st. sophia/ss. faith, hope & agape › uploads › 1 › 8 › 6 › 1 › ... · children’s...

St. Sophia/Ss. Faith, Hope & Agape GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF VALLEY FORGE Special points of interest: As Seen in Hellenic News of America. Arrival of Icon Screen and Artifacts. Inside this issue: President’s Message 2 Adult Bible Study 2 Editorial Correction 2 Philoptochos 3 Senior Parea 3 Stewards Honored 3 Youth Ministries 4, 5 Greek Dance Groups 6 Stewardship Update 7 Feast Day Celebration 8 Fall Festival 2013 11 Community Newsletter Fall 2013 Volume 1, Issue 3 In this month of November we gather together with family and friends to celebrate one of the great American “Holidays” – the Feast of Thanksgiving. Many of us have memories of our Thanksgiving day plays and poems about days long gone and the recollections of the hardships of cold New England winters and the help that came from the Indians who showed the pilgrims how to plant crops and hunt wild game for their survival. Thanksgiving for the early pilgrims was a day of fasting and prayer and giving thanks to the good Lord for helping them survive the harsh ele- ments of nature during those first few years. During the story of the 10 Lep- ers that we hear of in the Gos- pel of Luke we see that Christ Heals 10 men affected by the terrible disease of leprosy. Those who suffered with lep- rosy lived a life of great physi- cal and spiritual pain. The effects of the disease on the body were horrific. The ef- fects of the disease on the hu- man spirit were just as terri- ble. Leprosy was extremely contagious and lepers were forced to live in leper colonies in isolation from the rest of the world. They did not know the joy of participating in the daily life of the community. Family and friends separated themselves out of fear of the disease, leaving lepers with a great sense of abandonment, sadness, and loss. Christ encounters these ten lepers. He breaks the social norm by ignoring the taboo that went with associating with lepers. These men cry out to Him, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” He sent them to the priests to prove to the community that they were healed. Sadly enough only one of them stopped to realize what had just happened. He turned back giving praise to God for the great miracle that had been bestowed on him. He took a moment to reflect on what had just happened. His body, mind, spirit, and standing in society had all changed in that very instant. But what happened to the other nine. Sadly enough they had forgotten to give thanks to God for the restoration of their health. They took for granted the great grace they had received. They could not even take a moment to give one word of praise to the Lord. During this time of Feasting with family and friends we should challenge ourselves to thank God for the many bless- ing we have received. And should we find ourselves in times of struggle and difficulty let us cry out to him with humble Voices, “Jesus, Mas- ter, have pity on us!” May we continue to give thanks and praise to God for all things. Have a most blessed Thanks- giving! Father Peter Giving Thanks for Many Blessings

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St. Sophia/Ss. Faith, Hope & Agape


Special points of interest:

As Seen in Hellenic News

of America.

Arrival of Icon Screen

and Artifacts.

Inside this issue:

President’s Message 2

Adult Bible Study 2

Editorial Correction 2

Philoptochos 3

Senior Parea 3

Stewards Honored 3

Youth Ministries 4, 5

Greek Dance Groups 6

Stewardship Update 7

Feast Day Celebration 8

Fall Festival 2013 11

Community Newsletter

Fall 2013

Volume 1, Issue 3

In this month of November we gather together with family and friends to celebrate one of the great American “Holidays” – the Feast of Thanksgiving. Many of us have memories of our Thanksgiving day plays and poems about days long gone and the recollections of the hardships of cold New England winters and the help that came from the Indians who showed the pilgrims how to plant crops and hunt wild game for their survival.

Thanksgiving for the early pilgrims was a day of fasting and prayer and giving thanks to the good Lord for helping them survive the harsh ele-ments of nature during those first few years.

