we are no longer center of the cosmos but the...w are to “christify” or “amorize” the world....


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Post on 02-Feb-2021




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  • We are no longer center of the cosmos but the arrow of evolution.

  • ????????

    The head

    of the arrow


    the center

    of what is


    what is yet to come

  • Cyborgian age

    Transhumanism and personal enhancement

    Community or radical individualism?

    The rise of the Nones

    Culture wars and polarization

  • Being created for wholeness in love we are the most loveless of creatures filled with fear, jealousy, anger, hurt, resistance and rivalry.

    A center empty of love is ripe for extinction because there is nothing to live for.

  • We must find new ways to love, to think and act in ways that make greater

    wholes, to orient ourselves toward the future of integrated wholeness,

    to re-invent ourselves in love.

  • We are wholes within wholes

    Evolution is toward greater wholeness; increased complexity and consciousness.

    Love makes whole what is divided.

    To evolve by way of love.

  • “At the center of our being is a point of nothingness that is untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a point or spark which belongs entirely to God, which is never at our disposal, from which God disposes our lives, which is inaccessible to the fantasies of our mind or the brutalities of our own will. . . .

    It is like a pure diamond, blazing with the invisible light of heaven. It is in everybody, and if we could see it we would see these billions of points of light coming together in the face and blaze of a sun that would make all the darkness and cruelty of life vanish completely.”

  • cosmos




  • “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison (of separateness) by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

    Albert Einstein

  • “I no longer see myself as ‘protecting the rainforest’ but rather that ‘I am part of the rainforest protecting myself. I am that part of the rainforest emerged into thinking.”

    John Seed

  • Return to the mountains and deserts

    The places of solitude

    The places of wilderness

    Where new things can happen






  • - attentiveness to one’s inner world

    - a vision that gets to the truth of reality - unveils a deeper level of intersubjective


    one sees oneself as part of the cosmos. Ex. Francis of Assisi –Canticle of Creatures

  • What fills our inner worlds, our hearts and minds, is to be expressed in our outer worlds, our actions and decisions.

    - Oneness with earth community

    - Symbolic imagination

    - Religious ritual and worship

  • Fall in Love, stay in love,

    and it will decide Everything

    Pedro Arrupe, SJ

  • We are on the cusp of an evolutionary breakthrough, one that requires our conscious participation as co-creative agents of Love to be Christ anew.

    To come to a new level of personhood in an interconnected universe is to

    - contemplate Christ

    - penetrate the mystery of the Christ

  • To be catholic is to be a whole-maker, in the process of making greater wholes

    To live with an evolutionary spirit

    recognizing that everything is incomplete and in desire of greater union.

  • Christianity is

    a religion of

    cosmic Personalization

  • “To be a Christian does not mean to be religious in a particular way, to make something of oneself (a sinner, penitent or saint) on the basis of some method or other, but to be a human. . .the human that Christ creates in us.

    It is not the religious act that makes the Christian, but participation in the sufferings of God in secular life.” = evolution

  • Biological evolution has not ended with us. We are part of an ongoing cosmic process

    that demands our commitment to it.

    Christogenesis : Christ is the One who is coming to be.

  • The mystery of Christ and our human lives are intertwined.

    Our healing and wholeness is necessary for the fullness of Christ or unity in love.

    W are to “christify” or “amorize” the world.

  • If love is truly the heart of cosmic life, then Life can only flourish in an

    evolutionary universe through new patterns of love/new relatedness.

  • The Christian is one who is connected through the heart to the whole of life, attuned to the

    deeper intelligence of nature, and called forth irresistibly by spirit to creatively express his or her gifts in the evolution of self and the


  • Teilhard de Chardin spoke of Christianity as a religion of evolution.

    But Christianity (like all world religions) is in evolution.

    Teilhard said Christ cannot be limited to any one religion.

  • Evolution is Christ-in-the making




  • Teilhard realized is the stasis of religion is the stifling of evolution.

    “No longer is it simply a religion of individual and of heaven, but a religion of mankind and of the earth--that is what we are looking for at this moment, as the oxygen without which we cannot breathe.”




  • The noogenic Christ is “a general convergence of religions upon a universal personal center of unity who fundamentally satisfies all religions.”

    Technology plays a key role in evolutionary convergence, enabling the emergence of global mind and collective consciousness.

  • Christianity (and all world religions) is in evolution

    and in order to remain itself


    as personal center of the evolving cosmos

    must become something new.

    We are wholes w/in wholes, Persons w/in persons

    religions w/in religions

  • Judaism

    Islam XNTY


  • Technology



    Christ not something but someone in evolution

  • To live with an evolutionary spirit is to let go when the right time comes and to engage

    new structures of relationships.

    Eric Jantsch

    “Every end is a new beginning; every arrival a new departure”

  • “The day will come when, after harnassing the ether, the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And, on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

    Teilhard de Chardin

    “I have come to cast fire on the earth and how I wish it were ablaze already” Luke 12:

  • To harness the energies of love for the forward movement of evolution is to:

    Trust in the power of love

    Freedom to live in love

    Passion for love

  • Be open to change. Change is inherent to dynamic systems

    Realize everything is connected to everything.

    Seek to form new patterns of relationships. Be open to new ideas and insights.

    Strive for greater integral wholes.

  • - Abandon messianic expectations

    - Accept incompleteness

    - Recover the capacity of wonder and awe

    - Live in the primacy of love

  • Beware of balance, stasis, perfect harmony

    Suffering and death are part of life

    Life is dynamic, adaptive, creative

    -discover new connections

    - share activity

    - see the world together

    - collaborate and celebrate

  • Take a cyberfast. Spend time in nature. Slow down

    A mechanical world operates like clockwork.

    Attend to strange attractors

    Create structures to fit the moment.

    When the needs change, so too do the structures.

  • We live in an unfinished universe

    Life is not behind but ahead of us

    “The universe rests on the future as its sole support.”

  • We have to "de-engineer" our thinking, which means we have to examine how mechanistically we are oriented — even in our treatment of one another.

  • Not a flight from the world, but a leap into the future

    To converge and complexify in a personal unity of love.

  • Christogenesis

    is gathering Life unto life Creating new horizons, Unifying the whole in a personal center Giving birth To God.


  • Every day we are dying And every day we are raised to new life.

    What is worth giving your life to? What are the visions and dreams inspiring


    If you had one final opportunity as earthly being to create, what would it be?