seeo4r - memorial university·...

./ ·"' ' \' 1.1· I t; .\ \ . \\' ' . Cattle n:. . upplicd Hnar.t of A!!ri1·ultu rc. =-'r. :\lid. ' l'h c,· nrc \ '('!'\ ' h: m h·. lh,•·ilc nn d ri ch · · nglish DONKEYS, 1·1 til 1:, hnntls hi Jt h. null D PO_ IES, 0 to 10 h n111l s hi gh. ' lwnERT!-=0:'\ & , :: · pnl tc>rs. Wol;i ll .!, E ;tah. 18li ·l . · - -- - -- -- L o;. OST tlll Fri da\' ln::t. be- ' t wt•t 11 Cvu r:, '11 H<'ll c h, I (:racl'. :lnrl th e c. \arbon<':u·. A\\' AT 'J I au d 'J'hc fintlcr wilt he re war rlctl I!\· l l": tYi n!! th e at tlw ... <Hlic<'.::.._,J ul y :!::: G ERiiiAii 1 .·lh' : l r '!! T r• nr l . R .l' ll ''h\ tT _ ·• I: I ,. 11 \. ..! \hI I'!; \\' 1 lEIL t!;,d \i;l' :-::\t. .' tll'l''f i! tl C: '!' , 1 J' l . l' •o tl l o\. '. ',. \1•\ 'l l'-\.' , ll:-> !" 11 ·v t' rulu . \ tllld t: ni. t. .\ !tlitt.:tlld o I )J,.i l'l'- li•'llnhl•' of' :'111 111.! lti: Jd ,. - l.!ttdt'd c·o t l1 po tt u !- . TllY .\ F I \' 1-:-\ ' 1-:. " I' p.\. (' I' .\ ! ; E. Fre s i1 i t, \/ ege table s. - -,-- .11 :- T l:Et !:f \'l·: ll .\T Sq ui r .. es ': ... .. ·· {'l wil ·e \t' \\ ' Deli cint ts ')t·a l1 0 e::. :\lid :1 :- t nt" k ,,f Provisions & Groceries .. <lttnlit,,· -The BE. ·· r. Pri ces- Th e L()\\ TE 'T. .............. ............ A. SQUI\iES, \\· atcr ll nr bM Gra ce. - W"ooden Goods. Roller-Top Office Desks Boby and Dolls &c. Ju!'it rccci, ·ecl. a ('n n. ij:!nm cnt of J{ LEH-TOP Wrilin" cd in J>oli l'hcd lbk. \\' il l be Ro l<.l 'h cn p for ('ash. Als o, a vari· e ly of Book f 'a:lc:: i1t \\'l :l.t c w(lod , and Oak . to hnn i! or to staittl, fro lll $1 upwnrJs ca<: h. - \\'t c kcr Baby cu:: hi•m- , ..... , .- . . ;..---- "' I } .. -. -• _.,.__ Lyle':-: ::I I; ! :211 •'. i ll h Hi tk :-:. t' h ull l;t·t'l'. I ro ll : 1n d l 1 r,•·q·d . { :i ll!.!'l' l' . lll 1 lin :-< :!lh hL ,l l' .\ p: · lc- \' J.: L, \' !tl :.\ l 1 P(':tr :-: . 'l'•• ill :i: w< Hio:l''lll". ( ·:ll'l'' . ' . t;nllft•t·li· l lll 'l '_\'. Feni ,;' l htw; :::.d H :u'oll. B rm. · v.• ,: I! ·:• I', il1•t• !' ( ' 11 t iu!!':-: . F: :mi . \fp :- ... L' :ri,, ( 'l wi1·c t '..nad i:ll' H!llt•· t·. , \:1' .. , \:l' ... .... t'u ll· ;t:-:-:t _ll·t- G'-I ra r·.o r-:·"' · Ci l. o ns HI Ci tt t.l t ::'1 '- ' -.J J. !0 - U V -0 lV J .. . ROSS., Cra ce. JUST AT Pla in aud l ·':ntc ·,· Y alcn :·!·· :tnd l• ,.l 01·idn Oral ;!C:' . l;•J ttt Hl ('ak(:, Cake Flour. 'l'iiJnt'd Frui t :-1 ;,Ie:tl :-:. l'ntil furth er nolicc, :\luil -< r'v r NO'rn E J).\ A Full Stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, will be de. p:t l hc ,J C\' Crr F HTI A Y &c. hy tr:1 i11 Lnncc·. nt 0 11 Frid:l \' !' at S a .m. · . ,,. .... CHA S. BUTLER 9 STREET. .T. U. Fit A!-=I ·: n, l' . .l[ J :. General l' u:-l Of1kl' . 1 .July J 7, 1 1 _,. . . .. . ..... ;' .:. .. - .. . .. s • • : ..... ,. ; .. ,·· J ... 1 ... : ' .. . , ., - 1111' 1'!:'\G ::\'fr-. . .. . . . .;.;. .. - .. ) . ...... ! .. " -·. - ... t ... - .• ........ ,_ . ::/ , ·· ·, -t i !··· : , •= •• ::. ... .. , • ... .: =: ·a·· .: ': ::- .,t •\ t) 1\ : h :-en; e.f: rutrt . .: .·· '. ,r "'. .. ;, .:. . .:hJr .-:o!.c:!.;;. -: . :. :c.: !.: ,..:t.;..;; · ..... ; , ]. 1'. -t ,; .. r.;. -' ... a, I. :-r Julu. rt. S. Sold f, · ,..:: y\. •iu:,·c , (: 5<. r ...:-:: ;:. · - - WHILE THANKING OUR PATRONS fur the ir muclt-apln·cciated · S II}Jpoi·t dnl'ing the past ycnL' :J, we beg to !:!olic it tl. con tinnnnce of th e a ml •w ou ltl call attention lo th e fa ct n lth ough fa ilure jn I he Ct 'O ! li3 l n=-t en. on has c:II I Sc tl n. great S <": uci ty of ;-5};En:·, and notwithstnnding e extraordiunry nth:n we in we hn,·e ng:ti n l'Ccurccl om u. ual large nml Ynrieu , 'tuck of . · . GARDEN a&\c.&A.a.A.a. AGRICULTURAL, I SEED'S I . 'FLOWER \ Vc How p rcp:1 rc tl to fill at the prices nil onl ers wi th whkh out· customers m ny he pl ea:N l to 1' ;\\'0 l' .&l S. "W .. H. THOMPSON & .CO., atl rnti nn to lhl! snlc of Fi:dt nnd Fi!!h , Also, to t!l C nml of I· lour J n, '''I !!I Oiltl :tnd (1,·ucrnl l 'n ,- ducc. Cnbll' \. tldn •ss - 111 ' :'\ :". . Thal DwelliJ?.g.-H o use ( Two 'fcncmctd . ) . on Jl ili henri of \ 'icto r in Henl lo 1 \\'. Po·- l'l" s:: inn g i\ ·cn inlli )Cdia!cly . TJ I.\ T DWELLING: 1tOUSE, on \\' atc at pi · c:<e nt or ·prc <l hy r . .Tuhn l 'a:-c,·. Pn:::::c - Pi on g c ll li r;.( :\ ( )\ '1!11l h ·. 1 " '} . ,, "1 '' -u 1 1· C( 0 ( l)l ,:,\/, ;::, ,ol\), •1 ,•) :\1) 1 " ;) ·c:tc h. t' :.L rr i nge' fn•t rt :?-i<•. to $2. Dext er cu:-:hionc d, $1.70 cnc- h. ·1),)11·· :\llcl ('radl e. from 2·ic. Tor :Unrcaue, Pnils. ,.' c b. T n.- hl ca, 'frnnks, J;a:'kcl.:! . 'f('a nntl Din- l\ (' 1' nnfl n llf o ther 'l' OY.' t oo numcr,•us to me nti on. J,:'l)y p:nliculnrs :tp ply to ED \\'A HI> · '" 1\LC I' I' tt·c e t ' J Iarbor n l'aCC . - -=== :---· n.s,... 'pccinl for t:ns)1 on !-he nbo,·o. -O - S. E. GARLAND, lj(En t& 296 \Vest "\Va terSt., ST .• JOHN'S, N fi d. COALS! Just Arrh :ed ,. por sc hr . Edi,tg, n cn.rgo of , Prime N. Sydne.y Coals Jir-O]der s now' booked for dcliv· . cry at · · . . ' S6 PER · TQ)l. HENNESSY. FOR A Useful Present '1'0 Wife Mother, Sister or Daughter GO TO AND BUY A WHITLSE.WIM.G_MACHINE [n . t,•ck. :l lin e of HorisehoJ d .·: Furui ture ol :til Al fl o. n Lnt ·••o Ya rictv t>f ..... .... PICTURE - FRAMING ,\11 sizes. ('h ea p and Uood. Fancy Goods, Boots and Stationery All qlinlit ics nncl p l'i l•cs. PiioroGRAPHs: : &c. Thi s is th e for Photog rn.p . h !! 'I .'i ' -- nt"pca, &c. poo d s tyl e nncl --fini h .. ' Picture cnl[trgcd. PARSONS' E MPQRIUlVl, Oppoeito lhe Office or Meee.ra. John Muon & Co, Water Streef, Hn.rbor Grace. . . Seeo4r Window for Bargains .. \Ve nrc =--lwwing , 'pl cm lid in Dress Cottons, \ VItilc ami 'ol orcd ){ ui-l lin l-1 Embroitl- 'rc <l (' t·('atll. Pin k 'VItitc an<l Bl:lck FloPn- Art Mu::liu,··(lllilt. \ ' ulhms, Cre- ton n e:-:. Window Lm'c. F la nn ·ll c tt c, Cali co, F l annel, I •.'ltirt H ecr:t Ua <:olhlr=- Ne ck 'cnl·,·cs .. Cllasswtu-e · :t nd J ewellt·ry . Fl ou r t':u l\ ·n :, 2 .nls. wide, pninted ha k. • 10 c ntl' pe r yd. Double-w idth GoodP, 2-i per _nl. wo rtlt -10 ' . New R oo m Papers, with Al:o, L Ht w ge: wW ue ch eu.p. M. JONES, 93 "W c1ter Street ... _ . \Ve h ave :tt lnst l' CCe iv ed p:t l't of our by trnin fl'om St. .J ohn' :-; ex Brircelona, Ulunun nnd Gr:md' Lnkc, nnu we wuuhl invite out· mnny cu. to gi\'e us n.n e'nrly CP ll. A ln.rge St wsck of' Dre l:ls Gomis of nll descriptions 'mnmer Prints nnd nteens, Fln.nnellettes, Fl t mn els, MoleskintJ, Bltmketings, Hnts and Cltps iu nll styles nnd n.ll priees. Cheaply Ke lcc ted Stock of Misses') nnd Cbilclreu's Boots nnu Shoes.

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Post on 25-May-2018




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. / ·"'


\ ' 1.1 · It; .\ \ .\\'

' . K~RRY'&?airy Cattle n:. . upplicd Hnar.t of A!!ri1·ulturc.

=-'r. J< >h n·~. :\lid. 'l'hc,· nrc \ '('!'\' h:m h ·. lh,•· ilc nnd

rich niill• l'r~ . · ·

E·nglish DONKEYS, 1·1 til 1:, hnntls hiJth. null

·SliE'L'LA~ D PO_ IES, 0 to 10 h n111ls high.

' lwnERT!-=0:'\ & co.~ ,:: · pnl tc>rs. Wol;i ll .!, .'l.rr~· ,·. 1-:u~l:l nd .

E ;tah. 18li·l . )~ly:-.l:~i \r · - --- --~- --- -Lo;.OST tlll Frida\' ln::t. be-

' t wt•t 11 Cvu r:, ~t· '11 H<'ll c h, I fnrl11~r ( : racl'. :lnrl the ~nuth ~it! c. \arbon<':u·. A\\' AT 'J I aud CHAr~. 'J'hc fintlcr wilt he rewarrlctl I!\· ll":tYi n!! th e ~n nw at tlw ~ ... , ~11 .\ 11 .11 <Hlic<'.::.._,July :!:::

GERiiiAii 1


: l r '!! T r• nr l .. l ··_I/_r:~.·J R .l'll ''h\ tT _ ·• I: ~ ·~ I ,. ~ 11 \. ..! \hI

I'!; \\' 1 lEIL t!;,d \i;l' :-::\t..' tll'l''f i! tlC: '! ' , 1 J' l . l'• otl l o\.'. ',.\ 1•\' l l'-\.' , ll:->

!"11·v t'rulu . \ tllld t:ni.t .

. \ !tli tt.:tlld o l ~t·r I )J,.i l'l'­l i•'ll nhl•' l n ~Tl.' di vnl :-: of' :'111 111.! lti :Jd ,. - l.!ttdt'd c·o tl1 pott u !-.

TllY .\ F I \' 1-:-\ ' 1-:. " I' p . \. (' I' . \ ! ; E.

Fre s i1 ~- ~-u i t, \/e g e tables.

--,--.11 :- T l:Et !:f \'l·: ll .\T

Sq u i r .. e s ': ... ~~···~···~··~~y~~ .. ·· {'l wil·e \t' \\' Ca lth:t ~t'.

Delicint ts Pi n~apld ~" ~. Cuco~:1 11 t l ll'1, ')t·a l10e::.

:\lid :1 l:. r~c :-t nt" k , ,f

Provisions & Groceries .. <lttnlit,,·-The BE. ··r.

Prices-The L()\\TE 'T . .......................... A. SQUI\iES,

\\·atcr ~trect, ll nrbM Grace.

-W"ooden Goods.

Roller-Top Office Desks Boby and Dolls Carria~cs, &c. Ju!'it rccci,·ecl. a ('nn. ij:!nmcnt of

J{ LEH-TOP W rilin" DJ·;;-;~-: :-:.-cd in J>olil'hcd lbk. \\' il l be

Rol<.l 'hcnp for ('as h . Al so, a vari· ely of Book f 'a:lc:: i1t \\'l :l.tcw(lod , and Oak . to hnni! or to s taittl, frolll $1 upwnrJs ca<:h. -

\\'tckcr Baby <'anin}!c~. cu::hi•m-

,....., .-. . ;..---- "' I } .. - . -• _.,.__

Lyle':-: l ~ uid vt. ~y nq•. ::I I; ! it!~. :211 •'. .: i:~.'dh •t ill h Hi tk:-:. ~I) t'

L:lt·~·o hull : ~,•:-; l; t·t'l'. I r o ll :1nd \\' i~1e . ~l it·. l 1r,•·q·d . { :ill!.!'l' l'. lll1 l in :-< :!lh ti:~ .' hL,l l' Pi11~ .\p: ·lc- \ ' J.: L , \' !tl :.\ l 1

• P(':t r :-:. _ ll !H tll ~. 1\.• ,,du~ o.: 'l'••ill:i: w< l l t~m•y. Hio:l''lll". ( ·:ll'l''. ' . t;nllft•t·li· llll' l'_\'. Feni ,;' l htw; :::.d H :u'oll. Brm. · v .• ,: I! ·:• I', il1•t•!' ( ' 11 t iu!!':-: . F::mih·. \fp:-... L' :ri,, ( 'lwi1·c t ' d i:ll ' H!llt•· t·. ,\:1' .. ,\:l' ... ~:c. .... t'ull· ;t:-:-:t_ll·t- ~ G'-Ira r·.o r-:·"' ·I· e- -::-~ ~ Pr··~r· ;:-r; Cil. ons

HICi t t t.l t ::'1 '-' -.J J. !0 - U V - 0 lV

J .. . ROSS., \~'Vater St~eet5 c.-~ arilor Crace.


BUTlER'S~ Pl a in aud l·':ntc·,· Bi ,Tu i t~. Yalcn:·!·· :tnd l•,.l01·idn Oral ;!C:'.

l;•JtttHl ('ak(:, Cake F lou r. '· 'l'iiJnt'd F rui t:-1 ;~n d ;,Ie:tl :-:.

l'ntil furth er nolicc, :\luil -< r'v r

NO'rn E J).\ ~IE BAl~

A Full Stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, will be de. p:tl<·hc,J C\'Crr FHTI A Y

&c. hy tr:1 i11 and ~-~· Lnncc·. do~itH~ nt ~t. .fohu·~ 0 11 F rid:l \'!' at S a .m. · . ,,. ....

CHAS. BUTLER9 • VJAT~R STREET. .T. U. FitA!-=I·:n , l' . .l[ J :.

General l'u:-l Of1kl'. 1 .July J 7, 1 ~:J- 1. 1

~ _,. ~- . . .. . ..... ;' .· .:. .. - ... .. s • • : ..... ,. ; .. ,·· ~ J ... "· • •

1• ·~ ... : ' • i·~4 .. . ,.,

- ST~W/IRTMUNN&Co~ • 1111'1'!:'\G .\ ~11 \HDII:->- 1 0~

~i Eltl.~ ll .\ ::\'fr-. . .. . . . · ~ . t .;.;. .. - .. ) ....... ! .. " -·. - ... t ... - .• • ~ ........ ,_ . •

::/ , · · ·, • -t i !··· : , •= •• ::. • ..... , • ""!"~~ ... -~:- : .: =: ·a·· .: ' : ::-.,t t:~l":.,· •\ t ) 1\ : ~ h:-en; e.f:•rutrt . .:.· · • .~; :.••tl',l•: '. r~:.-1, •1e' J,~u;~. · , r "'. ~:' . l~~iJ.aQ:n;.

-.~dc"J:.e t ,t!. .. ;, .:. . .:hJr .-:o!.c:!.;;. -: . :. :c.: !.: ,..:t.;..;; .,..~· ;~ r · ..... ; , ~~u~~~tt~:.:..

