vv robotic r)ets r · 12/24/2020  · up hut would iike to know if they are \vdrrl, hll~ing.and...

DecemhiE'!I' 24, 2020 ," "I}'" ~" , ' ,~~I~ 1,\ 'l. "t ---------_._----_._-- --'" ~." ' .. ~.-- .. _ ... 1-1 h vv robotic r)ets Ip isol ted I low Robntic 1\::[:, Can Help (so luted "cllior, . \VOId Loneliness Dear San) Senior, l reccntly read an article about ro- hotic [lets helng a great suhstitute for pct-Io\ Ill.". ",'!lHlI" "iw C,IIl't have or tdkL' C;lI c 01 a pel el!l) longer \Vhat do } IlU llllnk or 1111,) My motile!, \',hll ha', S\))lIC dcmelltJ(l, is ILving III all a~stst.:d Ii\ m; I acdity (hat docs- n't ,llhl\~ pets. ,\nd becallse or COVID. vve haven't been allowed ill' ~idl' tli,c Ix dily to VIsit h.:r ,ince 1\J,\1ch. "\ c heen thinking about get- tme' hei ;; I (,bol pet to help cheer her up hut would Iike to know if they are \vdrrl, hLl~Ing. and if ,0. wheTe can I ~:I' to 11'1dOJl(~. I 'J~k<:d Out DalightcL lJear Locked Out. Thcle hme actually been sevelal ,!lIdi"., on tillS topic that has shown th:ll mhulic pels willch are lifelike inlndcti\,c pch - can h,' \ e a jJositi\.c inlp;]ct on many Jonely. socially iso- lated seniors, especially those who h<1\ e dementia fhis is particulaIl) i rnportant nO\\ as the pandemic bas caused milltons of high-L isk, vulner- able ~L'IlIUr~to IS\llak :lS a ml'illb to rlorect thellls'~I\'e' trom the coron- a, irus. I-Ter~' 's what von ,hould knoy". Rohotic Pet Studies In 201X. the New YOlk State 01'- he:: for thc Aging was the tiIst state ill the 11S to teq the robotIC pets \\ itil I',ulalcd selliors ami results By Jim Miller showed that usi!1g: pd,> to lower ~,,- cial lsobtlOrl was hifhl) s\lccessluL wLth 70 percellt of pilot IBlllClp;nLc, reportmg a decrease in iSDlatiol1 iltr:l onc year. Subsequent prugr,lm, Lill, \. in ,\ging <lgencies ill Alabam I. FlOTILla and Pennsyhanicl h,~\e al n shown positi\e rcsulh Otlwr c I il1lcal studies L·olJllw:t,·ct by ~\i\RP. UniledHealthuHc, ,["d ~Jther dinician~ and 11e\\C ahu iOUild rtwt rnhotic pet, can help to"enh,u' ~l the \\cll-heing Ul1cl qU<lILl) of hit' ,1 lone ly or' isolated indi \ idual~, ,jll(! those I i\ lIig wah delll<:ntia "Bel ntk':l forms of cognitive decline, hy 1'r.)- vid ing a level of inteLcletion :md ','.)1" fort from a 1Jfelike c ClIll [Xlllllll1. Where to Look If you're interested in gettiLig y, llf mom a rohotic pel. a top opti{JI1 ", Ageless lnLl(J'."tion'~ Joy lUI .i1 Companion Peb ' ~l' Joy ForAlI.cnm. 1 hey offer cdb. a kitLen and c1 p.ip that look. teel and sCound like Ihe: ':d thing ~ minus the fe.:cling, wa,en,'c', litter box or backY(lrd c]canup, :: :d the \ et bills, \\iith prices l31l."ing he- tWe' n $05 and $ J 30. these soft, pi, ',r, anL,iHtis ha\e built· III sen~()ls .. '. L- The decision t ,. The de~'jswll to go to \var repre- sents I he mO',l solellln deCision any govL"'nlllcnt wLll make, Slllce it risk> the hlood, t1 ea~lll'C and futwe or the nalJOl1. lhose