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THE PROPOSAL OF RESEARCH A. Title The Comparative Study Used between Grammar Translation and Contextual Translation in Teaching Descriptive Texts B. Background of the Problem Language conveys a social semantics (Carter, !!"#$%& 's a text, languag complete elements (meaning, wording, , and sounding% to convey meaning& ne o) meaning to communicate is text& ' text as a cultural product is important )or understand& ' good teacher in a good school is the person who treats speech t about describing text& 's one o) the various *inds o) text descriptive text i )or students& Descriptive text is the text that has di))erences )rom other text& Descr is the text where the spea*er has in)ormed the message o) the real events at +ence, the teller has in)ormed the result o) the text then retells again at w The study o) translation (+ung, !!# -% is necessary )or the teaching& The translation is done in teaching at class, emerging on the tip o and nagging at the bac* o) mind& .edagogically, descriptive text supports the balance o) )act and present balance should be controlled through )act and in)ormation communicated& ne

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A. Title

The Comparative Study Used between Grammar Translation and Contextual Translation in Teaching Descriptive TextsB. Background of the ProblemLanguage conveys a social semantics (Carter, 2005:3). As a text, language has complete elements (meaning, wording, , and sounding) to convey meaning. One of the meaning to communicate is text. A text as a cultural product is important for students to understand. A good teacher in a good school is the person who treats speech to students about describing text. As one of the various kinds of text descriptive text is important for students. Descriptive text is the text that has differences from other text. Descriptive text is the text where the speaker has informed the message of the real events at whole. Hence, the teller has informed the result of the text then retells again at whole.The study of translation (Hung, 2002:19) is necessary for the practice at teaching. The translation is done in teaching at class, emerging on the tip of the tongue, and nagging at the back of mind.

Pedagogically, descriptive text supports the balance of fact and presentation. The balance should be controlled through fact and information communicated. One of the ways to control is translation activity. In other words, translation keeps balance between fact and information communicated.In practice, all students in class do practice of translation. The translation can be one of the may kinds of translation, such as (1) translation based on language variety, (2) translation based on text structure, (3) translation based language hierarchy _ (a) phoneme-stage translation, (b) morpheme-stage translation (c) grammatical -stage translation, etc.

In activity of translation, there are at least two kinds of elements to concern, they are: (1) text types and (2) translation types. Text types (Simms, 1997:27) concern with the content of the text. The texts may consist of race, ethnicity, and culture. On the other hand, translation type concern with (a) word-by-word translation, (b) free translation, (3) literal translation, (d) dynamic translation, (e) pragmatic translation, (f) grammar translation, and (g) contextual translation.Based on the above explanation the study on translation is important to conduct because any time it is needed by human beings.

C. Identification of the Problem

Problem can identified from many aspects. Identifying problem is important. Without knowing the specifications of problem the researcher will get trouble in conducting a research. The problem is focussed on the students ability of the second year students of SMA Al Wahsliyah 3 Medan in grammar translation and contextual translation. D. Limitation of the Problem

A research must be initiated from a problem because a research is to solve problem. The problem is limited and specified in this research in order to make it clear. This is done to focus the quality of research, expenditure, in results. This analysis is especially focused on the students ability in grammar translation contextual translation. E. Formulation of the Problems

The problems are formulated as : 1. To what extent is the ability of the second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan in translation by using grammatical translation.2. To what extent is the ability of the second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan by using contextual translation.

3. Is there any significant effect on the students achievement in translating text by using grammar and contextual translation.F. Aims of the Research

The aims of this research are : 1. To investigate the ability of second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan in translation by using grammatical translation method.

2. To know the ability of second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan by using contextual translation method.

3. To compare the achievement between the used of grammar translation and contextual translation method in teaching translation.