During the story of the 10 Lep-ers that we hear of in the Gos-pel of Luke we see that Christ Heals 10 men affected by the terrible disease of leprosy. Those who suffered with lep-rosy lived a life of great physi-cal and spiritual pain. The effects of the disease on the body were horrific. The ef-fects of the disease on the hu-man spirit were just as terri-ble. Leprosy was extremely contagious and lepers were forced to live in leper colonies

in isolation from the rest of the world. They did not know the joy of participating in the daily life of the community. Family and friends separated themselves out of fear of the disease, leaving lepers with a great sense of abandonment, sadness, and loss.

Christ encounters these ten lepers. He breaks the social norm by ignoring the taboo that went with associating with lepers. These men cry out to Him, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” He sent them to the priests to prove to the community that they were healed. Sadly enough only one of them stopped to realize what had just happened. He turned back giving praise to God for the great miracle that had been bestowed on him. He took a moment to reflect on what had just happened. His body, mind, spirit, and standing in society had all changed in that very instant.

But what happened to the other nine. Sadly enough they had forgotten to give thanks to God for the restoration of their health. They took for granted the great grace they had received. They could not even take a moment to give

one word of praise to the Lord.

During this time of Feasting with family and friends we should challenge ourselves to thank God for the many bless-ing we have received. And should we find ourselves in times of struggle and difficulty let us cry out to him with humble Voices, “Jesus, Mas-ter, have pity on us!”

May we continue to give thanks and praise to God for all things.

Have a most blessed Thanks-giving!

Father Peter

Giving Thanks for Many Blessings

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To Our Stewards and Friends,

Now that Fall is here and with

it the start of the New Ecclesi-

astical year, it's time to get

involved in all that our church

has to offer.

With regular church attend-

ance your children will have a

great opportunity to learn

about their faith in our Sun-

day school taught by our

knowledgeable and dedicated


In addition, our bible study

group is meeting on a regular

basis for our adult students.

There are also cultural and

social opportunities for you

through our dance and senior

groups. Our upcoming fund-

raiser the Fall Food and Craft

Show is a great way to volun-

teer your time to help our

church and socialize.

In the meantime, we continue

to make progress. We just

received our permanent certif-

icate of occupancy. Following

the installation of our icon

screen and other artifacts in

September, our iconographer,

Dr. George Kordis will be re-

turning early next year to con-

tinue our iconography pro-

gram with original works of

art that will grace our icon

screen, pulpit, bishop's throne

and western wall.

Many of these items are avail-

able for sponsorship. Please

consider doing so, as our pro-

gress would not be possible

without your continued sup-

port for which we are truly



Dean W. Laskaris

Parish Council President

President’s Message

now, Costa has graciously

spent countless hours working

to put together another suc-

cessful Business Village for

our Spring Festival patrons.

Costa uses his talent for

warmly welcoming businesses

he has come to know over

years of networking in our


His efforts routinely add thou-

sands of dollars to our parish’s

many blessings.

We truly value Costa's com-

mitment to the Business Vil-

lage and our parish, and we

sincerely apologize for not

having recognized his contri-

butions to the spring festival

in the newsletter.

Costa also has had the idea of

creating an authentic Greek

atmosphere for dining with a

Mykonos outdoor Restaurant.

This past spring it was a true

asset to the Festival ambiance.

The St Sophia Community is

truly blessed to have so many

talented and hard working

individuals who so generously

give of their time and talent.

The Festival Committee is

truly grateful to each and eve-

ry volunteer, and we look for-

ward to many more successful


Editorial Correction

The Editor and the Festival

Committee would like to apol-

ogize for omissions in recogni-

tion for the Spring Festival in

the Summer Edition of our

Community Newsletter.

It is inevitable that with an

event this large, we will always

fail to recognize all involved.

However, we truly appreciate

the efforts of each and every


In this spirit, we would like to

acknowledge Mr. Costas

Samios and duly recognize his


Each spring for several years

Page 2 St. Sophia’s

This is a great way to learn

more about the Holy Bible

and our faith!

As always, our Bible Study is

open to everyone and takes

place every other Tuesday

evening at 6:30 p.m. in the

Cultural Center. Join our

Facebook group for more de-

tails or look for the next read-

ings in the Sunday Bulletin.

