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THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY JANUARY 1 1909 3 r I S South Boston and Houston Captured by AntiSaloon CONTEST IN ROANOKE Wets Fight Result on Constitutional Grounds yor Cutchln of the Magic City Issues a Proclamation Asking the Citizens to Abide by the Result that the Election Was Pair and that Homes Should Not Sow Be Made Miniature Liquor Depot Virginia towns ferae gone icy Bw ister district C Halifax CMmtr la which we the IKS was Soetk Boston aad g n n t a TWted dry IR a lead ytt ti fltoedoa V HI majority This resatt mf a that the eight bar- rooms aad w aatpptog 4 iMKlii South Boston MM two M HfcwUtt ffftl close at tIN ad af ataety days The revcm ia South B oafcaa from tIM liquor traaV mo H tg tiH aad at Houston it is JOB The cootc0t wa the ever seea in Halifax but T gil wfehowt aay excitement The caatnaigB was can- ton aaatated by H H of- Houataa Those MM hut the eo pera- tton f the duI people The South Beotoa Now which has always been a pranooncei tenperanee paper gave the andaalooa stroeg support and new a factor in tile remit To Enforce Laws In Roanoke Roanoke Va Dee XL Mayor Joel H Cutchia nrh favored the wets te the local option arnijurtgn which resulted in a victory for jvobibitkm by a majority of eightyshe votes today issued a proctaamUon to the people In which he says the verdtot of the voters be option should be gives a Hah aoys be is ready to carry oat the Rill of roite sad that he wffi ask cooncite for a special appropriatioa for a secret service to aid him in enforcing the Jaw He asks the chnrches to condno the tight for temperance and create a sent- ient that will prevent the homea from b coming mtatata ttqaor deovcs aad re foraaiUqp of sodai cJubg where the Iirit of the law wilt be vtoteted He Af willtegneo on the pert of fraternal anixattons such as the Elks Sagfes- wls and kindred oigmil atfons to fore jro their right to pvt fa tochers ngardtBg- re locker menace the raost serions phase ft the situation He hopes that no tesal technicalities may be Invoked by the defeated party saying no good can result He says The apt has been honestly made the elation honestly conducted and the And Saloon Society has won a victory has a right to enjoy its fruits and no one has a right comptaia He calls a nuns meeting of citizens for Thursday night to disease matters- in connecttoB with the question Wet Will Content Tt was stated toy positively that the Liquor Dealers AseecfatteB wit contest the election on the ground of oaeonsd- tutkmaBty Field Secretary J D McAllister of the I believe it wW 1 nnfortnnate for the liquor interests of the It the etecdon te thIs city te coateefe The series of contests on the part of the liquor interests hi various cities is not only arousing the rural sections of the State but is arousing the dry element in all the cities where local option elec tions have not ben held The cities themselves are beginning to feel that if have to contest their cases hi the as well s Win them at the ballot When Without Exertion or Cost You Can Enjoy Xeais and Care Dyspepsia when your meals declare war your system When the stomach wont do its work it is beeanee it cannot Whoa foul emeUiug odors come from your stomach when the bead acnes and The sourness of mouth every morning irakes you hate your breakfast whan dreams and nightmare rtmdl you lout give up the flght This is the appeal of nature and It chould be beard Overeating late sappers poorly chewed food too rich pastries and underdone cooking are some of the causes of the stomachs Hi health When the stomach is busy it presses acd churns alt the liquid matter from food and with ifs Juices dfeeotves Iso liquid form or pulp everything trafch comes into It If such food be poisonous ft affects the Juices attacks the stomach goes into the blood and weakens the entire system Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets will digest a fun meal easily without material assistance from the stomach They will restock the gastric fluid with all the ele- ments needed They build up the blood destroy sour taste bad breath belching stomach and bowel trouble aad quickly restore natural conditions One grain of Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets will digest JW8 grains of food In the in a glass viol without aid of the human digestive apparatcs The method of Stuarts Dyspepsia Tab lets are the methods of Nature They contain every requisite for stomach and digestion Alter meal one of these little tablets when It en- ters the stomach cringles with the juices attacks the food sad digests It It re- moves the fermented and decayed mass lying stagnant there sad eases the Etoniach at once It is wholly a question fur you to solve Your druggist will furnish Stuarts Dys- pepsia Tablets Sac the box or send as your seine sad address and we wHI Fend you a trial package free jucWross F A Stuart Co W Stuart Bhfg 3kfe- rthall iOca f TWO MORt TOWNS i IN VIRGINIA DRYB ViII w siuua Va Dee 3LTwe m ducted L S SC South Do Ell 11 Jls by all parties sad thAt Ieea tH- e the peeIIk As 1 at the thetr help lit a spirit h to next ntlSaIooR AllpeoC Rid to- day th courts Dont Blame Stomach Dont blame your stoIDadI or your luck OIl th a Bsm SS kiM sos wart by Barbow forces thou accepted d rgs I erad Virgiula Stale Yr stomach or < ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ bo that they might ae well pie pare t resort to other mdthodcbj width to ra frown Mcpior traffic This Is takes as a on eqwtva lent to a threat of istatewMe prelIM tten Fatalities nt Lick Branch Will Hardly Go Over Fifty Biueneid W Va Dee 3L Huadcede stilt continue to crowd about the month of the mine of the Lick Branch Colliery in vrhtck the explosion of Monday oc- curred as a number of dead bodies are bete recovered and brought out The lIst of dead now totals fortynine and It te believed only one more is in the mine This was gives out officially at the mines companys office tonight Many of the bodies recovered have been shipped to their oW homes and tills was day of funerals at Switchback The parties are still busy and ore search tug te every nook and corner of the vast workings There Is no bad air to hinder a thorough search This afternoon the fresh air was forced late the shaft where the explo- sion and a number of bodies were In spite of the terrific force of the death dealing the remains- of the victims are not mangled Of the fortynine dead miners there was not one but was recognizable One man was somewhat disfigured The last inspection of this mine was made in August by Deputy Inspector Phillips who pro aouaeed it in excellent condition CAROLINA SALOONS CLOSE Statewide Prohibition Takes Effect Today Raleigh N C Dec 2L4Mscnseteg the Statewide promottloa Jaw which Ito effect January 1 Gov Glan North Carolina says that if be were governor next year he would see that there was rigid enforeomettt eves if he bad to put a and exhaust the State treasury te do tt He insists that the low having been voted for by a majority of the people in the State it is eiuttled to a fair trial Revenue officers are still atf agents to stop the stills hi country sad mountainous districts and a move huure enact a Jaw creating the oflict of special constables to break up the hilt traaYc This law will have tile full sup- port of Goretect KitchJu who wants eOdeacy of the prohibition enact- ment to be thoroughly tested NOT ENOUGH ENGINES Slack Business in Fairmont Coal- Fields Due to Motive Power SpxM n The WaWnstM healS Grafton W Va Dee a The stack bustneas ta the coal Industry m the Fair mont r to the inability of the Buithnore and Ohio Railroad Company to Iambi cars aad motive power Is the statement operators The motive power Is not sufflciont to place empties oa the sidings It te stated there wouM be cars enenjji cow the motive power be provided to place them On the MooongabeU River braarh It Is stated that there Is not half enough power to satisfy the mines even at this Mack stage of the game It Is claimed that tile engines have not been over- hauled and are frequently disabled Lo coatodves were injured dnrtec the drought by the adds of the waters used In tbe boilers BLAZE IN Store and Burned Loss Is CrfeateM 1 L Dee nFJre this morn lag destroyed the storehouse and dwell tag In Maryland avenue occupied by J H L mead Mr Aihnuad bad a narrow es- cape as ae was overcome by Ute smoke which flied his ayaianenU Ta was owned by Geors R Crockett who had ao auaraaee DeaaJngty Sons stock of 80de was partly covered by insurance pin is dJrided away tbtaldac it to be of incendiary oHaJn TIle total loss win reach KM Held for Stealing from Norfolk Va Dec aMnrtm L West brook a ttverymaa of Portsmouth was arrested this afternoon charged with applying to his own use certain brasses the property of the United States gov- ernment The case against Westbrook was worked up by Secret Service Agent O F Kline sent here by the Navy De- partment and W H Catching a special detective of the Norfolk Navy Yard Westfaroofc aftea drove wagons to the navy yard aad the detectives allege that these wagons had la them secret recep tacles IB which valuable brass would be brought out of the navy yard Bridge