washington herald. (washington, dc) 1909-08-02 [p...

THE EEBAID MONDAY ATTGTTS 2 1909 I I WASHING ON i I I 13 STORY Did Not Get Smiths 20000 He Says KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT IT CUT Collector of Baltimore in Dis- cuxsln Former Gov Wnrflelds Charge that tho Organization Supported Senator Smith for 20 000 Asserts It Is Untrue Baltimore Md Aug lrFonnep Gov Frank Brown declared this morning that ho did not get tho 30000 that ho knew nothing about It had never heard of It before and did not beMevo there WAS any truth In It The in discussion according to former 3ov Warfleld Was tho sum with whi h Senator Smith purchased the of the city organization In tho Demo- cratic senatorial primaries In 107 The oxgovernor mado tho charge in his ad dress at Lisbon Howard County yester- day Ho was speaking to his neighbors friends and kinsmen who cheered him echo When former governor and present City Collector Brown was asked today about tLe 20000 and what he did with It he said I thought all that stuff waa ancient history I never got any money from Smith Smith was willing to contribute to the general campaign expenses be continued Wfirfleld was not In fact Warfleld only gave oo to the general expense account I had conducted one campaign that year tho one that elected J Barry Ma- l A mayor It expensive The pri- mary cost a lot of money There were f ir candidates When tho fall I- da not feel like running another cam pa sn I told the fellows who wanted- t o Senator that they should pay tho BROWN DENIES OOO sup- port t tlo enator wa came ¬ ¬ ¬ frrtit and bear the campaign expen- Sr h Warfleld did not I went ahead with the light I never got a cont from Smith howorsr I did n t rred it The money was raised In tie city I do not know what Smith gave in the counties Thfre was considerable discussion whole affair in tho papers at the r v Tim State central committee U Ef fd thff candidates for Senator for- t expenses of conducting tho prima r Warileld paid his share of that but 1 r t l his campaign contribution I i nt know a thing about this 53000- 0Srith did not give me any money There nothing that I knuw of that could give grounds for such a story It makes OLD MAN AMONG GUILTY Though Eighty Years Old Ho Sold WhiMlcy in Dry Town BpYiil to The WMbtaftoh IlmJd- Ianvllle Va Avg L The past week has bpon a record breaker since the senj rat Tal raids last February ip the num- ber f fuses for illicit traffic In whisky in t r Eleven cease were disposed of tis vrrfk eight of them resulting in con Vitioni and three in acquittals Ir rcarly all of the caeea where convio t 5 were secured lines of about 10 with fl sentences of thirty days were 1- mjrd except In the cue of two parties v were sentenced to sixty days on ao urt of it being the second offense Most f hp parties convicted Including both J frns and white people men and v men appealed to the Corporation Court Tm roceat cases were worked up by the I through the aid ot three young i it mrn employed as detectives to visit ti blind tigers and to make pur t ucs of and beer in order to se- urc convictions One of the parties con virtiMi is a white man about eighty years f R- HAEEISONBUHG IS CHOSEN Younf Peoples Society of Christian tendenvor Adjourns bprna Te VaahiactOB HtnU- dVrSK nter Vs Aug L The sixteenth inrial conventiOn of the Young Peoples POI ty of Christian Endeavor of Vlr pirii which has been in session in the Trircd Brethren Church in this city for fir days past adjourned tonight TLc visiting pastors occupied the local I ts and devotional exercises lasting T aiiy tho entire day were held at Brethren Church At the afternoon session Harronburg Va was selected as the place for the r r Annual convention although Roaaoke put tip spirited claims for tbe meeting Fleet Reaches Old Saturday Special to The WMbmstoa HtrmkL Newport News VL Aug 1 The Unit il Btates naval oolllor Abaranda arrived 1 rrr today with the message that the alps of the Atlantic battleship met will arrive at Old Point Saturday from Cape ftil for maneuvers and drills on the drill grounds When the drill are completed the battle ships will go to the various home naY yards for re I airs prior to assembling to steam for the tropics this winter 60000 Acres in Qyntcr Ded Or n City Md Aug L With the romrction of the treat dam across the inrpux nt Bay below Ocean City by which acres of barren bottoms are or- t t I r1 tilfd it whisky t the- i t ted Point t lay thrn OOO agreed ic ¬ < to converted into fertile oyster beds tue promoters of the project expect a crop of 7000000 oysters a year or one fourth the oyster output of the world VI i company is to receive 20009 acres f the land while the Stte will have the 4oiji j acres at its disposal Minn Viola Snoail VilI Wed 5t iT to The WarfUsfftoa Hcnld Danville Va Aug 1 Invitations have Issued by Mr and Mrs Charles Q- Pn ad to the wedding of their daughter Miss Viola Snead to Wiley Griffith Horne jr Th wedding will be sol- emnized at 9 oclock Wednesday oven lim 4 ut the home of the bride in this pity Mr Home is employed with the a ard Air Line Railway at Way crosse ia but for many years made his tome In DanvMl- eDodsca One Tralnj lilt by Another Br inl to The Washington Ut M 4- Covlngton Va Aug attempting to cross the Chesapeake aid Ohio tracks In front of the railroad station hero last night William Hale colored of thte place was struck by a westbound train AH probably fatally injured Hale walt tj for an eastbound freight to pats then started across the track but did not fie tie train His leg was cut ort and he was otherwise badly in- jured He was employed by thl moor Iron Company here and was ro Early Fall Announcements V v j t phoned sad in oar hand to be PRINTED uoo dun effecU work t t rfTtt of the best facitttfct of men of gwta- bilitv with bmt mafhhxryto cuanntctd j ii9 reavxuble dtatso Judd 2 DetwezlerInc THE Bio PRINT SHOP Ce122 UTH t lit hr bPI f lI lIst kIn westbound Low SIEdoo Good We I ¬ ¬ BATTERY D AT OTraBE- Peniuiylvixnla Camp Cumberland Mo Aug L Battery D of Fort Myor returning from the camp of tho Pennsylvania National Guard at Somerset is camping at tho Cumberland baaoball park tonight and a thousand people visited the camp today The of- ficers are Capt TN Horn Lleuta Shop herd and Hopkins and Capt HumphrlA Medical Corps Tho soldiers leave at 6 oclock tomorrow morning going by way of Hancock and Hagorstown i Roanokes Police Offi cer Passes Away ONCE MAYOR OF THE CITY Ho Resigned to Become Judge of the Police Conrt Dcntli Came While He WiLl In Massachusetts Seeking Restoration of Health Will Be Burled in OharlottcsvlllcE- poafel to The WtAlsstoa Umld Roanoke Va Aug 1 Judge J Ran- dolph Bryan of the Roanoke Police Court died early today at Northampton Mass whore he went three weeks ago for medi- cal treatment H had been in bad for els months He was mayor of Roanoko for two years and resigned that office to become judge of Jho police court He wes a na- tive of Charlottesville this state forty one years of age and unmarried He an Elk and a Pythian and for years- a loading lawyer at the Roanoke bar The remains will be buried at Charlottes villa It Ii Way to Fort lt17er from to The WubtDgaQHtDld JUDGE BRYAN IS DEAD hUh was onIts Stsd1 Coup ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WHALE ATTACKS BOAT Skipper Tells of Encounter on Clicnapcnlcc Special to The WMftJsflUm Iltrald Newport News Va Aug 1 Capt Konnard skipper of the twomasted schooner Eva Alice which arrived at Hampton last night with flsh scrap from Middlesex County tells of a thrilling encounter his vssssl had with a whale In lower Chesapeake Day early yesterday morning According to the skipper he sighted the whale about 3 oclock and at first thought It was a submarine boat lying at anchor However the supposed craft had no lights and he approached it gin- gerly he got alongside he realized his mistake for the whale straightened himself and spurted water across the schooners deck The skipper put his vessel about Just as the whale