soal soal latihan uts

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  • 8/14/2019 Soal Soal Latihan Uts


    I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e !

    01. Marlin : Christ where are you staying?

    Christ : t ahid "otel

    Marlin as#ed Christ ..........

    . where he stays

    $ . where he was staying

    C . where did he stay% . where does he stay

    & . where had he stayed

    0' . Its *.+ ancy is going to bed, so she says to the other +e+bers o- the -a+ily .........

    . $yebye

    $ . /oodbye

    C . /oodnight

    % . ee you soon

    & . /ood eening

    0 . 2unus : %edi, lets s*end this wee#end -or -ishing. I hae -ound a good s*ot.

    %edi : I a+ sorry, I hate -ishing.

    3ro+ the aboe sentence, %edi shows his ....... -or -ishing. . disagree+ent

    $ . disli#e

    C . disa**oint+ent

    % . dissatis-action

    & . discontent+ent

    04 . tudent : Ie -inished the test. "ere you are, sir

    5eacher : /ood 2ou ....

    . cant stay here

    $ . will leae the roo+

    C . cant tell anything

    % . +ay leae the classroo+& . +ust say than# you

    06 . I- you want to hae your hair cut, why dont you go to hi+?

    "e is a -a+ous ........ in the city ?

    . thera*ist

    $ . beautician

    C . +anicurist

    % . barber

    & . tailor

    07 . $urhan : 5he rier is ery dirty. 8eo*le shouldnt hae thrown household

    rubbish into the rier.

    3i#ri : 5hats exactly what I thin#.

    3ro+ the dialogue aboe we #now .........

    . 3i#ri disagrees with $urhanss o*inion

    $ . $urhan thin#s exactly the sa+e way

    C . 9aste +aterial has not been collected

    % . 8eo*le *olluted the rier with rubbish

    & . $urhan warned *eo*le not to throw rubbish in the rier

    0 . 3ather : ndri, youd better +ow the grass -irst be-ore you *aint the -ence.

    ndri : .......?

    3ather : I+ a-raid not. 5he s+o#e +ay +a#e our neighbours -eel annoyed.

    . May I burn the rubbish

    $ . May I gather the rubbish

    C . May I s+o#e while wor#ing

    % . May I swee* the yard a-terward

    & . May I throw the rubbish in the bac# yard

    0; . : &r, excuse +e.

    $ : 2es?

    : I wonder i- you could lend +e your dictionary. I+ doing +y ho+ewor#.

    $ :

  • 8/14/2019 Soal Soal Latihan Uts


    $ . certainty

    C . *leasure

    % . ca*ability

    & . *ossibility

    0 . = : Could you tell +e when I can see the director *lease?

    2 : ........

    . I will gie you so+e +oney now.$ . 2ou can gie +e your schedule to+orrow.

    C . 2es, you could tell +e now.

    % . I will swi+ in the sea to+orrow.

    & . >et +e chec# the schedule -irst.

    10 . Mother : Clean your roo+, is#a !

    is#a : 2es, +o+.

    inda : 9hat did your +other tell you, is#a?

    is#a : he told +e ........

    . clean +y roo+

    $ . to clean +y roo+

    C . to clean your roo+% . cleaned +y roo+

    & . clean your roo+

    II. nswer these @uestions based on the text !

    >a#e 5oba, which is situated in the center o- $u#it $arisan Mountain range, is an

    interesting +ountain resort with a+osir island in the center o- the la#e. It boats +any +odern

    hotels and -acilities -or water s*ort such as boating, water s#ying and swi++ing.

    In 9est u+atera, the center o- culture and touris+ is $u#it 5inggi, situated in the

    highlands north o- the *roincial ca*ital o- 8adang. 9est u+atera is a land o- scenic beauty

    with green la#es and blue +ountains.