]. 1'. -t ,; .. r.;. -' • ... a, I. :-r Julu. rt.S. Sold f, ·,..::y\. •iu:,·c , (:5<. r ...:-::; : . ·


fur their muclt-apln·cciated · SII}Jpoi·t dnl'ing the past ~9 ycnL':J, we beg to !:!olicit tl. continnnnce of the ~lU lle. a ml •woultl call attention lo the fact nlthoug h fa ilure jn I he Engli~h Ct'O! li3 ln=-t en. on

has c:IIISctl n. g reat S<":uci ty of ;-5};En:·, and notwithstnnding t.lte extraordiunry nth:nwe in price~, we hn,·e ng:ti n l'Ccurccl om u. ual la rge nml Ynrieu , 'tuck of . · . GARDEN a&\c.&A.a.A.a.

AGRICULTURAL, I SEED'S I . 'FLOWER ~vvv~YV~vYV~ \ Vc nr~.: How prcp:1rctl to fill at the luwe::~t vos~ible prices nil onlers wi t h whkh out· customers mny he p lea:Nl to 1';\\'0l' .&lS.

"W . . H. THOMPSON & .CO.,

1-'p~l'i[l l a tl rntinn :: i,·~·n to lhl! snlc of Fi:dt nnd F i!!h Oi l~ . , A lso, to t!lC ~lt!yin:: nml shippin~ of

I· lour ~tnd J n ,'''I!!I Oiltl :tnd (1,·ucrnl l 'n,­ducc.

Cnbll' •\.tldn•ss - 111' :'\ :". ~fontr<'al.

. Thal D<·~i ral. l c

DwelliJ?.g.-H ouse (Two 'fcncmctd. ).

~ilunlc on Coopcr:l~C Jl ili henri of \ 'ictorin ~trcet. Henl lo


\\'. Po ·­l'l"s:: inn g i\·cn inlli)Cdia! cly.

.\l ~'i111 TJI.\ T

DWELLING:1tOUSE, on \\'atc1· ~tree !. at pi·c:<ent or·,· u · prc<l hy )£ r . .Tuhn l 'a:-c,·. Pn:::::c -Pi on g h·c ll li r;.( :\ ()\'1!11l he··.

1 ~ - ~r " '} . ,, "1 '' -u 1 1· C( 0 '~) ( l)l ,:,\/, ;::, ,ol\), ~ •1 ,•) :\1)1 " ;)

·c:tch. ' Doll~·, t' :.Lrringe' fn•t rt :?-i<•. • to $2. Dexter l!ttf'kcr~. cu:-:hioncd, $1.70 cnc-h. ·1),)11·· l l~tl ,-t <':•d,;: :\llcl ('radle. from 2·ic. Tor ~icl cllonrcl 5. :Unrcaue, Pnils. \\"n .:: hln~ ,.'cb. T n.­hlca, 'frnnks, J;a:'kcl.:! . 'f('a nntl Din ­l\('1' Hell'~, nnfl n h o~t llf other 'l'OY.' too numcr,•us to mention.

J,:'l)y p:nliculnrs :tpply to ED\\'A HI> P.\~l . ·c) ~:-:. ·

' " 1\LCI' I' tt·ce t ' J I arbor n l'aCC. - -===:---·

n.s,... 'pccinl di~count for t:ns)1 on !-he nbo,·o.


S. E. GARLAND, lj(En t& 296 \Vest "\Vate r St.,

ST .• JOHN'S, N fid.

COALS! Just Arrh:ed,. por schr. Edi,tg, n

cn.rgo of , Prime N. Sydne.y Coals

Jir-O]ders now' booked for dcliv· . cry at · ·

. . ' S6 PER· TQ)l. · J.,J~ HENNESSY.

FOR A Useful Present


Wife Mother, Sister or Daughter




[n . t,•ck. :l r~·ll line of

HorisehoJ d .·: Furui ture ol :til kind~,

Alflo. n Lnt·••o Yarictv t>f ..... ~ .... PICTURE - FRAMING

,\11 sizes. ('h eap and Uood.

Fancy Goods, Boots and Stationery Al l kind~,· qlinlit ics nncl pl'i l•cs.

PiioroGRAPHs: : &c. This is the ~cMon for Photogrn.p. h !!

'I.'i ' -- nt"pca, &c. pood style nncl --fini h .. 'Picture cnl[trgcd. ~~~~'~'-~~~~~,~,,~~~~~~~~'~,,-


Oppoeito lhe Office or Meee.ra. John Muon & Co,

Water Streef, Hn.rbor Grace.

. .

Seeo4r Window for Bargains


\Ve nrc =--lwwing , ' plcmlid \~:ll 11c in Dress Cottons, Dclain<· ~, \ VItilc ami 'olorcd Drc~:-1 ){ui-llinl-1 Embroitl­' rc<l ( 'o:-:tlllll!'~, ('t·('atll. Pink 'VItitc an<l Bl:lck FloPn­cin~ L:tte ~ Art Mu::liu ,··(lll ilt. \ 'ulhms, Damask~ Cre­ton ne:-:. Window Lm'c . F lann ·llc ttc , Calico, F lannel , I

•. ' ltirt Hecr:tUa ~aps, <:olhlr=- Neck 'cnl·,·cs .. Cllasswtu-e · :tnd J ewellt·ry . Flour t':ul\·n:, 2 .nls. wide, pninted ha k. •10 c ntl' pe r yd. Double-width Drcs~ GoodP, 2-i ct~. per _nl. wortlt -10 ' . New Room Papers, with Hordct·~. Al:o, L ~nd-lullld Htw ge: wW ue :-~oltl cheu.p.

M. JONES, 93 "W c1ter Street ... _

SPRINC~.~coODS. . \Ve have :tt lnst l'CCeived p:tl't of our Gooch~, by trnin fl'om St. .J ohn':-; ex Brircelona, Ulunun nnd Gr:md' Lnkc, nnu we wuuhl invite out· mnny cu. tome•~ to gi\'e us n.n e'nrly CP ll.

A ln.rge Stwsck of' Drel:ls Gomis of nll descriptions • 'mnmer Prints nnd nteens, Fln.nnellettes, Calicoe~, Fltmnels, MoleskintJ, Bltmketings, Hnts and Cltps iu nll styles nnd n.ll priees. Cheaply Kelccted Stock of Women't~, Misses')

nnd Cbilclreu's Boots nnu Shoes .

· KNOWLEDGE Bringl comfort rmd improve~nent !tnd

tenda to penon:U enjoyment when rightly used. The m:my, who liYO ~~ 'ter than otJu~t'!l SUU enjoy lifo more, Wt!h lCIII exponditurc, by more promptly adApting the world's beat producta to the ncetls of phyaicnl being, will ntteAt the nlue to hc:~lth of the pure liquiJ lt\xat.i\>8 principles embrac¥d in t.he

• rcmi!Uy, Syrup of Figs. Ita excollcnce ia duo to ita preaenting

in tho fortu moat acccpblb:e aud.plcu· Ant to tho tMlo, tho refrcabi11g and truly bcnefici:J properties of A perfect lnx­ali,·o ; effectually clc.,naing tho sptcm, dispelling colds, he:ulaclau and fe,·ora aud permntumtly curiug const ipntion. lt hA3 gh ·en aulisfacliun to millions aud mob with tho nvpru,·al of the medic:~l

rofeasiou, bcc.,uso it nets on tho K id-•c~·a, Liver a ud Dnwds without "'el\k­mug them n1ul it is perfect ly froo from \"llry object i(lllablo aubst:u~c. Syru.p uf F it-'S is for Mlo by nll drug·

"sta in 75<:. bottl e~. but it is mi\IIU· tlcqlreil by t ho Calif,mail\ F ig Synap

Co. onh-, whose nn111o i'l pa inte<l on C\'el)' packAge, nlM> t ho name, Sp·up of Fi:;s. nd being well infonuc.l, you .,..ill 11ot

accept nny suhn itut.o if oiTer.Ki.


L O::'><DON :


t I

.. , . (l)rigiunl.


II\' lh\ 0\' COOK, !\£f. TF.~~E...t'J>F. C.CJ .. \ F J.t!\

An old lauh·, or pioua ~tnd orthodox \' iewe, once found hetarlf in n Muaoum oj'POISitc n puir of hunuru sk<>lctc na. 1 curiug they " 'ere m~tle tmd femalt•, she \'i cwcd them long 1\ntl ntLenti\'t .. ly. She f<>lt" little thrill of antiafllction ut the apport•mit\' of bein~t occultuly con· ,.ince1l of the 'tmth of H oly Writ. ln fact, she was looking for tho plnce of the loet rib. Dut. there uppenrcll to bo no gnp in either nrnmgemcnt. 'fhl: intercolltlll spa\Ct·• were symmetric~LIIy equal on uoth shies of cnch. Them she enrl'lully counted the ribs-twenty-four in Nlel-kelcton,Lwcnty·four in tho oth <'r. )Juch pcrplt'x~d, nntl trcmblin~ for her fnith, ahe ('llgl'rl>· enquired 1\' htch wus the n1:1n nnd whtch the woman. OuiJL'­ing informed, 11hc wcut over the mule rit,s nl!uin nnd ngRin. " 'c\'en pains," w mo remnrkecl, ·• were true ntllf li\'o W<'ro fnlse." But. to h er oll of then1 l!e('Ju etl purticul:lrly m cmlndons. Sho r m cmbNcd how Ad:un, in •' 1'urndise ~t," ga,·o the locnlity ns nenrest. his henri, nml, ns she _gnzed, there w11s n lurkiug mockery 111 the l'ycl<'sa orbi ts oft he ~phinx·likcskelc ton, unu shu clis· tiu<·tly t!IIW it ~rin with cruel d t'riAion ns its bony tin):<'r'S po inted to the hoi· low sid~. It. hnd been ~L noletl in its lidn~ da~·. and its ,::ruesome bot1u J•rl'a<'n ·ed n smuck of o ld hnbita. The \'Cncruhlo Indy , in hl'r l•cwilul'rmcut, ft·l t ns llauulc t m ighllun·c dono hn<ltho liknll of Yurick ap~troph ited the l~rincc inst t:nJ of thC" Prince tho skull.

The sn<'rcd lrJ,:cntl is so commonly a ll):atlc r of implh·it uclh·f, thnt it SCUI'C(.'­

Iy srl'tns ri~ht that e \·l'ry male 11l; clt•lon frumAd~tm'ul:ly to the prcl!cnt, ,.Jwuld pcnsilltl'ntl~· heli l.l it. Tnking it, ho we \'C; r, f,,r what it is worth, WO C~lO­IICrt sec why E\·e shoullllu\\'•) ucnrly nil 1 he loin me nml Au am scarcely Ill IV. The wh,•lc :stttry rcllountld lcrs to hi ll. c redi t 1 han to hers. She, most likely, wns nol fully nware of the improprict)' o llisten· ing to tho wily ndvice or tho polite nn,l intcllccttlal serpent. Without. expcri· I' nee of 1 he worlu , dcburrccl from (or.-iJ;n i!llnrecs uf informulion, lao set:nh.d u

ESTAB"LISHEI> · · · [ \' 17·2 bcncficl'llL angel tO thc nrti<•ll nnd in· ,:cnnflns C\'C. H o npp<'alcd tv the in· 'lu isiti ,·cncss 1\1111 t.lair11t of knowlcd~e im)'lrtll lt•d in her 1111111. H e :uouacd inunnrlallonging . And then the fruit, "'' ' l11ir, so s wt:cl, so l'lt<!ily pluckt:d ! \\'huL woman would not ~,;i \ ' ll wny to :-n.:h l'nchuutim: !t•mptntion. ' he put. lo) rlh ht•r h:tntl nnd t:ts tctl. H ad he . io d ? Xu. 1f there Wni! nuy misa tutc· "'' nt , i t w:•s 1wt the 'cq JI'nt's. llt•r l'Y''" IH'r<' indeed tlpcnrd,n he for<'tohl. lu hl•r jny at la(·r hnpi'Y lliscon•ry he

TltUSTF.F~~ A::'-<0 UlnF:M'O HS: Joseph w. Unxco.Jtlll.', J-:.~1.

llrlstow llovll , Jo:.q. 'rho Uuu. Jrunn.s Uyua:

John CI.JIIon1 F..•:-J· O.:tn\'lu.• ~- C<IOJ'I.', F.<~ .. :'-I.P.

Geora:o• ,\ rthnr l'u llc•r. K"'J. l'hnrJ,•s 1':. Goo.llwrt, E~Q.

t:oclc 11 <\lt'k i iiH, E<cJ. oll!l Lultltuck, n crt .. ~1. 1'. lutrlc~ Thom:ts Luo·n• . t:,,,,

t:bnrl\.'>' llm:rr u ) , ~-:~'\. The H u n. J·: l •" I U I. l'o:tman, EliQ

<Y ROIK'rl H:n llh. E• l · W illia m J .m ... K Tho1np"on, F.llq.

nlroi'LOr-.JO II ~ .1 . ll t.IIO~IFI F.LD. F.>~Q :< han~d with All:llll. He knew \'~ry well r.tA" 1'. ~IAcoo:o. .\l.a• 1 Jolut whaL he W:I S ahout. H i:s s tr.1ugcr power Cit~ u. ~IACI>vS.\ I.u I ~:~ ... cretnrles. o f rc llection might lu\\'0 induced him

to a l.lstn iu. llut he Jid not hcaitut.e aor demur. As soon ns E"o offcrod him the forbidden luxury he took it. with :t\'id ity. Indeed they 11eemed to have l•ecu tos ctht'r during the wh• lo time of the lt' IIIJJintion by the er pent.. Sh llme ft·ll iuu twll iatcly on both , nml they made thctnsch·t's co,·c rin~:~t of fig-leaves.

enqngc ml.'nt>' or 1 hi-" Omce nro ~fUR run· by A nnanernn• :m•l WCI\lthv l"rorrle­ln n.J.Jillou loa lnr,;c l n\'C~J citl <.:npltnl; the prnmptllu,h• twd llhcrnllly wl\b

h clnlmll h:l \'<' """"P' ~>ceo rui'L art ·l·no\•n nnr! :l"kllOII'I••dl( f"o l.

• • lmporiiiUCC or lh• lraU~IIC:llOD ll or tbP PHCE.ll.1/X FJJU~ OfFICE

mny bo CMtl mtlt eol from lh<' rnct thnt Mince 118 establl•hm~nt-now h\'C'r 0 ~~ K IIU!'(D J!ED VKARS-lho pll,.\'lncnLr< I n Ml l i .. rn•' LlOu or the claims for I.OI!lle~ ha\'c .,Xci.'C<tcd ~·uunT&:EN l lLLIO:S!:I !:llcrlln ~,:. -·lnsnrnnceH na:nln~L l..oM by t'lrc nnd

Lllhlotna: nr~ clll.'ctc•l l)y the C.:om pnuy upon avery .JCACrlptlon o( Properly. ou tho most ~avorablc term~.

And now the u.ornl cowrugo of the 1111111 paled' IJcfMe that of the woman. Ua dug enjoyed \\1lut he muat. all along ha \'e du~ircd, he tried to throw the lolame and the (lllllishment on the love­ly partner of Ius bliss nnti guilt. T he

w. (i. HE~f>ELL. :-it. J ohn':s. lirl'llt Proprie tor of Lne san.lcn tak,ca A~!ent fo r ~cwfoundland . lrid nccustomed C\'ening stroll in its

===-::----~ shndy wnlL:s, a mi ~Ia fur the gnrdt:ner. lin t the lnllcr nt nco hidn himself. GUARD I A N .\L last. ho com t's ·ith LremiJiing atepa

Fire and Life surance Co'y.

[ f.DllTF.D - - -OF LONDON

uscm n•:o c.~ PIT.Hu .... . .. .£2,000,000 Sl~. .u.INVESTF:o F usos ur ·

WA.RDS 01-' ...... .. ............ 2,750. 'tg A.NNU.u. Iscoll£ urw'os or 350 Stg "' . --The GUARDIA-'i b eing a first.-ela~

Engliah I nsurance Company, offers $ll t.hoee advant.ngee m oat desirable to in­~turera, vis., un<loubtcd stnuility, favor­able terms and prompt. settlement to clirima for 1088.

The Undcnsigned having ueen ap­ts for Newfoundland are

iseuo l'olicics Rgaimt. losa

T . & M. WINTER, St. John's . . JOSEPH GODDEN, Sub-Agent.

Harhor Uracf', N .F.


QUE£N .. Insurance - Coy. Lost in the Great ConO~ration

the sum

tn his Moster. '·Why did11L thou tude Lhy­:<clf "? •· llecnuse 1 wna nnked." " Who t"hl tl a<'o thon wast nnkcd ? Hast thou l'lllcn of the fruit thnL I forbade thee?" .\ ml then the noule nnccstor of our r.tce rcpiied, " The womnn whom Thou ).:U\'ISL to be with m <',-ahe ga\'O me of th·· fruh, nod I did cnt .'' H ero Adnm dou iJtlees ancnkcd behind Eve liL:e any f.llso witneu iu on Eaatern 'Court o~ Justice t.o-dny. llo bnd thrown the onus of tho net on Ood and his wife. Uod gM·e ' him the womnu and the woman ga\'c him tho forbidden thing. Hewn~ the poor victim of oirr.umatance. It remu~da m e of whnt ao commonly occurs 1n modern households, where a t owurdly footman nftcr disCO\'ery_ triee to ruin the cook. Howe\'er tho Muter feels t.bat. tlic gardener's dof~nce ia aome· whaL unanswerable- So he turns to the uluahing E\'C. " What ia thie thou hast dono?" ."The r,erper: t beguiled me, 1\llll I d11.l cnt ." 1L was a atraightfor­wnrd reply. The aerpent.. ia immediate­ly cond.emued, unhe~trJ ~&I tr~o Orient­u l•fusluon. .No further defence i1 per· mitted, but. juugmcut g4,•on all around. Tho eer pc:m. ia to l!e metamorehoeed ttnd be a ·crecpins, tluat.-eating tbmg all his life. Tho woml\n ia to be the alave of L.ho lllnn, ami bear his children in puin aud sorrow .. Tho mnn- wcll, tho man waa not to bo .puniahed,·except. by diamiNal from his easy pOet. Doth ser\'ttots were to loeo thtir eituatiol'l8 and geL their Jh·ing in thft wiiJerneaa ueyond tho pnrk gates, whero the earth

~541,000 waa cuned and ga,·e forth thorne and bnat:r.blea. And 411 t.his not en much

and the fcom tho ain done, ll8 fcom ~Ljcaloua fear that. they might find the other tree

UEEN INSURANCE CO. - the tree of life-;-and eat and Jive for-.. -;-d t ~~ "398 f •t 1. over, and. become equal &o the goda pat ou ·"" o . 1 s po.~.rons. · themselves. -

whoee' policies were involvea . B~ltlhc l\·ortbyoldlndy,notwilbeLand­. tb fir tl · '1 · 1ng, any normnl man from Adam's time m e ~' e:xo.c y , n. 8lffil t\1 to thie, looka for bia rib. 'fhere is a amount, VlZ., . nllluml incompletenea in & uaobelor-

$541 O· .. o· 0 II. ~"n~, a V·C~it.y which CAn only be . • satlaflcd by tbe poeaeuion of hia Eve ·; Nature ia no f.rudging m ot.ber, Sb~

__ ._ · pro\' idee tho m aing rib for every man



Highest of ~Jl in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't N.c port. l ,tnrnhlo kyk<-a snOicien t to kef'p tho ! r iver in ita proper chnnncl.

