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T W I VOLUJLE 8, NUAUJKll .83. O M W I ON I f Ifl pRIDfl " Kuadc Police Oblct Thl^ "Dutch” Anderson, Acousoc -- ........... of.i)ouHe.-Murdk.a_Probabl3 Headed for Everglades Re trait in Soatb; T2ircat«nin£ ^^^^otter Bcccived. 'mUNCIR, Inii, b. 17~OoorK<' "Dulcir' AndcrHon, notoroiouii. oiillnw chareed by iiollco wlijj tho tiiiinli-r ot Bon llanco nnd'tain wlfo nunr licrc l'rl- day niRlil. inn>- l>o on ihc wuy to »m autl&vrs' rcndcxvoim In tho Klcirhlii tvorgladca,' rollco Chief Uamliilpti,iml<l (6'dar.' Not a. Blnclo coitcrpio dun to Aiv< (Jersnn has hcou louhi) lh<' carcCuI search condiicicd hy pnllcu oinI 4 <l«)Uli’,.nhcrirfo ot ncon-H of clllou. nlKhl pollco Burroundcd n corn frtld on a tip.Ihnt a nmn rciicmhlliii: Andorsoit wa« cunpcd tliorc. An nl>iiii- doned camp woa. found nnd pollcii ho- Jlovo Andtrsoi] spent J'rIOn/ there. • M'olfc llna AlIliL Charlca "Ono Arm" Wolfe, nrrcnlod 'Bhnrtly after tho klltliiK. Ii:in a ••prr- fccl alibi," tlia attorney (old pollco. Wolfe la charKcd wllh havltiK nidwl A ntferaon- »n - nupc^r-hnndl^ awnlt^nK InR a Connecticut pollcL-mun. llitnco. whD'hoiincd Cliapinnn tor nrvoral moatbR, hetrnyud him 'to pnllcc. A coronvr'a Inqiient Inlo Ilin douhln inuriier u-a* ach«du)(>J'/or Jalor Jn day. Tomorrow r dotihle funeral ult- . vice will t)fl held for tho vIcliinM. Li'lltT ItPci'lreiL COLUMBUS, Ohio. Aug. ’ 17—An- other IhreatenlRR letter-pirrporilnK in pal'or Oornld Chtpman, niiper bandit ' and aUogea UiHer ol Bt>n llancc ami hll wlfo at Munclo, Ind., was In llic huda of ■VVm. J. Kin*, private drtec- tlviv .today. The lelter waa written on autlon- ory ot Uio Colonial hotel, Cleveland. ' and waa poeted at S:30 p. m. Saiur- _________ BML". the letter aald. , Kldff, Who was rcaponaiijl^lo'r me: Imprlsenmgnl of noKioald i^rayihn, another of Chapman'a pain, recclvvd a letter Saturday alsned “Culch" wahiInK him "ho waa next." Thu first jnoaaai^o was posted in Toledo. Tho aetoctlvo said ho wn>i leaving Columbua In an effort to‘pick up An- doraon'a trail. S03TON—Jack Sarkey, New ICn;:- land heavywelKhl champion, and Ihid Oorntan of Detroit, meel here tonlRht la n'ten round doelBlou hout. H-CONWriS SHOT IS UTAH Shrriff Vann oT Parf* ('oDnfy J qo I/MtIm lIclieTpd lo Ilr an Ks* ^ ----- -------- 7-eoiirlrt-fro«-W ah»|-llo- Trinl - le Kill OMIeer. . ' . SALT* LAKB CITY. Aub. 17-J oc liiwia; who iB liollevcd lo lie an cx- -- ------- -eottvfM'n^if^«^d,"aB<i <rnnto«onff handlt. waa ahot byfilusrlff Oeor«e M. Mann snd later died from Um wound. Lewie la belierod to ho ajtca (ar and Karage turxlar and in Ha<d to bo une of tha;m6at notoriaua Ifondlln In the intermmnuin region. VOira l/3wii BttackM ttio otneer near thn oI<l Sfo Nell ru eh in tbo ioothllla about two mllea Mat of Dountlfiit at 8:30 Satur- day mornltis. the Bherirc^bot him. SbedKMannnhot atler Ixwhi '' had atreck him- over i)rei»ad -wlth>a hcarr: iTrcttcIi, cuttind th>votfIccrii foreboail aod nose and\»u8(ii>«>m ta ^ bleed profUBely. \^ . An abandoned buiidiaE flearby ia ho- llered to hare been the cache tor rohher« rceenlly lootioK boxcara and icaraxei here and In Salt Lake. It waa wblle Lewis waa loadlax tires in- to a tnttrtBf ear tb»t SteHtr Mbbo. i&iawerlnc another call, cncountotad Tbe abtnrr aaked for an explasa- tloB aA to tlie iirea aad Lcwla yn- ............. .. "ianely Ibfd hImno'mTnd JUT'Owrrnnin naaa. Tben. rcoo«aitin* tbe man. SherUr Vtaa aald: ' "Coma Da. Ltwla. you're coder ar- Lewla'snbbed a larce wrench and Jnmptd tor Ibe aherttf. a _________ "PBt .up yoar banda or n f ahoot.- ». Aa k«- 4fow th« weapon Lewi* ' brotuht the wreocb ci«ahlni; aealnit the oO]e«r*a akult. Mann, atascerw) by th* blow, recovered btaiaeir and fired H L«wU r«acbed tor a mn tn> • sjde Uw Tha bullrt eojer^ Lw- S a ^ 144*” i l a n ^ ^ l l l S ^ the abock. L nla aUil perslatad.ln bia H- ' fona te “cK" tb# otflear and Sheriff 3lana was eoapailed to hll bim orer ' _ tb* skull (» anbdua Um. n « edkar tbaa dn»v« back to town vbfTt'ftv oa>a wosnda dTMMd vbaa tb Lawl^ t« v li «M takea lo tba offic* of Dr. t N F i j Keeps Going . Hy !",r •, lle'B Wonll *18.000.000,' bui ho'B BO- .If). —itlC-tO-kcon.on-.workUiB: -JuauiM-C.- „„ KuRkcr In a nnw ntcr. Wrien lia •|,|., .Icnrned thiit lohi IKIpulQn In liiiK- t.ind had flnnlly , vn.K-d l.y OroppUiK a IiURo miato in' hln l;i|> h.i >10 ^,V. wcjuld kcPD rlnhl u» niii.i; IJ„ Ihl' In Slirliii:tlcld. Mq. mil liM. ■;---------------------- . ■ iARCTIC FLIERS Kht ^ = ON WAY NORTH; im m m ICO. ______ Radio Reports from MiciyUlIaii hln Tell of E x p e d i t i o n ’s Pla^s; "J.C • Long Night and Oold Weather Soon'W ill Close Down. 10 WASIIINGTO.V, AIIK. 17—WUh the idlt Arctic nlsht nnd n cnnMnrnt of Ice iJirf cJnalriK In upon th<- Mac.Mlllitn lhe dllion. ll/1-niivnl flyorn nro h.-udrd 10- ec- wnrd Capo Thnnm« Unlihnrd nnd Iho liypothotlcnl land in thi\ Klonm of the jn- polo. ncconllnR to mdio r.porls from nd. MocMlllnn at Buh. Urocniand. to Iho ur* Nntlohal OeoRrnphic eoclety here to- dflj'. l£i ■nwnlte 111 htcif- nnd- trcachorouB »ru winds, two intermcdlnlo nvlallon hnmm hnvo been PflUhllnhrd hy iho nianea ^ al Sawyer l)«y nnii I' InRli-rrjonl KUho- h". merolond. wliir Capo Unhhnrd only 150 'Oil mllofi nway, he nald. ^h” With th o iIitninKi-il NA-2 repairrrt and rst Ihn three plnncn cmiiil In iho Increas- . InK Blrnln, only two obHinnlcn nro' fuar- ni; cd now hy Om flyent—Ih.’ fant NPltlns >n- t(tm nnd wlnti-r In Kn wake niiil ihc ponnlhlc nliBMico n t tiindlni; pIncpH ho* twccn Capo Jluhlxifd nd tho polnr »id . "New Ice Is form lns on Uie laKon ;ht nhoul Ktah warnlni.* iih thm wlnt.T Is ootnlnn and tlmt wn hnvo lllll.' Ilimvto nccompllnh our undcrtnldnK," Mac- Millan aald. - . Eight Univer#ity [I Students Examined ' After Fatigue Test jf, WA.SllINOTON'. All;,'. 17—fJroruo ■j. WftJihlnrlon tfnlversily'H rlchl fatlKUO ■a marBlh'’npr", who Biircc-xufuUy-eoni- plvled thrle-;:ijil}:'Ji(nir..t.lwi.lriui t^8t Iant nicht. Wcro druu'Krd from Iho n„ arm« of mnrpholH todny for olwirrva- ... tion hy lhe Bclentlitin. — SwoUcn.ei-ed-and.allfr from <helr VI Inns Tlsil. tlm partially rcBto.1 ynflns 1,1 ' men and womon. niihmlltrd with Bmllofl. 10 nleihlRro|)r|i and Inlxiratory apparatiiB. Then ihcy Btrui:Rlc<l in tne ,,p this final psycholoRlcal l.nt.r which ,1 , nro to delernilne the cffrclB of the fallRue ot mental reacllonn^^ V’ KANXii: in'ii.sT ivixs riiiK CHICAGO, Auir. 17-Tlio JfiO.OOO .[,, priie offered hy the I.lhcrty Maca- line in^njiinollon wllh (hn Pamoui riajm -U m ky corporaiion for a "tory Bultahle holh for puhllcallon and ner- lal form and n* a movlnR plcluro accn- 1 arlo has lieen awnnlod to pjinnte H urst, authnrrBB of niimnroiiB anc* uj ceatful ‘noveln, ll waa announced to- ll ___ rFORmiRGAN ]d OLENCOVE. I. I, AttB. IT-M ra. J. P. Morgan waa burl^ today with a r caremony wbleh in Ila atmplleiiy n. aaight-bara marked thC-paailm: ot the 1* biUBbleal 'cllUen of Oleneorr. , • It wjf# of the mtUlonalra wboaa world wl financial .operation! have o»de bim Id an intematlcmat flirore, Ura. M orM 0* rMclred only simple rewcnIUoir al r* the (rave. ,. Tha aerricea were eondoeted In tira >0 iJiUa lay eud churen”ol"SL Jonn near le bara. Oaly relatlvea and a Tew tnti- f- mat« frlenda wer« preaeat, ff A brief paaaace of tbe acrlptsro waa er read by lAa tlev. Cbaa. W. IQntoa. ree- tor ot tb* churcb. m -Tbe body-waa Ibw bom* to .tt* rd IforsBB tanlly plot In Loenat v a ^ ». eaoMttrr wblcb U ooly a abort dl»* ir. use* from tb* «atata wbena Kr*. Kor> - ESu , TWIN FALLS, ] ' l i i l TiENlTFSf f Ifl HELP GIB flcvcntocn*Yonr-OId Dorotby ~ I llngson Pighling Desporat ..^Against-Cliarge .of Murder H Mpthcr Wlio Reproflcliod I B for Parties with Dope'Atldji SAX FUA.MUSCO. Cnl.. Aiij:. 11 In (h«< Hiiino (-oiirt IhiIIiIIiik wIi Itcmroc Arlnickl.) tmiulit lil.i way . frr.'rinin from 11 murder cliar>:o Irrirti niiolliiT S/iii ynitirh I ~ “purly.'' Dornihy BljlnKimii. 11 V” ImvInK hur iiinrnlnK.iift'ur will mu Ik t liiiii idiincl lodny. ho }U>lh tho'i.tiil.’ nn.l ilif il.-r.'i Uu iioji.' lo ciniplrlo III.' Kirl’n .'jou' 'Iny nnd pliic;.i it In -1111' liiui.ln uf I Jury. Domlhy In cliarci-d with idionil hcr iiHillier U» dratli when (h.>|lnl< 1A (inimhl lo prc\.!ni iinolhrr "jinrl \ III the then Ifi-yi-nr-old' cli-l'ii pin i'V »iro mild cnrc.tr. Tlm "imity" « M d Ht tho homo of mi <'nl.-r(nlr H from u Cliln.-iiu dnnco piilnoc on ( n>-ntln^tl<: 1inrlii.ry c<)u«t n few hm . iTftor tho murd.T. f * Jimmy IlrM-rtn Her. iW Porothy iiuyH llial "Jimmy I .Jimmy. "Anolhor fair . w.-ullirr frlom lian *«ny» IXirotliy. M.t othor I trlontlH, Cliy nnil noiililMilcnlcil m nhmit town, ninulnn In nci frtim lo is. have nhink awny. loo. Thn Pinto Rrlnily proiH'oulInf; II Klrl llko nny otliur nrciino.i mi dnrer, iinpi tlml Doroihy lion: 11 the thopo In no Jimmy Lnmnrr nml ll Ice Bhe horsolf Bhot Annn KlllpcHon. rpf.- I'lcail>i.ln''nn»y- 10- .Her leisal dofcnno In Imnlnti ! Iho mnln flslil npon n plea of Imuml Iho Tho.ftlri'n Bltibhornly I’dnorod "Jl' rom ’njy ljimnrr,“ linn nol flunrcd crei ly in tho cano hnlll hy hor ntlorno; Whllo nnt rrpudlnted. II Ib WnK 1 forred .to on another po«i>H»»o oxni ^ ■»lo_Dt her w ll.1 inmKlnhtlon n UDhnlanccd mentality. " -.nortitlpi nnrp rnirftiiiM:!!— <2__ L munler. Blnco thon nho him rcpu. ntod tho' ronfonalon nnd her nltr ■nays nnnorl Ihnl who wnn out of h i, tnlml whnn il wnn mndo. She h. Blnco houn mlJndKod innnne. coi In.. Jnltted to tho Btntn Ini'tllutlon . Vm K am p n nnd mihnpqttontly dnclnr Bnnn iicnin Iiy tho nninn nllonln ilnr who ordered hor cotrmllmunt. ' ' ‘1" VII.M ST.\U INJUUKIK 1/)S ANOBLES. cm.. Aur. 17. r*. Cullen Undln, film fllnr. wnn idlK»: ly Injured today when hln nutom •hllo colli.fcd wllh nnotli.-'r mnchli nt ft houlovnrd Intornccllon on I QutBklrta ot the city. Tho nctoi roftdntor wnn wrecked. Ho w tnkon to Iho hoKpltnl. whoro It wi .** Bnld. after nn rxnminiitlon l.y ph Blclann. thnl hln injuries were n ■ertoiiB. ------------------------------------------------ i>Krr\nK stock ihvidknu TOLBDO. Ohio. Auk. IT—Thc A hum Automnhllo compnny todny d !.l dared a 100 per conl Block illvldi i on tho common Block of $2C par vali „i, ItKreaBlnc their capllal in ll.COn.O* . Tbe. rcj:Blar- ouarlcr dividend of 7Bc waa ninn declnrN o ihe common ntock and In payahlo Oi tobcr 1 to Block of reronl Septemh. jEl! Bhqrt cireult In tlm hnck nlnf electrical wlrlnic wan lipllevod to ha\ raiJ»«l lhe Tire, Dnmace wan eollina Cd a t $25,000. 100 • C - _ Theatre. Fire_ Kept . Backstage rP atro^js Make Orderly Exi ' ST. LOUIS. .Mo.. Auc. 17—Whll fire wan dejtroylns dropn behind ih anbcBlOB curU ln.-<.000 persona mad an orderly exit from. l>>ew'a aUt theatre bcre In five minutes aa the 01 ehrstra played tbe national anibet II Mark A. Mean* May- 11 Be Candidate for Governor of *Idah< ■J. - ,* DOISE.. Idaho. Aue. 17.—it' la no Improbable tbat nartbem Idabo wil ^ bare-ftn.aaplranU4aC^-<«pttUtea; (ubemalorlal. aora<^ton in ih V** next eubamatnrlal . nomiaaUon 1 tba next State campalzs' in tbe {ter " aon or Mark A. Meana of Lewtatoi bii candidacy depimdlof laixaly. ae eordia* to a atatm eot j»«la by Wt ^ wbo baa been ^ t e UI. bot wbo I “* alowly improtln*. . ' . -He aald tbat If bar eondlUon par ^ M tlrf. It m lttt l» aal t . eater tba conteat for tb* nomlnal^t lb* Ttowarer. ba aald. Uy wbleb would entar imo bia deelalo* & Iba •aaUntent orer tba tiM*. abosli sr. ba «lTen tlm* to'crr»tal«i* wll Iks Mtaraaco lo eandJdadea . for ftat r- ototy— 7 -------- - - I m i , IDAHO, MONDAY. AU( 32 Idahoan^ Drown in Past 3 Months r t~ , »QISn:. ^ Aiiu.^^^ l7.-A .-.l.l,nlal n-J.,ld«h(mnK In ll'll. Iliri'.- innnihi.’ Iiorlo.l cnillinr AiiKiitU l(i. it aiinnnnc.'d Suiurilnv at Uk. ( u- r.inu ot vllnl Kiallni'lcn In ronncc- Unn with tin- nioiiilily n-Dr.it of II hirllis and iliallii t-ir IIh- iiliit... II- Tlllll..,en -If th- rleal'is I'X 11 ilrfiwnlpi! lUTnrr.'d In Ai;i'iit.t, IL vluhl 111 JiOy an.l ll In Jiim.. Of tho i:i rc|i...li.|| tor AiUMiri' ;.U W'Ti- iiilullii anil lv\» XM'V- IKT- mum hcUi'.u ihi- ii,;i'. .jf ir. y El nud J.n. ’ 57 lU'ntonii d u il in iIim rawty |„ u„, Anr:- lind fill f.'m;.li ,.. Jum a I.-w nmn- I Her than half n;i m;iuy. 'I'hltly-r.mr IdJclS. r r K n r " " ''’' - ' In ilm.iinni.. |i..rloil •■i:' ImMni „ • wore horn In llir- -lair, all of rllvlil.-i) 2S\ hin« ami ::"i-, ,:lrln. “> Seven w..ro Mllll.oni nn.l a llko nninlH'r llleclilnmle. •rti.T(r wi-r-i S la FOLLETTE TO CARRY OUT HIS i FATHER'S PLAN honrn Sou of FamoiiB Progressive Sen- ii.ipo, _ f tto r . P r p l ^ ’c3 Wisconsin Ho . Ilii'l . W ill F^Uuw ill FlTDtStOpS W I,.nil ’• Parent If Electcd to Vacant tot. tm 1C , • _1. MAPI.SON. Will.. Anir. IT -Aiiin.iinr- : lUK himiu-lt nil n "p'ocr.-.iHlv..- eiin- .Ildnl.., Unhi'it Li Ki.llelt... .lr.. lotlay liiHuod n iiUxtenn'nl fronili'lni; itint If I >‘•''1 ho III „ircl.'d lo til.. Unllod .Kini.'ii Men- 'll- nl« In till Iho ■n^t imi.le vn.-nnt hy the donlh nt h)>i fnlli.T. he will fiiltlll all il« tlm plodKun nnd rnrry out tli.> urniimm unity, of ih<i plnitonn ilic iienlor iJt rollftlo "Jhn- was elcclcd ou (lirct-'yonni aso. 'f®'*''* Ia rollfllo'n itinteinonl I'rnrilrnlly -noyB. complot.'n the Bnnonncem.-nf .>t enndl- iK ro- (inion nnd pinlntlffn for tho mieclnl >xni»i* cicction, ivhleh i;ndonl;le«J!y vIJI he ’ nml cnilod an Oorornor IllAlne rolurnii -------- m .di iim'TOCTiiim-iii tm' iiinhi-mni.nt tho ot Ilm ntato.____________ ____________ P'i‘ii-1 S tn to m r n t .>lnd<*. Mtor- iji roiicito nnjd: f hcr nm a iiroKr.'iinlvo rnn.ll.lalo on hns (tm plntform ondorneil hy "t com- WlncoiiBln lliroo yonr« n«o when lloh- I nl ori M, Iji KoUoIIo wnn olooted lo hlH Inrod fmirlli term Jn tlui Unll..d Slnirs nen- jnlnlfl alo. .'•■I do nnt asli ihc uiippAH nf thc pciplo nt Wlncnmiln liocaiinc I nm Knhort tJi rollctto'n riou, I nin nnnn- that Ihh rolntlnmihlp In IlNolt .Ino.i 17.— not Mitlllo my candidacy to ron»hlor- llKht' nllon. Al Ilm nnmo llmr. that r.On- ;omo- ilonnhlp d.ion not dlmiii.ilUy m..." chliio IllKh npoin lu Ihc l.-i rnlhllo plnt- I the form prr: :t o r ‘B U'lBo poHry of comprchemihc ctrri- wns Borvntlon. ^,y" (Conllnucd oil paRO 2) University of Idaho I, Opens on Sept ffith All- --------- MOSCOW. AUC. J7.-0ponlnK di.y.i nf thn luriv.Tflll)- thlH yoar. l.oRln- nnnfi "li'K Seiitomhur 1C.,aro urrnnerd nn nn ontlrcly new nolicdiile, which pro- ,1 nn Tlrtpff-ftjr- reffJ.ttmHon-on -W dny-and n,. Hulurdny nml Iho openlnK of <!H.ino« ' on the followinK Mondny. Inntond nf tho formor nrrnnKomont l>y which iineo "Indenin roclKtorwl on .MnmI.iy nrni have Tucwlny nn.l liornn clans ntlendimco mat- ei” Weilnos.lay. ••prfBhmnn day" on- Thiimdny, Sepiemhflr IT. in nn omBtandloi: tea- - mre Of lhe new KPhonn-. rMnirInK nil fronhmon nnd other new nludcnlB (0 Ihi bn llin .'campuh (x dny Irf oif- VHHCO orroEl-tlrnllon. KroMimnn will .^ ;f on this dny take tho itcnorni ehk- *“■ 1l»h to«t reauirod of nil firat-year .. .indents. Thry will then ntlend the annual freiihmao nnnomhly. In tho nftomoon thoy will complete matrl-. '>“ <1 '’ culBlion If Ihey have not already dono BO hy mall, and all new aUl* • dent# wHl coaltr w«» their rteana; ***® A Bonerai reeopilgn for frenhmen ------ Sj^ficulty 'wltt'be.'bcld-tn-tbe-ev®- nins. r -------- T h« -Bpedal'-ifirfft—t rom -a outhcu Idaho will arrlvo WeOne»day, Sep- >r tember 16. whicb will be ‘bo day * ^ of the flr»l faculty meeting and of L«0 tba fortnaJ opanlnx ot Sclenca ball. Beptember 17 will be'rro»hman day: not September 18 and 1», reRUlratlon will days: and September 21 the nrat ^^.reC c .- ’a'iloore will addre« in the formal opealn* aaaembly. na Pbr- will be bold on Monday at 10 ociock. Iton. rtiber tban oa Wednesday aa baa ac- beatt tba custom In tba past. __jom t355rSM SH A in :.^ 0 u WAfiHlN-OTON, D. ti. An*, i r - TabuUUoa ot it» low* aanaiorf^ per* elaeUM ballctt from 6S connUea t^ day rav* Saaator Smltb W. Drook-. barl MJnt. and bU dataoc^c op^ ponant. DaalaJ J*. Stock. rtoo. aad. Mouo* eomiUaa bare osld hMs ’Oiae* Saforday. ^oTSi^U W Steck - bjllola ^ «»**• S 8 U Brwkbtrt-baUott bare been n- eosiaiM. PLY T UGUST 11, 192.3. ^ BNliy 10 iT T P ro n r I GAS M M SticHtific S)ii>’c r Oocs on Triiil for His Life iit Los AnKclcn; nri' I«-AccUn(j(l of Killing Souioty W ife w ith. Dcjilitl Glu to Got Huge Forln«o. lr» I.llS .\N(!l:i'.l':.-<, All;:. IT.' Hr. Thoai;... U-. Vi.1111/ . a.v n,....! '•...l.a- II,,, t(«.' ,ila>ei-." M.'iK .in trial li.i.- i.i ,.r„ day r.,r' Iilii life. Tl». ot J.lrlillij; n jiirj iilarinl iiliorlly li.-I.ir.' ...... .. alUT Sill-rlor .liiihii- !•:. I ’. IIiiliii iletil.'.l (!r;iro Crnnaa , Voi.iir. ................ |W Ka... an.l l.<ri}hir; h .r In a | \ . 1I<. l>in|ii.d' al lil'i nitiii^ii'l an.l I V iinill.-.l r.ebly wlK.n lln' .'.iiin' ruled ' tlial Iho Irlal liiiihl ]>r<>e...'<l. Kl IH.|ennini-.l I'l tii>.<'d ............. iN I'", K..yn ar;;u.'i| Mr..|liiiiU..|y arahuH Ii'>ii||H.neiiieiit an r.<|Uei.Ieil Iiy llie 3cn- '-'SKI) Ullni.ss..« (’alli'il. Wn Th.. mate h:<ii |iiililH...iiaei| fill vvil- •^"nini:" i'll Ih-verly Cleii. •"llavlnr. nt aint n..u(h," where n in allei;o.l till- Ili'li- kU/>l .'.‘m.'ato.l hhi V lf e ’ii l»nly In lh« hiirx'in.'Ul of hl>. homo. ' "I'al" Cri.i:an. l.S-yi'-ir-ohl heir <-l tlw }»lv "lilM’ rillyr" (ln>;;iw'ji jiill- llou dollar toiliine.'\va« iirninliieiii amoiii: the nnirl upri-liitoriK , Ilct lii to li.. a majnr wline.i« ai:«lnni hla I* , ................. . The iilate plann to pn.vo thal ll wan yoiiUK (iroKiin'ii fiirtniie . whieh w..,i lllll ninllvo for lhe «lay- liiK of .MrH. Voiini:. Kiianl/an and fll,. mother of "yonnK l*at’‘-tiy'l »Wn>iher marrhiKo. ,iiv "'Vir will pnK'o llml Or. Younii l» mil of.nn.pxoih: miluro nnd hlii inlml In ,,.,-1 1101 complcicly "‘>ne, rhowlnK miiny trnc.n nf dopravliy.' John Coopor. elder defenno counuol. declurcd. i 0VENMURDERER Jamea W hitaker Who Killed “^1 Motlicr nt Ago of 11 to Be :non Lot Out of Idaho Penitentiary, f'ln- Slato Board Docidcs. nOigB, AiiK. 17.-JamoN fi. Whll- nkor, inlirdorer. will ho Klveu ii pardon whou tho utate honrd ot par- rhinK nii.'ol!< (he flr.1t \VrdnP:iiliiy In . Oeloher. Cov. ( ’. C. Mooro mailo tills hiaii.nieni. Hninrdny (nllowlnc u nhort, np.Tlal meollnR of tlm Ixiiird in rnnxlilor tho Whitaker eanr. an,I U l to jirr;iHA'..mcjitn for n h».«).h BUrvoyof Ihn prlnonerii nl lhi> penl- tonilury. '•y'* Whitaker killol Iiln innthor tn n fit of iinKer 13 ye.irn nuo nnd waa Klvoii n Ions ncntcnro In thc'pcnl- f": tontliiry. Whon rocolvr.i ho w;i» 11 md yw«-ornrP.'<frn ■MiUen-cia(t MnUit dIniKinlUon nnd nppnronlly withont remnr«p or foclluK. 'c*‘ l*or thli P.-X-1 tour nnd on«.|ialf yenra ho hnn liern oul ot ilm prlr.on **■"" nn pondlllnnnl p.irdon nnd * llvlnK with hln fnlhcr in east Maho, wlicio ay- tho crimo wnn commllto.i. fa- Dpmonoirules AMIIly. ntf --H e-hns wrilton to Iho board bUi U ^'b iiib ttmt he fpoln he hnn dcmnifatrnt- ‘■r- cd“Wn''c.ipnl)imy of h.obmins a Ko.nl '•'I cliiion nnd wnnta hln frpodoin. II-: rxprosnwl n '.roslre to tnko on thn rpBponnlhlllllon of n home nnd to own property nnd Oovemor Moora *1® fcelB thal the bonrd Bhould Rive him a chance. Tho honnl alno hna n letter from Jndso Jnmen Owlnn. who Bcntpr.cert bint. BJiylnK that Inasmucli JN tho bo>-. wbo in now 24, haa cxprcAS^ JpBiro ld~wcomB a elttten—h* would nol proteBl. :U ---H**lib-eondaioai_nt_iho_iirl;;on fJ»- w e r e reported by Dr. OoorKo Co.- 'ay llstar priBOn'pbyBlrlan. to the prlKOn board «*lcb coMluls ot memVrs ll*- of the panion board aad ibe wanlon. >ys A health atirvey was deehled upon and It is lo ba completed hy Dr. W. rat r Almond, .tala rfadlcal advl.er, — bafnrr. ha lexmg-Sgg»-g?P<e»^r 1. hw n.ARK's SOX juronrKn PAllIS. AUB. 17--A divorce »>“ » • BTanted here to Mra. Cecilia To^ i^srk from Charles Wm. Clark, ^e w S ie ^ ro Mrrled la 190* ta San __ rraaeUco. ______________ ^ ial CTark ta the soo at tb<* lata Senator 10- a ark . Montana millionaire. IT Ilt ATfKXD CKLKBRAT10X . WASHINOTOS. Aoe. 17—American colla«a profeaaors^H J" lb* calebratioo ot (he 300tb Inbllee analiwraarr of Ibe Rasslan aeadrmy ^ ot eeteoea* la L*nia*i»d la ftjpiem- mm : Deathj, .Ray ' ‘.o ' ........... s...„ IIH.I.1,.1 „ n. u . I„:i,„. „r .ii.-i,,,, i ::CHAOTAl)QIIA ' £ SIGNERS W ill: I PHUNICHT: Ti.ln lalU .................... Mu-n..rs Hill . .Moi'l T.iiilKht III ri-tiliiile .Inili:.'. • Itrile.-: Vn.illior >iiin’'.T Ulll lie ‘ f.f.on flor.' l.iit.T. I'll' lau.iua Ml!:n';.t"Sia‘I hl.ril'Vall'll'r!.!'Ti'i- nlUlit a l III.. lu-otiiir.. ,jnii;...-'» ..rfjre. , I Thlfl. iiiean« llial all lli.. i.I;;n.T:i fnr ' Ihe' paiii Mi.,-i!i„n nml (In- nli;iii.r» tor . Ihe iiexi a.iiiion are iirm.l lo Iio prei- , .'111.' Son,.. ImprMlani niatliTi. i..lal|iu* , ro the chnillau'iiui win in. illnemtK.'il,. , >* C. V. Sloni, niipoiinli'niteni of ihfl , Twill I'nlln ohnfltniii.na nl.il.tl loilay ' •'>■ Ihnl nnh'hor numher wmilil hi. neni , ■Of- (o Twin KallH In Iho nrM few wm'Ic ;. tn Inko (ho plnp.» of th» piny wlileli « Thnrmlay ovonlnK when ilie t.'ni w,in J,' — idoatUilun n Iliia aiiliuuuci;iili,'nt ,uUJl _ Ij.. mn.le'ln ndvaii'. e on lliln d,T.-, In . fnel IhciTwIn I'nlln eoi'mnllle,- will lie ” R Mm7:njr:!liV\Vhl|e 'laUnt-wl!lol’i‘ wU|"|'h. anIlMfaeii.ry I.. Ihl» . liy, W.. uii.l..r;slan(l llial lliere It: llhr.- , l.uLe xoin.. ..volt.'iiU'iil a ....... . ai<..lln^' 'J g j lonl!:lii im i.uine of i|m- niicni.m plan „ I.l ■•xpre:i:i Ihoiiin. lv'e.i .,|iili.. frn ly re- » Be i:ardlim Ih.. .-aiK'. llalion .>r lli.-mirau'- Hon will,I, witH lo \mM- I.een iin...iir- od yenlerilny. , a' “Peadiy Dentist” to t It- Fight for Lige on T i r!' Charges of Murder In ' --------- ri do I.O.S A.VOIM.t;.'^. Aid;. IT - Dr, Thnili. II ll'i \V, YoilliK'j. I<--al liallle for life h rd ntnrl.-<l lodny In »nin rl.ir eniirl In r.., «(' „| Th.- -.leadly .lenltHl" a. em cl of kill- c ,{, lllir hit. wIf.'. Oraee (:r.i:;;.li YonnK. wllh .lental Kiia miil c.-Tii.nllni,- h.T w l.r>.|y In a elM.Tn. W.nn i.elie.|iilei| lo tn r, _ on irlnl i.nliiy. Wlien ihe .nnc Wah n ontle.Mi.lK nioriiliu, Jii.Ir,.*i:. r, Hnl.n In . had li.fnr.. him a ItMy |ia':'/?ifIlil.-.vH iii ,‘i ril.'il l.y Yonii;^-:. «1l..rm ,« In „,rl h; [jj or n uiiiiloii.Iur_cimUuuaJiti;.-uL_ihi,' C( Th.', ilenllsfH iklloriiM,* iipi»fnlei| for delay on uroiindN DAr Initinrlani d.- ponKloini fnnn llio .ani liml fnllul 10 d '"arrive. allnrney,. w.re td oppoite th.' motion. „i sKANSMORM? iCAUSES DEATH? !0F AT LEAST 1^ d Belated Reports from Sccne cf ^ —Tetrtfte-Wind-Toll of-Roclus* ?* Kaied and Section Threatened with Flood Waters from Upper r .n Ir I*. Oonntry. re h .aALI>^ Kan,...Aug^1L=^n£lMi4li reporta In tho wako of (Im trrrlfic be „ wind and rsin ntorni which wroiiaUt m' fl b^oc In ndrthwenifrn Kannaa, W - be day. .late thal at If-nat oae man m n was klllod: and that flood waterK fmm tbe north 'were threatenloB owM ftf wt-sitm lowlaada. ^ ,r WlllUm lIowatdTX a rMlaae Hr-' „ InB In tbe soutbem part ot Rawlins .• county, was killed by llgbtnlQR Prl- SF day-Algbt: foond by nelcbbor* ta a, n tbe bfira lot ot bU bom*. * * n More rain baa Ulten ta Ibe pertr « visUad by tb* Itorm. «FlDOd waieri, ~ J rwpt down oo Hays S^arday aad >L I- Sunday. Rlsb watar U czpectad \k S u tba ScBoky HIU rirer and otbec ™ ttresmi aasr bef^Jaaoam,^ ___ 1. f S r IDAHO lVK,\TIli;n OLD .van. XIII. NO. 55. lOOLIDGEifl' m f f ln r OEeiPM Er s, - - Aiiilrcw MoJJon and Seniitor Simni'. Discuaa W ay ' of ,0b- t:iitiiii^’ Soltlcijicnt from Nii- . , lion;; on Huge Sums-; Respoii- . .•(i’/iJitj-' with Prc.iitient. I'l.VMur-ril,' V I..All.;. IT AtiiT r',a:riiirii iur Iliire h'.iirn on III.' liel. li .•.an il.f.r nni.iK.m »Jlh .s-,.<-r.'/:iri- '-r ,i i'll., -ri.a-inv .\l.-llnn ami S.-nnior fsi.i.mi nail, r>.;il.li.li- c.inli.li;i. . .1 III till- 'liiilii;_uuuu.-<>r-l|i-' |>leliirei><|il.. .--.•I....... Ii;.v.. atlalni of >la>e lie.-ii . , ...ii.liet,.! 1,1 ;'ttili a lii.vel i:.lllnir a.| 1.1. .i.t.il al lhe I'lyiiw.iiih ll....... Ml i'Mi..,„i j.ii.ii r.,.Nli,i,:.-. tl.e pr.-r.l- il. iii'..'i,-i|i, t. ililr. iimniln;;. Th.. frnm' ,.|...^1, vmMi Ih.- thl.f ,M0Utlv,.-niid Ml-, r.l,ill,I r ar.-.f..ihie iia.I h.-.-n drnn- ,.l «llii I;..I.I. ......... I.li.-elii lo .111 off Ih-. ii;tt.:: Ilf L'lirli.hi an.l xllhiKerii. thr Jiii'-'lili'iil' lhe tirer.-liiiy aiiil Iho .1 Ti:il<iv <h;,eii; m l Hie lleU llin <l.'hl. •I'll.' Inii. liioii 'va-. I .inally Informal. , llir ill.“llli;;iil.li>d'lrlo .nllnK nl a In- '• l.lT- It. naval* ll rrom the ntlier Kue^lH I nl 'll.. Inn hy only a ti-» f.-oi. wllh I.,l'-..!il^i,?ll]Ml.Ll’.hl!-U'hc-Atii_»vniv.lliu____ \.-iir llliinlli'iil t-iikoi ,1, ' The hill 1.1 al TviiM'i. on llle .'di:o <it la Ipeau'ifiil IlMli. lalte. II.-ro, iieeonl- i„v In Ihc- aiiil.|iial.-.l r.-al'il.T, "J, fal- vll. rnollil;;,-." eailll' at III.' UKO ot 21 an.l "c.-il r.,i,l|ih-e" wiih r.'Cliiorod In- . n fliiwlni- hand-:i te>v yearn Intor. ‘I- Aft.-r II... Innoh'-nn, Ihe conforoos I'’ .Iron- haelt lo 1’lyniniHli nnd reiiimie<l T- U .flr diseiiHKlniiti heliliul Iho hod nhoflts whllo iiof-r.-i r-.-rvUe mrn Biid dopniy xhi-rJff,-. lie/il (ho i|nllvi-n and loiirlirtB fitiv ynr.ln frnm tlic ConUdKo home, MrH, <roollilK.' mndo Imr iiitiial dally ' irlp (o Ihc hlllBldo where hor non. Cnlvln Jr„ lion hiirlinl. I’reHhlPnl Co<dld):o Innucd the foi* IowlnKBtaIemi.nl: It;. -^H.rHiiry Mellon nnd Ponaior ■" Smllh hnve reported to iho president onre. Tlm prnsroM Ib BBll.facot^. nerf.iary’anil lhe nenntor cnmc lo In- form Iho prenlilont of proponnlfl he- fore iiialilni.* Ihp flnnl nRroomcnl. ••Th.- r.infer.-nre will rerovpne nt 3 p. in. Tni.mlny whon.ll In oxprcted a *■ Iliial aure.-iiii'nl mny In' roaohod, Bfter whl.-h a full nn.l cnniplol.. ritntement, will h.' itivon 10 Iho proan hy iho American rommli’iilon.^’ I'oollili.'.' Wri'oB >.dr. . '• rrenliloiit CoolldKrt w.role pernonnlly mid Kflvi. to npwnpnpermen hln ntnie- ijieni on lim Il'-lKlan doht ncsotlallonn. . Th." hi.-ni.irnndiim wan ppncllled In tlfh pri-nldonl’n proclne hand and (he Btn- ilonory of (he Inmiranco compnny for . whieh Colonel CoolldKO Is nKont. " Whllo Ilm confrronce wnn In proB- TPKK. llopre.iontnlivo Tlllson of Con- i. oi-oilriil. repnhilcan floor l.-ador ofthn re hmin.., onll'-d wllh Mrn. Tlllson. They ilnlled on n henrh on the porch of lhe I- (;.-ner;il nloro nt Plymouth. . > K. Tllhi.in rnid n low;or Ineomo nnrta* * wnH .orlnln of victory in the nox: n o(.nKr.'r<" nnd Ihnl Inhorltaneo and (he I. nillHnimo inxeH would ho ril>. A mix- n imum suriax of IR per ooni nnd a nor- ll mill tux of fiv.' prr e.-n(. an propos.«I •I hy ('hnlrninn Ma.ldon nf Iht* •hou.n It cotnmUlcc..«ould.he_^‘ahoui_rl6hi’^hu _ said. . : .- ______ ri.VMOI'TII. Vl.. AuK. 17.—I’roBl-: 0 dent ConlldKO to.lay was faced luiimrcly wllh the resitonslhlllly for i.hiJilnlnK Bclllonmnt of forelCTi "war ih-l.i" of >1:^000.000,000, only one- I third of which han lieen funded. Secretnry of tbe Troaniry Andrew W. Mellon nnd Senator Smoot, Utab, repulillrnn. lioih mewbem ot U»o T Xmorldim-fim-fundlnn-commlaalon...----- 1 r'nnn' tn thin lllllo mountain paaa I vHMko fo Mne to ibe rrealdenls I attention eonnlderBtlon of tbo dead- ' lock nt Wn»hlnston over tbo I4»0,- 1 000,000 nelRlan debt. . • AllbnnRh clone secrecy haa mark- ed lhe neeoHatlon*. the Plluation u hclleved to b<J aa follows: ; ;• Iteftue r. 8. remit. ^ Ccldnn representallves bare re- f fu»e<l to necept lermTmvsrifllef^-to ^ Ihoeo accepted by Oroat Britain-two e .Tear*Jiroi. (bay bavo-offerM « plan . of a moratoHiim b r“ten T a more. dnrlBB which tboy w lll^ ^ ; required to pay eiiber ^ Interest, wltb a low InUWl *Bi repayment rate tbareaftar. . ; ' sascesi tbat Prealdaat Coolldje 3 Jildii whether tb* Belilaa offer, iW l = be accewed. ima de»^uii --------- - I mad* on tb* baal* of tb* preaMeatlt - belief of tba -abiuty to g u ,c e u g ^ -- t«a obUfattona of »,«o»an. tvb A -■iilWllEgH.;-.‘? a

