st. patrick catholic church - the pilot

PARISH STAFF Fr. William Acevedo Parish Administrator Fr. Joseph Almeida Parochial Vicar Lina Arenas Business Manager Norma Diaz Administrative Assistant OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm Faith Formation Sheila Guevara Email: [email protected] Faith Formation Office Hours Mon., Tue., Thu., and Friday 5:30 to 8:00pm Phone # 351-209-7779 St. Patrick Catholic Church 282 Suffolk St., Lowell, MA 01854 Parish Office Tel. #: 978-459-0561 * Faith Formation Tel # 351-209-7779 * [email protected] Eucharistic Adoration Thursday / Jueves 1:00 to 5:00PM — Chapel SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS Baptisms / Bautizos Last Sunday of each month. / Ultimo Domingo de cada mes Please call 978-459-0561 Reconciliation / Reconciliación (Confesión) Thursday 1 to 2pm and 3 to 4pm - Chapel or by appointment Jueves de 1 a 2pm & 3 a 4pm en la Capilla o por citas Vietnamese Community - 20 minutes before and after Sunday mass First Communion & Confirmation— (RCIA) Primera Comunión y Confirmación - (RICA) Call Faith Formation office - 351-209-7779 Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos by calling the parish office / Llamando a la oficna parroquial Marriage / Matrimonio -Call 978-459-0561 Schedule your initial interview with a priest at least six months in advance. Hacer cita con uno de los sacerdotes 6 meses antes de la boda Register For next weekend Mass Regístrate Para la Misa del próximo fin de Semana March 6 & 7 Dec. 8, 2020 — Dec. 8, 2021 Year of Saint Joseph

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Page 1: St. Patrick Catholic Church - The Pilot


Fr. William Acevedo Parish Administrator

Fr. Joseph Almeida

Parochial Vicar

Lina Arenas Business Manager

Norma Diaz Administrative Assistant


Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm

Faith Formation Sheila Guevara

Email: [email protected]

Faith Formation Office Hours

Mon., Tue., Thu., and Friday 5:30 to 8:00pm

Phone # 351-209-7779

SSt. Patrick Catholic Church 282 Suffolk St., Lowell, MA 01854

Parish Office Tel. #: 978-459-0561 * Faith Formation Tel # 351-209-7779 * [email protected]

Eucharistic Adoration Thursday / Jueves

1:00 to 5:00PM — Chapel


Baptisms / Bautizos Last Sunday of each month. / Ultimo Domingo de cada mes

Please call 978-459-0561

Reconciliation / Reconciliación (Confesión) Thursday 1 to 2pm and 3 to 4pm - Chapel or by appointment

Jueves de 1 a 2pm & 3 a 4pm en la Capilla o por citas Vietnamese Community - 20 minutes before and after Sunday mass

First Communion & Confirmation— (RCIA)

Primera Comunión y Confirmación - (RICA) Call Faith Formation office - 351-209-7779

Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos by calling the parish office / Llamando a la oficna parroquial

Marriage / Matrimonio -Call 978-459-0561

Schedule your initial interview with a priest at least six months in advance. Hacer cita con uno de los sacerdotes 6 meses antes de la boda

Register For next weekend Mass

Regístrate Para la Misa del próximo fin de Semana

March 6



Dec. 8, 2020 — Dec. 8, 2021

“Year of Saint Joseph”

Page 2: St. Patrick Catholic Church - The Pilot

St. Patrick Catholic Church Lowell, MA

Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses Les extendemos una cálida bienvenida a nuestra comunidad parroquial.

Por favor llame a la oficina para presentarse y registrarse. Deseamos conocerle y servirle.

Welcome New Parishioners We extend to you a warm welcome to our parish community. Please call the office

to introduce yourself and register. We wish to know and serve you.