Adult Bible Study

Our next Bible Study will be

Tuesday, November 12th at

6:30 pm.

If you’ve never been to our

Bible Study and are curious,

then stop by. You do not need

to do any pre-work and we

have plenty of bibles on hand.

We just received our

permanent certificate

of occupancy.

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The fall season is finally upon

us with crisp air temperatures

and the vibrant leaf colors. It

won’t be long until the trees

drop all of their leaves as they

prepare for the dormant win-

ter. Our lifestyles change like

the trees as we spend more of

our time with family and

friends with indoor activities.

Consider spending additional

time with your brothers and

sisters of St. Sophia by attend

Divine Liturgy regularly, join-

ing one of the church minis-

tries, sponsoring a coffee hour

or participating in a Philopto-

chos event.

The Food and Craft Fair is just

around the corner, November

8-10, and volunteers are need-

ed Friday through Sunday.

Perhaps you have other activi-

ties scheduled and are unable

to volunteer over the week-

end. Philoptochos will be par-

ticipating in the Craft Fair

with the theme of "Old Fash-

ioned Bake Sale". This event is

a great opportunity for you to

help Philoptochos on your

schedule. We are looking for

baked goods like pies, cakes

and cookies to sell at the craft

show. There's one catch...the

sweets cannot be any of the

delicious pastries that our

sisters make each year for our

festivals and craft show. So,

that means, NO baklava, ga-

laktoboureko, fenikia, koura-

biedes, paximadia, koulourakia

or tsourekia. Other than these

few items, the options are un-

limited! Please contact Frieda

Bell (610) 272-0645 to let her

know what baked item you are

planning to make and drop off.

Keep your eyes open for future

Philoptochos events. The 2014

year starts off with our 2nd

Annual “Mingling, Merriment,

Martini’s & Meze” mixer sched-

uled for Friday, January 10th

followed by our annual Vasilo-

pita Breakfast on Sunday, Jan-

uary 12th.

Senior Parea

The community center is open

every Thursday from 10 to 12

noon for fellowship. Monthly

meetings generally occur on

the third Thursday of the

month. The next few meet-

ings are on Thursday, Novem-

ber 21st, at about noon

(following Divine Liturgy for

the feast of the Entrance of

the Theotokos into the Tem-

ple); Thursday, December

19th – 10:00 am; Thursday,

January 16th – 10:00 am;

Thursday, February 20th –

10:00 am. For more infor-

mation please contact the

Parish Office.

Page 3 Fall 2013

We thank all the Philoptochos

members who have volunteered

in the past and continue to

serve. We look forward to our

new members joining us in our

labors of love. Philoptochos

needs your time and talents.

With the blessing of St. Sophia

and her three martyred daugh-

ters, I am sure we will flourish.

Respectfully yours,

Kathy Tsipras

Philoptochos President

St. Sophia Ladies Philoptochos Society

“Pistis, Elpis & Agape”

Stewards Honored at Awards Banquet

On Sunday October 20,

2013, His Eminence Metro-

politan Evangelos of New

Jersey hosted an Awards

Banquet which honored

stewards of the Parishes of

the Delaware Valley Region

of the Metropolis. This year

our parish honored John

Papadimitriou, our Philopto-

chos honored Catherine Zar-

cone, our Greek School hon-

ored Erietta Fotiadis, and

our Sunday School honored

Sofia Sprayberry.

We are so very proud of our

honorees and we look for-

ward to next year’s celebra-

tion. This year St. Sophia was

given the responsibility to put

together the commemorative

journal. We express our grati-

tude to Kathy and Maria

Tsipras, and Elaine Piligian

who did an outstanding job put-

ting the journal together!

Pictured (L-R):

Sofia Sprayberry,

Erietta Fotiadis,

and John Papadi-


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The children of the Parish

enjoyed a Sunday School

“Kickoff Party” on September

15th, with an ice cream sun-

dae social.

