a~dy.ertiier. - memorial university...

VOL UD lS. Jtatice. «;eorge 11. JomcU i ,a., 40 Park Rmo, Nete York, d1) _.Uf. !. itttmgill f f;a., · 37 P1.1rk &to, NttD York. agenta for tho H.Wr Standard in thAt city, and are author- ized to contract for inlerbng e.d\'ertieo- meota for u11 at our lowest cuh rotee A• lvortiaMJ in that city are requoated to lea'fo their fnvon with either of tho above Houee. i[qtictS. t NOBT.HEBN AStUP.ANCE COMPANY . CuxT.u..-TWO MILLIONS' Sro. l"BOlt FJU PUl011l111 .. ......... .. ... .. £180,000 A.lfyo .U. R.ETii:NliJt J'BO lt LlJ'JC · P.ulll11xe ............... .. . £110,000 A."n117.U. RJCVL'CIIE PAOll Lvr,n,. EST Vl'Olf JxvurE.D }'uli'D81 • lliu.BLY ... ... .... .. .... .. . .. £42,000 HEAD OFFifES· LoNDON-1 'Moo gate Sheet. ADEaDEEN-3 Kin treet. Ineurnncca effected on Prope y iu Vow f ouudl:wd at Current :Rat of fnloi. um. Pro.apcctueea-F!lrme of Applil tion for Firu oud Life Insurance and:ftll other lnf orm11tion Office of A. 0. HAYWARD, St . John'e, Agent for Newfoundland. J'uly 1, 1870. Life Association of Scotland. NEWIOD!DLAND BRANCH. DffiEUfORS: H.)(.. DIKlNSON. E-q. ROiiEii.T GRIBVB, &q. Medical Officer-Da. W. C. Sll(ll&. St-cretuy-E. L: JARVIS, Esq. The e. anuol iucome or thla Auochtioa ia uow llpore.rda ul £260,000 STERLINO. Tba FWid in 1169, amoaateol to Sfl, ' 1' The uta Aa•uran-ID ll>ree Ia laal, .&mouot to Tbc buoinru h coocl-4<] 'DDM two ttp&rate Dcp.artmrot or cl•*- of .6uuteooe. 1 hooe who pre fo-r Life Auurance. aUht amallea c11tl•7 oonti>temwl:h -llrii,J,-Alloulol cnmiot tbe rulllt .....Ur CLASS A. Thou wbo clealre their of l'r98ta appllecl Ia h.c-•lns thot llllll• -ared-whb tile opdoa or on lmpot1ant p-iOoD for thftr old ...,..withbrol t.lfedl"' the IWD -111'114 prcG.rrwcl to llle Ul'D&I b.atAta DDcitr CLASS B. 'Or drr Ctau A ooe batr or ,... roartb er the lr&t lilt Jtt.ra pl'lllul uma m&J nmU.. uapalcl. la· tm.l only, &f 6 ,. CCAt,lfeiac "'lllr. eel to be pe.icl. bOo....,.ln lbla 01- ant Mriot ol Pol·cr Holclorra. haft riles toa71 per otDI, or .... ,.b;e lA Cub. . ... - .. 1a Clau B the protra an M4ecl te tbe polity IDCIINDOW-aladal a&tiJel'ltleJft peroel nclo on the •-• !Mated. Tb• r-Ita ol . tltlalldlrme clalm tiJe .-tioaoe....,. ooi..U· , CONC'BPTlON BAY AOUCY: Medical Oftleeri: DL W. !l. A.LLA.N, nj.r'bqi- ,Grace Da. W. A.NDB.B.89N, Bripa. . Jau 17. NUJiliElt 35. I . HARBOR GRACE, JULY 19 1871. . . ' 1Joebi. ____ ..... 1\'o Stork or Guarantee Capital AN ADDRESS TO A JIR;\NDY DRAWlNO JNTEBBST. - ence. I g{.d tbe facti apln of 10 ma/·i or CDJ old (riendt. The Hrmo wu ah·eo aooo tbt Toic• nf Mr. 8 .... roae oud It did me @OOd to jol'a 11aio Ia that old melodJ, wllftl "J'!Io', Lcwor of :Ur Soal" wu ••119uDcd.. Tben a baret of anltnattd the 111rM •rra and the Toteea. tell that tht tenderut emotion• of the Diwil\e lifo, and tho own deep muoiog, art exptrieneed br tbote •bo in timet p11t how ao poetrr then the coer•• ballade which find fnor amonJt the Tho Hrmoe of tho Wesleye IN the RlDrioue liturgr of But in lieu thereof You bottle, l'n lond lOU too 1,000 1 00.0 You bu ·e been a bad mu•mete to me, 8"l1rP.I. Wbcn lmet.wtth )Oalm 1 •a&.JaM1llay o: atrol'i, U Q N Aud bonlltoroe u h&Ddaome could be. MUTUAL LIFE I NSURANCK tO. (INCORPORATt;IJ 18-18.) DaucTo•A Orrtc&-27 Co•ut St . Uo.ton, !ob.a• HENRY CROCKER. l'reoid<nl. W. H. HOLLISTBR. Secretary. B. R. CORWIN, Man&tter for Canada anll Dritiob Pro•ioc:ca. TKOS. A. TEMPLE, General Agent for Maritime Pro•i:.cel. STATEMENT !!'or the Year Ending De\:. 31, 1810. Receipt . ••••••• ••• llltct'Ul ......... ... I had plenty of cub io my pocket and pur•r, . And II'IY cbeelr.a wert u r.d .-a ron I And the day wbtn I took you fur btttar Cor worat. 1:d 1 ltautiful aequilioe noll. But now oniJ loolr. I I'm a flight to bebold, The buutr 1 boaated hu fled : You would tbinlr. 1 waa Learly ona bundrtd )e&ra old. Wben 1'm raioin« Ill!' band to my b,.d 1 FOl it tremb:u and abaku like the unb wbtn it And I'm cona11nily my tea 1 And whtnertr I tpeolr. I malr.a aw!ul mia· tolr.u, Till eurr one'• laughing at me. So io thl( Southern Statu when the old honda were loGtrd, and men expected that a caroinl of blood would celebrate the occnioo the aweet norte cof \Ve•leJ'• carre up on the eoh Southern brtuoa aloog with ' "The long atrrn -n. Which bade the aoldiera olott I" and triumphant atraina were the true .Miuull4i# o{ that maneloue re•olulfon. .... SJ.ii:ii&ii Tba ladiea don•t lore me ; a. od I can The Preacher'• dieeoarae wu euitable to the time and place, (Pealm Tlii., () a brief outline of which I will attempt to jliYO :- Disbursements. ._. ••••• 287 ,900.00 Motur'd ):;n. dowment.. 1, 000.00 S'l68,900 .00 Paid for autRIIdetcd ., Pollclel.... ......... H9!Wl. 19 DiricldldJ,. ..... . .. •• 39U70.88 All'lt. rcturutd to Holdtn ........ . .......... . Tnea aod Rnmuc Stomps . ..••. .. Cocnmlulcuu ••••••••• .. SII7,1M61 Paid for F11tunt Commia- •loas on Policleo...... 2'l,S4(1.00 Moclic&l :Bumiu6tlono.. H,Sl$ 22 BxpeoMa or Man•&e· meat •• •••••••• •• •••• 80,100.72 -------- S I.06'1.0Utll Tbe Net Atnta, Dec. 31,1E69, Wfrt $-1,033,174.33 Add lUoeipt.a during 1870 (aa abon) 1,828,238.21 13,861,412, j6 trace To th• lou of my acquilint noaa. Like an OYergrown atrawberr1 uuck oo mr face, Srill larg•r anoi larger it growa. And I hne'nt crnt h. my pocket or punt, Aod my 'lotha• are ell dirty and torn; Ob, yo.a old Dnolly bottle you ban btto a ud curae I And 1 wial1 I bad oner been boto. You old brandy bottlt,l'lllon you no more You han ruin•d m• body and ao11l ; ' I'll daab rou to aud a wear from hour. To up both you and the bowl. And I'll now go and" tign"-1 could aure. ly do wont- On th11 pletlse all my hope• I repote, And I'll grt back mymone7 in pocket and punt, And perbapt, too. DIJ beautiful noaa ! '' What it man that tLoa art mindful of him." Deduct Ditbllretmtolt (u a- bcu) 1 002 083 · 49 ( roa TUE ll.ulliOS O.UCE ITUD4U., "How beautiful," 11id he, " are tho "'ood. aad Belda and waren at tbi .i aea•on of tho year. Thogreen gru• clotb11 the bollowa, and tho cora wnu on the hill.tlopoe liile ebielda of eunabine, or, better yet , like baontrt of peace on earth ; and the watere ere clear, 10 clear that they reflect the uure of our uncl ouded akiee, malting ua think of tbt rinr of lire, and "' tbt lijlllt that fiowe from the throne or God. And a Sn.:day in aucb a eummer.timo it abo•o all fit- ted to excite aucb a etrala of tboulfbt 11 thia ; for all i• ao peaoeful, and tbtre it IUCb a huab or waiting tbtd abroad , Sometime• we would acarcely bt eu.r- prind at tho Toico or a 1plrit from tree or roolt to tell "' wondenal thinK• about our Halr.er, or to call on 01 to wor.hip. The lower rreat•rca eeem tb•mttlna mutt or mluieal .ritnoaaee. The twitter of birda aeema eweetet on tbt daJ of reel than on any other day, and 'When I cootider tbe Henen•, the wotk of Thy Bnaara-tht moon and tbe "'"• whlob Tboa hau ordaiard-what :. man, that Thou art mindful or him? aoJ tho eon of mati, th•t Thou bim l For Tboo b.,t made blm a little lower thon tbt aDd haat ctowoed him with glorr and honor; 'l'bou madtat him to b&Yt dominion onr the fowl of ti;e air, and onr t!lt fi•" of the 101, nd •bateoenr pauelh through the patbe of the au.'" Net Aautt, Dec. 31, 1870 $-1,799,329.27 Assets, December 31, 1870. Catb ob Hand tl29,310 4.6 United State• Sixtt or 1881, rtptered, co1t 114.487• .50 State l( Maine Siu•, eo•t 100,200.00 Loaoa oo Bond end Mort& as• 2,422,680 61 Pre111ium Notu • 2,017 626.2S Balancea due from Aaeota 2-1.124.46 Nrt A11eta t4.799,329.27 Pramiama doe, but not ytt re· porttd . 354,937 00 Aecnt8Cl latarttl 140 967.00 Orota A111t.a PoUG!nluaed aod n -ioatated 4,012 laauring , 810,878,630 00 Number lo force, De C. 31, 1870 16. S.S2 ' ·.lluuring . 836,000,000.00 Ita ratio or claim• and to income ia on the lownt grade. . · r;r-Proor of lou eubmltted to the undtr• •laNd will bt (Ofwarded, aoC: the lo11 paid wtthout expen11 to the Policy bnld•r. . W. H. · IJJ.uoa Oucz. ' Gm. Aqmt for ROUGH NOTES. BY J.l( OLD COn.IBI7'tOJl. Af\er the tedioue tramp o•er th " Bi11 Mitll," our hnina to croll the brvolt upon a pine follrd by Joe'• batcbor, onJ , moreo•• r, a c:unory alance •ith • 11•nlugl:al and b .,taoicalleaoinr and, further, a poetical peep at th; eou ttorough whic:b ""0 wen paaliOJl, we JU>t at aaodown arriwed on board tho llnppy, the alr.ipper, u before co- ted. cook, a anory mou bad been prt pa erl witb neat pain1. .. What do JCil ca ll lh;l aiab, akirpor ?'' "To tc.e Ice. we call that ll•ndlee, air . 'Tl' good, •trona rood, and after tbo Jon11 walk that you and Joe hne bad 'twill be tt. greot relula ' !" "Hand mfl a' clg•r and to your nnrr, whilst I a 1>uft" of the frag- rant weed." Af•or a Coor preliminary tho •kipper •truck ap "Blacll Suea.n," in hi• o•o peculiar •trle! A fur eio,tog a ad the btnodlctloo, the ended. < The "'ort11y Putor btld oo ainocurt in the Bay on encb a day 11 tbie; a flOud many children wore await· inr baptiem, although he w11 pleaaec! 10 term tbla Tieit to the uulemoot "a day out of harneu." \Ve took a ehort •troll In tbe •ood1 btrore dinner, and I o b•e"etl tbtt hit r11markt were with a dP((rte of "doubt and fear" Jut hit aeattered flock might 1101 be morally or reliJioulJ btnt&tttd by the cbantt• in tbe(r olrcumataneea. Tho Apo•· tolic •pirit breathtd all throughout hia cone11ation. May be be looa apared td hie people I What would bteem• of 01 without the 'ceNmoniel or religi?n I now I hi!' the piety oot or which tboy tprinr ! .. Cooticl6f tbt liliet or tho 8eld, how they grow ; they toll not, nehber do tb•y 'ilD, and ret Solomon io all bit 1lory wae oot arrayed like one or What ia all the poetry that 11eniua enr breathec! oftr all the lloweu olthie earth to tba& oat Dlwioe nateuoel It bat loeplrtd oar Cbriltiaa Poet, aac! h•a:.• i• hll baartreh homily :- I n•od •C•rcely t.dtt tbat anund tltt? """ onjoJed th•t and bow luxur. iaot teemed eweo tho "bunlt'' to tbfl tired ·limbtl. Tr.e nut morninrr, Sao- day, I "'" early 11t iil, an.S what a beau- tiral ICtne did tbet wide IXJIIDIO of tha 1\a)" preaeot. The tun wu ebtolog in bia atrrngtb, and the woode, borb up011 the main lt.nd and HoatJborn'• leland ·•·o filled witb' tbt IODJt or oirdl, Mr tbougbtt aoeooteioutfJ wandt'led away 10 my own' r.lr .di,ta'nt ialand home. Wbat' ealm 1111! rei t apbn tl o ie trul7 ioland reo&> I I often ult wh' tbouldnot tbrw itorido• hil't; wilb be ·aa deat to tl{e. dlnlleu hi tbia ltl'rid ai ar. the llt\d t.Telleja of 8wlfserland to , tbe B•ttitl aad wb1 nor tbhe Jnid b., .... ,,.., tMir'wo•lti of faitJ ltlancta, Y• felt Maker'• tmile tbtt hour, j brought Into nact opp01itton to the ntreml· nttttorolqical. ;fo.t He pauttd and own'd rou good, tie& or all the wbetber alogly or in Hty• bltutnll on Utth'• primal bower, torobtnation. lo thou Quadrumaoa which et felt 11 all reoew'd ' MOO'""' PlUSES F0° JU:LY 'Vhat care )'e now If atorm matt nearly approach mao, the thumb u 10 · _, n Swerp nllhleu o'er uch (orm !' 1bort, and the ftngerw 10 much elongated, FtW!T Qu.urrRR .......25th, 2.20 A.. w. Chriat'• blaulnlf at )'OUr hurt it wtrm thll their tip1 tao acarcely be brought Into FULL .... .. ....... 