media contents and dps analysis

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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In this contents page it also includes the magazine logo/masthead in the boldest font so it is clear. Beneath the masthead is also cities of where some iconic music is made.

Mojo is aimed at an older demographic which is why it uses quite a simple colour palette of grey, black and gold which are quite muted and not too bright, but still includes a touch of colour so it is not completely dull.

Like most magazines it also separates main articles by using a bold font appealing to the reader then explains in a smaller font underneath so the reader can decide whether its what they want to read. The cover story at the bottom of the page is also sectioned off making it stand out and emphasises that it is the main article with a longer breakdown, but remains in the same font maintaining consistency.

At the bottom of the article there is also a pull quote included which is designed to draw readers in by it being in a different font and separated from the main body of the text. The quote also gives a personal account as it from an artist and could appeal to their fans.

Another convention is the inclusion of the date and issue number this allows collectors to keep up to date and collect their magazine, it also indicates how successful the magazine is and for how long it has been publishing emphasising authenticity.

In the image the artist also takes up a proportion of the cover from the left hand side at a high angle with direct address as he looks directly at the audience adding to intimacy and attracting the readers attention. This image is also shot using high key lighting and quite smart/casual clothing to appeal to an older fan base. The mise-en-scene also stands out amongst the house style colours as red is quite bright and draws the eyes of the reader

Mojo Contents Page

Conventionally includes the magazines logo/masthead, issue number and date.

The image takes up quite a large proportion of the page with a single artist, wearing conventional black clothing to suit the genre

The informative text is placed on the left making it easy to follow with page numbers and is laid out in columns quite formally. The colours used for text is white and pink in this issue however the white remains a staple colour throughout the magazine as I have seen in a few of there other contents pages.

The text used also remains the same font adding to consistency of the magazine, however the band names appear bigger with a small bit about what the article consists of making it easier to locate articles.

It also includes a quote from the artist possibly appealing to fans and indicating what the article could be about.

The image is also shot using quite high key lighting with the artist not conventionally staring directly at the audience with a mid torso shot.

The colour choice and mise-en-scene used indicates the magazine is for a younger fan base as it uses brighter colours than ones from older magazines like mojo which use a more muted palette.Rock Sound Contents Page

Classic Rock Contents Page In this classic rock contents page the image is the focal point taking up three quarters on the page. This image was taken using long shot to capture all of the members. Editing of the image is related to the dusty brown imagery associated with the classic rock style and the lack of saturation/colour. The editing of the image can also connote that the band are quite well known or have been around for a long time. The whole appearance of the image is quite minimalistic with its muted colour palette and lack of emotion which can be linked to the rock genre.

The colour scheme is also quite minimal sticking to consistently used colours in the rock genre of white, black and red which compliment each other well.

Other conventions which can be found in this example are the issue number and date the issue was released. It also includes columned text and page numbers to make it easy for the reader to navigate through the magazine.

The text in the contents page appears quite uniformed sticking to a specific and classic font style referring to the magazines selling point. Comparing this to the likes of Kerrang’s house style it is very minimal whereas Kerrang is quite chaotic, appealing to a younger demographic.

The article heading is strategically placed in the centre of the page towards the top using a different font to appeal to the reader and is an important part of the article used to attract the readers attention.Unlike other magazines the masthead ‘Classic Rock’ appears in a smaller font than the subheading subverting to typical conventions. It also appears along the boarder in the colour black making it hard to tell what magazine you are reading and other text appears in black as well.

Metal Hammer Contents Page Like most other music magazines the masthead appears quite boldly on the contents page so people are aware of what the are reading and the ‘contents’ below it as well as release date and issue number all aligned.

The main body of the text appears on the left hand side of the page in a columned format. Using a conventional colour palette of black white and red as these are often associated with the rock genre. The font used is quite old fashioned and appears with page numbers helping direct the reader to key elements within the magazine.

On the right hand side of the page there are a line of images related to the articles within the magazine and the pages they can be found on. This helps breakup the text and appeal to people visually indicating what the article is based on. They have also chosen to include the front cover of the issue amongst the images.

On some contents pages they may also include an interpersonal message from the editor appealing to the reader and including them. This can be found on the far right hand side using white and red font on a black background to help it stand out, it also includes a signature which may hold sentimental value to the reader. This contents page also includes buttons like most front covers to try and coax the reader by offering them something related to the issue and selling it. As far as layout is concerned it is chaotic compared to the likes of Mojo and the previous Classic Rock ones I have looked at.