We are continuing to collect

money for SAMP (Support

Area Mission Priests). Chil-

dren are excited to donate

money for this worthy cause.

Christmas Pageant rehearsals

began November 3rd and will

continue each week until the

performance on Christmas

Eve. Thank you to Cathy Cox

and Marianne Nikas for or-

ganizing the pageant and New


Children’s Choir will resume

in January 2014; in general,

practices will be held during

Sunday School on the last

Sunday of the month and per-

formances will be the first

Sunday of the month during

the part of the Liturgy before

Father Peter’s Sermonette

(please meet at 9:30 AM in

the Cry Room).

For more information about

St. Sophia’s Sunday School,

please contact Sofia Sprayber-

ry at sprayber-

[email protected].

Sunday School

On ΟXI Day, we commemo-

rate the rejection by Greek

Prime Minister Ioannis Meta-

xas of the ultimatum made by

Italian dictator Benito Musso-

lini on October 28, 1940. This

ultimatum, which was pre-

sented to Metaxas by the Ital-

ian ambassador in Greece,

Emanuele Grazzi, on

October 28, 1940 at dawn,

demanded that Greece allow

Axis forces to enter Greek

territory and occupy certain

unspecified "strategic loca-

tions" or otherwise face war.

Metaxas responded with a

single iaconic word, OXI!

(No!) This marked the begin-

ning of Greece's participation

in World War II.

Greek School

Our Greek School Program is

in full swing! Erietta Fotiadis

together with the children of

the Greek School have been

working very hard, and are

currently preparing for the

upcoming ΟXI day celebra-

tion. The children will be re-

citing poems and performing

a play to celebrate the October

28th event.

Page 4 St. Sophia’s

Our next activities include our

annual bake sale and an out-

ing to a performance of Cin-

derella at People’s Light and

Theatre Company in Malvern

on November 24th. Following

that, we cannot forget about

our Christmas party to cele-

brate the birth of Jesus. The


Welcome back everyone! The

PTO has started the year with

a very successful Halloween

party. Many children came in

fabulous costumes, as well as

some adults! All had a won-

derful time and we thank eve-

ryone that came and support-

ed our event.

Youth Ministries

The 2013/14 schedule for Hope/

Joy is currently being finalized.

Stay tuned for more information

which will be shared by email.

If you have any questions please

contact Christine Bailey

([email protected]).

Saint Sophia’s


party will include a visit from a

special guest.

The PTO will be sponsoring schol-

arships for our children to attend

Camp Good Shepherd this coming

summer. Criteria will be based on

church participation such as thor-

ough attendance in Sunday

School, Altar Service, Dance

Group, GOYA, helping at the

Church festivals/craft fair and

other various ministries of the


There will be more infor-

mation to come in the upcom-

ing months.

Please plan to join us after

church on Sunday, November

17th, to support the children of

the Greek School Program as

they perform their OXI Day


Religious Bookstore

We are hoping to have new items in the religious bookstore in time for Christmas. The bookstore is open during coffee

hour on Sundays. If you are looking for an icon that we do not carry, please speak to Aram Piligian (at the bookstore)

or call the Parish office and ask Elaine about placing a special order.

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Our focus continues to be on

Faith, Fellowship and Service.

As you will see below, each

event follows our same formu-

la with a discussion topic and

a fun activity, however also

continues our commitment to

feed the needy. Our casse-

roles, food drives and volun-

teer work with Manna on

Main Street continues to be

very well received. Sadly, the

needs of our less fortunate

neighbors are greater now

than ever before.

If you or your child is between

7th and 12th grade and would

like to join our GOYA, please

contact our GOYA leader,

John Pogas. You can e-mail

him at [email protected]

or phone him at (h) 215-703-

0118 or (c) 215-896-1963.

Also note that our activities,

meetings and events are open

to all who want to join us –

regardless of age!

