washington herald. (washington, dc) 1909-01-28 [p...

SSSgg sJS- feSJH THE WASHINGTON THURSDAY JANUARY 28 1909 lIE ALD 9 F SW I- i Refuses to Pass Moundsville Probe Resolution INVESTIGATION IS HELD UP Members Hold that Governors Ac tion Interfering with Iiegis- laiive Armof Government Resolu- tion Is Sent to Committee on Penitentiary for Report S Special to Tine XMUegfrt Hecai- iipBarlestoa W Va Jan 2 A slftp was administered the governor and the joint legislative fccvesdgating waen the senate this atoraiag reconsidered sad refused to pass the house rasebitle directing the committee ew in session to proceed at once to MouadeviHe m aeeera- RBre with the recommeadRtioH in the gov- ernors message to Investigate the peni- tentiary The resolution was referred to the committee oa penitentiary where it may forever repose Senator of PhOiapi called A belt on the passage ef the resemttea by aees- tiening the existence of a committee ap- pointed in accordance with Ute reeeiutkm- of another legislature Feared the Precedent Believing the the committee should borne reported its tile legislature be thought ft was dangerous precedent to establish to a W one committee to tap ever into another legislature As there is no way of moW mg when the committee weald com- plete its labors and nothing to prevent serving and tonnitunj If It eboee He therefore desired to see the resoiutkw referred to a committee believed It would be good policy to authorise the of another committee Senator Sot White peppered the gov- ernor by declaring that he had opposed any appropriation for suds a eommtttee- BP said that the special committee JIM not reported and be did not kaow whether it ever intended to report to authorize this committee to go ahead and investigate the penitentiary be held was a slight oa the present peatteattery committee of the senate Rebuke to Governo- rs resolution was drafted at the in- stance of the governor the action of the senate is considered a rebuke to him for an attempt to interfere with legisla- tive arm of the government It created a sensation hi the capital when the news spread In fairness to Senator Blue It is declared that JUg oaty motive was to bring a stop to eammtoeten balding oa In dVhnitely Pistol Bill Passes Tlie Johnson pftstoitatta taU mak- ing it a felony to carry pins passed Uw acaatt tbte ntUnaaaa ar a vote of S to 4 The pinned by Ks author Sraaajia wrap Kdd England and HatnekL Senators Ofrinan Mcintyre and Craig opposed a liscusskm which consumed the ti Tfcr committee on privfleges and etec of the house submitted Sis report WJmanwHlnJtle contest and mended that Wflttams Democrat I unseated A minority report was filed Prohibition Fight Up prohibition issue was brought r ly committee reported the WttHams- r oiution favorably The vote In com- mittee last night was ten to three The minority filed a report protesting against t passage of the Tcsatutiou- T eTegate Mathenys reaotatkm eaBtasi- TH n members to farnftah any mforamt- iiTi that they had about the management of the pentaKtiary ht writing was DAWSON I BY STATE SENATE if 1 Was j I joint Bias r eat tIM opg t h the nil n eIIaI ell day t tr1 before the hate the dry REBBKBD a tee gadInt of a ti and ap- pointment and d w t wens i- tt ass the itt 5 whea Jo- t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > a by a close vote One of the members ef the mvesdeaifeg committee agamst which fca was direct- ed stated today that It was husaaterml- te him whether the committee went to Virginia Game Season IVcaringr End ca tn He M Richmond Va Jan 27 The open sea srn for shooting game of aO sorts Will close with the of the week The sTortiiig fraternity declare that Sane has leen unusually plentiful title year birds liig large and fat The game wardens f ail the elder and counties are giving that they will see that the lew- is rlgicily enforced after this week and the pos ssion of game wall incur the pen aIr of the law Game cannot be shipped from thp State and all the restaurants End afes that Save stocks on hand to dUpoie of the same before Feb Lyncblinrsr Goes After Bis Plant- F ir Ti tr The WMhtoeua ltd j rch burg Va Jan 2L The Retail Merchants Association thte aftecaoen appointed a committee to confer with Tt T Appersoa who recently purchased Toledo Ohio aotoaM plant of P Pope Company to ascertain what e will expect rom Lynehhurg ta order t bring the plant here It is evident that fi A Hy will do everythmg poonthle to ft ire this plant which promisas ta- rnploy 13d urea Will Improve Chesapealte Bay Senator Martin yesterday introduced two hills for the mwrovement of the L wer Chesapeake Bay It Is proposed te one measure te construct a breakwater at the mouth of the Lynnbaven Bay In the other provision is made for the con- demnation of land necessary for the of fortifications and the establish- ment of a coast defense station PHYSICIAN INDORSES TRISTME8T Has Kaown of the Permanent Cure of Many Persons During the Past Three T Years- T r j W HcGebee of HetdsviOe N f a physician with a lucrative practice i ells what he knows about the lasting ffect of the MeKJwoa Three Day Liquor Cure T have heed watching the results of y ur treatment with a great dear of te t for the three years I person iv know several men that took yeW treatment in 3S aad I am satisfied that These men have been sober since then treatment Is wonderfuL Tne above original later is on file at j j McKaanas residence and best T offioe 1725 I street phone Mate 5St 7 re are McKenna Sanftarhuus at Rich mend Va Murphy Hotel Annex and ReWsvflle N C and a number ef West tern ttie d apt The end < McKANNA past Th Pro iipt Mounds Ie i Wetih loa 1 < novice wW- I iv ilarv die d crea- tion rest 4 > ¬ ¬ < > > > ACTIVE Jan Meetings Charleston for Benefit of Legislators Charleston W Va Jan 27 pro IWtJon State committee of West Vir- ginia has begun aa active campaign In the interest of the proposed prohl bitten amendment to the constitution of West Virginia State Organizer Edward W Mills wilt speak at the Bream Memorial Presbl torten Ltiorch tomorrow night at the Baptist Temple Capitol street Friday night and on Saturday right at the Lee Street C istian Church Mr Mike has secured the services of Prof Luther F Mestfck of Baltimore a temperance and prehlbtUen singer to asatet him ia his work Arrangements have been made to have Oliver W Stewart of Chicago speak three times on Sunday January 31 the people of Charleston and vktefcy- ta the leading churches of the city SECOND TERM FOR PATTERSON Oath of Office as Governor of Tennessee lakes Reference In Address to Charges Connecting Him with Iurder of Senator Carmack N sfeviHe Jan 27G v ilaleeha Patterson was inaugurated today for second time In his address made sensational referent to the murder of Sonata Carmaek He spoke of cruel and false as which have even gone so far as to connect me with a tragedy which I deplored far more than many who have it ta Brake out of it a political and we it as a motive for unwise Democratic aM destructive legfals dolL If changes are net preferred or If they are and fH I believe I am entitled to the peace and honor of the ta the name of decency that tills IBS deCamatkm shaH cease NEW SUEAI ROUTES Seven Established In West Virginia Postmasters Named West Virginia rural routes were yesterday to eommeace grit 1 as fellows Route S Albrisht Preston county serviac MB iammes Routes a 4 and S Cameron Marshall County serving 217 families Rout 2 Proctor Wetzel County servtmj 31 families Routes 1 mad 2 to coenn nee March I at Chester Hancock county W Va serving M2 Postmasters were appointed as follows Maryland B aks own Waahiagtan County George W Inner vice J A Kretztoger resigned YirsndaCarUioa Store King and Queen County John W via FeotsJa County Joshua A Hedseeook S s wood Augusta County George L BalL LOSES BOTH Man Has Right Limb Amputated Left Cut Off Year Ago 3s M to DIe WiiM iiiiM BmM- Covmston Va Tan 7CoL James T Fudge aged sfcctyseven years was ana to Hmtoa Hospital sad operated upon About a year ago Fudge underwent- a simper operation when his left leg was rut off at the knee for the same disease He is one of Alley Countys wealth- iest citizens For twentylour years he was treasurer of Allegheny County and a prominent RepueMcaa He stood the operation we and aH te- ateathms point to his recovery Miner Killed by Bowlder 3 acM to The VM m BanM- Cnmbertead Md Jan 27 James A Bowers a miner killed today near Meyersdale hyan immemie bowlder fall tug upon him while at work In to I TenD R the he the as- set State families Henry LEGS todos for e- WM at tile Cot was PRO IONISTS The Takes ale for es- tablished gangrene and his rIsht aautputated knee ¬ < Brother Locates Girl After a Two Weeks Search IN BALTIMORE COURT Virginia Girl Leaves Her Home with a Man Who Admits that He Has a Wife Mother of the Girl Is Heartbroken and Brother Trails the Pair to Baltimore B Ithrore Jan 27After following his May for two weeks Guy F Cus a bookkeeper for the Wostinghouse Electric Company Pittsburg met her at