white striped shirt, tan socks, oxford liiss and a silver watch with a picture of a loco­motive on the case.


Gn m d Foond BetnEng-IionM

Iron Girl


Jacob Hoizmann, arrested Monday after he had robbed the home of tha Mlaaea Kidd, a t It? South Tenth street, hM been removed from police headquarters to the Fourth Precinct Station, where tomorrow morning he will have to face two or pos­sibly more charges of bjsaklng. entering and stealing. He la alrehdy under com­mitment In default of 13,000 ball for the Kidd robbery,

Tho prisoner has admitted robbing the home of W. H. Sharrlnghauien, a t 289 Fourteenth avenua Monday. This morning he confessed to Captain Vogel and Patrol­man Kaaa that he robbed a house in Nineteenth street. Captain Vogel decided to hold Hoizraan without arraignment until tomorrow morning so that he might be questioned further aa to hla knowledge of other recent robberies.




STRIKE AT ONE FOSS PLANT ENDS' BOiBTOM, Sept. I.-The atrika of am- wtoyaa at tha Siurtavant Blowar VTorks <■ Hyda Park, oontrdllad by Govamor E-

,)t. Foa#, WM aadad taat night by tha no- ■’oentonce by tba atrlkara of terma offarad .'thaw by tb* aatiagemant of *ha worka.' Kb datatla a* tha ogratmeot wara marda

* '*1SLwa* annotUMad that tha atrika at 'the Boekar Milling Maebli*'Worka. aUo M tcallad by tha Govarnnr, will oon- ttMA, Baployaa of both plonU bava

■•liiaM OThMiMa Juaa 1. They daniuzdad on tparaMa In, wnge# and inprovad working <<ob4ttl6iiSe‘ man nod woman stTHok ntdt* •M tease* wbrk) and >90 a t the


NEW YORK, Sept. 4.—What Is believed to be a wortd'a record for women paesen- ger carrying In an aeroplane waa eatab- llahed by Ruth Law, slater of Aeronaut Rodman Law, from the aviation field al Garden City, Long laland, yeaterday.

Mlaa Law made a ten-mlnpU flight In a biplane carrying Mlaa Pearl McGrath and Mrs. Richard R. Sinclair, the former aeatod on tha lower wing ot the'machine. Mra. Sinclair waa formerly Mlaa Helen Marti, of BalUmori. A maximum alU- tuda of about 899 teat wm reached during the flight

When Samuel Feldman, of 180 Spruce street, awakened about S o'clock tbl# morning he eaw a man walking around hla bedroom. While Feldman and hie family yelled lustily for help the stranger calmly departed by the way of a win­dow overlooking a porch, taking with him *7.» that he bad extracted from the trouaera pocket of tha hovieeholder.

Sergeant Qroo and several patroImeAi heetd the uproar, but were unable tff locate the thief. Feldman Uvea on tha fourth floor. The thief to t In by the same way be escaped.

Registration of pupil# In the public echoota began thla mom n* and tlnuB until tomorrow nl»ht. point to an increaie In the over that of !a»t year ot 3.400, Thll Increaae, It la aUtod by the nchool authoritle#. la In excaaa of the normal grpwth usually

Although every effort haa been exerted by the schocl autborittea to make pro- vlBlon tor all. It I# expected th a t alxty- four half-day claafea will have to be organized n tx t Monday when the fall semester begins. Tbli number will, how­ever, he reduced within the next two months, by which time addltlone n<^ being conitructed a l several of the acboola will ta competed.

Aa now arranged, half-day claeaea will ba conduced a t the Fifteenth Avemie Ann Btreel, Franklin, Hawthorne Avenue, Lafayette Street, Madlaon, Montgomery Newton Strtet, North Seventh Street. West Side and Ablngldn Avenue school#.




Maw b n « M Vita CwtaNVW LONDON, Conn., BepL i.-Twen-

ty-flv* fireman wera ovarcoma by amoka while flghUng a blaia that did Wjxn Mtaage to tha Wodwortb ftva and ton oMt atete, *h* adjoining buHding la*t night. Nom oI lha firemen la In a atriPna boadUto* —

The police were aaked iMt night to look lor George F, Davldeon, eaventeen yeara old, who.laft hia hom* at 11 Hamp­ton Btreet, to go to work Tueaday and hM not nMuned. Mr*. Floranca David­son, hla moUmr, teporlM hla abaonca and ■aid be Went away with Edward John- aon and a man named CUffetd.

Davfdaon la about flva feet eevan Inches In height end weltbg alMUt Uii pound*. Ha wore a gray ittit and cap, Mack ahoofe and no collar. The tlguro

Found In Broome atreet .w ith about tw enty pounds of lead pipe In hi# poi- seaulon. John Lyon#, fourteen years old, of 34 Newark etreet, waa afreaCed to­day by Detectlvaa H orter and Tenora. The boy satd he found the metal, but 'Was unable to tell where. He waa aent to the House ot Detention. •'

Thieves entered the home of H erbert T. Hartley a t IT* South Orange avenue, laa t night, and stole Jewelry valuad a t *14. The theft waa not discovered until thla'm orning.

AntM ColUda ■■« one Driver V l |^ .A motor delivery oar of th e New York/I. IllUXVI MVWYVgjT ^ wiaw •TW— - -

TcUgram w^f wrecked thU mornfTic' .M e _... j aanlw nnwli

***** MV. -wwaoMS;.ot 4 eallor wee t a t t o ^ on hla right arm

.............. ........... T. P." am hi# l*ft arm.ah* the InlUa**

Central avenue *nd tdock etreet* when collided with a motor truck of tha A- H. RelUy Box SUpufacturlng ComimBy,_A wutiaii___ . >._A.aA *eMia«lip *nn dakMtoMtM5 w”lU~em~#Tre*L'’n>* truck, In . —

I, of 11 W allace atraei.of Rniph 8ralth. n**. — i . —ww.— - —— - w a t ru n n in f WMt on C en tra l nventie on I b e wrong al4*-'.4f th e a tree t. Bmith w a s pyreitad for v to latlB g-4 c ity ordl-w as u re itad for Ttolatlng-4 city ordl- liaB ct Mo waa fined lid. Mohody wae hurt 'In tba ooUtil04«'

The EasySummer Meal

Has Grape-Nuts as Its foundation,

Ideal these hot days because Grape-Nuts food requires no cooking, and is at the same time a perfectly balanced food.

Try a hot weather breakfast of

FreshGrape-Nnts and cream,A soft-bofled or two,Slice or crisp toast,Cup of Instant Postiun in place of coffee.

Such a meal starts the day right, keeps the blood cool and the body and brain well nourished.

Compare the cool, contented Grape-Nuts-fed man or woman with your meat-fed neighbor who is sweltering And miserable.

Grape-Nuts is fully cooked at the factory—ready to sciwe from the package. The cooking Is done on scientific principles, so that the starch of the grain is transformed and ready for_ quick digestion.


tppriql ferrite ef t#e nOBOiCEN. Bapt

tlon today ot tha ii Mtoapa, who waa 14 a bewrdlng hou Indloata that ha e turar, Initaad ol banker, aa waa fir

Schoepa waa to. 4ood after the reti she la Adels Sch had Introduced ae blared aha nevei August 11, when b and cabin of the a ■ay# ahe nevar ai tor Mt.000, the lo po#4d to have ca n m girl also decli tapney from her.

Mia# Schlmmel from the ateamshl lAO Mltston, 'at 5 Shboape told her

saying h#taka Iwr away ai did, the girl eal th e n two day", ba was a relative the girl to an aus

Bchoape wm a| waU-to-do. One < hgve gone to New tar of credit He nooording to Mlii threatened to con had lost the mot

BetoM the lupp' nradlt, Bchoepe, i from H ist Bchin i t to go to San ■aid. there wa# ktol. He said » With tha boardln expenses while h would return ant to her story, ab to the mlsaion.

About 6 o’clock Bolhmmel went c 4 cry. waa haan the hoanliog-hoc She found Scho. had. Bbe called died a few mli laudanum polaoi cause of the dea

The police foun boniea of laudai nine and a phial i AO lobelt oa ar eral lattera and man were alao

t Mlaa Schlmmel four years old, wltnass. Schoepi about forty-thro. will be held by ( Xing today.

Convicted on teetlmony which Showed that he wm merely acoommodatlitg a customer, Louli Server, a grocer, of » Ferry atreet, wm ordered to pay a fine of *60 In the Firat Precinct Court this morn- lr.f by Judge Hahn, for vtolaUng Section 4 of the milk ordinance. It w m charged that Server arid milk without having a llcOnao to do so.

At Server’a trial, two weeka ago. It wm testified that board of health tnapectora Bent a youth to Server's place for,* P>*“ ot milk. Server'! Ucenee to aell milk hM previously been revoked by tha board, but the Inspectors suspected th a t w a gro­cer was altll serving cuetomers. 'The n»»- senger of the Inspector was w a ltr t upon by Server's aon, who went lo a neighbor­ing store for the milk. .

Tha city contended a t tha trial that Server violated the ordinance In delivering tha milk and accepting payment for It In hla "tore. ,

Judge Hahn upheld thla contention In hla decision today. He said the ordlnouca provides that no person "ahatl aell or ^ liver for sale or have In hla poaaeasiw for delivery or m .I«* milk without^ having obtained a license to do ao. Ho said the ordinance has to be Interpreted strlcUy In order to enforce tho sale or clean milk, and he would therefore hold that Server violated the ordinance by de­livering tho milk to the customer In hta store. . , . . .Server atsted that s t no time since Ms license wea revoked did he have milk for sale or delivery In hla store. He added that he made it a practice to accommo­date hla customers by purchasing ths milk for them In neighboring storM- Ellas A. Ksnter, counsel for Server, took an exception to tho court’s ruling. . ,

"There’s a Beiison*’ for


'the most Umous Food In tho world.R e a d th e li t t le book, "T h e R o ad to W elly ille ,” In pkgs.


|(^eS4«| g"fric" ofRED BANK,

tom e ■with her attending a mi lifhlle In s dsr street, near thiBight, MIm F ^ygara old. of Y tacked end bn Itolfe..The left ride

from her temple |4 4 crlttcsl coi wW recover.

.James Genese to have pa

■ought by the girl'.#, mother, ( tnuat keep awe was not old one MUg. Boncoles i could not havi could.

W U NOT 1 • ' OF HDS

tta tf OorrMpond. . TRENTON, s

advertent use fpr. “appllcstio; Newa yesterda) a*ay against th tlon of the P Newark Bay Ic •xtended by 'VI M at Tuesday.

■The feet lam errirpoiltion ran Dixon for pradlng an spr That appllcatlo day. in the mi of the court I htds''or sward tsork.

f i l l ASK I - PLAgpeelal SMilee < ^M IL L IPB B ta lk about t< tam pt to have gtnment chai rtlaih *o4Will toon be

i t la knovhutin**" '0*0khd have Cl name" to be ' new offices, i

"inquest■ ATLANTIC Taggart has < death of Jair avenue, who .buy Hoapitat ha received i tun down' by Mlsa Mildred ! Because, h t Mfescott h tatepsy. Dr. Ti tog hie duty tioni that hiprosecutor's <

■alae. JERSEY Cl ■totes Marst p,iro Food I want to Pier fo a i a t Com pound" of f{

tbjM flour wa Is eonligned htkort. The axamlnttlon ■troyad.


CAPS MA ■amuel Lev; prlator of t pleaded gullMllln* ttl";dlgragard o( to n to r . of t ■on l*#t Ju Sunday thri VIdredge n fined him 1 gatton and o th tr. _

/# Thil

it]jBvMr flnst

/4x would A hUxIoPt I** [or toU«t a

tact com] liduiy if

i ti hiwhd 1

]ia t j "peel.. waxu pel

all ebsmiat Aiaerlcan d, Iw It In sri .iaverits wag said "ream,la tk" m en. Tk. aaul farial esate


rt, '.



f i m n o F o o o d D u d b H o b o k e n B o in f in f - b o D M B o r r o w e d M o n e y

f r o m Q r l C o m p u i o n .



- ........... .■— B n k t of ttot-A rrort*a upon HOIOKEM. Sopl, A -T W o . to

TRENTON, lo p t _ »utomoWl« an SUM Plraol »o»r OrmnA

FME ns. WH. m s $3,S00 (M OUKCE OF SlUffiUNG






tof- 1V*» ;•!«- «tlc itars Id m. IMTO OU" LIK*Allyfdc«A A. itd'a

tm- t COy It. i t i u A ItIMt-tohn.oosdlator

acted(h e i>Uc«. were it he Con- I nk•ampthat



uthiiln* In Hobokin. on obarc* of imuf- ^Sm irA uguet II, Mra, Wtlllam Vella, wife atraat yaaUrday efUraooo. a St ' ^ u f i c t u r e r , of Molina. III. '■ Tarfier. iltnfined H.600 by J«d*» RelloWh •" the United Stetaa Diatrtct Court iddey. Her iTlld, Mery Ullia, eloo of Moline, wee fined l» for the aeme offanio.

Ciimlnel Informetlon egelnat the two women wee preeented to the court today by Afiletant United Statee Dletrlet Attor

whoeeld he le Chariea Toaher, allpped « the pavenwnt and fall between the machine and a trolley pole. Hla lea waa eruahad and he euetalned Injurlee from which. It le thought, he will dia. The d r i w of the car wae Chariea Ooyeno. ihlity-alght y ean old. of :« Wayt Sixty-third, atiwet. Manhattan. He waa held thla morning

t.ey Charles F. Lynch. Both Mrs. Vella Becordar McQoverO without ball on

ng aof » Ina of Dom- •ctlon argad big a

t waaectora i pint It had board, e gro<I mea*

upon [hbor-

1 that rerlng r it In

Ion In Inane# or da* naeion t ftrat ■' Ho preted ale of e hold by de- tn hti

ice hla Ilk foradded

omrao- bg the storhAf. took

Bpeetal farrln of the HEWS.HOSOkEN. Sapt. t.-F u rtbar iBTaatlga-

Uon today of tha luppoaed auiclda of Kail Mboapa. who waa found dead laat night ta a boarding houaa at IM River itraet Indicate that ha wat a pannlleaa advan- turar, Initaad of a wealthy German baakar, a i wae Aral nought.

Schoape wae found deed In hit room aeon after the return of a girl, who cayt aba la Adete Schlmmel, whom Bchoepa had Introduced ae hie wife. The girl de- dialed ahe never eaw the man until Auguet U, when both arrived In the eeo- aod cabin of the eteamehlp Pretoria. She •aye ahe never eaw the tetter of credit tor ttt.OOO, the loae of which wae eup* poaed to have caueed Schoepaa eulclde. Wie girl aleo declared the man borrowed mpney from her.

Mile Schlmmel eald that after landing from the ateamahip, abe wea taken to tha Lao M lialon.'aie State alreet, New York. Schoape told her he would oome there and, laying he waa a relative, would eaita her away and marry her, Thla he did, the girl aald, after ehe had been there two day*, telling the authorltlee ha waa a relative and was going to take Rla girl to an aunt out tVest.

Schoape waa apparently educated and WMll*to-do. One day Schoops la aald to hgve gone to New York to draw on a let- tar of eredlt He came home despondent, gooordlng to Mlei SehlmmeVe atory. and thraataned to commit eulclde. because he had lost the money.

Batoie the euppoaed loaa of the letter of oredlt, Schoepe, It le said, borrowed PO from Hlae Schlmmel, aaylng he needed It to go to San Francisco, where, he aald, there waa a fortune waiting for him. He paid that he would leave IIM with the boarding mlitreea to cover her azpenma while he was away, and later arould return and marry her. According to her story, she threatened to return tp the mission.

About 6 o'clock yesterday evening miss Sdhmmel went out. When she returned a Ciy. waa heard and the proprietor of tha hoarding-house went to investigate. Bha found Sehoopa unconscious on ths bad. She callsd a doctor, but the man dlad a few minutes alter ho AJTlvsa. liandaoum poisoning waa said to bo the oatiaa of the death.

th a police found In Schoepe'a trunk two bottles of laudanum, a bottle of strych­nine and a phial of morphine. There were a s labels on any of the bottles. Ssv- aral Istteri snd pspers wrRton In 0*r- man wars also found In the trunk.

*; H ist Schlmmel. who is about twonty- taur years old. Is being detained as a erltnesa. Schoepe Is thought to have been about forty-three years old. An autopsy will be held by County Physician George King today^_______


gptHalSenle* of (he . ,M D BANK, sept. t.-WTille returning

Wbma with her mother and slater, after attandlhg » moving-picture show, and Shlle In a dark section of Monmouth atrflet near the railroad crossing, last

MISS Fannie Boncolea, seventeen old, of Weat Hod Bank, waa at-

tgeked and brutally cut with a case

*^Tho left aide of her taco waa slashed from bar temple to her throat. Although Ik g crlUcal condition. It la thought she

'^jimas^ftotteae. of Philadelphia, who la to have paid her attention, is being

lo u r tt by the polite. According to the wltYa mother, Geneea was told that he must keep away from the girt, as she v a s not Old enough to receive attentions, aaW Boncolea said hs replied that If he aould not have her that no one else

and Miss LllHe were on haoA and at ones entered pleas of non vult. The aaalitanl district attorney moved that tsntsDee be Imposed Immediately, and this was R e ­curred In by J. P. Colton and Hsnry Qan- nerl, counsel (or the defandanta.

The articles which Mra, Vella, was « - cusad of smuggling Into tha country In­cluded a pearl necklace, a gold watch and chain, a ring, gowna ** handkarchlafa. thlrty-aeven dolllu and two labia oove«. The fines wore paid Immediately and the women were released.


HACKENBAClfi ia p T 4,~Hanry B. Moore, the wealthy Philadelphia alimony dodger, died In the Hackensack HosplUl late last night. He was under IW.OOO ball pending his wife's suit to recover »»,(»« hack alimony.

Vice-Chancellor Stevene had appointed a commlaalon to inquire Into Moore's sanity September 10. Death la thought to have teen due to acute Brlghl’e dleease and pareale.

Moore had euccoeded for over ten years In defying the courte by dodging payment on alimony awarded to hla wife. Gertrude L. Mdore, In 1W3 by a Fhlladelpbla Judge, who granted her a bill of eaparatlon. The alimony waa fixed at I383.SJ a month.


BATONNE, Bept A .-F in which did da.mage aattmated at 11.000 occurrad about 2 o'clock this momlnk In tbraa houtea at 93, 86 and »7 W ait F lrly-flnt itroot. Tha blaze li auppoaed to be of Incendiary origin.

There waa an explnilon In the houee at 95 W eit Flfty-ftrit i tr« t . which la vacant. Flamei which flhot through the windowi «et fire to adjoining houeefl. Max C. Kunath and family, of BS. and Mre. Mary A, Gee and daughter, of 97. were obliged to flee for their Uvea.


could. • r


Staff Ctrrttpandmm.. TRENTON, Sept. 4.—Through the In­

advertent use of the word "operation" fpr. "application," It waa stated In the News yesterday that the operation of the •toy agalbst the oonauuction of the sec­tion of the Passaic trunk sewer from Newark Bay to New York Bay had been ratanded by Vice-Chancellor Backes until «eat Tuesday.-.The fact Is that the vice-chancellor merely postponed the application of W ar­ren Dixon for a continuance of the stay, sanding an appeal to the Court of Errors. That application will be heard next Tues­day In the mean time there Is no order of toe court preventing the opening of ^ g . ' 'o r awarding the contract for the toork. . j - ' - -----

w u u s e COMHiSSION “ P U N FOR PHllllPSB O R G

*^*P§ILLSsroM ,*^Se^t A—There was f t lk about town yesterday of an a t­tempt to have the present form of gov- Wnment changed to the commlaalon Alan, and pgtitlon* looking to that end Will iooh be In cttoulatlon.

i t Is known trial already several tmamaas men are Interested In the plan

SpsHal Berviet of (A»SUMMIT. Sept. I.-Old deeds, cradlei

ueed during the Revolution, rlftei carried in the battle of Springfield^ Upeetrlee dating back to a period early In the la it century and many other Iniereitlng retice are on exhibition a t the Free Public Li­brary. The hlitorlcal exhibition wlU cloee a week from next Monday. Already It la attracting a great deal of aUention.

The display wae arranged by MIm Mabei Hatnee, the librarian, and In her re- search for material ehe had acceae to many old photograph* and mape that figure in the early hlelory of Summit. ReeidenU of this city. New Providence and Springfletd loaned liberally to the display and the New Jeraey Hlitorlcal Society allowed the u»« of aeveral old mapa of New Jefeey and Union County.


NEW BRUNSWICK. Sept. 4,-Mlss Rose Patlls wsB overcome by smoke when she went into her house In Schureman street yesterday afternoon and attempted to save eotne of her things from a fire which was engaging the town firemen In a stubborn fight. She wsa carried out of the house and Into the home of a neighbor, where she was revived.

The biaxe waa the second which the firemen put out yesterday. At neither place wae there anybody at home. The first alarm was for a firs at the home of Joseph Freeblrd In Commercial ave­nue. There was a sofa on fire. In- the

chart* of atrocious aatault and baMary Ooyeno. who Is In the taxicab bualBaBa,

In Naw York, was on his wav w Hobo­ken with his fisncee. Miss Margaret Colllna. of 2« West Fifty-first straat, Manbatton, to obtain a marriage Itoanee. They were going along State street, whloh haa a wood block pavement and had lust been wetered when Toaker s te p p e from the curb.

Ooyeno steered In lbs gutter to avoid htuing him. but Tosker sUpi«d on toe pd,v*m*ht gnd fell b*lw**n Ih* fckldding machine and a trolley pole Hla leg wM terribly torn. He wei ruehed to bl, Mary's Hospital, where the leg waa Im­mediately ampuulad.

Mlea CoUlne fainted when the accident occurred and was attended by a phy­sician. She wsi taken home la another machine. The couple did not t« l their

, marriage I f c e n a e . _________^


ffpertal Strvk* of Oie VEITS MORRISTOWN, Sept 4.—The mem-

berc of the Morris Township com m it­tee. a fte r a two-hour dlsouaalon laet n ig h t expreieed as their individual opinlone that they desired to have the Morris Railroad to cross Normandie way and the Punch Bowl road a t grade, provided the company agreee to follow the Lackawanna Railroad In any echeme of depreealon.

Elmer King, ae spokesman for the Morristown Rallrosd Company, aaln

\ that his company had boon w aiting three weeki for a declelon on the cross­ing question. It has lbs r ig h t to cross by an overhead etesl etructure, and he said If hs did not have an answer he would give the order today for the *l*vat*d itructur*-


Speikal Bervirt at (he HEWS.CAMDEN, Sept. 4.—Two men were

killed and one probably fatally Injured a t the New York Shipbuilding Company's yard today when a shifting »niHne bumped Into a box car on which they were sitting. All three were thrown ^ neath the wheeli. whore two were

ground to deathThe men were Satphen Kopichok, of

Camden, and Peter Kawlakey. of 112 Chrlsian street. Philadelphia. Ellis of Camden, was removed to the hospital in a aarlouf condlilon.

POPULARONE-DAYOUTINQtLak*H o p a t o o n g


Lssvs Broad t l . itoJ-. Perir t t Idli Best Fsstt Sl t .n e,in.

Atlantio CHy

Imyo RtMd 91. Y.Mi f n t f 8t. Em IPamr 8t. 7.S9 *.ae



Fperial of fk* HtWB.PHI.LLTPSBURO, Sept 4.—Mlaa Catlt-

Arine Haiel M any, of Main and Mo- Keen atreeli, Phllllpahurg, and Dr. F, F. Eaetman, of N*w York, wer* m ar­ried Tuesday in that city. The an ­nouncement of the wedding waa a aur* priee to Mra. Eaetm an'i frianda

The bride telegraphed to her aunta, Mieeee Mary and Thereea Murray, with whom she lived, the newt of her m ar­riage. end eald th a t a letter giving additional information of the wedding would follow.

Mies Massy la the etdeet daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Massy, of Eaeion, Pa. She Is a graduate of the rhlilipsburg High School, and for some months had been employed ae a copyholder a t the EJaston Free Preea


Pellla home, burned.

turnlture In tbs parlor was


averted a t the Richard mines of the Thomas Iron Company ysslerday by the decision of General Manager Tooker Stryker to consent to the demands of the miners' strike committee with ref­erence to non-union labor.

The trouble began Tuesday when the general manager gave notice that a cer­tain kind of work was to bo done by others than members of the miners' local. The strike commltte* sought a conference with the general manager, who. It le alleged, ordered the men from the office without conferring with them. Stryker later sent for the men and with­drew from hla position.


ep*cia1 Servlet at lk« VBWS.DOVER, Sept. 4.—While riding on the

hook-and-ladder truck on the way to a smalt fire at the home Of John O. Taylor, ff! Prospect street, William Bldgood, a member of the company, had a narrow escape yesterday from possible serious injury. As It was, he waa severely bruised on the hips by a runaway team In "West Blackwell street, which, fright­ened by the fire godg. dashed against the apparatus-


PASSAIC, Bept. 4.—Richard Berry, the assessor of Aoquackanonk Town­ship. received word yesterday from ths County Board o( Taxation th a t the ratables In the township m ust be in­creased at least tSOO.OOO. This Is the beginning of this year's cam paign for an IncrcaB* In the ratable* of the rural d istricts of Passalo County, where those returned by the assessors are In the minds of the county board Insuf­ficient.

Last year a considerable Increase as made In ths ratables In the bor­

ough of Hawthorne, and It Is believed that this year ell the ru ral districts will be affected by the county board's campaign for more equitable vaula- tlons.

gpsctal SenrlM of (4e HEWS.NORTH PROVIDENCE, Bept. 4 -M Ibs

Bertha V. Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Roberto, of Clinton avenue, Mounlslnvtsw Park, and Fred Nason, of Union avenue, the West End, were married last evening In the Methodist church hy the pastor, Rev. W H Evans.

Miss Florence Freestone, of Paterson, was bridesmaid, and Lindsay Nsson, of New York, a brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Albert Leach and Walter Howell,-nt Summit, and Alonso Burnett and Waller Roberts, of this town, wore ushers, Miss Jeannette Burnett, Miss Lillian Burnett snd Mies Frances Wahl were ribbon girls. A. 8. Carpenter, of Plainfield, played the wedding march from "Lohengrin,"

After the ceremony there was a re­ception at the home of the bride's par­ents. Among the wedding glfte was a china dinner set used a t a dinner given by Mr. Nason's father, Alfred O, Nason, In honor of President Oranl, who was his guest.

The bride was dressed In white satin and wore a veil caught up with orange blossoms. Bhe carried a shower bouquet of white roses, lilies of the valley and asparagus ferns. Ths ribbon girls were dressed In blus.

The ceremony was performed under a canopy of hydrangeas, smilax. roses, as­paragus ferns and aetsrs, the background containing a large red eroea of electric lights.

Following the reception the young cou­ple left on their honeymoon. The bride had as guests a t her wedding the pupils In the third grsds of Uie Lincoln Public School, where she has been teacher for several years.

Among the guests wore Miss Carrie Woolsey, Nehemiah Nason. John Nason and Mrs. Helen and Dorothy Nason, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. William Hewitt, Mrs. O. A. Bond. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A, Allen. Miss Genevieve Drew, of Pater­son: Mr. and Mrs. William Mason and Floyd Mason, of Orang*: Mrs. Josle Lawrence, of East Orange: Mr. and Mrs, Louis Noe. Mr, and Mrs. L, Doremus. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pierson and the Mj^es Pierson, of Madison.

gpec4el gsrvtos ef (*s HEWS.HACKENSACK. HepL 4.—Defending

the propoeltton to build a eounty diiber- qulosls hospital here. Jacob Troxlsr, councilman of tha borough of Oak­land, has sent a letter to the State Hoard of Health. In which he en- | deivors to meet with argum ent the Objections that have keen made to the use of the Brower farm, In the north ­ern extrotnliy of the borough, for thla , purpose ■

"Some people say ihey don't want our own home country devoted to a . sanitarium of this kind," writes Mr. Troxler. "They essert that th i con- ' tagtous character of tubercutoels and the danger of pollution of the Hamapo River make such an in stitu ­tion highly undesirable."

Mr. Troxlsr argues th sl "U Is up to the Wlato board to decide whether the contagion theory le right or wrong, and to adopt proper pvecautione to ellmlnaio all dangers of this kind."

Mr. Troxler contends that "Inmates should be convoyed to and from the Institution In closed vehicles and should not he allowed the freedom of the village. Neither should they have access to the r iv e r.'

"Such a sanitarium would not mean absolute ruin to our section." suggoito Mr. Troxler, "but It would ra ther help to mitigate the precarious financial situation ot our borough. " The council­man declares "Oakland Is neither a prosperous or progrssstvo community, and says since the Du Pont powder works left three years ago the bor­ough has been at a standitlll.

A ftsr reviewing the Inactivities of certain real estnls concerns and "their hareh troaimenl," Mr. Troxler lays. "wouldn't It be foolish for>he average taxpayer to pull the chestnuie out of the fire now and burn hie own fln- geriT '


BUtff CorrtopondonCo.AflBURY PAHK. 1 -W lth the

•Ihftn* of "Near«r My (5od to Th*e. ' Ih* New Jersey flute Funeral Directors’ Association opened Us annual oonvenUon at the Bristol here yesterday About sixty delegate* were present at roll call, but this number was augmented during the rest of the day and this niornlDg by about forty. An address of 'welcome was made by Mayor Reginald 8. Ben­nett, a response being given by Frank 8. Bolla*. of Newark, former president of the organisation.

Jam«s J. Higgins, present head of the organluitloQ. urged that each member five what aid he could to the legislative committee In Us efforts to bring about the passage of a law iromrelilTiB keap- ers of all cemeteries to mako a record of the name of each person interred, as well as of the number of the grave. It wae pointed tiut that the failure of keep- ora of country and municipal burying grounds to do this makei U Impossible at limes to traiisTer bodies. Mr. fllgfi s also urged si,jpport of an atlempl to t“*»8 a law esUbllshtng reciprocal relations among New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey In regard to undertakers’ licenses.


uames to b® used as candidates for the aew office*, should the plan bs a suo-



'INQDEST FOR VICTIM OF AUTO■ ATItoNTlC CITT, Sept. 4.-Coron*r *a«gart has ordered an Inquest into ths Jeath ot James Larkin, of 2522 Atlantic

who died Tuesday night In the ijlty Hospital from injuries It Is alleged he received a week ago. when he waa

Sn down hy an automoWle driven by Iss Mllrired Jphnsori. u

I Because, h*'charges, -Ceonty Physician Wescott hito m used to 'perform an au­topsy Dr. Taggart claims he is neglect- j i i Ws duty and has made acme allega-

that have been taken up by the pstaecutoFi office. _________

gelse AUeged Un«t Flour, jbUUJBY CITT, Sept. 4.—Deputy Unlfed

■totes Marshal Louis G. Beekman and Food Inspector Uhd this morning

l e n t to Pier 1 of the Lehigh Valley Hall- mad a t Coromunipaw and selxad 51,(WO Bouttda of flour, which It Is claimed la Wonn-eaten and unfit for consumption, th e flour was shipped from Chicago and Is consigned to a Staten Island rirm of bakers. The flour will be held for further Ssamlnatlon and will probably be de- •tmred. __________ _

ifocet JKan Porfelto License.r - a p b m a t c o u e t h o u s e , a ep t 4. - g a ^ ^ l Levy, of North 'Wildwood, pro- to S to r c f toe Otiens Hotel, yesterday.

guilty of tw* allogatlon* for mllfng Ito ior on Sunday and also In K lrig a rd of tha notice Isaued by Pros-

of the Pleae M attewe Jeffer- *®“^^Iat**June. to oloae all salooBs on K ndW throughout th* county. Judge IldrtY ga rav?kad Lavy'a license and rtlukf Win lUJO end «“ ** H v"Jetton and suspended s.ntenoe on toeother.

Is This Why. tnilish ..... VssuHes Art So Tair?



machines of the nickel In tha elot typo confiscated In Guttenburg by detectives from the staff of the prosecutor's office when opened a t the Hudson County court house yesterday were found to bo rigged up Inside with rubber bands so th a t the odds against the plaVer at no time wore less than 9 to J.

The machines contained nickels amount Ing to 56.60. The machines wlU be de stroyed.

They were taken from the salooiu of William Gallagher and William Hoppe, on Borgenllne avenue, Guttenburg,

SHORE MERCHANTS BANK tS5S,4fi2S(o(/ Covrttpoaienct.

ASBURT PAHK, Bept, 4.—An Indi­cation of the big buslnese done by m erchants here and In Oceqn Grove during the last week-end and Labor Day la given in statements Issued by the four banks in the two resorts. They show th a t a total ot 5555,(59.24 WfS placed bn deposit Tuesday. The day was the biggest, as far as receipts are concerned. In the history of the Institu ­tions. In one of the banks alone there were deposits during the day of 536L- 422.96.


than 5hio by a man who promised to wed her. Senora O, Frats, nlneteeii years old, of Third and Mickle streets, acted as her own detective, and' captured the thief In Italy. Word came to Oetsctlre Troncone In Camden yeiterday that Benenclo Tran- credl, formerly of Second street and Tay­lor avenue, waa held pending action of the Camden pftlclala, who ■ Gated last- night th a t he has been tndloUd on charges ot forgery and embaislement.

HUNGER AS THEFT DEFENSEgpcctal Ssrtilre Of (ks HEW S.

ELIZABETH. Sept 4 .-"I stole because I was hungry," was the defense of Harry j Oelln, a negro, to Chief of Police Petere yesterday after admitting toe robbery of five local residences.

In every house Oilln entered he pilfered food. Another negro In custody a t police headquarters has been Iden tlfl^ as Charles Wilson, sentenced In Washington. D C.. ten years ago tor burglary and sent to the State prison In this State.

Wilson gave his name to the police as John Wilson. It is not thought he was implicated In any local robberies, but he Is being held for further Invest!-

*^dw ard Simmons and John Green,' negroes, were arrested laat night on aus- lAclon. __

FAU FROM AUTO MAY COST LIFEPA9BAIC, Sept. t-T h ro w n out of. an

automobile as it was crossing tha Lacka­wanna tracks, about midnight last night. Dr. Adolph KroU sustained Injuries which may cause his death. He wae taken to St. Mary’s Hospital, where It it said be bas a fracture ot the base of

*''Th’ '''phyal«l»h J®”,''other men, one ot whom was John Karl, a former Mayor, who owned toe car. KroU stood up as the automobile went over the tracks to see if a train was com­ing. There was a Jolt and the eide door swung open tracks.

Special flerrlcs af Ike HEWS.BUTLER. Sept. 4.—In a double wedding

yesterday Miss Margeretla McKeon, daughter at Chief ot Police and Mra Martin McKeon. ot this town, became the bride o( Frank Gormley, «:;d Miss Sadie Looker, ot Jersey City, was mar rled to Martin McKeon, Mies McKeon's brother, Eaah couple acted as attendants for the other. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Father Hay roond, rector of tha church, at a nuptial maas s l o'clock.

Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast waa served at the McKeon home. After a reception the two couples went on a wedding trip to Niagara Falla.

Bradbary-Smltk. gpcrral Ben-ice of the HEWS.

CHATHAM, Sept. 4.—Announcement IB made of the marriage of Mlse Katherine Anna Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Smith, of Summit avenue, and Ralph Wesley Bradbury, of New York. The ceremony took place last Friday In the Congregational church and was per­formed by the pastor. Rav. Dr, Charles E Hesseigrave. After the wedding cere­mony Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury loft upon a wedding tour. They will live In New York upon their return.

gw#BBon*Lle Wedding, fipceioi SerrlcB of tks HEWS.

CHATHAM, Sept. 4.—The marriage of Miss Antonie Martha Lis and Axel Fred­erick Swanson look place Tuesday a t the parsonage of the Ogden Memorial Pres­byterian Church. The ceremony was per­formed by the pastor. Rev, Dr. Msc- naughtan. The witnesses were Tate John­son and Rudolph W. Bauter. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Swanson left on a short wedding trip. Upon their re­turn they will live here.

gonervUle-Vngenrlts. gpedai fiwttice of fke HEWS,

ROSELLE PAHK. Bept. 4.—Mias Elisa­beth Yugerwlts. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yugerwlts, of Larch street, Roselle Park, was married last night to Thomas SomervlU*. of Los Angeles, a t the Aldene Methodist Church. Rev, C. A. Sharp, the pastor, officiated. Mr. Somerville formerly resided In Elisabeth.

gpertal gen-ire of (ke HEWS.HOBOKEN, Sept. I.-Told by friend*

In Newark that her missing boy waa probably at the Hoboken Police Station. Mrs. Rose Heller, of 219 Henry street, New York, this morning identified three- year-old "Louis, ' of "Henry street." who has been the pet of the men In headquar­ters since he was picked up in the Lacka­wanna Station Sunday noon time.

Mrs. Heller declares that her husband, from whom ehe separated some time ago. because he refused to tolerate his step­son Louis, took the boy from In front ot his home Sunday morning and aban­doned the child In the railroad elation for revenge.

When brought to police headquarters Sunday the hoy declared that he was "Louis," of- "Henry street," but what city he lived In he could not tell. The police notified the departments of all cities within a radius ot seventy-flv* miles, Mrs, Heller declered she had been to headquarters in New York several times without avail.

I Staff Carrstpontoscs., TRENTON, Sept. 4.-*Finss and repri­

mands were handed out freely today by Commissioner l.IppIncoU, of th* depart­ment of motor vahiclea who had befots him a number ot allegsd violators ot the motor vehicle laws.

I Elmer E. Holly, ot Arlington, was flnad 5I0.B for using msnufacturera' tags on rented cars. Mr. Hally admitted that he waa (amlUsr with the provisions ot the

' law, but styed that hs had obiatnsd I the rvglslritlon markers for demonstrs- ' Hon purposes and that aubsequvnlly he

used them on i-eri which were rented.The license of Polhemut Wilson, a

I farm er of Allenwood, wae suspended for two months. The complaint was made hy Lieutenant Alexander L Rogers, of Company I, Third Regiment of (.'anidvii, who alleged th a t Wilson had deliberately run ills car Into the . cnmpxny while It was on a practice march near Allanwood,

Tha aJcldant resulted In knocking down , Sergeant John W. Scott, eltghtly In- I Juring Captain Jaggard and frlghlanlng a horse of one of the other officers.

In his own defense -Wilton claimed that he had blown his horn, which was out of order, snd that when the company failed to move from the middle ot the .road he tried to pass It along one side. Commis­sioner Llpplncott held that sine* the car was ninnlug slowly the accident might easily have been avoided. At the same lime ho found that the allegations In the original had lieen somewhat exaggerated.

William F. Koch, of 2 l.aurel Place, Newark, was reprimanded by the com­missioner for an aecldent Auguet 1*. when the Koch car struck Marini Kornovltch and knocked him from his hIcyeJa while he was passing through Garfield. The Koch car want on without slopping to ascerlsln what Injury hsd been doM to Kornovltch, The complaint against Koch was preferred by John A. Fores, chief of pidice of Qsrttcld.

Henlencc w-as suspended In toe case ot William lAmunt, of Camden, "ho nutted that he had violated the speed

'\v u ilam Welghtman, a New Yorker, who Is staying St Pine Beach Inn. was reprimanded for violating the speed laws. The complaint was lodged by 1. K. Hamilton, of Absecon.

Charged with running his motorcycle St a speed of from fifty to sixty miles sn hour through SpoUwood, John Brabron, of Jamesburg. was reprimanded, 'the complaint was made by Garner D* Vo*, chief of police of Spotowood

Mr UpplncoU today restored the n- cenaa ot Cecil Hellbronn, a Newark, which waaHollbronn la now under bail charted with assaulting a hoy named l ^ b . Mr. UpplncoU was asHsflad from h'* gatlcn that the matter was not within his Jurisdiction. M

Heilbrcnn Is employed by E d w rd M. Waldron, Tnc. His employeri wrote to the commissioner in his behalf, stoting that the gang of boys, of whom Lamb was one had been responsible for much trou­ble about the Waldron plant.

The license ot Robert Davis, a colored chauffeur IMng at » pennon • ‘'• 'J ' Newark, waa iummarlly revoked Dav e tried to escape last */ nuffyautomobl'e had run down Peter Duffy of 7 Montague place, Montclair, uuriy had just assisted two women to board a trolley car when struck by the Davli car.


PATERSON, 8«pt. 4.—EncountsrInf two burglsra who wef* operating In hi* grooerv stor* #arly this morning, P*l*r Meld'ma, of Midland Parks ^Bergen founly, was shot twic* In th* abaomaiis He is now in Ih* Miriam Barn«tt Hoi- pital. this city in a ssrlous condition. The hurRlars escaped.

The hurglftf slsrin In Meldima s hom* went off about 12i50 o’clock Ihla morning. He went to the store and was about to make a light when ha was ordered to put up h!B hands. Confused by the order, Meldima failed to immediately “ rablY. Hud the shooting followed, He said toat there were two aasallanU and that both were about twenty-on* years old.

Before breaking Into the store the bur­glars had cut all of the telephone wires In the town completfly. Isolating It *rn'n other towns as far as communication W''ent. _ _ _


May- Find Hdp in Mrs. El* ■ton’s Letter About

Her Daughter.Burlington, low#. - “ Lydia E. Pink-

h a n 't Vagetabl* Compound haa o m l my d a u g b t a r ot w nakoeu . She waa troubled almost a y e a r w i t h It aiw complainad of backs ache, i o t h a t I thought iha would be an InralhL Sba waa e n t i r e l y run down, pale, nervouf and w ithout appe­tite . 1 w a i eary m o o b ditcouragad

but heard of Lydia E . Pinkham ’a Vague table Compound through friends aad now { praiie i t beeatua t t has cured my d au g h te r." -M ra . F. M. Elston, R-D, No. 8, Burlington, lo-wa.

C a ae o f A n o t l i e r O lr l .Scanlon, Minn. — " I used to be both*

«r«d with narvoui apella, and would cry if anyone waa eroea to me. I got awr M weak spells especially In tha morns Ing, and my appetite was poor. I ala* h ^ a tender place in my right aide which pained when I did any hard work. 1 took Lydia E. Plnkhain'i Va|p etable Compound and my aymptuma all changed, and 1 am certainly faettug line. I recommend It k> owery auflerinf woman or girl You miqr uae thll lat­ter for thegoodof othera.''■“ MiaaEUJt Olboh, 1716th S t, Virginia, Ulan.T onngG Irli, S eed Thla AdaieobGlrii who are troubled with paintid or

bregolar peiioda, backache, headaoha, dragglng-down aenaationa, fa in tin g apella or Indlgeation.ahoatd immedlataly leelf reatoratlon to health by taking Ly­dia E. Pinkham'i Vwatabla CompMmd;

L B . H I I 3 dN e w a r k Hat

Branch Offices and Agente of the Evening News


TRENTON, 8^pt. 4 -F o r th#* nflxt U.v wMks Ih* State department nf weight* and meaaures will devote almost its en- tlra altentton to making provisions for th* enforcement of the law regulating th* BiK© of baskets, which becomes effec­tive November 1. next.

Superintendent Waldron has already (Notified all the basket manufacturers of the State regarding the provlaJon* of the new law, and they hav* agreed to cease at once the making of receptacles which do not conform with the act. Most of the manufacturera have also expressed satisfaction over the paaeage of the law which will relieve them from making such a large number of different elzed baskets as In the past.

Under the new law only baskets of standard aizee may be used by mer­chant*. The sizes prescribed are for two, four, eight, sixteen, twenty and thirty- two quart baskets, while for the sale of berries and small fruit, the baskets used must be capable of holding one pint or one quart.

!n the standardization of Its baskets. New Jeraey has gone further than any Slate. New York and some other States have laws upon the subject, but they are lesa drastic, permitting the uae of odd-Blzed baskets, provided the exact capacity is plainly marked on each.


LAKEWOOD, «vpt- ^“'1/..f Patrick riancey. a coachrnsn for Cap­tain r F. Muller, was tounq by his e n- ,lover yesterday at the foot o a stalr-

Wav leading from ths stable to toe rooms shove, wliera Clancty slept. It Is thought I lancey. In the night, attempted to go flown the stairs and fell to the bottom, ms skull was fractured and his face liadly gashed. , .

Muller called Dr. A. M. Heron and Coroner WeBthall, and permission was given to move the o.3dy to Lakewood, where it awaits disposal by relaUA-es In New York. Clancey was single, about forty years old and had been In Muller's employ a month. For a number of years he lived in Lakewood, where he was (.mployod by McClure A Beecrotl, livery­men.



Bsllsvllls svs., 104. Tsl, IJNKW BrsBct BrMl|i

B nirs St., 96*. Tsl. 144«J W svsrty.

Clinton svs., 911. Tsl. 5431 W avsily.

Elm St., 1504. ,

H sirhurs p l„ 14. T*l, 90TJ Mariiet, ,

Myrtle avs.. Its. Tsl. 545R Braacb BtMk. -

South Bliih e t„ 990. Tsl. 4T44B M sriist

W sllsct pi., 37. Tsl. 1509W K srkst.

NEW JERSEY 6EA 8H O R E - 400 MsIS M., nor4h«aiB corn*f B eegs ave* O e«M Ws H u«ng*i“ i real office, opoosiU gPBpoii office. Tel. TT4 Aebttry P v fc '

ATU^NTIC CITT - The Dorland A dvertlst^ AgeiDcy. W alter K. Edge.

n o V E R -e Lowy •! Tel. 2M. tM lLLBLTlN-SPRlN GtTELD —CtmpbeU'P d n il

Bank biillillng. M nibtint eve, TsU w MlJiburn.

MOsVTCLAlB—231 O lanridge ave. TeL TW. MOURiaTOWDf—11 South i t . Tele IS l NEWTON—laa B prln i i t . Tel. 40.0HANC4B—IDS Mein at., oppoilte

fels,. O ranse aoou, M erkat ig branch axchange eonnectlng uienli. ' ^

SUMMIT—Room 1. P- O. huU dln |. TeL flOlt. TRENTON -37 W. £ l4 te at- Tal. M l Treittog. CHICAOO-llooin 130*: Tribune building. NEW Y O R K -ftoom i aSl-338 BrunaWlOk bjAll -

ins 235 f i f t h ave. Tal. ttWO-OMI U sd lM . F C. Tsylor, New r « ^ n t s r t v i .Oanerel sd v e rtls ln i repraaenixtiveBU tfU g* 0 ‘M era * Ormabee. ^

WAWHINGTON tD. C.>—Rodfii *04, Ool«M » building.

I clevelsnd it.PtItfU : Bil d q i ^

and Mr. KroU fell to the

a ’Hara-BiinT.H iss Margaret Barry, daughter of


klni, a painter, fHtjf-one ywtrs old, of Port Jarvis, employed on the Brie Rail­road, was struck and tpstantly killed yes­terday afternoon In -the Erie yard, naar Monmouth atinet, Jersey City, ' eastbound patsciiter - train.

Says Bad Tootit B M e i ' Y**-S. '

Policeman and M ra Thomae Barry, of 14 Alden street. Orange, and Edward O'Mara, of that city, w ere m arried In St John’s Church yesterday afternoon. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. Nicholas A. Marnell. The bride was attended by her sister,Barry as maid ot honor. John OMars, a brother of the bridegroom, was best man The bride wore a go-om of white satin Following toe ceremony « re- eSntton was held In Berkeley Hall, East O r « « After a trip through Vermont, Mr fnd Mra O’Mara w ill live In Or- gnge.

Heeaer*MeF«rlaaA*Mlse Gertrude McFarland, of Buffalo,

Rnbert A. Mooney, son of Mr. and M r#.*0hn Mooney, ot Pomeroy avenue, Kearny were married yesterday In Buf­falo A nuptial high nuuu was celebrated r„ » Bernard's Church, th# officiating rtergyman being a brother of toe bride; Th* couple are exp«t«d to spend ^ of th*lr honeymoon In Kearny with str, Mooney's parents. They will Ilv* In Al-

Mr. Mooney U a talegraph opera- tor7emft*(ad by th* AS#oolated Press, _ _

. (From London Heraldthe dlseovery that msrcollsto

and remove awould absorb and'.‘S'l.L’erUrms^hiJ IJoJS rapidly.

complsxloQ osu be matntrtned In- u r ? t Ibis remarkable subsunoe Is Its beneflfil** alegnslng, elesiiag and sUvi aoilon Is qultoly * » " • « • * " * Who have been |»yin# « hlfh

a Jar for “epeoiai eream frtwn

D*afh-gpectal fierstes of f*s JfJ

SUMMIT, Sspt 4.—Blood .poisoning., the re m it of trpubl* with a tooth. Is given by Paul Jew e tt of Tulip e tra e t th la city, as tbe cause of his s tita r 's d e itb , w hich occurred Isat week a t Rowley. Mas# The victim, Mies Bather Jew ett, was reported ah havlftg died .of typhoid fever. Mr, Jhwett aald ulcer developed a t the root ot th* molar, and this causad blood polsonlag.

H* add*d th a t there m ight have bo*A typhoid ’ fever germ* In h is ’ ,sister'* ■yatem, b u t th a t blood poisoning from •n ulo*rated tooth. ws« th* rcpl earn** of her death.

(lave You T ried It?

SHARP-HUBERMiss Helen Huber, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. Julius A. Huber, of 141 Second street, and Chart** 8- Sharp, *on of Mr. end Mrs. John <D. Sharp, of Orange street, were married yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock, in the home of the brld* a parents. Rev. Joseph Hunter, PMtor of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony.

Th* bride, ,who was unattended, was given In marriage' by her father. She wore a treveUng suit of lavender silk poplin and a blank velvet hat. Her ^ u - fluet WM g corsgge of orchids end Uiles of the valley. She wow a gift of the bridegroom, a diamond lavalilere.

The ceremony and wedding followed were attended only by the Im- mediate relatives of toe two famlUe*. Upon their return tram a wedding tr l^ Mr. and Mr*. ShsJp wlU reside a t 546 Orange street,

S T A H L -lO flEThe m arrlafe~of M l^ M a r ^ L ow .

youngest daughter of Mr. ^ Mro. Sonso LOW*, of M*ndh*^SUM. of 6» Bergen street, this city, wae soumnltod yeeterday In toe parMfiMa. ot Grace English Lutoerah CJiuteh by th* pastor. Rev. Moshelm 8. WaUre,

Mr. ^ J. OimoM. of Newark, at- tsnded th* bride as matron of honor. Dr. Gibhins was th# best man, AfMr the ceremony Dr. and Mr*, i ta h l loft on a wedding trip to Bermuda. Upon their re- letum they will live a t m Bergen e tieet

Ml^tlHi* ssaePt* ietlon fer wriaMs* and ^

osntsur hs* Ms* bsoobs* sxtrtmelirOS* BUBO*, pow Is one-ball b4

the tsdw M thu a “PP


JERSEY CITY, Bept. 4.—Whether the provisions of the employers' liability act concerning permanent dlsablUiy apply to scars euetalned in an accident which disfigure the Injured person for Ufa will be determined In a suit to be begun by Mias Jeanette Byrne, of 73 Rutherford 'street, Rahway, against the Merck Chemical Works of Rahway.

For four years Mias Byrne has heen employed as'a "finisher" by the chemical ■ company, which prepares and bottles acids June 11 lest she was working at hsr table in the chemical plant when

neck of a bottle filled with nitric acid burst and th* burning fluid spread over her hands, right alioulder, face, breast snd neck, scarring her deeply.

R est Overcomes Fireman,flpwlai Ssrrlce of (be .VEKfi,

ELIZABETH, Sept, (.—Yesterdays heat caused one prostration In this city. The heat VlcUm la Alfred Schultiea, twenty year* old, a fireman, attached to No. 1 truck, who was overcome at the truck hnue* yesterday afternoon and remained unconscious (or a time a t the A leilan Brothers' Hospital. He later revived and Is much Improved to­day. He Ilv..* a t 46 Catherine s treet.

TetoC F*isaa>;lHx Prieeeet#.PASflAHi. 6*P^' jnlMiier* ecqi*

pto-token' violent!^ IR . . msjne pditonuig ftonl «#fffag ebnitfenu- M ted m s« t TWO wer* terioAdy Ul. Th* man bad ba#B gtvm ooriwd beat knd e#b- hag*' for 'dinner .«nd sofoa hsd Mcrated i portloiM In an Old t ls o«n. WhMber t)i#j obatasnlimtlon ws# due to too eontoot ot i

9VBm.asred Sjttome .ta | the food sritj) th* tin «f HQt*Is MM hMcni!^ th * n tes

BELL-SOHNERHis* May A. Sohner and lutMon T.

Bell, hbto of Halcyon FsHt, Bloomfield, were nwrried a t the hom* of too brld*'* mother. Hr*. Julia Ktmpte JMmer, yeoter- d»y eveiiWlr, by Rev, Bwnriaaa H.Mc- Coy, WlUtom H. Bell, to* bridagroom's brotow was bast man, and MIn Ftorwoce Soho*r, sletgr of tJto WM ofhonor. MJ. and Mrs- Boll left after a wedjlM ropost fOr a two-WMk trip to "Virginia. ' „MeHaUan-howmaa.

Miss A4* « • N*wm*n.„dangJit#r o t R*ter J. Nawman, of “ • J S i ? ' S T * * OrongO. and Bdword ot Ax-coffc w«W «a«ri*d IfOiir Uif ot to* VaiUy, Orta^X**'terday aftofnoon. R*v. John F. Soy-

-lani m W r of too, o h u jo ^ offlolatod. h im JontU* r»W w . of WoagM was hridOtinald, Add B srbort Horrioon, of

re "Woot OrangM woe' i x ^ mM- - ThO biddoH. T. Dewey & Sons Co.-----------------

Q r is p e J u i c eDrink It Ffesli froffl the Press

th * blood *»ocloenib* to * •n tlr* gynUm.

5 0 c e L a rg e B o ttleTake * Ijottt* fcom» to yoor iMwiyi

TWO SAVED FROM DISABLED BOATS prrts t grnflcfl of the HEW S.

long b r a n c h . Sept. 4.-A dlslresi signal was sent up late yesterday after­noon I.V the launch Mother, from New York, when off Oalllee. When Captain Green and crew of Station No. 4. Mon- nniuth Beach, reached the launch he found the engine had t'rokan down and the two men in the boat helpless.

Saul White, Michael Burns and James Llihscoe. returning from the Fishing Banks, towed the launch almost to Sandy Hook, when their fishing skiff broke tiown. The shipwrecked men slept all night at Station No. 1. The launch waa ..owed ashore this morning.


NEW PROVIDENCE. Sept. 4 - ‘TVhl!« returning from Diamond Hill School lo her home in Mountain avenue yesterday afternoon, len-year-old Mary Goltlick, (laughter of Mr. and Mra. Wenzel Oott* lick, waa attacked by an unidentified men, who sprang from the buahea and attempted to drag her Into the wooda.

The man probably would have been Bijccesaful had not a carriage appeared on the scene. The occupanta were at­tracted hy the gin's screema. He ran into the woods In the rear of Simon P. Ijebble'a residence, and escaped.


that he la "Charlie Ross," who wss kld- rapped from hla home In Oermantown, Pa . July 1, 1874. a man who came her* from Cleveland last week went home yes­terday to prepare conclusive proof* of bis Identity. Ho went to an old settlement near here, called Pegtown, -where he says he wae taken by his captors.

The stranger was conducted about by the chief of police, and says he recog­nized th* place where he had lived with t man and a woman.


DOVER, Sept. (.-T he building commit­tee ot too Board of Education has re­ceived three written offer* for ichool sttei, which are accompanied by maps showing the location, rise and general outline of the respective lots, Th* com­mittee he* also received two oral of­fers for site*, either for another graded school or a high ichool building.

Dewlby Appeel* tto m Bcnoval.Staff ComtposilenM.

TRENTON. Sept. 4.—Chart** W, Bowlby, i formerly tuperintendent of weights and

roeoBUres in Morris County, ho# appealed from the Supr«n* Court’* decision up- holding too action of to* Morris County Board of Freeholdsr* In ousting him from his position. Bowlby claim* protection in offlc* upon the ground to o t h* Is ah ex­empt fireman.

FlNeen Ftr* Ohieti « t Fa*«sle,Spietal SerPtOP of too

PASSAIC, e*pt. ( .-F if te e n of th* l.*ftO are ebief* attend ing th* conven tion of the International F tre Clttefs’ Association to New York, wer* gnest* today , of Fir* Chlaf ReglnaM H. Bewker, ot th is -e ltj. A sliniU r ham- b*f wet* Here Tuosdav *nd ye^imlay- Th*y sirtOt th# iiitUta (toohvisiting toe -leoai f lr r te w w h leoktoe •vqr to t ty su a i u 4 *ppor«m k .


13#lleil]lQ, opposite Bloomfield »v*. Brelthut B rothers Tel. (O il Branch Brook

Bigelow St. and Posnlne *«■ The B ls s w Pharm acy. Jos- H. Bsiov, T*J. lOiH W avifly.

DlOtniiflelJ AVta and OaFdldft Bt. A, OWMWW g Co. T«l. 3076 Brand! Brook*

Bruftd rii . 3014- J- TaL S l^Bjant'h UrtfOK , , ^

Hra.'td unt! M arket Bla. Holashauer** drug i tW . I'entral avB.. Jo iepb B U aob irg^ ^

newBflriu)*r. T«l. 46TW BOrkaU Clhiicin av«.e 4f^. F t«d Bgnoatl* ntw tdM iff.

Tel. IBIO W avarly. _ . « , 1CllnUiii avto., BlS, U. F . Oodaofc T<I, dfi

VV A erl yClinton ave. and M onmoutb at, R. K.

I'harrYjacy- Tel. 1337 W averly.BJm and PaclHo a u . Jameo F. Brady, HWI-

d u ie r . Tel. 1375 Markai- F irry it . . S. H. Brenblum* aewadealer. TeLH ljJhliinJ^avi* 7^7. oppoilt# f lm D epot

M Hhortau, Tel- SuO Branch Brook*Plan* er,d W arren tie. JoBapb KOMUr, MW*-

fli-alar. Tel. 2335 Market.Roeevllle and Seventh avei-. oppoella HeUdHlla

Ava. Statton. John B. F o i te r t PhantMdyi Tal. ISl Branch Brook,

eizteenth ave.. 04. L. KDrland. nevadaider. Tel. 0b3 W avcrly.

South Orango av«. and Seveot^h it , Bmjtb • Phartnacy. Tela., and 5445 AlArkat.

South Orange ave. and Sixth a t F . Ahr* MW*-dealei, Tel. PT73 M arket. ___Third ave. and Gai^lde at- Myron W. MOTia.real ta ia te office Tel- T17 B nnch Brodk.

W aehinsion ei.. 427- 3aa. A. Knowka*, 04,w3-

Souih Orange and l?anford avea., aecilon. Adolph F . M arquler. Tal*., afiW Market. a»rt 26*15 H arkai.

A M P E R E -K ras., 4.i Fourth *v«. -rah 41WW.artm aey, 76 Fourth ave, Tel. 825W.

ARLIN'fTON—Pet*r F. Benlhelm, newa VtlJUL nppoaba Greenwood LtAka DapoL AN^ITC HIi>HliAND&—Crueer'a Advartla-atlan

o bix Fv’VliVe-J-Yng Agency, 7 Centre ave.Coeyman, US Waahlagtoa

P a ij l 'j H Hotber*, S80 W ublngtOD tv*.BlJDOMFTBLiJ—O srio tll i Ml.ltgli, B lO ^G Std

S.'"M.'’ E ag.a- 1« S ro aJ rt.. coraw Bloetn-BLOOd/:^O D A L E —F rattk B. Hoakihg. B W N T O N -Jan i«a H. D«po4. f'HATHAM—Eugene O 'H ara, Tel. flflSW» EAST ORANGE (B rick Rubllfc t»

W auhlngton pU TeU 4 ^ W . ^R Block. 6 ^ M ain et. Tel. 396R.L,' B Yeager, M ain et, „

EAhT O R A N aB -M tirk ., 92 Railroad pi. T e t

Uojt N'ftlntsn, 844 ta sln .1. T .t. 812* .BrodH A Koiodm, 1 » M ain •(. Tel. lYTTR H arry B lrdeiil. s itia C entral a v e Tal. 6MW

B,*B!ock,’*8S*'M aln *t- .T«h **4J. Friedberg, 18 Greeitworkl ave. T.L, 8T6TW. Morris, 148 M stn "t- T« . * * 5 * ^H e r . 861 M ein i t . T»l- Soper. 444 M ain *t. Tel. 4S«.S tu ll. 76 M ain St. Tel. le U .

B LIZ A B B frH -9i« Breed *1. W . C. Mlllsr. FLEMINGTON—H o w ild K1fgln>. Main St, ; KACKETTSTOWN—E. John Wlldrlck, Msi*

at Tal. Id3» .H A R R iB O N *au H arrieott tv a . Fatar J , Ooo*

H 0B 0K K N -W m ,"8 ?h raad e^ «beta-t;en Hudaon and W aih lB itw .

IRVINGTON—1090 kVa 8 ta t i i“Wi9#l*

jERB‘S t ^ c f f r - " J i . * ^ “ G 0*S;i! A t p m w yat. Tel, M08 J a r a ^ . ,

_ _ ..J lf iO N -L ew l. A. W a U .i» f^ M W i^ W . . MAPLEWOOD Em opf B , Dara, Vallay

TeL aSSR ^ t b Orwaga Vao W lnkla FTaaiiigM f to ra B ak tr n , aM

Maplewood ava. ‘ ** * _*IIETUCHKN — Trum aa. T* Pleraoa. M a tii-^ (.IIOrS ^O W N ^ "Waibliigtoii Newa Ql, U.4 sw ^ ^ u f^ w i* K “ R‘'’*^* “ pto « « * eer-NF-w°*PRoVit)EN’cE^wn'!^^ w. v s c d i^ N U TLET—P F . Onthrla. ttawadaUaf, Itifb*

land laaa, n w **“ 2 o n a n o b v a l l e y j - K iw. j * j M i w a i i i

HlgW/uwl Ave, Siatloa- am .Mqntroea Pbarffiacy, XafMC, g.aW;

DhzPtla&d dt,g Orange* o f lS a b . B3 al. T eL flB i

f a t b b s & 2 ^ ® * “ a , D « p i* r , IH______BAh IvA ^ K . iTMBm*. 81 CheriT i


TeOtittM t Afrijr.


fiJm ntO TO K , B»»t i-K « r* lawlMt- r tm i 41*aH*r ax liu totey ftlooc P>lnt

I W. V»„ than »t «j»y oth»r period i V tm tr . kccoMInf to today's tsstl- ' o l WaHsr 8. Wooda taasrsl nun- Of tbs ttsndsra Coal Company on

crasK. bsfora ths Bsnats tnvsstltatlni

lasrUssnass. sdtnsss saM, srhsn liy tha oommlttss. oonslsttd of diserdsr amunc ths mlnsrt. Ths radical OMs" wars stlirlnc up

I « ith theas who rsmalnsd a t work,

worst of It Is thsrs Is no ons to added ilr. Woods. 'T h srs Is

' d anard or a apsclal ofnosr or any br sI m to rsprssent tbs law upon ths

__of ths erssk now. axespt otisof tbs psaos, and ha was oos of

of ths struts and Is a 8o'

Ksnyon Inqulrod If tha trouMs I 4 im to drink.

sir.'' rspUsd Woods, ars mors radical after tb s bet-

^asa open." susfsitad Ssymour Stsd* , attom sy for ths United Mins Work-

bstwssn the Paint Creak strlk- „ tbs "taards" wars described by V'Tbaup, In charis of ths suards.

laa of Us story was an account left for dead after m snoountar a . Va. KIs coat, ha said,

with bullet-hotss, was cut up at tin t and ptscss wars worn a t souvsnlrs.

_ first told o( an shots pour> upan hit six man on Mar M. " wtra on their way to break-

. witlwut arms, Ha then decided ameUiM gun was necessary It tha svasw to ha protectad against men to the mountain foUags.

tots of btlng dtot oft a ha ndcar Ofova. aw) his companion being

ha ravlvad, ha eald. ha beard r fa r ; "Don't shoot any mors; tunc" Phaun draggsd hlmsslf

two miles away, with his bya bullet, another huUet

bstow hie shouldtr blade and a wooad to his chest, doetor St the hospital was afraid

and put out the report that I m the operating table,", said

tty coat on the way to dtr and the next 8unday. when Joeai made a ipeech to the

• axhlbtted It and tgld It wae . to ealt her. The miner# hung dtece and than cut It up Into

to wear on their ecati i s ." He testified he bad not ^!ttBaa(t]»Utin himself.

i MAN’S kxm TO SEE F im iG H T

TOMIC. Bept. 4.~Clad In male a . young woman, who said ehi

'Itisa Ifargaret O'Cimnor, eighteen . Of 4H West )!0th strsst, this

ttanese of "Jack" Britton, bt pugilist, was arrested taet

trying to gain admlssloa to Wak to wltnese the Moran-

ht.r wemaa wore a rein eoal and right colors, but curly locks

from bsnsath tho o to Bis- r gix. 'Dstsotlre Iloae, of In-

staff, lad ths girl away, ggrralgasd before Magistrate

le Woman's Night Court after Uetenlng to a leer • n t

COALIt’s Time to Give I t Some Thoui^t Consult Us Before the Advance

OUR PRESENT PRICESBelt Q wllty Lehigh No. 2 Nut..................................« .75 per tonBert Qurtlty Lehigh Em and Stove.................... i . . per tonBert Qurtity Ldiigh Chwtnut.................................. per ton

Ever Tried Trimmer’s Mixture?Stove and Chestnut equally mixed with No. 2 Nut, $5.60 per ton

This Coal Wm Suit-G ive Ua a Trial Order All Coal Carefully Screened—Satisfaction Guaranteed

. S. TRIMMER & CO.135 Lafayette Street

Itor. Hosas Oana, tha reoantir eltctod ptwcoator of toe Obtb abaloro eynagog ue. will assume hli dutlee toore a t tha eer- vleaa tomorrow night. The new choir of the oongregaitoa will also ha heard at this eerrlce for the first time, and Rabbi Charles I. Hofftnsn will delivsr an address of wstcoms.

Dr. Qsnn comes here from Phllsdelpble. where he spent two y ean as prsosator of

*PhOnsa M a rk e tit. V. o rriC D

I88th at. esd Harlrai R h s r •Phoat SIW Melroeo


AdralUsd to probate by Judge Mertln In the Orphan!' Court, the will of Will* lam Cowan, of H Lennox avenue, Bast Orange, wae filed In the eurrogaU's offica late yesterday afternoon. At that time Henry Cowan, a brother of the tee* tator, and W alter O.. William B, and Xverett M. Cowan, sons, qualified ae executors.

The will had been denied probate by Surrogate Shosnthal when offered last month because pa^t of the f ln t page had ‘been tom off. He certified the docu­ments fer ths action of the Orphans' Court, snd a t a hearing held Auguit yi It developed that Hr. Cowan, who died July 11, bad tom off a portion of the page before elgnlng the will and having It attested by witneseas.

To Ihs widow, Mary A. Cowan, Is tw- qusatbed a life Interest In th s Lennox, avenue proMrty and U,0n) In esMh. Those prevletona tor her benefit are mentioned In the codicil, the original will bequmth- Ing to her property a t 4»-«l Summer avenue, which was later eold by Mr. Cooran.

In addition the widow Is to receive ell the furniture In the Lennox avenue home and the intireet on twenty-three tV.OOO bonds. These consist of thirteen Pissxlc Water Company bonds, seven P ieu lo and Paterson Qas and Electric Company certificates and three bonds of the Con­solidated Traction Company of New Jersey.

The will directs ths exsoutors, s t the death of the teeutor's widow, to sell the eitate and divide the proceeds equally among the children, which Includes the eons named as c o - ^ c u to n and Estelle Cowan, a daughter. a




. WIs., 4/-4nMpbard D. unlverelty student sad lallor, liesspits] hare today with a broksn

I is not. expectsd to 11 va. m g man. who was making hit ugh ths University of Ohio, was

I a s a dsekhand. He fell through hatch OB the steamer Joseph erday.

J avtbortUss w ind his mother at 3„ aM a plater a t Wausau. WIs.

eipectsd here today. Ths in- ^youthssld:

f.'wist' trying to m skt my way through ' ‘ In Ohio to that I might hsip my

:.a>td.gtve my kid brather an edu- I am sorry they wired mother

I I didn't want her to know.”

With one of the most conipsctly er< ranged banking rooms In tha city, the new Weshlngton Trust Company opened Its doors, a t 4Tf Broad street, today. Al­though the amount of deposits wee not made public, I^ ts r B. Fox, vice-president, •aid that both tha number of depositors and the amount of the depoijte.was most graUfylttg to his associates.

Ths officers' rooms were decorated with many flowere, gifts of the well-wishers of the new bank. The quarters of the of- flcere Is finished m mabogany, and the main banking rooms in golden oak. There la a separata banking room tor women, and safe deposit boxes In ths rear of the building. One of the timovatloni li a rest room tor women depositors.

Tho directors' rooms are also In the rsar of ths building. Ths vaults are of the moat Improved type, and were con­structed by the Heeler Bafe Company. Although the front of the building Is not yet oomptoted. It Is sxpecisd that every­thing will be finished within ten days.

Fewer C N tots Thin U n il Revealed AmoBK lists of AspiTiBtf for

G tj Office.


or Firms de­posited here will earn interest while a decision is being made as to a selection of securities.

Two per cent, interest on bal- ai\cc8 o f $500 or over.

Let us keep vour household val­uables safe while you’re away.

Safe Deposit Boxes, $5.00 a year and up.

IHercliaats’ National Bank770 Broad Street* Newark

Capital and Surplus • $1,250,000• 16,000,000Resources

Jot. M. Itikw , Png. Arthur L. PbUlt|ti, Cmb.J. & Rtppd. VIcB-Pras, Wm. K. Warner, Aggt Cwh.

Wm. G Morton, Supt Safe Depoeit Dept

MeV. Mae re Oaaa,

SETS JOBS INSTEAD OF JAB. TERMInstead of a )aU sentence, as he had

feared James Conway, a tinker, from Seattle, Wash,, got two job# today In the Third Precinct Button. Travel- •ulned and weary, the tinker, with hia kit, faced Acting Judge Rooney, accused

There will be fewer contests than usual In the prlmerlel for nomination to city offices this year. The tim e for the tiling of petitions explrod a t m idnight Today the city clerk 's office wae busy preparing to print the ballots.

The Republicans wilt have conteeta In only two warda. for aldermanlo nomin­a tio n s There are no Progreeelve and no Soctallet contests.

Practically all the fighting It In the Democratic primarlea where the pro- greetive Democrats are giving the regulars a racs for the Board of Works and City Home trustee nomlnationa and to r some places In the county committee. There will be aldsrmanic contests In only four wards.

The Woodrow Wilson Leagus placed several candidates for county commit­tee In the field, but not enough to threaten thp^ control of th a t body by Jam es H. Nugent and his potftlcel asso­c ia tes Apparently the Nugent ele­ment, with a candidate In every dis­trict, wins the committee before the first blow Is struck. All the league candidates are designated as "Pro­gressives."

The list of csndldstes for the more Important ncmlnatlons tor city office In the Democratic primartes It a i follows;

Deesoeratlc.Board of Works—Patrick H. Ryan, reg­

ular; Theodcre 8. Fattlnger, progreasive; William Vincent Byrne Independent.

City Homo Trustee—John M. Lederer, regular; Charles E. 3. Thorn, progrtte- slve.-

Aldermen—First Ward. Edward J. Quig­ley, regular; Walter J. Boas, Anthony Panico. Jn-lependent; Beeond Ward, Mark P. Fhlllips, regular; Charles W. ROonsy, Independent: Third W ard,'Louis Semel, regular: Fourth Ward, Joseph F. Mc- Orudden, regular: Fifth Ward, F. Joseph Hchmels. regular; Blith Ward. Thomas J. hen, Jr., regular; Seventh Ward, John J. McOovern, regular: Eighth Ward, Richard F. Powell, regular; Ninth Ward, Charles P. Frey, regular; Tenth Ward, Thomae E. Curran, regular; Eleventh Ward, Thynus Harlan. Francis M. Fow­ler, Independents; Twelfth Ward, John F. Fltislmmons, regular; Eugene J. O'Mara, Wtlllun F, Carroll, Richard J, Durkin, William J. Klnmiernun, Inde­pendents; Thirteenth Ward, Charles Q. Hahn, regular; Fourteenth Ward, John False, regular; Fifteenth Ward, Htchaet Fagan, regular; Sixteenth Ward, John H. JudgA, regular.

R epablieu.The Kepubllcen primary nomlnatlone

are:hoard of Worke-Doule Pfeifer; City

Home trustee,, Henry A. Ouenther. Aldermen—First Weld, Thomas B. Bar­

ths Congregation Ohel Jacob, where he trained a choir and established a targe cblldren’e chorus.

Dr. Oann wae born In Ktevin, Russia, In U77, and after hts early schooling studied music a t the conservatory In Vienna. After acting as precentor- In Russia he came to this country six yesrs •go and wan connected with several New York lynagogues before going to Philadel­phia. He has a robust baritone voice.

The members of the new choir th a t will be heard tomorrow night are; Hiss Esthsr Wilnstein, soprano; Mias Hilda Brslnoa, oontratto; Harry Wtrklleh. tenor, and Harry Brodsky, baritone.

At the eevlce Saturday morning Rabbi Hoffman will speak on "Organised Re­ligion,'' end Sunday morning the Obeb Shalom Hebrew School will open for tha fall and winter nsalons.



Poblic W dfire RepreKotative Tells Conncil F iiu c e Cemottee Heiltli

Board V u ts to Speid Hoiiev.



Charie that They Wronflally With­held Money Dne Estate Compli­

cates Copper Co. Mnddle.


A new turn wae given to long standing IKIgetlon Involving the United Copper Company, when Morton Lexow, ■on of the late Senator Clarence Lexow, yesterday filed affidavits in the United Slates D istrict Court for the Southern District of New York, charg­ing Qeorge M. McKellar and T. Tllcston Wells with depriving the Lexow estate of money du4 the Senator a t the time of his death. McKellar and W elle were Senator Lexow's lew pannere.

The affidavit m «ntld l|^1ao the name of Maurice Delches, canOfai

by Ihieolel Officer McCarthy of riding on j nett; Becynd Ward, Louie B. Schmerber, the Pennsylvania cara without the eani- John D. MuQuede.



I TORN, Sept. 4.-WlUlam Aiexan- an Inepector at the Immlgretton

a t EUla Island, was called before isomnilsMon appoltited by the D^-

‘ ' a t of Commerce yestortey.and ad- tb a t be had wlthtield evidence

1 to the feeding of Immlgrente, .JM ilng that It Ire told the truth he


tlon of tha rallroed’e offidali."Don't lend me to jail, judge." pleaded

the traveler. ‘T in a good umbrella- mender and PU shake tha duet of this town off my feet right ewey If you let me go," ^

Remembering weather protectsre that needed attention, both Patrolmen Brex- and Court Officer Van Houten became Interealed, When the court granted the prisoner's requeat the guardians of the peaoe slipped outelde. intercepted the mender and put him to work.

Half an hour later Conway depsurtod fifty oents richer. Ha aald he was going to New York,

Fmitd lose his place, r Alexander h ^ been employed many

,'k ta ara a t the dlsoharglng point for Imrol- vr^Aliahta. but on Tuesday he failed to tor-

reborate Alfred W. McCann, a reporter 9 e r an afternoon newspaper, who asslat-

l .th e representatives of the Bureau of ' llcipat Research in Investigating the

aupplled to Immlgrents.



Continuing the series of municipal band concerts being held In tho local parks, there will be a concert tonight In West Bide Park. Vosa's F irst Regiment Band, conducted by Andrew Voee, will Play. The program Is ae tollowe:

"Star Bpangled Banner;’, march. ‘"Thun­der and Biases," Ireurendeau; overture, "Jolly Robbere," Suppe; <al ''Humor­esque," Dvorak; (b) Interniexso, "Caval-

• MANCHBBTBR, England. Sept, 4.-A .great bonded warehouse belonging to the Uaartiester Ship Canal Company, situated

‘bn Ure banks of the River Irwell, was di l t r ored by fire last night. The dsmage to.MtImatod at tl,lS0,<KKl. The warehouse 'm ta ln e d all kinds of inflammable stores, 'largaty bales of cotton., The (ire spread and proved to be the Jdggsil that Mancheeter has suffered InviMiy wMn.I .Tb« ptop«rty dMtroy«d Indud** 1*000

of Cetton and 2.00S cases of print 'ggeds. The flames shot up In the air -to j4 height «t neariy l.WO feet.

erl’a Rustlcanla." Mascagni; eelecUon, Abroad," Fulton: mtroduc-


/ tWASHINOTON. Sept 4,—Chile may f geeltne to partlolpata in tha Panama- ' rpAcIflo Expoaltlon, according to a re ­

port to the State Departm ent today .A m i Henry P. Fletcher. American

, J u a ta te r In Santiago, who says the Chilean Congreee has adjourned wlth-

. w t appropriating the 1400,000 asked dbp the autborlttee for a Chilean ex- - W hit

Ur. Fletcher Indicated, however, th a t when the Congress reconvenes la te next' month It m ight appropriate.

An Am erican------ .tlon end bridal chorue from "Lohen­grin," Wagner; reiectton, "Alma, Where Do You Llvel" Briquet; sextet to rn "Lucia," Donliettl; Southern medley. "The Sunny South," Lampe; finale, "A Slippery Place.” Hockel; "Columbia, the Qem of the Ocean."


James P. Hall; 'X'hlnl Ward, JoMsph B. Bteldt Joseph Hlrsch; Fourth Ward, Louis R. Corbett; Fifth Ward, John Manfred; Sixth Ward, John P. Laodgraf; Seventh Ward, Benjamin D, Lasher; Eighth Ward, John M, Irents; Ninth Ward. Wllllem F. Haas; Eleventh Ward. C. Clifford Brangs, Twelfth Ward Thomae Loeffler; Thirteenth Ward, Mau­rice H. Welsh: Fourteenth Ward, Fred­erick U. Ross; Fifteenth Ward, Karl .lullue Koeiter; Sixteenth Ward, Charlee W. Utllefleld.

LANSINO, Mich., Bept. 4.-A t a con­ference with Qovernor Ferris here yea- terday, Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, and Ctannoe S. Darrow, of Chicago, one of the miners legal advisers, submitted to the Qovernor. In writing, a list of pro- posltloas looUng toward a setuemenj of the etrlke In the copper country.

Mr. Darrow suggestod Uiat the chief executive tender the propositions to the mining operators, Qovernor Ferris de­clined, He Informed ths m tnen repre­sentatives th a t recently he submitted practlcsUy the same proposltloas to the eperators and they were rejected.

Progneelvee,The nominations of the Frogreaelves,

all unopposed are;Board of Works—Frank B. Davenport;

City Home trustee, Antonio Fetrone.Aldermen—First Ward, William H.

Roberta; Second Ward, Charles F. Joel; Third Ward, Edgar B. Heines; Fourth Ward, WlUiam U Jones; F irth Ward, Howard Thomae; Sixth Ward, Samuel P. Bteln: Eighth Ward, Daniel Hopper; Ninth Ward, Charles H, Walker; Tenth Ward, John F. Young; Eleventh Ward, Theodora ,Gottlieb; Thirteenth Ward, Charles Q. Meyer; Fourteenth Ward, Joseph Tennenbaumi Sixteenth Ward. William S. Andrea.

Seelellsts.The Socialists have fllsd nominating

petitions tor these candidates:Board of Works-John T. W herett; City

Home truatee, Henry Qreen.Aldermen—Third Ward. Maurice Rosen-

kranx; Fifth Ward. Alfred Croea: BIxtn Ward, Simon W. Gordon; Eighth Ward, Charles Delta; Ninth Ward. Albert Kllng- elberger; Tenth Ward, Louis Kaiser; Twelfth Ward. Oeorg Herpich. Thir­teenth Ward, George C. Dlttes; Four­teenth Ward, Morris Klein; StxtsenUi ward. J. L. CarL

i S « YORK TO BE YtSTTED # W m C E O T C lL I H m S

HAGUE. Bept. 4.—The Inler- •ili'.AMltoHMtttAry Council today unani*

' dyAOoepted Richard Bartholdt'a In- ibB on behalf of the city of New

. .^t asking the members of the council {^■tmtlK gnosta o f-that city during Its

'•g a in America In ttU .Mlutlonk also were adopted Invtt-

irytlto next peace conference e t the to provide JOT Ib f closing of money m irke ts to belllgerenta

filja (evor of a un iversal. two-cent

AT ONE FOSS PLANT ENDS. A pt, 4,.—The strike of em-

. UtuTtevent Btowsir Works ‘ by Governor X. : Mgdit bp the ae-

~l Jerm a offeredof tho werki.


CaminetU took the stand today to try to convince the Jury, th a t he had not violated the Mann act, as the govern­ment chargea in tak in g Lola Norris, In company w ith Maury I. Diggs and Marsha W arrlngtog, from Sacramento to Reno- Hai assetted th a t the trip was not made for Immoral purposes

"1 had to get ou t o f Sacramento," Camtnettl declared, as Diggs had said, and his a ttorneys tried In every poe- ■Ible way to impress upon the jury that the only purpose CaminetU had In mind was to escape the scandal all four participants believed was about to break ovar them.


. .the sitrlke a t I'.WorjM, also

wlB ooB- nta have

I en

NEW YORK, Sept. l.-'W hat Is believed to be e worid'e record for women paeaen- ger carrying in an aeroplane was estab­lished by Ruth Law, sister of Aeronaut Rodman tavr, from the aviation field at Garden City, Long Island, yeeterday.

Miss Law made a ten-mlai)to flight to a biplane carrying H itt Pearl McGrath and Mrs. Rtohaid S. Sinclair, the former ■sated on the tower wing of the machine. Mrs. Shsetoir waa formerly Mise Helen Marts, of BelUmort. A maximum alti­tude of about SKI tset waa reached during the flight


ate for regis­ter of New York County on the Turn- many ticket.

Application for the appointment of a re­ceiver for the United Copper Company, and for a restraining order to prevent the foreclosure of u R.OOO.IIOO mortgage on United Copper Company prepertleu held hy thtt United Copper Syndicate was made before the Court of Chancery In Trenton Jhly M, 1M2, by William A. Payne, of Boeton, and Thomae H. Ball, of Philadel­phia, stockbolderi of the United com- pany,

The oomplalnants charged miamanage- menl of the affairs of the company, and that the United Copper Syndicate was organised by Helnse and Sis fellow-dire''- tors of the United Copper Company, and that the syndicate snd the company were being operated In a la itn e r prejudicial to the Interests of Untied Coppsr Company atockholdcra.

A rule to show cause granted by Vice- Chancellor Emery waa continued from time to time. In Auguit, 1412, Chancellor Walker signed orders admitting McKellar Delches and John J. Hogan as parties complainant. Subsequently Mrs. Catherine Lexow, widow of Senator Lexow, wan given leave to Intervene, and through Harry Lane, of Jersey City, was made a party complainant.

The order to show cause why a re­ceiver should not be appointed continued tor a period of seven months. On Feb­ruary 10 Mr. Lane forced a hearing on it before 'Vlce-Chucellor Howell In Jersey City, but a w ee i^ delay was granted on the plea by counsel tor defendants that they desired time to obtain certain affi­davits. ‘When the m atter came up again a week later In Newark, it transpired that Delches. although a party complain­ant to the suit, had on February lo. through McKellar A Wells, caused re­ceivers to be appointed in the United States District Court In New York, coun­sel tor the defendants consenting, and that the interests back of tho Now York move had supplemented their action by obtaining from Judge Retlstab an order enjoining the further prosecution of the receivership proceedings In New Jersey.

The affidavit filed by Morton Lexow, yesterday. Intimates th a t tho switch­ing of ths reoslvorebip su it from the New Jeraey Chaaoery Court to the Fed­eral Court to New York wae brought about In pursuance of a acheme to pre­vent Mrs. Lexow and other stockholders of the United Copper Company from re­covering a substantial amount on their holdings through the aid Of the New Jersey Court of Chancery.

An application by Mr. Lane to have the litigation returned to the New Je r­sey Court of Chancery was denied by United States D istrict Court M artin to July, and Mr. Lane has Since taken a-n appeal to the 'United Btates Circuit Court of Appeals.

That th en has developed a bit of fric­tion between the Public Welfare Com­mittee end the Board of Health was dis­closed lest night, when Edwprd Blau, as spokesman tor the committee, Inform­ed the Common Council finance com­mittee that the Health Boatd desired to have some say ae to expenditures In­curred by the child hygiene department.

When the f ln e n ^ board apportioned approprietlons among the verlous mu­nicipal departments It added M,0M to the Health Board's budget, to be used to the protecullon of the work of the child hygiene depertmerit under the control of the Public Welfare Committee.

When a batch of bills was presented by the child hygiene department nt a recent mgetlng of the board, Mr. Blau Informed the finance committee several members, among tbsra Dr. Meeker end Dr. Cor­win. protested t h i t if they bad to ap­prove the bllle they wanted a hand to the management of the department.

The finance committee adopted a mo­tion offered by Alderman Hopping that the t(.C00 appropriation be withdrawn from the Board of Health and that the finance committee Itaelf should order payment of the blUi In dispute, but this was later rescinded a t the suggeetlon of City Counsel Nugent, and a substitute motion was passed, referring the matter to Mr. Nugent and Auditor Rowa

A letter from Algernon T. Sweeney, president of the Flay Ground Commle- tlon, asking for an additional appropria­tion of to kesp the public baths open to the winter, was ordered filed without e word of commmit.

A written request by J. Leonard Meson, secretary of the same commission, tor an appropriation of t!,S0l) tor play ground fixtures, was granted upon the recom­mendation of Hf, Nugent, who said the money was available.

An approprtotion of m was granted to Gai Inepector Frandsco Ellsworth; one of )200 to Smoke Inspector Maloney, and ode of 450 to Electrical Inspector Gaff­ney, all three appropriations being made to defray the ooata of attending conven­tions. A requert for an appropriation of tm with which to purchase a six-oand life boat for the u»e of a volunteer llte- aavlngs Corps Matloned down tbe bay was referred to the law department.

The committee passed a reaolutloB di­recting the examination by Price, Water- house A Co. of tho accounts of tbe comp­troller's department.

Brotherly and etoterly leneroelty ax- erclaed by members of the family of Will­iam D. Zellman, formerly president of the defunot Bdleoala Company, were not well rewetded, according to Joseph B. Zellman, a brolhar, who conducts a mualc store and conservatory a t SM and M Lenox avenuar New York, to testimony today to Bankruptcy Court.

Reteres Edwin O. Adams signed an or­der to show cause why Joseph Zellman should nut be certified In contempt of court tor having collected Inatalments on the piano leaiea and for having eetied certain planoe from cuatomers, contrary to a reitralniug order obtained by Frank W. Long, trustee, last July.

The order was Issued after It wae die- covered that a large number of dupli­cate teaeea are to exletenoe, the lease-

oUers being restraiued, pending a deter- iloatlon ae to the rightful ownership. In

obtaining the contempt order Mr. Long said Zellman dteobeyed the court order.

Joseph Zellman and hto aletor, Mrs. Samuel KodSwefcy, an officer of the New York Plano Company, of WaUtbury, Conn., would like to get back abont NO.OM worth of piano contiacta or leaeea that were lent to the Edlsbnla Company, be­fore Its failure, to be used as security for loans.

When the leases were obtained by the Edlaonla Company they w en assigned to numerous banklug-houeea and loaning oorapanlee as collateral. Zetlman, of New York, was to receive one-halt of what­ever loans were made, and tha Edtsonii Company tbe other halt. Tbe loans w en for six montha. and a t the end of that time the two Zellmans were to pay up and get tbe leaaes back.

Out of about too leasee Joseph Zellman declared only about sixty were returned to him. Ha eald he received loans amounting to about* tU.0H), of which be paid back M.OOp to the BkUsonla Company. The latter company was to repsy the amount It received cn the loans, but when the company tailed tbs money was not forthcoming and the leases wsre never returned;

Joseph Zellman declared that leases of the New York Plano Company Were also turllhd over to the Edtionla Company.

Charles P. Duffy, a form tr lattdt cantor and a t present an Inspector In the i ts to labor departmanL or (^ ran o e H. Baxter, a newspaper editor, rosy be the Interatt revenue collector for this district, aoeoid- Ing to the belief in political circles In this city. Both men sre Paterson rssi* dents. I t Is said that United 8tstes*8sn* ator Hughss, upon whom will rest the eelectlon of tbe roan for recommenda­tion, has made up ble mind to name mm of these two. To both there Is a poUtlcai debt owing—to Duffy for material aid given by hie brother In the Hughes Ben- atorial campaign, a ^ to Baxter for yeo­man service In uie same cause.

Hughes has malnlalned a sphinx-like at­titude 1 1 to the Identity of hie candidate since Bernard M. Gannon, of Perth Am­boy, announced that he would not acceiR the coltoctorehlp, tor which President Wil­son had nomlMled him. Even Us In­timates profess not to know whom the junior Senator has to mind tor th;s job.

From reliable sources It was learned, however, tbst the names of Duffy and Baxter were being mentioned in connec­tion with the Job, end that the odds seemed to favor the latter. I t waa isld that abould Duffy land the berth It would be In the nature of salve to a wound thui waa mnicted over the postmaitershlp of Paterson, fer which Duffy was ih •spirant

The postmastersUp went to Jamei P, McNair, a neighbor of Hughes, snd the original "right bower" of the genatot', having been Identified with the lattor'a Interests atnee be first entered tbd poliut cat arena. Duffy was very active In Uto efforts to land the place, and there wga tome feeling. It to said, when he learned that he had been turned down.

Friends of BaxUr regard hie chatKS^ of appointment above those of Duffy, who et present holds a t2.SOO a year jop.They cite the Intimacy that has always

. 'Ths



The police have been unable to serve a summons for the appearance to court of Jeleomino Del Fera, of Idt Cutler street, to explain what he knows of two (ires that occurred last week at the home of his mother-to-law. Mrs. Angelo Frima- mcre, a t "J. Cutler atioet.

Mrs. Friknaraore told Judge Herr and Fireman Thomae Fegen. of tbe bureau of combustibles, th a t she had ssen her son- in-law aet the porch of her house afire the last time, and she suspected that he had caueed the first blase.Fagen made an Investigation with the

result that a summous for Prlmamore's appearance waa issued. Officers have been stationed a t hia home since yester­day afternoon, but he hei not appeared and ' nelghborq declare that he and h|e wife have left the city. This morning a warrant waa lesued tor hie arrest.

The Joseph Beasler AaSootaUon, about UP strong, left a t 10 o’cloek this morning, on the steamer tsabet, en Ita nineteenth annaal outing, to Wltael’a Point Viow Grow*, Long Island. With tha contin­gent went Mayor HausiUng, Sheriff Mon­ahan and a number of city offldala.

Forming a t haadquarten, t s Ferry street the memkert, headed by a braaa bead and a platoon of mounted police, marched up Ferry street and swung Into Railroad place to Comnwrolal wharf. There they were met by .another sec­tion. The Isabel steamed down the Pat' sate, amid M asts'from the whistle and martial atrslna.

Residents .of the Ironbound DIatrict thronged Ferry street as the procession, with, emblems fluttering to the breexe, passed to review. Older members put their beat fdot torvmrd aa briskly as any of theliwyounger aaaodatei.

At the grove athletic gamee, ooneist, Ing of races, fegta of strength and base- bfill will be Indulged In. Return will be made about 14 o'clock tonight.

The comndttoe of arrangements Includ' ed Charles D. Keer, chairman; Adolph Heneler, Joieph Harbnrger, Henry Egner, A. C. Goodrich, Edward ■Warner, Fred­erick Haas, Harry Wolf, George Raben- stein, Robert B. Smith, JoMph Sell and John Cahill.

existed between Hughes and Baxter, latter, they say, was frequently consult­ed by the Benetor In matters poiitti^ and that there Is a friendship between the men that has made them almost Ineeparabla.

Information concerning the collector- ship leems to have been developing eVer since Congreesman KInkead sent a ‘tele­gram to the Woodrow Wilson Demoorgtjc League to this d ty warning tbe leaders that the [dace would piobehly go to a man outside the county It the leegasts did not igree upon one man. The maa- sage wasXaent, apparently, to Ignorance of ths fact that the league had formally Indorsed John V. Dlefenthaier Hi the face of oppoiltlim by supporters of Joeeph A. Connolly, of Belleville, who It Klnkead's choice for the Job.

Hr. Ktokead'a telegram created tka Im­pression that should the appointment go to eny man outalde of Essex County It would be beoauee of dltfeceacei exlattag In the Wilton league. To offset this, it Is understood the league aLa recent meet­ing named a committee oonsiitlng of John. D Annitage, the cbslrman. and Edmond A. Whittier, to consult with flanator Hughea about the collectorsfaip.

The committee. It is said, waa laalructed to try and ascertain from Hughes whether he had a candidate to r tha place. At the lame Ume the commltteomeit were to ask tbe Senator if to any event ha would back either Dtotenthaler or Con- nolty, provided tho other man waa re­moved from the race. I t waa tha aengp of the leegue meeting. It to eald, that should Hughes commit himself to Mther man, anangemenU would ta made whereby the other man would withdraw.■oea.3 Ikmtt laA* WOlt ffiniWltlllTThe oommltte* has not yot coaneoted with the Senator.



F n c tn rea Sboalder ta FalLWhile croeslng In front of 184 Market

street yesterday atteinoon, Mrs.- Mar­garet Gregory, eixty-four years old, of UI North Nineteenth street, East Orange, fell and susUlned a .fracture of, the left shoulder. She wae taken to the City Hos­pital.

/ in the clothing- of the body of a roan recovered In the North River In New York yesterday was a Igbel marked "270 Market street, Newark, N, J." At the

, store ,lt was said the sate of such a suit coiild not be Irecalled.

The man was about forty years old. about five feet nine Inelief In height end reddish hair and mustache. BU Clothes w en dark end he had a black and white Striped ihlrt. tan sacks, oxford ties and S sliver watch with a picture of a loco­motive on th*' casq.

Coovlctod on toetlmony wbkih Miowed that ha waa merely accommodating a customer. Louis Bdrver, a greoer, o f i* Forty streot was ordered to pay a fine of tu to the Firm Precinct Court this morn­ing hy Judge Hahn, for violating Section 4 of the milk ordinance. I t was barged that Server sold milk wltbont h a v tt t a license to do so.

At Server's trial, two weeks age, « wag testified that board of taalth-tom ottore ■eat a youth to Borvar’s place for-a pint of milk. Server’s license to sell milk M previously been revoked by the- hoard, bat the lospecton euspeotad that the gro­cer wes still eervlng cuatoroers. The mes­senger of the Inspector was waited upon hy Berver'a enn, who want to a neighbor­ing store for the nrilk.

The city contended a t the trial, that Server violated the ordinance In dsHvertog the milk and accepting payment for It to hli etore. J ,

Judge Hahn upheld this contention in his dscislon today. He said the ordinance provides that no person “shsll sell or do- llver for sals or have to his possssstontor delivery or ssle, milk without f lg thaving obtained a Ucenee to do to.’ sold the ordinance baa to bo Intorprelod itrlcUy ta order to' anforce the aale of clean milk, and he would therefore hold that Server violated the ordinance by do- llvsring the milk to the cuetomtr to his store, ,

Server stated that a t no time elnee hie license was revoked did be have- milk for ■ale or delivery to hia store. Me added that he made It a practice to e c c o m ^ date his customerq^ by purchasing pm milk for them In* neighboring stoni4. £U u A. Kanter, counsel for Server, took an excaption to the court’s niling.

Jacob Hulsmann, errested Monday after he had robbed tho homo of tho Hloses Kidd, a t UT South Tenth street, has boon removed from police headquartere to the Fourth Precinct Station, where tomorrow morning ha will have to face two or pos­sibly more charges of bnaktog, entering and stealing. He Is already under com­mitment In default of U,KI4 ball for the Kidd robbery.

Tbe prisoner has admitted robbtog .Uie home of W. H. Sharringhausen. a t M4 Fourteenth avenue, Monday. This iiiomlBg he confessed to Captain Vogel and Patrol, man Kaaa that he robbed a house in Nineteenth street. Captain Vogel decided to hold Holmian without arralgproent until tomorrow morning so that he might be dueitloned further ae to his knowledge of other recent robberies.


BQRGUR LEAVES AS FAMILT YEUS'When Ssrauet Feldman, of 184 Spruce

street, awakened about t o’clock this morning he saw a man walking arounf ble bedroom. While Feldman and hts family yelled lustily for help the stranger calmly departed tv the way of a win­dow overlooking« porch, taking with him 4194 that he had extracted from the trousers pocket of the householder.

Sergeant Grad and several patrolmen heard the uproax, but were unable to locate the thief. Feldman Uvea on the fourth floor. The thief got In by the same way he escaped.

RegIstraUon of pupils In schools b ^ D this morning and will tlnue until tomorrow night. Indlcatlona point to an increase In the 'enrolment over that ol last year of J,440. This Inoreaaa, It to eUted by toa eehool authorities, to In excess of the normal grpwth usually.

Although evary effort baa bean exertad by the schocl authorities to make pro­vision (or all. It to. expected th a t sixty- four hstf-day olassss will have to be organised m xt Monday when the fall semester begins. This number will, how­ever, be reduced within the next two months, by which Ume addlttone now being constructed e t several of the schools wm be compMted.

As now errsnged, half-daf: classes will he conducted a t the Fifteenth AVeOue Ann Street, Franklin, Hawthorne Avenue, Lateyetls Btreefc Madtoon. Montgomery Newton Btnet, Hortit Seventh Street, West Side and Ablhgtdn Avenue schools.



Itesv. liMi t s n F i n Cseis SSRtlg .NSW LONDON, Cann., Bept. 4.-Taren-

ty-Ava flHSMn ware overcome by maolu WMto e *>>** lltot did IMkOWdtSM B sw tha Wogtwoith five sad ton

and a d M I i^ building last ■f the ftoWMa la to a smtpua

The police w K i asked last u|ght to look for George F. Devldeon, ceventeen yesna old, who left h li hooM a t 11 Barap- ton etreet, to go to work Tlieaday and has not retunwd. Mrs. Florenes tev ld - son, hto mother, reported hie ebstnee and said he went a'way with Edward John­son and a man named CUtferd.

Davtdson ’to' about flya :(bst, sevro), inchee In . height sad -wetgtir about W pounds, He mdig a gyeto sg H jn d

Found to Brooms s t r e e t , With about twenty pounds of lead pipe In hto pot- seselon. John Lyons, fourteen years old. of 41 Newark street, was a irested to­day by Detectives H orter and Tenora The boy said he found the metal, but waa unable to tell where. He was sent

: to the House of Dstentlon.Thieves entered the home o f Herbert

T. Hartley at 114 Booth-Orangw avenuA las t night, end stole Jewelry valued a t H4, The theft was no t dlsoovered until tb it morning.

Aatos CelUde end One D river Fined.A motor delivery ear of the New York

Tetegrem was wreoked thte m orning ^Central avenue and Look street, when collided with a m otor truck of the A.M. Reilly Box M anufaeturlng Comaany, i t .Wllltoro stresiL, The truck, to. sistogsof Ralph Smith-.4^ was running tMgt aa.<

-------- . I '


Has Grape-Nuts as its foundation.

Ideal these hot dAys because Grape-Nuts food requires no cooking, and is at the same time a perfectly balanced food.

Try a hot weather breakfast of

Fre«^^it,^GntMsNatg and cream,A soft-boiled egg or two,Slice or odim toast,Cap of Instant Postiun in place of coffee.

Such a meal starts the (lay right,, keeps the blood cool and the body and brain well nourished.

Compare the cool, contented Qrape-Nuts-fed man or woman with y o u r meat-fed neighbor who is sweltering And miserable.

Gnipc-Nuts is fully cooked at the factory-ready to se?ve from the package. The cooking Is done on scientific principles, so that the starch of the grain is transformed and ready for quick digestion.

* 'T h « rd 's a R««»pn*’ fo r

T H R E A D‘fim R i Fanj I

Bahiiirlwiue IfrtnGirll


•ttw A lo o t la m c n l i

.'.JWttv "'r.:, r - -u i

ggfsttl ftreCes • / tks I .BOBOkBN. sept,

wm today «f tha su[ Baboapa. who was 1 la a baanUng houw iDdtoato th a t be we tuny , liMUad of haaftar. aa was t in t ' gotoaiie wae tout aaoo a f te r tbe retur eh i to Adele Sohli Sad Introduced w t e lan d ahe never August IL when bo eml oablii of the lU aaya she never ta t fa r ns.0« i the tosi Mead' to have caui Y w girl also deotoi aMHtor from'her.

Mtoa 'Schtmmel si trvm the steamship Imo Mission, a t 4 8 ■ehoepe told her. a ^ aavlng bs a toka her away aw 4J4, the girl said, th a n twp days. i W waa a relaUvt i ^ glri to an aunl . Beboape WM api

waUrio-do, Dus d: hgva gone to New te r of oradlL He < aaoordlng to Miss ttm ataned to comi had ktot the mon<

B a to n tbe suppoi e n d tt. Bchoepo. It « r« n Miee Bchlmi It to. go to Ban ■ttd, there wes i Um. He latd thi with the boarding axpenme while ht would n tu rn and to her itory. she to tha mission.