3Ltt. 5.46 p, :If Y 1 fl&r no •ning mqod. ' oppoa:tioa, and the tbumb and flngerw are AI I r h . • d b Jr. ' ao we .. lr., that they c:an nuer be oppoaall to 11 o t ouun oaom• tnd h • b d That deily court you and eecb ot er Wll. any egrte orrorce. How few the happy, •rcret 6od ' although admtrably for chngtnJ or your calm lottlin 111 1 round bo:liu of certain liSt, auch u email Lite fnr I :I-dly I to. morrow' a light brancbta or lrlel &e., the estremiti .. or thl ahall bring to •ight. Quadrumaoa can oanr aaise any minute Oo. tleep hke clollnJ ftowera at olght, object wilb aucb preciaioo nor auppon large And Heann lb'f morn will blet •" ' •· onu wttb aucb ftmaeu, 11 are eutnuat to Such poetry aa thia mutt hue a 6oe in- tbe dutcroua performance of operation•, for fluence on all tl'.e but hamnn aff ection•. which tbe band ia adaptrd." W't Sacred are auch aonge to sorrow-an d might mention otherw, but thi• will tuftlca to tor row is either a frequent tieitor or a •"ow bow men are inclined to obliterate the domnticatod in onry houte. ttacbtnlfl of our Creator, wbo bat told ua The neo;og w11 epor.t plouaor. lhll He formed man artrr Hit own imtgt, ly, 1n the comp11oy of tho Nowbridgu and mAde him butlillltlower than tbe angela. and ouo or •tronae ra "bu bad re- Tbe,word of Ootl ia the only aource, whence maioed for tnc ta1 coon rae with them; we tau learn of :nao. Here we ban the and •• aba . dcs of e•en i na ,t ole down account of bia crution anc! (all, and alto o•e.r epot, I bow bia b11tory tbro' many asee to the preeent, eucb solttudo Di•ino Toact.er and not only by tbil, but wa lran1 of bit Hu;nwelr •pent ao much of Hie time (uture tlate when time tball be no more wb•l•t upon Those Lilli and ar.d tbo and earth hue melted wooda and qatec oujfbt to be de:u to mao 11 ulfering peace and re- poso t:" tbe aoul. tired nod aooored by tile atnlo and dtn or the crowded city. 1 caooot c:loat tbie Sab\,atb (aa 't•aa done in tho boaom or thia cbri•tiao famiiJ ), better than io tbo worda of tho Poet:- • ' fwu night, and o'er thia ... mmer toene 'fbe gloriuu• •11t·wind1 auflly blew And 10 we clo.,d our ' our cbeflfful wood-Sre drew 1 Bach J•ttn d tbt hymn or l'lfning praite Tbro told a talc oC Dible d•I•· ' Fire\ Char In in hia lillie chair Wilb aobir feet hia ttl• And told ua of the faith aod prayer Or Daniello tbt lion'a den · And bow tbe lioo1 were efrald To lr.illthe man who pra)td. -Then H•nry apoke of larael'a guide 1'ha oloud by day, tbellre by nl,bt. And aaid wh11tner, mlg lo t betide, To trutt in Ood it alway• right1 For Be it atill to tboae who proy, A fin by night, a cloud by day. And little Mory told o( three Who io a fiery furnace 11ood, Becaun the) would oot bow the kou In wonb ip to an idnl·god 1 And bow to "" tbem from tba flame The Son or Ood In glory etma. · l'b•n couein Svtao toiJ of one Who kindly all our aorro•• bore 1 Tbnugh in Henco, oo eattb becamt For ua ao ••ry, ..-,ry paoq Ttet though I he foxu hacl a bed, · He bad r.o' where to lay Hia bead. The tale wutolJ 1 a aparlr.linlf tear Rou brltchtly •• uch )OUihful eye, And thtn In eceeota eolt and cl•ar, Our byron acain roll'd bigb 1 The lillie girla and little boy Juioed in tbe atraioa of aoltmnjoy. Thtn grand· pa 'd, that good old men With wtinltl•d l.orow and hoar., bait, ' While t.ll the little ebild rto ren To .. ntel around hi• 1 And tbua t "e Sabbath nening puted lo ptaot aod pltuurt to the !ut." I cannot call tbia a "Rough Note ." I eball tend you the ury beat of the uriea, and with tltot we eball wind up the " crai11." Oomplimeote to "Delta" and Fstber "C':bip• ." (TO TilE EDI%0B or TITE eT.L'iDJ.JlD.J PROORBSS OF CIVILIZATION, No. t. To atody the nrloua cbar.gta that ba'lf formtd th• biatory o( our ra«, and note the grut neota which ban trao1pirrd, II not only an lattrettlng atady, but it It eo txctedii'Jl7 prolltabla one, To mark bow mao emerrd from a comparall\'1 etatt of derlr.nut or barbtrlam, to the potl· tlon whlcb ha now enjoye. It a lao, It rather amutlnJ to note tbe nrlooa th110r!ea, wblcb are &iffD to up lain tbe orlaln and rrcnrtb or our lanp•J'- tl'lme 1ffkera UJ It JfiW II IMAitCIUitltl or man lttor-d, tbe poaru otapeeob were tbt lallljtctlone; then tbt noun aod itt predictt•, ll:o., wbUtl !ltbel'll maintain that lanpap, - wu a or Ood. Cicero ltlte ua that manklod w•• orlf'loalll' a but, low hml, •ad weadind abool tbe &.Ida and eooda lib tattle. Ocben maintain tbat man II bot a blfb- u apeelta or the monlttJ ulbt, wblcb thtorJ probably pn rlle . to tht roJtowlnf .... -w 'told bX a D. D., a\ a mlatloaary -'bit 1 A number oC moolr.eya were at oae p&af{ltc. ud while& 0111 r•lo• ... ... dat •poD dw poaad. eltiJ 1111 taO IUitelttd "' bthlad hi•, wlaltla - of bla alttllle•· IWIJ. Aaia bu lletn callrd the cradle of lhe ho· m&o raot. It wu ther11 that man wu placed upon the earth, aud in tb• due courwe of time formed commuoitiu. Tradition teacbet that Bnt tba lobabitaolt dwelt apon the hi11h· Janda, and 1tep by tlep cletocnded and d"welt io ttte nllcya . Han they dnoted them· aelna to agriculture, to the building or cit in to the cuhintiuo of the arta and tciencn and wbatll>ner w11 celculattd to raite tbtm to the position which our Creator de•igned man tbould occupy. The Cbineu at 6nt d,..elt among the bi gblanllt, but bne •ince ua•.ion by atation t? the ocean. The Drabmina come from tbo rrgioot of Hindo Khu and Cubmere, aod made the (ortile plaio•1 of tbe lodu•, and the many ronuthed Gang11, their homu. The lnbabi· tanta of Auyria, aud Boctriana, formerly on the table l.&oda of Armenia and i>ertia. Tb,., round in tboae rich alluYial plain•, ll productln aoll, our which, lb' rint'i an· nuai!J ft owtd, bearing a fruitful loam, rt· quiring no plough, and but li ul e lab our to otcuro abundant barve&ta tu them to ae!tle there upon, aod by thtir re. aourcet lilt)' In due courae of time formed tbon prlmi\1'1'1 atatea, which, bv the gran- cl•ur or their magnificence, amue the mod· ero world. Tbe recentlr disconred palaoea ofNinneb, tbe monumeniJ of B,ypt, the ttmplu lodia, are the li•ing teachers oCtbtll grut- ncu anct theteatlmooiu of their rapid pro- greu anJ wonderful acbitflmenta. Aa tbeee primatin nation• grew 'ad dwelt with· lo their circumtllribed limlu, eaob bad Itt own ptculiar form or religion, aocial princi- pleaand ttandard of oi•ilintlon. B:.at we muat not forget the • iclr.ednut of the ptople which caaaed that uninr11l pun. iahaoent-tbe flood. Man being a Cree agrnt, he ... at libarl.)' to n:erciae tbe ''" uu or bis liberty, and hninJ departed (rom the courae in which be wu iottructfd to (oltoor, dia· ple11ed bia Malr.tr, who juatly puailbad tbe wiclr.edoeu tberaor. Ood bad conde•ctoded to pidt hi• wear7 footattpa, yat be tbia bennoleot protectloo, catt l' '*id• the e11y yoke, forJot the llfing God, a.od btcama a alan to bla nil paulona. During tbt many ceoturie1 that man dwelt in Aaia, bt (ouod tba' bl1 and politi- life d;d oot contribut.a u much toward• the impro .. oJient of bia Cacuhi" 11 ba cletir ed. Oonmed by a deepot, hla political life wu aueb oa Ia gl'lfo by abaoluta monarch· H• eou!d neither ion nor admin bia rulen, but looked Uj)On tbrm with and •l••ilb obeit1nct 1 benet bit cbai begin to 11•ll bim, bia bran 111ba for lilMi ty aod be begin• to look arour.d for aoa\t epot mora CODitoial to bla tutea. Alnady bla •1• Ia turatd to•ard• the Wtat. Oreece, w!!oaa climate le bll&lld or Huno, wh'" 10ll II rich and rtlllooeretin, inYiltl hia at· teatlon and 1n thla on• laud a free united prorl• aprlog up, wb011 llbtratloo (tom the lettara or oaturl Ia immorttli&ed by tbt OnoltD bardL No longer doaa ba wonblp the riYer which ftr111iRa tbe 1011 tbat reedl bi1111 DO loopr dote be rtYirtnet t lit aolmal and the plant• that aoataln him, atithtr dott tbt brlfbt Ofb of day IIJIIP bia dnotlon 1 ..U tbett 1od1 o( a-ity ban betD btoithtd. and the world or aatara bu ttaotConatd lata tbat or the II ria« aouL Tbl l'uultlta a!F.ctloa• but be- eome hla dletltt. At bla OlJmptu ttmplt dwell an aaaambly ol ottr by tbt all·powtrful Jaw.. All the objaoU of DAt-ber. IDOIIIIIaioa elli nUIJI. a prt8p aod . rlnr• plaata aad>anlaal-n. wonhtpptd oaiJ •ader the (anlll or .-. rdd- lad arapb• tlldowed . witb aD the .. tedoal ud llaDiirt eriDOitlla. (FOR 'l1lE JUllBOa OIU.CE AND VARLABLU genwalllltllrl or 1110010001 would be 11tn frocn f<>rmu papen. 1 tbowed by tM uadu. bow, that the tarth'• raYolutioo •• ita asia bu to do with tbta , And •o tb. earth'• motion around the auo baa to do with IIIODIOOOL For when w• epeak of I be IUO b.ing DOrtb of tbl tqaator Of IOCilb of the equator, when wa apnk ol the aun. crouin1 the line, it ia not to bt aodtttloocl that tho luminlfJ b11 that a real motioa ID tbil way. 8111b motion !a onlf and Ia actually cauaed by the earth'• motioo in itt orbit, aubject mononr, to the pMOU condition of epace tbrougb wbiob k pu114 anouelly. Hence, tho ••ry wlodl ooolra the majutic teaching• of ntroao:ay, ooaotrOiof tbt earth'• motloa. It i& n-.aar)', bowenr, to coodenee tbia paper 11 mach u j)OIIibM, ltting three IUbjectJ baYe, ror the aalr.t or comprebeotiuneaa, to bt treated or,.,.. t ully. Wbcn the aun'• declioatioa llaoatb, the cold aeaaon preuil• onr tbt nsiona, formerly mtotionfld u tbe apteial peoTIDct oftbe mootouo. 'l 'bere ia t.beo the 110rd' aul montooa there. Wbao tbt eao'a deoliDalioa ia north, taptcially: abou' the northern aolatice, the aun Ia nrtical :1\'U a 1.,.. rl• gioo of of Arabia, Hir.dottao, J:Saqal, Bur- msb and l :OCbin, wbicll btcoma of count, intenuly heated, aod the aoatb Will mooaooo prnoilL fbe tctl ing In of tbltt WIDdt II accompanied b)' delugu ofraln and tbuodtr llOI'Dit of exceuiwe Yiolanot. {J:ltraebtll meteorology.) It ia certt.ir.ly a ramarlr.abla but well· utablishtd fact, tba' 11 tooo u ooa or the muntoon• eeaaet, the cloud• in the uppe"t!!(ion of the at motpbeff! take tba dl. rettion Of tbt ClpfOti!o IDOOIOOD 1 tboqh tneral weeka o:uat pan bafcre tbia monaoon dueenda to the lo•ur otate of tbt 1111101- ; pltcre, end bfoco;uu JlltYtl rol on tbe aarl'ec:e d the tea. lYUtlcA P/u. U-v. FroiD the esprenion "deaoenda," tb• miod ie 111 think- ing aa to wbetll tr atoruu do oo' com• ciowa inttead of at rilr.ing in latu .. l!y. And Corthtl, at to wbethar contultatillo of tha biJb !lu not aa much to do with atorm prtdklioD u cootuhation c.r the low on11, wblcb ffally lliCiiYI per hap& too mu1111 atttntloa. The aouth ellt mo .aoon blo•• wi:h rtgulari ty aod cooaillerable (oro. in tbal pari of tbe lodiac Otun, wbicb Uta betnto the northern aborea of Autualia and tba eqaator end i• oenr atlfloded w th hnwy and laat- log rain. In geoaral, the weatbtr II co- pantinly fair and Hilled, Thera II aile nonb weat mooaooo which blowa bttwiiD north wettand eoutb wut, and on the eout of N•• Ouinea, commonly blow• l'roca wen and btace calltd tbt wut monaoon. It br!na• tbt raiDy reuon to all coaatrltt to which ita influence uteocb.. (WillUl.) 1 bnt tbut eodcuoored with auiat.ance to aay aomatblog abool tba IDo>naooos. Lll 01 DOW return to the OOr.tidtradcon Of tbt equatorial calml and nrlabla. All other cahoa art adnotltloue mon or leu-that are ett1aio. Sir J obo IDt In 169\) .... bt.:almed with hi• llett otr lbt Aaor .. rur maoy mootbt. Alao, In Auclllf, 1809 a crdt calm prnall ed on die octta, abou\ 1 Dotlctd i11 mf Jut, the latenpeoe or c.alpu and Yariiblt wincla, bttweeo oortb of the txi.tloK qoator• Why dott tbla bttt co01canuy niat. Or· poain& or tqaal roror, lt will be grettd. coo•pirt to cauu tatt Ia the auao .. pbtrt alrutad bf lbtm. Tbu bow olltD ban •• ootloac! tbat the olouda altbo.p the wind ,.. blowiq eomawbat oo the tarth, atemed to oomt to a at.aad IIlii. owlllf to tbt of 'bt CGniDta of ale uUIIC on lbtm. And eueb it the t&ct or tM Jftat norU and 1011th polar OUiftllt.l wbltla l ban beretolon -tiontd, lo OCIIIIIIGliell with rba trade wlada. 1 &Ill iDOuatd •r•lt to boolina farther, tl.al tbt protab.uN Of the euLh'l equatorial naiooa, btlq'tlaitiJ wattr, and the land btl ul -tlJ to tile north or aoutb ohbt tqutot. 1aa7 alto tun 101111 e&c. Tilth Ia DO rrwter aab. utbor of wind tban land, wot.b lft1l Ia tbe tqM· tonal nC'ooa. eartl Ita -liH ..._ la tbe aatl»orwblp of tbe 'I'Uiablee, widl the btlp or tbt ntanaott or t.ht DliiDt- I& "-.. Tbt protabaraot naloat ot the ..... ..,, I •aueet. eo to tptalt, u a ,..., arbltrater brtlw..-D Ult oOftb aad MDth polar -...u and wan tltem ol' on bodt aldH, ....... * lnt.anpaoa of ""n "l'wtl calm or at aD ntllta ao I'"'• tbaa nrlabl-.9aantr ohn bov OM "'• \W or aD boor an:Mbff we, ncl .. aU aroaod the 1001paa .. wbiJt tile IDle( '*" the ...... part ot tbt d•• to ......... fw. Tbaalw ..,_.,tou,ela Wttb t\t s:i puloDt ttiaed, aacl 10 trtpteotd bl• lie •Jiftlll ap eaQdaa)J IIIII ItA: ble IIIH, ud Malt, Mid &M .., ..... ,, uetoldbJ .... rne& ... ,lt dat•fPl of - Tblt ...,.. aDIJ u I& It, It qahe u IMIIblt • tit.-., w!IWI Led IIOD- ._ .... aa.r-s .. rs, •akteW. Bit liiNrr .• lUI ...... .., .... Htn hi .We uw ..._ tlilllllacl _.. ...... . ., ...... ., ....

