t2 l & foundation skills certificate access and skils

Foundation Skills in the Workplace

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Foundation Skills Training Package

FSK10113 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways

FSK10213 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways

FSK20113 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

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FSK10113 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways

This qualification is designed for individuals who require significant foundation skills support to access a vocational learning pathway.

The qualification is suitable for individuals who require:

a prevocational pathway to employment and vocational training

reading, writing, numeracy, oral communication and learning skills at Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Level 1

entry level digital technology and employability skills.

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What is the qualification structure? Packaging Rules: Total number of units = 11 with 7 core units and 4 elective units


FSKDIG01 Use digital technology for basic workplace tasks

FSKLRG04 Use basic strategies for work-related learning

FSKNUM03 Use whole numbers and money up to one thousand for work

FSKNUM04 Locate, compare and use highly familiar measurements for work

FSKOCM02 Engage in basic spoken exchanges at work

FSKRDG04 Read and respond to basic workplace information

FSKWTG03 Write basic workplace information


Elective units may be:

units from the Foundation Skills Training Package

units from accredited courses

vocational units, and their prerequisite units where applicable, from other training packages

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Is aware of being a learner and takes first steps towards developing explicit learning strategies

Identifies personally relevant information and ideas from texts on highly familiar topics using a limited range of strategies to locate specific information and gain meaning from explicit and highly familiar texts

Conveys a simple idea, opinion, factual information or message in writing and displays limited vocabulary, grammatical accuracy and understanding of conventions of written text

Gives or elicits basic information in a short, simple spoken context and listens for basic information in short, simple oral texts

Locates and recognises key mathematical information in simple activities or texts using simple mathematical and personal problem solving strategies in highly familiar contexts, and everyday informal oral language or highly familiar written representation to communicate simple mathematical information


Expresses a desire to improve skills

Follows simple written or pictorial instructions

Writes routine, everyday workplace specific vocabulary and abbreviations

Expresses a personal opinion or preference in a discussion with co-workers

Gives oral directions, using common language of space, distance and direction, for getting from one familiar place to another

FSK10113 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways

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For participants assessed at Pre- Level 1 Electives: 4 at pre-level 1 (select from 5 available) FSKLRG01 Prepare to participate in a learning environment

FSKNUM01 Use beginning whole number skills and money up to one hundred for work

FSKOCM01 Participate in highly familiar spoken exchanges

FSKRDG01 Recognise highly familiar workplace signs and symbols

FSKWTG01 Write personal details on basic workplace forms

Program Electives delivered and assessed first and providing:

• Significant support

• Works alongside an expert/mentor

• Prompting, advice and modelling provided

• Highly familiar contexts only

• Concrete and immediate

• Extremely restricted range of contexts

• Short and simple

• Highly explicit purpose

• Limited, highly familiar vocabulary

• Single step, concrete tasks

• Processes include copying, naming, matching, ordering

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Foundation Skills at Pre-Level 1

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For participants assessed at Level 1 - FS

Focus on developing across the core skills

- reading - writing - oral communication (used constantly in the training environment)

- learning - numeracy

Electives: FSKLRG02 Identify strategies to respond to basic workplace problems

FSKRDG02 Read and respond to basic workplace signs and symbols

FSKWTG02 Write basic workplace formatted texts

FSKNUM07 Locate specific information in highly familiar tables, graphs and charts for work

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Core units - Learner and Assessor Guide

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Elective units – Learner and Assessor Guide

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Tailoring the Qualification to introduce industry sectors and a specific core skill

Focus on developing numeracy and problem solving skills for entry in a range of vocational areas so include Level 1 workplace focused training

E.g. Automotive Cleaning Hospital Care Child care

Electives: FSKLRG02 Identify strategies to respond to basic workplace problems

FSKNUM05 Identify and use some common 2D shapes for work

FSKNUM06 Use highly familiar maps and diagrams for work

FSKNUM07 Locate specific information in highly familiar tables, graphs and charts for work

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Foundation Skills at ACSF Level 1- Generic

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Foundation Skills at ACSF Level 1 – tailored to Cleaning & Automotive

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Foundation Skills at ACSF Level 1 – tailored to Childcare & Hospital Care

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Foundation Skills for Industry- Communication