Western Police Station today eloped from her home in Berkeley Springs W Va on January 10 with Richard Bana who admits that h has a wife and ch d in Pittsburgr The story f th Qlepemeitt of Miss Custer deals with the ties of a secret order a heart mother the affection of a brother ad the end of a love dream Whoa brother and sister root today there was enacted one of the most affect scents witnessed in the dingy little court room of Justice Loden at the Western Police Station The girl was charged by the brother with incorrigl bftity and whoa she and Dunn wore given a hearing Nth said that they loved each other Dunn said that he will snake every etc to obtain a divorce and when he Is successful he will marry the girl When the case was called before Jus- tice Lodea the brother of the girl said he desired withdraw the charge against his sister cad Dunn that Dunn had agreed to marry Miss Custor as soon as he had secured a divorce and that this arrangement would be satisfactory to the family of the young woman Later Miss Coster and Dunn said We are back to Berkeley Springs tonight and as soon as the is granted we will be married GEN CROOKS CAPTOR DEAD S Powell Was In Confederate Band Which Invaded Cumberland Powell died here today from cancer o the stomach aged seventytwo years He leaves one three daughters brothers and two stetars He served te Roeeers brigade the errH war sad was a member et small party of Confederates who from Hampshire County through tines into CaM iM by Federal troops captured Gene Crook arnT Kelly and made their escape again through Federal naes History seeds It as one of the most daring ex- ploits of the war Dorsey Stottter died today at the home of LattJmer Peasmaker near Hampshire Ooonty aged about seventy years He leases one son SUKtter of this county He was a wall known teamster of the mountains had aa eventful career and many escapee ARREST MISSING TICKET MAN Posh Will Be Asked to Explain Seeming Shortage of 2300 Danville Va Jan 27 George Pugh former ticket agent here for the South era Railway who has been missing since Jannary tt has beea arrested at Kansas City and is now ea reuse to Washing- ton where an investigation wilt be aa alleged shortage te his accounts AM Mica of Pushs books lewtag his mysterious disappearance said to have shown what appeared to a shortage of S2JHL Since his disappear anoe railway detectives have been en- gaged tn an effort to locate him Push has been in the employ of Southern for many years and he is wet connected here FINDS ELOPING SISTER MEET West I sister ter the kea lag ever tit David p The WaMIII llen1- dBlgglnsme W VL Jan S sea two daring the went Federal occupIed the ro BlOOm CY dye James and narrow L the held y the of the regarding al II Ute ale S going di- vorce Spcdd 27 David then edlMeca railway ¬ ¬ NEWS OF THE CAROLINAS MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA POLITICAL AND OTHERWISE Marriage Meanee for the foilawlag yesterday te Wa rfngton Frank 3 Anderson of Chatham Mid Jessie E Martin of Orange Va- Beajensm Schneider and Caartacte R- GohMteta both of Baltimore Md WBUam Downs and C Jenkins both of I etehs Va Cooley of Md and Isabel V CoiUer of tins city Charleston W Va At the present time it Jeofc like W S Joimaen of Fttyett County after years of earnest endeavor would witness the passage of the pfe toi toting bin The substitute which Senator Johnson offered for senate bill No and which was advanced to its goal reading Jn the senate Tuesday morning provides that every person car- rying a pistol must be licensed by the Cir colt Court sad give bond hi the sum of K33 TIle proposed act applies to ow- cers as as other dtiaene and the inn carrier is Itebie on his Mad not only for the unlawful hat the accttteatai use of Ws veapea when injury recsjlta therefrom Bristol Va WhHe it was ruatored a few days ago that a petition was Wag circulated with view of holding local option election Bristol during the early spring the Impression Is paining that it will not he undertaken Well informed men who have consulted the list of engine voters and who understand the sentiment of the masses express the be- lief that such an election at this time would result ma victory for the dors by a least two to one They express the opinion tyrant It would be very 4tt uit to get the number of signers to a petition to require n election Up to this time It Is set certain that such a peti- tion has been undertaken Spottsylvanta Va CapL James Roach who broke Ws leg by upon the Ice about teA days age is critically m- at a hospital in Fredferlcksburg C at- Roach a nature of Orange County ad was sheriff of that ceeaty for meat years after the civil war Roanoke the future on what date it could net be ascertained ground win be broken for a mme passen- ger station for the Norfolk and Western in this city The bullying will erected near the freight depot of the road between Jefferson and Walnut streets and will be uptodate in every particular The location is a spiea and pI8S were Va Willie S DIck well a ill iamb Is VaIn near be r Tic glum 3la yiand led Ruth it a requited ¬ ¬ ¬ did ORe the trolley cars of the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company passing oa hoes at all hours within fifty yards of the new station When tills new station is erected and the maWtione are that it will be only- a few weeks Wore work will begin as It is expected paeseager trains will start to run possibly by the first of April that section of the city will be the Roanoke Heanoke following elected officials for the town of Vlnton have qualmed H H Walker mayor Cook W L Weld J B Brizandlne John Michael and A L Pedigo members of the council Vittton Is a town with a population of and adjoins Roanoke The town has been without say legal officials since last June whea every officer frem mayor down failed to qualify in the time pre- scribed by Jew HAgeratewn Md At a meeting of the Hagerstown and Conococheague Turnpike directors formal steps were taken for the seJe of the companys turnpike from Hgerstown to Conococheague Creek seven miles Ho the State roads commis sloe It was decided to call a meeting- of the stockholders next Tuesday when a proposition will he submitted to the com- mission A number of stockholders It is said are willing to sell their holding for H The last sale of stocks In large blocks was made at S35 a share There are 2291 shares It Is not known If the nnintem wm take the road which Is part of the old National Turnpike at 5 a share Xorgantowa W Va The fourth bien- nial meeting of the West Virginia Y M C A WIlt be held here February 5 6 and 7 Among these who have a part m the programme are Henry B F Mac fertead president ef the Board of Com mtssloaers of the District of Columbia Ref John W R Sumwalt of Washing toril trict superintendent Methodist Episcopal Church C L Winslow and Leonard Paulson also of Washington- Dr Carl G Doney of BBCkhannpn W Va president of Wesleyan College will also take part Fairmont W Jlr Hanson who has been a student at West Vlr gtaia Wesleyan College at Buckliannon has been to the pastorate of Ash Chapel Episcopal Church at Alta Vista W Va He was formerly ta the government employ at Wasliinytoa two Ja- VaT newly Co- T VaRev I ed n busi- est fail a- shore Methodist ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = ABSENT WOMAN PINKED Mrs Gordon Not in Court to Receive Sentence Spcdil to Tie Vufetectca Udall Norfolk Va Jan Eva Gor dan the married woman of Laconla N EL who eloped here and lived with Fred Sergent the divorced husband of her daughter was fined 50 and costs In Judge Simmons court today Mrs was not in court and her bond was declared forfeited It developed that she left hero for Boston last Saturday The case against Sorgent will be heard on February 6 Clarence Merrell Sergent the threeyearold son of Ir and Mrs Sergent who Mrs Sergent alleges was stolen from her after he bad been award ed her by the court and on whose ac count she sought and prosecuted her mother tad former husband will be given to his mother here He is now in the hands of the Society for the Prevention- of Cruelty to Children GOOD ROADS AT SMALL COST Splitlog Dray Is Praised at West Virginia Highways Meeting niiMmrlan Declares It Solves Prob lem of flaking Good Roads In Conntry Districts Charleston W u Jan 27 At the opening session of the annual meeting of West Virginia Good Roads association yesterday afternoon D Ward King of Maitland Mo the originator of the King addressed the association on the sub- ject of Good roads without money or the use of the spilt log drag Hr said that the split rail drag bad solved the problem of making good roads In the country districts and keeping them in the best possible condition throughout Mrs Gor- don drat King I > ¬ ¬ the entire year Sins over 17 per teat of the roads in this country are earth roads and since 90 per cent of the commerce of the coun- try is at one time or another carried over the public roads said Mr King It is apparent that we should learn the cheap- est