1 August­Flower" llaJf

IJQ ·~· 1 TilE L:C-''· (;on :tUOIEST

I seems nli ,.e to tho aituRt ion ; a at~ml'r , wurs sent to nscuc scttlua whoec pPr· j1

S(JUS or c iTects wrr•• in dnngcr; to llistri­IJn te provisions null gh·c such nseistunce ns might. be rl'IJllircd. In mnny casca tho I need wus urgl·nt. Scc1l, oa'-, unrley , millet nuJ j utntOC!I 1\"0 ul.'ing suppl ied Powder -~


iu atbumltu1ce t hat. the lnml 11111y IJo im· Pcrhnos von do n ot bdieve these

l mcdi.ll~cly r.• . .'·srcdetl fvr the purpose of stnten~e ti ts.collcemin;"! Gree n's Au­pro\'tdtur.: wwLer Iced forthe stock. Tu gu:>t l ·lowc·r. \ '.' 11. we c:m · t make

! muny phaccs the hny wil! yet yield " you. \ \ "c ~n' l force co:t\· ictic u in-1 ~O<.K I 11ccond crop; lim nil 1 he lil'!t crop I to ' our head o r rued-

of clo,·cr, hny, gn1in nntl root~~ is com· Doublin"' tct:ic · in ~ o y our

Ott for aomo one elao inslc~td of h i a own. The f11irest. and most ahnpcly ono is often the one thnt. fila lcnat , nnd thc> mischief is t.hat n m11n docs Mt find it out. until nftcr uact "hen she hns uc­corne n fixture. Aunm for 1\ \'Cry good r~nson could any, ·• Thou :\J t uonl! of my bone and flcah of my fleah," but only n limited numb~r of his eons nrc nble to repeat. the eentiment. A fam ilinr · fri end of a cclebrnt.ed mnn t.ook Lh<' liucrt.y or remonatratin~: wit.h him for his diea:lti11fnctiun with his wife from whom ho Wl\8 1\UOUt. to UC eepan&tCJ. '' 1 cannot understand it," h o sniu, " C\'e ryonl! ngrces tbat she ia n m ost. chnrming and nminble womnn. I shou ld ha\'c thought nny mnn might. be happy with her." " This is n nice boot.," the other replied , putting out !lis foot, "seems to lit. well, doesn' t iL ~, " Y cs," 11nid the O\her, " it. 1\ppcats a good nnd wcll·fittin~ boot." " \"cry w<'ll ," answer­ed the hus~z\nd, "can you te ll m e where it. hu rts ?" " No." " And yet it is n s impler t hing t.o un.JenstamJ than n wom:111. My good friend. no one but. the we:trer L:nows wh ere his own ahoc pinches ."

There is such a vast. mricty or riloll, wCJ\k and at song, light nntl h ca "Y, c rook­ed and sh'11ight, ami toush, un· yield ing nnd Jlcxiulc, that it ie no cnsy m ntler to select one with tho correct cun·c and nd~tpl~bility to tho Vtte:\ IIL place. An'tl thus iL often com es nl.lout t hut ttfier n mnn hna nuulo hia choice, he disco\'e t11 he hns uccn prccipitlllC. lL doean 'L lit properly , nnd then , perhnps, like (10 1111\IIY murc, ho goes nuout hnukcring nfll•r vthcr mcn ':1 ribs.

':!"here is something, too, to ue 11niti on tl.e other 11idc. A woman is no t like n peg or~ pin, a bolt or n screw, nor e\'en like an unfeeling part of a m:m 's fmmc· work. 'ho ia n crc:tturc of nculersenai­bilitica lltun her m:tstcr. Ada m w111 fashioned from n clod, uut. E"o wns mndo from a nca,·ous Ol');aniam. A wo1nnn is thoroughly conscious of h er unsuitability wllcne \'l'r it occurs, nml it matkes h er miadh\ble. H o'v m l\ny a l<·nr.ler wife wear.i ltcr hcnrL out in tho at'r\'ico of an uni ympnthetic pnrtnf' r. How m:1ny women n ro there wh011c daily lives nro spirit.ulll cr~1cifixiona of J eeper agony than any aufferoll on a cross. Is 1 here any one of ua who Joea not. know evme or tboee,patient. martyrs uuder the c reed of The Rib ?

Now lherc nrc many articles in t.h'lt. creed which nrc. falae and tho cause of furthe r fntnl ercons. We deny, for in· et.ance, that n proper rib can be bought, or selected for 111 uy our fr iend11, or tnken uy .wuy of, or obtninetl nt nil withou.t. much aOill"ehinJ; nnd careful thouKhl. To attach a rib 1n a good and lnating way is a very arduous 11'atter. If it. be one's own rib it joins spont.ane· ously when it. cornea i o contact , 1\nd f()rms a natural union. But, in all other cnsce, it ie more or less· an imperfect adhesion, a botch or bungle, a m ere' a r tificiallaoldering . It may lu~ for Jay, a week, a year, but. it will notatand 11lreaa or " lifo alrttgglc. It ie the " a b ioitio.n What mstter, then,bow soon lho breach is completely effected.

Another falait.y of the Rib Creed ia our present m.arriage system. Abo\•e our mnlrimouial portals aro inseriue<J, aa nb~\'e t.ho gaLe• 01 Dante's ' Inferno : " All hope abandon, ye who enter here." Ha\'~you tbe wronJ; rib ? No matter, you must slick to 1&., or rather it mu•t atick to you. ·

Tho ouligation is mutual. There is only one mode of escape. You mua~ find your way out by plungiug into tho deptha of iniquity. Sin, and a in yQur hardcat. Sin abameleiSily and brutally, and then those who adnuniaLer the marria~;o law will diaaolvo you, but not before.

plet l!ly dcatroyt·tl. Fcnce11 nrc cnrrietl 1 "' t h r 0 a t . · \\"c d on ' t uwny, honsc11 inn few J,lncca d <.!molish· ., t t '1'1

FloodJ in British Columbia. cJ a nd gnruers, orch nnls and cultivntcd 1 Thoma;;o. ~·;:lll o. tc m oney li<'lds covered wi th s lime, ecdiment nnd • . . !5 yo urs, . and tlte dcLris. 'J'hnt 1 hu imuulntion hna been nnsery IS yours; :md unttl you a re

Chili .vnck , 8 . •., June :Z·I. ~ow thnt l \'NY gt:ncrnl, t he l~s ru inous aml the willin~ to hc lir..: re, :mel spcncl the one the lloods hnvc su beidcd we mw cnlm· destruct ion tcrriblQ is trul', buL still fo r the relief of !he o~hcr, they w ill ly r c\'iew the ailuutiou. Thnttl)~ who!c . I here nrc som e forlnu11to fnrn.tcre 1\•ho s tay so. John II. F oster , 1 122 of ~he country of tho. F rnaer rl\·rr u1 : !ul\'c cvm e out. ecuth1<'1ls, not~\'lthetnml- I Drown Street, Phil:tcl lphia, s :tyij: lcrrtbly _dc,·a.stcll ~Y 1~s O\'<'rflow :~uti tng th~ unheurtl uf depth ot the. o,·er· l "My w ife is a little Scotch w oman lhi\L of 1!11 trthntnrtes, 1s n fac t, ~htch II ow. J housn11ds nl ucree, helongm~ to . . 0 f 11 ' cnm1ot. Le ~l\i1111aitl ; nlso tl111t. the vnlley 1

1 pr<•m incut t arnacr<~ , h:H e rcmaiucd lli~;h tdh t1~tr rcd·~r:. of 7-~e an

1? afinatura . Y

of tlae Chilli\Yaok together wi th the aml dry duriu~,; the 11eigo a nd were c tc:rtc l!>posttl?n . •or we o r ~tx town o f thnt nnmo lul\·o iucurrl'll lu1111, I hn \'cna of refuge fv1· uiatrcl!letl friemla years pn.s t s l;e at:ts been st~O"enng the etrl·cts of which will Le felt for nnd neigh bord to);c·thc·r with thc•iratock. from Oysp~pSt:l . She years . The sceuca, though ~r .sly ex· 'Jo ace our bea u tifu l miley, wllich n Vom it b~ :umc so bad at last · agg~rl\tcal !JY m uny newsp:qwnc, n rc mouth ngo pr~ecnted such n p~ctu ~c of lh:tt she could not sit terrtbly wetrd nmlunr nl nvw thatl tho 111\L~ re'ti lCJvchucss "ml cullt\'.utwn:a Every Moal. uo \\'n to a meal but w~ter h~s left the cou!•try C~;'\:crc.! for a rllnlm ss r_l'ducctl to d~aolntton, 111 she b:1d to vomit it mtlcs w1th tL coat o r clrtctl whtt111h scum enc ugh to brtng aadnl'sa to the conntt..'- . T . nnd nccumuJ,t t ions ofd euri11 . One: <":Ill · 111111ro of t he mO!L cnre!J;sa nnd unfed· as soon as she h:td eate n tt. " 0

not. realize tho situat ion but by nctua l iug tn\\'l'tltr. W hat., t~n, must it uo bottles o f your Al;sust !-low er l.t:lVe obacrmtion. The nn:d e:Ly nt tcndnnt on to t.:1c sull'cr re ? cured h er, after tU:IUy doctors fat led. tho conat.nnt riac of Lhc resist)(~~~~~ wnlens Ttll~ (;.\TA,.,.I;Ol'll f: OCCI'IltiiSG os Tm: Shecan· now cat a nything , and eujoy can onl>: be undcrii,l?O<I IJy tlu-~e wla?se it; and as for Dyspcpsi:L, ~he docs not nll wua uw.oh·c,J. _1 o wntch II J~omtng 1'\'o of the lvc:tl e lections is likely ta know t hat slte ever h ad it." a water ns 1t s tcnd tly 1uul petdldtenlly ht\\'0 n ):<'ry d<•ciucd influence. :'tlam y rose, inch by inch, and foot upon foot, while d ttt$:nbte<l with the at:llishnel!l uf until every rivulet uccnmc 11 torrent, the present go\'eruna•nt, will O\'crlook e\'cry depression tilletl nnd e \'e ry orch· J•niJltc mnlll' l'! iu "icw of the J, r,•seut urJ, gar,len, gr.dnliehl nml mc:tdow m:ttcrial nsaistnnc<' which laas beo1 so submersed, is nn cxpuil'ncc none wi ll nol•lY rcm!t reel 1 hr m in time of need. forget M cure to ha \'e rcp~n te 1. H un· Hce\c Cn wl••y, ofl'nilliwid•, thegu\'Crll· drells of fa milies wt•rc driven tc• tl ae llJl· mcnt cnutl i.Ja tc, ltad n •u,h' rc,J noltlc :11111 per stori~" of t lu·i r hous<·:s ur rr ,111 tlwi r untiring acn ·i..:e in rl'l!cu ing pc:rsuuts arid homes enti rely, l1•a\'ing the CIJIILl'll!!l tO ellrcts :111d urin~,;i ng :l~&i~tn nce I ll those the ml'rcy of the watt•ns. Cnltle, 1t111o, who \\'crt! in llelu. It itt l o~:l i c\·~d the wltich had lliJt been c:t rh· r cmo,·cd to P'-''l)Jic will reua(' tu iJu Ids gl)o,lncf» of the hills \\'t•ro lauchllcll ll."~'·t her 0 11 the h<'art U. llll gi \'e hint u ~;oocl scnll·ulf on amnii paltehcs of hi);her ,;rou1111, lowing cll•rtivn d:1y. l 'cr.,otullly ltc tll·scr\'l'S with frigl.t. nnd n111:1zcm cnl. Tho ~tr eta it ; hut opiuiuu .. nrc dh-idcd ns to tho were conn•rtcd into strcnms uf water tu('ri u; vf faits pol iti..:n l party. over wh ich trnflic wns pr.1cticnblc only IJy ctu.oo, uoat or mft, mnny vnrdt ic:1 of wlaich tui~ht h ii\'O lleen seen nrou nd the_towna nt a ny time during the inun· dt\tlon.

'fhc IOS3 which the fnrmin~ com· munity laas &ll!llaLincd cnnnut uo cst i· matc<l .. All wi ll sulfer &c\·crcly , wh ile ntnny wtll IJc TOTAJ.t.Y llt'ISf:J> II\' TIH~ C.\ T.\ .:)'TROI' II£.

One nell nil show couroge aud pluck in n_1nnfully facins tht' woc·b~one 'aittul­t ton ; nml nil hope for a\ IJettcr s t.nto of nlfuir~ nrisins fro111 tho- prl'ecnt dcplor­nblo condititm . T hnt the lo·r:18£r \'n ile(. is the best aS'riculluNI nn•l hor ticu •

.turul district 111 tho pro,·ince, i f not io the Dominion, ennnot uo den ied ; but it 1s nlso A fnct tbnt. it is sullject to periodicnl 0\'Crli0\\'8 in COn CCJliCllCO of the sudden income of hot weather, tho r:lpid m elting of snow nnd t he conse· qucnl. rise of the Frnaer rh·cr, which, overflowing its bAnks nt low points, in­undati.'S tho whole country nt il8 high­eat level. This h na now occurred three Limes within tho m emory of wh ite men, vis., in 1870, 1882, and tho present in· undation which ie said to exceed either ~f tho previous 021 a by nbout fifteen 1nehea. ·

From thia it wot il seem that. unless some menns nrc tployed to confine tho waters to their {lf9per chnnncl the Yrlllcy, fertile aa it 111, will O\'cntually be nbnndoned, from the rcnson thnt tho risk will be too g rcnt. for .fnrm~n! to un­dertake. A sch eme ror tlyking t he country hM lleen before tho people for aome time and i t is to be hop~d that the go\'e rnment. will com e to our aid, and h elp the p ople to build,

1l111:nt.nt~~• (.;t;nt:tl 1~ A U.\Y.-&>u th A mcril-:111 H hen mut ic t:u re,fur H hcu mn­tiam nml ~cur:dt;in, mdicnlly cun•s in 1 tO :J dnys. Jt CCIII0\'~8 nt OIICI! the CILlii!O nnd the tiiacasu immediately disnppcal'll. Tho lirst lloscgr~ntly uencli ts . 75 centli. &>Ill by \\'. ll . Thum paon & Co.-Jn o.

The vil of the Xorwcginn <Axl l. h ·cr is natu rc'li gmnd rt:diOmtiT<', nn.l is uu ly found in i ta entirety llllll purity in ~li llcr'ts .Emuleion, "thu kind ~ltut curl's" C(Jids, cougl111, bronchitis nnJ nil nfl'cctions of the t h r,)nL nnd lungs. Jo:,·cry boule wnrmnll.oJ. Xo oily tnate like others . In big bottled, 5llc. nnJ !L.O Rt ·l~ug~ist.:t.

I'lL£:;! PII.F.S ~ IT('JtJSO r tU:S. Snu"To~s-Moisturtl; intense itchtng

nnd stinging ; rn011t. nt. night; wol'l!e by scrntchi11~. If nllowcd to continue tumors form which often u lecd nnd ul­cemte, bccomi ng \'ery sore. S wA \'!'E's OI~'Tm:sT stops t llo itching nnd blt:ed· iug, h enls ulceration, nnd in moa~ca rcmO\'CS tho tumors. At.' druggist~, or by m nil, for 50 cents. De. Swnyne & &>n, l'h iladelpbia.

---DEAFNESS COMPLETELY Cl!REO. Any person suffering from Deafneu' Notscs in tho H ead , &.c., may lenrn of a new, simple trcntmcnL, which is pro\'· ing \'cry aucceMful in completely cur· ing case! of nil kinds. Full ,Particulars, including mnny u naolicaed Lesti· moniRis and nowapa}>(!r p ress notices­will be sent post free on applica tion. Tl)) system ia withou\ doubt, tho m ost suec~safnl ever brougl~ before the -pub· lie. Addre&s, Aural Speeinlist, Albany Build ings, 3~. Victort~ !::t rect, \\"cat­.minstc r, Loudon. S. \ \'.

' The Gre\t Female Me!licine.

:.pcndin!I your money for worth · less medic:ints nnd buy a bott le c f


will prove of inestimable v:~.lue,

as it is · almost cort:1in to c:uro

at once that severo ;~nd ra~ping


Assurance Coi Established 18G3



. l~q>l!E .\SO FU~DS (1887.) -F1rc Prcm1ums .... ... ................ .£GOt ,000 Lifu P remiums ........................ 197,000 Intcrcet .......... .. ....................... 143,000 Accumulntetl Funda ......... . .. .£3,421,000

The power of a cle ver woman -· grent, greater than moet men imagine. She can not. only win " mnn; or any man,. but ahe can hold him thouitb she kno1111s • ahe is not. tho t10c rib. She will not. •

The funct ional irrt·~u larith•sJ".:culia r. to tho wca\kcr 11cx1 nrc in\'1\riatu:y c.or­rcct t'll without pa111 or inCOn\'l'n it'nC<', b) tho usc of Dr. )[ors t:'ti l Hoot. Pi lls. 11\Cy n re the sufcl!t aml sur<'at m ctlicine for nil the disc•IIICS incidental to femnl <; s o f 1\ll ngNJ, nud the more <'8· pccinlly ao i n this e li mntt•. l.udics who wjsh to f'njoy hea lth, shouhl alwnya have these .Pills. No one wl1o C\'er uses them once, will nil ow hcnll lf to be will ­out them. Dr. Mol'!"'ll ltulia n Root Pills nre sold by nil Mcdit-iuc llcnlcnJ.