made a swipe at the craft with his talL Then for an hour the battle waged the whale attacking the schooner and the skipper skillfully maneuvering his craft out of barms way and finally running into shallow water where the monster could not fol low Even then the whale swam off- shore from the schooner and followed It to Old Point wharf The whale attracted by tbe smell of the fish scrap Several incoming ves- sels here have reported a school whales off the cape and this one prob- ably was with the sChooL Only a few months ago a whale grounded at Buck roe and was killed Thrilling bon was ¬ ¬ ¬ TRAMP KILLED IN WRECK Coal Cars Ditched on Chcinpcnlce nnd Ohio SIMM to The Waabh w IKnld Covlngton Va Aug L A broken hangs on a steel car loaded with coal caused a wreck here today on the Chesapeake and Ohio eastbound train op- posite the pulp mill throwing seven cars down a twentyfoot embankment and killing air unknown Italian who was stealing a ride East bound traJnc was somewhat delayed It is reported that there were tin Italians on the train al- together but only the deed one has so far been found It is probable that more may be found under the ditched coal CHEAP GAS FOR OAKLAND Advent of Natural Illamlnniit Is Celebrated Oakland Md Aug 1 A huge tongue of flame spouting high up in the air from- a standplpe and Illuminating the and countryside for miles around last night marked the introduction of natural gas Into this city A few days ago the Northern Natural Gas Company completed the laying of its mains from the gas fields to Oakland preparatory to supplying this and adjacent territory with gas for lighting and heating pur- poses and the firing of the flow from the big standpipe last night was the an- nouncement of tho company that it is ready for business The spectacle of the flame shooting up from the standpipe attracted hundreds of persons from the surrounding country side who joined with the residents of the town to witness tho demonstration- The price will bo X cents per thousand feet fttt ton toot town ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Dig Tobacco Year for LynchbnrgrS- trafel to TtM Wukisstes IlmM Lynehburg Va Aug 1 Yesterdays market brought the tobacco year of 88 01 to a close in Lynchburg and during the month of August no sales will be- held The breaks will be resumed on September 1 Tbe sales during the year aggregated 21483700 pounds this being an Increase of 7464160 over the previous year The last crop was not only the largest sold on this market In the past six years but the average prices is reported to have boen the highest in thirtyeight years Begged that He Do Killed Hagenttown Md Aug 1 A white man said to be from McKeesnort Pa attempted to commit suicide at Williams port by jumping into tho Chesapeake and Onto Canal and is in a critical condition It Is believed he was temporarily insane After being taken from the water he be came violent and begged his rescuers to kill him Later he was brought to this city and placed in jail for treatment ClaimeR for Danville Church Sped to WuMetoa llerald Danville V Aug lChlmoe which will be as tine as any in tbe South have been presented to the Main Street Metho- dist Church by the wife and the chil dren of the late James G Penn to whose memory tho gift is dedicated Mr Ponn was during his lifetime one of Uto most influential members or the church Sent to Pasteur Institute Md Aug L Harry a youth of Keedysville this county who was attacked by a dog sup posed to bo mad and bitten the face was sent to Baltimore to the Pasteur In stitute for treatment He was in charge of Dr M Nihlser of this city The Hag own In W l Mont- gomery ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LIGHT ON MYSTERY Bleached Bones Are Found on Mountain Side SUPPOSED TO BE STEAIEY Section Greatly Ex- cited Over Wlmt Is Believed to Be a Solution of the Disappearance of Girl After a Quarrel Many Years Ago in the Mountains Hagorstown Md Aug L The village of Mercarsburg and the country for mUGS around is excited over the alleged otory of a murder supposed to have beon com- mitted over forty years ago While many persons doubt that a confession has boon made others believe In it and think it solves a mystery of long stand IngAt tho homo of a relative In a moun- tain village near the Maryland line lies David ButsehaU a decrepit old man about ninety years of age who is said to have admitted knowing the secret of the disappearance of a young girl named Straley Remembers Excitement The girl was a niece of J V Straley- of this city who remembers well the oo curronco and the excitement that pre- vailed following the girls disappearance It was in the spring that tho Straley girl with a girl friend named Gutschall and a youth named HombrakeV walked across tbe mountain from the corner to tbe country store On tho way a quarrel arose among tbe young people The quarrel II said to have been a bitter one and somewhere on the mountain the Straley girl disap- peared She was as completely lost as if the mountain had opened and ewallowed her Her companions could not throw any light on the matter and for days posses of men searched the mountain for the girl In vain Discovered Bleached Bones In huckleberry time of the following year Fred Filer and his sister while pick lag berries on top of the mountain found pieces of a girls dress and strands of human hair in a pocket in the mountain Nearby they discovered bones that had been bleached almost white perhaps with the aid of and though there wee no means of identifying the srewaome relics it was believed then and la still the opus ion of residents of the region that they were the bones of the girl who had dis- appeared For years afterward the story was told in every household on the mountain and it has been handed down from generatiou to generation The girl and the youth who were the companions of Miss Strsler both died years ago and if anybody has confessed the girl met her death by foul means it is bard to corroborate Thor are many who believed that the girl wandered away from her companions In a flt of anger and became lost and per bed or fell prey to a wild beast whIM alone and helpless on the mountain BLAKE IS PTURED Negro Who Attacked Woman Is in Portsmouth to The VWkiscMB HewkL Norfolk V Aug 1 Will Blake a negro was lodged in the Norfolk County jail today charged with having commit- ted an assault at Bowers Hill Norfolk County on Mrs Alice Jerney tbe wife of a section master of the Seaboard Air Railway Gmt Jcrcer bur JIm Line Jail- S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Blake was hunted by a posse from early yesterday morning the time of the com- mission of the crime until 2 oclock this afternoon when be was found under a schoolhouse He took flight from his hiding place but was brought down with- a shotgun and seriously wounded There were threats of lynching Ute negro but no violence was attempted after he was captured Blake was recently released front the penitentiary He Is about twen tyfive years old while his victim is an elderly woman of sixty PROFESSORS Additional Member of the College Faculty Named Durham N C AGe L Tbe board of trustees of Trinity College at their last annual meeting authorized the appointment of several additional members of the faculty Tbe selection of the new men was left to the executive oomnilttee of the board Several of those appointments have been made and others will be made before the opening of col W The following have already been se- lected Dr Frank C Brown of Chicago Uni- versity professor of Snglisb Dr J M Mathews of Johns Hopkins University instructor in the department of history Mr A M Gates Wetleyan and Johns Hopkins universities Instructor in the department of Latin Dr H H Vaughan Universities of Michigan and Harvard instructor in modern languages Julian Blanchard an A M graduate of Trinity who has been at Columbia Uni- versity on leave of Absence for three years will take up his work at the open- ing of college Charles B Markham of