
Tasmanian Tiger

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Post on 26-Dec-2014




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Tasmanian Tiger

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The Tasmanian tiger or Thylacine was by far the largest carnivorous marsupial of recent times.

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His total body length was around 1 meter and his tail length was around 50-65 cm.

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In prehistoric times the Tasmanian tiger ranged from Tasmania, mainland Australia to New Guinea. However, in recent times the Tasmanian tiger was restricted to the Australian island of Tasmania

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The modern Tasmanian tiger first appeared about 4 million years ago. The Dickson's Thylacine is the oldest of the seven discovered fossil species, (23 million years ago).

The skulls of the Thylacine (left) and the Timber Wolf

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• The breeding season is thought to have taken place in the fall. Births occurred continuously throughout the year, but were concentrated in the summer months (December-March). It is believed that the young (usually 2-4) stayed in the pouch for 3 months and remained with the mother for another 6 months

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• The Tasmanian tiger was a nocturnal species, but was often observed basking in the sun. It hunted alone or in small groups. There is a controversy over the Tasmanian tiger's hunting technique. Some think that the Tasmanian tiger was an ambush hunter that relied on stealth while others think the Tasmanian tiger would tirelessly chase its prey until the target was exhausted, when it would rush in for the kill. The Tasmanian tiger had many different calls, including a rough bark while hunting, deep growl when irritated, and a whine.