glave conse- quences, <done. me lea ,on enough tOI Alllcncans t,) under~tand how the COllQ!lutill1l gOVC\HS the cxer- CI~C 01 [hi~ awcsome aulllOrLty be- rOll' lhe) !!O m:ILching of1 to waT [hc war powel, fohn Quincy Adam~ flbsened, I, "striClly con- stitutional." The framers of the Constitution vested in C()ngres~ the ,ole aLiLl e\cILl~L\ol' authoJ tty to lIli~ tiate mdiwry ho~tllities, 11lc1udLLlg 1u! I-b!own. rotal \~ar. a~ well a~ lc:sser acts of armed force, 011 be- l1:tll 01 till' A lllencan people. This svveeping power, l('cated in ArtiCle L section R, provides, "Con- glcss slwl! have power to decl,lre war." The \Var Clause grants to Congl ess the aLLthority to forma 11)' d,'clan~ W,1I ,111 a rorcign nation. OL rarhtr to simpJ)' authorize mIlItary Iw,tdltle" agai n',( all ad v el S<try, w hdllel a country or terrorist or- g,L1liZ<ltion As Justice \\'illiam Pa- terson v" rnk ror the Suprcme COlli t ill 1X06. ill lnitecl States v, Smith, it i~ lhe "exclusive pnhincc of Congress to change a stare of peace Intu:I ~Iall' uf \\,,11." \VIlhout exceptLon. the court has held that It IS lor Congress. not the P!~SIJC!lt. to initidte military acts. Till' fl a Lllcr~ (Iid LLot v t'st in the plesident the authority 10 inter\ene III jOIt:lgn v"ars, or tn choose bc- tween \\ ~Ll and peace, or to Ldentify :tnd cnIl1l1le1Lee ho~tihties against ,ILl eneLlIY or tht: American people. NO! did the) empower the prcsI- dent to jill! i,He fOlee abroad on the bas L~ 01 hi ~ (1 W 11 assessme1Lts oj LJ.s. st:curit) llltercsb. The~e eh\)lces belong to Congress, uncler It<, exclu:,ive authorlly to change a ,,\<lle 01 peace Inl0 a state ot war. The framers' decision to grant the \\',11 PO\\ C) \0 ( OlLgrt'ss, lind not the ~'lesidl'rl1. I('presented a dra- malic d.epal Lure flOIll the Engll,h PI'<lL'tice, ,11LLi that of other nations ,1flwncl the \\. odd, which vested the ;Illthonl V l!l the national exc-culi\ e. Vyh) did the COl1stllutional COIl- vcntlOlL l'l'Jccl lhe pL(letlce or exec~ lIti\'~ \1~ar IH~lkiHg~: Delegdtcs to the COLl\ elltlOn had lwo princip,rl rl'chons for granting lht' \\oar pO\\er to COTlgrc~s. First. they Ii \.cd in dread fear of a strong t:\eclIlP,e, IY!.sed on their readlllg (1j hi~tOLy and theil ovvn experience und"l K in ~ (,eorg(~. whom lhey " lC\ved ,!~.' tyrant. I [Islory r,~vedlcd th:lt <ICI()~' the centuries. kings and de-,puls ,Ind 1)1 ant~ had often lclken thell people (0 v, ar \\ ithout merit. hut 1'01[/1,:1' in sel vicc' \11 thell own PC1 SOlid!. [)J)! illC;; I :LIld fl":l1leial in- h:'lc:~lr~ ~'jl": fl~L'dICr(...'. to;'I OldIL \'-VLlT oppo',nL J., l;:me~ Vv'i! son \Jf Penn- l~Y h <.~qL:1 t ~LpJ...lnl':d,to ~i\'lng ··unc ·l ~l.-~ til': ~Jc\\'er lc' 1 u"J1! I\Lnl'rica .' .' , " ,I ... . r------~----------'~ ~I ! 1 I I I I '-- ~ ~~~ __ .