Trinity and Columbia University who was appointed for one In the department of ap- plied mathematics during Mr Blancbards absence has been elected Instructor in the department of mathematics Serious Drought Is Broken Hagerstown Md Aug 1 The most se- rious drought this section has experienced- in many years was broken by heavy rains this morning There is general rejoicing among the people It being the first rain that has fallen in thirtyone days Heavy showers fell after daylight The country roads aro flooded NEW TRINITY to The WMldJllllteoq1nld sst leg car ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE BEST STORAGE FACiUTSES are offered by the modern vaults of this company Silverware family plate c safely stored at reasonable rates Phone for wagon to nail E7TRAVELERS CHECKS and LETTERS OF CREDIT Issued available In nil parts of the world Union Trust Go 15th and K Sis N W Edward J StellvragreM President I o I > MACHINE RANKS SPLIT IN VIRGINIA Continued from Page One nearly as much machine votg as Mann Just what 18 the strength of tho anti saloon vote In Virginia and how muck of It Mann will poll Is unknown and uncertain Four years ago Judge Mann running as tho candidate for governor polled 20000 of the 80000 votes cut Since then the temperance strength has grown If the local option victories are taken as the barometer But thar0 are thousands of people who vote for local option but who will balk at the AntiSaloon League programme In tho State Machine Not Supporting Ellyson Many now developments In the hot tight now drawing to the close In the Democratic party have come to light In the pest few days Among thorn are these given In a nutshell to save space Lieut Gov J Taylor Ellyson for years an orsmnl ration leader for twenty years State chairman and national Democratic and looked upon by some as oiio of tho grand old men of the party will not be by the big machine leaders for renomination James R Caton of Alexandria Democratic floor leader In the house of delegates Ig their candidate Why Ellyson has been drop ped it has not boon developed Both SI- lyson and Caton however are for Tuck- er for governor Stvnnnon Neutral Gov Claude A Swanson a strong or ganisation whose brilliant and pro- gressive term as chief executive of Vir- ginia Is drawng to a close stands neu tral in the governorship flght and unlike his ranking friends In the organization be will take no part In the contest Tote means that Judge Manns majority in the Fifth district Swansons stronghold will be reduced It also means that Swaason will now in all probability have no trouble rounding out his career In tho halls of Congress where he has served twenty years and in the United States Senate cloy Swanseas stand not to try elect his own successor has been most favor ably commented upon The information that he Is neutral comes from Tucker toitrcen Strong Feeling Against Machine There is a strong undercurrent among thinking people especially among the young men that machine domination In Virginia must end The Washington Bar aid representative heard men who have alvftty supported the machine In the PUt denounced it severely and declare that its loaders have gone too far and Virginia does not want and will not stand for its present policy It is our to hear people declare that they are will- Ing to take four years of ReptibMcanfom if it will bring a new dial in the Dem- ocratic party and relieve It of Ute in- cubus of machine domination There is another Interesting little fet Tuckers and Manns friends and manag- ers have issued campaign estimates of what the majorities will be Mann claims be- tween 1LOW and 14030 Tucker about li 000 From inside sources The Washing- ton Herald bears that Manns leaders sjy figuring upon about half of the figures given out while Tuckers managers are doing likewise AH indications point to a close election The best judges say the majority will not be 5000 either way Talk of Counting Out Tucker Hire in Norfolk many persons can be found who make no bones in declaring that they lien that Tucker will be counted out in the Ninth district and therefore beaten No sooner had The Washington HeceJd representative tended in Norfolk than he beard the talk This talk has bobbed up before in the The report was carried to the Tucker headquarters for a statement OOmlJl1tt oman sUIported tIer cam- paign man ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ a request was made not to use it It was stated that Its publication may give rise to statements by Manns friends that Tucker tears defeat and te paving the way to tan gracefully The state- ment was also made that Tuckers ma- jority will be so large that It will be Impossible to count him out Prominent men among whom is one of the highest In the State in discussing the report which he himself had heard says that if any attempt is made to count either one of the candidates out sad it leaks out It will wreck the Democratic party in Virginia Machine and AntlSnloon Job Reverting to local conditions a num- ber of unusual things politically have come to light here To ascertain reasons why the anti saloon is lined up for Judge Mann with the machine in tbe past hat been allied with the liquor interests and in Norfolk is now allied with them The Washing ton Herald representative sought light front the leading antisaloon man in Norfolk a man who stands high in the business and financial world He gave out a new reason why those two Influ- ences were supporting the same man for gvernor He declared that the under- standing is that the AntiSaloon League shall have the governorship and tho ma- chine the patronage He said in sub- stance Faith in Judge 3Injin I believe the bulk of the antisaloon people believe that Judge Mann is sin- cere on the temperance question These charges that he is snot are mado by men and papers who are not supporting him and Ids cause He has been an abused and misrepresented man Here In Norfolk only the machine liquor leaders are supporting Judge Mann They are doing because Sen- ator Martin asked them to do It The in There t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ dependent liquor men tbe men who have the most money in the traffic are for Tucker You know the understanding between the machine and antisaloon forces doct you Wrath the antisaloon i to have the governor and the machine the patronage Senator Martin and Hal Flood are for temperance They saw In Judge Mann a strong exponent of that cause and are giving him their support They have asked their friends and followers in Vir- ginia to also support him but the men who have tho money in the liquor busl ortlntr Judtrn but noes are not ¬ are for Tuoker You know I have novor been a ma chine man but when the machine takes up my candidates I am of course with them Thats what has been done In case May Abandon the Saloon This authority also stated that the Stato machine will abandon the influ- ence of the liquor interests ftir the influ- ence of the antisaloon forces and that alt the antisaloon people wish Is tem- perance reform legislation They have no interest In anything else He also stated that a Statewide pro hibition bill submitting the matter to the people will come up in the legisla ture He said that it is understood is to be the plan His statement is support- ed by the fact that antisaloon followers- In Norfolk are quizzing the legislative candidates on their attitude toward Statewide prohibition Almost in dlzct conflict to this view Is that taken by machine liquor leaders in Norfolk It is common report that these men are supporting Judge Mann because they believe the State ma feJne will prevent any more reform temperance legislation Regarding this report which is wide- spread in Norfolk whether true or not McDonald Lee an Intimate friend of the biff machine leaders was seen He said I I I I ck this ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Close Daily at 5 P M Saturdays 6 P M Mens and Young Mens Two and Threepiece Fancy Suits tariff is off