solid waste management city profile profile...santiago de cali’s real and political will to define...

Post on 04-Mar-2020






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Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

Solid Waste Management City Profile

CALI, Colombia

City Information

Population: 2,244,158 (DANE, 2005)

Area (km2): 564 km2

Climate: Tropical (Average low temperature in winter months 18.7

degrees Celsius, average high temperature in summer months

29.6 degrees Celsius)

Main Economic Activities:

Food processing, Wood products, personal care and home goods, metallurgy and automotive (batteries,

rubber products, chassis, and other parts)

City website -

Country Information

Population – 47.70 million

Area (km2) – 1,141,748

Economy and GNI/Capita - Upper middle income; $6,990 (GNI/Capita in USD)

Main Economic Activities:

Agriculture: 6.5%

Industry: 37.5%

Services: 56% (2012 est.)

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

Main industries are textiles, food processing, oil, clothing and footwear, beverages, chemicals, cement;

gold, coal, emeralds

Main exports: petroleum, coffee, coal, nickel, emeralds, apparel, bananas, cut flowers

Main imports: industrial equipment, transportation equipment, consumer goods, chemicals, paper

products, fuels, electricity

Website of National Government Agency responsible for guidance on waste legislation

Housing Ministry –

Environment Ministry -

MSW Sector Overview: City Level City Information

Classification of MSW

Santiago de Cali Solid Muni Solid Waste Sources (tons/year)

Source 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Residential 339,124 347,799 338,618 395,159 368,038 351,624 382,537

Commerce and industry 48,016 48,062 49,704 66,463 35,967 34,363 37,384

Hospitals 1,080 1,121 1,491 1,757 1,943 1,856 2,019

Market places 1,374 14,384 16,601 17,136 19,142 18,288 19,896

Street cleaning /mixed

waste 66,653 62,650 59,121 47,375 58,659 56,043 60,970

Debris 150,923 36,839 172,296 4,146 64,247 61,382 66,778

Others 2,394 1,996 1,951 9 11,437 10,927 11,887

Rural areas 2,374 2,395 2,471 2,105 1,789 1,710 1,860

Total 611,938 515,246 642,253 534,150 561,222 536,193 583,331

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

MSW Generation

669,410 tons/year; 298 kg/year

Collection Coverage and Type

99%, mixed waste collection

Waste Composition

Residential Solid Waste Composition in 2006

Category %

Food 59.0

Sanitary 7.7

Bags and Packaging 6.9

Leaf and Garden 6.5

Paper 3.9

Plastic 3.2

Glass 2.6

Cardboard 2.4

Textile 2.0

Other 1.5

Metallic 1.1

Ceramic 1.3

Rubber and Leather 1.0

Wood 0.6

Bones 0.3

Table 9: Source: DAP, 2009.

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

Waste Management Practice

Majority of waste is sent to Interaseo’s Yotoco sanitary landfill, via a transfer station located outside the

city. Formal and informal recyclers collect recoverable materials in the city (from a national study

recycling rates are 17% of total MSW).

Formal Waste Sector

Private collection companies (4 companies servicing 95% of Cali – Other 5% serviced by 10 small

private companies). Private company operates transfer station and sanitary landfill.

Informal Waste Sector

Informal collection is done throughout the city; there are 3,258 informal waste pickers in Cali.

Financing of MSW

Fees are paid via utility bills. Service costs 0.06% of total municipal budget

MSW Sector Overview: Country Level

General description and overview of common practice

99% of waste is collected. 94% of waste is sent to licensed landfills

(not all of which are sanitary landfills). Small % dumped illegally

into waterways or burned.

Waste Generation (per capita/year)

226 kg/year

Collection Coverage


Number of Landfills/MSW Disposal rate (tonnes/year)

94% of waste goes to licensed landfills

Recycling Rate

A recent study in the national context estimated a recycling rate of 17%. Roughly half of this is from

formal recyclers and half from the informal recyclers.

Waste management of Organic fraction (composting, anaerobic digestion)

Most sent to landfill. Small scale composting (community level). Anaerobic digestion is not done due to

extremely low electric prices.

Energy Recovery Rate

Not common, low electric rates limit energy recovery. A few projects flare landfill gas but energy

production is limited.

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

Plans, Strategies, Policies [including financial instruments) and National Objectives

City Level

Aimed at improving Waste Management in General – Creation of multi-stakeholder waste committee. Potential installation of integrated solid waste treatment facilities (MBT facilities). General public education programs.

Aimed at addressing Climate change and reducing SLCPs through waste related activities – Source separation policy

Country Level

Aimed at improving Waste Management in General – increase in sanitary landfills. Push for regionalization of landfills allowing smaller municipalities to band together to build landfills. Reform of tariff (increased tariff received for alternative treatment technologies).

Aimed at addressing Climate change and reducing SLCPs through waste related activities - Potential installation of integrated solid waste treatment facilities (MBT facilities).


