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  • 8/19/2019 Specified Pools



    U N I T E D S T A T E S  Apri l 18, 2011(First pub lished on November 2, 2005)

    M A

    M A R K E T Q U A N T I T A T I V E

     A N A L Y S I S



    Robert Young(212) [email protected]

    New York

    Specified Pools: SuperiorPrepayment Profiles Offer

     Added Value


    This Commentary has been prepared by Markets Quantitative Analysis ("MQA"), which is part of Citigroup Global

    Markets' sales and trading operations.

  • 8/19/2019 Specified Pools



  • 8/19/2019 Specified Pools



    D D D D Apri l 18, 2011(First pub lished on November 2, 2005)

    M A

    Specified Pools: SuperiorPrepayment Profiles Offer Added Value


      TBA sellers have an incentive to deliver pools with poorprepayment characteristics: faster than average forpremium pools and slower than average for discountpools.

      Owing to call protection or extension protection,

    “ specified” pools are considered more valuable thanTBA pools. Specified pools are priced based on apremium, or pay-up, to the TBA price.

      Originators that sell mortgages to the agencies, poolthem in a manner that maximizes the value of theresulting MBSs they receive in return for their loans.

      Two common methods for determining the value of aspecified pool relative to TBA are carry-based valuationand OAS-based valuation. Each has advantages and


    This Commentary has been prepared by Markets Quantitative Analysis ("MQA"), which is part of Citigroup Global

    Markets' sales and trading operations.

  • 8/19/2019 Specified Pools


    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets4


    I. TBA: Cheapest-to-Deliver 5 

    II. Specified Pool Creation: A “Waterfall” of Pooling 7 

    Loan Balance: The Once and Future King.............. .............. .............. ............. .............. .............. ...... 8 

    GEO: Location, Location, Location .............. ............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............ .... 11 

    Investor Property Loans: A Nice Place to Visit ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. . 13 

    Poor Credit: Usually Slower, Unless It’s Faster........... ............. .............. .............. ............. .............. .. 14 

    Loan Age: Good News for the Young and the Old ............ .............. ............. .............. .............. ......... 16 

    WAC: Show Me the Money............. ............. .............. ............. .............. ............. .............. ............ .... 18 

    Purchase Loans: Nothing to Write Home About............ .............. ............. ............. ............. .............. . 19 

    III. Specified Pool Value: Enhanced Returns Through Superior Convexity 21 

    Carry-Based Valuation............. ............. .............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .......... 21 

    OAS-Based Valuation............ ............. .............. ............. .............. ............. .............. ............. ............ 22 

    Comparison of Carry and OAS Valuations........ .............. ............. .............. ............. .............. ............ 27 

    Scenario Analysis — What If Rates Move?........ .............. .............. ............. .............. .............. .......... 27 

    IV. Conclusion 29 


    We thank Brett Rose and Lakhbir Hayre for their helpful suggestions, Carsten Schwarting for

    guidance on the structure of the specified pool market, and Buchi Ramagopal and Mikhail Teytel

    for their insights. The authors would also like to thank Peg Pisani for editing the report and Adela

    Carrazana for providing production editing.


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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets 5

    I. TBA: Cheapest-to-Deliver

    The creation of the to-be-announced (TBA) MBS added significant depth to the

    mortgage market. By allowing forward contracts with standardized delivery, the

    TBA mortgage added the liquidity necessary for the market to flourish. It also gave

    the MBS seller the ability to choose which pools to deliver into the forward trade.TBA trading requires the specification of the agency, maturity term, product, and

    coupon, in addition to the par amount, price, and settlement date. However, the

    individual pool is not known at the time of the trade, so other pool attributes cannot

    be identified.

    As prepayment models evolved, market participants realized that certain attributes

    were correlated with slower prepayment speeds while others indicated that a pool

    had a higher propensity to prepay. Sellers became more discerning in their choice of

    what to deliver into a TBA trade, keeping the pools that they deemed to have the

    most attractive characteristics. TBA sellers have an incentive to deliver pools with

    poor prepayment characteristics: faster than average for premium pools and slower

    than average for discount pools. Examples of this adverse selection process in theTBA MBS market are known as “worst-to-deliver” or “cheapest-to-deliver.”

    If sellers deliver pools that they believe have poor prepayment profiles into TBA

    trades, what do they do when they want to sell pools with good prepayment profiles?

    Sellers sell pools with good prepayment profiles on a “specified” basis. That is, they

    sell the individual pool rather than a generic TBA. A specified pool has certain

    attributes that predictive models assess as having a likelihood for prepayments that is

    different than the overall aggregate average — slower for premium coupon pools or

    faster for discount coupon pools. Figure 1 shows the outstanding balance for various

    categories of specified attributes as of August 2005.

    The table lists some of the well-known specified attributes and shows the outstandingbalance for ranges correlated with slower- or faster-than-average prepayment speeds.

    While originators have grown more sophisticated in pooling their mortgage loans,

    the amount of outstanding balance with characteristics suggesting a pool will have

    prepayment speeds that differ significantly from the overall averages is, in general,


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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets6

    Figure 1. Conventional 30-Year Outstanding Balance by Specified Attribute, Aug 05

    Attribute Specified Value Definition Outstanding ($MM) Pct. Total

    Loan Balance Low Loan Balance (LLB) Max Loan Size = 90 124,261 7

      Very High LTV LTV > 90 31,901 2

      Normal LTV LTV

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets 7

    II. Specified Pool Creation:

    A “Waterfall” of Pooling

    Owing to call protection or extension protection, “specified” pools are considered

    more valuable than TBA pools. With the TBA serving as a commoditized baseline

    product, specified pools are priced based on a premium, or pay-up, to the TBA price.Originators that sell mortgages to the agencies, pool them in a manner that

    maximizes the value of the resulting MBSs they receive in return for their loans.

    The pooling decision hinges on the relative prices of individual security coupons at the

    time of sale. Originators select the coupon and distribution channel that provides the

    highest value, a process known as “best execution.” With regard to security attributes,

    this process can be characterized as a waterfall, with value flowing downstream.1 

    The most basic determinant of prepayment speeds is the borrower’s incentive to

    refinance. Intuitively, it seems obvious that a borrower with a note rate significantly

    above the currently available mortgage rate has an economic incentive to refinance,

    whereas a borrower with a note rate at or below current rates has no such incentive.Because the coupon of the security is one of the attributes known at trade time, the

    buyer of a TBA has an idea of the expected range for prepayment speeds, at least in

    the prevailing interest rate environment.2 

    The second most important security attribute is the age of the loans in the pool. The

    weighted average loan age (WALA) identifies where a pool is in its life cycle.

    Borrowers generally do not pay off their mortgages within a few months of obtaining

    them for several reasons. First, turnover tends to be low, because people usually do not

    move again quickly.3 Second, the number of rate refinancers is low, because it is

    unlikely that rates would have decreased enough to justify another outlay of closing

    costs. As pools age, their prepayment speeds tend to increase, and they eventuallyreach a plateau within about two years.

