catégorisation des revues en Économie et en gestion

Section 37 Catégorisation des revues en Économie et en Gestion Categorization of Journals in Economics and Management Section 37 (Économie / Gestion) du Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique Novembre 2014 / November 2014 Version : 4.03 i

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Section 37

Catégorisation des revues enÉconomie et en Gestion

Categorization of Journals inEconomics and Management

Section 37 (Économie / Gestion)du Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique

Novembre 2014 / November 2014Version : 4.03


Catégorisation des revues enÉconomie et en Gestion

Version 4.03, Novembre 2014

Introduction par le Président de la section 37 (mandature 2012-2016)

Jean-Benoît Zimmermann, Directeur de recherche au CNRS

La liste des revues, héritée des mandatures précédentes de la section 37 du Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique est désormais devenue un outil de référence incontournable et largement reconnu au plan français mais aussi international.

Une telle liste n'a de valeur que dans la mesure où elle vit, c'est-à-dire qu'elle peut suivre et s'adapter aux évolutions du paysage des publications scientifiques dans lesquelles de nouvelles revues apparaissent, d'autres disparaissent, d'autres montent en qualité du fait de leur politique éditoriale ou aussi de la manière dont la communauté scientifique se les approprie, d'autres baissent en niveau ou en visibilité. Il est important que la liste de la Section 37 puisse refléter ces changements et fournir aux chercheurs et aux institutions une référence qui, si elle peut être contestée, s'efforce tout de même de refléter le point de vue de la communauté scientifique.

C'est un exercice difficile et délicat auquel les précédentes mandatures se sont confrontées et pour lequel elles ont mis en œuvre diverses méthodes, aucune d'entre elles ne pouvant prétendre à la perfection. Tout simplement parce que les appréciations évidemment trop raccourcies que peut fournir une telle liste sur des revues scientifiques (présence ou non sur la liste et rang de classement), sont évidemment des appréciations très réductrices et qui ne sont pas exemptes de subjectivité. Tout comme nos prédécesseurs, nous en avons pleinement conscience et la mise-à-jour de la liste est une tâche que nous souhaitons accomplir le plus honnêtement possible et sans nier que nous ne sommes pas à l'abri d'erreurs d'appréciation.

Par ailleurs et de manière complémentaire, il nous semble important de ne pas investir cette liste d'un pouvoir d'évaluation démesuré. Si elle permet des indications utiles pour estimer le niveau des publications d'un chercheur ou d'un laboratoire, elle ne dispense aucunement l'évaluateur d'entrer dans le contenu des travaux et des publications. Il faut distinguer l'outil que constitue la liste et l'usage qui en est fait et, concernant celui-ci, la Section 37 rejette l'idée d'une utilisation purement comptable et par trop mécaniste.


Comment la liste est-elle mise-à-jour ?

Nous avons souhaité nous positionner dans la continuité de la précédente mandature et avons cherché un dispositif pérenne permettant une évolution progressive de cette liste tout en lui laissant la stabilité nécessaire à son utilisation. Pour cela nous avons imaginé un dispositif double : d’une part, une révision régulière dont le principe est celui de l’examen systématique par sixième annuel, et d’autre part, une révision au cas par cas dont le principe est celui de l’examen de dossiers spécifiques transmis à une boîte de courriel ouverte à cet effet.

Le dispositif régulier. La liste actuelle comprends environ 800 titres appartenant à 24 champs disciplinaires. Nous examinons chaque année un sixième des revues de chaque champ. Les titres qui font l’objet d’un réexamen sont choisis de manière aléatoire. Cet examen a lieu à la session de printemps.

Le dispositif au cas par cas. Il s’agit d’examiner i) les revues qui sont proposées pour rentrer dans la catégorisation ainsi que ii) les demandes spécifiques à une revue, de changement de catégorie ou autre. Ces demandes doivent être soumises deux mois avant la session d’automne à laquelle la demande sera examinée, soit donc avant le 15 Septembre. Une demande est constituée d’un dossier décrivant précisément, suivant les indications précisées ci-dessous, ce qu’est la revue et l’objet de la demande. Le traitement du dossier par la section, dans un souci de transparence, donnera lieu à un rapport transmis aux demandeurs.

Pour les Nouvelles Revues (revues nouvellement créées), celles-ci sont traitées de manière régulière après deux années de parution environ, afin de décider de leur inclusion ou non dans la liste et de leur classement.

Forme et contenu des demandes spécifiques

Chaque demande est relative à une et une seule revue. Chaque demande doit reposer sur un dossier substantiel qui permette aux membres de la section 37 de se prononcer avec objectivité.

i) A propos des demandes d’inclusion.Sur un format de 10 pages environ, le dossier doit présenter les raisons pour lesquelles la demande d’inclusion à la liste est présentée. Le dossier doit se fonder sur des éléments factuels et peut inclure des indications quantitatives (par exemple, le recensement dans d’autres classements). Il doit décrire le fonctionnement de la revue dans le passé, et préciser la fréquence de publication, la procédure d’arbitrage, la liste des responsables (comité de rédaction, comité éditorial ou scientifique…), le nom de la maison d’édition, le recensement de la revue dans des bases de données internationales,…Le dossier comprend en outre un ou plusieurs exemplaires de la revue.

ii) A propos des demandes de changement de catégorie ou autre.Sur un format de 10 pages environ, le dossier doit présenter les raisons pour lesquelles la demande de changement de catégorie et/ou de champ est présentée. Le dossier doit se fonder sur des éléments factuels et peut inclure des indications quantitatives (par exemple, le recensement dans d’autres classements). Il doit décrire les changements qui ont pu intervenir, en interne ou en externe, qui permettent d’envisager une évolution dans un autre champ et/ou dans une autre catégorie.


Quatre catégories principales

Dans les champs de l’économie et de la gestion, les revues sont catégorisées en 4 niveaux comme lors des précédentes mandatures dont nous avons conservé la définition ci-dessous des catégories. Plus d’une centaine de revues catégorisées publient significativement à la fois des recherches en économie et en gestion, ce qui démontre la pertinence d’une catégorisation commune pour les deux disciplines et du périmètre de la section 37.

La catégorie 1 rassemble une centaine de revues. Ces revues jouent un rôle structurant en économie et en gestion. Elles publient régulièrement des articles particulièrement novateurs. Le processus d’arbitrage est très exigeant et transparent ; la plupart applique des règles déontologiques strictes comme l’interdiction de soumission par des membres de leur board et ont un niveau d’autocitation faible. Le nombre de soumissions est important et, mécaniquement, la revue peut être très sélective.

Au sein de la catégorie 1, des revues plus particulièrement remarquables sont distinguées. Ces revues sont largement reconnues en France comme à l’étranger. L’organisation différente des sciences de gestion et des sciences économiques explique que ces revues sont uniquement généralistes en économie alors qu’elles sont essentiellement présentes dans certains champs de gestion. 7 revues de gestion sont ainsi distinguées par un « g » ; elles publient environ 330 articles par an. 6 revues d’économie sont distinguées par un « e » ; elles publient environ 420 articles par an. Une revue Management Science publiant 140 articles par an est estampillée par un « g » mais aussi par un « e » car elle accueille de plus en plus de travaux d’économistes. Toutes ces revues sont anglophones. Seule Econometrica accepte des articles en français.

La catégorie 2 rassemble des revues à forte sélectivité avec un processus d’arbitrage exigeant et transparent. Ces revues accueillent régulièrement des contributions importantes et ponctuellement très novatrices. Elles peuvent jouer dans certains champs scientifiques ou pour certaines écoles de pensée un rôle structurant. La visibilité des travaux publiés est ainsi significative.

La catégorie 3 rassemble des revues sélectives avec un processus d’arbitrage exigeant et transparent. Ces revues peuvent accueillir des contributions importantes. La visibilité des travaux publiés demeure large.

La catégorie 4 rassemble des revues avec un processus d’arbitrage souvent exigeant mais dont la sélectivité est moindre. Ces revues accueillent des contributions originales, notamment sur des problématiques nationales ou intéressant une communauté relativement restreinte.

Les revues ne sont catégorisées que dans leur champ jugé principal. Quelques rares exceptions peuvent être présentes dans deux champs.

Suppression de la rubrique MAD :

La rubrique MAD avait été introduite pour signaler que des chercheurs en économie et gestion publient dans d’excellentes revues hors champ, ce qui est aujourd’hui acquis. Elle est aujourd’hui supprimée car trop de revues sont candidates à cette catégorie. En outre, la disponibilité de listes de revues dans d'autres disciplines (notamment les listes de l'AERES) permet de trouver des références de qualité pour les publications en question.


Liste Novembre 2014 par domaine

Page 1

Nom ISSN Domaine

Revues généralistes en économie et en gestion /

0363-7425 GEN 1g0002-8282 GEN 1e0012-9682 GEN 1e0022-0515 GEN 1e0022-3808 GEN 1e

Management Science 0025-1909 GEN 1eg0033-5533 GEN 1e0034-6527 GEN 1e0001-4273 GEN 10007-2303 GEN 10013-0133 GEN 10014-2921 GEN 10020-6598 GEN 10895-3309 GEN 10022-0531 GEN 10022-2380 GEN 11542-4766 GEN 11759-7331 GEN 10034-6535 GEN 11941-6520 GEN 21945-7782 GEN 2

Annales d'Économie et Statistiques 0769-489X GEN 20003-6846 GEN 21555-0494 GEN 21045-3172 GEN 20309-166X GEN 20008-4085 GEN 20095-2583 GEN 20266-4658 GEN 20013-0427 GEN 20308-5147 GEN 21740-4754 GEN 21460-8545 GEN 20167-2681 GEN 20950-0804 GEN 20932-4569 GEN 21744-1374 GEN 20149-2063 GEN 20160-3477 GEN 20023-5962 GEN 21286-4892 GEN 20305-9049 GEN 20030-7653 GEN 20969-2290 GEN 2

Revue Économique 0035-2764 GEN 20347-0520 GEN 20038-4038 GEN 20004-900X GEN 31555-0494 GEN 30307-3378 GEN 31024-5294 GEN 3


General Economics, General Management

Academy of Management ReviewAmerican Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Economic LiteratureJournal of Political Economy

Quarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic StudiesAcademy of Management JournalBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconomic JournalEuropean Economic ReviewInternational Economic ReviewJournal of Economic PerspectivesJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of Management StudiesJournal of the European Economic AssociationQuantitative EconomicsReview of Economics and Statistics Academy of Management AnnalsAmerican Economic Journal: Applied Economics

Applied EconomicsBEJ Economic Analysis & Policy FrontiersBritish Journal of ManagementCambridge Journal of EconomicsCanadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne d'ÉconomiqueEconomic InquiryEconomic PolicyEconomicaEconomy and SocietyEuropean Management ReviewInternational Journal of Management ReviewsJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic SurveysJournal of Institutional and Theoretical EconomicsJournal of Institutional EconomicsJournal of ManagementJournal of Post-Keynesian EconomicsKyklosM@na@gementOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford Economic PapersReview of International Political Economy

Scandinavian Journal of EconomicsSouthern Economic JournalAustralian Economic PapersBEJ Economic Analysis & Policy AdvancesBulletin of Economic ResearchCompetition and Change

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Page 2

Nom ISSN Domaine Cat0964-8410 GEN 30013-063X GEN 30094-5056 GEN 30013-0249 GEN 31545-2921 GEN 30165-1765 GEN 3

Économie et Prévision (articles académiques) 0249-4744 GEN 3Économie et Statistique 0336-1454 GEN 3

0955-534X GEN 30176-2680 GEN 30263-2373 GEN 31354-5701 GEN 3

Finance Contrôle Stratégie 1287-1141 GEN 31465-6485 GEN 30020-8825 GEN 31352-4739 GEN 30892-7626 GEN 30021-3624 GEN 30931-8658 GEN 31056-4926 GEN 31350-5076 GEN 31463-6786 GEN 30026-1386 GEN 30266-903X GEN 31617-982X GEN 30770-4518 GEN 31090-9443 GEN 30486-6134 GEN 30034-6764 GEN 30825-0383 GEN 3

Revue d'Économie Politique 0373-2630 GEN 3Revue Française d'Économie 0769-0479 GEN 3

0956-5221 GEN 30036-9292 GEN 31869-4187 GEN 31475-1461 GEN 31537-260X GEN 30889-3047 GEN 3

Actualité Économique 0001-771X GEN 41350-4851 GEN 40217-4561 GEN 40004-9018 GEN 40008-0195 GEN 41864-6042 GEN 4