-.,-1 '\'1/ " I~' , ,--'------'------ ._." I The framers' deer" I sion to glrant Ul '.' t 1''- i war power 0 l\.J'on w ! I gres~, and not th(~ 'I preSident, repre-, I se nted a d rf3mati {: I , departu re from th"~ 1 English pr~ctk:F j 1 and that of other! I nation.s around the I world, which veste~j ! the authority in th:., I national e){ecu'tiv~ I mtll \VaL S~'cond, thL' tr8 mel" were l ':1,- IHlttCct tuthe principle llfcnlkL'!i\l de~'i,ion mak1l1g in 10reign. '" Lil domestLc aftn!I~. (llld cmbraCT(1 TIie' pI()ces, of di ,ClL ,s ion and de 11'1 i<.. fll1m the natIon's represcntati ,~'., L1s.... elllhled in C ()ngre~s. (111 the rei atl \ c mel its of l'(lmmelLlmg .-,a, hetore ri,kill~2 the i'utLJrC pC' thL ]1,l tion It i~ truly reLll arkab Ie [hat lk framers. drm·vn from the loUl '~lI'- ncr.; ()f the natioll tnd in po",.~· ,lUP oj liJftcrenl \ ic\\ ~ nlld \ all\e' on lTlan: dIfferent I~~ues, w()uld :':.:1 <:,~ unanimously that CongLc',"'. m' lh,: rresident. shou Id Jeeicle to tc!l\.c the country to war. There is ill the ','\]fl' \ention's history no COLHpa r lbJ.. unanimity on an Issue of any sig IHtle311Ce. Many reading this far" ill \.:"'\ to call fot a pausc. and ',:t~. I'i';:' conectly: "Veil, the pres;(k:j! ~,'- cording to ,\rticil' II. ~ectin!, .', (,;' the Cnn~titutlO11. "shall b,~ C.'!ll mander in Chier of the Ann) "'~c: Nd\y of the United State'" .[nel \,1' the \/Jilitia ot th(~ ~eVC1 aJ SLlk". when called into I he aetual S,,' v i,- of rh,.:: Lnited Stme l ,," \,vl1"" j; , c, ckntial Pl)\\C1'. they Illay a,:\_ 1', ,k rived from th~ Com1ll~mdcr IP ( Iller' Clause of the COTLstitUt'IOlj" The cOHventiutl dllt !lot ClCci:e thi, title: rather. they bcnol\ .:0 it t rnm the I:mgl',sh, who i 1111 oLi']' t~l it In 1639 ill onc 01' tlieir \V.IlS With the Seo,,,. rilis tille \\'c!', CI;'! '. -' (oil the r(Jokilig nlilit"ry offh.i .1 1,. t" l! -urr" "I 'barkback" tech uology. ,.Ld 1'11I~1«111le tur, making them sur- pi isiugly realistic, 1,1".'11four batteries. and the cats. \\ hr.'; ,(lII1t' l!\ hUI dltTcrent ~llades tu 1111 ,I;C k)l breed'" can lIpen and ci,., c' r'1ei, I,)":,,, Illt th"ir paws, and '11')\' [1>-'i;'[:,:ad <lliei body. It jOll pet lL'I("~l!1'1 tlj'~ n;hl ,[)(It -like on lh~i! h:]I': Cl huck "ilk - they'll kt fiLL! D l"17"1 q },Illi []W,l, L', more of a dog pc:;- ,0'1, )~)'c! L,"I~ ,d~,d buy a ~ilt!ffed g'nlden pupp:, acc'es~uri zed \\ ith a r,,'.! haPlL\l1-! tll"t will bark if he'~ k!'!!I'(~ hap!,:'. ~:d.Oi needy, At only t···." pC;lI1d . tLc sturfed pup is ea") t·, 111,1' ,'. Ill-, ail>! WOII't \veigh do ..~n l" '..1: the !!lo..,l Iragllc framc :-'''11'.: Ptt,]'f robplic ]lei option' VCl! \j1ou!d k'ok into LI1cludc 1~('L!d~0t\ Jennie ($.399: l,)]lliJ('t ~'{)Ll1 \. a lapdog thelt barks 011 (ll"'lYldi,d ~Illdllel', re,lhstic facial tea- tu'" " \TJ3~) (~;'2 Q()O, u~.aibo.c(lmL b;. -'('II)" \,,!Jicll is <l plaslic PllPP) 111<!t It,i' IlidiLe \.'x.presslolls and a dy Ii,':',i(; 111,') ()l LllO,lCmcnts: and Paw rhE SI:.t! (:;(1,) :::0: parorobots.ecm). \dll"l\ I', :l'~'l :,,:~,:d:!, il ··.:atcbot:· de '::';' ,! 