
what are the rapidly asked questions in BPO industry? Hcl Wipro VCUSTOMER Hov Wipro 2 2489 tell me tabout recent movie u r seen?tell me about yout college days? tell me about your school days? tell me about your friends? Spanko Hcl Hcl Hcl Bank Of America 6 3344 hi my name is syed i have completed my bca 6 yrs back and nw im planning to do mba in usa ?wat should i tell to cover this gap so that vo will b convinced..plz reply me as soon as possible Genpact 2 1374 why you choose marketing ? How Do You Cope With Pressure Marry Alex Hcl 7 3024 what is a bpo? Rel Intellinet Anand Kochar Aegis Gfg Mphasis 10 4564 What is BPO Sector? HCL Hcl Hcl One Touch What Is Tell About Your Self Hcl Reliance SATYAM 19 12081 what reconsaleshan 5 2356 What is the importance of general insurance in ordinary life? How Do You Get To Know About Us? 7 4391 What you dreamed yesterday? 7 5681 how do you spent yesterday? IBM Ibm Daksh Hcl 4 7077 Why did you leave your current Jobs? Teletech Aegis Sparsh Aegis Dell 30 7801 if i run ls command it will show me the junk output what is problem and how to resolve it 1 517 Why do you think that we will appoint you? Ibm Infosys None 2805 IBM Cognizant Infosys DELL Infosys CSS Ageis Industry Hcl Hcl 24 23111 How do you get to know about us? Binary Semantics Limited Maitri Solutions Limited Etc. What Is Company 15 8010 what do you know about customer service? Some Useful BPO Interview Questions Last Updated on Saturday, 21 July 2007 09:53 Written by Editor Saturday, 21 July 2007 09:53 Given below are some BPO Interview Questions answer them if you can.: If You join the company then what is the first thing you want to do , which you were not able to do in ur previous company ?

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what are the rapidly asked questions in BPO industry? Hcl Wipro VCUSTOMER Hov Wipro   2   2489

tell me tabout recent movie u r seen?tell me about yout college days? tell me about your school

days? tell me about your friends? Spanko Hcl Hcl Hcl Bank Of America   6   3344 hi my name is syed i have completed my bca 6 yrs back and nw im planning to do mba in usa ?wat should i tell to cover

this gap so that vo will b convinced..plz reply me as soon as possible Genpact   2   1374 why you

choose marketing ? How Do You Cope With Pressure Marry Alex Hcl   7   3024 what is a bpo?

Rel Intellinet Anand Kochar Aegis Gfg Mphasis   10   4564 What is BPO Sector? HCL Hcl Hcl

One Touch What Is Tell About Your Self Hcl Reliance SATYAM   19   12081 what reconsaleshan  

5   2356 What is the importance of general insurance in ordinary life? How Do You Get To Know

About Us?   7   4391 What you dreamed yesterday?     7   5681 how do you spent

yesterday? IBM Ibm Daksh Hcl   4   7077 Why did you leave your current Jobs? Teletech Aegis

Sparsh Aegis Dell   30   7801 if i run ls command it will show me the junk output what is problem

and how to resolve it     1   517 Why do you think that we will appoint you? Ibm Infosys None

2805 IBM Cognizant Infosys DELL Infosys CSS Ageis Industry Hcl Hcl   24   23111 How do you get to know about us? Binary Semantics Limited Maitri Solutions Limited Etc. What Is Company   15   8010

what do you know about customer service?

Some Useful BPO Interview QuestionsLast Updated on Saturday, 21 July 2007 09:53 Written by Editor Saturday, 21 July 2007 09:53

Given below are some BPO Interview Questions answer them if you can.:

If You join the company then what is the first thing you want to do , which you were not able to do in ur previous company ?

why did you want to join the call center?

why do you left your previous job


What is your greatest strength?

where do you see yourself from (Ten or fifteen)years from now?

Page 2: bpo

If u will be the principal of a school what will u can do best for school?

Take Over Means?

What are your biggest weaknesses?

No Related Post

This entry was posted on Saturday, July 21st, 2007 at 9:53 am and is filed under BPO. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

655 Comments « Previous 1 ... 30 31 32

1. geetha November 29, 2010 at 4:14 am

in the interview they asked me about bpo tat is why you want to work in bpo?so plz give some information regarding this

2. Nabin shah November 25, 2010 at 5:03 am

Respected Sir,myself nabin completing my graduation from ignou in 2nd year, nd I want to do job now in BPO call centre but I don’t know about the question of BPO because I m fresher, can u pls suggest me some important questions nd answers of BPO interviews. Thank U

3. kruthika November 24, 2010 at 9:52 am

sir i want answers to these questionsf You join the company then what is the first thing you want to do , which you were not able to do in ur previous company ?

why did you want to join the call center?

why do you left your previous job?

What is your greatest strength?

where do you see yourself from (Ten or fifteen)years from now?

If u will be the principal of a school what will u can do best for school?

Page 3: bpo

Take Over Means?

What are your biggest weaknesses?

ans also when they ask like tell me about yourself? then how to start and steps .

4. kruthika November 24, 2010 at 9:49 am

hello sir, i want to know that if they ask tell about yourself? how i must start my introduction n plese send me which sort of question they ask in international call center becuse i wnat to join call center plese suggest me with answer of every interview questionsend me detail ans of each question ask in interview


Subject - Interview Question's For Bpo Hi all,

if anybody is looking out for bpo job[voice process] and require questions and answer's for that.

1) TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF/ PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF?[45 sec] ANS) NameAgeHome townEducation background (specify year of passing & degree)Work experience(Company nameDesignationYear of experience)Extra circular activities (any specialized)Hobbies (at least two)




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Do’s & Don’ts

1) Don’t use Myself / use my name is or I am 2) Don’t use I belongs to / natively from / use hometown3) Don’t use I am this many of age / use I am 24 years old 4) Don’t Complains about previous jobs5) Never complain about previous employer 6) Don’t use wrong grammar, vocabulary, language7) Do not say no to the HR

Do not argue with HR9) Don’t put any constraint like marriage ,exams, or any other10) Don’t give any answer in monetary terms11) Weakness12) Don’t argue on salary 13) Don’t say that you are perusing anything 14) Don’t use this words “Actually , normally, generally , ya “15) Don’t discuss on date of joining.

pls give me ur feedback



Subject - Re: Interview Question's For Bpo Good Work !!!!!

Page 6: bpo


Subject - Re: Interview Question's For Bpo hi swapnil realy it very nice thanks a lot i am student of mba ..........u done a grst job yar good by hams a


Subject - Here are the top 5 call center interview questions and how you must prepare for them: Here are the top 5 call center interview questions and how you must prepare for them:

1. Question: Tell us about your previous call center work experience and describe the manner in which you serviced the customers?

This question may be thrown at you in the middle of the interview and you must be prepared for it. Before heading for any call center job interview, you must always review your past work experience and note down the highlights.

Also, call centers look for team players, so focus on the successes you achieved with a team and talk about the achievements as being part of a team effort, not as your personal achievements. As far as the customer service part goes, you have to lay it down straight – tell your prospective employers about how you handled customers without any fiction thrown in.

2. Question: Are you proficient in using different software? What are your computer skills?

All call centers use net telephony because it is cheaper than using land lines. Next, all call centers have a customer database and you must figure out what software is used for maintaining a customer database across different call centers.

Then there are the log files, which have to be created after every call is answered. Finally, there are the usual applications such as MS Word, Excel, etc. Figure out all

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these software before you go for the interview.