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Page 1: T W I I m i P L Y Tmmnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W I VOLUJLE 8, NUAUJKll .83. O M W I ON I f Ifl pR ID fl" K u a d c Police Oblct

T W IV O L U JL E 8, N U A U JK ll .83.

O M W ■ I ON I f

I f l p R I D f l" K u a d c P o l ic e O b lc t T h l ^

" D u t c h ” A n d e rso n , A cousoc

-- ........... o f . i ) o u H e . - M u r d k .a _ P r o b a b l3

H e a d e d f o r E v e r g la d e s R e

t r a i t in S o a tb ; T 2 irca t«n in£

^ ^ ^ ^ o t t e r B c cc iv e d .

'm UNCIR, In ii, A«b. 17~OoorK<' "D u lc ir ' AndcrHon, notoroiouii. oiillnw c hareed by iiollco wlijj tho tiiiinli-r ot Bon lla n co nnd'tain wlfo nunr lic rc l'r l - day niRlil. inn>- l>o on ihc wuy to »m autl&vrs' rcndcxvoim In tho Klcirhlii tvorgladca,' ro llco Chief Uamliilpti,iml<l (6'dar.'

Not a. Blnclo coitcrpio d u n to Aiv< (Jersnn h as hcou louhi) lh<'carcCuI search condiicicd hy pnllcu oinI

4 <l«)Uli’,.nhcrirfo o t ncon-H of clllou. nlKhl pollco Burroundcd n corn

frt ld on a tip .Ih n t a nmn rciicmhlliii: Andorsoit wa« cunpcd tliorc. An nl>iiii- doned camp woa. found nnd pollcii ho- Jlovo A ndtrsoi] sp e n t J'rIO n/

• there. •M'olfc lln a AlIliL

Charlca "Ono A rm " W olfe, nrrcnlod 'Bhnrtly a fte r tho klltliiK. Ii:in a ••prr- fcc l alibi," tlia a tto rney (old pollco. W olfe la charKcd wllh havltiK nidwl A ntferaon- »n -

nupc^r-hnndl^ awnlt^nK InR a Connecticut pollcL-mun. llitnco. w hD 'hoiincd Cliapinnn to r nrvoral moatbR, hetrnyud h im 'to pnllcc.

A coronvr'a Inqiient Inlo Ilin douhln inuriier u-a* ach«du)(>J'/or Jalor Jn day. Tomorrow r dotihle funeral u lt-

. vice w ill t)fl held for tho vIcliinM.L i'lltT ItPci'lreiL

COLUMBUS, Ohio. Aug. ’ 17—An­o th e r IhreatenlRR letter-pirrporilnK in p a l 'o r Oornld Chtpman, n iiper bandit

' and aUogea UiHer o l Bt>n lla n c c ami h l l wlfo a t Munclo, Ind., w as In llic h u d a of ■VVm. J . K in*, p riva te drtec- tlviv .today.

T he le lte r waa w ritten on au tlo n - ory o t Uio Colonial hotel, Cleveland.

' and waa poeted a t S:30 p. m. Saiur-

_________ BML". th e le tte r aald. ,Kldff, Who was rcaponaiijl^ lo 'r me:

Im prlsenm gnl of noKioald i^ ray ihn , a no ther o f Chapman'a pain, recclvvd a le tte r Sa tu rday a lsned “Culch" w ahiInK him "ho waa next." Thu first jnoaaai^o w as posted in Toledo.

Tho aetoctlvo sa id ho wn>i leaving Columbua In an effort t o ‘pick up An- doraon'a tra il.

S03TO N —Jack Sarkey, New ICn;:- land heavywelKhl cham pion, and Ihid O orntan of D etroit, m eel he re tonlRht la n 't e n round doelBlou hout.


S h rr if f V ann oT Parf* ('oDnfyJ qo I/MtIm lIclieTpd lo I lr an Ks*

----- —-------- 7-e o i i r l r t - f ro « -W a h » |- l lo - T r in l - leKill OMIeer. . '

. SALT* LAKB CITY. Aub. 1 7 - J oc l iiw ia ; who iB liollevcd lo lie an cx-

--------- -— e o ttv fM 'n ^ if^ « ^ d ,"a B < i <rnnto«onffhandlt. waa ahot byfilusrlff O eor«e M. M ann snd la te r died from Um wound. Lewie la belierod to ho a j tc a ( a r and Karage tu r x la r and in Ha<d to bo une of tha ;m 6 a t notoriaua Ifondlln In the in te rm m n u in region. VOira l/3wii BttackM ttio o tn e er n e a r thn oI<l S fo Nell r u e h in tbo ioo th llla about two mllea M at o f Dountlfiit a t 8:30 S a tu r­day m orn ltis. the Bherirc^bot him.

S bedK M annnho t a t le r Ixw hi' ' had a tre ck him- ove r i ) r e i» a d -wlth>a

h c a rr: iTrcttcIi, c u ttin d th > v o tfIcc rii foreboail aod nose and \»u8 (ii> «> m ta

^ bleed profUBely. \ ^ .An abandoned buiidiaE flearby ia ho­

lle red to h a re been th e cache to r rohher« rceenlly lootioK boxcara and icaraxei he re and In S a lt Lake. I t w aa w blle Lew is waa load lax tire s in­to a tn ttrtB f e a r tb» t S te H tr Mbbo. i&iawerlnc ano ther call, cncountotad

T be a b tn r r aaked for an exp lasa - tloB aA to tlie iirea a ad Lcwla y n -

............. .. " ia n e ly Ibfd hImno'm Tnd JU T'O w rrnninnaaa. Tben. rcoo«aitin* tb e m an. SherU r V ta a aald :

' "Coma Da. Ltw la. you 're c o d e r a r-

L e w la 'sn b b e d a la rce w rench and Jnm p td to r Ibe aherttf. a

_________ • "P B t .up y o a r banda o r n f ahoot.-

». Aa k«- 4 fow th « w eapon Lewi*' b ro tu h t th e w reocb ci«ah ln i; a e a ln it

■ th e oO]e«r*a akult. Mann, atascerw ) by th* blow , recovered bta iae ir and f ired H L«wU r«acbed to r a m n tn>

• sjde Uw Th a b u llrt e o j e r ^ L w -

S a ^ 144*” i l a n ^ ^ l l l S ^ the abock. L n l a aUil p e rsla ta d .ln b ia H-

' fo n a te “c K " tb# otflear and Sheriff 3 la n a w as eoapa iled to h ll b im o rer

' _ tb * sk u ll (» anbdua U m .n « e d k a r tb a a dn»v« back to tow n

v b fT t'f tv oa>a w osnda dTMMdv b a a tb L aw l^t « v l i « M ta k ea lo tba offic* o f Dr.

t N F i j

Keeps Going .

H y

!" ,r •, lle'B Wonll *18.000.000,' bui ho'B BO- .If). — itlC-tO-kcon.on-.workUiB: -JuauiM-C.- „„ KuRkcr In a nnw ntcr. Wrien lia

•|,|., .Icnrned thiit loh i IKIpulQn In liiiK- t.ind had flnnlly , vn.K-d l.y OroppUiK a IiURo miato in' hln l;i|> h.i >10

^,V. wcjuld kcPD rlnhl u» niii.i; IJ„Ihl' In Slirliii:tlcld. Mq.milliM. ■;---------------------- . ■


= ON WAY NORTH;i m m mICO. ______

R a d io R e p o r ts f ro m M iciyU lIaii hln T e l l o f E x p e d i t io n ’s P l a ^ s ; "J.C • L o n g N ig h t a n d O old W e a th e r

S o o n 'W i l l C lose D ow n .

10 WASIIINGTO.V, AIIK. 17—WUh the idlt A rctic n lsh t nnd n cnnMnrnt o f Ice iJirf cJnalriK In upon th<- Mac.Mlllitn lhe dllion. ll/1-niivnl flyorn nro h.-udrd 10- ec- w nrd Capo Thnnm« Unlihnrd nnd Iho

liypothotlcnl land in th i\ Klonm of the jn - polo. ncconllnR to m dio r .p o rls from nd. MocMlllnn a t B u h . Urocniand. to Iho ur* Nntlohal OeoRrnphic eoclety here to-

dflj'.l£ i ■ n w n lte 111 htcif- nnd- trcachorouB »ru w inds, two intermcdlnlo nvlallon hnmm

hnvo been PflUhllnhrd hy iho nianea ^ a l Saw yer l)«y nnii I' InRli-rrjonl KUho- h". m erolond. wliir Capo Unhhnrd only 150 'Oil mllofi nway, he nald.^h” W ith tho iIitninKi-il NA-2 repairrrt and rs t Ihn th ree plnncn cmiiil In iho Increas-

. InK Blrnln, only tw o obHinnlcn nro' fuar- ni; cd now hy Om flyen t—Ih.’ fant NPltlns >n- t(tm nnd wlnti-r In Kn wake niiil ihc

ponnlhlc nliBMico n t tiindlni; pIncpH ho* tw ccn Capo Jluhlxifd nd tho polnr

»id . "New Ice Is fo rm lns on Uie laKon ;ht nhoul K tah warnlni.* iih thm w lnt.T Is

ootnlnn and tlm t wn hnvo lllll.' Ilimvto nccompllnh our undcrtnldnK," Mac­M illan aald. - .

E igh t Univer#ity [I S tudents Exam ined

' A fte r F atigue Testjf , WA.SllINOTON'. All;,'. 17—fJroruo ■j. WftJihlnrlon tfnlversily'H r lc h l fatlKUO ■a m arBlh'’npr", who Biircc-xufuUy-eoni-

plvled thrle-;:ijil}:'Ji(nir..t.lwi.lriui t^8t Iant n ich t. Wcro druu'Krd from Iho

n„ arm « of mnrpholH todny for olwirrva- . . . tion hy lhe Bclentlitin.

— S w o U c n .e i-ed -a n d .a llfr from <helr VI Inns Tlsil. tlm pa rtially rcBto.1 ynflns 1,1' m en and womon. niihm lltrd with

Bmllofl. 10 nleihlRro|)r|i and Inlxiratory apparatiiB. Then ihcy Btrui:Rlc<l in tne

,,p this final psycholoRlcal l .n t.r which ,1, nro to delernilne the cffrclB of the

fallRue o t m ental reacllonn^^

V’ KANXii: in 'i i .s T iv ix s r i i iKCHICAGO, Auir. 17 -T lio JfiO.OOO

.[,, p r iie offered hy the I.lhcrty Maca- l in e in ^ n ji in o l lo n wllh (hn Pam oui r i a j m - U m k y corporaiion fo r a "to ry Bultahle holh for puhllcallon and ner- lal form and n* a movlnR plcluro accn-

1 a rlo has lieen awnnlod to pjinnte H u rs t, authnrrBB of niimnroiiB anc*

u j cea tfu l ‘noveln, l l waa announced to­l l ___

r F O R m iR G A N]d OLENCOVE. I . I , AttB. IT -M ra . J .

P . M organ waa b u r l ^ today w ith a r carem ony w bleh in Ila atm plleiiy n . a a ig h t-b a ra m arked thC-paailm: o t the 1* biUBbleal 'cllUen o f O leneorr. , •I t ■ w jf# of th e m tUlonalra wboaa world wl financia l .opera tion! have o » d e bim Id an intem atlcm at flirore, U ra. M o r M 0* rM clred only sim ple rew cnIU oir a l r* th e ( ra v e . ,.— T ha aerricea w ere eondoeted In tira >0 iJiUa la y e u d churen” ol"SL Jonn near le b a ra . O aly rela tlvea and a Tew tnti- f - m at« frlenda wer« preaeat,ff A b rief paaaace o f tbe a c r lp ts ro waa er rea d by lAa tlev. Cbaa. W. IQ ntoa. ree-

t o r o t tb* churcb. m -T b e body-w aa I b w bom * to . t t* rd IforsBB ta n l ly p lo t In Loenat v a ^ ». e a o M ttrr w blcb U ooly a a bo rt dl»* ir. u s e * from tb* «atata wbena K r*. Kor>

- ESu


' l i i l “ T i E N l T F S f f I f l HELP GIB

flcvcntocn*Yonr-OId Dorotby ~ I llngson Pighling Desporat

..^Against-Cliarge .of Murder H Mpthcr Wlio Reproflcliod I B for Parties with Dope'Atldji

SAX FUA.MUSCO. Cnl.. Aiij:. 11 In (h«< Hiiino (-oiirt IhiIIiIIiik wIi Itcmroc Arlnickl.) tm iulit lil.i way

. frr.'rinin from 11 m urder cliar>:o Irrirti niiolliiT S/iii yn itirh

I ~ “ purly.'' Dornihy BljlnKimii. 11 V” ImvInK hur iiinrnlnK.iift'ur will mu

I k t liiiii idiincl lodny. ho }U>lh th o 'i . t i i l .’ nn.l ilif il.-r.'i Uu iioji.' lo c in ip lrlo III.' Kirl’n .'jou'

'Iny nnd pliic;.i it In -1111' liiui.ln uf I Jury.

D om lhy In cliarci-d with idionil hcr iiHillier U» dratli when (h.>|lnl<

1A (inimhl lo p rc\.!n i iino lh rr "jinrl \ III the then Ifi-yi-nr-old' cli-l'ii p in

i ' V »iro mild cnrc.tr. Tlm "im ity" « M d Ht tho homo of mi <'nl.-r(nlr

H from u Cliln.-iiu dnnco piilnoc on ( ■ n>-ntln^tl<: 1inrlii.ry c<)u«t n few hm . iTftor tho murd.T.

f * Jim m y IlrM-rtn Her. iW Poro thy iiuyH llial "Jim m y I

■ .Jim my."Anolhor fa ir . w .-ullirr frlom

lia n *«ny» IXirotliy. M.t o thor I trlontlH, Cliy nnil noiililMilcnlcil m nhmit tow n, ninu lnn In n c i frtim lo is . have nhink awny. loo.

Thn Pinto Rrlnily proiH'oulInf; II Klrl llko nny otliur nrciino.i mi dnrer, iinpi tlm l Doroihy lion: 11

the thopo In no Jim m y Lnm nrr nml ll Ice Bhe horsolf Bhot Annn KlllpcHon.

rpf.- I 'lcail> i.ln ''nn»y-10- .H er leisal dofcnno In Imnlnti ! Iho mnln f ls lil npon n plea of Imuml Iho T ho .ftlr i'n Bltibhornly I’dnorod "Jl'

rom ’njy ljim n rr,“ linn no l flunrcd crei ly in tho cano hnlll hy hor ntlorno; Whllo nn t rrpudlnted. II Ib W nK 1 forred .to on a no ther po«i>H»»o oxni

^ ■»lo_Dt he r w ll.1 inmKlnhtlon n UDhnlanccd m entality . "- .n o r t i t lp i nn rp rnirftiiiM:!!— <2__ Lm un le r. Blnco thon nho him rcpu.

• ntod tho ' ronfonalon nnd h e r nltr ■nays nnnorl Ihn l who wnn o u t of h

i , tnlml whnn il wnn mndo. She h.Blnco houn mlJndKod innnne. coi

In.. Jnltted to tho Btntn Ini'tllutlon . Vm Kampn nnd mihnpqttontly dnclnr

Bnnn iicnin Iiy tho nninn nllonln ilnr who ordered hor cotrm llm unt.

' ' ‘1" ■ VII.M ST .\U INJUUKIK1 /)S ANOBLES. cm .. Aur. 17.

r* . Cullen U n d ln , film fllnr. wnn idlK»: ly In jured today w hen hln nutom •hllo colli.fcd w llh nnotli.-'r mnchli n t ft houlovnrd Intornccllon on I QutBklrta o t th e c ity . T ho nctoi roftdntor wnn wrecked. Ho w tnkon to Iho hoKpltnl. whoro It wi

.** Bnld. a fte r nn rxnminiitlon l.y ph Blclann. thn l hln in ju rie s w ere n ■ertoiiB.------------------------------------------------

i> K r r \n K s t o c k i h v id k n uTOLBDO. Ohio. Auk. IT—Thc A

h um Automnhllo compnny todny d !.l d a r e d a 100 p e r conl Block illvldi i

on tho common Block of $2C p a r vali „ i, ItKreaBlnc th e ir cap lla l in ll.COn.O* . Tbe. rcj:Blar- oua rlc r

dividend of 7Bc waa ninn decln rN o ihe common ntock and In payahlo Oi tobcr 1 to Block of re ro n l Septem h.

jEl! Bhqrt c ire u lt In tlm hnck nlnf e lec trica l wlrlnic wan lipllevod to ha\ raiJ»«l lh e Tire, D nmace wan eollina Cd a t $25,000.

100 • C - _T hea tre . Fire_ K ep t .

B ackstage rP a tro ^ js M ake O rd e rly Exi

' ST. LOUIS. .Mo.. A uc. 17—W hll fire wan d e jtro y ln s dropn behind ih anbcBlOB c u rU ln .-<.000 persona mad an orderly ex it from . l>>ew'a aU t th e a tre bc re In five m inutes aa the 01 e h rs tra played tb e na tional an ibet

II M ark A . M ean* M a y - 11 Be C and idate fo r

G overnor o f *Idah<■J. — -,* DOISE.. Id aho . A ue. 17.—i t ' la no

Improbable tb a t n a rtb e m Idabo wil^ b a re -f tn .a a p lra n U 4 a C ^ -< « p t tU te a ;

(u b em a lo r la l . a o ra < ^ to n in ih V** nex t eubam atn rla l . nomiaaUon 1

tb a n e x t State cam palzs ' in tb e {ter " aon or M ark A . Meana of Lew tatoi

b i i candidacy depim dlof la ixa ly . ae eord ia* to a a ta tm e o t j» « la by Wt

^ w bo baa been ^ t e UI. bo t w bo I “ * alow ly im pro tln* . . ' .

-H e aald tb a t If b a r eondlUon par^ M t l r f . I t m l t t t l » a a l t .

e a te r tb a con tea t fo r tb* n o m ln a l^ t lb* Ttow arer. b a aald.Uy w bleb w ould e n ta r im o b ia deelalo* & Iba •aaU ntent o r e r tb a tiM *. abosli sr . b a «lTen tlm * t o 'c r r » t a l« i * w ll Iks M taraaco l o eandJdadea . fo r f ta t r - o to t y — — 7 -------- - -


32 Idahoan^ Drown in P ast 3 M onths

r t ~ , »QISn:. Aiiu.^^ l7 .-A .- .l .l ,n la l

n-J.,ld«h(mnK In ll'll. Iliri'.- innnihi.’ Iiorlo.l cnillinr AiiKiitU l(i. it aiinnnnc.'d Suiurilnv at Uk. ( u- r.inu ot vllnl Kiallni'lcn In ronncc- Unn with tin- nioiiilily n-Dr.it of

I I hirllis and ilia llii t-ir IIh- iiliit... I I - Tlllll..,en -If th - rleal'is I'X 1 1 ilrfiwnlpi! lUTnrr.'d In Ai;i'iit.t, I L vluhl 111 JiOy an.l l l In Jiim.. Of

tho i:i rc|i...li.|| to r AiUMiri' ;.U W'Ti- iiilullii anil lv\» XM'V- IKT- mum h c U i '.u ihi- ii,;i'. .jf ir.

y E l nud J.n.’ 57 lU'ntonii du il in iIim

r a w ty |„ u„ , Anr:-

lind fill f.'m;.li ,.. Jum a I.-w nmn- I H e r than half n;i m;iuy. 'I'h ltly-r.m r

IdJclS. r r K n r " " ' ' ’' - 'In ilm .iinni.. |i..rloil •■i:' ImMni

„ • wore horn In llir- - la ir , all of

rllvlil.-i) 2S\ h in« ami ::"i-, ,:lrln. “> Seven w..ro Mllll.oni nn.l a llko

nninlH'r llleclilnm le. •rti.T(r wi-r-i



S o u o f Fam oiiB P ro g re s s iv e Sen-

ii.ipo, _ f t t o r . P r p l ^ ’c3 W isc o n s in H o

. Ilii'l . W ill F ^U uw ill FlTDtStOpS W

I,.nil ’• P a r e n t I f E le c tc d to V a c a n t

t o t .tm 1C , • _ 1 .