the easiest and the most satisfactory method of keeping the roads in condition This I believe can be accomplished bet ter by the use of the drag than any other method Horatio S Earle commissioner of roads of Michigan spoke at night on Michigan highways He was followed by James S MacDonald of Connecticut who spoke on technical road construction Both ad draseg were illustrated J E Penny packer of Washington addressed the as- sociation today and legislation that wilt be sought at the present session of the legislature was discussed I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Drag hint from Engine While It Stands on Siding Beyds Md Jaa 27 Bttttfenore Ohio Fireman Jacobs a native of Frederick 3M had rather an eadttog experience with Soar hoboes test night about 9 oclock at Washington Junction Md the terminus of the MetropoHtan branch Jacobs was working about his engine attached to a long freight train bound for Washington and standing In Sugar- Loaf sidetrack east of the Washington Junction telegraph tower where Engineer CrisweK of Batthaere was getting in- structions sad waking for several pas- senger trains to pass him The hoboes tackled Jacobs said putted Mm from his engine and riled pockets securing watch and 5LaX They ties weat toward Washington Jacobs who is mean of only medium stature mad no outcry wntte there were a number of houses near by Ho told the operators who lied detectteds front Bruas wick sent out but up to late this morning- no one had been arrested TRAMPS ROB P and a MAN his a Lynchburg Court Clerk Weds Lynchburg Va Jan the home of Mr sad Mrs J T Sperry in Bedford County their daughter Miss Hettte Craves Sperry was married yesterday afternoon so Hubert of this city The cremeay was performed by the Rev T M McCortte of the Preetoyterhui Church of tats city Kr Louis Martin was the best and Miss Jean Sperry the maid of honor The groom h deputy clerk of Corp Court of this city and they wm make their resMeaee here sitar a Islet visit to relatives hi Campbell County Sdaaol Krell fAt Manta the u TbeWuhhpiaa neat Powell Is Granted flail Cumberland Md Jan 2T Roy Powell the sap clerk on the Western Maryland Railroad whose ran has been between Cumberland and Durbtn W V re- cently arrested for letters and securing money therefronv was admitted to 2 G ben last night before Hatted States Comrafeeioner Thomas J Ander- son James A Grove of Hagerstown Md an uncle of Powell furnished the bond Politician Strangely Missing SvxUL w WaawssMi BcnM Suffolk Va Jan 27 After a four days search friends of W Norneet Harrell a farmer and local politician of Driver Va this evening practically abandoned hope of seeing him alive Harrell went to Norfolk Saturday and was last seen around the decks Friends are divided between the theories whether he fell into the Elizabeth River and was drowned or that he has been a victim of foul play- C R Coleman to Enter Race Spottsylva ia Va Jan S7C Rlcaellu Coleman chairman of the Democratic executive committee of this county will In a few weeks formally announce his candidacy for the house of delegates from Spottsyivaaia and Fredericksburg C OConnor Goolrick of Fredericksburg Is a candidate and M F Wake of the county it is thought will seek the honor Big Tobacco Sales at Lynchburg Special to The TOufcfegiai Hush Lynchburg Va Jan 37 Three hun dred thousand pounds of tobacco old here today this foHewto sales aggregating pounds The trade is active and prices huM up Tins breaks will be fairly hearr on account of the amount of tobacco delivered today Injured Leaving Train Special WnMsetoa Hcsa- MSpottsylvania Va JaR 27 Erastus Jones of Carolina County while leaving from a train at Guinea Station of the Richmond Fredrtekburg and Potomac Railroad was accidentally caught under the wheels of the engine and had hi right leg and foot crushed He was taken to a hospital in Richmond Sash Gets Sixty Days Special to The W it ston HeraM Warrenton Va Jan 27 The trial of Stephen Nash the young negro who while resisting arrest in November was shot bT Assistant Sergeant AB K Rush was held today Judge E S Turner pre sided Nash was sentenced to sixty days Is tbc counts and fined r te The humid Titling IM Specitl ill The Iletaid too yesterday morrow The J Jan r specat rgtea Wa3hi siaa were is ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ i Matter of Corporation Taxes In Attorneys Hands WILL BE EEaUIBED TO PAY Case of Charles Dean Occupies At- tention of Corporation Charier Granted Chamber of Commerce Will of Mrs Field Admitted Probate TraversVnTishn Wedding XCTB Actncr 632 King street Alex Tutrt YB tstborized cenu cmien for The Washlnstna EeiJd Hu Her ffl be O limed amity and Sunday to say iddress tn Alex acdria fur S earns month W1SHIKGTOX HERALD BURBAU Alexandria Va Jan 2 Mayor Paff said tide morning that the statement made in the city council last sight that certain telegraph and express companies had not paid the required license to do business in this city was true He that upon his failure to collect them he bad placed the matter ta the bands of Corporation Attorney Fisher who bas charge It Is regarded as more than probable that some steps will be taken by the city attorney and the general laws ceainrittee in the near future to see that the oem paales In question are required to pay the necessary license The case of Charles Dean indicted for hi connection with the purchase of whisky alleged to have Mea stolen from the Southern Railway occupied the attention of the Corporation Court Judge- L C Barley presiding all day The court adjourned late this afternoon until tojnorrow and the jury was locked up overnight The alleged theft of a barrel of whisky occurred July 18 last The case of Harvey Lunsford Indicted for grand larceny in connection with the same case fe to be taken up immediately following the dfepositioa of the case The State corporation commission In Richmond today granted a charter Alexandria Chamber of Commerce this city The purposes of the associa- tion are to develop the cotaiaorcfel of toe city The seat of 51M03 Is named as the capital stock Officers are as follows W A Smott J T Johnson vice president J T Preston secretary and treasurer all of this city I Court to j mad a K ROW larceny t- ot o NEwS OALEXADRIA I Ale mndtia 9 Street ex- plained Dean In- terests president ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ By agreement of counsel for both sides case of MeKirtght negro indicted for attempting to assault Miss Mary Harrison was continued until th Mardi tena of the CIrcuIt Court for Pair fax County The alleged offisase occurred July 14 test i Pietas are being hr Yens Senate for Its initial sjxnuai which will be given at th Peoples Building of the Methodist risi copal church South next A committee on arrangements and has been appointed by Presi- dent H Noel Garner and a namaer of prominent speakers will be tovifted to be present aad mate addresses affair will be exchwivaJy for the members Ia the Gorporadoa Court today the Mrs Isabella Plod WItS admitted to The testatrix left an estate valued at about to her danchior Miss Mary A Fled The body of Miss B8za W Sub who died yesterday in Phnnd M brought here and boded m Ivy HW Com etery Miss ata wee a former romeeat of this city the Ernest made the Young Young tit The wUl N a ban- quet February enter- tainment wi- ld proms i ¬ A nwnbe of eauHcia tools stolen Jean Sri 1 from home Mgro named Thomas CauWweB were today recovered by PoMeeasan Young Sroei a second hand store conducted by a man named Schneider California the tend of a thousand wonders will be subject of an f strated address by Frank HI Psetan at the Young Peoples Bntwtng under the auspices of tt George W Jest the tiC tile Pet 1 4 a e lagton Monument A- Funeral services over the body of Grove who was crushed to death at the Potomac Railroad yards Monday night fail be held 2 oclock taaorrow afternoon from hh nome Si Payne street The burial wffl be la Bethel Cemetery so- B at North Miss Mete Travel and Mr V Vaughn both af this city ware married tomsht at the parsonage St Marys Catholic Church Rev Father L 7 Kelly asistRat pastor per termed the ceremony Reorganize Business to The WIJBCMI HttaU Culpeper Va Jan S The Cuipepor business Mens AseectetlOB which was in operation here several yours age was revived this afternoon by the heat ness men here to promote the commercial interests and material welfare of the town with Charles Cttae as president R L Benson as secretary and A Good toe as treasurer After the adoption of a set of bylaws and the appointment- by the chair of proper qommittees the association adjourned to meet next Fri- day afternoon SpintaO Trial Opens Special to Tie Wasbbstsa arrenton Va Jan 27 The trial of Henry Spinfcs for killtog his brother William Spteks at Hopewefl Va in November last was begun today m the Circuit Court Judge Turner presiding Spinks is defended by J D Richards and G L Fletcher and the prosecution- Is being conducted by Commonwealths Attorney J A C Keith The trial wilt