About * o'clock gelhmmal went oi a cgy. was heard tha bcardlng-houi She found Schoei bad. She called died a few min Jamdanum poison a a u n of the dost

The police found hatUaa of laudan atoe and a pblal o a a laheto on an: a ra l totters end m ao ware also t

, Jftos Schlmmel,four y e an old. : Wltheea. Behoepe about forty-three WtU he held by C Xing today.


jjMbtol'Sorelre of BHD b a n k , i

Wdma With ber ; •iMDdihg a. moS 5to In agttobt, flight. ^ttttre old, of ^ {•■kadr and bru u n fa .

left side (tam -her temple Ik w critical coi

recover, ijamae Oeoeee,

to have pa aangfat by the : Blrl’a mother, t flwnt•waa'ndt old oneisn .- Bonool*' ■ bould net hav< pould,. . .

t o : NOT H ‘ OF BIDS

i ta / f Oo.iTWitodi TStENTOH, *

^ v e r to n t use foy.“ app|lcaUo: News yesterdaj ■gay against tb Mon o f th e , P Newark' Bay tc ttOtonded by Vi a aa t. Tuesday,

.The fa rt to nareiy 'Peftl’e '' ran Dixon (or j e ndiBg an aptS k a t appllnatla ggy, Ih th rm ieg the court i MdJT'W

I s l a m' Ij -r*!*. PU

l i l k abont V tom pt to havi —nm eat oha:

m and pet vgoon be

4 t ' t o 'kno' IhUglfteaemen i4 d 'have 0 Skmes to he new offlnei,


Taggart ie a th ol, ^ t h of ja s avenue, who & t y Hoepita

received fun down' b Utoa Mildred iBecauee:'hl WeeeeU hka topflr. Or. T lag hto duty tlona that n|goeeoutor'a

' jgGlBEY C •ta tee Mars Faro Food M t to Kor io iA a t corpounds of f•• —"Wtttt-eaton The flo

N / '

xnw flour 17 .la cM«algned halrer*. Tbs

« n«t*iCAP® »

Bamuei Le^ pyletor of pleaded gu

'flelllng .Ito'd iersfard cicu to r of eon laat gttflday thi Bldredgo fined him gallon and other.

iyrTTir «I's- .-:->i "T’ ; ’■ , ■>.

? /v :f

] 0 :W B » T H 0 B 8 D A Y , S E P T E M B E R i 1 9 1 3 .




tin t rtnv t tn

im m s :.^MERE ADVENTURER€ m h i Fooid Dead m Hoiiolni

Bairiic4H m se Borrowed Moiey fren GiH C o m p m .


m m n m B0NC8AR6E0F


t f « M AfvM of a* MW*.H O B O U N , B tpt 4.-ITWIW t# *»

------------ „ w... ™ Of io iu i ' I outoowWa • • <*•*•«i«rf Cermpoe*"*-

TRBNTQN, t«pit l.-.ArrNt«d «poO

Hi., w«t w ld b« ta C bkriu T odw . aippod W tbo poTonnat »iul « l b««*«a th« ■nbcbitM

H«f and * uoilpy poi*. HI* ••• arupJad w»* kttd bo iuotolnod Injurioo from wWcb, 11

‘ la tboudht. b« will <t»o. Tho drfvoT c< ^

of a manulaoturar, of Molino, tlBod tUOQ by J “*«a Boltawb In umtod iu io a Dlitrtct wild, ll*ry UUli. klio i f MoUn*,flDttd M i fo r t h i M in t o f f tn M „ ■»'*

Crtmlnal informailon aiam** ***• , ^ , cmi w iu Chofloa Ooyono. woman wm p ra iam rt toby AaataUat umtod B ta ta a J ^ tr i« A R « Manbwttan

fMotai tm * m t l u . M V*..HOBOkKM, flapt. iT-m rtbor iDvaatlca-

UdM today of tha luppoaad aulclda at iaboejia. Wbo waa found dtad laat n lfb t la a bw nU na houaa a t iM Blvar atiaat, iDdloata th a t ba waa a ‘pannllaao advao- tufar, Inaiaad of a wealthy Ooriaao baafear. aa waa t in t thoucht.

$ a b b ^ waa found dead In tila room aaoo a tta r the racuro of a itrl, wbo aaya tha la Adala Sohlmnal, whom flohoapa ta d lotroduoad aa hli wife. Tba firl da- aUrad aba navar aaw tba man until JkUfuat Ih wban both arrivad In tha aao* awl cabin of tba ttaamihlp Pratorla. Bba aaya aha naaar aaw the lettar of cradit t a r W.O0(t tha loaa of which ataa aty-

to iMtVt CiUHd SchOtSM't i^lCldta • S a i l r l alao declared the man borrowed MQiiitT ffOnvbtr*lUaa'Scbimmel eald that a ttar landlnf from tha ftaunablp, aba waa taken to ^ ta o Ulaalon, a t » State atraat. New York, Sataapa told bar, ba would coma th an and* aaytnd ba waa a ralatlva would taka t a r away and marry bar. Thla ha did. tba Bill aaW, after ihe bad ^ n t)M*a tarp dayi. telUnf the aulhorttWa t a waa a ralatlva and waa lo ln t to taka ^ Blrt to an a u n i l t t W a^. Seboapa waa apparantly educatad and

aMU’> to ^ . One day Bchoapa la aald to bava anna to New York to draw on a lat- ta r of oiadlt. Ha came home deapondan^ aaoordinc to Mlaa schlmmal'i itory, and ep..antanwt to commit aulclda, bacauaa ba had loat the money. . „ ,

Bafoaa tha euppoeed loaa of the letter <« Ofadtt.' Bchoapa, it le eald. borrowed tW frodt Mlaa Bchlnunel, aaylna he needM

to go to Ban PrapdBco, where, ba d . ’there waa a fortune wmilng for

hhn. Ha aald that he would leave JUS with the boarding mlilreae to cover her Mpanaea while he wae eway. and later •o id d return and marry her. According

her Itory. ah* threatened to return


r,*y Cbarlaa r . Lynch. Bolhand Klea LllUe were on babdjahd a t m mentarad plaaa of non vult. Tl)a aaalaUntdlatrlct attorney movedtmpoiad tmmadlitaly, and thle waa ^ourrad in by J. P. Cotton and Henry Clan.nift, counttl for d iftM in ti.

The artlclea which Mri- Valla waa ac. ouaad of amugfUng Into ‘J* eluded a pearl necklace, a *»1* ^,1??chain, a ring, gowna. M ihlrty-MVM dolUM koA two UbU o w w The finaa were paid Immadibtaly and tha woman ware ralaaaad._________


HACKENSACK, Bapt. d.-Hanry * . Moore, the wealthy Pbtladalphla alimony dodger, died In tha Hackenaack Hoaplta lata laat night. Ha waa under Hft«* ptndlng hla wlfa'a ault to raoovar »«,«I0 U ck alimony.

VlM^CbanMllM Btavana had appointed a commlaalon to Inquire Into Moora'a aanity Baptambar » . Death la thought to have taan dup to acuta Bright'a dlaaaaa and pareala.

Hoora had auceaadad for orar tan yaara la defying the oourU by dodidng P * k ^ “ on alimony awarded to hla wlfa, Oartruo# L. Moore, In l« l by a phlladalphia J u ^ . who granted her a bill of aaparatlon. Tha alimony waa fixed a t tW .n a month.


--------- Ha waa held thla m o ^ n gby Raoordar McOovera witho;^ oharge of atrodoua kaaault and battary.

OoyanD. who li In the taxicab in New York, waa on hie way to H o ^ kan with hli Colima, of MS Waat Manhattan, to obuin a mairiaga l l c M . They ware going along Bute r tita t. whloh haa a wood block pavement aM ta d ]uet been watered when Toakar ateppad from tha curb.

Ooyano ataarad In tha gutter to a « « hlttlna him, but Toakar allppad the 5 iv .~ n T 7 « d fell batwaan tha

H C i t a l . " V r a ’t h a T a n - • -

“ jnlSflcoluS'^atntad whan t ta oocum d and waa attended by a phy- S d a n . She waa Uken homa In maehina. The couple did not gat their rnpiTlaga IBaania. ^


POPULAR ONIwDAY OUTINiSL « k »H o p a to o n s

$1Laeva Broad Ba BAS'. Penr Bh

M il Bm I Ptery Bt l*» a.m.

A llan tlo CHy" W J ’yS " ' •*•*0



Iparial frerrha af 1*. W*WB. 'MACKENBACK. Bapt I.—Defending , TRENTON, Bapt

lha propealtlon to build a aounty Xubar- quloala hoipltal hara Jaoob Troxlar, eounoUman of tha borough of Oak> land, haa aant a latter to the S tate Board of Health, In which ha an- .daavora to meat wllh argum ent tha objactlona that have bean made to tha uaa of tha Brower farm. In tha north-am axtramlty of tha borough, for *‘>‘® | > ® ; - r r i T k e r i for-dM »on.t«-

w ant ’ tlon purpoaaa and that aubaaquently ha

_________ 4,—Ftnea and raprl-' manda ware hakded out to tay byCommiMlonar Lippi neolt of the depart­ment of motor vehlolea who had befora him a number of alleged vlotatora of lha

1 motor vehicle lawa ■Elmer E. Holly, of Arlington, waa fined

tld.lS for m int mknutacturera’ taga on ranted cara. Mt. Holly admitted that ha

,wma famlUar wllh tha provlaloaa of the for thla , law, but atated that ha had obtained

toto th a mlaalon.

About * o'clock yaaterday evening Mlea ■dUunmel went out. When the retunied a car. waa heard and the proprl^or of the hoardlng'houee went to inveatigate. Bho found Bchoepa unconaclous on the bad. Bha called a doctor, but the M n died a few mlnutei after he Xaxdanuro potaonlng waa eald to bo the

Af til6 _Tha police found In Schoepe'e trunk two

hotUaa of laudanum, a h o tU * ^ etrych- piee and a phial of morphine Tbero wert W iS e l i on any of the totUei. ^ v gl«l le tter, and paper. wrRten In Oer n a n ware alao found In

W4«M 8cb1mm«l. who la Rbout twanty ' f O W ^ a Old, 1. being d e t a i ^ a . a arttteaTBcdioepa le thought V>About fo rty -th r« yaara old. An autopay MlU be bald by County Phy»lcian Qm p** Xl&V ___________


^ b S d t a p t T - ^ ^ t l e returningw S i ^ m ^ h o r WoUior and iletor. after

a moving-picture show, and gRamoing ^ eecllon of Monmouth

pear the railroad croaelng, last

BAYONNE, Sept f.-F lra which did damage ettlmaled a t n,«» ooourrad about 1 o'clock thla morning In three hmieaa at «, « and f! Weat Flrty-flrat atraat. Tha blaee le auppoeed to be of Incendiary origin.

Thara waa an axploalen in tha houaa at YS Waal FTfty-flrit etreet, which la vacant. Flamaa which .hot through the windowi let fire to adjoining houaea. Max C, Kunath and family, of B, and Mre, Mary A. Gee and daughtar, of ft, wore obliged to flee tor their llvaa.


SUMMIT, flept. 4.—Old deed!, eradloe u.ed during the Revolution, riUee carried la the battle of Springfield, tapeatriee dating back to a period early In tba laat century and many other IntareaUng rellci are on exhibition a t tba Free PubUc Li­brary. The hlitorlcal axblblUon will cloM A wMk from next Mondiy. AlrMdy It la attracting a great

The waa arranged by Mlaa Mabei Halnet, the librarian, and to her “ ■earch for material aha bad accea many old photographa and mapa figure In the early hlatory of Realdenta of thla city. Now

Bpertol Senrie. of •*« N*VB.MOHEUBTOWN. Sept A—The mem-

bera of the Morrla Townahip oommlt- tee, a fte r a two-hour dlaouaalon laat night, aipraaaed ae their Indlvlduri oplntona th a t they dealred to have tba Morrla Railroad to crow Normandie way and the Punch Bowl rood a t f r ^ a , provided tha company agreaa to follow tha Lackawanna Railroad to any aebama of dapraaaton.

r im e r King, aa tpobeaman f®' J“J M oitlatown Railroad Company. wlB th a i hla company had th ree weeks for a dtclalon on tba oroae- i n i queellon. I t hai tha right to oroaa by an ovarboad ateel atruoture. and he aald If ha did not have an ah****^,” would glva tha order today alevated a tructura


fpwiil Btnict af tfc# NWW$>PHILLIP8BDRO, Bapt 4.—Mlaa C « h -

arine Haaal Haaay, of Main and IM- Koan a traata PhllHpahnrg. and Dr. P, F, Baatman, of New York, w , ^ m ar­ried Tuesday In th a t city. Tha an- Douhoamant of tha wadding waa a aur- priaa to Mra. Baatman'a trianda

Tha brlda talagraphad te her a u n ia Hlaeaa Mary and T htraaa Hurray, w ith whom aha Hvad. the nawa of har mar- r lag a and aald th a t a la tter giving additional Infarwiatlon of lha wadding would follow.

M lu Haaay la tha a ldait daughter of tha lata Mr. and M ra George Haaay. of Easton, P a Bha to a graduate of tha Phllllpaburg High School, and for some m oniht had haan amployad as a 'oopyholdar a t tha Easton Free Praaa


tor tha


m tn w«r«

vfUtoptM et5*^** Fannie Boncolee, aeventeanS S ; n iS ro f Waat Bad Bank, waa at- 55ked" and brutally cut with a caae

*?rha left ride of her face, wae elaihed «Mm har temple to har throat. Although U * S l U ^ condition. It ll thought aha

of Philadelphia, who U J I f i t o have paid har attanUon, la being

fcv the police, According to the S Jn T n ^ h e r . Oeneee wax told that he

away from the girt, a . .he S T u s t old enough to receive attentlone, MsL Boncolei aald replied that It he S iu ld not have her that no one alia(XlUld.. ■ I ' I ■ ______


ra- a to th a t

Summit. Prqvldaiica

and Springfield loaned llherally to the dlaplay and tha New Jersey HUtorical Society allowed the uee of aevoral old m«p« of Now JofMy Union County.

CIRl OVERCOME IH FIRE AT HOMEfipeetol Berotee of toe M VS.

NEW BRUNSWICK. Sept, 4.-MU1 Boas Fame wae overcome by amoks whan aha went Into her houaa In Bchuraman Itrest yesterday afternoon and attempted

ggya some of her things from a fire which wax engaging tha town a 'stubborn fight. She was carrlad out of tha house and Into tha homa of neighbor, whore aha waa revive.

The blaaa waa tha second which the firemen put out yMtorday, place waa thara anybody a t home. The first alarm waa for a fire a t the homa of Joaaph Fraeblrd to Commarolal ava-. nua. Thara wax a sofa on fire- In 'th e FalUa homa, turnlwra to tha parior waa bumad.

fiperiol gerrim of toe MVS.CAMDEN. Bapt- ».-Two _ , . .

killed and one probably fatally in ju ry a t the New York Sblpbulldlog Company a

Utoay when a •W'tlng an^na bumped Into a box car on r^ lc h tltoywere alttlng. J* ™neath the wheels, where two were

rsm den. nni Poter K*.wUk«y,Chririan etreet. P^lladelpbla. of Camden, waa removed to the hospital In n. Mrioui coD<lUio**»


Yldln, on the hook-and-ladder truck on the way to a ■mall fire at the home of John O. Taylor, ei prospect etraet, William Bldgood, a member of the company, had a narrow

yeiterday from poaalble ■artona As It wax, he wax aaveraly

flcfi^hlTON, Sept. t-T hrough the Ip- ^ v a r te n t uie of the Woril "operation toy. “a.pBlIoat|on." It waa a ta t^ Ip tha Mewa yaaterday that thb operation of the ■toy agi<"W the conattuctlon of the idc- ttao o f the Paaaalc trunk aewer from H am rk- Bay to New York Bay had been aattendad by Vlee-CtanoaUor Backea until

- The tacst la ' that tha vloe-ohaneellor meraty. peettioned tha application of Waj- n n Dixon tor a contlnuanca of the stay, w ndtng an appeal to the Court o t Brrora. S u p p l i c a t i o n wlU h* heard next Tuaa-

Th tlUT THiill ordif• ( the court ptavanUng the opetong pf Wda’ W Awarding the contract for the


A -T h a r . w « 'ftlM rabont town yaaterday of a " a t­tem p t to have the present form of gov- 2 - S S a ^ ohaitted to tha eommlaalon

Jf* h n d pgtltlpna looking to tha,t and iil •ooii be in oltoulatlon.L 1. \n o w n t i a t ■ alrtody

f haaa man are toterastad ln *be plan "h av e oonaented to 'a llow thalr e , to be used aa candldstaa for tha

new office*, ahould the plan ba a-auo-

dashed against


averted a t the Richard mines of the Thomas Iron Company yesterday by the dedalon of General Manager T ^ k e r Stryker to conaant to the demands of tha mlnara' strike commlttaa with raf- erenca to non-union labor.

The trouble began Tuesday when the general managar gave notice that a tain kind of work wax to ha done by other# than meinbara of tha m lhen local The strike commlttaa aought a confarenca with tha general raantaer, who, U lx alleged, ordered tha men from the office without conferring with Stryker later sent for Bio man and with­drew from hla position.


raaohlnaa of tha nickel to tha slot typo confiscated In Quttenburg by dataomea from the atkff of the pTOaecutorTa office whan opened a t the Hudson County court house yesterday wera found to be rigged up Ihilde with rubber bandx so th a t the odds against the ptover a t nb Uma ware leaa thah D to .A - '

The m achines contained nlckeli am ount­ing to R6 H®- Tba m aehlnei will be de­stroyed. .

They were .taken from tha salootia of WllUsm Oaltoghar and William Hoppe, on Borganllna avanua. Guttanburg.

escapeInjury.In BladiwaU atraat, wUcto fright­ened by the fire godg. tha apparatus. ______________

ORDERED TO INCREASE RATABLESSpeotot Sarelca of toe M V * . . _

‘^B S A JC , Sept, 4.—Richard Berry, the assessor of Aoquackanonk Town- shlo received word yesterday from the C o taty Boird ot Taxation th a t the ra tab les in the township m ust be tn- meSsed a t least tIDO.DOO. This la the bag lnn ln i of thU year’s eamimlgo for an Inbrsase In the ratables qf the M ral d istricts of Paasalo County, Where those returned by the «»e*»®J» >"the minds of tha county board Inaul-

***Laat year a conalderahle Increase wax mada In the ratable# In tha bor­ough of Hawthorne, and It Is believed th a t th is year aU the ru ral dtslriets w ill be affected by the county boards w m palgn for more equitable vaula- tlons.

Bperiat gersiss of toe M V *.NORTH PROVIDENCE, Sept, 4.-Mlsx

Bertha V. Soharts, daughur of Mr. and Mrx. Georgs Roberts, of Clinton avenue, Mountalhvlew Park, and Fred Nawm. of Union avanua, tha W ait End, wore marrlad last avanlng In the Methodist church by the pastor. Rev. W. H. Evans.

Miss Floranca FMeitone, of Patarson, waa bridaamald, and Lindsay Naaon. of New York, a brother of the bridegroom, wax best mao. Albert Lxaoh and Walter Howell, of Summit, and Alonso Bureau and W alter Roberts, of this town, ware ushers. Miss Jeannette Burnett, Mlaa Lillian Burnett and Mias Frances Wahl were ribbon girls. A. 8. Carpenter, of PlalDfletd, played the wedding march from "Lohengrin."

After the ceremony there waa a re­ception a t the home of tha bride's par­ents. Among the wedding gifts waa a china dinner set used a t a dlnnsr gtvan by Mr. Naxon'a lathar. Alfred G. Nason, to honor of President Grant, who wax bis guast.

The bride was dressed In white satin and wore a veil caught up with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white ixjfee, llllei of the viUley uid asparagus feres. The ribbon glria were dressed In blue.

The ceremony wee performed under a canopy of hydrangeaa, smllax. roaes. ax- paragux fernx and astere, the background containing a largs red cross of electric lights.

Following the reception the young cou­ple left on their honeymoon. The bride had ax guestx a t her wedding the pupils In the third grade of Uie Lincoln Public School, where she has been teacher for several years. „ .

Among the gueets were Miie Came Woolaey, Nehemlah Nason. John Nason and Mra. Helen and Dorothy Naaon, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. William Hewitt, Mrs. G. A, Bond, Mr. and Mil. 8. A. Allen, Miss Genevieve Drew, ot Patar- ■on; Mr. and Mrs. William Mason and Floyd Mason, of Orange: ***»• Joale Lawrence, of Bast Orange; Mr. and Mre. Louis Noe, Mr, and Mrs. L. Doreraui. Mr. and Mrs. L. Plsrsou and the Mlsaea Pierson, of Madison.

purpotA"Some psopla say they don t

our own home country devoted to a eanltarlum of th is kind," writaa Mr. Troxler. “They M seri that the con­tagious okaraeter ot luberculoala and lha danger of pollution of the Ramapo Rlvar make such an Institu­tion highly undektrabU,".............

Mr. Troxlar argues th a t U le up to the State board to daclda w hether the contagion theory la right or w ron* and to adopt proper precautiona to elim inate all dangers o t this kind.

Hr. Troxlar oontande th a t inmeiee should ba oonvayad to and from the Inatttution In oloxed vahiclee and should not ba allowed **’• *';®****>™.®; tba v tllaga Neither should they have access to the river."

"Such a aanltarlum would not mean absolute ruin to our sootton,” auggesU Mr. Troxlar, "but It would ra th e r help to m itigate the preearloua financial altuktton of our borough." Tha oou noil- man declaraa "Oakland la neither a prosperous or progreesiva community, and aaye stnoa tha ' Du Pont powoor works left Ihra* yearx ago tha hor-- ough haa been a t a standsUll.

After reviewing tha InactlvUlea of certain real asta la ooncarna and their harah treatm ent." Mr. T rexler say a "wouldn’t It ba foolish tor The average taxpayer to pull tha chestnuts out of the fire now knd burn hto own tin- g e r a r



INQUESr FOR YlCtn OF AITTO. ATLANTIC CITY, S ep t 4.-Coroner V u n r t has ordered a n toquart into the J i s ^ f James ta rk lm of BJJ A tlan ta iv S tu e , who died Tueeday n ight In the a t v Hoepitol from Injuries It Is alleged

ktoW W PhyMolatij h i« rtfu ixd to W o r n a n au-

£ m m Dr Taggart clatma he lx neglect- t ^ h i a duty and hsx made some allega- I S u th a t h a w been taken up by the MgMfeoutor’e office.


griM AUegei U n it Flour.' t e r sEY CITT, 4.—Dephty tlJilttd k ranSrilarehal Louie Q. Beekman and C ! ^ F o o d Inepector Ltod thla morning ■ to Pier I of the Dehtgh VaUety ^

i t Communlpaw and e e M H7,W of flour, which It le claimed te

.^am -eaten and unfit tor coneumptan. S S ^ o u r wax shipped from Chl^ew and meimslgned to a Staten liland firm of

‘ta te P k ^ flo"® ** held lor further 5 ? !S a a t inn and wlU probably be de-T*. ■- " j

Itatel Man Fortelta Llesaee,f CAPE MAT COURTHOCSEl. S ep t 4c— i a ^ l Of North Wildwood, pre^Y K to r rfV he Ottene Hotel, yeeterday.

guilty of twd aUegktloM tor liquor on Sunday and kl*o

xTil'Iltard of the notice teaued h r Pr<»- toe Pleae MatneVa Jefier--

June to ^ o e e a ll »»S"^LiaT*torowihout the county. JudgeSunday Levy"* Ueenee M da i d r ^ * HOD and coetx on one alle- STtton « d « « . n V jentence on the ■-♦U"- ' ' ■■.am

/ j n u Why tntHshA n So fair?

f't'ttan . lK4irt>lds)V« Mnse toe dh»S'^^^‘t a t ^ s « o l l ^

*“ a ” h t ^ r e m a i k M ^ b ^b TIE iMHitlelft) imd

^ i S i U qaWriy aPP«toj«-,^ haaa bSSO aSlriOg Itah « S


S e p t '4.—Ah I n ^ cation of the big builnera done -by merohante here and In Oeeqn d u r ln r the laet week-end and Labor Day Is given to atatemaiitx toaued by the four banks In the two rsgorti. They show th a t a to ta l of MSS.tIM* plaoed dh deposit Tueedey.. The aky was thb blggeat, as /a r ax recalpta m s

lA th» h ilto ry 'o t th« tlona. In one of the bnnka alone ^ * r e wero deposits during tha day of |J*T.- 4M.0». ________'

GIRL CHASES THIEF ACROSS SEA(jAMDEhi', Sapt 4.—Bobbed of more

than by a man, who promised to wed her. Senora Q. Frati, nineteen y e an old. of Third end Mickle atreeto, acted ae her own detective, and captured t b e ^ a f In Italy Word came to Detaitive Tronoone to C ^ d e n yesterday that Benendo Tran- oredl, formerly of Seoopd etreet and Tay­lor avenue, was bald pending action of the Camden olfiO*!*- who elated, l a a t , night that hahak been todloted on-otatgea | of torgerx and embpiEwiW t

ERIE TRAIN OILS PAMTIRjiDRSET e m r , ' *hpl. 4.-Wmiam WII*

kins, a patotaq fifty-one o l* ofport Jervla employed on the W e Rail-

5 a , ' 3 j 5 5 i “ « » s ;Monmouth etreet, Jersey Cftf.' by an easthonnd passenger train.

Siiye Egg, Teotk. Oauat* IMath. gpseiii Atrsfee or<** V*W*.

s m o n T . Sept, 4,—Blood .poisoning;, the resu lt of trouble w ith a tooth , to given by Panl «* TiiUp atveet.tola city, a s too oauee of h i t slste r'e dakto. -Which occurred 'tost week at- Howtor, Mask The vlctlin, Mtxx B ather Jew e tt was reported ak havtog died i f tro b ’old fev er M r Jew ett aald

S r s ' ° 5 i , : S L r w j L . ' i r .He added th a t there m ight bava bawl tynbold fever germ# to hto ■iatcr’x in te rn , bu t th a t blood potoonlng from an ulearated tooth WM the regl oauxe of her death. _ ______ ^

HUNGER AS THEn DEFENSESpecial SenrfM of M V *.

BUZABBTH, Bapt. 4,—' 1 itolo because T wax hungry," wax the dafense of Harry

a nlgro, to Chief of Police Peters yesterday after admlt^ng the robbery of

**ln o v w ^ m 'o s l t o entered he p l l f « ^ frwl Another negro to cuatody a t police

ha* hean Identified aa Ctartos Wilson, senteno^D. C„ ton years ^ torsent to the State fwlson to thle Stoto.

Wilson gave hla name to the Police ax l o ta W l» n . I t le not thought ^ t be Was taplioated to any lOMt rohberios, but h a to being held for further tavextl-

‘ ^ “ward- Blmmonx and John Gwen,

pldon. ,


automobile a . it w m cro tang the L ac '« ; wanna ttackx. about midnight laat ^ h t ,

Adolph Kroll xuxtalnad taju riticani* hi* death. HeDr.

whichtaken to St. Mary's H o s p l^ w hat. It I te a ld he h M 'a tracturo of the baae of

four^T be phyelolan wae riding otheir men, one of whtto was I o ta Karl, e former Mayor, who owned toe car. Kroll stood up as toe autoniohlle went

the tracki to eee if a train was wm- ^ e r e was a Jolt and the aide door

tracks. ^

WMara-BanT'Ulee Margaret Barry, daughter of

.FOUceman and M ra Thomas Barry, of Y4 Aldon street. O ranga and Edward O’l t t r a . o« that city, were m arried In B i o t a ’s Church yesterday a f te rn ^ n .

Marnell. The' bride wae S t J ta e d by her slater. Miss Josephlna t a w a . maid of honor. John O'Mara. i ^ t o e r Of the bridegroom, v a e be»t

The bride wore a gown of white Following toe ceremony a re- WM held in Berkeley Hall. Bast

After a trip through Vermont, w ill live to Or-

*"**' HMway-MeFailand,Gertrude McFarland, of Buffalo.

J d ta to r t •“ of Mr. andH i ^ t i n liMney, of Bomeroy avenue,

were married jraxterdar in Buf- ^ t a a l W r t maST w m celebrated

« ta ro v S ’i Chnwh. toe offldaUng a hretoar of t t a bride:

i ^ * S u r i e are expectod to xpata ^ of riSSr^Moymoon to Kearny with Mr. M m iy T iS e n to . They will Uve In Al- hamr V . MOtasy to a teiMnwph opera-

SlMriel Berrios of Iks M VS.BUTUBiB. Sapt. A—In a double wedding

yesterday M ta Margaretto M c l^ n , daughtar of Chief of Police and Mn< Martin UcKeon, of this town, h acaw ths bride of Frank Gormley, and Mlsx Sadie Ixjoker, of Jersey City, w m mar­ried to MarUn McKeon, Mlea McKton e brother. Eaoh couple acted ax atttndanta for the other. The cewmony w m per­formed by Rev. Father of ih® churchj a t a nuptial maaa a t fO ClOClCi ■vmxIdlleeMFollowing th* car®mony » breakfast w m served et the McKeon home. After a reception went on a wadding trip to Niagara Falla.

Bradbury-Smith.gpecial Betvioe of tw IfgVS. „

CHATHAM. Sept. '•■-h™puncement li made ot the marriage of Mtax Katoerine Anna Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Smith, of Summit avenue, and Ralph 'Wesley Bradbury, p*The ceremony took place last Friday to the Congregational church a ta ™ formed by the pastor. Rev. ®r.E. Hesselgrave. After toe wedding mony Mr, and Mrx. Bradbury left upona widdlM touT, They wlU Uvo to New York upon their return.

gwaBsaa-Lla Wedding.Ssedal Serrice of 1** M V S.CHATHAM, Sept ‘■-’ •‘e marriage ofMlaa Antonie M artta Ua ta d W ol Fred­erick Swanson took place Tueeday a t to s parsonage of the Ogden Memoriel Free- byterlta Church. The ceremony was per­formed by the Pastor, “ f®'DAUchtAO. The w!tn®M®» were T jte J ^ n - B^iJand Rudolph W. Bauter. Follovrtta ths ceremony Mr. and Mra. B w aw n left on a short wedding trip. Upon their re- turn they will live here*.

t«McrrU1«-Yiwerwlt®*jfiMelal fienici of TfSWB,

ROSELLE PARK, Sspt 4.—M lii E ll l^ bath Yugerwlta <>*Ml»tw Mrs. Albert Yugerwlto. ^ «Roselle Park, w m m arrM i a a t ^ ^ * « ThontM SomerviUe. of Loe A n g e l^ a t toe Aldene Methodist C**ureb. Rev. C, A Share, tha paxtor, officiated. Mr. Somerville formerly resided to EUxabeto.

Staff Oentojioadenot.ABBURY PARK, S«pt 4.-W lth the

singing ot "Nearer My God to Thee, the New Jersey State Funeral Dlreclora Association opened its annual convention a t the Bristol hero yeslerday. About sixty delegates were present a t roll rail, but thla number wm augmented during the rest of the day and thla morning by about forty. An address of welcome WM made by Mayor Reginald 8. Ben­nett, a response being given by Frank B. Bollas, ot Newark, former preildent of the organisation.

Jamea J, Higgins, present head ot the orvuilUrUoQ, uiT®d that each Tn®mMr glva what aid h« could to the lagiilatlva committ*® In It® iffo rli to bring about

paaaag® oY a law vompalUcs er® of all cemelerl®® to mak® a rflcord of th® bam® of ®ach p®r®on Interred, a® w®U a® of the number of th® grave. It wai pointed out that the fallura of k®®P* a rt of country and municipal burying ground® to do thl® mak*® It Impoaaml® at time® to trankT«r bodies- Mr. Hlggl ■ alio urged support of an attempt to pa®® a law ®®tabU®hlni reciprocal f®lali©n® among N«w York» Pennaylvanla and New Jot®®y In regard to undertaker®' Ucenaei-


Special Berries of iM M V *.HOBOKEN, Sept. 4.—Told by friand*

to Newark that bar missing boy WM probably a t the Hoboken Police Station, Mrs. Bose Heller, of Jl# Henry etraet. New York, thla wornlng Ideotlfled thwe- yaar-old "Loula,” of "Henry etreet," vbo hM been the pet ot the men to baadquar- tere alnoa he wee picked up in the lAcka- wanna Station Sunday noon time.

Mre. Heller declares that her husband, from whom she saparated some time ago, because he refused to tolerate bis step­son Louis, took the boy from to front of hie home Sunday morning and aban­doned the child In th# railroad station for revenge.

When brought to police headquartere Sunday the hoy declared that he wm "Louis,’’ of- "Henry stree t" but what city he lived In he could not tell. The police notified the departmenU of all dUes within a radlue of eeveoty-flva miles. Mrs. Heller declared she had been to headquarters In New York aeveral times without avail.

used tbtm on cars which were ranted.The llcenee ot Polhemus Wlleon. •

farmer ot Allenwood, wax auipendad tor two montta. The com plaint waa made by Llautanant Alexander L. Rogers, of Company t. Third Raglment of Camden, who alleged th a t Wilson had dsllbarately run nU car Into the .

' company while it waa on a praotica . march near Allenwood. '

The accident raaulled to kaoeklag d o m Sergesnt John W. BcoH. allghtly In- ' juring Captain Jag tard and tritatontog a horse of one of the other officers.

In his own dsfenss Wllsoa dalroed that he had blown Wi horn, which WM «“t « order, and that when the company faueo to move from the middle of the joad he t r i ^ to pass it along nne tide. Commis­sioner Upplncott held th a t alnoa tha car was running slowly the accident might eatllr have been avoided. At toe same lime he found that the allegations In the original hid been somewhat exaggeratea.

w m li/; r . Koch, of 1 ta« « > Pto“ - Newark, was reprimanded by the oom- ralaslener tor ah aaoldenl A u tta t 11, when tha Koch car atruck Martm Koreovlteh and knockwi him from hi* P|«yo‘? h® Wii pMilng through 0*rfl®W. Th® Koch car went on ^ascertain what injury had been « Kornovlteh. The eomplalnt against Koto WM preferred by John A. Forex, chief otpolice ot Garflold, ,Bentenco was suspended to the ^ or Willlsm Lament, of ^mitted that he had violated the speed

'"william Welghlman, a who is staylnx a t * "reprimanded fo r violating t ta *P*ed laws The complaint wM lodged by T

'^Charato'wUh re n T lta l t l . motorcycl. a tT to e to of from ' ' ‘t y C b V o "hour through BpoUwood, John Brab»n.of Jamesburg, was t«Prtm tade* T ta complaint wm mada by Gamer De voa, chief of police ot 8 p ; ^ v ^ ; ____


Mmy* R od H®lp In Mifc Efc •ton’s L«tl«r About

Her Daughter.

BarllnftoB, Iowa. -"L y d ih E P b k - bam '* VgEatsbl* Compound hag o m d

mjf d a u g h t a r o i weakoeaa. S bavaa troubled a in M t a y e a r w i t h i t ana oomplatnad of bach» g ^ t o t h a t I thought iho would'' bo an iBraltd. 8ba w u a n t l t a l p m down, p a l^ tarfou* and w lth o ^ apea* Uta. 1 w a * r t r f t n u e h diKOBragid

b u t heard o f L gdiaE . P t o k ^ - g Ve*w tftblt Conpcxiiid tbnM fii n t tM i v m now I iffftiM I t bMMifg i t h u eiTMd mf daughter. " - M r a F. H. E lston, H. D, No. i Burtlngtod, Iowa.

C a a e o f A a o t l i e r Q tr l , p„aninn, U inn .—" I uiod to bo htrtb-

t ra d with narvoug gpoUg, and weald err I f anoxia w aa eroog to mo, I got awr

big, and m y appaUta w a ^ a tondor plaoo to

I t ^ I

Mr. Upplncott today „nxe of cedi Hellbronn, ' J* '® ’' ” * " Newark, which wa.Hellbronn Iswith Mxaulting a boy named l ^ o . mr. LIppineott WM satisfied from •"* l ^ ^ ' ga?uln that the m atter was not within

*''HenbA‘'n r ii° 'a m p lo r^ by Waldron. Inc. HI® #niplor«ri wrot® w Jb® rommlsrioner to h i. bdif. * ^ g that

.m e of boys, of whom Lainb was Ine, tad been responalbie for much trou-

Son*N *//rrr'w M 'M m ™ rU y ravokwl Davl.

Montclalr. Duffy

fo l woak gpolU ggpodally In too m o ^ «tltg WBi pooTi X s liv

my righ t toda which patood *hoB a»y ^ * 4work, f t o d i Lydia B -P ln k h a r fa V a r •tab la Compound and my changad, and I am emrtatoly WMjafboa, Iiw eom m M dlttooY ftygM gilMwoman o r giil. Ton may uaa Hill W r ta r fo r thogoodof o th o rt."—M igaB uA Olbon, 1716th S t , Virglala. Mine.

T o n o f O lr la , H e e d 1*11 A d v ta toGIrU wbo are troublod with pgtoftd*?

liTggular periods, h a ^ a eb o , w a d a o ^ drgggtng-down genxatlong, f a lB t lB B tpellg or lnd)g*iitIon,gh«ild I m m ^ w ■Mk rM toratlon to health ^ t a U a g I4P a , G. l ia k h a m ’g V efotablo ConBOUBdi

automobll. had ®rtf T MoniHgu® pine®, Montcinif*Sect luit nlS»l®d w ^ *» n » e v ra? whre .truck by toe Davis « r .

FINOS TWO T H I t t B I K ^ f eP R O P W n O R ^ O llS U SHOT

PATERSON, Bapt 4.—Bnoountarlng two burglars wbo were pperatlng to hU grocery store early thla Meld'ma of Midland Park, Bergen County, WM shot twice In toe ‘ Momen. He la now In the Miriam Barnett Hoa- Stal, th i. city, to a eerlous oondlUon.

'^!ita‘’ hu*raia'r*a‘ to^:^‘. - X a *went ofY 13:10 o'clock th li momlni*Hto w«nt to th® itor# fcod WM gbout to mSk^aUght when he ^ * o r i o ^ un hi® hand®- Confu*®d b f th* ora®r» Meldlma failed to immediately tomply, “ / i tSTshtaUng followwl. He Mid that there were two asMllanU and that both

tad " t i n S toa telephone wire, fn toe town Lmplotely. leolatlng It from

owS. M far M eommunlcatan

Branch Offices and n i t t of iyw Ev n w { N e w s '



have bean pariog’k Jur l b r "«*eelal eream'

ar tbal I •bop*


—Mg. fwiBMW'Bta PTWeaera.i - W s u t a M ocm- HA C^mMf laU .t ta . , ,

viotantlV tomanta poiMMilnf n«<ta msAt TWO v

- giriwl ta 3 S « id H » g o » ,

la v e You T ried It?

Hies Helen Huber, daughter of « J * n d Mrs. JuUua A. Hube^ of 141 street, and 8 - * ^ ; ^ * * J jand Mr*. John <D. Sharp, of p r ta g a ■trMt. w®r® ini[.rrt®id yiMt®rd®y *tt®nwoft

m th® Of th® W<U Jparento. Rev-toe Fifth Avenue Preebyterisn Church, performed toe ceremony. . .

The bride, * h * w m uoattetaed, WM (iven to m arrltge'tay Iter f a ^ r . She wrATt* to. tr®v*lltiE lu it 0^ lev®iM®r ®*»k ;;rp n n * tad ^ h S k velvet hat. H « bou­quet WM a coreage of i t too valley. 8h* * ..■‘‘J ** ****

a s ?OfvoM *tr—te

STAHL-LOWE~Mlee' M artta Lowe,

youngere CUnghtOr of » r - j g * .unta ot Mendham, to Dr. AUred

MlemnixM y M tirtty Ih th* Phttt tw ®HP to .

‘’ ’'aSre'j/oibbtoi. ot N e w k ,^tended toe bride M matron ot taoor. Dr.

tJTon**':cerexKwr Dr, ta d •*2 'weddtag trip to BermUdn. Upon toeirreturn they wlU live a t Ml Bergwi etreet.

b e u -sobnerMleg .S tar A. 8<*i»ef

BeU. hfcto of Tfaleyon Furk. woonrfWd,were mnrrtod * t the tam e of t t a t a ^ ’gmother. Mt*. fulto K tagte Bobner, F » * ^ d^A veifto* . by R » v .ta r ry « ta H.Mcr - WUltan H , WU. t t a I s M ^ m ’g

■ wax beri: man. *»« “ !*• nonm oe

TO ENFORCE ^NDARD BASKETSBtaft Corrfitpondett< ,

TRENTON. B®pt. 4,“ For the next few we«k® th® Sta-ts department of walghta end meaaure® will devot® Almost it® ®n> tire attention to making provlxlone for the enforoemont of the law regulaUng toe site ot baakete, which becomoe effec­tive November 1, next.

Superintendent Waldron has already notified all the basket manutactuTere ot tha State regarding the provlelons of the new law. and they have agreed to cease a t once the making of receptacles which do not conform with the act. Most of the manufacturers have also aipreased ratlsfactlon over the paesage of the law which will relieve them from making such a large number of different elxed baakete as to the past.

Under toe new law only baskets of standard sixes may be used by roer- ohants. Tha sizes preecribed are for two, tour, eight, iixteem twenty and thirty- two quart hMketa, while for the aale ot berries and small fruit, the baxkeu used must be capable of holding one pint or one quart. .

In the standardization of Its bexkeU. New Jersey hM gone further than any State. New York and eome other States have laws upon too subject, but they are less drasUo, permitting the uao of odd-siiod baakete, provided ths exact capacity Is plainly marked on each.

girl asks indemhtty for scarsfipeolo) gerulce of the JIEVS. __

JERSEY CITY. Sept. 4.—■Whether the provlslona of the employers' liability act „(,]icerillng permanent disability apply

.cars sustained to an accident which disfigure the Injured person for life will be determined In a ault to ta begun by MU* Jeanette Byrne, of 73 Rutherford street. Rahway, against the Merck Ctamiral Works of Rahway.

For four years Miss Byrne has been employed aa a "finisher" by '■*>* company, which prepares and tattles aSdk June 11 iM t she was working a t hep table In toe chemical plant when t ta S e k of a bottle filled wllh nitric Irid bwat and th . burnlns fluid spread over her hands, right brSMt and neck, scarring her deeply.


toln C F MuUer. was found by his am- I ^ vpJ.fMwlMV tot th® fc>Ot of A itAlf-

way*®adlDg from IHa *tAhlo to th* room® :b^"vrw ^® C U ac® y<l® P^Clancey. In th® night, attompted W godown the stairs and fell to t ta bottom His skull WM fractured and hli face

' ’*Mu U« c ^ e d Dr, A. M. Heron and coroner Westoall,given to move the oody to takewood. where It awaits disposal by relatiweii In New York. Clancey w m *‘« t* ' forty year® old and had b*®n In Mulwr ® employ a month. For a number < y M « lie lived In Lakewood, where he was employed by McClure A Beecrofl, livery­men.

■KANCH O m O C t. ■ ^


Bsllsvllle ava, 104. Tsl, IHdW Brtkto to S ^ Bruce at.. MS Tab 144gJ Wavtrly.Clintos avt.. 111. Tel. *4*1 Wavxily. , Blm •!., I3SH-Hamburg pl„ lA TeL lOTJ Maiket Hyrtlt av*„ eg. Tab *4*11 Braasta Break .• gcrqih gisih gSA Tab 4744M KeJfcSt. Wallacs pb. ST. Tab liOfW Mrtfkto

NkW JkllBKT gBABHOKl - 4 « .Mala M. northMit aernsr Beats ava * “ 35* i PlUangefs rsai "fa** *g*oa«*praisUtoa. Tab IT4 Asbery Par*. • _

AXLANTIO CITT - Tks Dcrlsad AdvWtM^ Agency. Wsitsr B. Kdgs.

DOVKB-* Loiey it Tsl. *g*. *UILLBtmN-S«lINori«U>-<ampbsU’t • J l

sio-e. Bank bulldlsg. mubura ava, Tab. Id Mlllbure.

UONTCL*IR~ai atsnridge ava Teb Tig. MOREISTOWB—11 South St. Tib Itk ^ NBWTON—1*8 Spring it. Tab 4«. OBANQB-IM Mstnil.,tsls.. Orange 8000, Market Igl^ vrtvsis

brsneh exebange oonneollng all dsigJv menta „ ,

SUMHIT-Room I, P. O. buHdtag. TSL tOM. TRBNTON-IT W. SUte it, Tsl, *e* Trsatop, CHICAOO-B»m no*-. Tribuns buUdlta NKW YORK-Rooias *»-}» .Bnmswli' "

ina * » Flflb sve. TeTT^-WSM r.* C. Taylor, New Y*fk rjprta Oeniral advertising repreientatlvaa,O'Mara A Ormabea

WABHINOTON (D. C.)—Room 104. building.

H eat 4>v««e»ee Fireman.Xneolal Servios of lAe NSW*. E l iz a b e t h , sept. 4.—re e t« d a y 's h®Ai 0AUi®d on® pro®tra.tlon In thi® city- The heat victim 1* Alfred Schulttei, tw enty years old. a fireman, attached to No. I truck, who was overcome at tha truck houaa yesterday afternoon and remained unconscious for a time a t the Alaxlan Brothers' HogpltaL Ha U ter revived and Is much improved to­day He 11V"S a t 4* Catharine street.

The marrtoge, «fjrnungset

G r a p e J u k eDrink It

jhirlflea t t a W<»a w»6 d e k ta * to k cBtlitokrgtgin.

8 0 c a L m i « B o ld *T a ta » ixrtU* ta iB * *8 7 ® " tornHYi

^ S o f l s C O j

Coy.of t£/iw w *. WM maid of

Virglato. _ - ..........-ItaMwIM ei-liewgta-

^ |» » » « s * ~ » ^o a t L k d F d f to*AMisdItov AftttSMMXL RM. JOnH Fif'9BT

t a r gittsiidMto



LO.N-G BRANCH. Sept. 4.-A d l l^ s s signal was sent up late yesterday *^** noon by the launch Mother, from New YorlJ, when off GaUlee. When Captain Green ®nd ertw of SUUon No. 4. Mon­mouth Beach, r®Ach«d th® launch h« found ih® engln® hAd hrok®a down and the two men in the boat helplH*- .

Saul White, Michael Burns and James Lllhaooo, returning from the Fishing Banks towed the launch almost to Bandy Hook, when their fishing skiff broke down. The shipwrecked men slept all night at Station No, 1. The launch was towed ashore this morning.


® ?rtw ''l^ v { D B N C K ® ‘s.p t, 4.^While returning from Diamond HIU School lo her home In Mountain avenue yesterfw afternoon, ten-year-old Mary GotUlck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel GcAt- lick* was attacked by an unldenUfted man, who iprang from the buahes and attempted .to drag her into the wood.

Th® umlq probAbly would hAv® 1>®®n successful had not a rarriaga appeared on toe acene. The occupants were a t­tracted by the girl's screams. Ha ran Into the woods in the rear ofSIm on P. D®bble‘* realdenc®, And ®ictop®d.


that he is "Charlie Rom." who «*• J i '* " rapped from hi* home to Germantown, Pa July 1. 1*14. * to*® n*me here from Cleveland iM t week went home yee- terday to prepare conclualva prooto of hie Identity. He went to an old settlement near hare, called Pegtown. where be Mys he was taken by hli captors. . . .

The atrA&ff®f wa® conduet®d About by th® chl®f of police. And W » nlted th® plAC® wher® b® bed tlv®d with a man and a woman,__________


DOVER, Sept, A-rTh* building commit­tee of the Board of Education beef re­ceived three written offer* for school ■lU*. which areshowtog th* location, iiM and general

mittee hM aleo raoMvedfere for sites, MthevKh«d or a Mgh eohool building.

Bewlby Afpenl* ftoe* BeMOval.

W lS o 5 j ta J ? ? '* - - C h « 1 . .W . BOWll^ euperintejidant of •welfhtt and

M ^ * Co'f'tJ'- WV**'**'8opr«« . Court’e^dMWon «p-ki>ki iM thA Action oC MoitI® County

to ouxttog 1 ^

office upon the gronn^ tta^. no 1* kh, ex­empt flt*«*tt. . . .

yUteCB « » *iiiirrtfr* *Srs4iS of tta NSW*.* .-f» t* * n o t th* 1 3M chief* attending the conven­tion o f to*“ laternattoiiaT Fire Chief*' MtoelatloB IB fi*.**St ^ y - of F ire Chief Keglnatil M

taTiwrv tafP titataw •?*T h*y«ita i'.


B«li«vUlo. oppoittfl fliDomflild Brelthi^Brothafto, Tftl.iWnitocy. Jo®. H. Barov- TiL LOW Wwwfc

Bloooifklil ®v® and Claxildt it- A. dtllMPnf A Co, T#l. vno Braflch mBroad at., SfllW- H. arMOWood. Til* tPM

B?cS" end“M«kri .is. d ^ , * * *josxpb BUssXsrgW eeroj MwSm.Piid BoBMtta MwadtiliA


Central avA*HiWidMUar. Til.canton avo.x 4W.

Til. i&iO Wavvly. - „Ctlntop avAe BiA M. T,Clhiton avA and Mo^outh M- iAirCit

Pharribacy- Til. 1S8T

F i“ ‘*xi.. I* '‘H*Brsnblujo. neesdsalw. IW.HliJhlred ara^TW. eppozlt. Fersit WHfiegel

a S o r lU Til. ifo^Branto PiMiv and Warren sis- J‘**P*‘ Keany. a***-

deklar. Tel. WB turta t. _ ------ -RomtHH* and Bevenib aves., o ^ t ty tM ta m e gtatlOA John B. FOilir® FBAfBi^e

g |'JlL ‘t“b a®v‘ rta -® "L lIoriMA ntasdMlea Tel. «88 Wsviiiy. , . „ —_,,v .

tVi::.South Oranii avi, and BlUb ®t. E. Atuv d i l i r ™L 0TT8 to W t.

TJilrt ave. andfmJ iita ti offifi- Til- 71Y wAIwh BfOflc.

WailUnston it., 437- J®a A. KnoviWA MWW*

AM?KBE^Frw 43^urth a

■rite a r « n * o o d ^ l ^ D ^

BaLL’i v i S .^ J - Coermaa 'llg Washington

g.'^M.'^lageo. 10 tao** •t-' oorasr Btaem-BiX50M^ai>Ai,B--rraBk a BOONTON-Jsroes H. Dew*, .

T 4r Tfttorfir- D40 UtolA ®t*EABT ORAN<^M art*. 13 «Allrtid'Sir . Yet.

Soper. 44* Main St. ^ T e l,_ * ^Sluts, 'KI.I2AB


HARBi*0V-»UCKKN—Wm. **"betereen Hudson snd wnsbtogtoA

rBVINOTpN-rlONI C le'ta av*

aariV BlrdMli. siOi Csttlral ava East Orar —

Block. Main St. Tel. Dgtf.,

Roiec. .Mala e t Jfek

reter J. Oeek

Vin HtoWft ^ ,■ gsnsiSiM w '*.

' It, OM

H O R g g ^ ^ ^ -^ e to ln g te e Rena Cn, « w ^ | g » . 0 5 --Miitora ^ ^

. .uthrie’r ^ r snau Kirtjsy gtaUw. ^



• itA



l u Slid Niigilt to iu tify Auamp- t i n He W3i Not Be Cu*

^ t e .

A BIQ S A L E R E PE A T E DThis Friday and Saturday

a t All Van Dyk T ea an d Coffee S tores

^ s t Coffee In AmericaThe Duchess.. Our 31c. grade



T h is i» y o u r o p p o r tu n i ty to t r y th i* f ln e i t - o f - a l l C offees a t a m o n ey s a v in g p rice . U m l t J lb s . to a c u s to m e r .

C»rrmfon4mnTRENTON. Sapt. 4.-rrtenili of Bute

T rsuurer BdwtrS E. OroMcup a r t dla- poMd to think Uut th en i t fame Intptrs* tlon behind the publlabed report thet Ur.

-V Oroiecup will not ieelt re^eleollon M ^ tlr in e n of the State Democretlo com­mittee.

Hr. Groeecup hlmwir. n ld today that be ben iMver made any autem ent which would Juetlfr the uaumptlon that ha wfll not be a caodidau (or the chelnnen- eblp In the event of hi* re-election ae a membera of the SUte aynmlttee. At the fame time he made It plain that he le not a t preeent eeaklna the chairmanship, be- llavinc that It would be premature to make inch a move In advtnoa of the aiectloe of the new BUte committee.

After the committee ha* been choien and an opportunity liven to eound the vlawe of Ate different member*, tocether with those of the Damocratlo leaden with whom Mr. Oroeemip ha* baan ae*o- ^ ta d . h* artU determine whether or not to beoome an active candidate (or the ehairmanehlp. „ _

Anboush a t thli tlma Hr. Oroeacup doa* not aaauma hi* own ra-el*ctlon to tb* eommlttee. hi* (riandi h*n are con* fidant that tba ncht bains mada asalnat him in Olouoarter County will not an- dMWar bla ohane** of re-eiaotlon.

Tba fact that tha raport of Hr. Oroaa* eup'* proip*ctlva retirement hat been In­variably couplad with the •ufseoUon that OtMral Oennia F. Colllna of Elliaheth. ba alaeted ofaalrman. ha* ftven riM to a •WElelon that friend* of General Colllne bava bean bu»y In ipreadlnt the rumor*. Ganaral Collin* ha* political troubt** in hi* own county, and *ome qb*erver* are tw ined to think that hi* boom (or th* Etat* chalrmanihlp I* prompud by a be­lief that It wlU help him In hi* home OOQOtV*

Oaneial ColUna, It I* believed, would like to have Oie ehairmanehlp U It can b t obtained. Mr. Groeecup, however, hee not pledsed hi* support to General Coi- Una or to any other proepectlve member of t!he new committee for the ehalrman- *1P.

VAN DYK1 2 1 K M ’ 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 „ ! ^ * ™ S . 3 1 4


Spedel g*r»4ci of tt* F IM ,' SUHHIT Sept, l.-T he funeral of Mr*. . I Marsaret Wllllaro* Seeley. *avenly-*e»en

years old. Who died Tuesday from th* InflrmlU** of a**, at tha homa of her daughter, Mr*. William Nichols Col*r, Jr., In Summit avenue, will be held thl* afternoon from that addrea*. Hav. C. M ., Doufla», rector of Chrl»t Church. Short Hills, win cfflcUte. and burial will be In Ml. F leaunt cenwtery. Newark. {

Bealde* her deufhter. Mre. Seeley I* eurvlved by a eon. George B. Seeley, of Bumnilt. She was formerly a realdent ol Newark, and wa* the widow of Nathan Kugene Setlay, who dlad In UH.

I T m a a M a Bveu th o u th ihg toothI 66XI1 ^ M M ltive M Am

KMZABETH, ft. J.il4l MAIimaoN AVE., HAHHISON. N. J, IIS BROAD ST.SOD Branch Btorei and Selling Agencle* In Principal Oltlra Look for ibe name VAN 1>YKE In front of *tore and avoid mlatakc. All Van I yk gooda guaranteed. ___

Edmund B, Oaborne for the FrogteaeWe Gubernatorial nomination.

“1 hava put all the time I can apare at the clUuoaal of the Oiborne campaign commlfioo but no dale* (or apeechea by me have yet Iwen »et,“ »ald Mr. Fagan. "I believe In the Oaborne platform and I am prepared to give my vl»wi to the voter*."


veetigatora, one choaen by the employ- ere. ano ther by the employee and the third by the two othere, maklug the reault of their Inquiry public and leav­ing the aeitlement of the cllapute large­ly to public opinion.

Labor lendera and employer! favor the plan, aaya Mr. Carey, and ao welt has It aucceeded that of Ml caaea tii- veatlgated. atrlkea ware avoided In U l. Mr. Caray promise! to use every ef­fort, If elected, to eatatallih aucb a aya- tern In Newt Je rity .

SURVIVED DAUGHTER A WEEKS’fierlal Scrric* of (hr XSW8.

ELIZABETH. Sept, t.—The funeral of Cornellua Murrey, who died yesterday at his home, ts: Meadow street, after a lingering lllneia. will be held tomorrow morning from the Church of the Sacred Heart, where a ma*a of requiem will t» offered, Interment will be In Mt. Olivet cemetery. Mr. Murray'* death waa haat- ened by ahock auitalned when hla Infant daughter wa* accidentally burned a week ago and died a few hour* later. Mr. Hur­ray WM forty-eight years old and a mamber of the Elka' lodge and the Ea- empt Firemen. He wa* chief of the fire department twenty yeare ago. and one son aurvlve him.

T h e b e s t is n o n e t o o g o o d f o r y o u , e s p e c ia l ly w h e n i t c o s t s n o m o r e t h a n th e a v e r a g e . W i e d e i im a y e r * s o n y o u r u b l e i s th e t e s t o f c r i t i c a l j u d g m e n t .

O r d e r a c a t e to -~ d a y ,


'tsUgbteii touch, my now method of tr«gim»at

t V o l d O render it goiw e w * w w tijofjmgjiiy inunune

Sensitive, conid e e r to the

r : i l . _ J r o o t g w lihoot diecom* p | | | l | f l f o r L This work i t in I l l l v l l Qf g skilled llUlni

gpeciglist, under my supervitloR, E tch petient re­

ceives my perionsl ettenlion.

unsriB wi

Painlessly i

596 Marirat Street Newwk, N. J.

A widow

KAT7ENBACH SAYS HE'D HAVEim im r board stop wrecks


■AUl^f. Npt. i.-A(t*T touring Salem Oooatr end making eight epeechea yes­terday, Frank B. Katienbach, Guberna- tMtal candidate, wa* accorded an enthu- Slattle greeting here last night. Follow­ing a street demonstration, Ur. Katsen- bacb addressed an audience of nearly L M pereon*. referring particularly to (lia Public Utility Commlislen, which, be ^Mtiircd. ihduld b« flv«n mors pow«r M % prev«ntlv« icir rAUroad wrtcki.

•The law criatlng the Public Utulty Cdnunleglon l i all right, but It doesn't go far enough," aseerted Mr, Katsen- bacb. "After every railway accident we hava iBVegUgatlons. The time to conduct tbaa* invaaUgatlons Is before the acet- degta have occurred, and lueap* ought to be Biheed g t tha command of tha com- b Ih Imi-.

"It la -ahaotutely nsceesary (or the aafety of the pubUo that rallroada be eom p^ed to adopt modem aafety ap- pUaboa*. Every modem precaution ought to be Inelsted upon. This la sspecially ae In New Jeney. BKectlve InveeUga- non and regulation are absolutely necee-

. SS17 for the modem life of today."Mr. Katsenhach went on to say that

"th* preeent law Is defectlv* so fa r as th* machinery provided for the enforce- maat of the law and making InveaUga- tione Is coneemsd."

• If I am elected Governor I will en­deavor to Incraaea the poweri of the PUbUe Utility Commieeton ao It may have aowl* famUties tor Utveeugatlon, which te turn wilt lead to th* prevention ol gueh salasnltlea a* have occurred in the

Indorsed by

naat"' Supporter* of Mr. Katsenbaoh declared after the favorable resulu of yesterday'a campaign that Salem County wn* hi*. Th* enunty l* normally Republican, but the Katsenhach followers assert that their leader will have a HO majority If acnS iia tt^

At Pennsgrova Mr. Katienbach mad* a strong ape«;h In the grove on th* hanks of th* Dalawar* River, Rev. B. J. Gwynn wag ona of the v eak e ra

'Tf you have a better man than Frank a. Katienbach In th*. State of New Jer- gey," declared Mr. Gwynn, "trot him out

put him on eghlblUon. 1 am a preachar, and: I say this: He doe* more g ^ in th* city of Trenton on th* Lord's Day, In all probability, than nny mints- ter. In his work as teacher of the Bible e lM and supervisor of the boys' Bible class a t th* State Normal School he ie iooulcatlng prtnelple* Into the mind* of your boy* and girl* that shall be a'mon-

v; UIWBt to him In their future Uvei."Mr. Katienbach apoke also a t Blmer,

Friendship, Polo Tavern, Daretown. Torktown and Woodstown.

Today Hr. Katsenbacb I* touring Cape May County.



lia tf (hm*K>nimc».ASBURT PARK. Sept. 4.—A warning to

voter* to beware of schemes concocted by poltttctnns to defeat the end of the primary law h a t been Issued by Wllllang K. Fenn, of thl* place, Republican candi­date for the Assembly, Mr. Fenn en­tered the race agalnat Edgar I. Vender- veer, of Freehold, and John Thompson, of Avon, who have the Indorsement of the county Republican leaders, They were selected, according Jo Mr, Fenn. after he had (lied a petition and after former Governor Fort had refuaed to run for the office. After telling how the primary law le Intended to eliminate maohtne-made candidates, Mr. Fenn says:

"The faoases cannot prevent any man from going Into the primary, but they can put up other men, make contests, divide up the voting and confuse the leeue. They can conspire together and seek to defeat a t the primary the men they don't wanL The people do not alway* know when the game Is worked. How Is It to be known when they are 'putting this over' on the voters? Easy. Just watch the game.

"When It Is found that the conspirators hare secretly met a t the last minute and framed up a state which they Indorse and nsk the people to support a t the pri­mary. the people may know to an abso­lute certainty that the game le on. No m atter who the candidates are, rest assured they can be depended upon to repreaent th* hoeeee' will In th* offices they asek in case thej should be elected."


HACKENSACK, Sept. 4.—Though th*■ automobile In which Governor Fielder

^ abd party were touring Bergen County ya4rt*rday Was ditched. It was not ov«r- turiMd, and no one was hurt. The ac-

- oident happened a t a pMnt between Cloe- te r and Bergenfleld. I t waa caused by

. Ayery Morton, of BergenflMd, who ran hla auto Into the OovernoFs car while attempting to pass. The Fielder inu-

' aUae waa forced Into a roadside ditch, ngrrowly mtsalng colllalon with a tele-

fn the appended list are th* name* of some of the Mayoralty aeplrants In New Jereey, who hav* tiled their peilUons and who seek nomlnatlotT a t tb* pri­maries. Beptember O. Th* aetertsk Indi­cate* the Incumbent:ABBURT PARK-

Dr. Wmiern H. Pratt (Rep.).IVlUiem H. Berry (Prog.).‘Reginald B. Bennett iDem.l.Charlee Rugirber (Dem.).

BATONNB-Dr. Albert Daly (Dem ). hut will run tor

Republican nomination.‘Mathew T. Cronin (Dem.).

BELVIDERE—•Dr. Elmer C. Loekhard (Rep.).Dr. G. Wyekoff (Dem ).

BELLEVILLE- ‘Charles Lyman Denlaon (Rep.).Everett A, Hicks (Rep.),John C. La Faucherl* (Dem.).Helry E. Wilson (Dem,).

BOUND BROOK-.Davld M. Perry (Rep.. Indorsed

Prog,).George H. Packer (Dem.).

CAMDEN-•Charlei H. Ellis (Rep.). .Dr. Walter B. Bray (Dem.).John T. Wrlflit (Dem ).Dr. Dowling Benjamin (Prog ).Martin C. Kreck (Soc.).

CARLBTADT- Herman Deckert (Rep.).•Philip Sheridan (Dent ).John Muller (Dem.).

CHATHAM- •Frank L. Kelley (Rep.).Laurence B. Page (Dem.-Prog-Ind.).

OLAYTON- J. Preeton Potter (Rep,).*r. R. Nichole (Dem.).Edison Fits (Prog,).

COULINQBWOOD- Georg* LlpplQpott (Prog.).

DOVER-Arthur P. Vtn Gelder (Rep.-Prof. Fua ). IVIlllam L. R. Lynd (Dem.).Richard Stelgler (Soc.).

EAST NEWARK- •Comcllus A. McOlennon (Dem.).

ENGLEWOOD- Dwlght W. Morrow (Rep,).

OARFIELD- •Jdhn Karl (Rep.-Prog.).Erneat Dahnert (Rep ).

GLEN RIDGE- •Dtvld H. Btandlth (Prog


Wallace Taylor (Dem.).HAHMONTON-

‘Dr. Frederick C. Burt (Rep.),HIGHLAND PA RK-

Augustue R. Van Marter (Rep.).George Ftancle Eden (Frog ).George White (Dem.).

HOBOKEN—John F. Gardner (Rep.).‘Martin Cooke (Dem.).Phillips Stsuerwald (Dem.).George Carmlet (Boo.).

JAMESBURG—Frank Jtnnlnga (Rep.).•Elmer Patten (Dem.).

KEARNY— •John J, Howe (Prog.).'Walker W. McCarrol (Dem ).Robert B. Torrance (Rep.).George Alexander (Rep.).Rohert J, Victor (Soc.).

MADISON—Benyew D. Fhllhower (Rep )Bruno Weyars (Dem.).

MANASQUAN- Wllltnm A. Thorp (Rep.).•William F. l/efferson (Dem.).

METUCHEN—Thorfin Talt (Dem.).

MIDDLESEX—Ma* F. Wlrts (Rep.).

NETCONO—J, H. Whltmeyer (Rep.).•Elmer King (Dem.).Q. H. Lunger (Prog.).

n e w BRUNSWICK- Elmer E. Wyekoff (Rep,).Dr, Austin fleott (Dem).J. Brognard Wright (Prog ).

NORTH ABLINOTON- •Wllllam Hrandenburg Jr. (Dem.). Edward O'Hara (Dem).

n o r t h PLAINFIELD- •Robert Clark Jr. (Rep.).

PATB.RBON—Robert H. Fordyee (Rep.-Colby-Prog.). Robert A. Boa (Dem.).Frank Van Cleve (Dem.).Edward Mohrl* (Dem).James G. Btauvelt (Prog.).Gordon Demarest (Boo.).Rudolph Kat* <8oc.-Labor.),

PAUL8B0R0- Dr. W. H. Pounds (Rsp).Dr. M. J. Doolittle (Bep.).Joseph D. Murray (Dem.).

POINT PLEAANT—Thomas Ferguson (Prog.),JamcB H, Van Note (Dem ).

PITMAN-Bev D. H. Bchock (Bep.),Samuel O Le Fevre (Dem.),C. G. JiiBtlce (Prog,).

RAHWAY-Wllllam M. Davie (Rep.).Thomai A. Fyffe (Dem.).

BOCKAWAT- Edward K- Ehlets (Rep ).Robert M. Forrester (Dem.).Duncan M. Robertoon (Prog,).

RUMSON- •John Corllei (Dem.)

3TANH0PE- Wm. Rest (Dem.)

BOMMERVILLB- •Wm. V. Steele (Rep.)Wm. V. Bteele (Dem.)

SOUTH BOUND BROOK- Wllion N, Brown (Dem.)Joseph L M. Dufour (Dem.)

aUMMIT-Fraucli H, Bergen (Rep.)Albert E. Underwood (Prog.)George W. Baldwin (Dem.)

fiUSBEX-Frank Holbert (Rep.)

VERONA-Charles W. Brower (Bep.)David H. Blayback (Dem.)

WEST NEW YORK—Oscar Auf der Held* (Detn.)In Essex Felte theee Mayoralty aspir­

ant* who have not filed petUtons expect to run Independently: Charles F. Blake (Rep.); W. Foster Oakea (Dem.); A. Law­rence Pleraon (Dem.).

In Washington, Warren County, no Mayoralty petitions were filed.

In Bpring Lake, although no peutlona were filed, a movement la afoot to have Mayor Oliver H. Brown (Rep.) run for renocMnatlon.


WABHINGTON, N, J.. Bapt, 4.~For the firet time In the hletory of the bor­ough th* time for filing petition* for a primary has passed without the naming of a alngt* candidate for th* office* of Mayor and councilman.I The term ! of Mayor C, B. Smith and Councilman E. E. Wyekoff and J. D. Groff, all Democrats, siplre. and neither desire* a renomlnatlon. Thl* doe* not mean, however, that there will not he any candidates a t the regular election In November.

MRS. JUUA REESE COLLESSfrtdal flerriCi of JtEWS,

MORBISTOWNy 8«pt- 4 .-M ri. JUMtoKm m Collei, widow of Ooorfo W, CoUm , of Wotmoro av«nu«, died TuMday night

D rin k Newark^ FamouT B o ttle d B e e r

O ird e i* r r o m y o u r D e a l e r

csr?bone 353oMadcet

B eet Set* e l T v elb . $ ! • .• « Geld C rew e* (IS b t .) tIMie G oie F illle g a from g l.o e

Hot coiMcied wits aa> olhtr oHlct

Edmund S .H ind,D .D .S .P niprtel'it W h ile O ea tc l Parler*

67t Broad St. ^“lo'o /saadsrt 'Kovrtli Flttor WIm BuYIdlag

GERMANIV to fiT i lkp««



■ -I U



Contrary to expactatlon, Charlee H.„ _______________ StewerL of Highland place. Maplewood,n Memorial Hospital eVler an njness^of | alated by tl»e Democrat* of the

' ' ' South Orange Townehlp for membership■lx week*. Th* funeral will b* held to- from the Church of the tiemorrow




BptHal fiervtn of (Ar \F!W8.JERSEY CITY, Sept. 4.-Actlng-Oover-

nor Fielder eald today that he had not yet had a opportunity to read the state­ment iBBued by Frank S. Katsenhach Jr. yesterday in which the Mercer candidate for the Governorship further criticised President Wtlaon for his Indorsement of Fielder.

"I have been lo busy that I havn'l had time to read last right's papers," eald Governor Fielder 6^

Mr, Fielder goes lo Mlddleaex County tomorrow for tour among the Democrats there.

No PetltloB for Aprlag Lake.gprrtal fisnJice of (Ae .VEF8.

SPRING LAKE, Sept. 4.-A* ha* been th* syetem lo Spring lAke politics for several year*, there will be no printed names on th* primary tickets for borough offices a t this "year's primaries. Borough Clerk E. V, Patterson received no petl- tlona for candidacies up until mid­night last night, thetlme limit. It la, however, believed that Mayor Oliver H. Brown will be a candidate for re-elec­tion. Although the lerma of Council­man William O. Bchenck and Herman Oetslnger expire this year no petitions were filed for their office*. Schanrk. It la underatood. will run for another term, but Councilman Getslnger la expected to withdraw.

gpsftal gcrrfce of (A* A'ewS.JAMESBURG, Sept. (.-The funeral was

held yealerday of lease Petty, who died Sunday after an Ulnea* of two weeks. l.erUcei were conducted from of hi* daughter, Mra, John Lrrlcaon. Warren street, with whom he made hla home, and at the Jameaburg fhurch. They were conducted by the pas tor Rev. Samuel J. McClenaghan. Inter­ment wae in the family plot In Presbyterian Church cemetery at cran bury.Mr Petty was born eighty-four y*et* ago at Gravel Hill, near this place, and had been continuously a resident there until he moved to Jameeburg twenty- three years ago. For several yews he conducted a large milling buslneas a t Lng- llshtown. in 1H66 he married Miaa Nancy Woodruff, of Hunterdon County, and had thirteen children, nine of whom aurvlve. Mr*. Furman Farr, of Trenton. Mrs John Errlcson, of Jameaburg. Mrs. Victor Wheeler, of Camden: Mra. EdwardGroves, of Cranbury; Jsmea P. Petty, of Aibury Park: Charle* Petty, of Cranbury; .'ohn Petty. Isaac N. Petty and Joaeph W. Petty, of Jameaburg.

Twenty-eight grandchildren and aeven- teen great-grandchildren alao survive him.

Mrs. W lihur F. Dye. gprWol Serrlcs of the .VEITS.

N'EWTON. Sept. 4.—The funeral of Mrs. Wlihur F. Dye, wit* of Mayor Dye. who died yesterday at her homo In Main

V an N et* W ill Hna for M eror.POINT PLEASANT, Bept. 4.—Captain

Jame* M. Van Note, the Democratic as p lran l for the Mayoralty, who two years ago was beaten for the office by one vote by Mayor Chester W. Clay ton. Is a candidate this year. Clayton will not run again and Councilman Thomas Ferguson will heed the Repub llcan ticket this year. Albert Ayore and Twining Wsrdell will be the Re­publican candidate* for oounoU end will be opposed by Everett Johnson and Jam es Fltiglbbon*. Derooerata. Harry Bhoemaker. Democrat, will fight It outfor the ooUectorehlp agalnei Oliver B.

bl!Van Camp. Republican.

In the South Orang* Townahlp Commit, tee, did not file his petition with Town­ahlp Clerk Edward R, Arculariue yester­day. Mr. Stew art who has been spend­ing hi* vacation at Lake Hopatcong. did not arrive home until thl* morning, but his friendi In Maplewood aeld that Mr. Btewart'a name wit) be on th* ticket at the November election.

But on* petition wa* filed for member- ahlp in tha Democratic County Commit­tee, that of Thomai nemlng. who will run In the Fourth dietricl. The Republi­can* who have filMi petitions for the county committee are: Firat district.County Couneel Benjamin F. Jonea; Sec­ond district. Samuel G. Memory; Third district. Edward H. Gaudlneer, and Fourth district, Clifford Headley.

The Progretilves will run men In but two dlstrlcti. They are Wilbur A.jCr*ne, Firet district, and Herman A. Tufel, In the Second.

Petitions for Justice of the peace were filed by Robert Waroing. Progreealve, and Frank Briden. Republican. The Democratic choice for poundmaster Is William C, Faulkner; constable, George W. Howard. A. Voorheos Oake* and Edward R. "Crowell, Republicans, have filed petitions for aurveyor* of highways.

■ QUICK ACTION IN FIRE DRILLAn alarm of fire sounded In several de-

parimenls of the Edison Works, In West Orange, yesterday afternoon, and 6.1.1OO men and women, leaving their benches and machines, hurried to the atalrcaeea ‘and flre-eacapes. and the buildings were soon emptied. The alarm waa a stunt

i a ihcr* at 1 nvinrk lo- ' T r movlng pictures, to be used thet7r:,w *aR e;n;om T h rsV rv l^ /w lU 'b e j 8t_ale depa rtm^ent_ of Vactorj. Jnap.^ctlom......., T hu’ P c H . r i c k G W lllev o f 1 T h e W est O ran g e fa c to r lc e c o m p rise

worth l.eague Society, of which Mrs, Dye waa a prominent worker, will attend the services In a body. Her auna, Howard,Frank, Ralph. Herbert and Percy Dye. will act as pallbearers, interment will he made In the Branchvllle Cemetery.

MIee Phebe A. gearing, gpedal SenHce of (Ae NEK'S.

DOVER. Sept. (.-The funeral of Miss ..........Phebe A. Searing will he held at 3 o'clock ' ^e considered this a record.

operated by a single concern and employing In the neighborhood of 6,700 hands. There are fire companies employes. Fire drills are conducted reg­ularly. The storage battery plant waa emptied In two and a half minutes. 'Ihe phonograph work*, six stories In height, where eleven nationalities are repre­sented among the 1,000 employe*, wae emptied and then occupied again In elx minutes. Fire Chief William Malone said

Bringing srith them eamplei of water to prove that no mistake had been made early In the summer when oil wae spread on Campbell's Pond reservoir. Chief In­spector John W. Dobbins, of the County Mosquito Exterminating Coromlseton, and George W. Eager, the MUlburn inspector, turned up In Orange last night to attend a meeting of the water and etreet light­ing committee of ih* Common Council. They were disappointed, however. Al­though last night was th* scheduled date for Ihe monthly meeting, it wa* deferred because the council did not meet Mon­day night on account of the holiday.

The presence of the Inspectors Indi­cated that the spreading of oil on tho reservoir la by no mean* a closed chap­ter, although several weeks have elapsed ilnce the work was done by a squad of employe* of the County Mosquito Com­mission. Indignation was expressed at a meeting of the water committee early in August because the water had been treated, but since then nothing has been done. At that meeting the claim vvas made that the oiling waa unnecessary, as the water In the reservoir, according to Water Superintendent lease N. Travis, la not stagnant. To assure the people of Orange that there Is no need for alarm. Mr. Travis and Alderman Stetson were authortied lo draft a statement. As yet thie statement has not been made public.

Unable to locate any of the aldermen, Ihe exterminators found their way Into a meeting of the Orange Board of Trade. An loveetlsallon by Postmaster Edward S Perry resulted in the Information that no meeting of the water committee had been called.

Mr. Dobbltifl was reluctant lo diKUM hlB samples when approached by a re­porter, but seemed eonfldtiil that he could prove that there were mosquito breeding places In the reservoir.

As has been staled. Orange has not re­ceived any of Its water supply from Carnphell'B Pond during the summer.




Eifhlh tfi T W h m* Broadway to Fourth Av«

New Fall Dresses

for Women $ n . 7 5

Regut&rly $14.50 to $20

Letrersam Will Oppose Thorp.MANASQUAN. Sept. 4.-Mayor William

F. Lefferson will be the Democratic can­didate for the Mayoralty this year and Councilman William A. Thorp, a Repub­lican. will head the rival ticket. Along with that of Thorp were the petitions of John Hulshart, cashier of the Manasrpian National Bank, and Dr. Ralph W. Her­bert. tor council, and Halstead Wain- W right and Robert M. Marks for county rx,mmltteeman. Dr. Herbert seelis re- election to council.

T w o for Jaiheshorg M ayor.JAMESBURG. Sept. ( (Special).—But

two candidates tor the office of Mayor iiave tiled their petitions, Frank Jen­nings, thrice Mayor, who wa* an unsuc- cesstu! candidate for Assemhly on the Progressive ticket last fall, le tho Re­publican's candidate for Mayor. Opposed to Mr. Jennings will bo the preeent Mayor, Elmer Patten, Democrat.

tomorrow afternoon a t tho home of her nephew and niece. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powers, at MlUhrook, and burial will be | in the Mlllbrook Melhodlot Episcopal j Cemeter.v. Rev. B. E. Whitmore, pastor | of the lilt. Freedom M E. Church, will conduct the service Miss Searing'* death, which occurred yesterday morning, fol­lowed a long nines* from valvular heart dieeaee. Born In Mlllbrook eeventy-three year* ago. Miss Searing wae the daughter of th* late Samuel J. and ffllxabeth Bear­ing. A brother, Alonio B. Searing, of Elisabeth street. Dover, survive* her.

F u aeia l o f Mra. M iller H opping. Spftdal Serefc* of (A* .VBKS,

WHIPPA.VY, Sept. (.-The funeral ser­vice of Mrs, Miller Hopping was held at her late residence at Monroe yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Mr*. Hopping died at .Memorial Hospital, Morristown. Sun­day, after an speratlon. She was thirty- nine year* old and a life resident of Monroe, Rev. R. H. M. Aaguetlne, of Hanover, officiated. Bealdee her hueband two sisters survive her, Mrs. S. Ball and Mlqs Marion Burnett. The Interment was at the Hanover Cemetery.

Funeral of Victim of Boraa, Special Serrlce ol (Ae NEWS.

NETCONO. Sept. (.—The funeral of Howard Cavanaugh, only son of Mr. end Mrs. John Cavanaugh, will be held a t his home tomorrow morning a t 10 o'clock. He died Tuesday afternoon from the effects of having been accidentally scald­ed last Afonday, Rev. W, Irving Dice, of tha Stanhope Methodist BplacopalChurch, will officiate at the funerak Interment will be at the Stanhope Union Cemetery.

OBJECT TO LUNCH WAGON USEThe use of a lunch wagon In Mllibgrn

as a ' hang out" for the youths of the place, with consequent alleged annoy ances about the neighborhood, was con­sidered by the township eommlttee last night. The proprietor wll) be notified to have any nuisance about hi* wagon done away with.

Dr. Wellington Campbell, Philip B, Smith and Charle* F. Coaney were ap­pointed to fix assessment* for the road work In the Short Hill* and Wyoming sections. September 29 was set as a date (or hearing of any objection* tp Ihe completed work on Knoilwood road. Knollwood place and Taylor place, in Short IJUls and Maple and Cedar alreeU, Wyoming.

ONE HILLSIDE CONTESTThere will be only one contest a t th*

primaries In Hlllstde Township. Harry Tindall, of Sayhrook. and Charlee Clarke, of Lyons Farms, seek the Republican nomination for township committeeman. Mr. Tindall la now serving a* comhaltle*- man.

J. El 11 oil Hall for a two-year term and Frank Baker for one year on the com- mltlec, will have no oppoeltlon for the nomination In either the Republican, Democratic or progreealve prlmarlea. They have been Indorsed by the three parti®*- ^Other petitions filed are: Republican, for township clerk. George Compton: for re- nomination. tax collector, David A. Do- remue; aBseasor. John Leyser; constable*. George Green and Edward Huey: Demo­cratic, collector. Creorge F. Stovekeo; county committeemen, Abram P. Morris; freeholder, Mr, Morrli; Progre8*!ve. clerk. Mr Compton; collector. Frederick H*e- fle;' aseeiaor, Mr, Leyser;Arthur D- Crane; constable, Edwin M. Meltck.


Rltienour, an aide to General "Stone­wall" .lackflun during the Civil War, 1* dead here at the ago of aixty-elghl.

,Mr nittenour died yeBtCrday and the funeral will be held today. For forty years he wae a clerk and Interpreter In the office of the auditor of th* Navy De­partment In Washington. In tha fighting at I’hancellorsville, Ik which General Jackson received his mortal wounds. Mr. Rlttpoour was bealde the noted Con- federote leader.


Members of Ihe Sinking Fund Commie-,- slon of Irvington, recently appointed, will meet tonight at the town hall, to o w n ; lie for the coming year. Th* board will conslet of former Councilman Georg* H. Woolley of the Second Ward, f o ^ e r Playground Commtaaloner, Nicholas Weber, of the First Ward, and Peter Scherer, a retired merchant, of th* ThirdWard. . . __

While no official Intimation ha* beer given as lo- the choice tor chairman it is expected that the honor will go to Jlr. WuolW. as the ranking member of the commupslon. he having l^en named for lha full term of th r« years. After or- gantxatton the commtaaloners will go Into conference with »ho finance eommltte* of the Town Council, consisting of Council- men Charle* Hatikopf, Le-mard Setaro and Georg* F. Serb*, to map out pl*n» tor handling the bonded Indebtedne** of 0$e municipality.

As a starter for the many good things which the Lower Price Store will have for women this coming season, here are 170 silk, serge and wool crepe dresses in twelve wonderfully pretty styles at a price that is far below their good quality.

Plain models for after­noons; others are pretty enough for the evenings.

Colors offer a good range for choice—black, navy blue, Copenhagen blue, mahogany, wistaria, topaz and Russian green.Friday, on the Subway Boor,

Old Building.

School Girls’ Dresses—Many new Fall models forgirls of 6 to 14 years.

percale and ginaham In ' Iiida. Longstripes, checks and platda. ^ g

waiated effects, with low or high neck. Some with turn-over linfJi collars and cuffs; some afc trimmed with touch of contrast­ing color.

$1. $1.50 and $1.75.


FHILLIPSBURG, Bept. 4,-T he funer*l of Thomas Shield*, sixty-three year* old. who waa killed Tuesday by an engine drawing a Lackawanna passenger train near the Btewartevllle Station, will be

Medals and prlxe* won a t an ath­letic meet between Melrose, South End and Essex Athletic club*. Montclair, at Glenfleld Park, that town. Labor Day, wilt be presented at the Montclair Y. M. C. A. auditorium tonight.

Councilman Walter Kidd* ha* given four gold medal* (or members of the championship relay team, and L. 0- Ivey, president of the Montclair Athletic Club, ha* donated a trophy shield for th* wln-

Serge Sldrte for SchoolGirls—

B u tto n on side. Sires 24 to 30 inches. $3.75.

Middy Blouses for Gfrb, 50o—

Galatea and linene, with colored pointed collar and lacing at neck. Sizes tO to18 years.

Subway floor, Old Building,

held tomorrow ifternoon from hi* 1*1® __ _______ ____ .home. B Hanover street. H® wa* for j ,|ing club. These will be presented by the many years an employe of the Delaware, honors. Other prises will be awarded by


sMaiUe. rJubman. of Philadelphia, was Btrlcken with apoplexy while conversing with friends laat night a t the New York Chih, of which he was a member. He died an hour later.

Mr. Matile was a wholesale seedsman, of Villa Nova, Pa, With Mrs. Maule he arrived In New York late yesterday af­ternoon.

PRIMARY TICKETS MADE UP IN STATEThe final hour tor the filing of pe­

tition* by candidate* for nomination at the prl marie* to county and murilclpal office* In the State atruck a t midnight laat night. In most places three tickets are In the fteld-Democrats. Progreealve* and Republicans. In a f*w Instance* party gap* are dtecloaed.


Lackawnna and Western Railroad.Mr. Shields was walking on the bridg®

near the station when his dog FIossI® rah onto the tracks. It Is supposed that the veteran railroader knew that the passen­ger train waa due, and he attempted to puil the dog from the track. As he leaned over the track the train flew by, the engine striking Mr. Shields on the head. He was Instantly killed.

Surviving Mr. Shields are his widow, a brother, Isaac Shields, of WaBhlngtoo. and three half-^brothers, Simon Shields, of Washington; John Shields* of Hack- ettstown, and Emile Shields, of Elaston. Mr. Shielda was a member of the Ho­boken Lodge of the Order of Railway Conductors. His last position was as­sistant baggage-master a t the local Lackawanna Station,


g r a g pol* and two trsaa.machine wa* driven bock on tb*

- mwl by It* own power. A* It was a caw o t’m al on th* I» rt of Morton no com-

rjgalnt wo* mad*. In the OovemoF* car, boside* blmHlf. were Colonel Frank H.

' ToylOT, ConcreMinan Bart, Colonel Al- frod B. Btdiey and Bendtor Jobneon.

.doveraor Irielder first tpok* a t CUIH- H* •wl»lti*d Edgewaler, Fort L**,

•wood, Tetiofly, Bargsntlold, Du- U dootsr, 'Wwtwood, HlUsdoJ*, Rom- JUlOndol*, Bldcswood, Lodi, Oor-

Sntbortotd. UtU* F n ry , Bldge- :’3*ork, Bogota, and a t 8:16 loot *v«n-

■oxBiad -Courthouw Square, Hoekan- Wb*ra a bond ooneart and tlr«-

( aacaitsd him. Her*, he sold, ba ; (dtloaiui who fattod lo vote.


MlH Mary B. Keanaa.After an lllnea* of several month*. Ml**

Mafy H. Keenan, daughter of th* late John and Ann Keenan, died at her home, 160 John itreeV East Newark, yesterday. She had been a resident of Marrleon nearly all her Ute. She leave* ona brother. Health Inspector John Keenan, of East Newark. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from the church of th* Holy Cros*, where a high mas* of requiem will he celebrated,

Felix J, Henrr.Felix J. Henry died a t hi* home, 144

Booth Valley road, We*l Orange, ye*tor- followln* an Illness of severalday

NOBLEBVILLE, Ind., Sept. 4.-RIIey Shephierd. ninety-four years old, the father of twenty-nine children, is dead at hlB home here.

Mr. Shepherd Is .survived by twenty children, 126 grandchildren. Biily-eight grcat-grendehlldren and (our great-g«at- grandchltdren. He waa bom in North Carollns and came to Indiana In 1840. Shepherd had been married three times.

New Engl*** Aetrcia Die* Abroad.STAMFORD, Conn., Bept. 4 ,-Word came

from London tiday, of the death there, from appendicitis, of Miss Minnie Hickey of this city, who was In vaude­ville with her slater, under the name of the Btendlsh sister*.

SpeHel Serrfee ol (6« NEWS.BEEMERVILLE, Sept. 4.-Mr*. Anna

E. Slate, wit* of Truman Slate, a farmer who lives near this place, died yesterday from Injuries received In a runaway ac­cident & year ago, Mrs. Slate was driv­ing one of her husband's horse*, when the animal became frightened end rao away. She wa* thrown out and Injured on th* heed. She never fully recovered.

Mrs. Slate, who w*» a daughter of the late Edward Roe. wo* forty-eight years old. Besides her husband, »h* 1* sur­vived by a Bon and a daughter, both a t home. The funeral will h* held a t her home at 2 o'clock Baturday afternoon. Rev. W. G. Westervelt, of th* Beemer- vllle Preebyterlan C3iurch. officiating. Burltil will be In the B**m*rvlUe Ceme­tery.

the reapecllve club*.An addreer"will be made by Assembly-

man Bennett H. Flehler, of Upper Blont- clalr. Members of the town Board of Education, have been ashed to speak. George L. Llsiman, physical director at the Montclair Y. M. C. A., will pre­side.

House Dresses— Unusual for |1

Perctle in two styles. Sub'wgy floor, Old Buildinf

FAIRMOUNT SCHOOL TO OPENThe new Fairmount School, West Or­

ange, will he opened Monday morning, when the fall term begins. The high school and grammar grade pupils who at­tended Gaston Btreet School before It was burned down last winter, win be housed In the new building pending the comple­tion of th* new high school. Since Feb­ruary these pupils have been ntUndlng Washington School, where half-day classes were necossery In order to pro­vide for the doubling up of the pupils formerly attending two buildings.

There are twelve classroom* In Fair- mount School, alt of which will be re­quired, as well as two playrooms which It will be necessary to make use of tem­porarily.

Necklacea of Pwis-NUdo Pearls at $1—

French pearls so exquisite in color that they were im­ported to sell at $3.50.

Milo Aisle, Old Buildlni.

Nickelware in the Housewares S a le -

Baking dixhe* rhitu «nam®l®d UnlnK* 2 pL*


m WOU FOR OSBORNEt Jhmiee of. so* JMWa.

JERSEY CITY, Sept 4.—HoV*rt Carey, candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor, In a etate- ment Iseued today, explalue hie a t t i ­tude toward legislation dealing with strikes and lockouta set forth firet In hie announcement of his candidacy.

If he should be elected Governor, says Mr. Carey, he would Immediately call together perioni representing the public utllltlei companiea the menu- footurlng Interests and th* Ishor unions to find a solution of th* prob­lem. He declare* the solution ho* been found In Canada and th a t Ifoaeacha- le tte officials are now Investigating th* plan adopted by tha Dominion.

Th* Canadian plan, wbloh, Mr. Carey

CItY. 8 w t 4.—Conrmlssloo J t. Kagoa of J e n a r Cttyr,

iBSTBliig ttuu ha win eoon ::|ff|l« U thO e « j g | | ^ Of

•ays, works odmlrahhr, provides for a .gtiw n of labor dls-aeinpulsary laveetlL

pntea and etrtkiri .ore prohibited until the hrreftigatlon te completed.-"There . i i no oompulsotF a iM tr*^O i the l a ^ i

months. He was sixty yeece “id »nd was bom In orange. A high mas* of « - culom win be offered Saturday morning. Burial will be In Bt, John * Cemetery. Mr. Henry was a member of the Holy Nome Society, Loyal Order of Moos* a t Patrick'* AlUono*. He 1* survived by one daughter. Mr*. Harry A, Hllsinget, and two sons, Daniel and George Henry.

Funeral ol Thouuu l>. Brendreth.Funeral service# for Thomas Law­

rence Brandrelh, who died Tuesday a t his home In Brie place,- Nutley, were held at the house this afternoon. Rev. Charles H. Power*, of Vincent M. B. Church, Nutley. officiated, and burial was made a t CAtdwsll.

Maele Teacher Expire*.PASSAIC, Bept. 4.-Jam«s M. Hobron. a

professor of music for forty years, died ydgterdaY a t hta home, 233 Pennington avenue, from heart dleeose. He -was eerenty-two year* old. He hod been pro- feeeor of music at the State Normal Coi- lega of Iowa and th* New York College

Fli.rd for Beating R e n e ..Charged with cruelty to a horse,

Michael Gervodo. of Beet Nutley, and Will ism Bmlth of Lyndhurst, were ar­rested on the Belleville turnpike, Arling­ton. yeeterday. by Marshal Rlepe, of North Arlington, and Patrolman HMIea of Kearny. They were arraigned before Justice oif the Peace Charles RIeck, of Arlington, who fined Gervodo. owner of the horse, tlO. Gervodo did not deny that he had baatan the horse, but said he felt Jiistifled In doing so because the animal was " a new on* and tricky."

JERSEY CITY, Sept. 4.-G«otg* O. Scott, owner of the ateamahlp Bunc* Brothers, died yesterday a t th* City Hoe- pltel her* from injuries he reoelvedwhen he wa* run over by a locomotive near the Port Liberty pier In the Jereey.Cen­tral yard* Tuesday evening. He woe thirty-eight year* old.


w ilt Inspeet Field Artillery,•gloff Cornipotimot.

TRENTON, Sept. 4.—Under orders Is­sued by the War Department lost Tues­day. Captain John B. W. Corey, field artillery, and Firet Lieutenant Harry P fe li also of the artillery, or* directed to make InspecUone of the field a rtil­lery of the National Guard a t Bast Or­ange and Camden. The inepeotlone are not to exceed on* vielt a month from now until June 80, 1914. TH* Inspect­ing officer* are members of the regu­lar army.

P. Albert Golnes, who for the past five years hod been secretary of the colored branch of the Orange T. M. C. A., has resigned and 1* arranging to continue In oseoclatlon work In the Middle West. The years of Mr. Golnes’s secretaryship have been the most prosperous In the history of the branch. When he oseunaed charge there were but eighteen active members, and the number has Increased to eighty.

In recognition of hi# work a testimo­nial reception will be tendered him In th* Union Baptist Church tomorrow night. The principal addrees will be by Rev, Dr. William P. Lawrence, pastor of th a t church, and th* pastors of sev­eral othe* churches have been invited to attend. Th* mualcal program will In­clude piano solo* by William Lamh and vocal Bolos by H. J. Davis, of Brooklyn.

white enameled S-pt-i $2-26.

Nickel-plated casserole dish**, earthenware lining; round, 2-pt. 11.75; oval, 03.

Vegetable or ateak earthenware lining: round, »3.S0, ova!, $2.76. •

Coffee percolatori* to uee on gas or coal rango* 8-pt, m *

Oval mahoganyend handles; 2«-ln„ |B; 24-ln.. 16.56.

6-o'olock . t.s___k<ttle_., 3 - t..

M onte)*!, R n id e n c e Sold.Frank M. Soule haa aold hla reeldencs

at South Mountain avenue and Llewellyn Toed. Montclair, Up Edwin Merton Mc- Brier. of New York City. The reported consideration wa* 176,001). The houee was recently hullL Mr. Boole recently pur­chased a farm In the vicinity of Utica, N. Y., for 560,(1110. The Montclair prop­erty was sold through F. M. Crawley * Bros., of that town.

of MuMc. During the lost twenty ypow " ^ ■ 1 4hijIm iDstmetad pupils In Rutherford

RMsotc. Mr. Hobron is survived by bis wife one ion.

Pn>ar**> a t Bliow T kcatn ,The program for tb* second part of the

week's entertainment a t the Bijou The­atre, Orongs, which started this after­noon, Iheludes a sketch with Em ts and Ernie; th* Three Sylvesters In a comedy gnobaUii. act: .Conroy and Wilson In s puhel post skit: Boakoff end Oicll* hi

Te ClelBi Fortnse tm Greece.TRENTON. Bept 4.—One of th* hsp-

plest young men in the city yesterday ,),BS George Bafaloukas, a Greek, of Id East State etreet. when he started from here to go bock to Greece to claim a fortune of 540.000. He left her* for New York and will sail for Oreecs next Saturday. W hile Georg* Is from a family of eeveroL he Is the only one of the children to receive a portion of th* money left by a relative. The fortune comes from hts vnols. who wee a tobacco merchant a t Anilroa Ajan IilaniU. Greeca

PUCM post sKlt: iiaiixou a m um ra ni.:camp.* dg)KlB*.4rtr««A WBsiuwidtW 1*5wee, bjlMS* ‘ -i , S '. , WT -

Te Bead Mercer Ceovlet CaSis. ^n e w t o n , Bept 4.-Heo4 Keeper Mi­

chael Bays*, of the convict edmp along tba BtoBbope-Newton rood, bss' been op- polnud Iwadkseper of th* »sw ocnvtct comp lust opened in Ueroar Codntjr. WtU- iam W^ckhkna, a keeper a t tbs loiml esmp. ha* b«*n eppouued to Mr. M o m ’s

Brady Isdoned liF OlnO,Joseph A. Brady -was Indorsed for free­

holder at a meeting of the Democratic Club of Western Essex County last night. Mr. Brady Jives In Forest avenue, Cald­well, and Is s Progressive DotnocraL The cluH voted to Incorporate and five trus­tee* were elected. They are: William T. Rainey, Marlon Hpelden and T h o n « A, Chapman Jr., of Caldwell; Colonel James G. Sprlgg, of Essex Fellt, end J. H. M. Cook, of Hoaeland, A finance committee of five members was appointed with Mr, Brady se chairman. Airangementt were mode .to torther the doller dinner to be given by the Cedar Grove Democratic Club September 17.

with alcohol lamp: bras*. nlckeL 52- ,

Breakfactplated, three bottles, 51 set.

Coffee percolator* to make Mf- (ee St tab la with J i P f :nickel-plated or copper finish, S-pt.. 16.

Chafing dishes, w ith slcshol lamp* nlckel-plsteB • ’pt., 56.

Round serving tra y a nlckel- nlated or coODOr; 13-In., 51. H fn„ 51.35listed or copper;

Bt^way floor. New Building,

Fined for Unlicensed Dogs,Court costs were Imposed ns fine* In

six dog case* and a tin* of 53 and costa In one case before Recorder F r e d e ^ k L Keller, of CaldwelL yesterday. The owners of all unllcenned dogs 4n the borough hod been euratnonsd to ox- plaln their failure to hSed a recent proclamation by Mayor Jirfin E*w directing th a t licensed bo eeeured. The proclamation was the resu lt of a mad dog s(!*r# d u rln rlw h lcb five 'persons were bitten eome weeks ago.

50 of th o o . Havl- land’s N ew est DInnwSets* !.#:$60 Grade now for $37.50 Some of the sets have J08 pieces, inijltiding three meat dishes and fonr sizes of

Some have 100plates.pieces, including soup tur­een, three meat dishes and three sizes of plates, ,5,

Also Six Open Stock Dinner-ware Patterns. Chfls. Field Haviland:

$50 from $80 Chas. Field Haviland;

^ 0 from $100

g ^ rts l Berries of '3* K1 tlOMARINGEH, O

f$rm e,' KIHg Manuel PMns*** AugusUne 1 ■warn, were marriec Castle Blgmerlngen I oa* of the moat brill

olty ever getherei rine* William, of I

[ the bride. Is a « 1 M* of the’ wesJtt

,.ne pMlUclons pro ktch a posslbls atfo:

oil th* throne of Pori ghe tact that Mem

A ng, while the p niMd «i* ‘Portuguese

. of the European rtilet t ^ weeding, but all w u« repreeented,

nil* Prtno* of Wal

3erge. <4 England; ek represented th 1 Duchees of Cbbi infanta cf Spain, n

fdnio: the Duke of i sM ^chesB of Aoi Viktor Emanuel, of

, l^ tp a n s le r repreie Oflsan* family, of w«r* many other ro;

' i f .

T5h* Catholic mar u # L both famlUes Cardinal Netto, *x- pajformed the ceres

th* wedding Chtdlnol Netto, as llegtlon of the bann th* papal dtspensat bis full title os Kli Including the "hi* m rtsd a i "His Majet PWllpp Karl Amel Raphael Gabriel 0< vhn Assisi Eugen. :

Ml* bride, therefc "Queen Ai

RMrtugal,'' and our PMne* WUUam of any of his wealth forts to reinstate 1 ruler of Portugal.

Yormer Queen M o i ' Manuel, and th( uncle, repreeented bUlty a t the weddli present* wortli a I to the princes* wa set with 3,0(» aiami tsfed in Lisbon. Ai of Europe sent coi ousts of Portugal

^ofmsr King Mt feur year* old. bee F * ro s ry 1. 1»6. US fstber. King C the throne. Prince deposed when th< „*^* overthrew' th<prootfOjned a ^ v iu ek and bia

were driven tram- refuge In England ttlBed ft home i courtesy of King' iKing hfs “dpn and, Pori*.

.'princess August! three year* old.H


'.VThere will b« i

a t th i primariesoffice*. 3h.eThird Ward. Thl on the Democratic


•rc ; Oouncllman. reph B. Henry. I John J. Daly; coi BuUlvan, Edwart HlUet, Thomas Daly, Thomas 1

' P. Blotdan; Ju*tl Ward, ThomasBkMey and Jam “ the'.only Repufor a l o ^ office T. Van Deren.tb* prtmarii

•our ball-Four bahot-bo: each polling pN one each for the Progrewlve# and

a m ARi


'WtlUom Brandi d iteu . fOT the North Arlington the primary by word O'Hara. T nofned a candid lowing are c*sdof councllroenm«ming, F. J, Barnard. Eugeni lector Richard :a renomlnatlon Frederick 'W- J can opponenL ] dIdate for cm ROrd Sargent Is f ^ county com Is a Repuhllhon tlOB Of freehold

• *' oaad id at*’* (I t* home of

Morrl* avenud. ter the second Union Towhsl Ottrkrkogements yei riRjdUlste for t

ijnember (>l f(Sr the unexpli t ^ e 1* locstpBflsoheth city Moted After Ms ^ e to peraua.■ LV Brv.-*-—•

nitd district

-------E ssl Or*

. riteg lslratlo i MfltoiilB of Ea tbi^rrow , wk « ^R all day, lf*w. pupl'epnrtiheirtB n*i itfutlced a t tl M u«ttJon -toi A tbs openlr llpm tng.■ I t ------

i< r l r s t .Doi■''.'Mprifl* Mil

ne, West 0 i**4tin: yfefli " nusslpd d

- arraign doLei

R ^ ltlieii tl

j in NflwiHfif, BH

Kew B nosw H k Bekoel Rdll GaU. gpeilat Bsmlcs of, tt* NEWS.' o t w SBOWBWICK. Bept. 4,—An In-

cresse of: 13* 1* Shown In th* number of pupil* enPoUsd in th* public school* St th* openliig yesterday. - The tniat num ber. n£ scholsrs a ttend ing -Is 5,7 65, vhUe im t year » wn* 3,U*> - '

ehfls. Field Hdvitaiid: $100 from $175-el:: - Theo Hivilend: "

from $47,50 Swedish bone chins; -

$40 from $77.60 Americsn pprcelsifl:.