G. Significance of the Research

One of the main importance in this research is the ability of student in translating text.. This research can give significance primarily for the writer, other researchers, readers and reference. For the researcher, this research is significant and contribute ideas. For readers, this research enhances the knowledge of the readers and as the structure materials for students. For the reference, this is significant to be read and as the literature for any researcher.

This research is also significant for the English teachers where this research is conducted. At least the headmaster and all of the Indonesian English teachers can concern and decide what step to do further. The steps are intended to enhance the output of English teaching. Only by knowing the difficulties of the students can the teacher of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan whether the teaching of translation is successful or not.

H. Basic Assumption

Any scientific research has assumption. This means that any approach has assumption. The assumption treated in this research is that the English teachers of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan have taught students translation by using grammar and contextual translation method based on English curriculum. This assumption is based on the approach that the second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan understand descriptive text based on curriculum. This means that all students are familiar with the materials.I. Hypothesis

Based on the problem, translating descriptive text has significance to support the ability in enhancing the students understanding on texts. Hence, there are two hypotheses in this research, they are zero hypothesis (H0) and alternative hypothesis (Ha). The hypotheses are formulated as the following.

H0 : There is no significant effect of students ability in translating by using grammar and contextual translation method.

Ha : There is significant effect of students ability in translating by using grammar and contextual translation method.

J. Review of Literature


The word translation is derived from the word translate in Longman Dictionary of the English Language (1984:176). The meaning of the word translate is to change (speech or written) from one language into another language of the act of rendering from one language into another language retaining the sense. Translation by dictionary definition, consists of changing from one state or to another. To turn into ones another language (the Merriam Webster Dictionary, 1984) translation is basically a change of a form. Where we speak of the form of words, phrase, clauses, sentences, paragraph, etc, which are spoken or written. These forms are referred to as surface structure of a language. It is the structural part of language which is actually seen in print or heard in speech. In translation there are two things necessary for good translation such as an adequate common of the original language (the source language) and an adequate common of the language into which one is translating.

Nida and Robert (1989:12) affirm that translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. The form which the translation is made will be called the source language and from into which it is changed will be called the receptor language. Bell (1991:4) also emphasised translation as the expression in target language that has been expressed in source language, preserving semantic and stylish equivalencies. Translation, then consists of studying the lexical metaphor, grammatical structure, and grammatical metaphor communication situation, and genre of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning and then reconstruct this same meaning by using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language.

The activity of the translation requires changes frequently in the form and arrangements of words because the similarities in both language structures. More over, translation is a replacement of textual material in source language by equivalent textual material in target language. The meaning of original text should be expressed closely. The form may express a variety of meaning. On the other hand another characteristics, he or she as the translator should be able to understand both the source and the target language to produce adequate translation. In terms of translation, there must be equivalent in a lexical form. If the word does not exist in the target language, the best solution is to borrow the sound (pronunciation) of the original word or modifying the utterance according to the phonological rules of the target language.

a. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language) (Catford: 1969:20).

b. Translations consists in reproducing in the receptor language which is the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida, 1969:2).

c. Translation is the rendering of a Source language (SL) text into the Target Language (TL) so as to ensure that (1) the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and (2) the structures of the Source Language will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely that the target Language structure will be seriously distorted. (Mc. Guire, in Rachmadie, 1988:2).

Types of Translation

The word translation itself in terms of the human perception may be divided into three. Bassnett (1989:14) describes the types of translation as follows:

a. In eremitic (symbols)

In the interpretation of symbols as expressed in language will interface with the process of translation. There is a stage in which the expression has to be translated in the same language to find out its communicative equivalence.

b. Intro lingual (within the same language)

The intro lingual process occurs when cultural nations are present in the text. It is time anything the bundle of meaning of a sentences and dismantling the components to obtain the equivalents. The sentences in the source language is translated into the same language as the target language.

c. Intro lingual translation (between two different languages)

The intro lingual process comes later when the appropriate expression has been found in the language. Intro lingual translation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of same language for instances; the sentence Robert came in English as the source language can be translated into Bahasa Indonesia as the target as Robert datang.