these goods Nothing stands in the way of absolute and clearance and quickly at that The entire stock of fancy lightweight suits in worsteds cassimercs and cheviots is included at these prices Final Prices THE I fj 5 I Clearance > Suits Now Suits Now Suits Now Suits Now Suits Now Suits Now 1ooo 675 1250 875 1500 975 1800 1275 2000 1475 2250 1575 MENS SEPARATE TROUSERS Substantial ReductionsE- ntire stock of Mens Separate and outing styles in fancy worsteds cheviots and cassimeres reduced for clearance I II Trousersregular aI 240 Trousers Now 300 Trousers Now 340 Trousers Now 400 Trousers Now 185 215 245 295 b nks Q1nmpauy Pennsylvania Avenue Seventh Street that persons believing that report are mistaken as no promise has been made to Interfere with temperance legislation He said further that James V Treby and James E Prince are supporting Judge Mann because their friendship for Sen ator Martin is stronger than their love for the saloon Mr Lee by the way stated that many people are supporting Judge Mann because they fear Tuckers triumph means Martins defeat for re election to the United States Senate Xo Legislation Says Leaner Another view of this muddled condition to this According to a wellknown sa loon man who is supporting Mr Tucker be asked Senator Leaner why he Is for Mann He says that Leaner replied that there will no further temperance leg IflaUon tot two years and by that time it is hoped that the prohibition wave will have spent its force And still hires another view An liquor man who Is also Mr Tucker believes Judge Mann is sincere in his temperance views and will bring prohibition He said that Judge Mann has fought the saloon all his life that he drew the Mann bill which wiped out TOO grogerles In the country sections of the State thus violating the doctrine of giving the people af- fected a right to govern their local af fairs He said he does not believe the State machine can control the next login Jaturo and that it It doss he said the position of those liquor men hoping to see temperance legislation checked is ins cure for the machine did not stop the Mann law nor the Byrd bill He prohibition to coming in Virginia and the saloon is doomed Confusion Reigns These things are told to show the con- fused state of rated over the Issues in the present gubernatorial campaign Else- where In the State somewhat similar con- ditions exist and for that reason the day of tbe primary will dawn to find politics chaotic and uncertain Hers in Norfolk the normal machine majority is 1900 to 2090 Friends of Judge Mann do not claim the city by over 500 majority which shows how widely di- vided is the machine and how hard it will be to marshal the vote for the Nottoway candidate The statement to also made that Portsmouths majority for Tucker will offset any majority Norfolk may give Judge Mann APATHY IN lYNC be Demo- cratic In- dependent sup- porting be- lieves ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Interest Shown 1 IIH1 City in Primary fipecfal to The Washington herald Lynchburg Va Aug L Although both of the gubernatorial candidates have spoken here within the past fortnight it is surprising how little interest the peo plo of Lynchburg are taking in the pri mary oliction to take place on Thursday There will be a fair vote poUnd The leaders of tha forces of the two men are claiming by majorities ranging up as high as 200 Each seem confident but it is a good guess a guess and noth ing Judge Mann will get a small majority In Campbell County al- most the same sort of apathy prevails butthe cbunty is regarded as sale Judge Mann Judge Kelly Takes Onth Sporfal to Tin Wwhtoetoo raW Bristol Va Aug L Judge Joseph Ij Kelly will take the oath as Judge of the Corporation Court of Bristol succeeding Judge John W Price resigned Monday morning He will Immediately convene the August term of the court and proceed- to call the docket Judge Kelly has re- signed as general counsel of the Virginia and southwestern Railway and his suc- cessor will be announced Trout Washing- ton in a few days Judge Kelly is a son of the late Judge John A Kelly and Is distinguished lawyer West Virginias lUfle Team Sp bl to The Washington Herald Morgantown V Va Aug t The State rifle team to represent West Virginia in- tho national shoot to be held at Port Perry OMo has been selected as fol- lows Capt Parsons I4euts West and Price Bell CoL JoIlUTe Capt Car nock Llonts Bogard and Wilson and Sorgts B F Cole Erich ilanoar and DavIs The alternates are Sergts Free land and Lallonce and Private Stewart Little the city morethat for Today j J e F ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Suits Now Suits Now Suits Now Suits Now Suits Now 22 0 2425 2500 1875 J 2800 1975 8000 3250 3500 2575 3800 Suits Nov 2775 500 Trousers Now 395 600 Trousers Now 445 750 Trousers Now 545 800 Trousers Now 645 j v I j i EXCURSIONS jjJB Jjyp j 5SP- I TODAY Salt Water Bathing Crabbing Boating Amusements and Dancing Round 2Sc Week j Trip SOc Sundays and Holidays Twin Schedule to R E Catena ROUND TRIP FARE BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND 100 Vic CbcMpthke Becfa Ralhny aa SteMMt- DMunteod Ticket on at Dttrict Line Station Good d jrj DicuUuri tarn CbmpMk Beech mrj fcr at T p m Ai rim Balttnon M pt m Learn JMttaun- ajt a a Arrivt ChesapMte Itocfc 1 31 f m- Ttum4 f Fridays and Stanfcs team 131- pi m arrive 439 jx M Hand NIP g ocly TWO HOURS SAIL ON THE BAY 25c Sundays and WcdnetdajB tteaner Dreamland Company RTRII New York 875 1500 Boston 1500 2500 Providence 1400 2300 Including berth and meals a Popular Route to New 1u and New England Resorts Tickets and information Nor folk Washington Steamboat Co City 720 Four- teenth street Bond Building Phone M 1520 AMUSEMENTS Tonisht at 8 A Mat T nrx Sat 5c COUSIN KATE Matinee 25c and SOn Ctf Next w k Charteyi 3 In ifi r tionA Piwr Relation ALL THIS WEEK- A H Woods IlnlisUc Melodrama THE WORK1N6MAITS- N trW k Tfc GuBbkr of tb I UNA PARK 2aB Free Gate AV FREE Biz Feature Acts and Motion Piy- MOOtber AUnotiotttKUl MAGNIFICENT DANCE Flit PRIZE DANCE Friday M flit ECrM Offers Free Motion Pictur i Danc- ing and Soiendid Amusements largest Morning1 Circulation II eaCh Fishln J I BAL- TIMORE ale I The Mondsj d w 31 lesves OIeapeate fotIrh et p m fQ 2 wan aiL Tirkees en bo- III p Norfolk Washington BY SEAT- O WAY It e I rid THE 50c Prices Aunt Jl1 A D E MATS TUES ll4 K I I Turns SAT WIFE West t n VAUDEViL GLEN 1 Chesapeake e iosdim Tenys 4 erewed oNg COLUMBAPLLtYERS I r t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EXCURSIONS WASHINGTONS ATLANTIC OTTY St Johns DAlLY EXCEPT MONDAY Saturdays 6 Days 9A M ManrfBc taw Beach Satwdtr aWalcfct Other f m HOBM abut M30 p a- Knfcr lbs toe batkte etttfeg aid Muftc sad tactag wwk Van Satrr trip L Other Ma L ChUdtm bsK fee Ateundsfc Uptown tick UK F it BW COLONIAL JUBILEE JULY 20293 Great MissihFun The Most Popular Moonlight Trips STEAMER JAMESTOWN DAILY AND SUNDAY Lenting Excursion Pier of TthJ st at 7 p m returning about llj n in HALEYS ORCHESTRA DANCING PALM GARfiEHFARE SOc NORFOLK WASHINGTON CO Grand Concert at BY SECTION O- PUS Marine Every IncludIng Sunday Dancing Weekday Evenings ILLUMINATED PONY TRACK DELIGHTFUL 36HOUft OUTINQS On tha Picturesque and Noble Potomaa boat Company lion H hUx street wharf user As oottos riraltes 12 busty Like Otcryi a- Bfi ciMOate nfl rteoe Male BB1- ZIUu l trip tkkeU fare and tttteraoa yjVL Two ta i nm wdu Mesh table Me eMk A te elsa W F CAR 1 Jr W B EMXSRT God Art Vice Pest tad Mgr MOUNT VEIUtfON Str Charles Macnlcster Capacity 1700 wharf Tth and M eta w d flj except 38nd y M m cod t p m FARE T5c It O VXD TRIP IcctadiKs rtmiKKin to gnuada and nandca OARS IS KENSINGTON tM Mtti K and N 1 see on hor pass Bridge MAIN ttNTBAKCK ZOO LAW U connect with K aM5astoo tins Colonial Beach I Steamer i Saps Sea I ticket Ssc at DaysDont t I 1 t 4 CHEVY LAK E l I Band Via Stn of tIe Potome Oberapse math one Ceo it Lea ac a I t 1 P M- Other fihls Says 5 egos foot Evening 5te thefllPss iLl za 1 > >

