senior centers town hall meeting


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Town Hall Meeting Agenda2

Staff introductions

Senior Advisory Board introductions

Mission & Vision

Operating Budget




Facility Repairs/Improvements

Garden Club

Rosa Hereford Killeen

Community Center/Bob

Gilmore Senior Center project

and move update


Senior Centers Team

Senior Centers Manager: Jeremy Bumgardner

Program Assistant: Sheryl Hamilton

Office Assistant: Danielle Digilormo

Recreation Assistant: Mary Weygand

Recreation Assistant: Kathy Housman


Senior Advisory Board Members4

Patsy Bracey-Board Chair

Mark Hyde-Board Co-Chair

Bill Barker

Emilio Fenderson

Albert Galbreth

Barbara Henke

Patricia Holland

Mary Taylor

Debbie Voight



Mission & Vision5

Our Mission: To provide high-quality facilities and services that

offer wellness, life-long learning, and social opportunities to seniors

age 55 and up

Our Vision: To create an atmosphere that influences social, mental,

physical and spiritual well-being through quality experiences in our

programming and activities

Operating Budget6

Through June Current Month YTD Budget % Used

Personnel Services 14,560$ 121,591$ $182,403 67%

Supplies 670$ 6,027$ $26,300 23%

Repairs & Maintenance -$ 3,475$ $7,500 46%

Support Services 187$ 1,802$ $17,350 10%

Minor Capital -$ -$ $4,000 0%

Professional Services 664$ 1,582$ $20,500 8%

Total 16,080$ 134,478$ 258,053$ 52%

Senior Center Donation -$ 600$ 50,000$

FY21 Approved Budget FY21 FY20 Difference

Personnel Services 182,403$ 199,947$ (17,544)$

Supplies 26,300$ 18,397$ 7,903$

Repairs 7,500$ 2,978$ 4,522$

Support Services 17,350$ 15,615$ 1,735$

Minor Capital 4,000$ 1,677$ 2,323$

Professional Services 20,500$ 20,733$ (233)$

Total 258,053$ 259,347$ (1,294)$

Senior Center Monthly Report

Expenses - 75% of year lapsed


We are looking for volunteers in the following areas:

Kitchen Angels

Special Events

Member Services

Applications are available at the front desk

Training provided and a flexible schedule is available

AmeriCorps Seniors-RSVP


The Senior Scoop

Bulletin Boards

Lobby Notes Board

Quarterly Town Hall Series

Senior Advisory Board Meetings

City of Killeen Facebook page

Member emails


SilverSneakers Fitness program eligibility includes:

65 or older, or eligible for Medicare because of a disability

To be eligible for SilverSneakers, you must join a participating

Medicare Advantage or a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan

If you are already enrolled in one of those types of private

insurance plans, you can visit to see if your plan

offers the program.

Call 254.501.6399 for more information about what we offer to

eligible SilverSneakers members


Started on February 1, 2021

33 members

Access to the Senior Center & Family Recreation

Center at no cost

Family Recreation Center

Fitness center – cardio & strength equipment

Free weights

Indoor walking track

2 basketball courts

Facility Repairs/Improvements11

Annual diagnostic performed on all 3 kilns in Craft Room 1, repairs

made to the electronic kiln March 2021

New HVAC system installed April 2021

Annual diagnostic performed on Refrigerator & Freezer in the

Kitchen; repairs made to the refrigerator July 2021

Paper towel dispensers added to Ballroom, Craft Room 1 & Fitness


Vibration Plate added to Fitness Center

Facility Repairs/Improvements12

Bingo Board mounted in Ballroom

Created/establish food garden

Fence the garden – August 2021

Garden Club13

13 members

Mrs. Charlene Barnes is the group leader

Meetings are the last Friday of the month

10:00am – 11:00am

Produce is distributed on Fridays at lunch

Senior Center Construction Process Recap

Initially, the Bob Gilmore Senior Center (BGSC) was scheduled to be renovated,

but the preliminary structural assessment conducted in February 2019 revealed

significant structural concerns and operations were suspended on the 13th of

February 2019

This assessment changed the course of this project from a renovation to new


Senior center operations were moved to the Rosa Hereford Community Center

in March 2019. Seniors moved around within this space until August 2019,

when Room 200 became the permanent home of Bob Gilmore Senior


RS briefed City Council in April of 2019, recommended that we seek/hire an

architectural firm to conduct a needs assessment and create a conceptual



Senior Center Background

In November of 2019, Randall Scott Architects (RSA) was selected to provide Pre-Design services including a site assessment of the Community Center campus, aneeds assessment of the new space, preliminary floor planning, cost estimates andconceptual design/architectural modeling