$15 from $21,50 Second Gallery, New Building.

|1 2 J t o S i

Dfeew[$40 Bma;

Bnitg f $15 Bern

Coite [$I0 Cks

DreesfI t s C h if


t t o r t iw RXMX

iSaitttk Fm

"-V t

V i ,m4 . T H l^ P A Y . 8EFTEMBEB 4, 1913.





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f- 'I

ibi*K i



r w-In..

keUIcof * > imp*im ;

•hot f; I-


M E D t o

GERMAN PRINCESSFlrtifari D«po C i| TikM lioilwzolkni Brkle Befote Notah

ble Aiienbly of Rofilty.


t i te tt t Stfvfee o1 rh itWWS. llOMARIXOBN. 0«rniany, #*pt. 1 .-

' y % ^ . ‘ KIriK Uanutl. o( Portugal, and pMnaaaa AuguaUna Victoria, o{ Hohen- ■ & rn . war* marrtad thi* afternoon at C btl* eigmarlngen In the prewnoe of 01 of tha moil brilliant aaaemblagee of r< M ty aver gathered In dermany.^ n c a William, of Hohanaollem, fathar

o f the btida, la a oouiln of the Kalaar aAd oh* of tha'waalthieat men In EMrope. Mma ptflltlclana proleai to aee In the ■Wtch a poaalble effort to re place Manual oa tha throne of Portugal.

^ e tact that Manuel etlll clatma to be A n t . while tha powera have reeog- nlaad » * ‘Portuguei* rapublio. eaueed all

. of tha Suropaan rulara to atay away from weirding, but all of the royal famiUea

wiat* reproaented.Ifta Prlnoa ot Walaa reproaented King

3area, og Sngland; Prlnca Eitel Prod- ck repreeentod the Kaleer-, the Duke t Ducheee of Cbburg. the Infante and IdfanU cf Spain, reproaented King Al-

f S ^ ; the Duka ot Oanoa and the Duke aM Ducheae of Aoata repreaented King Victor' Bmanual, of Italy, tha Duke of

, ite tp an a la r repreaented the Bourbon- Orlaana family, of France, and there waya many other royal connacUonai prea-

**5ha Catholic marriaga ceremony waa. uiid , both famlUea being CathoUca, and CArdlnal Netto. ea-palrtarch of Llabon. parformod the ceremony.

fc tha wedding ceremony today by Cardinal NOtto, aa well aa In the pub- Itaatlon of the benna last Sunday, under tHa papal dtapanaatlon. Manuel received hla full title aa King of Portugal, even including the "hla majealy." He waa mar- rtad aa "Hla Majesty Manuel II, Maria Ftdllpp Karl Amollo Ludwig Michael Skphael Gabriel Ooniaga Xavier F™” * v ta Aaalal Eugen. King of Portugal.

bride, therefore, by the ceremony baiama "Queen Augu.tlno Victoria of Pbrtugal," and curiosity li eipreeaed it PMnea William of Hohanaollem will um any of hi* wealth and Influence in et- forti to relnatate hli new aon-ln-law aa TUlfiT of Portugal.

Termer Queen Mother Amolle, ^oi Manuel, and the Duke of Oporto, hla tincia, represented the Portuguese - Smty a t the wadding. The bride receivedprsKnU worth a fortune. Manuel a giftto tb * prtncaaa waa a platinum aat with S.0M dlaraonde. I t waa manufac Iliad S LUbon. All of the royal fem lle. a t Europe sent costly gifts and the roy «m t* of Portugal aenl many Prewnta.

Former King Manual, who la twenly- f e o r ^ r a old, became King o« Portitf*!


Tha D*mocr»tio caunir tMta In Bast Orange, e®"*'”*? uTay are almoat a w ltw lv ^ to and Third wards, h™"**’* Clltkla tt night In tha offle® ®*Lincoln * . Bewlay. In *®“i**’* ^ , tha filing of alavanth'hour P®tltl<m».* A coterie of "ragulara" under tha la ^ - ershlp of AanaiBblyman Ln»r®“;*Cnba J r sought to have th* petition of MiSond'A, Whittier, for c®nmtltuawn from th* Second dW rlct of ™ J Ward, thrown out, bacauas of faulty « l nature* and by w tth d r^ iw Whittier aucceeded In getting tha paUUon paaaed, though McCabe announced ha would further Invaatlgata and parhapa at- tack It y«t. .

Mr. Whittier and Mr. McCabe the matter, but ware soon allaneod by Mr. Rowley.

'•You ought to be ashamed to poraua such Uctlca." said Mr. Whittier to Mr, McCabe, whan, on entering tha offlw, M found the latter, with a group of the aignari of tha Whltllar petition. ^ I n g to have tha nkmea withdrawn.

"I'd do anything to beat you," retorted Mr. HcCtba.

"You couldn't pay me a higher oompU mant," answered Mr, Whittier.

Mr. Whittier today aapraaead conflvf dance that tha Prograaalva Democrat* would send a majority of membara from East Orange to the county committee.

Mr. WhUtler la the present commlltw- man from hla district and the Aaiambly- man Is hi. "regular" opponent.

Mr. MeCab* got five algnara of tha W hlttl.r petition to withdraw and per­suaded the city clerk to mark aa void two more namaa, Mr. Whittier then had eight algnaturaa that passed muater, whereas ha needed ten. He got Into an automobile and hunted up three more algnera, returned a IIUI* later and filed the petition anew. _________


HHisiDB o w n a A D o m A n(U ALBU NErOF$B,819

v j ^ g courU*7‘KtW Yip dHbftna.l

KId8 M&nu^i ^bNf y ^ ri oWf becani.® K...—. Ltfii-’j

pWwuicry 1. 1908. when aiaasBlna killed

* ^ ^ a n d T i ; i o " h . r , Q -e n Amehedriven from-the country and tewk

H t W m England. They have

**^jSa/of*'m ng Seowo, the former

"Augngtln* Ttctorla W twenty-

It appeari that the chief primary con­test In Kearny will he lor the nomination for Mayor to succeed Louie M. Brock. The Bapublkans have three oandldatea. School CommiBiloner George Alexander, former Krasholder John J. Howe, who will have the word ' Progreealva" follow­ing hi a name on the ticket, and L®bnml- man Robert E, Torrance. Walker W. McCarroll la the sole Democratic candi­date, and Robert J. Victor has bean named by the SoclallBt party.

The candldalei for the nomination for councllmen are:

P in t Ward-Willlam F. Davie, James J. Nagel, John Thomion. Rep.; Fred J. Hlncke, Dem.; Samuel Ferguaon, Soc.

Second W ard-John H. Armltagg, *.edl B, Arnut, Robert V, England. David W. Held. Rep.; Joseph B, Hall, Dem.; Chris­tian Luaen, Soc.

Third W ard-W aiter R. Chapman. Edi gar F. Cole. Carl F. Zachau, Rap.; Albert 6. Oiwald, Dem.; william Taylor, Soc.

Fourth W ard-Charlei Holland, William A. Pago Jr.. John A. Smith. Rep.; F. Ran­dolph Crowell, Dem.; Waller S. Oswald, Eon.

The aaplranla for the tax collectorShlp are Harry B. Calthnee*. Rep.; Bernard J. MeW altera. Dem.. an'a William Qebauer.

Tka HUliMa T « w » ^ *5!!nlgU adopted a bud«*t of M-M* (or ^ com itr year. Tk* *•one for roada whieb la luuo.

Th* hudgat will b* aubinmed to th* vours a t th# ganaral elactlon. Othar Itam* In tb* budgat ara: HlUildai

irtlon of inaulmant on county read md*. tU » i tiltaraat, » « ; towMhlp mir-

poaaa. I L W i^ tc a , m#; poor, l » ; b*ard of haalth, till.

Tb* conimutaa paaaad a raaolutkm ae- capUiig Robart atraat, Salam avaou* a d Oakwood avanu* •* townahlp ihoraian- f a n a followlnt a rafluaat mad* 1^0 w**ki ago by pragorty ownara. Th# n a tta r of taking 0V*r Tranda place was deferred until tha October meeting. In the mean time Bnglnaar W. H. Luatar will flgura out for th* oommlttae th* baat plan to provM* an ad*qu»ta drain for Francli plac*. Aftar rain alorma water flood* th* road, II la said. Th* authot- Itlaa *r* anxloua to aa* If arrangamant# can ba mad* to carry off the water bafor# acoaptlng th* foad.

Ttit «nflAe4r aIm w^i dirveira to f t t an Idea of th* coat to grad* Salem ava- Bue, north of Hollywood avanue.

Xn a communication to th* oommltta*. Arthur D. Crana, of North Broad atreat. illgAMad t u t an ordinance ba paaaad U S u in g th* k*«p1ng of ohlckana by laalddBU of Ui* township. Th* commit­teeman daciarad that p*0pl» moved from th* d ty *0 th a t they could keep chick- ana. and thought that to pass auch an ordinahc* would b* unfair to tha raa- Idant*. Th* communication waa than ra- farrad fo tU Boart of Health.

Mr. Crana, a* vtca-praaldant of th* Dod-Gran* Conatructlofi Company. In a la tu r to th* eommiua*. aatd hla company would arect aevafal fir* hydrant* at varloug point* In th* townahlp a t One* if th* committee would agra* U> ralrtburw th* company for th* work latar. The otfldal* decided that they could not enter Into any agraement In anticipation of what th* people might vote. No money haa b«*n voted for luoh purpoae as yat.

Clark Gaorg* Compton Waa directed to advartlsa for bid* for conatruotlng eon- crat# aldewalk* on bOth aide* of Holly­wood avanu*. from Woodruff to Long avenue, and ort Woodruff avanu* from Virginia atraat to Hollywood avenue; also a flag walk on th* seat aid* of Long avenue from Vlrglnl* street to the l* - htgh Valley Railroad. Bid* for the work will be received at the October meeting of the committee. . ,

The clerk wai also directed to pur- ctaaae a» brae*

Special Pollcaman Edward M. MeltcK waa appointed dog warden, to eerve until the end of the year.

MISTAKESf&ti a rtM wm* mtottkM.

o ih tr i M b* cotr*rt*d, whtw oth*ri may b* hldd*»—b«l fts040 Btvwr r«cilfl#d. K tn u it Itond for lllo . of bu»IMM

to tbo porodt* J ttit b40»uM tboy hAvop't t«k*n tko ilm» lo poraontUr Inv«^f4l4s Wo hoM 11 i* not Ut« for Pi to 4pp4ai to th* oommoa MILM 4nd eoufidanoo of (a tb irand mnthar to p4r»oo4lljr la*P*et anfl tnvHUfftt* 4>ur Mhool tn d our moth* od> W ora p lu lD f *^Y** ,any acnnol. TVa dn notdaufhU r In any

UM'Tnu only p<-, , - - - , .coat of taachlnf tn tha club now 6r

anuiloy canvaaaara.Tou only pay your ab*f*

Canliinf to barln n a it Monday and Tuaaday, for paraonal laatruoilon la book'kaaptni. ahorthnnd nnd typav wrltlna, llinitad mambarablp. day or avanlnt. offica opaa daJly In fi; M archantf and Bankara ata* datiia oqt of ampleym ant or wiahlnf to aacura baUar p<Mlttftaa, nail and raalatar at on«a- Tha Marchajila * Bankart' School la oonduotad by tha

Mcrckuts’ A Baaken' AtstoatioaA. J. HARDINO, Pt*A

t t l BROAD *T„ next to ARCADH.NGW.;^RX. N. j .



Opposing visw* on the eewage dlapoaal problatn confronting Orange were ex- praaaed at a maetlng of the Boerd of Trad* laat night. Although the dtacusBion waa extiraly Informal It la conaldered an Index ot what 1* going to happen next Monday night whon under the provlaloni ot the act of l>ln the Common Council will hold a public hearing on th* propoal- tlon to join with Montclair and Etel Orange In the oonatructlon of a dlapoeal plant of th* Imhoff type In Bloomtlald and Bellavlll*. , ,

Moat ot th* argumanli olferad last night In favor ot th* PaBBale V all^ flume ware advanced by Henry F. Schmidt, who queetloned the economy ot the dlapoaal plant. Other memhera took a different view of the problem, end offered argument* to refute the claim that th* Paaaalc trunk newer ehould b* conaldered a* a permanent aolutlom TWa point waa emphaaliKd by Tnome. C ^ who predIcM that expenatvely ehore property along th* ,{*'^*"* .^* * ia bound to be affected by the volume ot sewage to be poured Into New

the meeting Mr. rerry an­nounced that Chief of bell end the other munlclpel otflcieii i^ v . raaDlfe.ted a w llllnm e« to co-oper- At« with the Trad® Board.

Speaking about railroad Mr. Perry urged that the time had a r­rived for repreBentativ* bUBlneaa men to get down to brasB tacka In order to gel something worth while from the railroad. Having Been the plan* for grade croea- ing elimination, Mr. Perry announced that only "two by four" aUtlona would h# erected unleea the cltlaeni should take an aitive Interest. He complimented the


Claiming that tha palltlon for tha norol- nauon of Joaaph Federlcl a* the alv* caadidata for alderman In th* Tnlrd Ward, Orang*. 1» defacllva. Ralph E. Giordan* (IM a proieat with City Clark Danlal F. Mlnihan this morning. Giordano oontanda that Fedarlel la not allglbl* aa a Prograaatv* candidate, as h* voted at th* Republican prlmarla* laat Baptambar. He alto maintains that Paaqual* Maurlel- lo, who cireulatad th* petition, and eigh­teen othar signer*, ahould not b* conald-

' ared, aa they alao voted a t the laat Re­publican primarlea.

Laat year Fedarlel. who la an Italian Interpreter a t the courthouse, wes a can­didal* for th* aUarmanlc nomination In the Republican primarlea. hut waa defeat­ed by Alderman John Keaeter. During the campaign he aupported Keaitcr. ex­plaining that thla year he waa to racalve tha Republican Indoraament. Dr. Carlo D Hartlnaul haa been given a Republican Indoraement, however, with the reault thet Fedcrlct severed hie connection with the old party and filed a Progreaalv* pe­tition.

Giordano, who 1* actively intereated in the nomination of Dr Martlnettl. spent a long time comparing the algnatures on the Federlrl petition with the name* of voters at the last Bopubllcan prHnarla*. He than filed th# proiaat with a aupple- mental Hat of nineteen voter* whoae algnaturaa. he malntalna, ahould not be considered on tha prograaalva petition


Anandonlng lhatr oppoaitlon to the BIgher Baloon llcenae fee eatabllehad In Belleville. Ihlrty-ttro saloonkeeper* pra- aentad application* for ranawal* bafor* the Town Council laat night. All arar* granted at 1600 each. Th* old rat* waa ISM. There waa nope mlaalng In th* Hat of RellavUla liquor plaoa*. I

ConaliUnt with th* platform on which h* waa alacted—that of raduclng th* liquor placaa In the town to fiflaen— | Councilman Edward 0. Cyphar*. of th* Third Ward, opposed th* granting of all hut that number. The councilman ap­proved of thoi* place* which, h* aald. ha thought moat desirable and acattered properly about town. H* had no support In hla opposition to other aatoona, how­ever.

A proiaat made by the recant organ- . Isad Ballevllle Liquor Daalera' Aaaocla- tion to th# Incfeaaad fee waa formally ' w’ltlidraw In a communication to the town clerk. Th* aaeoolallon, through Ita [ secretary, exprvatea a dealre lo comply . with tha eicla* ordWianc*. i

Building Inapector John G. 8c®H.Eaat Orang*. he* bafor* him the plans ot the Public Service Railway Company for th* conBtruellon ot Ita new car barn

Usln and Fifteenth alreete, with a ......memorandum that th* company dealrei ] resident* of Montclair for the fin* sta to begin work tomorrow. He haa not yet uon, and predicted that something slrnlIar


Containing bequeat# of 110,000 each to two grandeona, Lloyd R. Moore and Dean C. Moore, th* will of Mr*. CarolineD. Fell, of Glen Ridge, waa admitted lo probate lo th* aurrogate'a offlo* this morning. Mr*. Fell died August 31 laat.

The will provide* that this money la be held In trual and Inveatad by th* ex acutor* and the Interest applied to th* maintenance and support of the bane- flclarle* until they ehall have reached twanly-one year# of age, when the prln cl pal la to be surrendered lo them.

After directing that $100 ehall he paid to th* Evergreen Cemetery of Morrla- town. the Intereal of which Ib lo he uietf for the cart, of the testator t lot, and be queathlng Jewelry, clothing and houaa- hold goods to Mrs, Ida A. Moor*, a daughter, end a diemond ring to ArthurE. Moor*, a grandaon. the will direct! that residua of the e#late Is to be di­vided equally between Mrs. Moore, George H. Poet, a son of the testator, and Arthur E. Mt ire.

Tha document, which wei made June U, 1*11. nominated Ida A. Moore and At­wood L. P* Coster as executors and tniB - teea. Both qualified.



Charged with having attacked a woman who wa* on her way to vUlt her aon * grave In St. John's Cemetery, Orange, Eugene Reilly, th* superintendent, was today held under IJnO hall by Judge Wood­man to await the action of the grand jury.

Mra. Ann* N, Durnan. an aged woman living at 14 Cleveland street. Otang*. went to th* cemetery Saturday to oar* for her aon* grav*. She said ah* wa* refused watei by Reilly, and went to a house on High street and returning with e watering can she staled she wa* aloppad by Reilly, who wrenched Ih* can from her end threw' her to the ground, render­ing her uncontcloiie. Dr William F. O'Erlen wa* eummonad and restored th* wonia.n lo cori4cl0inn«M.

The latilmony of Mr*. Durnan waa born* out by Ihe Mlieei May and Mar­garet Cuddy, of OlcoU alreet, and Mr*. Msry Larkin, of Mt. Vernon were eye wltnease*. William A. was sltorney for the “ n'l’l*'"*®*' '*Arthur B. Seymour repreeenteo TAhrt furnlihH bill.

Terrible Itching. Scratching Drew Blood. HsndsAfected. Impottible to Put Them In Witor. Cuticura So«p end Ointnient Effected Curesaoo tebaaek Av*„ BtooUtb. H. Y .—

" My tfouble started by a Wrrtbl# ItcUag ■round the aokJa. My auki* and foot war*

covaiad with a raak. Th* Baking cauaad n s ta aoanMh to such an axtant that I draw blood and th t rath bactina gcxaa. My elothlog Miaied tba acaama to that I waa foreed to put a baadut irduad my foot add anU*.I fuoared this way for aaarly three yaan and by that hna

both of nay bandi war* affected. I t waa lai- posalbke for m* to put my baada to wMir aod 1 bad to wear Urge caavaa glovaa whan doing any work

"I used aevsral reniedla*. among t k »betng--------. but with no affact TharWeen1 Mitt for a sample of CuUeura S o v and Ointment. 1 then purehaied some CuUeuy* Soap and Olnunona 1 eontlauad the tretl- ■sent for three montba end all tymptom* and Itching had disappeared- It U now over on* year since Cutleura Soap sad ■ Ointment effected a cur* and there la go sign of any return of the aesama." (Ilgiied) Dante) O. Belt, Nov. *0. 191*.

For treating poor cwnplextoo*. red, roogh bands, and dry. thin and falling hair, Oult- cura heap and Cuticura Olntmaot have beau the world'* favorltea for more than a t*a- . •ration. A ilngl* aot I* oftan auffldah* when all *B# fall* Sold throughout tha . world. Liberal tempi* of etch mailed fba*. with s2-p. Skin Book. Addraaa poat-card "Cuttaira. Dapt. T, Boatoo "

avMen who shave and shampoo wttk Cu-Beura Soap will And It best for skin akdaaaW-


with the failure tn market a $113,ftt) bond Isaue for the erection of a Sihool and »n addition to the present public school In Maplewood, * *possibility thet Ihe schools In the ^ iith Orafige dlBlrlcl, which will fjfty. will be overcrowded^ 4Ccoralnf to

ygee years old.■1

HARRISON PRIIIARY TOhate only one c o n ie s i

Thar* will 1* °® contest In Harrlaoii a ^ S primaHea September 23 for local olRlcrm, with the exception of one In the Third Ward, th la will be for conetabl* on the Democratic ticket.

’ T heiD ^ocrata who have filed peUtlon# are; Councilman, Peter J. Sullivan. Jo- f*ph B. Henry. Martin F. Deamond Md John J. Daly; county committeemen. Mr. Bulllvan, Edward . J. Klee. CbrlaWpher MlUat, Thomas F. Monaghan. John J. Daly Thomae F. Lawlea* and D a^d

^ IF, B lo ^ n ; juatlce of the peace. Fourth ■Word, Thomas L. Hanlon. Thoma* J. Hknley and Jamea MullMky.^ h a only RepubliSan to file a petition a t a local office la Councilman Clarence i r v a n Deren, who will be unopposed at

^*Po«r'i^ot-boxea will be required at each poUltif ptecinct on prlmAry om «»ch for the DemocraUg RepubllcarJ* trogkewtTfir and SoctallaU.

Sob,A report that McCarroll* the Democratic

aepiraai for the Mayoralty nomination wae a etrlkebreaker haa occaaloned a little activity amonf union men In the municipality. The latter have In ihelr poaseealon a letter written hy Thomas Carroll, preeldent of Stereotypers' Union No, X. HtVk York, In which U Is itated that McCarroll “has been ■scabbliif' and organising 'scabB' (or years.”

McCarroll has accepted an Invitation to addresB a public meeting a t Roche’s Hail tonight, when he will explain his side of the sttfb'. ,

The Citlsens’ Republican Club, whlcn has Indorsed Alexander for Mayor, will be addreased tonight by Oeoi’ge S. Hobart* a Jersey City iawyer* and nephew of the late Vice-President Garret Hbbart. ^

A meetini? of the Profresalve Republi­can Association will be held tonight a t its headquarters In Halstead street. Flret voters liave been Invited to attend, re­gardless of party affiliations, and they will receive instractlons regarding the method of veting,


laaued tha permit, but la likely to within the next few day*.

The plane for the structure **t forth that It will coat fll.TW and will cov*.•n area 440 by IS feet. The front part of — -----S e b u l ld ^ will be two atorlei In height | members open for two werk. end ®nolhor

ft-tm 'L"«rdep"h“ “f S'.Vrb.r “n.‘’' xY' tha * t ^ ^ ‘ itand*mi_.,u h , .Ka barn and tenalr coramiueae will be appointed,

could be ' aecured for Orange If local Interest Is aroueed.

In the abaence *f the president, John D. Everltt. John W, Farrell presided. It waa decided lo hold the charter list of

SEEK OFFICE IN HONTCUIR ' I ' . ; ' " . . . • . .«

S S r S i : |» "i' “Back of It will be the barn and repair commltteaa

*’rh e office building will be of brick and the walla of the barn* will be of the same material, with trussed roof.

The company aome lime ago obtained permlaalon from the CUy Council tor changes In the track# a t the etables. It

propoaes to take out many of the ewttchae that now connect with the main track In tb* atreet, aendlng car* Into the etablea by way of Fourteenth atreet and avoiding the shunting of care In Main

The Inepaetor’a report for August show# the lam* number of permit* leeuad aa in Ju ly-th trty-alx-bul building a U r t^ of a value $26,000 le». In July the ^ U J fU«,6M, and for August U WM $104,636.The Fifth Ward had m « t of t ^ work, footing up to «7,SM. The Thl^rd Ward waa lecond, with $I2.nB. The o l ^ r wards were: Fourth, $5,773; Secdnd, 16,300, First,$3,366.


- Ai

WUllam Brandenburg Jr. I* again a can- dldat* fOr the nomination of Mayor of North Arlington. He will be opposed at the primary by former Counellmaa Bd-

O'Hara. The Republican* Imve ndt luiAnsd a candidate tor Mayor. The foL lowing are candidates for the nominaUon af councllmen for two yeara:Jinamlng, P. J, p ’Malley, Dem.; A lt«d Bamara, Efugena A. Flake, Hep. Tax Col- ^ t o r Richard E, Smith Jr. will receive a reoomlnatlon from the Democrats, and BYederlck W. Jetter will be hla RepubU- oan opponent. Mr. Smith la alao a <»«- dldata for county committeeman. Ed- w ird Sargent U the HepubllMn candltoe for county committeeman. George la * Republican candidate $gr the nomina­tion of freeholder; ___

The Belleville Town Council wa* in­formed laet night by Town a e rk Ed­ward E. Mathes that demands have bean made upon him In behalf of Ernst St Ernst, certified public accountants, who are working on the apparent tax ahort- age In the account of former Collector A. Howard Osborne. In Belleville, that the clerk deliver books and "bthar official records to tha firm for purposes of varl- flcaticn. Mr. Mathes aald he wanted the council to understand distinctly that un­der no circumstance* would h* allow any books to go out of his office.

The clerk said he had offered acceaa to all hli record* and that thla can h* had any time, but that h* will refuee to let any book* go out of hla poaeaaalon. He said he waa told that mere access to tha record# would not be sufficient for th* accountants. Mr. Mathes served notice on the council that If the claim* on behalf of the expert* ar* pushed further, be will engage e o u w l to defend hla position. He did not think It a proper request to surrender any Ot the town's records without a court order.

Mr. Mathes said today that one of to* requests came to him In the form oC a letter from Town Attorney John W Oraw, In which that official asked th* clerk to give up the hooka In Order to ex­pedite the work of the aecounlanU. which may be flnlahed next weak.


There will b* four candidate* tor Mayor ot Belleville a t the coming primaries, ac-

to potltioufl flltd In tho office of Town Clork Edward E. Mathei, of the town. The present MAyor, CherleB Lyman Denison, ha* filed a petition for th# Republican nomination Instead of the Progreaalvo, which party nomination It was beilevfcd he would seek,

Mr. Denison will bo opposed by BveretJ A. Hicks, ot the Oreylock Manor aectlon. On the Democratic tide there will be two CAndidates, Justice of the Peace John C- La FauclierSe and Henry E. WHaon.


OanJldate’s Home m PoIUng e homo of Louis M. Brunner, a t 5M

itorrU avonuA, will be the polling place ter the second election district voters of Union Township thla fall. Townahlp ntark William W, Fribargar made the *r- SSSiminUp yeaterday. Mr. Brunper la a rtSSm&te for th* Republican nomination S f ilm n b e r of th* township co m m it^ tS* uneiplred term of on* y ear Hla

ta located within a few feat ot the SSSbath city •»»». The plato^wa* **- laetefLAttet' Mr. Frlberger had ^ n un- S S T to persuade o th er' realdenti In the

oiid dUWot to grant tha -ua# ot thairI fg ^ .

}i Eaat Oraag* School Refflaarr. ■ «R**l#tratton at new pupils In all the

^ o o lB of East Orange w in tak e plan* X m rrow . when the buildings wlU be S S n all day. xnA Saturday morning. Ntw pupils In the k indergarten de- S ir ttie n is need not ra g la tw jlt w as *n-

■ iMuttoart a t the Offlca “ .J***' wiMkrion -today, hu t w ill,b e m rolled■ A the opening of th e sctiool* Monday

Aom lng. . ,

i r r l ^ Dog Owner to *• Ftoad.da. 'Wait Orange, Is th* n ra t to b* aafcln- V * i t Or*ng* ■for pqrrnUtlng an * utuKlffd dog to run a t large. He

* ^ iC gn*d laat nl«J»t before Re- and nned $E

ReatBarsainSyLulies![ then tte only wmple ehw i iln NeYRitk hoMte * *•*« **

HMUIB sonettiU M t.

UtJiO Silk Meeerftoo D»»e*,'l• » * * * ^ ^ g 4 rfinart modCB, lOT “ •.?

5 . 9 8! DrcMW ................. 1.00We give opf vtord of honmr

I foe liw abcRw vilaee. RSBOSMBER THB NAME

(AlexMAa t)-Sampte Shop,

Bth F ito r aif

TAX BOARD VISITS WEST HUDSONMember* of th* Hudson County Boiwd

ot Taxation visited Harrlaou yeaterday and. accompanied by Asaeaaor Francla MeSorley, made a tour of that town and inspected a number of new buildings

"^he^members went to Harrison from Bayonne, where they spent the morning. From Harrison they went to Kearny. Their su y in Kearny wa* brief, as toe members plan to return for a thorough InqulTT. ~

To Plan Peat Begcata’ Right.Ordtor Cbarlos F. Luebbers. ot Orang*

Council No. 976, Royal Arcanum, will re­port tonight a t the meeting In Masonto Temple, Orange, on toe arraagemento made for th* oelehration of "past regent*' night." Thursday, September 1*. lu of thoB* past regents of Orange Council who ar* actively Intereetod In to* orgs^t- ration a t the pto#9nt Urn*. During tha social hour a parlor carpet bowUi« tournament ■will be b®ld. a t **}j®*’ *t t# Mpected about fifty member# irill P a r ^ * pate, whan eeveral prise* will bo oftsred.

V enn* Blaetlan Boards Orgaalse. OrtanixatWn of th# aioctlon boards wa*

attactod last night aa foUows:_ First dla- triet. AusUo Ha^idan, judga; 0 ^ Tony, tnspaetori CbArlea Ban* and CbaN** / • Bteedlor dark*. Second district, Irvlgg ? ^ ^ w a T M to J < a to t B. Gordo*. h i p S S r ‘ jo .ip h L.««tK fidicris Tb# bSMiiUBrtotsSf tha i* a t Btaodlar'a club-Souto S»om«®W « iC la r « o W a v to u ^ end that of to* Saoottd dlaliRB « to*

In B toom t^d Avenua.

S l l r of ^ r i t r . >Si-hSTrownaWP*, NMInSton Campbell,townahlp. to ***®®®*!J, witiiiburn last W h t. p t . OMWjjra to- pasted hla aaaattiwM »ad*.*«*“* ' ^Sw reaarvmr w*a »and A moaqulto-braadhig p l^itetaji thought the Oransa otftotots ahould ac t Wblla to* baMn U M M ly dry.

DanUaa Aak* Antl-ImWB Tnsawt.plaa for A t o w AttaBdaaoa At g ^

u r imaatlng in Otong* MopdAy whan to* a*™** d ia p o ^ pton* at O f ang*L OAit Otatiffo u d htontrialr *J* t« . haSacuaaad. hA# « • »Ghuto* le DaBtoen. of Ballgotfl* «to Mayor aak* toat. aoarr eiUgMt who la a th* 'Waitor* ot BMiiwtU* a t taaatt httawd ^ ^hTpwM iM bt ahow M f|to 4 V M ^ ot toa'toant to to* tooattog at u £itoptt tonh w l t ^ ita tMottm.

Orang* <MH#la >1etty Bnfinaor- Frad -fhgg*,

- M i( J o h n — “ — “ -

After telling two prisoner* thl* morn­ing that he would suepend aentehce If they were found to have clean records. Recorder Noth of East Orange, commit­ted both to toe county penltantlary for three months. It was found th a t they had records with th* Orange police, In which city they gave their addreases.

The prisoners ar* John Lloyd, twenty- three year* old, of 79 New street, and Jamea Madden, twenty-two, of U Mead street. Orange. They wet* found in th* rear of Berkeley Hall, East Orange, by Policeman Fenneaiy a t 3:06 o'clock thla morning. ■

' ORANCE PERSONALSMlaa Mary McDarmott. of Walnut

atreet, Eaat Orange, ha* ratum ed from a two week*’ stay a t AttonGc City.

Mias Charlotte and Ml** Dorothy Stout, of Baat Orange, have returned from a va­cation apont a t Bwartawood Lake.

NAME HILLSIDE HEALTH OFRCERDr. F. H. Lovell, of 74 Mapes avei-u*.

tola city, was appointed health officer of Hillside Townahlp by th* Board of Health ot that plac* laet night. Dr. Lovell will eerve until the end of the year. He may then be renamed. No salary wa* fixed for the office. The phyalclan will li* paid for what case* he haa. „ , .

That the complaint of Harry Waleh, ot Hollywood avenue, that resident* ot hla neighborhood used too lot a t Hollywood avenue and North Broad alreet aa a dumping ground for garbage, which wa* left exposed, wae greatly exaggerated, was reported by Harry Tindall, a member of the board designated to Investigate the complaint. Mr. Undell declared that tha only thing dumped In toe lot waa aaha*

Prsaldent Frank Baker reported that he had taken up with John Fine, of Chestnut avenue, the m atter of th* condition ot Fine's pramlaes, and toat tha totter aald he would begin a t once to make Improve- meoti. Andrew Maslonla, a neighbor, complained laat week agalnet Fine atat- Ing that the property was In an Ineanl- tary condition. ’ .

The board decided to purchase a fumi­gating plant to be used by the health and acbool authorities.


Waldron, daughter of Mrs. Jowph W4l- dron. of Eaat ^mlthflcld, Pa-, to Irving Stanley Baxter, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Wmiarn H. Baxter, of Park avenue. E w l Orange, look place yesterday at the Hotel Martinique, York. Rev RobertBreweter Beattie* pastor of the Muno Avenue Preebyterian Church, officiated. The bride waa attended by Mlea Fanny Howland, of Milan, Pa., a i maid of honor, and the beet man waa Minor Oi- borne. of Eaftt Orange. Walter Snow and George Kerr, aUo of Eaat Orange, acted as uehero.

Between noon and miflnight yrm erday Town Clerk H arry Trlppeli, of Moniolalr, received twenty-five aj^plicatlona from candidaiea who dealre their namea placed on the primary ballou. In all liea'eaty- four appllcttlone have been received. Of that number, seventeen ere fnrmer aepir- a n u for town councllmen and flfty-sIx for proepecllve cminiy commlttermen. One petition waa for iuallce of th^ peace.

A. M. SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENTIONProbleme in rellglone Infitruetlon are

being conaiilered at the annual flunday- ichool convention of the Newark Dla- trict of the African M, E. Clmrch. w'hlch Ifi now being held in St. Paul'e A. M. E. Church. Orange Blehop E\anB Tyree and eeveral clergymen from all parts of Ih© SUta, together with a large number of Bunday-aohool auperlntendenU anc$ teachera. are attending-

The opening aeealon was held laat night, when addressee of welcome were given by Mayor F rank J. MurrHy. Rev. R ich­ard B. Smith, paalor of 8l. Paul'e Church Rev. J. C. Dunn, paator of St. Jo h n 't MethodlM Church; Dr, W alter G Alex­ander. Dr. S. W . Simmons and William P, White. Rev. Dr. J. W. Rankin •poke on “The Correlation of the Mis- alonary Spirit with the Work of-the 8un- day*BCh6ol.”

At the morning aesalon today there waa an addreaa on "'Neceasary Incen- Uvea for a Closer Co-operation of P a r ­ent! tn ‘ Sunday-school W ork.” Papers were read ac followfli The Pastor^© the Chief Superintendent,” Mra. J. O .^ lc k a , of Montclair. "The Q^jallflcatlona of a Good Teacher/' Miss Carrie E. Sylvester-

Offlcers will ba elected th is afternoon, and Bishop Tyree will deliver a sermon tonight.

upon *l a spe'ial meeting laat June, and It was proposed to start work on the •*'e^- ilon of the new elementary tchool build* iDg. which will lie situated on Academv Hireei. half wav between South Otang© Village and the lownshlr. In the early fall, and also the bundling of an addition lo the Maplew-ood School, to Include peven classrooms


L afyaaf JawaJar on tbs ttill

OCULISTS (Prescriptions

Well Worth the CostAre your g tam s comfortAblf ?

Do they aet firmly, wlthoul

’■ ' " i t n h u M n W i i J pprovides all these fetmrei. II 1$ also light but durable. On and off with two fingers of one hind. The great satisfaction of to* Shur-On mounting is well worth the cost.D amonds. Watches, Jewelry

Open E ventngi a t U tuat.

A U R N H A M M E RIh Spriisfield Are.,

Unable to secure an Increase to W '6 from $3.50 a day. No. 243 Brotherhood of Painters, of OranR*. held a epacial meet- In* In Eekles' 11*11 tost nllh t to diacuas the idvIaaWlliy of declaring a atrlk*.Aseuranecs were received, however, thet (he maeter painter* ar* willing to grant to « liT » re d m OAt » t i r v r h w «th . lncre.i.e next March and on the C upW AXd



HOWARD’Sih© lncr©.i»* naxt March Bdvke ot Max N. Cedar, the walking del«gai«. il V a© d«cld«*d to watt until that time befor© taking any drastic ©tap*-

GLEN RIDGE SOCIEHMr. end Mra. Frank Edward Vender

Voort, of Buffalo, here Isaued Invitation* tor the marriage. Seplembar 24. of their daughter. Mary Louies Vender Voort. lo Robert Mitchell, son of Ed ward Pag* 3fllchell of Ridgewood avenue, Glen Ridge. Tha ceremony w'lll take piece at their home 03 Norwood avenue, end will he followed by a reception


* A A to N ta n A V K Ul U u * ‘**"‘* '"V’t'io.i

C A R D * Isviiesit II

w, eicH.i lo i n levy ey. niw v**amNHSCef

e d u c a t t o n ^>^




MONTOARQ«qn* Engelatrom. of Hcmtaffue place,

will »I1 SaturiUy for Bwadnr. where he will vlalt relatJv*# (or About a month.

Mtai Marion llAyer, ot Loa Angeles, CaI la A guest of Mis* HlldA# H*rri* *t h e r’homa, I Dpjtop MoubIaHi Avenue.

Ant* V letla’sWord was received In ArilOffton today

th a t Jehn Uebfald, ot New Roohalla, tor- marly of Wast Hudson, died At New ROchMl*. N. T„ Ttt**dAy from Injurlaa BuatAlned 'When hit by *» AUtomobll* at to a t place Saturday. H* toft Arlington, wh«re h* had bean la bualne**, about four years ago, movtm to BUiabalhporl. H* had Tsalded at New ltoch*U* aboitt a year. Mr. Ltobfald w«a a »am h*r of Pu- griW Lodge No. 203, T. O. O. F , Arlington. Th* funeral waa held today.

Hip H ull In FaB.While a t work in to*' W to rit ahop at

to* Fa-nett Foundry, a t Lyon *v*n«e and Cedt Ittaet. Irvington, B*t*r Jamaa «f HO fftoyvwant ayOnu*. tog t town, trinnad and M l ova* h irtto of rubhlah lato Ttotarday aftaraoon, *agtalnlng in- luriM to tb* right Up. The poHca am- buiaao* wa* aum «on*<*nd Jam** wasremov*d to hi* bom#, itofM h* w** « - tondM by Polio* Surgeon J. Floyd Bow­man. An ei*tnin*tlM Ai^wad that no b«D** waro brak#n.

Mrs. Caroline Rloharda and aon, of Jersey City, are p e n d in g a week with Mri. Sarah Bailey.

MIsa Maty Collins, of Shamokln. ha* taken a position *■ primary teacher a t th* Pine Brook School.

Hlia Jewel Van Duyn* to vlaltlng her atoter, Mra. Judaon Clark, a t Mor- rlavllle. P a

Earl Griffith returned to hi* home tn Bloomfield Wednesday after apend- In f hi* aummer vacation with hla grandfather. Cheater Leonard.

VERONAMlaa Marie D* Camp, of Monlroaa ave­

nue. returned yesterday ftom Ocean

®Hr.*'and Mra. Herbert K. Paterson.’ ot Lakesldo avenue, are returning from Eu-

™M1*s Mae McCormick, of Falrview ava- Bue, to In Jersey City.

Mra A E D* Camp, of Montroia ava- nu*. returned yesterday from Asbury Park.

BELimLEMist Helen Ten Eyck, of C o r t l^ t

atreet, will leave next week for Trenton, where ah* will vtalt relatives.

Miss Jeanette Naylor and Mill Anna weitlaha of William stoeet. and Mlaa EUxaboth Smith, ot D* W m avanue, ar*

* MtoV'AluY Comatock, of De Witt av*- nua to a gueat ot to* MtoMi U argtrat *nd M*rl* Minion a t Budd Laka.

SOVTH ORANGEVlitog* Tm aiurer Frank Fenn*r tO:

turitod la*t night from Canada.Hr*. P. A. tm lto, of OUntoy road, r*-

tumsd ywrtOrday from Aibury P art.l ir a CatheriB* O’Brien, of (outh

Orange avawto. returned yeitordoy from Pougbkeeprie, N. Y.

Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Howard, of Crane street, returned yesterday from Johns­town, Pa ,Mr. and Mrs- Frederick Personette, of Farrington etreet. returned yesterday from Boooton.

Mr and Mrs. H. F. C. Bartlett and daughter, ot Gould avenue, returned yes­terday from Totienvllle. Staton Island.

MISS Louleo Bailey, of Forest avenue, returned yesterday from Glenwood, Sus­sex County, where she spent the summer.

Miss Catharine Miller, of Ohiovllle, N. T Is a guest a t the home of Mrs, Charlss h ' Hoffman, of Washburn plac*.

Leon Cooper, of Bloomfield avenue, re­turned from a visit to friend* In Man­hattan yesterday.

Miss Pauline Hochstetter. ot Newark, and Miss Ethel Hatch and Mrs. Anne Corcoran, of ManhaUan, are rum u for September at Oasego Lodi©. North Laid- well.

HILLSIDE-UNIONTo register and classify pupils for the

term which opens on Monday, Principal Ambrose B. Kline, of the Connecticut Farms School, Union, will b# a t the school from 9 until 11:30 o’clock tomorrow

"A™meeOng of tha Connecticut Farm* Improvement Association of Union will be held In tlie Union town hall In Stuy-vesant avenue tomorrow night when offi- Mr. and Mrs ears will bo elected for the 1913-1914 term. - Th* executive committee of the associa­tion will hold a meeting a t 7:30 o'clock.

After having spent th* summer a t New Lebanon. N. V., Rev. H. Newton SelUr. paftor of th* Unlonville chapel. Union, re­turned home yesterday.

Mrs, A. H. Brandner, ot Virginia atreet.Hillside. I* a t Ydnkeri. N, Y., for a three- week visit.

Superintendent of Schools and Mrs. John R Bearhlor, of Mounlainview avs- nue. returned yesterday by the way of NTegara Falla, after a month's stay in Dayton and Plqua. O.

Mr. and Mrs, Harrison W. Boonstt, of Mountalnvlew avenue, are home from a trip In New York Slate.

Mr. and .Mrs. Courtlandt J Van Win­kle, of Franklin avenue, who were at Asbury Park, returned yeaterday. Lloyd Van Winkle la visiting relatives In Tren­ton. _____

IRVINGTON AND HILTONMr. and Mrs, Edgar J, Bros* end

Mlaa Mlldrsd Bross, of Sandford ave­nue. Irvington, have returned from a four-week Stay at Asbury Park,

Miss Evelyn Clift, of Orange avenua Irvington, who was spending her vaca- Uon tit Middletown Springe. Vl„ has returned.

Mrs. T. David Mayfield and daughters, | Misses Marian, Eleanor and Gertrude Ms) field, of Chapman place, Irvington, retuined yeaterday from a visit to Mrs. Mayfield's parents, Mr. and Mr*. Charles B. Carpenter, In Hlghtstown

CLINTON AND FAIRRELDMr and Mr*. George Vanderhoff are

visiting Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Van Ness, ot Jarksonville.

Mr and .Mrs Nicholas Wllilama re­turned yesterday from a visit to rela- llves in Greenville

Mrs T h eo d o re Kassel Is spending a few d / a with Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Vauple.

■ - Charles De Baun spent

UfL^M OLiSYr N©or >©4tra! ©JW* Countj Coarti* BrooUyo Brld«4 Subway,

AtUirnooD Claage* 4 i l5 to »$1» ETenlng Clagse# 7 :45 to

T « rn Sr pi. SttL. CA IB IV iT B IITuition F**. Ona

C4t*iofij« »»ni on ■ppllc*non w


IBS MAIN ittlEET, oppeelte Cleveland gtrert,

Basliiess offlc* o p « imtU •Advertlseasats *•' P“»“®®“ "»amr dny uatll 11 A. H.

leU./ Oraftf* 9000J Ahirkrt WOO

lunnectlJi* ell departmenu.

B ‘ Bloch. 5*2, «*!," J!'' T rt''S«K

a m per e-- t . l tUdWPr.a., •» rTourlh Tv., T.l, »$6W-

brick church- _Railroad pi-

?rr."d‘;u?s.^“9 O r" .;n T eo p .. Tri $T$7W.

»"p.r, 414 Main *t. T .l JSU.Slut*. Tv Main *t. Tel-

“ t.L'„^®^|fPn2!rFra.n1..t S‘«W Baks, rt. and ytoPlewMd *v«, lNGE valucv--

Labor Day wHh friends tn Wycoff.Robert Ainsworth and family, of New­

ark, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. HenryG o tla c h a lk



Dr. J. H, Harry Lyon, of Short Hill* avenue, left today for Faribault. Minn., ;o resume hla duties as head mister of lh« Shatluck Bchool.

John M. Sw«en«y haa reUirnad to bia hom© In Mountain avanu© havinf

T«l. STIIJ-- - mT*lsSpailman. ,* ttOtW.Rlitarnian. T5 Foreil it.

eve., nr- RehresAWEST ORANOK—

Brandla- A Ma*n ■'’ Tal. 81N0W.Uartln. H ^villley road. Tal. H6«W.

Mr. and Mrs. August Fund, of North- Orani* Memorialfield avenu-i. will leave Friday for At- | ™ with appendl-

mssLii,.. Ab..>a. Vffw TTnm/l will

Everybody knows that praciictliy everybody else in his , neighborhood who reads a newspaper is a the Evening News. There is no gusfi- work about the News s cirtulntioB.

laliUc city. While there Mr. Fund will gttend the executive committee meeting Of the m ate Grange.

The West Livingston Methodist Bdnday school and th* Sunday school from White Oak Ridge Chapel held a picnic In Dtck-

llnson'e Grove, Weet Livingston, today.Mrs wmiorn Dleck*. of Northfleld

avenue, ha* b**n ent*rt*ining Mrs. Clif­ford Matthew* »nd son, Frederick, of West O ran * * ._______________


LmNGSrON•leg* BosaSB* nm rtlM n (Mtoes.

llMrihal Fred*rtok 'W. Wa®*fi<rt North A r i l o ^ ^ wo*lv*4 t*d*r h Urtlfleate

petit I W for 8W a»6«r tonn , f the Bgtaeio ^ u a ty C a ia t ■*

■d**M Ma* H W am B m m M -O eerg * B f o a l tw at Z a a ta r , a y r s i ®d

Mm Sw on auagWAm « » r & a dU « v.*yy V to* Y»d3f « t Jo*ep» W irttk • 5 3 * n *w th* a m WUlrdhd track* i th * % w n r m **dcw *. ■w m r*I**»«d U I'Rt* Oto*' 'Whitkovio. IWM^Utod by • _______ I


H lH B***l lto*k*r la * t Lah# Bo-p * tM m ff^ ^ » ^ w ^ viiioMit^iMid Mlaa Amy F ln d th t of « t- P toaato t a®*nn*, returiwd today from a tor*o-Wf*k at^y dt Aabary >arh . ^

riiaaMto bbot to W*et OMsemMlCtost Byder. of * P«®*Ot

West OriuHla. abot a 'po*nun rsataaday tfternooB which hml perched oa m fftof*«Tbor.

p o i P i ^ V l i t o l Ml i m i JUHPKnW

o^«wi* Jktmarp I* QMMitoMd.jfotiriiif iwgtobm bttt ______

- u i m © o i »M AoM to «*•>• W tow k amw amii-l ;tiito. wWto wtU mitojto itofto to N*w i W E E K . 5 P B C IA U , • J f c .

Haiti* td U niiW VtotoMf P w a lta rBt'diHsbt lSc>

133 tJAI^lSOiS,


IlcidpL *t to

.Mr, end Mr*. J*me* Copelton returned yesterday to toslr home In Paterson aftsr g visit to Mr. Copelton'* mother. Mr*. James Copelton, of Ocean street,

Mr. *nd Ml*. Chester H. Arnold, of C«d*p street, lelled Tuesday for a Ulp to Eurep*. „Fonii©F Towttiblp CoiBitiltt©<ttt*n Hatiry B. Achea end family returned to their home to Mountain avenue, Wyoming, yesterday, after a month'* vacation in tlellM. _______

HARRISON AND EAST NEWARKMr. A, C. W1U*1 »nd family, of Cross

ttrsel, H*rrt*on. returned yesterday from Hhilaud Bsedh, where they sp*nt toe ■uniiner. , „ ■ .

Uts. Mary Dockham. of Cross strsst. Harriton. returned ye*t*rd*y from a stay In Pocoiio Komitalns.

Uoyd Ate?tand*r. of Ra*4tW ■■to* ■ a, nuMit Mt* Mrs* etelner dtainff tbe past ■week, retunlod to his hoav* t4>day.

KEARNY AND ARUNGTDNMr. and M ra <3lyd* D. ffootor, of

bonrVid'bk _ ^M ra Leonard F w tea and Mis* M * ^

X yatt, _<st BelffToy* d rlva A r l l s ^ o .^ Otto. . f t !

MISS Ruth Wegle, of Mllltown road, li enUftalnin* Miaa Lillian fichlff, of Plalnflold. for • week.

MAPLEWOODCharles Benjamin, of South Prospect

street, returned yeeterdsy from AsburyPerk. .

Mr. and Mr*. H. J. Culllngford, of Euclid *venu*. returned yesterday fromBolmar. „Mr. and Mr*. Edgar Zambrtskle. of HlvHUnd place, r«turn©d today from in© HLflOAndt.


I'olS'roN^ Bonk Store. S0» Ms'® stsew.

,trueiien» Afl4? in S Brighton *Vs-.utm* II P*r lertoo Emi Oransa

u taa EFFIE E. YOUNG _

^OflCH w o n t .dooro. mrr*“ “ '**

CO.. Eaoase i

B U X H DRev. Gsorgo L. Curtis and family, of 23

Park avinus, will return tomorrow from tholr vacation In Connoctlcut.

Warren 8. Davis, of Liberty strert, !*- lb . . .turned yeeterdsy from a week s stay a t

^Mtos^I^uiee Bennett of Red Bank, to a guest of, Mr, and Mr*. Blaine Damon, ot Newark avenue.

Fish! Fish! FishSpecial a t Roth & Co. Market

ROSELANDMr. and Mrs- F. H. Pratt, of Eafl*

dock avsnuo, ar* spondtnf a week at Asbury Park.

Mr*. AUlsns WiUlama of Harrison av*- nuo. Is visiting relatives a t Avon. '

Mrs Emma Campbell ha* returned fr«m Hackettstown. wb*r* *h* wa* th# gusrt of relatives.

VEST ORANGEMr. ahd M ra A. M. QirtdWtow M d

Mlaa Gertrud* Qoodfeltow, *f Vallay IL d , ar* ap«»dln« a w**k with rtto*tlVOf ADWIHfe * m i

KIM Edith YIPiUlama. ®f Phlley ro a f and UUa M*rs*»*t 01*a*on. nt-W astoT

■, ha's* .r*turna4l- fr*aa d

. . . l O c

PorgiM, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flomiflers, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Blueflsh. lb ., : - . . . . . . . . . . . W jButteriUh. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 'cod to ^ ............ - ‘IZ

S tett, Bt ....................S 'gdlmofi Steak, lb. , .Ijmige Clans, do**"

f l l b i i S t . ,Ua

s i . « p « “s : . . s a as-t-,;

1 '„V^

W E ' 5 ^ C K E E N T R A D I N G y f l y n T H

.J.GOERKE H ^k. ■ M m - w Mb».«jsi.A»

GOER* ^ E v e r y b o d u ’9 G o i n g w t h e B I G S T O R E

i f .



t e H i R 4 a K M 0 &


Bring your bathroom up to date with the crackleti, waihabic, aanitary



W e a r e f i g h t i n g o b s t r u c t i o n s o f t h e c a r p e n ­

t e r s a n d b u i l d e r s . W e h a b e o n e h u n d r e d

t h o u s a n d d o l l a r s ' I p o r t h

o f n e i t ' F a l l m e r c h a n d i s e

a l r e a d y i n t h e h o u s e t v i t h

n o p l a c e t o p u t i t . W e h a b e g o t t o s e l l

f a s t e r t h a n i t c o m e s i n . W e lo s e , y o u w i n

Pecora Cuticle Enam el

*22 Baby Carriages at

High-Claw V ehklw 'of Reed in "Pullman” Style These carriages are woven of 8ne quality roed. Fitted with long detach­

able cushions. Made of fine quality corduroy. Hood lined to match, steel running gear; wheels fitted with heavy rubber tires.


Easily applied to tu b , b a s in , pipes, plaster, wall* and w o o d w o r k .


■'Dretdcn C hin s” ind ” O x id ised ” — 'the other two enim eli with the '* Running R h in o” label— sre idesl lot interior finish.

P M o n R u m Co.. M ire., P h lU d o lp h U . Pa.

Hosiery and Underwear Almost G ven Away


No M ail or ‘Phone OrdersChildren's H oae— Several bttf*dr«d P»lr» j j f

dren’a aox and long stocklnga; all 8 c llies; regular 12>4c., ISc. and 25c. gradea, n o w ..

Clilldren’a Underwear—Fine ribbed v e « i w d l pants, broken aisea; were l2Hc-

Men'a U nderw ear—Fine medium-weight underwear; Just the thing for early have facing down front, long or short aleeves.j


16-Button Length Lisle and Chamoisette Gloves .

The lisle would be hard to tell from re i! »ilk chamoisette; have the real suede R nlth; come in black, white and M tura l colors; sires from SV4 to 85^; _value SOc. Special Friday bar- gain ....................... ...........................

P e t S e le bv

J . J . H O C K E N J O S C O .

829 BROAD ST.,

For the Kitchenand Bath Room

Comfort-Giving Necessities for the Household ^

Bath Roonifixtures 4 0 ( » ^ K EW ARK. It.

drawers with ex tra double gutsets; were 7 5 . ;reduced to .............................................

Wometi'B Underwear—Uale and iwlss ribbed or shaped at »**»•; or lace trim m ed; all regular 25c. and 29c. I C - grides; reduced to ......... ...................................... ^

Lawn and Batiite Waists' Made In square neck, th ree-q u arter len a tli aleevaa; w aleta are a ll b a a u tllu lly trlmmaO w ith panala o t w ide l i c e am broidary and em b rold errt bu ttoned baeka, tuekad backs; a lia s 14 toid only; ra tu ia r S»o « S c ^ ^ watata w ll^ ya sold ojU_w^l_la' y ^th ey i s i t Friday, B argain Day

V i ' c ' o . D., M ail or ’PhiMie 6r<are F illed .

Values up to 75c. atNickel-plsted on brass, which prevents rust. The lot consists of COMBINATION TUMBLER



deariDK Qnldroi'j Dreuts ud R c n ^Made of p e rca 'e i and ginghams; the d re iw s

are tastily trim m ed with buttons and aoUd color m ale rltlt; plaited skirts, short sleeves; »•«» 2 w 9 y esrs; no m alt or 'phone orders; special I Q ^at, each

CMIdicn'i sup#—Made of nice, aoft nainsook; neck and I Q r ateevea edged with lace; regu lar 25c. slips f o r . . . . . ...........

aearanceofSkirts& Corset CoversPctttcoBts Reduced—W ashable Petticoats of good qumlV

f f i lHn; variety of neat s trip es ; gathered flounce; thoroughly well X J e g u t i r 29c. to 39c. skirts, while 'h^V '» * . \ ^ Q

**'*^€0^ C o V w ^M adc of nice, soft nainsook; trimmed with two rows of lis e ; embroidery beading; ribbon drawn; back and arm-

e d g J f Vhh lace; regular 1 ^ corset c o v m . reduced

2.00 &nd 2.50 Corseti at 1.50In thla lo t ara tha m oat (am oua roakoa,

su ch as C B.. A. L a Sp irits, Y p. N., A m srlcan B aauty anO D. H. « Coraats. They Inoluda a ll tha la t s i t m od- ala a s w a ll a s madlum or h t ih b o a t four boas aupportsra, laoa, sm broldery and r ib ­bon irlm m sd. braaalsrs hook, abdom inal hook and tha W. A, hava raduelng atrapa o v tf a b ­dom en. Thera ara a ll a liea in tha lot, from I I to M. N ot a ll ilxaa In aach a ty li , but a ll a lia s In th e l o t Nona of thaa# aver sold for l a « th an tJ-OO. and

I m any aolu for I3.o0; §peciai

sry ana n o -


diTlAlOO. bU*t D* CtfflM out i& (UlL f S p £ t o ? a dlvlilon w d bid* on Wb« thAD aoo*ipa<Mt1^ mil Mt All nrenxMAU mint b» uvAiJ* and all tfoauacti « « u f i E l ^ t “ tta unCamtandlM and

ItlDD tliat tba artlclaa furnltbad * irtapacti aaual I® tha glADdard eaubljihM and sAmDl* JSb»ltl*d by tha wardan, and that alt JrSclaa aoi up w tba ttandard b* at yv y U i« furalihad, or artlelta ordarad ba not at tha raqolrad tlrna* th* oo»trac% may ba rj-

Ivokad, and tha ' oo3 *tumad at lha a»P««« vt th* will biand tha axcaopa Inourrad, and U a ditfaranc*

Itn prloa, If any. will ba cha.ftad to tha oon-

r^sSdSra mu»i caratuHr at tha hoapttai b«fora nmhlnt ^ alT b l^ ot account of the aamplmtha dlffbrant gmioni or rtqulramenti or tn»

' holes

I d t h e


Double Coated Enameled ChamberPella, at ...............

Saitl Fluah, the genuine; per c a n ..

Remnants of Table Oil Cloth, infancy colors; per y a r d ....................

Garbage Cana, standard size, with deep rim covers, at ...............

r^Ea!*'wddar mnil ’>*•Icaih or a oartlfl^d ehtck payabla * . * * o?alr. and t w r l y tndoraid. for at itaat t.n

Mr cMtum of lb* aroounl of hit bid. ThaUuccaaaful btddtr muii furn ihiiavi a eooiTtct or ipreamani for ma turmip

in l ot tha artlclaa contraotad for. and muit furaih i bo5i to « i. State of N*« J « » y '“fat lls j l ona-balf »{ hit thJ iaUhl'lfactory aacufity coudltlonad for tha faUhlui

t .™ ^control tp be_ Mecutjd tq hto, "HI be ra

k u lr .0 to tur?S.b“ nr e t t t r l . ^ anum ^auSI In, of the amount called for in tnii m

' i f . * . « ' a ™ »

^ e S i r t ot M anner. r . . . r « th . rlsftt to r .l« t an, « aU b.d , BL-cfe^Ef. ^ ^ d a n t

?o'S S “ne?1n ^ « .ALBERTJOHN C. EISELE.

Commlttea on Purchae** and Suppliaa 0. M. BOWEI * WerdeB.__________ _ _

5t-lnch Storm Serge, In navy blue, royal blue, brown, garnet and black; nice crispy woolen qu itity ; regultr 79c.; spe- < 0 ^ v cial tomorrow, y a rd ...........

aooo Yaidi of 39-lneh Unbleach­e d Muslin, extrs good grade, nice

[ 'c lean cotton, in mill lengths ^I of 2 to 15 yards; regu lar 9c,I value; apectal, yard ..............

Reg. 39c to SOcDress Goods RemnantSi Per Yard

A great sale of dreai goods In lengths of 3 to 0 yards, suitable for children’s school dresses, alto for women's skirts, c o f tt and . < ! « « « » ' / I S diseonalt. whip cords, tailors suitings, bedford

and novelty suitings, 35 inches wide; regularCO

I9 c39c. to 50c. value; special, yard .

Regular 25c Crepe Ratine, Per Yd.A great purchase of 10,000 yards of th is desir­

able wash fabric direct from a mill, purchased at a g reat price concession, 27 in c h « w!de;*^niee soft crispy wpsye, the »for women’s and children’s dresses, in »h»dM « white, cadet, Copenhagen blue, navy blue, tan, golden brown, apricot, reseda, green, rose, sky blue and black; sold in every store in th is city for 25c. yard , special here tomorrow, yard ............ •

BMpaUr 6tkG fh e c t ii1x90 bed eheatt, m s6n from «xc»p-

I5cTIlSl _______tlonaU y good round th resd stiaat- Ing, frae from starch or d ress in s . sp ec ls l tom orrow,

a ise F ia a e ^ B la iik ^ s , In w h its4 9 c

and s ta y , w ith pratty pink and hluabordar, nice sort q u ality , good 6 9 cw e lsh t; ra fu la r 89c. apaciale a c h .............................■ • • • „ ^

F a ll S ls s Bm co b W ool Nap B tasA c Sts, In whtta w ith p in k and blue borders, n ice w ool fin ish , w e ll kn ow n u tha m ost durable ^blsnkatWon the market, $ 1 ,7 9rag. 3,2S value, special, aach

A Oraat Bad Spread Sail sp a c lsrro r Friday b a rg a in w h ite srochat bad sp read s, Includ ln a s la t lA H end tu ll s lsoa , g M ^ ^ r m

B xtrs r■ S60

durable grades, r e« « |5 r tS o to1.00 TSltiea. sp ecia l w h ile to t la sts , each ........................... ’ • " L - .

ISO F all BIse 'W hile C raeh el and H aaey Comb Bad spreadm ex ce llen t oloaa Woven qu ality , go o d w e ig h t In pretty M areeinea d ea lgn s. r eg - A O - uter I.*9 to 1.S9 va lu es , s p e c ls l y O v som orrow .............. ..........................

Regular 39c High Grade Silks(Remnants of 2 to B nard«) Per Yard ^

1,500 yards of 3fl-tnch silks In remnants of 2 to e yards, 1 1’ . ' a «. III.. Pasmmmsa* ranr-u iflf*.. H


Galvanized Iron Tuba—good size;St ............................

Gshranized Iron Tuba — wringer attachm ents; st

Galvanized W ater Paila—well m ade; 10-qt. 1 5 c


4 5 cWash

5 5 csize

12-qt. size 18c2 1 c

i r errnS“p:2i„“i n o n d . dated A'yv“

*7h T b m 4 .‘ w'm b a « intareat from A u f ^ I 1418 xn4 tb* purcb»»®r 5 ^ ?*Urelt *S rU fi lo dxW of doUvery.

w m ilita a ot the

It ths fM^holdera' room. In th« courtboui*. *.t MBWArk. New Jeremy. _ . .

THURSDAY, SEPTBMBBR H. 14l8p** B?ach'pT^^W-1 sta«U etAt# thn Amount of the bid in word# and fifuroA AccompAnied by certified ® *

<y?bi bfd, «Tuch’.hT^ b^ainllcabl. on Account of tha •PpPf*’.And forfeited byiMwArd felU to tAke the-kondA Coplee of proceedlBfe wm be fiirJshed to eucceieful bidden, buton but propoAAie muai be unooodl“ °The Board of Chosen Preaholdara of the ofMinty of Eieex reeervee the riflit to rejectaS And All propoBA»A*it tn In Judfment.Any and all the Intereet o1

H-qt. size Bathroom M irrors— 10x17

inch French plate glass; osk or w hite en- Q C « smeled fram e; at O u v

W hite Enameled B ath­room Stools, with

tl.lO Folding Ironiiig T a­bles—well m ade; 8 0 c5 feet long; at

Pastry B oird i— 14x20 in.; made of leiected lum­ber; deated ends, whichprevent warping; 2 5 c

size, 2 9 cFry Pans—

with cold handle; | lO-Incb size; at I t i v

Old-Fsshiohed Ironing Boards—selected lum­ber; good and wide; 45-4 feet long; special 5 0 c

16x22-incb y g h t Steel


S feel long; at.rubber-tipped legs '

tl.fiO Step Ladder Chairs—Stokes m ake; $1 j A hardwood; at . I . l w

Syi feet long; at W a^ e Irons— good

size; at .............

51.35 Square Eampera—wooden bottom; 9 5 c

O ral Clothes Baskets— made of selected d willow; SI . . . . W W

11.50 Bassinettes—for $1babies; at ............... S

$2.25 Stands for Bassin- e tte s; special $at ....................

Mrs. Potts’ Iron i—consist­ing of 3 irons, standand cold handle; 7 5 c

65c Folding Clothea D riers—sbout 39 feet ofdrying space 4 9 c

"D irib le” ’ AU-

Ziic Y k c sn i

d o th esW iih ersfa aZfracZfjzf eoa§Uermbfe

aiUaUoaRm uIit Price

Featured in this Sale at ..

T .S 0

when open; a t . .

r a « OamoB- ■ZraffM so if agfs « f f$e

Otbonu, RecoH Open-air Meei




T he B ig S tore Is th e o n ly place tn N ew T ork w here theec w ssb ere are sold.

Dutch Otven^—the correct utensil fo r pot Q C ^roast; at ........... O o L

$6.95 Majestic W aaUng Machine— easy to $Coperate; at ........... i r

Heavy Steel Spider or Fry Pans — 10-inch 5 C /vsize; at ............. u * /C

Garbage Cans—tlght-flt- ting cover; ball handle; at ___

T h c B i g O t o r e

G R E E K ' SS b d K d k v e h h d e ^ . B . o R W N y n r ,

DTEW YORK\D o a b U G re e n T r a d in g S fu m p i B e fo re Id o * C U > c k -S in g le 5 « n t p j T h e re a fta rz


i?™Je'o*unW require* lueta »c tion. Bond* _ will he ensraved under the

high grade desirable silks, pongees, tussshs, fancy Jac­quards, kimono silka and o thers; very desirable for ahlrt w tista, kimonos tn d dresses; regular 3Bc. value; sp 1, yard

iuDen-l»lon of and certified *■ to their i»n- ulneneea by the United State* UOrtsaf* tnd Tru*t Compeny In the city of New Tor., and will be ready tor delivery on September

By order of finance oommlttee.AMOS W. HARRISON, Chairman.



Veilings & I-acesA Sample U ne of Mesh V ellinf.

I including hairlines, shadow and chenille dotted, black, blue and

jbeoVn, all up to^ date IZ '/z cI meshes; value to 39c: yd.

Odds and Enda of V ila.— Laces I and insertions, w hite and • few

ecru included, can be utilized for I trimming purposes; regular19c; dozen y a rd s..

Odds and Ends of 27 and 45 In. Embroidery Flouncing, eyelet and shadow allover effects; also a few alloveri included; regular49c, for, yard.

doling Out a Lot of Samples in Way Mufflers

Black, navy, brown and a few other shades, these have slight Imperfections h itd ly noticeable; can be in read in ess for a good cold, snappy day; 25c reg- lO c

1,200-yard Spool Hanefield Ma­chine Otttton; black and w hite; Nos. 40, SO, 60 and 70; spe- O l / « -ciil, spool ..............................

All Makes Machine Neodtee, -regular 4c the paper, spe- ■ V i K

Extra Long Machine Strapa, regular price 10c, special V l i c

2 Inchesat

3»c W hite Kid Belts,wide, covered buckles; spe- 25c

51 Mexican Drawn Work Scarfs,20x54; beautiful new de- 69c

It Pays to Boy Wallpaper HerejBig Cfs-irfng Sole on SmoU Lots

NertlcA li herAD> (Ivad thAt th« FabaaIc VaI- ]«y 9«w«TAfa CommEMUrner* bAv# dMlfnAtotf luoidAy, the «lxhte«nth 4Ay of Kovetnber, DtnetAw hundred And thlrteAn. At 2 o'clock In (he ACtomooTi, ai the time when they will imet At their ueuAl plAce of meetlnf, Eitex hulldlnf, (Clinton ■tteet. NewArfc. New Jereey, to recelv* propoiAli, In wrlUDK> f^r conetruottnx Section 1 of the PaamIc VAlley Sewer. In New YorkBa:

lularly; Zer, each .

H A n d k e r c h i e f sMen and Women’s Handker-

Samples Short White Kimonos,s i lk E m b ro id e re d


About 10.009 roll* o f 'W allpspdr to c lose out St o n e -h s lt th e r eg u ­lar price.!e sn d lOo 'W sllpaper ?C a n d 3 C

at, per r o ll .................IJo snfi I tc W all-

paper, a t per roll ”10c and !6o W all- l A f qM|t 1 T r

paper, a t per ro ll 8 0 0 12C3Zc O atm eal a t lOMe— N on -fad -

,ng oatm eal, 80 in ch es w ide, in t /^ r regular SZc, a t ......................... l u / z v

W ith b eau tifu l cu t-ou t border, regu lar 10c to 38c. per ) r f n I A c rard, at per y a r d ...........

S ic O atm eala a t S3e— Im ported oatm eals. In *11 color*. 30 In. T T c wide, reg. 8<c, a t ...........................

8.00 room w allpaper, w ith w ork, tor SABO.

A llow in g e ig h t s in g le ro lls of side w a ll and s ix s in g le ro lls w h ite sellin g w ith guaranteed w ork. T QA during th is sa le, a ll fo r ............o .7 v

PchiefB, thown at our counters, tn while and colored borders; also I satin stripes; regularly 7c, 3 cfor, each

Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Hats and (M dreii’s School Hats

98eLadles* H eady-to-'W ear H a ts , su itab le for m lM l*- aged w om en, b lack v e lv e t brim, crow n draped w ith fine quality m eseallne, tormUig a w in g effect at flnlshed w ith tw o v e lv e t b u tto n e i regu lar 1-98 value. Friday. W c. , ,

Cki1dren*A Sefcoal H aU , m ade o f flna ,” {**Also corduroy, trim m ed w ith allk navy, w h ite , brow n and cArdlnal; regu lar 1.69 value Friday bargain , Wc* ___ ___________ __

F^lculi , ud^

* a p p r o x im a t e QUANTITIBS.eECTION 1.

All bldi will be compared on the b tjii of the en«lne«r'i eeiimAte of quantltle# of work to be done:dredged below the bed — *._* '*.llnee of 9B-lnch reinforced conerete pipe*. 8,0oo linear feet

Item 3-FumHmnf. and nlaeiiM In troBche# redaed below the feedd Of New Tork Bay. re*

InfoTced coiwreie pipee. with; hortnontal lutilYertlcAE brAnch«A hAvifit dlAOi«t«re ramlnf from 24 Inchoa W M !nche*. I.MO Itnear feet

Item $-Fum iihlnf ti»d plACln| rip rap* of ^ to fl-ton A(onea, En trenobem’ for 24 to 9^Jnch reinforced concrete pipee AOd branebee, 80,000

4-Rook McavaUcB, In dnd(* trench** too cubic yarda .

Driwlni*. f»nn of oonttict and .^ I fl^ lO M

Men’s & Yontlis’7*50 Fait Suits,

Suits Utnt w ill g iv a good w ear, out on the la te s t fa ll w odala. In as lo e aasortineni o f m ixed colorj and patierne; sixes from 81 to So ch est

Beys’ 3.00 School J Siois at • * • • • • ^

PoubU -breasted and N o rfo lk coat gtyles, m tde o f n ea t m ixed cM ol; more and chevtoti s ix es ^ to IT years.

B nuseU CsrpeU—27 inches wide, tspestry Brussels carpets, ^ Q - nest, smalt designs, suitsble for h tl! stsirs or runners; 65c value,for, yard

G rass Bugs—Room size, 6x9 feel, imported grass m atting j n o rugs, with G re d in border; $4.50 vslue, fo r ............................ - .......... A f* ? 0

Fum ituM Tspeitry—800 yards of issorted lot of double width tapestry rem nsnls snd mill ends in lengths 2 to 10 y itd s ;69c v ilu e for, y a rd ........................................................................................

Tapestry Portieres—Full size, fine quality tapestry porfieres, n g A with throw over fringed top; good colors; $3,98 value.only ......................................................................................................... .... "

Wiiutow S tadeo—Linen finish, best quality imported Holland ^ window shades, good spring rollers; colors white or green; made

lize, 6% vailin the regular si: lue, f o r . .

The Best Wearing Shoei for B o ^ You Ever Bought for Anything Like These Prices

Made of good leather all the u-ay through; e tch pa ir w ar­ranted.

8i to 13i . . 1.19 1 to 2 . . . . 1.49

' to Sj . . . 1.69

The Peerless Shoe F o rOIrla

In button or lace. We have aold over 30,000 pairs of these and never had one complaint. We guarantee evety pair.

98c 1.19

bizes S to S Si to 11 H i to 2 2i to S .



, off Robbing Rggf. in New Jeriey. tlcnlATA thAt RiAy eiuible contrmeiorv id

of &e chATActer of the work Are given

Viera l-r«rnlihlnx And plAotn* In treacbee

And’ blAnK fonn for propOtiAi « at ^ obtAlnrt the GomralMlotierr office from.wnfi*m M.

Brown, chief engineer. , * * .The comtolMloser* reeerve the right to reject

paeI aic’ v a Ll e t s e w e r a g e COMKI6-SIONBRS. JOHN 8. 01B90N. a*rk-Auruit 82. IBIS.__________ _____________


Bup*rvl*or'* Oftlo*. Sept. i. 191E Nolle* 1* hwtby liven th .l «»Ied propojal*

will bo received by the mipervlm of the SUt. Prlion. Trenwn, N. J.. until IS o clock noon.on Monday, the 88d day ol September. IBIS, for anirte* herein en u m eta^ ;

DIVISION “A’*—For the fumliblag end lx- ■tAllnig of de«)-wAter pump. . _

DIVISION “B"—For the fumUblng And put- ting on liAg rooriQg, wing S. kitchen of wlag S* and projwtlon of wlttg L ' DIVISION "C '-For the t\to the priion librarr-

SpectflCAtlObi Abd.

fumlihlng of booki

On this trip you revel in REST

Unlike most travel trips, the journey from New­ark to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the West, Qn the Lehigh Valley, Is one that the traveler long recalls as a trip in which he found real relaxation and b^U y re s tWhether you travel by day, aboard the palatial Black Diamond Express, or at night, rushing through the cool, sweet air of the mountains, you are conscious of the great luxury of rest and ^ a t you are being unobtrusively cared for by the trained and trusted servants of this road.Lehigh Valley all-steel trains are the maximum of travel equipment. The Lehigh Valley auto­matic safety system makes safety doubly sure.The-Lehigh Valley stone-ballasted right-of-way and exclusively anthracite fuel make this trip comfortable, sootless and cinderless.

L e l i i ^ R a i l r o a dRailroad and Pullman Tickets delivered

at home or office on request ^

Ticket Office, 211 M arket Street, Teleplwne 287 Marlcet.Station, Elizabeth and M eeker Avenues, Telephone 3020 W averly.


blAhkA. upon which pro-p o ^ ir r a ^ ’tw ^ futtiiAhed uponl^ lca tto a i t Ih. dffle* oj the iuj«r»l»r.

Bid* received purtnunt ts tkl* sdvertiHtBcat will be epined »n Tueeday. th* twenty.,lhlrd d*y of Beptember.,1913. at IZ b clMk noon, by the BiperyliOT, to lb* py**«n« «» ? e Inspector* ISO parties In Interiit; .aid Md. tnlit be Maled snd ln d ,^ d . t « the * ^ ) u

SropoHd ts lie .Mmlibed, toselhtr wllb the iTfirton letter. . . . . . . . . .Each ptoSBisl most b . secompsnled by osrt

a cerllflea cheek draws to tbo order of A ». MoComiiclc, Sttperrlarr. Is ten Pw cest. ot the amouAt of each bW- No b l^ W IU^ after ib* day and boar deslsnated Is thi. nottoA.Bnccenful bidders rmist OB or belen 8ep, teoiber 8T. 1913, eieeut* cosuacts snd toinUh eatufsciory bond. Wr the fsithfol MrfomiSBoe thoreof In double the amodht of th«r bid. with .atUlaciory seotirUy. eondltioned for thb faith- tal pertornienc* of eostraot. Sboutd sac- eoMtal blddera tsll to .xootil. thMr contnicU

data bond, within the tim . apecltlod.

It is mostly cut from the heads o f dead Chinamen under

conditions that are generally bad.It makes possible danger-

r o u s diseases of the scalp.

N o a m o u n t o f

s t r i c t is black it is dyed and the color quickly wears off, leaving the hair absolutely worthless.

can make Chinese hair safe or desirable.prepaiition

th^ 'cA tfi dr ctrUfiAd *h#6k d«okltod wfth th f gupervlaor may be furf^W d, ifinAde thereon niA^

fA m ent for twmghed* will h» mAd« CtchM,the BtAte In the right lit r««erve<t If the ATooufit for excebiiSe the euib

A&]P AWAldvoid.A Asd tuppUee the tTmeatr at

______ _ -- roject any bid.r the oos^sttOB ot tbi work

tur-e-fVr ffil. If'no^ T ia:ed to be tn

3. P,

HEADQu^TBM■EALHD PltOPotAlB . will .JM nerived St

these headquertei’f (while the Botrd of Fife CeramiMloueie U in' gtielbtt) 4wrlxg the peHod Of time between 1:90 raid I tOO o'clock P. M- en Wedneadar. Beptethber lOtk,* And will be opened imifiedieteir xfikx thA expffiktfeii of tbe ttrae fixed for recelvfifid tk.e AteretAid pro*recti vfiB«

- - -,_jhJng the following BuppUee. l« wit:

T h e l a w i t a b o u t p u r e f o o d a n d a b o u t c l e a r d e ^ s c r i p t i o n ^ o f i m l t a ' t i o n s .

It is la x . n respect to Chin­ese K ir. Yet Chinese hilir can effect a s mupli hsrm as unfit food.

Y o u ian n o t get healtt» bti.r frem the heads of C blnt- iqen. -

TtFiy voald die ra ther than ■Submit to amputation of their queues—and they do die before the th e a rs are used.

^ D e d a r a i i o n

poibl. tor fumliblns Ibe dopartnicnt wlih the folio-----


J t u m c WAT* h o s m t a i . a t | k ® -.RIB T t ■


___FIA1N8.WA^UJEN'8 OFFICE. ^' Au«iut l a isu.

1* imeby rive* that bld*-f^dry *ood». boot* and shoia

itotSBS, bruetio* aadIts* and tanHtura tebeuoa r, siatt sad esateetod u a n , pspsr, ets-

rass^ q M “

s«n«ea, snUussUa coni, eaniMtn’s .uppl}*;' upliowterer’. *«»»«*, tatber. *<0.. .sndjjlnt- er'e snppllM. will be fjeelvrt W tM Coosoilt; tee OB riircbeiea e«d tappilM r t t ld*BSfsn,of tbs Now Jen.* Btst*


Pllonce with

Mortl. PlslB*. BBIU TbtBwday. BaplMnbsr Wiu be reclvod and by astd oomoilttw. l - ..r w w qsuutt' hot » «

^ ^ i ^ s z S i ^ s r i s ^ S s W

the cottlTAcur.PrlV» V inolad* deUeeiy a t llofrU Flalat; U fretshf charp* io b r ■

must bo sdtfre.Md te_Jtli* NewZUMP Btst. meipitai . t^ y s tO M Park, mu*l.. . . --------- ....— — la lorb u r tbs tndonsinsBt. _SBd nuot b . delivered s t i Rfcw. » trowcu A. ■■

supplies'wardm'. offtoe.

____ _____ li. . on n cM d v t, B e^in-bw eltvobth. IMA Ptoposak reoelved atur

'.N'piItsn, itlos sad sasispt.

«ZB bi’ss. nor* er less.'et bett natonl oats IMS o r l ■IflO bass more ot IMS of ben bps*. _ ji

W,iX)(l pound., more ot lens of b*M N*.. old Timothy hey.

IB-OOd pounds mors or teee, ot host Ion* utoiMlW,

10 balm, more or jm a a( Aeto* aUeltaThe qu.litr

b. apodfled aibOT*. -end dsllvery I. to be made at the qaariers ot compeny » * ^ M Sntttls u Un s J m S o e m m i ^ may nesd

inCmiBStteii oopetrnlB* tt*M lom l.. u I* ao*iKy snd jnwBltty. bt inrolebod upou spollostlOH .to the ewrtlary tf. lUe beard

The Botrd' of Fir* OommlaaloBon ttson i fb* firiit to pBrebsse sue* ^dlUonsI qusm, ttw oF the Kvetsl eoiBBWdtObj benMn *p«V- «od t*. mtp: M WWW ttte, |y}e*« “ V

' " to 3 3 o i »A

. „ mssr ' gM iB a t ttber remno*^ { 5 »

s n i i

f Real first-quali^rh^ > is undyed aiid gives

lasting sa tisfa i^nCfaineae hair may be ntade

to look like firat-ctiBB hair, but first quallD luib' cannot be sold at "bar'- gain counter” pricea, bar eaiiae first-claie , hair coata In the trada e m U iozund per c en t m on than Chinese hair, .

!.— 1 esny no Chthtse hair. h -A ttih e h tir in tha ts ^

from, the bends cf inmsna of convem or of pessMid womw*

3. ~ m hsff is evtfttltf siM m t M s f ij*tnd texhft sttiis so£f tn nsiwsl eowr. IstUno -.ii.

4. -.There is ns b ttt» htif oMamaMe ffisnthe hsif IsstL

5 . ~ T h t H s to n ih n t t ju hstrm hta jstCtis so tow priced isbecMttst / iSred, thas cutitna oat asasih^h amantssions.

6. —The /asu Wm» Yof i hoam uit&fi aAo etypy ^ qaaMJp htif A » a s fiftfio ent

tnd pit cent, fdghtr pirns.

I f w o m e n k n e w e v e r y t l i i i i g a b o u t C h i n e a e h a i r t h e y w o u l d s h u d d e r f r o m i t " I

They are wearing It withoul knowing it. >

The storea do not tell then, the atorea are telling Chin-

eae hair m uina’human hair” and are

honored pit cent, higher j

( 5 ^ « « 0 M . Peratt.

mdklng about 300 p e r ' cent, clear n r o f i fon it, -

-v '" -ni rltARB v ia C htasie hair was nnkMwa.

t s s s s r A T a s a s s . ' s . s ’ " " ' '

T U S AOD4lti(>SU' llOTAkt .m on ey for


u d i i lp a the'P hoettb- ^

Badlcal Protrossit last artlllsry upon platform snd what •a the conaervsth psirtr, a t three op* oltF last night, oandldste tor th* l tloni Qsorie U R< Junta* 0 . Bitauvol BonUnstlon of Ms dzsssod several bun aomoblle. and dtsl Osbems campaltn ally thta Public 80 atbsT Interest* snt Utility Comnusato soorthg.

Tbs m setlB li w t W aibtntton itroeu Csntr* U srk st, s i Oraoao and Warro aam blato an s tte i to the csn dtdsu much Id bis deci* t* rsllovo the uour Inunction* In lot p a a M to thorn, platform th* apoa)

I d th s Hours* Mr. Osborn* relte: Mr. Colby. In a th a t hi* rival tell Iriisrs h* stand* taoaU of elective la leotsd the Mayo Into the B ut* (It

Mr. Osborns r adherents in Past ProiTesslvsa," tol U p . B ls u v e lt . til a s Mayor In th< tsndlna agalDSt tl edtr, which ha* BASChlns Bepubllci

*T ciril publicly oandidsts snnom or not he sppra thOM men In F nsm * In supportl oanys of Frogrei does approve of tall tbe people ol m atter with Blai

Oelhy-e Pi Mr. O.borne U

Important planki eompared them ' declaration of prl th e Colby platter Ul»’' and said tb o gradual reductl Uons—waa ' absu

“Mr. Colby * said with retere plan. "Is a* aBhu for a weajt-kne to have oontendt have Iseued e p fourth of tha el.

The Candida am on g th e w o d len ces by h is i Injunction. As u n q u alified ly at Ing tb e oourta n dispute* there ' proval from tb up th e su te m e r Ing th at Mr. ' plan to relieve t and th at he w i tin ue the praol ton that a taearl In a conlrover

Mr. Oaborne 01 th e strain ( been w a g in g h voice. Then, ta lk a g a ln .t r ears and su to i and W sBhlngtc countered anno a rather rebus And a path on A policem an hi th e dlaturber.

B lanvcitI t was Mr. B:

tic thing* to aa and other "ini board. He cha m ission aa a "< in Ita four yea It* time decldl companies ah< only tim* that f it to th* pub the Passaic ga

"W* have oi Mon," said M> it? It la uselei spending your of any benefli It came near to the olllseni rate case. At ease?

"Fll tell you Uc Ultllty Con upon the Pul It,999.009, In SI w as awom tea showing that entire proper Thu* It provlt Corporation a on (1.BOO.OOO of toilet In that mlaslon has fiOO.OOO of yoi

Mr. Blsuvel With malntalt and with aur and Democra to stifle legli aid the gener an appeal to In this conr years ago N the subseivle special inter' tem pt by Ja year* ago to plant.

"Youjprob* volt declared not get a fra current froir another. Wl Aak yourfelv find the am Mr. 8eymoui cheapir that

Mr, Becor zocomroenda who, regarc gtsult in th m w erful P< T he caniJIda appeslod to abl* politics Ho dwelt bupon the Ol th a t not in other cand* w ith such I cost o f Ht m eetings wc

' usl iMTln I


Bocause Which will County for JCatsenbach cratle noml tth* part th e clevola night. In I Rav. Jama hlU tlonlst I

At the el fMd th e 0 would ba p to speak. ; o a ^ d a te t savan, Mr. a n o r Bqw abeentee*cm* of bee

Tbeodore Clinton H a ^ t r who bald, said bo begun tt may ba ars havlni O'clock. 1 fha meetli

miout* at

file ftosb Itabte 8o<M WBi SBfrom ”A 1

Tbe fur vIonMy Vrt0ll4."l


OibonM, Record ud Bliirek at Open*air Meetings Here Ex*

pond Radical Principles.



Ba4lcal Protr*nlv«a tr»in«4 th*lr hMv* iMt urtllUry upon Evaratt Coitty, hli platloTm and what haa ooma to ba known aa tha conaarvatlva wing ol tha naw party, at ttire* opan-air maatinga In Uila nlty laat night. Edmund B. Oaborna. oandldata for .tha Qubornatorlal nonilna- tloni Oaorga U Racord, of Hudaon, and Jainaa 0. filauvtlt. candldaia fdr tha Bomlnatlan of Uayor of Patarion, ad- draaaad aavaral hundrad paraons from au- gnmobUai and diatributad a lot of tha Otborna campaign lltaratura. incldant- ally tha Public Barvlca Corporation and otbar Intaraata and tha Board of Public Utility Conuniaalonara cama in for '•oorthg.

Tha maatinga wara bald at Markat andWaahington atnata, in Broad atreat. naar Centra Markat, and at tha Junction of Oranga and Warran atraata. At aacti aa- ■amblaga an attantiva audlanca llatcnad to tba candtdata and aaemad to find much In hla daclaratlona aa to tha plan to r^ava tha uourta of tha right to laaua laJuBctlont In labor diaputaa, that ap- paalad to tham. On this phaaa of hla iptatform tha apaakar waa applauded.

la the oouraa of hla thraa apaachea Ifr. Oaboma raltaratad hla cballangaa to Mr. Colby. In addition to hla demand that hla rival tell the votara of tha State irhara ha atanda on tha auaatlon of tha laoaU of elautlve oftlclala, the apaakar tajaotad the Mayoralty fight In Pataraon late tba State flgbt.

Ur. Oiborna, rafarrlng to tha Colby adharanU in Paaaale County aa "allagad Frograaalvaa,'' told hla haarara that In M r Blauvelt'a tight for the nomination M Mayor In the 911k City he la con­tending agalnat tha Colby League of that olty, which haa pledged lupport to “a atachlne Republican."

"I c^l publicly upon Mr. Colby," the oakOdldata announced, "to aay whether or not ha approver of the conduct of tbooa man In Pataraon who bear hla nama In aupportlng a Republican In the

of Progreaaive prlnelplea. If he doM approve of It then I want him to tall the people of the Stale what la the matter with Blauvelt."

Oolhy*a PoaUloa ‘•Abaord,’*Mr, Oiborna laid alreaa upon the two

Important planka ol hla platform and aompared them with thoaa of the Colby dacJaratloD of prlnelplea. He characterlead tha Colby platform aa a "halt-way maaa- ura" and aald that hla plan of taiatlon- o gradual reduction of tba building vaiua- tlona—waa "abaurd." * _

“Mr. Colby’a poalUon, Mr. Oaboma ■aid with reference to tha Colby taxing plan, "la aa alburd aa It would have been for a weak-kneed opponent of alavery to have contended that Lincoln ought to have laaued a proclamation treeing ona- lourtb of the alavea."The candidate awakened Intereat among the working men In hla au- dlancea by hla reference to the writ or InJuBctloB. Aa ho aaaorted that ha waa unduallfladly agalnat the plan et hav­ing the court! leaue InJUnctlona In labor diaputaa there ware eipratalona of ap­proval from tha orowda. Ho followed UP tha iUtamant ol hla attitude by aay- ing tbat Mr. Colby waa agalnat the plan to relieve the couru of thla power, and that he wanted the oourti to con­tinue the praotlae. but with a Ion that a hearing bo granted both aldaa In a controveray.

Mr. Oaboma apoke under dlfflculttaa, aa tha atraln of the campaign ho haa bean waging haa begun to tell on hla voice. Then. too. he was obliged to talk agalnat noise of passing trollej/ lAfg ftulomobll®** Al the Market and Waahlnglon atraet meeting be an- oountered annoyance from the antics oi a rather robust ciHxen who could not find a path on tha aldewalk to get by.A policeman had to be called to inuelcb tha disturber.

Blanvelt Attaeka "IntemaU."It waa Mr. Blauvelt who had the caus­

tic thlngi to aay about the PuWlo Service god ottier "Inlereata" and the uUlltiea board. H* characterlied the utility coco- mlaalon aa a "ueeteas body." oaylng that In tta four years’ existence it had spent lU Ume deciding whether two or more eompaniea should merge and that the only time that It did anything of bene- n t to the public waa In its declalon in

- the Paaaale gas rate fight.* "We have our Public Utility Commla-

Mon," aald Mr, Blauvelt. "and what la it? It la uielcaa, It haa been four years spending your money and doing nothl^

ol any benefit to you. The only time It came near doing anything ®£/nl"* to the cillxena was in the Paaaale gas tate caae. And wbal did It do In that

*^11 tell you what waa done. The I^b- Uc UtUliy Commission placed a valuation upon the Public Service proiwrllea of

was awom testimony and affldviU gnl“™ •kcwine that the coat to reproduce the * « » %roperty would be but Thu” It provided thet the Public Service Corporation ahould earn eight per OB SSOO.OOO of water. ‘ *Mllet In that way. Meantime, thla com- Sliafon r . .pent between («0,000 and“ S rB riu v X ch am e l'th e Public Servdoe

miLtntaiijtnK a paid lobby at Tranton Tnd with Burporllng bo^ and Democratic 'machlnaa In an to Itlfle legislation that was f®aid the general public. He an appeal for municipal ownership, anl In this connection asserted that mme yeara ago Newark l>ad a the subservience of Its public officials to SScUl Ihtereal-. He menUoned the at-

yeara ago to operate an electric lighting

*'*"Tou,prohably all remember," Mr. Blau­velt declared, "that Mr. Seymour could not get a franehlae to distribute electrical current from one block In your ®l£y Vi inothw. W tat waa the r^eon for tWe. Aik yourialvoa thpA queallori. You will find the answer In the word privilege,Mr Seymour wanted to sell hla product chaapar than the Public Service.", Mr Record confined bia talks to a tecomroendatlon of Mr. Oaboma aa a man who, regardless of what may be the

-n au lt In the primarlea, will become a aowerful political figure In the SUt*. Th# cftndldEcy of Mr. Oibonift. b* #nlda appealed to him aa "the moat ren ta l- able political event since the civil waiS He dwelt hriofly and in a general way noon the Osborne platform and agaertod

not In twenty-five yekra haa any Athar candidate come.befOM the public with such a definite plan to reduce the «Ogt of living. Other apeakera at the W tlnga were Dr. William Levine, Bam- tgil liCvln and Alexandar Bannwaft.

t o PROHIBITIONIST, TO 1 ^ . ^ , t vTAK KATZENBACH’S PLACE■rp'. M- .>« V‘T.»' ___ww..

-■'•E’EiS; 'aacauie of a previous engagemept.Whleh will take him Into Cape May County for the day arid mght, Frank •. Hatxeabaoh Jr„ candidate for the Demo- oraUe nomination aa Ooveraor. Will net

..*ake part In the political dlgcuaalon at - " iha Cleveland School la Bergen street to-

nU*L In hla ptnee- however, will appau’; Rev. Jamea O. Maaon. who la a Pro

■f?'? uutlcmlat Ouhamatorlal oudldate.At tha alavanth hour Mr. Mason noti­fied the oommltiea ih charge that he

erOitid be plmiied to accept the iavttatloa tagaeak. Thug the total of Ouberaatoriai wndMatet to appeair will remain at 'Mean. Mr, Kateenbadi and former Oov- WBM Bdward C. Btokae h ^ the o^y

VI*','' ghaenteas among those who ate daatr- ' one of heeomlng Oovamor. .

' ‘ Theodore S. Pettlnger, ptealdant of the CilBton Hill improvement Ajeodatitm,ttS i« whoea ausplcea the rowing wlU be

said today that ^ d ta a ^ o n ^ I I .11* begun promptly at I o c '^ >» may be concluded with all tha apeak- ere havlw had anid’clodk. There will be mualo preoedlnf the meeting.

pTHER FREffl AIR CffTS^Otfta amounting to M to

tm h air fund Of the IMaale Char- Society today. A eontributloa Of eant by "B. M. t»," and M eaW

ima ■ A Friend." V , ^The fund to; date ^

'MaaMy' ‘ aokaowladged* AI I ; ‘B. M. I.y’' P i total.

- i

V4-|. .jifi ' ii

,''' " • si:'?/-

'' *

h e j ■

ie r ' ■ ; '

id . iv S

1 / -’inf.



i II

B L A N K E T S & Comfortables T yp ica l M a c y P R IC E S

We can list below a few specific instances only, taken from a very comprehensive stock of imported and domestic goods.,Hundreds more in the Department. Basement, Rear.

Mdcy’i “Red SUr" OQI ^CettoB Warp BUiikets,#J.*i* ComforttMei

Closely woven and very soft. Bound with 2-in. white or 4-fn. colored ribbon. Colors are blue, pink and yellow. For three- quarter or full siac beds.

Ribbon-bomd Fine * j aa Wool BUnkeU (pr),

Extra close weave. Pink and blue borders. Full size, 70x80 in.

“Rod SUr" Californu a a a a Wool binnketi (pr),

Light shaded pink and blue borders. For ^ or full size beds. Better qualities of Cali­fornia Wool Blankets in stock from a single bed size. 60x84 in., at js.49 (pair) up to an extra large bed size, 90xl08 in., at $27.36 (pair). The inter­mediate prices are |6,d9, $7.89, $10.94, $12.19, $1S.S9, $17.54, $21.19, $22.29, $24.89 (a pair).

Canton Silk MnD aaComfortables, each

Beautiful rose designs on light grounds. Nine-inch plain silk border to match. Cut size 72 in. X 78 in.

White Wool-Nap fiOx a j 76 b. Blankets (pr), ^lafa4

With stitched edges, and bor­ders in light blue. Larger size $U9.

With figured silkoline backs to match. Nine-inch plain silk border all around.

Winter-WeifbtSiDioEne« j a Corered Comfortables, Io 4 4

Both sides figured, scroll stitched. Light and medium col­orings. Cut size 72 ia x 78 ia

Figured Cambric* a , u s (^Tered Comfortables, f l • *14

Both sides in latest Parisian effects. Fancy stitched, cut size 72 in. X 78 ia With 9-ta sateen border. J2.59.

White Wool Blankets At One-third Lew (p r) flaO if

Size 58 ia X 76 ia Larger sizes up to 70 ia x 80 in., at $2.59 and f2.94.

Pure White Fleeife q . Medium Blankets (pr), o4C

With fancy whipped edges. Size 60 in. x 70 ia Larger size at $1.19._______________

Silkoline-backed Silk ^a aa Moll Comfortables, IpZaafO

Very neat floral patterns. Nine-inch plain mull border. Size 72 ia x 73 ia The 60 ia x ,78 ia size is J2.59.

BEST QUALITIES of Down and Lamb’s Wool Filled Quirfort- IH ables in stock, from a sateen-covered one at $4.49 up to the a highest grade brocaded sateen<overed one at $38.44 each. A H PTcat variety of intermediate prices the folioving are a few only. Ie.49, $8.44, $9.74, $11.69, $12.89, $13.94, $16.59, $18.19, $20.84, ■ $26.89, $28.79, $3S£9. M

G R O C E R I E S o f Q uality INote the special P R IC E S 1A very few oniy out of the hundreds of cconoinics on ^

every-day household necessities. Phone or mail a postal | | for our complete quarterly Grocery Catalogue. mCoffee. A Special Sale *f Bw Imb Saatot Coffee. This coffee p

is genuine South American Santos—a good, rich, satisfjring ^ Breakfast Coffee—sold by dealers under all kinds of fancy | names at from 28c ot 30c per pound. Roasted in the bean i daily in our own coffee roasting plant, packed in 5-lb. bags n only; beans only. Macy’s regular price is Jt.22 bag; for this ■ Special Sale 98c bag. »

A Special Sale of ladu and Ceyloa Tea ("Diirbaz Braid”), packed I in sealed lead cartons only; quality that retails elsewhere at | 7Sc the pound. Macy’s usual price per pound is 48c; for « this Special Sale^STe lb.; Yz Ih. 19c. |

Red Star Breakfatt Cocoa, prepared in our own laboratory; _ guaranteed absolutely pure, similar qualities sold at 25c for fi Yi lb. tin. Macy's usual price is 18c; this Special Sale ISc tin. {

Raltiat Powder, Red Star Braid— An absolutely pure cream of ■ tartar powder of our own manufacture; much lower priced I than any other baking powder of equal merit. Macy’s u s^ l price for one pound can is 34c; for this Special Sale 27e I pound can. •

Bicariionate of Seda— guaranteed absolutely pure; In J/S-lb. 1 cartons that sell elsewhere at 10c; price for this Special Sale | 3e carton. :

Beat Qaality Yellow CoraraeaL Beet Whit* Graaolated Pearl Hoainy— Packed in Macy’s own factory; put up In 5-Ib. ] cotton bags; for this Special Sale 15*. 1

"Iffy White” Bread Freeh Srokea Meceroni *r Spetketti— 10-lb. j boxes; for this Sale, box, 39c, i

Iriih Sah Mackerel— Best quality; perfectly Cured; usually 51.29 10-lb. kits; for this sale. 31.M; 5-lb, kits, 54*.

Chicken Soup—Specially prepared for us; equal quality sold elsewhere at 25c to 30c; dozen cans, fl.74; can, 15c.

A Speci*] Sale of Norwegian Smoked Sardinet in pure Olive Oil (Carl O. Olsen Brand). These are the fin«t packed, our own special importation. The large Y size tins, containing 25 to 30 fish, retailed everywhere at 2Sc the can; Macy’s price for this Special Sale, tin, 16e.

A Special Sale of Califoroia White Agparafng, Royal Knight Brand; large thick stalks in the large No, 2(4 square cans, regular 25c size cans, for this Special Sale, can, Iffc.

“Bertene.” The dirt cleanser, for scouring and polishing; the regular large size can fg; this Special Sale, 3e can.

' im iM im i!

TheRemedy oi the Greatest ValueIn the Family Medicine Chest 1$

Duffy’s Pure Malt W hiskey

It is an absolutely pure dtitlllation of carefntly selected, clem grain, thorough­ly niiUed, and should bo in every home ga 8 safeguard in emergoncte* requiring a stimulant. '

Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiakey corrects the defective digestion of the food, in­creases the appetite, gtrengthens the heart, gives force to the circuUtion, re­lieves throat and lung troubles, and insomnia, and brings restfulness to the brain and nervous force*. It w pre scribed by doctors and ,

Boys’ School ClothesWe ere ready well in advance, as

ilwtyi, with Boys' School Cloth­ing of the best sort—the kind that both the boys and the mothers like—serviceable, good looking, and economically priced.

B o y * ' F i n * S u i ta in Norfolk and Double-breasted styles, of fine W ors­teds, Caieim eres and Chevloti, in light ,and d irk shades; tailored to the queen’s ta s te ; the well-known Sam- peek make— a guarantee of goodness; lu lti that ought to retail at $8 to SI3; offered here at a tonly ......................................

B oya* S e r s * S u it* cut in the most up-to-date models—Norfolk and double-breasted styles; ill-wool unfid - ible blue serge; some suits of the ism e c liss in mixed colors; ought to lell at $6.50 end $6.50; Q T priced h e re ............................ JJ>***IF #

Boys’ Shoes for SchoolKinds That Stand tha Knocks

Girls* School Shoes ofsolid leather; high cut. button style; gunmetal call and patent leather vamp; dull kid lop; 8K to 11 at

^$1.69; IlH to2at . . $1.90, Girls’Tan R u m I* Calf High CutButton Boots] size* 8M to 11 It B1.7S; sizes IIM to 2

G irl* ’ V lc l K id P a t a n t L * a th * r T ip B u t to n B o o t* ; regular cut; lize t

I 6 to 8 at 9 1 1 ^ to 11 at ^ > ae/\I 9 1 .2 B ; 11X lo 2 it......... J p a - O U

Girls’ Cunmotal Calf Button Sho*K regular cut; size* 6 to 8 at S l.lSh sizes 8J{ to II li A t gafw $ I .3 fl[Sizei 11) to2al.. I p l . O W

J Boys’ Shoes of Gunm*tal Celt ft lace style; all solid leather; sizes 10 to 13>* ai 9 It sizes 1 to 5X ^

** UtU* Man’* S how of lolid leather; gunmetal call; lize*

'o u r bIxf Sp^sial; all' so lid leMhcri mide oi gun^tai calf andither; siiwlOto 13H at 91.69) aiie* 1 to 5H at.................. ***•

Boys’ Norfolk and Dou- ble-Br*a*t*d Suita of All- Wool Cloths; some with two pairs of pants; regularly $4.98; special priced, Fridiy end Sat- A n q ourday ............................... q X J .W O

Boys’ R ubber Coats— Hodg- . man make; dull finish; coats that

usually sell at $2.25 to a a a a }3 ; here at on ly ........... j p i . W O

Strong S ch ool Suits, cutIn Norfolk and double-breasted style* of gervlccable cloths; strong­ly stitched; neat pai- a a a <2 terns; for on ly ............... 5 * 1 . 1 7 0

B oys’ Trous«rs of Corduroy, Blue Serge and Mixtures; a full range of sizes; 75c. kinds a j A _ for only....................................

patent leather;

S c h o o l S u p p ly S a lePens

C u t F lo w e r S p e c ia lL a r g e S p i k e s G la d lo lu $ Sc*B e a u t i f u l K i l l a r n e y R o e as , sold elsewhere from Q g C

75c. to $1, tomorrow, per dozen ..................................................F l o r a l D e s ig n s , 9 1 u p .B e a u t i f u l A s te r s , o n ly 3 6 c . b u n c h .