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Page 1: a~DY.ERTIIER. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18710719.pdf · Soal" wu ••119uDcd.. Tben a baret of anltnattd aonr~'-lllfil'lt f•~''•


Jtatice. «;eorge 11. JomcU i ,a.,

40 Park Rmo, Nete York, d1)

_.Uf. !. itttmgill f f;a., · ~ 37 P1.1rk &to, NttD York. A~Nkl agenta for tho H.Wr a~ Standard in thAt city, and are author­ized to contract for inlerbng e.d\'ertieo­meota for u11 at our lowest cuh rotee A •lvortiaMJ in that city are requoated to lea'fo their fnvon with either of tho above Houee.

~nsunma i[qtictS. t NOBT.HEBN



A.~.U. ~ l"BOlt FJU PUl011l111 . . ......... ...... . £180,000

A.lfyo .U. R.ETii:NliJt J'BO lt LlJ'JC · P.ulll11xe ............... .. . £110,000

A."n117.U. RJCVL'CIIE PAOll Lvr,n,. EST Vl'Olf JxvurE.D }'uli'D81 • lliu.BLY ... ............... . .. £42,000

HEAD OFFifES· LoNDON-1 'Moo gate Sheet.

ADEaDEEN-3 Kin treet.

Ineurnncca effected on Prope y iu Vow fouudl:wd at Current :Rat of fnloi. um.

Pro.apcctueea-F!lrme of Applil tion for Firu oud Life Insurance and:ftll other lnform11tion ~n bo-ob~vtb6 Office of

A. 0. HAYWARD, • St. John'e,

Agent for Newfoundland. J'uly 1, 1870.

Life Association of Scotland.


H.)(.. DIKlNSON. E-q. ROiiEii.T GRIBVB, &q.

Medical Officer-Da. W. C. Sll(ll&.

St-cretuy-E. L : JARVIS, Esq. The e.anuol iucome or thla Auochtioa ia uow

llpore.rda u l £260,000 STERLINO.

Tba Aecum~&laled FWid in 1169, amoaateol to ~l .t91l.OUO Sfl, ' 1'

The uta Aa•uran-ID ll>ree Ia laal, .&mouot to ~i.IS9.+19•tt.

Tbc buoinru h coocl-4<] 'DDM two ttp&rate Dcp.artmrot or cl•*- of .6uuteooe.

1 hooe who pre fo-r Life Auurance. aUht amallea c11tl•7 oonti>temwl:h -llrii,J,-Alloulol cnmiot tbe rulllt .....Ur

CLASS A. Thou wbo clealre their •~ of l'r98ta appllecl

Ia h.c-•lns thot llllll• -ared-whb tile opdoa or on lmpot1ant p-iOoD for thftr old ...,..withbrol t.lfedl"' the IWD -111'114 prcG.rrwcl to llle Ul'D&I b.atAta DDcitr •

CLASS B. 'Or drr Ctau A ooe batr or ,... roartb er the

lr&t lilt Jtt.ra pl'llluluma m&J nmU.. uapalcl. la· tm.l only, uullha~ &f 6 ,. CCAt,lfeiac "'lllr. eel to be pe.icl. • Tb~ bOo....,.ln lbla 01- ~tile ant Mriot

ol Pol·cr Holclorra. haft riles toa71 per otDI, or ~t.m»turDt,aacl .... ,.b;e lA Cub. .... - ..

1a Clau B the protra an M4ecl te tbe polity IDCIINDOW-aladal a&tiJel'ltleJft peroel nclo ~ear on the •-• !Mated.• Tb• r-Ita ol

. tltlalldlrme clalm tiJe .-tioaoe....,. ooi..U· ~rwur.~ ,


Medical Oftleeri: DL W. !l. A.LLA.N, nj.r'bqi- ,Grace Da. W. A.NDB.B.89N, Bripa. .

Jau 17.


NUJiliElt 35. I .


1Joebi. _ ___ .....

1\'o Stork or Guarantee Capital AN ADDRESS TO A JIR;\NDY BO~LK. DRAWlNO JNTEBBST. -

ence. I ~ g{.d to~ tbe facti apln of 10 ma/·i or CDJ old (riendt. The Hrmo wu ah·eo o.a~a11d aooo tbt Toic• nf Mr. 8 .... roae oud at~d·e)ear. It did me @OOd to jol'a 11aio Ia that old melodJ, wllftl "J'!Io', Lcwor of :Ur Soal" wu ••119uDcd.. Tben a baret of anltnattd aonr~'-lllfil'lt f•~''• the 111rM •rra and the tremblia~ Toteea. tell that tht tenderut emotion• of the Diwil\e lifo, and tho ~l't own deep muoiog, art exptrieneed br tbote •bo in timet p11t how ao bi~tber poetrr then the coer•• ballade which find fnor amonJt the uneducated~ Tho Hrmoe of tho Wesleye IN the RlDrioue liturgr of

But in lieu thereof You o~~D;~aDd)" bottle, l'n lond lOU too

• 1,000100.0 You bu·e been a bad mu•mete to me, 8"l1rP.I. ~- Wbcn lmet.wtth )Oalm 1 •a&.JaM1llay

•o: atrol'i,

U N-·~ Q N Aud bonlltoroe u h&Ddaome could be.


DaucTo•A Orrtc&-27 Co•ut St. Uo.ton, !ob.a• HENRY CROCKER. l'reoid<nl. W. H. HOLLISTBR. Secretary.

B. R. CORWIN, Man&tter for Canada anll Dritiob Pro•ioc:ca.

TKOS. A. TEMPLE, General Agent for Maritime Pro•i:.cel.

STATEMENT !!'or the Year Ending De\:. 31,

1810. ~ Receipt .

Preml~tma ••••••• ••• SI~.i75.21 llltct'Ul......... ... :O~JlO

I had plenty of cub io my pocket and pur•r, .

And II'IY cbeelr.a wert u r.d .-a ron I And the day wbtn I took you fur btttar Cor

worat. 1:d 1 ltautiful aequilioe noll.

But now oniJ loolr. I I'm a flight to be bold, The buutr 1 boaated hu fled :

You would tbinlr. 1 waa Learly ona bundrtd )e&ra old.

Wben 1'm raioin« Ill!' band to my b,.d 1 FOl it tremb:u and abaku like the unb

wbtn it qu~ta, And I'm cona11nily •t~lllin~t my tea 1

And whtnertr I tpeolr. I malr.a aw!ul mia· tolr.u,

Till eurr one'• laughing at me.

So io thl( Southern Statu when the old honda were

loGtrd, and men expected that a caroinl of blood would celebrate the occnioo the aweet norte cof \Ve•leJ'• Hrmo~ carre up on the eoh Southern brtuoa aloog with '

"The long atrrn -n. Which bade the aoldiera olott I"

and \Vt~}fly'l triumphant atraina were the true .Miuull4i# o{ that maneloue re•olulfon.

TOIA!~Ipta .... SJ.ii:ii&ii Tba ladiea don•t lore me ; a.od tbl~ I can The Preacher'• dieeoarae wu euitable to the time and place, (Pealm Tlii., () a brief outline of which I will attempt to jliYO:-Disbursements.

._. •••••• 287 ,900.00 Motur'd ):;n.

dowment.. 1,000.00 S'l68,900.00

Paid for autRIIdetcd ., Pollclel............. H9!Wl.19

DiricldldJ,. ........ •• 39U70.88

T~tal All'lt. rcturutd to Poli~)'· Holdtn ........ ........... .

Tnea aod Rnmuc Stomps . ..••. .. Cocnmlulcuu ••••••••• . . SII7,1M61 Paid for F11tunt Commia-

•loas on Policleo...... 2'l,S4(1.00 Moclic&l :Bumiu6tlono.. H,Sl$ 22 BxpeoMa or Man•&e·

meat •• •••••••• •• •• •• 80,100.72 234.149~ --------S I.06'1.0Utll

Tbe Net Atnta, Dec. 31,1E69, Wfrt $-1,033,174.33

Add lUoeipt.a during 1870 (aa abon) • 1,828,238.21


trace To th• lou of my acquilint noaa.

Like an OYergrown atrawberr1 uuck oo mr face,

Srill larg•r anoi larger it growa. And I hne'nt • crnt h. my pocket or punt,

Aod my 'lotha• are ell dirty and torn; Ob, yo.a old Dnolly bottle you ban btto

a ud curae I And 1 wial1 I bad oner been boto.

You old brandy bottlt,l'lllon you no more You han ruin•d m• body and ao11l ; '

I'll daab rou to ?it~et, aud a wear from tbl~ hour.

To ~ti•e up both you and the bowl. And I'll now go and" tign"-1 could aure.

ly do wont-On th11 pletlse all my hope• I repote,

And I'll grt back mymone7 in pocket and punt,

And perbapt, too. DIJ beautiful noaa !

'' What it man that tLoa art mindful of him."

Deduct Ditbllretmtolt (u a­bcu) 1•002•083·49 ( roa TUE ll.ulliOS O.UCE ITUD4U.,

"How beautiful," 11id he, " are tho "'ood. aad Belda and waren at tbi.i aea•on of tho year. Tho• green gru• clotb11 the bollowa, and tho cora wnu on the hill.tlopoe liile ebielda of eunabine, or, better yet, like baontrt of peace on earth ; and the watere ere clear, 10 clear that they pu~lJ reflect the uure of our unclouded akiee, malting ua think of tbt rinr of lire, and "' tbt lijlllt that fiowe from the throne or God. And a Sn.:day in aucb a eummer.timo it abo•o all fit­ted to excite aucb a etrala of tboulfbt 11

thia ; for all i• ao peaoeful, and tbtre it IUCb a huab or waiting tbtd abroad, Sometime• we would acarcely bt eu.r­prind at tho Toico or a 1plrit iuuio~t from tree or roolt to tell "' wondenal thinK• about our Halr.er, or to call on 01 to wor.hip. The lower rreat•rca eeem tb•mttlna mutt or mluieal .ritnoaaee. The twitter of birda aeema eweetet on tbt daJ of reel than on any other day, and 'When I cootider tbe Henen•, the wotk of Thy Bnaara-tht moon and tbe "'"• whlob Tboa hau ordaiard-what :. man, that Thou art mindful or him? aoJ tho eon of mati, th•t Thou Ti~itut bim l For Tboo b.,t made blm a little lower thon tbt ao~t~l•, aDd haat ctowoed him with glorr and honor; 'l'bou madtat him to b&Yt dominion onr the fowl of ti;e air, and onr t!lt fi•" of the 101, nd •bateoenr pauelh through the patbe of the au.'"

Net Aautt, Dec. 31, 1870 $-1,799,329.27

Assets, December 31, 1870.

Catb ob Hand tl29,310 4.6 United State• Sixtt or 1881,

rtptered, co1t 114.487 • .50 State l( Maine Siu•, eo•t 100,200.00 Loaoa oo Bond end Mort& as• 2,422,680 61 Pre111ium Notu • 2,017 626.2S Balancea due from Aaeota 2-1.124.46

Nrt A11eta t4.799,329.27 Pramiama doe, but not ytt re·

porttd . 354,937 00 Aecnt8Cl latarttl 140 967.00

Orota A111t.a ~.29.5,233.27

PoUG!nluaed aod n -ioatated 4,012 laauring , 810,878,630 00

Number lo force, DeC. 31, 1870 16.S.S2 ' ·.lluuring . 836,000,000.00

Ita ratio or claim• and expc~~~a to income ia on the lownt grade. . ·

r;r-Proor of lou eubmltted to the undtr• •laNd will bt (Ofwarded, aoC: the lo11 paid wtthout expen11 to the Policy bnld•r.

. W. H. THO~IPSON, · IJJ.uoa Oucz.

' Gm. Aqmt for Newfo~and.

~· ·


BY J.l( OLD COn.IBI7'tOJl.

Af\er the tedioue tramp o•er th " Bi11 Mitll," our hnina to croll the brvolt upon a pine follrd by Joe'• batcbor, onJ, moreo•• r, a c:unory alance •ith • 11•nlugl:al and b.,taoicalleaoinr and, further, a poetical peep at th; eou ~·trJ ttorough whic:b ""0 wen paaliOJl, we JU>t at aaodown arriwed on board tho llnppy, the alr.ipper, u before co­ted. ttandin~r cook, a anory mou bad been prt pa erl witb neat pain1. .. What do J Cil ca ll lh;l aiab, akirpor ?'' "To tc.e Ice. we call that ll•ndlee, air. 'Tl' good, •trona rood, and after tbo Jon11 walk that you and Joe hne bad 'twill be tt. greot relula '!" "Hand mfl a' c lg•r tllip~·er, and pl~~e to •in~t your fn<~rit: nnrr, whilst I t~oy a 1>uft" of the frag­rant weed." Af•or a Coor preliminary h~m,, tho •kipper •truck ap "Blacll By~d Suea.n," in hi• o•o peculiar •trle!

A fur eio,tog a ad the btnodlctloo, the ~enic11 ended. <The "'ort11y Putor btld oo ainocurt in the Bay on encb a day 11 tbie; a flOud many children wore await· inr baptiem, although he w11 pleaaec! 10 term tbla Tieit to the uulemoot "a day out of harneu." \Ve took a ehort •troll In tbe •ood1 btrore dinner, and I o b•e"etl tbtt hit r11markt were tin~t•d with a dP((rte of "doubt and fear" Jut hit aeattered flock might 1101 be morally or reliJioulJ btnt&tttd by the cbantt• in tbe(r olrcumataneea. Tho tr:~e Apo•· tolic •pirit breathtd all throughout hia cone11ation. May be be looa apared td hie people I

What would bteem• of 01 without the 'ceNmoniel or religi?n I now I hi!' atrto~he:» the piety oot or which tboy tprinr ! .. Cooticl6f tbt liliet or tho 8eld, how they grow ; they toll not, nehber do tb•y 'ilD, and ret Solomon io all bit 1lory wae oot arrayed like one or tbt~t." What ia all the poetry that 11eniua enr breathec! oftr all the lloweu olthie earth to tba& oat Dlwioe nateuoel It bat loeplrtd oar Cbriltiaa Poet, aac! h•a:.• i• hll baartreh homily :-

I n•od •C•rcely t.dtt tbat anund tltt? """ onjoJed th•t nio~ht; and bow luxur. iaot teemed eweo tho "bunlt'' to tbfl tired·limbtl. Tr.e nut morninrr, Sao­day, I "'" early 11tiil, an.S what a beau­tiral ICtne did tbet wide IXJIIDIO of tha 1\a)" preaeot. The tun wu ebtolog in bia atrrngtb, and the woode, borb up011 the main lt.nd and HoatJborn'• leland ·•·o filled witb' tbt IODJt or oirdl, Mr tbougbtt aoeooteioutfJ wandt'led away 10 my own' r.lr .di,ta'nt ialand home. Wbat'ealm 1111!