Économie Appliquée 0013-0494 GEN 4Économie et Institutions 1775-2329 GEN 4

1567-4223 GEN 41613-0960 GEN 41480-8986 GEN 41447-9524 GEN 40891-1916 GEN 41868-7865 GEN 40025-1747 GEN 4

Recherches en Sciences de Gestion (anciennement Revue Sciences de Gestion) 2259-6372 GEN 40953-8259 GEN 4

Corporate GovernanceDe EconomistEastern Economic JournalEconomic RecordEconomics BulletinEconomics Letters

European Business ReviewEuropean Journal of Political EconomyEuropean Management JournalFeminist Economics

German Economic ReviewInternational Studies of Management and OrganizationJapanese Economic ReviewJournal of Applied Business ResearchJournal of Economic IssuesJournal of EconomicsJournal of Management InquiryManagement LearningManchester SchoolMetroeconomicaOxford Review of Economic PolicyPortuguese Economic JournalRecherches Économiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic ReviewResearch in EconomicsReview of Radical Political EconomyReview of Social EconomyRevue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration / Canadian Journal of Administrative Science

Scandinavian Journal of ManagementScottish Journal of Political EconomySERIEs. Journal of the Spanish Economic AssociationSocio-Economic ReviewThe Academy of Management Learning and EducationThe Review of Austrian Economics

Applied Economics LettersAsia Pacific Journal of ManagementAustralian Economic ReviewBrussels Economic Review / Cahiers Économiques de BruxellesEconomics EJournal Articles

Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsEuropean Journal of Economics and Economic PolicyInternational Journal of Arts ManagementInternational Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change ManagementInternational Journal of Political EconomyJournal of the Knowledge EconomyManagement Decision

Review of Political Economy

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Page 3

Nom ISSN Domaine CatRevue de la Régulation 1957-7796 GEN 4Revue de l'Organisation Responsable 1951-0187 GEN 4Revue Française de Gestion 0338-4551 GEN 4

1966-6608 GEN 40303-9692 GEN 4

Revue Française de Socio-ÉconomieSwiss Journal of Economics and Statistics

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Page 4

Nom ISSN Domaine

0002-9092 10921-8009 10195-6574 10095-0696 11469-3062 20140-9883 20301-4215 20308-518X 20924-6460 21420-2026 20165-1587 20928-7655 20169-5150 30044-7447 31364-985X 30008-3976 30165-0009 30304-3800 30843-4379 31355-770X 31462-9011 30963-2719 30306-9192 30959-3780 31542-0485 31068-5502 30021-857X 30361-4476 30301-4797 30964-0568 31931-4361 30165-0203 30028-0739 30301-4207 31058-7195 30894-1920 30043-1397 30742-4477 41068-2805 40964-4733 42010-0078 4

Développement Durable et Territoires 1772-9971 41868-3967 41998-6041 41432-847X 41389-5176 41567-9764 41462-4605 40957-4352 4


Economie de l’agriculture de l’environnement et de l’énergie / Agricultural, Environmental and Energy Economics

American Journal of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvEcological Economics AgrEnEnvEnergy Journal AgrEnEnvJournal of Environmental Economics and Management AgrEnEnvClimate Policy AgrEnEnvEnergy Economics AgrEnEnvEnergy Policy AgrEnEnvEnvironment and Planning (B, C, D) AgrEnEnvEnvironmental and Resource Economics AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Modelling and Assessment AgrEnEnvEuropean Review of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvResource and Energy Economics AgrEnEnvAgricultural Economics AgrEnEnvAMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment AgrEnEnvAustralian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics AgrEnEnvCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvClimatic Change AgrEnEnvEcological Modelling AgrEnEnvEnergy Studies Review AgrEnEnvEnvironment and Development Economics AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Science and Policy AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Values AgrEnEnvFood Policy AgrEnEnvGlobal Environmental Change AgrEnEnvJournal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization AgrEnEnvJournal of Agricultural and Resource Economics AgrEnEnvJournal of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvJournal of Energy and Development AgrEnEnvJournal of Environmental Management AgrEnEnvJournal of Environmental Planning and Management AgrEnEnvJournal of Wine Economics AgrEnEnvNatural Resources Forum AgrEnEnvNatural Resources Journal AgrEnEnvResources Policy AgrEnEnvReview of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvSociety and Natural Resources AgrEnEnvWater Resources Research AgrEnEnvAgribusiness AgrEnEnvAgricultural and Resource Economics Review AgrEnEnvBusiness Strategy and the Environment AgrEnEnvClimate Change Economics AgrEnEnv

AgrEnEnvEnergy Systems AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Economics AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Economics and Policy Studies AgrEnEnvIntegrated Assessment AgrEnEnvInternational Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics AgrEnEnvInternational Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology AgrEnEnvInternational Journal of Environment and Pollution AgrEnEnv

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Page 5

Nom ISSN Domaine Cat0954-7118 40960-1406 40738-8950 41389-224X 41756-3607 42160-6544 41070-4965 40738-1360 4

Nature Sciences Sociétés 1240-1307 40755-9208 4

Systèmes Agroalimentaires (E&S série AG) 0013-0567 4

International Journal of Global Energy Issues AgrEnEnvInternational Journal of Sustainable Development AgrEnEnvJournal of Agribusiness AgrEnEnvJournal of Agricultural Education and Extension AgrEnEnvJournal of Energy Markets AgrEnEnvJournal of Environmental Economics and Policy AgrEnEnvJournal of Environment and Development AgrEnEnvMarine Resource Economics AgrEnEnv

AgrEnEnvRevue d'Étude en Agriculture et Environnement / Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies AgrEnEnv


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Page 6

Nom ISSN Domaine

Comptabilité et contrôle de gestion /

0001-4826 CPT 1g0361-3682 CPT 10165-4101 CPT 10021-8456 CPT 11380-6653 CPT 10951-3574 CPT 20278-0380 CPT 2

Comptabilité Contrôle Audit 1262-2788 CPT 20823-9150 CPT 20963-8180 CPT 20278-4254 CPT 20306-686X CPT 21044-5005 CPT 20001-3072 CPT 30001-4788 CPT 30888-7993 CPT 30897-3660 CPT 31050-4753 CPT 30890-8389 CPT 31045-2354 CPT 30267-4424 CPT 30020-7063 CPT 31090-6738 CPT 30737-4607 CPT 30148-558X CPT 30967-5426 CPT 31542-6297 CPT 31044-5005 CPT 30810-5391 CPT 41528-5359 CPT 40268-6902 CPT 41475-7702 CPT 42040-8021 CPT 4


Accounting and Auditing

The Accounting ReviewAccounting, Organization and SocietyJournal of Accounting and EconomicsJournal of Accounting ResearchReview of Accounting StudiesAccounting Auditing and Accountability JournalAuditing, A Journal of Practice and Theory

Contemporary Accounting ResearchEuropean Accounting ReviewJournal of Accounting and Public PolicyJournal of Business Finance and AccountingManagement Accounting ResearchAbacusAccounting and Business ResearchAccounting HorizonsAdvances in International AccountingBehavioral Research in AccountingBritish Accounting ReviewCritical Perspectives on AccountingFinancial Accountability and ManagementInternational Journal of AccountingInternational Journal of AuditingJournal of Accounting LiteratureJournal of Accounting, Auditing and FinanceJournal of Applied Accounting ResearchJournal of International Accounting ResearchJournal of Management Accounting ResearchAccounting and FinanceManagement Accounting QuarterlyManagerial Auditing JournalReview of Accounting and FinanceSustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal

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Page 7

Nom ISSN Domaine

0013-0079 10147-5967 10304-3878 10258-6770 10305-750X 11043-951X 20012-155X 20967-0750 20963-8024 20022-0388 20098-7921 21463-1377 20888-7233 30939-3625 31566-0141 31824-2979 30966-8136 30954-1748 30963-8199 31120-7388 31360-0818 3

Revue d'Économie du Développement 1245-4060 30143-6597 31017-6772 40116-1105 41278-3986 40251-2920 42078-0389 40957-8811 41049-0078 40254-8372 4

Mondes en Développement 0302-3052 40305-6244 41363-6669 40225-5189 4

Revue d'Études Comparatives Est-Ouest 0338-0599 40393-4551 4


Economie du développement et transition / Development and Transition Economics

Economic Development and Cultural Change DevTransJournal of Comparative Economics DevTransJournal of Development Economics DevTransWorld Bank Economic Review DevTransWorld Development DevTransChina Economic Review DevTransDevelopment and Change DevTransEconomics of Transition DevTransJournal of African Economies DevTransJournal of Development Studies DevTransPopulation and Development Review DevTransPost-Communist Economies DevTransComparative Economic Studies DevTransEconomic Systems DevTransEmerging Markets Review DevTransEuropean Journal of Comparative Economics DevTransEurope-Asia Studies DevTransJournal of International Development DevTransJournal of International Trade and Economic Development DevTransMOCT-MOST Economic Policy in Transitional Economies DevTransOxford Development Studies DevTrans

DevTransThird World Quarterly DevTransAfrican Development Review DevTransAsian Development Review DevTransAutrepart DevTransCepal Review DevTransEconomic History of Developing Regions DevTransEuropean Journal of Development Research DevTransJournal of Asian Economics DevTransJournal of Economic Development DevTrans

DevTransReview of African Political Economy DevTransReview of Development Economics DevTransRevue Canadienne d’Études du Développement / Canadian Journal of Development Studies DevTrans

DevTransSavings and Development DevTrans

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Nom ISSN Domaine

Droit et économie /

0144-8188 10022-2186 18756-6222 10047-2530 11465-7252 2

Antitrust Bulletin 0003-603X 20929-1261 21744-6422 21555-5879 20003-6048 30003-6056 30165-0750 31369-3034 31054-3023 30023-9186 30193-5895 3

Revue Internationale de Droit Économique 1010-8831 31011-4548 30741-9457 3

Concurrences (articles) 1773-9578 41011-6702 41698-1359 4


Law and Economics

International Review of Law and Economics EcoDroitJournal of Law and Economics EcoDroitJournal of Law, Economics, and Organization EcoDroitJournal of Legal Studies EcoDroitAmerican Law and Economics Review EcoDroit

EcoDroitEuropean Journal of Law and Economics EcoDroitJournal of Competition Law and Economics EcoDroitReview of Law and Economics EcoDroitAntitrust Law and Economics Review EcoDroitAntitrust Law Journal EcoDroitCommon Market Law Review EcoDroitJournal of International Economic Law EcoDroitJournal of Legal Economics EcoDroitLaw and Contemporary Problems EcoDroitResearch in Law and Economics EcoDroit

EcoDroitWorld Competition. Law and Economics Review EcoDroitYale Journal on Regulation EcoDroit

EcoDroitJournal of World Trade EcoDroitReview of Economic Research on Copyright Issues EcoDroit

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Page 9

Nom ISSN Domaine

0047-2727 10048-5829 10176-1714 11945-7731 20927-5940 21520-6688 21097-3923 20028-0283 20034-6586 20954-1985 31435-8131 30143-5671 31569-1721 30899-7640 31573-9414 4

Économie Publique 1373-8496 40015-2218 41389-4978 40161-8938 41120-7019 41091-1421 41559-7431 41697-6223 4


Economie publique et choix collectifs / Public Economics and Public Choice

Journal of Public Economics EcoPubPublic Choice EcoPubSocial Choice and Welfare EcoPubAmerican Economic Journal: Economic Policy EcoPubInternational Tax and Public Finance EcoPubJournal of Policy Analysis & Management EcoPubJournal of Public Economic Theory EcoPubNational Tax Journal EcoPubReview of Income and Wealth EcoPubEconomics and Politics EcoPubEconomics of Governance EcoPubFiscal Studies EcoPubJournal of Economic Inequality EcoPubNonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly EcoPubEconomics of Planning EcoPub

EcoPubFinanz Archiv EcoPubJournal of Happiness Studies EcoPubJournal of Policy Modeling EcoPubJournal of Public Finance and Public Choice EcoPubPublic Finance Review EcoPubReview of International Organizations EcoPubUrban Public Economics Review EcoPub

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Nom ISSN Domaine

Finance et assurance /

0022-1082 Fin 1g0022-1090 Fin 10304-405X Fin 11382-6662 Fin 10893-9454 Fin 1

Finance 0752-6180 Fin 20046-3892 Fin 21554-964X Fin 20378-4266 Fin 20306-686X Fin 20929-1199 Fin 21042-9573 Fin 20022-4367 Fin 20895-5646 Fin 20960-1627 Fin 2