    Most broker/dealers stratify their prepayment reports by coupon and year of

    origination (vintage) for this reason. A quick glance at any prepayment report shows

    that 2005 (i.e., current year) originations are paying, on average, slower than 2004 or

    2003 originations for the same coupon. At the same time, 2001 and 2002 production

    are prepaying at about the same rate as 2003 production.4 

    The gradual increasing of prepayment speeds in the early life of a pool is referred to

    as “seasoning.” The seasoning ramp is well known to MBS investors, having been

    institutionalized in the form of the PSA ramp. Figure 2 shows the standard PSA

    1 We will cover the actual valuation techniques later, but for now we will simply state the hierarchy of relative value.

    2 Simply put, higher coupons prepay faster than lower coupons. In other words, 6.00% pools, on average, prepay faster than 5.50%

    pools which, in turn, prepay faster than 5.00% pools.

    3 Also, the incidence of refinancing for noneconomic reasons soon after closing is similarly low.

    4 Older vintages tend to exhibit slightly slower prepayment speeds as burnout begins to take effect. The composition of borrowers in a

    pool changes as more rate-sensitive borrowers self-select out of pools (prepay), leaving less rate-sensitive borrowers to comprise agrowing percentage of the remaining pool balance.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets8

    ramp, in which prepayment speeds increase linearly for 30 months before leveling

    off at 6% CPR for the remainder of the mortgage term.5 

    Figure 2. Standard PSA Ramp










    0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60


        C   P   R

    PSA Ramp

     Source: Citigroup.

    After coupon and age, many other attributes can be used to further refine estimates of

    prepayment speeds. The market recognizes these attributes and is willing to pay a

    premium to TBA for them based on the magnitude and consistency of their

    differentials from the aggregate averages.

    Originators also recognize the extra value that can be extracted by grouping certain

    attributes and pooling their loans accordingly. They take the most valuable loans and

    pool them together to capture the market’s pay-up for the specific attribute(s). Each

    attribute is segregated in a particular order to maximize the total value of the

    portfolio of loans to be sold. The next few sections cover some of these attributes.6 

    Loan Balance: The Once and Future King

    The first groups of loans to be segregated into their own pools are loans with low

    loan balances. Loan balance is considered one of the most important factors in

    predicting prepayment speeds, particularly for in-the-money coupons. Low loan

    balance pools have consistently prepaid slower than their higher balance counterparts

    for in-the-money coupons. The differential has held consistently during periods of

    high aggregate prepayments, such as the record refinance wave of 2003, as well as

    periods when aggregate prepayment speeds have been considerably slower. Indeed,

    after rate incentive and age, loan balance is the most reliable predictor of speeds.The basic premise is that for a lower loan balance, a given rate reduction results in a

    smaller decrease in the borrower’s monthly payment. Therefore, measuring the rate

    incentive using only the difference between the borrower’s note rate and the

    5 Although the PSA ramp has limited usage in the current market environment, it was the standard expression for prepayment speeds

    in the early development of the MBS market. In the current market environment, its main use is related to CMOs (PAC bands).6 Once all of the attributes that can be isolated to give additional value are segregated from an originator’s portfolio of loans, the

    remainder is packaged into pools that are destined for the TBA market. As shown above, that constitutes the large majority of theagency mortgage universe.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets 9

    currently available mortgage rate only tells part of the story. Figure 3 shows a

    borrower’s principal and interest (P&I) payment for a given rate for various loan

    balances. The difference in payments represents the reduction available from

    refinancing to a lower rate mortgage. For example, for a rate reduction from 7.0% to

    6.0%, the monthly P&I payment decreases by $65 on a loan balance of $100,000 but

    falls by $197 on a loan balance of $300,000.

    Figure 3. P&I Payments Based on Note Rate and Loan Balance

    Rate (%) $100,000 $200,000 $300,000

    5.0 537 1,074 1,610

    5.5 568 1,136 1,703

    6.0 600 1,199 1,799

    6.5 632 1,264 1,896

    7.0 665 1,331 1,996

    7.5 699 1,398 2,098

    8.0 734 1,468 2,201

    Source: Citigroup.

    Specified loan balance pools are marketed according to their maximum loan balance;

    that is the highest individual loan size in the pool.7

     The generally established categoriesare for pools with a maximum loan size less than $85,000 (low loan balance, or

    “LLB”), maximum loan size less than $110,000 (moderate loan balance, or “MLB”),

    and maximum loan size less than $150,000 (high loan balance, or “HLB”).8 

    Originators first pool loans with balances less than $85,000 (LLB) separately. LLB

    pools command the highest pay-ups in the world of specified pools. Of the remaining

    loans, those with balances less than $110,000 (MLB) are pooled next, followed by

    those with a balance less than $150,000 (HLB).

    Figure 4 shows prepayment speeds for fully seasoned 2001 production during the

    height of the refinance wave in 2003. The “S” curves from the refinance wave can

    only be shown for premium coupon pools where the WAC is at least 50bp in themoney because, as was noted at the time, rates were the lowest they had been in four

    decades and the yield curve was close to 300bp steep (ten-year minus two-year

    rates). In short, there were no discounts. LLB pools provided tremendous protection

    against prepayments, with speeds as much as 30% CPR or more slower than the

    aggregate averages for individual cohorts.

    7 Using the average loan size would convey more information about a pool. However, because originators are meticulous about how

    they pool loans, most pools have a very narrow range of loan sizes.8 Some market participants use different nomenclature, referring to the first two categories as LLB1 and LLB2 and the third as MLB,

    but the loan size thresholds are consistent for conventional pools. The loan balance thresholds for GNMA pools are $75,000 for LLB,$110,000 for MLB, and $150,000 for HLB.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets10

    Figure 4. “S” Curves for 2001 Production During the Apr 03–Sep 03 Refinance Wave










    0 50 100 150 200 250

    Rate Incentive (bp)

        C   P   R   (   %   )

    LLB MLB Total

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    While loan balance is significant for refinances it makes little difference for

    turnover.9 When borrowers contemplate moving, they calculate their potential

    monthly mortgage payment based on the home they are considering purchasing. Ifthe payment is too great, they are forced to purchase a less expensive home or

    postpone moving. However, the decision to move is essentially independent of the

    loan balance on the current mortgage.10 Figure 5 shows the “S” curves for fully

    seasoned 2003 production in the first half of 2005, when rates were still low by

    historical standards but higher than the generational lows of 2003, and the yield

    curve was relatively flat.

    Figure 5. “S” Curves for 2003 Production During the Current Year, Jan 05–Jul 05












    -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

    Rate Incentive (bp)

        C   P   R   (   %   )




     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    9 Discount coupon speeds are mostly due to turnover and, hence, show little difference between size categories.

    10 The current LTV does determine the amount of equity available for a down payment on a new house.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets 11

    Out-of-the-money speeds are virtually on top of each other, while in-the-money

    speeds still show distinct differences based on loan size. There is no difference for

    pools that are 50bp or more out-of-the-money, even though overall aggregate speeds

    are at their long-term historical averages. The CPR differential between LLB pools

    and higher balance pools, however, is still quite consistent for in-the-money pools.