1q~[ettlde reit apbn tloie trul7 ioland reo&> I ~ I often ult m~·l!, wh' tbould•not tbrw itorido• hil't; wilb tll•ti ' ihiCIIII~ ol'~arjl~' iad tdld~ be ·aa deat to tl{e.dlnlleu hi tbia ltl'rid ai ar. the bi11~ llt\dt.Telleja of 8wlfserland to , tbe B•ttitl aad wb1 ~ nor tbhe Jnid b., .... ,,.., tMir'wo•lti of faitJ ltlancta,

Y• felt yo~tr Maker'• tmile tbtt hour, j brought Into nact opp01itton to the ntreml· nttttorolqical. ;fo.t wh~n He pauttd and own'd rou good, tie& or all the Bn~ttu. wbetber alogly or in

Hty• bltutnll on Utth'• primal bower, torobtnation. lo thou Quadrumaoa which -~ --~------et felt 11 all reoew'd ' MOO'""' PlUSES F0° JU:LY

'Vhat care )'e now If wi~lrr'• atorm matt nearly approach mao, the thumb u 10 · _, ~ n • Swerp nllhleu o'er uch aillr.~n (orm !' 1bort, and the ftngerw 10 much elongated, FtW!T Qu.urrRR .. .. ... 25th, 2.20 A.. w. Chriat'• blaulnlf at )'OUr hurt it wtrm thll their tip1 tao acarcely be brought Into FULL Moo~ ... ... ... .... 3Ltt. 5.46 p, :If •

Y 1 fl&r no •ning mqod. ' oppoa:tioa, and the tbumb and flngerw are

AI I r h. • d b Jr. ' ao we .. lr., that they c:an nuer be oppoaall to

11 o t ouun oaom• tnd h • b d That deily court you and car~u eecb ot er Wll. any egrte orrorce. ~~~

How few the happy, •rcret 6od ' although admtrably ape~ted for chngtnJ or your calm lottlin111 1 round bo:liu of certain liSt, auch u email

• Lite fnr I :I-dly I to. morrow' a light brancbta or lrlel &e., the estremiti .. or thl To.morro~l ear~. ahall bring to • ight. Quadrumaoa can oanr aaise any minute Oo. tleep hke clollnJ ftowera at olght, object wilb aucb preciaioo nor auppon large

And Heann lb'f morn will blet •" • ' • •· onu wttb aucb ftmaeu, 11 are eutnuat to Such poetry aa thia mutt hue a 6oe in- tbe dutcroua performance of operation•, for fluence on all tl'.e but hamnn affection•. which tbe band ia ad~rably adaptrd." W't Sacred are auch aonge to sorrow-and might mention otherw, but thi• will tuftlca to tor row is either a frequent tieitor or a •"ow bow men are inclined to obliterate the domnticatod in~ate in onry houte. ttacbtnlfl of our Creator, wbo bat told ua bol~. The neo;og w11 epor.t plouaor. lhll He formed man artrr Hit own imtgt, ly, 1n the comp11oy of tho Nowbridgu and mAde him butlillltlower than tbe angela. and ouo or tw~ •tronaera "bu bad re- Tbe,word of Ootl ia the only aource, whence maioed for tncta1 coon rae with them; we tau learn of :nao. Here we ban the and •• t~o aba.dcs of e•enina ,tole down account of bia crution anc! (all, and alto o•e.r tbu~ ~u_red epot, I t~ouwht bow bia b11tory tbro' many asee to the preeent, ar~nd eucb solttudo ~ be Di•ino Toact.er and not only by tbil, but wa lran1 of bit Hu;nwelr •pent ao much of Hie time (uture tlate when time tball be no more wb•l•t upon e~rtb. Those Lilli and ar.d tbo b~ncna and earth hue melted wooda and qatec wa~n oujfbt to be de:u to mao 11 ulfering peace and re­poso t:" tbe aoul. tired nod aooored by tile atnlo and dtn or the crowded city. 1 caooot c:loat tbie Sab\,atb (aa 't•aa done in tho boaom or thia cbri•tiao famiiJ ), better than io tbo worda of tho Poet:-

• ' fwu night, and o'er thia ... mmer toene 'fbe gloriuu• •11t·wind1 auflly blew

And 10 we clo.,d our cotta~~e do~>r, ' An~ ~o~nd our cbeflfful wood-Sre drew 1

Bach J•ttn d tbt hymn or l'lfning praite Tbro told a talc oC Dible d•I•· '

Fire\ Char In in hia lillie chair Wilb aobir feet hia ttl• ~g.~,

And told ua of the faith aod prayer Or Daniello tbt lion'a den ·

And bow tbe lioo1 were efrald To lr.illthe rl&~ttOill man who pra)td.

-Then H•nry apoke of larael'a guide 1'ha oloud by day, tbellre by nl,bt.

And aaid wh11tner, mlg lo t betide, To trutt in Ood it alway• r ight1

• For Be it atill to tboae who proy, A fin by night, a cloud by day.

And little Mory told o( three Who io a fiery furnace 11ood,

Becaun the) would oot bow the kou In wonbip to an idnl·god 1

And bow to "" tbem from tba flame The Son or Ood In glory etma.

·l'b•n couein Svtao toiJ of one Who kindly all our aorro•• bore 1

Tbnugh ri~b in Henco, oo eattb becamt For ua ao ••ry, ..-,ry paoq

Ttet though I he foxu hacl a bed, ·He bad r.o' where to lay Hia bead.

The tale wutolJ 1 a aparlr.linlf tear Rou brltchtly •• uch ) OUihful eye,

And thtn In eceeota eolt and cl•ar, Our ~••nlng byron acain roll'd bigb 1

The lillie girla and little boy Juioed in tbe atraioa of aoltmnjoy.

Thtn grand·pa pra~ 'd, that good old men With wtinltl•d l.orow and hoar., bait, '

While t.ll the little ebildrto ren To .. ntel around hi• ~lbow·cbair 1

And tbua t"e Sabbath nening puted lo ptaot aod pltuurt to the !ut."

I cannot call tbia a "Rough Note." I eball tend you anoth.~tr, the ury beat of the uriea, and with tltot we eball wind up the " crai11." Oomplimeote to "Delta" and Fstber "C':bip•."

(TO TilE EDI%0B or TITE eT.L'iDJ.JlD.J


No. t.

To atody the nrloua cbar.gta that ba'lf formtd th• biatory o( our ra«, and note the grut neota which ban trao1pirrd, II not only an lattrettlng atady, but it It eo txctedii'Jl7 prolltabla one, To mark bow mao emerrd from a comparall\'1 etatt of derlr.nut or barbtrlam, to the potl· tlon whlcb ha now enjoye. It a lao, It rather amutlnJ to note tbe nrlooa th110r!ea, wblcb are &iffD to up lain tbe orlaln and rrcnrtb or our lanp•J'- tl'lme 1ffkera UJ the~ It JfiW II IMAitCIUitltl or man lttor-d, tbe poaru otapeeob were tbt lallljtctlone; then tbt noun aod itt predictt•, ll:o., wbUtl !ltbel'll maintain that lanpap,- wu a dlrtclai~ or Ood. Cicero ltlte ua that manklod w•• orlf'loalll' a but, low hml, •ad weadind abool tbe &.Ida and eooda lib tattle. Ocben maintain tbat man II bot a blfb­u apeelta or the monlttJ ulbt, wblcb thtorJ probably pn rlle .to tht roJtowlnf ....-w 'told bX a D. D., a\ a mlatloaary -'bit 1 A number oC moolr.eya were at oae

p&af{ltc. ud while& 0111 r•lo• ... ... dat •poD dw poaad. eltiJ 1111 taO IUitelttd "' bthlad hi•, wlaltla - of bla alttllle•·

IWIJ. Aaia bu lletn callrd the cradle of lhe ho·

m&o raot. It wu ther11 that man wu placed upon the earth, aud in tb• due courwe of time formed commuoitiu. Tradition teacbet that Bnt tba lobabitaolt dwelt apon the hi11h· Janda, and 1tep by tlep cletocnded and d"welt io ttte nllcya. Han they dnoted them· aelna to agriculture, to the building or cit in to the cuhintiuo of the arta and tciencn and wbatll>ner w11 celculattd to raite tbtm to the position which our Creator de•igned man tbould occupy. The Cbineu at 6nt d,..elt among the bigblanllt, but bne •ince ad"n~d ua•.ion by atation t? the ocean. The Drabmina come from tbo rrgioot of Hindo Khu and Cubmere, aod made the (ortile plaio•1 of tbe lodu•, and the many ronuthed Gang11, their homu. The lnbabi· tanta of Auyria, aud Boctriana, formerly c!w~lt on the table l.&oda of Armenia and i>ertia.

Tb,., round in tboae rich alluYial plain•, ll

productln aoll, our which, lb' rint'i an· nuai!J ftowtd, bearing a fruitful loam, rt·

quiring no plough, and but liule labour to otcuro abundant barve&ta tu indue~ them to ae!tle there upon, aod by thtir re. aourcet lilt)' In due courae of time formed tbon prlmi\1'1'1 atatea, which, bv the gran­cl•ur or their magnificence, amue the mod· ero world.

Tbe recentlr disconred palaoea ofNinneb, tbe monumeniJ of B,ypt, the ttmplu lodia, are the li•ing teachers oCtbtll grut­ncu anct theteatlmooiu of their rapid pro­greu anJ wonderful acbitflmenta. Aa tbeee primatin nation• grew 'ad dwelt with· lo their circumtllribed limlu, eaob bad Itt own ptculiar form or religion, aocial princi­pleaand ttandard of oi•ilintlon.

B:.at we muat not forget the • iclr.ednut of the ptople which caaaed that uninr11l pun. iahaoent-tbe flood. Man being a Cree agrnt, he ... at libarl.)' to n:erciae tbe ''" uu or bis liberty, and hninJ departed (rom the courae in which be wu iottructfd to (oltoor, dia· ple11ed bia Malr.tr, who juatly puailbad tbe wiclr.edoeu tberaor.

Ood bad conde•ctoded to pidt hi• wear7 footattpa, yat be dilre~ded tbia bennoleot protectloo, cattl' '*id• the e11y yoke, forJot the llfing God, a.od btcama a alan to bla nil paulona.

During tbt many ceoturie1 that man dwelt in Aaia, bt (ouod tba' bl1 ~!~Oial and politi­~1 life d;d oot contribut.a u much toward• the impro .. oJient of bia Cacuhi" 11 ba cletir• ed. Oonmed by a deepot, hla political life wu aueb oa Ia gl'lfo by abaoluta monarch· ie~. H• eou!d neither ion nor admin bia rulen, but looked Uj)On tbrm with ~ar and •l••ilb obeit1nct 1 benet bit cbai begin to 11•ll bim, bia bran 111ba for lilMi ty aod be begin• to look arour.d for aoa\t epot mora CODitoial to bla tutea. Alnady bla •1• Ia turatd to•ard• the Wtat. Oreece, w!!oaa climate le bll&lld or Huno, wh'" 10ll II rich and rtlllooeretin, inYiltl hia at· teatlon and 1n thla on• laud a free united prorl• aprlog up, wb011 llbtratloo (tom the lettara or oaturl Ia immorttli&ed by tbt OnoltD bardL No longer doaa ba wonblp the riYer which ftr111iRa tbe 1011 tbat reedl bi1111 DO loopr dote be rtYirtnet t lit aolmal and the plant• that aoataln him, atithtr dott tbt brlfbt Ofb of day IIJIIP bia dnotlon 1 ..U tbett 1od1 o( a-ity ban betD btoithtd. and the world or aatara bu bt~ ttaotConatd lata tbat or the II ria« aouL Tbl l'uultlta a~d a!F.ctloa• but be­eome hla dletltt. At bla OlJmptu ttmplt dwell an aaaambly ol beln~t prt~lded ottr by tbt all·powtrful Jaw.. All the objaoU of DAt-ber. IDOIIIIIaioa elli nUIJI. be~ aprt8p aod. rlnr• plaata aad>anlaal-n. wonhtpptd oaiJ •ader the (anlll or .-. rdd- lad arapb• tlldowed . witb aD the .. tedoal ud llaDiirt eriDOitlla.



Tb~ genwalllltllrl or 1110010001 would be 11tn frocn f<>rmu papen. 1 tbowed by tM uadu. bow, that the tarth'• raYolutioo •• ita asia bu to do with tbta, And •o tb. earth'• motion around the auo baa to do with IIIODIOOOL For when w• epeak of I be IUO b.ing DOrtb of tbl tqaator Of IOCilb of the equator, when wa apnk ol the aun. crouin1 the line, it ia not to bt aodtttloocl that tho luminlfJ b11 that a real motioa ID tbil way. 8111b motion !a onlf ap~tnl and Ia actually cauaed by the earth'• motioo in itt orbit, aubject mononr, to the pMOU condition of epace tbrougb wbiob k pu114 anouelly. Hence, tho ••ry wlodl ooolra the majutic teaching• of ntroao:ay, ooaotrOiof tbt earth'• motloa. It i& n-.aar)', bowenr, to coodenee tbia paper 11 mach u j)OIIibM, ltting th~t three IUbjectJ baYe, ror the aalr.t or comprebeotiuneaa, to bt treated or,.,.. t ully. Wbcn the aun'• declioatioa llaoatb, the cold aeaaon preuil• onr tbt nsiona, formerly mtotionfld u tbe apteial peoTIDct oftbe mootouo. 'l'bere ia t.beo the 110rd' aul montooa there. Wbao tbt eao'a deoliDalioa ia north, taptcially: abou' the northern aolatice, the aun Ia nrtical :1\'U a 1.,.. rl• gioo of of Arabia, Hir.dottao, J:Saqal, Bur­msb and l :OCbin, wbicll btcoma of count, intenuly heated, aod the aoatb Will mooaooo prnoilL fbe tctling In of tbltt WIDdt II accompanied b)' delugu ofraln and tbuodtr llOI'Dit of exceuiwe Yiolanot. {J:ltraebtll meteorology.) It ia certt.ir.ly a ramarlr.abla but well·utablishtd fact, tba' 11 tooo u ooa or the muntoon• eeaaet, the cloud• in the uppe"t!!(ion of the atmotpbeff! take tba dl. rettion Of tbt ClpfOti!o IDOOIOOD1 tboqh tneral week a o:uat pan bafcre tbia monaoon dueenda to the lo•ur otate of tbt 1111101- ; pltcre, end bfoco;uu JlltYtlrol on tbe aarl'ec:e d the tea. lYUtlcA P/u. U-v. FroiD the esprenion "deaoenda," tb• miod ie 111 think­ing aa to wbetlltr atoruu do oo' com• ciowa inttead of atrilr.ing in latu .. l!y. And Corthtl, at to wbethar contultatillo of tha biJb do~tcla !lu not aa much to do with atorm prtdklioD u cootuhation c.r the low on11, wblcb II'~ ffally lliCiiYI per hap& too mu1111 atttntloa. The aouth ellt mo .aoon blo•• wi:h ~ttl rtgularity aod cooaillerable (oro. in tbal pari of tbe lodiac Otun, wbicb Uta betnto the northern aborea of Autualia and tba eqaator end i• oenr atlfloded w th hnwy and laat­log rain. In geoaral, the weatbtr II co­pantinly fair and Hilled, Thera II aile nonb weat mooaooo which blowa bttwiiD north wettand eoutb wut, and on the eout of N•• Ouinea, commonly blow• l'roca wen and btace calltd tbt wut monaoon. It br!na• tbt raiDy reuon to all coaatrltt to which ita influence uteocb.. (WillUl.) 1 bnt tbut eodcuoored with auiat.ance to aay aomatblog abool tba IDo>naooos. Lll 01 DOW return to the OOr.tidtradcon Of tbt equatorial calml and nrlabla. All other cahoa art adnotltloue mon or leu-that are ett1aio. Sir J obo l:faw~ IDt In 169\) .... bt.:almed with hi• llett otr lbt Aaor .. rur maoy mootbt. Alao, In Auclllf, 1809 a crdt calm prnalled on die octta, abou\ tb~e. 1 Dotlctd i11 mf Jut, the latenpeoe or ~lt_or c.alpu and Yariiblt wincla, bttweeo lan~ee• oortb of the txi.tloK qoator• Why dott tbla bttt co01canuy niat. Or· poain& ~:~menta or tqaal roror, lt will be grettd. coo•pirt to cauu tatt Ia the auao .. pbtrt alrutad bf lbtm. Tbu bow olltD ban •• ootloac! tbat the olouda altbo.p the wind ,.. blowiq eomawbat oo the tarth, atemed to oomt to a at.aad IIlii. owlllf to tbt COilDta~ill of 'bt CGniDta of ale uUIIC on lbtm. And eueb it the t&ct or tM Jftat norU and 1011th polar OUiftllt.l wbltla l ban beretolon -tiontd, lo OCIIIIIIGliell with rba trade wlada. 1 &Ill iDOuatd •r•lt to boolina farther, tl.al tbt protab.uN Of the euLh'l equatorial naiooa, btlq'tlaitiJ wattr, and the land btlul -tlJ to tile north or aoutb ohbt tqutot. 1aa7 alto tun 101111 e&c. Tilth Ia DO rrwter aab.utbor of wind tban land, wot.b lft1l Ia tbe tqM· tonal nC'ooa. eartl Ita -liH ..._ la tbe aatl»orwblp of tbe 'I'Uiablee, widl the btlp or tbt ntanaott or t.ht DliiDt- I& "-.. Tbt protabaraot naloat ot the ..... ..,, I •aueet. eo to tptalt, u a ,..., arbltrater brtlw..-D Ult oOftb aad MDth polar -...u and wan tltem ol' on bodt aldH, ....... * lnt.anpaoa of ""n d~ "l'wtl calm or at aD ntllta ao I'"'• tbaa ~ nrlabl-.9aantr ohn bov OM "'• \W or aD boor an:Mbff we, ncl .. aU aroaod the 1001paa .. wbiJt tile IDle( '*" the ...... part ot tbt d•• to ......... fw. Tbaalw ..,_.,tou,ela Wttb

t\t s:ipuloDt ttiaed, aacl 10 trtpteotd

bl• lie •Jiftlll ap eaQdaa)J IIIII ItA: ble IIIH, ud Malt, Mid &M ..,.....,, w~

uetoldbJ .... rne& ... ,lt dat•fPl of - ~ Tblt ...,.. aDIJ u I& It, It qahe u IMIIblt • tit.-., w!IWI Led IIOD­._.... aa.r-s Bt~i .. rs, •akteW. Bit liiNrr . • lUI ...... .., ....

