the bid proccess


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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Jeffrey M. LoganTaylor Management CompanyAAMC & AMO

2. Ensuring a SuccessfulBid Process 3. The Process 4. Step 1Define the Product or Service Needed. 5. What Kind of Project? On-Going Service or One-Time Project? Capital or Operating Cost?Gutter Repairs Drainage Work Resurfacing Landscaping 6. The Process 7. Timing iseverything! SNOW SEASON IS APPROACHING July/August: Specs to Board for review August: RFPs to vendors September: Obtain bids and call in vendors if Board is looking to interview October: Decision made and contract signed 8. Creating the RFPBe Specific!A specific RFP:Generates fewer questions frombiddersEnsures bids are tailored to yourneedsSpecify documents to be included(licenses, proof of insurance, etc.) 9. Creating the RFPState a deadline!State DAY, DATE AND TIME ofdeadline that bids must be receivedby.Questions? Ask an engineer.. 10. Distributing the RFPDistribute to as many vendors as possible..You WANT a competitive process!Use Your Resources: Websites, Email,US Mail, etc. 11. The Process 12. Reviewing Bid Analysiswith the BoardBe fair and impartial emotions and friendshipsmust stay out of the processListen to each Board members concern/questionsGuide with facts, dont make assumptionsBoard members concerns/questions are thefoundation of the interview processTake your own notes 13. Power By Numbers?The lowest number doesntalways win the job. 14. The Process 15. Making a RecommendationThe Board makes the final decision based on your notes from: The Bid Analysis Review The Interviews The Reference ChecksThe job of Community Management is to:Educate the BoardGuide the BoardAssist the BoardPrepare the Board 16. Interviewing the Finalists How Many is Enough? Dont overwhelm - keep it simple Qualifications?Can speak confidently about history with type ofproject/workCan estimate timeline based on scope of workCan explain workplace safety program, OSHAcomplianceKnows names of employeesCan communicate with Board well = a good fit 17. The Process 18. Did you check references? Really? All of them?Even ones that werent given? 19. Good References Mean. Projects done to code Leaking Roof, fixed 3 times 20. The Process 21. Nice Work? 22. Management Involvement and Oversight Keep record of all change orders to match with invoices Review and match invoices with bid and/or change orders beforeapproved or submitted for payment Have regular status meetings with contractor during active work Inspect work frequently Managers Calendar Always keep the board informed Remember: You are not a project manager or an engineer. Bring inother experts as needed. 23. Nice Work!