    CPR differentials for premium coupons on the cusp range from 5% to 10% CPR and

    for higher premiums can be as much as 15%–20% CPR.

    GEO: Location, Location, Location

    Once all loans below the loan balance thresholds are removed, originators segregate

    loans from states that have historically slow prepayments. Pools that have a high

    concentration of loans from a particular state might command a pay-up (referred to

    as “geo” pools) depending on whether the state prepays faster or slower than average

    and the pool is in or out of the money.

    New York is the best-known geo story because of a mortgage recording tax that

    raises the effective mortgage rate available to the borrower by 1% (2% in New York

    City). Prepayments tend to be slower in New York for in-the-money coupons. Texasis also consistently slower than the aggregate average because of restrictions on cash-

    out refinances and higher-than-average closing costs.11 

    In some cases, higher-than-average loan sizes or strong home price appreciation may

    mitigate the effects of geo trends. For example, Florida has a mortgage tax of 55bp.

    This tax historically had slowed prepayments in Florida to below the national

    average. However, Florida has experienced significant home price appreciation over

    the past several years that appears to have offset the effect of the mortgage tax.

    Figure 6 shows “S” curves for fully seasoned 2001 production for some historically

    slow prepaying states during the 2003 refinance wave.

    Figure 6. Slow State “S” Curves for FNMA 2001 Originations in the 2003 Refinance Wave










    0 50 100 150 200 250Rate Incentive (bp)

        C   P   R   (   %   )

    New York Texas

    Florida Puerto RicoNational Average

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    11 Puerto Rico pools are actually the most valuable, with prepayment speeds up to 70% slower than the aggregate averages, but the

    small outstanding balance makes them hard to find and sparsely traded.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets12

    The states mentioned above were prepaying consistently slower than the national

    average for in-the-money pools. The rate incentive only goes down to zero because,

    as mentioned, there were no discounts at the time. Figure 7 shows the “S” curves for

    the same states for 2003 production in 2005. Note that Florida is now paying slightly

    above the national average.

    Figure 7. Slow State “S” Curves for FNMA 2003 Originations in 2005









    -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250Rate Incentive (bp)

        C   P   R   (   %   )

    New York 



    Puerto Rico

    National Average

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    Collateral from faster-prepaying states — such as Illinois and Michigan, which have

    low closing costs for refinancing — typically ends up as TBA collateral. However, a

    discount coupon pool with a high concentration of loans from a state with fast

    enough housing turnover speeds could warrant a modest pay-up. Figure 8 shows the

    “S” curves for some historically faster-prepaying states in 2005.

    Figure 8. Fast State “S” Curves for FNMA 2003 Originations in 2005










    -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250Rate Incentive (bp)

        C   P   R   (   %   )





    National Average

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets 13

    Investor Property Loans: A Nice Place to Visit

    In the summer of 2003 the agencies began to release additional disclosure items for

    pools including the original FICO, original LTV, loan purpose, occupancy status,

    and property type. The implementation of the new disclosure generated a great deal

    of anticipation, and initially, the attributes were used as a basis for specified pay-ups.

    In the current environment, however, only pools with a very high percentage of

    investor properties (close to 100%) command a pay-up.

    Investor loans often face a greater hurdle to refinancing: (1) They are generally more

    difficult to originate as investors tend to have more complex financial situations;

    (2) they are generally full-documentation loans, which are slower to process and

    approve; and (3) investors generally have less commitment to a mortgage transaction

    than an owner-occupant. As a result, borrowers taking out a mortgage loan for an

    investment property are generally charged higher rates.12 

    Although underwriting guidelines for non-owner-occupied collateral are stricter,

    specified pool trading for investor properties typically involves above-average loan

    size collateral, because low-loan-size investor loans have already been placed into

    more valuable LLB pools. For a pool with 100% investor properties, the pay-up is

    usually in the range between those for MLB and HLB pools. The basis for the pay-up

    is the market perception that non-owner-occupied properties are harder to refinance

    than owner-occupied properties.

    Despite the above-average loan sizes, specified pools with a high percentage of

    investor loans do appear to offer prepayment protection. Figure 9 shows the “S”

    curves for second homes, investor properties, and owner-occupied properties for

    pools with an average loan size greater than $150,000. It shows that investor

    properties consistently prepay slower for in-the-money pools, while paying virtually

    on top of owner-occupied properties for out-of-the-money pools.

    Figure 9. “S” Curve by Occupancy Status (Average Loan Size > $150,000)








    -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250

    Rate Incentive (bp)

        C   P   R   (   %   )

    2nd Home Investor Owner

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    12 The agencies charge fees ranging from 1.5% to 2.5%, depending on the LTV.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets14

    The seasoning ramps for the different occupancy status categories have the same

    general slopes and are equivalent in length. Figure 10 shows the seasoning ramps for

    second homes, investor properties, and owner-occupied properties for pools with an

    average loan size greater than $150,000. The investor property ramp is higher than

    the owner-occupied ramp, because for pools of the same age (the loans were

    originated at the same time), investor property pools have average borrower note

    rates that are about 35bp–45bp higher. In general, owner-occupied properties merit a

    better rate than non-owner-occupied properties. As shown, however, for identicalrate incentives, investor properties prepay more slowly.

    Figure 10. Seasoning Ramp by Occupancy Status (Average Loan Size > $150,000)








    0 6 12 18 24 30


        C   P   R   (   %   )

    2nd Home Investor Owner

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    Poor Credit: Usually Slower, Unless It’s Faster

    Low FICO scores and high LTVs were thought to indicate slower prepayment speeds

    because borrowers with impaired credit find it harder to refinance. Before 2003, the

    market used the spread-at-origination (SATO) as a proxy for creditworthiness. It was

    thought that borrowers with mortgage note rates significantly above the generally

    available rate at the time of origination must have had impaired credit, otherwise

    they would have gotten the prevailing rate for prime borrowers.

    When the agencies began to release FICO and LTV data in June 2003, prepayment

    speeds were as expected: Low-FICO and high LTV speeds were considerably slower

    than their higher-FICO and lower-LTV counterparts, as well as the overall averages.

    However, since that time, the credit story has turned upside down. Lower-FICO and

    higher LTV pools have prepaid faster than their complements and the overall

    aggregate averages.13


    Part of the reason for this trend lies in home price appreciation, which has been

    significant over the past several years. Original LTVs from just a few years ago have

    been rendered obsolete. Borrowers with newly found equity in their homes may be

    13 The phenomenon is consistent with GNMA prepayment speeds, which were slower than conventional speeds during the refinance

    wave of 2003 but recently have been faster than conventional speeds.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets 15

    able to refinance into lower-rate mortgages than they qualified for before. Other

    borrowers may be able to extract the equity to clear up lingering credit blemishes.