City Level


In 1966 EMSIRVA ESP was founded, its function is to provide the public service of collection,

transportation, recovery, utilization and disposal of municipal solid waste generated in the city of

Santiago de Cali.

From this time the waste was taken to a lot in the village of Navarro, which began as an open air dump

which was later technically treated until its closure and final sealing (96% of it has been accomplished).

Its closure was an order issued by the Autonomous Regional Corporation of the Cauca Valley, CVC,

(regional environmental Authority) dated June 4, 2008, it "ordered the cessation from June 25, 2008 at

12 M of domestic solid waste, industrial and hospital waste disposal, and therefore final closure of the

landfill, and prohibits solid waste disposal on the lot owned by EMSIRVA ESP, located in the village of

Navarro, Township Santiago de Cali ".

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

By 2014 the leachate plant for Navarro will be built with National resources and the gas emission plat

that was supposed to be built by Carbon BW this present year is having problems, because the investors

planed the business with the CERTS value of 2010 (14 Euros), now days we are talking of a value of 0,3


June 25, 2008 marked the beginning of the final waste disposal in the Colomba Guabal Landfill in the

Municipality Yotoco made possible through the Contract No. 010-2008, awarded to INTERASEO DEL


The Navarro’s Landfill closure brings the eviction of all families and individuals who were pursuing

recycling tasks, thus resulting in an official survey of 686 Navarro waste Pickers that began to exercise

their duties in urban areas.

In the year 2009 there were two significant aspects in Cali’s waste management: 1. the Colombian

Constitutional Court, via Sentence T-291-09 recognizes recyclers as waste entrepreneurs, which forces

the Municipality to work in the creation and implementation of a Public Policy were the Waste pickers of

the entire city (around 3,200) are included in the collection system of recyclables. 2. The liquidation of

EMSIRVA ESP, today EMSIRVA ESP-UNDER LIQUIDATION, which provided the waste management duties,

therefore required contract negotiations through bids for service delivery collection, sweeping and

public space cleaning in four operational areas in which the city was divided. At present, the provision of

sanitation services in Cali is conducted through four major private operators serving 95% of the market

and the residues are taken to a transfer station from where in higher capacity equipment are

transported to the the Colomba Guabal Landfill in the Municipality Yotoco. Those contracts are

managed by EMSIRVA UNDER LIQUIDATION, which is supervised by the Superintendence of Public

Services from the National Government.

Recently the Municipality and the Superintendence are working together in order to solve the structural

problem, which includes the Liquidation of Emsirva and the creation of a new entity that will not only

manage the private operator contracts, but Navarro lot and the Public market places. (Which now days

are responsibility of EMSIRVA UNDER LIQUIDATION)

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

The Municipality of Santiago de Cali, accepting the Decree 1505 of 2003 from the Ministry of

Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, which established the responsibility of

municipalities to develop plans to ensure the open air dumps elimination and encourages and promotes

the development of programs and projects to mitigate the environmental impacts and public health

issues caused by the improper solid waste handling, developed the 2004-2014 Integrated Solid Waste

Management Plan (PGIRS – from the Spanish acronym). It was adopted by Municipal Decree 0475 of

August 31, 2004, and reviewed, evaluated and adjusted over the years 2008 and 2009.

The approaches, programs and strategies embodied in the PGIRS show clearly and unequivocally the

Santiago de Cali’s real and political will to define guidelines for the solid waste management, which are

the support needed for the Selective Route implementation of the Plan.

National Level

During the nineties decade, most of countries with market economies redefined the role of the State

Government regarding the provision of public services. Essentially, State monopolies were replaced by

market structures with participation of private capitals in a competitive environment. In this sense, the

public sector reoriented its participation in such markets and did assume the role of a regulatory and

supervisory entity.

The new strategy in providing public services was formalized in Colombia through the Colombian Politic

Constitution (CPC) in 1991. Article 365 of the CPC establishes that public services are inherent to the

social objective of the State and so its responsibility is to guarantee an efficient provision for the entire

population. Within this context, public services could be provided directly or indirectly by the State, by

an organized community or by private companies. In any case, the State reserves for itself the right for

intervention and/or supervision of the services in order to guarantee that any of these operating

modalities are compatible with public services social purpose.

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

In 1994, Law 142 completely redefined the national institutional framework of the domiciliary public

service sector. The main purpose of this Act was to encourage different ways of managing public service

providers to ensure operational and economic efficiency of these companies.

On the other hand, waste management is also an environmental concern for the State. Therefore, waste

management is also included in the environmental legislation framework (whose core regulation is the

Law 99 of 1993). Law 99 defined and established the National Environmental System (SINA) as the main

institutional arrangement in Colombia. SINA’s objective is the articulation between national, regional

and municipal environmental authorities, in order to preserve the environmental capital of Colombian

territory. Through this Act the Ministry of Environment (MADS) was officially created.