Sears Completion SrcM t Tae Wufcngtoa HenM Cumberland Xd Dec 3 he bridge over the Potomac River at Wagys Ford opposite South Cumberland greeted joint- ly by AUegaay County and Mln era County W Va totA the nrst lie use between Hancock aa Piedmont public use betwen Hancock aaf Piedmont z distance of nearly ninety miles has been completed except the of the floorteg and painting which are hi progress It will OP opened r txamc in a week and win afford a asW route to the South Branch valley Store and Postoffice Robbed pecM t The Watonigtea Cumberland 3d Dee MThe store of R A Raddi fe and postofSce at RIdge ley opposite Cumberland were robbed early this morning and in casiv fifteen pairs of shoes and a 2 check were stolen Many stores have beei robbed hereabouts in the post few months and thebea y has included hundreds of shoes v- Hendrlcfeson Heads LaTryo- SfoL t The VbaUeaa HealS Cumberland Md Dee 3LThe AUe gany County Bar Assoosntfon today elected the following offlctrs Finley C Headrlckson vice Archibald A Young secretory D j ley Sloan treasurer Lloyd H brarlan Harry R Donaelly dteoeinrn Irvine R Dickey David John Lowx IBoh ert W McMichael Richard S Bell J Philip Roman J W Sumption Is Sfeckl to the Wutestea Heald Winchester Va Dec 3L Joseph W- SumptiOB a member of tbe local post office force died here today after a brt illness of pneumonia aged foitrtfePM K was a prominent member of the Kotejh of Pythias and the Rouse Reek and fifc der Company A widow mid three chil- dren survive Maryland Chickens First to The WaekfastMi BeraJd Cumberland Xd Dec a Ptnrte- rEtosser of Cnmberlaai was nTitei- dtodry that his black Laagshaa chickens oa exhlutttoH at the Square Garden Poultry Show n eb York IpnV taken drat premiuiB chickens took tile blue ribbon at tire Hagerstow Fair jEt deliver the DEAD SIiM The IIiIII a occurred blast lit every that no tMfort Is WIle by UWo mast Is now OR foot to hove the tile ax u present time lo due de- b CRISFIELD- DwellIng OOO I SoB and George Ash The cause of tile are a and te fte W hemalS Her i nL sine S ToRTYNINE is Wsiiss res- cue gnu msa hand complainh made rove login lkMberty house Is ystery s Government- s laing S1 Pr law 14 a Mtissri 1Os s I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEWS OF THE CAROLINAS MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA POLITICAL AND OTHERWISE I Marriage licenses for the following Vir gjaia and Maryland couples were issued hi Washington yesterday George E Pickett and Janet S Rowe both of Alexandria Va Saden J Bruce of Bowling Green Va and Emma of Delos Va Fred L Garner of Kokomo lad aad Ross E Cragg of Baltimore Md Robert S Jones of Vienna Va and Ella M Cunningham of CenkHa Va Nelson C Burwell of Parkersburg W Va and Katharina I Roed of this dty Bobert O Conipber of Waterford Va and Margaret K CapeJnafl of Round HW VaRichard Deeatur of Stafford Va and Pearl McGwin of Fairfax Va Elder H Stede and UHfaa V SmiUv both of Baltimore Md Parkersburg W Va The executive committee of the West Virginia National Guard Association has formulated proposed amendments to the State mail tan code which will be submitted to the legislature in the forum of a but which will make the State law with retard to the National Guard conform with the Dick national law MorgantowB W Dominion News Company has purchased the Re- publican a daily morning paper and win consolidate It with the New an evening paper Hereafter the DcmfcrtoB will be published In the morning under the management of Juthut E Fleming By agreement the POt Chronicle will take the evening fleW Onrkaburg W VaTbe West Virginia Sheriffs Association which was organ teed here by the sheriftsefect of the State has elected the following oncers I Harshbartrer of HunUngton chairman S P Smith of Charleston secretary and 3ff J Francis of Cterksburg treas- urer The next meeting will be heW hi a few weeks at the call of the chairmen Cnmberhutd Md Aa entertainment was gives by the stockholders of the Glass Works to the ewploes and their friends hi the now annex to the pfauK There was general rejoicing over the contpioUon of the addition which te of brick by fr feet two stories high A dance was given on the second floor of the new annex Morgaatown W VaThe stockholders of the Peoples Telephone Company have rallied the sate of its pleat prop- erty and franchisee in this county to the National Telephone Company at the price of S t The National Company win Immediately take charge of the prop- erty with Walter Baring of FafamonC as manager Charlottesville VaTJaele DId 3 e Daniel President Roosevelts guMe he vtrttt Pine Knot hi Southern Albemarle for a hunt Is mightily inter- ested te the African expedition He does AIEMONT- Jlany Italian lUIncr There Lout Relatives In Earthquake Fhmont W Va Dec XL Italian Coo snter Agent C D GnMara of Fairmont te of the opinion that sarong the dead frost the earthquake are hundreds of removes of the minors and laborers in the frainnont held Ins mother resides at Palermo amid be believes she te safe although be has received no word tress her He feels sure however of his relatives were killed Consul CaJ data said A very large per cent of the italians hi the Fabmoot region are front Silly I kaow dozens of men workma- te the coal mines here whose wives and famines were left In Messina That a severe blow has fallen upon the un- fortunates hereabouts there is no doubt in my mind It win be weeks before the extent of the truth is known Gilberts Life May Be Saved SpecM I DIe Wastes IlcnU Norfolk Va Dec JL The members of the jury who found young Benjamin F Gflh rt guilty of the murder of his Amanda Morse with one or two exceptions will sign a petition to GoY Swanson for tbe commutation of the death sentence which they pronounced against Gilbert to one of lIfe Imprison- ment provided Judge Hanckfll also it Both Judge Haackel who tried the mae and Commonwealths Attorney TU who prosecuted it refuse to disease the matter Kept VVctlclinpr Secret Six Months SceeM to The V sh ctnB HenM Md Dec 2L Waiie via lung retetlves in Washington test June Miss Emma Rocker daughter of John W Recher of this Ky And Albert C Pnffenberger son of former States At- torney Thomas A Pofferiberger Hagers town went to Wilmington DeL and were secretly married by Rev George Lewis Wolfe The wedding was kept ab- solutely secret until today whoa the couple announced that they were gojng to leave on a wedding trip Searchers Fan to Find Barclt- Sfroat te The Wasbtegten Herald Cumberland Md Dec 3L The body of- ET Burch aged sixtyseven for land carpenter missing over two weeks and thought to have boon seen floating In the Potomac last Sunday eveaing near Creek has not been lo- cated A thorough search has been made from North Branch to Olduram His relatives believe that be has met with toni pay and that his body lies been hidden away Danced Old Year Out SfracMl to The Washington Hera- MHiagerstown Md Dec SL Hagorstowa society tonight danced the old year out sad a aew year In at the annual bull under the auspices of the Hngerstewa As- sembly Club at Hotel Hamilton The ball was attended by many Sacluding persons from Baltimore Washington Former Spottwylvania Girl Weds n ctel to The Wastegton Herald Spottsylvania Va Dec 31 George A ntetrens of Alleghany County Va and Mss Ada J Hudson formerly of Spott sylanla but now of Washington were married in Baltimore a few days ago Mr and Mrs Matrons will reside in orders for Sfevr Year receptions H other social functions REGI51E TAIj PUNCH ready H to serve 2 0 gallon G3c quart H- TToKalon Wine Co- g 814 14TH ST X W Phone JIain 888 Trice VaThe Domin- Ion New Pot M MOURNING AT I I Hager own Patters ns out toWil County tm1 I i Open until nOOn today to fill ii H Ii I ammm m m sosse when- ever malay sweet- heart algae tosS guests aad Ikghany s Is IIS s s astspss s r and I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = ROt agree with the President who it is alleged recently expressed the wish to friends that be were ten years voungfcr before ne peaetrated the jungles of Africa Unde Dicks view the Presidential Nhnrod te beyond the roach of injury or bed health and he related incidents in support of Ids conviction He sure is a great hunter said Uncle Die I am a hunter myself but I cant tech him He can go alt day without eating but I want a little mack He rides straight across the cr cks and fences and through the woods and It is hard to keep up with lam Once I saw him knocked off his horse by a hub but It didnt hurt him none He con sleep on horseback too- I seen hint do it And one time whoa me and Mr Bishop went on ahead to eaR up some wild turkeys aad found some we couldnt tied Mr Roosevelt Alter searching around I heard snoring slid K was the President Slat of his back te a clump of Aint nothing b Africa going to hurt him Baltimore Md Tbe ehaUcenMda a meannatured bee that builds mud nests against walls Is responsible for the ob- literation of many inscriptions on ruined Egyptian temple said Prof J H Corn stock of Cornell University at the meet- ing of the Entomological Society of America at toe Busters High School aad to prove that they were everything be said about them b bad stereopdcon to show the bees at their work Dr F M Webster