    Aggressive solicitation by overstaffed originators has also contributed. With many

    prime borrowers already in lower-rate mortgages, originators are willing to reach

    down the credit spectrum to refinance less creditworthy borrowers. In the current

    environment, those attributes do not command pay-ups on their own.

    Market participants look for a combination of attributes that indicate true creditimpairment and may pay-up slightly for pools that they believe include borrowers

    who have yet to cure their credit problems. To determine credit impairment, we use a

    combination of attributes derived from FNMA’s Expanded Approval (EA) program.

    The EA program reclassifies loans that were previously rated as “caution” in

    FNMA’s Desktop Underwriter (DU) automated underwriting system into additional

    levels of approval.14 

    Figure 11 shows 2001 production during the 2003 refinance wave. The EA “S”

    curves are considerably below the overall aggregate average, demonstrating the

    validity of the credit story at the time. Figure 12 shows 2003 production in 2005. In

    this figure, the EA “S” curves are above the overall aggregate averages, althoughthey are considerably closer than in 2003.

    Figure 11. Credit-Related “S” Curves in the 2003 Refinance Wave










    -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250

    Rate Incentive (bp)

        C   P   R   (   %   )





     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    14 These pools are not identifiable as such, but experience indicates that the average ranges of attributes for EA-1 are a FICO score of

    600–650, an original LTV of 75%–90%, and a servicing spread of 50bp–60bp. EA-2 ranges are FICO scores of 590–620, LTVs of80%–95%, and a servicing spread of 60bp–100bp. EA-3 ranges are FICOs of 560–600, LTVs of 80%–95%, and a servicing spread of100bp–140bp.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets16

    Figure 12. Credit Related “S” Curves in 2005









    -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250

    Rate Incentive (bp)

        C   P   R   (   %   )





     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    Loan Age: Good News for the Young and the Old

    The next attribute to be segregated is loan age. Loan age has long been recognizedas a primary determinant of prepayment speeds. The original PSA ramp

    institutionalized the fact that speeds on new pools tend to be slower than the overall

    average and “ramp up” over time. Understanding speeds in terms of a ramp is simple

    enough for turnover. Borrowers generally do not move within a few months of

    buying a new home and taking out a new mortgage. As their tenures in their homes

    increase over time, borrowers begin to move and payoff their mortgages.

    Refinances do not require borrowers to move, but there are reasons for a ramp to

    exist for in-the-money loans as well. The process of taking out a mortgage involves

    costs, such as a new appraisal, title search, property recording fees, and the like.

    Even if a borrower refinances into a so-called “no point” mortgage, in which noorigination points are charged for the mortgage, closing costs typically can run up to

    several thousand dollars. As a result, borrowers may be reluctant to refinance if they

    have refinanced very recently, even if rates have declined again.15 

    Pay-ups for loan age are generally small compared with loan balance pay-ups, but

    can occur either in the beginning of the ramp or further along the ramp, depending on

    whether the pool is in or out of the money. For in-the-money coupons, that means

    low-WALA pools; for out-of-the money (discount) coupons, it means older, or fully

    seasoned pools. Loan age can command a pay-up in its own right, but it is also used

    in conjunction with other attributes. For example, LLB pools command a higher pay-

    up if they are also low WALA, as opposed to being a year old.

    Of course, loan age is a transient attribute. In other words, a low-WALA pool

    remains low-WALA for only a few months. The market is paying up only for in-the-

    money pools that are three months old or less. A fully seasoned discount can also

    command a pay-up, because the expectation is that it will prepay faster than newer

    15 Lenders also try to discourage refinances that occur soon after the previous refinance. For example, one major lender states in its

    seller guide that an originator that sells it a loan that prepays within 90 days is held responsible for any losses resulting from lostservicing rights and a premium purchase price.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets 17

    pools with the same coupon. Very seasoned pools also have shorter legal final

    maturities, which can decrease extension risk.16 

    Although the PSA ramp is fixed in length and magnitude, it is useful for

    understanding the concept of the seasoning ramp. Modern attempts to model the

    seasoning ramp account for the fact that it can vary over time, depending on

    economic conditions and the interest rate environment. When the level of interest

    rates is high, the ramp tends to be longer and have a gentler slope. As rates decline,the ramp becomes shorter and steeper, sometimes dramatically so.

    Figure 13 shows the seasoning ramp for cuspy coupon pools for three different

    periods. In this case, “cuspy” is defined as having a rate incentive between 0bp and

    50bp. During a period of high rates in 2000, the ramp peaked at about 24 months or

    so, whereas for the refinance wave of 2003 speeds reached their fully seasoned level

    at about 12–15 months. In 2005, speeds also reached their fully seasoned level in

    about 12–15 months and actually begin to taper off slightly after that.

    Figure 13. Seasoning Ramp for Cuspy Coupons (0bp–50bp Rate Incentive)








    0 6 12 18 24 30 Age (Months)

        C   P   R   (   %   )

     Apr 00–Sep 00

     Apr 03–Sep 03

    Jan 05–Jul 05

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    Seasoning ramps can have different lengths depending on the rate incentive, which is

    also included in most prepayment models. Figure 14 shows seasoning ramps for five

    different levels of rate incentive ranging from 100bp out of the money to 150bp in

    the money. For positive rate incentives, the ramp is steeper and peaks sooner. This

    illustrates the value of low-WALA pools for in-the-money pools. In addition, for out-

    of-the-money pools the ramp becomes fully seasoned at about 24 months.

    16 Very seasoned premium collateral can also be of value owing to favorable convexity characteristics (burnout, for example).

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    Figure 14. Seasoning Ramp by Rate Incentive











    0 6 12 18 24 30 Age (Months)

        C   P   R

       (   %   )

    -100bp to -50bp -50bp to 0bp 0bp to 50bp

    50bp to 100bp 100bp to 150bp

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    WAC: Show Me the Money

    As mentioned, the rate incentive is the most important determinant of prepaymentspeeds with the security coupon giving a general range of expectations for speeds.

    The weighted-average coupon (WAC) is the weighted average of borrowers’ note

    rates in a pool and determines the rate incentive. Clearly, higher-coupon pools will,

    on balance, have higher WACs, and thus, a greater incentive to refinance as rates

    decline. Within a given coupon, however, pools can have a wide range of WACs. For

    example, a 5.5% pool can have a WAC that ranges anywhere from 5.75% to 6.50%

    or higher. For slightly in-the-money coupons on the cusp of being refinanceable, the

    difference in WAC can have a significant impact.17 

    The difference between the WAC and security coupon, known as the servicing

    spread, can be anywhere from 25bp to 100bp or more. How can pools with the samesecurity coupon have such different WACs? Agency pooling requirements specify

    that a loan note rate must be at least 25bp higher than the security coupon of the pool

    into which it is placed, ensuring that each loan has at least 25bp of servicing spread

    attached.18 However, for all practical purposes, there is no maximum WAC for a loan

    to be in a pool. When an originator sells a loan to one of the agencies, it has a choice

    as to the security coupon of the pool. For example, a loan with a note rate of 6.25%

    can be placed into either a 6.00% pool or a 5.50% pool.