GlobesSix-Inch wire globe, covered with

a map up to date, lix Inches in diameter, aupported on a wire stand. Etch globe packed in a aub- itin tla l box, m 6 c-

Other globes ranging in price from 7 9 c . to 920.00.

F o r S c h o o l D a y sCompass Sharpeners

Highly finished nickel and has steel joints that wilt not wear out easily; the pencil attachment is se­cured by a lever w'hich makes it impossible for the pencil to slip; CkL each.

Compass and divider for archi­tects, draftsm en, artists, school children and mechanics. It Is not only unrivaled as a compass, but its merits as a divider are fully at thorough and complete. Packed each !n a box together with a nickel box containing six refills; 1 9 c .

T h e S l m p l « x P e n c il S h a r p ­e n e r —A Sharpener tor school, home or office use. One of the best known,at 8 c each.

Kosmos, the only reliable pocket lencil sharpener, to reiiil for lO c .

,’lates can be removed when dull, sharpened and reset without d iffi­culty. It is strong, durable and bet- ter than any other sharpener for this price, lO c .

U . S . S h a r p e n e r s , 9 2 .B O . N u m e r a l F r a m e s —100 balls,

special, 2 5 c .

Pnctiure Frammg

Elxtra Special OfferFor one week, beginning today, we

will accept all picture-framing orders at a discount of 25 per cent, from our regular prices.

Same discount will apply to our stock frames, of which we have a great variety.

Our collection of mouldings is by odds the largest and finest in Newark.

Memmo CorsetE>emon8tration This Week

Nemo Corset* in all Ihe new models; low and medium bust; long and medium hip; lace trimmed; extra stjra hoae lup- porters attached; prices $2, $3i $4-, $0 and 97.50.

S m art Set Corset* of fine white coutil and tancy brocade; low bust, long hip style: trimmed with lace; hose supporters at­tached; priced $ 4 , $S and $6.

F ree Fittings and demonstration thruout the week.

Indelible InkPeyton’*, amall bottle, * p ec .,1 7 c Carter's indelible inks at 2 1 c .

PenholdersAll styles and kind*.Cedar Penboldera, 7c. per dozen Bright, fancy colors, I c . each. Rainbow taaortm ent of Penhold­

ers, 2 c . each.Many other kind* from le . to

1 5 c . each.B o o k S lo t* * , 8 c .C h c m o la P o m w lp o e , 3 c . and


E r tm - b r o o k ’a 1 all (be popvlernumber*; per dozen 6 ^ or 6 8 « . per gro*». Other* *t vtrlou* price*.

Pencil BoxesImported Jepenese top, eonw

with lock end key, other* with » nw ind cetch, from 1 5 c . to 5 0 c . each.

Pencil boxes for school u**. only the better grade*, from lO c . t o dOc*

T o l l n c r ’e C * iry * R > ^ ff*" **®h*

High Grade Padssingly o r b y t h * D o » * n

21^x4, S c * dozen.2%x4^, 1 2 c a dozen 3x5, i 8 c a dozen 3 |fx 5 ii, 2 1 c a dozen.4 Six7, 2 5 c a dozen.5x8, 4 c each or 4 5 c a dozen. 5 Xk9, S c each or 5 0 c a dozen. 8x10, 7 c each or 7 5 c a dozen. 8>(xU, 9 c each or 9 S c a dozen. 8 x l2 j4 ,9 c each or 9 8 c a dozen.

F o r C h i ld r e nC h l ld r e n 'e L o n g W *l* te« i

P r in c e s * P e t t l c o e t e of fine nainsook; trimmed with clus- ter tucking and ruffle of deinty em­broidery; 1 to 6 year sizes; g-w v^ very special at ....................

C h l l d r e n ’e R o m p e r * —2 to 6year sizes; of good gingham ; pink, blue and checks; with round k q — collars and pockets, T o r . . . 0 * 7 C

Infants’ Long Slip* of nain­sook with hemstitched ru ffle 'a — at neck and sleeves; priced * 0 4 -

Chlldren'* P r in c e * * Fob ticoet*. of good quality niineook; lawn tucked ruffle; 1 to 6 year sizes; regularly 3Sc, g 0 | j

Little C o lo r e d O ren n o *for girl* of 2 to 5 years; ginghams, percales and cham briys; pretty little Balkan sty iea .. 0 * 7 C

Infenu* Long W r a p p e r * of pink and blue pin stripe outing flannel, with shell stitch n m ^ edge; very special a t ...........


High Grade

Domestic RugsYou ought to be interested in these reproductions of high-class

Oriental Rugs. ,They have a heavy plush-like deep pile, beautiful, luxuneua—

finest quality seamless Axminster—and will delight you,These rugs are subject to slight imperfections, and this is how

we are going to sell them:41/ 2x61/2 feet; regular $7.95, a t........................6x9 feet; regular $15.50, a t........................ - $ 9 . 9 58/XIO/2 feet; regular $26.50, a t.................$ 1 7 . 5 09x12 feet; regular $29.50. a t...................... $ 1 9 . 9 5

Same line of Rugs; with sewed seams; slightly mismatched;8'/4x10/2 feet; regular $23.50, a t.................9x12 feet; regular $25.50, a t...................... $ 1 7 . 5 010/ 2x12 feet; regular $29.75, a t.................$ 2 2 . 5 09x15 f e e t ; r e g u la r $37.$0, a t........................ $ 2 4 . 5 0llJ4xl5 feet; regular $39.50, a t...................$ 2 9 . 5 0W e Sell Rugs On the Club Plan

L et U s S en d Y oo a V ictro laHere Are Ti

V ic t r o la N o .

$ 7 S

Here Are Two of Our Five Proposition*V ic t r o la N o . 1

$100We will send you one of the

new, splendid No. 10 Victrolas, with built-in record cabinet and $5 worth of records—Total

This No. 11 Victrola, in any finish dnd $10 worth of records— Total $100.

$ 7 .5 0 D o w n a n d $ 1 a W e e k

$ 5 D o w n a n d $ 1 a W e e k

msider Our Great Piano PropositionW e Are Offering, Thru the Courtesy o f Hardman, Peck & Co.,

lOO Player-lWros at $39S DO W N___Pianos at $223 p m $2 a W eek on PlayersO n E a s ie s t P o s s ib le T e r m s * i .25 a wmu on piano.

W ia . the P l » e « W e « v e C .«e r , ^ d i a n d ^ M u..c Roll.

recognized as • leading family medicine.‘ BOY k B O lT li TODAY. BUT BE SUBE TO f i l l DUFFYS

Lnffdv MM EMdtciUl Ifttit WDlikty. ii *013 ***'‘ ‘*i s ™ Look f ir tbs “OW cbsm lit” on the MdeAske ntf* tbs s*r1 o ttf tbo crMfR li QBbffokoii. Wrlts Usdicol Dspl., TbO

S a t iffliilSw Co„ Hocbwtet. N. t . . its llmstrated aedictl booklet t n t idttfi*.


The Shore Resort Worth KnowingSWEPT BY THE BREEZES OF THE

OCEAN, BAY AND RIVERfhebig Barnegat Bay; two and A half mUtea of n it water

batUng; sandy bearti.

L.qT8 , $ 1 0 0 up P Lmti ^■ « . o « . «

Great Eastern Building Corporation171 Bmd SL Nmrk, M. X . ‘

' - ’Phea* l i e i Rirkerl

Devoted to the Inteirests olf Womeirai.:. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE

A W lc lo u i d*MMt b « » ft**h p iB W P l* •■ t lu bMU. Cot oK th t top of tb« l^tto- m o ^ «>d Pnoop out Uii S r i b S ^ iB U et n » k e . or ih r ^ . tb*

a»d oM wt4 ft hftU cupful! of f w h i y S S ,r S o c o o n u t . H « P th» fruit lto ittu «

«inU UMl top wltb o few condlod*«T 1W .

C atU c« chw M rookoi * u o ty MBdwlcb«», •p ecto lly thoM

Mix Ow chaow with mlnoed n u l^ «UrM and w lad dreulnf.

A doublo roaator -III !>• *'*'**?*' yfd lant -h e n canning fru it ^ t the fruit t a t o e email “ n*. end put them In the ]-•■UDC pan - l l h the water, to boll.

The p e e llim from peachei or peare tUKT be need to make a eyrup for w afflee• r oake. Cover the peeUaie with water l i d w k until eoft; then e t , u ^ th rou rt - ■ ^m Meaeure the Juloe and add three- ^ugrtere of a eupful of eugar for each cupful o f Juloe ejrrup.

Cook until tblek like a

W elahte. with hotee for flower etem a M t In the low dlehee for h id in g tl® *" * a N a g tea t convenience- Tbeee w elghte oeine In gleee. or metal. In eelecllng OMm tor uee. attention muet be given to the elee o f the opening! In the w eight, r o r «BaU-eUmmed flow era enoh m hMlaBthui. nacturtlunu and ooemoe, toe S m ^ b o M w e ig tu are not praetical. ^ t tme the early aprtng flowera, euch aa d e f- fg f n . , byacintbe and JonguUa not only ■met ana uaa a weight with large t e g , but the welfbta th en w ivea m uet be heavy go aa to give effeotlva aupport

I f th . finger. *L‘l * "’S :^ o ^ w l l /d J ^ P p e e r - B u b t h e k n ^ f .^jdlce o f the potato and there will M danger of Imparling the odor of onloni to the next thing cut with the knife.

A quart of water to each pound of ioup meet le the ueual proportion In roak- Ing eoup. ___

Any cold cooked vegelahloe may be ueed to make e cream eoup or ealed.

The water In which any vegetahlee ax- cept potatoee or cabbage have been rooked may be u .ed for toe ba.le of e ■oup or to add to the Mock kettle, there I . conilderable nutrlm ftil In It-

If the gridiron or the Inelde of the w up pot le rubbed with a bit o f garlic a dellcloue flavor reeulto.

Left-over kidney minced and mixed with A 'little irr^vy or lom e lom etoei will be found ft welcome idd ltlon to the hreek- fftei or luncheon omelet.

BOBBY AND BETTY IN THE SAND(Copyright. 191t, by Howerd R. Oat^* ’"Only u few daye more, now," aald

Bobby Ringtail, the little raccoon ^ y . aa he Jumped' out of bod “n* morning.

Be careful not to keep vegetable, in a warm, damp place, e lw they will m rely mold.

The gla*e that one e ee . on well-cooked ro a it. I* b e .l obtained by redufclng beef

............ till It 1. thick "

W heo next raahtng a loaf oake, e ^ n k len u n la t o d eugar generouily over the top Png liBlie It. -kh excaUent eweetened top la the remUt.

I t la w ell to etjato a fteek eoup aa eoon aa i t oomee from the etove; then eat it aiyay to cool. In an open bowl, "^ e fa t wtU fe n n a cake on top. Keep thia fa t for trying or braining; firat clarity It by •utttD g It In a kettle fd th eome w ater. Oeok tor a tow mlnntea, then eat aw ay to eoot. The Impurltlee win etnk to th e hot-

and th e clear fat will form In a cake I top.

etock by rapid boiling. moUeae*. and then rubbing over the eur- ftc e of toe roaat with i t

Boiled ham, tongue or corned b e^ ahould be allowed to oool in the liquor In which it le boiled to give it tend em eie and flavor.

Before Urdlng m eat or Heh with atrip, of pork, It I. well to eeat the eurface of the m eat or fito flret; th at tlgh ten i the akin and makee It ea .ier to draw the larding needle through.

I f the top . of p ie . ere hruahed over with the yolk of egg they w ill be brown end

1 g la n d when cookd3.

I f eon Ukta a e o ft tender cruet on M ead m b the aurtaoe over before beklng w ltb ijieUed butter.

In olden daye eome houeew lve. took ad­vantage of toe winter tim e to freexe pie crurt. F ro n n pie cruet le much lighter and more digeetibta than otherwlee. Cruet enough to la .t for weeke wae made a t a time, kept Jroaen end u.ed a . occa»lon demanded.

Chicken fa t m ay be eubatituted for but­ler In pantry and cake.


fieiM Magdalen M om ent daughter of Mra. R obert M oment o f H H urray etrnet and Frederick B een Gee, eon of Mr. and Mm . Jam ee JL Coe. o f • * H igh etreot, wUl be married Wodneaday, Beptember IT, la th e H igh Btreet Preebyterian Cburcb. R gr. Jbim 3 ‘ Moment brother o f tbe

'W ill perform th e cerem ony.

j S b e w arriaBe'of Mlee M argaret M cDon­ald, e< Claiendan place. Orange, and An- d m w auetariet of tble d ty , wtU take plaoe te m o m w evening In K llb um Me­m orial Ohuroh, the peetor. R ev. Bmith t e h r a y , orilataUag.

« e •' MBm Carrol P a tten o a bee retum ad to hbr borne In Broad atreot a fter epondingth e paet tw o m oathi a t Oxford Furaaca.

e e et ' M H, T im if Irirtng, o f Em m et etreet;

bar atitar, Mrs. Jeanie Drake, aad her Bleoe, Mlae Otadya Drake« of Ocala. F la ., w h o a m vlMtlng her. are a t Ocean, drove for a waek'a adjourn. Mice D aley d . Irv-

: la g w ill leave for th e ehore tom orrow to iB M d th e week-end.

* a e' -Mra. 'William L. Benjam in and her Banghtar, Mlaa T iola B en jam la o f South m n th e tree t have returned from Mew F a te t Comfort Beach, where th ey epent th e p art month a t th e Beach V illa Rouae.

eteet'i parente W edneeday evening, Octo­ber 16, at l:* l o'clock. Rev. Frederick W. Lewie, paator o f the Foreat Hill Preeby- lerlan Church, w ill officiate. Mlee Made­line Hill wlU attend UUa Moore aa maid of honor. Mine Irm Londla and Mte. Edna Newm an will be to e brldeemelde. Jerome De 'Wttt w ill be beet man, and Leo Meller, a brother of toe bridegroom- M eet and Robert V ochte will aerve ae uehere. Following the ceremony there will be a reception In the home of the bride'i parent..

MB lie JUIIlirv '. >.1 .and looked o(st or Ihe window to eee ir It waa raining. "Only a few more d ay ., Betty, and then wc have to go beck W •chool. Hurry end g«t dre.eed, and we II go 10 the eea.hore beach and have eome

”"AI1 right," Mid the little raccoon girl. "And t guee. I II take all my doUe down with he. for It will he alm oel their last chance to enicU the ealt ocean air.

•'Bring ee many a . you like, .|w k« Bobby politely, ‘and I'll help you lak care of them."

Now I hie w a . very nice on the part of Bobby, you know, for really he did not much care about Betty i doUe. and .om etlm e. he would not go w rtklng with her If th e took one along. .But now I gueea toe little raccoon chap felt rather eorry becauee he wae «o the eeaehore, atMl he wanted Betty and her dolla to hava all the (un they could In the daye that were left. ^

W ell, after breakfaet,Tet had given the two J f * ' !apple-oatm eal w ith molaeeee rtJriokled over U, Bobby and Betty itarted for the beach. And B etty had her with her. Think of It-eeven d o lle -o n e for every day In the week!

B elly weed to have eight doll*, ana that made one over In the hed tw o for Sunday. But ehe had gtt eo one-P riecIlla Mayflower toe poor little mouale girl, eo th at leri only eeven, and. It you are not yet old enough to count you can take my w or l

■‘My! Seven doll*!" exclaimed Bobby, ae he eaw hi* *l*ter coming d o m the front rtep* w ith them all In a big >’°*carriage. "Aren't you afraid aoiiie r them will get lo e t’"

"Not If you help me look after them,replied Betty with ® ,doll! »mlled. too, from Matt da Jane Huckleberry to Arabella M ^ l S*®” **’ toe, tor they thought funny would happen when Bobby heipeaU k e » r e of them . n„v.k. and

Down on the aand went Bobby a ^Betty, and they began tim e. F lret the doll* were M l In A row where It wa* nice and cool, and Betty gave them each a clam ettell w ith which to dig a Utile well, or make a tunnel for m ake-believe rallr(^ad

Than the tw o raccoon chlldten oegan to amuB* them eelvee. . .

Bobby built up a wall of sand. <1®*" " eloM to to e w ater ae ®®““ , gettin g wet, and then he would hide W- hind l l and when the they would Bplaah M aln it and not reach the little on e. when Bobby waen t looking, a big

their hack* In the ■*nd, and th li made Ihcm v«T>' ileepy. J io 'l Jl funny, fti »f>on as you pul ft'jnne doJU on their bacW»e haw eaally th«y cloftc thHr «y«ft and *o to alMp? Now aoni0 hablca I know open their eye* ftli the wider w hen you put tliem on their backa. And th ey look up • I you, ftnti liUKh. and wlgiKle their pink toea, and loem to w ant lo go tosleep ftt ftll. '

But doili are mftde differently. I euP’ poae.

Anyhow. Betty a dolU w 're soon aaleep. and *he and Rohhy were having l«>ti or fun in the wet iftnd where the Ititle w aves came They made lin y wells, and ItJ one there came a baby atarfish. that twinkled and twinkled like Uncle U ig - gUy’a noae. trying lo get out Bobby, who did not want to see him euffer, lifted him up with hta paw, and let the atarfleh ■wim out inlb the ocean again. ■

Then, all of a euddan one o f th e doiii began crying:

"Help! Help! Oh, mamma, help ua.T hat wfti the phonograph dbll, you

know, who could talk,"Mercy me!" cried Betty. W hat la

happening?" ^Bhe rushed up the sand to where th e

had left her little family, Bobby follow ­ing her. Uke Jack and Jill, you know. And what do you auppoae had happened. Why, a bad little boy Sand H o ^ r was throwing atones at the dolls. Tea, sir. big beach pebbles that Sand Hopper hoy was throwing, and one of them had hit Martha Jackson T lcklefeeiher on the nose and another had landed right on the red cheek of Cora Janet Muffins.

"Oh! Oh, dear:'* cried B etty. My

worry' T'U drive that chap said Bobby, and ae he waa a



D a i l g T ^ m

^ D e c i p e s

Rev. Chkriea F. Nettleahlp end Mr*. Nettleehip. of Oebomo te m c e , have re­turned home after e etay of three monthe at their country home, Ixtcuat Ledge, Brooketde.


Mr. and Mra. J . 6. Rlppel. of Johneon avenue, airi H v -a n d Mre. Clarenoe W. Ailing, of W alnut etreet, have returned from a month’! tour of toe N ew England Btatee.

l l lH Margaret 'V, Ollroy, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Edward QUroy. of Miller (treat, who ha* been ependlng toe *um- mer on the P acific Coaet. le a t preaent vleltlng in Snn Francleoo. She le expected to return to her hom e In toU city Friday, Beptomher U.

Mlaa A nna Baxter, o f thl* olty, and X ia . F . T, Cuthhert. o f Lima, O., are at jU bu ry F a r t ,

- e e e< M t. aad Mrg. Frederick W . Thoniae, of

InHIff avenu*. epent the part w eek a t Oxford. A fter tbe t in t o f October they iriU stak e their home In Elm wood ter- laoa, Caldwait.

e e eA e m en la a e o f Mlee Grace U iU v>

g l ^ r . d a n ^ tr t r t Hr. and Mra. OMrge

Dr. Richard H. D leffenbach and fam ­ily, of Mt. Proepect avenue, ere eojourn- ing a t Saranac Inn, Upper Saranw Lake, N. T . They are accompanied by Mre. Dleffenbach'e brother, Jullu* Koehler, of St. Loul*.

once, when Bobby waen , -------- —w a v i came to, rolled up over hie ™ d well, and, oh, ray! he wae all w et up to

** "Oh, Bobby I" oried Betty. "Look w hat

“"“l didn't do It," eald the wave. B u t 1 don't care. Theee are my old d o to ee and mamma w o n t mlnd_ X id , aa long a . I'm a m tlo w et I m toht as well get a ll the way wet, I m goingto wading." .

"Then how can you help m e look after m y dolleT " aeked Betty. "Tou eald you

well.*^ saw Bobby, who w as roU- tug up his trousers as far ae they would go "I’ll help you If anything bappone. Blit can't you put them all to Bleep, Betty, and come in and wade w ith me-

"I su sss so," said the little raccoon girl, and K »n, with her ehoee and etock- inge off. ehe ran over th e Mnd untjl eh^ loo. w ae eplaehlng to toe w ater with her brother, , . .x .

The seven dolls had been i^aoed on


__J e y e r , r f U# K iller avenue, Brooklyn,• a d George D . Mimigan, o f 71 'Waahtog- t e Btreet, th li city, wlU taka place Brturday morning. Septem ber 20, a t 10 afetoA , In St. U ary’e Church. Deal

T ^ ceremony w ill be performed Monelghor Iiaaa P . W helan, o f Bt.

Fatriek 'e Cathedral, thU d ty . and Raw. Dt. John W. Norrie, paetor of Bt, Mary"!. VrlU oelebrata a nuptial maM. Mlia M ayer will be attended by Mlee Anna Bekkevoldi. o f Brooklyn, ae m aid of honor, and Jamea R. M ulligan, brother o f th e groom, will be the beet man. The cerem ony will be witneaeed by member! A t th e Immediate familiea only, and will •hh foUowad by a breaktaat In to e aummer hem e o f Mr. MulUgan, Elberon avenue. AUenhuret.

M lig Bertha Michael and Mlaa Jennie M ichael, formerly o f Second avenue, have gone to to e W ert Indlee, where th ey wlU rrtnaln about a month.

Mrs. E. C. Ferrand and her daughter*, Mlee Madeline Farrand and Mlee Flor- enoe Farrand, of Bummer avenue, have returned home from Lake Hopatcong. w here th ey .pent toe sum m er to their bungalow. Mlee Clarlbel Tupper, of FiHirth avenue, who w»e their houee guest, has returned to her home to thle d ty .

Mra. Charlei W. Austin and fam ily and Mre. P . R. Lord, o f Parker etreet. have returned from Nantucket, where they •prtit the pa»t week. Owing to the »ud- deu death of hie ftther. Mr, A uetla ha* le ft for Chicago.

The marriage of Mlee Marlon Moore, '"Ughler of Mr. and'Mre. Frederick W. Moore, o f lio Montclair avenue, and IVal- t*r Millward Heller, eon of Mr. and Mrs Oeorge B. Holler, of Elwood avenue, will b# golemnlxed In the homo of th e brlde-



Tha prospectus of the Toung W omen’s C hrlstlao Association has been distri­buted and liv e s In full the ecbedule of tb e various educational departm ents of th e association, together w ith the sched­ule o f the Bible study classes^ the phy- •loa] department and the gymnasium,

The Bible study classes w ill be con­ducted under the direction o f M iss Buth Tapping* the secretary of th e religious depar^ en t* on Monday and Thursday afternoons and on W ednesday nights. T he a night dasses will be preceded by lliei usual supper a t d:16 o'clock.

T he first semester o f th e educational depextm ent will be from October S to January H* and the regUflration days will be Beptember 2&. 26, 27: October 1, 2 and Z.

"■prospective students may register morn- tug or evening of any of the above days.

The branches in the educational de- partm ent Include dom estic arts* depart- m gnt o f foods and cookery, French and

<■ Clofmanr and stenography and typewril- tng. The domestic arts departm w t In­cludes plain sewing, dressm ak in g ,d ress­m aking with drafting, advanced dress­m aking, mllilnery and embroidery.

'<■ Itegistratlon days for th e physical de-

Mean No. ! .BREAKFAST,

Bananas. Cerexl.Tomatoei with Eggs.

Brown Breed Toast, Coffee, LUNCHEON.

Vegetable Salad.Brown Bread Sandwiches

Rtec Cueterd.DINNER.Canapes.

Salnnon Loaf.Corn. Potatoee.

Carrot and Pepper Salad. 'Nut Souffle.

S aggeetlooe for M ean No. 4.Select m edlum -»l«d tom atoes for the

breakfaet dlah. Cut out the item end* and scoop out the pulp; duat w ith crumb* and season with pepper and ealt. Put a tiny piece of butter in each, and drop a raw egg into each shell. Put th e tom ato ahelle to a pan with very little water. Cover and eet to the oven or on top of the stove to cook till th e egg la aet but not hard.

For the salad, add to cold diced pota­toee any other vegetable! there may be on hand. The carrota for the dinner ealad may be cooked to the m orning, *o there will be some for th* luncheon d lih . Ua* a mixture of mayonnalee and a boiled dreaalng and aerve on green of some sort.

Make a boiled cuatard o f a cupful and a half of milk, an egg, and a little corn­starch or arrow root. Add to the cuatard, iweetened and flavored, a cupful of cold boiled rice. Serve cold.

(Cheese canapea will be ta sty .To make the ealmon loaf, mix together

one and a halt cupful* of cooked salmon —either canned or treeh m ay be need— three-quartere o f a cupful of bread crumbs, three eggs, w ell beaten; three tableapoontuli of melted butter, and ealt and pepper to eee*on, P u t into a buttered mold, and eteam for an hour. Serve with a dresalns made after th is recipe: Put a cupful of milk to a double holler, and then add a scant tableapoonful of corn- itarch wet down In cold milk. Cook until the milk begins to th icken a Htllo; then add a beaten egg, a teaspoonful of butter and salt and pepper to taste. Pour the sauce over the mold.

Have baked or boiled potatoee aa le toe more convenient- ^ ,

Dice the carrots; ml* w ell with ehredded sweet green pepper and serve with a French dressing, topped w ith mayonnaise, on green. '

To make the deeeert. beat up the yolke of three eggs with three tablespoonfuli of-sugar and then add three-quarters of a cupful of milk and h a lt a pound of chopped nuts. Cook to a double boiler, and when It thickens rem ove from the fire When cool, fold to th e ettffly beaten whites and hake fifteen m inute* to a but­tered pudding dlah In a quick oven. Serve with sugar and cream. _____________

l.ra\ e little raccoon boy. and as the Band Hopper waa not very big, Bobby wont right up to him and cried:

"(Ju aw ay!" •And the Sand Hopper did, for he was

afraid of Bobby's tharp claws. But If It had been a big Sand Hopper, I guess maybe Bobby wouldn't have dared say anythin*, for Sand Hopper*, when they get angry a t you, throw aand on you and cover you all up ao you can't get your breath.

Well, after thet, B etty patted her doll*, and gave them each eome Ice cream, and they felt better. Then th e jw o rac­coon children played a new game.

"We II dtg hole* to the aand, eald Bobby,"and I II cover you all up but your noge. Betty, and you can cover me up the earn* way. Then no one will aee ua, and we can take a good rest and watch the doll* at the same time."

"Fine!" cried Betty, and loon th* two raccoon children were all under too sand hut th* tip* of their noses, and If you had paeeed by there you would not have known anything about them, for ail you could eee wa* Just a tin y hole In the sand to give them air.

But som ething happened. The bad boy Sand Hopper, whom Bobby had driven away, went and told hla big brother, who wa* tall and strong, and thl* big brother Sand Hopper sa id :

"Ha! i'll Ju*t go back there, and I'll play a trick an thoe* raccoon*. Come on and you can help me. The Idea! Not le t­ting you have fun stoning the dolls! The Idea!"

Sand Hopper* have queer Idea* of fun, you know.

Well, th* little Sand Hopper and hla big brother eoon came to where Bobby and Betty were alm ost burled to the aand. And the queer part of it waa, that they were *o nice and cojjr and warm that Bobby and B etty had both fallen fast asleep.

"There'i the place where they were," whlapered th e little Sand Hopper, when he saw the seven dolls. "But I don’t sea Iho raccoons," he added.

“No, but I do," aald the big Sand Hop­per. who had sharp eye*. "They ate hiding In the eand. Quick, now, we'll bury them com pletely and that will pay them back for bothering you."

Then the big Sand Hopper and his little brother both ^began throwing Band with their hind feet. R ight over Bobby and Betty they scattered It. covering up the hole tor their noeca, and before the two raccoon children could do anything they were com pletely coveted with aand. More and more did the bad Sand Hoppera pile on them, until all th a t wa* left of Bobby and Betty were moundi of sand on the beach.

"Now! That w ill be the la st of tb*m!|| cried the big Sand Hopper. “Come on!" So he and hi* IllUe brother ran away. Bobby and B etty tried to got out, but they could not, and they had hardly any breath left, when, all of a sudden, along came Bammle L lttletall, the boy rabbit.

"Oh, quick! Save them! The Sand Hoppers have burled Bobby and B etty!” cried the phonograph doll, who could talk. And It w as lucky she could, or Sammle would never have known any­thing about w hat happened. Butthe phonograph doll had seen It all. though ehe could do nothing lo stop It. She pointed out to Aammle wher* Bobby and Betty were covered with aand, and soon the rabbit boy. with hi* strong paws, had dug them aafely out. Just in time, too. . .

So Bobby and B etty were eaved, after all, and they thanked Sammle and toe phonograph doll very much. But that 1* all tonight, though tomorrow night, to caae the deg n ext door doesn’t take my bathing *uit o ft the line to uae for a eofa cuahion for toe eoft crab, 111 tell you about Bobby and Betty'* farewell party. _____

The recomm endation made by W, 8. Haakell, aupertotendent of weight* and m easures In the DIrtrIcl of Columb:*, to the commiseloner of the dlitrlcL that foodetufta should be bought by w eight Instead o f measure, la on* that deearvea • he attention uf every housewife. Hr. Haekell believes that, ih la plan adopted, a step o f Importance' irill have been taken toward solving the problem o t tbe high coat o f living. New York State, to the paaaage o L the Brooke blit, has hit the evil o f short or poor w eights 4nuet effec lu e lly . Other States are taking up to e matter, to New Jeraey, provision 1* made by law what bushela of certain com m odltlei muet weigh.

Should the D istrict o f Columbia decide to act on Mr. HaekeH's euggeetiona, th* effect for uniform ity would be felt throughout the country. The Idea la to give no opportunity for any variation of weight. W hat might be legal w eight for a bushel of potatoes, say In one State, would inrhaps not be legal weight In a n ­other. It le said that a bushel o f pota­toes, or turnip*, may weigh anywhere from forty-tw o to a l i t y pound*, accord­ing to how they are packed.

Another com m odity which la eald to vary greatly to It* w eight by to* bushel, according to how It I* pecked, la dried peaches. Ur. Maekell L* responslbi* for the etatem ent that a bushel of dried peaches may weigh anywhere from tw enty-eight to forty pound# and yet be a bushel to some States. Coarse sa lt la itllL another commodity that, It le claimed, varies to w eight from tit ty to elghty-flv* pounds In a bushel.

W ith a uniform law ag to weight* and

maaaurae, to* houeew lta would know Jurt how much of any particular food iluff she 1* getting when m aking purchaeea Today, when buying a d o ien eggt. »h* m ay get- In real egg value, anywhere from a pound to a pound and a hrtf, cording to the #t«« o f to* #«*■ On the other hend. If *he bought eggs by pound, toe number would vary, accoM- tog to their else, but ehe would grt- tln g In food valbe w hat ehe paid fof. nam ely, a pound of eggs. -v,.

Toraetoe* during the w inter month* am sold usually by w eight; but If fairer w ay o f buying them In w lrtw , whan to* price I* high, why I* It not Juet ae fair In summer, w hen th e supply of fru it end vegeU b les Is plentiful p eari aPPlM. pepp«r». beana^toe**,' loo. If sold by w eight In am* 1 quanUtlea, would enable a person to e itl- m ate more corracUy their real cow.

tags for keysPractical, Indeed, are toe small tag* of

celluloid or 1 preparation ' t }“‘lold through one end o f which le a tiny metal ring. On the ring * key may ^ slipped: It needs but a word ®r * f«w let ters printed on toe ta g t®. key Thoee w ho have spent hour* “ »roh Ing for a key for a particular drawer or door, can aPP™®**}* J'**' much annoyance m ay be saved by every key, as eoon a* it come* Into Urt. unleae It l i kept coneU nU y In the 1 ^ which It f t i . The duplicate key trunk or bag ahould be tagged In thl* vrey and kept In eome special place; than If tM key to general uee le loet, there will he no neceaelty of calling to a lockem llh.

T viT s x a y - o b j


Eaam lae^ Kr«e *»T

Heatatered U pton e-


ftpe«liil Attem ttaa Cilvea to


ffemdacho t'aeee a ipe«U U 7

FIN G ER PIE C E SfOUNTIHOS. » t: _____ ________ . - - s * i ta p -o o

83.80, Wilt be so ld (M s w eek tor « c .T he t o - o n , . « .e b r . ( e -

NEWARK OPTICAI CO., 641 “A l . » l » n . Kt . 8 1 . . . c . e « aad M o .e e le . reduced to S8e. 0 , « S e ta rd ey E vea lag ,


m C H E N OUTFITSSome of the etores make a apeclalty of

getting up lls t i of artld ee comptlaing a complete kitchen outfit. The Hate are helpful in giving a person atartlng m houeekeeptng an Idea of w hat thing* ehe moel needs for her kitchen and what she may have to pay foT each a£tlcle^


u g a Kd;






T H E G R E A T h

ATIANTIC & PACIFICT v i k r n i U P A i y v I



151 B loom field A ve. 730 Broad St., 627 Central Are.,Eoa r iin tn n Ave 90 H am buiv PI,, 500 Orange St.,396 South Orange Ave., 998 South “ J f ’

514 S p r in ^ e td A ve,________ 239 W aaMngton St.

401 C entral A re,— E A ST O R A N G E -68-T O M ain S tBLOOMFIELD, M O N T ^ I R , ORANGE,



Snowflake Girls areBusy

There's a bevy of bright­faced, neatly clad gir4s wrap­ping Snowflake Brenfl — many thousands of loafs of it I—every day. They are busy as bees putting on the waxed

which protects SnoW'

What a worry butter used to be. How particular every body used to be in the aeiection of it. How often the buyer asked the sellers; “Is it good—are you sure?”

Not so now.Only those who deserve to worry

about butter, and only those who deserve it gel bad butter.

Wise ones guide safely by order­ing and insisting upon

Gude’o Royal PrintAt All Good Qrocars

paperflake Bread from every out­side contamination, bringing it to you fresh and clean' as it was when it came from the



Don’t IMvorceY our Husband

but divorce youreetf and family from th# danger of infection from disease genra by using

FORMACONESanitary Products

G ude Bros.,Kieffer Co.

103 Mulberry S t

pariineDt will be Beptember IS to 2t from 11 to U A, M- and aftor 7 ;» o'clock attoaht- 77>* rise*** 'Win open October e.

gymnasium Is fully equliqr^ wtto rttiBSdsrn appliances for physical de

wMoprasnt and besides the usual ath- Irtlo sports, Inetructton In ea tostic dsne- Ipg, b a i^ tb aU and swim m ing will be

.. afygg. rje^Further lllfonnatton regarding ragletrs-

gtoa and tuition fas* m a r be obtained • t i h e T. W. C. A . building, W 'Washlng-

' to n g trse t

The lead in g fea tu re of the gow n to the p icture Is U s hand em broidery. This border* th* *klrt and toe tunic, and a lso th e collar, cult*, and the b elt. The coloring 1* suggestive of delft china to It* charm ing blend ing of b lue and w h ite .

W ool crepon It th * fab ric used, the upper portion o f ^ h e gow " ®f btoe, w hile th e s k ir t I* w hit*. The collar and culfa are w h it* and ao la the pointed tab th e t I* passed under th* b elt at to e le f t side.

All o f to e em broidery

oven.Snowflake has made wrap­

ped bread popular. Some day all breads will have to be wrapped. The people will demand it.


S p r i n g f i e l d A w e * H o l l w n d • n d B l u m S t r e e t o ,

N e w a r k ,

5Mwj^4y ta a9Eg5a9Egs£>"~~

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Fomucone Roadi Powdir■ ii-lb. per*age, lOc—with lOc coupon.

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Fomuceme InsectX pint package, 10c—with 10c coupon.

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Fmmsooii# General OaaiMr, SANOC X pint package, 25c—with 10c coupon.

1 pint packagk, 50c—whh lOc coupon.

Iffi BABY’S BOITtE=— ■ i II II -I t I* a lw w * »tw » or le ss o f * proMsm

IHTW b est to piWSBt the food to t o oum-

Is done in

blue, to a il lg h t ly darker ton e th an th a t o f th e m ateria l Itself. M sresr- l ied Bilk le u*«d for the em broidery, and th e d esign o f flow ers and scroll* Is in terw oven w ith F rench dots. Th* n a r­row w aistband la w orked so le ly w ith toe dot*. Th* tu n ic o y sr la p s th* sk ir t and 1* attach ed to U ^ th* em ­broidery.

There are th ree l l l t l s tu ck s In to e portion o f tb s sk ir t th a t Is sh ow n a t th e le ft side. Th* group* o f tuck* over th e shoulders g lv* a pretty fuIlnsM to th e bodloa T be fa s te n in g o f the gow n 1* a t th e back. MARTIA GLTNN.

Ing both* Brttiag cold, MtoadaUy If t o I dsUbsrat*Infant I* ddUbsrat* about tak tog BourtSh-

tte n t Covers o f rtdsrdown.' cham ois or otfart frtwio m ay h* mode for t o botue, and o n answor WSIL There is now ta b* I t e a elsiMr dories som ething on too brtnstfto thormo* bottle.' Th* milk W f i ^ t o hottlo. 1.

T rust Your Rugs and Oiirpetsto a concern "with a reputation of the right sort. Thirty- one year# in thia City, and the largest concern in the State devoted excluaively to carpet and rug work. Atk your neighbor. *

JANCOVIUS & SON112>116 Artington St, N ew k , N. J.

Write, Can or ’Phone 7OT M Market. New Cemt Bt

iDsirt nnon t o Pommeono Brrtid of fianltuy Hooastold *iv4j ^ ^ ^ fT y o o r P r im C o o p o o . F o w - o o . « f lI o i ir .« d h « o 1. t o groatoit Air Pnilflrt known to nodical getonoa

n o t e . Dealers Who are not atocked with tbeae g ^ a can ob- tain S from their io b te r . or d i r « t from tea n fae m re r . The Pnsmaerme Co„ 42-46 Grange Street, Newark, N . - J , Branctiea. BMWn, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago and MlnneapoUa.


Intirest i t CiapRifle CootesI


B 6 R T OTHER TES>#e<6l Sfrvict of .

CABiP PERAT, ( In th« vartoua rlfti In p rosrM t h art to thft individual Pa r ^ T M a n tln f the 1 ptoneblp o f the t w ill oarry o ff the i pFftMnted by the h e la tio n o f the Ur p rU e and a c:old r

Tbe Individual i •h o t under the co m atch . It l l open en rftsed In th e i to u rn a m en t and w ed for tb e i ta r t th • h o t ! o f many p lacee on th e ra •h o t ! w are allow tak en from flftee 90G and 1,000 yan low ed are th e i o f th e country t •an te . No telesc •J fh te are allow ei

Canadian markei on the 800-y*rd r perfect acoree, 'n roDto, ecored the on both the 800 ■ one of the beet i Britleh Empire Y K ing's price, a go B liley . In July made perfect ecoi

Captain Morton United Statea Ci captain of the team thle mornl Thuraton, of New accoAut of the 1U

N ot atl the Inter ed In the Palma b arm y rifle male!: o f the Internatio tention, while eev not without follov Pan-Amerlcon St tb e expert rlflen rft>entry match, Kraad Internatlor entry match, m m iniature match gram of the day.

The United 8 makea the beat i match will take three feet high a ferenca, brought team. The Auitrl an elaborate allvi her of tbe Peru h lihaet ecore d o ty hoft preeent for the highest A

tsleutenant'CoU Frjncaton. N. J., tlon and entertg terday eacorted j&rentano, of ! delegala to the i

F oreigner# ati Olaae except on vepterday w ere T he U nited Stat and Dlllln , wai w ith Erlckaaon. n lh g deer mate •ftch, but In al visftore led. E d ividual arm y r national Union w h ile Pugnali, m an in the Indl o i th e Pan-Am<

^ernandea. A v l iu a i revolver Id l, and Orr. tl •acond w ith 16 ■arland, Widmi place# during th e grand Inter ugl re-en try n from aecond to o f 418. The E th e best three fth'owlng the v BCorea were BBfldy, U nited i iriahd.

\grtertd. 82; I'hli g « n , France,

K neubel, I tog . U nited SI Sweden, 79.■ At the knrs

Shota, the SwI five pieces, s s 87,' Brunner S' Then come BJo Bweden, 85; Hsldenrlch, I! tTnlted Stats*, th s United Bu tiisu ten sn t Si BWeden. 87; Bt Kneubel, Unltt Ststs*. 86. Pal United Bute* Stdte*. 84; BelBwltxerlsnd, 8


— A t t h e WlSS^Store-

I'Emneli fide HitliChst Stuck Best Heeb Ymt ReqnraiMiib

Selecting fTom our broad, foraprebenaive line ii far ewter than cieWnt^rmn i Tinw ’a H l^ion Ifl eaaily mad*, gjatlafrtitton w deeper when blew the bMt in the inarket ie Worek n ew th e bM t in th e maricet la ne iore you . M e d e ^ a S T t e U f ^ n Mt oM . l o n g - « ‘«bli»lied ! » « • « ‘ “ h « .

' It will be meet adventeteoui to ■ call when eonaldering a purchaee. ■'5 \

W ateku, Solid Ootd Awefry, S O w te rg , Cat a i m



gnsrisT H ervlir LAKE KOI

fog* several fo g s have n avigation oi th e fo g Mot th a t som e str fin d their lai Ing.

A n iiou * ri every a v a ils on th e lake deck*. Lan w ere used ti com m uters ntra in s Tuesdi Ity of the chann el at tl

Jamea McI mou* fisheri o lo isd hi* I w ith a reoo distin ction 1 la rg est todP but a lso hoi th* largest flah wa* of r le iy and w. ouTice*. Dei supper Tue* as a farew s

1.0W w ale th e larger trouble to n tog to othi boats have Ing on that be forced t get* much

A moving Castle Edwi tures In am as at other pany conal* TSmsIn *ev(

Despite tl practically w as held i

fh lght. The Iplaih the p

■Violet EveY John yvabsl

Among tl la st week v

■ M. t* JVrmi tnlab J. M a t C astle i Ludlam, A and Mr. at JDutban.

'O tor* a! and Mr*.igportman,' F . Q, R si Mr*. John Mr. and k

. sale. ^SI* A t Ca*tl( ; . M iss May

liaaii, Mr. fitiggert, ' Momton. ) of Jersey Patsrson: Minn, ot Mosg®)", ol

5*4?-• B som JssoMI Bar * > ^ L L I : iW T-story

Dri! fa naarini (h at to* I b**>“ „ * ^inento. awnutacti oral huDdto .M O''' t o t BY* IWill b* m hptldtngitqit. ‘ « ll throegtoi vators.

4. 1 9 1 3 .


R if le C o o le s t fo r W o r ld ’ s lo d n id u a l T it le .


lock iv*nr w»y

( the M no


i ^ s l Serv4ctf of tM« l/gW/f.C A U P PE R H 7, O.. S « p t 4 .-^ In t*ra it

fn th« v«rtou$ rifle &nd p is to l m stc h o s In p r o s r u e her* today c a v e w a y b efore th e individual Palm a t r o p h / c o n te st rapresantinw the Ion s d is ta n ce ch an i' ptonsb ip o f the w orld. T he w inn er w ill carry o ff the cham p loneh lp trophy preaented by the N ation al G uard A seo' e la tio n o f the United 6 tatee» a cash p r lie and a fo ld m edal. .

T he Individual P alm a m atch w ill be •h o t under the conditions o f th e team m atch . It la open to everyb od y w h o le e h f a f e d In th e p ree# it in ta m a tto n a l tournam ent, and w hen th e b u g le sou n d ­ed for th e ita r t th is m o r n ln f th e crack •h o ts o f many n a tio n s took th slr p la ces on th e ranges. T w o s lg h i ln f ■ hot! w ere allow ed, but th e score la ta k en from fifteen ahota each a t | 0 0 ,990 and 1,000 yards. T he w eap on s a l­low ed are th e standard arm y r ifle o f th e country th e co n te s ta n t renre- •en ts . N o tsleacoplo or m a fn lfy in c • I fh te a re allowed.

Canadian marksmen did th e beet work on the 800-yard range, three recording perfect scores, W. A. H aw kins, of To^ ronto, scored the possible fifteen points on both the 800 end 800 ranges. He Is one of the best shots representlhg the British Empire here, having won the K ing's p iiie , a gold modal, and S1.2&0. at Bieley, in July Two other Canadians made perfect scores on the first range.

Captain Morion C. Munna, Thirteenth United States Cavalry, w as appointed captain o f the United S ta le s P alm a team this morning to sneered N. B. Thurston, of New York, who resigned on acconut of the llineas of Mrs. Thurston.

N ot all the Interest, however, wae v est­ed In the Palma shoot, for the Individual arm y rifle match under the provlelotis o f the International Union claimed a t­tention. while seven other m atches were not without followers. The m atch for the Pen-Am crlcon Shooting Union trophy, th e expert riflem ens m atch. Individual rd'Cntry match, v isitors’ cup match, grand International Union individual re­entry match, running deer shoot and m iniature match were placed on th e pro­gram of the day.

The United a is le s m arkem an who m akes the beat score in the arm y rlflb m atch will take home th e Sevres vase, three feel high and four feet In circum ­ference, brought over by the French team . The Austrian Government hae eent an elaborate silver set to go to the mem ­ber of the PeiuvU n U am m aking the highest score The French Schooling Bo- cl* ly has presented a m assive sliver plate for the highest Argentine score., Deutenant-Colonel W illiam Libby, of

Frjncfiton. N. J., a member o f th e recep­tion and entertainm ent com m ittee, y e s ­terday escorted through cam p Theodore Ikrentano, of Nurnberg, th e German delegate to the tourney.

F oreigner* stood at th e head o f every c la ss except one, w h en th e sco res of vep ierday w ere b u lle tin ed th is m orning. ¥ h e U nited B ttlee , rep resen ted by Cobb «hd DlUln, w ere tied for flr e t p lace w ith mrlflUBeon. ot Sw eden. In th e run- h LQB deer m aleh w ith fn rty -e lx p o in t , Mich, hut In all the o th er claeaoa, the vU ftors led, E rlck ieon lop p ed th e In­d iv idual army r ifle m atch o f th e In ter ­n ational Union w ith a eoore o f t S i w h ile Pngnall, o f A rgen tin e , waa h igh m an In the Individual arm y r if le m atch o f th e Pan-A m erican U nion , w ith 267.

'S'ernandei, A rgen tine, led th e Indl- vl4lual revolver and p le to l aQuad w ith J i t and Orr. th e A m erican crack, w a i a«eond w ith 166. The pa ir from Sw lt- aerland, W ldm ar and irh ler , exch an ged plgcea during th e day a t th e head o f th e grand International u n ion a Individ­u a l re-en try m atche th e form er g o in g from aeoond to f ir s t p lace w ith a acore o f 416- The S w iss w ere a leo f ir s t in th e beat three acores m atch . 'Wldmar ah'owlng the w ay w ith 8«, TI’An'** m '- scores were Brunner, B w ltxerland. p , K id y, United B tatea 8 S: S taheli. ^ I t i - eriand, ! 2 ; I'hler, S w llier la ijd , *1 , Cour-

____ fe-R. CwlfftarlAnd.

DitUNIBI aUUFFEUII son TO JMl FOR NMny DAKSam goin g fo thake” an exam p le o f

.you," said Judge H err In th e Second I Precinct P olice C ourt tod ay to H sn ty I K fy i^ ' • n*gro c h s u ffg u f o* oum m lt.

h t e r e s t a t C » p P e r r y C e a t r e s o s ; r i u 1 o l M . . ‘ w M rr n d " .^tb s Influence o f liquor,

"There are too m any drlvere In th is c ity that m ake a hab it o f g e tt in g drunk and going on Joy r ld ea en d an gerin g th e Uvea o f pedeatrlane and very o ften doin g great d sm sg e w hen they w reck th eir m achines tg a ln s t tro lley po les or buildings. The sen ten ce o f th e cou rt ts th st you shall be con fin ed In the ponltenllary for th e term o f n in ety

K eya who Is a ch au ffeu r for ^ 8 . Votsys pigtto d«gl*r o f Sum m it, sx la had been engaged by a negro nam ed Anderson, o f N ew ark, to ta k e * P*rty out riding shortly b efore m id n ight. At Broad and Orange atreete. P atrolm an Anderson noticed th a t th e rear >*ihp of the m achine wae o u t and w hen he questioned K ey i about It, saw th a t th e man wae drunk. As h e p laced him under arrest, H anceli R obinson, o f 66 Railroad avenue, Bummlt, on e o f in e oarty Interfered. He w a e a leo placed Sndsr arrest and w a . fin ed *20 In court

**'ur. Votey*appealed to Jud ge H err to Impose a fine upon K ey#Jail eentenca but th e Judge aald an exam ple w ae neceaeary; b e ild es th e 1911 law coverin g th e o ffen ce pro- vldet only for a m inim um een ien ce of th irty daya and th e month*.



IN GOLF TTTLE PLAYU p p e r M o n tc la ir M in L e a d i S t .

A n d r iw ’ i Q u b R e p r e ie n l a t n e . E f a n t O n e U p o n T r a f i i .


m axim um elx


g « n , France, 6'tt; R eich , Bwltaerland. »(>• Kneubel. U nited S tatea , 80; S w eet­ing . U nited Statee, 80. and BJorkman,Sweden, 79. . v , „

At the kneeling position, beet three shots, the Swiee shooters hold ^ e first five pieces, ae follows l Stahell 88, Uhter *7,' Brunner 97, K onttier 86, R e^h 8S. Then come BJorkman, Sweden, 85; 0 ‘« ™ . Sweden, 85; Wldmer, Bwltaerland, H; Heldenrlch, United States, 88; Long. tTnlted States, 88, In th e prone pos tton th e United States stilt holds fir st Piece. Lieutenant Simon hae 8 8 ; BJorkmM, B*eden. 87; SweeUlng. United Statea ^ Kneubel, United Statea, 87;States. 86; Paroche, France, 86 Keough, United States, 85; H eldenrelch. tm ted B titee, 84; Reich, Bwltaerland, 84: Uhlef, SwUxerland, 84. ______


BEADING, Sept, 4.—Another effort le to be made to tree Mre. Kate Edwarda, who has been In the Berke County Jail for twelve yeaie under sentence of death for the murder of her husband. John Ed­ward*.

Four Governors have failed to set a day for her execution. She wae sentenced to death In 1901 during the term of Gov­ernor Stone, who le ft the case for hie Bucceisor to dlapoee of. Governor Penny- packer left the fixing of a date to Gov­ernor Stuart and the latter passed It up to Governor Tener. who has made no mov*. ^

The c**« h** been through •!! the Slate court* end h*a eeveral time* come before the Board of Pardon* w ithout euertM . and now *noth*r attem pt Iw to be made to frte her. law yer* have drawn up ^ lion ahich will be preeenied to the B ^ r a of Pardon* at U« next m eeting on Bep- tember IT. * * *. j

Mr* Edward* wa* convicted o f fir*t de­gree murder along with a negro. The negro worked In a nearby *tone quarry with her hii*band. Five day* after Ed­ward* waa found beaten to death both Mr*. Edward* and the negro were ar- reeled. After her conviction Mr*. Ed­wards confeeeed and exonerated her a l­leged accomplice end he wa* later by ape- ctal act of the Legielalure given a new trial *nd acquitted.


Special Secrlce of the .VfilfS.WASHINGTON, Sept. 4.—D ented hts

request that he be perm itted to leetSfy before the H ouse lobby in v estig a tio n as to the a lleged m ach in ations o f a r a il­road lobby in W ash in gton . D avid Ijsm ar, the ■'•Wolf ot W all Street," th l i a f t e r ­noon told the com m ittee th a t th e lobby was now engaged In an a ttem p t to pass a resolution Introduced by R epre­sen tative Levy, o f Newt York, "which w ill have the e ffe c t o f forec lo sin g the right of the govern m ent to co lle c t » (6,- 090,000 from th e Steel Trusl-

Tho resolution referred to provides for the w H h d rsw sl o f a ll c la im s a g a in st the UnltOd States Steel Corporation.


From the Wmhlnttort Burton of «8e BTISN- ryo VEiFS. ,

WASHINGTON, Sept. 4.—T he nom i­nation o f C olonel Thomaa M. Birch, of Burlington, a s M inister to P ortu ga l w as sen t to th e S en ate by P resid en t W ilson this afternoon .

Colonel Birch waa named tor M inister te Persia three moatha ago. but declined because of the rem oteneas and probable effect on Mrs. Birch's health.

Colonel Birch waa personal aide to the Prealdent during the last lew m onths or hlB administration as Governor ot New Jersey.


; o

il e


I andITS l l


" ' C K n O p l T C o X ^ S e p t . 4 ,-H e a v y fo g s saverel n ig h ts and m orn in gs this fo g s have grea tly In terfered w ith navigation on th e lake. Bo den se Waa th e fo g Monday and T u esd ay n igh ts th a t som e sm aller c ra ft w ere unable to find their land ings u n til n ear ly m orn-

” a h x 1ous re la tiv es and fr ien d s used every availab le m ean s to oaa lst th ose on (he take to find th e lf respeotlve decks. Lanterns, w h is t le s and hells w ere uaed to d irect th e p ilo ts. Many com m uters m issed th e ir tra in s Tuesday by reason o f th e m anii ity of the boat p ilo t# to lo ca te the chann el at the low er end o f th e

Jam es M cFern D eck er, son o f ‘ o * J * m ous fisherm an's gu id e. ''Ans D soke^ closed h is fish in gw ith a record catob. D ock er has tb» distin ction o f m a k in g not la rg est Individual ca tch o f th e but*also hold# th e record o f capturing the largest ftah o f th e s e a s o n . , The ftah w a ! o f th e b ig m ou th ed b a ss v s - rlety and w eigh ed n ine p ou nds and tw o ounces. D ecker g a v e bta fr len d e a fish supper Tuesday n ig h t a t Lee s pavilion

**l^vr''w™ er' la g iv in g th e «hP*»*"* th e larger p a ssen g er h o s ts no end ot taoubta in m ak ing th e tr ip s Ing to other points. boats have d iscon tin u ed tr ip s to Land­in g on th a t account, w h ile o th e r i vrill b e* fw csd to dtacon tloue If th e w ater

* a ' moving'ptat«™ '°*"'’* ^ „ * r tf* * .u * * Gastle Edward today and wlU take pic- r ™ in and around th e « s t l < v a , well as a t other poin ts on th e lak*'! l „ y con sist, of th irty a c to r , and w ill

” nSi’pite*tho*'tacT th a t the season has p ^ c ! l l y ended, a progresalve wM sl

held a t CaeUe Edward Tuesday Id^ht*^ There ^ r e esiventeen tables a t

.h . eH eel being awarded to Miss to t a lT v e ? .’! M r. A??l« Netwm and Mr.,

John l^»*>**«''N,*arkeTa a t th is rwmrt


Sfoff Corrttpoiulm eo,TRENTON, 8 *pt. 4.—P o f th* purpoi* o i

ascerulning In <J*taU how New Jerw y hiiidl** It* finance*. J. C. H *ff«rnan. of th* Budget Comml**lon of Ohio, ana A N Farmer, of the Bureau o f Muni- clpal Research o t N ew York, have spent several days a t the sta te house. It is th i purpose of the Ohio Legislature to Improve Ita budget system , and for thie reason a study Is being made of the finance* of other State*.

Staff Ccrrrtpondfitet.GARDEN CITY. L. I., 8 ept. i —JfTom*

D. T r iv er i, o f Upper Montclair, wa* « up on Archie R*ld a* they fini*h*d the morning play in the national am ateur champlonehlp on the Garden City Golf Club link* here today. The re*ull* of th* morning play between th* other Mx player* wer* ** follow*: Even* wa* 1up on Travli, H erreihoff wa* I up on W hlttemore, and And*r*on wa* i up on Sherman. )

Four •ectlon* wer* pepr«**nied among the remaining eight conte«Unt* t^^ay. Charles Evan* Jr^ of Chicago, met ' ' XJ’ ter J. Travl*. of home club, in what proved to be the match to catch the fancy of the crowd, ta judged by the g a l­lery. It was a coincident that Svana found It neceeaary to go to the thtrty- nlnlh hole before eliminating Eben M. Byars, of Pitlsburgh, yesterdsy. while Travis was carried to the thrlty-elghth before ho could dlapoee of Fraaer Hale, of Chicago.

Thomaa M. Sherman, of Utica, a son of the ta le Vlee-Preildent, carried the up­s ta te hopes against John Q, Andetaon, of Jlaaoachusette. while tho other Bay State repreeenUUve. Parker W. W hlltam o«. of Brookline was confronted with the ever dangerous Fred Ilerreihoff. vJerome D. Travera mat h'.e old friend,

Archie Ried. the many time 81. Andrew's Club champion, and the little wonder from New Jersey and his partner had to divide the crowd with Evans and Trav - The day was hot and sultry and tn crowds found the task of even w atch on a ntatch an uncomfortable propoaltlotu

Those who expected exceptional golf be­tw een Travis and Evans were dlaap- pointed during the outward Journey, neither man succeeding in keeping 'ijii trouble for any length of lim e. They halved the first In four and then Evans got the ahorl second In two, thanks to a deadly lee shot that left him a putt of lese than a yard.

That made Evans one up. Both blun­dered at the third, Travis slicing his ap­proach and the W esterner getting into a leap behind the green. After playlhg far out he had to work hard for hie five, which was good enough for a halve. At m e long fourth, Evans, after a fine drive, tried to make the green on h li second.He had the length, but the ball, a trifle pulled, brought up In the trap near the green so that he had to be cohtent with another even dlvlelon In five.

Evans took three puts at the fifth, tl’eroby throwing aw ay a fine chance to win there as the other had ireen In the rough and again In a pit. They halved In five. It was the same at the sixth, when another pulled second prevented Evans from getting his tour. They halved m five anu again at the long seventh they got five#.

Evan# lost the eighth hole, getting In the trap, while Travis holed a fine putt of th irty feet for a three, A halve In four at the ninth left the pair equate at the turn.

Travers began his match with Retd by winning the first hole In 4 to 6 , through Reid's Indifferent green work. Two holes were then helved without Incident To the 6O0-yard fourth, Held sliced his drive to the rough, and Travers sliced hla second shot to tho long grass. A lM>aullful recovery gave to tho Jersey- man a chance which he did not over­look. He w as two up there.

Reid's drive got behind some chocolate drop mounds and he was far over the green on the second. Travers had a weak second, but his third hung on the Up of tho cup and brought forth exclam ations from the gallery. He won tho hole when Reid missed a tour-fool chance for s 4. Travers missed a short putt on the sixth green and permitted a halve.

The long seventh was a chapter of troubles. Travers topped his drive end Reid sliced to some bunkers. Travers was well out, while Reid got Into some Stubble, hut they both laid th irty yards ohort ot the green tn 3. Reid being on the edge of a trap, but he waa well ouL for his stance was none too good.

Retd won the eighth when Travers made an indifferent approach, but Travers picked up the lost ground at tho ninth, where Held's second wa# tar too strong and over-ran the green. Thus Travere stood two up at the turn.

Another of "those chlld-llko ' putts on the tenth green prevented Evane from winning in 4 there. Travis got bunkered on his second, but when the Westerner took three putts it was a halve in 6, At the eleventh Travis failed to g e l well hom e on hla second, and, falling short with the approach putt, lost the hole, Evans getting his 4.

That made the Edgewater golfer 1 up, an advantage he promptly frtttered aw ay by pulling his tee short to the twelfth. Travis got a 3 there. Both men were In trouble at the thirteenth, E vans froip the tee and again In the road, while Travis found a pit on hla second. Theyhalved In 6. „ ki.#

Three putts again hy E vans enabled Travis to win the fourteenth In 4. so that the Garden City man became 1 up. At the fifteenth Evans changed putters for luck and won the hole In 4 to 6. They were again level.

Both made a hash of the sixteenth, Travis getting to tho mounds on his drive,

there landing In the road.

but U u Sostonlna t « * thrs* p u tu th ey halved In sta ir.

W hlttsm ore becam e t up w ith a t th a seventh. A long p u tt snablsd H arrsshoff to "steal" th e e lfh t K but th ree putts at the n ex t preven ted him from w inning there, even a fter th* other had been trapped. W h lllsm ors, out In It. becam e 1 up at tb s turn.

Herrsshoff lost h is bell a t the tenth and bscam s I down again , but ha won th e tw elfth , th irteenth and fourteenth. T hey were Isval p la y in g th e hom e h o le but W hlttem ore lo st th ere p la y in g over the green. H errssh off ended th e m orn­ing round I up, th ough W hlttem ore s card w as lower. The cards:

H srresh off- . . . . jnOut................... 4 J 4 8 « * t » *

W hlttem ore-

Herreshoff— . . . . . ...In ....................... 4 4 1 6 I » 6 a L-IO-80

W hlttem ore-In ....................... 4 4 4 6 4 8 8 4 4-lfr-7»

P r ic e s V a r i ib le in d I n d e c i s n e , a n d S t o c k s Y ie ld to S p o ra d ic

P r e s s u r e .




WAHHINOTON, B ept 4.— R ep resen ­ta tive Ktnkead, o f Kew Jersey , by w ay of proving h is assertion th a t A m erican bsaf la sold ch ssp sr In Buropa th an In th is country, read a tatter to th e H ouse todhy from Rev. J J- L aw rence, of Bingham . N. f„ saying th a t In E n g­land recantly he bought both A m erican and A rgentina beef a t pr ices a lm ost f if ty per c en t lower than th e p re­v a ilin g American prices.


T rib u te to B r y a n , T o o , in A rra ign - n e n t o f P r o te c r io n in D eb ate

o n M e a s i r e .

SENATE.Met at 11 A. M,Benalor Weeks Introduced resolution to

deter final action on currency legislation until December term of Congress.

Resumed consideration ot tariff blll-Banklng committee reaumed Ita hearing

of hankers,W est Virginia coal strike Investigating

committee continued to hear operators' stories.

HOUBE.Met at noon.Began consideration o t urgent defl-

Cross-examlnallon ot M. M. Mulhall continued before lobby investigation com- mitt**-


MONTREAL S«pl. t .-B es ld es elect- Former President W illiam H T a ll as head of the organisation to succeed Frank a. Kellogg, the American B u t \ m- soelatlon in session re-elected several of Its officers.

George W hiteloek. of Baltimore, waa re­elected secretary, and Frederick E. Wad- hams was re.elected treasurer. The new executive committee la composed of th# following: Hollis R, Bailey. Boston, Adis B, Browne, W ashington; William H. Burgess, El Paso, Tex.; John H. Voor- heei, Sioux Falla. 8 D.. and William H. Stoake, Philadelphia.

r.ensrally conceded to he the most bril­liant and successful function In its his­tory, the aesoelatlon held Its banquet at the Windsor Hotel last night.

Former President T aft. Prime Minister Borden and all the other speakers e i- prrased the opinion that the function was destined to be epocn-m aklng. In that it would Inevitably bring about a tight­ening of the bonds uniting British elU- lens with those of tha United iSaiea

R. C. Smith, ot the local bar, echoed this view and declared the event would mark a forward step In tho realisation of the reign of peace and good will on earth, Joeoph H. Choate preaidod.


RT. JOSEPH, Mich.. S e p t 4.—Lucy Beech, tw enty yoare o f ago. and L aw ­rence Blakem an, aged nineteen , co llege chums, rode to death In an autom obile through an open draw In tha river bridge here la te last n igh t. Th* bodies have been recovered.

Coroner Sam uel W leo hae started an in vestiga tion baaed on rum ors that proper danger olgnala w ere not die- played at the approach to the bridge. The victim s ware prom inent ooclally.

NEW YORK, Bepl. 4.-8peculatloB ap­proached a deadlock In the Stock Market today and, although the predominating tendency during the morning waa down­ward. m ovem ents wars varlahls and Indt- clilva. Beara were tas# confident, fearing that the extent of the dtcllns of the last few days and the targe short interaat* now believed to be outilanding, might lead to a sudden upturn.

Oporallona on tho long side were d lt- couragod by the ease by which stooke succumbed to the sporadic *0111111. W eather reports from tho cotton crop r«- glons told o f a continued lack o f m ois­ture tn the com belt, although som e rain w as reported In lecllona of the cotton and w heal sciwage. Special pr*#*ure oga ln it Heading and Union P acific un dermlned efforte to rally the Hot. and caused throw ing ov*r Of h o ld lo fi bought to support prices.

After the t in t hour * trading had dta- closed the hesitant character ot thg mar­ket. efforte to mov# prices la Mtlier direction were virtually abandoned, and builne*a all but come to a halt. Bonds were firm.

The downward movement In stock* w as conUnuad In th* first transaction*, a l­though preaaur* waa not **vore and i****** wore confined In moat caa«a to email fraction*. Th* most active oelllns wa* In Union Pacific *nd Reading, which de­clined *bout a point each. Canadian Pa­cific atao receded a point. Southern P a­cific opened fractionally higher, but

gav* way to yesterday a low


held.Higher cables caussd a firm wheat

opening, but prices soon satsd o ff under the bearish Snow's report and reallxlnf. December. 99419190

Beef—Quiet, mesi. 17 69418.60, family.19 odftSi.OO.

Pork-Steady.Lard-FIrm : Middle We»t, 1 1 26811 *6 Sugar—Raw, iieady; mu»covado. 8 16;

centrifugal. J.T6 ; molasses, I.oi, refined steady.

Petroleum -Steady.M olasses-Steady.H sy —SteadyHides—Firm. Bogota. 396J1; Central

America, 39 L eather-F irmB uttor-Firm ; receipt*. 8.282, imitation

creamery, flrits, S 826S . packing slock, June make No, I, 3342384

Ch*e**-F1rm. 2.604 boxes: State whole milk, freah co.ored or whit*, speciata. 1544016; average fancy, 1684. skims, 1'40284.

E ggs-FIrm , 30.39T e sse s , fltate, Penns, and nearby hennery, white, 28087; gath­ered, white, :443*; W estern gathered, w hites, 23039.

Poultry—Live, weaker; W estern chick­en*. 18’4; fowls, 16, turkeys. 18. D ressed - Irregulsr; frssh killed 84'eatern ehtekena 11028, fowls, 15019; turkeys, 14029 .



w a MHINOTONs R*rt 4 -A n srr*irs- m*nt of prot*ction *n4 * d*Uil*d of th* Und*rwond>Slmmoni tariff MM W4 * m*d* today by Senator PhejrpaTd. H* doted a long apeech with a bur*t at *|oqu*no* In tribute to 6 «'retary Bryxn.

The Senate went on record ye*t*nlgy t f oitpoied to m akinx attempt at truat regulation a part of the tariff hill. By a vote ot U to 12 it defeated an a m n d - ment prnpoaed by Senator Kenyon to port ■ luminum mi th* fro* 11*1 on the grouM ihai the Alumlntim Compeny of Amtr< ica w*a u trust and controlled th* do* me*uc market for th* metal.

Ltd hy rienitora Bead. V'ardamen an4 other*, the eo-called *ineurg*nt" • ! • - m enl am ong the Democrat*, mad* • Btrong plea l**t n igh t for ihe Incfoat* of the lax upon U r g e Income*. They dlBrUyed a wiUlngnea*# how*v#ri t® compromiBe upon a m oderate incr*a*d ih a l wi'uld be accep labU to th* efitirj DemocTKile aide and m ight be expected to draw progreeftlv* RepubllcaQ* aup*

^ Menftior O'Gorman, of New made a vlgorou* speech em ph ailiiftg the burden of taxation th a t wtU faU upon New York under the Income ta x plan a* \\ 1* now em bodied in th* taPtf* hlU. He declared th at und*r th* r4t«* of th* bill sa approved by th* nOUM# even w ithout the i.ugg*<led change* V» be made In the Senale, fifty P*r MnL of the income tax would f*U upon r**l* dents o f the S tate of New tw en ty -fiv e per cent, upon r* i10*ntp oT M a**achu*eit*. N ew Jersey end P*n(i- sy lven la . H* edvoeaed a K wer bail* dl

The following quotation* w*r* furnlao<^ by WlUlam F, Muth A Co#:



restin g ordera mora than wiped out an advance today In w h eat. The up­turn had been due to h igh er cables and to u n settled w ea th er Northwest. O fferings at first w ere very light, but later the pit supply rjecam e excessive, especially for May delivery . Opening figu res show ed a g a in o f % to 84. a condition w hich a fterw a rd changed to an aqu&l leas.

Drought and heat over moat of the belt gave stren gth to corn. Tho m ar­ket. however, receded a good deal when w heat turned w eak. F ir s t sa les wsr* 84 084 to H 0 84 h igher, and some of tho advance waa reta in ed despite tree sellin g by lead in g ooncerna.

In oats, support w a s rather scattered and new demand nrft eo Im portant as for other grain. Tho m arket at the outset waa 84 to (4 up. but prices after a w hile sagged to below last n ight's level.

B uying credited to p ack ers lifted pro­visions, The beat c a ll -was for May product

Brisk demand for cash corn led to a Bubsoquanl rally to new high prices for the season. Country offerings were light. Tha close wae strong at an advance of 194 to 28402% net.

Record breaking estim ates of the spring wheat yield tended to ease prices, In the last hour, however, th e market r « e . Influenced by tho readlnoes with which offerings were absorbed. Tho close waa steady, 94094 to Ic. not higher.

quicklyprice of 8994. . . __. ,

B ear operator* seem ed to be th e only one* s e ll in g any am ount o l stock , ana w hen th ey stopped, th e lis t “ Pstead ily u n til It returned to w here it le ft o ff yesterd ay . New H aven unw onted stren gth , r is in g 194- sDd Lackawanna gained 3H to tenpoin ts resp ective ly . ___

D esultory selling put th* market down again. The brief Interval of s lead lnesi which followed the morning decline tailed to bring any aecoaslon ordera, and the boars resumed Itieit attack on the weak issue*. Reading and Union P acific extended their decline, and Steel and Amalgamated showed only {**bl* te#l»Unc*. _ ^

Granger atocks show-ed further reflec­tion ot the diicouraglng crop n«ws, Atchison yielding to 93H. coincident with the rapid advance In cotn. Elsewhere the speculative movement was under con- liderahle reatralnt. with the general ton* h*avy.

Th* m arkat eloMd h«avy. Call money ran up to per cent, and ther* wa* an ImmedUt* lowering of Receaaion* were Bmail# but aufficlently pronouncod In the dull and narrow kei to give a more defloll* trend to the dcaUngB- _

NEW YORK STOCK H A R K HThe range of today's prices tor th* rnor*

active securltta* 'n the New York market, in contrast with last n ig h ts c l^ n g quotations f last aaiei, as furnlahed lor the N ew s by Post * Flagg, Is given below

Laei— Today *■-------—. " i f hi

high low. close, closo7694 75K .. .............4194 4184

24ft 3284 96

Am tVrlt. Anglo Oil .

Amal. Cop Am. Ag. Ch.. Am. Beet Bug.Am. C an........Am. Can, p r ... Am. C, 4 F ..Am. Ice ..........Am, L oco.......Am. Sm ell



33H964684 243684 67 :*

pr luiti 19194 Am, Tel. & T. 18U94 WO'h Am. Tobacco. 2» 239Am. Tob., pr . 191 Anaconda . 3iV>A lcb ................... 941*B. & 0 ........... 9o«Both, ateel 3*'AB. B. T .......Calif, Pet, .Can. Pac. ,,Cen. L eath..C. &. G .,..C h i, G, W




10194 191** 1399* 139\ 239 23<)ll»-)4 1999i 37^ 3784989* 9484

m m

Borden's C. M........Borden'* C M pr Brit.-Am. TotaccoCan. Marvenl ..........Crescent Pip* LineGalena Oil ..............Hav. Tobacco............Hav. Tobbaco. p r ..Houston Oil..............Houston Oil. pr......Inter. Rubber.........Manhattan Trans . Marconi of Amsr.. N V Traniporta..Ohio o n .....................Oil* Elevator ........Oils Elevator prF raln e Oil ...........atandard Oil N. J. Standard Oil N. Y Tob. Pro. pr. Urlon Tank Lli Vacuum o n .. .

Am, Light A T r ..Am. L, a T . pr

MININGBraden Cop.............. 694Britleh Col. Copper. 28*BuUe-N. Y ................11-16Cons. Arl*. Smelt ..DavIS'Daly ...... 194Ely Con*...... .............First Nat. Cop........Giroux Con* ...........Oreene-Cananoa Jumbo ExtensionKerr Lake ........ILa Rose Cons ... McKlnley-Dsrrsgh Mines Co: of Am. .Nevada Hill* ..........Ntplsslng Mines CoOhio Copper ...........Pacific Smelter* _ Stewart Mining . .19Trl-Bulllon ........... 84Tonopah B*......... , 2 1-16Tonopah M. of N .. 4K United Copper . . KUnited Copper, pr . 3W etttaufer Silver.,. 17Yukon Gold............... 2

BONDSB R T. 6 p c, notes 968* N y. r . 484« 1969 ... 96 N. Y. C. C4b 1962 , . 96 Western Psc, 6b . , 19

Yoiierdey. Todsy.Bld.Alked.Bid.Asked

119^ 19% 19 4 19>h

106 l&t) 156 157110^ 116 m % no106H 107 1064 1072+H 26H 24H

3^57 m U 60

177 v » no 1794 2% 1

6 10 h 10l< IS 10 IN60 GO 50 604 ID 3 10

1 7-14 1 9-16 1 7-18 1 9-11. 54 9%

3 6 3 5i r 12M IJT 133

. 16 7» 76 78

. 97 100 97 100

. 346 3<7 314 8 7. 372 374 377 378. 152 153 152 154. 91 36 92, fh 77 75 77. m 172 170 172

B 92% 914 92iJtOADS. 360 3«0 350 360. 166 107 106 107

taxation spread m ore even ly ov*r th* sm all Incomes o t the country.

iSj iSi p t684 7 «84 9

n ' I1 9'-! i d I 9-ll

284 284 314 38482 85 82 86894 9 8*4 994 7-16 94 7-18

1-16 8* 1-16 841-16 1 11-16 19-16 1 11-16

........................Jtj 2184 299.11984 21984 21984 21984 2294.


961,4 1068t m 12794 9284 42%




REVIEW OF IRON TRADETh* Iron Age, In IW review of th* Iron

and steel trad*#, aay* today, In part;"August pig iron statlstlqj show hu4

little falling o ft from the output o f July At 2,645.763 Ions, or 81121 tona * day, - e * ductlon ta ll month w as but 4M ton* * day lot* than In July, while July »h«w*4 a tailing off o f 6 000 ton* a d y frOW June and 8,«o tons a day from May.

"Ths two large now furnace* o l W* Plttaburgh Steel Company h*vk started In the Plttaburgh dlalrkt. *«W I" general the caliber of fumacag blowing In ta il month wa* graalor than that furnaces blowing out. Also a good bJA®Y stack* did batter In August than In July- Thu* ihe estim ated capacity of th* xw furnace* active on September 1 WM nearly 800 ton* a day more than t h « « the 268 furnace* active August L or E.4a* ton* against 11,667 tona.

"September output, therefor*, promlje* to be close to th at of Beplembor, lM2 which svaraged M.128 tons a day,

"Markets for pig Iron, hllleta and M - iBhed material reflect the roadjuiililjrt- In value* that i i under way. New bvyllj* la on a eonaervatlv* scale, COBtrojt* have been expiring, baeed on prlosoM r mill producU lower thati thoie of n m * monlhe. In eome caeee a ten ^ r advance on th e last contract ha* M m paid, leaving the new baele itlll below the level of the past six months.

"Pig Iron price* are lUtfenlng w tth er. while eeeier condition* develop In t* t- lain rlnlehed line*. Thera Is a baglnmh* of pig Iron buying lor delivery next y**.t Maker* are asking tw enty-live Jton more for flret quarter quarter delivery, m aking Boutheni K j. » H1.2S, Birmingham, for flret qu aftir While 111.69 le ashed for first half. Foun­dry Iron buying has quieted O'"™. Imt even 10 * goodularly lake furnacee. f !well enough booked for ihta j**r W merk up prices twenty-five

"There hai been no large new bujIM of baste nr Beeaemer Iron, but »W estern steel company which ha* ita ftwn production cut down m*y »• fo’rcrd into the market. In sylvarl* 3.990 tone of bai 0 Mid a t tU delivered, and an Inquiry IS up for SAW . - - B-me district 6,000 tona Of

sold at 814.76 delivered.

13Vs 1384 1384C , M. & at. P lffi'4 1®% >«' Chi. & N 'w e.t 137 12714 E7Chino Cop . . . . 4-244 4-94 J.Con. Gas . . . . 130 139 1»Corn Prod ,. 1984 19 4 >9 D., L, & W .. 420 42u 430Erie

The following today being a t 2:16 P. M.. Nr furntahed by Byrne A McDonnell

close ork time, were

B quotations, ew Y


MURDER SEQUtt J O J T R E E r HGHTHAVERHILL. Masa,. Sept. 4 .-A fter

Gaatano Agreatt. aged forty five, had figured in a street battle la s t night with Nicholas Cf ppola, aged tw enty-tw o. Ag- restl was carried to th e hoaplUil dying with a bullet In hla right breast and an­ther In hie back.* Leter, the police, eearehlng for Cqp- pota found hi* body lying behind a pUe of boards in a lumber yard .pear the scene of the shooting. A dirk wae burled to th# hilt In his back. HI* as­sailant, who apparently w ished to avenge Agrestre Injury, ta so u g h t


Inatlon of M artin M. M ulhall on h is story of lob b y in g aottvlU ea for th* N a ­tional AMOolatlon of M anufacturers proceeded before th e H ouse lobby com m lttee to^tay. m arked w ith freq u en t outburiW by M ulhalL I® v h ch h e re- ien ted close qu estion ing- H ie exam lir- atlon w ae on featu re* o f h is to ry a l ­ready published and developed HMIo but wordy exchange*. . .

M ulhall a ga in p leaded Illness.

I^Bds Cash fe e D e a v lll* Scbaol.ansofal BfifTtes of Ike tfSW S.

' m C K ^ A T . Bept. 4 , - T h e D en vllle Township com m ittee decided la s t n ig h t ta ten d »600 to th e Board of E ducation In anticipation Of th e co llection o f taxes. A !S l l o t thk “J"!-m ittae m ee tin g w a i ta k en to g e t thalr aentIroeDts on * proposal to Impose a ii„ .na* fee on peddler* and oth er v en - s f f f ■Tbe Plan » M voted down i« d5 ? M t iw 9VM ta k en by th e com m ittee, ? h * c9t®"'“ t « decided to rem ove th e BagDota from th e road near th e D en- v lU g H o tiL _____


!*tah L M i^M ahon. J a m . . M a o M g --

tlrd^lJm r v 4 ™ l e r . ‘ p “ i^ d w : M r., E . 8. M orrii. a t Hot.1

^ O them a t H otel E>“ tb a » Included ^

x ^ r t S n ^ S l l S ' ’o r a n g .; M r/’and j i^ n |^ \S r e t W t * d th* o«lc*ra

S T r S . x . r « . ‘" K s ; S t w r a f i s s s ? " a j kMr*. John H .B ojm om ^ r id e n t , „ Hough. JacobBunnell.' auditora. F loyd C, Devore

. ■ y -an k B. Booa. A t a lub iequant *" o f the director* Edw in Quick wag

oecretary and F . M. Hough

Loan AaioeUrtlod It* N ew to n E lanle.DrtjuUjil genkce Of fk* FJSfffl,® N ^ T O n T Sept. 4 ,-T h * rto ck h o ld m -o f t a . H W Marrtam Sho* Company Build- t -a d i.o a n A a w ta tlo B m et Tuaoday log and l f « n a fflM ri:

Chombrmy. o f Paa-

Fdxrard—Mlaa Madg* Elliott,

- BMW 8 0 In d a itry . -

g s - s a c S S s , « “ • “i j ' L s saboSt the^m lddl#

^ u t a e t u r e of pneumatW toon , aro w v- «n J hundred addlUonal riiontira e a p e e ^

3 be movod t®

meeting o y«4lected tnaeurar.

ProtM t A goin at B a h w a y •ew e* .■M toi de” * » *f t * .^ * * ? ' ' . . . .K aHW AT. B ep t 4.—C om plaint* w ar* llled a t a m e e tin g o ( th e Board- o f H ealth la » t n ig h t A galnat th e w d l - t lo n i eg ie tln g on tho B g h w a y R lyor, «*M ed hy th e M ty » w e r a m p iy ln g Ite eontenta a t th e M onroe a treet bridge. Councilm an O gm an eald th a odor w ae M bad th a t thoM Jiving InY he v lo ln lty w are unabla to b rea th e a t n ighL X com plaint w ee a l io ftled b y Ju d ge B l e ^ ard B. Fordham . T he board p rom litd to do V h g t It oould to tm prova uoiydi* tio n a '

F o a ltr y FoaolOMi ta H oot.T ho' G reater K aw trk Poultry A sooda-

ftnd from - —Evans, after ft good drlvft» foollshty tried to gel home on hla next Inatwid of play* ing for a sure 6. A# ft result he shoved tilx Becond to tha trap and they halved In 0.

At the eeventeenth Travla pulled hi* second to tho rough and lost the hole when the other got home with a drive and an Iron ,, Evane had a 4. They halved th e home hole In 3. Travla laid Evan* a stym ie, but as the ball# were leas than s ix Inches apart It didn't count. That le ft Evans 1 up a t the end ot the morn­ing. Th* Westerner went round In 60 and the other tn 81. The carde:

^Out"^ ...■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * 2 6 6 6 6 6 4 4-39l l f ;.......... 5 4 4 6 6 4 6 4 8-41-80

Travifl— '(Jut .......... 4 8 6 6 5 6 6 8li , ................ 6 5 3 6 4 ,6 6 6Travera took the tenth and

holea through Reid's Indifferent putting, and the thirteenth when Reid got Into difficulty. A mleeed putt coet Travere th e next, and an Indifferent approach gave Reid a chance to further reduce th* lead of hie rival In th* elxteenth.

Th* St. Andrew# lad then proceeded to get Into about every bit o f trouble on the course tn the next tw o holes, w ith th* result that Travera, with beautiful driven, wae down the alley and on th* flag near­ly all th* time. Travera took both thu sixteenth and seventeenth, end as th* last hole wae halved In threes Travers led a t the end ol the first eighteen holes by alx up. The cards;Trevera— . . . . . . .Out ................ 4 8 4 4 4 E 6 6

l„ .................. 4 5 4 4 5 6 4 4

* * O u r ............... 6 3 4 6 E B 6 4In ...............E 5 5 B 4 4 5 6Anderson, th* Brae B um champion, had

th e better of hi* argum ent with Sherman, flnlshlng three up on the round. H e took an early lead, but Sher­m an leveled the m atch a t the next. Anderson, by winning th e fourth and seventh, became two up on th* latter hole, getting a superb four by mean# of a good approach and a n ea t putt. Sher­man, however, aquared th* m atch by the tim e the turn w as reached, for Anderson had difficulty in the greens. E ach man wfti ovt forty*qftft.

A n d e m n xhowftd b«ttftr on th® Inward Journey, while Sherman found him self In warm water mora th an once. They wer* still level a t the tT » « th . Bherman m ight have won tha /th irteen th when Andereon missed a *l*-footer. for Sher- m n h a J one o f th m ., bu t h . "blew" It, T he M aseachuiott* m an becam e on* up a t th e fourtoeOth hol*. w hen hie oppo­nent got i r a p ^ , ait^l draw further away on th e flfteanth and *t*te*nth. The home holsTw ai halved te forty-tw o, A n d « w n laM ag Sherman a atjrmlo and prevantlng

-- - - - Tbft Cftrti: 1

At lh« Chicago Board ot Trad®\’e«lerday ■

cloiftW h eat-Septs..




M ay... P ork -

Sept, sta Jan....

"Lard- Sept... O ft.... Jan ...


7972 i74H

Close.899892%0 93% W9iS 97%

77847*94® 73%76%

23,2619.12019.16 20.3B

11.8011.37011.40 11.40

. . . . 11.25-



Erl# pr.Erie pr_._Gen. Elec. Co. 144


1384 •1*8#1069 1271

lyi 129' 10% '.«%

420 *41028% 28% 46% 458i3584

143% 146 ■if

NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETThe following quotation! today w^ra

furnlihtd hy J. B. Rlpp«L

tons In tha Ramo dUtrlet 6.000 tofti g «v forge w a . sold at 814.76 delivers with Inquiry for 3,000 to 6,0ii0 ton* pend- Ir.g"


Gt. North, pr. 126% 12684 1K% 1S9» ia% Inter-M et. . .. H , '6 J67* 16 ta*




Inter-Mxt, pr. Inter. Pap. pr Kan. City do. Lehigh va i..,.L. & N .............U ex . P. X T ... Miami Copper.M. , K. dr T .. .Mo. P a c if ic .... Xev. C on........N. Y. cen t......N .y .N H .i H. Nor. A >Vesi..N or. P ac ........Pac. M all........Penn..................peo Gas ......PIUS, coal Pitts. i;oai,Pull PalRv, Bt Sp.......Rav c o n s ........Reading ........Rep. I. A B ■ ■ Hock island . Rock Isl.. pr. fiL & SK,2d pr Sloaa-Sheff. . So. Pacific ... Southern Ry . Tenn Copper.T ex a s .C o ........Third a '*



26 26 162% 163 134% 134% 69 60238- 2;8t21% 37 28% 28% It 16 94 96 98%90% 91%


104% 104% 111% 11094

21 20 111%

117% 117% 19% 19%

, pr.

26% 163% 131% •90

28% 23%23 3f

28'%16 16% 98% 9691% ifOie

194% 104% IKPi 111 X 2084

112 111% 117% 117 19% 19%99% 8,3

4 - 398 - 39-78

5 - 139 - 42-84


m arket th l* m orning w a s very active, but un settled and th e reactionary sen­tim ent w hich developed on th* advance to 18c. yesterd ay w ae stren gthened by the re la tiv e ly w eak ahow ln g o f L iver­pool The open in g w a s steady a t a de­cline of 10 to 18 p o in ts. Tbls break seem ed eu fflc len t to b r in g In som e re­bu ying by bulls. 'White r ea ltiln g co n ­tinued heavy th * m ark et firm ed up during early trading, recovering 8 to 12 point* o f th e In itia l lose.

Wall Street and W estern bujdng becem e very active during the middle ot th* morning and the m arket sold up to a net advance of 3 or 8 pelnte on the active month#. Eetimated receipts today 20.000 bales.

The market becam e atlil more unsettled during th* afternoon, owing to report* of freer Southern offerings and claims , that th* iplnnera were not buying actively at the advance. Prices sold off to a net loa* o f 15 or 20 point* under realtateg and local praasure. but was steadied hy covering a t th* decline, and rallied 8 or f p o teu from the lowest.

The following quotations were furhiahed

Open.Jen ...... 13.91March .. 12.99Oct .........18.00Dec ....... 13,98


38% 17 37 9%

80 90 2484 32

132 87%

T St L & W 11 11Union Pac, 160% WU. S, R ub........ 81 81 ,U. S R tat pr 10884 105%

m a h .C p p . ,„ 64^W eetln^houee



9%90 9089% 89'%21 24%31% 32

122 122 37 3711 11 149% 149% 61 61

106 IM 6174 83%

10984 108'% 6484 S4%71 7184


Bld.Aflk«d,Am. Dock * Imp. 6e IKI........... FS 104Cent. B. R Co. of N J. 6* 1987. 113 114Celluloid ............................. 1® IJJCon, Traction ....................Con. Traction 6 i ..................Essex & Hudeon Gs* Co.Gas & Elec, of Berger (.0 Gas * E of Bergen co . 1st 6s G, ft E. of Bergen c o , genHfeekonsack Water 4a.................... «Hudson f'oiinly Gas Co. _............ ^Hudson County Gas Co, 6 a ....... IWMjersey City, Hob. ft Pal. 4s....... 7hLong Dock ft 6s 1935 . ^l^huih Vnl. T«rro. Di 1941..........Morrlfl A ICBiPi R- ILMorris ft Essex Com is 1915.... Iffi. Newark Consolldiited Gas t o . 94 Newark Consol. Gas Co 5s_ .. 103 Newark psesenger Ry. I.o. 6a 04Newark Ga# Co. «e. .. ....... ■ ItaNorlh Jfrsey Street Ry. Ar P aterson ft Passeic G ft E, Co. X Pal. ft Psaealc O. ft E. Co os., te Public Service Corporation .. IW Public. Service Cerllflcntas .., IW Public "■'■1':* ■ ,!?B Jersev Ga*. Elec ft T C n ,,. 1.4fi Jfr, Gas, Elec, ft T l n as,. 99Som. Union ft Mid, Ltg - 1 ;Bom Union ft MW. Ltg t o 4s. .6

Knired Electric Co. Ab. , T.V V J R R A Canal in lW-1 w.i 97 •

Bonds, guaranleed ■>Service Certificate# quoted and Interest.

PHILADELPHIA S T ^ K MARKETThe following quotations were furnished

by Eltele & King:

AatroDomlral BTrot*— From Nooa Td- day <e Sioon Taidorrow,

geptomher 4 The moon Is tour day* 01^ and begins to be an object of »f*kf J®' tercst. especially when It* vnUeyft volcano crater!, and even inaQ ovtB. are eeen through a tele*gop*_^__^


CABINETSare durable, sa n i­t a r y , attractive,

fireproof and convenient. A S ttek may be form ed to fit the needs »f ‘ "y

I SO., - - • lirr^ econom ical


rt o f a b u sin ess or pro/csston . M o « onom ical in Ihe end. ‘ N e w tr k t

Office Furniture Headquarters#"

Baker Printing Co,251 Market Street

69-71-73 Clinton Street

Bid. Ask^d

NEW YORK BOND MARKETThe following quotations were furnished

by Poet ft Flagg: ^ ^' Open-High-Low-Cloe-Ing. set. eet. Ing.192

4s ............. »«%cvl. 4*---- 94%

CV.g.4e 19W 96%

Am. T. ft T. Co.., A tchlion Atchison Ate, new cv.g.Atch- adj. 41.^ ......... nAtchleon ovt, 6e.......loDA tlantic C. I* 4e .... 9184B. ft 0 . 8'%e................. 9iB. ft O. o'"



BethB. R. T. 6 * .,.........Beth. Steel 6e......Beth. Steel, fd . ... Cent, fjeather 6s.. Cheea. ft Ohio 48te.. Che*, ft Q. cvt. 4HS.

m:Htwb. Low.

2;W Ttdy'e P.M. Close.

13.M 13.87 12.86 IS OS• 13.36 13.96 H.OE 13.16

U.96 it.02 18,1618.17 12.96 13.13 U.IS



, 1 4 % i 5 ft , 1 6 4 1 4 6

. 6 I 4 t ft4 4 4 6 ^ 6

4 4 4-68-T6

6 4 4-41 f 6 4-43-4S W blttemoye

all tha

1 : 4 0 4“ ................................ 9i4

% 94" 93% .'2% 9684 96

,.a. 79%n '" B ft ta............ W% 94%k . OL Weat. u . . . . 75 76C M.ft 8. P. cv. 4%e IM IteC , B . I. ft P- clt. 4* 66% 5T%C , H. I. ft P. old 6* 79 79Dlattller* Ba ............. m ■ —

- ■Inter-M et, 4% *........Kan. Clt Bo. ta .........I jik e Bhor* 4*..........L iggett ft Myers 6*.Iy,uls. ft Naah- 4*„.Mo. Pac. ovt ta .......?f:Y^:g!’'ft* t;8 :i% .N. Y. Central 8%«.Nor, Pac. 4 i..............N '1 Ce .........p ic . T*L ft Tel. ta.






76% 76


Amer. Railway Co......................A ner. Gl* 6#..............................Cambria Iron .................................Cambria SlenI . .......................tJlrctric Storaga, com ...................Electric ft People's 4e.......... v ...General Aephalt. com .................Interstate 4# ....................................Keystone Telephone, com ........ -l,ehlgh Navigation s to rk ..........l.ik e Superior C orporation....Lake Superior Income a*..........Lehigh "Vsltey Transit, com Lehigh Valley Transit, pr........

New Jersey Con Trao_..........New Jereey Con. Trac. 6#.........Philadel. Rapid Transit stork , Fhitadel Rapid Tr, V, T. elf*.Philadel, Co., com ..........................1 hlladel. Co., pr...............................Ihlladel. E lectric...........................TTilladel, Elei;trlc 4e......................Philadel. Electric 5a................. ..



*.pt P..S


Vhlladel. Traction. Reading General '■ Tonopah Mining■Tonopah Belmont tTnlted N. J. Ry. ft CanalUnited Ga* Imp.. ...............United Railway 6e.............Union Traction . .. _..........Waririck I. ft Steel



4fi 4ti‘i 1W 1

3058 oRW 1\2 % 13


7 602«>331

72 73lOf) 1012 2 \ 23V423^ 2.1433914 4022 22 4SOU 8044

102 '.038? bxi94 954^ 5

223 22666

74^ 7549 491ID It


OpportunityTh« wiue lMV0!lor w ill

«dt uppftjrtuohj Dftjw u tio T ta to M * to obtoln ! otOtlroctlTO ra te of ioijome, t o g f t l j r w ith fhr proaprol enhaiio«*i*l!X lO m nrket value** Apply to

Post & Flaggh E xchaac k .'

Broad tE N N I S

nem liers o f V. V, Stack Exchaaga- N ew ark Brsock.

K inney Biilirtina, 31)0 Bread *<•A L F R E D L . D E N J

■lealdent Partner.

STEAMSHIP REPORTSn e w YORK.Bept.4.—Arrived. Tourain*.

Hftvrc.NEWPORT, R. I . Bept. 4,-T,’ltonla.

Trieeta; dock New York, Friday.KBW YORK. Sept. 4.—Mauretania.

Liverpool: dock New York. Friday.

High Grade hvestmenteuaranteed principal and in terest Ijy C hicago, M ilw aukee and St. P»U1 to yield to 5 .4 0 per cent.

Full pariiculara on application.

WM. F. MUTH & CO.Htoeb and Bond Broken

785 Broad Street, Newark, N. J . Telephone 4588, 458S Market


W e B a y aad taUgtn eg o t 9f, J* F in K IJfg, CO. ■nd Othev Local •eearlttoft CLAHBNCB HOUiON ft CO.

B rok an . „ . Baaox BnlldlBK. Newark, N. ft

. ' will be moved W ™ T .lrret. with t i n will hold Its kW D iW m eeting tamoi"' ®t»®

L Inw-; window^, i , ft ik m e le ow isW I pp g»M *-,*hal W h A II thcalBBOt Itt® ^eflPFed Fit® W* o s t - ^ ^f . Tatqdk, .■■■:■' "■ "V— . i - -I ■ ■' ■ - '..'.v T '- '■■■■"■"'' 4; ^ - ’ ■;■■■ - ' f ■ ■ ■ ■.■■■’ ? .-.vKV'fT;" ■■■■'; ■•■■ ■- ■

k three.Andereon—

OutIn .................

ghartnon-Out ........Ju ,,.^,ta^as*l .

■Wtlli chanictarlitlo gritHorreohoff ®a ® rgwwwt

w av round, though not eo long o tt the tea w S tta m o r* wo# ite td ler . H e th* lead wltlt i t w a t th* ehort ieoond.

'wuM A hn lf stym ie, w th e leoimWf i^ub

S S for a tbrtab ^ h 4 I v i 0 ^ f o w . Herreahoft toond ft t f t g Jrt t t e

looked a* If the other would ’*1®,

BnielUr H .........

LONDON, Sapl. 4,-M onqy woe cheep and diaoount rata# were easy today.

Except for flrmnea* In loraign bonds _ . . . . -and riihbab ihars* th* stock m arkst d is- j penno. evt ^ 1M6 9P*Played a roactlonary tendency during th* , P- y>rtu*l? « ........foranoon. Constee Irf Brittah rtocki ^a declta* o f thr*#-tl®te«fiths ^ 0 « b ^ r i n y . 4a................. w%■haras w em *® »yiW *thy with gp. Hy. ......................1*%AmJriUteS. Benawad aupport hetpM th* ” *-^ r t a T t e th e la te trsdifig. and th a do*-1

‘‘ A i ^ M t e ^ u r t t t a i o ^ M d W ^ M d

ket recovered and doa«d e t e y y .

I k e . W ailkaas to MoveB O C H M T K a .

She* 'Worfceti e t America, te OMivwtlonTteSd t®quarter# from priW .January. A .t«e®lb«*"

o S S U n Federatlok «er f^ M ta n ik y j :


^ M%

17% r "76% TO6

104 Ue% 194

Third AV*. ndw 4s.T exas CO, CV'........T ex. ft F*C. ta ts ... U nion Pnc. ta U nion Poo. *vt. ta, »%U. «t**l 6*.........U . 8 , Rubber ta-.». M4%



n n1flM4.11X1% wi% m

6 t...W * . lU


f ir m i S% 04% : m it e * rat* S % , fdftbx

-" { u M i S i n firm : «e d*y». 4 ®«r ««* •* if) d a r * .'f t4 : *4*

IM O R R IS T O W N . N . X

PAYS 3% INTEREST ON ACCOUNTSo f $ 1 0 0 o r O v e r S u b j e c t t o C h e c k

Deposits Over $6,500,000Armor Plate Safe Deposit V ^ t

Best prottcHon agaitutfire and burglars ^ ,

« M i% U K { B a z E n u l l u s u i u . $5 a h > o r a l l yS h r i f i d T f o b , I k . s i t a l h o o e t h I d a



16N E W A R K B V E S N T N ' O K E W 8 , x t i U a i P A Y , B E P T B M B B R A . 1 9 1 8 .


Y o u n s k t e r u t i o u i l U t E n tered fo r H a m r d m h t e r c o l l e g ia t e i R e ­

g a rd ed a s S o r e W in n er .

g P A R T L O R E A N D C O M M E N T

WILL MEET JERSEY CRACI TODAYratU A D E L P H lA , Bflirt. 4.-AB k Te»ult

o f th e raatchu 3r«it«rd*r In the th lrty- ihlrd e n n w l Intercolleflet* tennle ch«m- plonidtlpi » t the Merlon Cricket CJuls. th e elnirlee itruggle hee ilmniered down to n battle between Harvard and P rince­ton playera, with victory ainllinc favor­ably upon R. Norrla Wllllaina, of the Davta Cup team, runner-up to Maurice B. M cLoufhlln, of California. In the national naMniplonahlpe. who la playinc for the Crtmaon. The feature match o f the card today la between WII llama and G eorie

i I f . Church, of Englewood, N. J.. who la entered for Ptinoeton.

The t ’ntveralty of Pennaylvanla ptayera fared very poorly, not one of them aur- vtvln c the preliminary Or flrat rounde in th e Mnilea. A. E. Kennedy Jr. and J. C. Ball Jr., the Red and Blue pair, failed to gat paat the prallmlnary match In the Aniblea.

Only one match vaa played In the doublea, and It reaulted In a victory for B, C, Tjaw and A. M. Kidder, o f Prince­ton, over A. E- Kennedy and J. C. Bell, th e Penn team. The Quakera managed to take the flrat ael. but they loat th e remaining two. 1 -6 and 4 ^ . The faum narlei;

In terco lleg ia te Champlonahtp flln-’ ^ “glea. Prelim inary Round—B. H. "Whit-

tCTw _a«m ta<4 AjmfMmtmA T. V,nay. Harvard, dataatod Thoinaa, Havarford, 6--1 , 6—4; Q. If, Obiurch, Princeton, defeated A. B. K e n ­nedy Jr„ tJnIvaralty o f P enn aylvan la , ^ 1 , <— 1; A Bvana Jr„ Tala, d e fea ted H. W. Webar, Dartm outh, 6— 1, 6— 1; J, J. A rm itrong. Harvard, dafaatad W. T. Tlldan Jr„ Unlvaralty o f Pannsylvanltk « - d , 6 - f ,

F lrat Round— W endell Kuhn, P rin ee- ton, defeated W. D. C unningham , T ala,g__I, f— 4; R. Turnbull, Lahtgh, w onfrom R. U . Hoarr, W aahlngton, by d e ­fa u lt; R. Norrla W iltiania J r , H arvard, dafaatad Ruaaall Oataa, Tala, 6— 1, 6— 1; a , H. Churoh defeated K. H. W h itn ey , g— 1, g _ 4 ; J, J. A rm etrong d efea ted A. B vana J r , I— *, I— t; B . C . Law, P r in ce ­ton, dafaatad J. RapoglA U nlvaralty o f P an naylvanlA •— 4. 6— t; A. M, K idder, prltaoeton, d ifaatad J, C B ell J r , U n i- vwralty o f PennaylvanlA tO— I. 6— 4; W. I L W eahhum . Harvard, d efea ted T. • U n la y . TalA I— 4, 6—1.