head of the division of crop insects of the Department of Agriculture told of the grew bug in- jurious to spring wheat and the para- sites that hoW It In check and Prof J A Noises talked on spiders Lynehburg VaT That roany mea flail in the excitement of vigor with which local option elections are waged a sense of gratifying their political instincts is one of the reasons assigned by Richard Bvelyn Byrd author of the famous Byrd Honor law hi Virginia aad speaker of the house of delegates for the growth of prohibition sentiment te the South The subject Is treated hi a contributed article which Is peculiarly timely te the January number of the Virginia Ms the State monthly After die coming the cause for prohMdoa growth Speaker Byrd says There Is yet another reason for the great success of the prohibition The complete absence of an effect- ive opposition political party in the South has starved the political Instincts of the AngloSaxon who nuu up the greet majority of the white population The AntiSaloon League te praised hi the same article AH popular movements must had instruments in order to be ef- fective continues the writer In Vk- siate the prohibition movement has found a wonderfully effective hHtruatent fat the AntiSaloon League The tenders of the a ue are men of great abOfty energy nd farseeing wisdom They are hi no sense political hot on the contrary are ahmst universally strong conservative practical mon EXPECTS STATEWIDE FIGHT Richmond Believes Legislature Will Vote State Dry Richmond Va Dec Everywhere in Richmond the local option fts were discussed today many prophesying that the members of the next legislature from the counties WIll vote Per State- wide prohibition as a result of liquor contests in their districts That Richmond Norfolk and Newport News will be the next places upon which a fight will be Imposed appears to be the consensus of opinion In the meanwhile an tbe cities and towns which have held local option elections are awaiting the decision of the Supreme Court of of tile State in the Fredericksburg we The validity of the Ward act un- der which the election in that city was held has been attacked the Judge of the city holding the act Is hi conflict with the State constitution aad therefore void The case will prooabty be heard at the next term of court On this decision hangs the result in other cities m the State If that nineties te MId valid then aH cftttee already voted dry will be ury otb rwj the liquor men will continue or resume btiilnoot Dr Tront Weds 3Iis Sf etel to The WwMMgteM Herald Roanoke Va Dee 3L Dr Hugh Trout a noted surgeon of Roanoke and Miss Leonora Cocke daughter of Mrs Charles Cocke of HoHins were married tonight at Hoittae The bride Is a grand- daughter of the late Dr Charles L Cocke founder of Hoilfns Institute and for years its The groom was for ten years a surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore He is a native of Staunton and a year ago es- tablished a large private hospital here Home Wedding in Montgomery Sped to 7V WosWBsioa Herald Boyds Md Dec 5L A very pretty home wedding took place at the home of Rufus Rent King near Damascus at 11 oclock this morning when Miss ArdaUa May King and Howard Montgomery Miles son of Thomas Miles of Clarks- burg were married The parlors where the ceremony took place were very tasti- ly decorated with evergreens hoUy and mistletoe Previous to ceremony a wedding breakfast was served Rev Mr Barnes of Laytoasville tied the nuptial knot Weddings in Jefferson County SppeW te TIle WasktafftM Herald Harpers Ferry W Va Dec 3L At- DuffleWs near here Warren Hunter WaS married today to Miss Lizzie Osbourn The bride Is the daughter of B Osbourn a wealthy farmer and prominent Confeder- ate soldier The groom is merchant of that place Rev Mr Slier of the Pres bvtertea church of DHffleWs officiated M C Garrett and Miss ElSie Runnis- N a of Uvma aeigbberhood were roar r d yesterday at the Zoar Church by Htv Mr Hitchcock Lutheran minister of Shepherdstown Virginia to Aid Sufferers Special t Tbe WacMadeR Herald Norfolk Va Dee 3L Both Mayor RW dick of Norfolk and Mayor Reed of Portsmouth have indorsed the proclama- tion of Gov Swanson asking aid for the Italian earthquake sufferers Mayor Reed has issued a proclamation for the assembling of the cItizens of Portsmouth tomorrow to take action as may be deemed proper toward relieving those wee have escaped the horror The Ital- ians of Norfolk have called a meeting for the same purpose Sunday afternoon Mrs Florence Simmer Dead Dec 3L Mrs Simmers widow of Thomas former burgess of SaritiisBurg this county died yesterday at her home In that place aged fiftyeight years Mrs Simmers is survived by a son Harry Sim- mers of Smltnsburg and a brother Frank Norford of this city lit broom tae new 6 ext 8pMaI fte JIIgW aL Cock tit eat the a e MeL Flor- ence Sim- mers a for- age move- ment t wri Ap- peals 5 Hagerstwn 5 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CLAIM TENNESSEE Prohibitionists Say Legisla- ture Will Pass Bill SOLONS CONVENE ON MONDAY AntiSaloon and ProSaloon Forces Are Gathering nt Xashville StrnfRJe Gov Patterson and Ills Bntire Administration Favor Local Option Trouble IB Feared SpKirf to The WiMhteiUni healS Bristol Tens Dec JL The loj slatnre of Tennessee Monday at Nash and the struggle for Statewide pro wOl begin Ve have the Aght already won W R Hamflton head of the Anti Saloon League in the State who te as- sisting in organizing the legtelature he left yesterday toe Nnnhvnle to be preeent at opening of the assembly The majority of the members of both are either pledged and instructed to vote for Statewide prohibition or are avowedly ta favor of the lid we wilt win despite the activities of goy Patter sort and his forces for local option The light in Tennessee win be one of the bottet ever waged te the State and the campaign has been on for weeks It was te his zeal for the name of State- wide prohibition hi anticipation of the contest before the legislature that result- ed in the of former Senator Edward W Cannacfc editor of the Nash- ville Teonecgean some weeks ago It Is claimed by the temperance people that this has reacted to the good of the cause aad that saloons are sure to go However the prohibition movement is strenuously opposed by Gov Patterson and the administration The Democratic State platform calls for local option but Carmack charged that it was nut made by the people but by the unauthorized liquor interests Del by an act of unpar- alleled political duplicity aad that the Democrats were not bound by it Interest te Intense an over the State sad it te feared that there wit be more Moodohad because of the Ugh feeling over the fight Saloons now exist ht only four cities In Teaneosee Nashville Chat tanooga Memphis and LafoOette FAIRMONT GETS BIG PLANT Independent Steel sari Wire Com- pany to Locate Factory There Plttsburg Dec XL A telegram from Fahrmont W Va tonight says The Independent Steel and Wire Com- pany of Fltubuis has decided to locate its new SUoVW plant m this city The company has had under contidtraaou the concentration of Its plants we Moneseen Pa ERwood City Pa Cnynhoga Onto sad at Chicago bringing thorn un- dnr one management This city was selected because of natural advantages The abundance of water gas sad the dose proximity of fluxing materiel are ietemttaUns factors The plant will consist of one blast furnace with a daily capacity of a tons open hearth furnace capacity HI to 509 toss roDing mill with a capacity of 4GO tons of rod sad a large wire milL Fif- teen hundred men will be employed Tire monthly pay roll will reach M6 e The people of this city have agreed to give 7H acres of tend as a site to erect the buildings for the plant Wllifeun Gtesh of Chicago Is the presi- dent of the company HELD FOR BRUTAL GRIME Three Men to Face Court OR Charges SoCToIk Val The XLThe murdering John MitcbeH whose head a women snw crushed with aa Iron bar as he begged for his dosed test night in Eienton N C After a bearing of two days William Drew white and William H Warren colored committed without bull Robert Francis WM held under hood for the spring term of the Suporior Court Sam Goodwill John Losstfcar aad Cook were discharged Mttctoeirs body was found ia Aluemarie Sound FORGED TO DISBAND XiKht Riders from Tennessee Com- pany Excites Southern t The WaabbvtM Lyacaburg Va Dec SI Alter months experience at tnr heed of a company of twelve local players ia the bm The Night Riders of Tennessee R H Reynolds sad his wife have to their home here aad the com- pany te scattered at Charlotte and Greensboro N C getting together sum dent funds to ineJce Ute home Reynolds who came aonte thin after states that the play was founded upon InvestigatIons made by himself at Reelfoot Lake Tens and that it was so real that the company was arrested fire times in that State charged with Inciting riot These arrests were at CRy and Xewport He claims that the company received rough treatment at each of its Ten- nessee engagements At one place the feeling was so hot against them that one of the members was arrested for high- way robbery and be was only released yesterday Mrs Reynolds left alt of her diamonds and jewelry