'l~v:ilil.dl)' lor ['coplc v,i[h dl ,," '11!J. S,. ,Jd )'wr ~e!1ior que::,tions to' Sa ,\:' Senior. P.O. Box 5443, NCI1'- I'I·~I', C< '.307D, Of VI~!t SavvyS,,- I I.T"!': JJ!n ["lillei is a contriblltor ", ~i;c I', Be Tulay -btlW and aUlbor "i''' !b;- S,IV \.y -"'elllor" hoole "n~ th':cl(~r (If battle It did not in- dl!(k thc ,tmhcrity to in1!iate war or tp m Ike lLlif~igll pollcy 011behall t)(" Ell!:,land Thi' oHicial was alwa)s ~uh'I!,.lin,'I'" 1<1a slLp,:rior olTicwl -- [Ill' lIlLPi:,tI'). Parliament and the ~-.. ~Ii :2. The Continental Congres~, .IJ'T" ~ ! 'hl~ L tit: 1\ Llh full knov.l- u!'Y ," JU, history and practIce \, to:,1 II n,llYIc(i Gl'urge \Vashingtol1 t~' ht' "Ill'"t General Lind Admilal" ,11ld ,'OP'Il',mcie! in chier in June I 'ii.'. it required of viashington the ,:ut~ to "pulIduaJly" observe all in- ,!nl<:LI,)IlS Imposed tv Congress. _.'iCl I(} "~"P('ll(! 10 an) ar,d all gue,- ~i'ln, r:~Ls(d hy member" fn this ca- ) .,jty, \\ ",!l i ngwn \\ as \'er) mUC!l .·U bordindlL to Congre"s. Til!'. history and practice was thO"()lI~!hl) hm iliar to the framers of the COLblltutioll when they '" ,ot:> '\.rric k il. The president wa~ ,"!,,\'e,l 1,0 aUlbonty to initiate war: 1 }t.,[ ],()w,,;; lwd been granted to C;n?!rc,~ !!L Ihe \Var Clau~e, The ,""'ldel1t. lS commandn in chief'. :1; -', k\~'ndcI Hamilton explained 111,,0.69 uf the l"ederel1i~t Papers. \'i'llId e·,cnlially wear two hats. I i 1',,1, \v IW[I Congress declared "·elr. cr othef'\\ ise authorized mili- !:In h{l~tilJtie,. the preSident would ,.;,:, ,r'~'\.I'.c(l tll \V'lg.: war, ,dlhough tI,\dY- "u[;,H·dinate tn LI1structlOns '11(1 '.!"'.' 'i,'n, fr0'11 Congrcss. Sev .)nd. It tl'': 11.1liOI] wen~ attacked, :hcn Inc pr\.'~ldelll would be ex, ,",xt cd tu rep,:1 I he im asion, leav- il]~ c" ( OLH'r.:SS tile puliL') question cJ I ~\ 11,11 to l:n ne '(\. Congr~ss might rk:.:l::re \\ ell (1n the oflcncling na- [1:';'1, "llti,miting the preslcknt to at- l ,I. Ih·: ill>ddlng rnrL'e~, for ," .l,,(pIC. 0, il Il)if,ht sue for pedce. 'l J"-' pOln, is [lWl Congress would '.'t t.. JI1IL!;e lIll. policy 10 be impk- :1 1 ,' f: ~1i11ers' c,JIlstliutional de- ,i;~ll t') }'U\ 2m the v"ar power I,ll','" I} fl,'i,ll'lltLi 19:"0 \vhen Pr<:~i- d:-.-r \!,lrr: Tluman asserted, for the };,'.( ,m'c E1 our rns[Or), execullve .".:;I;,)::t: ~o l:lk~ the nation to ',\':lr i'e ':.U:,;". :;i!lcC th'::li. Virtually ".l"~ '~lISI(',CJ\T()fhoth pMtles has .0\' .ell·,J ::11: I, (If PO\\CI This pme- ,1.', 11:", (')1011 pled tbe: COIIslituttO!L ~'l' \1. ",:\.~ ','~JC' d!{)Lll~)~; the rcaS\Hl "'/ ~":;,, del (r' J': <1' ,,~rtiO!l Ill' unilat- "!:d pi ."':d .,:1,[ idl pu\\.:r to make '\ dl 7~!~-ll~;;1 ~l!}L'Cl!Ufr:l C()~lIn1ns. This \,)~~'"'I; i,. :'1','" ide,] bj lhe Nenh ----~ .... - ......----------~---- Pa.ge 3 ---~~-'.....,.,..-~~--....,----~-.- -'"....,..--~-- .~-~-- .....".