ass1 - horsham · ass1 • business '-· ,_ business oppolluhijjes pubuc n011ces ·< •...

HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF THE UPPER SEEDING NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN REGULATION 16 - THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING (GENERAL) REGULATIONS 2012 (AS AMENDED) RE-RUN UPPER SEEDING DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Upper Beading Parish Council (as the qualifying body) has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NOP), entitled "Upper Beading Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2031", for their Parish with the help of the local community. The NOP sets out a vision for the future of the Parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally. In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Upper Beading Neighbourhood Development Plan and associated documents went out to a 6 week consultation between 15 February and 5 April 2019. During this consultation an administrative error was n_oted, the SA/SEA Non-technical summary was omitted Following Legal advice it was considered prudent by the council to re-run the Regulation 16 consultation. The Regulation 16 re-run will go out to consultation for 6 weeks inviting representations between Friday 7 June and 5pm on Friday 19 July 2019. WHERE THE PLAN CAN BE INSPECTED Copies of the Upper Beading Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documentation are available to view on the Horsham District Council website. policy/currentconsultations Hard copies of the documentation are available upon prior request for inspection at our offices Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, RH12 1RL between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Upper Beading Newsagent - 3 Adur Villas, High St. UB BN44 3JA Mon - Fri 5.30am - 5pm, Sat 5.30am - 1pm Sun 5.30am - 12pm. Upper Beading Baptist Church the HUB Cafe - 19 Church Lane LJB BN44 3 HP Mon - Fri 9am -12pm, Sat 10am -12pm. Nisa Supermarket- 5-9 Hyde Square UB BN44 3JE Open Mon - Sat 7am - 9pm, Sun 7am - 8pm. Upper Beading Parish Council Office r/o 3 Hyde Square UB BN44 3JE Open Mon, Tues 9am - 3pm, Wed Closed. Thurs 9am - 3pm, Fri 9am - 5pm (office times are subject to change please telephone in advance to arrange appointment to view documents (01903 810316). Henfield Parish Council Office, Henfield Hall, Coopers Way Henfield BN5 909 Open: Monday closed. Tues, Thurs, Friday 10am -1pm, Wed 10am -3pm. Small Dole Post Office, Henfield Road, Small Dole BN5 9XT Open Mon -Sat 6am - 8pm, Sun 6am -1pm HOW TO MAKE REPRESENTATIONS - WRITTEN COMMENTS ONLY If you submitted representations to the previous consultation (15 February- 5 April 2019) and have no comments to make on the SA/SEA Non-Technical Summary, then there will be no need to submit additional representations, as your original representation will be passed onto the Independent Examiner. If you would like to make a representation on the Upper Beading Neighbourhood Development Plan, please do so online at the above web address or alternatively please send your representation to [email protected] or in writing to: Neighbourhood Planning Officer, Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, RH121RL. We encourage those responding to use our online consultation system which is available on our website, at the above web address, to ensure your representation is processed more securely. All representations must arrive no later than 5pm on Friday 19 July 2019. NOTIFICATION Any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority's decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan. Horsham District Council will process the information you provide in a manner that is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ALL REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED BY THE AUTHORITY WILL BE MADE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE (IN DUE COURSE). THESE WILL BE IDEN:nFIABLE BY NAME AND WHERE APPLICABLE ORGANISATON

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UPPER SEEDING DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Upper Beading Parish Council (as the qualifying body) has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NOP), entitled "Upper Beading Neighbourhood Plan 2018-2031", for their Parish with the help of the local community. The NOP sets out a vision for the future of the Parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally. In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Upper Beading Neighbourhood Development Plan and associated documents went out to a 6 week consultation between 15 February and 5 April 2019. During this consultation an administrative error was n_oted, the SA/SEA Non-technical summary was omitted Following Legal advice it was considered prudent by the council to re-run the Regulation 16 consultation. The Regulation 16 re-run will go out to consultation for 6 weeks inviting representations between Friday 7 June and 5pm on Friday 19 July 2019.