ASTIN Bulletin 0515-0361 Fin 32101-9304 Fin 30964-8410 Fin 31354-7798 Fin 30949-2984 Fin 31544-6123 Fin 30963-8008 Fin 31018-5895 Fin 30167-6687 Fin 30219-0249 Fin 31057-5219 Fin 31074-1240 Fin 30927-5398 Fin 31386-4181 Fin 30270-2592 Fin 30920-8550 Fin 31059-8596 Fin 30270-7314 Fin 30095-4918 Fin 30895-5638 Fin 3

Quantitative Finance 1469-7688 Fin 31062-9769 Fin 31080-8620 Fin 30924-865X Fin 31614-2446 Fin 40960-3107 Fin 4

Bulletin Français d'Actuariat 1779-7160 Fin 40732-8516 Fin 41470-8272 Fin 41042-444X Fin 40307-4358 Fin 41862-9679 Fin 4

Multinational Finance Journal 1096-1879 Fin 41092-0277 Fin 4


Finance and Insurance

Journal of FinanceJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of FinanceReview of Financial Studies

Financial ManagementGeneva Risk and Insurance ReviewJournal of Banking and FinanceJournal of Business Finance and AccountingJournal of Corporate Finance: Contracting, Governance and OrganizationJournal of Financial IntermediationJournal of Risk and InsuranceJournal of Risk and UncertaintyMathematical Finance

Bankers, Markets & Investors (ex-Banque & Marchés)Corporate GovernanceEuropean Financial ManagementFinance and StochasticsFinance Research LettersFinancial Markets, Institutions and InstrumentsGeneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and PracticesInsurance: Mathematics and EconomicsInternational Journal of Theoretical and Applied FinanceInternational Review of Financial AnalysisJournal of DerivativesJournal of Empirical FinanceJournal of Financial MarketsJournal of Financial ResearchJournal of Financial Services ResearchJournal of Fixed IncomeJournal of Futures MarketsJournal of Portfolio ManagementJournal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Quarterly Review of Economics and FinanceReal Estate EconomicsReview of Quantitative Finance and AccountingAnnals of FinanceApplied Financial Economics

Financial ReviewJournal of Asset ManagementJournal of Multinational Financial ManagementManagerial FinanceMathematics and Financial Economics

North American Actuarial Journal

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Page 11

0927-538X Fin 40275-5319 Fin 41380-6645 Fin 41058-3300 Fin 4

Revue d'Économie Financière 1777-5744 Fin 41351-847X Fin 4

Pacific Basin Finance JournalResearch in International Business and FinanceReview of Derivatives ResearchReview of Financial Economics

The European Journal of Finance

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Nom ISSN Domaine

Gestion des ressources humaines /

0019-7939 GRH 10019-8676 GRH 10749-5978 GRH 10031-5826 GRH 10007-1080 GRH 20018-7267 GRH 20090-4848 GRH 20167-4544 GRH 20963-1798 GRH 20894-3796 GRH 20001-8791 GRH 21048-9843 GRH 2

Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines 1163-913X GRH 21052-150X GRH 30143-831X GRH 30959-6801 GRH 31059-6011 GRH 30954-5395 GRH 31053-4822 GRH 30958-5192 GRH 30020-7780 GRH 30048-3486 GRH 30034-379X GRH 30730-8884 GRH 30267-8373 GRH 30950-0170 GRH 31038-4111 GRH 40007-6503 GRH 40142-5455 GRH 41359-432X GRH 40968-6673 GRH 40167-2533 GRH 40262-1711 GRH 40268-3946 GRH 4

Management & Avenir 1768-5958 GRH 40734-371X GRH 4


Human Resources Management

Industrial and Labor Relations ReviewIndustrial RelationsOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesPersonnel PsychologyBritish Journal of Industrial RelationsHuman RelationsHuman Resource ManagementJournal of Business EthicsJournal of Occupational and Organizational PsychologyJournal of Organizational BehaviorJournal of Vocational BehaviorLeadership Quarterly

Business Ethics QuarterlyEconomic and Industrial DemocracyEuropean Journal of Industrial RelationsGroup and Organization ManagementHuman Resource Management JournalHuman Resource Management ReviewInternational Journal of Human Resource ManagementInternational Labour ReviewPersonnel ReviewRelations Industrielles / Industrial RelationsWork and OccupationsWork and StressWork Employment and SocietyAsia Pacific Journal of Human ResourcesBusiness Ethics: A European ReviewEmployee RelationsEuropean Journal of Work & Organizational PsychologyGender, Work and OrganizationHuman System ManagementJournal of Management DevelopmentJournal of Managerial Psychology

Review of Public Personnel Administration

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Nom ISSN Domaine

Innovation et entrepreneuriat /

1042-2587 10883-9026 10737-6782 10048-7333 11043-8599 20894-4865 20266-2426 20047-2778 20921-898X 21932-4391 20040-1625 20898-5626 31366-2716 30267-5730 30923-4748 31570-7385 30892-9912 3

R&D Management 0033-6807 30166-4972 30963-1690 41460-1060 4

41554-7191 41355-2554 41465-7503 41368-275X 41476-1297 41363-9196 40218-4958 41047-8310 40890-913X 41462-6004 41630-7542 4

Revue Internationale PME 0776-5436 4


Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice InnovJournal of Business Venturing InnovJournal of Product Innovation Management InnovResearch Policy InnovEconomics of Innovation and New Technology InnovFamilly Business Review InnovInternational Small Business Journal InnovJournal of Small Business Management InnovSmall Business Economics InnovStrategic Entrepreneurship Journal InnovTechnological Forecasting and Social Change InnovEntrepreneurship and Regional Development InnovIndustry and Innovation InnovInternational Journal of Technology Management InnovJournal of Engineering and Technology Management InnovJournal of International Entrepreneurship InnovJournal of Technology Transfer Innov

InnovTechnovation InnovCreativity and Innovation Management InnovEuropean Journal of Innovation Management Innov

Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation / Journal of Innovation Economics and Management

1267-4982 / 2032-5355 Innov

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal InnovInternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research InnovInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation InnovInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management InnovInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business InnovInternational Journal of Innovation Management InnovJournal of Enterprising Culture InnovJournal of High Technology Management Research InnovJournal of Private Enterprise InnovJournal of Small Business and Enterprise Development InnovRevue de l'Entreprenariat Innov


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Nom ISSN Domaine

Logistique et production /

0925-5273 LOG 10272-6963 LOG 11059-1478 LOG 10144-3577 LOG 20020-7543 LOG 20735-3766 LOG 20022-4065 LOG 20953-7287 LOG 21366-5545 LOG 20360-8352 LOG 3

0920-6299 LOG 30957-4903 LOG 31367-5567 LOG 31368-2148 LOG 30960-0035 LOG 30263-7863 LOG 30265-671X LOG 30959-0552 LOG 30267-5730 LOG 3

Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 1269-6935 LOG 30890-2577 LOG 30278-6125 LOG 31478-4092 LOG 30897-8336 LOG 31359-8546 LOG 30263-5577 LOG 41741-038x LOG 41757-5818 LOG 41523-2409 LOG 41523-4614 LOG 41068-6967 LOG 4

Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 0242-9780 LOG 41625-8312 LOG 41478-3363 LOG 4


Production and Operations Management

International Journal of Production EconomicsJournal of Operations ManagementProduction and Operations ManagementInternational Journal of Operations and Production ManagementInternational Journal of Production ResearchJournal of Business LogisticsJournal of Quality TechnologyProduction Planning and ControlTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and TransportationComputers and Industrial Engineering

International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing)International Journal of Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Logistics: Research and ApplicationsInternational Journal of Manufacturing Technology and ManagementInternational Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Project ManagementInternational Journal of Quality and Reliability ManagementInternational Journal of Retail and Distribution ManagementInternational Journal of Technology Management

Journal of Manufacturing and Operations ManagementJournal of Manufacturing SystemsJournal of Purshasing and Supply ManagementProduction and Inventory Management JournalSupply Chain Management: An International JournalIndustrial Management and Data SystemsJournal of Manufacturing Technology ManagementJournal of Service ManagementJournal of Supply Chain ManagementManufacturing and Service Operations ManagementQuality Management Journal

Supply Chain Forum: An International JournalTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence

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Nom ISSN Domaine

Histoire de la pensée économique, histoire économique et des affaires, méthodologie, philosophie économique /

0013-0117 HPEA 10266-2671 HPEA 10018-2702 HPEA 10022-0507 HPEA 10007-6791 HPEA 21863-2513 HPEA 20967-2567 HPEA 21361-4916 HPEA 20014-4983 HPEA 21350-178X HPEA 21042-7716 HPEA 21470-594X HPEA 20148-4184 HPEA 32155-2851 HPEA 30004-8992 HPEA 30007-6805 HPEA 3

Cahiers d'Économie Politique 0154-8344 HPEA 31467-2235 HPEA 30968-5650 HPEA 31122-8792 HPEA 31054-1098 HPEA 3

Revue de Philosophie Économique 1376-0971 HPEA 31032-3732 HPEA 40849-6825 HPEA 4

Économies et Sociétés série "Histoire de la Pensée Économique" 0013-0567 HPEA 4Entreprises et Histoire 1161-2770 HPEA 4Histoire Économie et Société 0752-5702 HPEA 4Histoire Économique Quantitative (E&S, série AF) 0013-0567 HPEA 4

1037-0196 HPEA 40391-5115 HPEA 41755-750X HPEA 40023-656X HPEA 41744-9359 HPEA 42113-5207 HPEA 40743-4154 HPEA 40358-5522 HPEA 4


History of Economic Thought, Economic and Business History, Methodology

Economic History ReviewEconomics and PhilosophyHistory of Political EconomyJournal of Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryCliometricaEuropean Journal of the History of Economic ThoughtEuropean Review of Economic HistoryExplorations in Economic HistoryJournal of Economic MethodologyJournal of the History of Economic ThoughtPolitics, Philosophy & EconomicsAccounting Historians JournalAccounting History Review (ex Accounting Business and Financial History)Australian Economic History ReviewBusiness History Review

Enterprise & SocietyFinancial History ReviewHistory of Economic IdeasResearch in Economic History

Accounting HistoryBusiness and Economic History

History of Economics ReviewJournal of European Economic HistoryJournal of Historical Research in Marketing Labor HistoryManagement and Organizational HistoryOeconomiaResearch in the History of Economic Thought and MethodologyScandinavian Economic History Review

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Macroéconomie, économie internationale et monnaie /

1945-7707 Macro 10165-1889 Macro 11381-4338 Macro 10022-1996 Macro 10304-3932 Macro 10022-2879 Macro 10264-9993 Macro 20927-5940 Macro 20261-5606 Macro 20164-0704 Macro 21365-1005 Macro 21094-2025 Macro 20965-7576 Macro 21610-2878 Macro 21935-1690 Macro 20378-5920 Macro 21240-8093 Macro 31815-4654 Macro 31076-9307 Macro 31020-7635 Macro 30020-8183 Macro 30021-9886 Macro 31225-651X Macro 31042-4431 Macro 30963-8199 Macro 30889-1583 Macro 30923-7992 Macro 31361-374X Macro 31935-1690 Macro 31351-3958 Macro 41016-8737 Macro 40885-3908 Macro 41265-9576 Macro 40954-349X Macro 41474-7456 Macro 4


Macroeconomics, International and Monetary Economics

American Economic Journal: MacroeconomicsJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsJournal of Money, Credit and BankingEconomic ModellingInternational Tax and Public FinanceJournal of International Money and FinanceJournal of MacroeconomicsMacroeconomic DynamicsReview of Economic DynamicsReview of International EconomicsReview of World EconomicsThe B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. FrontiersWorld EconomyÉconomie Internationale / International EconomicsInternational Journal of Central BankingInternational Journal of Finance and EconomicsInternational Monetary Fund Staff PapersInternational OrganizationJournal of Common Market StudiesJournal of Economic IntegrationJournal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and MoneyJournal of International Trade and Economic DevelopmentJournal of the Japanese and International EconomiesOpen Economies ReviewPacific Economic ReviewThe B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. AdvancesAsian Economic JournalInternational Economic JournalInternational Trade JournalRevue de l’OFCEStructural Change and Economic DynamicsWorld Trade Review