- ---------- f ~ <1'1 !j~ r I I i~:~ ~~; l.J \~ ,!"oj ." ~! Depending on where you live. rt looks like we may not have ,1 . pic- turc perfect" white Christmas this yenr.Jt stems fitting given the many things about 2il20 which were not what we imagined. let alone ..per· feet.' While the holidays can be a sea- son of happiness and joy. 1'01 many they are accompanied by anger and sorr(l\V, J\·Ji',smg loved one, trom the past. remcmbermg re laliunsbips that soured. chil!king or hopes etHel dreams that lleVGl' 'llateri"lized can l!lake .:ustol1laril y jOYOll~ Chn~[mas Clrtl[, ~~'Llnd like tingernail~ nil a "halk- hOdI'd. [t can be ba,d to appe.l!" fe<;tlve wil,:n inside we fee! do\' .. 1. llm<,), Lw tcnmllng to hold our tCdrs. tailures, and bad thoughl". to our,elH'c' III Jved, wt:: m<lY Ill'! want t() broadcnst 1m prohlem~ to the world, bowe\ CT, Illding ~md sLlppte~sing our fedipgs i', not \\ ha~ [he dllctnr relornmel1d~. LetlL1lg things build up ,Ind TeSh;r i~ 'lot a gO(ld idea \\ hethel' it be ,I bud on CLlr Sklll or a ~lLong emotiol1. Let\ do a ltttk mcnta! c\er..:ise today. HO'N do we put a once tag 011 a :ree that's ,;rowi ng 111oul J ard') A. boulevard tree in thc ,~ommtlnity? \;o.,'hat abouf a win,lbreak? HO\\ do we dt'lel mille the "l'aluc of ClLlythint(1 I'm Sille that n,y eeonomi~t fnends could give me technical ,1!1- ~vvers about tlJ~ complicated tech· nique~ invoh'ed in valull1g a product or a ~crvlce, or even how mtrlnsic value might be determmed, But let's keep it ~impk. What i~ a tree worth'! in traditional forestry, trees often are \ ie\'.'cd in terms of the amount of lumber that can be harvested trom the stem~. How man)' 2-by-4s can we ~<l\" from a pondero~a pine that's 80 teet tall and 28 inches lil diameter! The techniques for these t) pes 01' cal~ elilations are \vclJ-de\ cl()ped and ~ur- prisingly ~traightrorward But not a \vhoJe lot of timber ',s bl'iug harvested on 1hc pEtE ie, So what do wc do Ill)"? I el ~ 1 ~)ok al ~CI\ ICC,. \\-:hett d,)~., I II c'C provide us'! On a higger scale, \~hat ,cr'/ices do forests pro\' ide? We can rn~lkl'a list: Sh:ldt::. \','ind protection, PO!1l l til)[l abatement, water control, SurpLb- lllgly, putting: a value un tbo',e ~Lr'. Lce, I~ pretty easy. Puttmg. a \'a!C!2 ('I) other services SLlch a~ oX:v &::n pro- duction, w;ldHfe hablwt or impiovc'- )]lenl of mental health i~ha,der. Ar: indivldualtrec, 111 the ri2lJt lo- cation. can lower slimmer <tIl' cOIldi tinning ~osts by up 10 3 (Y,( (U S. Fore',[ Sen ice), Th'lr'~ the equjyakt~t or 10 room-"i7.c air cOLldili(1IlcP; rll:1- ning 20 hours a day: Windbreaks C:1J1 lower \\ inkr hcalin1-! costs UH rile Lml1:;tead hy a~ muc:' as 4(1C,c (U S. Ii \','1( ,j:. Ic·.,:lil,'- ;,;"',. [,dk to "onlC!dl1\.:"' C M i~t \' f.!1111 h n·':f'lh,--'l OJ ,1 fri,'ild ;J Y,'l1 cit) 11'11 h~l" a fe ,til'lI- lar pl~:~:~~l;~~"':ilU!, 1.';"1, ~~~ a ,'()lln- s...:lol, ~nur «'I ';(q".) ,)~l> 1~ ;o.,:(,i~~ l\j" ·.::-!U l-l'l(ln-:~'i·."'!, ,LL. it ~.. n ,'.