MAPI.SON. Will.. Anir. IT -Aiiin.iinr- : lUK himiu-lt nil n "p'ocr.-.iHlv..- eiin-

.Ildnl.., Unhi'it L i Ki.llelt... .lr.. lotlay liiHuod n iiUxtenn'nl fronili'lni; itint If

I >‘•''1 ho III „irc l.'d lo til.. Unllod .Kini.'ii Men­'ll- nl« In till Iho ■n^t imi.le vn.-nnt hy the

donlh n t h)>i fnlli.T. he will fiiltlll all il« tlm plodKun nnd rn rry out tli.> urniimm

unity, of ih<i p ln itonn ilic iienlor iJt ro llf tlo " Jh n - was elcclcd ou (lirct-'yonni aso. 'f®'*''* I a ro llf llo 'n itinteinonl I'rn rilrn lly -noyB. complot.'n the Bnnonncem.-nf .>t enndl- iK ro- (inion nnd pinlntlffn for tho mieclnl >xni»i* cicction, ivhleh i;ndonl;le«J!y vIJI he ’ nml cnilod an O orornor IllAlne rolurnii-------- m .di iim 'TOCTiiim-iii tm ' iiinhi-m n i .n t

tho o t Ilm ntato.____________ ____________P'i‘ii-1 Stn tom rnt .>lnd<*.M tor- i j i ro iic ito nnjd: f hc r nm a iiroKr.'iinlvo rnn.ll.lalo on

hns (tm plntform ondorneil hy " tcom- WlncoiiBln lliroo yonr« n«o when lloh-

I n l o ri M, Ij i KoUoIIo wnn olooted lo hlH Inrod fmirlli term Jn tlui Unll..d S ln irs nen- jnlnlfl alo.

.'•■I do nn t asli ihc uiippAH nf thc pcip lo n t Wlncnmiln liocaiinc I nm Knhort tJi rollc tto 'n riou, I nin nnnn- th a t Ih h rolntlnmihlp In IlNolt .Ino.i

17.— not Mitlllo my candidacy to ron»hlor- llKht' nllon. Al Ilm nnmo llm r. tha t r.On- ;omo- ilonnhlp d.ion no t dlmiii.ilUy m..." chliio IllKh npoin lu Ihc l.-i r n lh l lo plnt- I th e form p r r ::to r ‘B U'lBo poHry of com prchem ihc ctrri-

w ns Borvntlon.

^ ,y " (Conllnucd oil paRO 2)

U niversity o f Idaho I, Opens on S e p t ffith

All- ---------MOSCOW. AUC. J7 .-0ponlnK di.y.i

nf thn luriv.Tflll)- thlH yoar. l.oRln- nnnfi "li'K Seiitomhur 1C .,aro u rrnnerd nn

nn ontlrc ly new nolicdiile, which pro- ,1 nn Tlrtpff-ftjr- reffJ.ttmHon-on -W d n y -an d

n ,. Hulurdny nml Iho openlnK of <!H.ino«' on the followinK Mondny. Inntond nf

tho form or nrrnnKomont l>y which iineo "Indenin roclKtorwl on .MnmI.iy nrni have Tucwlny nn.l liornn clans ntlendimco m at- ei” Weilnos.lay.

••prfBhmnn day" o n - Thiimdny, Sepiemhflr IT. in nn omBtandloi: tea-

- m re Of lhe new KPhonn-. rMnirInK nil fronhmon nnd o the r new nludcnlB (0 Ihi bn llin .'campuh (x dny Irf oif-

J® VHHCO orroE l-tlrn llon . KroMimnn will . ^ ; f on th is dny take tho itcnorni ehk - * “ ■ 1l»h to«t reauirod of n il firat-year

.. .inden ts . T hry will then n tlend the annual freiihmao nnnomhly. In tho nftom oon thoy will com plete m atrl-.

'>“ <1'’ culBlion If Ihey have not a lready dono BO hy mall, and a ll new aUl*

• dent# wHl coaltr w «» th e ir rteana; ***® A Bonerai reeopilgn for frenhmen------ S j ^ f i c u l ty 'w ltt'b e .'b c ld -tn -tb e-ev ® -

n ins.r -------- T h « -B pedal'-ifirfft—t rom - a o u th c u

Idaho will a rrlvo WeOne»day, Sep- >r tem ber 16. whicb w ill be ‘bo day * ^ of th e flr»l faculty m eeting and of L « 0 tba fortnaJ opanlnx o t Sclenca ball.

Beptember 17 w ill b e 'r ro » h m a n day : n o t Septem ber 18 and 1», reRUlratlon w ill days: and Septem ber 21 th e n ra t

^ ^ . r e C c . - ’a 'i l o o r e w ill a d d re « in th e form al opealn* aaaembly. n a

Pbr- will be bold on M onday a t 10 oc iock . Iton. r t ib e r tban o a W ednesday aa baa

ac- beatt tb a custom In tb a past.

_ _ j o m t 3 5 5 r S M S H A i n : . ^0 u WAfiHlN-OTON, D. t i . An*, i r -

TabuU U oa o t i t» lo w * a an a io rf^ per* elaeU M b a llc t t from 6S connUea t ^

d a y rav* Saaato r S m ltb W . Drook-. b a r l M J n t . and b U d a t a o c ^ c op^ ponant. DaalaJ J*. S tock. •

rtoo. a ad . M ouo* eomiUaa b a reosld hM s ’Oiae* Saforday.

^ o T S i ^ U W Steck - b jllo la ^ «»**• S8U B r w k b tr t- b a U o tt b a re been n - e o s ia iM .

P L Y TUGUST 11, 192.3.

^ B N l i y 1 0 i T T P r o n rI GAS M M

S tic H tific S)ii>’c r O ocs on T r iiil

f o r H is L ife iit L o s A nK clcn;

nri' I«-A ccU n(j(l o f K illin g S ouio ty

W ife w ith . D cjilitl G lu to G ot

H u g e F o r ln « o .■ lr»

I.llS .\N(!l:i'.l':.-<, All;:. IT.' Hr. Thoai;... U-. Vi.1111/ . a.vn,....! '• ...l .a -

II,,, t(« .' ,ila>ei-." M.'iK .in tr ia l li.i.- i.i ,.r„ day r.,r' Iilii life.

Tl». o t J.lrlillij; n jiirjiilarin l iiliorlly li.-I.ir.' ...... .. alUTS ill- rlo r .liiihii- !•:. I’. IIiiliii iletil.'.l

(!r;iro Crnnaa , Voi.iir. ................| W Ka... an.l l.<ri}hir; h . r In a

| \ . 1I<. l>in|ii.d' al lil'i nitiii^ii'l an.lI V iinill.-.l r.eb ly wlK.n lln ' .'.iiin ' ruled

' tlial Iho Irlal liiiihl ]>r<>e...'<l.K l IH.|ennini-.l I'l tii>.<'d .............iN I'",

“ K..yn ar;;u.'i| Mr..|liiiiU..|y arahuH Ii'>ii||H.neiiieiit an r.<|Uei.Ieil Iiy llie

3cn- '-'SKI) Ullni.ss..« ( ’alli'il.Wn Th.. mate h:<ii |iiililH...iiaei| fill vvil-

•^"nini:" i'll Ih-verly Cleii. •"llavlnr. nt a in t n..u(h," w here n in allei;o.l till- Ili'li-

kU/>l .'.‘m.'ato.l hhi V lfe ’ii l»nly In lh« hiirx'in.'Ul of hl>. homo. '

" I 'a l" Cri.i:an. l.S-yi'-ir-ohl heir <-l t lw }»lv "lilM’ rillyr" (ln>;;iw'ji jiill- llo u dollar to iliin e .'\v a « iirninliieiii amoiii: the nn irl upri-liitoriK , Ilct lii to li.. a m ajnr wline.i« ai:«lnni hla

I* , .................. The iilate plann to pn.vothal ll wan yoiiUK (iroKiin'ii fiirtniie

. whieh w..,i lllll ninllvo for lhe «lay- liiK of .MrH. Voiini:. Kiianl/an and

fll,. m other of "yonnK l*at’‘-tiy ' l »Wn>iher marrhiKo.

,i iv "'Vir will pnK'o llml Or. Younii l» mil o f.n n .p x o ih : miluro nnd hlii inlml In ,,.,-1 1101 complcicly "‘>ne, rhowlnK miiny

trnc .n nf dopravliy.' John Coopor. e lder defenno counuol. declurcd.

i 0VENMURDERERJa m e a W h i ta k e r W h o K ille d

“^1 M o tl ic r n t A go o f 11 to B e

:non L o t O u t o f I d a h o P e n ite n t ia r y ,

f'ln- ■ S la to B o a rd D ocidcs.

nOigB, AiiK. 17.-Jam oN fi. W hll- nkor, inlirdorer. will ho Klveu ii pardon whou tho utate honrd o t par-

— rhinK nii.'ol!< (he flr.1t \VrdnP:iiliiy In . Oeloher. Cov. (’. C. Mooro mailo

tills h ia ii.n ien i. Hninrdny (nllowlnc u nhort, np.Tlal meollnR of tlm Ixiiird in rnnxlilor tho W hitaker eanr. an,I

U l to jirr;iHA'..mcjitn for n h».«).hBUrvoyof Ihn prlnonerii nl lhi> penl- tonilury.

'•y'* W hitaker k illo l Iiln innthor tn n fit of iinKer 13 ye.irn nuo nnd waa Klvoii n Ions ncntcnro In th c 'p c n l-

f " : tontliiry. Whon rocolvr.i ho w;i» 11 md y w « - o r n r P . '< f r n ■MiUen-cia(t MnUit

dIniKinlUon nnd nppnronlly withont remnr«p o r foclluK.

'c*‘ l*or thli P.-X-1 tour nnd on«.|ialf yenra ho hnn liern oul o t ilm prlr.on

**■"" nn pondlllnnnl p.irdon nnd * llvlnK w ith hln fnlhcr in east Maho, wlicio

ay- tho crim o wnn commllto.i. fa- Dpmonoirules AMIIly.ntf - -H e -h n s w rilton to Iho board bUiU ^ 'b iiib ttm t he fpoln he hnn dcmnifatrnt- ‘■r- cd“ Wn''c.ipnl)imy of h .obm ins a Ko.nl '• 'I c liiion nnd wnnta hln frpodoin. II-:

rxprosnwl n '.roslre to tnko on thn rpBponnlhlllllon of n home nnd to ow n property nnd O ovem or Moora

*1® fcelB th a l the bonrd Bhould Rive him a chance.

Tho honnl alno hna n le tte r from Jn d so Jnmen Owlnn. who Bcntpr.cert bint. BJiylnK th a t Inasm ucli JN tho bo>-. wbo in now 24, haa cxprcAS^

JpBiro l d ~ w c omB a e ltt ten —h* would nol proteBl.

:U - --H * * lib -e o n d a io a i_ n t_ ih o _ iir l ;;o n fJ»- w ere reported by Dr. OoorKo Co.- 'ay lls ta r priBOn'pbyBlrlan. to the prlKOn

board «* lc b coM luls o t m em V rs ll*- o f the pan ion board aad ibe wanlon. >ys A health atirvey was deehled upon

and It is lo ba completed hy Dr. W. ra t r Almond, . ta la rfadlcal advl.er,— bafnrr. ha le x m g -S g g » -g ? P < e » ^ r 1.

hw n .A R K 's SOX ju r o n r K nPA llIS . AUB. 17--A divorce »>“

» • BTanted he re to Mra. Cecilia T o ^ i^ s r k from C harles Wm. Clark, ^ e w S i e ^ r o M rr le d la 190* ta San

__ r r aaeU co. ______________ ^

ia l CTark ta th e soo a t tb<* la ta Senator 10- a a r k . Monta n a millionaire.

I T I l t ATfKXD CKLKBRAT10X . WASHINOTOS. Aoe. 17—American

colla«a p r o fe a a o rs ^ H J"lb* calebra tioo o t (he 300tb Inbllee a n a liw raa rr o f Ibe R asslan aeadrm y

^ o t eeteoea* la L *nia*i»d la ftjpiem -

m m■: Deathj, .Ray '

‘. o ' ........... s ...„IIH.I.1,.1 „ n. u . I„:i,„. „r .i i .- i ,,,, i

::CHAOTAl)QIIA ' £ SIGNERS W i l l : I P H U N I C H T :

T i.ln la lU .................... Mu-n..rs Hill. .Moi'l T.iiilKht III ri-tiliiile .Inili:.'. •

Itrile.-: Vn.illior >iiin’'.T Ulll lie ‘ f.f.on flor.' l.iit.T. ’

I'll' lau.iua Ml!:n';.t"Sia‘I hl.ril'Vall'll'r!.!'Ti'i-nlUlit a l III.. lu-otiiir.. ,jnii;...-'» ..rfjre. ,

I Thlfl. iiiean« llial all lli.. i.I;;n.T:i fnr ' Ihe' paiii Mi.,-i!i„n nml (In- nli;iii.r» tor . Ihe iiexi a.iiiion a re iirm .l lo Iio p rei- , .'111. ' Son,.. ImprMlani niatliTi. i..lal|iu*

, ro the chnillau'iiui win in. illnemtK.'il,. , >* C. V. Sloni, niipoiinli'niteni of ihfl ,

Twill I'nlln ohnfltniii.na nl.il.tl loilay ' •'>■ Ihnl nnh 'hor num her wmilil hi. neni , ■Of- (o Twin KallH In Iho nrM few wm'Ic;.

tn Inko (ho plnp.» of th» piny wlileli «

Thnrm lay ovonlnK when ilie t.'ni w,in J,' — idoatU ilun n Iliia aiiliuuuci;iili,'nt ,uUJl _

Ij.. m n.le'ln ndvaii'. e on lliln d,T.-, In . fnel IhciTwIn I'nlln eoi'mnllle,- will lie ”

R Mm7:njr:!liV\Vhl|e 'laUnt-wl!lol’i‘ wU|"|'h.anIlMfaeii.ry I.. Ihl» . liy,

W.. uii.l..r;slan(l llial lliere It: llhr.-, l.uLe xoin.. ..volt.'iiU'iil a ....... . ai<..lln^' 'Jg j lonl!:lii im i.uine of i|m- niicni.m plan „

I.l ■•xpre:i:i Ihoiiin. lv'e.i .,|iili.. frn ly re- » Be i:ardlim Ih.. .-aiK'. llalion .>r lli.-mirau'-

Hon w ill,I, witH lo \mM- I.een iin ...iir- od yenlerilny. , a'

“ P ead iy D entist” to t

It- ■ F igh t fo r Lige on Ti r!' Charges o f M urderIn ' --------- rido I.O.S A.VOIM.t;.' . Aid;. IT - Dr, Thnili.II ll'i \V, YoilliK'j. I<--al liallle for life h

rd ntnrl.-<l lodny In »nin rl.ir eniirl In r.., «(' „ | Th.- -.leadly .lenltHl" a. em c l of kill- c ,{, lllir hit. wIf.'. O raee (:r.i:;;.li YonnK.

wllh .lental Kiia miil c.-Tii.nllni,- h.T w l.r>.|y In a elM.Tn. W.nn i.elie.|iilei| lo tn r,

_ on irlnl i.nliiy. Wlien ihe .nnc Wah nontle.Mi.lK nioriiliu , Jii.Ir,.*i:. r , Hnl.n In

. had li.fnr.. him a ItMy |ia':'/?ifIlil.-.vH iii,‘i ril.'il l.y Yonii;^-:. «1l..rm ,« In „,rl h;[jj o r n uiiiiloii.Iur_cimUuuaJiti;.-uL_ihi,' C(

Th.', ilenllsfH iklloriiM,* iipi»fnlei| for delay on uroiindN D Ar Initinrlani d .- ponKloini fnnn llio .an i liml fnllul 10 d

'" a r r i v e . allnrney,. w .retd oppoite th .' motion. „i

s K A N S M O R M ? iCAUSES DEATH?! 0 F AT LEAST 1^d —

Belated Reports from Sccne cf ^ —Tetrtfte-W ind-Toll of-Roclus* ?*

Kaied and Section Threatened with Flood Waters from Upper r.n Ir

I*. O o n n try . re

h .a A L I > ^ K an ,...A u g ^ 1 L = ^ n £ lM i4 lireporta In tho wako of (Im trrrlf ic be

„ wind and rsin ntorni which wroiiaUt m' fl b ^ o c In ndrthw enifrn Kannaa, W - be

day. . la te th a l a t If-nat oae man m n w as klllod: and th a t flood waterK

fm m tb e no rth 'w ere threatenloB ow M ftf wt-sit m lowlaada. ^

,r W lllUm lIo w a td T X a rM laae Hr-' „ InB In tb e sou tbem p a rt o t Raw lins . • county, w as killed by llgbtnlQR P r l- SF da y -A lg b t: foond by nelcbbor* t a a,

n tb e bfira lot o t bU bom*. * *n More rain baa U lte n ta Ibe p e r tr « visUad by tb* Ito rm . «FlDOd w aieri, ~ J r w p t down oo H ays S ^ a rd a y a ad >L I- Sunday. R lsb w atar U czpectad \ k S u tb a ScBoky HIU r ir e r and otbec ™

ttresmi aas r b e f ^ J a a o a m , ^ ___ 1.



r IDAHO lV K ,\TIli;n

O L D .v a n . X I I I . N O . 55.

l O O L I D G E i f l '■ m f f l n r

O E e i P M E rs , - -

A iiilrcw M oJJon a n d S e n iito r

Simni'. D iscuaa W a y ' o f ,0b-

t:iitiiii^’ S o l tlc ijic n t f ro m N ii- .

, lion;; on H u g e Sum s-; R espo ii- .

.•(i’/iJ itj- ' w ith P rc .iitien t.

I 'l.V M ur-ril,' V I..All.;. IT AtiiT r ',a :r i iir ii iur I liire h'.iirn on III.' liel.

li .•.an il.f.r nni.iK .m »Jlh .s-,.<-r.'/:iri- '-r ,i i 'll., - r i .a - in v .\l.-llnn ami S.-nnior

fsi.i.mi n a i l , r>.;il.li.li- c.inli.li;i. .

.1 III till- 'liiilii;_uuuu.-<>r-l|i-' |>leliirei><|il..

.--.•I....... Ii;.v.. a tla ln i of >la>e lie.-ii ., ...ii.l ie t,.! 1,1 ;'ttili a lii.vel i:.lllnir a.|

1.1. .i.t.i l al lhe I'lyiiw.iiih ll.......Ml i'Mi..,„i j.ii.ii r.,.Nli,i,:.-. tl.e pr.-r.l- il. iii '..'i,-i|i, t. ililr. iimniln;;. Th.. frnm ' ,.|...^1, vmMi Ih.- th l . f ,M 0Utlv,.-niid Ml-, r.l,ill,I r ar.-.f..ihie iia.I h.-.-n drnn-,.l « llii I;..I.I. ......... I.li.-elii lo .111 offIh-. i i ; tt.:: Ilf L'lirli.hi an.l xllhiKerii.

thr Jiii'-'lili'iil' lhe tirer.-liiiy aiiil Iho .1 Ti:il<iv <h;,eii; m l Hie lleUllin <l.'hl.

•I'll.' Inii. liioii 'va-. I .inally Informal., llir ill.“lll i;;iil.li>d 'lrlo .nllnK nl a In- '•

l.lT- It. naval* ll rrom the ntlier Kue^lH

I nl 'll.. Inn hy only a ti-» f.-oi. wllh


\.-iir llliinlli'iil t-iikoi ,1, ' The hill 1.1 al TviiM'i. on llle .'di:o <it ■ la Ipeau'ifiil IlMli. lalte. II.-ro, iieeonl-

i„v In Ihc- aiiil.|iial.-.l r.-al'il.T, "J, f a l- vll. rnollil;;,-." eailll' a t III.' UKO o t 21 an.l "c.-il r.,i,l|ih-e" wiih r.'Cliiorod In-

. n fliiwlni- hand-:i te>v yearn Intor.‘I- Aft.-r II... Innoh'-nn, Ihe conforoos I'’ .Iron- haelt lo 1’lyniniHli nnd reiiimie<l T- U .flr diseiiHKlniiti heliliul Iho hod nhoflts

whllo iiof-r.-i r-.-rvUe m rn Biid dopniy xhi-rJff,-. lie/il (ho i|nllvi-n and loiirlirtB fitiv ynr.ln frnm tlic ConUdKo home,

MrH, <roollilK.' mndo Imr iiitiial dally ' ir lp (o Ihc hlllBldo where hor non. •

Cnlvln J r„ lion hiirlinl.I’reHhlPnl Co<dld):o Innucd the foi*

IowlnKBtaIemi.nl:It;. -^H .rH iiry Mellon nnd Ponaior ■" Sm llh hnve reported to iho president

onre. Tlm prnsroM Ib BBll.fa c o t^ .

n e rf .ia ry ’anil lhe nenntor cnmc lo In- form Iho prenlilont of proponnlfl he- fo re iiialilni.* Ihp flnnl nRroomcnl.

••Th.- r.infer.-nre will rerovpne n t 3 p. in. Tni.mlny w hon.ll In oxprcted a

*■ Iliial aure.-iiii'nl mny In' roaohod, Bfter whl.-h a full nn.l cnniplol.. ritntement, will h.' itivon 10 Iho proan hy iho American rommli’iilon.^’ ‘

I'oollili.'.' Wri'oB > .d r. .'• rrenliloiit CoolldKrt w.role pernonnlly

mid Kflvi. to npwnpnpermen hln ntnie- ijieni on lim Il'-lKlan doht ncsotlallonn. .Th." hi.-ni.irnndiim wan ppncllled In tlfh pri-nldonl’n proclne hand and (he Btn- ilonory of (he Inmiranco compnny for

. whieh Colonel CoolldKO Is nKont." Whllo Ilm confrronce wnn In proB-

TPKK. llopre.iontnlivo T lllson of Con- i. oi-oilriil. repnhilcan floor l.-ador ofthn re hmin.., onll'-d w llh Mrn. Tlllson. They

ilnlled on n hen rh on th e porch of lhe I- (;.-ner;il nloro nt Plymouth. . >K. Tllhi.in rnid n low;or Ineomo nnrta* *

wnH .o rln ln o f victory in the nox: n o(.nKr.'r<" nnd Ihnl Inhorltaneo and (he I. nillHnimo inxeH would ho ril>. A mix- n imum suriax of IR p e r ooni nnd a nor- ll mill tux of fiv.' p r r e.-n(. an propos.«I •I hy ('hnlrninn Ma.ldon nf Iht* •hou.n It cotnmUlcc..«ould.he_^‘ahoui_rl6hi’ h u _

said. . : .- ______

ri.V M O I'TII. Vl.. AuK. 17.—I’roBl-:0 dent ConlldKO to.lay was faced

luiimrcly wllh the resitonslhlllly for i.hiJilnlnK Bclllonmnt of forelCTi "war ih-l.i" of >1:^000.000,000, only one-

I th ird of which han lieen funded.Secretnry of tbe T roan iry Andrew

W. Mellon nnd Senator Smoot, Utab, repulillrnn. lioih mewbem o t U»o

T X m o rld im -f im -fu n d ln n -c o m m la a lo n ...-----1 r'nnn' tn thin lllllo m ountain paaa I vHMko fo M n e to ib e r re a ld en lsI atten tion eonnlderBtlon of tbo dead- '

lock n t W n»hlnston over tbo I4»0,-

1 000,000 nelRlan debt. . •AllbnnRh clone secrecy haa m ark­

ed lhe neeoHatlon*. th e Plluation u hclleved to b<J aa follow s: ; ;•

I teftue r . 8 . r e m i t . ^C cldnn representa llves b a re re - •

f fu»e<l to necept lerm Tm vsrifllef^-to ^ Ihoeo accepted by O roat Brita in-tw o

e .T ea r* Jiro i. (bay bavo-offerM « plan. o f a moratoHiim b r “ te n Ta m ore. dnrlBB w hich tboy w l l l ^ ^; required to pay e iiber ^ In terest, w ltb a low In U W l * B i

repaym ent ra te tba reafta r. . ; • '

sa sc e s i tb a t P realdaat Coolldje 3 Jildii w hether tb* B e lilaa o ffer, iW l= be accew ed. im a d e » ^ u ii --------- -I mad* on tb* baal* of tb* preaM eatlt - be lief of tba -ab iu ty to g u , c e u g ^ „

-- t« a obU fattona of» ,« o » a n . t v b A -■ iilW llE g H .;- .‘? a

Page 2: T W I I m i P L Y Tmmnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W I VOLUJLE 8, NUAUJKll .83. O M W I ON I f Ifl pR ID fl" K u a d c Police Oblct


T W O ,

SOCIETY \ '■ 4iipliir I’l n i l r - A v rry til.n-sftrfi i>i>- cinl llnu? wnn rnjoyccl HiimJtiy nfi-'r- „

' noon liy.tlu- JtinlorH d( tli<> M. .S. nii>l S. cliil> cnl'T tnlnt'd llio. itixl 'a fi>»- RiK'Htn a t thf* Ik-uuHCuI lo iin iry Jininp o t'M r. and Mrn. C. V. l.ltnlmy.Tlio JBwn wa« cff.'ctlvH y d .'n .rui.'.lwllll clndlotnn.-tQBiniir' »Ti;l <"h<T rt..;,. ■pnnnlilo flowerii. Much c n ’<lli l» Ktv- "• rn lo IllO j'oiiiiK laillni;Schuliort An<l Aflcllno i;i<lri'0. «lii> Iunl '‘‘‘'I clmrRp of Uic nifnir. ,\ I'lilcmllcl iiro- Kroni followpcl wlilcli mnnlntiMl of ii v iolin Uurl i>y I.<'wln I.lni!«.-y m"l I-"-llio r IMcrcc. n n-cUiiilini ,1'y (•••im- "■''HU n n . a Broii|> of liy H f y/»in:; imiipcopie'B Qunrlcl. a riTliiitliiii Iiy willCranor, a hohk Iiy I'athMrlm- lldwlnliy. vocr■dvcral rccltntiiinH l> ' tli>' MImhi'H t.ii* Kini:

. <‘lta . Kllim, Amy nml A<tili<‘ Iiiiili-r, ntiil |iiui:n vocal iliict Iiy Mtilvin .Srliiilx-n nml mnn ICImnr Plprn- iiml n riTlliitliin Uy-imfiIfplon Iloml. A cIi'vit mitni liy « hoill Kroii|> o t III!' yoiiiiR t<riii>lo iiiilinilnt:oni' of Korrf'B lali-itl in/i>lc-lH caiimvi ,,.^1 much m irth nnioiic Ihc niiclli-iici'. Af-te r lhe itroKriiiH <li-tlcloii» J e t cn-um k ,,„ ami eBkc w ore m 'rvod-hy Ihu yount;■pt'op'c- , om|:

Saiurday vvi-nlni;; Dio l^atnwnh Cam pfire im a n t ilm lioinu of Mrn. j.jrin

, K atlicrlnu P rovorl. tliclr c.iianlliin. j,,., H elen T n rro tl pniMlilpd over iKo Im.i- p„d,

• lh«iin inofitlnR In w hirli two new nii'in* liera, Macfcarui Sho tw tll uml ll«-l<-n W nrnor. w orn voti'd Inlo tho' Krniiii. , TliP dlnciiimloHii o f tlio evcnIiiK w ere ” ; mainly on th c w jyn of eaniltiK inoticy, , . a! fim iru hike, <tnd tlio sniuji'H Mtiini ' th r Ihn Joint meeilnt: In (lu> imrk on AiiKiml -i'-l. Itcill rn ll »HH niiKW>T.-l

. Ijy tho Indian word '•'kolu”. mcnninii

■ . . .• Minn Jlf th rl IMiik.i-f. Klrln .s'limliiy ncliool climli nre lo l.o Hie litmti'Hiieii n t n pnriy tonlKht In Ilm M .lliodlnl . cliiirrh imrlom. T lio linyn of fl. II. Unlion'x cIniiH nre In l>« Hie miciiln o t '" I '" Uio Klrln. • G nnn^ nnrt Hliinln ,nte to runilgli onU rrtnlninm i for ilio evo- , ■''* nlnK. Doroihy ICHtlliii: ami lleulnh WylamI liavc chnrKe of lln: Kaineii n iid r i'i '' ' OoritUiy lUHtmroiu nnil Clonnu Colo- wllh

___ . m an Uavu cliarK''-<>r-(h*i I'l'frt-nhiiifntn; -Mul_ . A lolly ffwitt tlnm ll .,Mw;lw l- hK-tli.i

y o uns iico|»le. “ ■'■'•i• • • ■ of C

Till* ovoiiln« MliiH H a rr lil Clni>|fl» cnterlalnInK with n <lnnrlnK imrty nl * Iwir lioniH on Ninth avenmi • liorlli] com iillm fiillnc .MIhh Klo Cook of Ann* coieri, Wanh. ‘ .MIhh Conk. wlii> li:i,‘< bcim viHltInK frlcndii liere for llniu rcliirnn In Ii i t home (liln tvi-rk,T lie huuHO In to bo docoruled wtli fall flowvrn ln> a color iieli<iin(> of. inixtel ■hndci. T lio KUcut llnl Incliiden 2t

. couplus, trIondH of Iho honored fim-ni.

Sunday evening tho Chrlntlnn Kn- (jMVor of Iho Chrlntlan churcli Kavn a vory-doIlRlilftil lunchron In honor ol Cftrol Patrhonks. Tho proRnim whlcli contlfleil o f a piano nolo hy .Mini C leta .R lcbcy , talkii “ Why Go to C or

f’u T n •»n«t-"WlmiA leno S«al, a vocal tr io liy Mliiitra I.n _

— —rilfr-ond-Hngfl- Wood^ f-K ^m hcrlj-T tnf — Carol Kalrbankii, a ta lk , ''>ly*pm<lueii of CoIlOKr IJfu." liy M arthii T arrar. nnd A unto l>y GnII Dovt’rcomlm. .Mr K alrlianki p a re the nrtdri'iin of the evo n ine . Iipoaklni: on th e acllvUloN of lln Spokano Unlvernliy of whieh hi-tlH i Btudent. A l tho clono of lh e tnlk Mr Kolrhalia iianK a nolo. Kov. Ilarrli prcnidod over Iho inoellnK nnd nlioui fo rty yoiins pi'oplo were iirem al.

SaHirday ovonlnK .Minn Hctly Wllnoi rn lcrta lnpd w lih h rld itr for lhe Trl-i cIllU. Tho drcorntlonn rimnli\le<l «

■* - .'ncnnonahlo Kardon flowern. In tin gamen Minn .M arsarrl 8 cllley wnn h id acorn and M nrjory W<hkIh eitnnolniion O uotln of th c club w rro th e .Mlniin Kobyn Finch. .Mary VlrKlnla H an PoRRy Wall, I la IVnlrn. aad Klo CooK an alum ul niemhor who In viiillln, here. U rllnlitful refrrnhim -ntii wen nerrcd n t th c rlnn(« of the evenlni: )>■ t^ e hoHlenn nxnliitrd by h e r niuHK': aod aUit-r. Mlsn V liliin.