    During the height of the refinance wave in 2003 and for while after, “low-WAC”

    pools commanded pay-ups in their own right. In the current environment, lower

    WACs are considered an enhancement to other specified attributes. In our LLB

    example, a cuspy coupon LLB pool with a servicing spread of 25bp would commanda higher pay-up than a LLB pool with the same security coupon but a servicing

    spread of 75bp.

    17 From a modeling perspective, this corresponds to the steepest part of the “S” curve where convexity effects are greatest. Small

    changes in the rate incentive have a large impact on prepayment speeds.

    18 To qualify for TBA good delivery, 25bp is the minimum servicing spread.

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    The additional pay-up is generally restricted to cuspy and slight premium coupons. A

    higher-premium coupon has a considerable incentive to refinance regardless of the

    servicing spread. Figure 15 shows the effect of different WACs for LLB 6.00% pools

    from the beginning of 2003 through August of 2005. The LLB pools with smaller

    servicing spreads, corresponding to lower WACs, consistently prepaid slower than

    LLB pools with higher servicing spreads (higher WACs).19 

    Figure 15. FNMA LLB 6.00% Pools by Servicing Spread, Jan 03–Jul 05










    Jan 03 Apr 03 Jul 03 Oct 03 Jan 04 Apr 04 Jul 04 Oct 04 Jan 05 Apr 05 Jul 05

        C   P   R   (   %   )

    LLB - Svcg Spread 25bp–50bp

    LLB - Svcg Spread 50bp–75bp

    LLB - Svcg Spread 75bp–100bp

    Overall Aggregate Average

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    Purchase Loans: Nothing to Write Home About

    When the agencies first began their additional disclosures in 2003, high percentages

    of purchase money loans, as opposed to refinance loans, were thought to signal

    slower prepayment speeds. The prevailing wisdom was that purchase money loans,

    on average, would refinance more slowly than refinance loans, because the refinanceloans represented borrowers that had already shown themselves to be sensitive to

    positive rate incentives and able to take advantage of them.

    Purchase money loans, by contrast, comprised a mix of rate-sensitive borrowers with

    borrowers who were not as rate sensitive. Based on relative percentages, pools with a

    higher percentage of refinance loans should prepay faster. In addition, turnover could

    be higher for refinance loans, because they were already seasoned in terms of the

    borrower’s tenure in the home.

    Thus far, however, the evidence does not support the initial hypothesis. Instead, there

    appears to be little difference between the prepayment speeds of purchase money and

    refinance loans. Market participants are aware of this and are not willing to pay upfor pools with higher percentages of purchase money loans. Figure 16 shows the “S”

    curves for purchase money and refinance loans.

    19 Even though the higher-servicing-spread LLB prepaid faster than the lower-servicing-spread LLB, they were still considerably

    slower than the overall aggregate averages. For example, during the height of the refinance wave in 2003, overall aggregate 6.00%coupon speeds peaked above 70% CPR compared with the high-servicing-spread LLB speeds of less than 50% CPR.

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    Figure 16. “S” Curve by Loan Purpose










    -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

    Rate Incentive (bp)


       P   R   (   %   )

    Purchase Refinance

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    For out-of-the-money pools, refinance loans appear marginally faster than purchase

    money loans, lending some credence to the notion that borrower tenure starts further

    along the seasoning ramp for refinance loans. However, for in-the-money pools, thepurchase money and refinance curves are virtually on top of each other with

    purchases marginally higher on super-premiums.

    Figure 17 shows the seasoning ramps for purchase money and refinance loans. The

    ramp for out-of-the-money refinances rises faster than the purchase money ramp,

    further supporting the notion that borrower tenure is further along the seasoning

    ramp for the refinance loans. For in-the-money pools, the ramps for purchase money

    and refinance loans cross a couple of times before settling into a long-term pattern

    with purchase money loans prepaying slightly faster than refinance loans after about

    the first year or so.

    Figure 17. Seasoning Ramp by Loan Purpose









    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

     Age (Months)

        C   P   R   (   %   )

    Out-of-the-Money Purchase Out-of-the-Money Refinance

    In-the-Money Purchase In-the-Money Refinance

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

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    III. Specified Pool Value: Enhanced

    Returns Through Superior Convexity

    The notion that a specified pool, with superior prepayment characteristics, is worth

    more than a generic TBA is simple enough to understand on a conceptual basis.

    Borrowers have the option to prepay at any time without penalty (with the rareexception of prepayment penalty mortgages). The MBS investor, conversely, is

    explicitly short a call option. The premium that the investor receives for “selling” the

    call option is the discount, in the form of a lower price, that they get for buying an

    MBS relative to an option-free bond with the same nominal coupon.20 

    Specified pools afford prepayment protection for premium coupons and, in the case

    of fully seasoned paper, extension protection for discount coupons. For a premium

    coupon specified pool, slower prepay speeds erode the desirable premium coupon

    paid to the investor more slowly than TBA collateral. For a discount coupon

    specified pool, faster speeds return par-priced principal to the investor more quickly

    than TBA. But how much is the difference in prepayment speeds worth?Two common methods for determining the value of a specified pool relative to TBA

    are carry-based valuation and OAS-based valuation. Each has advantages and

    disadvantages. We cover both in the following sections.

    Carry-Based Valuation

    The traditional method of computing the carry advantage from owning a specified

    pool, due to its superior prepayment behavior, is based on dollar roll analysis. The

    Bloomberg Roll Analysis calculator compares the difference between holding a pool

    and selling it into the roll. The three variables in the roll analysis are the break-even

    finance rate, the drop (difference between the front-month and back-month prices),

    and the prepayment speed.21 

    By using the market rate for the break-even financing rate and varying the

    prepayment speed assumption, we can see how the drop changes. In other words, we

    can determine the value of the prepayment speed differential between specified pools

    and TBA by comparing the drops for the different prepayment speeds.

    Figure 18 shows the difference in the drop and the incremental carry advantage for

    various prepayment speeds for a FNMA 6% MBS (dollar price 102-04). For

    example, a pool that pays at 30% CPR when the aggregate average is 40% CPR

    would have a one-tick advantage in carry for that month. Figure 19 shows the

    difference in the drop and the incremental carry advantage for various prepaymentspeeds for a FNMA 5% MBS (a discount coupon with a dollar price of 98-25).

    20 Moreover, the investor is also implicitly short a put option. While borrowers cannot increase their loan balance at the existing note

    rate when market rates rise, they can prepay slower than expected. In this case, investors would have to wait longer to receive some ofthe principal cash flow than they expected and they would be unable to invest it at the prevailing higher rates. In this sense, relative tothe cash flow that they expected based on their prepayment assumptions when they originally purchased the MBS, they have had aput exercised against them.