\) l'dp to pelt y,,\,,' ~:'{ 1j,:1H~ iln "',',c I '111C ]winl i'cte i, I,' i,'l It nfl' 1-I':W'ly lL t{dh ~ \'i '\'it~,.: :~dljt 11 ~I~! i d~,",~:in1 It. 1)(1 hL\ ~ct ~:;:'.1 ... ~hnuvhts O\Cr\\ h"-'ln, von ~;lld '....~~~rll: '.uu. r Mediration pLdjt.:T, or yoga lll.l) be helpful. If) Oil are not sure how h) !l!l'cUtaie, consider watching a how- 10 \ ide. l on You'Iube. Reach out to a church leader for guidance ou prayer [r you' "'C never done yog:,l, contact a local Y01,.:a ,tullio 01 sign ll!' tor a class online. People do carl' about) OlL I know rhct c "IT iml1l) c.u I ng people 111 our ((llnlllll!lille~. VV~, :;L'e them un· ~c:lfishly "l'r'lC otllers time and time again. But they ll1"y l1.:ed someone to talk to "s \\ ell. If we all strive to open up to the people ,~rOllmi \L~. we 1I:::y i1Lld tklt we <.1lt' all feeling a mix ()j emolion'> cimini! the holidays Y",s, the days art: short. and the da,knt'ss i, Il)n:", hut 11 \\ ill nol l,h1. L)cC.:': m:lIked 1:1e IlIsl del) oj "in- ler and the ,j-:, Jrtl st day of the yeal, ,[fter whid1 til'': d t)" get longer, and light ('xfc mls the d,lY Years :11,':0, a' 'itar :~illlkd\\ ise mea to viaI'd a ne," hCipe, ·,V·: 1\10 call look I'm tbe light ill and around U~, hi ingillg hope to our days ahead. Get the vw)rd out abo~.~t your busil~ess! Can U$ today '101.,8"12..3755 f A". 1'~~~:l1i~~~'"~ \f,J'~ ~-~;~~(f",U ..h l)ep~H!rd~'J (Ii E~ lCr~~} LA 1)\.1 1710~C s~vn~g~ :l,,-l~l.U!1u~at~ y~~ r dfh.. "vcar and even I!lCl\~<lSe.b the tr. :s gct big:'."'" One study by ,h.: r.".s F"ll'~1 Scrv]c~' sh(1\\,,-~d lhi11Bi·~n;u..[.... '.,P1U- lllcij!cli (ret· ..... ,liu:-:- Il';',u),','d [w th·: city - pro,,·iJc ne~Hj) " l>'l!f'lllilllOfi dollars each ye,:!' i:l ~tu:n" lin lC duction. ,\11(\ l:l:~t\ jU' l til,' puh!rc (lTC', It dC-l'o.",·[ Il'cl'.;(k [h,_' ','1 ,Ices proVided h) (r'.~', (11\ r'I'I\ ,]I,' rrop- c'l\ h~l c". C, \ i.Ll!:.!1' tf- .It 1,,\ t~tnilrek ~pl'nd ..... on ~l..., III ..... ~! =_ ,lL_ T,-\ I: )granL the city ((,elP' )I:(1r,' 1n,l1, ~):::; i'ellt.'- fits. \Vindhre.l],;s, ; 11 tk r:~,l]t JOC,!- tions. can ~erv\~ (t~ ! i\ ~n~' ~IIO\\ fences. Th::;~(' pL1nri,':'s ')m:,'l'l inlcr~ stales anJ '~!:.!k:· hig1!\~.:~:,-: 111 likHly Mea' of Nprlh 1:'<1 1< ()1<), Ll\ j;I." snuw fences re(i!Jcc (~ntnn~(:l n.. ~~~~l\va)s increa:"inQ '~~1 f'.'l\ ;;u~d t..·dr.-:'~, ~1{1 tht.:: need to plow put tbust; ·rr.::,,', 1 \J'llmv- ing big ~nc~\\stl"'!m r ,; .. P:)\\ q:uch is that \vortl~': r,,~~ h..:~nd ~hat 'lie {'")c- pal tmtllt uf T:'an'i"')! lat!Ui1 " ',1pll~h ~nov, fnr du11di'~ [1'.:f 1('1'. '.lr ': ,.·r C<lll ..,turc it lor pj~;lnicr.!' r"I,'r luq tl.\ U~!I1~~ Jiving C,HO\\" !ellC,oS. 1 he list ~:(\L'" nn: J'vt'\t(\c~: IlJdtec- rioll in \\ ir~tt~r, tt~L.Hl~:UD Ldlbul1 d~o\- r m";fii Ai~"it='yolJ:N~~~~~PP\THtl~;n ~~~ our foster parents for their continued dedica-" tion and resiliency through this difficult year. Although we have great foster families in the area currently serving foster children, new fo~)- ter children are being added to our waitiist each day. On any given day, Nexus-PATH has 70 kids waiting for a loving foster home. If you I w~u]{~~ke +10 I:ar:: r~ow~,~,u~.ca~ ~-l.elp, please I rp,Cli"'ll ' I' It 'c· ,1.