Monlor Clnh JJi'u ln-M ri., KnrI . M iller onlortiilned Iho M entor c lub •' la i t week w llh U inemlKirn renpond-

Ine lo roll cull w lih -Oannlni;-----H lbU ."--M ni. CnKntdr w n i i ' th e plcRt "

of (ho r lub . The nntmiil wnloi m elon picnic wltl bo held a t tlu Dnbl pnrk Sundny. AiiRUhj_j-l. De- llrloiin rrfrenhinrntn were nerved hj (ho honlenii nnnli-trd hy MrH. W. II

' llayrn . The iin%l tiucllnj.* In to l» th« Jimlnr picnic n l ib o 'h o m e o:Mm. W .ilter Miller.

Thc l>-nd-a-llnnd elub held lli 'A nnual plcfllc nt (he honie ut .Mrn

I’oe on_Sn(iirdny oen lnK . Nine- ly meinlMiVn and ' |i'iiinT»" inJoJT'd r liounlcoiin nupjK’r nerved c.itclcrli laiihlon on Ihelr npncloun liiwn. Attei nupjier rumen nnd conlintn wer. enjoyixl by nil. nml nn enjoyn '’'*

•j.roKriim wnn Kl«en l.y m embern o'Ih r clnh T h r n r» l inwUnK of lh .- Clul. will tir liMil n l the home o Mr». K. UikrllliK. AURunl 21. ____

J^nlurdny rv rn lnc . Minn EllnK rrn rc e r rn lr r ta ln « l nimul I j «>l h r r frlrndn nt a v rry t.b'nnntit ^■ r•

------- tr.-T(>r-«v«nloc VMt nj.Ull In K 'mrntr<ckn nnd nliinln. C ardrn flnwer> w rro nrtU tlcnlly iiMtl In d rcn ra lln r th o homr. a red co lor nchrrnr brine ob»«r\-«-<l. At the clone of thn eve nine . Minn K rru rso r. nni>l»ir»l by h ri inothor. n rrv rd ilnlnty rrfrrnhm cnln

_______ t t t n m n t i l (hg t7me ta T h ' ____T tm t .________________ '


Twin F a lls C ounty I M usician M entioned I

in ^ o o d in g B ulletin.1lr«. Nellie (M n.m of iliilil W ll ln>

••triitl 111 .MiihIc IliiiHrtiiiinl of ,. ’li ...... College.

The (!-.i.<llii« CnlleKf billleiln . fra-.........." ‘iri"- " t Mudy r..rj_lhc-

all lenn >vhl.;b (>|.vnn Heiil.-iiiber H,

.ou- helm: mulled lo nil iiron|iccIlve nel.(iidendi, both m'W mul obi. din

Neill hiilfiouoB, made In Mnho, nf Xel'.Villi' T rundnli' O.ilrom ami Miirlha •‘TlII, llowler, lOKi'lher wKli adi'iilliite nilivrlteuiiH.' fenlure the w ork of (he Ihe tiiunlc nnd expreiinlon di'|i:irlinonlnM’h lrh Inrliide conmen In reKUlar kocMil work, eoncorl nnd operatic ,„i, dnnlnu, lieKlnnhiK nnd advanced (j^, diirn) |jli»'lni:. ibm ry . nli;hl Nini;iiiK, i,(y| niinlcni hlKlory. Rlee club. Inlerpre- nlion, public iiiienkluK. dobiito nnd lodlly expreiinlon. A dram atic oliih ,I'lll ninn bo formed, plnyn nml en - orlalnm entn u lvin and mixed pro- , <rnmK furnlnlied fo r Ihc cluirchon. Cpworth leaKUiin.. lodKcn und ottier irKnnUntlumi o t 't in . Inlcrinounlnlnj 'm i.lrc.

The work In edurnlloti and pK y.'oll, ■ImloKy will ho d irerie d , by H-'len »lai vriieKilan W ooilci.tk. wbo hnn liikou »np ii-r j.oMt'k'railuntii iraliilnK In edii* nlUin a t (he Unlvornltles o t llllnoln io n md Hlnh. ami I'MKh M. llobertn ly ' ,hn w llh he r non. W arren , nlno a raduatu of Ooodlnn co lleso and n eaeher' In KImliorly liluli iiehool. j, nok pofl-i:raduato work a l Iho un l- tion ornlly o t Idaho Ihln nnminor. OriV, n , H umphrey, form erly Miper- sh l

niemlent o f ' tho GoodliiK KcboolH, i„.h ,•111 herve an hn rnar; Kdlth Klorem-e. Till: In rreti of tlio Unlv.'ridly of Orecnn mm vlll eontlniio nn di'iin of women: nd David A rthu r HlloH. fo rm er hrm l ii,.n if till' cnmtnerclnl departm enl o t -i •win Kalin With nchool, will ncaln umi ,nve obarRo of Ihu w ork In hUKlno.ut ik u dnilnlnlrntloii. ' . iAccordlnK to the rcpo rl <if I’n-nl- ji,„t

lent Charlon Wcniey Tonnoy. who „nd .nn Junl ri'tlirneil from a conferem:ii cnn .Kll Secro lnry .W . 8 . llovaril o t tho „ rt.tuihoaiaL_LoariL_of_l-^ll«p'!i}«» .JlUl'iiieiiL'o. Ihn ndvnnco onrollm ent in in iIrendy Iho InrwHt In ll io . liiniary i'v,, f CoodlnK collcRo nnd ho prophcnlen Iinl Ihn lanl houno In GooillnK will |■o filled hotoro O ctolier 1 thhi year, sia i

. — hrn T lm oa W nnt Ada Gola Kcaulta.

E n j o y t h «N o w com c th c m o st g l o f oil—latc-AuKUAt, Sep go ld en O ctober!. D ays lived out*6f-«4oors—w h sides are ablaze w ith fl

, th c w o o d lan d s ft r io t ol T a k e a F o rd C a r and from ih e cro w d ed hich p lo rc th e s id c-tra lls tn a best fishinjc, th e lovclit na tu ra l beau ty .T h e re is n o (soing to o hn

t f

T o u r in g C

ruiiT u"

S E E A N Y A U T IIO R IZ l C o u p e

^ 5 2 0r . O. B. D ^ n tt

MOM’N P O P - - ~v r ^ A.SO I havS TuraCHT.Hi

*.sc itvice . f « c P5--KS leoK A M C fS ' T:^|P •'Cn a \ACAno,M J— p,—

" I - I

I ■. . . AT THB ... I ' ’

I T H B ^ A T R E S ■'

II*AII(I. iKnr till' tlrM tim e In noveral yearnji,

Jllnnelio S«e.'i nllemiitii llKhl com-j eily on Ihe i .rre in la ••Tile S |K )rtln i:|, V-'mli.,^' wlil.-h Ih iihowliiK a l t h e i l Maho (hi'a lrr,

ai'li'ei>n In IhlH role, and (ho a b lo j.. d ln 'ctloa of he r biiHbaiid. ' M arid ialr i N'ellaii. In a nii.iil ha|>py one, and ‘ •■The SiiiirlInK Venun'^ oan ho rateil nH om- o t lhe bej;I liroduellonii on ' Ihe .Mi:ir<»-liiddw>n-Mnyer procram . "

Ni'llan ban l«tirriU)lale<l a hom of aniuHlnc Incldeiitn an<l orlKlnal lourheii In thin whlmidcal nlory liy a (irrnlil lleauiiiont, w ith tlial hroory » hlyli' w ldch charnclerl/eu a ll hln f W O ur,.,..\ • , '

Ilonald Colmnn 'In mi <leitlructlvo ail over lo teiiillilne hearts In lhe I lead 01)Il0^1ln Mlwi Hwei'l, and l/'H ' I Citdy proven ho In n.i Rijnd a comii- 1 dinn an he In a v illain I n . a iicrlo- n cotnl^ rolo. . . . , ’>

Cii'orse KawcoK, Jomipliino Crow­ell, Kdwiird M arlludel, Kato I 'rli'o .Ic H ank Mann and otliern inaliu, up tbo b aiipiinrdni: cati(,

•'A H alf a Horo,'.' n I.biyd H anill- r 1011 comeily: tlio Intone .Vc«’n IJ'ock* h ly eomplele Ihc p roK ratn.. If

------------------------ Iftiiu'iiKr.'«i.

I n ’ (he new W llllain Knx produc- •* tion, "Tho S tar Diiid T rail.’' a t (ho' * Orplii'Uin Momlay i.nd Tueiiday. J' Khlrk-y .Manon prnlmbly doeii (bo beHt w ork of her b rllllaiil cnreer. ", TIilH opfnlon wan expronned Iiy I'^l- ' miiiid M ortimer who directeil tho plcluro. nnd confirm ed Iiy Slilrlcy liorncif, I

••IfH iKrciiine they Kavo mo n rolo L thnt I olin roally feel." explained Iho {. Illtlu iitar. "You nee they hnvo kept nio In liiKoniio paria nil m y llfo, Junt l.oraui'o I happen lo ba iitaall' ^ nnd younR lookliiK. All nn lUKonuo can .iK.Hulbly do In Im.k proily nnd j, n r t liaiipy, oxcrpllnK whon nomo

.'llUlo._trouhli:J.t:onn:a_ulmiK_nn'l_Jilill _

I'v e .alw nyn wnhlod lo ho Klvon « niilory th m I d mo havo a rcnl trouble h lo ho emollonal nlniul. And in "Tho S ta r IJunl T ra il" ll camo. My hun-hnnd dcitorlod me. W hnl could ho tgworne, i>o I Junt nctcd 'nccordluRly, *c

l i e B e s t T i m e o f t l; g lo rious day s . Ford; n o th in g iSep tcm bcrond p o w e r w ill ballys m ean t to bc is so sim ple , sow h e n th e ro a d - -v e n tu re w hereh flow ers, and k n o w n d ir t rot o f color.. ■ confidcnce ,w ltnd M rik c o u t o " >ijKl.woy»; E x- T K cbcstvacatl,CllCSt s p o t s o f

cond ition . G c ti > h n rd fo ry o u r in th c fin est lln

■out . - ^ 2 6 0 T u d o r S td a n . tg C a r - 2 9 0 P o n fo r S«dan - >T*n fm f dnrnutitsbl* rimi and U tlr r u n tM rr >li»t><illonnilmt»«i<r>. All pHets/. o.

I Z E D F O R D D E A L E R O R M /

PlcsM te ll m e iiow I caD M cure a I

M all <1.1. coupon <o

r.TTLMSSl. . / I S'JE C A \ ~ K c i y iO C Z ,__ 1 / V I T t- i C2s>TAnO;V-S(5 X '* Of- C>>-\ I’AV HAI

~ I — t \ f ’£ Ns e

T r«T S c y x c ?eoCDT&.VsX ^ ---

S k i i n lM M

■ T W I K F A L L S _ D A I L Y _ ;

la n d Mr, .Morllinnr nuld I did It no I wvll, d ia l he will try to find mo K I another younu wlfo pnrt jram cdl-I nloly."

^ i ■ P E R S O N A L S ! ,

':j Mr, nnd Mrn, Duvall, n r . '. 'n n t l , J | ‘•I Mrn. A lexander and Mr. and Mrn. j , . , ' I t . j . WoodH Iipenl tbe woek end „„„ , | a t Ibo Zi'lian Sm ith cabin a l Eaiiloy. „ j | ' "j .Miii;r~AHce i’orrlno linn ro iun ieu ^ro VI froni a Irlp to iho .C i'a lcrn of thft cro ll.| W. 1.. .Marnball ami family hnvo i'* ‘

reiiirne<l to Tw in Kalin from V er. =■>" nallle.i, 0 . . . I 0 maktt Ihelr homo nt

I fi«n Koiirlli’ avonuo Cnnl, ‘,1 Kennelli Itnyliurn. j-yonr-old non '*■’ >. of Mr. and Mrn, H. S, Ilayburn. 1» y nallKfariorlly rccovorliiR from nn n operation to r apiiondlcllhi a l Iho .

county honpllal, *n Mr, and Mrn, II. U I 'rlcn 'hnvo ro* A I- liirni'd from n ■ tw o wcekn tr ip to i:ns r DonvT- Minn Dorothy Hrown,' Mrn. 21 i . I’rloe'ii niece. nccoinpanle<l them Mat- and expeetn lo Htlcnd hlRh school Hg

here. The- Mrii, Will llccklny ri- tt' for ' C h l - -----i,IcaRO Ihln mornluK. to Join hor hun* • — ) band, who In employed there.

Mr nnd Mrn. Ch-on Wllkinn havo- Rone to Spnnlnh l-'^rk lo nprnd n fow• w.'i'kA icIMi her people, .Mr. Wllklun

Ih well known nn a youUR atiornoy nnd in a pa rtn e r of K. M. Wolfe.

I-:. V. Glhnon droVo Itov. K. O. Ilul- le r ’n cn r lo Cnnllcford Innt eveninK,

.. whern Iho Twin Knlln paiitor proacheo : for tho openlnK of the b it rnvl\nl ' which openn thero .um b'r the Ilnplint

denomination. .Mrn. I in Wynn ami■ M arcello Wynn nnd Cordon Uutlor

nlno nccompanlcd thom.

; ---------n. L A N N O U N C E M E N T S |

T ho Womcn’n I’roRremdve cluh will ' ‘; m eet a t (he borne of Mrn. Wlck,n, ir>l '• Third nveiiuo n o r th Wednendny nflor- I noon. AiiKiint 11). Mrn. Stevonnw lll ho ' honlenn.

i _-t>rlm rojit^ tt :b i :k MlJiidi:tS-VVlll-J,lQjd.'__

« iilUK n l K o'c lock n t lhe Odd Kollowa• hall, VlnllliiR IlebnknliH nro Invited.) — .— :-------=—

A -acw npsper n i to ca io r your bom>■ tn a rittJn s plaeo xon ro u r advertlso- . naent ..

7 ' I

t h e Y e a rIK a t w h ic h its w illin g bfllk.- A nd its contrcH so easy tha't y o u can

ere y o u w ill .o n u n - , roads, w ith th c s a n e / vlth w h ic h y o u se t o u t I luR hw ay. |

U io n d ay so fa lla rc s till ' e a th e r is less change- id roads arc in be tte r c ta F o rd C arand rovel lim e of th c year.

• SS80 - 660

i ♦itm

H A I L T i n s C O U P O N

a For tl C ar on e a i^ pajrm entii

!>TRAOiO’ "^ •“— ,■■■■ “ ~S O BfiOiZr- ■ - ■ ■ . . - .HALF - ____ ' . wp. - '

I A -K rrr-ieL A ^


i f T M _ E S


r.— . tori

IJUIIi;. Ida.. A uk. 17—T hc flrn t car- 600 lond of w ntonnnlonii wan nhlppnl from hef< Duhl Ihln niornlnK (n tho oanlorn and niril nonthorn m nrkoln. A no the r carload Jiinl will HO forw ard tom orrow ami l h e __^

crop thin y e a r Is a humpnr. Many ,|(,n Buhl melonH hnvo boon nold In Twin I'aUn. n i o r nhd o tho r p la c n in tbe moiconnly and Iho flavor of thoao tnolona „.,g,ht reported cxbellcnt. ,

W ntnrniolon valley in n huny placn key Ihoiut ilayn and huudrndn nf flno, tun*clomv m elons n rc hcln« linulcd ou l of ,,Ihcro dally^_______________

W id th o f EnglU h Channel ufai A ( O o w r Rtrnit (ho difiaoco trom

linsland lo Franco la * b it mor# tbaa 21 nille*. Betw een Sidmouth lo d St. " " " Mato, vh e ro th e I^ ifliah cbsonel Ss a t f;” , Ks widest. Ihe dlotonco is 140 mllea.T be aTeraso wldtli-U -4bout 70 tnlles. n

L A D Y B /O r p h e u m

Speciali/.ing in Ladies H air Cat)

' Phone 1261 for J

H o w ^T T T H n i ; o t h e r

....... y y ^ o p a o t h e M i ^does i t pcrfe

o th e r w ashers rcqu d o th e s , th e M oytag • How docs i t do it duaive Oyrafoam ' prin

■jt— thc mo9t-effidcnt prindple ever devctope

The O y rafo am act only quii^eri bu t itiorc and 80 thorough that i Is clunioated. ‘

9 0 u ts ta n d li if t .M ay tvs Femture*

1 W.*he* ruter. 6 Easily .Ojui2 WuhM cleaner. to^durhrfB3 Largtat hourtf 7 Ooihe* e»n

capacity in the pu tin o r u world. out with

4 Mo«e eeiiipiet wuherrvnnS T u b d ^ n .

only 25 i n ^•quart. . 9 AU • me

5 C u t aluminum wtinger. S , u h - e . n ; t - .dja.ting. wirp,ro(,twc!l, »tant ten t (pTieoreomxle. icIetK. ,

9 RM *ona forW orld U ftdersbl


............. 'my o u 'l l never m il* M


TH_ iv iT ir

- llff W ain 'A trnu>

\ <»nr of o n r chain of i; loK tijra roam -Wanbrr

SK U V H t A

soeflcsreoTfwafrwagu) / BirrW'BE BETTER LEST / PflenVg & 'iS 'v M S S l? 6w s T B A O - i r y io o i D e e l u w o k sSO W C M M 0«ff 1 H ffr fi

- H sem ftA

I’h\ l!x\



r.ONDON', AiiK. 17.—Impjillnnl mo- torliiUi who cannot wnit for Ihe WTiil 600 mllen of Ihelr new cam lo l.o rnn hcforo "letllUK hei* out" nro l.cliiR re- * ' ilLriilnod by a now nlow npooil device „ Jiinl m arketed hero. *

A nnenini wnnlirr In Innrrled In Hie ____Inlet plpo o t the ncxVcnr nn limy nro dullvored Into the handn of liiiyein, no lliat the onRino ean not ilovclnp moro powor than In re'iiilred fnr rcnv speed o t 26 inllen on hour. Thin wniih- vivli c r can only be removed by n mieclnl • key .. -

Mo) Xot tJet J ih '.I f tlio now piirchannr doubln lihi ,

ab ility lo resis t tho lemplatlon to spend bo leaven thn key w ith the mnn- {““ ufac lurera u n lll tho cnr him run fiOo; r . m iles. I f bc in oxcepllonnlly ntiom; Ll mlndod hn nnks for iho key n l ihi- . timo of purchane. U thn innnnfaceur* . ' nrs «l*o him up an a hinu of patlcnco he sola tho key.

Read Tlmea W tint Adii. ■_ J l’’

> A R B E R wllmil

h a u l y S h o pes' and Children’s q fitting• Appointment

o e s i t d lc r w a s h e r s e x e r t t h e m s e l v e s t o w

a f e c t l y i n t h r e e t o s e v e n m in u

j q u i r e t w o h o u r s t o d o ^ 5 0 p o u t a g i s t h r o u g h i n o n e h o u r .

' i tT T l ie e x . T r y th e M n y tn g - p r in d p le • d o ea f J / C n l l u s — w c ' e n t w a s h i n g M a y ta g G y ra fq a m ' sp ed . . — a n d th e n — 5 f,th ca c t io n is n o t . n o t p ro v e t h a t y o u to re .c a re fu l— to face a n o t h e r w ftt oU n ib b in g . o u t i t '— r e tu r n i t .

‘ o b lig a tio n . ■,

ire* a l j f c ^ ''*'■* *'idjuited jhrfght. , . . j I

\ I i i lii:i'»<< r ‘,s i j T " ? a a B » srvnninB. ’

n n t I t . ' ' ‘ lipjP a C

m e ta l L J r i• S e lf

en .io n J

n b lp ■ J

’ LFor honrn without «li

M s B i E E

tn a ^ ^afoam RVasher.WITH CAST A yiM INUM TU6 0

H E M A Y T A G SH O Pn r AMKBICAX KLKCTUir Cnjll'A N Yiu > -rn « l= n i* fft 'T tS --------- TWI.N-KAMJl. 1t 17 niorps In th o In trrn ionnlaln .Slaten : h rrn rselnnlTrly.: ASD 8AT18FACTI0X CL’ AlLVJiTEKD.

n V C ftA iO ® \ W W ETO PA .S t=OR-H



\ \ Y , A P fiT -S T 17, 1!)25.

. i.,\ i 'o i . i . i : r r K(l!nn11nm il trom pago 1.)___ ^

Uepenl of tho liflch-Cvmnilna ra il­road law. .

Ilellef of nRrlcuKuff.T ax reililcllonn.t;onntlluiloiial am cndm onis to r di­

rect iioailnnllon nnd clnctlon by tho peo|ilo of jircnlJcnl and vlco prcnl- dent." '

Opponlllou lo world courl.

We winli lo thnnk our frieniiB mni neijihhom for ibe lr nympnlliy and many klndm-anen diirlm; o n r n 'oen t he- rcnveinenl In the Ions ot o u r dauBhtcr.


Head TImca W ant Ada. , •_________ _

Every Faim Needs PastureThlN In -o n e of tlio host lim es

of thn ycnr lo Mtarl n now pos- luro. Griisn sow n ,now will bo

'r e a d y for lhe sloclt In onrly nprluK.L and in T am e Graas

or Sw eet CloverI’ASTUnK

will .pay bo lter <hnn m ost crops niiif n t le«« oxponse.


Soo UK for price", form ulas, mill ito^lnK .lnfom iaU on.

D arrow Bros. Seed & Supply Co.

TWI.N FAM .8 “ idahn'n LoudhiB Hccd H onse"

l o i t ?> w ash a tu b fu l ;w it lio u tc f fo f t , ■' \ linutesl W here pounds o f d ry

s i Q ~ w a s h w i t h tfc w ill b r i n g a im to y o u r ho m e^ th e w a sh e r d o e s 77^/ o u c n n n o t a ffo rd - r w a s h d a y w ith - , i t . T h e r e Is no ,

l||I"»i.} 1 I i | | y

i th 0..oUne > 0

A i k ' f o M « l i i c 'N « v ^ ‘ .......... ...................M a yia e Ironert too

? r

K.-I1)AII0_______________ ■ _ ______________ ,len nelllnB Say* J m

— B y ; . T a y l o r

--------R .H ALF A S MUCH- ,

Page 3: T W I I m i P L Y Tmmnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W I VOLUJLE 8, NUAUJKll .83. O M W I ON I f Ifl pR ID fl" K u a d c Police Oblct

• J rO N D A Y , A U O TIST 1 7 /1 0 2 o .

NEWS CPffiffi! I S P

o e j E i i ' ’. • , ■ . . A; ■ ■■ ----- D.'i

” B e d ^ ' L a c c j 's 'W a r r io r s D e f e a t

V is i t o r s 8 t o 4 o n H om e F ie ld

B xuJday; S o c o n d V ic to ry ;

N o rth B id o rs U h n b lo 't o O v er­

c o m e B iff L o a d , *■

Clnl• K IM Iinnr.Y . Ahi:. ir-IC Im hnrly Wni

tnmio ll tw o ' from Jcroiii"Snnday nftornoon wlicn tln 'y cnmt>'oii( on tlio lonK ond of nn 8 ib lil t wUli llio a R m c a tlo n from llio iiorili nlilo. i-'oki ■•\VlilU 'y"'l.A w rcnco, Ilic Jerom e liUli Jolii iichooI Iml. cxHftywl to nlioiiUliir llm *'• •' b iirdfn for* tlio vtnlloni bn l wnn dirt- • plncoil l)y Vnncmon in Uio ni:vciiili. Yoiine L nw rrnco Imwevcf wnii nol nl- ' tdh'ctlicr to lilniiio for llm lomi of tin'Kiimo iiathlH nupiiorlluR r w i fulli.il ii {" riinrllo ir 'Iii llm plncln'ii. N cIU iit 1‘lilf r.'clMorccl u n lll tliu fourtli frum«*wliuii ' a bBHO on linllH folUiwi-d by iwo liltii f " notimt a p a ir o f coiiiiturii for Klmbcr- ly. In IU« n « l Inulnt; "Ked’n" pnn-

• tim cra rortiqdcil two moro on n roii|»ln of hllfl and iiomo tim ely crroni. And *'' ‘■, In llm next, thn nlxtli. tlin-« moro worn ndilwl o n 'a flulilor'K fliolcr-.-s;. i.nitii, jf J; tw o lilw and nn orror. Ono more In I* ' • tlin novcnlh rumillcd wlicn . Vrncmon ‘

------ . 1.01 m r or III., M on .'. . I lfR ■•.siiiii::Johnnon wan nwlniilnt; .....I ilioTnloIi- I ; ‘V»:nt«> n m l nackor nrKfillnu d tlirco- '

■ ' tDurllin of Hio c ircu it nn n coniiofiiirnco of Mr. Vcnotiion'H overnlKbt nad iioor- cd n m om ent In ter'on n imnNrd bnll by KUxIcr. ,

Tbo nortlinlderfl were Bft bnck wUli coniilBtcnt rcK ularlty iintll ibo nov- ' I onlh tfli(in a ceacroiin contrfljiillon ol I

transKroMlonH on Iba jm rl of KiilIer'N “ cohorts eouplcd w ltli nn'Infln'tlflTi of

. lilB.Slicnaniloah boiU'd 111 foribc 'bo iiio _ • 'jm ard ii; ' 'Notwllhfllnmllnj: tb r nmtin- *

• oiis irtilltnlo of IilR crow. 8klppi»r Tul- ! e r b r e u te d Uio ntorm -nlnsln hnnilfd b y th o a tr lk o o u t rou ii'. H nw uvorlbroe i b n r opponontB hnd made Hio c ircu it In tbP , Cnl m ian tlm e. T bo ne*t .Jnntnir utartcO >lpcre (liitio nURplclouRly for ibo v isllom w ith llKbt, tw o .lllto in succnm lon bu t aRaln did «nck« ^ l l e r ^rBl^vo^

••Pal” *Thomp«on wa« th e baltlnir Mil Itrrci o f tho mclco. Ibr^o hll* ou t hf wii-n f o u r l lm ts iTp iwinK tno bout ilio one* wonk of-tmornioua proporllonA could do. Snrki

T h c Joyfiil tldlntiH In detail: ncnbl:

jicnoME.AH n n PO A ?: , '^ c

Pelb ic , n s __________C 0 O' 0 1 2Cook. 3 b ___________4 0 0 0 1 0 InffRn t i l o r . c __________.( 2 2 12 0 0 domaiSnlftdny.. r t _________ '* 1 2 1 0 1 wonkiVcnomon; 2b. p __™- i 1 0 . 0. 3 1 IcnniiU arcloy. I h _________2 0 0 9 0 1 nnloii,lim m clt. I t 4 O' 1 1 0 0 fiTovi T ra p p o n .-c t________* t l 1 - .1 .0 0 $2.05.

w i P i w P S f f l' t o d a y . i a d - t i i o W a y

lj ^

i ‘ e Staa: bus— jA n T t i t r < g ^ : B ^ a f c 6 f : T h & t W n r

■ ■ . ■ • xuo.'■ J W A L T E R I W I

_ _____________________ B W I P f l

.■■ X E B '?A X B B HBW B ^

T h e L a t M t S i d o r t a l V t w i .llrai . O r p b w a 6 r d ^ ; : '

r - u


------- -------------------------XAl Nnw Yorli: II, II. I', ■■

l*lillad.’i,,iiin ............................. i li :• I INow Vork ................. ....... ........... .1 !) 1 I n

UiiIIoi'Ich: Cnilcdii mill liriiKm-;- ■■ Grc<-nflidd nnd Snj’diT. v

At Cblcntfo: |{. H. K. |D c l ro l t ....... ................... c (I 'iCblc-u«o ......................... .............. . i s : ; ]

llniliTlrR: Miillowny nud llnmili'p.Ulnnki'nitlilp nnd .Scbullc. !

I.nwrvnco, ji, 2li ___ I fl i) 0 n o ■ i;------------ ------------- Till

Toiniii -.1............nr. I fi Ul a rumKJ.MtJDItLY. . lo I

Al! K II »’0 A K I•-•Inlborn. im ............... :! 1 0 1 2 ,i ih<-iVnlHon, nil.............. . (T I I -1 0 0 rollIjjwury, 2!i ............... C I 1 <i " 1 ]•1 ..ruH or. J f ............. U J O I II- 0 lUrcI’bomimou. r f ........... •! i :i « n .* lo killncim. 0 .... .......... I I) 0 10 :i o Htm•'oKior. cJ 1 1 0 0 dillobniimi.- lb .............. I 1 I ID (I t miMi^ l''iil1«'i-, [ ) ........ ...... .| 2 M o r , (1 K<-M

- • -------------- — JoblToinin ...............:'.r. s n J7 t:> r. r i

.'?corii Iiy ninini;!i: crnloriiuH-— >T. tindm ill ' ........................... (nm I tll j : n - i i r.u'cUUIKl ........................... l)(ll» UKII Illll—I oil 1

IlmbiTly— ■ T. iK-rf'Him .............................. 010 22:! lOx-K lnr«'UnnH .............. .......... .. noo 2i:n lO i-.-, mi iSim im nry-Twi> Imni' hlln. Tliomp- I'u

on. R l''u lti'r, SnIiKluy. T h rc f IjiliidII. Jobufon. .Sirlkroiiiii. liy [.IiII.t W. rt. by IJjiwr.'nco 8, by Viinpnioii n. Him li'nn' ff I'u lliT O.-ofr Ijiwrcnrc-; 7 In «lx In- imni' IncM, o ft Vonomou. I In ixi'o Innlii;:^. i» d lift on biiiti'/i, Jcronii’ 7. Kimberly 7. J '‘ nnid-il linll, n i r l r r . Sldtiin. . Iuu'.il'i. i Mulll

oKtrr. 1/ I’liillmr'n Illlllo iK-roiiil. Kon- lo T wnn panned nml ib ry worki'd uiiible fiU'nl of nblr<I nnd'i>i'cond ri>- -------ircllvi'ly. 'UmplrcH—KInK nnd, Chonowoib. |

l a t e M I e t sOAI.IMVKM, H ITI) ,'<IARKKT. “

CALDWELL. Idabo. A.lfj. 1 7 - tdppliiK point Inform nllon for Imrndny:CnldfrplJ-.Vnmpa iiaetlon: IlniiHn'cn i q 'CrenHlnc; demand nnd triidlnj;!bt, m nrket d u ll; few Hnlfln. Uurnbi. ton i ickcil.’ por ewt... J1.90O1.SC: cnr- uar.i lids f. o. I)., cnsb trnck . montly niilii'

MlnnenpollH-st. T nu l: Modnrnto ,

Dnker; . carloiidfi dMIvered m Ipb: _ irkcd Cnrly Ohton. ronnldornblo nliby. . 12.1502.30, m ontly 12.20®

W enlern Mope. Colorado: (Delta, lo Ll intronn nml Ol.itho d ln tr lc t) : IIiwl* rjR modcriilo; llch l w lro Inquiry: mand nmt traillm ; alow ; mnrkot )nkor. Carloadx f. o. b., URUal * nho. naekftd irlnb eobblor*. (ew Ion. S2.2B; wasonlORda chnh to } oweru, aacked people's ruaacts, r 06;______________________ __________ 1

O a t in M ' a n d ' .