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Marketing / Marketing

0022-2429 MKG 1g1057-7408 MKG 10093-5301 MKG 10022-2437 MKG 1

Marketing Science 0732-2399 MKG 10019-8501 MKG 20167-8116 MKG 20148-2963 MKG 20022-4359 MKG 21094-6705 MKG 20092-0703 MKG 20923-0645 MKG 2

Recherche et Application en Marketing 0767-3701 MKG 2Décisions Marketing 0779-7389 MKG 3

0309-0566 MKG 30265-0487 MKG 31470-7853 MKG 30954-2892 MKG 30959-0552 MKG 30265-1335 MKG 30091-3367 MKG 30021-8499 MKG 30885-8624 MKG 31094-9968 MKG 31069-031X MKG 30267-257X MKG 30743-9156 MKG 30969-6989 MKG 30887-6045 MKG 30742-6046 MKG 31570-7156 MKG 31025-3866 MKG 40265-2323 MKG 41350-231X MKG 41051-712X MKG 40022-0078 MKG 40736-3761 MKG 40276-1467 MKG 41069-6679 MKG 40885-3134 MKG 41061-0421 MKG 40965-254X MKG 41054-8408 MKG 41470-5931 MKG 41352-2752 MKG 4


Journal of MarketingJournal of Consumer PsychologyJournal of Consumer ResearchJournal of Marketing Research

Industrial Marketing ManagementInternational Journal of Research in MarketingJournal of Business ResearchJournal of RetailingJournal of Service ResearchJournal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceMarketing Letters

European Journal of MarketingInternational Journal of AdvertisingInternational Journal of Market ResearchInternational Journal of Public Opinion ResearchInternational Journal of Retail and Distribution ManagementInternational Marketing ReviewJournal of AdvertisingJournal of Advertising ResearchJournal of Business & Industrial MarketingJournal of Interactive MarketingJournal of International MarketingJournal of Marketing ManagementJournal of Public Policy and MarketingJournal of Retailing and Consumer ServicesJournal of Services MarketingPsychology and MarketingQuantitative Marketing & EconomicsConsumption, Markets & CulturesInternational Journal of Bank MarketingJournal of Brand ManagementJournal of Business to Business MarketingJournal of Consumer AffairsJournal of Consumer MarketingJournal of MacroMarketingJournal of Marketing Theory and PracticeJournal of Personal Selling and Sales ManagementJournal of Product and Brand ManagementJournal of Strategic MarketingJournal of Travel & Tourism MarketingMarketing TheoryQualitative Market Research

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Nom ISSN Domaine

0266-4666 10735-0015 10304-4076 10747-4938 21368-4221 20883-7252 21369-7412 20035-9254 30169-2070 30266-4763 31479-8409 30277-6693 30047-259X 30971-1554 30143-9782 31081-1826 30377-7332 40269-2171 4


Econometrie / Econometrics

Econometric Theory MetrieJournal of Business and Economic Statistics MetrieJournal of Econometrics MetrieEconometric Reviews MetrieEconometrics Journal MetrieJournal of Applied Econometrics MetrieJournal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B-Statistical Methodology MetrieJournal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C-Applied Statistics MetrieInternational Journal of Forecasting MetrieJournal of Applied Statistics MetrieJournal of Financial Econometrics MetrieJournal of Forecasting MetrieJournal of Multivariate Analysis MetrieJournal of Quantitative Economics MetrieJournal of Time Series Analysis MetrieStudies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics MetrieEmpirical Economics MetrieInternational Review of Applied Economics Metrie

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Management public /Public Management

1053-1858 10033-3352 10095-3997 20305-5736 21356-3890 30952-1895 30190-0692 30951-3558 30020-8523 30300-3930 30033-3298 30271-2075 31471-9037 30954-0962 31566-7170 3

Politiques et Management Public 0758-1726 41229-4659 40152-7401 4


Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory  MgPubPublic Administration Review MgPubAdministration and Society MgPubPolicy and Politics MgPubEvaluation MgPubGovernance MgPubInternational Journal of Public Administration MgPubInternational Journal of Public Sector Management  MgPubInternational Review of Administrative Sciences MgPubLocal Government Studies  MgPubPublic Administration: An International Quarterly MgPubPublic Administration and Development  MgPubPublic Management Review  MgPubPublic Money and Management MgPubPublic Organization Review MgPub

MgPubInternational Review of Public Administration  MgPubRevue Française d’Administration Publique  MgPub

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Nom ISSN Domaine

Organisation industrielle /

0167-7187 11058-6407 10022-1821 10741-6261 10960-6491 20167-6245 20936-9937 20922-680X 20889-938X 20921-898X 21369-5258 31366-2716 31357-1516 30885-2545 30143-6570 31446-9022 3

Revue d'Économie Industrielle 0154-3229 30899-7764 40308-5961 40957-1787 4


Industrial Organization

International Journal of Industrial Organization OrgIndJournal of Economics and Management Strategy OrgIndJournal of Industrial Economics OrgIndRAND Journal of Economics OrgIndIndustrial and Corporate Change OrgIndInformation Economics and Policy OrgIndJournal of Evolutionary Economics OrgIndJournal of Regulatory Economics OrgIndReview of Industrial Organization OrgIndSmall Business Economics OrgIndBusiness and Politics OrgIndIndustry and Innovation OrgIndInternational Journal of the Economics of Business OrgIndJournal of Cultural Economics OrgIndManagerial and Decision Economics OrgIndReview of Network Economics OrgInd

OrgIndJournal of Media Economics OrgIndTelecommunications Policy OrgIndUtilities Policy OrgInd

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Recherche opérationnelle /

0377-2217 RO 10025-5610 RO 10364-765X RO 10030-364X RO 10254-5330 RO 20305-0548 RO 20011-7315 RO 20160-5682 RO 20305-0483 RO 20167-6377 RO 21619-4500 RO 31545-8490 RO 31572-5286 RO 30969-6016 RO 30895-562X RO 31432-2994 RO 30894-069X RO 30028-3045 RO 30171-6468 RO 3

RAIRO 0399-0559 RO 31134-5764 RO 30217-5959 RO 41435-246X RO 4

INFOR 0315-5986 RO 41057-9214 RO 4


Operations Research

European Journal of Operational ResearchMathematical ProgrammingMathematics of Operations ResearchOperations ResearchAnnals of Operations ResearchComputers and Operations ResearchDecision Sciences Journal of the Operational Research SocietyOmegaOperations Research Letters4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations ResearchDecision AnalysisDiscrete OptimizationInternational Transactions in Operational ResearchJournal of Productivity AnalysisMathematical Methods of Operations ResearchNaval Research Logistics QuarterlyNetworksOR Spectrum

TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations ResearchAsia Pacific Journal of Operations ResearchCentral European Journal of Operations Research

Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

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Nom ISSN Domaine

1057-9230 SANT 10167-6296 SANT 10025-7079 SANT 10277-9536 SANT 11475-3898 SANT 21439-3972 SANT 20168-8510 SANT 20017-9124 SANT 21389-6563 SANT 20272-989X SANT 20887-378X SANT 21170-7690 SANT 21098-3015 SANT 21062-8606 SANT 31472-6963 SANT 30042-9686 SANT 31101-1262 SANT 30195-8631 SANT 30361-6274 SANT 31744-1331 SANT 30361-6878 SANT 31077-5587 SANT 30033-3506 SANT 30962-9343 SANT 30266-4623 SANT 31175-5652 SANT 41386-9620 SANT 42191-1991 SANT 40268-1080 SANT 40951-4848 SANT 40749-6753 SANT 41353-4505 SANT 4

Journal d’Économie Médicale 0294-0736 SANT 41355-8196 SANT 4

Sciences Sociales et Santé 0294-0337 SANT 4


Economie et gestion de la santé / Health Economics and Management

Health EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsMedical CareSocial Science and MedicineBMJ Quality and safety (Original research)European Journal of Health EconomicsHealth PolicyHealth Services ResearchInternational Journal of Health Care, Finance and EconomicsMedical Decision MakingMilbank Memorial Fund Quarterly - The Milbank QuarterlyPharmacoeconomicsValue in HealthAmerican Journal of Medical QualityBMC Health Services ResearchBulletin of the World Health OrganizationEuropean Journal of Public HealthHealth Care Financing ReviewHealth Care Management ReviewHealth Economics Policy and LawJournal of Health Politics, Policy and LawMedical Care Research and ReviewPublic HealthQuality of Life ResearchThe International Journal of Technology Assessment in HealthApplied Health Economics and PolicyHealth Care Management ScienceHealth Economics ReviewHealth Policy and PlanningHealth Services Management ResearchInternational Journal of Health Planning and Management International Journal of Quality in Health Care

Journal of Health Services Research and Policy

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Nom ISSN Domaine

Systèmes d'information /

0276-7783 SI 1g0960-085X SI 11047-7047 SI 10742-1222 SI 10167-9236 SI 20018-9391 SI 21041-4347 SI 20098-5589 SI 20378-7206 SI 21471-7727 SI 21350-1917 SI 21086-4415 SI 21536-9323 SI 21062-7375 SI 20963-8687 SI 2

Systèmes d’Information et Management 1260-4984 SI 21463-7154 SI 31532-0936 SI 31019-6781 SI 30957-4174 SI 31083-4427 SI 31094-6977 SI 30959-3845 SI 31071-5819 SI 30268-4012 SI 30268-3962 SI 31546-2234 SI 31477-8238 SI 31073-0516 SI 41867-0202 SI 41529-3181 SI 41566-6379 SI 41548-3908 SI 41246-0125 SI 41741-0398 SI 4

Réseaux 0751-7971 SI 4


Management Information Systems

MIS QuarterlyEuropean Journal of Information SystemsInformation Systems ResearchJournal of MISDecision Support Systems IEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringInformation and ManagementInformation and OrganizationInformation Systems JournalInternational Journal of Electronic CommerceJournal of the Association for Information SystemsJournal of Global Information ManagementJournal of Strategic Information Systems

Business Process Management JournalDatabase for Advances in Information SystemsElectronic MarketsExpert Systems with ApplicationsIEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - AIEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - CInformation Technology and PeopleInternational Journal of Human Computer StudiesInternational Journal of Information ManagementJournal of Information TechnologyJournal of Organizational and End User ComputingKnowledge Management Research & PracticeACM Transactions on Human Computer InteractionsBusiness and Information Systems EngineeringCommunications of the AISElectronic Journal of Information Systems EvaluationInternational Journal of Technology and Human InteractionJournal of Decision SystemsJournal of Enterprise Information Management

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Nom ISSN Domaine

0013-0095 Spatiale 11468-2702 Spatiale 10094-1190 Spatiale 10570-1864 Spatiale 20891-2424 Spatiale 20308-518X Spatiale 20160-0176 Spatiale 21051-1377 Spatiale 20022-4146 Spatiale 20023-7639 Spatiale 21056-8190 Spatiale 20166-0462 Spatiale 20034-3404 Spatiale 20965-8564 Spatiale 20191-2615 Spatiale 2

Transportation Science 0041-1655 Spatiale 20042-0980 Spatiale 20160-7383 Spatiale 30705-4580 Spatiale 30017-4815 Spatiale 30267-3037 Spatiale 30391-8440 Spatiale 30895-5638 Spatiale 30022-5258 Spatiale 31080-8620 Spatiale 3

Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine 0180-7307 Spatiale 31742-1772 Spatiale 30261-5177 Spatiale 30144-1647 Spatiale 31361-9209 Spatiale 3

Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport 1150-8809 Spatiale 4Économie Rurale 0013-0559 Spatiale 4

0965-4313 Spatiale 4Géographie Économie Société 1295-926X Spatiale 4

0309-1317 Spatiale 40047-2875 Spatiale 4

Région et Développement 1267-5059 Spatiale 4


Economie spatiale, économie géographique, économie et gestion des transports et du tourisme /Urban, Spatial and Regional Economics, transportation and tourism

Economic GeographyJournal of Economic GeographyJournal of Urban EconomicsAnnals of Regional ScienceEconomic Development QuarterlyEnvironment and Planning (A)International Regional Science ReviewJournal of Housing EconomicsJournal of Regional ScienceLand EconomicsPapers in Regional ScienceRegional Science and Urban EconomicsRegional StudiesTransportation Research ATransportation Research B

Urban StudiesAnnals of Tourism ResearchCanadian Journal of Regional ScienceGrowth and ChangeHousing StudiesInternational Journal of Transport EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Finance and EconomicsJournal of Transport Economics and PolicyReal Estate Economics