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I 13


Did Not Get Smiths 20000He Says


CUT Collector of Baltimore in Dis-

cuxsln Former Gov WnrfleldsCharge that tho OrganizationSupported Senator Smith for 20000 Asserts It Is Untrue

Baltimore Md Aug lrFonnep GovFrank Brown declared this morning thatho did not get tho 30000 that ho knewnothing about It had never heard of Itbefore and did not beMevo there WAS anytruth In It

The in discussion according toformer 3ov Warfleld Was tho sum withwhi h Senator Smith purchased the

of the city organization In tho Demo-cratic senatorial primaries In 107 Theoxgovernor mado tho charge in his address at Lisbon Howard County yester-day Ho was speaking to his neighborsfriends and kinsmen who cheered him

echoWhen former governor and present City

Collector Brown was asked today abouttLe 20000 and what he did with It hesaid

I thought all that stuff waa ancienthistory I never got any money from

SmithSmith was willing to contribute to the

general campaign expenses be continuedWfirfleld was not In fact Warfleld only

gave oo to the general expense accountI had conducted one campaign that

year tho one that elected J Barry Ma-l A mayor It expensive The pri-mary cost a lot of money There weref ir candidates When tho fall I-

da not feel like running another campa sn I told the fellows who wanted-t o Senator that they should pay tho











frrtit and bear the campaign expen-Sr h Warfleld did not

I went ahead with the light I nevergot a cont from Smith howorsr I didn t rred it The money was raised Intie city I do not know what Smithgave in the counties

Thfre was considerable discussionwhole affair in tho papers at the

r v Tim State central committee UEf fd thff candidates for Senator for-t expenses of conducting tho primar Warileld paid his share of that but1 r t l his campaign contribution

I i nt know a thing about this 53000-0Srith did not give me any money There

nothing that I knuw of that couldgive grounds for such a story It makes


Though Eighty Years Old Ho SoldWhiMlcy in Dry Town

BpYiil to The WMbtaftoh IlmJd-Ianvllle Va Avg L The past week

has bpon a record breaker since the senjrat Tal raids last February ip the num-ber f fuses for illicit traffic In whisky int r Eleven cease were disposed oftis vrrfk eight of them resulting in conVitioni and three in acquittals

Ir rcarly all of the caeea where conviot 5 were secured lines of about 10 withfl sentences of thirty days were 1-mjrd except In the cue of two parties

v were sentenced to sixty days on aourt of it being the second offense Most

f hp parties convicted Including bothJ frns and white people men andv men appealed to the Corporation Court

Tm roceat cases were worked up by theI through the aid ot three youngi it mrn employed as detectives to visit

ti blind tigers and to make purt ucs of and beer in order to se-

urc convictions One of the parties convirtiMi is a white man about eighty years

f R-


Younf Peoples Society of Christiantendenvor Adjourns

bprna Te VaahiactOB HtnU-dVrSK nter Vs Aug L The sixteenth

inrial conventiOn of the Young PeoplesPOI ty of Christian Endeavor of Vlrpirii which has been in session in theTrircd Brethren Church in this city forfir days past adjourned tonight

TLc visiting pastors occupied the localI ts and devotional exercises lastingT aiiy tho entire day were held at

Brethren ChurchAt the afternoon session Harronburg

Va was selected as the place for ther r Annual convention although Roaaokeput tip spirited claims for tbe meeting

Fleet Reaches Old SaturdaySpecial to The WMbmstoa HtrmkL

Newport News VL Aug 1 The Unitil Btates naval oolllor Abaranda arrived1 rrr today with the message that the

alps of the Atlantic battleship met willarrive at Old Point Saturday from Capeftil for maneuvers and drills on the

drill grounds When the drillare completed the battle ships will go tothe various home naY yards for reI airs prior to assembling to steam for thetropics this winter

60000 Acres in Qyntcr DedOr n City Md Aug L With the

romrction of the treat dam across theinrpux nt Bay below Ocean City by

which acres of barren bottoms are



r1 tilfd




the-i t ted









to converted into fertile oyster bedstue promoters of the project expect acrop of 7000000 oysters a year or onefourth the oyster output of the worldVI i company is to receive 20009 acres

f the land while the Stte will have the4oiji j acres at its disposal

Minn Viola Snoail VilI Wed5t iT to The WarfUsfftoa Hcnld

Danville Va Aug 1 Invitations haveIssued by Mr and Mrs Charles Q-

Pn ad to the wedding of their daughterMiss Viola Snead to Wiley GriffithHorne jr Th wedding will be sol-emnized at 9 oclock Wednesday ovenlim 4 ut the home of the bridein this pity Mr Home is employed withthe a ard Air Line Railway at Waycrosse ia but for many years made histome In DanvMl-

eDodsca One Tralnj lilt by AnotherBr inl to The Washington Ut M 4-

Covlngton Va Aug attemptingto cross the Chesapeake aid Ohio tracksIn front of the railroad station hero lastnight William Hale colored of thteplace was struck by a westbound trainAH probably fatally injured Hale walttj for an eastbound freight to patsthen started across the track but did notfie tie train His leg wascut ort and he was otherwise badly in-jured He was employed by thlmoor Iron Company here and was ro

Early FallAnnouncements

V v j t phoned sad in oar hand to bePRINTED uoo dun effecU workt t rfTtt of the best facitttfct of men of gwta-bilitv with bmt mafhhxryto cuanntctdj ii9 reavxuble dtatso

Judd 2 DetwezlerIncTHE Bio PRINT SHOP Ce122 UTH


lit hr

bPI f

lI lIst











Peniuiylvixnla Camp

Cumberland Mo Aug L Battery Dof Fort Myor returning from the campof tho Pennsylvania National Guard atSomerset is camping at tho Cumberlandbaaoball park tonight and a thousandpeople visited the camp today The of-

ficers are Capt T N Horn Lleuta Shopherd and Hopkins and Capt HumphrlAMedical Corps Tho soldiers leave at 6

oclock tomorrow morning going byway of Hancock and Hagorstown


Roanokes Police Offi

cer Passes Away


Ho Resigned to Become Judge of thePolice Conrt Dcntli Came WhileHe WiLl In Massachusetts SeekingRestoration of Health Will BeBurled in OharlottcsvlllcE-

poafel to The WtAlsstoa UmldRoanoke Va Aug 1 Judge J Ran-

dolph Bryan of the Roanoke Police Courtdied early today at Northampton Masswhore he went three weeks ago for medi-cal treatment H had been in badfor els months