as ball for aerselt- aad husband for their appearance in an- swer to the charges indicated Recordbreaker at Cumberland SrecUl te The Wsfa wi HrnM Cumberland Md Dec 1 Tbe business at the Cumberland postofflce tom Christ mas week December was the largest hi its history It includes the following items Domestic money orders issued 2X international money orders issued 14 domestic orders paid OS let ters and parcels registered 31 registered letters aad parcels delivered S transient registers bundled L2SI sale of stamps lacrosse over teat year SttUe It te estimated that IMG pack- ages wore mailed at the local postoSfce Killed by Train Going Home Special to The Vishtagimt Danville Va Dec Jotm Jones aged thirty years a wettkaowa resident of the Lola neighborhood this county was struck by aa extra frehrht train of the Southern Railway near Fan Creek last night and killed He bed arrived at Fall Creek 0n passenger train from Danville sod was ovMently walking along the track toward MIRe when the accident occurred He loaves a brother Morgan Jones of Fall Creek Death of Miss Mamie KInerdon 3Id Dec SL Miss Mamie daughter of the late Rev John KmgS n tiled here rather auonealy at midnight test night aged thirtyeight years She had Mea Bl for some months aad death resulted MIa heart failure She is survived by her mother Mrs Alverda Kngde two sisters and two brothers for Bit- ter cell de- clared Ute uses bill doa Falls great y SI i j Murder trial of JIb men and arrested for a farr Ute Weft WW heatS 8 trip DOOR Greeoevlfle j ISo i I I to ne Roc vtUe i vIM as coal coke and preliminary boys People- S chl re- turned John- son healS Sedil wamkalsn heAl KIngdn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CAT TO Clifton Forge Banker Elected Canhr Icr of First National to TIle W iafaigt e j M Danville Va Dee SLBenjamta Booth who for the post ten years aa Mea ea4der of the First National Bank of Clifton Forge has been elected as cashier of the First National Bank of Danville to succeed Allen Cucullu who leNs accepted the position of cashier of the First National Bank of Lynchbur The change is effect Jv early in Jaaaary AMUSEMENTS PRICES sec to- W TODAY AND SATURDAY MAT1XBE MISS MARY MAIHrVINC IN A PIAY BY IVY ASHTOX SOOT A HOUSE OF CARDS NEXT WEEK SEATS SELLING DAVID BELASCO will present DAVID nday an J Tuesday Wed Might and no flights Only malndarof Wok 5RAND THE MUSIC ARMY MAN MASTER MATinEES THURSDAY and SATURDAY Mo Losal Mail or Telephone Criers HARrKs KKiHMAN PKKStNTS- n iBi i HOLIDAY MATINEE AT 215 of 0 E HfXI KEI PL1EKr- PKATH sow ET M M AY FOR FINAL REHEARSAL A NEW PLAY Lending Tkcater MATINEE TOIU1 lotdtfit at EB- Prin 3 to S2 l i Mr HENRY MILLER in NEXT WEEK Greatest 4 All MB Jowe Sarfler Srphie Brandt Tenry Come JosepJi W Htrben Octa- TJ Brc e LtwrwDw roerer ORCHESTRA OF rHORCS OF SEATS OX SLE NOW Xr Year Vt Xs r re XTit It WorM JESSE L USETS BK3LH8 8 S TB FASTiST A WrKiiari ReT IYU of N r Stmc tui g P ttib tV Uier PTMKTI and S THE ELLI OWL iSYK sad IDA CUISPI- Cd Morton TT8CAXT T OCBA1 OCS LULC BEESO TRIO THE riWKMSOXAe fee BUY SEATS TODAY stte auxnmon M e LYRiC THEATRE T TKAZiiAi i M n Jan 4 Lwcia MOB i J2 Sp c i opera tain- K 4Tr Titt Cars tor the Opera Every Half Hour from 4P M on 100 Round Trip Ticket oilier 14th nt and X Y ave NEW MASONIC AUDITORIUM TRAVELOGUES Colorsd V r Motion Pictjrss COURSE 5 r m I 5 MONDAY MATS 4 0 HAWAII NEW JAPAN J JAR 17 18 OID JAPAN gj JAN 24 25 JAVA JAN 31 FEB 1 PARIS FEB 7 a 8 rv p Tirtwts at Bor TTcr nFfilN MOM Y TAN fe 7 T SirpV Tickets titi NEW AGPEMY y SPEcIAL NEW YEAH MAT TODAY THE OPIUM Smugglers of Frisco IN FtlfB AtT AM TEX SCBNBS Cast df Superior KS TICP InchHiias IlXl s A tSe H l H tifeL N Rvf in irics New Ytsr Mat Nrst Tw Tilt KAlSJobnaie and Erom KN it ASL1 A HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL vms VTEEKMATIXEE EVERY DAT WASHINGTONS FAVORITE ATTRACTION- S ta rwerwi crstii 2 Mating sal S odock NighU X t W k RUBIES KNU KERBO KERJv POPULAR VITH THE PKOrLE Hals D2B- JIHAT BKi MfSICAL KtVlfcVS WITH PEARL AXD- BROAnWAYS POPULAR STAKJ ext VTpekUrcaadaad Bnrtwqucrs DANVILLE V BELASCO WAFL III A I taWNDV r I A B TaU suo TODAY THE GiRLS OF GOTTENBERGr- 1r fxr TTJ L I a UlIIJfnton I I THE GREAT DIVIDE 8- cA DREAM Original s YrorIi V Don ly bid R 38 te Dil atlneflX FI aTd I Merry Bits m TItOUPE m A 1mfi AT THE l1RtT tflP msEUrRltK DU1- fEEKJ a rA TlGK I I 2 J I THE ELECTRIC LINE Last ear leaves Baltimore 12 p mu 1 BURTON HOLIW1ES EVES a JJ JAN 10 11 8 I SALE So I j i l I 3I Matinee I S2turb I w I GAYETY THEATRE AL REEVES I BIG BEAUTY SHOI 0 clod I harp I mi DftR SM ibt ti PLAYERS I Inmperaoiated bra Ka4ftuC Kepnq ot 1eiw flank- S ecfal S 4 fly t MRS LosiioCart8r PILE iri The WALTZ set lnd4 Hrr tera r F 3c La Laitr RELEi ArdaW hei r Iki 1 Fiend DoLl irezy tSRQ Ma OarBsemer BALT MORE uw A ColS More About Jar r Y1 54 a- gS 2 1 l 1s1 8 Sml LYCWV- r KAiRY < > > > > < > > > > > < > CLOSED TODAY We extend to every one our i f sincerest wishes for a Happy fy New Year aad beg to thank all CHIT oiany customers for V the very liberal patronage J they have accorded us during the year just past T t- R HARRIS CO I3- Ianufactnrin Jewelers I 7th and D Sts N W f CEO LAWRENCES REBUILDING SALE CHASE BROS VprJpht 17 Tuning 1 X- O15 G Tel 4 49 Open 1 p nu THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THS Stockholders of The Washington Herald Company will be held at Room 785 Colo- rado Building in the city of Washington D C on the TH OF at 12 m for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and for such other business as mar erty be before said meeting BENJAMIN S MINOR de317t INAUGURAL COMMITTEE COMMITTEE OX PUBLIC COMFORT Rooms and XL and Me- chanics Savings Bank Bldg Pa ave and 10th sL nw AU parties desiring to furnish quarters to visitors the in- augural period are requested to caR at this ofiace or send description of rooms stating the number of persons that can be supplied with beds or cots with without meals terms 4fec M L WEL LER Chairman Committee on Public Comfort de2830- tPIRSUANT TO SECTION 1 ARTICLE DC of Bylaws notice is hereby given that the annual meeting Stock holders of tbe Traction Company for the election of directors for the ensu I jug year and such other business as may be brought before the meeting will be held at the office of 36th j and M sta nw Washington D C on WEDNESDAY January IS M at 10 3- j a m The polls will be open from 11 a m until 12 noon H D CRAMPTON Sec- retary de2Ttf- j OFFICE OF THE FIREMENS INSUlt aace Company of Washington and Georgetown 7th si and La ave nw i The Stockholders of the Firemens Company of Washtegton and j Georgetown win meet at the office on MONDAY January 4 3 for the pur j pose of directors for the j ensuing year Polls open at 11 a m ani close at 32 m W M HOFFMAN de2214t- NOTICE i The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Rifles Hall Association will be held at the office of its attorney K Kemper 22S street Alexandria i Va THURSDAY January 7 till at 239 I p m for the election of a board of for 09 and the transaction of any other bwtneos that may be presented Books for the transfer of stock will be closed ten days from December 27- 1MB A dividend of S per cent on the capi- tal stock for BW has been declared pay- able on DIll after JANUARY 7 GEORGE W EVANS e t Secretary Get acquainted with tbe Inane Messenger Service Call Main DIll 7SS 13th AH night GO TO W TAFTATTe SB a SiT run TOtcbes decks jewekr cat dftsa e j hmuit paeo tpttLecd Cairo Buffet l th mad Q Sts i The celebrated Windsor Club Whisky 75r bottle Fine Old Sherry 75c hoWe All the popular brands Imported Honor and mixed drinks de2930t GOOD PRINTING Is a good help for any business The money you put into printers I h mm y d RETUlCfS if we detea and i Geo E Howard 714 12tfi SL j PRIXTEH ENGRAVER AND BOOKBINDER J TVHITJ5- 4S3 35s s era THE Oppesite tae Presidents House Treas- ury Stills War and Department A Hotel of quaint elegance mind su- perb cuisine PETER TAYLOR Jr Manager AmerIcan und European Plan D C THE COLD NSTROTH 1413 Pa avc nw LadIes T sad Gentlemens Grill Room GentUmeaM Cafe First Floor A Ia Carte at All Bn Incv 3Ien LURch 12 to 2 p 31 Music in the Grill Room 7 to IS P 31 THE ST JAMES Pa ave and ith st 10 minutes to station European Rooms 1 to S3 Highclass Restaurant at Reasonable SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ACADEMY COLORADO BUILDING Pfeatn Gnkuo Buc s Get ad SyBitie terse ln ktaaJ imtractiML SpeciftI ntc for cass pfe coarse PoeRiBM zwnatnd HALLNOYES SCHOOL i 221 E St IAI- ndnlts 7 p m College preparation Catalo uejc Phone 31 3S77 FRANCIS MANN HALL A 3L Prta PROFESSIONAL CARDS VOICE AND PLWJO STUDIO HI JV t r 4 r r rrro- S I I I A Happy t i fit I z t t I 1 e- SPECIAL NOTICES Ij If 1 IjIU- RCB S TIns S tpright S19i G I UOt i I I I or I j I I i Secre- tary t i i r for I I 8 L l- It I i I i JW r p2IIC Q1 cardI k Let fire EscapesFR- ED i I ARUIGTON HOTEL I f f I f I I i I HeaD i Pnces STEOiRAPHC N Boys lad 4 to 19 years U a mJ i I Franklin Comstock a c New Year0 WEEK tpright 54O 31 f Insur- ance Ntlon direr Eesirfu y felOns y m the 5 Wieret LJin- z Navy Washington Sri glrht Oscar S < > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ < + + ++ ± ±