Spatial Economic AnalysisTourism ManagementTransport ReviewsTransportation Research D

European Planning Studies

International Journal of Urban and Regional ResearchJournal of Travel Research

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Stratégie et management international /

0143-2095 1g1058-6407 10047-2506 10742-3322 21090-9516 2

Long Range Planning 0024-6301 21360-2381 31467-8594 30969-5931 30275-6668 31075-4253 3

Management International 1206-1697 30025-181X 31086-1718 31476-1270 30953-7325 31157-8637 41742-2043 4

Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal 1352-7606 41470-5958 41469-7017 41525-383X 41096-4762 4


Business Strategy and International Management

Strategic Management Journal StratIntJournal of Economics and Management Strategy StratIntJournal of International Business Studies StratIntAdvances in Strategic Management StratIntJournal of World Business StratInt

StratIntAsia Pacific Business Review StratIntBusiness and Society StratIntInternational Business Review StratIntJournal of Business Strategy StratIntJournal of International Management StratInt

StratIntManagement International Review StratIntStrategic Change StratIntStrategic Organization StratIntTechnology Analysis and Strategic Management StratIntCommunications & Strategies StratIntCritical Perspectives on International Business StratInt

StratIntInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management StratIntJournal of Change Management StratIntMultinational Business Review StratIntThunderbird International Business Review StratInt

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Nom ISSN Domaine

Théorie économique, théorie des jeux et de la décision et économie expérimentale /

1945-7669 10938-2259 11386-4157 10899-8256 10304-4068 12153-0785 20020-7276 20165-4896 21555-7561 20040-5833 21935-1704 20002-7642 30927-7099 31593-8883 30219-1989 31742-7355 30021-8855 30894-3257 30167-4870 31434-4742 31935-1704 32214-8043 41860-7128 4

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines 0987-6936 4


Economic Theory, Game and Decision Theory and Experimental Economics

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics ThEcoEconomic Theory ThEcoExperimental Economics ThEcoGames and Economic Behavior ThEcoJournal of Mathematical Economics ThEcoDynamic Games and Applications ThEcoInternational Journal of Game Theory ThEcoMathematical Social Sciences ThEcoTheoretical Economics ThEcoTheory and Decision ThEcoThe B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics. Frontiers ThEcoAmerican Behavioral Scientist ThEcoComputational Economics ThEcoDecisions in Economics and Finance ThEcoInternational Game Theory Review ThEcoInternational Journal of Economic Theory ThEcoJournal of Applied Behavioral Analysis ThEcoJournal of Behavioral Decision Making ThEcoJournal of Economic Psychology ThEcoReview of Economic Design ThEcoThe B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics. Advances ThEcoJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly Journal of Socio-Economics) ThEcoJournal of Economic Interaction and Coordination ThEco


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Nom ISSN Domaine

Théorie des organisations /

0001-8392 1g 1350-5084 1 1047-7039 10170-8406 1 0894-3796 2 0090-2616 2 1094-4281 2 0191-3085 2 1089-2699 3 1368-4302 3 0021-8863 3 0160-8061 3 0953-4814 3 1086-0266 3 1475-9551 4 1760-8864 4 0295-4397 4 1367-3270 4

Leadership 1742-7150 4 0969-6474 4 0893-3189 4


Organization Studies

Administrative Science Quarterly ThOOrganization ThOOrganization Science ThOOrganization Studies ThOJournal of Organizational Behavior ThOOrganizational Dynamics ThOOrganizational Research Methods ThOResearch in Organizational Behavior ThOGroup Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice ThOGroup Processes and Intergroup Relations ThOJournal of Applied Behavioral Science ThOJournal of Organisational Behaviour Management ThOJournal of Organizational Change Management ThOOrganization and Environment ThOCulture and Organization ThOÉconomies et Sociétés série "Économie de l’Entreprise"  ThOGérer et Comprendre  ThOJournal of Knowledge Management ThO

ThOLearning Organization ThOManagement Communication Quarterly ThO

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Nom ISSN Domaine

0070-3370 10019-7939 10022-166X 10734-306X 10272-7757 21932-8575 20933-1433 20927-5371 2

Population 0032-4663 20034-6586 20964-5292 30168-6577 30143-7720 30020-7780 30022-0485 31121-7081 31569-5239 3

Formation Emploi 0759-6340 40926-6437 40195-3613 40098-1818 40167-5923 40013-0567 4

Travail et Emploi 0224-4365 4


Economie du travail et de la population /Labor and population Economics

Demography TravPopIndustrial and Labor Relations Review TravPopJournal of Human Resources TravPopJournal of Labor Economics TravPopEconomics of Education Review TravPopJournal of Human Capital TravPopJournal of Population Economics TravPopLabour Economics TravPop

TravPopReview of Income and Wealth TravPopEducation Economics TravPopEuropean Journal of Population TravPopInternational Journal of Manpower TravPopInternational Labour Review TravPopJournal of Economic Education TravPopLabour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations TravPopReview of Economics of the Household TravPop

TravPopJournal of Income Distribution TravPopJournal of Labor Research TravPopMonthly Labor Review TravPopPopulation Research and Policy Review TravPopSocio-Économie du Travail (E&S, série AB) TravPop


Liste Novembre 2014 alphabétique

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Nom ISSN Domaine1619-4500 RO 30001-3072 CPT 31941-6520 GEN 20001-4273 GEN 10363-7425 GEN 1g0001-4788 CPT 30810-5391 CPT 40951-3574 CPT 22155-2851 HPEA 30148-4184 HPEA 31032-3732 HPEA 40888-7993 CPT 30361-3682 CPT 11073-0516 SI 4

Actualité Économique 0001-771X GEN 40095-3997 20001-8392 1g0897-3660 CPT 30742-3322 21017-6772 40742-4477 41068-2805 40169-5150 30044-7447 30002-7642 31945-7782 GEN 21945-7731 21945-7707 Macro 11945-7669 10002-8282 GEN 1e0002-9092 11062-8606 SANT 31465-7252 2

Annales d'Économie et Statistiques 0769-489X GEN 21614-2446 Fin 40254-5330 RO 20570-1864 Spatiale 20160-7383 Spatiale 3

Antitrust Bulletin 0003-603X 20003-6048 30003-6056 30003-6846 GEN 21350-4851 GEN 40960-3107 Fin 41175-5652 SANT 41360-2381 31038-4111 GRH 40217-4561 GEN 40217-5959 RO 40116-1105 41351-3958 Macro 4

ASTIN Bulletin 0515-0361 Fin 30278-0380 CPT 2

Cat4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations ResearchAbacusAcademy of Management AnnalsAcademy of Management JournalAcademy of Management ReviewAccounting and Business ResearchAccounting and FinanceAccounting Auditing and Accountability JournalAccounting History Review (ex Accounting Business and Financial History)Accounting Historians JournalAccounting HistoryAccounting HorizonsAccounting, Organization and SocietyACM Transactions on Human Computer Interactions

Administration and Society MgPubAdministrative Science Quarterly ThOAdvances in International AccountingAdvances in Strategic Management StratIntAfrican Development Review DevTransAgribusiness AgrEnEnvAgricultural and Resource Economics Review AgrEnEnvAgricultural Economics AgrEnEnvAMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment AgrEnEnvAmerican Behavioral Scientist ThEcoAmerican Economic Journal: Applied EconomicsAmerican Economic Journal: Economic Policy EcoPubAmerican Economic Journal: MacroeconomicsAmerican Economic Journal: Microeconomics ThEcoAmerican Economic ReviewAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvAmerican Journal of Medical QualityAmerican Law and Economics Review EcoDroit

Annals of FinanceAnnals of Operations ResearchAnnals of Regional ScienceAnnals of Tourism Research

EcoDroitAntitrust Law and Economics Review EcoDroitAntitrust Law Journal EcoDroitApplied EconomicsApplied Economics LettersApplied Financial EconomicsApplied Health Economics and PolicyAsia Pacific Business Review StratIntAsia Pacific Journal of Human ResourcesAsia Pacific Journal of ManagementAsia Pacific Journal of Operations ResearchAsian Development Review DevTransAsian Economic Journal

Auditing, A Journal of Practice and Theory

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0004-8992 HPEA 30004-900X GEN 30004-9018 GEN 41364-985X 31278-3986 42101-9304 Fin 31050-4753 CPT 31555-0494 GEN 31555-0494 GEN 21472-6963 SANT 31475-3898 SANT 20890-8389 CPT 30007-1080 GRH 21045-3172 GEN 20007-2303 GEN 10008-0195 GEN 4

Bulletin Français d'Actuariat 1779-7160 Fin 40307-3378 GEN 30042-9686 SANT 30849-6825 HPEA 41867-0202 SI 41369-5258 31467-8594 31052-150X GRH 30007-6503 GRH 40007-6791 HPEA 20007-6805 HPEA 31463-7154 SI 30964-4733 4

Cahiers d'Économie Politique 0154-8344 HPEA 3Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport 1150-8809 Spatiale 4

0309-166X GEN 20008-3976 30008-4085 GEN 20705-4580 Spatiale 31435-246X RO 40251-2920 41043-951X 21469-3062 22010-0078 40165-0009 31863-2513 HPEA 20165-0750 31157-8637 41529-3181 SI 40888-7233 31024-5294 GEN 3

Comptabilité Contrôle Audit 1262-2788 CPT 20927-7099 30360-8352 LOG 30305-0548 RO 2

Concurrences (articles) 1773-9578 41025-3866 MKG 40823-9150 CPT 2

Australian Economic History ReviewAustralian Economic PapersAustralian Economic ReviewAustralian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics AgrEnEnvAutrepart DevTransBankers, Markets & Investors (ex-Banque & Marchés)Behavioral Research in AccountingBEJ Economic Analysis & Policy AdvancesBEJ Economic Analysis & Policy FrontiersBMC Health Services ResearchBMJ Quality and safety (Original research)British Accounting ReviewBritish Journal of Industrial RelationsBritish Journal of ManagementBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityBrussels Economic Review / Cahiers Économiques de Bruxelles

Bulletin of Economic ResearchBulletin of the World Health OrganizationBusiness and Economic HistoryBusiness and Information Systems EngineeringBusiness and Politics OrgIndBusiness and Society StratIntBusiness Ethics QuarterlyBusiness Ethics: A European ReviewBusiness HistoryBusiness History ReviewBusiness Process Management JournalBusiness Strategy and the Environment AgrEnEnv

Cambridge Journal of EconomicsCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvCanadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne d'ÉconomiqueCanadian Journal of Regional ScienceCentral European Journal of Operations ResearchCepal Review DevTransChina Economic Review DevTransClimate Policy AgrEnEnvClimate Change Economics AgrEnEnvClimatic Change AgrEnEnvCliometricaCommon Market Law Review EcoDroitCommunications & Strategies StratIntCommunications of the AISComparative Economic Studies DevTransCompetition and Change

Computational Economics ThEcoComputers and Industrial EngineeringComputers and Operations Research

EcoDroitConsumption, Markets & CulturesContemporary Accounting Research

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0964-8410 GEN 30964-8410 Fin 30963-1690 41045-2354 CPT 31742-2043 4

Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal 1352-7606 4 1475-9551 41532-0936 SI 30013-063X GEN 31545-8490 RO 30011-7315 RO 20167-9236 SI 21593-8883 3

Décisions Marketing 0779-7389 MKG 30070-3370 10012-155X 2

Développement Durable et Territoires 1772-9971 41572-5286 RO 32153-0785 20094-5056 GEN 30921-8009 10304-3800 30747-4938 20266-4666 10012-9682 GEN 1e1368-4221 20143-831X GRH 30013-0079 10891-2424 Spatiale 20013-0095 Spatiale 12078-0389 40013-0117 HPEA 10095-2583 GEN 20013-0133 GEN 10264-9993 Macro 20266-4658 GEN 20013-0249 GEN 30939-3625 30938-2259 10013-0427 GEN 20266-2671 HPEA 10954-1985 31545-2921 GEN 31864-6042 GEN 40165-1765 GEN 30272-7757 21435-8131 31043-8599 21573-9414 40967-0750 2

Économie Appliquée 0013-0494 GEN 4Économie et Institutions 1775-2329 GEN 4Économie et Prévision (articles académiques) 0249-4744 GEN 3Économie et Statistique 0336-1454 GEN 3

Corporate GovernanceCorporate GovernanceCreativity and Innovation Management InnovCritical Perspectives on AccountingCritical Perspectives on International Business StratInt