·dT1H\ ). nrit.-, ~',', , r ... ~ -/ \',.f. "" '-<I.... ~ '" '>< " ....... ' I " -...~ ~~ ,I, _~ ,; ~j > < .. I I (701) esc On a bigger scale~ what services do forests provide? We can make a list: I shadE;},wind protec~ I tion) pollution t abatement, water control. Surpris~ ingly, putting a value on those serv~ ices is pretty easy.. Putting a value on other services such as oxygen produc~ tQon,wildlife habitat I or improvement of t mental health is lharde~ _ Ide \' 1:1 pholusyntheslS, lowering dust III the die oxygen production. We're work;ng (HI a ~ll1dy at NDS 1I 10 de- tcll11inL' the early season effects of shL'ltcL"bcits (111 honcybecs.]'m look- :ng forww'd to fllllilng tlte results. \Vh<tt's a tree worth') A lot, de- pendmg on where it's located and ,,>,'hat plOdl!ct~ or ~CI\' ices It provides us. \\/11;11 's <) for~st worth') More than iust the (rce~, r A8REVIATED NOTICE I OF INTENT TO AMEND I ADMIN!STRATIVE RULES I RELATiNG TO I Rt.OWLOG!CAL HEALTH I' l\orth Dakola HcpartnlC'ld of En\'ironm(~ntal Quality (""Dcparhncnt") erat' Oll/J/ a ~veel:(Gi all 8 more etai V! I I ,~~~=~~ __ ,,~a~_~ V I l.~ l.QUS81UL, NOlm DakctJ1! ,. ! Nortl1 Dakota Department of Environmel1tal Quality 918 E Divide Ave 4th Floor Conference Room Bismarck, ND 58501 Tues., January 19,2021 I 8.30 a,m. CST /\ C~OP\· of :I ' e pror:osed rule dffleqdll,ents Inil.Y be obtaH~ec by ,wnll'ln lhe Nor:h D·1Kotd Department of Env (Qnll ,ental Clu2.1r'j-'.f~alk);IOIl Cllntrul Pro~rarn at 918 E DIVide Ave ill,e. BtSrnarc.K, ND 58~U1 ema:i'rlg rarP(·12 rid gov or (;3il'[,9 i?Ol )J28,,)1c'3 VVrmen or ordl (.o'nnlenls Oil the pr"posed lule a'nt'lH;rrenls me'\, be subr1l11tf:'d 10 the 3~-)(l\fe rr1r:ullnq addle::.$. 6rn8 I addre~s or tplephone nUl1lbe r un:ll <.,,1'H1uc~ry 31 2rJ21 I r y Ul, plall Ie dllellci tile I;ul>il~ ht';l[ r,,) cmJ '.' II Ileed sr"~cl,ll fClctll~le" or .J~S'SI'lflce l-elc11lnCl to 8 CilSoblllt,' p!e,J5V conlc1..:t \+F~[)~lfklrlrr~ellt at PIt' .aUC\'Je rj{Ic.'! esr:... I..,~ tefeprlone !1Ldnb(~1 at I ~e8bt tvV(] d-:l'ySrHI-.J'k~ ~hepublK h8;)Ung OUr: 1'0 CUV!D-Hl nd ,lie IHillled lumber or people thaI can be '.lGCO'f '1IOJ3IE<1 t~cle to l"lYI'tedcapclcily '/I,e t"'Jll-OlHcFj{:'''l:'II~k n ~.r or;:ll C·.)ILITIt: 1 [,b be ~Alb(niHf'(j as St~~ fonh a~Jr.-} Ie TJ le~G' 'i.'J'! ne fedl lime pl,!J!'C "l<E·amlnq ur ;he pur;!lc Lec\ili ''1 lh'ouqh d L1lc:osoft TeaPls mee\I'I~J N·;) teslmlOny woll be accepted tilfOUqh the tvllcw:wft Teams meel,ng !nfo c mallol1 com:er1'1lng :lstenll1Q <l~ce:,s by tele'p'wneor througll ~d+(.ro50ft re.:.H~b ('dn l')e obla rH.:d by r ,II'~ In [;.:J I> IU ~tr~<Chl{~jUI ~',!\.:;~d:-j~r J RadIation Contr'.)l Proqra,n

