startup deck from business insider


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Page 2: Startup deck from  Business Insider

The State Of Startups (No, It’s Not A Bubble)

May 3, 2012

Henry Blodget CEO, Business Insider

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Henry Blodget Founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief, Business Insider

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, Senior Analyst

Alex Cocotas, Analyst

We’ve launched a new industry intelligence service for executives and investors. More info at

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For startups, money is oxygen…

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So here’s a quick look at the money flows…

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Overall VC fundings still trending down…

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Most VC money still going to “software”

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Today, “software” means “the Internet”

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VC Internet investments are still increasing

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And VC fundraising is ticking up, which means they’ll have more to invest…

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Angels like Internet, too, but they really love… healthcare!

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And how about “exits”?

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The tech IPO market is open, but still only for mature companies*

* The JOBS Act could begin to change this. Fingers crossed…

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VC-backed IPOs have recovered from crash, but still far from robust…

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The M&A market has recovered, but also still meh

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(By the way, there’s a good reason to sell your

company now…)

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(Big capital gains tax hike Jan. 1)*

* Unless Romney wins.

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So, how’s New York doing?

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New York VC is increasing!

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New York is the third largest VC region

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New York overtook Boston in deals last quarter

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And New York is No. 2 in Internet deals

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NYC now has a full financing ecosystem

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And a boatload of startups…

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So, is it a bubble?

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In fact, calling today’s market a bubble is an insult to real bubbles!

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THIS is a bubble…

NASDAQ, 1991-2004

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THIS is a bubble… House Prices: 1976-2012

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Do you see a parabolic pattern now? NASDAQ: 1971-2012

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How about VCs? Are they going hog wild as in the 1990s? (Nope)

Total VC Investments By Quarter, 1995-2012

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Two important characteristics of ACTUAL bubbles…

•  Sky-high valuations relative to fundamentals…

•  Everyone justifying those prices by saying “It’s different this time.”

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Is everyone justifying today’s prices by saying:

“It’s different this


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They’re saying:

“Duh, what a bunch of morons, this is so

obviously a bubble.”

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And how about prices relative to


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HOUSING BUBBLE: Price ratios spiked off the charts…

Price-To-Rent: 1983-2012

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STOCK BUBBLES: Price ratios (blue) spiked off the charts…

S&P PE: 1885-2012

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“But, but…

What about tech companies?”

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Let’s look at the hottest tech company

in the world…

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Apple’s PE ratio is ~15X and has been declining for years

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“But, but…

What about those RIDICULOUS IPOs?”

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You mean these IPOs?—they’re miles from “bubble”

4X Revenue

3X 2012E Revenue

5X Revenue

12X Revenue

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Yes, many thought Groupon and Zynga IPO prices too high… but

that’s what makes a market.

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“But, but…

What about…


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$1 Billion for a company with 13

employees and NO REVENUE?!?!

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Well, let’s think about that….

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Last year something profound happened.

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Sales of smartphones blew past sales of PCs…

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The “dumbphone conversion cycle” is still in early phase

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In the future, the number of smartphones and tablets will DWARF the number of PCs

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The only “stupid” conclusion about mobile revolution is to dismiss it

as silly.

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Turns out Instagram is the perfect native smartphone app…

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Instagram to 50 million users in 1.5 years

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“But, but…

Instagram has NO REVENUE!!”

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Here’s what to say to people who say that…

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What about these other startups that initially had “NO REVENUE”?...

•  Google •  Facebook •  Twitter •  Every biotech company •  Every car company •  Every real-estate project •  Every exploration company •  And so on…

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To say a startup is worthless because it has “no revenue” is


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Some other Facebook-Instagram considerations…

•  Facebook sucks at mobile

•  Instagram threatens a core Facebook service •  Twitter, Google, et al, might buy Instagram

•  Facebook is valued at $100 billion

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So, what was Mr. Zuckerberg’s logic?

“I can spend 1% of my company to buy the hottest startup in a massive sector that threatens my core business, eliminate a competitor, and make sure my competitors don’t get it first?”

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“Where do I sign?”

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The bottom line…

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This opportunity is MASSIVE.

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It’s not a bubble. It’s rational exuberance.

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But remember!

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Everything is cyclical

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All booms turn to busts

(Mobile will someday, too)

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Building great products and companies is hard

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Most ideas don’t work

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So don’t forget the golden rules of


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No one ever went broke because they

raised too much money

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Raise money when you can, not when you

have to

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Thank you!

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