November 3rd – General

Assembly Meeting – GOYA

will host a hamburger and

hotdog lunch fundraising

event. All proceeds will bene-

fit a Philoptochos mission

project. This month, the

philanthropies of the Ecumen-

ical Patriarchate such as

Balukli Hospital and Nursing

Home, schools, shrine and

parishes are supported by this


November 16th


Meeting – The Divine Litur-

gy is the way the Church con-

tinues to worship Christ.

Through the Divine Liturgy

we are celebrating His life,

receiving the Eucharist, being

united as the Church, and

being guided to eternal life.

Father Peter will walk us

through the Divine Liturgy

and explain why we do what

we do. This will be a 2 part

series and will continue in


Activity – We will make

another batch of casseroles

and then go bowling at

Facenda Whitaker Lanes.

November 23rd – DVYC GOYA

Service Project – hosted by St.

Thomas in Cherry Hill, NJ.

December – 7th

Meeting - We will discuss

how Christ’s Incarnation hap-

pened because of His love for

us and desire to save us from

the powerful force of sin. We

will also make plans for the

February 8th Valentine’s

Dance that we are hosting for

the DVYC.

Activity – Decorating the

hall and church grounds for

Christmas, make casseroles

and then Sky Zone!!

December 14th – DVYC GOYA

Christmas Retreat at Holy

Trinity in Wilmington, DE.

January 11th - (Saturday)

Meeting – Continuing the

November discussion on the

Divine Liturgy and why it is

that we worship our Lord and

Saint Sophia’s GOYA

Page 5 Fall 2013

Savior Jesus Christ. We will also

make plans for the February 8th

Valentine’s Dance that we are

hosting for the DVYC.

Activity – Make casseroles and

then Snow Tubing at Spring


February 1st. DVYC GOYA Ski

Trip at Jack Frost Mountain.

We are the host parish for this


February 8th – DVYC GOYA

Valentine’s Dance hosted by

St. Sophia. ALL GOYANS





February 22nd (Saturday)

Meeting – We will learn to

approach the Bible as a loving

and instructional letter giving

direction on how to live a Chris-

tian life. Specifically, the partici-

pants will also study four ways

of approaching the Bible (in obe-

dience, through the Church,

personally and with Christ at the


Activity – Make casseroles for

Manna on Main Street, SERVE

THEM at Manna. Followed by

dinner and a movie at Camp


March 22nd (Sunday)

Meeting – We will learn about

Christ’s Passion as fulfillment of

Old Testament prophecy, as

necessary for our salvation, and

as relevant to our lives today.

We will also gain an understand-

ing of some of the services of

Holy Week.

Activity - Make casseroles

for Manna followed by an

event TBD.

* Sights and Sounds will be

on either March 15th or

March 29th.

April 12th – Palm Folding,

Church clean up and deliver

food from food drive to Man-


April 26th (Saturday)

Meeting – We will learn

about Orthodox ministries

and missions such as OCMC,

IOCC, Project Mexico, and

OCF outreach programs and

learn ways that we can con-

tribute to these missions,

both locally and globally.

Activity - Make casseroles,

and mini golf!

May 16 - 18 (Friday - Sun-


Camping Trip to Knoe-


May 28 - June 1nd

Spring Festival - HELP


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St. Sophia’s Greek Dance Groups

Registration was held through September 1, 2013 for St. Sophia’s Asteria Greek dance groups and to date we have 17 senior mem-

bers and 11 junior members participating. The dance groups were very busy in the months of September and October, as they

proudly represented our church at several of our sister church’s festivals. They kicked off their dancing at our own festival the

beginning of September and in the weeks following they performed at St. Luke in Broomall, Evangelismos-Bustleton Avenue and

St. George in Media. They were also asked to perform at our St. Sophia Feast Day Celebration on September 28th .

Through generous donations, costumes were purchased for the senior group and they arrived just in time for them to wear for our

festival. We graciously thank the Evangelopoulos Family, as well as the Scavitto Family, the Mykonos Night contribution and Car-

nation Karros’ bracelet sales donations, for making this purchase possible.