Translation Method

Method can be determined as a dearly produced that is established a general way of doing something. Before establishing the method there is one step. The step is establishing approach conceptually or in axiomatic way. The term of method, as quoted from Richard and Rodger (1988:140) who state the method is an over all plan for orderly presentation of language material, and all of which is based upon. An approach is axiomatic. The objective of using method is in order to make the results adequate. Relating to translation, the translation method is the established procedure in translation that should be followed. So that, the result of translation can be adequate natural and comprehend able to the readers in translating a text. It is important to choose the most suitable method after having comprehended and examined the text that will be translated.

There are some kinds of method of translation:

a. Word for word translation

In this method the words of the source language text are rendered one by one into the target language without making allowance for grammar. This is often demonstrated as inter lingual translation with the target language immediately below the source language words. The source language word order is kept unchanged. Actually the main use of word for word translation is either to understand the process of how the source language operates or to explain a difficult text as a translation process.

For example:

Gatot and Tengku won the election (English)

Gatot dan Tengku menang dalam pemilihan (Indonesia)

b. Literal Translation

This is a kind of translation which attempts is to follow the form of the source language text. This method is useful as a preliminary step for discovering on acceptable method to translate the text. The source language grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest target language equivalents but the lexical words are again singly out of context. Actually literal translation has a little communication value and a little help to the readers of target language.

c. Semantic Translation

Semantic translation includes more meaning in its search for one meaning. It does not emphasize the effect. It attempts to readers as closely as possible, the semantic and syntactic structure of the receptor language must convey the precise, contextual meaning of the original text. In this method the less important cultural words are translated by functional terms not by cultural equivalents.

For example :

Beware of fire! (English)

Awas api! (Indonesia)

After the definition of the translation, the second part which has to be known is concerned with the categories of it. Translation can be divided into three distinctive types, namely Full Translation, Partial Translation and Rank Translation.

1. Full Translation

In a full translation every part of the source language is replaced by target language material. In other words, the entire text is submitted to the translation process.

For example:



- Amran has been back

Amran sudah kembali.

- Umar will came

Umar akan datang2. Partial Translation

In partial translation, some parts of the source language text are left untranslated. They are simply transferred to the target language and incorporated in it, because they are regarded as untranslatable words or for introducing local colour or event. Because they are so common and frequently used that translation is not needed.

For example:

- Burhan ate pecal this morning (untranslatable)

Burhan makan pecal tadi pagi- The jamaah read pray (local colour)

Jemaah membaca doaIn partial translation, some words undergo both spelling and pronunciation change such as in microfilm (English) become mikrofilm (Indonesian) and orang hutan (Indonesian) become orang utan (English).

3. Rank Translation

In the third type of differentiation in translation is related to the rank in grammatical hierarchy at which translation equivalent is established. It can be in the form of:

Word to word translation

Group to group translation

In this type of translation, lexical and grammatical adjustments should be applied to achieve the suitable equivalent in terms of meaning. It will be discussed more deeply in the text passage.

Besides the three categories of translation above, there are some categories which are proposed by Savory (1969:20-24). He distinguished translation categories into four parts as follows:

1. Perfect Translation.

Perfect translation provides all purely informative statements, they are encountered by traveller and used by advertiser.

2. Adequate Translation.

In this category, the very large number of almost characterless translations made for the general who may use then without giving a though to the fact that what he/she is reading was not originally written in his/her own language. In the process of translation, the translator can paraphrase the original meaning freely by his/her own words whenever it suits him/ her to do so. For example English pop novel is translated into Indonesian.