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Foundation Skills for Industry- OHS

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Foundation Skills Resources for Business & Industry

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FSK10213 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways

This qualification is designed for individuals who need skills to prepare for a vocational pathway qualification or further foundation skills development. It is suitable for individuals who require:  a prevocational pathway to employment and vocational training reading, writing, numeracy, oral communication and learning

skills at Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Level 2 entry level digital technology and employability skillseducation, training and employment goals

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What is the qualification structure? Packaging Rules: Total number of units = 11 with 7 core units and 4 elective units


FSKDIG02 Use digital technology for simple workplace tasks

FSKLRG08 Use simple strategies for work-related learning

FSKNUM08 Identify and use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work

FSKNUM09 Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work

FSKOCM03 Participate in simple spoken interactions at work

FSKRDG07 Read and respond to simple workplace information

FSKWTG06 Write simple workplace information


Elective units may be:

up to 4 units from the Foundation Skills Training Package

up to 4 vocational units, and their prerequisite units where applicable, from other training packages

up to 2 units from accredited courses.

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Demonstrates some awareness of learning strengths and areas of need, and begins to plan and manage the learning process. Then applies a limited range of learning strategies in structured and familiar contexts

Identifies and interprets relevant information and ideas from texts on familiar topics using a number of reading strategies to identify and interpret relevant information within familiar text types

Conveys intended meaning on familiar topics for a limited range of purposes and audiences and produces familiar text types using simple vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions

Uses everyday language to provide information or maintain a conversation in familiar spoken contexts as well as listening for relevant information in oral texts across familiar contexts

Identifies and comprehends relevant mathematical information in familiar activities or texts; selects and uses appropriate familiar mathematical problem solving strategies to solve problems in familiar contexts and uses informal and some formal oral and written mathematical language and representation to communicate mathematically


Discusses work goals with the supervisor and identifies possible strategies to achieve them

Locates specific information from a short text

Records simple and routine information

Participates in straightforward face to face discussions with customers or co-workers

Measures familiar and predictable quantities using simple and routine measuring instruments and units

FSK10213 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways

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For a program introducing participants to a vocational sector

Electives: SITXCOM201 - Show social and cultural sensitivity This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to be socially

aware when serving customers and working with colleagues. It requires the ability to communicate with people from a range of social and cultural groups with respect and sensitivity and address cross-cultural misunderstandings

AGFCMN102A - Apply effective work practices This unit covers the skills and knowledge needed to apply effective work practices in an agri-

food industry. It includes planning, organising and completing work, communicating effectively, working with others, solving problems and adapting to change.

SIRXCCS202 - Interact with customers This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to deliver

service to customers. It involves being able to communicate effectively with customers, respond to their complaints, receive and process sales orders, and identify special customer requirements.

The unit covers the consistent application of store policies and industry codes of practice to provide a quality service environment by treating customers and team members in a courteous and professional manner through all stages of the service and sales procedure, and to identify and resolve customer complaints.

TLID1001A - Shift materials safely using manual handling methods This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to shift loads using manual handling

methods, including assessing the risks associated with relocating the load, planning the relocation process and carrying out the relocation in accordance with the plan. Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements are applicable to this unit.


If the group is from a school or early leavers or job seekers or migrants moving into the workplace you can choose specific units from one vocational area or a range

The FSK core units are delivered first then the 4 elective units that have been assessed at ACSF level 2 from other industries

E.g. AgriFoods or Hospitality or Retail or Transport

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Agri-foods at ACSF Level 2

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Hospitality at ACSF Level 2

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Retail at ACSF Level 2

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Transport at ACSF Level 2

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The structure of the FSK Learner Guides

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Assessment tasks in the Learner Guide

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The structure of the FSK Assessor Guides

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Sample Answers and marking criteria

Conveys a simple idea, opinion, factual information or message in writing

Displays limited vocabulary, grammatical accuracy and understanding of conventions of written text

Gives or elicits basic information in a short, simple spoken context

Listens for basic information in short, simple oral texts

ACSF Level 1 – Writing & Oral Communication

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Over 600 Products..From Aged Care to Transport ..... - Pre-Level 1 to Level 5 ACSF - Novice to Capable CSfW

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