    21 For an explanation of dollar rolls, see Dollar Rolls — In Practice and Theory, Citigroup, July 1, 2004.

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    Figure 18. FNMA 6% Carry Advantage by CPR

    One-Month CPR (%) Back-Month Price Drop Incremental Carry Advantage

    10 102-01+ 05+ 00:6

    20 102-02:2 04:6 00:7

    30 102-03:1 03:7 01

    40 102-04:1 02:7 01:2

    50 102-05:3 01:5 01+

    60 102-06:7 00:1 NA  

    NA Not applicable.

    Source: Citigroup.

    Figure 19. FNMA 5% Carry Advantage by CPR

    One-Month CPR (%) Back-Month Price Drop Incremental Carry Advantage

    5 98-20:7 04:1 NA  

    10 98-20:6 04:2 00:1

    15 98-20+ 04+ 00:1

    20 98-20:3 04:5 00:1

    25 98-20:2 04:6 00:1

    30 98-20 05 00:2

    NA Not applicable.

    Source: Citigroup.

    The tables show that the carry advantage is larger when the overall rate of

    prepayment is faster. For the premium coupon, the carry difference for a 10% CPR

    change in prepayment speeds is 1½ ticks from 60% CPR down to 50% CPR and 1¼

    ticks from 50% CPR down to 40% CPR.22 Furthermore, the carry advantage is

    cumulative, so a specified pool that pays at 40% CPR when the overall aggregate

    average is 60% CPR has a 2¾-tick carry advantage.

    Finally, the carry advantage estimated from the roll is the advantage for one month.

    Because the advantage is cumulative, each month that the specified pool prepays

    slower than the TBA adds to the carry advantage. This makes it possible to estimate

    the payback period for a market pay-up. For example, if a specified pool with a

    6.00% coupon has a 12-tick pay-up and prepays at 30% CPR when the overallaggregate average is 40% CPR, the investor will earn the pay-up back in 12

    months.23 After that, any advantage in prepayment speeds represents profit on the

    trade for the investor, relative to purchasing a TBA.

    OAS-Based Valuation

    The other main method of valuation is OAS-based valuation. The most common

    method for expressing the relative value of specified pools using OAS is to use a

    constant OAS as a benchmark to calculate a theoretical price for the specified pool.

    The OAS of the TBA is used as a proxy for the specified pool. The difference

    22 The carry advantage is also greater for pools that are further from par. For example, if we look at a FNMA 6.50% pool (dollar price

    103-08), the carry difference for a 10% CPR drop in prepayments from 50% CPR to 40% CPR is 1¾ ticks compared with the 1¼ticks for the 6.00% pool.

    23 A 12-tick pay-up divided by 1 tick per month equals 12 months.

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    between the theoretical price of the specified pool and the market price of the TBA is

    the theoretical, or implied, pay-up. 24


    Market pay-ups are typically not as high as theoretical (implied) pay-ups because of

    various factors that we discuss below. Figure 20 shows attributes for a generic

    FNMA 6.00% TBA pool including the OAS, calculated for a price of 102-04. Figure

    21 shows the specified value for various attributes, the theoretical price, and implied

    pay-up (using constant OAS). We used the generic TBA attribute values for allattributes except the specified attribute listed in the table. The table also shows the

    weighted average life (WAL), one-year CPR, long-term CPR, the effective duration,

    effective convexity, the option cost, and the Z-spread for each specified pool.25 

    Figure 20. Generic FNMA 6.00% TBA Attributes

    Attribute Value

    Coupon 6.00%

    WAC 6.50%

    WAM 343 Months

    WALA 15 Months

    Loan Balance $167,000

    FICO 703

    LTV 77%

    Servicing Spread 50bp

    Refinance Pct. 42%

    Investor Pct. 13%

    OAS (@102-04) -13bp

    Source: Citigroup.

    Figure 21. Theoretical Prices and Implied Pay-Ups for Individual Specified Attributes










    Pay-Up WAL


    CPR (%)


    CPR (%)






    Cost (bp)



    TBA NA NA 102-04 NA 4.0 29.0 20.9 1.88 -2.78 98 85

    LLB Avg. Loan Balance $65,000 103-11:2 39:2 4.9 21.7 17.2 2.59 -2.19 76 63

    MLB Avg. Loan Balance $95,000 102-28:7 24:7 4.6 23.8 18.4 2.32 -2.42 84 71

    HLB Avg. Loan Balance $125,000 102-15:5 11:5 4.3 25.7 19.4 2.07 -2.65 92 79Investor Inv. Property Pct. 100% 102-17:2 13:2 4.2 27.8 20.3 2.13 -2.44 88 75

    Low FICO FICO 600 102-12:1 8:1 4.0 29.6 21.2 2.06 -2.48 90 77

    High LTV LTV 90% 102-02 -2:0 3.9 28.0 21.8 1.91 -2.70 98 85

    High SATO Servicing Spread 100bp 102-00 -4:0 3.2 35.7 26.5 1.91 2.57 90 77

    Low WALA WALA 0 Mo. 102-04 0:0 4.2 16.4 20.1 2.31 -2.79 105 92

    Fully Seasoneda  WALA 24 Mo. 99-04:6 11:6 6.8 13.0 11.3 3.68 -1.94 73 60

    Low WAC Servicing Spread 25bp 102-10:4 6:4 4.7 23.1 17.8 1.93 2.91 100 87

    Purchase Purchase Loan Pct. 100% 102-04 0:0 4.0 29.0 20.9 1.88 2.78 98 85

    New York State Pct. 100% 102-17:6 13:6 4.6 14.2 18.5 2.60 -2.61 101 88

    a The fully seasoned pool is compared to a FNMA 5.00% TBA with a price of 98-25. NA Not applicable.

    Note: New York is run assuming a $227,000 loan size and two-month WALA. See report on manifold MB707.

    Source: Citigroup.

    24 It is also possible to compare OASs. The TBA price plus the market pay-up is used as the price to calculate an OAS for the

    specified pool. The investor can then directly compare the OAS of the TBA and OAS of the specified pool. The OAS of the specifiedpool (even with the market pay-up included in the price) is generally higher than the OAS of the TBA because of its superiorprepayment profile. The difference between the OAS of the specified pool and the OAS of the TBA is known as an “OAS pickup.”

    25 Daily specified collateral valuation reports are available on FI Direct : Origination Year Report to Swaps on manifold MB712,

    Stipulated Attributes Report on MB721, and Model Payups for State Specific Pools on MB707.

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    The most valuable specified pool is LLB, which has an implied pay-up of 39¼

    ticks.26 LLB pools prepay considerably slower as the WAL extends to 4.9 years

    (from the TBA value of 4.0 years) and the one-year CPR drops from 29.0% CPR to

    21.7% CPR. The duration is about 0.7 year longer and the bond is less negatively


    By comparison, the next most valuable pool is the MLB pool, which has an implied

    pay-up of 24⅞ 

     ticks. Its WAL extends to 4.6 years with the one-year CPR at 23.8%CPR. The other specified pools follow a similar pattern.