Htn hi .We uw ..._ tlilllllacl _.. ...... ~ . ., ...... ., ~ ~·-.~


Page 2: a~DY.ERTIIER. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18710719.pdf · Soal" wu ••119uDcd.. Tben a baret of anltnattd aonr~'-lllfil'lt f•~''•


lhe law of nt. ie dl1Ftr111l. Thae OD the ~tern eoatt of the ftlllallla 4 ladil; llae ralaa ocour darblc* IIOtth Hit 111011100• an.d on lbe w.-. chrnarlhe aq_~~th nat or trade. HenolwD ...,. pl. llt. And IDd...S otbtr aathorhltl ,,,.., that raiD In tlst rr gion or calmt. fall• ... oat dallY. AH on enqaltla& fro•authontlo ooourota I a»••d lo UJ that tho whole inllflpaot or ltl'fD de· greH, apollen ohnd eompnhending thla , .. c ion or c:a:ma, ia remarkable for the almo•t daill' fall of rain, with an oppf~••i~• at mot· pl,era fu beyond that nperi.tactd in, mort le:nperate regiona. Tho t8'tpt of the •ui­ablta ia dirtttly to •~um~JI¥• hra.~y clou1e onr the ·~io:l or the belt and tbua to cau•e tbia conatent fall of rain, with a •apourout, thick alld elugghh atmoapbtrt, a mini•ture only or wblcb wa may aomttimea find in Newfoundlantt.

... «.GrrtSllanb tlt(l. t~ 'J'D ~or.,,;;:;..,~.]_.. ~ at..mer Bl«HHHtual, / dned J!y

'M~~~~r~. Baine, 1ohnlton & Co., return· eel to this port on the llf\emoon or S un­claylut, after a trip to the Labrador,­touchiDg at .OTeral harbors 011, DCr wr.J u~.-W o aro indebted to n mercantile friQpd (ooe ort~eoyage&m) for tho eub­joioed "note~ by the wny:"-

cold mea~ or 1tbieh ~enl ftl'ietiee 11'0 alway• at'laand ; aod biN in a 1I'Via Uabt fhccr:ful ' lOOm '!bf ru.y lilt ad ea& a

Dr. of 'tMclt»- •!'bol~mqmeal Tlle;originatoro!thia Sm,- -COIIIiWn~ \hat the colt or gu in

.r.ujpla._il' 2/9 etg., 1,000 cnbic Mt f'rieoda of

1J.rohbiahop, aati ~tabbahQ)cD~ W alread1 in , & abort

two ~· b¥uJC tA- 'Prcla&e waa ~ ·time dtl;"iiona~iJtll that goo,! food can ed h6d ~ion tp confer with l!im D11 be f~rniaW ~}""'Price t\WUt._ean be bohmft' of llia rillngo Longuoft.l ai t~ obtained for .at pJ~ .. wllt>re liqut)J ia tho beet mode or .conveying ita thnoka kept, wbero tlfe chief' profit il on the lj.

GTaco 20/ !or the ........ Hl+il~mll· per10na here ~om ·

plain orthe condition or tho gas. WhAt 11 the rOUOD nf thia. Are tho gu worb properly aupplied with rul things requi­eite for tbe tuftic:ieot manu!acturo nod workiog of ~~o tfU· Every body knows tbmt tho obhgation to pay f<>r nn nriiclc is nlwnn en the 1uppoaitioo, thnt. it i8 worth lt. price. If gna should bo im· pure, not only is light defcctiYo, but thero would afao boa poaiti\'O injury to hcnlth. Wo should be 11orry to aeo the Gaa Company incur any loaa or linbillty, and thcao fMJ line~ nro written not in a fault-finding, but rather a suggesliYo ~pirit, with nn oyo to tho tTuo intore11t~ of the Company on tho ono hmnd, nnd tho consumer nud tho public, on U.e other. .

tho English who lm.d sent the IOod• 9uor sold, and 10 has aet 10mo com. Dr. Demnrquny, from bla poai- ID the uy or drunlcooneu. She bida fAir tion as bend of tl~ llJlbu)fnce, hnd no to do more .for ~omperanco tb!lo lcdur. mcnns or uccrtnluinl ' tli~ tho Arch· era ~d.lcgJalahoo. Tho Indy naaumca bishop would be ono or tho 'fietim1 of tho eohro cxpenao of tho cxperi&~eot for tho Communo in c3ao of distreu, aod "'year; though th? lou bna been open bcgg~d him to ~Ye Paris whilt- he wu but "' fow months 1t hna alrcndy paid ita yo~ free. Tho !A..cbbiehop replied, " I ~rpeneea ~a, carried " amall prq6t to know well myself "•bat I hnYO to ox I !.b~ht ~d.o or the J?llgo, to bo uaed pect, but whoro tho s heep nrc tbeahep" heh . Or...Jt 1." hoped In extending tho herd should be." Two days afterwards 8P oro Qf thiS rclllly bcucficicnt io.atitu.

About SO or 90 Yeuel• had boon j3m· med up in Bolboy Bay.

At Bnttlo B.nrbor a good deal or fi~h on grouod,but boing gorged with caJIIin, bad no dilpoaitiou to favor tho hook Md line.--&inCB bad dono fairly.

At Green Bny, J IUD hnppy to note tbero ha.s been 11 rem:~rkablo auc~ful


The HarbQr Grace Standard

ulmon fishery. \ · At Twillmgnto, tho cod fishery will!

but fair, eo fnr ;-bonllllVI.'roging S qUa. amnn. .

At Fo~o, tho catch oTorngcd nbout 2G qtls.

St.opped nt Tilt Cove c.n our wny homo. llere, Dr. 'Vnlkcr, one of our pnrty, collected numrroua sprcimcns of copper end nicklo! which, with n l'nrio· ty of fouila, plnnte. &c., gmtb~:red on tho !..'lbrador coast, oro iutooded for hie (tho Doctor's) friend, Prorcuor Gei~ie, hc:lcl of tho Geological Survey of SCotlnnd. It is worthy of note, thAt tho Doctor, during his sho~t s tay nt BMtlo H nrbor, rendered good aor\'icc in his profession­al cnpl\city ; noJ naturally enough, his depnturo was a matter of nnft!igued re­grt't, not on ly on necountor his urbnnitv nod tender 110licitude t.ownrds tho nt' .. Ricted, but from tho fnct thnt he declinrd ri'Ccivin~ compcnstltion for his vaulnblo aid.•-Tirne1, July 12.

be Wl\8 n.JTCBtcd, ana Cnrricid to the priJ. tioo. on which he knew thAt be wu noTcr t.o lcnvp. , Snell noble coo a lAney throw• a bright Ji)lht e\·cn OVCr tho darkneBA and mi8ery .or th011c cbvs. · One man at lrMt hns ~ct nn cxRtnplo of martyTdom· nod·Hhown his pmn.try whnt it i.e to be Yours, &e.,

ENQUIRER. fuithful u to denth. ·

---------~~~~ WEDNF.SDAY, JULY 19, 18'11. -----~-----~----..

July 17.


IT is our duty to make Tery strong ob· [To Till: &onon Ol' TilE su:>DARD.] BOrVationa on tho dnogerous nod dis· Sm,-JXT&Ceful atntc of tho b ridges bctwrcn Tho rehtm ml\tch between the Do· Victoria )iUagll nnd. tho Hnlf. WnT minion nod Victoria. Cricket Clubs House, on tho line of public rond com: I"IIS plnyed i!l HnrbiJr Oraeo on mooly known na the Cmrbonenr and W cdoeadmy last. 'l'ho dny wn• fiM, and Heart's Content Rlnd, so widclr u~cd tho piny on both sides very atcndy, nod, for the purp080 or travel. Tho&dea of towmrda tho d ose, \'Cry cxcitin~. Sub­bridging over ri,·era•with •ticlct, i" redi- joined nro tho scores, bl which it will culoue, and not OlliY that, but. a r i1k to bo t!CCn that tho Victonnns wrro agnin lifo rr limbs. Lately procccdin~ with Tictorioua :-

Mr JIUDCB AahbUJl, Commodore of tho Harwich Y~~eht Club, baring ebaJ. lonj::ed tho rcpresentatiYO American yncht t.o Mil n~:linat t ho L:\Yoni& for tho Amcricnn Cup, the following t'Cply bu boon for\\·nrded by Mr. J . G. 1knnott, Commoclore of. tho New York Yncbt Club:-

horao nnd carri1lgo in tho locmlity com- LOMnn:<;>x. plnined or, our horao put his leg com· 1ST 1:-::-: Jsos. I 2so l sSINOS. pletely through one bridge nnd ncnrly Drown. run' out 1!Cathrae, b PeACh, broko it. HAd tho bono brokrn htS llow, b Nelann 8 c l:limpaon 5 log, serious dllv:u~go would bnYe been Cathrae, b Nehon 8 Drown. b Nehon 2 incurred, nntl the Rond Uonrd for thnt Uuthrrfnrd, b Nl'l- IRutberroJd,hPeacb 10 district \VoulJ. bo responsiblo; a01l how •on, c Nrlson 3 Dow, b Nrlsoo, o much moro grave tho responsibility i\tcl.eod, b Peach 2] Nellon 4 would be if lifo had been loet. :Plnuk Canon, h Puch 2l'ike, run nut 27 · h Allan, b Nclaon a ~lcLeod, b Nchon 8 18 t e proper matorinl for a bridgc-wny. Tapp, b Puch o rapp, rur. out o Wo oro thus in a position, from per. Pik~. h Puch, c Carson, b N•hon, aonl\l obi!Cryatioo and experience, to Durbid~t• 3 c llurbidK• mnke thcae rcmnrks on tho mntter of Hr dclick. not out OjAI!on, b Peach

Tho now uuiforms in whicl1 our po· lice forco n1 0 clothed ~ivo them n ,·cry fino nppenr:\Dcc. It ts to bo rc!!l'ettcd thnt it 1s foUDd to bo eo diffieultto ob­tain snitnblo m~:n hero to fill up our polico force. W e lcnrv. that tho inducement held out, na stnted in tho Cltronicl11 aomlr timo ngo, that tht'y would Ira fill a lot qf grou11d t~t apnrt /o

6 ~lldl ruan, for !:flrdeua, is not correct. 12 All tho gr ound in tho nei.,hborhood of o ~'ort Townshend is nt-prr~ent monopo· 2 hsrd by ooo or two indi,·idnnls who

8 hM•e no right wbnte\'er to it, " ·hil'o tho

2 polico, who hnTo been compelled to re­

t movo their fnmilies from tho homes that

.tho dnngcrou11 etntc of these bridges, Uow•ll, b l 'each o Roddick, h d w nnd can pro,·o nil thnt \VO any. Any 11)··• 2liowell, not out penooa who undertake n public duty Lt'g·b)·u 1 such na tho supemaioo and proper con- aa ~!:\,u atruclion of rottds nnd bridges. M this Wlc!ea Rood Bonrd hn.s done, do so under tho proper legal linbility for tho . exercise of all d1,10 caution nud cnrc for tho s.'lfe. ty of tho public, whoso sel'\'anta they aro; nnd tb.oy dr.ro not nnd sltnll not, by nny eulpnblo oegl~t, trifle with tl:e life, tho limbs, tho an cty. the comfort nnd tho just ri~htll nn ~~ nveoionco of tho pc.oplc. If this Doa neglects its duty, oro long it may be k OY.'l\ by the n11m0 of the f/IDJUlaughftT onrd. 'Vo nro, ~ tho j;Unrdiao of pub•[c rit;ht, do. termmed thnt our remnrk&Jtltnll bo nt. tended t.o. W o C.'lll on t l:ttiDonrd to n.tt.cnd to ita plairrduty~J. reJ~ tho gravo defects compln.med or.--This cnll i11 to tho Bonrd1 not simplv na n body. but to every individuml meinbcr thoro. .of; and wo ColD :1.111uro them tha.t if this cnll to dutv is not immediaJ~ly nttcnd· cd to, wo a1tnll treBt rrJch neglect with tho n~ost uuapnriugcondcmnntion, how-

tho~ baTe lived in so long, hmve not 00 nn lOCh of ground to CU}b\'1\IO.

Whilo on this subject wo think it well to refer to nootbor. and th.1t is in re. forenco to auit.'lblo uniforms for our tido wn.itera. . It ia just na nece!Janry that thoao offiClnls should bo clothed in · pro­per uniforms, ns tho polico forco. On tho :u-rivnl of tho Moracia11, the other day, one of tho Customs' Officen~ nt. tempted to go on board in fulfilment of hi• duty. Arriving nt tho gAng "·:aT, ho wna atopp<'d by tho officer of t lio ship, with "No admittance, Sir," nnd hnd to a.1y he Will! a Customs' Officer boforo ho wna nllowcd to p:!SS. N 01~ by ttU means our tide-waiters ehould be suitably unifonnod, not with 11. l111lf dozen brn.ss buttons, but with n good su!t of nnvy bluo clotbcl!, each Officor bem~ numbered nccording to seniority.

1ST Iss1:-:o~. 1 2so Is:...,sos. Tayl'''• b Cathrae 2


Duguid, h Catbrae 0 :"iicholl. b Hoddici , Morri10n, b Cath·

c ltoddick 0 rae, o .ei.ke 6 Badc<><:k. b rtod- Pike, a Roc!dick. 8

click. c :O.tcLeod G Nt laon, b Roddick, r.oulcl, b \ :athrao 0 c C~roon 11 Pakt, b Cathrl\c 4 GDI:Icl. b Cathrae 7 Nrlaon, l "b • 4 8adcock,b Cathrae 2 Pucb, b Ca~hrac 8 rarlor, b ltocldick 4 Burbicl. b Hod· Peach, b Cathne,

click r l.i c Canon 0 Du~euid, r.ot out !l Burlti.lge, b Rocl• Xorrioon, run out 0 dick, c Topp lG Simpton, b Rot!· Simp•on, not out 0

d1ck, c Cathruo 8 :"i irhnll, no\ out 1 Dl·•• . 4 R-eo 1-1 Leg·byea 2 \Viclt • !!

;4 Wothink this mntter should bo nttcnd·

ever uuplonaiog it mi~:;ht bo to do so. Total, Jlominion

" Victoria 120 1:16

7 WE regret to announce tho dcnth, bv drol'l'lling, of n fine voung mnn U:\med Willinm Lambert. Tho decenscd w:u a hAnd ou bonrd tho Lily, bolooging to Old Pcrlicnn, John Mnrch, mnl!ter. Wbou tho Lily wns off Turk's Covr, L:unbc.rt bad ocC.'lSion to go to tho foromut bend wi~h r.. block, and whilo bo wu aeceudtog the rigging, tho block cnngbt in tho gc:ir nnd immedintr ly precipitated him overbotlrd, and not­withstanding ovory endeavor modo to aavo him, be ·was drowned. Thoro wn.s a 1trong .brecro nt tho time of this pain­ful occurrence.