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Post on 21-Apr-2018




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rI S

South Boston and Houston

Captured by AntiSaloon


Wets Fight Result on

Constitutional Grounds

yor Cutchln of the Magic CityIssues a Proclamation Asking theCitizens to Abide by the Resultthat the Election Was Pair andthat Homes Should Not Sow BeMade Miniature Liquor Depot

Virginia towns ferae gone icy Bwister district C Halifax CMmtr lawhich we the IKS wasSoetk Boston aad g n n t a TWted

dry IR a lead ytt ti fltoedoa V HImajority

This resatt mf a that the eight bar-rooms aad w aatpptog 4 iMKlii SouthBoston MM two M HfcwUtt ffftlclose at tIN ad af ataety days

The revcm ia South B oafcaa from tIMliquor traaV mo H tg tiH aad atHouston it is JOB

The cootc0t wa the ever seeain Halifax but T gil wfehowt aayexcitement The caatnaigB was can-

ton aaatated by H H of-

Houataa Those MM hut the eo pera-tton f the duI people

The South Beotoa Now which hasalways been a pranooncei tenperaneepaper gave the andaalooa stroegsupport and new a factor in tile remit

To Enforce Laws In RoanokeRoanoke Va Dee XL Mayor Joel H

Cutchia nrh favored the wets te thelocal option arnijurtgn which resulted ina victory for jvobibitkm by a majorityof eightyshe votes today issued aproctaamUon to the people In which hesays the verdtot of the voters be

option should be gives a Hahaoys be is ready to carry oat the

Rill ofroite sad that he wffi ask cooncite for aspecial appropriatioa for a secret serviceto aid him in enforcing the Jaw

He asks the chnrches to condno thetight for temperance and create a sent-ient that will prevent the homea fromb coming mtatata ttqaor deovcs aadre foraaiUqp of sodai cJubg where theIirit of the law wilt be vtoteted He

Af willtegneo on the pert of fraternalanixattons such as the Elks Sagfes-

wls and kindred oigmil atfons to forejro their right to pvt fa tochers ngardtBg-re locker menace the raost serions phase

ft the situationHe hopes that no tesal technicalities

may be Invoked by the defeated partysaying no good can result He says

The apt has been honestly made theelation honestly conducted and the AndSaloon Society has won a victory hasa right to enjoy its fruits and no onehas a right comptaia

He calls a nuns meeting of citizens forThursday night to disease matters-

in connecttoB with the questionWet Will Content

Tt was stated toy positively that theLiquor Dealers AseecfatteB wit contestthe election on the ground of oaeonsd-tutkmaBty

Field Secretary J D McAllister of the

I believe it wW 1 nnfortnnatefor the liquor interests of the Itthe etecdon te thIs city te coateefe Theseries of contests on the part of theliquor interests hi various cities is notonly arousing the rural sections of theState but is arousing the dry elementin all the cities where local option elections have not ben held The citiesthemselves are beginning to feel that if

have to contest their cases hi theas well s Win them at the ballot

When Without Exertion or CostYou Can Enjoy Xeais and

Care Dyspepsia

when your meals declare war yoursystem

When the stomach wont do its workit is beeanee it cannot

Whoa foul emeUiug odors come fromyour stomach when the bead acnes andThe sourness of mouth every morningirakes you hate your breakfast whandreams and nightmare rtmdl youlout give up the flght

This is the appeal of nature and Itchould be beard

Overeating late sappers poorly chewedfood too rich pastries and underdonecooking are some of the causes of thestomachs Hi health

When the stomach is busy it pressesacd churns alt the liquid matter fromfood and with ifs Juices dfeeotves Isoliquid form or pulp everything trafchcomes into It

If such food be poisonous ft affectsthe Juices attacks the stomach goes intothe blood and weakens the entire system

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets will digesta fun meal easily without materialassistance from the stomach They willrestock the gastric fluid with all the ele-ments needed They build up the blooddestroy sour taste bad breath belchingstomach and bowel trouble aad quicklyrestore natural conditions

One grain of Stuart s Dyspepsia Tabletswill digest JW8 grains of food In the

in a glass viol without aidof the human digestive apparatcs

The method of Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are the methods of Nature

They contain every requisite forstomach and digestion Alter mealone of these little tablets when It en-ters the stomach cringles with the juicesattacks the food sad digests It It re-moves the fermented and decayed masslying stagnant there sad eases theEtoniach at once

It is wholly a question fur you to solveYour druggist will furnish Stuarts Dys-pepsia Tablets Sac the box or send asyour seine sad address and we wHIFend you a trial package free jucWrossF A Stuart Co W Stuart Bhfg 3kfe-rthall iOca






siuua Va Dee 3LTwe


ducted L S SC South DoEll 11 Jls

by all parties sad thAt IeeatH-e

the peeIIk As 1 at the

thetr help lit a spirit




ntlSaIooR AllpeoC Rid to-day


Dont Blame


Dont blame your stoIDadI or your luckOIl







by Barbow




rgs I erad




stomach or










bo that they might ae well piepare t resort to other mdthodcbj widthto ra frown Mcpiortraffic

This Is takes as a on eqwtvalent to a threat of istatewMe prelIMtten

Fatalities nt Lick Branch WillHardly Go Over Fifty

Biueneid W Va Dee 3L Huadcedestilt continue to crowd about the monthof the mine of the Lick Branch Collieryin vrhtck the explosion of Monday oc-

curred as a number of dead bodies arebete recovered and brought out

The lIst of dead now totals fortynineand It te believed only one more is inthe mine This was gives out officiallyat the mines companys office tonight

Many of the bodies recovered have beenshipped to their oW homes and tills wasday of funerals at Switchback The

parties are still busy and ore searchtug te every nook and corner of the vastworkings

There Is no bad air to hinder a thoroughsearch This afternoon the fresh air wasforced late the shaft where the explo-sion and a number of bodieswere In spite of the terrific forceof the death dealing the remains-of the victims are not mangled Of thefortynine dead miners there was not onebut was recognizable One man wassomewhat disfigured The last inspectionof this mine was made in August byDeputy Inspector Phillips who proaouaeed it in excellent condition


Statewide Prohibition Takes EffectToday

Raleigh N C Dec 2L4Mscnseteg theStatewide promottloa Jaw whichIto effect January 1 Gov GlanNorth Carolina says that if be weregovernor next year he would see thatthere was rigid enforeomettt eves if hebad to put aand exhaust the State treasury te do tt

He insists that the low having beenvoted for by a majority of the people inthe State it is eiuttled to a fair trial

Revenue officers are still

atf agents to stop the stills hi countrysad mountainous districts and a move

huure enact a Jaw creating the oflict ofspecial constables to break up the hilttraaYc This law will have tile full sup-port of Goretect KitchJu who wants

eOdeacy of the prohibition enact-ment to be thoroughly tested


Slack Business in Fairmont Coal-Fields Due to Motive Power

SpxM n The WaWnstM healSGrafton W Va Dee a The stack

bustneas ta the coal Industry m the Fairmont rto the inability of the Buithnore andOhio Railroad Company to Iambi carsaad motive power Is the statement

operatorsThe motive power Is not sufflciont to

place empties oa the sidings It te statedthere wouM be cars enenjji cow themotive power be provided to place them