    Aaa has a great nu+ber o- attractions, including the world renowned $otanic /arden in

    $ogor, the wildli-e resere o- Bung Dulon on the south west *art o- the island. $orobudur, a

    gigantic $uddhist shrine is situated 4' #ilo+eters northwest, o- 2ogya#arta and the Ien crater

    lies in &ast Aaa and dis*lays hot s*rings, water-alls and -ree roa+ing deers as well as a sul*hur

    crater. threehour drie -ro+ urabaya, and then a *ony -ide -ro+ the illage o- gadisari oer

    the sea will ta#e you to +ount $ro+o which is an actie olcano with sul*hur -u+es and s+o#e

    still e+itting -ro+ its de*ths. 5he inhabitants o- the surrounding areas beliee in the /od o-

    $ro+o and bring o--erings to his deity.

    $ali is di--erent -ro+ the rest o- Indonesia because , o- is uni@ue -or+ o- "induis+ called

    E"indu %har+a! Feligion is the +ain source o- traditional custo+ in -a+ily and co++unity li-e.

    5he soul o- a $alinese is religion and it -inds its ex*ression in art. Many articles and boo#s hae

    been written on $ali.

    1 . 9hat natural beauty does 9est u+atera hae?

    ' . Mention the attractions that -ound in the surroundings o- the Ien crater?

    . $orobudur, a gigantic $uddhist shrine is situated 4' #ilo+eters northwest o- 2ogya#arta.

    5he underlined word +eans ..........

    4 . "ow +any tourist resorts are +entioned in the third *aragra*h ?

    6. 9hy $ali is di--erent -ro+ the rest o- Indonesia ?

  • 8/14/2019 Soal Soal Latihan Uts


    Dunci Aawaban

    1. Dunci : $

    8enyelesaian :

    Dali+at itu +enguta+a#an *ola indirect s*eech dala+ bentu# whGuestion.

    '. Dunci : C

    8enyelesaian :

    *.+. $erarti +ala+. *.+. +enunu##an wa#tu +ala+ hari dan di*erelas dengan uca*an

    ancy yang a#an *ergi tidur.

    . Dunci : $

    8enyelesaian :

    %i dala+ *erca#a*an %edi +engata#an tida# su#a +e+ancing.

    4. Dunci : %

    8enyelesaian :

    /uru +e+*eroleh siswa yang sudah +enyelesai#an test untu# #eluar ruangan.

    6. Dunci : %

    8enyelesaian :

    Ai#a nda ingin +e+otong ra+but, nda a#an *ergi #etu#ang *otong ra+but ($arber).

    7. Dunci : %

    8enyelesaian :

    %ari *erca#a*an tersebut da*at disi+*ul#an bahwa +asyara#at +engotori sungai dengan

    +e+buang sa+*ah.

    . Dunci :

    8enyelesaian :

    Bntu# +engung#a*#an ung#a*an *er+intaan, +a#a diguna#an ung#a*an.

    May I burn the rubbish ?

    ;. Dunci :

    8enyelesaian :

    Eet +e chec# the schedule -ires.E

    10. Dunci : $

    8enyelesaian :

    Ibu : E$ersih#an ruangan+u, is#a!E

    is#a : Eya, $u.E

    enda : E*a yang ibu #ata#an #e*ada+u, is#a?E

    is#a : EIbu ber#ata #e*ada#u untu# +e+bersih#an #a+arE

    Ibu +enyuruh is#a untu# +e+bersih#an ruangannya. Ma#a is#a +ela*or#an. he told

    +e to clean +y roo+.

    Dali+at ini +engguna#an *ola #ali+at langsung ta# langsung (indirect s*eech) untu#

    i+*eratie (co++andre@uest) dengan +engguna#an *ola to in-initie untu# #ali+at

    *erintah *ositi- dan not to in-initie untu# #ali+at negati-.

    II. Aawablah

    1./reen la#es and blue +ountains. %inyata#an *ada *aragra- #e''. dis*lays hot s*rings, water-alls and -ree roa+ing deers as well as a sul*hur crater

    . "uge , ery big 8ersa+aan #ata gigantic adalah huge (sangat besar).

    4. -ie. da li+a tourist resorts yang dinyata#an dala+ *aragra- yaitu $otanic /arden, Bung

    Dulon, $orobudur, Ien crater, dan Mount $ro+o.

    6. because , its uni@ue -or+ o- "induis+ called E"indu %har+a!