.\ncl I wicket t:~ go down. ~OSP~liS.

Cnrbonc.'lr, July li, 1S7l.

~ TuE return mntch between tho Yic­torin Cricket (;luh nf Bny ·Hobertl! :mel tho Alex.nndra of Llu:~ pl:\l-1', wnll J!lnyed on tho Aleinndm ground on Fridny lnst, and resulted iu th& dof~:lt of the former by 2u r uns, n.s will be teen by tho following acoro :-

WEi thnt tbe' nverago catch or fish &l Ne Porlicnn, amount& to twenty ~uin por boat) to the present tin•c. 1Vou)d.~yenJ tho aamo eould be l!llid with re!ereoco to Harbor Uraeo, wbcro 'there i.ajscacrely any fish at nlL Such an aburl<1anco of caplin hna not been witncued !or & long time, nod, 11ppnr­ently io a prcm11turo wny, tho squids DWle their appearnnco somo dAys mnco. Tho oll\ and injurious prnetieo of haulr ing eaplln !or mnnure to ·the land atlll, we aro aony to 11Af, prevails. Whl\t. ever people may thmk about this prac· tiee now, the old people wero agaiuat it, for there wna a leg~alntiYo law pro-

.. hibiting the taking of cap lin for :nmn­. nre. U Ia a great pity that that law is not kept in force. Pure air il one of tho grand oaentiala C'lf bealth-nt it is loaded with the amerl of dccompo8ing caplin, cheeked alone by frclh 1findll wliieh fortunatelypf'lffail. Good ground u eaential ·to agricultur&-yot tho capli.n 1'Uina the ground and extmeta frOm it the elementa or growth. .

Wz ha~e frecJ.uent aod rc&c.bin_g raina nud 6ne $TOWID8 weatl-jer, which 18 (\uitc eneourasmg to 0111' trielfda, the agncul-turalilta. The bay crop lookl Tory lne ao promiling. No doubt the m~~IWi:naJI:i'""' will come early thia ~n.

~or erop• too, look well We like to eee, howeYer, kelp more

uecl r tbo land than it ie. Q.iek p nclua that yrodueed bT cap lin, • 'DOl MlfiN growth, an.d it .. 110wrul powth thai il wanted. Quick IJ::91flh Daktl the _potato tar m'o~bn. to trt. .a.~_ apota which oaUICI ~ &eUe. llurry, io fact, i1 too ~- of tJae ~iu· ortbia age, and the

...,_. ~·...,~ulreclueat d*p~tmeat ~ . Wlaat do ~ people fatlne of tlala coab1

lor tile btu. to a '


ed to by tho Board of Revenue ; nod wo ehould bo glad to cl•roniclo tho fnct thn~ prompt nction hn., bectt tnkcn up· on 1t, nod thnt our Customs' officers "ill bo "uitnbly clothed in timo to tnko their pl~~oeca when tho fnllls business commences.-Le.lger qf Friday.

"1'b• Ntw York Club con•rnla to wai .. the aix monlha' notice requirrd by the rulee, and accept your cballo nife to raot a ext O*ber for the Am,ie~~n Cup. Aa rtprnentati .. of of the Harwich Yacht Club, pltate nama any

in 0Gtober on "bleb YOil deairt to race!'


-----. . BllN AF1'BR J'IBB. which led to the w witla Pru.ia . &lid

G. P. I.eroca1cl ..... to NMwf :- a lftia. daat ... DUDe of Loui1 'Na­In Paria OD Wedneaclay the ~ pit., ~ aoulcl,. attuck •u.e ron or -!tor deaaftlrilag' thetem"ble collJI.I:Irra- iDemben ~~Legion ofHoaor. Nwe tiona. one ef tlie CCift'Ml'Oilc1elata writet o! the petitiou wero taka into eon • tbu1 :-" A. more lcmtly daf it would aicleraaoa. be im~la to imagiDe. a ~ of UU• UJoal brigktn011, blue u tJ.e c~ THE TERRIBLE FIOHTilf(J WO. ever MCln, &lUll ohwyaaing brilliaDCJ MEN. even for Paris, eca.reeJy • bNath of wind ruJB tb Se' s eh r h A correspondent writing from Paril to. . o e mo. ~ o t e great fl11 :-Wo managed to got aa fu u bwldmga aa tho lpreadint,; con.bpation Place du Chntcnu d'~~u, o~r the Bar. baa not reached atand io Clearest relio! ..,.,. .... for probr.bly the 1aat time i but in a doz _ ricado Voltaire ; ioataUed ounel•t• ia CD I pOts, It both aidea of tho brid&ea, a boUJ& c)~ hy, aod bern lookiag aheeta Of flame aftd awful TOlumet of ~r ma}ori4J.a to eatablil &D ambu· amoke rile to the 1ky and poaitinly ob- an~. uat aa ~bo National• were te• acure tho light ortbe atlD. I am malt- ~ting • bnttnlion of woman ~ ~p ing r_belo n?teaon the TJ:ocadero. Clo10 of~. V~ct 1A ~a trot,., ao.!:!thflrio~ and 1mmed1Atol1 OP.POilto to me iJ the Th m.m~o -- g. Invalidee, with 1t.a gilded dome abiniDg ey wero a~cd w1th tho Snider ri6e, bti~;btly na over." Another aa Col- ~d~admtrably. Many pl"etty ~L.. Iowa :·-" Aa I driYe along tho green mg.Slrla were thoro. TbOy fougnt like mnrgin of tbo plncid Seine to St Donia, donla, far better t~ the mm, aod I tho epectAelo which the capital pretonta had tbb palo or aeemg G2 •hot down ia ooo neYor to bo forgotten.. On it. oven w en thoy hnd ~ IUJTOundocl white houses tho sun •till amiloa . be bLo ~e troop• and d~~armed. I •w will notrcfuao his beams spite of 'the a ut 60 men rhot at the aame place deeds which they illumine. But up aa tho wo~en, and a~ th~ ~&me time. through tho 1unbonma struggle aod While Pana w~ blumg m the night, aur·go ghutly awart wu01 and folda and the .cannon roanng, aod the m01ketl pillnra of donee amoko ; not 000 or two, !01!dng, a poor wo~n !'&I crouching but I reckon them on my ftngera till I lllll.l 0 a carl and lTflDS b1tt~ly. I or­loRe tho count." Twenty-four hours Cered hor a glass of. wino .nod a piece or ln. tor tho change has come. 'rbe rain bread, ~be refused ~~ &Bymg, "For the is now fnlling heavily, bu been falling ~b~rt hme I bavo to hve I 1lulll not need .,.r heavily all d3y, and may do aomothing 1l;- The troop.s wcro tbo!l ou th~ otbe;.4 for burning Pari,, The aouod or or- stde o!tho barr;cadea, hnnng tnklng tho tillery bna died nway ;" and from an. Cnaeeao d.u Pn~c ~a gene, Chatc:ru d' _ other writor :-"A. hoary amoke han a Eau, and nt mtdo!ght the. fi;"' ~cued. o•er Parilaod rain i1 cooltantly faiY- Sud~only I hCBrd 8!X sbot.s 10 rnp1d IIUe-ing." I bolioTo it 1ua oilen been ro- Ce&aiOD, and by thoU' sound knew thom mr.rked thnt min generally follows a to be hrcvolthYer rc~~rtl. A grcnt UJ,lroar beary ennnonnding but in this C4!1C OD t 0 0 Or Btu.o Of tho bnrncndo thrre ia r.lmoat an {tnonmpled nrtillerT foll•m·ed, an~ lookmg nt n gt'CAt rilk, fire nod tremendouacooflngration nt tho out of tho Wl~dow, I ~w tho poor wo-Mmc time nccompanicd by a sudden ml;lD, I MYO JUSt deaer.bed about to be and Tiolent chango in tho atmospheric BOI%~ b? four. troopers who wcro di. conditione. From wbcro I lUll writing Testing or rap1dly ofhcroutorgnrmeot.. wo noticed a rcmnrknblo chango on lion the hoUJO, croptover tho b:u-ricado Tbum!Dy morning, and about 2p. m., and crouched .down by tho lnm;>·p<~'t nl\er intense cloaonon, a rain of& tro- on. tba other lido. ~ ~c:ud tbe ~rah pion! ebnroctcr act in for twolve boura YOICO !'r the command an~ officer mt~r-or so. On many occaaiom~ n.. Q ueena. rogating the wo~, uymg, "You aro land, I noticed thnt in Bealoosofdrought, brnv~r-you bnve killed~? of my men." al\er cxtonaife grnaa fires, causing in~ The wo~ laughed clenalfcly, and re-tenao bent, bcnvy thundcratorma gODor· ~pond~ m a hnrdene? manner, " May nlly followed. tho cuno of tho Almtgbty alwa11 ren

upon my eoul for not killing moro. I hmd two eon• at Iuy, who wcro both kjJied, and two at Neuilly, who 1barod tbo 114me !ato. My husband died at this bnrricadr, and now do with mo wbnt you will.'' I beard no more, but crept away, but not too soon to hear tho word .. Fire,'' and t:lon I knew thnt rul W&IOTer.

THE ORLEA.YS FAMILY. The Duko D' Aumnlc wn.s pre8Cnt at

tho annunl dinner of tho Sommo mod tho Oiao a fow dnys ainco. Tho Lite department tvns represented by tho Prioco bim~lf, tho ~Iarquas do MorMy, Comto do l'Aigle, 1\1. :U. Emile Leroux, Dc11jnrdine, Perrot, Do' K.ctrjorby, nnd Lnbittc; nnd tho Sommc by ~ero.J Chnngnrnicr, Vlce-Admiml J.o Dompicrrc, D' llom oy, M. M. Cnu~ vol do Dcnurillo, Courbot-Poulanf, (Mayor of Abbonllo) and Do Ram bu.,;, Mayor of Vaudricourt). The DdJau ~oounCOB thnt at tho last reception giVen by tho Hond or tho E:tocutivo Powtr, Princo Do JoinTiUo nnd •the Duke D'Aum:~.lo proaented their no-­P.bcw, tho Duko do Chartres, to M. l'biora in ncnrly tho following torm1 :­"Hero ia Captain Robert, who comoa to offer you b18 tbnukl na 4 now Knight in the Legion of honour." It wu lhat name which tho duke boro when fighting in tho French nrmy during tho late war.-Oalignll(!ni.



Page 3: a~DY.ERTIIER. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18710719.pdf · Soal" wu ••119uDcd.. Tben a baret of anltnattd aonr~'-lllfil'lt f•~''•

-- ·- --·- - -( N' ews in Brief, , __ ;fb:;i. 100\0 t.'lli w or tho great E.utcrn being fitted put for a pleu.uro trip to tho United Statu, taking p...en· gon at tho low fAro of fifo pounu.

-Tho a;~feiualti p,·-baa a compoai­U>r, W illiam M'l)iarmid h1 namo, who

. ia ~ 1ea"' of ago, and whO wed tO aet up Sir Walter Scott'• poema lrom Ule original mAnUICript.

-It is aut · old atanding tradition in tho C\t;y ot London thAt moat woalth il a111uiecl in hou.eea which, in an arc:hi­tec~ral aeneo, are to bo claued with huta and hovela.

THE ·HARBOR GRAGE STANDARD. --· --------- -------- -Jatim. By TELEGRAPH Dni.Dr,IJ. II ...-. KorN. 8JieM Harbo1'-

~~belaDcl,,.. Bniii.L'x..arier & IDi1ht. - attended wi~ li~ or DO clieclrar, BeiD cJe PrnoJaDce. Bernier, Moo- -"------------

LA~S"' D'DSP • rnn'D"t:ts :LolrDolr, 18' tNU-a.iDe. l'obD8ta & oo. D A FITDD ~- ~ AI A~\IA.D • Tbe Oar, the two ()aDd Dubl and hft'bella, Smith, PugtraU--8: K'\ight. e • the ~ .... J(arie AlaalaclroriDa, are

Pnte, July 8. a~ PrMericb ~. ill W~. CJ.UUD. Tho army eYeryWlaere foted Bepub- Dit'ereoce. W.... EcJtiaD and Jalr_ 8.-Delta. Keaj, Bayflold-J'. &

lic:a.o ticket Col' tbo AJMIDbly. Jl'reoeh Coual Otaerala, haYe been W. Pitta. The IJ.Ioi. •Y• that the generals Cerrecl to the Freneh Cabinet. 10 -ADDie, !lcDoDald, Syilney-J.

of tho Legitimiata will reaig:n their eeata The OrJeua Prineee are about to Woocla. in tho A.uembly. pay a "fiii* to H. Gailot. 12.-Brotheft. C&llahaD, Groonock-J.

Paris is to iune a municipal loan to Tho Porto Rico ud Jamaiea cable. .t W. Stewart. · rebuild th~ city. . which wu recently recoyored, bafl been llinnie B. JlcKaaie, W alah, P. E.

Tho Frcncn ahip l'Anerrevz wu Joet again. Ialancl-Clift, Wood & Co. wrecked near tho Cape of Good Hope. Conaola 98t. ComBO/. 18-Eliu. ll.eed. 8te'YeDI, QuOODJtown All on boa;rd were loet. 1150 bodiea hA"fo Pau, 18. ...:.Job, Broa. & Co. boen 'tfadecl uhore. Tho Orleana :Prioeea are· about, to Louisa, Canon, Sycllley-H. K. Dick-

Proaidcnt Thien baa written a letter viait Guiaot. iDion. • to tho Pope, in'riting him to take up his . Tho Toiler* GardeDI will ahortly bo LO.lDDrG. reai.dence in Franco. Thien ma~ee a o~ned tn the public. humble apology to the Holy Father for Tho eJrectiYO atreogth ot thoFreneh luly 10.-Ha.rriet, Britain-Bowring

BBGS to ioform tho public of Hlll'­bor Oraeo and 'ricinity that be

prepared, after a proCoaional e.xperi­oneo o£ SCforalye&n~, to gi\'0


~IANOFORTE, llel~eon or Harmonium,

And hop01 by atrict ottention to merit a libernl support.


-A. Conatanlinoplo telegram aaya, fire. broio out on W odneaday in threo puta of tho city almoat aimultaneoualy, t®ding to tho belief that inoendiariea hnd boon at wori. More thAn 160 houaoa wore burned.

tho inability of France to interfere in army ia 840,000 mCn. Broa. behalf of tho tt-mporal r ower of tho It isl'UJDoored that tho Duke D'Bro- Louder, Europe-W. c;nievo & Co. llianO's ~ccurattlu t![;undr. 184 ~a.'ter B'tree't 184

-Thoro aro 60,000 Chinoeo in Cali· fornia-80,000 engaged in mining, 1,200 in fArm labour, 2,000 in trading, and 16,800 in domoatic aervice. In 1807

tho oxpcnditure of the Coleatiab added threo millions to the CAliforniAn Excho-

Pope in Roman States. Uo dodarea f\lio will auceeed Fano, u Minister hia earnCllt coo,iction that' Italian uni. Foreign Aft'aira, and that Dueol will take tv ia impoNiblo. charge of the Port-Coli held by 8a"for.

Court martial for tho trw or Com- St. Hilair will replace Rupublic· Si· muniat pri.ooon comwooooa on tho moo, Mioiater of fublic Inatitutioua. 14th. BDLnJ, lB.

:&!oan;r:, Alabama, July 10. Tho O.ficial Gaul/4 aaya, the regular On SaturdAy morning, in front of the diplomatic riait to France ia poa~ned

qucr. Court Houao, Braxton Brag~. a nephew till a !\or tho complete c"f'&Cuatiou ol -A young lady anid a pretty good of Genoml Bragg, ebot and inatnntly Frcqch territory by Oerman armiea.