Know to more, plz click here

more at http://www.citehr.com/139780-interview-questions-bpo.html#ixzz18Kvy8gCC

How to Prepare for BPO / Call Center Interview  

  Get WALK-IN Alert On Your MOBILE Or Send SMS - 'ON Walk-InJobs' to 9870807070

The word “interview” itself makes a person tense and nervous who needs to appear in the interview. It is normal human behaviour to become confused or get tensed but such things can be overcome with practice, learning from seniors and elders, through own experience. These days Internet is a rich source of information.   In this preppareinterview.com, you will find questions also along with answers which are frequently asked and questions pertaining to your requirement. Have a walk through in this site. It will improve you performance remarkably and infuse a high level of confidence in you. It will make you more frank and it will develope diplomatic qualities in you too. Overall, it will give an impetus to you personality development.   The following are some frequently asked questions and answers in an interview. They are just suggestions feel free to adjust them to your personality and qualifications.

You should have a prepared response to the frequently asked question Tell me about yourself. Your ability to recite your background in a brief 120-second format is vital to the interview process. The two-minute bio offers a quick peek into your background, strengths, and career direction.

While every personal bio is unique, the traditional format looks something like this:

1. Begin with a brief remark about your background, such as your schooling, hometown, or other items of interest.

2. State your most recent employer, job title, and years with the company.

3. Offer one or two sentences about your job responsibilities.

4. Mention one or two special accomplishments in your most recent positions, including skill strengths.

5. Refer to prior positions to indicate career progression.

6. Indicate career goals.

Rehearse your 2-minute bio until it flows naturally according to the guidelines above.

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The employer wants to hear your interpretation of the important aspects of the job. If you spend your interview for a retail sales position extolling your virtues as a computer expert you aren't likely to convince the interviewer that you have the skills needed to sell merchandise.

This is an opportunity question: an opportunity to tell how well your skills match the company's needs. If the search is for a super salesperson, tell how well you have honed your skills in persuasion, communication, and perseverance. Give an example of a time that you made a successful sale, or that you convinced someone to do something, or when tenacity paid off.


This is where your research of the company comes in. In today's world of instant information, we can no longer get away with going into an interview without first having researched the company. The company in turn wants to know if you have done your homework.

This question allows you to show off the research you have done on the organization. Tell the interviewer you like the company's size, location, aggressive market stance, competitive thinking and creative business policies. It is perfectly acceptable to admit that you looked up the company on the Internet or in the reference section of the library. This shows that you know how to find answers to questions and arm yourself with information.


Occasionally an interviewer unearths some important information regarding a potential employee's longevity by asking this question. If you plan to go to graduate school, take a vacation tour, or move to a distant state, do not mention these plans to the interviewer under any circumstances. You will be considered a hiring risk no matter how strong your skills.

Remember that the main concern throughout the interview is to fill the open position with someone who will be successful in it. Say something like, First, I'd like to gain a solid foundation in the position you are considering me for, so that I am effective and successful in it. I'm sure that as I continue to grow, there will be opportunities within the company to offer me upward professional growth and new challenges.


It is unlikely that most interviewers are straining their ears to hear your list of weaknesses. They simply want to see how you handle the question.

Some job candidates can get away with an answer like, While I certainly have weaknesses, I don't believe I have any that are significant to the position. As you've described the position to me, I think it would allow me to call upon my strengths.

If you don't feel you could pull that off, name a weakness that is first, not closely related to the position for which you are interviewing, and second, a technical skill that you can easily learn rather than a

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shortcoming in your personality, which is very difficult to change. Then tell the interviewer how you are working to improve your weak spot.


They want to assess your analytical skills as well as your ability to relate a delicate situation with tact and diplomacy.

To prevent yourself from stumbling and fumbling for a good response, prepare one before you set foot in the interview. Your answer should involve a clear presentation of the problem, the steps you took to correct the problem, and the results of your actions. Remember to keep it to less than two minutes.


The interviewer is hoping to hear that your strengths match the needs of the job. He or she also wants to know how you present yourself and will watch warily for overconfidence, boastfulness, dishonesty, and lack of assertiveness.

This is an opportunity to highlight your strong points, so make the most of it. Speak of one or two strengths and then offer examples of how you have used these strengths.


The interviewer is looking for your areas of enthusiasm “ where you will put the most energy into the job. Make sure your strong areas match the needs of the company's needs.

Answer this question with a question. Ask the interviewer to clarify the position for you before you answer, so that I can be sure not miss any key aspects of the job. Then match your interest areas with the key components of the job.

Help Desk Interview Questions and Answers: IT, Computer and AnalystPosted on October 10th, 2009 in Customer Service Job Interview Tips

The general responsibility of the help desk personnel is to provide customer support services on the company platforms.He or she should troubleshoot technical problems and provide solutions to customers.

If you are applying for this position, you may have an experience on diagnosing and resolving technical issues using standard help desk procedures and tracking applications. You should also keep up with system information knowledge and updates.

Therefore, one has to have a working knowledge of fundamental operations of relevant software, hardware and other products.

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This article provides help desk support interview questions for : IT support, computer support and help desk analyst. The article also provides general questions.After reading this article, refer to the call center job interview and customer service job interview articles.

Help desk job: interview questions for help deskGeneral •    How did you hear about our products and company?•    Do you use any of our products or similar products/competitors?•    Would you say that you are hands on type of person?•    What is your expected period for an average call?•    Have you ever dealt with service and warranty centers?

Behavioral •    How would you describe your interpersonal communication skills?•    Have you ever had to deal with an extremely difficult customer/caller? How did you handle the situation? What do you do to de-stress?•    Have you ever been unable to help a customer or diagnose their technical problem? What did you do? Was it because you did not have the right knowledge to solve the problem or issue?•    Have you ever had a customer get very angry ? How did you handle the situation?•    Have you ever not been able to solve an help desk call?•    If the customer is requiring knowledge of a product you do not have, how would you react?•    Would you describe yourself as organized?•    Have you ever felt a call was taking too long, and what did you do?

Team •    How do you work as part of an help desk team to solve a problem?•    Do you solve problems better as a team member or individually?•    Can you describe a time when you worked with other help desk personnel to solve a problem or issue for a customer? Was it satisfying for you to be a part of that team?•    How do you work with other team members?

Answering the above questions:Basic problem solving and the ability to overcome and handle a stressful customer or situation will highlight your skills.Most of these questions will focus on how self-motivated you are. In this area, you will be dealing with customers on a personal basis.Therefore, not only your technical knowledge is important, but also your customer service skills – helping a customer whatever the situation could be.Past situations in which you were successful should be prepared and practiced giving strengths to your problem solving skills.

Technical Support Help Desk Interview QuestionsRefer to the article technical support interview questions and answers.

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IT help desk interview questions and Computer Help Desk Questions•    What IT help desk tools have you used in the past?•    What types of software applications and networking programs tools do you use? Can you list different IT products and your knowledge of these?•    Have you ever been responsible for maintaining a network setting? What was the base size, and expectations?•    Describe your IT trouble shooting procedure?•    What programs have you used to log and date calls?•    Describe you experience in: firewalls, spy ware detection and virus ware implementation.•    Describe your knowledge in: PC hardware and operating systems.

Answering these questions:If you are applying for these help desk positions, you may have deep IT and computer knowledge – you must have mastered your skills on many products.

Therefore, you want to display that there is no given situation too complicated.You should present not only your knowledge of certain operating systems and IT products, but also your trouble shooting abilities must be on a ground level.

Help Desk Analyst Interview Questions•    How have you built knowledge of products and services?•    What type of process discipline do you use?•    What communicating and networking systems are you familiar with?•    Have you ever used SAP or similar system?•    How do you manage and organize several departments? How do you monitor these departments?•    What type of systems development skills do you possess?•    What are your administration practices?•    What may be some issues you may perceive could cause possible calls by end users/ customers?•    What steps do you take when taking a delicate call like – the caller is concerned with their warranty or asking for a return or refund?•    Are you familiar with service manuals/schematics and how do you use them?•    What if a warranty period pasts and a customer decide to turn down your support?•    Do you believe a customer could cause damage to a product and expect the company to fix or replace it? How would you handle this situation?•    What is your ability to self-learn?