He was mayor of Roanoko for twoyears and resigned that office to becomejudge of Jho police court He wes a na-tive of Charlottesville this state fortyone years of age and unmarried He

an Elk and a Pythian and for years-a loading lawyer at the Roanoke bar

The remains will be buried at Charlottesvilla

It Ii Way to Fort lt17er from

to The WubtDgaQHtDld













Skipper Tells of Encounteron Clicnapcnlcc

Special to The WMftJsflUm IltraldNewport News Va Aug 1 Capt

Konnard skipper of the twomastedschooner Eva Alice which arrived atHampton last night with flsh scrap fromMiddlesex County tells of a thrillingencounter his vssssl had with a whaleIn lower Chesapeake Day early yesterdaymorning

According to the skipper he sightedthe whale about 3 oclock and at firstthought It was a submarine boat lyingat anchor However the supposed crafthad no lights and he approached it gin-gerly he got alongside he realizedhis mistake for the whale straightenedhimself and spurted water across theschooners deck

The skipper put his vessel about Justas the whale made a swipe at the craftwith his talL Then for an hour thebattle waged the whale attacking theschooner and the skipper skillfullymaneuvering his craft out of barmsway and finally running into shallowwater where the monster could not follow Even then the whale swam off-shore from the schooner and followed Itto Old Point wharf

The whale attracted by tbe smellof the fish scrap Several incoming ves-sels here have reported a schoolwhales off the cape and this one prob-ably was with the sChooL Only a fewmonths ago a whale grounded at Buckroe and was killed








Coal Cars Ditched on Chcinpcnlcennd Ohio

SIMM to The Waabh w IKnldCovlngton Va Aug L A broken hangs

on a steel car loaded with coalcaused a wreck here today on theChesapeake and Ohio eastbound train op-posite the pulp mill throwing seven carsdown a twentyfoot embankment andkilling air unknown Italian who wasstealing a ride East bound traJnc wassomewhat delayed It is reported thatthere were tin Italians on the train al-together but only the deed one has so farbeen found It is probable that more maybe found under the ditched coal


Advent of Natural Illamlnniit IsCelebrated

Oakland Md Aug 1 A huge tongueof flame spouting high up in the air from-a standplpe and Illuminating the

and countryside for miles aroundlast night marked the introduction ofnatural gas Into this city A few daysago the Northern Natural Gas Companycompleted the laying of its mains fromthe gas fields to Oakland preparatory tosupplying this and adjacent territorywith gas for lighting and heating pur-poses and the firing of the flow from thebig standpipe last night was the an-nouncement of tho company that it isready for business

The spectacle of the flame shooting upfrom the standpipe attracted hundreds ofpersons from the surrounding countryside who joined with the residents ofthe town to witness tho demonstration-The price will bo X cents per thousandfeet

fttt ton






Dig Tobacco Year for LynchbnrgrS-trafel to TtM Wukisstes IlmM

Lynehburg Va Aug 1 Yesterdaysmarket brought the tobacco year of 8801 to a close in Lynchburg and duringthe month of August no sales will be-held The breaks will be resumed onSeptember 1 Tbe sales during the yearaggregated 21483700 pounds this being anIncrease of 7464160 over the previous yearThe last crop was not only the largestsold on this market In the past six yearsbut the average prices is reported to haveboen the highest in thirtyeight years

Begged that He Do KilledHagenttown Md Aug 1 A white

man said to be from McKeesnort Paattempted to commit suicide at Williamsport by jumping into tho Chesapeake andOnto Canal and is in a critical conditionIt Is believed he was temporarily insaneAfter being taken from the water he became violent and begged his rescuers tokill him Later he was brought to thiscity and placed in jail for treatment

ClaimeR for Danville ChurchSped to WuMetoa llerald

Danville V Aug lChlmoe whichwill be as tine as any in tbe South havebeen presented to the Main Street Metho-dist Church by the wife and the children of the late James G Penn towhose memory tho gift is dedicatedMr Ponn was during his lifetime oneof Uto most influential members or thechurch

Sent to Pasteur InstituteMd Aug L Harry

a youth of Keedysville thiscounty who was attacked by a dog supposed to bo mad and bitten the facewas sent to Baltimore to the Pasteur Institute for treatment He was in chargeof Dr M Nihlser of this city


Hag own












Bleached Bones Are Foundon Mountain Side


Section Greatly Ex-

cited Over Wlmt Is Believed toBe a Solution of the Disappearanceof Girl After a Quarrel ManyYears Ago in the Mountains

Hagorstown Md Aug L The villageof Mercarsburg and the country for mUGS

around is excited over the alleged otoryof a murder supposed to have beon com-mitted over forty years ago Whilemany persons doubt that a confessionhas boon made others believe In it andthink it solves a mystery of long standIngAt

tho homo of a relative In a moun-

tain village near the Maryland line liesDavid ButsehaU a decrepit old manabout ninety years of age who is saidto have admitted knowing the secret ofthe disappearance of a young girl namedStraley

Remembers ExcitementThe girl was a niece of J V Straley-

of this city who remembers well the oocurronco and the excitement that pre-vailed following the girls disappearanceIt was in the spring that tho Straleygirl with a girl friend named Gutschalland a youth named HombrakeV walkedacross tbe mountain from the cornerto tbe country store

On tho way a quarrel arose among tbeyoung people The quarrel II said tohave been a bitter one and somewhereon the mountain the Straley girl disap-peared She was as completely lost as ifthe mountain had opened and ewallowedher Her companions could not throwany light on the matter and for daysposses of men searched the mountain forthe girl In vain

Discovered Bleached BonesIn huckleberry time of the following

year Fred Filer and his sister while picklag berries on top of the mountain foundpieces of a girls dress and strands ofhuman hair in a pocket in the mountainNearby they discovered bones that hadbeen bleached almost white perhaps withthe aid of and though there wee nomeans of identifying the srewaome relicsit was believed then and la still the opusion of residents of the region that theywere the bones of the girl who had dis-appeared

For years afterward the story was toldin every household on the mountain andit has been handed down from generatiouto generation The girl and the youthwho were the companions of Miss Strslerboth died years ago and if anybody hasconfessed the girl met her death by foulmeans it is bard to corroborate Thorare many who believed that the girlwandered away from her companions In aflt of anger and became lost and perbed or fell prey to a wild beast whIMalone and helpless on the mountain


Negro Who Attacked Woman Is inPortsmouth

to The VWkiscMB HewkLNorfolk V Aug 1 Will Blake a

negro was lodged in the Norfolk Countyjail today charged with having commit-ted an assault at Bowers Hill NorfolkCounty on Mrs Alice Jerney tbe wifeof a section master of the Seaboard Air



Jcrcer bur









Blake was hunted by a posse from earlyyesterday morning the time of the com-mission of the crime until 2 oclock thisafternoon when be was found under aschoolhouse He took flight from hishiding place but was brought down with-a shotgun and seriously wounded Therewere threats of lynching Ute negro butno violence was attempted after he wascaptured Blake was recently releasedfront the penitentiary He Is about twentyfive years old while his victim is anelderly woman of sixty


Additional Member of the CollegeFaculty Named

Durham N C AGe L Tbe boardof trustees of Trinity College attheir last annual meeting authorizedthe appointment of several additionalmembers of the faculty Tbe selectionof the new men was left to the executiveoomnilttee of the board Several of thoseappointments have been made and otherswill be made before the opening of colW

The following have already been se-lected

Dr Frank C Brown of Chicago Uni-versity professor of Snglisb Dr J MMathews of Johns Hopkins Universityinstructor in the department of historyMr A M Gates Wetleyan and JohnsHopkins universities Instructor in thedepartment of Latin Dr H H VaughanUniversities of Michigan and Harvardinstructor in modern languages