Dance practice will begin in November and will be held Sundays after liturgy in the church hall. Please watch for an email being

sent out soon with additional information. We would like to encourage all JOY and GOYA age children to join the groups and

learn the Greek dances. It is a commitment, however the kids really have fun learning the dances with their instructor, Carnation

Karros. If you are interested in participating and would like more information, please contact Carnation Karros at 215.917.5014 or

[email protected].

Registration forms are available from the church office and the registration fee for a St. Sophia’s Steward is $50/student and

$150/student for Non-stewards.

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Stewardship Update

November 2013

Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and responsibility before God. A primary goal of Stewardship is to promote spiritual growth and strengthen faith. Becoming a Steward begins when we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully of-fer back to God a portion of the gifts with which they have been blessed.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported our parish thus far in 2013 with your Time, Talent and Treas-ure. This has been a record breaking year for our parish based on the number of stewards, involvement in our many ministries and financially. We have many new families this year; it is great to see some many new faces be-come involved with the spiritual life of our community. If you have not yet become a steward for 2013, there is still time! Cards are available at the Pangari, in the Hall or by calling the Parish office at 610-650-8960.

With the fall and colder weather upon us, the Stewardship Committee of the parish is making plans for our 2014 Stewardship Program. For 2014, the theme for the Stewardship Program will be focused on the lessons of the Magi.

The Story of the Magi is not simply a cute part of Christmas, but it represents central characters who model a path of faith and stewardship worthy of imitation. They offer an example of a sincere search for God using the intellectu-al gifts they possessed; a willingness to overcome any obstacles or challenging inconveniences in their journey to-wards God; and the witness of offering the best they had once they encounter the Christ Child.

You will be hearing much more in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have any questions about Steward-ship, you can speak with Fr. Peter or any member of Parish Council. We look forward to seeing you in church!


(Year End)



Pledge Unit Goal 220 230

Pledge $ Goal $200,000 $200,000

Number of Pledges 211 206

Amount Pledged $185,743.00 $203,315

Average Pledge $880.30 $986.97

New Stewards 43 39

Did you know it costs us over $1,200 EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR

to run our parish? That is over $2,000 for every stewardship unit

(single or family). Please consider increasing your stewardship

level to the Pacesetter level ($2,080 / $40 per week).

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Feast Day Celebration a Great Success

On September 28, over 200 parishioners and friends celebrated the Feast Day of our patron Saints—St. Sophia and her martyred

daughters, Ss. Faith, Hope and Agape. The catered event featured a welcome reception, dinner, silent auction and dancing. Dur-

ing the event, all of the guests were invited to go to the church for the grand unveiling and blessing of our new furnishings. The

evening was capped off by a rousing performance from the St. Sophia children’s dance groups. Both the junior and senior groups

performed to the delight of all.

Our dinner dance is not only a wonderful time for the parish to get together, but is a major fundraising event as well. Almost

$20,000 was raised to support our Mortgage Reduction fund. Thank you to everyone who supported our event by attending and/

or making donations.

Iconastasion and Furnishings Unveiled

During our Feast Day Celebration on September 28th, the parish officially unveiled our new church furnishings. All pieces were

hand carved by the world renowned master craftsman, Steve Kavroulakis from Greece. He had arrived with the pieces the week

before the event. It took almost 8 months for Steve and his team of skilled wood crafters to carve the ornate and awe inspiring

furnishings, including our new Altar Table, Iconastasion, Pulpit, Chanter’s Seats, Chanter’s Stand and Bishop’s throne.

It is hard to believe that within only 18 months from our Thyranixia in April 2012 that our parish now has our key furnishings

and iconography in place. We are truly blessed by God and by so many dedicated friends who have sacrificed to make this mira-

cle happen here at the Gateway to Valley Forge.

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As Seen in Hellenic News of America...

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Help us beautify our church and honor a loved one by sponsoring an item. Please check the display at the Cultural

Center for all available items for sponsorship. Price list and sponsor pledge forms are at the display. For further

details, please see Peter Patukas—610-304-4774.