Answer:The help desk analyst is the specialist on issue concerning the help desk performance – beyond the help desk the analyst supports any given situation.Additionally, one may be required to provide training to help desk employees in various sub areas of the company.Therefore, you want to be able to demonstrate your leadership and teaching skills with your answers.

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Being prepared for any situation and a diverse knowledge of Help Desk practices will be very important.Make sure you have certifications and proof of any classes or programs you have attended in your portfolio.Understanding the basic need of the jobs listed above will play a key role in landing this type of position.

Call Center & BPO Interview Questions

Filed Under Questions & Answers for Job Seekers 

Why do you want a career in the BPO sector? o Telling your interviewer that you need the money or that you love the fast-and -easy BPO

culture is a complete no no. There are other ways of convincing your employer to hire you. Think about personality traits that make you suitable for this job. On the other hand, you should have correct information about the growth rate and the size of the BPO industry.

Quoting these make you look serious, knowledgeable and professional.

o You can come up with an answer like -”I would like to pursue a job in this sector since this is an industry that is growing very fast. According to this year’s Financial Times Report on the Indian Industry, the size of the BPO industry is around $ XX billion and it is growing at a rate of XX per cent. Not only this, I also feel that I have a personality that is well suited to this industry, since I love interacting with people and have great communication skills.

I fell that I can utilize my potential to maximum in this industry while boosting and enhancing my skills and expertise at the same time. Moreover, it is a steady and a constant job. I fell that I will definitely prove to be an asset for any company as I can easily adapt to any ambience and make sure that it does not hinder my creative skills and abilities. I can easily work in a team.”

Will you be comfortable working in different shifts? o Yes, I can.

I might have difficulties at the beginning, but I am sure that my body will easily adjust to working at odd hours. Staying up throughout the nights is not a problem for me.” You can take this as an opportunity to talk about how well suited for the job you are by saying things like—

I am enthusiastic and energetic about my work. I am very proficient and hard working. I can work efficiently and with the same amount of zeal and energy at any time in

the day. I can strive hard to achieve my goals and at the same time manage other aspects of

the job.o One thing to keep in mind while praising yourself is to avoid the use of superlatives like

‘extremely’ hardworking, the ‘best’ at xyz, the ‘most’ efficient etcetra. Selling yourself is good, but the subtler the trumpeting, the better it is.

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Are you confident of your communicative skills in convincing people? o Point number one—please do not answer in negative to this question—even if you are an

absolute failure at convincing people to do anything. The answer has to be—”Yes, I think I can easily convince people.” Then tell them how you convince people. Reading up on this aspect will help not only frame a good response to this question, but will also help you in doing your job better.

Which one do you think –web or voice –suits your qualifications better? o If you are inclined towards one aspect, either web or voice, then there is no harm in telling

your employer about your preference. They generally have enough vacancies in both and will hire you if you are good, irrespective of what you say here. Just make sure that you have a good reason for choosing one over the other.

Technical Support Interview Questions and AnswersPosted on October 10th, 2009 in Customer Service Job Interview Tips

Working knowledge of the product features and its maintenance may hint towards possible role playing scenarios that the employer may ask.You want to prepare for possible questions in order to present your confidence in a stressful type setting and pass the job interview.

This article provides interview questions for technical support positions; it also provides tips on answering these questions.

You may also be interested in reading the articles – help desk interview, call center interview and customer service interview.

Technical Support: Job Interview Questions for Technical SupportThe general questions are as follows:

• What is your basic technical experience and qualifications?

• What technical skills do you possess that would benefit our company?

• What do you know about our products and company?

• Have you used any of our products or similar products/competitors?

• Would you say that you are hands-on type of person?

• What is your expected period for an average call?

• Would you be willing to take training or classes to improve your technical skills?

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• What steps do you take for solving a technical problem?

• What tools are most helpful to you when trouble shooting and solving a problem?

Answering:Technical support positions deal with a specific base or model of products. A basic knowledge of the company’s products and their uses is the key here.Other than basic hands on knowledge of a product, the willingness to learn as much as you can is required. Even if you are not familiar with their product, most companies have several training programs available to those with the desire to learn.Therefore, you may research the company portfolio for being prepared answering questions on product maintenance.

For more Interview Questions and answers, refer to the category – Customer Service Job Interview Questions & Tips.

In the call center industry, one of the most challenging issues is handling different customers – irate customer, offensive customer and defensive customers.Therefore, the cal center job interviews focus on your experience/skill facing a given situation – what does one usually do if ABC..?

The employer is going to look for potential employees whom demonstrate some basic call center skills for a demanding customer base.Preparing and practicing your answers to possible interview questions is a key for passing this upcoming call center interview.

This article provides call center job interview questions, answers and interview tips.After reading this article, refer to the help desk job interview and customer service job interview articles.

The article is divided to 3 sections: entry level, manager/supervisor and behavioral questions.

Job interview questions for call center & call center interview answers

Common call center interview questions – entry level questions

•    The call center and its function.•    What are the Call Center and Customer Service main objectives?•    How would you maintain customer satisfaction?•    The procedure you should take when speaking with a customer?•    How would you describe your computer skills?

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Answering these questions:Questions posed in an interview for a call center will not only rely on experience but also the way one support a customer.Therefore, the answers should highlight the main goal of a call center which is: to provide an effective service for a customer in any given situation. 

Call Center Supervisor Interview Questions / Call Center Manager Interview Questions

•    Describe your experience as call center manager.•    What were the main goals of your call center team?•    The largest customer base you have dealt with.•    How well do you work as a team manager? Describe you greatest achievements as a leader of a call center.•    The call center tools and the software application knowledge you possess.•    How many calls in an average day you were responsible for answering.•    Was there an average length or amount of time you were expected to make each call?•    Were you able to maintain x calls in a timely manner?•    Do you have any reports or comments from very satisfied customers?

Answering management interview questions for call center: For applicants with prior supervisory experience it is of an advantage to supply a small portfolio of experience with very positive key notes – positive feedbacks from customers and technical experience should be highlighted.Therefore, you should give a brief, precise and positive description of your background as a manager of a call center to support your answers.You may be interested in reading articles at the management job interview directory.

Behavioral based interview questions and answer for a call center – Customer service skills

There is no job interview without competency based questions.Standard questions during a job interview for a call center are on the way one handles tough customers (or offensive customer) complaints. These questions are aiming to evaluate your customer service competencies: •    How do you handle an offensive customer? Have you ever experienced a call from a very angry customer? Can you describe the situation and outcome? Has a customer ever asked for your supervisor?•    What if the customer does not understand your advice? If you have a caller who has trouble understanding your direction, what would you do?•    Have you ever disconnected a call from an angry customer because you were upset or offended?•    Have you ever not been able to help a customer? Can you please explain?•    Can you give an example of when you went the extra mile for a customer?•    What would you do when you cannot help a customer?

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•    Have you ever joined with a team member or asked for assistance from a team member to help a customer?

Call Center Interview: Tips on answering these behavioral questions:Short stories of past calls will be expected as well as some possible role playing scenarios.Your answers to these behavioral questions will put across the way you respond to stressful situations.Therefore, it would be wise to tell about your most positive outcomes during the worst situations. Even if you have some calls that did not finish positively you can display these as positive learning experiences.

In summing up these types of job interview questions, you should present your call center behavioral skills on managing these tough situations.You want the customer give you insight into significant product’s bugs/problems to increase service level.Remember that the best way to defuse customers is listening to them. Therefore, one should repeat the problem back getting a “yes – that is the problem” – getting a “yes” track vs. a “no” mindset.

BPO Interview Questions and AnswersPosted on June 17th, 2009 in Customer Service Job Interview Tips

Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, is one of the most lucrative lines of business today. Business process outsourcing basically means an organization that accepts various processes from other companies and organizations. The processes can be varied, and a single BPO can provide services to organizations in completely different lines of business.

For example, a BPO can provide services to a law firm as well as a manufacturing unit, or even an advertising agency or website.Of course, the types of processes that a BPO handles are defined according to the experience and talents of the BPO personnel.