Julian Blanchard an A M graduate ofTrinity who has been at Columbia Uni-versity on leave of Absence for threeyears will take up his work at the open-ing of college

Charles B Markham of Trinity andColumbia University who was appointedfor one In the department of ap-plied mathematics during Mr Blancbardsabsence has been elected Instructor inthe department of mathematics

Serious Drought Is BrokenHagerstown Md Aug 1 The most se-

rious drought this section has experienced-in many years was broken by heavy rainsthis morning There is general rejoicingamong the people It being the first rainthat has fallen in thirtyone days Heavyshowers fell after daylight The countryroads aro flooded


to The WMldJllllteoq1nldsst











FACiUTSESare offered by the modern vaults ofthis company Silverware familyplate c safely stored at reasonablerates Phone for wagon to nail

E7TRAVELERS CHECKS andLETTERS OF CREDIT Issuedavailable In nil parts of the world

Union Trust Go15th and K Sis N WEdward J StellvragreM President






Continued from Page One

nearly as much machine votg as MannJust what 18 the strength of tho antisaloon vote In Virginia and how muckof It Mann will poll Is unknown anduncertain Four years ago Judge Mannrunning as tho candidate forgovernor polled 20000 of the 80000 votescut Since then the temperance strengthhas grown If the local option victoriesare taken as the barometer But thar0are thousands of people who vote forlocal option but who will balk at theAntiSaloon League programme In thoState

Machine Not Supporting EllysonMany now developments In the hot

tight now drawing to the close In theDemocratic party have come to light Inthe pest few days Among thorn arethese given In a nutshell to save space

Lieut Gov J Taylor Ellyson for yearsan orsmnl ration leader for twenty yearsState chairman and national Democratic

and looked upon by someas oiio of tho grand old men of theparty will not be by the bigmachine leaders for renomination JamesR Caton of Alexandria Democratic floorleader In the house of delegates Ig theircandidate Why Ellyson has been dropped it has not boon developed Both SI-lyson and Caton however are for Tuck-er for governor

Stvnnnon NeutralGov Claude A Swanson a strong or

ganisation whose brilliant and pro-gressive term as chief executive of Vir-ginia Is drawng to a close stands neutral in the governorship flght and unlikehis ranking friends In the organizationbe will take no part In the contest Totemeans that Judge Manns majority in theFifth district Swansons stronghold willbe reduced It also means that Swaasonwill now in all probability have no troublerounding out his career In tho halls of

Congress where he has served twentyyears and in the United States Senatecloy Swanseas stand not to try electhis own successor has been most favorably commented upon The informationthat he Is neutral comes from Tuckertoitrcen

Strong Feeling Against MachineThere is a strong undercurrent among

thinking people especially among theyoung men that machine domination InVirginia must end The Washington Baraid representative heard men who havealvftty supported the machine In thePUt denounced it severely and declarethat its loaders have gone too far andVirginia does not want and will notstand for its present policy It is ourto hear people declare that they are will-Ing to take four years of ReptibMcanfomif it will bring a new dial in the Dem-ocratic party and relieve It of Ute in-cubus of machine domination

There is another Interesting little fetTuckers and Manns friends and manag-ers have issued campaign estimates of whatthe majorities will be Mann claims be-tween 1LOW and 14030 Tucker about li000 From inside sources The Washing-ton Herald bears that Manns leaderssjy figuring upon about half of the figuresgiven out while Tuckers managers aredoing likewise AH indications point toa close election The best judges say themajority will not be 5000 either way

Talk of Counting Out TuckerHire in Norfolk many persons can be

found who make no bones in declaringthat they lien that Tucker will becounted out in the Ninth district andtherefore beaten No sooner had TheWashington HeceJd representative tendedin Norfolk than he beard the talk Thistalk has bobbed up before in the

The report was carried to theTucker headquarters for a statement

OOmlJl1tt oman















a request was made not to use itIt was stated that Its publication maygive rise to statements by Manns friendsthat Tucker tears defeat and te pavingthe way to tan gracefully The state-ment was also made that Tuckers ma-jority will be so large that It will beImpossible to count him out Prominentmen among whom is one of the highestIn the State in discussing the reportwhich he himself had heard says that ifany attempt is made to count either oneof the candidates out sad it leaks outIt will wreck the Democratic party inVirginia

Machine and AntlSnloon JobReverting to local conditions a num-

ber of unusual things politically havecome to light here

To ascertain reasons why the antisaloon is lined up for Judge Mann withthe machine in tbe past hat been alliedwith the liquor interests and in Norfolkis now allied with them The Washington Herald representative sought lightfront the leading antisaloon man inNorfolk a man who stands high in thebusiness and financial world He gaveout a new reason why those two Influ-ences were supporting the same man forgvernor He declared that the under-standing is that the AntiSaloon Leagueshall have the governorship and tho ma-chine the patronage He said in sub-stance

Faith in Judge 3InjinI believe the bulk of the antisaloon

people believe that Judge Mann is sin-cere on the temperance question Thesecharges that he is snot are mado by menand papers who are not supporting himand Ids cause He has been an abusedand misrepresented man

Here In Norfolk only the machineliquor leaders are supporting JudgeMann They are doing because Sen-ator Martin asked them to do It The in













dependent liquor men tbe men who havethe most money in the traffic are forTucker You know the understandingbetween the machine and antisaloonforces doct you Wrath the antisalooni to have the governor and the machinethe patronage

Senator Martin and Hal Flood are fortemperance They saw In Judge Mann astrong exponent of that cause and aregiving him their support They haveasked their friends and followers in Vir-ginia to also support him but the menwho have tho money in the liquor busl

ortlntr Judtrn butnoes are not


are for TuokerYou know I have novor been a ma

chine man but when the machine takesup my candidates I am of course withthem Thats what has been done Incase

May Abandon the SaloonThis authority also stated that the

Stato machine will abandon the influ-ence of the liquor interests ftir the influ-ence of the antisaloon forces and thatalt the antisaloon people wish Is tem-perance reform legislation They haveno interest In anything else

He also stated that a Statewide prohibition bill submitting the matter tothe people will come up in the legislature He said that it is understood isto be the plan His statement is support-ed by the fact that antisaloon followers-In Norfolk are quizzing the legislativecandidates on their attitude towardStatewide prohibition

Almost in dlzct conflict to this viewIs that taken by machine liquor leadersin Norfolk It is common report thatthese men are supporting Judge Mannbecause they believe the State ma feJnewill prevent any more reform temperancelegislation

Regarding this report which is wide-spread in Norfolk whether true or notMcDonald Lee an Intimate friend of thebiff machine leaders was seen He said