On the MooongabeU River braarh It Isstated that there Is not half enoughpower to satisfy the mines even at thisMack stage of the game It Is claimedthat tile engines have not been over-hauled and are frequently disabled Locoatodves were injured dnrtec thedrought by the adds of the waters usedIn tbe boilers


Store and Burned Loss Is

CrfeateM 1 L Dee nFJre this mornlag destroyed the storehouse and dwelltag In Maryland avenue occupied by J H

Lmead Mr Aihnuad bad a narrow es-

cape as ae was overcome by Ute smokewhich flied his ayaianenU Tawas owned by Geors R Crockett whohad ao auaraaee DeaaJngty Sonsstock of 80de was partly covered byinsurance

pin is dJrided away tbtaldac it tobe of incendiary oHaJn TIle total losswin reach KM

Held for Stealing from

Norfolk Va Dec aMnrtm L Westbrook a ttverymaa of Portsmouth wasarrested this afternoon charged with

applying to his own use certain brassesthe property of the United States gov-ernment The case against Westbrookwas worked up by Secret Service AgentO F Kline sent here by the Navy De-partment and W H Catching a specialdetective of the Norfolk Navy YardWestfaroofc aftea drove wagons to thenavy yard aad the detectives allege thatthese wagons had la them secret receptacles IB which valuable brass would bebrought out of the navy yard

Bridge Sears CompletionSrcM t Tae Wufcngtoa HenM

Cumberland Xd Dec 3 he bridgeover the Potomac River at Wagys Fordopposite South Cumberland greeted joint-ly by AUegaay County and Mlnera County W Va totA the nrstlie use between Hancock aa Piedmontpublic use betwen Hancock aaf Piedmontz distance of nearly ninety miles hasbeen completed except the of thefloorteg and painting which are hiprogress It will OP opened r txamcin a week and win afford a asW route tothe South Branch valley

Store and Postoffice RobbedpecM t The Watonigtea

Cumberland 3d Dee MThe store ofR A Raddi fe and postofSce at RIdgeley opposite Cumberland were robbedearly this morning and in casiv fifteenpairs of shoes and a 2 check were stolenMany stores have beei robbed hereaboutsin the post few months and thebea yhas included hundreds of shoes v-

Hendrlcfeson Heads LaTryo-

SfoL t The VbaUeaa HealSCumberland Md Dee 3LThe AUe

gany County Bar Assoosntfon todayelected the following offlctrsFinley C Headrlckson viceArchibald A Young secretory D j

ley Sloan treasurer Lloyd H

brarlan Harry R Donaelly dteoeinrnIrvine R Dickey David John Lowx IBohert W McMichael Richard S Bell JPhilip Roman

J W Sumption IsSfeckl to the Wutestea Heald

Winchester Va Dec 3L Joseph W-

SumptiOB a member of tbe local postoffice force died here today after a brtillness of pneumonia aged foitrtfePM Kwas a prominent member of the Kotejhof Pythias and the Rouse Reek and fifcder Company A widow mid three chil-dren survive

Maryland Chickens Firstto The WaekfastMi BeraJd

Cumberland Xd Dec a Ptnrte-rEtosser of Cnmberlaai was nTitei-dtodry that his black Laagshaa chickensoa exhlutttoH at the SquareGarden Poultry Show n eb York IpnVtaken drat premiuiB chickenstook tile blue ribbon at tire HagerstowFair

jEtdeliver the






lit every

that no tMfort Is WIle by UWo

mast Is now OR foot to hove the


ax u present time lo due




I SoB and George Ash

The cause of tile are a and

te fte W hemalS







is Wsiiss


gnu msa hand

complainhmade rove




Is ysterys










s I











Marriage licenses for the following Virgjaia and Maryland couples were issuedhi Washington yesterday

George E Pickett and Janet S Roweboth of Alexandria Va

Saden J Bruce of Bowling Green Vaand Emma of Delos Va

Fred L Garner of Kokomo lad aadRoss E Cragg of Baltimore Md

Robert S Jones of Vienna Va andElla M Cunningham of CenkHa Va

Nelson C Burwell of Parkersburg WVa and Katharina I Roed of thisdty

Bobert O Conipber of Waterford Vaand Margaret K CapeJnafl of Round HW

VaRichard Deeatur of Stafford Va andPearl McGwin of Fairfax Va

Elder H Stede and UHfaa V SmiUvboth of Baltimore Md

Parkersburg W Va The executivecommittee of the West Virginia NationalGuard Association has formulatedproposed amendments to the State mail

tan code which will be submitted to thelegislature in the forum of a but whichwill make the State law with retard tothe National Guard conform with theDick national law

MorgantowB W DominionNews Company has purchased the Re-

publican a daily morning paper andwin consolidate It with the New

an evening paper Hereafter theDcmfcrtoB will be published In the

morning under the management of JuthutE Fleming By agreement the POtChronicle will take the evening fleW

Onrkaburg W VaTbe West VirginiaSheriffs Association which was organteed here by the sheriftsefect of theState has elected the following oncersI Harshbartrer of HunUngton chairmanS P Smith of Charleston secretaryand 3ff J Francis of Cterksburg treas-urer The next meeting will be heW hi afew weeks at the call of the chairmen

Cnmberhutd Md Aa entertainmentwas gives by the stockholders of the

Glass Works to the ewploesand their friends hi the now annex tothe pfauK There was general rejoicingover the contpioUon of the additionwhich te of brick by fr feet two storieshigh A dance was given on the secondfloor of the new annex

Morgaatown W VaThe stockholdersof the Peoples Telephone Company haverallied the sate of its pleat prop-erty and franchisee in this county to theNational Telephone Company at theprice of S t The National Companywin Immediately take charge of the prop-erty with Walter Baring of FafamonCas manager

Charlottesville VaTJaele DId 3 eDaniel President Roosevelts guMe

he vtrttt Pine Knot hi SouthernAlbemarle for a hunt Is mightily inter-ested te the African expedition He does


Jlany Italian lUIncr There LoutRelatives In Earthquake

Fhmont W Va Dec XL Italian Coosnter Agent C D GnMara of Fairmontte of the opinion that sarong the deadfrost the earthquake are hundreds ofremoves of the minors and laborers inthe frainnont held Ins mother residesat Palermo amid be believes she te safealthough be has received no word tressher He feels sure however ofhis relatives were killed Consul CaJdata said A very large per cent of theitalians hi the Fabmoot region are frontSilly I kaow dozens of men workma-te the coal mines here whose wives andfamines were left In Messina That asevere blow has fallen upon the un-

fortunates hereabouts there is no doubtin my mind It win be weeks before theextent of the truth is known

Gilberts Life May Be SavedSpecM I DIe Wastes IlcnU

Norfolk Va Dec JL The members ofthe jury who found young Benjamin FGflh rt guilty of the murder of his

Amanda Morse with one or twoexceptions will sign a petition to GoY

Swanson for tbe commutation of thedeath sentence which they pronouncedagainst Gilbert to one of lIfe Imprison-ment provided Judge Hanckfll alsoit Both Judge Haackel who tried themae and Commonwealths Attorney TU

who prosecuted it refuse to diseasethe matter

Kept VVctlclinpr Secret Six MonthsSceeM to The V sh ctnB HenM

Md Dec 2L Waiie vialung retetlves in Washington test JuneMiss Emma Rocker daughter of JohnW Recher of this Ky And Albert CPnffenberger son of former States At-torney Thomas A Pofferiberger Hagerstown went to Wilmington DeL andwere secretly married by Rev GeorgeLewis Wolfe The wedding was kept ab-solutely secret until today whoa thecouple announced that they were gojngto leave on a wedding trip

Searchers Fan to Find Barclt-Sfroat te The Wasbtegten Herald

Cumberland Md Dec 3L The body of-

E T Burch aged sixtyseven forland carpenter missing over two weeksand thought to have boon seen floatingIn the Potomac last Sunday eveaingnear Creek has not been lo-

cated A thorough search has been madefrom North Branch to Olduram Hisrelatives believe that be has met withtoni pay and that his body lies beenhidden away

Danced Old Year OutSfracMl to The Washington Hera-

MHiagerstown Md Dec SL Hagorstowasociety tonight danced the old year outsad a aew year In at the annual bullunder the auspices of the Hngerstewa As-sembly Club at Hotel Hamilton The ballwas attended by many

Sacluding persons from BaltimoreWashington

Former Spottwylvania Girl Wedsn ctel to The Wastegton Herald

Spottsylvania Va Dec 31 George Antetrens of Alleghany County Va andMss Ada J Hudson formerly of Spottsylanla but now of Washington weremarried in Baltimore a few days agoMr and Mrs Matrons will reside in

orders for Sfevr Year receptions Hother social functions

REGI51E TAIj PUNCH ready Hto serve 2 0 gallon G3c quart H-

TToKalon Wine Co-g 814 14TH ST X W

Phone JIain 888









Hager own


out toWil


tm1 I i

Open until nOOn today to fill iiHIi


ammm m m










sIs IIS s s astspss s

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ROt agree with the President who it isalleged recently expressed the wish tofriends that be were ten years voungfcrbefore ne peaetrated the jungles of Africa