Therefore, an interview for a BPO employee and the related questions and answers are quite complicated.

BPO Interview Tips and BPO interviews Questions & AnswersHere are some simple tips, questions and their answers –

The BPO that you wish to work forThese questions basically depend on the type of business that the BPO caters to. Before going for a BPO interview, make sure that you have decided which BPO you wish to work for – whether it is voice oriented or non voice oriented.

Where have you worked before?Seriously speaking, working in a BPO is quite different from working in a company. In a company, everyone is working on the same product, assignment and process, while in a BPO the person next to you would be working on a different process. Many people working in a company take a long time to adapt to the working cultures of the company and working for a BPO.

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What is a BPO?This question basically checks the awareness of the individual, and also tries to find out whether the person has really done any kind of homework before applying for the job and appearing for the interview.  BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing, which basically means the outsourcing of various business processes.

What is a Call Center?There is a general misconception that call centers are BPOs and BPOs are call centers. This misconception exists because call centers maybe one of the very first processes in a company that were openly outsourced.  A call center is basically a company, organization or institution that handles the service center, or sales center of any company. The call center will either handle the sales or the service of a company.Refer to the articles – Call Center Interview and Help Desk Interview Questions at the Customer service   job interview tips category

What are an inbound call center and an outbound call center? What is the difference between the two?There is a very logical difference between inbound and outbound call centers. An inbound call center will only allow a call to be made to the call center while an outbound call center will allow the call to go out of the office. Inbound call centers are basically call centers that handle companies’ service departments, while outbound call centers handle the call center’s sales service.

These are just some of the questions that can be asked during a BPO interview.You can find additional useful information in – customer service interview , team leader interview articles and in the Frequently asked   interview questions category.Make sure that you are ready and confident when answering these kinds of questions, and many other questions that you will be asked.

Call Center Interview Questions and Answers: Call Center Interview TipsPosted on October 10th, 2009 in Customer Service Job Interview Tips

In the call center industry, one of the most challenging issues is handling different customers – irate customer, offensive customer and defensive customers.Therefore, the cal center job interviews focus on your experience/skill facing a given situation – what does one usually do if ABC..?

The employer is going to look for potential employees whom demonstrate some basic call center skills for a demanding customer base.Preparing and practicing your answers to possible interview questions is a key for passing this upcoming call center interview.

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This article provides call center job interview questions, answers and interview tips.After reading this article, refer to the help desk job interview and customer service job interview articles.

The article is divided to 3 sections: entry level, manager/supervisor and behavioral questions.

Job interview questions for call center & call center interview answers

Common call center interview questions – entry level questions

•    The call center and its function.•    What are the Call Center and Customer Service main objectives?•    How would you maintain customer satisfaction?•    The procedure you should take when speaking with a customer?•    How would you describe your computer skills?

Answering these questions:Questions posed in an interview for a call center will not only rely on experience but also the way one support a customer.Therefore, the answers should highlight the main goal of a call center which is: to provide an effective service for a customer in any given situation. 

Call Center Supervisor Interview Questions / Call Center Manager Interview Questions

•    Describe your experience as call center manager.•    What were the main goals of your call center team?•    The largest customer base you have dealt with.•    How well do you work as a team manager? Describe you greatest achievements as a leader of a call center.•    The call center tools and the software application knowledge you possess.•    How many calls in an average day you were responsible for answering.•    Was there an average length or amount of time you were expected to make each call?•    Were you able to maintain x calls in a timely manner?•    Do you have any reports or comments from very satisfied customers?

Answering management interview questions for call center: For applicants with prior supervisory experience it is of an advantage to supply a small portfolio of experience with very positive key notes – positive feedbacks from customers and technical experience should be highlighted.Therefore, you should give a brief, precise and positive description of your background as a manager of a call center to support your answers.You may be interested in reading articles at the management job interview directory.

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Behavioral based interview questions and answer for a call center – Customer service skills

There is no job interview without competency based questions.Standard questions during a job interview for a call center are on the way one handles tough customers (or offensive customer) complaints. These questions are aiming to evaluate your customer service competencies: •    How do you handle an offensive customer? Have you ever experienced a call from a very angry customer? Can you describe the situation and outcome? Has a customer ever asked for your supervisor?•    What if the customer does not understand your advice? If you have a caller who has trouble understanding your direction, what would you do?•    Have you ever disconnected a call from an angry customer because you were upset or offended?•    Have you ever not been able to help a customer? Can you please explain?•    Can you give an example of when you went the extra mile for a customer?•    What would you do when you cannot help a customer?•    Have you ever joined with a team member or asked for assistance from a team member to help a customer?

Call Center Interview: Tips on answering these behavioral questions:Short stories of past calls will be expected as well as some possible role playing scenarios.Your answers to these behavioral questions will put across the way you respond to stressful situations.Therefore, it would be wise to tell about your most positive outcomes during the worst situations. Even if you have some calls that did not finish positively you can display these as positive learning experiences.

In summing up these types of job interview questions, you should present your call center behavioral skills on managing these tough situations.You want the customer give you insight into significant product’s bugs/problems to increase service level.Remember that the best way to defuse customers is listening to them. Therefore, one should repeat the problem back getting a “yes – that is the problem” – getting a “yes” track vs. a “no” mindset.

Interview Quesions

Below are generic questions often asked at interviews for leading BPO's in India. 24X7.com gives a list of questions to help prepare for an interview.

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Tell Me About Yourself? What Do You Think This Job Entails? What Do You Know about this organization? What Made You Apply For This Job And Why Do You Want It? What Qualities Do You Think You Can Bring To This Job Position? How Long Would You Expect To Work For Our Organisation? What's Your Greatest Strength? What Is Your Biggest Weakness? What Interests Do You Have Outside Of Your Work? What Type Of Books Or Publications Do You Like?

BPO Companies

India has been gripped by the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry. The BPO industry thrives on the "time is money" philosophy fast becoming the preferred option for companies seeking to transfer their non-core business processes to outsource providers. India's outsourcing industry has marked a consistent growth over the years emerging as the ultimate job hub for young seekers.

India gradually became the leading choice across the globe for outsourcing services owing to its pool of young talent, an English speaking work force and services at lower costs. We at 24X7 provide a database of BPO companies in India for all waiting to jumpstart their careers with leading MNC's.

BPO Types

The Business Process Outsourcing industry handles a broad range of services helping companies and small businesses focus on their core business and minimize costs. Services ranging from making sales calls, managing client enquiries to ones like processing mortgage loans, following-up on credit card collections are various tasks that are effectively done by BPO's saving manpower and training.

BPO's are typically divided into two categories technology and business process usually referred to as Back office outsourcing and Front office outsourcing. Back office outsourcing mainly comprises internal business functions such as billing or purchasing whereas front office outsourcing includes customer-related services such as marketing or tech support.

Types of services being offered by BPO's include:

Customer Support Services: These services manage all matters pertaining to customer queries and problems providing information round the clock via e-mail, phone or chat.

Technical Support Services: Technical services offer solutions to customers on computer hardware, software, peripherals and Internet infrastructure including installation and product support, up & running support, troubleshooting and Usage support.

Telemarketing Services: Telesales and telemarketing outsourcing services also known as outbound

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calling attempt to determine potential customers by generating interest in products and services or cross selling to an existing customer base online.

Data Entry Services / Data Processing Services: Data services offer cost-effective and efficient assistance in managing data workflow for businesses. The services involve preparing, warehousing, retrieving and utilizing information for an organization. Information acquired will be converted to an Internet based data entry.

BPO Culture

India has fast become the preferred destinations for offshore outsourcing leading to a booming and progressive economy. The BPO industry in India has brought about a phenomenal change in the lifestyle of the average Indian, predominantly the youth.

Call Centers have not only provided youngsters with employment opportunities but the attractive remunerations and added perks have helped them keep pace with the demands of modern lifestyles.

