unit 11 money “where does it all go?”. lead-in activity lead-in activity warm-up warm-up ...

Unit 11 Money “Where does it all go?”

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Unit 11


“Where does it all go?”

Lead-in Activity Warm-up Listening Task Real World Listening Interaction Link Useful Expressions Additional Listening Homework Conversation

Lead-in ActivityThink of something expensive you want to spend money on in the

future. How much does it cost?

car, house, round-the –

world journey, clothes,

shoes, purse, jewelry,

accessory, makeup, yacht,

raising pets, education…

Part I


Language Points

bargain n. 廉价买到的东西 This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price. deal n. 生意,交易 a good deal 买的划算的东西 way adv. 非常,远远地 way above / ahead / back / behind / too expensive check it out 检查一下,来看看 Let’s go and check it out. set aside 分开或留出以备专用 She sets aside a few dollars each week to go on a


bargain money expensive borrow earn cheap save debt sale afford set aside lend

Warm Up

What do different people say about money? Write the missing words.

1. I run out of ______ almost every month. I don’t know how it happens.

2. I want to buy a new car, but I can’t _____ it. I just don’t make enough money.

3. I need $70 for a new pair of jeans. I wonder if my mom will _____ it to me.

4. These shoes are only $25.That is such a ________.

5. You paid $500 for a jacket? Are you crazy? That’s way too _________!

6. I need to ______ some money. I’m spending too much.

7. my brother wants to _________ $10 from me. He never has any money.

8. This dress is so _________. It’s only $30. I have to buy it!

9. I got an incredible deal on this cool phone. It was on _____. Check it out.

10. I’m always in ______. I need to stop using my credit cards all the time.

11. I ______ a lot at my job. The tips are great!

12. I want to ___________ some money each month so I can take a trip next summer.

Now listen and check








set asideearn





Ask your partner about your weekly / monthly budget. How much do you spend in a day / month? Where does it go? Do you ever run out of money?

Part II

Listening Task

Language Points

metallic adj. 金属的 metallic blond hair 闪闪发亮的金黄色头发 no way 不可能,决不 pizza delivery 送比萨外卖 reception n. 接待,招待 a wedding reception 婚宴 and all 等等 super adv. 尤其,非常 super careful

Culture Note: Corvette 雪佛兰科尔维特 ( Chevrolet Corvette)

Look at the pictures. What money problems are they talking about?

What do the people want to spend money on?

First Listening

a trip a car a race√ a new house a trip a date

clothes for a trip

clothes for a job

clothes for a party

a wedding a honeymoon

a runaway marriage√

$ 20,000$ 12,000

$ 21,000




$ 400$ 500$ 450

$ 2,000$ 3,000$ 2,500

How much do they need?

Second Listening

4. $ 13,000$ 30,000

$ 31,000


Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Third Listening

1. Andy can’t afford the car for he’s a pizza delivery guy.

2. The woman plans not to drink coffee any more to save money.

3. They can find some good clothes on sale out of the mall.

4. He plans to have a big wedding and a reception at a nice hotel.

5. He will borrow some money from his parents.

( T )

( F)

( T)

( T)

( F)


1. A: I saw a really cool used car today. B: Yeah? A: It’s a 1973 C3 Corvette, metallic yellow. It’s beautiful. B: Let me guess. You want to buy it. A: Um, yeah. A: No way! How can you afford it? How much is it? B: Well, it’s kind of a lot. It’s, um, $12,000. A: Come on, Andy, you’re a pizza delivery guy ! You can’t afford that.

2. A: Ok. I have a plan. Let’s go to Europe this summer. B: Sounds great, but how? We don’t have any money. A: I figure we need about $3,000. We just have to save. B: OK. How do we do that? A: No more coffee shops. We drink coffee at home. No restaurant. We’ll eat at home. B: Wait. Can we spend money on anything? A: Yeah, plane tickets to Europe.


3. A: I need to get some clothes for my new job. B: Well, why don’t you buy some, then? A: I went to the mall. Everything is so expensive. It’s going to cost me like $500. B: No. Relax. Look for things on sale. You can find some good deals out there. A: Yeah, I guess. B: I’m telling you. I always find things on sale. A: OK, will you go with me? B: Sure.


4. A: Hey, so I heard you were getting married.

Congratulations. B: Oh, yeah, thanks. A: You don’t sound very happy about it. B: Well, we want to have a big wedding and a reception at a nice hotel and all, but it’s super expensive. It’s going to be at least $30,000. A: Wow! Why don’t you borrow the money from your parents? B: I don’t want to ask them.


Pair Work

Talk to your partner. Do you often go shopping? Where do you shop? What can you do to save money?

Part III

Real World Listening

Language Points

bagel n. 百吉饼 ( 先蒸后烤的发面圈 ) fare n. 交通费用 a single / return fare 单程 [ 往返 ] 票价 downtown n. 城镇中心区,商业区 live in downtown New York 住在纽约闹市区 keep track of 记录,追踪 keep track of the current events IM instant messaging 实时通讯,网聊

Culture Note: Broadway

Broadway: the principal theater and amusement district of New York City, on the West Side of midtown Manhattan centered on Broadway.百老汇,原意为“宽阔的街”,指纽约以巴特里公园为起点,由南向北纵贯曼哈顿岛,全长 25 公里的一条长街。百老汇大街两旁分布着几十家剧院,是美国商业性戏剧娱乐中心。百老汇大道是美国现代歌舞艺术、美国娱乐业的代名词。

Now listen to what Sarah does one day.