probably consume three days Gold lUll Copper Property Sold Special to The B raM Salisbury N C Jan property of the Gold Hill Copper Company in Rowan County was ski at auction The purchasers were darn H- Geragnty of Trenton X J aril Frank Van Wagonan of New York the price being 54BvOOJ The property consists of several hundred acres of valuable mining land and machinery Blind Tiger Crusade in Danville Spedal te The ViMmzimm Danville Va Jan 27 George R and George Sanford both white men were convicted ia the nayor court of setting whisky without lose and the usual One of and a Jail sea tence of thirty days imposed Appeals were noted In both cases Tie police are amktos a crusade against WInd tigers North Carolina honors Gompers Spedal to Tie WwHujSca Raleigh N C Jan 271 The Nordt Car- olina senate this evening hi honor of the fiftyninth anniversary of the birth of Samuel Gorapers president- of the American Federation unusual and almost action of thus honoring a pobHc still living caused mutt criticism to- night ot L Build l W The Keel it H 1cL too- T e ur anted I League- S eat lam to- day Jeans to- day adjourned charac- ter ¬ ¬ ¬ Have You Rooms to Rent Have You Real Estate Sell i Have You a Horse or a Have You Trade Any or All of These Deals Can Be Arranged Through The Washington Herald Want Columns Only One Cent a Word Daily or Sunday Phone Main 3300 i I- to Dog to Sell Something- to I I i t TWO COTTON SOLD The Southern and Me semer City Factories Go Under Hammer Charlotte N O Jan 21 At a receiv- ers sale today at Bessemer City the Southern Gotten Mitts were sold Stephens of Charlotte for ttMuGQft The Bessemer City cotton tolls were RId hi by Gen John of Baltimore for- m Both mills are in operation SLAIN MAN IDENTIFIED Mystery Over Tragedy Rich- mond Is Solved Richmond Vs Jan maa found horribly beaten a few days ago and who died ia a hospital without regaining on- 3coosHess has been identified as James Flynn of Washington a Federal pen- sioner He had been m the city for some time His daughters are coming to the city today to tyke arrangements for the funeral Flynn had been working at various times doing suck odd Jobs as he could get A womaa for wham Be worked said that the man told her that the name tat tooed oa his arm was his right name and that he had run away rOm his home when a boy and enlisted in the army under the name of James Flynn and under this name a pension was granted him The women Identified his cap as those she bad given him and also ideniMed the marks ea the mans arm He was last seen alive Sunday morning The detectives haTe a de- scription of the man with whom he was sees and the arrest of the slayer Is Impending Mrs Franklin Dead at Lynchburg liyaohbers Va Jan S Mrs Mary Franklin wife of J C FraakMa died MILLS t- oG GIll Near iredai The Hc tiT d- art The Build e is WaahinAn Inca t to Wa ia rra ¬ ¬ last night at the home of her sonin law R K Daniel en Denver avenue after an mess of several weeks of pneumonia Mrs Franklin w s sixty three years of age and was a native of Amherst County She is survived three daughters Mrs R I Daniel and Miss Carrie Franklin of the city and Mr T J FalweU of Renown W Va Cambridge Banker Dead Cambridge Md Jan 27 WHttain H Barton president of the National Beak of Cambridge di d today He was graduate of the Annapolis Naval Academy and served a Meetenaat- eommaader during the civil war TTTE WINlfM RUSE The Story of a Bishop Who Xot a Churchman That was good old comedy btsoopwhc one day entered large jewelers es- 1nshm6nt in Regent street London to ke an extensive purchase of valuable presents He selected them with great care as regards their artistic value but quite regardless of cost The proprietor and his assistants buzzed round his lord- ship The selected valuables were packed ia separate parcels at his suggestion neat- ly tied and sealed and he had Jest taken- a seat in the private office of the and was feeling IR his pocket for his checkbook when two men who had been peering in at the glass door leading- to the street walked up the shop and stood behind the bishop They were plain ly dressed sharplooking men and thus Latently addressed the jeweler by a as ProIa fine a pro- prietor Wan the Strand Ma ea se a ¬ What has this than been ordering The bishop looked up saw the men turned pale clutched the sides of the chair dropped his glassy and looked as if he would bolt Before he could stir however the handcuffs were on his wrists Bishop indeed said one of the men He was a colonel yesterday Here bishop come along to Vine street Bish- op indeed Ha ha Well thats a good ua And turning to the astonished jew eler he continued Just copped him in tune sir lucky for yon Oh by the way you might get one of your assistants to bring round these parcels he has selected We must enter them at the police station We have cab at the door We have beea tracking the bishop all the morning Without a word the bishop followed the detectives into the cab and all three got hi as the assistant came out with the valuables Here said one of the detectives through the window place those in here they will be you get on the top with the driver It was ROt far to Vine street but as usual the traffic was congested In Oxford Circus and the cab had to halt occasion- ally It was however soon at the police station The assistant jumped off the drivers seat and opened the door The cab was empty When you have lost or found anything telephone an advertisement to The Wash si 1 cent a word T I I i saferand I ngton Herald and bill will be sent you a ¬ ¬ ¬ FOLLOW HOUNDS Warrenton Hunt Club Gives Large Warrantee Va Jan 27 A large drag was ridden this afternoon ever a stiff course by members of the Warrerton Hunt Club and their guests This s the first drag ridden m many weeks owing to the unfavorable weather cendUiors and the condition of the tends over which the dub hunts The meet was at CanaoabaH gate the home of Mai R P Barry and tinned in circular course with the f rtoh in the same place Among those and finishing well up with the heads were John Stone on San Salvador W S Sewers oa Justine Miss Ann Royal of Richmond oa W F Jaasftags mount Valte t T L Evans master of the hut oa Topaz J P Evans OH M back T F GeJioway on Warrantor George B Stone on BrsahOde James K Maddux on Shtamg IJghi Mrs James K Maddox on Gray Cap C D Sirother on The Lamb Roy L Ajfemttta en- VHiake King Miss Lucy Stone ea Can tankerhoes lea Kerr on Golden Glow R Dears on Chaplain H SmIth on Upodate and Riding Whip J on Wistaria Mrs Juen Keith and Mr Wilbur Mr Harry Page of New York aad P E Tbyson State Prlmarr Bill Introduced Special to The WoSasjia Her Raleigh N O Jan 27A Ml pro for a general primary law was hrtrodnred in both branches of the legi stcre today The measure would require all pates ta participate hi the primary on the same voting for candidates for all ofl5ces county State and national except Presi- dent and Vice President of the Inite States The expense of the primary T to be paid from the general elections fund The vote on United States Senator if ta MANY Drag a C C Keith y i st erB l I The Wad Build din owe filing > ¬ te be merely expressive of pref- erence of the voters Deny Charges of Wets Special te Tic miaugtoa BaaaL Roanoke Tan S Tie loon eague today filed with clerk of the Corporation Court its ans r to the allegations of the who re- cently petitioned the court to aedare th local option election of December 91 last null and void The wets allege th the election was full oC fraud and fcres- 1aterltles The AadSaloon League all these charges Reaches ARC of 1O Specal to The ReaM KingsvHIe W Va Jan 27 Jena Big gins died at his home here age MS years his age having been well authen- ticated by parochial records m Ireland Ms native country He was the eldest resident of Randolph County to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyramid Pile Cure What It Done For Others It Can Do For You eluded to Va tiSa fa t wets de- nies Years W FREE PILE CURES- ent A W It iic Has ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ye have testimonials by the hundreds showing aU stages kinds sad degrees of plies which bsv beG owed hy I yra mid Pile Care If you coals reed these unsolicited letters you would no doubt go t tr nearest drug store and buy a box of Py- ramid Pile Cure at once price fifty cents We do not ask you to do this Send us your name and address MId TOP win send you a trial package by mall free We know what the trial package win do In many cases has cured piles without further treatment If It proves its value to you order more from your druggist at Kte a box This fe fair is It not Simply tit out free coupon below and mail today FREE PACKAGE COUPON Fin out the blank lines below with your name and address cut gut cou- pon and to the PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY lfi Pyramid Bldg Mar shall Mfclu A trial package of the great Pyramid PIle Cure will then be sent you at once by mail FREE In plain wrapper Street City and State I malt Name Y > ¬ ¬