Tho Undcrsignl'd nrc <'mro'wcred to c~l'cct insu rances on nil kinds of r ro­perty in Newfon ndlnntl at current Rates of l>rcmiums.

Osbawa, Ont.

for lter priJo'a aake, publish to a gap­Ing world that she baa made a liuge mtatake. And thua abo puta bet bit in hi• mouth and holds the reil'l8, and rona him straight, 10 t.bat be li"ea and diea with unt.IU'niahcd hor.our. But alas, for tho atrong·aoulc<l and loyal wife who feels tho baaenea. or tho thmg abe guidce. Unfortunatel1, all those Pal·ns 11•eddCd to ignoble men are llot clover. Loyally ia " far moTe general quality

• 10 the Joints

than abUU.y. Moet 'women are loyal. When will Caused

men generally eomprebend thia and treat \bena accordingly? LoyalLy ia

by ·Inflammatory Swelling

woman's inalinct, won by counUeaa ages A Perfect of endeavonr under cru~>l lreatment.

Cure by Hood's &area· parma.

" It lllrorcls mo much pleasure to recommend Jlood's S:nnpartlb. )fylon wu amJeted with cru t p3lo In the Jolnta, aceompaulcd wttb •nlliJllao ba4 UU\t llo eoul4 not cet up stain t.o bed wttbout ertlwUn~t oo bancll ancl kneeL I wu Tei"J' anxJoua about blm, ud bavilll rea4

Hood's s;trtila C urea

A Good Appetite Always nccompanin good heRith, nnd an absence of appetite i11 an inclil'~tt ion

. or something wrong. 'l11e tini l'cnsa.l tes timony g1ven by thoeo who h&\'O used Hood's Saraapnrilla, 11s to ita m erits in restoring the appetite, nntl u 11 a purifier of the blood, .coustitntn. tho s trongest. recommtndnhon that cun be urged for nny metlicinc. •

WOOD's PtLJ.S cure nil Jh·er iUs, IJ·il­liousnees, janndice, indigestion, 1ic L: headache. 200.

TilE B ESoLTS (IF alif:hL nttack of cramps runy bring on dJar­rhcco, which is 1n m1\ny caaes followed by inflammlltion or tho stomach and a doz~n nther danJ.crous complaint•, nny one of which 1r neglected will cause death. All auch diaorden are d~tnger­oua in bot weather, and abould in their infancy be treated with t!le beat-known remedy. The m erits or P£RRY-D.lVIB'

The nuo\'c Company is well-kOO\m for t.a liberaliW and promptneae in aetUing

losses. Proapcctueee, F otms of application

for Firo and J.ifo l nsurancc>, and al­otber information can be obtained Rt tho office of.

A. 0. HAY\\"A'RD. ST. Jous 's,

Agent for ~.}'.LD . W. H.i'fHOML'SON,

r,l,b-Agent for H arbor Grace

She is loyal to her God, h er king, her prieaL. And when abe finda the true man of her heart, abe unitce in hina the qualitiea of all three, anj adds to them infinitely. He becomee the law of her life, for whom abo ia willing to do and to enduro all tbinga, and that. Jaw ie love. The man who knowa how to re­apond &o eucb a woman lraneforma earth &o Eden, and finds in her the veri­able Eve.

10 mucb aboa& Boocl'a ~parUia, I deter- PAIN KtuEa are ao Wt>ll known tbaL iL :roe:, ':.:-b 1!'a::.,.':!:ct ::_~~ ~ ia recogni&ed all over tho world a a tho taste like others. Iu blw bot:t.J, _ _ JOHN CORMACK ond th~n h" ~ euperftuou~ numb~r ~ · ; ~pare. Tbe dafficult.y, ou&. of so many,

A(_ent, St. Jc)hn f!. 1a to know which it wh ch. lL ia 10 The people quickly recogniae merit, A. T.i..Il&YSDALE I hard to ge' the rigbL rib. 1'he chances and t.hiab UiereaiOD 'heaaleaofHood'e

Lua. Olbawa, Oatarto. • etandaitl apecido for Cramre, cholc~ =5cO=o=·=an=d=I=L=O=O=.====::;::::::::!~~-=-... B ..,_ t.o Boocl' •--·-,.. mor!Jn•; cholera, diarrltCl. .. , and dyaen- , ... • .-aure pt •~-...... Ita. tery. All dropgiata aell the PA1N KILL- I --~L;ANK .FORMS of ovory ,des ...

'A t H 'bo ·a 1 , are 10 many to one, that a man·will · S.nanarUla are oontinoally lncreulng. I · gen , ar r. race. make a mistake andgeubo oae intend- Hoodr,-11 .. oa ,...,. "

I - ~ ~ ...

Mood'a Pilla ae& euur. -,et prompUJ ud I'R, and directions go with coch bottle. I cnptton pnntod at. the STANDARD ..._..,, 011a.e Unr ud bowell. tic. Only 25c. for largo aiae.. Office-neat and cheap. "1iiil



. . '

r •



.. r.






Commercial Street, Boston Il1ass.-

~~ A . VF.\(' I L"UEHS OF



Cod, Trap an~ Her~in.g') ~Tets,

Shep.ard . · Go.ld - 1\1edal -. TWINES olwlti c·h """ :HC'tltc· nnl \· ltu: tnf:t tHn ·r-= . r -:r nler~ 1,,. h'lh'l' or wire

pronq.,tly and ::ati<.t~· turi ly exel·ut d:

' Highest. awards a t Bo~ t on~ ] , G!J; Pltilad( . .' lphin, Fis heries E x hi bition, 1883.

187 (j

SenJ fur Illustrated Catalt,gtH··

I • ": . • · .. :~ ... . .... _ .......... ' ., I ':'::it!

-: ""'..:l . ' .... "'

- -~


. . . .-~-~ ., •;..\ i ' fl Cl • • ' It ; . ) .. ( ;

• ,_ J 1...1 ,_, . . (



BILIOU:ic: H~::1~'~s:~~i:~DERS, W eak Stomach, Impaired Dfg·estion,

Disordered - Liver, -:- a~~-:~_ F emale - Ail~ents.

'I'li E , ".\LI·: IS ~0\\' :-; rx -'rlLLT ~ JlOXES YE,\HLY.

461• l'l'l.l. III HEt"rlo~:: W ITII 1:.\ t: ll l:ox. "'U)a

a- l'Jn : l'.\t:EII OXJ.\' J~t 'f i ll: Pt:nPnn:Tn t~-

THOMAS BEECHAM, St. 'Helens, Lancashire. .~old by all Druggi:> l:: :md l'atcnt--'fed icin c Deal er::. everywh ere.

C. KNOW.LINC, , 't . .John :-:: ~\.gent fur XcwfounJ laud.

. orth their weight in Gold. Dr. MORSE'S INDIA-N

~oot Pills.

Dr. Morse's Indian ROOT PILLS.

Dr. Morse's Root Pills.

-Dr· .MORSE'S INDIAN Root Pills·

Dr. Morse's Indian Root PiUs.


To s~va octor,; Bi~ use Dr. Morse's Indian · Root Pills.

• # )« ..... ~~ .......... _.... ... ,._ ........ _ ............ __ _

Best f~ily Pill. in Use t FOR SALE B.Y .;tLL DEALJ.JRS.


Kt:t:l' Til r: " 'tllrKs 1 ~ tltlbo Onnt:Jt. Xnmuu), Ont,Jnuuary l :i, llliiO.

\\'. II . C'n't"TOf'K, llrnt'k \"llli:', Ont Pt:.\ t: !'! IH,- \'unr" r1r Mor~e•,...lrullun Root

1'1111•"' ur~> lh!' hi·'L rl';:~nlnt thr.tlmm ·tnlty l'n utt~<!. J,l(o.t 1 ... tl!! Lho tlrnn Jlll'•'e: trnll nnll •l•·llcnte nro tunn\' 0 1 IIJJ worlll'. A tiny pnrtlt-ltlTlf fore ll!n lln.h• t:utc:e n~l laercq tn lhu s mnll•· 1 Wlll'i:'l in Wl>rk~. nml whn~ Iii th<' rl'l!nll~-nl Orst , otol~· n s ll::ht. •lllrl·rcncc Ia pr~" lll lllle lnlt• tlml'·k~>etnng, IJIIt wnlt \ "rtll ; nR(I to'Ob~r·rvntlon 0ro'~"l t h ll l r rl'::ul nrhy becomes ~ercnt ('r,. unt ~~~ AJll, w h r\l I'Onhl hn\'1' been • r c ltnt.'(l wllh lll~lo t rnulill:'. In lhi• h l';: lnlnc:. will now rcttulro much cun• In thorough ly ch:no~l n~ the en ­tire wn r lc. So IL I ~ t n humnt;~ ll fll-n ~o llgh~ tlc rnnl(t•uumt Is nl:'lt i~'CI C'll, I~ growl! nnd rn­cr.:!na<,·o;, lscpc rc••plluly nt Ol'!it, the n rt\J'Id· ly until whnl conl•l, In tho bc.>glnlnJ!', hnvo IJ(;~n r url'tl w it h llt t.l<' t r o u l.l lc . l>ccom ea nl· motu fntnl. To 1>r1wcn~ thlt. l ndvl•o nil to purify lhl' 11,\'SICOI frN)IICillly, by thO U!l(' O( liOr>'u'll ~II Itt, ll tHI IIO prclier\'!' vigor nnll vl-tullty. '\ our lnlt ltfnlly, H . F. ATWt:I.L.

T II P. T IB. YF.f.Lim .. <;• SAFJo~GlTAno. A mnt:nmhtM Pond. :-<.s . Jnn. Z7, 00.

w, U. I;Om HLO<:k, llroc:ltt\' lllc , On~.

J>~nr S ir : - For mnny ?"t'nrt<, l htwo hecn" flrlll IX'IIcvC'r In ,·our.-1 D:. Morl!c1.8 lntllnn HOOt Pllf&" Not wllh linch n blt n (l l'nlllt, l.ln~ n eonfh lon co wrou~:JH by nn ne tunl per~onn l l.'lCp<lrlcncl.' or their \' Rl n ll nnll m erit. My IJmclneu Is s uc h thnt. r ~< J K'tHI mue h or my limo I\ WI\)' from honw, nnd l would n ot eon­lllcll:'r mr trnvc lllns; Outfit compllll () WllhOU~ 1\ bo:c o llforae'll f>lll~. Yonl'l'. &r.,

l\1. u. Mchuua A VAl.OA OJ, F. A nTJOJ.F.S~:r~t.S W J:if; L.

01\r~~ehol• 1Tnroor1

N'.S . , J nu. l3, '80 \\'. U . CoUJII.O('k. Uroekvll o, One. •

l)car Blr,- Tbb Is to ccrtlf.r u mr. r tlanl In Pal#nL :atedlelnt'8, lnoludlnl Vllrlo u• kiDdil or Pill~. t ~ell more or t ho Dr. lllorto'" IndiAn Root. Pill• thnn or all lhu olheN! eomblnt'd. Their 1nle11 l ilnd nro lUll lnoreMinlf.

Your,~t.tto., N. L.NIOUOJ.I!Olf



. J\ GRJ.::NVlLLE CO M:t:l .

His Sl.liuo Injured Whilo Working 'in the Woods - A Long und Painfull Ill· noss Followed-How Ho Jlogained Health and Strength

Then' arr ft· \'. r~':llh·r~ of th e Ito· ··nrdrr who :1ro 1 ut · f:n ni lint• wit l1 t1H~ fac· t. t hat Dr. \\' illi:uns ' l'inJ.. Pil l:; fnr P:th• l'Pi.• plc c:nj•ly :t rcpu­tali l> n !'ur e:-.t t'I! Pncc, buth at houa· nnd ahr.mtl. nr:t rquall cd J,y nny •Jth l'r wuprh•tar~· 1\lcdicinl' . 'l'ha! th i-: :ep~t l at :,,n is clcsen ·ctl i~ :uuply b!lr lle ll\Jt ltv (he CYidet)('e o f 1111\11\' of tft ilc ~l i:c \y::papc•J :' in th.c COilli· tn·. · w!Ji ,·lt ha,·o carefu lly lll \'e:i tl · g:itl•tl the ,1\ol.~l Jlt"'I('W<II (Jiy Of tiJ I "U n·,: fnllnwit tf~ the tl-'0 l)( Pink ('i lk :m,J lJ:l\' <' -~h·en tl: <' !':t ·ts to thei r n•:Hll'l'!l. wi th a t·! carn <.· ~. :llld ,·tttH: i -:,'nc~~ that adro i t..: ••l'lln doul,t n:-: to th•' tnH it fulne.-:r of tho n.:pt• rt~. i'<'C Qill i ~· : l n·p••rlN of tltn l~ cl:onlor \\;\:-: iu tonltCd J,\. ~fr. J ,,J\n .\ . J:nrr. :lw w~·J I kll ll\\'!1. drn!!gi::;t. tha t the

:trtil·t!l:n·:- uf :1 case •JiliU' n:; !<trik· it t~ :t3 lll.IIIY t tl.\l han~ ltl'<'ll !•Uh· li:-!tcrl ,., ,,Jili lw lc:nncd fwm :\1 r. ~:\:nw·l :-::tr~c:ml. •>t' .\ u~u-.ta tnwn­~h it '· ' ' lit• ha·l ltc•n<'litH·d mo~t rc­m.ll 1;;~ 1 ,1\· 1.,· tl.c l'iuk Pill lr<':tt· II IC III. 'i ill' .J'C' 1 Hil l CI' dd eJ'lll:ltcd (n inil'n ·ir·w ~l r .. ·:u~eant aud :rc·

·t"ttrdiu'.!'ly. 1l r•' V<' lr> hi ;: h•'ll lC in .\ u;..!t t<t;t .' :d>~HJ t six lll i:t•:: fmm l!ro•C'b·il!l'. -'l r . ~ar~cant wn,:fnund l·u~Hy cn;.::'l~l·cl in loadiug I··~:~ iu the wont! : ucar hi,. !tout<', a nd :tl­thou;.d t W<' ll up i tt t l•c ::ixt il'!- wa:­wurki ng wi th tho Yi;:•w of :1 ma n ill the pri1110 o f Ji fl'. <'xhi hiti ug 110

tr:u ·c~ uf th e f::d t h:1 t he h :ul been :t J.!real .-u l'lcn' l'. \\' hen in fnrmed uf the rt'portcr' . .; 111 i::;: ion -'1 r. ~:tr­!!C:IIIl :-;aid he conl d nnt :o:ty too ntlldt in 1':1\·or ot' D1·. \\'i llialns· Pit.!> Pill,:, :1nd CXI'I'e!!Sctl hi ,: wil­lingnc::.: to g ivt' the fact in ~.; ,JIIncc ­ti• lll wi th IIi:; rc.-torat ion to lJc:dtlt. .. Tw1i yc:ns :~gu. "said ~11·. !':t rgen nt. .. r \\'('11 ( 0 \'(' r hl ~CW Ynrk ~ late to work i11 the lmnbe•· rc;..d"n f•>r the win ter. Oua day whil e drawing Jng:' ont' ~Jji'\led :HHI l'tJJICd Olt me, injt:rin;,! my !;pine. The p1\ in wa. \"~o•n· :il' \ 'C:I'C and :1:: f C•Hil d llO

l un~cr work T wns IJrou,.dtt !tack to 111 ~: lw tnc. aml wn3 !:lid up fur :tbont l'ix monlb~. T Pufrerc,J :1

;:t•t•al deal 11111.! ·eemed to he g ro.w­in~ Wlll'"e . T J,ecamc had ly. con·_ tipntrd :wtl n <' 1l re~ullpilc,;; cle·

Ye!oped wh ich ttddcd to my lllii'cry. The vnrious lrcatmcnl~ did not np­p<'a!' to. llO Jne :~ny S!Of'lll . :\l:tl one of Ill\' nei~h l•or:; adYi' C<l me to In· ();·. " 'ii li:\;;,,;;' p;,,k Pill .:. ;\£\· wi t'c I went !1> Lll\\')-f and J'roc·urctl a i.tppl_v and I had not hl·Cn lakin~ them I111W whcit T fot lll•l my el f ~r,ming . t r.~lg\•r and th e p:1in leaving tnc. The l>i ll ~ m.Lde m.v htn"cls regulnt· :t ~win nnd the pile~ lli ~n)'JJe:Hetl. a nd " ' ' the tiu:c I hac l taken ix bu.xt!:-. r r,JtlllCl lllY:.:clf a:: we.ll JlS I C\'Cr W:l~. nnd nble. n;; you . cc. to do n ~oud ria~··:~ work'.'" )[r .. .':lr­gcant furtb c{ :-aid tltal he !tad been troultlctl wi th hernia f,•r fourtcc11 ,·ear~ dlll iug all which time he ~vao~ furced lr1 wear a trn~s. T o !tis l'lll' l•l'il'o that troultlc 1crt hiln 1\nll i11 Ap ril 1Mt l1e thrcn· :1 wny lti~< tru.::'i nntl h11-; had no ueca iol\. for il :-<itwe. ~Tr. Sarg;can L cleclnrc. hi .~ full Lclit.- f thn~ thb tllo w:1s due to th e uso of Dr. }\'ill inms· Pink Pi ll ln1t whether thi~ is the case. r•r whe ther Jti · rclen~c frnm tho rup­ture i:: due to hi$ prolonged I'C3l :1 -1

a n~"ull of his othe 1· trouble, tho report r does not pretend to ~ny­he si mply tell:; the story n~ ~r•·: :-lnr~eanL gave it to hitn. One thing i!l eertain, ~Jr. f-::ngennt nntl hi wi fc nre Yer.r onth usio. tic as to the merit~ of Dr. · \\'illi:uns· l'i nk Pill , Incidcntnlly Mrs. !'argeaM t.,Jd the reporter or-the grent benefi t J>ink Pill · hnd been to he r is tcr, ) JrP. \\'m. Taylor, wh o lh·e:; in Essex Co., E ngland, itfld wh o wns n sufiercr from pnral v is nnd un\ nblc to nl0\'0 hnnd or foot. 'l'h~ trouble nffeded her s tomach to ~uch nn extent th nt she was unnblo to retain food, aud to stimulants. nlone she owed her existence for n considcrnltlo period. ) frs. Snrge\\nt sent her !<istot· a supply of l'ink Pill ..;, which soon showed t hnL she hnd secured the righ t medic ine. Tl'le trentmcnt wns continued nnd n further su.pply of the pills· pro­cured nfter tho comsnny opened Hs L ondon· house; nn \\'hen ~Irs . .'nrgenut lnst h eard from hcr.sister she had regained {almost nil her strength nftcr h nv ,os been pros­trnted fgr several yenrs.