Page 3: St. Patrick Catholic Church - The Pilot

Second Sunday of Lent February 28, 2021

From Feb. 27 to March 5, 2021


6:00PM - MISA en Español

EN MEMORIA DE: Maria Antonia Suarez Pp. Manuel Burgos Arturo & Jose Escobar Pp. Familia Elkin Cano Pp. Familia Jeisson Maldonado Pp. Sus Padres Fabio Castañeda Toro Pp. Familiares


10:00AM - English MASS For the soiritual health of Mary & Eileen Trainor 11:30AM - MISA en Español

EN MEMORIA DE: Juan Horacio Tangarife Pp. Liliam Tangarife Jose Gilberto Pino Pp. Familiares Luis Alberto Peña Pp. Paola Peña

POR LA SALUD DE: Ofelia Rojas

MONDAY/ LUNES 5:30 Rosario — 6:00PM Misa

EN MEMORIA DE: Karen Serna Pp. Familiares

TUESDAY / MARTES 5:30 Rosary —6:00PM Mass

IN MEMORY OF: Luis Filpo Req. by. Family

WED./ MIÉRCOLES 5:30 Rosario — 6:00PM Misa

EN MEMORIA DE: Wenceslao Burgos Pp. Manuel Burgos Ángel Manuel Quiñones Oyola Pp. Familiares Humberto Javier Molina Pp. Familiares

THURSDAY/ JUEVES 5:30 Rosary —6:00PM Mass

IN MEMORY OF: Mckenzie & Wisniewski families

FRIDAY / VIERNES 5:30 Rosario — 6:00PM Misa

EN MEMORIA DE: Enriqueta Lantigua

St. Patrick Parish StewardshipCollections of

Ash Wed. 1,424.00 —-Second Collection 598.00 Mass Feb. 21 2,652.00 Religious Items 167.00 4,841.00

Thank You for Your Continuous Financial Support.

May God Reward Your Generosity!

Please call the parish office for your future mass intentions. Parish Office Tel. # 978-459-0561

Por favor llame a la oficina para sus futuras intenciones de misas.

El Domingo 7 de Marzo la misa de 11:30am será

movida para iniciar a las 12:00pm (mediodía).

SOLO POR ESE DOMINGO ya que la comunidad Irlandesa

estara dando inicio a su Semana Cultural

Page 4: St. Patrick Catholic Church - The Pilot

ENGLISH Gospel for next Sunday

January 31, 2021 Mk 1:21-28 Then they came to Capernaum, and on the sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonis-hed at his teaching, for he taught them as one having autho-rity and not as the scribes. In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked him and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. All were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

h p://

Irish Cultural Week

Opening mass Sunday, March 7, will be celebrated by Fr. Dan O'Connell

beginning with a Concert at 9:30 am

All are welcome!!!

please register before come.

2nd Sunday of Lent (Cycle B) Bonds Loosed

Genesis 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18 Psalm 116:10, 15-19 Romans 8:31-34 Mark 9:2-10 The Lenten season continues with another story of tes-ting. Last Sunday, we heard the trial of Jesus in the de-sert. In this week's First Reading, we hear of how Abraham was put to the test. The Church has always read this story as a sign of God's love for the world in giving His only begotten son. In today's Epistle, Paul uses exact words drawn from this story to describe how God, like Abraham, did not withhold His only Son, but handed Him over for us on the cross (see Romans 8:32; Genesis 22:12,16). In the Gospel today, too, we hear another echo. Jesus is called God's "beloved Son" - as Isaac is described as Abraham's beloved firstborn son. These readings are given to us in Lent to reveal Christ's identity and to strengthen us in the face of our afflic-tions. Jesus is shown to be the true son that Abraham rejoiced to see (see Matthew 1:1; John 8:56). In His transfigura-tion, He is revealed to be the "prophet like Moses" fo-retold by God - raised from among their own kinsmen, speaking with God's own authority (see Deuteronomy 18:15,19). Like Moses, He climbs the mountain with three named friends and beholds God's glory in a cloud (see Exodus 24:1,9,15). He is the one prophesied to come after Eli-jah's return (see Sirach 48:9-10; Malachi 3:1,23-24). And, as He discloses to the apostles, He is the Son of Man sent to suffer and die for our sins (see Isaiah 53:3). As we sing in today's Psalm, Jesus believed in the face of His afflictions, and God loosed Him from the bonds of death (see Psalm 116:3). His rising should give us the courage to face our trials, to offer ourselves totally to the Father - as He did, as Abraham and Isaac did. Freed from death by His death, we come to this Mass to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and to renew our vows - as His servants and faithful ones. By Dr. Scott Hahn