StratIntCulture and Organization ThODatabase for Advances in Information SystemsDe EconomistDecision AnalysisDecision Sciences Decision Support Systems Decisions in Economics and Finance ThEco

Demography TravPopDevelopment and Change DevTrans

AgrEnEnvDiscrete OptimizationDynamic Games and Applications ThEcoEastern Economic JournalEcological Economics AgrEnEnvEcological Modelling AgrEnEnvEconometric Reviews MetrieEconometric Theory MetrieEconometricaEconometrics Journal MetrieEconomic and Industrial DemocracyEconomic Development and Cultural Change DevTransEconomic Development QuarterlyEconomic GeographyEconomic History of Developing Regions DevTransEconomic History ReviewEconomic InquiryEconomic JournalEconomic ModellingEconomic PolicyEconomic RecordEconomic Systems DevTransEconomic Theory ThEcoEconomicaEconomics and PhilosophyEconomics and Politics EcoPubEconomics BulletinEconomics EJournal ArticlesEconomics LettersEconomics of Education Review TravPopEconomics of Governance EcoPubEconomics of Innovation and New Technology InnovEconomics of Planning EcoPubEconomics of Transition DevTrans

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1240-8093 Macro 3Économie Publique 1373-8496 4Économie Rurale 0013-0559 Spatiale 4

1760-8864 4Économies et Sociétés série "Histoire de la Pensée Économique" 0013-0567 HPEA 4

0308-5147 GEN 20964-5292 31567-4223 GEN 41566-6379 SI 41019-6781 SI 31566-0141 30377-7332 40142-5455 GRH 40140-9883 20195-6574 10301-4215 20843-4379 31868-3967 41467-2235 HPEA 30898-5626 31042-2587 1

Entreprises et Histoire 1161-2770 HPEA 41355-770X 30308-518X Spatiale 20308-518X 20924-6460 21998-6041 41432-847X 41420-2026 21462-9011 30963-2719 30963-8180 CPT 20955-534X GEN 30014-2921 GEN 11354-7798 Fin 31824-2979 30957-8811 41613-0960 GEN 41439-3972 SANT 20959-6801 GRH 30960-085X SI 11460-1060 40929-1261 20309-0566 MKG 30377-2217 RO 10176-2680 GEN 30168-6577 31101-1262 SANT 30967-2567 HPEA 21359-432X GRH 40263-2373 GEN 31740-4754 GEN 20965-4313 Spatiale 40165-1587 2

Économie Internationale / International EconomicsEcoPub

Économies et Sociétés série "Économie de l’Entreprise"  ThO

Economy and SocietyEducation Economics TravPopElectronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsElectronic Journal of Information Systems EvaluationElectronic MarketsEmerging Markets Review DevTransEmpirical Economics MetrieEmployee RelationsEnergy Economics AgrEnEnvEnergy Journal AgrEnEnvEnergy Policy AgrEnEnvEnergy Studies Review AgrEnEnvEnergy Systems AgrEnEnvEnterprise & SocietyEntrepreneurship and Regional Development InnovEntrepreneurship: Theory and Practice Innov

Environment and Development Economics AgrEnEnvEnvironment and Planning (A)Environment and Planning (B, C, D) AgrEnEnvEnvironmental and Resource Economics AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Economics AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Economics and Policy Studies AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Modelling and Assessment AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Science and Policy AgrEnEnvEnvironmental Values AgrEnEnvEuropean Accounting ReviewEuropean Business ReviewEuropean Economic ReviewEuropean Financial ManagementEuropean Journal of Comparative Economics DevTransEuropean Journal of Development Research DevTransEuropean Journal of Economics and Economic PolicyEuropean Journal of Health EconomicsEuropean Journal of Industrial RelationsEuropean Journal of Information SystemsEuropean Journal of Innovation Management InnovEuropean Journal of Law and Economics EcoDroitEuropean Journal of MarketingEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchEuropean Journal of Political EconomyEuropean Journal of Population TravPopEuropean Journal of Public HealthEuropean Journal of the History of Economic ThoughtEuropean Journal of Work & Organizational PsychologyEuropean Management JournalEuropean Management ReviewEuropean Planning StudiesEuropean Review of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnv

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1361-4916 HPEA 20966-8136 31356-3890 31386-4157 10957-4174 SI 30014-4983 HPEA 20894-4865 21354-5701 GEN 3

Finance 0752-6180 Fin 20949-2984 Fin 3

Finance Contrôle Stratégie 1287-1141 GEN 31544-6123 Fin 30267-4424 CPT 30968-5650 HPEA 30046-3892 Fin 20963-8008 Fin 30732-8516 Fin 40015-2218 40143-5671 30306-9192 3

Formation Emploi 0759-6340 40899-8256 10968-6673 GRH 41018-5895 Fin 31554-964X Fin 2

Géographie Économie Société 1295-926X Spatiale 4 0295-4397 41465-6485 GEN 30959-3780 30952-1895 31059-6011 GRH 3

1089-2699 3 1368-4302 30017-4815 Spatiale 30195-8631 SANT 30361-6274 SANT 31386-9620 SANT 41057-9230 SANT 11744-1331 SANT 32191-1991 SANT 40168-8510 SANT 20268-1080 SANT 40951-4848 SANT 40017-9124 SANT 2

Histoire Économie et Société 0752-5702 HPEA 4Histoire Économique Quantitative (E&S, série AF) 0013-0567 HPEA 4

1122-8792 HPEA 31037-0196 HPEA 40018-2702 HPEA 10267-3037 Spatiale 30018-7267 GRH 20090-4848 GRH 20954-5395 GRH 31053-4822 GRH 3

European Review of Economic HistoryEurope-Asia Studies DevTransEvaluation MgPubExperimental Economics ThEcoExpert Systems with ApplicationsExplorations in Economic HistoryFamilly Business Review InnovFeminist Economics

Finance and Stochastics

Finance Research LettersFinancial Accountability and ManagementFinancial History ReviewFinancial ManagementFinancial Markets, Institutions and InstrumentsFinancial ReviewFinanz Archiv EcoPubFiscal Studies EcoPubFood Policy AgrEnEnv

TravPopGames and Economic Behavior ThEcoGender, Work and OrganizationGeneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and PracticesGeneva Risk and Insurance Review

Gérer et Comprendre  ThOGerman Economic ReviewGlobal Environmental Change AgrEnEnvGovernance MgPubGroup and Organization ManagementGroup Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice ThOGroup Processes and Intergroup Relations ThOGrowth and ChangeHealth Care Financing ReviewHealth Care Management ReviewHealth Care Management ScienceHealth EconomicsHealth Economics Policy and LawHealth Economics ReviewHealth PolicyHealth Policy and PlanningHealth Services Management ResearchHealth Services Research

History of Economic IdeasHistory of Economics ReviewHistory of Political EconomyHousing StudiesHuman RelationsHuman Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management JournalHuman Resource Management Review

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0167-2533 GRH 41083-4427 SI 31094-6977 SI 30018-9391 SI 21041-4347 SI 20098-5589 SI 20960-6491 20019-7939 GRH 10019-7939 10263-5577 LOG 40019-8501 MKG 20019-8676 GRH 11366-2716 31366-2716 3

INFOR 0315-5986 RO 40378-7206 SI 21471-7727 SI 20167-6245 21350-1917 SI 21047-7047 SI 10959-3845 SI 3

40167-6687 Fin 31389-5176 40969-5931 31016-8737 Macro 40020-6598 GEN 11554-7191 41567-9764 40219-1989 30020-7063 CPT 30265-0487 MKG 31462-4605 41480-8986 GEN 41090-6738 CPT 30265-2323 MKG 41815-4654 Macro 31470-5958 41742-7355 31086-4415 SI 21355-2554 41465-7503 41368-275X 41476-1297 40957-4352 41076-9307 Macro 3

0920-6299 LOG 30169-2070 30020-7276 20954-7118 41389-6563 SANT 20749-6753 SANT 4

Human System ManagementIEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - AIEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - CIEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringIndustrial and Corporate Change OrgIndIndustrial and Labor Relations ReviewIndustrial and Labor Relations Review TravPopIndustrial Management and Data SystemsIndustrial Marketing ManagementIndustrial RelationsIndustry and Innovation InnovIndustry and Innovation OrgInd

Information and ManagementInformation and OrganizationInformation Economics and Policy OrgIndInformation Systems JournalInformation Systems ResearchInformation Technology and PeopleInnovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation / Journal of Innovation Economics and Management

1267-4982 / 2032-5355 Innov

Insurance: Mathematics and EconomicsIntegrated Assessment AgrEnEnvInternational Business Review StratIntInternational Economic JournalInternational Economic ReviewInternational Entrepreneurship and Management Journal InnovInternational Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics AgrEnEnvInternational Game Theory Review ThEcoInternational Journal of AccountingInternational Journal of AdvertisingInternational Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology AgrEnEnvInternational Journal of Arts ManagementInternational Journal of AuditingInternational Journal of Bank MarketingInternational Journal of Central BankingInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management StratIntInternational Journal of Economic Theory ThEcoInternational Journal of Electronic CommerceInternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research InnovInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation InnovInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management InnovInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business InnovInternational Journal of Environment and Pollution AgrEnEnvInternational Journal of Finance and Economics

International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing)International Journal of Forecasting MetrieInternational Journal of Game Theory ThEcoInternational Journal of Global Energy Issues AgrEnEnvInternational Journal of Health Care, Finance and EconomicsInternational Journal of Health Planning and Management 

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1071-5819 SI 30958-5192 GRH 30167-7187 10268-4012 SI 31363-9196 41447-9524 GEN 40957-4903 LOG 31367-5567 LOG 31460-8545 GEN 20143-7720 31368-2148 LOG 31470-7853 MKG 30144-3577 LOG 20960-0035 LOG 30891-1916 GEN 40925-5273 LOG 10020-7543 LOG 20263-7863 LOG 30190-0692 30954-2892 MKG 30951-3558 30265-671X LOG 31353-4505 SANT 40167-8116 MKG 20959-0552 LOG 30959-0552 MKG 30960-1406 41548-3908 SI 40267-5730 LOG 30267-5730 31357-1516 30219-0249 Fin 30391-8440 Spatiale 30309-1317 Spatiale 40020-7780 GRH 30020-7780 30265-1335 MKG 31020-7635 Macro 30020-8183 Macro 30160-0176 Spatiale 20020-8523 30269-2171 41057-5219 Fin 30144-8188 11229-4659 40266-2426 20020-8825 GEN 30927-5940 20927-5940 Macro 20885-3908 Macro 40969-6016 RO 31352-4739 GEN 3

Journal d’Économie Médicale 0294-0736 SANT 4Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 1269-6935 LOG 3

International Journal of Human Computer StudiesInternational Journal of Human Resource ManagementInternational Journal of Industrial Organization OrgIndInternational Journal of Information ManagementInternational Journal of Innovation Management InnovInternational Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change ManagementInternational Journal of Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Logistics: Research and ApplicationsInternational Journal of Management ReviewsInternational Journal of Manpower TravPopInternational Journal of Manufacturing Technology and ManagementInternational Journal of Market ResearchInternational Journal of Operations and Production ManagementInternational Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Political EconomyInternational Journal of Production EconomicsInternational Journal of Production ResearchInternational Journal of Project ManagementInternational Journal of Public Administration MgPubInternational Journal of Public Opinion ResearchInternational Journal of Public Sector Management  MgPubInternational Journal of Quality and Reliability ManagementInternational Journal of Quality in Health CareInternational Journal of Research in MarketingInternational Journal of Retail and Distribution ManagementInternational Journal of Retail and Distribution ManagementInternational Journal of Sustainable Development AgrEnEnvInternational Journal of Technology and Human InteractionInternational Journal of Technology ManagementInternational Journal of Technology Management InnovInternational Journal of the Economics of Business OrgIndInternational Journal of Theoretical and Applied FinanceInternational Journal of Transport EconomicsInternational Journal of Urban and Regional ResearchInternational Labour ReviewInternational Labour Review TravPopInternational Marketing ReviewInternational Monetary Fund Staff PapersInternational OrganizationInternational Regional Science ReviewInternational Review of Administrative Sciences MgPubInternational Review of Applied Economics MetrieInternational Review of Financial AnalysisInternational Review of Law and Economics EcoDroitInternational Review of Public Administration  MgPubInternational Small Business Journal InnovInternational Studies of Management and OrganizationInternational Tax and Public Finance EcoPubInternational Tax and Public FinanceInternational Trade JournalInternational Transactions in Operational ResearchJapanese Economic Review