Sarah is trying to save money. She decides to keep track of what she spends every day. These are some of Sarah’s activities.Which activities cost money? (Write $.) Which activities are free? (Write Ø.)

___ go out to lunch ___ send photos on her phone ___ walk from the train station

___ IM her friends ___ buy a newspaper ___ get coffee

___ watch TV ___ do yoga ___ cook dinner

What does Sarah buy? How much does she spend? Check your answers.

Get The Main Ideas

Time Sarah’s Activities Cost

7:00 AM Sarah is at her favorite coffee shop. She buys coffee and a muffin coffee and a bagel

$4.79 $4.75

7:30 AM Sarah is at the train station. She buys a round-trip ticket a one-way ticket.

$5.50 $5.15

12:30 PM Sarah goes to lunch. She orders soup and a salad pizza and a salad.


7:30 PM Sarah goes to the movie theater. She buys a ticket for the 8 o’clock show 8:15 show.

$10.00 $11.00

9:30 PM Sarah takes a taxi. She is going to 56th and

Broadway Broad Street.

$16.00 $20.00


√(fare only)

(fare + tip)

After Sarah got home, she added up the total. What did she spend?


Get The Main Ideas

Time Sarah’s Activities Cost

7:00 AM Sarah is at her favorite coffee shop. She buys coffee and a muffin coffee and a bagel

$4.79 $4.75

7:30 AM Sarah is at the train station. She buys a round-trip ticket a one-way ticket.

$5.50 $5.15

12:30 PM Sarah goes to lunch. She orders soup and a salad pizza and a salad.


7:30 PM Sarah goes to the movie theater. She buys a ticket for the 8 o’clock show 8:15 show.

$10.00 $11.00

9:30 PM Sarah takes a taxi. She is going to 56th and

Broadway Broad Street.

$16.00 $20.00


√(fare only)

(fare + tip)

$ 46.25 ($20.00 fare + tip) or $42.25 ($16.00 fare)

Script Sarah: Good morning. I’d like a large coffee and a bagel. Clerk: That’ll be $4.75. Sarah: Let’s see. The fare to downtown is $5.50. Can I have one ticket to downtown? Clerk: That’s $5.50. Sarah: Hmm. The lunch special today is pizza with a small salad and a drink for $6. I think I’ll get that. Alice: That’s a good deal. $6. I’ll get that, too. Sarah: I’d like a ticket for the 8 o’clock show. Clerk: That’s $10. Sarah: Let’s take a taxi home. It’s so late, and I’m so tired. Taxi! Sarah: Please take us to 56th and Broadway. Driver: Sure. Driver: Here you go. Sarah: How much is the fare? Driver: It’s $16. Sarah: Here’s a twenty. Thanks. Good night.  

Oral Practice: Role Play

One student acts as Sarah, the other as her friend Alice. They spend one day together. Make a role play of their activities according to the given information.

Respond to the Ideas Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not?

Have you ever had an interesting / unpleasant shopping experience?

Part IV

Interaction Link

1. What do you do when you have a lot of money? What do you do when you don't? Fill in the chart.

Most expensive cheapest





a cell phone

a gift for someone special

a night out

a haircut


Saving and Spending

Saving and Spending

2. Group work. Compare your charts in the group and share ideas on some saving tips.


A: For clothing, what is your most expensive


B: I would try Chanel.

A: Your cheapest?

B: If I am not well-off, I would choose supermarket or small shopping malls.

Part V

Useful Expressions

Useful Expressions

How much is it / does it cost?

How much do you spend on it?


I can’t afford it. 我买不起它。

That’s a great deal / bargain. 买的很划算。

It’s on sale. 在打折 / 在促销

Useful Expressions

The shirt is way too expensive! 这件衬衫太贵了!

It’s a good habit to set aside money on a regular basis.


I am good at bargaining.我擅长讨价还价。

We need to make a family budget. 我们需要做家庭预算。


I have trouble making my both ends meet.

Part VI

Additional Listening

Additional ListeningA: Hello, Xiao Wang. I hear you are doing some part-time

job. B: Yes. I’m working two nights at a city restaurant.A: Do they give you decent wages?B: Not too bad.A: Well, I’ve been accepted for a part-time job at the news

agent’s. B: Have you? That’s good. So you’ll be earning some

extra money, too.A: Yeah, that’s exactly what I want to ask you about.

B: Go ahead.A: May I ask a personal question? B: It depends. What do you want to know?A: What do you do with the money you earn? Do you

spend it immediately or do you save it?B: Well, I spend some of it on books and I also save some

for future use.A: In a bank?B: Yes.A: Which one? B: The one by the school.A: Is it any good?B: Not bad. Very friendly, but a bit slow at times.

Additional Listening

Part VII

Homework Conversation

Consulting the financial advisor Work in groups of three. In the role-play, one student is a financial advisor who

will try to help the other two students, who are a couple, with a money problem.

Expressions for reference

We are always in debt. We cannot make both ends meet . You need to make a family budget. It’s wise to deposit some money in the

bank. Don’t look for large, short-term profits.

They are too risky.