Close Daily at 5 P M Saturdays 6 P M

Mens and Young MensTwo and Threepiece Fancy Suitstariff is off these goods Nothing stands in the way of absolute and

clearance and quickly at thatThe entire stock of fancy lightweight suits in worsteds cassimercs

and cheviots is included at these prices

Final Prices


fj 5



Suits NowSuits NowSuits NowSuits NowSuits NowSuits Now

1ooo 6751250 8751500 9751800 12752000 14752250 1575

MENS SEPARATE TROUSERSSubstantial ReductionsE-

ntire stock of Mens Separate and outing styles infancy worsteds cheviots and cassimeres reduced for clearance



aI240 Trousers Now300 Trousers Now340 Trousers Now400 Trousers Now



nks Q1nmpauyPennsylvania Avenue Seventh Street

that persons believing that report aremistaken as no promise has been madeto Interfere with temperance legislationHe said further that James V Treby andJames E Prince are supporting JudgeMann because their friendship for Senator Martin is stronger than their lovefor the saloon Mr Lee by the waystated that many people are supportingJudge Mann because they fear Tuckerstriumph means Martins defeat for reelection to the United States Senate

Xo Legislation Says LeanerAnother view of this muddled condition

to this According to a wellknown saloon man who is supporting Mr Tuckerbe asked Senator Leaner why he Is forMann He says that Leaner replied thatthere will no further temperance legIflaUon tot two years and by that timeit is hoped that the prohibition wave willhave spent its force

And still hires another view Anliquor man who Is also

Mr Tucker believes Judge Mannis sincere in his temperance views andwill bring prohibition He said that JudgeMann has fought the saloon all his lifethat he drew the Mann bill which wipedout TOO grogerles In the country sectionsof the State thus violating the

doctrine of giving the people af-fected a right to govern their local affairs He said he does not believe theState machine can control the next loginJaturo and that it It doss he said theposition of those liquor men hoping to seetemperance legislation checked is inscure for the machine did not stop theMann law nor the Byrd bill He

prohibition to coming in Virginiaand the saloon is doomed

Confusion ReignsThese things are told to show the con-

fused state of rated over the Issues in thepresent gubernatorial campaign Else-where In the State somewhat similar con-ditions exist and for that reason theday of tbe primary will dawn to findpolitics chaotic and uncertain

Hers in Norfolk the normal machinemajority is 1900 to 2090 Friends of JudgeMann do not claim the city by over 500majority which shows how widely di-vided is the machine and how hard it willbe to marshal the vote for the Nottowaycandidate The statement to also madethat Portsmouths majority for Tuckerwill offset any majority Norfolk may giveJudge Mann





dependent sup-porting












Interest Shown 1 IIH1 Cityin Primary

fipecfal to The Washington heraldLynchburg Va Aug L Although

both of the gubernatorial candidates havespoken here within the past fortnight itis surprising how little interest the peoplo of Lynchburg are taking in the primary oliction to take place on ThursdayThere will be a fair vote poUnd Theleaders of tha forces of the two men areclaiming by majorities rangingup as high as 200 Each seem confidentbut it is a good guess a guess and nothing Judge Mann will get asmall majority In Campbell County al-most the same sort of apathy prevailsbutthe cbunty is regarded as saleJudge Mann

Judge Kelly Takes OnthSporfal to Tin Wwhtoetoo raW

Bristol Va Aug L Judge Joseph IjKelly will take the oath as Judge of theCorporation Court of Bristol succeedingJudge John W Price resigned Mondaymorning He will Immediately convenethe August term of the court and proceed-to call the docket Judge Kelly has re-signed as general counsel of the Virginiaand southwestern Railway and his suc-cessor will be announced Trout Washing-ton in a few days Judge Kelly is a sonof the late Judge John A Kelly and Isdistinguished lawyer

West Virginias lUfle TeamSp bl to The Washington Herald

Morgantown V Va Aug t The Staterifle team to represent West Virginia in-tho national shoot to be held at PortPerry OMo has been selected as fol-lows Capt Parsons I4euts West andPrice Bell CoL JoIlUTe Capt Carnock Llonts Bogard and Wilson andSorgts B F Cole Erich ilanoar and

DavIs The alternates are Sergts Freeland and Lallonce and Private Stewart


the city















Suits NowSuits NowSuits NowSuits NowSuits Now

22 02425

2500 1875 J

2800 1975800032503500 2575

3800 Suits Nov 2775

500 Trousers Now 395600 Trousers Now 445750 Trousers Now 545800 Trousers Now 645

j v





jjJB Jjyp j 5SP-

I TODAYSalt Water Bathing Crabbing

Boating Amusements andDancing

Round 2Sc Weekj Trip SOc Sundays and Holidays

Twin Schedule to R E Catena


100Vic CbcMpthke Becfa Ralhny aa SteMMt-

DMunteod Ticket on at Dttrict LineStation Good d jrj DicuUuri tarnCbmpMk Beech mrj fcr at T p m Airim Balttnon M pt m Learn JMttaun-

ajta a Arrivt ChesapMte Itocfc 1 31 f m-

Ttum4 f Fridays and Stanfcs team 131-pi m arrive 439 jx M

Hand NIP g ocly

TWO HOURS SAIL ON THE BAY 25cSundays and WcdnetdajB tteaner Dreamland


RTRIINew York 875 1500Boston 1500 2500Providence 1400 2300Including berth and meals aPopular Route to New 1u

and New England ResortsTickets and information Nor

folk Washington SteamboatCo City 720 Four-teenth street Bond BuildingPhone M 1520

AMUSEMENTSTonisht at 8 AMat T nrx


5cCOUSIN KATEMatinee 25c and SOn CtfNext w k Charteyi 3

In ifi r tionA Piwr Relation


A H Woods IlnlisUc Melodrama


N trW k Tfc GuBbkr of tb

I UNA PARK2aB Free Gate AV

FREEBiz Feature Acts and Motion Piy-

MOOtber AUnotiotttKUl


ECrMOffers Free Motion Pictur i Danc-

ing and Soiendid Amusements

largest Morning1 Circulation







aleI The

Mondsj d w31

lesves OIeapeate fotIrh et p m fQ 2 wanaiL Tirkees en bo-


Norfolk Washington








Jl1 A D E MATS TUESll4 K I I Turns SAT







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Saturdays 6Days 9 A M

ManrfBc taw Beach Satwdtr aWalcfct Other

f m HOBM abut M30 p a-

Knfcr lbs toe batkte etttfeg aidMuftc sad tactag wwkVan Satrr trip L Other Ma

L ChUdtm bsK feeAteundsfc

Uptown tick UK F it BW


The Most PopularMoonlight Trips



Lenting Excursion Pier of TthJst at 7 p m returning about lljn inHALEYS ORCHESTRA DANCING



Grand Concert at


PUS MarineEvery IncludIng Sunday

Dancing Weekday EveningsILLUMINATED PONY TRACK

DELIGHTFUL 36HOUft OUTINQSOn tha Picturesque and Noble Potomaa

boat Company lion H hUx street wharfuser

As oottos riraltes 12 busty Like Otcryi a-

Bfi ciMOate nfl rteoe Male BB1-

ZIUu l trip tkkeU fare and tttteraoayjVL Two ta i nm wdu Mesh table

Me eMk A te elsaW F CAR 1 Jr W B EMXSRT

God Art Vice Pest tad Mgr

MOUNT VEIUtfONStr Charles Macnlcster Capacity 1700

wharf Tth and M eta w d flj except38nd y M m cod t p m

FARE T5c It O VXD TRIPIcctadiKs rtmiKKin to gnuada and nandca

OARS IS KENSINGTONtM Mtti K and N 1 see on hor passBridge MAIN ttNTBAKCK ZOO LAW Uconnect with K aM5astoo tins






SeaIticket Ssc at









Via Stn of tIe Potome Oberapsemath







P M-