The Call Center culture is an inevitable outcome of the unconventional working hours where time zone difference naturally exist between India and countries like America. The BPO culture has altered the way Indians have lived for years permeating their social and personal space. The call center is usually bustling at night when operations are in full swing thus forcing employees to follow a nocturnal lifestyle and activities appealing to the youth for its revolutionary style of functioning. A call center job necessitates that workers adopt the western culture so as to identify themselves with their customers leading to a gradual percolating of the western culture in the environment.

The flips side unravels occupational hazards for employees associated with the BPO industry. The work entails graveyard shifts which negatively impact an employees health well being and social life. A call center employee is subject to multiple health ailments such as stress, back pain and as the biorhythm of the body fluctuates workers become prone to digestive disorders. Moreover, the long and rigorous working hours leave little room for any social interaction or outings with family or friends.

However, the call center industry has unleashed a lifestyle for the youth which is addictive giving the Indian youth a taste of independency and freedom a concept usually associated with the Western culture.

Non Profit Bodies Role

Non Profit bodies such as the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and associations such as The Business Process Industry Association of India (BPIAI) constantly work to improve the working conditions in the ITES/BPO industry. These non profit organizations work jointly with state governments to develop policies which address employee related rules and ethics. Such organizations are instrumental in holding seminars and conferences with foreign delegations to provide an opportunity to the BPO and IT industry to gain insight into employee retention and industry growth.

Non Profit bodies working toward developing and improving the ITES/BPO sector.

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The Business Process Industry Association of India (BPIAI), earlier known as the Call Center Association of India (CCAI) was established in 2001 as a forum for its members to promoting India as the favored BPI destination in addition to addressing the challenges faced by the Business Process Industry (BPI). The BPIAI constantly works towards creating networking opportunities for its members through its events and conferences at the same time addressing issues concerning outsourcing and offshoring comprising BPOs, Call Centers, Contact Centers, LPOs, KPOs and the like.

The BPIAI Association aims to make India the ideal destination of choice for the Business Process Industry and serve as a channel for addressing issues concerning the industry. The association devises standards for infrastructure, security and human resource development for the BPO industry in addition to providing insights and ideas on technology. On analyzing the challenges faced by the BPO industry the association voices their concerns to the Government so as to have policies formulated favoring BPO employees. The BPIAI works to promote the overall retention through studies on people, workforce metrics, promoting linkages between educational institutions and the industry to tackle issues pertaining to manpower for this sector.

HR Advice

The booming BPO industry provides immense career opportunities for fresh graduates or those with basic qualifications and good communication and English language skills. A BPO firm usually performs several functions offering various career opportunities in legal, HR, quality, marketing, administration including prospects in contact center telemarketing, customer support, telemarketing, technical support and multilingual support. India has fast become the hub for outsourcing services as English is widely used and learnt as a second language across the nation.

The Call centers phenomenon has taken over the young crowd of India by storm, selling the dream of an independent and luxurious life to the youth. If you are part of the young brigade with a degree, average English skills and determined to embark on your journey to a promising career in the BPO industry. We provide expert advice and useful tips to crack your interview with all leading BPO/ITES firms.

As a majority of call centers cater to customer queries from English speaking countries it is imperative to be able to understand and conform to their language and accent.

English Accent Tips

Good pronunciation is the ability to accent words correctly and successfully use intonation to ensure you are understood.

While watching T.V. observe the mouth movements of native speakers and try to imitate them. Pronounce the ending of each word with a focus on "s" and "ed" endings.

Page 23: bpo

Read out aloud in English for a few minutes each day. Listen to English music and start watching English movies.

Remember the following points when preparing for an Interview.

Reach on time for the interview. Call centers do not abide by any specific dress code, however it is recommended to dress

professionally for the interview. Evaluate your skills and be prepared to answer all questions clearly and in a crisp voice. The interview format will comprise some general questions and others will be specific like your

interests, hobbies and what you like outside of the workplace. Consider questions that may arise from your CV and areas which can be explored by the

interviewer. Finally do some research about the employer and their area of expertise and services.

Question   also Asked @ Answers Views     select   When goods are returned, how about the Tax collected

on them.? The Buyer or the seller who will bear that /     2   739 what is quality Infosys   5   1520

Page 24: bpo

what is bpo? Concergys   3   3057 what is meant by quality?     2   1488 Tell me something about your favorite movie? Tell me something about your favorite colour? Tell me what u did yesterday? This are question which frequently asked by interviewrs,so if you know please post with correct answers and i rquest you to guys dont make fun of it, it may help anyone who ready this question

to get there jobs. Exel IBM Wipro   6   5544 What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre What Is The Diffrence Of Dommestic And Internatioanl Call Cnter? What Is Menig Of Call Center Tell Me Something Abt U Drem What Is Bpo What Is BPO? Ibm

TELEPERFORMENSE   28   11627 what is B.P.O ? Mphasis IBM V Cust Wipro MPhasis Bpo HCL EXel. Mphasis IBM V Cust Wipro MPhasis Bpo HCL EXel. Mphasis IBM V Cust Wipro MPhasis Bpo HCL EXel. Mphsis HCL IBM Wipro Mphsis HCL IBM Wipro TATA TATA Serwiz-sol   22   20556


Vcustmar   10   7154 Technical Interview Questions – Exchange 2003 1. Tell me a bit about the capabilities of Exchange Server. 2. What are the different Exchange 2003 versions? 3. What's the main differences between Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000/2003? 4. What are the major network infrastructure for installing Exchange 2003? 5. What is the latest Exchange 2003 Service Pack? Name a few changes in functionality in that SP. 6. What are the disk considerations when installing Exchange (RAID types, locations and so on). 7. You got a new HP DL380 (2U) server, dual Xeon, 4GB of RAM, 7 SAS disks, 64-bit. What do you do next to install Exchange 2003? (you have AD in place) 8. Why not install Exchange on the same machine as a DC? 9. Are there any other installation considerations? 10. How would you prepare the AD Schema in advance before installing Exchange? 11. What type or permissions do you need in order to install the first Exchange server in a forest? In a domain? 12. How would you verify that the schema was in fact updated? 13. What type of memory optimization changes could you do for Exchange 2003? 14. How would you check your Exchange configuration settings to see if they're right? 15. What are the Exchange management tools? How and where can you install them? 16. What types of permissions are configurable for Exchange? 17. How can you grant access for an administrator to access all mailboxes on a specific server? 18. What is the Send As permission? 19. What other management tools are used to manage and control Exchange 2003? Name the tools you'd use. 20. What are Exchange Recipient types? Name 5. 21. You created a mailbox for a user, yet the mailbox does not appear in ESM. Why? 22. You wanted to change mailbox access permissions for a mailbox, yet you see the SELF permission alone on the permissions list. Why? 23. What are Query Based Distribution groups? 24. What type of groups would you use when configuring distribution groups in a multiple domain forest? 25. Name a few configuration options for Exchange recipients. 26. What's the difference between Exchange 2003 Std. and Ent. editions when related to storage options and size? 27. Name a few configuration options related to mailbox stores. 28. What are System Public Folders? Where would you find them? 29. How would you plan and configure Public Folder redundancy? 30. How can you immediately stop PF replication? 31. How can you prevent PF referral across slow WAN links? 32. What types of PF management tools might you use? 33. What are the differences between administrative permissions and client permissions in PF? 34. How can you configure PF replication from the command prompt in Exchange 2003? 35. What are the message hygiene options you can use natively in Exchange 2003? 36. What are the configuration options in IMF? 37. What are virtual servers? When would you use more than one? 38. Name some of the SMTP Virtual Server configuration options. 39. What is a Mail Relay? Name a few known mail relay software or hardware options. 40. What is a Smart Host? Where would you configure it? 41. What are Routing Groups? When would you use them? 42. What are the types of Connectors you can use in Exchange? 43. What is the cost option in Exchange connectors? 44. What is the Link State Table? How would you view