1 ^ —I r y ^ t ' • W M H b t x r n .

isfT raii" ■. I ' :

i i E ^j h - f t p d w e r . , *nF.T»» ____________________

s' wnsiaT .• Re » i4 A n t b t W o r ld . . .

, , ' l ^ > _ ! n 5 * ^ j n w a t » . :



■'— '- r ' f

B u t O ne S c o ro M ndo D iir in g ii

.G a m e ..S u n d a y o n I f o r tb S id e ;

R e s u lt I s 1 t o 0 ; L a r g o CSrowd

S e c B e s t B a tt lo of th o Beaaon . i;

• I;DI:N, M.i., Auk. i : (Spi'rlnl Io T Ii" 4 „ T lm cnl—Tb Itiihl Ornyii .liml n bnrd j! rmiiibt Im-icliull Knnin lii-ri' yi'»l<'nl:iy "1(1 Illl' Kdi-u lenm by Ihc iiron ' nf I In ‘II. Kden i:oi Uh oni' nnd only neon- In Ibc (Inil Inning wlib tbi< lii-lp o f n roiiplc* nf .lil’.K. !.

I 'm m the flrHt Innlnir mi It wnn rut- rliroiit nnd ni'iirii'r 'cam wnii nMc tn Kci 11 niun by ibIrO fnr a run. Jnlm- Him on till' moiKid^for Ibn bomc ii.’iim dill cxoollcai work* and wnn iinprrbly im |iiioiInl by Ibc .n-nt nf tin- Icnm. Kelly wuji on th c rfcclvlni; ^iiil wlili Jobnnon. • ....

rim x. pllrlilni; for lUllil Iicpl ihc In- “ irnl bntlriH from cnjnylnj; ;i u liiifn il ind w;iii iiimlHicd hlir wnrk on ibc [“ rci'clvlni: cud by Kiiii.v. i:vi'i-y m ani i in bnih ii'amii pliiycil bln piiKlllon Inj ncrfcrilnn nml Kdoiilli'ii an well n« a 1_ Inr^c niim bpr nf vlii|ior« w eni clvi'ii in exci-lli-nt Knimi.

Kmir blm were crcd ilrd to Ilic loc-iil Icam nnd idx to Bubl. I’li

WJib Ihc vleinry ycMlcrday eneli cnm hiDi wnn two i;nnii';i nnd n fifth ^'b iniiie Ifl nntlclpali-d lu llic near flllnre •I decide Ihl' iicrlex. ,

Jerom e, ll hi iindcrnlnod. will menl <'li Inl.l nt lllllll ncYt Wiui.lnv 1...„-.-;c Ne «ni<-<l<>rcHi<H|~y<wi<.|'diiy>ut-Kliuburly-it llL

• ________vnI Ne

Fights an d Fighters ) t "1 S i. ’• Hr

---------------------------------- I'llNKW YOUK—1‘nddy Mulllnn, man- Cli

ixer o f lU rry Wllln nnld be w niild 'nnl Ho ;o in Cblcajto to nlsii nny nrilcleii for 1 Imni botwecn .Wlllii nml DriiipiifyIII,111 Kloyd rititKlmmnnii. t 'h lcnuo pro- }ia noicr. ilnpoidtH n. forfeit of $l0MUi* Sa n n New York bank. • S(

LO.SDON. AiiK. 17—lUcbard H alil- l-oiirlon of Mempbln. Tcnn.. a Prlnci>- Onnn tiradiiale. nvvnm tlioHirftltii n f tho Vc 3ardiini‘lle» In twn lioiini Hiindny. d r- Sanllc n Hiroiii; m irrf.nt. ncrnrillni; lo __t i.imHluniinopio Oliipaioli in ihw l.on- ,lon TlmiMi lo<lay. , i ]

Tlie^p'l* u pi-ppormlnt plnniatlon of ;tiO acrc* n t U ltcbnni, In Surrey, Kng- ■liid. aliil culllvntlon I* nlao cnrrled oo ji'L tncolnablro anil Uer^fordablrc. ^

Jo e -K S a y a ;No. Ujo Obnulauoua dtd no t pr

yoKlcrdny! Tbla lirlUKii to m ind ii a BrPBl, * c b o ta r:--T b c benl, wuy bi poMlblo with o tbc r peopio, to cull aneu nnd charily nnd le t puoplu I bad. Eh. w hall.

■ g f a i i T X C D

_ - ^ N O W SH

W om enV M en ' wil

- I f jT iB ltll ia ^ T rtl f J '

- i l l

w e H A R p L b a o t 'tf i , *THi-V ' - A U M Al


WORLD !-- ■ .' iili

'__________ ' Snn

I j W atching the , I Scoreboard ^.. Vc.il.T.lav-. 1.--.I lliinl.T__ ClOui:. '

Yonki'it firm liainiiiiin. aernunieil /or twu ruiiH w ith 11 Immir. n doiilib' nnd

• iwn Nliiiilen nnd Innl Ihn Seiinlnni n

Treil FlURlmniniiii. id id iim : bli: flnil full came to r lb<- Cliinin, i<ln]i|icil Ihe _ ]| ':ii'nvdi; kiiockiHl In ilircc nmn niul won

S llic xceoml Kumc. r> lo 2. a fte r Jnliniiy . 'O in iioy had bcuti'ii Uic cliumplnim, i! o,,], ' 10 I) In Ihe firm i;ami-. |,„na -- - u

, riK bi w ork by UlO'y In ilic |>iii<'hni nml I.‘ n1l|ipcil till! I’lrn lin ami (lie Keiln won

0 lo 1. . ASpciiUcr'ii donlili- and uliulei; by Snci

, Sewell nud Spur;;i ini icrnreil Ibc riiiiii UviIn tlie n in th th.ii i;iuc the ln<lliinn « .11:

, 7 tn C viclory over llie Hrowni.. Koc'— . . St

‘ Uill !>berdcll lil ld in l hln lenlh \sill-' ner for the t'u rd s when he hm i Ihe l.on

('tilm li tn 2. Iliirm.liy hit bin :i:inl Ihhomyr. . .'!hei

lle ;n y hltllnK-by c j ^ l l l l a m i i bel]>- At Cll Ihe I'hllllen Inlie two ;;nmiH frimi Verii

■Uic Iloblmi-7 lo i\ ;iiid (i Io 2., J Seal• ----------- , M llli

Pour riinii In Uic I'lrhUi innbU d lm e Duni Tl>,'cr;i lo bcnl Ibe While .S o T r r n '’ «■'

................. .............. • I Vcrn. ................. - ------------- ’- * : • / — 1

How the Clubs S ta n d , ^’int

A‘.M i:itii'A x Li:,TT:n ' rW, 'I .. IVl.

I’hlbdelph ln ..... .......... 72 :I7 .OiilWnnbUiKlon .................. 71 • ^0 .CID ____ChlcaKO ........................ I!" r>2 .fijdDciioit ....... .................. ;-r«* fii: . r oSI. Umln ................. ^ . r . fi7 .101 . f 'rievchim l ............ , - r r r s 2 .II .Il.s

-----... 17 fil—■}sTri,vS'Ai. i.iiAtJi'i; '

V lii'i/n rcb ...... J ......... •i:l‘ .no2 VNeiv York ...... .............. i:i •III .riiif, ''".y-:c in iiiim iii............ .........r,;i r.l .r.;iii *SI. 1.01I1H ...... ;.............. r,(! ,4!i.i i ' f “'Urooklyn .......... ........... r.2 r.li . i n ■riilliiihiliihlu ................ fid f>7 •■'(17Clilea«o .......................... I!) fi2 H ll "IloHlon - ...................... - IT r<7 -lli:I’Acn'u; COAST i.KAtin;

W.’ L. I’d . ‘Snn K m n d n c o ............. SI". H I"' 'Sa il U k o ______ ___ 75 ■BG, .577 “*« ^S c a i t io ......................... - 71 r.a .r,.-;:! ;;-il.on AOROlon -------------70 Cul- .r.3K >«'• J -1-orUnnd -------------- C3 . 6 l / .n i2 i o «O nklnnd_____________M 77 .<«HVernon ............- i . : - . . . ■•0 H2 .^71Sncraincnto .......«3 .:iG7 OTcr

—— — Ainu. • ilio.Mi;' Ilorniiby. Card»A-,13.

Wllllnmn. »m w an-^2C. .

Meutul. Ynnks v33.Slmmonn. Athlellen—20. llotnimley. t^iinla—10. rn u n ile r . n()t'inn—17.ICi'lly.'Olnnin—17. __________ _

prononf "D A nnV t o S a LEGS"II remiirk I om:u. bonrd mndo by bl to t ;y lo Iniurfern ns llttlo nii

culllvatl) n bniad a p lrit of lo lu r» i ,0 l iv o .th o lr own llvo«." Nol no

. Al)3I18SlONSiJ M allnci'............ ..W o nnd SOcI K m iln it..... ....... 10c anti 30oI H onrn i i , 3 t80, 7 and 9------------------^ ------------------------ -aHOWING-^-------------- -^n can und ers tan d — vill never k now l.

- '•L th e K reen la • w arehlna V inidy o f a w om an w bo tried

to deny « cKBt iov«.| \ \ A n L M o i v o w m111 and D E A U T V

J r b l a n c h e ' s w e e t .W ROSALU COUylAN. i ,


3r"NEUAN's:.p r o d u c t i o n ^Mjfi

iiiii.. H A J L J ly A

HE ’£ ^ ^ 0 £ V I L ’’ | V^ - IBr-M » x . : : : . e . v | | | ^

. A •

C oastLeagueAt s'an Kranrh.1'0-.Mornliik' i:.inie:

- II, 11. K.'?alt ) j> k c ....... .............................. 7 1Snn l'r;inclnco........................... M -r. i L

llallcrleii: SIni-l.'inn. Ilnlvry, 1'I.t - cy nml Cook. I'e lern;- McWc.Jicv and■Vcllc. Akiicw, ,......

Aficrnnnn mime: K. 11.1-:.«n ll l.nke ................................. i: i i JSnn Fraiirlnvn ........................... 7 If, .< f.i

(10 inuliiK.H). _i|.— linir .Vlfil!— Kalllo. .VbralM', anrl lei;i: -MIKbell. ( in iry . f'r,-ffer iiml A

AI I 'nrilnnd- Kin.1 ;;anic: II. II. K. i 2'::;nOaklnnd ....................................... ;|. 7 n oifir.m iriliind ................. , I m o |.; i. lliirierlc'ii;. I'iiicii. r t'liin i'y nml lly- ii,e Icr: Uriniiin, |{a<liae and lliinniih.' WhK

Seciinil Kamc: it. ll.)-:. ,„|<iOaldiinil ....................................... II i: 2 .,,,,iI’orllaml ....................................... 'S 7 2

Il;i»ert.'« ; U.ivliter, AiU 111nml ilemlM I.M.|<erj,,ul 'n ,l,,,i. . {

At 1.011 Ani:ele;i-l'-(rMi mime: i'""; K .n . i : .S ac rn m c n in ............................... 2 s :: I'bUv. Ani:clc« ............................... :1 1 i ■imni. Ilauciii-fi: K ealin-, ■.Martin .m'l

KochI.'r: lion ' ami Samlli.'n ;. ' ' «»'■ • Sefou.l Kume: . II. I l.i:.. bi'iinl

SiKTnnvnio .............................1 k I I’al.oii AnKeIrn ........ ....................... I ;i Oi .m ,..

llallerii-»: Sh.'u, rnnflcld nml .M.lait<l i Shi'n; I’jiVdc jiniJ .Sjijii)l»r;:, j ~ -

At r te .H tlc - rin it i;:inie. I!. M .i: . 'k'ernon ............................... .......... 2 7 I•iraltl M 1

IlKii.TU n: Ilarrnni nnd Wliliney.. . !)unmvleh and lliildwln,

SiTiniil (tatnr: II. U.l,'..’c rnnn .................. ,........... .......... 7 11 Iicallln .... ..................................... 2 7 2

lla itiT lcs: Jnhniw.n. I 'll lc ti ,' an.l ft'tillney; Unnmey. I-.i.mcIl and Daly.


C llirA f iO -J lm llarncn of N.ijv Ymk. irlllnh coif ebninnlnii. here nflcr ih<-'omnleilnn of a ir.ilf lour nf Uie I’li- ___illi; norlhwem wltli 2inr KnlFer;.. icilllnnnnimnii>TvniitilTirntintil>"Tinrrflm-‘> -----i.'Ic In thc wc/iI.Tn Kolf diiim|ilnnnhll> 1 ll VoiincHlowii, which ntnrtn Tbitrn- lay.-

'T v o hnd loo much Kolf for tb.' ir.'iielll." ho nnld. ;

nOU.SToj.'. Tox.—.Marvin Goodwin, ^ plUinll lin rlcr nnd manaKcr of the loiinion nliih of th.i Texan leniiuc hnn iccn Hold lo thu Clncinniill llcdn ilnd .'111 report an noon lU. ihu.Texan cir- n il cloneH. Cinodwin ban won 21 nn^DHi five Kumi’H Ibln Nuanon. H e play* - _ (I wllh tho WnnblnKtou Svnatorn nnd ~ it. l./iuln Curdliialn w blle In thu nia-' orn neveral •n 'n i nRo.

An adrerU aem eot w ortb looktng Tcr ta never OTerlooked—m thU jTU O angn;- — J M

L o \ ^

j D o d e

M ot(

D o d g e B r o t l i e i - s ,

p r i c e s o f t l i e i r m o t e

, . m e r c i a i , w i t h t h e e :

e f f e c t i v e ^ M b n d a y r

T h e s e n e w p r i c e s

-------------- " B r o t t h e r s ’p r a d ' o c t r l

c h a n i c a l p e r f e c t i o r

o v e r l o o k e d b y a n y

‘ i n t h e v a l u e h i s d o i

|T , - . . . 1

fe ^------r .


'.iiinl} lh'ri.-<'s' rii.veil line ll.iu r Hnt nf Ite?.|ii'cl fur K.irnier r.iiiiil} I 'tlc . f>iniml>sb.n.'r'!« riiiu-rnl S .-n lces ; 1'“'' 1

• • - , inlimllTh.' rniiniy nlllcci weri' iirad lca l- w h.ii

y illl .l.i:in l lliln iil lc in -.l i fiom "'nil 1::;n u . ;::no io i.cnnli .......................;i nboiifI.Jiil;; in ;ilt.nd llir tu iirii.I (il (). i:iir:ii:

I'iul'ion « h l.li isai; lu-lil • rmm H> 'li.'be ,\lcilio.||..i ilii;r<'h. li.'V. J. i:, i 'ln -" V'hllc «!|.. in diatKc <if III.' Iiin.'i:il ■ ’•' I" ‘IKl .lellvelcil 11 |.nwcr(tll -.eritioil 1 »nd piiid il bli-h lill.ut.- lo lh,- <Ic-| Aim .•aii.-.l. IleiillUdll (Iniiil o lfnlllilii, ' ’ii.n:: ,ive one an i-lUimlc' nf Uic r-.ln ni '‘'i'' '> ml iMliiilralInn In wlileh Mr. C it.l- ; bii'c' nn wiKi Ill-Ill lij Ihiii.e «li<> hnea ;im. 1--------------------- ^Th.- mmilc «n.i fm nl'.In d my ;i

Itl.llel cnl.,<IMinK nf .Mm. K. H. He ll.Ir?-. TM..-. 11. .\lnli. \(r. .1. i:. Whli.' ad U r .. '. l>. W .i.u r. They :...li;; l lin c , " I'iinilliil niiinbi I II. j ' T w

I’lillliearern,' clionm from am nncj"Ir. Ci.ilson',. nii.1.1 Inllmali. frien .h .' * ' ltd n..f.oi ial. « were K. J. Kln.di. Dr. Ibelr .


h ! « m oved from o v e r B oo lli'i i s to re

tlic con v cn ic n ce o f hi:


222 M A IN A V E N U E S O U T H .

B e fo ro y o u b u y y o u r F a l l S u i S U IT S M A D E T O O R D E R P R '

F. A . BA

ver Pricb e B r d t h e

:o r V e h ic le

Inc., announce a reduci

)tor vehicles, both passengei

exception of the roadster ai

yTAuSusTIT. ^

:es come a t a time whi

trt^sTeadied^he liighesL pi

lon in its history. They c

ny one who has the slighte

lollars buy.

t.;. ;\.v . , • ........


;. .\. I 'a rro ll. J. K. While, J.ihnI-uir iind f . K. U nd nf Tw in Falli.. nd T. 1'. .Moore nf Kil.’r,

hissing G irl Is R eturned to Home

by Sheriff F in th ‘Sle rirr M. i:. n n r h rilllrliic rilh il.- tic. 2:: y.'i.i ..Id :;lrl.-|.> her hn>ile 1m- IVV lllllr I.iiUcii Snlurdny cveiiinK al U.m II n'elock. Wh.'O lh.- nbcrlff

ilimlni; he i‘'.n il.d for llaiiii.'n nnd h.'II b.' rea ch ..1 iher.' b.- r..iin.l uev- ■ ' nl ].<'<i]i|e who had n o n her. Afl.T iihori m areb nhc was loc.i(.-d in tbn iriii^r of Ui.'il l>Ii)ce and lirnnrbi Mack 1 Ihe '>h"ilff':i car. 11 In nlnteil UiatII- n n lld 'l a ll Uie way lo IlniiM n nml I |it In iMr nildill.' ..f lh .' road mivil uf

.\linnl tivi. y .a rn ;.i-o‘ ,.Iic w.-.-i Ii.ii;:lii l.iiili finm lli.' n ta i- n»yluni

ave lii-r r> Ionilullli'il a i nMr I.i .|iille ............... . nil Uie nincb. She l:i

U n h a p p y T h o u g h tI t in l ic n woman to nil down nnd y when iilie bnpiiens lo .Ihlnk wlmt hnrd tlimi licj; dillilrcn inliibt hnvo .

Id If Honifl uUivr wi.mun bnd been elr /n'utbi'r.—•KxeliiinKC.

BEL ^''ailoro re to th c g ro u n d flo o r f o r

f h is p a tro n s .

f e w , . — -

tionp h o n b ' ^ s w .

S u i t , com o a n d k o u s.

F R O M §30.00 A N I) U P


c e s

E R 5 '


action in tlie . ' .

ger and com-

• and chassis,

vhen Dodge

rpe'ak-ofTne=--------- ^

' can not be ; ;;

itest interest ■ j ^

' ' ' ' ■ I

■ - -

Page 4: T W I I m i P L Y Tmmnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W I VOLUJLE 8, NUAUJKll .83. O M W I ON I f Ifl pR ID fl" K u a d c Police Oblct


■ p o m "

T W IN F A I L S 1O F F IC IA L N I W S P A P g R 0

S lio T{inM ^ rc n d c n ipub lico

Cpm paor. Tw in

I . H . MASTTO8 --------------------------

K s to r ^ ml Ui* Tw in {■'nlln Poiitord - • . - - DMIf Publlcaiton.

S U H S C U IP T K D a ily , o n e y e a r __ _

_______ ---------I'txiTj. - ivI D a i ly , one m o n lh — _


P e f v s i i i i i s jn r a j ) i ( l l y d i s ;

I t I k i s n o i» h ic o i n U ie s la L

I t if? l l f i u i l t f i n d e r .I t w o r k s i n t l i e t h i r l t . .

I t t e a r s d o w n t h e s i g n

I t t r i e s t o m a k e o l l i o i 's I)L‘1

; I t k n o c k s e v e r y g o o d j ip v

I t h a s n o v i s i o n i ) i i t l i v e s

I t h a s s t r a n g e e y e s t h a t Io

I t i s e v e r J i a r p i n g - o n e c o )

C a n ’t B e D o n e . " •I t r e g i s t e r e n h j e c t i o n s t o i I t d e c l a r e s t h c s u n t o o l io t I T I S N O T A T H O a P - : \K .

■— t F f E B U A C K F O O

' f h e m o s t d i s c n u r a g i n .q : p w a r n a u t o d r i v e l 's t l i o y n u i s t a t

• r e p e a t e d r e p o r t i n ^ j . o f d e a t h s c u d r i v o r s w l i o w i l l i n s i s t o n t a k i F a l l s t r a g e d y s e i - v e s t o i l l u s f r t d r i v e r t a k i n g a c h a n c e , e v e n i o n e .

T h r e e B l a c k f o o t I j o y s a r e t h e y c o u l d b e a t a t n i i n t o a c r i b l e ‘d r i v e r s w a i t e d f o r t h e t r . i i p a s s e d t h e - w a i t i n g c a r s a n d w e i

------------ i n g - t r a i n . ' - .T .w o . o t - i l i o n i - w 'e i ' e -' " d i e d d f t h e i n j u r i e s h o r c c e i v c d

l i v e s w e r e s n u f f e d o u t , w e r e , fo i- • ....... - t l i e s l i i i | j l e s t " p n n c i p l c o f c o m n i t

T h e y f l i r t e d w i t h d e a t l i . T h e : t h e m t o w i n . D e a t h a l w a y s \v i i

B u t i f a u t ( ) d r i v e r s w i l l p i d a n g e r b y f a i l i n g t o b e c a u t i o n i n . s e e i n g t h a t l a w s a r e e n a c t e d

• t h e y w i l l n o t b e a b l e t o k i l l t h e n s u r e o f c a u t i o n i s n o n e t o o n e c ( a u t o j i j o b i l e n o m . ' n t e r J io w e .v iJt i s t h e s l i g h t e s t a h a n d o n m e n t o f t i i l i t i e s w i l l r e s u l t . — K x c l i a n g e .

T O U R I S T S A N D N O R T H A l

D i v e r t i n g l o u r i s l s t r a v e l i n j c o u n t r y o v e r t h e n o r l h a n d s o u t s u c c e s s . T h e N o r l h . I d s i h t ) a n d 'S

• i s k e e p i n g a c h e c k o n t h e c a r s , - s c e n i c r o u t e A n d I t a a g e n t s a n ? i

t o u r i s t s n o r t h , f r o m t h e s o u t h . : N o r t h e r n I d a h o c i t i e s a n d S p o k

_______ in J n n ,d j . \m i i j r o ' ,_ ;u ‘c J ) e c ( ) i n i n g i>I d a l i o r o a d . S o u t h e r n T d rH io lia : iL s n o r t l i e m n e i g W ) o f s . b e e a n s i r e s i d e i n t h i s p a r t o f t h e s l a t e ; s e e i n g ' t l i e p a n h a n d l e .

T h e n o r t h a n d s o u t h I i i g h w o n l y i f I d a h o c i t i z e n s t i i k e a n in s y s t e m a t i c n l i y d i v e r t t n i v e l o v i t h e y w i l l b e d o i n g l o u r i s U ; a r e :

. . s o u t l i h i g h w a y i s .w e l l , w o r t l i s e e j i s i n t e r e s t e d i n t l i e d e v e l o p i i i e n i t i t l e s a n d t o w n s , f o r a v a s t a n i o

’g o i n g t o S | ) o k a n e b e c a u s e i t i s P o r t l a n d . A n d t o u r i s t s I i a v i n g t r i p s t o r e a c h e i t l i e r P o r t l a n d o r O l d O r e g o n T r a i l . a n d l l i e n o r t h

g r o w i n g i n t e r e s t i n l h e d e v o lo ] : S o u t h h i g h w a y . U n f o r t u n a t e l y

............ t o o k a b o u t a s m u c h i n t e r e s t i ne l.s e U i a t c a m c b e f o r e i t a n d t l u t u r e d i d n o t s e e m t o h a v e t h e ( i m p o n m c e o f t i i i s o r o t h e r h i g l i n c c e s s i i y f o r U i e i r d e v e l o p m e n t . b o y o n a q 'u e s t i « m o f a r m m i e n t t h r o a ¥ c o n l ^ t n i c i i o r i a n c i m a i n t e n ; t o u r i s t s o r t o u r i s t I n i v e l .

T h e j i e o p l e a r e m o v i n g a l f o r p l e a s u r e a n d c o m f o i l . f ! u t w h e r e v e r a n d w h e n e v e r p o s s ih l i c a s e t o o s t r o n g l y t o s : i y i H e y \v: h a s i n f e r i o r r o a d s . T h e r e a r e o t t h e y c a n j ) a s s t h r o u g h .

I d a h o n O e d s a n a w a k e n i n g d e p a r t m e n t o f p u b l i c w o r k s a n d w h i c h i s - u n d e r i t s s u p e m s i o n , i c a n n o t g e t t h e r e s u l t i l ^ I d a h o s l u w o r k o n a s h o e s t r i n g . T h a t i s i t . — C a p i t a l N e w s .

V '' ' \D A IL Y T IM E S

’’o r V w i N F A L L S O O U K T T '

ni in t h i i u H x i n x P th * rlic a t io n .

rln Falla , Idaho.

o tnce u Second C lu a lU tla r m • on. April U „ 1118. I

T IO N R A T E S _____ 00 •

.________ ;__________ __ r,o.

l O M E H E R E

l i s n |» j i e a r i n g i n I d a h o ,

l a l e . •

D a r d s o f p r o s p e r i t y . '

l e l i e v e l i f e i s a f a i h i r e r

r o j e 'c t a n d e n t e i p r i . s e . ‘ /

JS i n l h e p a s t .l o o k o n t h e ! < l a r k s i d e t ) f l i f e .

i ;o n < j)n y a n d iUs s l o g a n i s , “ l l .

0 t h e w o r k i n g s o f n a t u r e . T o t r a n d t h e s n o w l o o c o l d . r M T n A l - m

J O T T R A G E D Y — ------------------------

p a r l a ) n > u t e f f o r t s m a d e l.o a t a l l t i m e s h e c a u t i o n s i s th-.* c a u s e d )>y d a r i n g n n d f o o j i s l ) i k i n g c h a n c e s . T h e I d a l i o ; t r a t e t h e d a n g e r o f a n a u l o1 i f i t Io o l< s l i k e o n l y a s l i m .

•e d e a d b e c a u s e t h e y t h o u g i u c r o s s i n g . W h i l e m o r e s e n s - ”

n i n . t o p a s s , t h e y t u r n e d o u t , v e r e c r a . s h e d i n t o b y t h e i i a s s - i’e - k iH e < l- i< is tA n t l j* r -T - h e - t4 i i r< l — o d , s h o r t l y n f t e n v a r d . s . T h r e e f o r f e i t e d a n d r u i n e d b e c a u s e m n n - s e n s e - w a s - n ^ - < > b s e r v e d r ^ l e r e w a s n e v e r a c l i a n c e f o r (]>' y i n s in a c a s e o f t h i s k i n d , . ' of p l a c e t h e i r l i v e s i n c o n s t a n t i.i

io u s , s o c i e t y w i l M i e j u s t i f i e d i d s o r i g i d i n t h e i r t e r m s t h a t t: e m s e l v e s . T h o g r e a t e s t m e a - : j c e s s a r y f o r a n y d r i v e r o f a n : p e r i e n c e d l i e i s . W h e n t h e n ’ o f c a u t i o n , a c c i d e n t s a n ^ l f a - :e . "f,

A N D S O U T H , h i g h w a y ^

ing east and west across the lUtli highway is m eeting with |!'|' 1 Soutli H ighway association hi« rs th a t a re pa.ssing over tliis I? husllv eniraged in d ivertinc u i I. and soutTi, from the north. ' okane, the melroptilis bf tho : .greatly interested in 'llus iias”.sliowirinoVi? in tc ifs t than use, no dmihl, nioi-e people e an<l they aj;^ inleresled in |

i w a y w i l l b e u s e d c . ' c l e n s i v e l y i--. i n t e r e s t i n i t a n d o r g a n i z e t o

• v e r i l . . - A n d l i y . . . t i u i t , a c t i o n v:< r e a l f a v o r . ' f o r t l i e n < u lh a n d ‘ ' ‘j : e e i i i g . - S p o l u m e - u u g h L t o b c i .■nt o f t h i s h i g h w a y j l s I d a h o j i i o u n t o f t o u r i s t t r a v e l i s n o l i s b e i n g d i v e r t e d w e s t i n l o j

i g t h e c h o i c e o f s e v e n i l l o o p sni o r S p o k a n e , c a n u s e l i o l h t h e p jj I h a n d s o u i h h i g h w a y . cV » i t - i < i g i H f i e H n t - 4 a - u m n c s s - t l i e ^ l o p i n e n t o f t h e N o i l h a n d tlir ‘l y t h e l : u : t f f i a l i o l e g i s l a t u r e i n i t n s i t d i d i n o v o r y t h i n . c i.n l h a t w a s l i t t l e . T h e l e g i s l a - 5^1 e c a p a c i t y t o a p p r e c i a t e t h e nm ^ h w a y s t o t h i s ^ s U U e a n d t h e n t . A n d i t h a s b e e n p r o v e n j i . i n t h e s u i t e t h a t l a g s b e h i n d in • n a n c e c a n f o r g e t a i l r a c l i n g qu:

a b o i i U T h o y a r e I n i v e l i n g fan u t t h e y a v o i t i i n f e r i o r r o a d s M 'U u i ? . l J t J s _ n i L t a i \ l U i n g _ t h c .uie w i l l s U iy o u t o f a s l a t e , t h a t •**' o t h o r s U U e s w i l h g o o d r o a d s ro i

i g i n r o a d c o n s t n i c i i o n . T h e n d t i i e h i g h w : i y d e p a r t m e n t ,I, i s d o i n g w h a l i t c a n b u t i t I s h o u l d h a v o w h e n f T ) r c e d t o f i s w h e r e t h e l e g i s l a t u r e l e f t ' I

' m dLY ]|CV)uip|t.,j t>r UolM


T utiuliy’ii D o t P ra la ra i

_______ Kll.^Cpao-rl I 'ly win. ____

Darllrtht Sarinic Tlnx

' nn i>T ).'• r, v«i»irthiit nnHK»ir».


: l 4 l E $ 8 ^ S!■ I.’ . ..'Pii'.i |f.Tnir»._ 1. . At... timo; fu

f' -l;! i;' Ij.' l i i 'r i r

r 'y

>EW vim i-jvni.u

'o Jft !•.'m ' - u».nir

V mH !•: Trw!, III.i.a '; ! V :* ; :

* 11

1(103 ’■

KIN.i, RA.ST .lliu.t

> 11 InI . jj;TiVriHd "A" IvIS:• '.i:. r ir ixn i'i iiit i— :i ) : 1.1 r.