3. Composite Translation

It is the translation of prose into prose, poetry into prose and poetry into poetry. In this category, the commercial value of the translation is often neglected and the translator may spend a very long time on his work. He would only get the intellectual exercise and pleasure. For example:

Movie and rental video developers of Medan city to obey regulation No 11 in 2002

Pengusaha bioskop dan video rental Kota Medan diimbau patuhi Perda No 11 Tahun 2002

4. Scientific Translation

Scientific translation is made to get the specific aims, that is to attain the accuracy, clearness and precision of the concepts. The translator will have a reasonable knowledge of the science or technique about which the original was written. This will be him/her to maintain the aim above. For example:

To translate an English text on disease we should have medical background besides the target language knowledge, so that it can be acceptable scientifically.

5. Grammar Translation

In conducting translation, grammar or linguistics is generally used. The factor reinforcing the usage is the nature of the language. Grammar translation is one of the ways of translating text. For example:Language is often slow to keep up with changes in society.

Bahasaa adalah sering lamban menjaga perubahan dalam masyarakat.6. Contextual Translation

In contrast to grammar translation, contextual translation the congruency of text and context in translating activity (Cholidudin, 2007:7). For example:Language is often slow to keep up with changes in society.

Bahasaa kerap kali lambat dalam mengikuti perubahan dalam masyarakat.Principles and Method of Translation

Translation is a process of replacement of the message from one language to another. Actually, there is no principles which are accepted universally since the only people who are qualified to formulate them have never agreed among themselves. But it can be identified as the two of literal or faithful translation and idiomatic or free translation.

There are two reasons for the advocacy of faithfulness. First, the translator must remember that he is a translator. He is not the original writer and the work in his hand was never his own. He is just an interpreter, one whose duty to act as a bridge or a tool to put the mind of the author in contact with the minds of his reader. The second reason is about the style. Style is the essential characteristic of every piece of writing. The outcome of the writers personality and his emotions at that time could be preserved in a literal translation.

A literal or faithful translation is too difficult because in reality word for word, phrase for phrase, and even sentence for sentence equivalents are often difficult to maintain if accuracy, clearness and precision are to be achieved. The translator who attempts to follow this principle of faithfulness soon runs into difficulties. Troubles arise from gabs in language, which can not be overcome by translating since a word that may be quite familiar in one language, but it has no equivalent in another. For example, Jaran Kepang, makan sahur or taraweh have no equivalent word in English. To get all of the intended qualities of translation, a translator could turn into the easier principle of idiomatic or free translation. In this principle, he can include such lexical and grammatical adjustments in order to obtain the meaning of the source language text as closely as possible to the target language equivalent. This kind of translation should be able to pass itself off as an original and show all the freshness of original composition, so that it can be read with ease and pleasure.

A part from those principles above, translation activities can not be separated from the reader. The choice whether a translation should be literal (faithful) or idiomatic (free) depends on the intended readers. As Rachmadie says the concept of reader analysis will demonstrate that each from of translation has its own function, which it adequately fulfils when used by the type of reader for whom it was intended. (Rachmadie, 1988:25). There are four groups of readers can be classified. They are:

1. The readers who dont know anything about the original language and read it from curiosity or genuine interest.

2. The readers who knew the language in the past, but have forgetten almost the whole of his early knowledge now.

From the four groups of readers above, we can make an analysis what type of translation which is intended by the readers. It is good to give the free translation for the first group to satisfy the curiosity. They will read it with pleasure without the pain of thought. The second group prefer the translation that sounds like a translation, because it brings back more memories of their early scholarship and gives a subconscious impression that they are almost reading the original language. The third, who know both the matter and style of the original may enjoy making moments that are more caustic and critical and find pleasure by reading it. And the last group are best helped by the literal translation.

Method is a way in doing something, especially in accordance with definite plan. Generally, based on the principles which have been explained above, there are two methods in the way of translation being done. They are source language method and target method. In this first method, the translator attempt to give the contextual meaning of target language text exactly. The syntactical and semantic difficulties can not be avoid to be occurred in terms of form and meaning. The second, the translators have to convey the message of the original writing according to the opinion of the original writer. In this method, the translator can translate the text by using his/her own words as far as it has no influence in terms of meaning.