Second Round—W endell K uhn w on from K Turnbull by defau lt.

C ham p lon ih lp t Ddublae, P ra llm ln ary B o u n d -B . C. lAW and A. M. Kidder, P rlnoaton. dafaatad A B. K en n ed y Jr, Mid J. C. Ball Jr., U n lvera lty o f P on n - iylVAnla, 1—6, 6 t, 6— 4,


J r , o f Beat Orange, N . J , loat a ■pirited tennle match In the ftnale o f the H t. Poeono tournament here yeitarday, •O lng down before L. A. Naum era. o f Ptalladelpbla, after five aata, 6—I, 6—1, 6 -1 , 4 -A I—I. In th e finale In men'e doublea,V . K. Kempton. of FhUadelpbla, and L.W , Batten, of New T ofA won from W ll- •o n and Boyce, o f Mt. Pleaaant, 6—1, 6—1, A-L Tha mixed doublea w e n w on by W aa Schoanduv and C. H. K oxen Jr„ of PhUadalpbla, who beat U llllcant Iflller an d L. 8. Church, of New TorA 6—1, * - l . T h e ladlee’ elnglee were won by H lie •oboenduv, who won from Hra. Stokea, o f Trenton, 6 -6 ,1 —6, 6—1,


B agga yeaterday won hla w ay Into a OMHl-ftoal round braoket In the Q uaker B ld ge Mnglea ebamptonablpe by d efea t­in g Charlaa C. Chambere In a fifth round m atch by the leore o f 76 , 1-6, 1-4. Bach Rtayer won fifteen gam st. T he v ictory p u t! f ia g g i agalnat Allan H. Behr In the upper bracket of the eeml-ttnala. The W ^ e r wilt m eet th» winner o f th e A l­fred D . Ramnwt-M aurlce I. L . Calvao m atch echedufed for th la attem oon . Mlaa Clare Caeeell and M lu Marie W agner, tw o prominent women playere, w on their m atchea On both alngle* apd doublea bnuichea. During the day, Mlaa Caaeall, m et three opponenta, played forty-one gam ee and loat only five.

K N N SY IV AN IA CLAY COURT TOURNEYJPR IL A D B L P H IA , Bapt. 4.—In thaA littam Panhaylvanla Clay Court Tannia ehaibplonihipe a t the W oodford Tennis Club yeitarday two m atchea In th e fifth round o f the alnglei were played with J; L. liocker and C. C. Van Horn quali­fy in g for the sem l-flnali. I.ocker dle- poeed o f A. MargoUs An atralght seta, to th e first le t Margolin gave h is opponent a strong game, but he w as fin ally beaten by 16 gamea to 9. In the second eet Mar-

.- goU i won only two gam es. Van Horn follow ed up hla good form o f the pre­v ious rounds by easily disposing o f R. •forrlson Jr. In atralght seta, 6—t. 6—1.


ORANGBBURO. N. Y., Sept. 4 .-C lo ia fln lahes marked the events here yeaterday In the harneae events. R egal H al took th e first heat of the 2.14 pace, w h ile The Governor flnlabed third. The la tter a n ­nexed the race by winning the final three heals. Wood Ollott took the third h eat of the : .n trot when Starlight Mc- R enney broke badly, but the latter waa th e ultimate winner. The eu^ insrlea:

I.M F ace-P urse, HOP.T he Oovernor. ch. g., by John

R. Gentry (Murray! ................. . 6 1 1 1R egal Hal, bik. g , by Direct , , '

Ha! (KeeganI ................... • v»v' ' * ° *Pauline, h. m„ by Bingen (Me-MUlan*) ................................ ®

patch , HkV g’.,' by The Patchon . , , ,Boy (HclenbecH) ......................... * ; ? '

Leonan. b .,m . (Sm ith!. . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 4roTlme-2.1»h. l . im . l-H.! .n Trot—Purse, tlOO.

Btarllght McKinney, blk. m .. by MciEi___ Jnney (Phelps) .. . . . . . . . . .

W ood Ollott, b. h., by Ollott Ax6UUU VJXevua, at, KiS vj — ■ - — - - - —■ * * a *worthy (Burdick) .......^ .............. > » * *

* « t s , ,c. h. g , by D anveriTodd', 'biit.' g„ ,

F .% b s ? n * l . 'g . 'c'Bioito >


A1 Palstr Is all through as a "White Hope " Frank Moran attended to that in the ring of the 8t. N lcholae A. C„New Tork. Uet night. W hatever consld- eretloD had been given to Falser sines his defeat by the late Luther M((Carty In Los Angeles on New Year's D sy on the ground that ho wae In poor condition then owing to llln oie has been swept away by h ti la test defeat. Falser t s it night was worse th en when he met Mc­Carty as far a s fighting elHLltygoes. He had nothing a t all toexhibit, . ho w as clum sy and flat- footed and wae a toy In Moran e hands.When the end came In the seventh round on the first punch delivered, a straight right to the Jaw- ‘t* *hopelessnese. end there were many o f the opinion that he walked out of hie cortrer and deliberately stalked up to Moran for the finishing wallop.

- + -There wee a strong Indication that Pal-

isr. alw ays rated as a gam ester, seeing that he did not have e cbance against the merciless lacing Moran w as adm lnlstoiing to him. w as ready to show the white feather. Even had he fought on he couldn't have lasted much longer. He didn't land a h a lf-do ien ‘blow s on Moran all night, while on the other hand, he waa a target for th e Plttaburgher’e punches, which were snappy and power­ful. When PaUer came to realise hie predicament he w as apparently willing to have It over w ith a s soon a s possible. Thus, when he received a s t iff right on the law toward the end of the ilx th round, which dased him, be looked for a ■oft^place on th e floor. Ae .^oran again approached him Falser bent over and then when he received a clip on the ear, which didn't appear very powerful, he sank to hie haunchae. There -he took the count of nine and rose Just before the bell ended the eeislon .

The and tn th e eeventh round came with a crash. W hen the gong clanged calling the men to acUon, Falser walked straight out to th e centre o f the ring, and, without even as much as trying to either deliver a punch o t raise his guard t(! hla head, took the right-hand drive from Moran flueb on the le ft side o f the Jaw. He then whirled h a lf way around with hie back to H oran and fell f la t on hie face, laying practically m otionless while the n fe r e e counted him out. Then, when he w as raised to hla feet by h li handlers, be m ade an attem pt to con­tinue the tight and had to be restrained.

Horan w ill now be matched with Gun­boat BnUth, an Sm ith waa In the ring prevloua to th e start o f th e bout, and had It announced th a t he was willing to meet th e winner. There are not many who believe th a t Horan w ill bother the Gunner to any great extent, but he has a twenty-round draw w ith Gunboat out on the Pacific as part o f h it reoord. Against the Bratth who fou ght Jim Flynn In Mad­ison Square Garden a m onth ago, how- aver, ha w ill find a dlfferant propoiltton than the m an ha tackled In CalUomla. Gunboat frill be ab le to get bin blows horns on Moran, w hich Falser couldn't, and he will a lso show Horan a much superior boxer than t>a1ier was. E ven at their best both m en would probably be a mark for Bam Langord, the colored boxer.

Moran tipped th e beam thirty pounda leee than Falser, h is announced w eight being IM pounds, w hile Falser w as 11146 pounds. 'What he lacked tn weight, though, the Pittsburgher made up tn agil­ity, and used h li foo t work to keep him out of danger. H e shaped up very well, as be looked trained to the minute, and appeared even a little pale, which It perhaps more hie natural color than any effect o f strenuous training. H e U one of thoee red-headed Indlvldualt with a sallow com plexion, and hts looks are deceptive. H li b low s were straight to the mark, his m ost e ffective one being a left hook. H e landed th is for the first blow o f the f ig h t In the opening pound, and with other eueh blowe he battred Palser'e face until It w as puffed and bleeding before th e figh t w as one-quarter over. In th e third round he used the left hook to Score the first knockdown, sending the big farm er to a sltUng pos­ition on the lower rope of th e ring Falser took th e count then, and from that tim e on it could be Been that It was only a matter o f tim e before the Inevit­able would occur,

Horan evidently had a plan o f battle mapped out and he adhered It re­ligiously. H e began a t long range and Kept aw ay from Patsar's rushes, al­though he waa not adverss to mixing In the clinches, and did very etfe(nive work there. In th e fourth and fifth rounds Moran appeared to tire somewhat, but he kept hla head and rested up when matters looked dangerous. Falser, slow and lumbering, allowed him to rest, too. so that when Moran got ready to fight he had his itren gth with him. Falser, on the other hand, used very poor Judg­ment. F irst he tried to box w ith Moran and didn't change h l i tactics until pum- meled about severely. Then he tried rush­ing with an attack to the body, but when he found th a t Moran had a block for this ho w as lost entirely and w as a pathetic sight In th e ring. The bout was really too one-elded to be much of a treat to the satiated fans.

of these throe du rin g th e last few weeks. The other otuba wlU also bo strength­ened, end w hen th e te a h u ito K out In the race n ext y ea r w e wltl be able to compare very favorab ly w ith many team s In ths m ajor leagu e dreultg."

Harry S m ith S n n g n ln n


Harry Sm ith, th e m anager o f the In- dlsn i. Is not w orrying over the recent slump of h li team . Me tak es a philosophi­cal view of th e situation , and In a letter to local friondi dated yeeterday he writes; "We lost today: th in gs are simply break­ing badly; will be d ifferent soon; we will finish up O. K."

_ +

form atloa that you can give me. Bln- oetely yoUrs, H . R. N E U O N .

Tha lands wera opened tor regUtraUon September 1. Any Information which yon m ay desire can be secured by communi­cating with tho General Land Office, De­partm ent of th e Interior, W eih ln g toa D. C.

- + -T. Z .:

Please publish the recipe for dill eq- cumber pickles. JANE W .

Your question has been referred to the home page department of this paper and the answer will appear there.

T. Z

N avy D U p tays S p o rto m en ih lp

ip o > J

The Naval A cadam y paopla showed a trua spirit o f sportsm anship In agreeing to play tha annual fom ball gacna with W ait Point on th a Polo Grounds, New Tork. The eonferanca o f tha reproionta- llvaa of the tw o acadam lat with Secre­tary Daniels, o f tho Navy, and Acting Secretary Breckenrldge, of the War De­partment, brought a oetUemant out of the tangia, which for a while, threatened to eliminate the A rm y-N avy game from the seaaon'a schodula. The aettlement was a vlotory' for W eat Point and It may mean tha end of a th letic polltlca, which. It la alleged, have been played by tha Naval I>aople a t W aahlngton for some yaars past.

Tha fact th at tha gam e will take place In New Tork haa bean Joyouely received by followera o f tha aport In this vicinity Outside of the H arvard Stadium there la probably no batter field in the country, and os far os gettin g tha central point of Intereat la con(m med, tha Polo Grounds stands by Itsolf. N ewarkers will be given ample opportunity to see the game and the elde tigh t! w hich accompany It. The conteet now wUi aasuma the leading place on the 1613 football schedule, and will even outshine the Tale-Harvard Princeton gam es as tor ea a apactacular propoaltlon, en d oven from tha viewpoint of tha football m an In tha matropoUtan district.

- + -

- + - /Please let me know If tha amusamants

at South Beach will be open Sunday, September 7? DOROTHY.


T. Z.;1 am m aking an extract and daalra to

M cerisin tha coat of a serial number, and to whom 1 must apply .for one. W hat Ip tha best bicycle route to Atbury Park? W hat la Caruso's age and his salary? Is he married? ELMER WADE.

There le no cost for a serial number. Simply apply to the Agricultural Depart­ment, W ashington. D. C., conform to tha ragulatloni and It will be furnished you. Take the shore route by way of E lisa­beth, Rahway. Perth Amboy, Keyport, Freehold. Red Bank. Ixing Branch and Aabury Park. Caruso la forty-two years of age. He la reported to be a single man. He Is not paid a salary. Ha is paid a fixed sum for each appearance and

certain number of appearances are guaranteed.



K n o c k o a t V ic to r y ( h e r P i k e r P l a c e i H im in F r o n t R i n k o f H n f y *

w e ig k t T id e A i p i n n t t .Ib £ i u U n a b le

A f i i n s t O r io le* o f S e a s o n i s


tha PIttaburgh heavyw eight, appaara on tha h oriion today a i a prom inent. as­pirant f(y “w hite hope" honors. Hts

T. Z.iWhan and where will a student have

to ragtatar for tha South Side High School ? STUDENT,

R egister at the Normal Training SchoM. w aahlngton streaL acme time this week. Since the South Side School It not com­pleted yet, atudanta w ill take up the)? atudles a t the normal school until the new school Is ready.

clean-cut' victory over Al PaJsar, the Iowa fariiMr, In seven rounds, a t tha St. N lcholoa A. C.. la st night, moksa him a formidable opponent for Gunboat Smith, conatderad our beat w hite heavy-: weight. Moran knocked out Falser with a right sw ing to tha Jaw at the beginning d l the seventh round.

The figh t waa gwltneased by a crowd which packed th e house and which awal- tared In the heat. The battle w as a gruel­ling a ffa ir a s far a s Falser waa con­cerned, as ha was severely punished, Moran escaped with barely a mark, s puffed le ft eye. received In the secon(l.^ round, being the only blemish 'notice! able. The ligh t by rounds Is a s loUows;

Round One—Tha men rushed to close quarters. Falser itabblhg hard with a left. H oran hooked three rights to the Jaw before the break. Palter closed In and sent In a hard left. Moran hooked two bard le fts to the Jaw. Palter aj--p e a r ^ anxious, while Moran looked calm and deliberate. They clinched twice but


Newark sraa wall represented In tha audi­ence.

B arrow a t E a s e in M ind

The usual fall n im o n o f changas In tha ownerahlp o f team s In th e Intam atlonal League and the transfer o f tha M ontreal franchise to ooma other d ty , which ore going the roundA togeth er w ith th e re­port that P. T. PowOTi Is being groomed for tha plaoe o f president o f tha organi­sation, ore not token oarioualy by Ed­ward G. Barrow, president o f th e league,

"That sort o f s tu ff Is started every year about Gila tim e," sold Borrow yea- tarday. "and should be takan w ith a groin of salt. Tha International League franchises are ao valuab le and held at ■uch a high figu re th a t It Is not an aosy m atter to dlspoae o f th e holdings of any of the clubs. N one o f tha elubt wlU be tocrtflcad, th a t la poattlva, and so far as I know no negotiations are under way for tha sale o f either tha N ewark, Provl- danca or Montreal team s.

"Tha rutnora ^ot a possible auccassor as head of tha leogua ora not bothering m e in the laost. T hat sort o f a y a m Is drculatsd ovary year, but even If It ware true I would not go out o f my way to atop It. Tha Intam atlonal League m agnates know th eir own bualnaei and they sriU act a s Umy toe fit when tha tlma comas. I hava still three yaars of ray ta n a to sarva and from present Indi- oattons I expect to rem ain a t th e helm during th a t tlma at least.

*Tt Is a little early to talk o f a third big league, which would embrace tha International League d tlea or a t least some o f them. Our organisation Is very prosperous Just at present and m ost of the m agnates as^ welt satisfied with the way th ings ora going. Our organliatlon la atronger then aver and n ext season I expect that It w ill he fee ler th an ever. I t th e n a n any big laaguea developed, why. the International could be made Into one m o n easily than form ing a now one. That'e not Improbable either.

"Little change knny be expected In tha affaire of the league next year. The past season has proved to be the hast In the history of th e organisation. W e have had a great race, and w hile Newark Is looked upon as a certain pennant winner, the other team s In ' th o league, w ith one or two exceptions, are keeping th ings hum­ming. B oebSiter and Baltim ore have

been greatly etrangthanad o f lata, while tho Indians seem to have alumpad. Al­though Newark haa not cinched tho pen­nant, It would be alm ost impoaetble for them to be beaten out a t th is lata stage of the season. Borne Inkling o f what tha Rochester. Baltimore and Montreal teams m ay be next season la show n in tha work


D r e w t k k e i 1 0 0 * Y a r d H an d icap D a s h U n d er E le c tr ic l i g h t s

a t W o r c e s te r F a ir .


D iocesan U n io n M ay Abeuidon M eets

WOHOE8TBR. Haas., Sept. 4.—Before 16,606 peraons, tha largest crosrd ever as­sem bled In th is city for a track meet, the annual electric ligh t m eet o f the New England Fair woe held la s t night.

Taber, of Brown U niversity: KIvlat, of the Irieh-Amerfcan A. C., and Powers, of ths Boston A. A., running In the mile, failed to come up to form. Pow ers being the only man placed, a s he finished third. The event » a a won by Higgins, St. Ann's, W orcester, In 4 minutes 351-6 seconds. Draw, the Springfield flier, running from scratch, took the 106-yard handicap handily In 10 seconds flat.

Tom Halpin, of the Boston A, A , plowed hts way through a big field In the 880-ysrd event, breasting th e tape a winner in 2 minutes, 4 seconds. Mel Sheppard, of the Irish-Am erlcan A. C., found trouble cutting h is way through a bunched field in the quarter and was forced to finish behind E, C. DoBaulness, of th e North Dorchester A?-A.. In 65 i-6 seconds.

Jijmplnfcfrom sorateb, Barwlso, of Bos­t o n ' ' t o o k the high Jump with a leap oL Six feet, one Inch. Johnatone, his teamm ate, failed to w in a place on account of his heavy handicap. W.

Murphy, North Dorchester A. A., with a six -foot handicap, won the shotput with

total put of forty-four feet, four Inches.

That the Dlocaaan Union may be nearer the rocks a th letica lly than many paopla supposed as tha result of tha trouble growing out o f tha la s t set of games, was disclosed In a ita tam ant today of a man long associated w ith tha union as a competitor and later s s official and man­ager of the tea m reprasantlng h is club In tha meets. H la daclaratlbn Is that In all probability th e union h is hold Its last set o f closed gam es, th at Is, events for tho union's club membore only, and that Dlocaaan Union championships, tha de­sire to win w hich haa brought about tba use of "ringera" In tho gams, are events of tha post.

—+ —"You will never eae another scandal a t

a Diocesan U nion m eet such as occurred at tho recant gam es, because there will be no more D iocesan Union closed meats,'' waa tho bold aasertlon o f thla man. I have been actively Identified with every track cham pionship meet which the union haa held since their Inception, and I waa a m em ber o f tho committee which had charge o f th e recent games. There may be a change o f eentlment by tho time next sum m er rolls around, and on effort may be made to run another c h a n plonshlp meeL hut I don't believe It? In the future D iocesan meets. If they are held, will be made up o f open evonta, Juet as the m eets o f the Knights o f Co­lumbus were, and any athlota In the country, from Mel Sheppard doom, will be eligible to com pete. Just make a note of my prediction and see If It does not come out true."

Y.' Z .:Is It necessary to obtain a license to

sell sheet music to friends and neigh­bors? W here can I obtain one, If needed, and what Is the cost? J- B. B.

If you go from house to house with your music It will be necessary to have a license, which w ill cost you 16.66. and can be secured a t the city clerk's office In the city hall.

- + -

^ H ow loiffc does It take to go to ^ u l h Euclid, O.. and what railroad Is It on. What la tho fare? MRS. F. B.

The nearest railroad station to South Euclid Is Cleveland. The fare Is lU one way, and the length o f tim e required to make the trip depends upon the train you lake. The fastort time that the trip esn be made In Is fourteen and one-halt hours.

T. ZW as tho concert a t Branch Bfo®k Park

r s .,. ,.1... A# aAlUMmrUftt n ight the final one of th e

N o Thera le another concert a t Branch Brooic Park next Wedneaday •voMng, which will be tha last one during IIU.

Y, Z.:Kindly publish a formula to rem ove a

stain from a m an'i woolen suit, caused by a salad oil, consisting of vtnegar and sweat oil. A CONSTANT READER.

The best formula for you to follow will be to send the suit to some reliable cleanser. Whan attarapti to rem ove oil stains ora mad# at home by persons un­used to the work they alm ost alw ays leave a discolored ring around tha place where the stain was.

T 2 ■Is It possible for me to draw books

from any o f tha public U b r ^ e s In Newark, Kearny and BellevHIa? I live In Lyndhurst. Cah a young ’'*‘2!" birthday faiU on November » I W vote a t the election In hla town 1^ Octo­ber?

H oly N o m e L cs^ n e Proposed T.

Jimmy Johnston says Al K ublok, who w ill m eet Tom Logan a t th e St. N icholas Itiok on Saturday night. Is In fin e ahape. Itublak has been training w ith Frank Moran a t Saratoga and Is r ight on edge.

Fighters had better be careful, for U th e proponed asream ent between New York. 'Wls(M)niln and M ontana boxing eommlsalona Is pot across, m itt artists under tha ban In any one o f these States srtll not be permitted to fig h t tn either of th e other two.

'B ob Armstrong haa deserted th e train­in g camp of Bailor potroskey and Is now hw]_ .,p in g Bob McAllister prepare for his t)out next Tuesday against tho colored veteran's former employer. Coast fight f«»« are much puzzled over h is change of

and a "high falutin" explanation by■^--^im strong hae not thrown any particularr-irini

b i l i tit on th e subject.

The bout waa th e m agnet for a num­ber of other ring celebrities, am ong whom were Packey MacFarland and K, O. Brown, M acFerland. who has boon In re­tirement for several m onths, wore a coat of tan. Brown on th e other hand wore a cane end a huge smile. Joe Humphries, tbs announcer, fir s t shook Brown by the hand, and then shook th e cane. Brown, It Is syJd, srill soon be back In the game end expects ^ appear In a bout In New York within th e near future. Nothing was said ?as to when MacFartand srill fight. Charley Miller, o f Chicago, was another, and ho challenged the srinner.

Manrelous! Records Thuau Had French Title



ond rfuWy Great

"How f l i e t th e wnrks of man Back to th eir earth again,

Ancient and holy th ings Fade like a dream."

These Unci o f .Charlos K ingsley seem an appropriate Introduction before soonnlng the appehdad list of those fleeteat o f Gaula, who. In their respectlva yea ra romped u ro y , or, by otberwlaa superiot agility (rf lag or brain, oihnexad the premier cycle sprinting bonora of La Bella Franca. Upon and In th is lis t o f annually made heroes of the Ganie cycle racing world appaara tha noma o f T letor (a happy thouidit o f hla progenitors) Thuau. (P ause to get breath and ponder upon .the strangeness of things generally.)

To be sure, th e oratorieat persoD who ao recently brought am ller to the fooaa o f Velodrome apactators. even though tha dolqg took vary lit t le coin to hla pockets, never repeated tha otlenaa ho perpetrated when ten yeara ago he won JJi« French ctiom plonshlp. But "Once he was a k ing In Gaul," who later played tba-)aater in a newer land.

For th irty-th ree years now the Frendh cham pionships have bain run cTary season, erlth one exoap- tlon—ltS -e rb o n no race for the title w as held. Friol, Hourilar and Psrchloot. w ho raced a t th e Talo- drorae la st year, are In the Hat o f wlnnars, os ora th ose other per- hapa m ore fam ous on es—BouriUcsi, Jacqualln and Morin. Friol and Madlnger eaah w on tha title five times, JoequMln hod three vic­torias, while IBonrtler, Bourillon, Caasignard and D a ClviT aaoh woo twice. Gongotto, tha alx-doy rider, and Kaurioa F n nnan , racing auto- mobllltft and la ter a'vlator, were other w inners. Tha Hat Is s s


BROOKLINE, Maas.. Sept. 4.—Three of the foreign eeplrants for the American open golf championship, Harry Vardon and Edward Ray, o f England, and Louis Telllor, of France, started today to fa ­miliarize themeelvoB with tha course a l tho Brookline Country Club, where the play will begin September 17.

Several local professlotials and a number of amateurs. Including O. Herbert Wind­ier, former president o f th e United States Golf Association, and H. H. Wilder, sec­retary of tho M assachusetts Golf A sso­ciation, eeeompanled the v isitors over tho links.


bers of the Incognltl Cricket Club of London, w ho will play a series.|jjj(^mat(dies le th is country, planned to practice to­day on the grounds of th e (jerraactown Cricket Club, where they begin a game on Friday. The English cricketers ar­rived here yesterday and hope to get rid of their sea legs hefora they start tha match.

One member w ho expected to acoom- pany the team here did not come. He la O. V. Campbell, and hts place has bean takan by C. H. Elloart, said to be an excellent oU-round cricketer.

Should the D iocesan Union ehamplon- Bhlps pass out o f existence there w ill be.In all probability, a new organization to conduct ath letics for members o f Cath­olic clubs throughout tha diocese. Thla Is to be a H oly Nam e Athletic League, which will be launched soon, and whl(B», according to tho Intentions o f those behind th e m ovem ent, w ill fo ster track ath letlca ao w ell as baseball and house gam es such as b ow lin g , pool, b illiard s etc. Jotsph Fltorrer, president o f tho Holy Nam e Baseball League, sa y s th at an announcem ent outlining tho objects of tho new league will be made a t an early date.

From a point o f membership tho Holy Name League would far surpass the D io­cesan Union, providing tho Holy. Nam e ■ocletles Yn the various parishes should Join It. T h at it would bs a success Is assured from the popularity w hich has been obtained by th e Holy Name Baae- ball League, which is only a taw w eeks old. Cast-Iron rules would be found necessary, however. If the proposed or­ganisation Is to steer clear o f the p itfalls which b eset the Diocesan Union. The cardinal prlBcIpeU o f honesty In ath letics would have to be rigidly adhered to and care taken to see that possible Infrac­tions were headed off. or (jtherwlse the efforts o f th ose launching th e project would go for naught. T hat there Is field for on ath letic organisation among the C atholic clubs, whether It bo 4 ' D io­cesan Union, purged a t Its dellnquen- deo, or a new H oly Nom e L eo ive, start­ing e a t w ith a clean slate. Cannot t>6 gainsaid. T he field Is here U th e man ora found b ig enough and broad enough to conduct It on sound, honest prindpols.


H . D.

A ebsyge o f 6> Y*ef mro-reil- denta la mode at the Nawork library; 62 a t BellovtUe and 61 a t K oom y. The man cannot vote until b e Is twenty-one years of sge, and ha would not b* tw enty- one in October.

—7 Z ‘

W ho is th e m anager o f tta_F em M a 8 ta n and w hat ti addrtiaY T- B. H.

Chartas Smith, Z!2 South E leventh street.

T ”z >W hile on a v isit to Central Park. Naw

York, 1 saw the mambars of tha Pork Protective a u b a t work and thought It would be a good Idea If a dmHar du b was formed a t Branch Brook Pork by the boye of thle city. How would I go about putting tho matter hefora th e E i- eax County Park Commledon? I. R.

You m ight call and Intorvlaw Alonso Church, eacretary o f the commlaelon, a t hla office In the National State Bank building. Broad and Mechanic etreets.

Can you retuio to goode to a per­son In s public store? A READER.

You may aell or refuse to eell to any person ee long ae the goods are yours.

no dam age waa dona, Moran countSriMl right and then brought It to tha bod?. Patxer roughed It In the clinches, bring­ing hoots from the crowd. Palser wae bleeding from tho moiUh from left Jabs. Palser ruihed Moran to a com er, miss­ing a heavy right ae the ball rang.

Round Two—Both hooked lafta to the Jaw and w ant Into a clinch. They looked fierce a s both worked right for head. A right uppercut broke a scab on Palzor'a nose and another on the left eye, cauo- Ing both wounds to bleed freely. A loft and right In the Jaw shook P a lle t up. which w as followed with three lefts at ckoM tjuartftrfl. A r ijh t on th<i back of the head sent Moran to the ropes with the first solid punch that Palzer lanctod. Falser was aggrasslva but wild, while Moran w as cool and took hla punches. Moran missed a vicious swipe tor the Jaw a t th e bell, and went to 'h ls com er with a iU ght lump on the left eye.

Round T h ree-P a lzer forced and missed a right uppercut. Moran put his left hook to work again In a clinch. Palier played for the body and followed witii a right and left. Both m issed heavy righte and fell Into a clinch. Moran tore Iw ie with both hands to the head, hookjng Paixar to tho Jaw and then pushing him to the floor w ith hla left, Palzer appear^ tired and w as anxious to hold on In tho clincbet. Ha w as wobbly on h is pins go­ing to h is com er, while Moran was full of fight. Tha latter looked to bo tha freshero f th e fw o. ^ w, * s

Round Four—Both m issed rights ana clinched, Palzer doing tho h o l ( ^ . 'Mffran 'welted h is chance and shot e fc r a solid right to Jaw, shaking hla opponent up. Moran Jumped In w ith a long loft that wont aatray. Both man slowed up In their work and mixed It up In cloae quar­ters, neither bding damaged, Morin hooked a hard le ft to the Jaw. Palzer gained confidence whan ha oaw Moran w eakening, tho former’s great hulk caus­ing th e PlttshurgboT to slow up. Palzer w as still forcing a t th e bell, while Moran w as eom pletely on th e defensive.

Round F ive—Moran led o ff with a left and m issed Palser. bringing his right, to th e body three tlmea before th e break. Moran took tha oggraealva, swinging both arm s v id o u lly for th e head, ataggorlnt Falser from one side to the other, but th e letter , itoggering to h is feet, gamely fought bock, forcing Moron about the ring. Ha w as bleeding badly from the nose and mouth, oqd h is punches grew w eaker w ith every attem pt. Moron hooked a h a r t le ft to the Jaw as the bell aent them to their eo m a n .

Round SIX—Horan woe th e first to land with a le ft hook to the Jaw, PoIier reached him with a right to th e body. Both men w e i* Mewed up to a walk from th e heavy going In the pvevloui round, H oran scoring the cleaner blows of th e tw o. Two heavy righta agoh, sent Palzer staggerliig. followed by a ctlff left. An Palzer walked In Motan met him w ith a hea-vy right on tha Jaw th a t dozed him. H e was on the verge of a knockout a t th is stage o f th e fight. Moran wotted for hie chance and as F alser came In sen t a right to th e chin and dropped him to th e canvas for a count o f nine. A t the men eparred off again the bell rang, n n d in g Palzer reel­ing to Ms com er.

Round Seven—A s tha m en met In the centre o f the ring, Moran pulled a long right th a t cfbught Falser unawares, drop­ping him to the floor w ith a thud. P a l­ser struck th e canvas face first, 'with bis arm s spread out. A t tbe count o f eight he tried to get up, but in the attempt fe ll over on his side a s Referee Rocha counted ten.

•jMeial Santos s f tZe S BALTIMORB, BepI

goolp dangling from •x k twiishs hiked e night and bit tb e i The Redskini befon • i onothsr datsat Orioles, the soore re th e third vlotory oi th e Blrdi. It marki y e w in a aertas ht five obompt were I local aggregation.

Lefty (totttel) woi Inter the dote o f v pitching U evldantl! th e Newarkers tor they have managed tar oft Donfortb i whom serve their 1 Mde.

George Bell oppoi and be also dispen oniota o f boll. Nell tha hits to a low aged to prevent bln have done real d

. gathered aeven sol them coming in tlv diUon to the ee walked tour men vlaltora who read the bases. Both sti of tbe t in t three could dent the rv m ore had tbe baeei with none down.

A wild heave b] first Oriole tally . I one In front o f B the pellet to tha Oriole ihortntop Twombly and Ego Cottrell came thro th a t aent Derrick i came tn the sixth, to Bell and otter ton, Houser raced two-nooiur to le ft» P .

In the ninth tb i on bases after G^gnlar lined to I


r. t ..........._ a». . . . . . . .

Th. .................C* •* eenwean

B o«ser, 1*...............Derrick, •. a -........Twombly, 1. A . . . .Egan, ?• — — .......CottteU. p. ..........

Tniots ------NI

•troclD*. Ui- — -My«rz. 0- f ......." iB zim m annon, s'O e ta T b ..................^ t h , 4 .........—Bell. P, ...............rrooley .................

TeUlz .............SBattod for B et

Baltim ore ............N ew ark ...............

i-base hlta—'h S T b V - B r a t oB. ElmmeimoiLh is piayz-® -Gets and Bjh'Jb (S ttrell 4. H it 1(^ tZ ):on b&iAi-'BAlttiii

on erforv- h o w

\ Umpli<f»-MeeOT


the I Detroit An Club-, was yesb Idence, o f the North w as t m Jackson, Mich,, gome for Detrol a tew Innings.



Anseit'Colum bus 6, S t P a u l 1, 1 ^ u le v lU e 16

RotfA tlan ta 4, N B irm ingh am C hattanooga H atbriliB L

W eB « n w A U T opeka 7, 'W N o other gn

PaeM O aU tirt A

"^rS tioe A m

N E W TORK, Bept. 4.—A baseball pot■ ------ li « -

m m LEADS APPALACHIANKNOXVILLE. Sept. 4,-W ith a percen­

tage c f .401, John Cochran, left fielder of the Rome, Oa., team. Is the champion batsman of the Appalachian, L e e ^ e , which cloaed Ita aeaaon yeaterday. In 161 gam es played, Cochran made tw enty- tbrea home runs. *

in w hich purchasers of 62,606 worth flfty -cen t tickets stood a chance to win tw o prises, one o f 6306 and a "consola­tion” o f 610, Is alleged to have been run by E m il C. HotUnger, a book-keeper, who w as arrested here yesterday on complalhi of Anthony Comstock and held undel ball tor trial. HotUnger le charged wlU violating a section o f the penal code Util deala w ith lotteries,

HotUnger had disposed of 4,600 o f 6,601 tickets printed, aooorting to the com­plainant. The fo-calied pool was based on m ajor league ecoree. ^

N ew Tt w y AWUkM'-Bori

•ftraotiie A

iham toi



BINGHAMTON, N . T .. Sept. 4 .-T he twentieth gam e In th e world's checker series between Champion Alfred Jordan, of L«ndon, England, and M. B. Pomeroy, of th is city, waa played loat night, leav­ing both men tied, 0 to 6 .' Together with ten games privately between thetwo to a draw la st y n im r, this makes a total o f thirty tied gam es. In contrast to the thirty-tw o gom es Usd that con-- ■tltute the worid'a recesd . The series (wntinnes tomorrow.

T. Z.;1 would like to know th e date o f regiz-

tration o f the opening o f the F ort Feck Indian Reservation, Montano, and a t what tow ns It will be possible to reglstor In order to get land, and any other In-

a n dCLUB


WiU Boost Tour Shooting Averagei


ji N «wV M llU 'ver 1

.Im w tesa e I Tizt t l znd 6, Mrer Badtoi tmwaU IL



Long, a daughter o f ^ A . Long, of thla city, today shipped tw en ty -six hortea to Indlouapolle. The an im als have been en­tered in th e horse ahow which starts In th at city next M onday. M iss Long wilt ride her eoddle boresa lti,th e show eventa

m- CIGAftETTES!"m tm m xiiti

follows; IW -D e OlviT. uae-De Civry. 1333-Medlngsr. ISSV-Medlnger. li^ M sd ln g sr. 1866—Duncan. isiT-MaSiafar. U S-C benau. l ^ N a r a e e .


lM6-Mortn. 1616-Bourillon. U66-^acquriln. 1661—Thuau. UOl-Jaeqaeltn.S t S i T '

?6ola lA

■ ? l:

['■ ■ I'> w



Kramer Starts Straw. Hat Smashing Crirtade

ilc y get the load to your bird q\iidk«r tnan ^ y other diells you

Perhaps the excessive hum idity w as responelble for the spirit o f unruUness lost night a t th e Velo­drome. A t any rate, th is Is th e m o lt charitable expliM ttott. Rid­ers fought, a would-be spectator w as inarched to th e strest o tter ' punching a ticket-seller through a box-office window and a n o u ^ straw hats to outfit a eoupla o f mUUla companies w e n sm ashed by m ala spactotora, rideta, trainers and troidt hangers-on.

Scarcely any one w ho ventured Into th e Infield weortitg a straw h at bad It when he w eht hom e lost n ig h t As man a n e r m an w alked up into the anuloaure through th e tunnel nndar th a track hats w ere grabhed by tha bum or- lata, th a topa knocked out and t h e ' brlrna return ad to th s daapoiled ownara. Periiapa tba zah ii rianark-

f a a |u n cf the hat-anUMUnt m ania w a t th a t It w as itartad by ry o n k L . Kramer, sriu ( t osaaDy waa-bebavad. But ath latta Who ha-ra triad to katp tn condition too . | long hawa done ethat a traw n titinsa hatcra new. rS '

ever used. You take a shcorter lead^angl^ hoAiec you Icss-r. ' you get birds.

H ie speed of these iheQs is due to i h t M the m k compressdie s m o ^ M powdw j lpundi of'ihe etolosion rig ^ bdtmd thed k o t * k V

Exchuivc^ a Rexiungtont^JMC id ^— ' O n d i f is right, ^

CWRMBiniton>UA Sted liitad Spefid«f dw livee dealmr in ym it no^oa.

Sm tfart dM Red Ball mark idoa cnrefjr bos of a b ^ and m e lid ^ you buy.

. fiwMiit|6sist Ann*UttkMi MaitDifl Gftrtryg* Go.

r w M 'r a n iINM , -.•unds;Ortw. of th i a la Mack, c gl-raB y a th # saph’a Ohuri arranaed ahatataan thi W ladenm ayi a o a n 'y a th a i 0 6 aW and 1 from thcM thwlr prom! ra th a r Bar;gsaurnnoeaaronl'd ha c

.laagre Th lecompenae th a m oney h a u Q t o f a ip eo ted t i rim taam s to m te t In th e gam e i etn lta w ho th e prospe< N ation al OI to beat dash for tl JloDooald, Boaton Bra

,1' ’ ■ .'*>-; V -*.’

/ -i t W A F K $ r v ^ i y f < l t h t o s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 4 . l o i s .

I t



awdirol-u«l-;oo-bed. ■

:ond. Jeo-)Wt:loM h ■IIU'

1 In >ke<)«j.-


>heD)i#d I. A ler'e :eue- left urn

;b at k ot with idert. iibllo cheB.



’■tier Ith a ■Ighta loon okini [ him eared n tlie le go- uU ot eaher

I and id9ran aolld

It up.that

up In quar*

Uordt) Pal»r Moran caua-

Palaer Horan

a left |h t to break.. t both gerlng r. but nmely It the m the

crew Horan ae bell


ImliiM Unable to Cnas Plate Against Orioles b U s t Battle

ol Season b B ahuore.


Rodiester Seeves Ltcky W b Orer Toronto and Drawi Hearer to

Pacemakws b Penniit Race.\ .-------- -----

P I T C H E R S W H O M A T H L E T I C S W I L L D E P E N D U P O N I N W O R L D ’S S E R I E S

In the a long , drop- d. Pal- dth hla f eight ittempt Bnohe

CKlARGTtil potartt OT to win xmaola- )«n run or, who mplaiht

undel ad wlU de tlulof [,tU

• com' I baaed



lAL'nMORB, Bept. t-W ith but on* aealp danillng Iron their balta the New. ark rftAiana hiked eut of thle town laat Bight and hit tha trail for Providenoa. The Redakina before leaeing were hand- • ( anothar defeat by the Baltimore Ortolea, the aoore reading I to 0. making the third victory out of four gamei for the Blrdi. It marked the only time thia year In a aerMi here that the proapec- tlve obampa were forced to bow to the local iggregatlan.

Lefty Cottrell wan the man to admin* later the doae of whllewaeh. Bouthpaw pttchlng U evidently not to the liking of the Newarkete lor In the paat two daya they have managed to get but one ooun- tar off Danforth and OottrelL both of whom lerve their bendore from the loft

Rooheater pulled up to within all and ont'half gamea ot the Indiana yeiter- day by taking the maaaure of Toronto while the Orlolea ’ were aendlng the Rsdikloft down to th tir third d«4i>t In a row. Luck broke for the Huetlera who aecured two rune on a pair of hlta, while the Hapie Leele Ulllod but one run on eight blnglea. Buffalo h*Ilt the Royalt from tying the Herd tOT fourth place by taking tha maaiure of the R o y a lB, while Providence eoored anothar eaiy victory over the tallend Bkeetera

RMBita e t Teeterday'a ■Unaaee.Baltimore i, Newark A.

Providence I, Jareay City 1.Buffalo t, Montreal 1. ,

RochcBter t. Toronto L•taadlBB of tka Tcatan.

- I t they-

- J


tieorge Sell oppoeed Cottrell yeaterday and be aleo dlapeneed a very high claae artlota ot ball. Neither pitcher kept down the hita to a low. ebb, but they man­aged to prevent blnglea when they would have done real damage. The Indiana gathered aeven aafe blnglea, no two of them coming In the aama round. dltlon to the aeven aafetlea Cottrell walked four men and all eleven of the vlaltcra who reached tlrat perlihed on the baaca. Both aidea threatened In each of the drat three eeaalona hut nalther could dent the rubber although BalU- more had the baaee loaded In the opener with none down.

A wild heave by Bell reaulted In the tlrat Oriole tally. Derrick chopped a high one in front of Boll, wboee throw aent the pallet to the right field Oriole ahortatop pulling up at thlid. Twombly and Egan were eeey outa, but Cottrell came through with a “ *• that aent Derrick aoroaa. The other tally came In the elith. Houeer beat out a h t to M I and after Derrick l l f t^ to DM- ton, Houeer raced to third on Twombly a two-aaokar to left and tallied on Egan a

**hi the ninth the Indiana got two m n OB baaea after two were down but Ounlar llnad to Derrick. The acore.


Newark ........W.89 6$

67Bocheeter .... 80Baltlmor* ...... 71 64Buffalo ......... w 66Klontraal ....... . <9 67Toronto ........ 94 WProvtdanco ■.. . U 71Jersey City..,. . 47 90

f i f i " iT



Oaaaea T ad ay e ed T om ew ow .Newark at Providence.

Joreeir City at Baltimore.Montreal a t Buffato.Toronto at Rocheater.

AT PROVrDBSCBi—Providence. RH.E.IJoraoy City.Powell, cf.... 0 2 » EBchen. If.. . J J 0Ena, lb........ » « 0 Courtney, ae.. 1 J 1Fabrlque. ea. 0 1 0 Donlln. Jb....O 1 0Deal, «b.......1 0 JiKoehler, 2b... 5 J JMitchell, rf .. 2 2 0 Shaw, cf........0 2 0McIntyre. If. 2 2 9 Welle, rf ........ J 1 *Bhean. 2b..... 0 I 0 Buea, Sh........ » J 0Kocher, 2b... 1 1 0 Blair, c.......... 0 1 0Lafitte, P-...1 2 « CoaWey, P " ®

Totals ....... 7 11 2! Total! .......119 1Providence ........... 9 9 9 4 I 9 9 9 ^ 7Jeriey City ..........9 9 1.0 0 a 9 9 9.*!

Stolen baaea—Donlln, Fabrlque. KOTher. Two-baae hlta—Shean, Doiilld. Three- baae hIte-McIntyre, CourtMy. .Home run—McIntyre. Sacrifice hit—Ena. BMuck out—By LatUte 3, JOy CoaWes^l^ FIrat bain I. H FIrat

‘f f


4Sj' ^

I I i t H D C R


" P l a n k

HMaeer,Derrick, e..a......... .Tirmblr. 1. A..... I

Q. .eae gaeeap* {oStSelL p. ..........J

Total! .............. ■ *NHWARK,

yoIziininennaB. l i . a •waclna, tt . JHyera. o. f ..... . *B XiWBMrmtona JG « t i r » . . . . . . . . . . JSSL p . ........... . 1•TO0i*7 ......... ®

H. P.O. A. E.1 8 « 0i 0 9 91 1 1 9X 1 0 91 8 9 0i 4 1 91 f 0 91 I 1 9t 9 1 0_ —

n 87 19 9

n . P.O. JL E,t 1 0 91 0 « K0 1 9 0ft 7 9 91 1 9 9t 1 I 9ft 4 1 96 7 1 9ft 9 1 1ft 9 9 9_ _* mm7 14 TO t


ae«e«eeaee*4 BR•Batted for Bell In the ninth

S ? i 0 J S i! aTwo-faaie bite—Twombly, Dalton. Thiwe-

nST bit-B . dST-I . Elnuneiman- Stolen baae—uei^ _i™_,

uevlin. ao o « w *» .uraare j,*.. w iMartlD, aa...O 9 « O’Hara. If.... 9 2 Paddock, of. 0 0 0 Holly., JWllllaina, o. . 1 9 Of Bemla, o.......9 . 1

AT ROCHESTBIt- Rocheiter. R.H.B.I Toronto.

Prleet. rf......» 9 « Callahan, d .. 1 1 0McMlUan, tb. I 1 « Schulti. lb ... 0 1 1Smith, l i ..... 0 0 9 Kroy, rt...... 9 0 9Blmmona. lb. 9 I W H.BrndUy, lb 0 0 0Devlin. IV... 0 0 « W,Bradley,lb 0 1 0

- - ' o;Hara. If.... 9 2 9_____ _____ 0

Wllhe!ra, p... 0 0 0| Maxwell, p... 0 1 1Total! ..... I 2 o| Total! .1 I I

Boebeetar ........... ■! 0 9 0 0 0 1 9 •—2Toronto ..............0 9 0 9 1 9 0 9 < - l

Two-baee hit—McMillan. Three-baae hlte-Callahan, O'Hara. Saetlflce hit— Wilhelm. Sacrtfloe fly-Bchult* Btolen baaea—W. Bradley, O’Hara. Double play -Wilhelm to Wllllama to Blmmona. Baeea on balla-Off Wilhelm 1, off Maxwell 4. Hit by_pltcher-By Maxwell L S tru c^ u t —By Wilhelm 5. by Maxwell 1. Wild pitch—Wilhelm. Umplree-rMuUen and Halligaii. Time of game—One hour and forty m lnu t^

Haye. and Carpenter.

g r a y s g e t t ig e r T v mthe, Detroit American • League BAeebaU-. Club waa yeaterday releeeod to Prov-

the InternarionMNorth waa recently jiuroheaed theJackaon, Mlch^ *«*“ • game for Detroit, but waa roplacod afterA few Innlnga.

b a s e b a l l t h e c o u n t r y o y e rAneerlcaai Aaeoetotlem

Columbua », IndlatiapolM i.Bt Paul L Milwaukee 0.LonlBVlIle 19, Toledo A '

gowthera Leagwa Atlanta 4, Mobile J- -Birmingham 0, MemphM A Chattanooga 19, New Orleana I- Baahvllie L Montgwnery 0.

AT BUFTAliO—Buffalo. R,H.B,1 Montreal. R.H.B.

Trueadale, lb 9 0 0 Almeida cf.. 9 9 0Vaughn, ab.. 2 1 OfEamond. 3b... 9 1 0Jordan, lb .... 0 1 (HDeromltt. rf.. 1 2 0Hanford. If.. 1 1 9 Lennox, Ib.... 9 0 0Jackaon. cf.. 9 0 0 Delnlnger, U. 9 1 9Lehr, n ....... 0 0 0 Miller, lb .. 0 1 0

e i.... 0 1 WPurteil. « . . . . 9 0 1I a IdOnse, e. 0 0 0 H&dd«na c .... 0 0 0

p ...... 1 2 % lark, p . 9 0 9--------rMcOraynor.. 0 0 9Totaia....... * T 0( • - -

Total!........ 1 I•Battad for Puilall In ninth Inning.

Buffalo................ l O O O O O O i a^ W . . . 9 0 9 9 0 1 9 0 0-1Baaea on balla-OH Bm Im L off Clark

L Struck out—By Beebe 5, by Clwk 2.j^ 5 £ i, S ^ , Sa^ 'flce^ lt-L alonge.


The Maple Athletic Club li trill leading the reat ot the teame In the Klnkead Cop B^ea. Their oeareet opponenta are the Rlotdaha of Harrlaoa who are tied for eeoond place hnnora with the newly or- ganlied' Maple AthleUoa. The following Uat of game# haa been arranged by the cup commltbea to be ttfayed on Saturday

Ho u c k


Giants Plan Rearrangement of Seat­ing Capacity for Big Army-

Nary Football Game.

e x p e c t t o HANDLE 4 0 ,0 0 0 CROWDNEW YORK, Sept. 4.—The New York

National League dub today began plana for the rearrangement of the aeatlng capacity of the Polo Orounda for the annual Army-Navy football game hero November 23. It la expected that the of flclala of the game will be called upon to accommodate cloee to 40,90(1 people and tor that reaaon every available Inch of room will have to bo utlllied. A con­ference with the army and navy ath­letic oftlclali 1B expected to be held In a ihort time and the club’i plana will be paaaed upon at that time.

Sacretary John B. Foater, o f tha Olanta, aaid that when the West Point author!- Uea tin t made overture! to the dub re­garding the poariblHtlea ot playing the Inter-aervice game at the Polo Qrounde, the plan wae looked upon aa favorable to the club, and when the game was aa- Bund following a conference In Waeh- Ington yeaterday, It waa decided to re­model the atanda to accommodate the big crowd that .la expected.

The infield will be heavily aodded following the cloaa of the baeeball aee- aon and a football field will be laid

Connie Mack't hope of landing another world's championship Uea In the fact that hla pitchers are showing top form thii aeaaon. The leader of the White Kla- phanta believes that In Chief Bende^ Eddie Plank, Bob Shawkey. Bryon Houck and Carroll Brown, ho haa a twlrilqg corps that will be able to wlthitand thh assaults of the Olanta' batters. While neither the Mackmen nor Olanta have dnehed the pennant aa yet, there every reaaon to believe that thaae taama will battle for world'a honors.

While the Injury to Jack Coombi, who was depended upon to do lome of the twlrulng for the Athletics haa cast a shadow over the camp of the Athlatica, It la now reported that Coombs may yet be able to perform In the world's aertea. Coombs expects to be out in uniform again on Monday, The manager of the AthleOci la not figuring very much on Coomha taking part, and It la e^^rU d that the burden of the pitching will fall upon the quintet mentioned above.



Cheeny ImproTes Interference-giyeo Chance-Directom I. Oatdasses

Pacieg Race Field.


Tom McAulitfe. the local outfielder, la hatting hla way Into the favor of the fan! up In Kingston, N. Y., playing In the Now York and Now Jersey League. The former semi-pro player haa been bat-

D m v e r t , U n e o ln A tWpekw T, 'WlohltA A N o oth er gaanea eohA dulea

PweMe OoMt Leagaa.I . P o r tla n d 1 (twaSTa to -

A Ban Traaclaoo A 1 Log Angalaa L

Me# Taalt ftn ta Leagaai

5^ J S A A S V ( . l . v « i n .

_ lA eoMBton C. a A BoranKwi 1

_ New BwNlanB Leagm, fWK Htvar T, 'Woroaatar A XNWfaaae A **® <i*S ,P ta tla n d I. H aw M f o r d 1.Miar Badtord A Pottlaa^ L tarwaU IL U m a 1.

■ggttert A£ w HkTan A Brtdceport.A W ^ u r y A P ttta fla ld L

wargiiMa lwa«wa.Hgimiort Nawa-BoauwkA ppatponadl


Nf— e c tS ^ to d ln n ap o U a L f« Dpnli A Obloagfo 1,

TWwpia Atblerioa vw. ParhwaTt at K sam r Oral.

gaadar Oantes,Btsrdana wa. Bhrlvwra a t Bhrlver OvaL w .pie A. C. vB. Weat Hudaorn A. C. at

Rlvqnddq Oval (A. M-). „ , . _ ,'West. Hudson A. C. vg. K«ple A. C. at

North ArUngton <P. M.l,Hapla AthleUca 'va. Parkwar* *t Rtvar-

■IdaOVnl,Haadlng of tka f e a w .

•'W.L.PC, MapIO A.C. 2 1 -7S9 Rlordana . 1 1 AtbleUoa . 1 1

'W.L.PC. W. Hudao’a 0 1 .900

.0901 Parkway*.. 0 1 .909 .MOtahrIvera ...0' 1 .000

out with the goal poata at home plate t and the outfield. Additional aeata will | bo built all along the Inalde of tbs 1 proaent atanda bringing the speciatora nearer the playora. The New York club will allot 26.000 aeata to the two acadamlet. 12,600 to each, and will offer for sale something like 16,000 seats, the proceeds to be given to the army and navy relief fund after the expenses of the game are deducted.

Permission to use the grounds tor football has been granted to aevernl local high schools for their b'g gam-a. It hat also been arranged to allow ho Carllela Indiana end Dartmouth to play a aoheduled game there on Novem-' ’*The*'playlni of tha Army-Navy game In New York will mark the first con­test of national Importance here since the Tale and Princeton olavcna played her* on Manhattan Field tn the late‘ '^ 'spec ia l stand te accommodate *09 oorreepondents and operatjra will be built for the preei.


.ng hla abara to aid Kingston In gaining

**Anhur Irwin, aeout for the Yankees, and Ed McCaffrey, former manager of Montreal, but now scout for Toronto, vle- Ited Kingston recently to look over the talent there. Jersey City had lust se­cured the team's star battery, Schwab and Lewis, and McAuUfte, who waa then going great gune. thought perhape there was & deal on fot hlfl eervlcefi,

"Did you ^uy me?" eaked Tom of Ir- 'Wlto."No." answered the Peerleea Scout with emphaels

"(Jive me a chance," persisted the local boy. "and I'll show you how to knock the hoarda off the right field fence.

"If you're eo deslrucllve," said Irwin, with a twinkle In his eye, "I'd better not bother with you."

McAutIffe, however, was not to he de­nied, and before Irwin left him, the scout promised to keep an eye on him. Tom, with his slugging propensities, has hopes of eome day advancing Into taster com-

HAHTFOBD, Conn., Sspt 4-CJieeny, a little bey mare, annexed the Capitol City 2.0g trot here yeaterday when al­lowed to continue after ahe had been ihut out In the flrat heat. The sensa­tional pacing stallion. Directum I., out- claesed his field In the 2.0T race for the ilde-wheelers. winning In straight heaU. Fan Patch won the 2.09 trot, brought over from Tueaday, when she lost a chance of victory aa James W. nosed her out at the wire George Rex. not favorably regarded by the latooU won the 2.20 trot for Ihree-year-olils after three heats.

Directum I. surpriaed the crowd by his wonderful speed and the easy manner in which he led the rest of the field around the track In the first and third heats. An excellent Idea of the speed of this stallion was given in the second heat. Directum 1. broke at the quarter pole and dropped four lengths behind the field. He went after the heat, just the same, and caught the bunch et the turn Into the stretch, coming home tn front. He paced the last half In l.OOVi.

In the first heat of the Capital City trot Cascade Hythmell and Cheeny_^were shut out. Marigold winning "Driver

ting steadily and hard and Is ™ *leading extra bass hitter. TJe Kingston nine Is figh ting w ith /ju g h k ea p r ie for the lead In the race, and McAullffe la do

p^ny.Tn the ffatne at Kingston agalnit Mid-

dletown on AuRpuat 16. McAuliffe awaitedthe piU over the right field fence for a w.— ---. - Jind hohorarrun. A acrlhe in a Kingston paper h f ?eiuK thatrecorded the hit aa the longest ever made did Oakdale » Pi'u'- **‘9 ch VoVon the grounds ' McDonald, who drove Oakdale, was cal-

Th. next day Irwin again appeared in led lo the Kingston and Tom's hopes grew, and after an explanation that C y there were eome anxious moments for . placed becau« of ^avoMa^ 1him. After consultation with Sfanager ■ lerference. That let Fleming s mar ha Cunso. of Kingston, Irwin left, and the another c^nce, nawa was given out that Catcher Smith . of it. coming homo first waa sold to tha Yankees, Smith wae ! heats, In which a ^ pasMd later farmed out to Jersey City. The way down the twoNewarker, however, gripped his bat all ' and held the load in the last all the waythe tighter and determined to land the job if he had to break every board in the outfield fence.

The sum

EARL HACK TO BE RETAINEDB A L B IO B , R apt 4— B a ri lCa«k, % n s‘

gger »"d fir st baaaman o f th e RaJaIgh toam o f th a N orth CgroUna, LMguA wUl again p ilot th e local team next, saaaon. T oung M ack’s team , compoaad o f th* m eet jT D ^ ta l play«rs In the c ln u lt, won ■txtr and lo s t fifty-three gajmM, tlnlBh- IB* third and within forty^three points o f Wlnaton-Batem, th e'p dnn aat wlnnera. Tlte 'team atanped to .Dnrhiin, lolling tour

and th e'ch a sea lo r th e pennanA B U b - yeaterdav - ended th e aeaeon, pre- y en tla s D arbam playing tw o gamea.


TasttiTe aaenrann* of Qie appdarMhe hgrg, -.Sunday, of ManagOT* John Q tv t r , of the Waaita. and M anner Cou- sle of th* Athletic*, haa taeawivan Father BeraarA C,, Fn of SL lo-

their © roiiiliii to be >t .Vathttr pfBw^K le-ter reoelred w iittoii

w m M b* on the eceae ^ the b**“ *‘*S p e . Tit* team* wHl r«9**V«..y»So^ipeaae theirthe money tahw tokeaeQt of 8t ®**‘ , * " i!

to mtet to the vrorttf*

the proapectlv* pennant w^ ot* to th* HgUenal and AmerlcaB Lea*iie»

uanaaer John Ganael U making a BJ*at I n d ia n M i to t o ^ w d

d*ah"for the P*“““ i .MoDowOd, *



P A l v

__..'Bbm, Soihmtdt and the Hub.MoDonaU. who -w%a, leaarM by .Boston from th* Texaa Leagua lad .thej,HaUoaaI im g a t to Mtttog.for ,th)r<i* BHtothk.

Sltpptag-BIX and oM-halTgaiMg ahead.Lack 1* brtaktog for thn. Hustlers.The tan* bMlev* that .H to about tin*

for tin Indiana to taka g htaoa.Providence 1* not expected te ptor* ah

•gay propOtltlott tor the ReiUlrin*.It to'-n good thing that the Indiien* bed

a lead of twelve games when Charley Bbiwts etarted to take eome of th* heat men over to BrtMklyn. Now. If that land had bean but alx gam** but what'* the

•*.Blawan nanbera of th* RedaUiii

ranched f ln t bene Tagterday, u d aU ol than were left on the aaskA

Th* Bustler* get but two Mto off Man-.. -uML <4 tb* Maple L*hfA but tbeee wen; epaugh to win. when coupled with three error* to a row.

Jack Saltcfi iigtotWed-three,more *af* ■wata__ yaeterdj| . .

Buffalo *Bii4e aare ttuit K m tretl would not pttll upion even term*, tor fourth

' by tnraoetog th* Royal*.Jeriaey a ty aaema to ba b e ,______

Tha utove took the meeaur* ot tha Paeta a«H& yasterdey.

. Johnny ■aimfcon win pttch in c t the pane* against Om Oraja,

The Athlellw added to their lead jree- terdar br taking th* meaeur* of Waeh- Ingtoa, The Mackm*n hay* a toed ofelglijt garnet-..The Taadmt* managed te taka th* last eu n e e< the OMtoa from the Red Ih y*«UM*r-

, of the'

■PTEST POINT. Sept. 4.—While the out­come of the conference to W ashington yesterday to which It waa decided that the Army and NAvy teama would play their annual foolbkll game at the Polo Orounda, Nafw York, waa a victory for a * cadet*, tha membera of the athletic council hare are not toeUned to regard It to exactly that light. I t I* pointed out that the generoalty of thsTiavy In sub­mitting to tha Army'* plan* has created a more cordial feeling between the branches of servloe than baa existed here­tofore.

Just how the athletic council will get out of Its arrangement to play Carlisle here on November 29 1* not known. It Is thought that Carlisle will taka the Initiative and find some excuse for with­drawing from Its agreement and that the Army will not ba held to an em- barraaelns poaltlon,

Th* turn of affair* ha* arouied an un- Ufual amount ot football onthualatin bare. When tha call for candldatoa waa posted yesterday 142 cadet* app*ared on the field. Thl* to the largest nuniber that ever an- awOTed an Army call. 1


WASHINaXON. P*-. S*Pt- A than 20,000 persons aaw favorites lose in all three harnese races a t Waahlngton Fair meet ytslerday afternoon. Juvenile* performed to two races, their Um* in the three-year-old racing event being remark­ably good. Single G., to this clas*. turned in the only etralght heat victory of the day, tor he wae forced to go under 2;13 In two haata. In the 3:IT pace, Bimore and'John C. both finished ahead of th* favorite, Coruacallon. The Bummarles:

n re t Race - Three - year -^ d claea; pacing: 3 in 5 heats; purse 2LOM- ,Slnale o.. b. a,, by Anderson WilkesJeam*b.^?, by FTosko (Tucker).... * J | Cera Hal. i>. L by Hal B. * * *“ ‘ Y. f., by Moquette.................... 1 4df


Orta Hunter, b..^HmerolW'' 2.1644," i'lSii'.'Second Baeo-2,17 class; pacing; 2 to 6

heats; purse $500.Elmore, br. g„ by The Rector , - - ,X T ’ - r i ; b j » i . ; ; ;Coros^lon,'b.'-m., by wiiask , . . *

(McGraw) ‘ »®^?^n^ATw'i?rhy‘■(ja. ;iw^?: 3 4 2 2 2Dr Weaver, eh. g„ by Elatus

(McDonald) .....................v j-* *Clarence Gregg, hr. g.. w Dumas (McKm ) ....j ........ 6 9 i ro- ■aterrb. m., by Hal

POTTSTOWN. Pa., Sept. 4,-Speclatort W4r4 agAln tr«at«d to a sample of grand circuit ractiis Id tha conteBta hald at thn Montgomery County. Fair maettng hera yesterday. The finishes were nf)l only close, but the fields were bunched for the entire mile and the Judges had dlf ficulty In calling the winner. The fln- tahes were so close that on one occasion the spectators took exception to the Judges's ruling and vented their displeas­ure In no uncertalD mannsr.

Most of the exettement occurred during the 2.12 pace and In the third heat Sellers D. appeared to flash under the wire a nose to the good of Alice M.» but tha Judges ruled to the contrary. In the fifth heat another discussion took place In the Judges' stand when rhe driver of Alice M. deliberately cut across the track tn front of Sellers D, After a long deliberation the beat was given to the mare. The summaries:

2.13 Trot—Purse, 3400.Moella. b. m.. by Mabel, J, Frank

Bovar, Norristown (McGrath).. 6 MlU r ^y»_l>r. g., b/ Preourwr,

Halllne Pointer. T- (Crawford)■Pten* 917U. 2. .4*" .

____ J.3 bvHerinan Tyson, Nei

1 1 1

______ ____ ewark. Del,(Tyion).....................................1 < 3 B

Grace J.. g. m., William Nicbol*•ODg Baltimore (Nicholson)..... 4 3 1 4

Former Gentos. b. h., Monte*


A N H A P O U R MB., Bopt. 4 -T h e a*- tu fane* o f a football gam e t u * year aa th * eatoomo o f th* ooaf«i«no* a t Waah- ItaftOB-yMtiStday betw een t *pr***ntatl'vea o f tb* A m y mto N avy ath letia aasoda- tlOD* ocoaaloMd th * UvMlagt aatlataotion lull*. Ih * hop* waa alao *xpt*aa«d that a* N avy yielded to Armar'a dealt* th at the eontast tak* p lace to N *w York th is Um*, that W est P o in t -would n tu ru ' the favor M xt year and oonacut to 'play to Wadhtogton.

'VlRh hut tw o m en lo*t through th* graduation o f H a ll, who p |» * d tackle, gad iqr tb* resignation o f Quarterback Rod**, N avy never atertod a *ea*on with U tgM ar proap*oU. FTaCtlcally a veteran team ' artll b* m ad* up from th e very s ta r t

'Time. 2,1714, 2 W4, 2.16(4. .* Wi. 21Y(4-Third Race-Three-year-old claaa; trot-

ring; 8 to 6 heata: purro «,000.AK)-La, b. h.. by AUerton . , , , ,Don Jamie, ch. h., by , , . , .Ubretto (Jamlaoi^ I * * x xAlta Hal. b. -m., «al B. .

/ntfllnsr) • I • s e eBemun M c K Jm ^ K c.. b f , , ,


- . . .M ir of tb* Kansa* Oty ball dub of the American Asaodatlon, banded his resignation laat night to Georg* ’Pabeau, owner, who i* her* *lth the team. He will leave a t once for hi* home to Cleve- l*nd. Can'* action cam* “ a' aurprla*. Carr t«'a he would devote hi* entlr* time to Me private bua^nem to the fu­ture. I t maa wportod th*t Mr. Tebeau , might engage William A m our.. f o r n ^ roanagw ^t the Toledo (dob, to ta to S S i w r t *b* Kanaa# a ty team nextseason. ^____

{puma Stable, Pottatown (Eaa-lig) .........................................I I * I

Judge Palmer, b. f,, A. A. Slags, Petersburg, Va. (Dougherty).., 2 4 4 6

Amo, g. g.. Charles Phipps,Ward, Pa. (Phtops) ................. 6 1 6 9Tima, 2.13(4, 2.1^. 2.13(4. 2.12(4.2.12 Pace—Purie, 2409,

Alice' M., b. m,. W. E. Miller,Washington (Miller) ............2 1 1 t 1

Sellers, b, g., William Eckert,Beading (Mcljrath) .............1 1 2 1 .2

(Mmolla. br. m„ Monteguma Stable, PattatowD (Easing).. 2 4 6 1

Baby Jerome, b. m„ by J. C.Parker, Sunbury (Mahlsy) .. 6 6 t (

AshUne, b. g„ Frank Jackaon,Philadelphia (Jackaon)....... 4 6 4 1

BoBebud HcKtoney, b. *., C.W- Mangoum. Petersburg,V*. (UeHenry) . 9 2ds

Buby Fry, ch. tn., J. C. Park-*r, Sunbury (Jonee).......... daTime. 3.00(4. 2.09(4, 2.9W4, 2.19(4. 212(4.

i]PX(;(kK'L A F A Y E I T E lfE N I N I IEARTON, ML, iS e ft 4 —The Lafayette

foetball veteran* tedeqr w ta b ^ h e d train- l iw quartan g t Laurel Inm la' th e Poeeno MPuatalna. A dot«M pliyeTa are worlpn* en t thar* to du trga iff Coaich George KoOaa and H anagiV Jeiwph Bodaabaadb. The player* are Capfghx W agonhurst, Woodward, KeBy, f S l a ^ u r t .Beyer. Scb*eten. .G|lo(%, t lo r la n , Daiuw- bow er and S roirii. ■ -

PRACTICE m mm rw b RumbwiicS , ''•***. i - a a tg e n

foothill men today bggna to gat to ^ a p * for the «M*U« HMn,-wtth Priaoeton.

nf-w-Xf (»■* toVc" the nMi to

from the three-quarter pole, m erles:

206 T ro t-T hree In five; puree 21.009 (un- flnehed Tuesday), final heat. ^Dan Patch, blk. m.. by Joe Patchen

(Snow) ............ .........................................1Jam es W., r. g iCox)..............................- 3Derby Boy. b. g (W hite)......... ................ SRuth McGregor, ch, m, ( M u r p h y ) . . 4

Time, 3 .0^ . Money division: Dan Patch, first; Jam es W„ second; Ruth McGregor, third, Derby Boy, fourth.

3 07 Pace—Three to five; purse 21,000. Directum I., ch, *., by Directum

K elly-lretta. by Pactotus (Ryanj. 1 1 1Nellie Temple, b. m. (Murphy)...... 2 2 2Eddie Dillard, ch. *. (Snow) .......... 3 3 4The Earl, b, g. tP roc ton ............... I 4 a

Time, 2.CS(i, 2-««(4. 2.«'4.The Capital City, 2.06 Trot-Three to

five; purse 13,906.Cheeny. b. m.. by Medium Line-

Nelly Belsmour. by Belamour(Fleming) .............. ........••••;••■ . " 1 1 1

Marigold, b. m., by Uelham- Agtiea Wonder, by Little XV on-der iHu.n’*'?''-,- ' ----- 2 3 3 4

2 4 4 3_ (McCarthy) 4 6 6 ro

Cascade' ch: tn. (Rodney!.......... dieRvthme I, bl. m. (Shank)............die

%lrae, 3.08, 2.(B(i. 3.«(4, 2,08%,The Acorn. 2.20 Trot for 3-year-oia*~

Two tn three, purse 23.000 George Re*, br, c , by J m T ^ d -

Eldeen Oro, by Oio Wiik (Mur­phy) ............................................ 1 2 1

Tuna Z., b. m., by Jaiies Madison iSerrlll)......... * 1 ?

Hollyrotkl Kate. r. f, (Dodge)....... 2 3 3Belxona, b. g. (Young) ...Dorothy Gay, b, f, (Nolani...Bid*, b. f. (McDonald) . . . . . . . . .Tom Minton, b. c (Minton)..

Time, 2.14(4. 2.12(4. 21H4-

BETWEEN ENCOURAGEMENT HEATSJay Eaton, dismounting to front of the

grand stand Immediately after the final heal of the team race at th* Velodrome last night, remarked quit* audibly: "Batter get him to pull me next time." The Ellaabeth veteran was very sore, for he had gone up to second place, with two lap* to go, and bad expected Clark to go on and win.


Cripfled Cyclist and Coborn Annex Stakes- MacDonKall and Ryaa

Take Efents.

RIDERS FALL ALL OYER 1HE PLACEAlfred Ooullst. th* blond Australian,

who was badly crippled to a fall a. few weak* ago, aaema to have practically re­covered th* use of his Injured left anklt.Judging by th* way he raced over the lln* to winning the Encouragement gtaka* at the Velodrom* last night. To be sura, ha won th* team race with only a foot to apar*. hut h* did It after mak­ing th* going out ahead for more than the final quarter mil*. Speer* tlnlahed second; Clark, the favorila, wae thifd, and Champion Kramar waa fourth.

Th* attendance wt* below tb* uaual Wednesday night crowd. Brothare-ln- law Dottald MacDougall and Martin Ryan accounted for three race* th* brldagroom taking both amateur races and Ryan th* Invltallon protesalonal evsnl.

Falls ware numerous, due In a msaaure lo a eltpiiory track, caused by the falling dew, Slefanl and Krebs went down in the eocond heat of the EncouragoBient Stakes, and Fred Hill and Jake 6IaC-n tumbled in th* following heat. Heldrlck and two others fell In the last lap of the Invitation race. John Bchlee, Edwin Ball- , man and Harry Simpson sprawled over the track after qualifying to the third heat of the emaieur handicap, lumbUng at the same place where Heldrlck went down. Heldrlck hsd to be cerried out. but recovered later.

The line-up for the flrat aeml-flnal beat of the Encouragement Stake* waa Kramer and Cameron. Qoullet and Co­burn, McNamara and Ryan, and^w ron and Hehir Th* heat wai etoppM In the eecond lap, when McNamara * chmn mapped. In the run-over, Lawaon lea Into the baeketretch. but waa p * * ^ by Qoullet and McNamara on the laU tur^ Kramer, laat at the hell, went hard froin th* twelfth pole, paeeed »oi>McNamara., and flnlehed half a length back ot Goullet 1

Clark and Eaton, Orenda and Cavanagh and Thomae.Hoot sot up for th#Trlebel arirrgd thlnga up by away, alone to the eecond lap. but waa passed before the last lip- waa leadtog. swung up on tlto bimk stretch to let Clark S®.Root had loet Bpeari to his race tor front. Clark won, hut Referee Boe* J®*race, became the men did not folto their partner* ' Spears *'°" **1* 'over, Clark geltlb* ‘ tost beingfilth at tb* bell.

Pour Riders Flalektd Ahreert.The field toured tor the first

of the final. Eaton 'tori**! tor the frent as he began the fourth lap, but a w k dto not follow him ,, Eaton wai Qoullet, the leader, with two to go, hto nark was sixth In th* Hoe. GouUet ieqLi'toe hell, trailed by K r a m e r .^ r s .Cameron and Clark, inidvantage fiSbUng oft Sf^ara a toth* laat twelfth end ^ ' *. **^;CUrk managed to g*t by last f«w yan?*‘ Spears ropeatedly tn th* laat half l»P- The tourmen flnlehed almost abreaet.

After a false »tort at running the quarter-mile final wRh *'»b* “ J,” ' field was eput and f*® „7."MacDougall. Ksleer, iWalter Bchlee and Thomae Smith eUrte i In the final. MacDougall got away the q.ilckest. leading all the **V from Hanley bynf twenty-one bunched at eeven lap* to the two-mtie ameteur FLanag&n lad at tha bell, foUdweu Worner Thomas Smith and The latter look the lead toom Smith the backstretch and won by two leogthA Smith dropping heck lo fourth at tho

""Irother-to-law" Martin Kv»» near the head ot the finiah alenat cam® tVw Distance'* Invitation »»'*•/b le b WM ru« Just after MacDougall b,9<l ‘‘l*amateur event. "Oraesy beat It ror xne front at the Plelol *bot and .DowR,)pprecht by a length and a half.

Neither Clerk nor Kramer the three-mile handicap^ .UStoatrtDDtfd at one rollft. V'hen hiB chain, tneX to for the second time during ihe^evenlng. Coburn, Halstead, Hanien. R^POT^ht® Cameron and Corry formjrt a group with serious designs o" prUe list and kept away 'r®™ ™ari^™ Grenda and Hehtr. the only back markera toft at the end ot the race. K^breuM led at the bell. Cameron, Halstead ^ Corry pa.«)d him In the ‘aP' CoW winning from Halstead by half a length.

amataur—Won by

Robert MU’ori, b- R. iSnow)... Oakdale, gr. g- (McDonaldl King Brook, blk-

The Bumraary:Quarler-Tniie opan, ---- tFritia-anr.

Donald MacDougall. ’’' ' '" '‘'■’‘ l .Hanley. San Kraneleco, secondL 'Walter Bchlee. Oak t-eaf A. A., third. m W Kaleer Bronx, fourth; Thomas Smith, Hvlngton. fifth. Time “ " “‘fag."'

Unknown distance Oifinat-tvon by Martin Ryan.Edward Bupprecht, Newark, secondj m G. West, San Francisco, third Jo w hG Kooaky New York, fourth. Frank Corry° Ausiralla, fifth. Time 2jn to u to . S6 3-6 seconds. Dlitsmv. on* mile, tvvq

'^Encouragement stakes, one mile team rac e proteaeional-Wub by Alfred Goullet and'William \E F Root. Mcond; A- J- Clark ana .)«y Eat™, third; Frank L Kramer and George G. Cameron, fourth. Tim* J tnlnutea, 42 3-5 eecotlds. n-nn bvTwo-mlle handicap. amateur-N6 on ByDonald MacDougall. Newark, ecre^b;Fred Taylor, Newark. 135 yard*, eert ond. Edwardthird Thomas Smith, Irvln^on, Jards, fourth; Harry Wernau Newar,|^ !.¥) yards, fifth. Time. 4 minute* V

3 4 4 6 .(da6 de7 de

e ^ n : ^ S J i ^ ' N a . a r o t h ^ , _oiace * ^ c S iS ‘.‘ "*.' ’ 'in'," ' 'Fiiink

Jackeon, Phfladelphla (Jack-eon) .......................... -xc" 1 * 4 4Joseph K*. Wk. Jh.. Herman Ty­son. NewarJL D«. (Tyson)..... t i l l

Al Patchen. n. h., Maplewood _Fam , Roadatown (Gandyoo).. I l l *

Hohni HAM. b. IDs, WiUiam Wort, iylmw. M d - 7 * 1

Aoll4a W. tiL* John Toy* ,

f e W J j T H l i t 'a i i i : ’ • ' ‘r « « o .

Jte Ohio, by Onvaard, „ PhilifleipM*;o.. by The Director MMral,

1 jay Hawkee, A. B. >Cox, ■,:ttme.l2*(*- ____

N A T W N A U W G B E« T -T n - Wf T eatM ayb s Ga*M«.

Wnaglwc e* „

i t« 0 . Lool*..


Jackie Clark w*» reeponalble for a long wait between the rerun first and second seml-tlnat heats of the team match. The "Roeket” bad aaeeverated emphatically and voelferouily he would not race the heat over—but he did. when he finally appeared he was greeted by applause, some of It eeemtog to be Ironical.

John Schlee eecaped certain suipenilou becauae no official eye wltneised hla at­tempt to punch Edwin Bellman after the tumble in the third heat of the amateur handicap. A trainer eeparated the riders and Schlee went to the training quartera, vowing venganca upon Bellman, whom he blamed for th* tumble.

The other Schte*. first name •Walter, covered himeelf with glory by outfooUng Kalam and Tbomaa S ^ tb In the quartar- S h T o ^ Lator be wa* to dlegracA

dlequallfied for Uklng th* poleSom the IneWe «**“ *>•of the field to the eeoond handicap heat,

Mr*. Donald MacDougall and Mr*. Rob­ert Walthour were among th* sfiectaton laat night. The bride was very much excited over the eecond eeml -flnal of the amateur open- when her husband fln- M ed laet, but looked happier whan h* todk the final «o

au a Wohlrab rode again laat night, hi* snepaiwlon for rough ^ n g haring h e w vAioad H e WM ih n t out III tho opon ■oilni*'j S S ' a ^ • » « * “» to to« iMtodJcap.g n ^ th o u g b h e go t in to the final.

w jlU e Coburn ajm exed tlx lap piiae* to th e profasaloiial handicap. W erner Boefc ^ o W « h t th e hack marker*, W t lataf leal them , accounted for four lap p r lM S e d w r and H aU tead each won tw o lap 5 rt*e4 vihij* Hknsen, B upp r«h t and Duput* each w on | t

Cerio 'PanoBt, wtwe* farofeen cpQare

'^'Threpimlle handicap. P'''’to»">Jto*VWcl by Frank Corry, Auatralla, 129 yards Alfred Halatead, London, ond; George G. Cameron, New Yorfc LI varda third; Edward Bupprecht, N.*v ark 170 yards, fourth; Norman H*n«J linm ark, 185 yards, fifth. Tim*, S m.ii utes 52 1-6 seconds.^_________

CARRIGAN TO LEAD RED SOX IN 1 9 1 4BOSTON, Bept, 4.-That Pre*td*nt

Jam** R. McAleer, of the world’# c h W nlon Boston American League BaroWI Club, believe* Manager William F. CtMri* gan capable of making the team Mato I pennant winnertarday. whao ha contractod w ith C sim gan to continue a* Manager during thlSeason of IM4. The " c s I Snounced, hut It I* underslotto that « r t * gan received a substantial Increaa# i< salary. ________________

AMERICAN LEAGUEKesnit* «f Yesterday’e r,»«s*«,

Naw York 11, Boston 4.Fhlladalphl* 4 Waihlngton 8.

etaadlaa o t tha Tea:■W.L.PC,

Phlla ..... M 42 -S®Cleveland ^W ash ’ton TO g 8»Chicago . .*7 *8 .615

Ganse* Today,New York al Washington.

B oston a t Philadelphia,Chicago at 8t. IkMilf-

Detroit a t Clewdand.

W .L.PCJ ^ s t o n . . . . « ffi -JW B etto lt ■ 69 H IS St. Louis .48 |S New York « »

Save MoneyAmfc RfaMit our box offer# w e coa

mootb tor BepteokHwr- Call* it a ww b tESIT Tto "BlS^k sSa WMt*^ sekaowtoued oM a f the Be*t he Strslflrt C jion * . ^

M g ^ 'g i s ; : S

5 c S W o MA to t aUM dsnestte. Ugh gnd* Biuesira

wroppor and Ksvea* utw-The “UMfrela Regina*’

teTSrt G e ty o o lio H iy t e w St . 7 ■ ■ ■ '


tm titW M

rk U lau M M Virfial* tw oyMT.

«v«nui,to) •am

it th#RllMbwi* *t tTSO A.

Ii. dlunX C«a«t*<7»At HAclf»tUt(mfi, i•ptMBbfr I.

* ' ■—IthAmark Loirii* nmttiAMr*. Cfitrtit Boonti,•I lItVViL

at tk( )*(•

'■i'lS^'' I


H E t P W A X T B D - 4 ^w i t i t w A im m - o W O M S M«l» M WM

A g tn laDm vK R wkiiirt for iln*!* H«m.

■cod roftruipc. W H f ” •*>- ***" Boxi U. Hawi oK M ____________ _

mg«l (i«Y»m l D r iiir ,

F4IKTW »»il l»l>«-l ibrN iliiyi: •«od rtuui.


A «nr m aU t. tar S ) C n m It., Hu-

CRAliBIRMAISI, CMM, m l t n iM IwaM-w ortin. n t m rtrli, eemMiloai, Ma.:

wicH tram t t i n W fo r nwatli: In iM aul


Wa n t e d t o b e l l dae _B ^ W C m T U R M FOR NBW DW «U.INO«i BALAJTM iasioN. a d d r b m h u e t l b b , BOX *•■ N »W t OFFICB.

DRIVE* *»nt«l, n Bprtit»fl*kl A>«-DEMOKWRATOR* *»m «) lor

■iar*i^ H n m l UdiM to domonitriiA our bow formlo* fib . Apolr MPtrUnct ana f*f*r*iiei, to D i w Pin

life Hm K

POHTVR wiit*4. TUrtMSU it.

Appl7 Piltt iTir io4 North

RUBtlCAl 01U3 Bbsll•lotinr TortoliO U bII

4Ah«r« vonto^. Novoltf Ca.p r«ir

Apflf Kiworti j n Btoch il.

W«it roU/lMDlh sr«w york.

■ trill ot ihi iito tJir' t y u n . Ri Ii i Ivh otid friindi InTltid to itlind tM

M t ot Niu Duoy iFTk*.. ™ OB loiurdBr. iipiinnMr d, it

W ^ tiid lS id I'lmitiry J


vitulb'; A^nttOi 'IL iBwnaMt I

AOC2fTI^Ufo lp«»ro»oo, »«w iooturo; fTOht Hvinc to Iho iIBOll

t in t ! how r«» “ VO A'**’*? onl-thirdooit ind » t Bbout ona-hAlt fMO‘it viirly vbIoi* bimI ImmidlBlB full Mniilt. AddriH IniurBooB, B o i 71, N iw i offlei-___ ^

DCUVERY ipBii for laubUilMd routi;amohivniiiitl IBlBrjr Bud cooimliilBIlj cbm

Rupirior lAundrr Co.. MRALBSWBN-

•Bounti' rKtulmlNorth Nlnilfonih Bt

lAundrrEBit Ormni*.

.-At ftlooniDild. K B«P'“ 11-(Ml'

rtWAy AtliTKion. «Bf>toiiibor 5. a* 8,16

AGSNT8-4n6dotri*i polleirholdMo. who poy prtmlum* wookiy/iiiw«oH#oti h w lo oovo

bout I f pof oont. In coot; f i t CO Dor coni. rooUr rilurnf; onauAk dlvUun<l> with yiAr*

Addrtaf 1»<•uronci. Box It. Now* oftlfiA

i n >N, J., OB Tundiy.

omB. J. Orudy, Ihi hukBjid o< Uiry Oridy (n il

)). riibiivi. ood friindi ■rltod IB B tt.o i lh . IUB.rB "I.^^moojL n KoyWArd itrool. ( w t f i t

•oiurdxy. fiptomhor 0. f t I o'cioch A. rtiS w to ^ i r N»m# Church, whor# o MA^Icti UiM cf RoQUlem wlU hi ot-

rer ih i rtpoM of h)i »oul. Intormoat Jibn'f CioMt«fy.

AQiCNT»-Ufo pour opAfo tlmo to build op » moll crdor buolnooo of Toor own; wo hoip

you itort for A ObATO Inoppnrtunmoi; pnrUoulAri froA MuluAl Oppor- tunitiio ExohAnri. Haffxlo. H. T. , .AQCKTS wonud;_____ two nttn to Mil houM_h<>jd

ipccioiiiBB 00 000/ ^riBtnti: po^Tlon to rlxbt PATUm . C, F. ADAMI CO.. W Uorkct «L

iS iS id 5 t M U l. Itthtiu HMiry (n .. Both.I. 3 ) IUIbUvb. » d Wind.. B l» 1 ,^ *’ Ord.t N id i jr IM. BBd Branch X DHtricl 5,II. FBUMfu Alllnon of AmorlM. Brvd L.^1 No. IT. UBiUd H itt.n of Norh Amtrlc.,

rMWtfully lnvH.d to utt.nd funw.l It iS t o t . rwldwrf. lid Swlh YbUot rood, i t ’c M M o t b l u n l v . ■BUt.mb.r d. .1

f i w S j T l I t S n « WOur Ludy ot th. -■ r O w n " whMi » »'i>' *>•••Bib Bill h* tBl.bfBirt for IM r.|io«

I ..u l iBlMtuwit In St* John'. Onn.l«T.X IM B -O b AucubI M l»l», « at tS . ri.ldtn«B dt bar diuahUr. Xro

AbBoII. Holt. XatT fio fM Toun*. •(W illUni W allie. HuuFi.Il of N.w-

I J, Fubini MrvIcBB u « intm nw i at Hbb. jf, J., OB Friday aifianwon, at S

ifoloefc.OUNAN-On SMtaiabar I. M a r y d w i h - ! af tb» lat. dobu and Ann Kjman.

and CMad. << tb. d K a a ^ a t . kindly ' to ftund th* Cunoml from Kir Inli e«, mo John « tm t, Saai KiwArh. jm

j ’ s r ’ riy'& BS. R b ^ y . ' o ' t fi"laa at 5«nlMn will ho offwnd for

of hn BOUl. InUrmant Is Ih. It th. Holy Swulchra.

lA S 'o f * ^ ! ! ! ^ J.StoSiirdr'fSHiwiy■ ■— of U . lata A.

p altar a Mart [day, Motambor

X., at Mr X t. naldaBc., MS Shill- U. Mo&lyn, N. T. inlOTMbt at ooU' It W family.

'la t . r a t ld ^ . No. HO K. J. Rallroul f NoUoa of towtti bortaftir. ” — —

psara |d'

a c c o u n t a n t —Mu.1 ba llril-olaM booh- iic*«pir end off Leo mAn: food CbxriCi for

idvAtieomint; aolarp to iU rl, 11!, CIO wMk; f iv i riferonciA AddrM* Account- • nl. fenn 41. NiWi offlci.AUTO Initrucllon, pructloAilr. m«h*nlOAM».

lichittciDy; iiAit now, rotd Inxtruatloni. Qfli »&I,iEA 8 QAmti. 41-46 PTillnfhuyMn ava

AUTo"DRlVINO---Rnj*lrtni: •pcclxl complete courM: |I0 . pientr of lon f rood liowM.

CARPENTER. 107 W lerlUo avo.

DISMAKEBt^TwO n fn « IWIA- InA. eompouud and combUjitlon dl*i, .•tat*

.iporl.nca and w a i« Bontod.J., Boa T. N .B i oftlca.

AddroM S. U.

DRUOaiST-RorHIarad aaalWant. sood M l^ ^ An.B.r BIth rafo«M a Silot.

Montclair. M. J.10 rltht party.Boa J, EranlBf Ntw. ofikt.DRD08-TauBa man Bllh wima hnowIjMa ^

aoda fountain and .tor. wotlt. B.MBVU. Pharmacy. I'pp.r M o n i c H l r . __________DBUO CUtRlt. rtaiat*r.d tMlalMl: t'for“ « »

■ ■ AddrMh AMliianl, Boa U . N .w irtqulrwl.OfflM.DRUa STORE boy BBBlwl; r.f.ranija raaulrad;

aMH h X i . t iM P V S . m Clinton av..thra.:nbau Its H. ~BNOINBER. oapabl. to optraia plant, oonalnlA of two . bolltra. on. IM H. P Corll*. on. IwX. W fin.rator and M motor.: tnu.1 M nbta to do own rpatr work and hno* hl.,bu*ln“ j thomuahly and M » b ,r and liHii«rt<iu., iM p n With to .tan, AddrM*. with taferonoa, to b. B.. Bo* M. N .M ofO ca___________ ___



SALESUEH'-Wo du ll* two afinaalT. and In- tollls.nt you nr man. with .n .n y and dw

Itrmlnalloo ta city talMm.n. to -call upon buitou. pwiplo: food opontB* f « aiwi of abowi rw]ulr«mmta. Apply t X M. and « P. If., room US. 2OT HarkM »L ___________s a l e s m a n —Eip.rlancad, hy lart. y.lall

furnliura houM: prwrtona a*p«dtaM In furnltura Mlllns not abaolutaly naomaary; alra a n . .iparl.aoa and rataranaa aa to charait.r and AbllUy. AddiWM Biparlancad. Box II. Nawi offlot. ,

ENQRAVER-Touns man. * » * ®°» ^ '*S y .a r .’ **|»r1tnca on .tn-lt^n* M l«r, t « u

chunoi for Ailfxnofmeiil. Primo Mlf- 44 ehlpmxn it, ______

BUTLER VALET. fM mooth, nrit-ciuii

. . boATd And roam, rtitncioic roaulred; diiv«r for

bAfdwnr* truAk; All-Around mAchlnliti hr«AA biktt. IAM> dmy: wAiUr-portar for oil*. wiik, maAli. tlpu; botul. lAUDdrymATi, $40', mAchlnlet'i hilpur, SOc. hour; niAiTlid mAn ( n prl»At« piAoA, $*0 month, trto bouoe, v*m - itbltA mllx, * c n , itc.: dltiMf And order cooks; eolOTM 0M4I for privsti fsmllr; ilM- trlo wtrsmtn, atlAtnrittira.

OCHMAN-AVeRlCAM AOIENCT. eniir* SAcoDd floor, ID Cidsr it.

E ftoiNR TURNER wsnl*d. Primo Mf».■n ItOn., 64 ahipmi

work;food w tn i. 0AMUEL IIURDOTIW W-.

air Cultoo sad rimbiwf atss.. Brooklya. K. i .rUAKG£KR oa m»n*ii *ot1 w

food w tn i- BAMUEL MO'DREIM ^ i

BOT-r-WintAd, by a mAnulAoturlaf eoncAni. a wall AducAtM opr of food mannaiA. who la

AmbUlooa Afid w lliiiif (A work and io laara; this la A imry food enmnoA for a huatlAr. Ad- dreu MAnufacivrAT, Box Oti. Nowi otfloABOtft—WJUitAd, onA or two food oApAblfl bora

to carry or aaU nornfhf nawapApan or both;fOM jM>ir. Apj>lyfood PAY to

MILlTvR’i .•xtrtdiaiAly. M ILLni’i . cor. EAtott pL, EAAt OrAPfA.


Itnma-I. And

BOYB—Two boyA WADtad io maka tbarn- M ina uAAfuli cbAaoA for AdraucAmant;

brlnf refaraAcA ADd warUnf papiri. In- culra IrklarnatlonAl Buttar (^n 440 Sprint- (laid Ava.

ftRlNDERS wantad for frlndtof lAf apAtulAa; food AAjr jm ir

hatp tiaad appir- Amirfoa:CAfO. lU ._______________

And (inlah-___ Rrit-clAot

Gutiary Co., Cbl-

GILDER—Wantad. flrit-clAM Pjf: ,~*w. XBNNTlura framaA BroAd It.

jCARY a Alt

.HOUSS-TO-HOUSE Chr<Vi8BB»B wantrf: IIS «i,ahly. AdSr... appUcalloa, itatlai a f., to

naOMhoU SpwUltlM Co., (1 Wttchuoi ay.., Wm i Oranse, N. J.h o n e s t wllUnt boy lo h.lp on intik wafon

and around dalfy. Apply tlT Union av... Irvlnfton. ________________________

lULEaifAH—A ilaady poMlIoa lor an up- to-dala aolleltor In th . prlntlna »nS 'tn-

Uontry llu*: u p .rt.n M d p r .f .r w , AdarM, flv ln f rAfaraacaa to Prtntlnf. Box II. Nawa offica. _ _ _ _

of *owni noma aarty and hava your cbolM. Tb. Oroya Enwlum m i Asmoy.B ut Ortnt*; 'phono WM; opan till t P. M. ■CHAMBEHMAID-Wantwl. a*p«i«icod wblt.

ProuwUnt sirl for cbambomuild Bad wait- rwa, moat hava parMnal rofarwica. Apply w Prom>act It., Baal Otanto. 'PlttW m OranfaCHAMBXRUAtD-Wutwf, eompa'lant chim-

b*im_aid and' waltiwM_at wim^ ooIo for

H C U iE W O X f;^ tor s o s a ^ Muawort;family of M t; ruwaao. loauIrM. IIT

■piRviapla ava, naar Orwya ti., B u t Otanja

TDVNa LADTEB «C awoa to apt U —'

HOUSEWORK—Wantad. whita firl far san- .ra t houM: oooh. waah and tm i. Call t i f

South Elovonth at, city; n u r C.ntral ava.

X A ^ f ic n a u D n r w ,-inn ----------- - — -ylU T 'l VOKK—Oolara,J < a n » ffd ^ m a n aD A rS WORK—Toun*

II Abbott;!,

up-tcfdal. houM. an*.

IT Proapact Or-

c h a m b e r m a id -w a it r e s s , „»hl^la.. rat«- .ncu: good wogm. Apply M HaUlwl at..

Eait Oransa _________ ,CASHIERS-ThrM

parcl wrappar. want WOOD. Tt HarlHt at

andpantnead caahjari _ iM . Apply VR. BRIT-

CANVASSERS—Woman canraaMr. to a.11 hoatam brlfbi onaa ara maklnf 11 t® II

par hour. J. 7 . BROHAL CQu tIT Bread at.CAKVAMER—Waniad] A cAnrAtaar;

Botblaf to Mil. AddrsH w . A 0.. Box 14. Nawa offlea. _ .... .......CARElfAKEH; wblta waman; nn ahtidren.

Addraaa B., Box II. Nawa efftca.

HOl'8EWORKER8-Tan ftrU. •» . IS>.coloMd, At 0AM; whUa girl, faaillr two ISO.

IfllamAtionii BuraAA. I ll PABAaylvAAlA ava.

ToUNo 'WOMAN to woirii • s^ lia n c id In enraat cnaUnj^


workJ. r .

r poaltlon. Apply a lu r 1 flB a lla v tlU ava.

& A r i WORK-rirt*-a Ins, ) W W.llaad avi


HOUSEWORK—Olrl wantad lo do s.ntral bauaawork; eouplA ho chlldrani oaU At

OAca. SI I FAlrmoAni av#.; draaeltiAlitr.HOt'ABWORK-Wktta flri for w

rk In amAtl_ family; food wagwon RldiA at. near DtSavtn Ava.. ForaatHOURtdWOHK-Oi

ranaral houMWift . .OUTIdANN. TO Pari


ral houatwerk; lir) waablnr and iranlnf. av4„ Bait OfAttf*.

HOV8EWOfiK-N«a(. wllllnf ftrl io AAilat wHh bouMwork; nuM UAdaraiaad waltlni on

table. 40 fouth at., door from Broad.KOUfiEWORK-Bxparlanead whita girl, family

vaxea; r4f«Wno« raqiilrad; 111 Orchard at.

C-Bxpai thraa adtllls; good i

call after 6 o'oloch.HOU8EWOBE

bouaework and uaj nlfhti. CAU 3T0 lit

for Uflit with cblldrca: go boat

PlMaaat art.Young fir] waitad


CHAROntl wantad on tine gold ropa JOHN N. LB188 CO.* 61 Arlington at.


BALESHBN wantad: axparlanead; whose■arvloAt ara worth fid par weak; bond for

1104 raqiilrad: permpnant paalUon. Apply room i l l , Union bulldmg. ___

DIBHWAiHEA-NMt girl to waah ramoue Luoeb.lunchroom.

dlibee In 26T Market at.

DRE8 8 MAJUR to atw lln: r. KCRUP. 4M Broad at

llnlngi In fur coats.

OlRLB^ExMrlaaoad liria and learaara WMtad. 'xtdan yaara oTf

BALE8MEN—Few aAiaamao to oomplai4 ton*tor apaclAl cAmpalgn; fond opportunity for

aarnaat mM. 46D.Bi<m^ald ave., Uontolalr.Aak for MR. ZANDERfiALBBMBN—Two aalamnaa wanted by lArga

company; aplandld opportunity to maka pood: g lv . ncord. Chanoa, Bo* t l . N .w .

s a l e s m a n —Pm UIob OPMi wllh local faeturw. Addrua Salaanan. Bo* TT,

otnc*. ____

local nanu-N.W.

lALEBMEN-Apply Publle Barvlc. Q u Oo., •alaa d^MrUnant. fSS Ham tt., Oraata. N. J.


JANITOR—Wantrf. Mupla. man and wif., for Nawark atertmant bouu. Call »l WM Har-

rtaon av*.. HarrUon. N. J ._____________KITCHEN HAN, food on ttort ordari. KOOR-

MAN'S, IS Main ot., Baat Oraa*.,_________



BOY wantad. not undw IS yura ot a*., toBomton,

a u l.t in chamleal laboratory: on. bavin* wm. tMhnlcal or nl '

niy. OB Saptambar X ISIS. lY M ral, Mrvloaa

----- ----------- ort.rr«l. KELLER our* pi.

hlah wibool aducatlon pra- A UER7, CO., toot ot Ham-

nna. M. on BOY—Wantad, brlfbt, aetlv. boy to worK lu roal .atata oftloa: antwar In own bandwrlt-

ln*t op. ruldins In th . Ornndu. Bo* IS, moiLEa,

h o n t h ’i M iin >tAK-A KMtb'i Mind Hlsta Haw of

v ia bo om rid for tb . npoao of th. tbs M C. Afpiaa Riorian at th.

Jaa« Siiroh. VHIaburtb, rjlday. Sm- I, ISIS, at i A. S i . and frianda ara IBTHad U aitanA

Ttasar'a AdvarUiUs A^noy, B u t Oran*.,____ boy vantad to work around

n ab l. and halo on wa*oni | l par waak. Call Mlwaan I and I p, M. II) at, Eaat O raasi.

BOT—Strona abl. and





BOT.lion, bU *TUI» LIIIWW uun lllilSK • wwvn. u-wv w

TA. U. CtU OToolAfn, Moond floor, Tal South nin*«Dth at

U to 14 rawra* IWlitf nav Ampara SU- to w<rt three momfnge e week. 6:80 to

A m a v B m M A R y m a s s

.XAN-k>4eeoiid AmilvarMiT Hlfh J fUanletn win be offered for the re-

F Ifce aoul ef the let* Mlcheol U. Bren- J e M fa C h u r^ rrlday. Sep-

' I . U U . at t : » Aa Jf. fU U U veeead 1 «r* invUed.

BOT-^Oood bocea, food Wegee for bey of 14 to Iff: live with employer: eara for borte and

offlee. AddrtH Hoint, Box 11, Newt offlik-e, Uoutoleir.BOT or yoimff mim, Amarlcho. Oarmen, to

leem meobwilQhl trade; exparlaoca or handy preferred. HERRUMO. 388 Nor<with toola

folk atn r lO E M O B U M

ndry af aur daushtar, Edna lad S.p‘*in*»r * -J * ^ * '^ a n n«t fertoitan, Rdna dabr.

^ iISTm*rar wlU yau ba. aa Ufa ■ ^_____ , Ja and mantorf last.

'a will ratitambar tbda.- MM, gCHOKMi* AMD FAMILY.

BOT—Bright boy, who can figure well, for office work; good opportunity for advance­

ment; etate ego, Addreae F. Box 6S, Newi office.BOT to vortc In hardware store; must have

refeienea: ehanee for edvaitcement. wages•6 per weA. OWVN8, S»5 Central ave.. East Orwinge.

V H V m T A X S M M

BURIAL COWAKT,coRK fik s ia H r a a t r ,

BOT. about 16. on hnUtlag ohance for advaneeiAcnt; a

A. M. Bmox RnitUng MIIU. I

machine; good >ply Friday. 8 m Plane at.

'Lr^pyTg jl ' ^nna black broa^loUiT'wblta* or allvar KATE Claanin* Coibam atakat. vUta naaalva Mu' bandte.


BOT, bataraan IS and IT yaUA to dallvar dara; imut hava good charaotar. Apply------- - ■jjj -Orang. *L

_______ pwta; eatkat tMutlfnJlir llaadKaa allk or Mtln; outalda caw, adnrtla- •mbalmiaf, drtiMn«, — — —

BOT—Bright youns boy want.d for .rrandi

_____ _ abavtns, ovuolfin,floMa, obalr*. baana and Uraa

any olt^MBatory. __ _IP U T B ^ R IA L OOMPAJITim L i-xm NisB FOX h ithat RiaunrM im to any higb nfoa alSOtWMraL ruoaral paylatw>r.a. ------ 1 BUHIAI -------- ------

and to mako hlmoalf u»ful around factory, MOORE A B(JN, 23 Oraon it., oily.BOT—Wantad. arrand boy la manufacturing

otrioaj^ i waak .at Mart. Apply 1tl» Fri­day. A . : t t Madlion at.



BOY. to do book-l“ sU t

ik-keeplng end eolleotlni Call t to t t l* A. U., or I l it to lilD P. N

B. ItASB, I t Balmont avaBOT, batwaab It-TTyaaia, wanUd lo dollvor

Can at C U R LE B JUDAS, butob-

■ O f Snad a t ,’ « « J-»*i>«SFifl^ llSSnJB T E

Bts^bcoadulolb, Wblu, pluah or Imltatta s f l l 5 * a t , bandM and Plata, llaad v ltb ^ V aHUL OHialiu oaM, advarilalna, aiBbalmlna. eaaMnt, abnvlikt. cruel ft* and candtlabra gtoraa, Obama baana and thru, ooaaba. to any

— —T ji runani narlan fraa. Mofa (w tban otfwad alaaVhara Ssaolal*fSl^la*'lf*’3itiib3?'***** **’'** '

'L/x* mssorders. - - --------

et shop. Irvington Cantre.

