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  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    VagotomyThomas Kristianto

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas



    Vagotomy is the surgical cuttingfrom the vagus nerve to lessen acid

    secretion within the stomach.

    Vagotomy is an essential component of

    surgical management of peptic (duodenal

    and gastric) ulcer disease (PUD)

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    The basic types of vagotomy are as follows:

    Truncal vagotomy(TV)

    Selective vagotomy(SV)

    Highly selective vagotomy(HSV)

    All types of vagotomy can be performed at

    open surgery (laparotomy) or using minimally

    invasive surgery (laparoscopy). A vagotomy isconducted under general anesthesia.

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Zeman, M. et al., Speciln chirurgie, ISBN 80-7262-260-9, 2004


  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Truncal vagotomy (TV):

    This procedure includes

    division of the main trunk

    of the vagus (including itsceliac/hepatic branch) and

    denervation of the

    pylorus;therefore, a

    pyloric drainageprocedure, such as pyloric

    dilatation or disruption

    (pyloromyotomy or

    pyloroplasty) or

    gastrojejunostomy (GJ), is

    needed. This procedure

    also denervates the liver,

    biliary tree, pancreas, and

    small and large bowel.

    Selective vagotomy (SV):

    This procedure includes

    division of the anterior and

    posterior gastric nerves ofLatarjet only (after

    celiac/hepatic branches have

    been given off). It also

    denervates the pylorus and,therefore, a pyloric drainage

    procedure is needed. It does

    not denervate the liver,

    biliary tree, pancreas, or

    small and large bowel. This

    procedure is rarely


  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Highly selective vagotomy (HSV):

    This procedure includes denervation of only the

    fundus and body (parietal cell containing areas) of

    the stomach (also called parietal cell vagotomy[PCV]). It preserves the nerve supply of the

    antrum and pylorus; a pyloric drainage procedure

    is not needed. It does not denervate the liver,

    biliary tree, pancreas, or small and large bowel.

    This procedure is also called proximal gastric

    vagotomy (PGV).

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas



    Vagotomy is indicated as management of peptic ulcerdisease (PUD) in the following cases:

    Elective - Failure of medical treatment (with the availability of

    effective acid suppression with H2-receptor antagonists andproton pump inhibitors, however, this indication has virtually

    become nonexistent

    Semi-elective- Pyloric stenosis (obstruction) due to PUD

    Emergency - Upper GI bleeding due to PUD or stress gastriculcers (erosive gastric mucosal disease) or perforated PUD that is

    causing peritonitis

    Incidental vagotomy - An inadvertent vagotomy performed

    during esophagectomy

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Anatomy Arterial blood supply

    Lymphatic drainage Nerve supply

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Anatomy and physiology

    The duodenum connects the stomach to the

    jejunum, which is the second part of the

    small bowel

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    It is 20 cm (8 inches) in length and divided into four parts

    The duodenum is retroperitoneal (has peritoneum, the thin layerof tissue that lines the abdominal cavity) only on the anterior

    (front) side; fixed in location; wraps around the head, neck and

    body of the pancreas; and the superior mesenteric artery and vein

    (major blood vessels for the bowel) pass anterior to the 3rd


    The ampulla of Vater (entrance site into duodenum of joined

    common bile duct and pancreatic duct) enters the medial

    (towards the midline) side of the 2nd portion of the duodenum

    The accessory pancreatic duct enters slightly higher in the medial

    wall of the duodenum

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    The ligament of Treitz (a supporting band

    of peritoneum and muscle fibers) marks the

    point between the duodenum and jejunumThe wall of the small bowel (Figure 2) is

    made up of four layers:

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    The mucosa is the inner most layer and composed of

    small fingerlike projections (villi) covered with a single

    layer of cells (epithelium). Beneath the epithelium is athin layer of connective tissue (lamina propria) and

    muscle (muscularis mucosa)

    The submucosa is a thin strong layer containing

    connective tissue, vessels, nerves and lymphatics

    The muscularis propria is composed of smooth muscle

    that has a thicker circular inner layer and thin outer

    layer that runs lengthwise

    The serosa is the single cell thick outer layer similar to

    the peritoneum (visceral peritoneum)

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    The duodenum produces many hormones that help

    regulate digestion. Liver bile and pancreaticsecretions are added to the bowel through the

    ampulla of Vater. The actual passage and presence

    of food in the duodenum starts the flow of

    hormones, bile and pancreatic secretions. By thetime food leaves the duodenum most of the

    ingredients necessary for digestion have been

    added. Little digestion and absorption (passage of

    nutrients from the bowel into the blood) take place

    in the duodenum.

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas



    A blood transfusion may be needed for patients with ableeding peptic ulcer.

    Resuscitation, fluid and electrolyte imbalance correction,

    and antibiotics should be administered, as needed, in

    patients with perforated peptic ulcer. Patients with pyloric stenosis due to peptic ulcer have

    dehydration, alkalosis, and hypokalemia, which need

    correction with normal saline and potassium chloride.

    Gastric aspiration and lavage is required to decompress the

    dilated stomach.

    A nasogastric tube allows easier intraoperative

    identification (palpation) of the esophagus.

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    The patient is placed in the supine position;

    a slight reverse Trendelenburg (head up)

    may be used in order to displace theintestines caudad.

    The patient is placed in a right lateral (left

    up) for the thoracic approach.