Metal Hammer DPSThis double page spread is quite minimalistic and simple with a very structured format. The pages are split into two, image conventionally on the left and text on the right. It also has a simple black and white colour scheme running throughout, this is much less in-your-face than the bright colours of Kerrang and Q. the black and white also adds to the effect of the band and make them seem more mysterious and serious about their music than a band that’s jumping around in a photography studio like that of pop. The image is shown with an above torso shot edited to continue the black and white theme with the direct address of the artist and eye contact making it interpersonal, he also has quite a lack of expression which can be linked to the rock genre.

The intricate title design and small writing on the left hand side page is a gothic and flowing design, which is suggestive of an older target audience and its attention to detail. It also links to association with quite heavy music as is metal hammer in itself.

The page numbers and information about the picture is in a very small text size, this could so as it doesn’t distract from the article its self or the image it’s over, and is only for one page for the same reason. The font used is a very fitting font to the mise-en-scene for this dps. Slightly gothic but still readable, it’s a clear font that fonts in with the fancy art work of the title and first letter.

The text appears in 3 symmetrical and evenly spaced columns with the first letter using the same intricate design as the headline showing consistency in the layout and design. The article uses a two toned colour palette of white and grey rather than the traditional red to link to match the article. It also includes a grab quote essentially to grab the reader and summarise part of the story. The page number can also be found at the bottom of the page The language used is personal and detailed. for example, in this article about going to interview a metal star, for the first two paragraphs are describing his (the interviewer) surroundings and how it feels, he include anecdotes about his teenage years, an extract of this: “I am guided down a twisting staircase to a seemingly would be lair fit for a Metal God. For the duration I am now 15 years old trying to maintain.” This detailed extract continues to describe his “hang out spot” and what type of music was played. This gives the article a more personal touch delving into the interviewer’s personal life. The build up of the surroundings in detail causes a build up in tension and intrigue for the reader, this makes them want to read on, and feel a part of the article as they know it so well. For the more enthusiastic readers, who have been to these places, it will bring back memories of being there and will make it even more personal.

Rock sound DPSFor this Dps they have also put an image on the left hand side and the text on the right hand side as it is convenient for the reader. The image uses colour which subverts to usual conventions of rock as they are commonly black and white or muted. The image is taken in long shot so it fits in all the members and quite playful compared to other images in this genre.It uses the conventional colour palette of black, red and white and maintains three main columns for the text with a grab quote showing in bigger font giving an idea of the artists views. The headline is conventionally the biggest font to appear on the page with a thick red box under it so it stands out which can be linked to the band as they are known for chaotic performances and the running of the box could connote that as it isn’t solid and straight. The font used particularly on ‘s’ appears shattered also relating to the genre and its violent stereotypes.The box sectioned off below the title is also in a different box making it stand out and the bands name appears in a bold white standing out even further.

Like many other dps’s the text s started using a drop capital often used to gain the readers attention and get them to read the article which is shown in an ordered and consistent format.

Here is a classic rock dps. Unconventionally the image takes up approximately 75% of the page for the right hand side unlike most where the image is on the right hand side. The band name ‘audioslave’ appears t the top of the page separated from all other text in a small orange font.

The headline slave to the rhythm appears in a different style font to grab the readers attention but I one not as bold as it is quite thin with slave being a bigger font to purposely to get the readers attention and them to read into the article. Like a few of the other dps’s I have looked at this one also contains a drop capital in a thick bold font and is one chunk of text in a single column.

The design is quite minimalistic sticking to an old fashioned looking style of photography and the classic rocks dusty brown house style. The image appears to look quite serious and as though it is taken in a hidden space drawing suspense and intriguing the reader.

The masthead ‘classic rock’ appears at the bottom of the article by each page number remaining quite subtle unlike other brands which may have bolder and more visible mastheads. This article style also uses minimal colour straying away from typically associated rock colours like red and white, keeping it muted with black and a pop of green and orange.

The uses an unconventional colour of orange to substitute with the more common red, white and black colour scheme. The words ‘In Good Health’ contrast with Pete Doherty in general, this is ironic as Pete doesn’t have great health which is shown by him holding a beer and not looking his best, like he’s been out with the lads wearing quite neutral clothing and minimal facial expressions. Like in other dps’s there are three main columns involving the article on the right hand side and the image on the left hand side. I think this DPS is effective because of the image, the colour scheme and the article just looks interesting. I like the layout and think it looks interesting and jumbled up like Pete himself. This DPS does appeal to it’s target audience of indie rock as Pete is a main feature in this genre, even though he isn’t necessarily known as a role model and he is part of the stereotypical rock culture of today.

The article appears structures quite well with a torso and above shot and to break up the large chunk of text they have used a bold orange drop capital maintaining consistency with the colour palette of black, white and orange. The also use a grab quote to break up the text and draw the readers attention as these usually consist of something the artist is saying relating to them.

They also include a small picture below the last paragraph of text and a small caption as well as page numbers.

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