Actually, the basic distinction of the two methods of translation above is the stressing on the language being focussed. Even though such was the cause, they fit out mutually in practice. In this case, there are some indications that can help the translator to choose the suitable method in doing translation, both in its planning and execution.

1. The intention of the original text, for example:

- Argumentation to argue about a topic by giving the reason and conclusion

- Description: To describe something to be clearer by characterizing and

classifying the topic discussed.

2. The background of the reader.

It is about who the reader are. It can be seen from their ages, education, gender and whether they are public or experts.

3. The setting of the text.

Whether the text be written in a newspaper, a book, or a journal. When the text has been written by the original author and when it will be translated.

Nowadays, the method of translation is not only the object of debate between literal translation and free translation which always dominate the problems of translation. Such problems can be overcome selecting the suitable method. Both of source language centre method and target language centre method can be distinguished into some types.

a. Target Language centered Method is distinguished into four types as follows:

1. Adaptation

Adaptation is a closest translation to the source language, it is usually used in translating a drama or poetry. The important parts of the text such as theme, characters and plot are still maintained.

2. Free translation

Free translation gives the priority to the context of meaning by ignoring the form of source language. Usually, it translates as a paraphrase which can be shorter or longer than the original text, for example:

My ambition is to be a nurse. This thought came into my mind when I was in Primary Five.

3. Idiomatic translation

This kind of method aims to reproduce the message of source language text by using idiomatic expression. It will seem to be friendly and close to the target language expression.


A full purse attracts a lot of girls.

Ada uang abang sayang, tak ada uang abang melayang. 4. Communicative translation

In Communicative Translation Method, linguistic aspects and the context of meaning are reproduced in order that it can be understood by the reader easily. For example: The word sister in sister city is translated kembar for city development.

5. Literal translation

Literal translation method is the method of translation to use the true meaning without imagination and contextual elements.

Procedures and Process of Translation At least there are some steps to do while doing translating. The steps are procedures and process. A procedure is the act or manner of proceeding in any action of process.

Translation in very broad sense of the term can be listed in terms of different levels of complexity (Choliludin, 2007:3). The procedure of translation can be distinguished in the forms of:

1. Transliteration.

This means rendering the letters of one alphabet into the letters of another with a different alphabetical system. For example, from Arabic into Latin. But no transliteration takes place between Indonesian and English because both use the same alphabets.

2. Borrowing

This procedure often used when the target language has no equivalent for the source language units to adapt them without changing, but sometimes with spelling or pronunciation adjustment.

For example: English

Bahasa Indonesia


durian3. Literal

Literal procedure is one-to-one structural and conceptual correspondence. It means that the structure and the equivalent of words are still maintained. It can be presupposed as a kind of inter lingual synonymy. In literal procedure, we may include borrowing and word-for-word translation.



Bahasa Indonesian

Twenty students

dua puluh siswa

4. Transposition-transposition is one of translation procedure in which involves replacing a grammatical structure from source language into target language. It is done to achieve the same effects in terms of meaning. Not surprisingly, that this procedure is the most common used by translators.

There are some reason, why the translator use transposition procedure, such as:

a. It is caused by the difference of system and principles in both of source language and target language. In this case, translator has no options to be chosen except to do it. For example:

Some plural nouns in English become single in Bahasa indonesia.



a cluster of banana

setandan pisang

Repeating adjective indicates pluralizing in English

Example: The ladies India are mostly beautiful

gadis India umumnya cantik.

b. Transposition should be done if grammatical structure of source language is not same with target language. To illustrate, check out these examples:

It is known that Medan is crowded (Passive)

orang tahu Medan padat (Active)

As an addition, we have to realize that is not usual to put at the foreground in English, except in the imperative sentence.

c. Transposition is done for properness of expression reason. Sometimes, literal translation seems in order that it needs some adjustment. For example:

Industrial zone (Adjective + Noun)

Zona industri (noun+noun)5. Modulation

Modulation entails a change in lexical elements, a shift in point of view (Rachmadie, 1988:37). It means that in modulation the translation involves shifting in terms of meaning. It is caused by different perspective about the meaning but sometimes, it is done to make the meaning clearer. For example:

Medan the smart city

Medan kota bestari

6. Adaptation and contextThis procedure is used when the others do not suffice. It involves modifying the concept or using a situation analogous to the source situation though not identical to it. As Choliludin says, Cara memahami terjemahan terletak pada kajian teks. Selain itu termasuk juga koneteks (Choliludin, 2007:3). (Adaptation is attempt in cultural equivalent between two different concept need to be adopted). For example:

How are you

Apa kabar (not what is the news)

Transposition and modulation are obviously the most important procedures that should be taken into account by the translator. Normally, he has to study the text as a whole before he begins his translation activities. After getting a picture of whole he break it up into parts. The analysis will move from simpler to the more complex. It is a part of process of translation. The smallest unit of equivalent should be determined firstly. The levels of equivalence ascending order are as follows:

1. Substitution of printed letter for printed letter. For example from Arabic into Latin of from Chinese into Latin.

2. Substitution of morpheme for morpheme



Prediction - ramalan

Predictable-dapat diramal3. Substitution of word for word


eat - makan

Mango - Mangga4. Substitution of phrase for phrase

Example;a never ending circle depression -depresi berkepanjangan

Unpredictable attact -serangan tak terduga5. Substitution of sentence for sentence


Wait a minute please

Silahkan tunggu sebentar6. Substitution of paragraph for paragraph, and

7. Substitution of discourse for discourse.

Process is a series of actions or tasks performed in order to do something. The explanation above is a part of translation process, namely analyzing. There are three parts of the process of translation such as, analyzing, transformation and adaptation. It can be see in the flow chart below:

Analyzing means understanding the text. A text is a communication act which involves aims, style of writing and culture. When someone writes a text, he/she has specific aims to be conveyed to the reader. He/she also has the style to realize his ideas into sentences. Both of aims and style should be analyzed by translator as a base to the next process, namely transformation.

The second process is transformation (in terms of language and meaning). What the translator looks for is the correspondences, not similarity. As a consequence, equivalence over correspondences in both language is minimized or even is ignored. In spite of that, we must take concentration on the content of meaning. It is possible for us to change the form of sentence based on target language rules. But it must be remembered that the meaning should be transferred as the original writer intended. So, the respond of the reader in both language is same. In conclusion, transformation needs grammatical adjustment to achieve the best product of translation.

If analyzing and transformation have been passed by, last step should be done is adaptation. In this section, translator tries to adapt the text as a result of translation according to the principles of target language. Sometimes, adaptation takes place in terms of terminology like turisme or parawisata instead of tourizm. Grammatical Adjustment and Lexical Adjustment

Translation equivalence would be in the rank of word-for-word, phrase-for-phrase, sentence-for-sentence, and so on. In translating English word, phrase or sentence into Indonesia, we must take consideration to the grammatical equivalence in order to get faithfulness and readability.

When we use the auxiliaries and modals in question tags, problems will come out as the tag patterns of English and Indonesian are not similar. Study the following examples:

Diana is attractive, isnt she? Diana cantik ya kan?

Situation : Andrew didnt study hard. He got bad marks in his final exam.1. Order within clauses

Every language has its own system of grammatical patterns. There are similarities as well as the differences between both of English and Indonesian patterns, especially in order within clauses. When they have same order, translation will be easily, but if they are different, it will be much more difficult. We can compare English and Indonesian pattern in the following statements:

(1) She writes a letter

Dia menulis (sebuah surat)

(2) She does not write a letterDia tidak menulis surat.

