daddy birthday ppt!

A Birthday Story” A Birthday Story” For: Paul W. Trementozzi By: The “Fonz”

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Post on 14-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Daddy Birthday Ppt!

““A Birthday Story”A Birthday Story”““A Birthday Story”A Birthday Story”For: Paul W. TrementozziFor: Paul W. Trementozzi

By: The “Fonz”By: The “Fonz”

Page 2: Daddy Birthday Ppt!

Once Upon A Time...Once Upon A Time...

A certain man


A certain woman...

A certain man


A certain woman...

I’ve forgotten how to do this!I’ve forgotten how to do this!

And fell in LoveAnd fell in Love


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Then this manThen this man

Met this womanMet this woman

Cute isn’t he?!?Cute isn’t he?!?

what was I thinking?!?what was I thinking?!?

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Then this happened...Then this happened...

“Yo Yo Daddy Dizzle,

Happy Bi-zir-thday


“Yo Yo Daddy Dizzle,

Happy Bi-zir-thday


“Je Ma Fli Flu...


“Je Ma Fli Flu...


“Happy birthday Dad


“Happy birthday Dad


I don’t know what that all means, so i’ll just sit here

and smile :)

I don’t know what that all means, so i’ll just sit here

and smile :)

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The 3 The 3 boysboysThe 3 The 3 boysboys


Never turned out to be:Never turned out to be:

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*Or unreal Cartoon Characters with magic carpets?!?*Or unreal Cartoon Characters with magic carpets?!?

*Or Head of the Mafia...*Or Head of the Mafia...

*Or Sports Stars... *Or Sports Stars...

*Or Famous Musicians...*Or Famous Musicians...

*Or Super Models...*Or Super Models...

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And even though The Family has their share of disagreements...And even though The Family has their share of disagreements...



“No, It’s Genetic...”“No, It’s Genetic...”

I’m just glad Paul’s not a robot!


I’m just glad Paul’s not a robot!


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Through it all, Through it all, No matter No matter what...what...

Through it all, Through it all, No matter No matter what...what...

*Lift each other up...*Lift each other up...

They Always...They Always...

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*While others turn to Drugs!*While others turn to Drugs!


* & Play...* & Play...


Seriously Mom?!?Seriously Mom?!?

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*They surround

themselves with good


*They surround

themselves with good


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But most But most importantly:importantly:But most But most


They Love Each other...They Love

Each other...

And David finally got a job!!! Ei...

And David finally got a job!!! Ei...

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Happy Birthday DadHappy Birthday Dad

We all love you so much and are so grateful for the life you have given us...

Thanks for your love and dedication to our family

Con todo nuestro Amor,

Paul, David & Nathan

We all love you so much and are so grateful for the life you have given us...

Thanks for your love and dedication to our family

Con todo nuestro Amor,

Paul, David & Nathan