) * v...\. m 3;u..t n ;«i —j,-.. I 111

xflTici: \' o r Annual S.-ImioI .>I<-.'IIiik iiikI 1:Ii<- !

tl(in In T » iii 1'jiIIk lui|i-|ii'n<lrtil 1I S r luiiiL JIk lfJ rl Xu._ l_X iiJ iL . i lliln 11, CuumI ) , Mnliit., I

. NoUco In lii-ri-liv clvvn. Tlifil ,0 i.- I iililiiml orlionl'inci-lliiK nf Twin Kallii 1

• C.iulKy I'f Twin KallH. Si.ile.will hc lii'lil tm Tiiriiilii)'. till' (Imt <la>' nr S>-p«-in1»T. I'lj.;. lit dll' llli-Ui-l :iiiil

, I.liirDin Srluiolliuitiii'H ll) i.alil Din- * I rlfl. nml tin- i.olln iil nnlil i'UtIIciii Klinll l.l- OJKIl l..'l»-.-i'M llu- iK.iiri. uf

, 1:00 oVIork I*. ,\f. I<I r:<ia o'rlDck I’. 1 ,\l. on i*alil llay. .

Tlial a l Hiihl mi'i'llnr. Ilii- folli.H'lnj;l^Uiilllr.irt will !»'<tyilMirI.'il:

l - -0 nn tninlv.- in lu rx r fnr 11 li-rin nf llin i- (3) >i-iini u lll III .'I"i‘ln1. ^

':!'-'-On.''iriiHi>''.^’ i< .'Ilii'iiiii ' lln- 'nn- 'oip ln-l.t.TM i <if •rn i.iiT i;. N. I'-Ji.ry V will I.l' .-I.Tlril. •

Tlio niiiiii' o r iiaiii.'ii nt nil .a n .ll. ^ilali'H fnr r ln 'lln n <ir Ininl.... . In- ^Ki-tliiT w illl 111!' t. tm for wlilrli noiii- " lnal.-.l iiliall lie i.la in l oa fllr with (In-t'l.T k of llir niiiiril nf Tri..il<r.i al Irat.t ‘hU (C) iln>r> p rlnr Ii> Il.r .lay of i l. <-- 'ilna, .•xrliiilli.i: .III,' .lay of ..•I.nli.n . "

Tlial till- .Irr tli .ii al 11.H1I Iiirrllii!: ‘w in 'l l- I.y n r .r i-1 mill «.'i.ar;.ti- tiallnl. f

Oatrrl ll.f!- MM. .Iiiy...r .\uxu»l..JDJj. «j a m : c u a v i ;n .s c o t t . I'

I'lrrU n r Twin Falln In<lri.ri.ilrti- Sriiool Dlsivii't So. I nf Txvlei C I 'allii (•(iiiniy. hlnlin. n

xoTK'i: (ir sin ;iiiK rs sii.i; o r *' i t i ; . \ i , JST.V 'ii: iM iM u iiFcruii-: ,OK ro iii: i- i .n i< n { i: a m > o u i>i :k »OK S.VI.K. " I

I j k r V i r « ’ Slat,- H..Mlf-«f Cliioajro.-n ^ corrora llo ii. M alullff. (

Wa!1.T j 'ln tir t , . ir . l at.-l IM .-lln ninn- chnrif. Mn w|(’i.;'*T/i>' n i .T .V.lffnivil

llMiU IlT nuhl. l.laho. a rnriH.rnih.ii: ^ 11 r.O JiiuIai.. JU xavo r r^r.llio KlrM a- ^^^tl»naI Il.-\ak of H.iUl. t.tnlio. a cor- « j.n radon : I'.-ilrral KrM rm ' Hank nr •' San rrniii'ii'c i., n coriioratlon. nnd J. \V. l>-niii.(inH. D.-f.nilanm. SL'n.lrr anil l.y vlrliii- of an O nler of >'

Sal.' a if! llrrro .. ,,t Korrcloiiiirc b - 1> Riii-il nu t nf Ih .' n iN lrlrt Court of Ui.- T i;irv .-nlh JiKllrlal Itln irlrl ..f tlif> SlalP (I nf lilaho. In »ml tor th r Toiiniy ot li Tw in Kali*. .lal.<1 th i' l " t ilay of Auk- 1.,'kl. 1!'!!.1. iili>i HnHlw>-Pt«in llt f .nltflvii JT tiirii1lf>a.'rt i.hialni'il n .li-crt'.’ acalnnt .1 j7i.' lu -rm iU ntji U etdn (Jtt lUr 3i«t <Jaj’ I: nf Ju ly , i n : ' , whicb ealU Uccrcc wno on til.' nal.t 3 Ist .lay or July. is :5 . rr- conlrtl In JiKlKin.'nl D.xik T rn at i.acr 5S1 of nal.l O ln ljk l C oorl: I am cnm- nian.I.M to hrll a ll ih a l c rrla ln lol. SI plocp o r lu rcp l nf lanil ulluaK-.l In 1° Ihc t'o iin ty of Tw in Kail*. S tato of t»i

•lilaho, nml boutliW anil ilc!icrib.-«! u . - follow*, to-w ll:— T h*-Sonth H alf trf tht— N onli»w t ~ Q iia rtrr (S 's .S'KU) o t Scctlon Tlilrly t.lO). Tnwnshlp .Sin<' t!i) .Soutli .lU ncf n f tr v n (IS) t:aj.i of tlic lloUe Mcrl.l- lan .

\ - l l c o h, l,r r fh r eJu-n; Thai on iIk- r . ih llay of AusuM. 13:5. nl I lm J ia u r nf -;Ql} o 'f t rv l I*, M, <Mniuw — ta in T im e) of u i d iJay. a t tJir Kjuit fron t iloor nt Ibc Court !loii«r of th f County of Twin Kail*. Stattf of lil.lho. -


RADIO PR(. . wn». BCrrAu>—.uo.o e-.*

_ ,1M.« Si.1-m" B.iW lOi.W »'!'»£—l-or,TI5rjTVtB WKAr, jinan

.o w

7:.K, p

I, . . rJijSoU

>'•>1 Tl«StMtdenJ nnd CentrtI

O arllR hl S tv in s T i»e> JlS

'■ -WMBr, MIAW nSACU—.‘W«.4 Q <X

w n r , »AK1rOtl^—34H« ■' 0:<K C:M Jiiixirvn. '>;tHa:JO IS il.—Wfillifr ami

r-.'tn K fi.iinMrr, vlnlfnlii.Ni4» r, M,—fnll IliH On-l.Mlr», igJJsnxx . DKTitoiT.—aiao la.oofl;00 r , M -'-tlolflVni. '. ro-mt.lr.

I'-"- irt'Sl r gitS

'ini '-' ^ «n-J..|>rTtI<ilT—.1.15.7 0:00

111)0 II oil«rXir'«'*.KTrr.rNiTliW «'■ »;nrtu\rtn,p.’’3!!S^"tij'ru^i-«'^ <


K 4". r, ?1.—I1irniili!ii VIIU-' Orclif»ir»,0.00 I '. 's —r.oc'rt .-in-V.lni. ^HSil.'nSnWNATI—? I-i I-, •7._a..l.i'/1 IlvUkj, rWnK*.

K Irtl 1'. •l.--s:illkr»i . S.lnn <In-h<-«lra,n '.

' -wiA.’ c'iiirAi;i>—■m.ti nntfi

j WMAO. cnii'.tiio—m.ft•Al' t-w'

>. m l'‘ M—jimiiur.iiii; Tnx-l.it.i i i l V M'Iln.'ipr!ui‘'" ’<r‘‘'r ii - IX. 1' ' \VI'n7i'

lno .1 I'! V iuml« .-kil.jVk. ’ «^|j

I win. Ill nlicillfincc loH nlil O n lrr of IW Snlo nnd DccriTO'or KorrcloBuro. ncll

ll tlio nliovo'ili'iicrllicil iiropcrty lo iini-In lln tr r.liilim rD t.nri-rcL w llh . I n l r r m t ___

thurunii toj;.'tIicr v il l i a ll cOHin Umt Iwvo ni-crijc<J'o> jijjiy 'nrcru i-.'to th f

ic h lchrxt h lililrr for cnxh. Inwfiil nmury ri ^ Iho tln l tc l SialM of Atncrlon.

>. m“ ^^ ■^■IN<'1 Slicrlff. ' n’"y ItV 1;. F. rUATKIl. ra tll Orjiu'ty. I*''"

» W isconsin D em o c ra ts Jj to N o m in a te C a n d id a te 111

„ T a k e L a F o lIe tte s P la c e "n.i----- ^ rlv.

.MII.WAt'Ki;i:, U'lH.. 1‘nriy hnrmony Kiwn» III,' a im n t Ihl' il''iii/>. ffnl.craifi n f WlHrmi ln n« tli.'y rouv rnn l an.lII.'VC ln.lny n. ';;i li'rt 'n l aniNilal.' fnr "imIh.' |ila<-.' nil'll- .lacnnt l.y tlir .Iradi r ltl

; of l.'nltril S’lii.-; ;^ruat..r llohi rt M, T' U il'o llilK '. Inc! i. U'ailiTM l.r ilr ii- I f they oan l.riii;: nil

failloii,i t„L :rih .r ati.l ^v|.|ll a t.lai,.. >•'»• w l.lr i.vKnnl.-all..ii Ih ry "will k>1 harli

i. Into llic flrlil I.r V.'lni-oniilii i.i.IIIIch." t T liry claim Iln ii rh an riii a rc hi'llcr.. thnn I'v.T ilur to tlu. hi.lli In Ih.' raiifc* Tr.'.

of Ihc n'liiihiiiMi. luiriy. Tli.-y cxiirct new- thc |irn ;:ii;iia ii:. ami riH iilnr i'cpiil.i|. i^n i I. cans tn w .iii.rn r:ii'h o lh rr nml Uimi Tl ,. Kfvc (tie .lr.iK.cr.i!(c p a n y a rca t op- j(vpi

linrl.irilty fo r Tirinrj-.----------------------- nppiThoma.i M .. Ki .irn.-y. llaclnc. ' nn.l anvc

:i Cnl.mi'l William Mllrh.-ll. .Mllwaiikrc, thoa rc aiiinas iho .c Iir thc I ra il.fo r m - vln

- l«cllou--iia_ju;nulo:liil_cillltllllalC.___ __ cnLCnvi-rnur J.ihn J. nia ltic 1» cxpccl- n . p

• <il ll. .a t till- lln'.. fo r Ilur prlmnry ‘ |W lihlo a wc.'l, or ion tlnya. 71

A in e ric a n A p p le -S a le s Y(][ G o ing S tro n g in E u ro p e

( \V .\Si}ll.\CTOS. AlUL— ir-I.'«rO {ji; ___i lia» ailopt Ih .'’lllll a(laec.,"l-ijt an nin.lcI a llay lo k io p .tl .c rfoclot^awxy.” anrl. Ih ry ni,. .nilnK ai.plfn ralnf.l In the i.cal r I 'liliiil s ta io i 10 llo IL . aI Appi.- cxporiii frpm thP United T c

S lat.'* .in- inrr.-a.-.ini: rach y rar. due r la rs rly to th r i|.-\riopnicnt of Ihn ap . u.ni. pic lnilUKlr> 111 Ihr I’arlflCnorthw .'Bt.I- T hc ITnlicil Kingdom. G erm any 'and „ ii> th r SrundnnaMnn eountriea take tbe 7 ,t larK.'H p a rt of our aurplim. o , | ,

Am.Tir.\n app lr- . however, reach al- ,|. Pi.i^t .-vrrv country In th e w orld, a r.i' finl,

; A fa lo ro l"K ffryhodf iihouliS r«atJ • IllIU

ShakM pearc flr»t Ihlne e re r j tnohi- I, Inc." My« a lltc ra lm r. And Cbea to | ‘i ^ . ; tiaconl—l.onilon OplntOB. |j,ipa,


5 s H r ^ S i 5 5 = 5 ? 5 £ § • ;


y T I M E S .........■ ' , -


„ « p . r a . a : s s s . ‘ I

(Central Standard Time)

y. S .—«hlllinl'« 6*i'<n Un;l>Mtm.

7rw h'.—flJilUt t'B rutnn OrctH>tlr*.*■66 M —HlFtnli Q.lt rruit»m.______________«1I0. DCS >IOtNB.'>—a'M.O

7;90 P. :T—JImdiJ n il'a UluliMln. '

7:00 ATO *Atwi»rf*to^HiW«.‘xrAa, UMCOLN—

5 : S 8 r : ! l = ! i : a - ? S S i , .WOA^ OMAIIA—osd* •

?:?!l ?; - . 1« .Djiki >'. K.—rtwocal |>r>,-rjn>i s a .WS^-ATJ.ANTA—4-:h.3

••KT11H, HOT HrnJNa-i—.iTi.a

0:00 I*. Ont=.-‘ I»liia.WVAA, DAI4.A»—I7.rp J -

S nn p. M.—>leo(»'i •Oirli'»tra. '•:3it Tlwn>»ld'i M 'l' <lu«rt.lU. 4.il UO >•. M.—Alit» Club. jj_

^Mountain Standard Tim e) ’xoA. er.svr.n—nn.4 in.

0:00 V. X.—Nil'll*. ni»ri."l». i'*»fc -1711^ I', M._Whlu>'« 0(rl>a»rm, ' ‘’7:30 !•. M,—K#'»*-Tlm«« a.w-cn. - IS,

clrnlr*. _____ .

( IV Itic Coail S tandard Tim e) ' .'y'

T ’- Siijir: I’lu-ini-.MU Icml Bocuijr; Til* : p'M"™*.h‘?l.'.n !“ore»i-*Ifl.

-------------- -- .jlJu

i V r ': i i ; i . E r M . 3 S ‘iii.r^^^ -

umv. l-OllTUtMH-<0I.«“ f" I*’. -ic.

TI'WOAVJ* SII4:N^ KTATIONNI • ,'iO.' j . t ' s v > : »;■C.MIM. ( NUO, I' illlV, CNIIT. . T.2. .Htm:; Huii.il. n>.;-w«nfnu r*-,cr». M'

(111 to >lli;r UK.-i'.ux M llxlr iSlKnUoa-----------------------' ------------

M ark ed F ishT Is a.C augh t 3 'Y e a r s t

A fte r I ts R e le a s e ^SANTA H 0 S ,~ '1 a i f . . .Anir. 17—

-T Jir^ u y ^ rH -flflrH t-h n fi-b rrn -m n rto sH ^ r-nnil llhcraled a t Sliinon,. im Iho Snc ram .'iiin rlvur. a fcnialo xnlmon wnM

j^'"||«ht .nt tiodcKn on (h.. coa«t near

Th.- fliih waa rniiKht hy Anccio sU’*" .Stnllh, fl.shprmnn of Hiln c |iy , J 2 nillvii Moiilh of iludrna hcnilN. aiiparcn lly on M i Ila wny hack lo Snn Kmnclnco hny ■ nn.l lhe nioiilh of lh e Sacninii'nti) rlvor. iKucono .Scofli'lil of tlio com m crclal

fM irry il('i>.irttnritl n t tlur m ate IM , an.l i:nmc commliml.in, Idcntlflrrl the ninrklnK*. rriaovnl n t the nilij>oho nn.l riKht venlrlcli. flnn.

Tho flail wuK two foci nnd ncvcn InchoH In li'hElli w hen c au th t.


IX).VDON', (Hy. Mail to th c Unllixl rr.'HM),—K ntlund h a a 'J u n t Hlurtcd n new iinrccl i«»i nir tiervlco hutw<.-«n Ixndon nml Swltxcrlnnd. S

Tho now norvlce make* dnily de­livery. of pared- -poat pncltaKC* for .npprnxim ntfily-SErctnin-a-pounrt,—I t —%anvea from two. to Ihreo rfnya ovor tho iiauni wny of rou tine parcel poal " vln land and water rouloa. A t pren- cn t-B ltu lc -.rack u tca . nr<,.]lm lic.l_ 'to ll-pounil wrlRht.

Tlmoa ^ 'an i AOa O n a iteaulta.



Don't yonr m olher know j h n l CM ___■-!v.'r“ D lP M ir p u l poiinila o( sood lealthy flp«h oa your, hooea to Jual a few weekiT

T ell h e r BTcry ilrupRlat haa U In suK'^r-coaleiJ tab let form now. ao hnt you won't ha ro to tako 'th e

naaty. fliihytattlBR o il th a t la ap t M H 0 upaet your delicate aiom aeh. — r

Tell her that McCoy'a Cod U re r Oil CompouDd T ableta aro chock-full it Tiializloit Tltaminra and a ro lh«. Krc,ite*t fiMh producer* and healthbull<irra *li« can <fn3: ----------------------------

One afckly ifiln klif, m e 9. in tned IS ptnijsrtfin *eT»n 'm ontha.

She m uil aak Schramm-JohniOQ Druir Compttoy. Mojeatlc rh « rtn ac j\City Pharmacy o r any (tood dm cElat for McCoy'* Co.| L lre r Oil Compound Tnl.lels—£0 tableta—«0 cea la—oa plcaaant to take aa candy.

^ ______ s

5 0 0 B u . l O O O B o . 1»O .Tte.a(& tta. U IL < ta .i»B .S 1>. 3$ 8 2 . 0 0 $ I 2 0 * P O i,

g R E I O H T ^ A n > • I I

BROS. CO. t?. ID A H O .

IcROSSWORIr m your" hopes to Nq. ;!7 bo rlrdn ln l on

IcH o t thiH ]iiiz:Ic; .

i ? " “ “ p j

2 s ^

So-------H j J P l -----------

i i i i H i iHOldOXTAlM I T

1; nmtorlnK mathlmt. ::C.4. Thciup. "K.

l l . Irvlniiil. ’ I'D.i:i. To aliiff. :il.H . To roiiin! from (deep.in. GlKnntlo. ;iC. ■17. ciuiiionR.'d. ■ :m.IS, Kvil »plril. 10.i;j. r;onrjno<j. n ,::i. Knyal. . 12.::3. Mnlea. * .ll.::r., J’rcponltlon of .'plncc. -IC.::7. OiildlnK nlnr. . -Il>.ao. T o /e n r . 47.

aa. , ro llto form for tiinlo. n i. l.lhi.rnlcd..17. To ncooinpllah. .

:i!i. Ifnimiially oxocllcnt j:rnd.-. .•12. IKinii'ii' »i"ck lorkii.43. Ccnti'ra of appl.-H, ‘ ,,4r>. American hcaiillrs (flowora). i,, ■16. K;.olIr<J.•18. AnKuni. •

Tiny..no. Hoot iitool! food, •r.l, tJoiiJiinctlon. 'f.2. . Vcnmca. , , 'r.,. To „ iio« . “

VliHTU’A I- . 1.0 «J. To iioak Max. • * ili ' 1

2. Dry. ' tho3. To Join nt an ancle . cliiir fi. E lth rr of two nplnni iiiiiHclon. ‘ fi. McmlimnifOuH l.aK. A

HnW-pnhlJcfty:-------------:----------- 75^ !«. rm iic r nnd m other. • _ _

!). Piooeil out.Kl. To acnlter. 1 Mu ._a‘iuca._____ :______________ L . 1 5!•(. Sftlnrloa.IG, WoniU'ii pci: nlioiit llif r iro of a

hrlok.17. I-aUlcii.;i).To loiter.12, la iloprlroil of. ____

^ I F l 9 - 2 £

^ 1 in .p i» x : ^ S 8 | | j ___ ____________

$ t - t 6 0- B - — A - J - _ R o u n d - . l

f ro m T w in

T ickets o to 2

- " ---- ' ' • LimiII

phono 70;

Robert M. Koeni Remedy For.

F o r years m y skin'v^puld ^ 5 break ou t every, oncc in ^ | | | | while— and o in tm ents^ did f f l |

- very Httfe to help me.---------I read a d o cto r 's a rtic le

s ta tin g th a t pim ply skin usually com es from the

_ s t Qmach-= -a nd - bow els np t ^ t t i n g rid o f .th e poisons.

I tried C arte r’s L ittle L iver Pills fo r a few days— and since th a t tim e iny.skin is sm ooth and clear. . N ow o f s t I tell m y friends th e ' righ t stoms w a y "\)f s e t t i n g '- r i d ‘o f a Carte b roken out sk in -7-and^aIso foV tt

X\V. AT7GUST IT, lf)23. ■“ .

!?D PUZZLE1 aiid fiiill Hareli' throuKh the m ystcr-

l i = = = ? P : ■

S * : . • • ' v ' '2K. fihlilrnctod. V2!». To help. , \ i r i:il. f irn tltlid . n . l.'iirlcii.;ic. ■ Sea caKlefi. .:ni. n m -rcw » rifro t: pimliihinent.•10. n ine Kraim. 'I), in thlt n-clon nf the kidneyii.

^2. Tho nrm im rt of tJie dny.'II. Dry. w'Hhcrrd. ■-IC. Inlot.-Ki. Occnn. • '47. I'cri.iil, .4;). Vnn anil 1. ’

- I C A S U E E 0 R D _ _ _II.'V. K, O. U iiilcr of Iho Twin rn lln

llapil.it chu rrh preached Sunday ovo- nlni: til the I'lapilKt ehiireh. I'lonn a ro . under Wny for u hli: ruvlvnl lo h.' held l.v .Stnto ICvanucllnt .Mllln anil Iho hlK l.'ni han roachnl the clly nnO w ill bo iiroctc.l In n dny nr no. Ituv. Mllla hatl Inicmlcil to he iih tire ground Sunday Iml owlnk' to KlckncH* nf hin fumlly liu WAN il.-Iay.-d for a coupio of duyn. llo hi oxpccii'il to urrlvii Titciidny nnti Iho nii'.'tlni.’H will KO uliiiad in the :hiircli un til llio lent in urcctcd.*

A aatlBflcd cuatow cr M an M ic t~ _________

D A B V S C O L D S ,P I -------- are aoon “ nipped In ibe bod"S* ^

without “doatng" b j n— of— '

- 2 0 .2 1 > 2 2


d-Txip - - - f fy » | i w JLA___ _ sv ln Falls

( oH~Sal6 A ugust a 20, Inclusive imit A ugust 24 ■ .

D . O . B O Y D ^Tlckot Agent

F i l l s

nig Found_____r Pimply “Skin------

: s tee rin g clear o f upset om ach an d sick headache.' i r te r 's ’ a re a ll-y tra chum - - - — i-th em . -- — ,

Page 5: T W I I m i P L Y Tmmnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W I VOLUJLE 8, NUAUJKll .83. O M W I ON I f Ifl pR ID fl" K u a d c Police Oblct

J iro X D A T , A U a i.'S T 11; 102.'.

Basmess Directory

'____________A t t o r n e y ! _______’

P O R T B R -W ftlU il . L aw y tri.Cloa Book Stor^. ________

a g HAU*—^ T e r \ ; io a Book 8 tor

.JUDoi n . Bolhw«ll 0 ^ C l i a ^ DOTHW BUj A'cHAJ'MAN

Wood! B ids, noom s C, 8, 7, 8, >. :

B W i U V ^ g W )^ li;L ^ -A tto ra « : F l n t NaUonat Bank DuHdlag.

W. I* D U N N -lJiw otffren, Hoomn ftnit A. SmIUi-lUco UullUlnK.______

S h o e R e p a i r i n g ______

nO TA L SHOD nSPAIRINO. Myora. P rop . 130 itod St. Bai

T n u w f e r ___________

CROZIBR 'TRA>;S'FBIl COMPANT- Phona a<8. Btornso anti craU ng.

— =----------------M c » g eg o a g - T RAMar ] m b t o iAOB O O ^ a r b a c e haulod dal Phono too._________

WARBERQ ’i’flANSPER & a ie B A G CO.—StoragQ and apoclal cffMoi

- ■hlpmaata to California. Phona 14

• C h i r o p t a c i o r a

DK. s . C. W TATT C h lro p r a o to r_ _ ,

tS l 3rd ATP. No. Office ^Pbona 4(

• DR. BULA 0 . 8 AWYBA OatoopaUilo Pbrslclnrf

BUtta 1 and 2, Oon Bunt&laic a)ono I 6<0-W nca . 1540-

• ’ J P a i n t s & R o o f i n g

r i U T T B ^ BUTPLIEB V or Salo—P a la u , Olla, U areac

C a laoalne la bulk; Boo BuppUo l a n r Agio W lndsbletda, P la •Bd W indow OlMa and W all Pape «ooD‘a Bhop. ________

M i s c e l l a n e o u s

.Ml.^a IIANHI-'N—I'liiu (IroKKintiklDK _______________ S p i'flnllxInK In la llon il ilrmncii.

.u m p jx )y m i:n t o m c i : —iJoF’sTM^Av<>; Spnnlnh I’oul U nil. MftntiKo

C A Itl'U N T ini aTjD CONTIIACTO nnd r rp a lr w ork In IiiiII.IIiik Un Clian. I'lnlior. 211.3ril avunuo uoui P ho n o . C2SW.

SAUDT.K IIORSKS .F lra t claM aadille horaoa a t

.H oraoa’ H n » * ‘ bam . 2nd avcnuo aoulb. Phono 43SJ.

BVB 8 P E ntA t-l8T—D r. Wm. D. Ko' nolds. 209. Next door to GoldcRulo.________ _ ______________

KAtU|{2RS' WABHINO. Se p e r poun

e a o h .^ ^ k o £ n iA LituDdry, 142 3i _ BYcnuo w ea t. n iono ’«117»

T%1N F A L U JUNK HOn8S9—Mo:----- :-------------- -jU T H b b lte r . a d e a . Po lU iu»d' PuT

ARMOUR (JREAM OTATION—3! M ain South. Twin ^ l a . Phoni 1646 aod 1074. Boo ua beforo aei in k croam . poullry o r «cea. 7 e w e come ou t a tlo r r o u r pou ltr O pen Saturday nlRhta u n til } o 'c lock. C h u . Underwood..

P i a n o ' T u n i n g

R . T . I.ORAX Artimio plnjror and plnno work.

Box M l __________ • Phnno It

A G. HULL 10 yeara’ EjBerlonce.

H iona »17J . P. O. Box gW.

'T y p e w r i t e r a

W e aoll ’em, ilen t ’em, Fix 'em. BOTAL All Malcra CORON'.

rOBTARLG ADDUi'O .HAOinNU 318 M ain St. N.. Tw in Palla.

_____ For Sale-Miscenaneoui‘ FO S-.aA L& -R ocK o ree t c ra re l. C

0 . U ittle 'B BU ckem llh shop. 143 4 t avo a f f w e a t Pbone »«8W.________ ^

3 m g g A I f f lT ODB OROWN TRU T and a h k te tre e a . amall fru lta, ahrubi roaea. Tliiea and perennlala. Beat c aioek (o r low eat prlcea. S a le ra n ■wanud. C atalofne Is f r e a K lo b e rl

• Nuraerlaa, K imberly. Idaho..________

PO R SA L & -U aed r a a n a . table«............ eh%lr*._nica..beda4,aprln£>._2)aby_cii

.rUffea, ten ta, etc. Bam to>.U >rlcei----------- ~— •“ A lH a-eood-cosd ltlon .—Bxchai>e«-D«

ra r lm e n t. A. IL V incent Co. Phone 401 >07 Sboabona South. ___________

A ll rubber caae ftalleries. Ford aU S13.86 ex. I> odn I19J6 ex. P re t O' iJ t o B a tte ry SU tlon. 826 Shoahon St. Phone 69. • ___________

- ~ • - WtaKM TOO KEKnn r e r B a i ^ r Casualty INSURANCK a a u re ty iu* fidelity BOND, a farm o c ity m ort£ase IXIAN, o r to buy, set5 r le w e a H D M K .--------------------------

--------------- ------------------— 8 KB-C8 ........ ..................1.W« a n licensed and .BONDEI

im ^ -T O R S w ho dealre to be of a e rr

. ‘* -^^ ^A B * B E A IS ft CO. TOapfeoao.aW 135 Main Are;. £ u <

fO B 8 AZ£—P te ehetnea, lo Ib. oi twwL jm H .deM yer 100 llw. o r n o n

. ,weat-.o« South M T o t o o ^ ’^ w ’60>R1,___________ •

rO R S M ^ F l n t W ^ t b y apples W a e o 0 7 H 4 . • • ~ . T

” pO R S A L ^ ^ 7 fu ll. M l . OW . .. -drwaer^ l * b ’cakmDodea. (w o Toeklni

. chalra. tw o o it s to res aad tw o tahlea 223 6th a re n u e e a s t Phoae

rO R SALE—R*<5 June apple*. Oa< ' bQ * w««t. 1 m ile aoutta o f Sonth P a r t : g ro c e ry . E . IL Hawley.

. - - i A •

1 BRINGlNe------- ‘ . I ^ x 'X ^Q»er s ^ vV

>man l ' -


- SCpIa». V . '.s , .

TIIVIEF o r S a l e - M i s c e l l a n e o i j

I 407 ------------------- ---------- ---------------- -------------- r o u SA l.i;-Sl.n .'Jc. KixU- Hiillnl.

for Kriiiinry. lulik Iioiitiv i>r lini Imiiiii'.' Al.'.o Hill’d fnr row. XxM, Ti:

■ ■ r o l l S A l.l '—SiTontl liiinrl njiji lilrklni; Iiiikn. k<><uI coiiilllioii. J. i

—_ Si’HVcr wnrolioiiiu'.

eaco SAt-H-U:>y Imlcr in iujdiI vu jUos. ■Illlnti. 1‘lumo Cr.iiUl._____________

SAM O-Cnlliollc Ivticycloimfil “vor. _ , u vnhnm-n. I’lioni' iniin.

— l'X)U '.SAl.KWloiiiiclKilil rnviilliii ____ 1‘liono ao7\V.

lnK“ KOU SAI.K—1 Iriink iiticl ciirrii 'r fI. All n ttiiii CHtw.* Ut.lil Urocot

Main . K O u'lsA I.M -M i-llrtlo tn-m n iirjiii tiKor. nlor, iiciirl)' now ,2 nuod tiillU c w » ,--------- }irtfrr« .-hny-r»h»-Junl-oU jcc_anJiJir r r , W, n . Mvixmiilil, l% n illm nonli

... ...................... .. on llliiu J.iik. 'X - :______________>

. KOU j?At.l>-Snck.-i mi<l Iwliic. M li(> Jiiiik liiiniti'. AcTdttii from Uic Sii

' (jroimclH. 1C2 2tlil'Av(.. nimUi.

^ _______ F o r K e n t

n ) I t UlCN'r-KiirnlHli.'tl rmmi. 3 „ 3rd nvi.niio norili. lOionc 107J.U ey. -----------------------------------------------------)ldcu FOR nUNT—Two rolitn lioii.i.) fi

llulit lioiiarkiTiilnir. 403 2nil :ivj,ni ——7 north.lund . -------------------------- -----------1------

I 3rd a tm th .ror OlOO n l tlio Itvud h o ld .':, ai. llo llt-r; I ’ro|».___________________

Met- 1--0R tlK N 'T -K .im lMh...| mnmt.. g ’ ra . 4llt nveiuio oitfll. I’lunio "uS.-3S4 • FOU RJ-;NT—All kTJi<1» of hoinu ii ft onee roni. ] |. C. O etlcrt, l i t .Muiii Naell* Phono 223. __________________ _?*"• , FOR RICNT—M o.l.rn furnlitlii

10 Phon '' 3.17J.TOR R E N T -S lc fp lnB rooma. 2;

—:— Cih avoDUe «usi.

