the decline of feudalism. the black death 1347 - 1351 spread from asia by rats and fleas 38...

The Decline of Feudalism

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The Decline of Feudalism

The Black Death 1347 - 1351

Spread from Asia by rats and fleas

38 Million Killed Destroyed many

Feudal farms -> Hired help

Believed to be caused by God for sins committed by people

Jews believed to cause plague

Attack on Church

Monarchs challenged authority of church

Babylonian Captivity

The Great Schism Demand for Bible

to be translated into English

Church Corrupt

Outbreak of the Hundred Years’ War

1337 English controlled much of the land in Northern France

Build up of French Nationalism

English win many early battles due to military advances

English plundered countryside

Joan of Arc 1412 - 1431

French Maiden will save France

Joan of Arc leads French Army as ordered by Dauphin Charles VII

Victory at Orléans Charles VII

crowned King

"King of England, and you, duke

of Bedford, who call yourself regent of the kingdom of

France...settle your debt to the king of Heaven; return to the

Maiden, who is envoy of the king of Heaven, the keys to all the

good towns you took and violated in France.“

Capture and Death of Joan of Arc

Captured at Compiègne by the English

Charles does nothing to help free Joan

Tried and found guilty of Heresy

Burned at the stake

Effects of the War

France gets all lands except Burgundy and Brittany

French Nationalism Absolute power of

king Limited power of

Feudal lords

Decline of Feudalism

Black Death killed off many of the feudal workers-> Hired help

Nationalism Build up of Monarchy Increase Trade->Coined

Money->Higher Taxes Increased National

Army Decreased influence of

the Church