
—— —— —— ——韶关市小学 韶关市小学 韶关市小学 韶关市小学英语 英语 英语 英语骨干 骨干 骨干 骨干教师 教师 教师 教师送教始兴县高峰 教始兴县高峰 教始兴县高峰 教始兴县高峰小学 小学 小学 小学 2011 5 19 日至 20 日,韶关市教育局教研室选派了市区小学语文数学和 英语的学科骨干教师到始兴县的小学开展优秀课例送教下乡活动小学语文送教到马 市镇中心小学数学送教到沈所镇中心小学其中小学英语选派了曲江区第一小学林 秀琼老师和曲江区城南小学李虹老师到始兴县高峰小学开展送教活动,曲江区教研室 吕志华老师也全程参加了这次送教活动来自高峰小学周边的小学英语教师代表也参 加了现场优秀课例的送教活动 首先,上午第一节英语课由高峰小学肖雪孟老师上六年级的英语下册 Recycle2 Let’s Read 部分内容接着曲江区城南小学李虹老师六年级的英语课 Recycle One, 曲江一小林秀琼老师四年级的英语课 Meet My Family,一个上午 3 节研讨展示课,给参 加现场听课的小学英语教师带来了视觉直观的生动演示 李虹老师的六年级英语展示课,话 题围绕问路 Ask the way,展开有关方位 East, West, South, North 以及 left and right, up and down 的英语空间认识和表 达训练 通过课堂现场 left and right, turn left and turn right , turn around TPR 动训练,过渡到读图教学,阅读英语社 区地图交流问路的英文表达从具体到 抽象训练了学生的语言思维 林秀琼老师的课例设计以认识 家庭成员(Meet My Family)为话 题主线,将词汇教学进行图文演绎. 通过生动地展现教师真实地家 庭信息(目标语言和情感态度有效 地进行了整合) Family Parents Father Mother Baby brother Uncle Aunt 曲江区第一小学 曲江区第一小学 曲江区第一小学 曲江区第一小学 林秀琼老师 林秀琼老师 林秀琼老师 林秀琼老师 在始兴县高峰小学 始兴县高峰小学 始兴县高峰小学 始兴县高峰小学英语展示课 英语展示课 英语展示课 英语展示课 曲江区城南小学李虹老师在始兴高峰小学展示课 曲江区城南小学李虹老师在始兴高峰小学展示课 曲江区城南小学李虹老师在始兴高峰小学展示课 曲江区城南小学李虹老师在始兴高峰小学展示课

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primary education reseach and adminstration


Page 1: TEFL_Open_Demon_Teaching


2011年 5月 19日至 20日,韶关市教育局教研室选派了市区小学语文、数学和






首先,上午第一节英语课由高峰小学肖雪孟老师上六年级的英语下册 Recycle2

Let’s Read 部分内容。接着曲江区城南小学李虹老师六年级的英语课 Recycle One,

曲江一小林秀琼老师四年级的英语课 Meet My Family,一个上午 3 节研讨展示课,给参



题围绕问路 Ask the way,展开有关方位

East, West, South, North 以及 left and

right, up and down的英语空间认识和表


通过课堂现场 left and right, turn

left and turn right , turn around等 TPR活





家庭成员(Meet My Family)为话





Family Parents Father

Mother Baby brother

Uncle Aunt

曲江区第一小学曲江区第一小学曲江区第一小学曲江区第一小学 林秀琼老师林秀琼老师林秀琼老师林秀琼老师



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2011 年 5 月 20 日始兴县高峰小学

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2011 年 5 月 20 日始兴县高峰小学

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2011 年 5 月 20 日始兴县高峰小学

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2011 年 5 月 20 日始兴县高峰小学

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业聚会计划,如何尽情的表达自己的文艺才能。鼓励学生用 What can you do at the party? 展

望学生根据自己的喜好和特长选择自己喜欢的表演活动,比如 乐器表演,唱歌、跳舞,玩游戏等



1)通过表格问卷;What can you do at the party?

2)整理信息;Name and Things can do

3) 话题结构;What can she or he do at the party? (交流呈现转换人称)

4)话题功能;farewell, perform (英语任务型教学,情感的调动,小学毕业聚会表演)


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2011 年 5 月 20 日始兴县高峰小学

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What should we do (or not do) to be successful in this scenario?

Having worked your way through the other steps it should now be

possible to establish an action plan in order to move forward. The

action plan will be defined based on the test results, the internal

ambitions of the organisation, as well as the strengths and

weaknesses that have been identified.

Typically, your scenario planning activity fits neatly in the overlap

between organisational strategy, environmental analysis (your

PESTLE) and more definite elements of forecasting (such as planned

student numbers or likely grant allocations), although there may be

less obvious connection with these if using the technique for a more

localised issue or project.

If you have undertaken Scenario Planning as a strategic tool, you can

therefore use your resultant action plan as a mechanism to influence

your operation towards achieving your strategy - this is an area that

JISC infoNet will be addressing over the coming months; more about

this in the 'Moving Forward' section.

The 7S approach suggests there are seven aspects of an organisation

that need to harmonise with each other, to point in the same direction

like the needles of seven compasses. If each aspect supports the

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others then the organisation can be said to be 'organised'. As each of

these aspects can be titled with a word beginning with S this list or

web has become known as the 7S Model (Waterman, R. H. Peters, T.

J. and Philips, J. R. (1980) Structure is not organisation. Business

Horizons. June. Foundation for the School of Business, Indiana


The constituent parts of the 7S Model are:

Strategy: plan or course of action leading to the allocation of an

organisation's finite resources to reach identified goals.

Structure: salient features of the organisational chart (e.g. degree of

hierarchy, extent of centralisation/decentralisation) and

interconnections within the organisation.

Systems: procedures and routine processes, including how

information moves around the organisation.

Staff: personnel categories within the organisation, e.g. academics,

administrators, technicians.

Style: characterisation of how key managers behave in order to

achieve the organisation's goals.

Shared values: the significant meanings or guiding concepts that an

organisation imbues in its members.

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Skills: distinctive capabilities of key personnel and the organisation

as a whole.

The 7S Model can be used in two main ways.

Firstly, the strengths and weaknesses of an organisation can be

identified by considering the links between each of the Ss. None of the

S components is a strength or a weakness in its own right; it is only its

degree of support, or otherwise, for the other Ss which is relevant.

Any Ss which harmonise with all the other Ss can be thought of as

strengths, any dissonances as weaknesses.

The image below can be used to undertake this cross-analysis. In

each box the action that needs to be taken to align the two elements

is recorded. Click on the image to view the 7S Model template.

Secondly, the model highlights how a change made in any one of the

Ss will have an impact on all of the others. Thus if a planned change is

to be effective, then changes in one S must be accompanied by

complementary changes in the others.




编辑:广东省韶关市教育局教研室 吴秉健 Edited by John Wu , May, 2011.