Staff held our first meeting with RSA on January 17, 2020, covering:

▪ Design team introductions

▪ Overview of project scope

▪ Disbursement of programming questionnaires and how to complete them (POR)

▪ Discussion of the process

▪ Facility tour

Randall Scott Architects completed Needs Assessment and Conceptual DesignServices for a new Senior Center within the existing Killeen Community Center inJune of 2020


Senior Center Engagement Process

Along the design process, the focus was clear—the only way to create a center

that meets Killeen Senior needs today and in the future was to ask seniors. RS

organized several events to engage seniors in helping direct the vision of the

new senior space:

(3) Town Hall meetings

(4th was scheduled for April 2020) **Cancelled due to COVID

(1) Community Survey Event on Feb. 6, 2020 (61 seniors participated)

(1) Visioning Event with Architects on Feb. 12, 2020 (55 seniors participated)

Established a Senior Advisory Board sub-committee through a special meeting

February 6, 2020 (This group was created to relay factual information about

the process at the grassroots level to our membership)


Senior Center Engagement Process 17

Few sample questions and received responses:

‘The plan is awesome, A grand bid.’

‘All of you have done a FANTASTIC job.’

‘The sooner the better :)’


‘I think the proposal is great.’

‘Love it!”

Senior Center Engagement Process Cont. 18

Established a “focus group” made up of city staff and community members alike to

correspond about the project/progress (This group had minimal contact due again to


Established a “re-engagement” plan in April/May 2020 to re-engage with our

seniors on what the planning team has done with all received input thus far. This plan

was (12) opportunities held at the RHKCC to come face to face with our seniors and

show the progress made since our last public input session and furthermore

seek/apply their input:

Friday, June 12 @ 11:00am, 12:30pm, 2:00pm, 3:30pm

Saturday, June 13 @ 8:30am, 10:00am

Monday, June 15 @ 11:00am, 12:30pm, 2:00pm, 3:30pm

Tuesday, June 16 @ 11:00am, 12:30pm

(55) seniors attended the “re-engagement” sessions and provided feedback

Background and Funding Information

On June 18, 2020, the Senior Advisory Board was briefed on this plan and

voted unanimously to accept the plan as proposed, seeking further direction from

City Council

August 4, 2020 City Council gave direction to move forward into the

design/construction phase with RSA

This project is budgeted in the 2021 Capital Improvement Program

This Professional Services Agreement for design and construction administration

services to complete the project was initiated

Fee amount of $543,825


❑ Scope includes renovation,

remodeling, and expansion

❑ New Gymnasium is not

included in this phase

Senior Center Proposed Plan 21

Westside entrance

Banquet hall

Billiards room

Aerobics room

Senior Center Proposed Cost 22



Square Footage

Billiard Room /

West entrance


Weight and

Aerobics Room


East Enclosure 280

New Gym 8,400





Total SF 18,000

Construction Cost: New

Gym Only

Construction Cost: No


$2,898,000.00-$3,486,000.00 $3,468,825.00-$4,281,025.00

Estimated funding for this project is:


Governmental CIP



CDBG $700,000.00

TOTAL $5,000,000.00

Senior Center Proposed Cost Cont. 23

Estimate for Surveying, Geotech, Furniture and Fixtures, design, misc. fees is


Senior entrance

Library/loungeComputer lab

24Senior entrance


Q & A25

Please limit your question to under 2 minutes

State your name

How long you have been attending the center(s)

Ask question

Next Town Hall Meeting26

Save the date: October 14 at 1:00pm Rosa Hereford Killeen

Community Center