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Post on 16-Feb-2021




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  • DecemhiE'!I' 24, 2020

    , " "I}'"~ " , ' ,~~I~1,\ • 'l. "t

    ---------_._----_._-- --'" ~." ' ..~.-- .. _ ...


    vv robotic r)etsIp isol ted

    I low Robntic 1\::[:, Can Help (soluted "cllior, . \VOId Loneliness

    Dear San) Senior,l reccntly read an article about ro-

    hotic [lets helng a great suhstitute forpct-Io\ Ill.". ",'!lHlI" "iw C,IIl't have ortdkL' C;lI c 01 a pel el!l) longer \Vhatdo } IlU llllnk or 1111,) My motile!,\',hll ha', S\))lIC dcmelltJ(l, is ILving IIIall a~stst.:d Ii\ m; Iacdity (hat docs-n't ,llhl\~ pets. ,\nd becallse orCOVID. vve haven't been allowed ill'~idl' tli,c Ix dily to VIsit h.:r ,ince1\J,\1ch. "\ c heen thinking about get-tme' hei ;; I (,bol pet to help cheer herup hut would Iike to know if they are\vdrrl, hLl~Ing. and if ,0. wheTe can I~:I'to 11'1dOJl(~.

    I 'J~k to lower ~,,-cial lsobtlOrl was hifhl) s\lccessluLwLth 70 percellt of pilot IBlllClp;nLc,reportmg a decrease in iSDlatiol1 iltr:lonc year. Subsequent prugr,lm, Lill, \.in ,\ging ddlng rnrL'e~, for," .l,,(pIC. 0, il Il)if,ht sue for pedce.'l J"-' pOln, is [lWl Congress would'.'t t ..JI1IL!;e lIll. policy 10 be impk-

    :11,' f: ~1i11ers' c,JIlstliutional de-,i;~ll t') }'U\ 2m the v"ar powerI,ll','" I} fl,'i,ll'lltLi 19:"0 \vhen Pr 1 ~ ;o.,:(,i~~ l\j" ·.::-!Ul-l'l(ln-:~'i·."'!, ,LL. it ~..n ,'.\) l'dp topelt y,,\,,' ~:'{ 1j,:1H~ iln "',',c I '111C]winl i'cte i, I,' i,'l It nfl' 1-I':W'ly lLt{dh ~ \'i '\'it~,.: :~dljt 11 ~I~!i d~,",~:in1 It.1)(1 hL\ ~ct ~:;:'.1 ...~hnuvhts O\Cr\\ h"-'ln,von ~;lld '....~~~rll: '.uu.

    rMediration pLdjt.:T, or yoga lll.l)

    be helpful. If) Oil are not sure how h)!l!l'cUtaie, consider watching a how-10 \ ide. l on You'Iube. Reach out to achurch leader for guidance ouprayer [r you' "'C never done yog:,l,contact a local Y01,.:a ,tullio 01 sign ll!'tor a class online.

    People do carl' about) OlL I knowrhct c "IT iml1l) c.u Ing people 111our((llnlllll!lille~. VV~, :;L'e them un·~c:lfishly "l'r'lC otllers time and timeagain.

    But they ll1"y l1.:ed someone totalk to "s \\ ell. If we all strive to openup to the people ,~rOllmi \L~. we 1I:::yi1Lld tklt we cimini! the holidays

    Y",s, the days art: short. and theda,knt'ss i, Il)n:", hut 11 \\ ill nol l,h1.L)cC.:': m:lIked 1:1e IlIsl del) oj "in-ler and the ,j-:, Jrtl st day of the yeal,,[fter whid1 til'': d t)" get longer, andlight ('xfc mls the d,lY Years :11,':0, a''itar :~illlkd\\ ise mea to viaI'd a ne,"hCipe, ·,V·:1\10 call look I'm tbe light illand around U~, hi ingillg hope to ourdays ahead.

    Get the vw)rd outabo~.~tyourbusil~ess!

    Can U$ today'101.,8"12..3755fA". 1'~~~:l1i~~~'"~\f,J'~ ~-~;~~(f",U..h

    l)ep~H!rd~'J (Ii E~lCr~~} L A 1)\.1 1710~Cs~vn~g~ :l,,-l~l.U!1u~at~ y~~r dfh.. "vcarand even I!lCl\~'l!f'lllilllOfidollars each ye,:!' i:l ~tu:n" lin lCduction. ,\11(\ l:l:~t\jU' l til,' puh!rc(lTC', It dC-l'o.",·[ Il'cl'.;(k [h,_' ','1 ,IcesproVided h) (r'.~', (11\ r'I'I\ ,]I,' rrop-c'l\ h~lc". C, \ i.Ll!:.!1' tf- .It 1,,\t~tnilrek~pl'nd .....on ~l...,III .....~! =_ ,lL_ T,-\ I: )granLthe city ((,elP' )I:(1r,' 1n,l1, ~):::; i'ellt.'-fits.

    \Vindhre.l],;s, ;11 tk r:~,l]t JOC,!-tions. can ~erv\~ (t~ ! i\ ~n~' ~IIO\\fences. Th::;~(' pL1nri,':'s ')m:,'l'l inlcr~stales anJ '~!:.!k:·hig1!\~.:~:,-: 111 likHlyMea' of Nprlh 1:' < .. II(701) esc

    On a bigger scale~what services doforests provide? Wecan make a list:

    I shadE;},wind protec~I tion) pollutiont abatement, watercontrol. Surpris~ingly, putting avalue on those serv~ices is pretty easy ..Putting a value onother services suchas oxygen produc~tQon, wildlife habitat

    I or improvement oft mental health islharde~ _Ide \' 1:1 pholusyntheslS, lowering dustIII the die oxygen production. We'rework;ng (HI a ~ll1dy at NDS 1I 10 de-tcll11inL' the early season effects ofshL'ltcL"bcits (111 honcybecs.]'m look-:ng forww'd to fllllilng tlte results.