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Highly selective vagotomy

    Highly selective parietal cell vagotomy (division of the

    fibers of the vagus nerve that go to the body of the

    stomach) This interrupts acid secretion of the stomach.

    The anterior and posterior

    vagus nerves are seen lying

    on the stomach

    The branches of the vagus

    nerves going to the

    stomach are cut to givethe selective vagotomy

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    The main vagal trunks are dissected and looped as

    described above.

    The hepatic branch of the anterior vagus and celiac branch

    of the posterior vagus are identified and carefully

    preserved; the anterior and posterior gastric nerves ofLatarjet (which lie about 1-2 cm from the lesser curve) are

    also identified and carefully preserved.

    The greater curvature of the stomach is retracted

    downward and to the left. The anterior layer of the lesser (gastrohepatic) omentum is

    incised close to the lesser curve, taking care not to injure

    the vascular arcade formed by the left and right gastric

    vessels and the anterior gastric nerve of Latarjet.

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    Branches of nerves and vessels (which travel together) going toward

    the stomach wall are ligated and divided in bits and pieces proximal

    to the cardia to the incisura angularis (which lies on the lesser curve

    about 6-7 cm proximal to the pylorus), taking care to identify andpreserve at least 3 terminal branches (crow foot) of the anterior

    gastric nerve of Latarjet, which supply the antrum and the pylorus.

    This dissection is kept as close to the stomach as possible.

    The greater (gastrocolic) omentum is divided 1-2 cm from the

    greater curve, taking care not to injure the vascular arcade formedby the left and right gastroepiploic vessels, and the lesser sac

    (behind the stomach and in front of the pancreas) is entered.

    The stomach is turned upward and to the right, and its posterior

    surface is exposed.

    The posterior layer of the lesser (gastrohepatic) omentum is incised

    close to the lesser curve, taking care not to injure the vascular arcade

    formed by the left and right gastric vessels and the posterior gastric

    nerve of Latarjet.

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Branches of nerves and vessels (which travel together) going

    toward the stomach wall are ligated and divided in bits and

    pieces from the cardia to the incisura angularis (which lies on

    the lesser curve about 6-7 cm proximal to the pylorus), takingcare to identify and preserve at least 3 terminal branches (crow

    foot) of posterior gastric nerve of Latarjet, which supply the

    antrum and the pylorus. This dissection is kept as close to the

    stomach as possible. The lower 6-7 cm of esophagus is cleared of all nerve

    branches. A posterior gastric branch of the right vagus, called

    the criminal nerve of Grassi (which traverses to the left and

    supplies the cardia and the fundus of the stomach) is looked for

    and divided. The main vagal trunks that had been looped

    earlier are carefully preserved.

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    In HSV, the main (right and left) vagal trunks, anterior and

    posterior gastric nerves of Latarjet (which lie at a distance

    of about 1-2 cm from the lesser curve), and at least 3

    terminal branches (crow foot) of the anterior and posteriorgastric nerves of Latarjet, which supply the antrum and the

    pylorus, are preserved. Only nerve branches to the

    esophagus, cardia, fundus, and body are divided.

    The bared lesser curve may be reperitonealized by closingthe anterior and posterior layers of the lesser omentum.

    Alternatively, it can be covered with omentum. Some

    surgeons, however, leave it bare as it is.

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Vagotomy and Antrectomy

    The lines of incision to

    remove the lower portion

    of the stomach (antrum),

    pylorus, and a small

    amount of duodenum. The

    vagus nerves are also cut(truncal vagotomy)

    The bowel is reconstructed by

    closing the end of the duodenum

    and bringing up a loop of

    jejunum to anastomose to the

    stomach. This is called a Billroth

    II reconstruction.

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Vagotomy and Antrectomy

    Keuntungan dari vagotomy dan antrektomi

    adalah risiko rendah terjadinya kekambuhan

    ulkus dan penerapan operasi pada pasiendengan ulkus peptikum dengan komplikasi

    (perdarahan duodenum dan ulkus gaster,

    obstruksi ulkus peptikum, ulkus gaster yangtidak sembuh, dan ulkus rekuren)

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Vagotomy and Antrectomy

    Kerugian dari operasi ini adalah memiliki

    mortalitas yang tinggi dibanding dengan

    Highly Selective Vagotomy atauVagotomy+Drainase.

    Setelah antrktmy, gastrointestinal

    disambung kembali, baik melalui billroth Igastroduodenostomi atau bilroth II loop


  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas


    Post Vagotomy syndrome

    Highly selective vagotomy aims to maintain the nerves of

    Latarjet(branches of the vagus nerve which supply the pyloric

    sphincter) and obviate the need for an accompanying drainage

    procedure (usually pyloroplasty).

    Complications afterwards include:

    Steatorrhoea and diarrhoea, which are common after vagotomy

    (although this is less of a problem after highly selective vagotomy).

    Often such symptoms are transient or episodic. However, in about2% of cases symptoms are severe or persistent.

    Stomal ulceration, which can occur particularly if the vagotomy is


  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas




    Penetrasi tukak yang mengenai pankrreas

    Obstruksi outlet


    Keganasan dalam duodenum

  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas



    Prognosis tergantung dari perjalanan

    penyakit dan komplikasi yang terjadi.

    Kebanyakan pasien berhasil diobati denganeradikasi infeksi H.pylori, menghindari

    NSAID, dan penggunaan yang tepat


  • 8/12/2019 Vago Thomas