LAUNDRY drlv.r wanUd, “ P-n-""d; ulawv ta Heht oariT; steady position, weat-aslary to light party,

field Idsundry, Waetfield, N. :LEADMEW wanted; U bends. IM Oliver at.UBN—BEAD ALL THE C L lSttrtlD tdver

tlMUaatv ot saull dealei* wbo tell bow moeb money they hare oiidt lo the b s U order w i- bees; I stewed many of tbea bow and tbey nsde good; let dm IsH y « ho^ to ■«” • amal] oell order bnalnMa; v u w<»rxlDf pltei ere wtuere: 1 started w1» 16 and made Ug mouer the diet ^my free booklet, BBIcOCA. E 1826, Lock port. N. T, _________ ________m e n —'Whal'a there? ’R'here? Why, at 264

Market etreet, second floor. Many come from curlOilly and find pleasure, profit, ad vaneement. You can. loo, If you will Inves­tigate fairly, not think you know, without any real hteWledge df the facie. We hava the real goods/ and will demdnatjaie satts- faotorily. ____________________ ^MBN-MACHTNIBTS. toolmakera. jewelera,

wanted to use "One Minute Hand Cleaner; no water used, rub In iboroughJyr wipe bands with clean wairta; 10 oanta per box; we give free with 1 doxen order; Mtented nickeled drill block for up-to-date mecBanioe; ' made In Newark." Address OeneraJ Supply Co.. « 6 Fourteenth ave., Newark, N. J-MBK-'WaWed for U. 8. army. eW «-^l*(L un­

married men* between agee of IS and ^ ciriseiM of United Bietaa, df good oharteler and temperate hahlts. who can apeak, read and write the EJUlUh language; _fqr information




over slxtdeo years old. for Incandeaorni lamp­making; clean, light, tntareatlng work; oiier* atnra are welt p«M while laenUnff; working houra 7 A. tC. le 6:30 P. Baturdeysf A. M- to 18 U . Appljr aXNERAL ELBCTRIC CO., Boyd «i- and BtventeeDlb avw« before 8 A. k '____________aiRU.W ANTBD. » gRT a b s ^ ^ - ^ T ^ gKWlNd MAURI* . AND r itC B WORl CORBET WAIBT C NEAR COimT BT.



HOUffEWDRK-A competent white gtrl want- email family; no laundry work; good 8 rial ' • ‘ -

ed by ^ -wages. 8 riarendon pi., Oraoga. ____HOuilE^'OlUC—Reliable girl for geaarst house

work Jn funliy of two; must be neat atkd wllUng. 886 Llnpohi e»e>. Orenge.___________HDUSEWORK-Oeneral housework for email

family at Bhoft Hills. Applf B# m t h Munn ave., Eaai Orange: carfare paid-____________HOU8EWOAR—Wanted, white girt for gen­

eral housework In family el three adults:no washing. 41 HlllNide sve.MOUISWORK^Qirl for geneiml Housework;

raferences: carfar* paid: Orange car. U8 dmnwood ava. East Orange.


r u b b e r d e p t .. HARDMAN RUBBER 00 ., BELLEVILLE.

k6tJ8SW O EK ^irl for genarsl houMwork, good lawttfreaa; family ot lour; alMp homa;

reference. IIT Third tv*.KOUBEWORK-*Wanted. every day from 4

to B, girt lo aialai In housework; no Sun day worx. 100 Hamburg pi.

QIRL te ful in emeli «]

child; sleep homemake hereslt i

epertmwt e ^

l u n WORK wanted bkrten pU oliy^___

alghu. V X T U WORK-Wintet m 4t, rear.

H B t 4 r w A im E i> - . i f i 3 f A S D w o i o nENVBLOPBB o» B0*t

toau lu .pur. tlm*■ ■' n elOo

COUPLE: uihius mUR. girggiMr. <A» bunu.ODw, cbick.iu: wonuB. coofe: muM bMf

ht*b«t nfwtnuM riBurtlu* cbuiuelM. » • kiTMr. Induunt; *«a4 b o s . aod « • ( « fir right couiil. W. H. COLLINB. BW Bo.Au- vgrd, Bommit, N. A

i ;

II, N .w . olOo.,

COcrrLR. man gnd wtf., Frotutusl, MwrtMowui b in pihM oouMn t»r

•nguui lo .a u butlw*. wom.B u < Bur.uu at Domnllo R .qulr.m nt* SBt ul.. B u t O r u o ia ____________ _______

Aro<«&I iSSn

__ off all aetlonelll get uffuaimed with

Aauey, « 4 p w » l l t ,7 b.)B< F* * ( ‘I')MBBtb: ulM wenMO to wour cboloa 0*11 or 'i ItulB M.. *Mt Orun*.;

MAN or womun wintM tor fOnortl .itfOuiM ImH.I: luuniod oovplo protottM.

FroUnirtiujton « v o .____________________

aoDBEKEEPEH-R.fl NTon youro. wi.bM

for wMowtr or buolnoi Nowurb Bvonlng Nowu


PZAH18T- lat.

Wanted, a good vaudeville plan- Odeon Theatre, 166 iprlngDsld ave. t S X '

lEWORK-Compe' girl of 18 yai

aork; good refs* Box IL News oJ

RAOTIME piano oiaying pdslUvely uugkt any peraon In tB leseons; write for b r a -ny peraoi

let, CLARK. m Weinut St. *Phone 7MM Mht

IIOUBEWORK-^perl an wants ernploymen

work, wllh or wHh j In oouBlry or oUT; M

B U P L O V M K N T W A IT E D — M ENARCHITECT and building mifwrtntOBdOBt ^

i l l* . pormUBOnt poultlon: flnl-clooo Mpurl- oncod m*n with good roI.rouoM. Addroti

KODBEWORS-Young goMiwl boUMwerk:

•U; gMd r«twwc.. i

____ m*nArcblloel, Bo* «, Mow, otflco.

MOUBBWOBK—Whll.bowvork: rMoroDC


brwochH. CONST building. Found.4

ludlllog 1 ITjM ATOIT

tbuirIn *11____ _ CO..Ttln>b0M «3B MbU

HOUBBWORX-WhIl.boutowork: up*rl«i

gHNorita Fitib . 1-bo o k -k e e p e r , IB. n ir rM . w m TOun' PTf-'00. 1, tlia«li..plng tiiul .lock Itdg-r work or,*17 IblBg porulnlsg to tk. m.auf.rturlng pUM; goou ./■t.ingtli.r. AddrN* Crodontlnlo. Box IT, K.w. offle*. ,

otRLS—Wonted, two m.tdn on. m cook nod IwindrMA Oi. oth.r M

gnd wgltr.BB, In S m llr ot four. Apply It Olenwood **».. Knot OrgBgn ___________ nod pl.ln

o’clock, BP GTW.I

aiRIA—10 girl, wgnwd lo lt*m MWing >trtw b r l^ l.bito: ■Iti workraoBu:

Itnrn; m m At * « L " Atpdy M. CO., BU Ogdo-J ot„ Nowgrlt.

good tn d . to V m ork

OIRL for _ Who uadersl

neat and tidy. Hepatcong. Lai

work about hotel; one*^^nda chamber work; must benoa cn»Tnnr «giA»b

AddreM Hotel Durben, loske .ndlng P. ________________

OIRL8—Wanted, two while fflfH erencae: oook and

ehambermiMd. M188 VAN KBIREN. l-T Third ave., Newark.

6UP1RINTBNDENT-We are removing our factory to Newark and want a euperintm-

dent whs has bad experience In Oenoan sli­ver brushee and mlrroiw; we prefer a man mho can invest a modtrala amount of money, but this le not neceeeary; we want a capable man, to whom w* will pay a good salary. Addreee guperinteodent. Box >9, Ntws offlee.

CIIRLB, 98 yeara, wanted to work in leather goods factory: oaly bright ilrls rsm

good wagf Murray ef.

r,. only bright |irls naw apH^ k. KAUFMANN * C?0., 1«

BtrPERINTBNDBNT wantad for patent leather japan shop, to boll snd intx oolors; rmer-

eneea required. Address fihep, Boa 6T, office.


80LIC1T0E, coUector; good poaltlon open In one of tbs leading life Insursaca cODDSolea for a

Uts. bttilllDf, energetlu man; married, between 26-40 years of age, capable of giving firal-cUss reference; compeuatloa to start 11.000 per aa- Dum. Address B. E.. Box 63, News uOce.STENCXxRAPHER and aaststant In satea de-

fmrtment large manufacturing plant; good gbt young man able to handle correapend- ence snd write his own letters. Aodreaa

A. B-. Box II, News offlea.SHOE 8ALEBMAN, on# capable ef handing

both men's and women's grades, slate amount of experience gnd where last etn ployed. Address Reliable, Box 84, News of flee.

OIRLB—Bx*«l*uc.d U ok u f and ladlM" ww.*t.r ooati: good P-y: -l'«dy

work. Bratrfr. Knitting Mill. .TI Rlehmond .1GIBLB w .ntrt; cook. wtUrom . .iM AgtBoy. IT JoBM rt.i S. Ovong*: bpon. ISiBJaiIU £ , oxp*riwo.d — I

work to connti.t.ut U.lp. LINDSAT M.lal Novelty Work.. 19 pt

poww prw.: .tMdy

GIRL wanted for g .n .r .l work In con fee- tlDUery .tor*. Apiilr I7> C.ntral av...

Auto Ra.t, E»*t Orange.GIRLS—Neat, bright BnglUb-.pMklng girl*. IB

to n y« i» , for clean, lUtdr work, if yean, lor esvau,Celluloid Co. 380 Ferry »L

diahae; Slavic or Polish: sleep home, CREAMER'S Home Baking Co.

106 Belleville a v e . _________

A white girl to do light frem 1cooxing,

et.. city.until •

HOUBEWORK-Woman for cooking and house­work in family of three: no washing. 26

Evergreen pIa East Oranga.KOUSEKEKPER-Wanled. working houtekeep-

er, family of two; references; wages tS6. 76 'Vernon ter.. East Orgnge,HOUSm'ORK-Irtih wanted

houMwork: must cock.wsgea lOt Shaniey ave.

_____ for generalwiib and Iron: good

H0C8BW0SK—fHrl for leaara) booeawork: Bleep bofoe. Apply Qleowood Cafe, Park are,

sod NVth Thlrtreatb it.HOUSEWORK—Olrl wanted for general house­

work. Call at 88 Jefferson et., second floor, between 6 and 7 K M.HOUSEWORK—Wanted, capable white girl for

general housework at once. 43S Ceatral ave.. East Orange, W J. __________________

BOOK-KEEPER, lypawrlier; four y s ^ expsrtanoe: preparing for oollege. wlahea

Job after 4 P. H. and all day lUturday. Ad dress Competent, Box 44. News office.BAKER—Foreman, first-class on bread

rolls, buna and coffee oake; wlshM ^aady noaJlloii; write, or call bafere I r . U RBICKBRT. 784 South Seventeenth at., New­ark. ___ _BARTENDER-Kiperlemed man; buslneeafled.

baat rvftri-noe. wlahea to make chaote In belter place. Addreae Union, lio i 76. Neaa office.BARTENDER—Experienced, quick, eebar;

reliable; wlshoo poiJtloBi Addreas Uoaeat* Box 76, Newa office. _____BARKEIEPBR'B a ssista nt

gle, wail recommended. J. warren at.

young man, sln- MALLODT. 821

BUTLER—Young man wishaa pcsltlon as but­ler. carpenter work or painting; rtfersncce

846TW Branch Brook. _______ _

HOUSEWORKER—Wanted, competent girl for■ - ........... •• “ • thigeneral bciiarwork.

at., East OrangeaCall 86 North Eighteenth

HOUSEKBEFER wanted, to tske charge of fumlihod room houea. Call at 68 Court at.:

tel. 7890 Blrts IHOUSBWOKK-Wanted. girl for ganaral

housework; small family; reference requlrod. i l HlUalds ave. __________ _HOUSEWORK-Wanted, at obca a girl for

general houeework. At 816 South SfxtMnthstreetHOUSEWORK-Toumr woman wanted for gen­

eral housework. Apply at 19 Elm tt.. Or­ange^________HOUBBWORK—White girl wanted for gen­

eral housework. Apply it Hillside ave..o i l y . ___________________ __



WHILE l e a r n in g . MRS. COOK, 41 FULTON BT. ____________ _

HOUSBWORE'-CcaprttDt girl for generel bouse- wotkj two IQ family. lOh Nwlh Serentb et..


housework; sleep home.white girl for general

216 North Sixth at.

STONE SETTER—Firat-elaaa atone aetter on men's rlnga: only good man need apply.

JONE8, W ^ D A CO.. 9 Gordon SL________SAWYER wanted St oncel one with exMrlenee

on hat oaeea preferred. A. M. RILEYCO.. 86 William at.. Orange, N. J.STAIR builder wanted,

at,, Irvington.I l l Tweniy-firet

! m U “ N. J.

Eaaliah language; for Information recruiting orflcM*, 3M Mai^et sT.,

SODA DISPENSER wanted te work In dmg itore. 486 Orange at,

MDN-Wantad, nMl apdwrtni ' “ 7*!;aomeihlng never sold before; **•

bight; big money end steady: call after T r. M Vt. PASCAll 4*6 South tw .U th *t.. Mar Fifteenth a v a _____________


TCX)LMAKSfUI—Several good men ture and general work; steady emi

for right men; state experlanoe tnd wages wanted. Addresa 8. U . J., Box 8. New« office.

on Jig, fix- employment and wages

BOT wdkted In drug storet attaeid fountain and moJta himself useful. Bellevue Fbar-

macy. tjpter MontcUlr.



TOOLMAK81R. axperlenoed op tins gold chsin machine tools; one able to produce ohain by

modem methoda Address ate state previous employment. Gold, Box 64, News office.

- oarcalstsilor s m ,

BOT tb dellvarBox 18, News officaBOt T"46-17 ysM ^^'d,

drug store. P ”Bd Central ave.

and act as porter In with referenosSi L R.,

MEN-Two experWioed tire repair tt»n; c ^ e ready for work: bring refereneea. New Jer-

■ey Auto T l« mid Supply Company. W vow eve., South Ompg«-

TOOLMAKERS wanted; itaie age. expertenoe, rate per hour wanted and former place of

Employment. Address Tool, Box 86, News oC- fica

wented, to wat4t InMEN-B« » ditoctlva; -V®—*?-

WRAPPERS, ahlpplng deparimant: perma­nent poaltlona for faet wrappers on ex

month; travel ^vor world. Write ^ p t. yJ WIO, 647 Weatoeef bldg,, Kanaae City, Me.

I packagea; others please do not reply. Sfar‘ - ------

GIRLS—Experienced on sewing machinea.wanted. Apply 41 Arlington st.. ground

floor. __________ _g ir l wanted (o aaaist In-offlce: must be ao-

ourate. Addresa Referanuea, Box 78. News offica. ___________ __________GIRLS wanted for light factory work. Chlcla

Products Co- Ut. Fleeaant ave., Harvey ot. _____________

18 or 17. to aa Addraaa Bright,

list in general offlea Box 12, N«we office.

GIRL wantad In enced preferred.

vegetable atore; exparl- 744 Springfield ave.

GIRL—White girl for laundry work; Monday and Tuesday. 61 Hlllalde ava.. city._____

GIRL for clerical elalr.

work. Box 174, Mont-

GIRL wanted, floor.

Apply S2 Green si., second

work and cooking.a gliIDD San a ral house

f • 'South Sixth It.HOtjjKWOUK—Worun or gin wxot*d for gca-

houMwork. 648 Broad at,, city.HAT TRIMMERB-Soft bst trlmmars wanted;

experienced only- Call 168 Eaet Kinney at.KITCHEN GIRL for bosrdinx-bouse; go home

nights; apply after 6 P. M. 87 Fourth nva.LAUNDRT^Experlencad mangle feeder and

folder; don't apply unlais experienced, laarnsra wanted; wagea |T par weak. HILLIEF Laundry, 413 Market st.LABELER end cappsr, experlaDoed: must

be neat and Industrious; good hours. Ap­ply Crescenl Drug Store, 767 Broad at.

BOY icolortd); age IB. wants work of any kind: Juit from the South. 66 Nortb Cllntoa

st., East Orange; ‘phone 2808J Orange

BOVAEWORK—O arm i Otut fta«ral houeewor

B o u E r a i S i R wif*ed maomUm *.

&OBBBWORK'-ln a ooflRtry. I l l Hall

iAlTlTREBB desires p rtferetioe. Address

tnob.UUNDREBB-Tlret c

tiAUNDRCB6-nr«t-> wsshlpg at home,

FtCteenth at.. WewarllA U N D R nn. Clrst-0

two days weekly, i t , Neva offite___

fDRESfl, flntH Belmont ava, <

aOY-Color*d t»y wliha* poiltion u Mil My, houM tey or elevator boy; af*d l i . 7 BusiiX

Th^at O r a n g e . _______BASRR^Yeuat man wlibes_posilloo as flr«-

ctaaa cake baker, Addreae C*lie, Box 6. Newa

BOY. eighteen, would like 1j>Chance of advanceiDetil. Gall WURToEL* 61

Nelson pi- __________ .

KURSE—Maternity tpasUg oompeteb

ijfnn to suit, PtrOrange; 'phon

B O R IE ^ en eral oaaesi emergeno;

^ I s y rood. West Orange, ______

BOY 17. mulatto, wishes position: Al W^r- rnraa W. SloORt, 10 Bsecher at., dty.

CHAUFFEURS and fine mbch^IcA of reference: wages from 810 to

week; svhlts or colored; also handy m«A: bs without help whan we ean supply once; trial makes friends. ploymant Agency. 148 Main ft-, East OTbtsge. ^phone 3468: open Ult 8 F M- ... a.


miy you atThe Groys Em*

CHAVFFBUR-*-Whll«. single, wishes Rori- tion with private family; competent and

careful driver; best rsferencee as to Heneety. ability, character and experience. Adofoss Honest, Box IT. News offlor________ .CHAUFFEUR. 28. wlihei potHloa; 6 yeara'

•xpsrionce; careful driver; make r ^ lr tCXpvriunua, LftivAHi —.... ----- _have beat of refereneea ae to ■'1ability. JAMES TORLUCT. 166 Bloomflsld ave.. city. _________ •

MVRftD-^ woman MflUon at nuree;

BMse call or addresd h t iE . practical, 1

, good hotu ik a Call 4

wlahea pool good bouaekeeper.

l&nk ft., top floor.NTJR8H5—Woman w

nurse and hoasek 16 , Newe office.ATUATIONS want

dMmbsrmalds anwhita and colored; i

, phF w a l k e r Ag< *pfcons B68 Bo- Oran,iTENOORAPHEB.

perlance; working ■paalah and Germ ireae BUno, Box 42,

c h a u f f e u r , eelored, private family; first

chanlc; teven years' experience. E. H. W.. Box 25, News office.

wiehea potItloB with firat'-claHs driver and me-

Addraaa ' i Y


work thoroughly; 1 I L Box 44 P

CHAUFFEUR—Cowpetant ehauffegr « l a ^ p4iwUlon; beet reference:

country or city. Addreea C. A. D.» 67 ■ouin Fifteenth e t. Newark. ________ _________

LAUNDREBS, Tuea^yea 14


WarringtonMondays and pL, East Or-

LAUNDRESB wanted; German woman pre­ferred. Ihquirs at 86 William at.. Orange-

OlRL to tsnd tailor store, ave.

23 Boulh Orange

May Hanton pattern Co.* 120 Pacific a t

___ _ to Baehsrlt(leAohenbeatattsr)** tS u t i? * K 5 u iu

noSisEfi" &rayk, M. J.t -phoag lom -WavMly.

BOY to I**™ bglwry buMnoH, about II yoOn, «f ago. Cali at Caotru tv*, *od i t ,

btfearr. * P, M, _____

MBN—Two ttfigl* men la tn t PMOtT.VMj: n*u: ra(«r»nc*» raqulrtd. B 4 LL|M a N

BROS.. BloamlKId. N. J,

WBITSRi IntalUgont; lilg* Incoin* oorro- BpdtelAf for DswspaperB: no canvaaalng. For .........* " * dreate,------------------- ----

- , myUllAglOMm gvo UBWV gtWVJB. VMU, * MVtlgM . ^ VIpardoulara Press Syndicate, Tl6 Lookporti N. T.

tfefwk* __________________t F r a n .f -r « m I win tumtab t (Ittt-

gl, .l«olii4ln« BtMva or c r^ tto a .

BOY to nm «t»nd* tnd ititk* hlmMlI uMtuI: on* with bicycl* preferrod, Ctll BJI Clifton

tv*.; n tr .B O T -SB htb S^ w an tiir^ A p ply T. J. CAVA-

NADOK #1 Oliver »l., ow. McWhorter


bi«f Weat At. I andarukar A ^ ler. L. D. 'piwn* I«T Mot- alfht. Vtuiaral parlor* It**.

07 obA :boy wtntad, aipaiianeed, to v?mlt la grooary

atort Addraa* Orocary. Bo* 7i, Nawa b»Ic*.

HAN—Clavar American, not under *0, to *e- elet In Ihe lale and promotion of educA-

tlonat magailne; muet be very neat In appear- ■ ance and have flrat-claaa refereneea; ffted

Chance for advancement to right man: houra aod good income. Call between ft :flO and 11‘A. ¥ . , MR. GLASS,. 62T Essex bldg, 8t c iim ^ jtt

TP'ANTEDr persona having infomatltm shout army and navy dassnersi liberal pay. Chief,

116 Nassau at.. New York; room

GENERAL housework: wanted, experienced irl for genera i housework and to aealst

ironing. Il7 Lincoln ave., near CheeUr ave.; ‘phone 823R. Branch Brook.__________


g e n e r a l houaeworkar, with knowUdga of cooking; to wait on tabie and help other

flH. IS Mt. Pleasant ava.; flint bouse in rom car U n a . _____________

WATCHMAKER—Wanted, experisneed watch­maker: mutt be well recommended; steady

position. Apply 264 Market at.

c a l l s n a K A T rajD w t,____rannSTA K E R t a n d KMBAtMMUL

B rm u rus*t*l Forlaiv

BOY-Bright boy (or otflM work. National Blata Bank building, ‘

Roam SOS, 810 Brood it.

Ma n vrontOd to work about bom* to ouburb and to m*k* bliMSlf g«ner»lly uwftll about

bou**: good r*f*r»oe** required: *“ 1® A**i natlonijllr, rollflon, tte^ W*,P" raontb; good home. Addrase Suburb. Box 17. News office.

YOUNG man wanted, 18 to 92 years old, by a manufacturing concern’ those who want to

apply must have tha following qualities: Am­bition. good education, good manners and ex­perience in office work, Address Opportunity, Box so, News offli’c.__________ ___________

^ 978 BROAD tT.; f ylimma* |I1 tHikrt N * n ilL N. 1.

BOY, 18-18, wanlOd: *t**dy «mBfoyni«nt. ply RCBINOW Tool "Work,. SS V«**y tt.




m BROAD BT.____________ ^» 4 « iiA tn giir.aKBiJiL funtrtl dlrwitor, now

■oMdSTnUA T«l.S04tW*tr. run*r*l otap*l fWA

BOY wontid In Sroo*ry iloro: wAgr* 18. 898 Park av*.. oor. North El«v«uth it.

BOY w*ntod In batebrr *od gtootri boi)****. L. PIBOHBL, 802 8ui*t* tr*.

SfA.N—Wanted, a man to make concrete blocks;must have tome experlenoO. APPiy ft

WBREH ReaUv Co.. Btuyvesani and ffprlnffleld avea.. before 9 In the evening or after morning.

YOUNG Ma n over 31, bright and active, to assist office manager with books and

correspondence; tend required; address In own bandwriting only, stating age, expert

OffInrr wanted, Box S9, News office.ence and Address Office,

iR AND %MBAIiHB8. jR BSRVICBB.48S iprlngflild at*.


Orov* 8 t BMtlar, Eoit O m t* . . L C*tl*ll lb ttUodanCA T*1 COBB

A BDANLET COLD, Du4*rtAk*r Aod Brob*lm*r.

tU Oniai* It. BrtvAt* (uniral ohapALm 1188 B “I B. B. and ItM OTtng*.

KTILUAM F MULUN.f u n e r a l d ir e c t o r , __




M IM M U f BT. TEL. 7T0 WaTitly.

BOY-Wani*d, bright hoy.foot of Centre at.


MAN, **p*rl,nc6d. to polish (urnilure; non* those knowing h<but

need I TIAN

ippty. flhipping SCKMIDT. Wrr

jOw to do the work Depar.tmani. CHRI8-

rnlture. 74 Mercer it.

YOUNG MAN (over 21) as stock-keeper la furniture waxahouse: tnual have good mern-

)ry tor numbers and patterns; 812 a week -talary; give age, experience and refarence. Address Warehouse. Box M, Newe office.

HELP — Female applicants of the Bureau of “ ■ of theEmploymant of the city of Newark, who are

desirous of speedily securing plaoes In flrat- olass famlUei aa housekeepers, cooks, chamb^- maldi, nurses, etc., will pleaes cell at the bureau's ladles' reception-room, In the oily hall, annex building, on Franklin at., every afternoon (excepting Saturdays, Bundaye ana holidays), between the hours of I end 4, whan they wilt meet Itdlee needing their aervioesT No charge for procuring, employment._______

UILLINERT TRIMMER wanted; also second trimmer; good positions foi right parties; i» -

ply by miU or In peraon. RUDOLPH IIIL- LINERT CO.. 616-618 Wariilnglon si., Ho­boken.

CHAUFFEUR and mechanic, nine yean ex­perience, six years one place; wptrt jrith

molor truck. Addrtt* OwuKtur, Box *. Ntwa Offica _________ ___________ _____c h a u f f e u r wlahea position with p tt^ le

family; eevea years’feference. Addresa Private Box 64, Newg of-flCiu ■______________ _______ ___CHAUFFBUB. 21, wlahee

conmerolai: beat rsfarancea C, WOERRER. 186 Epplrt at.. E. Orange, ‘

MOTHER'S HELPER—A refined young woman wanted (German prefarred) as nstber'a

helper; references. lIRfl. ENTRUP. 397 Es­sex ave.. Orange.MEBH bag s—U nkera on baby msab: expert

enced only; good cash pricei; ateady work. S. COLITI&. Metropoman building, cor. Wash- mgton and Market eta. ___________________MESH Bags—Experisoesd mesb bag Unkera oa

good working naah: steady work; cash on de­livery. 148 Sixteenth its., between Ninth andTenth ets.MAKERS—Waatid, firat-claat .makers for

bats, also improvers. Apply v. U. BEST* 26 Halsey sL* city.

HELP ef all natlonalltlss wanted; white and colored, to fill poritlOns as cooka

waitreaaea and chatntermalde and general houseworkeri; no charge until suited. Ap­ply WALKER Agency, 6 South Orange ave., South Orange; 'phone 868.HELP wanted of all kinds i

ment ofrioe, East Orange. GORDEN, 164 N. Park at.:

the employ'' C. VANHRS

'phone 441IW.h e l p wanted, all natlonalltlet,

Hungarian Employment Agepey. Ington at.: tsJ. fHHi Market.___

Austrian- HB 'TYash-

MILLTNERS and apprentices wanted. M. THOMSON, 11 Vote ave., South Orange,

NURSES—Young women for praetloal train­ing In private hospital; time given in ex­

change for one year s oouna. Call Gladdm L ^ e , Irvington,__________________________n u r s e —A practical or tratnsd nurse want­

ed In a doctor's offlee. H I Esmx ave..Orange.___________ _________. _______ ting all-

only experienced hands need apmy, Char- ..................... "ar Pa

OHAUrrEDB (colored) wlsbee yeara' inperieiice: good reference. X*. WATTS. ............Fifth It., diy._____________ _676 North '

CHAUFFEUR—6ei»en yoare wishes poalUon; rslsrenoe*


of experletca. 41 PaiTow at,.

GARFENTBRING-^Repalrlng or new work;plastering metal eelTlng: painting, p a w -

itiit. sash and doors furnished* AdueBSHe-injf. saeh and doors furnished* ebante, Box 34, News office.CARPENTER FOREMAN, oodersUndi all psi^».**.**.. ___________ -

of bolldlof trade; strictly sober. 'Phone 3166WWavvtriy, eveDlngi.CHEF—Experienced, good eirvet and ettvicee;

GerDsn. 43 Bentler tt.

•TBNOQRAPHER- pksr deslree pod

Bfanr f i t . Addr iwi offlee.

b t b n o o r a p h e rraphsr, woman '

sAdresa Best ftef< floe.

f lV S REASONS DRT lERVICTB Is B^eoted system gl yen aeied-Hleilvery it wash class of II fbansts art lautee iWthod—we hkvw

^RudUng FAMILY and have learned"^*****'^AT 6 a

r bit ^ yourtte*, will be troned d l^ a will be dr prooiSi. will be q\ ug. Not much Ire ^ L L TAKE AS

The lAundry v HILLIKR ROUC 41S Market st*

DIE and tool maker on combination draw­ing* contracting sab prats dies; wide ax-

perienee; had oharge for a number of in roenufacturlni concern. Address Bffl- clenl, Box 71, News offlee. ________MAN, middle-aged, experlenoed, wishes posi­

tion as bartender and portsr. FRED DECK- TNGER, 333 Fourteenth aya _______ 'MAN. all around, thoroughly understaads

all about horses wishes work. Apply 81 Linden ave,. East Orange.MAN understateinc cate, of

wlahee steady poaltlonhersee and cows

E. R.* 108 Howard a tter Shirt Co., 88 Austin st., near RarkhursL

bo y —Brlgiit boy wanted for offloe. Apply 1001 Essex bulldlnff.

BOYS wanted for atockrootn. Belleviiis, N. J.

TTie Aritto Co..

MAN living In Blobmfleld or MontclsJr. to canvass sad collsct; m s

Call Friday, 8 to 9 A. U.. room 19. 46 Clin­ton it.. Newark. ________

bo y Id to 18, In drug atore; ehanee tb learn. 200 Bank Si.

BOYi-Two Msiket st.

strong boys. H. RUTKIN* 369

m a n wanted: one who Is experlenoed. In washing and running boiler and engine;

salary |14. Appiy Rahway Btsam X«aundry, Rahway, N. J. ______

y o ung m e n —Use your spare time to build UP Q mail order business of your owry. ws

help you start for a share In profiU; 27 op- poitiumiee; particulars free. Mutual Oppor- lunitlea Exahsngs, Buffalo, N. Y. ____

BOY wanted Id butcher shop, at.

341 Mulberry

BOOK KEEPER wanted, young men betweea 17 and 20 years of ago to keep books In g w e iy

sad butcher businesa: answer la own baodwt- Ing] accurate at figures. Address J. «.* Box16, News office. ___

MAN wanted, acquainted In Bloomfield: un­derstands butcher and grocory businsse, call

GEO. W. KORNOFF. TO Montgomery st., Bloomfield. ._______

YOUNG MAN, about 17. familiar with get and deliver orders for grocer snd

butcher; must bs l.oneat and reliable; stats ex> perienee snd wagea expeqttd- Address ELMER. Box 38. News office.

HOUfiEWORKERS, cooks. chsmbermslds.waUresMi, nurse girls, comspnions and wom­

an to work by the day: ws have the fineat places and best wagss In and out of town: come to us and we guarantee to place you at once; bring your reference. Tha Grove Em­ployment Agency, 143 Haln at., Eaat Oraage; rfthAn* ns ■

OPERATORS wanted at oa«e on Alngar power mschlna, on plalu sswlug; steady work; good

pay. 17 Main at.. Newark.

) general heusswevkar- AddrsM Qeai^> Boa 4L News olticS. .

OPERATORS—Experienced two-needle _ lacers.•eainers, boxers, BTEVBN80N A BTETNER,

267 Market at.* city.

PAPERHANGER and painter|_ flrat-class me- chanlo; has all necessary toblt; wishes worli; -

Mniraet Dreferred: brless rssnnabis. AdArssacontract pfefetred; prices rssnnabis. “ k. Box 60. Newe offica

^phone 8468; open till fi P. M.

MAN-Wanted, strong colored carry sample esses. Csll at

ney. tetween (I and 9 M.___

young man to iTO w est Kln-

YOUNQ HAN, single, to travel In Jsreey. vis­iting established irsds, on commission basts:

earnings low to start; personal application,“ .. --- (5mornlnga only. 38 Lakeside ave-. Orange.

' HOUSEWORK—German woman or girl about 86 years old, for hdusework, help with cooking,

washing end Ironing; abort dletsnce la country; for three grown persoDS; give wages expected and reference* Ateress Oermsn. Box AT. News offlee.

OFFICE girl snd eatiT Mark; Rowvifis or East Orange district prifsiTSd* Address

Clerk. Box IS, News offloe.

p a p e r -h ang errisy or eoausetl

---------- COIwrite JOSEPH

snd dtw raiw w siti work* very tessoMUs, Cell or

iHBN. 408 South estenth i t


PAPER BOXEB-Experltncsd etripvsrs. Uble workers and (uro-ln glrla; pisnty of work:

DRAKE-MORRISON Paper Box 686 North Third it., take Bloomfield oar.

PAPERHANGER wishes work; work ruaraP- teed; Ite . per roll. Address Work. Box U .

News office. _______ _____________PAINTER, American, rsUsbls; liss laddSTA

Ba k e r for out of town; one who thoroughly undersUnds his buelness. Apply fl., , P.

LYTTLB. Mt. Proapeot ava, ot Fidelity fn a t Co.; tel. 1B7TJ B. B.

MA,V waned to do general cleaning In thea­tre. Inquire Plata Theatre, 400 Spring-

field ave. A

YOUNG MAN. from 18 to 20 years of ase.helper to shipping clerk in factory, state

age and experience. Address DMC., Box 9. News offttt.


PRE6SERS iflrst-clasa) on ladles' garments establlaboieiit: refer-

scaffold, etfl.: will do good palnttnt ’wnMWA- sonable; estlmatea given; rerershtio. BRUNT*


for dyeing and oleanlng i ___URONATl, 6T6 Main, corner HArriion

•unauis,483 Badg«r ave.

MAN, middle aged. Addreas Cafe, Box

BAG MAKERS—EngUah travsllng teg mak- frs; only oompeient men need apply.

LOSERE BROS, SI Chsm teri st„ New York


:lean up around cafe. News office.

y o ung m a n wanted, to get snd deliver or­ders and no cars of horses; reference re­

quired; German preferredi 400 Bergen et.


enss, it.. East Orange.

MBSSBNGBrR BOT8.YOUNG man wanted. IT or IS years old, with

some experience in aa office of a hat fac­tory. Addreas D,. Box 87, News offloe.

^7^ ^ST A V U a L. ERB.' FUNERAL DIRECTOR* ___ _

j y y y j A M ST. TEL. 6ta m a r k e t^

City.8ARBEH—I DHd * good bvbor tor SgtMrdor

unday only: al*o * h*ll-i>*rb« lor work. AIjroNSO MIRABILE, 12


aloody Bl*th av*.


f e r r y bt. : o p e n ev e n in o b .I 8808 MARKET.


bstwsea Newark, and Eliubetb; on . _tos trolley route; fare 6 centa; not a t cottpany; tnoney spent in linprovementi! itlflil section reoantly laid out; pennasent

«s lawn plot and lawn crest lots; cash terttal payments. Addreae HENRY M.

fiupsidnlsndent, Elisabeth, N. J.SAIT RIDGELAWN CEMETERY, Delawsnna,

j f , g . .o a trollsT Una between Newark snd “ lals* rinsst Id fiU te Perpetual

I of four graves ttfi up. 'Fhons J726 Pae- Newark nfflcs, 02$ Broad et.; tel.iaidMkt.

M iE fD A iS ^ B M in eR Y —Franklin ava andJ S h l

W psrpetual qspi free.

fwaJssMm si', BloomGeld; Gnsat kept ceme- i plots of four graves, 8w up: slnrla

'Phone 12a graves

BBflO litJTIO K S E N G R O S S E DATUND. 174 Bummer ave. Tel. T07R

ea artist, ulnmlnator, examlnsr of writing,

IB O H IN E K Y F O R S A L Er plain a te tend milling maobines, ansrs, screw cutting, sptsd end

rer presses, drop hammers, spindle drills, screw ma* motors, boilers, engines,

window tans, blowsrs. jewelers'C splteios* emery grindera anvils,

wood working machinery, Gn- leather bsUlnig tengers. shaft


■ynMiou MtO-IUll Mkt


YOUNG HAN wanted In trunk store; refer­ence required, H. STUMER, 8S dprngfleld


HOUSBWORK-Olrl wanted, competent^ for general housework In family of tnrea

adults* no washing; would take thoroughly recommended colored girl of expsrisnea. Addrsas Housework. Box 77, News office.h o u s e w o r k —Wanted, nesT expil'enced^Irt

J. REPBEFBNTATIVE Otdy) of good appear- -* ence, heat dresser, sad strong parteoaltty;

mbit poaiets good business ability, ted be a

p a in t in g ,pULStsring


teper-hanglng, katsominlng teas very rsaaonahls. .TACDB

ROUGH DW Dost youT waahs

Or do you have will do year wasi • f this wtwk ever

, , - t h e r :I Bash family's «

gwnpartmsnt.Ha do not mark Wt uas only the We do all the i

Isiisst and hardei We do 16 ponml Over tfipouads WARDELL Bte«

R tm k .

:WAEHING-6ttet e the UNEEr

doISt High st.,60 oeots: retnme

> Ubs; give usWASHING—Oer

end Ironing, J i t , Nsws office.S?A«HINGM3errT

sad troolng. t vlghtWa s h in g - ^

and cleaning, right.IWaSHINO wsnti

tad Ironing. T(WAiHlNG--G<rr

washing ahd lrIS fiouth Bsvsateanih tt*

PAINTER, psper-hangsr w teti fuarantee<^ It day; 16c. roil. BHKiLHAiNk

for generaJ housework in Small feuntly. lotkd maid; no wsehing; must be good cook:


BARBER wanted At once, or halt barber, a well taught spprentioe boy; at once. 644

Washington ave., Belleville.BARBER wanted for Friday, Saturday and

Sunday. KARBY'fl barber shop, SS3 War­ren et., cor. Csmden.

MACHINIST, young man with expsrlencs on buttonhole, button sewing snd two

needlo machlnee: good opportunity forbTlghl, active boy. Apply with reference. Charter Shirt Co., II Austin it., near Park- hunt.

YOUNG MAN wanted on power press. Ap-

sec(good wages, minutes from fiouth Orange sva

117 Vow ave., South Orange, tffiUty.

fluent talker; one who oan gain t e audlsAce 12 Hillside pi.wherever sent for an literylsw: moM M per- tKt>Pgp~r r *i v.****, «ark mfectly htmsit and honorable, and ootne wellreootnmended; no csnvBssIngl. nothing to tell: oontract. G. JOHNSON, II Green at* cHy.a oteaa business position; salary to begin HI weekly: do not answer unless you ote meaemre up to the rcoulremeiits of thli adv. Addrsts Interviewer, Box 20, News offloa

PRBSBMAN^Bevea years' sxperieiwe t e Off- don and Unlvereel presess; ten do all f f ^ s s

of w^rk. Oral

Addreee 3. 0>. Box L, Nesrs etflas,


BARBER—Wanted, good barber for this fist- urdsy and Sunday; steady Job next week. 42

Monroe et. ___ ■

M.\KE your spare time be profitable to yon;you know at least one person whom you can

induce to ttee out life iniurance: write for partlculara Connecticut Mutual Life Insur- anoe CoiBpftny, 786 Broad rt Newark, N. J.

a d d r e s s e r s wanted, experienced; no oihere need apply. Addresa, giving exper­

ience and full particulars to Pacific, Sox 84, Newa office.

HGUEEXEEPEIR, to assist one servant In wid­ower's family, one son of 6 yssrs, wba. at-*

tends day school, resldM at home; Protei^nt Christian woman of refinement la desired, dreaa X., Box 87, News office.


BARBERS—Wanted, swsry day. Uaatef Bar­bers' Protective Unton, 181 Bprtngfleld ave.

BU0HELM AN—Wanted, experienced: alaopreesJng. Call at once 167 Bloomfield avs,,


M^TAL MIXER—Wanted, a man that ean mix braes and whtte'bronse; 20c. per hour;

i^od ohance to advance to Intelligent .man. Address Die Caetinga Box H. Newe office.

___ . are: penncurate at figures. S, L. DOwD. butehsr

and grocer, 111 Watchung ave,, corner Al­dan at.. West Orange,

HOUSEWORK ERB-Glrli wiahlDff food posi­tions at ganeral houaeworktra ohambw-

maids, oooks or waltreaiea aptly St URR SCHAIT‘0 Employment Office, W7 sVi., Upper Montclair.


HOUSEWORK—Competent woman tor gen- three in ■erat housework;

BUTCHER vrantedi young autn to help store emd take and deliver; must talk Gt

79 Nlagari,___________ ____ _____BUTCHER—Young man* about i l years old,

to work in butcher ehop. 87 4 Academy st.b u t c h e r wanted! referetto* required. ROTH

ft CO.. 847 Warren st.BELL boy wanted for apartment. Call al

8 Harriaon et„ Eaet Orange.BOOTBLACK wanted at UBBMAN'B barber

shop, 146 Market at. _ _________ _____CLlORK In coal office; bov ilsteen, or young

man with anme knowledge of book-keeping' civt. age* reference a te salary expected, drees Coal Dealer, Box 94. Newe otfloe.


OFFICE BOT wanted* must be grammar school graduate: about 14 years ot ags;

careful, witling and prompt; advancsmetil solely on merit Address B.,•ffice.

BO O K -K BEPER ^niy one with yean of axperienoe; state salary sxpsetad and full

particulars Addresa Book-keeper, Bex 1, News offloe.

ISI to right party Washburn pi.. Ca' field ave. troUsy.

family: wages MRS. 1. L. EVANS. II

ashburn pi.. Caldwell, N. J.; taka Bldom-

Box 81» NeweBLOCKER and ripieher.

boxes; call at once to worl Bedford et.

ixpcriSDoed, on round orV J. M EiesU 29

HOUBBWORK-Whlte girl tor gteeral houM- wcrii; Gsrmai] prefemd; olw flat; asuuii

family (8); best refereBoe Oftff ctnildsrte: gote horn* for right party. Adqrssa Family. Box 86, News offlcfNews

OFFICE boy for large manufacturing oon- cern: addresa In Own handwTlting; refer­

ences. Address Opportunity, Box 82, Nei officer ___________

BUTTONHOLE MAKER wanted, experienced,et BUTPHEN'S* 197 HSisey it.

OIi/ERB—Two flretclati < winted; stMdy with fi

oaoe. Laaiex 00.. Factory, Bi yea at.

irlenced oltere pey. Apply st

luaeex ava ted Dur-

426:OQKB, laS-ITO; t«Jitereef*e. (TO; wsltresees, 130-828; houeeworkere, 880-126; purete 880“

26; all white: largest office, best ptscak hlte- wages; no registration fee. OUTTRuP.

*!>fang«: etde dogr. Plenty of

HOUSEWORK—Girl for giMral lionsework« Swedish preferred: good'homO and sx-

eellent wagss for compettet gtrl;SO Evergreen pi,. East OrangSi


tS Centrs st.. OrangeEast end South Orange placsa

HOUSEWORK—Gin wanted for i|«6snU house­work, In family of three; every Sunday After­

noon off: Bleep home nights. REED. IBo Washington at., Eaet Orango> -___________ __


REQUIRED OT HAHNB ft CO.APPLT TO s u p e r in t e n d e n t BE­

FORE 10 A* H.

PRINTER want! Job; 'said out my print shop* want work; caa do press worj^jOed

thovoufhly reliable. Address QRlrFTN, North Arlington. N.

m S i‘.BTENOGRAPHER-Competent young lilte.high sobooi fraduatSv desires poaltite with

rspulabls law office: am ambttlou a te MM worker. Addrses Coinpsteot, Box 84. News of* flcs*

8ALBBLADT to work In corset store even­ings: one ifvinf in vtslnlty prefsm d. Ap­

ply after 8 F. IL, Corset Store, 817 4 Or­ange et- ____ ____________ ____________

or iMtihitieiB. A«ih»** w»it*r, IW Ww* at,.

BA.UBU,ADT W*nt*a (or dry f0*4« *tor*i on* with <*P-™ta9*_fr;5 >rr.d: i C V * ^

to rt*ht party. . n o ]

TOUNO KA.N, tn M U nit, < with art and e n tt ihep; 1

hlo work. Addr: *wi DfCIc*.

photopaphlo work, i o * n , N*

BALBHWOmiN w*nt*d tor 4ry good* *ter*;only thoo* UtIb( In tb* OrU(*a. lB«uLr* P.

BCWARTZ. » » Htin It., Otmh*._________t b t m o Mr a n , •tronr. waat* eOtltd* w ort

on auto or w*teti tnwki boat r*— ' — Addr*** Astib Bo* i , ttomo otOaot

dAliMLADYJW jwujl b*by•tor*. A*hf**» B«[*lt, Bo* V . N«wl otfte*.


lU L.»L, elly.

)eB and tyMwrltOf; book-kMplnt t*4uL._

N MOohln* Worki, I-IA A>t<A«t*kult«d. Cat!


YDDNO HAN. 16. wl*h*l pMItlSB u th*ip*r. a . h d l l b k . w .aiaton *1

h ? ^ « o S “ Tpp?? i f l W ^ ! F 3 :

BOOK-KBEPBR-Thorouffhly eotn|Mt4ia very accurate ted rtuable; lift Address w ow n*

Bex W, News otflte. ___

o pe r a t o r ,atrs; must


aeilflsDt tor motion picture tho- bs reliable. 794 Summer avs*.

c o l l e c t o r —Al collector, by reliable iaetat- ment houses for Elisabeth and vicinity; good

opportunity w right party- Address Collector, ^ x 46. Newe offica_______________________CARPENTERS—Rough earpentere wanted

for concrete forma Apply O'ROURKE Lumber and Coal Yard, ueweilyn Park, Weet O r a n g e .___________________________CARPEMTERB wanted; esveral good trim­

mers. Apply 8 9 -Isabella sve.___________c a n v a s s e r and saUsman for piano; salary

1 oMnmIsslon. Call 8< Habford pi.. Cald- before 9, a t noon of after 8 r . M.*X

XpTOllH boufbt, Hold and ra- WttUf. flxtor** and (uppllta

_J|* i Ja c KSOV. Itr Horkat it.. $t t*L *616 Ifafk it,________________

CANX'ABVBB tor dry ««d* [Mtalrunt bu«l- neii. Addr*** Caitv*i**r, Bo* IS. Now*

ottlco, ___________________


e b b , II WARD IT.;

I tuMloii loA a ___Bt, MHdt**. f»a

Ai Modulo*. It*' ■th at.

■tratght lln* at- ig. *cc*nti1o: lUu » *hpn, *d Bcottb

CAKVASBKRB wantad f « tM and *o«** hu»I- BHUHO, 111 8prla^*rd *y«.

CLERK, **p*rleBc«), tor **toU vt«*lahIo ttor»: mult ba nleaman «ad thorouftaly **■

porlaacad. i Centr* f t , OfoataCLBRK—Ord*r

wall r«oo*nmohd«d. Ham *1., Boat Orgai*.

and dnlimty elirk: com* ildod JOHN REEVE. 8!

CANDTHAKSIRN hatJiM wutod^i « g oiUy peed apply. SCHWARZ ft SOI

Wllllata si. ________

irieticjed [* T2-W

» pump tor gOe, Tory «h*a|i.

- : r a a e a f o m o x ..............It SdvlSS t e bttffiBSSg

r. ■gm onoatly loaotod. BroodaSfWSwd -LIB-S** ow n n M t

CHAUFFBUB wantad, 1* dilv* io» fhytleloB: botom s I and 4 F. H. M6 L o ltf-

COAT? MAKERHJood goat i____ - . I t mokw woBtM and'ftw d bu*h*l«*o. P. M O A iT W S : 1*1FMiy »t.

' 6fc> »g*t <0 Lono* LoBOh.


i ® 6 f w v r h s s

L4« M o*** orI d L :.h o«»'l-l.

D9UVEM, :, p l a u t '* c a > F p »




COOK-fiVaDted. experlenoed white oeeki Pro­testant ptreferred: experience and refsrericee

required; assist laundry work; wt rk muel bethoroughly oomptteat for wsgss rsostvsid, MRS. F. H. CLXr K. Summit, ‘pkoas 109M.OOOK**-Wa&ted, In a smalt family, a whita

woman as experienced cook, w ith. or without plain laundry work: wages 880, 888; reference required. Apply 180 Bleiex ave., Orange.COOK and lauadrsas: also chambermaid ted

waitress in a family of five, three ebU- dren; good refersnoes required. FAIR- CHILD. R8 Highland avs*. Wen Rldgs.COOKS,

laanwsitrssSBS. houcfwofksrs.qiurics. Ogr*

girli; good wages. iM ly at tecs. Or­ange Dofhestle Agsnoy, 58 riuv st.. Orange. ■Phone ITTOW.


---------- s'TlAL, BGE 78, NEWS GFriCST

PIANO PLATER, must bsmoving plcturesj good pay.

steady work- Grand Theatre.flrst-cUsft ft*one can read; 866 Market i t

PREBSERS^Oood presMfs tU once on man's snd woman's gam enli; old work: for,food

1 steady;workmen andyear And good i. >d pay. J Wsahli^OQ pi., E iit

'i we have good jobs tdl FERINE PreMlng Co., IS

Orange.PAPER b o x e r —» l|Writ«e»4 »!!<ir*r want-

*d:Th£« it.,«.Nswsrlb N. J,; takionce. DR a :

886 North Bloomfield car,

:OQKB—40 experienced cooks, ebainbti wettreeses, " ------- --- --------- ‘

ities; apply s t ones.4 colored wslirewte; private j

en sv tttis, n s btohCOOKS, waitresses;

ere at ones. Ai ava, East Oranga

\. chambsiiuldg, housework* ■i 18 AibUnd Oranfft.

HOUflBWORS-Wsnted. sellable gdri tor gen­eral housework; smalt fg»!!jr: J 0 2 t

must kavs retsrenois. MRS* W. F* rRAUBA* 84 Dally st.y Kutley, N. S. . ._________HOUSEWORK^Whlts girl or WSttte; I

erkl bouHsworker; ■mall tanlly* e hofte In pnferetH^ to blffb w afsa Can

80 Oriental s tHDUSEWORK-Ynperfenoed ffir 1

general housework; no waahingi sataJl ,nm-for

wages; mujt have rtftisnoAS-ith Eleventh *


HOUiffiWORK-Experiahcsd whita gWJ ffte; housework and plain optfkngi 69 ^ thise aduUe. 679 Hlfb ft.: eat) be-

9 and 19 or 6. ' 'erai


HOUSBWORR-Good experiSMed fftrt v tn tfd far general housework: ■ «!», TasaiiYj. y

ansrtflient; rsfersnee required. MfUft 1* DEX< T m , 69 RUMde ave.

COOK—Wanted* a woman le do plain eooWnf and houiewnrk: email famllyi no washing.

Call at 278 Clinton ava; ysfgrence required.COOK fotdotrad)-^ g m pUdn cook

laundress: g ^ refeince required.South Clinton s u Bast Ofangt.COOK wanted,

woman. Ap; Hospital, John

good wigsa to eonnatoat —MU County looloUiB

HOUSKWORK-ComMt«*t heuikwork In (ainlly of fy of two Odnliti.

f if il floor, #67 Booth OMOT* *f„ 'B*«r Clinton AV*.WOUBBWORK - Wtnt*6, ftrl

haSHwarh: hMt n( rsfamu* (ot^tom*! 0 0 Prt nwnth. AddrtM a*B*r0, Boa 16. Moor* ofOo*. -BOUlRtFORK-Msnd]*.axad woman --------

» rh ju « * * rtrk : *(*o t l^ t p

ton at.TBLEPKOHB o|)*r*tor

otatf oalory npootad. Box II, wowi ofao*.

fot M-Un* Addr***


VPBTAIKR W 0BF-4i.fl . flrl for upitat- - - ‘1. « l i i

■poaklntohiU • y«yoon old.

J**d .In Fork

lUlford aw.

Oarman-BBtllih- iik: halt) nor* for



BHirr iA D T




aAKRllON, M. J.


COOK—Oonpotnit Rhlt* *wk wantad, M*a*- lomod to ro^_ba^M^MOMiif. M North Ay.

UBftot) a.*..

FAPEB-HAHOa Apply M- O..1 rE u l Oran**.

, flrat-olnag ontyj no d«w*. WET, 1# Hollywood ava*

allvar *w3E

iv* 0 (* wad r*t*r*&o*i: w on * l i t mdqr rmptoymvnL. AMdWo* Drtvor,

'**^*f^ ■Wt^YWR -*nW*«. "W


POUSHBBX #*rd to Ofrm**. Ot'yw *Mfc!

FRYMBFUDHR—T«(M moh* U n i # noattu

Aoly i n roimn* avaB in to.fMd M n p 'lAaniM^ print rtSS,

COOKB, maid*.

pfc*B* i mwoHnom Aomworktr, *hnmMr- _A»j^_VWA*htaat«a it., Oraatai

COOK-' otokf

0011imiMtr F on ;

AwomoB t* do emailfamlty.


HpUiTOpRK-Yount woman.. .Whita proj torrad, for f*n«ral honotwoilc la family of

-------- rotonwa. Apply ntwo Odslt* Walanl M.UOUdWtrOltX—Bxp«rl,ne*d pfrl Ihr traont

beuMwork; imair Camlty foM wapati M iTMiliw. tot gnmmW tw .i 'pnoiHi i F r

BOet;Trtty,h o u MMo r k - w (witMO ftir i I hoBaor

HOD C—Olrt wantad 1 ‘ 4o_w**hi*n

W K tT |M -- t*talU(«sti : fpandiBf for nawip—

pgr^eufari Pr**r fly:

W A IT S M W waatid; a m ^ a nortT H Row*1. ___

WABHUSw OMAN w n M :'*U yior Bcaltlpn.»AW n v n

♦ana, . y . H . BE8T. •t* elty.WbMAK a* otA m b ^ iid IBd fwtorol h o ^

work*r <e h ^ i n p 0*60*; m> M K t«|. Call M North'•avoBtt * . ‘

T a

MotUoa itkr Witt

ti* laUUIfOBt,

„ wishes146 Warre

EGUMG Proteeti ofisnptelon and

hdy* Gall m


tOMTlONB won Whit*, colond

fBffmairt Atmej{(OUNO oonpl*.

(«n*ial i round. J

... JBM BI, F.WIU do *1

t t th* hn m t p •ophalt fUnt rc oontid w pointwithli Bfty uUa point i IIUIB.Wi s o s s ^ r

v a m jo v M s a m w a h t k d — w o m m■AYH mOBBy I

varwoTA ohr, Moiriaw taem 1:

Inlihodlib olway* e. NEWARK

COOKK. wolUoMW, beoMworkin. nana*.tannhwiH*. th* blip you wont. Tb* Uoim

Ocnnkn.Scandlnavlaa-AtnMitan A M «y, TICintri it.. Oraatii til, m ; how*. >•*COOK—Toro Oirmoa dlrlB

tocotbnt ipoak Intnah: oh.fflbanhald or nu»*jpnamiwwaiu ,63# U UM on av*.. oor* 0)

wl*h poiltidiH eonh M l

.. «r country.


‘s - rm ttaBOtnppl]

COOKB—TM* iBMrnntT kltobin dottnoi hot boaM-oMkOd dlnnir* at

tskoti {Or tooth*, Orenra SW,

your hoa^. Ordir* c*k«*. plu; *to. Tit.,

wbS*COO|t—flwl-et**a yiorF wt'intial rilinn o*.

Box II, Now* offtc*.______pOilUon; two Addr*** Cook,


COOI^ '^ U b S iy*M " ''* **bajn

CHAKBBRHAID *nd,^^tr*a*: younp Irl.h »irl, !*|ily ov»r would l)k** p1*»a» ch*m-

t n U l d (Old w oltm i. Coll n ^m hrtdf* i t . Boat Onn«*.

MlWOrk OmpTork nva '

Adnm* OompanImL .Bok 6*1 Now* * T ^ .w 3 3 *

ttREBSUAKnt. u tp irlT a^ iisMA. wanU dally sbgaga___ dalu --ww- ---------

Exptrlsnced, Box » . N e ^ scnec.

______ tboieupigamafits.

Grants* y s t iwffw*

“dilyTiaa 1Walnut *1. • - - 1

jfjfpy^ytir NEWS, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER i« 191&

M d ^ m o n r w a j w t k p — w o i a w55j&-JUir *“ - p — — •‘ ** *B 4 r i WORK—0 » l « 4 • m o m w»Bl* d»t*

v a n •» jm»ht|i» to t»k« *•■JOinill. t7< ^ rttB .n a t, d ty.______________DAT*t WO*K—Toun* w enan wUhM a»r»

wark. It A b b ottu w t btBh Valltborih.t, T._____________________________ _ _ _ _b A r i WORK'-rirM-.lMa I n w i

lug.) w w . ii»b4 »Ta. im B gtwM « « tl-


l u r i WORK « a st.d : b an * or out. barton >1., oliy^__________________

t WII-

n i T I WORK-WaaUd. eiw tliw . *t* Wnr-

KNVKtOPBI or Boat bom. ta OMTO Urn*.

II, W wi otuoo.

cardi to nddrooa nt AddroH •para. Boi

x c t ^ «t all BatlonalHlM: you ahould worry, ■at aoqualntod with tba tJrova Etnplwmeat

■■alley, and you wilt alwaya hara a Hna aat S r ^ lP i *a bara |lrla from fid to WO par MoAhi alM amman to work by th*

ar »oloa Call or ‘phono Oraodo MM, IM

F O R t U M

v k % ^won palnaWindow maim palnh wbleh win aat.ola* no

*’'&na1n-tfad roaflBftftiarantaad u eoOowat r S y for 1 yaaia, l l . l O w toll- 1 ply for Jo y a a ta jg p a r toll, ip ^ tar 10 yaara. I lad par roll W t bava raducad our pri

color* and «aa » v a r< J » (

B U U IT E B S O F F O ltT U N lT IE S • H O M E t , OARW ACTC^

a r r W m o N to tnUcERH-lf yaa nava mad la aall your plaoa of biialnaaa by na«M of

advartlalni or by plarini 11 Into lha hand* of a«anla and they have tailad to dlapw of aama luat call up to laa •t'HWARTZ. th* BoalnuM Brohar. of SUO Iprlndlald av*.. and

. - - 1 ha will ntaka a quirk and aatl*factory aala, aaTHIUM-HKCK mahonany flnlah ^ari* ihara ar* alwaya buy ar* on hand for all WndaToiiaia. ™ h r ^ boaltnaa piopoalilona Tal. U D. ttHO Mar- .

• Raaaonabla, BOk Bb

HoM M bold G ood* a n d ra rn lto r o

•STS?M IKHEIiU M Thinaaalh a*a-; phona dSfU. Markal. _________

Icaa as paltil* and

traan pluah cuihlona; eoal; no dtalara Addn* Hawn ofCea.

■UU .'» KBAD COMUltniON dTABLB Tha Oraataat Moraa liablw In Haw Jataty-

IM-IPT Broad al-, Kawark. H.' Thla la lha aafaat and baal plaoa In lha Sa il

Mil hortiiPrivata lalaa at All Ttnaa

A 0T O M O B IL E 8

ta buy or

your aboloa Call or IfalB it., Baat Oran«a;

a l l kind* of plumblnt- *t**m *uppn**, bathtub*, hl»h and

water cloaiti, lavalorl**, kHeb«n —" w n W h ir t ’ ! S f * 5 1 « ” *u*ppl"

^ S t y ’u**; rtpilr* W ^ l all food* n*w. iu*rani**d tt* h l | l ^ lowwt pno*: not n*cr**aiy to b* plnmb« to obtain **me; rjioN^MW bulldlM* *od rapalr work.ABD. U Lomborly *1.. opptwlU W*»hln*toW P*rb; ul. «BOt itb‘„______________________ —

VERT NIC* lot or aioiaf* foodi to ^eh U .; draoww*. b*M, Wrtr^

and mattroa**a dlnlnf-TOoia wHk_ _____ lull*, ohain, rook*** and™low p*tl*tti utovc larta and 'Y tSdart

■inlu* r«AM a ntim«ro4sk » lank* for w.MhMiM ra Norik Founoontk


I tin I F. If.MOUOBIHCBFUR— widow* wUh ^ of

■•van yoan. ariakoa poaltlon • • houMkoopor for wWowtr or Imalntsa c ^ l a . J- T * KtWirk BvonLng Nowa. Morriitowo. W. J.


lEWORK-Cowpatmt woman. M y*ar*. - ■* — “ '“itiea poaltloo ai

AddroM CompO'girl of IJ yoara. wlatiea poaltloo at #rki good raforapca. Addn

Box U , Nawa offlea, Oron^-MOUttWORK—JCxparltncad mldcll«'M:ad worn

an wanta arapfeyineiU at c<M!kingwcrtL with w ' with no waatilng to eoiotiT flv oUy- M Waw at.


HOUBBWORft—Touag Oormaji woman wlahaa m aral kouaawork: with oh lid. eight yoara

• ll; gaM TOforawca Avon avo.HOUBBWORK’—Whlta woman, wlahea ganet^

bouMvorki r*for*nc*. Addre** Houaawont, **■ It. Haw* dtfle*.____________________ __

-a l w a t b om b a n d .Larn ouantltl** of Moond-hand bulldlnfiB* lartaU Board* lolatc tlmbar. Hab and dootc

v a n k e v r b h a aoW|501 PAMAlC AV%. BAST NW ARK.


you looklny for fUlurac “ 'SJ®I, aonita. ahoweaaea. abalrtw. i t « «

Do>r.: alao fat Icrboiaa oyaur b f c ^ l ' raatauranl^r..T ^^Ha»>i‘. . K ' v ? ;

aOU8BWORK-Whllo girl wlthw bMitwOTk: axparioncM cook; hlgD

« r i? o n h Fifth aL_________________;


toOVSSWORX—Oamao girl 1^ ganaral houaawork. Ingulra 88 Bti

wlahea poaltlDB T^ra at.

hftrTBWglsaP^ w U M poaltlon; capAhla: ijAaMiUaaa. >0* Clinton »va.

IIOVBSW ORK^lrl wadU ganoral bouM>woifc* tTI Foghtna ava*______ _________

fcOt«CTngf>ftKw.^ln ■mall dIaIti falnllT: olty. eoantiT- III HaIqa? at,_______________

ARBt*ra,------- * ----- ------ -

boxfa; alao tat IcelMxaa, oyatar raataurant fliluraaT Bultabla V ™ 'tk i nbw. to all; aava oaa-balf by buying ftjm tha Naw ark Purchaalng C 'mpany, t*6MM Ifarkat. Flxturaa *Jao oanda tf> orttri we buy avorythlng that you doo t nOAA.______ASPHALT flint rooflM fall.

■quare feet markat pric* 15. atantord d ^ a . tumnanu. t i roll: aawlenV ov.r “ ‘j f ' " " tin mofi; aaphalt malalllu paint*. blaokW o. red Tfc- Illlon; lariaal d*«l«f '1 J !* * olty dellvarlea frao; aaub'.lrtjd IML Tnotory IM N. J. R. R. a**.; tal. S55J Marfcat. __

WarebouM. Ora ago.

kat; upon avcningeOROCERT. fine paylnf eornar. Jeraty City:

old-AAiAbHahed bualnaaa: rant lO . 8 living room*: raciliiti LKiO wartly, tl.OUO'worth at atoch, fin* horae and w**on. price tr.oOO. scH'WAhTZ. nprlnifi*ld av*OROCERV, I'llntoB Hill loatlon, tent IM: 5

llvini room*, recelpu 1150 weekly: MUO worth of alock, price H7i. SCHWARTZ. MA Bprtnf-

. field ave.GhlokrUA

FOR SALB—Whlla Orpln.ion roMtar: *l*o * a « fn l ,P®!1*G;

wir*. F. DEHMBR. 11Irvlntlon. N, J._________

htna nnd po«a nnd

Franklin tarrac*.

BIX Philo eoopa for anl* e h * . . , coop and aconomy ooopa thrM adjuatnoi*

on. foal, frwah.coopa; OhO fO_.. ^ROBINSON." m Broad at .N. J.

GROCERT and dollcnlaaaan; flneal locntlon In lha cliy: rent IIB, Inoludlnx 5 living room*

baih. recelpu lid ially; IBM worth «f ‘ loek i I price IBM; death caa*. SCHWARTE. udl I Bprlngfleld nva-I OROOERT. contacilonary. tobncco, tpiandid lo­

cntlon; rent 126. Including 5 living '« « » . bath, receipt* 1126 wtwkly. price MOO. SCHWARTZ. 206 Bprinrflald *v*.

Reda and bUad 100 Lon* Pint I

Irvlnroo- 'Pbon* rooma:SOO BARRfcD ROCK R I

ohieka. Wa etch. H par Matohail, 125 Oiwnga art,IMdW Wavarty.___________________ ________•00 BARRED ROCKS. ». 1.

chlokt, In ona to ftv* week*. Nawar* Httcbary. I l l Laalla at.. cHy-

D o e sAT 1* Baat Ma^hanlo at., dog* and P®™ ®*

nil bread*: nleei foatar mother * puppla*. four day* old: ohttp.

ilahbortniliahtd 16 yaara; rent IIS, Including

GENERAL itora: town: eaub- 4 living

•OOU worth of

AMATEUR tinlahlna and Pboto aumlltn, « hour aervlot: trad* ord*f*ntrcial Photo t>o., S66 Waiblngton at.. tal.

Com- . 40M.

a t t e n t io n I 26 perporch acroena Newark Bciwan Worna, ie ;n Bchlay ah: eetlmaiea chaartully flvan-_____ __bar ber riXTCBBB—The*, chair* k"®

complete: ooe chlldreo'e chair. Iwo-bowl wteh-


papplM for m Ia;4A Rynto fOAd.

full pAdlgrAA Boutb OfAngo

■ItDil iDd cap cheap for etph.

cam; all In Bret'CUu coodUloa. 442 OtingA et.




tiODjA s i


roAr*toll**r And of laid

BOtnWVCrRK or offloA «tMQlng; aImp hom«- U Itotoep UnA.__________________________ _

firn T W W dMlre* iwAltlon; fumlih flrit-claM roforebot. AddreM Blfflclont, Box dtV, Ntwi

tCo#. _____________VeATYNPltgiBk-anrit^olAAA hAAt. OlMTI lAUH'

dn to polpro^wUhM UiondAyai; good refer* MOOi. BgtL, 77 BcmATMt at.______________ _LAUNDRB3B6—First •clAM Inundrsw wl«h«s

wnAhlpg At home. AddreoA or call dt South Fttteeiith it., WswArk*lAUK DRnn. flrtt-clAAA (Oermitt) wlihea first

two di^A weekly. AddrsM LAundrefe. Boxto, Wa*» o f f i o o - _______________ ^InATmDRgafl. flnt-clAAi. wishei dny'i work.

108 Belmont ava> city.____________________MURSB'-^UAternlty nurM open for engAge-r

kMBti, competent In All reouirementi; torau to suit. First floor* 71 Bterling st.. 5 m ( Orange; 'phone Orange llltlR .IrtTRIB-wOeneral nureiog; confinement

pft**; evnergcBoy oAllt anawered. Kll Itollgy raoit West OrAngo; 'phone P41WOrAnge*__________________________________

wornAn of experlenc* dAAlres a iOslUoD AA miree; excAptlonal referenoea.

f f a t t OAll or AddrMS 00 Eeoes ave.. Orsnge.i b i s s T prAOtlcAl, for confinement and other

OAMf: good housekeeper; beat reference; ysASonaplA Call 4T< Bergen «t. lAnUX wlahM position in conflnemeiu eases;

[ood bouMkeeper. URfl. M. F^CRO. 322 mk At., top floor.

jfURgB—Woman watite position m precllcel nurie end hoosekeeplng. Addreen w .. Box

8#, News office.

BILldlARD oQd pool bought and oold; rep

IdODliOW, aa Market ft. i»l. a04 Market.

table •uppltee; tablearepairing ' a ipeclaiiy.

cdr. Wtihlngton;

b il l ia r d and pool table*; bouiht. aold. mntad, japatrad: "JaTlfetm:eoveiing I I up. a’. CANFlE U a w Market At.

hulMlns etOPA fOr eale CLTNEBoO., ihorere end houAemovers, n

Cllnloo ft.

DR. H. VANDSR *^0B8T‘i h o s p it a l FORId, 12, 14 Orchard at. Phona SOSO llarkat.

DOQB—Fox, bull, Irlah and Alredal* laMam. ulH watch dog* of all braada, from 12 14P-

15 Baat Hachtnlo at._______________________ .FOR BALEI-Boaton bull tatrim pupa:

old: all pedlictad and priaa wInn. floor, 14 Mapl* a t . Kaamy-

5 waak*noon. Top

roama, waakly Twcalpta libO, ri. atock: price IBM. SCHWARTZ. 206 Sprlnilleld

att.SALOON, flnr paying comer; rent 1100; five-

year leaa*. tncludlnc 14 fumlahed room*: all luprovememt: aall* 22 halva* Trrfi bMr; »ood ahlaky and cigar trade: 1600 atock; prlc* H.suo. SCHWARTZ, 206 Bpringllald avaSALOON, comer, baiween two car llnaa; rent

l»>, including lar»* hall; racalpta «26 week­ly; teer. lell* SS-S6 helve*; large a ltN lt^ liquor; beautifully fitted: price 12.000.BCHWARTZ. 206 Sprinifleld **aSALOON, corner. Ferry it,; rent 175. Inoludlng

i s fumlahed rMma, aell* SO halva* waokly, receipt* 140 dally: prlc# 13,000. St MWAHTZ. 306 Springflald ava.SALOON, caotmiy localad; tow rant: waeMy

recalpla 1226; MOO worth of itoc-k; prlc* 1800; amaltt. SCHWARTZ. 206 Bprlnafltld av*.

Ragular Auction Balo* W e n •roksDAT AND FRIDAT.

OommaiHlny at 10:10 A. ¥ . , rain « ahlaa, at whloh tiRit w* offar . • ’?£

1 MO-HEAD OF H O R SBB-^of all daacrtptlou.

For aach aait wa rccelv* oonatgomenia ni horaaa from tha fam* of Pannaylrania, (mlw Indiana. Virginia and New Jeraey. aeleol^ by

■ expert hor» Judge*, and nr* Inatr^ad W our ahipper* to poaltlvely tall then* bora** to

1 th* hlgneal hidden.WUh each atit go** bon* fid* guarnnlih

whloh maani hana la anactly *J rtpraaanltd or no AAle*

lOO-SBCOND-KAND MOR8E8-W genarally put up at auoilon ai tbea* aalaa,

Theaa horaaa ar* brought har* by privata firm* and Individual*.

OUR OUARANTt P H O T O S TOU-ALL n o n e t BEiTlNDBO IF YOU ARB d is s a t is f ie d WITH TOUR PUBCMASR. , .

Horaaa. Hulaa, Wagon* nad H a r m rooMvtd from any on* to h* ooW on oommlaaloa. altbei at auction or privata aala. Horoa* for aal* •XChOAfe At All UlMA ^

50 *M of naw H a n i»THOS. H. HOT, PR<?P. „

Wimam A. Parbhural. Wllllaao A. Fattaraon. lAlfimen.

J. •. WILLUMS. AuAtioAeer.


llahnitni: durlnt jeer w* hav* aold 2Tb oars; for coming ycir uyr motto. '‘<w skjsx ^ buuil," moAn* that ths buying public WIM big vAlus. bolunis of bitfliwsi pcrmlta ut totili on ckw* mArgiOi. •*» your •xp*nt« axc*pt sstsl voounlasUiu; cAr« boimni for Tosh; ivadoa iivtUc. do bu lnwa i*o*

jy's lArgMi and oblMi u»*it cii nhop. UO*»- INS. lB«a3lU 3(M-3(K1 Ikllavltli avs ______ __

TWO mala AlredaJaa, thro* month* ol^ byChampion h u k !and foralsgo. ROflBR EASTMAN. <• High

land AVA.. OrangA _______________ ______ __THOROUOHBRBD ooUla J>upa;

TOWERNOOK CoIHa KannsJ*. » 0 BO«wjd avo., olty.

CARDS and prlnlln* “on *ba Jump;'' low prlcrt: cards, 7Bc, up; cult,

ro se Ptsaa, riaisay and Markst. evsr ibcatra.grapb

wlF'fo*'lii. includioi ■ ordi; Krrnlugton typewriter, o>«> J*'!. •*“ 'JJ 110; naedium alss safe, |1&- UR- t’ABH, M Aesdsmy st. ___________________FOB SALB—Wins casks, cental ntng_______ ___ -____ — kkout

86 and *1*0 gaiion* raapectlvaly. Apply P. H. MUELLER CO., tt Market at., cor. Wosh- Ingion, In basement.FOR SALB, palnlors' scaffold, ropeo. Irons,

ladd»ri andDings after * o'clock. ROTH, M Sussex avf.. East Orange ____ ________________FOR 8ALBJ—New Thatcher furnace, recently

IcstAlled by the government at the armory. North Centre and WllUam streets. Orange. Apply on premi e r s . ________ _FOR SALE-dO acres of standing tlrn ^ . oak.

hlokory and cedar. In Hanover. Mo a Coun­ty. N. J, BRBHM. 60 WsH it-, New Tork City.


WANTED-All varlotlo* imAlle pure bred dog» And puppim. unitw

Dog Exenange. 2M Blaat 14th st., New Tork.WANTEIV-Toung pointer or eetter; must be

youRgi 122 Elm it. ___

T y p e w iite r e fcnd BuppUci ALL njokoA n o up; lArgest stock In N. J .i

supplies for all moi^lnes: tepaiie IM drr.nUla O and 13; .-“W RS?d S*save 40 to Ttt per oent OEO. M.

Newark, N. J.: tel. 1887 Mkt.n e w 1100 Victor vlalhl* I?*"

ainndard keyboard, for rent, at » why pay more for an old Infertw moehtneT Victor ‘TmAWTlter Co.. T7d Brood s t _

plan;IT Academy st..

fins paying cornor It ISO. Including -

receipts 1160 wetklyj moat colored

flrst'Cless loca- 5 living roomsIncluding

weex'i/i uivfMb. v.*,iw,iww«SCHWARTZ, 20S Spring*


SALOON tlon: rent

abo>'e, rece. trade, pries Ittoo.field AVA.MILK ROUTE for fala In Ridtewood, N J,

Mil, no quart, dally at 6c.. fine bora, an wagon, larg* atook of bottlw and box**, prlc* MT5. SCHWARTZ. 206 Blirlngfleld *v*.OONFECTIONEBT. auUoJiery. elsar* and to*

craam: old-aatabllahad bualnaia: rant I2S. In- oludlng 6 living rooma: I yaara' laaaa; racalpta 1110 weakly: own aoda fountain: rina flxturaa; price nou; reaaon, ownar haa two atorai. SCHWARTZ. 206 Sprinifleld av*.CONFBcnONERT. atatlonmy. claara. nawi

paper routa mein avenua; rani |S2. Including 5 llvlngy^ootna; lea*#; avarage receipt* 1150;

If.fiuo. SCHWARTZ. 206 Sprlmflr" —*SCHWARTZ, 205 Sprinifleld av*.^ a r * : fina

SMITH PREMIER No. 1» '®"'!oerrlage and tabulator: been uaed a i»u pie of monthe only; treat**' tvenloia belwtan 7 and I o'clock. LANDESevenings __BERG, 277 Orange at.WE 1*11. rent, repair ««> ™S',*of irpewrltera; w*_*uamntM _to gl«^facllon or to rotund your i"®"®Y>„''®''*,*'™ typewritten leltere of hlfbeat loJ,™ prlcea Newark Exchama *

’Phone Moriret *4*0.

GARDEN h o se , t e n t s andBCR BEN DOORS.


for cooks. wAltresses, general houseworkers;

nviMms II

>w «t,.


■TBniAilVA.ehsr deslr

■oTanr f it .| f !^ i OTflee.


I work; iddrAAi

nionip® tos U .


CnTTATIONB wonted<dMipbermAldA and ---------

erUU and colored; no olarge until suited. Ap* w a l k e r Agency, (I So. Orange ave.;

wie <66 ao. Orange.________ ____ ________iTENOORAPHER. 28. married, 12 years' ex*

pe^Qce; working knowledge of English, OftfuiMh German, desires position. Ad-j S si Btono, Bog 42p News office.____________EfEMOGRAPHER, young lady: experienced.

eoneclentlooa worker: undereiands lawwork thoroughly; permanency only: 116. Ad« toOM L. Bo* <4 News office.________ITBROQRAPHER—Toung lady stenogra-

deidres poilUon: 6 yeare' experience; 111. Addresa Experienced. Box 83,

ifflee.WBNOGRAPHER—Good, reliable etenog-

rapbsr. woman (26», own machine; $4. $7. o^d^soi Best References, Box 68, News of-EosT


DRT BBRVICE is the most satisfactory. A p^eofed syAtem gives you back all tbs clothes % Asod-Hlellverr la mode whan yon expect fi otih olose of linen le washed separately- flts&sM ere laundered by our "sofi and fluffy" B »ttod-«e have had ten yeori' eiperlenee

.SffldUni FAMILY ROUGH DRY WASHlI^. god have learned how to please over 2,000 hdosebolds.

a t b c e n t b a p o u n d ,•W T bit of your bed and table linen, towels, ate- will ba Ironed roody for uee. All the other •lotiiw will be dried-fHAJiy of thciii. by our Tirnoiif will be quite fit tor immediate wear'

Not much ironing left for y ^ .V T L L TAKE AS LITTLE AS IKte. WORTH,

The lAundry with the "Blue'* Wmotu. w l I ie h R^UGH d r t L A U N D B ? ^ ., 418 Market sL ‘Phone MSilcel 62«.


DoM your WAJherwomAn ever dleappolnl yon? Or do you have trouble^ cotling s> m«id who will do your washlngt are hindllng tons gf Ibis work every week and still growlag. * TaERS'S A RBABON.

1 XJgoh family'i woohlng Is kept In a eeporate* 'S S ^ ”iS^mark any of your goods with Ink.

Wa use only the very btot soap. etc.We do all the washing and the

to3Mt and hardest pgrt of ths Ironing.We ' ■ ‘

OLIVE OIL-If you want to grow fat and row use Lily Brand aboolntely pure o l l^ o ll . of

Nice. Fieuo^. a potriiive flesh and er; ne rheumatism, kidney, Uver troubles can exist whert this oil Is Inmres perfect health. Bold P'iJ*Branch, 110 N '**'’'', ^ 'opposite Arcade Thestre. W. B. TURNHK. _PEACHES for sale: 76c. end up a basket.

J. J. HELLER, Woodland road. Madison.^ft ACRIFICE—Taylor aewlng machine. jpoker card uble. $3.76, nrTftr^ si*'1^16, cost 112. several carpetS; 29 Bridge el.

near Broad _________ _ioDA fountain, beck bar. earbonator. candy

fixtures, Bhowceaea, Ice cream roachlne. cheep. Address Bargain, Box 28. News office.BTEAM b o i l e r , capacity ® to 8 rooms;

rsdiatore. piping. vaWea; will sired. Addreiw Owner. Box 37, N e w office.iTRAWBBRBY plants for aale, Houee^JJ

eeadling. buy Ihe beet; prices right, ehort Hills Poultry Term. Springfield. N. J.

Beaver et, _ _ _ _ _ _

UmbrallRS. T ru n k a, L w th e r G oodsEVEHTTHINO -Yor

(ort anS convenicnea *®''mi*6 bai*, anltoaae*. travellmSteamer trunks; best makes,amall price* ijieclal JwUmhriTla Man, 7*0 Broad at., opp. P. u-

L adders, D errtcka »n d n s g p o le sl in e .p p ja s SJT, G r a n g e


'■ p ^ L A N D ^ 'w D P E R MiT., NEWARK. N. J. TEL 664 R

, n ^ S CO.. 154 FIRST ST.; TEL 1754 B. D,

NEW ANDS a fes


SECOND-HAND buliaini g*'*''®'u,"^U“ bought and removed. A. P. HAMBLEN. Main st.. Beat Orange: 826SJI Orange.

buildings - - 110



C o w iWANTED, good family oow. J*****y

state lowest cash price. Addreee NewB offioe.

priceCONFECTIONERY, statlonsry. clgare:

paying stoie, HlU ecctlon. rent $2A: 8 Ihlng rooms, receipts $i*0 weekly: fln« fixtures, price 1400. SCHWARTZ. 9U6 Springfield ave.DRT GOODS STORE. Ferry st.; rent $2?. ene

room: does a flrst-cless bu^ness high celpts. with big profits; 4600 worth of stodt price I60U. BCHwARTZ, 206 Springfield ava.BAKERY, finest lecailen In ihs city: eotab

llshed 8 years; rent HM>. Including S living rooms; 1«a m ; bokee 10 barrels of flour weekly average receipts 1180, all stare trade: fine fix tur«s; price 11.000. SCHWARTZ. 206 Spring field ave.ttoo WTLL buy a good paying reetaurent «n

Orange st ; does g flrst-ciies businees; rent Cf>. Including seven rooms; must be sold this week; worth «00, BCHW'ARTZ. 206 Spring- field ave.11.000 WIImL buy a good-paying fum lihed-re^

and beau^lng house; rent ImO. Including S4 furnished rooms, receipts 1400 monlhly: ^ U ' Ufully fitted; good opportunity. SCHWARTZ, 206 Springfield ave.g a r a g e for eale: Perth Amboy. N. J.; rent

$80; 10-yaar lease, site of garage. 88x188; all modem Improvements; does a business of 128 000 yearly: $4,tK)0 worth of mac.htnery and stock: price $6,000: good opportunltv.SCHWARTZ. 206 Springfield ava. Newark. N. J. ____DRUG STORE; neighboring town; rent tH;

leoae; average receipts $60 dally * lA.OQO wor^ of stock; fixtures era worth 18.000; complete for $9,000: 18.000 cash required. RCHWARTZ, 308 BprlTiS 4eld a v e . ________________

AUTOMQBiLfeB—m i . H U . HU*Uuicka Overlando, Klendsre. CedUlace.

Packards, rrmnkltha and many others; tun* abouta rDodsiern. touring cars, five and leven passenger, and delivery wsgone from

146 to II.OOF: new arrivals tielLy. TUWN- lENU'B Auto blxchaiii*. S$$ lUlsey, eat. IIOI; odda and ends Id everything for the auto.



AJwgye OB bond to select f«m* welghiBJ _,000 to 1.800 Iba Many loated folr«. XI an im a ted . ^ .

We teoelve wetoly shipments «rf F e w ^ l u l g boTM, oenslsting «t the beft h e a ^

drgfia g ^ farm ehuniu. oad moair b o w business borsei. We eon show Um \ vgflety a t popular pciee*. .

LAt of eecond-hand horses alwaya on haha* MULSB.

Of which we carry a large vortety. Touag and clooete matsd teams.



L .D. 'Phene 4408 Market NEWARK HORSE CO.,

88 BRIDGE BT.Always Co hand frem 100 to 180 bead

ooellmated Peemsylvanla horses lo m Im^ frem. We wUl reeelvt Aug. 20, one fre«h lead of tlrot-elsss droit horses, wolgklni trem 1.400 to 1.800; oome nics drivers and

»e fins mules: aU» carload of ebsaperdays* t r ia l GIVEN.

AH htMwes must be os rtpreoented money refunded.



137.50 nickel or bniee runabout harneia. opeibody. Swiss brssst collar......................... 120.80

tIT.fiO solid white metal turrey htrRees, e c ubody. Swiss breast collar......................... tM.80

GLd h a r n e ss t a k e n in TRADE.Above harness sre built heavy enough for

light delivery work ___ ____________ _

New carg 80 per cent. off.New forodoor bodies. M per c«»t. off.

100 rebuilt cars, ell mskee, Il0t>. $8,000. New Kord |cp«. flO; oihers. ell sixes.

Dsl. wsfona. $150 up; w^deh'dx, »|teed'm'ri. $8. Time payments. Trade* m*de- CsJw bougtU- aOih Century, 1"^ B'way, 8d floor. N. IT

NEW 1013 R«o automobile, bought l i i i month, only used five Uttica, co« |T.2$4. will sell

for ll.noO; fiv«-pfcej*enger. demountable rims, cle^irlc light*, mohelt top. Klaxon horn, extra tir*. tube end cover. iTOughi July Can be ^ en at WlLL'.S Ger^e. Helievllta ave.. opp. Har­vey el., owtjar, aW aunimrr ass.


Anna Kfamlth ina* 2 ln fm . hnvlna 1*55mr horn*, laklni m lm ^iadt will i» i We■iy War haraaltar. LgONAKD KHUMICM.

54 Bl«hit*iiih **A SapiamWar 4,

TO WHOS1 It Mar Concern—Hr wlt^O. R*«ad. havin* Itft mr Md] win noi jieje«]ionMWI*_for _d«l*^ooJlraoi*«

~5|IT " a her. ROBERT B t«e., IrrlngtoQ. Sept, a,


3 i IraekMdt

I HAVE sold my ealoon buitww* No.Uarkei sirett. city. Any ^laiwt^ “

m# must be presented lo O..R>-40 Ksyss at.. wKhln LIBOW8KT. ,I WILfa not be reeponelble fer o n ^*S***,*^

tneted by Mrs. V. n . Hleger, at Teotli it. iSIgBeil) r. B. BtBOBB._

b o l d mr place ihle rtar: all claim* a^alA be prssehtert lo me at onoe. A p a h

LEPER, 841 Springfield aes.Un. WETCHKRICK. If you do not call In •

davs vnur gotvle will be eold for debti. Tldaye ynur f<KMle will Werren at.CHILDREN under elk years boarded. I^gad

and cloihid, II par waa>i- H* Actdiinr ai.

Bualiwai FTraonala


8CKBBLEH l-■.^BIIDRItT*R Barvke ataHon iml dl.lrlliuinr.; all modele and B*Tt* In ainck. IT yi'ur cirhureier 1* jUr'®* ■allsfecthm. let us put on it a new Bchebier, we keep your i*erbureier ■•IJuvted by an expert tor ona year. (« s of chsrgf. WILLS Oersge.

;M9 Belleville ava, ____IfUDBON 111$ ROADBTBR. PERFECT

CONDITION; AS HOOD A8 NEW, LIT- TLit U lltD . b a r o a in for o u ic k b o y -BR. J. HAAS. I t LAFATSTTC ST.LATH tour'll# car*, mixlarn equlpmml.

■t vary lew prlcaa: 1513 Nybert. 1012 Chal- mart bS; 1912 E. H. F.. 1012 AblMl-DjA^l 44 1012 Oakland; alao National. Popa-tUrt-ford, Ovarland, Bao, Columbia, Slaven* othari. DOBBINS, 55J Ball.vllla av*.


t r a in e d .


Aral aekimiM





til metal psru ef autemobliM andmachluefy: ehminumactuallyonteed.

ttM ports togetber; i hone Teds Market.

DR. MANDEVILLE, ipaclaliit. ,6 S 8 B r ^ ^ Newark. N. J- opp, «hub*rt *. Tb,“ rear*' experlenc* *i a ipaelallal In all -

diaaaata of men and women; catnrrb, i » n o » dlieaeee, dlieeaea ol heerL kWner*. itOffuaM liver or bladder, rhaumellain. urt»*nr m S W lun( dliaaaea ortlc* bourt. I la d r. M. a» ia to 5 P. H. *1*0 'Ttmdar and Friday mare-

Durini Aupiat oHlc* aloaed Fri-Ins. 5 to II. Durini Auitiat o daya Baiurdir* and Bandar a.


Tbai 1* wb*t arery ltd j **7* wbaa ih* kaa bar b i t reWwbed or utd* or*r *l lb*



18-23 Brldso *1. Tal. 1555 Martal Hava Juat raceTvad a carload of P aar^ lvu la

bora**, wolshlna from 1,233 lo 1.500; thaa* horaea are food, broke nnd aeollcaated: we hav* alao 20 bead of Ohio and rtneral buaintaa and purpoa* boraea: w* ■najuta* *t« t bora*.

556 BUTS faal, lenlla road horia; can road from 12 to 15 milt* an hour; *uarameed not

lA e : will *ult any ll*hi bu*'!?" large work horse, price ISO. JOHN RnLLAH, Mlnburn av«.. end Sprtngfleld marked Maplewood; formally ATwerityt Houie.HIGH-STEPPING, handsome sorrel c«m-

blnallon mere, eight years old; abeolntely fearlesoi kind and true, end guaranteed eouDd; an sxceptlontlly good horse; pries $604, end a decided bargain at that price. Address fladdls, Box 80. New* olflce. _____

430 GALLON; Hlfh-*rad* lubrlcalW medium Ilfhl. in 5 fal'on lot*. Iirlns your


SH1EIJ>8, co n su lt N. j SUPPLY c6,.:^HALHEY BT. TEL. 1554 MKTf r a n k l i n , loor-cylinder; top. abltld, B t* h

maaneto evary aqultnianl: lllh t runnlai. *i!!y m ll r t t : QIFFORD. IBI Hblaay a t.a u t o TOPS at* made by F. MATT A UO.;

moat raaaonabla and aallafaoto^ mI t■nnrantaad. 451 WaahInBfon at. Iwl. 7475 MaL


Ut* Dr. Mary Sllokit’i tkla balm to bHMB your *kln: 25 ltditt lurttd today a M ra-w lurnins from the abort: ohlropodlat: plmmWi blackhead*, warta and molt* ramovad. DR-HARY STICKLE. 75 Haltay at.


ag ency . NEWARK. N. J,Thli asancy ha* lha advantas* of marw laM

50 yaara axparltne* In civil and ortmlaal mat. lara. Exparl dicta Irapb ttrvica.___________ _


w * makt over yeor hair or (aattaer M W C and rtnovaie ftaUiiia Jfy^ apaclal rtaamlip nrocaaa: cuablon* of any hind our apoclaltyi •f* our eonllary, reyenible fsgUtar

ferred: Cow, Box T$i

SHELVING, bine for grocery, scale* and show* cases, must be eold by tomorrow. 818 Fif­

teenth ave, _TWO new illk wnloti. IJ 'N '.jn ill- ’’l.f'vvab dreas, gS: *lao a euH, sire 88. $2.SO. 87 w ai iiut st. WITTP.________ ________________


ALL BRANCTESb a n is t e r i POLt^RD M ..20S-238 MARKET ST, CITY.

HOME OF GOOD HARPWARBy _WILLOW baby carriage for sale reasonable.

EVERWINE. 4*7 Bomb Blxteentb s t , city.

_ do 16 poundg for 75 centa.Ov«r 16 pound* * cent* per pound eilra. WARDfflX fltearn Laundry. 80-88 Cross st..


WASHING—6ttip fweatlng over the woshtub; ^ i* f the WET WASH High *t., do your entire family wash for a tw n lt; retnrned within »* b o w ready Idr tha Una; live ua a trial. Tel. 2091 B. B. _Wa s h in g —German woman want* waBhlnt

and Ironla*. Monday*. Addre** A., B o i. II, Ntwt offtca._____________________itPASHINGMIcrmaii woman want* w*»hlng

and tronin*. 230 SprinKfleld av*.; ttqi floor.l l B h t ____________________________WASBING—Woman want* waahlna. Irobln*

and claanln*. 15 New st.. flrol floor risht.

14 PAIRS BASH. 24 llKhta Cheap. Addre** W. R. M., Bo* U. New*

Office.H o u seh o ld G oods and P u m ltu fe

AT MR. CASH. 54 Aoademy a l.-^ h e ireat- eat bariain hone* In *or aecond-

hand furniture; «llrbtly «»*d: lor let* than half price. ______MT SPECIAL for September; w« have to

make room for more goods from storage. MB. CAaH. Academy st.: open eveninga.THE greatest bargain that Fas ever offered;

»SB0 uprlihl piano, eell for 156; b r w bed, t( , ooet l!6: box eprln**. 11. coat 118. al- mcat new. MR. CASH, 41 Academy at.

ARLOR aalta, S-plec*. 5*. o»»t parlor eulte. 113. coat |76: com* andaea

It for your*elf: no trouble to show goods. MB. CASH. M Academy st.

arlor chairs, cost |6 ; 3 . MR,

SlffngirtTiftTir* AIGNS show cords and latterlog. * 2 y!j I r -v4 ' SIOn I “ Ben-Ajar. tSsBrood, nesf Market; phone 6008 Market.

O ld Co4iuSTAUPfl-COTNS—Buy tod eell

B&d eopplles; moneyCROCKbS t . ^ Broad st.; t«. 7fS68J Market.

W a tc h e s JewolrTWILL saoJrtfice perfect b l^ * '**,.**®a”*'I look to satisfy bod debt; about oi^holf oafot. Addree* Bing, Box 99, New* office.

PtgeonaMALTESE hen pigeons; ^ rifloe sals.

flTBCK. 014 Grove st..

ATTENTION—If you desire fair dealing la buying or eelltng any kind of buslpess or reoJ

estate, end expect to get quick rasulia see the reliable general business broksTi, IRRAEL A MARCELL, 207 Market st.. Ordway building, room ai2, or telephone 6*02 Market, and our representative will call on you.CORNER bekery: suburb* of Newerii: utensflt

all complete; electric light; cash register; #afe; rent $30, one room In rear. $*0: with four living room* over store Included; weekly receipts WOO In store; cash trade: established 28 years; reason for retiring 8ee ISR A E L * UARCELL, reliable buslnei* brokers, *07 Market at., Ordway bulwling. room 812.

I HAVE ten head of horses and mare*. 8 to 10 years old; been working for the Newark

and Now York Express Co.; sell cheap, M wa need room for green horses; coll to see them; prices $86 to $75. OS we want to sell at once. H BROW, \0n Plane st. _________

lUTO STOBAGK AND RBPAIBINO. CouAWts stock ot onto sUpsHrs it reasoMbls

tS U ; Mkhello tires. H. JIMl B. 808 Hslssj sLMAGNETOa-We have a large stock of u s^

Bosch and othoT make * B08CH 8ervl<is Stanon# 50 WUUain st-CH^ALMEBS. laiO touring, new paint: naw

•ht>ea* fine order; owner has no use for It, great eocrlflde. QirFOBD. $$1 Halsey at.


nurses, Uorsso—J w t reoelved 'a of draft and general purpose

horses; for sale of STtohange^at market prices at QUB LEWIS fl B l^ le . *4# Eighteenth ave.. Newark; tel. 3$04 W avrly.GOOD chance to get a fine outfit; horse

in fine condition: open body wagon and fine set of harness; for sale cheap; call any­time; good for painter, plumber or carpenter. J. V. WILSBY. l!2 prospect st.. city._____

r rtand get our

prrees. they will Interest you; week called for ------------------------ - Oiaage Carriage Co.,


and vege* rent *85. five

stock: I8U8 weekly recelpta; rosoon. elck- : price $1,260: exceptional opportunity. See

A MARCELL. S»7 Market *t.. Ordway

B V SIK G SS O P P O B T C W n T E Sa t m a c a u lby 's




ASSOCIATE waatad. New Jereey realdent preferred, to organise Import company

handling raw produole and oocoanut, etc., planutlon: applicant of good standing, able to Interest capital In the enterprise. Addres* Enterprise, Box sL, News office. _________A c a p a b l e exJIautlve, 16, Christian, seeks

Interview with honorable buslneaa man relaUvs offering servicea partnership without Investment. Mereantlle, F. O. Box $9, New York-___________________ _

CORNER GROCERY, deMcatesien table store. Roseville section; rei _

rooms Included; home, wagon, latest fixtures; tSOO stock: weekly recelpu^ rosOT. elck;ness;ib r a l _ _____building, room 812.COMMISSION bakery, suburb# of N e w r t; w t

126: five rooms Included; on main st.; latest fixtures; guarantee $100 weekly receipt* c « be doubled: chance seldom offered: prl^ WM. Bee IS H A ^ ft MARCBLL. »0T Market st.. Ordway building, room 812.

FORM LETTER BFECIALISTE.More busl&ws houses would be uslaf our

typewrlttca form leturg If they knew our prices, tbe quality of OUT work and w w pur advertisement *ervlce deporimenl J*t-ter* mor* effective; o*k uA P. H* HALL CO,» 223 Market *t.; 'ptiooe TIOT M*ifcst.________FURNISHED-ROOM bouae, furnished, up

to-date; 16 rooms; all Improvement*; In oome tlSO; rent |44; price |S04. Apply QresD s t . ________________

NOW le the time to get i lew price en gusi- irriofe

^__ they will InterestSDd delivered promptly.156 b s e i BT*.. Orange.___________________WBOLBSALB liquor desler will sell one gray

borse. 10 yssrs old, good wind and work, I welibs 1.100 lb*., sound, price 866. Inquire J.

J. MATTHBWB ft CO., 40 Bsllerllle ave.

PIBHCE-ARROW. With eipresB h^ y and lop.fully eaulDPod and In fine rondlllon. Make

offer. R. M- OWEN ft CO.* 278 Hsloty si.WHY wait when you tan buy Locomobile toy

tonneau, full equipment, fine shape, big bar­gainAUTOMOBILE TIREB at bsigsln prtoesi boW

•oulDoed rire and tube repair ebop In the Blale^Ttr* Tra6ln» Co.. 53 <YlllUm it.______RAMBLNn, tourln*. 5176: FtaYar-MItlaT

tourlnr 5» 0 : alvin away; need room tor fall can , GtFirOBD. 211 Halaay it.

SUPERFLUOUS HAULWarta. molaa awl Blrt»maita ramo' avar Oy Kljc.rtcl.j:

211 Wa*KlB(lon at.MATTKESSEB renovatod at cuatoiws'*

rraldanca by tha Improvad niathotL ■ alia maltraa*. 5 I .» : »* bajidla a DH} MM of beddlni and aall '®tal,' • ! _ * f® * !ft* prici*. HOFFMAN A PASBKOW. » k it at., NewarS. N. J.: ‘ptioiia 5651 WarRal-l a d ie s : JLIIIVATE

oaiai-MRB. MARYgwaiuu.

406 West Tv'snly-thlrd et. Lacks

. ]*rry I, ___ ---g tc 6; Sunday. I to 6

___ prt^t* 1near Niath

takeat.) fsrrj

C e n t r a l ' o r " E r i e .‘ 3 410 Naw Yo|rk; aaally foond.

GARAGE, with apao* for 2 or 4 car*.tl5' 8 B*"t Klnnay pi. Inqulf

OBBTRICH. 22 Kaat Kinney at.

central, t MRS


jSm» HOUSTON ST.-------- ■ 1, Nl-----'Phona 8084 Marhot. m W A KK. M. J .

SULTANA plnh otiMli tint for Untln*- • •--“*-ilaM aod will tm

$800 WILL Btrr 1010 R«- In perfect shape; fully "liqulpprt. M. WERTHEIMER. 204

*ve , EastGrant NewarkOVERLANDw-Deltvery. *tres and paint f<«d;

price $.723. will d»>mnn*tr«ia. Call 401 Bloom­field a^e. Mdntclalr.


LARGE bay horse, fsmie; woihsn can drive him: we* one <rf |6W team; t have no use

for him now; will sell for 8225. Inquire Cli­max Confection Company. Mt Brood *t.NICE brown more. 1 years ek^ must hate

the room *o you can buy her cheap; come make offer. Express office. 10 South Four­teenth et., near Orange st.STYLISH cut-under runabout with lamps, 826.

‘ plaiform

TWO-CYLINDER. 1.830 lb. dellvrrv c a r ^ will lake diamond in exchange. Address t-*

Box 20. Newt office- _LIMOUBINB andat eummer price*: 176 and up DOBBINB. 8«> Belleville ave. _________ , , _________o v e r l a n dfeci condUlcn; bargain. OEO H LBRCH. Chatham. N. J* ______ _____________ _

sev«b-pasB«ng< ELLIS Motor OPACKARD 1910-80

a real bargain Central gve-^ R A G E for sale; eteeS lined. lO ill.

W. H. BRODIB, Arllnglon ave.. Orango________________________ _ _ONE' TON tnitS. 1012 Chtje;

overhsjiled and ftainted; 8600

touting; ex Co , 415

ORADUATK mldwll.l MR8 DBEWKS. ! »Mulberry it-, comer Market: Igdtsr pnvxM

nurelng. conflementi; hJgW,laaf «EESS*^R! home treatment If desired- Phona S2MW sigfMRS. GRUICH,

with longGerman graduate oilAwito

expsrlinoe: •sdltoL_P^l^lSVi___ ...... . .titiming; confinements; Irsattaent kt noiM Betith Omnge ave, ^Pbone 8168W ieai%a*s_|

U M ] P sr, obto 1 T58iWa

COLUMBIA Kursli'g Homs, «up«nntoBde4 trained nurse; oemfitteinaot cooee UliiQ|

valid ladies to board: operating pertor®SJ1 surgeon*. <8 Columbia st.; tal-MATTREflP box spring* mad# ovsr.

tr*' residence. $1.W up; best work gu^Oh- teed; mem***«e, hed sjwlnf*. faetory prwsi. LGNpA’S. BIN Springfield svr-; phone. ^MAMRUBE. who ho* euccetsfhlty t f * k ^

people for nervoue trouble, poof riroulk- tlon. constlpallon, will give general moOSM*and alcohol baths. 70 Columbia »t. _FINE ia-s^s end lingeries and lac* curtains

reflnlshed like new; very dress Bleecker st.: •phone 3>78W

horee. id hands rogon reesoneble.