A dt9prnved condition of the blood or n. shatte red nervous sys­tem is tho secret of m ost ill!] ~hnt nffiict mankind, and by , rest~ring tho pnticn.t to he(llth and strength. In cnses of paralysis, spi oub­les, Jocom~tor .. nt..nxtn, ~cintica, rhcumutism, e rys1 pel as, scrofulous tron)Jlcs, (,tc., these piUs nre su­perio)'. to 1\ll other trentmont. They nre nleo a specific for tho troubles

.. which 111ake the I in•!! of !'O Jlt:IIH" \\'OilH' tl-a Lurd<·ll and ::pr('dily rc­.-tnn' th t' ri r h f:_! lnw of l:ca lth t .. .,allo.w l'IH~ek!'l. -'f('n lmll\cll d nw11 IJ\' 0\'t'l'Wol'l>. \I'll :'! ·: or ('X!"C , ::ei' \r.ill lit.rl in l'i nk · l'ill s a <·Crt:tit c11re. Bcwnrc of it,lilati f•ll~ and .;uh~t il u t e:: al l<'&retl to I.e •·ju-<l a· ~nut!... )-:;t ) tl h~: :til d C'l\ I e r:; lH' >'l' lll loy.Juail. !l" lf•:tirl.:tt r>O cr-ttl:; a l·.,x . . ,,. G IJ<':\1.'' for S~.!in. !ty :tt!tlrl'.-~ in~ the Dr. \\' illi :ll:t: ~l ctli r: ine <.:f) .. Brnck d Ill.•. C)nt.

-' f('~H.- . ' I'. -'k ~: mdo & ('o .. )-:1. Joh n"~;, ~lid .. nrc wh ol<'":tlc :JI!C'JJI:­for l>r. \\'i lli:un~· l'i:tk l'ill:> in .\tid.


C' ll.\ l''l' I·:P. 1\'. t f 'nnt inllrd , ) -

s,, lt1'g':\11 1•'." '"'"' lit'P. :\ nd a Wlddtetl lift: it w:t ·. 'l'ht..·a· wa:: IIU OC\'llJ•:tlinn J'l'"' il,j,• f.,r lilt'-1111 :UJitl:iCIIICJt!. f \\' :d k(•l( ('\' t' l' \ '

d:t \' in !':ti l' Wl\ntht•i· or futd , it IIII;II S III'C•cJ twellt\' lttil ' ·

Tid .~ in .-.. ·Ill<' ;l,·(!r<'e JC~t .. n d Yi­hlit \' lt• Ill\' s\·~t~~l; t. T 11('\"c.•r n•:ul : r tth;k 1)11 lut i·rt•:- l in :\11\' lttl! ilin:. r -':It J. ,. 111 \':"l'i l' a:: ol t. r.,..;(C';I.

.\ - f,·,r.n:' \. lt«' :tl"'. I J,q; rltL t!tr' ltl n·:uly l '~'~' i •:tred . TI :Py l l>t t,..i~tf'd :dlllol:' l wh nll ,. ,, :· l•n•ad :t hd ·~··dd 1uul l111l. Yoit ltlay jud;!.l' ,,f the :th,:t .Juleh · ta ~lt·l (' .'~ l"lllidit i••ll ol\ 1

,d,idt T ,\·a,; n·dun·•l. wh<'n f writ{· ealmh· nnd t rmlll'ul lv tb:tl t•ol d boil ' d ttl\llton w:t ~ :t:!n:c::t!Jif' l•l nte :1:: anv olhf'r fr ,rtu of t't~otl . I t'ound. a!'tcr 'repC':ttc,l t ri:t!..:. that lll tl!tou t'1H'ttJs th e l•<'::t fHel - it i.; l,ctte r l ll :tu eilh~:r h •cfor I'"' k·- and kc-cp:: the hu m:tll <.'11{-! i!IC :ll work f1•l' tho (o!l;:!ei't tillte. ~(\ T !t:td ll)lJ( ( II :l.

,\ -; T di>'cun red :tl"o that bulk wa:< net•c.;::::an·. and that on! ,. a cc:·ta in alllOIIllt of !tll il ll ;d f'oc ul \ra<: wanted. f ll i>Ccl to h:\\'C CoJ)rf P•lt:Jt<H· ~ aJ­\\'11\'S read\'. I s ~~k cJ l\\ il·c a dn\·. al eleven i'u tire nwrn ing and ahoitt lh·c in tlte at't crnPon. 'l'hu:: fur! i­ticd. r ~lit lhrou~h (he llti::crablc Jwurs li S iJC. l f COUl d.

I look hack on thal r•criod a ·vnc " f tmmitigaled mi :> •t·y :lll\1 d c:-; pair. [ wa:; daily ~rowing- 1nnn• hl ('latcd. fatter. and lla iJ I,icr in the t'IH.'t'k!l.

• .\ly hands tn·utl,ferl in th e lllomill;.! . { cct ned losing th e power of ( "1 •11-

ncclcd llwughl. ~ly \'cry l ip' W l'r<J fl.ickeniug .

Tt' you h:t\'C no appnlilc fur r·nt­in;_!. you Ntn t>njny u llthin~ in lite wllllle \,.,,:·ld . Th is i-1 an :txintu . I (·ou lcl not ln• t~'. thcret'Mc Ill \ ' ,.,.,! I"I'!I:'Ctl I ~) fcC') d cJ iglJ t iII nJc·a~:l.lll •in!Jt:o, and m.'· to:u· in piC:I":t nt " l lllltl'. ll wa.o: 1 ol with 111e :H in the c :1:<1: ttl' a !,lind lll:lll, t hat :Ill

ahnnnual den•lopmcnt uf ~ot t\<' other . en.:c cn,-ucd · quite t he t'(lll· I l':ll',". f n :'('II fll~ Oil(', 1 !'CCIII lo h:t\'C :'111•1 th CJtl all. F••r, as I d i:<­t'n\·ered. lll:tll is UIIC' :t tttl insopar­d Jl n: you C":utnut split him u p:

.llld when my :nr·Jr-d c.•cch·cr bou~ht Ill)' :t('pctitl'. he loCI Utr ltt me out and <1111. , \ wi nt' ·lltt'rdJ:IIIt llti ;..dtt a:;: well prck11d I" sell th" !,t•lltJUCt 111' clart;( an rl pr('.·\!1'\'t' the ltnd)·: ur :t pai 11 tc r tit <· c•llor of hi .: pictttre and Jll'l'~cn·e • t!1 c drawiu;: ;. ot· n ,:ettlpt!JI' t lt c· ~r:t{'e of lti ~ g ro11 p :md keep tile m:trh)('.

.\ .; rct-':\J'ol,.; ulh <• r In::>('"• T f•HIIHI r !:ad lo:-l til (• !'t' l'tC'p1iou llr l>cauty in fo rm ••r ·o!ur·. \\' ltv t!Ji,: w:t.;; so r (•:tl\1\'lt (' ~ld:t i ll. r w:t:' 11 0 lon;.rcr. I ::upJ .• ~.·.i n ilamwny with other tltcn c.•tt :til.\' :-i11~.d c !"'int. l'rchy \\'tllltCil jt:t:- , t',J 'fe lltoil t'l't1Cd; pic:­t ur~::> !tad 111' c.·hann for me; Jtlll.;ic wa.;; oJtl:'' irri!:llilt;! toni~· tH·n ·t·.· .

.'fl lf'lt I fou nd th:lt T Ju-.t the l' l\\'C I' ofli,\' llt!':tllt,\·. f had f, oi'JtH'I'· lv hcen :l •oft-h e:u·((',j ltl:tl). r rc­lit:trkt'd ll rl\\' thttl llti' :- i;.dt l of :" li t'·

l'1·ri11g f~t Ullrl 11\C entirely c.::\JJ otJ:-i . 'fltt•r<> wn-. a 1•uor f:un ily l i\'i n;: :tb<Htl half :1 ~~til e from ntc. w!JMP :H·qua in tnnr e f Jllnllc thniiJ~h louy­ing !'llltH' uf Ill .\' i' II (' Jll ic.•" of th CIII. 'J'hcy \\"t•rl' ia di :- trc~s fnr r,~ nt ; t!H•y appl ied to tuc-t hcrc. 1 c n.nlh•t l,r:'ll' t" think uf it. I hacl th e lllOit C' \' and~ f ret'\I"!Cd tl~lll. 'fhc\' wet:e ~old ll(•. and T :-::It at Ill\' d;HJI' ntlll watchC'ol t hem <•tt tlteir,\·a\· to l.un ­don-tlt • :uut!ter. the twu 'l! irl :<,.the litt le lo1o\·. h:lll ll in lt :\l)d. hom t.: le". ancl pctinil t· ~~. without n. :-inr,: lc (•l'illll(•l i ll:,: of tlt c ht':Jrl to he lp lh t·m. c; nd ktHH\'S what ltetalllc nf them. ~ 1:1,· l ie fur~i Y<' IIIC fcH" th<' h:!l'll-h e:u·tc.J l' l'll<•lly with wbi <" h I r<'!!nnlcd their fa te.

ll ad r. ti, •n, ~n)rl t' \·erylltit t)! to tlti ;: lll:tl\ '!

1 had been p retty reli~iuus in a \\':1.\'-a Y•H: n,:! tll:lll·~ wa_,.. ~•>W T had lo::t nil n·li ."duu .... feel lin[! whnl­C: \'et·. T h:1•l once the• t·ap:H·ity of Ju\'(', that \\':IS ~OilC; £ had Once :t gcnt..•r()Uii heart. that was ~vne; I 111\Ce Jo\·etl thin~~ \\'Orth (odnltf f felt no Cllhlt inn ll <l \\' for :lll_rllt i n~ . T was a lll:wh inc whi ·h could feel. T \\aS a man wit h tho huu1:1nih· take-n out nf biltL ·


T hope T nn1111aking it clcn r wh:1l w:v; the oficN of nty lmr~:\i n till m,·,..~lf-1 tucan without refcrt•nco to. the :-utTering~ itdlicted on tne loy Ill." t ,\'l'ant. l'cnplc. ho\\' f' \'(! \'l'r c:m l•now, unlcs:; tiro_,. h:tpp<'n lO loo like lll\':"cl!'. wltkh i:; Ulll ikl·h·. how ~reat' a part eating :Hh l drink-in).{ t..•kc in the tllluluc.:t .,r li re. PEQDLE SAY IT IS TH BEST. nctwccn th e re:- l of th worl <l and ..

FaLL1S Celery Compound t:eets the wants of All.

Tn tho 1·it ies and towns tJfC'nnad:l, tlt c drug tmtlc ;!:::-crt , witiH•u l lre"i­tat i(Jil . that Pa ine's ('d en · t'om­}llllltHl i: their l te~ l and • fa..,I C:-t sell er. In the \· il l:ll!e>~ and . tnnl l t'~>lllll ry tli,.tric t~, the gcncml ~torc­k c·~ l'cr :.rh·e:: the . :unq, report. \\' lty i"! tlti;r '! Sintpl y IJccnn:-:c !' a inc ': C'clen· t'cll tl pound cures

• . I . di::cn '<', :1ntl peop c who buy 1t nrc nul d i ·apJ •Ointcd as they nrc with tho <~cores of other medicine: now on thu 111arket.

Paine':> Ccll'ry ('01npound is nn acknowl edged t riwuph of m~dica l resC':nch , and lll<'et • ca::es of rhcu­fll:lti :-;m. ncurnl;.da. dy:;pE' p~ia , liYcr anti k irlnc\· t roultl e::, nei'\'0\ISIIC . .o:. hea•l<wh e ~11HI insonrnin in a \~ay l hat t1n nthcr med icine can clv. Its efTe.c· ti' a rc 1•r •mpt anti surC'. the fir,. t bottlo ~>ften curin~.

'l'hi :! i · indeed the llletl icinc f111' C\·ery s ufferer in OUr 1nhl ' I. J)l) not allow you r d ealer to h:1nd you some other medicine when you a:;k for Paino's elery 'ompound. Tf he hn~ not got it in f'loc~ , ask him to procure H for yc.~u.

Ill<' there w:]. n g t·C'at gu lf lixerl . '!'hey C(Juld •njny , T C11Uic.l not ; thc.v coald ,Jchr:rte e,·ery joyful C\'CllL with l'<>l llellti n;_! ndd iti1m:1 l to enl · they <·onl d make a littl e fc: ti,·at or c.,··· r · day ; thr·y ... >ttld ~i''<' to ha!'l'ine.;:; :111 1>11tw:\nl atHl tangiblo t'~H·m. Al a . . not t.>n ly was T" debarred frout tlti .~, hut l wn:; 1"\lll>fl' c\'Cn fm1 11 j ny iL·wl f; for. if-. r oti i•>•,k :1t iL :"!L':tdi h·. ' ' •) \1 wi l l iind thnt lll(>SL ut' hu.ltr:ti: jor til' :-<u lfcring i 'rouncdl'd with · tho ~;cn!'c.~ . T ltatl · harlerc1l nwn\' n ~oorl hnJ ( of llli iiC. :u u ( l1 11! )·e::t .:oemctl in nroumi~:! ior tt1c lo::~ o f th eir fell ow:<. .\. ·fur IllY pale and (•\llorlc: s li ic, it wa n monotOihHI~ n.s lli C clock. rr T ll<'glecled to :ooiukc. the u.::ual fc('hlcncs, wot1ld follow. '£here wa~; 1,11) g mciou:; l ookin~ for.\·:ll·tl to a jtle:u;nnl d in­ncr ; no trembling anticipati on~ i11 hOJ>C and fear of wltar mig f1t Ito preparing ; lHt d tecrfuJ contcmpl:l­tinn nf th o j oinL whil e l)\c cnr r('r ;.!J arpcn:; lti!' knit'o; no .tl i ~cusllion:; of flnvpr and richness; no 'modc~t­ly haz:nticd eontlusion. ns to more currnntr~; no rol ling of. the ~·ine­ghlss in the fing~t·s to the l i ~h ,nnd s tnacking of Ji ps~·cr the fi r s ip -all · the~c things ' ·ere lost to me. Render, if hitply this memoir O\'Cr sees n po thumous light, think whnl would hnppon to yourself if enting nn1l drinking, those peren- l\JHs. Jo.'l•:Ph 0.\la :n, or John n1 Yt., nial joyH of humanity, \\hich Ia L WM grchtly nfllictcd with phlhis1c for f1·om the infantinc pnp to the l'lenil twenty ycnrs, nncl wns prononncct.l by Rent! cntn Am bien, were tnk en physicinn!\ ns incurable. 'l'wo bottles nwny. of W1 rr.\ H's ll.\t.S.\~1 o•· \\'u.u Cm:JIR\'

. All things tnstcd nlikr, :ts I hn\'C nllu rtled bcr much r<:licf, nnd fh·c com-plclcj) cured her. · snid, nnd cold mutton fnrmed my __ _

s tnplc dish . A~ I coulcl only dis· Remember-only such medicines tiolJuish between hecr, wine, coffee, were ndmillcd for t'xllii.Jilion nc. 1.ho nnu ten by the look , I dmnk wntcr. Worltl'11 .1'!'11ir 1111 nrc nccentetl for usc. by If I ventured, which wns seldom, physicinns, in the practice of medicine( t t k ., · • k 1 1 Ayar's SurupnrillR, Aycr'11 Cherry o a ·c my utnnor th n coo ·s lOp, l'cctoml, tuHI Aycr'll Pills being in-·

would choose my 11icce cle res-i8lnnce clndcd in tho list. 'l'hoy nro stnntlRrtl by the look , by sl'ftnc fnnciod grace medicines. ill the shnpo, but not by ta~to or ---small. 'I'ho br<mn or tonst beef -A new bathing law hns Lecn pro-might nltrnct me one· dnf nnd re- mulga ted ''~ N11picr New Ze11hU1d. One pel me tho next. I wa.CJ pleased pro\'lsion is ns follows :;-E,•ery. person with t.he comolincss' of n gnmepic bRthing iu th.o s~a, or l!l t~uy rl\'cr .or

· · 1. '-) 1 other water wttltw, or wlllun ono nule or tr1ckled by some moxp 1cnu e of the boundaries of the borough of axternnl chnrm of n beef-atonk - Nttpicr shall llo nttircd in 1\ ckccnt. 1\Ud pudding. nut three quarters of l proper bnthing-dreea, extending rron\ my life wore «one, nnd with them ~he ehouh.ler11 to tlae knees ; no while or nll my h11ppincss. . , Or:eh colour or nd•gnrmeQta to bo_woru. • •



