why you need to understand google’s new privacy policy - social media marketing

Why You Need To Understand Google’s New Privacy Policy

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Why You Need To Understand Google’s New Privacy Policy

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Google’s recently revised privacy policy once again has the world on

edge. What are they up to now? The internet is not happy! Today we

investigate what the search giant will be able to do with your information,

and how it will affect your life.

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No Privacy in The Policy

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Google has announced that their ever-expanding network of social

networking, video, tools and email sites will now obliterate privacy as we know it. It’s a bold move, but honestly

– not a very surprising one.

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In the past year we’ve watched Google consolidate their efforts, as they

attempt to dominate the internet. By linking their many sites together, it has become impossible to remain outside

their reach.

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Most recently, the internet reacted to Google’s new ‘personalized search’ –

which recommends sites to you based on your social network and personal

search preferences. Many social marketers predicted that this would be

monetized soon enough. And now it has been. The next time you log on to

Google signed in, and search for puppy products, the following day ads and

videos will appear on this topic.

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We just want to reiterate what we’ve always said – if you don’t want your

personal information on the internet, don’t put it there. Now, it seems like you shouldn’t go anywhere on the

internet either, without consciously knowing what you’re in for. But is this

a bad thing? In the spirit of social sharing, no it’s not.

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The Next Step in The Plan

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Sure, you’ll have things associated with your face, and name – that you didn’t have to deal with before. And

yes, anonymity on the internet is becoming a thing of the past. But as a social marketer this isn’t such a bad


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In fact, it’s the next step in the evolution of social sharing. It makes

sense that adverts should be personalized now. Who wants to be

bombarded with ads that have absolutely no relevance to them?

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At least this way, you might find a bargain or two, that you wouldn’t have seen before. For content creators, the situation is more complex. You’ll need

to be aware of the things that you search for – when logged into your Google accounts. If you ignore this

warning, it could be the biggest threat to your online reputation that you’ve

ever had to face.

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The Big Brother Internet

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Google is not doing anything wrong. If we suddenly start persecuting the largest sites on the internet – we’d

have to shut everything down. Facebook is equally as guilty, as are

many others. These sites have given us so much for free, but people tend to

lose sight of that. Instead they’re content with being outraged that a company is actually trying to make


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If anything, this personalized search will help YOUR business sell more

products and services. It increases the value of Google’s PPC networks. It will

help you get more views on your optimized videos. Heck, it will even

lead more prospects to your door. So, let’s give Google a break. This was

always going to happen! Responsibility for your actions is still squarely on your own shoulders, as it always has been.

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Social Media Marketing University (SMMU) is the creation of John Paul Souza, a serial entrepreneur who's held senior managerial positions at Banc America Capital Management

Group and JP Morgan Chase. Serving marketing professionals,

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entrepreneurs and corporations, SMMU differentiates itself by offering

hands-on training from hands-on experts who are actively applying their

skills on real-world projects.

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SMMU was recently honored as one of the top 5 finalists by the leading blog

site, Mashable, as one of the top provider of social media services for businesses. The firm has earned the title of "most trusted social media

firm" with over 900 unsolicited testimonials.

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For more information about social media webinars and social media

online courses, please visit http://www.socialmediamarketinguniversity.com