Thirteenth ere.

high. 860; op F. GUNSET floriat, 26


ik ukI! AFABBINO wanted two daya tod Ironing- 27 Crawford i

CENTRE table*. SOc- co#t $4; pari ?5c„ cost IS: waehatand*. 76c.,

rockerer 60c.; kitchen table. B1 CASH. 64 Academy -Ht.ENAMEL beds, with brae*. $1 up. coet |7;

meUreSB, $l and up. coel I8:,81»rlng*. | l ind up. co*i 8$: cooking AMdreseer with large mirror. $8. ooet 880, chif­fonier 43. coat fl4. and a great many other thing# ch e^ . MR. CASH, 44 Academy st.

ACTIVE partner wanted la real estate, bro­kerage and promoting ^elnes*; einan la-

veatmenl required} fine “ chance for live man. Address Actlva, Box IS, New* office.


In,week: washing t..‘ Eaet Orange,


rorti MIt. city,M (tot-I frodosI offlo*.

r print ‘1^ also : i m N ,

lad ironingjEuTONaZoerraap woman wont* to take In

washing and ironing- Inquire 88 Henaler *1

poolUoaiT w U h•tUfOllt.


• p i T Ont, v*rf w a m a .

___10—Woman want*IPPBB, 5*4 Adama at.

„ wtaha* daya work at home or out. IM -Warran at., city,_____________

AT A BACRIFICE-Lady will aacrltlco the » n - lenli of her aliuoal new home ot flue furni­

ture. eloKant parlor, bedroom and fllnlng-rooni furnityre. rug*. ctU glas*. oil tleree, eeparately or together; good chance tor

washing. ANNA couple «l*rting housekeeping; can be seen to­day and tomorrow; private family.Thirteenth it. __ ______ _

a t t e n t io n —! buy entire content* of stores of all deacripiloTW, pay the h lfh eri^ oes and

act quick; full satlifactltHi, J. NEIMAN, Fifteenth a v a ; tel. 6T0 Waveriy*


66 South

YOUNG Protestant woman wishes poritSoo a* OoWWlon and nuree to invalid or elderly

to K QUl 120 South at.IPQUirG oolored ^

' qlaonlng.H aw a id * .

ANY. h.nd-mad._r^, -.J^Vrei';

womiA « i

lan wants houee or 'rofs Work, Box

wanted In'exchaniie tat very'"handaome h a n d -h * ^ * ^ . bnas electrical ahower ehandeller, an* r » r oM, made by New York Fifth ave. I*rm: aide bracked to y ®iu*t be aeen io l»aupreclated, Addre** Rli*. Bo* 22. New* el- rice-


UFIACTUHINO BUSINESS. NEW OR TABLISHED: s t a t e k in d o f b u s i­n e s s a m o u n t NEEDED AND NAMES OF a l l INTERESTED. ADDRESS L., BOK«, n e w s o f f ic e .


W A N T E D — M EN W O M E N

almost new ledj-i de*k, ISl.aJ,*®, aultable *5?tKwkcase and desk, cost 880. mgi, 0x13, IT,

cost 82(k MB. CAftH. 6* ActfleSay it.

pOmiONS wtDted fur r*6n«d, cooipetebt belp: white, cedored; male, female- OoBDEK Bm-

plg OMOt Ageney, 67 Bmnswick *t. Wsv. 8878W.BPOtTHG boupls, no forafly. with poeltlon; wife

‘“‘*"a general work; husband, butler or use* I rmlnd. Addrss* Rellsble, Box 66. Newt

ALL heuaehold eoadl for *ale, Inciudlns piano: many pleoea naarly new. 1S4 Broad

at., Bloomfield; near New *t.______________

B D 8 IN E 8 S N O TIC ESin m ^ j iB S B Y B o ^ fa a d C a n iM ttr in io o ^

Wa wlU do i l l work on tb* top of your house gk tia towest price; our elsitlc roof paint sud

dint roodnf h ii no equal; old roofs i or pointed: chimneys repaired; anywhere

A th li 8fty' miles of Newark, and gatranteed tea {swtlmates furnished

door. Addreit Telejrfwne 361 Wmverly.

card WlU bring 62

•4 V 9 money by having us reflnlsb your sll- verworoa ohs.ndelier* and brass bedrioods.

toOktoft tsem like new; anything In the mstaJ RnarwnlshM and repaired; a eupertor *lWer 5B to ^ways on hand. Write or ^ptwne &647«

- n S w a RK NXGKBL p l a t in g CO.S Bear 88 and 40 Walnut s t

OvnUKT paveibenln, oeUars bottom*, steps, ~agglng walks relat'd, chlmnsye re-*

nd rebuUti carpenter work; good

BOX COUCH, eleclrio vibrator, white enamM bed wUb spring*, and good mattress r *^**.f*

oak dresoar for sale, st once; v j^ rewwnoble. WILL60N. 887 Main s t, Esst Orange.CARPBT&—Bruaaels,

88-6f: “_____ $8; AxmlriiUr rw .

BruBsele, 3S yards, 810; bureau* 84; ■talr carpet, matting. 88 Bridge st., near Broad.HALL stand. o * t |6.E0. oo*t

8$ 66; singer sesiing mschlnef 88.76 ®rib* 81.50: go-cart, II: cook stove, ft., near Broads _______ _

ine, »B,7a; cno,| j . 8» BrldfO

iQg Irish oq oham® r l ^ vL,

t petooo. « MKpto. flag.S S U S S -\ or write t Orpiitu.

low price B. P. ROBINi

drop postal aqd get esti® ION, 7 Summer place.

SW T i0 t apply a raetal eelllns aver th* cnck*4 ' ahMar la yaur kitchen, bathroesu, atore*, i t a T & in t Y C. TRAUTWEIH. Matal Caillnf OMMetor, 105 Pwhlna ava: tal. 2g78W Wav,

CHINA CLOflET, ehlftqnlar and dr®»«ri attar 5 o’clock; no dealera. MBS. O.

HEABBBSANO. • •• Bpilnffleld a»»., oornar Nineteenth at.FINEST a**ortm*nt of ateond-hand fornltain

la Ihe city; all foodi at ireatly ta ii® ^

JrtcM, on aceomH of- tnovltis to our new i t m , 87 Breed it.; tine oek bedroom mlta, 115, heavy enameled bed* 53.50; oak d r e m , *175:

ch lf^ ler , 5I.W: «W"a «I®«*u leathtr ellp leat chain, » » table 59; prinoeaa dre*eer, *11: drm lM M ie. 58.T5; blrdeeye maple dne«f. 115-591 lupte chiffonier, • ‘>1®:, piano, |95; parlor m ife 522-t», coat t w mirror, gold frame. « 8 ; latga hldlrack, 51*1 1*»® mahogany wardrob*j 522; b u tt^ 118.6 0 ; iHehoard. 59; .« ! » » « * « - ■Ion table |4 : cook etova, M; iM b ^ M np. MTOW MdVug*. H, J. HtJNT, 98 Grange *t.

BUTCHER SHOP for aala with good hone and wagon; doing boMna^

•elllng: reaeonablu. Addreaa 8., Box 80. New* off i c e - _____ __BARBER SHOP tor *me; Ihre* ohain; ^ n g

good bu»lne**; fin* eh»nee tor quick buyer. Comer Bherman ave. «nd Vanderpool *t.CONFECTIONERY, Ic* cream parlor and

commlB*lon baktry, lo prominent njlgb- borhood; up-to-date tlitnre*: large fo«o* Uln; reoelpti 1260 weekly; rent 556, Tnoluding four nice roome; all Improvement.; 1 ^ :

400; Worth $1,060. Address Owner, New* offloa.__________________ _

CONFBCmONERT. dgor uid statloiisry sto»» doliur a good buslMio. on on# of tha mam

comen of Newark; opposite tbsstra; choap for oo«h or easy paymsnts. AAdrss* Cigar, Box 88, News office.CONIIDCTIOI^ERT. sUtlOBSJT 0b6 tc*0«0

•tots for w1«.portunlty: chesp Tuntj, good r s s m w Ing. Address Paper, Box 81, Maws offlos-,COHFBCnONBRT. tp w W

f u r n is h e d -room house for sale; good renting location. 13 room*; 3 bathe; account

of sickneoe. Parttoular*. 154 Plaaa st.OBOCEBY and delicstosaeo for islo; Bue trade,

aettlng good Incotue; sabtort to thorough la- ▼estlxarioo. PABRISB, lU East Front et- Plsiuleld, N. J. ______________________ _GOOD opening tor young man of good char­

acter to purchase a half Interest In euc- oeesful Ineursnca aiency; price *1.060; stand Investigation. For particulars addre** Un- derwrUer. Box 4. News office,GOOD grocery *tore for eale; Hill soetjen; four

living rooms, with all Improvement*; act quickly. Inquire MRS. FELD, 886 Warren St,EABDWAH8, palat lud boose fumlshliic buil-

Bsss for osle; excellsiit locstloo; Urge double ■tore; good trade: staple goods; price retsonsble- Address Ware. Box 14, News oflire.IF you want to sell your place of huelna .

METER ft METe R. business broker*, 800 Broad *t. 'Phone 1688 Market, room 506. Globe building.________ __________________

HIUHBBT c a sh FOR STORE8 any kind; dry goods, drug#, palnte, hard­ware, grooeriee, etc. WAINW^RIQKT* 414 DeKalb av*.. Brooklyn, N. T,HILL ST., 15—To lei. good-slie dlnlug-reom.

corofcH^bly furnlihed; connected with two lodging-houses; go mwls now._____1 KNOW of several good gTOcery stdre* for

•si* doing profitable bQelnes*; good reason* for selling. Address Saleman, Box 2, News office. No agents._______________

for sale; . very low

fS5. RUBBER-TIRED surrey; 840, rubbor-Ured trap; heavy set hamees: double set team

bamoee. TIO South Sixteenth st., bear Bpring-fleld g v s . ________________________ ___TWO HORSES, suit delivery; oorpenter

wogou. $4$; horse and pedlerts wagon, [ Cheap to qulok buyer. C. BAILEY, 180

High *1. ____________ _■WORK HORSES and bnelness wagon# w bl^;

also furnlturs and moving storage. CLAY­TON ft HOFF CO., 221 Halsey s t , Newark,SINGLE truck wsgon tud bsnirsi. both la ex-

oelleut condition- For pBrtloalsre apply to B. L, SOVEREL. 13 Cedir sve . Uontctelr.

I 815. CARPENTER wagon; 18. open peddler wagon, titw top grocer's wagon, $50. 710

South Sixteenth *1-* near Bprltigfteld ave-___ ^HORSE for sal*

work tor same.I msndy pi., near Lyon eve

years old; hsven't enough LOWENTHAL. 10 Nor-

Irvlngton.good chance to lot light buslne** wagon. In

first-class condltloii; suitable for any bxisl ness- J. KURTZ, 100 Peshtne av*.HORBE. harness and wagon for sale cheap

for quick buyer; mu*t be sold. BRAUN, 8 Parksld* ave.. West O r a n g e . _______NEW tea or coffee wagon. $M»i 835, lop gro­

cer's wagon; f3&, depot carriage. 713 South Sixteenth it., near Bpringfletd avs.__________

I FOR SALE cheap; work horee and pair nf mules. Inquire 191 Ridge st.. between

I a-15 A. M, H. F. BACKUS.

FORD 4'paxBeager. good tires, ortlw:Van. WM. VKT. Wl

all new ttree. 381 Halsey At.

600(1 running alsey st-

TWG-CTLINDER Sutek lourids 115. MEYER. 48* Main st.. E

car. cemplets, £ast Orange-

FOR 8ALE--Two*lon demonstrator; condition *72 Hal*sy s t________

MODERN brick gsrsge. 56x36. 218 OllTtT st.


F « y Sa Ic or EkChanxeauT o—1 tiBve ■ hlih-yewat roadster. fl®lt*

clan coudltlon, billy equipped or exchange for llgtu runabout- AiWreta t-ur. Box 8, News office. *

exchange stock Ining cempany. par 'olue $l.lki0. for automo-

bile. Address W.. Pox 57. News office.

F o r E g ch in ffet'PABSENGER Mitchell, perfect condUlon;

will trade for light two-paisenger car. D, Box ai5. Kenilworth, N. J.

DOEK your sewing mst'blne need rapalrihjp? If so send postil lo MR MlTflHELL,

phonr H57SJ Mnrket.‘4U

Thlrleerjth sve,;MRS. BrCHHGHN-Oefman graduate mid­

wife: takes ronflncmeiit rases; I’Tlvato »ur*-

LOSTBAG—lyost. t jKN’kf'tbook bUrk toother bto,

(H>otiislnf *m*I) i#um of monry. Kuiidoy sfier- uond. l>elwepn im! l>rakdetklndiy reiurn to MRS. UOl.Dl'. 381 dlxtb sve.tNewsrk. end heep money BOOK—IaOSI. either

10 and from Asbury i leather memorandum bnol

HORSE for sale; sultsble for delivery or fam­ily use Ehort Hill* Poultry Form, Bpring-

fleld. N. J,__________________________FOR BALE—Sorrel mare: fin# looker and

serviceably sound. $74. Cjsll Qrange. 1>7$.NICE hoTW for sale cheap; good for peddler

or other buslneM. J. LINKS. 84 Aldlne *t.

1 Caldwell pi., Ells®

price i 1.400; Box 2 t T~

ITALIAN-AMERICAN reataurontg ^ business; will be sold at i

price. At 282 Fifteenth ave.LONG’S Crlspette iptchlne, with extra stove,

almost new; will )©am you a good living, cost $260. will sacrifice. 84 sbetb- Phone 6S6J.MOVING PICTURB theatre for sols: good lo­

cation; doing fit!* buelnoss; get busy; thla | the time to buy. Address PHIL SCOW-

CROFT, 1581 Mato et., Paterson.MANAGER for Turnover Pereolator Cempaity;

youtig man who will take stock aftsdr thor­ough InveetlgotlOD. Address Manager, BoxNews o f f i c e . _________________


[ w o r k HORBB for sale. HENRY EBLlNG. Bouth it., below Tyler st._____________ .

I GOOD big horse, five Sussex sve., store.

years old. Inquire 1ST

I strong onr-borse wagon for sole very cheap. 80S Hoatb NlPth it;- ■

a k t o m o b i c e s

A u to m o b ile s for H irePRIVATE CAB fet buslneiR or plessurt; epe-

olsl ettontlon given conTslPiwpate end elderly foUs: II SO Iter hour 'Phone liWlM Wav*fiy.Pe’e RiIe SS ' CARbT lTmOUSINE TOI’HING;

HOUR, DAY, MONTH. 440 CENTRAI» Avjb.. BAfiT o r a n g e . TEURE’ntTn S 82. W. 84. $, per hour: •P^cleJ

rates by the trip; careful operelore; gc«»d service. TOWNSEND;

Newark, or on irtih Park. sniaLi dark rod

___ _ lok. wlih psi>ers of useonly to owner. Reward If returned W URi. t:h a r l kb NOBri. aa seu^h * » ________SkNK TlOOK-Loil, biiik hook No. :k)2+6 OH

Grans'^ Havings ilank: |iaymcnt ha* been ■topped; kindly return to bankCAT lout; reward to Under of cut: Ikfga

malleH*. paws, nose, breusl. all white, tost two weeks ago, Orange. AddresH SHI « si- not Ht., Montclair, tel- 7$<M Montclair-DOG-Loet, 850 reward, ihaggy-coited A l^

dal* terrle/, blevk buck, bruwn legs. lUR- BECK, Lexington ave.. New Torlu City! 'phone 2119 Murray Hill _____DOG-Toet brlnrtle hull, white spot on bis

head, rsward. 107 Academy ^ _______EYEGl,AHHKH-i''alr rycRlassPii with gold itolt

piet e. on EHiahftli car, rtunday ri«-ard It r Mirri'd m ........

rtind MktePACKARD SBRVICK earn rented hour

day nr week- H. R. HALL Garage. -T$-,I0 Haleey sL; ‘phone 693$ Market. ^PATKARUB—Beet and cleanest service; hour

diy * « k . PACKARD RENTING CO., IIFulton it-; 'phone TWi Mark et._ ___

itrlven by owner; 12 per hourp r iv a t e louring car.

knows all pleasant drive*. ■Phone 2405W Orange ________THREE-TON truck to hire for rtrilng by the

week, 515 w r /u r 42 Wtckllffo aCT: tel. 346 Market,

A utom ohlleB W anted

E A R R I N G d i a m o n d earring, between 50 riltiion hT and In <ir near Centre Market; re-

ward UNI Mulberry si , reMaurarti..LAVAl-f-IKHB—Lost, set with four

dUmniulN and surrounded with about 43 pearl* and pearl drops; chain had two Khols In- lost on Runyon si. or Clinton pi. Re­ward If returned to first floor. 3 Mllung' ton ave. __________________ _MKHH BAO lost. Hunday. Aug 31; keep

change and return l»iyt and glaite* ana Jt- celvB reward Apply ROEMETTB, 208 .AvOa ave . COT. Chadwb'k a'C ,iu i ' f CABE-’ IeOHt .Monday eveplng> smS-U

suit ease, conlalrvlug child's clrrthlng; ktut-- able reward for return «if 5«ime. MRB- F.

..............ave.. Montclair. N. J,

PACKARD 1101, . ftrtt-clSJU coadltlefti

lllOt I t u totiring oOrSk IB Pscksi^ Und*a>

lefbodT and 1st* o ^ e l Pope-Hirtford llteea- •Ine body, w1th^lMtber_ npbolalery, la t» telssa eonditteo. DIGNAK, 12 LltUetou ST#., Newark.

iboae 22^0 Usrket, J.

P, ft Le serview t* Domplete; we write stroag,e a. ----- ^-“ booklet

print t___graph' lettersp eompUe mailing Usts, oddroonvlncltag oopy for b^1 tangSp design sbd

iL folders, ete,; ar- irlnt tfkena well;

'* envelopes, wrappers, etc-: let our rebreeenta- tlve call and explain our service fn detolL

I K. W. GARAGE. Valley ft- and Oakland road, Maplewood; agent* for the popular

I Oakland. Overland and Ford cars; w# do all kinds of rep^r work as it should be done; 181$ f1ve-pa*setner cars for hire____________

tlve call and exploJa our THS PRICE ft UCB 00 .. t i l Broad sd.

to u r in g ca b* late WU.^for ^ e ehesp. ...flrit>e]a*a conditim; n y klnd_ demonrirstlonj

sad ootkA ootper steT«; willdoing 8I7B

__ ____ ; on aceoua-------- r s - —terilonsry, Box 81* News Offtos,

ootint oihar buatttea*. Aaor*** FaymK. w®*55, Maw* ttftlca. t_________ _

rouM 5ar yqu tq Ilk-

el»Dee. *56



9 s m

Bit bftYi a ssamltea Door la your ttera redsi, kftohsfi.

■k OcMSPOiltlOB inoaring Co.. 1B5 llirg Bti. TsL Market__________ ~

goMral oontriotor; idteivtiAiii*

riftaanth aa*.________________a d o F WOEK~ai9«walk».

e m .

eblmnsr* rtbnllL 'obbldc. Tel

Ae B&ILLV-ON fkwring, vmlnsocitfng s s t ^ i ^


IMliNK 55 I®. TOED B O C y.lT .l9 . ■*»,, CUntM ATa. 'Plmna BitiB W*Y.

’WORK-ChtmB*7B raballt, rawimi; IS, altantiena «wl JobWaj laij^altT . ?, W HalaeT at I teU OTIM KarVet,

CONFECTIONBBT a t m papar aala, raaaoOAlila: It will

TMtUata thw at onea:, n f* el WarraA at. '(TONFBCTIONORY an* s l|a r a tm

Call 278 Bloomfield ave., Kratetebr*

FAHILT le*%i*t5 range and household,

noobi for three days,Nineteenth st,

dlspOM Of. . . . C ill afterwTfNBMAN, 817 Boaih



TOR 6AU5-I>arg» leather cotioh Mid rocksr, oi^ p ; WO Walnwrlght 14 ________________

f a % V ® : W ^ r a , T a : ^LOUTS XV, Vernla Kbutln oahlpat, T^Ga

XV V.rnla Martin tabla: two ^ a fo ld lu bad*;'Hardman conwrt grand piano. laqulra 195 (Jlinton ava., city.__________________IiAUNDBY atore for ia4a cheap: aa aa

naw; call 12 Twaaty-aacond at,, Irrlntton,LAROE Wtoben atove, with waMrbaole. Mo. 5.

425 Broad at, aaaond floor, room 3.PABLOS

salefloor. BCHW.

BBT: all kind* of hotuahold toodaebaap. call at 45 Orchard at., top ■ 'ARTE

BARI) otkanoa for bouiakoapara at Auction Rooma, 18 Arlliwton it., naar ^

kat! ow Tegalar fumuituM ssJee eo ^ and Frldsy. eammencing at I0r« j ^ * * * » ,^ tilled with fuririture.ond booseholQ g ^ > » ftU ktods fnMti voriouit ooMlgnon. aod ibid ^ vtMie 'asm prfos to tbe h lA n t Mdder: ft 'rialt

FROFITABLB whotssal* mail order btul- nees requlree pactner: office m as .

ferred; elooe Investigation •oUelted. Ad* die«e Cash Bales, Box 74, News offioe.FRACnCAL Misa manager Is open for

esltlon; will consider patents. sMh i mercboAdteft etea; psrrioulars. Addrens tteol, D aT i^ a t m offlee*BOOKING hoose. beantlfnlly famislteda w ®

trtly lecatsd: Mg borgsto to qotek miytr; tastoess eot « f i tu e reason foe selUag, dfesi Hooh* Bps Iy Nsini offlee.aOKB ONS wanted, to open a deUoatessea

store In Bouth Orange: rent and Unu •enable; opurtmuts and store; whole «r in port. Addnfti Ban 101. Bouth Orange,

will take cosh or first or second »£rt«jri ■ I property in city, Inquire J- LBHlMEn,

pre* I l^ l f lc st-; Ul. T188W. Korkst.M

PEERLE86 W13. seven-pasesnfsr, six-cylin­der, sslf-sUrter. fully equipped opd |n splen­

did condition; used very lllile: price very rea­sonable. IS nave no use for eiuns. Address

; peerless. 810 Brood st. _____________I FORD self-atartsri; the grestsst Invent^: at- ' tochlng station 10 Bleecker *i., omf Rtlsey .

repairing and overhauling of F^^ oar* ex- slnslvely at tow price* and short notice:agents wintsd.________ ______^

of heavV pfoctloallf new Over- 1« tires and wheeu; Just the

tnek: berfoloFOR BALE. i*t . .

man eutomohlle tires , liras for on auto or _ s£y

Orange Carriage Co., 158 Eseek av*.. Orange,

SALbOir. iritfi hewimg olleye board; flva*yatr lease; rent e

Notion i w

50 PMB CENT, off lUt; cpaclal naw U n M Rtataa aaoosAa: all Nm i : "**!!;•

larraat daalan In tha Btat*. Auto ^ 1S«- Ohuifa, 111 Halaar at.; 'phono I5T5 Mkt,

nnd lU tlon mebaap. account of laavln# tooCANDY. cl«*t ebaap. aceour

ITl Howard at.

Moaa tof ■aar aobool.

HIGH PO W m Butek; Al maohaotojl ^ dttlon; Mat ovarhaulad; (uarM tajd, naw

atandard uraa; caah 5560: damonatratlon i» y Sma. BCHBIXBB. 841 Bauth Blavanth a t

K m o81*a. ____________________e x Pe MTOCBD offloa Btaa, won vaw d In

hualnoa. maftain,Jorepaan, wlah*a to ooBhaet wtgTWkall maau- facturln* concara partntr.

aw* offlc*.

BALDOM ter aala: mutt ha told at aoooutxt of health: prlca varjr raaaonahlA ,

•uminit Cafa, cor. Ctntiai ava. and pumiult________.

WANT to bU7 outrlsht or oontrolllnd Intaraat In manutneturinr, marcnnUlo or epntnetlac

hu.lntaa HafUlnl G X R ^ * * B * J ®«50,390. u :mUEL ROUBS; n Halatad at.,icasi Onoage. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _WAKTTO, -a n » « ? “ *? « « ? f !

tlma_____________________I FOB BSWr, iw a sa , lar** tnoudh f « two

machlata: c ta tn t floor; hoto conpaotlont: within ona wnok of CTlnlon m . a ^ Broad at, Addrm Qaraga, 8o« *0. Nawa offloa.

t T a t X ii.bap* aod tul'r cqulppc^d: w.l. « * ; i;

$40 a week clear profit:■cod roll particular* a l car. N*w J«raay. ^ ^ ----— ________

withape and ru

ousInesBaeylng 834 to

In Jersey CUy or ;3

P*'Chemical Cfo- Orange,ATTRACTIVE.

Irvington; An six rooms, bstb. equity 11.400 touring car

___ twoafamtiyflve rooms and bath.

new houM In hrst floor

second floor; lot 18x1 8 0 ; will eicbange for late model

See owner, M- BOCK. 08 HalNy it* , ■phene t$ l Market

GIFFORD Auto Exchsni and touring cirs Cor ce*L -- _

let you *e»r your ear off , gur floor, charge; refersne*

S« wsnis runabouts or conelgnmetitwe

GIFFORD, 281 Halsey et.Wa n t e d , ' l.OdO Ib. truck or sn^Uer deliv­

ery oar, with open expfeee body; will 1n- *taU^ healing system In «change for sai AddreM Truck, Box 94. News office-tPtLL exchange screw cutting lathe, sniftll

engine *t»d tools for small sTeciric or delivery truck; call ® afternoon. tS First st.* Newark*r u THE GUT who 1* .looking to buy old Mrt 'or burned cart for Junk purpows; I am.J>*y*—a _ *4AA n-uAml n»* ‘titog 125 UP

MAYER. 19to |1W. ’ Postal or 'phone 306W- Bsy st.T Montclair.

T^To NB *500 MARKET, an canlamplaitn* (*'"“ I*Are you coniempieiing ,

Stlni thte fall 7 If so. If yon wish to have It flnialiad In a flrat-clat. roann.r *fl?m that Kuaranu-------- - — -ft CO., 71 Sank st. reeentfttlve will call estimate.

|irai-CI»M dfamaaiwa -w —branteee work. #«nd HERMAN

e postal and ihelr rep- I with samples and give

BIO WALLPAPER BALE.J sltiA 5<|' 5 embossed,

aJ^a!«r.ap4 vateurs (oT.IOo.: varnish tliei Ikteci^pBperliig rooms for tt; painting st S i S a ’kTROTMOOSE. 5 ScBth Oran*. *

........ _ . Ttio..varnish tiles tvt

' low avsa

all iWffc duar«*t*«9-

Eirnpfan.AddraM Buatlar, B®* 45

j clschi tahr I tooli; pMdt

alii»b«r>: tlva Ilghla. j ia Badfcr A n -______

U n S . o f.a th srbacauaa cash wanted; will Addreaa Owner, go»' "A '0

Nawa afliea.fOK aALE-mraU^ . tae^ .y iw ^

beard: 9 rw m . V 5 > S J ! ? ’a J ? *Ur a c S iin V p'l r e s i L ! 7 i , ^52. Kawa o B c a .__________________________■rOR baLII—Baoallaut •irSSad'.raam h a u ^

a^aTSifUlad; aalUnKw* an eau t n ^ t h a , Mluaaa. Addreaa Nawa offloa.

part la aattn lllnlon and nratarY , equipped u d randr ta J® ®* —£ S y V a d « . 7 i S " ^ ^ -W ANTlD-loa rnuta, hm » m d .*»■ » , la

Nawaifc. Addraa, BanacenMA B w IK N m\ Baiee vo., xie* vsntrei ■tc-, v o

TSB BROOKLYN WAIW>APBR OCX a ariii Mnar WCBI* from 62.63 up: palntla* and 12 L £5!lna d 8 » at »arr raaaooabla prlcaa.

pT“ ll at 2TI Bank rt.I * ■' "•

m iU G B am o n t h f m »

Locked IcigBte,

Wlutlw *?_ l« t» f^ .* * * i» * *Btttah^a Bok FTa N*rw> offloa

T A in ^ O B uo^

Central ftvft; uh to wte* GftU *t >T8 l i t w - t n ave., MANKB® _________ UOtaCBD IflO R A ^

“ - -u p . ona tma at

rtratian jtip :'. aoM I Inquire w Mawaa i ______ _ _

Ifln Mw; ;gfto*s tad i«b«ft « d r ijja ifc ^ ® ’ * ***'

o a v

« U iiA S i* « a r a o ! ! « • * ? •" •T lf _B f ^ N s n t r . T ' d B ‘ s L f l S s r . t . i ' t s s i* w .d 5 « , . ' - -CEdW iiKW . 1511, *®®SlKT l i * « t n apafat: fine i-unaln* ajaar; la t a ^ .m UJMj pUAt Ms bar**)*. 167*. OIYFORD, m

FORD dhOMle, 181^ Oftft h* SMu WB|te oW *h . s j ' i s s i f ‘i * r 5 s [Hd* ' "

,,B(n*FtrtH!la*a bauac-palntin* aM dona raaaooahla; beat vtsflt

6*5 Bcmth Twalflh at.'5I55M,

I tl Wi:iium •!.. nfUcvlMc.

E. KIPP. 60 HlEhl,.nd

M OTOKCYtLKS ANO B IC Y C LESTUUUi a n n u a l b a l e .

If you sre coQiempietiug buyingcycle , do 1L

MoroRanow ^nd save money befoge

■lock iiktn». The EXCELSIUR MOTOR­CYCLE. in* Kin, of ths Road, «old lor a r t or credit; a few HeverfonJ motorcyclee al c w . guaranteed for one vesr; S large assortment^ Bscond-hsnd machines, different makes, from $40 up, Two Excelsiors, lOlfl. single chajk drlv*. deTpnnstrating mi>de1s. *150. Soe ue be­fore you buy. Soma tbopworn blwclei « coet; new hlcyoles from $1S up. HAVERFORDCYCLE 00.. 845 Uroad st. ______ ^END 8EA80NS BALK—We erill have an

nv«rsi<Hilt of nsw binyclei and tire* which w« must b«M lass then coet to reduce rioefc; second-hsnd bicycles: nq offer f I»unciur*-prfM>f and oil-proof tlree; 8LT6 Hartford tlrfts. 71c: 18.4* good tire*. 9Je; don’t nalss this opportunity. SCHULTZ Cyciery. 47 Bouth Orange ave- .

B icreL W aCMAS. KREBS, 61 yU jlam ^st K

|»OPB MOTORCYCLES, (L Re guaranteed for 3 y*ar#; res?' Pierce, Susni*. Flying Uerkel, *tcycle# sre

Johnson. P*w»—wt — r.a__,reduced prices; susdrles and repairing, sl*0 alt kinds of second-hand motofoynU* at lowest prlcs.gFOR quick *ala wa offer praclloalls' hnad-

n«w 1013 tw:n Harlap Davl«n. 1515, ^ o r twiB. 1512 7 H. P. ifiuMhtlw: van low prtoa. BU«H'M*cDOUQAH.. 512 Halaay at.PIERCE Ifaek whaal. flrat-claaa eondlUoa

526, with Uack or road Ura«; Ajjow trMK heal, naw, track or road tlraa 536. 9KRTwhaal, naw, - - _

WORTH. 751 South Tenth at.If6: aliaONj; iloiilc Tala motorneJa for „

twin Tala, with taiiilam attaohmant, t l » ;aw. tIBO. H. JHHLB,...Jus -

359 Hal**y at.brand new.

BICYCLE lor aala; fine condition; baytala.It®. Call 55 Fontaine ava.. Halcyon Park,

near Watnaaain, and Berkalay avaa, Bloom-

THOR motorcycle, with clutch. Pm trtrta lleht and tank: carrier: whiaiW^th FJSt

coriSmoS; 156 67 StcrllBB el.. Baft Or-ange.1518 KBW Hsrley-pgvldi

full equipment 8T^'' raent, WO wlthcutIt, I5a South SiKtb at

jrin; caat w p i aqulfw

flrat-claaa condHIooi -------------- Oaraca,

TTAN DacoritlBf Co.: tal. 7 « 5 J*kL. m m *. 1 2 » up; paintl^. 51.79, IE s WAX, la t South OraBsa avA

w 'S & S K ^aS S S ’b . i i r A . ^ M l i i - ^“ i tWBL7ABUB paoorailB* CO.< la. w a a

S g a s r s d g a - b . - Orange.

t ^ T S w C r T a d t S u f l * wortt; »tiarm.taad._

C b A L A A D W O p P ., tor tamlly

J L CO..


1515 YALE twln-cyllndart rirtt-clM« rtddan 300 »(l*a. OEIBSLER 8

Wruht at. and Frtlln«|iuraan ava.; ■ppdioondll l la n w ^ ava:1512 4 h- P- Eacalaior _

and belt 103 at««Oran**

Itiu; naw avaBaa.. ICaM

BICYCLE with coaatar brake; food coadltloa. c. SCHULER. 172 Bloomflold ava.

INDIAN 0 h. p chain drive; aooc Call at 21 Chadwick avanua.;OU]i.


f a t e n x s .___ , 1,11 u- —p a t e n t s and tradam^ ^ ' h S

Ol all fMa liauratj) ^ ' * * c ^i S S t w y t , S T o a ^ ^ l « « t 5 ]

RuSiiLL tl, ^ZJtSL U l

■ .TV-xt* .

■' t - ' :1. ■■

NEW ARK E V E N IN G " N E W l T H lj i |b A Y . SI1 ,

; K K A t m

HOMTOAOS MOMn.A w taatm L Cttr at MMrtUi

r<k iH n Iw Ii. Quick •cUca WOKTOAOB DKPABTHXNT. lO D ii to ii iJ o n ta B it. n<c

x t iE Z a u i u i w a

M ONir t o WAj; _•ONI 'ON •OND AND IIOBTOAOI. _ _ _

iro lO N U i o n cpN joM ioN CHAHom

n o o n mMORtOAOC DOAN*.

Hsre niMi«r to lo*n on bond *nd mofl****' r i W ^ R CORPORATION.

r i iIromon'o BuHdliMF-UOMBT CO lonn 00 flrot bond ond mortfofi nt

1 0^ Oittl*. U» #ui«i of WOO ®5bOMM ohSfEod. bCH ARRINQHAUEEK Ah ]u I^PKNCk. counooiort«ot*lii^>M ANS ON RBAL M tA T*

frlvut* or iwlMlia m I ■ |b4 poatal. rcjjrMCiitlilvc

i ^ T nocHB.r.nrMCHl»uv» w iiim n .

, r ft B iw l; ml Mkt.HONBT t« l»*» on flrit nnfl nwr<»Mo.

(lUM la ault, ut rOMOocbla I*™ -,, •CHBCBNrn. fourlh n w . loom *», Dolou kuliany; ' p ^ o IT*HAVa i i CM to IMB on (Irit moftfafo. at

•la DM e"nt have H.M«. •'•<> o" u ™ A L M u e PBICI;, t u Prua.miai bViMlnfm o m TO LOAN « bond■UM to 0OU. At d pdf without bOflUfcBOWARO BLACKaCOntmlora RtO Pnidtnttnl.

A v o n o N A u j a *



EN Tinn BBAAA FOUNDBT.I Oaa BnflnM • •"■» >• horaapowar; *

Waroar A S»aia» MonHor Lath»f, « apaai latbaA

t Infln a Lathaa. lliC and lit* .

» Foa MonltorADrill PraaaaaBuHi. Roll Top Daikt, Combination Bala,

Typawriiar. Bhapar, Ullllni Hachlna*, ®i^‘ 'l Tool*. Drata Foundry Eourpmant, and olhar matnrlal round In a laraa plant of tola nilura.

Tha abova balnp tha antlra plaot CormarlyChambari Co, hanUrupK.

M .M 0 t o IPAN on tlrat mortaaaet at aaai Intaraal; jumf to aulli i^ ck raiurn*. ^ - a. Bo* II. Kawt oitlr*a m I

A M rw Citata.U,«w AND 11.800 la li*n oa ">‘ 0 ^ 2 ;

tuick anaxari will ba awtaclalad. AddraiiKM i«tnc. ®«t *®' **••* "***'’*■ ____LOAm oi raal aatati, 8111 morttaiii •"•O *•■

aerlMloB of proparty Md amoual dailrad- ItMnay. 10* E prl^tld aaa._______ ________N8 t o land oa bairf and mortM»a; no ^ u i raqulnd Addraat Hortiata. Bo* 10, Nawt

TO loan on motlLiMtfUy rdMontbtd chaffdi. 1 ^ A*. N»w> of fir*. .

l iO A x a W A jr n n > —R E A L e s t a t e

■tr wtst» tLOU nbout Dac. 1 ;---------i — nrwv*iut 17 00ft;

Addr«M LLEWELf* ' Wfl*t Or-

HSLUBL* RAftr «rtst» ILOU < eetiaiersl. rmK mortrnf« d par

loer-nimlly boom, no* loontloo.

Ml i t r a T G

j . I1.ED0 for ibort Htati will pay food



IR Heir $r« wo to ^ Hd of tU n w li dabio «b4 M t w «v«rr crodlior » d do it nlidt owm.

THU U OUR ftCHEUEu i ! g r i a ? v i f f v * : s , * ^ " f f l n ^ £ 2 .5 r o » “ - • “ ■‘‘ *** ■’g/*?'lSirW ATm ratBln pmir oradll and «a « ‘kt w wry,•» MVlM to aaaka ona dollar do tha work of alx.

TOD CAN THENpay «a off In altbar waokly or mwttily P»y- Mata, to w it ywiir InoemA « d ha*a inonay M l trlth wMab M kuf for eail. atbar Boeaa*Htiw dir

. CAlX OH DB• « ( lot la adalM y«u ■■ uoBoy .uttara, aai ipTC you tka aAramafa at i—'* * " * * f f ‘TOb CANNOT CAU-,



Wtour many



AEL.L.S m iD A T . BEPT- ■* 1*1L AT n A. M. BMABF.


NEWARK. N. J.W!U ba aold In lota f^r ramovnl nt onca. Auctlonaar'a offlca. <16 Broad**^. N. T- 'phona 416? FrankUci.

P IA N O S A N D O R G A N S D ftT R O O n O N

SLBOANT makoiany upriflH plaeo. boautlful lona; «*ad alirtu monlha:

aatl fhtap for oaab. Cali Id Bank at.

•Jtarmd 0 * 0 , & OUfkTEAD, Profaaaloaal Coach. Slo-Kowara at., n«ar ^ ifalaln*. aaMlaw thaairtotla.tudavnia a ^ coaehad. tparlal altdnUan

DfEOW de Riu] ElOOttllMI

PIANO TUNBft—PracitcAl plann Aabar; ra^ palrlni all briuchtai naw

P, W- CANN. IIS Brunawlck at-: war.iMirlAi. dad. A


cuilon itudanta. Btudic. » Ha* at | bowra. I.*.T

PIANO TDNINQ, . ------ lt bmda™ promptly a iltn d ^ ik H , , iV v p 'r iv a ta ly '■ c u lp tu to . appHad arta

------a iS u i a S ^ r t n a n ^ blthSt rafiwcaa. dl-

Mlaot'llaDeona a r t profaaaor viahaa puplla Of maana imthar


D w elU nga

______ _ __ ____ ______ . Ln fina oonii*tlon'”wlf| laYl 'al' «w* tnr '•» lor bdrfaUi.

Addrtw Plano. Boa *0. Nawa oTfloau_______ _UPRIGHT PIANO. iiMhPdanr.

■ aall

and Ptart partrwraMp. nlchadt rafarancaa, di Plomna. K^ROKJOERd AdWy, HobojadB^

MERSrELDER CONSTRUCTION OOMPANT <rfTart modara vi^otaydata Boaton pbtn two-

fa mlly frama and #tu«.*co bouMA on South Savantaantb I t . Mar Madlaon avi.. ona block north of Cllaurti ava l pnruMt floora. banmad catJlnfa. hardwood trim, aiactric Uahlt. hand' aomaly dacoratad. Asani cm pramtiaa. OfRca,


rA R M S POR SALE R O D Stt) W AM TEb______ 'M- ~ m

JBM BT f u n » u d country homo; M lo* « » 2 l * t t \ ; M 'r M ^ k \r * X d *ISM: * u r lomim MlTAr n ch cn io for city "twooD M vkjt CMtrni to*,proporiyi ■ psotol krtafc full InTarmUIlss. WHITE, III wuihlligtrAddroH Country. B « TI, New* offlco. ■ ■— • -----—.... ,, !■— II | ii.g . . — ................ nnr. r.irrr__rytrTO L E T -O C T O F T O W N

Nk »~k MO R E X C H A N G E K M T''aitANaB^^^ m ^taM iy

POULTRT, fruit and fanarul farm. Flamlni*wnr N. *i.. 5m Trotir* freln* Ntwii LahiA

■ - ■ ■ " • >11:

hauaaa in tSia piwttlaat a ^ la E u t Orangai alMa to trolUT aad two rtllrMd aUtloiuii vary

Vallay or Cantral Railrodd; iO acrad. food aol . ftiod atona houM: poiilth''houaa u m otharbuTlif " --------- - - -linga. all ptautad and aaMonad oropa har>

1710 PLAYER-PIANO to ba told: a bargain;latait ll-i)oIe. can ba aaaii bp wrUlitf t«

Plano. Bo* I. Nawa offloa.


II—PIANOS, or*ana. tunad. rapaUad;pari; 56 veara* aaparlanca. HENRT

Ew a LB, 1M Plana at. ___________


IDEAL locatloa for a pbyalelaiii modata brick houki of aitvaa ruoma, oo tha northaaat car-

oar of tHitb ava and North Slath at.: pr(na

vaatad; lota of fruit, poultry, cowa and borMa. achool. church and vfUaft aloaa by; axchanga for houaa. commutlDg dlatanca; flvapartloMlatafor houaa. commutlDg dlatanca; flvapartlo ■n tlr.l icmr. Add’— CHAi J. i(aTN

high alavatlOD; eenulna nlna roama and bath; arary laiaat improvtmaiit; only throa laft '— tha tan built: rant |85 tb ^>PMt mr fort raatint alaawhara. PHILIP i. SON 4 CO.* itewar* buildipg.

1A>U18 BCULlkllNOEA INCsY.nun. uWMr wiu caka part caah. balanca on

----- “ l/u iC H LEB CO., ^F A R M S W A N T E D

mof(aaaa.Roarvjila HAVH buytra waiting for farma larga and

“ .. ‘ ----------- and *—

tUd-Pln^ uiirlahl pla b« Bold. <*ail 4 Bel

land, aiandsrd maka. mutt 'll*vlll# avr., cor of Broad

SUT, SELL^ EXCUa NGBL. a p p r a is e

LEASE. MANAGE. NIX>dTlATB Ip A N lJ - ----------- ------------A.^'t EFFECT INBUBANC BEAL F.8TATA

IW) BUT* Boctvn «yl». iw»-f»m1l» Im w i l«r** let: will dKClltcd: tiled h«ll),i Mp*

aratc haatara and antrancat; oaopanlant QEO. p; MUTCHLER r o.. idb Roaavtila avaj.

anmii; alao dty two*lAmlly tiouMt; and Indoma proparty In aa " — ' - ...... full parIrhanga lor forma, at onca to Farib

Sand lull partleutara Dapartraant* JOHN R.

CONNOR piano Addrraa Sacriflct,

and Knobit playtr. ebaap* Box ftd. Nawa ftffifta

- ................ - _____ . api .........FRANKE CO., i i t Sprlngfiald ava.. Irving

' ' 'Phoaa 111 VVavarly.

rPRIOUT loahoiany plaon fot aala vary raa- ikftnablr C BELL, m tVa^arlj art.



H EA L L ta A T E H JK biA L E — OUT O F TO W N

RESPONSIBLE party would Ilka to rant a rarm wlibln commuUnf dUtanca of Nawarh.

Additaa Farm* t o M. Nawa offiot.


bchoolaEkT. )l«0.



■p h o n e tm m a r k e t .JAMES A. b e r r y .




n«drd *bc** th* moriti«* c( W.W0: b<*uil.FA C T O R IE S A N D L O FT S T O L E T


D.y And .v .n ln j cour.M offered In Unl- ertliy bulldln*. W.ihlnulcm Squere. K*«l,

Cour.ei In Accountln*. uenkint. A durtl.-


TELEPHONE 1*81 m a r k e t .Ini Biid SeleimAnihlp. Ineurenci, Reel Ee-

VERT l a r g e a sso r tm e n t o f f u r n i ­t u r e a n d h o u seh o ld g o o ds

AT a u c t io n . __W W REID, AUCTIONEER.

SELLS TOMORROW (FRIDAY), SEPT. 8, Mmm.Bclnf m lll-.» A M., at ee Mi-Mm,


and valour covarioia: Library Tabiat, Mir- rori, PIcturM, Couch**. Rookca***. D«*k*. *lc-

DINING-ROOM FUBNITI HE. ma*a|v* Buf- t*t». E ii.n ilon t»hl*», l*a»h*r *nd cane **at Chair*. Cry*1*l Clo**l*. Sideboard*. *fl *01*11 Rut*. ToMelware. Lac* Curtain*. Spreid*.Clock*. rURNlTURE

Br**e bed*. line coiion *nd tlb*r M*itr*****, Dr***«r* and ChlHonlw* In quarirred oak. mabogaBy, birdwya iiiapl* and «. l^aaatan wal­nut. vnamelart Bada, Hprln*a and M att^aaf. Wardrabat* Couchea. Rockera and othar (ixl2 Euga In Axmlnatrr, BruiMla and y. I lion, atair and olhar Carpaii. Unolautna. Kitchan Cloaata. Rtfrlgamiara. flinvaa. Siora Fliluraa; 300 Iota Uadtum Furnitura. ate., ate.

tna L .. . .--- ------------, -taU, BuainaM Manaiatnant. Pnlltlea, B«cra- larUI Duilaa. Journallam, ate* Yaar begina drpiamber 2fi, Band for bultatln to Racre- lary* ficbnol of Contmarca* Waafalngton 8q., Naw York CUy.



THg TOWNIBNO 6CHO0L fOR OIBL4"Day and Roardlnjr Bcbaol.

nM-SHg EIGU BT.. NEWARK.. R. J.REOPENS Wadqraday. Septambar 34. prUsiry,

Intrrmi^iata aiul aradealc dapartmebu; collrca.................. ...... — a- idutUaEirppiratory and othtr rouraat. cartlQcata i . n Elmira. Bmllb, aaaar. Wallaalay and Grrnuco

#r rollaRea: la accaptad by tha norioal Kb<y>)a of I New Jeraey and tba Rrgenta of tha Rtaia of I New York; art* etoentIcD aod gjm&atliim are


4AT FRUPENIAL BUILDING.Raal StU U , Ina.* Lonna and Apprulaala.




PUBLIC AUCTIONAt the foundry of (ba Uta Barney J Romaloe, Bridge *(.. Harkeoairk. N. J., Wedneadar, Sep- tambar 10. Ifl13, at noon, tiiQilatinf of foandry MUlpmauit* rli., wood [lattaroa. aaw tablaa, 8 mouLdl Dg machlnaa, drill preaa, plaaara. engine, tcraw cutting lithe, wood lumwf Utba wl|^ eoubter abiftisi. ona bortaontil eoglne, 10x20 knlfa grifidar, irladitone. work beorb. amery wheel and fnma, blower. iDvlIa* rlaaa. ladlea* iO-faoraapower upright botler, blower forge witb alack, three-ton crane, cupola, rmabllng na* rbtue, 80 tael abaftlnf 1 l i8. with bangera. lot of daika, lot of bolti. toola, laddera. old Iron, etc.; tarma laab on paraouk property.

P. M., the p r ^ r t f with

incrnflfd’ Tn Ih* tuition and are'in i-batge of ipeelatly traload tracbera; (he faculty la com- poerd f*f colleit Women. The ptliiclpil will tw at home after Labor Day. Por cataloguet and oilier InforEnalloQ apply In HRS. JULIA BOS DAVIS. Principal lef 61M Market.


Tbe aixth ye*r opena September lA. 1P18. Full cnurjue of atudy. leading in the degree of LL B- Ajiproximateljr ninety per cent, of our gradu- aiea have been aur-ceaaful at their flrai Naw Jeraey bar eaaminalJon. Hurlng the lame time (be average nuinher of men* not law achool graduarea, paaaltig, waa apprnxlmataly fifty par •’em.

The Prenaraiory (k-hool, fitting atudi . . . <*------ lenta to 1P18-enter law achool. opena flepieml. . .. _

Tba new preliminary education re iulrementa do not affect ihoaa entering In Seprember, 1018

Office open dally. Catalngtlta aeni on regueat

Eat.m l

Kotlea--*At 2;}» P. M.* (fie property with tmtldigg, will be offered for aala; Bridge at.. 8LP. iortb 152, aouth lOO.P; rlrar and doek

gand FALL TERM OPENING Day achool, Saptambar tnd; avenlm

achool, Septambor Ird. Couraaa: Shortban

.froaUga, 41.8. Tami on real .aetata, half caah, balanea taortfiga at I per cant.

Bold by order of axecutiix.MRS. OSOBGIB 0. BABBROUCK, MISB JBANErrB h o u a in b .

CHA8. B. LOElER. Auctioneer, ihltibla for gartga or factory.

and typewriting* Engllab brasobaa* civil aar* vice. panmanahTp, commercial. Offlca open dally S;8u to 6 . Acadamy and Halaay ata.*





W :.

TOU W tU . FIND<k* AjnOUOAN s surtMusIf dlttenftt lB*t|. W IM iK b th* orlHnur, lo u eompusir sou

ar l«kd SIMM. CourtuM* umpleir**, *Ruutful aCflOM, eonMSwst* tnutm wt,

i«t«s ruvoSB tner* to w . muk** us Sll; L n rou fcuT* kOfWWiO, or if

ith other eoauMol** duo not


W * ]

S ggM rta^ Klib othit nompAdlii b u not« « 1 S - iJ : S f “A®K*?d3!S

U irUI rIooo* mu.NO PDaUCTTT WRATITVIA.WrtM or -Pkooo. bformotlon Froo


‘Pkooo 8228 M«rk*t,Q tai H indsr SBd ■kturdss ■voaloip.


T . BTMON. Auotionaar, will aall on rrtday, BapUmbar 4 IPIS, at lOiBO A. M.. at aalea- roonn. 3SS Bnica at, near Bprlngfleld ava., a fine iMaa tnd lUpia atook of Orocerlaa* To- matcaa, Paaa* Baana. Ollvaa* PlckiM, Soupt* Tea, Coffa^ Ffour. nugar, Sardlnaa, Balmon* Klpparad Rariiag* Ketchup and many other artielaa. El^^sraa: 4*tiib, S-tub and 3-iub lee- bpaea, Bealaa. Bhowcaaea, Countcra. Coffee MUla. Canlitara, Jare, ate, Alt gooda muai he ■old without reaarva T. SIMON, tha man who daala fair and aquara

W ANTEDHIGHEST etuA pticaa paid for ladlaa* tnd

gaaU* oaalH>ff olothlng atid ahoaa; aura high prioaa paid for man's ault« and ladiaa' (AAcy draaaaa: aaod poatal and I wilt call at nnea; or 'phona 4810W Ukl. MR. CABN* llT South Onnga ava*, near Norfolk at.HIGHEST prtoai paid for oaat-off elothing,

hate and ahoag. M, HANSON, aaeond- hand clothaa for ladiaa and gatiLa, I t l Hart' ford a t; ‘phone 4TT4W Ifarkat; aand poatalHIOHEBT PRICEi PAID FOR LADIES' AND


prioea paid for looic atainpa* milk labeli, aoap wrapper*, etc. New Jarny Coupon Co*, S80 Plana at* near Market. ______HIGHEST prioaa paid for lad lea* and ganta'

oaat-off clothing; lend poaUI or tel. IT78U Eaat Orange. ZIUMERMAN, 83 Hadden pi*



R K A L E ST A T E FO R SALE— CITTfNVffl TRACT. Naw«rk'i faateat tailing de­

velopment; 14 minute* to Broad and Hat* ket on naw Hawthorn* ava. trolley; 70 min- ut*i to Broad and Market by Broad. Cllr- (on or Summer car tme*; achool*. *tore*, churche* adjoin th* tract; lot* SO ft* front or Urgar; raitiicted, lmprf)v*m*nl*. no a*- acBiment*; convanlent term*; com* out to­day, taka Broad, Clinton or Bummer cart* get off at Oaborne terrace or Clinton pi., walk fouth (o Hawthorne ave.; agent* on

troperly every day; aend for map. FRANK ■. SHIELDS. 412 Union bldg.

ful renliienu*; U room*; bath; heat; open fire*

flacee. three entrance* and porrhaa; plot lOOt Qt) feel on oornar; baaatltui ahade and fruit tree*. #nclo*ad by hedge: rented for WOO yaar.

don't mlM tkla. L ^U M E R B. 4T8 Elm at.. Arlington.PLOT. IdftxlW. on fully Improved itraei. will

be *old at vary low figure, fully worth 44.800; near elatlob and trollay; give (b* (nat­ter your immadlaia attention If you want

tiln I. V. DORLAKD C0-. Eli

1,000 8Q. FT.* north light, drop maat. Iralgbt ataviior, ateam heat, alactrlo power.Ona loft. 4.uU) aq. ft., light afl arouad*Ona lofU 8.bM) *q< IL* Lgwranca iL t vary

low rant; ataam heat and alactrlo power.Hotora inatallad (raa of ohaiga and hapt is

tndar.wm build raotoriaa on Machaola at* to autt


GLEN RlDGE-’^ all located houaa; 8 roorag; I attica; ell improvamanta; bam (auiiAbl* for

gtrag*): large plot: fruit ahd ahada traaa; aU- tlon 8 minute*. 150 monthly. Owner, UO Cdtt* v*nt ava., Naw York City.________TWELVE-ROOM hottta, In ftb* ooodltloh:

good tooatiod; on* month'* ram free; rant ITS. 14 Naw England larrao*. Oranga: owner. 4fi Waihlngum (errae*. Saat Orango. _____n u t l e t N. J(-Sav*B-roem houaa and IM-

room bouae for ram. with all modem tm-provamanta; large ground*; rant raaaonabta. indulra 4 Humboldt »t.. city.GLEN RIDGE. Highland av*.. 24-T*n room*;

all latett Improvemoma. Sae aU agenta. or_____ -JA8. A. BOBERTaON. 2SU Clinton ave., Naw- ark.T S t GlANGES^Modero b«ii«*. on* tnii two

family; alao apartmanu; beat ioction*; 188 op. b LaUVeLT. Brick Cburvh Stiiloa. Eaet Ortnga.IRVINGTON. Stuyveaant ava.. filS-Kou**. T

room*; hardwood floor*; all Improvamanta; room for garag*. near two car liifea.

bnrgiln llngton, N. J.

Elm *1.* Ar*U. SETUOUR JR.. OR


B lo o m fie ldBLOOMFISLD. Jtrora* p!.. l«-F |v*.rooqi

hou**: ull Improvement*; b*r« (or horw:FOUR ROOH8 AND BA8KMKNT.

*h*d (or wuion, cblcku*; lari* li c*lh; quick nio

U lot,

dealredckjokan run. a^h

. prlc*CARU

lig ok- prlc* 12.100; 1800THE PARK ST. WING OF BRICK BUIW -


BeUeTlUoSAVE t30ft en •ever-mom bnuHe, part caih.

aik (or perdculara, Addreaa Bargain. Box 78, New* offloa.



£ g g t OrtanireBUILDINGS--18,000 iQuara feat tlrat

12,(hi0 equare feet, cement Unor throujBANKS FAIL—Buy thia aatnl-bungalow; beam

cemng: cobhle*ton« fireplac-c, sleeping bal­cony, parqutl fllK r*. *team. elet'trlcUy. Ills bath; 8 room*; only 18.800: your term*, large cornsr lot. Arlington and WaUe»*ln# avea ALLEN.

eecond floor: a.tMb square feet, centralfloor.

f out,and

handy to all rRllroada Inquire on prami***. ZSi and 235 High it. YVM. F* MULLIN.

FOR SALE; very low price*; offer* waaiad, 28 Sharman ava., 83x100 feet.57 Brunswick *(., cor. Farkhurat ft.

640 Baymotir ave., lot. 88x100 faat- 850 Plane m., cor, Augusia it., 38x100 faat.

39 Arlington at., adjolni above on rear. 58-44 Arlington sK., three front*. 90x90 feat.

f lu ton

FIREPROOF LOFTS - 397 Market aL. one block from PenniylvanU Railroad; ona loft,

B.Oftft; alao on« 3.000 aq. ft.; plenty of light, heat: elecliic olevalor: with or without power. J. STURM 4 SONS. 401 Market ax.

SOtlTH ORlNaE—Housa* aeven.rooraA Impror^meuti: III montbly. Ownar. room 469, fifth

Ava. bulldlug. N*»' lo tk.KQUSE. five room*, to lei; g**. etc.

MEYER. 84 McChaiipay at . Orange.

HOCISI3^ W ANTED— OIJT O F TO W Nw a n t e d . 10 rent, with option to buy, anigU

houaa or two-family home by roapactabla......................... Bo:colored jMople Addreaa Houae,

ofSee, W hge-Box P, Naw|

ST O R E S. O F M C K S, ETC.. TO LETALDINE building—Office with all Improva­

manta; avllAbla for phyalclana or dentliate. Inquire Unitor* Aldlna building. Broad and Lambardy at*.BROAD ST.. Plura buiidlna-A few officea,

|10 and up: all lmprovtm«nui. lanitoi haat.i|nt» alavabior Mgrviea; low*at rents; near Mar- (:*( Brmd »»»- -----— “ - « . . . .Sruil *t.


SIQ demand now for hulMIng Inte at Nfwirk’a faiicat growing eiiburb. “Klltonla," low

price*: moderate raatrlcilone; easy term*, fr^e aiunnnobnc service, liberal arrangements miiie with wideawake, competeni ealeaman. either whole or part time. Call morning*, room 3ix>, 788 Broad at.

TWO dealrabla lofta for rant on Market at.;beet location In the city of Newark; rent

reaaonabia, will alter to suit tenant; long leaje If »o dealred. Inquire 14 Market at. F BERGAMO.

52-54 Arlington at.* through to Nicholaon at.48 Halsey at.. 16x100 feet.

f r a n k l i n F. mayo 4 CO., 810 Broad it.COLUMBIA BT. CORNER'-FUctory* 118.000.

ARCH ST.-Stable and ahop, tO.OOa BLSBCKER BT, near Plan* at.; make offer. a c a d e m y BT . near Plane, 48.000.

GBISER 4 PLUM. 848 Broad at.

Ntwark. JOHN KUULER JR.* Priudpkl.

THE NEWARK SEMINARY.Utaa Whitmore'* Boarding and Day Bohoolf

Its CliNTON AVB., NEWARK, N. J , Reopen* Tburaday, Saplemt>ar 25. 1918.

ALL COURSES, cfartiflcau admit* to load­ing collagM. Primary and Intarmadlata da- partmenta lay thorotigh baali (or acadamlo cour*Mi. Puplla ready for high achool will find Individual trelnldg that inaura* more rapid

rograaa and grwater daveiopment of poaaibtl- tlaa. Diploma* tor full couraa. Canlfloataa

for apaclal couraaa. Cttaloguea.Mlaa Whitmore wilt ba at hom* TRaaday.

Beptambar 3* 1 9 1 8 * __________ __



Thorough twaparatlon for any collag* or acl- eniiflc acrool, or for buainaaa Ufa Gymnaaium and athletic field. Ntrmbar ID each form lUn* Red. Catalogue on request.

The Head Muter will ba at tha academy dally from 9 to 3 during th* week baglimlng Baptambar Uth.

WEEQUAHIC PARK-Ptot, 80x100; Porter ave.. 30ti fi. from EUaabeth ava., will aall

cheap to a quick buyer; prloa 41.500. W. T- JENNINGS. M Weaquablo ava. Wavarly 1835W.LARGE PLOT. 60x300: Jeffewn at-, batwean

• - "J»0: • ■Oliver and Chaatnut; IIJIOO; easy term*. - - ------ iSfl PrudartlalEDWARD BEERS, room Prudartlal build- log. _____ON South Orange ave.; good alora. paying

property, For Mrtkulara addreaa Bargain. Box 88. Nawa offlca.

D w e iU a f iUNEQUALED opportunity to purebaa* ax-

callant frama cottag* on plot 10x 18 0 ; houe* In parfaot order Inside and nut; ra- oantly ranovated at great axpenaa for own­er'* ocoupancy; proparty looated In im t *oo- Uon of Forest Hill. N. J., at 838 Highland are,, near Oratlofi av*.; Is offered at low figure to oloee estate. Apply to Set* of PHEBE H. KART, dee.* on premiaea* or through your own broker.

STEVENS SCHOOLRiver Bt* bat. 8th and Sth Bta.. Hoboken* N. J.

REOPENS BEPT. IBTH. 1918.Ragtatradon Daya Sept 9th and 10th.

SxamftMitlon for Admiealon, Bapt. ' *“to ’

U and 13.Coureea of atudy preparatiuT Unlveraltlea

Collegaa. SOboola of Science, Law and Madicma Tha rata of lultlcm la IlSb per y e a r . ____^MISS CRAVSN'B SCHOOL FOR GIRLB.

978 BROAD ST.. NEWARK.Reopen* 'Hiiuradap. Saplember tt. 1918.

All department* from kindergartan through ^ llen Drenaratorv. Thorough preparation for


WHERE TO GET I t 8198f l fOtt aaeS raady monay, and cam futnltura,

m m , ata. and want It quickly and prlvataly, {iMaBMld eaU <m ue (ar It Wa have b*ao Will I n to th* publlo for ^^^TONTY-FIVB YEARS tN NEW ARIL S |4 OBT ^ S azparlenea in SQUARE DBAXi nSniTHU fwaganabla ratea and abeoluta prlvkey !• bgpraeigtad by all who borrow monay la Ip If vajr, aad

YOU ARB INDEPBNDINT m i tutfar abllgationa to no ona Tour aoe- tiwet with na provide* that you «an [Ap off fm r iaal at any Uma, and for evair full Unitti paid aooaar than the tlma apaad upon 1m anil allow you a gubatantial rebate.

PAT WEEKLY OR MONTHLY, ^It mgk«i M dlffaranca to ua. W* will traat m right at all tlmaa, and ahow you every

paid for ladiaa* and genti" caat-off eIothlnf,_i^oa4L and teathara. Bend

HlGHEfar prlc caat-o(( eiothlof. aiu

poatal to J. BECKER, SB Montgomery at.t r a d in g STAMPS bought; highest prlcea

paid for book* and looae; coupon*, milk Ubela, soap wrappata 108 Market it., room 21.

meem&to eo u rt^ and ooiuidaratibiiUm niBalAff a( tha aoaount. If unable WRITE ar *jPHONB MARKET 46^ and our im ewaeutiva will call.

Fotltlvaly no advance obargea. paOPUFS LOAN AND BROKERAGE CO*,

118 Market atRmE 409* Fourth Floor*

Otfloa Haunt Saturday aveaiags,t t* 4 9 o olook.

Evary one naadt money at thIa aia^Mi. Aoybonaat man or woman may obtain a loan frem m abaalvtaly without delay or publicity, at thafaUasring rat**;

n o Loan, 8 raymenta* fl-78. n s Loan. 8 payment*, t .50. ISO Loan. 6 paymenti,^ 8 Loan, 6 payinenta, U.riO.

Loan. 8 payment*. H-tn.149 Loan. S paymenia, M SA

S paymenia 17.1r.7ACall, wrl^a or ‘phon* Market 1287.


605 Broad it*Botranoa next to Childa* Lunchroom.


BOLL TOP daik aad caab reglater: alao aeconil- hand furnitura; will pay prlcr, MR- CASH* 04

Acideny at*; lei. <B88W Market _____________OLD GOLD, silver.

mondi and pjatinuns bought aver PeitFa E. H. BALfVRE,

ecraps of Javrolry. dia- Til Broad st*.

STEAM boiler; amail aecond-hand aieam boiler to haat Mx-room bouae. Addreaa

Holler, Box 84. Nawa offlca.

college preparatory. Thorough preparationany collrg*. __

SPECIAL ART DEPARTMENT.Claaaee in Slualratlon. daeign. watof

color; drawing from oaeta and life, ',a p p Ly at t h e sch o o l a f t e r bb pt . l

NEW JERSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE.81 Market at„ cor. Wnehlnglon, Newark*

N. J. Day and evening aeaelona now Fall term, enrollment week. Sept 1 to Sept. I. 41at year. Thorough cours**; moderate rate*; reliable service*; call for partlculare; enroll now- Edward A. Newcomer. PreildeiU.

BARGAIN from genarai contractor; will build you a bsaqilfut six-room hdusa, with all Im-

provamaaU, for 12.400: two-tamtlv, $8,800; only the bast of labor and matarlaif uaad: plr and specifications froo; mortgaxa aacurad . full ooat of coneiructlon: it wll) oay you to iDVMtlgsta thia Cllntoti Hill Conatrueilon Company, 998 Bprlnffletd ave., Irvtngton Centra.

TRUSTEE'S SALE.16-20 Dawey it., near Hawthorn* Ava

School: will b* sold (or tha banaflt of tha cradltorg; 8 or 7 rooms* with bath: baa^jufully decoratM throughout; ataam baatad; alactrlolty and gas; 18*700; on eaiy terms. Call or phone ARTHUR D. CRANE, trusts*, 81 Clln-

toQ at.; or on premlaea dally from 2 t* 8 P- M*

Irrln stoDIRVlNGTON—Elgbt-room houae



ith Urge let.I3.81M). alx-room houee.. Ini 50x200. 43.500;

bouae for two famlilea. I4.B00, several other new houtee. with every latest impmvetneni.nCY» nLIH»9«| WIiLII ««YI/ *•*■•*( Il■4 .,..s*,l13•.,.heaudfully located, also fine building lots In all section* of tha town. Apply WEBER Realty Co., Stuyveaant and Springfield ave*.

BARTI ETT bulldlDg, two dealrabla Soon to let in Dew building; reata low; 6,46ft aquara fact,

7,353 squire feet. wUb electric power; *U Uteat IniproTeOieotf. Inquire 216 Uigb at.

WATCH THEM PBINO BUILT.Alpina at.* eaat of Harrison pi., on* block

from ClIntQQ ava; four tnodam two-fomlly dwetllBgf now being aractad: note ifta ma- tarlilA tha grad* of workmanahtp; get price* and tarma Miaaglag agents, LIN'NETT 4 WOLF. 221 ainton ave , op. Elisabeth ave.




HOBBS building. Mulberry and Oliver a ti.; l,W) to 16.000 aquara faei. electric power

and elevator; rassnnabica ricca. Apply lanllor.

M aplew oodMAPLEWOOD. Salter pi.—Look for beat

built houaa whan you buy; tapestry brick; alat* roof, hardwood floors; living and aleep- Ing porchea; lot £0x160, price 46.800; $£.080 B, and L. mortgage. .7, B. RlKER, owner. 187 Dlckeraon at. Newark.FINE bungalow aU* for aale; very high

groimd; beautiful trcea; Improvemenu ln- oiud* aewer. water, gna and aleetrlctty; cor­ner lot 58x119; prlc* 4950. OAKES, opp. ata- tlon, Maplewood.___________________tOD-FOOT (rentage, aultable for atore or

apartroant, for aala. or might exchange for good income proMrty _ . . . ..Box 444, Maplewo

Addreaa Owner,

O r a u feEDCTRA f in e one-family bouae. 414 Lincoln

ave.. pine large rooma. nearly new; fine nelfhborhccd. near Lackawanna Biaticn and iroiley; bargain: aaay lermi.

8o iith OrADfBONE acre of ground: hou#*, barn, rhlcken-

houoaa. fruit ireea of ail hind#, for sale cheap. Addreai NELSON. Box 101. South Or­ange.

^ e s t S n in in fi

|S.6ftO BUTS fine T-rcom ona-tamlly atucco; lot 81x100: modem: new; 11,800 caah* bal.

mortgage; or acme cash and vacant land.$4,700 buy# l!-room two-family: rant $83;

hot water; gaii mtga. UilaO* 5 par cant. Graa't baigtlna in all pai tp of New Jeriay.

N. J. Farm Exch.. Real Eitate and Conet. Co., 18S Market it.. 5th floor. Tel. 8821 MkL

BOWDEN’S prtrale htjaineia echool; abortbanj.trpewrltlDf, book-keeping and angllah htanm-

es; poaltloD* aectired all graduate*: lodlvlduxi tnatniction; pupil* enrolling now will b* placedtn foodpaying poaltlooi by atrly winter; tatiaa

ily. day ■eaaWn: |J evening; refined *u 577 High at.

|9 week , roundlufB.

H onBchold G o o d i W n n tedAT MR. CASH’S, 64 Academy at. What have

you got to tail (or caah! W* buy anything and everything for caeh; eacond-hajtid Mmi- tura, old carpMa, cltali-a. tablea. pitlowa, outlta, ruga, Btoves. dresaera. with or without mtrrorsi antique and anything you wont to aell for caah: I pay more than any deaiet or auction bouae in the city; I have no agenta to pay commlaalon; I ceil myaelf twraonally; IhaPa why I con pay more than oihera: get my m-lcei tlrat; tend poatal. I will call at once; EiuIdch Iirioly MB(lJ*nM,l. T.L aSMW Mkt.a l w a y s Iho tllAhwl rrlcM ptld (or (urnltufi

of every deaeflption; we buy contante of atorea and mcrchandlae: w« will aend our agent or coll peraonally, and w« will pay you mor* than any other houoe In the city; aend for F* SIMON, the man who paya you ^*h and deal* fatr and aquara; lend poatal. F. SIMON, TB Acadainy it-; *phona 694M Murkat*ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND

iSe ^HANDISE, e n t ir e OT^fENTS o f atorea* houee# and flat* or anything yon have to atll bought for caah: coriault ua Mfore Mil-!w i ihwrtolly ilv r .: Hnd p « t ,l or•phone *628 Market. ___ . _

RttiD'B AUCTION ROOM.16 Arlington It., near Market

a n y t h in g In the Una of furniture and ho^e-hold good# you want to aell; writ*.

telephone ux; higheat price* paid* Tal. otwo Market

NEWARK BUSINESS COLLEGE-Th* In­dividual training achool; ccuraea bookkeep­

ing. ahorthand. typewriting, aecretarlil, civil tervlce, itenotypy: fall term *ljyrand evening; catalogue. 1. L CALVERT. Frin.BOSTON TBCHNiCAL SCHOOL of NewaJk-

Er gllah copraea; TefinU\ civil aervlca, law. medtfiai, englneertni, prep., brld^ and atruo- tuml dealgn drawing oourie. 256 DallevUla ava.

DRAKE COLLEGE.Hmirlron it. and Central ave.. Eaat Oranga: book-h taping, ahorthand. typewriting, aacra- tnrlal (*nd penmanahlp eoureea; poaltlona.


b u y s id e a l c o u n t r y h o m e .Seven room*, large plot; all Impts. * near

l.AckBwanna Hallroad Station; land for photo. P. 8- BRoWER. Eaaex bldg. Tel. Mkt. 4647.


HALE— 6E A -


WEEQUAHIC PARK—One-family, Hat# roof, aeven-room bouae; rtcepUog hail, parlor,

dining-room finlahed Ip chaktnut and oak [loora, beam catling*, paneled wall*, etc.» pantry, kitchen, tiled bathroom, four aleep- Inx roofne. handsomely decorated, alectnc light, ateam heat; large let; price 45,200.T. JENNINGS, 55 Weequahlc gve.BEAUTIFUL apartment-houae. one of the

prettieat In Forest Hill; annual, n'ert |4,212; price 136,000 If aold at once; vefy little caah needed: new and up-to-date In every way; modern Improveinetu*. don't mloa ihia chance for inveatment property. Owner, 61 Bryant it.; ‘phone 430 B. B.ON Hawthorne ave.. near Otborna tar; ona-

famlly: 8 roome; all Improvamenta, par­quet floora, fine decoratlcne; plot 75x114; chicken bouae; fruit and ehrubbary; tree and clear; no reetrlctlona: price 4B.780. The FRANK L. SHIELDS CO.. 414 Union bldg.

sh o r t h a n d taught by mall in ten leoaona;big demand for competent etenographera; eaev

term*: eentl for information. _ Roi 649. Y. M.C. A.. Halaey at., Newark. N. J.COMMERCIAL, Shorthand. Typewriting.

EngllBh. Civil Service, 4l weekly. HGN- 181LWHEELKR Actual Buetnee* College. 17 Academy at,

M usicAI.51A r. nFNNETT, planUt *nd teacher, grad-

u*(p of tilt* I>araroai‘li Unelcal Art Institute; begSuuera anil adveoced. private or claa* Inetrue- tlnQi personal roniultutloo it atudlo Monday and Thurariay efterorwu* from 1-5 or by ippoJnt- rcent For Inforimtlon and terme addreaa Studio 8, Lauler hulldlog, 593 Broad at.. Newark.

CITY AUCTION ROOMS. 6S A C A D E ^ ST. Locked atnrage room* M very ragaohabie rate*.a l w a y s RRLIABI.E:. AN gJgNAK BUTS

a n y t h in g a n d EJVERTTHINO. 1 p a t FULL Va lu e a n d u s e ^ h o n o r a b l l METHODS, after TOTT OTHERS, w r it e 42 SOin'H ORANGE AVB,. o n ’PHONB 2ft7t MARKET.


Sift LOANStag upward aaoured for aalarlad employ**, •WMn of furnitura and othara.

NEW COMPANY.N r w r a t e s , n e w f l a n s .

OrggRlaad by cltlxani for the purpooe cf tokung money at raaotmabl* rataa to man and wamep, whom banka will riot accommoda;t*.

; payment* 42.45 1183, 8 payment*2 ^ym enta , 43-16 I UO'. 8 piymonta'

)} you have « loan eliewhere, bring In your:a U.B5 ;a, 47.48

n ^ p ta and we will fhow you how much yoti pea oave by borrowing from ua

HovlDf loana elaewliere doe* not prevent y*u gattlng loan* here

Cra^t onca oatabHahed with ui la ax good oa a bank account In Gme of need.

Our ratal and plana have proved to b* the beet bacaua* our cuatomer* are glad to pama****“c*L U WBITB OK TKLEPHOHa

DON'T aell ynur good* before coneuUlng ua: we’ll poaltlvely oave you money; noth­

ing too large for ue to handle, Modern Auction Rooma, 145 Kaleey at.; 'phone 7619 Market. ________I PAY 45 per cent, more than any dealer

for eontetita of houaefurnlehlnga; ruga, cut glaaa dlahea, linen or ellverware. Addreaa Quick Buyer, Box 47. Neva .office.-AFTER trying otbpra, try ua and be cooTlDced

that w* pay the trtgheat prW* for youx aecond- hood furniture. MR. PERRY. 311 Waabtoftoa at. 'PbODe 65MW Market. ____AT SMITH'S. 78 Frrrjr it.; we but *econdbetid

furniture; everythlog and auyrtilng you want to aell; 1 pay more tbau any dealer; get my pilrae Aral: aend poatal. _________________FURNITURE wautod. In amail or large lota;

wlU pay good prices; aend postal. Tf Brunawkk at., or ’phone 4704 uarkei.

FLORENCK ARTHUR (teacher for three year* at the London Conjervalory of Muilo); amg-

Jng (Julian methodi voice eisga and cp«ra; piano and violin tuition. ll>4 Washington et.; tel. 963M. Market.PIANO leaeona taught privately; MISS

HILDA WHITE would he pleased to have her former pupils again; alao aome begln- nere. 112 Wanhlngton ava*; phone 26.-J Branch Brook. ___

AN is.OOO *ne-famlly houaa for 18.800 ; 60x100;atreei paved: all Improvamanta; beam call-

Inga; decorated; ateam heat; fiftatn mthuta* from Broad and Market at*.: convenient to railroad elation and trolley; 41,50ft caab. Ad- dresa F., Box 82* New* offlca._______________SACaiFlCE-Scheeror *ve*, new houaw: oloe

room*; tiled bath; parquet ftoora; beam cellInga; electricity; eieam heat; In fact every lin- nrovement: lot 60x100: three mlnulea fronj_trql- leyi, . term* arranged; want offer, C, E. SHIP- MAN. 911 Eeeex building. ___ _




CHARLES CARR,k e a n s b u r g . n . j *


U a c r e , »35. I nil*

MODERN lofts. 2.500 *q. ft.; central I^Mtlon;all improvement*: elevator aervlce; mill coo-

■tructed building. QROEDEL, 28ft Plan* at.FACTORY<—Corner Uamllton and Bnian ata.;

*11 nr part of three Doora. 82x85; with or without power GEORGE T* HATT.FACTORIES to rent; avarythlng flrat-Olaaa;

fin* officaa: ateam heat, low rerH. ROBBSRTB MFG. CO., m Cord*run *t . BallevlUf.FHOP ta let; can be uaed for blackamlth or

any o(h*r kind bualneaa 710 South Slxtaenth at., near Springfield ave.BUILDING for atorat* or factory; plenty of

Ap^y at 77 8t. FraocLa at.*light and air. Newark, N. J.


CLINTON AVB., lOS—At Junction ERaabeth ave. and Wright st.. tranafer point;«

with eight rnomia and bath: will rent xep' rately. LINNBTT &. WOLF. 2»1 Cllnlon

ave.SHERMAN AV‘B.. 1. Corner Pafkhuret at.—

Large corner store, with ample cella.r apaca; modermle renial. long Icaa*. Ll.V- NBTT & WOLF. 221 Clinton av*.COURT THEATRE building. Market and High

eta; atorea and Immediate i>o«feitaiOTi.*t*am heal; low ren:. Inquire on pramlaa*.DESK ROOM, from office; de*lr::ble location:

telephone, typewriter, atoreroom; rmt rea*'" • able. Inq-ilre room 207. 82* Broad »t. ___DESK BOOM-Rcnl roaaunable; alao prlvau

room. Roona 206. SOO Broad it.d e s ir a b l e atora to Ut* 17 Weat Kinney

at., l^twetn Broad and Halaay nia. In­quire M. NEQBAUR. 17 Academy it.FOR BINT—Fine, large oHlca eonond f>*^

606 Brood it.; lodgeroo]*#, third aad fo u ^ WQrt ■floore. Inquire 606 Broad it.

GRANT AND FSBHINS AVES, near Haw­thorne ave.—Three atorea with room* in

naw buildlTtg; itorM altered to ault tenant*, inquire JOHN J. QUINN, 381 Peahine av*., agent, or WM. C. PARKER, 12 Milter it., owner.GOOD Junction etore. euUabie lor_ ............................ _. 4Hif, cqn

feuilonery or other buelneea: corilerJN f*^ '■ — --------- ’ u s n o , 1*1at. and Winane ave. Inquire H. LUSTIO,

Parker at., N*-wark.HALSEY BT„ 67-ReBta ttO w t#0 tnoBthlr.

atorea, abowrooma. ctudlca. office*; all ini' proveamAta; eleotrloi eteam: ,f*»: P*w*r;ebaapeat rent In Nawart. laatilre of owner, A. 0. PETIT, 722 Eaaaa ballqlng.__________

WANTED, Inoome property In Newark or Eaat ' a clear lots; might add

cash P. 8- BROWER. Emsx bldg., Newark.Orange for free and

h P. 8. BROWEf J.; 'phone Market 4647.

WANT to buy a good, decent thr**-raml1yhouM. with or without heat; prefer SoutI

Slxjh to South Fourteenth at., bear Cantral av«. Addreaa Workman, Box 78, New# office.TWO-FAMILT houee;

iroderaie; no agenta. 86. Kewa office.

good reaidentlal: price Addreaa U. C. H., Box


WANT to buy lota any part of Sixth at or Jersey at., between Fifth or Fourth it*.,

Harriaon; caab money. ALEX. DOMOBBKY, 17£ Sixth at., Harrlaon._______ ________ __

F U R N IS H E D H O U SE S T O L E TPARTY having furniture, would like to

meet^partlea willing to share azpanaa* aomfortanle home, 'Addreea Rallabla, Box 42. Nawa office.______________ _



FURNISHED houae to let; alx minute* from Brick Church Station; good location. 46

Waghlnglon terrace. Eaat Oi0ran|e^


KEANBHl’RQ, N. J.—Five-room bungalow*.furniahed. reduced rate* for September; all

Improvement*, 60HUCK. 239 Norfolk at., Newark, N. J.

HALSEY ST*. ll-Baeament atore. ilM *a«-ond and third floor*; »av*n roome and bath.

CARL F. BCHELLBR. 88 Haleay *t.LARGE coraar *t*ra» with roomi, la good

buelacw locality; auUtbl* for gracery, dellcataaaaB. greana or any ottiar bualaa*a« rant IlS. l i t Dlckeraon at., cor. Second *Lm a r k e t 8T., 233. peer Beaver at.^Blagan^

front office and uRpaP l^ft*E. w'. McDo n o u g h ,building on Eaaax court. 207 Market at.ORANGE 8T.. 4M—Nloa large atore t* lat;

ataam heated 1 good location. Inquire on. premlaea. MRS. MUELLER.

STORE TO LET; Dr*t-cla*a looatkat, 424 W*r- ren at., between Littleton ava. and Fair-

mount are.; modemte rant. Inqulr* Fltdler Corpwallon. Firemen’* bldg., *2?Broad itl.. or at in«dl*r* raeldeaca* ITl Littleton ave,, cor of 'ntlrMnth ava,

STORE, up to dal*, with or without rpomt: 484 Wartao #t.. at Cantral ava. >un*Uoni

tor any bMnaaa, reift reaeonabl*. MATE,. Unlonbailding. t Clinton t _______________BTDRE. with two llvlns rooma to lat: loltabte

tor drogglvt or oontoeUonery: all Improve- menta; rent ^ Inqulr* 886 North Fifth tSTORB TO LET; big chance for butcher: 868

Aton ivi., corofT Smith UliTentb at.STORE to tat, giuluble for any bu*in«i*.

EISNER. 99 Clinton ave.U.

SEVENTEENTH AVE. and Twenty-flrit e l .- Storai In comer building; 8 rooma and til*

bathroom; rent 430; good for any buMnW l (r*e rant t*- October 1. Inquire M, JEDEL 368 South Sixth It. Talaphon* 7408 Market.

Ft'RNISHED bungalow, from September 8 t*


HILLSIDE AVE., 68—Thia houae muat be aoldat once; elegant 10-room frame houa*: ail im­

provement*. including heat, «r€*n*. awnings.

At South Plainfield; lOOxluO ft., 4135 'Q *18® poaltlvely none higher, excepting corrlkra; high eit priced rorner. lOftXlftft, i» 4195; terms, 41ft down. 46 monthly; we do not aend oaleamen: thll oave# you 10 per cent.; this property la poattively only 7 minute*' walk from expreaa ■ution. onrei end achool; level and clear, rich and fertile aoU; high. dr>-, healthful and beauti­ful; poaltlvely no moaqiiltoea; plenty of employ­ment and opportunltlea for builneas nearby; over 4lft.000.00ft enmially la patd to worker* In Plainfield factorlea elone; free title guaran­tee- when you purchase from Ui you can be aboolutely eure of getting a oquere deal and honeat value for your money; 'phone, write or c'aU at once for full Information aPd free R. R. ticket*. WM. B. Mr'LATN REALTY CO.. Broadway and Thlrty-fourthaL^eoLYork^

etc.; Juat five doore from Clinton tv e .; oelect nelghbi^rkood; reawn for aelllng, owner leaving city. Inqulrs on premlaea______________WEEULTAHIC PARK—One-family alx-room

house; parlor, dining-room, pantry, kitchen, thr«>e aleeplng room* and batb; all haiiclaomely decorated; electric light, ateam heat, etc.; price 43,800; eiwy tertna W. T. JENNINGS. 55 Wecquxhlo *v*. _______________ ______BARGAIN—9-rocm perfect houae, all Improv*-

mente. Taylor et., near new Normal School; price 44,700; want offer; must be *old; owner leaving city; here la your Opportunity to *ecure a model home cheap. C. J. KIEBAN, 22 rilnion at. ____ _

voter. Cr^LTURK. alght singing, piano, har­mony. cornet, muelral glAeae*. anng wrlUng.

vRiKlcvllle HCi*. church and atagc po#ltj£?na by comrart. MERSF15I-DKR, 4S5 Fourth ave.

MODERN Indiana llmeaton* two-family houae: evtti-y appearance of a private dwelling; cor­

ner Avon and Treacy ave*.; three mtnutea from two llrwe of trolleya; lot 47x111 feet. MONAHAN STONE CO., Plum Point Une. Newark.

MRS. FLORENCE MULFORD HUNT willreeame teaching on Sepiember 15, at her

realdence atudlo. No. 1104 Broad Ht. Voicetrial by appointment; tel. 626 Market,MRS. THFvODORA M BROWN, piano

Hon; Mason'* method, “touch and techPlc, concert*, accompanlel and ■tiballtute organlat, 36 Cottage at.. South Orange; Ul. 6TB-JADA M, KENNEDY. 4 Humboldt at,; ’phone

11S4R B B-; violin and pl&no InetrucUon; I teach a method that producee the beat pnuHlble reeulta In ODOf year'* time.


lUmember-SECO^ FLOOR.B m d at. eppMita poatoffto*.

Boun. 8 to 8; Saturday. 8 to IL


HO, 130, 180. H9. iso. |«0. ITO. tlOfk Cheapoet and beat place to




CONFlDEN’nALLY.Op*Q from 8 A. M. to 6 P. IL

Wed. and 8at. eree. to $,- CALL. TELEPHONE OR WRITE

NEW JERSEY FINANCE CO.. BUITB 819-SlA Sohouar building.

tmOAD AND COMMERCE STS. QpportU PaatolPOA______ Tel. 868 Mark*t.


W* pnfar to obtain new customar* by affer- H>f M r rate* nUber than paying tor btg advur- iMemeat*. Do buMneo* with thia oompany ir

nead money. No worry afUrwarda, Bu*l- detee with u* la atrletiy lulvat*. Siq»lana-

I eogt nothing hart.HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO..

IIS * 132 Market ft,; Wood buildlnt, Boma 88, over United Cigar Stor*.

DO NOT aell your furnllur* until you gel our price; I am a quick buyer. Addraee

Caah. BOX 44. New* office.

PIA N O S A N D O R G A N SWE have the largeet aeaortmem of uaed

piano* and player piano* ever aeaembled at on* tint* In thl* city; the** pianoa have been exchang'^d for DOLL A SONS upright and player piano* and hav* Juat been placed on our wareroom fioom, after a thorough over- hauling tn our repair workroome; price* from 488 up: we alao have a larg* eelectlon of uaed eleciHc piano* for cafe*, datic* hall* and mov' Itig plcuire bouaea at price* ranging from i m and up.

JACOB DOLL A SONS, INC.,907 b r o a d 6T„ N&WARK.

EDWIN WICKENHOEFBR hn, rfKUm.fl vloSln In.truclloni .tudlOl, 11 Weat Park «t.. Newark; 3ft Cottage at,, South Orange, eIrculaTa upon requeeV_________ _PIANO tnalruetlon. thorough, quick; *9*01*1

attention to beginners: experienced la ^teacher: ieenoni, 80c. Addreae Studio. Box 96,

Ragtime popular. cta**lcal. The Bolle* lioca- tlon flyatetn irtmpimBa all mualo; rep 2 5 ^ ^ ‘

tlve will call. HOMER J. BQLLES. IT W.P^k.MISS MARY JOSEPHINE HA8SKTT. voice enU

lure «k(1 repertoire; lolettlewi Thumdaya, 0-8 P. M.; re>ldenc* atudlo. 136 fourth ave., glty.

« ,FAMILY, ValJaburgh; built by owner I year* ago; perfect condition; always rent­

ed; nearly 12 per cent. Income; owner leavIng city: unusual opportUDlty In prlc* andl terme. Addreaa V., Box 10. N*wb office.SACRIFICEl three-family houee; electric light:

ateam heat; rent |780 yearly; mortgage $6,600; price |7,000; worth $8,000. 207 Runyon ill naar Hadden terrace, ona block from CUn-

Inqulre flrat Door.ton ave.; no agent*.SIX-FAMILY; South Twelfth it.; built by

owner two yean ago; perfect condition; al­ways rented; nearly la per cent. Income; owi ;r les%dng city: unuaual opportunity In price and term*. KUTZNBR, 92 Market *1,PARKER 6T.-Hxchang«. $14,600.

EIGHTH AVE.-Slx room*. 43.000.BU8BEX AVB.-Four-famlly, 47.000.

OETSER A PLUM, 845 Broad *t.HOUSES and houaet; Clinton HIU aectlon;

one-famtly, $8,600; two-famlW. $4,500: Ihre*-■ ■ “■* ■ ■ * ---- f<fan\11y, $4,300; big bargain* for tht* month.

B«p BUTLER, 468 Clinton ave.. cor, B*rg»o atBADGER AVB., 360. near Hawthern#--One-

famlly hou*e; large IM: « room* and batt; ateam heat, etc.; price $3,800. W. T. JEN­NINGS, 55 Weequamc ave. Waverly iSBStt.

BANJO. MANDOLIN. GUITAR. VIOUN.LcMon 50c. Second-hand inetrument* for

lale a ' j WElDT. 430 Waahlngton at.

F CONNOR noted for Ua deep, rich tone and wearing qualities; the celebraud Ballintt

$200. a ^ everywhere $850: elegant new up­right. TH ootava r*al mahogany, ivory ko**. $175^15 monthly; all piano* waixanted for lea year*: itool, scarf or oov*r, one tuningfree; allghtty used upright* oo hand; .opeo evenings. HENRY HORN’S E*tMA 61 ^ u a Oianr* comer Howerd *4»i come andbear MUton IcvlilWe Playef,^_____________ _

THE SECURITY LOAN COMPANY tm la* we for reaponelbl* parties at laweat lU* f*Tt"** to tha borrowar. W* act a* r S fioe a t f took after your interesta. Get i l l MW tf^la need *a4 pay up tbo** nnaJ)

‘ Mill t»St ftr* ItoOMtoa you; p v ^ lar* JR JMSiar^W tBOBthir iBstStmanta. Every-

f t , room I.w a DO DOT KEAKD MAUUtT bOAMB.

V arntbrokert' OMX r m (WMT. OND psK o u r r .. ’ ' Oa W au «( PO u l ottt.

Wat M il. on nm * btlinr.“ - ■ vtinr,TS’w s J r

PRIVATE (tmllr niii*t ,,11 WO m»ho*,nT up- n ,lit ptano, U2S; *t»d u mlnvij

manlve caae, brea* mouot**; bruiianc . . --------- ynuilc d**k: mempowerful tone; awlnging muilc d w : mem lurer’a guantntea. Haetdenca, 81 Bryant tiear Hiller parkway and Summer av*.t l* . »AN DOatNOO mnmw-np

pUpar-pluto, mvpls roll, nna bouibt 11 month, a( o. -OU »«H U m -tof IIAQ. enn ba m n At I t South Ornn#o hr^J. C. H liLER. ■BEAUTirui. Dujio**w p i t w

Ilk, oQlr utM ,lfb t maaau; 870: odn. «tMA naw. WOOi mtenaiad i«m r plwH atf-tr— )fl»T«r, Boi >T, H«w« otflMBAItDKA» conert irnod plnoo, Lonl, XV.

“ ' ........... .M» ------------ —VtimU Hnrtln onMiwt, Loum XV. Vm i I, MwtlB teblo: J (liM (oMInC btd*. Inaulr,l i t CUnton OT*., oltjr. ________SPtBNDIS nttHfiair uprliM pitno

UMd PB(T UtU,i ,srnnd ton* botiitInH go- rim; chiiao- et h Onll' hn ttarn, tM SianSw tv*.LAOT WtU McrttiM « f i t* H -mm (W .

(n tviti* p»,r*r-pUn* roll u d•buoh; good otoht m antw; t t i t . t l Sooth

rHARIJm TAMMB VOCAb STUDIOS I2« 'oreHart »t., o[ 4B Soolh t t jopon 8«pl. 2. T,l. Mnrkot 7482. _____aimOALLIANO, concert Tiallnirt, dUroo

pupil,' ,pMlnl tttonttan u> bejlnn,™; mod- erile rale,: 28 WlektlHejU_____________ ^DRUM, (I(e, buol, Inatructlon. C. MANOOtJD.

otudio, 181 Barton near South Ontidt ave.: InulTumenta (or ml*_____________ ■VIOLIN, m a n d o l in



CONTRALTO w llh « Dhurch po.ltlon. M. D.,- - ---- ‘hIB South PToopoel at., South Orrnite,


t h e d a v ib sc h o o l o f DANCINO. MISS M. HELEN MAraUpM. PRINC^AL.


Private leaaont dny or ovanlno by appoint mailt; walta. two-atap, Boaton, Boaion Ollda Boatob Luiambnrt, Boaton drop, tango, onealao, healtatlon w ait* caatia walk

.11 ■■ ■ -----------------hore*

trorand'airothar now dance,; tel. >162 B.B.a n n o u n c e m e n t —lIaroiMr^.r««pilon Fri­

day evening, W to m ^ r_ t. M, C. Rlcbard'aDancing School. Iroquola Ball, >60 TVaahlBg ton at. Inalniotlnn. privato and olajm; grand opening aaaaon t reoeptlon, ^turday, Sop- lambar It. All Janpoa taught-____________PRIVATE dabetag ie-aona * opaolaUy at yout

convaniono* 7 Balanont av*. naar SprU^Held a n . PHOT. L. BRILI., Hut.; call avts'*

FOR BALE—Naw two-(amllT houaa, With mp- arate heatara; tllad bathrooma; loparalo «n-

trancea and all Improvamentai good lo«tloa at Daway at, or apply IM Hobaon at

SOUTH WUNN AVK.-l-(imUy, M.OOO. VANNNEBB P L —1-faintly. IlI.OOO. WALNUT ST.-l-(amlly row, HO.dOO.

CESSER A p u m , M» Broad at.MT. PLEASANT AVE., « t —Twalvo rooma

and bath; all linprovamanta; lot BOiltt; price »,800, IS, 600 B. and L, mortgage. J. B. RIKEB, owner, IM Dlcltaraon it.

dwelling; eight rooma; batlii all modern Inj- provemepla, lo, 67x182; |I(>008. EDWARD BEERS, room 788 Prudential bnlldlng._____f o r ba l e . 12-room honia; OTtrlooklng Branoh

k, healthy weattpn ;..copvenlant toBrook Park, healthy weatipoInconvenient to cara. lOHN H, ADDIS, 1#> Highland avg..between Second and Bloomflald avoa.GREAT SACRIFICBI Pottr-famlly houaa, IBO

“ — -- -------- II (Of(aet (roiB Broad at.; lOMa >T»; WlU aall (or |B,'OiXl. eaay tarma. Call afU>6SMAN-]LL- MAN CO,. 512 Eaaaa building. ___

r e a l E 8T .\T E f o r s a l e — o u t o f t o w n — MlSC eiL L A N E O U S

IF YOU want a country borne, fine old houae, 9 rooina, barn, "iihlchpu bouse, fiiebiy of fruit,

and 7 acre* of ground, near Caldwell, here a your chance: only ijariy with caeh need reply; asking price 47.fp(Ki; will take $6,600 net. Box 96. RoaeUnd, N. J. -

H O TEL F O R SA L Ealao barn andfor SALE—Hotel. U»n rooma. . , .

aheda; property 30x150. dolrsg a buaJ-neaa; reaaon for selling, retiring. For tlculara iddresa MRS. MARY Park Houae, Nanuet, N. Y

5 ROOMS and bath. new. anly....................... $^8 room*, every ImprovemanL B u t OtaJBge. 20

7 roOTDi. every improvement, new........a....... 8o0-rftOm houee, every impt,, Irvington..........369 rooma. a dandy, all Impt*.. Eaet Orange., 409 room*, every improvement........................... 88

LargMt llati lowest price* In cKr.8«« CHARLKB B. ORBSN, SlO Firemen • Bldg-HOUSE. 14 rooma; ail Improvement*; heat.

Alao one with seven rooms; small barn; large yard; both near trolley and railroad station; short walk to M*rk*t and Broad; Bultablfl for furniahed room*; alteration* mader to eult. Addr*«a Stallon. Box 12. News office.

....... 160........ 50........ 80

new havefony-three houae* to let tn city. E. E. bo n d & CO.. 764 Broad at.

PLANE BT.—n room*. 2 bath*...........HUlalde av4,—i i room*, ai Clinton..

AuiUn at.—8 rooms. Improvementa......Call and see our complete list. W*

■ ‘ ■ all p*rta of th*

BEAUTIFUL new atone front houae, 87 Court at ; eight rooma and two bathroom*: parquet

floors; tiled kitchen; attaotvmsnU for vacuum cleaner; electric light; pantry, laundry, etc.; rent $75. &wn*r. nfta Court at., G. E. BOND,TO LET, 868 Seymour ave.; , . .

nicely decorated, new atucco hou*e;

m*; For par- HERRMANN.

R E A L p;sT-4TE TO L E TTO LET—Rear lot. Wi3 Broad el., facing Treat

pi. Addrea* Lot. Box 38. New* offic*_____


BAST ORANOE*-$9.040; elfht-room dwell­ing; ateam heat; gaa and electric lights;. . • .A --------- ----------* '’elllielate roof, ocreena. awnings, beam celling;

lot 14x116; alx mtnutea from I-ackawanna Station; would exchaiyj* for nine-roomhouse i principal* only, R, W, MXCCUBBIK. IQ Broadway. New York,EAST o r a n g e , William at., 88—$ rcomi,

bath; flTst-closs condition; will Uke first mortgage for equity or axchang* for small houo* near Bi lok Church Station. Call prem- loe* Of PETIT Realty Co., sol* agent 7*1 Boaex building.

fine, up-to-date.. aevoii

rooms, bath and reception hati; steam haat. gas and electric light; rent reosopabl*. Kay* at 87ft or owner. 68 Nelson pi

DOCTOR'S LOCATION.Broad at., near Kinney st.—Brick: 10 rooiPf

and bath: all 'Improvement*; newly decoraiad; occupied for many year* by doctor. E. E. BOND 4. CO,, 76* Broad at.SOUTH ELEVENTH BT., $11. naar l l ih ave.

. sioam beat nqulr* pram

X XI. aal.rXU V JUiW A «« lA I .■ V--PaHouse, T.'room* and battu sioam beat)

electric tights; fins order, inquire ]Isos and J. C. McCurdy. $60 Broad it.RECTOR BT.. Eight room*: all Ini'

provemenis; in excellent order; 0*pt«naber 15 or October 1: $40. GEO. B. VAN DYNB. 486 Orange *t.. at North Seventh at.CLINTON HILL-Wholo houa*. eight tdo*

rooma, bath, ateam; all Improvamenta; fln* condition; reatrlcted neighborhood; $85, See or telephone, GIBB, 80ft Broad Pt._______

BPRINGFJBLO aye ,, near R1gbl**Dtb at.— Largs atore, v*^ dealrable location

kiPd cf bttalneaaT^veVa grc^ iif neighbor] I^nir* WAQNBB, 667 aprlngfleid ava.TWO warebOMM to k t, K*«. 146<148 rpMt *t.t

vlU rant ebtep. BIUDBR * BtLDlE. IM Market at.


Neauq pl.a or oirn*L 610 N. J.

i ata, E tit Oruf*,

GOOD eomef store: GlcnaroOd avS. And wanna pi-: now being enlaigsd; read;

tember tS. Apply BIZanCHABD t BloomflaW. .


GOOD itorej rent


284 Gknwood av., Btoomfletd;Jtpply BLANCHARD * PRICE. O^

L. and W. Depot, Bloomfield.LARGE store. 292 Glenwood ave., Bloomflald:

aultable for restaurant or othar b^ulnsmi; rent $30. Apply BLANCHARD S PRICE. Bloomfield. v__________________________ _

id; ready September I>. y A P<Ic¥:B109m(M4

STA BLES, E TC ., T O L E TRBAIt II-l< Marcar at., alghtMa •(gllai a«.

mant floora; olactrla lighting; plontr «(

STALLS (or 10 bortaa u d box aull t* lat. iMulra o( C, MSTTODK. 871 Warran at.

a l d d b l d t h a l u44 Blaoekar at.

SOUTH TWELFTH ST- 71—SI* ruina; all Improvement*: newly decorat*d; ateam

heater; $£S. GEO, E. VAN DYNE. 4M Or­ange it., at Worth Seventh st.

R E A L E STA TE P O R E X C H A N G ETHREE-6TORY frame store property, Hill

aectlon; good condition: will w ^ ^ g e for free and clear lot*; equity ttiSM. Call OROBSMAN-ILLMAN CO-, 5J2 Essex bldg.HIGH-CLAS6 Newark apartment: income

88,00(1 annually; will exchange for bualneaa jiroperty. See Owner, 14. BOCK. 69 Hal*ay n. city.

r e a l E STA TE F O R jE X O H A N G E - O LT O F T O W N

WEST BUMMIT-Handaoma lO-room roaldjnc* cottvonlaiiOy locaiad, naar Laris*—anna Ball-

road Station. 'arf6 Idol; all Improvaioensa; want two-family or apartmoni houa* In city; might ada caah. P. S. BKOWKB. Ba*** build. Itig. Howark. H. J-: 'phona Markat «S4T. ,BESIDBNCB8 (or two (amtllaa and |ott; alao

two-family (or ooe-famlly; biialnaaa proi^ii^ (arm* and lola for othor proparty: lat ua ahOW what you want, where you want 111 w* dan match It- BLAUVKLT. Brick Chotth Sullen, klaat Oranga. ____ ________

HlYERSm* AVB., « S -H lg h * t point. Im room, and balhi garaiajlot ISiSSS:

win conaidar axobanff*. EDWARD BEBRBp room 736 Prudential boUdlng. ^BABOAIN'-One-farally houaa. T rooma, « * * «

heat. 8 minute*’ walk rroin Naw and Wash­ington at*., large lot. tEttO. Addreea Jaektto, Box 21, New* offlo*im a il oddrsM (or fMtlODlar*; lot 87HxlOO:

botwe, ilx rootiBi, aU ImprovematitB, aai^ dUh (SM; p r i^ r a m - dOBN ZIPP^L. to iBpringfleld ava .BACRmCB 8t.^

ooat $4,500: wtl tbl*- Address li

iwp-taally bouM;•all (err tl.760: InvMttgaU

- BoxAl, Uem , omo*.HOUSE (or isala, auliaWa for on* «t

fainmoa. alx roaMi; Imprmmant* Sraaa Hdna* Bag tft * •* * emu*.