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it? 45. How would you configure mail transfer security between 2 routing groups? 46. What is the Routing Group Master? Who holds that role? 47. Explain the configuration steps required to allow Exchange 2003 to send and receive email from the Internet (consider a one-site multiple server scenario). 48. What is DS2MB? 49. What is Forms Based Authentication? 50. How would you configure OWA's settings on an Exchange server? 51. What is DSACCESS? 52. What are Recipient Policies? 53. How would you work with multiple recipient policies? 54. What is the "issue" with trying to remove email addresses added by recipient policies? How would you fix that? 55. What is the RUS? 56. When would you need to manually create additional RUS? 57. What are Address Lists? 58. How would you modify the filter properties of one of the default address lists? 59. How can you create multiple GALs and allow the users to only see the one related to them? 60. What is a Front End server? In what scenarios would you use one? 61. What type of authentication is used on the front end servers? 62. When would you use NLB? 63. How would you achieve incoming mail redundancy? 64. What are the 4 types of Exchange backups? 65. What is the Dial-Tone server scenario? 66. When would you use offline backup? 67. How do you re-install Exchange on a server that has crashed but with AD intact? 68. What is the dumpster? 69. What are the e00xxxxx.log files? 70. What is the e00.chk file? 71. What is circular logging? When would you use it? 72. What's the difference between online and offline defrag? 73. How would you know if it is time to perform an offline defrag of your Exchange stores? 74. How would you plan for, and perform the offline defrag? 75. What is the eseutil command? 76. What is the isinteg command? 77. How would you monitor Exchange's services and performance? Name 2 or 3 options. 78. Name all the client connection options in Exchange 2003. 79. What is Direct Push? What are the requirements to run it? 80. How would you remote wipe a PPC? 81. What are the issues with connecting Outlook from a remote computer to your mailbox? 82. How would you solve those issues? Name 2 or 3 methods 83. What is RPC over HTTP? What are the requirements to run it? 84. What is Cached Mode in OL2003/2007? 85. What are the benefits and "issues" when using cached mode? How would you tackle those issues? 86. What is S/MIME? What are the usage scenarios for S/MIME? 87. What are the IPSec usage scenarios for Exchange 2003? 88. How do you enable SSL on OWA? 89. What are the considerations for obtaining a digital certificate for SSL on Exchange? 90. Name a few 3rd-party CAs. 91. What do you need to consider when using a client-type AV software on an Exchange server? 92. What are the different clustering options in Exchange 2003? Which one would you choose and why. Microsoft Ab Goodluck Ibm You Got A New HP DL380 (2U) Server Dual Xeon 4GB Of RAM 7 SAS Disks 64-bit. What Do You Do Next To Install Exchange 2003? (you Have AD In Place)   3  

3480 Give three things that you consider when looking for a job... And why? please do not

include good salary...Thanks. Etelecare   13   6097 For HR Interview in a software company asked this question. How you can decide a person attitude.By which way can you decide. Call Centre

Satyam Rr Donnely Rr Donnely   15   6228 HOW CAN U SAY TIME IS MONEY.   31   7929


13   6762 what are your contributions in order to meet the goals of our company?     5   3645

Describe red color to a blind person

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Back to Questions PageQuestion   what is quality Rank Answer Posted By   Interview Question Submitted By :: Guest

I also faced this Question!!     © ALL Interview .com

Answer it means a perfectness of things or person

 0 Saravana

  Answer quality means that the wellness of a person or a



0 Rajesh.patchigolla

  Answer Accroding to me quality means , whatever you are

doing that should be correct and meaningful using the right way as per the company's requirements and can be easliy understand by others


0 Shilpa


  Answer Outcome of any operation, checked as per the set

standard gives a quality score for that operation.

0 Vineet Sasurkar

Page 27: bpo

   Answer for me quality is like a person that you love

because you nid to do everything to be perfect and show the importanceof that person....


0 Vanie

  Question   what is bpo? Rank Answer Posted By   Interview Question Submitted By :: Guest

I also faced this Question!!     © ALL Interview .com

Answer bpo stands for Business Process Outsourcing and it have two process inbound and outbound. In Inbound process the call were recied by the customer and in Outbound Porcess call were made.


0 Sandeep

  Answer BPO means Business Process Outsourcing. When a

company is migrating or outsourcing some or all of its processes to another Country or Business Associate is actually called as BPO. Usally in India BPO is Misunderstood as Call centers. All the processes including Banking, Insurance, software and Medical transcription which we do for the line of business from an other country comes under BPO. The two types of BPOs are Domestic and MNC BPOs and two types of processes are Voice based and Non Voiced Processes. A company does Outsourcing mainly for Cost reduction, Quality and to get 24*7 service, as u know most of the employees in developed countries rarely use to work on holidays,

0 Reni Devarajan

Page 28: bpo

nightshift and Over time.

   Answer bpo is a buisness process of outsoucing which is

use to exchanging data across the world.


4 Hari Shanker Singh

  Question   what is meant by quality? Rank Answer Posted By   Interview Question Submitted By :: Guest

I also faced this Question!!     © ALL Interview .com

Answer Quality as per ISO standard is the totality of features in a product or service which will satisfy the purpose of the customer / client or the end user.


0 Sudheendra

  Answer quality means the service that you are providing

to thecustomer that is upto a mark, or it is a up to asatisfactory level or not. after that you have to analyse,is there any quality in your work or not.


0 Arun Verma



  Tell me something about your favorite movie? Tell me something about your favorite colour? Tell me what u did yesterday? This are question which frequently asked by interviewrs,so if you know please post with correct answers and i rquest you to guys dont make fun of it, it may help anyone who ready this question to get there jobs.

Rank Answer Posted By  

 Interview Question Submitted By :: Anil NaiduI also faced this Question!!     © ALL Interview .com


2 Seri

Page 29: bpo


   Answer hi iam neeraj sharma .my favourite movie was

devdas.i like this mvie very much


1 Guest

  Answer my favourite movie is titanic because its a real

story ,the architecture of the ship is so good,its ever green movie ,we can feel their pain ,we can see how the people lost their relations in ship accident and the love story is beautiful .my favourite color is blue because it is so attractive it freshes my mind we feel happy when we see it.


0 Vineela

  Answer coming my favorite movie my favorite movie is

pursuit ofhappiness starring will smith.the taking of the movie is sogood. will smith starts his career with marketing job, butby the time he enters into it the product loses its boom.inthis way way he will come across all the difficulties in hislife at last he will secure a stable and good position inprestigious organization.


0 Bunny

  Answer Fav Movie

I like to watch english movies mostly romantic comedies as they bring out the most beautiful emotions that we keep inside which is love and also bcos we keep on laughing for the comedies

Page 30: bpo

Fav ColourMy favourite colour would be white becos of its purity and cleanliness.

Yesterday i woke up and did my chores and aftr breakfast i went out shopping with my friends and had lunch at the market. It was so tasty and we all were very full. After that we watch a movie n went home. that was how i spent my day yesterday


Page 31: bpo

Sponsored Links Wipro Infotech Hiring for Associate Talent Acquisition

Company Name : Wipro Infotech

Designation : Associate Talent Acquisition - Sourcing

Eligibility :UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Any Specialization PG - MBA/PGDM - Any SpecializationExperience : 0 - 1 YearsFunctional Area : HR/AdminLocation : Bengaluru/BangaloreType : IT-Software/ Software ServicesLast Date : Walkins

Job Description :

Roles and responsibilities

• Sorcing of quality profiles for various IT Skills • Responsible for managing the Full recruitment life cycle from understanding the requirement and furnishing them with relevant profiles• Identify candidates using different sourcing methodologies like referrals, Job search portals, internal database and web postings.• Should be able to build strong referral networks.• Associating with the vendors for the relevant cvs for the requirements.• Profile Database Management .• Setting up interviews with the interview panel .

