brand identity

As you can see the front cover of my album fits with the brand identity of the video as I have used specific shots that are straight from my music video. This allows the audience to relate the front cover to the music video straight away making a strong link between the two. It also elaborates of the simplistic nature themes Screen shot taken from my music video Front cover of album

Upload: charlesismylife101

Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Brand identity

As you can see the front cover of my album fits with the brand identity of the video as I have used specific shots that are straight from my music video. This allows the audience to relate the front cover to the music video straight away making a strong link between the two. It also elaborates of the simplistic nature themes that run throughout my products.

Screen shot taken from my music video

Front cover of album

Page 2: Brand identity

Again as you can see my back cover for my album came directly from the music video itself allowing an automatic connection to be made between the two to create a strong brand identity. The low key lighting contrasted with the high key lighting of the front cover also signifies the happy and sad binary opposites that comes with this genre of music and are themes throughout the whole media package.

Screen shot taken from my music video

Front cover of album