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0165-4101 CPT 10278-4254 CPT 20737-4607 CPT 30021-8456 CPT 10148-558X CPT 30091-3367 MKG 30021-8499 MKG 30963-8024 20738-8950 41542-0485 31068-5502 30021-857X 31389-224X 40967-5426 CPT 30021-8855 3

0021-8863 30892-7626 GEN 30883-7252 20266-4763 31049-0078 41470-8272 Fin 40378-4266 Fin 22214-8043 40894-3257 31350-231X MKG 40885-8624 MKG 30735-0015 10167-4544 GRH 20306-686X CPT 20306-686X Fin 20735-3766 LOG 20148-2963 MKG 20275-6668 31051-712X MKG 40883-9026 11469-7017 40021-9886 Macro 30147-5967 11744-6422 20022-0078 MKG 40736-3761 MKG 41057-7408 MKG 10093-5301 MKG 10929-1199 Fin 20885-2545 31246-0125 SI 41074-1240 Fin 30304-3878 10022-0388 20304-4076 10167-2681 GEN 20254-8372 40165-1889 Macro 10022-0485 3

Journal of Accounting and EconomicsJournal of Accounting and Public PolicyJournal of Accounting LiteratureJournal of Accounting ResearchJournal of Accounting, Auditing and FinanceJournal of AdvertisingJournal of Advertising ResearchJournal of African Economies DevTransJournal of Agribusiness AgrEnEnvJournal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization AgrEnEnvJournal of Agricultural and Resource Economics AgrEnEnvJournal of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvJournal of Agricultural Education and Extension AgrEnEnvJournal of Applied Accounting ResearchJournal of Applied Behavioral Analysis ThEcoJournal of Applied Behavioral Science ThOJournal of Applied Business ResearchJournal of Applied Econometrics MetrieJournal of Applied Statistics MetrieJournal of Asian Economics DevTransJournal of Asset ManagementJournal of Banking and FinanceJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly Journal of Socio-Economics) ThEcoJournal of Behavioral Decision Making ThEcoJournal of Brand ManagementJournal of Business & Industrial MarketingJournal of Business and Economic Statistics MetrieJournal of Business EthicsJournal of Business Finance and AccountingJournal of Business Finance and AccountingJournal of Business LogisticsJournal of Business ResearchJournal of Business Strategy StratIntJournal of Business to Business MarketingJournal of Business Venturing InnovJournal of Change Management StratIntJournal of Common Market StudiesJournal of Comparative Economics DevTransJournal of Competition Law and Economics EcoDroitJournal of Consumer AffairsJournal of Consumer MarketingJournal of Consumer PsychologyJournal of Consumer ResearchJournal of Corporate Finance: Contracting, Governance and OrganizationJournal of Cultural Economics OrgIndJournal of Decision SystemsJournal of DerivativesJournal of Development Economics DevTransJournal of Development Studies DevTransJournal of Econometrics MetrieJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Development DevTransJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic Education TravPop

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1468-2702 Spatiale 11381-4338 Macro 10022-0507 HPEA 11569-1721 31225-651X Macro 31860-7128 40021-3624 GEN 30022-0515 GEN 1e1350-178X HPEA 20895-3309 GEN 10167-4870 30950-0804 GEN 20022-0531 GEN 10931-8658 GEN 31058-6407 11058-6407 10927-5398 Fin 30361-4476 31756-3607 40923-4748 31741-0398 SI 40218-4958 41070-4965 40095-0696 12160-6544 40301-4797 30964-0568 30391-5115 HPEA 40936-9937 20022-1082 Fin 1g0022-1090 Fin 11479-8409 30304-405X Fin 11042-9573 Fin 21386-4181 Fin 30270-2592 Fin 30920-8550 Fin 31059-8596 Fin 30277-6693 30270-7314 Fin 31062-7375 SI 21389-4978 40167-6296 SANT 10361-6878 SANT 31355-8196 SANT 41047-8310 41755-750X HPEA 41051-1377 Spatiale 21932-8575 20022-166X 10926-6437 40022-1821 10268-3962 SI 30932-4569 GEN 2

Journal of Economic GeographyJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic Inequality EcoPubJournal of Economic IntegrationJournal of Economic Interaction and Coordination ThEcoJournal of Economic IssuesJournal of Economic LiteratureJournal of Economic MethodologyJournal of Economic PerspectivesJournal of Economic Psychology ThEcoJournal of Economic SurveysJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of EconomicsJournal of Economics and Management Strategy OrgIndJournal of Economics and Management Strategy StratIntJournal of Empirical FinanceJournal of Energy and Development AgrEnEnvJournal of Energy Markets AgrEnEnvJournal of Engineering and Technology Management InnovJournal of Enterprise Information ManagementJournal of Enterprising Culture InnovJournal of Environment and Development AgrEnEnvJournal of Environmental Economics and Management AgrEnEnvJournal of Environmental Economics and Policy AgrEnEnvJournal of Environmental Management AgrEnEnvJournal of Environmental Planning and Management AgrEnEnv

Journal of Evolutionary Economics OrgIndJournal of FinanceJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisJournal of Financial Econometrics MetrieJournal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Financial IntermediationJournal of Financial MarketsJournal of Financial ResearchJournal of Financial Services ResearchJournal of Fixed IncomeJournal of Forecasting MetrieJournal of Futures MarketsJournal of Global Information ManagementJournal of Happiness Studies EcoPubJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Health Politics, Policy and LawJournal of Health Services Research and PolicyJournal of High Technology Management Research InnovJournal of Historical Research in Marketing Journal of Housing EconomicsJournal of Human Capital TravPopJournal of Human Resources TravPopJournal of Income Distribution TravPopJournal of Industrial Economics OrgIndJournal of Information TechnologyJournal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics

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1744-1374 GEN 21094-9968 MKG 31542-6297 CPT 30047-2506 10954-1748 31369-3034 30022-1996 Macro 11570-7385 31042-4431 Macro 31075-4253 31069-031X MKG 30261-5606 Macro 20963-8199 30963-8199 Macro 3

1367-3270 40734-306X 10195-3613 40022-2186 18756-6222 11054-3023 30047-2530 10164-0704 Macro 20276-1467 MKG 40149-2063 GEN 21044-5005 CPT 30262-1711 GRH 41056-4926 GEN 30022-2380 GEN 10268-3946 GRH 40890-2577 LOG 30278-6125 LOG 31741-038x LOG 40022-2429 MKG 1g0267-257X MKG 30022-2437 MKG 11069-6679 MKG 40304-4068 10899-7764 40742-1222 SI 10304-3932 Macro 10022-2879 Macro 11057-9214 RO 41042-444X Fin 40047-259X 30963-1798 GRH 20272-6963 LOG 1

0160-8061 31546-2234 SI 30894-3796 GRH 2

0894-3796 2 0953-4814 30885-3134 MKG 41520-6688 20161-8938 4

Journal of Institutional EconomicsJournal of Interactive MarketingJournal of International Accounting ResearchJournal of International Business Studies StratIntJournal of International Development DevTransJournal of International Economic Law EcoDroitJournal of International EconomicsJournal of International Entrepreneurship InnovJournal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and MoneyJournal of International Management StratIntJournal of International MarketingJournal of International Money and FinanceJournal of International Trade and Economic Development DevTransJournal of International Trade and Economic DevelopmentJournal of Knowledge Management ThOJournal of Labor Economics TravPopJournal of Labor Research TravPopJournal of Law and Economics EcoDroitJournal of Law, Economics, and Organization EcoDroitJournal of Legal Economics EcoDroitJournal of Legal Studies EcoDroitJournal of MacroeconomicsJournal of MacroMarketingJournal of ManagementJournal of Management Accounting ResearchJournal of Management DevelopmentJournal of Management InquiryJournal of Management StudiesJournal of Managerial PsychologyJournal of Manufacturing and Operations ManagementJournal of Manufacturing SystemsJournal of Manufacturing Technology ManagementJournal of MarketingJournal of Marketing ManagementJournal of Marketing ResearchJournal of Marketing Theory and PracticeJournal of Mathematical Economics ThEcoJournal of Media Economics OrgIndJournal of MISJournal of Monetary EconomicsJournal of Money, Credit and BankingJournal of Multi-Criteria Decision AnalysisJournal of Multinational Financial ManagementJournal of Multivariate Analysis MetrieJournal of Occupational and Organizational PsychologyJournal of Operations ManagementJournal of Organisational Behaviour Management ThOJournal of Organizational and End User ComputingJournal of Organizational BehaviorJournal of Organizational Behavior ThOJournal of Organizational Change Management ThOJournal of Personal Selling and Sales ManagementJournal of Policy Analysis & Management EcoPubJournal of Policy Modeling EcoPub

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0022-3808 GEN 1e0933-1433 20095-4918 Fin 30160-3477 GEN 20890-913X 41061-0421 MKG 40737-6782 10895-562X RO 31053-1858 11097-3923 20047-2727 11120-7019 40743-9156 MKG 31478-4092 LOG 30022-4065 LOG 20971-1554 30895-5638 Fin 30895-5638 Spatiale 30022-4146 Spatiale 20922-680X 20022-4359 MKG 20969-6989 MKG 30022-4367 Fin 20895-5646 Fin 21757-5818 LOG 41094-6705 MKG 20887-6045 MKG 31462-6004 40047-2778 20963-8687 SI 20965-254X MKG 41523-2409 LOG 40892-9912 30092-0703 MKG 21536-9323 SI 21542-4766 GEN 11042-7716 HPEA 20889-1583 Macro 31868-7865 GEN 40160-5682 RO 21369-7412 20035-9254 30143-9782 30022-5258 Spatiale 31054-8408 MKG 40047-2875 Spatiale 40094-1190 Spatiale 10001-8791 GRH 21931-4361 31090-9516 21011-6702 41477-8238 SI 30023-5962 GEN 20023-656X HPEA 4

Journal of Political EconomyJournal of Population Economics TravPopJournal of Portfolio ManagementJournal of Post-Keynesian EconomicsJournal of Private Enterprise InnovJournal of Product and Brand ManagementJournal of Product Innovation Management InnovJournal of Productivity AnalysisJournal of Public Administration Research and Theory  MgPubJournal of Public Economic Theory EcoPubJournal of Public Economics EcoPubJournal of Public Finance and Public Choice EcoPubJournal of Public Policy and MarketingJournal of Purshasing and Supply ManagementJournal of Quality TechnologyJournal of Quantitative Economics MetrieJournal of Real Estate Finance and EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Finance and EconomicsJournal of Regional ScienceJournal of Regulatory Economics OrgIndJournal of RetailingJournal of Retailing and Consumer ServicesJournal of Risk and InsuranceJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Service ManagementJournal of Service ResearchJournal of Services MarketingJournal of Small Business and Enterprise Development InnovJournal of Small Business Management InnovJournal of Strategic Information SystemsJournal of Strategic MarketingJournal of Supply Chain ManagementJournal of Technology Transfer InnovJournal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceJournal of the Association for Information SystemsJournal of the European Economic AssociationJournal of the History of Economic ThoughtJournal of the Japanese and International EconomiesJournal of the Knowledge EconomyJournal of the Operational Research SocietyJournal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B-Statistical Methodology MetrieJournal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C-Applied Statistics MetrieJournal of Time Series Analysis MetrieJournal of Transport Economics and PolicyJournal of Travel & Tourism MarketingJournal of Travel ResearchJournal of Urban EconomicsJournal of Vocational BehaviorJournal of Wine Economics AgrEnEnvJournal of World Business StratIntJournal of World Trade EcoDroitKnowledge Management Research & PracticeKyklosLabor History

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0927-5371 21121-7081 30023-7639 Spatiale 20023-9186 3

Leadership 1742-7150 41048-9843 GRH 2

0969-6474 40300-3930 3

Long Range Planning 0024-6301 21286-4892 GEN 21365-1005 Macro 2

Management & Avenir 1768-5958 GRH 41528-5359 CPT 41044-5005 CPT 21744-9359 HPEA 4

0893-3189 40025-1747 GEN 4

Management International 1206-1697 30025-181X 31350-5076 GEN 3

Management Science 0025-1909 GEN 1eg0143-6570 30268-6902 CPT 40307-4358 Fin 41463-6786 GEN 31523-4614 LOG 40738-1360 40923-0645 MKG 2