Driven Out of tho System by the Uso of ·

Ayei''s Sas.,saparilla ' 'Fttr fh'<' y1·:n·::, I wa ' a gr<'rrt. o :

!<ttfT•·n·r In'"' a 11Hl:4 /H'I':iil'll'llt ~ ,,( .. nt ltli -..·:t:-•·. l lfiiJl• or t t(l \':trions 0 llll'·lil'illo' . .; I too:, hl'in:r llf :my -lt"ll' what 1'\' t T . ll upitt~ 1 h:lt oj f·ln!l~t· of t·lit tt:tlt• \ '.OII)tl lll'lll'lit. 0 ' " ''· l w•·t: t 1 1 l '11l ·:t. tu ].'!oritl:t, g :till lht•tt I · > • :tl'.tlt~V;t :-'pr i iiJ!~. o f Will':·•· I r .·:u.t iuo tl 1-fllttl' lit ttl' OJ 1l l'iul;i:t~ lh" watPr.-. llu1 an was o; 1111 II,.., .\ t l :t~l . I t ill;! ;ul\·i:;l'l) gl h\' ·'""c·r:• I t'ri••ttd : t ' ' 1n · .\ ·.c.· t ·~ o ~::r.-. tp.:ri lla . 1 l t·.~ :. u t :ild ti~ it, o :1 ' I \"t·r~· :-;·~·'ll l.t · : ·:· • .1·11· n·:-ult:i g ;·,·:·1• )ll:l lltiC"~I. 'l u.tlay I 1"1111- o

l-i lf'l' lt tp..! r a JIC'i' ll'dly Ll·:tlthy 0~ 111:1 11. \\tilt a :..:•••·• ' :til)"'! ill' and gi 11·•1 !;n• !t'a L 1t"::•·,· ~>I II•\' l•>rllwt· o i (' WIJ•!,ciui. 't'tl :t iJ Ill'. • ftic· ltll::, 01 aft l .I'l'i;!ll\• ~ ntl : :;~ .1111'11 like c;J itl.\ -.!•! t'. I I.,.,.,;""""'"' :\ .' .·r· :< ~:tr- g~ ~:t/ t;P ilia, if iu la·t•tl of a twrfl·<·tly oj n· i:Jl,Jr· ;,h,nt!-JHil'ilil'l'.' -.los t: oj .\. J:, l tlll 1:. J•l"fll'l'i (' I Ui JIOi f' ) 0 \ "l,-tut"ia. K•·v ' \' r·-.1 . l·l:t. : n·:: i- g th·:tn·, :~i:! \\'.'Jtit it ::-·t. . )\c\\' Ym·l>. o


Avar's ~~~Sarsaparilla g "' / . .!mitte d io:- l::>:l::uit io::t g

A 'r TH ~ WO~i..D ' S FAIR g t'-?..~~~!a:?,g_2.9~;..;~~9r... O;;.,.;;O.;;;O;.;:O:;,;;O:;.;OJ;;;

J. A ."Whitman. C ustom Tailor

Will Jiunnm tcc }'it, Workmnnahir. 1\UI) 'ty lt:.

CttsltJill work of a ll kittd:i performed nt. Jo w r !>L prices nurl willt tksputch. Ou lJJ•Jrl onh·rt< rccci vu prom )'L 1ll t.t~utio•.

(liv(' Ut< n c;tl l.

\\'ATE It !''1' .. 11.\ lWUH liUA 'E - -

Carriages, Sleighs, Carts, &c.

JAMES VTARREN, C..I I:J.'I.l en~· · ._. . 'J,J~'IC:lf n U Jl,DJ:R 1,. J• r<·plln·ol tn (':\• •·utr• n il Wtlrk 111 hi• llno w lllt <l•·•pnlclt . (;nod nn•l fnll hhtl 'Turk ~;uarl\ llt ,·l·cl .

,\llldn.:~ o r J:,•pnlrln•: 1lc n .- a l ~ohorl nul leo llllo i .HI IIIIJo lo•r liiC J.lrlro' ' ·

\ ' (•ltiC'If•o, IJul ll 111 I nit .• t Mylt-11 nntl In ft~l-cln•• II n l.· l•. •

.: )-:atis l':lction J.!ll:\.ranteed.


n rgulnr nnd Cnsunl 'ustOm('rs ~\11 rt!!y on h!\\'in,:; their rcquirc­tncnls antiefuctori ly nlt~n.dcJ to.

1l€l.. l'ru u isrs- t \\'(I do<•r& west. of '.l;<lc­l':rnJ,h Ollit:c.

11'. 11'}.'/l , ''J'., ll.WIJ.Oil GRA,('A'.

Blacksmith and· Farrier Work. The Ullllersigned lJcgs t.o. intimate to

Uw public gcncmlly, nod hor'8e-owncra pRrt tculnrly tbnt ho. is propnrcd to do nil kiuds ,of work in the ab.o\'t.'-namcd lines of t rnde.

J l01 :~E- ' IIOEIXG

... .. ~ .· • 1

will be given sprCi:tl ntlcntion, amfhe . ·• gu:tmnt ~('s t c.> do all work in this line ' · with the grcnlt>st cnre. .

IEir l'riee to suit the times, ~nd eat· isfuction nssun•d.

~lCirOLAS HARRIS,· Hnn·ry Street \\'••st.



'frncetl and shnded i\lnts, ,. . Bcrll n \\ ool, 'o)!.>r Boxe~, Ornyons . lt)k lloUies :1nd ~tl\nds,


,J. \V. IffiNNEDY, noot and . Shoe - Maker.

WA'rER T., UARllO.R GRAGE, (opposite the 'lip.)

&vel')' deecrlptloo ot LEATHB.RW ARE · made and. re"alred.

i8- H11nd-sewed Work of aU·Iunda a ~ciRlt.y.

W. J. RUS ELL~ House, Sign & General Painter ---Veneli:\0 Blinds made, reliLtcd and ro- .

· no,·at.oo. G(ainit:g anti inaide work neatly di)De. Lettering and Sip Painting a apeolala.r.

Batiafact.ion guaranteed. Ucaidenco-



REMOVED.-. H. A ~ionls~cy is How linng ovc•· iti!i tilorc, lllld will iu future L~ in n.{>osltiou lo afleua all culltJ nL any ltou1 fol' ~1c COJI\'cni •uuc of hili CttMloltlcru a d. public generally. , ____ ---- "


, HARBOR GRACE STAN DARO A~oTnE tt 'l'Ril:'tl't'r m: 0 'EM\ LEITER FROM MR. SQUIRES. Tl::t .tW tt.\rHY.-At n oon o n Fridny ----.\SO­

C0lf0EPT10N BAY ADV.SR1'1S3R ' ~ -'"'"- · T rnuslcntnd\'Crlltolnsc 1>1\Yrlhlo In noh . I:JC'

1:0ff dJ)OIIohliiC.,j IHil\IIY !<Uhj<!l:~ or l,ll:ll l'f II ltl t.lfC~>t. lll\' IU.•d. 11N II8 II( lltl\"" tNIII llll \ p !I\CC Will bo lht\1\kt\tlly r.:c ... l \ ... 11.

:Sollee or UlrlhM, ~lnrrln..:,·~ 1\1111 l)~tllh'l, I u 'erted (re-s or chtu~:,•, '•'r"l:~ u c o..'OIIIp.lll ) lug duath nullc:o.:.t will bu c:h"rged Cur ul rt~; rAlCIS.

'l't:F.::;0\\'1 J Ut.Y :31, U:i.ll . " .....,._ -.. -... - . ...... .... - - _ ..

TilE Wl f'IE.\ W,\Ia: Dom~w~.-We n otice by la~e m :1il IMP rs thnL on the 13th .June, at the in~tanco of the C:mndinn liovernmcnt, unde r pro·

• "'C::!~ iss ued ftom the Atlmirnlty 1 Court, Sheriff Archibald fonnally

seit.ed the l'nited ~latc:i sch ooner Jlcnry L. Pltillipd, of Rock l:lntl. Maine, fo:- alleged infrac tion oft h e ·customs law . The "'Ci7.lttc was .firRt m aue by the Co\ lcctnr of C U3·

• t oms nt Pllrt llawk c;-bur,,· , where the schooner anchmctl fo r pt'o\"i­sion~ while pa.:~3ing through the BtrnU of Cnns·). 'l'hc direct chnrge ngninst Jv~r i :; th e ou c of fishing with trawl ins ide the th rce·mi 1 c 1i mil :1t l't)\\' Btty, Anticosti, on or about Juno 10." The offcnc,:c wa· reported to the Domi nin1\ Go\'Ctl\· mcnt hy tho Col loc lol' at E.:qni· Juaux Point, and instruction~ wc t·c at once whet\ to . all ('u toms ('()\· l cc.ll>:-s and Fi::hen· Pro tcctionl)fli. cct·:: to sci z~ tlac 1'/tillips at h!hl 'l'hc cnptaitt h o wc,·c t. d enied h e had YiolatcJ the la·w In am· rc· s pect. and protc~tcd a;,!'aill:.l the indig nity ell lul\·i ng hi:- YC~'e l seized " hen p ulling into pntl f.,, t h e ncccssnric~ of li fe. Hut th<' prot<·sL wa:: un.\\'ailin~-tlw ~chr I\ aS hau\c\1 i uto tlac \\hal r, atltl('ti ·at ·h men \\ ere placed on lt•l.m\. Hl the intcl ligcn e of lt ('t t·.tpturc 1s tclc!.!raph cd to the d c p.u tmcnt

fi sh crtc.c nt otta\\ !1 The uwncl ii of the c:cizeJ l' chr 1\'C retained ~rr . Forbc~ .• 1 Il:tl i f.tx trri :-t c r. !ltHI "111 cuntc"t the \ a~c t the Ad m i ra It,. t ·.,urt T he' .d II<'

· th e ·e•:-el h a·· uccn fixccl tl C't.:ht .tndtcd d nll.n i f1H th e p llll"'"'l' ot :til, and :\I t F>~tl•t-< h .t" a :- k<'•1 lo•t 31' re lea-<'. \l<':lcit n~ th e 'lll tCJtllc the c:Hc, h c1 '''' twr .. :l!!TC<!i n~ to ll up the :tlll•lU JII .\ J),,utinion 1tter ha~ h ct':t ~c nt to Anuco=t t t .. ·oe u1e infur lll.tlwn l"r th l' pro~c·

• ution ~~~ l'nrhc-: 1' \,tint ., that ht-ns n gootl (',\ 'it' Jl ,,n .\It Lttt ll'· ·lt1 ,cx-.\ tt •)llll ,. li encral ot' :\l 11nl' en t vn tv Ottawa in th l' intctc•t ul t c owners , h e had :111 l ltten·tc\\ ith the ~l tnt s t er ol ~h11nc, !Ju t a o:: nnalolt• t n oht .un lll lll h ":tll!'l · td1n11 T he< '!lnatli,ln aut h .. nlt C'~

lll "' l"t ll j•llfl J. ,.lrfm~ the ~C' l c:dtr ~he had on llu:utl .tt the ti me e t~h t,· tlwu-and 11,· ol li: h .. til in !;'"" \ l ••tHhtlnn

\\'c Clll' t h e 1nc itlent 111o~th· f,,t the pill po:H' of "I' " '' in~ h o \\ 1c.d· ou ly the Do>minwn (; ,,,·crntn c nt gunrdi! . t he fi .-: h c ty ri :.dlls ,,f 1t:i peopl e 111 th e water~ .. urr•)lltl!l tn cr the Canadian C(lnst~ . I i! the re n ot n le.cson h c tc fvf ~C\\ loundland, whose ti shcrie~ fo rm so largo .1 llH~nns nfsu b .. ts tc n cc fut h c1 people '

t ·:-. ~r:ATED, ~l· - The Juclg lllent in lh e Pl:lcentia Elec tio u case w:1~ pro­uoun cc(l yc.-tenlnr by t he 'hie f Ju ticc, S ir F . n 'f. Carter. TL re· s ulted in the unseating nnd <lis · fJUnl Uicat io n o f t\\ o of the :\lom­lJ<;ro for the di,. trid-:\fc<~sr~. Emer· "On, nnd McGrnth . This will ~h·e the Government n m ajority of fom. The distric ts who3e m embers are flisq,ualified, nrc-St. John's 5, Bu.n!l 2. Burgeo ~ncl LnPoile 1, Trinity 3, ~ccnha 2-13 in nll. ~et two othe r election

cases to be h eMd-8t . Barbe nod F't. George. These will be tried on c ircuit. The Legislature it i'l said , will re-n.ssemble t o-mor;ow or Thursdny.

b t th o 1 9·1 Atlantic ('ai.Jlc be· LTo TilE EI>ITOfl 01 .. orm: STA~DAlmj· 1 ween II c:1rt' s l'ontcnt and Y nlenti11 0£.\tt Sm;-''nsstt<'ccssfully <·omplctcd . . At 11 In y our j ournal of the 17th in t., t.m. the s teamc t· Sc11tia was nl on~· appcn1 e<l a mtltcr wind y effusion •ido the buoy, to which wercnltn ·h· ove r ' tho pscu uonv1h of ·"l'ruth ed 1U2 miles ofcahle fro mtltolriah \vith Justice,. in reply to y o ur cor· ~on!!t , laid by the ' tenmer JJritwmia rc~ponJcnl ·' Justicn," re my di ·•

' iOtliC weeks prcvio u:$ly. 'rhc final mi s :tl fro m the H ·h ool at Hpani· ; plicc wns m nde hy the Hcotinl..nnd nHl':$ Bay. And altho' h e ponrH then comtnunicntion fro m ~cw· f01 th his Yial :; of wmth on Ju lice's ioundl:lnd to tho EmcrnM Tslo wns tlc ,·otcd head, for hnving the tcna· t:om ple tc, the ll'ng th o f the cahle erity to write n letter "hic h was IJciug 1.'-17 n:tutic:tl mile~. Thur1 perfectly t rue from bl!~inning t o :1gain has tho st~1 myAllantic be~n end ~, yet for the life of him h e i pnnne tl by tho nt best frngtle '"ouldn' t , n or couldn' t , re fute nnv tl11 cnd-:~ fresh tc timonio.l t o the pnt·t o f il. " wea lth anti onlct prise o f the ener· I nm :>ony thnt my friend Justice ~etic Ang lo-.\mcric:m T elcgr:tph hn~ on my behnl f incun eel the ri~k l'ompa.ny. o f being pulr:ui cd Ly s uch an cmin·

'l'tn: IL-\ Pt>Y En:~T.-Snys the 1::\s t numhc r of the L ondon Carllt· diem Gn;clt~ · "Britis h ~orth A mer· icn has it is plensing t o note, some ,u;-oc i:ltion with the happy event \\hic h hns 1ivcn th e British Em· jlire :\third vrcsumpth·c wale h eir ~o the throne in t h e direc t line o f ·U<:CC!'sion . I t happcnd thnt lns t ..:uaHln,· the Bish op o f Newfountl· land \\::1~ the prcnchcr at St. Joh n's ' 'hurch . .King~ton \ 'ale-a churc h ••ftc n attcnclc tl J,,. th e Ouches~ of Yoa k whe n ::; h e w:i" l't inceil ' )fi\\'­IIHI, :1 \\ :tEl n:ttlll .li, Dt. J,lc welly n J 1mcs mndc :1 :mi tahl c 1 c fe rencc to th e hirth. .. ;o;uch an c\·e nt," he ·.tit!, ·,·l,dng:; hcfMc u::, amid all \ltlr dis-:cn~ inn and party ('I'll· ·idctation:o, th e f.1ct. th aL we at e -till Englisluncn-Engl i · h m e n lir~t 111d fot cmo l-wh:itc ,·e r s hould uc· ut!l'. Loy.dty with us i- th e per· · aut! ro utantic f' i\lc o l patrio· ll~ t lt. n w l l'a tt io tl'::m '' ith u s i~ the \ 'h11 t1.m .mtl philosophic . itlc of t.ny.tlly f. ,lll~ muy th e t\\ o fl•llll'· a~h toget h e r. c .tch suppmling a nd - ustnini11g t ht• vthcr:· The Dul•c lllc l n uch c -s uf 'fcck were bo t h pt c;:ent at the Ch urch.