Unde Dicks view the PresidentialNhnrod te beyond the roach of injury orbed health and he related incidents insupport of Ids conviction

He sure is a great hunter saidUncle Die I am a hunter myselfbut I cant tech him He can go altday without eating but I want a littlemack He rides straight across thecr cks and fences and through thewoods and It is hard to keep up withlam Once I saw him knocked off hishorse by a hub but It didnt hurt himnone He con sleep on horseback too-

I seen hint do it And one time whoame and Mr Bishop went on ahead toeaR up some wild turkeys aad foundsome we couldnt tied Mr RooseveltAlter searching around I heard snoringslid K was the President Slat of his backte a clump of Aint nothingb Africa going to hurt him

Baltimore Md Tbe ehaUcenMda ameannatured bee that builds mud nestsagainst walls Is responsible for the ob-

literation of many inscriptions on ruinedEgyptian temple said Prof J H Cornstock of Cornell University at the meet-ing of the Entomological Society ofAmerica at toe Busters High Schoolaad to prove that they were everythingbe said about them b bad stereopdconto show the bees at their work Dr FM Webster head of the division of

crop insects of the Department ofAgriculture told of the grew bug in-

jurious to spring wheat and the para-sites that hoW It In check and Prof JA Noises talked on spiders

Lynehburg VaT That roany mea flailin the excitement of vigor with whichlocal option elections are waged a senseof gratifying their political instincts isone of the reasons assigned by RichardBvelyn Byrd author of the famous ByrdHonor law hi Virginia aad speaker ofthe house of delegates for the growth ofprohibition sentiment te the South

The subject Is treated hi a contributedarticle which Is peculiarly timely te theJanuary number of the Virginia Ms

the State monthly After diecoming the cause for prohMdoa growthSpeaker Byrd says

There Is yet another reason for thegreat success of the prohibition

The complete absence of an effect-ive opposition political party in the Southhas starved the political Instincts of theAngloSaxon who nuu up the greetmajority of the white population

The AntiSaloon League te praised hithe same article AH popular movementsmust had instruments in order to be ef-

fective continues the writer In Vk-

siate the prohibition movement has founda wonderfully effective hHtruatent fat theAntiSaloon League The tenders of the

a ue are men of great abOfty energynd farseeing wisdom They are hi no

sense political hot on the contrary areahmst universally strong conservativepractical mon


Richmond Believes LegislatureWill Vote State Dry

Richmond Va Dec Everywhere inRichmond the local option fts werediscussed today many prophesying thatthe members of the next legislaturefrom the counties WIll vote Per State-wide prohibition as a result of liquorcontests in their districts

That Richmond Norfolk and NewportNews will be the next places upon whicha fight will be Imposed appears to be theconsensus of opinion In the meanwhilean tbe cities and towns which have heldlocal option elections are awaiting thedecision of the Supreme Court of

of tile State in the Fredericksburgwe The validity of the Ward act un-

der which the election in that city washeld has been attacked the Judge of thecity holding the act Is hi conflict with theState constitution aad therefore voidThe case will prooabty be heard at thenext term of court

On this decision hangs the result inother cities m the State If that ninetieste MId valid then aH cftttee alreadyvoted dry will be ury otb rwjthe liquor men will continue or resumebtiilnoot

Dr Tront Weds 3IisSf etel to The WwMMgteM Herald

Roanoke Va Dee 3L Dr HughTrout a noted surgeon of Roanoke andMiss Leonora Cocke daughter of MrsCharles Cocke of HoHins were marriedtonight at Hoittae The bride Is a grand-daughter of the late Dr Charles LCocke founder of Hoilfns Institute andfor years its The groomwas for ten years a surgeon at JohnsHopkins Hospital Baltimore He is anative of Staunton and a year ago es-tablished a large private hospital here

Home Wedding in MontgomerySped to 7V WosWBsioa Herald

Boyds Md Dec 5L A very prettyhome wedding took place at the home ofRufus Rent King near Damascus at 11

oclock this morning when Miss ArdaUaMay King and Howard MontgomeryMiles son of Thomas Miles of Clarks-burg were married The parlors wherethe ceremony took place were very tasti-ly decorated with evergreens hoUy andmistletoe Previous to ceremony awedding breakfast was served Rev MrBarnes of Laytoasville tied the nuptialknot

Weddings in Jefferson CountySppeW te TIle WasktafftM Herald

Harpers Ferry W Va Dec 3L At-DuffleWs near here Warren Hunter WaSmarried today to Miss Lizzie OsbournThe bride Is the daughter of B Osbourna wealthy farmer and prominent Confeder-ate soldier The groom is merchant ofthat place Rev Mr Slier of the Presbvtertea church of DHffleWs officiated

M C Garrett and Miss ElSie Runnis-N a of Uvma aeigbberhood were roarr d yesterday at the Zoar Church byHtv Mr Hitchcock Lutheran ministerof Shepherdstown

Virginia to Aid SufferersSpecial t Tbe WacMadeR Herald

Norfolk Va Dee 3L Both Mayor RWdick of Norfolk and Mayor Reed ofPortsmouth have indorsed the proclama-tion of Gov Swanson asking aid for theItalian earthquake sufferers MayorReed has issued a proclamation for theassembling of the cItizens of Portsmouthtomorrow to take action as may bedeemed proper toward relieving thosewee have escaped the horror The Ital-ians of Norfolk have called a meeting forthe same purpose Sunday afternoon

Mrs Florence Simmer DeadDec 3L Mrs

Simmers widow of Thomasformer burgess of SaritiisBurg this

county died yesterday at her home Inthat place aged fiftyeight years MrsSimmers is survived by a son Harry Sim-mers of Smltnsburg and a brotherFrank Norford of this city



tae new



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tit eat




MeL Flor-ence Sim-mers




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Prohibitionists Say Legisla-

ture Will Pass Bill


AntiSaloon and ProSaloon ForcesAre Gathering nt Xashville

StrnfRJe Gov Patterson andIlls Bntire Administration FavorLocal Option Trouble IB Feared

SpKirf to The WiMhteiUni healSBristol Tens Dec JL The loj slatnre

of Tennessee Monday at Nashand the struggle for Statewidepro wOl begin

Ve have the Aght already wonW R Hamflton head of the Anti

Saloon League in the State who te as-

sisting in organizing the legtelaturehe left yesterday toe Nnnhvnle to bepreeent at opening of the assembly

The majority of the members of bothare either pledged and instructed

to vote for Statewide prohibition or areavowedly ta favor of the lid we wiltwin despite the activities of goy Pattersort and his forces for local option

The light in Tennessee win be one ofthe bottet ever waged te the State andthe campaign has been on for weeks Itwas te his zeal for the name of State-wide prohibition hi anticipation of thecontest before the legislature that result-ed in the of former SenatorEdward W Cannacfc editor of the Nash-ville Teonecgean some weeks ago ItIs claimed by the temperance people thatthis has reacted to the good of the causeaad that saloons are sure to go

However the prohibition movement isstrenuously opposed by Gov Pattersonand the administration The DemocraticState platform calls for local option butCarmack charged that it was nut madeby the people but by the unauthorizedliquor interests Del by an act of unpar-alleled political duplicity aad that theDemocrats were not bound by it

Interest te Intense an over the Statesad it te feared that there wit be moreMoodohad because of the Ugh feelingover the fight Saloons now exist ht onlyfour cities In Teaneosee Nashville Chattanooga Memphis and LafoOette


Independent Steel sari Wire Com-pany to Locate Factory There

Plttsburg Dec XL A telegram fromFahrmont W Va tonight says

The Independent Steel and Wire Com-

pany of Fltubuis has decided to locateits new SUoVW plant m this city Thecompany has had under contidtraaou theconcentration of Its plants we MoneseenPa ERwood City Pa CnynhogaOnto sad at Chicago bringing thorn un-

dnr one managementThis city was selected because of

natural advantages The abundance ofwatergas sad the dose proximity of fluxingmateriel are ietemttaUns factors

The plant will consist of one blastfurnace with a daily capacity of a tonsopen hearth furnace capacity HI to 509toss roDing mill with a capacity of 4GO

tons of rod sad a large wire milL Fif-teen hundred men will be employedTire monthly pay roll will reach M6 eThe people of this city have agreed togive 7H acres of tend as a site to erectthe buildings for the plant

Wllifeun Gtesh of Chicago Is the presi-dent of the company


Three Men to Face Court OR

ChargesSoCToIk Val The XLThe

murdering John MitcbeHwhose head a women snw crushed withaa Iron bar as he begged for hisdosed test night in Eienton N C

After a bearing of two days WilliamDrew white and William H Warrencolored committed without bullRobert Francis WM held under hood forthe spring term of the Suporior CourtSam Goodwill John Losstfcar aadCook were discharged