    The implied pay-ups for high LTV and high SATO are negative, indicating that the

    models value these pools at less than the TBA pool.27 The high-LTV and high-SATO

    pools have weighted-average lives that are less than TBA, suggesting that they

    prepay faster over the life of the pool. Of course, no one would sell a pool for less

    than TBA; they would simply deliver the pool into a TBA trade.

    The table shows low-WALA pools with no implied pay-up. Low-WALA pools

    sometimes command a modest pay-up in the market only for pools with a WALA of

    three or less. However, as noted, a low WALA can enhance the value of other

    specified attributes. Figure 22 shows implied pay-ups for a few combinations ofspecified attributes.

    Figure 22. Theoretical Prices and Implied Pay-Ups for Selected Combinations of Specified Attributes

    Specified Pool Specified Attribute






    Pay-Up WAL


    CPR (%)


    CPR (%)






    Cost (bp)



    TBA NA NA 102-04 NA 4.0 29.0 20.9 1.88 -2.78 98 85

    LLB Avg. Loan Balance $65,000 103-11:2 39:2 4.9 21.7 17.2 2.59 -2.19 76 63

    LLB w/Low WAC Avg. Loan Balance $65,000 103-20:6 48:6 5.5 18.3 14.9 2.71 -2.23 76 63

      Servicing Spread 25bp

    LLB w/Low WALA Avg. Loan Balance $65,000 103-19:3 47:3 5.5 10.2 15.2 3.17 -1.99 82 69

      WALA 0 Mo.

    LLB w/Low WAC & Low WALA Avg. Loan Balance $65,000 104-00:7 60:7 6.5 8.4 12.6 3.34 -1.96 80 67

      Servicing Spread 25bp

    WALA 0 Mo.

    Credit Impaired FICO 600 101-31:6 -4:2 2.8 36.5 29.7 2.08 -2.10 83 70

      LTV 90%

    Servicing Spread 100bp

    NA Not applicable.

    Source: Citigroup.

    The table shows that some combinations are worth more than the sum of the

    individual attributes. For example, the LLB and low WALA combination has an

    implied pay-up of 47⅜ 

     ticks. Why is the total implied pay-up for the combination of

    LLB and low WALA worth more than the sum of the individual pay-ups for LLB

    and low WALA (39¼ + 0 = 39¼ ticks)? Part of the explanation is that Yield Book®

    recognizes that the seasoning ramps for different loan sizes are different.

    26 The theoretical prices and implied pay-ups are listed in trader notation. The units for the numbers before the dash are points, the

    numbers after the dash are in ticks (32nds of a point), and the numbers after the colons are eighths of a tick.

    27 From the model’s perspective, the TBA pool has the aggregate average for specific attributes (average loan balance, LTV, FICO,

    etc.). As noted, however, credit-related stories that were valid during the refinance wave of 2003 have turned around since then, withlow-FICO and high-LTV pools prepaying faster than the overall aggregate averages.

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    Citigroup Global Markets 25

    Figure 23 shows the seasoning ramps by loan size category in 2005. The ramp for

    LLB is below that for the overall aggregate average, graphically showing the

    prepayment advantage. Further, the slope for LLB is gentler than the aggregate

    average. The differential between the two ramps is increasing and peaks at about

    10%–12% CPR CPR around 12–15 months before narrowing to a long-term

    differential of about 5%–8% CPR. The difference in the seasoning ramp for LLB

    adds extra value beyond what our prepayment model predicts based on the pure loan

    balance effect alone. That extra value is recognized when we inform the model of thelower WALA as well.


    Figure 23. Seasoning Ramps for In-the-Money Pools (0bp–100bp) by Loan Size Category









    0 6 12 18 24 30 36

     Age (Months)


       P   R   (   %   )

    LLB MLB All

     Sources: CPR and CDR Technologies.

    Using Yield Book affords a better understanding of the effects of interactions

    between security attributes. Figure 24 shows the waterfall of specified attributes

    layered on top of each other. Each subsequent line represents the addition of thatspecified attribute to the previous ones. For example, the second line shows the value

    added by having a loan balance of $65,000 instead of the generic TBA average of

    $167,000. The next line shows a pool with a loan balance of $65,000 that is also

    100% investor properties. We listed specified attributes in the order of their

    individual value from Figure 21, while removing inconsistent values.29 

    28 Simply put, a LLB pool with a WALA of less than 3 is worth more than a LLB with a WALA of 15.

    29 For example, a pool cannot simultaneously have a low WAC (with a servicing spread of 25bp) and the high-servicing-spread

    characteristic of credit-impaired pools (100bp).

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    Figure 24. Theoretical Prices and Implied Pay-ups for a Waterfall of Specified Attributes










    Pay-Up WAL


    CPR (%)


    CPR (%)






    Cost (bp)



    TBA NA NA 102-04 NA 4.0 29.0 20.9 1.88 -2.78 98 85

    LLB Avg. Loan Balance $65,000 103-11:2 39:2 4.9 21.7 17.2 2.59 -2.19 76 63

    Investor Inv Property Pct. 100% 103-16:3 44:3 5.0 21.0 16.7 2.69 -2.08 74 61

    Low FICO FICO 600 103-15:6 43:6 4.9 21.7 17.2 2.70 -2.02 73 60

    Low WAC Servicing Spread 25bp 103-25:2 53:2 5.5 18.3 14.9 2.82 -2.06 73 60

    Low WALA WALA 0 Mo. 104-02:3 62:3 6.4 11.4 12.8 3.23 -2.00 77 64

    High LTV LTV 90% 104-07:2 67:2 6.5 12.0 12.4 3.23 -2.11 75 62

    Best Combination Loan Size, Inv. Prop.Pct., Low WAC,Low WALA

    NA 104-11 71:0 6.9 7.7 11.7 3.49 -1.84 76 63

    NA Not applicable.

    Source: Citigroup.

    The last line shows the “best combination,” which is the combination of attributes

    that provides the largest implied pay-up. The attributes are LLB and 100% investor

    properties, combined with low WALA and low WAC (servicing spread). A low FICO

    and/or high LTV actually make prepayments faster, reducing the implied pay-up.

    If the implied pay-ups seem too high compared with current market pay-ups, that’s

    because they are. In general, market pay-ups not are as high as theoretical pay-ups,because there is uncertainty regarding the recovery of the pay-up. Most importantly,

    the prepayment model can be wrong. The difference in speeds predicted by the

    model may not materialize.

    Beyond model projection errors, market conditions can change to make the

    differential in prepayment speeds less than expected or less relevant from a relative

    value perspective. The recovery period for a specified pay-up can be many months,

    potentially stretching into years. Over this time frame, rates can change, turning a

    premium coupon pool into a discount coupon pool, at which point the prepayment

    protection can cease to exist.