WHERE THE PLAN CAN BE INSPECTED Copies of the Upper Beading Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documentation are available to view on the Horsham District Council website.­policy/currentconsultations

Hard copies of the documentation are available upon prior request for inspection at our offices Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, RH12 1 RL between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Upper Beading Newsagent - 3 Adur Villas, High St. UB BN44 3JA Mon - Fri 5.30am - 5pm, Sat 5.30am - 1 pm Sun 5.30am - 12pm. Upper Beading Baptist Church the HUB Cafe - 19 Church Lane LJB BN44 3 HP Mon - Fri 9am -12pm, Sat 10am -12pm. Nisa Supermarket- 5-9 Hyde Square UB BN44 3JE Open Mon - Sat 7am - 9pm, Sun 7am - 8pm. Upper Beading Parish Council Office r/o 3 Hyde Square UB BN44 3JE Open Mon, Tues 9am - 3pm, Wed Closed. Thurs 9am - 3pm, Fri 9am -5pm (office times are subject to change please telephone in advance to arrange appointment to view documents (01903 810316). Henfield Parish Council Office, Henfield Hall, Coopers Way Henfield BN5 909 Open: Monday closed. Tues, Thurs, Friday 10am -1pm, Wed 10am -3pm. Small Dole Post Office, Henfield Road, Small Dole BN5 9XT Open Mon -Sat 6am - 8pm, Sun 6am -1pm

HOW TO MAKE REPRESENTATIONS - WRITTEN COMMENTS ONLY If you submitted representations to the previous consultation (15 February- 5 April 2019) and have no comments to make on the SA/SEA Non-Technical Summary, then there will be no need to submit additional representations, as your original representation will be passed onto the Independent Examiner. If you would like to make a representation on the Upper Beading Neighbourhood Development Plan, please do so online at the above web address or alternatively please send your representation to [email protected] or in writing to: Neighbourhood Planning Officer, Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, RH121RL. We encourage those responding to use our online consultation system which is available on our website, at the above web address, to ensure your representation is processed more securely. All representations must arrive no later than 5pm on Friday 19 July 2019.

NOTIFICATION Any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority's decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan. Horsham District Council will process the information you provide in a manner that is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ALL REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED BY THE AUTHORITY WILL BE MADE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE (IN DUE COURSE). THESE WILL BE IDEN:nFIABLE BY NAME AND WHERE APPLICABLE ORGANISATON



SOUTHWATER DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Southwater Parish Council (as the qualifying body) has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NOP), entitled "Southwater Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2031", for their Parish with the help of the local community. The NOP sets out a vision for the future of the Parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally. In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Southwater Neighbourhood Development Plan and associated documents will go out to consultation for 6 weeks inviting representations between Friday 7 June and 5pm on Friday 19 July 2019.

WHERE THE PLAN CAN BE INSPECTED Copies of the Southwater Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documentation are available to view on the Horsham District Council website­policy/currentconsultations

Hard copies of the documentation are available upon prior request for inspection at Horsham District Council offices; Parkside, Chart Way:North Street, Horsham, RH12 1 RL between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and Southwater Library, Beeson House, 26 Lintot Square, Fairbank Road, Southwater, RH13 9LA between 1 Oam and 5pm Monday to Friday and between 1 Oam and 2pm on Saturdays.

HOW TO MAKE REPRESENTATIONS -WRITTEN COMMENTS ONLY If you would like to make a representation on the Southwater Neighbourhood Development Plan, please do so online at the above web address or alternatively please send your representation to [email protected] or in writing to: Neighbourhood Planning Officer, Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, North Street, Horsham, RH121RL. We encourage those responding to use our online consultation system which is available on our website, at the above web address, to ensure your representation is processed more securely. All representations must arrive no later than 5pm on Friday 19 July 2019.

NOTIFICATION Any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning autho(ity's decision under regulation 19 in relation to the neighbourhood development plan. Horsham District Council will process the infonnation you provide in a manner that is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ALL REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED BY THE AUTHORITY WILL BE MADE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE (IN DUE COURSE). THESE WILL BE IDENTIFIABLE BY NAME AND WHERE APPLICABLE ORGANISATON.