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Post on 13-Mar-2018




2 download


Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-01-28 [p 9].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1909-01-28/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · administered the governor and the joint ... Fudge aged






Refuses to Pass Moundsville

Probe Resolution


Members Hold that Governors Ac

tion Interfering with Iiegis-

laiive Armof Government Resolu-

tion Is Sent to Committee onPenitentiary for Report S

Special to Tine XMUegfrt Hecai-

iipBarlestoa W Va Jan 2 A slftp wasadministered the governor and the jointlegislative fccvesdgating waen

the senate this atoraiag reconsidered sadrefused to pass the house rasebitledirecting the committee ew in session toproceed at once to MouadeviHe m aeeera-

RBre with the recommeadRtioH in the gov-

ernors message to Investigate the peni-

tentiary The resolution was referred tothe committee oa penitentiary where itmay forever repose

Senator of PhOiapi called A belton the passage ef the resemttea by aees-

tiening the existence of a committee ap-

pointed in accordance with Ute reeeiutkm-

of another legislatureFeared the Precedent

Believing the the committee should borne

reported itstile legislature be thought ft wasdangerous precedent to establish to a Wone committee to tap ever into anotherlegislature As there is no way of moWmg when the committee weald com-

plete its labors and nothing to preventserving and tonnitunj If It eboee Hetherefore desired to see the resoiutkwreferred to a committee believed Itwould be good policy to authorise the

of another committeeSenator Sot White peppered the gov-

ernor by declaring that he had opposedany appropriation for suds a eommtttee-BP said that the special committee JIMnot reported and be did not kaowwhether it ever intended to reportto authorize this committee to go aheadand investigate the penitentiary be heldwas a slight oa the present peatteatterycommittee of the senate

Rebuke to Governo-rs resolution was drafted at the in-

stance of the governor the action of thesenate is considered a rebuke to him foran attempt to interfere with legisla-

tive arm of the government It created asensation hi the capital when the newsspread In fairness to Senator Blue It isdeclared that JUg oaty motive was tobring a stop to eammtoeten balding oa IndVhnitely

Pistol Bill PassesTlie Johnson pftstoitatta taU mak-

ing it a felony to carrypins passed Uw acaatt tbte ntUnaaaa ara vote of S to 4 Thepinned by Ks author Sraaajia wrapKdd England and HatnekL SenatorsOfrinan Mcintyre and Craig opposed

a liscusskm which consumed theti

Tfcr committee on privfleges and etecof the house submitted Sis report

WJmanwHlnJtle contest andmended that Wflttams Democrat

I unseated A minority report was filedProhibition Fight Up

prohibition issue was broughtr ly

committee reported the WttHams-

r oiution favorably The vote In com-

mittee last night was ten to three Theminority filed a report protesting againstt passage of the Tcsatutiou-

T eTegate Mathenys reaotatkm eaBtasi-

TH n members to farnftah any mforamt-

iiTi that they had about the managementof the pentaKtiary ht writing was










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a by a close voteOne of the members ef the mvesdeaifeg

committee agamst which fca was direct-ed stated today that It was husaaterml-te him whether the committee went to

Virginia Game Season IVcaringr Endca tn He M

Richmond Va Jan 27 The open seasrn for shooting game of aO sorts Will

close with the of the week ThesTortiiig fraternity declare that Sane hasleen unusually plentiful title year birdsliig large and fat The game wardens

f ail the elder and counties are givingthat they will see that the lew-

is rlgicily enforced after this week andthe pos ssion of game wall incur the penaIr of the law Game cannot be shippedfrom thp State and all the restaurantsEnd afes that Save stocks on hand

to dUpoie of the same before Feb

Lyncblinrsr Goes After Bis Plant-F ir Ti tr The WMhtoeua ltdj rchburg Va Jan 2L The RetailMerchants Association thte aftecaoenappointed a committee to confer withTt T Appersoa who recently purchased

Toledo Ohio aotoaM plant ofP Pope Company to ascertain what

e will expect rom Lynehhurg ta ordert bring the plant here It is evident thatfi A Hy will do everythmg poonthle toft ire this plant which promisas ta-rnploy 13d urea

Will Improve Chesapealte BaySenator Martin yesterday introduced

two hills for the mwrovement of theL wer Chesapeake Bay It Is proposed teone measure te construct a breakwaterat the mouth of the Lynnbaven Bay Inthe other provision is made for the con-

demnation of land necessary for theof fortifications and the establish-

ment of a coast defense station



Has Kaown of the Permanent Cureof Many Persons During the

Past ThreeT


r j W HcGebee of HetdsviOe Nf a physician with a lucrative practicei ells what he knows about the lastingffect of the MeKJwoa Three Day

Liquor CureT have heed watching the results of

y ur treatment with a great dear of tet for the three years I personiv know several men that took yeW

treatment in 3S aad I am satisfied thatThese men have been sober since then

treatment Is wonderfuLTne above original later is on file atj j McKaanas residence and best

T offioe 1725 I street phone Mate 5St7 re are McKenna Sanftarhuus at Richmend Va Murphy Hotel Annex andReWsvflle N C and a number ef Westtern ttie


apt The








Mounds Ie

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Jan Meetings Charleston forBenefit of Legislators

Charleston W Va Jan 27 proIWtJon State committee of West Vir-

ginia has begun aa active campaignIn the interest of the proposed prohlbitten amendment to the constitution ofWest Virginia

State Organizer Edward W Mills wiltspeak at the Bream Memorial Presbltorten Ltiorch tomorrow night at theBaptist Temple Capitol street Fridaynight and on Saturday right at the LeeStreet C istian Church Mr Mike hassecured the services of Prof Luther FMestfck of Baltimore a temperance andprehlbtUen singer to asatet him ia hiswork

Arrangements have been made to haveOliver W Stewart of Chicago speakthree times on Sunday January 31

the people of Charleston and vktefcy-ta the leading churches of the city


Oath of Office as Governor

of Tennessee

lakes Reference In Address toCharges Connecting Him withIurder of Senator Carmack

N sfeviHe Jan 27G v ilaleehaPatterson was inaugurated today forsecond time In his address made

sensational referent to the murder of

Sonata CarmaekHe spoke of cruel and false

as which have even gone so far asto connect me with a tragedy which Ideplored far more than many who have

it ta Brake out of it a political

and we it as a motive for unwise

Democratic aM destructive legfals

dolLIf changes are net preferred or If

they are and fH I believe I am entitled

to the peace and honor of theta the name of decency that tills

IBS deCamatkm shaH cease


Seven Established In West VirginiaPostmasters Named

West Virginia rural routes wereyesterday to eommeace grit

1 as fellowsRoute S Albrisht Preston county

serviac MB iammes Routes a 4 and S

Cameron Marshall County serving 217

families Rout 2 Proctor WetzelCounty servtmj 31 families Routes 1

mad 2 to coenn nee March I at ChesterHancock county W Va serving M2

Postmasters were appointed as followsMaryland B aks own Waahiagtan

County George W Inner vice J AKretztoger resigned

YirsndaCarUioa Store King and QueenCounty John W via FeotsJaCounty Joshua A Hedseeook S swood Augusta County George L BalL


Man Has Right Limb AmputatedLeft Cut Off Year Ago

3s M to DIe WiiM iiiiM BmM-

Covmston Va Tan 7CoL James TFudge aged sfcctyseven years was anato Hmtoa Hospital sad operated upon