    Also, the roll could become “special.” A roll is considered special when the drop is

    trading above carry. In other words, an investor selling into a dollar roll would pay

    less to repurchase the TBA in the back month than indicated by the current market

    financing rate and the market’s consensus for prepayments. Rolls usually become

    special because of technical factors, such as supply shortages or heightened demand

    for collateral for CMOs. When rolls are special, the value of specified pools declines

    because investors can earn additional carry via the roll. Moreover, because the back

    month price is determined at the time of the roll, the carry is locked in.30 

    Because the theoretical prices given by the model are often different (usually higher)

    compared with market pay-ups, effective durations can differ from observed market

    durations. In particular, model LLB effective durations are often substantially longer

    than durations implied by market price moves. Investors hedging specified poolssometimes pick a duration between that of the TBA and the duration given by a

    model for the specified pool. For example, if the implied pay-up is 20 ticks and the

    market pay-up is 10 ticks, an investor might use a duration that is midway between

    30 Investors can earn additional carry via the roll when it is special. For example, if the drop is trading 2 ticks above carry, the

    investor is paying 2 ticks less than breakeven for the repurchase in the back month (i.e., earning 2 ticks of additional carry). Theinvestor must then choose between guaranteed carry for as long as the roll remains special and the carry advantage from specifiedprepayment protection, which may last longer but is not guaranteed.

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    the model durations for the TBA and specified pool for hedging purposes.

    Alternatively, an investor might use an “empirical” duration, estimating the duration

    of the specified pool based on recent rate and price movements in the market.

    Comparison of Carry and OAS Valuations

    Which method of assessing the relative value advantage of specified pools is more

    accurate? Carry-based relative values are easy to understand but assume that the

    environment doesn’t change. Because OAS models average valuations over a

    spectrum of interest rate paths, this method has the advantage of taking into account

    changing rates, but it is also very model dependent. OAS valuations are only as

    accurate as the prepayment model projections.

    Further, an OAS model is in some ways a “black box” — it is not always obvious

    where the value of the specified pool is coming from (in other words, it can be

    difficult to know how much certain rate scenarios are contributing to the theoretical

    price and implied pay-up without additional analysis). Neither method accounts for

    the loss of liquidity when moving from TBA to a specified pool (and the potential

    loss of advantageous roll opportunities). Figure 25 provides a summary comparisonof the carry-based and OAS-based valuation methods.

    Figure 25. Comparison of Valuation Methods

    Criteria Carry-Based OAS-Based

    Pricing Assumption Constant pay-up/price TBA OAS

    Prepayment Projection Requirements Need near-term prepayment projections. Need prepayment model.

     Advantages Simple and intuitive — only need near-term prepayment projections and cancompute “breakeven” number ofmonths for earning back specified poolpay-up.

     Accounts for changing rates viachanging prepayment modelprojections and logical from atheoretical perspective.

    Disadvantages Assumes stable rates, so ignores how

    specified pool advantage may beaffected by rate moves.

    Dependent on having prepayment model

    and OAS model, and not clear thatapplying the TBA OAS to the specifiedpool is correct.

    Source: Citigroup.

    Scenario Analysis — What If Rates Move?

    Looking at multiple interest rate shift scenarios can be useful for both the carry-

    based and OAS-based approaches. In the case of carry-based valuation, rate shift

    scenarios provide an illustration of the impact of rate moves that is missing from the

    traditional base case carry analysis. In the case of OAS-based valuation, rate shift

    scenarios should reveal where the value of the specified pool comes from. As an

    illustration of the use of scenario analysis, Figure 26 shows projected prices for LLBand TBA conventional 6.00% pools in a range of interest rate scenarios, along with

    price differences. The differences can be thought of as theoretical specified pool pay-

    ups to TBA.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets28

    Figure 26. LLB and TBA 6.00% Pools Constant OAS Immediate Rate Shift Scenario Projected Prices andDifferences, 13 Sep 05 Close

    Scenario -300bp -200bp -100bp 0bp +100bp +200bp +300bp

    FN 6.00% LLB 106-00 105-11 104-30 103-11 99-23 94-31 89-24

    TBA 103-28 103-00 102-22 102-04 99-01 94-19 89-19

    Difference 2-04 2-11 2-08 1-07 0-23 0-12 0-05

    Source: Citigroup.

    The scenario pay-ups are as one might expect. Because LLB provides protectionagainst refinancings, the relative value of LLB collateral generally increases as rates

    decline and refinancings increase. In other words, the bulk of the value of LLB

    comes from rate rally scenarios.31 

    However, although rallies tend to enhance the value of LLB, the LLB advantage

    reaches a maximum in the -200bp scenario. In this scenario, TBA 6.00% pools are so

    far in the money that further drops in rates have little impact on projected speeds.32 In

    contrast, speeds of LLB 6.00% pools, which are at lower levels than TBA speeds, can

    continue to increase as rates decline. (Figure 27 shows projected scenario speeds.) As

    a result, the speed advantage of LLB 6.00% pools can be seen to decline as rates

    decline from the -200bp to -300bp scenario, and the implied pay-up follows suit.

    Figure 27. LLB and TBA 6.00% Pools Immediate Rate Shift Scenario Projected Long-Term Projected CPRs (%),13 Sep 05 Close

    Scenario -300bp -200bp -100bp 0bp +100bp +200bp +300bp

    FN 6.00% LLB 53.4 45.9 31.3 17.2 10.4 8.4 7.6

    TBA 72.9 71.3 52.2 20.9 10.4 8.5 7.7

    Difference -19.5 -25.4 -20.9 -3.7 0.0 -0.1 -0.1

    Source: Citigroup.

    31 It follows that an investor who believes rates will increase would tend to value LLB less than others who do not have a view on

    rates or expect rates to fall.

    32 At this point, speeds have essentially reached their maximum level. See  Anatomy of Prepayments — The Citigroup Prepayment

     Model, Citigroup, March 2004.

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    November 2, 2005 Specified Pools: Superior Prepayment Profiles Offer Added Value

    Citigroup Global Markets 29

    IV. Conclusion

    Specified pool trading has long been an important sector of the mortgage market. In

    the 1990s, seasoned collateral was actively traded. In recent years, loan size has

    tended to dominate specified pool trading, but, as described in this paper, many other

    collateral characteristics have been identified as providing added value to investors.There is good reason to believe future opportunities in specified pools will arise:

    1 Interest in specified pools naturally grew after the agencies increased their pool

    level disclosures in 2003. Freddie Mac recently announced that it would begin

    providing loan level data for its newly issued pools in the near future. This more

    detailed data may provide additional ways in which to identify value; for

    example, non-third-party originations and condominiums might exhibit favorable

    prepayment behavior.

    2 In recent months, there have not been many dollar roll opportunities. Less value

    in rolls translates into greater value in specified pools.

    3 Changing market conditions, such as a weakening of the currently stronghousing market, may result in changes in the prepayment behavior of certain

    specified categories, leading to investment opportunities. For example, high-

    LTV and low-FICO collateral has been prepaying relatively fast as these less

    affluent, highly-leveraged borrowers take advantage of strong home price

    appreciation. However, if home appreciation weakens significantly, this

    collateral will likely slow substantially, possibly creating opportunities in high-

    LTV/low-FICO premium coupons.

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