____ POR ^ L I 2 o r FO R R E N T -R eadent ro o m ln r houae. 222 Cih cast.

k. I-----------------------------------------------------' F u r^ ah e d boaBekeeptnic apart-

mentk. Oasis H ora^ 403 Main Ato. W est. Phooe 97L

:----- POR RBNT — 3 room fumlah«apartm ent, reflaonablo. Bunsalo

____ Apta. Ctb stroOt ond Second aTenu“ _________JW * FOR REKT—H ousekeeping npar

ments, toifipcM v furniahea for llgl • housekoeplnc. tw o and ih nM to '■oora* close In. And low rates, I 3 u S week o r_ m o ath . Tho OxfoW, 4:

I. 6 . t ;

W a n t e d - M l s e e l l a n e o u

;TJIT ”'VANTKI>~To rrn t-f t-S -o r-6 -ro m ‘ubs, f>irnlnhp<l hnitnn In-cond locnilon, wi it of ex tm care, no rlilidr. n. Rofoi QAB cnces furnished. Phnno 103INW.

W ANTEb—Ruk and carpp|*wcavlnj------ 8. M. Scofield. U 3, Tw in >^ll».

. W A N T E D ^ Id (irm - • nnd 'ntil.w T w ln -F a lls Juolc Houso. J64 4th Av.SmiU^.Phqna'jrgS. _________

40B. ' W A N T K D -^o buy hoCT. Call 391 T w in Fttlin Shoo Repalrlnjr Shop.

flUo WANTKD Pl.ORIDA P H O rE llT r 're s t Palm Beach couniy. W ilt pay. csal lOne l le rb e n Campbell, L*ko , W orth. R or___ Ida;______________ __________________

WANTKD—F o r c ash o r tradi {rt... household, fu rn itu re , ranjtes. rues , eit . ExchanCT D epU A. H . V lnern l Ct ,c l l 207 ahoahone South. Phone 405.

WANTED—At oa«« to r cash . uM P tir tf 'Q K n .-P b o M l« 7 W r-J . B .-W U tCa s n tCalnB. ___________

WANTED—B :a t ca ttle . J . A. F lyn iPhona 7gaw.________•

----- WANTED—P oultry o f a lj Uikda. Toj. on prtcaa. a C H un ta r. Phone »03W.

—^ —P0R ~8A L S—Oood, aecotnUhand j>o loae ta to u d onion aacka a i 'T w tn Falli

Feed A le e T onipany.

" » F o r S ^ ^ B e a l E s t a t e

BASQAET m C B S £ BAST TEBX5 n o v - O b Uiu h .» l i i hia(*«»-f n n t anrt athrl u y . n a c b M tn South ' Tdabo aiid BaMen

. O recoa acqolr«4 th ro u sh . B o r t jn r — toracloihiro. p a ll o r -w rit* . . Idah. one s ta te U fa . E m pire O ladu IipU a . IdahoClflK — ■ - - " II4e«. * rO R 8 A L B > :u R m C ro o q b o w 9 r ~ * 4 tb Kwrng^ P boM m w . _________One FOR 8 A U » -« room boose. e*r»r« M e tc. • S M p . NloaM. locatkm - la Um

elt*. P w a . «aro T lm e a :,

. ■■ TWtl

l&UP FATHERf IT t> C.ONM*x . . .

t ' s K E /S .I.C T O f ------- — •

I * . «M'swi.r.'u:. i r J

. \ C '.ir C O T “lOMiL-.tiT- V'O.s

1 i , t n

m E ( 1

E S W A t! o u a F o r S a l e - R e a l E s t a

FOR SAU3 OU TltADR—ICO u liniil; In noulhonmom Kniimis la Oil

I, r>3S trlc l, wllh 10 rouin liuuno and t • bnrnn nnii nhnta. l.nu(t is nu t In

-------- for Kas nml oil. W ill tnu l.i fo r inpiOc- Mnho farm . Addrcaa XYiJ. can

— Havlnir ll'fl Tw in rallii, liavii ili il vnn- Cll to IIIIII my f(»)r room inm

liniiii'. i'xi:«'|n hent. i:un(l rnililcnco-----iT l '“ ''«‘l "trcc i,' off'T iil for ft imrj-imfiiiii and Imlanro cnn Ih-_____ rftUKcd. W rilo Mrtt. M. Chinn. li; :

(•iii'tt-r Ave.. ColOmiio Siirltici'. Ci

_____ i'-Oi: .‘?Al.i:— I ro.)in ino<U-rii .lmr„ . Imlll nnd nk'c |> iiiK 'pon li. i;ini 1

Wfll w»t.T. i : t r . f.iii uv.-mi<- cii;

M o n e y , t o L o a n

udLI I’RiTci:.nt moTjr v tor farill «.f 1/7ANS—c in rT o i 'i 'J i 'n i io - i i in n c s{.iiki'ti ten days frotn diilu of iipplicut

i, C. A. Holiliiuo^i._________________. Mil. M0N1:Y T(J I.OAN -C lly. o r fL'Sale Kftnn loiimi fi'.:. r , K. I'olli-r. 1

i;:.liitc. riio iic 371. .

■ H e l p W a n t e d

, 311 (!IR1. W A .V l'K l)-ni-ilihi & llm

------- WOMKN—I-:.irn .l.li; nuniry mnlll) fo r liiinitnl'iw iiimnm n t liom<> ilii v 'MUu iipnri' linii'. KncloKi' nddrcHxvd nin

I'll i-iivHiipo (iir pnrUriiiiirK, lliini'U "" A|>ron C u,. A jtuiry 1‘ink . N. J.

o l. 't t . ■ '^^^^•Trft-’-^iW b^n w nnun for ( nliit; ii|>i<lrn. J . 11. .Sciivcr. r jinnc

__________________WANTICIJ—i : \ im wiilicrn for

-------- iiinK of llic lyili. AHily Uo;!i:riiimI'H for i,.i

No. —J-----------------------;---------------.1- —

7 — , M i s c e l u m e o u s ■ilitlicd _____________________________________ Aiilo 10 I’ortliind ami .Snn I'rnne

nn, Alimixl 17 lo Jl). .Srntfl for tlircc. r Hliulcti&kcr. Adiirc-Hii Ki;mk Uiirr.

_ _ _ ton. Rock Creek.

•jl*®'* N O TlCi-:-\Vc Iniy old tlrc s nnd hi ^ tubes. Idftho Junk lloimc. A n

------- 1 from the Suto Grounii:i, lC 2 ,ind ilart- flouih.At* . ----------------------------------------------------

____ L i v e s t o c k a n d P o u l t

ilahed KOU SAl.K—Sowh i.nd kIUs. I’h SalOF COCm.

I'*0U ^T .K —r iirc li rc l ilolnMi7~l------- n t .n Illilo more Umn ImicluT prli«p«n- c . ir, .McCUaIn, 1't.onc OIKJl. l l s h t ---------------------------------------------------

“ to OUT OUR WAY;, 42s

OU B * / v J ^ U 3 \v A \w ^ ? \____ / C it' R v'S m o S ,

. will ~a m Q P r t c ^ E R “i.ro r- , 5 u S U V - T 'G l T

\W»U3! 'at' waiLVlns. d 'O S T A \M l\.0 Ow— -T ^^crr

WOO osfc-r'v<fcTC“ V 'V ow 'A -TfeAKnv -

? F -caah.nor-

• T mCo. i x —;___

u S fT ------ - ------------X ^ K w t - = =

____ Ilynn ^ l / V

‘ w r tIJ>Or. - ■ _ V-'Ayi Palls t l W v i 'i •

—« J

•fern iT r t i -1

daho - ^Uho. - “ “ , f-.- ' ' - "

— .1 r.o v .- ..^ IM Ctb* . . ? ■

; t N F A L L S D 'A I L Y T I M E S

A ^

J * / ■ Jiv.v •O U T -lO U ( ------------ L.. . ..k ir - . •

m i : C.O — 1' trA.V! V )O T TOMiC.uT^’l ’’C O '-‘iUM.l-V

— V ..o 'v TH M ' o w l . t!' -V Cl.nTK

i l i p - 1 ,

N T A D St a t e _ L o s t a n d P o u n d

0 ucrM I.C).S’l'—liny iu>ny, idioii Mil, Mln :i dla- rW il .'yc. 1'ln'tii- Q a.

“i m \ or >r KOOd hhick ■ liomo initli-. "I''.'iy'' iia liilnl <i :aru of Krcun imliil, one tmy Imni

lUIIU.lliii.. Krei'U imltit on xlionld.'i ---------- nuo nmn jc ilr lli ir . t>ai' liniinlril on l>'1 di-iiid- iilioiildcT. Kny Co\. iiiU .. .Md'riaiii: mnderti Mii. . >ICO ,nnd----------------------- --------------------------------

Situation W anted^ o ilo ^ ' by U m lio u rT cn

i;'‘i j r ) ( l?or Sale-A.utomobile— r-V)H fv.f-.; «-«}, ).«,

^,'1(1,0(1, A rn ll liiiy. l.lnd .\ii1oiiiolili

"FAiwj " FOR JM I.ir O u TllAI>l; -Tonriii n c y -ln ' pnr-ln 'cnoilrconiiitinnrl-;qnlpprrj-w it icullon. iiniililirrii und • Al.'tiilic crciiitinK nyi

IcMi. '105 I'lld avrnuii wl-;iI.

farm I'-Oll HAI.i:- ,j:i.1.no In.y.i ' r „ . r. ll.n l Iniirln):. A lmi;;:illi, J.liiil AulniiioUII

1-X)U SALl'>-AuU, wln.IitlilcldB.doc Klumiva. hcitdllKhl rIukii nud windu

_ _ _ _ j:lnHS. Moon's I’a int Shop.Ilutnlin. . ; -----------

. .m i t i c k o f .SHicuii r . s .s.\i.r: 0 K. I’STATi: I .s i) i:n d i h u i ;

Klnn . K (M ii:< :i.osriii: a m > ouiu;nciualy:____ L lA lli l-U u v Stall- Ih n lr nf C lilm -u..ir Ihln- cor|ioriilioir. ,l ’lni|iiffr.

Wiillirr illiineljnrit an d .K il.'lIn lllai — chnrd. hlii 'iv if.': Tlii--Klriit S'Atinni F-cV S r Ilnnk o r iin h l,. I.inlio. n rori.oruil.in on llo - I ', 1*. Diinliii). Uiiri-lvi-r for tin* Kin

Nallonnl Hank of llnlil, Idiilio,--------- corimrallnw^ Federal iliTicrvi- l!»n

. o fS .in F n in c iiic o .iic o rp n rn ilo n .a u J . W. l.on1nion. Ui'fcniianiii.

-----;— U nder anil by vlrlini of nn O nl.T 1nncjnco Sulo nnd Di-cVfo orKorcclot.iin- liisue 0. Ni-w ^ til,. c .m rl o f tliiirrlnK- |.;icv.1»ih Jii.ilclnl i)l«lrl.'( ,ir U.c Sti.t______ of Idaho. In and for the CToiinty cI I.in«r- Tw in FnllH. ilnlcd ihc liit day «f Aiu A rin « >‘-*25. Wherein llio PialnUifC nlmv nl Avn mcnUoHfHl'olitnlncd ik «ecn-c iiKnlnt

Iho l)i'fcni!.nuu here in on iho ;il»t da - of Jlily: ia2 j. Which aald d.Tn-.- wn

, , on tho 31*1 liny of July. iy2K. roconli- Iltry li» JiidEnicol Hook Ten nl pnce CNf. i____ 1 DlflU-k'l C ou rt; I nm cnunnniifU-I’hono H> «ell nil Umt ccrlnln tot, pl.-cii o

parcol of laiul riliintod In Uio (.'ounl , , i)t Twin Kalla. 8 iaii- of Iilalio. un lu llllll MiLUwlrd nnd drncrlbi'd nn fiillijwei. lu Iirlrc;i_;, ^ 1: '

T bu Norlli I lu lf of thc NnrUiean

f \ . ■ /p ircvA 1 VjhW \ f t, \ / D O t S t ^ T K K ii» d \ ‘

- \- - -ff+' FlRSf-pRiMaCfeV- “,»T J ABO'JT' PltpWlM! 1 I ' /A S \ _ WELO -TR’ GlXjue. ' . \ Ovse!] OOWV.I H E R e . U K E • \

" i R l S i AM-AMO-'WELLJiR a a

m B M s. ^

O M A __________J

RS ' ________ _

i - w - .o i s i ; .1 .\ T O O O M K iH ,

r-ir._________ ....

l-T | _ ...C)-, J ^


~ iR I N G ~tjiinrlc-r (N'.-j .N'IC'i) of Si'.'llon 'fh lil;

____ (l!o). Towiinlilli Nliii' (;i) Snlitli, lian;lilll.'l [‘‘If'''’'”, ^>''*‘1

------- I’llliilr N ollie III li.T.'liV c ii'fn ; 'I'llllI-. Oia- on ilir iTiili liny of .\iiMini. a

iiinii-. ta lu Tlini') of wild il.iy, ;il ili.' i:a'.Ilder; rioiil iloor of tlic fciiiil ................. IL■n le ft Connly of Tw in Falli.. .- lai.- of Idalu aili;li. I will, ill Almrlffm ;" I.V .;iid Or.l. r <1

.^iili- and n.-cr/'.- of |-..,c.i i,',Miro. n l « llu- aliov.- clr:ii-rlln'd , pi Dpi'i ly in iiat

1 • l»fy I 'la ln ilfrii ln-.'tc,' vOlli Inlcr.'i.^___ llU'ri'on, ln);illi.-r w llh all loM.i Iha

rn ll l“ >vc uccrnril o r may iie rn i.' 1.1 tli• 1ili;ljj;M l.liI.liT for i'a.ih; hixCfili inoii _ _ _ cy o t the rn llc d .Siat.'ii.

iJaU'il Uilii'.'ll'ii day of Aiii;iimI. I!HT J 'lcB M, 1;. i- |N CH. .Sli. vllf,

UY I-:. K 1'lt.Vi'J.lt.lOllll.- • -y—... — ...

Ill llanl:rii|ilcy .\n. *Jl3l>;ir\ ------- .M iT in ; Ti» r « i ; i i iK i® > p

Um- lilM rl.l I 'o iirt ‘nf tlic r i i l l .i T ' H l a l . ' : i , for 111.' l')117m?t of 'Idalm

.‘ ci.th. iu l)lvi:.li.ii.----- in Um- MjiUct o f 'w , H. MaVnuliy an.r.ii-I T. C, .Ma. iiulc y. di.jiii: l.ilf<ln.'n;i at. ;

lolill.' tiai Incnililp iihili'V th.. Iliiii liami . mill Iilyli- ot ,MiU'iiuUy UHilhern

------- ll;inUriiiit;i,• ‘’""5 y.iu a rc hcrcliy nnilfled Unit Uh

Ii.i-I'iliij; of c t. illioni o f ...........(ink____ nipl« will ill- Im'IiI Ul till- .............. . III.------- llniti-niliMicil Helen-.' In Tw lu Kalini: (»K C.muiy of Tw in i''alli.. Si.-it.' of Idnim ■in;i: ac iw o o'cl.a-k 1'. M. (,u Kri.iay, Ui< l lH J t 21nl dny of AU):iikI. A. H. lH:;!-.; t.llei

m o.llni: will lie li.'lii fur Ihe allow ano.' of claliuii. iippulutm.'lil of Iriiii

L iu-a. l v ami cinin-:,m ioii i.f tu i.k r i i i . t ._ c t r v r.. k i n m :v. -

___________I tefe iix-Jii l lniiknililey.

timmi l-' ' »ANKKI J’TI V NO. :iltS.'..In llic I'Midiii:! r . . i i i n ir- i n f ' r n i t n

i''lrHt .‘ laicii. f.ir lin- Dli.trlcl of Malmn. a KiinUirrn l)lvlxlon.Ilnnk In U ii- 'inaiier of t'i.iri; Jndil, lianl;I. aud rnpl.

Von nrn iu-foliy nnillfl.-<l. Tlml tin let o f rir.Ht in.'pUuK o t ori'.liioni of nnliiisiU'd llankriljit will lie hcl.l nl th r o ffire o

tlio the undi-i'iilinicd .lli:f.-ri'c In T nliStnlo [.'all-,, il.jiinty of Tw in F.illn. S late oly of i.inlin. n t L’:0') o'l-tmk I’. .\i. on TurnAnc- (iny. tin- :!Slli dny uf AukiihI. A. 1)

nliiivo p j :::,; Nueh m crtini; will Iir lirlil foi;nln»t i |k. n liouan i'.' of clalnin. nii|ioluiin.'u:t day nf iniHi.'c. an.i I'xniulnuilon of Iniiili' wa« ropl.i>rili-d ( lirv i„ KI.S'Ni:V,'Nfi of _ U cfrrn- in lianki'iiplcy.

:<> or A v o id £ v U S p e a h in gA K00.1 word la nn -a»y olilij;ntlon!

„ but not to Bpenk III rcaulros only our silence, wlilcli costs cat(ilnc.—Ttl*

lii'unt letson.

— By .Williams

X v<we.sM i T I I. ^ u r i . T h im v <.. \ . . _____ . _____

v.-gE. CAM erE.-r \\ SOU• \ FoorBJi.vv.)

^ e S A 'S r O K l - ^


i S Ii r . ' o - a m v a e ■

■ • ....................... ... - • f


P i n

i t l S ^

m E b u :S ' DAILY M

G ra in F 'u tu res A re I r r e g u la r , ' C h ic a g ^

. R e p o rts ' In d ic a te,'iat! I'llH 'A C il, 1: (Iraiii f.iliiro-

,,1'eM Iliil .lM'il jri.-^iil^u nu ill,' ('hl.M.'.||,:il liiMld 1.1 Tia.1.' tnilnv. WIm'jI iii.mI.'

non- .'hi:!.'. Coar-.c i.ralii;. w .n- ii.ic- IlMm.lly l.m cr.

I!i:T, Sp lrltra ,.|,„ .t c m ,,In : ; r;.lll,-,|f. . wlM-al an r .u ly ............. . :;i.„-.

___ '|-Ii.' a iiv;iii.c mil MiiK i.htiti .:ii.,l

.......^ '^l..n rilrl.d ‘ n .ln . o v .r tin- .liy .-..n.


‘m..... ' ltlipi.'!.:ilv.' nliiiwli'ii:........ . 'ati a " -1I'' Mrvli.-itc.l \sHh iii in a ll. r .a laitM' tlia .Iy .i|),'nltli:.ier«, |'|iivli.|iiii:i iidvanciil .':iily cm .tc-

, .•I.'ar,.c| i.l.icliH lilll la ter dtiipii.'.iUl.' liai'k 011 profit Illll''.'!.

(ink- ,• ()|icn. HI;Hi. I.0 W. Cloi,.',■ III. \V ll i : , \T -aiii., si'p i .. . I.'. It ■'Mi tiiii^i ir.r.^ ir.ii^i'•'.’I"' l>"v ....... ir.7 IM , i.-.yi.

.... II'-" i c - ' i ir.s>i i i i HCOIi.V-.

s - i 'i ....... i"l',-i H 'l';; iii:!-!i iiiii-i

. ' ■ "^oA'i's— ^- - S-'I'I .....- 40^ : : : i \

l .A l t i ) -Sepi it :;; it ;:,'. i : : 'h it j .

anli- Iini.'^ -!^.'|ii . . . i.sTii INTO i,s.;r, ih ;.'

th . i t v i : -iinlil Si'f'i . . ! " l ’i lo l''^ III"'"'.'.. ol 1)'-I'. . . n.r.i.i. Iii7-ii | m:i inTi-;■•will _.. Ill im .vroN »<i«ii. m , \ u k i :t .llrit- ItO.STIlN'. -Mitrs.. Aiii;. tT .- Tin . l> K;i;;;;lni; tcndcm 'y of iiriiT.'i li ilx.

foi mor.' ID III.' apnIlK'll.' Inn.' to ttu nent jtnorlH ninrkct-i. 'i'lic nl/.r ntul Mil' link- mno of Ui.' l)ii~ln.'."r. lu incnS ikli!-

wclj;iil Kood:: U:ii> not y.'t b.'.'U .{c • liTnilU'-il, ailli'iu:;li inaii'if.H tn r. r-

■>■• aro li.il.tlni: out for l..w ..r |irl.....■“ Mill ii|o<-k:< o f i;iw woot arc .'af.l to

tie lic-low nnrninl. WeriliTU prim ary on; nm rkcH nre firm. Fine nml lln-' n ij niodliim rtaiilo l.-rrllo ry wool In rtl* ipiolaliio Sl.;;in;n."r.; dm- .mnva^bcd

di'tnln.'* nrc h.'I.I al ri4.- l.i___ AiiMtrallan lncrin<i»' IH-Ti>'i' luiitu-i

n t ll , i r .« l ,^ f ) ; A. A . tmlh'il w.ud 18 Ik cinoicd n l » l . ; : o i T r j . . l o u r n


... ---------- OM.AHA- 1.IVKST«H'K'-,------OMAHA. Nell.. AUK, IT .-C iilU c—

Unr.-lptn, 17,riO«: m avkn ir. tn 'jric l.iw .'r: yearlin.:!-. IT.T.-’iflM.T.'*: I•■>•rr

_ in .r.n r^fir.j^row ".,''! ''' .I.M'IfV’'-I 2T1O; slix-kori. nud fci-d'Tf.'ir.O' rnlv.K, $4(flli; lnill.1 nnd rliian jnsridf-CO : w ri-lcrn rnnr.crM. H.W

H„-B — U orrli'ln. fir.nn: n ia rk .ljnf?ir>c low er; Inilk of nalin. J l 2.l.'i <ri3,2ri; .to p . ji-i.i:s-

SiiP'-n — Uoci'lpl*. i;:,n00; market ■ ^lron4 to 2ic l i i th - r : y.-nrlinc*,

J!T7Sff 11 . w i l h i i r : . . r JQ iJ3 .2 5 : Inml)". |14{i'15.i:.; cweti. |C 07 .

r i i i ( ' . \ f j o r .v s iiClIICACO. Anc. 17.— W heat—Vo.

I rr.1. $1.f;4<^Ol.<^4V; No. 2 r c l. » l.C 3li: .Vo. 3 m l, l l . f in 'i ; No. 2 hnnl. $LG!?O:.C0l4:. No. 3 hnrd. »1.C7 01.C3.

O als— No. 2 whilo, 40U O 4l% c: .Vo, 3 whito 3S«i© 4lH c.

Com-:-No. 2 yellow. »1.06«l,07: __ No. 3 rellow . ilO S ftlflfiU - Vr.- S

yellow. |l.(H%iO1.05: .Vo. S yellow.i ;o 3 o i ;M « - r No.- 2 -m i* « ir m n m ^ © l . « ; .Vo. 3 mixed. »l.fl4HO1.0S; No.4 mixed, 11.0314: No. 2 while. »1,05« O J.06: N o .'^ 'S w hite. I1.04V5OI.OS: No. 4 w hite. lf.i33S i9 l.04 ; .Vn.'5 w hile, 11 .0301 .03^ ; No. 0 w hite 'II.O IH.

Barley-70es0c.TTmw itr—*7.a g « :S 0 :— ------------------Rye—No. 2 w hite. 11.08. C T d re^ iU a J OO 27.60.

^ POTATOES,CHICAOO. Aue, 17.—Reeript^ <44

car*: MloneMU Barly OUoa. » » “ '2 .^ , filalw-RuiaU. H-7B, Wlseunrta

round W hli^ IS.36OS.40: MftaaMU tonnd, whiles ,

cRicAGO ntobrcE. CHICAGO. Anc. 17.—Buttar: Re­

ceipts, 13J4«: ctaaaa rr, « ie : .- a tu 4 * . ar«a . « lH e : flrvta. S tO U H e ; M e-, osda. STOSSe.' . '

E csa: RecelpU. 12,144: er«la«y?. J __ . . . .................. ^

, ' v - . • F t v a .

[GEMIANUS ;I. 1 C-.-J-.T't •.-.ri u -Um: -v o V

' ■■ ' i f B ? ••^ '1 111I _ ^

W e r b -

iRKETJ^PORTS Vrir:i^<,':'.i'vi-; .v ir iin .'in r .. ,

Clic.c :: -r^lii:., , 'H "'.i'; Am^,

* I’l.iilliv: l l l . l ipt.i. ll-i-ar.'i; fo w h i.X If'Li^--'.-.-; r.iohii;-., ✓ i l d i l . ' I i i i , :-1r ; ;- 'r r, h;.-; rprlii;;^.,-|S>-; fur-^-I,.V>. Iiii. i.'rr., Il:^; IuoII.th 27cJ

i - i i i :u , . tM i » i i i ; . \ ' i '.l'fiU T I.\.'; |i, (lir.. Am:. 1T .--H anl

V l..... M r.i;; r.oll Whtlr JI..M1; w.'ul-.111 .x'liiiii-, {ir,.-,; Ii.it.i w inii'r, $l,r.:sr ...... ii.ilin : { l.i::; w ii.ii 'rn rc<l,

I',*';'.’Ii'.'l r i l l ! i ' l , \M l I.IVi:STOCK.‘

riiU ll.A .M >. Or.'., Aui;, 17.—<‘«t-'II.- ■ 1(1'. .'l|.lfi, I'.H-o; ton.- of innr-

.-I'li- |,.-t,‘ ;.lr:iii>; I'l.-i ri-, m.'.Ihiiii. jr.fiOftf

a iiM'illiim ami, cnmiimn. }:i.2.’'.<0. aiiiM-n. ami eiitl.-rH. Jl.r.O«P, .

r 'I " j r , ’ llllll”, . 'ann .Ill an.l lioloKiia., . :iU .i', iiii'illnin rlinlce. IDU

j llii;::'i - - llcvelpm. 1-7?:: market^ nl.-ii.lv nM'illniii, Kood; ctiolei-. If.O- uno pmimlri. SH.TS'iflS.r.'i: 'joo-sr.a

....... imiimiti, ju 'jr iiiiis .r.n : 2r.o iMinndic-,,V np, Ji;i.ri05i ir.: ' |iarklnK_ timoolh, '-’v u heavy. Jlo.r.ilSi IU: i.lallRlUer pics *14 ' ! t ? >i,i.'i- fc.ili'rii mill iitockcm. $14®

ir..:r.. •Sll.‘I'P ~ ilcocpliR. 2:110: nmrkoo

I'lciiily; InniliH, K4 i>oumlH down, nm- .Hum III cliiili-.' tlii.riOff 12.2r.; hcnvy«

10 Till: ' ciiiW nnd !conitminn. n it •P.',: wi'liHili". Jf..rift«r.S: wclh.'rti, |fi.B0O».' S.r.li: I'W.'ti. eonimon lo •choice-, t3Q S.

j w i i T f a l l s T' m a r k e t s V

nK M .I^n rn iC R S >1, - 1; SiK^ar. eane ....................................»7,nS

' ■ Siutar. ......I ................................... -...*7,38Cream cbceio --- ------------------ ------ iS a

xi„. C e le ry '--------------------------------- ICOJOoV '.. I.CIIUCO ......................... - ............ 100, r New ralihaiiP. pound — __...,_.____4o‘ ,'r f .irrn ii', new ...........— ........... ............So

Ili-i'iK. new ------------- ----------------------- 50Tiirnlp^i. new _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .....—..Co

‘ ■ Hndlnlieii. linncU - ................—...... So *1 Peppers, lb, 26<»

, , ■ U r e s d -------------- I— I N

H «S 'V lIced” Z l _ = = Z = Z W ^P ork ' saua.ite --------------------------- S0«

, , T-bone a l e n k ....... ...... .................. >0<Sirloin Monk ■ S8a

, Round s teak .36«lLamb chopa ------------------O l U

«" '• H e n s ___________________________ 3 Nor' il Pork c h o p s ----------------------------12O30O

Bacon ------- -- . , .,i-3WBacoa, sliced ____ —, ... _40q

-----tthtw— ... ................... ' ~~~l i e - R u i i n a PU C K S

■::.f W hrat. new ....... ......_____^ ______$1.40• >Tr< n.,KH .................................._'.$10O'13,6OV .if Ste^ra ......................... . IBWS'if'Tf H o l f c r a -------------------- u—-------- 3 4 0Siu:fi. Cows - — ■I4.CU CalTes' 8 O M

rk .i Miiiton ------------- ------- ----------« q '- --• I'l ljunbs J ^0^ •

CTIfCKEfTS AKO FOWLS.,Urt He.iTT;^hcn«------------------- -------------148nc*, J-'«bt hens — — ' •" ' ■'**

Ijechom s —i=— .' * ***_ ; ,* ,'v n ronas*~zrz ;::..nn r~ .— ___ So

Sprlncs (Ircho rn ) 1208 |>rlnpi (colored) ..... - „ —......140Youni; capons 19Q310

-Vo. R noitcrs . ........ I 80 ,re<1. Ducka .......... - , , , , ... ,So. 2 T u r k e y s ________________________ I 601.C7 PBUDCCB

n u t t e r f a t _______ .. , ROe 'u c ' B utter, ranch , , , , . . < 6 0 -

K s c a ------------------------------------------n o,07: EgCT, c a s t ............................— . . n g

nw.1 ’

il Tncreas ea|YiSN®'' B /« o * rii iB r~ T iV itito 'V e td i I»B , alto I y o u r f ie l ils in th e f s lL V e tc h .

i» a Icg q ln e w h ic h S ^ U j r . b -___ rw»ne<»« f r r t i l l t y aiH f

g o o d p r o w th - t o . . ^ O ^ ’'d o « K b c f o r t p la n t in g ;

B ro a d c a s t jw r t b e fo r « b e s a r -

« b h s i S sM TTc h*T e. t h » :|\t ;

Page 6: T W I I m i P L Y Tmmnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W I VOLUJLE 8, NUAUJKll .83. O M W I ON I f Ifl pR ID fl" K u a d c Police Oblct


ino GIVEN ;B iM ra e y i

______• !,B w o lu t io n A s k in g T l ia t T w in i

■Fulls C o u n ty u n d S o u t lic rn j,

I d a l io i o P r a is e d I n s te a d o f j ' ’

S lam m ed na Som e S l n t c s m c n ' '‘ I "

H a v o B e en D o in g ; K iw an ia n

C lu b E lc c ta D c le ffa lc s to Con-

v c n lio n . ^ ,,

•'JtlnliK in tint jirriMjiiTriii!! .iiiO coii.ll- tion* In nnd itluiiil tin- n talc nri' tin ,, Wlinl Ilicy, f'tiftilld In;." Ill ll (•Diniiini iiliili-inoiii wlilcli til • Ik'Ihk • iiiaili- ti\ i'- IiIkIi vfMclnln III Ililii ntiilu liy muiiu o ,, o iir iiint<»nirti, iK'i'nnUni.- to S riiiiior „ .M, J. Swi'ojry. wlm |)rriH’iiliil a rr:io- }.! Jmlriii III lIu 'T w ln [■•(liln Hiwiiniii ilu li ,.i miklllK tlm l If thi-MC |i))r|II>||ii|riM r;il>- niX any niiytlilnK kikuI nboiii dx ' C n u ...