Marketing Science 0732-2399 MKG 11470-5931 MKG 40960-1627 Fin 21432-2994 RO 30025-5610 RO 10165-4896 21862-9679 Fin 40364-765X RO 1

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines 0987-6936 40025-7079 SANT 11077-5587 SANT 30272-989X SANT 20026-1386 GEN 30887-378X SANT 20276-7783 SI 1g1120-7388 3

Mondes en Développement 0302-3052 40098-1818 41525-383X 4

Multinational Finance Journal 1096-1879 Fin 40028-0283 20165-0203 30028-0739 3

Nature Sciences Sociétés 1240-1307 40894-069X RO 30028-3045 RO 3

Labour Economics TravPopLabour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations TravPopLand EconomicsLaw and Contemporary Problems EcoDroit

ThOLeadership QuarterlyLearning Organization ThOLocal Government Studies  MgPub

StratIntM@na@gementMacroeconomic Dynamics

Management Accounting QuarterlyManagement Accounting ResearchManagement and Organizational HistoryManagement Communication Quarterly ThOManagement Decision

StratIntManagement International Review StratIntManagement Learning

Managerial and Decision Economics OrgIndManagerial Auditing JournalManagerial FinanceManchester SchoolManufacturing and Service Operations ManagementMarine Resource Economics AgrEnEnvMarketing Letters

Marketing TheoryMathematical FinanceMathematical Methods of Operations ResearchMathematical ProgrammingMathematical Social Sciences ThEcoMathematics and Financial EconomicsMathematics of Operations Research

ThEcoMedical CareMedical Care Research and ReviewMedical Decision MakingMetroeconomicaMilbank Memorial Fund Quarterly - The Milbank QuarterlyMIS QuarterlyMOCT-MOST Economic Policy in Transitional Economies DevTrans

DevTransMonthly Labor Review TravPopMultinational Business Review StratInt

National Tax Journal EcoPubNatural Resources Forum AgrEnEnvNatural Resources Journal AgrEnEnv

AgrEnEnvNaval Research Logistics QuarterlyNetworks

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0899-7640 31092-0277 Fin 42113-5207 HPEA 40305-0483 RO 20923-7992 Macro 30030-364X RO 10167-6377 RO 20171-6468 RO 3

1350-5084 1 1086-0266 3 1047-7039 10170-8406 10749-5978 GRH 1

0090-2616 2 1094-4281 20305-9049 GEN 21360-0818 30030-7653 GEN 20266-903X GEN 30927-538X Fin 41361-374X Macro 31056-8190 Spatiale 20031-5826 GRH 10048-3486 GRH 31170-7690 SANT 20305-5736 21470-594X HPEA 2

Politiques et Management Public 0758-1726 4Population 0032-4663 2

0098-7921 20167-5923 41617-982X GEN 31463-1377 20897-8336 LOG 31059-1478 LOG 10953-7287 LOG 20742-6046 MKG 30271-2075 30033-3352 10033-3298 30048-5829 11091-1421 40033-3506 SANT 31471-9037 30954-0962 31566-7170 31352-2752 MKG 41068-6967 LOG 40962-9343 SANT 31759-7331 GEN 1

Quantitative Finance 1469-7688 Fin 31570-7156 MKG 30033-5533 GEN 1e1062-9769 Fin 3

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly EcoPubNorth American Actuarial JournalOeconomiaOmegaOpen Economies ReviewOperations ResearchOperations Research LettersOR SpectrumOrganization ThOOrganization and Environment ThOOrganization Science ThOOrganization Studies ThOOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesOrganizational Dynamics ThOOrganizational Research Methods ThOOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford Development Studies DevTransOxford Economic PapersOxford Review of Economic PolicyPacific Basin Finance JournalPacific Economic ReviewPapers in Regional SciencePersonnel PsychologyPersonnel ReviewPharmacoeconomicsPolicy and Politics MgPubPolitics, Philosophy & Economics


Population and Development Review DevTransPopulation Research and Policy Review TravPopPortuguese Economic JournalPost-Communist Economies DevTransProduction and Inventory Management JournalProduction and Operations ManagementProduction Planning and ControlPsychology and MarketingPublic Administration and Development  MgPubPublic Administration Review MgPubPublic Administration: An International Quarterly MgPubPublic Choice EcoPubPublic Finance Review EcoPubPublic HealthPublic Management Review  MgPubPublic Money and Management MgPubPublic Organization Review MgPubQualitative Market ResearchQuality Management JournalQuality of Life ResearchQuantitative Economics

Quantitative Marketing & EconomicsQuarterly Journal of EconomicsQuarterly Review of Economics and Finance

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R&D Management 0033-6807 3RAIRO 0399-0559 RO 3

0741-6261 11080-8620 Fin 31080-8620 Spatiale 3

Recherche et Application en Marketing 0767-3701 MKG 20770-4518 GEN 3

Recherches en Sciences de Gestion (anciennement Revue Sciences de Gestion) 2259-6372 GEN 4Région et Développement 1267-5059 Spatiale 4

0166-0462 Spatiale 20034-3404 Spatiale 20034-379X GRH 31054-1098 HPEA 31090-9443 GEN 30275-5319 Fin 40193-5895 3

0191-3085 20743-4154 HPEA 40048-7333 1

Réseaux 0751-7971 SI 40928-7655 20301-4207 31475-7702 CPT 41380-6653 CPT 10305-6244 41058-7195 31380-6645 Fin 41363-6669 41434-4742 31094-2025 Macro 21698-1359 40034-6527 GEN 1e0034-6535 GEN 11569-5239 31382-6662 Fin 11058-3300 Fin 40893-9454 Fin 10034-6586 20034-6586 20889-938X 20965-7576 Macro 21559-7431 40969-2290 GEN 21555-5879 21446-9022 30953-8259 GEN 40734-371X GRH 40924-865X Fin 30486-6134 GEN 30034-6764 GEN 31610-2878 Macro 20225-5189 40825-0383 GEN 3

Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines 1163-913X GRH 2


RAND Journal of Economics OrgIndReal Estate EconomicsReal Estate Economics

Recherches Économiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic Review

Regional Science and Urban EconomicsRegional StudiesRelations Industrielles / Industrial RelationsResearch in Economic History Research in EconomicsResearch in International Business and FinanceResearch in Law and Economics EcoDroitResearch in Organizational Behavior ThOResearch in the History of Economic Thought and MethodologyResearch Policy Innov

Resource and Energy Economics AgrEnEnvResources Policy AgrEnEnvReview of Accounting and FinanceReview of Accounting StudiesReview of African Political Economy DevTransReview of Agricultural Economics AgrEnEnvReview of Derivatives ResearchReview of Development Economics DevTransReview of Economic Design ThEcoReview of Economic DynamicsReview of Economic Research on Copyright Issues EcoDroitReview of Economic StudiesReview of Economics and Statistics Review of Economics of the Household TravPopReview of FinanceReview of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial StudiesReview of Income and Wealth EcoPubReview of Income and Wealth TravPopReview of Industrial Organization OrgIndReview of International EconomicsReview of International Organizations EcoPubReview of International Political EconomyReview of Law and Economics EcoDroitReview of Network Economics OrgIndReview of Political EconomyReview of Public Personnel AdministrationReview of Quantitative Finance and AccountingReview of Radical Political EconomyReview of Social EconomyReview of World EconomicsRevue Canadienne d’Études du Développement / Canadian Journal of Development Studies DevTransRevue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration / Canadian Journal of Administrative Science

Liste Novembre 2014 alphabétique

Page 43

1265-9576 Macro 4Revue de la Régulation 1957-7796 GEN 4

1630-7542 4Revue de l'Organisation Responsable 1951-0187 GEN 4Revue de Philosophie Économique 1376-0971 HPEA 3Revue d'Économie du Développement 1245-4060 3Revue d'Économie Financière 1777-5744 Fin 4Revue d'Économie Industrielle 0154-3229 3Revue d'Économie Politique 0373-2630 GEN 3Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine 0180-7307 Spatiale 3

0755-9208 4Revue d'Études Comparatives Est-Ouest 0338-0599 4Revue Économique 0035-2764 GEN 2

0152-7401 4Revue Française de Gestion 0338-4551 GEN 4Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle 0242-9780 LOG 4Revue Française d'Économie 0769-0479 GEN 3

1966-6608 GEN 4Revue Internationale de Droit Économique 1010-8831 3Revue Internationale PME 0776-5436 4

0393-4551 40358-5522 HPEA 40347-0520 GEN 20956-5221 GEN 3

Sciences Sociales et Santé 0294-0337 SANT 40036-9292 GEN 31869-4187 GEN 30921-898X 20921-898X 20176-1714 10277-9536 SANT 10894-1920 31475-1461 GEN 30013-0567 40038-4038 GEN 21742-1772 Spatiale 31086-1718 31932-4391 20143-2095 1g1476-1270 30954-349X Macro 41081-1826 31625-8312 LOG 41359-8546 LOG 32040-8021 CPT 40303-9692 GEN 4

Systèmes Agroalimentaires (E&S série AG) 0013-0567 4Systèmes d’Information et Management 1260-4984 SI 2

0040-1625 20953-7325 30166-4972 30308-5961 41537-260X GEN 30001-4826 CPT 1g

Revue de l’OFCE

Revue de l'Entreprenariat Innov



Revue d'Étude en Agriculture et Environnement / Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies AgrEnEnvDevTrans

Revue Française d’Administration Publique  MgPub

Revue Française de Socio-ÉconomieEcoDroit

InnovSavings and Development DevTransScandinavian Economic History ReviewScandinavian Journal of EconomicsScandinavian Journal of Management

Scottish Journal of Political EconomySERIEs. Journal of the Spanish Economic AssociationSmall Business Economics OrgIndSmall Business Economics InnovSocial Choice and Welfare EcoPubSocial Science and MedicineSociety and Natural Resources AgrEnEnvSocio-Economic ReviewSocio-Économie du Travail (E&S, série AB) TravPopSouthern Economic JournalSpatial Economic AnalysisStrategic Change StratIntStrategic Entrepreneurship Journal InnovStrategic Management Journal StratIntStrategic Organization StratIntStructural Change and Economic DynamicsStudies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics MetrieSupply Chain Forum: An International JournalSupply Chain Management: An International JournalSustainability Accounting, Management and Policy JournalSwiss Journal of Economics and Statistics


Technological Forecasting and Social Change InnovTechnology Analysis and Strategic Management StratIntTechnovation InnovTelecommunications Policy OrgIndThe Academy of Management Learning and EducationThe Accounting Review

Liste Novembre 2014 alphabétique

Page 44

1935-1690 Macro 31935-1690 Macro 21935-1704 31935-1704 21351-847X Fin 40266-4623 SANT 30889-3047 GEN 31555-7561 20040-5833 20143-6597 31096-4762 41134-5764 RO 31478-3363 LOG 40261-5177 Spatiale 30144-1647 Spatiale 30965-8564 Spatiale 20191-2615 Spatiale 21361-9209 Spatiale 31366-5545 LOG 2

Transportation Science 0041-1655 Spatiale 2Travail et Emploi 0224-4365 4

1697-6223 40042-0980 Spatiale 20957-1787 41098-3015 SANT 20043-1397 30730-8884 GRH 30267-8373 GRH 30950-0170 GRH 30258-6770 11011-4548 30305-750X 10378-5920 Macro 21474-7456 Macro 40741-9457 3

The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. AdvancesThe B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. FrontiersThe B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics. Advances ThEcoThe B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics. Frontiers ThEcoThe European Journal of FinanceThe International Journal of Technology Assessment in HealthThe Review of Austrian EconomicsTheoretical Economics ThEcoTheory and Decision ThEcoThird World Quarterly DevTransThunderbird International Business Review StratIntTOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations ResearchTotal Quality Management & Business ExcellenceTourism ManagementTransport ReviewsTransportation Research ATransportation Research BTransportation Research DTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation

TravPopUrban Public Economics Review EcoPubUrban StudiesUtilities Policy OrgIndValue in HealthWater Resources Research AgrEnEnvWork and OccupationsWork and StressWork Employment and SocietyWorld Bank Economic Review DevTransWorld Competition. Law and Economics Review EcoDroitWorld Development DevTransWorld EconomyWorld Trade ReviewYale Journal on Regulation EcoDroit

NR, Nouvelles revues prometteuses, souvent électroniques,mais trop récemment créées pour être catégorisées

Page 45

NomJournal of the Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsReview of Keynesian Economics