West Sussex County Council Application for Planning Permission

Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)

(England) Order 2015 Notice under Article 15

Application Number: WSCC/041/19 Proposal: Proposed Concrete Crushing and Soil Recycling Facility Location: Kilmarnock Farm, Charlwood Road, lfield, RH11 OJY Applicant P J Brown (Construction) Ltd Application Number: WSCC/042/19 Proposal: Amendment of Condition 3 of planning permission WSCC/056/14/UB·to extend the time allowed for the infill of the SSSI to August 2020 Location: Horton Landfill Site, Henfield Road, Small Dole, Upper Beading, BN5 9XH Applicant: Viridor Waste Management Ltd You can inspect the applications at: or at County Planning, West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester P019 1 RH, or at Horsham District Council, Park North, North Street, Horsham RH12 1 RL during all reasonable office hours. Viewings of hard copies should be arranged in advance via County Planning (telephone (01243) 642118) to ensure the information is-available. Comments on these applications should be made by 27 June 2019. Where possible, comments should be made online at: or sent to: [email protected] Alternatively they can be made in writing to: County Planning, West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester P019 1 RH. Please include the number of the application you are commenting on. Please consider helping to reduce the cost to your council and the environment by submitting comments electronically. Any queries, please contact 01243 642118.

West Sussex County Council (Horsham: Gladstone Road)

(Temporary Closure) Order 2019 NOTICE is hereby given that on the 4th day of June 2019 West Sussex County Council made an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding at any tima along Gladstone Road at Its junction with Hurst Road. The Order is necessary due to sewer repairs. The Order will come into effect on 1 O June 2019 and will last for 18 months or until the proposed works are completed, whichever is earlier. It is anticipated the works will take 2 weeks to complete. Any queries about the works to take place should be directed to Gappagh Brown Utilities telephone number (01273) 663819. Mf queries about the effect of the Order on vehicles using ttie highway should be directed to WSCC, telephone number (01243) 642105

West Sussex County Council (West Grinstead-Partrtdge Green:

Steynlng Road) (Temporary Closure) Order 2019

NOTICE is hereby given that not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, West Sussex County Council intend to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, tha effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding at any time along the length of Steyning Road from the A24 to Mill Lane. The Order is necessary to allow carriageway resurfacing works to be undertaken The Order will come into effect on 24 June 2019 and will last for 18 months or until the proposed works are completed, whichever is earlier. It is anticipated the works will take 2 weeks to complete. Any queries about the works to take place or the effect of the Order on vehicles using the highway should be directed to WSCC, telephone number (01243) 642105.

West Sussex County Council (Shipley: Public Bridleway No. 1966)

(Temporary Closure) Order 2019 NOTICE is hereby given that on the 4TH day of June 2019, West Sussex County Council made an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit persons from proceeding along the length of Public Bridleway No. 1966 from its junction with Public Footpath No. 1965 (TQ129220) southwards for a distance of 290 metres to its junction with Public Footpath No. 1968 (TQ128217) The Order is necessary to protect public safety due to an unsafe bridle bridge. Unfortunately there is no alternative route available using the Public Rights of Way network. The Order will come into effect on 11 June 2019 and will last for 6 months or until the proposed works are completed, whichever is earlier. Any queries about the effect of the Order on persons using the bridleway should be directed to Public Rights of Way Team, WSCC, telephone number (01243) 777620. Dated this 6th day of June 2019. Director of Law & Assurance, County Hall, Chichester.



(Deceased) Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of the above named, late of Skylark House Care Home, St Mark's Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 5PV (formeny of Lamoma, 68 Ringmore Road, Shaldon, Devon TQ14 OAB), who died on _21/04/2019, are required to send written particulars thereof to the under.;lg)led on or before 14/0812019, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims and in!efeSls of which they have had notice. Tozers LLP, 2-3 Orchard Gardens; Te!gllfTIOUth, Devon TQM 8BR., Ref: SMH/85836-3/SW

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