Company Profile :

Wipro Infotech is the IT Services, Solutions & Products division of the Wipro Limited. For the year ended March 31, 2008, Wipro Infotech recorded Revenues of Rs 37.46 billion, representing a growth of 51% YoY. PBIT grew by 46% YoY to Rs 3.12 billion. Services business contributed 33 % to total Revenues and grew by 47% YoY.With over two decades of experience, Wipro has stamped its presence on the Indian market and leads the Indian IT industry. Headquartered at Bangalore, our business spans India, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. By collaborating with Wipro, organizations garner the power of tried and tested frameworks, strong domain knowledge, a large pool of certified technology specialists and best of breed alliances. We bring to market tailor-made, industry specific solutions that help meet your business challenges while increasing operational efficiency. We have leveraged our two-decade old expertise and experience in meeting the IT needs of enterprises that enables us to offer comprehensive IT solutions that encompass best-of-breed products, best-practice IT services and best-in-class enterprise solutions.

We help architect, implement and manage the entire IT lifecycle of our customers through a complete portfolio of IT Services. Our services are backed by over two decades of experience handling complex integration projects in India and abroad. Multi-platform expertise, extensive reach and tested delivery mechanisms help us deliver reliable, high-quality, cost-effective IT services. Our IT services are crowned by in-depth Consulting Skills that are reinforced by a keen understanding of the key role that technology plays in enabling business. The Consulting portfolio includes Strategic Consulting Services, IT Governance & Optimization Consulting, Process Consulting,

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High targets‚ higher achievements.

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Patni Hiring for Manager -Service Line Marketing

Company Name : Patni

Sponsored Links Wipro Infotech Hiring for Associate Talent Acquisition

Company Name : Wipro Infotech

Designation : Associate Talent Acquisition - Sourcing

Eligibility :UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Any Specialization PG - MBA/PGDM - Any SpecializationExperience : 0 - 1 YearsFunctional Area : HR/AdminLocation : Bengaluru/BangaloreType : IT-Software/ Software ServicesLast Date : Walkins

Job Description :

Roles and responsibilities

• Sorcing of quality profiles for various IT Skills • Responsible for managing the Full recruitment life cycle from understanding the requirement and furnishing them with relevant profiles• Identify candidates using different sourcing methodologies like referrals, Job search portals, internal database and web postings.• Should be able to build strong referral networks.• Associating with the vendors for the relevant cvs for the requirements.• Profile Database Management .• Setting up interviews with the interview panel .

Company Profile :

Wipro Infotech is the IT Services, Solutions & Products division of the Wipro Limited. For the year ended March 31, 2008, Wipro Infotech recorded Revenues of Rs 37.46 billion, representing a growth of 51% YoY. PBIT grew by 46% YoY to Rs 3.12 billion. Services business contributed 33 % to total Revenues and grew by 47% YoY.With over two decades of experience, Wipro has stamped its presence on the Indian market and leads the Indian IT industry. Headquartered at Bangalore, our business spans India, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. By collaborating with Wipro, organizations garner the power of tried and tested frameworks, strong domain knowledge, a large pool of certified technology specialists and best of breed alliances. We bring to market tailor-made, industry specific solutions that help meet your business challenges while increasing operational efficiency. We have leveraged our two-decade old expertise and experience in meeting the IT needs of enterprises that enables us to offer comprehensive IT solutions that encompass best-of-breed products, best-practice IT services and best-in-class enterprise solutions.

We help architect, implement and manage the entire IT lifecycle of our customers through a complete portfolio of IT Services. Our services are backed by over two decades of experience handling complex integration projects in India and abroad. Multi-platform expertise, extensive reach and tested delivery mechanisms help us deliver reliable, high-quality, cost-effective IT services. Our IT services are crowned by in-depth Consulting Skills that are reinforced by a keen understanding of the key role that technology plays in enabling business. The Consulting portfolio includes Strategic Consulting Services, IT Governance & Optimization Consulting, Process Consulting,

Page 33: bpo

Description : Manager -Service Line Marketing

Eligibility :UG - Any Graduate - Any SpecializationPG - Any PG Course - Any SpecializationType : IT-Software/ Software ServicesFunctional Area : Marketing, Advertising, MR, PRExperience : 3 - 8 YearsLocation : Mumbai, Mumbai SuburbsLast Date : Walkins

Job Description :

• Own the Go-to-Market plan for the portfolio of IT service viz. Application Development, Application Maintenance, Application Testing, Enterprise Applications (SAP, Oracle) Infrastructure Management• Defining value proposition for IT services in line with the top of the mind business issues• Developing service lines in accordance with the opportunities for market penetration• Creating targeted awareness for the service lines• Work with solution architects, practice leads, corporate marketing, sales, presales, and other cross-functional teams to maximize market awareness, and market leadership• Lead and develop product marketing initiatives including content creation for outbound marketing campaigns, Website content, product videos,webinars, customer case studies, and more• Launch multi-channel campaigns to create demand for the service lines in the target market

Company Profile :

Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (Patni) (BSE: PATNI COMPUT, NSE: PATNI, NYSE: PTI) is one of the leading global providers of Information Technology services and business solutions. Over 15,000 professionals service clients across diverse industries, from 22 sales offices across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific, and 20 Global Delivery Centers in strategic locations across the world. We have serviced more than 400 FORTUNE 1000 companies, for over two decades. At Patni, we are focused on optimizing our customers" investments in Information Technology. We help customers envision and shape their future around the key drivers of technology, productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Patni delivers high quality, reliable and cost-effective IT services to customers globally. We provide world-class technology services by constantly exploring and implementing innovative solutions that drive long-term value to our customers. As industry leaders, we introduced offshore development centers, pioneered "follow the sun" development and support frameworks, ensuring compressed delivery timeframes. Today, our solutions provide strategic advantage to several most-admired organizations in the world. We have long-standing and vibrant partnerships with over 300 companies across the globe.

Full Job Description :

• Educational Qualification: B.E. M.B.A.• Experience: 4-8 years of experience in product marketing or service line marketing with IT services company.

Page 34: bpo

• Track record of introducing or marketing IT services or software, supported by customer-facing deliverables such as websites, videos, webinars, blogs, datasheets, etc. Ability to provide excellent draft content• Strong analytical skills and passion for analyzing competitors, and market dynamics• Proactive with self discipline for setting priorities, driving decisions, and getting closure on outstanding issues• Metrics-oriented

Dates : Walkins

Contact :

Patni Hiring for Manager -Service Line Marketing

Company Name : Patni

Description : Manager -Service Line Marketing

Eligibility :UG - Any Graduate - Any SpecializationPG - Any PG Course - Any SpecializationType : IT-Software/ Software ServicesFunctional Area : Marketing, Advertising, MR, PRExperience : 3 - 8 YearsLocation : Mumbai, Mumbai SuburbsLast Date : Walkins

Job Description :

• Own the Go-to-Market plan for the portfolio of IT service viz. Application Development, Application Maintenance, Application Testing, Enterprise Applications (SAP, Oracle) Infrastructure Management• Defining value proposition for IT services in line with the top of the mind business issues• Developing service lines in accordance with the opportunities for market penetration• Creating targeted awareness for the service lines• Work with solution architects, practice leads, corporate marketing, sales, presales, and other cross-functional teams to maximize market awareness, and market leadership• Lead and develop product marketing initiatives including content creation for outbound marketing campaigns, Website content, product videos,webinars, customer case studies, and more• Launch multi-channel campaigns to create demand for the service lines in the target market

Company Profile :

Patni Computer Systems Ltd. (Patni) (BSE: PATNI COMPUT, NSE: PATNI, NYSE: PTI) is one of the leading global providers of Information Technology services and business solutions. Over 15,000 professionals service clients across diverse industries, from 22 sales offices across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific, and 20 Global Delivery Centers in strategic locations across the world. We have serviced more than 400 FORTUNE 1000 companies, for over two decades. At Patni, we are focused on optimizing our customers" investments in Information Technology. We help customers

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envision and shape their future around the key drivers of technology, productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Patni delivers high quality, reliable and cost-effective IT services to customers globally. We provide world-class technology services by constantly exploring and implementing innovative solutions that drive long-term value to our customers. As industry leaders, we introduced offshore development centers, pioneered "follow the sun" development and support frameworks, ensuring compressed delivery timeframes. Today, our solutions provide strategic advantage to several most-admired organizations in the world. We have long-standing and vibrant partnerships with over 300 companies across the globe.