~ D(t tho othcrovenin~. Silo baa many k.il!ed Mndiaon WiJ10D,110n of L. M. W it- A Grand Cuatoma Conferenc-e ia auff. rrurora among tho hmba of tho Jaw, aoo, Vico President of tho Mobile rail- geatcd to bo. held at Berlin, and to

on being Mkcd h OW 1b0 OICtleod rond. ombntCO dolegnte1 from all European hcnrt-whole, supposed that it wu owmg NEW Youx, 10. Stotee. to tho fnct that •• in a multitude or A terrible accidC'nt occurcd on the counullor1 thoro is Mfcty." Nownrk nod New York railroad on &t-

urd:l.y, cauacd by tho misplncoment of n awikb. Traina from Now York mot nt full apecd ; tho ongioCll of both wero do. atroycd, and tho amoko alack of one wu thrown fifty ynrda into n ditch.

Lo:molf, 18. • Fmnco ia endauouriog to aecuro a

n1odification of the Treaty of Commerce with England. -Tho Egypt, lntely lnuochod at

J,h·erpool for tho Notional Steamship Comp&ny's Now York nud Liforpool lino, is tho lnrgcat stcnmship in tho world oxcopt tho Great :&uurn. Iler length is 810ft; bcnm, ·WI\; depth of bola, 3G 1\ ; tonno.go 5,150 to~. .

- A.n Annapolis, Mnrylo.nd, mo.n hnd coM feet, nnd ao hia\geulle wife lit a fi ro under tho bed to vmrm him. It wos n complete auccClls ; ho oover com­plAined of cold feet o.gnin. And now she is mnrried to tho ~ent, or the compnny in which tho building wu in· liured.

-A. D•ut:.Y Paomsc.-It appears that the Commune hnd promisod to pny !!OO,OOOf. to whoever ahould bring l\f. 1'hicra ruivo into Pnri.B. Tho German J. ournala aay thnt Morahnll 1\fcMahon hnviog performed tho tnak, ought to bo pnid tbia sum by tho Commune.

-R&POBTED anoLTfi.O.I.tXST T111lAU. Tho l:.it1t"n Budget ~ it is stAted ot P Mth thnt the throe moet owcrful Al­baninn tribes-tho Lehal Schotas, and Pultu-hnvo revolted (ltlioat the Turkish Gol'ornmcut, in co~cquenco of t l:o imprisonment of twcnty~ix of their bi~hops. ..- ·

/ -GooD Tu~;;=:ctuldren should

bo tnli!lcd na early ne pouiblo to acta of chnrity nnd mercy. Conttaolino, u t<Oon u his eon could milo, employed l1ia hand in signing nH pardons, and delighted in convoying througil hia moutil nll tho fn,·oura bo grnr:tod; a noble introduction to aovorci.;nty.

--Colonel J eromo Nnp11leon Dona­parte returned to llo.lti!oore, hie nalivo city, on tho 22nd nit., af\cr 20 yean' service in tho French ImperiAl army. Bia return wns tho eauso of consider­able excitement. Ho is tho grandaon of J oromo Boonpnrte, King of West ­phaliA, and ha AmeriCllll wife, Miu Pnttcraon, tho ~nd-d!lughtcr of tho original of Scott.' a "Old Mortality."

-Tho pnaaion for fi.;bting ill na old 11 anything wo know of humnn nnture, and when any tendency hna accompan­ied that nature durin~ tho whole or ita history, It is mere rooliahneas to apply to it tho lo.:~~o of redicule or of po­pulnr doouncintions. W11n, in fnct., aro liko mo.aacs of isneous rock lyinf on tJJe eurfoeo of tho recent gcolo~ca ror­mntions. Tboy tll'C among us, out thoy belong to tho "fery olc!eat atntD. of bu. man aocietv.

-ClUU:STLL"S n' POE TORS:liiii ARVT. Tho correepondont of tho Eut"n JJ.Id. get at Con .. tantioople, writing on tho

/20th ult., eaya :-" The G0Yornmont has been again coosideriog tho queetiori of admittio$ Christinns into tho Turkish army, and 1t haadeeicled that tho timo baa not yet arrived Col' undertalring such a reform na a permanent meunM, though it baa instructed the War De-

'partmont to prepare a project for ron. dering tho Christiana liAble to military .errico in timo or 11'llr.'1

Threo cora wore ontircl,r burnt. Tho train from Nowo.rk contmned four enr~~ all full, which upaot, injuring 11onral puaongcra. Fivo persona wero killed nnd fit\oon wounc.e<' bv tho nccidcnt.

'VAillmiOTO!'f, 10. Official orders from Ruaaia dcelt\ro

tlat tho Grand Duko Alexnnder will \iait thia country in tho fall.

· ~~oo~1~ Letters from Pnris !.o dny apoalt or

great and incrcnaed diatreu. J~; ia calculated tlJAt countio~ prison•

ora ... .1d thoao killed ond wounded dur­ing the iuaurrcction, no fewer thnn 80,. 000 hnvo ceaaed to support their fo.mi. lies.

Lonx>l\, 11. Account. from tho Brililh bop crops

tll'C unfaforablo. Tho Prineo and Prioeeu of Wales

havo gone t~ Konaingen. DERLr.f, 11.

Tho Saxon troops, who aol'fod in tho lato late wnr, mndo a triumphal entry into Dresden to.dny.

Ro)O!, 11. T!le Ruuino 'l\[ iniAter nnd attacbea

or lcgn~u hnro arrired hero from Flo­reacc . •

P.1..11.18, 11. A Committee of Enquiry baa boon

nppointcd by tho Auembly, to examine into tho courao pur~~ued by Count Paliho, while nt tho head or the Go,. ornment or National Defence, nod tho conduct of n eneditti.

A :9ill diaaolving the Nntionnl Guard through Franco, is nbout to bo intro. duced.

Lonx>l\, 11. Tho Spanish Cortes baa votod to •us­

tain the Ministl'y in ita proaoeutioo of tho Cuban war.

WJIEnnm, Vra., 11. A. colorcd jury will bo impannellod

here to-morrow. N'P' You, 11.

Governor Hoffman i11ued o PrCtClnmA­t.ion, announcing, t hnt Suporin!cndont Kelso's order u been revoked, nnd that tacorts of police or miLitary, will be furniahed anybody uking therefor.

Tho city is grcatl7 excited, and muaea or mon are gathenng in· various locali. tioa. In tho upper warda, military ond police a re in atrong furco, and n eerious riot ia thought p robable.

CnfH in Paris aro ordered to bo cloaed nt midnight.

Do.ron Halli81JWI ia a 'candidate office at muuicipol elections.

Effor ts are being made to hasten tho OVtiCUAt ion or FrRDee ~ Germans.

Naw You, 18. Tho city is quiet- Tho attempt Jut

night to renew tho riot wu promptly quelled. -

The :eoaualtie& of WednoedaY's riot aro eatimated at .500 ; but the actual number will prJbably DOfor be blown.

Numoroua wounded'11'oro romo"fed bJ friends.

Tho rioten captured with anne, are to bo indictd for murder.

The decisifo nnd deliberato flring of tho militory ia now approYed u causing 101111 aacrifico of life, than random Bring.

Mayor llillwaa hanged in efBky lalt night.

Gorornor Hoffman ia aangely de­nounced by t bo Iriah for revoking Mayor Ilall'a original order, forbidding tho proecaion.

GOld 117t-


Tb t EzcAange Oautu ot Brrlin nye that, ahboagb tho wltbu o( Germany for the acquitition or Heli;toltnd have not yet been officially atated, •• It ia im­pouible not to re:oguizo tb• great im­portance or aucb a mouure ror the de­nlopement of the Oerman nan} po•.,.r. Th,o n lue or tbia laland waa nry clur­ly ehown in thelut war, "ben, altbou~th itt noutvality ••• strictly ob .. "ed b7 Orcnt Brihin and ih inbebitanta, it yet (ormed an adnnced atartlng potnt (or the blockade or the enemy. It would han been 1 Tery dill't rent matter ir Orrmany bad boon at war.. with Rna. land inatud or with Franc-, and Be­lig.>land had aentd ae the btad•qnar. tere or Ill Eo~tliab ft-.et lor obu"lnl( aDd blockadiog tho mouths or tho Blbe, tho Weeer, and tho Jabdo, and Col' at­t4cking tho towns on tho German Conat. Tho queat ion of tho acquisi­tion orthis island, which, aubown by the obovo fo.ct,, ia or much importance to ua, muat inovit&blv be taken into conaid­ation I!OODilr or later, hOWO"fOr pre.zna-­ture tho reports ofncgottatiou. for IUCh a purposo mny at be preaent.

Dea.'t:t:uJ. Thoro bu boon aomo fighting among the mob, ond 2 or 3 aro reported kiUcd.

- Nxw You, l2. At Random Sound, Trinity Bay, on Tho Ornngomon'a proceaaion com. tho Oth ioet.~bn Tilley, Eaq., agec184.

mcnce~lat 2.30, and at latest report waa yOArl and. 0 montha. Tho decoued marc~~ng througil t~o atrccta, protected Ji,cd in the fear of God and died a by mihtar.r and pohco. ' triumphant death, in auro' and eel'b.in

Fean aro entertained of n serious riot hopo or a reeurreetion to eternal lifo. to-ni~ht. At Bay Roberta, on tho 12th i.nat., ~: ~.!;tg of tho Gmn J UPV held ~!Ary A., youngeat daughter of Mr. J .

.... ,_ d . 1 d h ... T. Moore, aged 1 yoar. w.a a!, 1t waa reao vc , t o.tthecouno At tho WeeJo1an Panonage, Bcna-pDI"'ned by Govoruor H offman, in iuu- vi•~ on tho let current, aft.or a abort lDg hia proelamntion of lho 11th ioat., but severo illnoae, which he bore wu DOCCII&ry to p i'OICMO Lbo honor or with Christian reaignatiou to the will tbe city and tendered him thanks. · of God, Mr. Jonatlaan Percy, aged 7G

Captain Spencer of the 4th Bestimont ycsra.



Commission Mercha.nt -.oro--

Auo't:lon..eer. «ar~ontar, ~dnf0111Wlanb.

Goo.U etllnut«l to "im t:tJrifully at­t4JU1ed to.

Cii1" Ample Storage to be had on his Premises, at the PuBI.IC WHA.BP.

July 19.



&a.:\a.ry £150 oy. per annum, with Feoa. ·

July 12.

Apply to

W. E. SH&'iSTONE, OJ.air11141l.

Charges in all cares Moderate. July G.


231, Water Street,

St. ~ogn's, l(cfufounblnnb, Wl:.o hu bern induced to tttahlith bimaelr

in thia country lor the practice or bia Prornalon, 11 eminrntly

aucceu fu l in trutinr all Diuuet connected

with the Dental orpnix.

ation. Hundreda or hie Petrleu Filling• and Artifici­

al Denture• art now bting worn in Nmouodland, with grnt-

flt aatidactioo. Hia dtaire ia to do

Work which cannot be sur­p~ed in any country,

And charge bot modenuly lor the ume ! Office Hour1-From 10 .J...M. to 4 P .1J[.

Junt 28th.

D. J. GREENE, Attorney and Solicitor.

ttolmntrcial ~nk of Jtiof.atmblanbl 0 ffice in Duckworth Street, op­posite the Commercial Room, St John's. A DIVIDE~D on the Capital

Stock of this Company, at the rate of ten per cent. per annum, for the half year ending 30th June, 1871, will be payable at the Banking House in Duck· worth Street, on and after WED­NESDAY, the 12th inst.

(By Orler of 1M :&artl,) B. BROWN,

MiuuJger. St.lolm'a, July 10, 1871. 3i.

Fellow's Compound Syrup.

From Nenous and General Debility, whether arising from a sedentary life, unhealthy occupa­tion, a tropical climate or any uther eanae.

For Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitis, Inward W a3tings.

For Dyspepsia or Indigestion. For Rickets, W eak.nest of the

Joints and Muscles. Lose of Ap· petite, Lowness of Spirits, Im­purity of the Blood.

The Genuine Fellows' Com· pound Syrup ia put up in pint bottles with hia name blown on them, and sold at $1.50 per bot­tle, or 6 bottles for $1.50.

Prepared only by ~'ELJ.OWS, Chemist, St. John, N. B., who is the sole proprietor and mnnu. facturer.


J uno 7.

t or Salt.

Jx HIPPISLEY, 165 mattr .Street,

I nvites tho attention or tho

inhnhitanta or Hnrbor Grneo and tho outports to

tho fact thnt ho baa now in storo a.nd

Foa S.u.t:

A SUPERIOR STOCK or fin.t-clua materinla for tho

Custom and Clothing Trade, COlll'lUllr.fO :


FANCY GOODS, In grent vnrioty and of lAtest styles.

AlsO, a Choice Selection of

Groeeries; Including TEAS,



(By WJlolesale and Retail,)


BEuS to thank the Public of Harbor Grace and Vicinity gener ally, for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed, nnd hope~

by strict attention to business to merit a continu-ance of their suppo1 t.

In addition to his large and vaned stock of TINWARE, be hu C?nstantly on hand au extensive assortmentof

Cooking, Parlor and Hall STOVES. -ALSo-


C. L. K. has also in Stock Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Kerosene Lamps.

January 18. 18~1.

~nsinrss 4Jarbs.



87 mnttr Street. 87

Drugs, Medicines, Essences, Oils,

Dye stuffs, Patent Medicines,



Pure Chemicnls, Sponges,





Spices, Pure Ground Coffee,

Copnl Varnish, Varnish Brushes.

Medicine Chests Refitted. Prucription.1 .4ccurauly Dupenltd. r;r Ordtra from the Outp(>rta nt;MctfuUy

aoliciud. ~layS.



insmuct !totiu.

~ anb 'Ali



t'.A.PITA.L-£2,000,000 Sterlin~

Fire Department, ·: 1

THIS long Mto.blished and woll-mo1n1 Compnny, over celebrated, through­

out tho world, for prompt and liberal eottlemcnt uf oil legitimate loSIIOI, con­tinues to offcet J nsumneo on CTery d~cription or property, both in town nna-,untry, o.t tho lowest and OD tho mosll'nromblo terms.

Ita ewadily incl'C4.11iog businO!II is th_p best proof of ita grent /opulnrity, u \vollna of tho unbounde confidence in whiclt it is hold by tho goncml publil a

Life Department. ,

IN point of aceurity it is believed that " Qou~" l'oliciCII are unaurpaaed.

Cnnlful aelcctiou of Ji\·ca, and eonao­quent lorgo Donusca. N~ D...ma.-Fim qalnqae"I\Dlum DII,JU

Dit!ll s-tld clnto .ta.tll,tM

Policies isauod fro!ll thia ageney, with. 'out noy rofercnco to Homo Olllce. W. C. Suuls, M. D., Mttlieol Eztlaiur

J . HENRY TOBIN, Oenf'f'al .4genl for Newrfo11N~Luul.

OPFrc&-247 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Nfld.

A. T. DRYSDALE,· Jlnrbor Grace.

Sub•Agont for Conception Bay. June 7.