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

Involvement to date in CCAC MSW Initiative


Attendance of CCAC Vancouver meeting in March 2013

City Assessment

City Action Plan

City work plan

Application for mentor city exchange program


Attendance of CCAC Regional meeting in Oct 2012

Selection of CCAC cities

Attendance of CCAC Vancouver meeting in March 2013

Current Projects or activities aimed at reducing SLCP Emissions


Cali will utilize CCAC to support its envisioned municipal source separation policy. The policy has 5


1. Identify waste pickers and material warehouse locations via a census (ongoing) 2. Organize and formalize waste pickers 3. Waste pickers will maintain their current routes under the new policy 4. Waste pickers operate the selective routes as city contractors 5. Waste pickers, gather, separate and commercialize recyclables

To support this policy, households will begin to separate their waste at source. They will separate all dry

recyclables into one bag (the blue bag). The remaining waste will be placed in another bag (the green

bag). In addition to this approach for households, large generators of organic waste will be targeted for

separate collection.

Recyclables (Blue bag) – This bag will be picked up by formal recyclers (currently operating as informal sector workers) and placed in a specialized cart (a “triciclo” in Spanish) that already has special compartments for each material (glass, plastics, paper, etc). Next, the materials collected are taken to mobile collection centers (CAT is the Spanish acronym) where recyclers will be paid for the materials. Materials are then picked up the current private companies that provide waste collection service in Cali and taken to Municipal Collection Centers (CAMU Spanish acronym). The city foresees a need for four CAMUs in Cali representing 1 for each of the 4 quadrants of the city. Materials are then sold to industry.

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

Other waste (Green bag) – This bag will contain all other waste of the waste stream, including organic waste. Through normal waste collection routes, this waste will be taken to a mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) facility. Cali is currently working with CCAP and the Colombian National government on a National Appropriate Mitigation Action for Colombia, and Cali is positioned to be a pilot city for such a MBT facility, which could be built in the coming years.

• Large generators of organic waste – This includes green waste, market waste, restaurant and

hotel food waste, etc. Separate collection of this waste will be collected by formalized recyclers.

It will be taken to a compost plant, or the MBT facility mentioned above.

Methane emissions will be decreased drastically with this policy by the following:

1. Diversion from landfill of paper and cardboard generated from households

2. Diversion from landfill of organic waste from large generators

Significant CO2 reductions will also be achieved through the following:

1. Less transport of waste to the landfill (located 62 km outside of Cali)

2. Increased recycling rates that reincorporate materials for productive purposes and displace

virgin materials.

Solid Waste NAMA – Cali is positioned to be the inaugural city for the Solid Waste NAMA (see country

description below)

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

Country Level (and/or international)

CCAC - Along with Cali, Barranquilla will now be supported by CCAC

Global Methane Initiative (GMI) – Colombia is a member of GMI.

Solid Waste NAMA

Colombia aims to achieve carbon neutrality of solid waste sector emissions (which comprise 5.7% of

total GHG emissions, 6.18 million tons/yr) by undertaking integrated solid waste management programs

and creating incentives for the private sector that could catalyze actions to: divert organics from landfills

(thereby reducing methane emissions as part of landfill gas), increase recycling (thereby reducing

indirect emissions by avoided production of virgin materials), generate refuse-derived fuel (thereby

displacing conventional fossil fuel use) and promote alternative uses of landfill gas.

A nationally appropriate mitigation action (NAMA) will support the Colombian government in reducing

the carbon footprint of its solid waste sector, by overcoming existing policy, financial, market and social

barriers. The cornerstones of the NAMA are regulatory changes, the promotion of new technologies,

creation of appropriate financial mechanisms, and the integration of informal recyclers into the formal


The design of the Colombian Solid Waste NAMA incorporates international donor support to partially

finance the equity fund described above. National and sub-national contributions would also be

required to fund the balance of the equity fund, provide project development support, provide land, and

create awareness programs in municipalities to encourage source separation of waste. The finance

provided will also maximize the involvement of private sector investments in next-generation waste

management infrastructure and processes.

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative

Key Stakeholders

Emsirva -

Municipal Planning Department -

DAGMA – Environment Department (in charge of MSW planning) -

CVC – Regional Environmental authority for Valle del Cauca (state where Cali is located) -

Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Initiative


MSW Initiative City Lead

Name: Maria de Mar Mozo

cell: 05723166627


MSW Initiative City Representative

Name: Maria de Mar Mozo

cell: 05723166627


MSW Initiative Country Contacts

Diana Milena Rodríguez Velosa

Dirección de Cambio Climático / Climate Change Division

Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible / Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

Calle 37 No. 8 -40 Bogotá, Colombia

Tel: (57-1) 332 3400 ext 2484 / 2411

Tatiana Núñez Suárez (Overall CCAC contact for Colombia) Environment Ministry Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales Correo electrónico: Calle 37 # 8 -40 Piso 2 Conmutador: +57 (1) 332-3400 Ext: 2407 / 2311 Bogotá, Colombia

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