Fr. Dan O’Connel

Page 5: St. Patrick Catholic Church - The Pilot


Food Assistance / Asistencia de Comida Lowell Residents only

St. Vincent De Paul 978-608-6908 Catholic Charities 978-452-1421


- Rellenar la registración - Copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño/a - Padres y Padrinos asistan a la clase de Pre-bautismal el tercer Jueves de cada mes. REQUISITOS PARA LOS PADRINOS - Aceptamos uno, preferiblemente, dos de sexo diferente. mayor de 18 años de edad, practicante de su fe Católica - Tener todos los Sacramentos iniciales (Bautismo, comunión y confirmación) y si está casado debe ser por la Iglesia Católica. Traer copia del certificado de estos sacramentos. CELEBRACION DEL BAUTISMO El último domingo del mes a las 12:30PM.

NOTA: Todos los papeles deben ser sometido en la oficina parroquial mínimo dos (2) semanas antes de la celebración del Bautizo.

2º Domingo de Cuaresma Reflexión al Evangelio

Marcos 9,2-10 El segundo domingo de Cuaresma nos presenta la Transfiguración del Señor. Subir al monte alto es una invitación a la soledadd, al encuentro personal con Dios. Estar solos es estar privados de compañia porque sólo así podremos conocer a aquél que da sentido a nuestra vida cristiana. En este encuentro personal debemos descubrir que quiere el Señor de nosotros, cuál es nuestra misión para contribuir a sembrar el amor y la paz en nosotros y en el mundo. No veamos este encuentro de soledad como un momento de privación y de tristeza, sino como un camino de búsqueda persona en el que saldremos fotalecidos con un amor reciproco, amados por Dios y nosotros amándonos unos a otros como verdaderos hermanos. Debemos anunciar el mensaje de Jesús con alegria, con energía y con amor para que los más alejados también lo descubran y se sientas amados por Él. “Este es mi hijo amado “Escuchadle””, ahora es el momento del encuentro personal, que resuenen en nosotros estas palabras.

Page 6: St. Patrick Catholic Church - The Pilot

Chúa Nhật 2 Mùa Chay F 28th, 2021

BÀI ĐỌC 1: St 22:1-2,9a,10-13,15-18 Lời Chúa trong sách Sáng Thế.

Hoi đo, Thien Chua thư long ong Ap-ra-ham. Ngươi goi ong: "Ap-ra-ham!" Ong thưa: "Da, con đay!" Ngươi phan: "Hay đem con cua ngươi, đưa con mot yeu dau cua ngươi la I-xa-ac, hay đi đen xư Mo-ri-gia ma dang no lam le toan thieu ơ đay, tren mot ngon nui Ta se chı cho."

Tơi nơi Thien Chua đa chı , ong Ap-ra-ham dưng ban thơ tai đo. Roi ong Ap-ra-ham đưa tay ra cam lay dao đe sat te con mı nh.

Nhưng sư than cua Đưc Chua tư trơi goi ong: "Ap-ra-ham! Ap-ra-ham! " Ong thưa: "Da, con đay!" Ngươi noi: "Đưng giơ tay hai đưa tre, đưng lam gı no! Bay giơ Ta biet ngươi la ke kınh sơ Thien Chua: đoi vơi Ta, con cua ngươi, con mot cua ngươi, ngươi cung chang tiec! " Ong Ap-ra-ham ngươc mat len nhı n, thı thay phı a sau co con cưu đưc bi mac sưng trong bui cay. Ong Ap-ra-ham lien đi bat con cưu ay ma dang lam le toan thieu thay cho con mı nh.

Sư than cua Đưc Chua tư trơi goi ong Ap-ra-ham mot lan nưa va noi: "Đay la sam ngon cua Đưc Chua, Ta lay chı nh danh Ta ma the: bơi vı ngươi đa lam đieu đo, đa khong tiec con cua ngươi, con mot cua ngươi, nen Ta se thi an giang phuc cho ngươi, se lam cho dong doi ngươi nen đong, nen nhieu như sao tren bau trơi, như cat ngoai bai bien. Dong doi ngươi se chiem đươc thanh trı cua đich. Moi dan toc tren mat đat se cau chuc cho nhau đươc phuc như dong doi ngươi, chı nh bơi vı ngươi đa vang lơi Ta.” Đó là Lời Chúa. Cộng đoàn: Tạ ơn Chúa.