Tm· D . ·. l'Hn:HY.-L:tte inlclli· ~cnrc ft n w Bchrinrr !-=en is to the t•fT,,d that.. the l' ni t ctl St.1tc3 wnr· ~1 11 p~ t !terr hn \'e warned 20 ~cnli ng ,.e""t'l~ , of " l11c h e ight we re l ' nitcd "'t.t tcs ,·c~scl ~. in frt nging 1 h term~ "' ll~e tteaty A Hcutc r·:i clesp:ttc h I tum :O::ut l't .tnc isru '-late ;; th nt the · l' &\ i ng •dlliO!Iel l'II!JII , belonging :n .that port. cap~ i t.ctl tn n typhoon .,n the .lap:utec Coast. anti thnt all 1hc c 1cw, numhctit.g t e n . we re .\.,,,,ned Anxiety is ul so fe lt rc­.!.mltng <:Jx other ~c:dor::~ .

l'.tl·i lie <·oa t p:t p~rs f::ta to that l.trJ!e nmnhet~ of fauailie:: front th e l'.tluu::c Di.:trict. in the state \; f \\ .t .. ltttl!!ttHl, "tllt l.u "c qttalttiti c:-:: .,t impl cllH'Ilt~ .utd li•·~t·cla s live ~tock ha' c pa:;:!ed th rough Britis h l ,,Ju mhi.l 1111 th eit ''·'Y tn Albcrt1L

Tilt ' J a tt.\ ;-;hn:'t tx Gr: IDI.\~Y.­I L i .... ~an• a la\\\' l'r \\ h o not l on•• • • 0

•t n ro t cturn<:tl f1 om a vi i t tt) Ger· "':1ny · ' impo:.; ihlc for n jury in that counlly tu bring about n mis· tti:tl tht ough di agreement, ns is often the ca ·c with similar bodies !. ere . . r lltlcr our plan , .. h e s tntcs, .. u n e t~1wr.1nt or pcr\'cr~c tnau can nullify the e fforts of 11 intelligent :and uptig ht c itizens if h e wishes to 1lo o. In King William's d omain, h o wc \'c r. s uch n thing is impos i­Lle. Take for instance n criminal case in n Germnn court. If, after cons ultation , the jury s tands s ix to six for nnd ng ainst the prisoner he is ncquitted . If E=e\·cn jurymen belio\'e him g uilty and five are equally s ure o f his innocence his fate ia decided bi the judge who hus presided o\'Cr the case. If, howe,·er, eight o f the jury dec ide that • the accused is g uilty it amounts to n conviction. 11

rnl lr,·itu n:s 11·utll , yet I must con· fess thnt I \\ ns more t h nn am used on leading tho mmbling mnnnc1· by whic h he (Truth) tri c:1 to justify the nction uf the Bonrd for tnking the sch ool fro m me. \\"hil.-t he cunnt't point out one solitary cnso, whe re I h ave been recrcnnt in my duties

1connccled \\ ith my vocntion,

yet ho \cxpatintcs on whnt h e con· eiders the generosity of the Board . fo r gi\'ing me three months' notice . Why, . .'ir, judging from his jnrgon, t ii\C \\'Ottld imnginc that the float tl hntl con fen cd a ~real fa Yo r o n me. \,y g h ·i n:; me this th t co m onth:-' notict' .• And h (' hold~ up his h :~nd in luJI!/ hor,or· bec:l\ISC I ha\'C been ung tnteful cnou!!h l u <:Olll\•l:tin \\'hat a \\ lmde t ful h· b:ul fcl ow J 1\HI"~ l·e in h i>< angcl i r. C \'C~! An(l \\hat a pltil.m t lll opi~ t 'J', ,IIh must hi'! to (l o m e s uc h a )! teat kind ncs ! 1l 11 \\ \\undc1 lu\h· con .:itlcratc to thi11k th a t T h :l\·c· no t eason to find f.tult, because. :1 h e put it, I h ave been :;;h·c n " tl11 rc full mtmth ::~ n otice to provide for my.:cll.' And , m.trk ynu, h e snyJ I :u11 "'Oin~ to be paid my salary ft~ t' thcc:;;c t h rco month . Ah ! tlon't, \'lc.1s c. 1 dun't think you can \Jo~- i h ;;: mean that I'm to be pail fo r t eachin rr tht:~<' h~>f t/,, cc mrmt/,.<. \\'hy, \,les yo m precious s<111l. these nrc " :\oticc ~tonth .'' You arc a dear good fe llo w t o tell m e thnt , nm·h ow. Why not s top my pay t oo? It wo uld (lnl y ue in k ccpin"' with the l C5t Of YOii r ac tions.


Now; ~[r. Edito r, l cannot ue pcr - undetl b ut '/',·uth ( \\ ho ofcour"c ha;; a\ wnys b~en my u ca t· friend ) tuu::.l hn,:c lJCCll s:H]ly ntllic ted with one of Jus now alrln·ate«l ]JC1 iodi<'al s p!lSnt::l whe n he wrote such nn nblt• dcft'Me of thp- nc tio n of the Jkmrcl of Etluc nt ion fjr g iving mo that ' · ~oticc.'' 'For instance, he s:t\' :' llt:tt there nre /w,ldrccl$ i n lltc Fa.uae 110!)ition that [ nm to- tlay. ,\\'hic h me:tn::,I pres ume thnlthCl c .1rc hundreds t mnctl o m. of th e ir o::itunlio ns !0--duy for pu{ol'ming thci1· dutie11 fuithful h ·, a s T 'ha,·c d one. ~ow, Sir , wo ui1l :tn y s an e man· pen s u ch wortl ll'/ I tro~ n ot. And I c h nll enge him to J>Oint out one 1w m/M cnse where a Schoolteach e r or nny o ther person, who hns g ive n trN!J sati .. fcrdion in t h e p e rformnnce of their dutie~, thnt. h ns been trent · c<) like ntc. The puiJliC of ' pnni­nrds J1ny will b ear teatimonv thnt I ' have done my work fniihfully nnd con cicntiou s ly,na. will also the 'uperintendcnts. The question

then nnturnlly nrisc!l, why was I sh•en thnt 'wtice to l en\'e nfter lliru Jull fltnnllis 1 Everv membe r of the Board who was present nt tho Meet· ing , when it wns decided to gi\'o m e thnt nolicc, h~nce repented)} affirmed in the presence of numer­ous witnesses thnt they had n ot the leust fault ngninst mo. · Neitl1or had they ever h eard n complnint lodged ng nins t m 9, save from my dear nnd tme j1·icnd Tntlh. U n ­knowing ly I mus t hM·o offended my "Lord nnd Mnster," and as a

.. T oren A."iD Go.' -The duty of Fno~t I cEI.A'SO TO MANITOBA.- matter of fnc t, the only nUernntive a Returning Oflicer is nt nll Limes Poor downtrodd en I celand (snys )eft fo r m e wns to" get." I co\1ld naturnlly n very c ritical or.e. 'fhi s the Prt/1 Mcrll Grualc) is beginning look fo r no r edress. I have o ffend·

• was\nst.nn cod nbundnntly the o ther lo mnko her voice heard. Thoro ed Bflmtbody, nod mus t pny the db.y in the of an e lection whic h arc two active p oliticnl movements penalty. • took place nt West Algomn in the ~oing on in thnt rcmo~ is le- a Now, Mr. Editor, I do not in· n eighboring Dominion. When tho H ome Rule ng itntion and whole· tend to further discus~ this m nttcr Returning Officer came to mnkc his sale emigration Lo ~Innitobn. Doth jus t n o w, but if 'l'rt«l• has the mnn· officinl count, finding thnt certain nrc g oing on ns well a s cnn bo ex· liness to como out over his own returns were \Yn.ntiog, h e determin · peeled. nnd there is good h ope they nnmc, like I n m doing, then I s h nll ed to postpone the court until the will rcnch the ir cons umml\tion nt be most .happy to cross swords with f.ull returllti were supplied. Where· the Sl\m~ moment. The idenl con· him. Ant.l if h e re.fusos to do so I

. , upon - t h e agents ·or the candidate s titution will th n s be obtnined- sh nll brnnd him a mean co1carcl wbo (~lr. Con mee) objected, and de· H~me Rule \\'ith n obody nt h o me has nottbespirit o fhi sconvic tlons.

.manded that btj be d~clnred e lected, to :>o r11led I If he has truth on his siu e he need M a postponem~nt. was -MATRI~IO~IAL -At. Heart's Content not . fent'. ." ~~uth i s ~1ighty .nod . The ~ett;Jrns at thts ttme gave h_un on Lo-morrow (Wet.lnceday), there is tO mus t J?rovntl , ts n .benut1ful trmsm, n mnJonty of 94. The ~turmng l tako place cne of thoeo int.ereeting 1 my fr1enu ; so launch forth over Otlicor, how~ver, r efused to make events which bl\\·o 1\l. a ll ti.mea enou an I your own sweet little nnmo when the cleclnratJon, nt whic h the ngent~ 1 oltraction ror more especially the rair next you write on this mntter. No of Mr. C. were very inllignnnt~ nncl 11cx. There and Lhon Mr. C. 'franfieJd, s n eaking O\'er lL n om-de-plume 1 hinted they would aee more about I of .the Ang~o Atperican', ia to bo T oo ofton a)rendy lou have bee n it. But all to no pur~se-t&nd e. I· untl.ed to Mtl8 ,Vtolet, daughter or the actint:r the part o n midnight • 0 d th , · t Re • ~ P,_Opola r Supermtendent. or t.he'. "" b •• ..:1. • • 181 e prove . at • e . turmng 1 fwo of tho Alieaee Mackay oCSt.. Jobn'a, (1UMIIR 'J. e« me m t~e back, Officer was. w1se u n ·..taktng the

1 pulled t.hrougb h ere yeeterday arter. but afratd to meet me, tn open

course he dtd, because, when tho noon, on their way to Heart.'a Content batLle. You mnat now face the fall returns wete ill, it was found to attend the gl&dful e•en~. All tbe·l music like a man, and this I have that~the rival candidate (Mr. 1 frionde ~ni~ in ext.ending their con- ,. no doubt yoft., will do. " So come S.v e) bad a majority of eight. , gratulatiooatn advance, on, Mac Duff, and cuned bo be who That ng~i~ plain thdt, had tho Yeat"L Penn Brot.l

0 , h first criee hold, enough ." Thank-

Be~rning Officer been too precipi· Orion arri•«< a\ ~~nS:t~J"aC: ing you for apace, yourt truly, ~he would bne placed hfmeelf morning wt&b tbeliiOCierate Ufp ·0r 460 B. B. SQUIRES. sa. very awkward pOeitlo.n. q&Jt.., eeeGNIIlD &be l&ralte. St John'•, 1Dlf '17, 18&&.


Local and othf\r Items i -~1 h rr~ \\ill be II ~ l:xcursion from I ITO ·ruE I Ill rol: ur· Till: 1'1'\~IHIIO.] --···"~'"""''~"'"'''~"--'"""'""'" ,. , 11 •r. vr <.:.tee to t he ~t. .Jvhn'K Hcgtttl:t. Dl:.\1: :-: 11:.- • . -Thoetenmer V!lnguRrt} of ~Uiil po t • --- . . A Ill ~l (•hjuynhlc rnrly ('(Jt. l•l ue se(:ll t::! liOWOnt.lock ntSt.JOhllll. - I!HK~:T-A lll.lll'h\\ lll!.c trlll)"f't! 1('1\\I IIJ.:(\• JI OII M', )C~lt r.luynfter·

-:-!\! r . c. Dudrr'K s~hr. Genrs tl\ lnlely :'l n lY i{()llt' rls I<Hll~•rrnw ( \\'edn( !Hiny J I noon, \\it h ltt~r•H tl. m•it:hi lrJ.;, l'!HIS ) oil· nrri\'Cd ut. Xcw l'~rhcnn \ltlh ,-,;11) qtlli. Uflll l'l'll tht• cluh ot t lult lu\\11 nnd nn lilt{. l:td tt tl I'Ctlll lllll iJ.". t ll Jl!l•llold 1htthlll lit~h. clc ~t·n lnmt ll•1rbCJr ( ;<'. r.llthn~; rii.\T k\ltlt• 11\llllj!lll~, dri\'('nt

- H on. M. Monroe's l11Htldn~ !'chr. --- ( 11 t •l 1"'"·1 rlllJ.!;itii"IX'" ' d~J. ,,I~h chlllg, Occnn l'lough i

8 rcportr.l nt. Burin with - The ."t. Juhn':. ltcglllt:\ 1:1 to l:tkc c lnll t r. 11111 ru~h "I.' ll nn 1 ) • trct•t to

2:30 qlli!. fish, mnking tiOO (ttls. secured plncc on tht' Sth AngiiKI , \\'ctlnestlay lln :lllttlll :l_ll l.:tla·. 1 he 1 n rl ) ,, 1111 rotn· by this \'easel up to dnte. wctk nc:~:t . It pro mil e<1 to be :L moro JlOill cl_of el'~h~ t~f c.u r IIIOI!t.Yuuthful nnd

., ---- i•ltcrcst lllg c 1ent thanusunl. Lenull ful llld l4ll, pt rchl cl 111 t· \ U\' con·

-The !!Choonrr Lizzie, C1tpt. Pugh, nrrh·cd on .1t11nlay from Cutliz, 2i 11.1 \'8 1

with snit . 'J'hc Lizzie is nn oltl·cuuler, hn\'ing been hero ycnr~ llJ:;Il under com· mnnd of Capt.. Sheri If.

-COlii'I.&TED.-'fhe lnying of the new At.lnnlio Utble, which Lcgun at. H eArt's Content. on the Sth ittet., wns comulcted IIUccessfully on Fric..lny morning off \'nlentia. Thus hns been won nnothcr triumph of \)Cean tclegrnphy .

-The t wo ships oft. h e • 'nlmtion Army lJission-tho Glad 'fi11inge nnd the Salvntionial-left. St. John's lnst. week for their rt>apect i\'O stALions- "l'\otre Dnmc Dny nt'd tho I.nbrndor Const. ~bny good wiehes went. with them.

- TIIM FIRST TillS St: \SO~ -The fitl!t new potatO<'tl for tho senson wcr(' c.x· hibit<.-d on Sntunlny l:1et lly )fr. Wil:uun G:ubcrt, nnll next. !:3:tturt.lny h e Hnys he w11l ha\'e plenty. Tltosc shown up l.tst :i~tturdny '1\ ere ullont. tho size ot hl'llll'

-PF t:~o~.\1 .-There ret.urnc,J l•l to\\ n, tl ~<hort time n~o, onl' ol 11 ~trhor ('l·':s young 11011!1-n.unely, ~lr. {i ('or~·· I it> h!l'll 1\ lw hassom,' f•1r time I'•' t t.,•,·n m·~h>'i fully pur<~u in~ llt~!tn.lh·3 at !"t .\ 11~ 11~· Lillo Cotlcgt•, ('untl•rt.ury. Our ~ •J u • .: ClllZelt hall COllie ftll t I IJ @ j'Cllcl 1\ \I 1: It· c.trne.I \',tcutwn .tnwnf.; 111 friPIId:i ht·rc , .uulthero enn t.c no cluuLL Ill' wllln.turu fw: lll~ .til the lJl•lter fut J1iS ~hort llU· jouru.

WHEN TRAVE LLING \\' hL•thcr 011 plcnsure bl·nt, o r lnlt<lnC~::. • tnko ou <: \'Cry trtp n h<·tllc ol .'nup ol F1~s, Ill! it. nets most. plcusnlllly 'nnd l'l'· fcclllnlly on the kid: l'~ ~~. h\'t'r nml lJo\\ cis, pr.n cnt Ill!,! fcH:r, h t•.ulachc n nd other fc,rms ,,r s ickm f;:!. Fl•r s.ll<' 111 i',ic. UOttll'S J.y ntl iiiJ! tlru);gi .. t.;, )fanufucturcd h)' tho C.thforuin J:'i~ :>} rup Co. only. ,

-A. couplo of city gt..·u ts who were de· sirous of'udnt,; nt. the llnilwuy "'tlttion yu tcnlny nftl·rnoon, hnL who hnd :~pent. tno much time at the ft.'sth·o uoar1l of n popnlnr bo.mling·llousl·, found th:tt. all I ho cni.J11 \\ <'rC gmw LO t ho U<·p(,t, :\'t1L fl·rlin~:: hko " bt'ing JelL" in this 111.1n· ncr, the•\' 111111\etl i.ltch· hire.! n !torso unt.l C;lrt llnd ptoccctle;l to tho s tRtion \\!.ere, i t is nct.'lllctts tout,., th<'y Rrri \'ell f!llfcly in t.luc t imc.- Cuni. .

-A~ I~Ct 0EX1 -Qn l:tsL Frhl:n · n eouph• of St. John'::!) onth11 "ho ha•l·l, t their pnunJ,:c Ly the S. S. (.irccnl:lnll \\ere on the wh.1rf ns tho tirnn I J~1 ko "ns Jcn1·ins:. One of them s.1hl, '· fl rll you bound to ~, Joz·,., cnpt.lin ?'' (.i ernal Cttpt. .. ,. Yes" •· \\'I'll th l'll ," t ~~u yonth replied, · l!l'Jl h· r un tho sHlc\\ulk nil tho \\ ny OH!r, nntl i f l l'l\1 8~0 the Grcrnluntl thcre Sl'llll her on•r for us. Wo got. h'ft. this morn ing. Good-bye Mike', don' t fc•rg L to sel\ll O\'cr the ( irecnlnnri."-Com.

--- Ct'il'o lolt· allitull• :lliiiiii);IIL lonKkl:'ill 1\lld - Thr He,·. \\'i lht\11\ GrJi1nm (of. 'L lloxc 1!, Oll l \\ 0 ht.>l'ISib urz.l 1lru111 llrh·cn

Allllt~• l\ ·,, St .. luhll'>~), nntl Mrs.Gmhnm I U\' l\\ 0 .)(lllthful jdnta \1 !10 l.i:{J~V moro. \\ ere 111 tO\\O fnr 1\ f w Ja~·s rcccnt h·. aLoul linm.llin~ tlw SJilCtul.l c r yurt!· Th.-y tel urncd by to-tllly 'll trnin. • I st ick tlum tho n ·i us, Lut , '' wlw ~<•t.

--- there just. th e same." .\ rriv •,1 nt their -A couple or ehllt<' tnrn relu cncd I dr!'t tuAtiun, procectlt•d t.> i w•rcct tho

fro.n Flower's Covo lnst. " cck hy the grub, nnd ~.,t the kelt I c. under wu , .. Grnnd l.nke, h t\\ ing llonc nothing ,rith .Aller hM ing n m ost nppr tizing:; o'cloCk tlTt: codfiAh , 1\llll thcro ucing but poor tc:t, Min Pynu CIIIIIC tl(l\\1\ nml kindly hllpt.'S of J uillg nn~ thing after the cnplin lem Lhu hc..u, c nnJ gr.jllllfl, t•J thu J•IHLY[ school WR!! OH' r . am! on t uc orril'u l vr nnt,thcr l:uh · lllll

--- n (•:t rl)' ()( gent!CIIH!Il 1\ 1I:\IICC ,, ,,j hchl -The s. s. Grnntl Ltko, C.lplnin on t!lu IR\\0, thor gc 1.11 hcstru, MiS!!