About a year ago Fudge underwent-

a simper operation when his left leg was

rut off at the knee for the same diseaseHe is one of Alley Countys wealth-iest citizens For twentylour years hewas treasurer of Allegheny County anda prominent RepueMcaa

He stood the operation we and aH te-

ateathms point to his recovery

Miner Killed by Bowlder3 acM to The VM m BanM-

Cnmbertead Md Jan 27 James A

Bowers a miner killed today nearMeyersdale hyan immemie bowlder falltug upon him while at work




TenDRthe he







todos for e-WM at tile






ale for



gangrene and his rIshtaautputated knee



Brother Locates Girl After a

Two Weeks Search


Virginia Girl Leaves Her Home

with a Man Who Admits that He

Has a Wife Mother of the GirlIs Heartbroken and BrotherTrails the Pair to Baltimore

B Ithrore Jan 27After following hisMay for two weeks Guy F Cus

a bookkeeper for the WostinghouseElectric Company Pittsburg met her at

Western Police Station todayeloped from her home in Berkeley

Springs W Va on January 10 withRichard Bana who admits that h has awife and ch d in Pittsburgr The storyf th Qlepemeitt of Miss Custer deals

with the ties of a secret order a heartmother the affection of a brother

ad the end of a love dreamWhoa brother and sister root today

there was enacted one of the most affectscents witnessed in the dingy

little court room of Justice Loden at theWestern Police Station The girl wascharged by the brother with incorriglbftity and whoa she and Dunn woregiven a hearing Nth said that theyloved each other Dunn said that he will

snake every etc to obtain a divorce

and when he Is successful he will marrythe girl

When the case was called before Jus-

tice Lodea the brother of the girl said

he desired withdraw the charge

against his sister cad Dunn that Dunnhad agreed to marry Miss Custor as soonas he had secured a divorce and thatthis arrangement would be satisfactoryto the family of the young woman

Later Miss Coster and Dunn saidWe are back to Berkeley

Springs tonight and as soon as theis granted we will be married


S Powell Was In ConfederateBand Which Invaded Cumberland

Powell died here today from cancer o

the stomach aged seventytwo yearsHe leaves one three daughtersbrothers and two stetars

He served te Roeeers brigade

the errH war sad was a member etsmall party of Confederates whofrom Hampshire County throughtines into CaM iMby Federal troops captured Gene CrookarnT Kelly and made their escape againthrough Federal naes Historyseeds It as one of the most daring ex-

ploits of the war

Dorsey Stottter died today at the homeof LattJmer Peasmaker nearHampshire Ooonty aged about seventy

years He leases one sonSUKtter of this county He was a wallknown teamster of the mountainshad aa eventful career and manyescapee


Posh Will Be Asked to ExplainSeeming Shortage of 2300

Danville Va Jan 27 George Pughformer ticket agent here for the Southera Railway who has been missing sinceJannary tt has beea arrested at KansasCity and is now ea reuse to Washing-ton where an investigation wilt be

aa alleged shortage te his accountsAM Mica of Pushs books

lewtag his mysterious disappearancesaid to have shown what appeared toa shortage of S2JHL Since his disappearanoe railway detectives have been en-

gaged tn an effort to locate himPush has been in the employ of

Southern for many years and he is wetconnected here







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edlMeca railway





Marriage Meanee for the foilawlag

yesterday te Wa rfngtonFrank 3 Anderson of Chatham

Mid Jessie E Martin of Orange Va-

Beajensm Schneider and Caartacte R-

GohMteta both of Baltimore MdWBUam Downs and C Jenkins

both of I etehs VaCooley of Md and

Isabel V CoiUer of tins city

Charleston W Va At the present time

it Jeofc like W S Joimaen of FttyettCounty after years of earnest endeavorwould witness the passage of the pfe

toi toting bin The substitute which

Senator Johnson offered for senate billNo and which was advanced to itsgoal reading Jn the senate Tuesdaymorning provides that every person car-

rying a pistol must be licensed by the Circolt Court sad give bond hi the sum ofK33 TIle proposed act applies to ow-

cers as as other dtiaene and theinn carrier is Itebie on his Mad notonly for the unlawful hat the accttteataiuse of Ws veapea when injury recsjlta


Bristol Va WhHe it was ruatored afew days ago that a petition was Wagcirculated with view of holding localoption election Bristol during the earlyspring the Impression Is paining that itwill not he undertaken Well informedmen who have consulted the list ofengine voters and who understand thesentiment of the masses express the be-

lief that such an election at this timewould result m a victory for the dorsby a least two to one They express theopinion tyrant It would be very 4tt uit toget the number of signers to apetition to require n election Up to thistime It Is set certain that such a peti-tion has been undertaken

Spottsylvanta Va CapL James Roachwho broke Ws leg by upon theIce about teA days age is critically m-

at a hospital in Fredferlcksburg C at-Roach a nature of Orange County adwas sheriff of that ceeaty for meatyears after the civil war

Roanoke the future onwhat date it could net be ascertainedground win be broken for a mme passen-ger station for the Norfolk and Westernin this city The bullying willerected near the freight depot ofthe road between Jefferson andWalnut streets and will be uptodate inevery particular The location is a spiea

and pI8S were


Willie S DIck





VaIn near


r Ticglum 3la yiand led








did ORe the trolley cars of the RoanokeRailway and Electric Company passingoa hoes at all hours within fiftyyards of the new station

When tills new station is erected andthe maWtione are that it will be only-a few weeks Wore work will begin asIt is expected paeseager trains will startto run possibly by the first of Aprilthat section of the city will be the


Heanoke followingelected officials for the town of Vlntonhave qualmed H H Walker mayor

Cook W L Weld J B BrizandlneJohn Michael and A L Pedigo membersof the council

Vittton Is a town with a population ofand adjoins Roanoke The town has

been without say legal officials since lastJune whea every officer frem mayordown failed to qualify in the time pre-scribed by Jew

HAgeratewn Md At a meeting of theHagerstown and Conococheague Turnpikedirectors formal steps were taken for theseJe of the companys turnpike fromHgerstown to Conococheague Creekseven miles Ho the State roads commissloe It was decided to call a meeting-of the stockholders next Tuesday when aproposition will he submitted to the com-mission

A number of stockholders It is said arewilling to sell their holding for H

The last sale of stocks In largeblocks was made at S35 a share Thereare 2291 shares It Is not known If the

nnintem wm take the road which Ispart of the old National Turnpike at 5a share

Xorgantowa W Va The fourth bien-nial meeting of the West Virginia Y MC A WIlt be held here February 5 6and 7 Among these who have a part mthe programme are Henry B F Macfertead president ef the Board of Commtssloaers of the District of ColumbiaRef John W R Sumwalt of Washingtoril trict superintendent MethodistEpiscopal Church C L Winslow andLeonard Paulson also of Washington-Dr Carl G Doney of BBCkhannpn WVa president of Wesleyan College willalso take part

Fairmont W Jlr Hansonwho has been a student at West Vlrgtaia Wesleyan College at Buckliannonhas been to the pastorate ofAsh Chapel Episcopal Churchat Alta Vista W Va He was formerlyta the government employ at Wasliinytoa



VaT newly



















Mrs Gordon Not in Court to ReceiveSentence

Spcdil to Tie Vufetectca UdallNorfolk Va Jan Eva Gor

dan the married woman of Laconla NEL who eloped here and lived with FredSergent the divorced husband of herdaughter was fined 50 and costs InJudge Simmons court today Mrs

was not in court and her bond wasdeclared forfeited It developed that sheleft hero for Boston last Saturday

The case against Sorgent will be heardon February 6 Clarence Merrell Sergentthe threeyearold son of Ir and MrsSergent who Mrs Sergent alleges wasstolen from her after he bad been awarded her by the court and on whose account she sought and prosecuted hermother tad former husband will be givento his mother here He is now in thehands of the Society for the Prevention-of Cruelty to Children