Ax & E. PARSONS, fxtbin~l\Jahtrs, itp~olstrrus


TURNERS. --:0:--

EG n-.oat rcspectruu, to intimate the Public of Harbor Gra.ce,

Outports. that they hal'e taken tho Buaineea lntely carried on by

l!(r. jimtDu ~arsans; and hopo byatrict attention and puuc:ta­ality to merit a •hare or public patron­l ie. wu killed by his own men. He had ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

giYen an order to CAll bAck, and he be- "" Sir,-1 wiah to communicate to you

tJ!8 beueflt I receiYOCl &om uaing ono -:R.crvu OP TII£ PatlfCPI Lot7TR. came mixed in tho crowd and wu killed

Tho Priocoa Louise and tho llatquia by a volley Sred into tbo notera. .. bottle of your Compound Syrup. I bad ld'ered lor •Teral yean from ChroDi• Bronchia., and Ued all the remecliel I eoald he. o( and ob­taiDecl, the bea$ mectieal adYite, oaly

A large quantity ·or tho beat 30 Chests They would alao announce that tM Undertaking Busineu,

will Conn part of their occupatioa. ol Lome landed at Dover on Saturday, Coloael Fialt wu 1hot through the on their return lrom the Contine.nt. ankle.

llr"- On their arrinl tboy were roeeiYed by Tho 88th oSce wu ~ by tho Captain Broce, R. N. ThoJ droYo to 69th Jle«iaumt, which, althour lriah, tho Lord Warden Hotel. Only a fow ltoocheady to put clown the notere. people being preeeut, there wu no Atl4o p.m., thO flshtiaa wu much ee­eheeriog. The Prin0011 and Marquis nror :tlian wu flr.t reported.. 0for lot\ the hotel at two o'cloc:lt in the a£. 1150 of the mob were certainly blown to ternoon. and franlled by a - apocial be killecL BeDdoe tboae alreadr re· trai!n Co London on tbe South~rn ~ are a Captain oC tlae Utta, and :Bailwa . On the train leamg the two.~~- and a ~t of tho. 9Lh. :Sta • the Prineeaa wu cheered. l•~m•ta arerolting ou thoiranna

llOR COoper llll&.itv.te. to's Doo.-After the t.ttla • Nn You, 1.2-10 p.m.

ofFredCricbburg; it ron to my daty to .Abcrcdttbrty periOII8 were killed dar. fe&J'ch a' git'ell diiRict for &DJ dead or iqdleriota. Total number of wounded woanded eoldiea tUre mi&~oft, DOt botm, but 15 are bloW'JI. to be

Pou m . H.t.uo• Qua.

JDITDU. reeeiriDg km~ l'llliel. . One bottle ol the 8fl"lp bllpeCl me 'Yf1l1 much, and

July1f.-Varr ~den, SaDden, Fi- x:am happy to •1 I hne DOt bad a guo, 180 toll.l ..-'lt-Biclley & Bolla. tom l the ..... . t&k.i •t

16-AUanta. Keefe, Port Oanl, 201 IJmp 0 amce ng 1

• to1la toal-PmatoD .t JlGDD. Yoan re~petclally,

17.-labella 1tic~J:e7, Foote. .u~ ELIZA DBAN. pool, 1~ tool all, 91 empty puneh- St. John, N. B., NoY. S, 186'7.

• 0001-Bidl~" ~ wi!:!:'to'!~ ~· lJO tou. aan- Sold by A~ Price t1,GO

~ boW.. or IJ !or 17 ,MJ. On the re-. GI&AUD. oeip• ol 17.60 the proprietor wt11 CO!'-

JaJy 18.--l!ecl~ 1>-..W. Waterf'cml. wUd _8 to ay ~or NOYa Scotia or 88~ tuDe leal oil. 1 ton 8 hha. at Nft' BrunniU, PNe.

CONFECTIONARY Choice Tea All Very Cheap. Ex "Welcomt," from London

165 Water Sheet, 165 Jt.commtnbtb fDf lmUi ltst. HARBOR GRACE. Mayl7.

June 17.


@mgt J. 5flutU i &.,

'--------------------HOTEL PREIISES




Furniture repaired at. Mortelt noti~, and on moat reuodablt- t.erma. •

, PLACK oP Boannu-180 Water Stroot

directly oppoaito tho promisee of )lean. Panton & MWIIl.

Junary 26.

ADA IS' IliDIAJT SALVE! Unoqualed Cor Ou~ BIU'UI, Soree ol

all iincfa and of old •tanding. Froala Bite&, DJT ScUn'J in the hUda, lhT P11ea, and aU aoril ~~ua, UJceft, or~ Cor which . Om..•

•• cocl. oil, 8210 IM1 •kiM. 4N 1&108 L FBLLOW'8, Clleat.t. 1rla.herrizlc-Jbdler & 8au. lk. lolla. N. B.

and to \trinf.:!ief'· Near an old biiek IIOriali.J woancled. · dwelling I · ,erecJ a aoldier in · .M U. ~ preciDd tlMn are 4o dHcl

.. who lOOmed to be dead. rmu bodies; .. the ~ tbere are 40 ;

40 Park llmD, Ntte York, .urn THE SUBSCRIBER,

lit. J. Jttttqill f ,.a., W"•hing to BBLLorLBrtlle HOTEL

ia wwmirecL --~~-- -llrtctins fer aiag ~· :ro.r c. Br. Joa'a. W. B. THOIIPSON, :a-)' roa IIAuoa Ouca ·

aide wu a ~Je clos. with lUi ... killed .. the 16t.la preciDct •upon his IIINter's ooek. .&. I appi'OIICb- are a WOtDan &Dd a cWLL ft8 o6berll eel, the dog raieed hi. eye. to me poe!- aN nppGIIIICl _, be ......... D&taredly, and bepl......_.. hfl tan, ' !fn Y*- 11 · "'h'-Jot. • ltat... did DOt Chaap Dii ' ticm.. The ~~~::::1:P • Tbe ftiet tW the aaimilt dii .:-~ ~,. tUt .. tli4-..... bDIIioNt.llliD .a. tile iDW~.rmlalapa1 ··• of Ida . '=:t·==~::~~: ..,_ .. tllattM ... ,... iridatlie~ Dlll~l ... --.. ..... ... ,. .. ~took dllil*'

·EtJ ......

37 Park &tD, :NtvJ York PR.BMlBB8 at Portapl Ccm, at pre­. aent in the oeonpancy ol lbL llur,.

tole agent. lor the H,:W,. 0,..,. oa, ie ready to treat with ~D laillr4 in that city, ud are antlior- who may be clemoua of' pa · or

iled to ecatract tor inlertmg aaYCrtt.e- obtain.blg • 1eue or the eamo. meJiti f'ol' u at our lawen euh ntee He a&o oft'en "" e.u.a the ~ A•talillrl ill t1lat etty are ~eetecl to WBLL-OULTIV .A.TBD Jeaft tWr .,.. wit1t either or u.e .,.,.. Houe. MEADOWS,

lain .hlbt. • &preaa a aullieilat ~tit)- to ecm~r the eore, on a rieee or wlaile ..... ealico.) uocr• .,. J1e1ne. tlf!I'.J ling Wu1o the liON with ....... ~



Page 4: a~DY.ERTIIER. - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18710719.pdf · Soal" wu ••119uDcd.. Tben a baret of anltnattd aonr~'-lllfil'lt f•~''•


fdltr, fttir U. don w dwP Btllv rllb \lwa r•et.

Buk lt~• lark tlap Ia tbt aky, 1• Dw wh• 4ie JOII aaut;

DaJ it •akiac· Ieana ar.e tbMiaJ. Beuer rub &.Ua rut."

In the 1'1'" th-'• eleep •cooab­Bt tllr rub tbaA r uat J

Dutb, perhtpe, II hu~-proof, " Dla 1111t11 & thou aauat 1

Mao an aaowinr. bi'HIH blowloJ, Btttu rub &baA ruaL"

Ha wbo will 110t work tball want 1

Noupt for nouabt It jlln; Woo't 41o aalllt do, wbto bt ean't­

.. BHttr rllb than ruatJ Bt.ta a.re llfiDf, alotb It drloc i

Bauu rllh than r~ut."


"My deAr Polly," aaid tho worthy lobba to hie wife, " I han ree<>i'cd a 1ttor from my, brother Tom ; ho coo­ratulatca me .on bat'iog sold my bu•i· ea1 10 well, aod wanta us to go down > Somenotsbiro to 100 him before wo =ttle io our new bonae. Angoliua is not )Oking ' 'ery well, aod I am auro tho triJl roulddo her g.~od. AI Tom MJI, there 1 nothiog like getting up at 6 vo ju ~ho 1orning, milk:injf COll'll and churumjt ,utt.er, Cor gi1·iog girls rosy check~~, nnd .er cousine eert.ain.lylook be tter tbnn he doC~." "La, JOiiah! Row you do tnlk !"

!Xclai.med Mrs. Nobbe. "Tho idCIL of omp1ui.ug our A.ngolina with her vulgar od.faced co ueina! Indeed, abo looks ·ery dilftrent to thom, I am happy to ay, and it. ia to be e:rpectod, eeemg abe 1a1 bnda boarding eebool educntion, and he.r bAt'e bad nooo at all. For my 1art I hope abe will see better aoeiety han hor O?'D family, as wo aro now 'Aiaed to a higher po•ition ; nod if tho :ruth woro known, I bolic1·e nothing riU restore our angel' a reeea ao elfcc­:u:ally .. aeoi.ng a little or tho world, lild being amongat a. moro gentec;lcr ~et of people than wo hnYe yet IWOClnt.

!d with.~' "WhAt Cooliah not.ione you do put

.nto tho girl's ho4d, wife! Her fa~ her, ,lain Josiah Nobbe, bu m4do hie for­:Une i'ri a choeeomonsor'a ahop ; nnd whoa YOU married him, you tbo·Jght him ~ amait fellow ; now you are c1idently Llhlloled or him, 10 1 aupp~hc ou~ht !.o hMe stuck to the b · en. Tho :>eat thing you can do is to pa ~p your =ra.Ps and como with me ; ~o dhaU hnYc plenty of fun at tho f11rm, no~Dick ruekett, tho ~cor, ICDdll Wll that ~e loTcs An~,;olmn u much u e1·c nnd • dyin~ to aeo bor again. K otl · s rc. rives gua hkc n " . .. l'low very impudent or

:o euppoac Angelina would look at 1im !" lllid Mn. Nobbs; " a nice id0:1, ndeed, to think of hor haviog auch a rulgar umoaaTuckott!"

"Yof, indeed,l?e," Mid A.ngclinn, lis. >inld1 · " it is qwto bad enou~eh to hue iacli ~dreadful name M N obbs boforo 1ne .ie lllAl'ried, without addin~t to tho 1orror by mn.rryiog a Tuckot t "

" Mn. Smith," rcsumed :l(n. Nobbs, 'aay• thoro is nothinp liko going to :Oreigu parts for raiung oneself in tho •orld; and Mr. Smith garo her money :o go with hor Marian to Boulogno .a~t year. If you would let us go :horo now while you arc at Tom's [ am auro it would dq us more good :hAn milking all tho C0 \\'8 in tho world, and Angel.ina would got on with 1er Fre.nch."

"And you would both como bnck 11 (oJU.h u tbcy ~id, with n foreign :ouat dragsing after you, I 1uppoee," taid Nobba. •• No, no, indi!Cd,let mo lAYO my l ittle girl ' a plain EoRlieh wo­nau, if you please; no -foreign eount11 !Or mo. HonC.t D i.:k Tuckett would Uko a mach better husband, trust mo :Ortkat,Poll."

"Lon't call mp Poll," retorted, 1\fra. ~ohba. "I ha~ it. It' a 10 vulgar. M1 J.&mo ia Mary."

" l'n called you Poll 10 many yean, [can't break myeell \Jf it now," Mid tiobbe ; .. ., if you don' t like it you IU1It liUDp it ...

"YOil ~peak in eucha common way lt'l quite 'orriblo !" exclaimed Mra. l!iobbe; "it'e all Yory well for u.s when n are alone, ~u.ee we're ueed to it, bat dear A.ngoliaa bu been amoug• t ID0111 J(I'&Dder lolb, and wo oughtn't ~ aboci"'her if we can help it. Now, dar­liq loUb, do let Ul so to France ; ello bU.-tlaer heart on 1t, and will not ihiok of marrying a Frenchman, for eho don't like them." 1

''No, Iocleed, I can't endure them,'' .aia ADpJiDa ; "do lot ue jo, dar if• eo ~ at Boulogne, 1t'll coet anyt.hiog." u~ &hili dlo al'eetiooato daughter p••· her ~t a kiM, and hi• coun­

MD&noe e1Mnred be wu gi•iag ~ "HowiQuob will it COlt. Cor a mOI:Uh "

be ..a.&. "~i! _, fortJ poundt,"

~lied X.. o~~two will .:zuh. )aelrida • altboQP .... a-e.~­., diAD~ &erytJUes ie .o·c*p tiere."

., T-, tlaeu,''...., loUb, • JOU tMDto 1FIIile I ua in eo-tahiie ; _.if1W~ . ..u ,._. foolt or :)01..-lftiJGa ........ ..,end~~~

... ow ·---

Jiyo afaint«ream, .... loeW ap nd­denly. Ira:..-~ ora .tru,Pr ebe •• hu o•n Rirhard. hn lluaband-no longer Lord Vumon, but !'lain Mr. Tuckett. t!lae wu in hie anne in a mo. ment and •obbed fi1r joy. Wlltn the fint cou re._•ion wu OYOr, be Mid .. Wi'l you forgiYe me. mY own An~teiiua, for tho trick I have played yoa p &rata· gom ia allowed fAir iD Jon and wu ; 10 1 hope you will pardOD.. Cor practUing it."

Ho thou explaiDed how it had aU hap­pened, aocl frOm hia taJo it appeuOd Mr. Nobbe wu largely implicated in tho whole a11"air. He had been dowa to Somonqbhin, andjtold hie friend of what he termed hi. wife and daughter'• wild goollo ebaae, a::sd they had together lAid a riot with Dick Tuckett. whO wu very fond or Angelina.. and it had been carried out u wo bare •een. Tiley were eartrul to keep it eecret from all other Cricndt, in order that Angeliu might not be rendere.i a laughing .tock when tho JDillt&ko was diseoYerod. Mn. Kobbs wu more indignAnt than her dau~hter at their "•lwneful conduct .. as she ra.Jiod it : but eueb wu A. ngei. iua·,. joy at recoYcring her husband and hill affections, tht,t ehc (Ofl,'AYO all, eeu­cJ to thtok or Lord Rirhard Voroon, and bc.>8towcd all her lol'o on yu'gnr Dtck Tuc:kett.

" A. nd nllw clt•areAt,'' uid hont'lt Die:~ " I mu~t tell you that I bafe wadt£'· pleuty ot monu,.., have 111ld my busino• and am ready to liYe wbererer you lilrc: Shall wo \Jegin by maltin! a tour in for· ei~u parts ?"

" Noth:aok you. wicked huebaod t•' 1111.id Angolioa, " I haTo lud enough of tr:avellin~: for tho present. at any rate nod would f:ar prcfeutaying in dtar old Eo;:land."

" If you wi' h a rarm in tho counhy l am euro l •hould liko it lAid B icbard:

" ADd if J oaiab would like to liYo o~ryou, I ha•e no objectioo,', aaid :Un. :\obba. Whereupon the huebandt kit­aNI their mvce, aod that evening they ro'!"ed ~ ho happiest party it .ie putaiblo to UDagtne.

A blacbmith wu latl'lymmmonf'd to a County Court aa a witneu, in a dil­pute between two c>f hi• workmt'n. Tho JUdge after bearing the teeti~t~ony, u k­him Nhy be did not adYite them to lOt· lie. u the co1ta bad alrearly amounted to thl't'e timoe the disputed 1um. Ho repJjcd, " I to'd tho roo! a to eettle; for I aaid tho clerk would take their coati. tho IAwyen their ehirb, ar.d if they jtOt into your honor'• court, you'd lkin' em!"

A Tillage a hop keeper, on enterin~t hie ehop Q(l~ morning, found hia boy Bobb1 atlemPPng to throw llliiOrtl or IOmel"t aete, ao'dkickueg up u R""t a rumpue u a ~~a tub. " \Vbat are you about?" he inquireJ, lookingutoniabed at the wild eTolutiooa o( the boy. "Ob­bligin, Martha, 1ir," replied tlM ahuoet oxhaueted youth. " SbO:.. writ mo a letter, anJ at th8 bott.om of the pare aay•, • Turn OYer and obligt,' and l'YO been going it for mur'n half an hoW'."

Wbe.n we eee a young lad1 with a eweet beau~J·•pot on her eheek, wo tool like ~liDs her on the epot.

fheliarborGraceStwndatd ~