Icons and Furnishings

Coffee Hour

There are still several Sundays available if you would like to sponsor coffee hour. If you are interested in hosting a

coffee hour, please put your name on the list at the back of the hall or contact Elaine in the Parish office.

Church Roof Featured

Recently, the roof of our new church and the company that helped to install it were featured in an industry-related magazine. An

article in the September issue of Professional Roofing details the challenges faced by GSM Roofing and highlights the beautiful

domes that “cause passersby to stop, visit and reflect on faith, hope and agape.

Visit http://www.professional id=2329 to read the article.

Another industry-related article about our roof can be found on the web at:


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Another year and yet another Fall Festival. Everyone should be proud that as a community we come together and participate in this event. We had a very successful year so far for both events, netting close to 140K , our highest amount ever. I would like to thank everyone who had the opportunity to help make this a success. Thanks, John Papadimitriou

Fall 2013 Grecian Festival

Please volunteer at our Craft Fair —November 8th—10th

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Schedule of Upcoming Services

Fri. Nov. 8th Synaxis of the Archangels–Divine Liturgy 9:00 am

Thurs. Nov. 21st The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple 10:00 am

- Divine Liturgy

Mon. Nov. 25th Feast day of St. Katherine the Great–Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Wed. Dec. 4th Feast day of St. Barbara the Great–Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Fri. Dec. 6th Feast day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker–Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Thurs. Dec. 12th Feast day of St. Spyridon the Wonderworker–Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

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St. Sophia’s Community Registry

(August through October 2013)


August 31 Stuart Riesner and Simi Boutselis.

Koumbara: Maria Ziogas.

September 28 Michael Koser and Stephanie Reynolds.

Koumbaro: Christopher Reynolds.

Necrology – Eternal Memory

September 13 Christopher Tsokas.

Arrival of Artifacts

On the morning of Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 our beautiful, hand-carved artifacts arrived at St. Sophia’s.

As you can see, it took many hands to unload and install the icon screen, altar, pulpit, bishop’s throne, altar cross

and chanter’s stand. Thank you Mr. Steve Kavroulakis and the team of parishioners who came out to help.

We have a new website AND a new web address.

Please take a few moments to visit the new website and send your feedback to

John Pogas. You can e-mail John at [email protected].

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God's Pharmacy! Amazing! It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, and made animals and fish... all before making a human. He made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are best & more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow learners... God left us a great clue as to what foods help what part of our body!

A sliced Carrot looks like the human

eye. The pupil, iris and radiating

lines look just like the human eye...

And YES, science now shows carrots

greatly enhance blood flow to and

function of the eyes

A Tomato has four chambers and is red.

The heart has four chambers and is red.

All of the research shows tomatoes are

loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure

heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the

shape of the heart. Each grape looks

like a blood cell and all of the

research today shows grapes are also

profound heart and blood vitalizing


A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left

and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums

and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles

or folds on the nut are just like the neo-

cortex. We now know walnuts help

develop more than three (3) dozen

neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help

maintain kidney function and yes,

they look exactly like the human


Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many

more look just like bones. These foods

specifically target bone strength. Bones

are 23% sodium and these foods are 23%

sodium. If you don't have enough sodium

in your diet, the body pulls it from the

bones, thus making them weak. These

foods replenish the skeletal needs of the


Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look

just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances

hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes

exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic

chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named

about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos

when they grow. Figs increase the

mobility of male sperm and increase

the numbers of sperm as well to

overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and

actually balance the glycemic index of


Olives assist the health and function

of the ovaries.

Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus

fruits look just like the mammary glands

of the female and actually assist the

health of the breasts and the movement of

lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like the body's cells. Today's research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the

body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic,

also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.

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900 South Trooper Road

Jeffersonville, PA 19403

Phone: 610-650-8960

Fax: 610-650-8961

E-mail: [email protected]

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church