Splitlog Dray Is Praised at WestVirginia Highways Meeting

niiMmrlan Declares It Solves Problem of flaking Good Roads In

Conntry Districts

Charleston W u Jan 27 At theopening session of the annual meeting ofWest Virginia Good Roads associationyesterday afternoon D Ward King ofMaitland Mo the originator of the King

addressed the association on the sub-ject of Good roads without money orthe use of the spilt log drag Hr

said that the split rail drag badsolved the problem of making good roadsIn the country districts and keeping themin the best possible condition throughout









the entire yearSins over 17 per teat of the roads

in this country are earth roads and since90 per cent of the commerce of the coun-try is at one time or another carried overthe public roads said Mr King It isapparent that we should learn the cheap-est the easiest and the most satisfactorymethod of keeping the roads in conditionThis I believe can be accomplished better by the use of the drag than any othermethod

Horatio S Earle commissioner of roadsof Michigan spoke at night on Michiganhighways He was followed by James SMacDonald of Connecticut who spoke ontechnical road construction Both addraseg were illustrated J E Pennypacker of Washington addressed the as-

sociation today and legislation that wiltbe sought at the present session of thelegislature was discussed






Drag hint from Engine While ItStands on Siding

Beyds Md Jaa 27 Bttttfenore OhioFireman Jacobs a native of Frederick3M had rather an eadttog experiencewith Soar hoboes test night about 9

oclock at Washington Junction Md theterminus of the MetropoHtan branch

Jacobs was working about his engineattached to a long freight train boundfor Washington and standing In Sugar-Loaf sidetrack east of the WashingtonJunction telegraph tower where EngineerCrisweK of Batthaere was getting in-

structions sad waking for several pas-senger trains to pass him The hoboestackled Jacobs said putted Mm from hisengine and riled pockets securingwatch and 5LaX They ties weat towardWashington

Jacobs who is mean of only mediumstature mad no outcry wntte there werea number of houses near by Ho told theoperators who lied detectteds front Bruaswick sent out but up to late this morning-no one had been arrested




his a

Lynchburg Court Clerk Weds

Lynchburg Va Jan the homeof Mr sad Mrs J T Sperry in BedfordCounty their daughter Miss HettteCraves Sperry was married yesterdayafternoon so Hubert of this cityThe cremeay was performed by the RevT M McCortte of the PreetoyterhuiChurch of tats city Kr Louis Martinwas the best and Miss Jean Sperrythe maid of honor The groom h deputyclerk of Corp Court of thiscity and they wm make their resMeaeehere sitar a Islet visit to relatives hiCampbell County

Sdaaol KrellfAt



u TbeWuhhpiaa


Powell Is Granted flail

Cumberland Md Jan 2T Roy Powellthe sap clerk on the Western MarylandRailroad whose ran has been betweenCumberland and Durbtn W V re-

cently arrested for letters andsecuring money therefronv was admittedto 2 G ben last night before HattedStates Comrafeeioner Thomas J Ander-son James A Grove of HagerstownMd an uncle of Powell furnished thebond

Politician Strangely MissingSvxUL w WaawssMi BcnM

Suffolk Va Jan 27 After a four dayssearch friends of W Norneet Harrell afarmer and local politician of Driver Vathis evening practically abandoned hopeof seeing him alive Harrell went toNorfolk Saturday and was last seenaround the decks Friends are dividedbetween the theories whether he fellinto the Elizabeth River and wasdrowned or that he has been a victimof foul play-

C R Coleman to Enter Race

Spottsylva ia Va Jan S7C RlcaelluColeman chairman of the Democraticexecutive committee of this county willIn a few weeks formally announce hiscandidacy for the house of delegatesfrom Spottsyivaaia and FredericksburgC OConnor Goolrick of FredericksburgIs a candidate and M F Wake of thecounty it is thought will seek the honor

Big Tobacco Sales at LynchburgSpecial to The TOufcfegiai Hush

Lynchburg Va Jan 37 Three hundred thousand pounds of tobaccoold here today this foHewto sales

aggregating pounds Thetrade is active and prices huM up Tinsbreaks will be fairly hearron account of the amount of tobaccodelivered today

Injured Leaving TrainSpecial WnMsetoa Hcsa-

MSpottsylvania Va JaR 27 ErastusJones of Carolina County while leavingfrom a train at Guinea Station of theRichmond Fredrtekburg and PotomacRailroad was accidentally caught underthe wheels of the engine and had hiright leg and foot crushed He was takento a hospital in Richmond

Sash Gets Sixty DaysSpecial to The W it ston HeraM

Warrenton Va Jan 27 The trial ofStephen Nash the young negro whowhile resisting arrest in November wasshot bT Assistant Sergeant A B K Rushwas held today Judge E S Turner presided Nash was sentenced to sixty daysIs tbc counts and fined r

te The humid



Specitl ill The Iletaid

too yesterday



J Jan r

specat rgtea

Wa3hi siaa









Matter of Corporation Taxes

In Attorneys Hands


Case of Charles Dean Occupies At-

tention of CorporationCharier Granted Chamber of CommerceWill of Mrs Field AdmittedProbate TraversVnTishn Wedding

XCTB Actncr 632 King street AlexTutrt YB tstborized cenu cmien for

The Washlnstna EeiJd Hu Her ffl be Olimed amity and Sunday to say iddress tn Alex

acdria fur S earns month


Alexandria Va Jan 2 Mayor Paffsaid tide morning that the statementmade in the city council last sight thatcertain telegraph and express companieshad not paid the required license to dobusiness in this city was true He

that upon his failure to collectthem he bad placed the matter ta thebands of Corporation Attorney Fisherwho bas charge

It Is regarded as more than probablethat some steps will be taken by the cityattorney and the general laws ceainritteein the near future to see that the oempaales In question are required to pay thenecessary license

The case of Charles Dean indicted forhi connection with the purchase

of whisky alleged to have Mea stolenfrom the Southern Railway occupied theattention of the Corporation Court Judge-L C Barley presiding all day Thecourt adjourned late this afternoon untiltojnorrow and the jury was locked upovernight The alleged theft of a barrelof whisky occurred July 18 last

The case of Harvey Lunsford Indictedfor grand larceny in connection with thesame case fe to be taken up immediatelyfollowing the dfepositioa of thecase

The State corporation commission InRichmond today granted a charter

Alexandria Chamber of Commercethis city The purposes of the associa-tion are to develop the cotaiaorcfel

of toe city The seat of 51M03 Isnamed as the capital stock Officers areas follows W A Smott J TJohnson vice president J T Prestonsecretary and treasurer all of this city


Courtto j









Ale mndtia

9 Street











By agreement of counsel for both sidescase of MeKirtght negro

indicted for attempting to assault MissMary Harrison was continued until thMardi tena of the CIrcuIt Court for Pairfax County The alleged offisase occurredJuly 14 test i

Pietas are being hrYens Senate for Its initial sjxnuai

which will be given at thPeoples Building of the Methodist risicopal church South nextA committee on arrangements and

has been appointed by Presi-

dent H Noel Garner and a namaer ofprominent speakers will be tovifted to bepresent aad mate addresses affairwill be exchwivaJy for the members

Ia the Gorporadoa Court today theMrs Isabella Plod WItS admitted to

The testatrix left an estatevalued at about to her danchiorMiss Mary A Fled

The body of Miss B8za W Sub whodied yesterday in Phnnd Mbrought here and boded m Ivy HW Cometery Miss ata wee a former romeeatof this city

the Ernest

made the Young




wUl N








A nwnbe of eauHcia tools stolen JeanSri 1 from home Mgro

named Thomas CauWweB were todayrecovered by PoMeeasan Young Sroei asecond hand store conducted by a mannamed Schneider

California the tend of a thousandwonders will be subject of an fstrated address by Frank HI Psetan atthe Young Peoples Bntwtng

under the auspices of tt George W

Jest the tiC


Pet 14


elagton Monument A-

Funeral services over the body ofGrove who was crushed to death at

the Potomac Railroad yards Mondaynight fail be held 2 oclock taaorrowafternoon from hh nome Si Paynestreet The burial wffl be la BethelCemetery



Miss Mete Travel and Mr VVaughn both af this city ware marriedtomsht at the parsonage St MarysCatholic Church Rev Father L 7Kelly asistRat pastor per termed theceremony