A simple sentence usually consists of a subject, a predicate (verb) and an object. But sometimes it does not always have an object. It takes place in both English and Indonesian has the same order in a clause. But in negative sentence, all English statements have the auxiliaries and not while Indonesian are expressed by using the word tidak means not. But sometimes not can be translated into belum or bukan, such in these sentences:

John is not translator (John bukan seorang penerjemah)

They have not read the magazine (mereka belum membaca majalah itu)

In interrogative sentence, the English yes/no questions always begin with the auxiliaries, while the Indonesian questions begin with the word apakah even though, we have the alternative, such as, bisakah, akankah, etc.

Examples: Bisakah Joy mengangkat batu itu? Instead of apakah

Joy bisa mengangkat batu itu?

2. Ellipsis is a structural relation, where one linguistic item is ommited (Halliday, 2004:533). On the other hand, ellipsis is the leaving out of a word or words from a sentence when the meaning can be understood without it/them. Ellipsis can be nominal, verbal, or clausal which can be filled by reference to a previous sentence. It occurs in all languages but in different structure. Look at these examples:

1. Diana read a book and I read magazine

Diana membaca sebuah buku dan saya membaca majalah

2. Bob seemed angry, but Petter certainly was

Bob tampaknya marah, tetapi Peter benar-benaar marahThe concept of meaning

In the process of translation, meaning plays an important role. It also needs some adjustments in order that the result of translation can be acceptable. There are different kinds of meaning in language such as lexical, grammatical, textual, situational and sociocultural.

Lexical Meaning and Adjustment

Lexical meaning is the meaning as defined in the dictionary. Translation is more than translating SL words into TL words. It is also transferring the real meaning, depends on the context in which it is used. Thus, lexical equivalence in translation should always to be viewed in terms of context if proper research are desired to be achieved. It is true that translation in concerned with words, but it is not with words alone. It has to be related to the context. In this case, lexical equivalence and adjustment takes a role in terms of meaning.

Contextual Translation

Contextual translation is based on text. Register theory has been one of the more significant contributions to our understanding of the interaction between translation and linguistics. The remarkable influence which register analysis has had on language and Translation Studies is in part due to the numerous revisions which the notion of register has undergone over the years, incorporating new and valuable insights into the major thesis that people speak in many registers. This comprehensive view of language variation which has emerged counters the prevalent myth of one situation = one language. In other words, one context conveys one genre of language.Cost in more practical terms, these issues has given rise to a number of relevant questions: What are the criteria for judging one kind of language (or one translation) as appropriate or inappropriate for a particular situation or context? In what way does our reaction to appropriateness form part of our textual competence as language users or translators? Are these critical skills teachable or learnable? How can awareness of these communicative variables help translators and interpreters deal more efficiently with the rich variety of texts they encounter in professional life?Tenors of discourse result from the mutual relations between the relationship the user has with his audience, and the language used. When the relationship is looked at as a personal one, variations in English and other languages can be seen to range from extreme degrees of formality to similar degrees of informality by way of virtually unmarked norms. These are what are known as personal tenors of discourse. When the relationship is viewed functionally, concerned with what the user is trying to do with language to his audience, whether he or she is teaching, persuading, amusing, controlling and so on, we can discern functional tenors of discourse. Tenor of discourse is certainly an area in which the translator has to keep his head. For example: A North Sumatera young man may easily talk to his father in an informal personal tenor: indeed his father might suggest he was being taken for a ride if he did otherwise: but a Javanese or Sundanese young man may have to use honorific forms in such a situation. Certainly filial respect and affection are likely to be both present in both situations but respect is usually not linguistically relevant for the North Sumateran in this situation: it is for most Javanese. The Translator has to decide what sort of equivalence he wants here. If when translating into English he uses a formal English tenor, he would probably do well to use it consistently so the reader begins to appreciate that in the particular culture the text is about, this formality of language is the norm in that situation or register.Genre occupies translation shifts. The distinction between two levels of abstraction in approaching the notion of genre is distinctive in translation. Translation itself may be seen as a genre in the abstract (Bhatia, 1994: 78) that covers (1) What the author did, (2) How the author did it, (3) What the author found, and (4) What the author concluded. This is function of the total effect of choices made and felt to be intrinsic to any act of translation (i.e. the transitional sense of genre, as in all translation intrinsically seems foreign or contrived). There is, on the other hand, the detailed more concrete sense of genre. This subsumes all kinds of purposeful activities with which translation, like any other form of text production, deals and which revolve around conventionalized communicative events (i.e. the linguistic sense of genre, as in the cooking recipe, the academic abstract).