‘ S tale lu n t Ii'unt tiolil tluiji- |>.'ni-<-. Sm - , « lo r SwJ-i'Irj- filftlnl llml Kicm-' mIikc-

nu'iilij nri' nut in n ' ;itiinii T » lii i nii!i v, coiiiii)- nnil-iiDuilii'rn Miilii. nml wi> ’ )H'r(’b)' iir;:<' tlm l iiurll ili )iii:mnry htnli-ini'iiiM J)0 mu iiiiiili' of lliln im i; o f tlio mnti'.

Tllln r^'ioliiUoii w ill l>i' iiiiiinril »ii l.y' t)li‘ Jilllillc arritini ........ nml lr - 11-

tiirni'il to till' rliili \ilili li ji'i'oiiiincii' jir (lotion ut tliclr u<'Xl r<'>:iilar nii'rllNi:. | :i;>

'S i'iia liir Swi'clcv nIiiIimI llmt lie IukI iiu liennl a Krent ^ili-nl of tlilii klnil of ••liiiiik" lull Jii)|iii-»i.|m|HT or orKiuil- iili xatlnii linil rnlX il lln vnli-n.ii;:iilii!ii iiii:i nii kliiii of in lk-nnil li<- (i-lt It ivan llini I'n to rPKlntcr n jiroifiit,

Jnhn \S'. Cnilmiii oliJci:tr<t to lln- i r r - ollillon I'rcaiinit It unn coiirln'il 'In mil'll liliiiil'lniiKiiiiKU. Ik- fi'lt l lml ilir —

Mvv iiianiiiT. .Tlic nniiii' rn il woulil I>i- " "' nconnipllKliril by ki'IIIiii; u |> n Miih'>

________mi-ntjilM>i!«_«!o-_ .Yitiii Ji'.'Pnllii county mill iirrni'Mi riniii\^iiri' n jro i niitmtUiilo for lliln |>ro|inKiiiuln. i;.' J , ml O nirflntlrr mtoko In favor <if ri'fi'irlni: lUIn rcfiolutlon to lliu inibUr nffaln; )>m coinnilllrc nml "uliici' w r liiivc nlri':iily uli livord Ihl) opinliin of itin liritd o f rimi m

'cotniiilttou It nilKht bo wnll f o r * i l i i' .j'li

GaslA com plete

Paper, Cork c Cask

to fit every p a rt au to or trucl

A lso P is to n n , R in g s , P in s . B cari

ST E PK E N C Y W" « V A rr Ni.l lli-BliimTs Mnt Jl

F u rn itu re........................................ r W i U S c l l a t P u b I ;

Residence No. 348 Wednesday, .

com m cD cin ir a t -1 f o llo w in g f u r n i tu r e : D u fo ld . n tg - J r u g OxlO>/-. 2 b ed s, c o n ip lc to ; 2 r e c o rd s , d in in g ro o m ta b ic n n d ch in g n inclU ne, hc^U ing s to v e , w as l

■ — • k i l c h ^ n - ^ b ln e t T —c u p b o a r d , lib rtu f r u i t jn r a a n d o lh c r a r l l c l t s . F u r n i t u r e c a n b c lo o k e d o v e r W e d

T E E M S - C ,


TO THE PARENTS Of S(T hc D istrict Dcntxil Socic

___ -.\vi‘Oics-to call-^itUuition tn-tiKdental work is dono fo r cliildi cations, an d as soon a s i^choi flooded witli after*.«c!iool appi

____ » ------------ Xbifi-jHitA-an-extrn^imi’tlei<ist aliko, an ti could he avoulc

- ..........operations leisurely dono ddentists aro not so biu^v.


olliiT rii.-mbini l o l l n in. .'K r i ] ,

-SMia?oi''.s'vr',‘lry Mali.I lh;il tn- ha.l |b-'.'ii lalliliu- »l-!i uwi Ic ii iin r r .i l- t | 'I' lil'i »r Tliir. ii:„ ■ 111.', » ( i . ' Iiuili MInii.l In tln lr in 'alfc fm ....... . . M a-j

_ h.i. Till'..., U ,. uiill. » lii. a i r bilill!

Jil'1;;i' ’riiylor, w ho v>;i:i llii' f l is f^ n ’lli'r ;

<:.nu;c. ll:,|rli, It .Jl. Mli."i,.| itml KwitK'ill » . li' iiiKiiiiinoiiiO> I

I i'l'i 'li'd il<'li'j;iili';i III tin ' irh li'jil i:i>li-|Vi'litlnii I., hi'i.l 111 l-iM'a-. llii 11. XI I

'M oii.lay an.l Tii.'i.l:i>. <> i'. AIIm i. i

I i;m i'iii 1), in.,oni :.ii.I J" lm W. H,, . tmim' a H ,.n in M 'ii 'u ii;'Hiiii ,.,.---------------I - ll.'lnr. M i'C .^an , l.a.'t ............. HI oflllll' Valli'Jo. <';ilir.. Mwaiilri I'lnb, wai. i

n liilr<Kliii'i'.| j.v .1, i;. W llll.' nn.l lln- lai-1 ' I.T oia’.'il lliai hi' l.>U'.l J.hibi, m.il llDlM'iI l)i;,I ,.,iini' <l;o In- Wiilllil j-.i t

»;l)arU liri* io nlay i>iiiiiiaii>'nily,I Ol'. T . All. II Ilf Siaiili-v. Ni'?iraii-

^;Ua, »ii« ................. . l.y N-'l..«.n ‘llay-I Wlll l! ni. II |ii'o[i.'i'iy iiwii.T on Ihl' Hiil-

a mun liiii'i fnr llu- jiail fniirl.Tii >iar« liiiiil a fri'.jin ni vh.imr lo iIiiu [mri of

• Iilalio. . . .Mimoralil.'- VV. I), CIIWk. i.tn'aU.T of

Ihl' hntii<i. cif r-'pr.-Mi'ninilvi'ii, wnn p ii;^

T.VIU I'niii. i iiiiniy fnlrT"ili' u ii'. a tluu “

‘Iny fnr till- fnlr and M alnl iha l Ui.' T t^IiI.'iiiUa fi-.illiiK .•iir.''iid.'r.'il l.y Oir ' KIwaiiiii I'inl. ba.I ln-l|>i'il inin-li. In c i- n irntlni: a h .iii 'r fi'i 'llnr bi'ift'c rii nil " ti.-vi'tii of Ih r I'niiniy. JiHiii W. (!rn- Imm ntnvi-.l ihal ll hr tli.' it.aiiii' of thin ' I'liili Ihnt III.- iiliiii-ii r lim r* ^ half ilay “ fi) (i.'iillK I'liTli'i nml rlii|i(oy<'H 111 nl- " lin il III.' fnlr. Tlihi nioiloii i l i rr ln l. "

Till- vl'ilii.rn frnm n i .T w rr.' Uiiv- mnnd (Jrnvi'ii. Jiim 'nu Shinn. \v. iv N n/inan nml \V, I), (iillln. ■'

M, J. j^w.'.'I.'y »iri:i;i'.'.i.'.l llml w.. all ' ' »'<• ilniMi lo llii-fa lr III a boily wllh onl ' ' Klwanln n ilon i on<ii;i wc illil hiiiuo fi-w yearn Jif.-n, • ll:

Alvlii lla rh in ir ro|ior'i-<l on llii' work I'l ai'.'niiiiillnli.il al .'^Im-lioiii' Kall.i nnil w lirnhii'il tlmn.' ini'ii who jnrni'il ont fi.

|n;ir>ha iiml iilali'il tlm l IhiTc wn:i i> Inl innn- wnrli^to do, . I'X

Til.' I'liili voii-d lo ailjourn iln 'Ir ic i;. m nlnr liim 'lii'i«i.uvxi .\lnmlny Ihh'iuimi' n *■': nnijoi'lly of Hi# jiii-mlu'rn woulil bi- In wl I 'n ra tillo nl llir illiiirli'l ronvrllllon . I'U

(•iH)i;ni<;i: ANt» • •' «d______ ^ im ili iu rd from iiaci- ])

11 'In iiiilllii'ly I I i iil j i i i am io iu iri- in.'Ill nf llic prriildciit'ii drclNlim will I’rIx' 11' ll.........n il .Mi'llnii ami .Kiiioid fo

Jil'V‘;_ri;liii'Jii;i]__lu_W aiih lm :tu ii_am ‘l ■J-’icniDinilnli'ntril iv lth .llm JlrlKlau cum- f» mln.don. • Tl

1‘rcidilrnt ami Mrit. rooUdin’ will <'1 l.Mihnhly r rl iin i lo Ih r mimincr w hlti' hniiM- nl Slvanii'u rott lonior- f row. Tlii-lr ri'iiirti lo WiinlihiKlon

.j'li I'Xl'i'clril wlthlii ;i w crk. 'ai:111

kets ie s to c k o f i"_______ - - Ic

andX opper ji; kets ^r t o f a n y m a k e .ick m o to r. • I;nrings, Valves aflVl Buflhinga |

R GRINDING CO. v-MiiKlcrs nr the Ih i.ln i-is" |»»


J A uction fib lic A u o llo n a t - ^

? Fourth Ave. No. £ , Aug. 19th I,"1 o ’c lock , - th e ' , •

g-BKlO, n t f f 12x12 , co n g o leu m2 d rca n ers , p h o n o g ra p h a n d

ch.Tira, 3 r o c k e rs , S in g e r sew - ■ashing m a ch in e , gpprf O inBo. t"" i r j^ y ta b le , c o o k in g u te n s ils .- ^

W ednesday m o rn in g b e fo re s a le Tin

-C A S H

DN, Auctioneer ;,E

SCHOOL CHILDREN |cicty of Soiitiipni Idaho :he-fHot-thHl H lile -n r-rto— -j Idren ilurincr sunmior va- n in lool 8tart.s dentists* aro ipoiniinciiL'^ for montlis. }en-f»n-the-chtlt}-nnd^cn'— ded hy l\:iving aU denial durinp vacation whon " '

i jfn ibllr

n“ rknn-I s j t

iPLAiffiFORUHIMLLnf ______I '.'IT w in F a l l s - ^ o y S c o u t C ouncil

^ H o ld s R e g u la r M e e tin g a n d

H e a rs P la n s f o r I n te n s iv e Cam-

p a ig n - T b is F a l l f o r th o

S c o u ts ; S c o u tm iis tc rs ' S choo l

'f n n d E x h ib i t n t C o u n ty F i i i r

If ■ A m o n g S u g g e s tio n s .

i'., y. iii.Tilay dnillni'il jjlanii for iln- inoiii r.illy to take plni-r r lio rny a f lr r lln ' firm nf Sriifcvibcr Ihiniiiilionl lb*' c lly o t Twin l-'iilln. Wllh Ihr ni'cnliif;

J. of fall nn Inlrnulvr rnnip.ilKn n'lll h.'iUa-.;r(l In brlnK nmrc hoyii Inio iii'niib-

, Iiii; llinil Im.'i cv rr been enllnlcil In Ib" hlMi.iy Of Twin l'\i11ii. All riliiriilhm-

. ill iiroxnini wJJJ l«- In ilil:i f»n-nrctlon nnd i>arrnin w ill' be I'ltllhli il

, ail wi'll an th r iiinyii. A i>roiil ncliool . will b r |>ni on' nnd ncniitmniHrrn nnd

|<riii<t>ei'llvr niniilinnnti-rn will lii‘ In-.I \li . '.l 10 Jidn Ihln !.ch(M)l fnr n frw , I'Vi'iilnKn iraliilni; In firoiiicnifl. t' o v r rn ld il blliei, ;d> Iiln r l.nlien wll)• llir full and w la l^- innnihn nnd nev- ( i-nil of tlicnr* lilifi^ will br hrld from 1 wci'k to tt-cDk nt n ine UKch.., Tlio nrnui rxcciillvo wnn liiniriK-ti-rl I lotako nii Ih r inniu-r of havlni: a ncoiii

exhibit a l the Tivln l-'nllii counly fnlr - iin d rr Ihl- illr.'ctlnii o f Him .Snnlie Ijlvi-r I connnel; l lu r r .llii' Iilcnn of ncoiillm:I wlll hc cxplnlnod nnd tlic nilrn llon nf

liarciiis nnd o ihrrn who hnvr not coini'In I'oiitncl wltb ni'niillnit will be iiiimn lili'an of wlii.t thin innvenieiit HliiiidK fnr mill In iryin:: lo le.tcli._Oii iiioUi>« nf A rihiir, J. H'l avi-y and

. u- ti'i'cohii i,y I iiiiVC .Veely lln- |dnn fi>i‘I lirlliiriii; the nrniit hu llrllli NCtlln;.* t forih Ihe rinniiclnl ninnilliiK of ih ri .X w ln_fa llti-* .o iin frl-n rrl-rnT nr-n lh tT . fnclii will hv prlnii'il nKiiln ihln year,

Thin muilej- wnn Icfl In Ibc linniln of I ( 'hntnim ii Itoy (Jnrdnrr.

Se rre inry-T rrnnnrc r A. Wllion I’r.'ii . ri-ail ii.flnanclAl rciinrt w blrb idiouril I Ibltt Ibu ronnnrl hml a fulrly ki'<iiI h.il-

uiicr on hnm) hnl tha i ih e rr niiii i‘ilH tim-nllrclcfl pIrdci-H Iol Ih r loniiHi-l

I anil an effo il will b r lii.idu In collcci lliln money o t once., PInnii wore illncnintnl for ilir Innl-

(fct for Ihn com lns ju a t-n n d iilnnn w ere dlnciinned.lo hnvr Hit- ehnlrinan iiiim<? tl commltli'c o f five from Hie vnrloiiH orKniilrntlonn nf the c ity I" net nn n finnnchil cniiiinllti'c nnd c.it'- r}- ou t Ihln rroKrmii of nccurlnic Hir biiilKKt for tbn coming venr. 1‘lniiti V«vTo iHscoimert it) <>TiltM the rcnlili-nin nn well nn Ihe biinliicKii p a n of the c lly III (bln (-nmp.tl;;ii for lunlilni; a f ­lc r Ibo hoy nciiiiui.

Iil« w'crr -T'. M. Iti'brrlnim . Dr. Wni. I-'. I'nnnnr. A. Wllion I’e rk . f'lm lniijin liny' (Jnrdiic.l, K DouKlnn Ilnwlry. Clinn. .Nerly. v \rlliiir J . rm v ry , I. ] | Mn;i- K-rn. I. i;. Jnnlyn nml W. A. .Tboini.-

(Jo Catiiiilnic-M r. nnd Mrn. KInier IIolllnKfworth and .Mr. ami .Mrii. W.A. IM lrIrk left yi'ulenlny for a cainp- laK (rl|) In Ih.' .Sautnolh inoniitallin. to b r Koiii' fnr iil.oiit two w nkn.

' K Y. f . r . llnn i|iieJ-I.lnnrI t)fnn imnmMM.-.J yi'nlrr.lay In H ir nnpU rt .‘liiniliiy rrhnni Hint Ibo yoiini; |>io- ple wiinld hidd I lir lr niiiinnl Imn- «III.-1 on .S.'i)lrinbi'r 1 nl Toni'n cat.'.A nl’lendlil |iio t:ram ' will bc )>rc- KCiilcd nt Hint llm r.

KImlH-rl} SchoiiN — tlnt't. II. K. I’ow crs anfumiiri'il a f.-w ilayn ai:o Hi.il Ihp irbiioln nf Klm hrrly would I'i'.'n oil Hi.' I'cxi'ntll dI ScDttmlii^r ami tb;;t a v.Ty Ilnr rn i|" t iif Irnrh- .r i . had b i.'n M’ciircd fnr thu toin- Ini: M'boo! year.

It.-rnirrliiu ' frnm T)Ornhiii.l Is r.'COX.Tln;; f i» in -n a at. Inric <if lytrJinlft f rv r r w hirh h r r ” n. Inirli-.l ;i few WC'kt. ni:l> w hrn he w.'is DII .1 ran ip ln r Irlp In th ': Sa«*Iniilh iii.'iintain^.

Ilal'IM l.n il lr '.- 'l 'h r Uidlcn' .a I.! nf tb .' lt; .|ill 'l I 'hiirrb will inert on Tliiir.'..1ay aflrrnnoii In Ihr r lty park fnr ib i l r jin iim l pirnic nnd the n[irn!iiK o f Hn lr fall proi-.ram fnr III.' f.ill and » In lrr I'tiidv. A tler “ ^ll^ln^•|.» M-»slon under tbo mtK'r- \l^ lon of Mrn. Kr.nik' IWniKhton n I'll nlc Mipl'rr will lir cn joy rd .,

.Vtleml "T 'nnrm l - T - .mI.orl KiM . aiii1~nrnrlie R ^t;amltiolIi a tlrm l'd n . - f.in rrtd <.f W, J.-I.Joy.l, form cily fill Ihe HofiT'^rin lirnneli. nt N.ni't'-i vcilrfil.iy . They sla le that Hir fe r t- inniiv m .n v rrv tn ip ro 'lv n .m.i ih r i!rd-n!<r.l w .ii lu'M In lilKhrft rr.lrfm l.y hlK r.->l1rnriil b r o tb r r ' ftti.l o tlirrs wbo .-itlrndrd the l . i 't d.vl rites,

_ .K ra m c r» -U c tu ra -M r..f tn d .M r?- , iII K r.iiner wlHi Ib rlr d.iiiKhti-ri., re- t.irni'^l S.»lunl.-»y from . n rx tin .trd I ,in IO S ea tllr n rd v.im-onvrr where th rv v l.lt rd with thi-lr «on wbo I*

knnun ln - T « h i f rn lsl« In l>n»lnr«.i nn.l d n ln t w rll r>f-

V n o w n 'b ^ ^ . l l i 'o n i i i r T T i i r t'cnnTi"vUTrTik of Tw in y ^ lU wUru h r wa"In ni'tlon Iirrr.

JrnU ln t A n t" -T b r JmWln^ .Miiowo- M lr ctimnan.v ba* M lah ll'h r.I -lirnH- q iu r l r r - at ih r ro rn* r of i5.-cood Ax'-

knnwn n» lh/‘ I lr rr lo ii Milldlnc ami Is JUJt across from tlic T » In ,

■TWIN FALLS DAILY 'l-;it|n Canal roiiipany-n offlcc. Thin

^ T o n c r n , w hich 'In h.'iiilnl hy O Iriiii 1 . ' J .\ i ( ln n . a;i Kcnrrnl niiiiiaKcr, will

haiirtle lhe Olillnnnhlle, Mr. JriiklnA niilll a few iiioiiHih a;;o Imndlcd 111.' <

I l-'ord niiriicy a t P llri' and him mnny i

I yi'ai'ii cxpcrlcnce In Hiln bunlni'nn. ,

«;i.es (i> I*. K. i» lnm l-M lnn ll i ^ l i n i . lla llo ran . acroinpanled Iiy bur iitilU.M

.Mrn. Anna KIcbimvid. left HiIh inorn- In:: fo r <'hnrUiitctown, I 'r in re Kil- wnnl iMlnnil. Catlnila. T hry will ntop 111 Driivi'r fo r a fi-w dnyn lo vlnlt rrlallvcn. • ,. J

-■ —n iT n ;rT 7 r^ cci=^^n i.i'i' 'wiimic ,'rubtc' '- aniiDum'eil yrnturilny tha t-H ut W orld - ,, Wide Kiilld of tbn Itapllnt church

iWoiild im 't'l on TiiCMilay cvmiInK «if 1Ihln wei'k In tlio hniiKalow lo open '

I lln fall iiiretlni:n nml plan fnr tliu \im* comlnK fall and w im.-r inunths, ■

ll:ick t.i 'I fn ii'iT orlli-H , M. V n n ji oo l W lnklr, "i-yciir-old rmlrtont of {

Itnncworth who Wnn tbroivii from u air hornr H iier w rrlut uko wan ill"-

rhan ;cd an well from Hi« W lillo n Crni:n ho;ipllitl i^iiliirdliy afliirnoon. >

; --------------- --------- I,_ — HetiHH>-lr..ti»-J>i»U»ir—Mra,. E----- L _,111 SlriDien anil Mli*« Im rothy Vnn EW- ;li.\ rrn irln rtluriii.'il from. Hed Plnli Inko j ;lie w hrrp Ibey .bavo l«-.'ii for tw o wcoUn < Ilf: niitliiK yenlerilay; Mr. Sirpkon drove jI.......... Saiurday nml brnunbl them i

ub- hack, . nbe ----------------------------------------- nm* • Sl'i'JiTi' nl I.. H. S. Minn \ c rn o \ >0- Ilfiic);. iiJio b.'i.'' Jii'" rriiirned from j, l 'l Hie cnnirrn- ntnlpn ' tidnnlou w hcro ^ >ol ,ihi' npciit tw o yiinrn, wnn tb<j nponh. ,) ml c r-n t iho H rn t W ard I . I). S. cliiirch n- llinl rveiilnK, She lolil nf h r r ' ex-

iKTlrncrn In NuW Vork. Mniinncljil- i, iiclln uiid Wont Vlrtilnlii. MIm Olivo y

111 Dodil of UoKuriion lolil o f hof cx- fj


S For Sale—IK A carload of paint, all colors,

bulk., 200 rolls roofing, 1-2-3 j pnpcr wsid glata. Let us ^Uimvt

111 Wc underscH bdcausi

t Moon’sT, ----------- ---------------------------------------

.,1 III < .......................I-IIIl-lCl ’

I Strikir^ --------O i 3 r T n e r c h K n d i s e - m ^

arrive-dally by express

Iy- a suitable array of now


CoaT t

• F].

o f r ich iiicl

fo x f u r on

r ^ t•l•:^■lAli 1.TUC11ASI'; ■

‘ o f

J __JE ricoIeite_Slips

-\1I ^i7.'^ ill mni.H. lif im n , p rac !

, Itiiiii-y.li-w . i.u i m ill d n r k b ro w i

A KDoiI iji in lity u su a lly so ld f<

f im tloiinrrt. - •

1 I $1.59 _

^ ■

y TIM E Sllil pcrlrnciLt p n lhe mlnKlon fk'til 1■111 Voider Ollvur Iloiincii* nlno npoki-. \III ------------------------------------------ II'n III Suit .I.nliii ( l ly —Mr. nml Mrn.

<Mand« Ilrown anil fmnlly n r r In“y Sn lM ^ik ii City tbln wi-ek ntlendlmc- j

lo tiiinUi'..-nii iittd ivlonMUJ-. T liry utc jnecoiiipnnird by bln brotbni; KbIen <

lin Ilrown and >vlfr who will vlnlt with ,h e r iK'Oplo il) D raper. ,

HiiMii-1 M o»es-K , A. nnhliel, th r t ij* liillor, linn moved from bln old locn- ‘

tion iipitnlrn to IIIIZ Mnln nvc-iiiio iioiiib and hns n iiplondld Kruiincl

[j7 'floorrJoCTtioit:----------------------------- ------t

Id ----------------------------------------- ll:h (Jnrn to Chlraco—M rn,' Victor r (if n iirh l left lliln tnornhiR for n d rn c n <i rn w here nhr will Jnlii b r r liifnbniid li IU who III lakInK n npi-clal c lre trlcn l n

rnnllirerln i; eouri'i'. Tho Illlchlli I nro well known hero nml will bn

in iiilnndl anioni; n . InrKo circ le of of frlnmln-

"• V|«»s IliiiiKhli-r—M rn .'P c lo r H.in- lo non Imn koiio to Kail, U iko Clly to

vlnlt w llb h er da iirb tcr, Mrit, Dc- loroh l’al»:o for n fow wrekn.

J . ___________ '----------------V to no liirn Mnmt'—Minn Vm -;o rlo Cccll.. cnrjicltIu ro ._n l .W rlth fi'.'>* w llll Mien Itnrolny. Minn Ilull - nnd ■e Mrn. 1>. 0 , McCuUy uml two ihiiiRb- >n Irrn, In barl! from a tw o )tfCPkn totir

of' thn norihw pi't. I’orllnm l nnd So* nltln wero ntnonK Pacific cniint clllcn

10 vlnlti'd, Tho pnrty woru n il ctml '» tn kH k 'lrk .-and oiil of thn. nmoko u which ItnnKn over much of tlie.• iiortliwi'iil from forost firnii.It _ ,1 ..... -

.I.iiBH" 'Itrn lilen t Hore—Mm. Ilennlc• \jnrU. o r f.oi:nn In here for n Tew dnyij0 vlnlllnK -Wllh /o n n e r frlcmln and ac- ■ niiiilniancen, Sbn nml >fr. Ixirf* lived

rs. A carload of kalsominiT in ■ a ply.''•A Inl-go stock of wall mato your work.'auso wo underbuy. j

^int Shop

A G O O D N ^ ^

n i F a s hess and freight. Early shipi

cw styles in coats; and dr es

a ts Fashi h a t Hinii^lar© fronor riv iiln o f d is- Broadv

I ......[I l.ll-<-Vni M-itht fl(-.‘linK f(iii- o u t . ' t h o p u f f , l l i

’t fn b rie s ^villi Im-i! m- m clitm e llow , -sliaili'.s „ , |( . in i , ,n i i t Ifiiim ii

■tciii’ il - l.y - r r . .r - " ;k J r t ,s .“ nliori

) f h r|i,ii-ri'l o r iiii-vii<ili!i- f in rc . 'i

_ on c o l la r niid_ vnll.ri^ 'iraM , u n d .. i {i.'com iiii; nnd

y Vluidi'.s o f th e iR'ti

liis liii i: Ilf c iiiu ia h

j j j r a lin in tl

1 ^ u p -<»>ll Mill.■ ' • ilo iiiiiiiit . ' Ihi; cc^oi

^ - - -

O f i>out

' ■ I .silk, l!

" / / / / C »n I.,'

'•aell, / I .ilty. \’■own. y Inrs.

/ . ______ Close I



• ^10;

ll. licrii for iicveral ycnrn ami Mr. Ixirtr. wnn nnploycd n t th r niiK.ir f.iclory U8 li bookkeeper. tl

n . ----------- - ■ ,Y M t VclliiiTHtonc—:\llKn Shlpnmn.

*''• hiiyiT Ior W rlKbfn nhor depnrlinciil.'® hnn rrlifrn rd frcni n (w«* wyckn vlnlt

to VotlowHotnu park . Hlir vAr, ncooin- imnled h)* Mlnii K n lr Tlhbcln. Hoy Al- wo(kI nnd John SiiilHi. On Ibo rolurn tr ip tho pnrty w ont throiiKli tho i:ra-

ip tern nf th r .Moon. They npeni a vrry i . I'lijiiynblo ir lp hu l arc Kind to ho b.iuli.10 ■ ■

K !►. .S. VInfl I .o o m -A h o u t fifty - w.MrdH T ironTiin -~ i): B:T-iiiirc'ii' i;rairc^r

hy I’n-sldcnl .^lid .Mrn. U 0 . Klrkinfttl If rolurned ffoiii Ix^Kan th e In tlr r piirl0 o f Innr week. T hey n llcndo l nervlcun d bold onpcclally for Hm ohui'ch nud ll many of them illd Tem ple work wJillo II Ihore. , . ,


This WeiH-piecp to tip tr o v c r s i i i f f c d L iv jitS r t ; liiosi' Hj)rin>f ciishioti.H ..........!*::2.'iO.(Kl .S.jHci'i: w a ln u t D itiiiif; 11

• ini'h ol.loiiK > r o i ) t la lik ', .'i Iihi s e a / tliiiiTK m ill o n o , lin s l i.'liair. n t 'c y d i'c ii ra fo t l d r o p Ic u f T a b ic jfo u r I 'b a ifs ..........................................'I-Iiiocp ivur> ' Hod H ootii S c l j vn

1 iDiil h c m -li; how f o o l hcil a n il < K X TU A S I ’i:( ;lA Iy — OiiL- 9x12 1

I Iho nuw ti>iipc ja sp i! eolor...^ ........

Hoosier Fur" C o m p le te H om e

■ • 'F Jkfl Bui

^ E I T O T W A D E ' ' ,

lions foir e k N g w - Y c r f e r ^ F a l T

i p m e n t s ' o f r e a d y - t o - w e a r e i

e s s e s t o c o l l e g e g i r l s b e f o t

lion S m art its F rock ™ “fSatiiIway ——-------

$10-$1Sic lu llio h n i id '

iitn itig . Sho rl_ A c i r c u l a r . . a t i u i r t i ulo r ltT . T h e if< th e jliKfiiifjtHf'liii

T h o Hiiiiii, th e new k

I d m m e ,™ ■' W U I l « l - l, . , . . jiiovH alilo f la r e w ill.... .......................>.Ti, in Ihc „ „« le . llh.lH.'tittHU eon- , r i ,„ iu c d in I» b ro w n , f ii^ ____ i.r l i i n ia nhndin f h r f jro rii, c "« tin ii'* I 'l he tl

, , , , < |o tn iiiiiia r c lo c .flO I.T ila ck t ,a riy fn l l u se . Com c c^or w hi'iuc._ fo r n look .

Dresses <iQligi'i', voilo, I n r r a n d tu b_____________

l!ri-«niiiii; m ill a t l r a c t iv c .

h r ti.'i-il w n n ii S c p te in h c r nio.st i

\ ’iiliii's u p Io I 'i^ h t d e l- h lu r oi

g a te d

^ . 6 9 4 - J -FIRST FLOOR

SIO .N DA Y , A t -01 IfiT ■ 17, 1 nU."..

I?. ThB boat w ar 10 m » a you r ow n b t ^>s IncM Is to te ll o thers about t l~

Ib ro tu h tlie lr nowspapor.

II. " "

i; B A R L E Y W anted

W o W ^ I H a u l I t

if ' 7

Twin Falls Feeder Co.‘I . C lnm fl.SO J o r 700

o n Sale cialseek Only

$150.00'fj l lo o iii R e t ; ri-l-inoli |ju £ fe t , 58-$150.00 •

...................:$40|00 ._.Ill r i i l f r o n c o r ...... $75.00 I:...!;:!!::...!;:!:..$75.ooi r n i t u r e C o . _

om o O i f t f l t t c r s " '^ ^B iintHwjT • ' ________ ______ _____

»r F alla l l gooas continue to

,' e n a b l e ' U S t o p r e s e n t ______

f o i ' e l e a v i n g .


___ _________

m e in / / I f

ScarfsLla c e o r KeorRCtte, f ro m th e

,t d i'licA tc p in k to v iv id

’ o r r e d . M any in v a r i ­

ed ro lo m . V ttlu w u p to

!C d o lla rs .

4 1 - 8 5 4 _____________