Dcl1~ncy, nrrived horo nt::? ~\1 p. rn. l'n Py lln, 11e1 111)! as li.ldlt r . Ami nc, r r route fur :\orthcrn Purls. ,'lte to11k on t.lhl li•lt.llrr 11 .. l•l'lt t r. '1 ht pnrt\' rcuch· bourd mni!s for l.nllrndor, ,(:c., nml JcCl 1 cd homl' ! .1f1•ly, ti littk sh:tkt•n up­ngttin nflcr half nn hour's tlflnr. J .. 1. thnt!:s a:l ·uud t loi" llt l•rlt i ll"" nro ns \\'ickhnm, l·~q., J1c 1· ~lr .• ~ttuircs, :mtl frt'sh ns llu t~l • 11. t l ll l' ,.,."" .. ~it,. I nth· 1\ large namhcr of ot.her pnucngc~ were ; \\ l1•J tt 1hl "!1i:c tlrl\ ti.J: l'l:tt 11lt<; \\(1\liJ on lHil\ro.l bounc..l uort.h. I lull t' tn 1;•1 I•J I he hu •1•it.d, auol "ho h:lll

8 . . I ~he \HII•t l•l:tcC' <,n ti ll' H·l1tclt• n11w ~~~,·s

-COIH' "-1!.- ut. l illie ~0111g, is, !he sh ' IIC'It' r lcl t. iui•Hi t Tl'!•lli: -.' lfopii1g reporL of h11hermcn he ro?ahoul8. I wo ahc nntl the r. s t 1,( till' t nrl\' lllO \' cull· emnll .western bo.lls rcturnr•l fr. m 1 ti&.m· lil.(• 1 ~ \\' hn~ , 11 \ \OU > • B.trt':\ll<'\1 nn S&tlmhw-poorlv fisher( 1 '" 1· •

I I I I (, t.l T . I ' " r"' r ' •• , nm report I 10 IS 111ry 11 . 11\1•8 Ill\ e , .I uh· 2·, 11 0 L' S\\'F FT · t!l•:te \\ C!I :IL 111 111\' I I:H'I'"' :llotll~ tl.l' I . <- - ' •• • H uon' , hut. hnu k·.llHI· h nc mrn l1.1\ t• !till Juno so 11 11. i'·• u:sh nt. H l•:utll ('un· 1 By 11elegrapb. tent nnolt•lh1·t p ':tc ~·:-. '" th.1 l tlirl'Cllo · I --o··-

-:-'II Jt:t E1·t-c 1\1 \ Hllli•~- JJ 1 ,. 11'1 11' \ \, .) u\y :!"'.-' hiua lllltl l.'lr• ',.,h ap Dr. '\I.Hd1wl! I lla,;hoJoo •l ll ur· .T.t !•.llt dl•d:liC \ \ Ill. Tlw .fap!tllt·~c lu,r(ir ll t'. r"tllr:c! 1,,. Frtl.l\ ' n 1:.1\e 111.11lt• tl•l! K in..! .. ,' t '"H',\ .\ f: oollt h :o~ .. h .. rl \1 • 11 •• ·1 l ••rl looll ol l1!, pr ... ulll t. ' l d i H·~c tl'.ll ·port~ ha\ o <'Xletl"l\l' cltot'•'~ • 1·•. 1111' no~~tl • \ltr.!- lt•t•n ~n nl. (,•; .T:q .t il t ·•~; ~hit•:: .111t\ ll .~nh'ly, Hlll'\\1"1 1' ' ''') - IIlli l•l,.bl d the ( 'huu:~c itrttcl•!ottlt \\til ~all 1\11 h I 1,,. Ct•rohn I rr•·t·pt h " :11 unl• t! 1 1 1' • • 1 ,. h1111 I II Wll lt' •• \ II 1· •11.! leld II ,\' I i11\ht r, Ill~', ll l.H' •1'!:1' I l l,l.. •

he w.ts cuthu t:l!.ll\ 1,1\· \l ••l,.'•lll l'o l I•\ I J f&<• :"'Cir :t!l~ II~J · I :dt••l th lllllllllll lei~ d t1 \ l •\cd p('upl.· lht• I rtllll'<l' I~~ r .. , II~C ('ll:d lllltlll• tll ollu phy CJf hua.tln~. I hi! It~·· mtntl•, r c.l , l h:put;b l ' it.:me:l• l'.nt :111cl \ll'-­nrdlt'S, anti lh~ u:t r. JW.II• .1 \,olio)" lol 1 l h:1\'t•l. 1'.111•. l ~· ll ,_ ilt ,\ du<'l \\ at h muskct~y \\htuu ~r· l'lt•• l 111111. II · rt' Ill j ::. \\ tlld'. ('luut·Bc tnu \\',1 ... \ ic tot'. dcr.d a:njl:l' JlrtoiJ( lll till' .' <'ll•:r.ttl• ll l rutc't fill'' ill ·l:llt i:,.J. (.'oll lllli1Jia 1U1d n'~.n.! 111 I\ ha. I, l '•t' BtshOlll h lei • 1 . t i. '\l hy the I,Ctlplc •>I Jlt.>n "ist.1 ll.ty. .\L l c.- ~ ''·':l't • ''" 1 !. .a..:t •. Hl)n1\\i~t:\ prupcr " t ng-'il l'un• Optn fl liJI•l·.tlll('ltl Ill 1·.\\III!Jl'. l£11ll, nn.l nt the ~tlj.1ccnt. Bl'tllt.llll'lll!!' .J n.Y .:u -Tho \\'ellllJan Ar ti t; hi11 J.on!t~h tp :ulnllni.llll'rt'.l t ho fl.l('t1t: F xpcditi uu i ~:arc Tt 1d\1ch cd a lati lllCnt of (;"nlirtlllllun lo lllllllY hun· t ndcot :-\I. .tnt! i ~ ptncccr\in!: nnrt h· ~lr· ll!l . H e 111<•.1- Ul'l'n ..•\ tl l\· \\:\Ill. 'l'hc t:ngli h cxl'rditiun ttn· w~ t he cJucntwtutlttnd hn~IICHII ~tnto cle1 .hcl•::on fol io\\"· T he \\' ' 11 · ofthepnnsl 1C ;l':q.rcgst'tlhlliiStllpltth· · · 1 f l • c•l wi tt. uoth, nntl lh•l C1l th tlt the m.trks Ilia I~ ~ ~ C'ttll)lj' '! o r \\'" Y(':lr ul Jlr•>$! n s 111 the pnst· '' " u!d lik ·l\1 c " " 1 ·. . he mntult-st 111 the futun' . l l.•l wmrl,; ha\ c: ck-t nl\·t'•l ltun --1'~:1:._1,,_. 11 .-~li~i B B 1rnr;: 1J.w):h· d_H'd" o l " 'I":.IIP llllho-< 111. ltl t .t in

tlr 111 ~lr (.; F U.crncs nl till~ t•>wn, rc· l, :m.:ta,. nnd ?\ t·ltra - k:t. turmd l:lsL week fr,tu Jhhtux hy t he \\ rcckc1;; attat·kt·d tlatnc: nl ( 'Ill· ~. K :-it l'l l'rre. 1·\>r tht·<t t wh yt'llrM C:l!!O anti ;-;t, l'auJ',., Yc::tctlin r . .~.h:.R·s lut.! h~·~n .1t !h~ :\'urul:t l 'J'hc t:uHT tlc.lllloo k at \\'a~hing· l rn tntng St·ho<•l nt I rurt), ~."" , fur the ton cnntit lltc .. purpot~c of t•omplt t i.n~; l1 rr edut•att'•)ll. Etwlancl r.t;tl rt·tl r •1 1 \'i~o .T\1 . n l'r('\ tt>: tz; l •> her IC.I \111.: hcn<'l' she 1ad => • • • t •

1 '·


1.('('11 Ill clHtl'j:(O of tichool~ at (.;r,\'l_IJ, l ~J;eC)'t pC.I('C tCIIIIi !JI'Ojltl$('<! . uy Unnk Pur t·d e·lirtl\'l' -.'<c nwl her woar. ( lnn:t .Tap:llll'• <·:t ptured l" n"

' ' •• 1· <' I >'' I "' :tt. tiHRC plncr~ g.11e u~?ry !llttlt>fuction. u t• t C.l "" t .tc :..,n. ll f!L' t\\ O yc'un~·\~1) a t Llu· Truro~chOt,l l .Ttt.y ::t - II:II C•Jilll !1llll l1\tll('C5 '' ''s spent 1!1 hnr,l Hthl~:. l.ut. the r1• u:~ hi., dl'letminatinn t11 do::c the com· \1 .18 J.:l"!ll tf.\' tt>J.: L•1l11·r frtcndl4 nnd h(,n(,r· IHittcc st:1~c of tl~('\' ic tion hill nl.lo ttl h~rricll-sh(• h;H lll~ IJCcn l\ \\ •• 1rd· Atwunl 'ith. 'l'iu , 111 1 c 1 d ('.( a Uqtlt•nlll , th t· l11ght t Jl<'•l!llthlc . . e \ c r < llll h ()nnr short of .t c!P~r<!l'. )l Fil U.trnrs itt~~· nm~n.dlllcnts <: s~ red. . is nuw \\ith•,llt n u·houl, hut thl'rc 16 lite Chmc,.e Htllly 1~ marc)ung C\'1•ry hkchhood (! [ hrr n •cet\ i n~ 1\ m·ctland o n l:Mea. Prulongccl wa r suita!.le one. For this she is well i~ ;ifo sidered t•roLnulc. T h c

-A R~-:,11:sn&n.-\\'o lu\\'o n locnl 1lunlthed. .T:} :rc s:mk ~he tmnsport Kaw l-imekiln ClulJ in to'l\' n, ntid its m em· - A S w C.1.:::u \t.T\' occurred nL ~rnu· : hun i sc,,·entccn h und rctl dro wn-llers ha,·c recently Jenrncd thn~ one of u el'll :i~ti.m on F rid11y nf~crnoon, " n cd. 'eg~1tial i un"' runt inue. its most h onorrd mcmhcrs hns ucen in IL \\'Oilll\ll-1If'l'. :\( ewohy \ . c of (;h o lct·n nt St l'" t ab . b t

F ... lwnnl :\'<•snworth ~· of Lott' Pont.!- · " ' · ~ cr., utg t:O: a a • the hnLit of chuJ'l:ing his neighbors 1\ ~ • 1 ng Cle.rtnin prico for futuro cuubagce, WRS Struck by a freight train, ant.! Ul· =--:· ~====--======= whercns ho hns sold Lho snme nrticlre mollt. instnnlly killed. At :.! 50 o'd ock, · ---- - ------to outside fol~ fo r 25 per cent.. under just ne tho trnin O\ I.'N on the plntform, PllOFE!-= :-i i O~A L C'ARD. nnd pny freight l'n eamt.>. T}t<! ClulJ fa u woman wns Ob\ t:rn•tl hy the cnJdnecr -o-agitat.ed ovt>r tbia m~mbor'e uncharil· ,1\II(J lircnum. Tno fOJmer \\ hist l('cl to W . E . JONES, A.B·., M.D., able action, nnt.l wish to remind him of put on tho brl\kt>e. The woman tnrncd '' ?J W. 'TETJ STREET tile CJirdinul motto or the Club, .. ChAri· nml looked UI\Ck nt. tho train. 'fh~n iJ . ).. 1\o

ty begins 11t homc."-Com. sh.> w.tlkcll on u~;n111, ll('f.'ing \\ hi• h tho HARBOR GRACE. ____ engineer Llew 1\ IICCOntl time M ll sort

oFFICE H OUnS: 8 to 10 . ; 1 to 3 l'.~r . ;

7 to · ' '·''·

- co IDI~F..-The ~hole- of t.llln~cr signttl, ntul ~hen, (\hllen ·inJ! it. sale fish dealers on T. "barf, Boston, wna welll!clllatl ,~'\\ O,\ t l11 ctl ~l11:tl. lhe ha\'o (anye tho Cllpo Ann Advertiser) li'Omnn turned to lhu ri~:h t to etrp from entered lllto nn agreement. to buy no Lho trnck-which it~ nti:~ed nuout. ten lish of commiu ion merchants who do feet. Ly l\ll cnunnkment- tlO\\IIllloslvpc !UST RECEIVED & FOR SALE uo&. confiine their enlrs to the '1\'hole· to safety, when the struck - IW-811lt\, fish den Jere of Doe ton, Quin(!y her nnd thrcw, l1cr to the hollom of tuo ~ -~ _ HEN N E S S y 1\lar~et., and Mllrehnll J ohnson . FortY,· ditch, "ht-ro eho l11y motionhsl'. Tho tho wholl'8alere llro in the combine, " freight " '1\'118 btoppc..t \1 ht•n tho ncoi· with a f()r fei luro of lirt.y dollars for tlcnt. occurred, auJ Lhc ofl1duls we~L to breakinft tho agreement. There .nro tho nasista nco of the inJun ll womnn. t.hirty·etghtor forty commission deal en~, So di·l t.ho many pnsacngcr.:, n ud eho and the wholtsalcl'8 clnim that. they wne tcntlrrly tnkr n np nml t'.1rde'l to apll l.l) the latter's cuet{)ntere at the en m e the neigl,tuvring h(IU!IO of JU!l'l II )for-prices tboy clinrge them . gnu. H er fnco showed 11 dt :tthlikA

___ pnllor, sbe \\ ns unconscious , nnd 1 hon~,:h

. -Mr. G~orgo C~ue, of Moequito, met she uttered 1\ few '' or.!s onCt', .l aed nhout. With a serious llcctdt>nt. not. long since ·I o'clock "It hom t eco~o:msiu~ nn~· of tile in·the loas of a vnlu:~IJio carl horee. 'fhc friont.ll! ,, hu J;:tt.hcrctl uy la•r 151\lt:. rt. nnimnl Wl\8 grazin~ in the ,·icinity of \\RS unpossi ~le to tl \'utd the coll i~ton1 its owner's rl' r~, nnd wne drh·cn nnd . lhu uull)ri\Jnatc woman I' \lilt r, a o,·er n ete<'p clifl' some t en or twenty Lh~u~t r1o ftt~a!t. or Cl~rdcs~tucs~ of th.e feel. hi~th , by nnoLher horae. When dis· trnt.n n nnds. 1 hero Will Lo nu wv~ :;tt­covered tho injured bensl Wtl ll plneet.l g-ntlon hy tl}C .:\lngls~n\tcs, ns JITMidc,J between t.wo bonte 1Joated up the h ,n ·· · lly hnv,,but •~··~ nnttetp:tleJ bor nnd landed on LliO bench bur. bnd t1to engmccr w11l Lo h clc..l blltm(:J.>ss . to be shot. eightt•cn dnya nfte; tho nc· - Nowrm :ns ITP~Is.-\\'(' le:1rn n few cillcnt. Tho Ices is n coneidernblo ono items of news from tho 'l'willtng.ttt. Sun to Mr. Crone, more especially ns Ito hncl (J( the :!Lst iost. : (1) that. tho smelting been confined to hie house through works ut 'filL Cove aro in full sww~, sickness ror over two yca.f'il. nnd nriJ ,·cry successful under tho ne w

· -- mnunger, nnd minin~o: operations nrc

A!'sorlccl .Tams in lib nntl 2lb Jugs, o1ncd lleeT, in tl u and 2lb Tins,

~uperio Lunc h Tongue . Yery cheap Lime Juice in pint bottles. · 'l 'ahl c :-::nlt in 1, ~. 4 ami 7 lh bn!!S. BunH\nt·~ Be<;f, Tn'n nn<l Wine . ~chool Jo:xc rc i c Book:,-3c. up . . ' late:;, P ens. 'Xo tc Pnpc1·, Envelo pes

Al u, a l:11 gc l-ltock o~

·cROCKERYWARE inc luding Hcclroom !-=el:;, ' lnss nnd

Sto ne .Tug:z, T eapots, :Mugs1 ('ups • nnd 'nuccr::, an<.l Plate~.

Americnn nml En~l i sh S<J,·thcs. !-=cytho Handle~, H ay Rnke ·, H ny Pron gs,.HnmmerF. Unnd n ws

Axes, and full line of o ther nrti­clcs of Hnrdwnt·c.

Ja. T h e bn)nnco o f o ur Clll~ESE o ffered nt 12 c. per lb.

FuH lincil of (ir()ccrics, Dry Good ::, T,cnthcrwnrc, ec. •

J>ricf8-(18 Lo1o ft8 tile LJru t. J. J. HENNE SY.

FAn Fno)J Hts NATtY& Lum.-Tho now l!eing prosecuted with much vigor. mournful int t>lfigence wna recei ved (2) 'fhM one of Mr. Osmond's liehiug here, 1\ short time ogo, or tho u nexpect.. craft. recently returned to Mortou'e Hnr· ed demieo, at BarklKy, South Arric~, or bor from lho }'ronch ~horo with about. Mr. W. G. ;l.lolt, artcr a verr. abor t. ill· 120 qUe. of lieb ; nntl that. 1\nother nee11 of but four houl'8. 'I he trouble schooner bclonginn toExt>lttilll had also J uly 31. Which terminated 80 faf.aJly WOI h em orr• returned, btwitfg t.fono fn1dy WCJI. (3) =============== hage or the lungs.: Mr. HelL will be 'fbaL Iieber.): r('porte from 80010 or tho Just Rece·Jved and For Sale I remembczod in t.haa colony. He wu . aoulhorn dtalrlol4 aro m ore fa,·orllblo ror two )'flU"8 head or tho Conatabul· thnn for 80\'emllcnrs pnet.. (4) Thnt. I ary ForceinHarborGracc. Hisautldou tho ft11hery nroun tho el1ores or Twil­Lilking ofl', in a rcmO\e, rar-ofl' land ia lingnto it' ' 'cry poor. (o) That two or · mournful indeed. Mr.l:loft. be longed to tbrco fishing orarL hK\'e returned to London En«l•nd. Much sympathy ia ChRngo JslamJe from t !ic! Northward r .. u. fur bia wife (daughter or ~be Jato ~·iih good fnrl'8 ; and that. a ft-w aonth· Dr. AUaa ot ibla town), lhua len deeo- ern orAf~ were seen pnuwg 'fwilliogale late and alone ao lu away from bomo harbor, bound borne, appareo~ly well and frlend1. 1l1hed. ·

.. 20 TONS

Prime Hay Ex from Montreal.




I .