ĐÁP CA: Tv 115:10 và 15, 16-17,18-19 Đáp: Tôi sẽ bước đi trước nhan thánh Chúa Trời

trong cõi đất dành cho kẻ sống.

1. Toi đa tin ca khi mı nh đa noi: "Oi nhuc nha e che! " Đoi vơi Chua that la đat gia cai chet cua nhưng ai trung hieu vơi Ngươi. Đáp

2. Vang lay Chua, than nay la toi tơ, toi tơ Ngai, con cua nư ty Ngai, xieng xı ch troi buoc con, Ngai đa thao cơi. Con se dang le te ta ơn, va keu cau thanh danh Đưc Chua. Đáp

3. Lơi khan nguyen vơi Chua, toi xin giư tron, trươc toan the dan Ngươi, tai khuon vien đen Chua, giưa long ngươi, hơi Gie-ru-sa-lem! Đáp

BÀI ĐỌC 2: Rm 8:31b-34 Lời Chúa trong thư của thánh Phao-lô tông đồ gửi tín hữu Rô-ma.

Thưa anh em, co Thien Chua benh đơ chung ta, ai con chong lai đươc chung ta? Đen như chı nh Con Mot, Thien Chua cung chang tha, nhưng đa trao nop vı het thay chung ta. Mot khi đa ban Ngươi Con đo, le nao Thien Chua lai chang rong ban tat ca cho chung ta? Ai se buoc toi nhưng ngươi Thien Chua đa chon? Chang le Thien Chua, Đang lam cho nen cong chı nh? Ai se ket an ho? Chang le Đưc Gie-su Ki-to, Đang đa chet, hơn nưa, đa song lai, va đang ngư ben hưu Thien Chua ma chuyen cau cho chung ta? Đó là Lời Chúa. Cộng đoàn: Tạ ơn Chúa.

TUNG HÔ TIN MỪNG: Tư đam may sang choi, tieng Chua Cha phan rang: Đay la Con yeu dau, lam vui thoa long Ta, hay vang nghe lơi Ngươi.

PHÚC ÂM: Mc 9:2-10

Tin Mừng Chúa Giê-su Ki-tô theo thánh Mác-cô.

Hom ay, Đưc Gie-su đem cac ong Phe-ro, Gia-co-be va Gio-an đi theo mı nh. Ngươi đưa cac ong đi rieng ra mot cho, chı mı nh cac ong thoi, tơi mot ngon nui cao. Roi Ngươi bien đoi hı nh dang trươc mat cac ong. Y phuc Ngươi trơ nen rưc rơ, trang tinh, khong co thơ nao ơ tran gian giat trang đươc như vay. Va ba mon đe thay ong E-li-a cung ong Mo-se hien ra đam đao vơi Đưc Gie-su. Bay giơ, ong Phe-ro thưa vơi Đưc Gie-su rang: "Thưa Thay, chung con ơ đay, that la hay! Chung con xin dưng ba cai leu, mot cho Thay, mot cho ong Mo-se, va mot cho ong E-li-a." Thưc ra, ong khong biet phai noi gı, vı cac ong kinh hoang. Bong co mot đam may bao phu cac ong. Va tư đam may, co tieng phan rang: "Đay la Con Ta yeu dau, hay vang nghe lơi Ngươi." Cac ong chơt nhın quanh, thı khong thay ai nưa, chı con Đưc Gie-su vơi cac ong ma thoi. Ơ tren nui xuong, Đưc Gie-su truyen cho cac ong khong đươc ke lai cho ai nghe nhưng đieu vưa thay, trươc khi Con Ngươi tư coi chet song lai. Cac ong tuan lenh đo, nhưng van ban hoi nhau xem cau "tư coi chet song lai" nghıa la gı . Đó là Lời Chúa. CĐ: Lạy Chúa Kitô, ngợi khen Chúa.

Nguyện Cầu: Xin cho chúng con biết chu toàn các việc bổn phận

hằng ngày đối với Chúa và tha nhân, biết chủ động đi bước trước làm hòa với những ai đang bất bình với con... để mỗi ngày con được Thần Khí thanh luyện và được biến đổi nên người mới trong Mùa Phục Sinh sắp tới. Lm. Đan Vinh

Page 7: St. Patrick Catholic Church - The Pilot

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Patrick, Lowell, MA 4588

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