BBBRY’S Dancing School, i t l Broad—Now epan (or pHvata and c la n laaaona; popuikt

ie e a t U ufbt, 'Phono I ll lW Wavarly,

TWO-FAMILT .without axil* 1

Sraaa Clloap. ~iBimvtmiltts; with or

t larafa,; muat aall. Ad-

•aU Hakrark.

a a s s s j ^ , 3T and gaaS ptayar-slaha: x $ l U 1M ; waaWy pwmMta can ha n b ia « . A «4ia« n u w . Baa; Wk

1«B BXBIJTZ BCUOOL OF 'UHQUAaq^GRBBX, I-AYIM. „ u .4 | i ^ A S i juamUOiKM^k

FINE- IS-room reaidenos, be*t atraat ^ i t Orange, lot IftOxSSO, for free and clear

farm or lot*; also free and clear lot* for tmall one-famly near East Oranga Station,’ n u M. TATLGR. Brick Church sutlon. Eaat Orange.

___ property; ona and two familybouae* In Orange* (or good apartment-

houae with one mortgage. Address Apart­ment, Box U. Yeager'a Adv. Ai*i7cy, East Orange. ^

FARM S F O R SA L ETHE ambition of a young chicken Is to die; ■ he would die before he la hatched if be could; bay a poultry farm; valuable tenna near Al­lentown, Cream Ridge, Red Valley. Robblna- vlll*. Yardyllia. Proapect Flklna K t Hollyt N«W Egypt; dairy farmi cheap; vSltthbie pota­to (arm* near Freehold; gentleman a lonn. near Bordentown, with fancy bulldtngy. JAklEd NURPHY. Boa «7, Freehold, W. f _________

ELIZABETH a VS., 567—T«a-toOB boasag all Im- proveiuenta, itasm heat, electric Utbt; con-

vealent to two line*. Inquire 62 WilUam at.Tel. 756 MarkatCAMP BT.« near Broad ■t.-'lS rooma and bath;

Mrtly (urnlihed: desirable for furnlih^- roorn or boarding hou*«. E. B. BOND A CO., 764 Broad s t ___________BERGEN BT.. 618, (aw door* ffm» CUbtoh are,, -------------- u-.a. 1— iBpctrre-

Apply 00large 'rooms, bath, laua^y. all Inpctrr^. . . . . u..a ---- ,.£jymenta. including heat; |S7 mootl

pramlaa.BALDWIN ST„ 81. 900 (set eaat of High a t.-

Slx room*, two baths; all imprcvemonti: rent reasonable. FRANK PCLKINGTON. 61 Court

CLINTON HILL-Houaaa and aparlwont*; pa- ■trleted oelghborbOod; larg* tola; | WS.

FINLEY. 64 Homestead Park; tel. IM wav-CENTEALLT-locatsd home. 4ft Columbia at.,

15 room* <3 bathil; euttabia (or rooming ^ boarding. Bee owner, M. BOCK, 66 Halaay at.TO LET-689 High *L| loww part rt bouM;

five room* and Mth; rent $20. M uiro U G. KEUPF, Siouwmfc'uriih A Ofl,, 803 Ifroad *tCLINTON HILL, Soutb Sevehtseptb i t ,

Bight rouai mldcnc,, i ll InprufantBla; gnud ofdir; Sna IlKltlaD. In^Blra 40 B lit PtCk rt.C U N toH AVH.. TS - Brick Swrillng-han**;

Murtaen nom i; *11 MtprovwnMiui. Insulr* STOUTKHBDBOH * CO., SOI Bru.4 *LS-ftOOM booH;- *11 ImprovaoiegUi ML I^Of-

Mci »v,., bitwMn Park *iw BlociiUMiS tvM. Ingulf* «w «, 147 BlOMlinritt »v«.aOVERMBUB BT-. 12

*.. 7room*.

BOuth Munn »v*.. 7 room*.,..........OEIBKE W PLUM, S45 Bh»U W.

At CUntca *v,„

Alio *«v*i«l »LJOHN H. DUNN *

Flrim u • Bui

AFARTUKNT to LET; *1* *«»> *“ •*»!

FOR BENT—A l*r|* comet (tor,, comer NiaUu ol. igS Ccntril *vc.. B u t Or*ug«, N. J.l •*■

acriilly liilUMc tor drag •tor* « d*Uc*t«a*a atcia; imt rcaioiiibl,. Ingnlig janttot *t 41.

"* M4|J1 1 ■ ~ *

LAROB oornar ator* to lit, 116 Caatra at., Orang*; aultatl* (or drugator* or dalloa-

taaaan; rant 126. Inqulr* 144 Cantr# at.. 0mag4. _________________ ‘TWO aulu D( Dtdcaw (ID* poiiUon; opiMHa D.,

and w . DefMt. Lackawanna pi.,. Blpm-A w ly m lanch-


Non * bouaekeeplhg •uitoi o( two tnd threerooma and bath: po* oasalon October 1.

HUNTLEIGH M AN- Vodem $tx*robm and SIGNS, bath apartment*; all

315 Mta Froaepet ave* lata*t Improvamanta;immediate' poseeeslnru Inquire Jaaitor, on tvamloiav

RALEIGH UANBIONi Apartment* of 4 fooma 8 ^ Mta Froipect ava and bath, parquet

rioorSk garbiga cloaeia, apBc* aavera ato,;n^ arate ^do­

ll apartmenii In two-(amtly bouaoa, H. DUNN * 9GNS, Ownertg

■ “ iTldlng.

APARTMBSTI-TIw OMtUaat unF^ tour largo roomA >ip, tile bath.tour largo womA up; tije natti. all ou^

aids with 'plonDT «( gun, itiaro and hot 5 2 « r ; T b t Wblta and mahoga^; dinhu *1X141(1. w tW «_.^eottom janitor.

Ba r c l a y s t .. 19bi near Avon avo.—Seven room*! modern bath; *team heat; low reot.

LINNBTTC & WOLF, 221 Clinton avt*_______.

h a v e It-aors (a m (n Murrlgiowtt. fully otoeked ■■---- “wttb horaea oowa p(gA eblokans

and all (arming utenaiia. ^ t b botu^ barn*. Sod* and enmplete equtpmaat; tbl* arty ta fro* and clear, and owner will nail on

nabl* a rory. tow nVl^ — “ ‘ HtDGHN JRra' 714 Broad at t hht^

LINCOLN PARK, BS-Biautllul Wgttljoi U room,; all convsnlcnoia. Apply rBAMXLIN

T. MAYO * 00., 810 Braad atHOtlBB, 10 rodaaa luA bathi e a u ^

•uitabi* ( « laralalud tvsna. OESTBICB, H But Klaiiay at

tagaim l iU .

HOUSS t* lit; # room, and ta t M m - dltlpu, and In apMndld nalgSlwrlioed; (rofu

Oct, I, SSS ClKwa av*. ________F O tin T haUi;

baam calttaga an< hardwood noon; eornar houaa. 8 » Da Qraw ava._____________ __

I at., TSSA—SIX riiam; hath; giaon boat: 125: froin Oct, 1, DR. W.

SDREST h i l l Rldi kth: >!*■» 1 ^ : d HOLT M l Brand at

aat ^ iighrtwMiii; with tUad hatKS h A ' 2 ^ a “ S i ^ i d S r « 7hulldltig, Hawixfc.

boad; raal t i l . o r * t r r . Wramaa'a hAPARTIdXNT SWUI

lu g o roaou: Ulad baatad; Janitor asrvi or Jaatfcof.AFAim iSNTB, m

O m go avo.—Wa,bath; oLoam heat ikH and bp*


APARTMENT LA rooms; batb; all

water; janitor *er ata.

lion September C H B L T E N H A M Tht latest in op-to-dato

ROADS. BELMONT apartment*: offour, (Ivo and Ifac room* and batb. and private porcbea Rep- resfoutlv* at build­ings from 3 until 6.

all stodero’ Improvoreant*; 424 Warron at, between ^ ttletp n and F att«^ n t In-

APAATMEMTS. Am ftvo and all rooir

montn; aanr South fl tor.

wagon apace, one or two tenant* proferred*' Call or telephone Market 147J- ______

gulra Fladllr Corporatloa, „fourih ( I w (m ot Flraman', bldg., er at Fladlw ■ r*a(d«Bc», Itl Lltllaton ava. com*r Thtrtaauth ava.

APa.RTMBNTS—Carolyn and Craacant, cor- nar Murray and ^unawlck, ata,; on* block

(rom High and Clinton k v w i »W mlnutag' walk (rA i pannaylvanla Butlon: (Iva andalx iMina and hath: ataata haat; janitor aorvloai 122 and H i. ’ rillBT A FOIST, Behaow bldg.. 722 Broad.______________ _

•varythlifr (or comfort. 155- W alda ava-. naar Xlwood av*. ; opan fot t«.

ap’akTMBNTS, Tha Walbon, S2S Bavauth ava,

nvA Fbeno >496

APAjWm?«:...T^*Vorna»« ■!» room* And wHi*villa net* Phono tw

APARTMEKT, 33 floisr; aeparate ei

; fuU doctor.APARTMENT, flv

moat*; ot«am h< Inquire t$ WailectAPARTMRNT-Slx

all Iraprovagiants. ava.A8TOR ST.r 248.

rooma; tmprovom tamodiaUiy; no ol (nqulro promlaoa. o Brand *A. cor. MarkAOAJL 921 Clinton

funutt___ iltura BOW warabouao.ABOUT 98 bouae*. <

onablo: Roaoviiio i HXNZXL ISth M.BROOKOALK AVI

•ra .-F lva and (oi froo root to Ootob< qilbro promise*.BROAD ST., SRS1

i i ^ o t •*▼« roo t t to data; |46 to I Braad *t.ntOAD iTa. 8dfr-4rflfmiffSS!■lAlUH'UL nppar

k w i- l ia . IaU U


BAinC ST..tJgi

a ^ S ST., 1T9. S' i■prgvomo^lt^; b*

CHI it anMtr PraijMt an

All (root tool W VRT OONCEI

Apply owner,OBNT3UL AVB.,

io»iio room*; bai bant furalahod; totInqtilrs on pr*mliTIT rBrand *l , oor.CENTRAL AVB.,

ImproTOmouta; h nad nail: ancleaadORNTRAL^Eigbl-

and coaT raigJK L KORN, 11CONKLIN AVB,.

Ptrat ftoor; $ roi Ity; nil Improvemi iOOttonj rinl Doer, ar 412 UnloCLINTON HILL 0

and five rooma, llffbt; mlaaion Anronta S16 and $19. near Uadlsoct ave.CAXItf and see a

gjwrtmanti. rooi ------ of the elty.parte tStMdOKADWXCK AVB

nil Improvementi oar Unoi. Inquln M td ln g .________ORADWICK AVB

foona tad batb* Janitor oa premlioiOOftNEA AFAR

rooina; oantralj Inquire LTTTAUDMIEABLE apart

larga. bright an< TinlMt to trolley* gg MatHasn av*.

B W O r r nad EI ElUot nt.—Pour,

aaant*; nil mode wgior, Janitor ler etooata; nU room tn tbo oUyj rttito.BD W m FL., 14,

flvo rooma. bn vieot oarpotod hi enttoBj tnko Bn aropoo required. Door.BLBOAMT bri||b'

and bath, BoTonlH at. Inqu' to roar of IW.aU M ANT f1vo-i

aboorful: oonv* lign; only lift. 4:■LBOAKT four

Otontn bantad; c poto »voi.i raasotA M A tr r eonai

laBAravomtate. tooth JPoorteeath

1007aocKtod ft

BBSBX ST.—ThB d ilN T l 'f f r ’.V

R .. 12 _ A. ORC lo 060 Brau(

FIVE U d alx Tn m and Twell

otontiio (Ixturoi (rant and back with u d wlthou two tfoUeya; r* room ateam-h«a Uoton nvo., $20 ICnikot at., roeni r y E room* onf

Baoond Door. 0Sot an raome. ba Lnigigt Uet b eic h I r l c b 8. ofm -R O O H as

Vinrt of elty. pl»vem ent*]jurrVXI rooms I

with ataam be Hn**; adult* oolprvB large* llg!

ImprovtmetiU Rldgo Bt* nearfTVB ligh t rot

n¥o.; rent lo’ T Parry *t.H a n k l u T T i

fewaa—twe nk ^ l s r. malda .

haat; D•Hdan; go*d n< In^nlt* «* attanFURNtTUM

l*«kad atonii nd cH■oeda and cH

K m, M Om nwtaaaiUi at..n x r . aigut 1

m antij aap<

i n Bprloi

maktai I . arirtboriuiod; c •ariieu. Ingalraf l a t s movad .M * I.__aairtc*: dftytaflaM ava, IF U n BWrad

simanotd hall tfOOMNOR, «

H J lV, 3 n Sayi U Imptonn

g*M ktljhbMl,taur

mMl ii (tn* Rj l j i r m .. iFLATrtiiiT*

^ prow


W tM t

r A M O tn n .lEagant gan last lalgbbnt •raftyrgl.

----- i i *•tuba; 88 nnnt

rant 111- InFODR IRM,

Impravtaa: kVB.i rant HFOUR nlca rn

to nnall (anllMHO ta.r O ta ia fte I


FOUR ta tn Ingkln Jailani

r 5 9 itb*kt tn halFOUR agbt.RRRRT BT.

ImprovemtOnARTTE ' will daenn ILLMAN CO

(tour.KIOH |T„

U(*l (lv»

H u S r i^ p i

mJtrw ;MTh;tron




» two&6 tip. rtm».It*. T


>W N■maU


Liirr>rov*- ntlvt*. e1 *n<l


: Mar* 4.

lahtth Mor*

t i**p' 'llnton

I Nt.— ctlUr LIN-

1 Hiahei tiOTi.

rta*’' ■



I fteoh ro u ^

■ 11*^- oma intnantt. It av*., Itr it.,

f, WB'*Wratn •

to . 1«T

iMthir; all liD’ power; nwnti'i

IM Wt*id bat .

n food iractrr, uilnaii;»nd it;.Rlagant


to lit; Qira OA

M War- d Falr-

Fiadltr «t iiKlioa» m

M .U A tZ .,

•qftabWImprovfr- \tl}i rt.

ber; 3CB


!rit it.-" and tilt >ualnM; JSDBL.darktt.

tbtor IDT


i«at at. I )IE , S64




APAJITUSMT • « OtBUrW » « .; ,W raa iu : Ul«d balk*; iMuUtnl ■ •Icb to .

kMk; r » t t i l , SB* isDiith tr ta M ON r tI* T . r ir B w r i bulUlBk,________________A P A Jtn n N T Southtn, 4T BMth i t . - t « v u

h n * rwMi: Ulid lialtiL (M i dastrUii HMm kMtadj jaalbor Mrvl«,. Isqalr, HA^KLOW,


d Lac^- ady w -


eemfleld; iICB. op- id,oomfltld:builntn;


mtrt at,, r dtlloa- ntr* at.


potU* D..., Bloom- 3LANCH-

CTLalla; o*'- iltntjr o( >riftrrid*‘

11 to let. Q tt.

rL A T S

MketplDf and thrtt ath; poi- ir 1.oom and lentt; all Dvamtnti} KMrtttsloik itor. on

f 4 room* pardSitt

t« ulOMIi,ra ito .; DUr poa- mbar 1. Qp-tO'datt •ulttil of and tin

Mth, andita flip-at builS-intll d.I f bquata. ^atn,

and toatb; arran at,, avta. In-- oor front, d«nct, 111ft,

cant, cor­ona block

minuUa' fiva and

L; janllof k FEIST.

»rfttt'Eni; tk, nil ant- and Hot

Rtny; dln- >mfort,>an for in-

SrStETvJTI in city; batk. parr

U to\ m Biu-

S ivo ih-H vo

APAHT1IENT8. kU-XM UttlaCon, naar Boutk O nnf* nvau—Wi. aevon and t«n roomi and

batk; ataam haat and iankor fttrvica; rant tXn atid n»._____APABTMBNT LA 8ALLB—Pour and rtva

roomt; batb: all light; ataam hvatr hot watar; janitor aarvica, Third and Orange f t t a . _____________________________ ___APAATMEMTB. Antonia, IIM Broad M.-^uiir.

ftva and alx rooint and bath; all Improve- i m m : naar Bouiti Straat Station. Apply janl- t«C.APABTUKPIT, 28 fiftftt Klim«r ft.; ground

floor; aaparata antranc*; attam baat. hot tmtar; tuk doctor' Iiuimr* MRS. OMTRICH.APABTMENT. flvt room*; all improea-

Santa; at«am haat; Jaaltor Mtatca: 181. iPQuira I f Waliaca at„ laiiitot.________APABTURNT^Blx nice, larga, light r^m t:

all improvAjntnt*. 11. EldNER. 1>h Clinton ava.

allay- th. janltar

n . aarpar ill. alaefrlai r aarvloaa;

induim ava.; iih

i l l rooini oad. Thi itor. heat; ; d l ftOM-

L E T ™ \

ir NatftiaI. J.; aa. Ilcataiftaaor at 41 t Oranga,

a m a m « ( v w t h niK vM B A im f l a t * a p a r t m k k i s , h o o * « a h d ^ l a t s A r A K n o a r r H j ^ o M B a w t o l e t — o p t o f t o w n

r r a i n s H E D i t o o i u - m l k t

HUNTl^lXW jrt. kaal' art.; « rcftma. ***'■'room*. batl»[ all !»rrafv«in*nta r. W. IT40VEB. STS Hulbarty K.

rant |1S. Iflouira on pramitftft. MBS. V A N - ---------------------------------------------NEW. ___________ _

OBIKN IT , 4T-toria front room: aaoocid floor: hath adJolntog: alao two front connacl-

Ing rooiM; 13 w waanly. Call npautlrft.______

EAST ORANUl—Nftw attraelira Cbofttar Bow aMUlin*oi w tba boautlfui Ntwth jj*^**^'

HAXillT IT.. M t taoma U iO «p; WnakltifUMl at.. MA two larga hMtmant room*; Improva*

BMtft; Dbftiir ftL, 44. koifftkaaplag, |> ugb

l«4rtl»a rnlBBiaa to SsM <>""«• *5'■t Btaikfti end iroltarl tant W S4A h * front and bii'k rootoa; nawly lumtahad and■lx KHMOA tilt baib. larga veranda: dacanUad; all inaprovakitn i i ; ataam haat

? 2 i? in r* J U l5 f BWH * ..W 1--E la iin t front rot^a:

HUNTERDON « T . TM-Cwnfr floor; • light roam*, all impravamantgi IIS,

rant atarta from tba iSth. _______ . _HALSEY 8T.. M-Hoven *wma ai^ jjim: e,atar. alactrlc l lg h tA ^ a . ’'ilei'vftT iin ili ^ a ’ all ccnvefiienoa* for

ond and ihltd floort- CABJ.f P. iCHELLER. Mniiar aar ica. opao fcf intpaoaon, bouaakaftplng; tleo ganllamftn, will r*nt far

A8TOB HT.. 8*8. below Mulberry ai-—PIva roamJ: tinprov«mftnt«: rent t i i . poftaetalon

Immadlaiftiy; no obJecUoa to calM'ad paopJ*. ip^ulre ptamlaaa. or glEO. CRONHEIH, 7ST Broad at, cor. Uarkai.AOAR. 821 dlnion ava., and 0 Clifton at.:

furmtura movtd. tS to tfl par load; itoraga tt taw wajrehauia. 'Phont 2000B Wavarly.ABOUT i t hpuaea. apartmanie and flam raaa*

anabla: Roaavllla and Eaat Oranga ROBERT BEBZEU 15th a t and Citon pi. .BBOOKPALE AVB.. 88, naar South Orang*

avar*-nva and four rooma; rent |14 and IIS; fraa rant to Ootabar 1; nicaly d«corat«d. In- golra pramlaaa. ______________ ___BBOAP BT., 9ITKLBUBNE. at lourth tve.;

ftlftgiDt aavtn rooraa. all Improvenanta: moat

91 to date; |46 to <3K1SBR * PLUM. S*S road at.__________________________________

BT*. BM Baoond Hoar, part er whole: d p u to adit, [nqalra at ouar atore, or

Uty Ox. T22 Bhaax bulldtag._____

gg Halaey at- , naonth trea. ipeeiaJ aummar rataa.JOHNSO.N AVI,. 15* -N v.n tflOlM, b»lh. I»n-

try; . i ..m h«t. .Ircirlo U(ht; BMr ichool. *nd lroll,y.; K > Hint 'N-‘ _________ _

KABT ORANOB-To “’["f HIOH ST., (Q «-U r,., rr«nt room, with thrMUthroom and 41* 01 .Inhowt; Uictwl ft ftry tin . n.lrhborhoodi

hMt. hot rl™ or^DhfSISui • »'*® "•*'________________ r.mro for 110 mmithly jnS of pNy**^‘ •jK L L irr AVB floor, two-t.mltr oftlM C Il »iernlnl*. * « » “ ^•'h S lJi7«M “ ft UII.; CHARLES B. , ArllnfiW » « ■ -------------------------------miRN^V. 0-10 Ciimon H. iTIii'p n»ANQE-BMutlful dKotUM »P«n-

------------------------------- m m t., only ,p p r « l.‘« l.-S ?" J i S *

BO AitDIK CiCOURT ST.. llS -E t ., .* ily ruml.b.4 0* u»-

tunalahed roema. in pr|vat«i. aaiact houaa, for reflMd gtotlaman only; braakfaat II daaired: caotral: raaaonebia. ________ _COURT ST., 60. fiva intnutaa from Markat aad

Broad—One nicely fumlabed room lor fertile- man. in privet* Jtwleh family: axuallent board; booia comfona^____ ________p6ftisT ~m L L -T arga, baautlfttlly fumUh|4

raoma. two batha. atram haat: alactHclIr; aalect uei litMirhood; table board ttaxt door TiS taka at., naar Orafton av*.; ‘pbona tlWW Branch ilrtn-k ^ *PRO&T HT.. T6—Furnlebed r<3m, with or

witbrtut Imant, for on* or two; vary convenient to all etatlona. table board.

LUCERNE APABTMKNTB. IIM borthaaat ooraer Uroad and Mu t w ojaDorinauL uviuvi —..w — -~r , Mrviu*. w* -••* .— —

W 8 + ORANOt..lAiik jnIamih- hnt keiar: tanliof aervlo*; rant Blrebwood^The tUrchwoodclou. CIOMU; hot w um ; J.nlior rmoM bl,. So. jMltoT Oh promlM. or ownw. M. BOCK. (» H.lwy 1*1- >Urk«. w i.

T w Sr liAth^lSS-TaTi'liMtriwt w .t.rj Juniuir8* iamla ,t.. hlock Mpot. «M f t S t y .

wruoTBlrcbwooA—T h. BlrchwooA AM itownt,

Mcoad floor: ■.too room, .c d U lh , (*■* try; ^.f-iooi floor.: J.nltor Mrvio*.

LESLIE ST., as_8li Htd., Ilfht room, dad .U ih: .11 Inclu^iw —Mlrlo

light and he.1: two tlocli. Dorn CTlntM dvo. rtm low to d«lrabl. parly, i - HARTUHO.LIVmOBTON ST., ITO-Two-f.mlly

will !m m : hai ham, iU b l... tm hn nj^ hewH ha. thra. pooraa u eb floor, imiuira QOTTLIEB. St Wo.t I t . _________________

LIBERTY BT„ «S-ri> . UrfO,walar aad yird; III; a l» two ttlca Ufkt btaa-

DOIlt rwMW. 15. __________ __________NORTH SIXTH BT.. Ml, naar Bloomflald and

"Bunimot" can; SprovomontJ.; J.nltor; W. ilina hna baaamoBl rooma. |T. ____ _____ _

b a s t o r a n o e . w « I t . T S -^ o«dtwo-family hooaa; (lx room, and hath,

hMt: ,a , ran*., Mpara« •n'nno*l “ « • ;wrcb; rent 828. ___BAST ORANOE—five-rMm a p a r t^ n t;

rant raaeonabla to email family. Apply l&O Haleted al.. eecond floor, Ea*t Orange.


City oomferrte. country bepeflta. nrepreoC co^ MmcMcn. alevatcr. janitor, hell bw. olaanar. lit^a living room, high ,f*v«dgi

.^ l e a ioeallon; 5 m l^ t* D„ aO minute* P'wajr; booklat on regueat. HAP- DON HALL, Union gt..Montclair.of any brokef.

HIQll ST.a *|4^Large ilagl* or ecaaecttof frcM rooma alcely ^arnmh*d and depor-

aisd; ail Impu. ;eleo baaakMDi lor htHiaekeaping.HIOH 4 t .. 4 E ^ n ; li(ht hmiHhaapIni. ooa

HILIJIIDB AVB.. T7 Doatrabla illilla room, with luntitna wat.r; al.o lari.,

airy room; excellent locetlon; home cook- Ing; table hoard turnlahed. _________high tir . iMa, near klnuey^Blagant

nlahad rt^ma, wUh board, orivelt family;

LO TS $ 1 3 5)Kxl#o ft.; II8& to IMI, poattlvely tiana higher. Term*, l ie dowm I* monthly. We do not eODiJ eitaamen. Thla eavai you If per cent. Property le high. dry. level and clear, a few minute*' walk from trolley: In Bloomfield, five ceai fare from any part of Newark. Water end gaa a few feet away, will l>* run up m toon ae building com- meacea which 1* certain to be aoen. Moiiay for building eaally procured. Free title guarantee, Properly will net ha told to an oblecUonabta claae of panpla You will prob­ably never get an oppurlunlty aa good aa tbla to make a aUrt on awning your own home. Don't pul 1i off. Piicw* are going up all the lima. Write at once for full In- furmatlon.


>iua wi., eee-rur iipai nl*had r»«ma, wUh board, privelt ramii;aaotiBf front corner electrio l la h t .^ tb . ahower end all Improvluadry; all lanprovemento; near c o u r t ^ e ^ | board.laundry

u ^ ^ r r .‘if— "*-i IT. half block fw n I HILL BT.. SI—Rooma *ti eulla or tlnglar&o*d e l —Large eaooad floor from room, | home cooking: flrat-claea eervleea:

oppoelte rlty hall.alto amallar men.

B lA irnrU L npper flat, two-femlly. Mfht togiaip upper porch, lU la^rDTemehU; Octo-

igp MBTOBg, 6 « i^rrto at.________all Ufkt modera •eveo'iooBi flat,

Ntott) at.: m tia beat; m t oaod-

BFinC BT., b * . w <»irtlMMH-Fl*t. flv . f iH n , buh. llBl sll Imgrm’.m .nti: lultor.

M iM Z . BT., ITL a u r High sL-rirat flat, aU URPfpviwnenti; beat.

CHIALSHURSnMb' ^oepaot and Elwood area, (corner).

^ N D S O U B . BPACIOUB SUITE.All froot roome; aoutherti expoaure-

VVVRT CONCEIVABLE IMFROVEMBIfT. Apply owner. 682 ML TToepect avc.

O p n iU L AVE., DOT. oor, Booth Eighth a t— MiYew rooma; bath; all Improvameiita: eteam

heat foralahed; rent ISO: poaaaaelon October 1. iMtilre on premlaea or SlEQ. CRONHElli. TIt Broad eL, opr- Market.CENTRAL AVB., QlS-Six lerge, light rooma;

ImsroTeneata; beat furnlahed lb bathroom asd nalik eDcloeed porch; adulta praferrad; $80.OENTSUL-Blarht-rDOm flat. 827; ateam beat,

and ooaT nuiaa; all ImprovammU. In- g, KORN, IM Waehington et.

OONKLDf AVE.. SB, n « r Ogbom* t«Ttc»- f l n t flAor; S room.; mod.rn; a.w two-fam-

Ilk; All Improvamonlt: lot lOtelOO; natrlctod nation; rkDl from Oct. 1. loqulr. noond fUvr, *r <U Union building.

„ FLATS OF n V B ROOHB AND BATH.NORMANDIB-Blx -*11 n V a K.. -------- . - I . . . . . . ft«ni P.rk ON CENTRAL AVENUE. N E .^

VALLEY ROAD; EVERT MODERN IM- p r o v l m e n t e x c e p t steam KEA^ALL DVROE. MIEERFUL BOOMS. ^ENT* VERT LOW. tin TO 111. 'W. t e n a n t s k e t b at m . l a d l e s q r o -CERT STORE. OPPOSITE.

ORMANDIB-BIX ■rr.Ti«™bnlh; « c ill.m »rvlo.; T bm

PI and Ltrloiw.nM. .u tlo iu ; Mi ana m . MBS WARD. H2 Blaackar «<■ _____________NEW BT. 141—Six room, and hath. Drat ” flMr H OOEBKE, «5> Matronoman bldg., Uark.t and Waahlngion lU.

o sbo h ne t b r b a c e , , • * - « * rooma and bath, all

heat two-tamily hooea; open dOItlf II. DUNN * SONS, nramaii a building. Tal. eSK> Markat. _________ _______________

ORIENTAL P U “ abath; awiond floor; amall «™ 'F - *•F, ELMENDORF, U Mark.t at.____________

iti.—riTo r o o ^ la: <}ulet bouea. la-ORANOE and Norfolk

- bath; tuba tollol; plaa aulra in drug atort.

PREMIER STXJ5W 52JS'JOHNSON AVE,. AT ClJNTON AVm Idiiny local*!; .Igl>t ''25L ?5?*Harkai: flooat apartnwnta In Naw «h. 1 ^

compHtad; flva and i l l rooma and up-lcwlal* tonvanlcBC; Orat-clw ^firit floor anartmant, a*poelally adaptad for Dhyilclin; TMdy tor occupamy. I__________

ROSIVILLB AND EAST and hatb, drat 5oor, 118; ««cood 5»r. Bra ^

bath III; third door, 5r» and bath. SIB. aao- ond Soot, III iDd bath, |I»: inlrd door, ifix aod bitb. IIS: drat Hat. tlx ind bath, 125; 8r«t flat. SVB and bath. 125: twood apartmrnt. 8 . . and bath, third i[«rtu)Hit, I2S: apanmmt., hMt, iwt wat.r, lioliM mitIm , |2S and up­ward. UEEKEB. ms Wirran «L________

CUNTON HILL BBCnON-In nay honao; four kpd n-a rooma, with all Imnrm'.manti; all

Hfht; miMlon fuilih: handiomaly doooratad; rants tlS and 118. 84* South Elghtnnth at.,naar Madlnon ava._________________________OAXJ. and aaa our coraplata Hat; wa hsva

apartmantB, rooma and flata to tat In all pans tt tba ally. E. E. BOND dl CO.. TSa Bwad St ________________________OKADWICK AVE., 4T-Flnt floor. fIva rooma;

all Iswrovamanta, nawly dacoratad; naar two oar Uasa Innalra on pramliM or SIS IMaax ktdUlng.__________________________OXADWICK AVB., US—r ilt i coatalnllg Bra

n oaa and bath, with iltam haat. Inqulrt of Issltor on p r a a l i a i . ______doRNBR APABTMENTB^alaon pi.; Ova

rooms; oantral; ataam baat furnlsnad: III. latu lra LITTAUER. II Nalaon pi.

ROFBVILLE. North Twaittb IL.rooma; all Improvamanti; Bwtai. plM, la«a

poroh; handaoraaly dworatad. Owoar, sea Broad: tal, 2207 Markat._______ _____________EOSBVtIJ.E APARTMENT to tat; taaaa Hrga

TOOBI. all Improvemanla. aaparele aotrenpe; conveelfut to aUlioo ami frclley. loqulrt 128 North 81xtb il. __________________ROSEVILIJD-Flral or aecond flal:

rooma; aapereia enirence: ell Improvemeftie, near atetlon and trolley. 226 Fourth atROBEVILLE, near atation: five l*rge. light

rooraa: Hied bath: ataam heat; janitor; rent |W. *{>fl Seventh e v e . __________RIDGEWOOD iV l. . 162-IM, naar Cllatoo

FIrat iud aecond toora. pleaeant roow, im- provamaota. reel vary reaaooable. iiiquire aec- ood floor. _ _ROSE BT.. 28—Four rooraJ on Brat and

ond floor! with improvemantn; rent |13. Inquire premlaea or 88 Btratferd pt.BBABITRT 8T., Ifr-Four

bath, pantry, Improvementa: halla carpeted, ahadea and wreeni fumlahed: r^D U y deco­rated: rent lift and 816- Inquire QEO. A. ■RIj a CO., Ifll Oraton

DmftABLB apartoent, all ImproremeDta; rooma kuie) krigbt aid chHrfnl; alee loeatloa; cou-

YMlMt to troUeya; coupU or email faaLlly; |15. M MaiHaoB ava

SUJO TT ajid Ellmert, oor. Bummer ava, ai>4 B lie t at.—Four, five and elx room apart-

toieita; all modem Improvementi; beat, hot water, jMltor lervlce; large foyer hails; large elgeeta; all rooms fsaiag street; non* better tk the dltyj rente. |28 to 888. Inquire premlsee.

BYLVAN AVE., 207. near Mt. Proepect—flevmn rooms; bath; ataam heater; all Improveraeats;

rent t23: noascaslon immediately. Inquire on premlaea. or aiEO. CROKHBIM. 787 Broad st., cor. Mwkat- __________ __________SOUTH se v e n t h BT., 167 -n ve large, U ^ t

rooma; panlry; bath; all Iroprevemanla; ataam heat; aaparata entranca. Inquire second floor: a d u l t a _________. . _

BDWtK RL., t<h near Clinton p{.—tU rent;five rooms, bath; ateam heat, Janitor e«r-

Yloe» carpeted halla eleotrio lights: fine )o- eatton; take Broad oara to Clinton pi.; ref­erence raquirads Apply to Janitor, first floor.

eiXTBENTH AVE.. 880. near TwaiUT-flrst j l .Sevan-room flal: all Imi^vementj; r ^ t |23.

h E rUAN h e n r y . 180 ^ an ty-flrst dt.g Inr-ngton._______________ _SOUTH TWELFTH BT.. 48*— Four large.

light rooms, tome Improvements; conven­ient to care; ndwly painted; rent 111; j-^ulla.

EkLBOASrr bright apartment to let, eta rooms and bath, ail improrameBte. at 188 Bouth

Seventh at. Inquire 187 South Boventb st., o« In rear of 188.SXJKIAJ6T five-room oomer fiat: bright and

aheerful; convenient to rallroaaa and trol laara; only fU. 488 Walnut st.. comer Lang.

BOUTH ORANOE AVE., ISO—Four w m e: tl2. Hqulra MRB- LA MONT, eeoond floor.

BOUTH t h ir t e e n t h ST., 118—Six-room fiat: two-famlly house; all improvementsi

near Central av«. irdlejj_______ _________ _

KLJBClA2irT four and five rooma; all light: atoam heated; comer Montclair and Mt Froe-

peidf aveg.; reseotiable rant. Inquire janitor.■LMART earner flat, flve and elx rootna, all

iiurovuMntSa laquirt J. BOSAFIB, 486 ■oatfi Fdorteenth at, aoner Fifteenth ava.

lOOT Broad it.—flevan rooma and l a u : secmid floor, front; rent |60.

BBSBX ST.—Three and four room fiats: rent fllT akd 111; very central. Apply MRS.

SX^AK l, first floor, ft Esaex at.B U 4 0 T VT.. 19-Seoond floor: elx romna and

hath. A. GROVES, 668 Mt. Prcepect ava; *pMne BBfl Branch Brook ________________FIVE and Mx room modani fiats. lliltteMith

am. and Twelfth at.; beam oalUngs; gas and •lintiio fixturca; white enameled parlors; front and back porehra; large, light roomt; with and without steam heat; one nloek from twa trolleye; rests fin up: also fl. T and 10 roeai steatn-beatad spartmenu. 288-286 Lit­tleton ave., 826 up. Inquire premlsee er aOT ICaiket at., room IIW.ITVE rooms and bath, aU fqiprovemaatafllS up

Seoond floor. 6 rooms, bath, all impts.. JlT up fttovan luoms, bath, all Impti.. E. Orange.|24 up L kfilet Ust b <dty, lowest pficaa; coma see ma. GHJr LEB 8. ORBBN, Blfl Firemati'ft^ -I lO O M apartmentg located in the very

lieart of olty, with all latest modem lm< pmvwnanti; jimltor Mrvtoea- 111 New et.FTPS rooms and bath; all improvemenu,

with ataam beat: coovanlent to three trolley tiaea; adnJte only. 24 North Sixth st.t tT B larga, light roema; bath; pentij

ImprovamMU except heat; second flc Ridge s t i aaer Bark ava.___________ _

and all or. isa

FIVE Ilfht rooms to let; lift Bouth Omnge ave.; rent low. Inquire H. ROSENTHAL,

7 Ferry at. _________inBA>nrLiif at." n . Lerehnoiit Aptrtnmnt

knuea- - two rooma and bath for bachelor*, banelor maids or nan and wife: modente renti gtoasi beat; ferslalwd leeepUaa baU: clean;

lera; imod nalfbborbood: eoBTenlent location, attendant ca premlaa*.________

FURNtTURE roovad, packed and shipped.atorafi rooma; also buys houaehoM

aad office fomlturex E. J. Hunt. Km M Orann at.; • warehouaa 78 North jrwtfMrth at,g gait Oaange.____________FLAT* fight rooms and bath; all Improve

m e r a i separate entranoae; two-family houai} near treUey: rent :8I6. Inquire F. E pI S U n t >18 South Sixth stag or i m of-

181 Bpriagfield ate*i l ^ T to lit; five rooma and bath: all Improve

m hto: mat floor two-famlly hausa: restricted kSlgfabonieod; eonvaiilcDt to trollajN Vatlaburgh fMfPn Inquire BOB Norwood s t . Ekat (^ n g eF U T 6 moved In padded was. M load; rtUa-

Ida senrtoe; donH to HOBjONJ8^^885fertefteld ave,; tel, 8068J> Wav., or >Tfl7J, wav.FliATB norad la padded vaaii 14 a load; ex

pertaaoad help; jpianoa meted for W.M. M q/OQKNO^ W flpringfield ava, 1868W Wav.

bnilnem.Hothni: f lv e ^ r to ^»*, w*iAx no oblldrto: rent 138 BCKBLLER. 86 Franklin a t

FLAT to let: five light rooms: rent a month. Inquire Id I Central ave.. East

Orange. ______ ..FIVE rooma to l« . 81* P»r month; aa chil­

dren. T Perk et., Grange._______________ __niVINOTON-DaMrtkla ■lA-™™

•eeoetd floor of new two-famlly bouaea. W. B4 and 68 Newton pi.; all hMt- rent 118.06. See owner. M. BOCM, m H?toay m.; tel. 8BI Market _________IRVINGTON. South Grove at.. 84^

flat; all improvements except heat-M6—Five-room

SEARKY. N. J , WlndaoT at., 8—Flata contain­ing flva rooms end bath; rent |14. Inquire of

h en r y BINCOCK. 160 Ktarny STa. ______ _

HILL 8Tm M ^ aan . comfoneble front room for oDo or two lantlamMk, or refined buslneta |

couple.LfTTLETON AVE.. *4^Ronm and board for

refined gentK'nian; wiih private family, con- ■ ‘ and tlentrai cars; phonevenlenl to Or**ym

BOCKHUNTERDON BT . 68G-LAfge furnlehed room aervica,____to latr with ataam haai. ______^ | y e w BT.. U8-Rooin and board for otu* or

Tawwo Wkrk AiHeittiT I two Vkiung Isdleei private family; boms com-foil.: ring n.Wd(. ja lj..

weekly. Addteaa Komrllka. K x TO. NewB of- i>4e l BON PL.. 16—Nicely fumlahed front end fice. ■ I connecting rooma: eieam heat; shower bath:

axeeijent table board.LOMBARDY AT.. t8-N*wly fu m iiM . clean, Obey room: well heated; tile bath; ail Im­

provements. very oentrai- ____________ _ORCHARD BT., ITI—Nloely Mrnlihad

roam, with good board, for one or two gentlemen; home pomforto; convenient to1 ATATOTTC ST ek^Latwa froBt room light genllaraen; home pomrorw; convem«ni lo

looms, all unprovemanta. _______LIBERTY ST.. 14—Nicely furnlahad large

fmnt room for light houaekoeping; sleep­ing room, II.3L _________________MULBF,RRV 6T.. 14—Nicely furnished room

for light houeakeaping; no objetitlon to child: very reaeonable; aleeping room. IL Side entrance.

ORCHARD PT-. ITS—Accommodations for four or rive atudenta. 66 etch: home vomforta end

cooking, ncnr Houth 8t. Hiatlon; tciapbon*.__ORLKANM »T. 3*. near Warren—Neatly

fumlahed r«K>m. suitable for one or iwo, with flrsi-iiati board; term* reaftonahta

MULBERRY 8T„ 141—Large room: nicely furnished for light houaekeeplng; IITI up;

no objection to ODlId: sleeping room, il.15.

ORANOE BT. 143—Nicely furntshed room for a centleman. with board. a waek;

good table boanl. |3 to M.44 _______ _

N E W A R K n G N E W S



ICULBBRRT tT.. 181-Two large fumlahed rooma, on# bedroom and kitchen; with run-

irig watar and porch._________ ____________

PARKHURRT 8T , 74. iecond door from Broad.two mlnutaa Bouth 6i Riatlon—Btaam-healed

eeoond atory front room, reesonabla, ua« of telephon*; boenl optional, private family.ROBBVILLB. Seventh ave., 882—Nicely fur

— _ — ___ _ i ntahad fr«t! room with ooiLrd: also alngl*ITT. PR06PBCT AVB.. dST'rSeoond floor; two [ excluelve neighborhood; ootivanlent toUrge room* with private bath, fumlahed ^ |jn„ . gp* block from Lackawanna Bta-

unfurnished, private fam ily._____________ __NORTH SEVENTH ST.,

tomlthad front rooms; reasonaoie; «mv«n- i -lent; Lackawanna and Iroilayi. private 6^®“ | ^ith board; alao eingia rooma. near three family; reaideotlal nadgxborhood.____________ J «nd l.ackawannft BtatlNEW BT.. 118; W aehl^on »t-. to^NIcaly hobEvTl LB AVE., 182—Large rnomis also

furnlahed rooms, llDgle or connoting, for rooms; looil location, one block fromhousekaaplng: alao slaepfng room, all Improve- L^cjtgwgnna tiaiion. good table hoard; 'phone

r.MIVILLB. Bouth Ninth at.. M-lArga. nicaly lasonable oonven furnlahed second floor frtmt room to rant

KDRTH FIFTEENTH BT.. 186-Eiegant brick ^apartmania; five large all light root^, b*th. ell Improvements. tl8; block Ampere. Roseville■tdHon*. ___________ _____________ONB of th« llhait 7-room w*'!'*'""* ^Oi»7lga. both for location anil airugamont alao ffiw hathroom: »llhln [tv* mlnutaa of train and troll.y, but In a .«:llon wholly roal- doirtlal: will boRANSOM. 186 Eaton pi.. Best Orenga N. JORANOB-Flv. largo, beautiful room, and

hath: all Improvomonta: dapot: Ilk. M7 Cantral ava.. opiuwlta Oranga Park.____________ ‘

a p a r t m e n t s , b o o m s a n d FXi.ATSW A N T E D — O UT O F TOW N_____

Mgpp^TA^LE'^^no^h^ t2fH altb t—b wall culturad ehlidran. S and 7 yaari.

■crvlcoa In oichang, for two unfunilahrd rooms, country prrfrrrwl. Addraea Reference. Box 86. Ncwj nfflo*- ■ ---- -

F tr i iN lf iH E P FL A T S -BRoXtTSv llTO. The Pltlnrield Aparlmarne-

Threa end four rooma; beauUfuHy furnlah^; atory modem convenience; new and up-to- dwte: refined people only; no objacilona to child

menta; cantral: reasonable. I coiiMCtion.NFiW 6T., 46—Fumlahed room*: prlvete fam-

lly. single or double: all Improvemenia; ihrto mlnutm froiti tuba; for gentlamaxi only; ref-' ereoce. __________

near train and irolleyi; good table

n e w BT.. T3. oor. WaahltMftan—Newly fur- | nlahed larga front room, aleo single room: i

etaain haat; all ImprovametiU; three mlnutea |tuba. __________________ _NEW BT.. gft-Parlor, dlning-rpqm. with kltch-

eoatte, for light housakeapmg: running water■il Improvamente.__________NBW HT.. 92-Large and amall houMk.apIng

and alecpiBg: eonvanlent kltchanette,

all Improvemcnl*;

ROBEVlTaLE. Warren at.. fl'C -t.Arga alcove room, aei-ond floor: alao alngl* ruom with

boardboard______________________ROBkVILLE AVR --Riceptlenal sreomisoida-

liMA, pMri'bee, grounds, to adults. 1o prlvale ftmlly Addrcis R. A. R.. Boa Ifl. Newa omce.ROSKVll.LE. Bmiih Twelfih at.. I—Room

_nd hoard; convdinleni to trolleya and D-, L. and W. Station, private family^________ _

......... Nnrih aecnnd at. 226—Roomand boe'm in prlveiP family, all Improve-


NORFOLK BT., 2TO, near Bank-Large rooma, houaekeeplng. 11.W up: oonneetlng rooma.

68; hall roomA |1 up; all Intprovemema.

SOUTH EIGHTH BT. 287-Rtr^ela and con­necting front rfK»me. all Improverrienta; in

, prlvalf rmuse; "‘tth tioard. a pleasant home fur_ ------------ X reflnfd young ladles, select pk-ighhorhood, con-NELSON PL.. 8 6 -Nicely furnished well heated | v#nlent to South Tenth and South Orange trol-

rwjiB. all Improvemaota and talephona: prlTita leya _howw,______ — SOUTH TWELFTH ST., 61—Nicely fur-ORIENTAL BT. 44—Newly furnlihed. all nlahed front room, second floor; Im

impta; large or email room, central to | provemenia; .Jiood Jboard; convenient to trol trolleys and railroads; strictly private fam lly; reasonable.

I faya and atntlon; |4.

o rch ard BT.. B6-Ught, thoroughly clMi fumlahed room; never rented before. 61;

hnuaekaep'lng allowed to careful tenant*ORCHARD BT.. ITO-Nlo*. elry. well' kept

room*; newly fumlahed; aultable for one or two; retea reaeoriahla.

TMOMAB ST.. 22—Large frorvt second *torjr room; alao amallar room; with or without

table hoard.TI'’HKNOR PT. Ift-Large and ainall rooma.

suitable for twn. all Impta,; near Broad.

fiTB IMBX and hath, imni) «•*.aecOeii. aU Inprovemfutx: cuKpHtalj fur-

oJibad: raaaonahl*. iDqulre 295 Flan* at, In th* ■tore. ______INQUIRE 608 Washington at

apartmant. completaTy fumlahed f« keerittg; private toth; gas. «1«ctrlc lights:

heat; Janitor service; fl ralnuia* from Broad and Market-WILL rent to emiple only, four nawly and

prettily furnishedbath- rant |7 weakly. Call 381 Bummer

BOUTH THIRTEENTH BT., 108—Blx ntoa light rooma; all Improvaments except haat.

BOUTH BELMONT AVEl, 47T—Six rooms: all Impfovemente. ^

Suim ER AVB., 424-fleoood floor: eight room beeldea butler a pamry: private^ hall; , b ^ -

Kiom: tcdlat ■epatato: hot watw heat: all Im- teovementa; rant |<8. laqalra 876 Buininer ava


MOMTCLAIR, Walimt at.. 228—FuralahaA apartmant tt Dmn thrta to alx rooma. or aln-

gl*^unil,had roomi: unuatiaHy largo rooma. TTmiio 7MM.

F U R N IS H E D ROOMS TO L E TATTBACTIV*. piiTata Bilta, V<m room., hath,

Ugb-elaaa olaTatoi apartmant; 8*a mlmttt Mirxtt ani Broad ala.; |66 monlkl/. kddmiia Cooranlenca, Box 87, Nawa oflea*

VERY large alcove room uhltd floor) to rent._ _____ ___ with board, to three refined young men;

PENNINGTON BT.. 48-Onmpletaly fumlahed. RMevllte ave.. north of D.. L and W.; lema well heated houaekeeplng rooma; single or reasonable to them; other double rooma. Wtond

connecting; ga* for cooking; rafrlgsrator. hath, floor, Addreae Refined. Itoi 1ft. Newa offh^laundry, |4 up. ________________ — —. | w a n t e d , two gTrla or two man. one room:

single beds: all Improvement*; private home. Addresa WoodHide. Box ftO. News

ROflEViLLB—Three nice rooma, partly fur­nished; will furnlah as alngle rooms; all ..........

Improvementi: heat, hot water fumlahed; pri-1 office.vate house; sitgam location; two njlnutee to ' --------station. 1T8 North Bavenlh e t.; ‘phone.ROSEVILLE AVE., 64—Pleasant fixrnlfthad

front connaetiBf roome. eoinplete for house- keeping; also alngla room; near atatlon, troilay.

WAKF.MAN AVK., 132-ljirg* lurt>l.h«d room with or without board; auJtabla for two

BO A K l> W ANTEDROBEVILLE. Flrtt s t . 181—Two connecting _

froal rooma single or for light houKkeepIng; GENTLEMAN desire* board , tomfort- naar trolteya- xble eecpnd-floor room; elacirlc light; hot—— ■— ----------------— ---------:—r r -^ ----- end cold running water; Mt. Proapect. CUn-

ROBBVlLLiE. Humboldt at.. .,*^Nloe. 1 East Orange location; tIS tofront room! convai^ant to station and trouay. detalla. Addraaa Board,

STATE 8T , 61—Two connecting room*, fur- Box 38. Newe office.

Mmim omee.215-317 Mgyfcel Btreet.

Local Broach Off|ec*» open from 8 A. M. un til 11:10 A. M., and from 4 P. M. until 6:86 P. M. dally a t tba fo llo w in g addreases;B allev llle avenue. 104.Bruce straat. 288.Clinton avenue. 211.Blm street, 138U.Hamburg place, 14 M yrtle avenue, 6 l 1 RoseVlIU). Bouth s ix th s t r e e t W allace p la ca 17.

O r a a g e Rraack O ffice. 188 Main s tr ee t opp osite Cleva- lund street. Teiephonea; Or­ange 8606, M arket 1000. P ri­vate branch exch an ge con> n eefin g a ll departm ent!.

New Jeraar Bcashare OCflae. 466 Main street, nortbeaat corner B angs avenue (O aorgs W. P tttan ger'i real aatala o ffice ), oppoatta new poat- offloe. T elep hone 714 As* bury ParkT m ta a Bwaaea.IT 'Wast S ta te i t r a s t T ren­ton, N. J. Talephona t i l Trenton.A tlaa tle CHy Branek O ftlati The D orland A dvertising A gency, W alter EL E dga

D over Braaek*• LfOssystraat T elephone I lk

M orrtelew a B raoek Offloo* n South s t r e e t TelephoneU2.MoaVvIalr Brameh llffleot321 Q lenrldge avenue. T ele­phone 733.New4o» B rsaek Offtce,138 Spring s t r e e t Telephone 84.Bansal4 n ra M k Office*Kooin 1. P oeto ffice Building. Telephone 60M.

- HlHkura-BprlngflcId Braneh. O ffice, C am pbeirs D rug S to ra Bank Building, M ill-

aven u a T elephone 86 4l|l^ura.

York Offtre.

LUMBERof All Kinds for Factory Purposes

PATTERN PINE Lum her forMUlwright WorkPrompt Deliveriet a Specialty

A. B. AYOtSS a w a n d P l a n i n g M il l

35S Ogden St., near ClayT a t . 8 7 9 7 B r a n c h B r o o k

3. Howland at ux to WlUlun iin. MontcUIr, a a I Ud m i IV a w cor land 0 . W. AnoCT-

3ch«rer, w a Chadwick av T)t ft a w (r land C. it. Earl. 25xK. |1.

OUTSIDE o r NEWARK.E. E. Maachant A Sona to Nailla L.

Pallan. Nuiley, lota 7'}-9, map Nutlay on Hill. titn.

Oral’* 1.. Glider and huaband ^ Elian Abel, Montclair, a a a Irvink at Iw ft o a tr l.lni-oln av, 12ix2M. tt

Wllllatn YV. Underhill el ua to Harold J Houland. Montclair, cor Harrlion av and Llrwallyn road, XUxL'TD, and otbar tract, ie«.

WUIIani B W.' Undarhin Mountain av aon. U3xt27, ft.

Northern Haaltjr Company to NathuM A Oil naar. Bloomfield, n a epr Wlilaw at and Olanwood av, SDxUt, 11.

Margaret C. Banaon (axr) to laraal JacobUB at al, Olan RIdga, a a Highland av Tt ft ■ ft Batlevllla av. axl», t:lQ0.,

Wllllatn H, Lawnnea at ux to John I . Coghlan at ux, MlUburti, e a SprIngfMd av U fl fr land E. E. DoUimI, mlM, IL

Staphan O'Connor at nx to Kithar g, Nouraa, Ballevllle, a ■ Mann at Ul tt B fr Graylock av, ttxlQO, tl.

Margaret Corcoran to Jamaa KbowIm at ux, Montclair, cantre Valley road n ft a tr William at. *hU», II.

Jaa, Knolaa at ux to Wm. Sauiala, Moat* claIr, aama proparty, 11.

William w ' Amaa at u t to Verona Lake Park Aiaoclatlon, Verona, ba|fln^ng at ftake In Ettenborough'a Fond. dU ^B f lino land Wllllain Paaia, lUxlgt, l3fD.

Nutlay Manor Land Compaay to JuUa Murray, Nutlay, w a Wltherapoon at W ft a fr Conover av, Sxl*0, H.

Arthur Salta at ux to Nortbam Im- provemant Company, Eaat OraBSa. B w cor Dodd and tveatcott ata, <0x1% n.

Michael Ippotlto at al to Savtrio ^ torlno, Montclair, a a Sharman at Ml R a fr Fine at, TIxlSs, tl.

Margaratha Ludwig to Joaaph Bluia at al, Irvington, a a Twanty'tlrst at W ft n fr Nineteenth av, SlxM, H00.

Wiliam D. Wolff at ux to Bolomon M, Eoae at ux, Eaat Orange, w e Btaoben at tot ft n fr Buaaax ar. irillO,Jl. _

Thomaa Crantey et ux to Thomax P, A [worth. Montclair, w a New it IH fl a fr Bloomflald ar, <6x101, H.

MORTOAOBB.The following mortgagaa wan ttlad In

Rooma 821-l!3 Brunawick the county raglaur'a office yeatarday;

I BY a young mam room In fam^^, ^ hhs* all Improvements tnlnuto to lAckswsnns Btstlon.

AiTOP ST*, Ift—L*rg*, light front r<»nii sBoond floor; *11 Imprcrvamanta; wslkiitg

dlat*nc« to South St. SUllon; auiUbl* for one or two gontlamaa; I3.S6 par _____AMK3UCAK, btort. roro; I*6Tr » 7 i ;

man. 84-80: vlcWly city h * ^ light houto- ktoplng. raasoBsbl*. Addrtto Privst* Fumlly* Box TL N*ws otflcft. ______________________ _

SPRINGFIELD AV».. III. near Falrmount —Five large, light rooms; all Improve-

m*nts; rent fli. SMITH. 177 B*rg*n st.SHIBRMAN AVB., 114—Four desIr^U to ™ for colored psopta. Inquire MRS. VOL- LENHOVBR. 18* Pe»hln# av*. _________

perso n who approclatea oltottUtoSi ^ w fort can bav* a nawly fuielatod latg*

room la prlvats ftsilly. Call 468 South Xwalflh at g^lddls floor.AN e x c e p t io n a l l y nJo* room 1& raod-

arn apartment on Clinton ave.; g^oU*' man; reftrencs* Addreaa Clinton. Box IT, "'ewa office, _____ ___________

BBVEN ROOMS; all traprovemonla; tU*d bath: Moarate steam haatar; electric and g M :^ n -

T«nW to Broad and Market. loqitlre 86 Quit- man _

ATLANTIC BT.a I—Furnlahed room* to let; all Improvementi; from 81-80 to It.

SEVEN room second apartment; alt Improv^ mants: sepamt* steam haater*; on* bwea

from Clinton ave. 86 Baldwin av-* oity.SEVEN rooma and bath, all Improvements, In-

clodlttf ataam heat; Ml Broad et. Inquire CHARLES 8TOPPBR, fr44 Broad at.

BROAD 8T., l l » . The Plainfield Apartments —Light hooaefeeeE^ng suites, on#, two. three

and four rooma. with private bath: also aanglo and double rooma for gantlemeD; new and moat biautlfully ftimtsh^; averytWng u^to- date: *team heat; hot and cold water; electric and gas light; 'phooe aarvlee- ton mlmit^ walk to Four Cornell; three b(ock* Booth it. Station; cDo place Uk* It In the city; twm* reasonable: refined people only.

BIX rooms aod bath, aU lattst ImpcoTcmenta;car and Brie StaUon: ntc* locatloiL TT8

Hlgl^od iv*., city._____SIX large, light rooms; all ImprovemantJ.

South Mlnefeentb it*71T

BROAD 8T.J 6«i. overlooking Military park and Paric pi —iVont parlor, ua* of pla».

suitabi*. for a gentlaman or refin*d modartt Irnprovemenla, one minute from Tube, also elngie room.

storage 11 monthly; Rwvinf, 14 a i o ^ pi­anos hoisted, Ift each. Newark Stortg* war*-

rooms, SffT Washington *t.; ' pbon* 4766 Iftkt.STANTON ST.g 11—Third floor, alx room*, bath

and pantry, alt Unprotemests except stum heat; adulta only.___________________

BROAD ST-, Sift—Nloely furnlahed connaet- 1ns rooms for houaekeeplng; Iwg* win­

dow*; well heated In winter; aleo small rooms; price reasonable.

THE PAHKESRMT, «-67 Parker * t. ovw’ looking Branch Brook Paris; tlx and *tv«n

.joma; oath and all latevt modern Improve* mema; about flnlahed; ready for occuMney October 1. C. J. K I^ A N , £1 Clinton pL

BROAD BT.. 840—Large front room: aleo slnxie room; all Improvements and con-

venlencea; private family; refereneee; gen­tleman only, ______ __________

TUB ELLMKRE, at 66 Billot at. (Just com­pleted)—Four and flya room spartmanUi all

modern improvaaent*; beat and janitor aervlc*: rent* 128 to 182. Inquire on premise* or H- KOLODIN, 111 Wathington ave*, cHyaTHE FEDERAL. 1114 Broad tt.. oomer Park-

hunt—Elegant alx-room oomer apartment; steam heat; Janitor aervleo*. Apply on premi' ■et or owner, M. BOCK. 66 Uafeey st.THREE large, light rooms to let: 466 South

Eighteenth at., batwewi Fourteenth and tit- teenth avei. ______________THREE light rooma with Improvement*: suit­

able for old couple; rant 112. Inquire 388 Bank s tTHREE large rooms; 4S6 South Xlthteentb

et., between Fourteenth and Fifteenth a v e e , __________________ __THREE nice rooma to Mt, M Waverty aye.,

for adult! only.THOMAB ST., 146. h*er Sewto St. S U Ito ^

Five rooms, aecond floor, fttt. EDWARD BEERS* room 768. Prudential building.

MAT, 967 fleymenr ave.l six large, tight neani, W tkdwrrements, ftssai beat: aeaf troUey;

■ naUdiborhood; tent retaonataie*FLATIL fbur aad flY* rooms: all Improve-

Sia to : fine Joeationi rent l l i and ft li 413 Mailfor Axa.,, near Watson are*FltAT-rFIre fine, light, airy room*: mod-

era linprotomenti: eheap reaL Apply 8 W m it n .

TO LET-Thrte Urge rooms: water Md gas iwo-tatnlly house; German prefsTred; rent

113. Inquire Iflft New York ave.TO LET—Flret floor; five large, Hfht

364 South Orange ave.. tonwr Monri* ave. Inquire 308 Boutb Orange ave.TO LET — Seven room*; Improvement*j |3D.

174 Van Buren at. ________TWO attic rooms to let: 1B6 Parker st.; rent

fti. Inquire ITS FarkW* at*

ut: Jiew kouee; kll Imprav-mente;W B m n i t . eltr.

R e U r ^ l^ jr a m ^ ^ g u i evefTtbla, ooniiletei

VAILSBUBOH, Senford *v»„ « » . BMV ■oath Oreng* xve,—New h ou e. flret xpfcrtnie—t,

Boetan plan; ilx Urge, light roam re- aea tlu hail; birdwoM trim; tauidgomttir deeoraud; ttiedbath; bw nuil w U lotjjrtjjm leat; ilactHc light. Is^ u ln OBO. OOTT

HAROT. 1*1 retnoawat »v*.___________I« t Wk dbarry et.

•AtBMOUin AVK, M*. s*er Ikirtiaatk kv*.— r r F ~ * M n o .m n <xt, lU ImpremiHBtij i*.

iM t M xkkarhaadi all light roaraa; M u lu

TOR OOLORED-North llxth kL, 7S*. three Malm te troUtT: *)»«• noou; talu i; wtah*

Mkgi K aeattjhr. loqivlre pttteutt.FOUR lerg i rHme and heth. n een a floor,

t i t n W m u kve.; lu er tbrro troUayv; n n t ft* . IBqtilr, llrit floar.______________TOUR light, ehy roomA In Iwo-taralto hou*;

lin|>r***ma®le. Ingnir* tlU Mt. Pro^gtat a,yk.; rant tU-_____ .

'g W f . 'S S ?nanwoii eaaond tiaar: hrick haua:

weiar: ft t . laq o ln Si

TOUR lerge bqpnvgAaiI'Hght raarae with beth. raihn..iell ntn ‘US DiekereoB at., nw r -

roUR Iktte roow, nrwlf flaroratBl: rent tu , j L « ) ! f ] * n l ^ 6 o Blfh »t.. « r « r Aeaflanv

•tTDiJB ream; hethi M L ihd roW wetrti elaun

haw In h»U; tl5, M Weet et.TOUR aght, tlTir roamn ft, flf Boydan it. TRRRT BT., 71—Pour room ; *11 moflero

Improvaoiatiite to Ut*

ILL44AN CO-, 513 Estait building* ^Wrv.Tismm 'wT.!. flS^wu-famUy ,_h6uee-Oat; ■ itx fpMif. bath; hot alt heaW; JJ 6 t

' Iw t to twnert. laqaira J* EOTDCfc TOI URkm building, ot on premtssa.

conven*ewaer,BAWTHOBKB AVB., » -N e w t h i ^ t u ^

eeMBd fW*

VAlLSBURaH. Hofwood it., all ImprovBineiits but beat; half biMli to

Broth Otahge ave.; HT._________ .

WOODSIDB AVB., 2M -FU e or sight wakM •Jl improvam4ht*; deroxated; eeparate ea-

transaa; eeparate steam hsat; alee locatlror rant r e a s o n a b l e ___________WEBSTER 8T,r

fourproom flatBtoomfield

with Improvementi; aepKetlito' entrance; rSat |14. lisqatre 35 webMer

WABHiNaTON AVK,. 4*^Twb ewufr flata.tiTS rooma bath: aepM flo tf: aU

n iS M iV w Btatiro: aH lghL olaan toomei WWABBIKOTOK and KlotMT * t n m k i

IkK waterInquire ropt. bufidloc. ar SBTKm. 1IT8 mama,W AtsoN AV*.t .ror*

room flat: all kmue reema Md aU Imptov#- menM. rngBlro H Mnlharry f t ,WINANS A m . l» -n * t . with lawmeawaAKMeant flaor: Awa-temllr hauee.AFAKTM KNTS. H O O M S a n d F U I R

w a n t e d

brMkfut It poMible. In location of th , Ctl'_______ _____________ liilold Co. Addreas Young. Box 91. New* of-flOUTH t h ir t e e n t h ST.. 124—Nicely tor- fice ____________________________

pnv.'?; 0 8 n t l e « an w,th^rriv.«______________ ____________ _____ I nRrtlcuUre. Addrem Good Referencaa. Box 7.'Z__ --------------------- :— particulars.

SOUTH TWELFTH ST., 5W—Neatly funUahad Kewa office, room to 1.1, B »r |

for gentleman. Ring E'$ bell.SOUTH t e n t h et .. 466, near Blxlaenth ato.

Fumlahed front room to Ut; third floor-

[ g e n t l e m a n wlihea room wllh boerd; pri­vate entrance. Addreea Private, Box 62,

I News otfkce. ____ _____------- . X. I MAN and iDTilld wife desire one or two rooma

SUMMER AVr., 167—Nloely tornUhed board, within city limit#; elderly peoplefront room, suitable for two gantlemen: praferred. 824 Werren at._____________ _

three mlnutaa from trolley*.----------- ----------- ROOM and board deiTred^y” refined youngTHIRD AVB.. 134—front room; aleo amallar private family: centrally Icoatad. Ad-

roftraa: nJcelr fumtahad; sJl Improvement*; g)*Mi fc. B., Box 8. News office.« n v « l,n t tn n « nnrmni roh«l; t« m . mod- j „n„lh . ronn. men.

--------- --------------— ----- - ' near IVbyan p i.; handy and claan. AddraaaTWO cAnecting rooms for light houaek^plnf. | ^ New* office.

also other rooms; 61.M tip. • Inquire 11 | ^ ,w m ,„ i Orchard at., city, _____ __________ _WASHINGTON BT.. 668—Large front room:

completair furnlahed for houftokeeplng; bath, gas,, heat; laundry privilege; large hall room. ftl.SO.


WASHINGTON ST,. I l l —Clean nicely fur­nished rooma; vary central: ail Improve-

BAST ORANOE—Large, handsome rooms, In private home, with board; al) Improvementi;

two blocks from laekawanna Station; could aoeommodate three fantlemeo or email family; terms fiO per week. Tel. 2187J. Orange.

min^T'five mmutaa’'to Broad and jlarket I ORANGE. South Orove it.. iM ; twosts. and tube*. ' I mlnutea from Central irolleya; 16 from

— tiT__t ir h t hAUMkaan- Broad at.—Steam heated room*: homemade

three minute*’ walk from Four Cornera. phone n tftj urang^------------------- ---------WARREN PL.. 11a—Frost parlor as tleeplag BA8T ORANOE. South Btirnett it.. 16—Pleawnt.

Building, 226 F ifth avenue. Telephone 3186-9861 Madl- eon. F. C. TMjpr. New York | repratfienlatlYsr^W'aekJBEfoa (D. C-1 O ffice. Room 364 Colorado Building. U kleago Of flee , Hoobi 1M3» Tribune B u lld ln s,A alkorleed A sea te la IVew- a r k i your d ru g g is t or news* dealer m gy be one-A athorised A genta In the Or­anges and suburbs and sea ­shore tow n s In New Jersey. Look for th e NEW ARK EVBNTNO NEWB ilgn .P lacee w here an ad vertise­m ent can sta r t on Its Jour­ney Into

77,000 HOUSEHOLDSw here It w ill Arrive



r a Y e s f o r


C L A l ^ I F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G

NEW ARK.C e ll. H eller And huibAnd to JoMPk

Heller, e i SoiiM 17Ui ■( 100 t t A D rfth AV, 0800.

MAry E, lA w renee in d tauibAod to Id* A. D ueiel. w ■ Belleville av H i f t D Second AV, OOlf.

Jacob FrlMtiiAii et a1 to Alter R*fh*M. e e Pierce i t 00 ft i fr WnodlAhd *v.

L o c i. Green e t aI to DomeiUe BalMlnc And LoAh AiioclAtlon. w ■ Llltle at Ml R n fr WAverly av, 07.000.

John J. W ood! e t ux to Frederick R . Meddock, tru itee. n • E lliott i t lU f t • fr romd to Belleville, 1600.

Andrew OhmAn et ux to E l lu t a ^ Kramer et ux, • • Bouth Uth i t IH ft n It Bprlngfleld av, ft,OOD.

ChArlei 8 . Sharp to John D. 8 h*ip, B A OrAiige et 76 ft e fr OrAV it , ft.OOO.

W. D. Qulirk ReAltr Co. to Weequ«h)« Pork I.And And Imp. Co., n • B hap U N Av 178 ft e fr Hunterdon a t WO.

W illiam A. Pearaon et ux to E ltb tb Ward Bulldlnfl and Loan, w a BallevlUe av 73 ft a fr H arvey Garden property. ft.*oo.

Samuel Schwarx et ux to Joieph T. Harriaon, e a Belmont av 17* R n fr Avon ave, M.600,

Ruth A. Gifford and huaband to Lou^ Waller, w. a Penniylvenla av 16 R a fr A llo t aU D.OOO,

StanlilAua Kokak to Louli Qraen «t al, vr a Lim e at 236 ft fr Waverty av, n ,0» .

Max ^ r v r ic k to Leonora Kohn. lo t No. 68 on map of Baaex Park, ft,*60.

Bamuel O orofiky ot e l to Jan-tnan, w ■ Bummer av *3! ft tr rredom aThe rate for all c laeiltled advertlL ____ _ _

m en ta with the exception , anumerated a ^ and other tract, ft.OOO.below, le one cent a word Imlnlmum 20 ' "*...... - ‘ ' ' ----- n —.cents).

The average Is seven stian words to th e line. ^

I Thaae **7*0 word* rapreaant aa sgat* Uca. J

N o reduction In rate unleae advertise- m eo l Is run for one month or every other day for one month. Then the rats la; One month, daily. 11.60 per line; every other day, 66c. per line; minimum, three llnea.

One yesr, dally. 316 per line; one yegr. every other day, 39 per line; minimum, three llnea. k

V. aoQ oviior f*jwv,W illiam A. Durm to Qrant B. and U ,

a 1 Mechanic at and n a cor land Andrew Klh*. »,000. , . * „

Jamaa N. B lauvelt et ux to Emma K. Tunlson, lota Noa. 1 end 2. map of Munn av tract. 1360. „ . . .

B lackbum e Really Co, to H o w ^ Bav- Inga Inatltute. w a Broad at 10* t t fr ■ I Central av, 810,000. . , J .

Ma* Sarvrick to Albert W olf Lumbjr Co., lot No, 68 on nnap Eaeex Park, n ,6» .

Guaale Levitt and huaband to EraU nial B. and L,, B w cor Congreia at « R n fr Ferry at. ll.WC. ,

Caroline P. Zimmerman to Franklin S avin *. Inatltute, w a Hunterdon et 160 f t n ft Clinton av, $3,700.

Henry J, Eber et al to HoUand B. ^ L„ w a South loth at 136 ft n fr U th

BROAD 6T., U l l—Pleasant furnlahed rocm: all linprovementa: near Bouth Btreet Bta-

Uon and trolley#; private family: for gan- tleman only- __________________________ _b r o a d at., Bfil—Two connecting front rooraa:

aleo two with aUUonary tuba; plasxa; ample closet room; . furnlahed compete for hous«- keeptog. ________________________________BROAD BT., 41—Beautiful large front room.

aleo amelUr room* with private family; refined neighborhood; convenient to cantre of city. __________ 'BROAD ST.. 1164—Lexge fumlehed front rooro,

aultable for one or two; running water, tele­phone; also large pleasant rear room; reason­able. * . _________ _ ‘___________BROAD ST., l is t—Beautifully furnished lulte

of two rooma for light houMkeepIng; averr medera eonvenlance; reasonable; refined peeplo only. _________

room. aulUbla for one or two; two boesa- keeping rooms, free gta; one sad two bouse- k^plng rooma. 168 F7sne et _____________ _w alnut BT., 86—Cantral, conaenleat to eva^-

where: nlr«1y toroisbed atngte and connectiDg rooma. torniabed complete for bohaekeeplng; sil I m p r o T e m c n t i .___________________ _WALNUT BT., 68. seat Broad-Larg* pleaa-

ant room, with bet and cold water; also ■mall room; all Improvements,

F U R N IS B U D R O O M S WAUPTEDCOUPLE would tike fumlahed sleeping room

with raapectabte prl\-mu fatnllr; vicinity South Oranga and Bandford avea. Addreu Couple, Box 47. Newa office,_______________TOUNO married couple, na children, wlihea

nicely furnished rooraa for light bouae* keeping, with privet* fam ily; convenient to Broad and Market sta Addreaa Couple, Box Newa office.

F V R lflS H E D R O O M S T O L B I V ^ U T o r T O W N

BLOOKFIBLD. Washington at., BT—Two nice­ly fitrnti^ed connecting rooms or single.

EAST ORANGE, South Walnut at., 4T-B1a gantly tornliibed rooms, near LaokawMna UD to $6 a week; eelect neighbor­hood. The C u lv e r m a r e ._______________

BROAD ST., 36; Broad i t , 1162: Falrmcunt ave.a tW—’two or three rooms; houaekeep-

irvy- hot water dally; Jaaitar; reaeeaabl# reata.BROAD BT., 1187-Oae single and 2 conneottng

front roome: aJl Impta.: Ptfrato house: « - rate eotranca s phone. aiactrielty; reaeonabi#.

BBOAD ST., 1106—Newly decorated roome, ran- eiftf hot and cold water, steam heat, from

|§; aleo large adjclnlag parlori: telephone.BROAD BT.. llto—To let, la private houea,

large furnlihed front room, with hot and cold running watw: bath and talephona*BROAD ST., 606-'Thlrd fleer, large front room,

suitable for ou* or tun gaatiattaa, steam beat, h a th ._______________________________ _BROAD ST.. SBfl-Nlto up-to-date r ^ J o r m

or-two genUaman; all Improeutnaata. TYLER.BROAD iT*> i n —Large, airy front room,

lor one or two genttemen* 'BRIDGE Wt., 3 4 ^ L a ^ -p lo w

ItfU hrosekeentng p n ^ tt s ; IfBWPvatoanti: m A room, |1 nuiaber 3 ^ - ____________

t|rt freot room. f.TO: bath; all 0 , Beinambef,

BAST ORANGE, three blocks from Brick Church Button—Slngta and double rooma;

private botiae; board nearby. Addreas P. H.< Box TT, New* office.EAST ORANGE — Exceptionally attractive

room;- private famil/; select nelghborh^; ■pacloua veranda and arrounda. Tat. 484R, Ornif*. ________________ ,_____EAST ORANOE. South Burnett at., 16—Nicely

Curnlshad rooms In select neighborhood; near trolley and East Orange Slatton: table board near. ___EAST ORANGE. William et., TOd-Two nicely

furnished rooma klry; atrtctly privat* family._________ _____________MONTOLAIR. Claremont pi., ^-Private fam­

ily wroW Ilka two or three young men room- era, or Btca coiipia; aleront home; referencaa,

nicely furnlulied double end elngie rooms; ex* ealleot tablr; 8ae location; three minutes Baat Orange Stallon. ‘Pbooe 8T88R Oranga.________EAST ORANGE. South Burnett at?. # ^ A

very atlracllve double rooin: all modsrfi oonvenlencp*; home cooking: convenient to East Orange Station and trolley_______ _EAST ORANGE, North Orov# at., 140—Prl-

Tita board; airy rooms; bom* cooking; fine grounds and porches; gentlemen or teacher# preferred.BAST ORANOE. Central ave.. IW-Pleasant

rooma; firet-elnas card; twenty mltiulea from Broad It., table boardara accommodated: mod- erate; tal. 4 1 4 7 . _______ _______J£lA8T ORANOE. North Founeanth at., 124-

Two or thr<*e Udlea or gentleman, congenial private house; exceltonl table: near atallons. troSleya.

Manrol a t >.x to Howard fa v ; m .n t w th aotW ^ i ^ V r o S t r a . th* roW lnM 7>atltut«. . g & Kinney at 100 f t ISTen c io t . (lOc J p«r count lln*. ‘Capl- . ^ J*f(*r«on at 8 ,0M. tx l . tour word, to * Hn*.) « ^ x v ' ^

m .

Barak «tisth av.


BAST ORANGE. Wobaler pL. 20—Larga al- cove room; second: foor; excellent table;

four minute* Brick Church Station. ’Phone IfiTAl. ______________________________ ____BABT ORANGE. Burnett at., M -8ln fl*and

double connecting room#; home cooking: convenient to station and trolley. ___EAST ORANGE. Evergeen pi.. 74, conven­

ient Brick Church Station—De*1rablerooms; home table; reference. ______EAST ORANOE TUa Llnwood. 32 HaJated at,—

Gna or two rooina. with cKcelleni board; table guesU. Tel. M1UR_Orange.^________^EAST ORANGE Hollywood ava.. Ufl—

Plrat-clasa board In superior houae for few adultA; reaaonable raten. ________EAST ORANGE. William at., IP-Large front

room for one or two, near all stations and troUeya; home c o o k i n g __________EAST ORANGE. South Arlington av*., M—

Daelrable rooms, with board, good location, near trolley and tralm_____________ _

wlbltteolciaAnnlTeffiary NoticeADQUlmrot ot MarriageCooflrmatlOBaRlrthiEogairedUarriageaDivorcedAnnlTiraary Mass Month'! Mind Memorial ServiceAoctlon Sale EmplOTint-nt Agencle* Uertlugft pfraomila BldR Wanted Bankruptcy Sale Dlatolulloq of Partoersblp PorniittoTi'of Partcejahlp In Meniorlam Card of Tbaoka Lodge Notice*Society Notice

Joaeph Huaka e t ux lo Norallus, e b South 6th at 123 ft fr !5th

6o l * Ann* Oberle and hiiaband to K r^eriek * mow; MBrj MfBD Dealer e t ux. e a Belmont av 22S t l a ft

eddlttonal word*, Bigelow it. ftl.JHfl, ,rrnn««. wor fricftooai part, [ H arold J. H ow land to W illiam W- 10 neats: BO canti Uriderhill. M ontclair, cor harrlBon av i* tba nlnimum. | jmd L lew ellyn road and other tract,

♦2 .0 0 fi. „ „M ichael N ugent et ux to Fran* Berg*

Orange, u 8 C hristopher 8 t adj land A lbert Sm ith. ^660. »

H erbert Auatln e t ux to .^ m fto id B. and L. Aean. E a st • 8 an-

ft s w fr Rhode Island av.ID cacti per Uo*. I MIoiEcum I b r a a [ llnea.


I 10 canta per line, r M i n i m u m Hi* | I lieea,

}BO casta for B line*. RTsry addltlroal lloa. 10

26 ceata; additional wmda 1 cent aaoh1 cent word. Mini-

tnura ten words.W hen aetidlng re|>lic# to advcrllsemervltt

ford 8 t 100

*"^hom as H am pson et ux to Thom as H Alblnaon. B loom flald, e s Glenwood av 40 ft ■ fr W lU ow st. »a,3CK)

E ith e r H e w le tt to A lexander Kosl* lev, Irvtng loh , e a Union nv n w cor land John' N. Crawford, 3L&00*

Bam E. Barr to G eorge Engatrom , Upper M ontclair, e s B urn ild e s t 17^ ft fr W atuhung av. 12,166.

ONE'large room; Maam heat, electrio light, hot water: use of bath; t ^ blocjc# frojn

Orbr* W. Skatloa. Writ* A. W. 8., 7 Mlteh-«n p].> ,er t*L Prangs 16MM.______________

EAST ORANGE. Ninth av*., 76—Attractive second floor room for single gentleman:

private family^_____ ______ro—EAST ORANGE, Prospect at.. 23-Daalfabla

rooTHA with board; s Im table boordera'Phone HOW.___________ _______________ _KEARNY—Two nice llghi rooma with board;

suit three gentlemen friends, bath, good labia. Bl Woodland a v * . ___________

BREOTTNALL PU, IT. MgF olid fiborsTImar ^easakt rooms: also rther

on Summit, aaar Baifk. Bee owaar fromi , 6 . ____________ ___ __________________ _

BELtfSVILLE AVE.* M lieSy MW Nor»^ S 3 S 3 _ I ^ n t alroveroem; l a l t ^

^ lo n s ; light honmkeeptnf If M red : private

BERGEN BTm 4T6—Nioalr fUMShefl fooa. i l l iBproremaBta. anllible fro yospg girl; n l«

koto* at widow woman. -4 -COTTAOB BT.,,lag room; all l»^v*m*Bl*» a t e n e c o n imfutolitied roomA anto roaalngwator; reasoneM*: Amaalroo^'__________CLIMTOK AVB.. 366>-Twe KloAIF; to n d fl^

tr S it rooms; roo large aad mm wKli Strom h iit and bath; pHvate teatty: rod bflle

ORANOB, WllUam st*. 193, near H Q ly ^ T hm tuniUhad or tmftirnSsned rooma to let;

boalneet woraon prefrmflL

MONTCLAIR, Tba Ri®blewood, 2 fliineel av*.— Cta ftfcomm<riate s frw jyueata with nret-clsat

board and nlcefr furnlabed fOOP!; ntor Bloom- Arid t r o U t y . _______________ .

<mANGS; CemMM Hsose, W ^ M .-D^ sfrsbl* friraiiM roron by the day or

wrok at raasobabl* rates. ' . •

MONTCLAIR'—AocommodsHona for lelect gueataigood table: home corotofU; umiT olrot to trains

sad troUeya: aiagl* and double riToma. 87 MIo- Utid i v e . _______________■

ORANOE, High SI., iS i-f^ rn libad tootn forstofs gootlemaa wUh prfrats tamUy.

TWO. room%. tondsbed ot >i a k

aMud: itsaat

F u m r O H O D B o o t o W A J i ia a ) - -O UT o r T O W X

c u t m w AVS., n - A » « > e« ig U rtu tM |^ roeUi in jHivete, aeleot koagtirae tetlMfl

giWienun enly.' ^CHMTNUT ST . ft . MUf Srtkfl

fleer tront room exfl ethgra; i « l M J e leu lY lurelahefli beUi. w eesi keet; roflxeS eeuple or feetUragn* *tm g sn tD l OT., HMTwe targ* Meeiy

nlUM* iB M i’eaMBlii » • je i* - (tea tteei Bleed rt.; tor W ; MOOMet* «<**•

COlIPL*. wltli olilld. dertro ueflurnMied room *10. refleed prirkto teTnllr, w to

will Imtrd cblld. Addrea P r in t* , Bex 1*. N**« _______ ■ ■_________________tmSYBWBBT'flMtk Bt, S tttM , m il l , Uxkt

flet, lU eenvnMscaa: iMdw«,i* prl**; nre adlitti. i . M- B„ UrtBgten, W. f.n jv T eiMRit atx Toeme. (er th iw ednlg;

iirgter hum** wlian owner ilTMt: xU Inunve* „ ^ tg ; IW okjwtk** to touaedUto Mrar*#. AdOre** A. ^ ***** edfloe.

m OH er., e m n a r BU»aiftrId n n - B e w ,•iiiat* seqilMTn roposiiro; light* Sfryi ysorouyd S c ito d U K . __________________k P in z S OT.. *3v neer f lto r ta k k * ^ ,* * ^

lS * 6 f* -ro e7 ii fliitf; i»'h! .29* 2S?iHnr' iJS w id ft ftKtd. JPdiflre HUB- KHLUtT.


i ‘! i r » « d S S S * t f l K m r ' & a ! 5____ ______g- — „—

TAKT>6 4e rent or Mm*, b o t t j™ to two-m l *M loctttoo, Adutoe. OUMBUtge. m m *L Sew* Mh*.

c b t o TSL'T Ot ., II— from roomkJLYi'c’! L r « 7 « ^ p l i t ^ r i S i i i r ”

BMitg; very cenirgli nenr Breed gL; leftreftce,CBSTSALLY ioMttd WKnM, ewnfartoWT fw;

i ^ T g t e t m t»ML ** • “to"*” - The Wewwuri. # HBaep *».

BT penM itd I

Ing, Dense to beer ftoto njee, W t o •*>>«& t6‘ * t .S 5 i5 » to o iw ;J i^ ^ -----------a „ M ! > j g g . ! y d a : ’

wlthln■ •*!.

B O O lt t TO •E A 8 H O B S I

U B1V-.

b o o b c d i i i o

SROIAD BT..' 1101~tneil7 fignSfcM dmiUi toeSr *:m flee*: »■)■>»># wxUri Meeai

hS rt^tw T dS rt*: e o o w S * ^ to eleetlngO* reom;.:«n*' “ t;p e ed :, •into*;

"BBHW .;M ii^;




all liiflOrovamebtot batt.

-t.-rCeoL osto’

V H ja r t

m im m c


^ 3 ^

» " r a ^ ,^ R l u s r :InerongiMitg; Bom* oeOklas. koud.

____iMg*«t* iMtUy.

bribmW ,mtneto* to

fwat reMti - . .

a , ^ ; .|wWd ow aiiiii

S S to : S l i m t e n eeiiyroiea^ ; . r o a i i ig in

h io k i »

John K o*el e t ux to K in ney W ejt B and L., Irvington, w s 31et i t *0O It n fr 19th av, 13,200. . . . . . .

Bather E. N ourse and huaband to John H. M ahtr. BollevllSe, e a Mann ( t12S ft fr G reylock av, 1300. ...........

Sam e to j le le n F. Schoner, B ellevtlle , sam e prernleea, 875, . . . _

_____ ___________ .. Edw ard M onahan et als lo Jamea D.addregBod lo New* boxea be eur* to write Murray, E ast Orange, n w e Bedford full addreSB- All euch advertlgem enli et 375 f t fr T rem ont av, *303. have a word and box number or a letter Frederick G. Ooedde et ux to W li- gnd box miinher, »uch aa "'Owner,” Box helm lna Pfau, T ow n ih ip South Orange, 00 Newa office, or " A. B.."' Box (0, Newa , g n iU o n av 100 ft w fr V erm ont av.

ReUgloua Notlcea 60 words or Iom.

Eraploymerit Wanted Mai* or Female

DfflcTransient advertlalng In the Newark

Evenlrig News muat be prepaid. No ac­counts will 1)* opened tor such.

* Saverlo A ntorliio to Michele IppoUto, M ontclair, s s ShArmaii st UO f t * f t I'lne Bl, J900.

H eller, e a 8 17th at 114 ft ■ fr 19th av. 36x100, 11 ^ ,

Ida Rathln f ‘ I aki, for all work, $3,700,g la in Bl o2 It n. *r le in | />wner

CONTRACTS.John Zeremakl end wife, ownara, 6 Cary

at. W est Orange, with Michael BrochoW-

et ux, av, 38x100, 11

Erneet Hauser, owner, . 0-61 Stuyveeaat with Henry R. Isenberg, for tU lM. . . , gv. wltn lionry IV. iaeuuaiH, tw ui

F id e lity T iv it LO, to Mary E. Iatv- ^ Charles L. Sleiabrenner, an nee. w s Be ev llle av 121 ft n fr ’reuce. . _

Suootid av. 38x121, |&,800,

PLARA HOTBIw. Oraoie-FurnUihed with or withotft bosrd: mtaiiTantjStlMhM.

• Is csrti or ro<algT mrola: r<aaonsol*.p r o sp e c t 8T.. II. Oronge-chrortu).

amnny roans with exc«U*ni hons* cooxing. aror schools a&d Brick Chufch station.THE BUfTKINOMAM. IT Proapwt 3 ^

Onuigw-Newly ronovaled and ftirtilahso rooms, with esesllint.board. wUea of rooiMwith batha. or gIngU: fra^g trottsy; uhlo guaata; tel-THB HALBTIBAD. Brick ”

Halstaad—Dp*hsd ^RR- SCOTT, for­merly of tho Harriaon, handromoly w * nlshod rooms with bath; also alngl* roonSi. ■xesUont itel*w __WINDSOR HOTEL, South Main and Com-

mere* jta , opposite M ni'«r t2 M f aay tro. gocordlog to looatioo ot

B O A R O IN G —o c E S T S J E S v iM t a S ^ r

ova., aaar soroa: sxooiieiit taUa: harof ooni-

}.y/ *****^

C ptJK TK V BOARDaUaiWOOD FARM.^ m mounlajMJ l ^

and dry; very hsallhy; good bo*rd; boBfliw, raiM H. I t iS . WSRIUTT, Mllilngten. iT T .. Bouts S.Pllfft COTTAGB-FIne J ^ g r y f l^

fresh t i i - wboHeome: lake oeaiW, hoaith- teat epot: n New Jereey; p l ^ i totwje, IT weekly. Mwif. J HBALIW, FffrhnvHii..lfc_J-^

. .R O U . f tW A T R TRAI H r m .

Tha foUowtQK y**'A t* ^ 1 3 ; W o lf

maw, g eg cOr flmaffhah av and H uatw st*

* * 7 S f« ift" « » IIer ,e t alfl to Celjg Beltbr, • 1<® ft a f t JSth iV, 3*1

Josep h S e l le r e l » - • —V 'lT H a n ^ l * flt 2 f t 18 o •

a t » W « . I l- ■ r k o fik y g t n t* i

j ju ii* Rauch, owner, S3 Park pi, Bouth Jonae L Bennett e i r to E lla E. B en- e ,- -g David Umlth, for heatlnft

nett, w g Firm e l 176 f t n Ir Seventh g Charles L. St*lnbrtnn#y,aV, 2flxl00, $1- . a. a ww. 8 I architect., Ida Mink and husband to F r tn k j E lssle, ownarg 9 Madlion av. w ithM ueller, s 8 pb^lne st 148 ft n fr Rod- | ^ Reilly, for heating work, ffiE;w e ll av, 26x127, H . . * * *^.1* I Alfred Peter, architect.

N orthern Im provem ent Co. to Arthur . ^ Elsele. owner, 34S Belmont av.Sett*, s B Seventh av 81 f t e fr Fourth sm ith » Reilly, for heatins work.• ‘ jo*h ^ T u.h*'n ux to C larence G. Rich- Dewey f t ,ard*. w ( V incent et <18 f t e fr Ferry whi, Max Slochorsky, for all work, ft,6(B at. 19x71, $1, aach house; W. J. Aschenbach, architect,

C larene* O, Richard lo John Rush e l Harry B ortnsleia , owner, 330, 333. 384, S al, sans* pr<«>*ryr. $1. . I and 338 N orth 19th at. E ast Orange, with

P rospect R i g h t s Joseph Okin. for all work. Ml.OOOi Nathanto a e o r « W. p s v ls . n s B erkeley av60 f t e f t H ighland av, 6 0 x 10 0 . $1. Alfred P . M ayhew Jr., owner. South8 cM 1 .^ • B 7 .r n ,* ‘av“ *37‘t“

M ath ev J. 1 * Kutile, for carpenter work, tiOiOi JoP-»v 60 ft a f t Plymouth i t , | L chlftct.


JERSEY CITY, 8*pt. deeds affecting property In w e s t Hude<* Were recorded yesterday;

KEARNY CONTETAVCB.Etise and Charles F. Engelatadtor to

Annie and Henry Straues. e g st. Iota 36 and 38, bk 3f, map Jersey Land Company and Fuller Brothers, ft-

BABT NEW ARK CONVEYANCE. , D elia and Mary Ann McOfeat t o > t

drua Belveatravlclua. w a John at, * - f ta o f Central av, 36x88.9. ft- ___

KEARNY BUILDING CONTRACTB.Joel Sundatrom with B lof B lveogo^ a ll

r t h \

house oh the ror Of C h w to u tr t s ^ B srssn fcv, J. R. W aifsu

J o in Faichney. with S e w M K w S aU work to f a one-tartUy j l w e l l ^ to hunt on the eaat aid* «* « « « *Y. ft 0 f t K W h y nv, J nli f f t K eM ia r ,a ir c h U ^ a c a

B. Kohn e t ux to Max Sarvrick,

'°M ShU ulH llG nn'et*ux to Emil Kowoalgf at ux. » ft w fr n w cor I»th av and fl.

**EllIabSh^^.*'Y all to Jamaa N . Blau velL n w cor Tremont av and Lincoln*^fea«?^ll*Unan and huaband . to John H, ris-Tke s w cor 11th Ev ftM S. 18th st.

*SSrae*to Patrick Clark # t i » a a lit*av a f t w ft i i» th _ it._ « ^

— --------edlah H,,First Bwedla F.. C bu p S df Baat O t’ E t w t t £ w a 8. lOtt

e ^ » ^ M « 1 t ? f ^' ^ ^ i a B. Dt"*! >NMk *t 0%

I f t Uth av.

M**'mont av JS | ft a f t B igelow m , 60X180, n . ^ a r t a wMl to H « m a n H. f l c h ^ e » r t et ux, » f t f t oer W te n e t and » . » . avi■ f e e


T j 'o B e ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ Ot ux to e l lIxT e i B. »th f t « f t a f t

, r i i l « P f lH « « J ^ ^ o h ^ ^ f t

I t rflw aak


Fridau and Saturday—Last Two Days

7 ^

The end is now but a matter of hours, but those hours will be golden hours for you. It is our determination to make the last two days of our greatest sale the best of all. Many new lots have been added and our half-price merchandise will be strongly featured.

Half Price and LessScotch U cc Curtains at Just Vi price Single Pairs of Lace Curtains, Vi price-Single Portieres at exactly Vi price. Portieres, various styles, at Vi price.Soft Cushions, In many styles, Vi price Armure and Tapestry Remnants, Vi price. Remnants of Curtain Scrim at Vi price.Odd b ts China Cups and Saucers, Vi price. Odd lot Decorated China Plates, Vi price. Polishing and Dusting Cloths, Vi price. Aluminum Tea and Tabic Spoons, Vi price. * Small lot Italian Marble Busts, Vi price. Electric Thble Lamps at Vi price.Odd lots China Berry Saucers, Vi price. Opaline Silver Polish, 25c. size, Vi price. Serving Tables, cretonne lined, at Vi price. Women’s Voile and Fawn Waists, Vi price. Women’s Black Batiste Waists at Vi price.

The School BeD I Half Price and LessRingsNextW eek!

Women's Bathing Suits, special, Vi price. Women’s Coats, good styles, Vi price.Women’s Tailored Suits, special, Vi price.Women> Stylish Linen S^its, Vi priceWomen's Dainty Ratine Dresses, Yi price. Women's White Dresses, very neat, Vi price. Women’s Tub Dresses,, small lot, Vi price.Junior Misses’ Midd^ Dresses, Vi price.Junior Misses’ Tub Dresses, Vi price. Girls’ Dainty White Dresses, Vi price. Misses’ White Dresses, special, Vi price. All of our Girls’ Coats now at Vi price. All of our Misses’ Coats now Vi price. Men’s Sweaters, good styles, Vi price. Men’s Neckwear, best shapes, Vi price. Men’s Knit Neckwear at exactly Vi price.

What docs your son need to start to school with? What are your d a u g h t e r’s require­ments? The Greater Store is splendidly ready to serve your every need. Our stocks of school clothing and other requisites are now at their best. Come here tomorrow and bring the youngsters. What you are unable to find at the Bamberger store in the way of school fixings will be very difficult to find anywhere.

Men’s Golf Caps, good material, Vi price scope Hi

^ Q .ir .... . . . --- --------- f f U rB ^ s ’ Telescope Hats, small lot, Vi price. Boys’ Wash Suits, neat patterns, Vi price. Boys’ Cloth Suits, broken sizes, Vi price. Boys’ good quality Raincoats at Vi price. Children’s Parasols, many styles, Vi price. Women’s Parasols, good grades, Vi pnee. High-grade Parasols reduced to Vi price. Men’s and Women’s Silk Umbrellas, Vi price. Playing Cards of fine quality, Vi price. Writing Paper, fine quality, at Vi price.Fountain Pens, 14 kt. gold points, Vi price.


Men’s Belts, many styles, at Vi price.Neckwear at Vi price.Men's Washable . . .

Men’s Pajamas, neat patterns, Vi price. Men’s Shirts, excellent grades, Yi price. Women’s Chamois Lisle Gloves, Vi price. Pictures, in a big variety, Vi price. Children’s Cloth and Silk Coats, Vi price. Children’s Hats and Bonnets, Vi price.

The Custom

Post Card Albums at exactly Vi price.Writing Paper, mourning style, Vi price.Post Cards, in various styles, at Vi price. Hammocks, strongly made, special, Vi price.Good quality Baseball Gloves at Vi price. Discontinued lines of Cameras, Vi price. Women’s Sample Low Shoes now Vi price. Women’s White Shoes, small lot, Vi price. Women’s Low Shoes, outing style; Vi price. Women’s Black Suede Pumps at Vi price. Women’s Low Shoes, sizes 2Vi to 3Vi, at Vi price. Boys’ Low and Outing Shoes at Vi price.Men’s Shoes, broken lines, at Vi price.Women’s Silk Petticoats at Vi price.Small lot of Mufflers, special, Vi price.Tooth ^rushes of good quality Vi price

■ vd

Tailoring Sale

Table Cloths, slightly imperfect, Vi price. Russian Novelty Corded Voiles, Vi price.Bordered and Jouy Voiles at Vi price.

^Wa ’ ..................Odd pieces of wash Goods at Vi price.40-lnch White Bordered Ratine, >/i price. Reversible Smyrna Rugs, size 9x12, Vi price.Silk Foulards and Taffetas at Vi price.36 in. Two-toned Taffeta Silk, Vi price.Tourist Silk, 27 inches wide, at Vi price. Women’s Sleeveless Guimpes at Vi price.Dainty Irish Lace Neck Bows at Vi price.Neck Ruffs of fancy net now Vi price.Women’s Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs, Vi price. Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Vi price. Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Vi price.

27-inch Flouncings and Bands at Vi price.

This year’s sale is bet­ter than ever before. Our assortments of woolens are a great deal larger than last season, and we are exercising greater pains than ever to see that each suit and coat that goes out of our

Vanity Boxes, with powder and puff, Vi price. Sterling Violet Talb now Vi price.White Pine and Tar Compound Vi price. Casseroles, nickel plated frames, Vi pric« Small lot of Hand Mirrors at Vi price.Dressing Combs, slightly imperfect, Vi price. Booth’s Talcum Powder at Vi price.

store fits.

14.80Sack suits of various

styles; Fall and Winter weight overcoats and raincoats made to your

of your own selection.

Elbeco Bath Tablets, special, Vi price.,le ■ ' ' ’

ip . - .Florentine Bouquet Soap at Vi price.

Pax Castile Soap on safe at price Coudray’s Toilet Soap just Vi price

Nail Brushes, good bristles, Vi price. Peroxide of Hydrogen, now Vi price.Small lot of Syringe Tubing Yi price. Seidlitz Powders now on sale at Vi price.

KMfiml Inaul tm th* Naw Hj th a t coat t«en l dlttona the ■o aooo after ■tartlod tlwae '

Tba a*era>e talo axpreaa t H arbor U m lte mllea an tiour datar the teaet

The cocloaer admitted that road In focKT paat lidiiala.

A. tia lo dlap ertthatandltif I tlma d( the dl given aeglneer latlon to other c o n a ld e ^ dm

The flagman the Bar tHartao th a t follotred , paaaed an atti the poaitlon U

EogJnMra tl .teated agalnal prciwre were a iDeed of te eronid be nect th is i t r le of 1

Here la whi the operathn figured In the tain Bxpreea wlUl the Be hour or so bo trip wee rest

'Tgtop the W hit ford. Xheae the tra in pro4

NBW HAV: oral luvtistlgs a t North H a' inlHioner 1 m anager Bar to produce tl Ing of the N< Bridgeport v would ahow, been taken eafe tr condit

The taanili ■with startll TVande, of tl preia, btoug when he tei New Haven danger ligna

John C. t previously t< tions on the "very foggy, s ld e i^ It nu duce speed.

BIX trainswithin hult I m ountain « of any of t an average hour Just b« H arhor tra it ’^"Dld any matlon fron were togetl Belknap, m Commleslon.

'No, I dldi plied the dll

^ ^ a n d sBanjo



Tourist Cases, of cretonne, Vi price. Spool Silk, 425 yards, now Vi price, Kohinoor Fasteners, special at Vi price. Wash Braid, good designs, Vi price. Lingerie Tape, small lot, at Vi price. Shoe Paste, in tan and black, Vi price; Dusting Caps, nicely made, at Vi price. Twelve yard pieces of Tape at Vi price. Pump Buckles, various styles, Vi price. Slipper Trees now on sale at Vi price.



Manicure ImpIementSi special at Vi price. Mark Cross Safety Razors at Vi priceHome Journal Quarterly Style Books at Vi price, iii Hand Embroidered Pieces at Vi price.Renaissance Lace Pieces at Vi price.

Cretonne Scarfs and Pillow Slips Vi price.

-m u e h i ;8*pt; A—A nor, who chlMron m to tho ni pU csi IM Un VIIlAgiMgM P«n

wtTh* mn

whhr* ho flnnllr o< houitod ■bo hnd yvUIOforo him hy t with p ltd

vi-hHi t: w u not I m urdanr. •conM w t th* poUc IMgtrlooh nnd found d n a .

dwwoundadtalnty dll lo riou i o

A fter b Ing lit tl with h li or who • hoiMM.

Th* vt b*«n *tl Bonw of fnrioMdT doflMd c u )t*d fb

tn th* bhoktd 1

: ageouo c •teod Id

: with a I rovbtvar lit roMi

Th* P< bullet*.

. . Wggn*r, te h tr . 1

. m an iac . . h it r*T

figh t tri th* poUc

B aton ■i) w arfed ' Vii*w«p«t . h*l ‘ dwrU’a J . CM win