Reorganize Businessto The WIJBCMI HttaU

Culpeper Va Jan S The Cuipeporbusiness Mens AseectetlOB which wasin operation here several yours agewas revived this afternoon by the heatness men here to promote the commercialinterests and material welfare of thetown with Charles Cttae as president RL Benson as secretary and A Goodtoe as treasurer After the adoption ofa set of bylaws and the appointment-by the chair of proper qommittees theassociation adjourned to meet next Fri-day afternoon

SpintaO Trial OpensSpecial to Tie Wasbbstsa

arrenton Va Jan 27 The trial ofHenry Spinfcs for killtog his brotherWilliam Spteks at Hopewefl Va inNovember last was begun today m theCircuit Court Judge Turner presidingSpinks is defended by J D Richardsand G L Fletcher and the prosecution-Is being conducted by CommonwealthsAttorney J A C Keith The trial wiltprobably consume three days

Gold lUll Copper Property SoldSpecial to The B raM

Salisbury N C Jan propertyof the Gold Hill Copper Company inRowan County was ski at auction

The purchasers were darn H-

Geragnty of Trenton X J aril FrankVan Wagonan of New York the pricebeing 54BvOOJ The property consists ofseveral hundred acres of valuable miningland and machinery

Blind Tiger Crusade in DanvilleSpedal te The ViMmzimm

Danville Va Jan 27 George Rand George Sanford both white menwere convicted ia the nayor court

of setting whisky without loseand the usual One of and a Jail seatence of thirty days imposed Appealswere noted In both cases Tie police areamktos a crusade against WInd tigers

North Carolina honors GompersSpedal to Tie WwHujSca

Raleigh N C Jan 271 The Nordt Car-olina senate this evening hihonor of the fiftyninth anniversary ofthe birth of Samuel Gorapers president-of the American Federation

unusual and almostaction of thus honoring a pobHc

still living caused mutt criticism to-night








H 1cL

too-T e ur anted


League-S eat












Have You Rooms to Rent

Have You Real EstateSell


Have You a Horse or a

Have YouTrade

Any or All of These DealsCan Be Arranged

ThroughThe Washington Herald

Want Columns

Only One Cent a WordDaily or Sunday

Phone Main 3300




Dog to Sell







The Southern and Mesemer City

Factories Go Under HammerCharlotte N O Jan 21 At a receiv-

ers sale today at Bessemer City theSouthern Gotten Mitts were sold

Stephens of Charlotte for ttMuGQft

The Bessemer City cotton tolls were RId

hi by Gen John of Baltimore for-m Both mills are in operation


Mystery Over Tragedy Rich-

mond Is Solved

Richmond Vs Jan maa foundhorribly beaten a few days ago and whodied ia a hospital without regaining on-

3coosHess has been identified as JamesFlynn of Washington a Federal pen-

sioner He had been m the city forsome time His daughters are coming

to the city today to tyke arrangementsfor the funeral

Flynn had been working at varioustimes doing suck odd Jobs as he couldget A womaa for wham Be worked saidthat the man told her that the name tattooed oa his arm was his right nameand that he had run away rOm his homewhen a boy and enlisted in the armyunder the name of James Flynn andunder this name a pension was grantedhim The women Identified his cap

as those she bad given him andalso ideniMed the marks ea the mansarm He was last seen alive Sundaymorning The detectives haTe a de-

scription of the man with whom he wassees and the arrest of the slayer

Is Impending

Mrs Franklin Dead at Lynchburg

liyaohbers Va Jan S Mrs MaryFranklin wife of J C FraakMa died





iredai The HctiT


The Build


is WaahinAn


t to Wa ia rra



last night at the home of her soninlaw R K Daniel en Denver avenueafter an mess of several weeks ofpneumonia Mrs Franklin w s sixtythree years of age and was a native ofAmherst County She is survivedthree daughters Mrs R I Daniel andMiss Carrie Franklin of the city andMr T J FalweU of Renown W Va

Cambridge Banker DeadCambridge Md Jan 27 WHttain H

Barton president of the National Beakof Cambridge di d today He wasgraduate of the Annapolis NavalAcademy and served a Meetenaat-eommaader during the civil war


The Story of a Bishop WhoXot a Churchman

That was good old comedy btsoopwhcone day entered large jewelers es-

1nshm6nt in Regent street London toke an extensive purchase of valuable

presents He selected them with greatcare as regards their artistic value butquite regardless of cost The proprietorand his assistants buzzed round his lord-ship The selected valuables were packedia separate parcels at his suggestion neat-

ly tied and sealed and he had Jest taken-a seat in the private office of the

and was feeling IR his pocket forhis checkbook when two men who hadbeen peering in at the glass door leading-to the street walked up the shop andstood behind the bishop They were plainly dressed sharplooking men and thusLatently addressed the jeweler





fine a



the Strand Ma ea sea


What has this than been orderingThe bishop looked up saw the men

turned pale clutched the sides of thechair dropped his glassy and looked asif he would bolt Before he could stirhowever the handcuffs were on his wrists

Bishop indeed said one of the menHe was a colonel yesterday Here

bishop come along to Vine street Bish-op indeed Ha ha Well thats a goodua And turning to the astonished jeweler he continued Just copped him intune sir lucky for yon Oh by the wayyou might get one of your assistants tobring round these parcels he has selectedWe must enter them at the police stationWe have cab at the door We havebeea tracking the bishop all the morning

Without a word the bishop followedthe detectives into the cab and all threegot hi as the assistant came out with thevaluables

Here said one of the detectivesthrough the window place those in here

they will be you get on thetop with the driver

It was ROt far to Vine street but asusual the traffic was congested In OxfordCircus and the cab had to halt occasion-ally It was however soon at the policestation The assistant jumped off thedrivers seat and opened the door

The cab was empty

When you have lost or found anythingtelephone an advertisement to The Wash

si 1 cent a word





Ington Herald and bill will be sent you






Warrenton Hunt Club Gives Large

Warrantee Va Jan 27 A large dragwas ridden this afternoon ever a stiffcourse by members of the WarrertonHunt Club and their guests This s thefirst drag ridden m many weeks owingto the unfavorable weather cendUiors andthe condition of the tends over which thedub hunts

The meet was at CanaoabaH gate thehome of Mai R P Barry andtinned in circular course with the f rtohin the same place Among thoseand finishing well up with the headswere

John Stone on San Salvador W SSewers oa Justine Miss Ann Royal ofRichmond oa W F Jaasftags mountValte t T L Evans master of the hutoa Topaz J P Evans OH Mback T F GeJioway on WarrantorGeorge B Stone on BrsahOde James KMaddux on Shtamg IJghi Mrs JamesK Maddox on Gray Cap C D Sirotheron The Lamb Roy L Ajfemttta en-VHiake King Miss Lucy Stone ea Cantankerhoes lea Kerr on Golden Glow

R Dears on Chaplain H SmIthon Upodate and Riding Whip J

on Wistaria Mrs Juen Keithand Mr Wilbur Mr Harry Page of NewYork aad P E Tbyson

State Prlmarr Bill IntroducedSpecial to The WoSasjia Her

Raleigh N O Jan 27A Ml profor a general primary law was hrtrodnredin both branches of the legi stcre todayThe measure would require all pates taparticipate hi the primary on the same

voting for candidates for all ofl5cescounty State and national except Presi-dent and Vice President of the IniteStates The expense of the primary T tobe paid from the general elections fundThe vote on United States Senator if ta




C CKeith



st erB l I The Wad Build






te be merely expressive of pref-erence of the voters

Deny Charges of WetsSpecial te Tic miaugtoa BaaaL

Roanoke Tan S Tieloon eague today filed with clerkof the Corporation Court its ans r tothe allegations of the who re-

cently petitioned the court to aedare thlocal option election of December 91 lastnull and void The wets allege ththe election was full oC fraud and fcres-1aterltles The AadSaloon League

all these charges

Reaches ARC of 1OSpecal to The ReaM

KingsvHIe W Va Jan 27 Jena Biggins died at his home here age MS

years his age having been well authen-ticated by parochial records m IrelandMs native country He was the eldestresident of Randolph County

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