Full Job Description :

• Educational Qualification: B.E. M.B.A.• Experience: 4-8 years of experience in product marketing or service line marketing with IT services company.• Track record of introducing or marketing IT services or software, supported by customer-facing deliverables such as websites, videos, webinars, blogs, datasheets, etc. Ability to provide excellent draft content• Strong analytical skills and passion for analyzing competitors, and market dynamics• Proactive with self discipline for setting priorities, driving decisions, and getting closure on outstanding issues• Metrics-oriented

Dates : Walkins

Contact :

Patni Computer Systems Ltd

HR Generalist in Serco BPO

Company Name : Serco BPO

Designation : HR Generalist

Experience : 3 - 6 YearsFunctional Area : Eligibility : Accounts/TaxUG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization PG - MBA/PGDM - HR/Industrial RelationsLocation : Hyderabad / SecunderabadType : BPO/ITES

Job Description :

* Design and implement HR polocies* Performance Appraisals* Handlign Payrools* Performance Management* Handling Skips

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Company Profile :

Serco improves the quality and efficiency of essential services that matter to millions of people around the world.The work we do for national and local governments involves us in the most important areas of public service, including health, education, transport, science and defence.Our private sector customers are industry-leading organisations in a wide variety of markets.We have nearly 50 years' experience of helping our customers achieve their goals. Many want us to improve their productivity and service quality. Others need us to support their rapid growth. Government customers face crucial issues such as economic development, congestion, security and climate change. They value the innovation and passion we bring to these challenges, and the collaborative, flexible and imaginative way we work.Serco is a values-led company with a culture and ethos that is at the heart of everything we do. We give our people real responsibility, allowing them to put their ideas into practice and to truly make a difference for our customers and the public.

Our approach has made us one of the world's leading service companies and our vision is to be the world's greatest. Our service ethos means that our customers come back to us again and again. These long-term relationships help us to meet their changing needs and to do what we do best...Our products and processes differentiate us from our competitors. But this goes deeper. The fundamental difference at Serco comes from the unique culture and values that underpin the way we run the company and the way we behave.We value working with our customers in a collaborative, flexible and imaginative way.  We understand the principles and passions that motivate public sector managers and we share their ethos and standards of conduct.  We encourage social responsibility and try to treat people in the way we would wish to be treated. 

Full Job Description :

* HR Generalist* Should be very strong on creating and implementing HR polocies* Drive the performance of the assciates* recruiting and staffing logistics;* organizational and space planning;* performance management and improvement systems;* organization development;* employment and compliance to regulatory concerns and reporting;* employee orientation, development, and training;* policy development and documentation;* employee relations;* company-wide committee facilitation;* company employee communication;* compensation and benefits administration;* employee safety, welfare, wellness and health; and* employee services and counseling.

Contact :

Seenu Arvind KumarSERCO BPO

Apply Here

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 TCS Require Admin Assistant - Purchase / Admin TravelCompany Name: Tata Consultancy Services

Designation: Admin Assistant - Purchase / Admin Travel

Eligibility :   Any GraduateLocation :    PuneType :     IT-Software/ Software ServicesFunctional Area:     HR / Administration, IR Experience:     1 - 6 YearsLast Date:   Mon - Fri

Job Details : Job Type: Full TimeHiring Process: Interview.

Job Description :

Greetings from TCS!!!

We are currently looking out for Admin Assistant - Purchase/ Admin Travel!!!

Exp.: 1 - 7 yrs

Job Location - Pune!!!

Kindly post your Applications if interested in the above Job.

The Details for the opening of Admin - Travel are as follows :

* Should have handled Domestic, International ticketing.* Visas counselling, Documentation, verifications and follow up. * Billing, MIS* Vendor Management

Keywords - Admin, Assistant, Purchase, Travel

Company Profile:

At TCS, we achieve real business results that allow you to transform, and not just maintain, your operations. Our IT services, business solutions and outsourcing bring you a level of certainty that no other competitor can match. You will experience your requirements being met on time, within budget and with high quality; greater efficiency and responsiveness to your business; and the ability to shift investment to strategic initiatives rather than tactical functions.

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Our Global Network Delivery Model™ is the engine that allows us to provide reliable, scalable and cost-effective delivery of services and solutions. This time-tested model has helped us achieve a client satisfaction rating of 89% for meeting quality expectations and an average project budget variation of just 3%, both figures ranging far higher than industry standards.

Full Job Description :

The Details for the opening of Admin Assistant - Purchase are as follows :

* Vendor Management

Exp. - 1 to 5 yrs

Job Location - Pune

Educational Qualifications : B.Sc. / BCA / Diploma holders / BE / BTech / ME / MTech / MSc / MCA / MCM / MS, BA / PGDIT (2 years full time & approved by AICTE)

* Special consideration will be given to with 3 years of relevant functional / technical experience. * Consistent 50% and above academic records Class X onwards* Correspondence/Part-time courses will not be considered* Kindly post your Applications against this job if you are interested.

Dates :  Mon - Fri

Contact:    Tata Consultancy Services

Apply NowEra Group Opening for Manager/ Executive

Company Name : Era GroupDesignation : Manager/ Executive - Business Development (PEB, Project Sales) - 1 Opening(s)

Eligibility: UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Mechanical PG - MBA/PGDM - MarketingExperience: 2 - 7 Years       

Location : Chennai, Hyderabad / Secunderabad, Indore, KolkataType : Construction/ Engineering/Cement/Metals Job Details :     

   1. Managing & achieving sales targets through his zonal team members.   2. Managing the entire EPC project life cycle till execution. Will be a single point of contact for client.   3. Implementing policy decisions through his zonal Teams.   4. Interaction with various departments for complete coordination, production & planning activities.

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   5. Updating training standards for completed marketing & sales Team.

Keywords: business development,marketing,PEB, Project Lifecycle  

Company Profile :    

ERA GROUP is a multi-faceted engineering, construction and services conglomerate, well positioned in the fastest growing segments of the economy viz. construction, infrastructure development, real estate, hospitality & entertainment and pre-engineered buildings.ERA encompasses four entities offering - Era Infra Engineers (India) Ltd (earstwhile known as Era Constructions (I) Limited), Era Landmark (India) Ltd. (earstwhile known as Era Infrastructures (I) Limited) Era E-Zone (India) Ltd. and ERA BUILDING SYSTEMS Limited (earlier knows as Era Metal Building Systems (I) Ltd.) all of which represent a synergistic and futuristic business mix. HQ in New Delhi, under the guidance of its promoter and dedicated human assets of over 1600 employees, Era has developed a distinctive niche and credible presence in the industry.

Armed with solid experience and track record, a synergistic business model, strong engineering base, technology driven approach, world class execution & project management capabilities and robust internal systems enables Era to deliver cost-competitive and quality projects at record speed. It also collaborates with the best-in-class to enhance its bandwidth of offerings and increasing its competency in building the India of tomorrow. The underlying philosophy of Era is to be the first choice in their niche area through committed focus on quality, innovation, technology, stakeholder growth and social responsibility.

Full Job Description :

Eligibility Criteria :    

    *  having good commmunication skills and personality.    * Should have exposure in Project sales of Big EPC Companies.

Contact: Era GroupC-56/41,Sector 62,Noida- 201301NOIDA,Uttar Pradesh,India 201301