The extract in this research shifts the focus from genre to discourse, and from Applied Linguistics to Cultural Studies, the discipline which examines the cultural ramifications of issues such as conventions and attitudes. In this field of inquiry, two basic research trends may be identified: one simply unsympathetic to linguistics or even to discourse analysis, the other cognisant of the contribution of discourse studies to the study of culture and translation. The later approach may be illustrated by the work of the cultural commentator and translation theorist, while firmly grounded in Cultural Studies, has nevertheless branched out in number of interesting ways to include discursive models and socio-political theory. Specifically, it is the focus on discourse alongside other types of sign (genre, text, etc) which has primarily motivated our choice of this reading at this point in our discussion.

Conceptual Frame

Translation is the process of transferring meaning or content of source language (SL) to target language (TL). The procedure and process are accumulated so that what is intended in SL can be realized in TL. The process follows U form.

K. Design of the Research

Design of research is also important to decide. By knowing the design of the research, the research can be easier in focusing the object. The researcher uses experimental quantitative analysis as the design of this research. As the name is experimental analysis, the writer divides the respondents into two classes. The first class is named A class or experimental class and the second one is B class or control class. The design can be seen as follows.



ExperimentTreated Treated Treated

Control Treated Treated Treated

L. Population and Sample

The population of this research is the achievement of the second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan in translation. The respondents are the second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan in 2013/2014 academic year in answering the tests of translation.

The sample of this research is the achievement of A and B class of respondents in mastering translation. A class is experimental class and B class is control class.M. Variable and Indicator

Based on the title there are two variables, they are the scores of experimental and control class in translation text of the second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan in answering the tests of translation. In other words, the indicators are the Means of the respondents both from A (experimental) and B (control ) in answering the tests of translation texts both by using grammar and contextual method.N. Instruments of the Research

The instruments of this research are the tests of translation. There is one type of text. The forms of the tests are the ability of the students in translating. In other words, the tests consist of essay questions. The respondents are required to answer the tests.

O. Technique of Collecting Data

There are steps in collecting the data. In doing it, researcher uses several steps. Step by step, the writer goes to SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan to check the school how the condition and everything concerning with the process of the academic activities. The researcher asks permission from the headmaster to conduct a research. Hierarchically, as the writer is allowed, she arranges the test concerning with the subject of the research. The researcher gives to the students with the arranged tests as pre test. The result is treated as decision to go on further step of the research. English teacher treats the teaching by using grammar and contextual method

P. Technique of Analyzing the Data

In order to find out the ability of the second year students of SMA Al Washliyah 3 Medan. The criteria proposed by the writer is the criteria proposed by the Department of Education and Culture (Diknas, 2005:10). The criteria after being converted and translated as Excellent with the mark of (10), Very good (9), Good (8), More than fair (7), Fair (6), Almost fair (5), Lack (4), Very lack (3), Bad (2), Very bad (1) (Diknas, 2005:10). As the ability in translation has been understood by the researcher, the effect of grammar and contextual translation method in teaching translation are analyzed by using the following formula:

X 1 - X2

t =

1 1

S --- + ---

n1 n2

(Sudjana, 2005:231) REFERENCES

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Culture of SL language


Culture of TL