Mttctoeirs body was found ia AluemarieSound


XiKht Riders from Tennessee Com-pany Excites Southern

t The WaabbvtMLyacaburg Va Dec SI Alter

months experience at tnr heed of acompany of twelve local players ia thebm The Night Riders of TennesseeR H Reynolds sad his wife have

to their home here aad the com-

pany te scattered at Charlotte andGreensboro N C getting together sumdent funds to ineJce Ute home

Reynolds who came aonte thin afterstates that the play was founded

upon InvestigatIons made by himself atReelfoot Lake Tens and that it wasso real that the company was arrestedfire times in that State charged withInciting riot These arrests were at

CRy and XewportHe claims that the company receivedrough treatment at each of its Ten-

nessee engagements At one place thefeeling was so hot against them that oneof the members was arrested for high-way robbery and be was only releasedyesterday Mrs Reynolds left alt of herdiamonds and jewelry as ball for aerselt-aad husband for their appearance in an-swer to the charges indicated

Recordbreaker at CumberlandSrecUl te The Wsfa wi HrnM

Cumberland Md Dec 1 Tbe businessat the Cumberland postofflce tom Christmas week December was thelargest hi its history It includes thefollowing items Domestic money ordersissued 2X international money ordersissued 14 domestic orders paid OS letters and parcels registered 31 registeredletters aad parcels delivered Stransient registers bundled L2SI sale ofstamps lacrosse over teat yearSttUe It te estimated that IMG pack-ages wore mailed at the local postoSfce

Killed by Train Going HomeSpecial to The Vishtagimt

Danville Va Dec Jotm Jones agedthirty years a wettkaowa residentof the Lola neighborhood this countywas struck by aa extra frehrht train ofthe Southern Railway near Fan Creeklast night and killed He bed arrived atFall Creek 0n passenger train fromDanville sod was ovMently walkingalong the track toward MIRe when theaccident occurred He loaves a brotherMorgan Jones of Fall Creek

Death of Miss Mamie KInerdon

3Id Dec SL Miss Mamiedaughter of the late Rev John

KmgS n tiled here rather auonealy atmidnight test night aged thirtyeightyears She had Mea Bl for some monthsaad death resulted MIa heart failureShe is survived by her mother MrsAlverda Kngde two sisters and twobrothers

for Bit-ter








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trial of JIb men and arrested fora farr









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to neRoc vtUe




coal coke and


People-S chl





Sedil wamkalsn heAl


















Clifton Forge Banker Elected CanhrIcr of First Nationalto TIle W iafaigt e j M

Danville Va Dee SLBenjamtaBooth who for the post ten years aaMea ea4der of the First National Bankof Clifton Forge has been elected ascashier of the First National Bank ofDanville to succeed Allen Cucullu wholeNs accepted the position of cashier ofthe First National Bank of LynchburThe change is effect Jv early in Jaaaary


PRICESsec to-





nday an J Tuesday Wed Might and noflights Only malndarof Wok


Mo Losal Mail or Telephone Criers



of 0 E HfXI KEI PL1EKr-





MATINEE TOIU1 lotdtfit at EB-Prin 3 to S2 l i


NEXT WEEKGreatest 4 All MB

Jowe Sarfler SrphieBrandt Tenry Come JosepJi W Htrben Octa-TJ Brc e LtwrwDw roerer


Xr Year Vt Xs r re XTit It WorMJESSE L USETS BK3LH8 8 S TB FASTiST

A WrKiiari ReT IYU of N r Stmctui g P ttib tV Uier PTMKTI and S


iSYK sad IDA CUISPI-Cd Morton


stte auxnmon M e LYRiC THEATRE

T TKAZiiAi iM n Jan 4

Lwcia MOB i J2 Sp c i opera tain-K 4Tr Titt

Cars tor the OperaEvery Half Hour from

4 P M on

100 Round Trip

Ticket oilier 14th nt and X Y ave


TRAVELOGUESColorsd V r Motion PictjrssCOURSE 5 r m



PARIS FEB 7 a 8rv p Tirtwts at Bor TTcrnFfilN MOM Y TAN

fe 7 T SirpV Tickets titi



THE OPIUMSmugglers of Frisco

IN FtlfB AtT AM TEX SCBNBSCast df Superior KS TICP InchHiias

IlXl sA tSe H l H tifeL

N Rvf in irics New Ytsr MatNrst Tw Tilt KAlSJobnaie and

Erom KN i t ASL1


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cA DREAMOriginal s YrorIi V

Don ly bid R

38 te

Dil atlneflX FI aTdI

Merry Bits

mTItOUPE m A 1mfi AT THE l1RtT tflP







Last ear leaves Baltimore 12 p mu




JAN 10 11



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DftR SMibt ti


I Inmperaoiated bra Ka4ftuC Kepnq ot1eiw

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WALTZset lnd4 Hrr


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ArdaW hei r Iki1 Fiend DoLl irezy tSRQ

Ma OarBsemer





Jarr Y1 54 a-









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We extend to every one ourif sincerest wishes for a Happy

fyNew Year aad beg to thank

all CHIT oiany customers forV

the very liberal patronage Jthey have accorded us duringthe year just past



Ianufactnrin Jewelers I

7th and D Sts N W f



VprJpht 17 Tuning 1 X-

O15 G Tel 4 49 Open 1 p nuTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THSStockholders of The Washington HeraldCompany will be held at Room 785 Colo-rado Building in the city of WashingtonD C on the TH OF

at 12 m for the purpose of electinga board of directors for the ensuing yearand for such other business as marerty be before said meetingBENJAMIN S MINOR



Rooms and XL and Me-chanics Savings Bank Bldg Pa aveand 10th sL nw AU parties desiring tofurnish quarters to visitors the in-augural period are requested to caR atthis ofiace or send description of roomsstating the number of persons that canbe supplied with beds or cots withwithout meals terms 4fec M L WELLER Chairman Committee on PublicComfort de2830-

tPIRSUANT TO SECTION 1 ARTICLEDC of Bylaws notice is hereby given

that the annual meeting Stockholders of tbe Traction Companyfor the election of directors for the ensu

I jug year and such other business as maybe brought before the meeting will beheld at the office of 36th

j and M sta nw Washington D C onWEDNESDAY January IS M at 10 3-

j a m The polls will be open from 11 a muntil 12 noon H D CRAMPTON Sec-retary de2Ttf-

j OFFICE OF THE FIREMENS INSUltaace Company of Washington andGeorgetown 7th si and La ave nwi The Stockholders of the Firemens

Company of Washtegton andj Georgetown win meet at the office onMONDAY January 4 3 for the pur

j pose of directors for thej ensuing year Polls open at 11 a m aniclose at 32 m W M HOFFMAN


NOTICEi The annual meeting of the Stockholdersof the Rifles Hall Associationwill be held at the office of its attorneyK Kemper 22S street Alexandria

i Va THURSDAY January 7 till at 239I p m for the election of a board of

for 09 and the transaction of anyother bwtneos that may be presentedBooks for the transfer of stock will beclosed ten days from December 27-

1MB A dividend of S per cent on the capi-tal stock for BW has been declared pay-able on DIll after JANUARY 7

GEORGE W EVANSe t Secretary

Get acquainted with tbe Inane MessengerService Call Main DIll 7SS 13th AH nightGO TO W TAFTATTe SB a SiT run

TOtcbes decks jewekr cat dftsa ej hmuit paeo tpttLecd

Cairo Buffet l th mad Q Stsi The celebrated Windsor Club Whisky

75r bottle Fine Old Sherry 75c hoWeAll the popular brands Imported Honorand mixed drinks de2930t

GOOD PRINTINGIs a good help for any businessThe money you put into printers

I h mm y d RETUlCfS if we detea and


J TVHITJ5-4S3 35s s era


Oppesite tae Presidents House Treas-ury Stills War and Department

A Hotel of quaint elegance mind su-

perb cuisinePETER TAYLOR Jr Manager

AmerIcan und European PlanD C

THE COLD NSTROTH1413 Pa avc nw

LadIes T sad Gentlemens Grill RoomGentUmeaM Cafe First Floor

A Ia Carte at AllBn Incv 3Ien LURch 12 to 2 p 31

Music in the Grill Room 7 to IS P 31

THE ST JAMESPa ave and ith st 10 minutes to station

European Rooms 1 to S3

Highclass Restaurant at Reasonable



Pfeatn Gnkuo Buc s Get ad SyBitieterse ln ktaaJ imtractiML SpeciftI ntc for casspfe coarse PoeRiBM zwnatnd


ndnlts 7 p m College preparationCatalo uejc Phone 31 3S77




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S tpright S19i G














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JWr p2IIC Q1 cardI k Let

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NBoys lad 4 to 19 years U a mJ


IFranklin Comstock



New Year0

WEEKtpright 54O







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Wieret LJin-






















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