case study: sochi2014

Sochi case study March 2014 tead of spending costly time in recording speech, ReadSpeaker it possible to automatically generate a text-to-speech version of t i 2014 website. Their cloud-based solution was always speech enablin latest version of our content to the full satisfaction of our visito ey Shestakov of Web Design and Sites Developing Division (INET) i 2014

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Page 1: Case Study: Sochi2014

Sochi case study

March 2014

"Instead of spending costly time in recording speech, ReadSpeaker made it possible to automatically generate a text-to-speech version of the Sochi 2014 website. Their cloud-based solution was always speech enabling the latest version of our content to the full satisfaction of our visitors." 

Alexey ShestakovHead of Web Design and Sites Developing Division (INET)Sochi 2014 


Page 2: Case Study: Sochi2014

Over the Olympic Winter Games period Feb 6 – Feb 23o 50,000,000 unique visitorso 124,000,000 visitso 620,000,000 page viewso Average visit duration of 5:29

Visits per countryo Russia 37%o United States 18%o Canada 9,5%o Ukraine 3%o France 2,5%o Netherlands 2,1%o Germany 2%o UK 1,9%

Sochi website data

Page 3: Case Study: Sochi2014

Over the Olympic Winter Games period Feb 6 – Feb 23o 1,156,954 hits which represented

• 2,31% of all unique visitors• 0,93% of all visits• 0,19% of all page views

Over the whole month of Februaryo 1,266,678 hits

Hits on websiteo Top 20 pages accounted for almost 40% of hitso Top 100 pages accounted for 56% of hitso 10,000 + web pages have been listened to (including 3,500+ pages with

selected texts) Hits per language

o Russian 48%o English 42%o French 10%

ReadSpeaker statistics

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